IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems投稿记录

ieee awaiting assignment to batch

论文题目: A sequential pattern-mining-based approach to adaptively detect anomalous paths in floating-vehicle trajectories

期刊: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems

IEEE T on ITS  2000年创刊发文,2000~2013年季刊;2014~2015双月刊;2015至今月刊;发文量较少,IF6+,交通类顶刊。


  • submisssion: 30-Mar-2021。EIC(EDITOR IN CHIEF, 主编)Eskandarian Azim,ADM(Administrator,主管,助理)Snyder, Miriam。
  • Awaiting AE Assignment: 30-Mar-2021,等待分派副编辑,编辑部把稿件指派给副编辑,耗时1个月+。
  • Awaiting Reviewer Assignment:  9-May-2021,等待分派审稿人,据说专家一周会回复是否愿意审稿。
  • Awaiting Reviewer Scores: 14-May-2021,等待专家审稿意见,据说要求三周内回复意见,但是专家可以致信编辑要求延长时间,所以还是取决于专家审稿速度,网传有四个月之久。耗时3周。
  • Awaiting AE Recommendation: 8-Jun-2021,等待副编辑的意见。副编辑根据专家审稿意见给出稿件的处理意见交于主编,主编很大可能根据副编辑意见形成decision letter,一般要求三周内决定。
  • Awaiting Reviewer Scores: 10-Jun-2021,奇怪,突然又变成了专家审稿状态。可能有专家申请延期了,耗时1周。
  • Awaiting AE Recommendation: 28-Jun-2021,等待副编辑的意见。耗时2周。
  • Awaiting EIC Decision: 12-Jul-2021,等待主编意见。
  • Awaiting Reviewer Scores :05-Oct-2021,提交了新手稿。
  • Awaiting Reviewer Assignment :05-Oct-2021,等待分派审稿人。难不成新找了专家,预计耗时1周。
  • Awaiting Reviewer Scores: ~17-Nov-2021等待专家审稿意见,因为是上一轮的专家重新评审,估计三周可以完成。
  • Awaiting Reviewer Scores — Awaiting Reviewer Assignment: 29-Dec-2021,提交了新手稿。
  • Awaiting EIC Decision: 22-Feb-2022(实际时间稍早于此),等待主编意见。
  • Under review: 11-March 2022,重新提交了手稿。
  • Awaiting Reviewer Assignment: 12-Mar 2022
  • Awaiting AE Recommendation: 21-Mar 2022,等待副编意见。
  • Awaiting EIC Decision: 23-Mar-2022,等待主编意见。
  • Awaiting Assignment to Batch: 4-Apr-2022,提交最终版手稿后状态,记得同时转让论文版权,否则会延迟出版。

总结: 从投稿到接收用了整整一年时间,期间经历三次修回,受限于一位专家不停的提出很多细小问题,期间补充了模拟实验,精简了方法流程,总体来说只要有耐心,认真修改即可。

状态说明: Awaiting AE Assignment:AE(Associated Editor)指副主编、副编辑,投稿时候可以选择处理稿件的AE,但是不知道为何还是给我指派了一个多月的AE……另外据说

Awaiting AE Assignment :等待AE的指派。编辑部在选择/联系AE,一般1-3天左右; 其会在审稿人(reviewers)意见的基础上对文章作个综合评价后,给主编一个recommendation。一般主编都会按照AE的意见写最终的decision letter。 ——来自于Tianers专栏: IEEE旗下SCI论文审稿流程及状态解读 - 知乎 (

同门2022年1月初投了IEEE T on ITS,两个月就一审结束,本文稿处理速度和流程仅作参考。

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  • 注册: 2015-08-12

IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society


Requirements for final acceptance.

Please read the guidelines carefully

The final version of your manuscript must comply with IEEE Periodicals requirements for text and graphics processing. Please submit all final files through the “awaiting final files” queue in your author center on Manuscript Central. Please make sure your final package is correct and complete upon submission. Once you have completed the submission of your final files you will not be able to make changes until you have received page proofs from the IEEE.

**Please do not send ANY items via email, regular mail, or fax, as they will not be processed if you do**

During the final submission process, please make sure all data in steps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are correct and complete. When this is confirmed, please upload:

1) A 150-200 word “managerial relevance statement” to clearly state the paper’s expected contribution to practice, if the paper does not already have one. This should be designated as a supplemental file during the upload process. To the extent possible, it should provide practical insights and advice for engineering managers based on your study.

2) A Latex or Microsoft Word application file. This should include keywords/index terms, abstract, and biographies and photos if you are including them. Please place keywords/index terms at the beginning of your manuscript, after the title but before the abstract. The abstract of your paper should be about 200-250 words.

Failure to submit a source file may result in publishing delays.

3) A pdf of your entire manuscript. A pdf is NOT sufficient for publication. Please make sure to submit the source file detailed in step 2.

4) If your figures are not embedded in the source file of your manuscript, you will also need to upload separate figure files. The acceptable formats are Word, eps, ps, tiff, ppt and excel. We do NOT accept png or jpeg files for figures.

5) Biosketches and photos of all authors. Biosketches should be uploaded at the same time as the other final files, if you plan to include them. These can be included at the end of your Microsoft Word or Latex source file, or submitted as a separate upload. For author photos jpeg files are accepted.

6) Including author bios and pictures, and with the conversion to final print format, the complete paper should be no longer than 14 formatted pages. Please make sure to check the number of pages in the page proof, for if they exceed 14 pages, you will incur a mandatory overlength page charge of $200 per additional page. By submitting your final files through Manuscript Central, you are acknowledging and agreeing to any applicable page charges this paper may incur. Overlength page charges are mandatory and are not negotiable. If you have any questions about these charges, please contact the journal administrator prior to submitting your files.

*Please make sure that all files have unique file names in order for them to export successfully to IEEE*

IEEE has moved to an all-electronic copyright submission system. Once you have submitted your final files, a link titled “transfer copyright” will appear in the “manuscripts with decisions” queue in your author center.

Your prompt action will ensure your paper to be published quickly in IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. When your galley proofs are ready, you will receive an e-mail notification and instructions from the IEEE Production Unit.

You can download IEEE copyright form and sample of biography form by clicking on the file links at the bottom of this page.

Your prompt action will ensure your paper to be published quickly in IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Please send the above materials to


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Preparation and Submission of Transactions Papers

Home / Publications / PES Author’s Kit / Preparation and Submission of Transactions Papers

Part 2: Preparation and Submission of Transactions Papers

(Part 2 last revised January 2024)

Authors are responsible for complying with the guidelines in effect at the time of submission, so you should check for the most current submission requirements as often as needed.


To be accepted and published in a PES Transactions, a paper must be of unquestionably high quality and must make a definite contribution to technical knowledge. Examples of such papers are those that 1) present fundamental or advanced concepts; 2) describe one apparatus or one system application backed by test data and field experience; 3) describe a proven valuable innovation; 4) describe a useful new technique of measurement, calculation, or design together with practical examples; 5) present a needed commentary and summary of technical knowledge not previously available for convenient reference; 6) present useful data and experience which are of current and timely interest that reflect changes that should be made in a new technology, or 7) propose an IEEE Standard.

A paper will be reviewed by the appropriate Transactions Editorial Board according to its submittal classification. The Editorial Board of each Transactions has the sole responsibility and authority for judging all submissions of Transactions papers for acceptance, revision and resubmission, or rejection. The required abstract (150–200 words) and up to 10 keywords will be reviewed in conjunction with the paper.

Transactions papers may not be submitted for a specific PES meeting and, therefore, may be submitted at any time.

All accepted papers will be published and permanently referenced in the  IEEE Transactions on Power Systems ,  Power Delivery ,  Energy Conversion ,  Smart Grid ,  Sustainable Energy,  or  Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation  with available discussions and closure also printed in an issue of the Transactions. See  Part 5  of the Author’s Kit for complete information regarding discussions and closures.

The Transactions are distributed through the IEEE All Society Periodicals Package and individual nonmember sales to major libraries worldwide.

Technical Areas and Associated Topics

The technical areas covered by each of the PES Transactions are enumerated below.

IEEE Transactions on Power Systems:

Power System Analysis, Computing, and Economics

  • Power system modelling
  • Power system analysis (e.g., load flow formulations and implementation)
  • Techno-economic aspects of congestion management and redispatch
  • Development of data and scenarios for system expansion
  • Transmission and distribution system analysis
  • Techno-economic aspects of Risk management
  • Reliability and resilience
  • Uncertainty and probability
  • Stochastic system and optimization applications
  • Intelligent system applications
  • Computing applications

Power System Dynamic Performance

  • Power system dynamic modeling: components and systems
  • Power system stability: phenomena, analysis, and techniques
  • Power system stability controls: design and applications
  • Power system dynamic measurements
  • Power system interaction with conventional and renewable generators
  • Dynamic security assessment: techniques and applications, risk-based methods

Power System Operations

  • Emerging methods for restructured systems
  • Transmission system operation and security
  • Distribution system operation
  • Energy control centers
  • Static and dynamic state estimation
  • Transmission and distribution system control

Power System Planning & Implementation

  • Computational techniques and analytical methods for system planning
  • Generation system resource planning
  • Transmission system expansion and planning
  • Distribution system expansion and planning
  • Customer products and services planning and implementation
  • Industry restructuring planning
  • Integrated and distributed resource planning
  • Techno-economic aspects of Integrated resource planning
  • Load forecasting, management and aggregation

Power Engineering Education

  • New instruction methods (software/internet/laboratory/combined with research)
  • Virtual classrooms/laboratories
  • Distance education
  • Life-long learning

The following topic areas are  NOT  within the scope of TPWRS:

  • Power quality: harmonics, flicker, voltage dips, voltage sags, etc.
  • Protection: all types of protection relays, circuit breakers, fuses, protection coordination, etc.
  • Fault current calculations
  • Lightning protection
  • Fast electromagnetic phenomena excluding inverter-driven power system stability
  • Smart sensors, smart meters, AMI infrastructures
  • Blockchain technologies
  • Rural electrification
  • Energy communities
  • Platforms for local trading
  • Market specific aspects of congestion management and redispatch
  • Market specific aspects of risk management
  • Policy, socioeconomic and macroeconomic and regulatory aspects of resource planning
  • Global power system economics, principles of market organization and cost structure

IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery:

Insulated Conductors

  • Construction and design of cables (materials and manufacturing)
  • Construction, design, and testing of cable accessories (cable terminations and joints)
  • Construction, operation, and testing of cable system
  • Assembly, operation, and testing of station, control (including fiberoptic), and utilization cables (non-transmission and distribution cables)

Power System Communications

  • Communication systems
  • Communication media
  • Communication protocols
  • Communication standardization
  • Home automation and communication

Power System Instrumentation and Measurements

  • Digital technology for measurements
  • Electricity metering
  • High voltage testing
  • Measurement techniques for impedance elements

Power System Relaying

  • Digital protection systems
  • Adaptive protections
  • Power system protection
  • Protection of electrical equipment
  • Relaying communications
  • Relaying for consumer interface


  • Substation automation
  • Intelligent electronic devices (IEDs)
  • Programmable logic controllers (PLCs)
  • Substation design
  • High voltage power electronics stations
  • Gas insulated substations (GIS)

Surge Protective Devices

  • Design/testing of high voltage surge protective devices (>1000 V)
  • Application of high voltage surge protective devices (>1000 V)
  • Design/testing of low voltage surge protective devices (<1000 V)
  • Application of low voltage surge protective devices (<1000 V)
  • Interruption phenomena
  • Low voltage switchgear
  • High voltage circuit breakers
  • Reclosers and sectionalizers


  • Power and instrument transformers
  • Insulating fluids
  • Dielectric testing
  • Audible noise and vibration
  • Transformer modeling techniques

Transmission and Distribution

  • AC transmission and distribution facilities
  • Lightning phenomena and insulator performance
  • Overhead line conductors: thermal and mechanical aspects
  • Corona, electric, and magnetic fields
  • Towers, poles, and hardware
  • Capacitors, shunt and series capacitor banks, and harmonic filter banks
  • HVDC transmission and distribution
  • FACTS and power electronic applications to ac transmission
  • Harmonics and power quality
  • Transients, switching surges, and electromagnetic noise
  • Maintenance and operation of overhead lines
  • Work procedures, safety, tools, and equipment
  • Superconductivity analysis and devices
  • Distributed resources

IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion:

Electric Machinery

  • Direct current machines
  • Permanent magnet machinery systems
  • Switched and variable reluctance machines
  • Integral horsepower induction machinery
  • Wound rotor induction machinery
  • Single phase induction motors
  • Electronic drives for electric machinery
  • Induction generators for grid and isolated applications
  • Synchronous generators
  • Motor/generator sets for pumped storage
  • Synchronous motors
  • Electrical machinery theory
  • Numerical analysis of electric machinery
  • Power processing equipment
  • Insulation for electric machinery
  • Application of magnetic materials to electric machinery
  • Application of superconducting materials to electric machinery

Energy Development and Power Generation

  • Excitation systems
  • Power system stabilizers
  • Advanced and renewable energy technologies
  • Station design, operations and control
  • Modeling, simulation and control of power plants (electrical aspects)
  • Monitoring and instrumentation of power plants (electrical aspects)
  • Control of distributed generation
  • Hydroelectric power plants (electrical aspects)
  • International practices in energy development
  • Solar/photovoltaic
  • Magnetohydrodynamics
  • Superconducting magnetic energy storage
  • Flywheels, mechanical, hydraulic energy storage
  • Distributed storage
  • Industrial/commercial energy conservation
  • Grid interconnection
  • Tidal/wave power

Nuclear Power Engineering

  • Nuclear power plant controls (electrical aspects)
  • Modeling, simulation and control (electrical aspects)
  • Monitoring and instrumentation (electrical aspects)

IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid:

  • Ac/dc microgrids
  • Ac/dc Active Distribution Networks (ADNs)
  • Multi-energy systems
  • Demand Response (DR) and Demand Side Management (DSM)
  • Distributed Energy Resources (DER) interactions and integration with power grids
  • Smart sensors, meters, and Advance Metering Infrastructure (AMI)
  • PMU hardware/software and applications for distribution systems
  • EV power grid integration and impact
  • Peer-to-peer, transactive energy, blockchain power grid applications
  • Cyber-physical and cybersecurity power grid applications
  • Data analytics and big data applications to microgrids and ADNs
  • Application of telecommunication technologies to power systems

The following topic areas are  NOT  within the scope of the  IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid :

  • Transmission system Renewable Energy Sources (RES)
  • DER hardware and internal controls
  • Non-active distribution networks
  • Transmission system load and price forecast, markets, and AI applications
  • Transmission system protections
  • Power Line Carrier (PLC) communications
  • DC transmission systems
  • PMU hardware/software and applications for transmission systems such as WAMS and WACS
  • Economic, pricing, and market framework issues of DR/DSM, ADNs, microgrids, DERs, EVs, and multi-energy systems

IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy:

  • Battery and storage
  • Carbon capture from power generation
  • Combined heat and power
  • Electricity from Biomass
  • Energy efficiency
  • Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
  • Grid interaction of sustainable energy sources
  • Hydroelectricity
  • Hydrogen technology
  • Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions
  • Small hydro design and applications
  • Solar photovoltaics
  • Solar thermal electricity
  • Tidal and wave energy
  • Wind turbine generators

The following topic areas are  NOT  within the scope of the  IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy :

  • Microgrid design, optimization, operation and control – not involving renewable energy generation characteristics
  • Virtual power plant design, optimization, control not involving renewable energy plant
  • Protection of renewable generation – except involving fault ride through
  • Design and optimization of power converter control without consideration of network
  • Theory and principle of generation of power from stand-alone power generation
  • Energy conversion and energy storage technologies without involving electric power network
  • Renewable energy development and feasibility study project not involving new modeling and methodology of design optimization
  • Sharing operating experience of biomass and other community energy development project without technical rigor and methodology
  • Dynamics and condition monitoring of wave/wind/tidal turbine mechanical components
  • Resource (wind, irradiance, tide, ocean current, etc.) assessment except forecasting for use in power grid operations

IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation:

Energy Markets

  • Economics and assessment of energy markets
  • Design, clearing, pricing and settlement of markets for energy, capacity, flexibility and ancillary services
  • Interactions between markets
  • Economics of renewables, demand response and storage
  • Retail electricity markets
  • Retail tariff design
  • Peer-to-peer and local trading
  • Market participation, market power and market monitoring
  • Congestion management and redispatch
  • Risk management
  • Impact on energy markets of environmental policies such as constraints, emissions trading, and renewables support mechanisms
  • Investments in market assets
  • Bidding strategies
  • Energy finance
  • Emissions trading
  • Water/energy nexus

Energy Policy

  • Policies of rural electrification, microgrids and rural development
  • Net-zero economics and policy
  • Energy, climate, and environmental justice
  • Impacts of society-scale electrification on the electric power sector
  • Incentives for system development
  • Impact assessments of energy policies
  • Multi-energy systems and market coupling
  • Policies to support innovations in the energy sector
  • Network cost allocation and tariff design
  • Regulation of network monopolies
  • Rate design and Incentive regulation
  • Cost-benefit analysis of network investments
  • Impact assessments of regulations
  • Market power and market monitoring
  • Transmission and distribution expansion and planning
  • Integrated resource planning
  • Economics of reliability and resiliency

The following topic areas are  NOT  within the scope of the  IEEE Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation :

  • Papers whose primary focus is the development of an analysis or optimization technique and address energy markets, policy, and regulation issues only in an incidental manner.

Paper Preparation

Compose your paper using word processing software. (Please check that the “Track Changes” feature has been turned off and that the filename does not exceed 50 characters including the extension.) Then convert your word processing file to PDF format.

We encourage you to use LaTeX to produce your paper if it contains many math equations. An IEEE Publications Department template is available on the web at . Please use bare_jrnl.tex in the WIN or MAC LaTeX2e Transactions Style File. This template will produce a paper that satisfies PES formatting requirements. The stylistic differences from the Word templates are acceptable.

Transactions papers are limited to 10 pages at submission. Papers exceeding 10 pages will be returned without review. Revised papers submitted in response to Revise and Resubmit decisions may exceed 10 pages. If an accepted paper’s final page count exceeds 12 pages and the paper was submitted January 1, 2024 or later, the authors MUST pay over-length page charges ($250 per additional page) to cover publishing costs in excess of the allotted publication budget.

Rejected papers should not be resubmitted without being substantially revised.  The rejected paper can be resubmitted 2 months after the rejection. The resubmitted paper will be treated as new submission and must adhere to the same page limit as any other newly submitted paper.

If the paper was rejected from one of the PES journals and you have revised the paper and want to resubmit it to the same or to another PES journal you must indicate in the letter to the editor which journal the paper was submitted to originally and what was the reference number of the rejected paper.  You must also indicate in the letter to the editor how the paper has been modified. You should not include the separate document in which you are addressing the comments of the individual reviewers. All modifications should be briefly stated in the letter to the editor.

The name and affiliation (including city and country) of each author must appear on the paper.


The use of artificial intelligence (AI)–generated text in an article shall be disclosed in the acknowledgements section of any paper submitted to an IEEE Conference or Periodical. The sections of the paper that use AI-generated text shall have a citation to the AI system used to generate the text.

Writing/Preparing Abstracts

The abstract is what users and researchers will read when deciding whether your article pertains to their interests and needs. For this reason, your abstract is an extremely important and powerful representation of your article. As an author, you should spend time ensuring that it is readable and that it contains a complete description of your research.

In approximately 150–200 words, you will need to summarize your findings, and describe the implications of those findings.

The abstract must be an accurate reflection of what is in your article as follows.

  • Your abstract must be self-contained, without abbreviations, footnotes, or references. It should be a microcosm of the full article.
  • Your abstract must be written as one paragraph, and should not contain displayed mathematical equations or tabular material.
  • Your abstract should include three or four different keywords or phrases, as this will help readers to find it. (It is important to avoid over-repetition of such phrases as this can result in a page being rejected by search engines.)
  • Ensure that your abstract reads well and is grammatically correct.

When submitting an abstract for your original research, it is important to state the primary objective  and offer any tested hypotheses. Describe your research design and methodology and accurately state the following: the  methods and procedures  you employed, the  main outcomes and results , and the  conclusions  that might be drawn from these data and results. Include any implications for further research or application/practice.

Graphical Abstract

The Transactions accept graphical abstracts and they must be peer reviewed. For more information about graphical abstracts and their specifications, please visit the following link:

Please note that the graphical abstract provided by the author will need to follow a standard naming convention. An author providing a graphical abstract should identify it as follows:

  • For an image-only graphical abstract, the author should label it: gagraphic
  • For a video graphical abstract, the author needs to also include a cover image for the video to display as a still frame (or static image) in front of the video: gacovergraphic gavideo
  • For an audio graphical abstract, the author needs to also include a cover image for the audio file to display as a static image for the audio: gacovergraphic gaaudio

Paper Submission Information

Ieee policy regarding plagiarism.

Authors are expected to comply with the IEEE policy regarding plagiarism as stated below:

8.2 Publication Guidelines

8.2.1 Publication Principles


7. IEEE defines plagiarism as the use of someone else’s prior ideas, processes, results, or words without explicitly acknowledging the original author and source. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and is considered a serious breach of professional conduct, with potentially severe ethical and legal consequences. Section 8.2.4.D provides detailed guidelines for a) handling allegations of plagiarism, b) applying appropriate corrective actions when findings of plagiarism have been reached, and c) referencing previously published material.

9. Except as indicated in IEEE Policies, Section 6.4 (Multiple Publication of Original Technical Material in IEEE Periodicals) and Section 8.1.7 of this Manual, authors should only submit original work that has neither appeared elsewhere for publication, nor which is under review for another publication. If authors have used their own previously published work(s) as a basis for a new submission, they are required to cite the previous work(s) and very briefly indicate how the new submission offers substantive novel contributions beyond those of the previously published work(s). Section 8.2.4.G provides guidelines for handling instances of inappropriate multiple submission and prior publication.

In addition to the sanctions applied by IEEE, if an author is found to have committed plagiarism PES imposes the following sanction:

Individuals whose names are placed on the IEEE Prohibited Author List will not be allowed to organize or lead any PES sponsored activities such as invited conference sessions, distinguished lectureship, editorship of PES publications, paper reviewer for PES, etc.

PES Policy Regarding Bibliography Papers

Because of the electronic search capabilities available through the IEEE and other technical societies, bibliography papers merely listing publications are not of interest. Even if such papers include brief summaries of the listed papers, such information cannot be considered as an original contribution of archival value which is a prerequisite for publication in the Transactions. Authors should note that such manuscripts will be rejected without review.

Authors who developed bibliography papers may contact the IEEE Technical Committees for their interest in placing the papers on their web sites.

Open Access

The PES Transactions are hybrid journals, allowing either Traditional manuscript submission or Open Access (author-pays OA) manuscript submission. If you choose to have your manuscript be an Open Access article, you commit to pay the $2,495 OA fee if your manuscript is accepted for publication in order to enable unrestricted public access. Any other application charges (such as over-length page charge and/or charge for the use of color in the print format) will be billed separately once the manuscript formatting is complete but prior to the publication. If you would like your manuscript to be a Traditional submission, your article will be available to qualified subscribers and purchasers via IEEE Xplore. No OA payment is required for Traditional submission.

Paper Submission Procedures

The same paper cannot be submitted to more than one PES Transactions. An author should choose the Transactions ( Power Delivery ,  Power Systems ,  Energy Conversion ,  Smart Grid ,  Sustainable Energy,  or  Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation ) best suited to review the paper and submit it to only that Transactions. The Editor-in-Chief will review the paper for suitability for his Transactions. He will inform the author if he deems it more suitable for another Transactions.

PES policy allows papers presented at PES conferences to be submitted for its journals after upgrading with new and additional content. The policy requires that for a PES conference paper to be considered for a journal publication it must have at least 60% new content reflecting new data, experimental results, analysis, conclusions, etc. They are expected to comply with the IEEE policy regarding plagiarism as stated above.

An author submits a manuscript by uploading a PDF file of the paper directly onto  ScholarOne Manuscripts , a site on the World Wide Web where the paper can be accessed by the Transactions Editor-in-Chief, Associate Editors, and Reviewers.  (It is recommended that the PDF file be under 1 MB. Papers exceeding this file size may require a longer review time.)  Upon acceptance of a paper for publication, the author will be required to upload final files to  ScholarOne Manuscripts . In addition, the author will be required to submit a completed IEEE Copyright Form electronically via  ScholarOne Manuscripts . Any paper received for initial submission at the Executive Office will be returned so that the author can upload it.

Uploading Instructions

In order for a paper to be submitted and reviewed, it must first be uploaded by the author onto  ScholarOne Manuscripts .  If you are uploading a revised manuscript in response to a “Revise and Resubmit” decision, please see the next section for instructions.

  • Navigate to the PES portal page for

ScholarOne Manuscripts

  • PES portal page:
  • Transactions on Energy Conversion:
  • Transactions on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation:
  • Transactions on Power Delivery:
  • Transactions on Power Systems:
  • Transactions on Smart Grid:
  • Transactions on Sustainable Energy:
  • Power Engineering Letters:

Follow the directions on the review site and enter all required information. Your entries will appear on the final screen. If there are errors, you can return to earlier pages and correct them.

Upload the PDF file of your manuscript and check the proof carefully. Look at all special characters, mathematical symbols, Greek letters, equations, and tables. Check your images for clarity and legibility.

Note that the author who logged in to upload the manuscript is automatically designated the “Corresponding Author.” If you wish, you may designate a co-author as the “Corresponding Author” and all future communication regarding the paper will be through that individual.

You must supply the names of all of your co-authors and their contact information. Please do so in the same order they are listed on the manuscript. Though there is room for multiple affiliations for each author, we request you fill in only the first as that is the only one that will be referenced.

Submit the Manuscript

You may leave your manuscript in the Unsubmitted and Manuscripts in Draft area in your Author Center and return later to review it, but please understand that until you click the “Submit” button, the manuscript will not enter the review process. Once you submit your manuscript you will not be able to make any changes to it unless requested to do so by the Editor-in-Chief as a result of the review process.

Once you submit your manuscript you will get an immediate submission confirmation that provides you with a manuscript ID. Be sure to include it in any correspondence regarding your manuscript.

Preliminary Check for Reviewability

After your paper has been submitted to  ScholarOne Manuscripts , the PDF file will be given a preliminary check to ensure that it is reviewable—e.g., that the text and graphics are clear and legible, all graphics are present, and the format is appropriate. (Please see  Part 4  of the Author’s Kit for specifics.) If your paper is reviewable, it will be released for review as soon as it is checked. If the manuscript is not reviewable, it will be unsubmitted from  ScholarOne Manuscripts  and you will be sent an e-mail message requesting that you correct the problems and upload a corrected manuscript onto  ScholarOne Manuscripts . The paper will not be reviewed until the manuscript is replaced with one that is reviewable. Additionally, the Editor-in-Chief will inform the author if he deems the paper is more suitable for another Transactions.

Peer Review

The articles in PES journals are peer reviewed in accordance with the requirements set forth in the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board Operations Manual ( ). Each published article was reviewed by a minimum of two independent reviewers using a single-anonymous peer review process, where the identities of the reviewers are not known to the authors, but the reviewers know the identities of the authors. Articles will be screened for plagiarism before acceptance.

Review Time

"revise and resubmit" manuscript uploads.

If you are uploading a revised manuscript in response to a “Revise and Resubmit” decision by an Editor-in-Chief,  DO NOT UPLOAD YOUR MANUSCRIPT AS A NEW PAPER!  Submitting a revised manuscript differs from submitting a manuscript for the first time. Here is some information that should clarify the process. You will find more detailed instructions on the  ScholarOne Manuscripts  site. (Please check that the “Track Changes” feature has been turned off in your word processing file before converting it to PDF format and uploading it.)

1. You must have been the Submitting Author when the original manuscript was first submitted in order to submit a manuscript in response to a “Revise and Resubmit” decision.

2. As a Submitting Author, you already have an account on  ScholarOne Manuscripts . Do not create a new account! See directions above if you do not remember your login ID or password.

3. Go to the web site which reviewed your paper and log in. Here are the URLs:

  • Energy Conversion:
  • Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation:
  • Power Delivery:
  • Power Systems:
  • Smart Grid:
  • Sustainable Energy:

5. If the paper title is in the “Manuscripts with Decisions” area, click on the “Create a Revision” button. A new manuscript record will be created with the same Manuscript ID and “.R1” (for revision 1). This record “shell” contains all key information previously entered with the exception of the text of your manuscript. Check the existing data about the paper. Make all necessary revisions and supply any missing information.

6. Respond to the decision letter and reviewer comments by entering your text in the Response to Decision Letter field.

7. You will be asked to enter (or confirm, if information is already provided on the screen) the title, the abstract, the keywords, and additional comments pertaining to the paper. Use the Special Characters Palette if necessary. After each entry or confirmation, click “Save and Continue” once you are satisfied. (It is important that you check the abstract and revise it if necessary.)

8. Upload the PDF file of your manuscript and check the proof carefully. Look at all special characters, mathematical symbols, Greek letters, equations, and tables. Check your images for clarity and legibility.

9. Your manuscript is not entered into the review process until you click “Submit.” You should receive an automated confirmation of the submission almost immediately.

Upon Acceptance of the Paper

Upon acceptance of a paper for publication, the author is required to upload the following final files to  ScholarOne Manuscripts :

  • LaTeX or Microsoft Word source file of the paper
  • PDF file of the paper
  • Separate graphics files in Word, eps, ps, tiff, ppt or Excel format if the graphics are not embedded in the source file
  • Biosketches and photos of all authors.

In addition, the author will be required to submit a completed IEEE Copyright Form electronically via ScholarOne Manuscripts .

A proof of the paper will be sent to the corresponding author for review and approval.

Note:  PES policy does not allow the author line to be changed once a paper has been accepted for publication.

Power Engineering Letters

The Power Engineering Letters Section in each of the PES Transactions offers a vehicle that speeds publication of new results, discoveries, and developments. It affords authors the opportunity to publish contributions within a few months of submission to ensure rapid dissemination of ideas and timely archiving of developments in a rapidly changing field. Original and significant contributions in applications, case studies, and research in all fields of power engineering are invited. Of specific interest are contributions defining emerging problems and special needs in specific areas. Authors are encouraged to submit contributions to the Letters Section offering new insight to established techniques, concepts, and methodologies in electric power engineering. Such contributions are distinctly different from discussions of papers recently published in the Transactions, in that the former seek to broaden the scope, and point to potential enhancements to existing and established technologies.

Letters should be formatted according to the instructions given in  Part 4  of the Author’s Kit. Note, however, that letters do not contain biographies. Original submissions are limited to 3 formatted pages. Revisions are limited to 3.5 pages. Letters exceeding these page limits will not be reviewed. (See Mandatory Page Charges for Power Engineering Letters below for additional information.)

In order for a letter to be submitted and reviewed, it must be uploaded by the author onto  ScholarOne Manuscripts . The uploading procedure is the same as that for Transactions papers discussed earlier under “Paper Submission Procedures.” Complete instructions are also available on  ScholarOne Manuscripts . The URL for the letters review site is: .

Any new submissions received by the Power Engineering Letters Editor-in-Chief will be returned for direct upload by the author.

If the letter is accepted for publication, the author will be required to upload the following final files to  ScholarOne Manuscripts  (note: no changes can be made to the letter after acceptance):

  • LaTeX or Microsoft Word source file of the letter
  • PDF file of the letter
  • Separate graphics files in Word, eps, ps, tiff, ppt or Excel format if the graphics are not embedded in the source file.

A proof of the letter will be sent to the corresponding author for review and approval.

Publication Information

Posting on ieee xplore ®.

After a paper or letter is accepted and the final files are uploaded by the author to  ScholarOne Manuscripts , the author-supplied PDF file is posted on IEEE Xplore ®  as an Early Access article. Failure to provide a PDF file as one of the final files will delay the posting on IEEE Xplore ® .

Proof of the Paper or Letter

Your manuscript will be edited by the IEEE Publications Department. The process of preparing a manuscript for publication can, on occasion, change, delete, or modify characters and equations. A proof of the manuscript will be sent to the corresponding author for review and approval. It is essential that the proof be checked as thoroughly as possible since the responsibility for the final text is the author’s.  Please note when checking your proof:

  • Check all mathematics and equations very carefully. It is the author’s responsibility to verify that they have converted properly.  (Note: TeX and LaTeX documents are more likely to be converted properly with the rest of the text. Equations in other formats generally must be re-keyed.)
  • Check all figures and tables and verify that they are numbered correctly.
  • Biographies and photos, if included, should be verified. If photos are submitted at the proof stage, be sure they are appropriately identified.

If any authors are members of the IEEE, please provide their membership grade and years of grade.

It is the policy of the IEEE to own the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes on behalf of the interests of the IEEE, its authors, and their employers, and to facilitate the appropriate reuse of this material by others. To comply with United States copyright law, authors are required to sign and submit a completed IEEE Copyright Form. This form returns to authors and their employers full rights to reuse their material for their own purposes.

Voluntary Page Charges

After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author or his/her company or institution will be requested to pay a charge of $110 per page, for the first 12 published pages for manuscripts submitted January 1, 2024 or later, for the first 10 published pages for manuscripts submitted January 1, 2023–December 31, 2023, or for the first 8 published pages for manuscripts submitted prior to 2023. These voluntary page charges cover part of the cost of publication. Payment will not be obligatory nor a prerequisite for publication.

Mandatory Page Charges for Transactions Papers

The author or his/her company or institution will be billed $250 per each page in excess of the first 12 published pages for papers submitted January 1, 2024 or later, $200 per each page in excess of the first 10 published pages for papers submitted January 1, 2023–December 31, 2023, or $150 per each page in excess of the first 8 published pages for papers submitted prior to 2023. Payment of these charges is not negotiable or voluntary.

Mandatory Page Charges for Power Engineering Letters

Power Engineering Letters are limited to 3 pages upon submission. A half page may be added to respond to reviewer comments. If, in the revision and editing processes, the letter exceeds 3 pages, the author will be charged $250 for the 4th page for manuscripts submitted January 1, 2024 or later or $200 for manuscripts submitted January 1, 2023–December 31, 2023. The authors should strictly follow IEEE format and template so that the length of an accepted letter does not exceed 4 pages after revision and editing. Any letter more than 4 pages in length (after revision and formatting) will not be accepted for publication. If in editing/formatting the letter becomes 5 pages, the Publications Department and the authors need to work with the Editor-in-Chief to reduce the content to fit to 4 pages.  

Color Charges

IEEE now offers the option to print figures in grayscale but post online free of charge. Any color figures submitted will be automatically processed by IEEE for online color. Figures may also be printed in color for a charge of $275 per color figure. Payment of these charges is not negotiable or voluntary.

Presentation at a PES General Meeting

An author who is interested in presenting an accepted Transactions paper at a PES General Meeting must upload the paper’s abstract and the full paper (as a supporting document) to the meeting’s submission and review site. They will be sent directly to the appropriate Technical Committee Program Chair (TCPC) based on the committee selection and that TCPC will determine if the topic of the paper is suited for presentation in one of his or her technical sessions. The author will be notified of the decision by e-mail. See the PES web site for details for specific meetings. (Please note: The author should follow the steps on the review site and upload the full paper in addition to the abstract. This is for the TCPC’s use only. The full paper will not be published in the Proceedings. Do not upload the full paper as its own submission. It must be uploaded along with the abstract so there will be only one conference paper number.)

Accepted Transactions papers that will be presented at a PES General Meeting (in a poster session, or if invited by a Technical Committee, in a session of another format) will have their abstracts published in the Conference Proceedings for that meeting.  At least one author of the Transactions paper must register for the meeting and pay the appropriate registration fee! Papers will not be scheduled for presentation nor abstracts of the papers published in the Proceedings unless the fee is paid.  Registration forms will be made available on the PES web site.

Questions, Comments, and the Future

Changes in the use of electronics in publishing are dynamic, and we recognize that the instructions given in this document will need to be revised. We also know that you, the author, are in a unique position of knowing both your capabilities and your needs. We welcome your suggestions regarding this document.

All comments, questions, and suggestions about this document will be forwarded to the correct person if you send them to:

IEEE PES Executive Office

Author’s kit.

The author’s kit is available to offer guidelines for the submission for all technical work for review.


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Open Calls For Transactions

IEEE PES Transactions distribute the latest findings to researchers, engineers, and educators  in the power and energy field.

© Copyright 2024 IEEE — All rights reserved. A not-for-profit organization, IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.

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Contributor Form Updates

Production center guide (subscription journals), production center steps.

After a manuscript is accepted in Sage Track, it will move into the Production Workflow. Manuscripts in the “In Production” queues have not yet gone to production and require additional processing by a journal admin or editor. These tasks ensure that Production receives all files necessary to prepare the manuscript for publication.

The post-acceptance steps on Sage Track can be thought of as occurring in three stages:

  • Collecting copyright information (“Contributor Forms Due”, “Contributor Forms In”)
  • Confirming that all files are present and production-ready (“Production Checklist”)
  • Sending the manuscript to production (“Assign Manuscripts to Batch”, “Assigned to Batch – Awaiting Export)

Contributor Forms Due

When a manuscript is accepted, the author will be prompted to complete a contributor form. While awaiting the completion of this form, the manuscript will be listed in the “Contributor Forms Due” queue.

ieee awaiting assignment to batch

Contributor Forms In

The manuscript will move into Contributor Forms In once the author has submitted the form.

Once you have located the manuscript in Contributor Forms In, you may view the form as an HTML or PDF file.

ieee awaiting assignment to batch

The contributor form can be viewed as a PDF or HTML file. There are two questions to review before proceeding:

  • The copyright to the Work is owned by the Contributors: This is the most commonly selected option. No other information is required.
  • U. S. Government work: If this option is selected, please ensure that the author has named the government employer/agency.
  • Other Government work (not U.S.): If this option is selected, please ensure that the author has named the government employer.
  • Work made for hire for employer/Work done in the course of employment (non-government):  If this option is selected, the form cannot be signed electronically.  The author will be required to fill out a physical copy of the form, which can then be scanned and sent via email. The copy can be uploaded to the manuscript in the submission’s Manuscript Files tab. The physical copy of the form can be found in Instructions & Forms, located at the top of every page in the site.  
  • Third-Party Materials: If the author indicates that the manuscript contains third-party material and/or personal images requiring permission, they will be expected to forward all permission agreements to the editorial office within five days after signing the agreement. If the author has selected “no” to this question, no further information is needed.

If the form is incomplete, it may be rescinded back to the author. If the form is complete, click “Forms Complete—Move to Next Task.”

Production Checklist

After a manuscript’s contributor form has been completed, the manuscript will move into the Production Checklist step.

On most sites this step can be completed in either the Production or Admin Centres. However, on  some sites the Production Checklist can only be completed from the Production Center—it will not appear in a fillable format when accessed from the Admin Center.

Admin Center View:

ieee awaiting assignment to batch

Production Center View:

ieee awaiting assignment to batch

The purpose of the Production Checklist is to ensure that the manuscript is ready to go out to production before being assigned to batch. Any changes that need to be made to the contents of the manuscript and manuscript files should be completed at this time.

The Production Checklist is customizable, but the default points are as follows:

  • Files Approved: Ensure that all files are in an editable format, such as .doc or .docx, and that there are no duplicates marked for batch in Manuscript Files. Likewise, any files that need to be updated, replaced, or added should be done at this point, also in Manuscript Files.
  • Copyright Form Received: The contributor form has been received and approved. This check is particularly useful if the author completed a physical copy of the form and submitted it via email (as requested by Sage in the cases of work made for hire.)
  • Author Information Complete: The author information entered in Sage Track matches the author information in the title page. The most important aspect is making sure that there are no discrepancies between the authors listed on the manuscript and the number of authors in Sage Track—the names and number of names are the same.
  • Production notes: Any miscellaneous information that should go to production, such as issue number, can be entered here.

Once these checks have been confirmed, click “Checklist Complete.”

Assign to Batch

When the production checklist is complete, the manuscript will move into the Assign Manuscripts to Batch queue.

ieee awaiting assignment to batch

There are typically two options:

  • Sage Production: Exports the manuscript files and data within 24 hours.
  • Sage Production- Real Time: Exports the manuscript files and data within 15 minutes on average.

You may also see a third option:

  • Clear Production Queue: Does not export the manuscript to production. In case a manuscript has been successfully exported but has not left the Admin Dashboard, you will use this batch to remove it from the Assign to Batch queue. The manuscript files will send to you; feel free to delete them once they reach your email inbox.

After choosing the appropriate option and clicking “Assign”, the manuscript will move from Assign Manuscripts to Batch to Assigned to Batch—Awaiting Export in the Admin/Production Center. The Assigned to Batch—Awaiting Export queue is a temporary placeholder for manuscripts that have already been assigned to batch.

ieee awaiting assignment to batch

When the manuscript is awaiting export, the status will appear as follows:

ieee awaiting assignment to batch

When the manuscript exports successfully, it will disappear from the Assigned To Batch queue. It will no longer appear in the Admin or Production Centers, but it will still be searchable if you ever need to refer back to it.

ieee awaiting assignment to batch

When the manuscript exports successfully, it will arrive in SMART with all files and metadata automatically input into the system. Production will also receive an email will the following information:

  • Manuscript ID
  • Manuscript Type
  • Manuscript Title
  • Manuscript Abstract
  • Corresponding Author
  • Corresponding Author Address
  • All author(s)
  • All author(s) Emails
  • Submitted Date
  • Revise Date
  • Acceptance Date
  • Production Notes
  • FundRef Funding Sources
  • Is this article based on research that was funded entirely or partially by an outside source?
  • If yes, please provide details of the funding source(s) to the format specified.
  • Funding and/or grant number:
  • Please confirm you have additionally provided this funding acknowledgment statement within your manuscript.

If an author requests that the Corresponding Author name on a Contributor Form housed within Sage Track be corrected, please follow these steps:

1. Ensure that the Contact and Submitting Author reflect the appropriate Corresponding author's information.

2. Contact ScholarOne ( [email protected] ), requesting that the form be corrected. You can use the following template for your request:

SUBJECT: Update Contributor Form - JOURNALNAME (/URL)

Could you update the Contributor Form for submission SUBMISSIONID to JOURNALNAME (/URL)? The correct Contact Author is as follows:


Let me know if anything else is needed for this. Thank you!

3. Once you receive confirmation that the form has been updated, access the submission's Contributor Form Tracking tab and confirm that the Corresponding Author listed is correct . You should also view the form to make sure it's properly listed within the form to be signed.

ieee awaiting assignment to batch

4. Contact the Corresponding Author, instructing them to access and sign the new form via their Author Center.

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  • Transactions on Industrial Informatics

TII - Initial Submission

Submission of a new manuscript for review.

Contributions to the Transactions, Journals, and Letters may be submitted electronically on IEEE's on-line manuscript submission and peer-review system, ScholarOne® Manuscripts (former Manuscript Central).

Visit the information for authors page and download the instructions document and the manuscript template.

Before submitting, carefully read the TII checklist below "TII checklist for new manuscript submissions" and modify your manuscript accordingly. Once your paper is completely suitable to TII rules, follow this procedure:

  • Open ScholarOne® Manuscripts web . If you haven't an existing account, please create it.
  • Go to your Author Center and click "Submit First Draft of a New Manuscript".
  • Along with other information, you will be asked to select the subject from a pull-down list. There are various steps to the submission process; you must complete all steps for a complete submission. At the end of each step you must click "Save and Continue".
  • Just uploading the paper is not sufficient. After the last step, you should see a confirmation that the submission is complete. You should also receive an e-mail confirmation.
  • More detailed instructions can be found at S1M Training Area .
  • Effective February 15th, 2024, all author and reviewer accounts MUST use institutional email addresses. 

Please notice that in your Author Center you may check the current status of your manuscript such as: In EIC office, Assigned to AE, AE invites reviewers, AE assigns reviewers, Under review, Awaiting AE decision, and Awaiting EIC decision. If you find that your manuscript is not moving in the process for a month or more please contact the Editor-in-Chief.

TII checklist for manuscript submissions

Authors should consider the following points before submitting a new paper. Otherwise the submission would be automatically rejected.

  • New manuscripts cannot exceed 8 pages . Note that usually in the review process the reviewers tend to ask for more explanations, also note that the maximum allowed length is 8 pages on initial/first submission. Note that in the final page count, the authors' bios and photos should be included.
  • In order to secure unbiased review process, we ask that none of the authors be identifiable within the manuscript (do NOT include authors' names, their biographies, affiliation, cover letter, signed copyright form, identifying footnotes, acknowledgments, etc.). We believe this helps ensure that the manuscript will receive a more objective and unbiased review. Please remove any trace that can identify author, editor or reviewers names, institutions, financing sources, IEEE membership grade, etc. Revealing author identity is a ground for rejection and may cause a long delay in processing your manuscript. Depositing of the submitted work in any publicly accessible repository (arXiv, etc.), will be rejected immediately at any step as soon as they are found.
  • If a significant portion of your manuscript was already published at a conference, the paper must hide the identity all of the authors, so the conference paper can be cited as if it were written by different authors.
  • In state-of-the-art papers, with adequate justification, the EiC may increase the page limit to 12 pages. Please notice that IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics policy doesn't consider surveys,  review, state of the art papers or project reports. Only Guest Editors of a special sections are invited to submit such kind of manuscript. Our typical papers propose new methods and demonstrate their effectiveness through experimental results in combination (exceptionally)  with simulation results. Our suggestion is to submit a strict research paper.  
  • The only file which has to be submitted (uploaded) is the manuscript in PDF format (WORD files are also possible but please be sure that the file was properly converted by the submission system). In order to make it portable you must embed the not standard fonts or avoid them in the PDF file. This is not an easy process, but often all problems are solved when you are printing PDF file from WORD and you will select in printer properties "Press Quality" instead of "Standard".
  • Manuscripts must be in IEEE double column format and all other IEEE guidelines described in this document, so the length of the paper and readability of figures can be evaluated.
  • The file maximum size cannot exceed 40MB to make it accessible to our tools. Usually you will get that by adjusting the size of the figures. Note that "EPS" figures format only is required on the Final Stage.
  • Your manuscript must be within the scope of IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics . If not, we will not be able to provide adequate review.
  • All cited papers must be referenced within the text of the manuscript. Be sure that the manuscript is up to date. It is expected that a significant portion of references are to recently published papers. For the primary submission, the number of references cannot be more than 30.
  • No more than two self-citations per author in the references for a regular paper submission.
  • Your manuscript must have abstract correctly written . In the age of electronic publications it is not easy to be noticed (Industrial Electronics Society alone receives over 15,000 conference and journal papers per year). Authors have to do everything possible so the paper will be noticed and read. Therefore, very careful wording should be used in the title and in the abstract. Without a proper title and abstract a great paper might never be found and read from IEEE Xplore.
  • Your paper should describe very clearly your accomplishments so other people can understand what is your original contribution and use it. Notice that usually your technical accomplishments will be evaluated based on the number of citations but not based on the number of papers published.
  • Write clearly your manuscript . Try to keep your manuscript on the proper level from one section to another. It should be easy to understand by well-qualified professionals, but at the same time please avoid describing well-known facts (use proper references instead). Often manuscripts receive negative reviews because reviewers are not able to understand the manuscript and this is authors' (not reviewers') fault. Notice, that if reviewers have difficulties, then other readers will face the same problem and there is no reason to publish the manuscript.
  • Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems
  • Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics
  • Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society
  • Industrial Electronics Magazine


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Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Typical workflow of a journal

ieee awaiting assignment to batch

Schematic overview of journal workflow

Initial Check

This step is usually performed by the journal's administrative staff. It may include for example:

  • Checking for missing or broken files.
  • Checking compliance with length requirements, if any.
  • Checking central formatting requirements, e.g., line numbers, if required by the journal.
  • A plagiarism check.
  • Excluding manuscripts of very low quality, such as automatic translations or manuscripts with very poor language.

Also known as: technical check, initial QC (AIP), admin checklist (IEEE), Awaiting Editorial Office Processing (ScholarOne), quality check (NPG)

Typical duration: A few workdays.

Editor assignment or invitation

Based on the topic of the manuscript and suggestions by the authors, an editor is assigned to handle the manuscript. Depending on the journal, the assignment may be done by technical staff, the journal's chief editor, or automatic by submission category or author suggestion. With some journals, editors are invited and not assigned.

Also known as: with editors (APS), editor assigned (Editorial Manager, AIP), AE assignment (IEEE), assigned to the editor (NPG)

Typical duration: A few workdays to several weeks.

Editorial assessment

The editors decide whether the paper should enter the review process or should be rejected directly, e.g., because it does not fit the journal’s scope or requirements on importance or quality. A rejection at this (or the previous) stage is called desk reject. The paper may also be returned to the authors for reasons other than rejection, such as to request more data or clearer figures prior to formal review.

With revised manuscripts, the editors assess whether the existing reviews have been addressed adequately. If yes, they either proceed with another round of reviews or jump to editorial decision immediately – this mostly depends on the magnitude and nature of the revision.

Also known as: with editors (APS), waiting for potential reviewer assignment (AIP), under review (ScholarOne), assigned to the editor (NPG)

Typical duration: This strongly depends on the journal: With some journals, it is less than a week; with others it may take a month, in particular if several people are involved in the decision or the initial quality hurdle is high.

Peer review

The editor selects a number of potential referees to review the manuscript. Should a referee decline to review or not perform the review in a certain time (as given by the editor or journal), the editor usually has to select a new referee. The main exception to this is if the other referees already provided sufficient reviews at this point.

With revised manuscripts, usually the reviewers from the previous round are selected. The editor may also decide that certain or all reviewers need not see the manuscript again, as their comments have been adequately addressed.

Also known as: with reviewers, with referees, under review, awaiting referee assignment, awaiting referee reports, awaiting reviewer scores (ScholarOne), reviewers assigned, manuscript assigned to peer-reviewer/s (NPG)

The initial selection of referees is usually comprised in the previous step. Some editorial systems give the status as with editors (or similar) if a new referee needs to be assigned and no other referee is currently assigned. Others will show under review regardless.

Typical duration: This strongly depends on the field and journal. It typically ranges from a few weeks to several months, but in some cases (particularly for highly theoretical work where intense proof-checking is expected), it may be as long as one to two years. Moreover, the key factors for the duration of an individual peer-review process are how soon the reviewers perform the review and how many reviewers decline or fail to review the manuscript. Thus, even for a given journal, there is a strong variation of review durations. Some journals give their statistics on this time (or a related one) on their webpage.

Editorial decision

Based on the reviews, the editors decide whether:

  • The manuscript shall be rejected.
  • The manuscript needs to be revised by the authors before it can possibly be accepted. If the authors submit a revised manuscript, the workflow is mostly the same as for the initial submission.
  • The manuscript shall be accepted as it is.
  • A decision requires further reviews.

Also known as with editors (APS), review completed, required reviews completed (Elsevier Editorial System (EES)), awaiting AE recommendation, awaiting decision (ScholarOne), awaiting EiC decision (IEEE), Editor Decision Started (AIP), Decision Started (NPG). This may be followed by a short stage denoted decision letter being prepared (or similar).

Typical duration: A few workdays to a week. This may take longer with some journals, in particular if several people are involved in the decision.

Copy editing and typesetting

The article is copy-edited and typeset by the publisher. Occasionally, requests to the authors may occur at this stage, e.g., due to low-quality figures.

For some journals, a pre-copy-editing version of the manuscript will be put online at this point under a category like Just Accepted, with a warning that the current version has not yet been copy-edited and may change further before publication.

Also known as: in production, in press

Typical duration: This mostly depends on the publisher’s backlog – between a few workdays to over a year, roughly correlated with the length of the publication delay (see below).

Final proofreading

The authors are sent the paper’s proofs, i.e., the paper as it is about to be published. If corrections are necessary, it goes back to copy editing and typesetting.

Also known as: proofs with authors, Galley proof

Typical duration: Most journals request proofs to be returned within a certain time, usually between 48 hours and a week (reasons).


For some journals, particularly newer ones with an online-centric publication model, an article will be published immediately after the previous step has been completed.

Other journals with a more traditional process will queue up the publication for collation into a journal issue with other articles. The time before this issue is published depends on the size of the journal’s publication backlog and can range anywhere from a few weeks to several years.

Many journals with an issue-based delay provide “online early” access to articles so that they are available to the community before the final issue date. Articles thus often acquire two publication dates: one for online and one for print publication.


ieee awaiting assignment to batch

Diverse Batch Steganography using Model-based Selection and Double-layered Payload Assignment

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  1. [Solved] What does "Awaiting Assignment to Batch" mean?

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  1. publications

    6. First, congratulations!! "Awaiting Assignment to Batch" is part of the accepted workflow. Once accepted, some journals have a set of tasks that a manuscript goes through. One of the steps available (and being used here) is batching and sending of the manuscript to the journals production service. It will wait until a predetermined condition ...

  2. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems投稿记录_awaiting

    Awaiting Assignment to Batch:4-Apr-2022,提交最终版手稿后状态,记得同时转让论文版权,否则会延迟出版。 总结:从投稿到接收用了整整一年时间,期间经历三次修回,受限于一位专家不停的提出很多细小问题,期间补充了模拟实验,精简了方法流程,总体来说只要有耐心,认真修改即可。

  3. 请问大家IEEE Trans 提交final files 之后一般要多久才会交版面封及proof啊

    求助. ] 请问大家IEEE Trans 提交final files 之后一般要多久才会交版面封及proof啊. 已有1人参与. 6月30号发邮件说论文接收,7月7号提交final files并签署了版权协议,到现在一直没有提示我交版面封以及proof,投稿网站的状态也一直是 Awaiting Assignment to Batch。. 所以想 ...


    Professor and Director. Technology Management Doctoral Program. Department of Engineering and Technology Management. Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science. Portland OR 97201 USA. Phone 503 725 4582. Fax 503 725 4667. email: [email protected].

  5. Authoring Tools and Templates

    Use IEEE article templates in Word or LaTeX to easily format your article for publication. Write collaboratively with your co-authors in Overleaf, an authoring tool for LaTeX and rich text documents. Overleaf is preloaded with IEEE templates for your convenience. Both Overleaf and LaTeX resources are available online for beginners and advanced ...

  6. Preparation and Submission of Transactions Papers

    The Editorial Board of each Transactions has the sole responsibility and authority for judging all submissions of Transactions papers for acceptance, revision and resubmission, or rejection. The required abstract (150-200 words) and up to 10 keywords will be reviewed in conjunction with the paper.

  7. PDF Preparation of Papers for IEEE Trans on Industrial Electronics (Apr. 2021)

    Under review, Awaiting AE decision, and Awaiting EIC de-cision. If you find that your manuscript is not moving in the process fora monthor moreplease contact the Editor-in-Chief. A. TIE checklist for manuscript submissions Authors should consider the following points before sub-mitting a new paper. Otherwise the submission will be auto-

  8. PDF Production Center Guide

    ASSIGNING PAPERS TO A BATCH . After completing the Production checklist, the manuscript will need to be assigned to a batch for export. There are multiple ways this process can be completed. ASSIGNING TO BATCH INDIVIDUALLY . Select the desired batch in the Assign to Batch drop down menu and click Assign. Once this is done, the export history ...

  9. Production Management in Sage Track

    Sending the manuscript to production ("Assign Manuscripts to Batch", "Assigned to Batch - Awaiting Export) Contributor Forms Due. When a manuscript is accepted, the author will be prompted to complete a contributor form. While awaiting the completion of this form, the manuscript will be listed in the "Contributor Forms Due" queue.

  10. IEEE Industrial Electronics Society

    There are various steps to the submission process; you must complete all steps for a complete submission. At the end of each step you must click "Save and Continue". Just uploading the paper is not sufficient. After the last step, you should see a confirmation that the submission is complete.

  11. What is the meaning of the status "Awaiting Production ...

    This is the stage where the manuscript is queued for printing/online publication. In some cases, the "awaiting production checklist" status is a clickable link or requires a checklist to be completed. I recommend that you check whether there is a link provided with the status you see. If so, please click on it and follow subsequent steps.

  12. How much time would it take for the status to change from 'Awaiting

    You have three queries. Let's take them one by one. Meaning of 'Awaiting Editor Assignment' This means that your manuscript has cleared the admin check, that is, it was found matching the journal's scope and also adhering to the journal's guidelines, apart from a cursory check of the novelty and quality of the study.

  13. Effective Non-Iterative Phase Retrieval of 2-D ...

    The phase retrieval problem is dealt with for the challenging case where just a single set of (phaseless) field data is available. In particular, the adoption of a new set of intersecting curves in the spectral plane allows decisive improvements over our recent approaches emulating the solution of crosswords puzzles, thus removing relevant limitations on the source size. Numerical examples ...

  14. What does a change from Awaiting Reviewer Assignment to Awaiting

    Awaiting Reviewer Assignment means the journal editor has started reaching out to potential reviewers for your manuscript. Awaiting Reviewer Selection, which is the next stage, means that the editor has received responses from multiple peer reviewers and is presently in the process of making a selection among them. For most manuscripts, in the ...

  15. Typical workflow of a journal

    Also known as: technical check, initial QC (AIP), admin checklist (IEEE), Awaiting Editorial Office Processing (ScholarOne), quality check (NPG) Typical duration: A few workdays. Editor assignment or invitation. Based on the topic of the manuscript and suggestions by the authors, an editor is assigned to handle the manuscript.

  16. Q: What does the status 'awaiting AE assignment' mean?

    The editorial hierarchy varies from journal to journal. Eic usually signifies the Editor in chief. Once initial check up is done on your manuscript, the EIC will screen your manuscript to check if it fits the scope of the journal and if it is of sufficient interest to the journal's readership. He will then assign a AE or an academic editor who ...

  17. Production Center User Guide

    Automatic Batch Assignment Sites have the option to have manuscripts assigned to a batch or batches automatically upon completion of the production checklist task. Once this has occurred, the manuscript will be placed directly in the Awaiting Export queue. If you would like this option activated, created a

  18. Logistics scheduling with due date assignment and batch delivery

    This paper aims to study the logistics scheduling with due date assignment and batch delivery. A set of orders needs to be processed by the manufacturer and delivered to the customers upon completion. Each customer has a specific acceptable lead time. The manufacturer assigns a due date for one order by negotiating with the customers. The problem is to assign appropriate due date for the ...

  19. Diverse Batch Steganography using Model-based Selection ...

    Batch steganography regarding to image-selection and payload-allocation has gained increasing attention due to the secure demanding of data hiding of real scenario. However, due to the predefined selection mechanism, the chosen images are always complex which means that the diversity of the selected cover set is finite. In this paper, we develop a diverse and secure batch steganography scheme ...

  20. Is it normal for a paper to be in Awaiting Editor Assignment a long

    The manuscript awaiting the assignment of an editor for more than two-and-half months is both a bit long and unusual. It's more common to have a challenge finding peer reviewers, unless with this journal or for this paper, the review is to be done internally. If that's not the case, the journal is having a challenge assigning an editor to ...