
12 Sun, Sunrise & Sunset Metaphors for Writers

The sun is one of the most common contextual features of a setting that we write about. But it’s hard to come up with creative new ways to talk about something that has been discussed in countless books over Millenia. Below, I’ve compiled some creative sun metaphors that can help you break through that writer’s block and find the perfect setting description in your story.

After exploring metaphors for the sun, I’ll also provide some further adjectives and color descriptions that can help add flair to your writing, and create the perfect image in your reader’s mind.

Sun, Sunrise & Sunset Metaphors

Sun Metaphors and Similes

1. it slipped through my fingers.

You can picture in your mind sunrays on your hand and, with your fingers outstretched, some of them passing through the gaps in your fingers to lay on the ground below. To say it slipped through your fingers is metaphorical because it didn’t literally slip through anything. It didn’t slide or bounce or refract off your fingers at all. In fact, the it is a long, long way away. Rather, it’s the sunrays that pass between the fingers. But we can be much more creative and visual in our description than to say “the sun rays passed between my fingers” – so we say “it slipped through”.

2. The Blazing Sun Mocked Me

This is an example of personification of the sun. In this metaphor, the sun isn’t a friend but a tormentor. An example of a time when it might mock a protagonist is when they’re out on a hike through the desert. The protagonist is exhausted and dehydrated, with a long way to walk in the heat of the day. Here, we might imagine the protagonist being along and feeling as if the sun is their only company. But the heat means it isn’t a friend but an enemy, mocking you as you try to escape its heat.

Related: A List of Summer Metaphors, Similes and Idioms

3. It Peeked Through the Clouds

We use this metaphor for the moon as well. Imagine the clouds obscuring the sun’s view, but as the clouds part, it seems like it “peeks out” at you to take a look. This is another example of personification. Of course, an object without personality or a brain can’t take a peek at anything. But this personification helps us to create an image in our minds.

This metaphor can be used at the end of a storm to show the end of the storm and the return to better weather.

4. It is a Golden Coin

When I took college classes in creative writing, my professor shared a book he wrote, and it opened with the line: “the sun flipped a golden coin”. I’ve always remembered it and banked this in my mind as a great way to start a story. Others have had their own adaptations of this, such as calling the sun a golden orb or medallion in the sky ( See Also: Sky Metaphors ).

5. The Sun Chased away the Clouds

Here again we have personification. Of course an inanimate object can’t chase anything or anyone! But what is happening here is the description of the changes in the weather as a battle between different elements. The clouds are being chased like a sheepdog chases sheep, to return to its rightful position as the top dog in the skies.

6. It Stood Watch over its Realm / Looked over You

We can imagine the sun being the ruler over us. It sits so far overhead and is visible from just about anywhere you are (so long as you’re outside). It almost feels like it’s watching us constantly, standing guard. Again, this is of course personification – it doesn’t really do any watching at all! If we were to consider it to be like a god , we can imagine it’s watching us and passing judgement on us all day long.

7. It Smiled Upon Me

This one is another more positive, upbeat metaphor. The idea that you are being smiled at from above gives you a sense that you’re blessed and cared for throughout your day. This might be a metaphor you use if you feel as if you’ve had a lucky day or got some good news today. You can’t imagine using this metaphor when you’re going through hardship or feeling the punishing heat of rays on your skin.

8. The Sun’s Yolk

This metaphor calls the sun an egg! It may sound absurd, but if you look at it, it looks like a yolk from the inside of an egg. You might write “the yolk of the sun” as a metaphor to describe it, for example. This is your classic straight-up metaphor where you are directly calling one thing something else.

Sunrise Metaphors and Similes

9. god’s morning star.

This is a metaphor you might want to use if you’re writing a story from a religious perspective. To wake to “God’s morning star” is to see God in nature – be it a Christian, Muslim or Buddhist God, or even simply a pantheist . It might be seen as a moment to reflect on God, the beauty of the world, or even a moment for quiet prayer before eating.

The character might be waking feeling blessed, or even, feeling as if they’re downtrodden but continue to sustain their faith in their religion.

The sun is quite literally a star , so this is borderline figurative or literal (also depending on you believe in God!).

Related: A List of 19 Light Metaphors

10. The Sunrise Greeted me in the Morning

I love this metaphor. I can imagine someone pulling open the curtains and feeling joyful about their day ahead. When the curtains open, the sun is revealed – shining big and bright right back at the protagonist. The sun is a symbol of the person’s mood and greets or “welcomes” you to a day you’re looking forward. Here, it is being personified, which means you’re giving human features to non-human things.

   Related Sun, Moon, Sky and Stars Articles:

  • Red Sky Symbolism
  • Sunrise Symbolism
  • Sunset Symbolism
  • Morning Symbolism
  • Harvest Moon Symbolism
  • Orange Sky Symbolism
  • Sun and Sunrise Sayings
  • Morning Star Symbolism
  • Symbolism of the Sun
  • Night Symbolism
  • Darkness Symbolism

Sunset Metaphors and Similes

11. the sun succumbed to the moon.

This is a description you might use at the end of the day as night falls. Here, we can imagine the sun and moon taking shifts (there’s another metaphor for you!). They swap each 12 hours, almost like they’re in an unending battle. Here, the sun is the loser, succumbing to the moon (or night), to “retreat” through night.

12. It went to Bed

This is a metaphor to explain the coming of the night. Just as we go to bed, we can also imagine that orb in the sky going to sleep for the night. We shape the patterns of our lives around the night and day, so it makes sense for us to project some of our behaviors back onto the sun itself. This, again, is a form of personification where it’s being given the trait of an animal or human – the idea of going to bed!

Read Also: A List of Nature Idioms and Nature Metaphors

Colors to Describe the Sun

  • Yellow – This is probably the most common color that comes to mind. On a clear day in the middle of the day, we’d expect its color to be yellow.
  • Amber – This is the color you might expect to see during dusk or early in the morning.
  • Copper – We’ll often use “copper” as an adjective in creative descriptions, such as “the scorching copper sun”.
  • Honeycomb – This is the color you might experience in a certain ambiance, such as in a forest where the rays slip through the leaves and spot the forest surface with honeycomb colors and patterns.
  • Golden – Like Amber, we might use this descriptive color when the atmosphere is thick at dawn or dusk.

Adjectives to Describe the Sun

  • Blazing – A term you might use on a particularly hot day.
  • Flaming – Similar to blazing – for hot days.
  • Glowing – A good term for sunrise or sunset when there is a golden color in the air.
  • Shining – A good term for the middle of the day.
  • Scorching – Another one for hot days.
  • Scolding – Again, this adjective describes the heat of the day.
  • Licking – When you can feel rays dancing on your skin.
  • Tickling  – Similar to licking.

sun metaphors and adjectives

Sun metaphors can help enhance your writing and make it more descriptive. Aim to create an image in your reader’s mind by using adjectives and colors that match the mood you are trying to set. You can use different metaphors or idioms for different times of day or moods of your protagonists.

Other metaphors you can use in your writing to enrich it include happiness metaphors and fear metaphors.

A man's face

I’m Chris and I run this website – a resource about symbolism, metaphors, idioms, and a whole lot more! Thanks for dropping by.

Writing Nestling

Writing Nestling

How To Describe A Sunset In Writing

How To Describe A Sunset In Writing (Words, Phrases & Metaphors)

Describing a sunset in writing is an exquisite journey into the realm of poetic expression and vivid imagery.

Sunsets, with their ever-shifting colors, dramatic silhouettes, and ephemeral beauty, offer writers a profound opportunity to capture the magic of nature’s daily spectacle and transport readers into a world of emotion, sensory immersion, and contemplation.

Through the interplay of words and the artful manipulation of literary devices, a well-crafted sunset description can evoke a symphony of feelings, leaving an indelible mark on the reader’s soul.

In the pages that follow, we will explore the intricacies of this art, from setting the scene and harnessing the power of symbolism to the delicate task of conveying the sublime.

Join us in this exploration, as we delve into the language of sunsets, and learn how to harness the written word to paint the evening sky with the brush of imagination.

Table of Contents

How To Describe A Sunset In Writing

Describing a sunset in writing involves capturing the vivid imagery and emotions associated with this natural phenomenon. Here is a step-by-step process to do so:

Observe the Sunset

Find a suitable location where you can watch the sunset. Pay close attention to the colors, shapes, and overall ambiance.

Set the Scene

Begin your description by setting the scene. Mention the location, time of day, and any notable features in the surroundings.

Color Palette

Describe the colors in the sky. Start with the warm, vibrant hues like orange, pink, and red. Mention any cool shades like purple or blue. Use vivid and expressive language to convey the richness of these colors.

Light and Shadow

Talk about how the fading sunlight creates contrasts of light and shadow. Mention how the landscape changes as the sun descends.

Clouds and Patterns

Describe the clouds, if any. Mention their shapes, sizes, and how they interact with the setting sun. This can add depth and texture to your description.

Sun’s Descent

Highlight the sun’s movement as it sinks below the horizon. Use metaphors or similes to make the process more engaging. For example, “The sun dipped like a burning ember into the sea.”


If you’re near a body of water, note the reflections of the sunset on the surface. It adds a unique element to your description.

Explain how the atmosphere changes as the sun sets. Mention any effects like a golden glow, a dusky hue, or the emergence of stars.

Sounds and Aromas

Include any sounds or aromas associated with the sunset, like the chirping of birds, the rustling of leaves, or the scent of the evening air.

Share the emotions you experience or imagine others might feel during the sunset. It could be a sense of peace, awe, nostalgia, or even melancholy.

Personal Connection

If you have a personal connection or memory associated with the sunset, share it. This can add depth and authenticity to your description.

Flow and Imagery

Ensure your description flows smoothly. Use metaphors, similes, and descriptive language to create a vivid mental picture for your readers.

Edit and Revise

After writing your description , edit and revise it for clarity, conciseness, and impact. Make sure your words evoke the desired feelings and imagery.

Remember that your description should engage the reader’s senses and emotions, allowing them to visualize the sunset as if they were experiencing it themselves. Use your creativity to craft a compelling and evocative piece of writing .

How To Describe A Sunset In Writing

Words To Describe A Sunset

Dusk: The time when the sun disappears below the horizon, marking the onset of evening.

Radiant: Emitting a vivid and brilliant glow, as seen during a vibrant sunset.

Crimson: A deep red color often associated with the intense hues of a sunset sky.

Serene: Calm, peaceful, and tranquil, characteristic of the atmosphere during a sunset.

Silhouette: The dark outline or shape of an object against the colorful backdrop of a setting sun.

Golden Hour: The magical period shortly before sunset when the sunlight is soft, warm, and golden.

Twilight: The transitional phase between day and night, featuring dimming light and varied hues.

Hues: The wide range of colors and shades displayed in the sky during a sunset.

Embers: Resembling the dying glow of a fire, used to depict the fading light of a setting sun.

Horizon: The apparent line where the earth and sky meet, often the focal point during sunset observations.

How To Describe A Sunset In Writing

Phrases To Describe A Sunset

1. The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold.

2. As daylight faded, the horizon became a canvas of fiery oranges and purples.

3. A warm glow enveloped the landscape as the sun bid farewell to the day.

4. The tranquil evening sky was adorned with the soft pastels of a setting sun.

5. A cascade of colors unfolded, casting a warm embrace over the world.

6. The sun’s descent turned the clouds into a canvas, each stroke a masterpiece.

7. The horizon became a melting pot of warm tones, creating a breathtaking spectacle.

8. As the sun kissed the day goodbye, it left behind a trail of molten gold.

9. The landscape transformed into a silhouette, the sun’s final bow before nightfall.

10. The twilight sky whispered secrets of the day’s end, wrapped in hues of serenity.

How To Describe A Sunset In Writing

Metaphors To Describe A Sunset

The Day’s Sigh: The sunset, akin to the world taking a deep breath, exhaling the day’s warmth and light.

Dying Embers of Day: The sun, like dying embers, slowly fading and casting a warm glow across the horizon.

Heaven’s Palette: The sunset as if the heavens dipped their brushes into a palette, painting the sky with celestial hues.

Farewell Kiss of Day: The sun’s descent, a tender farewell kiss, leaving behind a blush on the horizon.

Ocean of Fire: The sky ablaze with the colors of a setting sun, resembling an ocean of flickering flames.

Setting the Scene

Setting the scene is the writer’s brushstroke on the canvas of imagination, where the world is not just a backdrop but a character in its own right.

Whether it’s the untamed beauty of a coastal sunset, the urban jungle with its skyscrapers kissed by twilight, or the quiet serenity of a rural landscape bathed in the dying embers of daylight, the setting is where the stage is meticulously crafted for the sun’s grand finale.

It’s the moment when time, place, and atmosphere unite to create a symphony of visuals that etch themselves into memory.

So, step into the scene with your readers, for in this chapter of the story, the sun and its canvas await your artistic touch.

Location is the cornerstone of any sunset’s narrative. It’s the setting’s identity, the stage upon which the sun’s fiery performance unfolds.

A coastal location evokes the rhythmic cadence of waves crashing against the shore, painting the horizon with hues of red and gold.

In the heart of an urban sprawl, skyscrapers become silhouetted sentinels, and the setting sun casts a warm glow upon the city’s concrete and glass.

Conversely, a rural location brings forth the tranquil beauty of open fields or rolling hills, where the sun’s descent is witnessed in a hushed reverence, painting the sky in pastel shades.

Each location holds its unique charm, and the choice of setting is the first brushstroke on the canvas of a sunset’s description, setting the tone for the sensory symphony to come.

Time of Year

The time of year is the conductor of the ever-changing symphony of sunsets, orchestrating different hues, moods, and emotions with each passing season.

In spring, sunsets possess a delicate and hopeful essence, painting the sky with soft pastels as nature renews itself. Summer sunsets are a blaze of fiery glory, casting a warm, nostalgic glow as the day’s heat gradually cools.

Autumn brings with it the rich, earthy colors of falling leaves, infusing sunsets with a sense of transition and introspection.

And in the midst of winter, sunsets exhibit a serene and ethereal beauty, as the world is blanketed in stillness and the sun’s descent carries a promise of rebirth.

The time of year is a crucial aspect of sunset description, adding layers of symbolism and emotion to the scene.

Weather Conditions

Weather conditions play a pivotal role in the enchanting drama of a sunset. They can transform a routine sunset into a spellbinding spectacle or shroud it in a mystique all its own.

A clear sky offers a canvas for vibrant colors and sharp details, allowing the sun to paint the horizon with precision. On the other hand, a sky filled with billowing clouds can add drama and intrigue, as the sun’s rays play hide-and-seek, casting ever-changing patterns of light and shadow.

Stormy weather may infuse a sunset with a wild, untamed energy, while a gentle, misty rain can create an atmosphere of dreamy enchantment.

Weather conditions, in their capricious dance, enhance the unpredictability and raw beauty of a sunset, making each one a unique masterpiece to be witnessed and described with wonder.

How To Describe A Sunset In Writing

Descriptive Elements

Descriptive elements are the palette of a writer’s soul, the pigments with which they paint their sunset masterpiece.

It’s where the sky transforms into a canvas of warm, blazing oranges and deep purples, or softens into a tranquil wash of pastel pinks and lavenders.

Here, the sun takes its final bow, casting a golden glow that bathes the world in a surreal, ethereal light, as shadows stretch and merge into silhouettes.

It’s the moment when the atmosphere itself becomes an artist, with the colors and shades evolving in a dance of gradual fading and reflection.

Descriptive elements are the essential strokes that bring the scene to life, rendering the sunset in all its magnificent and ever-changing splendor, inviting the reader to step into the painting and bask in the poetry of the evening sky.

Colors in a sunset are the kaleidoscope of emotions and sensations that streak across the canvas of the sky. They are the artists’ tools that evoke the full spectrum of human feelings.

Warm, fiery reds and oranges paint the heavens with a passionate intensity, igniting the heart with the fervor of a love story . Cool, soothing purples and blues create an aura of calm and contemplation, like a lullaby for the soul.

The transition from day to night through these colors is a metamorphosis of the world itself, a visual symphony that whispers tales of beginnings and endings.

Colors in a sunset are not just pigments; they are the storytellers of the evening, unraveling narratives that captivate and embrace the reader, making them a part of this mesmerizing journey through the horizon.

Light and Shadows

Light and shadows in a sunset are the silent actors in a grand celestial drama, engaging in a dance of stark contrast and harmonious coexistence.

During the golden hour, the sun’s warm, low-angled light bathes the landscape in a soft, enchanting radiance, casting long, dramatic shadows that stretch and morph with the shifting celestial clock.

Silhouettes emerge, transforming ordinary objects into captivating outlines, and the world becomes a theater of contrasts where dark meets light.

Light and shadows together create a sense of depth and dimension, adding an ethereal quality to the scene.

The interplay of these elements captures the essence of a transient moment, where the sun gracefully bows to the impending night, leaving a trail of shadows and memories in its wake.

Atmospheric Effects

Atmospheric effects in a sunset are the subtle magicians of the sky, responsible for the mesmerizing transformations that occur as the day transitions into night.

As the sun approaches the horizon, the atmosphere undergoes a metamorphosis, scattering its light and bending it in unique ways.

This gradual fading of the sun’s brilliance allows for the emergence of a tranquil, otherworldly radiance that envelops the surroundings.

It’s a time when the sky may blush with delicate hues, and the sun’s reflection upon water or cityscapes takes on an almost mystical quality.

Atmospheric effects serve as a bridge between the mundane and the extraordinary, drawing the viewer into a reverie where time seems to momentarily stand still.

In this ephemeral interplay between light, particles, and the sky, the world becomes a canvas where dreams and reality blend, encapsulating the enchantment of the fleeting twilight hour.

Emotions and Sensations

Emotions and sensations are the soul’s response to the poetry of a sunset, a symphony of feelings conducted by the fading sun.

As the day wanes, a medley of sentiments awakens within us, from the gentle caress of nostalgia as we bid adieu to the departing sun, to the euphoric rush of witnessing nature’s breathtaking spectacle.

The fiery hues of a vibrant sunset might set our hearts ablaze with passion, while the cool, soothing tones bring a sense of serenity and introspection.

In the twilight’s embrace, we may find ourselves contemplating life’s mysteries, feeling an inexplicable connection to the cosmos.

The scent of the evening air, the gentle kiss of a breeze, and the whispers of nature become intertwined in a sensory tapestry that heightens our awareness.

Emotions and sensations transform a sunset into a personal, visceral experience, one where time seems suspended, and the world becomes a canvas upon which we paint our own feelings, adding layers of depth to the already breathtaking scene.

How To Describe A Sunset In Writing

Personal Feelings

Personal feelings during a sunset are like a secret diary, each hue in the sky mirroring the shades of our own emotions.

The sun’s descent can invoke a profound sense of wonder, a quiet introspection, or even a melancholic nostalgia.

As we watch the sky transform, we may find our hearts echoing the transition, experiencing a symphony of emotions that range from joy to introspection, and sometimes, a hint of sadness as we bid adieu to the day.

The beauty of a sunset lies in its ability to elicit a deeply personal response, a reflection of our own inner world projected onto the canvas of the evening sky.

It’s in these moments that we find solace, inspiration, or a chance to simply be present in the world, forging a unique and intimate connection between ourselves and the natural world.

Symbolism and Imagery

Symbolism and imagery in a sunset narrative are the tools of a storyteller’s alchemy, where the ordinary sky becomes a realm of metaphors and allegories.

The setting sun can be a metaphor for the passage of time, a reminder of life’s impermanence, or a beacon of hope for new beginnings.

The image of a fiery sun sinking into the horizon can represent a passionate love affair, while the tranquil, serene colors may evoke a sense of inner peace and contentment.

The sky may become a canvas for the reader’s imagination, with clouds transformed into mythical creatures or distant lands waiting to be explored.

In a well-crafted sunset description, symbolism and imagery breathe life into the scene, inviting readers to uncover layers of meaning and emotion, making the experience not only visually stunning but intellectually and emotionally resonant.

The Narrative

The narrative of a sunset is a silent, yet profoundly eloquent, epic unfolding in the sky. It’s a story that begins with the first hints of twilight, where the sun takes its first steps towards the horizon, casting long shadows and painting the world with its warm embrace.

As the plot thickens, colors intensify, setting the scene for a climactic crescendo. The sun’s final bow marks a poignant turning point, a moment of both beauty and loss as the day fades into memory.

And just when it seems the tale has reached its conclusion, there’s an epilogue in the twilight, a serene coda that lingers in the heart and mind, leaving the reader with a sense of wonder and a promise of a new chapter yet to come.

The narrative of a sunset is a story of transitions, of beauty, and of the inexorable passage of time, and as its chapters unfold in the evening sky, we become both its authors and its captivated audience.

Framing the Sunset

Framing the sunset is akin to composing the opening act of a grand symphony. It’s the moment where the writer skillfully weaves the preceding narrative into the evolving masterpiece of the setting sun.

A deft transition from the previous scene can serve as a seamless prologue, building anticipation for the sunset’s arrival.

Foreshadowing hints at the magic to come, setting the stage for the sun’s mesmerizing descent. Then, as the sun takes center stage, the narrative finds its heart in the middle act, delving deep into the details, emotions, and sensory experiences.

The narrative crescendos with the sun’s vibrant colors and shadows, evoking a profound emotional impact. And in the closing act, the sunset concludes its performance, fading into twilight, as the narrative gracefully ushers the reader into the forthcoming night or a subsequent scene.

Framing the sunset is the delicate art of guiding readers into the enchanting world of the evening sky, ensuring that every element of the narrative aligns with the celestial spectacle about to unfold.

Using Literary Devices

Using literary devices to describe a sunset is akin to infusing the canvas of the sky with the magic of language. It’s where metaphors transform the sun into a blazing heart, similes make the colors dance like fireflies, and personification turns the sky into a canvass whispering its secrets.

Alliteration might add a musical cadence, as words waltz together like leaves in the breeze, while onomatopoeia can conjure the gentle sigh of the wind or the hushed rustle of leaves.

These devices are the writer’s toolbox, allowing them to paint not just with colors, but with the very essence of the sunset’s soul.

As the words weave their own poetry, readers are transported into a realm where the sunset becomes more than just a scene; it becomes a living, breathing entity, a story, and an experience.

Evoking Emotion

Evoking emotion in a sunset narrative is like crafting a delicate symphony of feelings that serenades the reader’s heart.

It’s a journey through the spectrum of human sentiment, where the setting sun can ignite the sparks of joy, or cast the shadows of melancholy.

By infusing the scene with vivid character reactions, readers can empathize with the awe in someone’s eyes, the contemplation in their gaze, or the warmth of their smile as they witness nature’s enchanting performance.

Through skillful storytelling, writers can engage the reader’s senses, encouraging them to feel the caress of the evening breeze, the hush of the fading daylight, and the tranquil ambiance of the moment.

With each word, the narrative’s emotional resonance deepens, drawing readers into an intimate embrace with the sunset’s beauty, making them not just spectators, but participants in this lyrical dance of the heart.

Character Reactions

Character reactions during a sunset scene are the emotional anchors that tether the reader’s experience to the unfolding narrative.

It’s in the way a character’s breath catches as they witness the sky ablaze with color, their eyes widening in wonder, or the gentle smile that graces their lips, mirroring the tranquil beauty above.

These reactions, whether of awe, introspection, or a quiet joy, serve as a mirror for the reader’s own emotions, forging a connection that allows them to step into the character’s shoes and share the profound experience of the moment.

Whether it’s a solitary figure contemplating the horizon or a group of friends basking in the shared magic of the sunset, character reactions are the emotional pulse that resonates within the reader, making them not just spectators but active participants in the tapestry of feelings woven by the setting sun.

How To Describe A Sunset In Writing

Conveying the Sublime

Conveying the sublime in a sunset description is akin to capturing the essence of transcendence within words. It’s about reaching for the ineffable, painting with language the overwhelming beauty and awe that wash over the soul when the sun makes its final bow.

The writer, like a maestro, orchestrates a sensory symphony, crafting a crescendo that resonates within the reader’s core.

It’s in the way the words transform a simple sunset into a gateway to the sublime, transcending the ordinary into the extraordinary.

The interplay of light and shadow, the depth of colors, and the emotions stirred by the celestial performance all coalesce into an experience that leaves the reader not just with an image in their mind, but a profound sensation in their heart — a reminder of the grandeur and wonder that exists in the everyday world, waiting to be unveiled by the artistry of the written word.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about How To Describe A Sunset In Writing

Is it possible to run out of words to describe a sunset’s beauty.

No, you can’t truly run out of words; however, it’s important to keep your descriptions fresh and innovative. Experiment with language and metaphors to continuously capture the magic of sunsets.

Can a sunset’s description be too emotional or too vivid?

Not necessarily. The key is to strike a balance between vividness and restraint. Emotion can enhance the description, but it’s essential not to overwhelm the reader. Effective descriptions often involve a measured use of emotional language.

How can I make my sunset description stand out from others?

To stand out, focus on originality and unique perspectives. Try to find metaphors, symbols, or sensory details that are less common. Personal experiences and emotions can also lend authenticity to your writing.

Are there any specific literary devices that work best for describing sunsets?

Various literary devices can enhance your description. Metaphors, similes, and personification are often used. However, don’t limit yourself – experiment with alliteration, onomatopoeia, and other less common devices to create a unique narrative.

How do I convey the changing mood of a sunset throughout the description?

A well-structured narrative can help convey the shifting mood. Begin with a brief introduction, delve into the vivid details in the middle, and conclude with a reflection that encapsulates the evolving emotions.

Can I use a sunset as a metaphor in my writing, and how do I do it effectively?

Absolutely! Sunsets are often used as metaphors for life’s transitions. To use this metaphor effectively, connect the sunset’s characteristics (e.g., fading light, vibrant colors) with the theme or message of your writing.

Is it necessary to personally witness a sunset to describe it effectively?

While personal experience can provide authenticity, you can describe a sunset effectively through research, reading, and studying other writers’ descriptions. A well-researched and imaginative description can be just as evocative.

How can I ensure that my sunset descriptions appeal to a broad audience and not just to lovers of nature or poetry?

To appeal to a wider audience, focus on the universal emotions and sensations that a sunset evokes, such as tranquility, nostalgia, or the passage of time. Use relatable metaphors and sensory details that resonate with a diverse readership.

Can I write a fictional or fantastical sunset description, or should it be rooted in reality?

You can absolutely create fictional or fantastical sunset descriptions. Imagination and creativity know no bounds, and such descriptions can be both enchanting and thought-provoking.

What’s the importance of editing and revising a sunset description?

Editing and revising are crucial to refine your description, ensuring it is clear, concise, and free from errors. It also allows you to enhance the emotional impact and coherence of your narrative, making your sunset description truly shine.

In the world of writing, where words are the palette and imagination the canvas, describing a sunset is a journey of artistic expression.

We have explored the intricacies of setting the scene, harnessing the power of symbolism, and the delicate task of conveying the sublime.

We’ve seen how a narrative can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary and how literary devices become tools of enchantment.

The art of describing a sunset is not just about capturing a moment; it’s about eliciting emotions, painting memories, and forging a connection between the reader and the profound beauty of the world.

As you embark on your own sunset descriptions, remember that, in the end, the magic lies not only in the colors and imagery but in the emotions you invoke and the stories you tell.

So, let your words be the brushstrokes of the evening sky, and may your sunsets shine brightly in the hearts of those who read your words.

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Write a Book HQ

Describing a Sunset: Top Words & Phrases for Writers

Describing a Sunset in Writing

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As the sun begins to set and the sky transforms into a canvas of brilliant colors, it’s difficult not to feel a sense of awe and wonder. Describing a sunset can be a challenging task for even the most experienced writers. However, with the right words and phrases, it’s possible to capture the beauty and magic of this daily occurrence.

In this article, the top 100 words and phrases for describing a sunset will be explored. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting, these descriptive words and phrases will help you convey the experience of a sunset in a way that is both vivid and captivating. From the warm hues of the sun to the cool tones of the sky, this guide will provide you with the tools you need to bring a sunset to life on the page.

Writing about a sunset can be a powerful way to connect with readers and evoke emotion. It’s an experience that is universal and timeless, one that has inspired artists and writers for centuries. By using the right words and phrases, you can transport your readers to a place of natural beauty and wonder. So, whether you’re writing a novel , a poem, or a personal essay, this guide will help you describe a sunset in a way that is both authentic and captivating.

The Science of Sunsets

creative writing description of dawn

Sunsets are one of the most beautiful natural phenomena that occur every day. They are a result of the interaction between the sun, the atmosphere, and the Earth. Understanding the science behind sunsets can help writers describe them more accurately and vividly .

Atmospheric Phenomena

The atmosphere plays a crucial role in creating the colors and patterns we see during sunsets. As the sun sets, its light has to pass through more of the Earth’s atmosphere, which causes the light to scatter. This scattering causes the blue light to be scattered in all directions, leaving only the red, orange, and yellow light to reach our eyes.

Additionally, the presence of clouds can enhance the beauty of a sunset. Clouds can reflect and scatter the sunlight, creating a more colorful and dramatic display. The thickness and height of the clouds can also affect the colors and patterns of the sunset.

Color Spectrum and Light

The color spectrum is another important factor in creating a sunset. The colors we see during a sunset are a result of the visible light spectrum, which ranges from red to violet. As the sun sets, the light passes through more of the Earth’s atmosphere, causing the shorter wavelengths (blues and greens) to scatter, leaving the longer wavelengths (reds and oranges) to reach our eyes.

The intensity and angle of the sunlight can also affect the colors and patterns of the sunset. During the day, the sun is higher in the sky, creating a more blue and white sky. As the sun sets, the angle of the light changes, creating warmer and softer colors.

In conclusion, understanding the science behind sunsets can help writers describe them more accurately and vividly. The interaction between the sun, the atmosphere, and the Earth creates a beautiful and unique display every day. The colors, patterns, and atmospheric phenomena all contribute to the beauty of a sunset.

Descriptive Imagery in Sunset Writing

creative writing description of dawn

When it comes to writing about sunsets, the use of descriptive imagery is essential to create a vivid and engaging scene. This section will explore two key aspects of sunset writing: color descriptions and the use of adjectives and metaphors.

Color Descriptions

One of the most important elements of a sunset is its color. The sky can take on a range of hues, from soft pinks and oranges to fiery reds and purples. Writers can use a variety of color descriptions to capture the essence of a sunset, such as:

  • Golden: This term can be used to describe a warm, glowing sunset, particularly when the sun is low on the horizon.
  • Fiery: When a sunset takes on a more intense, red-orange hue, the term “fiery” can be used to convey the intensity of the colors.
  • Vibrant: A sunset with bold, bright colors can be described as vibrant, conveying a sense of energy and excitement.

Adjectives and Metaphors

In addition to color descriptions, writers can use a variety of adjectives and metaphors to bring a sunset to life. Some examples include:

  • Glowing: This term can be used to describe a sunset that seems to radiate light and warmth.
  • Majestic: When a sunset is particularly grand and awe-inspiring, the term “majestic” can be used to convey its grandeur.
  • Melting: This metaphor can be used to describe a sunset that seems to melt into the horizon, creating a sense of peacefulness and tranquility.

By using a combination of color descriptions, adjectives, and metaphors, writers can create a sunset scene that is both beautiful and engaging. Whether you’re writing a novel, a poem, or a descriptive essay, these techniques can help you capture the magic of a sunset and transport your readers to another world.

Emotional and Symbolic Meanings

creative writing description of dawn

Romantic and Peaceful Connotations

Sunsets have long been associated with romantic and peaceful connotations. The warm hues of orange, pink, and red that paint the sky as the sun sets can create a mood of tranquility and relaxation. The soft, warm light can also evoke a sense of intimacy and romance, making it a popular setting for romantic moments and proposals.

In literature and poetry, sunsets have been used to symbolize the end of a day and the beginning of a new one. They can represent the passage of time and the fleeting nature of life, but also the hope and promise of a new day. The beauty of a sunset can inspire feelings of awe and wonder, reminding us of the beauty and complexity of the natural world.

Endings and Beginnings

Sunsets are often associated with endings and beginnings. As the sun sets, it marks the end of the day and the beginning of the night. This transition can symbolize the end of one phase of life and the start of another, or the closing of one chapter and the opening of a new one.

The colors of a sunset can also represent different emotions and moods. For example, a fiery red sunset can symbolize passion and intensity, while a soft pink and purple sunset can represent tranquility and calmness. The colors can also reflect the emotions of the characters in a story, creating a powerful and evocative scene.

Overall, sunsets are a rich source of inspiration for writers and poets. They can evoke a wide range of emotions and moods, from romantic and peaceful to melancholic and contemplative. By using the right words and phrases, writers can create vivid and memorable descriptions of this beautiful natural phenomenon.

Capturing the Sunset Experience

creative writing description of dawn

Watching a sunset can be a truly magical experience that can evoke a range of emotions in a person. As a writer, it is important to be able to capture this experience in words that will allow the reader to feel like they are right there with you. This section will provide some tips on how to do just that.

Sensory Details

The key to capturing the sunset experience is to use sensory details. This means describing what you see, hear, smell, taste, and feel. For example, you might describe the warm glow of the sun as it sets below the horizon, the sound of the waves crashing on the shore, the salty smell of the ocean, the taste of the salty air on your tongue, and the feel of the sand between your toes.

Using sensory details will help to create a vivid and immersive experience for the reader, allowing them to feel like they are right there with you, watching the sunset.

Temporal Elements

Another important aspect of capturing the sunset experience is to pay attention to temporal elements. This means describing the fleeting nature of the moment, and how it changes over time. For example, you might describe how the sky changes from bright orange to deep red as the sun sets, or how the shadows grow longer as the sun sinks below the horizon.

By paying attention to temporal elements, you can create a sense of urgency and excitement in your writing, and help the reader to feel like they are experiencing the sunset in real-time.

Overall, capturing the sunset experience requires a combination of sensory details and temporal elements. By using these techniques, you can transport the reader to the beach, and allow them to experience the magic of a sunset for themselves.

Influence of Sunsets on Art and Culture

Sunsets in literature.

Sunsets have long been a popular theme in literature, capturing the imagination of poets and writers alike. From the romanticism of Keats to the modernism of Hemingway, sunsets have been used to convey a range of emotions and ideas. Poets have often used sunsets as a symbol of the passage of time, the fleeting nature of beauty, and the inevitability of death. In literature, sunsets are also used to create a sense of atmosphere and mood, setting the tone for a story or poem.

Sunsets in Visual Arts

Sunsets have also been a popular subject in visual arts, from the impressionist paintings of Monet to the modernist works of Rothko. Painters have used sunsets to convey a sense of beauty, awe, and wonder. Sunsets are often depicted in a range of colors, from the warm oranges and pinks of a summer sunset to the cool blues and purples of a winter sunset. They are also used to create a sense of atmosphere and mood and to convey a range of emotions and ideas.

Overall, sunsets have had a significant influence on art and culture, inspiring poets, writers, and painters alike. They are a symbol of beauty and timelessness and have been used to convey a range of emotions and ideas throughout history.

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160+ Ways to Describe Weather

creative writing description of dawn

I keep a collection of descriptions that have pulled me into the books I read. I’m fascinated how authors can–in just a few words–put me in the middle of their story and make me want to stay there. This one’s 160+   Ways to Describe Weather.

A note: These are for inspiration only . They can’t be copied because they’ve been pulled directly from an author’s copyrighted manuscript (intellectual property is immediately copyrighted when published).

  • Evening shadows deepened into blue and purple.
  • The shadows retreated.
  • Sun was sinking toward the horizon, the pitiless white ball now an angry orange.
  • Fading afternoon in early June
  • Evening sky had turned to molten brass.
  • Sun still cast a faint yellow light through Slowly gathering evening.
  • Daylight had begun to drain away.
  • one-quarter of a moonlit night
  • silver-white moon hung
  • A half-moon rests in the fronds over our heads.
  • watching the horizon drain of color
  • The shadows slipped up the rocks as though the world were drowning in darkness.
  • deepening shadows made it a city of ghosts
  • barely visible in the fading light
  • the high heavens
  • Darkness settled around him.
  • The shadows slipped up the rocks.
  • Evening was crisp already, the last of sunset just a fading pale stripe in the western sky.
  • darkening river
  • the moon golden at dawn, turn purple just before sunset in the rainy season, sometimes has white and black stripes created by volcanic ash, calm and clear sometimes attended by only a single cloud
  • humpback shapes of conical hills
  • The last rays of sun skimmed the surface.
  • late afternoon sun
  • velvety darkness
  • night shattered like a mirror
  • the Southern Cross lying on its side, the green meadow bathed in the humid light of the sinking sun
  • The corners have just about disappeared into the shadows.
  • black branches that traced the blue-black heavens overhead
  • far away down the night sky
  • full moon a pale blue-white disk
  • night sky dull black
  • Stars were remote pinpricks.
  • a half-moon rests in the fronds over our heads
  • inky blackness
  • Thick clouds blotted out the stars.
  • A thin layer of clouds masked the full moon, filling the room with blue light.
  • Sun cast a luminescent glow.
  • The day was out of sync with his mood.
  • beautiful, 82 degrees, mild breeze, cloudless sunshine, a day for looking at a ball game
  • The air was cool but the sun was out.
  • The wind blew itself out overnight.
  • a web of clouds, back-lit by the failing sun, mist billowed through the trees and over the fields and hung low in the air, masking the camp in a ghostly gray
  • towering thunder clouds
  • Clouds threatening, but no rain predicted the 45-mile per hour gusts of drizzly wind.
  • brown cloud that passes for air
  • a wedge of sunlight bursting past the narrow window
  • The wind was icy and withering.
  • Heads bowed against the gusting wind.
  • Grit grated in his teeth. Dust was everywhere, blowing on the wind, leaving its scent in his nostrils.
  • as dust motes drifted
  • thirty miles over the horizon
  • razor edge of the horizon
  • cinder dust and gloom
  • The haze floated over the crowd like smoke from a doused fire.
  • Sun hanging in a pink haze of clouds and smog.
  • Fog yellowed by agricultural burning.
  • Fog began to billow across the road in a great grey mass like the effluent of a thousand smokestacks. The building was only a shadowy form, almost entirely lost to view.
  • Headlamps of cars did little to pierce the gloom.
  • The mist floated like smoke out of the cypress in the swamp.
  • dark clouds drifting over the hills
  • night was pitch
  • slice of sky
  • thick clouds blotted out the stars
  • a thin layer of clouds masked the full moon, filling the room with blue light
  • cool restful shady world with light filtering lazily through the treetops that meet high overhead and shut out the direct sunlight
  • saw the anvil of cloud coming in. “A thunderstorm.”
  • Cumulus clouds falling down to the…
  • A light breeze whispered through the trees.
  • cloud shadows
  • first cumulus clouds darkening into thunderheads
  • hold humidity like a sponge holds water
  • thick heat of the growing morning
  • fierce humidity
  • windless heat
  • It was surprisingly hot. He could feel the sweat roll down his sides and the dampness of the box up against his chest.
  • Even with the breeze, the air remained thick and hot, and it stills tank of petroleum.
  • sky as gray-white and sunless
  • against the fading layers of orange, yellow
  • shoulders hunched against the early morning damp and cool
  • fused warm light of dawn now creeping down the summit
  • bathed in sunlight
  • gold shadow not three inches from his leg
  • his breath steaming in the air
  • Snow pelted his face and he pulled up the collar of his overcoat to further shield him from the bitter weather.
  • rubbed his arms
  • A harsh winter wind blew out of a midnight sky. It roared out of the frigid north and thrashed the brooking forest. The force of it bent trees, whipping their bare branches like angry lashes. Shrieking across the river.
  • Cold was like that, seeping through her seven layers of clothing, attacking seams and zipper tracks and spots of thin insulation. The exposed skin on her face felt as if it had been touched with lit cigarettes.
  • frigid Friday morning
  • swirling snow
  • winter’s naked branches created a black tracework
  • The sun was climbing out of the deep well of winter, but it was still brutally cold.
  • winter colors daubed the land in colors of brown and gray
  • sunny, crisp and cool
  • The crisp air and clear sky energized his thoughts.

Rainy weather

  • grey wet morning
  • rain-swept and unpleasantly chilly
  • A flurry of rain stung my face.
  • Cold rain was beating down on my windshield.
  • The sky was leaden.
  • Downpour started in the early evening and continued on through the night, a heavy pelting of water that thundered against rooftops and drowned out the sound of all else. By morning, city streets were shallow rivers rushing toward the ocean.
  • Rain ran down the window, the streets gleamed.
  • damp paving stones
  • By the time it reaches the ground, it has spent its energy.
  • windshield wipers barely keeping up with the cold, hard rain
  • The rain came steady and cold against the windshield and rattled on the roof of the car.
  • turned her head away and looked out my window, where it had gotten dark and shiny with the lights glistening off the rain.
  • The maple trees were black and slick in the rain, their bare branches shiny. The flower bed was a soggy matting of dead stems.
  • The sky was low and gray.
  • Air was swollen.
  • the rain was steady and warm and vertical
  • drizzly rain
  • The sleety rain drizzled down, not very hard and not very fast, but steady.
  • Rain came down so hard it almost hurt, stinging the skin and blowing into the eyes and nose and mouth, but in the forest its fall is broken by the trees.
  • saw a distant flash of lightning, counted the seconds, and then said, “six miles, more or less.”

People in hot weather:

  • Heat wave hit, temperatures went soaring.
  • The heat hit them like a hand in the face.
  • strode into the dusk, into the stifling heat
  • The heat smacked the grin off his face.
  • Burst back into the blistering hot sun. Sweat immediately beaded across her brow. She could feel her T-shirt glue itself stickily to her skin.
  • I could feel the sweat form along my backbone and trickle down.
  • She slogged forward, feeling blotches of dark gray sweat bloom across the front of her T-shirt, while more trailed down the small of her back.
  • slogging across pavement as hot as ash in August.
  • white dress shirt, sharply pressed this morning, was now plastered against his chest
  • already short of breath, his lungs laboring as they headed down the path
  • still wrung out from working in the heat
  • Take your shirt off. Pop your underwear in the freezer. Dump a tray of ice cubes on your bed. Throw back some chilled vodka shots before you go to sleep.
  • The semi-drought slowly draining the life out of the grass and trees.
  • Only 7 in the morning, and already stocky hot. *** had a sheen across his forehead.
  • Sweat tricked from his forehead which he wiped with the back of his knotted, callused hand.
  • hundred degree heat, burning sun and parching salt
  • ninety-five outside, probably a hundred in the car. Not great weather for polyester suits
  • a fresh drop of sweat teared up on her brow and made a slow, wet path down the plane of her cheek
  • walking through a hair dryer
  • The heat slammed her like a blow.
  • *** cranked the air-conditioning. She stripped off her sweat-soaked clothes, climbed into the shower and scrubbed.
  • answered the phone while used the other hand to wipe the sweat from the back of her neck. God this heat was unbearable. The humidity level had picked up on Sunday and hadn’t done a thing to improve since.
  • *** thin green sundress was already plastered to her body while she could feel fresh dewdrops of moisture trickle stickily down between her breast.
  • Cradled the phone closer to her damp ear
  • Her face shiny with sweat.
  • Summer sun remained a brilliant, blinding white. No shade existed for miles and the heat rising up from the baked earth was brutal.
  • The summer heat came off the tarmac in waves.

Hot Weather

  • While the mercury climbed to a hundred degrees. Efforts started strong, then petered out. People got hot, got tired, got busy with other things—inside things.
  • Seemed to be bracing himself for leaving the cool comfort of air-conditioning behind and bursting once more into the heat
  • The heat settled in on them, rolling in like a heavy blanket and pressing them deep into their chairs while their clothing glued to their skin.
  • Even my teeth are sweating
  • The sun beat down relentlessly; even with the AC cranked up, she could feel the heat.
  • She could already feel sweat trickle down her back.
  • The sun burned white-hot overhead.
  • glass exploding from the heat of the sun
  • vanish in the dry season’s brown leaves

Click for the complete list of 69 writer’s themed descriptions .

Copyright ©2022 worddreams.wordpress.com – All rights reserved.

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Jacqui Murray  is the author of the popular  Man vs. Nature  saga, the  Rowe-Delamagente thrillers , and the acclaimed  Building a Midshipman , the story of her daughter’s journey from high school to United States Naval Academy .  She is also the author/editor of over a hundred books on integrating tech into education, adjunct professor of technology in education, blog webmaster, an  Amazon Vine Voice , and a freelance journalist on tech ed topics. Look for her next prehistoric fiction,  Savage Land Winter 2024

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122 thoughts on “ 160+ Ways to Describe Weather ”

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Weaving words so perfectly – Thanks for sharing. And overnight, a transformation. Summer at last.,, .

Like Liked by 1 person

These really inspire me. I often read through my collections when I’m stuck.

helped my writing

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Reblogged this on Coffee82 and commented: Awesome.

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Nice collection! A lot of poetic and inventive phrasing there.


Weather is so many different things to different people. Not surprising I found 160 descriptions of it.

Ha! yes – that got me thinking about the old “Number of words for snow” question, and I found this . As a Scot myself though I have to say I am very, very skeptical of the final claim in that article!

I’ve heard of that, too. Luckily, my folks don’t have that problem but it is truly an issue if you’re writing about present-day groups in snowy lands.

Appreciate your list of ways to describe the weather. Timeless too. Here I am 2 years since your post and inspired by your creativity. Take care, Steve

It is timeless, isn’t it! When I put this list together, it helped me to better appreciate weather.

Impressive list. (Mine, now!) I’m compiling one for similes. Raymond Chandler makes me smile with his off the wall analogies. I recently added a Writing Terms Checklist on my free checklists page. It was too long for a post. Thanks for all you do!

I like checklists. I’ll check yours out!

Hi Jacqui, Thanks for reading my modest post. What an accomplished woman you are! What would we do without words, eh! Cheers. Joy x

Thanks, Joy. I enjoyed your thoughts. It’s amazing what inspired such accomplished writers as the Brontes.

Excellent list, Jacqui. I even get lots of ideas for titles, something I’m always struggling with entering competitions.

I grab these from books I read. You can probably tell I favor thrillers, action. I like ‘weather’ and ‘setting’ to be a character as much as the others.

That’s an amazing compilation. Thanks for sharing!!

Thanks! These sorts of lists inspire me.

An awesome post, Jacqui. Thank you. Weather intrigues. It is joy-filled and sometimes furious. God is bowling upstairs during a thunderstorm. Be well and enjoy the week. ox

Thanks–weather is fascinating. I like when I can feel it through an author’s words.

Indeed and thank you, Jacqui. Word play is an enjoyable activity. We have about seven months of winter, two days of spring and then summer at our end of the pond in Upstate New York. I love my four seasons. Be well.

7 months of winter. I didn’t know NY was that cold! Good to know so I never move there!

Jacqui, I laughed at your comment. We live near Lake Ontario and Oneida Lake and get frequent lake effect snow storms in winter. When I first moved to this area, I learned about lake effect snowstorms. We have excellent snow removal though so come on over sometime. Colorful in Autumn too.

Pingback: Episode 129: A Dark and Stormy Night – #WriteOnSC Radio Show and Craft School

These are great, Jacqui! And yes, inspirational. It’s good to see how other authors describe things; it gives ideas on alternates.

It is. There are some very clever minds out there.

What an epic list 😀 Reminds me of a ‘music’ video we were recommended to watch for university called ’50 words for snow.’ It’s fun to think of different ways to describe things!

That must be put out by Eskimos. They know more about snow than anyone I’ve seen.

That’s a long list, Jacqui. So many ways to tell the day. Thanks for sharing this!

It’s one of my longest! Who knew?

That’s a lot of ideas for talking about the weather 🙂

Dinner party chat.

Quite eloquent 🙂

These lists are so inspirational! Thank you for posting this.

It is pretty interesting to view weather through so many literary eyes, innit?

Yes, indeed. I learn so much. 🙂

great list Jacqui. i use the weather regularly in my stories to create a specific mood. thanks for the info.

A bit of unexpected inspiration. Who knew weather was so interesting?

exactly, Jacqui. i also post weather images regularly on instagram. especially the colours of sunrises and sunsets in clouds during different seasons and different weather conditions.

Interesting post, Jacqui. Thanks.

I highlight memorable phrases in the Kindle books I read. Although I no longer transcribe them into a file on my computer (too time-consuming), the mere act of highlighting imprints the phrases in my mind. If an author particularly impresses me, I can scroll through the highlights and reread the highlights for inspiration.

That’s how I do it, too. I like it so well, I’ve migrated from being a print book reader to a Kindle reader.

It’s nice to see the wide variety of language. Not that it is needy. I can describe the weather currently in my area in one word — sucky! 😀

Ah South Korea. It rained most of the time on my one visit there. And no one but me seemed to care!

We’re having a monsoon right now. Don’t remember having a good one of these for a while.

I remember my son telling me July was the typhoon season, which is why we visited in May. Stay safe!

Nothing that crazy. We had a tropical depression pass through, but that’s it. It’s just wet.

I love the idea of keeping a notebook with descriptions that catch your attention. I’m going to start doing this.

Mine is so long,d I added a table of contents with links to the sections! I’m a bit nuts about it.

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I love the way you compile and share these lists with us, Jacqui. They are amazing and so helpful. Can I confess something? I share some of them with my creative writing students, and then give them prompts where they have to include 3 or more things from your lists. Will be interesting to see how I do that with weather. 🙂

This one got a little long. Who knew there were so many clever ways to describe weather?

I am flattered you share them! I would say weather could surprise them.

This one IS long – but weather gives us a lot to talk about and a lot to experience. I love the list. I will say, the prompt my students seem to love the best is. (are you sitting down?) “It was a dark and stormy night…” 🙂

Reblogged this on Marina Costa and commented: Interesting and useful to know.

Thanks for sharing, Marina!

The English should love this…

I would say India not so much. Do you-all get anything other than hot and humid or too-darn-windy?

What a helpful post, Jacqui! It reminds me of how we can put effort into our descriptions.

BTW, you won a book on my blog. Please confirm there.

Ooh, sorry I missed that. I just went over and replied and then emailed my info to you. How exciting!

Reblogged this on quirkywritingcorner and commented: I love her lists of descriptions. I hope you find them as helpful as I do.

Thanks for sharing this! It puts to bed any thought that weather is boring, doesn’t it?

That’s quite a collection, Jacqui. Isn’t it amazing that each of us can conjure something unique?

It is! Next time you don’t know what to say to someone, you can eruditely talk about the weather!

That’s so funny. Weather ‘small’ talk. Who would’ve thought. 😂

Great post. That’s a wonderful collection

Thank you so much, Luisa. It’s hard to make weather interesting but some very clever authors have done just that.

Jacqui, I love this post. The more I have been reading, the more I recognize how important it is for authors to paint a picture in your mind. To be able to put you right in the middle of the books setting. Sometimes when my mind has trailed off the story, it is descriptions like these that put my mind right back in.

That’s true, innit. A little inspiration to start your day.

I love your descriptions of weather and the times of day. Such descriptions can help add a sense of time in a story (just as the phases of the moon or the stars can create time (crescent moon in evening is aa new waxing moon, crescent moon in morning before sunrise is a waxing moon just before the “dark of the moon” which are the three days the moon is in the shadow of the earth. As for stars: Orion in winter, Scorpus in summer, etc). The dog star in Canis Major, Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, rising in late summer (as it rises just before daylight) is linked to “dog days” of summer…

I also like the old graveside prayer that describes the end of life: “until the shadows lengthen and the busy world is hushed, and the fever of life is over, then in thy mercy grant us a safe lodging and a holy rest and peace at last.”

What a wonderful poem. I’ve copied it. It captures so much of the fear and hope.

Thanks for these awesome examples, Jacqui! Saving and sharing…

It’s always fun to talk about the weather, innit?

New Jersey weather: moist ‘n’ icky.

Good description, especially the ‘icky’.

I calls ‘em like I sees ‘em.

Oh my, Jacqui. I love your lists and that’s a good long one. Great thought starters. Thanks for sharing your collection!

Since we-all know we must cover weather, I thought these were clever asnd interesting ways to do that!

Ha ha ha. I love weather. 😀

Right now there is only one way to describe the weather here in my city: hot

Here, too, though I have an excellent fan in my home office.

Some great phrases here, Jacqui. I am reading The Long Walk by Bachman/King at the moment and that has some very descriptive phrases in it.

Oooh, I’ll have to look at him. I love nature writers.

It’s not a nature book, it is a dark psychological horror.

Woah! OK, that’s different!

Darn! All the things I was about to write! 😀

Hehee. These are beyond most of what I write but I’ve seen what you turn out. Excellent.

Wonderful post!

Thanks, Ed. Food for thought…

A lot, just wonderful and so helpful.

My goodness …. can I just say ‘HOT’ … luckily today it’s cooler with a sea breeze … I need to read them all – clever and thank you! Cheers Hilary

Hot works. Absolutely.

Hahaha can I just say HOT, or the weather outside is weather yeah?

What a wonderful list, Jacqui! These are descriptions that always make me pause and reread them to fully enjoy them. They do draw the reader deep the story. I enjoyed reading these, thanks:)

Thanks! They do that for me, too, and that’s why I couldn’t just read and move on. I had to note them!

Some of these are quite lovely. Thanks for sharing.

If you recognized them from your outdoors scenes, feel free to add a note!

I actually didn’t recognize any of them. 🤔

OMG, Jacqui. What an amazing list Thanks for sharing.

It’s really nice for those whose plots take place outdoors a lot!

BTW, finished your book. Couldn’t stop reading. Wonderful.

Thank you, Jacqui. You put a smile on my face:)

Wow, great post. Bookmarking.

Amazing how much there is to say about the weather, innit?

I love weather, the seasons, earth and sky. There were some lovely gems in this collection. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks, Mae. I didn’t used to think much about the weather until I had to write about it, and make it interesting! These really struck me.

A terrific resource Jacqui. Thank you.

Thanks so much, Brigid. I couldn’t believe how many weather descriptors I had!

Nice information thanks

Thanks! Everyone writes about weather, right?

Great list, Jacqui. Thanks so much for sharing.

Thanks, Jill. Who says weather isn’t interesting? Hmm??

I think I’d like to be a meteorologist in my next life. 🙂

Reblogged this on chrismakan .

Thanks for sharing!

Wow this is very educative

I love how some writers weave their words so perfectly.

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creative writing description of dawn

Give Light The Time Of Day In Your Story

Writers Write creates writing resources and shares writing tips. In this post, we suggest how you can use light in writing. We tell you how you can give light the time of day in your story.

How do you use light in your story? Maybe it’s something you write instinctively; perhaps you haven’t given it much thought. Light comes into your story in many ways – and if you use it consciously, it can improve your novel or story.

From first light to midnight

For a moment, play with two images in your mind. The first, a farm house, seen from a distant hill at dawn. See the soft diffusion of light around the house, the sun glancing off the roof, the shadows around the house.

Now the second image. See the same house, from the same hill, but at midnight: try to see the almost indistinct white walls in the moonlight, the  dim candle light in the small window.

As you can tell, things look different in different light and at different times of the day – even if the object itself doesn’t change. Your writing needs to capture this. Follow the light in your story.

Give Light The Time Of Day In Your Story

In your eyes…

The same behaviour applies to your characters. Perhaps their eyes change colour – darken or lighten – during the day. Sometimes strong emotion can change eye colour, but often it is the light coming into the iris that can change the way other characters see the colour of your character’s eyes.

Trick of light

And because of the way light behaves, it can play tricks on our minds. The watery mirage in a desert is an obvious example – but think about how a road or highway looks ‘wet’ on an intensely hot day because of the way light refracts on the surface.

Mood for thought

For me, the best light is during what is often called the ‘blue hour’ – just before dawn or just after sunset, when the edge of the sky turns a beautiful sapphire colour – it’s like a rim filling up or draining.  In twilight or pre-dawn, we find a very moody colour.

Imagine a lonely jogger finding a body on a beach just before dawn, or two characters making love in the quiet shadows after sundown. How would that enhance the mood of your story?

Paint with light in your words

These are just a few examples. In the next week, try to pay attention to how you use light in your descriptions. Look for opportunities to bring out colour, emotion and mood in your story.

Top Tip : Use The Visual Storytelling Workbook to help you write your stories.

creative writing description of dawn

If you enjoyed this post, read:

  • 5 Visual Techniques To Bring Your Story To Life
  • 5 Secret Tricks To Make Your Writing Stronger
  • 3 Exercises To Help You Create The Flow From Scene To Sequel

Top Tip : Find out more about our  workbooks  and  online courses  in our  shop .

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Writing Tips Oasis

Writing Tips Oasis - A website dedicated to helping writers to write and publish books.

10 Words to Describe the Sky in the Morning

By Rebecca Parpworth-Reynolds

words to describe the sky in the morning

Previously we’ve shared terms you can use to describe the sky in a storm . In this post, we look at 10 words to describe the sky in the morning. Read on to learn more.

Shining with light and color.

“As the sun began to rise over the horizon, the sky became aglow with a tapestry of red and orange hues.”

“The sky was aglow , reflecting the light onto the dewy morning grass of the lawn.”

How it Adds Description

Often skies in the morning time are very vibrant, either in terms of the colors within them or the light that they emit. “Aglow” can help you to describe this in your writing, and also give the start of the day a positive connotation.

A bright blue color.

“After the sunrise, the sky was lit with an azure hue, with barely a cloud to be seen.”

“He couldn’t help but feel captivated by her eyes, they were as azure as a bright summer’s morning.”

If you need a way to describe your morning sky without just using the word “blue”, then “azure” is a great color descriptor to use instead! “Azure” is a very bright blue, just like how the sky can be on a clear morning.

3. Burgeoning

Developing quickly .

“The burgeoning morning sky showed promise for the new day ahead.”

“Rosa did not like how things were looking to pan out today. The blissful morning sky was already burgeoning into heavy rainfall, and it wasn’t even 9 AM yet.”

Often the conditions of a morning sky do not last long, and so “burgeoning” is a great way to be able to illustrate this to your reader. It can seem like mere moments for the golden sunrise to turn into the bright blue of the day, after all!

4. Cerulean

A deep blue color.

“On his drive to work, the cerulean sky carried within it some heavy gray clouds.”

“As the fishermen left port to catch their haul for the morning, the sky and the sea seemed indistinguishable in their cerulean blue.”

While sometimes the sky can be a bright blue and described as “azure” as we mentioned earlier, sometimes it can be a deeper hue, especially if it looks as though bad weather may be rolling in. If your morning sky is a deep blue rather than a light blue, try the word “cerulean”!

  • Pleasant or attractive.
  • Seeming to be in a dreamlike state.

“The blissful morning sky put her in a dreamy mood as she began her painting.”

“As he opened the curtains, a dreamy morning sky was there to meet him.”

Often, mornings have a sleepy feel about them, especially when it is very early! “Dreamy” helps you to describe the sleepiness of your morning sky, especially when it may have softer colors like pinks in it, or perhaps a little bit of mist cover to make it appear a little more ethereal. “Dreamy” is also associated with pleasant things, so as a result, can help you to show the positive mood it has put your characters into.

  • Gold in color.
  • Promising or auspicious.

“The morning sky was awash with golden light, a good omen of what was to come according to the village elders.”

“The golden rays of the morning sky swept across the dewy grass, making each droplet shine like a precious gemstone.”

The bright light of the sun in the sky of a morning often has a “golden” color to it. Although this might seem like a literal way to describe it, using “golden” can also add layers of meaning through the color’s association with wealth, fortune and promise. If your character sees a “golden” sky, it is likely they have a very good day ahead of them!

Not clear and bright; partially obscured.

“Daybreak’s hazy glow began to creep through the net curtains of her bedroom.”

“The hazy early morning light cast a blurring filter over the landscape.”

The morning sky can often be misty or not all that clear until the sun is in full force. Therefore, the word “hazy” can help you to describe these conditions. The word also has connotations of not being clear or hard to remember, so can help you to add some pathetic fallacy to reflect how characters might be thinking or feeling.

8. Promising

Showing signs that something will be good .

“The bright sunshine outside gave a promising start to the day.”

“The ominous grey sky when he rolled over to open the blinds did not look promising at all.”

Often the weather can be an indicator of events to come, whether they be positive or negative. As a result, using “promising” to describe the morning sky allows you to set up your character’s day and help your reader to see what might be coming next.

Peaceful and calm; undisturbed.

“As she began her morning meditation, her serene bearing was reflected in the sky.”

“Under the serene early morning sky, the city streets seemed calm and still.”

Early mornings often feel peaceful and untouched. Think about the dew on the ground, the stillness of not many people being up and about. You can reflect this in your sky by describing it as “serene”, even if it only ends up being the calm before the storm!

10. Sparkling

  • Shining brightly.

“The morning air seemed to be sparkling with activity and the vitality of springtime.”

“The morning sky was a sight to behold, with the sun sparkling through the light and wispy clouds.”

The morning sky is often bright, and often appears “sparkling”. This is especially true if it is still slightly wet, or there is dew or water on the ground for the sky to be able to reflect upon. “Sparkling” also implies having a lot of energy, helping to show the vigor of people and other living beings in your story to start a new day!

creative writing description of dawn

Tips, Prompts, Exercises

Jun 24, 2021 | Adjectives & Verbs

Make a list of all the words you can think of to describe the sky at different times of the day and in varying weather conditions:

  • Dawn – Morning – Midday – Dusk-Evening – Night
  • Clear – Cloudy – Overcast – Rainy – Stormy

Here are some resources to check out after you make your list.

  • Poetry 4 Kids offers tips on exercising your brain and finding sky words.
  • Inspiration provides 527 adjectives to describe the sky in sentences.
  • Symbolism and Metaphor complies some creative sun metaphors.

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Writing Beginner

What Is Creative Writing? (Ultimate Guide + 20 Examples)

Creative writing begins with a blank page and the courage to fill it with the stories only you can tell.

I face this intimidating blank page daily–and I have for the better part of 20+ years.

In this guide, you’ll learn all the ins and outs of creative writing with tons of examples.

What Is Creative Writing (Long Description)?

Creative Writing is the art of using words to express ideas and emotions in imaginative ways. It encompasses various forms including novels, poetry, and plays, focusing on narrative craft, character development, and the use of literary tropes.

Bright, colorful creative writer's desk with notebook and typewriter -- What Is Creative Writing

Table of Contents

Let’s expand on that definition a bit.

Creative writing is an art form that transcends traditional literature boundaries.

It includes professional, journalistic, academic, and technical writing. This type of writing emphasizes narrative craft, character development, and literary tropes. It also explores poetry and poetics traditions.

In essence, creative writing lets you express ideas and emotions uniquely and imaginatively.

It’s about the freedom to invent worlds, characters, and stories. These creations evoke a spectrum of emotions in readers.

Creative writing covers fiction, poetry, and everything in between.

It allows writers to express inner thoughts and feelings. Often, it reflects human experiences through a fabricated lens.

Types of Creative Writing

There are many types of creative writing that we need to explain.

Some of the most common types:

  • Short stories
  • Screenplays
  • Flash fiction
  • Creative Nonfiction

Short Stories (The Brief Escape)

Short stories are like narrative treasures.

They are compact but impactful, telling a full story within a limited word count. These tales often focus on a single character or a crucial moment.

Short stories are known for their brevity.

They deliver emotion and insight in a concise yet powerful package. This format is ideal for exploring diverse genres, themes, and characters. It leaves a lasting impression on readers.

Example: Emma discovers an old photo of her smiling grandmother. It’s a rarity. Through flashbacks, Emma learns about her grandmother’s wartime love story. She comes to understand her grandmother’s resilience and the value of joy.

Novels (The Long Journey)

Novels are extensive explorations of character, plot, and setting.

They span thousands of words, giving writers the space to create entire worlds. Novels can weave complex stories across various themes and timelines.

The length of a novel allows for deep narrative and character development.

Readers get an immersive experience.

Example: Across the Divide tells of two siblings separated in childhood. They grow up in different cultures. Their reunion highlights the strength of family bonds, despite distance and differences.

Poetry (The Soul’s Language)

Poetry expresses ideas and emotions through rhythm, sound, and word beauty.

It distills emotions and thoughts into verses. Poetry often uses metaphors, similes, and figurative language to reach the reader’s heart and mind.

Poetry ranges from structured forms, like sonnets, to free verse.

The latter breaks away from traditional formats for more expressive thought.

Example: Whispers of Dawn is a poem collection capturing morning’s quiet moments. “First Light” personifies dawn as a painter. It brings colors of hope and renewal to the world.

Plays (The Dramatic Dialogue)

Plays are meant for performance. They bring characters and conflicts to life through dialogue and action.

This format uniquely explores human relationships and societal issues.

Playwrights face the challenge of conveying setting, emotion, and plot through dialogue and directions.

Example: Echoes of Tomorrow is set in a dystopian future. Memories can be bought and sold. It follows siblings on a quest to retrieve their stolen memories. They learn the cost of living in a world where the past has a price.

Screenplays (Cinema’s Blueprint)

Screenplays outline narratives for films and TV shows.

They require an understanding of visual storytelling, pacing, and dialogue. Screenplays must fit film production constraints.

Example: The Last Light is a screenplay for a sci-fi film. Humanity’s survivors on a dying Earth seek a new planet. The story focuses on spacecraft Argo’s crew as they face mission challenges and internal dynamics.

Memoirs (The Personal Journey)

Memoirs provide insight into an author’s life, focusing on personal experiences and emotional journeys.

They differ from autobiographies by concentrating on specific themes or events.

Memoirs invite readers into the author’s world.

They share lessons learned and hardships overcome.

Example: Under the Mango Tree is a memoir by Maria Gomez. It shares her childhood memories in rural Colombia. The mango tree in their yard symbolizes home, growth, and nostalgia. Maria reflects on her journey to a new life in America.

Flash Fiction (The Quick Twist)

Flash fiction tells stories in under 1,000 words.

It’s about crafting compelling narratives concisely. Each word in flash fiction must count, often leading to a twist.

This format captures life’s vivid moments, delivering quick, impactful insights.

Example: The Last Message features an astronaut’s final Earth message as her spacecraft drifts away. In 500 words, it explores isolation, hope, and the desire to connect against all odds.

Creative Nonfiction (The Factual Tale)

Creative nonfiction combines factual accuracy with creative storytelling.

This genre covers real events, people, and places with a twist. It uses descriptive language and narrative arcs to make true stories engaging.

Creative nonfiction includes biographies, essays, and travelogues.

Example: Echoes of Everest follows the author’s Mount Everest climb. It mixes factual details with personal reflections and the history of past climbers. The narrative captures the climb’s beauty and challenges, offering an immersive experience.

Fantasy (The World Beyond)

Fantasy transports readers to magical and mythical worlds.

It explores themes like good vs. evil and heroism in unreal settings. Fantasy requires careful world-building to create believable yet fantastic realms.

Example: The Crystal of Azmar tells of a young girl destined to save her world from darkness. She learns she’s the last sorceress in a forgotten lineage. Her journey involves mastering powers, forming alliances, and uncovering ancient kingdom myths.

Science Fiction (The Future Imagined)

Science fiction delves into futuristic and scientific themes.

It questions the impact of advancements on society and individuals.

Science fiction ranges from speculative to hard sci-fi, focusing on plausible futures.

Example: When the Stars Whisper is set in a future where humanity communicates with distant galaxies. It centers on a scientist who finds an alien message. This discovery prompts a deep look at humanity’s universe role and interstellar communication.

Watch this great video that explores the question, “What is creative writing?” and “How to get started?”:

What Are the 5 Cs of Creative Writing?

The 5 Cs of creative writing are fundamental pillars.

They guide writers to produce compelling and impactful work. These principles—Clarity, Coherence, Conciseness, Creativity, and Consistency—help craft stories that engage and entertain.

They also resonate deeply with readers. Let’s explore each of these critical components.

Clarity makes your writing understandable and accessible.

It involves choosing the right words and constructing clear sentences. Your narrative should be easy to follow.

In creative writing, clarity means conveying complex ideas in a digestible and enjoyable way.

Coherence ensures your writing flows logically.

It’s crucial for maintaining the reader’s interest. Characters should develop believably, and plots should progress logically. This makes the narrative feel cohesive.


Conciseness is about expressing ideas succinctly.

It’s being economical with words and avoiding redundancy. This principle helps maintain pace and tension, engaging readers throughout the story.

Creativity is the heart of creative writing.

It allows writers to invent new worlds and create memorable characters. Creativity involves originality and imagination. It’s seeing the world in unique ways and sharing that vision.


Consistency maintains a uniform tone, style, and voice.

It means being faithful to the world you’ve created. Characters should act true to their development. This builds trust with readers, making your story immersive and believable.

Is Creative Writing Easy?

Creative writing is both rewarding and challenging.

Crafting stories from your imagination involves more than just words on a page. It requires discipline and a deep understanding of language and narrative structure.

Exploring complex characters and themes is also key.

Refining and revising your work is crucial for developing your voice.

The ease of creative writing varies. Some find the freedom of expression liberating.

Others struggle with writer’s block or plot development challenges. However, practice and feedback make creative writing more fulfilling.

What Does a Creative Writer Do?

A creative writer weaves narratives that entertain, enlighten, and inspire.

Writers explore both the world they create and the emotions they wish to evoke. Their tasks are diverse, involving more than just writing.

Creative writers develop ideas, research, and plan their stories.

They create characters and outline plots with attention to detail. Drafting and revising their work is a significant part of their process. They strive for the 5 Cs of compelling writing.

Writers engage with the literary community, seeking feedback and participating in workshops.

They may navigate the publishing world with agents and editors.

Creative writers are storytellers, craftsmen, and artists. They bring narratives to life, enriching our lives and expanding our imaginations.

How to Get Started With Creative Writing?

Embarking on a creative writing journey can feel like standing at the edge of a vast and mysterious forest.

The path is not always clear, but the adventure is calling.

Here’s how to take your first steps into the world of creative writing:

  • Find a time of day when your mind is most alert and creative.
  • Create a comfortable writing space free from distractions.
  • Use prompts to spark your imagination. They can be as simple as a word, a phrase, or an image.
  • Try writing for 15-20 minutes on a prompt without editing yourself. Let the ideas flow freely.
  • Reading is fuel for your writing. Explore various genres and styles.
  • Pay attention to how your favorite authors construct their sentences, develop characters, and build their worlds.
  • Don’t pressure yourself to write a novel right away. Begin with short stories or poems.
  • Small projects can help you hone your skills and boost your confidence.
  • Look for writing groups in your area or online. These communities offer support, feedback, and motivation.
  • Participating in workshops or classes can also provide valuable insights into your writing.
  • Understand that your first draft is just the beginning. Revising your work is where the real magic happens.
  • Be open to feedback and willing to rework your pieces.
  • Carry a notebook or digital recorder to jot down ideas, observations, and snippets of conversations.
  • These notes can be gold mines for future writing projects.

Final Thoughts: What Is Creative Writing?

Creative writing is an invitation to explore the unknown, to give voice to the silenced, and to celebrate the human spirit in all its forms.

Check out these creative writing tools (that I highly recommend):

Read This Next:

  • What Is a Prompt in Writing? (Ultimate Guide + 200 Examples)
  • What Is A Personal Account In Writing? (47 Examples)
  • How To Write A Fantasy Short Story (Ultimate Guide + Examples)
  • How To Write A Fantasy Romance Novel [21 Tips + Examples)

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Dawn: Essays by readers

We gave our readers a one-word writing prompt: “dawn.”.

creative writing description of dawn

In response to our request for essays on dawn, we received many compelling reflections. Below is a selection. The next two topics for reader submissions are DROP and SPARK — read more .

My firstborn daughter was named Dawn. A bundle of joy, she quickly became the family’s conversation piece. Early on we saw her gifts of personality and promise. After earning a degree in music and business, she entered the give-and-take of the world. We soon saw signs of turbulence in her life. We suspected drugs. She plowed on from occupation to occupation, despite the family’s efforts to help her reroute life’s journey.

image of cover

Then one day she abruptly took flight to a southwest city, declaring a job change that she claimed would restart her life. After several months and many phone calls we moved from denial to acceptance that Dawn was indeed battling various demons. Later we learned what we had silently wondered: she had become a resident of the streets, living in temporary shelters and grasping for meaning.

It was not long before she called to tell us of severe pains she was suffering. Doctors discovered stage-four cancer in her body. This brick-in-the-gut news brought the entire family to its knees. As we visited her over the ensuing months, we watched her decline in a homeless shelter for people who were medically disabled.

Finally, a reckoning came as she moved from chemo treatments to a final decline. On my last visit to see her we talked hopefully, all the while knowing that death was imminent.

Beside her bed in a hospital-like room was an electronic keyboard she often played as she was able. She was masterful at the piano and had won many awards. As I rose to say good-bye she said, “Dad, wait a minute. I want to play something for you.” She struggled to the keyboard and began playing and singing “Amazing Grace,” giving emphasis to the lines, “I once was lost, but now I’m found, / Was blind but now I see.”

At that moment the Dawn of my life dawned. She had moved out of a darkness into a light that gave her a peace she had not known for many years. We hugged and said good-bye, both knowing that daybreak can follow great darkness. Dawn is the holder of a very thin veil that separates darkness from light. It knows the reality of darkness even as it declares the presence of light. Dawn is that break into the day where the new begins, giving grace its definition.

Don R. Stevenson Hagerstown, MD

From Frederick Buechner, The Sacred Journey :  God speaks to us through our lives, we often too easily say. Something speaks anyway, spells out some sort of godly or godforsaken meaning to us through the alphabet of our years, but often it takes many years and many further spellings out before we start to glimpse, or think we do, a little of what that meaning is. Even then we glimpse it only dimly, like the first trace of dawn on the rim of night, and even then it is a meaning that we cannot fix and be sure of once and for all because it is always incarnate meaning and thus as alive and changing as we are ourselves alive and changing.  

I commute to work by bicycle, and I always get there very early. Years ago, on a very early summer morning, I rode under a lavender velvet sky. It was breathtaking. Then above the western horizon, between the roofline of the car dealerships and a scraggly urban redwood, I saw the full moon, golden and profuse. I got off my bike, stepped onto the sidewalk, and burst into tears at the unbidden beauty.

I soon realized that I was also crying because so very early in the morning there was no one around to share the moon with me. Relationship is what makes so much of this life so heartbreakingly beautiful. Alone, I ached with an inability to fully bear witness.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone approach. A man, older than I, was pushing a shopping cart filled with overflowing garbage bags full of recyclables. He clanked down the street, came up to me, and stopped. Noticing my streaky face, he asked if I was OK. I managed to nod. “Yeah,” I said. “It’s just . . .” I wiped my nose and jutted my chin toward the moon.

“Oh wow,” he said. “You’re right.” We stood there together on Broadway and regarded the moon. He uncapped his Mountain Dew, took a drink, and then extended it to me. “Want some?”

I still regret not accepting it. He was offering me so much more than soda. He was welcoming me into our mutual yearning for connection. He was offering me communion.

I grew up as the daughter of a minister, and my mom would always remind us just before praying the Great Thanksgiving that the table belongs to God and we are all invited. For me, the most important part of a worship service is when people queue up to receive the elements—standing in liminal space between our past and God’s future, illumined by the ancient and steadfast light of ritual, zippering together as we exit the pews every other aisle, helping those with walkers, always inviting someone to go ahead of you.

I still ride by where I saw the moon and that man. I don’t think I’ve seen him again, and I know I’ve never seen the moon quite like that again. But I still carry that dawn with me, and I imagine that he does too. It was a moment, a refraction of the divine light brilliantly present, when the terror and banality of our human reality was fused with the exquisite beauty of God. And I often think of that Mountain Dew when I’m shuffling down the carpeted church aisle to receive the elements, my hands each holding the small hand of one of my daughters, wondering at the miracle that we’ve found each other—not just my family but each of us here on earth trying to make our way, holding on to one another and continuing to offer ourselves again and again, every dawn while we draw our breath.

Alicia Van Riggs Oakland, CA

At 2 a.m. an orderly rolled me into room 505 at Good Samaritan Hospital. For the previous eight hours I had been in the emergency department dealing with breathing problems. Weakened muscles from polio, with me by that point for 76 years, often necessitate hospital trips.

The room was divided by a heavy gray curtain, and I was put in the bed closest to the door. I wondered if there was someone on the other side.

I soon heard my roommate’s feeble moans. Sooner or later I would find out why she was there, but for the moment I needed to let sleep soothe my being.

Nurses came in and out during the night to check our vital signs. My roommate sighed gently but did not speak. Around six, following a restless night, I heard throat clearing. Here we were, two women in the same room, not communicating. I decided to risk offending her by saying just a few words. “Good morning,” I said. She responded, and after a few more simple exchanges, she asked in her accented English, “Would you like to watch the sunrise? We can see it from my window.”

What a welcome surprise! “Yes, please,” I replied. Maria (by now we had exchanged names) slowly, carefully lowered herself from the bed. Despite showing signs of pain, she reached up to pull back the curtain. A gentle gray sky greeted us. In silence we saw streaks of soft pink turn into a bright apricot. Sturdy red rays appeared quietly. As the sun gradually appeared through our window, I felt an overwhelming sense of awe and wonder.

Maria kept repeating, “Gracias a Dios.” And I echoed, “Thanks be to God.” She played a song on her phone: “How Great Thou Art,” sung in Spanish. This holy matin moment counteracted the bustling sounds from the hallway. We both inhaled the beauty and marvel of daybreak.

We were roommates for the next two days. Each morning Maria asked in almost a whisper, “Do you want to share the sunrise?” Each time she played her recorded hymns. Our simple ritual bonded us.

When Maria was discharged, we knew we would probably never see each other again. But now when I experience the drama of dawn I often remember her, and I chant, “Gracias a Dios.”

Dosia Carlson Phoenix, AZ

“How do you know when the night is over and the day has dawned?” an old rabbi asked his students. “It is when you can look into the face of any man or woman and see there the face of your brother or sister. Because, if you cannot do that, no matter how bright it is, you are still in the night.”

I used to share this quote from the pulpit. While I knew its truth intellectually, my heart and body remained in the dark until I’d been retired as a pastor for almost three years. I was using a meditation app on my phone when it began to vibrate. My brother-in-law was calling. “Jane’s gone,” he said, “Jane’s gone.”

The police had just arrived at his front door to tell them that our younger sister had been found that morning on the floor by her bed. She was dead. After several years in and out of treatment for alcoholism, she’d relapsed one last time.

I thought I knew death pretty well. I’d known the deaths of grandparents, parents, other family members, friends, colleagues, and parishioners. But in the two years since I learned that Jane was gone I’ve realized that I didn’t really know death at all.

Later on the day she died I was walking along the river near our home. Vivid memories of our time together streamed through my mind, bringing both intermittent tears and occasional laughter. Jane was born when I was nine years old. The day she came home from the hospital I remember being very anxious, having heard that she had a soft spot on her head and that everyone had to handle her very carefully. I kept thinking about a broken robin’s egg I’d seen in a nest behind our house; I was afraid that Jane would be just as fragile.

Before my last year at seminary, we took a trip to the United Kingdom together and shared hotel rooms to save money. I can still see the clerks rolling their eyes when I told them that she was my sister.

As I reached the spot where Lake Erie empties into the Niagara River I began hearing in my mind the lyrics to James Taylor’s song “Fire and Rain.” When I heard, “I always thought I’d see you, one more time again,” I began sobbing. I wondered if I’d ever stop.

A family friend led the memorial service at a country club. Jane was “spiritual, but not religious.” Those who gathered all deeply loved her. I read a poem that kept coming to mind following her death—John Donne’s “No Man Is an Island,” which I adapted to include all humans. “Anyone’s death diminishes me” is the line that wouldn’t let me go.

It still won’t. Having known how diminished I’ve felt losing a sister has made me feel all the more diminished at the deaths of others—no matter who they are or how well I know them. I now know more fully than I’d ever known before that the old rabbi had it right when he explained that it’s only dawn when you can look in the eyes of anyone and see a sister or brother. Knowing that my sister has closed her eyes for the last time has opened my eyes to the mystery and wonder of the love in which we all live and move and have our being, the love that knit us together in our mother’s womb.

Bruce McKay Buffalo, NY

I don’t recall what prompted me to yell a swear word of epic proportions at the top of my lungs when I was at my friend’s house across the street. But my mother heard me, and apparently she didn’t think it was an appropriate thing for her ten-year-old daughter to say, let alone shout.

When I walked back into our house at dinnertime my mother ushered me back to the kitchen, squirted some Dawn dish detergent into my mouth, added a little bit of water, and asked me to slosh the mixture around a bit before telling me to spit the suds into the sink. This left a taste in my mouth that elicited the reaction for which my mother had hoped: I vowed never again to say that swear word—at least, not in front of my mother.

A friend says her mother preferred the bar-of-Dial-soap method. Whatever the variations, the practice of washing out an offending child’s mouth with soap was reportedly once common in the United States.

I still use Dawn to wash dishes. I suppose I could have switched over to the Joy brand as a means of reframing the shame of my childhood punishment. But using Dawn reminds me of my mother. I’m grateful I can place that one incident from nearly 60 years ago within the context of a childhood in which I felt safe, loved, and valued. Mom continued to love me, no matter what she had heard me yell from my friend’s house across the street. I’m certain she hated the mouth-washing punishment as much as I did but felt it was something she needed to do. Recalling my Dawn story helps me to remember my mother, who died 25 years ago, as a flesh-and-blood human being with her own struggles, rather than as someone deified in the rearview mirror of my imagination.

Because dawn brings light, the word carries a connotation of insight and awareness. When my mother died suddenly, it dawned on me that at the age of 42 I was an orphan. The night before her funeral, I went to sleep with an empty sheet of paper and a pen by my bed, having absolutely no idea what I would say at her funeral the next day. When I awoke to the light of dawn the words were there, pouring from pen to paper. It was a day of mourning but also of promise, as we were filled with God’s grace in the gathered community of her beloved family and friends. Zechariah’s prophecy, which I pray each morning as part of the liturgy of the hours, was realized in our experience: “By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high has broken upon us, giving light to all of us who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and guiding our feet into the way of peace.”

Sandy Selby Akron, OH

The sun shone through the window in the hotel dining room, and I changed my course. My run could wait—perhaps I could catch the tail end of the sunrise.

I walked toward the small vending area, where a woman stood, staring at the ice machine through her sunglasses. I planned to squeeze in behind her and slip out the door on the other side.

Before I could, she looked at me in terror, jumped up, and shouted, “Oh no!” I laughed nervously and apologized, explaining I didn’t mean to scare her. She was panting wildly, holding her chest. “You scared the hell out of me. Why does everyone sneak up on me?” I apologized again. “I was just recently attacked,” she said. The smile left my face. Like a rushing wave I felt the familiar empathy, my gift and my curse, pour into my body.

“Oh God,” I said. “I’m so sorry.” The words felt meaningless. I knew my apology wouldn’t heal her or bring her attacker to justice. She pointed to a faded yellow bruise on her shin and then pulled the collar of her shirt down just above her breast.

“I was beaten, kicked, punched—for 20 minutes.” She went on to describe the attack, but I can’t remember what she said because it was all too painful and shocking for me to absorb in that moment. She paced back and forth as she told me.

“I feel everything. I sense everything. But everyone keeps sneaking up on me. Here you come dressed in black, and I’m trapped in this vending area with nowhere to go.” I put my hands up, suddenly aware that she still felt threatened and had backed up into the door. I retreated backward as well. She got out a cigarette and started to walk out the door—it seemed bizarre that she was leaving without ice, her whole reason for being in this cramped space. She held the door for me, talking quickly about how she should have been dead. Tears were dripping down my face.

We made it to the beach, where she lit her cigarette. “This is the best sunrise in the world,” she said. “Look at it.” I glanced over my shoulder. I had my back to the sunrise, because I couldn’t face something so beautiful in that moment. “And last night, I heard the moon was gorgeous. I missed it. But there’ll be another one in a month. The sun keeps rising. The moon does, too.” She took a drag from her cigarette.

I listened a while longer. After we parted I put my earbuds in and walked around the building. My tears were now pouring. I was completely shaken. Being a survivor myself, I never wanted to make someone feel like I would attack them. It struck my core. As my feet rhythmically hit the concrete, more tears fell.

When I finally reached the beach again, I squatted at the water’s edge. Birds cawed as the salty water splashed upon the rocks in the sand. I wept bitterly. I walked until the sand ran out, then turned back around. I gripped a large, smooth stone in my hand. I gathered more rocks—a white stone, a large reddish orange one. I stacked them, a tower of prayers to God. I thought of Jacob in Genesis as I said a prayer for this woman, for all women, the stones in our hearts stacked upon each other to create a safe space: a new dawn.

That afternoon I almost forgot about the encounter. I was buzzing from the excitement of the conference I was attending and had walked downtown to feed my coffee addiction. Across from the coffee shop I saw a store selling feminist artwork. Inside I saw a display: seven rocks stacked on top of each other. Here in this shop made for women was the same symbol I created on the beach. My empathy is a curse, because I have such a hard time letting go of others’ stones. Yet, it is also a blessing, because it is when we stop having these visceral reactions to abuse and hatred that we lose hope. When we stop feeling other people’s pain, something is wrong.

Katrina Pekich-Bundy Hanover, IN

She died at dawn, my wife of 58 years. It was the darkest day I have ever known. God must have had other things to do that day, because I felt utterly alone—abandoned.

It was almost four months from that first frantic rush to the hospital when she suddenly could not breathe until she breathed no more. Thyroid cancer, operation, a stroke, right side useless, tracheotomy, lost voice. She would point to letters on a chart. I was slow to comprehend, and she’d smile at me. Stomach tube, helplessness, medications—so many medications—wheelchair, walker, her always with a smile, me always fearing, trying to comfort her, to hold her up. How many kinds of therapy are there? We must have endured most of them. We held off on the radiation, hoping for strength to return.

And then it was too late for radiation. With treatment at an end, she was sent home in my care and hospice was called in. And still she smiled at me. All I could do was tell her I loved her and give her a kiss. Oh, how I loved her—all the while despairing. We battled so hard that last night, her so uncomfortable, me so weary and feeling so inept. And then, on the dark side of dawn, she left me. Suddenly there was nothing left to do but call 911 and cry.

Others have walked such valleys before us, many of whom I have known and who did not emerge. Maybe if I had walked it by myself, I could have feared no evil, but walking it with her I was so utterly afraid. It was as though I could see nothing but darkness ahead, whereas she smiled bravely in the face of it. Maybe indeed she felt God with her when I could not.

In the days after her death, gratitude crept in very slowly. I was grateful to God for allowing me to share so much of my life with this wonderful woman, grateful for all her gifts that made our life together so wondrous, grateful for the children she bore and raised so well. Grief never left, but it slowly gave way to gratitude—and the more it did, the closer I once again felt to God, even to the point of thanking God for relieving her of living on in pain and without hope.

I am an early riser, but dawn will never be the same for me. It has been almost a year now, and there is no dawn that I do not think of her again, of how I loved and lost her, of how I miss her, and of all we shared. And then, once again, I thank God for her.

Herb Evert Cottage Grove, WI

It was 1972. I was ten years old. I had lived this moment a million times in my imagination: boarding a train for my first long-distance ride. I imagined sharply dressed porters standing at attention alongside a gleaming stainless steel train. I had placed myself in a 1950s railroad brochure my uncle gave me.

The train in the brochure touted vista domes—train cars with a glassed-in second floor for panoramic sightseeing. I imagined climbing the spiral stairway to sit under glass as the landscape swept by. I would drink in the view. I would fly through it, watching as grassland changed into cropland, into trees, into hills cut through by rivers, and then into a cityscape.

But the brochure I picked up as we waited at the station did not mention vista dome cars. I was devastated.

There were other disappointments. The conductor was not a smiling chap looking at his pocket watch. I had imagined I would ask him questions about the train, and he would put his arm around me and warmly welcome me aboard. I guess I had not heeded my mother’s warnings about letting my mind carry me away from reality. This conductor appeared stern and impatient. “Climb aboard quickly, please. We are late and have no time to waste.” I remained silent, afraid to bother him.

So boarding the train was nothing like I had expected. I had not had time to look at our car, let alone the 12 or so others down the line. It was dark and cold. My only clear view was of the arm of my dad’s tweed jacket and the floral pantsuit of a young woman in front of me. In the darkness of 3 a.m., the dawn was my only hope of seeing that for which I had so longed and dreamed: the vista domes. They would make up for all these other broken illusions.

Meanwhile, not everything was disappointing. The interior of our coach fit my daydreams perfectly. The window shades were exactly like the ones in Uncle Gail’s old brochure. So were the seats. My mother nudged me and commented on how comfortable they were, and I reminded her that they were called “sleepy hollow seats.” I learned that from the brochure, too. My initial disappointment upon boarding was replaced by a muted excitement.

As the porter dimmed the lights and the train eased its way out of the station, my mother noticed an elderly woman across the aisle struggling to figure out how to recline her seat. “My son knows all about how these seats work,” said my mother. I was more than eager to help her, hoping to appear as a veteran railroader. The woman rewarded me with rich gratitude.

Everyone else soon fell asleep, but I was too excited. I amused myself by pressing my face against the cool glass of the window, straining to see the train cars ahead and behind. But at that point there were no curves in the track, and it was very dark. So I waited and hoped. I fell asleep with my head still against the window.

I awoke with a start. The steady hum had been replaced for an instant by the sharp squeal of the wheels’ metal flanges grinding against the steel rails as they began a sharp curve. As I adjusted my eyes to the dimness of the early morning, a sudden beam of light struck me. It was the sun, creeping over the top of the embankment.

Because the dawn came exactly when it did—during that curve in the track—it gave me a glimpse of the cars ahead and behind. And there they were, in all their stainless steel and glass glory: vista domes. Just like in the brochure.

The rising sun transformed disappointment and doubt in a split second. At that moment, I knew I would get to ride in a vista dome. And the joy from that reality, coming after several disappointments, returns to me every time I bring that trip to mind. Ever since then, I have looked to the dawn for hope.

Randall Goeke Atkinson, NE

“My sister’s name is Morning Dove and brother’s name is Rain,” I cried out to my husband. I was trying to contemplate how I was going to fit into my biological family, with which I had just made contact at the age of 28. Every fiber of me felt the fear of not fitting in anywhere, of being different yet again. “How will they ever accept a woman from Connecticut with two children, a husband, and a dog? For goodness sake, the only thing I don’t have is a white picket fence.”

I projected judgment from people I had never met, and I looked to my husband for reassurance. “Honey, they will love you,” he said. “You will fit right in.”

I looked at him, stunned and confused. Had he not heard me? They were from Oregon. They had often lived without electricity and running water, and their names were Morning Dove and Rain. What would we possibly have in common aside from 50 percent of our DNA?

He looked at me and laughed, “You don’t see any connections here? Morning Dove, Rain, and Dawn?” He lengthened out my name, emphasizing each letter.

I had never heard my name in that context. I was named after a doll. Dawns were fashionable, lifelike dolls that came out before Barbies. My mother told me the story over and over: she loved her dolls and always said one day she would name her daughter Dawn. This story had become part of who I was—I was a gift that answered a childhood prayer. When she was young, Santa brought the doll. When she was an adult, Catholic Charities brought me.

I thought to myself, Who was this Dawn that went with morning doves and rain? Did this mean I was a different me—not a doll, not a gift, but an elusive space in time when the sun peeks over the horizon? A liminal threshold between night and day that slips away almost before you take full notice of it but is breathtakingly beautiful if you take the time to bear witness?

In the many years that have since passed, my biological mother has never told me the name she would have given me or if she even had one picked out. But the coincidence was powerful. I was one child with two names, even though they are spelled and pronounced the same way: Dawn, the morning sun and the childhood doll.

On that day, a feeling of belonging overcame me that superseded any logic: Morning Dove, Rain, and Dawn. I’m not sure who laughed harder as the recognition of what my husband had said rolled over me. God had shown that I was beloved both where I came from and where I was. My fears washed away. I was Dawn.

Dawn Adams Brimfield, MA

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18 Awesome Descriptions Using Time To Use In Writing

creative writing description of dawn

By describing where the events are about to take place, you can transport your reader into another world. Make use of the five senses – sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste – to evoke the atmosphere of the setting.

The following will give you some examples of how you can describe using time as the main element.

The same place can look and feel very different at different times of the day. Take a park, for example.  At daybreak, it is cool and invigorating, full of songbirds, walkers and joggers. At midday, it is sleepy, hot and still. In the evening, shadows lengthen and coolness returns. But at night, it can be a frightening place, with dangers lurking in the dark shadows of the foliage.

  • The day dawned crisp and clear.
  • The sun poured through my window. Another day had dawned, bringing with it new hopes and aspirations.
  • The light of dawn seeped into my room. I rubbed my bleary eyes and walked to the window. There was a pearly glow in the sky.
  • The first rays of sunlight lit up my room. The dawn chorus of melodic birdsong drifted in.
  • The rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the scene.
  • The just-risen sun shone softly on the city streets, bringing with it a flurry of early-morning activity.
  • Dappled sun shone through the trees, creating mysterious shadows.
  • The blue sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze.
  • The blazing midday sun shone relentlessly on the hikers.
  • The roads shimmered in the heat of the midday sun. The sunlit skyscrapers pierced the hot, blue sky.
  • The afternoon sun bathed the buildings in its warm light.
  • Tiny specks of dust seemed to dance in the shaft of afternoon sunlight that slanted through the window.


  • The evening sun cast long shadows on the ground. The slanting rays of the setting sun gave a warm orange tinge to the sky.
  • The sky was ablaze with the fire of the setting sun.
  • The night sky was aglow with bright city lights.
  • The pale crescent moon shone like a silvery claw in the night sky.
  • We looked up at the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity.
  • The occasional barking of faraway dogs broke the silence of the night.

Encourage your child to use these descriptions in the tests and examinations. Help them familiarise with these phrases through simple activities by writing short introductory paragraphs with one or two of the descriptions, or give them short dictation quizzes!

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Matt Mason

Freelancer, indie author, creatively curious

Writing the seasons: Autumn

exmoor heather

Autumn  is the slow decline of the year toward the winter, a slow lingering death from the height of summer into the cold and dark. Yet autumn is far from miserable. I love the unexpected warm days. I love the colours of the season and the wind and rain feels quite energetic and powerful. It has always felt like a season of portents and omens, birds are flocking, deer are rutting, autumnal colour is everywhere.

So how do we write what autumn feels like?

Exmoor September 2012. Copyright MG Mason

Autumn is nothing if not atmospheric. Countless horror movies are set at this time of year, no better demonstrated than it the cold and imposing forests of The Blair Witch Project and The Village . These are films that use Autumn atmosphere to maximum effect. It is the perfect time of year because death is a constant reminder. It is getting colder and darker; leaves are falling from the trees. There is a chill in the air overnight, frost on the ground in the morning, mist and fog in the air. Dry, dead leaves crunch beneath your feet and clouds appear when you breathe out. There is still a lingering warmth but always a constant reminder of the cold to come.

It is also the season of Halloween and in the Commonwealth, Bonfire Night. Those five days between the end of October and the beginning of November is, for me, the beginning of the build up to the Christmas season. People actually begin to enjoy the colder weather and the darker evenings as it reminds of the what is to come.

Autumn: Life and death

Autumn smells of frost. Yes, I do think frost has a smell and I do not find it unpleasant. It is a dry, sharp, prickly smell that you can experience first thing in the morning, within the first hour of sunrise. It is also the smell of fruit waiting to be picked or that which turned rotten before falling off the trees/bushes/shrubs.

Autumn smells of woodfire, bonfires and the gunpowder of firework displays.

Exmoor - September 2012. Copyright MG Mason copyright: MG Mason

Despite the slow descent towards a seeming death, there is still much life in the old year yet. Before they all drop off of the trees, leaves turn dazzling colours of ambers, reds and yellows creating images like this.

The English countryside is famous for this sort of scene throughout the autumn. It is also the season of fruitpicking: apples, pears and to any child… blackberries! These are not just colourful but a reminder of the pinnacle of the livelihood of the season at the end of the year.

Also think about the sort of clothing that people might wear at this time of year. Scarves, woolies, larger coats, sweaters. For men, jackets more often than not. For women, the fashion seems to be in boots a lot more, cardigans. People are wrapping up warm but not wrapped up so tightly just yet.

And don’t forget the flocking birds.

Autumn is noticeable for the absence of birdsong mostly and with leaves dropping off, you won’t hear wind rustling through the trees for very long.

What are the autumn sounds? Whistling wind, roaring wind, heavier rain. For those of us living in the countryside it is a season of shrieking foxes, of the calling of deer for the rutting season. Small mammals such as badgers and squirrels scramble through the undergrowth during the darker evenings and overnight.

Give a serious think to the sort of foods that will be available at this time of year and how personal preferences might change.

Aside from autumn fruits, it is associated with heavier or more filling foods. I tend to drink more coffee in the autumn and winter and more tea in the spring and summer. My beer tastes also change. I prefer something a bit more full-bodied at this time of year, ruby ales, Newcastle Brown, darker and heavier beers as opposed to spring and summer where I prefer golden ales and sometimes lager. I also tend to drink more red wine at this time of year and prefer them full-bodied. It is also the season of mulled wine – though I don’t tend to want to drink this until Christmas lights start making an appearance.

Most mornings, everything outside is damp with dew. Goosebumps raise on bare arms. Feet crunch on and swish through piles of dead leaves. On the really cold days, feet crunch on frozen earth. Also, on those warm days think about how the sun feels on your skin. It is a very different feeling to that in spring or summer.

So over to you, what signifies the autumn for you? How do you identify the arrival of this season?

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14 responses to “Writing the seasons: Autumn”

Matthew Rowe Avatar

I think you did a pretty good job of describing autumn. It’s my favourite season. The terror of summer has ended and the whole hemisphere breathes a sigh of relief, relaxing into crunchy reds and browns. The air is cool and the food is good.

Here in Japan it normally begins when a typhoon comes and sweeps away the heat and humidity and then we’re left with cool air and I can breathe again. But autumn only lasts a couple of weeks here and then it’s winter again. I’ve decided to write more about my life in Japan in my blog to get it going again. More importantly, how living abroad affects my writing. That will be my main topic, but like you I think I’ll write about some other topics now and again. In fact, I might join you on reviewing ‘Doctor Who’. We can compare opinions.

mgm75 Avatar

Excellent, I look forward to reading all about it. A lot of people are fascinated with Japan; me not so much but I’m willing to be educated about it.

Get blogging!

Thanks. It’s been hard to find a consistent topic, so I hope I can stick with it! I’ll have a new post this weekend, and I’ll put up some links soon – your site included.

tmso Avatar

As the days get shorter, my walks in the morning now coincide with dawn instread of after or before. And dawn, or just before dawn, is when our local skunk goes out to make her daily round. So, for me, where I live now, fall is a cool, foggy morning drenched with the musky odor of skunk.

I don’t know what skunk smells like. I imagine I’d rather not find out!

Think: vomit-inducing musky tear-gas.

Eugh, lovely

granonine Avatar

You were reading my mind with this post 🙂 There’s so much about autumn to love, and you’ve described it perfectly. Good read.

ripplesnreflectiontimes Avatar

Good insight into a season we barely have in this part oc the world. ..South India

soulcurrynrice Avatar

Turn on the slow cooker.. Throw in some mutton (goat meat) with some caramel iced onions, curry powder and tomatoes n coriander powder.3 cloves of garlic..2 cups of water.. Cook on low setting for 5 hours.. Delicious stew to warm the chilly evenings.. My fond fall memory….

Sounds amazing!

sarah Avatar

Do you still make these?

MG Mason Creative Avatar

make what, sorry?

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    Luminous - To express the radiant light emitted by the setting sun. Crimson - To depict the deep, rich red color in the sunset sky. Glowing - Ideal for the warm radiance that engulfs the sky. Hazy - Useful for slight obscurity or softness to the sunset. Dusky - Describes the darker phase of sunset or twilight.

  4. How To Describe A Sunset In Writing (Words, Phrases & Metaphors)

    1. The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and gold. 2. As daylight faded, the horizon became a canvas of fiery oranges and purples. 3. A warm glow enveloped the landscape as the sun bid farewell to the day. 4. The tranquil evening sky was adorned with the soft pastels of a setting sun. 5.

  5. Describing a Sunset: Top Words & Phrases for Writers

    This section will explore two key aspects of sunset writing: color descriptions and the use of adjectives and metaphors. Color Descriptions. One of the most important elements of a sunset is its color. The sky can take on a range of hues, from soft pinks and oranges to fiery reds and purples. Writers can use a variety of color descriptions to ...

  6. 160+ Ways to Describe Weather

    The last rays of sun skimmed the surface. late afternoon sun. velvety darkness. night shattered like a mirror. the Southern Cross lying on its side, the green meadow bathed in the humid light of the sinking sun. full dusk. The corners have just about disappeared into the shadows. Night.

  7. How to Describe a Sunset in a Story

    How it Adds Description "Splendid" is an excellent adjective to describe a pleasant sunset. This could imply that the sunset colors are very bright, but it could also show that the atmosphere to watch the sunset in is also very nice. Characters will likely feel very relaxed when watching a splendid sunset, which might even bring them joy. 2 ...

  8. 1200+ Ways to Describe the Sun Pt 1: A Word List for Writers

    The sun — life-giver, friend, enemy, object of worship. Judicious inclusion of sun words augments writing. #Words #WritingTips #WritersLife #WritingCommunity

  9. Give Light The Time Of Day In Your Story

    The first, a farm house, seen from a distant hill at dawn. See the soft diffusion of light around the house, the sun glancing off the roof, the shadows around the house. Now the second image. See the same house, from the same hill, but at midnight: try to see the almost indistinct white walls in the moonlight, the dim candle light in the small ...

  10. Master List for Describing Weather

    (Most people don't like gray days, so most of these descriptions are negative. I love them, so I had to add a few positive descriptions.) bleak day. gloomy sky. dreary day. colorless sky. a soft gray sky. a dove-gray sky. a gray day made for books and tea. steel-gray sky. stony sky. granite sky. cement-gray sky. threatening clouds. foreboding ...

  11. 10 Words to Describe the Sky in the Morning

    How it Adds Description. If you need a way to describe your morning sky without just using the word "blue", then "azure" is a great color descriptor to use instead! "Azure" is a very bright blue, just like how the sky can be on a clear morning. 3. Burgeoning Definition. Developing quickly. Examples

  12. Sensory Imagery in Creative Writing: Types, Examples, and Writing Tips

    Written by MasterClass. Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 • 6 min read. Sensory imagery is a literary device writers employ to engage a reader's mind on multiple levels. Sensory imagery explores the five human senses: sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. Sensory imagery is a literary device writers employ to engage a reader's mind on multiple ...

  13. Descriptive essay: dawn and dusk

    Descriptive essay: dawn and dusk. Write a descriptive essay which captures a sense of the difference between dawn and dusk and celebrates both the beginning and the end of the day (2019) ... Find out more about what exactly is expected when writing a descriptive essay. Read the Irish Times analysis of the 2019 paper.

  14. Describe the Sky

    Jun 24, 2021 | Adjectives & Verbs. Make a list of all the words you can think of to describe the sky at different times of the day and in varying weather conditions: Dawn - Morning - Midday - Dusk-Evening - Night. Clear - Cloudy - Overcast - Rainy - Stormy. Here are some resources to check out after you make your list. Poetry 4 ...

  15. What Is Creative Writing? (Ultimate Guide + 20 Examples)

    What Is Creative Writing (Long Description)? Creative Writing is the art of using words to express ideas and emotions in imaginative ways. It encompasses various forms including novels, poetry, and plays, focusing on narrative craft, character development, and the use of literary tropes. ... Example: Whispers of Dawn is a poem collection ...

  16. Dawn: Essays by readers

    In response to our request for essays on dawn, we received many compelling reflections. Below is a selection. The next two topics for reader submissions are DROP and SPARK—read more. My firstborn daughter was named Dawn. A bundle of joy, she quickly became the family's conversation piece. Early on we saw her gifts of personality and promise.

  17. 18 Awesome Descriptions Using Time To Use In Writing

    The light of dawn seeped into my room. I rubbed my bleary eyes and walked to the window. There was a pearly glow in the sky. ... Encourage your child to use these descriptions in the tests and examinations. Help them familiarise with these phrases through simple activities by writing short introductory paragraphs with one or two of the ...

  18. Writing the seasons: Autumn

    As the days get shorter, my walks in the morning now coincide with dawn instread of after or before. And dawn, or just before dawn, is when our local skunk goes out to make her daily round. So, for me, where I live now, fall is a cool, foggy morning drenched with the musky odor of skunk. Like Like