Guide to Inspiring Time Management Presentation (+ Free Template) in 2024

Astrid Tran • 05 April, 2024 • 8 min read

One of the biggest challenges with time management is that there are only 24 hours in a day. 

Time flies. 

We can’t create more time, but we can learn to use the time we have more effectively.

It is never too late to learn about time management, whether you are a student, researcher, employee, leader, or professional. 

So, an effective time management presentation should include what information? Should we put effort into designing a compelling time management presentation? 

You will find out the answer in this article. So let’s get over it!

Tips for Better Engagement

  • Spin more fun with top title ideas
  • Organising group presentation properly

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Table of Contents

  • Time management presentation for employees
  • Time management presentation for leaders and professionals
  • Time management presentation for students
  • Time management presentation ideas (+ Downloadable templates)
  • Time management presentation FAQs

Time Management Presentation for Employees

What makes a good time management presentation for employees? Here is some key information to put on the presentation that certainly inspires employees.

Start with the Why

Begin the presentation by explaining the importance of time management for personal and professional growth. Highlight how effective time management can lead to reduced stress, increased productivity, better work-life balance, and career advancement.

Planning and Scheduling

Provide tips on how to create daily, weekly, and monthly schedules. Encourage the use of tools like to-do lists, calendars, or time-blocking techniques to stay organized and on track.

📌 Brainstorm your planning with idea board , by asking the right open-ended questions

Share Success Stories

Share real-life success stories from employees or colleagues who have implemented effective time management strategies and witnessed positive outcomes. Hearing relatable experiences can inspire others to take action.

time management presentation

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Time Management Presentation for Leaders and Professionals

Presenting about time management training PPT among leaders and professionals is a different story. They are too familiar with the concept and many of them are masters in this field. 

So what can make the time management PPT stand out and attract their attention? You can learn from TedTalk to get more unique ideas to level up your presentation.

Customization and Personalization

Offer personalized time management recommendations during the presentation. You could conduct a brief survey before the event and tailor some of the content based on the participants’ specific challenges and interests.

Advanced Time Management Techniques

Instead of covering the basics, focus on introducing advanced time management techniques that these leaders might not be familiar with. Explore cutting-edge strategies, tools, and approaches that can take their time management skills to the next level.

Get Interactive, Fast 🏃‍♀️

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Time Management Presentation for Students

How do you talk to your students about time management?

Students should equip themselves with time management skills in early childhood. It is not only helpful to help them stay organised, but also leads to a balance between academics and interests. These are some tips that you can make your time management presentation become more interesting:

Explain the Importance

Help students understand why time management is crucial for their academic success and overall well-being. Emphasize how effective time management can reduce stress, improve academic performance, and create a healthy work-life balance. 

The Pomodoro Technique

Explain the Pomodoro Technique, a popular time management method involving the brain working in focused intervals (e.g., 25 minutes) followed by short breaks. It can help students maintain focus and increase productivity.

Goal Setting

Teach students how to set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. In your time management presentation, remember to guide them in breaking down large tasks into smaller, manageable steps.

time management training ppt

Time Management Presentation Ideas (+ Downloadable Templates)

To add more effectiveness to the time management presentation, don’t forget to create activities that make it easy for the audience to retain information and engage in discussion. Here are some ideas to add to the time management PowerPoint.

Q&A and Interactive Activities

Good ideas of time management PPTs with activities can be interactive elements like polls , quizzes , or group discussions to keep employees engaged and reinforce key concepts. Also, allocate time for a Q&A session to address any specific concerns or questions they might have. Check out the top Q&A apps you could use in 2024!

Time management presentation PowerPoint

Remember, the presentation should be visually appealing, and concise, and avoid overwhelming employees with too much information. Use relevant graphics, charts, and examples to illustrate the concepts effectively. A well-designed presentation can ignite employees’ interest and drive positive changes in their time management habits.

How to start a time management ppt with AhaSlides?

Leverage AhaSlides to deliver creative time management slides. AhaSlides provides all kinds of quiz templates and games that definitely enhance your slides. 

How it works:

  • Log in to your AhaSlides account or create a new one if you don’t have it yet.
  • Once logged in, click on the “Create New” button and select “Presentation” from the options.
  • AhaSlides offers various pre-designed templates. Look for a time management template that suits your presentation’s theme.
  • AhaSlides integrates into PowerPoint and Google Slides so you can add directly AhaSlides into your ppt.
  • You can set a time limit to your questions if you tend to create interactive activities during your presentation.

Looking for time management templates? We have a time management template free for you!

⭐️ Want more inspiration? Check out AhaSlides templates right away to unlock your creativity!

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Time Management Presentation FAQs

Is time management a good topic for presentation.

Talking about time management is an interesting topic for people of all ages. It is easy to add some activities to make a presentation engaging and captivating.

How do you manage time during a presentation?

There are several ways to manage time during a presentation, for example, set a time limit for each activity that engages with participants, rehearse with a timer, and use visuals effectively

How do you start a 5 minute presentation?

If you want to present your ideas within 5 minutes , it is worth noting to keep slides up to 10-15 slides and use presentation tools like AhaSlides.

Ref: Slideshare

Astrid Tran

Astrid Tran

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Finding the Time for� Time Management

A Student Services Workshop

What is �Time Management?

  • Time management refers to the development of processes and tools that increase efficiency and productivity (for a student, for a business, for an organization)
  • Time management doesn’t “just happen” for anyone – it is a skill that must be worked on, and that most people find to be a life-long challenge

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� What Do High School Students Have to Juggle Nowadays?�

  • School work
  • Volunteer work
  • Co-curricular activities
  • Community activities
  • Family responsibilities
  • Social life

Time Management Is Critical to Your Success In…

  • …getting your school work done and achieving good grades
  • …keeping a job (and being able to support yourself)
  • …maintaining your mental and physical health
  • …investing in and keeping good relationships with other people

The Benefits of Having Good TM Skills

  • Time management helps you get the most out of your education
  • Allows you to be better prepared for the demands of your life…therefore decreases anxiety
  • Helps you to assign time to tasks in proportion to their importance (prioritizing)
  • Helps you achieve a more balanced life
  • Makes you a more productive, successful person

Early Warning Signs of TM Problems…

  • Handing in work late
  • Submitting work that is not up to your usual standard
  • Forgetting commitments
  • Finding that you often don’t have enough time to complete a task
  • Making excuses for why work is not done
  • Having to let go of activities you enjoy because of a lack of time or low grades
  • Asking teachers for extensions regularly on submitting your work
  • Your grades don’t reflect your ability
  • Take a minute to complete the “Time Management Quiz” to determine how much you need to work on this important skill

Why Don’t We Use Our Time More Effectively?

  • Planning out your time seems like more work
  • Adds more “structure” to your day – we have enough of this at school or work
  • Forces you to look at what needs to be completed – can be overwhelming
  • It’s not fun
  • You are lazy or just don’t care enough

Crisis vs. Time Management

  • Lots of people use more “crisis management” than time management:

Three Key Steps to Good Management

  • Developing a Weekly Schedule
  • to provide an overview of free and committed time
  • Writing a Daily To-Do List
  • to provide daily reminders to assure key tasks are not forgotten
  • Preparing a Long-Term Plan
  • to promote overall organization and

future planning

Step 1: � Creating a Weekly Schedule

  • Can use a weekly schedule template, a student agenda, or a computer program
  • Will allow you to:
  • Organize your regular activities
  • Determine your available free time
  • Look at hours spent on extra-curricular activities
  • See how much time you study
  • Know how and where you tend to waste time

Step 1:� Creating a Weekly Schedule

  • Fill in the weekly schedule in this sequence:
  • Personal Maintenance (i.e. eating, sleeping, getting ready, travel)
  • Your classes
  • Your work commitments
  • Other Commitments (volunteer, extra-curricular etc.)

THEN fill in other OPTIONAL commitments

The Typical Student Week

Things I Must Do +

Things I Want to Do +

Wasted Time =

Where Does the Time Go?

  • Approx. 110 hours of time is consumed by personal maintenance and class time
  • Work and other commitments may take up to another 14+ hours
  • That leaves approximately 44 hours remaining - this is YOUR time to spend how you see fit!

A Good Exercise…

  • If you can’t figure out where that 44 hours goes every week, keep track of how you spend your time for the next 7 days – you’ll be amazed at how it gets used!
  • No one expects that a student will use every minute of their free time to do work – but it seems reasonable that at least half of it will be devoted to academics (and even more at very busy times)

Step 2:� Daily To-Do Lists

  • It’s helpful to create a list with the following headings as a way to organize your time:

Wednesday, March 26

Task Time Req. Importance Other Notes

Math homework 1 hour Important

Play rehearsal 2 hours Very important Drama Room

Science Quiz ½ hour Very important Cell structures

Geography mapping ½ hour Important Extra help from

Mrs. Belford

  • It’s even more effective to actually create a daily schedule and block out the time when events will happen (see sample)
  • It’s important to tick things off on your daily to-do list as you complete them – gives you a sense of accomplishment
  • Try to put down a little more on your list than you think you can realistically accomplish
  • Breaking down large projects into smaller tasks that you can accomplish in small chunks of time is one of the most effective TM strategies

Step 3:� Long-Term Plans

  • Best to use a monthly calendar
  • Important to be able to look ahead by at least 4 weeks
  • As soon as you are informed of deadlines for assignments, test dates etc. put them on the calendar so you can ensure that you’re able to do some long-range planning
  • A very important step in preventing last minute cramming or rushed assignments

Procrastination : �Enemy of Time Management

  • While procrastinating may give immediate gratification because it delays working on an important (but sometimes undesirable) task, it also brings:
  • Reduced sleep
  • Lower grades
  • Poorer quality of work
  • Less learning as a result of being rushed
  • A personal sense of disappointment
  • In the end, it hurts you more than it helps you!

The Importance of Setting Priorities

  • At any one time, you may have 10 tasks that ideally you should be working on – it will be impossible to do them all!
  • Setting priorities means making a value judgment on each task you need to complete based on it’s worth and when it must be completed
  • In short: the tasks that are worth the most and due the soonest should be your #1 priority!

How Much Time Should I Be Spending?

  • If you don’t know how much time a particular task should be taking up, here are some helpful suggestions:
  • Ask your teacher for some guidance
  • Speak to other successful students in the class
  • Break the task down into various stages and consider an appropriate amount of time for each step
  • Consider the value of and deadline for the task and weigh it against other priorities

What If I Get Off Schedule?

  • It’s important to prepare for the unexpected – things will always come up that you didn’t plan for…even after great planning!
  • When your plan is thrown into chaos:
  • List each necessary activity you need to complete
  • Define time limits for each activity
  • Set priorities within the list
  • Tackle assignments in that order

What If I Just Have Too Much Going On?

  • If you find that you have very few hours left in your day, week or month to relax, spend time with friends or family, or pursue your own interests, it’s time to re-evaluate your commitments!
  • If you spread yourself too thin, you won’t fulfill any of the commitments in your life to your level of satisfaction
  • Again, be sure to prioritize and don’t feel guilty if you need to drop an activity or two – your health and well-being is always your #1 priority!

In Summary…

  • Time management is a skill that EVERYONE must work on in all areas of their life (personal, academic, work)
  • Successful time management requires self-evaluation and the desire to improve
  • Effective time management will require you to do things you don’t want to do when you don’t want to do them – you have to push yourself!
  • The pay-off of good time management is ALWAYS worth the effort

If you think you could use more help…

  • Talk to your teachers about their suggestions in how to manage the workload in the class
  • Let your parents, friends, coaches etc. know how you are feeling – their support is important
  • Book an appointment with your counsellor in Student Services to actually practice some of the time management techniques
  • If your mental or physical health is impeding your ability to manage your time effectively, see your family doctor

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Work sometimes involve deadlines and time limits. It's common in business, but now you can customize this template to create a presentation where you talk about how to improve time management. A relaxed speech is encouraged thanks to the illustrations and the design of our slides. You can also use this to show other things, such as balance sheets, statistics or the organizational chart!

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  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 32 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
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  • Uses illustrated concepts from Storyset : editable color, different backgrounds, animated illustrations
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
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Free Time Management Training Presentation

Duration: 20 minutes | format: editable ppt/pdf.

Time management means working effectively and efficiently, and employers across all industry sectors look for staff who can fully optimise the time available to them.

To get the most out of your employees they need to understand the key techniques that can help them use their working hours more effectively.

Free Time Management Training Presentation

How this training will help...

Our interactive PowerPoint training presentation is designed to help your staff understand why managing time is critical to a successful business.

Learning objectives

  • What is time management?
  • Prioritising your time
  • Procrastination and how to avoid it
  • Techniques to manage your time better

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Effective Time Management

Published by Meghan Horton Modified over 8 years ago

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effective time management


Jul 18, 2013

1.56k likes | 3k Views

EFFECTIVE TIME MANAGEMENT. TRAINING WORKSHOP. Renew yourself regularly. Objective of the Training. Prioritize Effectively with Multitasks Manage and Control Crises Values Clarification with Superiors and Subordinates Increase Productivity Reduce your Stress Levels

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  • pressing problems
  • actual activities
  • minor time wasters
  • stephen covey
  • effective v
  • empowerment important iii iv


Presentation Transcript


Renew yourself regularly

Objective of the Training • Prioritize Effectively with Multitasks • Manage and Control Crises • Values Clarification with Superiors and Subordinates • Increase Productivity • Reduce your Stress Levels • Balance Work and Personal Priorities

Prioritize, and do the most important things first.

Define your mission and goals in life.

“Change is Universal… Change is Permanent…. Be ever willing to Change….. For, change alone leads you to success and happiness!!!”

Pareto’s Principle (80/20 Rule) • 80% of Work gives 20% Results & 20% of Work gives 80% Results • One Rs.500/- v/s Hundred Rs.5/- • Effective v/s Efficient • Smart work v/s Hard work

Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix Urgent Not Urgent I II . Crisis . Pressing problems . Deadline-driven projects, meetings, preparations . Preparation . Prevention . Values clarification . Planning . Relationship building . True re-creation . Empowerment Important III IV . Interruptions, some phone calls . Some mail, some reports . Some meetings . Many proximate, pressing matters . Many popular activities . Trivia, busywork . Some phone calls . Time wasters . “Escape” activities . Irrelevant mail . Excessive TV Not Important

Quadrant I • Represents things that are both “urgent” and “important” – we need to spend time here • This is where we manage, we produce, where we bring our experience and judgment to bear in responding to many needs and challenges. • Many important activities become urgent through procrastination, or because we don’t do enough prevention and planning

Quadrant II • Includes activities that are “important, but not urgent”- Quadrant of Quality • Here’s where we do our long-range planning, anticipate and prevent problems, empower others, broaden our minds and increase our skills • Ignoring this Quadrant feeds and enlarges Quadrant I, creating stress, burnout, and deeper crises for the person consumed by it • Investing in this Quadrant shrinks Quadrant I

Quadrant III • Includes things that are “urgent, but not important” - Quadrant of Deception. • The noise of urgency creates the illusion of importance. • Actual activities, if they’re important at all, are important to someone else. • Many phone calls, meetings and drop-in visitors fall into this category

Quadrant IV • Reserved for activities that are “not urgent, not important”- Quadrant of Waste • We often “escape” to Quadrant IV for survival • Reading addictive novels, watching mindless television shows, or gossiping at office would qualify as Quadrant IV time-wasters

Is it bad to be in Quadrant I? • Are you in Quadrant I because of the urgency or the importance? • If urgency dominates, when importance fades, you’ll slip into Quadrant III. • But if you’re in Quadrant I because of importance, when urgency fades you’ll move to Quadrant II.

What is the problem with urgency? • Urgency itself is not the problem… • When urgency is the dominant factor in our lives, importance isn’t • What we regard as “first things” are urgent things

Where do I get time to spend in Quadrant II? • From Quadrant III • Time spent in Quadrant I is both urgent and important- we already know we need to be there • We know we shouldn’t be there in Quadrant IV • But Quadrant III can fool us

MINOR TIME WASTERS • Interruptions we face during the day • Being a slave on the telephone • Unexpected/Unwanted visitors • Needless reports/Junk mail • Meetings without agenda

MAJORTIME WASTERS • Procrastination • Afraid to Delegate • Not Wanting to Say "NO" • Low Self-Esteem • Problems With Objectives/Priorities

WHAT CAN STOP YOU? • Negative Thoughts • Negative People • Low Self-Esteem • Fear of Failure • Fear of Rejection / Criticism

ACTION PLAN • Enter the RISK ZONE • Communicate & Clarify Values • Analyse your use of TIME - "80/20“ • Do not “REACT” to Urgency • Deal with One Paper only Once

ACTION PLAN • Allocate time according to Priorities (Quiet Hour, Session I,II,III,IV) • "TO DO LIST“ (Top 3 Priorities today) • Have a Follow through • Learn to say two letter word - "NO" • Visualization and Auto-Suggestion • Delegate low Priority Item

"SMART" GOALS • S - Specific & Self • M - Measurable • A - Achievable & Positive • R - Realistic & Rewarding • T - Time Bound

PANCH AMRUT • Step 1 – Define your Role • Step 2 – Set your Monthly Goal • Step 3 – Schedule your Weekly Time • Step 4 – Adopt it Daily - 80/20 • Step 5 – Act on it, Now!

Designed & Created by Shabbar Suterwala – Director Leaders Workshop Corporate Soft Skills Trainer – NLP Practitioner For CD of Soft Skills Presentations contact Email: [email protected] Or Call: +91-989 222 5864

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Following an Effective Time management approach.

Following an Effective Time management approach.

u201cTime is wealthu201d said a wise man, and we believe that every institution nowadays is looking forward to following an effective approach towards their work. Being one of the most preferred software integration, at Skugal, we offer a list of robust solutions for the school management needs. One of these services includes its Attendance Management service. It is hard & a time taking process to keep a check on the presence and absence of the students and the human resources of the institutions. To integrate an Attendance Management System in a School ERP software has been a difficult process but the results have been phenomenal. The entire system is supported by AI technology, which makes your interface highly functional. Our Attendance Management system has various inbuilt features like Real time tracking of attendance, presence & absence percentage calculation ensuring punctuality, etc., which makes it stand out of the crowd. We at Skugal are looking forward to,with the help of our School ERP, providing a holistic integration to your School Management system by providing tools that expand the domains of your management approach.

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Top 50 Time Management Templates to Boost Your Productivity (Best Tips Included)

Top 50 Time Management Templates to Boost Your Productivity (Best Tips Included)

Gunjan Gupta


Time isn’t the main thing. It’s the only thing– Miles Davis

To-do-lists, slipping deadlines, and project wrath are some of the experiences that are too common in our life and work culture. With new year resolution season dawning upon us, many people are diligently trying to fulfill their long made promises to “become better administrators”, “become more productive at work”, “avoid procrastination” and “focus their attention on what really matters”. All these developmental goals are mandatory to career success, but at the same time, are amongst the rarest of the skills; possessed by a few (geniuses), longed by many! 

So, how do we hone our time management skills? There is certainly no shortage of advice- blogs, hackathons, apps, and much more just created to answer this question with a bevy of ready-to-implement solutions! Yet the most disappointing fact is that only a few function to the optimum level. For instance, while buying high-end kitchen equipment, would you instantly become a five-star chef? Certainly not. Similarly, to hone your skills, you must be aware of a few knicks and knacks that bring favorable time management outcomes, rather than employing glitzy apps that are nothing less than an accessory! 

Fortunately, we have a few tricks up our sleeves (with bonus templates), that will surely help you become better time managers and become more productive at work! 

But first…...let us discuss time management.

What Is Time Management?

Time management helps in strategizing planning and controlling the available amount of time so that it can be put to optimum use. It refers to how one should prioritize the time and accord it to different activities to yield profitable results. Without an effective time management structure, a company can suffer various setbacks like:

  • Missed deadlines
  • Poor quality work
  • Low productivity 
  • Harming one’s professional stature 
  • Ruining the work-life equilibrium 
  • Increasing stress and anxiety 
  • Derailed projects 

Why Time Management? 

Learning the art of managing time can help yield positive results especially in work culture to streamline and prioritize activities. Let us go through a few of the many benefits of appointing an effective time-management structure and following its principles to a T:

  • Less friction
  • Fewer mistakes
  • Improved performance 
  • A more productive workforce
  • Proper allocation of resources
  • Boost in the overall confidence
  • Better work-life balance

Effective Tips and Templates to accompany your time-management endeavors 

1. Early to Bed Early to Rise

Though this point might seem too obvious, many of us forget what a great difference this small change can bring in our lives. With only 24 hrs in a day (like every other being on this planet), put a number to your hours, the longer the better. Wake up early ideally around 6-7 am to make your days appear longer and more productive! 

Reminder Templates 

Template 1 

Day Countdown Hourglass Calendar Showing Alarm Clock

Download Day Countdown Hourglass Calendar Showing Alarm Clock

Reminder Alarm Clock Image

Download Reminder Alarm Clock Image

Countdown Day With Alarm Clock Image

Download Countdown Day With Alarm Clock Image

Ticking Alarm Clock Kept On Table

Download Ticking Alarm Clock Kept On Table

Business Agility Icon With Alarm Clock

Download Business Agility Icon With Alarm Clock

2. Set SMART goals 

Having a realistic idea of where you want to reach is extremely important. Set SMART (specific, measurable, actionable, realistic, and timely) goals and commit yourself to them. This defines the steps that are to be taken in order to attain your goals successfully. When your goals aren’t reaping the expected positive results, something is missing or lacking and this void is successfully filled by setting SMART goals. These will help you prioritize and devote the bulk of your time to tasks that need your attention rather than those that can be completed thereafter. Also, managing workload becomes quite easy when you follow the “SMART” goals principle and adapt it fully to your business setting. 

S.M.A.R.T Goals Templates 

Leadership Quarterly Roadmap With Multiple Smart Goals

Download Leadership Quarterly Roadmap With Multiple Smart Goals

Smart Goals For Marketing Strategy Review

Download Smart Goals For Marketing Strategy Review

Smart Goals Specific Measurable Attainable Time Bound And Dart Board

Download Smart Goals Specific Measurable Attainable Time Bound And Dart Board

Smart Goals Showing Specific Measurable Attainable And Relevant

Download Smart Goals Showing Specific Measurable Attainable And Relevant

Smart Objectives Slide

Download Smart Objectives Slide

3. Track your Time 

Time has always been a limited resource. One of the easiest and efficient ways to track your time is to invest in time tracking templates, which our modern technology offers to promote productivity in a work setting. These tools help in maintaining a record of every minute spent on tasks, subtasks, and others, thereby allowing the proper allocation and administration of 24 hrs available . 

Time Tracking templates 

Weekly Hourly Agenda Timesheet PowerPoint Slides

Download Weekly Hourly Agenda Timesheet PowerPoint Slides

Hourly Agenda Timesheet PowerPoint Layout

Download Hourly Agenda Timesheet PowerPoint Layout

Weekly Timesheet Review With Target Status

Download Weekly Timesheet Review With Target Status

Timesheet Tracker With Period Start And End Date

Download Timesheet Tracker With Period Start And End Date

Employee Time Sheet PPT

Download Employee Time Sheet PPT Styles Graphics Download

4. “Eat That Frog”

Mark Twain quotes “Eat a live frog every morning and nothing worse will happen to you for the rest of the day.  And if it’s your job to eat two frogs, it’s best to eat the biggest one first”

By the bigger frog, Mark Twain meant the most important task that is likely to be procrastinated over a million times. Therefore, tackle the task that requires the biggest chunk of your time first thing in the morning and then continue with other tasks. Summon the energy and motivation to take up bigger tasks first. This will give you a sense of achievement and motivation to carry on. 

So, go ahead and eat that frog ! 

Timeline Templates 

Daily Tasks Timeline Gantt Chart PPT

Download Daily Tasks Timeline Gantt Chart PPT

Yearly Tasks Timeline Gantt Chart PPT

Download Yearly Tasks Timeline Gantt Chart PPT

Yearly Based Gantt Chart With Tasks Flowchart PPT

Download Yearly Based Gantt Chart With Tasks Flowchart PPT

Daily Schedule Gantt Chart With Task Details PPT

Download Daily Schedule Gantt Chart With Task Details PPT

Project Gantt Chart With Daily Timeline PPT

Download Project Gantt Chart With Daily Timeline PPT

5. Use Calendars

One of the greatest time management tips that can act as a total game-changer is to employ well-crafted calendars. They help simplify the administration of critical tasks and activities so that the user can always stay ahead of time and meet his deadlines without any difficulty. 

With the advent of online calendars and tools to design them, the task of managing one’s schedule, setting up important reminders, creating time blocks, and many more are very easy and convenient. 

Here are a few Calendar Templates to quench your thirst for great designs:

Note- The dates and data of these calendar templates can be altered to fit your needs 

Calendar Of Events

Download Calendar Of Events

Calendar Of Events Overview

Download Calendar Of Events Overview

Daily Employee Engagement Calendar

Download Daily Employee Engagement Calendar

Weekly Employee Engagement Calendar

Download Weekly Employee Engagement Calendar

Six Months Content Calendar Roadmap

Download Six Months Content Calendar Roadmap

6. Embrace the Pomodoro technique

Time management is accompanied by a lot of challenges, especially when multiple tasks are to be administered simultaneously. However, the Pomodoro technique can help overcome this issue. It is simple: break your tasks into time blocks that train your brain to spend less time on them without shifting the focus. This technique is particularly useful in improving concentration and getting things done in a shorter amount of time. 

Pomodoro Technique - According to the findings of research conducted by the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, the human mind can take up to 25 minutes to regain the focus on the activity from which it has been distracted. And, when the focus is lost, it takes an equal amount of time to pull oneself together and begin concentrating. So, keep all the tasks aside that make you lose your focus. When the focus is maintained on a particular activity, the brain processes information in a single direction that helps in improving concentration and time management rapidly. 

Task Management Templates 

Task Management PowerPoint Slides

Download Task Management PowerPoint Slides

Task Management Across Departments PPT Slides

Download Task Management Across Departments PPT Slides

Task Management Gantt Chart PPT Slide Template

Download Task Management Gantt Chart PPT Slide Template

Team Task Management Worksheet PPT Slide Show

Download Team Task Management Worksheet PPT Slide Show

Sales Activity And Task Management Presentation PowerPoint

Download Sales Activity And Task Management Presentation PowerPoint

7. Plan ahead with a To-Do List 

Although planning is simple, it is relentlessly the most powerful mantra to manage your time like a pro that starts by creating to-do lists. Create a checklist of your daily tasks and then distribute them throughout the week to plan ahead and reap the rewards. With a daily planning journal, you will be able to preview the activities that are complete, stuck in the pipeline, need prior attention as well as break the tasks into smaller chunks. 

Therefore, juxtapose your daily tasks against your overarching goals to hone your time management skills! 

Let us look at a few To-Do List Templates now:

To Do Checklist Slides With Various Tasks

Download To-Do Checklist Slides With Various Tasks

To Do List For Group Task Assignment

Download To Do List For Group Task Assignment

To Do List For Completion Of Project

Download To Do List For Completion Of Project

List Of Activities Contains Basic Teamwork To Do Tasks

Download List Of Activities Contains Basic Teamwork To Do Tasks

To Do List With Action Items And Status Update

Download To Do List With Action Items And Status Update

8. Work Smarter, not harder

Although it is the most overlooked point and it may sound counterintuitive, taking frequent breaks to rejuvenate yourself is the biggest productivity booster. How? Because it does not exhaust and drain your entire energy in one go. If you work for 5-7 hrs at a single stretch, you might get exhausted and lose interest in the activity, however, if you take frequent breaks, your task is likely to be completed at a much faster pace and more efficiently. 

Smart time management does not mean working continuously and getting drained. It means putting your time and energy to optimum use by taking frequent intervals to refresh your mind! 

Break Time Recess Interval Icon Meal Organisation Work

Download Break Time Recess Interval Icon Meal Organisation Work

Office Break Time Showing Snacks

Download Office Break Time Showing Snacks

Lunch Break Timing On Hot Coffee Mug Icon

Download Lunch Break Timing On Hot Coffee Mug Icon

Break Time Showing Tea Interval Or Recess

Download Break Time Showing Tea Interval Or Recess

Break Time Icon Of Tea Time

Download Break Time Icon Of Tea Time

10 Decks to meet all your expectations 

Time management is a skill that requires due diligence and extra effort. To help you with this endeavor of yours we have come up with this complete deck that can be used to present timelines, to-to-lists, checklists, and many more, as it offers a complete package of assortments. All you have to do is download it and use it either as single slides or as a complete presentation. The choice is yours! 

Time Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Download Time Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Another template to help you in proper time allocation! Use it as per your liking as along with other templates, it is also a fully editable PowerPoint presentation. Therefore download it to make use of it for your individual tasks!  

Time Management Matrix Organizational Process

Download Time Management Matrix Organizational Process Improvement Employees Strategy Business

Build a solid and concrete plan that screams success when it comes to managing time. Conduct proper time allocation with this fully-editable set. All you have to do is click on the download button and begin personalizing. 

Time Quadrants Management Planning

Download Time Quadrants Management Planning Stopwatch Individual Efficiency

Implicate and inform your audience about the methods to measure time with this complete deck. With different slides that respond to all your needs, it is a complete package to hone your time management skills. Therefore, grab this well-crafted set now! 

Measure Time Management Service Productivity Work Objectives

Download Measure Time Management Service Productivity Work Objectives

Brief employees about the possible project time management implications with this complete deck that comes with editable features and content. Therefore, download and tweak its content as per your liking.

Project Resourcing Time Management Implications PowerPoint Presentation

Track your activities and time spent on them easily with automatic status and priorities offered by this template. It features well-researched content, that can be tweaked as per your preference. So, give it a go! 

Action Tracker Activities Planning And Time Management Business Tasks

Download Action Tracker Activities Planning And Time Management Business Tasks

Template 7 

Unlock your highest potential by allocating your time and resources efficiently. This time management template design features content-ready slides in the form of tables, charts and graphs, and many others that can be easily adapted to the needs of the user. 

Effective Time Planning PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Download Effective Time Planning PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Time management is an important factor to consider while planning any project. Therefore we have designed this complete deck to help you administer time as well as your project leading your organization towards success. 

Project Management Time Impact Analysis PowerPoint Presentation Slides

Download Project Management Time Impact Analysis PowerPoint Presentation Slide

This is another project time management template that can be used to your advantage. Mention the steps or the factors that help in managing time with utmost efficiency here and use it in any of your presentations. This is a versatile tool that is responsive to every need of yours. Therefore claim it now, by clicking the download button next to it. 

3 Steps To Reduce Project Lead Time

Download 3 Steps To Reduce Project Lead Time

Template 10

Administer the time spent on every project activity and jot down the elements here in this template. It will act as a visual tool all thanks to its appealing color scheme and graphics. Therefore give it a go! 

Project Budgeting And Time Management PPT

Download Project Budgeting And Time Management PPT Infographics

Remember “either you run the day or the day runs you”. Therefore master your time management skills so that you utilize every second of your day wisely. Doing so will help your days run smoothly without any speed breakers to stop you from achieving your goals! Explore our fully customizable and editable time management ppt now.

Good Luck! 

Related posts:

  • Top 10 Time Management Matrix Templates to Raise Business Efficiency
  • Top 20 Task Management Templates to Align Your Business Activities
  • 10 Best Tips for Managing Your Calendar and Schedule Efficiently [Templates Included]
  • Top 5 Time Management Chart Templates with Examples and Samples

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    Effective time management. The document discusses different time management strategies and methods. It begins by outlining 7 principles of effective time management, including not procrastinating, identifying distractions, and learning to say no. It then explains the Eisenhower Method, which distinguishes between urgent and important tasks.

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    Free Time Management Training Presentation. Duration: 20 minutes | Format: Editable PPT/PDF. Time management means working effectively and efficiently, and employers across all industry sectors look for staff who can fully optimise the time available to them. To get the most out of your employees they need to understand the key techniques that ...

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    34 "SMART" GOALS S - Specific & Self M - Measurable A - Achievable & Positive R - Realistic & Rewarding T - Time Bound. 35 Step 1 - Define your Role Step 2 - Set your Monthly Goal Step 3 - Schedule your Weekly Time Step 4 - Adopt it Daily - 80/20 Step 5 - Act on it, Now! Download ppt "Effective Time Management".

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    PANCH AMRUT • Step 1 - Define your Role • Step 2 - Set your Monthly Goal • Step 3 - Schedule your Weekly Time • Step 4 - Adopt it Daily - 80/20 • Step 5 - Act on it, Now! EFFECTIVE TIME MANAGEMENT. TRAINING WORKSHOP. Renew yourself regularly. Objective of the Training.

  18. Top 50 Time Management Templates to Boost Your Productivity

    Download Effective Time Planning PowerPoint Presentation Slides . Template 8 . Time management is an important factor to consider while planning any project. Therefore we have designed this complete deck to help you administer time as well as your project leading your organization towards success.

  19. What Is Time Management? 6 Strategies to Better Manage Your Time

    1. Conduct a time audit. Start by assessing where you actually spend your time. Create a visual map of the approximate hours you spend on work, school, housework and chores, commuting, social media, and leisure activities. Then, you can drill in on school or work, dividing your previous week into days, then hours.

  20. PDF Strategies for Effective Time Management in the Classroom

    Distribute this document to staff by attaching the file to the Next Day Follow-Up Email, or make copies for the staff. 1. Think about two methods that you or your department can imple-ment to make more time for one-on-one student meetings on a daily basis. Describe the strategy and how you plan to implement this.