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250 Good Topics for an Opinion Essay

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250 Good Topics for an Opinion Essay

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Opinion essay , like other academic papers, requires writers to express their take on a given subject. Many may confuse this essay type with a persuasive paper, which is wrong. As a writer, you are required to take a side and provide an argument that will support your point of view. Since opinion essays are commonly written across different educational levels, it is important to learn about potential research topics. Students often struggle to identify and work on good opinion essay topics. Are you looking for excellent opinion subjects or means to develop one? Continue reading this blog from our professional writing service to learn the definition of an opinion paper and explore different opinion writing topics that you can use in essays.

What Are Opinion Essay Topics?

Opinion papers rank among the commonly issued assignments in learning institutions. So, what is an opinion essay topic? It is a subject that attracts divergent outlooks and ideas from readers and thus enables writers to develop arguments that support a certain take. It is even much easier to write about an opinion topic if it has many differing sentiments. If the title is controversial, a writer can select and build on broad scopes of argumentation available. Unlike when writing a persuasive essay, students do not need to convince readers about a given stand. Although one can draw discussions from different fields – education, healthcare, social media, technology, government, and music, among others – opinion topics share some common characteristics.

Characteristics of Good Opinion Topics

Although people pick subject matters from a wide array of disciplines, good opinion essay topics share some traits. Some of these attributes are discussed below:

  • A writer can find supportive evidence from reliable research and sources. A quality opinion topic should have examples, facts, and clear evidence that can be used to support a given standpoint.
  • It should have opposite viewpoints. A topic that has different angles is preferred when developing an opinion paper.
  • The topic should accommodate development of a strong thesis statement.

How to Choose an Opinion Topic Idea?

There are many subject areas to pick issues from. To select an exceptional opinion essay topic, you need to follow these steps:

  • Determine a field that you are passionate about. Your topic should be related to your individual experience, personal skills, or a subject you have researched exhaustively.
  • Conduct a brainstorming session to help select and adjust opinions to write about within your preferred discipline.
  • Once you create your potential opinion ideas list, conduct research to ascertain viability of all options. A good topic should have evidence, facts, and examples from reliable sources.
  • You should have a strong opinion on topics you wish to discuss.

If you follow these steps, you will choose a topic that appeals to your personal interests and can be developed comprehensively with good evidence. Feel free to contact StudyCrumb for expert advice and college essay writing help .

List of the Best Opinion Writing Topics

A student should be able to select good topics for opinion writing. Today, you can find numerous opinion subjects online. You just need a smartphone with access to the internet! Although you can find various opinion essay topics online, you should strive to choose the best titles. Below are sample best opinion topics:

  • Is gun control used as a political control tool among Americans?
  • Is global warming a true phenomenon?
  • Does access to social media content and video negatively affect children’s behaviors?
  • Should smartphone usage be accepted in colleges and other higher education institutions?
  • Does watching action films promote violence among children?
  • Role of music in different age groups.
  • Role of government in promoting freedom of speech.
  • Should parents learn to use the internet and communicate online?
  • Are human beings putting adequate effort toward environmental management?
  • What is your take on right to privacy?

Interesting Opinion Essay Topics

You should consider opinion essay topics that would easily capture your target audience’s attention. Lucky for you, there are many different opinion editorials topics to choose from. Examples of such captivating issues include:

  • Is an electric car better than a petrol vehicle?
  • Impact of World War II on the issue of racism in America.
  • Is religion important in school curricula?
  • Gender roles in modern society.
  • Should the COVID-19 jab be mandatory for all?
  • Disparities in services and racial bias in USA's healthcare industry.
  • Impact of gender neutrality and fluidity on modern language.
  • Are virtual classes better than physical sessions?
  • Pop stars influence fashion and present-day societal norms.
  • Role of physical exercise in alleviating the obesity pandemic in the United States.
  • Impact of vegetarianism on human health.
  • Is medical research on human subjects ethical?
  • Impact of World War II on gender roles in Europe and America.
  • Police brutality and its impact on the fight against racism.
  • Ownership of firearms by people improves safety and security of private citizens.

Easy Opinion Paper Topics

Unlike other complex subjects, easy opinion essay topics take writers a shorter period to develop. You also do not need to put too much effort into writing such a paper. Teachers in lower education levels rely on these types of opinion papers topics to train better writing skills. Below is a list of simplest opinion topics that you can use:

  • Effect of the Cold War on the relationship between Russia and the USA.
  • Role of Presidents from your own perspective.
  • Social media platforms do more harm than good.
  • The USA is the best country in the world.
  • Are men and women treated equally in the USA?
  • Are print books better than e-books in this modern era?
  • What is your ethical opinion on caged wild animals?
  • Impact of exercise and physical education on stress.
  • Should children have full access to the internet?
  • Virtual learning and its benefits.
  • Are social media platforms making people less social?
  • Reason why politicians should rely on technology.
  • How can you stay healthy during a lockdown?
  • Can solar power alleviate climate change?
  • Impact of the cancellation culture on public discussions.

Good Topics for Opinion Essays

If people select good opinion writing topics, they can express their point of view on such subjects in a better way. One can find deep and extensive topical knowledge on the issue online. A writer can comfortably defend their belief and inclinations with solid, reliable evidence. Common good op ed ideas include:

  • Should parents take part in their children’s educational journey?
  • What is the overall impact of making marijuana legal?
  • How can gender-based violence issues be resolved in America?
  • Weaknesses of current US immigration policies.
  • Is depression a public health issue in the United States?
  • Gender equity policies and affirmative action in US military departments.
  • Does social media promote depression among teenagers and young adults?
  • Role of government social welfare programs in promoting poverty.
  • Anger management and its relationship with gender-based violence.
  • Office versus virtual working environment.
  • Is there a connection between drug abuse and gender-based violence?
  • Will the world ever attain total peace?
  • Can genetically modified organisms (GMOs) be a solution to world hunger?
  • Are people doing enough to negate climate change effects?
  • Is euthanasia ethical and justified?

Opinion Editorial Topics

Senior authors and editors usually have a section in newspapers, magazines, or any other publication, where they express their viewpoints on a given matter. Good op ed topics attract wide audiences and thus can be used to influence readers. Examples of topics for opinion articles are outlined below:

  • Is the existing gun control legislation adequate in addressing increased mass shootings in America?
  • The future of GMOs and food security.
  • Are we winning the war against global warming?
  • In your opinion, what should be the minimum marrying age in America?
  • Impact of oil spillage on the marine ecosystem.
  • Benefits of physical exercise on physiological and mental health.
  • Can the human race inhabit Mars successfully?
  • Is it viable to replace fossil fuels with alternative clean energy sources in the aviation industry?
  • Should doping be accepted in sports?
  • Sex education should be taught to children by their parents.

Topics and Ideas for Opinion Writing by Subject

People can choose essay topics from various disciplines. With adequate research, you can list and develop arguments on numerous issues within every subject. There is a wide variety of options, which can ensure that you always discuss issues that interest you. As a writer, you can select a topic from various subjects, including political science, history, public opinion, environmental issues, technology, parenting, education, social media, and psychology, among others. Irrespective of the discipline, opinion writing ideas must be written in a specific format and structure. This section discusses common topics for opinion essays from different disciplines.

Opinion Topics in Political Science

Politics ranks among the most discussed subjects worldwide. Besides, people have diverging and contradicting takes on topics related to political science. Furthermore, since these decisions affect almost everyone, Political Science opinion essay topics attract great interest from the public. Below is a list of opinion topics in this discipline:

  • Rule of law and its unbiased application to everyone.
  • Strengths and weaknesses of the US electoral system.
  • Terrorism as a political tool.
  • Immigration policy and its effect on minority families.
  • US foreign policies in the Middle Eastern countries.
  • Relationship between politics and climate change initiatives.
  • How politics affect mainstream media.
  • Political conflicts between Israel and Palestine.
  • The collision between federal and state legislation.
  • Should governments regulate religious practices?
  • Should the minimum age for voting be reduced?
  • How can governments address corruption problems?
  • Capitalism is superior to socialism.
  • Strengths and weaknesses of the American system of governance.

>> View more: Topics of Political Science

History Opinion Essay Ideas

Historical events influence our current decisions. It is, therefore, no surprise that many people take a keen interest in History opinion essay topics. Issues related to past wars, civil riots, and political decisions have drawn great debates over the years. Check a list of top 15 essay topics on the subject below:

  • Thanksgiving from Native Americans’ historical view.
  • United States’ role in World War I.
  • Industrial Revolution and its effect on population distribution.
  • Contribution of Slavery to current economic and social inequalities in USA.
  • The Holocaust and its role in shaping current world politics.
  • Abolition of slavery in the United States.
  • Did the Election of President Barack Obama influence the issue of racism in America?
  • Impact of the 9/11 tragedy on United States foreign policy.
  • Importance of the American Civil Rights movement in promoting gender and racism equity in America.
  • Was the Vietnam war justified from the American point of view?
  • Martin Luther King’s contribution to the fight against racial discrimination.
  • How did the 19th Amendment empower women in the 1920s?
  • Are history lessons important in present-day school curricula?
  • What was the role of the trade union movement in promoting workers’ rights?
  • Impact of colonialism on current economic inequalities between countries worldwide.

Public Opinion Essay Topics

Public opinion, as a discipline, encompasses common beliefs, ideas, perspectives, and attitudes shared among many members of the community. Information on public opinion essay topics is often collected through polls. In many cases, the public is concerned with topic opinion related to politics. Take a look at examples outlined below:

  • Public transportation systems should be free.
  • The public transportation system in New York is inconvenient.
  • Should abortion be fully legal?
  • The Obamacare program was a disaster.
  • Mainstream media is nowadays a tool for propagating political agendas and narratives.
  • Should COVID-19 vaccine injection be compulsory?
  • Medical and recreational use of marijuana should be legal.
  • Should teachers carry firearms in classrooms?
  • Social media has increased cyberbullying among youths.
  • The US healthcare system is incompetent in dealing with increased mental health and suicide cases.
  • Should military qualification test standards be lowered to accommodate women?
  • Police departments in America have failed in their community outreach programs.
  • Police racism has negatively affected the relationship between law enforcement departments and the public.
  • How can the government deal with the increased homelessness problem in American cities?
  • The COVID-19 vaccine should be offered free of charge.

Environmental Topics for Opinion Essays

With the fight against climate change growing in momentum, people are increasingly reading op-ed topics related to environmental change and management. This subject attracts controversial viewpoints, which makes it very interesting. You can find an issue that resonates with you from the environmental opinion essay topics below:

  • Dangers of large-scale commercial farming to the environment.
  • Overfishing should be regulated globally.
  • Is global warming a real phenomenon?
  • Effect of human activity on flora and fauna.
  • Can solar power alleviate the problem of air pollution?
  • Effect of mass concrete construction on environment.
  • Does excessive consumption of beef have a negative effect on the environment?
  • Alternative clean energy solutions can slow down climate change.
  • Electric cars are better for the environment compared to petrol engine vehicles.
  • Impact of oil spillage on marine and dry-land ecosystems.
  • Tree planting is a viable solution for rapid climate change.
  • Effect of farm inputs on the environment.
  • How can wildfires be prevented?
  • Effect of global warming on human health.
  • The government should introduce legislation to regulate emissions.

Education Opinion Topics to Write About

The existence and continuous growth of the human race rely on education hugely. It is, therefore, only fair for people to express their opinions on topics on the subject. Some of the common education opinion essay topics are outlined in this section:

  • Is distance learning a viable replacement for face-to-face learning in classrooms?
  • How does the expensive cost of education affect learners in the United States?
  • Student loans in tertiary education negatively affect the economic well-being of students after school.
  • How can the government address the issue of mass shootings in schools?
  • How soon should sex education be taught in school?
  • What is the effect of social media on student learning?
  • How can technology improve learning outcomes in schools?
  • Should instructors punish learners in schools?
  • Educational institutions should introduce healthier meals in their cafeteria.
  • Gender equality in education has positively affected economic development.
  • Should religious education be incorporated into school curricula?
  • What are the effects of social and economic classes on student performance?
  • Impact of career choice decisions in school on pay gap between men and women.
  • Are private schools better than public schools?
  • Disparities in the quality of educational facilities across various ethnic communities in the US.

You can browse special education research topics  and get some new ideas for your opinion essay.

Psychology Opinion Based Questions

The increased cases of mental health issues and suicide have made Psychology opinion essay topics very popular. Today, these opinion essay questions are raised among medical professionals, legislators, and even the general public. Below are the top 15 talking points on this subject:

  • What is the impact of physical exercise on mental health?
  • Psychological effects of yoga and meditation.
  • What are the effects of social media on an individual’s mental health?
  • How does an unhealthy work/life balance affect the psychological health of people?
  • Effects of violent films on the mental development of children.
  • How can the healthcare sector better address increased cases of depression?
  • Role of pop stars in shaping the psychological growth and well-being of children.
  • How emotional support pets help in improving mental health.
  • Should parents regulate children’s access to the internet?
  • How can schools better utilize guidance and counseling departments to prevent mass shootings by students?
  • How does bullying affect mental health of students?
  • How does negative stigma toward autistic students affect their performance in school?
  • What teaching methods can be used for students who are mentally disabled?
  • Effect of childhood experience on adults.
  • Effect of divorce and domestic violence on children’s mental development.

Philosophy Opinion Essay Topics

Human beings have, for the longest time, expressed their opinion on different philosophies. Since society and laws are built on various schools of thought, opinion piece topics on this subject are very common. Below are some of the Philosophy opinion paper ideas:

  • Strengths of the utilitarian school of thought.
  • Should capital punishment be abolished?
  • What are the ethical issues linked to abortion?
  • What are the effects of environment and nurture on child development?
  • The difference between determinism and freedom.
  • Benefits of democracy over absolutism.
  • The spread of Confucianism around the world.
  • How does a personal fable lead people to commit life-changing mistakes?
  • What is the true meaning of happiness?
  • Critical evaluation of Puritan culture and beliefs.
  • Effect of the “world revolves around me” fallacy on quality of life.
  • The theory of deontology and consequentialism in America’s correction system.
  • Impact of Confucianism on western culture.
  • Does God Exist?
  • The discordance between free will and determinism.

Social Media Opinion Article Ideas

In the current age of smartphones and the internet, social media is huge. Almost every person has some level of presence on social media platforms. The effect of social media on people’s daily lives has caused a significant interest in op ed topics on the subject. Some of the common opinion article topics on Social Media are listed below:

  • Effect of social media on students’ performance in school.
  • How does social media impact the psychological and behavioral growth of children?
  • Should parents limit children’s access to social media content?
  • How should children be protected from cyberbullying on social media?
  • Evolving roles of social media in online marketing.
  • Social media is a source of depression among some young adults.
  • Has social media normalized hate speech and behaviors?
  • How can social media be used in the current education system?
  • The role of social media in promoting a sedentary lifestyle.
  • How can social media be used to promote environmental management and climate change awareness?
  • Effect of social media on face-to-face relationships.
  • Impact of social media on group mind and social pressure.
  • How can online messaging platforms be used to promote activism and revolution globally?
  • Role of social media on cultural exchange across communities.
  • Effect of social media on individuals’ self-esteem and confidence.

Culture Opinion Essay Topics

This discipline focuses on language, religion, art, and mentality. Since these aspects vary from one community to another, many opinion essays topics attract a great deal of debate. Common opinion piece ideas include:

  • Is present-day culture based on recent decades?
  • The internet has revolutionized the music industry and destroyed record companies.
  • Changes in cultural stereotypes and social prejudice across various age groups.
  • Effect of internet and globalization on traditional fashion styles.
  • The replacement of traditional acoustic instruments by computer programs has changed the music culture globally.
  • The widespread access to the internet has resulted in the rise of social media stars.
  • Stars and popular figures have the potential to influence public opinion.
  • Are high divorce rates an indicator of the changing marriage culture in the US?
  • Is recreational use of drugs part of modern US culture?
  • Will classical music ever grow out of fashion?
  • Development of hybrid culture due to intercultural exchange.
  • Effect of religion and culture on legislation.
  • Should culture be taught in a school setup?
  • Role of movies in propagating cultural information.
  • Effect of diversity on America’s food culture.

Literature Opinion Essay Topics

People have enjoyed literature throughout human history. It is common to find persons discussing and exploring different interpretations of a given literature opinion paragraph topic. Below are some of the good topics for opinion writing in Literature:

  • Do you prefer reading an entire classic book in an e-books format and in hardcopy?
  • Why has the reading culture been reduced recently?
  • Gender bigotry and prejudice in 17th-century English literature.
  • Are books on the verge of elimination due to technological advancement?
  • Themes of love and death in Shakespearean literature .
  • Does reading result in better spelling skills?
  • Difference between Western and Eastern literature.
  • Can reading a book help relieve stress?
  • What can be done to reclaim the lost Native American literature?
  • Challenges of teaching foreign literature.
  • Is there a need to limit English literature in institutions of higher education?
  • Importance of the internet in facilitating the sharing of literature around the world.
  • Classic literature should be made available at no cost.
  • How can English language grammar be preserved?

Sports Opinion Paper Topics

Whether you are an athlete or a sports fan, you must have had a heated sports debate at least once. The emotional aspect of sports makes opinionated essay topics on Sports very common. Examples of opinion topic ideas are presented here:

  • Nutrition is necessary for athletic success.
  • Is bodybuilding a sport?
  • Are professional athletes over or underpaid?
  • Should psychological and mental health be considered in sports training programs?
  • Is doping ethical?
  • Should controlled doping be allowed in some sports?
  • Is animal sport ethical?
  • How vital are sports in school curricula?
  • Why do some athletes struggle after retirement?
  • Importance of statistics in sports analysis and match preparation.
  • How can the gap between male and female sports be reduced?
  • Are injuries indicators of an athlete’s level of physical fitness?
  • How can you reduce the dangers associated with extreme sports and motorsport?
  • Can supplements improve the performance of an athlete?
  • How can you incorporate the LGBTQ+ community into sports?

Ideas for Opinion Essay for Students

Teachers often require students to compose opinion essays. These articles train learners to better express their opinion and build their argument skills. Opinion essay topic ideas vary depending on the student’s education level. Since each education level has different learning objectives and outcomes, the complexity and the research levels required to complete such assignments differ. The format for this academic paper does not, however, vary, irrespective of the level. This section explores op-ed ideas for different education levels, particularly high school and college levels. You may also browse our persuasive essay topics  and find some interesting ideas for your writing.

Opinion Essay Topics for High School

Even high school students have personal views! They are perfectly able to prepare essays on opinionated topics. Opinion essay topics for high school can be derived from a variety of disciplines. Below are titles that learners can discuss:

  • Is social media negatively affecting social interaction?
  • What are the benefits and disadvantages of homework?
  • Should parents limit social media usage among high school students?
  • Does cheating count as academic misconduct?
  • Should gym classes be made mandatory in high school?
  • Should students wear uniform attire to school?
  • Should the use of mobile phones be allowed in classrooms?
  • What are the advantages of group tasks?
  • How can bullying be prevented in school?
  • Do reading novels and fictional literature improve academic performance?

Opinion Essay Topics for College

The opinion paragraph topics for college students are a little bit more complex compared to articles written by high schoolers. Other than that, opinion essay topics for college level, just like high school, can be drawn from any subject. Below are some examples:

  • Are traditional family values under threat in the United States?
  • Should the death penalty be considered in capital crime cases?
  • How can the government address the existing economic inequality in the United States?
  • Should unintentional plagiarism be penalized?
  • How can schools reduce depression among college students?
  • How does the virtual education model compare with physical classrooms?
  • How does social media promote cultural bias?
  • Application of technology in college education.
  • Is it ethical for students to develop intimate relationships with students?
  • The weaknesses of the United States immigration policy.

Bottom Line on Opinion Essay Topics

In sum, you can choose opinion story ideas from various disciplines depending on your interest. With adequate research, anybody can write a good opinion article. This type of essay should follow a specific format. Irrespective of the issue, your paper should have a strong thesis statement. The quality of your essay will also depend on the amount of clear supporting evidence you’ve provided. Also, always remember to mention and talk about opposing points of view.


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FAQ About Opinion Essay Topics

1. what are some opinion topics.

Depending on your passion, you can choose opinion topics from your preferred subject. Below are some of the opinion topics:

  • Impact of divorce on child development.
  • What are the potential solutions for human trafficking?
  • How does poor education in low-income communities promote crime?
  • Why has the United States not had a female president so far?

3. How to come up with topics for an opinion essay?

To select good topics for opinion essays, you need to know your passion. You are more likely to write a better paper if you have a great interest in topics. Once you have identified your preferred discipline, select a topic you can develop with adequate evidence. You can also have a brainstorming session to come up with topics.

2. What are intriguing opinion essay topics?

You might find opinion essay topics listed below to be interesting:

  • What measures can be taken to reverse the climate change process?
  • New roles of social media in business operations.
  • The role of technology in improving learning outcomes.
  • Taming wild animals within a restricted zoo area is unethical.

4. What are some examples of opinion writing topics?

Below are some examples of topics for opinion writing:

  • Learning institutions should help parents and guardians in controlling children’s screen time.
  • Does racial profiling negatively affect the relationship between police departments and the American public?
  • Is America’s middle class getting overwhelmed by the high class?
  • Are physical and cyberbullying indications that perpetrators are insecure?


Daniel Howard is an Essay Writing guru. He helps students create essays that will strike a chord with the readers.

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250+ Opinion Essay Topics to Write About


Table of contents

  • 1 How to Select the Best Opinion Essay Topic?
  • 2 Opinion Essay Topics for High School
  • 3 Opinion Essay Topics for College Students
  • 4 Personal Opinion Essay Topics
  • 5 Public Opinion Essay Topics
  • 6 Nursing Opinion Essay Topics
  • 7 Opinion Essay Topics on Culture
  • 8 Social Media Opinion Essay Topics
  • 9 Sports Opinion Essay Topics
  • 10 Psychology Opinion Essay Topics
  • 11 Political Science Opinion Essay Topics
  • 12 Thought-Provoking Opinion Writing Topics
  • 13 History Opinion Essay Topics
  • 14 Environment Opinion Essay Topics
  • 15 Education Opinion Essay Topics
  • 16 Literature Opinion Essay Topics

Opinion essay topics and ideas can be a great way to express your thoughts and opinions on a variety of topics. Opinion essays allow you to explore a variety of topics and express your own opinion on them. You can choose to write about current events, social issues, political issues, or any other topic that you feel strongly about. When writing an essay , it is important to be clear and concise in your writing and to provide evidence to support your opinion. Additionally, it is important to consider the opinions of others and to be respectful of their views. By doing so, you can create a well-rounded and thoughtful opinion essay.

How to Select the Best Opinion Essay Topic?

When selecting an opinion essay topic, it is important to consider the purpose and audience of the essay. It is also important to choose a topic that is interesting and engaging to the reader. Consider the topics that you are passionate about and that you have a strong opinion on. It is also important to consider the amount of research that is required for the topic. Once you have narrowed down your list of topics, it is important to research the topic to ensure that you have a thorough understanding of it. Additionally, it is important to consider the opposing viewpoint and be prepared to address it in your essay. Finally, it is important to select a topic that is relevant and timely. By following these steps, you can be sure to select the best opinion essay topics.

  • Consider the purpose of your essay. Are you writing to inform, persuade, or entertain? Knowing the purpose of your essay will help you narrow down your topic choices.
  • Think about the audience you are writing for. Are you writing for a general audience or a specific group? Knowing your audience will help you choose a topic that is interesting and relevant.
  • Consider the scope of your essay. Is your essay going to be short or long? Is it going to focus on a single issue or a range of topics? Knowing the scope of your essay will help you determine which topics are appropriate.
  • Research the topics you are considering. Look for sources that provide reliable information, and explore different perspectives on the issue. This will help you make an informed decision about which topic is best for your essay.
  • Choose a topic that you are passionate about. Writing about something you are passionate about will make the process of writing your essay much easier and more enjoyable. With these tips, you can select the best opinion essay topic for your assignment.

Opinion Essay Topics for High School

There is a variety of opinion writing ideas that high school students can choose from. Some popular opinion topics, for example, include the significance of staying physically fit, the importance of eating habits, the implications of eating disorders, how government controls religious practices, etc. The important point to note while selecting an opinion essay topic is to consider your personal beliefs and interests.

  • The benefits of a college education
  • Impact of social media on adolescent growth
  • The pros and cons of standardized testing
  • The importance of physical education
  • The benefits of extracurricular activities
  • The effects of bullying on teen development
  • Why are family bonds important?
  • An opinion essay on the benefits of positive self-esteem
  • The effects of teenage pregnancy on teen development
  • The pros and cons of co-ed schooling
  • The importance of volunteer work
  • The benefits of a healthy diet
  • The effects of teenage drinking and drug use
  • Is time management suitable for students?
  • The importance of a good education
  • Should students be allowed to have cell phones in school?
  • Should students have to wear uniforms?
  • Should students be required to take physical education classes?
  • Should students be allowed to grade their teachers?
  • Should students be required to do community service?
  • Should students be allowed to pray in school?
  • Should students be allowed to eat during class?
  • Should students be allowed to listen to music during class?
  • Should students be allowed to use social media in school?
  • Should students be allowed to have part-time jobs?

Opinion Essay Topics for College Students

A college student usually navigates through a plethora of different controversial issues and dilemmas during his/her education. Students who want to express their thoughts and ideas while also engaging in meaningful debate can use opinion essay writing as an opportunity. From campus violence related issues to gun laws, students get the chance to express their views and beliefs. Some good opinion essay topics that are relevant to the experiences are as follows:

  • The impact of social media on the development of teenage social skills
  • The benefits of studying abroad for college students
  • The effects of a college education on future income potential
  • The importance of internships for college students
  • The value of a liberal arts education
  • How to choose the right college for you
  • How to pay for college
  • The role of college athletics in the educational experience
  • How to balance work and school
  • The challenges of returning to school as an adult
  • The impact of technology on the college experience
  • The changing role of the professor in the classroom
  • The benefits of study groups
  • How to stay motivated in college
  • The importance of college graduation


Personal Opinion Essay Topics

Topics for personal opinion essays can encompass everything from current events to personal experiences. When selecting a topic for an opinion essay, it’s crucial to ensure that you have a strong stance and can back it up with solid evidence. Opinion topics provide an opportunity to persuade others and introduce them to a diverse range of perspectives.

  • The impact of social media on personal relationships
  • The dangers of smoking
  • The importance of regular exercise
  • The effects of stress on the body
  • The benefits of getting a good night’s sleep
  • The dangers of drinking alcohol
  • The importance of staying safe online
  • The effects of technology on the brain
  • The benefits of meditation
  • The dangers of using too much screen time
  • The benefits of a positive outlook on life
  • The effects of gratitude on happiness
  • The importance of spending time with loved ones
  • The importance of taking time for oneself
  • Should parents be allowed to choose their children’s education?
  • Should the government impose stricter gun control laws?
  • Should the death penalty be abolished?
  • Should the voting age be lowered?
  • Should the legal drinking age be lowered?
  • Should marijuana be legalized?
  • Should the government provide free healthcare?
  • Should the government provide free college tuition?
  • Should the government increase taxes on the wealthy?
  • Should the government invest more in renewable energy sources?

Public Opinion Essay Topics

Public opinion refers to the attitudes and views held by a substantial segment of society regarding a specific issue. These opinions are typically impacted by a range of factors, such as government policies, personal experiences, and cultural values. Here are some ideas for public opinion essay topics to consider:

  • How does the media shape public opinion?
  • Are there any benefits to having a public opinion?
  • How much impact do social networking platforms have on us?
  • Does the public have a right to know everything?
  • How can we ensure that the public’s opinion is heard?
  • How does angry parenting affect children?
  • The pros and cons of health insurance
  • Modern pop stars and their influence on the youth
  • Does the government have a responsibility to act on the opinion of the public?
  • Is it possible to have a collective opinion?
  • How can we ensure that public opinion is not impacted by fake news?
  • Who should be responsible for shaping the opinion of the common man?
  • Analysing the impact of media coverage on public
  • The effectiveness of military training programs
  • The pros and cons of using medical marijuana

Nursing Opinion Essay Topics

  • What are the benefits of a career in nursing?
  • What challenges do nurses face in the healthcare system?
  • How can nurses best advocate for their patients?
  • What role does technology play in modern nursing?
  • How can nurses help to reduce medical errors?
  • How can nurses help to improve patient satisfaction?
  • What is the impact of nurse-patient ratios on patient care?
  • How can nurses help to reduce healthcare costs?
  • What ethical considerations are important for nurses to consider?
  • How can nurses help to reduce health disparities?

Opinion Essay Topics on Culture

  • The Impact of Social Media on Culture
  • The Role of Religion in Society
  • The Impact of Technology on Culture
  • The Influence of Music on Culture
  • The Impact of Immigration on Culture
  • The Role of Education in Shaping Culture
  • The Impact of Media on Culture
  • The Influence of Art on Culture
  • The Impact of Language on Culture
  • The Role of Family in Shaping Culture
  • The Impact of Social Class on Culture
  • The Role of Gender in Society
  • The Impact of Globalization on Culture
  • The Influence of Pop Culture on Society
  • The Role of Tradition in Culture

Social Media Opinion Essay Topics

Online social platforms have become a significant part of our daily existence. They affect various aspects of our lives in various ways. Hence, there are a multitude of potential essay topics to consider.

  • How have online social platforms changed the way we communicate?
  • Online social platforms shaping the way we think
  • Influence of social media on human behaviour
  • How can we use online social platforms for our benefit?
  • Drawbacks of using digital social platforms
  • Ways how online social platforms impact mental health
  • Is your physical health impacted by the excessive use of online social apps?
  • Influence of social media platforms on relationships.
  • How does excessive use of social media affect our productivity?
  • Is it ethical for parents to have access to social media control tools?
  • How are political leaders using online social apps for their own benefit?
  • How is social media shaping our societal norms?
  • Unleashing the power of social media platforms and online communication
  • Do online social platforms affect our control over privacy?
  • Navigating the dark side of online social platforms and their threat to our society

Sports Opinion Essay Topics

If you’re a sports fan, there are many aspects of sports that make for great opinion essay topics. Whether you choose to write about the impact of sports on youth growth or the evolving nature of the sports world, make sure to present a clear, well-supported opinion backed by relevant research and data.

  • The impact of sports on society
  • An opinion essay on the business of sports
  • Sports and its contribution to national identity
  • The impact of sports on individual development
  • The positive and negative effects of sports on mental health
  • Sports and the media
  • Sports and gender
  • Sports and disability
  • Elite sports and the exploitation of athletes
  • Amateur sports and the benefits for participants
  • Sports and obesity
  • Sports and violence
  • Sports and gambling today and in the past decades
  • The impact of sports on international relations
  • Envisioning the future of sports, trends and predictions


Psychology Opinion Essay Topics

Psychology is a captivating field of study that has sparked numerous opinions and debates for years. If you’re seeking thought-provoking topics for your opinion essay within psychology, there are many fascinating options to choose from:

  • How does the human brain process information?
  • How do different cultures perceive mental illness?
  • How does the media affect the way people view mental illness?
  • What are the benefits of therapy?
  • What are the different types of therapy?
  • Assessing the Efficiency of Various Therapeutic Approaches
  • How do family dynamics affect mental health?
  • An opinion essay on stress and its effect on mental health?
  • How does trauma affect mental health?
  • How does poverty affect mental health?
  • How does immigration affect mental health?
  • How does discrimination affect mental health?
  • How does social media affect mental health?
  • Do Internal online platforms affect mental health?
  • Technological advancement in the field of psychology
  • The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health
  • The Role of Genetics in Personality Development
  • The Effects of Childhood Trauma on Adult Mental Health
  • The Impact of Technology on Human Behavior
  • The Relationship Between Stress and Mental Health
  • The Impact of Substance Abuse on Mental Health
  • The Role of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Sleep Deprivation on Mental Health
  • The Role of Attachment Theory in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Culture on Mental Health
  • The Role of Exercise in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Parenting Styles on Mental Health
  • The Role of Nature vs. Nurture in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Social Support on Mental Health
  • The Role of Gender in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Religion on Mental Health
  • The Role of Self-Esteem in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Media on Mental Health
  • The Role of Nutrition in Mental Health
  • The Impact of Trauma on Mental Health

Political Science Opinion Essay Topics

The study of politics provides numerous opportunities for crafting thought-provoking opinion essays. There is a range of topics to choose from, covering everything from local politics to international governance and political control instruments.

  • The impact of social media on political participation
  • The impact of campaign finance on the political process
  • The role of the media in shaping public opinion
  • How does the voting system impact the political outcomes
  • The impact of political polarisation on legislative productivity
  • The impact of gerrymandering on electoral outcomes
  • The impact of term limits on the quality of representation
  • The impact of redistricting on political representation
  • Campaign advertising and its effect on voter behaviour
  • Political dynasties and how they shape political competition
  • The role and effect of youth engagement in the political process
  • The impact of women’s participation in politics
  • Does ethnic diversity contribute to political outcomes?
  • Religious diversity and how it shapes political outcomes
  • The influence of social media on political division

Thought-Provoking Opinion Writing Topics

A powerful way to communicate and engage your perspective with society is by opinion writing For instance, you can write about artificial intelligence, the slavery controversy, global warming, any philosophy essay topics , or modern society. In all cases, a successful opinion essay resonates with you on a personal level.

  • What is the key to academic success?
  • Does Asian culture dominate the business world?
  • Eating disorders—is the media to blame?
  • Vulgar power display and its impact on society – is this a good thing?
  • Is the current drinking age too high?
  • Are angry parents to blame for behavioral problems in children?
  • What are your personal views on domestic violence?
  • Is modern culture based on the ideology of feminism?
  • Do we need to rethink the way we approach education?
  • Is the internet a positive or negative force in our lives?
  • Should we be worried about the rise of artificial intelligence?
  • How do we deal with the challenges of globalization and economic inequality?
  • What is the future of the human race?
  • Should we be more environmentally conscious and take steps to help with global warming?
  • How can we create a better world?

History Opinion Essay Topics

History is a realm that lets you get a glimpse of the past and understand how events of the past shaped the world of today. There are many opinion essay topics that you can choose from, including the events leading up to World War, civil wars, and colonialism.

  • How has the role of women changed in society over the past few decades?
  • How has modern culture affected the way we view traditional values?
  • How do different cultures view slavery and the slave trade?
  • How does the rest of the world view our country and its politics?
  • How did World War II affect the entire world?
  • How has the internet changed the way we research and learn about history?
  • How do different cultures celebrate holidays and traditions?
  • What are some lesser-known historical facts about your own country?
  • What are some controversial topics in history that are still debated today?
  • How do we remember and commemorate historical events?
  • How do we balance historical accuracy with artistic license when telling historical stories?
  • What is the future of historical research and scholarship?
  • How do we ensure that the lessons of history are not forgotten?
  • What is the impact of historical revisionism on our understanding of the past?
  • How does history shape our understanding of the present and future?
  • The Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Society
  • The Legacy of the American Revolution
  • The Role of Women in Ancient Civilizations
  • The Influence of Religion on Politics
  • The Causes of the French Revolution
  • The Impact of Imperialism on Colonialism
  • The Significance of the Cold War
  • The Legacies of the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Impact of the Scientific Revolution
  • The Role of Technology in Modern Society
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Environment Opinion Essay Topics

We cannot deny the fact that the environment is an important part of our planet, and it has a paramount impact on all of us. If you are an environment enthusiast, then you must be searching for an opinion essay topic that translates your beliefs.

  • What are the most effective ways to reduce air pollution?
  • Should governments impose stricter regulations on companies to reduce their environmental impact?
  • Should the use of plastic be banned?
  • Is nuclear energy a viable alternative to fossil fuels?
  • What are the most effective ways to reduce water pollution?
  • Should governments invest more in renewable energy sources?
  • What are the benefits and drawbacks of using genetically modified crops?
  • Should the use of pesticides be banned?
  • How can we reduce our reliance on fossil fuels?
  • What are the most effective ways to reduce deforestation?

Education Opinion Essay Topics

There are several opinion essay topics that can be explored in the field of education. This can include the role of technology in the education system, gender bias faced by students, and unequal access to quality education.

  • How can academic writing help students achieve academic success?
  • What are the benefits of distance learning for high school students?
  • Personal skills that students develop in single-gender schools.
  • Is sex education necessary in the school curriculum?
  • How effective is home-schooling as an educational option?
  • Is it a challenging task to educate modern children?
  • What are the flaws in the current educational system?
  • How can the school curriculum be improved?
  • What is the impact of age differences on the educational process?
  • How do modern children spend their free time?
  • What are the benefits of challenging tasks for students?
  • How can students balance their academic and personal lives?
  • Is there a way to reduce stress in the educational process?
  • What are the benefits of a healthy lifestyle for students?
  • Should standardized tests be abolished?
  • Should college tuition be free?
  • What is the best way to teach a foreign language?
  • Should the education system be more flexible?
  • Should online education be more widely available?
  • Should schools prioritize STEM education?
  • Should schools provide more vocational training?
  • Should schools have uniforms? Should schools have a longer school day?
  • Should schools have a longer school year?
  • Should schools have more extracurricular activities?
  • Should schools provide more mental health services?
  • Should schools provide more career guidance?
  • Should schools be more culturally inclusive?
  • Should schools provide more financial literacy education?
  • Should schools provide more technology education?
  • Should schools have more parental involvement?
  • Should schools have more community involvement?
  • Should schools have more global awareness education?
  • Should schools have more environmental education?

Literature Opinion Essay Topics

Literature is a landscape that is rich and offers the opportunity to explore the intangible, such as human experience and emotions.

  • Is there a universal classic book that everyone should read?
  • Is there a difference between classic literature and modern literature?
  • How has literature changed over the years?
  • What is the most important element of a successful novel?
  • What is the most important thing a reader should look for in a book?
  • Is there a difference between reading a book and watching a movie based on the book?
  • What is the most important lesson that literature can teach us?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about life?
  • How has literature influenced society?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about ourselves?
  • How has literature changed over time?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about the world?
  • How has literature shaped our culture?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about justice?
  • How has literature impacted our understanding of history?
  • How has literature shaped our understanding of morality?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about love?
  • How has literature helped to shape our understanding of gender roles?
  • What is the most important thing that literature can teach us about democracy?
  • How has literature helped to shape our understanding of race and ethnicity?

Opinion topics are not easy to decide on. But if you want to write a winning essay, you need to pick a topic that you have a good understanding of. No matter if you’re writing about education, politics, or sports, it’s important to have solid evidence and examples to back up your opinion. This way, you can write an interesting and convincing essay that will have a lasting impact on your reader.

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160 Good Argumentative Essay Topics for Students in 2024

April 3, 2024

The skill of writing an excellent argumentative essay is a crucial one for every high school or college student to master. In sum, argumentative essays teach students how to organize their thoughts logically and present them in a convincing way. This skill is helpful not only for those pursuing degrees in law , international relations , or public policy , but for any student who wishes to develop their critical thinking faculties. In this article, we’ll cover what makes a good argument essay and offer several argumentative essay topics for high school and college students. Let’s begin!

What is an Argumentative Essay?

An argumentative essay is an essay that uses research to present a reasoned argument on a particular subject . As with the persuasive essay , the purpose of an argumentative essay is to sway the reader to the writer’s position. However, a strong persuasive essay makes its point through diligent research and emotion while a strong argumentative essay should be based solely on facts, not feelings.

Moreover, each fact should be supported by clear evidence from credible sources . Furthermore, a good argumentative essay will have an easy-to-follow structure. When organizing your argumentative essay, use this format as a guide:

  • Introduction
  • Supporting body paragraphs
  • Paragraph(s) addressing common counterarguments

Argumentative Essay Format

In the introduction , the writer presents their position and thesis statement —a sentence that summarizes the paper’s main points. The body paragraphs then draw upon supporting evidence to back up this initial statement, with each paragraph focusing on its own point. The length of your paper will determine the amount of examples you need. In general, you’ll likely need at least two to three. Additionally, your examples should be as detailed as possible, citing specific research, case studies, statistics, or anecdotes.

In the counterargument paragraph , the writer acknowledges and refutes opposing viewpoints. Finally, in the conclusion , the writer restates the main argument made in the thesis statement and summarizes the points of the essay. Additionally, the conclusion may offer a final proposal to persuade the reader of the essay’s position.

How to Write an Effective Argumentative Essay, Step by Step

  • Choose your topic. Use the list below to help you pick a topic. Ideally, a good argumentative essay topic will be meaningful to you—writing is always stronger when you are interested in the subject matter. In addition, the topic should be complex with plenty of “pro” and “con” arguments. Avoid choosing a topic that is either widely accepted as fact or too narrow. For example, “Is the earth round?” would not be a solid choice.
  • Research. Use the library, the web, and any other resources to gather information about your argumentative essay topic. Research widely but smartly. As you go, take organized notes, marking the source of every quote and where it may fit in the scheme of your larger essay. Moreover, remember to look for (and research) possible counterarguments.
  • Outline . Using the argument essay format above, create an outline for your essay. Then, brainstorm a thesis statement covering your argument’s main points, and begin to put your examples in order, focusing on logical flow. It’s often best to place your strongest example last.
  • Write . Draw on your research and outline to create a first draft. Remember, your first draft doesn’t need to be perfect. (As Voltaire says, “Perfect is the enemy of good.”) Accordingly, just focus on getting the words down on paper.
  • Does my thesis statement need to be adjusted?
  • Which examples feel strongest? Weakest?
  • Do the transitions flow smoothly?
  • Do I have a strong opening paragraph?
  • Does the conclusion reinforce my argument?

Tips for Revising an Argument Essay

Evaluating your own work can be difficult, so you might consider the following strategies:

  • Read your work aloud to yourself.
  • Record yourself reading your paper, and listen to the recording.
  • Reverse outline your paper. Firstly, next to each paragraph, write a short summary of that paragraph’s main points/idea. Then, read through your reverse outline. Does it have a logical flow? If not, where should you adjust?
  • Print out your paper and cut it into paragraphs. What happens when you rearrange the paragraphs?

Good Argumentative Essay Topics for Middle School, High School, and College Students

Family argumentative essay topics.

  • Should the government provide financial incentives for families to have children to address the declining birth rate?
  • Should we require parents to provide their children with a certain level of nutrition and physical activity to prevent childhood obesity?
  • Should parents implement limits on how much time their children spend playing video games?
  • Should cell phones be banned from family/holiday gatherings?
  • Should we hold parents legally responsible for their children’s actions?
  • Should children have the right to sue their parents for neglect?
  • Should parents have the right to choose their child’s religion?
  • Are spanking and other forms of physical punishment an effective method of discipline?
  • Should courts allow children to choose where they live in cases of divorce?
  • Should parents have the right to monitor teens’ activity on social media?
  • Should parents control their child’s medical treatment, even if it goes against the child’s wishes?
  • Should parents be allowed to post pictures of their children on social media without their consent?
  • Should fathers have a legal say in whether their partners do or do not receive an abortion?
  • Can television have positive developmental benefits on children?
  • Should the driving age be raised to prevent teen car accidents?
  • Should adult children be legally required to care for their aging parents?

Education Argument Essay Topics

  • Should schools ban the use of technology like ChatGPT?
  • Are zoos unethical, or necessary for conservation and education?
  • To what degree should we hold parents responsible in the event of a school shooting?
  • Should schools offer students a set number of mental health days?
  • Should school science curriculums offer a course on combating climate change?
  • Should public libraries be allowed to ban certain books? If so, what types?
  • What role, if any, should prayer play in public schools?
  • Should schools push to abolish homework?
  • Are gifted and talented programs in schools more harmful than beneficial due to their exclusionary nature?
  • Should universities do away with Greek life?
  • Should schools remove artwork, such as murals, that some perceive as offensive?
  • Should the government grant parents the right to choose alternative education options for their children and use taxpayer funds to support these options?
  • Is homeschooling better than traditional schooling for children’s academic and social development?
  • Should we require schools to teach sex education to reduce teen pregnancy rates?
  • Should we require schools to provide sex education that includes information about both homosexual and heterosexual relationships?
  • Should colleges use affirmative action and other race-conscious policies to address diversity on campus?
  • Should public schools remove the line “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance?
  • Should college admissions officers be allowed to look at students’ social media accounts?
  • Should schools abolish their dress codes, many of which unfairly target girls, LGBTQ students, and students of color?
  • Should schools be required to stock free period products in bathrooms?
  • Should legacy students receive preferential treatment during the college admissions process?
  • Are school “voluntourism” trips ethical?

Government Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should the U.S. decriminalize prostitution?
  • Should the U.S. issue migration visas to all eligible applicants?
  • Should the federal government cancel all student loan debt?
  • Should we lower the minimum voting age? If so, to what?
  • Should the federal government abolish all laws penalizing drug production and use?
  • Should the U.S. use its military power to deter a Chinese invasion of Taiwan?
  • Should the U.S. supply Ukraine with further military intelligence and supplies?
  • Should the North and South of the U.S. split up into two regions?
  • Should Americans hold up nationalism as a critical value?
  • Should we permit Supreme Court justices to hold their positions indefinitely?
  • Should Supreme Court justices be democratically elected?
  • Is the Electoral College still a productive approach to electing the U.S. president?
  • Should the U.S. implement a national firearm registry?
  • Is it ethical for countries like China and Israel to mandate compulsory military service for all citizens?
  • Should the U.S. government implement a ranked-choice voting system?
  • Should institutions that benefited from slavery be required to provide reparations?
  • Based on the 1619 project, should history classes change how they teach about the founding of the U.S.?
  • Should term limits be imposed on Senators and Representatives? If so, how long?
  • Should women be allowed into special forces units?
  • Should the federal government implement stronger, universal firearm licensing laws?
  • Do public sex offender registries help prevent future sex crimes?
  • Should the government be allowed to regulate family size?
  • Should all adults legally be considered mandated reporters?
  • Should the government fund public universities to make higher education more accessible to low-income students?
  • Should the government fund universal preschool to improve children’s readiness for kindergarten?

Health/Bioethics Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should the U.S. government offer its own healthcare plan?
  • In the case of highly infectious pandemics, should we focus on individual freedoms or public safety when implementing policies to control the spread?
  • Should we legally require parents to vaccinate their children to protect public health?
  • Is it ethical for parents to use genetic engineering to create “designer babies” with specific physical and intellectual traits?
  • Should the government fund research on embryonic stem cells for medical treatments?
  • Should the government legalize assisted suicide for terminally ill patients?
  • Should organ donation be mandatory?
  • Is cloning animals ethical?
  • Should cancer screenings start earlier? If so, what age?
  • Is surrogacy ethical?
  • Should birth control require a prescription?
  • Should minors have access to emergency contraception?
  • Should hospitals be for-profit or nonprofit institutions?

Good Argumentative Essay Topics — Continued

Social media argumentative essay topics.

  • Should the federal government increase its efforts to minimize the negative impact of social media?
  • Do social media and smartphones strengthen one’s relationships?
  • Should antitrust regulators take action to limit the size of big tech companies?
  • Should social media platforms ban political advertisements?
  • Should the federal government hold social media companies accountable for instances of hate speech discovered on their platforms?
  • Do apps such as TikTok and Instagram ultimately worsen the mental well-being of teenagers?
  • Should governments oversee how social media platforms manage their users’ data?
  • Should social media platforms like Facebook enforce a minimum age requirement for users?
  • Should social media companies be held responsible for cases of cyberbullying?
  • Should the United States ban TikTok?
  • Is social media harmful to children?
  • Should employers screen applicants’ social media accounts during the hiring process?

Religion Argument Essay Topics

  • Should religious institutions be tax-exempt?
  • Should religious symbols such as the hijab or crucifix be allowed in public spaces?
  • Should religious freedoms be protected, even when they conflict with secular laws?
  • Should the government regulate religious practices?
  • Should we allow churches to engage in political activities?
  • Religion: a force for good or evil in the world?
  • Should the government provide funding for religious schools?
  • Is it ethical for healthcare providers to deny abortions based on religious beliefs?
  • Should religious organizations be allowed to discriminate in their hiring practices?
  • Should we allow people to opt out of medical treatments based on their religious beliefs?
  • Should the U.S. government hold religious organizations accountable for cases of sexual abuse within their community?
  • Should religious beliefs be exempt from anti-discrimination laws?
  • Should religious individuals be allowed to refuse services to others based on their beliefs or lifestyles? (As in this famous case .)
  • Should the US ban religion-based federal holidays?
  • Should public schools be allowed to teach children about religious holidays?

Science Argument Essay Topics

  • Would the world be safer if we eliminated nuclear weapons?
  • Should scientists bring back extinct animals? If so, which ones?
  • Should we hold companies fiscally responsible for their carbon footprint?
  • Should we ban pesticides in favor of organic farming methods?
  • Should the federal government ban all fossil fuels, despite the potential economic impact on specific industries and communities?
  • What renewable energy source should the U.S. invest more money in?
  • Should the FDA outlaw GMOs?
  • Should we worry about artificial intelligence surpassing human intelligence?
  • Should the alternative medicine industry be more stringently regulated?
  • Is colonizing Mars a viable option?
  • Is the animal testing worth the potential to save human lives?

Sports Argument Essay Topics

  • Should colleges compensate student-athletes?
  • How should sports teams and leagues address the gender pay gap?
  • Should youth sports teams do away with scorekeeping?
  • Should we ban aggressive contact sports like boxing and MMA?
  • Should professional sports associations mandate that athletes stand during the national anthem?
  • Should high schools require their student-athletes to maintain a certain GPA?
  • Should transgender athletes compete in sports according to their gender identity?
  • Should schools ban football due to the inherent danger it poses to players?
  • Should performance-enhancing drugs be allowed in sports?
  • Do participation trophies foster entitlement and unrealistic expectations?
  • Should sports teams be divided by gender?
  • Should professional athletes be allowed to compete in the Olympics?
  • Should women be allowed on NFL teams?

Technology Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Should sites like DALL-E compensate the artists whose work it was trained on?
  • Should the federal government make human exploration of space a more significant priority?
  • Is it ethical for the government to use surveillance technology to monitor citizens?
  • Should websites require proof of age from their users? If so, what age?
  • Should we consider A.I.-generated images and text pieces of art?
  • Does the use of facial recognition technology violate individuals’ privacy?
  • Is online learning as effective as in-person learning?
  • Does computing harm the environment?
  • Should buying, sharing, and selling collected personal data be illegal?
  • Are electric cars really better for the environment?
  • Should car companies be held responsible for self-driving car accidents?
  • Should private jets be banned?
  • Do violent video games contribute to real-life violence?

Business Argument Essay Topics

  • Should the U.S. government phase out the use of paper money in favor of a fully digital currency system?
  • Should the federal government abolish its patent and copyright laws?
  • Should we replace the Federal Reserve with free-market institutions?
  • Is free-market ideology responsible for the U.S. economy’s poor performance over the past decade?
  • Will cryptocurrencies overtake natural resources like gold and silver?
  • Is capitalism the best economic system? What system would be better?
  • Should the U.S. government enact a universal basic income?
  • Should we require companies to provide paid parental leave to their employees?
  • Should the government raise the minimum wage? If so, to what?
  • Should antitrust regulators break up large companies to promote competition?
  • Is it ethical for companies to prioritize profits over social responsibility?
  • Should gig-economy workers like Uber and Lyft drivers be considered employees or independent contractors?
  • Should the federal government regulate the gig economy to ensure fair treatment of workers?
  • Should the government require companies to disclose the environmental impact of their products?
  • Should companies be allowed to fire employees based on political views or activities?
  • Should tipping practices be phased out?
  • Should employees who choose not to have children be given the same amount of paid leave as parents?
  • Should MLMs (multi-level marketing companies) be illegal?
  • Should employers be allowed to factor tattoos and personal appearance into hiring decisions?

In Conclusion – Argument Essay Topics

Using the tips above, you can effectively structure and pen a compelling argumentative essay that will wow your instructor and classmates. Remember to craft a thesis statement that offers readers a roadmap through your essay, draw on your sources wisely to back up any claims, and read through your paper several times before it’s due to catch any last-minute proofreading errors. With time, diligence, and patience, your essay will be the most outstanding assignment you’ve ever turned in…until the next one rolls around.

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  • 125 Good Debate Topics for High School Students
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  • High School Success

Lauren Green

With a Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing from Columbia University and an MFA in Fiction from the Michener Center for Writers at the University of Texas at Austin, Lauren has been a professional writer for over a decade. She is the author of the chapbook  A Great Dark House  (Poetry Society of America, 2023) and a forthcoming novel (Viking/Penguin).

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50 Argumentative Essay Topics

Illustration by Catherine Song. ThoughtCo. 

  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

An argumentative essay requires you to decide on a topic and argue for or against it. You'll need to back up your viewpoint with well-researched facts and information as well. One of the hardest parts is deciding which topic to write about, but there are plenty of ideas available to get you started. Then you need to take a position, do some research, and present your viewpoint convincingly.

Choosing a Great Argumentative Essay Topic

Students often find that most of their work on these essays is done before they even start writing. This means that it's best if you have a general interest in your subject. Otherwise, you might get bored or frustrated while trying to gather information. You don't need to know everything, though; part of what makes this experience rewarding is learning something new.

It's best if you have a general interest in your subject, but the argument you choose doesn't have to be one that you agree with.

The subject you choose may not necessarily be one you are in full agreement with, either. You may even be asked to write a paper from the opposing point of view. Researching a different viewpoint helps students broaden their perspectives. 

Ideas for Argument Essays

Sometimes, the best ideas are sparked by looking at many different options. Explore this list of possible topics and see if a few pique your interest. Write those down as you come across them, then think about each for a few minutes.

Which would you enjoy researching? Do you have a firm position on a particular subject? Is there a point you would like to make sure you get across? Did the topic give you something new to think about? Can you see why someone else may feel differently?

List of 50 Possible Argumentative Essay Topics

A number of these topics are rather controversial—that's the point. In an argumentative essay , opinions matter, and controversy is based on opinions. Just make sure your opinions are backed up by facts in the essay.   If these topics are a little too controversial or you don't find the right one for you, try browsing through persuasive essay and speech topics  as well.

  • Is global climate change  caused by humans?
  • Is the death penalty effective?
  • Is the U.S. election process fair?
  • Is torture ever acceptable?
  • Should men get paternity leave from work?
  • Are school uniforms beneficial?
  • Does the U.S. have a fair tax system?
  • Do curfews keep teens out of trouble?
  • Is cheating out of control?
  • Are we too dependent on computers?
  • Should animals be used for research?
  • Should cigarette smoking be banned?
  • Are cell phones dangerous?
  • Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy?
  • Do we have a throwaway society ?
  • Is child behavior better or worse than it was years ago?
  • Should companies market to children?
  • Should the government have a say in our diets?
  • Does access to condoms prevent teen pregnancy?
  • Should members of Congress have term limits?
  • Are actors and professional athletes paid too much?
  • Are CEOs paid too much?
  • Should athletes be held to high moral standards?
  • Do violent video games cause behavior problems?
  • Should creationism be taught in public schools?
  • Are beauty pageants exploitative ?
  • Should English be the official language of the United States?
  • Should the racing industry be forced to use biofuels?
  • Should the alcohol-drinking age be increased or decreased?
  • Should everyone be required to recycle?
  • Is it okay for prisoners to vote (as they are in some states)?
  • Should same-sex marriage be legalized in more countries?
  • Are there benefits to attending a single-sex school ?
  • Does boredom lead to trouble?
  • Should schools be in session year-round ?
  • Does religion cause war?
  • Should the government provide health care?
  • Should abortion be illegal?
  • Should more companies expand their reproductive health benefits for employees?
  • Is homework harmful or helpful?
  • Is the cost of college too high?
  • Is college admission too competitive?
  • Should euthanasia be illegal?
  • Should the federal government legalize marijuana use nationally ?
  • Should rich people be required to pay more taxes?
  • Should schools require foreign language or physical education?
  • Is affirmative action fair?
  • Is public prayer okay in schools?
  • Are schools and teachers responsible for low test scores?
  • Is greater gun control a good idea?

How to Craft a Persuasive Argument

After you've decided on your essay topic, gather evidence to make your argument as strong as possible. Your research could even help shape the position your essay ultimately takes. As you craft your essay, remember to utilize persuasive writing techniques , such as invoking emotional language or citing facts from authoritative figures. 

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50 Argumentative Essay Topics for Students

50 Argumentative Essay Topics for Students

4-minute read

  • 11th June 2022

The goal of an argumentative essay is to persuade the reader to understand and support your position on an issue by presenting your reasoning along with supporting evidence. It’s important to find the right balance between giving your opinions and presenting established research.

These essays discuss issues around a range of topics, including science, technology, politics, and healthcare. Whether you’re a teacher looking for essay topics for your students or a student tasked with developing an idea of your own, we’ve compiled a list of 50 argumentative essay topics to help you get started!

●  Does texting hinder interpersonal communication skills?

●  Should there be laws against using devices while driving?

●  Do violent video games teach or encourage people to behave violently?

●  Should social media sites be allowed to collect users’ data?

●  Should parents limit how long their children spend in front of screens?

●  Is AI helping or hurting society?

●  Should cyber-bullying carry legal consequences?

●  Should Supreme Court justices be elected?

●  Is war always a political decision?

●  Should people join a political party?

●  Is capitalism ethical?

●  Is the electoral college an effective system?

●  Should prisoners be allowed to vote?

●  Should the death penalty be legal?

●  Are governments around the world doing enough to combat global warming?

●  Is healthcare a fundamental human right?

●  Should vaccinations be mandated for children?

●  Are there any circumstances under which physician-assisted suicides should be legal?

●  Should parents be able to choose specific genetic modifications of their future children?

●  Should abortion be legal?

●  Is it ethical to perform medical experiments on animals?

●  Should patients who lead unhealthy lifestyles be denied organ transplants?

●  Should doctors be able to provide medical care to children against their parents’ wishes?

Mental Healthcare

●  What causes the stigma around mental health?

●  Discuss the link between insufficient access to mental health services and the high suicide rates among veterans.

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●  Should cannabis be used as a treatment for patients with mental disorders?

●  Is there a link between social media use and mental disorders?

●  Discuss the effect of physical activity on mental health.

●  Should sports be segregated by gender?

●  Should male and female athletes be given the same pay and opportunities?

●  Are professional athletes overpaid?

●  Should college athletes be paid?

●  Should sports betting be legal?

●  Should online access to art such as music be free?

●  Should graffiti be considered art or vandalism?

●  Are there any circumstances under which books should be banned?

●  Should schools be required to offer art courses?

●  Is art necessary to society?

●  Should schools require uniforms?

●  Should reciting the Pledge of Allegiance be required in schools?

●  Do standardized tests effectively measure intelligence?

●  Should high school students take a gap year before pursuing higher education?

●  Should higher education be free?

●  Is there too much pressure on high school students to attend college?

●  Are children better off in two-parent households?

●  Should LGBTQ+ partners be allowed to adopt?

●  Should single people be able to adopt children as easily as couples?

●  Is it okay for parents to physically discipline their children?

●  Does helicopter parenting help or hurt children?

●  Should parents monitor their children’s Internet use?

Proofreading & Editing

An argument could also be made for the importance of proofreading your essay ! The reader can focus more on your message when your writing is clear, concise, and error-free, and they won’t question whether you’re knowledgeable on the issues you’re presenting. Once you have a draft ready, you can submit a free trial document to start working with our expert editors!

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170 Opinion Essay Topics to Choose in 2023 for Your Writings

  • by Lesley V.
  • August 16, 2023 November 10, 2023

Whether in high school or college, opinion writing prompts will follow you. This essay type is a must to master:

Teachers will assign oped papers to check your critical thinking skills. They want to ensure you know how to build arguments and prove your point of view. Academic writing skills are also here: Opinion essays have a structure (1) to follow.

In this article, you’ll find a massive list of good opinion essay topics and ideas to consider for your work. All are strong, divided by subject, and with actionable writing tips to get an A+ for your piece.

What Is an Opinion Essay?

Op-ed essays are formal, representing an author’s personal take on a specific subject. They aren’t about college work only. You could see op-ed posts on social media or journalistic articles in newspapers.

In academia, you’ll also need to mention the opposite point of view in opinion essays. The final paragraph before a conclusion should contain counterarguments (for a fuller discussion).

How to Choose Good Opinion Essay Topics

While teachers can assign a topic for op-ed writing, college students often have freedom of choice here. And that’s where a challenge comes in:

How to choose a good opinion essay topic? How to ensure it’s controversial enough to trigger a discussion? Is it possible to know of it gives you enough argumentation and evidence to support your point?

What is a Good Topic for an Opinion Paper?

Good opinion writing topics have 3 specific characteristics:

  • They allow you to develop a strong thesis statement (2).
  • You can find enough facts to support your point: examples, reliable sources, quotes, etc.
  • They have opposite viewpoints . Avoid topics presenting the ultimate truth: There’s nothing to discuss there.

How to Choose Your Perfect Opinion Writing Prompt?

Opinion essay topics are many. Follow these 5 steps when choosing yours:

  • Recheck the requirements. How long should your essay be? Do you need to cover a single issue or discuss a few? Depending on the prompt, not all topics may appear to be appropriate.
  • Consider the audience. Who’ll read your paper? Do you write for everyone or a specific group? Choose topics that are relevant and interesting to whom you’ll write.
  • Remember about your interests, too. Consider issues of your knowledge and passion. Write about something bothering or exciting you: Such opinion essay topics are easier to craft.
  • Recheck the essay’s purpose. Will it educate, persuade, or entertain readers? It can help you narrow down the topic choices.
  • Do pre-research. Check if you can find enough sources with reliable information on your chosen topic. Will you have evidence to support your point if writing on this?

Opinion Essay Writing Tips: Start With Easy Prompts

When choosing opinion essay topics, remember you’ll need to structure your paper on it. It’s an academic paper, so please follow the format requirements . Also, you’ll need to cover all the questions related to your chosen topic.

The below writing tips will help ensure you’ve chosen a proper op-ed idea for your essay:

  • Brainstorm several topics before writing. Which one does meet the prompt’s requirements best?
  • Research . Are there other people investigating and discussing your chosen issue? Will you have enough supporting evidence to use throughout the paper?
  • Choose a side . What point of view will you support about the topic?
  • Develop a strong thesis and think of arguments you’ll use to prove it.
  • Remember to mention an opposite viewpoint. What counterarguments do your opponents have? Choose controversial topics, open to discussions.

20 Opinion Topics to Practice Your Writing Skills

Below are 20 elementary topics teachers assign for 5th-grade or for middle school students. They are easy opinion essay topics to practice writing. Also, they are great to consider when you have no idea what to write about in your piece:

Opinion Essay Topics: Choose Yours And Get A+

So, now you have them: 170 topics for opinion writing! Choose yours:

  • Consider the prompt requirements and the target audience of your paper.
  • Check if you have enough arguments and evidence to state and support a thesis in the paper.
  • Choose a topic that interests you but with counterarguments to add to a paper for discussion.

Which opinion essay topics from the list above have you already covered? And which one would you choose for your next paper or article?



6 thoughts on “170 Opinion Essay Topics to Choose in 2023 for Your Writings”

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Thank you for providing me with these article examples!

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Your articles are extremely helpful to me. May I ask for more information?

Thank you for providing so many examples! Now I know what to write in my next paper. 🙂

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Many thanks for this list! It’s my top struggle – to decide on a topic for my next essay or article. You’ve nailed it! All the best!

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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, 113 perfect persuasive essay topics for any assignment.

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Do you need to write a persuasive essay but aren’t sure what topic to focus on? Were you thrilled when your teacher said you could write about whatever you wanted but are now overwhelmed by the possibilities? We’re here to help!

Read on for a list of 113 top-notch persuasive essay topics, organized into ten categories. To help get you started, we also discuss what a persuasive essay is, how to choose a great topic, and what tips to keep in mind as you write your persuasive essay.

What Is a Persuasive Essay?

In a persuasive essay, you attempt to convince readers to agree with your point of view on an argument. For example, an essay analyzing changes in Italian art during the Renaissance wouldn’t be a persuasive essay, because there’s no argument, but an essay where you argue that Italian art reached its peak during the Renaissance would be a persuasive essay because you’re trying to get your audience to agree with your viewpoint.

Persuasive and argumentative essays both try to convince readers to agree with the author, but the two essay types have key differences. Argumentative essays show a more balanced view of the issue and discuss both sides. Persuasive essays focus more heavily on the side the author agrees with. They also often include more of the author’s opinion than argumentative essays, which tend to use only facts and data to support their argument.

All persuasive essays have the following:

  • Introduction: Introduces the topic, explains why it’s important, and ends with the thesis.
  • Thesis: A sentence that sums up what the essay be discussing and what your stance on the issue is.
  • Reasons you believe your side of the argument: Why do you support the side you do? Typically each main point will have its own body paragraph.
  • Evidence supporting your argument: Facts or examples to back up your main points. Even though your opinion is allowed in persuasive essays more than most other essays, having concrete examples will make a stronger argument than relying on your opinion alone.
  • Conclusion: Restatement of thesis, summary of main points, and a recap of why the issue is important.

What Makes a Good Persuasive Essay Topic?

Theoretically, you could write a persuasive essay about any subject under the sun, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should. Certain topics are easier to write a strong persuasive essay on, and below are tips to follow when deciding what you should write about.

It’s a Topic You Care About

Obviously, it’s possible to write an essay about a topic you find completely boring. You’ve probably done it! However, if possible, it’s always better to choose a topic that you care about and are interested in. When this is the case, you’ll find doing the research more enjoyable, writing the essay easier, and your writing will likely be better because you’ll be more passionate about and informed on the topic.

You Have Enough Evidence to Support Your Argument

Just being passionate about a subject isn’t enough to make it a good persuasive essay topic, though. You need to make sure your argument is complex enough to have at least two potential sides to root for, and you need to be able to back up your side with evidence and examples. Even though persuasive essays allow your opinion to feature more than many other essays, you still need concrete evidence to back up your claims, or you’ll end up with a weak essay.

For example, you may passionately believe that mint chocolate chip ice cream is the best ice cream flavor (I agree!), but could you really write an entire essay on this? What would be your reasons for believing mint chocolate chip is the best (besides the fact that it’s delicious)? How would you support your belief? Have enough studies been done on preferred ice cream flavors to support an entire essay? When choosing a persuasive essay idea, you want to find the right balance between something you care about (so you can write well on it) and something the rest of the world cares about (so you can reference evidence to strengthen your position).

It’s a Manageable Topic

Bigger isn’t always better, especially with essay topics. While it may seem like a great idea to choose a huge, complex topic to write about, you’ll likely struggle to sift through all the information and different sides of the issue and winnow them down to one streamlined essay. For example, choosing to write an essay about how WWII impacted American life more than WWI wouldn’t be a great idea because you’d need to analyze all the impacts of both the wars in numerous areas of American life. It’d be a huge undertaking. A better idea would be to choose one impact on American life the wars had (such as changes in female employment) and focus on that. Doing so will make researching and writing your persuasive essay much more feasible.


List of 113 Good Persuasive Essay Topics

Below are over 100 persuasive essay ideas, organized into ten categories. When you find an idea that piques your interest, you’ll choose one side of it to argue for in your essay. For example, if you choose the topic, “should fracking be legal?” you’d decide whether you believe fracking should be legal or illegal, then you’d write an essay arguing all the reasons why your audience should agree with you.


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  • Did the end of Game of Thrones fit with the rest of the series?
  • Can music be an effective way to treat mental illness?
  • With e-readers so popular, have libraries become obsolete?
  • Are the Harry Potter books more popular than they deserve to be?
  • Should music with offensive language come with a warning label?
  • What’s the best way for museums to get more people to visit?
  • Should students be able to substitute an art or music class for a PE class in school?
  • Are the Kardashians good or bad role models for young people?
  • Should people in higher income brackets pay more taxes?
  • Should all high school students be required to take a class on financial literacy?
  • Is it possible to achieve the American dream, or is it only a myth?
  • Is it better to spend a summer as an unpaid intern at a prestigious company or as a paid worker at a local store/restaurant?
  • Should the United States impose more or fewer tariffs?
  • Should college graduates have their student loans forgiven?
  • Should restaurants eliminate tipping and raise staff wages instead?
  • Should students learn cursive writing in school?
  • Which is more important: PE class or music class?
  • Is it better to have year-round school with shorter breaks throughout the year?
  • Should class rank be abolished in schools?
  • Should students be taught sex education in school?
  • Should students be able to attend public universities for free?
  • What’s the most effective way to change the behavior of school bullies?
  • Are the SAT and ACT accurate ways to measure intelligence?
  • Should students be able to learn sign language instead of a foreign language?
  • Do the benefits of Greek life at colleges outweigh the negatives?
  • Does doing homework actually help students learn more?
  • Why do students in many other countries score higher than American students on math exams?
  • Should parents/teachers be able to ban certain books from schools?
  • What’s the best way to reduce cheating in school?
  • Should colleges take a student’s race into account when making admissions decisions?
  • Should there be limits to free speech?
  • Should students be required to perform community service to graduate high school?
  • Should convicted felons who have completed their sentence be allowed to vote?
  • Should gun ownership be more tightly regulated?
  • Should recycling be made mandatory?
  • Should employers be required to offer paid leave to new parents?
  • Are there any circumstances where torture should be allowed?
  • Should children under the age of 18 be able to get plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons?
  • Should white supremacy groups be allowed to hold rallies in public places?
  • Does making abortion illegal make women more or less safe?
  • Does foreign aid actually help developing countries?
  • Are there times a person’s freedom of speech should be curtailed?
  • Should people over a certain age not be allowed to adopt children?


  • Should the minimum voting age be raised/lowered/kept the same?
  • Should Puerto Rico be granted statehood?
  • Should the United States build a border wall with Mexico?
  • Who should be the next person printed on American banknotes?
  • Should the United States’ military budget be reduced?
  • Did China’s one child policy have overall positive or negative impacts on the country?
  • Should DREAMers be granted US citizenship?
  • Is national security more important than individual privacy?
  • What responsibility does the government have to help homeless people?
  • Should the electoral college be abolished?
  • Should the US increase or decrease the number of refugees it allows in each year?
  • Should privately-run prisons be abolished?
  • Who was the most/least effective US president?
  • Will Brexit end up helping or harming the UK?


  • What’s the best way to reduce the spread of Ebola?
  • Is the Keto diet a safe and effective way to lose weight?
  • Should the FDA regulate vitamins and supplements more strictly?
  • Should public schools require all students who attend to be vaccinated?
  • Is eating genetically modified food safe?
  • What’s the best way to make health insurance more affordable?
  • What’s the best way to lower the teen pregnancy rate?
  • Should recreational marijuana be legalized nationwide?
  • Should birth control pills be available without a prescription?
  • Should pregnant women be forbidden from buying cigarettes and alcohol?
  • Why has anxiety increased in adolescents?
  • Are low-carb or low-fat diets more effective for weight loss?
  • What caused the destruction of the USS Maine?
  • Was King Arthur a mythical legend or actual Dark Ages king?
  • Was the US justified in dropping atomic bombs during WWII?
  • What was the primary cause of the Rwandan genocide?
  • What happened to the settlers of the Roanoke colony?
  • Was disagreement over slavery the primary cause of the US Civil War?
  • What has caused the numerous disappearances in the Bermuda triangle?
  • Should nuclear power be banned?
  • Is scientific testing on animals necessary?
  • Do zoos help or harm animals?
  • Should scientists be allowed to clone humans?
  • Should animals in circuses be banned?
  • Should fracking be legal?
  • Should people be allowed to keep exotic animals as pets?
  • What’s the best way to reduce illegal poaching in Africa?
  • What is the best way to reduce the impact of global warming?
  • Should euthanasia be legalized?
  • Is there legitimate evidence of extraterrestrial life?
  • Should people be banned from owning aggressive dog breeds?
  • Should the United States devote more money towards space exploration?
  • Should the government subsidize renewable forms of energy?
  • Is solar energy worth the cost?
  • Should stem cells be used in medicine?
  • Is it right for the US to leave the Paris Climate Agreement?
  • Should athletes who fail a drug test receive a lifetime ban from the sport?
  • Should college athletes receive a salary?
  • Should the NFL do more to prevent concussions in players?
  • Do PE classes help students stay in shape?
  • Should horse racing be banned?
  • Should cheerleading be considered a sport?
  • Should children younger than 18 be allowed to play tackle football?
  • Are the costs of hosting an Olympic Games worth it?
  • Can online schools be as effective as traditional schools?
  • Do violent video games encourage players to be violent in real life?
  • Should facial recognition technology be banned?
  • Does excessive social media use lead to depression/anxiety?
  • Has the rise of translation technology made knowing multiple languages obsolete?
  • Was Steve Jobs a visionary or just a great marketer?
  • Should social media be banned for children younger than a certain age?
  • Which 21st-century invention has had the largest impact on society?
  • Are ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft good or bad for society?
  • Should Facebook have done more to protect the privacy of its users?
  • Will technology end up increasing or decreasing inequality worldwide?


Tips for Writing a Strong Persuasive Essay

After you’ve chosen the perfect topic for your persuasive essay, your work isn’t over. Follow the three tips below to create a top-notch essay.

Do Your Research

Your argument will fall apart if you don’t fully understand the issue you’re discussing or you overlook an important piece of it. Readers won’t be convinced by someone who doesn’t know the subject, and you likely won’t persuade any of them to begin supporting your viewpoint. Before you begin writing a single word of your essay, research your topic thoroughly. Study different sources, learn about the different sides of the argument, ask anyone who’s an expert on the topic what their opinion is, etc. You might be tempted to start writing right away, but by doing your research, you’ll make the writing process much easier when the time comes.

Make Your Thesis Perfect

Your thesis is the most important sentence in your persuasive essay. Just by reading that single sentence, your audience should know exactly what topic you’ll be discussing and where you stand on the issue. You want your thesis to be crystal clear and to accurately set up the rest of your essay. Asking classmates or your teacher to look it over before you begin writing the rest of your essay can be a big help if you’re not entirely confident in your thesis.

Consider the Other Side

You’ll spend most of your essay focusing on your side of the argument since that’s what you want readers to come away believing. However, don’t think that means you can ignore other sides of the issue. In your essay, be sure to discuss the other side’s argument, as well as why you believe this view is weak or untrue. Researching all the different viewpoints and including them in your essay will increase the quality of your writing by making your essay more complete and nuanced.

Summary: Persuasive Essay Ideas

Good persuasive essay topics can be difficult to come up with, but in this guide we’ve created a list of 113 excellent essay topics for you to browse. The best persuasive essay ideas will be those that you are interested in, have enough evidence to support your argument, and aren’t too complicated to be summarized in an essay.

After you’ve chosen your essay topic, keep these three tips in mind when you begin writing:

  • Do your research
  • Make your thesis perfect
  • Consider the other side

What's Next?

Need ideas for a research paper topic as well? Our guide to research paper topics has over 100 topics in ten categories so you can be sure to find the perfect topic for you.

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Christine graduated from Michigan State University with degrees in Environmental Biology and Geography and received her Master's from Duke University. In high school she scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT and was named a National Merit Finalist. She has taught English and biology in several countries.

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How to Write an Opinion Essay (With Tips and Examples)

Are you struggling with how to write an opinion essay that effectively communicates your viewpoint on a particular topic while providing strong evidence to back it up? Fear not! In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of crafting a quality opinion essay, from understanding the purpose and structure to choosing engaging topics and employing effective writing techniques. Let’s dive in!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Opinion essays are formal pieces of writing that express the author’s viewpoint on a given subject.
  • Crafting an effective thesis statement and outline, choosing engaging topics, using formal language and tone, addressing counterarguments and maintaining logical flow are essential for creating compelling opinion essays.
  • The revision process is key to producing polished opinion essays that effectively convey one’s opinions.

What is an Opinion Essay?

An opinion essay, also known as an opinion paper, is a formal piece of writing wherein the author expresses their viewpoint on a given subject and provides factual and anecdotal evidence to substantiate their opinion. The purpose of an opinion essay is to articulate a position in a clear and informative manner, following a proper opinion essay structure. Opinion essays are commonly found in newspapers and social media, allowing individuals to articulate their perspectives and opinions on a specific topic, striving to create a perfect opinion essay.

While the focus of an opinion essay should be on the writer’s own opinion concerning the issue, it necessitates more meticulous planning and effort than simply articulating one’s own thoughts on a particular topic. The arguments in an opinion essay should be grounded on well-researched data, making it crucial to consult pertinent information, including the definition, topics, opinion writing examples, and requirements, to write an opinion essay and transform novice writers into proficient writers.

Crafting the Perfect Thesis Statement

A strong thesis statement is the foundation of a great essay. It clearly expresses the writer’s opinion and sets the stage for the rest of the essay. To craft the perfect thesis statement, start by perusing the essay prompt multiple times to ensure you fully understand the question or topic you are being asked to discuss. Once you have a clear understanding of the topic, construct your opinion and conduct thorough research to locate evidence to corroborate your stance and examine counterarguments or contrasting perspectives.

Remember, your thesis statement should provide a succinct overview of the opinion essay and serve as a guide for the remainder of the paper. By crafting a strong thesis statement, you will be able to capture your reader’s attention and set the tone for a well-structured and persuasive essay.

Building a Solid Opinion Essay Outline

A well-structured opinion essay format is crucial for organizing your thoughts and ensuring that your entire essay flows smoothly from one point to the next. An opinion essay outline typically comprises an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion, following the standard five-paragraph essay structure.

Let’s delve deeper into each component of the outline. The introduction should provide a brief overview of the topic and your opinion on it. It should be.


The introduction of your opinion essay should hook the reader and provide an overview of the essay’s content. To achieve this, consider addressing the reader directly, introducing a quotation, posing thought-provoking or rhetorical questions, or referring to a remarkable or unconventional fact, concept, or scenario.

It is essential to introduce the topic clearly in the introduction to avoid superfluous phrases and inapplicable facts that are not pertinent to the topic. By crafting an engaging introduction, you will set the stage for a compelling and well-organized opinion essay.

Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs of your good opinion essay should provide arguments and supporting examples to substantiate your opinion. Begin each paragraph with a distinct topic sentence and use credible sources to provide substantiation for your viewpoint with dependable data.

Addressing counterarguments in your body paragraphs can also enhance your essay by illustrating a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and fortifying your stance.

Organize your body paragraphs in a coherent manner, ensuring that each argument and supporting example flows logically from one to the next. This will make it easier for your reader to follow your train of thought and strengthen the overall impact of your essay.

The conclusion of your opinion essay should summarize the main points and restate your opinion in a new manner, providing a sense of closure and completion to your argument. Keep your conclusion concise and avoid introducing new information or arguments at this stage. By effectively summarizing your main points and restating your opinion, you will leave a lasting impression on your reader and demonstrate the strength of your argument.

In addition to summarizing your main ideas, consider providing a final thought or call to action that will leave your reader pondering the implications of your essay. This can further reinforce the impact of your conclusion and leave a lasting impression on your reader.

Choosing Engaging Opinion Essay Topics

Selecting engaging topics for opinion essays is crucial for capturing the reader’s interest and encouraging critical thinking. While there are an abundance of potential questions or topics that could be utilized for an opinion essay, it is important to choose topics that are relevant, interesting, and thought-provoking.

To find inspiration for engaging opinion essay topics, consider browsing the Op-Ed sections of newspapers, exploring social media debates, or even reflecting on your own experiences and interests. Keep in mind that a well-chosen topic not only draws the reader’s attention, but also stimulates critical thinking and fosters insightful discussions.

Opinion Essay Writing Techniques

Effective opinion essay writing techniques include using formal language and tone, addressing counterarguments, and maintaining logical flow.

Let’s explore each of these techniques in more detail.

Formal Language and Tone

Using formal language and tone in your opinion essay is essential for conveying a sense of professionalism and credibility. This can be achieved by avoiding slang, jargon, and colloquial expressions, as well as short forms and over-generalizations. Moreover, expressing your opinion without utilizing the personal pronoun “I” can give your essay a seemingly more objective approach.

Remember that the recommended tense for composing an opinion essay is present tense. By maintaining a formal language and tone throughout your essay, you will demonstrate your expertise on the subject matter and instill confidence in your reader.

Addressing Counterarguments

Addressing counterarguments in your opinion essay is an effective way to demonstrate a well-rounded understanding of the topic and strengthen your position. To do this, introduce opposing viewpoints in a straightforward manner and provide evidence to counter them. This not only showcases your comprehension of the subject matter, but also bolsters your own argument by refuting potential objections.

By acknowledging and addressing counterarguments, you will create a more balanced and persuasive opinion essay that encourages critical thinking and engages your reader.

Maintaining Logical Flow

Ensuring your opinion essay maintains a logical flow is critical for enabling your reader to follow your arguments and evidence with ease. To achieve this, utilize precise and succinct words, compose legible sentences, and construct well-structured paragraphs. Incorporating transitional words and varied sentence structures can also enhance the flow of your essay.

By maintaining a logical flow throughout your opinion essay, you will create an organized and coherent piece of writing that effectively communicates your viewpoint and supporting arguments to your reader.

Analyzing Opinion Essay Examples

Analyzing opinion essay examples can help improve your understanding of the structure and style required for this type of writing. Numerous examples are available online as a source of reference, providing valuable insights into how other writers have approached similar topics and structured their essays.

By examining opinion essay examples, you will be better equipped to identify the elements of a successful essay and apply them to your own writing. This will not only enhance your understanding of opinion essay writing, but also inspire you to develop your own unique voice and style.

The Revision Process: Polishing Your Opinion Essay

The revision process is essential for polishing your opinion essay, ensuring clarity, logical flow, and proper grammar and punctuation. Start by rereading your first draft, making improvements as you progress and rectifying any grammar errors that may be observed. Having another individual review your writing, such as a family member or friend, can provide candid feedback, allowing you to refine your essay further.

The ultimate step in composing an opinion essay is proofreading. This final review will ensure that your essay is polished and free from errors, resulting in a well-crafted and persuasive piece of writing that effectively communicates your opinion on the topic at hand.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you start an opinion essay.

To start an opinion essay, begin by stating the subject of your essay and expressing your perspective on it. Follow up by using an interesting or provocative statement to capture the reader’s attention.

Introduce your essay by restating the question in your own words, making sure to make your opinion clear throughout your essay.

What is the structure of an opinion essay?

An opinion essay is typically structured with an introduction containing a thesis statement, body paragraphs providing arguments or reasons that support your view, and a conclusion.

Each section of the essay should be written in a formal tone to ensure clarity and effectiveness.

What is the format of an opinion paragraph?

An opinion paragraph typically begins with a clear statement of the opinion, followed by body sentences providing evidence and support for the opinion, before finally summarizing or restating the opinion in a concluding sentence.

It should be written in a formal tone.

What not to write in an opinion essay?

When writing an opinion essay, make sure to stay on topic, avoid slang and jargon, introduce the topic clearly and concisely, and do not include unnecessary facts that do not relate directly to the question.

Use a formal tone and keep your conclusion clear in the first sentence.

What is the purpose of an opinion essay?

The purpose of an opinion essay is to articulate a position in a clear and informative manner, providing evidence to support it.

This type of essay requires the writer to research the topic thoroughly and present their opinion in a logical and convincing way. They must also be able to back up their opinion with facts and evidence.

In conclusion, crafting a quality opinion essay requires a clear understanding of the purpose and structure of this type of writing, as well as the ability to choose engaging topics and employ effective writing techniques. By following the guidelines and tips provided in this guide, you will be well on your way to creating a compelling and persuasive opinion essay that effectively articulates your viewpoint and supporting arguments.

Remember, practice makes perfect. The more you write and revise, the more adept you will become at crafting insightful and impactful opinion essays. So, go forth and share your opinions with the world, backed by strong evidence and persuasive writing!

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Home — Blog — Topic Ideas — Great Opinion Essay Topics for Everyone

Great Opinion Essay Topics for Everyone

opinion essay topics

An opinion essay is about expressing your point of view. You can fully agree with a certain statement, partially or express complete disagreement. In this case, each argument in support of your point of view should be devoted to a paragraph. In this type of essay, you indicate your opinion in the introduction and conclusion.

Choosing a balanced approach, you should not only describe the problem from two sides (one paragraph – points for, and the second – points against) but also indicate which position is closer to you. In this case, it is advisable to start with an idea that is less close to you and devote the second paragraph to the one you adhere to. You must indicate your position in three places: in the introduction, in the conclusion, and in the topic sentence of the second paragraph.

In the introduction, the author expresses his opinion, starting with the words in my opinion. In the first paragraph, he indicates the position that is less close to him, and in the second, the one to which he is more inclined. At the same time, he gives consistent and convincing arguments in support of his opinion with the help of introductory constructions on the one hand, on the other hand. In the conclusion, the author uses the introductory phrase in conclusion and summarizes his opinion with the phrase I am still convinced that.

Next, we will look at opinion essay topics that will help you get inspired to write your own work.

Top 15 Opinion Essay Topics

Here we will analyze the 15 most popular topics for an opinion essay .

  • Do you think that technology has reduced the social interaction of people?
  • How has science influenced modern education?
  • How do you feel about dating apps?
  • Do you think social media filters are bad for mental health?
  • Do you think smartphones can be used in the classroom?
  • How do you think social media should be censored?
  • How do you think the Internet harms or benefits?
  • Is global warming real and how can it be combated?
  • Is it true that strict parents harm children more than they help?
  • Do you think parents should provide privacy to their children?
  • Is it true that it is easier for a younger person to learn a language?
  • Do you think medical marijuana should be banned?
  • Is it true that all legends are based on false facts?
  • Is it normal for college students to be tech-savvy?
  • Is it true that dolphins carry death to the dam?

Public Opinion Essay Topics

Public opinion papers topics include the general beliefs, desires, and reasoning of most people.

  • Can we continue to trust news resources and channels?
  • Do you think health insurance should be more affordable?
  • Is it true that domestic violence harms the public?
  • Do you think that abortion can remain legal ?
  • Do you think the legalization of cannabis is more harmful or beneficial?
  • Does owning a firearm make people feel safer?
  • Do you think national parks are endangered?
  • How do you think social networks affect the split of the public in the country?
  • Can mass depression be considered a global health problem in the country?
  • Should school help parents control the amount of time their children spend on gadgets?
  • How can you fight fake news?
  • What solutions to economic inequality would you suggest?
  • Can we trust the voting system?
  • Does our country need to reform its military policy?
  • Do you think that the death penalty should be abolished everywhere?
  • Do you think it is possible to fight corruption in the police?
  • How can the rise of homelessness be tackled in the country?
  • Do you think the public will ever be satisfied with their president?
  • How does the appearance of a person affect his mood and performance?
  • Is it necessary to play sports in schools on a mandatory basis?

Personal Opinion Essay Topics

Here are some ideas for opinion essays on personal topics.

  • Is it true that social networks contribute to the development of depression in adolescents?
  • Do you think that respect is a key aspect of success in a person’s life?
  • How do you think close friendships should imply ethics?
  • Can self-pity harm a person?
  • How do you know when a romantic relationship is over?
  • In your opinion, should the public education system provide healthy nutrition to students?
  • Is it acceptable that students’ homework takes up all their free time?
  • How important is rest to ensure good academic performance?
  • Does travel really help broaden your horizons and worldview?
  • Is it true that journaling has a positive effect on a person’s emotions?
  • How do you think students should be allowed to use e-books during class?
  • Can I feel safe at school ?
  • Is bullying really a sign of a person’s insecurity?
  • Does a modern business need offices?
  • Should the age limit for drivers be raised to 18?
  • Do you think working women can be good mothers?
  • Does military training really have a positive effect on the development of a person’s character?
  • How can evil parents harm their children?
  • Does a person need time management?
  • What benefits and harms can energy drinks bring to the human body?

Opinion Topics in History

Here are some historical topics for opinion writing .

  • Benefits of learning the history of other countries.
  • US role in World War II.
  • Religion and State: An Unobvious Connection.
  • Why do students need to study subjects that they will not need in the future?
  • History of cinema: how did it all begin?
  • Echoes of Slavery Today: The Black Lives Matter Movement.
  • Views and true intentions of Che Guevara.
  • Benefits of capitalism.
  • Causes of the Caribbean Crisis.
  • Causes of the Cold War.
  • The difference between the monarchy in Spain and Great Britain.
  • Religion and the Amish: A Conservative Religious Movement in Christianity.
  • Displacement by the British colonizers of the indigenous population of the United States.
  • The viability of communism today. 

Good Opinion Writing Topics: Elementary

Here are good opinion writing topics for an essay on elementary themes.

  • Time management in elementary grades.
  • The role of extracurricular reading in education.
  • The role of social networks in shaping the personality of a child.
  • Creative subjects as the basis for the versatile development of the student.
  • The role of pocket money in the development of interpersonal relationships between primary school students.
  • No use of smartphones during lessons.
  • The influence of pets on the socialization of students.
  • Food and education: they are more connected than you think.
  • Change as an important part of your child’s socialization.
  • Drawing and singing: two things you can’t refuse.
  • The role of classical music in stimulating the brain activity of students.
  • Warming up between classes is a way to improve the learning process.
  • Gamification of classes: pros and cons.
  • Is it worth it to completely replace physical media with digital ones?
  • What is the complexity and size of the ideal homework assignment?

Opinion Essay Topics: Sports

Here are some sports topics for essay writing .

  • How do you think the use of doping in sports is ethical?
  • Does success in sports really depends on eating a healthy diet?
  • Do athletes have a life after retirement?
  • Is it possible to justify sporting achievements by getting serious injuries?
  • Is it true that athletes must meet high moral standards?
  • Is it true that successful coaches make their teams successful?
  • How much do professional athletes get paid?
  • Is it true that female athletes are engaged in traditionally male sports?
  • The role of the Olympic Games in strengthening friendly relations between countries.
  • Is there any ethics in sports exports involving animals?
  • Can a break from sports be beneficial?
  • Do good shoes really provide a part of success in sports?
  • Do college athletes deserve professional coaching?
  • Is it true that athletes are less susceptible to depression?
  • Is it true that basketball players are more vulnerable to racist discrimination?

Opinion Essay Topics on Culture

Here are some cultural opinion topics .

  • The role of modern pop music in shaping public attitudes.
  • Unrealistic beauty standards of today.
  • Electronic music as a tribute to universal digitalization.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of online communication.
  • The Internet as a Cause of Inappropriate Expectations in Interpersonal Relationships.
  • Globalization of the fashion industry as a reason for the destruction of cultural heritage.
  • The cycle of fashion.
  • K-pop as a unique phenomenon in modern culture.
  • Rock and pop industry: they have more in common than you think.
  • YouTube as the main platform for identifying talents.
  • Copyright in the music industry.
  • Twitch and Instagram as tools for female objectification.
  • Digital technologies in politics.
  • Features of the cuisines of the people of the world.
  • Pacifism in modern culture.

Nursing Opinion Essay Topics

Here are some best opinion nursing essay topics 

  • Cases of exaggeration of the powers of nurses.
  • Features of communication of medical staff with relatives of patients.
  • The problem of interaction between medical staff and patients planning a gender transition.
  • Digitalization of work processes of medical staff.
  • Digitalization as one of the reasons for the reduction of medical staff.
  • Forced vaccination: pros and cons.
  • Globalization of medical control of the population.
  • The role of homeopathy in modern medicine.
  • The problem of alternative medicine.
  • The problem of euthanasia in different countries.
  • Patient Data Privacy.
  • Expansion of the ban on the free sale of drugs.
  • Genetics and diseases.
  • The effectiveness of patient participation in the treatment process.
  • Gender dependence of the nursing profession.

Social Media Opinion Essay Topics

Here are some social media essays writing ideas.

  • Social networks as an element of approval in education.
  • The impact of social media on everyday life.
  • Censorship on the modern web.
  • Problems with using digital sources of information in education.
  • Eco activity in social networks.
  • The role of influencers in changing the moral values of society.
  • Social engineering as a scourge of modern society.
  • Cyberbullying and reality.
  • Children and social networks: are restrictions necessary?
  • Digitalization and modern culture.
  • The role of Twitter in politics.
  • Smartphones and parental controls.
  • Piracy on social media.
  • Popularization of deep fakes.
  • Success in reality and success in social networks: is there a difference?

Education Opinion Essay Topics

Here are the best interesting education essay themes.

  • Should children be taught to write in elementary schools?
  • Should students be allowed to carry phones to school?
  • What benefits do students get from participating in extracurricular activities?
  • Do you think it is worth raising the age of graduates?
  • Do you think e-learning is effective enough?
  • The role of gamification in increasing the involvement of students in the educational process.
  • Why is learning a foreign language critical for a student?
  • Why grade is not an indicator of a student’s mental development?
  • Are e-books dangerous?
  • Is it acceptable to punish students by teachers?
  • How reliable can online sources be for research?
  • Should students study only those subjects they like?
  • And how relevant are Gender Schools today?
  • Are there any advantages to distance learning?
  • What is the role of Latin in modern education?

 Literature Opinion Essay Topics

Here are some literature opinion essay topics.

  • What caused gender bias in 17th-century English literature?
  • What is the satire in Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?
  • How did Shakespeare present love and death in his works?
  • Do you think English grammar should be preserved?
  • The more a person reads, the better he can write.
  • How do you think reducing the amount of literature in college will positively affect the level of education of students?
  • Do engineering students need English?
  • How can essay writing help in building a successful career?
  • Taras Shevchenko as an image of Ukrainian society.
  • Is Martin Luther King Jr. the voice of the African American people?
  • How can science fiction contribute to the development of technology?
  • Does reading have a positive effect on PTSD patients?
  • How quickly will e-books be replaced by paper ones?
  • Should the works of the classics become free?
  • How to get kids to read? 

Psychology Opinion Essay Topics

Here are the best topics for an essay on psychology. 

  • What is causing the rise of racism in the United States of America?
  • What is the importance of personal perception?
  • Is love really a chemical reaction
  • Identify examples of the effective use of propaganda.
  • How important is it for people to understand non-verbal communication?
  • What are the most pressing issues in the field of social cognition?
  • How to force yourself not to put off homework until later?
  • How do commercials affect the human brain?
  • Is it true that laughter is good for a person?
  • What are the consequences of cyberbullying?
  • What non-standard methods can increase productivity in the workplace?
  • How does aging affect human behavior?
  • Are there effective treatments for a personality disorder?
  • Does exercise really have a positive effect on the human brain?
  • Is it the right decision to give a small child access to a smartphone?

Opinion Essay Sample for Students

Here are interesting ideas for opinion essays for students.

  • The problem of the high cost of education in capitalist countries.
  • Issues of the safety of public places.
  • The attitude of different generations to social networks.
  • The value of the institution of marriage in modern society.
  • Maternity leave and the problems of restoring former labor duties.
  • Antidepressants as an addiction.
  • The out-of-school pastime of students.
  • Gender and economic inequality in third world countries.
  • Interpersonal relationships and the covid-19 pandemic.
  • IVF privacy issues.
  • Changes in US government policy related to Russian aggression.
  • The environmental aspect of using private transport.
  • DNA examination in the investigation: how expedient is it to rely on its results?
  • The problem of life imprisonment in states that have abolished the death penalty.
  • The influence of the opinion of the people of the United States on the foreign policy of the state.
  • The effectiveness of the state in solving drug addiction problems.

We hope that the topics that we have suggested will help you write a good topic for an essay . In case you need help with writing a paper, you can always refer to our free database, which contains thousands of essays and topics for writing them. On our website, you will find many prompts and topics you can write about   in good opinion essays.

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subjects for an opinion essay

subjects for an opinion essay

Opinion Writing: a Guide to Writing a Successful Essay Easily

subjects for an opinion essay

An opinion essay requires students to write their thoughts regarding a subject matter. Relevant examples and explanations back their point of view. Before starting an opinion paper, it is important to study the definition, topics, requirements, and structure. Referring to examples is also highly useful. Perhaps you need help with our admission essay writing service ? Take a look at this guide from our dissertation writing service to learn how to write an opinion essay like an expert.

What Is an Opinion Essay

A common question among students is: ‘What is an Opinion Essay?' It is an assignment that contains questions that allow students to share their point-of-view on a subject matter. Students should express their thoughts precisely while providing opinions on the issue related to the field within reasonable logic. Some opinion essays type require references to back the writer's claims.

Opinion writing involves using a student's personal point-of-view, which is segregated into a point. It is backed by examples and explanations. The paper addresses the audience directly by stating ‘Dear Readers' or the equivalent. The introduction involves a reference to a speech, book, or play. This is normally followed by a rhetorical question like ‘is the pope Catholic?' or something along those lines.

What Kind of Student Faces an Opinion Essay

Non-native English-speaking students enrolled in the International English Language Testing System by the British Council & Cambridge Assessment English are tasked with learning how to write the opinion essays. This can be high-school or college students. It is designed to enhance the level of English among students. It enables them to express their thoughts and opinions while writing good opinion essay in English.


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What Are the Requirements of an Opinion Essay?

What Are the Requirements of an Opinion Essay

Avoid Going Off-Topic: Always write an opinion essay within relevance to answer the assigned question. This is also known as ‘beating around the bush' and should not be included in any opinion paragraph as it may lower your grade.

Indent the First Paragraph: With most academic papers, opinion writing is not different. Therefore, it contains the rule of indenting the first line of the introduction.

A Well-Thought Thesis: The full thesis statement is a brief description of the opinion essay. It determines the rest of the paper. Include all the information that you wish to include in the body paragraphs

The Use of Formal Languages: Although it is okay to write informally, keep a wide range of professional and formal words. This includes: ‘Furthermore,' ‘As Stated By,' ‘However', & ‘Thus'.

Avoid Internet Slang: In the opinion paper, avoid writing using slang words. Don'tDon't include words like ‘LOL', ‘OMG', ‘LMAO', etc.

The Use of First Person Language (Optional): For the reason of providing personal thought, it is acceptable to write your personal opinion essay in the first person.

Avoid Informal Punctuation: Although the requirements allow custom essay for the first-person language, they do not permit informal punctuation. This includes dashes, exclamation marks, and emojis.

Avoid Including Contradictions: Always make sure all spelling and grammar is correct.

We also recommend reading about types of sentences with examples .

Opinion Essay Topics

Before learning about the structure, choosing from a wide range of opinion essay topics is important. Picking an essay theme is something that can be done very simply. Choosing an excellent opinion essay topic that you are interested in or have a passion for is advisable. Otherwise, you may find the writing process boring. This also ensures that your paper will be both effective and well-written.

  • Do sports differ from ordinary board games?
  • Is using animals in circus performances immoral?
  • Why should we be honest with our peers?
  • Should all humans be entitled to a 4-day workweek?
  • Should all humans become vegetarians?
  • Does a CEO earn too much?
  • Should teens be barred from having sleepovers?
  • Should everyone vote for their leader?
  • The Pros & Cons of Day-Light Saving Hours.
  • What are the most energy-efficient and safest cars of X year?

Opinion Essay Structure

When it comes to opinion paragraphs, students may struggle with the opinion essay format. The standard five-paragraph-essay structure usually works well for opinion essays. Figuring out what one is supposed to include in each section may be difficult for beginners. This is why following the opinion essay structure is something all beginners should do, for their own revision before writing the entire essay.

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Opinion Essay Structure

Opinion essay introduction

  • Address the audience directly, and state the subject matter.
  • Reference a speech, poem, book, or play.
  • Include the author's name and date of publication in brackets.
  • 1 or 2 sentences to make up a short description.
  • 1 or 2 summarizing sentences of the entire paper.
  • 1 sentence that links to the first body paragraph.

Body Paragraph 1

  • Supporting arguments
  • Explanation
  • A linking sentence to the second body paragraph.

Body Paragraph 2

  • Supporting argument
  • A linking sentence to the third body paragraph.

Body Paragraph 3

  • A linking sentence to the conclusion.

Conclusion paragraph

  • Summary of the entire paper
  • A conclusive sentence (the bigger picture in conclusion)

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Opinion Essay Examples

Do you need something for reference? Reading opinion essay examples can expand your knowledge of this style of writing, as you get to see exactly how this form of an essay is written. Take a look at our samples to get an insight into this form of academic writing.

Over the past, American popular culture has been strong in creating racial stereotypes. Images displayed through television, music, and the internet have an impact on how individuals behave and what individuals believe. People find their identities and belief systems from popular culture. Evidently, I believe that American pop culture has created racial stereotypes that predominantly affect other ethnic minorities. Analyzing the history of America reveals that African Americans have always had a problem defining themselves as Americans ever since the era of slavery. AfricanAmericans have always had a hard time being integrated into American culture. The result is that African Americans have been subjected to ridicule and shame. American pop culture has compounded the problem by enhancing the negative stereotypes ofAfrican American. In theatre, film, and music, African Americans have been associated with vices such as murder, theft, and violence.
The family systems theory has a significant revelation on family relations. I firmly agree that to understand a particular family or a member, they should be around other family members. The emotional connection among different family members may create functional or dysfunctional coexistence, which is not easy to identify when an individual is further from the other members. Taking an example of the extended family, the relationship between the mother-in-law and her daughter-in-law may be tense, but once they are outside the family, they can pretend to have a good relationship. Therefore, I agree with the theory that the existing emotional attachment and developed culture in the family is distinctively understood when the family is together.

Opinion writing is a form of academic paper that asks students to include their thoughts on a particular topic. This is then backed by a logical explanation and examples. Becoming more knowledgeable is a practical way to successfully learn how to write an opinion paper. Before writing anything, it is essential to refer to important information. That includes the definition, topics, opinion writing examples, and requirements. This is what turns amateur writers into master writers.

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Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

subjects for an opinion essay

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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Opinion Essays – Step-by-Step Instructions

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How to Write an Opinion Essay


What makes an opinion essay truly compelling? Why do some essays resonate while others fall flat? The art of opinion writing is not just about sharing your thoughts; it is about persuading, informing, and engaging your readers. Today, we will learn all about crafting an impactful opinion essay.

So, how do you transform your opinions into powerful words that leave a lasting impression? Let us dive in and discover the keys to success in opinion writing.

What Is an Opinion Essay?

An opinion essay is a written work where an author expresses their viewpoint on a particular topic or issue. Unlike other essays that primarily rely on factual information and objective analysis, an opinion essay is inherently subjective, emphasizing the writer's beliefs, feelings, and perspectives.

Opinion essays are prevalent in various contexts, from academic assignments and journalism to blogs and editorials. They serve as a platform for individuals to express themselves, share their unique perspectives, and contribute to meaningful discussions on various subjects.

What Kind of Student Faces an Opinion Essay?

Let us explore the characteristics and educational contexts where opinion essays are commonly encountered:

1. High School Students:

High school students are frequently introduced to opinion essays as part of their English or language arts curriculum. These essay help students develop fundamental writing skills and the ability to express their viewpoints coherently. Opinion essays at this level often revolve around personal experiences, literary analysis, or current events, fostering critical thinking and communication skills.

2. College and University Students:

College and university students encounter opinion essays across various disciplines, from humanities and social sciences to natural sciences and engineering. In college, opinion essays become more sophisticated, requiring students to delve into scholarly research, cite academic sources, and formulate well-supported arguments. These essays are instrumental in promoting research skills, academic writing proficiency, and the ability to synthesize complex information.

3. Graduates and Postgraduates:

Graduate and postgraduate students frequently engage in opinion essays as part of their coursework and research activities. At this level, opinion essays may take the form of thesis proposals, research position papers, or responses to academic debates. These essays serve as essential paraphrasing tool for contributing to the scholarly discourse within their fields.

4. Law Students:

Law students encounter opinion essays in the form of legal memoranda, case briefs, or persuasive arguments. These essays hone their legal writing and argumentative essay topics skills.

In the legal profession, constructing well-reasoned opinions is vital, as lawyers often need to advocate for their clients' positions.

5. Journalism and Communication Students:

Students pursuing journalism or communication degrees frequently write opinion pieces, such as editorials and op-eds. Opinion essays in this context train students to effectively convey their thoughts to a broader audience while adhering to ethical and journalistic standards.

6. Political Science and Philosophy Students:

Political science or philosophy students delve into opinion essays as they explore complex political ideologies, ethical dilemmas, and philosophical debates. Opinion essays in these disciplines require students to analyze and critically evaluate different perspectives, fostering a deep understanding of complex issues.

7. MBA and Business Students:

MBA and business students encounter opinion essays in business ethics, strategic management, and decision-making courses. These essays sharpen their ability to make informed, ethical business judgments and communicate their rationale effectively.

8. ESL and Non-Native English Speakers:

Students learning English as a second language (ESL) or non-native English speakers may face opinion essays to enhance their language proficiency. Opinion essays help ESL students develop language skills while expressing their thoughts on diverse essay topics .

What Are the Requirements of an Opinion Essay?

Here are the key elements that should be present in an opinion essay:

1. Clear and Concise Thesis Statement:

Every opinion essay should start with a well-defined thesis statement. This statement is the heart of your essay, succinctly summarizing your main argument or viewpoint. It should be placed in the introduction, typically towards the end of that section.

 2. Introduction:

  • The introduction serves as the opening of your essay, capturing the reader's attention and providing essential context for the topic.
  • Begin with a compelling hook, which can be a thought-provoking question, an interesting fact, a relevant quote, or a brief anecdote.
  • Clearly present your thesis statement, outlining your opinion on the issue.
  • Provide a brief overview of the points you intend to discuss in the essay's body, setting the reader's expectations.

3. Well-Structured Body Paragraphs:

  • The body of your opinion essay should consist of several well-organized paragraphs, each dedicated to a specific aspect or supporting point related to your thesis.
  • Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence directly connecting to your thesis statement.
  • Offer substantial evidence, examples, statistics, or personal experiences to support your viewpoint. Ensure the evidence is relevant and convincing.
  • Maintain a logical flow between paragraphs, using transitional words and phrases to guide the reader seamlessly through your arguments.

4. Acknowledgment of Counterarguments:

  • A robust opinion essay acknowledges opposing viewpoints or counterarguments. This demonstrates your ability to consider alternative perspectives and strengthens your own argument.
  • Counterarguments can be addressed within the body paragraphs or in a dedicated paragraph where you present, discuss, and ultimately refute opposing views.

5. Conclusion:

  • The conclusion should serve as the closing of your essay, summarizing your thesis statement and the main points presented in the body.
  • However, avoid mere repetition of the introduction. Instead, offer a broader perspective, leaving the reader with something to contemplate, such as a thought-provoking idea, a call to action, or a suggestion for further exploration.
  • Conclude your essay with a sense of closure, ensuring your final words leave a lasting impression.

6. Evidence and Examples:

Support your opinion with credible evidence, such as research findings, assignment expert opinions, or real-life examples. This lends credibility to your argument and makes it more persuasive.

7. Proper Citation:

If your essay includes external sources or references, ensure proper citation following the required citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago). Correct citation is essential to maintain academic integrity and prevent plagiarism.

8. Editing and Proofreading:

  • Before finalizing your opinion essay, perform a thorough edit and proofread. Check for grammar and spelling errors, as well as clarity and coherence.
  • Consider seeking peer, instructor, or professional editor feedback to ensure your essay is polished and error-free.

Opinion Essay Topics

Here are ten broad subject areas for opinion essay topics

1. Technology:

  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Employment
  • Is Social Media Beneficial or Harmful for Society?
  • The Ethics of Data Privacy in the Digital Age
  • Should Technology Be Used in Education More Extensively?
  • Is Online Learning as Effective as Traditional Education?
  • The Role of Technology in Solving Environmental Issues
  • Are Smartphones a Necessity or a Distraction in Daily Life?
  • The Pros and Cons of Video Games for Children
  • Is Technology Making Us More or Less Connected to Each Other?
  • The Future of Work in a World Dominated by Automation

2. Education:

  • Standardized Testing: Does It Accurately Measure Student Abilities?
  • The Impact of Homeschooling on Children's Development
  • Should Schools Implement Uniform Dress Codes?
  • The Role of Arts Education in Academic Curriculum
  • Are College Degrees Still Worth the Investment?
  • The Benefits and Drawbacks of Online Education
  • Should Schools Teach Financial Literacy as a Mandatory Subject?
  • The Influence of Teachers on Students' Success
  • Does Homework Enhance or Impede Learning?
  • The Importance of Inclusive Education for Special Needs Students

3. Environment:

  • The Responsibility of Individuals in Combating Climate Change
  • Should Plastic Bags and Bottles Be Banned to Reduce Pollution?
  • The Impact of Deforestation on Biodiversity
  • Renewable Energy Sources vs. Fossil Fuels: Which is Better?
  • Should Governments Implement Carbon Tax to Reduce Emissions?
  • The Ethics of Animal Testing in Scientific Research
  • Is Sustainable Living Achievable for Everyone?
  • The Role of Urban Planning in Creating Eco-Friendly Cities
  • Are Electric Vehicles the Future of Transportation?
  • The Effectiveness of Recycling Programs in Reducing Waste

4. Politics and Government:

  • The Importance of Voting in a Democracy
  • Is Political Correctness Beneficial or Restrictive to Free Speech?
  • Should Term Limits Be Imposed on Elected Officials?
  • The Role of Social Media in Shaping Political Opinions
  • Universal Healthcare vs. Private Healthcare: Pros and Cons
  • The Impact of Immigration Policies on Society
  • Should Affirmative Action Still Be Implemented?
  • Is Political Polarization a Threat to Democracy?
  • The Influence of Lobbying and Special Interest Groups on Politics
  • Should the Voting Age Be Lowered or Raised?

5. Health and Wellness:

  • The Pros and Cons of a Vegetarian or Vegan Diet
  • The Impact of Fast Food on Public Health
  • Should Vaccination Be Mandatory for All Children?
  • The Benefits and Risks of Legalizing Marijuana
  • The Role of Mental Health Education in Schools
  • Is Healthcare a Basic Human Right?
  • The Ethics of Genetic Engineering and Designer Babies
  • The Impact of Stress on Physical and Mental Health
  • Is Alternative Medicine a Valid Alternative to Conventional Medicine?
  • The Influence of Advertising on Unhealthy Eating Habits

6. Social Issues:

  • The Role of Social Media in Promoting Body Image Issues
  • The Impact of Income Inequality on Society
  • Is Capital Punishment Ethical or Inhumane?
  • The Importance of Gender Equality in the Workplace
  • Should Animal Testing Be Banned for Cosmetic Products?
  • The Ethics of Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
  • The Influence of Celebrity Culture on Young People
  • Is Online Bullying a Serious Threat to Mental Health?
  • The Role of Government in Combating Homelessness

7. Economics:

  • The Effects of Inflation on Consumer Purchasing Power
  • Is Globalization Beneficial or Harmful to Developing Countries?
  • The Impact of Minimum Wage Laws on Employment
  • The Role of Cryptocurrency in Modern Finance
  • Should Governments Provide Universal Basic Income?
  • The Ethics of Corporate Social Responsibility
  • The Pros and Cons of Trade Tariffs
  • Is Economic Growth Sustainable in the Long Term?
  • The Influence of Consumerism on Environmental Degradation
  • The Role of Government Regulation in Preventing Financial Crises

8. Science and Technology Ethics:

  • The Ethical Implications of Human Gene Editing
  • Should Artificial Intelligence Have Legal Rights?
  • The Use of Facial Recognition Technology: Privacy vs. Security
  • The Dangers and Benefits of Biotechnology Advancements
  • The Ethics of Cloning Animals for Human Consumption
  • Is Privacy Invasion Justified in the Name of National Security?
  • The Impact of 3D Printing on Intellectual Property Rights
  • Should Autonomous Weapons Be Banned?
  • The Ethical Considerations of Using CRISPR for Genetic Enhancement
  • Is Space Exploration Worth the Cost and Environmental Impact?

9. Culture and Society:

  • The Influence of Pop Culture on Young People's Behavior
  • Should Cultural Appropriation Be Condemned or Celebrated?
  • The Importance of Preserving Indigenous Languages and Cultures
  • The Role of Music in Shaping Social and Political Movements
  • Should Museums Return Stolen Artifacts to Their Countries of Origin?
  • The Impact of Reality TV Shows on Society's Perception of Reality
  • Is Online Dating a Positive or Negative Trend in Modern Relationships?
  • The Ethics of Cultural Tourism and Its Impact on Local Communities
  • Should Schools Teach More Diverse History and Literature?
  • The Role of Literature and Art in Promoting Social Change

10. Ethics and Morality:

  • The Ethics of Physician-Assisted Suicide for Terminal Patients
  • Is Lying Ever Justified in Moral Dilemmas?
  • The Role of Religion in Shaping Personal Morality
  • The Ethics of Animal Rights: Should Animals Have Legal Personhood?
  • Is Forgiveness a Virtue or a Weakness?
  • The Moral Implications of Cloning Humans
  • The Ethics of Nuclear Weapons and Deterrence
  • Should Government Surveillance Be Permitted for National Security?
  • The Role of Free Will in Determining Moral Responsibility
  • Is It Ethical to Experiment on Animals for Scientific Research?

Opinion Essay Structure

Here is a breakdown of the essential elements:

1. Introduction:

  • Hook: Begin with an attention-grabbing hook, such as a question, fact, quote, or anecdote, to engage the reader's interest.
  • Thesis Statement:  Present your clear and concise thesis statement. This statement is the foundation of your essay and encapsulates your main argument or opinion on the topic.
  • Preview:  Offer a brief overview of the main points or arguments you will discuss in the body of the essay. This sets the reader's expectations.

2. Body Paragraphs:

  • Topic Sentences: Start each body paragraph with a clear topic sentence that relates directly to your thesis statement.
  • Supporting Evidence: Provide evidence, examples, statistics, or expert opinions that support each argument. Ensure that the evidence is relevant and compelling.
  • Transition Sentences: Use transitional words and phrases to guide the reader smoothly from one point to the next. This creates coherence and logical flow.
  • Counterarguments:  Address opposing viewpoints within the body of your essay, demonstrating your ability to evaluate different perspectives critically. This adds depth and persuasiveness to your argument.

3. Conclusion:

  • Restate Thesis: Restate your thesis statement and summarize your main argument.
  • Summarize Main Points: Summarize the key points or arguments you've presented in the essay's body.
  • Broaden Perspective: Move beyond mere repetition of the introduction. Offer a broader perspective on the topic, leaving the reader with something to contemplate, such as the significance of your opinion or a call to action.
  • Closing Thoughts: End with a thought-provoking closing thought, question, or statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

Opinion Essay Examples

Here is an example for you -

The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Social media has become an integral part of our lives in today's digital age. While it offers various benefits, like staying connected with friends and accessing information, its influence on mental health has been a growing concern. This essay explores the impact of social media on mental well-being, arguing that while it has some advantages, it can also have detrimental effects.


The introduction provides a clear thesis statement: "This essay argues that social media has both positive and negative impacts on mental health." It engages the reader's interest with a hook, such as a startling statistic about social media usage or a relevant quote.

Body Paragraphs:

The body of the essay is divided into several paragraphs, each focusing on a specific aspect of the argument:

Positive Aspects:  This paragraph discusses the positive impact of social media, such as fostering connections, providing support networks, and raising awareness of mental health issues. It includes examples and statistics to support these points.

Negative Aspects:  Here, the essay delves into the negative effects of social media, including cyberbullying, social comparison, and addiction. Real-life examples and studies are cited to illustrate these harmful consequences.

Counterarguments: To address opposing viewpoints, the essay checker acknowledges that some studies suggest a limited negative impact of social media. However, it refutes these arguments with counter-studies and expert opinions, emphasizing the overall negative trend.


The conclusion restates the thesis and summarizes the main points from the body paragraphs. It provides a balanced perspective by acknowledging the positive and negative aspects of social media's impact on mental health. The essay ends with a thought-provoking statement, encouraging the reader to consider their own relationship with social media and its effects on their well-being.

Additional Considerations:

The essay's clear topic sentences, evidence, and transitions between paragraphs maintain coherence. The essay follows a formal tone, uses proper grammar and citations, and avoids jargon. It provides a comprehensive overview of the topic while presenting a well-structured argument that engages the reader and encourages critical thinking.

Crafting top-notch and perfect opinion essay writing is not just about expressing your viewpoint; it is about constructing a persuasive and well-structured argument. You can effectively communicate your opinions by adhering to the fundamental elements of a clear thesis statement, an engaging introduction, well-supported body paragraphs, and a thought-provoking conclusion.

Remember to acknowledge opposing viewpoints, use evidence judiciously, and maintain a formal tone. Opinion essays are a powerful platform for sharing your thoughts, contributing to meaningful discussions, and refining your writing and critical thinking skills. You can craft opinion essays that resonate and persuade effectively with the right structure and approach.

Frequently asked questions

Q1. what is the key to a successful opinion essay.

The key to a successful opinion essay is a clear and compelling thesis statement that presents your main argument. Support your viewpoint with relevant evidence, maintain a logical structure, and acknowledge opposing perspectives.

Q2. How can I make my introduction engaging?

Start with a captivating hook, like a thought-provoking question or a surprising fact. Clearly state your thesis statement, and briefly preview the main points you will discuss.

Q3. What role do counterarguments play in an opinion essay?

Counterarguments demonstrate your critical thinking skills and strengthen your argument by addressing opposing viewpoints. You can acknowledge counterarguments within your essay and then refute them.

Q4. How can I ensure my opinion essay is well-structured?

Organize your essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs focusing on specific points, and a conclusion summarizing your argument. Use transitional words for coherence.

Q5. Should I include personal experiences in my opinion essay?

Yes, personal experiences can enhance your essay's authenticity. However, ensure they are relevant to your argument and used as supporting evidence, not as the sole basis of your viewpoint.

Q6. How can I find credible evidence for my opinion essay?

Utilize reputable sources like academic journals, books, and expert opinions. Ensure your sources are recent and authoritative to bolster the credibility of your argument.

Q7. What is the difference between an opinion and a persuasive essay?

While both aim to persuade, an opinion essay primarily expresses your viewpoint. A persuasive essay focuses on convincing the reader to adopt your perspective through strong argumentation.

Q8. How can I maintain a formal tone in my opinion essay?

Avoid overly casual language and slang. Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and follow the conventions of academic writing, such as citing sources correctly.

Q9. Can I use personal anecdotes in my conclusion?

Yes, personal anecdotes can be effective in the conclusion to leave a lasting impression. Relate your personal experience back to your thesis or the broader implications of your opinion.

Q10. What is the most important aspect of revising my opinion essay?

The most crucial revision aspect is ensuring your essay is clear and well-organized. Check for logical flow between paragraphs, and edit for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

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Top 100 opinion essay topics in 2020.

August 5, 2020

Opinion Essay Topics

When you need some great opinion essay topics, you just read our list of 100 amazing ideas and pick the opinion essay topic you like. It’s that simple, and it is 100% free. Our seasoned writers are experts at writing opinion essay topics and they can even teach you how to write opinion essay – if you need our help.

Get an A+ With Our Awesome Opinion Essay Topics

Let’s be honest: writing an opinion essay can be so much easier if you have the right topic. Our amazing writers have put together a list of awesome ideas for opinion essays for you. You can use any one of our topics for free and you can even reword them as you see fit. Pick one of the following topics and start writing right away!

Environment Opinion Essay

If you are interested in the environment and have something to prove, you are more than welcome to write your paper on an environmental topic:

  • Is global warming a big lie?
  • The creation of the Panama Canal.
  • Should we chip animals to keep track of them?
  • The Polar Ice Cap is at risk.
  • Polar bears are on the brink of extinction.
  • Will electric cars save our environment?

Opinion Essay Topics 5th Grade

5th grade students will be thrilled to learn that we have some excellent topics that they can use in 2020:

  • Do we really need to eat animals?
  • What is true friendship really?
  • Why you need at least a second language.
  • What is the best TV show right now?
  • Family time is very important.

Best 5-paragraph Opinion Paper Topics

If you want to make sure the topic you choose is perfect for a 5 paragraph essay, just pick one of the topics below:

  • Should we abolish the death penalty in the US?
  • What’s the best place for a summer vacation?
  • Music helps you do your homework quicker.
  • Reasons to ban smoking.
  • Problems of the current United States tax system.
  • We should ban the export of weapons.

IELTS Opinion Essay Topics

Are you preparing for the IELTS test? Take a look at our IELTS opinion essay topics, pick the one you like, and then go ahead and write the best essay you can:

  • Why do you think prevention is better than cure?
  • Information security problems in the 21st century.
  • Single-sex schools vs. co-ed schools.
  • Can children learn by watching TV?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of buying online.

Easy Topics for Writing an Opinion Essay

There are some easy topics that you can write an essay on in a matter of hours. Here are some of the best examples we can think of:

  • We need free Wi-Fi in all public places in the US.
  • Do we really need the death penalty?
  • The Internet should not be censored in any way.
  • I support the 3-day weekend.
  • The benefits of learning history.
  • We should clone people.

Social Media Opinion Topics

Are you interested in writing about social media? Or perhaps you want people to know your option about something related to social media. Here are some topics for you:

  • Censorship on the Internet in the 21st century.
  • Does Twitter act like a political messenger?
  • Is Facebook ruining our social life?
  • Students rely too much on their gadgets.
  • Not using social media for 3 days in a row.
  • Identity theft on social media platforms.

College-level Opinion Writing Topics

College-level opinion essay topics are more complex than high school ones (we have those in our list as well). Here are some examples you can use right now:

  • College education should be free for everyone in the US.
  • College lectures should be made shorter.
  • Children should not be targeted by ads.
  • The disadvantages of e-learning.
  • COVID-19 used to suppress our constitutional rights.

Funny Opinion Paper Topics

Did you know that making your professor laugh is one of the easiest ways to get some bonus points? Just use one of our funny opinion paper topics:

  • KFC is my least favorite restaurant.
  • Drinking wine every day is recommended.
  • The benefits of being a gaming pro.
  • The things your driving instructor didn’t tell you.
  • No, the client is almost never right.
  • Here is what your dog thinks about you.

Political Science Opinion Topics

We have some of the best political science opinion paper topics that you can think of (updated for 2020). Here are some examples:

  • The true face of political leaders.
  • Gun control and the politics behind it.
  • Is socialism better than capitalism?
  • Does the US economy depend on migrants?
  • Why I love the US foreign policy.
  • The media today has no freedom of speech.

Some Unpopular Opinion Topics

You are free to write your opinion about anything you like, including unpopular opinion topics. Give one of these ideas a try right now:

  • Abortion should be made illegal everywhere.
  • Why we need to be able to own guns.
  • Mandatory death penalty offences.
  • The Mexico border wall.
  • Students are getting too much homework. (one of the greatest opinion essay topics)
  • The United States lost the Vietnam War.

Topics About Nursing

Are you interested in writing about nursing? Finding the right topic in nursing has never been easier. Just pick one of our ideas:

  • Should we force people to vaccinate their children?
  • Healthcare and racial problems.
  • The benefits of Obama Care.
  • What causes Autism?
  • Stress in the ER room.

Some Ideas for Opinion Articles

You can find opinion essay examples free of charge on the Internet, but you can’t find excellent topics. Here are some interesting ideas for you:

  • We should tax the rich more.
  • The real number of calories in fast food products.
  • How to dress for success.
  • Legalizing marijuana in the United Kingdom.
  • Why I hate my last name. (one of the best topics for opinion essay papers)
  • We need genetically modified crops.
  • Why are Stem cells so useful?

Opinion Essay Topics About Education

You are more than welcome to write an essay about education, of course. You can find some excellent opinion essay examples on our blog as well.

  • Benefits of non-traditional schools.
  • Should we trust online sources?
  • Ways to fight campus violence.
  • The best alternative to the GPA. (one of the best ideas for opinion writing)
  • Gender schools should not exist in the 21st century.

Good Opinion Topics for High School

Looking for some good opinion essay topics for high school? We are here to help! Choose one of the topics below and start writing right away:

  • Humans will be on Mars by 2030.
  • Herbal practitioners are con artists.
  • The problem with tsunami warning systems.
  • Is remote education any good?
  • Are e-books reliable sources of information?
  • Identifying the generation gap.

History Topics

We have some opinion paper topics related to history that we think you will love. Here are some of the best:

  • The history of the smartphone.
  • The Abolition of Slavery in the US.
  • Discuss symbolism in Ancient Rome.
  • How WW II started.
  • Racial bias in Ancient Egypt.
  • What caused the Pearl Harbor attack?

A Couple of Public Opinion Topics

Looking for some opinion ideas related to public opinion? Stop struggling to find the perfect topic and pick one of the ideas from our list:

  • Gun control enforcement problems.
  • Best way to prevent illegal abortions.
  • Should Obama Care be eliminated?
  • Signs our foreign policy is not working.
  • Does the US have the right to police the world?
  • Bernie Sanders of Donald Trump?
  • Should the US focus on preventing global warming?

Topics About Animals

Read a great opinion essay sample to get an idea about how to write the paper and then pick one of our topics related to animals:

  • Poaching is putting African elephants at risk.
  • Should we train our pets?
  • Pets should be kept only outside.
  • We would perish without bees. (one of the best opinion writing ideas)
  • Exotic animals as pets.
  • Banning the use of animals in circuses.
  • Zoo animals are unhappy.

Writing an Opinion Essay: Tips and Tricks

When writing an opinion essay, you need to know how to start. Before you get to writing the paper, learn how do you start off an opinion essay. Remember that the opening statement in opinion essay is very important. It can make or break your paper.

To learn how to start an opinion essay quickly, you should read a few good opinion essay samples. Our academic writers and editors can help you with some samples or simply show you how to write an opinion essay. And remember, starting with an opinion essay outline is an extremely important step towards an A+!

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210 Good Opinion Topics for Essays

An opinion essay requires a student to present a point of view on a chosen subject and back it up with substantial evidence . Like in a debate, the writer has to give their opinion and defend it while using scholarly resources.

This article will help you find a good opinion essay topic to write about. You’ll be able to choose between opinion writing topics in different fields: sports, history, or culture. And remember: our custom writing service is always there for you in case you need help with any paper.

  • 🔝 Top 10 Topics
  • ☝️ How to Choose an Opinion Topic
  • 📢 Public Opinion
  • 🙋🏻 Personal Opinion
  • 🌎 Environment
  • 🤔 Thought-Provoking
  • 🧒 Elementary

🔎 References

🔝 top 10 opinion essay topics.

  • Can zoos be ethical?
  • Is education overrated?
  • Is homework beneficial?
  • Do we need space exploration?
  • Should we colonize other planets?
  • Why shouldn’t we idolize celebrities?
  • How much money should athletes make?
  • Should there be more electives in schools?
  • Are single-gender schools better for students?
  • Should parents be involved in the educational process?

☝️ Good Opinion Topic: How to Choose

With opinion essays, the challenge comes in finding the right topic, doing the research, and giving it an academic frame. But no need to worry! If you find an interesting topic to write about, the rest will flow. So, how do you find a good topic?

Each person has their opinions on different subjects. Determining the area of personal interest will help narrow down the choice of essay topics. Besides, Purdue University recommends brainstorming as a way to choose and adjust the topic. To do it, you write down all ideas that come into your mind. Somewhere among these ideas you may find your perfect topic, as well as supporting points. You may even use those as keywords to put into an article topic generator .

📢 Public Opinion Essay Topics

Public opinion involves shared beliefs, desires, and reasoning of the majority. It is usually detected by various polls, which can be a useful resource for your future paper. Keep in mind that public opinion is often concerned with politics. And it might change very quickly! Choose a viewpoint that has been consistent over time. Take a look at these public opinion topics:

Public Opinion vs Personal Opinion.

  • News channels can no longer be trusted.
  • The U.S. government has to make health insurance more affordable.
  • Legalizing cannabis does more damage than good.
  • Owning a firearm makes civilians feel safer.
  • Domestic violence is damaging America.
  • Should abortion remain legal?
  • The high cost of education keeps Americans from the “American dream.”
  • The safety of national parks cannot be compromised.
  • Social media encourages division in the U.S.
  • Is the value of family in the U.S. compromised?
  • Should the U.S. adopt the british tradition of a gap year?
  • The U.S. must treat massive depression as a public health issue.
  • Schools should help parents control the screen time of teenagers.
  • America is fed up with fake news .
  • There is a resolution to economic inequality in the U.S.
  • Did the U.S. respond well to the COVID-19 pandemic ?
  • Can Americans trust the voting system?
  • Does the U.S. need a military policy reform?
  • The public transportation system is inconvenient in most parts of the U.S.
  • The government should not use DNA testing results.
  • Death penalties should be abolished in all states.
  • Not all policemen are corrupt .
  • Will America ever be satisfied with its president?
  • The government has to react towards the spread of homelessness in the U.S.
  • Is the U.S. middle class getting overpowered by the upper class ?

🙋🏻 Personal Opinion Essay Topics

As you can guess, a personal opinion essay will flow from the writer’s convictions or concerns. Examine yourself and develop a clear position on a chosen issue. The following list is for essay assignment as well as opinion editorial topics.

  • Social media is feeding depression amongst teenagers.
  • Respect is the key to success in life.
  • Should there be room for ethics in close friendships?
  • Self-pity leads to self-damage.
  • When does a romantic relationship end?
  • The education system has to provide healthier meals.
  • Should homework occupy all the free time of college students?
  • Rest is essential for academic success .
  • Traveling widens one’s worldview .
  • Journaling has a positive effect on one’s emotional state.
  • Cultural shock within your own country is real.
  • Students should be allowed to use e-books in class.
  • Is my school a safe place?
  • Bullying is a sign of insecurity.
  • Academic dishonesty can lead to a destructive lifestyle.
  • Modern businesses don’t need an office.
  • Should the driving age be moved to 18 years?
  • Are working women better mothers?
  • Military training positively affects one’s character.
  • Angry parenting is dysfunctional.
  • Is time management suitable for everybody?
  • Energy drinks : pros and cons.
  • Clothes affect one’s mood and performance.
  • Should schools have sports as mandatory?
  • Is a yearbook worth the effort?

Isaac Asimov quote.

📜 Opinion Topics in History

Human history is full of important events and individuals that are worthy of notice. Topics concerning wars, civil riots, political decisions, or specific individuals often split opinion. The opinion essay topics in history might involve questions about morals, reasonability of choices, sacrifice, and heroism. Here are some topic examples.

  • Is it ethical to charge people for visiting museums ?
  • The Sons of Liberty played a crucial role in U.S. history.
  • Gender equality in education stirred up a positive change in society.
  • Did the election of the African American president influence the issue of racism?
  • Can America be called “the land of opportunities”?
  • American initiative made the fight for diversity possible.
  • Americans take the 9/11 tragedy personally.
  • Holocaust was a catastrophe for humanity.
  • History has proven communism to be dysfunctional.
  • The Renaissance art is still influencing us today.
  • Catholic Church has played a vital role in world history.
  • Is there less violence in the world now than it was in the Roman empire?
  • The U.S. should’ve switched to the metric system long ago.
  • The industrial revolution: pros and cons.
  • World countries teach different stories about World War II.
  • Is Hatshepsut a good female role model?
  • Should Germany be blamed for Hitler’s rise to power?
  • Will humanity ever come to a war-free time?
  • Does Asian culture dominate the world?
  • Dyslexia didn’t get on the way to Da Vinci’s success.
  • Middle age doctors should’ve listened to Hippocrates about abnormal behaviors.
  • Tea has connected cultures throughout the ages.
  • Gorbachev’s governance led to the Soviet Union’s collapse.
  • Can obsessive book reading in past centuries be called an addiction?
  • International trade is an ancient means of cross-cultural connections.

🌎 Environment Opinion Topics to Write About

The environment affects all people, which makes it an important topic. Some people take this subject too lightly; others are taking environmental problems personally. It is an excellent field for the opinion essay because it generates controversial views. One of these topics might seem compelling to you.

  • Is it possible to grow organic food on a polluted planet?
  • Is mass-produced chicken healthy?
  • Will the environmental degradation affect women farmers?
  • Can wildfires be prevented?
  • Can solar-powered batteries solve the problem of air pollution?
  • Does global warming affect our health?
  • Recycling must be mandatory worldwide.
  • Can deforestation be prevented?
  • The government has to invest in curing the soil.
  • Organic fertilizers should replace chemicals.
  • U.N. countries must resolve the problem of polluted oceans .
  • Abandoned buildings have to be reused.
  • Humanity is to blame for the climate change.
  • Local government must preserve public parks.
  • Does air pollution slow down the advancement of astronomy ?
  • Hydraulic fracturing damages the planet.
  • Can an individual make a difference in the environment?
  • Does air traveling contribute to air pollution?
  • Is the animal exhibition threatening for the environment?
  • Is sustainability a viable aspiration for a community?
  • Light pollution carries massive consequences.
  • Multinational corporations should participate in combating climate change.
  • Radical global change is worth saving the planet.
  • Do modern cemeteries contribute to soil pollution ?
  • Ecology-saving projects must be well-funded.

Douglas Adams quote.

🤔 Thought-Provoking Opinion Writing Topics

If you are looking for a topic that will stir up a range of emotions and thoughts in your reader, this category is for you. At its core, the opinion essay is about sharing one’s standpoint. A good essay can make the audience reconsider their views on the subject. Take a look at the list of thought-provoking topics for intriguing writing.

  • Does social media normalize hateful behavior?
  • Can a woman pursue a career and be a good mother?
  • Will there be iPhone-level inventions in the future?
  • Can suicide rates amongst the elderly be lowered?
  • Should there be cyber police?
  • Is there such a thing as a victimless crime?
  • Should technological progress happen at the expense of people’s health?
  • Is it possible to stop global human trafficking?
  • Schools must maintain sex education.
  • Can children be allowed to engage in hard labor by free choice?
  • Are zoos ethical?
  • Same-sex couples should be allowed adopting children.
  • Religious beliefs have a positive effect on one’s character.
  • The medicine that causes suicidal ideations should be banned.
  • Movies create a disturbing image of people with psychological abnormalities.
  • What’s the role of a father in parenting?
  • Should parents have mandatory classes on parenting ?
  • Each family has to take care of elderly relatives.
  • Religious education: pros and cons.
  • Will artificial intelligence lead the world into chaos?
  • Can people make free choices in the presence of online ads ?
  • Modern fashion normalizes promiscuous clothing.
  • Can we call pasta an American dish?
  • Should abstract painters be paid millions?
  • Is it ethical to lie to children?

🧒 Good Opinion Writing Topics: Elementary

Opinion writing isn’t just for college, and opinion sharing isn’t for adults only. There are many subjects that students of all ages can write about because they too have personal views. If you are looking for an easy topic for an elementary, middle, or high school assignment, this list is for you.

  • Should a person control their screen time?
  • Are vegetarians healthier than meat-eaters?
  • Should schools have a uniform ?
  • Does cybersport have benefits?
  • Homework : pros and cons.
  • Should children be required to do chores at home?
  • Does reading books improve academic abilities?
  • Do emojis help people express themselves better?
  • What does it take to be a good cat owner?
  • Group assignments : pros and cons.
  • Social media promotes an unrealistic lifestyle.
  • Prom should be fun, not stressful.
  • Can bullying be prevented?
  • Schools should include road trips in their curriculum.
  • Gestures in cartoons are more important than speech.
  • Should smartphones be allowed in class?
  • Will e-books replace paper books?
  • Daily sport exercise is necessary for health.
  • Classical music has a positive effect on one’s thinking.
  • Can music be taught online?
  • Every child should be allowed to have a pet.
  • Pocket money can teach children about finances.
  • Chocolate is good for brain activity.
  • Long school breaks: pros and cons.
  • Every person has to take painting classes.

⚽ Opinion Essay Topics: Sports

Countless people are into sports. Some are athletes themselves, and some are rooters. The sports industry is almost its own universe. It has its expressions, philosophies, techniques, and even special nutrition. Sport is a deep subject that is often at the center of a debate. Here is a list of sports-related topics for opinion paragraphs that will boost your paper:

  • Doping is unethical.
  • Athletic success depends on proper nutrition .
  • Is there life for athletes after retirement?
  • Do serious injuries justify athletic achievements?
  • Should athletes be held to a higher moral standard?
  • Successful coaches build successful teams.
  • Should cheerleading be considered a sport?
  • Do professional athletes get paid too much?
  • Female athletes can take part in traditionally male sports.
  • Do Olympic games bring more unity or strive between countries?
  • Should athletes continue receiving full-ride scholarships?
  • Is animal sport ethical?

Legal hunting licenses.

  • Do sports psychologists contribute to team achievements?
  • Is pausing playing sports a good thing?
  • Quality shoes are essential for quality results in sports.
  • Do queer colors play a psychological role in sports?
  • Should Super Ball winners be considered world champions?
  • College athletes deserve professional coaches.
  • Do athletes have a lower rate of depression?
  • Athletes in gymnastics are at risk of developing eating disorders.
  • Are wealthy people good at golf ?
  • Lifesaving should be included in the Olympics.
  • Quality helmets save lives of winter sports athletes.
  • Are basketball players more vulnerable to racist discrimination?
  • Water sports are no more dangerous than other kinds of sports.

🎨 Opinion Essay Topics on Culture

You may be wondering how to choose a topic on culture. Since this subject involves things such as language, religion, mentality, and art, there are many viewpoints to be shared. Which part of culture do you value the most? Take a look at these opinion piece topic options:

  • Does the internet influence global fashion trends ?
  • Culture should be incorporated in early childhood education.
  • Monuments have a crucial role in preserving the essence of the culture.
  • American patriotism : pros and cons.
  • The movie industry is a storehouse for cultural memories.
  • Europe influenced American society and culture.
  • Can video editing be considered a form of art?
  • The internet makes music worldwide sound the same.
  • Food carries cultural memories throughout the centuries.
  • Language reflects the cultural mindset.
  • Cultural superstitions are the echo of national history.
  • Does religion affect legal systems?
  • Primary religion directs national values.
  • American inclusiveness : pros and cons.
  • Culture and biology are interconnected.
  • Accent diversity in the U.S. mirrors its individualistic core.
  • Celebrities have the power to influence public opinion .
  • Is drug use becoming a part of the U.S. culture?
  • Physical books cannot die out.
  • Will classical music ever become outdated?
  • Martin Luther King Jr. ‘s I Have a Dream speech will always be influential.
  • America carries out Abraham Lincoln’s legacy to this day.
  • Gender equality changes the global culture.
  • Two political sides in the U.S.: pros and cons.
  • Should America deal with high divorce rates ?

Good luck on your opinion essay! And before you go, don’t forget to check our ultimate guide on opinion essay writing .

Further reading:

  • 420 Good Compare and Contrast Essay Topics
  • 180 Excellent Evaluation Essay Topics
  • 140 Classification Essay Topics and Ideas
  • 150+ Excellent Narrative Essay Topics
  • 260 Good Descriptive Essay Topics and Writing Tips
  • 135 Creative Definition Essay Topics and Writing Tips
  • Choosing a Topic: Purdue University
  • Topics in Public Opinion: The University of Vermont
  • U.S Politics and Policy Topics: Pew Research Center
  • Topics:
  • Public Opinion: Encyclopedia Britannica
  • Climate Change Communication: Yale University
  • Internet and Culture:
  • Essay Writing: The University of Wollongong
  • 2020 Election:
  • The Evolution of the Presidency: American Government
  • Interesting Sports Facts: Sportkeeda
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  • Share to email

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IELTS Opinion Essay – Topics, Structure and Sample Answers

Nehasri Ravishenbagam

10 min read

Updated On Feb 22, 2024

subjects for an opinion essay

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IELTS Opinion Essay – Topics, Structure and Sample Answers

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IELTS opinion essays mainly focus on agreeing or disagreeing with a particular fact or information. It presents two opposite views and you have to develop your argument supporting one view (strictly one!) You get 40 minutes to complete this task. You have to write at least 250 words on the topic given.

Given below are some examples of IELTS Writing Task 2 opinion essays along with their structure. So, let’s understand how to frame the IELTS opinion essay from the sample answers given in the blog!

What is the IELTS Opinion Essay Format?

If you’re gearing up to tackle the Opinion Essay in IELTS Writing Task 2, know that it’s all about writing your opinion on a specific topic with supporting examples. To make sure your essay ticks off all the criteria of a band 8+ essay, organizing it in the right way is key!

Let’s now look at a proper format to learn the structuring of an IELTS opinion essay.


  • Keep it short, usually around 2-3 sentences.
  • Introduce the topic and clearly state your opinion.
  • Provide a brief overview of the main points you will discuss in the body paragraphs.

Body Paragraphs (Usually 2 paragraphs):

  • Each paragraph should focus on a single main idea that supports your opinion.
  • Start with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea.
  • Provide evidence, examples, and reasoning to support your main idea.
  • Aim for coherence and cohesion within each paragraph by using appropriate transition words.
  • Make sure to use appropriate vocabulary and grammar while explaining an idea in the body paragraphs.


  • Summarize the main points discussed in the body paragraphs.
  • Restate your opinion, emphasizing its importance or relevance.
  • Avoid introducing new ideas in the conclusion.

IELTS Opinion Essay Sample Answers

Given below is an example of an IELTS Writing task 2 opinion essay. Let’s understand how to frame the essay from the ideas we have.

Sample Question 1

In the future, nobody will buy printed newspapers or books because they will be able to read everything they want online without paying. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Given below is a brief outline of what to write in the essay after identifying the essay type.

Opinion Essay


Paraphrase the topic of the essay using synonyms for the words used in the topic statement. Clearly state the view on the topic.

Body Paragraph 1

Technological improvements have increased the level of ease and convenience to a point where people can access news and information at the click of a button. This has led to print media becoming outdated.

Body Paragraph 2

The development of news websites and sites that freely distribute information and print media in a digital form has led to a trend of availing such services and content without paying.

Summarize the essay and re-state the opinion on the topic.

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Sample Answer 

Presently, newspapers, books, journals, magazines, etc. are still actively used by a section of the global population. However, with the arrival of news sites and the availability of books, magazines and other forms of media online, totally free of cost, many believe that such forms of media are on their way to becoming outdated. I agree with this statement, and will explain it further with relevant examples in the essay.

It is a well-known fact that in this day and age if an individual wants to read a book or just go over the news of the day, the first step that they take is to search the internet. Devices such as smartphones and tablets have improved the time efficiency of searching for information online to such an extent that a person can access their preferred form of media in the comfort of their homes in a matter of minutes. Consequently, people have started to abandon their preference for print media due to the presence of much more convenient alternatives.

Additionally, the various forms of print media enjoyed by people can often be availed free of charge on several websites. For instance, most news organizations publish their daily news on their official website, which can be accessed by anyone. Also, some numerous sites and databases provide popular books, journals and magazines in a digital form to the public for a nominal subscription fee or sometimes even for free, leading to a majority of readers of such forms of media shifting away from buying hard copies.

Nevertheless, there is still a sizable chunk of the population that enjoys the conventional forms of print media. That being said, with the cost-effective nature of making such information and content available online, organizations will soon completely shift to internet-based services.

In conclusion, I would like to say that people always prefer the more comfortable alternative that is available. Therefore, it can be safely said that in the coming years, there will be a complete shift from traditional print media to online media services and products.

Sample Question 2

Some people say that international sporting events contribute greatly to peace and stability in the world. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Paraphrase the topic sentence using synonyms.

Mention the view on the topic.

Body Paragraphs

International sports tournaments are events where teams and the general public of various countries come together and collectively participate in the event.

Sports events, especially cricket and football help distract the minds of the citizens from the ongoing difficulties in their country and enjoy these events.

Summarize the essay and state the final view.

Sample Answer

Sports has always been a magnificent platform for the finest talents of a country to showcase their skills and represent their nation. At the same time, sports is also one of the few occasions where every citizen of the country unites in support of their favourite teams. It is considered by many that sports are a great approach to maintain stability among countries. This essay will elaborate on the given topic and justify why sports can successfully bring and preserve global peace.

One of the greatest characteristics of any popular sporting event is that supporters of every team involved in the tournament almost always attend the matches that are organized in their cities. Some veteran fans even travel to different parts of the country to witness a match between their favourite teams. These events also unite the populace of a nation as every patriotic individual prays for the success of their national team. For instance, the entire nation wishes for the victory of their national team in the Olympic Games as winning an Olympic Medal is one of the most prestigious honours that can be bestowed upon a country.

It is a well-known fact that the people of a country collectively face several challenges on a day-to-day basis. These issues can be caused by numerous factors and are the typical difficulties that ordinary citizens have to overcome. Sports help people enjoy a few moments of excitement and take a break from the monotony of everyday life.

That being said, sometimes the passion of overenthusiastic sports fans ends up leading to harmful and conflicting situations among communities. Nevertheless, the overall impact of sports on our lives is undoubtedly positive.

Finally, sports are one of the aspects of human life that bind a whole community together. This is enough evidence to understand that sports help maintain peace and stability in a nation.

Ready to grab the latest IELTS writing task 2 question papers of 2024?

Sample Question 3

Our personalities are predetermined as a result of our genes before we are born and there is nothing that can be done to change our character traits. To what extent do you agree?

Paraphrase the topic and mention the view.

Genetics are only a part of the entire list of factors that affect a person’s personality.

One of the most important influences on an individual’s personality is their childhood and upbringing.

Summarize the essay and mention the final view in brief.

Even between small periods of time, there are subtle variabilities in our disposition. Such alterations are quite natural and are a part of a human being’s existence. However, it is often assumed that our personality is entirely dependent on genetics. The following paragraphs will explore the different aspects of personality and justify why genetics are not the only factor influencing our personality.

An individual has countless experiences in their life from childhood to adulthood and finally until death. Every one of these experiences has an impact on a person’s mind, no matter how giant or small. The kind of people present in a person’s immediate surroundings also has a huge influence on their nature and characteristics. Thus, it can be safely surmised that a person’s genes are not the only contributing factor when it comes to personality.

One of the most significant influences on our personality is our childhood experiences and the teachings of our parents. Children are always known to follow in the footsteps of their parents. Thus, if the parents of a child are successful in teaching their children the right values and morals, they are bound to grow into responsible and decent individuals.

It is true that the personality traits of an individual are determined by the features of their parents. Nevertheless, these traits can be altered over the course of many years and different experiences.

In conclusion, genetics affect our personalities in a trivial manner as compared to all the other aspects of our temperament. That being said, our life experiences and learnings are the consequential factors in developing our character.

The Latest IELTS Opinion Essay Topics of 2024

A few IELTS opinion essay topics are listed down below, which you can practice. These opinion essay questions may appear in the actual examination.

  • In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should be spent on researching another planet to live on, such as Mars. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Many people say that the only way to guarantee a good job is to complete a course in university education. Others claim that it is better to start work after school and gain experience in the world of work. How far do you agree or disagree with the above views?

  • Although more and more people read the news on the internet, newspapers will remain the most important source of news for the majority of people. Do you agree or disagree?
  • Students in schools and universities learn more from their teachers than through other means such as the Internet, libraries, and TV. To what extent you agree or disagree?
  • Nowadays university education is very expensive. Some people say that universities should reduce their fees, especially for the less fortunate students or for those coming from rural areas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
  • Some people think that governments must insist on preserving the traditional appearance of old buildings undergoing renovation or redevelopment. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?
  • Some people believe that international trade and communication with other countries is a positive trend, while others think it is harmful to nations and they might lose their identities. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion and relevant examples.
  • Many people believe that schools should teach children to become good citizens and workers rather than independent individuals. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion and relevant examples.

People should follow the customs and traditions when they start to live in a new country. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  • It is impossible to help all people in the world, so governments should only focus on people in their own countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • Prevention is better than cure. Do you agree or disagree that out of the country’s health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventive measures?

Top 3 Common Mistakes of IELTS Opinion Essays

In IELTS opinion essays, it’s easy to make some common mistakes that can lower your band score. Getting aware of them is the key to not committing them knowingly or unknowingly while you prepare!

The top 3 common mistakes to avoid are:

  • Not giving a clear opinion.
  • Presenting arguments for both sides of the issue.
  • Failing to support your opinion with well-defined reasons and examples.

Tips to Answer IELTS Opinion Essay Questions

In the IELTS opinion essays, you need to write your opinion about a topic and back it up with proof and examples. If you use a clear structure and good writing methods, you can improve your chances of doing well!

  • Spend 5 minutes on a mind map before writing.
  • Stick to one viewpoint throughout the essay.
  • Use a single main idea to support the topic in each of the two body paragraphs.
  • Express your opinion throughout the essay, not just in the conclusion.
  • Keep the introduction short, a maximum of 50 words.
  • Ensure each body paragraph explains a main idea within 100 words.
  • The conclusion should be shorter than the introduction.
  • Write a complete essay following the given structure.
  • Aim for a word count of 280 words or less.

Here are the 10 Examples for the Opinion Essay Topics IELTS:

Also check:

  • Tips to write introduction in IELTS Writing Task 2
  • Tips to write great writing essay
  • IELTS Sample essays
  • How to get band 8 in IELTS Writing Task 2
  • IELTS Writing recent actual test
  • IELTS 2024 Study Plan for 1 month (30 Days) / 15 Days / 7 Days

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the structure for writing the introduction for an opinion essay?

Is it mandatory to state my opinion in the introduction? Can I skip it and introduce my opinion in the body paragraphs?

What are the words that I can use to state my opinion?

Can I underline the important sentences, to attract examiner’s attention?

Is it mandatory to write the essay in first person?

Practice IELTS Writing Task 2 based on Essay types

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Nehasri Ravishenbagam

Nehasri Ravishenbagam

Nehasri Ravishenbagam, a Senior Content Marketing Specialist and a Certified IELTS Trainer of 3 years, crafts her writings in an engaging way with proper SEO practices. She specializes in creating a variety of content for IELTS, CELPIP, TOEFL, and certain immigration-related topics. As a student of literature, she enjoys freelancing for websites and magazines to balance her profession in marketing and her passion for creativity!

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Purnima Koli

Posted on Oct 5, 2021

In fast-paced global economy, it is imperative to have both knowledge and skill. Ability to learn on the job paves way for more hands-on training than discussing case studies at university. Doing a course can be time taking and can surely burn a hole in our parents’ pockets, the middle class knows it better. Getting straight to business of things, meaning starting to work soon after school is beneficial in many ways.

Working in office gives us professional perspective about how business processes are streamlines, turning creative ideas into tangible projects and most importantly getting paid for the amazing work I put out. I feel it’s great to have my ideas being incorporated as solutions to processual issues. Personal growth due to long years of work experience makes us future-ready for the big dream job. Alternatively, some also start their own business after getting gaining a good reputation for their work.

In my personal experience my university education looks good on my CV but has not been financially rewarding for I still have to even out my return on investment. I regret joining an elite institution where I felt out of place as I came from a humble upbringing. However, I learnt a lot about living away from home, managing finances, making new friends, living independently, honed my communication skills.

All in all, I feel it is better to join workforce early on than to do a full-fledged university course. This saves time, money and energy from studying on campus which can be channelized to working with a small business which has ample scope to learn on the job. Later, one can switch to bigger companies with the achieved industry experience after a few years of rigorous hands-on training and development.

In the future, it seems more difficult to live on Earth. Some people think more money should be spent on researching another planet to live, such as Mars. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The available land for household, industrial and recreational usage is shrinking. We see large scale infrastructure development in India. But for all these activities we need more land on earth itself, not on some other worldly planet, Mars. I would have to disagree that Mars has answers to all our earthly problems. I think it’s more about gaps in planning, policy making and the way we conduct our lives on a day-to-day basis. If we base our routine on sustainable habits, we are already solving more problems than we create. The problems are created on earth so they need solutions on earth itself, I believe.

The problems like polluted resources such as air, water, land, soil have ample ways to be fixed as we read in scientific journals and other informational sources. The popular ‘3 Rs’ such as Recycle, Reuse and Reduce need to be inculcated for us to have clean air, water, soil, land. We need community development along with economic development so the civil society, environment and the development process can go hand-in-hand. Overcrowding in urban areas due to migration for work, education or marriage can be solved by having proper laws. On the other hand, achieving conservation targets for endangered flora and fauna is a vital step towards holistic saving the ecosystem.

Consequently, I strongly believe that having ideas about Mars being an inhabitable place in the future is surely fantastic idea. But It’s a childish way to think of a better world somewhere else than fixing problems at hand. Let’s face it, our survival instincts have made us exploit resources faster than the nature can replenish them. And we see the negative outcomes like sea-level rising, frequent coastal flooding, drastic weather changes, global warming. As a global community of conscious individuals, we need our planet more than it needs us.

Posted on Sep 11, 2021

In a new country one faces multiple challenges to overcome the culture shock. Different people may adopt the new ways of life at different pace. But I do agree that willing to accept and change with the circumstances can ease the burden.

As we know that change is inevitable, we need to get accustomed to the new culture. There’s no harm in getting the best of both worlds, from your country of origin to this new land of surprises. Festivals, celebrations, new people, new places, new things tend to broaden our perspective on life. We come out much stronger by dealing with the new possibilities. Initially, the surrounding might be tough to make sense of, but with time it should get better.

The decision of moving to a new country is yours so you’d be the person who needs to adapt to get the best possible advantage. Human psychology is common but mannerisms might be different. So, one can learn that through social observation, trial and error and asking questions.

To belong at a place, we must take the initiative to learn the traditions and customs of the new country. To feel welcomed, one must socialize with like minded individuals, take part in group activities at workplace or educational institute or even neighborhood social clubs. Try to get out there, find your niche, excel at what you do, travel and get to know people. It’s easy if you are willing.

Otherwise, you’ll end up losing new experiences which enliven our senses. To live more each day, we need to blend with the culture. Traditions tells us stories of the past which we could relate with stories back at our homeland as well. This way it’s going to be much easier to make bonds, live a cheerful life.


Posted on Sep 15, 2021

Okay. Thanks for your reply. The 4 paragraph structure goes for all other types of (Task 2) essays too?

Janice Thompson

Posted on Sep 13, 2021

Overall band: 6

Follow the 4 paragraph structure so that it is easy for the examiner to mark you for coherence. . For opinion essays, it is better to write one line after your opinionated paragraphs. Just one line that you are aware of the other side.

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Academic Essay Writing Made Simple: 4 types and tips

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The pen is mightier than the sword, they say, and nowhere is this more evident than in academia. From the quick scribbles of eager students to the inquisitive thoughts of renowned scholars, academic essays depict the power of the written word. These well-crafted writings propel ideas forward and expand the existing boundaries of human intellect.

What is an Academic Essay

An academic essay is a nonfictional piece of writing that analyzes and evaluates an argument around a specific topic or research question. It serves as a medium to share the author’s views and is also used by institutions to assess the critical thinking, research skills, and writing abilities of a students and researchers.  

Importance of Academic Essays

4 main types of academic essays.

While academic essays may vary in length, style, and purpose, they generally fall into four main categories. Despite their differences, these essay types share a common goal: to convey information, insights, and perspectives effectively.

1. Expository Essay

2. Descriptive Essay

3. Narrative Essay

4. Argumentative Essay

Expository and persuasive essays mainly deal with facts to explain ideas clearly. Narrative and descriptive essays are informal and have a creative edge. Despite their differences, these essay types share a common goal ― to convey information, insights, and perspectives effectively.

Expository Essays: Illuminating ideas

An expository essay is a type of academic writing that explains, illustrates, or clarifies a particular subject or idea. Its primary purpose is to inform the reader by presenting a comprehensive and objective analysis of a topic.

By breaking down complex topics into digestible pieces and providing relevant examples and explanations, expository essays allow writers to share their knowledge.

What are the Key Features of an Expository Essay

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Provides factual information without bias

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Presents multiple viewpoints while maintaining objectivity

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Uses direct and concise language to ensure clarity for the reader

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Composed of a logical structure with an introduction, body paragraphs and a conclusion

When is an expository essay written.

1. For academic assignments to evaluate the understanding of research skills.

2. As instructional content to provide step-by-step guidance for tasks or problem-solving.

3. In journalism for objective reporting in news or investigative pieces.

4. As a form of communication in the professional field to convey factual information in business or healthcare.

How to Write an Expository Essay

Expository essays are typically structured in a logical and organized manner.

1. Topic Selection and Research

  • Choose a topic that can be explored objectively
  • Gather relevant facts and information from credible sources
  • Develop a clear thesis statement

2. Outline and Structure

  • Create an outline with an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion
  • Introduce the topic and state the thesis in the introduction
  • Dedicate each body paragraph to a specific point supporting the thesis
  • Use transitions to maintain a logical flow

3. Objective and Informative Writing

  • Maintain an impartial and informative tone
  • Avoid personal opinions or biases
  • Support points with factual evidence, examples, and explanations

4. Conclusion

  • Summarize the key points
  • Reinforce the significance of the thesis

Descriptive Essays: Painting with words

Descriptive essays transport readers into vivid scenes, allowing them to experience the world through the writer ‘s lens. These essays use rich sensory details, metaphors, and figurative language to create a vivid and immersive experience . Its primary purpose is to engage readers’ senses and imagination.

It allows writers to demonstrate their ability to observe and describe subjects with precision and creativity.

What are the Key Features of Descriptive Essay

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Employs figurative language and imagery to paint a vivid picture for the reader

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Demonstrates creativity and expressiveness in narration

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Includes close attention to detail, engaging the reader’s senses

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Engages the reader’s imagination and emotions through immersive storytelling using analogies, metaphors, similes, etc.

When is a descriptive essay written.

1. Personal narratives or memoirs that describe significant events, people, or places.

2. Travel writing to capture the essence of a destination or experience.

3. Character sketches in fiction writing to introduce and describe characters.

4. Poetry or literary analyses to explore the use of descriptive language and imagery.

How to Write a Descriptive Essay

The descriptive essay lacks a defined structural requirement but typically includes: an introduction introducing the subject, a thorough description, and a concluding summary with insightful reflection.

1. Subject Selection and Observation

  • Choose a subject (person, place, object, or experience) to describe
  • Gather sensory details and observations

2. Engaging Introduction

  • Set the scene and provide the context
  • Use of descriptive language and figurative techniques

3. Descriptive Body Paragraphs

  • Focus on specific aspects or details of the subject
  • Engage the reader ’s senses with vivid imagery and descriptions
  • Maintain a consistent tone and viewpoint

4. Impactful Conclusion

  • Provide a final impression or insight
  • Leave a lasting impact on the reader

Narrative Essays: Storytelling in Action

Narrative essays are personal accounts that tell a story, often drawing from the writer’s own experiences or observations. These essays rely on a well-structured plot, character development, and vivid descriptions to engage readers and convey a deeper meaning or lesson.

What are the Key features of Narrative Essays

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Written from a first-person perspective and hence subjective

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Based on real personal experiences

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Uses an informal and expressive tone

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Presents events and characters in sequential order

When is a narrative essay written.

It is commonly assigned in high school and college writing courses to assess a student’s ability to convey a meaningful message or lesson through a personal narrative. They are written in situations where a personal experience or story needs to be recounted, such as:

1. Reflective essays on significant life events or personal growth.

2. Autobiographical writing to share one’s life story or experiences.

3. Creative writing exercises to practice narrative techniques and character development.

4. College application essays to showcase personal qualities and experiences.

How to Write a Narrative Essay

Narrative essays typically follow a chronological structure, with an introduction that sets the scene, a body that develops the plot and characters, and a conclusion that provides a sense of resolution or lesson learned.

1. Experience Selection and Reflection

  • Choose a significant personal experience or event
  • Reflect on the impact and deeper meaning

2. Immersive Introduction

  • Introduce characters and establish the tone and point of view

3. Plotline and Character Development

  • Advance   the  plot and character development through body paragraphs
  • Incorporate dialog , conflict, and resolution
  • Maintain a logical and chronological flow

4. Insightful Conclusion

  • Reflect on lessons learned or insights gained
  • Leave the reader with a lasting impression

Argumentative Essays: Persuasion and Critical Thinking

Argumentative essays are the quintessential form of academic writing in which writers present a clear thesis and support it with well-researched evidence and logical reasoning. These essays require a deep understanding of the topic, critical analysis of multiple perspectives, and the ability to construct a compelling argument.

What are the Key Features of an Argumentative Essay?

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Logical and well-structured arguments

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Credible and relevant evidence from reputable sources

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Consideration and refutation of counterarguments

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Critical analysis and evaluation of the issue 

When is an argumentative essay written.

Argumentative essays are written to present a clear argument or stance on a particular issue or topic. In academic settings they are used to develop critical thinking, research, and persuasive writing skills. However, argumentative essays can also be written in various other contexts, such as:

1. Opinion pieces or editorials in newspapers, magazines, or online publications.

2. Policy proposals or position papers in government, nonprofit, or advocacy settings.

3. Persuasive speeches or debates in academic, professional, or competitive environments.

4. Marketing or advertising materials to promote a product, service, or idea.

How to write an Argumentative Essay

Argumentative essays begin with an introduction that states the thesis and provides context. The body paragraphs develop the argument with evidence, address counterarguments, and use logical reasoning. The conclusion restates the main argument and makes a final persuasive appeal.

  • Choose a debatable and controversial issue
  • Conduct thorough research and gather evidence and counterarguments

2. Thesis and Introduction

  • Craft a clear and concise thesis statement
  • Provide background information and establish importance

3. Structured Body Paragraphs

  • Focus each paragraph on a specific aspect of the argument
  • Support with logical reasoning, factual evidence, and refutation

4. Persuasive Techniques

  • Adopt a formal and objective tone
  • Use persuasive techniques (rhetorical questions, analogies, appeals)

5. Impactful Conclusion

  • Summarize the main points
  • Leave the reader with a strong final impression and call to action

To learn more about argumentative essay, check out this article .

5 Quick Tips for Researchers to Improve Academic Essay Writing Skills

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Use clear and concise language to convey ideas effectively without unnecessary words

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Use well-researched, credible sources to substantiate your arguments with data, expert opinions, and scholarly references

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Ensure a coherent structure with effective transitions, clear topic sentences, and a logical flow to enhance readability 

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To elevate your academic essay, consider submitting your draft to a community-based platform like Open Platform  for editorial review 

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Review your work multiple times for clarity, coherence, and adherence to academic guidelines to ensure a polished final product

By mastering the art of academic essay writing, researchers and scholars can effectively communicate their ideas, contribute to the advancement of knowledge, and engage in meaningful scholarly discourse.

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IELTS Daily Essay Topic: Most teenagers today own a smartphone.


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  • May 20, 2024

IELTS Daily Essay Topic: Most teenagers today own a smartphone.

Brainstorming Ideas

Refer to the following brainstorming ideas to get a better understanding of the answer.

  • Advantages of Smartphones:
  • A powerful tool for education.
  • It helps teenagers stay connected with their peers and teachers.
  • Helps in developing digital literacy skills.
  • Provides people with a platform for creative expression.

2. Disadvantages of Smartphones:

  • Over-reliance on smartphones.
  • Spending excessive time on social media or playing games.
  • Constant internet exposure can subject teenagers to inappropriate content and cyberbullying.
  • It causes physical health issues and impacts their social skills and relationships with others.

Q. Most teenagers today own a smartphone. Provide your opinion to discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

Ans . In the contemporary world, it is an undeniable fact that most teenagers possess smartphones. This phenomenon has both merits and demerits that are worth discussing.

On a positive note, smartphones serve as a powerful tool for education. They provide access to a wide array of information and educational resources. For instance, numerous educational applications and websites are available at their fingertips, which can significantly improve their learning process. Moreover, smartphones enable teenagers to stay connected with their peers and teachers, facilitating collaborative learning and instant communication. Additionally, smartphones can help in developing digital literacy skills, which are essential in today’s technology-driven world. It also provides people with a platform for creative expression, allowing teenagers to explore and share their interests through photography, blogging and other forms of digital media.

However, the detrimental impacts of smartphones on teenagers cannot be overlooked. Teenagers can become overly dependent on smartphones, spending excessive time on social media or playing games, leading to a decline in academic performance. Furthermore, constant internet exposure can subject teenagers to inappropriate content and cyberbullying, threatening their mental health. Excessive screen time can also cause physical health issues like eye strain and poor posture. Additionally, constant connectivity can interfere with face-to-face social interactions, potentially impacting their social skills and relationships.

To conclude, while smartphones can be beneficial for teenagers in terms of educational purposes and connectivity, it is crucial to address the potential drawbacks.  It is the responsibility of parents and educators to guide teenagers on the appropriate use of smartphones, ensuring a balance between digital engagement and other aspects of life. 

Paraphrased Statement: In the contemporary world, it is an undeniable fact that most teenagers possess smartphones.

Thesis Statement: This phenomenon has both merits and demerits that are worth discussing.

Body Paragraph 1-Topic Sentences: On a positive note, smartphones serve as a powerful tool for education. They provide access to a wide array of information and educational resources. For instance, numerous educational applications and websites are available at their fingertips, which can significantly improve their learning process.

Body Paragraph 1- Supporting Reasons and Explanations: Moreover, smartphones enable teenagers to stay connected with their peers and teachers, facilitating collaborative learning and instant communication. Additionally, smartphones can help in developing digital literacy skills, which are essential in today’s technology-driven world. It also provides people with a platform for creative expression, allowing teenagers to explore and share their interests through photography, blogging and other forms of digital media.

Body Paragraph 2- Topic sentence: However, the detrimental impacts of smartphones on teenagers cannot be overlooked. Teenagers can become overly dependent on smartphones, spending excessive time on social media or playing games, leading to a decline in academic performance.

Body paragraph 2- Supporting Reasons and Explanations: Furthermore, constant internet exposure can subject teenagers to inappropriate content and cyberbullying, threatening their mental health. Excessive screen time can also cause physical health issues like eye strain and poor posture. Additionally, constant connectivity can interfere with face-to-face social interactions, potentially impacting their social skills and relationships. Conclusion: To conclude, while smartphones can be beneficial for teenagers in terms of educational purposes and connectivity, it is crucial to address the potential drawbacks.  It is the responsibility of parents and educators to guide teenagers on the appropriate use of smartphones, ensuring a balance between digital engagement and other aspects of life.

Vocabulary in Use

Linkers and connectors used:.

Following are the linkers and connectors used:

  • On a positive note
  • For instance
  • Additionally
  • On the negative side
  • Furthermore
  • Apart from this
  • To conclude

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Purti Chawla

Purti is a CELTA, British Council, and IDP-certified language trainer. Having worked as a Study Abroad Test Prep Expert for the past 7 years, she has guided thousands of students towards their desirable scores in IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, GMAT and other language proficiency tests to study abroad. She is adept in molding learning strategies according to the needs of the learners and has built multiple courses at Leverage IELTS with result-oriented strategies. Proficient in test prep courses such as IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, and Duolingo, she loves to explore different classroom teaching methods, keeps continuously improving her own skills, and stays abreast with the latest teaching methodologies. She is a master trainer at Leverage Edu and aims to help thousands more through her expertise.

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Most of us have too much in bonds

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators at Yale University

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Charley Ellis

Roula Khalaf, Editor of the FT, selects her favourite stories in this weekly newsletter.

The writer is a former chair of Yale’s Investment Committee, an ex-board member of Vanguard and the author of 21 books, mainly about finances and investing.

It has long been shown that the returns on bonds are lower than those for equities for long-term investors. And most investors are going to be investing for so long that a bond-laden portfolio is far from optimal for them.

A century ago there was a near monopoly of bonds in investor portfolios until economist Edgar Lawrence Smith proved that higher returns that could be earned by investing in equities. Gradually, over the following decades, a consensus developed that a 60/40 stock-to-bond ratio was “prudent” for both individuals and pensions and endowments.

Then, David Swensen, when he was Yale’s brilliant chief investment officer, changed the question from “what seems prudent?” to “what makes logical sense?” Since Yale had been around for nearly 300 years and planned to be around for at least 300 more, he began to ask whether it made sense to invest in bonds for the long term.

Fortunately, Nobel laureate James Tobin had developed a formula for smoothing the year-to-year distributions from the endowment to the university and the application of this formula liberated the endowment from concern about short-term asset and income fluctuations so that it could focus on long-term results. That liberated Swensen to focus on the very long term, equity investments and their higher returns. The rest is history.

Most individual investors incorrectly define “long term” as a typical “market cycle” of a few years. And for most institutions five years — or the average tenure of investment committee members — seems, too often, to be the working definition of the long term. The reality of investment horizons stand in stark contrast to these conventions. Indeed, most individuals begin investing at about age 30 and continue to invest until their late 80s — suggesting that their real investment horizon spans half a century. Most institutions with endowments expect to stay in operation for at least 100 years. These longer-time horizons should be used to frame their critical investment policy decisions, including their allocation to bonds.

Most individual investors have more money invested in bonds and fixed-income equivalents than they realise. When assessing their investment portfolio’s asset allocation, they look only at their formal bond investments. They do not include in their thinking two important bond-equivalents: future social security benefits (which are effectively inflation-protected annuities from the government) and the equity value of their homes (a relatively stable asset that does not fluctuate with the stock market and rises with inflation).

For most investors, the present value of these fixed-income equivalents are big numbers and may, for some, total more than their 401(k) retirement fund assets. The value of both should be included in assessing the extent of needed bond holdings when structuring each individuals’ total financial portfolio. Institutions similarly have diverse and multiple sources of regular funding. As such, endowments could and should be “all equity” or nearly so. When factoring in the reliable cash-flows over the very long run, what was once a “risky” investment policy should now be appreciated as “prudent”.

Since most individuals succumb to the conventional wisdom of a 60/40 stock and bond portfolio, they will probably have less than they would like to have when they get to retirement. This is becoming a societal problem with rising numbers of individuals without the financial assets needed for lengthening lifespans. The sooner we deal with it, the easier the solving will be.

Yes, there are exceptions where bonds are appropriate investments. When there is a substantial expenditure on the horizon where cash will be needed (for example, for a starter home or a child’s college tuition), bonds for asset stability make great sense. And, historically, many people have relied on the predictability of bond income when they worry about funding their retirement. However, there is a way to create the necessary income stream, but not forsake the higher returns of equities. Instead, a sensible and pragmatic “spending rule” can be employed. 

A pragmatic solution for an individual with enough savings is to use the average of the year-end asset value held in his or her portfolio over five to seven years and to apply a sensible spending rate. A 5 per cent spending rate should allow you to retain the purchasing power of your assets — or a higher percentage of say, 7 per cent or 8 per cent will give you a more generous spending stream if you are comfortable spending down the principal over time. In any case, investors can create a sustainable income stream from adopting their own spending rule. While nothing is ever perfect, this simple scheme avoids the need to bulk up on, or even use, bonds late in life. 

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A scene from the conclusion of Boston University’s 151 st  All-University Commencement on Nickerson Field, May 19. Photo by Dave Green

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It takes more than 1,500 employees from across the University—including from Dining Services, the BU Police Department, Campus Planning & Operations (CPO), Transportation Services, IS&T, and more—to pull off a Boston University Commencement each year. And then there are the 300 staff and faculty who volunteer to serve as ushers, marshals, and other roles on the big day itself. 

Needless to say, graduation at BU is about more than just the All-University Commencement on Nickerson Field. Over the course of a week, the University hosts more than 150 events, among them 52 individual convocation ceremonies. Receptions run the gamut from a dinner for 650 people at Agganis Arena to an intimate luncheon for 20—and everything in between. All told, an estimated 75,000 people attend the weeklong events. 

Here are a few fun facts that help give a sense of what an undertaking Commencement week is: Dining Services prepared 39,400 finger rolls, 2,000 chocolate-covered strawberries, 20,732 cookies, and 3,720 cupcakes. Campus Planning & Operations staff set up (and then broke down) 15,000 folding chairs, 385 barricades, and 188 stanchions and ropes just for the main ceremony on Nickerson.

And to make sure the campus was looking its spiffiest, CPO staff spent weeks planting 40,000 annuals, 1,500 perennials, 200 shrubs, and 15 trees and spreading 900 yards of mulch.

The photo gallery below gives a look at some of the many unsung heroes who helped make this year’s Commencement week a success. Take a look.

And to all the custodians, truckers, chefs, waiters, electricians, police officers, carpenters, grounds crew employees, masons, volunteers, and more who worked so hard to make BU’s 151st Commencement proceed like clockwork—a big thank you. 

Now, time to begin planning for next year. 

Find more information about Commencement here

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Facilities Management & Operations groundsworker Matt Pereira tending some of the 40,000 annuals delivered April 30 in preparation for Commencement.. The flowers were planted in beds across the Charles River campus.

Photo by Jackie Ricciardi

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Maria Cornier, a Barnes & Noble at BU campus retail associate, alphabetizes graduation gowns by last name to make pickup easier. Each order is checked for accuracy so hoods are with orders requiring them and every robe has its proper school tassel.

Photo by Cydney Scott

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Facilities maintenance worker Lino Sorabella readying the event and line-up signs on April 30 for the All-University Commencement on Nickerson Field.

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Brooke Sheerin (left), sales rep for Herff Jones, manufacturer of the caps and gowns used for BU commencements, steams robes with Auxiliaries Services institutional event specialist Judith Moran May 2 in the Athletics Offices.

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Preparing for the May 19 All-University Commencement, David Cooper from D&Y Window Cleaning is power washing the Nickerson Field stands May 6.

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Roger Vicente,a Facilities Management & Operations custodian, lugging chairs onto Nickerson Field May 13 for the May 19 ceremony, which drew an estimated 3,700 students and 20,000 guests.

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Dining Services cook John Quessa (left) and retail location manager Alhani Jackson preparing sandwich rolls during Commencement week food prep in the GSU May 15. BU Dining served more than 39,000 finger rolls and 1,800 regular sandwiches for the week’s events.

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Priscilla Medeiros, lead baker with Dining Services, putting the finishing touches on BU-branded whoopie pies in the GSU May 13.

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GSU cashiers Yovana Portillo (left) and Maria Echavarria getting the perfect coating of chocolate on strawberries for Commencement week at the GSU May 15. Dining Services served up approximately 2,000 chocolate-covered strawberries during Commencement week.

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BU President ad interim Kenneth Freeman signing two copies of the honorary degree, Metcalf Cup and Prize, and Metcalf Award citations for each recipient May 16 in his office at One Silber Way. The citations were awarded during the All-University Commencement May 19.

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Victoria Ellis, South Campus Residence Life area director, marks chairs on Nickerson field May 17 to indicate the number of chairs per row. Ellis was joined by employees from Development & Alumni Relations and Procure to Pay.

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BU staff volunteering as marshals for the All-University Commencement receive last-minute instructions during an orientation training session under tents erected over the tennis courts at Nickerson Field May 17.

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Auxiliaries Services events specialists Teresa Batista (left) and Judy Moran polishing the mace and the Metcalf Cup in a BU Police Department conference room May 18. The mace, representing the authority of the University, is carried at the front of formal academic processions. Fashioned of sterling silver with two University seals intertwined on the button end, it was designed in the 1980s by the late Arthur G. B. Metcalf (Wheelock’35, Hon.’74), a BU Board of Trustees chair emeritus and a former professor. It is carried by the University Marshal during the All-University Commencement ceremony.

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President ad interim Ken Freeman (left) rehearsing for the BU Commencement hooding ceremony with the help of Michael Ciarlante, Institutional Events director, on the Nickerson Field stage May 18.

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Dave Kolar (MET’24), Learning & Event Technology Services assistant director, under the stage at Nickerson May 17, where a manhole provides a connection point for audio breakout cables connecting multiple locations carrying audio signals at Nickerson. Kolar received a master’s degree in financial management during Commencement, and his two sons degrees in economics.

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Nate Stelmach, Learning & Event Technology Services (LETS) lead (right), with technical director Michelle Schlickman in the production truck May 18. BU Productions requires a large team of staff and freelance video professionals to produce a show the scope and scale of Commencement. Working out of the truck, (parked on Harry Agganis Way) are the producer, director, technical director, video engineers, audio engineers, media manager, video playback operator, and Game Creek Video engineers, who manage the truck. Two LETS staff members (with their array of laptop computers) are also in the truck, managing the livestream from this location. 

The Commencement production is a partnership between BU Productions and LETS, which handles the technical components and the show’s distribution to locations all around Nickerson in addition to the livestream. The combined teams total approximately 40 people.

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Freelance photographer Dana J. Quigley (hired by the BU Alumni Association to photograph this year’s graduates throughout Commencement Weekend) photographing grads and their families on the Marsh Plaza seal May 18.  The Marsh Plaza seal is the most popular photo spot for grads: tradition has it that students who step on the seal prior to Commencement won’t graduate. 

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The Boston University Police Department leading a motorcade escorting those attending the Marsh Chapel Baccalaureate service to Babcock Street for BU’s 151st Commencement on Nickerson Field May 19. On the bus were this year’s honorary degree recipients.

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ASL interpreter James Wiggins was one of four interpreters on site during the All-University Commencement May 19. Booked through BU Disability Services, approximately 18 interpreters were employed by the University throughout the week.

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As the 151st Boston University Commencement gets underway, BU’s new community service animal and bona fide campus celebrity, Bean, plays with her handler, BUPD officer Geovanni Chevere. Bean, who is still in training, had a daunting role to play—to be cute. She does it well.

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This former Trump intern has no chance of being the Fulton County DA. But she has to try.

Courtney kramer has a history of working for trump and with lawyers who went on to be indicted for lying about voter fraud..

Courtney Kramer has been an attorney for just under 3 1/2 years .

In that relatively short career, three of her former bosses – including former President Donald Trump – have been indicted on attempting to overturn the 2020 election results in Georgia.

Kramer, who has no criminal trial experience, became the Republican nominee for district attorney in Fulton County on Tuesday. She's trying to oust Democratic incumbent Fani Willis, who is prosecuting Trump and 14 other defendants. Four others charged in the case already pleaded guilty .

This is not a hard call – Kramer will not defeat Willis in the general election.

That's not the point of her candidacy. The former Trump White House intern who would go on to work on his desperate and doomed attempt to undo the 2020 election is on the ballot as yet another way to attack his criminal case and the prosecutor leading it.

A Republican has no chance of winning Fulton

Just having a Republican on the ballot for district attorney in Fulton County is unusual. I searched county and state records as far back as they go online – 1972 – and could not find a Republican who sought the office in that time. That's more than half a century of GOP ballot no-shows.

Pete Skandalakis, executive director of the  Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of Georgia , told me that he's 68 years old and can't recall a Republican running for district attorney in Fulton County.

The office was led by Democrat Lewis Slaton from 1965 to 1996 and then Democrat Paul Howard Jr. from 1997 to 2020, when Willis defeated his bid for a seventh term . That's at least six decades of Democratic district attorneys.

Trump attacks mail-in ballots: Trump and the RNC want slow counting of mail ballots to target Biden supporters

Kramer on Tuesday told a local television station that she thinks conservatives deserve a voice in Fulton County. Then she quickly pivoted to attack Willis, who had suggested she was not qualified for the job.

"You have to have a good head on your shoulders," Kramer said of district attorneys. "You have to know the rules of professional conduct. You have to know when you have a conflict of interest. And I have that. Fani Willis has proven that she does not have that."

Expect Courtney Kramer to attempt to attack the Trump case

The judge overseeing Trump's election interference case in March ruled that Willis could keep control of it but that the lead prosecutor she hired to run it, Nathan Wade, had to step down after it was revealed that they had started and then ended a romantic relationship.

Judge Scott McAfee, in an order now being appealed by Trump and some of his co-defendants, said Willis showed a "tremendous lapse in judgment" at the intersection of her personal and professional lives. I agree ( and said so a month before the ruling ).

That's fair game for any political challenger to poke at. Willis left herself wide open with her behavior. Trump and his campaign were always going to capitalize on that.

And this appears to be Kramer's entire reason for running in a race she can't win. She can signal boost any Trump attacks on Willis, as she did in a social media post earlier this month, knocking Willis and other prosecutors with cases pending against Trump as "self-interested politicians who use their office for political law fare."

Kramer is so close to the Trump camp's 2020 election efforts that she said in an interview Tuesday if she's elected in November: "I have to recuse myself because I was involved with President Trump."

So while attacking Willis for acting with an apparent conflict of interest, Kramer acknowledges a conflict of her own large enough to keep her away from the biggest criminal case in the history of the office she claims she's trying to win.

Kramer's connection to Trump includes indicted bosses

Which brings us back to Kramer's former bosses . She interned in Trump's White House for four months in 2018 and then served as a "litigation consultant" for his campaign legal team from November 2020 to June 2021.

She was also a special counsel for the Georgia Republican Party during that time before moving on the the law firm of Smith & Liss.

Trump's political tricks: Trump calls for 'election integrity' again. It's same ploy he used in 2020 and 2016.

David Shafer, who was chair of the Georgia Republican Party while Kramer worked there, is accused in the August indictment of organizing a slate of fake electors in an effort to overturn the election.

Ray Smith III, a partner in the firm Kramer joined after the election, is charged on making now-debunked claims in state legislative hearings about widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election.

Both, like Trump, have pleaded not guilty.

That's some LinkedIn page and campaign pitch for Kramer: Here's my work experience and my bosses now under indictment. And that's why I want your vote for district attorney!

Kramer has a role to play in helping Trump

How long are the odds for Kramer? In 2020, Biden won Georgia by a margin of 2% but beat Trump in Fulton County that year by nearly 3 to 1.

Even so, Willis told supporters after she defeated a Democratic primary challenger Tuesday with 87% of the vote that super PACs will sweep into the race to help boost Kramer's attacks on her and the Trump prosecution.

"While she is inexperienced and unqualified and does not represent the values of my county, don’t get confused," Willis warned. "She is a real threat because of who backs her and how they back her.”

Willis didn't mention Trump by name but threw plenty of shade his way, noting that homicide and other crime rates are declining in Fulton County as her office went after "violent criminals and the powerful, no matter how powerful they think they are ."

Kramer could have a long and distinguished career in law that someday leads her to office as an elected prosecutor. That's not going to happen this year. Instead, she's playing the part of provocateur for a presidential contender who is also an accused racketeer .

Given the wreckage other Trump lawyers have seen from their service to him, I wonder if she'll look back on all this and consider it worth it.

Follow USA TODAY elections columnist Chris Brennan on X, formerly known as Twitter:  @ByChrisBrennan

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Israel and Gaza: Despair and What-Ifs

More from our inbox:, trump, oil and big money in politics, ‘journey’ as metaphor, providing help for the homeless and the mentally ill.

Debris is scattered on the lawns of closely situated single-story homes. The sun glares in the background, leaving them in shadow.

To the Editor:

Re “ In Israel, ‘the Darkness Is Everywhere,’ ” by Megan K. Stack (Opinion guest essay, May 18):

I appreciate Ms. Stack’s essay, in which she makes several important observations about current attitudes among Israelis. However, she leaves out the tragic choices that Palestinians have themselves made in Gaza and the West Bank.

In particular, after the Israeli withdrawal in 2005, Gazans had the opportunity to use huge amounts of international aid to build new residential communities and seaside commercial and tourist destinations.

Instead, they diverted essentially all investment into war preparations, including the rocket and tunnel technology that has proved so formidable in several wars with Israel since then. The extremism of attitudes in this conflict isn’t limited to one side.

Stephen Hall San Francisco

I am grateful to The New York Times for publishing Megan K. Stack’s essay. We need more articles on what it is really like on the ground in Israel, and, as disheartening as it may be, we are all better and more informed for reading it.

Only when Jews in the United States (I am one of them) obtain a greater understanding of the horrible plight of the Palestinian people and what they have been subjected to over decades will we be able to affect our government’s policies to produce a more hopeful outcome for the region.

Until then, this vicious cycle will continue, because, as Ms. Stack so eloquently described, “there is no wall thick enough to suppress forever a people who have nothing to lose.”

Roy Friedland Greensboro, N.C.

I am dismayed at Megan K. Stack’s one-sided analysis of Israeli policy toward the Palestinians. I am a lifelong supporter of Israel, but I share Ms. Stack’s concern regarding Israel’s extreme right-wing government. Placing all, or even most, of the responsibility at the foot of Israeli Jews, however, is disingenuous.

Consider a counterfactual history in which Arab and Palestinian leaders had said “yes” to any of the opportunities to live next to Jewish neighbors in peace. A simple Arab “yes” might have resulted in two separate states, for two separate indigenous peoples, living side by side.

There might have been no rise of Hamas and Hezbollah, suicide bombings or defensive barriers. Both parties could have lived in peace, dignity and prosperity.

Perhaps the next time an olive branch is offered, if there is a next time, the Palestinians will reply “yes.” What do they have to lose?

Stephen E. Green San Jose, Calif.

Re “ Trump Solicits Billion Dollars at Oil Dinner ” (front page, May 10):

It is a clarion call to get big money out of politics.

You report that Donald Trump “told a group of oil executives and lobbyists gathered at a dinner at his Mar-a-Lago resort last month that they should donate $1 billion to his presidential campaign because, if elected, he would roll back environmental rules that he said hampered their industry.”

Fossil fuel interests already pour tens of millions of dollars into political campaigns, mostly to Republicans, pushing that party’s congressional delegation and presidential nominee to oppose action against climate change.

This push for contributions and profits is in the face of the virtual unanimity of climate scientists that burning fossil fuels is the main cause of global warming.

Big contributions from gun, pharmaceutical, insurance, financial and other wealthy interests also powerfully influence our system in their favor, usually to the disadvantage of ordinary people. When one or a few big donors can buy more political speech than tens of millions of ordinary people combined, the system is rigged in favor of those who already have the most.

Public funding of election campaigns has worked well at the state, county and city levels. It elevates merit and the public interest in government decision-making and builds confidence in our system.

Richard Barsanti Western Springs, Ill.

Re “ When Did Everything Turn Into a ‘Journey’? ” (front page, May 16):

Name the journey — infertility, breast cancer, weight loss, motherhood or a cathartic vacation — and I’ve been on it.

“Journey” has become a euphemism for struggle, often a long, winding road with ups and downs. Some people may reach the finish line and celebrate triumphantly. Others may never get there, leaving loved ones to wonder how their “choose your own adventure” could have followed a different chapter. No journey is ever truly complete.

Infertility may be behind me, but its wake — a stillborn son, a ruptured uterus, a C-section scar, new family members in our surrogates who carried our daughters — will reverberate for my lifetime.

Many individuals will face infertility for the first time today, tomorrow or someday in the future. I always make time for those who reach out to me, hoping my experience can help them — or, at the very least, give them a chance to talk to someone on the metaphorical “other side.”

Journeys can break us or make us into someone new. Whatever euphemism we use, the important thing is don’t make it your ending when you get to the other side. Make it a new beginning to help those who follow in your footsteps.

Lia Buffa De Feo New York

With respect to cancer, its patients and their families — and all those dismayed by what linguists call “semantic drift” — let’s agree to call cancer a “situation.” Not a sentimental, self-help journey. Not a grim or rousing battle. Definitely something fraught and serious: a situation that compels utmost attention and action over time, time that makes no promises.

Karin Halvorson Hillhouse Washington

Re “ Citing Safety, New York Moves Mentally Ill People From the Subway ” (news article, May 11):

As New Yorkers daily enter our transit system, the sight of men and women sleeping on station benches or in subway cars causes mixed emotions ranging from dismay to fear to disgust. The mantra from the riders, either mumbled or spoken aloud, usually goes: “Why can’t the mayor clean this up?”

And it’s a mantra that has, for decades now, moved mayors, under the guise of compassion, to take aggressive action to remove from the subways those who are poor, more often than not homeless, and desperately struggling with mental health issues.

Of course, the cynics in us understand the politics of the moment and the need for mayors to show strength and resolve, even if their actions provide only a short-term fix.

Yes, these are difficult and seemingly intractable problems. But we’re never going to find lasting solutions unless we begin to understand and address the root issues.

As a start, we need to understand how these folks were allowed to fall deeper and deeper into the cracks. How community-based health and mental health systems — often nonexistent or, at best, bare-bones in poor communities — were unable to provide any real, meaningful support before they became so lost to us.

Most immediately, though, the city should engage with high-quality mental health teams to inundate the subway system, offering more than just a stay in a dilapidated shelter or an involuntary commitment to a psychiatric facility. And it should study the work of other cities, which have used programs such as Housing First to help address the mental health issues of those living on the streets by providing permanent housing.

Arnold S. Cohen New York The writer is an adjunct professor at Fordham Law School and former president of Partnership for the Homeless.


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