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Veterinary school admission 101

Give yourself the best chance of being admitted.

We're sure you've already heard how competitive it is to get into veterinary school. Sure, it's competitive – but it's not impossible. If you've got good science and math skills and an interest in helping animals, follow your dream. Who better to help you than the people who've already been there?

So, what if your grades are good but not great ? Does that mean you've got no chance? No, it doesn't. Veterinary schools are looking for well-rounded students. They're looking for future leaders. You can make yourself a better candidate by getting good (or great) grades as well as experience and leadership skills.


That said, check out your school's undergraduate catalog for courses that aren't on the vet school prerequisite list but might be good courses to give you a "leg up" and better prepare you for the coursework you'll have in vet school. For example, consider taking upper-level anatomy and physiology, zoology, microbiology, animal science/animal production, nutrition, and histology courses, to name a few. It's possible that taking these courses as an undergrad can make the comparable vet school classes much less stressful for you because you've already got a good foundation in that subject.

Volunteering or working for a veterinarian is very important. Not only does it expose you to your potential career (so you know what you're getting into, so to speak), but it also might provide a good recommendation for you from the veterinarian.

Varied experience is also helpful. If you have the opportunity to work in a research lab or for veterinarians who work with different species, that's a bonus that can make you more appealing to a veterinary school admissions committee. Get as much experience as you can while you have the opportunity.

Leadership skills

Communication skills.

Most of us dread public speaking, but that's all the more reason to take a class or two. Becoming more comfortable speaking to larger audiences will come in handy later in life.

Letters of recommendation

Standardized tests, what if you don't get in.

You're not alone, and it doesn't mean you don't have what it takes. Contact the admissions staff and request feedback on your application, then address the deficiencies and reapply next year.

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How to get into Vet school

How to Get Into Vet School: 8 Application Tips for Aspiring Animal Doctors

While many students are interested in careers with animals, not all of them are meant for veterinary medicine. It takes someone like you with a knack for science and a drive to succeed. In fact, you’re already thinking about how to get into vet school.

There’s no tried-and-true method for gaining an acceptance letter to a veterinary medicine program, but these expert tips can help you put together the strongest possible application.

8 tips for students researching how to get into vet school

According to Dr. Laura Flatow, clinical assistant professor of animal science and pre-vet coordinator at Berry College, it’s wise to think about what’s motivating you to pursue a doctor of veterinary medicine (DVM) degree before you get started. “Really think about working on all your experiences and building a solid application based off what it is about the field that makes you want to be a vet,” she suggests.

1. Aim for academic excellence

Veterinary schools are explicit about the courses applicants need to complete, so you’ll want to identify which prerequisite classes you’ll need to take early on in your education. And it’s essential that you perform as well as you can in those required courses because vet schools carefully scrutinize your science GPA.

“That science GPA really tells schools if students have the ability to do well in a rigorous DVM curriculum,” Dr. Flatow explains.

When thinking about how to get into vet school, it’s also important to do well in your other classes. Dr. Flatow notes that some schools won’t look at the rest of your application if you don’t meet their minimum GPA standards. The only other chance you have to prove your academic prowess is the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), but that’s becoming less important to DVM programs.

2. Gain as much animal and veterinary experience as you can

Students need to accumulate both veterinary experience (work done under the supervision of a veterinarian) and animal experience (any activity that involves working with animals). Dr. Flatow  suggests students think more about gaining a breadth of experiences than obsessing over the specific number of hours.

“Vet schools would prefer that students divide their time to get experience in different clinics and with different animals,” she explains.

Looking for a benchmark? The American Association of Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) reports veterinary students who began class in 2020 accumulated a mean of more than 1,600 veterinary experience hours and more than 1,100 animal experience hours.

3. Consider participating in research

Getting involved in research isn’t a requirement for veterinary schools, but participating in a project that you’re really passionate about can be beneficial. That said, it’s not always easy to find opportunities depending on your school.

“Berry College is a smaller school,” Dr. Flatow says. “There are no graduate students doing the research, so we have more opportunities for undergraduates to get that experience.”

4. Work closely with a pre-vet advisor

Students who have access to a dedicated pre-veterinary advisor should take full advantage. Most everyone knows that getting good grades and accumulating relevant experiences are both essential for getting into vet school, but Dr. Flatow says figuring out all the other nuances like how to approach letters of recommendation can be tricky.

“Pre-vet advisors keep up with the individual vet schools and what their admissions processes look like,” she points out. “That's not something you're going to get from just a typical advisor.”

5. Write a thoughtful essay

The essay portion of the Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS) asks students to compose a personal statement that illustrates who they are and why they want to pursue a veterinary medicine career. This composition must be 3,000 characters or less.

“Students need to show who they are, what experiences they had that shaped them and what their goals are,” Dr. Flatow explains.

6. Secure glowing letters of recommendation

Every vet school applicant needs to obtain at least three letters of recommendation . But don’t think of these evaluations as items you can check off a list. Most DVM programs expect at least one letter be written by a veterinarian. More importantly, letters should be composed by individuals who know you well.

“Admissions committees are looking for those letters to complement the application by telling them who the candidate is as a person,” Dr. Flatow elaborates. “They can provide insight that may not be in the rest of the application.”

7. Let your personality show through

It’s wise to focus on activities related to animals and veterinary medicine, but don’t forget to mention other valuable experiences in your vet school applications. The VMCAS help guide also lists extracurricular activities, volunteering and even paid work. Mentioning these experiences can give admissions committees a better sense of who you are and where your passions lie. Consider what your time playing sports or volunteering might say about you.

“Schools want students who have soft skills like communication and the ability to work well with others,” Dr. Flatow says. “Things like employment and extracurricular activities can show that.”

8. Be selective when choosing an undergraduate program

“Look for programs that offer courses that are going to be challenging,” Dr. Flatow urges. Berry College’s animal science program, for instance, has developed a reputation for pushing students to do their best. “Students who do well in our program are prepared for a rigorous DVM curriculum, and they end up doing quite well when they get there,” she adds.

Start your journey toward vet school

There’s no proven checklist on how to get into vet school. Remember that admissions committees are looking for candidates who would make good veterinarians, not just good students. Focusing on your studies and gathering experiences that can help you become a well-rounded person will go a long way toward helping you achieve your goal of becoming a veterinarian.

Curious about what else it takes to pursue this career? Learn more by checking out our article “ How to Become a Veterinarian: An Aspiring DVM’s All-Encompassing Guide .”

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How to Go to Vet School and Become a Veterinarian

Compassion, resilience, good communication and self-care go a long way in veterinary education and the profession, experts say.

How to Get Into Vet School, Become a Vet

Young French Bulldog on the visit to the vet.

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Vets need to be adept at interacting with both humans and animals.

For those who love animals and enjoy science, a career as a veterinarian might be a good fit. These health care providers have doctorates in veterinary medicine, and their doctoral education includes lessons on how to care for a variety of nonhuman creatures ranging from household pets and farm animals to aquatic creatures and zoo animals.

"You get to learn about the large and small animals," says Dr. Jim Carlson, a veterinarian outside Chicago who provides conventional and alternative therapies to animals.

"That's unique to our profession, because we come out (of vet school) having a basic knowledge of all animals, from ants to elephants," says Carlson, adding that most of his patients are small animals like dogs and cats.

Dr. Tony DeMarco – a veterinarian who owns the Lee's Summit, Missouri, branch of GoodVets, a national network of animal hospitals – says one of the best aspects of being a vet is the broad variety of patients. "I might see a cute new family puppy first thing in the morning and then evaluate a sick cat for surgery," he wrote in an email.

Communication can be a challenge in the veterinary field, DeMarco notes.

"Veterinarians are often compared to pediatricians because our patients aren't able to talk to us," he says. "We often have to perform some detective work in collaboration with the owner to deduce a pet's problem from medical history, behavior, and symptoms."

Vets need to be adept at interacting with both humans and animals, says Dr. Becky Krull, a Wisconsin-based veterinarian and co-owner of a veterinary practice.

"I think loving animals is a given but what is often overlooked is that you must be a people person," Krull wrote in an email. "There is a person affiliated with every patient I have and that person is paying the bill! You need to be able to communicate effectively to educate and provide value to your services."

How to Get Into Vet School

To become a competitive veterinary school applicant, it is essential to take all of the prerequisite courses for your target school, experts say, and it's important to understand that different vet schools have different prerequisite requirements.

Dr. Robin Solomon, a licensed and practicing veterinarian in New York who wrote a chapter about the profession for the book, "Healthcare Heroes: The Medical Careers Guide," notes that to qualify for vet school, it's typically necessary to take undergraduate courses in advanced math, basic sciences like biology and chemistry, plus animal science.

The American Veterinary Medical Association notes in its admissions 101 guide for aspiring veterinarians that there is no particular college major that someone needs to pursue in order to qualify for vet school. The association suggests that vet school applicants highlight their experience with animals, as well as leadership and communication skills.

Solid grades are essential in order to be a competitive applicant, the association adds, with the caveat that vet schools don't expect a perfect GPA. "Although a 4.0 will certainly help you, it's not an absolute necessity," the association states.

Participation in 4-H, the National FFA Organization – formerly Future Farmers of America – and other similar organizations is "great experience" for vet school hopefuls, according to the association. So is volunteering at animal shelters or animal rescues, the association notes, adding that it's "very important" to either volunteer or work for a veterinarian.

"Not only does it expose you to your potential career (so you know what you're getting into, so to speak), but it also might provide a good recommendation for you from the veterinarian," the association states on its website. If you gain research lab experience or work with veterinarians who treat different species of animals, "that's a bonus that can make you more appealing to a veterinary school admissions committee," the association explains.

Dr. Brian Collins, a veterinarian on the faculty of the highly ranked Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine in New York, says Cornell looks for a variety of traits when assessing applicants.

"Half of our admissions review is dedicated to making sure the applicant has the academic background to succeed in our curriculum," he wrote in an email, noting that the rest of the admissions process is designed to assess the applicant as an individual. "Scientific curiosity, compassion, empathy, resilience, demonstrated problem-solving skills and people-skills are additional characteristics we value and look for in an applicant."

Krull suggests that showcasing positive personality traits is one way to improve the odds of vet school acceptance.

"Some schools do personal interviews as well, so you must be charismatic and present yourself in a way that convinces them you are a good fit," she says. "Since burnout, compassion fatigue and suicide rates are rampantly on the rise in this profession, schools may also now be looking at students who have resilience, grit and the self-care needed to survive school and the profession."

Most vet schools require applicants to submit GRE General Test scores, and some also require a GRE Subject Test in biology. It is occasionally possible to submit scores from the MCAT medical school entrance exam instead of the GRE General Test, but that depends on a vet school's admissions policies.

The Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges provides a free " Profile of Admitted Students " online tool that prospective vet students can use to find out what credentials are typical among accepted students at individual vet schools.

What to Expect in Vet School

Students enrolled in vet school will take an array of classes relevant to animal health, experts say.

"Within the veterinary school curriculum," Solomon wrote in an email, "classes include the anatomy and physiology of many species (cats, dogs, horses, cows and exotic species), nutrition, microbiology, infectious diseases, internal medicine and surgery. Elective courses are also offered in areas of aquatic and zoo animal medicine, conservation of endangered species, rehabilitation medicine and Eastern medicine such as acupuncture."

Krull describes the amount of material that vet students need to absorb as "astronomical," since students must gain an understanding of multiple species and learn about both male and female animals. "Being a veterinary student is extremely difficult but rewarding," she says.

Vet school involves not only science classes but also clinical skills training, experts say.

"Throughout, students must learn to diagnose and treat diseases in a wide range of species that go beyond dogs, cats, cows and horses, including birds and exotic pets such as reptiles and amphibians," Collins says.

Collins describes veterinary education as "a full-time job" and says students can expect to spend significant time in classes, labs and study sessions.

"Having said that, our students are involved in many extracurricular activities, most of which are clubs related to the veterinary profession," he says.

Steps to Take to Become a Vet

Experts on veterinary medical education emphasize that it is highly rigorous, but they say the vet school workload is manageable for hardworking, bright students.

Dr. Carmen Fuentealba, dean of the Long Island University College of Veterinary Medicine in New York, says students who have done well in college and high school should not fear vet school since they have already proven themselves academically.

"There is not going to be any reason why you shouldn't succeed when you go to vet school," she says.

Veterinary school typically lasts for four years and veterinary students usually have a bachelor's degree, which means that the journey into the veterinary profession is a long one. Aspiring vets can expect to devote about eight years to their higher education if they spend four years in college and four years in vet school earning a doctor of veterinary medicine, or D.V.M., degree.

Further, people who wish to specialize within a particular field of veterinary medicine such as surgery or pathology often seek extra training after vet school through veterinary internship and residency programs. For those individuals, over a decade of education after high school is typical.

"Advanced training programs such as internships and residencies are not required," Collins explains. "Residency programs allow veterinarians to receive advanced training and certification in a clinical discipline."

Successful completion of an internship is a prerequisite for most residency programs, Collins adds.

Although someone can become a vet without completing a veterinary internship or residency, he or she must have a license.

"Graduates of accredited U.S. veterinary colleges must be licensed in the state(s) in which they intend to practice, through an application process determined by that state," Collins says. "The most important requirements for licensure are successful completion of the veterinary degree and a passing score on the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination," or NAVLE, he adds.

Is Vet School Worth It?

The educational pathway to a veterinary career is not only lengthy and strenuous, it's also pricey.

According to the AVMA, the average educational debt among 2019 graduates of U.S. veterinary schools who found full-time employment prior to graduation was about $150,000. Their average entry-level starting salary was significantly less, slightly under $85,000.

Experts on the veterinary profession say that money is not typically the primary motivation for entering this field. "Money can be a touchy subject, especially since we work in a caring profession and generally prefer to tackle medical rather than financial challenges," DeMarco says.

"Honestly, the salary-to-debt ratio is poor," DeMarco says, but veterinarians "don’t usually enter the field because they expect it to be lucrative."

It's important for vet school hopefuls to understand that veterinarians typically earn far less than physicians. According to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual salary for U.S veterinarians was $93,830 in May 2018 while it was $208,000 or more for physicians and surgeons within human medicine.

The BLS predicts that the number of U.S. veterinary jobs by 2028 will be 18% higher than in 2018. That is much better than the norm among U.S. professions, since the average projected growth rate across all fields is only 5%.

Dr. Katie Woodley, a Colorado-based general practice veterinarian who incorporates holistic treatment methods into her practice, says one of the advantages of the veterinary profession is that there are many types of jobs within the veterinary field. Vets, then, can choose the path that suits them.

The career path that most people imagine when they think of veterinarians is the role of a general practitioner who takes care of personal pets, Solomon says, but vets may treat small animals, food animals or exotic animals.

Additionally, although a majority of vets work in private practice, that isn't true for all vets. "Veterinarians can also be found in research, public health, the military and regulatory medicine (such as the CDC, EPA and FDA)," Solomon wrote in an email, referring to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Environmental Protection Agency and Food and Drug Administration, respectively.

DeMarco says the job outlook for vets is positive. "There are many potential career paths, from small animal doctor to state health inspector, and from researcher to relief vet."

Plus, according to the AVMA, there are 22 types of veterinary specialists , vets who have pursued veterinary training beyond vet school, developed expertise within a particular area of veterinary medicine and passed an exam in that field.

For example, poultry veterinarians are experts on caring for turkeys, chickens and ducks, and theriogenologists concentrate on animal reproduction.

Though the veterinary field is diverse and includes many types of jobs, one thing that nearly every veterinary specialty shares in common is an abundance of intellectually demanding work. Krull notes that the veterinary field is a challenging one "with long hours, tough cases, lots to know."

Searching for a grad school? Access our complete rankings of Best Graduate Schools.

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Academic preparation.

  • For those applying the Fall of 2024 (Class of 2029) and Fall of 2025 (Class of 2030): read a list of prerequisite credits and courses  that you need to apply.
  • Starting with applicants in the Fall of 2026 (Class of 2031), there will be  NEW prerequisite credits and courses .

Standardized Tests

GRE's, MCAT's, and the CASPer test are not used in our admissions process. They are not required. 

Veterinary medical experience is highly recommended, and the Admissions Committee looks for both breadth and depth. Non-veterinary animal experience is also valued. You are welcome to list any experiences, dating back as far as you wish, in your application.

Veterinary Experience

  • Experiences in veterinary practice, veterinary or biomedical research, public health, or other areas of the profession under the supervision of a veterinarian or research scientist are highly desirable.
  • Competitive applicants normally have two or more areas of veterinary or veterinary and animal experiences (e.g. small animal, large animal, research, food animal, production, exotic, aquatic, wildlife, zoological medicine, etc.) with substantial depth of experience in at least one area.
  • We do not have a minimum number of hours, but will look for an understanding of the profession and what you have learned and gained from the experience(s).

Animal Experience

  • Animal experience can include working with livestock, breeding or showing various species, working at a zoo, aquarium or pet shop, or volunteering at an animal shelter. 

Other Achievements and Character

  • The Admissions Committee values research experience, community involvement, and any significant non-academic interests and abilities, as well as demonstrated characteristics of reliability, honesty, and dedication to service. 

Evaluation Letters

  • One must come from a veterinarian.
  • One must come from your advisor or a faculty member who has taught you. They must be able to provide information about your academic abilities in college.
  • The third can be from someone of your choosing.
  • You may submit up to six evaluation letters in total.
  • You do not have to provide letters for each relevant experience you list.
  • Share these  Guidelines for Evaluators  with those writing you a letter to help guide their evaluation. We recommend you keep checking with your evaluators to make sure they are aware of the September deadline.

PreVet Tracker

Cornell PreVet Tracker is a free mobile iOS/Android app to record, track, update, and review veterinary-related experiences in one place. It reflects details asked for in the VMCAS application. You can download the app to your iPhone or Android.

PreVet Tracker help page .

Information for Re-Applicants

Cornell's veterinary application process is very competitive. For some, it could take a couple of application cycles to gain admission into the program. We encourage students to reapply and offer advice on how to strengthen a future application through virtual roundtables and individual advising appointments. If you are reapplying, you must complete the VMCAS application again (including the Cornell Supplemental section), as well as resubmit all supporting documents. 

Dean's Certification

We require that accepted and alternate/waitlisted students supply confirmation that they are in good standing at their institution, and notice of all disciplinary actions or proceedings involving the applicant. When they receive their decision letter, admitted students and alternates will be provided a Dean's Certification Form.

  • Student from external institutions should submit it to their Dean of Students Office. 
  • Cornell students should contact the registrar within their college of study.

This form is due March 15 of the year they are admitted.

Information for New York State Residents

New York residents must complete a New York State Residency Form. To be considered a New York resident, you must live in a permanent or principal home in the State of New York for the 12-months immediately prior to the date of expected enrollment.

For general admissions: The form will be available online through your  Cornell Tracking Page . 

For Transfer Students, Early Acceptance Pathway Applicants, and Accelerated BS/DVM Pathway Applicants: You will receive a link to the form in the application. You should print it, complete it, and send it to the Admissions Office at the Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine with your application material.

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How to Become a Veterinarian: Your 8-Step Guide

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For those who want to make a living by providing medical care for animals, it’s important to start making a plan for how to become a veterinarian. Most people know they need to attend veterinary school , but what does the full process entail? You’re wondering what steps you need to take in order to achieve your career goal.

The best way to successfully become a veterinarian is to understand the path ahead.

Outlining 8 steps to become a veterinarian

Everyone has a different journey, but we have identified the common steps you will need. You can use the list of eight steps below as your guide to help you plan your path to becoming a veterinarian.

1. Optimize your undergraduate experience

Most veterinary schools expect students to complete a bachelor’s degree, which needs to include specific courses. You can research prerequisite requirements using the Veterinary Medical School Admission Requirements (VMSAR) and ask a counselor for guidance.

2. Gain as much experience as possible

The Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) 2019–2020 data report shows most applicants have spent hundreds of hours working with animals, and many schools emphasize work performed under the supervision of a veterinarian. Internships and job shadowing are a few good options. According to Dr. Lori Pasternak, a veterinarian and cofounder of  Helping Hands Affordable Veterinary Surgery & Dental Care , the more variety the better.

Gathering a diverse range of experiences is also a good way to find out if veterinary medicine is the right path for you. “You must love animals, of course, but a love of science, service, teamwork, and compassionate care are equally required,” Dr. Pasternak says.

Also consider getting involved in extracurricular activities. “Students should also look into joining a pre-vet club or organization at their undergraduate university,” says Dr. Danel Grimmett, a veterinarian at  Sunset Veterinary Clinic . “These types of clubs offer support and education regarding preparing for veterinary school.” Some colleges even offer internships based at animal hospitals and zoos.

do you need research for vet school

3. Apply to veterinary programs

It’s critical to focus on performing well in your course prerequisites in addition to gaining plenty of animal and veterinary experience before applying to DVM programs . “Another benefit to getting hands-on experience is working with veterinarians who can write you a glowing recommendation for veterinary school,” Dr. Pasternak says.

Additionally, set aside plenty of time to work on writing your vet school essay, obtaining letters of recommendation, and completing program-specific requirements before submitting applications through the Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS). This service allows you to easily distribute your application to multiple schools at the same time.

If you’re lucky enough to gain acceptance to more than one program, you’ll need to think carefully about which one best fits your needs. Dr. Pasternak notes that you should pay particular attention to schools that focus on clinical and communication skills. You may want to get in touch with current students at schools you’re considering to gather some of this information.

4. Obtain your DVM

A typical doctor of veterinary medicine (DVM) program curriculum spans four years. You’ll likely spend your first two years completing coursework in classes and labs. Programs usually start with basic science classes, then move toward focusing more on biological systems like neurology.

School curriculums vary, but it’s common to start gaining practical experience outside of labs and lecture halls during your third year. This was the case for Dr. Grimmett. “The third year was more clinically focused, still with significant classroom time,” she explains. You’ll spend your final year of veterinary medical school completing clinical rotations to gain practical, hands-on experience working with patients.

do you need research for vet school

5. Study for and pass the NAVLE

The North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE) is the most important test you’ll take on the road to becoming a veterinarian, because you must earn a passing score in order to practice. You’ll want to devise a study strategy to ensure you’re prepared because cramming won’t cut it.

“Use the four years to actually learn and understand,” Dr. Grimmett advises. “Don’t just study for the test.”

You might also consider bolstering your regular study habits with programs designed for NAVLE preparation. There are resources that include practice questions, mock tests, and more.

You can sit the exam in the fall or spring of your senior year. Though some students like to wait until the spring to allow more time for preparation, many prefer to take the NAVLE during the fall so they have the option to retake it if necessary. That said, students who have spent their time absorbing material and building their skills stand a good chance of performing well.

6. Complete any additional requirements

You may need to complete additional steps depending on where you want to practice. Make sure to contact the correct provincial regulatory body in Canada or state regulatory board in the US to find out which specific requirements you need to meet. For instance, US students who attended an international school may need to obtain certification through the Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates (ECFVG).

7. Pursue further training if desired

Veterinary school graduates are able to begin practicing immediately after graduating and obtaining their licenses. Some prefer to pursue internships or complete a residency that will provide additional mentorship, training, and enable them to receive board certification in a specialty field. Other graduates may find they gain more confidence by starting to practice right away.

“I believe there is more value to learning by simply jumping in and doing,” Dr. Pasternak says. “It takes guts and a certain amount of confidence, but it advances learning.”

do you need research for vet school

8. Begin your veterinary career

You’re free to begin practicing at this point, but make sure you’ve planned to start your career search well in advance. “Don’t wait until the last month of your senior year to begin your job hunt,” Dr. Grimmett warns.

You can  start your search  by utilizing veterinary specific job boards, reaching out to the veterinarians you know personally, or even seeking help from a recruiter. It’s also a good idea to keep an open mind.

“One of the great things about being a veterinarian is the ability to be able to practice in such a wide-ranging field,” Dr. Grimmett notes.

Start your veterinary journey

Having a better sense of how to become a veterinarian can help you determine whether it’s the right career for you. If you’re interested in continuing your education, helping your community, and the animals that live there, you might want to start thinking more seriously about applying to veterinary medicine programs.

Learn more about all the necessary application materials by heading to our article, “ The Vet School Requirements Aspiring Animal Doctors Need to Know About .”

*This article was originally published in December 2018. It has since been updated to include information relevant to 2021.

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The Ultimate Guide to U.S. Veterinary Colleges

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table of contents

Applying to veterinary school can be a daunting (& expensive process). But, don’t worry! We did a deep-dive into each veterinary school, what it’ll cost, acceptance rates, and debt information, to help you make an informed decision. And, on some, we even got to talk to actual students there about what life is like & what they would improve about their experience!

Before we jump into that, let’s look at the top 5 most affordable school & the 5 with the highest acceptance rates.

What’s the most affordable veterinary school?

When we think of affordability, there are a few different factors. First, resident tuition will always be cheaper. So it’s smart to try to get into schools in your state of residence, if applicable. 

Second, tuition is only one piece of the puzzle. You’ll also need to factor in living expenses, fees, and other costs related to your attendance. With that in mind, we’ve split up affordability into 4 categories:

Most affordable resident tuition:

  • North Carolina State University : $78,479
  • Purdue University : $80,734
  • University Of Georgia : $87,316
  • Texas Tech University : $88,000
  • Kansas State University : $91,184

Most affordable resident total cost:

  • St. George’s University : $163,479
  • Purdue University : $170,742
  • Ross University : $175,372
  • University Of Georgia : $181,227
  • North Carolina State University : $182,627

Most affordable non-resident tuition:

  • North Carolina State University : $106,520
  • Texas Tech University : $131,200
  • Washington State University : $135,271
  • University Of Missouri-Columbia : $142,881
  • The Ohio State University : $149,601

Most affordable non-resident total cost:

  • North Carolina State University : $214,731
  • Washington State University : $240,718 ‍
  • Texas Tech University : $247,070

Which veterinary school is easiest to get into?

  • Tuskegee University : 19.5% acceptance rate 
  • Western University : 17% acceptance rate
  • Louisiana State University : 16.1% acceptance rate
  • Texas A&M University : 14.7% acceptance rate
  • Oklahoma State University : 13.1% acceptance rate

The full list:

Auburn University Colorado State University Cornell University Iowa State University Kansas State University Lincoln Memorial University Long Island University Louisiana State University Michigan State University Midwestern University Mississippi State University North Carolina State University Oklahoma State University Oregon State University Purdue University Ross University St. George’s University Texas A&M University Texas Tech University The Ohio State University Tufts University Tuskegee University University Of Arizona University Of California University Of Florida University Of Georgia University Of Illinois University Of Minnesota University Of Missouri-Columbia University Of Pennsylvania University Of Tennessee University Of Wisconsin-Madison Virginia-Maryland College Of Veterinary Medicine Washington State University Western University ‍

‍ Auburn University

📍 Auburn, Alabama 

🖥️ vetmed.auburn.edu

admissions statistics

Average class size: 131 

# of applications:  1,217

Average GPA: 3.7

tuition & fees

Total Tuition Cost: $102,960

Total Cost: $225,580


Total Tuition Cost: $220,680

Total Cost: $360,356

debt information 

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 85.2%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $165,315

what’s life like as a student?

What do you like most about your program.

I really enjoy the atmosphere of AUCVM. I know friends at other vet schools have said that their community can be really competitive and have a very "every man for himself" mentality, but I've had the exact opposite experience at Auburn. 

Every class varies a little bit, but we very much operate as a team. We all share resources and study guides as we find and create them and are always eager to help one another. It's a really supportive community, both among classmates and clinicians, and it's really improved my vet school experience.

What are some areas for improvement?

Auburn focuses very heavily on didactic education and doesn't provide as much clinical experience as early on as other vet schools. I'm in my clinical year currently, and while I feel well prepared for my rotations in terms of working knowledge, I've been out of practice with my hands-on skills since starting vet school. 

While club events can help provide more hands-on experience, it can get really tiring only working with animals from time to time. I wish there was more clinical experience incorporated into the didactic portion of our education.

What advice would you give to students looking at going here?

Everyone talks about how hard vet school is, but it's so hard to understand the challenges that come with being in such a rigorous program until you're already in it. Everyone looks for different things when applying to school: in-state versus out-of-state tuition; proximity to family and friends; tracking or non-tracking; the list goes on. 

Don't forget to consider the community of the schools you apply to. Your classmates and faculty become your family from the second you start first year all the way through graduation and beyond. Things like tuition are very important, but don't forget to consider who you will end up working alongside for the next four years.

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Tuskegee University

📍 Tuskegee, Alabama 

🖥️ tuskegee.edu

Average class size: 69

# of applications: 353

Average GPA: 3.5

Total Tuition Cost: $187,129

Total Cost: $312,186

Total Cost: $312,386

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 100%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $95,425

I love the Big/Little Program we have at TUCVM! Each incoming first year has the opportunity to request a “big”, who is a second year student that mentors them throughout vet school. It's helpful to have someone who already knows how the school operates and the best way to prepare for different courses or professors. Also, it’s inspirational to see what is in store for me next — one of the highlights of last school year was watching my big and the rest of the Class of 2024 receive their white coats!

I also love the diversity at TUCVM; we are the most racially diverse veterinary school in the United States. Being surrounded by classmates and professors who look like me has been invaluable in minimizing imposter syndrome. I have never felt like I don’t belong here.

Clinical skills is an area with room for improvement. We had only a short time within our Clinical Skills course dedicated to hands-on learning. However, TUCVM has begun implementing some changes in the curriculum, so the classes behind us can have more hands-on experiences to apply didactic instruction.

Technology is another key area where advancements can be made. As a small, private school, Tuskegee has less funding compared to larger and/or state schools. But recent donations from alumni, corporations, and nonprofits have helped provide financial support to the CVM.

I would recommend getting involved in different clubs on campus. It’s a great way to learn about different areas of veterinary medicine, make friends and professional connections, and take on leadership roles. If there’s a club you would like to see at Tuskegee that is not already active, take the initiative to start (or restart) it! That's something I did in restarting our Internal Medicine Club (Student Chapter of ACVIM).

Further advice for prospective students is to work in collaboration with your classmates! We all have the same goal to graduate and become successful doctors. Working together, sharing notes, resources, and opportunities is better than competing against each other.

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Midwestern University

📍 Glendale, Arizona 

🖥️ midwestern.edu

Average class size: 130

# of applications: 1,574 

Average GPA: 3.6

Total Tuition Cost: $259,720

Total Cost: $453,669

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 99.0%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $347,415

University Of Arizona

📍 Tucson, AZ 

🖥️ arizona.edu

Average class size: 107

# of applications: 1,783 

Average GPA: 3.4

Total Tuition Cost: $141,657

Total Cost: $258,631

Total Tuition Cost: $218,157

Total Cost: $347,574

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: N/A

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: N/A

One of my favorite things is that we have an accelerated program that’s completed in 3 years, rather than the traditional 4 years of most programs. This allows you to get started in your career an entire year earlier!

I love that UACVM embraces diversity and inclusion within our program, but also finds ways to actively increase DEI and representation within the veterinary profession.

Finally, part of being a new program means that students have had the opportunity to constantly engage in dialogue, provide feedback, and help improve the curriculum via open communication with faculty and program directors—which is such an exciting opportunity and continually improves the experiences for the next class of students.

One of the biggest areas for improvement would be the exotics curriculum. I think that we had very few opportunities to learn more about exotics in the same way that we learned about small or large animals.

Additionally, while I love the flexibility and real-world experiences provided with a distributive model clinical year, I think that there is a huge financial burden that comes with this model. Each month moving to various clinic locations can require additional costs for housing, transportation, food, car repairs, pet expenses, etc. This is something to consider when planning your clinical year.

The biggest piece of advice I can give to students within this program, despite sounding cliché is that—you really do get out of it what you’re willing to put in! This program is not a lecture-based program but rather is based on the concept of team-based learning (TBL). This means you spend most of your day collaborating with your team members to work through cadavers, cases, and group projects. Your success within the program is dependent on your ability to not only learn the material, but also how well you work with others around you.

Putting egos aside and recognizing that everyone has strengths, weaknesses, and lifting up the people around you is something that will take you far—as a student but also as someone entering this profession. I think this model of learning is most like the reality of the workplace where you will need to speak up, participate, and work with people from all different backgrounds. Being a team player is absolutely essential to your success!

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University Of California

📍 Davis, California 

🖥️ vetmed.ucdavis.edu

Average class size: 150

# of applications: 1,199

Average GPA: 3.3

Total Tuition Cost: $132,100

Total Cost: $289,597

Total Tuition Cost: $181,080

Total Cost: $345,674

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 69.0%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $150,396

Western University Of Health Sciences

📍 Pomona, California 

🖥️ westernu.edu/veterinary

Average class size: 109

# of applications: 641

Total Tuition Cost: $223,102

Total Cost: $370,983

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 87.9%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $312,620

Our curriculum is SO unique!! Like every university curriculum, it has its pros and cons, but overall works really well.

From the very first day, the problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum starts teaching us how to actually work through cases from learning to prioritize important facts, problems, work through differentials, and come up with plans and next steps - it's not just memorizing a ton of information (I mean yes, but also) it's actually learning information not just for exams, but for life too. In addition, we also work with live animals from our very first block because we do rotations through the on-campus clinic and the mobile low-cost clinic, and we visit a local barn for large animal experience too.

Honorable mentions: Southern CA has so much to offer! Campus is close to beaches, LA, and Disneyland, there's a lot of racial diversity in each class, and there's a super close-knit and supportive class environment since our curriculum forces us to be so close to our classmates.

What are some areas of improvement?

Honestly - inconsistency in communication between faculty and students, depending on the faculty member. Many faculty members are open to talking to students and hearing whatever feedback they have about the curriculum, changes, and concerns, but not every single faculty member is the most receptive or action-driven, so you have to be familiar with which faculty members to talk to to really feel heard.

The curriculum really works... if you let it. Don't resist the methods! This curriculum is the definition of student-centered learning and really puts you in the driver's seat and teaches you how to be independent.

You need help finding resources? The help is there, but you have to have the self-discipline to reach out.

Not succeeding solo-studying? Create your own friend groups and study groups. Because it's so student-centered, the most important thing is that you need to find what works best for YOU and sometimes figuring that out can take time - you definitely won't have it down the first week, or even month.

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Colorado State University

📍 Fort Collins, Colorado 

🖥️ csu-cvmbs.colostate.edu

Average class size: 156

# of applications: 4,128

Total Tuition Cost: $155,295

Total Cost: $269,863

Total Tuition Cost: $250,200

Total Cost: $378,518

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 84.6%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $179,367

What do you like most about your program? 

Colorado State University is an amazing place for any student who wants to enjoy the outdoors while getting an amazing education rooted in both science and medicine which is seldom found many other places. 

It is the plethora of opportunities to further your education in both of the aforementioned areas of science and medicine which make this program unique. I was fortunate enough to take advantage of one of the dual-degree programs here as I wrap up a Masters in Animal Science w/ a concentration in Ruminant Nutrition, which has allowed me to understand the full breadth of what veterinarians do both in and out of the clinical environment. 

It is due to experiences such as those dual-degree programs which allow CSU to maintain its status as a pillar in the veterinary research community which is a tremendous advantage. While those are things that directly impact me, more importantly, the veterinary school has continued to innovate and be forward-thinking in all areas, which brings me hope for those coming after me; this includes a $300 million expansion to our veterinary hospital and a complete curriculum renewal which will create "day one" ready veterinarians to fulfill the needs in our industry. 

Colorado State continues to trend towards incorporating more positive well-being practices while maintaining quality education which makes me extremely proud to be a Ram. 

What are some areas for improvement? 

There is a shared area of improvement for all universities, including my own, and that is the area of diversity and inclusion or rather lack thereof which is contributing to the veterinary shortage around the country. It's not enough nor has it ever been to simply ask a statement about diversity in the application or to mention it during orientation; DEI has to be put into practice in a way that benefits everyone. 

I am currently the only black man at the veterinary school here at Colorado State; there are no black faculty members either, which negatively impacts my experience but drives me to push for more diversity in this space. This doesn't mean that CSU isn't trying, we've had our most diverse class in the history of the institution since 1907 this year, but as we continue to grow, we have to continue the trend of not just accepting students from marginalized backgrounds, we have to support them while they're here. 

Our peer institutions have implemented steps that demonstrate this perfectly through the inclusion of required diversity credits for every student, alumni mentorship for students from marginalized backgrounds or even doing community service in areas that are negatively impacted by the stigma surrounding the least diverse health profession in the country. 

Colorado State isn't there yet, but they can be, and I know that just as most institutions in the country, they are trying to be. 

What advice would you give to students looking at going here? 

Attempting to gain entry into any veterinary institution is tough, CSU gets more applications than just about any other school, which statistically makes it even tougher, but not impossible. 

My biggest advice is to relax more, stress less, and build your mind for veterinary school. It's not all about grades, although they are a big factor, it's about who you are. There's an unpopular opinion I often share with pre-vet students, "Veterinary medicine is a job, not your life (even though it seems that way sometimes), you are more than that organic chemistry grade or how many pre-vet meetings you go to, and no one cares how good of a veterinarian you are if you're not a good person." 

I say these things not to be mean; pre-vet clubs across the country have their place in connecting you with like-minded people; however, when it comes to admissions and life, I would encourage you to venture outside and find your passion beyond animals. Continue to ask yourself a few questions. How do I care for myself? How do I care for people? How do I care for the environment around me? These are the pillars of a well-rounded good veterinarian and student. 

Make sure you're going out to do that monthly hike, you're getting involved in advocacy, or even sitting down with your grandmother and asking her about her childhood. Veterinary school requires mental fortitude and not just due to the heavy workload, but because your mental health will be stretched in every way imaginable; don't be a stagnant student because if you're anything like me, you don't want to go to a stagnant school.

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University Of Florida

📍 Gainesville, Florida 

🖥️ vetmed.ufl.edu

# of applications: 1,922

Total Tuition Cost: $115,160

Total Cost: $248,051

Total Tuition Cost: $182,000

Total Cost: $324,576

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 73.5%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $143,720

What I like most about my program is the support received from the faculty and staff because I firmly believe that sets the foundation. It has formed a nurturing environment that has allowed me to feel a sense of comfortability, calmness, and love in a pre-established stressful environment due to grades and exams.

I also love UFCVM’s Aquatic Animal Health Certificate program. Although other veterinary colleges offer certificate programs, UFCVM is the only veterinary college that offers this certificate program. It was one of the deciding factors in me ultimately committing to UFCVM, as it is for many other students as well. As a student enrolled in courses offered in the program, I have gained knowledge and an introduction to aquatic animal medicine. It has also helped me form new skills concentrated on animals I would like to build a career around one day such as marine mammals, fish, aquatic invertebrates. Upon completion the program will increase the likelihood of my success in aquatics internships, residencies, and veterinary positions that include aquatic animal care.

As a kinesthetic learner, I would have liked to have gained early exposure by the incorporation of a few “engaging group days” per semester. Split into groups students would be allowed to get hands-on experience in different departments throughout UF Small Animal Hospitals and Large Animal Hospitals that aligns with on some of the courses they are taking such as Respiration, Reproduction, Cardiology, Parasitology and many more.

This incorporation would be done with hopes to further enhance what we learned in the classroom as 1st year veterinary students. It also would allow students to be more confident in their capabilities of what is being presented to them in the classroom.

I would say utilize the pre-veterinary resources UFCVM Admissions offers early on, they were my best friend as a pre-vet student!

Some resources I utilized were the PreVet Pawscast that gave me tons of advice on how to perfect my application, tips on interviews, and knowledge in different veterinary career fields. They also have a Pre-Vet Tool Kit that includes an interview prep e-book which was helpful while preparing for my interview as well as other pre-vet essentials.

There is also an Instagram and YouTube page that provides virtual tours, advice from current veterinary students & admissions, and the life behind the scenes of veterinary school at UFCVM!

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University Of Georgia

📍 Athens, Georgia 

🖥️ vet.uga.edu

# of applications: 1,360

Total Tuition Cost: $87,316

Total Cost: $181,227

Total Tuition Cost: $203,185

Total Cost: $313,884

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 71.7%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $138,167

University Of Illinois

📍 Urbana, Illinois 

🖥️ vetmed.illinois.edu

Average class size: 135

# of applications: 2,039

Total Tuition Cost: $123,926

Total Cost: $226,315

Total Tuition Cost: $212,216

Total Cost: $327,397

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 81.9%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $203,311

Purdue University

📍 West Lafayette, Indiana 

🖥️ vet.purdue.edu

Average class size: 87

# of applications: 1,537

Total Tuition Cost: $80,734

Total Cost: $170,742

Total Tuition Cost: $180,089

Total Cost: $284,492

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 86.4%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $131,553

Iowa State University

📍 Ames, Iowa 

🖥️ vetmed.iastate.edu

Average class size: 162

# of applications: 1,967

Total Tuition Cost: $110,352

Total Cost: $192,405

Total Tuition Cost: $222,324

Total Cost: $320,601

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 86.2%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $146,796

Kansas State University

📍 Manhattan, Kansas 

🖥️ vet.k-state.edu

Average class size:  118

# of applications: 1,496

Total Tuition Cost: $91,184

Total Cost: $188,952

Total Tuition Cost: $206,043

Total Cost: $320,453

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 81.7%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $191,907

Louisiana State University

📍 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 

🖥️ lsu.edu/vetmed

Average class size: 120

# of applications: 746

Total Tuition Cost: $109,127

Total Cost: $242,917

Total Tuition Cost: $225,527

Total Cost: $376,182

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 79.5%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $191,580

The support of the faculty/staff and the environment at LSU. LSU SVM also has various opportunities for hands on experience through wet labs, clubs, and clinical skills which I find very helpful as a vet student.

LSU has a great reputation for graduates that have a lot of clinical expertise. The time we have in clinical skills could be increased to allow us more opportunity to improve these skills. I do believe the new curriculum that is officially launching this fall addresses this.

Network and reach out to everyone in the vet community here. For some people it may feel uncomfortable, but this is the time to get out of your comfort zone! Everyone here is rooting for you to succeed in the program and even after you graduate.

do you need research for vet school

Tufts University

📍 North Grafton, Massachusetts 

🖥️ tufts.edu/vet

Average class size: 103

# of applications: 1,109

Average GPA: 3.8

Total Tuition Cost: $203,939

Total Cost: $350,701

Total Cost: $381,410

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 80.4%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $222,864

Michigan State University

📍 East Lansing, Michigan 

🖥️ cvm.msu.edu

Average class size: 115

# of applications: 2,114

Total Tuition Cost: $138,666

Total Cost: $252,436

Total Tuition Cost: $238,967

Total Cost: $367,270

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 88.6%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $177,326

University Of Minnesota

📍 Saint Paul, Minnesota 

🖥️ cvm.umn.edu

Average class size: 126

# of applications: 1,192

Total Tuition Cost: $140,231

Total Cost: $265,242

Total Tuition Cost: $252,056

Total Cost: $393,269

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 81.4%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $194,648

Mississippi State University

📍 Mississippi State, Mississippi 

🖥️ cvm.msstate.edu

Average class size: 114

# of applications: 1,319

Total Tuition Cost: $106,896

Total Cost: $210,861

Total Tuition Cost: $191,696

Total Cost: $307,947

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $169,759

University Of Missouri-Columbia

📍 Columbia, Missouri 

🖥️ cvm.missouri.edu

# of applications: 1,725

Total Tuition Cost: $107,596

Total Cost: $217,561

Total Tuition Cost: $142,881

Total Cost: $257,958

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $164,222

My favorite aspect of student life at University of Missouri is the approachability of the faculty members throughout didactic curriculum. During my undergrad experience at Mizzou, none of my professors knew my name, let alone who I was. 

At Missouri CVM, the vast majority of instructors know most students personally on a first-name basis and are incredibly accommodating in hopes to see students succeed. Whether it be reaching out to meet one-on-one after a tough exam, sending weekly check-in emails to ensure our emotional well-being, tutoring in the anatomy lab on weekends, or hosting exam reviews after-hours -- faculty members are always there to ensure our success throughout our rigorous coursework and beyond.

Most well-established veterinary schools implement hands-on skill assessments throughout didactic curriculum, often termed Objective Structured Clinical Examinations or (OSCEs). 

Although Missouri CVM does sprinkle in clinical skills throughout our didactic curriculum, there is no standardized grading system to ensure mastery of such skills, some as simple as removing a scalpel from a scalpel blade. 

As a student member of our CVM's curriculum committee, we are already taking steps towards implementation of standardized clinical skill evaluation in the near future!

My #1 tip for those looking to attend Missouri CVM (and any veterinary school honestly) is to not be afraid to use your resources and ask for help-- whether it be academically or mentally. 

Both our faculty members and full-time counselors at the CVM are invaluable resources I would encourage you to take full advantage of. Be proactive! Our faculty and staff is always there to help you succeed in any way you see fit throughout the rigors of veterinary curriculum.

do you need research for vet school

Cornell University

📍 Ithaca, New York 

🖥️ vet.cornell.edu

# of applications: 1,828

Total Tuition Cost: $146,102

Total Cost: $256,572

Total Tuition Cost: $217,323

Total Cost: $338,122

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 73.7%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $162,000

Long Island University

📍 Brookville, NY 

🖥️ liu.edu/vetmed

# of applications: 1,058

Total Tuition Cost: $224,400

Total Cost: $535,808

Total Tuition Cost: $224,000

North Carolina State University

📍 Raleigh, North Carolina 

🖥️ cvm.ncsu.edu

Average class size: 99

# of applications: 1,963

Total Tuition Cost: $78,479

Total Cost: $182,627

Total Tuition Cost: $106,520

Total Cost: $214,731

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 80.8%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $140,367

What I like the most about the program is that there is an array of resources and opportunities available to us and I always feel supported by the faculty and staff.  

An area of improvement for the program is increasing the diversity and representation of the faculty — especially having more people of color. 

The advice I would give to a student looking to attend NC State’s DVM program is to be open to new ideas and experiences. You will be surrounded by people from all different walks of life and it is important that you are able to learn from one another and learn new perspectives. Also, be willing to work hard, there are many resources here to help you succeed you just have to be willing to use them to your advantage!

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The Ohio State University

📍 Columbus, Ohio 

🖥️ vet.osu.edu

Average class size: 165

# of applications: 2,482

Total Tuition Cost: $149,601

Total Cost: $269,032

Total Cost: $424,468

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 89.2%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $194,417

Oklahoma State University

📍 Stillwater, Oklahoma 

🖥️ cvm.okstate.edu

Average class size: 106

# of applications: 810

Total Tuition Cost: $95,450

Total Cost: $231,531

Total Tuition Cost: $200,140

Total Cost: $351,389

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 83.0%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $156,871

One of the things that I love most about our program is that every incoming first year student is paired with someone from the previous year’s class as a mentor. It’s so great going into a new environment to already have a built-in support system and someone trustworthy that you can go to with any questions! It really helps build that sense of community early on in the program and I know it gave me a lot of reassurance as a first year!

I would say that an area for improvement would be our clinical skills. During the first two years of the program, classroom work is the focus. During third year, you make the jump into learning surgical skills without first making sure that everyone has already learned the “basics” such as catheter placement, blood draws, etc. Fortunately, they are addressing this beginning this fall with our new curriculum being put in place, with a clinical skills lab being required for incoming first years in the program from here on out! So excited to see this change take place at our school!

At this school, you get to know your classmates well and form close connections, even with people from other class years in the program. Students are genuine and want each other to succeed. It’s not a cutthroat competitive environment, but instead a supportive atmosphere where you feel like everyone is trying to help each other achieve our goals of becoming the best doctors we can be! My advice is to truly be yourself and to push yourself outside of your comfort zone with extracurriculars, study groups, and/or elective classes. You will absolutely succeed here if you embrace that mentality! We’re really all in this to learn and grow together!:)

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Oregon State University

📍 Corvallis, Oregon 

🖥️ oregonstate.edu/vetmed

Average class size: 79

# of applications: 1,798

Total Tuition Cost: $107,432

Total Cost: $214,799

Total Tuition Cost: $206,177

Total Cost: $327,851

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $164,116

University Of Pennsylvania

📍 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 

🖥️ vet.upenn.edu

Average class size: 137

# of applications: 1,546

Total Tuition Cost: $202,506

Total Cost: $360,816

Total Tuition Cost: $242,506

Total Cost: $406,612

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 76.7%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $249,071

University Of Tennessee

📍 Knoxville, Tennessee 

🖥️ vet.utk.edu

Average class size: 89

# of applications:  1,607

Total Tuition Cost: $116,716

Total Cost: $239,479

Total Tuition Cost: $226,320

Total Cost: $364,963

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 87.2%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $168,667

Lincoln Memorial University

📍 Harrogate, Tennessee 

🖥️ lmunet.edu

# of applications: 1,825

Total Tuition Cost: $189,684

Total Cost: $326,641

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 90.7%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $296,345

The close-knit atmosphere and distributive clinical year model of Lincoln Memorial University really make the school shine. Professors are always more than willing to lend a hand and will take time out of their own days to work with students one on one. 

Both professors and administration know students by name and are easily reachable. We get to be hands-on with animals from our first semester thanks to our on-site dairy and equine herds and dogs brought in from local shelters. When we can’t use live animals, our innovative model shop team works to allow us to practice skills such as spays, castrations, vessel ligation, equine endoscopy, and more. 

Because the school does not have a teaching hospital, LMU partners with hundreds of veterinary practices around the country, allowing students to “build their own adventure” as far as their clinical year. This allows students to focus on what they’re passionate about, get real-world experience, and potentially job offers.

Lincoln Memorial is located in the heart of Appalachia, with endless views and adventures for nature lovers. The small-town atmosphere and local businesses really make the area unique but can come as a culture shock to students coming from larger cities. Expect to drive a little over an hour to the nearest big city of Knoxville, TN. 

I would highly recommend touring the school and checking out the area before committing if possible. My tour is what made me fall in love with LMU, but as a rural Indiana native, it felt a lot like home.

do you need research for vet school

Texas A&M University

📍 College Station, Texas 

🖥️ vetmed.tamu.edu

Average class size: 174

# of applications: 1,185

Total Tuition Cost: $99,929

Total Cost: $211,018

Total Tuition Cost: $153,809

Total Cost: $272,704

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 63.2%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $143,724

Texas Tech University

📍 Amarillo, Texas 

🖥️ depts.ttu.edu/vetschool

Average class size: 88

# of applications: 864

Total Tuition Cost: $88,000

Total Cost: $197,611

Total Tuition Cost: $131,200

Total Cost: $247,070

Virginia-Maryland College Of Veterinary Medicine

📍 Blacksburg, Virginia 

🖥️ vetmed.vt.edu

Average class size: 124

# of applications: 1,899

Total Tuition Cost: $100,629

Total Cost: $212,845

Total Tuition Cost: $215,529

Total Cost: $344,393

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 78.9%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $172,369

Washington State University

📍 Pullman, Washington 

🖥️ vetmed.wsu.edu

Average class size: 131

# of applications: 2,054

Total Tuition Cost: $102,040

Total Cost: $202,673

Total Tuition Cost: $135,271

Total Cost: $240,718

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 73.8%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $118,230

University Of Wisconsin-Madison

📍 Madison, Wisconsin 

🖥️ vetmed.wisc.edu

Average class size: 96

# of applications: 1,914

Total Tuition Cost: $122,690

Total Cost: $253,590

Total Tuition Cost: $194,383

Total Cost: $335,671

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 83.3%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $143,752

Ross University 

📍 Barbados 

🖥️ vet.rossu.edu

Average class size: 215

# of applications: 1,791

Total Tuition Cost: N/A

Total Cost: $175,372

Total Tuition Cost: $219,152

Percentage of Indebted Graduates: 85.4%

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $315,010

St.George’s University

📍 Grenada, West Indies 

Total Cost: $163,479

Total Tuition Cost: $185,134

Median Debt for Indebted Graduates: $301,695

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do you need research for vet school

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Getting into Veterinary School: A Guide for High School Students

Getting into Veterinary School: A Guide for High School Students

Table of Contents

If you love animals and have a dream of becoming a vet, you’re probably wondering how to get into vet school. It might seem like a big challenge, but with the right advice and preparation, your chances of getting into veterinary school can significantly improve. In this guide, we’ll break down the process of getting into vet school into easy-to-understand steps, from knowing what’s required to preparing for interviews. This guide is perfect for high school students who are considering a career in veterinary medicine or those who are thinking about a career change later in life—we’ve got plenty of tips to help you on your journey towards a successful career in veterinary medicine.

What Do You Need to Get into Vet School?

Before you can start your journey to becoming a vet, you need to understand the requirements to get into vet school. Meeting these requirements can increase your chances of getting accepted and set you on the right path to becoming a successful vet.

Courses you need to take: Veterinary schools usually require you to complete certain courses before you apply. These often include subjects like biology, chemistry, physics, and/or math. Remember to check the specific requirements of your desired schools and consider taking advanced high school or college classes to strengthen your application.

GPA requirements: Along with the necessary courses, most vet schools have minimum GPA requirements. While these can vary, you’re generally expected to have strong grades, especially in related fields like science. Maintaining a high GPA throughout high school and college is key to showing your dedication to the field.

Extracurricular activities: Veterinary schools appreciate applicants who have involved themselves in activities related to veterinary medicine. This could be volunteering at animal shelters, working at a vet clinic, or joining an animal welfare organization. These activities not only show your passion for the field, but also help you gain practical experience.

How to Prepare Your Vet School Application

Applying for vet school involves several important components, much like applying to any college. When preparing to begin the application process, give yourself a leg up by compiling the necessary materials in advance:

Personal statement: This is your chance to tell the admissions committee about your passion for veterinary medicine and why you’ll make a great vet. You should spend time reflecting on your experiences and goals, and craft a statement that highlights your dedication to the field.

Letters of recommendation: These should come from people who know you well and can speak to your abilities and commitment. This could be a teacher, a veterinarian you’ve worked with, or an employer. Make sure to give them plenty of time to write the letters! At least one month is preferable.

Preparing for the Veterinary College Admission Test (VCAT): The VCAT is a standardized test that checks your knowledge and skills in various areas of veterinary medicine. To prepare for the exam, you might want to consider enrolling in a test prep course or using study resources such as practice exams and review books. Make sure you dedicate enough time to studying!

How to Get Relevant, Hands-On Experience

Getting into veterinary school isn’t just about having good grades. Your dedication to caring for animals should be demonstrated through your own practical experience in the field. Here are some ways you can gain that experience:

Volunteer at an animal shelter or clinic. This will give you the chance to work directly with animals and learn from experienced professionals.

Look for internships or shadowing opportunities at vet clinics or hospitals. This can give you a firsthand look at the daily life of a vet.

Participate in research or animal-related projects . These can help you develop important skills and learn about new developments in veterinary medicine.

Veterinary Academy programs can help you earn valuable, hands-on experience with animals. You can even earn up to 60 veterinary hours to include with your vet school application!

Picking the Right Vet School

Choosing the right vet school is a big decision and an important step towards achieving your dream of becoming a vet. Here’s what you should think about:

Looking into accredited programs . Make sure you look into vet schools that are accredited by the relevant regulatory bodies. This ensures that the program meets certain standards and will prepare you for a successful career as a vet.

Considering location and cost. The location and cost of the vet school are practical considerations that can have a big impact on your experience. Think about whether you’d prefer to study close to home or are open to exploring new places. Also, consider the cost of tuition, living expenses, and the availability of scholarships or financial aid.

Evaluating specific program offerings . Each vet school may have unique offerings and areas of specialization. Think about your interests and career goals to find a program that suits you. Look into the curriculum, faculty expertise, research opportunities, and any specialized tracks or concentrations that might interest you.

do you need research for vet school

How to Prepare for a Career in Veterinary Medicine

Prepare for a veterinary career by researching vet school requirements, enhancing your application, and gearing up for interviews. This guide outlines key steps for your successful journey.

Preparing for a career in veterinary medicine can be an intimidating process. With the right amount of planning, research, and hard work, you can make your dream of becoming a veterinarian come true. From exploring vet school requirements to improving your application and preparing for interviews, there are many steps along the way that can help you succeed in this rewarding field. In this guide, we’ll explore some of the key steps you should consider taking to ensure success in your journey. 

Understand the traits a good vet should have  

To enter this rewarding field of work, you need more than just good grades and veterinary school admission. You also need to develop certain qualities that will help you succeed as a vet . Here are a few qualities to work on: 

  • Communication Skills: The ability to communicate complex topics in layman’s terms is essential when consulting with pet owners about the best care options for their animals. 
  • People Skills: Veterinary medicine is a service-oriented career that requires the ability to build relationships with clients, colleagues, and animals. This includes being empathetic, patient, and understanding of the needs of both humans and animals. 
  • Ability to work under pressure: From medical emergencies to tight schedules, veterinarians must work quickly and efficiently in stressful situations. Being able to remain calm and make sound decisions under pressure is a must. 
  • Scientific curiosity: Veterinary medicine is a science-based career, so having a passion for learning new things and applying scientific principles to your work will be very beneficial. 

Volunteer or find a job at a veterinary office  

Volunteering or working at a veterinary office is an excellent way to become more familiar with the field of veterinary medicine and gain valuable experience that can help you get accepted into vet school. Not only will it give you hands-on exposure to the work environment, but it will also provide insight into the day-to-day operations of a veterinary practice. You’ll also be able to network with professionals in the field and make valuable connections that can help you throughout your career. 

In addition to volunteering at a vet office, you can also volunteer or work at local animal shelters or animal control units. This will give you further insight into the industry and provide you with experience working with animals. 

Ask established veterinarians about their experiences  

It’s important to ask the professionals you meet at a veterinary office or animal shelter about their experience in this field. Ask them what they love and don’t love about their work, how they got started in the field, and how they prepared for vet school. You can also inquire about the challenges associated with being a veterinarian and the skills and qualities they believe are important for success in this field. Getting these insights from experienced professionals can help you better understand the career and decide if it’s the right path for you. 

Start your preparation early  

Getting accepted into veterinary school is a highly competitive process, so it’s important to start your preparation early and establish the key prerequisites you’ll need to have in order to be an attractive candidate. 

You can work with a guidance counselor at your current school to choose the best classes for getting into vet school. While science courses are essential, you should also consider taking other subjects, such as English and Social Sciences, as these can also help you develop the communication and interpersonal skills needed for a successful career as a veterinarian. 

Research veterinary schools  

When it’s time to actually apply to vet school, you will need to do extensive research in order to make the best veterinary school choice for your learning style and career goals. Becoming familiar with the admission requirements, typical educational costs, and each school’s academic strengths and weaknesses will help you make an informed decision about which schools to include on your application list. 

Once you’ve narrowed down your options, contact each school’s admissions department and take an online tour to get acquainted with the facilities and faculty. Doing so will give you a good sense of the overall atmosphere of the school and allow you to gain firsthand knowledge about what it’s like to be a student at that particular institution. 

Join interest groups, associations, or organizations  

Joining interest groups, associations, or organizations related to veterinary medicine can help you build a network of contacts and gain valuable knowledge about the field. Some examples include: 

  • American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) 
  • National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA) 
  • Student American Veterinary Medical Association (SAVMA) 
  • Association of Avian Veterinarians (AAV) 
  • American Association of Bovine Practitioners (AABP) 
  • National Animal Supplement Council (NASC). 

These groups can provide you with access to career mentors, educational resources, and networking opportunities that can help you prepare for a successful career in veterinary medicine. 

Prepare a strong application  

Finally, make sure you put together a strong, well-written, and informative application package . While good grades are important for getting into vet school, your application should also highlight any other experiences that have helped to develop your understanding of the veterinary field. Emphasize any unique skills or qualities you possess that would make you an ideal candidate for the program. You can use our detailed guide to applying to veterinary school to help you prepare an effective and competitive application. 

Tips to better prepare for a career in veterinary medicine  

Here are a few extra tips to help you further prepare for a career in veterinary medicine: 

  • Take advantage of career resources available at schools, community colleges, local libraries, and veterinary school admissions offices. This includes attending career fairs and informational sessions. 
  • Work for several veterinary practices to gain broader exposure to the veterinary field. For instance, you could volunteer at an animal hospital or a shelter and work as an assistant in a private practice. 
  • Keep a journal of your experiences. Write down what you’ve learned, which techniques you find most helpful, and which challenges you face. This will help you reflect on your journey and be able to articulate your experiences when applying for vet school. 
  • Ask for more responsibility (if you feel comfortable doing so). For example, you can ask to help with complex cases or assist the vet with diagnostic tests. 
  • Read up on the latest developments in veterinary medicine. This will help you keep track of emerging trends and technologies, which can help you stand out when applying to vet school. 
  • Network with professionals in the field by attending conferences, seminars, and other events. These can help you build your professional network and gain valuable insights into the veterinary profession. 

Apply to a veterinary school that supports you  

Finding a school that understands your interests, goals, and career aspirations will help you to feel more comfortable with the overall process of applying and attending vet school. At St. Matthews School of Veterinary Medicine , we offer an experience that is tailored to meet the unique needs of every veterinary student. Our faculty members are dedicated to providing personalized guidance in order to help students develop their veterinary skills and knowledge. So, if you’re looking for a veterinary school that will support your journey toward becoming a successful veterinarian, consider applying today. 

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So, You think you want to go Vet School Frequently Asked Questions

1.   How do I know veterinary medicine in the right career for me? The best way to know for sure is to gain exposure to the profession through experiences with practicing veterinarians and/or veterinary researchers. In addition to a sincere concern for animals, an aptitude for science, and good people skills, veterinary school applicants must have a realistic understanding of the veterinary profession. Exploring the profession by shadowing or working for a veterinarian is the best way to learn and understand what is involved in the veterinary profession and whether veterinary medicine is the right career for you.

2. Wh e r e can I get further information about a career in veterinary medicine? More information is available from the   American Veterinary Medical Association or the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC) .

3.   How can I easily access a list of all of the colleges of veterinary medicine and their requirements? Access the Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS) website http://www.aavmc.org The   Prerequisites Chart for Veterinary Colleges (found on the VASCI website under undergraduate>pre-vet major) indicates the requirements for 30 U.S. schools and 13 foreign schools. The chart includes hyper-links to the requirement list found on each school’s website. The Veterinary College requirements (found on the VASCI website under undergraduate>pre-vet major) for admission lists the prerequisite courses. Additional information can be found in a book published by the AAVMC titled Veterinary Medical School Admission requirements in the United States and Canada (VMSAR) . To order this book, visit the AAVMC website . ( http://www.aavmc.org )

4.   How competitive is the applicant pool for veterinary school nationally? There are only 30 colleges of veterinary medicine in the United States. Several thousand applicants vie for the approximately 3000 seats available each year.  Admission to these programs is extremely competitive so you should strive to exceed the minimum requirements. To get a feel for the competitiveness of the applicant pool, some schools post last year’s entering class statistics; reviewing these statistics for the schools you are interested in will help you to have a better understanding of the requirements and selection criteria. In recent years, UMass graduates have attended Tufts University, Cornell University, Pennsylvania State University, Ohio State University, Iowa State University and others.

5.   Can I apply to Vet Schools outside the United States? Yes, there are AAVMC approved colleges of veterinary medicine outside the United States. In recent years, UMass graduates have attended University of Edinburgh in Scotland, Ross University on the island of St. Kitts, St. George’s University on the island of Grenada, Atlantic Veterinary College at the University of Prince Edward Island in Canada, and others.

6.   How can I improve my chances of admission? The admissions committees and counselors will be looking for students who: are academically curious, competent (especially in science course work), and sincerely motivated, have developed time and stress management skills, are community minded and have demonstrated leadership abilities, are effective communicators, have excellent interpersonal communication skills, have demonstrated teamwork ability and who have realistically evaluated their plans for financing their education since demands of the professional curriculum usually preclude part- time employment during school sessions. Students who are interested in veterinary medicine should pursue experience with employment (paid and volunteer), research, clubs and other activities that expose them to the profession and to different species of animals. A variety of veterinary and animal experience is highly recommended.

7. I s a Bachelor’s degree required for admission? Most veterinary colleges do not require that a Bachelor’s degree be completed for admissions although most accepted applicants have a Bachelor’s degree or an advanced degree (Master’s or Ph.D.) A very few outstanding applicants (1-2 percent) are accepted (to some schools) having completed only the pre-veterinary requirements.

The Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine located in Grafton, Massachusetts offers undergraduates enrolled at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst an opportunity to apply to the DVM program in March of their sophomore year. A limited number of students are admitted, and upon acceptance, are guaranteed a space in Tufts veterinary school class after they graduate, if they maintain a minimum 3.4 GPA and take the required prerequisite classes. To be eligible to apply, candidates for this program must be sophomores and must have completed a full year each of introductory biology and chemistry.

SAT scores will be evaluated in the place of GRE scores. Freshmen contemplating application to the Early Acceptance Program are encouraged to speak with a pre-veterinary advisor about accruing veterinary medical related experiences. If the applicant is not accepted, the applicant can make an appointment with a Tufts admission counselor in the summer to review his/her application, in order to strengthen it for the next round of veterinary medical school applications. Further information regarding this program can be viewed at the Tufts website. http://www.tufts.edu/vet/academic/earlyacceptance.html .

8.   Must I complete all required courses before I can apply? All schools allow candidates to apply before completing all required courses (you should be submitting your applications in September of your senior year). An applicant who is admitted without evidence of completion of all requirements will receive a provisional admission. Evidence of satisfactory completion of requirements must be received (at most schools) by July 15 prior to the fall of matriculating in the DVM program.

9.   Does it matter where I obtain my undergraduate degree? No, but it will be necessary for you to take the required prerequisite courses, and you will need to provide evidence that you can handle a rigorous upper division science curriculum. It would be to your advantage to select an institution that offers the required courses plus additional upper division science courses as part of an undergraduate degree program. The UMass program is specifically designed to meet all the necessary requirements.

10. Is th e r e a preferred undergraduate major? Your choice of a degree-oriented major depends on your academic and vocational interests within veterinary medicine and on your alternate career plans. It is possible to fulfill pre- veterinary requirements and at the same time complete departmental requirements for almost any science major; however, students can have any degree as long as they have completed required courses. Since most pre-veterinary students are interested in the biological sciences and/or in working with animals, they tend to major either in sciences applied to working with animals (e.g., animal sciences, wildlife biology) or in basic sciences (e.g., biology, chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, zoology). Students are encouraged to select a baccalaureate program as early as possible in order to fulfill the requirements of their chosen departmental major. Selection of a major is also important for establishing alternative goals and/or for enhancing specific career options.

11. How can I be sure that the courses I take will fulfill the pre-veterinary requirements? The University of Massachusetts Pre-Veterinary Science major curriculum is designed to meet the requirements of most veterinary schools. However, after selection of the school(s) you wish to attend, it is recommended that you consult each school’s catalog or website for specific requirements to ensure that you are meeting all the requirements. If there is a prerequisite listed that UMass does not appear to offer, it is recommended that you check with your academic advisor.

12. Is th e r e an advantage in taking more science courses than the minimum prerequisites? The first two years of study in veterinary medicine consist of challenging science course work. Students will find it beneficial to have had as much science course work in their undergraduate studies as possible, especially biological sciences.

13. Wh a t electives I should take? Suggested electives include: anatomy, physiology, cell biology, microbiology, biochemistry, genetics, nutrition, immunology, epidemiology, histology, embryology, parasitology, virology, animal reproduction, animal husbandry, toxicology, parasitology, mycology, endocrinology, entomology, bacteriology, zoology, neuroanatomy or neurophysiology. Courses, practica, independent studies and internships that provide specific veterinary practice, animal experience and research experiences are highly recommended. In addition many schools recommend business, computer science, statistics and communications courses.

Professional veterinary curriculum is extremely demanding, it is highly recommended that prospective students enroll in challenging undergraduate courses that go beyond the pre- professional requirements; useful courses include comparative anatomy, embryology, and physiology. Superior performance in these kinds of courses will not only enhance the academic image of the applicant, but will also help build a solid base for more detailed courses in the professional veterinary curriculum.

Methods of observation and collection of data, evaluation, deduction, and interpretation of findings are extremely important. The analysis and organization of a set of observations into its simple components and synthesis of many fragments of data into a working hypothesis on which a plan of action can be based are critical. The student should keep these objectives in mind throughout pre-professional training. Courses that might be helpful in this area include physics, psychology, and other sciences. Independent study research projects are ideally suited to honing these skills.

A high degree of skill in the use of spoken and written language should be developed to communicate a story effectively and accurately, to record facts systematically for the use of others, and to transmit instructions precisely. Proficiency in accurate, rapid, interpretive reading should also be mastered. Courses that might be helpful in this area include English literature, English composition, and foreign languages. The study of foreign languages enhances appreciation of the exact meaning of words and the use of subtle differences in shading.

14. In eva lu a ting m y grades, will the fact that I took a heavy course load (honors, non- required challenging courses, etc.) or worked while attending classes be considered? Yes, Admissions Committees understand that there are differences in the way academic histories are established. They will evaluate the quality of each applicant's academic program as well as grades earned in college courses. Credit load, work load and rigor of curriculum will be considered. Conversely, those who have a pattern of incompletes or withdrawals from difficult courses, who regularly took low credit loads (without concurrently working), or who minimally fulfill requirements, will be acknowledged as having a lower quality of academic program.

15. I s there a minimum GPA or GRE requirement? This varies by school. Some schools do set minimum GPA and GRE scores, check the websites. All admissions committees consider the “whole package” (i.e. GPA, GRE scores, animal and pre- veterinary experience, extra-curricular involvement, community service, etc.) Some schools focus on the last 45 semester hours completed because typically, the last 45 hours are composed of upper division courses. Some schools have a formula which is usually outlined in their admissions information. The following is one example:

50 % – Academic History and Experience – Prerequisite GPA, GRE, undergraduate institutionselectivity, academic load, number of withdrawals, research participation, teaching assistant positions, strength of academic references (if any), and academic flags/concerns. 25 % – Pre-Veterinary Experience and Preparation – Amount of legitimate pre-veterinary experience, amount of legitimate animal experience, strength of veterinary and animal related references, relationship between references and veterinary/animal experiences. 25 % – Overall Professionalism and Readiness to Matriculate – Overall professionalism of the application, strength of written communication skills, extracurricular experiences, community involvement, international experiences, awards and recognitions, non-veterinary or animal related employment experiences.

16. Wh a t classes should I take in high school to prepare to be a veterinarian some day? Veterinary Schools will not review your high school records for admission unless you took college courses during high school. However, you should take upper level, honors, A.P. and all college preparation courses necessary for freshman admission into an undergraduate institution. It is important to have a strong background in mathematics, especially pre-calculus and calculus. Veterinary schools are interested in any work (volunteer or paid) you did with animals and/or veterinarians during high school; it is highly recommended that you seek out such work and document/journal this work.

17. M u st I have worked for a veterinarian? In choosing applicants, Admissions Committees look for those who have gained an understanding of animals and of the veterinary profession through participation in such activities as 4H, Medical Explorer Scouts, and through paid or volunteer work on farms or ranches, in kennels, animal shelters, laboratories, zoos, aquariums, and/or veterinary clinics. If you are lacking practical experience in working with animals or in the veterinary medical field, it would be to your advantage to acquire the experience as soon as possible. Upon application to veterinary school, a reference from a veterinarian is required by most schools and highly recommended by others. Applicants should become acquainted with a veterinarian who would be able to evaluate motivation toward and understanding of the profession. Most applicants have worked (either for pay or as a volunteer) with a veterinarian in order to gain a realistic perspective of professional veterinary service. You should list all such work experiences on the application even if the work was done voluntarily or for course credit. Keep in mind that veterinarians work in many different settings. Exposure to non-practice careers is also helpful.

18. How much pre-vet experience should I have before I apply? This varies by school. Many schools do recommend a minimum number of hours of experience working with veterinarians, preferably in a practice setting. Veterinary medical colleges prefer applicants with an open mind about animal species since their mission is to teach the material that you will be tested on the Veterinary Licensing Exam in your fourth year of veterinary school. Thus, it is a mistake to have two or three out of your three veterinary experiences centered on small animals or horses, even if you think that's what you will specialize in as a veterinarian. Conversely, if you are interested in a veterinary specialty (e.g. zoo medicine), make sure you gain experience in that area. It is recommended that you diversify your experience by seeking experiences in three of the following four areas: a) Large animal, b) Small animal, c) Wildlife/conservation, d) Laboratory research. Each experience should be at least 200 hours. These experiences can be pursued during the school year or in the summer; it might be easier to find an opening in a veterinary clinic near your home rather than near Amherst, where you'll be competing with all the other pre-vet students. Summer experiences may also be more exotic (i.e. internship at an aquarium). These experiences are required so that the veterinary colleges are assured that you have a comprehensive grasp of the veterinary medical profession and so that you can cultivate contacts who will write superlative letters of recommendation for you. Document your experiences so that you can fill in details on your applications years later. All types of experience should be included in your application and curriculum vitae - CV, including, but not limited to: paid experience, volunteering, shadowing, etc. The type of experience, level of responsibility, and what the experience taught you about the veterinary profession are all considered in the evaluation. To count toward veterinary experience, you must be under the direct supervision of a veterinarian. If you are not under the supervision of a veterinarian, the experience is considered animal experience.

19. Why should I participate in extracurricular activities? Since almost all animals treated by veterinarians have human owners with whom the veterinarian has to communicate effectively, the profession seeks new members who are not only interested in animals, but who also enjoy a high level of contact with people. Involvement outside the classroom in activities such as clubs or in service organizations gives evidence of social skills and enjoyment of social contact with other people, leadership ability, motivation and energy and a desire to serve the community.

20. How long will I be attending veterinary medical college? Most veterinary schools require four years of study and practice.

21. How much does it cost to attend veterinary school? This varies by school. It is recommended that you check each school’s tuition, fees and scholarship opportunities carefully and consider the cost of housing, transportation, etc. Most schools have different rates for residents or students from states that have contract agreements with the school. The VMCAS website has a good list of suggestions for loans and scholarship opportunities.   http://www.aavmc.org/Students-Applicants-and-Advisors/Funding- Education.aspx

The following website has current information comparing veterinary school costs. http://www.vinfoundation.org/AppUtil/document/default.aspx?pid=0&catid=&objectid=21833 &objecttypeid=10&redirectFromMiscDefault=1

You can also access these sites: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AuDAmocjP- XddEZFZ096NkxsMkdKVmJsUHZ3MmRqUFE&output=html http://www.vinfoundation.org/AppUtil/document/default.aspx?pid=0&catid=&objectid=21833 &objecttypeid=10&redirectFromMiscDefault=1

Sources: http://www.aavmc.org http://vetmed.iastate.edu/academics/prospective-students/admissions/frequently-asked- questions http://cvm.msu.edu/student-information/dvm-program-admissions/frequently-asked- questions http://csu-cvmbs.colostate.edu/dvm-program/ http://www.vet.cornell.edu/education/ http://education.vetmed.ufl.edu/admissions/ http://www.cvm.msstate.edu/academics/faq_about_admission.html http://www.cvm.ncsu.edu/studentservices/admissions-faq. html http://vet.osu.edu/education/professional-dvm-program-admissions http://www.cvm.missouri.edu/prep-undergrad.htm http://www.vetmed.wsu.edu/prospectivestudents/Faq.aspx http://prospective.westernu.edu/veterinary/faqs-17/

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It’s quite likely that your first encounter with a veterinarian happened when your pet was sick and needed a little extra care. That’s because a veterinarian’s primary job is to care for animals! Working with cute, cuddly critters is part of the appeal of the job--in fact, “ veterinarian” is one of the most common responses from kids when they’re asked what they want to do when they grow up!

If you’re interested in becoming a vet, it’s a good idea to know quite a bit about the profession. In this article, we’ll talk about what vets do, what kinds of degrees and licenses they hold, how long it takes to become a vet, and what kinds of personal qualities it takes to succeed in the profession. We’ll also walk you through the process of becoming a vet step by step to help you prepare for your dream career. We’ll cover everything you need to know, including:

  • How long does it take to become a vet
  • How to decide whether becoming a veterinarian is right for you
  • What classes you should take in high school and college
  • How to pick a good undergraduate university and vet school
  • What vet school is like

So let’s get started!


What Is a Veterinarian and What Do They Do? 

By definition, a veterinarian is a doctor who is qualified to practice the science of prevention, cure, and alleviation of disease and injury in animals. Veterinarians work to diagnose, treat, and research medical conditions of pets, livestock, and other animals. Put another way: if it has wings, a tail, or scales, there’s probably a vet whose job it is to keep it happy and healthy.  

How Long Does It Take to Become a Vet? 

At this point, you might be wondering how long it takes to become a vet. Generally speaking, it takes about 8-10 years from when you graduate high school to become a vet.  After completing an initial four-year bachelor degree program, it takes an additional four years of vet school to become a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) and obtain licensure to practice in your state. If you wish to concentrate on a specific niche, such as cardiology or neurology, you’ll need two or more years of specialized training on top of that. 

How long it takes to become a vet can vary, but if you really love animals and think caring for them is up your alley, then becoming a veterinarian may be the right choice for you.  


The 4 Qualities You Need to Become a Veterinarian 

The process of becoming a veterinarian and practicing veterinary medicine requires some pretty serious dedication to the field. Veterinarians spend their entire lives improving their skill sets and contributing to the field, just like doctors who treat humans. That’s why it’s important to really think about whether you’re a good fit for the profession. 

Here are four personal qualities to consider when thinking about how to become a veterinarian and if the field is right for you.

#1: Ability to Handle Emotional and Physical Stress

Unfortunately, vets don’t always encounter the animals they love in the best condition. Depending on the specialty, vets will have to see animals in distress or in the last moments of their lives. There will be tough decisions to make and there will be heartbreak. If you are unable to put aside your love for animals enough to focus on treatment, becoming a veterinarian may be more emotionally challenging for you than you might expect. 

Additionally, while the critters you help are seriously cute, you’ll also encounter the less glamorous side of veterinary medicine. Vets definitely get their hands dirty! If you are unable to handle the sight of blood and bodily fluids, this profession might not be the best fit for you. 

#2: Ability to Work With People

Many people enter in the veterinary field because they love animals...sometimes even more than they love people. However, it’s a common misconception that practicing veterinary medicine will only require interaction with animals. 

The field of veterinary medicine requires dealing with people, too. You may not be treating humans, but you will be talking with them about their beloved pets, guiding them to become better owners, and teaching them how to enhance the quality of animals’ lives. Even if you aren’t going to be working with client-owned animals, you will still have to collaborate with peers and colleagues throughout your entire career journey. 

In other words, if you’re going into the vet field because you want to completely avoid working around people, you’re out of luck. 

#3 Sound Decision-Making Skills 

An animal’s quality of life is often in your hands when you’re a veterinarian. Owners will trust you to know what to do to help their animals. As a vet, you will have to have sound decision-making and problem-solving skills. You must also be able to perform well under pressure during critical-care cases. Just like medical doctors, vets have to be able to think on their feet and act quickly even when there’s a lot at stake . 

#4: Intellectual Curiosity and Dedication

The entire process of becoming a vet begins in high school and requires serious intellectual investment. In fact, you’ll have to be prepared for 8 to 10 years of additional schooling! Additionally, the field is both challenging and competitive, so you’ll need to be prepared for that as well. If you’re truly dedicated to becoming a vet, the time and effort will be worth it in the end! 

Whether you love caring for people’s pets, educating pet owners about their beloved animals, researching livestock behavior, rehabilitating wild birds, or some other type of animal care, your love for the profession will take you a long way. While there will be challenges to becoming a vet, you will probably  find the profession very rewarding and ultimately worth it. 


How to Become a Veterinarian: High School

If you’re still here, congratulations—you might be a good fit for the veterinary profession. Now it’s time to start your journey. You can begin taking steps down this career path while you’re still in high school by planning your schedule around your goals, applying to the right colleges, and seeking hands-on volunteer opportunities. Here are some of the best ways you can start to make your dream of becoming a vet a reality before you ever step foot on a college campus. 

Planning Your Schedule

Math and science are key components when you think about how to become a vet. In fact, Purdue University recommends that you take at least four years of math (geometry, algebra, trigonometry, and calculus), four years of English, four years of lab science (physics, biology, and chemistry), and electives like animal science if you’re serious about vet school.

It’s important that you pay attention to your schedule to ensure you’re taking the right classes and making good grades in them! It’s also a good idea to take courses that will give you college credit. AP or IB classes are a great way to earn college credit, and they also prepare you for the more rigorous courses you will encounter beyond school. 

Choosing the Right College

Speaking of college, it’s also important to think about the best institution for you to attend as you prepare for veterinary school. Your choice of college will depend primarily on what best suits your needs, but you should also consider criteria such as GPA , SAT , and ACT requirements.  

Having a good GPA and excellent ACT or SAT scores are important for getting accepted into most universities, but standards will vary between institutions. The average high school GPA for college-bound students around a 3.0, and the most competitive colleges (such as Harvard , Yale , and Princeton ) closer to a 4.0 average. Ultimately, you will need to meet the requirements specified by your institution, but it’s a good idea to make sure you have a 3.5 GPA or higher so that your options are as open as possible . 

Another part of choosing the right college is looking for a degree program that will provide you with a strong education in physical and biological science —an important part of being prepared for vet school. Most universities have the option to major in chemistry, biology, zoology, physiology, microbiology, or anatomy, which are great choices for anyone looking to become a veterinarian. A few universities, such as Ohio State University , Texas A&M University , and University of California in Davis , offer a pre-vet major to give you specific disciplinary knowledge. Many pre-vet programs will help you meet all of the prerequisites for vet school and give you some pre-professional training, too. 

The most important thing to keep in mind is that vet school is incredibly competitive. (More on that later.) With that in mind, it’s a good idea to aim for good schools with strong degree programs. That will give you a little more of an edge when you submit your vet school applications later. 

Getting Hands-On Experience 

While your test scores and grades are important, it’s a good idea to get involved in extracurricular activities that give you a glimpse into the day to day life of working with animals. Get involved with high school organizations like the 4-H or FFA to give you hands-on experience, or seek out volunteer opportunities at the humane society, zoo, or even a livestock farm. You can also job shadow a real veterinarian at a local vet clinic. All of these options will give you valuable field experience and give you insight into how to become a vet. 

Another perk to volunteering is that colleges want to see that you have a record of community service. Some colleges may also ask you to explain why you’re a good fit for your college or program. Having specific volunteer experiences to draw from can help you stand out in comparison to other potential students, too. 


How to Become A Veterinarian: College 

Once you’ve chosen the perfect college, it’s time to saddle up and get down to business. Your major, your academic performance, your relationships with your professors, and your experience with animals will ultimately determine whether you get into vet school —which is the last and most important step in how to become a vet.

Choosing a Major

Choosing the right major will help you structure your undergraduate degree to meet the right prerequisites for vet school. Schools will vary slightly in number of credits required, but according to Purdue, most U.S. vet schools require a list of the following prerequisite courses, regardless of your major:

  • General education (some of which you may complete in college through AP classes)
  • Two semesters of general chemistry with lab 
  • Two semesters of organic chemistry with lab 
  • One or two semesters of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology with lab (Cell Biology may also be required) 
  • Two semesters of general biology with lab
  • Two semesters of physics with lab 
  • Math, with the minimum requirement ranging from algebra and trigonometry to two semesters of calculus (most schools want students to take calculus) 

Some four-year universities also offer a pre-vet track, which includes on the same criteria but may also require additional coursework in animal science, genetics, or microbiology. You don’t need to be pre-vet to get into vet school, but it may be worth exploring if you know you’re interested in a specific discipline, such as equine science, zoological medicine, reptile and amphibian practice, or exotic companion mammal practice.  

Maintaining GPA, Getting Experience, and Building Relationships

It’s important to keep up the good academic work in college since getting into vet school is incredibly competitive. In fact, it’s as competitive as getting into med school ! The more competitive the program, the higher your cumulative GPA needs to be . Generally speaking, we recommend you aim for a GPA of 3.5 or higher to give yourself the best shot. 

Remember all the extracurricular activities, volunteer opportunities, and job shadowing sessions you pursued in high school? You should also keep that up in college. You’ll have to write a statement of purpose explaining why you’re a good fit for vet school, and you’re more likely to stand out amongst your peers during the admissions process if you have experience. Luckily, most universities offer students many opportunities to get involved. For example, you can join student organizations and club activities, volunteer initiatives, and even professional experience programs. Joining organizations (and sticking with them!) is a great way to beef up your vet school application . 

Along with participating in extracurriculars, it’s also important to build relationships with your advisors and professors, since they’ll be the ones writing your letters of recommendation . That means speaking up in class, asking questions, taking advantage of office hours, and showing a true interest in the subjects you encounter. Having a professional rapport with your advisors and professors is critical: the better they know you, the more specific and compelling their letters will be. 


All students have to apply to vet school using the VMCAS. It's kind of like the Common App for vet school!

Applying for Vet School 

Vet school applications will be due around mid-September of your senior year of college , so start thinking about the application process at the beginning of your junior year. At that point, it’s time to choose the vet schools you want to apply to and begin your applications.

There are currently 30 accredited colleges of veterinary medicine in the United States . Jot down the names of your top choices on a list so you can start researching the schools and their programs. Broadly speaking, you should consider the following criteria while choosing your vet school: 

Areas of specialty : does the school have strengths and services in the specific areas you’d like to practice? Check out AVMA’s list of veterinary specialties to see all of your options.

Class size : How many students are enrolled in each class (on average)? Consider whether you prefer bigger or smaller classes. 

Expenses : How expensive is each school? Be sure to look at the total cost of attending each college, which includes room and board, program fees, and equipment cost. 

Teaching hospital : does the school have a hospital for clinical training, and is the caseload reflective of the work you want to do in your career? 

Off campus training : will you want to seek training at other sites through externship opportunities? Training will be a big part of getting a good job after graduation. 

Because vet school is very competitive, it’s important to apply to several different institutions in order to have a backup plan. 

For example, UC Davis Veterinary Medicine program received 979 applications for the class of 2023, and only 191 of those applicants were offered admission, while 478 students applied to the Texas A&M University Veterinary Medicine program , and only 158 were admitted. It’s a good idea to rank your list of universities from most preferred to least preferred institutions, and plan to apply to at least five to seven of your top-ranked schools. 

One way to make sure you get into the school of your dreams is acing your entrance exams. Make sure you leave yourself plenty of time to study for the GRE or MCAT, and take the exam more than once if necessary. During the 2013 application cycle, the average vet school applicant had an average GPA of 3.56 and GRE scores of 155 (66th percentile), 154 (57th percentile) and 3.9 (54th percentile) on the verbal, quantitative, and analytical tests, respectively. You should also make sure to give your professors a few months to write your letters of recommendation. 

The good news is that you only need to fill out one singular application for vet school, which will then be sent to each institution you select. This application—called the Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VCMAS)—is provided through the Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges (AAVMC). You’ll have to submit:

  • General candidate information
  • Proof of requisite completion 
  • A reflection on experiences (i.e. a statement of purpose)
  • Copies of transcripts
  • Your GRE or MCAT test scores
  • Letters of recommendation (sometimes referred to as letters of evaluation)
  • School-specific requirements (be sure to check with each school about this) 

Luckily, the AAVMC provides a detailed application checklist to help keep you on track. Once you have submitted your application, you will be waiting a little while to hear back from the schools. If a school is interested in you, they will most likely contact you about doing an interview to proceed to the next stage of the admissions process. All students receive final decisions from schools around mid-April.

Having a Backup Plan 

Admission to vet school can be very competitive, with about 50% of applicants accepted each year. It’s important to have a backup plan in case you change your mind miss the cut. 

The good news is that the majors that prepare you for vet school also open up other excellent career opportunities. Many people who don’t want to go to vet school (but still want to work with animals!) become veterinary technicians. Vet techs provide veterinarians with technical support in all aspects of patient care and perform tasks such as taking blood samples, weighing animals, and sterilizing surgical instruments. 

Additionally, becoming a certified vet tech requires less education than becoming a vet. It requires a two-year associates degree from an accredited program in veterinary technology and practical experience in a vet hospital. If you find that you would like to work with animals but that you are not interested in attending an extensive vet program, exploring how to become a vet tech is a great idea. 


Dr. Nina Griffin gives an adorable dog an exam, which is a normal part of a veterinarian's day! (Brittany E. N. Murphy / Joint Base Langley-Eustis)  

How to Become a Veterinarian: Vet School 

Vet school is an exciting time where you will professionalize by diving into specific content knowledge and gaining more experience with clinical practice.

What Vet School Is Like

So what is vet school generally like? First and foremost, it’s usually an all-day commitment. According to Dr. Schott, a veterinarian at SGU , a typical day can last from 8 AM to 5 PM (much like a full-time job), and you’ll most likely spend that time jumping from lectures to labs . It might be tough for you to shoehorn in other responsibilities during school hours. 

Depending on the term, you’ll either go directly to class for morning lectures or to one of your labs. If you go to class first, you will most likely have several lectures in a row with ten to fifteen minute breaks in between.

When you have breaks in between classes and labs, you may use the time to look over assigned readings, prepare for your next class session, or study for quizzes (which will be given regularly in addition to scheduled midterms and final exams). Also keep an eye out for clubs and organizations and find yourself attending some of those meetings throughout your week. 

Vet School Course Curriculum

Lectures will be a good time to take notes and ask questions, while labs give you hands-on experience. While every curriculum is different, your two biggest classes your first year will likely be anatomy and physiology, and you may also have a small-animal anatomy lab. This may include dissection to learn about muscles, organs, and all the inner workings of animals. You may also be working in small groups, so labs can be a good time to get to know your classmates, form outside study groups, and discover how you best collaborate and learn with potential colleagues.

Other classes you can expect to take include neuroanatomy, general pathology, parasitology, and more. For example, at Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine program, students are required to take “Foundation” courses. These include the animal body; neuroanatomy; general pathology; cell biology and genetics; function and dysfunction; host, agent, and disease; clinical rotations; and veterinary practice. Students in Cornell’s program can also take “Distribution Courses” that represent opportunities for students to pursue areas of interest in great depth or explore other professionalization aspects such as research and off campus clinical experience.

Along with your core requirements, you’ll also take classes in your specialty. For example, if you specialize in veterinary internal medicine, you’ll probably take classes like cardiology, neurology, and oncology. If you’re specializing in animal surgery, you may take orthopedics or soft tissue surgery courses.

Remember: the classes you take will all depend on your school, program, and specialization ...so be sure to research those thoroughly before you apply.


You'll learn many new skills in vet school, including how to perform surgery. 

Succeeding in Vet School

Classes and labs will become more advanced and rigorous each year, building off of previous course knowledge, so it’s important to really engage with the information you’re learning. It’s not just about memorizing definitions—it’s also about really understanding the material. Seek out tutoring if you need extra help, and make sure you meet with your professors if you’re struggling.

And because you’re going to be very busy and consumed with vet school, it’s important to also give yourself breaks to avoid burning out. Depending on the school, you’ll need to maintain a certain minimum GPA, so make sure you are living a balanced lifestyle to help you stay on top of your coursework. Get involved with something outside of school that helps you decompress.

Graduating From Vet School

While the early years of vet school are mostly spent in the classroom and laboratory, you’ll get additional experience during clinical rotations , where you’ll treat patients under the supervision of a more experienced mentor. Clinicals are a chance for you to practice what you’ve learned.

In the last year of your program, you will need to focus on studying for your North American Veterinary Licensing Exam (NAVLE). Administered by the International Council for Veterinary Assessment (ICVA) since 2000 , NAVLE s a requirement for licensure to practice veterinary medicine in all licensing jurisdictions in the US and Canada. The NAVLE consists of 360 clinically relevant multiple-choice questions. While you can retake the NAVLE if you don’t pass it the first time, the AAVME limits the number of times you can take the licensing exam . That’s why it’s important that you study early and often for the test.

Once you graduate, you will have a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) or Veterinary Medical Doctor (VMD) degree and will be qualified to perform the duties of the profession . A number of veterinarians may go on to become board certified in a specialty area or may seek additional training in internship or residency programs. For example, a number of veterinarians also seek additional training in the form of an internship (usually one year) and/or residency (approximately 2-3 years) so they can become board certified in a specialty area.

Anyone who wants to practice veterinary medicine must be licensed in the state where they wish to practice. Some states may also require you to pass a state-specification exam to test your knowledge of state laws and regulations governing veterinary medicine. To maintain your license, you must also obtain continuing education, such as attending seminars, writing for vet publications, or pursuing further research. That means that even once you’ve graduated, you aren’t quite done with school! 



Practicing veterinary medicine is an exciting career choice. You’ll help better the lives of animals every day. If you’re wondering how to become a vet or if the career is right for you, keep these things in mind: 

There are many specialties you can pursue within veterinary medicine, including pet care, equine science, zoological medicine, reptile and amphibian practice, exotic companion mammal practice, and many more. 

Becoming a vet isn’t for everyone. You have to be resilient and decisive in the face of emotional and physical challenges. You also have to be patient with those you work around, whether that’s vet techs, other vets, or pet owners. 

Understand that it takes 8 to 10 years to become a vet. 

If you think the career is right for you, the path starts in high school. Volunteer with animals, and take advanced biological science classes. Also, apply to colleges that will help you meet the required prerequisites for vet school and pursue hands-on opportunities.

Once in college, keep focusing on making good grades and staying involved. Give yourself enough time to complete the application for vet school and choose the best institution for your desired specialty. 

Through high school, college, and vet school, remember to utilize the resources and mentors around you for support and guidance at every step. 

While in vet school, be sure to stay on top of your work. You’ll need to pass the licensure exam (NAVLE) in order to practice veterinary medicine, and you’ll also need licensure in your state.

Veterinary medicine is a life-long commitment to helping other creatures. Even though becoming a vet takes work, you’ll be devoting your life to a noble and rewarding cause.


What's Next?

You’ll need to write essays for both your college and vet school applications. Application essays are one of the most important aspects of your application because they give committees the chance to get to know you, your passions, and your interests . Learn what it takes to write a great application essay here.

We have guides that can help you ace all of your entrance exams. Check out this one for the SAT , this one for the ACT , and this one for the GRE . Remember: making great test grades will help you get into your dream school!

If you want to become a vet but struggle with biological science, it’s important that you start getting extra help now . We have guides to different topics in biological science, including an introduction to animal cells , a guide to mitosis , and an overview of enzyme function.  

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Ashley Sufflé Robinson has a Ph.D. in 19th Century English Literature. As a content writer for PrepScholar, Ashley is passionate about giving college-bound students the in-depth information they need to get into the school of their dreams.

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How do i prepare for vet school, 5 things you need to know to prepare for veterinary school.

Do you love fuzzy, four-legged creatures and have a passion for science? If so, then a career in veterinary medicine might be the right next step for you. Here are five things you need to know to prepare for veterinary school.

1. Complete the pre-entrance course requirements

While there is no pre-veterinary medicine major at UC Davis, you still can (and must) take a required set of courses prior to the end of the spring quarter before matriculation, if you want to get into veterinary school. Veterinary schools around the country each have their own list of pre-entrance course requirements. UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine has an easy-to-read list of what courses they require . 

2. Volunteer

UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, like many vet schools around the country, requires a minimum number of hours (180) of animal, veterinary and biomedical work and/or experience. However, admitted applicants have an average of 2,500–3,000 hours. So, as early as you can, seek out opportunities to observe and volunteer. The Internship and Career Center  can help you find possible opportunities. Volunteerism can not only help you prepare for veterinary school, it can also help you discover if it is the right career path for you and connect you with people who could serve as future references.

3. Work on research projects

Search on departmental websites, such as the College of Biological Sciences website , to find faculty members who are doing research related to veterinary medicine. Or visit the  Undergraduate Research Center  to prepare for approaching and interviewing with faculty members whose labs you'd like to join.

4. Enroll in pre-vet clubs and programs

Join the UC Davis Vet Aide Club and get hands-on experience in a variety of animal-care fields. Also, members can apply to various volunteer internship opportunities with the UC Davis Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital.

You can also try to enroll in the School of Veterinary Medicine’s Pre-College Program . This five-week intensive summer program is designed to provide college-level students with activities that will enhance their preparation to veterinary school.

5. Learn more about the admissions process

Know the admission process and timeline for the veterinary school you’re interested in. Most veterinary medical schools require that applicants take the GRE before applying, so make sure you take the test before the application deadline. Applications from the Veterinary Medical Application Service , which is how most schools accept applications, are available online in May (paper applications are not available), and the deadline to submit is in September. (Have your transcripts and letters of recommendations ready by then too.) Interview notifications typically go out in mid-November, with the interviews taking place in mid-December.

Read the School of Veterinary Medicine’s “So You Want to be a Veterinarian?” article.


#1 in the World

Ranking of UC Davis

School of Veterinary Medicine [1]

[1] Source: QS World University Rankings, 2016


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    Vet schools can have seemingly small, but important differences in their prerequisites. For example, at the University of California—Davis, students must take two semesters of organic chemistry, with a lab, before admission. At Cornell, by contrast, students are only expected to have taken one semester of organic chemistry, lab optional.

  5. How to Get Into Vet School: 8 Application Tips for ...

    6. Secure glowing letters of recommendation. Every vet school applicant needs to obtain at least three letters of recommendation. But don't think of these evaluations as items you can check off a list. Most DVM programs expect at least one letter be written by a veterinarian.

  6. Breaking Down Veterinary Education Requirements

    Apply to vet school with confidence. As you continue down the path to becoming a veterinarian, you're now better equipped to understand the veterinary education requirements you'll need to complete if you want to get into a high-quality DVM program. That said, there are still a few more application components you'll need to prepare for.

  7. How to Apply to Veterinary School and Become a Veterinarian

    Most vet schools require applicants to submit GRE General Test scores, and some also require a GRE Subject Test in biology. It is occasionally possible to submit scores from the MCAT medical ...

  8. Requirements

    Evaluation Letters. Cornell requires three evaluation letters submitted through the VMCAS eLOR system: One must come from a veterinarian. One must come from your advisor or a faculty member who has taught you. They must be able to provide information about your academic abilities in college. The third can be from someone of your choosing.

  9. 8 Steps on How to Become a Veterinarian

    Outlining 8 steps to become a veterinarian. Everyone has a different journey, but we have identified the common steps you will need. You can use the list of eight steps below as your guide to help you plan your path to becoming a veterinarian. 1. Optimize your undergraduate experience.

  10. The Ultimate Guide to U.S. Veterinary Schools

    The Ultimate Guide to U.S. Veterinary Colleges. Applying to veterinary school can be a daunting (& expensive process). But, don't worry! We did a deep-dive into each veterinary school, what it'll cost, acceptance rates, and debt information, to help you make an informed decision.

  11. Getting into Veterinary School: A Guide for High School Students

    This can give you a firsthand look at the daily life of a vet. Participate in research or animal-related projects. These can help you develop important skills and learn about new developments in veterinary medicine. Veterinary Academy programs can help you earn valuable, hands-on experience with animals.

  12. How to Apply

    How to Apply. Preparing your application is the first step you'll take on your journey to becoming a veterinarian. The AAVMC's VMCAS is a user-friendly system for applying to veterinary medical schools. Please review the " Before Applying " section for information about school prerequisites, general information, and cost comparison ...

  13. How to Prepare for a Career in Veterinary Medicine

    Research veterinary schools When it's time to actually apply to vet school, you will need to do extensive research in order to make the best veterinary school choice for your learning style and career goals. Becoming familiar with the admission requirements, typical educational costs, and each school's academic strengths and weaknesses will ...

  14. Q&A: What Are the Requirements for Applying To Vet School?

    Here are five things to do before you apply: Go to college The first step in your journey to applying to veterinary school is first applying to, and getting into, college. Vet school is a graduate studies program that leads to a doctorate, so you need to have a bachelor's degree before you can start.

  15. So, You think you want to go Vet School Frequently Asked Questions

    1. How do I know veterinary medicine in the right career for me? The best way to know for sure is to gain exposure to the profession through experiences with practicing veterinarians and/or veterinary researchers. In addition to a sincere concern for animals, an aptitude for science, and good people skills, veterinary school applicants must have a realistic understanding of the veterinary ...

  16. How to Become a Veterinarian: Key Steps and Qualities

    Planning Your Schedule. Math and science are key components when you think about how to become a vet. In fact, Purdue University recommends that you take at least four years of math (geometry, algebra, trigonometry, and calculus), four years of English, four years of lab science (physics, biology, and chemistry), and electives like animal ...

  17. How do I prepare for vet school?

    If so, then a career in veterinary medicine might be the right next step for you. Here are five things you need to know to prepare for veterinary school. 1. Complete the pre-entrance course requirements. While there is no pre-veterinary medicine major at UC Davis, you still can (and must) take a required set of courses prior to the end of the ...

  18. How to Get Research Hours for Vet School

    Luckily, Loop Abroad offers a variety of virtual fellowships where students can get research hours for vet school. Zoo Research Fellowship. Offering both a 3-week and 6-week fellowship, our Zoo Research Fellowship grants students 50 and 100 research hours, respectively. Fellows will be supervised and mentored virtually in group and one-on-one ...

  19. PDF Vmcas 2025 Applicant Guide

    In the United States, graduation from a COE-accredited college of veterinary medicine is an important prerequisite for application for licensure Internationally, some veterinary schools have chosen to seek COE accreditation in addition to accreditation by the competent authority in their own regions COE accreditation

  20. Do you need research experience to get into vet school?

    No - you do not need research experience to get into veterinary school. I got accepted to 3 schools with 0 research hours and about ~ 1,500 hours of varied veterinary experience. It definitely helps a lot, but I don't think you need it, per se. This is coming from someone who did a lot of research (5 yrs in a research lab, and worked with lab ...

  21. AAVMC

    The AAVMC represents the global academic veterinary medical community. AAVMC members promote and protect the health and wellbeing of people, animals and the environment by advancing the veterinary medical profession and preparing new generations of veterinarians to meet the evolving needs of a changing world.