Written Samples

14 plab 2 visa cover letter samples.

Professional and effective communication is crucial in any business or formal setting, especially when it comes to visa applications for the Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board (PLAB) test.

Crafting a well-structured and persuasive cover letter can significantly enhance your PLAB 2 visa application. Below are 14 meticulously crafted cover letter samples, each tailored to different scenarios and personal backgrounds.

PLAB 2 Visa Cover Letter Samples

These samples provide a guide on how to present your case to the UK visa officers compellingly.

Detailed Sample 1

The Entry Clearance Officer, UK Visas and Immigration, Sheffield, The United Kingdom.

Dear Sir/Madam,


I am Dr. [Your Full Name], a medical professional holding a valid passport with number [Your Passport Number]. Through this letter, I wish to apply for a Standard Visitor Visa to partake in the PLAB Part 2 examination, scheduled for [Date of Exam] at the Clinical Assessment Centre, Manchester, United Kingdom.

Background and Purpose: As a licensed medical practitioner in [Your Home Country], I am registered under [Your Country’s Medical Council] with the permanent registration number [Your Registration Number]. My career aspiration to practice medicine in the UK necessitates the completion of the PLAB Part 2 examination, a pivotal step for international medical graduates like myself. I have successfully cleared the PLAB Part 1 and IELTS, fulfilling the prerequisites for this examination.

Examination Details: The PLAB Part 2 exam, a critical component for my medical career progression, is scheduled for [Exam Date]. This practical assessment will evaluate my clinical skills, a necessity for my registration with the General Medical Council (GMC), UK. My GMC reference number is [Your GMC Reference Number]. Attached herewith are the booking confirmation and receipt from the GMC.

Professional Credentials: I am currently employed as [Your Job Title] at [Your Workplace], [Location], where I have been working since [Start Date]. My role involves [Brief Description of Your Job Responsibilities]. I am dedicated to my career and have no intention of abandoning my position, thereby ensuring my return to [Your Home Country] post-examination. Enclosed is a letter from my employer, affirming my employment and the necessity of my prompt return after the exam.

Travel Itinerary and Accommodation: I have planned a concise and purpose-driven visit to the UK. My itinerary is as follows:

  • Arrival in the UK: [Arrival Date]
  • Pre-exam preparation and mandatory self-isolation: [Specific Dates]
  • Examination Date: [Exam Date]
  • Departure from the UK: [Departure Date]

For accommodation, I have arranged to stay at [UK Address], kindly offered by my [Relationship, e.g., cousin, friend], [Person’s Name], a British Citizen (Passport Number: [Passport Number]). Attached is a letter of invitation from [Person’s Name], confirming my stay and their support during my visit.

Financial Sustenance: To ensure a comfortable stay without any financial burden, I have earmarked funds covering all my expenses, including travel, accommodation, and subsistence. I will bear the majority of my expenses, supplemented by support from my host. Enclosed are my bank statements, reflecting an opening balance of [Amount in Local Currency], and my recent payslips, corroborating my financial capability. Additionally, [Person’s Name] will provide ancillary support, as evidenced by the attached supporting documents.

Assurance of Compliance and Return: I fully understand the conditions of the Standard Visitor Visa and am committed to adhering to its terms. My strong ties to [Your Home Country], including my employment, family, and social commitments, assure my return upon completing my examination. I have no intention of overstaying my visa or seeking employment in the UK during this visit.

Conclusion and Request: My sole purpose for this visit is to attend the PLAB Part 2 examination, a vital step towards achieving my professional goals. I assure you of my integrity and adherence to all the visa regulations. I respectfully request your kind consideration for my visa application, enabling me to pursue this essential academic endeavor.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Signature] Dr. [Your Full Name] [Your Contact Number] [Your Email Address]

List of Documents Attached:

  • Professional Registration Certificate
  • PLAB 1 Pass Certificate and IELTS Score Report
  • PLAB 2 Booking Confirmation and Receipt from GMC
  • Letter of Employment and Leave Approval
  • Bank Statements and Salary Slips
  • Invitation Letter and Proof of Accommodation in the UK
  • Financial Support Letter from [Person’s Name] along with their Passport Copy and Bank Statements

Detailed Sample 2

To The Entry Clearance Officer, UK Visas and Immigration, Sheffield, The United Kingdom.


I am Dr. [Your Full Name], with passport number [Your Passport Number]. I am writing to apply for a Standard Visitor Visa to attend the Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB) Part 2 examination scheduled for [Exam Date] in Manchester, United Kingdom.

As a medical professional, registered with [Your Country’s Medical Council] under the registration number [Registration Number], I am keen on expanding my skills and expertise in the UK. I have already passed the PLAB 1 examination and the IELTS, which are prerequisites for the PLAB Part 2 exam.

Reason for Applying: The PLAB 2 exam is an essential step towards my goal of practicing medicine in the UK. This examination will allow me to complete the licensing requirements set by the General Medical Council (GMC), UK. My GMC reference number is [Your GMC Reference Number].

Examination Details: I have booked and paid for the PLAB Part 2 exam, as confirmed by the GMC. The exam will be held at their Clinical Assessment Centre in Manchester. I have attached the booking confirmation and receipt.

About Me: I am currently employed as [Your Job Title] at [Your Workplace], and I plan to return to my home country immediately after the examination. I have attached a letter from my employer as evidence of my ties to my home country.

Travel Itinerary:

  • Self-isolation and preparation: [Dates]
  • Departure: [Departure Date]

Accommodation Arrangements: I will be staying at [Accommodation Address in the UK], hosted by my [Relative/Friend’s Name], who is a British Citizen (Passport Number: [Passport Number]). I have attached a letter of invitation and their passport data page.

Financial Provisions: I have sufficient funds to cover my travel and stay in the UK, as evidenced by my bank statements and salary slips. Additionally, my [Relative/Friend’s Name] has agreed to assist me financially during my stay.

Conclusion: I am fully committed to adhering to the visa terms and will return to my home country after the exam. I respectfully request that my visa application be considered favorably.

Kind regards,

[Your Signature] Dr. [Your Full Name] [Your Contact Number]

  • Professional registration certificate
  • PLAB 1 and IELTS certificates
  • PLAB 2 booking confirmation and receipt
  • Letter from employer
  • Bank statements and salary slips
  • Accommodation proof and invitation letter
  • Relative/Friend’s passport copy

Detailed Sample 3


I, Dr. [Your Name], holding the passport number [Your Passport Number], hereby apply for the Standard Visitor Visa to attend the PLAB Part 2 examination in Manchester, UK, scheduled on [Exam Date].

I am a registered doctor in [Your Country], holding a license from [Your Medical Council] (Registration Number: [Your Registration Number]). My intent is to further my medical career in the UK, necessitating the completion of the PLAB Part 2 exam.

Purpose of Visit: The PLAB 2 exam is a critical step for international medical graduates like myself to practice in the UK. I have previously cleared the PLAB 1 exam and the IELTS test, meeting the prerequisites for this stage.

Exam and Travel Details: I have secured my place for the PLAB 2 exam, with confirmation from the GMC. My stay in the UK will be brief, solely for the purpose of taking the exam.

Personal Information: I am currently employed at [Your Workplace] as [Your Job Title]. My employment details and a letter of intent to return are attached, underscoring my commitment to return to my home country post-exam.

Travel and Accommodation Plan:

  • UK Arrival: [Date]
  • Exam Preparation and Self-Isolation: [Dates]
  • PLAB 2 Exam: [Date]
  • Departure from UK: [Date]

I will be residing at [Address in the UK], an arrangement made possible by my [Relation], [Name], a UK resident. An invitation letter and their residency proof are attached.

Financial Preparedness: I have attached my bank statements and salary slips to demonstrate my financial stability. Additionally, my [Relation’s Name] in the UK will support me during my stay.

Conclusion: I assure you of my adherence to all the visa conditions and my commitment to return to my home country immediately after my examination.

Thank you for considering my application.

[Your Signature] Dr. [Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Documents Attached:

  • Medical Registration Certificate
  • PLAB 1 and IELTS Certificates
  • GMC Booking Confirmation
  • Employment Letter
  • Financial Statements
  • Accommodation Letter
  • Relative’s Residency Proof

Detailed Sample 4


I am Dr. [Your Name], passport number [Your Passport Number], applying for a Standard Visitor Visa for the purpose of attending the PLAB Part 2 examination in Manchester, UK, on [Exam Date].

As a registered medical professional in [Your Country] with [Your Medical Council] (Registration Number: [Your Number]), my objective is to expand my medical practice in the UK, necessitating the completion of the PLAB Part 2 examination.

Reason for Visa Application: The PLAB Part 2 exam is a mandatory requirement for practicing medicine in the UK. Having passed the PLAB 1 and IELTS, I am now eligible for this next step.

Examination and Travel Details: I have a confirmed booking for the PLAB 2 exam at the GMC Centre in Manchester. My travel plans are strictly for the exam, with a detailed itinerary attached.

Personal Background: I am employed at [Your Workplace] as [Your Position]. My intent to return to my country after the exam is evidenced by my employment status and family ties, as detailed in the attached documents.

Accommodation and Stay:

  • Arrival in UK: [Date]
  • Preparation for Exam: [Dates]
  • Exam Date: [Date]
  • Return: [Date]

I will be staying at [UK Address], hosted by my [Relation], [Name], who is settled in the UK. A letter of invitation and their proof of residence are enclosed.

Financial Arrangements: My financial status, evidenced by bank statements and salary evidence, is sufficient for this trip. Additionally, my host will be assisting me during my stay.

Request for Consideration: I assure my compliance with all visa requirements and my commitment to return to my home country post-examination.

I appreciate your consideration of my visa application.

[Your Signature] Dr. [Your Name] [Your Contact Details]

  • Medical License
  • PLAB 1 and IELTS Results
  • PLAB 2 Booking Confirmation
  • Employment Proof
  • Bank Statements
  • Accommodation Details
  • Host’s Proof of Residence

PLAB 2 Visa Cover Letter: Short Samples

Sample 1: recent medical graduate, title: recent graduate seeking plab 2 opportunity.

Dear Visa Officer,

I am writing to apply for a UK visa to take the PLAB 2 exam as a recent medical graduate. My educational journey, culminating in my graduation from [University Name], has been driven by a passion for medical excellence and a desire to broaden my clinical expertise.

The PLAB 2 exam is a critical step in my professional journey. By passing this exam, I can gain valuable exposure to the UK healthcare system and refine my clinical skills. I have already cleared the PLAB 1 exam, demonstrating my commitment and ability to succeed.

My academic records and clinical experiences, which I have enclosed, attest to my dedication and competence. I am financially stable and have arranged accommodation in the UK for the duration of my stay.

I am fully committed to returning to my home country post-exam to apply my enhanced skills in serving my community. Your consideration of my visa application would be a significant step in my pursuit of medical excellence.

[Your Name]

Sample 2: Experienced Physician

Title: experienced physician aiming for plab 2 certification.

I am an experienced physician from [Country Name], applying for a UK visa to sit for the PLAB 2 examination. With over [number of years] years of experience in [specialty], my career has been dedicated to providing high-quality medical care and continuous learning.

The opportunity to take the PLAB 2 exam is not merely a test but a doorway to further enhance my clinical skills and understanding of diverse healthcare environments. Having successfully completed PLAB 1, I am eager to advance to the next stage.

Enclosed are my professional credentials and letters of recommendation from my peers and superiors, highlighting my clinical expertise and ethical conduct. I have sufficient financial resources to support my stay in the UK and intend to return to my home country after the exam to contribute to the healthcare sector with my new insights.

Your favorable consideration of my visa application will significantly impact my professional development and the healthcare services in my community.

Sample 3: Career Transition to Medicine

Title: aspiring medical professional transitioning careers.

I am writing to express my earnest desire to obtain a UK visa for the purpose of taking the PLAB 2 exam. My journey towards a career in medicine, though unconventional, is fueled by a deep-seated passion for patient care and medical research.

After a successful career in [previous profession], I chose to follow my true calling in medicine. This bold step was not taken lightly but with a clear vision of contributing significantly to healthcare. Clearing the PLAB 1 exam was a testament to my dedication and ability to thrive in this new path.

Enclosed are my academic and professional records that detail my journey and readiness for the PLAB 2 exam. I have ensured that my financial obligations and accommodations in the UK are well taken care of.

Upon completion of the PLAB 2 exam, I plan to return to my home country and integrate my diverse experiences into a holistic medical practice. I respectfully request your consideration of my visa application, as it represents a pivotal step in my medical career.

Sample 4: Public Health Advocate

Title: public health advocate pursuing plab 2 certification.

I am applying for a UK visa to participate in the PLAB 2 examination, a significant step in my ongoing commitment to public health. As a [current profession], I have dedicated my career to improving healthcare access and quality in [Country Name].

The PLAB 2 exam offers an opportunity to deepen my understanding of clinical practices and healthcare systems, enhancing my ability to contribute to public health initiatives effectively. My successful completion of PLAB 1 is indicative of my dedication and capability in this endeavor.

Enclosed is a dossier of my professional achievements, contributions to public health, and endorsements from esteemed colleagues. Financially, I am well-prepared for my stay in the UK and fully intend to return upon completion of the exam to apply my enhanced skills in my homeland.

I respectfully request your favorable consideration of my visa application, allowing me to further my professional development and continue making meaningful contributions to public health.

Sample 5: International Medical Volunteer

Title: international volunteer committed to medical excellence.

I am applying for a UK visa to sit for the PLAB 2 exam, an essential step in my journey as an international medical volunteer. My experience working in various healthcare settings across [list of countries] has been both challenging and immensely rewarding, underscoring the importance of versatile medical expertise.

The PLAB 2 exam is a crucial milestone for me to further elevate my clinical skills, enabling me to provide even better care in diverse and often resource-limited settings. Successfully passing PLAB 1 has bolstered my confidence in this pursuit.

Enclosed, you will find documentation of my international medical experiences, academic achievements, and financial stability. I am committed to returning to my volunteer work after the exam, equipped with advanced skills and knowledge.

I humbly request your consideration of my visa application, recognizing it as an integral part of my mission to deliver quality healthcare globally.

Sample 6: Medical Researcher

Title: researcher seeking clinical exposure through plab 2.

I am a medical researcher, keenly interested in obtaining a UK visa for the purpose of taking the PLAB 2 exam. My research in [specific field of study] has made significant contributions to our understanding of [specific medical conditions], but I believe direct clinical exposure is imperative to furthering my work.

The PLAB 2 exam offers an invaluable opportunity to gain hands-on clinical experience in a world-renowned healthcare system. Having cleared PLAB 1, I am eager to take this next step in my professional development.

Enclosed are my research publications, academic records, and evidence of financial stability. Post-exam, my intention is to return to my home country and integrate the clinical insights gained into my research, enhancing its practical relevance and impact.

I sincerely request your consideration of my visa application, as it will significantly contribute to my research and, ultimately, to the advancement of medical science.

Sample 7: Specialty Physician

Title: specialty physician enhancing skills through plab 2.

I am a practicing physician in [specialty] applying for a UK visa to appear for the PLAB 2 exam. My career, thus far, has been focused on providing specialized care in [specific medical field], and I am constantly seeking opportunities to augment my clinical skills and knowledge.

The PLAB 2 exam is a critical component of this pursuit. Its completion will not only validate my competencies but also provide a broader perspective on patient care, which is essential in my specialty. Passing PLAB 1 has set a solid foundation for this next phase.

Enclosed are my professional credentials, testimonials from colleagues and patients, and proof of financial readiness for my stay in the UK. Upon completing the exam, I plan to return to my practice and apply the advanced skills and perspectives gained to benefit my patients.

I kindly request your consideration of my visa application, as it represents an essential step in my ongoing commitment to medical excellence in my specialty.

Sample 8: Medical Educator

Title: educator seeking to enhance clinical teaching through plab 2.

I am a medical educator applying for a UK visa to undertake the PLAB 2 exam. In my role as a [current position], I am responsible for shaping future medical professionals, and it is imperative that I stay abreast of the best clinical practices and teaching methodologies.

The PLAB 2 exam offers a unique opportunity to experience the UK’s advanced clinical environment firsthand, thereby enriching my teaching arsenal. Having successfully completed PLAB 1, I am eager to embrace this new learning experience.

Enclosed you will find my educational qualifications, teaching credentials, and financial assurances for my stay in the UK. Post-exam, I am committed to returning to my teaching role and integrating the insights and experiences gained to enhance the quality of medical education.

I respectfully seek your favorable consideration of my visa application, recognizing its significant role in furthering my professional development and, consequently, the quality of medical education.

Sample 9: Medical Specialist in Training

Title: aspiring specialist preparing for advanced training.

I am currently undergoing specialty training in [field of specialization] and am applying for a UK visa to sit for the PLAB 2 examination. This exam is a pivotal part of my training, allowing me to gain exposure to diverse clinical settings and advanced medical practices.

Having successfully completed PLAB 1, I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to further my training through PLAB 2. This experience will be instrumental in my development as a specialist, providing me with a broader understanding and deeper insight into my field.

The enclosed documents provide evidence of my ongoing specialty training, my academic achievements, and my financial capability to support my stay in the UK. My intention, upon completing the PLAB 2 exam, is to return to my home country and complete my specialty training, equipped with a richer, more comprehensive medical perspective.

I earnestly request your consideration of my visa application. Granting this visa would not only aid in my personal professional development but also contribute to enhancing the healthcare standards in my field of specialization upon my return.

Sample 10: Foreign-Trained Physician

Title: foreign-trained physician advancing career through plab 2.

I am a foreign-trained physician from [Country Name], writing to apply for a UK visa for the PLAB 2 examination. This exam represents a significant milestone in my career, offering an opportunity to align my skills with international medical standards and expand my clinical expertise.

Having navigated the challenges of the PLAB 1 exam successfully, I am fully prepared and highly motivated to undertake PLAB 2. This experience will be invaluable in enhancing my clinical competencies and understanding of a healthcare system renowned for its quality and innovation.

Enclosed are my medical qualifications, proof of PLAB 1 completion, and documentation confirming my financial stability during my stay in the UK. My plan post-exam is to return to my home country and apply the skills and knowledge acquired to improve healthcare delivery in my community.

Your favorable review and approval of my visa application would be profoundly appreciated, as it plays a crucial role in my ongoing pursuit of medical excellence and professional growth.

road to uk cover letter

Visa Traveler

Exploring the world one country at a time

How to write a compelling cover letter for UK visa (that will impress the ECO)

Updated: September 6, 2023

Cover Letter for UK Visa

A cover letter for UK visa is instrumental in persuading the ECO that you meet the visa requirements and have no intention of overstaying your visa. It gives you the opportunity to convince the ECO that you are a genuine visitor and you will promptly return back to your country.

A cover letter is a document to convey additional information that wasn’t asked in the UK visa application. It’s not a mandatory document but by far the most helpful document in increasing your chances of UK visa approval.

Table of Contents

Why do you need a cover letter for uk visa.

The information asked in the UK visa application isn’t enough to convince the ECO that you will return back to your home country after your trip. 

Most questions on the UK visa application are close-ended. They don’t give you an opportunity to explain. 

A cover letter allows you to explain in your own words and be as descriptive as you can. You can use your own format and even use illustrations if needed.

Is a cover letter mandatory for UK visa?

No. A cover letter is not mandatory for UK visa. It’s not even a document in the documents checklist for UK visa.

When I applied for my UK visa, I did not submit a cover letter. At that time, I didn’t know the importance of a cover letter for UK visa. I didn’t feel the need to explain anything additional, so I didn’t submit one. My visa was still approved. 

That’s not the case for everyone. A cover letter will not hurt your chances of approval, it can only help. It gives you an additional opportunity to convince the ECO. 

If I apply again for my UK visa, I would definitely submit a cover letter. 

What should you write in the cover letter?

A cover letter is not a mandatory document for UK visa. So obviously, UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) does not provide any guidelines on what to include in the cover letter.

As you all know, I started this website in 2016. Since then, I have been helping my readers with their visas. I figured that a cover letter was the most helpful for UK visa. 

I have been writing cover letters for my readers. Over time, I learned that a cover letter with a certain format worked the best for UK visa. 

I would like to impart all my knowledge in this article, so you can write the most compelling cover letter for your UK visa. It will not only impress the ECO but will greatly improve your chances of visa approval.

So without any further delay, let’s get started. 

Format of the cover letter

Short Simple and Clear Cover Letter for UK Visa

The goal of the cover letter is to convince the ECO that you are a genuine visitor. You must do this in a simple, short and clear manner. ECOs rarely will have time for anything other than what’s asked.

Write your cover letter in simple words as if it’s meant for a 5th grader. If the language is too complicated to read, ECO will not bother to read it. 

Do not use words that people from your country can only understand. ECOs are from the UK and they can only understand the terms that they use in the UK. 

Example: It’s common for people in India to say something like “ please do the needful and revert back to me “. Even though it’s still understandable, saying something like “ please let me know if you need anything else from me ” will help the ECO understand better. 

Remember, a cover letter is not a mandatory document. ECO is doing you a favor by reading it. So, make it easy for the ECO.

Your cover letter should never be longer than two pages. ECOs rarely have time for things other than what’s asked in the application. If you present them with a booklet, they will toss it in the trash without even looking at it. 

Again remember, a cover letter is not mandatory. It should not consume too much of ECO’s time.

To further simplify your cover letter, format it with subheadings, bullets and highlights. This helps the ECO to quickly glance over the letter and read any section that interests them. 

Example:   Instead of writing like this – 

“ I intend to travel to the UK for tourism from 20 June 2021 to 24 June 2021 and I plan to visit various attractions in London such as Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, Tower Bridge, London Eye, Madame Tussauds, National Gallery, etc. “

Write like this – 

  • I intend to travel to the UK for tourism. My travel dates are from 20 June 2021 to 27 June 2021. 
  • 20 June 2021: Arrive at Heathrow International Airport at 3 PM. Check-In and dinner.
  • 21 June 2021: Visit Buckingham Palace and the Tower of London
  • 22 June 2021: Visit Tower Bridge and London Eye
  • 23 June 2021: Visit Madame Tussauds and National Gallery
  • 24 June 2021: Depart from Heathrow International Airport at 10 AM

Sections in the cover letter

Templates for UK visa by Visa Traveler

It’s important to break the cover letter into different sections. This helps the ECO quickly glance through the letter and understand the gist of it. If needed, the ECO can read specific sections. Your cover letter for UK visa must contain the following sections.

Section 1: Your previous UK visa refusals

In the UK visa application, there is a question on previous UK visa refusals. It asks about your previous UK visa refusal and its details. This question asks you to explain why your UK visa was refused but doesn’t ask why it shouldn’t have been refused

There is no other place in the application to address your previous visa refusals either. There is the “additional/extra information” area, but it’s only for text and not suitable for formatting or pictures. Therefore, the cover letter is the most appropriate place for addressing your previous UK visa refusal. 

If you are re-applying to challenge your UK visa refusal , include a section in your cover letter specifically for your previous visa refusal. Address your previous visa refusal with evidence, additional information and documentation. 

Keep this section as the first section in your cover letter. Having this section at the beginning of the cover letter will help the new ECO get straight to the point. Otherwise, they may overlook and your efforts of re-application may go to waste.

Here is an example.

Previous UK Visa Refusal

My previous application for the UK visitor visa with GWF number GWF12345678 was refused on 16 March 2021. 

I would like to address the reason for the refusal with additional information and documentation.

Reason for refusal: The sources of the deposit (£850) were not demonstrated by the documents provided.

Explanation: The deposit in question was made on 05-Dec-2020 for the amount of £850. This amount was the yearly bonus from my employer. Yearly bonuses are deposited in the first week of December every year. Please find the attached documentation to prove that these funds are available to me.

Additional Documentation: (1) Bonus slip, (2) bonus announcement email and (3) letter from my employer with details of bonus, amount and dates.

Section 2: Your travel purpose and itinerary

In this section, mention your purpose of visit and proposed itinerary in the UK. The itinerary must be detailed enough but not too descriptive to confuse the ECO. Format it with bullets and/or a table.

Proposed Travel Itinerary

  • I intend to travel to the UK for tourism for a total of 7 days. My travel dates are from 14 Oct 2021 to 20 Oct 2021.
  • My planned day-by-day itinerary is as follows

Section 3: People traveling with you to the UK

In this section, mention the people that will travel with you to the UK. If you are applying for the visa with your family members, mention their details such as name, passport number and GWF number. 

Each individual must submit one UK visa application. Say if a husband, wife and child are traveling to the UK together, each of them must submit a separate UK visa application. There is no easy way to tie these applications together. 

There is a question in the application asking for travel companions, but mentioning them again in your cover letter will help tie them all together. 

Travel Companions

I will be traveling to the UK with my wife and son. The GWF numbers of my wife’s and son’s UK visa applications are as follows.

Section 4: Your current employment/business or university details

In this section, mention your current employment details. Include details such as the employer’s name, how long you have been working and your current salary.

Employment Details

  • I currently work for Samcore Logistics, LTD, Dubai as a product manager.
  • I have been working as a product manager at Samcore Logistics, LTD since Nov 2014.
  • My monthly salary is 7,000 AED after taxes.
  • An original letter from my employer, a leave approval letter and bank statements indicating the salary deposits are attached.

If you are a business owner, mention the details of your business such as your business name, your role in the company, yearly revenue, etc.

Business Details

  • I own a construction business in Dubai since 2016. I’m the founder and president of the business.
  • The business has been in positive cash flow since its inception with yearly revenue of 300,000 AED.
  • A copy of my business registration, business license, bank statements and tax returns are attached.

If you are currently a student at the university, mention your university details along with the program, major and semester details.

University Details

  • I’m a full-time student enrolled in the undergraduate program at the University of the Philippines.
  • I’m currently in the second semester of my second year with another four semesters remaining to graduate.
  • A letter from my university and the fee payment receipts are attached.

Section 5: Your current financial situation

In this section, mention your source of income, savings and the bank statements for your UK visa . 

If you have multiple bank accounts, this section is a good place to talk about it. Explain why you have multiple bank accounts and how they are connected.

Financial Solvency

  • I currently have 300,000 INR (approx. 2,900 GBP) in my bank account.
  • The source of my savings is my salary from my employer, WinTech Corporation.
  • The last 6 months bank statements and payslips are attached.

It’s quite common for many to work in a foreign country and send all their earnings back home for family maintenance or savings. In such cases, you will have to submit bank statements from both countries, but most importantly, mention that clearly in this section.

If you use a broker or third party to send cash back home, errors can occur and transactions may not match. I highly recommend using a money transfer service such as Wise to transfer cash back to your home country.

Section 6: Your sponsorship information

If you are paying for your trip yourself, this section does not apply to you. Have this section in your cover letter only if someone else is paying for your trip. 

In this section, mention your sponsor details, your relationship with the sponsor, what expenses they will bear, etc. 

Sponsorship Details

  • My brother is sponsoring my trip to the UK.
  • He will bear all my travel expenses while I’m in the UK including accommodation, food and transportation.
  • A letter from my brother, his UK residence permit, employment proofs, bank statements, his apartment lease contract and the document to prove our relationship are attached.

Section 7: Your travel history

In this section, mention your travel history. Travel history is very important and highlighting it will only help with your UK visa. Your travel history can include all your previous travels to the UK and other countries. If you have traveled to a country multiple times, mention that country only once.

Travel History

  • In the last 5 years, I have traveled to 8 countries for both tourism and business. 
  • The countries I have traveled to are Hong Kong, South Korea, Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, UAE, Turkey and Denmark.
  • A copy of my visas and entry and exit stamps from all the above countries are attached.

Section 8: Any family members staying back at home

In this section, mention any family members remaining at home during your UK trip. This helps prove your family ties with your country. Family ties indicate that you will return back to your country after your trip. 

Do not include this section if it does not apply to you.

Family Remaining at Home

  • I currently live with my wife and two children.
  • My wife and children will remain at home during my trip to the UK.
  • A copy of my wife’s employment proof and children’s school receipts are attached.

Section 9: Your intention to return back

In this section, mention that you will promptly return back after your trip and the reasons for that. Reasons can be employment, business or attending to family needs. 

Intention to Return Back

  • I intend to return to Pakistan after the end of my UK trip on 27 Oct 2021 as I have to report back to my employer and continue at my job on 28 Oct 2021.
  • An original leave approval letter from my employer is attached.

Section 10: Any miscellaneous information

If you want to add something that didn’t fall under any specific section above, you can include it here. This could be something about properties you own (economic tie), your rental situation, covid safety precautions, etc.


  • I currently live in a rental apartment. A copy of my rental contract is attached.
  • I own farmland with my wife. A copy of my property ownership document is attached. 
  • I assure you that I will follow COVID safety precautions throughout my trip.

A cover letter is not a mandatory document for UK visa. But in my experience, it’s the most helpful document. The goal of the cover letter is to convince the ECO that you are a genuine visitor. Your cover letter must be simple, short and clear. Break the cover letter into sections, paragraphs and bullet lists. Use pictures and screenshots if necessary.

That’s it, folks! Now you know how to write a compelling cover letter for UK visa. This will greatly improve the chances of your UK visa approval. If you have any questions, please let me know in the comments below.


Thirumal Motati

Thirumal Motati is an expert in tourist visa matters. He has been traveling the world on tourist visas for more than a decade. With his expertise, he has obtained several tourist visas, including the most strenuous ones such as the US, UK, Canada, and Schengen, some of which were granted multiple times. He has also set foot inside US consulates on numerous occasions. Mr. Motati has uncovered the secrets to successful visa applications. His guidance has enabled countless individuals to obtain their visas and fulfill their travel dreams. His statements have been mentioned in publications like Yahoo, BBC, The Hindu, and Travel Zoo.


I highly recommend using these websites to plan your trip. I use these websites myself to apply for my visas, book my flights and hotels and purchase my travel insurance.

01. Apply for your visa

Get a verifiable flight itinerary for your visa application from DummyTicket247 . DummyTicket247 is a flight search engine to search and book flight itineraries for visas instantly. These flight itineraries are guaranteed to be valid for 2 weeks and work for all visa applications.

02. Book your fight

Find the cheapest flight tickets using Skyscanner . Skyscanner includes all budget airlines and you are guaranteed to find the cheapest flight to your destination.

03. Book your hotel

Book your hotel from Booking.com . Booking.com has pretty much every hotel, hostel and guesthouse from every destination.

04. Get your onward ticket

If traveling on a one-way ticket, use BestOnwardTicket to get proof of onward ticket for just $12, valid for 48 hours.

05. Purchase your insurance

Purchase travel medical insurance for your trip from SafetyWing . Insurance from SafetyWing covers COVID-19 and also comes with a visa letter which you can use for your visas.

Need more? Check out my travel resources page  for the best websites to plan your trip.

LEGAL DISCLAIMER We are not affiliated with immigration, embassies or governments of any country. The content in this article is for educational and general informational purposes only, and shall not be understood or construed as, visa, immigration or legal advice. Your use of information provided in this article is solely at your own risk and you expressly agree not to rely upon any information contained in this article as a substitute for professional visa or immigration advice. Under no circumstance shall be held liable or responsible for any errors or omissions in this article or for any damage you may suffer in respect to any actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the information in this article. Please refer to our full disclaimer for further information.

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Can a US green card holder travel to UK without visa


Kiesha says

March 5, 2023 at 8:53 am

Hi Thirumal, I love your articles and it has been really helpful, I applied for my Mums EUSS dependent Visa to travel to the UK which got rejected due to insufficient money transfers. It takes nearly 6 months to get a reply from them sometimes more than that. I need my mum to travel to the UK to be present for my delivery in July so I wanted to apply for a visiting visa. Do you think that would be an issue as I had applied for a dependent visa before? Thank you for your help.

Thirumal Motati says

March 6, 2023 at 2:07 pm

Hi Kiesha! Yes, it can pose an issue. I have seen cases where a visitor visa was refused due to a previous EUSS refusal. ECO assumes that the applicant is taking a different route to gain entry into the UK. So you will have to put more effort into convincing the ECO, through additional documentation and a cover letter.

Ankit Kate says

October 11, 2022 at 1:24 pm

Hello sir, Thanks a lot for the detailed information on the visa process. I am currently working on a Skilled Worker Tier 2 visa and planning to sponsor a visa for my mother-in-law. I have below 2 doubts regarding the same – 1. I currently live in a rented single room in the UK and planning to get a flat on rent in December (when my wife and mother in law would be arriving), so what address should I mention in the application? 2. Is it mandatory to show savings in my mother-in-law’s name if I am sponsoring all the expenses?

October 14, 2022 at 3:14 am

Hi Ankit! 1. To avoid complications, you should mention the new address (flat from December) as the “accommodation” address for your mother-in-law. 2. Yes. This is becoming very important and UKVI is very strict about this. Your mother-in-law must have her own income and savings. If she doesn’t, then the person on which she depends, ex: father-in-law. Also, make sure to show any properties that she owns and family members that will remain in her country during her UK trip.

October 17, 2022 at 8:28 am

Hi Thirumal, thanks a lot for the advice. I just have one more question – My mother-in-law doesn’t have much savings or funds but has a property in her name. But the property papers are in a regional language. Do we need to get those translated into English for application?

October 18, 2022 at 7:02 am

Yes, the papers must be translated into English for the UK visa.

Darshita Gajjar says

September 21, 2022 at 9:04 am

Hello. Thank you for the article. It is very helpful. I have a question about the address required in the cover letter. I am applying from Germany via TLS Application Centre. Based on my knowledge, TLS only collects the biometrics, processes your application and forward it to the UK Visas & Immigration in the UK. So for my cover letter which address should I write under The Entry Clearance Officer?

September 26, 2022 at 3:53 am

Hi Darshita! TLS forwards the application to the local UK embassy or consulate in Germany. So you can address the cover letter to “The Entry Clearance Officer, Embassy of the UK in Germany”. Who you address your cover letter is not that important. The content of the letter is important though.

Raymond says

October 6, 2022 at 9:11 pm

My wife is offering to cover the cost for me and our 3 kids for 5days Christmas holiday. Do I also need to submit my bank statements, as my pay is quite low?

October 7, 2022 at 3:46 am

Hi Raymond! Yes, even if your wife is sponsoring your application, you must provide your own bank statements too. Your income/savings do not have to meet the financial requirements since you are seeking sponsorship. If you have a decent income and can provide bank statements, you should be fine.

August 27, 2022 at 11:51 pm

Hello Thirumal. Thank you for the support and advice in your articles. Please how do I prove that I am related to my brother I am Inviting? I do not have a birth certificate, Is a baptism card sufficient enough as our parents never processed our birth certificates and we are in our 40’s now.

September 1, 2022 at 5:59 am

Hi Sue! Any document that shows your names along with your parents’ names should work. Or any documents that show both your names with matching last names can also be used. But yeah the baptism cards should work too.

Tushar Shah says

August 14, 2022 at 6:50 am

Thanks, your write-up is more than useful. I am applying for a UK visa thru VFS from Pune. To whom should the cover letter be addressed?

August 14, 2022 at 11:55 am

Hi Tushar! You can address your cover letter to the following.

The Entry Clearance Officer The Consulate General of the United Kingdom, Pune, India

There may not be a consulate of the UK in Pune. Your application might be sent to the consulate of the UK in Mumbai or New Delhi. But just using the city where you are applying is fine. Many readers have done that and none of them faced any issues. What’s important in the cover letter is the content, so you will be fine.

Dharshine says

January 28, 2023 at 4:12 pm

Hi Thirumal, I am having a question that is I and my child want to visit the UK for the summer holidays. My husband is an ex-serviceman and he had many properties, pay slip, pension slip everything because of insufficient leave he can’t come with us. But we had a joint account maintaining about 4 lakhs. Is that possible that I and my child can get visas through my husband’s sponsorship?

February 10, 2023 at 11:44 am

Hi Dharshine! Yes, your husband can sponsor your application even though he will not be traveling with you. He would need to write a sponsorship letter and provide all his documents. Similarly, you would need to mention all these details in your cover letter.

Pujan Sinha says

August 13, 2022 at 3:44 am

Hi Thirumal, I intend to apply for UK tourist visa. I have traveled to other countries before however last time there was a refusal from the Netherlands. Do I need to mention the refusal reasons and justify them? Also I had withdrawn my UKVI application once, due to change of travel plans. Should I include these points in the cover letter?

August 13, 2022 at 7:42 am

Hi Pujan! Yes. You must mention your Netherlands visa refusal and the reasons for its refusal in your UK visa application. You don’t have to mention your UK visa application withdrawal. It’s are not a refusal, so no need to mention.

shalini says

August 12, 2022 at 7:51 pm

Hi, I have been to the UK before and came back. The year 2001. Then 2005 I applied for a student visa, I got the visa and went for studies. After a successful year of studying, I apply for leave to remain which it got refused. The reason is the college was closed down. I appeal again. They refused. Then came back home. Now after 10 yrs, I am applying for a visit visa to see my friend. my friend is sponsoring me. Am I supposed to mention that 12 yrs before history in my cover letter. Please advise.

August 16, 2022 at 9:40 am

Hi Shalini! If you are re-applying immediately after a refusal, it helps to mention it in your cover letter so you can address it. But there is no need to mention a refusal that happened 12 years ago in your cover letter. However, you will have to mention all visa refusals, even if they happened 12 years ago, in your visa application form.

saidi adeleke says

August 12, 2022 at 4:42 pm

I am self employed with very good travel history – USA, UAE and 6 European countries. As a self employed is it important that I should submit my personal bank statement while applying for UK visitors visa or I can only submit my company bank statement since I will be sponsoring myself for the trip? PLEASE ADVISE.

August 16, 2022 at 9:52 am

Hi Adeleke! If your self-employment is registered as a business, then you must submit both business and personal bank statements. Your salary deposits must match those bank statements. If you only submit your business bank statements, then you must write a letter on your company letterhead that your business funds are available for personal use.

Jamal Adejare says

December 10, 2022 at 1:29 am

Hi Thirumal, Please I want to ask about running your business on your personal account, but had the business registered, will it be mandated you provide a company account still?

December 13, 2022 at 4:29 am

Hi Jamal! The ideal setup is to have separate bank accounts for your business. But it is not mandatory for your UK visa. If you do a good job of explaining things and providing clear documentation, you should be fine.

Foster Osei Bonsu says

July 27, 2022 at 9:41 pm

Please thank you very much for your education on travelling application. I want to know how lengthy or how many words must the cover letter be on a visit application.

July 28, 2022 at 4:28 am

Hi Foster! I recommend keeping your cover letter to one page or two pages max. A cover letter is not a mandatory document so keeping it to one page has a higher chance of ECO reading it. If it’s too many pages, the ECO may skip reading it.

June 27, 2022 at 1:09 am

Hello, thanks for the great write-up, it’s super useful! Which category should we upload the cover letter to when uploading documents for self-service?

June 27, 2022 at 8:55 am

Hi Mike! It depends on whether you are using VFS or TLS. It should probably go into the “other” category.

Bankole says

May 25, 2022 at 5:01 pm

Thank you very much for the opportunity to learn from your wealth of experience. My organization, that is my office is set to sponsor me to a conference in the UK in August 2022. All expenses as regards the trip are being paid by my office. In this case, what other documents do I attach to my application sir? I do not have a fat net pay because larger percentage of my salary is being deducted to five (5) cooperative societies that I belong to for the purpose of saving for raining days.

May 31, 2022 at 8:29 am

Hi Bankole! From your side, you must show that you have sufficent income and savings to support your trip incase your employer decides not to support you after you land in the UK. Your income and savings doesn’t have to conform to £150 a day requirment since your employer is sponsoring you. So if you have savings enough for a flight back home should work fine too.

May 24, 2022 at 2:57 pm

Hello, my brother is due to apply to come and visit me in the UK. I am a British and will be sponsoring his trip. But he lives in the village and he is a farmer (a cash business and he deposits the money in his bank). He has money in his bank statement equivalent to £1000. how can we prove this source of income please. He is a village man farming and selling in the village and Saturday markets. What documents should he submit?

May 25, 2022 at 6:30 am

Hi Sue! If he can prove that he is a farmer and sells his yield/produce at certain markets, then that should be sufficient. Also, if he owns the farming land, that would really help with his visa. What about his travel history? Has he ever been outside the country?

May 30, 2022 at 11:49 pm

Hello Thirumal. Thank you, how can he prove that he is a farmer, please? Also yes he has been outside the country since 2012 ( 10 years ago). The land he is farming on is our inheritance and the land title is in his name but as an administrator, pending the transfer to his name. Is this sufficient. The letter of administration from the court mentions him as the son of the late.

May 31, 2022 at 8:08 am

Yes. That should be sufficient to prove that the land belongs to him. It also needs to be properly explained in the “extra information” section within the UK visa application and also in the cover letter.

May 23, 2022 at 8:34 am

Hi, I am a single parent travelling with my son to UK on a tourist visa. I have the consent form, divorce decree and cover letter for my travel. I have also included other docs as per your article above. What other documents should I include in my application considering the single parent bit? My appointment is day after tomorrow and I happened to see this page only today.

May 24, 2022 at 6:51 am

Hi ML! Apart from those documents, submit the following for your application. – Cover letter with details of your employment, financial, family and economic ties

Submit the following for your son’s application. – His birth certificate (to prove your relationship) – Consent letter from your son’s father – A sponsorship/cover letter with details about you, your employment, financial, family and economic ties, etc. (since you will take care of his expenses during the trip)

Oladimeji says

May 21, 2022 at 10:54 pm

Please I forgot to include my visit to the Republic of Cyprus when I was asked in my visa application what countries I’ve visited! I wasn’t refused a visa neither was I deported! But the stamps in and out are on my passport! Do I need a cover letter?

May 23, 2022 at 6:23 am

Hi Oladimeji! If you have considerable travel history, for example, 5 or more, then you don’t have to worry about not mentioning Cyprus. If you don’t have good travel history, then cancel your application and fill out a new one. You can get a full refund of the visa fee if you haven’t given your biometrics yet. And the cover letter is necessary either way.

January 31, 2022 at 2:59 pm

Hi, thank you for your helpful subject. I am a Ph.D. student in Canada, and I want to visit the UK over the summer holidays. Also, I have to come back to Canada again to continue my Ph.D. program. What documents do I need to include in my file to show that I am coming back after visiting the UK? Is that sufficient to include my admission letter from the university and my home lease contract? Thank you!

February 2, 2022 at 6:40 am

Hi Alec! An admission letter will not be sufficient. You need proof that you still have a certain number of semesters left and you have pre-paid your tuition for the future semesters. At least 1 or 2 semesters would be fine. A home lease contract also helps.

January 25, 2022 at 12:19 pm

Hello, thank you for such effort you’ve put into this blog site to help lots of people like me. I must confess I have learned alot from the post and reactions after it. I have a couple of questions though.

1. What is the sequence of UK online application for family of 5 going together to the UK for holiday .i.e. who’s application comes first? 2. What is the visa approval success rate for a spouse that is not working at the moment and going with her husband and kids to the UK for holiday? 3. Can the husband sponsor wife’s UK visa application/trip even though she’s employed?

January 26, 2022 at 5:49 am

Hi Sam! I appreciate the kind words! 1. Even though you all apply together, each application is assessed individually. You will have no control over whose application will be assessed first and in which order. The only thing you can do is to mention everyone else as their travel companions in each of your applications, and also in the cover letter. 2. The approvals are high as long as the husband can sponsor her application, prove the relationship and prove that she and her husband have strong ties with their country. 3. Yes, the husband can sponsor his wife’s UK visa application. There is no need for the wife to be working or employed.

December 14, 2021 at 4:25 pm

Hello, with regard to mentioning the Travel History in the Cover Letter. What if my previous passport already expired and got misplaced, hence, I am not able to provide a copy of the stamps for these. Do you think it will still add value or just completely leave out the travel history section? Grateful in advance for your response.

December 18, 2021 at 10:39 am

Hi Jamie! If you can’t prove your travel history, don’t mention it in the application.

December 7, 2021 at 3:51 pm

Hello, I’m employed and I’m a business owner, my bank statement reflects both my salary from my job and profit from my business. My question is what should I attach as proof? Payslips, business license, etc.? Thank you!

December 11, 2021 at 12:08 pm

Hi Julie! You must attach both, your payslips and business license. Also, explain clearly in your cover letter. In the future, separate your accounts otherwise you will continue to face problems with your visas.

November 30, 2021 at 10:56 am

Hi sir, I’m mills a police officer and I intend to travel to the UK for a conference on safety and security by next year. I need guidance on what documents I should attach to it apart from the mandatory requirements. Will it be necessary to add my marriage certificate, car and house paperwork?

December 2, 2021 at 3:44 pm

Hi Mills! Documents proving any kind of ties with your country are essential to make a strong case. Your marriage certificate will prove your family ties and house paperwork will prove your economic ties with your country. So yes, make sure to provide those two. Mentioning your car is not necessary.

October 17, 2021 at 5:02 am

Hello, I am applying for a UK returning residence visa to regain the status of my lapsed ILR. My question is should I write a cover letter with the application, if yes then to whom should I address the cover letter. Please quick response will be highly appreciated.

October 20, 2021 at 5:19 pm

Hi Navid! Unfortunately, my knowledge and experience are only in tourist visas. So I’m not sure if a cover letter is necessary for an ILR application.

Esther says

November 19, 2021 at 12:44 am

Dear THIRUMAL, I applied for a tourist visa to the UK and was approved. The next again I tried and was refused because the first information says I don’t have dependents and that’s because they don’t live with me. Now they live with me and depend on me but I didn’t realize then I should have included a cover letter. And we were all denied. What must I do because the children want to visit the UK on tourism? Thanks.

November 20, 2021 at 12:39 pm

Hi Esther! You already know your refusal reasons. Make sure to fix them in your re-application. Provide proof that you have dependents (family ties) and provide a detailed cover letter. Follow the instructions from this article for the cover letter.

September 28, 2021 at 1:25 pm

Hi Thirumal, I’m doing the application for a UK visa for my parents, both retired, and they live in Albania. Their pension is not a great amount of money and my siblings and I, we all contribute monthly to their financial situation of their living there. I’m covering all their expenses from the start to finish of their visit to the UK. I’ve prepared a cover letter from my part explaining their intention of coming in UK for Christmas and that I’ll be covering everything.

Their visas have been refused 2 times before. Now my concern is “On their cover letter should I explain their pension as an income and that their children give financial support on their living, or should we live this out of the cover letter.

I understand that their pension money only is not enough, and there is a section on the application asking about their salary and other forms of income and how much they spend monthly. this is a bit tricky for pensioners as they will have to spend all their money for their living in my country, and also the extra they get for us. Do we have to explain this in the cover letter? Will this still be an issue for the application?

Just to mention again I’ll be covering their expenses while travelling. They have savings as their own 4000Euro, which they have accumulated while they had worked previously, My mom had a small tailoring shop. Will this be enough for them? Thanks!

September 29, 2021 at 8:53 am

Hi Bruna! The UK visa application is mainly meant for employed individuals. The questions are not quite relevant to retired, students, housewives, children, etc. That’s where the question “extra information” and the cover letter come in handy.

In their cover letters, yes, mention that they rely on both their pension and support from their children. This is quite normal in most countries, so I don’t think it would be difficult for the ECO to understand.

For employment questions, they can mention that they are retired. If that option is not available, they can select unemployed. For the question on other income or savings, they can mention their monthly pension and support from children. It’s ok for the living expenses to be equal to their pension and support. This won’t hurt their visa approval as you will be sponsoring their trip.

For any trip expenses related questions, make sure they put zero for them since they will not personally spend anything on the trip.

Yes, it’s essential to mention all of these in their cover letters and a summary of them in “extra information”.

Yes, 4,000 euros of savings should be enough for them since they will not personally spend anything from their side on the trip. You will bear all their trip expenses.

Lastly, a couple of important things. – Most of the time, UKVI will not scrutinize retired applicants. So, no need to worry about their pension and savings. ECOs will mostly focus on your income and savings as you are sponsoring them. Make sure you have all the documents needed. Also, if you know the reasons why their previous visas were refused, let me know, so I can give your more accurate advice based on that. – Even after explaining everything in the cover letter, a lot of time ECOs make decisions based on the numbers like salary, savings, etc in the application. This is unfortunate, but when this happens, a lot of times, the applicants see success either with a PAP or reapplication.

August 28, 2021 at 9:32 am

Hi, I am from Srilanka, which is a red list country. I intend to apply for a UK visa to drop and settle my one and only son who is starting uni. Do you think a visit visa will be issued?

August 28, 2021 at 11:46 am

Hi H Ali! If your country is on the red list, your UK visa application will not be accepted by the VFS. Even if they accept your documents, UKVI will put your application on hold till Srilanka comes out of the red list.


August 28, 2021 at 7:24 am

For Canada tourist visa applied online; where does the cover letter fit in. Is it necessary only when we apply on paper?

August 28, 2021 at 11:44 am

Hi Pradeep! A cover letter is not mandatory for a Canada visa. But I usually recommend one since it’s the easiest way to convey information that’s not asked in the application. You can provide a cover letter for both online and paper applications. If applying online, you can upload the cover letter for “Letter of explanation of your trip”. Letter of explanation of your trip will be one of the items in document upload.

Quincy says

August 26, 2021 at 9:12 pm

Hello. Nice articles. I’ve been visiting here for more knowledge but I still have some doubts.

1. I am planning to apply for a visit visa, I have my employment contract (25 pages) and also a leave letter from my HR. Do I need to submit both documents or just the leave NOC letter from my HR is fine?

2. Is it also necessary to submit my house rental agreements?

3. Also I have been refused a US visa some years ago which I declared in my application. But do I have to submit a copy of my refusal letter in my UK application and specify this in the cover letter also?

I really need some clarity here and I would appreciate your response. Thanks.

August 28, 2021 at 11:38 am

Hi Quincy! 1. Both the Employment letter and leave approval letter are necessary. Employment letter will have details such as how long you have been employed with them, your salary, job duties, etc. Therefore, you need an employment letter too, not an employment contract. You can have your HR write a one-page employment letter for you. If you need a template, email me. 2. Yes. It will demonstrate your economic ties with your country. 3. No. You do not need to submit your US visa refusal letter. You also do not need to mention your US visa refusal in your cover letter.

Muhammad Sameer says

August 24, 2021 at 5:58 pm

Hey dear, I have a couple of questions to ask related to the UK visit visa application. Considering my family is applying where my father is the head, my mother is a housewife and I am a student. All my queries are stated below.

1) There is a question in the application which says how much money you intend to spend on this trip personally, so what should I write for my father, me and my mom. I cannot put zero in mine and my mum’s because it doesn’t allow it.

2) My father was refused a UK visa back in 2012, The application asks for it but he doesn’t have the refusal letter so what should I write in the application.

3) Me and my mum applied and got the visa last December but we couldn’t go due to red list issues and increased corona cases. So should I mention that in my application on why we didn’t travel even though we had the visa then?

August 25, 2021 at 8:12 am

Hi Muhammad! 1) Even though you are not personally spending on your trip, you must still enter the amount per individual. You can divide the total expense by 3 and enter that amount for each of you. 2) You can simply enter “ECO discretion” or “Do not remember the refusal reasons”. This will not hurt your visa result in any way. 3) Mentioning that you had a visa and could not use it will only work towards your benefit. So make sure to mention it in the “additional/extra information” within your application and also in your cover letter.

August 25, 2021 at 5:57 pm

So for instance, if my father is staying there for two months and me and my mom are going for twenty days so around how much money should I write for me, my mom and my father.

August 26, 2021 at 1:34 pm

I see. That’s a bit complicated. I suggest dividing the total expense by the amount of time spent in the UK by each. From your example, since your dad will spend 60days, you will spend 20days and your mom will spend 20days, divide the total budget by 60%, 20% and 20%. That should work.

August 26, 2021 at 1:38 pm

Actually I am confused on how much should I write for budget of my trip as my sister and brother-in-law in UK would be taking care of our accommodation, food and transport in UK.

August 28, 2021 at 11:48 am

If someone is sponsoring your trip, you will only enter the amount that you personally spend on your UK trip. For example, if they cover your accommodation, food and transportation and you will pay for shopping and souvenirs. Then you will enter the amount you will spend on shopping and souvenirs.

August 15, 2021 at 6:24 pm

Hi Thirumal, my UK visa application was refused. I want to apply again, but I have some doubts, could I contact you in any way, please? I would like to receive advice and help from you. Thanks.

August 16, 2021 at 4:04 am

Hi Mari! Sure. Please send me an email with your questions to [email protected] .

Michael says

August 12, 2021 at 8:44 pm

Hi, my graduation ceremony is in September and I intend to travel for it. Can you help me with how I should tailor my cover letter to the British embassy?

August 14, 2021 at 11:37 am

Hi Michael! Since you will be applying for a visitor visa, you must prove that you have strong ties with your country and you will return back after your trip. Therefore, most sections in this article will apply to your situation except the travel purpose. In the travel purpose section, you will mention that you will be traveling to the UK for your graduation ceremony.

Fathia says

August 2, 2021 at 4:35 pm

Good evening sir, I really like your articles and it has really helped me. My father is about to apply for my visa again. My question is that how do I explain the deposit in my account were gifts from family members. My visa was refused because they were other deposits in my account aside from my father’s deposits (he is the one sponsoring my trip).

August 3, 2021 at 7:31 am

Hi Fathia! If your father is sponsoring and he also deposited cash into your account, he can explain that in his sponsor letter. You can also explain the same in your cover letter. But for other large cash deposits, you must present evidence that the cash belongs to you. I have a detailed article on bank statements for UK visa . This article explains these in detail.

Ofori Bismark says

July 28, 2021 at 4:51 am

Please sir, my brother is in the UK has sent me an invite. I m in Ghana now so what documents do I need before I can apply for the visa?

July 29, 2021 at 5:14 am

Hi Ofori! There is a distinction between INVITATION and SPONSORSHIP. To know what documents you need for the UK visa, you would first need to understand that your brother is simply inviting you to visit him or sponsoring your trip. Below are the documents you will need.

Invitation – Your brother’s UK passport (or his home country passport) – Your brother’s UK residence permit (if he is not a UK citizen) – An invitation letter from your brother stating that he is inviting you to visit him in the UK

Sponsorship – Your brother’s UK passport (or his home country passport) – Your brother’s UK residence permit (if he is not a UK citizen) – A sponsorship letter from your brother stating that you will take care of all your trip expenses including accommodation, food and transportation – His apartment lease agreement – A utility bill on his name

Arinola says

July 17, 2021 at 10:42 am

Good morning sir, I like your articles and it has been really helpful, my question is that what if you are submitting 6 months bank statements and your employers paid you 3 months and owe you 3 months what will you do? Even if you have other transactions running in your salary account, can you still use the accounts? Or if the employer pays the 3months together, can you still use it. Thanks.

July 17, 2021 at 11:22 am

Hi Arinola! If you are getting paid irregularly, you need to explain this in your cover letter and provide documentary proof such as an explanation from your employer.

Nana poku says

May 24, 2021 at 12:07 pm

If you own a property with your uncle can you add that in your miscellaneous with the necessary documents? And if you provided a statement from 2020-2021 in your previous application can you reduce it to 6months in the next application

Do you have to write a cover letter to prove your bank statement or get an attestation from the bank if your employer deposit is not clearly indicated in the bank statement? What do you do when there is a different department that pays salaries of workers of your employer?

Thirumal says

May 25, 2021 at 5:25 am

Hi Nana! Yes, if you co-own a property with someone, you can provide the ownership document as proof of economic tie with your country. Bank statements must be for the latest 6 months. No need for statements from the previous application. The most recent 6 months should work fine.

Bank statements in some countries require an official attestation from the bank. You will know if that’s how bank statements are used in your country for all purposes. If your company name is different from the deposit transaction in your bank statements, you can explain it in your cover letter.

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Paving your path to becoming a doctor in the UK 🇬🇧

Are you an International Medical Graduate (IMG) who’s determined to make a medical career in the UK? Let’s start!

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Introducing the Ultimate UKMLA Qbank!

With thousands of high-quality, peer-reviewed questions made by experienced UK doctors, you can rest assured that you’ll be prepared come exam day.

In 2020, a total of around 10,000 international medical graduates (IMGs) obtained registration with the General Medical Council (GMC), which was greater than the UK and EEA graduates combined. 🤯

Why did this happen.

  • A universal healthcare system (the NHS)
  • Experience of living and working in the UK
  • Opportunities to learn new skills (even in competitive specialities)
  • Providing healthcare to a diverse, multicultural population

These are a few of the perks that are continuing to attract international doctors to the UK.

But, the process , starting from taking the required exams to reaching your long term goal of becoming a consultant in your chosen speciality, is riddled with intersecting pathways and various stipulations. it’s easy to get confused from the start. it’s easy to be in that situation of “i wish i knew…” 😥, so, what’s the solution, roadtouk. we, dr. ibreez ajaz and dr. ibrahim ivan, started this platform with an aim to give each and every img an opportunity to achieve their dream of living and working in the uk., our blog articles , youtube videos and personalized guidance sessions have benefitted thousands of imgs already, and our mission to develop a more confident and knowledgable version of you has only just started. 🤞.

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It’s as easy as 1…2…3!

We provide personalized guidance sessions to enable you to plan and execute your own road to uk. we have revised and developed various session types according to the img need. click the button below to explore more., pick your platform, we have developed the following areas filled with lots of information delivered in various ways in order for you to find out what you need.

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Meet the Team!

Ibreez and Ibrahim, the team of two international medical graduates who started early in their UK career and have built this platform to help and guide other IMGs to make it to the UK!

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  • Apr 2, 2022
  • 12 min read

PLAB 2 visa: How to ensure your application is successful

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Hi, my name is Prem. I am an IMG from India, and I have recently received my PLAB 2 visa to the UK. In today's blog, I am going to tell you about my experience of applying for the PLAB 2 visa, which I hope will help make your application successful too.

First of all, congratulations on passing the PLAB 1 exam! The next step is the PLAB 2 exam, which is held in the UK only and for which you will need a UK visa.

To make the PLAB 2 journey easier, the TrewLink Academy has launched its very own PLAB 2 Online course that includes high-quality lectures and recordings of each PLAB chapter taught by UK doctors and ex-OSCE examiners. This is an intensive instructor-led coaching programme, covering the highest yield topics and scenarios seen in PLAB 2. History taking, diagnosis, management, communication and counselling stations are all dealt with as well as practical skills. You can now prepare for PLAB 2 at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home.

PLAB 2 visa requirements

Standard Visitor Visa - Business visa ( To take the Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB) test or the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) ). You can apply via other visa options if you fit under any other category.

Fill out an Online Application form for the required type of Visa.

Cover letter

All necessary supporting documents

Fill out an Online Application form for the required type of visa.

Complete payment . Here you can apply for priority if needed. I went with a priority visa, which cost an additional expense of 23,247 rupees and received my visa in 6 days. You do not have to pay extra for priority, only if you wish to receive the decision on your application faster or if you do not have a standard 15 days to wait for the decision to be made.

Book an appointment for biometrics via VFS - A link will be given once you have completed the application form. You will also be asked to provide documents to support your application. You can either upload the documents yourself or do this at the visa centre. I had to pay additional 1000 rupees for scanning assistance at the VFS. You can upload the documents on your own at home to avoid this expense but it was really convenient and helpful. There are also multiple options such as bronze, gold, and platinum packages that you can choose as per your convenience by paying extra. I chose the bronze package.

Your vis a issue date will be a few days ahead of the date of travel you mentioned in your cover letter.

My visa application

Name, DOB, Visa ID, Passport ID

Travel Information (Main Purpose for Travel): To take the Professional and Linguistic Assessment Board (PLAB) part 2 test that is scheduled on _____ in Manchester. This exam is held only in the UK and in no other country.

Travel information (Make sure to explain this very clearly in your cover letter. Keep the trip as short as possible, it gives a better chance of securing the visa)

Personal Information: Home Address, Mobile Number

Passport details

Parent details: Father’s and Mother’s Name and DOB

Employment: (I was unemployed). If employed and you are sponsoring yourself, make sure to explain this in the cover letter. Attach your no objection certificate and salary certificate along with your bank details (6 months statement).

Expenditure: I put 2000 pounds for my 35 days trip. Note: I arranged my accommodation at my cousin’s place. So, I didn’t add any expense for accommodation. I put 1800 pounds as my expenditure for each month. I showed my bank balance as 7500 pounds (Make sure it is a minimum of 3 times the amount you will be spending for your visit).

Accommodation: I put my cousin’s house address as proof. You can put any address here. You don’t have to stay there particularly. This is just to see if you have planned your accommodation or not.

Travel History: I have a travel history to Qatar so I mentioned it here.

Other History: This is to check if you were involved in any Crime and/or Terrorism.

Cover Letter

Entry Clearance Officer

UK Visas & Immigration

Re: Applying for Business Visitor Visa (PLAB Visa)

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, Dr. __________ (name), Visa application reference no: ______, Passport No ______, applying for a Business Visitor Visa to appear in the PLAB Part 2 examination, which going to be held on ________ (date), Manchester, United Kingdom. I had previously appeared and passed PLAB 1 in Chennai on _________ (date).

I am a fully qualified doctor who is registered and licensed with the Gujarat Medical council, India under the registration number ______ to practice medicine.

I am also registered with the General Medical Council (GMC), UK, as a candidate to appear in PLAB 2 examination. My GMC reference number is ______. (Documentary evidence of this has been attached.)


I am applying for a Business visitor visa to appear in the PLAB part 2 examination that I wish to take on ___________ (date). This exam is held only in Manchester, UK. PLAB Part 2 examination is not held in any other country . It is the second part of licensing exam for International Medical Graduates who wish to practice medicine in the UK. I passed the PLAB part 1 examination on __________ (date) in ________________ (place) (only part 1 of the PLAB examination is held in other countries).

The General Medical Council has invited me to their Clinical Assessment Centre at 3 Hardman Street, Manchester, the United Kingdom on ___________ (date). I have also attached a confirmation from GMC for my exam invitation.

All of the above shows that I’m genuinely seeking entry into the UK as a visitor, to appear in the PLAB Part 2 examination. You may confirm my registration details with the GMC UK and my exam invitation from the General Medical Council by calling at +44 161 923 6602 or by

e-mailing them at [email protected] or [email protected] .


I have worked as a doctor (Intern) in India for a year; now I want to work as a doctor in a better system where I can improve my skills even more. There is no doubt in the fact that the UK healthcare system is one of the best healthcare systems in the world. I want to make myself a better doctor by working in the UK and by learning from the doctors in the UK.

After gaining a sufficient amount of knowledge and experience as a doctor, and after serving the UK for a few years, I would like to come back to India to help the people of my country, like many others have done before me.


DECEMBER 2019: I graduated from St. NHL Municipal Medical College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

FEBRUARY 2020: Started my Internship at SVP hospital, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

JULY 2020: Passed IELTS

FEBRUARY 2021: Finished Internship training in SVP hospital, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

FEBRUARY 2021: Attempted PLAB 1 in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

APRIL 2021: Registered as a medical practitioner under Gujarat Medical Council, India.

MARCH 2021: Passed PLAB 1

I plan on leaving for the UK by mid-January. The one-month practice period will be very crucial to pass PLAB 2 as it is a very difficult exam and the failure rate is very high unless proper effort is put into it. I am also planning to take the guidance of a few friends and seniors in the UK who have recently passed the PLAB 2 exam and are working under the NHS, to get acquainted with the exam and NHS protocols.

After I reach the UK, I plan on staying at my uncle’s house (Name:______) for my preparations for PLAB 2 until February 24th. The invitation letter and other necessary documents showing his support during my stay at their place are attached. He is willing to provide food and accommodation for the said period.


My Father. : (name)

Occupation :

My Mother : (name)

My Grandfather : (name)

My Grandmother : (name)

I live with my mother and my grandparents at our family home in ______. My father retains full ownership of the property and housing (A copy of the home utility bill and my father’s national ID are attached).

My father is self-employed and lives in Qatar. Since my father lives abroad and my mother is a full-time employee, I took the responsibility to look after my grandparents. They are physically incapable of taking care of themselves because of their health conditions. Both of my grandparents are handicapped and have recently recovered from COVID-19. I look after them personally by arranging their appointments and performing basic health check-ups myself regularly. So, I definitely have to return after my exam to take care of them as I am the only doctor in my family who understands their health issues.

My father has several properties including the building I reside in, which they have set aside for me. As my father stays in Qatar and I am the only son, it is my responsibility to look after them personally. (A copy of the affidavit declaring my parent’s properties is attached)


I have travelled to Qatar thrice in the years 2016, 2017 and 2018 to visit my father for 20 days. I have attached the proofs of those visits. During all my stays I had abided by the country’s rules and regulations and returned to my home country within a specific duration . All appropriate travel history entry and exit proof are attached.


My father, ______ will be my financial guarantor. His letter of support along with his related financial documents and an Affidavit declaring his sponsorship of my visit is attached for your consideration.

Monthly income: (Salary certificate has been attached)

Savings bank account no: (Account balance as of 3rd November 2021 has been attached)


During my course of stay in the UK, I will be staying at my uncle’s residence at ______, the United Kingdom till my exam ends. An invitation letter from __(name)____ along with copies of his passport, residence permit, rental agreement and a payslip from the employer are attached.


Plane tickets - 700 GBP

Living expenses - None (as I will be staying at my uncle’s place)

Food - 250 GBP

Transport - 250 GBP

Hotel expense at Manchester - 200 GBP

Miscellaneous - 100 GBP

Emergency funds - 500 GBP

The amount of money that my father is willing to pay for my visit is approximately 9406 GBP and my maximum expected expense amounts to 2000 GBP. I will only be spending 21% of the total amount. So I have more than enough financial backing to finance this trip.

MY ITINERARY FOR THE UK TRIP: (Visa Application Reference No.______)

15th JANUARY 2022: Departure from Chennai (Tamil Nadu, India) to London, UK.

16th JANUARY 2022: Reach London, UK and travel to my accommodation (uncle’s residence) at Milton Keynes, relax and unpack.

16th JANUARY TO 20TH FEBRUARY 2021: Prepare for PLAB 2 thoroughly and revise with the guidance of a few colleagues and seniors.

21st FEBRUARY 2022: Travel to Manchester, UK.

22nd FEBRUARY 2022: Appear in PLAB 2 examination.

23rd FEBRUARY 2021: Rest and pack.

24th FEBRUARY 2021: Departure from London, the UK to Chennai, India.

I am a fresh graduate and I recently completed my internship at SVP hospital. Since I have very little clinical experience, I would like to come back after my PLAB part 2 examination to work as a doctor in India to gain more clinical knowledge. This strategy will provide me with adequate experience and maturity making me a well-rounded doctor.

I can assure you that I am going to leave the UK at the end of my visit as I have a responsibility to take care of my grandparents and look after my father’s properties. I love to live with my family and I cannot emphasise how important it is for me to come back.


I am a law-abiding citizen of my country and aspire to be a sincere and hardworking doctor.

I will obey all the rules and regulations of the UK legislation. I will return within the specified frame of time. I will not overstay my visit.

I have a genuine invitation from the General Medical Council UK to appear in the PLAB Part 2 examination. I am genuinely seeking entry into the UK as a visitor.

I would be highly grateful to you if you grant me visa clearance to appear in PLAB Part 2 examination and make a success story out of my life.

Thank you for considering my application.

General Medical Council (GMC) UK Reference Number:

Gujarat Council of Medical Registration, Registration Number:

Permanent Residential Address:

Phone Number:

I have attached the following documents:

1. My passport

2. Copy of my National ID

3. A letter from relevant UK authority confirming arrangements - PLAB 2 booking confirmation from GMC UK

4. Other documents related to General Medical Council (GMC), UK:

My PLAB 1 passing letter and test results

My GMC reference number details

5. My Academic Certificates:

Copy of my MBBS certificate

Copy of Internship Completion Certificate

Copy of my IELTS Academic Test Report Form

6. Copy of my Full Registration with the Gujarat Medical Council (state registration under Medical Council of India)

7. Evidence of family members in my home country whilst I travel:

Copy of Mother’s National ID

Copy of Grandfather’s National ID

Copy of Grandmother’s National ID

8. Evidence of home address:

Copy of home utility bill

Copy of Father's National ID

9. My accommodation in the UK:

Invitation letter from my Uncle

Copy of his Passport ID, Rental Agreement, Residence Permit, Bank Statement

10. Documents related to Financial Sponsorship by my father:

My father’s letter of support

My father’s passport copy

My father’s bank statements for the past 6 months

My father’s payslips for the past 6 months

My father’s salary certificate

My father’s residence permit

Affidavit declaring financial sponsorship/property evaluation

11. Immigration history to Qatar (covered in the passport)

Sponsor Letter

The Entry Clearance Officer, UK Visas and Immigration 4/November/2021


Dear Sir/Madam,

I, Mr.______, working as an ______. My son, Dr. ___________________ has passed his PLAB Part 1 examination and is intending to sit in PLAB Part 2 examination in Manchester, UK. His examination will be held on _________ (date).

His details are mentioned below:

Date of Birth

Passport No.

Visa Application Reference No.

I am willing to help my son, Dr. ___________ (name), financially for his UK trip. I have a monthly income of ______ per annum and I have suitable funds to support him during his stay in the UK.

I have supported the following documents along with this letter:

1. National ID card

2. My Bank Statement for the last 6 months

3. Payslips for the last 6 months

4. Copy of my Passport

5. Affidavit of sponsorship (optional)

6. Salary certificate

7. Residential Permit (optional, I had to show cause my dad stays in Qatar)

If you require more information about my circumstances, you can contact me at my mobile number ______.

Yours faithfully

(Sign here)

Invitation Letter

(Write UK address here)

(Write date here)

The Visa Officer

British Deputy High Commission

RE: UK-Short term support letter for my cousin, Dr. _________ with passport number:______, Republic of India

This is to certify that, I, ___________ will be sponsoring my cousin, Dr. ___________ for a short visit to the UK, from _____________ to ___________. The purpose of his visit is to prepare for as well as to appear in the face to face PLAB Part 2 examination to be held in Manchester on ____________.

I am working as a ______ and my annual income is around ______. I will be supporting my cousin during his entire stay in the UK, by providing accommodation and food during his stay in the UK till he returns back to India on _______________.

I have enclosed the following documents as proof that I can financially support him during his stay here:

1. Copy of my passport

2. Copy of my resident permit

3. Recent 6 months' bank account statement

4. Rental agreement

I sincerely ask you to consider my cousin’s visa application. I would be happy to provide any further information in this regard should you require it. Please do not hesitate to contact me directly if you need any further information using this mobile number (+44____________).

Yours Sincerely,

Affidavit declaring financial sponsorship / property evaluation

I, ________(Father’s name)___ son of ___(Grandfather’s name)___ of address ______ do hereby declare solemn affirmation as under:

That I am a citizen of India by birth.

That I am the father of _____________, Date of birth ___________, Passport No. ______, resident of __________.

That I bear all his living expenses in India.

That I will provide funds for his UK trip.

That he will not be a burden on public funds on the Government of the United Kingdom.

That he will obey all the rules and regulations of the Government of the United Kingdom.

That he will return to India at the end of the visit.

That I am financially sound and solvent enough and assure to meet and provide all expenditures to be incurred for the purpose of my son’s visit & examination to the UK from my following existing financial positions:

road to uk cover letter

10. That the value of asset properties is calculated based on the present market rate of the locality.

11. That I do hereby undertake that, immediately after completion of my son's visit he will return to our native land India without any delay with my own arrangement and costs.

12. That the statements made above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I swear and sign this affidavit of financial support before the notary Public at ______.


Signature of deponents

This deponent is known to me, identified by me and he has signed in my presence.


Make sure you have a proof for everything you mention in your cover letter.

Your bank balance should always be 3 times the amount you are planning to spend for the trip. It is very important .

It's not necessary to show property owned but it helps to show ties to your home country.

Show evidence of family members in your home country. It could be anyone: parents, grandparents, spouse, children etc.

I advise strongly not to mention your academy as it is a private institute. These academies are not approved organisations to invite you to the UK.

If you want to go early as in 1-2 months before your test, make sure your funds are sufficient enough to support your stay. In your cover letter, you can add that due to covid it’s difficult to secure a slot so you want to be prepared thoroughly for your exam. You also need to adjust to the weather and the UK's culture. Mention that you are going early to take guidance from seniors working in the NHS, plus major sources of your preparation are nice, BNF, CKS websites and they only work in the UK.

Don’t book your flight tickets before you receive your visa.

At VFS, there is no interview. All you have to do is submit documents and do biometrics. (Note: they don’t let you carry any electrical appliances inside).

I would suggest going for a priority visa if affordable as there can be delays that cause unnecessary stress.

If employed make sure to get a no-objection letter from your employer.

If you have any questions about PLAB 2 visa, I would be happy to answer them at trewlink.com .

Written by Dr Prem

Edited by Dr Julia

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Please what is the essense for sponsorship form for sponsors supporting document in standard visitors visas for OSCE

Thank you Dr Prem! .It's really helpful.

Thank you Dr Prem! This was really helpful. You have cleared many of my doubts.

Thankyou this was really helpful 😀

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  • Careers advice
  • Cover letters

There is a problem

How to write a cover letter.

A cover letter introduces you to an employer and asks them to think about your application. 

It’s a short letter, usually 3 to 5 paragraphs long.

When to include a cover letter

You should always include a cover letter when you apply for a job using a CV. 

You can write it as an email if you’re applying online or print a copy to go with a paper application.

When writing a cover letter, let the employer know you’re keen by showing that you’ve researched the company. Learn more about what they do through:

  • their website
  • recent news articles
  • talking to people you know who work there

Send it to the right person

It's important to try to address your cover letter to someone by name. Check you have the details of the person you need to send it to. 

You'll need their name and preferred title. For example, ‘Dr’, ‘Mr’, ‘Mrs’, ‘Ms’, and their job title. You should also make sure you have the right company name and address, including postcode.

If you do not know their name

If the job advert does not include a name you can check the company website. Try to find details of the head of the department, head of human resources or a recruitment manager.

If you still cannot find a name, you can start your letter with ‘Dear Sir or Madam’.


Introduce yourself and explain how you found the advertised job. You can mention the job title, and reference number if there is one. 

If you’re asking about any job openings and not applying to a vacancy, tell them what sort of job you’re looking for. Let the employer see how keen you are to work for them.

Show you're right for the job

Highlight the skills and experience you have that match what the employer is looking for. 

Convince them that you're enthusiastic about working for them. Let them know you share their work values, culture and style.

Give extra information

If you have gaps in your employment history, you could talk about the skills you gained while you were out of work.

If you’ve mentioned on your CV that you have a disability, you might want to talk more about this in your cover letter. Organisations like Disability UK can give you advice on how to do this. You do not have to mention your disability at this stage if you prefer not to.

You can get more help with specialist advice on finding work if you have a disability.

Ending your cover letter

Thank the employer for considering your application. Let them know that they can get more details from your CV, and tell them you're looking forward to hearing from them.

Let them know how they can best contact you. Make sure your contact details are correct on both your cover letter and CV.

Yours sincerely or yours faithfully

If you know the name of the person you’re writing to, you should end the letter with ‘Yours sincerely’.

If you’ve addressed the letter ‘Dear Sir or Madam’, you should end the letter with ‘Yours faithfully’.

Tips for writing a cover letter

When writing your cover letter, remember to:

  • write a new one for every job you apply for and make sure it’s tailored to the company and the specific role
  • use the same font and size as you do for your CV, so it looks consistent
  • make sure the company name and recruiter’s details are correct
  • use the right language and tone: keep it professional and match the keywords used by the employer in their job advert
  • show you’ve done your research into the job and the company
  • highlight your most relevant skills and experience to stand out from other applicants
  • back up any statements you make with facts and use the STAR method
  • double check spelling and grammar before you send it
  • keep a copy of your cover letter as they may ask you about it in an interview

Related content

How to write a CV

Completing application forms

Interview tips

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Cover letter for UK visitor visa(5 samples)

road to uk cover letter

As a BetterHelp affiliate, we may receive compensation from BetterHelp if you purchase products or services through the links provided.

The Optimistminds editorial team is made up of psychologists, psychiatrists and mental health professionals. Each article is written by a team member with exposure to and experience in the subject matter.  The article then gets reviewed by a more senior editorial member. This is someone with extensive knowledge of the subject matter and highly cited published material.

This article will list samples of “cover letters for a UK visitor Visa.”

Samples of cover letters for a UK visitor Visa

When applying for a UK visitor Visa, your cover letter is an opportunity to show your recipient why you qualify. The best format for writing a cover letter is as follows:

  • Address the recipient with a formal salutation. For example, “Dear/Hello (name of the recipient).” If you do not know the recipient’s name, you can refer to them as sir/madam.
  • Write a brief statement about why you are interested in visiting Ireland.
  • Make a brief statement about your purpose for choosing the country. Next, disclose if you have already paid for accommodation.
  • Next, clearly state that you intend to return to your home country after completing your adventure.
  • List the expenses/funds and the documents and items attached to the application.
  • Conclude your letter with a forward-looking statement.

“British Embassy

678 Lincoln Road

United Kingdom

RE: Ms Celine Visitor Visa Application, Passport Number; 457654 Expiry Date; May 20th, 2012

This letter is written with the intention of expatiating on the information on application on myself and on the purpose of me needing a UK visitor visa. So I’m Celine Lawrence and I will be 40 years on the 3rd of Feb 2012. I have been working as an Engineer in landmark construction for about 8 years now. My country is affiliated to the renounced primetime construction and we execute main federal government jobs. I have been a regular employee since after my 6 months probation period of joining the company. I receive an annual salary of $40,000 and my monthly salary is $3500 that is divided in the below categories

For my taxable is $500

Honorarium is $2500

Allowance is $500

I had met my finance on the Badoo dating site on the January and we have just being communicating only via email and chats. Though he has been making attempt to come to Nigeria but his job routine has not allowed that for now. So I’m free now and will be permitted for my leave of work for about 48 days. So I want to use this opportunity to meet up with him.

I will like to leave for the UK on April 10th, 2012  and will return to my country on May 10th. My finance Mr. Tom will be paying all the expenses associated with the trip which includes my accommodation, airfare and living expenses. I have attached to this letter all the documents needed to get an approval.

Yours sincerely

Celine Lawrence”

“Dec 2nd, 2021

Entry clearance officer

British Embassy


Re; Visitor visa for George Job, passport number 66798 Expiry Date; 3rd July 2021

This letter is coming your way to give you additional information that might interest you more about my visitor visa application. My name is George Job and I work as a medical scientist in the US. My company is incorporated in a pharmaceutical company that is based in Japan. I’m a regular worker that receives $60,000 yearly and splitting this into months will make it $5000 per month. This payment includes my taxable income, allowances and other expenses.

I’m trying to visit my friend in the UK, this is why I’m applying for the visitor visa and I want to be there for only 2 weeks. I would have to return to work after the expiration of this period so this confirms that I wouldn’t be staying beyond the time or duration on my visa. I will be taking care of all the expenses associated with the trip though my friend also wants to sponsor the trip. Whichever way, this also confirms that the trip will adequately provided for.

Thanks you for your approval

Yours sincerely,

George Job”

The Entry Clearance Officer,

UK Visas and Immigration

17 June 2018

Cover Letter for Visit Visa Application

Respected Sir/Madam,

My name is *** (Visa Application Reference Number: ***, Passport number: ***). I am applying for Family Visit Visa to visit my son in the UK.

Reason for Visit

I miss my son and I wish to visit him. I also wish to explore the beautiful city of London.

My Background

I live in Karachi, Pakistan with <mention family members here>. I am a housewife.

<Insert details of family members here>.

I live with my husband, Tariq Zafar Khan, in Karachi. He runs his business of ***. He is also applying for a visit visa, so he could travel with me to London for this trip.

My Eldest Son

My eldest son, Dr. Naseer Khan, lives in London with his wife. Both he and his wife work as junior doctors at King’s College Hospital, London. He will be my primary sponsor for this trip. I will stay with him in London.

My Second Son

<Details of the second son were mentioned here>.

My Daughter

<Details of the daughter were mentioned here>.

Karachi to London: ** **** 2018

London to Karachi: ** **** 2018

Duration of Trip

Airline Booking

I will buy confirmed tickets when I am granted the visa. I have mentioned the estimated cost of airline booking in this letter.

Accommodation in London

I will be staying in London with my son, Dr. Naseer Khan. He has a two-bedroom flat. He and his wife are more than happy to host me and my husband.

Financial Sponsor

My trip will be completely sponsored by my son, Dr. Naseer Khan.

Cost of Trip to Me

The total cost my trip to me will be zero, as it will be paid for by my son.

Estimated Cost of Trip

Visa fee £93

Airline booking £607

Traveling in the UK £200

Living expenses £200

Total cost of my trip £1,100

The total amount of money my son has £**,***

I would be grateful if I am granted the visa to visit the UK and to see my sons. Please feel free to contact me if need be.

***** ****** ****.

Passport number: ***

Computerized National Identity Card number: ***

Phone number: 00 92 *** *** ****

Email: ***********”

“[Your address in the UK]

Dear Sir / Madam

Application for Family Visitor visa: [Name of family member]

I would like to invite my [type of family member, e.g. mother, father, etc] to visit me in the United Kingdom. [He/she] would like to stay with me in the UK from [date of arrival] until [exit date]. The family member I would like to invite is – [insert name, date of birth and relationship to you e.g. father or mother]

I work as a [occupation] at [workplace] since [month, year], and I have been living in the UK for [number of years] and I am a British [status].

I have enough room for my visitor to stay over at me for the whole duration of [his/her] stay in the UK, at [list your address], which is a private rented property at [list your UK address].

I also obtained a letter from my landlord that gives them permission to stay with me during this period. I have attached it and other documents to support my letter of invitation. Please feel free to contact me if you require any additional information.

Yours faithfully

Email address

Phone number

To: [Visitor’s name]

[Visitor’s Address]

Dear [Visitor],

With this letter, I would like to invite you, my [relationship e.i. sister, friend, father], to visit me and spend your vacation in the UK. We have talked so many times about taking pictures together in front of the [tourist place] or drinking coffee at [tourist place]. I believe it is about time we make these plans come true. You will also have the chance to meet from close the British culture and experience its lifestyle.

I will be taking care of all your expenses while you are here, including the round trip airfare food, medical insurance, and all your other personal expenses. You will be staying at my apartment in [address] since I have enough room for you.

Herewith I am sending all the required documents for getting the necessary tourist visa from, including documents that prove I am a [status in Britain] since [year], and that I work at / study at [workplace or university].

Host’s name

Full address

Phone Number

Frequently Asked Questions:

Why is a cover letter important.

  • Provide information that other documents can’t provide.
  • Speeds up the application process

Is it worth applying for an Irish passport?

The advantages of becoming an Irish citizen and holding an Irish passport include: 

  • You are still considered an EU citizen. 
  • You can travel freely throughout the 28 member states of the EU to live and work. 
  • If you have children, they will be granted Irish and EU citizenship.

If you like this blog post, please leave your comments and questions below.

A Sample Cover Letter for Tourist Visa and How to Create One
My Mother’s Cover Letter for Visit Visa Application

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  1. UK VISA for PLAB : Supporting Documents

    Two documents are absolutely necessary! Your valid Passport. The email confirmation of your PLAB 2. And the following if that applies in your case. Your Cover letter. Letter of Support (from your financial guarantor) Affidavit affirming the declaration of the financial sponsorship. Bank Statements (Yours and/or sponsors) Solvency Certificate.

  2. UK VISA for PLAB : Online VISA application

    Please check my cover letter template in supporting documents for UK Visa post) Choose business, including sports and entertainment as the main reason for your visit. After answering No's to "organized group", "travelling with partner", "visiting a company or getting paid for business activities"— you'll see the main reason.

  3. UK VISA for PLAB : Final Preparation

    All other papers you deemed necessary to prove your cause as stated in the letter of support. Evidence of home address. A Nationality Certificate, OR. Home Utility Bill, Accommodation in the UK. Letter of invitation, OR. Hotel Booking. Utility bill and Council Tax bill of the address you'll be staying at.

  4. UK Visa for PLAB: Financial Sponsorship Documents

    4. Financial Sponsorship Letter. My Sponsor's (Father) Letter of Financial Support. 5. Affidavit of financial sponsorship. 6. Papers related to proving fixed assets. Common ERRORS & FAQs. My sponsor has transferred all the money after printing the statement before even I got the visa.

  5. 14 PLAB 2 Visa Cover Letter Samples

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  6. How to write a compelling cover letter for UK visa (that will impress

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  8. Road to UK

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  9. PLAB 2 visa: How to ensure your application is successful

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  10. How to write a cover letter: 2024 writing guide

    First, enter your contact details: your name, address underneath, your phone number on the next line and your email on the next one. Align it with the edge of the page. Underneath that, enter the details of the company you're applying to - also one below the other, aligned to the page edge. STEP 2.

  11. How to Format a UK Cover Letter in 2024 (+ Example)

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  12. How to write a cover letter in 5 steps

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  13. Cover letters

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  15. How to Structure a Cover Letter in the UK in 2024: Examples

    Following a good cover letter structure should leave you with a cover letter that's between half an A4 page and a full A4 page long. A total of around 250-400 words, including the header, salutation, sign-off and body paragraphs: Opening paragraph - between 60 and 80 words.

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  17. Cover letter examples and templates

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