
Three Days Holiday Leave Application (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional three days holiday leave application.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Three-Day Holiday Leave Application

First, find the sample template for three days holiday leave application below.

To, The Principal, [Your School’s Name], [City, State]

Subject: Application for Three Days Leave

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Name], am writing this letter to respectfully request a leave of absence for three days. I am a student of class [Your Class] in your esteemed institution.

Due to some personal family matters that require my urgent attention, I will not be able to attend school from [Start Date] to [End Date]. I kindly request you to grant me leave for these three days. I want to assure you that I will take the responsibility to cover up with the lessons and assignments that I will miss during my absence.

I apologize for any inconvenience caused due to my absence and greatly appreciate your understanding in this matter.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your favorable response.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name], [Your Roll Number], [Your Class and Section]

Date: [Current Date]

Below I have listed 5 different sample applications for “three days holiday leave application” that you will certainly find useful for specific scenarios:

Application for Holiday Leave for Family Vacation

Application for Holiday Leave for Family Vacation

To, The Manager, [Company’s Name], [Company’s Address], [City, State, Postal Code],

Subject: Application for Holiday Leave for Family Vacation

I, [Your Name], working as a [Your Job Position] in the [Your Department] department, am writing this letter to kindly request you to grant me leave from [Start Date] to [End Date] as I am planning to go on a vacation with my family.

My family and I have planned a vacation to [Vacation Place] during this period. This vacation has been planned for a long time and it will provide me with a much-needed break to rejuvenate and spend some quality time with my family. I believe this time-off will also enhance my productivity at work on my return.

I assure you that I have delegated my responsibilities to [Colleague’s Name], who has kindly agreed to cover for me in my absence. I am confident that he/she will take care of all the necessary tasks efficiently. I will also ensure that my work until the leave period is up-to-date, and there won’t be any pending tasks.

I humbly request you to consider my application and grant me leave for the mentioned period. I am ready to provide any further information that you may need in this regard.

Thank you for your understanding and consideration.

Yours sincerely, [Your Full Name] [Your Position] [Employee ID] [Your contact number] [Your Email Address] [Date]

Application for Three Days Leave for Health Check-up

Application for Three Days Leave for Health Check-up

To, The Principal, [School Name], [School Address], [City], [State], [Pin code]

Subject: Application for Three Days Leave for Health Check-up

I, [Your Name], a student of class [Your Class] in your esteemed institution, am writing this letter to kindly request you to grant me leave for three days from [Start Date] to [End Date]. The reason for my absence would be to undergo a necessary health check-up that has been scheduled by my family doctor.

Due to the thorough nature of these health tests, the process will take three days to complete. I assure you that I will collect and complete any missed assignments or lectures during my absence. My health is currently not at its best, and attending these check-ups is crucial for my well-being.

I understand the importance of regular attendance at school, but under the circumstances, I hope you would consider my request. I believe that being in good health is crucial for effective learning, and therefore I need to attend this medical check-up.

I have attached the doctor’s note for your reference. I would be grateful if you could grant me leave for the aforementioned dates. I apologize for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Roll Number] [Date]

Application for Holiday Leave for Attending a Wedding

Application for Holiday Leave for Attending a Wedding

To, [Recipient’s Name] [Recipient’s Position], [Company Name], [Company Address]

Subject: Application for Holiday Leave for Attending a Wedding

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am writing to formally request for a leave of absence from work, scheduled from [Start Date] to [End Date], as I have to attend a family wedding in [City Name].

The event is of great importance to my family and my presence at the wedding is obligatory. It is a significant occasion that allows us to maintain our close familial ties and take part in the joyous union of two individuals.

I understand that my absence may cause some inconvenience, but I assure you that I have planned my tasks accordingly. I have delegated my responsibilities to [Colleague’s Name], who has kindly agreed to oversee my work during this period. Furthermore, I will be reachable via email and phone for any urgent matters that may arise.

I will be highly obliged if you could consider my application and grant me the requested leave. I assure you of my utmost dedication and hard work once I resume my duties post my return.

Thank you for your understanding and support. I am looking forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely, [Your Full Name] [Your Position] [Your Contact Information] [Today’s Date]

Application for Three Days Off for Personal Matters

Application for Three Days Off for Personal Matters

To, [Recipient’s Name], [Recipient’s Position], [Company Name], [Company Address]

Subject: Application for Three Days Leave for Personal Matters

I am writing this letter to formally request a leave of absence for three days from [Start Date] to [End Date]. I need this time off due to personal matters that require my immediate and undivided attention.

I understand the responsibilities of my position and have hence taken all necessary steps to ensure that my absence does not disrupt the normal function of our team. I have delegated my tasks to [Co-worker’s Name] who has kindly agreed to cover for me during this period. I am confident that they will handle all matters competently, ensuring that the workflow remains smooth.

I assure you that I will check my emails periodically in case there is an urgent matter that requires my attention. I am also ready to extend my support remotely if needed.

I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused due to my sudden leave and I am thankful for your understanding. I look forward to your positive response.

Thank you for considering my request.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Employee ID] [Date]

Application for Leave for Pursuing a Short Course

Application for Leave for Pursuing a Short Course

To, The Principal, [Your School’s Name], [Your School’s Address], [City, State, Postal Code]

Subject: Application for Leave for Pursuing a Short Course

I, [Your Full Name], am currently studying in class [Your Current Class] at your esteemed institution. I am writing this letter to formally request your kind permission to take leave for a duration of [Number of Days of Leave] from [Starting Date of Leave] to [Ending Date of Leave].

The reason for this leave application is that I have been given the opportunity to pursue a short course on [Name of the Course] by [Name of Institution/Organization providing the course]. I believe that this course will significantly contribute to my academic growth and broadening my knowledge horizon in [Specify the Subject/Field related to the Course].

I understand that my absence from school for this period might cause a disruption in my academic progress. Therefore, I am ready to take extra measures to cover up for the missed classes and academic content. I would be grateful if you could instruct my teachers to provide me with the necessary assignments and lessons, which I promise to complete within the stipulated time frame.

I assure you that I will utilize this opportunity to the fullest and bring back new learnings that I can share with my peers.

Thanking you in anticipation of your understanding and positive response.

Yours sincerely, [Your Full Name] [Your Roll Number/Class] [Date]

How to Write Three Days Holiday Leave Application

Some writing tips to help you craft a better application:

  • Start your letter with a formal greeting such as “Dear [Manager’s Name]”
  • Mention the purpose of your letter in the first sentence itself, for example, “I am writing to request a leave of absence for three days.”
  • Specify the exact dates for your leave and the date of your return.
  • Briefly explain the reason for your leave if you feel it is appropriate.
  • Assure them that your tasks or responsibilities will be covered during your absence.
  • Express gratitude for considering your request and be sure to convey that you understand the potential implications of your absence.
  • End the letter politely with a closing like “Sincerely” or “Best Regards,” followed by your full name.

Related Topics:

  • Two Month Leave Application for Office
  • Two Hours Leave Application to Boss
  • Application for Two Days Leave Due to Fever

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I am sure you will get some insights from here on how to write “three days holiday leave application”. And to help further, you can also download all the above application samples as PDFs by clicking here .

And if you have any related queries, kindly feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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how to write application letter for holiday

Holiday Request Letter: 4 Free Templates

Are you preparing to request time off for a well-deserved holiday? Crafting a well-structured holiday request letter is crucial to communicate your request professionally and clearly.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through each step, offering insights to ensure your message is respectful, informative, and in compliance with company policies.

Let’s proceed with this important task together, prioritizing a seamless and stress-free holiday planning process.

Table of Contents

What to Write in a Holiday Request Letter

Writing a Holiday Request Letter provides you with an opportunity to formally request time off for personal reasons. Follow these steps to compose a clear and professional message:

  • Address the Appropriate Party: Begin your letter by addressing the relevant party or parties, such as your supervisor or HR department. Be sure to use their appropriate titles or names.
  • Clearly State the Purpose: Clearly and succinctly state the purpose of the letter, which is to request time off for a holiday. Specify the dates for which you are requesting leave.
  • Provide a Justification (if necessary): If there is a specific reason for your holiday request, such as a family event or a milestone celebration, briefly mention it. However, ensure the reason is appropriate and relevant.
  • Propose a Plan for Coverage (if applicable): If your absence will require coverage of your responsibilities, suggest a plan for how your tasks will be managed in your absence. This demonstrates your consideration for the team’s needs.
  • Offer to Assist in Preparation (if applicable): If there are any preparations or tasks that need to be completed before your departure, express your willingness to assist in ensuring a smooth transition.
  • Request Confirmation and Provide Contact Information: Politely request confirmation of your holiday request and provide your contact information in case further information or clarification is needed.

Tips for Writing a Holiday Request Letter

Consider the following tips to ensure your letter is professional, considerate, and effective:

  • Be Timely: Submit your holiday request in a timely manner to allow for proper planning and scheduling.
  • Maintain Professionalism: Keep a professional and courteous tone throughout the letter. Avoid using overly casual language.
  • Check Company Policies: Familiarize yourself with your company’s policies and procedures regarding holiday requests to ensure compliance.
  • Proofread Carefully: Before finalizing your letter, proofread it to ensure there are no spelling or grammatical errors. A well-proofread letter reflects attention to detail.

By following these steps and tips, you’ll be well-prepared to compose a Holiday Request Letter that effectively communicates your request for time off. Your letter will demonstrate your professionalism and consideration for proper procedures in the holiday planning process.

Template: 1

Holiday Request Letter to Manager

Dear Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. [ Insert the name of whomsoever it is concerned to]

SUB: [ Insert the subject concerned to the letter]

Greetings of the day!

I am submitting this letter to you to notify you about the leave request I had put forward to the company for granting me a leave dated from [ insert the start date of the leave to be taken in DD- MM- YYYY ] to [ insert the end date of the leave to be taken in DD- MM- YYYY], i.e. a period of [ insert the number of days/ weeks of the leave to be taken] days/weeks.

The organization is aware of the information prior that since the last [ insert the number of years since working at the organization] years, I’ve been taking very few leaves. My family is settled in [Insert the name of a relevant location], and it has been [ insert the number of years as per] years that I have visited them.

I have planned my travel to [ insert the name of the relevant location] on the [ insert the date of travel in DD- MM- YYYY] for which, I would want to put forward my plea to kindly grant me this leave dated from [ insert the requested start date for the leave to be taken] to [ insert the requested end date for leave to be taken]

I would greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness towards this leave request and grant me the allowance for the same.

Thank you very much!

Sincere Regards,

[ Insert the Full Name of the Sender]

[ Insert the Designation at the organization], [ Insert the Name of the Organization]

[ insert the contact details]

Download Template : ( pdf, docs, ODT, RTF, txt, HTML, Epub, Etc )

Letter Template: 2

[Mention the name of the sender]

[Mention the address of the sender]

[Mention the contact details]

[Mention the Email address]

[Mention the date]

Subject- holiday request letter to manager

[Mention the name of the recipient]

[Mention the address of the recipient]

[Mention the contact information]

Dear [Mention the name of the recipient],

I hope this letter reaches you in good health.

I’m sending you this email [mention the email address] to ask that you give me a leave of absence starting on [mention the start date] and ending on [mention the end date]. My family and I are traveling to the [mention the name] because my kids’ summer break begins this week. I would like to use some of the paid time off that I have been given in this direction.

Employees typically use their vacation time for things like travel or recuperation and relaxation. To help their employees maintain a healthy work-life balance, several businesses provide vacation time.

Due to my travels, I may only have sporadic access to the internet and phone [mention the pH number]. I will, however, return all calls and messages as soon as I can. My teammate, Mr. Or Ms. Or Mr.s enter name> [mention the name], has been given permission to handle any urgent issues pertaining to my job responsibilities in the interim.

In [mention the name], a company’s leave policy may or may not include vacation time as a distinct type of leaves. These types of leaves can be paid or unpaid and can last anything from a few days to a whole month.

Let’s look at some leave requests that you can utilize to request your upcoming vacation time.

I anticipate receiving your blessing.

[Mention the of the sender]

[Mention the phone number]


Letter Template: 3

I’m glad to hear that.

I’m writing to request official leave from the [mention the date]th to the [mention the date]th. During this time, my kids will have [mention the number] weeks off from school for the Diwali holidays, and we’ve booked a trip to [mention the name] as a family. I would prefer to use my remaining [mention the number] days of paid leave for this year. By [mention the month] [mention the date] st, I hope to return to work and resume my responsibilities.

As we had agreed in person, I want to finish off all of my outstanding work before I take my leave. During the time [mention the time] I will be away, my coworkers will take care of my job duties. They have my phone number [mention the phone number], and if they need me for any work-related consultations, I’ll be here.

You might let them know how long your planned trip will be and ask if the timing will work for the business in terms of productivity. They will be able to prepare ahead and make other job arrangements because they will know what to expect.

Please get in touch with me at [mention the phone number] or [mention the email address], my business email, if you have any queries or concerns. I’ll do my best to react as quickly as I can.

I appreciate for your time.

Yours Sincerely,

Letter Template: 4

I’m sending you this letter to let you know that I’ve asked my employer for a leave of absence that will last from [mention the the start date] of the leave to be taken in [mention the date or month or year] to [mention the end date] of the leave to be taken in [mention the date or month or year], or for a duration of [mention the number of days or weeks of the leave to be taken].

The company is aware of the fact that I’ve been taking very few leaves over the past [mention the number of years you’ve worked there] years. It has been [mention the number of years as per] years since I last visited my family, who live in [mention the name of a pertinent area].

To assist you, we have created a strong  letter. After reading it, you can frame yours appropriately.

I would like to ask for a leave of absence dated from [mention the requested start date for the leave to be taken] to [mention the required end date for the leave to be taken] since I have planned a trip to [mention the name of the pertinent area] on [mention the date of travel date or month or year]].

I would be very grateful if you would consider my request for a leave of absence and offer me the necessary funding.

I sincerely appreciate it.

Letter Template: 5

Subject- cover letter for holiday request letter to manager

I’m writing to let you know that I’ve decided to take yearly vacation time since I’m qualified under the department’s leave policy.

Please consider accepting my request for a leave of absence for . Due to my son’s impending arrival from abroad and my desire to spend time with my entire family, [mention the total number of days] days from ____ [mention the Start date] to _____ [mention the End date] will pass.

I have finished all of my work-related activities and transferred office responsibility to . [Mention the name of your coworker or colleague]. The charge certificate for the hand-in is attached. Throughout the process, there are no deficiencies seen.

I consider it a luxury to have been hired by a company like ours, and I am looking forward to starting up again.

Everyone enjoys taking a long vacation to get away from their busy daily lives. Additionally, a lot of people use this type of vacation to visit their hometown or deal with personal issues.

We have to take a few days off for this. As a result, you must draught your leave application and provide a justification for taking time off. Additionally, you must provide the precise details of how long you wish to leave.

If you have any inquiries, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

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Rahul Panchal

“Business, marketing, and blogging – these three words describe me the best. I am the founder of Burban Branding and Media, and a self-taught marketer with 10 years of experience. My passion lies in helping startups enhance their business through marketing, HR, leadership, and finance. I am on a mission to assist businesses in achieving their goals.”

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  • How to Write a Leave Application Letter [+5 Letter Samples]


The need to write a leave application letter could arise for a number of reasons . So your son is ill and you need to stay home to take care of him. Would management even let you go? How do you get this drafted? It’s not like anybody is allowed to just travel right? 

The truth is, at some point during your employment, you may need to request a leave of absence. This could be for a variety of reasons ranging from personal or family health problems, the birth and/or adoption of a child, to rest from excessive job stress. It could also be the loss of a loved one or the pursuit of a hobby or a desire to travel. A leave of absence in your case is not a luxury, but a necessity.

What is a Leave Application Letter? 

A leave application letter is a letter written to apply for a leave of absence from the office for a certain period.

The concept of a leave application centers around a formal way of asking for a break/leave of absence from work for a specified time period.

A person writes leave application letter they’re unable to perform their duties for a stipulated period of time.

Types of Leave Applications 

  • Sick Leave  

Sick leave is basically a leave of absence due to an illness. Sick leave is granted under a number of scenarios; for personal physical or mental illness, the care of a sick child, spouse, parent, or parent of a spouse, regular health checks, and/or to address the physical, psychological, and legal effects of domestic abuse. 

At the moment, there are no federal legal requirements for paid sick leave. For companies subject to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), the Act does require unpaid sick leave. The U.S. government ensures that federal employees get 13 paid sick days a year.

  • Study Leave 

Study leave is basically a leave of absence from work granted in order to allow a person time to study or carry out research. In the case of a school pupil, it allows them to study at home, usually in order to prepare for examinations.

According to the labor laws in the US, Study Leave with or without pay is a matter for arrangement entirely between the employer and the employee. By law, the maximum length of study leave granted in the same employer’s service is two years. 

  • Sabbatical 

By definition, a Sabbatical leave is a period in which a person does not report to his regular job but who remains employed with that company. Also commonly referred to as ‘career break’ or ‘adult gap year’, It is a period away from work, agreed with your employer.

The truth is, there are no laws that cover taking a career break or sabbatical; as such employees have no statutory right to take leave. A sabbatical will in most cases be an authorized, unpaid leave of absence.

  • Maternity/Paternity Leave

Maternity leave is basically a period of absence from work that is granted to a mother before and after the birth of her child. The US government doesn’t guarantee for paid maternity leave, employers may, however, provide paid leave if they choose. If you have worked at a company for at least a year, you are entitled by federal law to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid maternity leave.

Paternity leave is a period of time that the father of a new baby is allowed away from work. Usually, a company provides up to eight weeks of paid paternity leave. When a man takes time off because his partner is having a baby, adopting a child or having a baby through a surrogacy arrangement he might be eligible for: 1 or 2 weeks’ paid paternity leave, paternity pay and/or shared parental leave and pay.

  • Vacation/Holiday Request Letter 

Vacation leave is ideally available to all eligible employees for the purpose of rest, relaxation, and to attend to personal affairs. It is strikingly similar to annual leave which is paid time off work granted by employers to employees. Although not stipulated by law, many employers nonetheless offer paid vacation, typically around 10 workdays, to attract employees.

  • Emergency Leave Application 

Emergency leave is necessary to cater to unforeseen circumstances such as the death of a loved one/family member. A funeral leave, which is leave of absence with pay, must not exceed three days and can be granted for absence from work. You qualify for an emergency leave if; there is a verified death, a life-threatening condition due to an accident, illness, or major surgery, or to visit a terminally ill person in the immediate family.

5 Top Leave Letter Format

Sick leave letter format.

The Manager,

(Insert company name)

Subject: Leave Application due (Insert illness)

Dear Sir/ma’am,

Respectfully, it is to inform you that I am suffering from (Xyz’s illness). I am an employee of your firm for the past (x years). I recently have been diagnosed with a (insert illness). Due to this sudden illness, it would not be possible for me to make an appearance at the office for a month. 

This critical condition has deteriorated my health a lot. I cannot eat properly and have a really bad body rash. It is impossible for me to concentrate on anything. I can attest to have been a dedicated employee and did not take any additional leave from work ever. 

The employee regularity record would serve as evidence of this claim. I would be able to come back after my complete recovery and serve your firm again with the same vigilant and attentive inclination. I hope you take my plea into consideration and allow me a leave of absence for a month. I shall remain indebted to you for this kindness.

Yours Truly,

(Insert name),

(Insert date)

Study Leave Letter Sample

The Manager (Authority name),

Institute Name…

Institute Address…

Sub: Leave Application for Further Study

Dear Sir/Ma’am,

The Higher Education Commission, (Country name) has recently offered a free six-month study program (Another country name) for the candidates fulfilling the criteria. For government and private servants, it is a prerequisite to get approval from the relevant authority. 

Sir/Ma’am, I fulfill the criteria of this study program. I believe it is a once in a lifetime opportunity for me to fulfill my dream of studying abroad.

I am committed to continuing my services to the department after receiving higher education in (Country name). I shall be indebted to you for approving my leave application for the study program.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours faithfully,

Job Designation…

Contact no…

Sabbatical Leave Letter Sample

Dear [Recipient Name],

My name is [insert name] and I have been working in the ICT department for the past decade. I have recently found myself stuck in a loop, doing the same things over and over again. My learning process stopped and I haven’t improved for a while now.

Feeling the need for self-development, I would like to request for an extended leave, sabbatical, in order to continue my studies and earn another degree. 

I am committed to [company name] and I am happy to work here. I am planning to resume my work at [company name] once I earn my degree, by then, I will be more knowledgeable, motivated, experienced, and more committed.

I do believe that this move is beneficial for both me and the organization. I plan to enroll in late September. The program will take no longer than nine months, so I should be back by May. I have briefed the head of the department and he assured me that coverage is available and that workflow will not be affected much.

I kindly ask you to consider my request and I am hopeful that will approve it. Attached to this letter are the program acceptance letter and other related documents for your reference.

Thank you very much.

Best Regards

(Insert name)

Maternity Leave Application Letter

Subject: Application for Maternity Leave

Dear Mr./Mrs. {Recipient’s Name},

I write to inform you of my intention to take the allotted {Number of weeks} of maternity leave available to me. I hope to start my maternity leave on {Starting date} and return to the office by {Tentative joining date}, barring any unforeseen issues regarding my pregnancy and delivery arise.

If my plans change for any reason, I will let you know as soon as possible. A letter from my doctor confirming the relevant details have been attached to this letter.

Please do well to contact me if you need any additional information.

Yours Sincerely,

{Your Name}

Annual Vacation Request Letter  

Subject: Annual Leave Application

Dear Mr./Ms. {Recipient’s Name},

I write to inform you that I will be traveling with my family for a period of one month, between {start date} and {end date}. Due to the fact that my entire quota of annual leave sanctioned by the company is pending, I request you to adjust my leaves accordingly.

Following my earlier discussion with my team lead, I have requested my colleague, Mr./ Ms. {enter name} to take over my project while I am on leave. I have already handed over all material regarding the project to him/ her, and expect there to be no exigencies in my absence.

Due to the nature of my travel plans, I may not be available to take phone calls. I request you to address any urgent work-related matters to my email address {enter email ID}.

I will be grateful for a positive reply to my leave request.

Thanks and regards,

How Employers & HRs Can Receive Leave Application Requests

With online forms, Formplus provides a flexible way to store your received data in the cloud storage of choice. You also have the option to opt-out of storing your data on our servers

With unlimited file uploads , users can submit online forms without any restriction to the size or number of files that can be uploaded, Formplus is a great tool to manage employee data. 

Form analytics and reports also give you an insight into an overview of the data submitted to your form.

 Top Leave Application Template for HR and Employers

  • Maternity Leave Application Form 

This online maternity leave application form is for a pregnant employee intending to apply for maternity leave as the delivery period nears. This request will help you plan ahead and help solve challenges that may arrive as a result of an employee leave which might be up to 6 months, depending on the labor laws in your country. 

  • Paternity Leave Application 

Form Formplus’ online paternity leave application form allows your employees to apply for paternity leave when expecting a baby. That is if the labor laws grant prospective Fathers paternity leave when expecting a child with their partners.

  • Sick Leave Form

This sickness notification form template allows your employees to formally notify you of their illness and unavailability to work. With this form, you can track all sick notifications from employees.

  • Travel Request Form 

With the online travel request form template, you can let your prospective customers, employees or ward request for a travel package for business trips, holidays, honeymoons, pilgrimage, etc. This travel request template is perfect for travel agencies, employers and tour consultants.

On the whole, a leave application letter should contain a valid reason for your leave application, which should convince the employer and make him grant you leave. 

If you are having a reasonable enough claim for leave application then your request will not be declined without any justification, particularly, when it is due to some personal reasons, could be an illness, urgent piece of work or for visiting sick parents, etc

Most importantly, the leave application should not sound friendly or casual; rather it must be formal and professionally-written.


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  • leave application letter
  • leave application sample
  • leave application template
  • leave letter format
  • study leave sample
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Sep 7, 2022

Vacation request email — 15 samples and template

Time to book a holiday? Here’s how to write a vacation request email to make sure you’re good to go (with 15 examples).

Blog writer

Lawrie Jones

Table of contents

Booking a holiday? Then don’t forget to ask your boss!

Your vacation request email is a part of your holiday planning, ensuring that when you click the button to book, you’ve got your boss on your side and permission to take flight.

It all sounds easy, but why is writing a request for vacation email so tough? It’s because you’re emotionally involved in the process. Our guide breaks down how to write an email to request vacation, providing the basics and illustrating best practices with 15 examples.

Going on holiday isn’t the only reason you might need to book a leave. You could be requesting vacation for a day off to attend an interview, visit a friend or attend a wedding or funeral.

Don’t worry; we’ve got a template for (almost) every leave request email. If you can't find what you are looking for, you can try Flowrite's smart leave request email template to write any kind of leave request like this:

How to request vacation time

Requesting vacation time is a crucial part of the process and one you can’t skip. You need written approval for your leave request. Otherwise, you could be breaking company policy and risking your job.

OK, so it’s unlikely ever to come to that (as you follow the rules, right?), so why learn how to write vacation email requests? It’s because a well-written leave request email stands more chance of getting accepted than a poorly written one. This is especially important if you’re requesting leave during busy periods or where there’s high competition for time off (such as at Christmas).

Should you request vacation via email?

It’s a great question and one that lots of people are asking. Indeed, asking in person is often quicker, easier, and more effective (34 times, say the Harvard Business Review ), but that doesn’t mean it’s always best. In fact, vacation requests should always be sent by email.

Why? Because it creates an audit trail, that means you, your boss, and the HR team have a written record that your leave has been officially agreed upon, and you have written evidence to prove it.

When to request leave via email?

A good rule of thumb is to ask for leave at least twice as long before you intend to take it. So, if you want to take a week off, you should give at least two weeks’ notice. 

If you’re planning a last-minute break, be aware that your employer can decide not to grant your leave requests. Your boss is focused on getting the job done, so they may choose to deny your leave request if they feel it could affect how the business operates. This is a particular issue during a busy period.

The solution to all these problems is getting your vacation request emails in as early as possible.

How to write an email requesting vacation time

So, let’s get started with some tips on how to request vacation time with an email. The great thing about vacation request emails is that they’re short, sweet, and to the point, making them super easy to create.

Don’t believe us? There are only three things you need to know about how to write an email to request vacation.

Vacation request email format

The vacation request email format is simple and consists of five essential parts:

  • Subject line
  • Vacation time request
  • Closing lines

We’ve already covered formal email greetings and signatures in previous posts, so if you’re unsure what to write, start there.

Let’s look more closely at suitable subject lines, leave requests and how to end a request for vacation email.

1. Vacation request email subject

Writing a vacation request email subject line is simple. There are only a few ways to ask for leave, after all. You’ll want to ensure your boss (or the person you’re asking to agree to your leave request) spots your email, so be straight with what you’re asking for.

  • Annual Leave Request – (Dates)
  • Request For Annual Leave – (Dates)
  • Vacation Request – (Dates) 

2. How to start an email requesting vacation time

Let’s get straight to it and ask for the time off! 

OK, so it’s only polite to ask nicely but get to the point. Simply saying:

“I would like to book leave for my vacation. The dates are XXX to YYY. Please confirm this is OK, and I’ll book my holiday.”

It’s not the most poetic email ever, but it’s easy to read, impossible to understand, and won’t get ignored. 

You have no obligation to explain why you’re asking for time off (and your boss has no right to ask you). However, if you’re asking for time off during a busy period, or your leave request is only a few days away, you may want to explain why, as this is only polite. You can see how we approach this in the examples below.

3. How to end an email when requesting a vacation leave

When ending your leave request email, make sure to ask for a response. Something like: “It would be great if you could confirm my leave request as soon as possible.” Leave requests come near the bottom of the pile for some bosses, so a polite reminder at the end of your emails can spit them into action. 

Your choice of sign-off (thanks, kind regards, cheers, etc.) will depend on your relationship with your boss. We believe you can never go wrong with a polite and pleasant “Many thanks.”

Click send, and now all you need is to sit back and wait for the reply.

5 tips for requesting vacation

Before we get into the examples, here are 5 pro tips for requesting a vacation. Use these to craft your own messages, and you’ll not go wrong.

1. Check your company's vacation policy first

Before asking for leave, be sure it’s likely to be granted. Your vacation policy will spell out how much holiday you are entitled to, how to request it and, importantly, what sort of notice you must give. 

Understanding and following the rules is the best way to ensure your leave request is granted.

2. Be clear and concise

We’ve repeated it regularly throughout this post, but we’ll repeat it: Don’t beat around the bush, make your vacation request and leave it.

3. Don't assume your vacation request will be granted

Annual leave is a legal right, and your employer must allow you to take it. However, your employer can refuse if your leave will affect the business. They can also refuse if you don’t provide enough notice. 

Don’t try to pressure your boss by telling them you’ve already booked a holiday, for example. Avoid phrases like “Thanks in advance,” as these can seem presumptuous. Check out our templates for some practical example emails to request vacation.

4. Convey why you are asking for the specific dates

You have no responsibility to explain why you’re requesting leave. They may be your boss, but it’s their business. If your request is urgent or over a busy period for the company, you may want to explain or support your request. Don’t go into too much detail.

5. Make the request as easy as possible for your manager

Putting a plan in place for your absence is a great way to increase your chances of a positive response to your leave request. You can chat with colleagues and line up support, or even offer to work extra time before you go to ensure you have plans to manage. 

You don’t need to do your boss's job for them, but this can provide reassurance that your job will be covered while breaking out the cocktails on the beach. 

15 vacation request email samples

In this section, we provide 15 request vacation email samples suitable to use in any circumstances. These vacation request email examples follow the standard format above and use all the tips and strategies we’ve described. Feel to cut and paste these, but we recommend you personalize them before pushing send. 

1. Vacation request email to boss sample

Here’s a short and sweet vacation request sample. Blink, and you’ll miss it, but your boss will 100% understand what you’re asking.

2. Vacation leave request email sample

This vacation leave request sample is a little less formal and friendlier than the sample above. This is suitable for a boss you’ve worked with for a while and consider a friend. 

3. Request a vacation day off email sample

Sometimes you may only need to take a single day off. However, you’ll still need to request a vacation day off via email, and here’s how. 

4. Simple vacation request email sample

Sometimes, keeping vacation requests simple is the most successful strategy; it means your under-pressure boss will find it easy to understand – and hopefully approve – your leave request.

5. Cancel vacation request email sample

Plans change, and you’ll sometimes need to cancel your vacation requests. Use our vacation cancellation template, and you’ll experience no issues. It’s essential to send this as soon as you decide to cancel, to give your boss as much advance notice as possible. 

6. Request to carryover vacation days email sample

If you find yourself with a holiday left at the end of the year, you may want to ask to carry it over to the following year. Your boss doesn’t have to allow you to roll your holiday on, so writing a request to carry leave over email can be tricky. Check out our sample below, and adapt it to your situation. (And next year, take a holiday – you deserve it!).

7. Holiday vacation request email sample

It’s almost impossible to think about holidays and not have the Madonna track humming around your brain. So try to avoid that while writing your vacation request (or just copy and paste our holiday vacation request email sample below!).

8. Formal vacation request email sample

If you don’t know your boss well, or they’re the old-school type who loves a formal response, this is for you. This standard vacation request email sample may seem a little stuffy, but it’s simple to follow and will get the job done. 

9. Follow-up email for vacation request sample

Sometimes your leave request may get buried under a mountain of other messages. The solution? Sending a reminder. Here’s a gentle follow-up email for vacation request sample.

10. Vacation extension request email sample

Is there anything better than a holiday? An extended holiday! Here’s a vacation extension request sample you can use to ask for your boss for some extra days. 

11. Emergency vacation request email sample

A family crisis, a funeral (or maybe a job interview you don’t want to tell your boss about) are all considered emergencies and demand a slightly different approach. Your request is likely to cause disruption, but acknowledging this and apologizing for it can go a long way to getting your leave request granted.

12. Informal vacation request email sample

We’ve provided a lot of quite serious vacation request samples, so here’s one that’s a little friendlier and more fun. 

13. Long vacation request email sample

How do you approach a request for a longer leave period? Our long vacation request email sample provides some information to support your request. You'll need to explain if you want more than a couple of weeks off work. Check out our long request vacation email sample to see how we would approach it.

14. Wedding vacation request email sample

The sound of wedding bells is wonderful, and with this leave request email sample, you’ll be there to hear them. 

15. Annual vacation request email sample

Some of us take regular trips at the same time to the same places. In this annual vacation request sample, we’re asking for leave for our traditional yearly trip. 

Flow through your inbox after holidays

The only downside to taking a vacation is coming back to work to a flood of unread emails. Luckily, Flowrite can help pick up the slack.

how to write application letter for holiday

Flowrite is your new personal email assistant, that turns words into ready-to-send emails using AI. It's the fastest way to get to inbox zero after a relaxing time-off.

Here's Flowrite in action, fighting off sales pitches that pile up during a leave:

Final words

There’s nothing scary about writing a vacation request email once you know how the format works. You should be ready to write an email to request a vacation at this stage. (If you aren’t, just copy and paste one of our sample emails to request vacation!)

Don’t delay sending a leave request because you’re worried or embarrassed. Holidays are essential for us all, and you’re entitled to them, so use them! Strip everything back and send a simple vacation request email, and you’ll be booking that dream trip in no time.

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how to write application letter for holiday

Leave request

Reply to: "

Received message

booking holiday can i take last two weeks of july off iris will cover for my clients but most of them are on holiday too hope to hear from you soon!

Generate a reply

Generate an outreach

how to write application letter for holiday

Reject offer

Hi Jason, My name is Micaela and I head up business development efforts at Foorecast. We recently launched a new platform that helps finance departments of publicly trated companies to manage financial reporting. I am taking an educated stab in the dark here, however based on your LinkedIn profile, you appear to be an appropriate person to connect regarding these needs at Prativo. Are you open to a fifteen minute call on May 15 at 11 am PST to discuss ways our platform can specifically help Prativo? Please find a one pager of our platform as an attachment. Best regards, Micaela

happy with our current solution

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Holiday Request Letter

Last Updated On March 26, 2020 By Letter Writing Leave a Comment

A holiday request letter is important to inform your employer of your absence in a certain period. This helps the employer make arrangements for your backup to reduce inconveniences in the workings. It is also used for recording the leave days the employer is entitled to.

A holiday request letter is a formal document to notify the relevant parties of your absence, the number of days taken, and the purpose of leaving.

Tips for writing a holiday request letter

  • Specify the duration and dates for leaving and resuming work
  • Ensure the content is formal
  • Describe the reason for the leave request
  • Use professional and polite language to make the request
  • You may mention a person to cover your duties while you are away
  • Keep it brief and precise

Holiday Request Letter Templates

A holiday is necessary to reenergize you back to work. Have a look at our free holiday request letter that will enable you to write a convincing letter. Check out the sample letters below for more information.


Date (date on which letter is written)



Dear _________________,

I write to request for a ____________ months’ holiday leave to spend with my ____________ back home in ____________. Since I joined the company ____________ years ago, I have not been able to visit ____________. I have ____________ days of accumulated leave and I wish to utilize them now.

I will start my leave on ____________and resume my duties on ____________. In my absence, I recommend ____________ to assume my duties until I return. I will also handover my reports and projects to you since it is the company’s policy not to leave anything unattended. I strongly believe that my work will not be affected by my absence.

I will dedicate more working hours to catch up on work and meetings that I could have missed. Please let me know of your approval so that I can continue with the holiday arrangements. I will resume work on ____________feeling refreshed to continue with my duties.

Thank you for your time and consideration of my holiday leave request.

Your Sincerely,


__________ __________ __________ __________

Date: _____ (Date on Which Letter is Written)

Subject: Permission for holiday

I am writing this letter to request you to grant me kindly…(mention duration) holidays from …. to …(mention dates) to attend to personal commitments. I will join the back office on ….(mention date).

…(mention reasons for availing leave).

I request you to grant me holidays for ….(duration) and oblige.

I will brief my team-mate …(name colleague) who will handle my work during my absence. You can contact me on the phone at ….. or mail me at …. for any urgent requirement.

Thanking you,

Yours Sincerely,

__________ (your name)

Holiday Request Letter Samples

When you need some time off to spend with your family on holiday, it is important to put in the request in writing. See a good example of a holiday request letter that will earn you instant approval.

Effie Sanders,

11 Brown Drive

Erlanger, KY 41018

United States

Date:____________ (Date on which letter is written)

Dianne Mcgee,

Dianne Florists

9 Newcastle Street

Ellenwood, GA 30294

Sub; Request for holiday leave of absence

Dear Ms. Mcgee,

I write this letter to request for a one month holiday to spend time with my family back home in Spain. I have not visited my parents since I joined the company one year ago. I wish to take a holiday leave from 1 st May 2019 to 1 st June 2019.

As it is company policy not to leave any pending work, I will ensure that all the project reports I am working on are completed and paperwork for the clients is filed. I recommend Andre Chapman to assume my duties in the project management department until I return. I have instructed him to email me any work matters that I may be of assistance. I do not oversee any delays in my workings while I am away.

Kindly contact me through my email [email protected] in case you have questions or need any clarification.

Please let me know if my request has been approved to that I can finalize my holiday arrangements.

Yours Faithfully,

Effie Sanders

I am writing this letter to request you to kindly grant me three weeks’ holiday from 23 September to 13 October 2013 to attend to certain personal commitments. I will join the back office on 14 October 2013. I also wanted to inform you that I have not availed long leave so far this year.

As I had mentioned earlier, I have enrolled for an 18-month PGDBA course through a Distance-Learning program conducted by Hudson University, Michigan. I have to compulsorily attend their contact program for one week, followed by first term examination in the next week.

Since I have to prepare for the same, I request you to grant me holidays for three weeks and oblige.

I will brief my team-mate Frank who will handle my work during my absence. You can contact me on the phone at 7638363545 or mail me at [email protected] for any urgent requirement.

Thanking you

Holiday Request Letter Email Formats

Are you looking to go on a holiday with your family and have no idea how to make the leave request to your employer? See the holiday request letter in an email format for your reference to create a quality letter.

Dear Mr. Larson,

This letter is a formal request for two weeks’ holiday from 7 th October 2020 to 21 st October 2020. I hereby submit this request with a month’s notice. It has been a very busy year and I wish to take this holiday to rest and be with my family. This holiday will renew my energy to be more productive in my duties.  I hope to resume work on 22 nd October 2020.

In my absence, I recommend Anita Hatfield to back me up and assume my duties. I have discussed this issue with her and she has accepted. I will hand over the remaining reports and ongoing projects to her since it is company policy not to leave any work unattended. I will also be available to assist and you can contact me through my email [email protected] .

I assure you that I will do my best to catch up with what I have missed while I am absent. Please let me know of your decision in this matter so that I can proceed with the holiday arrangements. Thank you for considering my request and I hope for your approval.

Best wishes,

Candace Burgess

Employees request holiday leave to spend with their families or take some rest after a busy period at work. Holidays are important to reenergize a person back to work after taking a rest.

In a holiday request letter, ensure to include the dates of departure and resumption, the reason for the leave request, and the person to back you up when you are away. Use formal content and professional language.

Related Letters:

  • Holiday Letter
  • Holiday Greeting Letter
  • Holiday Business Letter
  • Holiday Extension Letter
  • Christmas Holiday Letter
  • General Holiday Letter
  • Holiday Cancellation Letter
  • Holiday Complaint letter
  • Business Holiday Letter
  • Holiday Letter Format
  • Holiday Letter for Employee
  • Holiday Invitation Letter
  • Template of Holiday Letter
  • Holiday Letter to School
  • Holiday Notice Letter
  • Perfect Holiday Letter
  • Sample Holiday Letter
  • Holiday Appreciation Letter
  • Corporate Holiday Letter
  • Official Holiday Letter
  • Holiday Letter To Boss
  • Holiday Approval Letter
  • Sample Letter For Planning A Holiday

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Summer Job Cover Letter Examples

What to Include in a Cover Letter for a Summer Position

how to write application letter for holiday

  • What to Include in a Cover Letter

Summer Job Cover Letter Template

Summer job cover letter sample.

  • More Cover Letter Templates

Summer Job Resume Examples

In many ways, applying for a summer job is the same as applying for any position—candidates need to show that they have the required skills that seasonal employers seek. Your cover letter is often the best place to demonstrate your talents to a hiring manager.

Summer jobs are a bit different from regular jobs since they often have:

  • Set end dates
  • Take place over a busy, social season
  • Don't offer vacations or, in some cases, holidays

Hiring managers will have a few specific qualifications and character traits in mind as they review job applications and narrow down their field of applicants to those people they want to interview.

To help you land the interview, your cover letter will need to demonstrate the precise qualifications the hiring manager is seeking.

What to Include in a Summer Job Cover Letter

First, make sure you're familiar with the basics of writing a cover letter. If you’ve never sent one before and have no idea where to start, take a look at this  cover letter guide , which provides step-by-step instructions on how to write one, formatting advice, and plenty of samples and examples to browse through. 

Target Your Cover Letter

Next, you'll want to target your cover letter for a summer job. Managers look for the ability to learn quickly. Since summer jobs only last for a few months, companies do not want to invest a lot of time (and money) in training.

Hiring managers are looking for candidates who are quick to pick up tasks, have previous experience in relevant fields, and know how to ask smart questions when they're unsure. 

Emphasize Your Experience

As much as possible in your cover letter, emphasize your prior, relevant experience. Be direct. If you're applying for a job as a waitress, mention any other food service work, for instance, or experience working in any hospitality field. 

Show You're Responsible

Another quality that interviewers seek in candidates is responsibility. When the weather's nice outside, it can be tempting to play hooky. Summer workers are often scheduled to work on holiday weekends, which means working while others are on vacation.

Companies want to hire people they can count on to show up on time for scheduled shifts. Think about ways you can show that you are a dedicated, responsible employee in your cover letter. 

Download the summer job cover letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

Summer Job Cover Letter Sample (Text Version)

Henry Applicant 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-555-5555 henry.applicant@email.com

September 1, 2018

Cathy Lee Director, Human Resources Acme Diner 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321

Dear Ms. Lee,

I am writing to apply for one of your summer waitstaff openings, which I found listed on your website. I have worked as both a server and a host in restaurants for the past four summers. During the summers of 2016 and 2017, I worked at The Pizza Den, a casual restaurant, and last summer I worked at Perseus, a fine dining establishment. As a result, I am confident I have the experience and skill to serve your customers in the manner they expect.

I am able to work evenings and weekends during the summer months. I am currently a student at Western State University; however, I'm not taking any classes this summer, so I have plenty of time to fill shifts as needed.

Please feel free to contact me by email (henry.applicant@email.com) or cell phone (555-555-5555) if you have any questions.

Henry Applicant

The following summer job cover letter examples and cover letter templates can be used for summer job applications. Be sure to personalize your letters to reflect your experience and interests.

  • Summer Cashier Cover Letter
  • Camp Counselor Cover Letter Example
  • Golf Caddy Cover Letter Example
  • Hotel Front Desk / Bellhop Cover Letter Example
  • Lifeguard Cover Letter Example
  • Sample Cover Letter - Summer Assistant Job
  • Summer Nanny Cover Letter
  • Summer Internship Cover Letter Example
  • Summer Sales Associate Cover Letter
  • Summer Tutor Cover Letter Example
  • Summer Waiter Cover Letter Example

Cover Letter Templates

Use these templates to help keep your letter organized, whether you will send a hard, paper copy or email. 

  • Cover Letter Format : Need a refresher on what to include in your cover letter—and what to leave out? This paragraph-by-paragraph guide will help you organize your thoughts.
  • Cover Letter Template : This generic template works for any job or career stage, and keeps you from going too long (or too short).
  • Email Cover Letter Template : Odds are, you’ll send your cover letter via email. This template ensures that your information grabs the hiring manager’s attention right from the start.
  • Microsoft Word Cover Letter Templates : These free cover letter templates for Microsoft Word will save you a step in your writing process and produce a perfectly formatted end-product.

Also review  summer job resume examples , so that you can apply with a winning pair of job application materials. These samples will help you highlight your relevant experience, even if you are just starting out. Consider all of your related experience, including schoolwork, volunteering, school activities, and prior part-time jobs, but focus on the most relevant skills and accomplishments.

As a bonus, looking at these resume examples will help remind you of what belongs in a resume and what belongs in a cover letter — often a challenge, even for job seekers who’ve been in the working world for a long time.

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10+ Optional Holiday Leave Letter | How to Write, Templates, Tips

  • Letter Templates
  • March 12, 2024
  • Office Letters , Employee Letters , Leave Letters

Optional Holiday Leave Letter: An optional holiday is a day off granted by the employer to an employee, where the employee has the choice to take the holiday or not. This type of holiday is usually granted on occasions that are not considered mandatory public holidays but may be significant to some employees. Writing a leave letter for an optional holiday is important to inform your employer that you wish to take the day off and for what reason.

This type of leave letter is often granted at the discretion of the employer and may be subject to certain conditions, such as the availability of staff and workload. It is important to follow the company’s leave policies and procedures when requesting an optional holiday leave.

In this letter, the employee should provide clear details about the reason for the request and the date(s) they would like to take off.

Also Read- Leave Letter After Taking Leave

Optional Holiday Leave Letter – Tips

Content in this article

Here are some tips and suggestions on how to write a leave letter for an optional holiday:

  • Begin with a formal salutation, such as “Dear [Manager’s Name]”.
  • Start the letter by stating the purpose of the letter , which is to request an optional holiday.
  • Mention the date on which you would like to take the holiday.
  • Explain the reason why you would like to take the holiday. For example, you might want to celebrate a religious or cultural event, or you might have some personal commitments.
  • Mention how your absence will be handled while you are away. If necessary, offer to complete any pending work before you leave.
  • Close the letter with a formal sign-off, such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards”, and include your name and contact information.

Optional Holiday Leave Letter – Sample Format

Below is a Sample format of Optional Holiday Leave Letter:

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Supervisor’s Name] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

Subject: Request for Optional Holiday Leave

Dear [Supervisor’s Name],

I trust this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request an optional holiday leave on [Date]. While I understand that this day is not typically designated as a company-wide holiday, I would appreciate the opportunity to take this day off for personal reasons.

I have ensured that my current workload is manageable, and I will complete any pending tasks before my departure. I believe that taking this optional leave will not adversely impact the team or project timelines.

I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition of my responsibilities during my absence. If there are any specific procedures or tasks you would like me to follow or delegate in my absence, please let me know, and I will make the necessary arrangements.

I understand the importance of my role within the team and the responsibilities that come with it. Therefore, I am more than willing to coordinate with my colleagues to ensure that any essential work is not disrupted during my absence.

I appreciate your understanding and consideration of my request. If there are any concerns or if you require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Employee ID] (if applicable)

Feel free to customize this optional holiday leave letter to suit your specific situation and company policies.

Optional Holiday Leave Letter – Example

Here’s an Example of Optional Holiday Leave Letter:

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to request an optional holiday leave on [Date]. Although this day is not typically observed as a company-wide holiday, I would like to take advantage of the optional leave policy for personal reasons.

I have carefully considered the timing of this request to ensure minimal disruption to our team’s workflow. I have also made arrangements to complete any pending tasks and delegate responsibilities to team members if necessary.

I am committed to maintaining open communication with my colleagues to address any urgent matters that may arise during my absence. Additionally, I am willing to assist in coordinating the handover of any ongoing projects to ensure a smooth transition in my temporary absence.

I understand the importance of my role within the team, and I am confident that my proactive approach will help mitigate any potential impact on our projects. I am fully committed to returning to work promptly on [Return Date] to resume my regular duties.

I appreciate your understanding and consideration of my request. If there are any specific procedures to follow or if you require further information, please let me know.

Thank you for your time and support.

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Employee ID] (if applicable)

Feel free to customize this example of an optional holiday leave letter based on your personal circumstances and company policies.

Optional Holiday Leave Letter for Religious Observance

Here is the Optional Holiday Leave Letter for Religious Observance:

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I am writing to request an optional holiday leave on [Date] in observance of [Religious Observance]. As a devoted follower of this religion, it is important for me to celebrate this festival with my family and friends. I have made all necessary arrangements to ensure that my work is taken care of during my absence.

I have discussed this with my colleagues, and I have made sure that all pending work is completed before I leave. I will also ensure that I will be available on phone and email in case of any emergencies. I will return to work on [Date].

Thank you for considering my request.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Optional Holiday Leave Letter for Personal Reasons

Here is the Optional Holiday Leave Letter for Personal Reasons:

I am writing to request an optional holiday leave on [Date] due to personal reasons. [Briefly mention the reason here – e.g., attending a family wedding, taking care of an unwell family member, etc.]

I have made sure that all my work is completed before I leave, and I have also discussed this with my colleagues to ensure that all pending work is taken care of. I will also ensure that I will be available on phone and email in case of any emergencies. I will return to work on [Date].

Optional Holiday Leave Letter – Template

Here’s a Template of Optional Holiday Leave Letter:

[Your Name] [Your Position/Department] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Supervisor’s Name] [Supervisor’s Position/Department] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

I am writing to formally request optional holiday leave on [Date]. While this day is not designated as a company-wide holiday, I would like to take this opportunity to address personal matters.

[Optional: Briefly explain the reason for requesting the leave, if comfortable.]

I assure you that I have organized my workload efficiently to ensure that my absence does not impact the team’s productivity. I have either completed or delegated pending tasks to ensure the smooth operation of ongoing projects.

If granted, I will ensure to stay connected during my absence to address any urgent matters that may arise. I am committed to ensuring a seamless transition and will coordinate with my team members accordingly.

Please let me know if there are any specific procedures to follow or if you require additional information to process my request. I am more than willing to provide any necessary assistance to facilitate a smooth transition during my absence.

Thank you for considering my request. I appreciate your understanding and support in this matter.

[Your Name]

Feel free to customize this template according to your specific situation and company policies.

Optional Holiday Leave Letter For Community Service

Here is the Optional Holiday Leave Letter for Community Service:

I am writing to request an optional holiday leave on [Date] to participate in a community service event. I have been volunteering for this cause for several years, and it is very important to me. This event is taking place on [Date], and it requires my presence for the entire day.

I have made all necessary arrangements to ensure that my work is taken care of during my absence. I have also discussed this with my colleagues to ensure that all pending work is taken care of. I will ensure that I will be available on phone and email in case of any emergencies. I will return to work on [Date].

Optional leave application letter

Seeking your understanding! This letter requests optional leave on [Date] for personal reasons, assuring a smooth handover of tasks and a prompt return. Your support is appreciated.

Subject: Request for Optional Leave

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to formally request optional leave from work on [Date]. Although this day is not officially recognized as a company-wide holiday, I would like to take advantage of the optional leave policy for personal reasons.

Feel free to customize this optional leave application letter based on your personal circumstances and company policies.

Optional Leave Application Letter

Formal request for leave on a non-designated holiday

Seeking formal approval! This letter requests leave on [Date], a non-designated holiday, for personal reasons. Assured planning ensures minimal impact on team workflow.

Subject: Formal Request for Leave on a Non-Designated Holiday

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request leave on [Date], which is not designated as a company-wide holiday. I understand that this request is for personal reasons, and I appreciate your consideration.

I have carefully planned my tasks to ensure that my absence will not disrupt the team’s workflow. I have either completed or delegated pending assignments and briefed my colleagues on the status of ongoing projects.

I am committed to maintaining open communication during my absence and am willing to provide any necessary support to ensure a smooth transition. If there are specific procedures to follow or if you require additional information, please let me know.

I understand the importance of my role within the team and assure you that I will make every effort to minimize any impact on our projects. I am fully committed to returning to work promptly on [Return Date].

Feel free to customize this formal request for leave based on your specific situation and company policies.

Formal Request for Leave on a Non-Designated Holiday

Optional Holiday Leave Letter – Email Format

Here’s an Email Format of Optional Holiday Leave Letter:

I am writing this email to request an optional holiday leave on [Date]. I have completed all my assigned tasks and projects before my deadline, and my colleagues are well-informed about my work responsibilities during my absence.

The reason for my optional holiday leave is [reason for the leave]. I have made all necessary arrangements to ensure that my work will not be impacted during my absence.

I will ensure that all pending work is completed before my optional holiday leave, and if there is any urgent work during my absence, please inform me via email or phone. I have also updated my contact information in case of any emergency.

Thank you for considering my request. I will ensure that all my work responsibilities are fulfilled before and after my optional holiday leave.

Requesting optional leave from work

Seeking flexibility! This letter formally requests optional leave on [Date] for personal reasons, ensuring a smooth handover of tasks and a commitment to team collaboration. Your understanding is appreciated.

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Supervisor’s Name] [Supervisor’s Position] [Company Name] [Company Address] [City, State, ZIP Code]

I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to request optional leave from work on [Date]. Although this day is not typically recognized as a company-wide holiday, I would like to take advantage of the optional leave policy for personal reasons.

Feel free to customize this letter based on your specific situation and company policies.

Requesting Optional Leave from Work

a letter to request time off on a non-working day

Seeking your approval! This letter formally requests time off on [Day, Date], a non-working day, ensuring a smooth handover and commitment to team collaboration. Your understanding is valued.

Subject: Request for Time Off on a Non-Working Day

I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to formally request time off on [Day, Date], which falls on a non-working day, for personal reasons.

I have carefully considered the timing of this request to minimize any impact on our team’s workflow. I assure you that my current workload is under control, and I will ensure that any pending tasks are completed before my departure.

I understand the importance of my role within the team and am committed to maintaining open communication during my absence. I am willing to coordinate with my colleagues to ensure a smooth transition and address any urgent matters that may arise.

If there are specific procedures to follow or if you require additional information, please let me know. I am more than willing to provide any necessary assistance to facilitate a seamless process.

I appreciate your understanding and consideration of my request. If you have any concerns or require further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out.

A Letter to Request Time Off on a Non-Working Day

FAQS About Optional Holiday Leave Letter | How to Write, Templates, Tips

How should i structure an optional holiday leave letter.

This Optional Holiday Leave Letter begin with a formal salutation, introduce the request, provide a brief reason, offer assurances about work responsibilities, and conclude with gratitude.

What information should be included in an optional holiday leave letter?

Optional Holiday Leave Letter Essential details such as the date of the request, the specific optional leave date, a brief explanation for the request, and a plan for completing or delegating tasks during the absence.

Are there specific templates available for an optional holiday leave letter?

Yes, customizable Optional Holiday Leave Letter templates can be found online, but it’s essential to tailor them to your specific situation and company policies.

What tone should be used in an optional holiday leave letter?

Maintain a professional and respectful tone throughout the Optional Holiday Leave Letter. Express gratitude for considering the request and assure the supervisor of a responsible approach to the leave.

How can I ensure minimal disruption to work when requesting Optional Holiday Leave Letter?

This Optional Holiday Leave Letter Plan ahead by completing or delegating tasks, communicating with team members, and providing clear instructions for any necessary handovers. This ensures a smooth workflow during your absence.

Are there specific tips for making an Optional Holiday Leave Letter for request effective?

Optional Holiday Leave Letter Be transparent about the reason for the request, assure your supervisor of your commitment to responsibilities, and offer assistance in facilitating a smooth transition during your absence.

Taking an optional holiday can be a good way to celebrate a special occasion or attend to personal commitments. It is important to inform your employer of your intention to  take the day off by writing a leave letter . By  following  the tips and suggestions outlined above, you can write an effective leave letter that will help ensure a smooth transition while you are away.

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7 Samples Of Vacation Leave Application

Want to write a leave application for traveling? Vacation leave is usually taken by employees of companies for the purpose of travel, rest, relaxation, etc. Many companies offer vacation leaves to cultivate a healthy work-life balance for their employees. If you do not know how to write Vacation Leave Application then here I am going to give some samples of applications for vacation leave letters. See these below…

Table of Contents

What To Include In Leave Application For Vacation:

There are certain sections that are essential to include when drafting a leave application in a letter format to the HR Manager or your supervisor.

Receiver’s Name & Address:

Add the name and address of an individual to whom the letter is concerned.

Subject Line:

Add ‘Leave Application’ in your subject line along with other details (If required)


Add the Recipient’s Name. If you identify the person, use the first title only.

Body of the Letter:

You must state the purpose for your absence, duration of your unavailability, name of the colleague who will watch for your work, and point of contact (mode and time availability).

Thank you note:

Thank the reader for acknowledging the leave

Complimentary Closing:

Add formal closing only.

Add your full name.

Job Position:

Add your job title. This is an optional field.

Add the present date

Vacation Leave Application:

A Vacation Leave letter should be respectful, complete, and clear. As you consult the Vacation Leave letter samples, keep these key points in mind. So, see below the samples of vacation leave applications. See below the samples.

Subject: Leave Application For Vacation

Dear Sir/Madam,

With due respect, I want to inform you that I am going out of the station with my parents. We have a month-long traveling plan. We plan this family tour once a year, so here we go. For this purpose, please lend a helping hand to me. My parents cannot leave me alone here, and although this is a family trip, they cannot leave any of us here.

Kindly grant me leave for one month [Mention The Time] . Then, I will join office on the very first day of [Rejoining Date] . I will be very thankful for your kind approval.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Contact No.] [Date]

Download The Sample 1 Of Leave Application For Vacation In MS Word File

Application For Admission In School

I am writing this letter to formally request my vacation leave ahead of time. I would like to take my vacation time for the [Date] through [Date] in order to take a cruise trip through the Bahamas with my wife. I think you will find that I have not used up enough vacation days this year to prevent me from being absent from work for this length of time and have always endeavored to conduct myself with integrity in the office.

I am planning to finish all currently incomplete projects between now and [Date] and send in any remaining ones by fax. I feel very confident that the rest of the team will be able to continue excellent work in my absence. If there are any important work-related questions or concerns, I can be reached by email during my leave at [email] and will respond when time and an Internet connection become available to me.

If any clarification or follow-up from me is needed in this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me by email at the address already provided above, or by [Phone Number] . I look forward to your response and thank you for your consideration.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name] [Your Contact No.] [Date]

Download The Sample 2 Of Leave Application For Vacation In MS Word File

This letter is a formal request for one week’s vacation leave from [Date] to [Date] . I will be back at work on [Date] . My wife and I are planning a vacation for the first time in five years.

All of the projects that I am working on will be completed before the leaving date. I have asked other members of my team to make sure that all of my responsibilities are covered while I’m away, and they have agreed. My team leader has agreed with my vacation request. I have enclosed a letter from her.

If you have any questions or considerations, I can be reached at [Your Phone Number] or [Your email Number] . While on vacation, I will be checking my email every day, so I can be reached if it is urgently needed.

Thank you for considering my request. Please let me know if my vacation request has been approved at your earliest convenience, so I can finalize our flight and hotel bookings.

Download The Sample 3 Of Leave Application For Vacation In MS Word File

Dear Sir/ Madam,

I am [Your name and employee ID] . This letter is to inform you that I have to take a leave from work for a week as I am going to be traveling with my family for a vacation. I will be traveling from [Date] to [Date] . I assure to complete all the projects I have started before leaving. Any pending work will be sent by mail. I am sure the team will carry on the work seamlessly in my absence. In case of an emergency, I can be reached at [Contact Information] . I will respond back when time and a stable internet connection are available to me. I will join back my work immediately after that.

Download The Sample 4 Of Leave Application For Vacation In MS Word File

At this time, I would like to put in my request for one week’s worth of vacation that would run from [Date] to [Date] . My family and I would like to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with our extended family back east and we need to start making arrangements now in order to make the trip as comfortable as well.

In anticipation of my vacation, I have already started to put together all of the necessary templates I will need to fill in for my work. I have also discussed my vacation with my colleagues and have several people who are more than willing to attend to my customers while I am gone. I will take the time to make personal introductions over the phone between my customers and the stand-in sales representatives before I leave.

If you need to discuss this any further or need clarification on this request, please feel free to call me at [Phone Number] , or [Email Id] . Your response to this issue would be greatly appreciated so that I can begin to make the necessary arrangements.

Sincerely Yours,

Download The Sample 5 Of Leave Application For Vacation In MS Word File

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List Of Leave Application Letter

I am writing this letter to request a vacation leave from [Date] to [Date] . I have planned to go to the Bahamas to spend some time away with my family. We have been planning this trip for over a year now, and as my leave balance would indicate, I have not taken any extended leaves ahead of this trip.

The project that my team is currently working on is in its final stages with most of the work completed. I believe my capable team members will be able to manage the remaining work and finish the project well before the deadline. However, I recommend [Collegue Name] to be assigned my responsibilities in my absence as she is the senior-most member of the team after me and has been engaged with this project right from the start.

Furthermore, in case of any unexpected developments or emergencies, I shall be available for contact on phone and through e-mail. I am looking forward to a favorable response to my leave application.

Sincerely yours,

Download The Sample 6 Of Leave Application For Vacation In MS Word File

Application For Admission In School ongoing project, further clarifications, medical certificate, final draft, formally notify, annual vacation, dear mr, annual leave, end date, dear mr, leave request, vacation request, vacation request, vacation request, vacation request,

Please treat this email as a formal application to request a leave of absence for a period of 21 days, starting [Start Date] . During this time, I will be traveling to visit my family abroad.

As I will be away for quite a while, I have transferred my duties to my associate [Collegue Name] . I have also informed him/her of my emergency contact number, [Contact Number] , in case he/she needs to get in touch with me on an urgent matter related to my deliverables.

I will resume my duties at work on [Date] .

I look forward to your approval of my request for leave.

Best regards,

Download The Sample 7 Of Leave Application For Vacation In MS Word File

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Home » Letters » Request Letters » Request Mail for Optional Holiday Leave – Sample E-mail Requesting for Issuance of Optional Mail

Request Mail for Optional Holiday Leave – Sample E-mail Requesting for Issuance of Optional Mail

how to write application letter for holiday

To, _________, _________ (Mention receiver’s details)

Date: __/__/____ (Date)

Subject: Request for optional leave

Respected Sir/ Madam,

My name is __________ (name) and I work as _________ (designation) in __________ (department) of your reputed company having employee ID number __________ (mention your employee ID).

I write this mail with the utmost respect to inform you that I am willing to take an optional holiday leave on __/__/____ (date) on the occasion of ___________ (mention occasion). I would like to get the _________ (mention leave detail). This is to request you to kindly issue the requested leave.

I believe you would consider this letter as a genuine request and help me by sanctioning the requested leave. I shall be highly obliged.

Yours truly, __________ (Signature), __________ (Your name), __________ (Employee ID) __________ (Contact number)

Incoming Search Terms:

  • letter to the company administration requesting for optional leave
  • optional leave request letter in English sample template

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  • Letter Writing
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  • Leave Application For School

Leave Application for School - Writing Instructions and Samples

If asked about your memories of school life, you will definitely have a lot to say, but there would be one common thought that all of us share as school going kids – the plight of writing leave letters. There are many who just avoided taking leave for any reason just because they would have to write a leave letter. Moreover, it had to be signed by parents as well, so writing leave letters was never an easy task. Draft after draft after draft, it never ended, right. This article on leave application for school will explain how it can be written and thereby ease the process of writing leave letters.

Table of Contents

Format of writing a leave letter for school, leave application 1 – leave letter to principal – to participate in the national level literary competition, leave application 2 – school leave letter format – sick leave, leave application 3 – letter to principal for leave – going out of station, leave application 4 – letter of absence.

  • FAQs on Leave Application for School

Leave letters come under the category of formal letters, and so the format of a leave letter is the same as any formal letter. When writing a leave letter in English, see to it that you use formal/professional English language.

  • Begin with the receiver’s address as it is mostly handed over to the concerned person directly.
  • The date should be mentioned as it indicates when the letter was written.
  • The subject comes next. It should be as precise as possible.
  • Use a respectful salutation.
  • When you write the body of the letter, mention clearly the reason for which you are applying for leave and the time period of your leave.
  • Maintain a neutral tone throughout the letter.
  • Write to the point. Do not use long, unwinding sentences that might confuse the reader or present the content of the letter as confusing.
  • Proofread the letter, edit and correct spelling and grammatical errors, if any, before you submit it.
  • Attach any additional documents if necessary. For example, medical certificate, on duty certificate, etc.

Some Sample Leave Application Letters for You

Have you been asked to write a letter to the principal requesting for leave? Here is what you have to do. Be brief and genuine when you are writing a leave application and provide enough information to quote the reasons for your absence. Go through the sample leave applications given below for a better understanding of the format of writing a leave application for school.

The Principal

Holy Angels High School

Bangalore – 560025

25 th September, 2020

Subject: Leave application to participate in the National Level Literary Competition

Respected Ma’am,

I am Susan Caro, student of Class X C. I have won first place in the Elocution competition and have been selected for the next level of competitions that will be held in New Delhi. The National Level Competition will be held from the 3 rd to the 7 th of October. I will have to report to the venue at 9 am on October 3 rd .

I request you to kindly grant me leave for a week (2.10.2020 – 8.10.2020). I will make sure to take note of all the lessons and complete the work that will be given during my absence.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully,

DAV Matriculation Higher Secondary School

Mysore – 570045

May 6, 2021

Subject: Sick leave request

Respected Sir,

My son Keshav has been admitted at KIMS Hospital due to severe food poisoning and fever. The doctor has advised him to take complete rest at least for a week. He has become completely weak and anaemic.

I request you to kindly understand our situation and grant him leave for a week from May 7 th to May 12 th . I am attaching the medical certificate for your reference. I will make sure that he completes all the assigned tasks once he gets back to school.

Yours sincerely,

Perks Matriculation Higher Secondary School

Coimbatore – 641056

Subject: Leave request for going out of station

I am Adharsh, a student of Class VII B. As my brother is getting married on the 5 th of August (Thursday), I will have to leave along with my family tomorrow (3 rd August) to Kerala. I will be returning to Coimbatore on the 9 th of August (Monday). I would be highly obliged if you could kindly grant me leave for a week (03.08.2021 – 09.08.2021). I will make sure to find out the lessons completed during the week and submit all of them in a week’s time.

Class VII B

Roll No. 12

Nehru Vidhyalaya

Malda – 732101

West Bengal

Subject: Letter of Absence

I am Dennis, father of Renita (student of Class VIII C). This is to inform you that my daughter met with an accident on her way to school today morning, and she is admitted at Hem Hospital. She has been injured badly, and the doctors are doubting possible fractures as well.

I request you to kindly excuse her absence from school until she recovers completely. I will take the help of her teachers and friends to keep track of the daily lessons and tasks. I will also provide the medical certificates when she gets back to school.

Thank you in advance for understanding.

Frequently Asked Questions on Leave Application for School

What are the details to be included when i write a leave letter for school.

When writing a leave letter for school, make sure you clearly state the reason for absence and the dates on which you would want to take leave. You can also mention the date on which you would be returning to school and assure to finish all the work that has been assigned during your term of absence.

What is a leave application?

A leave application is a formal request for permission to take leave from regular classes or work. It has to be short, to the point, genuine and should state the time period and reasons for absence.

What is the format of a leave application?

A leave application includes,

  • Receiver’s address
  • Subject (Purpose of the letter)
  • Body of the letter (including the reason for leave, number of days with particular dates, date of return)
  • Complimentary closing

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    4. Introduce why you're writing. In the first paragraph, mention the specific reason you are writing the letter, including that you're requesting leave and for what reason. Doing so in the first paragraph allows the recipient to clearly understand your intention and better assess the information you provide after. 5.

  2. Three Days Holiday Leave Application (with Samples & PDFs)

    Three-Day Holiday Leave Application. First, find the sample template for three days holiday leave application below. To, The Principal, [Your School's Name], [City, State] Subject: Application for Three Days Leave. Respected Sir/Madam, I, [Your Name], am writing this letter to respectfully request a leave of absence for three days.

  3. Holiday Request Letter: 4 Free Templates

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  4. Request Letter to Employer for Holiday Leave

    How to Use Live Assistant. The Live Assistant feature is represented by a real-time preview functionality. Here's how to use it: Start Typing: Enter your letter content in the "Letter Input" textarea. Live Preview: As you type, the content of your letter will be displayed in the "Live Preview" section below the textarea. This feature converts newline characters in the textarea into <br> tags ...

  5. How to Write a Leave Application Letter [+5 Letter Samples]

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  7. How to send a holiday request email with samples and templates

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  9. How to Write Holiday Request Letter- Template, Format & Sample

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  10. How to Write a Holiday Letter (+ Template and Examples)

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    Henry Applicant 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-555-5555 [email protected]. September 1, 2018. Cathy Lee Director, Human Resources Acme Diner 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321. Dear Ms. Lee, I am writing to apply for one of your summer waitstaff openings, which I found listed on your website.

  12. Annual Leave Letter: Definition, How To Write and Example

    Key takeaways: You can write an annual leave letter to request an extended leave of absence from work for various reasons, such as vacations or emergencies. Submitting an annual leave letter provides written documentation of your request to use annual leave days, showing you provided advance notice and adhered to company policy.

  13. 10+ Optional Holiday Leave Letter

    Here are some tips and suggestions on how to write a leave letter for an optional holiday: Begin with a formal salutation, such as "Dear [Manager's Name]".; Start the letter by stating the purpose of the letter, which is to request an optional holiday.; Mention the date on which you would like to take the holiday.; Explain the reason why you would like to take the holiday.

  14. How to write an application letter for a summer job

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  15. 7 Samples Of Vacation Leave Application

    Sample 7: To, [The Manager] [Name of the Office] [Address of the Office] Subject: Leave Application For Vacation. Dear Sir/ Madam, Please treat this email as a formal application to request a leave of absence for a period of 21 days, starting [Start Date]. During this time, I will be traveling to visit my family abroad.

  16. 5 Sample Holiday Letters

    23, Elysian Street. London 236578. Dear Sir, I write you this letter as a request to kindly grant me three weeks leave from 23rd January to 14th February to visit my family for a gathering. I would really like to take a few days off and visit my parents as I haven't availed a single day's leave this year.

  17. Request Letter for Permission to Work on a Holiday

    When writing a request letter for permission to work on a holiday, it's important to be clear and polite. State your intention clearly, mentioning the specific date and reason for needing to work. Express gratitude for considering your request and emphasize how your extra effort will contribute to meeting deadlines and maintaining work standards.

  18. Request Mail for Optional Holiday Leave

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  19. Application Letter for Casual Leave or Restricted Holiday

    Application Letter for Casual Leave or Restricted Holiday. Casual Leave (C.L.): Casual leaves are not granted for vacationing. It is generally allowed for leaves to be taken to attend some urgent unforeseen matters. The employee has to intimate in advance to get approval for the leaves. Casual leaves are generally taken for a very few days in a ...

  20. Leave Application for School

    Leave Application 4 - Letter of Absence; FAQs on Leave Application for School; Format of Writing a Leave Letter for School. Leave letters come under the category of formal letters, and so the format of a leave letter is the same as any formal letter. When writing a leave letter in English, see to it that you use formal/professional English ...