
Essay on How I Spent My Christmas Vacation

Students are often asked to write an essay on How I Spent My Christmas Vacation in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on How I Spent My Christmas Vacation

Preparation for christmas.

The excitement began weeks before Christmas. I helped my family decorate our house with lights, ornaments, and a beautiful Christmas tree.

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, we attended a late-night church service. The hymns and candles created a magical atmosphere.

Christmas Day

Christmas day was filled with joy. We opened presents, enjoyed a festive meal, and spent quality time with family.

Post-Christmas Activities

After Christmas, we visited a local charity home. Giving back to the community made our celebration more meaningful.

250 Words Essay on How I Spent My Christmas Vacation


As a college student, the Christmas vacation is a much-needed respite from the rigors of academia and an opportunity to reconnect with family and friends. This past Christmas, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and learning, intertwined with the joyous festivities of the season.

Time with Family

I began my vacation by spending quality time with my family. We decorated the Christmas tree together, a tradition that always brings us closer. The twinkling lights and colorful ornaments were a reflection of our shared love and harmony. We exchanged thoughtful gifts, each one a testament to our understanding and appreciation of each other.

Volunteer Work

In the spirit of Christmas, I volunteered at a local shelter, serving meals and distributing gifts. The experience was humbling, reminding me of the privilege I often take for granted. The smiles on the faces of the less fortunate were the best gifts I received, reinforcing the true meaning of Christmas.

Exploration and Learning

I also took the opportunity to explore new interests. I delved into the world of digital art, learning about graphic design and animation. This not only broadened my horizons but also acted as a creative outlet, helping me unwind and relax.

My Christmas vacation was a blend of family time, altruistic endeavors, and personal development. It was a reminder that breaks are not just for relaxation, but also for growth and enrichment. As I look forward to the next academic semester, I carry with me the lessons and experiences of this fulfilling vacation.

500 Words Essay on How I Spent My Christmas Vacation

Reconnecting with family.

My Christmas vacation began with a journey back to my hometown. The city, decked up in festive lights, exuded warmth and nostalgia. The first few days were dedicated to family. We indulged in traditional activities like decorating the Christmas tree, baking cookies, and singing carols. Each of these activities wasn’t just about following the rituals, but about strengthening bonds, reminiscing shared memories, and creating new ones.

Exploring New Horizons

Post-Christmas, I embarked on a solo trip to a small, serene town nestled in the mountains. This was an opportunity for self-exploration and adventure. I spent my days hiking, reading, and interacting with locals. The tranquility of nature and the simplicity of rural life offered a much-needed escape from the hustle of city life and academic pressures. This experience was a reminder of the importance of slowing down, embracing solitude, and appreciating the simple pleasures of life.

Volunteering and Giving Back

Learning and personal growth.

The vacation also provided a chance to pursue my interests. I attended a short course on creative writing, an area I’ve always been passionate about. The course was not just about honing writing skills, but also about expressing thoughts creatively, understanding different perspectives, and appreciating the power of words. This learning experience contributed significantly to my personal and intellectual growth.

My Christmas vacation was a blend of tradition, exploration, and learning. It was about reconnecting with family, exploring new horizons, giving back to the community, and pursuing personal interests. The experiences were enriching, offering lessons beyond the confines of a classroom. They reminded me of the importance of balance – between work and leisure, solitude and companionship, giving and receiving, learning and unlearning. As I look forward to the next vacation, I hope to carry forward these lessons and experiences, making each holiday a journey of growth and discovery.

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My Christmas Vacation Essay | Importance of Christmas, How To Prepare for Christmas Vacation?

October 30, 2021 by Prasanna

My Christmas Vacation Essay: Most countries around the world consider Christmas to be the most anticipated holiday season of the year. This is because Christmas is a time of love, family, friends, and giving. It is the time when people are reminded what matters most in life. Unsurprisingly, many people tend to take vacations with their family and friends during this time of year.

And to actually have a good Christmas vacation, one has to plan accordingly. The following essay will provide you with helpful insights on how to prepare for your best Christmas vacation yet. We’ll go over some of the best tips and tricks on how to get ready for your Christmas vacation including packing, planning, and what to do once you’re there. So let’s dive right in!

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Preparing for a Christmas Vacation

First, consider what your goals are for the vacation. If you want to spend time with family, then pick an area close to them. If you want to experience a different culture, then pick somewhere that you wish to visit. Once you’ve decided on your goal, it’s time to start thinking about research. Researching will help you find out all there is about the destination and make sure that it aligns with what you want from your trip.

How to Plan Your Christmas Trip – 5 Simple Steps

Planning your Christmas trip can be a daunting task. But it doesn’t have to be! This simple guide can help you effortlessly plan your next Christmas vacation:

  • Research the logistics of where you want to go – Traveling can be stressful and exciting at the same time. There’s a lot to research when it comes to traveling, whether you’re going for pleasure or business. You need to know where you want to go and then figure out the logistics of how to get there. For instance, a commute which usually takes 20 minutes ends up taking 45 minutes – and this can have a cascading effect on your other travel plans.
  • Pick the best time for travel – It is important to plan for a time that will be conducive to travel. The best time for most people is during the transition from winter to spring. In this period, there are fewer crowds and it is usually less expensive as well. However, Christmas vacations are reserved only for the winter months, which is typically from December to January.
  • Decide on the date of arrival and departure – Planning for a trip means deciding on the date of arrival and departure. This can depend on factors such as: cost, travel distance, seasonality and availability. These considerations should be taken into account when deciding the best date to travel.
  • Find places to stay – When planning a vacation, there are a lot of things to consider. One of these is where to stay. There are a lot of options for lodging, but the prices vary. Sometimes you can get a great deal, while other times you’ll have to pay excess for what you want. Regardless, you are required to research a place before you finalise, else you might be in for a nasty surprise.
  • Make sure you pack the things – The weather can be unpredictable, so it’s important to be well prepared when you’re traveling. Make sure you pack the right clothes, additional clothes, food, medicines and more in your suitcase to stay comfortable all day.

The Benefits of Vacationing in the Christmas Season

The benefits of vacationing in the Christmas season are plentiful. For one, it is a time of celebration, so people can get in the spirit and have some good times. There are also many events going on during this time, from church services to caroling concerts or even just a general feeling of being part of something special. In addition to all the festive joys that await people who take vacations in this period, there are other great benefits as well.

Regardless, Christmas vacation is a time to spend with family and friends. This season also provides a sense of excitement in the air. Moreover most people don’t realize how much work goes into preparing for the holidays. It starts weeks in advance with shopping, wrapping, cooking, and decorating. It’s not just about enjoying the holiday with family and friends, it’s also about being there to help them celebrate. Other benefits of vacationing in the Christmas season includes:

  • Time with family and friends – Christmas is a time where we get to interact and have fun with our family and friends. It’s the perfect opportunity to celebrate the holiday spirit and take a break from all of life’s stresses.
  • Creating Unforgettable Memories – A lot of people think that Christmas is a day to merely go through the motions. However, the right approach would be to make it a day that you want to remember for years to come.
  • Improved physical and mental health – Regardless of Christmas vacation, taking just any vacation can be an effective way to manage physical and mental health. With the right planning, there is no need for worry about any changes to your work while you are away. A regular break from daily stressors, whether it be at work or home, can help you return feeling refreshed and energized.
  • Greater well-being – It is important for people to take vacations in order to enjoy themselves and strengthen their relationships with others. The idea behind taking a vacation is that when people take time off work, they are not only able to recharge their batteries, but also focus on things that may not have been possible with the stress of work. This is why it’s important to take a vacation once in a while.
  • Increased mental motivation – Not only does a vacation provide you with relaxation and leisure, but also an increase in mental motivation. Studies show that people who take vacations actually come back to work more refreshed and ready to tackle new challenges.
  • Decreases burnout – Studies show that taking a vacation and disconnecting from work can be good for the body and the mind. People who take time off from work report feeling less stressed, more engaged, and more productive than employees who take considerably less time off from work.

My Christmas Vacation

FAQ’s on Christmas Vacation Essay

Question 1. How do you plan a Christmas vacation?

Answer: When you plan your Christmas vacation, you want to make sure to create a list of all the places you want to go and things you want to do. Once you have your list in order, it’ll be easier for you and your family members to figure out what they’re going to do on their days off.

Question 2. When should I start preparing for Christmas vacation?

Answer: Preparation should start as early as possible. It takes time to prepare for this holiday, so the sooner you start the better. If you want to create a seamless Christmas experience, then you should start planning in October or November for your vacation.

Question 3. What is a perfect vacation?

Answer: The best vacation is one that fits your needs and interests. If you love to hike, a vacation with the most beautiful hiking trails might be perfect for you. If you’re a beach person, a tropical island might be the perfect place for you. The best trips are those that can bring people closer together and help them grow as individuals.

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How I Spent My Winter Vacation Essay

How I Spent My Winter Vacation Essay

Are you also looking for a  “How I spent my winter vacation essay”?  If yes, then you have fallen on the world’s best website essayduniya.com. If you are searching for How I spent my winter vacation essay 150 words, Essay on how I spent my winter vacation for Class 5, Essay on how I spent my winter vacation for Class 4, Winter Vacation Essay for Class 8, How I spent my winter vacation Essay for Class 7 in English, Essay on winter vacation 100 words, How I spent my winter holidays essay, Essay on winter vacation 500 words, How I spent my winter vacation paragraph, Essay on winter vacation for Class 6, Winter Vacation Essay for Class 9 then your wait ends here.

How I Spent My Winter Vacation Essay 100 Words

Winter has always been my favorite season for a number of exciting reasons. Winter vacation is one of them. Today I’ll share my recent winter vacation experience . I followed a strict schedule in order to prepare for my upcoming exam. My mother was extremely helpful in this endeavor.

She assisted me in developing my routine and guided me in its proper implementation. We also had a family reunion. That was absolutely incredible for us . Uncle and Aunties were overjoyed to see us all. In the afternoon, we played and ate together. Grandma told us a few of her fascinating stories. We enjoyed her stories. Overall, it was a pleasant vacation.

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How I Spent My Winter Vacation Essay 200 Words

Due to a few issues, winter vacation isn’t as long or as enjoyable as it could be. But, after all, it’s a vacation full of excitement. Every year, winter vacation allows you to spend quality time with your family. My final exam was coming up. So, during my vacation , I needed to study for the exam. That was extremely difficult because it was difficult to concentrate. But my mother assisted me in developing a really interesting daily routine. I decided to follow that routine and was able to finish and revise my syllabus in a short amount of time. Mom has been fantastic during this vacation.

How I Spent My Winter Vacation Essay

After studying for my exams, I went to my uncle’s place, which was a fun experience. We have many cousins and have a lot of fun when we get together. They were overjoyed to see me. My parents were also enjoying themselves with my uncle and aunty. We spent a lot of time with Grandma , who told us many interesting stories. Despite the stress of studying, I had a wonderful time with my entire family. Because of my hectic school schedule, it’s difficult for me to spend that much time with them. I have to go to school every day and stick to a strict schedule . Winter vacation allowed us to spend quality time together. It was one of the best winter vacations I’ve ever had. 

Essay on How I Spent My Winter Vacation 300 words

Winter is my favorite season for several reasons. For me, this season brings cold and freshness. Despite the fact that this is a short vacation, I had a great time with my friends , family, and cousins. At this time of year, we used to take a family trip or have a family reunion . One of the most important aspects of a winter vacation is Christmas and New Year’s celebrations. It becomes a fantastic opportunity for everyone to get together and have a great time. 

I and my cousins don’t get to see each other very often because everyone is busy with their hectic schedules, so vacations are like a blessing to us. When we all get together, we spend a lot of time together. It is important to spend time with family. But, because everyone is so busy nowadays, we need to find vacations and other holidays to meet and greet. During my winter vacation , I had the opportunity to see my uncles, aunts, and cousins. I didn’t want to blow that opportunity. During my winter vacation, we spent Christmas and New Year’s Eve at one of my uncle’s homes. We all got together there as cousins and had a great time. 

I told my father, and he agreed with me. We finally decided to spend our vacation at Uncle’s house. The entire extended family gathered in one place and had a great time together . I enjoyed our entire time together. Overall, it was a fantastic vacation for me. I’ll never forget that vacation. I wish I could spend that much time with my cousins and my entire family. I adore winter and winter vacations. 

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Essay on winter vacation 500 words

Introduction .

Winter is a lovely season with pleasant weather, as compared to the hot and humid heat of summer. The winter season’s specialties cannot be denied. A vacation during this season is not only enjoyable for children but also for adults. It is a short vacation, but people plan ahead of time to make the most of it. Because I adore this time of year, I eagerly anticipate this vacation every year . Furthermore, I am overjoyed that during the holidays, I can eat a variety of foods prepared by my mother and served hot.

Exam Preparation: 

I needed to study for my final exam, which is coming up soon. That’s why I established a study routine and brought a few books with me. That routine helped me finish the syllabus, and I was mostly successful in sticking to the routine during the vacation. My mother deserves full credit. She was very strict about my homework. However, I also thought to take a break for a few days and therefore tried to complete most of the syllabus in the early days of my vacation.

We planned a trip

We had planned to spend some days at our uncle’s house during my winter vacation. Because my uncle lives in a small village in Uttrakhand, this was a very special journey for me . I’d heard that people visit mountainous areas in the winter to enjoy the snowfall . They also enjoy sports such as cycling, ice hockey, and skating. My uncle’s house was in a small village, but I was glad that I would be able to see the beauty of winters in the mountains that I had read about in books.

So here we go, my father purchased the tickets earlier because the chances of getting confirmed seats were decreasing. On the scheduled date, we began packing and headed to the station to board our train. It took us 13 hours to get to Uttrakhand from where we were . I was very excited to get there and see the undulating beauty. We finally arrived, and my uncle was waiting for us. I was overjoyed to see that place, which appeared to be a mini-paradise for someone like me who lived in the plains.

We made it to the village and then home. My uncle’s house wasn’t particularly large, but I adored it. I brought my cousin brothers and sister with me , making a total of five children. This was going to be the most interesting vacation for me. My aunt cooked the food over an open fire. We sat around the fire, enjoying its warmth. The food there tasted delicious as if I had never tasted anything like it before.

Explored the mountains:

We made plans to explore the surrounding areas in the morning. The pleasant weather and views of snow-capped mountain peaks all around made it a charming location. I spent a lot of time walking and admiring nature’s ardent beauty. There was very little pollution in the air over there. I had also seen snow-covered mountains and thoroughly enjoyed the snowfall. It was the best location for taking beautiful pictures, so we took several of my uncle’s family together.

The next day, we planned to visit various temples in the valley. It was incredible that such a small valley had so many temples. I also noticed that the people in that area were very friendly. A bonfire was lit in the verandah area of the house during the evening , and we used to sit around it and play games. Only in the evening would the dinner preparations begin. People used to sleep and wake up early in the morning because it was a village. We returned after three days. Despite the fact that the trip was short, it allowed me to refresh my mind and focus more on my studies.

It became an unmistakable memory in my mind, and I wish to return every winter vacation. I enjoyed spending time with my uncle’s children . Even today, the thought of the beauty of that place and the taste of the food served makes me happy on the inside.

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How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay in English

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  • Jun 7, 2024

How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay

It’s the month of May and the most anticipated time has finally arrived. Do you know why students wait all year for May? It’s summer vacation and your family has planned a trip to a hill station in Himachal Pradesh. Well, this is just a common summer vacation plan most families plan for, but I am sure you might also have a somewhat similar plan for your summer vacation. So, today, we will provide samples of how I spent my summer vacation essay in English.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Sample 1: How I Spend My Summer Vacation Essay
  • 2 Sample 2: How I Spend My Summer Vacation Essay
  • 3 How I Spend My Summer Vacation Essay: Sample 3

Sample 1: How I Spend My Summer Vacation Essay

This summer vacation I visited the Ram Temple in Ayodhya with my family and cousins. We booked the Vande Bharat tickets and started our holy journey from New Delhi Railway Station. It was an 11-hour-long journey and was full of excitement. I have never experienced a journey so beautiful.

Throughout our journey, we chanted the ‘Jai Shree Ram’ mantra and sang holy songs. When we reached the Lucknow Central Station, the Ticket Collector told us that we’d reached halfway. 
It took us another 5 hours to reach the holy city of Ayodhya. My brother and I wanted to explore the city, so we stepped outside. Then we headed to the Ram Mandir. The temple was huge and very beautiful. It was decorated with colourful lights and flowers. There were many people there, all looking very happy and excited.

Inside the temple, we saw the idol of Lord Ram. It was adorned with beautiful jewels made of gold, diamond, and silver! The priests were singing bhajans, and the atmosphere was very peaceful. We prayed and spent some time sitting quietly, feeling the divine presence. My parents told me stories about Lord Ram, and I felt very happy to learn more about him.

After visiting the temple, we explored the city of Ayodhya. We visited other historical places and temples. Each place had its own unique story and charm. We also enjoyed the local food, which was very tasty. My favourite was the special sweets they made in Ayodhya.

Then, after coming back from the trip, I completed my homework and drafted a study plan.

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Sample 2: How I Spend My Summer Vacation Essay

This summer vacation, I planned to work to improve my physical and mental health. Close to my home, there is a fitness centre I joined this summer, where I was assigned a personal fitness trainer. She was a qualified trainer who asked me about my goals and drafted a fitness and diet routine accordingly.  Initially, I took a 1 month- subscription, as I was not sure how good or bad it would turn out to be. The first week was very challenging as I had to work out for 2 hours straight and then practice yoga for 30 minutes. Every day after coming from the fitness centre, I used to complete my homework and read the newspaper. 

In one week, I was able to do 20 pushups in one set and I wanted to set the bar high. So, I planned on doing 40 pushups before completing 1 month at the fitness center. The trainers were very helpful and taught me the right way to do each exercise. They made sure I was safe and enjoying myself. They also encouraged me and made me feel confident.

One of the best parts of joining the fitness centre was making new friends. There were many kids my age, and we quickly became friends. We exercised together, cheered each other on, and had a lot of fun. We even played games like tag and basketball in the centre’s sports area. Having friends around made exercising even more enjoyable.

Joining the fitness centre was a fantastic experience. It helped me become stronger, healthier, and more confident. I made new friends and learned a lot about staying fit and healthy. I am grateful for the opportunity and look forward to continuing my fitness journey. 

Quick Read: Essay on Summer Vacation

How I Spend My Summer Vacation Essay: Sample 3

This summer vacation, I planned a trip to Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh with my family. My holiday homework assignments from math, science, and English. I decided to finish my homework early so that I could enjoy the rest of my vacation without any worries.

Every morning, I dedicated a few hours to studying and completing my assignments. My mom and dad helped me whenever I needed it. They explained difficult concepts and made learning fun. By the end of the first week, I had completed most of my homework. This made me feel very accomplished and ready to enjoy my vacation fully.

After finishing my homework, my parents planned a trip to a hill station in Himachal Pradesh. I was very excited because I had never visited a hill station before. We packed our bags with warm clothes, as it was cooler in the hills, and set off on our journey.
We booked train tickets, and the journey was amazing. As we reached Shimla, I was amazed to see the mountains, and the scenery became more and more beautiful. We saw tall trees, flowing rivers, and even some waterfalls. The air was fresh and cool, and I enjoyed every moment of the drive. We stopped at several viewpoints to take pictures and enjoy the breathtaking views.

When we reached the hill station, I was in awe of its beauty. The town was surrounded by green hills and tall pine trees. Our hotel was cosy and offered a stunning view of the mountains. The people there were very friendly and welcoming.

Every day was an adventure. We visited many tourist spots like waterfalls, temples, and parks. One day, we went for a hike in the forest. It was a little tiring but very exciting. We saw different kinds of birds and even spotted some monkeys playing in the trees. 

The trip to Dharamshala was fun and educational. I learned about the local culture and traditions. We visited some old temples and my parents told me interesting stories about the history of the place. I also learned about different types of plants and animals that are found in the hills.
This is how I spent my summer vacation. I completed my holiday homework, stayed disciplined throughout the trip, and spent quality time with my family.

Quick Read: Essay on Summer Season

Ans: This summer vacation, my family planned a trip to Sikkim, which is one of the most beautiful and peaceful states in India. This small state, located between the Himalayas, is home to just 5 lakh Indians and is renowned for its rich biodiversity. We booked flights from New Delhi to Gangtok and after landing, I would feel the fresh atmosphere around me. People in Sikkim speak English, Nepali, Sikkimese (Bhutia), Leptcha, and Hindi, and it was very exciting to explore places that I’ve only seen on the National Geographic Channel.

Ans: This summer, I visited a famous hill station; Nainital with my family. It is a small town in the mountains of Uttarakhand, India. We booked a traveller and the journey was long but very exciting. As we drove up the winding roads, I saw tall trees, green hills, and cool streams flowing down the mountains. We also visited a place called Snow View Point. We went there by a ropeway, which is like a cable car that goes up the mountain. From the top, I could see the snow-covered peaks of the Himalayas. It looked like a picture from a storybook!

Ans: This summer vacation, I planned a trip to Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh with my family. My holiday homework assignments were in math, science, and English. I decided to finish my homework early so that I could enjoy the rest of my vacation without any worries. Every morning, I dedicated a few hours to studying and completing my assignments. My mom and dad helped me whenever I needed it. They explained difficult concepts and made learning fun. By the end of the first week, I had completed most of my homework. This made me feel very accomplished and ready to enjoy my vacation fully.

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    During my winter vacation, I had the opportunity to see my uncles, aunts, and cousins. I didn't want to blow that opportunity. During my winter vacation, we spent Christmas and New Year's Eve at one of my uncle's homes. We all got together there as cousins and had a great time. I told my father, and he agreed with me.

  8. An essay on how I spent my last Christmas holiday 250 words

    This post is a straightforward attempt from our end to create a little essay about Christmas that young students can use as a starting point for a few lines of writing on the subject.. Essay on how I spent my last Christmas holiday: Every year on December 25, people celebrate Christmas.This event honors the anniversary of the birth of Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah of God.

  9. How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay in English

    How I Spend My Summer Vacation Essay: Sample 3. This summer vacation, I planned a trip to Dharamshala in Himachal Pradesh with my family. My holiday homework assignments from math, science, and English. I decided to finish my homework early so that I could enjoy the rest of my vacation without any worries.

  10. Make a short essay about your christmas vacation.

    Make a short essay about your christmas vacation. - 8955872. answered ... Answer: My Christmas vacation, at my Christmas vacation i will spend my time with my family and friends so that we can have a great Christmas, having a lovely time, as we all know how lovely we spent the time, being with them. ... Get the Brainly App

  11. Your task today is to write an essay about your Christmas vacation

    I decorated the tree for both my grandparents and parents on Christmas Eve. I spent Christmas at home with my family, and New Year's Eve at my grandparents' house with my parents, where I spent time with them, as well as my uncle, aunt, and cousins. Everything was wonderful, except for one thing: there was no snow.

  12. Write an essay on how i spent my Christmas vacation

    Answer. Explanation: On December, 25 we invited Mom's friends over to our place. We presented them with a set of designer ceramic vases for their beautiful home. please mark me as brainliest answer.

  13. my Christmas vacation

    Answer: My simple Christmas vacation was filled with gathering, family time, and fun activities. We drove up to my aunt and uncle's home for the holidays where we all spent the week together. I was able to spend some quality time with my extended family. I never get to see my cousins so it was a special time for us to reconnect.

  14. How I Spent My Christmas Vacation Essay Brainly

    How I Spent My Christmas Vacation Essay Brainly. ID 4817. 1 (888)499-5521. 1 (888)814-4206. SERVICES. 14 Customer reviews. Follow Us. 100% Success rate.

  15. write an essay on how would you spend your summer vacation in 100 words

    The essay describes spending an ideal summer vacation exploring New Zealand's natural beauty, engaging with local culture, and relaxing while reflecting on daily adventures. If I could design my ideal vacation, I would spend it exploring the diverse landscapes of New Zealand.

  16. How I spent my Christmas vacation essay in Hindi?

    How I spent my Christmas vacation essay in Hindi? - 14472621. Rinku6873 Rinku6873 04.01.2020 Hindi Secondary School answered • expert verified ... 100 word essay on winter vacation in hindi brainly.in/question/2094517. Advertisement Advertisement New questions in Hindi) लिखिए : सिंह के तुमुल घोर ...