
How to Make a Video Resume that’ll land you a Job in 2024 (With Examples and Templates)

  • video resume

video resume sample for freshers

Did you know that video resumes have been around for a very long time and are a great way to get an edge over the competition?

A well-made video resume can give you a chance to present yourself creatively and allow a hiring manager to assess your personality, thus giving you an opportunity to better represent yourself over traditional CVs.

But there’s a catch- an unprofessional video resume can adversely hinder your chances too and hence, the real question is how do you create one that makes recruiters stand up and take notice, even if you don’t know how to edit videos? 

In this blog, we’ll cover everything you need to know about how to create pro video resumes + if you stick around till the end we will also share free templates you can use right away to create a stunning video resume using InVideo’s online editor .

Easily create professional resume videos

With the world’s easiest video resume creator

Easily create professional resume videos

Plan of action

1. Should you make a video resume? 2. What should be in a video resume? 3. How to make a video resume? 4. 10 amazing video resume examples to inspire you

1. Should you make a video resume?

Before we jump into whether or not you should make a video resume, it is important to understand that video resumes are not a substitute for traditional resumes. Hiring managers will always need a document for reference that has all of your details. However, a video resume can be an interesting way to break the fourth wall and get your future employer’s attention.

Infographics on video holds attention

Industries that depend on visual communication and engagement like media, design, fashion, advertising, and production would appreciate a video resume and it would add more weight to your profile. On the other hand, if you are applying to customer-facing roles like sales, a video resume will help you stand out from the other applications and give your hiring manager a better understanding of your skills.

2. What should be in a video resume?

A good video resume will introduce you, summarise your experiences and learnings, and lastly but most importantly, give a hiring manager reasons to reach out to you. To help you understand the building blocks of a video resume, let’s divide it into 3 sections: the introduction, the experience, and the call-to-action.

Graphics on What should be in a video resume

A. Introduction

Of course, you will start by introducing yourself but you can take it a notch higher and address the company you are applying to - for example, “Hello InVideo , I’m John Doe”. Not only does this get their attention but it makes them feel prioritized. The next thing you want to address is what profession you’re in or aspire to be in. So if you’re a filmmaker you can simply state that or be creative with words and say you’re a visual storyteller.

B. Experience

After the introduction, you want to talk about your passion for what you do and support it by referring to your past experiences and work. For example, building on the filmmaker’s introduction, you could talk about how meeting people from around the world and sharing their stories is something that deeply motivates you - and then you can share an experience that supports it. You don’t need to only talk about your work experience. You can also focus on life experiences that have led you to cultivate skills - like taking a year off to travel abroad, volunteering at a shelter, or a hobby that you actively pursue. You can also speak about your special achievements and awards that will add value to your profile, or you can get someone to speak on behalf of you as social proof.

C. Call-to-action

At the end of the video, you want to leave the ball in their court. However, you also want to give them a reason to call you for an interview. For example, you could end the video with this - “I have a lot more to me than I could fit in this short video and I hope you give me a chance to tell you about it over an interview”. Also make sure to list links to your social media profiles, your online portfolio or your resume website .

You must also check out the end of Mattias Larson’s video resume which fits so aptly for his role as a filmmaker.

Here’s a list of dos and don’ts for making a video resume: 

list of do's and don’ts for making a video resume

1. Always maintain eye contact with the viewer

You want to speak directly to the person viewing the video and have a conversation with them, and so it is essential that when you record yourself you look directly inside the camera lens.

2. Show your personality

Your video resume must reflect your personality - through your words and visuals. Make sure you script the video keeping your natural tone in mind. For example, if you’re someone who enjoys pop culture, use those references to describe yourself as an employee - “I am at level Monica when it comes to organising and planning but I can be a total Phoebe when I have to express myself creatively.” 

3. Dress appropriately

While you don’t have to dress formally to record your video resume - make sure you wear work-appropriate clothing.

4. Record in proper light conditions

Always shoot in good lighting conditions or else you will end up with dark and patchy footage. You can check out our equipment recommendations for lighting solutions here .

5. Keep it simple and short

You want to leave an impression with your video resume - so keep it simple and short. The maximum length of your video resume should be 2 minutes. Don’t add unnecessary details which can be covered in your traditional CV and cover email.


1. use of slang words and jargon.

One of the biggest no-nos of a video resume is using slang words or jargon. This may be perceived as disrespectful and lessen your chances to be shortlisted.

2. Avoid background noise

Shoot in a calm and quiet place so that you have clear audio and no distracting background noises. You can also use recorders and mics to ensure crystal clear audio - check our recommendations here .

3. Mug up the script and recite it

You want to have a conversation and not just spew out information. You don’t need to remember the script verbatim, instead, know the gist and let the words flow naturally when you record yourself.

4. Worry about not covering everything

Your video resume is not an alternative to your traditional resume - which means you will have to send in a written document too. So don’t worry about covering all the details of your work experience and schooling. Instead, use the video resume to summarise it and talk more about how it added value to your career and life.

Land your dream job!

With professional-looking video resumes

Land your dream job!

3. How to make a video resume?

If you want to create an impressive video resume you have to plan and execute it well. This is why we have jotted down a step-by-step plan for you to follow.

Let’s begin then!

A. Make a note of what you want to say

Make a note of what you want to say

Your traditional resume will have most of the details you want to speak about in your video resume - so start there. Make sure to keep the 3 sections discussed above in your notes so you can add as many interesting details to your video resume. You can also add interesting anecdotes that are very specific to the job role you are applying for. Once you have collated these notes and know what you want to exactly communicate through your video resume, you can move on to scripting it.

B. Write your video resume script

It is in this phase where the video actually starts taking shape. Your video resume script is the blueprint of the actual video. This is where you start visualising the flow of the video - what kind of visuals you want to add, do you want pop-up texts, and most importantly, what will you be speaking.

Writing a script for your video resume is the easiest way to put it in an audio-visual format. This simply means that in one column you will mention the visuals of the video, for example - working on the laptop, a person making a creative on Adobe Illustrator, etc., and in the adjacent column you write the audio that goes with it - whether it is a narration, someone speaking or even music.

Write your video resume script

Here’s a template you can start using to write your video resume script right away.

C. Shooting the visuals & recording the audio

After you are done writing your script , it’s time to execute the video . You can start by creating the first layer of your video resume which would be of you speaking into the camera. Set up the frame in a well-lit area with a clean background that is not too distracting - like a plain wall or your desk.

Shooting the visuals & recording the audio

Depending on the role you’re interviewing for, you can also set up your frame to support your story. For example, if you’re a photographer or filmmaker, you can shoot in a studio set up with lights and equipment in the background, and if you are a fashion designer or artist, you can showcase your work in the frame to make it more creative and interesting.

Once you’re done shooting the base layer of your video resume, it is time to start working on supporting footages or B-rolls . These can be images and videos that support your narrative, for example - when you talk about what college you graduated from you can show a video or photo of your college or of you at the graduation ceremony.

You must have enough B rolls to make your video resume visually engaging. We have written a complete guide that will help you master the art of shooting and editing B rolls. However, if you don’t want to spend time and shoot B rolls, we’ve got a superb hack for you that will let you use stock footage to make your video resume visually stunning. We’ll get to it in the next section.

D. Editing your video resume 

Now that you have your footage ready, it’s time to edit it.

We’ll be using InVideo to edit our video resume because it is super user-friendly, gets the work done quickly, and is free. In fact, if you have never created a video before, don’t worry, the editor is super intuitive and easy to use.

On InVideo, you can either start with a blank canvas (perfect if you know exactly how you want your video to look) or you can choose from our video resume templates and customize them to suit your style. Here’s a step-by-step guide to editing your video resume on InVideo:

Step 1: Sign up with InVideo for free

Log on to and sign up using your email ID. It is free and you don’t need to put in your credit card information.

Step 2: Choose a template or blank canvas

Once you have logged in on InVideo , you can either choose a blank canvas or search for a template using the search bar. For this example, we will be using a template. Simply type ‘video resume’ in the search bar and you will be directed to pre-made, fully customizable templates .

Edit video resume using InVideo - Step 2

Step 3: Upload your footage

Once you’re on the editor page, you can upload your video footage by clicking Upload Media on the left-hand side toolbar.

Edit video resume using InVideo - Step 3

Step 4: Add your videos to the timeline

Add the base layer of your video resume to the timeline. This is the footage of you speaking to the camera, or the footage that has your narration and dialogues recorded. You can simply drag your footage to the edit timeline in a sequence. Now start trimming out the sections that are not needed - like when you took a long pause or said the wrong word.

Step 5: Add B rolls to your video resume

Now that you have your base layer ready, it is time to add B rolls to make it more visually interesting. Start by adding B rolls where they fit - like if you have a video from college or your workplace, add it as a B roll to the base layer when you speak about it. The next thing you need to do is use B rolls to cover any remaining cuts to ensure that your video flows smoothly.

To add B rolls to your video , simply drag the video file you want to add above your base layer. This will prompt a pop-up that asks you if you want to add the file as a layer - click on Add as a layer and you can trim your B roll as per the length required before adding it on the base layer.

Edit video resume using InVideo - Step 5

Now for the hack - not everyone can shoot B rolls for their video resume but that doesn’t mean you can’t make your video unique and eye-catching. With InVideo you can choose from 8+ million premium stock videos and images for free. This will allow you to add B rolls to your video resume using stock footage without having to shoot it yourself.

You can follow the same steps to create your video resume but instead of uploading your B roll files, you can simply click on the media library and search for free stock footage. For example, if you want your B roll to support the narrative of you working as a beach cleaning volunteer, simply type the words ‘beach cleaning volunteer’ and you will get many stock videos to choose from.

Edit video resume using InVideo

You can try this with any other keywords and our media library will scout for the most relevant stock videos for you to add to your video resume.

Step 6: Final check before exporting

Once you’re done with adding B rolls to your video resume, preview the video by clicking on the play icon above the timeline. If you’re happy with what you see, click on Export and then Download your video resume once it is ready.

Edit video resume using InVideo - Step 6

Ready to make your own video resume? We’ve listed down 10 unique video resume examples to motivate you to create your own.

4. 10 amazing video resume examples to inspire you  

1. conversational video resume.

Mark Leruste ’ s creative video resume went viral in 2012 and it is no surprise why. The video is engaging, funny and uses quick cuts to effectively tell the story. Most importantly, the tone of the video is conversational and the visuals make it very interesting to watch. 

2. Scripted sketch video resume

This creative video resume by Alex is scripted in a way where she interviews herself, allowing her hiring managers to not only see her quirky personality but also assess her storytelling skills. She answers questions that are usually asked in the first interview meeting and uses her editing skills to visually represent her narrative.

3. Simple video resume

This extremely simple video resume by Arthur Coppens is a great example of how you can use video resumes to show your work and demonstrate your skillset. It has been shot in a simple setting with not a lot of snappy editing techniques but it does the job well.

Use this template to create your own video resume.

4. Experiential video resume

In her video resume, Shafira Attasha uses photos and videos to highlight her experiences and show her hiring managers what she has been doing. The video is filled with visual anecdotes of her internship, volunteering, and job experiences that bring out her versatile and creative personality.

5. Storytelling video resume

If you are a filmmaker, shooting an incredible video resume is a great way to showcase your skills. Being a filmmaker, Denny Kremblas has turned his video resume into a story of him and he narrates his experiences at the backdrop of stunning visuals. This is a great resume example to show how important it is to write a script for your video resume.

Here’s a video resume template for you to get started.

6. Motion graphics video resume

Kristiyan Despodov’s video resume shows off her strong editing skills even without her speaking in the video. The music plays an important role in this video resume because it leads the narrative and keeps the viewer hooked.

Use this template to create your own video resume for free.

7. Animated video resume

This animated video resume by Nick Gray is simple and creative. He speaks about his skills and experiences that make him a perfect fit for the job role and the interesting visuals keep you hooked to the video.

8. Self-pitch video resume

If you have a dream company that you have always wanted to work with, and you understand their culture - create a video resume specifically for them, as Erin Vondrak did. In her video resume, she talks about why she wants to work with valve and what makes her a good pick for the job.

9. Introduction video

This video curriculum vitae by Mattias Larsson is visually stunning and lets the hiring manager get a peek into the kind of work he can produce. His video resume does not list out his experience but is rather an introduction where he also talks about why he got into filmmaking.

10. Vlog-style video resume

Isa’s visually-driven video resume will have you hooked to her story from the very beginning. She not only introduces herself but also lists out her life and job experiences, her skill set, and what motivates her. This vlog-style video resume is engaging and gives you an insight into Isa’s life.

Use this template to create your own video resume. 

You know everything there is to know about creating a great video resume. We have also equipped you with tools and hacks to make your video resume visually stunning. So what are you waiting for? Start now.

You can start with the 5000+ templates available on InVideo’s online editor that allows you to create stunning videos in minutes, so sign up for a free account today. 

If you found this article helpful and you want to leverage videos for your business or brand, you should definitely check out this YouTube video ideas guide with more than 200 video ideas.

Want to be a part of a community of creators, just like yourself, and discuss video guides, strategies, and of course, inspire each other? Join the InVideo community – a place for you to connect and learn from 20,000+ other video creators like yourself.

1. What is a video resume?

A video resume is a short video created by a prospective employee to share with hiring managers. This not only helps them stand out from the crowd but also creates a lasting impression. A video resume is in no way an identical multimedia copy of your traditional resume, instead, it should be able to communicate why you should be hired. Check out Barney Stinson video resume from the popular TV series How I Met Your Mother .

2. Are video resumes a good idea?

Even though video resumes have been around for a while, many industries have not openly taken to it. You need to understand the culture of the industry you are applying to and then ask yourself if a video resume will help or hinder your chances. For example, a video resume will not fail in creative industries and even tech. However, industries like finance, hospitality, medicine, and teaching still operate traditionally. If you still feel like making one, you can create a short video resume to introduce yourself. Maybe your resume will be able to get you a video editors Job, who knows?

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Outstanding video resume examples to get you hired.

Woman in glasses and white blazer smiling during a meeting with a male colleague in a modern office setting.

  • 29 Jul 2019

For the majority of workers out there, a video resume (AKA a video CV) seems like a scary prospect. But when you’ve been job hunting for a while, you start to yearn for ways to stand out, a simple solution for bottling your x-factor and dousing your potential employer in it.

Enter:  video resumes .

But how do you make good video resume? And equally important, where do you find video resume examples to inspire and guide you?

Biteable is one of the most popular online tools for  creating video resumes  and we’ve seen some cracking video resume examples recently. We gathered them all here, along with our favorite tips for making your own.

After you’ve soaked up all that inspiration, get started with one of the ready-to-edit video resume templates we included.

Create videos that drive action

Activate your audience with impactful, on-brand videos. Create them simply and collaboratively with Biteable.

What makes a good video resume?

A video resume (or video CV for you Brits and Aussies) isn’t a verbatim list of your accomplishments and employment history turned into an awkward movie. Paper resumes still do a good job of summing up your quantifiable achievements.

A video resume should make an impression and show off your undefinable qualities. It should convey the strengths you can’t put on a paper resume, qualities such as warmth, clear communication, charisma, humor, and your off-the-cuff chatter.

Here are some of our favorite examples of excellent video resumes.

The internet’s best video resume examples

Before you jump into making your own video resume, check out some video resume examples (or video CV examples, for those of you who speak the Queen’s English), to get you inspired.

1. A novel format

video resume sample for freshers

Alex creates a scenario in this video where she interviews herself all the while showing off her editing, storytelling and presentation skills, painting the story of a determined, aware and creative young person ready to work. If you’re trying to get into the video or creative industry, this approach can show off your creative thinking.

2. Precise (and concise)

video resume sample for freshers

Sajita doesn’t mince words, she’s well rehearsed and speaks clearly with limited vague business jargon because she knows this isn’t open mic night at the Chuckle Shack. Get it right, get it tight. Get the key points you’d like to discuss down on paper and avoid awkward pauses.

3. Skills on display

video resume sample for freshers

People are busy. Kristiyan Despodov gets to the point immediately with this punchy video resume that doesn’t even show his face. He gives you an introduction to his skills rather than the full suite of abilities and shows them in action. You want to intrigue the viewer, so only show the best bits.

4. Design prowess

video resume sample for freshers

Are you an in-front-of-the-camera or a behind-the-scenes person? Josep Maria Arroyo managed to make a video resume without actually using any video. He works his magic in post-production, formatting photography of himself into a video resume that shows off his design chops, with clean layouts and a minimal color palette.

5. Multimedia all the way

video resume sample for freshers

If there’s a way to include snippets of yourself actually working, do it! Laura Harris uses snippets of screen recordings to show her skills in-situ while also rattling off a list of development languages she’s familiar with. It’s a great way to emphasise your skills and will break the video up with different types of content.

6. Creative showcase

video resume sample for freshers

Cristina Castro  took an even more creative approach to the video resume — she literally got crafty. It might sound cheesy but creative problem solving and self-expression will benefit you in almost all industries. And it’ll definitely benefit your resume.

Showing some creative flair in your video resume, even if it’s just a thoughtful intro screen (like the ones we make at  Biteable ), can add an element of polish to your video resume.

7. Crystal clear CTA

video resume sample for freshers

In just one minute, Graeme Anthony tells you exactly who he is, what he’s good at, and what he’s trained to do. Then he links you off to his website to find more information which is something a lot of people forget – you have to give the viewer a path to find out more. Even though this video is only 60 seconds, it does the job, shows flair, and gives you somewhere to go.

Video resume templates

As promised, we’ve lined up some ready-to-edit video resume templates to help you in your quest for a job-search home run.

Perfectly polished

video resume sample for freshers

You don’t have to be a video editor to create tasty visuals. Achieve polished results with a professional template. Edit this Biteable video resume template with your own content and bada bing, bada boom — you’re the proud owner of a beautiful video resume.

Visual prompts

video resume sample for freshers

A good video never drags. Use visual prompts to accompany your points rather than monologuing to the camera. Complementary video footage (whether it’s stock imagery or video content you’ve shot yourself) can work together with text to convey more emotion and break up the dialogue of your video resume.

Not ready for a resume but #OpenToWork?

LinkedIn’s #OpenToWork feature helps connect job-seekers with recruiters by letting everyone know you’re…open to work. Stand out from the crowd with an #OpenToWork video that gets to the heart of who you are and what you offer in 30 seconds.

Show off your most hireable skills to a broader audience than your typical video resume, and watch as new connections make themselves.

Use a snappy, fun, and professional option like this one:

video resume sample for freshers

Or a more traditionally corporate-style video like this one:

video resume sample for freshers

Is a video resume right for me?

You might be left wondering if a video resume is the right move for you. Video resumes have been a ‘thing’ for years but some industries and employers still see them as wacky.

You need to decide if a video resume can help or hinder your chances by deep diving into the culture of the industry or company you’re trying to break into.

What are the cultural expectations? What is the average hiring manager like? Are they more traditional or do they embrace difference?

If you’re trying to get into the creative field, go for it. Don’t hesitate. Tech is also an area where a video resume would be a safe bet.

For more traditional industries (such as teaching, finance, and nursing) think about what angle your video resume could take that would give you an edge over the competition. It could be as simple as introducing yourself and saying hello or demonstrating your skills in-situ.

What are the benefits of a video resume?

Well. You’re watching the video resumes of these people but how often do you sit down to read people’s paper  resume ? Literally never.

Video resumes are a potent tool if done well. Companies talk big game about merit-based employment, but when you’re faced with a pile of resumes that list equal achievements, awards, and all brag about conversational French, who has the edge? The culture match does. The person who will get the job done and elevate the office culture.

We don’t often let our personalities shine on our resumes but remember: there’s a person, not a robot, on the other side of the Seek link.

As simple as it sounds, that person will connect with you more by seeing your face and hearing your voice than reading your two-page, Arial, size 12 font description of your career. There’s a lot of unspoken cues you can take from the way a person speaks, moves, dresses, and the words they use that can indicate if they’d be a good culture fit.

Make a video resume with Biteable

Now you’ve seen what the competition is doing, go out and break a leg! But not really. Unless you’re applying for a job at Leg Breaking Inc. in which case carry on. Try out  Biteable’s rejection-proof templates  to get you started.

Biteable makes it easy for anyone to create a video with customizable templates and done-for-you editing features. Add your own footage (or record new footage directly in the app), or choose from over 1.8 million stock clips, images, and unique animations.

With Biteable, you’ll make your first video faster than they can say “you’re hired”.

Make stunning videos with ease.

Take the struggle out of team communication.

Try Biteable now.

  • No credit card required
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How to Write a Video Resume Script? [Format + Examples]

That sweet new company you’ve always coveted finally has an opening. You hit the apply button and hey, what’s this? The job application requires… a video resume? Worry not, a video resume is an excellent way to showcase your personality and profile in real-time beyond the confines of the traditional resume. Do it well, and it can even up your odds of getting the gig. Read on for our best pointers on how to write a video resume script that will help you land your dream job.

1. Getting started

Let’s start with what a video resume script is not — a recitation of the written word. In fact, it needs to supplement your paper resume and bring stuff on the page to life. The goal is to create a professional first impression for hiring managers. Here’s a step-by-step guide with our best video resume tips.

Psst. If you’re a fresher or an engineer, we’ve got a couple of fill-in-the-blank scripts for you at the end of this post! For everyone else, you can use these scripts as a guideline to write your own.

But first…

Find some inspiration

Before you start, watch 5-7 video resume examples from your industry to check out exactly what is out there and the clichés to avoid. Make a note of the tone, structure, and delivery style, and any other additions to incorporate in your own video resume script. The goal is to cater to your job industry or role.

Decide on a length

To sustain your hiring manager’s attention, it must be a short video ranging from a minute to 90 seconds. This time constraint will force you to keep the content snappy, and engaging. A tall order, we know, but you got this.

Show, don't tell

To make a video resume, the goal is show, not tell. Use the video medium as a way to emphasize or illustrate your point. An easy way to do this is to write your script as a two-column table. On the left, add what you will say and on the right, add visuals–a logo, photo, chart, or animated graphic. Leave some breathing space too, you don’t want the viewer to be distracted.

Don't forget the basics

Open with a smile and remember the first 20 seconds should be for the basics–a quick introduction containing your name, the role you’re applying for, and your most recent qualification or previous position. End with a quick reference to what excites you about the company outside the role (like how the company’s values align with your own), a confident call-to-action, and you’re all set. This call-to-action can be as simple as requesting them to contact you–or if you’re feeling extra confident– schedule a video interview.

2. Get your story straight

Remember that a good video resume is the one that tells a story with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Here are a few examples of narrative structures to get you started:

Video Cover Letter: Pick 3-4 of the most important skills needed for the job and illustrate them with specific examples or situations from your previous experience. This sandwich of skill-example-outcome is tried-and-tested across industries and will help you create an engaging video resume even if you’re feeling uninspired.

Project Walkthrough: Follow this up with examples of your work. If you’re applying for a job in a creative industry, pick the most impressive project in your portfolio and walk employers through key points in the creative process from start to finish and the challenges you overcame throughout. It’s an excellent way to demonstrate your creative thinking and problem-solving skills in real-time for a professional video resume that gives recruiters a glimpse into what it would be like working with you.

Career Snapshot/Recap: If you’re looking to change industries or careers, your video resume could capture what sparked the transition and the transferrable skills you’re bringing to the table. It can serve as a recap of your journey in or towards that field. A great example comes from Isabel Salas, a social media specialist.

3. Use simple graphics

Sometimes all you need to make your video go from amateur to professional is the use of simple, relevant graphics.

For example, have a simple graphic with your name and skillset slide in for a few seconds when you first start speaking. If there’s something you want to emphasise, have the talking points slide in when you’re speaking. These small touches will add a big impact.

On ChopChop – a video tool built for first-time creators, it’s super easy to add graphics to your video clips, so do check it out when you have some time.

Video resume script for freshers

video resume sample for freshers

If you’re a fresher straight out of college, you can stand out simply by going the video resume route.

Job seekers need all the help they can get to make their application unique, and a great video resume tells recruiters you think differently. This is your chance to discuss the real-life learnings and skills built from leadership positions, clubs and activities, and internships completed throughout college.

Since it’s your first job, hiring managers want to see a passion and budding proficiency for the industry/subject area. They’re looking for people whom they can train to become future leaders, meaning the must-haves outside the job description include interpersonal skills, visual communication, clarity of thought, presentation skills etc.

And all these can be illustrated through the video resume.

A video resume script for freshers could look something like this:

Hi, my name is Sam Smith and I’m a Communications major from Hunter College in Spring 2021. I’m based in London and can speak English and French. Over the next 2 minutes, I’d like to tell you why I’d be a great fit for the Social Media Manager position at ATC. First off, my coursework in [subjects] has given me strong foundations in [areas relevant to the role]. I’m a self-taught SEO marketing and analytics professional certified by Google.

Let me take you back to my junior year, where I got a chance to apply these skills in real-time through my internship at ZenDesk. I optimized their back-end SEO which upped the click-through rate by 7.2%. I became a true team-player working with cross-functional teams across industries. I also headed social media marketing for the Robotics Club at university, taking it from 10 to 250 members in just 2 years.

To wrap it up, I’m a quick learner who thrives in fast-paced environments, and I’m excited to use my passion for social media to carry ATC’s vision of sustainable societies. Thanks so much for your time, please check out my resume for more details!

Video resume script for engineers

video resume sample for freshers

When it comes to a video resume script for engineers, it’s all about highlighting your technical expertise and problem-solving skills. Here, you could use the Project Walkthrough format to highlight a specific project and demonstrate your approach.

Here’s our crack at a video resume script for engineers:

Hi, my name is Sam and I’m a self-taught software engineer with 5 years of experience with Python and SQL. I started my career at [company 1], a food delivery start-up of 5 employees before moving on to [company 2], an advertising agency of over 200 employees, so I’m familiar with the demands of businesses at each level.

Being in charge of development at [Company 1] gave me a chance to nail my fundamentals and come up with new approaches to smooth out our workflows. And moving on to [Company 2] taught me to take my processes to scale. I also did some freelance work over the last year. I’d like to take you through one of these projects.

I had to develop an app for an e-learning website named []. My main challenge here was to develop a mobile app which offered a seamless user experience and could be used by kids in remote areas with spotty internet connections. During the initial stage, I encountered [challenge 1]. I realized the way to go was [solution 1]. And next was the issue of [challenge 2]. Together my team and I decided to [solution 2]. I’m happy to report that the app was super well-received with minimum bugs, and it got us [outcome].

I’m passionate about creating delightful user experiences and always curious to find new ways to approach tough problems. Please check out my portfolio for more details, and feel free to write me at the email ID on the screen. Thanks for your time!

Head over to ChopChop

Now that you’ve got all our best tips on how to make a brilliant video CV, it’s time to get down to it.

Wondering how to do it? C hopChop makes it super quick and easy, even if you’ve never edited videos before. Simply upload the clip, choose the graphic style, enter the text in the form, and you’re all set!

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How to Make a Video Resume (Plus Top Examples)

Written by samantha ferguson.

Last updated on 22nd April 2024

In today’s competitive job market, it’s essential to stand out from the crowd when applying for a new role.

While traditional resumes are still widely used, video resumes are becoming an increasingly popular way to showcase your skills and personality to potential employers.

A well-made video resume can give you an edge over other candidates and help you land your dream job.

But how do you make a video resume?

What should you include, and how can you ensure that it’s professional and effective?

In this post, we’ll guide you through the process of creating a video resume step-by-step, and share some of the best video resume examples to inspire you.

Whether you’re a recent graduate, changing careers, or simply looking to refresh your job search, this guide will help you create a standout video resume that gets you noticed by employers.

So grab your camera and let’s get started!

What is a resume video?

But it’s more than just transforming your paper resume into a video format. It’s a way for you to showcase your personality, create a great first impression, and emphasise your talent and skills.

Just like a paper resume, you need to cover the essentials:

And, above all, make sure you answer one simple question: Why should the employer hire you?

If you’re a little uncomfortable in front of a camera, no problem! Not all video resumes need to show a candidate talking directly to a camera. Other styles include:

Whiteboard video


Choose a style that is going to best represent you and your skills.

Why create a video resume?

A video resume can help you stand out in a competitive job market. In a world where attention spans are shrinking , video is the perfect way to get your message across succinctly and effectively.

With studies finding that visuals are processed 60,000x faster than text, a video resume will get your message across straight away and could pique the interest of a recruiter who has been filtering through paper resumes all day.

In addition to that, a video resume is likely to leave a lasting impression. According to a Wyzowl infographic about the power of visual communication, people remember 10% of what they hear, 20% of what they read, and 80% of what they see and do . So, by watching your resume instead of reading it, recruiters are more likely to remember you when the time comes to hire a candidate.

Video resume: Pros and cons

How to make a video resume: 6 top tips.

Here are our top 6 tips for making a video resume.

  • Write a script
  • Make it relevant
  • Keep it short
  • Get creative
  • Make it professional
  • Collect feedback

Let’s drill into each of these in more detail!

1. Write a script

First things first: Do not wing it. To ensure your video includes everything that you need to cover, write a script out first . This will give you time to perfect what you want to say and phrase everything in the best way.

If you’re going to be on camera then it’s also best to memorise the script. You don’t want to be reading from it while filming as this could come across as unprofessional and detract from how you want to portray yourself to potential employers.

Check out this article for our expert guide to writing a script (based on creating 4,000+ videos for clients all around the world.)


2. Make it relevant

Just like a paper resume, your video resume should be specific to the role you are applying for. A generic video is unlikely to impress potential employers, but personalisation will show them how much the role means to you and will make for a more memorable application!

3. Keep it short

Recruiters are busy people. They have a lot of resumes to get through and they want to be able to do it as quickly as possible. If you send in a feature-length biopic about your life so far, it’s safe to say that they aren’t going to watch it in its entirety.

4. Get creative

Unfortunately, a video alone is not going to make you stand out. Tons of people are making video resumes now, so you need to make yours worth watching.

Think outside-the-box and get creative when it comes to filming your video. We’re going to take a look at 3 awesome video resumes a little further down so be sure to watch those to gain some inspiration!

5. Make it professional

This might seem like stating the obvious, but your video should be of a professional quality. Thankfully, most smartphones these days are capable of filming in HD. It’s fine to shoot it (or animate it) yourself, but make sure that the lighting, framing and editing are akin to that of a video made by a professional.

Also, make sure that your voice can be heard clearly – whether you’re speaking directly to the camera or recording a voiceover.

6. Collect feedback

Before sending your video resume out to employers, ask your family and friends to critique it. It’s always better to get feedback from others because they may spot a mistake that you missed, or they might even suggest a fantastic idea that didn’t occur to you.

3 awesome video resumes

Before creating your own video resume, it could help to gather some inspiration by looking at some awesome examples.

Denny Kremblas

This is a filmmaker’s resume so, as you’d expect, it’s beautiful and professionally-shot. Aside from that, it gives an insight into the candidate’s past to let potential employers know more about him and his journey.

The video ends strong with the candidate’s contact details and also links to his other videos – so potential employers can view more of his work before getting in touch.

Maria Rodriguez

This lovingly crafted animation would really stand out in an employer’s inbox. It’s bright, colourful and fun, and it covers all points succinctly. The candidate covers her education, past experience, special skills, and also some of her personal interests.

Pay close attention to the script when watching it. A great script, like this one, can really intrigue potential employers and make them want to find out more.

Mark Leruste

You may think that making a comedic resume video is a little bit risky, and perhaps it is. But, after trawling through applicant after applicant, a recruiter might really appreciate some light humour to break up their day. Plus, it’s one way to get them to remember you!

This candidate does a great job of mixing humour with the facts that every employer wants to know.

Thanks for reading

Video resumes are fast becoming the new norm, so it’s important to make one and start sending it out to potential employers – Good luck!

For more tips, tricks, and ideas on all things video, head to the Wyzowl blog .

Written by <a href="" target="_self">Samantha Ferguson</a>

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Video Resume Guide: How to Make a Good Video Resume (Tips & Examples)

  • Noel Rojo , 
  • Updated January 11, 2024 7 min read

Want to stand out from the crowd and get more job interviews? Depending on your industry, learning how to make a good video resume might be the way. 

That’s because a video resume or video CV can allow you to highlight sought-after personality traits, such as charisma, humor, and confidence, which don’t often come across in a traditional resume. 

If you have such traits and want to learn how to make a video resume, then this article is perfect for you.

Start with an engaging video introduction, get inspired from video ideas and create a job landing video profile!

Table of Contents

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What is a video resume and when to use one

How to make a good video resume, what should i say in a video resume, great video resume examples, more video resume tips, best video resume websites, editors and apps, tiktok resume.

Video resumes are more akin to a cover letter than a resume and should really be called video cover letters.

They are mostly used by those in creative professions, as it's a perfect way to demonstrate talents that would otherwise be hidden on a traditional resume. If your field of work requires strong communication skills, then a video resume might be a great way to showcase them. However, it’s important that you read the room properly and that you’re sure that a video CV is actually appropriate for the occasion. 

As a video CV is normally kept short and it's an entirely different medium, there are a few video resume pros and cons, such as: 

  • Soft skills such as communication skills are put on display.
  • Hard skills such as video editing are also showcased.
  • Uniqueness can give you an edge against an equally qualified
  • Shows dedication
  • Not able to cram as much information
  • Can be informal
  • Can open you up to discrimination
  • Hides your grammar skills

Related: Recruiter Reveals: Video Resumes, Pros and Cons & How to Make One

Let’s get the big red elephant out of the room first — a badly done video resume will  kill your chances of getting hired. 

If you’re to create a half-baked video resume, then stop here and just submit a regular resume. It’s often the best option anyways. 

However, if you think your qualities will shine through in a video and are applying to an industry where a video CV can work, such as the entertainment, marketing, and design industries. Then let’s continue. 

Just follow these 6 steps when creating your video resume:

1. Test your equipment

A clear picture and excellent quality audio is a must if you want to create a professional looking video.

2. Create a script

The last thing you want to be asking yourself while filming your video CV is, “what should I say in a video resume?” . Plan before you begin recording, create a script, but use it more as a guide and avoid reading it word by word. 

As to what you should say in a video resume, it will depend on your industry. However, try to highlight personality traits which are otherwise hard to showcase on a traditional resume.

3. Dress appropriately

Although you want to show off your personality, try to keep your attire on the formal side. Treat it similar to a virtual job interview . No pajamas or stained/wrinkled clothing, etc. 

4. Don’t recite your resume

A video resume is its own kinda beast. If you have nothing extra to show on one, then just send in your resume and call it good. Simply reciting your resume verbatim is likely to be a detriment to you instead of a plus. 

5. Rewatch your video

It’s important that you don’t have any inconsistencies when submitting your video resume. Also, it’s easy to miss our own mistakes, if you can share it with a friend or family member. Even better, if you have a job mentor to share it with. 

6. Edit your video

You want to make sure you cut any distracting noises or empty moments from your video. Now, how long is a video CV? Try to keep it between 90 seconds in length.  There are many tutorials online that can help you make a professional-looking  video edit .

Now that you know the practicalities on how to make a video resume, it's time to move on to the most important question, “ What should I say in a video resume? ”. 

Apart from highlighting your personality traits, it’s important to have a clear message in mind when creating a video CV.

Knowing what you need to say is more akin to knowing what they need to hear. This is the key to creating a sound video resume script and an overall great video resume. 

You can do so by dividing your video into these 5 parts:

  • Self-introduction : Your name, the position you're applying for and experience level. Something as simple as, “Hello, my name is Matt and I'm a graphic designer with 7 years of experience in the travel industry" should be enough . 
  • Say why you're applying for the position: Tell them why you're interested in the role you're applying for and show your passion for the job. Make it specific, not generic.
  • Include key accomplishments: Give a quick summary of relevant accomplishments throughout your career. Keep it brief (1-2 achievements) and make sure to quantify your accomplishments .
  • Add recommendations (optional) . If you have good feedback from previous employers or clients, use a snippet as proof of the expertise and accomplishments you just mentioned.
  • Closing : Re-iterate why you're interested on the position and re-share your contact information. Try adding this information on the screen, as it can be easily removed when uploading it publicly". 

In the end, your script should look something along these lines: 

Video resume script example

Video resume script.

Hello, my name is  [your name]  and i’m a  [job title]  with  [X]  years of experience in the  [job industry] .

I’m applying for the  [job position]  role at  [company name]  because I believe my core values and skills align perfectly with what  [company name]  is searching for.

I’ve had a passion for  [your career field]  for as long as I can remember and have pursued this passion by volunteering at  [name of organizations] , getting a degree in  [career role] ,  [list certifications] , as well as many personal projects, such as  [list related personal projects] .

Also, apart from meeting the requirements for the position, I can also bring other skills that are sure to benefit  [company name]  bottom line.

For example,  [list of relevant quantified results and accomplishments throughout your career] .

Honestly, as you can see from the video I get excited from just talking about the possibilities of working for  [company name] . It has always been a dream of mine.

Thank you so much for your time, and am looking forward to hearing from you.

Of course, a script is not enough when we're talking about video resumes.

Here are 5 great examples that will fuel your inspiration:

1. Visual designer video resume example

2. Internship video resume example 

3.  Student video resume example 

4. Mass communication video resume example 

5.  Film maker video resume example

As you can see from these examples, some careers are a better fit for a video CV. However, regardless of your career, so long as you have qualities that shine through on a video, you should be good to go. 

One thing to note is that even if you decide to create a video CV, it's important that you always accompany a video resume with a traditional resume.  

Other video resume tips to keep in mind are:

  • Use a video resume maker : Seriously, unless you’re a designer, using a tool specifically made for video resume is the way to go. The last thing you want to do is show your potential employer your bad editing skills. 
  • Talk clearly and slowly : Yes, you'll have less to say because of this. You just have to make sure you only add the best bits of information. 
  • Understand company culture : This is important because the overall tone of your video should change depending on the company and career field. Hard to keep an overly enthusiastic tone when you're applying as a data analyst. It just wouldn't be genuine. 
  • Add background music : I mean, don't add anything with vocals as it will distract from your voice. But adding a mellow background can help eliminate unwanted background noise.

And lastly, prepare, prepare, prepare. Create that script! Can't emphasize this enough. 

Video not for you?

Get creative with a traditional resume.

There are a plethora of video CV applications on the web. Yet, not all are created equal.

Some are clunky to navigate, others overpriced and many of them are jacks of all trades that excel at nothing. 

And as you’re aware, you might only get one chance to impress an employer. Hence, it’s important that you have the right software for the job. 

Here are 9 of the best video resume apps that will ensure you ease of use so that you can concentrate on the actual message : 

  • Biteable 
  • Movavi Video Editor
  • VistaCreate

Also, apart from these video resume editors, remember that in a creative field, many things are valid. You can even use your social media accounts, such as Instagram, Snapchat, or TikTok to deliver a job landing video resume.

It’s always good to keep up with the times. Just a few months ago the new social media giant launched a pilot program designed for recruitment and job discovery called TikTok Resumes. 

TikTok teamed up with companies such as Chipotle, Target, Shopify and many others to invite job seekers to apply for entry-level to experience-level positions through its platform. 

What a great way to showcase your creative video resume.

Here are a few TikTok resume tips if you decide to go the TikTok route: 

  • Avoid sharing personal information
  • Create a video outline
  • Film vertically
  • Highlight key-points with text boxes
  • Add soft music

Oh, and don't forget to use #TikTokResumes in your caption when publishing it. 

FAQ: Popular questions about video resumes

Video resumes can be effective in distinguishing you from the rest. However, whether it makes an impact or not depends on the industry you work in. If you’re in the entertainment, marketing, or design industries, then it’s likely to be effective. Otherwise, it might not be as beneficial and might even be detrimental due to liabilities.

Video resumes are important because they allow employers to quickly glance at a potential employee’s personality, dedication, and other soft skills such as communication. It can also serve as a way to weed out fake applicants.

There are a few advantages you get when you create a video resume, such as having the ability to showcase your personality traits, your communication skills, as well as your ability to go above and beyond to get the job. However, it is important to keep in mind that a video CV does not replace a traditional resume and it’s more like an addition.

When creating a video CV it’s important to keep it relevant, specific, and to the point. Hence, a good video resume is rarely longer than 90 seconds.

Companies might ask for video resumes due to many factors such as wanting to know more about your personality and creativity.

Unless you’re applying as an impromptu comedian, the best way to sell yourself in a video resume is by preparing thoroughly. That means, creating a script, tailoring it to the job description, being brief, and showcasing traits that would otherwise remain hidden in a traditional resume.

First you need to be aware that a video resume is unlike a traditional resume and you should not attempt to recite your paper resume verbatim. Treat it more like a cover letter in which you summarise your best skills and qualities and reasons why you are the best fit for the role.

A documentary photographer and writer. Noel has worked for International publications like Deutsche Welle in Germany to News Deeply in New York. He also co-founded the global multimedia project Women Who Stay and collaborated as a journalist fellow with the University of Southern California. He went from traveling around the world to sitting on a couch thanks to the pandemic, but he got a nice job working for Kickresume thanks to that, so he won't complain.

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Video resume guide for students and freshers (template included).

Video Resumes are not substitutes for a paper resume or a cover letter. But they work incredibly well in enhancing your job application. 

A Video Resume is a short (2-3 minutes) introduction of yourself. Just like a regular resume, these too describe your education, experience and skills. They help you pitch yourself better to the employer and buy you the extra time to let them know why you deserve the role.

How to Create a Video Resume?

Creating a video resume might sound challenging. But take it from here, it is easier than you think.

Here is a 7 step guide to making a stunning video resume that would help you demarcate yourself as a special candidate.

  • Do the Research

Before you start working on your Video Resume, it is suggested to carry out thorough research about the company, job role and the recruiter. Every job profile demands a different set of niche skills and your job application must be tailored to fulfil those demands.

  • Read the Job Description thoroughly, visit the company’s website and google the market demand.
  • Get a clear idea of what your recruiter is expecting from you.
  • Analyze if you match the requirements.

Remember!! Some employers may not encourage Video Resumes as it might be against their company’s norms. So, carry out a thorough research before sending out a Video Resume to the recruiter.

  • Write a Script

Write down a script summarising everything that you’d want to say. A quick introduction followed by the reasons why you should be hired can be a good sequence for the script. Highlight all the relevant skills, experiences and qualifications. Remember that your participation in activities, competitions and events in and outside your college also count as experience.

Make sure that your language is formal, correct and impressive. However, try not to fake it because the recruiters are experienced enough to find out. Using action words is a good trick to sound convincing.

  • Rehearse Your Lines

Rehearsing is important before you film the actual video because this way you can mend your tone and intonation. Remember that your video resume should be conversational and not robotic. So keep it as natural and engaging as possible.

Use the rehearsals as an opportunity to practice looking straight into the camera and wearing a pleasant smile. 

  • Find the Right Equipment and Set-Up

Fret not. You will not need any fancy or expensive equipment for the recording part. All you’ll need is a smartphone with some good video and microphone quality.

Placing your smartphone on a table or ask your friend to hold it for you . Remember to use only the back camera and keep the camera at your eye level. And for lighting, you can always turn towards natural lighting.

For the setup, it is suggested to choose a plain background. An office set up with a table and computer can also be a good idea but ensure that there is nothing to distract the viewers (recruiters).

You are already a pro at recording videos in your smartphone. It’s time for you to leverage these skills for your career. 

Here are some key points to remember while recording the video –

  • Wear a smile and look straight into the camera
  • Sound interactive and natural
  • Don’t hesitate to reshoot
  • Dress formally
  • Don’t wear too much makeup
  • Use hand gestures but keep them minimal

Just like the one with a neatly laid out resume will have an edge over the other candidates, the one with the neatly edited video will have an edge over the other candidates. Ensure to properly crop the beginning and ending parts of the video. Increase the brightness, if required. You can usually do such basic editing on your smartphone itself. However, Inshot and Splice are some great tools to take help from.

  • Upload it on to your portal

Once you have your Video Resume ready, go to the RiseSharp portal and upload it. For this, you will have to log in to your portal, go to the dashboard and hit on the resume builder option. Then, scroll down to the “Tell Me About Yourself” option and upload the video. Ensure that your video is in MP4 format and the size is not more than 10MB.

Do’s and Don’ts of Making a Video Resume

The above guide pretty much covers all the points to be kept in mind while making a video resume. But to help you put your best foot forward, here are some additional tips.

  • Use impressive and grammatically correct language 
  • Dress formally 
  • Mend your voice modulation
  • Speak with clarity of thoughts
  • Showcase your skills if possible
  • Be creative with your delivery
  • Speak irrelevant stuff and get too personal
  • Wear unnecessary accessories or makeup
  • Keep your video background cluttered
  • Use too many hand gestures or body movements

Remember that a Video Resume alone will not land you a job or an internship. But it will certainly help you enrich your job application. So grab your smartphone and make your Video Resume .

Video Resume Script Template

Hello. My name is XXXX and welcome to my video resume.

I would like to take this opportunity to tell you a little about myself. I earned a bachelor’s of arts in English from XXXX University. During my four years of Under Graduation, I’ve been into a lot of extra and co-curricular activities. In my 2nd year, I served as a Coordinator for the Literary Team of the Student Activities Council at my University and also has been elected as the Secretary of the same team in my 3rd Year. During my tenure, I was fortunate enough to learn and excel in a lot of things. Apart from writing scripts for the University events and content for various entities, I also trained a team of about 70 students to Anchor for both intra and inter University Events and Fests.

I was also the Student Editor for the University Magazine. There was a team of 15 students working under my guidance.  

My tenure as the Secretary of Literary Team and the Student Editor of the University Magazine helped me hone my writing skills while learning managerial and interpersonal skills. It helped me become passionate, attentive and extremely motivated in my work life and personal life.  Crisis Management is another skill that I’ve excelled in through my experience of working with Student Bodies.

I also scored 178/190 in the Business English Communications Vantage Examination conducted by Cambridge. 

During my 3rd year of Undergraduation, I began writing blogs and articles as a freelancer for a company. From that experience, I developed the skill of writing articles and blogs with legitimate research and SEO integration. I can write grammatically correct and quality content within the stipulated time.

The profound experience that I gained during my Undergraduate helped me land an internship at a Marketing Firm named XXXX. During the internship, I was involved in ideating and visualising for Social Media Creative, Marketing Campaigns and a lot more things. Writing website content with SEO keywords integration is one task I excelled at. 

Within a span of six months, I’ve developed the skill of playing with words and adding value to every word being used into crafting the content. I’ve been appreciated by the firm’s clients for my engaging content for social media. I am a motivated team player and aspiring Content Writer with proven communications skills seeking to grow my knowledge of the marketing industry and use my skills as a junior Content Writer in your firm. I believe that my skill set is the right match to your job requirements. I will bring commitment, great enthusiasm, creativity, and a positive outlook to everything I do in and outside of work. 

Thank you for watching and I look forward to meeting with you in the near future.

Use RiseSharp’s Resume Builder feature to seamlessly send out your resume to the employers. Get your college or university signed up to RiseSharp today!

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video resume sample for freshers

Elevate Your Job Search Efforts with a Captivating Video Resume through Joblu’s JobReels

video resume sample for freshers

What is a video resume?

A video resume is much like an elevator pitch that allows candidates to introduce themselves and impress recruiters. The pressure surrounding the topic may be overwhelming considering that you need to make an impact within a short amount of time, but we’ve got you. This article will tackle everything there is to know about video resumes, including sample scripts and tips in making one.

Table of Contents

Video resumes for job applications.

Short-form videos are undeniably taking over the world – just look at TikTok. In 2022, Demand Sage reported that about 3 million people have TikTok on their phones. As a result, people have been applying the TikTok formula and using video resumes even for job applications.

If you’re a person competing with highly-experienced and tenured candidates, veer away from stuffing your CV with exaggerated descriptions and experiences because a recruiter can sense overcompensation. Instead, help employers have a connection with you through an introductory video. This way, they can associate your CV with an actual person, and not just a name with bullet points.

Why Video Resumes Are Essential Nowadays

Below are the reasons why video CVs are more of a necessity than a luxury:

  • A video resume can help you stand out from other applicants and make a more memorable impression on employers. In a competitive job market, it can be immensely difficult to get noticed. A well-made video resume can help you differentiate yourself from other candidates and make a stronger impression on potential employers.
  • A video resume allows you to showcase your personality, communication skills, and enthusiasm for the job in a way that a written resume cannot. Having the chance to address the audience directly in a video CV, you can effectively showcase your enthusiasm and desire for the job. This can be a fantastic approach to dazzle potential employers and convince them that you are the ideal candidate for the position.
  • A video resume can provide potential employers with a more comprehensive view of your qualifications and experience. In a written resume, you’re limited to listing your skills and experiences in bullet points. In a video resume, you can provide more detailed descriptions of your previous work, accomplishments to give them a better sense of your capabilities.
  • A video resume can help you speak directly to employers. This allows you to highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position, and demonstrate why you’re the best fit for the job. Aside from that, it can build a sense of connection since the tailor-made message seems like you’re directly addressing the viewer.
  • A video resume can be a convenient way to share your qualifications and experience for remote jobs. Because a video resume is digital, you can easily share it through online platforms. This can be especially useful if you’re applying for jobs in a different city or country, or if you’re unable to meet with employers in person.

Steps on How to Make a Video Resume

Step 1: make a video resume script.

Whether you need one for jobs or internships, scripts for video resumes should always be simple and straightforward. With the limited time given, you should be able to condense essential personal and professional information such as the following:

  • If applicable, include past experience
  • Display proficiency mentioning requirements
  • Optional: interests, personality
  • Call to action

Sample video resume introduction script for jobs

My name is [name], and I am very much passionate about [insert hobbies and passions]. I believe I will be your next [position].

I have attained a degree in [degree] at [name of school or university] which gave me the opportunity to work as a [insert previous position]. During my time there, I developed [insert projects for previous companies]. My projects then resulted in [result of project]. Then, [other posts if any]. With that, I can confidently say that my current skill set and experience make me a strong candidate for this position.

[Narrate another instance when your skills came in handy]

The job posting mentioned the following roles like [insert job requirements], I can confidently say that [insert why you can fulfill the requirements with past experience or motivation to learn].

Once again, my name is [name], and I can ensure that I can be an asset to the company as a [position you’re applying for].

Thank you for watching my video and please don’t hesitate to email me for an interview. I look forward to being a part of your team!”

Sample script of video resume for students

“Hi! My name is [name], and I am very much passionate about [insert hobbies and passions], and it would be an honor to be an intern at your company. I’m currently taking up [degree] at [name of school or university]. Throughout my time in university, I have launched projects for my organization which resulted in [result of project]. I have also [insert other extracurriculars if any]. I am confident that my professors and extracurricular activities have prepared me to take on first-hand experiences working as an intern for your company. [Narrate another instance when your skills came in handy] Once again, my name is [name], and I am sure that I am a valuable asset to the company as a [position you’re applying for]. Thank you for watching my video and please don’t hesitate to email me for an interview. I look forward to being a part of your team!”

Step 2: Record yourself with a camera or a video CV maker and edit

  • Pick an appropriate location or space. The background must look professional and neutral to help the attention focus on you. Nonetheless, adding a plant or a flower vase can add a pop of color.
  • Utilize a good-quality camera. Recording on a smartphone, a tablet, or a digital camera is advisable. However, it must be able to produce high-resolution videos or stills, as well as audio.
  • Edit thoroughly or consider using video CV editing tools . Once you’re satisfied with the taken shots, edit the video appropriately and include useful stills like photos with your awards or working at your previous company. This step will make sure that the recruiter has a POV feel and witness your career growth. This way, they’ll be able to envision your potential growth for their company.

Step 3: Publish Your Work

Video resume tips and tricks.

Self-recorded videos are a fantastic way to connect with employers and state your claim as the best candidate among an immense pool of applicants. Serve as the company’s gateway to see who you are as a human being and a professional. Let’s look at some video resume tips that can take your self-recording skills to the next level:

tips and tricks in creating video resume

  • Practice, practice, practice. Then practice again. The proverb “practice makes perfect” might sound like a broken record, but never before has it been more accurate. The only way you can genuinely connect with your employer is by being comfortable on camera, so you have to practice recording yourself. Practice having calm and confident body language that resonates with your goal to look professional.
  • Gather feedback from family and friends. Since judging your performance on camera can be difficult to do, you can show some sample videos to trusted sources. This way, you can gather feedback on your speech and body language without feeling uncomfortable. This tip is useful for any job seeker, but it is even more critical for fresh graduates. A video resume for students can be daunting to produce, so input from trustworthy people can be your key to success.
  • Learn how to use a reliable video editing tool. Efficient video editing software platforms can integrate your content production process and turn simple video recordings into beautiful video content. Some online tools have video resume templates that make it easy for you to record and splice different parts of your content, which in turn saves precious time and effort. A video resume editore is undoubtedly the way to go.
  • Be mindful of your lighting. Lighting can make or break your video. Good lighting can create a positive visual atmosphere for your audience, and bad lighting simply makes you look bad on camera. With that being said, soft lighting is everything, so try your best to use natural sunlight/ring light when recording videos. Avoid overhead lights and backlights that could accentuate the wrong areas of your video environment.
  • Invest in top-quality recording equipment. While regular recording devices are enough to record a video resume sample for your job application, you may also consider investing in high-quality video equipment. For instance, buying a good microphone optimizes your audio quality and makes your voice sound clear and crisp on camera. A 4K-resolution camera or smartphone, when combined with a reliable editing tool, are also considered game-changers if you want the best video editor resume possible.
  • Showcase your creativity in other ways if you’re camera shy. If you’re not comfortable in front of the camera, there’s always the option to record your own voice. While you still need a bit of voiceover practice, you’re eliminating the dread of being exposed by the brooding eyes of the camera lens. You can even leverage this fear to your advantage by demonstrating your editing or graphic designing skills!

Make Your First Video Resume with Joblu

Joblu is a modern job platform that lets job seekers swipe and match with employers worldwide–like a dating app! The job search platform’s JobReels feature likewise offers a unique job application experience by using a social media-like platform. It makes the process of applying for jobs less tedious and allows job seekers to showcase their personalities and skills in a more engaging way. With JobReels, users have the avenue to truly express themselves and stand out from the competition.

Download Joblu and witness the power of having a video resume sample.

Frequently Asked Questions About Video Resumes

Q: What is a video resume? A: A video resume is a short video that is used to introduce yourself to employers. It is a perfect avenue to showcase a person’s professional and educational background to recruiters through a minute or less video.

Q: Are video resumes a good idea? A: Absolutely! A video appeals to recruiters because you can make it into a narrative instead of just mentioning previous experiences. After all, video resumes can help employers get a better sense of the job seeker’s fit for the role and company culture, and can also make the job seeker more memorable.

Q: What is the ideal length for a video resume? A: A 35-second to 1 minute video CV should suffice because you wouldn’t want to bore the recruiter with unnecessary details.

Q: What are the dos and don’ts in a video resume? A: Here are some dos and don’ts for creating a video resume:

  • Keep it short and to the point. Your video resume should be no longer than 2-3 minutes.
  • Dress and groom yourself professionally. You want to make a good impression. Use a good-quality microphone and camera to ensure your audio and video are clear and high-quality.
  • Practice before you start recording. This will help you feel more comfortable and confident.
  • Highlight your skills and experience, and explain why you are a good fit for the job.
  • End your video with a call to action, such as asking the employer to contact you for an interview.
  • Use many filler words, such as “um” and “ah”.
  • Read from a script. You want to come across as natural and authentic.
  • Include any personal information you don’t want the employer to see.
  • Make any inappropriate or offensive comments.
  • Use distracting backgrounds or music. Keep it simple and professional.
  • Lie or exaggerate your qualifications or experience. Be honest and truthful.

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Chapter 7

Video Resumes Sample

You’re now ready to move onto making your very own Profile Video. There are many different ways to approach it and you do want be as creative as possible to stand out. But if you want to make the most of your 60 seconds and need some help to get started, below is a template for an effective video resume.

Your Introduction

Your first few seconds of screen time is where the employer will make their first impression of you. Before taking in what you say, an employer will notice your tone, body-language, and attire — all of which should convey confidence, liveliness, and professionalism. This is also the time in your script where you introduce yourself and explicitly state your intentions.

Example: “Hello, my name is ____ and I’m your next social media marketing director.”

Your Selling Point

This is where you hook employers in with what’s unique about you. What have you accomplished that makes you qualified for the position? Incorporate keywords from the job description so you’re tailoring your experience to what they are seeking. Remember not to recite your resume, just expand upon it in further detail.

Example: “I’ve produced campaigns that created awareness for XYZ company by promoting multimedia content across networks and viral contests — all have which increased unique visitors to the company website by 30 percent after the launch. I’m driven, creative, and I will bring solutions to the challenges at your company.”

Your Call To Action

At this point in the video resume, you’ll want to have a strong closing. Briefly recap what qualifies you as a valuable addition and then hook the employer with your call to action. Doing this prompts the employer to act if they are interested in what they see in you. Be sure to also thank the employer for their time.

Example: “Thank you for watching my Profile Video. I’m confident my skills and previous experience will help me produce even more results for your company. If you’re interested or have any questions, feel free to connect with me or even invite me to a video interview. I look forward to hearing from you.”

With access to all these resources, it’s never been easier to create your very own Profile Video on Spark Hire. Remember that you don’t have to use all of your 60 seconds of recording time — you just use as much as you want to make the most engaging video resume for you. With Spark Hire, you’ll have the tools to become more than just a resume.

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video resume sample for freshers

Video Editor Resume Example (Full Guide & Templates)

Background Image

Creativity meets technical prowess in the world of video editing.

So, if you want a job that lets you blend your technical know-how with artistry, you’re in the right field.

But there’s one frame you’re stuck on—your resume.

Try as you might, you can’t seem to translate your video editing prowess to a single page. Your dream gig seems just one edit away, yet you can’t seem to nail your resume.

Have no fear!

We've crafted the ultimate video editor resume example to help you land your dream job.

In this article, we’re going to cover:

  • What an Amazing Video Editor Resume Example Looks Like
  • 9 Steps to Making a Jaw-Dropping Video Editor Resume
  • What You Should Include in Your Video Editor Resume

…and then some!

Let’s dive in!

Video Editor Resume Example

Video Editor Resume Example

Writing a resume is like editing a movie; every frame (or line, in this case) has a purpose. 

So let's dive into the elements that make this video editor resume a blockbuster in the eyes of hiring managers:

  • Using a reverse-chronological resume format . By listing their most recent work experience first, this format immediately shows hiring managers how relevant the candidate is.
  • Including professional contact details. A video editor resume’s contact information should always be factual. This example includes the candidate’s first name, last name, email address, phone number, and portfolio link.
  • Featuring an eye-catching resume summary. Just like a movie trailer, this video editor resume summary offers a glimpse into the candidate's professional skills and enthusiasm for the role, convincing the hiring manager that the whole resume is worth reading.
  • Adding quantifiable achievements. Numbers speak louder than vague descriptions. By quantifying their work achievements, this video editor resume highlights the value this candidate brings to an employer.
  • Keeping the education section short. Real-world experience always comes before education. That’s why this video editor resume takes the right approach, keeping the education section brief and to the point.
  • Organizing the information in bullet points. Bullet points make sure this video editor resume is neatly organized and readable, so hiring managers can find the most important information at a glance.
  • Separating soft skills from hard skills. Keeping relevant hard skills like "Adobe Premiere expertise" and crucial soft skills like "team collaboration" in separate subsections keeps this video editor resume easy to navigate.
  • Adding optional sections: This video editor resume lists memberships in professional video editing associations as well as hobbies that can speak volumes about their commitment to the craft and make them stand out from other candidates with similar skills and work experience.

9 Steps for the Perfect Video Editor Resume

You’ve seen what a flawless video editor resume looks like. Now it’s time to write your own.

Just follow these steps to make it:

#1. Choose The Right Resume Format (and Layout)

Choosing the right resume format is like selecting the perfect sequence for a film edit—it sets the tone and pace for what’s to come.

There are three primary resume formats to consider:

  • Reverse-chronological (also known as chronological)
  • Functional (also known as skill-based)
  • Combination (a balanced blend of the two)

Out of all the options, the reverse-chronological format is the star performer for video editors. It puts your latest projects and accomplishments front and center and lets your most relevant skills shine. 

Plus, it aligns perfectly with hiring managers' expectations. The reverse-chronological resume format is universally acclaimed, which means hiring managers expect candidates to use it.

Video Editor Resume reverse-chronological format

The next step after settling on a format for your resume is getting its layout right.

Before the hiring manager reads your video editor resume, they’re going to look at it. And if it doesn’t look good, it may end up in the no-go pile before they even read its contents.

Here are some tips to make your resume layout shine:

  • Choose the right font. Go for a clean, professional font that isn’t overused. Try Roboto or Ubuntu, and avoid cliches like Times New Roman.
  • Keep the font size consistent. The hiring manager should be able to read your resume without squinting, so aim for a font size of 11-12 pts for the main text and 14-16 pts for headings and section titles.
  • Set the page margins. Keep margins at one inch on all sides; otherwise, your resume might look too empty or too cluttered with text.
  • Adjust the line spacing. Use the standard line spacing of 1.0 between lines and 1.15 for subheadings. You don’t want your resume to make the hiring manager squint as they’re reading it.
  • Stick to a single-page layout. Keep your resume no longer than one page long, and make every word count. Hiring managers are swamped, which means they are likely to lose interest in candidates that exceed this recommended length.
  • Save as PDF. Always save your resume as a PDF to ensure the layout stays intact, regardless of the device or OS used to open it. The only exception is if the employer explicitly requests that you use a different format.

Or Use a Resume Template

Let's face it—putting together a video editor resume can feel like editing a full-length documentary. 

Fiddling with margins, juggling the line spacing, and keeping your content from spilling over on page two can sap away both your time and creative energy.

What if we told you there was a shortcut?

Check out our free resume templates , crafted shoulder-to-shoulder with top-notch HR professionals.

Not only do these templates check the box for being ATS-friendly, but they also score high on readability and visual appeal by blending professionalism with a modern twist.

So, why tinker endlessly with generic text editor templates that take hours? Just try our meticulously designed resume templates, and have a gorgeous resume finished in minutes. 

Just look at the first impression one of our resume templates makes compared to that of a standard text editor:

novoresume versus normal resume

#2. Provide Your Contact information

The contact information section on a video editor resume should be factual and to the point. 

Here's what to include:

  • Full Name. (E.g.Casey Johnson)
  • Job Title. Make sure the title aligns with the role you're after. (E.g., Senior Video Editor)
  • Phone Number. If you’re applying internationally, don't forget to add the country dial code in front of your phone number. A missed digit could mean a missed opportunity.
  • Email Address. Stick with a professional email. A variation of your name is usually a safe bet. ([email protected] doesn’t work, but [email protected] does.)
  • Portfolio Link. Having an online portfolio is crucial for anyone in the video editing world. Feel free to also add relevant links to relevant social media , like LinkedIn or Vimeo.
  • Location. Just add your city and state/country. But if you're open to relocating or remote work, make sure to mention it somewhere in your resume.

Piece of cake, right? 

Just make sure to double-check your contact information for mistakes before sending in your video editor resume. A typo on your email or phone number can make you miss out on a job interview.

Now let’s compare a great contact information section to a not-so-great one:

Casey Johnson - VFX Editor   +1 212-555-1234   [email protected]   New York, NY

Kacey Johnson - Video Editer   2125551234, [email protected]   NY, New York

#3. Add a Resume Summary

Hiring managers sift through a mountain of resumes each day, leaving you just a few precious seconds to grab their attention.

That's where a resume summary or objective comes into play. This short paragraph, located right at the top of your resume, quickly tells the hiring manager about your video editing experience and the skills you can bring to the table.

Here's a quick rundown on the two:

  • Resume Summary. Ideal for seasoned video editors, the resume summary offers a quick, engaging snapshot of your years of professional experience, most noteworthy achievements, and top skills.
  • Resume Objective. If you're just starting out in video editing, the resume objective outlines your skills, qualifications, and professional ambitions and helps frame you as a promising candidate.

Let’s look at two examples:

  • Creative video editor with over six years of experience, seeking to become part of Team XYZ Productions. Significantly boosted viewer engagement by 30% within six months at ABC Studios. Well-versed in Adobe Premiere Pro and DaVinci Resolve. Committed to delivering high-quality content as part of a dynamic team.
  • Hard-working Film Studies graduate eager to launch a career with XYZ Productions. Solid grasp of film editing principles and proficiency in editing software like Final Cut Pro. Keen to produce meticulously edited content that captivates audiences. Enthusiastic about growing professionally in the world of video editing.

There you have it! Whether you go for a summary or an objective, make sure it's tailored to the role you're after.

#4. List Your Work Experience

When it comes to landing a job as a video editor, your work experience is the star of the show. 

This section speaks volumes about who you are professionally, and it’s what hiring managers will be looking at first. So the first thing you need to do is make sure the section is formatted the right way.

Here's how to nail it:

  • Use reverse chronological order. Your most recent job should be up top, making it easy for the hiring manager to learn about your most recent experiences first.
  • List actual job titles. Stick to the formal titles you've held. Drop the jargon and buzzwords like “motion magician” or “frame fixer” - they won't do you any favors.
  • Provide the company’s info. Include the name and location of your previous employer. If it wasn’t a household name, you could even provide a brief description of what the company does.
  • Specify the employment dates. Stick to the mm/yyyy format to keep things standard.
  • Describe your responsibilities and achievements. Bullet points work best here. Aim for 5-6 points for your latest role and 3-4 for older ones.

Now, if you want to really dazzle the hiring manager with your work experience section, there are a few extra steps to take.

Just follow these tips to make your work experience section pop:

  • Keep your work experience relevant to the ad. If you've been around the block as a video editor, just focus on your most recent and relevant roles. (Your barista experience during college will just take up resume space.)
  • Highlight your achievements above your responsibilities. It's great that you know how to cut footage, but so do all the other candidates. Achievements like improving engagement metrics, leading a team, or winning awards, on the other hand, can all show hiring managers the immediate value that comes with hiring you.
  • Use numbers as much as possible. Quantifiable achievements give you real credibility. Saying you "Increased YouTube channel subscriptions by 30% in three months" sounds way more impactful than just "Managed a YouTube channel."
  • Go for powerful verbs. Ditch the "managed" and "handled;” they make you sound passive. Instead, use action verbs like "orchestrated," "crafted," or "optimized" to show initiative and make your experience stand out from other candidates.

Now let’s check out some examples to drive the point home:

Senior Video Editor

Dream Media Productions

Los Angeles, CA

09/2019 - 05/2022

  • Collaborated with producers and directors to establish the creative vision for various projects, ensuring seamless storytelling and impactful narratives.
  • Managed a docket of 10-15 video projects monthly, always meeting or exceeding deadlines.
  • Conducted bi-weekly creative meetings to evaluate trending video styles and techniques.
  • Led editing workshops for junior staff, with 90% indicating improved proficiency in editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro.
  • Coordinated with the marketing team to tailor content for different social media platforms, increasing engagement by 25%.

What if I don’t have work experience?

If you're a newbie in the video editing world, you might be thinking you don’t have the work experience needed for a jaw-dropping resume .

But don't sweat it!

Most entry-level jobs know you're just starting in your career and don't expect a Michael Khan-level portfolio from you. That doesn’t mean you can’t still dazzle them.

Instead of focusing on your lack of jobs, what you can do is showcase the experiences that prove your enthusiasm and skills in video editing.

Consider mentioning any of the following that apply to you:

  • Internships
  • Volunteer work
  • Academic projects
  • Personal projects
  • Extracurricular activities

Maybe you've had a class project that had you buried in editing software and made you the go-to person for all video editing. That's golden, and it absolutely belongs on your video editor resume.

Here’s an example:

Junior Video Editor

Documentary on Local Urban Street Art

Cal State University, Los Angeles

01/2022 - 05/2022

  • Led a crew of 3 classmates to capture and edit footage exploring the urban art scene in Los Angeles.
  • Edited a 20-minute documentary using Adobe Premiere Pro, focusing on smooth transitions, captivating graphics, and compelling storytelling.
  • Teamed up with local artists for interviews, ensuring their viewpoints were authentically represented in the documentary.
  • Hosted a campus-wide viewing party attended by over 60 students and faculty from the Art and Film departments, where the documentary received strong positive feedback.
  • Earned praise from the head of the Film department for exceptional editing and storytelling in the project.

#5. Highlight Your Most In-Demand Video Editor Skills

The skills section is one of the most important sections on your video editor resume.

What you include here gives hiring managers a quick snapshot of what you can bring to the table. In a nutshell, your skills tell the employer how ready you are for the job and how much training you might need.

The trick here is to tailor this section to the job you're applying for, not list every skill you possess.

For example, if you're aiming for a role in film editing, there's no need to list your social media management skills.

Here's how you can make your skills section shine:

  • Match your skills to the job. Read the job ad carefully. Take note of any software or technical skills they're looking for and add the ones you're proficient in.
  • Stay updated. Video editing tools and techniques change rapidly, so you should keep an eye on industry trends and update your skills section with relevant, in-demand skills you have accordingly.
  • Organize your skills. Keep your skills section tidy by separating your hard skills (like proficiency in Adobe Premiere Pro) from your soft skills (like attention to detail). This makes it easier for hiring managers to find the skills they’re looking for

So now that you've got the basics down for including skills on your video editor resume, you might be wondering about the most in-demand industry skills at the moment.

Take a look at our curated list of the most sought-after hard and soft video editing skills in 2024!

59 Most In-Demand Video Editor Skills

12 video editor soft skills.

  • Communication skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Problem-solving
  • Time management
  • Adaptability
  • Active listening
  • Analytical thinking
  • Stress management
  • Organizational skills

47 Video Editor Hard Skills

  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Final Cut Pro
  • DaVinci Resolve
  • Avid Media Composer
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Color Grading
  • Video Compression
  • Video Encoding
  • Sound Editing
  • Adobe Audition
  • Motion Graphics
  • Visual Effects (VFX)
  • Storyboarding
  • Multi-Camera Editing
  • Video Stabilization
  • Cutaway Shots
  • Transitions
  • L-Cut and J-Cut
  • 3D Video Editing
  • Text Animation
  • Audio Synchronization
  • Time Remapping
  • Audio Mixing
  • Non-Linear Editing (NLE)
  • Cross Dissolve
  • Frame Rate Conversion
  • Aspect Ratio Management
  • Chroma Keying
  • Rotoscoping
  • 4K Video Editing
  • Script Syncing
  • Noise Reduction
  • Script Breakdown
  • Exporting and Rendering
  • Audio Post-Production
  • Speed Ramping
  • Plug-in Utilization
  • Color Correction
  • Image Stabilization

#6. Polish Your Portfolio

As a video editor, your portfolio is your golden ticket. Just like a writer has a portfolio of articles or stories, you need a showreel to prove your editing skills.

One way to do this is by placing a clickable link on your video editor resume that directs hiring managers straight to your portfolio. You can host it on platforms like Vimeo, YouTube, or even your website.

But if you've got a mix of video editing projects that line up well for the job you're eyeing, you can even create a separate portfolio section on your resume. 

This allows you to elaborate on your star projects and the skills that make you a perfect fit for the role.

Here's an example:

Showreel –

  • Short Films - Edited over 15 short films, two of which were shortlisted at indie film festivals.
  • Music Videos - Worked on 25+ music videos for both emerging and established artists, with three videos hitting 1 million views on YouTube.
  • Corporate Projects - Partnered with leading brands to create internal training videos and promotional content that were both engaging and effective.
  • Editing Techniques - Proficient in Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, and After Effects, with special expertise in color grading and sound mixing.

Remember, video editing jobs can range from the film industry to advertising and beyond. According to Zippia, while technology is the highest-paying sector for video editors in the US, media is by far the most popular. Thus, you should always curate your portfolio or showreel to match the kind of job you're applying for.

For example, if you're applying to edit social media content for a tech company, the hiring manager won’t particularly care about that horror film you edited last Halloween. 

Stick to what's most relevant, and you'll be good.

#7. Mention Your Education

Education is valuable, and over 73% of video editors have a bachelor’s degree . But your academic credentials aren’t the be-all, end-all of your resume.

The truth is, unless you’re a recent graduate, your work experience and portfolio matter more.

But that doesn’t mean you should breeze past the education section without giving it a second thought!

To make sure every section of your resume shines, make sure it’s formatted correctly by adding the following elements:

  • Degree Name. E.g. BFA in Video Production
  • University name. E.g. Saxion University of Applied Sciences
  • Location. E.g. The Netherlands
  • Years attended. E.g. 2014 - 2018

BFA in Video Production

California Institute of the Arts

Valencia, CA

2014 - 2018

If you've graduated from university, there's no need to list any prior education, such as your high school degree. Keep this section brief by leaving out unrelated certifications—those can go in a different section.

#8. Consider Optional Sections

When making your video editor resume, don't undermine the value of the optional sections.

Yes, your skills and experience are the stars of the show, but if you have leftover space on your resume, these additional bits can add depth to you as a candidate.

More importantly, they can tip the scales in your favor if you’re competing with candidates who have similar work experience.

Here are some optional sections to consider:

  • Awards. Did you win a film festival or get accolades for exceptional editing? Adding these can give your video editor resume a little extra glam.
  • Memberships. If you're part of any relevant organizations, like the Motion Picture Editors Guild or American Cinema Editors, it adds heft to your credibility.
  • Certifications. These prove you're not just dabbling in video editing–you’re committed. Staying on top of new industry trends and honing your skills shows dedication to your craft.
  • Languages. With the rise of global content, speaking a foreign language is a skill that can be a strong addition to any application.
  • Hobbies and interests. Some hobbies and interests can improve your chances of getting an interview, so long as they’re directly related to the field or showcase transferable skills, like a knack for storytelling through photography.

Here's how it can look on a resume:

  • 2021 Best Edited Documentary: Sundance Film Festival


  • Motion Picture Editors Guild
  • American Cinema Editors

#9. Match It With a Cover Letter

You might think a cover letter is redundant when applying for a job, but your video editor resume can only take you so far on its own.

Hiring managers expect a cover letter with your application , and not having one can hurt your chances of landing an interview.

Writing a cover letter shows you're willing to put in that extra effort to land that specific job. It also allows you to elaborate on your achievements or anything else you didn’t have enough space to explain on your resume.

Here are some essential tips for writing an impactful cover letter :

  • Add Your Contact Details in the Header. Make sure your name, contact information, and job title are at the top, and keep it all consistent with your resume.
  • Personalize the Greeting. Skip the generic greetings like “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To Whom It May Concern” . Do some research and address the hiring manager directly by name to make a strong impression.
  • Write a Strong Opening. Your cover letter’s opening paragraph should grab the hiring manager’s attention and make them want to read more about you. Briefly mention why you want this job and highlight one or two of your best skills or achievements that make you a good fit for it.
  • Explain More in the Body. This is where you can go into a bit more detail about your experience and skills. If there's something on your resume that needs more context, this is the place to expand on it.
  • End with a Call to Action. Invite the hiring manager to take some sort of action. (E.g. “I'd love the chance to discuss my ideas for your upcoming projects.” )
  • Close Professionally. Sign off your letter formally, but not in an overly stiff way. "Sincerely" followed by your name is a good choice and not quite as cold as “Yours Faithfully.”

cover letter structure

Key Takeaways

And there you have it—your guide to crafting an impressive video editor resume!

By now, we hope you feel prepared to score your ideal video editor position!

Before you send in your application, here’s a quick recap of what we covered:

  • The way your resume looks is as important as what it contains. Go for a clean, professional template and opt for a reverse-chronological format to make it easier for the hiring manager to check out your professional experience.
  • Add a quick summary at the top of your resume to catch the hiring manager’s attention. Highlight your best skills, notable achievements, and how long you've been in the field.
  • Provide a link to your online portfolio on your resume for extra value. Put together a collection of your most outstanding and relevant work, and even include a dedicated section for it if you have the space.
  • Match your skills to the job. Take a look at the job listing, note down the needed skills, and add the ones you have in your skills section.
  • Perfect your video editor application with a matching cover letter.

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Resume Builder

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  • Audio and Video

Video Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the video job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • Cultivate a network of global event resources and provide Event Ops Manager with reports on vendor performance
  • Receive, confirm, and classify network reported faults identified by customers or performance management tools
  • Manage vendors and work with a team to successfully deliver projects on time and within budget
  • Liaise with Facebook video engineering teams, applying significant knowledge of industry trends and developments to improve service to our clients
  • Provide subject matter technical expertise, support, and review technical work of others
  • A visionary who has passion for the development of well defined and optimized operational environments, problem solving and constant drive for improvement
  • Reviews client (Event Planner) requests and provides technical direction for the planning, scheduling, and delivery of streaming services
  • Work closely with business development, partner solutions, and product management to development compelling solutions for existing and future partners
  • Create, deliver and manage operational video work flows
  • Work closely with the internal and 3rd party development teams to ensure successful and timely delivery of high quality customer centric solutions
  • Assist Product Director in the management of the Cox Video primary screen product during the full product lifecycle
  • Partner with Training, and Customer Operations in the development of relevant internal and external collateral and processes
  • Work with technology, advertising, editorial and marketing to ensure video is delivered to meet these departments objectives
  • Analyze customer, business and product performance metrics and interpret underlying drivers to translate into data-based recommendations
  • Works closely with leadership to create roadmap and coordinate development and implementation of multiple initiatives
  • Work with Business Operations and Sales to track opportunities and ensure they remain in scope as they make their way through the sales pipeline
  • Work with Project Managers to ensure a cohesive video program is designed
  • Responsible for performance review and monitoring continuous improvement plans
  • Collaborate closely with Business Operations in developing custom video statement of work documents for clients
  • Work closely with our sales, marketing and production teams as a dedicated point of contact
  • Manage detailed timelines for all custom videos, video integrations and sponsorships
  • Excellent writing skills and experience writing professionally
  • Ability to work well under deadline pressure
  • Approachable with motivating communication and interpersonal skills
  • Able to work well as part of a team
  • Able to work well in a team environment
  • Demonstrate ability to solve problems with a sense of ownership, enthusiasm and innovation
  • Good communication skills
  • Demonstrate poise, confidence and professional maturity to interface with senior-level executives in a clear and concise manner
  • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written
  • Ability to adapt to a changing environment and multi-task assignments

15 Video resume templates

Video Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

How to tailor your resume, how to make a resume, how to mention achievements, work experience in resume, 50+ skills to put on a resume, how and why put hobbies, top 22 fonts for your resume, 50 best resume tips, 200+ action words to use, internship resume, killer resume summary, write a resume objective, what to put on a resume, how long should a resume be, the best resume format, how to list education, cv vs. resume: the difference, include contact information, resume format pdf vs word, how to write a student resume, video analytics manager resume examples & samples.

  • 2+ years of relevant experience working in web / digital / mobile analytics or in web-based businesses
  • Knowledge of the digital video ecosystem – formats, distribution, content
  • At least 2 years of experience in web analytics, using tools such as Omniture, Webtrends, Coremetrics
  • Strong communication skills – written and verbal presentations
  • Use data and analytics to deeply understand audience and their behavior in terms of video consumption
  • Liaise with internal business stakeholders to understand their business objectives, challenges and opportunities
  • Work with business, technology, and editorial partners to optimize our tracking capabilities for video
  • Design, maintain and generate data dashboards
  • Influence internal stakeholders at all levels of the organization to take action based on insights generated to seize business opportunities

Web / Video Analytics Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Use data and analytics to deeply understand the audience and their behavior in terms of video consumption
  • Present findings to team members and senior executives
  • 5+ years of relevant experience working in web / digital / mobile analytics or in web-based businesses
  • Prior experience in developing or analyzing digital video products and services
  • Knowledge of the digital video ecosystem - formats, distribution, content
  • Prior work experience using SQL is required additional programming languages are a plus
  • Strong communication skills - written and verbal presentations
  • Strong business acumen to understand corporate strategy, interact with clients and present actionable findings
  • Excellent conceptual and analytical reasoning competencies
  • Degree in an analytical field such as economics, mathematics, or computer science is desired. MBA is a plus. Recruiter: Jamie Bernard

Video Ad Product Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Define and manage product requirements and functional specifications that articulate current and future business objectives for new ad products or major enhancements to existing ad products
  • Effectively communicate tech requirements, release date/schedule and write product documentation
  • Lead cross-functional teams in a dynamic environment, including engineers, marketing, business development, customer service and partners to plan and launch projects on time, on budget and on spec
  • Act as in-house consultant on all video web technologies for Digital Sales team
  • Identify and champion opportunities to build and leverage best practices across various teams
  • 2-4 years technology experience with ad serving technology and operations, including VAST and VPAID, as well as Adobe Flash, HTML5, and other rich media technologies
  • Knowledge of ad serving standards such as VAST, VPAID, VMAP, MRAID
  • Experience developing digital video ad-related products
  • Proven ability to work on tight deadlines and deliver quality results
  • Strong organizational and leadership skills
  • Must be able to work effectively with business and technical people at all levels including senior management
  • Ability to handle multiple projects concurrently
  • Vendor management experience
  • Strong skills in Microsoft Office, particularly Excel and PowerPoint

Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide operational assistance for all the video, audio, production and lighting systems and other equipment to present all events held at all facilities in a best-in-class manner
  • Basic maintenance on all video, audio, production and lighting systems
  • Responsible for content development, design and coordination of content development; including, but not limited to, graphics, animations, video and audio editing and print media
  • Assist in operation of Musco Lighting System and other lighting systems throughout Sprint Center
  • Continuously review the departmental needs and recommend repairs, maintenance or special projects to the Director, Facilities Presentation
  • Track emerging video trends and how they might apply to the organization
  • Projects as requested by Director, Facilities Presentation
  • Previous broadcast engineering or technical support
  • Experience with video and/or audio production
  • Videography and video/audio editing experience preferred

Senior Manager, Digital Video Ad Solutions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead and/or contribute to key initiatives for ESPN to monetize WatchESPN, our live digital video streaming product, across all platforms and devices, including gaming consoles and over-the-top connected devices
  • Lead and/or contribute to strategic planning to package and recognize revenue for ESPN’s vast inventory of short-form video content, across desktop, mobile and emerging platforms
  • Establish relationships and credibility across internal constituents including: Ad Operations, Content Production, WatchESPN Product Teams, Asset Management, Accounting and TV Commercial Operations
  • Be a subject matter expert on video advertising and ad management tools, including but not limited to: Freewheel, DoubleClick and HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)
  • Partner with multiple teams to insure management, delivery and revenue recognition of video ad campaigns are aligned
  • Gather information and maintain enhancement request list for monthly submission to our video vendor, Freewheel
  • Proactively find process efficiency solutions and implement where necessary
  • Communicate with sales, marketing and product team to identify new opportunities and bring them to market
  • Assist in trouble-shooting systemic issues and work with video ad serving vendors and product teams to resolve
  • Help develop and maintain processes and training materials across Ad Operations teams to improve workflows
  • Provide digital video training to stakeholders of Ad Operations
  • Communicate changes in digital video to the Account Management team and advise on best practices
  • Update and maintain training and reference materials as needed
  • Minimum of 3 years of experience in online advertising across multiple platforms
  • Experience with video streaming protocols, specifically HLS
  • Experience with HTML, XML, Flash and JavaScript
  • Self-motivated and able to work independently or within a group dynamic
  • Thorough, consistent and comfortable communicating with Developers through C-Level Executives
  • Effective at project management and able to work under tight deadlines with various groups to problem solve, increase efficiencies and drive revenue growth in an emerging field
  • Experience with Freewheel video ad server preferred

Video Producers & Editors, WSJ Live Resume Examples & Samples

  • Advance knowledge in Final Cut 7 (some knowledge of FCP X) and/or Adobe Premiere - A MUST
  • After Effects a plus
  • Intermediate/Advanced camera skills (DSLR + ENG)
  • Video Journalism experience in either news or documentary capacity
  • Ability to produce the entirety of a production from pre to post. Ability to creatively use lighting a plus
  • Live Show experience (Audio, Floor, MC, TD) - this is applicable to some roles
  • Strong news judgment
  • Bachelor degree in video production or comparable field***

Video Teller Agent Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum of six months customer service
  • Ability to respond and assist customers with
  • Previous banking/financial services/teller
  • Ability to identify customer financial needs,
  • Bilingual (fluent verbal and written skills)
  • Technology proficient - strong core technology

Video Controller, Freelance Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for the initial setup, balance and shading of cameras prior to the start of assigned productions
  • Ensures proper grey scale, color temperature and that all cameras match in color rendition and exposure
  • Responsible for proper color correction of all monitors on the stage floor
  • Report technical issues to the Engineering & Operations groups
  • Experience working in a live or live-to tape multi-camera studio environment is required
  • Experience using waveform and vector scopes
  • Comprehension of signal flow and color correction
  • Have a working knowledge of HD cameras. Knowledge of Ikegami HD cameras is a plus
  • Must be local to Southern California area

Video Streaming Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Management of video and audio web encoding appliances into HLS, Flash, Windows Media and various mobile formats
  • Primary relationship management/support with web encoding and transcoding vendor
  • Primary troubleshooting of encoding platforms
  • Tier 3 level operational support of video and audio web encoding
  • Enterprise video encoding expertise
  • Knowledge of IP protocols (rtmp, rtsp, http)
  • Experience working in mid-size to large data centers
  • Understanding of Windows services, registry, and application structure
  • Understanding of RTMP, RTSP, Shoutcast, http delivery architecture
  • Understanding of media formats on mobile devices
  • Basic understanding of Unix
  • Strong host/configuration management skills
  • Be comfortable acting as a technical resource to other departments to address and resolve problems
  • Understanding of JMS architecture
  • Knowledge of batch scripting in Windows
  • Experience working with Cisco Media Processing solutions sets (formerly Spinnaker Live Streaming) and Cisco Transcode Manager Workflow Management, etc
  • Experience working with Elemental Live and Elemental Server
  • Excellent problem solving and analytical skills
  • Experience with ffmpeg, mp4box and x264
  • Ability to coordinate with staff in New York

Product Manager Digital Video Platforms Resume Examples & Samples

  • Become a subject matter expert for end-to-end video delivery at Viacom and be the "go-to” owner for one or more video products or services
  • Communicate constantly with stakeholders. Set and continually manage expectations while fostering a culture of total transparency
  • Create and present superb collateral in support of new and existing video products including documentation, presentations, prototypes, and videos
  • Author immaculately groomed user stories and acceptance criteria
  • Practice and evangelize behavior-driven development within and across development teams
  • Bachelor's Degree (Comp Sci or Statistics is a plus)
  • Superb written and verbal communication skills
  • You have a deep understanding of the online video tech stack and industry: players, protocols, encoding, packaging, and content delivery
  • You are a fluent user of one or more video QoE measurement suites
  • You lead your colleagues by example and never say, "that's not my job."
  • You are highly numerate. Segmenting and analyzing data is second nature

Video Technical Product Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop product requirements for technical video systems including, but not limited to, the Gannett CMS, video architecture, ingestion workflows and syndication platforms
  • Develop video products, workflow, infrastructure & architecture using existing deep knowledge and experience of video software & hardware development
  • Serve as point of contact, champion and product resource for development teams across Gannett Digital to identify, triage and resolve video roadblocks through coordination with all appropriate groups such as editorial and 3rd party vendors
  • Develop training programs and presentations for roll-out of new features across technical systems, including live streaming, VOD, asset management, ingestion, syndication, monetization and analytics
  • Monitor video performance across all Gannett divisions and platforms by analyzing customer feedback and data from multiple analytics platforms. Coordinate the distribution of relevant data requests from product teams, sales, business development and editorial
  • Work with Senior Video Product team to create and manage delivery of product features against portfolio roadmaps
  • Work with Video Product team to manage requirements gathering, prioritization, and implementation of new video products across the Gannett divisions and platforms. Ensure products are optimized to meet traffic and revenue goals
  • Optimize the success of video products by conducting regular analysis of competitive landscape as well as staying up-to-date with industry trends and emerging technologies

Video Optimizer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Run the day-to-day operation YouTube channels
  • Proactively use YouTube promotion tools such as video annotation, end boards, banners and playlists to drive journeys from YouTube to website and vice versa
  • Oversee the overall look and design of our channels and provide other creative support to the team
  • Research on what content is performing well on YouTube as well as other sites, in order to advise on channels’ content needs, and generate ideas
  • Set content live on YouTube channels having confirmed that all compliance and rights clearances are in place and documented
  • Working with scheduling and online leads, create and implement schedules for both channel brands for when clips should be set live, in accordance with the editorial vision for the channels, required rights/holdback requirements, workflow issues, as well as other contractual obligations, and cross platform promotional and marketing campaigns
  • Establish and maintain metadata and tagging practices to maximize visibility of content on YouTube
  • Advocate best practice on YouTube to grow views & revenue
  • Build strong relationships with YouTube account managers and other channel managers for YouTube across the Disney channels to maintain knowledge of best practice and new capabilities
  • Work with New Media Manager on potential global monetization of content on YouTube channels
  • Ensure the proper compliance processes are applied for each clip
  • 3-6 years of experience
  • Minimum Graduate or above
  • YouTube Certified

Product Manager, Digital Video Players Resume Examples & Samples

  • Own the video player product in the Advanced Television Operations video platform with emphasis on consumer-facing mobile sites/apps and applications across multi-platform devices, such as desktop, iOS and Android
  • Product manage software modules and client-facing SDKs, defining requirements and capabilities for internal development teams and 3rd party developers
  • Define and manage roadmaps and product integration strategy for ATO software tools, balancing internal requirements with client requests
  • Scope and collect customer requirements, provide guidance on ATO best practices and applying technology and product knowledge to address customer needs
  • Assist project management for system and solution rollouts and define processes for ongoing operational support
  • Create and present documentation to external and internal business partners for incorporation of services into unique and wide-ranging consumer content consumption experiences including NBCU brand and MVPD partners for TVE content distribution
  • Explore and develop POCs for new consumption platforms as they become available, including new mobile platforms, set top devices, game consoles, and in-home entertainment devices
  • Take a leadership role in a growing team of Product Managers & Specialists in support of NBCU digital delivery initiatives
  • Be an industry expert with respect to trends in mobile application development and the competition
  • Bachelor’s degree in Software Development, Product Management, Broadcast Technologies, Engineering or equivalent experience required
  • Minimum 3 year experience in a role demonstrating strong technical, quantitative, and analytical skills
  • Minimum 3 years experience in a role exhibiting excellent written and oral communications, effective interpersonal skills, project management, and strong formal presentation abilities
  • Expertise in the SDLC process, with a focus on scoping, iteration planning, rollout management
  • 3-5 years product management experience in digital media, gathering client requirements, writing product and/or technical specifications, working with development teams, and managing product launches
  • At least 3 years of direct client engagement experience
  • Experience in Television/Broadcast, Media, Technology, or related field
  • Experience with interactive media, mobile design & app development
  • Experience managing a team preferred

Video SEO Strategist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Make SEO strategy recommendations supported by YouTube Analytics and proprietary video data insights. Scope includes video titles, tags, descriptions, thumbnails, and other features unique to social video platforms
  • Work with Optimization and Audience teams to implement video SEO strategies for internal and talent channels
  • Identify new video SEO trends and best practices via data driven testing and analysis
  • Analyze and report on viewership and audience growth across thousands of YouTube channels and proprietary video platform
  • Effectively communicate data insights to internal business units
  • Generate visually consumable reporting that tells compelling data stories
  • Keep abreast of the latest changes and trends across YouTube and other social media platforms
  • 2-5 years experience in SEO
  • Deep understanding of search engine functionality and best practices for discovery
  • Proven track record of growing web traffic and video traffic using SEO strategy
  • Experience using SEO and keyword research tools
  • Familiarity with YouTube Analytics, Google analytics, and other analytics and data tools
  • Ability to design and implement tests, and clearly report conclusions
  • At ease leading workshops with other teams and sharing expertise across the organization
  • Intermediate Excel and PowerPoint skills
  • Attention to detail and deadlines
  • Ability to manage multiple priorities
  • Solid communication skills (both oral and written)

Video Product Manager Summer Internship Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assist in competitive analyses of content or service providers/vendors for video
  • Assist in personalization efforts, including identifying opportunities to expand existing video offerings in a more relevant and personal way to Gannett users
  • Provide research analysis and create business cases for product enhancements/additions and be able to present and support findings to key internal stakeholders
  • Assist with product launches/updates as needed, focusing on both consumer-facing and internal tool products
  • Computer Science, Marketing, Business / Communications / Journalism, Media Arts and Design (or similar) majors with a GPA of at least 3.0
  • Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook, and Power Point) / excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • The intern must be well organized, detail-oriented, adaptable and flexible
  • Excellent organizational skills, analytical and communication skills
  • Interest in emerging digital video technologies

Video Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum two years scouting experience desired
  • Experience as a professional baseball player a plus
  • Must possess excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Computer skills are necessary with a working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel
  • Excellent organizational skills are a must
  • Understanding of video equipment and filming techniques desired
  • Bi-Lingual abilities desired

Director, Digital Video Distribution Resume Examples & Samples

  • The role is comprised of three components of responsibility: (1) Product strategy/management, (2) Sales and negotiation, and (3) Project management. The overall objectives of this role is to facilitate creation of new products and services, enhancing existing products and services, secure distribution of those products, and support the project implementation and evolution of those products with TWDCs distribution partners
  • Organize and lead the people and divisions, along with the MVPDs, needed to launch new products and services to users. Develop internal and external relationships with key personnel
  • Lead the project management efforts associated with implementing and growing digital products. Support project managers in defining objectives, critical milestones, managing escalations and securing the necessary internal and external resources
  • Stay apprised of industry trends and developments. Share them with team and key personnel within TWDC. Educate the department to understand and execute the product strategies of TWDC
  • Sales experience with an in-depth understanding of the traditional MVPD business
  • In-depth understanding of media, digital media, programming and the market positioning
  • Communication and Collaboration – Communicates regularly and effectively within the Digital Products team, the larger Digital Video Distribution team, ASM, and each of TWDC network teams
  • Relationship Building – Demonstrates strong “horizontal” leadership capabilities that enables this individual to 1) coalesce a broad internal cross functional team around an agreed objective and 2) develop strong collaborative relationships with MVPD digital teams to further negotiation and implementation efforts

Video Cataloger Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for training Golf Channel departments in proper usage of our metadata collection systems and proper entry and maintenance of metadata
  • “Hands on” approach to database maintenance including additions, deletions, corrections and research
  • Responsible for creating and refining levels of categorization within the database and sorting entries into these categories
  • Engage and partner with third party software vendors and other groups
  • Software evaluation, testing and troubleshooting
  • Provide support to users by assisting, troubleshooting and escalating user queries
  • View and log golf-related footage
  • Provide quality service to Golf Channel’s internal and external customers in all assigned tasks, while upholding Golf Channel’s values at all times
  • Bachelor’s degree in Information Systems or related field
  • Related experience with data analysis, quality, cleaning and validation tools
  • Experienced in cataloging
  • MLIS or MSIS degree
  • MySQL or equivalent knowledge

Director Digital Video Distribution Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop and enhance products and services for MVPDs and new distribution partners. Work with various departments on the ideation, industrialization, evolution and operational aspects to make the new products viable. Develop strategies to drive distribution, profitability and strategic objectives, including the pricing and packaging plans of product offerings. Ensure all opportunities are being maximized for revenue generation and seek new ways to monetize the products and services
  • Negotiate affiliation agreements and prepare for final review and approval with ASM Sales team for distribution of digital services. Operate in close conjunction with Business Strategy and ASM Sales to maximize the value of the partnerships and ensure they are aligned with the strategies related to the multichannel video subscription business
  • Manage a sales/product team dedicated to digital media content and the distribution thereof. Develop the team and create a leadership plan for direct reports. Educate team on roles and responsibilities of ASM and determine ways to operate most efficiently
  • Meet regularly with internal stakeholders at ABC, Disney, and ESPN to keep them apprised of sales and distribution efforts as well as to receive product development updates. Provide distribution, financial and industry updates on a monthly or quarterly basis
  • Work with Finance to develop financial goals outlined in Fiscal Year budgets and Five Year Plans for review and final approval. Provide financial summaries to DVD group. Maintain budget
  • Requires at least 8 years of related industry experience with a minimum of four years of experience in content distribution and at least three years sales/marketing experience in the cable, wireless and/or internet industries preferred
  • Ability to manage a team with varying roles and responsibilities
  • Product and digital technology experience, as well as experience in associated business models and services
  • Excellent inter-personal, organizational, communication, presentation, writing, and computer skills required
  • Bachelor’s Degree

Senior Account Manager Digital Video Distribution Resume Examples & Samples

  • Collaborate with internal The Walt Disney Company (TWDC) stakeholders, our TV distribution partners (cable, satellite, telco, and non-traditional distributors), and the technology industry to identify new product opportunities that can be delivered to the marketplace. Initiate the conversations, facilitate the collaboration, and product manage the industrialization and evolution process
  • Stay apprised of industry trends and developments. Share them with the team and key personnel within TWDC
  • Work with numerous departments across ABC, ABC Family, Disney Channel and ESPN to analyze and evaluate new product opportunities from a business, technical and strategic perspective and then manage the product strategy, development, and distribution
  • Create and maintain strong working relationships with numerous internal constituencies including Affiliate Sales, Ad Sales, Business Affairs, Legal, Marketing, Programming, Production and Research across all network groups
  • Prepare business cases, business models, pricing models, term sheets, sales materials and other go to market options for the products
  • Initiate, facilitate and drive the product industrialization process with large cross functional teams across the TWDC network groups
  • Interface with distribution partners to pitch TWDCs digital products and help the sales team negotiate distribution
  • Work with Consumer and Affiliate Marketing teams to help them develop effective strategies and materials aimed at increasing consumer awareness and usage of new products and services
  • Manage multiple products at varying maturity levels in the product development process, ensuring that TWDC consistently has a strong pipeline of new products entering the market
  • Meet regularly with internal stakeholders to update them on sales and distribution efforts as well as to receive product development updates
  • Minimum of 5 years of related experience in sales and product management
  • Ability to manage and properly prioritize numerous near term activities while also setting a strong foundation for medium/long term efforts
  • Travel is required.a
  • Strategic Thinking – Evaluates technology and business opportunities, understands the traditional affiliate business and implications that the opportunity could have on the larger TWDC business. Takes complex topics and synthesizes them down into simple issues and options
  • Strong Team Work – Shows a strong commitment to collaborating within larger teams, and “making those around you better.” Contributes to the values and success of the overall team
  • Deal and Negotiation Experience – Very strong commitment, focus and persistence to drive complex, multi-faceted deals to completion on challenging timelines. Strong attention to detail and accountability

Video Banking Teller Resume Examples & Samples

  • Resolve customer issues
  • Answer customer inquiries
  • Support customers while interacting via video
  • Process customer transactions
  • Technical/Computer skills
  • Customer Service
  • Strong video presence

Digital Video Archive Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Digitizing video and audio for storage in to Media Asset Management system
  • Digitizing video and audio from original tape or disc sources for use in the edit rooms
  • Creating digital files for external and internal viewing of edited shows
  • Creating files for burning to disc based media (DVD, Blu-Ray, etc.)
  • Transcoding of files from and to various digital formats. (e.g., MXF to Quicktime, MPEG to MXF, ProRes to Flash, etc.)
  • Maintaining archives of digital files for future use
  • Communicating and coordinating with clients concerning their encoding needs. (Determining how the footage will be seen, determining the need for security protections, etc. )
  • Working with the FTP server to deliver and receive files to and from clients
  • Returning of materials to the Library
  • Working with the Agility system to help automate the digitize and transcode operations
  • Understanding of television and post production workflows
  • Must be Proficient in Windows, MAC, AVID, Final Cut Pro, and Microsoft Office Products
  • Understanding of digital video and audio formats. (e.g., Quicktime, MPEG, AIFF, etc.)
  • Understanding of content delivery platforms and how they use video. (e.g., Flash, Quicktime, DVD, etc.)
  • Understanding of FTP and the downloading and uploading process
  • Working knowledge of SD and HD formats
  • Be able to read a Waveform/Vector Scope, and Audio Meters
  • Degree in Communications or Computer Science is preferred

Live Video Support Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work with Livestream Account Managers and the in-house Production team to support live events
  • Update and improve documentation for Livestream's hardware and software products
  • Work closely with our in-house developers, designers and content development staff
  • Influence the product roadmap by gathering feedback from our customers
  • Bachelors level education or above
  • Hands on experience, understanding and working knowledge of video production
  • Customer service skills and at least 1 year of experience in the production industry
  • Demonstrated job stability
  • Solid computer, grammar, typing and multi-tasking skills
  • Strong attention to detail, time management and decision-making skills
  • Must be comfortable and confident speaking on the phone
  • Experience with hardware or broadcast equipment troubleshooting and maintenance is a plus
  • Must be able to work nights and weekends
  • Excel skills. You need to know your way around a spreadsheet; blindfolded after spinning on a bat 10 times

Director of Video Growth & Data Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum10 years of results-oriented work experience in a data science or media/video analytics role
  • Experience analyzing complex data and proven ability to drive video growth across digital platforms
  • Familiarity with common suite of digital analytics tools, including Omniture and comScore at a minimum

Intern Summer Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assist Creative Service Staff in viewing and logging movie, original series, and shoot materials
  • Organize and manage video edit materials
  • Responsible for ordering & delivery dubs and file encodes
  • Assist producers with researching projects and stunts
  • Sophomore through graduate level course work at an accredited college/university with a major in Video Production or similar discipline; an academic grade point average of 3.0 or better on a 4 point scale for the most recent academic session (quarter/semester)
  • Ability to work with multiple computer databases and software, with familiarity to both PC and MAC platforms
  • Ability to communicate effectively visually, orally and in writing
  • Strong organizational skills with a keen eye for detail

Video Product Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Represent our requirements for the Pearson Smart Player (for delivery of online video), ensuring that the player meets our needs for video features within MyMathLab/MyStatLab
  • Serve as the video expert on our team, maintaining optimal technical requirements for online video production and communicating requirements to freelancers, vendors, Math/Stats media producers
  • Serve as a technical resource for authors and other video presenters who are creating their own videos in Camtasia and other “do it yourself” software programs, ensuring that they create their files for optimal presentation within the Smart Pearson Player
  • Maintain current knowledge of how to publish videos in the Pearson Smart Player and train Media Producers on the workflow; maintain documentation for all processes and technical requirements
  • Communicate with other media leads & product teams across Pearson to ensure that the Math/Stats team has knowledge of new video initiatives and is developing optimal features for our customers
  • For our growing number of eCourses—where there isn't a printed textbook, and all content is delivered online via MyMathLab/MyStatLab—research methods of delivering author content to maximize accessibility and minimize cost

Head of Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Define Facebook’s AUNZ Video ‘Go to Market’ Strategy across all channels
  • Drive thought leadership & best practices across the broader Facebook business
  • Provide competitive intelligence, market insights & measurement models
  • Collaborate and consult with major customers/ agencies to understand their business needs and where best Facebook's Video proposition can add value
  • Contribute strategically to the growth and direction of Facebook's Video products and services

Senior Video Streaming Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Perform analysis, diagnosis and resolution of video encoding/transcoding hardware/software issues and implement corrective solutions for live and VOD systems
  • Run, operate and produce live streaming events by coordinating with NFL Network TOC on acquisition of signal and must be solid with understanding video signal chains
  • We will be required to support environment during NFL game windows (nights/weekends)
  • Configure, develop, test and implement appropriate codec settings for live video and on demand streaming
  • Maintain documentation of hardware maintenance, configuration, failures, removal, and installation
  • Cultivate relationships with current and existing vendors/partners to improve video quality of service and experience

Senior Engineer, Video Systems Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintain and administer UNIX-based & Windows-based computer networks including computer hardware, systems software, applications software, and all configurations
  • Basic experience with performance tuning, package installation, patch management updates, network and server management issues
  • Basic knowledge of troubleshooting tools (i.e tcpdump, netstat, iostat, traceroute, and snoop)
  • Basic experience with System monitoring applications
  • Solid understanding of LAN/WAN topology, network protocols switches and firewalls
  • Scripting experience in at least one language (Ruby, Python, Shell)
  • Deploys/upgrades storage and virtualization solutions (VMWare, Open Stack)
  • Knowledge of blade server platforms (Cisco, Hitachi, HP)
  • In depth knowledge of storage architectures (NFS, SAN) and the ability to deploy/manage these in a lab environment
  • Basic understanding of Web Service Management (Apache, IIS, etc.)
  • Knowledge of CDN and video packagers for ABR delivery
  • Knowledge of video and Audio CODECS (MPEG2, MPEG4, HEVC, Dolby, and AAC Audio)
  • Understanding of HTTP traffic and protocols for video delivery and the trouble shooting HTTP communications

Advertiser Solutions Manager, Mobile & Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Grow account revenue and AUM to meet and exceed goals; continuously prospect new business
  • Consultative and strategic sales partner for Demand partner business growth
  • Drive holistic account growth and optimization. Be a leader in sales approach, optimization, as well as campaign management
  • Partner in the development of accounts and strategies for long term business growth
  • Regularly secure client meetings to further sales objectives with clients/agency contacts
  • Constant monitoring and analysis of program progress and performance
  • Produce frequent and regular account status updates through written and verbal communication
  • Demonstrate strong understanding of the PubMatic platform capabilities and their value proposition for partners
  • Translate the value proposition to drive business growth and revenue with demand partners. Find areas within the account where PubMatic can offer consultative solutions
  • Be a team player with a keen understanding for internal cross-functional & international communication/collaboration across multiple operational teams within PubMatic

VP of Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • P&L management across the Video line of business
  • Identification and negotiation of strategic partnerships in the Video, Audio and Connected TV space
  • Creation and execution of the overall Video strategy, working with Product Management to define the roadmap
  • Develop and grow relationships with premium publishers at the highest levels
  • Manage, develop, and grow the Video team, developing consistently high levels of operational excellenceCreate and execute a business strategy to build a programmatic video business
  • Be the face of PubMatic at industry events and press briefings
  • Effective communicator with strong team leadership experience
  • Strong knowledge of Internet advertising models, ad optimization, audience trends and technologies, including mobile
  • Ability to travel approximately 40% of the time

Video Subject Matter Expert Sales Executive Resume Examples & Samples

  • BA/BS degree required, MBA/JD a plus
  • Ideal candidate will have worked at a video ad technology company (, Freewheel, BrightRoll, Tremor, YuMe, Videology…etc.) or large media company (agency holding group, DSP, SSP, adnetwork)
  • Programmatic or Video experience required
  • Excellent problem-solving and analytical skills and impeccable business judgment
  • Solid communication and interpersonal skills; ability to be personable yet persistent

Software Engineering Internship Video Team Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience with iOS (Objective C, Swift) is a plus
  • Experience with streaming protocols such as HLS, MPEG Dash is a plus
  • Experience with live and on-demand video is a plus
  • Strong teamwork skills
  • Someone who can handle and thrive with a certain amount of autonomy
  • Top-notch problem solving skills and solid judgment
  • Ideally you will have an interest in digital media
  • Passion for the NYT

Senior Finance Manager, Aol Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Advanced working knowledge of spreadsheet applications and databases
  • Works with managers or strategic partners to create, revise and reforecast annual hiring plans
  • Researches complex financial and economic trends and developing short-term forecasts
  • Forecasts revenue, expenses and expenses based on historical and current business information
  • Updates and maintains budget and outlook projections in Hyperion planning system
  • Communicates more complex financial related information to a wide variety of individuals and groups
  • May project lead with lower level analysts
  • Creates highly complex reports and summaries on regular basis as required by Corporate procedure or regulatory statute
  • May perform economic research and studies in the areas of rates of return, depreciations, working capital requirements, investment performance and impact of governmental requirements
  • Partners with HR, Accounting, other finance members, and Business leads as necessary
  • Works independently and can manage to tight deliverables for both Finance and Business area

Head of Video Sales Resume Examples & Samples

  • Leading AOL’s Video proposition in the UK, developing and aligning the UK strategy to that set out by the Director of Video for Europe
  • Directing and managing the Video Sales Team in order to drive yearly revenue numbers and achieve quarterly / monthly targets
  • Working with the Head of Video Operations, Products Heads & Delivery managers to introduce and refine video products which align to market demand within the UK market
  • Championing video products within internal Sales and Sales Operations meetings, driving video revenue across cross-functional sales teams
  • Working with Business Development to strengthen the UK product, as well as with the Sales team to reinforce our programmatic proposition and increase revenues
  • Continuing to strengthen relationships within agency planning teams, creating a visible presence within agencies, including working with agency development leads
  • Working with marketing and communications to continuously improve AOL Video’s message to the UK market, including collateral and other marketing materials
  • Considerable sales leadership and new business experience essential within digital media sales is a must. Previous VOD/TV sales would be a significant advantage alongside a broad network across AV and Broadcast
  • Creative and forward thinking, with a strong awareness of technology, video and digital solutions
  • Excellent track record in developing relationships with advertising agencies, direct advertisers and winning new business
  • Entrepreneurial with strong time management and organisational skills to maintain own work-flow and meet deadlines

Video Conf Support Spec Senior Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent required
  • Fluent in Spanish Preferred but not required
  • Customer service oriented
  • Problem solving oriented
  • Basic knowledge on Windows/Office products/ Google products
  • Basic knowledge with video conference equipment (Cisco, TMS)
  • Basic knowledge with Audio visual equipment
  • Basic knowledge on network technologies like ethernet, switching, tcp/ip, etc
  • Desirable experience supporting Apple devices like, laptops, iPhones, iPads
  • Desirable experience supporting Mobile devices such as laptops, iPhones, iPads
  • Ability to work in a fast pace environment

Video Analytics Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Prototype deep learning algorithms for analyzing large collections of images and videos
  • Prepare training and testing datasets, design experiments, and analyze results to improve accuracy and performance
  • Deliver high quality C++ and CUDA code that runs on CPUs and GPUs
  • MS degree in computer science or related disciplines
  • At least 4+ years of experience in C++ programming
  • Completed courses in computer vision, machine learning, statistics, and data analysis
  • Completed projects that demonstrate using computer vision and machine learning technologies for practical applications
  • Good technical judgment and initiative
  • Demonstrated ability to work effectively as a member of a team
  • PhD candidate in computer science or related disciplines
  • Research or software development experience in one or more of the following areas: face recognition, deep learning, 3D face modeling and OpenGL
  • Experience with CUDA programming
  • Familiarity with agile development processes

Video Sales Executive Resume Examples & Samples

  • Contributing towards team and individual revenue targets by product across brand and performance
  • Delivering excellent service to clients at all times; feeding back on campaign performance supported by account/campaign managers and acting as a point of contact for any trouble shooting
  • Building excellent working relationships with internal departments including Account Management, Client Services & Operations, to maintain and build on existing campaigns and to generate growth of advertisers
  • Individual responsibility for over $2MM+ worth of revenue
  • Selling cross functionally across AOL’s entire range of opportunities and suite of products
  • Experience in putting together large budget content creation responses and ideas spanning the distribution of advertising and content through to pitching to create the content and video

Video Conferencing / Webcast Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Partner with L3 teams and Strategy and Architecture teams to design and develop against technology roadmaps
  • Optimize design and delivery methods
  • Gain adherence to architecture standards and principles, global product-specific guidelines and local regulatory requirements
  • Provide infrastructure facilitation support for problem management and major incident escalations
  • Encoding technologies – Windows Media Encoder, Adobe Media Encoder, Expression Encoder, various transcoders
  • Deep understanding of audio and video encoding specifications for various devices including PC, Mac, tablets, smart phones
  • Experience working with Tier 1 CDN’s such as Akamai or Limelight
  • Core understanding of networking concepts specifically related to streaming media - stream splitting, multicast, peering
  • Experience developing infrastructure designs
  • Experience working with enterprise-level webcasting software
  • Familiar with cloud based and mobility technologies and services
  • Familiar with infrastructure services and design concepts used to augment webcasting delivery such as WAN Acceleration technologies (i.e. Riverbed, Cisco, Bluecoat)
  • Understanding of other technologies required to run an enterprise level service
  • Expertise in the field of videoconferencing
  • Experience required with H.320 (ISDN), H.323 (IP) and SIP protocols; Cisco/Tandberg infrastructure design and deployment and endpoint product line including TMS, gateway functionality and gatekeeper functionality; Bridge functionality; Polycom and other industry-specific expertise- including Unified Collaboration, Audio Conferencing and web conferencing / casting
  • Experience with Microsoft Lync a plus
  • Experience with Cisco Telepresence design and deployment required
  • Experience with conference room audio visual a plus i.e. Crestron / AMX room controllers, HD displays, projectors a plus
  • Experience with Digital Signage solutions a plus
  • Fluent English in speech, reading and writing
  • Substantial, extensive and demonstrable experience in various aspects of video conferencing and webcast technology and service support, with tangible and relevant experience in managing a globally available service
  • Demonstrated experience in dealing with external vendor, suppliers and managed services providers in the conferencing and collaboration industry
  • Demonstrated skills in developing actionable roadmaps and implementing these efficiently
  • Very good understanding of key performance indicators relevant for the role
  • Minimum of 6 years of experience in a related IT dedicated work function
  • Create and deliver presentations that engage audience participants and respond to their questions and concerns. Present complex and difficult messages skillfully

Regional Sales Manager Se Asia Video Compression Resume Examples & Samples

  • Strong focus on generating revenue and high customer satisfaction
  • Understand customer's requirements and describe how the Ericsson TV video compression solution will fit to the customer’s strategic advantage
  • Work as a trusted advisor, partnering with the customer on Technical Strategy and requirements
  • Play a key role in interfacing with Product Marketing on regional needs and requirements and helping to position the portfolio appropriately to win new opportunities
  • Proactively work with SI’s and Industry partners to effectively position Ericsson solutions in a wide range of ecosystems
  • Effectively communicate product requirements from the field back into engineering and product marketing
  • Develop customer centric solutions based on the existing environment and specific needs of the customer
  • Expertise in
  • A minimum of 5 years of work-related skill, knowledge, or experience is required in related industry sales
  • Demonstrable experienced in working with highly technical solutions and understanding customer requirements and communicating requirements and regional trends to product managers
  • Possess core technical skills across the range of Ericsson video compression products to enable presenting effectively at all technical levels

Video Codec Software Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Coding in C, C++, and low-level SIMD assembler
  • Software verification, development of test frameworks, and scripting test suites
  • Bug diagnosis and fixing
  • Developing and maintaining documentation
  • Participating in peer reviews
  • Working with team members using an agile methodology
  • Liaising with colleagues who are responsible for algorithm development
  • Product Development Knowledge
  • Product Life Cycle Management Knowledge
  • Business Understanding
  • Lean and Agile Knowledge and Skills
  • Working with People
  • Relating and Networking
  • Adapting and Responding to Change
  • Creating and Innovating
  • Delivering Results and Meeting Customer Expectations
  • Planning and Organizing
  • A good degree in a numerate discipline
  • Experience working on either
  • Awareness of hardware issues, from system architecture to detailed low-level issues
  • Appreciation of high performance computer architectures
  • Proficient with source code control tools such as subversion

Remote Video Operator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Troubleshoots all video problems including camera, cabling, lens etc. during production
  • Good knowledge of video technology and equipment
  • Sport knowledge
  • Troubleshooting technology issues
  • Minimum 2 years experience

Digital Video Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Oversee all asset delivery/publishing of original digital content across AMC and partner platforms
  • Manage entire media workflow in AVID/ISIS environment
  • Coordinate with other AMC departments to receive/deliver/launch digital videos assets for various projects/purposes
  • Manage interns and assistant editors
  • Oversee output and publishing of video assets
  • Coordinate Freelance Publisher team for off-hours launches
  • Select and process scene clips
  • Maintain master list of all video assets
  • Oversee creation of metadata and still images to accompany video
  • Assist Editors technically in Avid/Shared Storage
  • Handle delivery and management of assets/media
  • Maintain/Encrypt Portable Drive inventory
  • Coordinate with production companies to send and receive drives with sensitive footage
  • Oversee backup/archive of final split assets and raw footage
  • Order GFX and VO
  • Music Cue reporting
  • Assist Digital Video Director/Executive Producer in creative development and shoot logistics
  • Min years of experience – 4-5years
  • Technical experience – Avid Media Composer, Brightcove, Wordpress, YouTube, Photoshop
  • Degree and Certifications – Bachelors in Video Production
  • Managerial experience -

Spain Marketing Manager Home Video & Digital Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent in Business Studies or Marketing/Brand
  • Management preferred. Master's degree or equivalent preferred
  • Minimum of 3/4 years proven success in Product Management
  • Home Video and Digital experience preferred. Secondarily, FMCG experience preferred
  • Effective Interpersonal skills - proven experience in managing teams
  • Strategic thinking – skills at providing alternative solutions
  • Must be able to handle multiple concurrent tasks
  • Must be proactive and updated with latest internal and external benchmark

Video Internship Resume Examples & Samples

  • Proficient in the use of video and audio recording equipment including but not limited to DSLR cameras, lighting, microphones, and tripods
  • Knowledge of video and audio editing software such as Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro 7, Cinema Tools, Compressor, Adobe After Effects, Adobe Audition, Soundtrack Pro, ProTools and Adobe Media Encoder
  • Experience in television, video, and multimedia production
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced run-and-gun-style video production environment
  • Awareness of creating and delivering video content on the web; interest in keeping up with latest technologies and trends
  • Strong project management and organizational skills to prioritize tasks in order to manage & meet strict deadlines
  • Strong eye for composition, detail, and design
  • Communicates frequently and effectively with various project collaborators to ensure that goals and objectives are met
  • Strong interpersonal communication skills required

Video Client Services Manager, Aol On Resume Examples & Samples

  • Effectively optimize campaign performance by recommending adjustments to inventory and creative components of the campaign
  • Responsible for day-to-day communication with internal and external customers to monitor campaign delivery and contract compliance, ensuring full revenue recognition and client objectives success
  • Deliver on all role specific accountability metrics and goals
  • Manage and Map Inventory Network Design hierarchy in the ad server
  • Work with clients and internal teams to monitor and optimize campaigns to ensure full delivery and maximize campaign performance
  • Troubleshoot operational campaign issues with both internal and external parties, setting expectations across various internal and external stakeholders
  • Generate and analyze internal and 3rd party reports for billing and contract reconciliation through the PO/Invoice process
  • Video campaign management, inventory management, pre & post sales experience a plus!
  • Working knowledge of Video Ad Serving Systems like FreeWheel, and Video standards like VAST / VPAID a plus
  • Self-motivated, detail-oriented, and analytical
  • Excellent project management and presentation skills
  • Ability to thrive in a fast-paced, high pressure environment

Video District Sales Manager, Central Region Resume Examples & Samples

  • Achieve annual sales targets in order to grow the business within assigned geography by calling on Distribution, Direct Dealers, Value Added Resellers, and Strategic Partners
  • May sell through K-12 vertical within assigned geography
  • Seek new business opportunities and generate quotes for assigned Video, Transmission, and/or International Fiber System (IFS) equipment sales within assigned geography
  • Establish new accounts, maintain existing accounts, and introduce new products
  • Generate plans and specifications to develop Video and Transmission systems solutions
  • May present highly technical product information through training to customers, end users and prospective new
  • Select a function
  • Administration
  • Airline Pilot/Copilot/Flight Engineer
  • Business Development
  • Commerical and Industry Relations
  • Communications
  • Co-Ops/Interns
  • Engineering
  • Environment, Health & Safety
  • Field Service Operations
  • General Management
  • Government Relations
  • Human Resources
  • Information Technology
  • Internal Audit
  • International Trade Compliance
  • Procurement
  • Program Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Research/Development
  • Supply Chain Management

Video Distribution, Emerging Platforms Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work closely with Strategic Partnerships team to understand and implement Bloomberg Media's digital distribution strategy for Bloomberg TV
  • Monitor landscape including new device launches and competitor activity
  • Expand distribution through strategic partnerships on new devices / platforms
  • Prioritize deployment based on a combination of audience size / reach and Bloomberg Media's target demographic
  • Support negotiations with cable, satellite and IPTV partners by providing a view on digital components
  • Structure and negotiate content distribution agreements and collaborate with cross-functional teams within Bloomberg (i.e. product, operations, marketing, finance, legal, editorial, analytics, R&D) to close and launch deals
  • Manage all current partnerships to pitch for additional promotions and test promotional campaigns across devices
  • Track current analytics and implement additional KPIs to track user engagement metrics

Video Game Production Intern, Summer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assist the production team during various stages of game development
  • Organize and review essential game design documentation
  • Work with the production coordinator to assist with asset approvals and clearances
  • Perform research and competitive analyses on industry trends
  • Download, install and catalog game builds during production
  • Collaborate with the Marvel Games creative and production teams to brainstorm ideas on integrating Marvel IP into video game content
  • Obsession for Marvel and video games!
  • Familiarity with Marvel’s console and mobile games
  • Avid gamer with knowledge of current video game trends and genres (console, mobile, PC, etc.)
  • Excellent research, organization and communication skills
  • Technically adept
  • Applicants must be enrolled in an accredited college or university
  • Enrollment in CS or a program related to game development is a huge plus!

Senior Software Engineer Video Streaming Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead the engineering initiative related to choosing and integrating the best Video player for each platform
  • Subject matter expert for HLS Streaming across different platform
  • Design Metrics to capture Video experience for end user with the goal of bringing the highest Quality of Experience (QoE)
  • Works closely with the QA team to drive automation to test out various use cases
  • 5+ years of relevant work experience and BS or higher in Computer Science, Software Engineering
  • Experience with high level streaming protocol
  • Significant hand-on experience in building video applications using HLS protocol
  • Experience integrating Video player on different CE devices
  • Excellent Communication Skills
  • Undergraduate or Graduate Student degree in film, journalism, or a related field
  • Creative, poised, high energy, self-motivated, adaptable, and organized
  • Strong verbal communication skills
  • Able to develop and maintain relationships with senior level internal clients
  • Candidate does not need to have prior knowledge of the markets but should be interested in learning
  • Knowledge of video editing preferred but not required
  • Must be proficient in Adobe Premier Pro

Coordinator, Video on Demand Resume Examples & Samples

  • Inputs promos and PSAs for VOD
  • Publishes logs and distributes to affiliates and Engineering
  • Prepares and creates timing of VOD logs
  • Assist with Prime and late night
  • A Bachelor’s degree and a minimum of 1 year office experience is also required
  • Experience in television scheduling is preferred
  • Strong oral and written communication skills are required
  • Good organizational skills and attention to detail are needed
  • Good computer skills, including experience with email, the internet and various word processing programs are required
  • The ability to multitask and work effectively under daily time constraints in a high pressure environment is required

Video Client Services Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintaining strong communication with clients to properly explain Aol One Video platform tools and campaign management best practices
  • Troubleshooting and solving common technical problems, and address client issues
  • Articulate video tagging and requirements by platform (desktop, mobile, tablet, CTV) to clients for varying inventory set ups (Open RTB, PMPs, Direct Guaranteed)
  • Monitoring revenue and delivery performance, and make optimization recommendations as necessary
  • Maintaining and expanding both client and internal relationships; notifying stakeholders about future business opportunities
  • Developing and maintaining expert level proficiency in the Aol One Video tool set
  • 3-5 years of experience in a relevant client management position, with an emphasis on high touch clients who require white glove service
  • Experience with online video advertising required (ability to read and troubleshoot VAST/VPAID responses)
  • Proven success in managing client relationships and extraordinary client service
  • Ability to work well independently define/manage objectives in a fast paced, ever-changing environment
  • Ability to maintain excellent internal and external client relationships

Video Programming Coordinator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide qualitative assessments and metadata tagging of live and on-demand video from NFL Network,, NFL Films and NFL Clubs for use on NFL digital properties
  • Specialize in the identification of high-quality video programming, from fantasy-based highlights to long-form features, as well as overseeing decisions about what types of video content best serves audiences and best fulfills the stated goals for consumption and generation of revenue
  • Schedule and program live-streaming video content from both Club and League productions
  • Contribute to the development of content ideas and programming strategies based on both existing production opportunities and NFL Now user consumption patterns
  • Monitor consumption trends with the NFL Digital Media analytics group to drive programming decisions
  • Edit copy for titles and captions while adhering to NFL Media editorial standards for all videos in a fast-paced, deadline-oriented environment
  • 2 - 3 years of video production and programming experience, preferably in the digital space
  • Strong interest and understanding of NFL Media properties and distribution
  • Data-driven thinker who makes decisions based on empirical evidence and can persuade others to do the same
  • Must be available to work nights, weekends and holidays
  • Strong organizational and prioritization skills
  • Background in digital video production techniques is strongly preferred
  • Experience generating news concepts and tent pole event coverage from inception to execution
  • High-level interest and understanding of NFL players, coaches and storylines is required
  • Must demonstrate strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Bachelor’s degree in Communications, Broadcasting, Journalism, Radio/TV/Film, or equivalent work experience is preferred

Software Developer, Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • In lieu of Bachelor’s degree, extensive coding skills, client-side & server-side development experience and familiarity with the field's concepts, practices & procedures is required
  • Experience on a public commercial website preferred
  • Portfolio of innovative work
  • Desire to create exceptional user experiences
  • Pursues work with enthusiasm, drive and a strong sense of accomplishment

Cmc Video Managed Service Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Excellent customer service and communications skills
  • Basic understanding of the fundamental operations of a modern IP based network
  • Basic understanding of the Microsoft suite including but not limited to Client/Server OS, AD (LDAP), SQL, OCS/Lync, and Exchange
  • Understanding of the fundamentals involved in integrating Audio, Video and Control equipment
  • 2-5+ yr industry exp
  • 2 year degree or equivalent work experience
  • CVE + at minimum 1 additional applicable certification (CCNA or MCSE preferred)
  • WireShark Certification (achieved within 1 year if not currently held)

Video Project Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work with internal teams to secure creative assets and direction from clients
  • Work with Editorial, Operations and video production teams to ensure proper execution and creative treatment
  • Act as the go-to person for post sale video for the national Sales org
  • Minimum 2-3 years of project management experience
  • Experience in campaign management or video production a plus
  • Proven ability to manage multiple projects and deadlines with minimal error
  • Strong organization and time management abilities
  • Ability to prioritize multiple projects
  • Copywriting experience a plus

Video Research Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Designing, conducting and reporting on experiments which seek to improve Ericsson’s understanding of video compression with the goal of improving the performance of Ericsson’s video compression products
  • Ongoing development of Ericsson’s C++ software model for video research and simulation
  • Generating test data to aid the real implementation
  • Planning, designing, documenting, implementing, debugging and overall owning solutions
  • Working with complex code to maintain and add new features
  • Providing feedback on timescales and risks with allocated tasks
  • Contributing to system architectures and peer reviews
  • Ensuring all stages of their work is in accordance with company best practice & targets are met
  • Working with others in the section to develop and enhance best practice

Video Library Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • 5+ years' development experience using Java and related technologies – A must
  • Strong problem solving and coding skills – A must
  • Excellent communication skills – A must
  • Extensive experience with Spring Framework – A must
  • Experience with JavaScript, CSS and HTML – A must
  • Experience with test driven development – An advantage
  • Experience working with open source JavaScript libraries (Angular.JS) – An advantage
  • Experience working with relational databases (SQL Server\Oracle) – An advantage
  • Experience working with non-relational databases MongoDB\Cassandra\Couchbase) – An advantage
  • B.Sc.\B.A. in computer science – An advantage
  • Working in an agile development environment – An advantage

Director, Digital Video Newsroom Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum 10 years fulltime television and/or digital media production experience in leadership positions
  • Minimum 5 years people management experience required
  • Proven leadership skills
  • Extensive knowledge of digital media production
  • Proven administrative and organizational experience leading production teams and integrating with multiple departments within ESPN and sport organizers outside ESPN
  • Leads newsroom in the creative development, production, and preparation of content for all Digital Media Platforms
  • Develop concepts and content that will reach Digital Media viewers and will increase Digital Media market penetration, numbers and viewership
  • Interacts with Senior Management concerning all decisions made for the Digital Media Video Production Team
  • Lead integration efforts by working directly with page editors, headline producers, and newsdesk to create, curate and publish best editorial content and establish consistent news voice
  • Work Directly with Director of Original Content and Director of WATCH content to maximize production and content distribution
  • Lead in efforts to unify all Digital Video groups through solid understanding of each of their operations
  • Lead exploration and implementation of new news gathering technology
  • Support Assoc Director in managing studio and production facilities
  • Creates and monitors schedules and budgets to ensure timely, current and cost effective productions
  • Minimum of bachelor’s degree, concentration in media is preferred

Digital Video Strategist, The Huffington Post Resume Examples & Samples

  • Conceptualize how video executions can translate to broad strokes branded content strategies aligned to brand KPIs
  • Supervise the creation of digital video from conception through delivery
  • Oversee idea development and manage financial decisions to bring video components of projects to fruition
  • Scope resources and talent for each shoot and supply estimates based on industry knowledge and experience
  • Coordinate pre-production and production planning activities including upkeep of calendar
  • Assist in the creation of the video storyboard
  • Produce and direct assigned studio productions (spotlights, interviews, live streaming, etc.)
  • Edit all videos and ensure all client branding is properly associated with each asset
  • Utilize computer graphics and special effects for video post-production in accordance with the overall production concepts
  • Compress video projects for output
  • Properly store and catalog all video and audio components and provide duplication services as required
  • Perform other departmental duties as assigned

HBO Manager Advanced Video Systems Resume Examples & Samples

  • Managing team of Maintenance Technicians and System Engineers
  • Project Engineering
  • API integration
  • Next Gen Technology

Direct Hire Video Conferencing Services Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Management and maintenance of all audio visual rooms, video conference equipment, internal conference bridge administration, external conferencing, CLE and Webinar coordination, along with ISDN lines associated with existing Tandberg equipment
  • Supporting the operation, maintenance and repairs to the equipment, and its related software and network components
  • Maintain the overall design of the firm’s A/V systems and ensure audio visual conferencing technologies meet business requirements and are marketed effectively
  • Collaborate with attorneys and staff to ensure that audio visual and conferencing technologies are meeting business requirements and are effectively marketed
  • Minimum 5+ years A/V broadcast or telecommunications experience
  • Bachelor’s degree preferred or technical school training with equivalent experience also considered
  • BICSI Certified
  • InfoComm Certified Technical Specialist General Certification required
  • InfoComm Certified Technical Specialist in AV Design preferred
  • CompTIA A+ certification preferred or commitment to attain within six months of employment
  • Proficient with Microsoft Office Suites and highly skilled in PowerPoint
  • Prior experience with WebEx, GoToWebinar, LiveMeeting, or other Webinar technologies necessary
  • General knowledge of SQL reporting
  • Familiarity with all types of AV equipment and control systems including, but not limited to Tandberg Telepresence systems, TMS/VCS and Crestron
  • Understanding of LAN/WAN hardware and software for switches, hubs, routers, bridges, modems, multiplexors, point-to-point date circuits via copper and fiber for audio and video

Programmatic Account Executive for Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Grow account revenue and platform spend to meet and exceed goals
  • Continuously prospect new business, manage the onboarding process from MSA, NDA & Credit check
  • Be the video subject matter expert in QBR driven by the advertiser/media solutions team. Partner with our advertiser solutions’ team in the development of accounts and strategies for long term business growth. Offering video product guidance through the monitoring of recent buying and selling trends within programmatic video
  • Drive holistic account growth and optimization. Be a leader in sales approach, optimization, as well as understanding each DSPs bidding algorithms for video. Translate the value proposition to drive business growth and revenue with demand partners. Find areas within the account where PubMatic can offer consultative solutions
  • Regularly secure client meetings to further communicate the PubMatic video offering with clients/agency contacts
  • Constant monitoring and analysis of DSP & Adnetwork spend. Reaching out to Adnetworks with new Video opportunities (tag based), also deep-dive into DSP bidding behavior, what they are able to ingest and what PubMatic must send in terms of parameters
  • Accurate and timely communication to manager of all relevant information regarding revenue and or demand partner relationship
  • Demonstrate strong understanding of the PubMatic platform capabilities and their value proposition for partners. Be a team player with a keen understanding for internal cross-functional & international communication/collaboration across multiple operational teams within PubMatic
  • Attend appropriate industry events, conferences to effectively network and grow your industry knowledge
  • Successful candidate will have worked at a video ad technology company (, Freewheel, BrightRoll, Tremor, YuMe, Videology…etc.) or large media company (agency holding group, DSP (The trade desk, DBM, MediaMath, Turn), SSP (LiveRail, SpotX, OpenX, Adx), adnetwork (Collective Media, Brightroll))
  • Programmatic experience is a nice thing to have but not a requirement. However programmatic knowledge and understanding along with Video experience, on the other hand is a requirement
  • Strong knowledge & familiarity with Internet advertising models, ad optimization, audience trends and technologies
  • Strong written, presenting & oral communication skills
  • Meet with internal customers and the IT Events team to identify VOD / Streaming requirements and propose solutions with estimated costs
  • Collaborate with Project and Operations' teams to ensure consensus on designs and that documentation is clear for smooth implementation and operation
  • Responsible for defining system requirements, creating bill of materials including cost and installation labor estimates

Video Analytics Computer Vision Researcher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ph.D or M.Sc. . in computer science, electrical engineering, or a related field, with a strong background in computer vision, image processing and machine learning, Deep Learning, etc
  • 3 years of hands-on experience in algorithm development in the area of video analysis is preferred
  • Strong programming skills in MATLAB and C/C++ (preferably also with OpenCV)
  • Hebrew: Fluent
  • Master's Degree

Video Technologies Researcher Resume Examples & Samples

  • M.Sc. or B.Sc. in computer science or electrical engineering, with deep knowledge of streaming protocols and video standards, hands-on experience in multimedia technologies (such as DirectShow) and cloud enabled multimedia technologies
  • Strong programming skills in C++, JAVA and preferably also J2EE
  • English: Fluent
  • Assist clients with pre-launch preparation activities such (for example: client-on boarding and kick off calls) and post-sale campaign execution (including custom unit approvals, project management, campaign operations)
  • Track and analyze usage trends and prepares sales and internal reports
  • Effectively manage campaign post sales life cycle, including scheduling, delivery, tracking and reporting of advertising campaigns across AOL properties Manage production of custom Video Formats from start to execution in collaboration with 3rd Party Vendor Partners and internal AOL teams
  • Correspond and meet with clients and members of client teams to provide a consistent level of service that exceeds expectations
  • Provide support and assistance to the Director and VP
  • 2-3 Years of Advertising experience
  • Detailed-oriented, organized and excellent written/verbal communications
  • Experience with HTML, JavaScript, Flash Action Script, video, and other various forms of rich media online creative formats and related code
  • Prioritization skills to handle multiple, competing projects
  • Maintaining strong communication with clients to properly explain Aol ONE Video platform tools and campaign management best practices
  • Monitoring campaign performance to client’s objectives and make optimization recommendations as necessary
  • Ability to work well independently; define/manage objectives in a fast paced, ever-changing environment

Video Syndication Coordinator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Key point of contact with the channel planners ensuring that all content scheduled for DTO is approved and in line with latest schedule changes
  • Key point of contact for operations team - responsible for communicating upcoming deliveries and tracking each delivery from planning to completion
  • Key point of contact for DTO platforms including iTunes, Google Play and Amazon – in place to conduct monthly meetings with each platform addressing deliveries and onstore promotion
  • Responsible for drafting delivery plans for each series, pulling required metadata from Discovery’s scheduling system (OBMS)
  • Responsible for ensuring all new planned deliveries are rights checked and cleared for the relevant platforms
  • Responsible for requesting artwork required to deliver all new series to each platform
  • Support the Dplay scheduling teams with the collation and delivery of metadata
  • Co-ordinate the delivery of long video to Dplay services working closely with the relevant Operations team
  • Identify and Claim/Block UGC content using the YouTube Content ID tools
  • Manage central YouTube tracker and harness YouTube analytics to actively refine and improve channel performance
  • Work with US counterparts
  • Work with central team and coordinate daily upkeep of the YouTube central account ensuring that all automated claims and conflicts are dealt with swiftly and effectively
  • Use YouTube inventory to promote Download To Own offering and Dplay services
  • Degree level education or equivalent
  • Experience of delivering content to online video platforms
  • Experience of delivering TV content to iTunes a strong plus
  • Demonstrate a passion for YouTube and well experience of managing YouTube channels
  • Experience of working with YouTube’s CMS
  • Knowledge of the EMA avails standard is a plus
  • Knowledge of XML is a plus
  • Understanding of the steps involved in using the Content ID tools to manage UGC is a strong plus
  • Identify ambassadors in the organization that help us
  • Harness risk taking and find creative ways to overcome
  • Launch verticals and products that are aligned to our brand

Video Metadata Assistant Resume Examples & Samples

  • NOTE: if you are seeking a hands-on video encoding, editing, or personal assistant position, or if you are not within an hour of the general LA area, please do not apply, as we will not read your resume.**
  • Input and update TV and film metadata for products in our content management system
  • Correct faulty or missing metadata
  • Process marketing requests and weekly banner change-out for the digital storefronts
  • Audit metadata entry tasks and perform reporting analyses using internal tools and applications
  • Participate in manual metadata clean-up and correction projects
  • Perform various other administrative tasks as needed
  • Must be proficient at multitasking in a fast-paced environment
  • Must be reliable, detail-oriented, independent, highly organized, and proactive
  • Must work effectively on both individual and team projects
  • Must be proficient in MS Office with a strong knowledge of Excel
  • Ideal candidates have an interest and passion for film and television
  • Familiarity with digital content processes a plus
  • Multilingual candidates a plus

VP, Advanced Video Data & Analytics Resume Examples & Samples

  • Introduce proprietary solutions to key stake-holder disciplines across the agency
  • Provide scheduled assessments and introductions of key players and technologies in the space
  • Develop a visionary execution to linking agency buying and planning platforms
  • Balance the internal needs of both research and activation departments
  • Provide Research expertise to the Horizon Advanced activation team
  • Collaborate with rest of team on all client initiatives in the advanced TV space
  • Analyze and apply data from various Research software systems
  • Be able to discuss the general media landscape and marketplace
  • Be able to communicate knowledge of various 3rd party and 1st party data sources
  • Create and maintain dynamic presentations about advanced tv and how and what data impacts advanced tv
  • Train and manage junior level staff
  • Evaluate media vendors and research providers
  • Make research apply to specific brands
  • Write papers about advanced tv media trends
  • Be detail-oriented
  • Be able to constantly re-prioritize multiple projects
  • 10-15 Years in the media industry, with some of that time spent at a media planning and buying agency, Advertising/communications degree
  • Minimum of six months customer service experience in financial services, service industry, retail sales or a goal-oriented environment
  • Ability to respond and assist customers with inquiries and/or problem resolution
  • Strong communication skills (including verbal and non-verbal) and active listening skills
  • Comfortable asking customers about their financial needs, goals and objectives
  • Previous banking/financial services/teller experience
  • Experience communicating via virtual technology (e.g., Skype, FaceTime, Video Conferencing)

Video Software Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work experience with video delivery (RTMP, HLS and/or MPEG-DASH)
  • Work experience with raw video (ie: color space conversion)
  • Work experience in designing Audio or Video pipeline
  • DevOps skills (Linux containers/Docker, Puppet, Ansible, Varnish, Nginx, AWS)
  • In-depth understanding of H.264 and AAC standards

Video Strategist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Proactively seeks, identifies and obtains customer commitment for sales opportunities in the area of TV & Media
  • Be the main driver for overall solution definition and pre-sales, while orchestrating final negotiations together with the KAM
  • Main responsible for customer relationships including escalations in an effective way to assure customer satisfaction and Ericsson interests, at C-Suite level
  • Continuously identify, analyze and communicate the customer’s strategy in the TV & Media market
  • Work closely with the customer to drive Ericsson influence, vision and innovation
  • Work closely with the pre-sales team in order to maximize the value from the whole Ericsson organization
  • Establish Ericsson's thought leadership position and market awareness to substantiate sales offers (serving associations, congresses, speeches, articles, etc.)
  • Drive the nominated key deals by formulating engagement plan together with other stakeholders
  • Establish project governance and supervise a number of projects/programs, often taking a role in the steering groups
  • Proactively drives customer dialogue on long-, medium-, and short-term topics to establish trust, build business partnership, and generate and qualify new leads
  • Foster TV & Media competence growth within Customer Unit team
  • At least 7+ years of demonstrated technical experience in the TV Broadcasting and Media industry with focus on Brazil or alternatively the Latin American market. Having worked as an operator a big plus
  • Deep and solid understanding of the TV & Media ecosystem, value chain, business models and main players and competitors. Strong knowledge of LatAm market a big plus
  • Has track record of being able to drive large and complex projects
  • Has good experience in delivering Solutions within any TV & Media domain
  • Previous strong experience in technical sales
  • A strong consultative mindset and the ability to see the bigger picture
  • Strong communication & stakeholders mgmt skills at senior management level
  • Solid understanding of CFO/CEO language, relationship drivers and management
  • Strong leadership skills needed to drive the entire organization across many areas, departments and countries
  • Position requires occasional travel (estimated maximum of 20%). Candidate must be able to travel without restrictions

Coordinator, Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Answering phones, taking messages, sending and receiving faxes
  • Maintaining all non-financial records for the department (i.e. keeping records of all treatments, budgets, etc. associated with each video project)
  • Organizing and updating our video files (director reels, our library of music videos)
  • Arranging travel for department members, artists, managers, etc
  • Filing expense reports for members of the department
  • Handling day-to-day logistics for members of the department (i.e. keeping schedules, taking messages, etc.)
  • Maintaining up-to-date contact information on production companies, producers and directors
  • Create project related budgets
  • Work with outside production companies and vendors as an internal coordinator through project delivery
  • College degree preferred but not required
  • Must be able to recall information quickly and accurately

Director, Digital Video & Ebooks Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support the development and execution of the strategy and business plans for eBooks and DTO
  • Understand and know applications, formats, and technical platforms in the eBook and DTO businesses
  • Work with senior management to achieve the larger corporate goals for the Nickelodeon brands. Ensure the eBook and DTO strategies are in line with larger corporate goals
  • Act as digital media team project manager, overseeing and coordinating digital projects across all platforms
  • Manage day to day operations with external vendors and various internal departments, including Editorial, Sales, Production, Programming and Legal
  • Manage the inbound delivery of digital assets, QA process and archiving
  • Negotiate contracts with vendors for digital product services
  • Develop system of best practices for efficiency in conversions, metadata and pricing
  • Provide weekly reports on sales, distribution and production
  • Research technology, marketing trends and industry related news and present information to the rest of the group
  • Account coordination, which includes title management and knowledge of publishing lists
  • Maintain collection of necessary documents for new accounts (on-boarding instructions, specs, FAQs) and distribute as appropriate
  • Basic Qualifications
  • 5+ years experience working in e-book/digital publishing industry
  • Knowledge of the publishing industry, especially children’s books
  • Strategy and business understanding
  • Sales and negotiation experience
  • Candidate should possess advanced experience in epublishing platforms, conversion process and workflow and be able to manage teams
  • Large scale data capture and processing
  • Experience epub3, HTML5 and ONIX
  • Candidate should posses thorough knowledge in eBook creation and conversion for any eReader or tablet including but not limited to the Apple iPad and iPhone, Amazon Kindle™, SONY® eBook Reader, and the Droid and Mobipocket readers
  • Knowledge in creating ebooks from wide array of input sources like PDF, MS Word, Manuscript, etc to the industry standard ePub format or other portable formats as per the requirements of the end readers
  • Experience working with online content management systems or other web-based digital asset management systems a plus
  • Additional Qualifications
  • Great communication skills both written and verbal – an ability to know an audience and present effectively to any audience, including senior management
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills and proven ability to work effectively with all organizational levels in a fast-paced environment

Director of Video Engineering Resume Examples & Samples

  • Modern television production methods and equipment
  • Internet client/server protocol technologies and web technologies
  • Computing and network systems, standards, applications and methodologies
  • 5+ years of experience managing a team and several substantial projects
  • Minimum 5 years working with IT systems, with a solid understanding of network protocols and standards (e.g. DNS, TCP, HTTP, FTP, SSH)
  • Understanding of technologies, content flow, and distribution to the web (e.g. CMS, Closed Captioning, Live Streaming, Transcode)
  • Experience with Avid server systems including ISIS/Interplay/Media Central
  • Familiarity with broadcast production or video productions systems, including basic knowledge of non-liner editing tools
  • Experience with various databases (Oracle, SQL)

Video Games Intern, Fall Resume Examples & Samples

  • Video game production processes and project management for console and mobile games
  • Brand / character licensing
  • Organize, review, and evaluate game design documents, scripts, marketing materials, and in-game assets to ensure accuracy and brand fidelity
  • All candidates must be available during the months of September through December for the 12-week program
  • Technically adept. Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Word, Outlook, Excel)
  • Love and deep knowledge of the Marvel Universe, including comics, films, TV, and games
  • Support and maintain all daily live streaming events and Video on Demand infrastructure
  • Help architect and implement video production workflows where necessary to optimize and/or meet business requirements
  • We will be required to support environment during NFL live game windows (nights/weekends)
  • Consult and help implement new video services and/or products in furthering the evolution of the streaming ecosystem with a focus on scalability and high availability
  • Help define Video Requirements with Best Practices in mind
  • Conduct daily inspections of video streaming infrastructure,

Video Assistant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for the ingestion and delivery of all music video and content masters
  • Responsible for video asset management and organization both on local hard drives and “in the cloud.”
  • Maintain music video elements log
  • Coordinate post production actions with outside vendors, including but not limited to captioning, quality control, edits, and video network uploads
  • Maintain schedule and calendar for the content department
  • Production assistance with content team on video productions as needed
  • Assist content team with production and post production bookings with outside vendors as needed
  • Encode videos and distribute links as directed
  • Process vendor invoices
  • Maintain and update the weekly video content status report
  • Perform administrative duties including but not limited to creative research, filing, answering phones, data entry, and T&E reports
  • Excellent time management and organizational competency
  • Expert knowledge of video master file formats and specs (e.g. QuickTime.)
  • Creative thinking and execution
  • Knowledge of production and post production digital formats and techniques
  • Ability to manage multiple projects at once
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Broad knowledge of film and music video industry and history
  • Knowledge of cameras and support gear
  • Excellent people skills
  • Excellent audio/video technical competency
  • Knowledge of various editing applications (final cut, premiere, avid, photoshop, after effects)
  • At least 2 years of college

Video Collaboration Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • The Video Collaboration Support Engineer will be responsible for leading technology planning, and implementation and support initiatives required deliver Synchrony Video Collaboration platforms and services to employees worldwide
  • The Support Engineer will contribute to the planning, design, implementation and ongoing support of future video network and service initiatives, providing and leading ongoing service support improvements, and identifying efforts to improve quality and performance the SYF service offerings. The ideal candidate for this role will embrace the exciting blend of technical expertise, engagement ability, and leadership that is required to be successful
  • Serve as technical and subject matter expert on issues related to platform integration, connectivity and operation
  • Manage multiple suppliers through the design, engineering deployment and support phases of service delivery
  • Serve as technical liaison and coordinator for Executive and/or custom Video Collaboration events
  • Serve as escalation contact for to video collaboration support teams across the organization, driving best practices for support, project management and service delivery
  • Provide L2 and L3 technical escalation and leadership for all planned and unplanned service events that impact video collaboration services
  • Lead the technical mentoring, training and education of new team members
  • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Business, Management, or other Technical degree OR in lieu of degree High School Diploma/GED and 2 years of experience in a corporate IT environment
  • 3+ years Technical Administration and/or large-scale support experience with Cisco Telepresence, Tandberg Videoconferencing and WebEx collaboration tools
  • 2+ years of experience managing multiple simultaneous projects, client relationships, and expectations
  • 2+ years of demonstrated executive support experience across all video collaboration and adjacent platforms & services
  • 2+ years of demonstrated knowledge of audio/video system design principals, video networking technologies and/or video transport network engineering
  • Formal project management training and/or industry PM certification desired
  • Demonstrated ability to drive projects based on business strategies, cost requirements & customer CTQ's
  • Ability to solve problems independently, within teams and through direction of assigned resources
  • Ability to anticipate, lead and quickly adapt to change
  • Ability to work with global teams; act independently and as part of a team
  • Proven track record of initiating and driving actions to improve project cycle time and quality of deliverables
  • Proven ability to define business requirements and apply various technical solutions
  • Strong track record of understanding and interest in current and emerging collaboration technologies demonstrated through training, job experience and/or industry activities
  • Demonstrated customer focus – evaluates decisions through the eyes of the customer; builds strong customer relationships and creates processes with customer viewpoint
  • Strong analytical skills – strong problem solving skills, communicates in a clear and succinct manner and effectively evaluates information/data to make decisions; anticipates obstacles and develops plans to resolve
  • Change oriented – actively generates process improvements; supports and drives change, and confronts difficult circumstances in creative ways
  • Customer service skills to manage technical issues in complex, difficult or stressful situations
  • Superior oral and written communication skills to effectively communicate technical information to audiences at all levels of the organization
  • Strong listening skills

Video Client Service Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Contribute to Client Experience strategy and drive engagement: place timely and relevant video on Bloomberg Content Service publishing platform, create content package/advisory creation in advance of news cycled to ensure clients are offered content in a timely manner
  • Gather client, competitor and market insights/help to incorporate those learnings to recalibrate and adjust internal strategy
  • Work with operations and product teams on client troubleshooting
  • Collaborate with Sales to curate collections based on needs of specific client verticals
  • 5+ years of experience within the editorial news footage industry with news desk and digital experience
  • Strong customer focus to create experiences that apply context to improve user engagement and resolution of issues
  • Experience in working with video content; knowledge of video workflows: shooting, post-production, delivery and encoding
  • Must have an understanding of video file formats (broadcast, web), metadata, streaming media applications and related platforms
  • Knowledge of content/asset management systems, online video platforms
  • Familiarity with video distribution thru' social platforms
  • Strong editorial skills, a passion for news content
  • Analytical, problem solving, communication and project management skills

German Customer Support Supervisor for Video Games Resume Examples & Samples

  • To supervise a team of customer support agents, under the management of the Customer Relationship Manager
  • To ensure the good quality of support on his language
  • To investigate and report any problems with the website/cheat system/web shop reported by customers

Russian Customer Support Supervisor for Video Games Resume Examples & Samples

  • To provide first class support to customers via ticketing system
  • To diagnose and troubleshoot customer technical problems
  • To translate all customer service and other related material into the required languages
  • Bachelor's level education or above
  • Demonstrated job stability - at least 1 year in a professional environment
  • Ability to work a flexible schedule that includes required evening and weekend shifts
  • Solid computer skills - you need to know your way around a Google spreadsheet; blindfolded after spinning on a bat 10 times
  • ¿Hablas español? No es necesario. ¡Pero sería genial!

French Customer Support Agent for Video Games Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide first class support to customers via ticketing system
  • To reply to all emails in relation to online games
  • To ensure that all problems are dealt promptly and efficiently

GM, Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Set the traffic, engagement and revenue targets for Video
  • Create and maintain the video roadmap across mobile, web and IPTV apps
  • Drive distribution within The WSJ and News Corp platforms
  • Work with partners to maximize off-platform distribution of video
  • Attain revenue goals for the Video business

Video Distribution Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work closely with Strategic Partnerships team to understand and implement Bloomberg Media's digital and emerging platform linear distribution strategy for Bloomberg TV
  • Monitor landscape including new device launches, competitor activity, and key partner product strategy
  • Support and facilitate the the launch and growth of Bloomberg's new Canadian TV venture via role as ongoing project manager
  • Support negotiations with cable, satellite and IPTV partners by providing strategic input, deal analysis, and expertise on digital components
  • Structure and negotiate content distribution agreements and collaborate with cross-functional teams within Bloomberg (i.e. product, operations, marketing, finance, legal, editorial, analytics, R&D) to close and launch deals and maintain ongoing relationships
  • Develop sales decks and presentations for both internal and external communication and maintain a deal pipeline
  • Work with Editorial to optimize programming to increase user engagement
  • Build compelling new video experiences within Twitter for Android
  • Use your in-depth knowledge of all things Android to craft new Twitter features that are uniquely Android-based
  • Develop strong skills and best practices on the team through participation in design and code reviews
  • Be an Android educator and mentor within Twitter; help us grow Android development capability throughout the company
  • Previous experience developing mobile applications (on any platform)
  • Interest in sharing the best of your work at Twitter at conferences, meetups, etc
  • Active user of Twitter

Video Software Engineer, Full Stack Resume Examples & Samples

  • Write code in Scala, Ruby, Javascript, and HTML/CSS
  • Implement new features and optimize existing ones from controller-level to UI
  • Work closely with, and incorporate feedback from, product management, interaction designers, and back-end engineers
  • Rapidly fix bugs and solve problems
  • Proactively look for ways to make Twitter better
  • Github profile or link to open source work
  • Visual design skills
  • Knowledge of cross-browser quirks
  • Interest in mobile and touch-based web platform
  • Great written communication and documentation abilities
  • Data-informed product development: analytics, A/B testing, etc
  • Experience with TDD (test-driven development)

Video Software Engineer, Systems Resume Examples & Samples

  • Build and maintain low latency high performance scalable systems
  • Improve the reliability and efficiency of Twitter's core systems
  • Work in a collaborative manner with team members in remote offices
  • Develop elegant solutions to complex problems
  • Be awesome in developing JVM services (Scala, Java)
  • Balance out your desire to ship code with your responsibility to get it right
  • Open source contributor
  • Video in social media
  • Performance engineering--experience profiling and tuning for product quality
  • Image/video/media streaming stacks on mobile or elsewhere
  • Engineering on top of mobile platforms
  • Good, thoughtful consumer product design
  • … writing and shipping mobile apps (Android or iOS)
  • … with C/C++ as well as Java or Objective-C
  • … collaborating with a large distributed team
  • … designing maintainable systems that are intuitive, robust, and testable
  • … experience in working with distributed systems

Associate Video Streaming Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Tier 3 level operational support of video and audio live encoding appliances
  • Deployment and daily management of live encoding appliances
  • Active monitoring of live encoding appliances during marquee events
  • Knowledge of video codecs and compression, specifically H.264
  • Knowledge of IP protocols (http, TS via multicast, rtmp, rtsp,)
  • Understanding of RTMP, RTSP, SHOUTcast, HTTP Live Streaming delivery
  • Understanding of media formats on mobile, tablet, desktop and OTT devices
  • Understanding of Windows log, services and registry
  • Basic Linux command line skills

Director, Digital Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • At least 10 years of editorial and management experience
  • Ability to follow and shape video segments at various stages of development using various means of presentation
  • Appreciation of popular culture, and understanding of the tastes of ESPN's audiences
  • Bachelor's degree or higher preferred in journalism, communications or a related field
  • Develop and grow relationships with strategic demand partners – advertisers, agencies, trading desks and DSPs
  • BA/BS degree required, MBA a plus
  • Significant gravitas in the Video industry with deep contacts at C-level with the key existing and potential partners

Video Game Production Intern, Spring Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assist with organizing and maintaining video games library and development equipment
  • Conduct project research on topics including (but not limited to) Marvel characters, plotlines, story arcs, costumes, etc
  • Collaborate with the Marvel Games production and creative teams to brainstorm ideas on integrating Marvel IP into video game content
  • Deep knowledge of the Marvel Universe, including comics, films, TV, and games
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Word, Outlook, Excel)
  • All candidates must be available during the months of January - April for the 12-week program
  • All candidates must provide their own housing and transportation for the duration of the internship.All candidates must be able to have a consistent, reliable work schedule throughout the session
  • Preferred Junior or Senior-level standing

Video Partnerships Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Developing and implementing the video distribution strategy for all of Hearst Digital
  • Expanding distribution through strategic partnerships on new devices and platforms
  • Identifying internal and external opportunities to grow video views on and off platform
  • Monitoring video landscape including device launches, competitor activity, and key partner product strategy
  • Structure and negotiate video distribution agreements
  • Develop sales decks and presentations for both internal and external communication
  • Work with the video team to optimize programming to increase user engagement across all partners
  • Implement and track KPIs around video partnerships

Senior Software Engineer, Video Platform Resume Examples & Samples

  • Strong work experience building APIs
  • Strong knowledge in at least one of these languages Go, Scala or Python
  • Strong knowledge of NoSQL(MongoDB, Cassandra) and/or relation (MySQL) databases
  • Work experience with video delivery (RTMP, HLS and/or MPEG­DASH)
  • Work experience with: FFmpeg, GStreamer, libavcodec, Mediainfo
  • In­depth understanding of H.264 and AAC standards. Should Have
  • XP in Agile Software Development working experience: pair programming, TDD, Continuous Delivery, etc
  • Experience with unit/integration/functional tests: culture and tools
  • Previous experience developing and maintaining large­scale web applications
  • Public (github, bitbucket) and open source video related projects and/or contributions

Urban Outfitters Summer Internships Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assist in the development and planning of videos
  • Assistant editing and color correction
  • Gathering inspiration and materials for video treatments and storyboards
  • Help on video shoots as camera operator, assistant camera, DIT and production assistant
  • Making assets for social and other departments
  • Proficient skills in Adobe Premiere, After Effects, Audition, Speedgrade, Photoshop and/or Illustrator
  • Technical knowledge of DSLRs, lenses, video formats and storage
  • Experience editing videos for web
  • Strong organizational skills. Ability to self-manage, meet deadlines and complete tasks in timely manner
  • Strong sense of aesthetics in color, framing, camera movement
  • Fast learning - ability to pick up skills as they are taught
  • Ability to recognize and accurately forecast fashion and cultural trends as they relate to the target customer
  • Fluency with online trends in Social Media and content
  • *Please DO NOT apply for more than one Brand and/or internship position – if you do so your application will be disqualified.***

Minor League Video Assistant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Chart games using our video scouting software
  • Fulfilling all video needs required by the coaching staff both pre and postgame
  • Completing baseball research reports on varies topics and putting together statistical spread sheets
  • Copying and distributing scouting reports, data reports, and statistical information to players and coaching staff
  • Candidates must be able to commit to the Pittsburgh Pirates from late February until November
  • Knowledge of BATS software
  • A strong attention to detail
  • An ability to work flexible hours during the length of the season
  • Willing to relocate
  • Adept in technical video delivery
  • Worked closely with software development teams
  • Worked with all levels of a business up to senior management
  • Positive and pragmatic attitude
  • Assist in the process of innovative change
  • Strong problem solving skills and root cause analysis

Telecom Video Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide Day to day operational global support for trouble reports; add move change for voice and video conferencing
  • Provide 1st and 2nd level support through online ticket system; escalate issues for resolution as appropriate
  • Ability to perform basic troubleshooting for voice, resolving basic video call setup issues on Cisco and other devices
  • Additional responsibilities and duties as assigned
  • Minimum 2-5 years' work experience with mid-size VOIP systems (Cisco) enterprise, in room Video and Telepresences enterprise, with focus in the areas listed below
  • Familiarity on LAN/WAN topologies, protocols, cabling and troubleshooting
  • Familiar with Lync UC desktop application
  • Basic knowledge of Microsoft Visio for system diagrams
  • Familiar with WebEx and Jabber Mobil clients
  • Ability to Multi-task
  • The ability to work with minimum supervision and be self-motivated is required
  • The ability to work in a team environment
  • Interface with customers to gather appropriate details for communications designs
  • Assist other members of team to complete assignments to meet goals and objectives
  • Perform related duties, as needed
  • Good oral and written communication skills, good investigative and customer service skills
  • Flexible with processes and the opportunity to create new processes
  • Friendly attitude and excellent interpersonal skills

Asc Supp Eng, Hub / Cl & Video NOC Resume Examples & Samples

  • Executes documented actions in a technical area, including integration, configuration and validation. Documents procedures for review and approval by management or higher level technical employees
  • Solve technical problems escalated by lower level technical employees by identifying and executing documented processes and procedures or applying technical expertise to undocumented situations
  • Responsible for configuration and support of system components based on specific established requirements
  • Escalate complex or undocumented issues to higher level technical resources (Engineers)
  • Collaborate with cross functional teams to resolve internal and external customer issues and may communicate status related to such collaboration. Makes recommendations on solutions and / or technical direction. Work with other engineers to complete project deadlines and technical projects
  • 1-3 years experience in a technical environment—field or NOC technician, CI/hub tech, headend tech, or tech ops background within a MSO or vendor environment
  • Effective written and verbal communication skills
  • Effective inter-personal and problem solving skills
  • Possess basic problem solving and critical thinking skills
  • Proven effectiveness in a technical area
  • Ability to read and follow and create documented processes and procedures
  • Familiarity with TWC products and services
  • Comprehension of advanced technical concepts
  • Subject Matter Expert (SME)for all CI monitoring tools, Video monitoring tools, AND/OR Network monitoring tools
  • Troubleshooting knowledge of IP operations for Cable MSO including DOCSIS, CMTS and Cable Modems
  • Basic knowledge of UNIX, Linux, or FreeBSD server/services support
  • Basic understanding of Voice Over IP (VOIP) protocols and architecture
  • Understanding of network related services (DHCP, DNS, TFTP, FTP, NTP, SSH, SMTP, POP3, and SNMP)
  • Thorough understanding of Ethernet, SONET, and DWDM
  • Thorough understanding of TCP/IP, ICMP, UDP, Multicast, and routing protocols (ISIS, MPLS)

Video Researcher Resume Examples & Samples

  • 5+ years of related experience
  • Creative eye for detail
  • Tech and computer savvy
  • Solid time management and problem solving skills

Senior Manager, Business Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Internalizes and represents the Voice of the customer throughout the product lifecycle. Coordinates across other functional areas to secure buy-in to deliver on the defined end-to-end customer experience
  • Performs competitive analysis and conducts market research. Maintains updated view of key competitive changes
  • Teams with product development to deliver high quality products on time
  • Participates in the strategic planning for enhancements to product content, pricing, packaging, and features. Participate in defining product business and functional requirements. Provides product support and documentation and develops product materials
  • Assists in budgeting and variance analysis of product's unit and financial performance, with goal of identifying opportunities and risks
  • Drafts and manages requirements, and other supporting business documentation (such as use cases, possibly M&Ps [methods and procedures], executive summaries, etc.)
  • Leads concepts defining an end-to-end customer experience and expected full lifecycle costs
  • Contributes to the product vision across team, and the organization
  • Conducts feasibility assessments, capability gap analysis (i.e., what is wanted vs. what is attainable)
  • Manage change requests. Validates downstream deliverables and final offering (business acceptance testing)

Product Manager, Online Video Solutions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Own the product lifecycle for existing products with a concentration on IP video cloud capabilities for digital media customers
  • Assess market & customer demands and present options for new products to grow revenue and margin
  • Develop strategies for targeting new adjacent markets/customers
  • Establish overall product vision, elicit product requirements, manage and prioritize roadmap, facilitate team meetings, track schedule against roadmap, manage risks, and validate delivered software
  • Partner across engineering, operations, marketing, finance, legal and other key stakeholders to develop and implement support processes and deliverables
  • Support execution of product launches and go-to-market activities
  • Transition finished projects to supporting deployment and operations teams
  • Own the customer feedback mechanism ensuring successful adoption and incorporating required changes. Seek continuous feature and process improvements
  • Develop and refine pricing models to provide insight to the business and competitive pricing
  • Manage product cost, pricing & profitability, and develop business strategies for new products
  • Partner with finance to drive monthly billing activities
  • Provide ad hoc business intelligence and reporting to business leaders on profitability drivers
  • Assist in the development of product line forecasting and key business metrics tracking
  • Performs competitive analysis and conducts market research. Maintains current view of key competitive changes
  • Teams with product engineering and operations to deliver high quality products on time
  • Participates in the strategic planning for enhancements to product & solution content, pricing, bundling, and features
  • Provides marketing support and develops product collateral and documentation
  • Drafts and manages requirements and other supporting business documentation such as user stories, methods and procedures in addition to customer-facing collateral (i.e. customer guides, presentations, etc.), and executive summaries
  • Validates downstream deliverables and final offering business acceptance testing
  • Assesses new product concepts by defining the end-to-end customer experiences and expected product lifecycle costs
  • Builds project plans and maintains project record. Works with the core team to identify and schedule all the tasks for end-to-end deployment required to fulfill the project scope. Identifies and manages project critical path, being mindful of upstream and downstream dependencies
  • Facilitates the development and implementation of key goals, objectives, and success criteria for the project with key stakeholders and core team
  • Facilitates and leads project-related meetings to obtain and communicate progress, accomplishments, near term tasks/deliverables, and issues. Versatile enough to pick up the ball and run with a task in absence of a resource as appropriate
  • Supports the budget and resource forecasting process

Video DRM Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • System administration of DRM and Packaging servers including monitoring hardware, monitoring systems and key processes, reviewing system and application logs, and verifying completion of scheduled jobs such as backups
  • Perform regular security monitoring to identify any possible intrusions
  • Configuration and testing of various networking equipment for production rollout
  • Provide Tier III/other support per request from various stakeholders. Investigate and troubleshoot issues, especially for enhancing security levels or improving usability of rights managed media
  • Interface with vendors to resolve technical issues with their equipment
  • Coordinate and communicate with impacted parties and provide progress reports and otherwise escalate issues to executive management for approval and / or resolution
  • Perform periodic performance reporting to support capacity planning
  • Perform daily DRM and Packager operations, ensuring all required file systems and system data are available and manageable as necessary, such as perform regular file archival and purge; Create, change, and delete user accounts per request; Repair and recover from hardware or software failures
  • Apply OS patches and upgrades on a regular basis, and upgrade administrative tools and utilities. Configure / add new services as necessary
  • Maintain operational, configuration, or other procedures and maintain data center equipment
  • 5+ years experience as a network/video engineer
  • Experience with video encoding that is optimized for internet delivery in H.264 and HEVC
  • Experience with quantitative measurement of video quality
  • Experience with audio encoding that is optimized for high quality media content. Experience with codecs such as AAC, Dolby surround sound codecs etc
  • Experience with one or more DRM's such as Widevine, FairPlay, PlayReady and Adobe Access
  • Experience with Adaptive bitrate video delivery protocols such as HLS, HDS, Smooth and DASH, selection and optimization of
  • Adaptive video profiles
  • Knowledge of Linux architecture and system administration
  • Some experience with a scripting languages such as Python or Groovy
  • Experience with OTT Video Platforms such as Ooyala, thePlatform, Kaltura etc
  • Experience with Atlassian software development tools such as Confluence, JIRA, Bitbucket, Bamboo etc
  • BS degree in Computer Science, Engineering, related field or equivalent experience

Engagement Manager, Online Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for sales of Online Video offering in Ericsson globally
  • Lead virtual/functional team to support Account Management to grow within & beyond current business
  • Conduct in-depth business focused discussions with the customer & analyze customer business environments, requirements, plans & issues
  • Generate & manage leads to increase the 36 month sales funnel
  • Perform value argumentation through generating customer business cases
  • Identify & proactively drive new business opportunities within existing Ericsson accounts but also in new market segment without previous Ericsson exposure
  • Identify & proactively drive new business opportunities
  • Build, manage & expand the regional competence among the Ericsson sales community in regards to Online Video. Support the development of regional business plans. Drive knowledge transfer among relevant communities within Ericsson
  • Support in developing & delivering customer presentations including solutions, value argumentations & business cases
  • Experience from start-up environment
  • Online Video consumer market experience and Insight
  • Knowledge of TV&Video content monetization
  • Commercial Understanding
  • Presentation & Communication Skills
  • Teamwork & Collaboration
  • 5-10 years’ experience of relationship sales & from ICT industry
  • Minimum 5 years in leadership positions

Principal Research Engineer, Video X Resume Examples & Samples

  • Applied and publishable research in technical areas of expertise
  • Active collaboration and integration with internal engineering teams and project stakeholders to facilitate and amplify engineering and innovation centers
  • BS in Computer Science and 11+ years equivalent experience; MS in Computer Science highly preferred
  • Experience with Machine Intelligence/Machine Learning algorithms preferred
  • Experience working with very large datasets
  • Experience in multiple programming languages such as Java, Scala, Python, R, and C/C++
  • Experience developing software on and for multicore Linux machines
  • Intensive knowledge of Design patterns and Algorithms
  • Knowledge of applied statistics and statistical methods preferred
  • Great design and problem solving skills, with a strong bias for thinking through problems at scale

Video Capacity Planning Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Create Weekly/Monthly VOD utilization reports to be presented to management and key personnel at the divisions and markets
  • Support creation of one-off capacity reports for Comcast senior executives
  • Use scripting languages like VB Script, Perl, Python to automate data collection and aggregation from hundreds of Video devices
  • Come up to speed on current reports, new report automation, database tools and techniques as needed
  • Ensure that Video data is managed in accordance with the best practices outlined by the Capacity Planning team
  • Perform all other duties as assigned

Wholesale OTT Video Products Co-op Resume Examples & Samples

  • Working on creative, innovative, and thought-provoking projects within various business units at Comcast during your cooperative experience
  • Market / product research and competitive analysis
  • Operational product support
  • Customer on-boarding, trials, support, and overall engagement
  • Requirements analysis, feature definition, and acceptance testing / validation
  • Task tracking and project management including status reporting
  • Data analytics using multiple tools and processes
  • Documentation
  • Conducts research
  • Teams with product engineering and operations
  • Participates in the product planning
  • Provides product support and develops product materials
  • Drafts and manages requirements and other supporting business documentation such as user stories, methods and procedures, presentations, and reports
  • Validates shipped product features business acceptance testing
  • Executes and manages project tasks to ensure deadlines are met
  • Facilitates meetings
  • Answers phones and takes messages or provides information
  • Operates various office equipment
  • Regular, consistent and punctual attendance
  • Must be able to work nights and weekends, variable schedule(s) and overtime as necessary
  • Currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree from a United States-based college or university that has a 6 month Cooperative learning track (Sophomores, Pre-Juniors & Juniors preferred)
  • Highly analytical and comfort in analyzing data skillset preferred
  • Experience with specifically organizing data sets, model development and data-driven analysis
  • Goal and results oriented
  • Willingness to learn and work in a fast-paced environment
  • Ability to work on a team

Video Ad Ops Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Previous ad ops experience required
  • Previous programmatic and video experience preferred
  • Proficient in Excel (pivots, vlookups, nested If statements)

Video Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Vet proposed publisher direct opportunities
  • Work in concert with demand team to marry current and future demand against supply opportunities and buys
  • Analyze current direct buys, noting delivery against expected KPIs, along iwth measuring profitability
  • Create, maintain and analyze central reporting for video
  • Demonstrates ability to self educate
  • Demonstrates the ability to communicate complicated data sets to varying audiences in a clear and concise manner
  • Basic understanding of SQL (SELECT queries from read only databases large data sets)
  • Minimum 2 year advertising industry experience

SVP / Head of Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Drive programming for five key Meredith verticals: Active Lifestyles, Parents, Better Homes & Gardens, allrecipes, and Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia
  • Create best-in-class digital video that drives views, grows audience, and generates revenue opportunities
  • Oversee production for each vertical, including staff of 25 focused on production and social media, and all work-for-hire production companies
  • Frequent and deep collaboration with Sales, Marketing, and Branded Content leads to create compelling content for brand partners, including all sponsorship opportunities, custom solutions, integrations, etc
  • Work collaboratively with Chief Strategy Officer on all licensing, distribution, and partnership opportunities for digital, linear television, OTT, etc
  • Build a stable of millennial influencers with substantial social footprints who will become the faces of the Meredith digital brands; negotiate all talent and related production deals
  • Identify YouTube / Digital brands for potential acquisition; work with Chief Strategy Officer and Corporate Business Development teams to close deals
  • Optimize existing YouTube channels to create new revenue opportunities
  • Oversee multiple video production facilities in NYC, DesMoines, and Seattle; coordinate studio scheduling
  • Increase volume and quality of video with an approach that contemplates premium, editorial, social, and branded video
  • Establish closer collaboration with brand editorial and social media teams to amplify content across all platforms, fostering a strategic content creation and distribution plan
  • Oversee original production to ensure budgets, timelines, brand specifications, and quality expectations are met
  • Harness a deep understanding of current digital trends and Millennial culture to inform creative and programming strategy
  • Instill and enforce a metrics-driven approach to content creation with regular reporting to executive team and production team
  • Build and grow partnerships that will allow Meredith to acquire/use relevant video content in key verticals
  • Cultivate the Meredith Video Asset library to optimize monetization opportunities
  • Recruit, mentor, and retain top creative production talent
  • Work with publishers and in concert with corporate, 360, interactive and corporate marketing to develop video offering
  • Work with Chief Strategy Officer and Chief Digital Officer to develop content partnership opportunities and extend existing relationships
  • Work with Digital Sales and Corporate Sales to evolve the future video ad solution in such a way that Meredith is included in major ad buys and sponsorship opportunities in the online video space
  • 25% Content Responsibilities
  • 25% Partnership Development Responsibilities

Video Consumer Product Marketing Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop 6-month marketing strategy and plan to achieve consumer product goals
  • Lead and collaborate with external creative agencies to ensure quality, on-time delivery of marketing programs and assets across multiple channels
  • Demonstrate a strong understanding of the broader Facebook ecosystem and competitive landscape to develop strategic product feedback and positioning

Video & Post Production Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Must have a Bachelor’s degree or combined experience/education as substitute for minimum education
  • Must possess a minimum of 2 years of directly related video post-production experience
  • Must possess a minimum of 2 years of experience utilizing digital reproduction technologies for preservation and access
  • Must have experience with archival equipment
  • Must possess knowledge of scanning techniques and digital file formats
  • Demonstrated specialized knowledge pertinent to materials in collection(s)
  • Typically possesses 2 years of experience as a Special Collections Archivist
  • Typically possesses experience with Final Cut Pro, Avid Pro Tools, and Avid Media Composer
  • Strong written and communication skills
  • Ability to meet and communicate effectively with both technical and non-technical staff/faculty
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced environment while balancing and prioritizing multiple projects
  • Ability to learn, adapt quickly and work well under pressure
  • Demonstrated organizational skills, extreme attention to detail and ability to work both independently and as part of a team
  • Oversees the collection, management and transfer area that consists of racks of broadcast video equipment, a content management system and staff that operate all of the systems. Administers educational, instructional and/or reference materials collection(s). Ensures the integrity of tapes in the archive. Oversees preservation projects concerning tapes in the archive. Provides services for patrons
  • Oversees the fulfillment of access requests and responds to requests for information concerning the collection. Determines how to handle problematic requests and/or the cost for a particular access request. Inventories collection; reconciles and organizes data and reports concerning the location and condition of the collection. Uses accepted methods of protecting and preserving delicate documents, and video and digital materials
  • Stays informed of new developments and technologies
  • Receives, inventories, catalogs and shelves or stores all new acquisitions according to professional standards
  • Provides leadership, guidance and direction to staff and/or student workers within unit, as assigned. Schedules and assigns work and sets priorities. Demonstrates techniques, equipment or procedures to others. Trains employees as needed
  • Oversees the design and development of information systems. Defines the needs and oversees the development and/or modification and integration of software and/or software tools for the collection. Troubleshoots a system that is down. Ensures compliance with department and university policies
  • Modifies and implements operational procedures for the collection. Interprets policies and procedures
  • Gathers facts and figures to develop a budget. Provides projections as appropriate
  • Defines equipment needs. Selects special collection items or equipment for purchase
  • Performs other duties as assigned or requested. The university reserves the right to add or change duties at any time
  • 3 years of Video and Audio Post-Production experience
  • Experience with Final Cut Pro, Avid Pro Tools, and Avid Media Composer
  • Experience in a higher education environment
  • Experience as a Special Collections Archivist

Temp-video Maintenance Tech Resume Examples & Samples

  • Individual must possess a minimum of 5 years experience in broadcast systems maintenance
  • Background should include a hands-on understanding of computer networking, Windows O.S. as well as hardware/software installations and configurations
  • Experience maintaining and repairing Sony HD VTR*s, HDCAM/SRW is preferred. AutoCad and Visio drafting programs is a plus
  • Some lifting ofheavy equipment required. Must be willing to work flexible hours, including weekends, evenings and holidays

Comcast Video on Demand Coordinator Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • An inside look into the day-to-day operations of an organization at the cutting edge of media and technology
  • Professional Development: Exposure to a variety of professional development topics facilitated through our partners at Comcast University and senior leaders within the organization. These sessions include speaker series, skill-building workshops, and networking opportunities
  • Mentoring from fellow colleagues through the Empowering Future Leaders Program (EFLP) to help you navigate your experience, provide coaching, and expand your professional network
  • Continuously develop relationships with fellow interns through social activities, community building, and networking
  • Supports Editorial & iVOD teams with accurate management and execution of all requests for changes, additions and/or deletions of TV folders/content
  • Ability to troubleshoot, which includes ticket filing and fixing, problem solving and identifying root cause(s) effectively
  • Plan, schedule and create iVOD folders within TV On Demand structures
  • Validate folder set-up in tools prior to go-live to ensure all settings are in place as requested
  • Must work efficiently on multiple tasks at once and communicate effectively to key stakeholders
  • Track priority editorial content with on-screen validations of iVOD Promotions nightly
  • Provide nightly updates to the Editorial and iVOD teams
  • Develop strong relationships with our internal operations, editorial and iVOD teams to ensure smooth integration of iVOD priorities
  • Creation of iVOD Promotion Images
  • Currently enrolled and pursuing a Bachelor's degree from a United States-based college or university with the Grad year of 2017 or 2018 (Sophomores, & Juniors)
  • Major: Business, Economics, Management, Marketing, Communications
  • Preferred Content Management/Database System and QA/QC experience
  • Strong initiative and ability to make decisions
  • 1-2 years of experience with Photoshop is preferred
  • Proficient Skills in Microsoft Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)
  • Ability to work on a team but can work self-directed as well

Associate Video Client Services Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • 2+ years of experience in a relevant client management position
  • Ability to prioritize multiple tasks and meet deadlines with demonstrated initiative
  • Strong initiative and ability to work well under pressure while maintaining good attitude
  • Strong analytical skills, including the ability to synthesize and decipher data, and the wherewithal to leverage insights to produce solutions
  • Ability to collaborate within a team, and alongside key stakeholders from various internal groups
  • Proficiency within the online media buying and selling ecosystem, and a strong understanding of DSPs, SSPs, Exchanges, DMPs, & Measurement Providers Video, For-credit Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Gain relevant experience in your field so that you may apply your skills for your future job search
  • Receive college credit for this beneficial, real-life experience
  • Enjoy our unique entrepreneurial culture within the context of a successful business environment
  • Logging footage, pulling screen grabs, exporting video, quality-checking content and light research
  • Providing video administration assistance using a variety of video upload portals including and YouTube
  • Intern should be a college sophomore, junior, senior or graduate student
  • Student must be able to provide proof of school credit eligibility (unofficial transcript, course catalog page, note from faculty advisor or career center staff)
  • Candidate must be able to work in Stamford, CT
  • High energy level, confident, and optimistic demeanor with the ability to thrive in a fast paced environment with tight deadlines

Photo / Video Researcher Resume Examples & Samples

  • Follow creative briefs to find the most appropriate imagery for NGP publications, productions and products for 3rd party stock licensing clients
  • Assure that NGP effectively leverages archive assets and helps build revenue stream from stock sales
  • Work with NG product group staff to explain contract and budget information regarding imagery in the archive
  • Help product groups maintain budgets for imagery
  • Develop selections of imagery suitable for general use by the organization to support various strategic initiatives
  • Work with NG Creative Sales and Editing staff to share information about trends in customer requests
  • Creative research & development
  • Synergistic strategy over Marvel’s different lines of business, including publishing, film, television, and animation
  • Assist with asset approvals and clearances
  • Assist with gathering, maintaining, and organizing reference materials from comics spanning across Marvel’s vast 75-year history
  • Excellent research, organization, problem-solving, and communication skills
  • All candidates must be eligible to work in the US
  • All candidates must be available during the months of May through August

Head of Video, Huffington Post Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop and execute a comprehensive digital video content strategy that builds The Huffington Post’s reputation for video excellence, while driving growth in audience and engagement
  • Serve as the creative leader for The Huffington Post’s video operation, working with HuffPost editors and leadership to ensure that video programming and content are addressing and advancing agreed strategic priorities
  • Lead the definition and quantification of video project requirements, including workflow requirements, metadata management requirements, legal or corporate requirements, advertising requirements and analytics
  • Source, evaluate and suggest optimal solutions for The Huffington Post’s use of digital video platforms, players and technologies, by assessing competitive offerings, and being aware of video consumer insights and trends
  • Develop and maintain a data driven framework that influences content decisions, identifies key audience segments, and drives the programming of distribution channels to reach those segments; take responsibility for the constant monitoring and reporting of critical video metrics for the organization
  • Oversee the video production process from a financial and operational perspective including schedules, costs and general management, and identifying prudent improvements to studio capabilities and capacities
  • Control and manage the annual budget for Huffington Post video including anticipating and representing video needs in the annual budgeting process, and collaborating with business stakeholders and product managers across the organization to forecast and create a plan for addressing future demands for our video operation
  • Work with The Huffington Post’s HR team to manage and improve the performance of all members of The Huffington Post video team
  • 10-12 years of digital media industry experience, with responsibilities encompassing both business and editorial spheres
  • 5-7 years in video product management, with consumer-facing media companies
  • Start-up experience preferred

Video Account Director Resume Examples & Samples

  • Identify and sell significant, strategic video campaigns across a variety of categories, working closely with a team of cross-functional stakeholders within AOL
  • Identify highest value potential opportunities
  • Drive overall video strategy across your portfolio of brands and agencies
  • Proven track record of closing strategic deals and exceeding revenue objectives within complex/changing or new business environments
  • Ability to use deep understanding of customers business to shape thinking and steer sales conversation

Application Engineer, Video Player Resume Examples & Samples

  • Mastery of JavaScript, HTML5, CSS and SASS
  • Dev experience within a dynamic web environment (Python, PHP, Node.JS, etc.)
  • Solid background in object-oriented programming (OOP)
  • An obsessive approach to testing across browsers and platforms
  • A strong eye for product design and interactivity with unwavering attention to detail
  • Ability to influence and persuade on engineering best practices across all levels and teams
  • BA or equivalent required

Video Systems Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Research the suitability of the scalable video codecs for variable bit rate HTTP streaming
  • Define problems that are both tractable to solve and useful if solved
  • Propose methods for solving those problems and try them out in practice
  • Write and present papers characterizing the work
  • Assist in preparing patents describing any new inventions
  • Technology transfer

Video Account Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Troubleshooting and solving common technical problems, addressing client issues
  • Monitoring daily revenue and performance trends of your specific clients to make adequate optimization recommendations as necessary
  • Maintaining and expanding client relationships; notifying stakeholders about future business opportunities
  • 3+ years of experience handling clients in the online advertising industry (preferably programmatic)
  • Proficiency in MS Office Suite with an emphasis in Excel

Video Associate Account Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintaining strong communication with clients to properly explain platform tools and monetization best practices
  • Assisting Video Account Management team with any outstanding projects as needed
  • 1-3 years of experience in a relevant client management position
  • Experience in online advertising (preferably programmatic video)
  • Ability to independently prioritize multiple tasks and meet deadlines in an ever-changing environment
  • Strong initiative and ability to work well under pressure while maintaining a positive attitude
  • Formal and ad hoc client training on the Aol One Video platform tools
  • Assist Solutions Engineering, Strategy, and Platform Directors with inventory design and tech set up for all client integration requests
  • Providing comprehensive account analysis, and simplifying complex scenarios to produce client proficiency & success
  • Articulate video tagging and requirements by platform (desktop, mobile, tablet, CTV) to clients for varying buy set ups (Open RTB, PMPs, Direct Guaranteed)
  • Developing and maintaining expert level proficiency in the Aol ONE Video tool set
  • Staying ahead of the industry knowledge curve with regards to key platforms, new technology and developing trends
  • Extensive experience in a relevant client management position
  • Proficiency in MS Office Suite, with an emphasis in Excel
  • BA/BS degree

Video Sales Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for development and delivery of product demonstrations
  • Responsible for representing the product to customers both in person and via teleconferences
  • In conjunction with the product and marketing teams, insure all sales collateral and presentation materials are current and relevant
  • Able to travel nationally and may need to occasionally travel internationally
  • Able to convey customer requirements to solution architecture team to insure accurate and timely roadmap creation and maintain relationships internally with engineers, product marketing and customer support teams
  • Attend events such as trade shows, conferences, seminars, etc
  • Ability to influence and motivate others in the team
  • Several years relevant experience in technology vendor sales
  • Previous SE experience highly desirable or equivalent experience in a related field such as sales, support, or QA
  • Experience + familiarity with pay TV and content programmer landscape
  • Must have strong technical knowledge of streaming media platforms, equipment, and terminology
  • Strong multi-tasking ability ability to move many projects forward in parallel

Team Lead for Video Conferencing L Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Determines, initiates and manages the prescribed methodology to identify basic and advanced problems with video conferencing operational services as may be identified as an incident or problem by Information Technology (IT) Services and the IT Service Desk. Utilizes industry best practices such as Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) as a framework for incident and problem management
  • Performs or manages complex restorative and maintenance actions which uses advanced (Level 3) troubleshooting and technical skills to repair, reinstall or provide a new install as necessary to restore current services as part of a 24/7 servicing remit
  • Determines activities with connectivity and other performance and/or conflicting issues that require escalation to Level 4 and other technical support or requires collaborative activities with the services vendor and works or drives activities in partnership with those individuals to solution technical issues with video conferencing. Communicates and aligns with other teams internal and external to IT Services regarding the end to end Video Conferencing service
  • Identifies, analyses, compiles and escalates noted patterns in incidents to isolate a specific cause or identify trends as a prevention of future re-occurrences. Drives identified service improvement plans as well as the team’s alignment to the directives of business aligned Operating Level Agreement (OLA) for all remediation services
  • Identifies and utilizes metrics management to identify trends in remediation services, monitor Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for quality assurance of actions and capacity management indications to optimize the team’s daily remediation activities
  • Manages aspects of vendor management duties aligned to the remit of the role such as supporting new services integration, identifying Service Level Agreements (SLA) variances with a vendor’s actual performance, interpretation of vendor reporting to prepare Infrastructure and Operations (I &O) service aligned review meetings with same
  • Acts as a mentor or trainer to junior members of staff on specific activities that require specific guidance. Coaches aligned individuals in best practices to guide their success
  • Maintains an in depth and continuous understanding of video conferencing products such as Telepresence and the forward strategy for improvements and strategic enhancements to maintain a position of thought leadership and value to Collaboration Services management
  • Understands the impact video conferencing services has for on IT goals and objectives for internal users
  • Directs the implementation of best practices and leverages the work of other departments to promote continuous improvement and cross unit consistencies between departments
  • Drive and mentors for appropriate Incident escalation as well as resolution guidance by the aligned team
  • Manages direct reports and other members of staff to the highest level of performance, selects and recommends hires, aligns responsibilities and objectives to abilities and annual performance objectives and coach performance in what can be a virtual management setting to achieve success
  • Manages team and projects as assigned by breaking down complex tasks into trainable elements to guide the work of others delegating work effectively and using appropriate resources inclusive of select vendor management. Utilizes the proper time and project management disciplines across a diverse culture and multiple time zones. Resolves team conflicts with a proven ability to implement & communicate difficult decisions as well as provide team and peer mentoring as appropriate
  • The role manages a team of technical specialist aligned to video conferencing remediation and other areas of responsibility. The roles responsibilities as a manager include reviewing staff accomplishments, coaching staff for both success and for improvement. Assigned staff may be remote based (India) and/or in a work from home setting that will require distance management skills across locations, cultures and time zones. The role specifically manages staff in support of the team’s 24/7 service directives and oversees appropriate regional handovers to maintain DCO support continuity. The role itself is managed by the Collaboration Operations Lead in GCSM

Product Marketing Manager, Performance Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead market assessment to identify new product opportunities through hypothesis-driven structured analysis, competitive analysis, and capturing and distilling qualitative feedback from marketers
  • Test and launch new cutting edge products in market by leading cross-functional teams including sales, legal, marketing, and PR
  • Drive world-class go-to-market by developing strategic positioning, naming, and activation strategies
  • Drive product growth by setting goals and partnering closely with various activation channels
  • Collaborate with product management and engineering on product design and development
  • Structure conversations, build and socialize frameworks, and distill debates among peers and executives to align on direction

Video Sales Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Meet and exceed quota and revenue targets
  • Develop broad and deep relationships with key agencies, media companies, brands, etc. in order to be the product of choice for video projects and initiatives
  • Prospect, qualify, present, evangelize and sell new clients on Ustream Platforms, Services, Production and audience
  • Promote and sell Clearleap solutions to new target accounts (Predominately Television Programmers, but also cable/satellite and IPTV operators), highly focused on TVE/OTT solutions
  • Leverage network of existing senior level executive relationships to secure new business
  • Expand Clearleap’s revenue and footprint within each account
  • Qualify sales opportunities and engage customers over an extended sales cycle
  • Develop and maintain positive relationships with existing customers / clients to their satisfaction
  • Work jointly with internal resources (technical sales, solution engineering, others as appropriate) to
  • Identify target account’s business problems and frame the right solution
  • Create, maintain, and communicate project timelines and budgets to clients
  • Coordinate opportunities including production with Production Group
  • Ensure deliverables are delivered on time, within budget, and meet all client specifications
  • Educate and advise existing and prospective clients about new and existing services
  • Maintain a strong active client portfolio with a pipeline of cyclical events and projects year-round
  • Create comprehensive and well-written proposals that open doors and create meaningful sales opportunities
  • Selling OTT/TVE solutions
  • Working with clients in the entertainment / content / video industries
  • Selling into a brand and agency environments
  • Developing and managing executive relationships at large companies
  • Selling complex services solutions to large companies with multiple constituents

Director of Video, Techcrunch Resume Examples & Samples

  • 5-8 years of experience
  • Broad experience across the full spectrum of the web and mobile-oriented video production, including story development, shooting and editing
  • Experience developing and managing a nimble, high-output team
  • Strong understanding of the TechCrunch voice and editorial sensibility
  • Share TechCrunch’s passion for the startup world and its huge cast of endlessly fascinating people

Digital Video Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Knowledge of video and audio materials (video/audio codecs, commonly used formats, industry standards for tape/file creation)
  • Knowledge of industry developments (clients, competitors, technology) by reading trade press, SPE news clippings, discussions with internal and external clients
  • Computer troubleshooting Hardware/Software (Windows/MAC/Linux)
  • Transfer protocols (cifs, smb, sftp, aspera)
  • Transcoding and/or Editing platforms
  • Video Quality Control
  • Organize data from variety of sources and communicate information in a clear, professional manner
  • Prioritize critical tasks
  • Work effectively in a team environment
  • Proven strength using Microsoft Visio
  • 2 – 3 years in entertainment or related area

Video Account Executive Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop creative and innovative marketing programs and solutions leveraging our premium in-house production talent
  • Ability to see “bigger picture” and effectively position video strategically through all AOL properties and offerings
  • Act as brand advocate and thought-leader within the broader market
  • Lead strategy and creation of product specific custom opportunities, including content and editorial
  • Understand implications of product’s value proposition against competitors by category, as well as understand implications of product roadmap for client objective
  • Conceive of diverse media solutions and campaigns to maximize business impact
  • Understand, measure and report on KPIs in video space
  • Think creatively and work collaboratively with clients and internal stakeholders; sales, business development, marketing strategy and account services to help clients achieve goals
  • 5+ years relevant experience in the video space across content and technology
  • Broad industry knowledge across online advertising, content syndication, and advertising technologies with a focus on TV, digital and mobile video content
  • Strong knowledge of the video landscape and applicable sales tactics across DSPs, SSPs, video portals, video centric mobile properties and OTT platforms
  • Strong relationship development skills and follow through with accounts
  • Excellent communication skills and the ability to translate technical benefits to advertising media decision makers
  • Ability to prioritize with a high degree of comfort managing multiple initiatives and working with senior leaders across the organization

Video Ops Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Developing scripts and automated solutions
  • Driving process improvements
  • Developing metrics, analyzing and reporting results
  • Managing small technical projects
  • Aptitude to learn new programming languages
  • Major: Computer Science, or a related field
  • A familiarity with any of the following technologies is a plus
  • Struts/ Hibernate, JSP
  • Python/ Perl
  • Cloud Foundry/ Open Stack
  • Well versed in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
  • Ability to work on multiple projects simultaneously
  • Desire to enter the Media / Technology / Advertising industry upon graduation and passionate about innovation
  • Own day to day project management of sold projects and oversee all deliverables
  • Coordinate with our sales team to understand our client’s goals and objectives, and partner with producers to ensure that these are being met
  • Create production timelines
  • Be the gatekeeper for all project milestones
  • Lead project kick off calls
  • Facilitate open communication between team members
  • Collaborate with talent team to create casting decks
  • Be a client-facing point of contact when applicable
  • Attend creative brainstorm meetings
  • Bachelor's degree in film production, marketing, communications, or related field (preferred but not required)
  • Minimum 2 years of project management experience
  • Excellent written & communication skills
  • Familiarity with video production
  • Energy, enthusiasm, and a desire to learn
  • You have client-facing experience
  • You have experience with Google Docs, Powerpoint, and/or Keynote
  • You’ve worked with branded content in the past
  • You have creative services experience at an Agency or Publisher
  • You are an excellent communicator
  • You thrive under pressure in a fast-paced, entrepreneurial environment
  • You’re solution oriented and have a positive outlook all while managing multiple projects simultaneously
  • You have superior organizational and time management skills
  • You are passionate about women’s lifestyle content and curious to learn more about it

Technical Support Video Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Strong understanding of the fundamental operations of a modern IP based network
  • Working understanding of the Microsoft suite including but not limited to Client/Server OS, Lync/Skype for Business and Exchange
  • 2-4 years experience in comparable IT or technical role
  • Relevant industry certifications including but not limited to CCENT/CCNA, WCNA, or equivalent working experience is a strong plus
  • Exposure to VMware and/or hyper-V a strong plus
  • Experience in video and audio technology including Polycom, Cisco, Vidyo, AMX, Crestron, Cisco, Lifesize solutions a strong plus
  • Detailed knowledge of C++
  • Strong knowledge MPEG2, H.264, HEVC or related video compression standards
  • Experience of carrying out research work
  • Understanding of software engineering principles

The Huffington Post Video Fellowship Program Resume Examples & Samples

  • Participating in pitching and ideating video ideas that work for the HuffPost audience
  • Being hands on: you will assist on shoots and help bring ideas to life both inside and outside the building. You'll work on everything from creatively produced interviews to scripted shoots, and more
  • Pitching and producing shareable content for a social media audience
  • Working closely with other teams in the newsroom: social, editorial, and post-production

Digital Video Traffic Coordinator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support a high volume and complex level of display and video ad campaigns for Comcast Spotlight advertising clients, including trafficking order entry, order fulfillment monitoring, audience engagement metrics, analysis and optimization. Optimization includes monitoring of volume requirements and audience response metrics by behavioral target, geographic parameters, content placement, conversion rate, and subscriber profile targets
  • Assembly, processing and quality control of a high volume and complex level of display, video and mobile ads and other ad asset materials for technical specification compliance and coordination with Creative Services, Master Control, Spot Traffic departments, and third party production platforms. Quality control includes evaluation of specification compliance with several different ad serving platforms, technical programming functionality and performance compatibility with many varying website content systems and third party audience response tracking platforms
  • Communication and coordination with advertising customers, ad agencies, account executives and sales management teams
  • Create and interpret statistical reporting and monitor new products and practices that will result in more efficient process and additional advertising revenues
  • Assists management with regular metric reporting for departmental performance and aggregate advertiser delivery
  • Serve as primary customer service for internal and external customers for digital advertising technical issues and questions. Diagnostics include ad functionality across multiple websites production platforms, discrepancy research for third party tracking platforms, reconciliation with advertiser website analytic tools, and asset performance within several different ad serving platforms and their tracking systems
  • Troubleshoot any ad creative issues that affect tracking, implementation or reporting
  • Work with finance on billing reconciliation research and audit, month-end close and campaign-end reporting
  • Prepare, monitor, and analyze daily delivery reports
  • Troubleshoot all ad-serving and inventory delivery issues
  • Ensure all ads display properly and have appropriate click tracking inserted and work with client to resolve any issue
  • Communicate time lines, technical specifications and internal processes to team members and local sales teams
  • Provide recommendations and feedback to local sales teams
  • Regular, consistent and punctual attendance. Must be able to work nights and weekends, variable schedule(s) and overtime as necessary

Executive Director of Sales, Video Platform Resume Examples & Samples

  • Redefines sales strategies and marketing plans as the video market evolves
  • Researches and recommends new tools for Product Sales activity and enhancements for Product Sales campaigns
  • Generally requires 14+ years related experience
  • Experience leading an enterprise sales team in the Online Video Platform (OVP) or Over-The-Top (OTT) content solutions industry
  • Deep background in IPTV and OTT markets

Video On-demand Web Tool Developer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Designs new software and web applications, supports applications under development, and customizes current applications
  • Build and design views for leadership in both Ops & Engineering with broad visibility into status, metrics, kpi's and other valuable metrics
  • Involved with all phases of SDLC ranging from architecture and design to implementation and testing
  • Strong willingness to learn new technologies and procedures, and has the initiative to seek out answers in ambiguous situations
  • Ask insightful questions and leverage team strengths to expose and resolve operational and architectural challenges for video programs
  • Promote a collaborative environment that fosters creativity & innovation
  • Drives issues through closure engaging all appropriate resources. Leads technical bridges and provides troubleshooting direction. Provides guidance and recommended solutions to complex technical issues
  • Provides input to Engineering and vendors on defects and required enhancements. Attains all relevant industry standard technical certifications
  • Performs complex and routine maintenance tests for designated areas of engineering. Identifies, isolates, and escalates issues to appropriate personnel. Ensures that all maintenance is properly validated to minimize subscriber impact to (ideally) zero
  • Contributes to design considerations for new products or architectural changes to existing products. Assists with or leads efforts to build new application infrastructure, coordinating efforts across teams
  • Serves as team lead on multiple projects, often spanning different engineering disciplines within the organization
  • Leads the integration of projects into operations including instrumentation, automation, standardization, and methods/procedures
  • Does not have any direct supervisory responsibilities. May direct workflow and act as a technical lead
  • Excellent organizational, communication, and problem-solving skills a must
  • Java technology stack and BI/Analytics experience
  • Experience with the twelve-factor web app methodology
  • Good Design and Object Oriented Programming skills
  • Strong understanding of MySQL using complex queries & joins
  • Strong understanding of REST web services
  • Java, J2EE, BI/Analytics/Dashboard/Machine Learning/Lisp, JSP, JSF, Servlets, JS, Jquery, AJAX, HTML5, CSS, Groovy, Python, NoSQL, RoR
  • Additional Java stack tools and front-end technologies a plus
  • Ability to working on multiple projects and initiatives at the same time
  • NoSQL Database skills are an advantage (ex: MongoDB, Cassandra, CouchDB, HBase etc )
  • Must have experience with Windows and *nix-based server environments

Video On-demand Operations & Integration Resume Examples & Samples

  • Facilitate the submission of well-defined user stories to multiple Engineering or operations teams by maintaining a dedicated backlog of asks
  • Genuine curiosity and a track record for fostering motivation and collaboration across teams
  • Serve as the voice of the customer' and
  • Work with the reporting/tools team to identify problem areas
  • Attend various other team scrums, sprint planning, and steakholder meetings
  • Be 'in the know' on all things VOD related. Track when changes are happen that might affect our pipeline/processes
  • Establish strong working relationships with VIDEO Engineering, ContentOperations, Program Management, and other key Technology & Product teams
  • Serve as the single point of escalation for VOD operational concerns and systemic issues
  • Able to flourish in a rapidly changing, matrix environment
  • Occasional onshore travel for cross-team meetings
  • Acts as an advocate for Engineering Operations procedures, policies, and processes. Ensures projects are fully integrated into the operations environment including lifecycle problem management from front line CARE through Engineering
  • Creates data and metric systems to track operational workflows; maintains records of results and feedback. Analyzes data and metrics, identifies problem areas, and provides actionable insight to management
  • Analyses problems in design, configuration, data flow, and data state within a highly complex multi-product provisioning system
  • Consistent exercise of independent judgment and discretion in matters of significance
  • Other duties and responsibilities as assigned
  • Effective facilitator w/ excellent collaboration and team building skills
  • Excellent in terms of verbal and written communication and time management
  • Strong knowledge of MS Excel and MS Powerpoint required. Demonstrated ability to construct professional looking reports and presentations
  • Familiarity with Splunk, ELK Stack & Grafana
  • Jira ticketing, agile development, Kanban etc

Video Activation Account Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • On-board new Publishers and additional new Publisher domains (incl. admin, scoping requirements, face-to-face demo & training, Tech & Ops set ups)
  • Ingestion of new Content Partners and additional studios (incl. admin, content testing, face-to-face platform training, Tech & Ops set ups)
  • Activate FrOS, backfill and partner ad inventory PMP buys
  • Drive the strategic direction of Publisher relationships, equipping them with the product and platform tools and know-how for successful video integrations
  • Guide Content Owners on best practice (style, length, format, delivery method, metadata, transcripts etc) to maximise their insertions
  • Serve as the day-to-day contact to help partners optimise video views and revenue and work on any issue escalations. Where necessary take a hands-on technical troubleshooting approach
  • Update partners on supply and demand areas across the Network
  • Monitor and analyse performance through Portal and Dashboard analytics – traffic, fill rates, eCPM’s, insertion rates
  • Monthly financial process incl. reconciliations, manual adjustments, payment checks, billing enquiries etc
  • Conduct monthly or quarterly and annual partner reviews
  • Liaise with Publishing, Programming, Sales, Ops, BD, Product across all AOL businesses
  • Ongoing deployment of processes & best practices to other key markets
  • Stay updated with all product roadmaps and Partners so as to effectively communicate and roll out new products, features and developments
  • Project driven elements for Account Management team
  • Identify new opportunities within the Publisher business to grow the existing client base, increasing our number of multi-play partners
  • Extensive experience of publisher-side or ad network business development experience
  • Previous experience working on similar products eg: OVP or SaaS providers is a nice to have
  • Strong overall understanding of the media landscape with particular focus on video and content
  • Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and Javascript debugging, API's, embed codes etc
  • Experience and deep understanding of publishers and ad networks in UK/EU
  • Have an inquisitive energy and keen passion for helping to grow an online video product in new markets
  • Experience in simple Javascript and HTML code
  • This is an 8 - 10 month fixed term maternity cover

Principal Video Compression Engineer, Viper Resume Examples & Samples

  • Design and develop requirements for scalable video encoding platforms that support all Comcast video, audio, and data compression initiatives
  • Intuitive design and problem solving skills, with a strong bias for architecting systems that scale
  • Uses advanced engineering skills and knowledge to solve complex development problems and achieve engineering goals
  • Develops state-of-the art solutions to maximize technology and business applications
  • Recommends courses of action, technology, technical solutions, long term vision and vision of what needs to happen to grow the company
  • Recommends progressive A/V solutions that utilize innovation to solve complex development problems
  • Candidate will leverage leadership and deep system-level skills to work independently
  • Reports on the progress of all technical projects towards the company's video engineering goals and strategies
  • Work with our vendors to drive new and innovative solutions into their products for Comcast and the industry

Tech, Digital Video Signage Resume Examples & Samples

  • Supports Digital Signage Platform which streams promotional content for playback in Xfinity stores nationwide
  • Coordinates content acquisition with Comcast Corporate and Partners, TPN
  • Provide daily Digital Signage player health checks.? Notes outages and other issues and escalates accordingly to player vendor, xfinity stores, and networking support
  • Build and Configure new channels on CoolSign playback application.? Test Channel config before releasing into production
  • Manages, builds, and verifies signage playlists on CoolSign platform.?? Implements changes according to customer requests
  • Performs daily system health checks and audits content delivery. Works directly with support teams to track and resolve content related issues
  • Validates content according to technical specifications. Delivers finished product to internal system for distribution within service level agreement
  • Provides quality control of content both inbound and outbound
  • Troubleshoots or escalates issues that occur within the Video Operations value

Video Sales & Marketing Director Resume Examples & Samples

  • 10+ years minimum in online media ad sales, marketing or advertising agency experience with deep experience in the creative side of video development and sales
  • In-depth knowledge of the unique dynamics of the marketplace, relevant advertiser segments, industry challenges, etc
  • Proven ability to collaborate around new product development and how to take new products into the market
  • Must be a problem solver and creative thinker able to develop solutions based on customer needs
  • Must have excellent communication skills in all environments: email, phone and face to face
  • Strong sales and/or marketing skills with a proven track record
  • Customer centric attitude
  • Self-starter with strong team ideals and an entrepreneurial spirit

Senior Director of Sales, Video Platform Resume Examples & Samples

  • Reviews and develops sales targets for Product Sales team
  • Develops sales incentives to align with strategies and channel deployment, as necessary
  • Generally requires 9+ years related experience

Software Engineer, Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Implements, tests, and maintains digital video features of the NBC News family of web sites and the internal systems used to create them
  • Collaborates with multiple stakeholders to deliver projects with clear business impact
  • Exercises creativity and solicits feedback from peers
  • Engages in team work and collaboration
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, or related area, with at least 2-3 years’ experience in full-stack application development
  • Passion for design, news and/or mass media
  • 1-3 years experience in comparable IT or technical role
  • Proven ability to employ critical thinking and logic to analyze and troubleshoot problems to their root cause
  • Strong understanding of the fundamental operations of an IP based network
  • LAN/WAN, routers, switches, firewalls and IP telephony a plus
  • Experience with Windows server 2003/8 and XP/Win7 environments a plus
  • Relevant industry certifications including but not limited to CCENT/CCNA, WCNA, A+, MCP, MCSE a strong plus
  • Working knowledge of H.320, H.323 and SIP protocols a plus
  • U.S. Citizenship required due to work on U.S. Federal Government contracts
  • Selling to both Agencies and Direct Clients across the UK Digital and TV/AV market place
  • Delivering both Sponsorship and Performance based solutions
  • Understanding today’s video, content and the programmatic marketplace both as well as anticipating future changes and developments in this evolving space
  • Executing effective sales proposals, presentations and negotiations at client meetings
  • Developing new sales opportunities and collaborate across the AOL business to encourage the development of market leading innovative solutions for our clients
  • Building and establishing key relationships with all agency clients in your space by conducting face to face client and agency meetings
  • Considerable sales and new business experience essential within digital media sales is a must. Previous VOD/TV sales would be a significant advantage alongside a broad network across AV and Broadcast
  • Degree qualified and motivated with a can-do attitude and a hunger for delivering results

Senior Analyst Cross Platform Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work closely with internal and external operations teams to build optimal campaign workflow process for Social partnerships
  • Drive pricing and positioning strategy for Social offering
  • Become Subject Matter Expert for Viacom Digital Video & Social offerings for Viacom Sales Team
  • BA/BS in Business, Engineering, Mathematics, Economics or other analytically and quantitatively focused field
  • Must possess very strong analytic, strategic problem-solving and decision-making skills
  • Demonstrate proficiency in mathematical calculations and spreadsheet-based analysis
  • Must have advanced-level MS Excel proficiency
  • 4+ years of relevant experience in an analytical role: Finance/Banking, Consulting or Media
  • Knowledge of Doubleclick/XFP, FreeWheel, the Rubicon Project, and other ad-serving platforms and rich media vendors a plus
  • Familiarity on Omniture Site Catalyst, comScore, Nielsen and other online marketing audience measurement database a plus
  • Strong communication and client relationship skills; ability to publicly present ideas and share information
  • Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with managers, employees, external clients and 3rd party vendors
  • Ability to manage and prioritize the needs of multiple customers
  • 3+ years experience in a Technical Sales role, or an implementation or Technical Digital Media role
  • 3+ years experience in Television or Video Production or Engineering
  • 3+ years experience with Audio Video Encoders (especially Viewcast, Digital Rapids, Harmonic, Elemental, Flash Media Live, Newtek)
  • 3+ years experience with workflow design and documentation
  • 3+ years experience with presales and post sales support
  • Demonstrated experience with client-side tools and technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, in-browser debugging, etc.)
  • Experience with at least one server-side language (PHP, Python, Java, etc.) strongly preferred
  • Any experience with native mobile app development a plus

Video Architecture Software Engineer Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Currently pursuing a Bachelor's or Master's degree from a United States-based college or university
  • Major: Computer Science, Electrical Engineering or a related field
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Knowledge of C/C++, Java, etc
  • Software design and development skills
  • Authorized to work in the United States of America

Senior Video Software Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience with ffmpeg, x264, x265
  • Familiarity with video processing techniques and color spaces
  • Experience with CUDA
  • Knowledge of hardware virtualization and virtual machines
  • Understanding of multimedia system architecture
  • Experience with Windows or Linux driver development

NOC Video Managed Service Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Proven ability to employ critical thinking and logic to analyze and troubleshoot problems to root cause
  • Strong understanding of the fundamental operations of a modern IP based network, including SIP, VOIP, and related protocols
  • Solid working understanding of the Microsoft suite including but not limited to Client/Server OS, AD (LDAP), SQL, Lync/Skype for Business and Exchange
  • 3-5 years experience in comparable IT or technical role
  • VMware and/or hyper-V certifications or equivalent work experience highly desired

Fall Video Internship With The Wall Street Journal Resume Examples & Samples

  • Strong interest in domestic and international news as well as business and financial news
  • Social media savvy
  • Great communication & organizational skills
  • Perform under deadline pressure
  • Ability to create quality journalism
  • Basic understanding of video formats & delivery methods
  • Able to shoot and edit video a plus

Senior Video Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ability to produce jobs from soup to nuts (scoping, bidding, awarding, casting, pre-pro, shooting, editorial etc.) Identify and resolve production problems with ingenuity and a contagious “can-do” attitude
  • Day to day management and coordination of various video productions
  • Maintain database and archive of footage
  • Manage uploading of video edits to vimeo
  • Manage talent holdings and bookings
  • Manage reviews process for getting proper sign off amongst all cross-functional partners
  • Partner with video marketing, and digital creative to ensure all comps/products are ready for video shoots
  • Record and implement notes from creative and marketing meetings, reviews, and kick offs
  • Ensure quality control and accuracy with final edits
  • Manage rolodex of vendors and production partners
  • Manage model archive
  • Manage daily expenses, reports, and invoices for video productions
  • Schedule meet & greets, manage check-ins/follow-ups on ongoing basis
  • Management of projects through software tools such as basecamp, smartsheets, box, proof hq
  • Day to day management of video calendar and production schedule
  • College degree; BA or BFA preferred
  • 3+ years of Video Production or Program Management experience
  • Proficient in Adobe Creative Suite
  • Working knowledge of Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro
  • Excellent technical skills – MS Office; Excel, Word, Powerpoint
  • Strong understanding of production process
  • Exceptional communication skills, both written and verbal
  • Solid organizational skills, detail-oriented; time management skills, ability to juggle priorities
  • Strong relationship-building skills; ability to work with a variety of people in various disciplines
  • Ability to work in a very fast paced environment and meet very tight deadlines
  • Self-motivated
  • Should be comfortable working under pressure in a fluid environment where new projects pop up on a daily basis
  • Thrives in an intensive, multi-tasking and hands-on environment
  • Ability to adhere to notes and see the projects through to the end
  • Should be a go-getter who can take initiative on his or her own

VP, Video Product Management Resume Examples & Samples

  • Serve as advisor to the Executive Vice President (EVP), Video Services. Provide executive direction, assistance and support for all operations and activities of the EVP, Video Services
  • Manage the detailed planning relating to a wide variety of complex management projects, issues and initiatives with EVP, Video Services
  • Coordinate a variety of projects and taskings on behalf of the EVP, Video Services
  • Assure that priority actions are coordinated, staffed, and properly executed throughout the Video Business Unit to assure timely, cohesive and accurate support
  • Interface with and coordinate among the major business groups including Technology & Product, Engineering, Marketing, Legal, Government Affairs, Public Relations, field personnel and the other Lines of Business (HSD, Home Security, Voice, Business Services) as required
  • Research current Company and local policy to determine appropriate policy and procedures in relation to current projects, taskings and issues
  • Analyze information and data and assess progress of programs, projects and processes
  • Organize, manage, and present information to include recommendations both formally and informally via oral and written means. Develop plans and objectives for assigned management projects
  • Perform broad and complex studies and analyses across organizational and functional lines on a variety of projects, issues, and problem cases
  • Provide executive advisory service to the EVP, Video Services, on management, business and administrative policies that support accomplishing Comcast NBC Universal's mission
  • Task, direct, and coordinate to assure that actions are in keeping with the EVP, Video Services management direction
  • Identify areas needing emphasis, and exercise guidance to ensure programs and initiatives of the Video Business Unit are accurately meeting management expectations
  • Provide direction, executive guidance and leadership in providing effective methods to task support work, resolve problems, answer questions, correct deficiencies, evaluate support to management and assure that strategic video business objectives are being met
  • Review and direct actions required for incoming and outgoing correspondence and messages, providing comments and/or concurrence and recommend course of action subsequent to approval by the EVP, Video Services
  • Attend local and higher headquarters meetings and conferences on matters relating to the Video Business Unit's mission
  • Provide the management staff and outside groups with continual guidance and information on video services' policies, practices, and strategies for a variety of management initiatives
  • Serve as the video services representative on various advisory boards, committees and journey teams
  • Daily contacts with all levels of personnel, to exchange information and ideas, fact-findings and special study efforts; resolution of problems; presentation and explanation of controversial matters, and coordination of group efforts

Video Product Marketing Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Create the go-to-market plan, collaborating closely with product, partnerships, PR, and other cross-functional teams to determine effective launch strategy, including rollout sequencing, creative asset development, and communication goals to best drive awareness, engagement, and adoption
  • Lead and collaborate with cross-functional teams (including PR, product, and policy stakeholders) to create integrated marketing moments
  • 8+ years of experience, preferably in product marketing for internet/consumer tech
  • Bachelor degree at minimum with MBA preferred
  • Management consulting and startup experience is a plus
  • Fluency in the consumer video landscape and drivers of consumer video consumption habits is a plus
  • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills with a results-oriented mindset
  • Excellent communication skills and expertise communicating to technical, business, and consumer-facing audiences
  • Keen ability to translate complexity into simple and intuitive communications
  • Strong passion for and understanding of web and mobile technologies and the media industry landscape
  • Effectiveness in a fast-paced, entrepreneurial, startup environment
  • Excellent cross-functional leader

Video Marketing Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage projects related to consumer brand awareness, advertiser brand awareness, and strategic marketing projects such as new product launches, NewFronts and special events
  • Identify opportunities to increase advertising, licensing and consumer revenue, and expand the audience that watches NYT video
  • Contribute to the development of a brand identity and narrative for NYT Video, including visual standards and language, and campaigns that promote awareness
  • Work with creative teams to oversee the development of creative assets (images, design standards, copy, etc.) that support a cohesive visual identity for video
  • Collaborate closely with the Newsroom Audience Development team to bring large audiences to NYT video; support organic efforts with paid media campaigns
  • Collaborate with Marketing to help illustrate and clarify the contribution video makes to NYT’s subscription business, and ensure video is part of our core marketing communications
  • Set goals and measure return on investment — both holistically and for individual campaigns
  • Know our video library well. Surface creative ways to present our archive to partners and platforms
  • Collaborate with internal teams to execute marketing strategy. Maintain open and ongoing communications with a cross-functional team of product, design, engineering, business development, and audience development experts
  • Know the competitive digital video and media landscape — trends, products, partners, platforms — and share this knowledge effectively with the video team
  • 2-4 years of relevant experience in digital video, marketing, brand strategy or media
  • Creative thinker when it comes to ways of expressing and growing a brand, whether through partnerships or new ways of working
  • Outstanding written and verbal communication skills
  • A thorough understanding of the competitive video landscape, business environment, common challenges and best practices
  • Proactive, creative, positive approach to problem solving–both individually and in a variety of team settings
  • Excellent presentation, public speaking and meeting management skills
  • Excellent organization skills; ability to multi-task while also paying attention to details

Scrum Master EUC Video & Collaboration Technology Resume Examples & Samples

  • Empower the video conferencing team to self-organize
  • Facilitate product delivery via collaboration and discussion
  • Track and communicate team progress, as well as sprint or release progress
  • Organize and facilitate Scrum ceremonies
  • Encourage discussion, conflict resolution, alternatives or different approaches
  • Remove impediments for the team
  • Be an active part of the Scrum Master community within company and participate in continuous improvement within this discipline
  • Provide expertise in technical and process aspects of video conferencing
  • Partner with other EUC organizations (EUC, desktop support, service desk, etc…) to integrate our video offerings into other areas
  • Work with Cisco, West and HPE to assess solutions and move the project forward
  • Partner with other technical and project leaders in Corp IT (security, end user computing, streaming video, SCCM, O365 migration, Jabber migration) to support and enhance current and future offerings
  • Work with engineering and thought leaders at Dell, Microsoft, Cisco and WestIP to assist in creating product and service roadmaps for video conferencing
  • Meet with internal customers and key user groups to assess current and future offerings
  • Excellent team player
  • Skilled communicator (written, oral and PowerPoint) and facilitator
  • Two years of Scrum Master experience
  • Five years of experience with other software development or project management methodologies
  • Solid understanding of the Scrum framework and the values that each artifact/role/event brings
  • Ability to be the authority who assures that the team adheres to agile/Scrum concepts and principles
  • Bachelor’s degree in computer science or related field and/or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Experience with managing video or voice products
  • Experience in partnering with hardware and software vendors (Cisco, West, HPE, Dell)
  • Experience with ITIL concepts and methods delivered via ServiceNow

Video Executive Resume Examples & Samples

  • To produce video clips to agreed schedules, sourcing video from in-house and external sources required for feature sections and YouTube channel network
  • Manage the traffic of video tapes and files from the archive to internal production facilities
  • Preparing clips for upload, including the creation of metadata and thumbnail images and the physical delivery of content to YouTube
  • Meet regularly with YouTube channel management teams. Apply knowledge of BBC programming to recommend programmes to clip that meet the editorial vision of these platforms
  • Administration of archive rights checking, the content pipeline and asset/revenue tracking
  • Liaise with all relevant legal and administrative departments to ensure the suitability and legality of content before agreeing fees for clearing rights
  • Carry out desk research and use BBCW systems and other appropriate tools to identify archive content to clip from
  • Source clips that meet the editorial needs of the YouTube businesses as well as creating enough volume to ensure these meet their contractual targets
  • Has previously worked with online video in a production capacity. This could have been at a broadcaster, website, production company or post production house, YouTube channel or Youtube multi channel network
  • Has experience managing projects in and editing and exporting in Adobe Premiere
  • Has an understanding of the broader digital landscape (outside of YouTube) and a proven interest in keeping up to date with developments in web platforms and applications
  • Can show a good fundamental understanding of what makes a successful online video clip

Director of Video & Platform Resume Examples & Samples

  • 10 years or more experience managing teams and products
  • 5 years or more experience with agile processes, teams and tools
  • 5 years of executive management experience
  • Strong understanding of the video and broadcast business
  • Experience and skills in managing product portfolios

Engineer, Video Back Office Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum 5 year's experience with Linear Video components. (Cap1000, DAC/DNCS, Edge Qams, etc)
  • Minimum 6 year's experience with Linux Server systems administration, including installation, configuration, and upgrades, tuning, and troubleshooting in a 24x7 large-scale enterprise or service provider environment
  • Simple Network Management Protocol ('SNMP') and network management
  • Minimum 4 years in-depth experience with networking standards and protocols-(TCP/IP, DNS, NAT, DHCP, SNMP, HTTP, Multicast, packet analysis etc.)
  • Demonstrated ability to stay organized while multi-tasking between several projects, and ability to adapt to change
  • Experience with remote management of servers in a distributed environment
  • Clear and effective verbal and written communication skills
  • Team player with professional work ethic and positive attitude
  • Demonstrated ability to produce results with a minimum of day-to-day direction
  • Demonstrated interest in continuing to grow professionally
  • Must be able to work variable shift hours and rotate on-call duties
  • Must be able to work in an entrepreneurial environment requiring broad experience, adaptability, quick learning and excellent problem solving skills
  • Experience with Virtualization environments such as openstack or VMware
  • Experience with Container setups such as kubernetes or Docker
  • Experience with basic scripting to automate tasks and perform basic data analysis
  • Basic understanding of security and identity management technologies (Digital Certificates, LDAP, Radius, etc.)
  • Load Balancer, Switch and/or Router configuration, function, setup and support
  • Experience delivering MPEG content over HFC and/or IP Networks
  • Experience developing technical documentation to clearly detail information necessary for the support, construction or enhancement of projects
  • Programming and automating experience, preferably with Perl, Python, Go, Ruby, C/C++, etc
  • US citizenship required
  • Minimum 1 year of understanding the fundamentals involved in integrating Audio, Video, Control equipment and Third party Technologies
  • Relevant industry certifications highly desired including but not limited to CCENT/CCNA, MCTx, WCNA, or equivalent working experience

Video Technology Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum 5 years’ experience in broadcast environment
  • Microsoft Server certification (e.g. MCSA), Apple Desktop certification (e.g. ACSP), CVE Certified Video Engineer, Broadcast Technology certification – HNC, CBNT, or equivalent, Customer service certification preferred
  • Additional spoken languages a plus
  • Capable of working under minimal supervision
  • Capable of working in a global team
  • Prioritization and time management skills
  • Works effectively under pressure
  • Team player and willing to contribute ideas when in discussion
  • Problem solver and lateral thinker
  • Professional appearance
  • Complete understanding of non-linear server technology and SD/HD video production systems
  • Good understanding of hybrid video and IP (smpte 2022) technologies
  • Familiar with satellite engineering principals including MPEG encoding and transport systems including satellite RF and distribution technologies
  • Understanding serial digital video systems
  • Understanding of camera & lens technologies
  • Detailed understanding of video and audio measurements and quality assessment
  • Comprehensive industry knowledge of digital and IP video distribution
  • Knowledge of audio and video system design and troubleshooting
  • Experience with SMPTE standards
  • Understanding of the principles of Customer Service
  • Familiar with TCP/IP networks
  • Familiar with video storage technology
  • Proven experience of Mac platform and OS
  • Working knowledge of physical networking (wiring & electrical etc)
  • Understanding of editorial and newsroom operations

Lead Engineer, Video Player Resume Examples & Samples

  • 5+ years of hands-on experience with process, organization and development of engineering teams
  • Deep understanding of HTTP/HTTP2.0/EME/MSE specs
  • Proven experience with the ins-and-outs of different video delivery methods (DASH, HLS, Progressive etc)
  • Strong knowledge of video performance metrics (time to start, buffering ratio, etc), what causes such issues and how to remedy them. Uses data to drive decisions around technology and user experience optimization
  • Passion passion around continuous education, research, and development around the latest video technologies
  • Willing to work outside of textbook norms. Creative thinker who can take traditional software development practices and pull from them the aspects that will work best for Vimeo
  • You should have a great sense of humor and a relaxed presence but take your job seriously and approach your work with a sense of urgency
  • BS or MS in a Computer Science related field, or equivalent technical experience

Director of Voice & Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage daily operations support of Cisco Call Manager, Voicemail, Audio Codes, Video conferencing, Skype for Business Conferencing systems and Visa's Wireless Device functions
  • Collaboration with peer stakeholders across other End User Systems operation\engineering functions
  • Create and maintain documentation, policies, SLAs, procedures, change management and end-user training
  • Manage vendor relationships, contracts, budgets for Wireless devices globally. Support and track new, upgrade and replacement devices. Manage 3rd party vendor for order process, invoice reconciliation and end user support
  • Hire and develop the End User Systems Voice and Video department, for both Voice/Video and Wireless Devices
  • 5+ years Previous experience managing a globally diverse Voice\Video Operational team
  • 5+ years related telecommunications experience in a medium to large enterprise
  • Previous experience managing and supporting PBX voice systems and peripherals within a Large to Medium sized organization
  • Experience with Cisco Unified Communications Manager and Cisco Unity, Cisco video systems and Skype for Business (helpful)
  • Above average network understanding
  • Experience configuring, testing, and maintaining voice related network equipment
  • Understanding of network voice/video protocols such as SIP and H.323
  • Proven ability to stay abreast of technological changes in the field of network and telecommunications
  • Must have strong interpersonal and project management skills
  • Preferred Qualifications
  • B.S. in telecommunications or equivalent technical degree
  • 5 years related telecommunications experience in a medium to large enterprise
  • Some experience with Microsoft Exchange UM, and Lync/Skype for business conferencing
  • Experience with Cisco video conferencing solutions (e.g. Telepresence)

Analyst, Video Distribution Resume Examples & Samples

  • Conceptualize, execute, and analyze video distribution tactics
  • Use a variety of tools to determine optimal discovery and retention methods including production practices, metadata creation, etc
  • Analyze video distribution performance and prepare reports
  • Provide training to newsrooms for improving video engagement across channels
  • Keep abreast of industry best practices and communicate them throughout the organization
  • Manage a large network of video distribution channels including YouTube, Hulu, Roku, Fire TV, and more for tronc brands
  • Define distribution criteria for each channel
  • Curate optimal video for each platform to ensure audience engagement
  • Continually liaise with video leads in each market on incoming projects to develop distribution plan
  • Create engaging copy in brand voice
  • Manage Content ID claims for all markets
  • Develop, update, and execute metadata best practices
  • Perform research and competitive analyses
  • Perform other duties assigned by management
  • BS/BA in Film, Video, Marketing, Communications or related field
  • 4 - 6 years experience in digital video distribution and channel management including
  • Must have strong analysis and critical thinking skills with demonstrated application to channel development
  • Must have significant copy writing experience specific to video titles and descriptions
  • Must have strong organizational and time-management skills with the ability to prioritize and manage multiple time sensitive projects
  • Must be able to handle all aspects of customer service including anticipating customer’s needs
  • Use problem solving skills to resolve escalated situations with customer and provide top quality solutions
  • Must have excellent verbal and written communication skills and a strong ability to simplify complex data into key takeaways
  • Interest in video platforms such as OTT services, STBs, and connected televisions and a passion for video a must
  • Overall responsibility falls within special needs for advancing in-banner video success; quality/performance differentiators with TV Everywhere and Video Audience Extensions; evaluating attribution reporting, audience targeting and other new capabilities
  • Helping to frame up our Digital Video evolution, work with Corp Field Team toward analysis that helps define Spotlight's sales needs
  • Attribution: Assigned to analyze and evaluate projects involving video exposure KPI's; conversion/view-thru tracking; Google Analytics or other client/internal facing analytics that quantify the upper-funnel 'demand creation' our products generate. In many cases analysis aligned to specific verticals and/or platforms
  • Performance optimizations: Evaluate and determine best POV on competitive and internal digital video KPI's. Work with our corp field team, Interactive and other business leaders to define positioning KPI-wise internally and to clients. This will require work with Moat, Google and other vendors needed in the space today
  • New and innovative enhancements to in-banner and in-stream video. Working with vendors to analyze and frame up product enhancements that support our digital video capabilities. For example, new creative optimizations or techniques that increase viewership exposure
  • Mainstreaming VOD. Working to define KPI's and overall synergy with VOD as a vital component of our Digital Video suite. Establishing KPI benchmarks, and new innovation opportunities that further align platforms for sales
  • Competitive landscape understanding applied to furthering Spotlight's quality differentiators. Evaluate new vendors, technologies and digital video inventory supply (i.e. programmatic or programmers). Develop best practice POV in conjunction with sales leadership, engineering, trafficking, operations and others as needed
  • Attends meetings and presentations with Account Executives, proactively communicate with existing and potential clients about the value of our tools and capabilities
  • Creates and maintains client master data including margin analysis, prepared sales measurements and reports, processed transactions, returns, and exchanges according to Company guidelines
  • Provides overall direction of the Product Sales Support & Analysis team to drive lead generation, sales force database management, sales reporting, and production/control of presentations and proposals
  • Interfaces with appropriate internal groups (i.e., Accounting, Finance, Sales, Operations, IT, and Legal Affairs) to ensure proper analysis of tracking and reporting
  • Maintains sales forecasts and analysis for management reports
  • Maintains a high level of technical expertise and sales proficiency to meet the reporting needs on client activity
  • Generates daily activity reports, reporting, and trends
  • Regular, consistent and punctual attendance. Must be able to work nights and weekends, variable schedule(s) as necessary
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering or other relevant field
  • 3-5+ years relevant experience in technology vendor sales
  • Experience and familiarity with the pay TV and content programmer landscape
  • Experience with the following: Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint, Google Docs, basic HTML, Flash--including Adobe Flash Media Live Encoder, TriCaster, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, iPhone and Android operating systems and the Ustream platform itself

Video Director, WSJ Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience with camera controls, HD broadcast cameras, Ross Carbonite Switcher, various digital recording formats and codec’s, and other aspects of a live control room
  • Required to train others in operational areas and generate training documentation
  • Experience in problem-solving and troubleshooting techniques and effective communication to best convey the issues necessary for resolution
  • Excellent computer skills; knowledge of various operating systems (i.e. Windows & MacOS)
  • Experience with live webcasting
  • Knowledge of non-linear editing programs and knowledge of Adobe CC products is desired
  • Have the ability to work with minimal supervision, be able to communicate clearly and effectively and have the ability to solve problems quickly & calmly while under the pressure of a live broadcast
  • The Technical Director is responsible for the technical and operational execution of all broadcast equipment and technology within the production control room environment for live and taped studio shows. Responsibilities include but not limited to: operating the production switcher in a file based/server environment, routing sources, creating displays, interfacing with external devices, creating user and suite preferences, graphic implementation and video playout. The Technical Director is responsible for the clean execution of the studio show working within established SOP’s in a team-oriented environment. The Technical Director will also assist with troubleshooting technical issues that arise during the production process
  • Knowledge of live video encoding workflows
  • Ability to quickly identify and resolve issues in a live production environment
  • Configuration & management skills with Linux and Windows operating systems
  • Familiarization with video delivery over the leading content distribution networks (e.g., Akamai, Level3, etc.)
  • Support all efforts to simplify and enhance the customer experience
  • Executes fixes for problems in design, configuration, data flow, and data state within a highly complex Video on Demand system
  • Implements, monitors, enhances, and troubleshoots systems
  • Participates in technical outage bridges and engages appropriate resources to drive issues to closure
  • Acts as an advocate for Video Operations procedures, policies, and processes
  • Tracks and reports operational workflows; maintains records of results and feedback. Analyzes data and metrics, identifies problem areas, and provides actionable insight
  • Acts as a technical resource in projects and initiatives and ensures successful project implementation
  • Implements, monitors, enhances and troubleshoots systems
  • Analyzes and revises existing system logic difficulties and documentation as necessary
  • Provides Engineering Technical support and guidance to regional personnel and ensure all technical integration, changes, standards and documentation are met
  • Owns the relationship with 3rd party suppliers, vendors and platforms
  • Experience programming in Java
  • Familiarity with Spring Framework
  • Experience using Flash (ActionScript 3 and/or FMS)

Video Support Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Tackle support escalations from other team members, providing friendly, expert assistance to users
  • Vet and ticket user-reported bugs, and communicate with our Engineering team, users, and community team about the status of each open issue
  • Create user-facing FAQs and troubleshooting instructions
  • Create training documents and troubleshooting guides to empower other team members to effectively handle issues on their own
  • Provide Support team with regular updates about all outstanding issues impacting users
  • Track trends in technical issues and user feedback and prepare monthly and annual reports of the most noteworthy items
  • Proactively surface major user concerns to our Product team
  • Maintain our "Compression Guidelines" and tutorials - the technical guidelines we provide to Vimeo uploaders
  • Expert technical troubleshooting skills or some kind of technical background
  • Curiosity for understanding how things work “under the hood”
  • Familiarity with how websites are put together, and an aptitude for keeping up with constantly evolving technologies
  • 1+ year of experience in customer support (the more the better)
  • Excellent written communication and interpersonal skills
  • Familiarity with all major browsers and developer tools
  • Familiarity with the processes of video editing and compression (let us know which programs you've used!)
  • Proactive and highly organized approach to work
  • Familiarity with the Vimeo platform and player
  • Directs and oversees work of Streaming and Video Production Vendors
  • Keeps Event Ops Manager well informed of status of event support efforts and serves as liaison between vendors and clients
  • Owns the technical support lifecycle and is responsible for managing technical risks throughout support planning and delivery
  • Communicates and enforces Facebook standards, creating and defining new standards as technology and scope evolves
  • Helps identify and vet in region resources including, but not limited to, video and streaming service providers, venues, and remote network infrastructure support
  • Manages technical resources within budget and client support schedule
  • Consistently delivers high-quality, high impact services to clients
  • Analyze current direct buys, noting delivery against expected KPIs, along with measuring profitability
  • Macro and Micro level analysis of our video supply
  • Work in concert with demand team to identify impact of margin changes on demand and how we can use it to influence shifts in the business
  • Track GAV & GAP revenue, margins and platform fees Inventory acquisition/growth strategy​
  • Domestic and International analysis of inventory across all private marketplaces
  • Manage yield and provide revenue/profit analysis for upfront buys

SVP Euci Video Infrastructure & Conferencing Senior Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • 12+ years experience in Technology
  • 5+ years with Cisco TMS, Cisco VCS and US infrastructure, & Cisco CUCM
  • 2+ years Next generation Video conferencing & Qumu Video streaming
  • 2+ years Adobe Media streaming services
  • 5+ years Audio Conferencing products (BT and PGI integration
  • 3+ Years delivering Multi-million dollar, global innovative projects
  • 5+ years managing a global 24x7 level 3 operational team
  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent work experience

Spanish Video Teller Agent Resume Examples & Samples

  • Proficiency in basic computer skills
  • Comfortable with emerging technologies (e.g., virtual customer interactions)
  • Ability to identify and mitigate potential fraud and other transaction risk
  • Technology proficient - strong core technology skills, coupled with the ability to quickly learn and effectively use new technology

Wholesale Video Products Co-op Resume Examples & Samples

  • Engagement: Working on creative, innovative, and thought-provoking projects within various business units at Comcast during your cooperative experience
  • Exposure: An inside look into the day-to-day operations of an organization at the cutting edge of media and technology
  • Mentorship: Mentoring from fellow colleagues through the Empowering Future Leaders Program (EFLP) to help you navigate your experience, provide coaching, and expand your professional network
  • Fun: Continuously develop relationships with fellow interns through social activities, community building, and networking
  • Comcast is an Affirmative Action/EEO employer M/F/D/V

Video Product Management Director Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead and mentor a team of product managers dedicated to creating and executing upon the video product roadmap across the USA TODAY Network in collaboration with cross functional teams, including Editorial, Strategy, Sales, Ad Ops, Finance, Technology, and others
  • Define video product vision and strategy, and build consensus among cross-functional teams
  • Understand and analyze user and advertising needs through user studies, market research, and data analysis
  • Own and drive individual products, features and initiatives (small and large) through full lifecycle - from ideation to launch, then nurturing it through continued iteration and growth
  • Drive product prioritization and product management methodology for the business working with internal stakeholders
  • Work closely with cross-functional teams to create product roadmaps, business and functional requirements, high level wireframes and prototypes
  • Lead day-to-day product development efforts with technology and project management team using Agile methodologies
  • Create buy-in for the product vision both internally and with key external partners
  • Manage post product deployment activities - track customer feedback, measure our trajectory against success metrics, and evaluate our impact on the business
  • Closely follow and lead the organization on emerging technologies and industry trends
  • Document leading practices/lessons learned and drive continuous improvement
  • Evaluate technologies, products, and vendors to support development of detailed product features and requirements
  • 10+ years of digital product management experience, preferably for a major media company or video technology company
  • Bachelor's degree. MBA and/or advanced degree preferred
  • 5+ years directly managing product management team or organization with proven record of coaching and mentorship
  • History of establishing strong, productive and collaborative internal relationships with business leaders, development leaders, and senior executives
  • Proven track record of managing others and mentoring future product management leaders
  • A curious and highly motivated self-starter who can work effectively across cross-functional teams and also make things happen on your own
  • Passion for creating user-centric digital and interactive experiences
  • A strong communicator with great written and verbal skills
  • Up to date and knowledgeable about the latest trends, innovations and best practices in the digital video space particularly in mobile, video, social and user engagement
  • A team player and fun to work with
  • Loves to share inspiration and new ideas with your direct and indirect teams

Director of Digital Video, Bon Appétit Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work closely with Bon Appétit editors, creative team, and Condé Nast Entertainment (CNE) to source and develop new video ideas, series, and concepts
  • Create, develop, manage, and distribute a regular video programming lineup within KPI categories across all formats, sites, and platforms (such as owned media, social, and syndication)
  • Meet video KPI targets set for Bon Appétit by Condé Nast Digital and CNE
  • Execute our video productions, coordinating and collaborating across departments at the company (test kitchen, photo, sales, digital, CNE)
  • Manage the video content budget to create a sustainable and innovative video program
  • Coordinate video efforts with and CNE social and audience development/analytics teams to improve results and source new ideas to grow views and engagement
  • Create and develop relationships with talent in front of and behind the camera
  • Develop partnerships with production houses and individuals to create a world-class video network
  • Collaborate with Bon Appétit’s integrated marketing team on creating branded video content
  • 5-7 years of experience with a website, digital advertising agency or online marketing, advertising, or publishing group, with a thorough understanding of online business and publishing models/strategies
  • Understanding of the social web is paramount: the candidate must understand the nuances of the social ecosystem and what makes video content engaging and shareable
  • Fast-thinking in a fast-paced environment
  • Working knowledge of consumers/advertisers in the media space and experience partnering with consumer publishing brands
  • Hands-on experience with video creation
  • Entrepreneurial, digitally-savvy, creative, and experimental in approach to problem solving; exceptional analytical and critical thinking skills; high emotional intelligence
  • Ability to clearly articulate and present initiatives to creative and technical teams alike
  • Self-motivated and capable of discovering inspiration independently
  • Working on or hold a Bachelor’s degree in Film/Communications/Art /related field
  • Proficiency with Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, and Adobe Photoshop
  • 1-2 years of experience editing and shooting video/photography
  • Experience in sports media preferred
  • Working knowledge of basic computing equipment and software typical in a modern office environment. (Mac and Windows)
  • Experience with FTP and file sharing websites both in software and web interfaces
  • Must be able to effectively brainstorm and collaborate on creative ideas with staff
  • Ability to meet tight deadlines and work well under pressure
  • Strong organizational skills, time management skills and attention to detail
  • Ability to prioritize and manage multiple tasks/projects
  • Ability to work independently without supervision, be self-directed and demonstrate initiative
  • Availability and willingness to work extended hours, including nights and weekends
  • Spanish and English fluency a plus
  • Have an appreciation of sports video. A deep knowledge of soccer is a bonus
  • Provide video samples that indicate substantial editing skills

Anlst, Video Distribution Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage daily video uploads for Tribune Publishing’s newspaper brands (such as the LA Times, Chicago Tribune, and other brands) across multiple video distribution channels (YouTube, Hulu,Roku, Amazon Fire TV, etc.)
  • Liaise with video leads in each market on incoming projects to ensure that needs and deadlines are met
  • Able to collect, analyze, and present findings based on available video metrics
  • Manage Content ID claims on YouTube
  • Create video tags to optimize discovery
  • Write copy for video titles and descriptions
  • Maintain, update, and implement metadata best practices
  • Pitch Tribune video for inclusion in Hulu’s Trending Now section
  • Make recommendations for improving video engagement across channels
  • Own video distribution P&P, making updates to meet the standards of the changing video landscape
  • Bachelor’s degree from a 4-year program or relevant work experience
  • 3 to 4 years experience in video uploading, metadata creation, transcoding, and video assets management
  • Copy writing experience specific to video titles and descriptions
  • Experience creating keywords for video
  • Strong analysis and critical thinking skills
  • Detail oriented and extremely proactive
  • Sound understanding of the video ecosystem
  • Passion for video
  • Interest in platforms such as OTT services, STBs, and connected televisions
  • Strong presentation and communication skills
  • Proficient in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Google Docs
  • Some Understanding of YouTube CMS, Compressor, video file formats, FTP, and Final Cut Pro
  • Experience with Brightcove
  • YouTube audience certification
  • YouTube digital rights management certification
  • Knowledge of YouTube Content ID

Project Manager, Short Form Video & Digital Resume Examples & Samples

  • Project manage entire life cycle of all digital short form and YouTube content from planning, briefing process and brief distribution, to kickoff, scheduling, production, approvals. Drive successful on time delivery, working with creative, digital programming and marketing teams
  • Manage the delivery of all YouTube content for posting on the platform
  • Act as the liaison between the Marketing team and the Nick Creative Promotions team for all YouTube content
  • Act as a liaison between the Digital Programming team and the Creative Promotions team for all digital short form work
  • Manage stakeholder approvals and routing of creative and feedback
  • Work with Production Management to manage schedules for individual deliverables on briefs
  • Maintain updated schedules and inform teams of changes in due dates and edit schedules
  • Project manage digital creative projects such as convergent events, site launches, quizzes, stunts, and other creative projects from initiation through kickoff, scheduling, production, approvals and implementation
  • Oversee and drive game engine product task forces, working cross-functionally to develop and implement new game engines for cross-functional teams, including digital and integrated marketing
  • Responsible for reviewing and understanding business and creative goals of each project and should be able to speak to those as needed
  • Help with instituting and maintaining systems for project workflow and communications, as well as tracking and scheduling
  • Help organize and gather assets for projects as needed
  • Setting resourcing expectations and manage efforts cross-functionally
  • Coordinate with graphics and other cross-functional teams on delivery of assets
  • Ability to negotiate and propose options for prioritizing and time spent on work
  • Minimum of 5 years of project management, production management or related experience
  • Demonstrated organized self-starter who is able to manage multiple tasks deftly and see the big picture
  • Excellent communication skills and successful at diplomacy
  • Able to assess and improve processes and workflows
  • Superior problem solving and anticipation skills
  • Ability to provide and articulate effective explanations and recaps
  • Ability to operate quickly and calmly within a large, complex, high-pressure, dynamic environment, while setting and maintaining key priorities
  • Ability to influence groups of people outside their own department or silo
  • Ability to lead and to gain trust of teams and colleagues
  • Microsoft Office skills (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) required
  • JIRA and Confluence knowledge a plus
  • Experience with video creative and digital creative a plus

Head of Mobile & Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work with the Director of Digital Strategic Sales and Partnerships to deliver the mobile and video sales strategy to market
  • Responsible for the Mobile and Video advertising budgets across the News UK portfolio, including The Times, The Sunday Times, The Sun and DreamteamFC
  • Responsible for delivering off platform partnership revenue, including monetization of video on snapchat & facebook
  • Responsible for high value Mobile and Video partnerships and innovative deals
  • Internal figurehead for mobile and video sales across the commercial department and setting strategic direction for programmatic and direct sales
  • Own all mobile and video relationships within the relevant agency teams and help the news UK sales teams to build incremental revenue
  • Work with the Digital Product strategy, development and Engineering teams to deliver best in class format innovation, capturing market feedback and competitive insight. Always with one eye on optimising performance and creativity
  • Work with the Head of programmatic sales to drive agency trading desk and DSP revenue
  • Work with News UK Video editorial team to develop vertical video sponsorship opportunities and branded content
  • Work with the Head of Branded content to develop video and social influencer solutions across all titles
  • News UK representative at the relevant IAB board & council meetings
  • Perform all other reasonable duties as requested by the Digital Commercial Director, and adhere to all company and departmental principles and guidelines
  • Proven existing contacts with Mobile and AV teams within major agency groups and specialist agencies
  • Fluent in all mobile and video pricing and trading models and measurement
  • Record of success in selling mobile and video advertising solutions and partnerships
  • Programmatic experience and existing relationships within key DSPs, ATDs and relevant ad networks
  • Understanding the mobile and video product landscape; what are our competitors doing and how do we innovate in this space
  • Experience implementing strategic initiatives and proven track record of success
  • Desirable; industry thought leader and experience speaking on expert panels or presenting at digital conferences

Director, Branded Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Create and develop new branded series and shows
  • Collaborate with in-house stakeholders to ensure all branded content reflects brands needs while delivering the Thrillist style and voice our clients desire
  • Optimize for organic distribution
  • Deliver treatments and storyboards that leave no doubt about your attention to detail and creativity
  • Build project scopes, deliverable timelines, and budgets
  • Utilize your long list of preferred production resources and vendors to get the best work
  • Enforce highest level of editorial, visual, and creative quality from in house resources and production vendors
  • Build and maintain a master schedule
  • Embrace innovation and experimentation everywhere
  • Ready, if needed, to roll up your sleeves and get it done in house or in the field
  • Problem solver with a smile
  • Proven, highly creative output at an agency or publisher
  • Leadership in branded video in all formats from :15 seconds to 15 minutes long
  • College degree with 3-5 years experience in branded, narrative, commercials documentaries
  • Deep working knowledge of the digital post-production process and best practices
  • Proven experience building content that drove organic engagement
  • Proven production expertise
  • Proven expertise pitching to clients in a fast growth organization
  • Organizational skills to handle multiple projects at once in various stages of production
  • Excellent written and communication skills
  • Tireless work ethic and great attention to detail
  • Know when to ask for help, know what you don't know
  • See around corners, know what's coming before it arrives
  • Considerable sales and new business experience is essential, particularly within performance driven (CPA, CPC, CPL, BIDDING) programmatic media and branded content solutions (editorial integrations, video solutions, advertorials, high impact formats etc.)
  • Excellent track record in developing client relationships with media advertising agencies, growing revenue and winning new business with or without trading agreements
  • Working knowledge and understanding of the network and programmatic market place including cross-platform performance and brand solutions, audience targeting, supply and demand side platforms, and buying models
  • Have an understanding of agency trading desks and their relationships in the media planning cycles
  • Experience in using CRM systems such as Salesforce
  • Demonstrate an effective and strategic sales approach, continuously delivering and exceeding on client's needs and objectives
  • Entrepreneurial, with strong time management and organisational skills to maintain own workflow and meet deadlines
  • Ability to work in a fast paced environment that requires quick thinking and a creative mind set
  • Ability to manage conflicting priorities and deadlines

Financial Analyst, Video & Mobile Resume Examples & Samples

  • Working knowledge of spreadsheet applications, databases, and pivot tables
  • Working knowledge of Power Point charting and graphing
  • Begins to see relationships among and across areas
  • Assists in researching financial and economic trends and developing short-term forecasts
  • Tracks and analyzes actuals vs. budgeted departmental expenses
  • Able to communicate and facilitate understanding of moderately complex aspects of job
  • Provides costing, financial and budget documentation
  • Assists in developing project activity cost estimates and risk analysis
  • Tracks, reports and analyzes assigned area activities
  • Maintains labor cost database for project estimating, pricing, and cost analysis
  • Supports staff in all expense and headcount budgeting activities
  • Gathers and analyzes appropriate data for monthly or ad hoc financial reports for assigned areas

Platform Video Engineering Resume Examples & Samples

  • 5 years or more experience managing teams and products
  • BS in Electrical Engineering, Computer Science, or a related field or commensurate experience
  • Extensive proven experience delivering application solutions in the mobile and / or video space
  • Strong understanding of the video encoding and methodologies
  • Strong technical skills and the ability to oversee technical integrations and development tasks
  • Roadmap and requirements management
  • Experience deploying digital video solutions to consumers
  • Hands-on technical implementation skills in mobile, web, and / or application development
  • Experience managing product and roadmaps with tools such as Aha! (or other portfolio management solutions)
  • Experience managing testing, quality, and deployment processes
  • Strong start-up growth experience
  • Work closely with our external partners from video production companies to our appointed video delivery platform companies
  • Work with internal stakeholders to help define and improve products and optimise video delivery and the user experience
  • Use analytics to optimise the performance of video
  • Champion our digital products and video internally across the business
  • Monitor customer feedback and ratings to ensure products and meeting customer expectations
  • Minimum 2 years working on technical video delivery
  • Proven track record of ideas generation /workshop facilitation / working with innovation
  • Excellent understanding of agile (SCRUM) processes
  • Demonstrable high level of knowledge of technical aspects of digital video delivery
  • Demonstrable commitment to quality and delivery
  • Passionate about great user experiences and digital video delivery
  • Proactively seek opportunities to add value
  • Strong communication and stakeholder management skills
  • Strong interpersonal and team-working skills
  • Seek development opportunities above and beyond required training

Engineer, Xoc-video Desk Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintain troubleshoot the DAC Aloha network VOD and Guide platforms
  • Execute code downloads as needed to support new software and set top hardware
  • Support all channel and mux additions and changes. Maintain all channel maps
  • Work closely with headends Field and Call Center to solve video problems
  • Support all applicable Engineering Projects. Regional Divisional or Corp
  • Performs a variety of highly complex analytical duties in the planning development testing and evaluation of Comcast s network including CRAN CMTS and the IP platform and Video platform. Works closely with engineering and national teams on network operations to ensure proper and efficient operations of the network
  • Measures volume and performance of the network traffic; identifies utilization and performance issues; designs strategies and recommendations to improve network performance. Provides necessary support for additions and changes
  • Devises and implements strategies for solving network issues or increasing network performance including the development and production of network system documentation and instructional and procedural manuals for other employees to utilize in order to resolve problems or make network improvements. Supports all the OC tools and alarms analyze systems needs and determines priority of devices attached to the network
  • Ensures the availability of networking services; studies evaluates analyzes and monitors the network to determine problem areas and/or areas of concern. Monitors and isolates outages and impairments. Ensures that server databases and other related resources are properly maintained and devises strategies to improve performance of the network
  • Provides subject matter expertise for all network equipment technical training and support to other operational groups. Updates code and software to ensure proper system performance
  • Engineer 2 performing Network Desk duties performs the following: Determines if the network or a portion of the network needs to be shut down to resolve complex issues. Provides technical support for the capacity and utilization reporting and tuning across the product lines. Tests monitors and analyzes the network to isolate outages across all product lines. Performs port turn ups and downs on CRAN aligned to the agreed to demark matrix. Develops changes and improvements in the network including re-routing of traffic. Provisions DWDM and CWDM circuits
  • Engineer 2 performing Video Desk duties performs the following: Participates in the review of video failures as appropriate and provides feedback to prevent future occurrences within the established post mortem process. Accountable for video configuration audits and adherence to the golden configuration. Supports national desk for DSG and 2way conduit applications. Supports all channel migration from the headend to the CRAN. Supports all SD and HD channel launches. Uses all available tools to monitor and isolate IP video outages and impairments. Maintains all IP video delivery devices (i.e. RPD s OM-1000 s and NC-1500 s.) Performs MPEG troubleshooting through a variety of highly complex analytical duties in the testing and evaluation of Comcast s network. Provides operational support for the DAC and DNCS in conjunction with engineering and AVS. Directs Headend Technician(s) in troubleshooting network issues for video ADS and Switched Digital video.***
  • Engineer 2 performing CHSI Desk duties performs the following: Devises modulation changes to the CHSI QAMs. Acts as the SME in isolating problems between the CMTS transport distribution and subscriber Modem equipment. Ensures the CHSI network is optimally engineered. Analyzes and troubleshoots networks such as: CHSI Infrastructure CRAN/CMTS and transport. Designs conducts and interprets database and CHSI configurations. Provides technical support during the deployment of the CHSI product or the installation of additional CMTS s in the market
  • Engineer 2 performing CDV Desk duties performs the following: Provides technical support during the deployment of the CDV product or the installation of additional soft switches in the market. Monitors and clears all hung COPS processing. Supports the implementation of new capacity associated with the facilities and trunking for PSTN interconnection. Acts as the SME in isolating problems between the switch service provider transport distribution and subscriber telephony equipment. Provides subject matter expertise for all voice equipment technical training and support to other operational groups. Ensures the voice network is optimally engineered. Analyzes and troubleshoots networks such as: Voice Infrastructure CRAN/CMTS and transport. Designs conducts and interprets database and switch translations
  • Engineer 2 performing Systems Desk Specific function performs the following: Designs and creates tools that gather and integrate data from disparate systems (such as Comcast billing ticketing provisioning and network monitoring systems among others.) Designs codes tests deploys and evaluates highly reliable programs in Perl C C C . Designs codes tests deploys and evaluates highly reliable web pages in PHP ASP JavaScript VBscript etc. Collaborates with Engineering Excellence in Operations (XOC) Advanced Technical Support and other internal departments to generate data for problem analysis and fix. Writes scripts in SQL Perl C JavaScript ASP.Net
  • Regular consistent and punctual attendance. Must be able to work nights and weekends variable schedule(s) as necessary

Faculty Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in related field or a combination of a Master’s degree plus 18 gradaute credit in field
  • Must have created several games to show
  • 3D games experience a plus
  • At least four years professional experience in the game art/design or other industry closely related to courses taught

Backend Engineer, Video Player Resume Examples & Samples

  • 2+ years’ experience coding in Python or Go
  • Strong foundation with Linux internals
  • Deep understanding with benchmarking and profiling
  • Well-versed in object-oriented programming (OOP)
  • Top notch communication skills (written and verbal)
  • BS or MS in Computer Science or related field

Full-motion Video Imagery Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelors and two (2) years or more experience; Masters and 0 years related experience
  • Candidates must be able to interpret FMV and conduct imagery intelligence product analysis and generation/reporting
  • Extensive hands-on expertise with ISR collection, processing, and exploitation systems across the intelligence, operations and communications communities
  • Knowledge of FPED/Intelligence cycle/MAAS/DCGS- A/WARP/TIGR/Google Earth/GETS/UNICORN
  • Able to extract and create imagery-derived products (IDPs) using MS PowerPoint, MAAS, SOCET, DCGS-A
  • Minimum of (3) years of experience in FMV/Imagery or All-Source analysis
  • Create a thriving video ecosystem within virtual reality
  • Build and support an excellent development platform for content creators
  • Help drive the feature roadmap of VR videos on the Oculus platform
  • Optimize the viewing experience across VR video applications
  • At least 3 years’ software engineering experience in C++
  • 2+ years of experience working with Android, shipping at least one application/software library
  • Experience working with the Android NDK
  • Experience working with ffpmeg
  • Deep understanding of video encoding and compression techniques
  • Familiarity with open source media player libraries, such as ExoPlayer or Shaka Player

Video Technician Viii-west Lafayette Resume Examples & Samples

  • Two years experience with operation, maintenance, repair of video distribution systems. These systems include: streaming networks, fiber distribution networks, video studios, professional video and audio equipment
  • Minimum of one year of experience working with IT systems
  • Basic knowledge of networking components and services such as; TCP/IP, UDP/IP, IGMP, HTTP protocols, DHCP, DNS and LAN/WAN technologies
  • Working knowledge of current television production methods and equipment
  • Effective written and oral communication skills
  • Ability to work either individually or as part of a team
  • Solid understanding of network protocols and standards (e.g. DNS, TCP, HTTP, FTP, SSH)
  • Understanding of streaming technologies, content flow, and distribution to the web (e.g. CMS, Closed Captioning, Live Streaming, Transcoding)

Software Engineer Video Overview Included Resume Examples & Samples

  • From day one, immediately take ownership of new projects to make significant contributions to our technology platform
  • Collaborate with other developers, product managers and designers to ideate, construct and implement intuitive and elegant customer experiences that will be used by millions of people every day
  • Devise and build out systems that are decoupled, elegant and fault tolerant
  • You’re a go-getter -- you find creative ways to just get things done
  • Full-stack engineer with knowledge in a breadth of technologies
  • Advanced in JavaScript/HTML5/CSS3 with 1-3 years expereince
  • Proficient in Java and Service Oriented Architecture with 1-3 years experience
  • Fanatic for prominent methodologies such as extreme programming, continuous delivery, and quality code
  • You’re excited by emerging technologies and learning new languages, but remain focused on delivery and customer value
  • Thrive on taking ownership and figuring out what needs to be done
  • You strive to provide the best user experience to the customer

Principal Software Engineer Video Overview Included Resume Examples & Samples

  • Design and implement distributed software systems and decentralized identity protocols
  • Rapidly develop enterprise software applications and platforms using Blockchain technologies
  • Provide technical leadership on Blockchain technologies
  • Work across peer groups to develop Blockchain solutions for the business
  • A degree in Computer Science / Mathematics or equivalent work experience in a field utilizing the same subject matter
  • Experience developing traditional distributed systems
  • Have practical experience developing on Blockchain platforms such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc
  • Extensive experience working with cryptographic protocols
  • Prior peer technology work for the Bitcoin network (not required, but a plus)
  • Experience with C++, Java or Go
  • Experience with RDBMS or NoSQL databases
  • Understanding of the cryptographic principles underpinning of Bitcoin 2.0 and Blockchain technologies
  • Have a collaborative mind set and enjoy sharing Blockchain knowledge with other developers
  • Have exceptional communication skills and a passion for Blockchain development
  • Ideally some self-taught experience of using Hyperledger or Ethereum
  • Experience of working with design thinking techniques in iterative sprints is an advantage to this role

Video Infrastructure Operations Deployment Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Build awesome AV/VC workspaces for Facebook from specification and design through to completion
  • Collaborate with peers, users, managers, and internal & external partners to deliver superb AV/VC solutions
  • Develop and maintain project schedules and timelines to identify and meet critical milestones and deadlines
  • Engage in basic desktop and network troubleshooting
  • Contribute to the R&D of future AV/VC solutions
  • Innovate and enhance reliability, functionality, and quality of AV/VC systems
  • BA/BS degree in a technical field or equivalent experience
  • 3+ years experience troubleshooting AV/VC, networking and computer systems
  • 3+ years of Cisco/Polycom VC Infrastructure experience
  • 2+ years of Video Codec experience (Cisco, Polycom, Lifesize, etc..)
  • 2+ years experience with AV control systems
  • 2+ years using Computer Aided Drafting software

Operations Intern, Branded Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Organize and update ad product resources for Branded Video department
  • Maintain operational data for Q3 video campaigns
  • Provide analysis of operational data (in presentation format) and recommendations for future process improvements
  • Distribute comprehensive branded video performance reporting to internal creative and project management teams
  • Perform competitive analysis
  • Support Branded Video Project Management team with operational needs
  • Develop a thorough understanding of BuzzFeed ad products and offerings
  • Ad hoc analysis and reporting
  • Provide additional support and coverage for Sr. Operations Manager and Project Director as needed

Freelance Intl Video Adaptation Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Adapt BuzzFeed video content for multiple platforms, including replacing text with translated text and motion graphics within project files as well as subtitles and captions where needed
  • Work with the Global Adaptation team to localize and distribute BuzzFeed Motion Pictures releases in multiple languages across different video platforms and distribution methods
  • Effectively communicate across different groups to ensure content is distributed on the correct platforms
  • Upload adapted videos for review and distribute final versions to international editors/staff as well as direct uploads to multiple video platforms. Address corrections, errors, video issues, and other time-sensitive publishing needs via watch lists
  • Help maintain database, project files, and log of translated video content
  • A cover letter explaining why you'd be a good fit for this particular position
  • A reel or samples showing your edit and text layout abilities

Post Production Coordinator, Branded Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Coordinate Post Production for multiple projects
  • Stay hyper organized in an ever changing environment
  • Ability to be agile with changing timelines & deliverables
  • Wrangle creatives & other collaborative team members
  • Book post production through the various stages
  • Handle QC on final output
  • Maintain regular communication with operations & project management teams
  • Share SOPs with various production team
  • Work with legal team to ensure clearance
  • Coordinate day-to-day management of multiple projects
  • Collect project paperwork (soft costs, NDAs, timecards)
  • Ensure all deliverables cross the finish line in time

Post Specialist, Branded Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work with the Post and Creative departments to prep & finish all deliverables within the project specs and timeline
  • Reconnect to raw, overcut, conform, color correct & sound mix
  • QC finished piece against offline reference
  • Work with creatives to get final approval and/or adjust as necessary
  • Export all masters per project spec
  • Follow and help build out our finishing workflow
  • Trouble shoot / provide support for our assistants

Director of Sales, Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Senior leader responsible for significant revenue growth by using general business acumen to uncover business needs and identify how Conversant solutions can help clients achieve their business goals
  • Partner with East coast agency team presenting customized sales opportunities that address the client’s compelling events and help them meet their sales goals
  • Effectively facilitate ongoing communications with sales team covering video solutions
  • Drive understanding of agency landscape and support business development efforts
  • Build relationships with key internal stakeholders
  • Negotiate and close contracts with client’s key decision makers

Service Provider Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Working in highly collaborative environment, primarily based in both customer and Cisco offices in Mexico City, with occasional travel to other LATAM sites
  • Build highly great relationships — both on-site with the customer and back at the office with your colleagues
  • Effective monitoring, provisioning, installation/configuration, operation, and maintenance of systems hardware and software
  • Automation of monitoring tasks, creative dashboarding
  • Attentively manage Service Requests, Incidents and Problems
  • Champion improvements into the product based on ease of trouble-shooting, monitoring, assurance, etc
  • Develop tools, scripts, or processes to make things better
  • Working on call/out of hours for critical customer Incidents
  • 3+ years experience of working in large, complex deployment environments
  • 3+ years working in a Delivery or Operations team
  • 3+ years of demonstrable experience of Linux systems administration such as Red Hat or CentOS
  • Familiarity with ITIL processes
  • Network administration / security
  • Solid understanding of technologies such as encoding, DRM, VoD, Conditional Access, DVB, MPEG
  • Deployment experience of cloud platforms, preferably Openstack / Heat orchestration
  • Experience of working with Agile and/or DevOps

Video Tape Operator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Setting up SD and HD programs for on-air playback
  • Recording of incoming line/satellite feeds to both tape and server-based systems, processing Work orders for dubbing or captioning records
  • Prepare and edit content for air by segmenting and inputting programs through Harris automation system and Edius editing system
  • Provide suitable relief as required for Master Control Room Technical Director
  • Minimum three years experience in a related broadcast environment
  • Post-secondary education in broadcasting or a related field, or equivalent experience required
  • Experience in live MCR/Production tape operations, including non-linear server-based recording along with experience with Sony XDCam, BetacamSX and HDCam tape formats
  • Extensive operational knowledge of Harris automation systems, Grass Valley server and Edius editing systems
  • Must be able to work well under the pressure of tight deadlines
  • Proficiency with computer usage
  • Attention to detail and ability to focus
  • Strong sense of professional ethic
  • Work experience in sports network
  • Work experience in television

Video Teleconference Technician Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide video teleconference (VTC) scheduling assistance to ASG customers
  • Setup and monitor any ASG based VTC conferences
  • Assist customers with connecting to VTCs
  • Coordinate with distant end user VTC participants to ensure successful video conferences
  • Instruct users in the operation of the VTC user control panel and all other end user VTC equipment
  • Performs VTC technical assistance to users/participants on an as needed basis
  • The Video Teleconference Technician will have responsibility for daily ticket and support requests, and will also be required to handle incoming Audio, Video, and Conference room trouble calls
  • Video Teleconference Technician will be required to troubleshoot and resolve technical issues; and therefore should have a minimum level of technical skills
  • This person will act as the initial technical customer contact for hardware / software issues related to Audio, Video, and Conference room technical issues
  • ITILv3 Fundamentals Certification
  • Two (2) years college or vocational training in Video Teleconference technology and applications (area of specialty) plus five (5) years relevant experience, or any equivalent combination of education/experience for a total of seven (7) years
  • Knowledgeable in military operational and logistical principles and practices and able to apply these with sound judgment, while working through sustained periods of stressful and highly dynamic situations and various environments
  • Possess well-developed arithmetic, data computation, reasoning, and sound judgmental skills, and be capable of using them in a fluid, high stress operating environment
  • Highly-developed writing skills and be capable of developing clear, concise, comprehensive plans and procedures for integrating multi-functional support in coordination with all Contractor and Government Staff agencies and other activities
  • Capable of preparing and presenting military briefings
  • Excellent communication skills both written and verbal
  • Must be able to obtain a U.S. Secret security clearance at contract performance start date and maintain the clearance throughout the period of contract performance
  • Valid U.S. driver’s license
  • Obtain a Kuwait driver’s license: Complete the ASG-KU driver’s training course within 30 days of arrival in Kuwait
  • Obtain a Common Access Card (CAC)
  • Background and understanding of U.S. Army operations and logistics with emphasis on brigade level exercises. A minimum of three years of military logistics experience in the U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps, and U.S. Air Force or with U.S. Allies is highly desirable

Video Analytics Research Analyst, Senior Resume Examples & Samples

  • 2+ years of experience in the intelligence community (IC), including with requirements, CONOPS, and transition
  • Experience with managing a multi-agency, multi-disciplinary test and evaluation team
  • Ability to manage multiple, concurrent tasks proactively
  • Top Secret clearance
  • BA or BS degree with 5+ years of experience in three of the following fields: Machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, video or image processing in a Cloud ecosystem, software development in CUDA or C++, or program management support for a large research program in computer vision or video processing, or an MS degree with 2+ years of experience in one of the following: Machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, video or image processing in a Cloud ecosystem, software development in CUDA or C++, or program management support for a large research program in computer vision or video processing
  • Experience with managing large-scale video collection and curation preferred
  • Experience with surveillance video collection preferred
  • Experience with designing event detection T&E for video preferred
  • Experience with IRS approved video collection preferred
  • Experience with real-time video processing in a Cloud environment preferred
  • Experience with deployment of computer vision analytics in a large-scale framework preferred
  • Experience with Cloud environments used by one or more government stakeholders preferred
  • BA or BS degree in CS, Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, or a related technical field preferred; MS or PhD degree in CS, Engineering, Mathematics, Statistics, or a related technical field a plus

Lead Video / Image Processing Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead the design and development of software for image and video processing and algorithms design
  • Master’s Degree in Engineering, or Physics, or Mathematics, or other related technical degree and 7 years of experience in algorithm development
  • Experience in hybrid video compression systems, such as MPEG2/4 and AVC/HEVC
  • Collaborate with external teams for process, data, and system understanding
  • Collaborate with customers to determine the nature of problems, evaluate options, and offer recommendations for solutions
  • Experience and knowledge of image and video deception techniques
  • Experience with video production equipment, tools, and techniques, from recording to editing and encoding
  • Experience in machine learning
  • Ability to apply machine learning techniques to image/video data for triage/search (e. g., object recognition)
  • Working knowledge of image and video deception techniques
  • Experience in implementing and adapting innovative image/video processing techniques
  • Development and reporting of analytic results in the form of technical papers and products

Video Processing Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Design and develop software for image and video processing and algorithms design
  • Apply advanced signal-processing theory to image and video
  • Extract features from images and video for detecting, characterizing, identifying, and/or enhancing signatures
  • Proficiency in programming languages such as MATLAB, R, C/C++, Java or Python
  • Experience in advance signal-processing theory
  • Experience in video signal extraction, enhancement, and production
  • Active Top Secret/SCI with Polygraph clearance

Image / Video Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop products with post-production equipment and software applications
  • Determining manipulation and maliciousness within image and video
  • Sharpen, enhance, and process images to determine value
  • Developing results in MS office software applications, specialty computer graphics and video related software applications
  • Experience with post-production software applications such as Adobe Creative Cloud, Final Cut Studio, etc
  • Experience in image sharpening, image enhancement, and image processing
  • Knowledge of video production terminology, quality standards, camera shooting, cinematography, analog and video principles
  • Experience in image and video production technology and applications
  • Experience in process, methods, and techniques used in the development and production of Image and video projects
  • Actively and consistently support all efforts to simplify and enhance the customer experience
  • Provides purpose, guidance and motivation to team members. Tracks project statuses; adjusts team member assignments and resource allocations to ensure project objectives are delivered on time and within budget
  • Manages project staff results by coaching, counseling, and disciplining employees; Plans, monitors, and appraises job results
  • Ensures alignment between project objectives and technical/operational solutions. Monitors and guides projects to ensure quality development and on-time delivery within budget
  • Ensures updated project documentation is maintained
  • Reviews and approves project budgets, funding requests, forecasts, invoices, cost allocations, and reporting
  • Guides and reinforces project management best practices. Applies lessons learned from previous projects. Ensures compliance with department policies, procedures and practices
  • Perform other duties as requested
  • 2 or more years of experience in Cable or Telecommunications project management of Video Services is required
  • Supporting IPTV, Video On Demand, Video Content Management, Delivery Service Platforms is required
  • Ability to read, write and speak the English language to communicate with co-workers, customers, and external company personnel in person, on the phone, and in writing in a clear, straight-forward, and professional manner
  • Ability to work independently
  • Ability to supervise and motivate others
  • Ability to prioritize, organize and handle multiple projects and tasks simultaneously
  • Excellent interpersonal skills with a can-do attitude, diplomatic approach, confidence and comfort around peers and leadership team
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Ability to establish rapport, define expectations and gain commitment to project goals and deliverables
  • Ability to develop strong relationships with cross-functional teams
  • Ability to manage multiple initiatives simultaneously and independently
  • Ability to translate and synthesize data and complex information into compelling narrative
  • Ability to make decisions and solve problems collaboratively while working under pressure
  • Proficiency with personal computer and software applications

Director of Audience Development, Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Set a video programming and audience strategy
  • Help define goals for each area of our coverage: shows, enterprise, breaking news, off-platform
  • Determine a clear programming strategy that takes advantage of maximum viewing potential for videos for each of the individual teams: breaking news, our longer enterprise pieces, shows and series, and off-platform
  • Use analytics to: experiment with viewer behavior and programming; determine optimal programming for viewers; identify new editorial opportunities
  • Oversee a group of editors whose responsibilities include the following areas of audience growth and engagement
  • SEO. Work with the video desk on best practices in conjunction with the SEO team; identify workflow possibilities for improvement. Think through SEO strategy: how could we think through more technical SEO (e.g. metadata around video; including keywords in the URL structure etc)?
  • Social strategy, posting and training. What platforms should the video desk target for reach (Twitter, Snapchat etc.)? What platforms should the desk target for experimentation? Train producers and copy editors in crafting social headlines and tactics necessary to run main accounts; help provide best practices and insights (e.g. followers are active at 10 am and 4 pm, not at 6 pm — tweet more during active times); follow up with the desk on social strategy implementation and run an audit over the account; run A/B tests to determine interest. In addition, work closely with the social team on UGC opportunities for video based on our social feeds
  • Real Time Optimization. Train the video desk in A/B testing; show producers / copy editors how to use third party tools to look at how framing works on desktop, mobile. Strategize on how are we testing framing (e.g. 1% of the audience so it takes 4 hour to get to a statistically significant sample vs. 50% of the audience to get an answer faster; thinking about mobile framing: push notifications as headlines? photos? etc)
  • Email. Work with news and product to set a strategy for video’s email newsletter; be willing to experiment and a/b test; help the desk develop insights based on newsletter analytics (where are readers clicking? open frequency by day? etc)
  • Analytics. Use current data tools: Chartbeat, Blossom, Stela, GA, TrackMaven, Crowdtangle and train the rest of the team where necessary; use Google analytics to make informed strategic and audience decisions; work closely with our analytics team on identifying what works and what needs work, as well as learning how to use in house built or third party tools to identify insights on your own. (e.g. our email open rate is declining – what are we doing differently? when are readers coming to various desks coverage?)
  • Mobile. Work with desks and mobile newsroom team on thinking about strategy around mobile push alerts, mobile growth, developing real time analytics for mobile
  • Outreach and influencers. Build informal relationships by doing swaps and pitching on other social pages; build formal relationships by setting up partners and contracts with other companies
  • Work with the technology teams on product improvements coming out of the audience team
  • Working with our notifications team on product and audience related improvements for our video audience
  • Working with the email newsletter team on product related improvements from insights or competitive observation
  • Working with the interactive and graphics team on product related improvements based on viewer trends
  • Take the lead on specific newsroom workflow improvements
  • Define ways to optimize our homepage and mobile feeds programming and workflow between the newsdesk and the video desk
  • For breaking news For enterprise For shows
  • Determine on the best strategy to work with social for off-platform content
  • Determine ways of working with the desks to include more video in their workflows

Video System Chief Architect Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for the architecture planning and design of Huawei 8K E2E video systems, trace the 8K technology development trend, and complete competitiveness benchmark analysis. Identify key competitiveness objectives and key technologies, make reasonable 8K technology development strategies to match the Video 3.0 solution and support video business success
  • Keep the architecture and model of the responsible 8K E2E video system stable and develop new business to achieve competitiveness breakthroughs. Lead the technical project team to complete the construction of 8K core technologies, and lead the development of 8K E2E video solution in the next five to ten years
  • Participate in the construction of corporate-level software capability, transfer personal skills and experience through activities such as face-to-face communication, and improve the overall team skills. Participate in review activities of main products, improve review rules, and review strictly against relevant standards, thus providing constructive and professional suggestions and setting an effective assessment orientation
  • Guide industry standards and specifications of the 8K technology, ensuring that the solution standard and specification compliance maintain technical competitiveness. Participate in customer communication and presentation, understand customer requirements, and develop schemes to meet customer requirements. Display the competitiveness of Huawei 8K E2E video solution and its benefits to customers, and guide the construction planning of carriers' 8K video service and system. Help Huawei expand technology influence in the industry by participating in relevant industry activities, and convey advanced ideas and methods to Huawei to improve its software and engineering technical capabilities

Video Project Coord Resume Examples & Samples

  • Communicate creative assignments to internal teams
  • Create the video production schedule, and update it throughout the program lifecycle
  • Proof/copy edit written deliverables for assigned projects
  • Serve as liaison for one-off requests
  • Schedule & attend relevant calls and meetings where discussion impacts deliverables and/or production schedules, alongside the Creative Lead & Video Project Manager
  • Problem solve throughout pitch phase on issues related to program feasibility
  • Is responsible for the overall health of their assigned programs and ensures deliverables meet the requirements of internal and external stakeholders
  • Manages the overall production process and ensuring all deliverables are met
  • Problem-solve and communicate between inter-departmental teams during the production process
  • Build and maintain central repository of program information to be used as a guide for the branded video team throughout execution of a video, including brand alignment and expectation information

Chief Hybrid Video Architect Resume Examples & Samples

  • Take charge of the overall planning and architecture design of Huawei Hybrid Video Solution. Analyze the industry trend of Huawei Hybrid Video Solution, 4K/8K encoding and decoding, digital copyright, uCDN, superior video experience, video service quality evaluation, and convergent user devices, as well as key technologies such as VaaS, video big data, video operation management, and solution reliability and serviceability. Identify the technical competitiveness of the Hybrid Video solution, analyze the competitiveness benchmark, and specify indicators; Manage and lead the Hybrid Video Solution design team, be responsible for the overall management and control of the solution architecture, and ensure that the Hybrid Video Solution has the top-1 competitive edge in the global industry within three to five years. Lead the prototype project team to complete core technology construction in the video field, leading the development of the Hybrid Video Solution in the next five to ten years
  • Build a secure, reliable, high-performance Hybrid Video Solution with intelligent operation, agile O&M, and best user experience based on telecom product requirements. Lead in multiple competitiveness in the superior video experience (hundred-millisecond-level video search, video playback, and video switchover), smart operation (online orchestration of marketing activities, big data-based content recommendation, and service process orchestration), agile O&M (SQM, visualized and manageable U-VMOS, intelligent fault diagnosis, fast fault demarcation, and fault isolation and automatic restoration), high performance (high concurrency, low latency, and the industry's best CDN), security (access security, multitenant security, and sensitive data protection), reliability (geographic redundancy), cost (hardware cost is reduced by 50%), and architecture (cloud-based, micro service)
  • Participate in corporate-level software capability development, transfer personal skills and experience through activities such as face-to-face communication, being a mentor, lecturing, technical exchanges, and forums, to improve the overall skills of team members. Participate in Huawei's review activities of main products at the corporate level, such as technical decision reviews, C&Q assessments, C&Q standards optimization, and skill tests. Continuously optimize review rules, review strictly against relevant standards, provide constructive and professional suggestions, and set an effective assessment orientation
  • Participate in customer communication and presentation, display the competitiveness and benefits of Huawei Hybrid Video Solution, understand customer requirements, and develop solutions to meet customer requirements. Help expand our technological influence in the industry by participating in relevant industry activities (e.g., undertaking core tasks in open source communities, assuming key positions in significant industry organizations, delivering keynote speeches, or publishing papers/standards/patents on authoritative industry journals or at corporate-level conferences). Introduce industry-leading concepts or methods to Huawei to improve the company's engineering technology capabilities. Promote the standardization of Huawei Hybrid Video technology, and participate in the formulation of video solution standards in the industry
  • At least10 years of work experience in service technologies and architecture designing in the video solution and media domain
  • Lead the architecture design of the video solutions (including OTT video, IPTV, or digital TV service) for major video solution suppliers in the industry (Ericsson, Cisco, Microsoft, ZTE, etc.), or mainstream OTT video service providers (YouTube, Youku, Netflix, etc.), or IPTV/interactive digital TV service providers (DT, FT, VDF, AT&T, Comcast, etc.)
  • The designed solution served at least five telecom operators or MSOs with more than 1 million users, or served one OTT video website with more than 50 million users
  • Technical experience must cover the following fields (5+): Video encoding/decoding principle and industry trends, video service control platform design and development, CDN design and development, hardware and software design and development of STBs, application development on intelligent mobile devices (smartphones and tablets), content encryption and copyright protection principle and industry trends, and the evaluation system and KPIs of video service quality of subscribers and VaaS platform
  • Supporting services must cover at least the following fields (2+): digital television solution, IPTV solution, Internet video website solution
  • Understand the latest progress as well as technical advantages and disadvantages of more than two solutions of the mainstream equipment providers in the industry (such as Ericsson, Cisco, Microsoft, and ZTE), or understand the solution architecture and key technology distribution of more than one TOP OTT video solution ISPs (such as YouTube, Youku, and Netflix)

Video Solutions Integration Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Analyse complex tender requirements and work with Solution Architect on bid strategies, compliance responses and propose video solutions
  • To prepare Request for Quotation (RFQ), evaluate third-party technologies/solutions, negotiate and make recommendations to bid team for inclusion in proposal
  • Take lead role in implementing projects upon award, including driving system level and detailed design, Acceptance Test Plans, and seek approvals from customers and regulatory authorities where applicable, and manage 3rd party vendors on delivery and performance
  • Configure, implement, optimize and test video-related software and hardware but not limited to, IP cameras, video encoders, Video Management Systems, Video Analytics, storage, Virtualization, hand-held devices, switches, routers, servers, security systems, wireless broadband connectivity, etc
  • Troubleshoot and diagnose networking issues including physical cabling, networking components, switching and / or routing issues, wireless connectivity issues, etc
  • Conduct and develop materials for use in customer training and train others in project teams or life-cycle support services team
  • Conduct project post mortem, identify successful elements and propose recommendations on areas for improvement
  • Follow up on implemented solutions and identifies new opportunities that complement the work that was completed
  • Degree Telecommunications, Electronics, Information Technology or equivalent
  • Minimum 10 years experience in Telecommunications or IT industry. Extensive experience in implementation of large scale Video System or IT projects. International project experience will be a plus
  • Hands-on IT professional with strong technical, analytical, and organizational skills associated with the design and implementation of video delivery on IP based networks in Service Provider and/or Public Safety environments
  • Strong knowledge of both RF and next-generation video delivery technologies (IPTV, ABR HLS, Smooth Streaming, etc.) with extensive experience on multiple IPTV architectures and media delivery platforms
  • Hands on experience of configuration, implementation, optimization and testing of IP cameras, Video Management Systems, Video Analytics, Network setup, WLAN setup and other video related implementation
  • Experience with various Video Management System like Genetec, Milestone, OnSSI, Pelco and Avigilon software are a plus
  • Experience with various IP Cameras like Sony, Axis, Samsung, Avigilon, IQEye and Pelco surveillance cameras are a plus
  • Experience with server and storage hardware components including RAID levels and virtualization
  • Experience with Access Control, Intrusion Detection Systems, Security Systems and /or Wireless Networks are a plus
  • Solid experience in audio and video integration
  • In depth knowledge of network operations best practices, network design, capacity planning and network security including VLANs, switching and routing
  • Extensive experience with Microsoft Operating Systems (workstation and server), Cisco IOS, and VMWare
  • Strong leadership coupled with excellent client, vendor and team management skills as well as good interpersonal and negotiation skills
  • Excellent written and verbal communications skills with demonstrated ability to clearly present complex technical information to senior level management
  • Experience in supervising Servicing Engineers
  • 10+Want to create a job search agent? Send this job to a friend
  • Develop marketing strategies and plan to achieve consumer product goals
  • Create go-to-market plans, collaborating closely with product, partnerships, PR, and other cross-functional teams to determine effective launch strategy, including rollout sequencing, creative asset development, and communication goals to best drive awareness, engagement, and adoption
  • Understand specific needs and sensitivities of consumers and video publishers in both developed and developing markets around the world
  • Author and review partner-facing communication, such as blog posts and collateral
  • 5+ years of experience in marketing new products for internet/consumer tech companies
  • Bachelor degree at minimum
  • International experience, particularly in emerging markets
  • Strong passion for and understanding of web and mobile technologies and the consumer video landscape both in the U.S. and internationally

Video Director Resume Examples & Samples

  • Oversee team that produces high-quality videos
  • Maintain high level of expertise and reliability with respect to newsgathering, accuracy and ethics
  • Partner with Tronc Optimization Team and markets to monitor audience goals and metrics
  • Train and motivate newsrooms in all things video
  • Direct development and growth of company video strategy
  • Create an atmosphere that encourages risks, holds employees accountable and offers development opportunities
  • Continuously work with team to improve innovation, quality and efficiency
  • Collaborate with the markets to ensure videos meet the established standards
  • Determine video trends and audience patterns and guide the markets in the appropriate direction
  • Set the guidelines for the presentation of videos for all appropriate digital channels, including our own sites and apps, social media platforms and 3rd-party aggregators
  • Meet or exceed metrics goals for video views and revenue
  • Solicit feedback from markets to ensure workflow efficiency
  • Provide reports regarding trends and outside competition to the Executive Content Director
  • Serve as the principal liaison to implement handshake between engineering team and consumer-facing product
  • Identify processes and solutions that increase speed to market, scale, and partner success
  • Lead and understand various project objectives focused on driving revenue growth
  • Facilitate cross-functional working groups
  • Perform market research and competitive analysis
  • Document and communicate product requirements. This may include illustrating process flows, road maps, wire-framing, and authoring user stories
  • Develop, maintain and evangelize product roadmaps for platform services
  • Work closely with engineering to drive new products and features to market successfully
  • Quickly diagnose complicated project hurdles, communicate to appropriate parties and work quickly on solutions
  • Manage the product roadmap of video player, video pages and related ad and analytics integrations
  • Specify product requirements and collaborate with designers and developers on delivery
  • Identify product ideas and opportunities based on industry trends and market environment
  • Actively resolve issues that impair the team's ability to make progress and meet targets
  • Ability to deliver both project and feature development plans to engineering and other stakeholders
  • Drive projects from inception through to completion with proper communication and goal setting
  • Identify market opportunities to generate significant growth in our data products business
  • Work with stakeholders to optimize product for multi-platform consumption
  • 5+ years experience in Product Management
  • 3+ years experience supporting Streaming / Video products
  • BA/BS or advanced degree in Business, Technology, or related discipline
  • Understanding of TVE, subscription OTT, and other digital video subscription models
  • Adept at innovative marketplace product and publishing best practices
  • Experience with front-end web / app frameworks and a good sense of UX design is a plus
  • Superlative analytical, problem solving and communication skills

Head of Video Streaming Resume Examples & Samples

  • Needs experience of large scale highly available platform
  • Needs experience of delivering to multiple platforms , large number of devices and DRMs
  • Needs experience of streaming at scale
  • Need experience of working with CDNs and Isps
  • The teams and platform will be spread across Europe
  • Management of team of 50 people minimum
  • Being analytical, strongly KPI oriented and used to report the right level of reporting to the right audience
  • To develop and manage Sky’s roadmap regarding streaming video quality cross teams to drive a world class quality streaming across our ecosystem
  • Deliver proposals and gain buy in from Sky’s Exec board and other key stakeholders
  • To provide guidance to the OTT Technology and Product Teams in the implementation of the roadmap
  • Deliver & ensure consistency of the strategy across all products and services
  • To maintain an expert understanding of current and future developments in the streaming market
  • Leverage existing key vendor / strategic partner relationships and identify emerging platforms in order to inform and support the definition and implementation of the strategy

Video System Ingenieur Resume Examples & Samples

  • Verantwortung der Systementwicklung für videobasierte Fahrerassistenzfunktionen
  • Erstellen und Abstimmen von Anforderungen für Fahrerassistenzfunktionen
  • Verantwortung für die termingerechte Planung und Auslieferung einer bestimmten Funktionen
  • Kundenschnittstelle und Ansprechpartner für Fahrerassistenzfunktionen
  • Analyse und Auswertung von Fehlfunktionen zur gezielten Systemweiterentwicklung sowie Anforderungsanalyse kamerabasierter Systeme in Abstimmung mit den Fachbereichen und Kundenschnittstelle
  • Studium der Elektrotechnik, Robotics, Informatik oder vergleichbare Qualifikation mit entsprechender Berufspraxis
  • Gute Kenntnisse im Bereich Bildverarbeitung, videobasierter Steuersysteme oder entsprechende Qualifikation
  • Von Vorteil sind Erfahrungen rund um die Systemarchitektur sowie im Umgang mit SysML / UML
  • Erfahrung in der Strukturierung von Kundenanforderung (z.B. in Doors oder Integrity) sowie in der Kundenkommunikation
  • Verhandlungssicheres Englisch und gute Deutsch Kenntnisse

Summer Intern, User Assistance Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Currently pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree, and will be returning to campus fall of 2017
  • Excellent writing and editing skills
  • Ability to adhere to styles and processes
  • Focus on quality and details
  • Strong team player
  • Completed courses in Instructional Design
  • Video editing applications, like Camtasia
  • Google docs

Imagery & Video Analyst / Journeyman Resume Examples & Samples

  • 3+ years of experience with performing imagery and video analysis
  • Experience in preparing, maintaining, and presenting intelligence displays, reports, and briefings with the creation and use of visual aids, including graphs and charts and drafting, editing, and proofreading documents for publishing
  • Experience with the use of Internet relay chat and data mining using M3, open-source reporting, and other intelligence sources
  • Experience with geo-locational mensuration functions and extracting coordinates and positional relationships from digital database systems
  • Knowledge of the intelligence collection process, ArcGIS and RemoteView, or comparable ELT software
  • Ability to compile, segregate, evaluate, research, interpret, analyze, disseminate, maintain, and use geospatial databases
  • Ability to show a proof of attendance for a basic intelligence course
  • HS diploma or GED
  • Possession of excellent oral and written communication skills
  • BA or BS degree in a related field
  • Ensure completion of video production project deliverables: managing schedules, meeting milestones, delivering within budget and ensuring creative and technical success
  • Report on project milestones and provide status
  • Assist the Video Production Manager to develop an execution strategy
  • Bachelor’s Degree in a relevant field
  • Negotiation skills
  • Strong sense of ethics and values
  • Multi-lingual is ideal, but not required
  • Exposure to video production (scheduling, camera settings, etc…) and post-production (editing, color management, encoding, etc…) is ideal, but not required
  • Partner efficiently with TVS professional video suppliers (cameramen, production agencies)

Video Product Owner Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support the Product Management and Product Architecture team by writing detailed Product Requirements, User Stories and Acceptance Criteria so that Engineering teams are able to create implementation tasks
  • Act as the product owner towards engineering scrum teams
  • Create product and feature descriptions to enable the Presales Support team to create customer-facing documentation and marketing tools for product collateral
  • Support Business Development and Pre-Sales organizations in Nokias global regions
  • Prepare and deliver technical customer presentations
  • Be a point of contact for the Business Development, Pre-Sales, Operations and Delivery teams on all aspects of the product catalogue
  • Manage the relationship with third-party suppliers
  • Contribute to managing the Product Life Cycle
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills and be able to negotiate a positive and collaborative approach across multiple internal stakeholder and delivery areas
  • Be comfortable explaining complex technical issues and solutions in an appropriate manner to a variety of different business areas, such as Engineering teams, Operations, Legal, Procurement, Marketing, Technical Consulting, Business Development plus other internal and external organizations
  • Must be able to demonstrate good analytical skills and attention to detail
  • Self-motivated, proactive, organized and thorough individual with a proven ability to prioritize, multi-task effectively and stick to deadlines
  • Comfortable with using spreadsheets, numeric analysis and PowerPoint
  • Excellent written skills and a good communicator
  • Knowledge and experience of the broadcast, paytv or media/advertising industries
  • Product Life Cycle knowledge
  • Agile methodologies, particularly Scrum
  • Technical knowledge in at least one of the following areas
  • 1-2 years experience in a technical role, not necessarily in Product Management
  • Bachelors degree in a technical subject, or an equivalent combination of education and technical/professional experience
  • Competent MS Excel and PowerPoint skills
  • High standard of written English

Senior Video OSS / BSS Subject Matter Expert Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead and assist with best practices, on processes and documentation
  • Support with platform governance for customers or internal groups
  • Carry out audits and/or assessments for customers
  • Support testing teams with expertise, governance and test scenarios
  • Generate operations documentation
  • Create High Level Designs for new platforms, focusing on the integration of customer’s OSS/BSS systems
  • Support on content acquisition designs for the head ends
  • Propose ways to monitor and govern green field platforms
  • Support pre-sales efforts
  • Create OSS/BSS blueprints or cookbooks
  • Demonstrable experience on leading and contributing on large video operations projects
  • Authority on best practices and tools for video operations
  • Capacity to perform assessment and audits on video operations
  • Demonstrable experience on integrating OSS/BSS systems for large video platforms
  • Knowledge on main components of a video architecture
  • Familiarity with Agile and Scrum methodologies
  • Strong customer facing and technical account management skills
  • Strong process driven approach

Video Interview Opportunity Resume Examples & Samples

  • 1 year commission sales experience
  • Basic computer skills
  • Inbound call center experience
  • Detailed and goal oriented
  • Timeshare industry knowledge
  • Abililty to handle challenging customers and phone calls

Thunderbolt Video Software Enginner Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor's degree or above in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or equivalent
  • At least 4 years of experience in SW development and design
  • Strong software engineering skills
  • Good knowledge in embedded development environments
  • Good knowledge C/C++ coding
  • Familiarity with Verilog and RTL flow
  • Familiarity with graphics, video and/or display technologies such as embedded DisplayPort/DisplayPort, MIPI DSI, and HDMI
  • Familiarity with high speed SerDes protocol such as USB/PCIe/SATA

Administrative Assistant, Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Answering phones, taking messages, for the Senior Vice President, Video & Content Production
  • Supplying the company with regular departmental updates
  • Organizing and updating our video files
  • Arranging travel, filing expenses, and handling day-to-day logistics (i.e. keeping schedules, taking messages, etc.) for the SVP
  • Back up support for the Coordinator, Video Production when/if necessary
  • Prior administrative experience required
  • Strong administrative computer skills and solid organizational and communication skills
  • Working knowledge of video production and post production process is helpful
  • Must be dependable, reliable and organized

Voice, Video & AV Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Perform all operational aspects of voice, video and UC support…Including, but not limited to, assigning phones, assisting with meeting scheduling, etc
  • Provide operational support for AV hardware and software supporting our Innovation Center
  • As needed, assist with resolving workstation support related issues impacting VOIP\UC and video services
  • ​Good oral and written communication skills, good investigative and customer service skills
  • Willingness to learn new things
  • College degree in relevant field preferred, but not required
  • Strong Voice\Video\Telecommunication skills are mandatory, with exposure\experience with PC\Workstation and Mobile device technology experience as a secondary skillset

Video Streaming & Encoding Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support existing systems and workflows for video delivery to domestic and international partners while also looking for areas of improvement and efficiencies
  • Help develop and support video encoding solutions for mass scale and multi-platform support
  • Support Live Video Events for both free and premium digital products
  • Support WWE internal digital and multimedia solutions including webcasts, audio-casts, Intranet, and Extranet (B2B) events
  • Work with and integrate with third party technologies including CDN, video player technologies, DRM & security, and analytics
  • Be available to work outside core business hours to meet project deadlines and deployment schedules
  • Be on-call on a rotation basis to support live events and after hour support calls
  • 4+ years of professional work experience in a digital multimedia field with some expertise in live streaming media technologies
  • Experience with hardware encoders/decoders from Elemental, Imagine, Cisco, Telestream
  • Good understanding of metadata, XML, and other structured data standards
  • Experience with video compression, formatting solutions, and encoding and trans-coding practices
  • Experience with different player technologies such as JWPlayer and HTML5
  • Experience with different video standards
  • Experience with DRM technologies including PlayReady and Fairplay
  • Proficient in Unix/Linux, Windows, and MAC operating systems
  • Excellent communication, problem-solving, and organizational skills
  • Excellent attention to detail and a high-level of accountability
  • Must be a self-starter and able to work independently on projects

Catalog Specialist, Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Use internal tools to manage genre data for the AV catalog
  • Contribute to process improvement initiatives to optimize for cost, quality, and speed
  • Candidates must be willing to view and evaluate content that may be considered sensitive or offensive
  • Hindi language fluency
  • Strong attention to detail and ability to drive process creation and improvement
  • Ability to learn and adapt to new processes quickly
  • Ability to prioritize work effectively, strong time management, and multi-tasking skills
  • Familiarity with Amazon Video services, Sharepoint, Excel, and basic math/analytical skills
  • Serious passion for movies and television
  • Basic SQL, HTML, CSS
  • Fluency in German, Japanese, or other language preferred

Associate Program Mgr-video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Execution of various tasks related to successful publication of video content
  • Maintain SLAs for high-priority content on an ongoing basis
  • Ability to prioritize work effectively; strong time management and multitasking skills
  • Maintain/Contribute to SOPs
  • Contribute to process improvements initiatives to optimize for cost, quality, and speed
  • 1-2 years of professional work experience
  • Detail-oriented and customer obsessed
  • Proficient written and verbal communication skills, ability to build relationships, and influence other teams to meet goals
  • Hyper-organized and ability to work independently
  • Familiarity with Amazon Video services
  • Experience/familiarity with: Amazon Video product, Sharepoint, Excel, basic math/analytical skills

Pm-t Video Pooling Req Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience in defining, driving and shipping mass market consumer software or services
  • Direct experience defining products and roadmaps which deliver simple, immersive customer experiences while dealing with underlying complex technical requirements
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills with a demonstrated experience engaging and influencing senior executives
  • Demonstrated ability to work cross-functionally with engineering, design, and marketing/business counterparts to deliver online products/services

Product Mgt-tech, Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelors degree is required
  • Strong analytical and quantitative skills; ability to function with business owners to define key business questions and to build data sets that answer those questions
  • Strong process improvement background and experience
  • Demonstrated success in leading a team to achieve bold short, medium and long-term goals
  • Strong leader who can prioritize well and communicate clearly across all levels of the organization with a shown ability to influence others
  • 7+ years of professional and leadership experience and demonstrated increasing responsibility
  • A passion for digital media and digital video

Senior Product Mgr-tech, Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop a deep understanding of the Amazon Instant Video customer, both existing and potential
  • Develop a thorough understanding of the digital video market segments, and continually assess the competitive landscape and emerging industry trends
  • Drive projects, products, and feature launches with other teams both inside and outside of the Amazon Instant Video team including: business development, content acquisition, legal, marketing, finance, customer service, and operations
  • 7-10+ years of software product management, product marketing, and/or business development experience, preferably in a fast-paced online environment
  • Passion for understanding customers and their behavior, particularly with regard to the digital video space
  • Experience working in an interdisciplinary design environment with Interaction Designers and User Researchers
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills with a demonstrated experience engaging and influencing senior executive
  • Shown ability to deliver results and prioritize tasks in a fast-moving, dynamic environment
  • Experience analyzing, and communicating relevant results to senior management
  • Ability to understand and discuss technical concepts, handle trade-offs and evaluate opportunistic new ideas with internal and external partners
  • Capability to work cross-functionally with engineering, design, and marketing/business counterparts to deliver online products/services

PR Specialist, International, Digital Video Resume Examples & Samples

  • Devise and implement comprehensive communication programs that build buzz and awareness for the digital video service and its content
  • Work with key stakeholders including business leads, content teams, marketing teams, social media teams, public policy and external PR agencies
  • Liaise with international PR teams to ensure consistency of company-wide communication, share best practices and capitalize on opportunities
  • 5+ years of experience in Public Relations, entertainment and consumer PR experience preferred
  • Exceptional verbal and written communications skills
  • A passion for pop culture and entertainment
  • Willingness to travel internationally
  • To raise content quality by developing an effective massage and by achieving target penetration
  • To raise media quality by delivering visual superiority and expanding / unifying the style
  • Understand business goals and needs
  • Create a concept
  • Write a script, a copy, a dialog
  • Construct a story and scene and communicate with illustration
  • Communicate creative concept and plan to ACS creative leads and BPs in constructive manner
  • Directing MUAs, Stylists, DPs, Editors, Sound Engineers
  • Film independently
  • Edit independently
  • MA independently
  • Understand logics of colorgrading
  • Design elements independently with respect to style guidance
  • Balance budget and quality (Production value prioritisation)
  • Partner with key stakeholders to define the product vision, strategy, roadmap and supporting metrics required to deliver and enhance best in class products and features on Amazon Video's web platform
  • Develop a deep understanding of the Amazon digital video customer (both existing and potential) and digital video market segments
  • Work cross-functionally with engineering, design, and technical project management teams to deliver on the product roadmap
  • 5-7 years experience operating, managing, and delivering results in a consumer facing online retail/services product management role
  • Excellent quantitative data analysis and critical-thinking skills
  • Experience delivering digital streaming media, with a focus on subtitles, closed captions, or audio dubbing
  • Demonstrated ability to understand and discuss technical concepts, manage trade-offs and evaluate opportunistic new ideas with internal and external partners

Video & Image Process Application Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work with Intel engineer to develop the user interface of panorama video stitching
  • Manipulate the related equipment like Go-pro camera
  • Software development background with C/C++ programming experience on Linux platform. Be familiar with gcc/gdb
  • Can program linux shell
  • Know some software version control, be familiar with git etc

Digital Video Assistant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provides quality internal and external customer service surrounding the Company values
  • Maintains quality of in-house and out-of-house digital video for optimum playback
  • View commercials for quality assurance
  • Encodes spots for Ad-insertion system daily
  • Process copy requests as needed
  • Completes all paperwork in a timely and accurate manner
  • Other duties as required by management
  • High school diploma or equivalent required
  • Basic understanding of Microsoft Windows
  • Must be able learn and work with proprietary software
  • Familiarization with video file formats preferred
  • Ability to multi-task, prioritize and organize effectively
  • Ability to operate audio/video, encoding, and dubbing equipment. (Training will be provided.)
  • Strong interpersonal skills to successfully interface with co-workers and diverse community members
  • Established track record of detail oriented work habits

Video Algorithm Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience in fast prototyping and demonstrating new tech by modifying existing complicated solutions in C/C++, python or other program languages
  • Experience in video processing, such as super resolution, noising reduction, and compression artifact removal
  • Experiences in one or more deep learning frameworks such as Caffe, Theano, Torch, TensorFlow, and MXNet
  • Experiences in modern video compression (H.264, HEVC, VP8, VP9) algorithm research or development
  • Good understanding of compression and processing tasks for new applications, such as 360 view and light field
  • Experiences in acceleration and GPU programming are plus
  • Team player
  • Self motivated and can work under stress and uncertainty
  • Excellent problem solving skills
  • Fast learner

Silicon Validation Engineer Video Encode Resume Examples & Samples

  • Knowledge of H264 & MPEG4 video standards
  • Experience with hardware compression engines
  • Strong software skills in C/C++
  • Embedded software experience
  • Device driver experience a plus

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video resume sample for freshers

Enhancv > Resume Examples > Freshers

The Ultimate 2022 Resume Format for Freshers Guide [Expert samples from over 100,000 users]

Top 5 tactics to create the best fresher resume format:.

  • Don’t simply list what coursework and internships you’ve done. It helps a hiring manager if they can learn about the important things you did in those roles (e.g. started ACM student chapter in Mumbai around Artificial intelligence and control theory)
  • Make sure that you use the right resume buzzwords and avoid the bad ones
  • Modify your resume to match the interests of the organization you are applying to
  • Don’t be vague, paint a complete picture of who you are and how you are a good for the job
  • Design your resume with care and make sure your most valuable work catches recruiter’s attention
  • Don’t build a 10+ page resume just to show everything you’ve ever done. Remember, it is your resume, not your biography

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How to create the best fresher resume format?

Make it one page.

In case you don’t know, there is a generally accepted industry standard on resume page length. Ideally, it should be one page for every 10 years of experience. Given that you’re about to graduate and have just started working, you should really only have a one page resume . A one page resume is not only more organized, but quickly helps a recruiter identify your key skills and shortlist you. Imagine getting 100 ten page resumes every day. Going through that is like reading a 1,000 page book!

Make your resume relevant to the role

Don’t underestimate your skills just because you lack work experience. One technique you can try is breaking down the job into 5 different parts and see how you can reflect in your resume that you have covered some (or all) parts. This increases the relevance of your resume to a hiring manager significantly. For example, to apply for a Junior software engineer role you can easily break it down to 5 parts. First is programming language, second is algorithmic knowledge, third is quality/scalability, fourth is GIT/JIRA (i.e. deployment tools), and fifth is database. Now, if you crafted a resume that reflects you mastering 3 programming languages, being proficient with well known algorithms and having used deployment tools. By doing so, you are creating the exact fresh resume format that a hiring manager is looking for!

Show your experience

A majority of employers out there want to see the difference you can make to their organization. Sadly, most freshers don’t account for this when they craft their resume or even while sending job applications. From your volunteering experience to your internships, try to show what you did and the impact it made. Use exact numbers when possible. If you’ve taken relevant coursework, certifications - make sure you don’t miss these important details. Proactively promoting your experience is often the most important factor to a positive assessment of your resume.

Conduct a resume review

  • Spelling and grammar mistakes
  • Inconsistent punctuation
  • Broken website links
  • Incorrect contact information
  • Long or unclear sentences

Secure impactful references

References can have a huge impact on your application. They are also a critical part of application tracking systems (ATS) that a vast majority of large organizations use. References in resume formats can be of two types: References of someone within the target organization, and references of a well known industry professional. If you get referred by an existing employee of the organization, your resume has a much higher chance of landing you an interview. And, if you cite the reference of a well known industry professional, your resume will definitely land you an interview.

10 sections recruiters and hiring managers are looking for in a fresher resume format

video resume sample for freshers

1. Your Resume Header

Your resume’s header is the first thing that any recruiter will see. Typically, a header has contact information, website link(s), a linkedin profile, and other social links. Make sure that your contact information is up to date, and only add emails that look professional. Ideally, a professional email looks something like '[email protected]'. Also, keep the number of things in your resume format header to a minimum. Your goal is to give recruiters a quick sense of who you are and how to contact you, not overwhelm them with a lot of information.

2. Personal Summary

A personal summary and a fresher resume don’t exactly match all of the time. Almost 90% of freshers write a summary like this in their resume: “My goal is to grow professionally and contribute to your esteemed organization and learn more” This doesn’t work for many reasons. First, this doesn’t say anything about what you really want to do. Second, it fails to convey relevance your resume to the job. And, third, it makes you sound passive and shows a lack of enthusiasm. A better version of a personal summary (for a design related role) would go in depth, connect your skills and goals with the role that you are applying for. Here’s an example: “To become one of the best UX designers in the world by practising minimalism, design systems with optimized onboarding for large scale software products. I have a keen interest in UX research, information architecture, and motion designs which drive my desire to accomplish great things in my career.” As you can clearly see, a hiring manager that looks at this professional summary will now understand who you are and what your motivation is for applying to the role. They will be more likely to take notice and evaluate your resume carefully. Mission accomplished!

  • Relevant to the role you’re applying for
  • Recognizable within your target industry
  • A mix of both soft and hard skills
  • Software skills (proficiency with AutoCAD)
  • Planning and management skills (Expert in SAP SCS planning)
  • Predictive Analytics (Implementing customer lifecycle analytics using Tableau)
  • Market research (Identifying the right, most profitable customers)
  • Inventory management (keeping record of SKUs and managing demand supply pipeline)
  • MS Word and Google docs
  • Your typing speed (unless you are applying to be a typist)
  • Anything that’s not relevant to the role you are applying for

Resume format example

Create a resume to be proud of with Enhancv.

Create the best version of your undefined resume.

4. Your Experience

Underestimating work experience is something that’s common across most fresher resumes. A lot of companies that hire freshers usually look for relevant projects or coursework. A relevant example of experience could be something that you did in your coursework, lab, projects or during your internship and can count as a professional grade working experience.

Best resume format

5. Education

A lot of job requirements clearly demand a level of education (undergraduate, post graduate, PhD). Clearly listing them out in a way a recruiter can quickly understand helps your job application in getting closer to being shortlisted. When you add your education to your resume, make sure to mention the important and relevant coursework in it. For example, if you are a mechanical engineering student, highlighting that you’ve gone through Production Planning helps you to be seen as a more relevant candidate for an Automotive Engineering role.

Best fresher resume

6. Languages

  • English : IELTS CEFR B2
  • Tamil : Native Language
  • Hindi : Fluent in reading, writing and speaking
  • German : Full professional proficiency (ILR scale)

Best resume format for freshers

7. Most Proud Of

Did you do something in your college life that you’re incredibly proud of? Adding this section helps you standout from other applicants. After testing it with 100,000+ resume applications, it has proven to be very effective. Freshers can usually add things like a college project, an open source contribution, an achievement in sports, a fellowship, published research papers, etc to name a few.

Resume format for job

8. Life Philosophy

So far, most of the sections we’ve gone through were more focused on your work-related skills. But, hiring is also about cultural fit. Take this chance to be more impactful with your resume format. Fortunately, showcasing your life philosophy doesn’t take much. You can simply reflect it by including a quote from a significant figure or a quote that you live by.

Latest resume format for freshers

9. Certificates and Courses

Often, freshers undergo a number of certification and other courses during college. These courses and certificates can often help you gain first hand experience and prepare you well for your professional career. They are often critical in crafting a winning fresher resume format.

Resume format for freshers engineers

10. References

We spoke about using references and how including them is a part of the best fresher resume format. When you write your references section, ensure to add their name, designation, a contact number and email information.

Resume format examples

How to get a referral for the role you want after graduating

As a fresher, you should try to leverage your existing networks to gain job referrals. A job referral is an incredibly powerful way to land a job as referrals often standout from the rest of job applications. If you are unsure on where to get started, your college alumni, your professors and your social network (Linkedin, Facebook, etc) could be the first place. Here’s a detailed guide to getting job referrals (email outreach template included!) that just might come in handy to get job referrals.

Check out our guide on getting referrals for any job you’re applying for.

Trying to land an interview? Check out more winning resume examples for inspiration

video resume sample for freshers

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Fresher Resume Examples [+ 3 Samples]

This page provides you with Fresher resume samples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder . Below you'll find our how-to section that will guide you through each section of a Fresher resume.

Fresher Resume Sample and Template

First of all, congratulations on your graduation!

We get it, we have all been there: you’ve recently graduated and you feel like you lack significant experience. You have little idea on how to write the best resume and you don’t know where to start. Well, let’s start from the fact that you’ve landed on this page, most likely looking for the best fresher resume sample on the web: that’s already a first step!

We are here to help you building that standout resume that will convince the recruiter to give you a chance and to invite you to the office for an interview.

Now, your resume is your introduction: to the recruiter, to your future employer, to the company and to the job itself. Don’t rush, sit down and relax because this extremely important step of the process will define your future couple of years.

Let us inspire you, we have already helped thousands of graduates like you getting the dream job they were hoping for!

Also, check out our collection of 500+ resume examples .

How to Write a Fresher Resume

Most resumes don’t get more attention than 15 seconds: did you know that? Crafting a strong graduate resume is not only important, it is mandatory!

As per the format, differently from other resumes, there is no set in stone format: what is strongly suggested though, is a resume objective section, where you match your career objective and goals with the responsibilities and requirements provided in the job description. Make sure you spend 15 minutes studying the company’s business, mission and values: the recruiter will definitely appreciate if you explicitly mention or reference to those.

Education and internships are obviously very important, but we’ll cover them in depth later.

Use a friendly yet professional tone, don’t be too simple nor boring: and please, don’t be funny! This is not a conversation you’d be having at the cafeteria! Clear, powerful fonts are a must: even if you’re very young, basic fonts are your best option as they can be more impressive than one that’s impossible to understand for the recruiter.

If you want to use many colors, we suggest you attend a painting class after-work! This is a professional resume and your future employers might think that it is a bit childish to have a rainbow on it.

Big headings, clean white spaces and no typos are fundamental, too! Last but not least: save your resume as .pdf, as unfortunately MS Word won’t keep your layout intact.

Note : Leverage AI to level-up your resume - Try our AI Resume Builder

  • The Summary Section

How many graduates resume would you say a recruiter and hiring manager get on a weekly basis?

Did you say 10? Wrong. Higher.

50? We’re getting closer.

The competition for graduates is insanely fierce and many of you lack experience: you can win the recruiter’s attention in one way, and that’s through your summary. In fact, this is your 60-second pitch to the recruiter, your chance to convince them that you are worth scrolling down your resume.

A perfect summary should be succinct and precise which means short and not vague. Make sure you showcase your best wins at school or during your internship and you make this section count!

  • Summarize your past 5 years.
  • Tell them what your career goals are
  • Limit the focus to a few specific points
  • Demonstrate your experience with emerging trends
  • Avoid ‘bigging’ yourself up, recruiters don’t always like it.
  • Say you will be the “best graduate” more than once.
  • Be too generic: everyone is motivated and ready to work hard, on paper
  • Work Experience

Obviously, you lack experience.

You might think “Why would I even fill this if I either have no experience or have only done one internship”?

Well, we strongly suggest you make that internship count!

What, out of the responsibilities you had, can focus on to get a recruiter interested?

What qualities did you develop that could ensure you don’t get forgotten amongst the many other applicants?

What skills have you worked on during that experience that can match the job description?

See, it’s not too difficult!

Don’t forget to use bullet points to showcase the aforementioned: the recruiter will appreciate such an organized layout.

You might also benefit from the following tips:

Do (Summarize your work history)

  • Tell them what qualifies you as their future employee
  • The qualifications you have must be included.
  • Always discuss your best wins of your internship.

DON’Ts (Summarize your relationship history)

  • Don’t badmouth your previous supervisor
  • Don’t lie on your resume, eventually someone will uncover the lie.
  • Don’t stretch this section for too long.

Education is fundamental for a fresh graduate like you. And, after all, this will be your easiest section to fill as you recently finished your studies.

Let’s start from the basics, they are fundamental when dealing with this section of your resume:

  • Which schools you have attended.
  • What you have studied in the past.
  • How long you have studied and what were the outcomes to those studies.

You shouldn’t stop here, though? Can you make your education look more impressive? Did you receive or undertake any educational training? Did you get any extra-courses or certifications that match the description of the job you are applying for? Make sure you include them!

  • Best Skills for a fresh graduate

This is a very important section for a fresher resume as client’s are searching for specific skills that their hire must have to complete the job.

The best way to know which skills to add here, would be to look in the job description itself and add those skills and related skills in your skill section.

What is the best format for a fresher resume?

The best fresher resume format is the one that follows a functional resume layout. It will allow you to add relevant information to your fresher resume without making it look cluttered.

What should be the resume headline for freshers?

A resume headline or resume header should have the following in it:

  • Prospective job title e.g. Fresher Full-Stack Developer.
  • Your name, email and phone number.
  • Links to your project work, portfolio or your Linkedin profile.

How long should a fresher resume be?

A fresher resume should be a maximum of two pages. Anything longer than that would be considered too long by a hiring manager.

Is a summary important in a resume for freshers?

No, resume summaries are not important for a fresher. Instead, consider adding a resume objective to your fresher resume.

Which resume template is best for freshers?

Any resume template that supports a functional resume layout, looks visually appealing and is ATS friendly is good for a fresher’s resume.

  • Cover Letter: yes or no?

A cover letter usually is welcomed by recruiters. Follow our tips here .

The following are a few additional tips to help you during your resume creation:

DO (make yourself look great)

  • Keep your language neutral.
  • Ensure talents are listed along with your skills.
  • Hobbies can be added to bolster your attraction to recruiters.

DON’T (embarrass yourself)

  • Be unprofessional.
  • Don’t add skills not suited to you

If an excellent Fresher Resume sample is not enough, why don’t you check out one of the most efficient Fresher resume templates in the market? Many professionals like you have successfully used it to take their career to the next level

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Resume Examples For Freshers: Headline, About Me, Skills, and More

Elena Prokopets

You open your favorite job search website to browse the latest entries and there it is — an amazing entry-level position in your career field. Unfortunately, you realize very quickly that even those entry-level positions require you to have at least some experience. So, how can a fresher get a job in their industry?

Your best chance is to present yourself as a standout candidate who is worth a bit of time and training. To do this, you will need to write a spectacular resume . We can help with great resume examples for freshers and some writing tips!

Fresher Resume Examples (Word Version)

resume example for freshers

Download resume example (.docx)

Sample Resume For Fresher (Text Version)

Professional summary.

I am a recent college graduate who is interested in developing the skills needed to become a professional in the field of computer-assisted design. I bring a wide range of relevant skills to the table as well as all required certifications. My hope is to contribute coachability and work ethic as I grow with a dynamic company that prioritizes green design and functionality.

  • Revit — Advanced
  • Cad — Intermediate
  • Sketchup — Intermediate
  • Cost Estimating — Beginner
  • Blueprints — Intermediate
  • Construction Documents — Intermediate
  • Worksite Safety — Advanced

Work Experience

Davis Plumbing Office Assistant May 2020 — Present

  • Processing invoices and payments.
  • Managing office communications
  • Customer support.
  • General cleaning and light maintenance.

West End Interior Design CAD Intern January 2020 – May 2020

  • Producing plans, drafts, and mock-ups based on designer specifications.
  • Creating 3D Models
  • Managing Client Communications
  • Shadowing Designers and Draftspersons

Educational History

University of North Texas BA Computer Assisted Design Minor: Interior Design And Architecture GPA: 3.82

  • Gold Medal Winner: TX State Design Professionals Invitational
  • Vice President: Green Designers of The Future
  • Dean’s List
  • Certified Sketchup User

Coleman Community College AA Computer Aided Drafting  GPA: 3.5

  • Finalist: Houston TX Urban Planning Competition
  • Treasurer: Student Activities Association

Awards & Activities 

  • 2020 Tex Hachatron Winner, 2nd place 
  • Intern of the Yeat at West End Design 

Sample Resume for Fresher Graduate

Entry-level data analyst with experience in designing ad hoc queries with SQL and custom ETL/ELT pipelines. B.S. in Data Science from CalTech, Dean’s List. Looking for an opportunity to hone my data science skills and analytics model development.  

Technical skills

  • SQL and NoSQL 
  • Python 
  • Data cleansing 
  • Data management 
  • Data visualizations 


  • Power BI 
  • Tableau 
  • Jupyter Notebooks
  • Confluence 

Soft skills 

  • Deductive reasoning
  • Attention-to-details 
  • Accurate reporting 
  • Problem-solving
  • Self-reflection
  • Teamwork 

Supply Chain Corps  Data analyst intern May 2023 – August 2023

Completed a 12-week internship, during which I was trained to develop analytical models for forecasting supply chain risks (KNN, tree classification, and random forest method). Successfully developed a model with a 15% accuracy improvement. Created data visualizations for LOB users to present key findings. 

StartupLab  Data assistant February 2022 — April 2023 

Worked as a part-time data assistant in an on-campus startup incubator. Collaborated with different teams on data analysis projects for pricing optimization, inventory management, and income prediction. Helped senior data scientists with data cleaning and transformation tasks. 

California Institute of Technology BS Data Science Minor: Decision Theory GPA: 3.7 Dean’s list for 4 semesters 


  • IBM Data Science Professional Certificate  (issued May 2022) 
  • Google’s Data Analytics Professional Certificate (issued Jan 2023) 

Sample Resume Format for Freshers

The two common resume formats are chronological and functional resumes. The first fresher resume example uses a classical chronological format, where the information is presented in a linear manner. 

However, when you have no industry experience, it may be better to select a functional resume format . This type of resume places the accent over your skills, rather than experiences as the second resume example did.  

ready for the world resume template

Free functional resume template  

Why use a functional resume format over a chronological one? 

You don’t need ‘formal’ work experience to showcase and contextualize your most marketable hard and soft skills . After all, you’ve probably acquired them in class, during internships, doing academic research, as a volunteer, or by pursuing hobbies and doing freelance work. 

Best of all, that list of skills is placed at the top of your resume, where it will get the hiring manager’s attention.

“About Me” Section in Resume Sample for Freshers

Open your resume with a compelling resume summary that speaks to your passion for your field, willingness to learn, and desire to become a member of the team. Don’t forget to highlight all the things you bring to the table as well. Even freshers can have flexibility, a willingness to work hard, and a great work ethic.

To make a strong first impression, include a three-four sentence “about me” statement, which covers:

  • Your background and the type of role you’re looking for
  • Key skills and educational credentials 
  • Passion for the industry or motivation for a particular role 

Here’s a sample “about me” paragraph for a fresher resume, which includes all of the above. 

Electrical engineer graduate, Denver State University, class of 2023. Experienced in designing OEM devices in the auto industry. High proficiency in AutoCAD, AutoDesk, and MATLAB. Looking for a position with an e-vehicle company to usher in the era of green mobility. 

Resume Headline for Freshers’: Example 

Finally, to make your resume even more impactful, add a short professional header to your resume. It should go right after your name and before your contact details. 

For example:

Joanne Rigiport Veterinary Technician Phone: 000-000-000 email: [email protected] 

Use a bigger font size (e.g., size 16 or 18) for the resume headline to make it stand out. You can also apply bold styling but don’t use another color. Or else your resume will look amateurish. 

Resume Skills Examples for Freshers

Every fresh entrant to the workforce will come with a slightly different skill set. As a liberal arts graduate with some experience in journalism, you’ll have a different hard skill set from a fresh law school alum. 

What may unite you though are your soft skills — personality traits and attributes that weren’t developed on a particular job. 

If you need some resume skills ideas for your fresher’s resume, here are a couple of examples:

Interpersonal skills 

  • Public speaking
  • Negotiation
  • Active listening 
  • Transparency
  • Empathy 
  • Flexibility
  • Conflict management 

Technical skills 

  • Coding and programming skills 
  • Engineering skills 
  • Digital marketing skills 
  • Project management tools
  • Data analysis skills
  • Digital literacy skills

Analytical skills

  • Data synthesis 
  • Fact-checking
  • Industry research 
  • Case analysis 
  • Qualitative analysis
  • Quantitative analysis 
  • Problem-solving 

Administration skills 

  • Task management 
  • Appointment management 
  • Recordkeeping 
  • Asynchronous communication 
  • Troubleshooting
  • Operational planning
  • Scenario modeling 

Self-management skills 

  • Emotional intelligence
  • Adaptability
  • Punctuality
  • Prioritization
  • Multi-tasking
  • Accountability 
  • Stress management 
  • Conscientiousness

Extracurricular Activities in Resume for Freshers Examples

When you don’t have a substantial work history, your resume may look a bit sparse. To cover up for those, some freshers like listing their interests, hobbies, and other types of extracurricular activities on a resume . 

Should you do the same? The answer is — it depends. 

Saying that you’re an avid Dungeons & Dragons player when applying to a law firm may not tick the scale in your favor. But sharing the same tidbit with a game development studio may be cool. 

Don’t rush to list all the extracurriculars you did just to fill in some blank space. Instead, think about the whole process strategically: Will this information help me in any way? 

For example, your experience in volunteering in an animal shelter is a huge bonus for a veterinary position. Likewise, you should mention all types of dance styles you did if you’re writing a dancer resume . 

Other good examples of extracurricular activities to include in your resume are:

  • Language proficiency 
  • Community service 
  • Chairman activities 
  • Volunteering experiences 

All of these can be briefly mentioned in the bottom resume section , after education. Volunteering and community service work can be also listed in the work experience section. 

How to Write an Excellent Fresher Resume 

Always start with a resume outline , which includes all of the above sections. First, add as many details as you like without worrying too much about length or formatting. Then step aside for a quick break and return back to the resume while wearing an “editorial” head. Give the document a critical look and apply the following polishing touches. 

Make Your Experience Relevant

Even if you don’t have industry experience, there is a good chance that you can meet some of the criteria for the job. Remember: most employers are also looking for a good mix of core competencies and personal characteristics such as work ethic, motivation, and trainability. 

Keep interpersonal skills in mind as well. Your customer service expertise, communication skills, and problem-solving abilities could keep you in the running.

Get The Details Right

Does the job listing ask you to email your resume, or upload it? Should it be in PDF format or saved as a Word document? What about your cover letter ? Do you need to attach a separate one or will an email cover letter suffice? Start off on the best terms by following every instruction to the letter.

That’s not all. Continue showcasing your attention to detail in the content of your resume. Make sure it is formatted for readability. Use plenty of white space on the page, add bullet points, and use bold print. Consider a resume template to take care of these details for you.

Finally, triple-proofread your resume. Read it yourself to fix any errors. Use a spelling and grammar tool. Third, pass it on to a trusted friend for a final review.

Contextualize Your Skills And Level Of Expertise

Instead of listing your skills as bullet points, give them some helpful context. Add a second column or graphic that describes your specific level of expertise for each skill that you list. 

Check out the ‘ Contrast ’ resume template. It uses simple, horizontal lines to indicate the level of experience that the applicant has. By sharing this information, you give the most accurate picture of your capabilities.

Final Thoughts: Enhance Your Educational History

As a fresher, the employment section of your resume may seem a bit sparse. That’s perfectly fine! Instead, draw attention to your educational background. Feel free to emphasize club memberships, activities, awards, and other accomplishments to showcase your extra abilities.

Elena Prokopets

Elena runs content operations at Freesumes since 2017. She works closely with copywriters, designers, and invited career experts to ensure that all content meets our highest editorial standards. Up to date, she wrote over 200 career-related pieces around resume writing, career advice... more

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China probe lands on moon’s far side in first-ever sample retrieval mission

The Chang’e-6 landing marks China’s second descent on the far side of the moon, where no other country has reached.

video resume sample for freshers

China has landed an uncrewed spacecraft on the far side of the moon, overcoming a key hurdle in its landmark mission to retrieve the world’s first rock and soil samples from the dark lunar hemisphere.

The China National Space Administration (CNSA) said in a statement that the Chang’e-6 touched down in the South Pole-Aitken Basin at 6:23am Beijing time on Sunday after completing a multistage landing process.

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The craft’s mission, which was guided by a relay satellite to navigate the side of the moon that is always facing away from Earth along with an array of tools and its own launcher, “involves many engineering innovations, high risks and great difficulty”, according to the sapce agency.

After another landing in 2019, this is China’s second descent on the far side of the moon, where no other country has reached.

The mission seeks to use a robot arm and a drill to collect 2kg (4.4lb) of lunar material over up to three days. After collection is complete, the craft will join up with another spacecraft in lunar orbit to facilitate its return to Earth, with a landing in China’s Inner Mongolia region expected around June 25.

If the samples make it safely back, they will provide China and the world with new insights into the formation of the solar system and differences between the unexplored side of the moon and its better-understood side facing Earth. Chinese scientists will first have access to the material, followed by international peers.

China has also had a successful sample retrieval mission from the near side of the moon, having brought back 1.7kg (3.7lb) of material using the Chang’e-5 mission in 2020.

The emerging power is planning three more uncrewed missions this decade as part of a broader strategy that wants to see Chinese astronauts walking on the moon by around 2030.

The United States also aims to put astronauts back on the moon for the first time in over half a century, with NASA planning to launch its Artemis 3 mission in 2026 at the earliest.

The US plans heavily rely on private sector rockets, including those by Elon Musk’s SpaceX, to launch spacecraft.

They have been repeatedly delayed, with technical issues delaying the planned launch of NASA and Boeing’s Starliner, which is meant to become the second US space taxi to low-Earth orbit.

Also on Saturday, Japanese billionaire Yusaku Maezawa cancelled a private mission around the moon, which was supposed to have used SpaceX’s Starship, citing uncertainties in the rocket’s development.


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    Content. Top ↑ Video Editor Resume Example 9 Steps for the Perfect Video Editor Resume #1. Choose The Right Resume Format (and Layout) #2. Provide Your Contact information #3. Add a Resume Summary #4. List Your Work Experience #5. Highlight Your Most In-Demand Video Editor Skills #6. Polish Your Portfolio #7. Mention Your Education #8.

  15. Video Resume Maker

    Yes, our resume creator allows you to add your media to videos. For this, select scenes with image and video holders, and upload your files. You can even add your own voiceover and adjust it with each scene. The allowed file size for each file is 30 MB for free users, and 500 MB for subscribers. For the voiceover, the maximum allowed file size ...

  16. Video Resume Samples

    VP of Video Resume Examples & Samples. P&L management across the Video line of business. Identification and negotiation of strategic partnerships in the Video, Audio and Connected TV space. Creation and execution of the overall Video strategy, working with Product Management to define the roadmap.

  17. How to Write a Fresher Resume (With Simple Format Examples)

    Professional goals. Here's a good example of a fresher "About Me" section: This candidate doesn't have any previous work experience, so instead, they draw attention to an internship they did for a company in the same industry they're now applying to work in. 2. Tailor your resume for each application.

  18. The best 2022 fresher resume formats and samples

    2. Personal Summary. A personal summary and a fresher resume don't exactly match all of the time. Almost 90% of freshers write a summary like this in their resume: "My goal is to grow professionally and contribute to your esteemed organization and learn more". This doesn't work for many reasons.

  19. Resume Format for Freshers: Best, Simple Examples for Jobs

    When you're done, Zety's resume builder will score your resume and tell you exactly how to make it better. 3. Don't Stress: No Experience Doesn't Mean No Skills. A resume format for freshers includes a place for work experience but, as a fresher, you're not necessarily expected to have any.

  20. Fresher Resume Examples [+ 3 Samples]

    A resume headline or resume header should have the following in it: Prospective job title e.g. Fresher Full-Stack Developer. Your name, email and phone number. Links to your project work, portfolio or your Linkedin profile.

  21. Video Resume Sample For Freshers Video Resume for Freshers

    #howtointroduceyourself#selfintroduction#mbastudents#VideoResume#videoresumefreshers, or Visume is emerging trend in today's world. I will Post series of vid...

  22. Resume Examples For Freshers: Headline, About Me, Skills, and More

    Key skills and educational credentials. Passion for the industry or motivation for a particular role. Here's a sample "about me" paragraph for a fresher resume, which includes all of the above. Electrical engineer graduate, Denver State University, class of 2023. Experienced in designing OEM devices in the auto industry.

  23. AI Resume Builder: Generate a Resume Fast

    Adjust the design and format of your resume - If you're using ChatGPT, you'll need to format your resume manually. However, most specialized AI resume builders will handle this step for you. Download your updated resume - Once your resume is written and properly formatted, you're done! Download it and start applying for jobs.

  24. Sample Video Profile for Freshers

    Attention Freshers! Your resume is just 50% of you. Make a free video profile exclusively on the Naukri App and show your true personality beyond your resume. Check out the sample video profile and create your own video for free today:

  25. 550+ Free Resume Templates for 2024

    Download 550+ free resume templates in Word & Google Docs. Choose from elegant, creative, or modern designs. HR-approved and easy to use.

  26. China probe lands on moon's far side in first-ever sample retrieval

    China has also had a successful sample retrieval mission from the near side of the moon, having brought back 1.7kg (3.7lb) of material using the Chang'e-5 mission in 2020.