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Karl marx PowerPoint Templates

karl marx

Apr 05, 2019

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Karl Marx. 1818-1883. Background. Was born third of seven children to a Jewish family in Trier, Prussia in the western province of the Rhineland Father converted to Christianity as a Lutheran in 1818 because of the potential loss of his law practice

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KarlMarx 1818-1883

Background • Was born third of seven children to a Jewish family in Trier, Prussia in the western province of the Rhineland • Father converted to Christianity as a Lutheran in 1818 because of the potential loss of his law practice • Father introduced the value of knowledge exposing Marx to Enlightenment thinkers as well as German, and Greek classics • Educated at home until the age of thirteen

Background • Graduated from the Trier Gymnasium and enrolled at the University of Bonn to study law at his fathers advice • He was interested in studying philosophy and literature but his father wouldn’t allow it because he didn’t believe he would be able to support himself • A year later father forced him to transfer to Humboldt University of Berlin where he ended up studying philosophy and earning his doctorate in 1841 • While at University of Berlin he met and joined the group called the Young Hegelians

Background • Marx did not stay with Hegelians long due to an opposition to the spiritual idealism of their philosophy • In 1841 Marx met Moses Hess who introduced him to Communism and wrote for Hess’ paper Rheinische Zeitung where he wrote about social conditions. Hess also linked him together with Friedrich Engels • In 1844 in France Marx and Engels met face to face for the first time. Engels would guide Marx’s interest in economics

Marx and Engels formed the Communist Correspondence Committee. The two then in 1847 attended the Second Congress of the communist league where they presented a detailed plan on how Communism should be organized this became the Communist Manifesto and was published in 1848 • The same year the Manifesto was published Marx was suspected in taking part in a revolt In Brussels and was expelled from the country with his wife and children • He would move to France and be expelled from there, triggering his move to London where he would live for the rest of his life

Family Life • Marx married Jenny von westphalen, the educated daughter of a Prussian Baron in 1843. The couple were engaged when he was seventeen but his family didn’t want him to get married so young so they waited several years • Von Westphalen’s family didn’t like Marx's Jewish heritage or his social standing and even threatened to cut her off financially • Only her father, who was the follower of French socialist Saint-Simon, was fond of Marx

Family Life • Marx had seven children but only three survived to adulthood • Marx's daughter became a socialist as well and helped edit his works • His wife died in 1881 and he died of bronchitis in 1883. The messages carved on his tombstone are ‘ workers of all lands unite’ and “the philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways- the point however is to change it’

Intellectual influences • The Enlightenment and Romanticsim • Formative years consumed with the liberal spirit of enlightenment • Many divergent doctrines of Enlightenment through: French philosophers were rationalists, the British sensationalists, and others like La Mettrie were materialists

Intellectual influences • All shared common belief in the possibility of altering human environment in such a way to allow more wholesome development of human capacities • Marx sought revolutionary change as pre-condition for realization of liberal idealism of : Secularism, Universalism, and rationalism • Marx's ideas of self-realization, human potential, guideline for society, and search of “laws” of evolutionary form were all influenced by Enlightenment and Romanticism

Intellectual influences • German Idealism • Marx came to believe conflict is inevitable due to Kant's pessimistic view of human progress • Kant's Second Discourse was an early source for Marx's notion of alienation • Marx's philosophical studies took place in an intellectual climate dominated by thought of Hegel and his followers

German Idealism (cont.)……… • Marx general aim was to evaluate Hegel's political philosophy • In Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of right (1843) Marx describes his philosophical differences with Hegelian thought: • Hegel started with abstract ideas instead of concrete reality • His defense of the Monarchy • Disagreement on the role of bureaucracy • Disagreement on the sovereignty of the state

Intellectual influences • German Idealism (cont.)…….. • Marx learned of the holistic approach through Hegel's ides of totality • Marx's version of Communism was free to mankind from the division of labor

Ludwig Feuerbach • Important link between Hegel and Marx • Marx read and was influenced by Essence of Christianity • Believed that Feuerbach successfully criticized Hegel's concept of the spirit of man • Was also struck by humanistic aspects of Feuerbach's work

Ludwig Feuerbach (cont.)……. • Didn’t agree on everything. Eleven points summarize Marx's disagreements with Feuerbach; • Doesn't conceive human activity as objective reality • The question whether objective truth can be attributed to human thinking is not a question of theory, but a practical one • The coincidence of changing circumstances can be conceived only as a revolutionary practice • Feuerbach starts from fact of religious self alienation and believes the world should be secular

Ludwig Feuerbach (cont.)……. -Feuerbach, not satisfied with abstract thinking, wants contemplation - Feuerbach resolves the religious essence into the human essence - Feuerbach doesn't see that the “religious sentiment” is itself a social product - All social life is essentially practical

Ludwig Feuerbach (cont.)……. - The highest point reached by contemplative materialism is the contemplation of single persons in civil society - The stand point of the old materials is civil society, the standpoint of the new human society - Marx states “ the philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point, however is to change it.”

Friedrich Engels • Most important influential person in Marx's life • Marx and Engels demanded a better order of society • Their famous, Manifesto of the Communist Party, discusses the main principles of the socialism they worked out • The two friends were the heart and soul of the revolutionary-democratic aspiration throughout Europe

Friedrich Engels (cont.)….. • Through Engels, Marx was introduced to the concrete conditions and misery of the working class • They were the first to show that the working class and their struggles were a result of the ruling class’s attempts to oppress the proletariat • Marx and Engels attempted to organize the working class into revolution, so that they could attain economic and political freedom

Marxist Concepts • Human Potential • Marx believed that societies prior to capitalism were too oppressive of humans to realize their full potential • He thought that capitalism was still too oppressive for most people to realize their full potential, but saw capitalism as a necessary evil for the sake of Communism

Marxist Concepts • Human Potential (cont.)…….. • Marx thought Communism would provide the type of environment for people to start realizing and expressing their full potential • Marx used the concept of species being when talking about human potential to separate man from animals

German Ideology • This was a written piece that Engels and Marx said was to settle accounts with former philosophical ideas. • In this account, they critique Feuerbach, Max Stirner, the Holy Family, and the Young Hegelians

German Ideology • Said that the Young Hegelians were fighting phrases with phrases dubbing them “heroes of the mind” Marx said Hegelian thought did not address the relationship between consciousness or thought and the reality which the thought or consciousness is about • This is said to be one of their major achievements in which they set out to cut through the metaphysical of the young Hegelians and sets out the Materialistic conception of history

Historical Materialism • The concept of Historical Materialism was established in The German Ideology • Marx wanted to reconcile materialism and idealism by combining critical and scientific aspects of materialism with the dynamic and historical components of idealism • He rejected the ideas of simple non-belief and Hegel's view of reality accepting a materialist view and combining in it with Hegel's dynamic and dialectical process this is what is referred to as historical materialism

Class Consciousness and false consciousness • Marx said that people are different from animals because we have consciousness as well as the ability to link consciousness to their activities • Class consciousness is the sense of common identification among members of a given class

Class Consciousness and false consciousness • False consciousness refers to the inability to clearly see where one’s own best interest lie • Class consciousnessis illustrated by ones relative position to the means of production and access to scarce resources • Marx was speaking of consciousness in the terms as society as a whole and not on an individual level

Religion • Marx saw religion as an example of false consciousness. He also thought it was another abstract creation that had become reified throughout time • Thought was one of the biggest factors preventing full human potential

Religion • Said that the power elites encouraged the weak masses to keep them in power and he even referred to religion as the opiate of the masses • Marx was against religion for three reasons: • Thought it was a distraction keep man from his essence • He felt that while man was in this distracted state, he allowed himself to be exploited and controlled

Class Theory • The critical issue in an industrial society is production and the distribution of land. Those who controlled the land would control through means of production • Classes were formed to control the means of property possession. This would in turn result in class conflicts

Grundrisse • Grundrisse is a manuscript of seven notebooks compiled from 1857-1858 • It was published in 1941 and was the culmination of his economic studies • A lot of Marx’s themes appear in Grundrisse’s book

Alienation • Alienation, according to Marx, is a condition in which humans become dominated by the forces of their own creation • The first stage of alienation is alienation from the product that the workers produce. The laborers also do not know the aspects of the production process they are working in

Alienation • Second, workers are alienated from the process of production. They are not involved in productive activity meaning that they are not working to satisfy their own needs. They become alienated because it is not satisfying and becomes monotonous eventually becoming alienated from ones self • Last, the worker becomes alienated from his fellow workers

Karl Marx Marx defines the Means ofproduction as the combination of the means of labor which include equipment, tools, ect and the subject of labor or the actual material worked with for an item He defines capitalism as a mode of production or the means under which capitalists own the means of production and the workers sell them their labor power to produce an item G.W.F Hegel Two concepts represents the essence of Hegel's philosophy which are Dialectic and Idealism Dialectic is considered to be an image of the world that stresses the importance of processes, relations, conflicts and contradictions Idealism emphasizes the importance of the mind and mental processes Hegel would have considered capitalism an mental bi product Means of Production & Capitalism

Commodities and the production of surplus value • A commodity is an object that is capable of satisfying some want or need • Object are products that cannot achieve independent existence • Use value are objects that produced for use by ones self • Exchange value happens when the product produced is for trade and not personal use

Fetishism of commodities • Fetishism of commodities occurs when actors don’t recognize that their labor gives commodities their value • The value is believed to come from natural properties • Exchange value of a commodity is expressed by its use value

Capital • Capital involves the social relationship between buyers and sellers • Marx felt that since the workers labor gave the product value they also had the capacity to change the system • He also believed that a superstructure existed composed of raw materials, labor, technology and those who control the means of production

Private Property • Private property is made from the labor of workers and reified by capitalism • Private property is defined as the private ownership of the means of production • Marx felt that if human potential was to be realized that the notion of private property must be suppressed • Felt that the means of production should be shared equally through public ownership

Division of labor • In the German ideology the roots of labor division were traced and Marx equates the family as the earliest model describing the wife and children as slaves • The capitalist system surplus was created and controlled production and the surplus as well, making it possible for divisions and classes to create • The surplus of materials comes with the unequal sharing of the surplus creating a struggle between peoples. Marx believed that Communism would eliminate the division of labor

Communism • Communism is a form of government which attempts to empower workers and eliminate social class. Its socioeconomic structure promotes the establishment of a classless, stateless society based on common ownership of the Means of production. It is usually considered a branch of the broader socialist movement that draws on the various political and intellectual movements that trace their origins back to the work of theorists of the industrial revolution and the French Revolution. Communism attempts to offer an alternative to the problems believed to be inherent with representative democracy, capitalist economies and the legacy of imperialism and colonialism. The dominant forms of communism, such as Leninism, Trotskyism and Luxemburg's, are based on Marxism. Karl Marx is sometimes known as the "father of Communism", but non-Marxist versions of communism (such as Christian communism and anarchist communism) also exist.

Relevancy • Marxist thought is very controversial • Despite lack of complete understanding of the role of capitalism in the future, many contumacy authors use Marxist economic analysis in their own attempts to understand modern Capitalism • Marx's analysis of the differences between use value and exchange value are relevant in the criticism of globalization

Relevancy • Reaching ones full human potential has never been a more important goal especially in American society • Marx has been proven correct that religion continues to serve as a higher barrier against peace and accord • Many people still suffer from forms of alienation and have gone after leisure pursuits as a means to attain a level of identification and form a sense of community • Marx would be happy with the Internet, it is the consumer- the proletariat that is using the net to gain control

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Abstract The political thought of Karl Marx is aimed to liberate workers all over the world and achieve an egalitarian society in which they (workers) will live in true freedom and enjoy ‘real value’ of their labour. He calls this type of society ‘communist society’. In this study, we examine within the purview of the Marxian theory (as a theoretical framework) how Marx hopes to achieve such a society. His life sketch is presented as a precursor to his intellectual enterprise. Themes such as dialectical materialism, materialistic interpretation of history, the theory of surplus value, the theory of class struggle, dictatorship of the proletariat, classless and stateless society, analysis of capitalism, and nature of communist society have been examined maximally. Dissecting from those purveyors, the study gives an evaluation of Marxist political thought. Marx overstates his case of ‘economic determinism’ however; he brings into political theory a new way of apprehending society which is based on class struggle. Or, Marx offers two set of ideas; first, a comprehensive theory of society to enable us to understand the problems of our society today and, second, which deciphers Marxist philosophy into practical political goals and action, offers us violent revolution as the most decisive way-out of the evils of capitalism in order to step into the ‘communist paradise’ i.e. classless/stateless society. The first of these we can accept, without accepting the second.

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Karl Marx - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

karl marx presentation template

Marx used John Locke's labor theory of value to demonstrate how capitalists were taking the surplus value of labors efforts to empower themselves. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

  • Ethan Fishman
  • Karl Marx has had profoundly practical impact on world politics in late 19th and early 20th century.
  • He was born on May 5th, 1818 in Trier to a Lutheran converted family descended from Jewish Rabbis and Scholars.
  • Marx began his education at the University of Bonn and then transferred to continue his studies at the University of Berlin where he came under the influence of Hegelian philosophy.
  • Georg Hegel argued that human events progress dialectically through periods of stability and violence driven by the idea or spirit of history.
  • The young Hegelians, a group to which Marx belonged, antagonized the Prussian monarchy by arguing that the time of Prussian absolutism was over.
  • Marx began a journalistic career in 1841 working for the Rheinische Zeitung after completing his doctorate. Because of its critical tone, the journal was shut down by the government.
  • Marx fled to Paris and began work on The Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844, a work that displays the influence of Ludwig Feuerbach and is associated with an understanding of Marx as a humanist as opposed to the historical determinist contained in later works.
  • In 1843, he married Jenny Westphalen and later met Friedrich Engels (1820 1895), a wealthy textile manufacturer who became Marxs lifetime intellectual collaborator and financial supporter.
  • For his work with the Franzoesische Jahrbuecher, Marx was expelled from France.
  • He settled in Brussels and joined the Communist League.
  • During this time, Marx published the Communist Manifesto of 1848 that explained the difference between the Leagues philosophy and the philosophy of Saint Simon, Fourier, Owen, Bakunin, and Proudhon.
  • The Manifesto ends with these famous words
  • Let the ruling class tremble at a Communist revolution. The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Working men of all countries, unite!
  • Marxs words appeared prophetic as revolutions and class warfare swept Europe.
  • Marx emphasized practice (praxis) the transformative power of philosophy.
  • The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways the point, however, is to change it.
  • In 1849, Marx fled the forces of reaction to London where he lived in poverty and had three children die.
  • Marxs time in London was spent in the reading room of the British Museum and in organizing the International Workingmens Association.
  • Isaiah Berlin paints a picture of Marx highlighting his strength of convictions and his intolerance for those not convinced by his logic.
  • Marx died in 1883. Engels noted
  • Fighting was his element. And he fought with a passion, a tenacity and a success which few could rival (H)e died, beloved, revered and mourned by millions of revolutionary fellow workers from mines of Siberia to the coasts of California, in all points of Europe and America. His name will endure through the ages, and so also will his work.
  • What did Marx mean by Praxis?
  • Marx turns Hegel up side down and examines the dialectic as a material process (historical materialism) as opposed to a spiritual or metaphysical process.
  • This material dialectic unfolds in the following manner
  • Thesis establishes stability
  • Anti-thesis violently challenges existing order
  • A synthesis emerges establishing a new stable order
  • The stages of Marxs materialist conception of history
  • Primitive Communism
  • Feudal Lords
  • Advanced Communism
  • Engels Socialism Utopian and Scientific articulated the fundamental importance of economics to understanding human history.
  • The final causes of all social changes and political revolutions are to be sought, not in mens brains, not in mens better insight into eternal truth and justice, but in changes in the modes of production and exchange. They are to be sought not in philosophy, but in the economics of each particular epoch.
  • The forces of production (technology people use) and the relations of production (the division of labor) are exploitative as long as classes exist.
  • These forces and relations are the substructure (economic conditions) that produces the superstructure of society (political, social, religious, legal, educational, and cultural institutions).
  • Marxs position can be interpreted as deterministic or humanistic. Totalitarians have tended to emphasize inevitability, whereas his collaborator, Engels, takes a more nuanced approach.
  • The first historical fact is the production of material life itself. Therefore in any interpretation of history one has first of all to observe this fundamental fact in all its significance and all its implications and to accord it its due importance. It is well known that the Germans have never done this, and they have never, therefore, had an earthly basis for history and consequently never a historian.
  • In broad outlines Asiatic, ancient, feudal, and modern bourgeois modes of production can be designated as progressive epochs in the economic formation of society. The bourgeois relations of production are the last antagonistic form of the social process of production antagonistic not in the sense of individual antagonism, but of one arising from the social conditions of life of the individuals at the same time the productive forces developing in the womb of bourgeois society create the material conditions for the solution of that antagonism. The social formation brings, therefore, the prehistory of human society to a close.
  • Would you describe Marx as a humanist or a determinist? Why?
  • Lewis Morgan (1818-1881), an American anthropologist argued that primitive peoples lived in communism offering Marx a starting point for his understanding of dialectical evolution.
  • Specialization led to slavery and technological innovation led to feudalism.
  • Capitalism replaced feudalism because of similar technological advances creating two conflicting classes, the bourgeoisie (the exploiters) and the proletariat (the exploited).
  • As economic crises multiply, the proletariat will unite and overthrow the bourgeoisie ushering in advanced communism.
  • Advanced communism will be similar to primitive communism with the addition of material abundance supplied by a higher technological base.
  • The false consciousness of exploitative morality will be replaced by an authentically human morality.
  • Religion will be unnecessary since it was merely a tool exploiters used to control the exploited.
  • Traditional family relationships will also go by the way side as the material reality of those relationships is displaced by the new mode of production and distribution.
  • The new mode of production will enable each to contribute according to ability and take according to need.
  • There will be an interim period before advanced communism involving the dictatorship of the proletariat where violence and force are used to bring about advanced communism.
  • Marxs embrace of the necessity of revolution and the ensuing violence and force led him to reject thinkers who did not see such a necessity as utopian socialists.
  • We therefore reject every attempt to impose on us any moral dogma whatsoever as an eternal, ultimate and forever immutable ethical law on the pretext that the moral world, too, has its permanent principle which stand above history and the differences between nations. We maintain on the contrary that all moral theories have been hitherto the product in the last analysis, of the economic conditions of society obtaining at the time A really human morality which stands above class antagonisms and above any recollection of them becomes possible only at a stage of society which has not only overcome class antagonisms but has even forgotten them in practical life.
  • Was Marx mistaken in not calling for a strict political accountability of the political leadership to the rank-and-file proletariat?
  • Humans find the cosmos as a hostile place.
  • For Hegel, thinking about the universe and framing it within concepts offers the peace of mind we seek.
  • For Marx, creative labor to produce what we need for survival is the way for overcoming this alienated experience. Class structure and the division of labor negate possibilities of creativity and exacerbate human creativity.
  • Capitalism combats creative labor in three ways
  • By separating labor from its products, capitalism robs workers of pride in their craft.
  • Avaricious competition turns workers against each other and replaces quantity for quality as innovation and creativity are excluded from work.
  • The bourgeoisie maximally exploits the worker bringing the quality of the workers life to a low point in human history.
  • Despite his criticisms, Marx does not consider capitalism an immoral system.
  • According to his understanding of history, capitalism is a necessary stage to bring about advanced communism.
  • After the dictatorship of the proletariat passes, the alienation of the workers will cease.
  • Machines will deal with the tedium and boredom of labor and man will become the real, conscious lord(s) of Nature.
  • What did Marx think of democratic socialists such as the Labor Party in England?
  • As a result, therefore, man (the worker) no longer feels himself to be freely active in any but his animal functions eating, drinking, procreating, or at most in his dwelling and in dressing-up, etc. and in his human functions he no longer feels himself to be anything but an animal. What is animal becomes human and what is human becomes animal.
  • With the seizing of the means of production by society, production of commodities is done away with, and, simultaneously, the mastery of the product over the producer. Anarchy in social production is replaced by systematic, definite organization. The struggle for individual existence disappears. Then for the first time man, in a certain sense, is finally marked off from the rest of the animal kingdom, and emerges from mere animal conditions of existence into really human ones. The whole sphere of the conditions of life which environ man, and which have hitherto ruled man, who for the first time becomes the real, conscious lord of Nature, because he has now become master of his own social organization.
  • Do you think that Marx has a realistic view of human nature?
  • The theme and reality of alienated labor was a powerful enough reality to be captured in the art work of Charlie Chaplin in the film Modern Times.
  • After World War II, some companies organized workers into small teams that shared responsibility for creating a final product.
  • This innovation was adopted in the Scandinavian countries, Japan, and the United States.
  • Marx would likely reject such reform as a deceitful practice by capitalists to enhance profits that would merely delay the inevitable evolution of advanced communist society.
  • Marx used John Lockes labor theory of value to demonstrate how capitalists were taking the surplus value of labors efforts to empower themselves.
  • As the capitalists sought to increase profits, they would rely more and more on constant capital (machinery, buildings, and raw materials).
  • As competition intensifies more and more workers will be released and many defeated capitalists will join the ranks of the proletariat.
  • Eventually the masses in desperate circumstances will rebel and overthrow the capitalist mode of production and transfer economic ownership and political control into public hands.
  • Can reform of the industrial workplace forestall the proletarian revolution Marx predicts?
  • Marxists in Russia were faced by the problem that their society was too backward for a communist revolution.
  • V.I. Lenin (1870-1924) and Leon Trotsky (1877 -1940) argued some societies could skip capitalism and move toward advanced communism. Lenin further argued discontented peasants could substitute for the proletariat as the engine of the necessary revolution.
  • Lenin argued a dictatorship of the communist party over the peasants and the proletariat would be necessary to prevent them from sliding into a stagnant trade union mentality.
  • Lenin opposed anarchists dismantlement of administrative apparatuses and argued that the communist were ready to subordinate, control, and manage human beings as they were into advanced communism.
  • Lenins unleashing of force and violence with no definitive end point created a legacy that would become increasingly dark as Stalin (1879-1953), Mao Zedong (1893 -1976), Kim Il-Sung (1912-1994), Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969), Fidel Castro (1926 today), and Pol Pot (1925 1998) unleashed murder and oppression to bring complete equality to the earth.
  • Along with the constantly diminishing number of the magnates of capital, who usurp and monopolize all advantages of the process of transformation, grows the mass of misery, oppression, slavery, degradation, exploitation but with this too grows the revolt of the working class, a class always increasing in numbers, and disciplined, united, organized by the very mechanism of the process of capitalist production itself. The monopoly of capital becomes a fetter upon the mode of production, which has sprung up and flourished along, and under it. Centralization of the means of production and socialization of labor at last reach a point where they become incompatible with their capitalist integument. This integument is burst asunder. The knell of capitalist private property sounds. The expropriators are expropriated.
  • Do you agree with Marx that only human labor, and not machines, can produce economic value?
  • Herbert Marcuse (1898 1979) one of Marxs most original late twentieth century interpreters imagined the life after alienation as being dedicated to creative labor, immersed in satisfaction of a dynamic culture, and characterized by a liberated sexuality.
  • The proletariat has been barred from this potential by being bought off by a one-dimensional consumer society.
  • The marginalized in that society offered a potential source for the needed Marxian revolution.
  • Needless to say, Marcuse was immensely popular with the Hippie generation of the 1960s and 1970s.
  • If Marx is a humanist critical of human evils, he is not original.
  • If Marx is an economic determinist, he is original but is troubled by necessary role of technological and economic forces to make a new mode of production recognizable within the superstructure of society.
  • It is also interesting to ponder why the dynamic force of the dialectic, so active throughout history would eventually stop.
  • There are strong parallels in Marxs thought with the religion he rejects.
  • The dictatorship of the proletariat and the Jews 40 years in the desert to be prepared for the promised land.
  • The communist revolution is an apocalypse followed by advanced communism, which is an earthly heaven.
  • Man saves himself and Marx is the prophet of this self-salvation.
  • Does life always get better and have technological innovations tended toward progress or have there been regresses in human history.
  • Atomic Bomb
  • Many positive changes have occurred without revolution. Must a revolution inevitably come?
  • Why is Marxism sometimes described as a secular religion?
  • To what extent have capitalist societies met the standards of political justice outlined by Marx in his Communist Manifesto?
  • Did the Hurricane Katrina tragedy on the Gulf Coast illustrate the evils of capitalism about which Marx warns? is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

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    Presentation Transcript. Karl Marx Biography Karl Heinrich Marx was born into a comfortable middle class home in Trier on the river Moselle in Germany on May 5, 1818. At the age of seventeen, Marx enrolled in the Faculty of Law at the University of Bonn. At Bonn he became engaged to Jenny von Westphalen.

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    Karl Marx studied at the University of Bonn where a rebellious culture was formed. Karl was constantly fighting and getting drunk so his dad transferred him to the University of Berlin. He began to study politics and was very involved in political aspects. The final school he attended was The Friedrich Schiller University of Jena.

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    Marxist believes that socialist society is both the necessary and desirable end of historical development. This will be achieved through overthrow of the establishment of proletariat rule. . 4.3. Marx's 5 Stages of Development of Society. Primitive Communalism. Feudalism. Capitalism. Socialism and.

  11. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. KarlMarx 1818-1883. Background • Was born third of seven children to a Jewish family in Trier, Prussia in the western province of the Rhineland • Father converted to Christianity as a Lutheran in 1818 because of the potential loss of his law practice • Father introduced the value of knowledge exposing Marx to ...

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    Dec 13, 2021 • Download as PPTX, PDF •. 2 likes • 2,519 views. S. SociologyDepartment1. A brief note about Karl Marx. Education. 1 of 36. Download now. Karl marx - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

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    6. • Karl Marx was born on 5th May 1818. • Marx is widely referred to as a Philosopher, Political-Economist and a Journalist. • Marx was married to Jenny von Westphalen. • Marx`s close friend and fellow scholar was Friedrich Engels. • Karl Marx died on 14th March, 1883. • The message carved on his symmetry was written as "WORKERS ...

  14. Karl Marx

    Title: Karl Marx. Description: Karl Marx 1818-1883. German-Jewish family converted to Christianity. Studies Law and Philosophy in Bonn and Berlin Influenced by Hegel s dialectics, Smith s and ... - PowerPoint PPT presentation. Number of Views: 1751. Avg rating:3.0/5.0.

  15. PDF Karl Marx

    Karl Marx (1818-1883) was a socialist theoretician and organizer, a major figure in the history of economic and philosophical thought, and a great social prophet. Personally, I like to call him the last of the old Testament prophets. He basically prophesized that man would someday create a paradise on earth.

  16. Karl Marx and Marxism

    Communism is a political philosophy which argues. that men should have equal rights to wealth. Marxism is a way of understanding and analysing. the organisation and structure of society. It is. also a way of understanding how societies develop. and change. 7. Marxs role in history.

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  20. Karl Marx

    Karl Marx. Marxism consists of three components: a political doctrine, a philosophy of history, and an analysis of the economy. Marx believed that the economic base of society, or how wealth is produced, determines the social and political superstructure. As productive technologies change, new class relations emerge between workers and owners.


    Marx's analysis of the concept of class in chapter 52 of Capital Volume III is unfortunately far from being complete. This paper aims at reconstructing a Marxian conceptualisation of class on the basis of Marx's own writings and with the aid of representatives of creative Soviet Marxism such as Evald Ilyenkov and contemporary Western critical theory, specifically the Open Marxism approach ...

  22. Karl Marx

    World's Best PowerPoint Templates - CrystalGraphics offers more PowerPoint templates than anyone else in the world, with over 4 million to choose from. Winner of the Standing Ovation Award for "Best PowerPoint Templates" from Presentations Magazine. ... Karl Marx - Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: Davioso Created Date: 1/1 ...

  23. Karl Marx

    Karl Marx. Karl Marx nasceu em 1818 na Alemanha e foi um filósofo e revolucionário comunista. Sua principal ideia é que as condições sociais determinam a consciência humana, não o contrário. Marx estudou Direito e Filosofia e se envolveu com grupos socialistas. Ele desenvolveu a teoria do materialismo histórico e do socialismo científico.