The Best Resume Format Guide

Mike Simpson 0 Comments

resume format

By Mike Simpson

By now, as a seasoned job hunter and student of The Interview Guys , you should know there are a few essentials you should have in your arsenal: business cards , a solid cover letter , your elevator pitch , and your well-formatted resume .

Hang on, haven’t we already gone over all this in that other article, How to Make a Resume 101 ?

Yes…and no.

In that article we did go over how to write a resume, but in this article, we’re going to take you to the next step and focus specifically on one seemingly small but massively huge part of resume building: resume format and how to select which one is right for you.

FREE BONUS PDF CHECKLIST : Get our "Perfect Resume CHECKLIST" that gives you a handy 38-point Checklist that will let you craft the perfect resume.


Why Is Resume Format So Important?

As any good “Interview Guys student” will tell you, a resume is a document used by job seekers (you) to quickly and easily let a hiring manager know what skills they have, what their work history is, and any accomplishments they might have.

Seems simple, right?

Well, it is, but only if you know what you’re doing. The tricky part of writing your own resume is it’s a deceptive document .

No, not deceptive as in you use it to lie to an employer about what you can do (don’t EVER do that!), but deceptive in that it seems like it should be really easy to write.

Trust me, it’s much easier to write a bad resume than a good one…and there are a LOT of bad ones out there, which, believe it or not, is a good thing.

Wait. It’s good that there are bad resumes out there? That doesn’t make any sense!

Yes, and the reason is, when a recruiter or hiring manager has to slog through a mountain of bad resumes, seeing a good resume is like a breath of fresh air. It stands out!

And if you follow our guide, that breath of fresh air resume is going to be yours!

But first, we need to figure out what type of resume format you need .

Types of Resume Formats

Once upon a time, many moons ago, there was just one way to write a resume, reverse-chronologically.

Chronological Resume Format

The reverse-chronological resume (simply called the “chronological”) was just that, a chronological listing of everything you’d done up to that point, starting with your most recent and working backwards.

According to the resume experts over at , a chronological resume “…shows recruiters that your most recent work experience is relevant to their needs, presents yourself in terms of promotions and upward career mobility and demonstrates that you’ve had a normal career without work gaps or terminations.”

We agree that these are some of the benefits of this style of resume, which is why, during the heyday of the chronological resume, everyone used it. It wasn’t just industry standard, it was global standard.

Brain surgeons and tax accountants used the same chronological format as plumbers and babysitters – and for the time, it was fine.

Then someone said, “Hmm. These jobs aren’t all exactly the why are the resumes being used exactly the same? Shouldn’t they be specific to the job you’re seeking? Shouldn’t it be more…functional?”

And in that moment, the functional resume was born.

Functional Resume Format

Rather than just simply listing what you’ve done (chronological), a functional resume specifically targets the job you’re going after and makes sure that it highlight the skills and abilities you have that relate to that position.

Rather than listing a ton of stuff that might not relate to what you’ve done, it highlights what is most relevant for the position you’re going after.

Whereas a chronological resume can seem cold and impersonal, almost a ‘shopping list’ of skills, promotions and upward mobility, a functional resume allows you to interject a little of “who” you are into the conversation, not just “what you do.”

And then someone said “I can’t decide…what works better for me? Chronological or functional? Ugh, why do I have to decide? Why can’t I use both?!”

And thus the combination resume was born.

Combination Resume Format

The combination resume takes all the best parts of a functional resume (relevant skills, qualifications and specifically targeted information) and combines it with the chronological resume (everything you’ve done in the past that’s gotten you to where you are right now.)

But which of the three resume formats is right for me?

How To Choose the Best Resume Format For You

The first thing you have to do when settling on what type of resume you plan to write ( chronological , functional or combination ), is figure out which resume format or resume layout matches your needs and who you are. While it’s true you tend to see less chronological resumes out there, the fact is your resume format choice should depend more on your experience and situation more than anything.

CHRONOLOGICAL RESUMES are great for people who have had a steady career path in the same field for a long period of time or are applying for jobs in similar fields and has few, if any, gaps in their employment history.

Employers like chronological resumes because it’s easy to see, at a glance, what an employee has done in the past. For people who have stayed within the same industry their whole career and haven’t moved around much, it’s a great option as it shows a potential employer quickly and easily your progression.

For example, executives who have had a steady progression to the top would benefit from a chronological resume.

Chronological resumes are also great for people who are just starting out or find themselves in the mid-level of their careers.

When organizing your chronological resume, you want to make sure you keep the following categories in this order (see, I told you we’d come back to categories in resume formats!)

  • Objective Statement or Summary Statement


FUNCTIONAL RESUMES are great for people who have started and stopped their careers and are facing gaps in their work history or are making a significant career change. Functional resumes are also great for people who are targeting a particular position and need a resume that highlight specific skills and abilities that directly relate.

People just entering the job market can also benefit from a functional resume as it focuses more on skills than past work history.

When organizing your functional resume, you want to make sure you keep the following categories in this order:

  • Achievements/Accomplishments

COMBINATION RESUMES are great for people who are looking to make a career change and move from one industry to another. It’s also a great format for highlighting well-developed skills and talents that are relevant to a specific position. This is the best resume format for someone considered a master within their field.

When organizing your combination resume, you want to make sure you keep the following categories in this order:

Best Practices For Formatting Your Resume

Now that we’ve gone over different resume formats, it’s time to go over formatting the resume format (?) you have selected. Tongue twisters and confusing sentences aside, let’s start with the basics!

How Long Should A Resume Be?

No matter which of the three formats you decide to go with, it should fit neatly onto one single sided page without crowding .

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule, and in some (rare) cases (career changes, highly advanced technical fields, or individuals at the senior/executive level), a slightly longer resume is acceptable.

Anything longer than that and you’ve moved out of the world of resumes and into the world of CV’s (hey, we have an article for those! Check out our CV article here! ) which are acceptable, but ONLY in VERY SPECIFIC CIRCUMSTANCES. (If you’ve been asked for your resume, make sure that’s what you give them or you run the risk of it being tossed.)

Keep in mind this isn’t your autobiography! 

This is meant to give a hiring manager just enough information about you that they feel compelled to call you in and meet you face to face!

To put it bluntly, the average hiring manager spends initially between 10-20 seconds on each resume which means you have 10-20 seconds to catch their eye. The last thing you want to do is give them something that’s messy, confusing, or unorganized.

Rather than spend an additional 10 seconds trying to figure out your resume, most hiring manager will just throw it away…and we don’t want that!

Ok, so what about fonts, margins, paper, etc?

Let’s start with fonts.

Best Resume Fonts To Use

Choosing the right resume font can seem like an impossible task, especially as there are hundreds of choices available. Making sure your resume is readable is step number one.

You want to make sure that a potential employer can easily read it regardless of if it’s printed out or on a computer screen. Speaking of computer screens, not everyone is on the same operating system which means a unique or quirky font on your screen might show up as code or nonsense on someone else’s.

And nobody’s hiring nonsense.

Your resume is a professional representation of who you are, and as such, should look professional.

Many companies these days use an automated applicant tracking software to first pre-qualify candidates and the last thing you want to do is get sorted to the bottom of the pile, or worse, rejected, because the computer program didn’t recognize your font or had difficulty reading it.

Sans Serifs fonts are fonts which are clean, crisp, sleek, and most importantly, scanner-friendly! They’re also “eyeball-friendly” which means a hiring manager reading it won’t have any issues trying to figure out what they’re looking at or run into eye-strain.

Stick to fonts like Arial , Verdana , Trebuchet MS , Century Gothic , Gill Sans MT (but NEVER Comic Sans), Lucida Sans and Tahoma .

Of course, over here at The Interview Guys, we’ll confess that we’re partial to Helvetica . It’s a flawless blend of style and clarity.

Another thing to keep in mind with fonts is the size you’re using. Shrinking everything down to the size of an ant just so you can fit it all onto a single page won’t win you any points. Again, you want to ensure that your resume is readable.

Try to stay between 10.5 and 12 points. Any smaller and it’s hard to read.

Formatting Your Margins and Spacing

When you format your resume you want to make sure that your leave enough margin space to allow for printing . If you try to adjust your margins and make them too narrow in order to fit more into your page, you run the risk of critical information being cut off if an employer prints it out.

Inversely, making your margins too large will leave your resume looking boxed in and squished. The general rule is to set your margins at one inch on all sides .

Think of your resume as a piece of fine artwork. Your margins should create a beautiful frame around it. If you’re truly desperate for space, you can slightly adjust your top and bottom margins but try to avoid adjusting your side margins.

In terms of the spacing, keep your resume to single-spaced with a blank line between each section of your content.

When you turn a resume into a potential employer, you want to make sure you’re using paper that helps convey the message that you’re a professional.

Of course, if you’re using an online submission system, you don’t get to choose what sort of paper an employer might potentially print your resume out on, but in the instances when you’re physically turning something in, it’s a good idea to put some extra time and thought into the paper you’re using.

Try to always print your resumes out using a laser printer or inkjet printer that produces crisp, high-quality results. You want to print on paper heavier than what you traditionally find in photocopiers.

Generally copier paper is considered 20 lb. weight. This is a lighter, flimsier paper which is perfect for running through a Xerox in high quantity at high speeds, but for a resume comes across as unprofessional and sloppy.

Aim for paper that’s slightly heavier. Most resume paper is rated at 24 lb. If you’re using paper with a watermark, make sure it’s facing the correct way relative to your resume.

When selecting the color of paper you’re using, it’s always a safe bet to stick to white or neutrals. Off-white, cream, ivory and light gray are acceptable for most professional jobs.

Finally, make sure you’re always using 8 ½ x 11 paper.

Which Resume Categories Do I Include?

Organizing your resume is just as important as formatting it. Many resumes are put together by job seekers who aren’t sure of how to organize their information, resulting in a resume that lacks focus.

You always want to make sure that your categories are well defined and organized appropriately for not only who you are, but the type of resume that you’re using (don’t worry, we’ll go into that further in just a bit!).

Here are the categories that you need to include on your resume:

The first thing you need to do is make sure that a potential employer knows whose resume they’re looking at!

Make sure you include your personal information at the TOP of your resume. Include your full name, phone number, email and personal branding website (if you have one, which as an Interview Guys student you should!) You can also include your mailing address, but this is purely optional.

Resume Objective Statement

An objective statement is a quick outline of your employment goals with the company you’re applying to and should take up no more than a sentence or two.

For our in-depth article on how to write a  resume objective statement, click here .

Resume Summary Statement

A resume summary is a quick recap of your skills and experiences and, like an objective statement, should be no more than a sentence or two.

For our in-depth article on how to write a  resume summary statement, click here .

This section is where you talk about your work history and highlight not only who you worked for but what you did as well as how long you did it. Be sure to include your job title as well as a bulleted list of your duties and/or responsibilities.

***This is listed in reverse chronological order with your most recent job first.

Skills & Abilities

This is where you want to highlight your relevant skills that relate directly to the position or job you’re applying to. Make sure you list things here that set you apart and help show a potential employer that you’re the perfect candidate for the job!

These can include things like technical skills, language skills, computer skills, anything and everything that sets you apart and fits exactly what the employer is looking for.

Check out our skills to put on a resume article for more information .

For recent graduates and people just entering the job market, this would mean where you went to school. For people in technical fields or fields where outside training is either required or encouraged, you would include this information here.

Once upon a time references were always included. These days, however, references are no longer a must have on resumes. That doesn’t mean you don’t need them… instead, have them as a separate list, and if requested, you can provide it.

Check out our articles on professional reference letters and character reference letter 101 if you need more info.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Spelling and grammar mistakes (and typos).

Always proofread your resume before you send it out! This includes double checking your contact information. It won’t do you any good if you have the perfect resume and employers who want to hire you if they keep calling the wrong number or emailing the wrong email. Double check! Then…check again!

Similarly, don’t forget about punctuation! According to the Cawley Career Education Center at Georgetown University , “… be consistent in your use of punctuation throughout the document. For instance, either use periods at the end of all your bullets or not.” Great advice!

Not Targeting Your Resume

Blanketing the job market with a one-resume-fits-all approach not only makes you look lazy, but it shows an employer that you’re comfortable doing the bare minimum rather than going the extra step to make sure your resume is targeted to the job you’re specifically seeking.

Remember, you’re one candidate out of hundreds, if not thousands. Submitting a resume that’s long, rambling, confusing or poorly organized isn’t going to get you anything except dumped. This includes padding your resume with unnecessary information. Keep your resume targeted, clear, concise, and clean.

Personal Information

Religious affiliations, social security numbers, personal social media contact, birthday (or age), marital status, or anything else that’s personal has no place on your resume. This also includes photos or headshots. All a potential employer needs to know is what your name is, how to contact you, and why you’re the perfect candidate based off of your skills, experience, and qualifications.

Salary Information

Save that for a personal discussion with the hiring manager a little further down the road. Putting your salary requirements on your resume is never a good idea. Check out the article we wrote on “When and How to Negotiate Your Salary” here .

Top 5 Resume Formatting Tips

1. Keep your format simple : Remember, you have 10-20 seconds to snag a hiring managers attention. Presenting them with a resume that’s overly crowded, hard to read, confusing or just plain messy isn’t going to get you the job…it’s going to get you thrown out. Watch your spacing, font size and margins. Keep it legible!

2. Keep it professional : Avoid cute fonts, gimmicks, scented paper, glitter, odd shapes, or anything that could potentially make an employer look at your resume and question your sanity. Don’t print on cheap paper. Show an employer you’re serious about the job.

3. Focus on what you did for past employers, not just the job you held . Anyone can push a button. Why were you the best button pusher there was? What set you apart from every other button pusher who came before you and will come after you? Don’t just outline the job description. What were your accomplishments while doing that job?

4. Make sure you’re selecting the resume format that best reflects who you are, your work history, and the job you’re applying for . Keep in mind employment gaps, career trajectory, where you are in your industry, and where you plan on going. Make sure you’re selecting the right format resume (chronological, functional or combination).

5. Be honest : I know we’ve said this again and again in multiple articles on this site, but it’s a sentiment that bears repeating. Be honest. Don’t pad your resume with jobs or duties you’ve never held or exaggerate ones you have just to impress an employer. The last thing you want to do is get a job you can’t do. Not only will you look bad, but it’ll haunt you down the line with other future potential employers. Be honest!

Finding the Best Resume Format Examples

Of course, reading about it is one thing, but seeing how these resumes look is another. If you’re interested in seeing examples of how these resumes look in person, head on over to our How to Make a Resume 101 article. Just make sure, no matter which format you choose, that you’re targeting it for the job you’re applying to.

We also have to give some credit where credit is due. Our pals over at NovoResume have put together some really great content about resume format over on their site, along with a few great examples. This will be a great companion to the information we have already taught you here!

Putting It All Together

Whew! Did you get all that?!?

We promised you a much deeper look into resume formats and I think we’ve managed to deliver just that!

Making sure you have the right resume for the right job means more than just filling in your qualifications, it means selecting the right format and ensuring that you’re organizing it properly…and now, thanks to this article, you shouldn’t have any problems!

And as always…good luck! (One final thought. How is your cover letter looking? Are you confident that it is formatted properly? Because we have created a companion guide just like this one called “Best Cover Letter Format Guide Click the link to read it now!)

FREE : "Perfect Resume" PDF Checklist

Ok the next thing you should do is download our handy "Perfect Resume" Checklist PDF ".

In it you'll get a 38 point checklist that will let you overhaul your resume and make sure you aren't missing any critical components.


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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at

His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others.

Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

About The Author

Mike simpson.

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Co-Founder and CEO of Mike is a job interview and career expert and the head writer at His advice and insights have been shared and featured by publications such as Forbes , Entrepreneur , CNBC and more as well as educational institutions such as the University of Michigan , Penn State , Northeastern and others. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page .

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How to List References on Resumes: Strategic Guide (With Examples)

Stephen Greet

  • The Role of References in Job Applications
  • Preparing Your Reference List
  • Showcasing References
  • Real World Examples

References in Resumes FAQs

References don’t usually live on a resume—they take up too much space and typically aren’t even needed at that stage of the application process.

Be that as it may, sometimes employers may go against the curve and ask for them straight away, and when that happens, you’ll need to rearrange your resume and make room.

Of course, the trickiest thing about references isn’t where to put them, but who to choose. In this article, we’ll show you plenty of resume templates and useful tips to help you handle references like a pro!

Understanding the Role of References in Job Applications

Understanding the Role of References in Job Applications.

When employers are searching for someone to hire, there are a lot of different steps they have to take to determine whether a candidate is both technically capable and a good fit for the company . There’s the resume, the cover letter, the interview—maybe another interview, or two, or five—and the references.

You can learn a lot about a candidate from their own words, but there are certain things you can only learn from others. That’s why employers sometimes need a few recommendations from third parties as final confirmation that a candidate is a good choice.

which resume format is the best

Why include references?

References often aren’t optional. When an employer asks for them, you need to hand some over or it could greatly impact your application.

If you have prior work listed on your resume but you don’t have anyone that could act as a reference, it implies that you might have been fired, or that your manager refused to act as a reference for you. Those things can happen, but some employers may not overlook that.

Instead, it’s always best to prepare your references in advance and have them ready to send whenever the employer asks for them. This is the right way to look professional since the more experienced you are, the more people you know and the easier it is for you to get a few references.

which resume format is the best

Selecting the right references

There are a few rules you need to follow when it comes to picking references. There are three main types of reference and each has different relationships to you.

  • Professional references: To list someone as a professional reference, they need to know you in a professional setting. This includes current colleagues, former colleagues, and managers. Some companies also deal with references through their HR department.
  • Academic references: These are people that you know from school and college. It can include teachers, professors, academic advisors, academic counselors, and even classmates. You usually only use academic references as a fresh graduate and replace them with professional references once you get your first job or two.
  • Character references: This type of reference can be a friend or a family member, and their role is to talk about your general character and personality. These aren’t always accepted by employers, and it’s important not to list a friend or family member if the employer explicitly asks for professional or academic references.

which resume format is the best

Common mistakes to avoid

Putting your references on your resume is really something you should only do if the employer asks for it directly. Otherwise, it’s best to avoid mentioning your references too early.

For most employers, checking references comes right at the end of the application process—because it would be too much work to check references for large numbers of candidates.

That’s why there’s usually no need to put your references on your resume. Some people like to put a line at the bottom of their resume saying “References available on request.” This isn’t a terrible idea, but it’s also not that necessary.

References are a requirement during many application processes so it’s assumed that anyone applying has references—it’s not something that really needs to be announced. They’ll ask you if they want them.

Preparing Your Reference List : Step-by-Step Instructions

Preparing Your Reference List: Step-by-Step Instructions

There are a lot of things you need to think about when choosing your reference list. In this section, we’ll go over the best practices for picking references, asking permission, and formatting your reference list.

which resume format is the best

Choosing appropriate references

The first thing you need to think about is how many references you need. The most common number employers ask for is two or three, so it’s a good idea to prepare at least three.

The second thing to think about is reference types. If the employer asks for a specific type such as professional, academic, or character references, it’s best to comply with that request. If they don’t specify, your safest bet is to include only professional or academic references.

Now, as for who you pick, consider the following:

  • Who they are
  • What your relationship is
  • What they’ll say about you
  • How quickly they’re likely to respond

When you list someone as a reference, employers will contact them by email or phone to ask questions about you, so it’s important that they’re easy to get in contact with. If you choose someone busy like a CEO, there’s a chance they just won’t see the email or reply to it quickly enough.

which resume format is the best

How to ask for permission

Once you’ve decided who you want your references to be, you need to ask them if they’ll accept to do it. No one has to write you a reference if they don’t want to and it’s not very professional to list someone without asking them first.

You may have previously inquired whether someone could serve as your reference in the future—for instance, querying a manager upon leaving a job or a professor at graduation. However, it’s still necessary to reach out again with an email to confirm this arrangement.

In the email, include a quick reminder of who you are and how you’re acquainted, and then get straight to the point and ask if they’d be willing to be a reference for you. You can tell them a little about the opportunity you’re applying for and send your resume so they’re updated on what you’ve been doing.

One more important point is to give them room to refuse. It’s generally considered a responsibility to give references when requested—but sometimes people are busy, and you’re better off keeping them happy and primed for a different favor in the future than pushing them on this one now.

Formatting your reference list

Unlike when writing a cover letter or creating a resume , formatting a reference list is straightforward and very simple. All you need to include is:

  • The reference’s name
  • Their job title
  • The company they work for
  • Their phone number
  • Their email address

A phone call is generally more inconvenient for references to take, so feel free to write “(preferred contact)” beside the email address to encourage the employer to use that.

Below the contact information, you should also add a short reference description. This literally only needs to be one sentence, explaining who they are, how you know each other, and how long you’ve known each other. Like this:

“Terry was my manager at Meta from 2019 to 2022 when I was working as a front-end developer.”

Showcasing References : Formats and Templates

Showcasing References: Formats and Templates

There are two main ways to showcase your references: directly on your resume or on a separate sheet. In both cases, however, the format largely stays the same—just contact information and a reference description.

which resume format is the best

Reference List Templates

Here are some examples of how to format your reference list:

Contact Information

Reference Name:

Reference Description:

Reference Description: (In this case, use the reference’s full name)

which resume format is the best

Best practices in reference format

There isn’t really anything fancy you need to think about when it comes to reference formats. All that matters is clarity and organization. Clearly state who the reference is and provide their contact information.

One way to make the reference section match the rest of your resume (even if you’re using a separate sheet) is to use the same contact info format as you have for your own contact info at the top of your resume. By matching the order, font, bolding, and use of colons or titling, you can create a nice organized reference section that doesn’t look like it was added in a rush.

which resume format is the best

Tips for digital submission of references

Submitting your references digitally is often exactly the same as submitting them physically—just take the reference document you would have printed out and simply attach it to an email instead!

Some companies may have a special application portal that you’ve been using to submit other parts of your application, and if that’s the case, there might be a tab for references. The employer will likely tell you when and how to fill it in but in most cases, it will just involve filling in a contact form with the same information you’d usually provide. Just make sure to read the instructions carefully so you can fill everything in as the employer wants it.

Real-World Examples of Effective Reference Sections

Real-World Examples of Effective Reference Sections

To help you get a feel for what these sections look like and how you can write a good reference description, take a look at these resume examples . The reference list is on the second page of each example (which is recommended; there’s no need to take up valuable real estate on a resume) and closely matches the style of the resume.

Entry-Level Job Applicant

Entry-Level Job Applicant Resume

Mid-Career Professional

Mid-Career Professional Resume

Senior-Level Executive

Senior-Level Executive Resume

Sales Manager

Sales Manager Resume

School Teacher

School Teacher Resume

Java Developer

Java Developer Resume

In almost all cases, you should avoid putting your references directly on your resume because it takes up valuable space and isn’t useful in the early stages of the application. However, if the employer asks for references with your resume, you can include them—either on the resume itself or preferably on a separate sheet.

Most employers tend to ask for two or three references, so you want to have at least three you can use. This can feel like a lot for a fresh graduate or someone lacking experience but if you’re struggling, you can use academic references, ask people from part-time jobs you’ve worked at, or people you’ve volunteered with.

Family members can be used as a character reference but character references are not always accepted by employers. The easiest way to know if you can use a family member is to look at the type of reference the employer asked for. If they say “professional” or “academic” references, it means they don’t want character references.

Writing up your reference is easy, you just need their name, job title, company, phone number, and email address. Below, you can write a brief reference description that tells the employer how you know each other and for how long. It only needs to be one sentence, so make sure not to ramble!

You should ideally have at least one reference from every job you’ve had, so every time you get a new job, find a reference there and remove the oldest one you have from the list. If you’re at your first job, it could be a good idea to find multiple people in different roles to be your references so you don’t have to rely on academic references again.

In a normal situation, the best way to send your references is as an attachment to an email, when the references are asked for. If you prepare them in advance, you can shoot them over as soon as you get the email asking for them, and this will look professional and well-organized! Basically, references are something you don’t need to worry about until they’re asked for, which makes it pretty easy!

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A re you exhausted from investing endless hours into creating an impeccable CV? This article introduces the top resume builders that will revolutionize your job application approach. Bid farewell to monotonous formatting and greet a remarkable resume that distinguishes itself from the rivalry. Prepare yourself to secure your dream job with self-assurance effortlessly!

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10 Best Resume Writing Services

  • Super Star Resume - Best overall
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  • Craft Resumes - Best for quick turnaround
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When creating this compilation, we considered different elements such as affordability, ease of use, accessibility, the privacy policies of the companies involved, and more. The highest-rated services offer advice, templates, and tools and allow you to consult with experts who can help you craft an impressive resume highlighting your strengths to potential employers.

Our collection comprises free services and those that make use of professional writers’ skills. Some options require a subscription or one-time payment.

>> Secure Your Dream Job With Super Star Resume

Super Star Resume - Best Resume Builder Overall

Star Rating: 4.9/5

Super Star Resume is an innovative resume builder that completely transforms creating professional resumes. By offering a user-friendly interface and a range of powerful features, Super Star Resume enables individuals to produce exceptional resumes that effectively showcase their abilities, accomplishments, and work history.

  • Skilled and seasoned writers
  • Customized strategy aligned with unique career objectives
  • Timely delivery of resumes
  • More significant expense compared to certain other resume writing services
  • Restricted selection of additional services
  • Availability may be restricted depending on demand and geographic location
  • Intuitive resume builder: An intuitive interface that simplifies the resume creation process, offering modern templates for a professional look.
  • Customization choices: Users can personalize their resumes by selecting from various font styles, colors, layouts, and sections to align with their unique style.
  • Comprehensive content suggestions: Access to a collection of expertly curated bullet points, action verbs, and industry-specific phrases to craft impactful resume content.
  • Real-time previews and editing: Real-time previewing and editing capabilities ensure a visually appealing and error-free final resume.
  • Integration with professional networking platforms: Integration with LinkedIn allows users to maintain consistency between their online presence and resume.
  • Tailored resumes for different job applications: The duplication feature facilitates the creation of multiple resume versions, each customized for specific job applications or industries.
  • Resume analytics and tracking: Users can monitor the views and downloads of their resumes, gaining valuable insights to optimize their job search strategies.
  • Professional Resume : $169
  • Resume With Cover Letter : $199
  • All-Included : $199

>> Use Super Star Resume to Secure Your Dream Job

ZipJob - Best Resume Builder for Guarantees

Star Rating: 4.7/5

ZipJob is widely regarded as an excellent option for resume creation, especially for those who value guarantees. Their impressive 60-day assurance ensures that individuals searching for employment will experience a surge in interview invitations within this period.

If this desired outcome cannot materialize, ZipJob proactively offers a complimentary review and revision of your resume. This guarantee highlights their commitment to client contentment and showcases their unwavering belief in the superior quality of their resume writing services.

  • The starting package is cost-effective
  • Complimentary ATS check included
  • 60-day interview assurance with higher-tier packages
  • The design and layout made it challenging to read the resume
  • The summary section was overly lengthy and filled with clichés
  • The formatting of the education and training sections was subpar
  • Expert resume writers: ZipJob provides access to a team of expert resume writers with the skills and knowledge to review, evaluate, and optimize your resume for compatibility with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and hiring managers.
  • ATS optimization: Meaning they ensure your resume is structured and formatted to navigate and succeed in ATS filters effectively. Employers commonly use these filters to assess and rank resumes during the initial screening process.
  • Keyword optimization: The resume builder online offered by ZipJob assists you in identifying and integrating pertinent keywords and industry-specific terminology. This practice heightens the visibility of your resume, making it more likely to capture the attention of hiring managers.
  • Job-specific content suggestions: ZipJob provides valuable advice regarding the most relevant and influential content to include in your resume for different job titles and industries. This guidance is invaluable in customizing your resume for specific roles.
  • Cover letter writing assistance: ZipJob supports the creation of impactful cover letters that complement your resume, strengthening your overall job application.
  • Unlimited revisions: One noteworthy feature of ZipJob is the option for unlimited revisions and updates to your resume. This ensures that your resume not only meets but continues to meet your specific requirements and mirrors your professional growth.
  • Collaboration with resume writers: the platform facilitates direct collaboration with the resume writers, enabling you to share additional information, discuss specific requirements, and seek clarifications at any stage of the resume creation process.
  • Launch Package: $139 (or $48/mo)
  • Fast Track Package: $189 (or $65/mo)
  • Premium Package: $299 (or $27/mo)

>> Use ZipJob to Secure Your Dream Job

Resumeble - Best Resume Builder With Custom Bundles

Star Rating: 4.3/5

Resumeble is a highly efficient and user-friendly resume builder that empowers individuals to create professional and compelling resumes. With Resumeble, crafting a standout resume becomes a streamlined process thanks to its intuitive interface and extensive range of customizable templates.

Whether you’re a recent graduate, a seasoned professional, or someone looking to change careers, Resumeble caters to all needs and skill sets. It offers helpful suggestions and expert advice to ensure your resume showcases your unique qualifications and achievements in the best possible light.

  • A 60-day interview guarantee is included
  • Budget-friendly package deals are available
  • It’s more established than some other websites
  • Keyword optimization: This feature helps optimize your resume by suggesting relevant keywords aligned with your target industry or job, enhancing your visibility to Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and recruiters.
  • Content import: Resumeble allows you to import your existing resume or LinkedIn profile, saving you the time and effort of manual data entry.
  • Real-time editing: You have the convenience of editing and modifying your resume in real time, providing the flexibility to experiment with various formats, sections, and content.
  • ATS compatibility: Resumeble ensures your resume is ATS-compatible, essential for better visibility and a higher chance of being shortlisted by employers using Applicant Tracking Systems.
  • Download options: The platform offers various download formats, including PDF, Word, and plain text, ensuring compatibility with diverse application processes.
  • Cover letter builder: Resumeble features an integrated cover letter builder, streamlining the creation of professional and personalized cover letters that complement your resume.
  • Career Pro Package : $159.00
  • Professional Package : $299.00
  • Premium Package : $399.00

>> Use Resumeble to Secure Your Dream Job

Let’s Eat, Grandma - Best Resume Builder for Range of Career Service

Star Rating: 4/5

Let’s Eat, Grandma is an inventive and progressive tool for creating impressive resumes. The platform streamlines the resume-building process, making it easier for job seekers to craft exceptional resumes. With Let’s Eat, Grandma, individuals can create unique resumes that catch the eye of employers and set them apart from the competition.

This user-friendly platform offers a range of customizable templates that allow users to tailor their resumes to showcase their specific skills and experiences. Let’s Eat, Grandma also provides expert advice and recommendations to help ensure that your qualifications and achievements are effectively highlighted in your resume.

  • Complimentary resume evaluation
  • Choices available for individuals from entry-level to executive-level positions
  • Extensive collaboration opportunities
  • Not specialized in academic CVs or federal resumes
  • Relatively higher pricing compared to some other services
  • Potential for a longer turnaround time compared to competing services
  • Expert choice: You can save your resume in multiple formats (PDF, Word, plain text) or easily share it with potential employers via email or a link, simplifying the distribution of your resume.
  • Error highlighting: The builder can identify potential errors, inconsistencies, or missing information within your resume and provide suggestions or alerts for improvement.
  • Section prompts: Pre-written prompts for various resume sections (e.g., work experience, education, skills) can help you structure your resume effectively and ensure you include essential details in each area.
  • Customizable sections: You can add, remove, or rearrange sections to tailor your resume to emphasize your strengths and relevant experiences.
  • Keyword optimization: The resume builder can recommend industry-specific keywords based on the job description, enhancing your resume’s chances of passing through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and grabbing the attention of hiring managers.
  • Starter Package : Priced at $439, but there is an anti-inflation sale price of $389.
  • Accelerated Package : $549.
  • The premium Package : $689, but the anti-inflation sale price is $614.
  • Executive Concierge Service : $1,899 or as low as $119/month.

>> Use Let’s Eat, Grandma to Secure Your Dream Job

ResumeSpice - Best Resume Builder for Job Seekers of Any Level

Star Rating: 3.8/5

ResumeSpice , a renowned online resume builder, streamlines crafting professional resumes. This platform provides job seekers with a user-friendly interface and a wide selection of templates, enabling them to create impressive resumes that align with their career objectives.

With ResumeSpice’s seamless experience, users are guided through each resume section effortlessly while receiving valuable tips throughout the process. From personal details and work history to skills and accomplishments, this platform ensures that all crucial aspects of a resume are comprehensively addressed.

  • Additional assistance
  • Timely service
  • ATS optimization
  • Guaranteed interviews
  • Restricted revisions
  • Insufficient customization options
  • Restricted refund policy
  • User-friendly interface: ResumeSpice boasts an intuitive and user-friendly platform, simplifying the resume creation process and offering a seamless experience to users.
  • Extensive template library: The platform offers a vast selection of professionally designed templates tailored to various industries and job positions. Users can explore different styles and layouts to find the perfect match for their needs.
  • Import and export options: ResumeSpice enables users to import their existing resumes in formats like PDF or Word for easy editing and updates. Users can conveniently export their finalized resumes in multiple formats, facilitating sharing with employers or uploading to job portals.
  • Mobile-friendly design: ResumeSpice is optimized for mobile devices, allowing users to create and modify their resumes using smartphones or tablets.
  • Cloud storage: The platform provides secure cloud storage for users’ resumes, ensuring accessibility and updates from any device with an internet connection.
  • Resume tracking: ResumeSpice includes tools for tracking the performance of submitted resumes, such as monitoring views, downloads, and application outcomes. These features empower users to evaluate their progress and make data-driven enhancements to their job search strategies.
  • Entry Level Resume : $479
  • Professional Resume : $589
  • Executive Resume : $699

>> Use ResumeSpice to Secure Your Dream Job

TopResume - Best Resume Builder for Customer Service

Star Rating: 3.6/5

TopResume is an outstanding resume builder explicitly tailored for customer service professionals. It offers a seamless and user-friendly experience, enabling users to create exceptional resumes effortlessly. The platform goes beyond just providing a basic resume template, offering valuable suggestions and tips to optimize the content.

This ensures that each resume created on TopResume is unique and attention-grabbing in the highly competitive job market.

Besides its user-friendly interface, TopResume provides expert review services. These services allow skilled professionals to provide personalized feedback on resumes, helping enhance their overall quality further. By leveraging this feedback and incorporating attention to detail, customer service professionals can create compelling resumes that effectively capture the attention of potential employers.

  • Streamlined registration process
  • Well-designed and formatted one-page resume
  • The summary and Job Scope sections were overly extended
  • The training section needed to have prominence
  • Skill-based sections: The resume builder features dedicated sections highlighting essential customer service skills, including communication, problem-solving, conflict resolution, and relationship building.
  • Expert review services: TopResume provides expert review services where experienced professionals offer personalized feedback and recommendations to enhance the overall quality of your resume.
  • ATS compatibility: The platform ensures that the resumes created are compatible with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), which employers commonly use for scanning and filtering resumes.
  • Download and sharing options: Users can download their resumes in various formats, such as PDF or Word, and easily share them with potential employers or upload them to job portals.
  • Industry-Specific Tips: TopResume offers industry-specific tips and guidance to assist users in tailoring their resumes to the customer service field, helping them stand out among competitors.
  • Cover letter builder: Besides resume building, TopResume provides a builder that empowers users to craft professional and compelling cover letters customized for customer service roles.
  • Mobile accessibility: The platform is mobile-friendly, allowing users to create, edit, and update their resumes while on the go, using their smartphones or tablets.
  • Entry level : Up to 200$.
  • Professional level : Up to 200$-400$.
  • Executive level : Up to $350-$700.

>> Use TopResume to Secure Your Dream Job

Resume Writing Services - Best Resume Builder for Affordability

Star Rating: 3.3/5

While may be a different size than its competitors, it stands out due to its team of talented and experienced resume writers. The website is user-friendly and provides exceptional service. However, this service’s true strength lies in its writers’ expertise. sets itself apart by offering a comprehensive consultation process and goes beyond expectations by providing unlimited calls with its resume writers. This personalized approach distinguishes them from other companies and guarantees each client receives individual attention and support.

  • Experienced resume writers of the highest caliber
  • Unlimited phone consultations and revisions
  • More expensive than rival services
  • A limited range of products
  • Skilled and experienced resume writers: takes pride in its team of highly trained and professional resume writers who possess a deep understanding of crafting effective resumes.
  • Personalized service: offers a personal touch by providing unlimited calls with their resume writers. This unique feature allows clients to engage in direct communication and close collaboration with the writers throughout the resume creation process.
  • Competitive job market expertise: The writers at have knowledge of current job market trends. This ensures that the resumes they create are optimized to excel in today’s fiercely competitive job market.
  • Quality Assurance: The service maintains a rigorous quality assurance process to guarantee that the resumes delivered to clients meet the highest standards and align with their expectations.
  • Timely delivery: is committed to delivering resumes within the agreed-upon timeframe, ensuring clients receive their documents promptly.
  • Client satisfaction guarantee: offers a client satisfaction guarantee, assuring clients are fully content with the final resume. The service is ready to provide revisions if necessary.
  • Affordable pricing: provides pricing options that are competitive and transparent, making professional resume writing accessible to a wide range of job seekers. employs a pricing system that is clear and easy to understand for their resume-building services. The initial package begins at $270 , including a comprehensive consultation with a skilled resume writer and developing an individualized resume.

They offer extra options that enable customers to personalize their packages based on their unique preferences. This adaptable pricing strategy guarantees that clients can choose the services that align with their requirements and financial constraints.

>> Use Resume Writing Services to Secure Your Dream Job

Craft Resumes - Best Resume Builder for Quick-Turnaround

Star Rating: 3/5

Craft Resumes stand out as a well-established writing and editing service known for its ability to deliver effective outcomes. Our dedication to providing a 24-hour turnaround guarantees you’ll receive the initial version of your resume promptly.

Navigating our user-friendly website is effortless, making it easy to use our services. At Craft Resumes, we specialize in crafting customized resumes to match your skills, qualifications, and aspirations for your career.

  • Speedy completion
  • Customized CVs
  • Intuitive site
  • Insufficient details
  • Absence of assurances
  • Quick turnaround: Craft Resumes commits to delivering the initial draft of your resume within 24 hours, ensuring a speedy and efficient service.
  • Expert Writers: Craft Resumes prides itself on its team of experienced writers who possess expertise across various industries and stay up-to-date with current hiring trends. They’re dedicated to making your resume stand out and catch the attention of potential employers.
  • Unlimited revisions: We provide unlimited revisions to guarantee your complete satisfaction. If you have specific changes or additions in mind, our team will collaborate with you closely to implement the modifications.
  • Confidentiality and Privacy: At Craft Resumes, we prioritize the confidentiality and privacy of your personal information. You can trust that your data will be handled securely and with the utmost discretion.
  • Tailored resumes: We specialize in tailoring resumes to align with your career objectives, industry, and job requirements. Each resume is personalized to accentuate your unique strengths and qualifications.
  • Resume Writing : $229.00
  • Basic : $279.99
  • Optimal : $339.99
  • All-In-One : $499.99

>> Use Craft Resumes to Secure Your Dream Job

Resume Companion - Best Value Resume Builder

Star Rating: 2.8/5

Resume Companion is a virtual platform and service that specializes in aiding individuals in creating resumes that are professional and impactful. It offers an array of resources and tools to assist job seekers in crafting interesting resumes that effectively showcase their skills, experiences, and qualifications.

A prominent feature of Resume Companion is its user-friendly resume builder. This tool allows users to select from various professionally designed templates and personalize them based on their specific requirements.

Users can effortlessly incorporate their personal information, employment history, educational background, skill set, and other pertinent details to produce a customized resume tailored to their needs.

  • Intuitive user interface
  • High-quality templates
  • Efficiency-boosting functions
  • Cost-effective choice
  • Restricted editing features without subscription
  • Absence of extensive customization options
  • Limited availability of extra services
  • Cover letter builder: Resume Companion goes beyond resumes and provides users with a tool for crafting customized cover letters tailored to specific job applications. This feature guides users through the process, helping them effectively present their qualifications and make a compelling case to prospective employers.
  • ATS optimization: In today’s job market, many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to screen resumes. Resume Companion helps users ensure their resumes are ATS-friendly. The platform offers valuable tips and insights on incorporating relevant keywords, formatting the document correctly, and increasing the likelihood of passing through the ATS screening process.
  • Educational resources: Resume Companion extends its services by offering an informative blog and educational materials that cover various aspects of resume writing, job search strategies, interview techniques, and career development guidance. These resources provide users with valuable insights and advice to help them create impressive resumes and enhance their job search efforts.
  • Download and sharing options: Upon completing their resumes, users can conveniently download their documents in multiple formats, including PDF and Word. Resume Companion also makes it easy for users to share their resumes online or print them offline.
  • Customer support: Resume Companion values user satisfaction and offers customer support to assist with users’ questions or concerns while utilizing the platform. Users can access support through email or the platform’s contact form.

Resume Companion provides a cost-effective solution for individuals seeking an all-inclusive service. It’s vital to remember subscription renewal is required to access future editing services. In summary, Resume Companion offers a wallet-friendly option for those who desire a user-friendly resume-building experience without needing advanced writing abilities.

>> Use Resume Companion to Secure Your Dream Job

Our Ranking Methodology for Best Resume Writing Services

To comprehensively and objectively rank the top resume writing services, it is essential to have a thorough methodology. The first step in this process was conducting extensive research and analysis. This involved gathering a comprehensive list of reputable resume-writing services from multiple sources such as online searches, customer reviews, industry directories, and personal recommendations.

  • Feature analysis: Evaluate the functionalities provided by each resume builder, considering elements like template variety and quality, customization flexibility, user-friendly editing and formatting options, import/export capabilities, spell check and grammar tools, and integration with job search platforms and professional networks.
  • Template collection: Examine the assortment and quality of templates. Look for a wide range that suits various industries, job levels, and design preferences, considering these templates’ aesthetics, readability, and contemporary design.
  • Editing and customization: Scrutinize the adaptability and user-friendliness of the editing and customization tools each resume builder provides. Assess the capacity to add or modify sections, reorganize content, and tailor resumes to specific job requirements.
  • User interface and experience: Analyze the user interface and the overall user experience each resume builder offers. Evaluate the ease of navigation, instruction clarity, guidance or prompts, and the platform’s responsiveness.
  • Integration with job search platforms: Determine whether resume builders offer seamless integration with popular job search platforms and professional networks like LinkedIn or ATS systems. Consider how well the resumes can be transferred and their compatibility with these platforms.
  • Additional resources: Evaluate if the resume builders provide extra resources such as sample resumes, tools for creating cover letters, interview tips, or career advice. Consider the breadth and practicality of these supplementary resources.
  • Mobile-friendliness: Gauge the mobile-friendliness and responsiveness of the resume builders, recognizing the growing trend of mobile job searching and application processes.
  • Customer support: Reflect on the accessibility and quality of customer support services, encompassing options like live chat, email support, or knowledge bases. Assess the responsiveness and helpfulness of the support team.
  • Pricing and value for money: Appraise the pricing plans presented by the resume builders in terms of the value they offer based on features, usability, and overall service quality.
  • Industry reputation: Consider the standing and trustworthiness of the resume builders, considering factors such as awards, recognition, partnerships, and user feedback from reputable sources.

Buyer’s Guide: Why Use a Resume Builder?

Crafting a well-crafted CV comes naturally to particular job seekers. However, even the most seasoned experts may need help in resume writing. If you find yourself in need of help with creating a compelling resume, here are several ways in which the best online resume builder can be beneficial:

Resume builders provide users with pre-designed templates and helpful tips, streamlining the process of writing a resume and alleviating stress.

Offers Writing Tips

Promoting oneself requires considerable effort. Only some people possess writing skills, even if they enjoy self-promotion. To showcase one’s experience and knowledge effectively, a resume builder can help select the most appropriate words and phrases.

Improves Design

In every field, there are unique standards for an impressive resume. If you need to gain knowledge in design or the tools, resume builders can provide free templates to enhance your resume’s visual appeal and quality.

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Recruiters often use ATS systems to scan resumes. A good resume builder will help with formatting to ensure that your resume is easy for these systems to read.

What’s the Best Resume Builder?

The ideal resume builder for each individual may differ according to their specific requirements. If you prefer a tool that offers step-by-step guidance in creating your resume, we suggest using a builder that provides helpful tips and recommendations. If you prefer a resume builder that auto-generates a summary, we recommend using a tool that extracts information from your LinkedIn profile.

For those who enjoy having creative control over their resumes, we suggest using a platform with features. By selecting the resume builder that aligns with your needs and suits your industry and personal style, you’ll significantly increase your chances of capturing the attention of hiring managers.

Resume Builder vs. Resume Writing Service: What Matters for You

When it comes to crafting a resume, there are three options available. You can opt to create it independently, use a resume builder tool, or enlist the services of a professional resume writer. Your best choice will depend on your writing abilities, available time, and financial resources.


You have the choice to construct a resume entirely by yourself. The benefit of this option is that it costs nothing but requires a significant amount of effort. Along with composing all the information, you must possess graphic design skills.

This approach works well if you have these abilities, but with them, your options for creating a resume are unlimited. To overcome this limitation, you can use a resume builder or enlist the help of a resume writing service.

Resume Builder

A tool for creating resumes allows you to input your details into a template, resulting in an original appearance and layout with no design work. The top resume building tools also offer suggestions on enhancing your resume and tailoring it to match the specific job you are applying for.

While you are still responsible for writing the content, once it is written, you can quickly transfer that information into any other template with just a few simple clicks. Some of these services are free and many like to promote themselves as such, but most require a small payment to download your finished resume.

Professional Resume Writing Service

Professional resume writing services are expensive, but they offer the convenience of handling all the work for you. An experienced writer will gather relevant information about your background and transform it into a unique and engaging resume.

The process typically takes a few days, and the level of originality in the outcome largely relies on your choice of company and writer. However, we will not delve into these services further in this guide.

Are Resume Builders Worth It?

Definitely, without a doubt. An effective resume creator will guarantee that your CV is formatted correctly to navigate Applicant Tracking Systems and ultimately reach the hands of recruiters.

Is It Unprofessional to Use a Microsoft Word Resume Template?

Relying on a template will not set you apart, and there is a high likelihood that your application will be dismissed because your resume is identical to those of other job seekers.

Final Thoughts

Choosing the right resume builder is crucial in today’s competitive job market. Creating a professional and impactful resume that stands out from the crowd can significantly impact your job search. With the right tool, you can save time, improve your chances of landing an interview, and ultimately secure your dream job.

When selecting a resume builder, consider your specific needs and priorities. Look for features like customizable templates, industry-specific examples, and the ability to export your resume in different formats. Consider user reviews and ratings to ensure you choose a reputable and reliable platform.

Remember, an exceptional tool for crafting resumes should give you the power to present your skills, experience, and accomplishments effectively. It should simplify and expedite creating a resume without hassle. Investing in a reliable resume builder is investing in your professional future.

Therefore, explore the different options available for resume builders. Test out their free trials or demos and choose the best fit for your objectives. Our top recommendation is Super Star Resume . This meticulously designed resume can open doors to exciting career prospects and be a dependable companion on your journey toward success.

Ahad Waseem is a business, blockchain, and cybersecurity writer who often takes on art, politics, and economics too. As a linguistic engineer who writes to solve problems, he’s written for various tech and business publications. When he’s not writing, he’s probably on horseback, caring for his houseplants, or training Bonsai trees. He can be reached at [email protected] . McClatchy’s newsrooms were not involved in the creation of this content. We may earn a commission if you make a purchase through one of our links.

©2023 Miami Herald. Visit Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.


Skabeloner til CV'er

/ 0 - 5 års erfaring

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Vælg en af vores professionelle CV-skabeloner for at komme i gang med din jobansøgning. Du skal bare udfylde din foretrukne CV-skabelon for at skabe et fejlfrit, ATS-venligt CV på under 5 minutter. Prøv en af vores 8+ gratis CV-skabeloner for at lave et imponerende CV og få dit drømmejob på ingen tid!

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Hvorfor Novorésumé?

Gratis OG Premium

Vi tilbyder både gratis og premium CV-skabeloner, så uanset hvad dit budget er, kan du stadig drage fordel af vores CV-builder.

Kreative og professionelle CV-skabeloner

Uanset om du er en kreativ annoncør, der leder efter en kreativ CV-skabelon uden for boksen, eller en bankmand, der leder efter en mere professionel CV-skabelon, så har vi en skabelon til dig!

INGEN skjulte gebyrer

Hvis du har prøvet andre CV-byggere, har du sikkert oplevet dette: Du bruger timer på at lave et CV, og når du klikker på "download", bliver du mødt af en betalingsmur, der beder dig om at abonnere.

På Novorésumé gør vi ikke det . Vi har Ingen skjulte gebyrer - opgrader KUN til Premium, hvis du ELSKER vores CV'er!

Alle Novorésumés CV-skabeloner er bygget med de mest populære Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) i tankerne. Det betyder for DIG, at uanset hvilket job du søger, vil den CV-filtreringssoftware, de bruger, være i stand til at læse dit CV (og IKKE automatisk kassere det).


Oana Vintila


I over 10 år nu har jeg været på begge sider af hegnet, karriererådgivning og rekruttering, og lad mig fortælle dig, at skriveblokeringen rammer hårdt, når det kommer til at udforme dit CV.

Novorésumé tilbyder dig ikke kun en smart og moderne skabelon, som du kan udfylde, men deres team har også skabt en vindende kombination af æstetik og funktionalitet, som vil inspirere dig til at søge det job, som du troede var uden for din rækkevidde. Giv det et forsøg!

Biron Clark

Tidligere Executive Recruiter

Novorésumé er en af de få CV-byggere, som jeg anbefaler online. Deres CV-skabeloner er moderne og iøjnefaldende og vil fange en arbejdsgivers opmærksomhed. Som tidligere rekrutteringsmedarbejder ville jeg lægge mærke til og blive imponeret, hvis en kandidat sendte mig et CV bygget med en af disse skabeloner.

Softwaren gør det også nemt at indtaste dine oplysninger og håndterer al formatering for dig, så du kan få dit CV klar til at blive sendt ud så hurtigt som muligt. Jeg anbefaler disse skabeloner, uanset om du er nyuddannet eller en erfaren kandidat.

Gabriela Tardea

Karrierestrateg, coach og træner

Når jeg rådgiver folk om CV-skrivning, er det mest almindelige spørgsmål, jeg får, om indholdet, og hvilke komponenter der skal tilføjes eller undgås, når de har mindre end 5 års erhvervserfaring.

På denne platform har du ikke kun adgang til mange muligheder, men du får også vejledning i, hvad du skal vælge og hvorfor. Når arbejdserfaringen er mindre end 5 år, gør de andre komponenter som sprog, projekter, erfaringer med frivilligt arbejde, hobbyer osv. en stor forskel.

Ressourcer til CV

Hvad er et cv.

Et CV er en kort opsummering af personlige og professionelle erfaringer, færdigheder og uddannelseshistorik . Hovedformålet er at vise dit bedste jeg til potentielle arbejdsgivere.

Når du søger job, vil du (i de fleste tilfælde) blive bedt om at indsende et CV sammen med en ansøgning.

Hvis det lykkes dig at lave et "godt" CV, vil du 2-doble dine chancer for at blive ansat . Vil du lære hvordan? Se vores komplette guide til hvordan man laver et CV .

Hvordan skriver man et CV uden erfaring?

Processen med at skrive et CV kan virke meget skræmmende for dig. De fleste eksempler på CV'er, du ser på nettet, handler trods alt 80% om erhvervserfaring. Så hvad pokker kan du inkludere i dit CV, hvis du ikke har nogen?

Her er nogle gode nyheder. Hvis du søger et begynderjob eller en praktikplads, er der ingen, der forventer, at du har NOGEN arbejdserfaring.

I stedet bør du fokusere på det, du har: uddannelse, projekter, erfaring med frivilligt arbejde, hobbyer og interesser.

Læs vores artikel for at få en komplet guide til hvordan du får et CV uden erhvervserfaring til at skille sig ud.

Hvad skal der stå på et CV?

De mest almindelige afsnit på et CV er:


Resumé af CV eller målsætning


Hvis du vil gøre dit CV lidt mere personligt, kan du også inkludere følgende afsnit:

Erfaring med frivilligt arbejde

Hobbyer og interesser

Hvis du vil vide mere om, hvordan du placerer disse afsnit i dit CV, kan du læse vores artikel om hvad der skal stå i et CV .

Hvordan formaterer man et CV?

Her er de tre mest populære CV-formater:

Omvendt kronologisk CV

Funktionelt CV


I 99 % af tilfældene vil du vælge omvendt kronologisk cv-format . Det er det format, de fleste CV'er, du har set, følger - hovedfokus er din arbejdserfaring, skrevet ned i omvendt kronologisk rækkefølge.

Så medmindre du er studerende uden erhvervserfaring eller karriereskifter, anbefaler vi, at du holder dig til dette format.

Hvis du vil vide mere om de tre CV-formater , kan du læse vores sammenligningsguide.

Hvordan skriver man et CV til en studerende?

Et godt studenter-cv udnytter uddannelsesafsnittet til at fremhæve kandidatens færdigheder og kvalifikationer.

Så det første, du skal gøre, er at fortælle om alle dine akademiske resultater, herunder alle kurser, du har taget, som er relevante for stillingen.

Som studerende forventer ansættende ledere ikke, at du har omfattende erhvervserfaring, så du behøver ikke at bekymre dig om, at afsnittet om erhvervserfaring mangler i dit CV. I stedet kan du fokusere på at fremhæve dine ekstracurriculære aktiviteter , alt frivilligt arbejde, du har udført, og dine priser eller certificeringer.

Denne guide til studerendes CV har alle de oplysninger, du skal bruge for at perfektionere dit CV og få dit første rigtige job.

Hvordan skriver jeg et CV til mit første job?

Hvis du søger dit første job, har du sandsynligvis ikke ret meget erhvervserfaring. Det er helt i orden - det forventer ansættende ledere af nye medarbejdere.

Først og fremmest skal du gå efter det omvendt kronologiske format. I stedet for at skrive et CV-resumé skal du bruge et CV-mål til at fremhæve dine færdigheder og karriereønsker. Hvis du har nogen form for erhvervserfaring, så skriv det på dit CV.

Hvis ikke, bør du fokusere mere på de følgende afsnit:

Praktikophold , hvor du skal fokusere på, hvad du har lært og opnået

Extracurriculære aktiviteter , hvor du bør fremhæve din rolle, dit ansvar og dine resultater.

Erfaringer med frivilligt arbejde , hvor du bør nævne organisationens navn og relevante opgaver og resultater.

Projekter , hvor du fortæller om eventuelle personlige projekter, du har arbejdet på (som også på en eller anden måde er relevante for det job, du søger).

Tjek denne guide til at skrive et CV uden erfaring for at lære mere om emnet og blive inspireret af eksempler fra det virkelige liv.

Hvor langt skal et CV være?

Kort svar: en side. Hvis du er en erfaren professionel med en masse arbejdserfaring, der er relevant for stillingen, kan du oprette et 2-siders langt CV MAX.

Langt svar: Tjek vores guide til hvor langt skal et CV være .

P.S. Alle vores skabeloner er en side lange , så du burde ikke have problemer med at holde dig til grænsen på en side!

Hvordan skriver man et CV-resumé?

Dit CV-resumé er en "krog", der placeres øverst i dit CV. Tænk på det som en introduktion til resten af dit CV. Det skal i 2-4 sætninger forklare, hvad din baggrund er, og hvorfor den er relevant for den stilling, du søger.

Hvis du vil vide mere om, hvordan du laver et cv-resumé , der skiller sig ud, kan du læse vores guide.

Hvordan skriver man arbejdserfaring på et CV?

Arbejdserfaring på et CV er en af de ting, der er nemme at lære, men svære at mestre.

Hver arbejdserfaring skal indeholde følgende oplysninger:

Virksomhedens navn/beskrivelse/placering

Præstationer eller ansvarsområder

Datoer for ansættelse

Hvis du vil lave et afsnit om erhvervserfaring, der skiller sig ud, skal du gøre dine resultater målbare. Det betyder, at du i stedet for at lave et ansvarsfokuseret afsnit som f.eks:

"Udførte salgsaktiviteter."

Du opremser dine resultater:

"Ramte og overskred de månedlige salgs-KPI'er i 5 måneder i træk."

Det viser arbejdsgiveren, at du ikke bare er en tilfældig kandidat, men at du er en A-spiller! Hvis du vil vide mere om, hvordan du lister præstationer i din erhvervserfaring (og får jobbet), kan du læse vores artikel.

Hvordan skriver man færdigheder på et CV?

Du skal blot oprette et afsnit med "færdigheder" i din Novorésumé CV-skabelon og liste dine bedste færdigheder. Vi anbefaler normalt at gå efter en blanding af hårde og bløde færdigheder .

Er du ikke sikker på, hvilke færdigheder du skal have med i dit CV? Tjek disse 101 væsentlige færdigheder til ethvert CV .

Hvordan laver man et følgebrev til et CV?

Du bør altid sende en ansøgning sammen med dit CV til ethvert job, du søger. Her er nogle af vores bedste tips til, hvordan du gør det rigtigt:

Tilpas din ansøgning til arbejdsgiveren. Jo mere personlig den er, jo mere sandsynligt er det, at den rekrutteringsansvarlige kan lide dig.

Skitsér din generelle baggrund (erhvervserfaring, profession osv.), og nævn dine 2-3 bedste resultater for at vise dine færdigheder.

Hvis du virkelig vil skille dig ud, skal du lave en ansøgning, der matcher din CV-skabelon. Det kan du gøre ved at bruge en af vores skabeloner til følgebreve her .

Hvis du vil vide mere om, hvordan du skriver en overbevisende ansøgning, kan du læse vores omfattende guide.

Hvad er den bedste CV-skabelon?

Der er ikke noget, der hedder "den bedste CV-skabelon" - alle rekrutteringsfolk/arbejdsgivere har deres egne personlige præferencer. Vores generelle anbefaling er at lave research på virksomheden og dens værdier.

Hvis du f.eks. søger en stilling i en bank, skal du bruge en mere traditionel CV-skabelon. Eller hvis du vil have et job i en nystartet virksomhed, hvor de lægger mere vægt på innovation, kan du vælge en kreativ CV-skabelon .

Alternativt kan du vælge en af disse minimalistiske CV-skabeloner , hvis du ønsker, at din erfaring og dine færdigheder skal tale for sig selv.

Endelig, hvis du stadig ikke er sikker på, hvilken type skabelon der passer til det job, du søger, kan du bare bruge en simpel CV-skabelon for en sikkerheds skyld.

Skal jeg have et foto med på mit CV?

Nej, du behøver ikke at inkludere dit foto sammen med dine andre kontaktoplysninger. Virksomheder ansætter på baggrund af kvalifikationer, hvilket betyder, at dit fysiske udseende ikke bør betyde noget for den ansættende leder.

I stedet skal du sørge for at inkludere følgende i afsnittet med kontaktoplysninger:

Professionel titel

Gyldigt telefonnummer


Beliggenhed/hvor du er baseret

Link til hjemmeside/ LinkedIn /online portfolio osv.

Hvad er forskellen på et CV og en ansøgning?

Når folk taler om et CV eller en CV, mener de i de fleste tilfælde det samme! Den eneste forskel er, at det hedder et resume i USA og et CV i Europa (og de fleste andre lande i verden).

I USA er et CV et meget dybtgående dokument, der beskriver din karriererejse trin for trin, inklusive alle mulige personlige oplysninger . Afhængigt af din erfaring kan et CV fylde mellem 2 og 8 sider, og det bruges typisk, når du søger job i den akademiske verden.

Se vores guide for en mere omfattende gennemgang af forskellene mellem et CV og et CV .

6 tips til at lave et amerikansk CV (der giver dig jobbet)

Ønsker du at blive ansat i USA? Se vores tips til at lave et amerikansk CV nedenfor!

Hold dit CV på mellem 1-3 sider . Et CV på én side er at foretrække, medmindre du er en erfaren professionel. I så fald kan du gå efter to eller endda tre sider, hvis din erfaring virkelig er relevant.

Brug standard amerikansk engelsk . Så skriv for eksempel "color" i stedet for den britiske version, som er "colour".

Undlad personlige oplysninger , såsom civilstand, fødselsdag, køn, foto, antal børn, alder, religion, personlige identifikationsnumre og etnicitet/oprindelsesland. De kan give anledning til diskrimination.

Indsæt ikke referencer , medmindre arbejdsgiveren specifikt beder dig om det.

Lad være med at angive engelsk som fremmedsprog.

Lad være med at angive dine GPA-, SAT-, TOEFL- eller ACT-scores på dit amerikanske CV, medmindre andet er angivet. Ansættende ledere er normalt ligeglade.

Tjek denne guide for den fuldstændige liste over tips og tricks til CV'et !

Bliv inspireret af vores CV-eksempler

Faq om cv-skabeloner, sådan laver du et cv med novorésumé.

Følg disse enkle trin:

Vælg en af vores bedste CV-skabeloner ovenfor

Følg de tips og tricks, der er indbygget i vores CV-bygger

Udfyld din arbejdshistorie og andre erfaringer

Tryk på download og begynd at søge job!

Hvad hvis jeg er studerende?

Alle vores CV-eksempler er studentervenlige! Hvis du leder efter noget, der er lidt mere skræddersyet, anbefaler vi, at du vælger "college-cv-skabelonen"

Eller hvis du vil lære, hvordan du laver et overbevisende studerende-cv , så tjek vores guide.

Har jeg virkelig brug for et CV?

Ja, du har helt sikkert brug for et CV!

Næsten alle job kræver, at kandidaterne indsender et CV og en ansøgning, så hvis du vil have, at din ansøgning skal tages i betragtning af den ansættende leder, skal du helt sikkert have et CV.

Er disse CV-skabeloner gratis?

Ja, alle skabelonerne på listen ovenfor er gratis CV-skabeloner.

Men vores CV-bygger kommer med et væld af premium-funktioner. Så hvis du vil personliggøre dit CV og gøre det til dit helt eget, kan du opgradere!

Hvem har lavet disse CV-eksempler?

Hos Novorésumé lægger vi stor vægt på at skabe hver enkelt CV-skabelon.

Vi har interviewet rekrutteringsfolk og analyseret systemer til sporing af ansøgere for at skabe eksempler på CV'er, der maksimerer dine chancer for at blive ansat.

Derefter arbejdede vores professionelle grafiske designer med at gøre CV-prøverne overbevisende, veldesignede og lette at læse!

Hvilken skabelon foretrækker de fleste arbejdsgivere til CV'er?

Arbejdsgivere foretrækker typisk enkle, professionelt udseende CV-skabeloner, der følger det omvendt kronologiske format og ikke fylder mere end to sider MAX.

Alle Novoresume-skabelonerne ovenfor opfylder disse krav, så du kan være sikker på, at de ansættende ledere vil synes om den, du vælger.

Er disse CV-skabeloner ATS-venlige?

Ja, det er det! Alle Novorésumé-skabeloner er ATS-venlige .

Husk dog, at den rigtige skabelon er trin 1. Du bør også optimere dit CV-indhold til systemer til sporing af ansøgere. Du kan læse mere om det i vores guide til at lave et ATS-venligt CV .

Tilbyder du CV-skabeloner til én side?

Jep. Alle de skabeloner, du ser ovenfor, er CV-skabeloner på én side. De er dog ret fleksible, så hvis du beslutter dig for at bruge to sider, kan vores skabeloner klare opgaven!

Skal jeg downloade mit nye CV i PDF eller Word?

Du bør altid downloade og gemme dit CV som en PDF .

Her er hvorfor:

PDF-formatering bliver aldrig ødelagt.

Den er kompatibel med stort set alle systemer og enheder.

PDF-dokumenter ser renere ud og er generelt mere professionelle.

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CV Creator - Resume Examples 4+

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    Good for professionals in the business world or IT industries. Square brackets, bullet lists, infographics, and icons work together in this template to attract the hiring manager's attention and get them to go over your work experience and achievements in depth. #5. Creative Resume Template. Pick Template.

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    Use the right file format: The most acceptable formats are .pdf and .doc, so you may want to keep a copy of your resume in both formats. Keep it simple: Use appropriate spacing and sections for readability. Avoid graphics: Pictures, lines, and other graphics will be seen as a garbled mess of text by ATS.

  9. Resume Examples for 2024 & Guides for Any Job [90+ Examples]

    The reverse-chronological format is still the best resume format in 2024. It remains the most widely used and preferred format by employers and recruiters alike. In this format, you list your work experience in reverse chronological format, starting with your most recent position and working backward.

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    Stay away from fonts with too much flourish. 3 Use traditional section headings like "Summary," "Work history," "Skills" and "Education.". 4 Include keywords from the job description. The job ad will have resume keywords that hint at the essential qualifications the employer wants.

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    Create Resume. Choose a resume format carefully. In 99% of cases, we recommend the reverse-chronological format. Add the right contact details. Leave your headshot out and make sure to include your job title, a professional email address, and any relevant links.

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