While Sandel argues that pursuing perfection through genetic engineering would decrease our sense of humility, he claims that the sense of solidarity we would lose is also important.

This thesis summarizes several points in Sandel’s argument, but it does not make a claim about how we should understand his argument. A reader who read Sandel’s argument would not also need to read an essay based on this descriptive thesis.  

Broad thesis (arguable, but difficult to support with evidence) 

Michael Sandel’s arguments about genetic engineering do not take into consideration all the relevant issues.

This is an arguable claim because it would be possible to argue against it by saying that Michael Sandel’s arguments do take all of the relevant issues into consideration. But the claim is too broad. Because the thesis does not specify which “issues” it is focused on—or why it matters if they are considered—readers won’t know what the rest of the essay will argue, and the writer won’t know what to focus on. If there is a particular issue that Sandel does not address, then a more specific version of the thesis would include that issue—hand an explanation of why it is important.  

Arguable thesis with analytical claim 

While Sandel argues persuasively that our instinct to “remake” (54) ourselves into something ever more perfect is a problem, his belief that we can always draw a line between what is medically necessary and what makes us simply “better than well” (51) is less convincing.

This is an arguable analytical claim. To argue for this claim, the essay writer will need to show how evidence from the article itself points to this interpretation. It’s also a reasonable scope for a thesis because it can be supported with evidence available in the text and is neither too broad nor too narrow.  

Arguable thesis with normative claim 

Given Sandel’s argument against genetic enhancement, we should not allow parents to decide on using Human Growth Hormone for their children.

This thesis tells us what we should do about a particular issue discussed in Sandel’s article, but it does not tell us how we should understand Sandel’s argument.  

Questions to ask about your thesis 

  • Is the thesis truly arguable? Does it speak to a genuine dilemma in the source, or would most readers automatically agree with it?  
  • Is the thesis too obvious? Again, would most or all readers agree with it without needing to see your argument?  
  • Is the thesis complex enough to require a whole essay's worth of argument?  
  • Is the thesis supportable with evidence from the text rather than with generalizations or outside research?  
  • Would anyone want to read a paper in which this thesis was developed? That is, can you explain what this paper is adding to our understanding of a problem, question, or topic?
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Performing research can be a very enriching and transformative part of your undergraduate experience at the College. You may encounter it as part of your coursework, but it can also be something you do outside of the classroom as a way to gain practical skills, learn about methods of inquiry and contribute actively to the advancement of study in your field.

Finding a research opportunity will require you to be proactive, build faculty relationships , and use key resources . It may be good to start by charting your personal goals and interests in order to help you identify opportunities that are a match for them. Remember to give yourself plenty of time for your search and to remain flexible and open-minded through the process. Engaging with the research community at Harvard is possible for students in all concentrations. Whether you have participated in research work previously, or are just getting started, there are opportunities designed to meet you where you are right now.

Research opportunities come in many formats and happen in a variety of settings. They often start off as a question that someone wants to explore more fully. Faculty, for example, initiate research projects designed for this purpose. It might also begin with you! In your studies, for example, you may have noticed a lack of knowledge or a lack of recent work on a particular topic that interests you. With the guidance of a faculty mentor, you could be the person to explore and find answers to fill in the void of missing information.

Depending on the scale of a project, you might find yourself working on a team or operating on your own and coordinating your efforts with those of a faculty mentor. This work may take place on campus, at other domestic locations, or even internationally, during term-time or over the course of the summer.

Some common formats of research experiences for undergraduates include:

Course-based Research

Courses (existing or independent study). Many courses at Harvard and neighboring institutions (where you can cross-register ) have a strong research component. There is even the option for you to design an independent study course. To explore these options, the best starting point is with a concentration adviser knowledgeable about course offerings and policies in that concentration. You can also visit the Advising Programs Office  (APO) to connect with undergraduate concentration advisers.

Research Assistantships

There are many opportunities to work as a research assistant on an existing project. A research assistantship is an excellent opportunity for students with little experience to get their first exposure to research. Research assistantship postings can be found on department webpages, at research centers, as well as on the Student Employment Office Job Board . You can also check with nearby hospitals and research groups, in addition to faculty and grad students. If you have never contacted research investigators before, check out our tips on how to effectively reach out to faculty .

Research Programs

In lieu of performing research via a course or an assistantship, you might consider looking at a research program. Depending on the program, you might work on a project designed by a member of faculty or propose your own question to pursue under the guidance of a faculty mentor. URAF summer programs, for example, are designed to correspond to specific academic areas (i.e., STEM, Arts and Humanities, Social Sciences), forming a cohort of fellows working on various topics in their area of interest.

URAF research programs are offered on an annual basis, with pre-set start- and end-times, and require formal applications with strict deadlines. These programs often have different eligibility criteria (i.e., GPA, class year, research experience). Some programs require previous field-specific experience, while other are designed for newcomers to that particular field of study. Many research programs include various forms of financial support (e.g. stipends, accommodation, etc.) as well as opportunities for community-building and intellectual growth.

Thesis Research

Each concentration has its own requirements for thesis research, including topics allowed, prerequisites, timing, and who can supervise your work. If you are interested in thesis research, connect with advisers appointed by the concentrations for guiding undergraduates—information about concentration advisers can be found on the APO website. Also, check out our tips on how to effectively reach out to faculty .

Some questions to ask yourself when looking for a program are:

  • Where do you want to be?
  • What type of research would you like to do?
  • Does the program offer additional support or programming that may be helpful?
  • How long do you intend to do research?

The Browse URAF opportunities page of our website aggregates a large number of Harvard undergraduate research options. Please note, however, that not all Harvard-affiliated schools and programs are listed here. To ensure you are learning about all potential opportunities, don’t forget to consult faculty advisers, concentration advisers, and academic advisers to identify programs that match your interests and desired outcomes most closely.

Beyond browsing through URAF opportunities, you can explore our External Resources  page which provides another starting point for finding research opportunities, including research programs. Some are based at Harvard, while others are located across the US and worldwide. You can also use Google to search for research programs related to your topic and interests. Try using the keywords, "undergraduate research" or "summer undergraduate research."

If you have previously performed research at Harvard, you too might consider how you would benefit from exploring external opportunities . Exposure to research and processes at different institutions will allow you to expand your professional and academic networks, to explore a new place and even new ways of investigating topics that interest you.

At whatever point you happen to be in your undergraduate trajectory, URAF is here to support you through each stage of the process. You can even check out our remote-ready  resources webpages if you intend to perform all or part of your research online.

>>>>Browse URAF Opportunities for Research>>>>

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HSURV Abstract Books

Interested in learning more about projects that past fellows in the Harvard Summer Undergraduate Research Village (HSURV) have worked on? Check out our achive HSURV Abstract Books!

  • 2020 HSURV Abstract Book  (PRISE, BLISS, PRIMO, SHARP, SURGH)
  • 2019 HSURV Abstract Book  (PRISE, BLISS, PRIMO, SHARP, SURGH)
  • 2018 HSURV Abstract Book  (PRISE, BLISS, PRIMO, SHARP, SURGH)
  • 2016 HSURV Abstract Book  (PRISE, BLISS, PRIMO, SHARP, SURGH)
  • 2015 HSURV Abstract Book  (PRISE, BLISS, PRIMO, SHARP, SURGH)
  • 2014 HSURV Abstract Book  (PRISE, BLISS, PRIMO, SHARP)
  • 2013 HSURV Abstract Book  (PRISE, BLISS, PRIMO, SHARP)
  • 2012 HSURV Abstract Book  (PRISE, BLISS, PRIMO)
  • 2011 PRISE Abstract Book
  • 2010 PRISE Abstract Book
  • 2009 PRISE Abstract Book
  • 2008 PRISE Abstract Book
  • 2007 PRISE Abstract Book

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What is a thesis?

What is a dissertation, getting started, staying on track.

A thesis is a long-term project that you work on over the course of a semester or a year. Theses have a very wide variety of styles and content, so we encourage you to look at prior examples and work closely with faculty to develop yours. 

Before you begin, make sure that you are familiar with the dissertation genre—what it is for and what it looks like.

Generally speaking, a dissertation’s purpose is to prove that you have the expertise necessary to fulfill your doctoral-degree requirements by showing depth of knowledge and independent thinking.

The form of a dissertation may vary by discipline. Be sure to follow the specific guidelines of your department.

  • PhD This site directs candidates to the GSAS website about dissertations , with links to checklists,  planning, formatting, acknowledgments, submission, and publishing options. There is also a link to guidelines for the prospectus . Consult with your committee chair about specific requirements and standards for your dissertation.
  • DDES This document covers planning, patent filing, submission guidelines, publishing options, formatting guidelines, sample pages, citation guidelines, and a list of common errors to avoid. There is also a link to guidelines for the prospectus .
  • Scholarly Pursuits (GSAS) This searchable booklet from Harvard GSAS is a comprehensive guide to writing dissertations, dissertation-fellowship applications, academic journal articles, and academic job documents.

Finding an original topic can be a daunting and overwhelming task. These key concepts can help you focus and save time.

Finding a topic for your dissertation should start with a research question that excites or at least interests you. A rigorous, engaging, and original dissertation will require continuous curiosity about your topic, about your own thoughts on the topic, and about what other scholars have said on your topic. Avoid getting boxed in by thinking you know what you want to say from the beginning; let your research and your writing evolve as you explore and fine-tune your focus through constant questioning and exploration.

Get a sense of the broader picture before you narrow your focus and attempt to frame an argument. Read, skim, and otherwise familiarize yourself with what other scholars have done in areas related to your proposed topic. Briefly explore topics tangentially related to yours to broaden your perspective and increase your chance of finding a unique angle to pursue.

Critical Reading

Critical reading is the opposite of passive reading. Instead of merely reading for information to absorb, critical reading also involves careful, sustained thinking about what you are reading. This process may include analyzing the author’s motives and assumptions, asking what might be left out of the discussion, considering what you agree with or disagree with in the author’s statements and why you agree or disagree, and exploring connections or contradictions between scholarly arguments. Here is a resource to help hone your critical-reading skills:



Your dissertation will incorporate some of the ideas of the other scholars whose work you researched. By reading critically and following your curiosity, you will develop your own ideas and claims, and these contributions are the core of your dissertation. However, your dissertation will also acknowledge the work of scholars who came before you, and you must accurately and fairly attribute this work and define your place within the larger discussion. Make sure that you know how to quote, summarize, paraphrase , integrate , and cite secondary sources to avoid plagiarism and to show the depth and breadth of your knowledge.

A thesis is a long-term, large project that involves both research and writing; it is easy to lose focus, motivation, and momentum. Here are suggestions for achieving the result you want in the time you have.

The dissertation is probably the largest project you have undertaken, and a lot of the work is self-directed. The project can feel daunting or even overwhelming unless you break it down into manageable pieces and create a timeline for completing each smaller task. Be realistic but also challenge yourself, and be forgiving of yourself if you miss a self-imposed deadline here and there.

Your program will also have specific deadlines for different requirements, including establishing a committee, submitting a prospectus, completing the dissertation, defending the dissertation, and submitting your work. Consult your department’s website for these dates and incorporate them into the timeline for your work.


Sometimes self-imposed deadlines do not feel urgent unless there is accountability to someone beyond yourself. To increase your motivation to complete tasks on schedule, set dates with your committee chair to submit pre-determined pieces of a chapter. You can also arrange with a fellow doctoral student to check on each other’s progress. Research and writing can be lonely, so it is also nice to share that journey with someone and support each other through the process.

Common Pitfalls

The most common challenges for students writing a dissertation are writer’s block, information-overload, and the compulsion to keep researching forever.

There are many strategies for avoiding writer’s block, such as freewriting, outlining, taking a walk, starting in the middle, and creating an ideal work environment for your particular learning style. Pay attention to what helps you and try different things until you find what works.

Efficient researching techniques are essential to avoiding information-overload. Here are a couple of resources about strategies for finding sources and quickly obtaining essential information from them.



Finally, remember that there is always more to learn and your dissertation cannot incorporate everything. Follow your curiosity but also set limits on the scope of your work. It helps to create a folder entitled “future projects” for topics and sources that interest you but that do not fit neatly into the dissertation. Also remember that future scholars will build off of your work, so leave something for them to do.

Browsing through theses and dissertations of the past can help to get a sense of your options and gain inspiration but be careful to use current guidelines and refer to your committee instead of relying on these examples for form or formatting.

DASH Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard.

HOLLIS Harvard Library’s catalog provides access to ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global .

MIT Architecture has a list of their graduates’ dissertations and theses.

Rhode Island School of Design has a list of their graduates’ dissertations and theses.

University of South Florida has a list of their graduates’ dissertations and theses.

Harvard GSD has a list of projects, including theses and professors’ research.

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The senior thesis is typically the most challenging writing project undertaken by undergraduate students. The writing guides below aim to introduce students both to the specific methods and conventions of writing original research in their area of concentration and to effective writing process.

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Honors & Theses

Closeup of faculty member typing

The Honors Thesis: An opportunity to do innovative and in-depth research.  

An honors thesis gives students the opportunity to conduct in-depth research into the areas of government that inspire them the most. Although, it’s not a requirement in the Department of Government, the honors thesis is both an academic challenge and a crowning achievement at Harvard. The faculty strongly encourages students to write an honors thesis and makes itself available as a resource to those students who do. Students work closely with the thesis advisor of their choice throughout the writing process. Approximately 30% of Government concentrators each year choose to write a thesis.

Guide to Writing a Senior Thesis in Government  

You undoubtedly have many questions about what writing a thesis entails. We have answers for you. Please read  A Guide to Writing a Senior Thesis in Government , which you can download as a PDF below. If you still have questions or concerns after you have read through this document, we encourage you to reach out to the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Dr. Nara Dillon ( [email protected] ), the Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies, Dr. Gabriel Katsh ( [email protected] ), or the Undergraduate Program Manager, Karen Kaletka ( [email protected] ).  

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Thesis FAQs

Thesis writing faqs, q: is writing a thesis the only way to get involved in research.

A. No. Each semester (including summer), you can apply to do any of the following: 1) volunteer in a lab, 2) receive funding to work in a lab, or 3) receive course credit for working in a lab (through Neurobiology 91; only possible after Junior Fall). All of these options are open to thesis writers and non-thesis writers.

**See the Neurobio Guides page for info on how to find a lab and find research funding.

Q: Do I need to take Neurobiology 91 and 99 to write a thesis?

A:  It depends on your track.

MBB Track : students are required to take one semester of both Neurobiology 91 and Neurobiology 99.

Neurobiology Track : Neurobiology 91 and 99 are optional; however, one semester of Neurobiology 91r is required to be eligible for Departmental Honors.

Q: Why should I write a senior thesis?

A: Writing a thesis allows you to complete a scientific study: conception, planning, research, troubleshooting, analysis, interpretation, and formal communication. Arguably, it is the best way to develop and deepen your understanding of science. First, through your research and the thesis writing process, you will become an expert in a small area of neurobiology. Second, through the difficulties of conducting, analyzing and interpreting your results, you will discover how knowledge is generated and critiqued. Third, through formally presenting your results, you will develop argumentative writing skills and experience how new information and ideas are first communicated.

Here at Harvard College you have truly an amazing range of world-class laboratories and research centers that provide some of the most stimulating intellectual opportunities on planet earth. Writing a thesis allows you to take full advantage of these resources, and participate in the mission of these groups.

For all these reasons, writing a thesis is also required for highest distinction in Departmental Honors (Highest Honors).

Q: When do I have to decide if I am going to write a thesis?

A: There is no deadline or “decision” that commits you to writing a thesis, as you can decide not to write a thesis at any point. However, to remain eligible to write a thesis you must complete all the thesis checkpoints, which start junior year spring semester

Q: How do I sign up to take a tutorial class?

A: This year we are using the online survey tool to make all tutorial assignments (see  Tutorials Sectioning page).  To be considered for a tutorial, you must enter your tutorial preferences by 11 PM the day before study card day. Popular tutorials will need to be lotteried so you should enter at least 3 choices.  Priority is given to Neurobiology concentrators.  If you have to miss tutorial during shopping period (not advisable), you should contact the instructor before study card day.

Since some of our tutorials do not meet until Wednesday evening (the day before study card day), we cannot determine final enrollment until late that night.  You will be emailed your assignment by 10 AM the next morning -- Study Card Day (Thursday).  You can then enroll in the course and the instructor will give you permission.

Q: Do I need to formally present or defend my thesis work?

A:  No, there is not an oral component to the thesis. However, we hold a prestigious (and fun!) event to celebrate our thesis writers in late April: The ‘Annual Thesis Awards in Neurobiology’. During this event thesis writers present their research findings in 60 seconds through any creative medium (song, skit, poem, presentation, interpretative dance, puppetry, etc). There is also an optional poster session to present your completed work in mid-April.

Q: What are the basic requirements for a thesis?

A:  The thesis is a 30-50 page (double spaced) document, which includes: acknowledgements, contributions, table of contents, abstract, introduction, methods, results, figures, discussion and references. Specific guidelines and examples of how to write each sections will be presented senior year to all potential thesis writers. Additionally, thesis writers will be invited to a series of writing workshops designed to help improve and guide their scientific writing during junior and senior year. If you wish to see examples of theses from previous years, they are available in the Neurobiology advising office (Biolabs 1082). Check out a list of titles and abstracts online :

Q: What labs can I work in? What projects can I work on?

A:  Neurobiology students may work in any of the many Harvard affiliated Institutions and Hospitals around Boston. This includes labs on the Harvard College campus, as well as those at Harvard Medical School, Children’s Hospital Boston, Mass General Hospital, Mclean Psychiatric Hospital and more.

As a Neurobiology student, your research must involve the study of neurons. For students interested in working in cognitive science, sleep, immunology, or psychology labs, your project must meet any one of the following criteria:

1. Involve brain imaging (fMRI, EEG, etc) to assess and correlate neuronal function in your study.

2. Involve a diseased group of patients so that you can link what is known in the literature about the neurobiology underlying the disorder to your study.

3. Involve work on an animal model, so that you can link what is known in the literature about the neurobiology of brain (organization, connectivity, activity patterns, structure, etc) to your study.

Q: How is the thesis evaluated? How will it affect my grades?

A: Your thesis will be evaluated by two anonymous Neurobiology faculty members who will comment specifically on 1) the depth of your background knowledge, 2) the clarity of your writing 3) the quality and rigor of your methods, 4) the presentation of your figures, 5) your understanding of how your results relate to the literature, 6) the logic and analysis of your conclusions, and 7) the accomplishments, weaknesses and difficulty of your work.   

As an undergraduate, you may need to stop doing experiments before you have a complete story because of looming thesis deadlines.  The completeness of the experiments is a major difference between the undergraduate thesis and a doctoral thesis.  It is understood that undergraduate theses often are not able to fully complete their intended story.  How well the thesis is written, presented, and analyzed is the major determinant of its grade.

Your thesis will receive a grade: no credit, commendable, cum, high cum, magna, high magna, or summa. This Latin grade affects your Departmental Honors determination only (English Honors); it is not recorded on your transcript. You will be notified of your grade (including the review comments) along with your Honors recommendation several weeks after you turn in your completed Thesis.

Additionally, if you are enrolled in Neurobiology 99, you will receive a course grade by your research lab director, similar to Neurobiology 91 (ie, based on your performance and diligence in the lab).

Q: How independent should my research be?

A: Independence varies greatly from lab to lab.   On one extreme some rare students are able to spend several years in a laboratory and have free reign to design and carry out experiments completely on their own.  More commonly though, students work fairly closely with a postdoc or graduate student in the lab.  It is perfectly acceptable for you to work closely with someone in the lab, but it is important that you take ownership of some aspect of the project, whether it is the day-to-day experiments, reading the literature and suggesting new models to incorporate, or independent statistical analyses.  This will likely also make the project more interesting to you.  The writing of the thesis should be done entirely on your own, with feedback and editing suggestions from your lab director or others.

Q: Whom can I talk to about my thesis?

A:  Your concentration advisers (Dr. Ryan Draft and Dr. Laura Magnotti) are always available to discuss any issues or questions you have about your thesis in general, and any issues related to formatting or deadlines.

You should also be in touch with your daily supervisor and your lab research director to discuss specific questions about your research results, ideas about your project, and get feedback on your writing.

For additional writing help, the Writing Center at Harvard has resources available for thesis writers (senior thesis writing tutors available by appointment through the Writing Center website).

Potential thesis writers will also be invited to workshops throughout junior and senior year that focus on writing the Junior Thesis Proposal, Introduction, and Figures.

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To thesis or not to thesis.

harvard undergraduate thesis

For many students at Harvard, whether or not to write a thesis is a question that comes up at least once during our four years.

For some concentrations, thesising is mandatory – you know when you declare that you will write a senior thesis, and this often factors into the decision-making process when it comes to declaring that field. For other concentrations, thesising is pretty rare – sometimes slightly discouraged by the department, depending on how well the subject lends itself to independent undergraduate research. 

In my concentration, Neuroscience on the Neurobiology track, thesising is absolutely optional. If you want to do research and writing a thesis is something that interests you, you can totally go for it, if you like research but just don’t want to write a super long paper detailing it, that’s cool too, and if you decide that neither is for you, there’s no pressure. 

plot graph

Some Thesis Work From My Thesis That Wasn't Meant To Be

This is from back when I thought I was writing a thesis! Yay data! Claire Hoffman

While this is super nice from the perspective that it allows students to create the undergraduate experiences that work best for them, it can be really confusing if you’re someone like me who can struggle a little with the weight of such a (seemingly) huge decision. So for anyone pondering this question, or thinking they might be in the future, here’s Claire’s patented list of advice:

1.    If you really want to thesis, thesis.

If it’s going to be something you’re passionate about, do it! When it comes to spending that much time doing something, if you’re excited about it and feel like it’s something you really want to do, it will be a rewarding experience. Don’t feel discouraged, yes it will be tough, but you can absolutely do this!

2.    If you really don’t want to write one, don’t let anyone tell you you should.  This is more the camp I fell into myself. I had somehow ended up writing a junior thesis proposal, and suddenly found myself on track to thesis, something I hadn’t fully intended to do. I almost stuck with it, but it mostly would have been because I felt guilty leaving my lab after leading them on- and guilt will not write a thesis for you. I decided to drop at the beginning of senior year, and pandemic or no, it was definitely one of the best decisions I made.

3.    This is one of those times where what your friends are doing doesn’t matter. I’m also someone who can (sometimes) be susceptible to peer pressure. Originally, I was worried because so many of my friends were planning to write theses that I would feel left out if I did not also do it. This turned out to be unfounded because one, a bunch of my friends also dropped their theses (senior year in a global pandemic is hard ok?), and two, I realized that even if they were all writing them and loved it, their joy would not mean that I could not be happy NOT writing one. It just wasn’t how I wanted to spend my (limited) time as a senior! On the other hand, if none of your friends are planning to thesis but you really want to, don’t let that stop you. Speaking from experience, they’ll happily hang out with you while you work, and ply you with snacks and fun times during your breaks.

Overall, deciding to write a thesis can be an intensely personal choice. At the end of the day, you just have to do what’s right for you! And as we come up on thesis submission deadlines, good luck to all my amazing senior friends out there who are turning in theses right now.  

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Claire Class of '21 Alumni

Portrait of Claire

Student Voices

My unusual path to neuroscience, and research.

Raymond Class of '25

Picture of a Boston Children's Hospital sign placed across a stone wall.

How I Organized a Hackathon at Harvard

Kathleen Class of '24

A group of five students wearing blue shirts in front of silver balloons that read "HACK RARE." They are making symbols with their hands to spell out "RARE."

Dear homesick international student at Harvard College

David Class of '25

A photo of a man in sunglasses looking at blue ocean waters.

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Psychology Undergraduate Program

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  • Thesis Advising

If you're thinking of writing a thesis as part of your Psychology concentration, the first thing you'll want to do is check out the Undergraduate Office's  thesis manual . You can find it on the Honors Thesis section of this website! Then, you should contact Psychology's Thesis Tutorial Instructor.  

Statistics Consulting

Statistics and coding may seem overwhelming at first, especially if the thesis project will be your first time working with your own data. For guidance, senior thesis students should reach out to the Department's  Statistics Consultant . The Consultant holds individual meetings with students to provide input on statistical methods, writing analysis, and experimental results for thesis projects.  

Kirsten Morehouse, Data and Statistics Consultant (2023-2024)

How to Meet with the Data and Statistics Consultant: Please email Kirsten directly ( [email protected] ) with the following info:

  • 3 specific dates and blocks of time that work for you
  • A summary of the questions you'd like to discuss 
  • A copy of your most recent thesis proposal/prospectus (including background and proposed analyses)
  • A copy of your data (or mock dataset that shows your expected data structure)
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  • “View Online” button links out to full text.
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  • Follow the links in HOLLIS.
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  • undergraduates are not required to submit theses or prizewinning papers to DASH
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  • Under certain circumstances dissertations may be embargoed by the author; DASH may be the only place this information is given.

If the work hasn't been digitized:

You can order PDFs or photocopies of most Harvard theses and dissertations (unless they're available through the Proquest database linked above) from 1873 through November 2011 (and ALM theses to 2016) 

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For Extension School ALM theses  check out our  Library Guide for Harvard Extension School theses page

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For more on undergraduate theses and dissertations, see our " How can I locate a Harvard undergraduate thesis?" FAQ.

Looking for non-Harvard theses & dissertations? See our "How can I find theses and dissertations?"  FAQ.

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Senior Thesis & Undergraduate Research

Every year, approximately 45%-55% of senior History concentrators choose to cap their Harvard careers by writing a senior honors thesis.

The senior thesis tutorial is a two-semester sequence  comprising Hist 99a and Hist 99b . While the overwhelming majority of students who start a thesis choose to complete it, our process allows students to drop the thesis at the end of the fall semester after History 99a (in which case they are not eligible for departmental honors).

The senior thesis in History is a year-long project involving considerable primary- and secondary-source research and a good deal of writing; finished theses are expected to be between 60 and 130 pages in length , and to make an original contribution to historical knowledge.

The department’s senior thesis program is one of the strongest in Harvard College. In recent years, one quarter or more of our thesis writers have received  Hoopes Prizes , which is well over the College average.

History 99 Syllabus 2022–2023

History 99: Senior Thesis Writers’ Tutorial Wednesdays, 6–7 and 7-8 PM Robinson Conference Room

Click here to view the History 99 syllabus for this year.

A Sampling of Past History Thesis Titles

For a list of thesis titles from the past five years, please click here .

Senior Thesis Conference

The History Department's annual Senior Thesis Writer's Conference is an opportunity for thesis writers to present their projects as members of three-to-four person panels moderated by a faculty member or advanced graduate student, to an audience of other faculty and graduate students. Their aim is to get the critical and constructive feedback they need to clarify their arguments, refine their methods, and ultimately transform their research projects into theses.

Like our faculty, our student presenters are conscious of their reliance on other disciplines in almost every aspect of their work. This conference supplies opportunities to engage in cross-disciplinary dialogues. Audience members also learn from these dedicated and talented young scholars even as they teach them new ways of conceiving and pursuing their projects.

For more information about the conference or the Department's thesis program as a whole, please write to the  Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies in History, or visit the Senior Thesis Writers Conference and History 99a website. The  Conference is open to all active members of the Harvard community.

All seniors writing theses receive as part of the History 99a and 99b seminar materials a Timetable for Thesis Writers which lists approximate deadlines for staying current with work on this large-scale project. (For current copies of these documents, please click here .) Many thesis writers will submit work in advance of the deadlines listed on the timetable, following schedules worked out with their individual advisers. Several of the deadlines listed on the timetable must be met:

  • Students who wish to enroll in History 99 must attend the first meeting of the seminar on Wednesday, September 5th at 6:00 pm in the Robinson Lower Library.
  • By the beginning of the fall reading period, students must submit substantial proof of research to both their adviser and the 99 History instructors. This usually takes the form of a chapter or two of the thesis (20–30 pages).
  • Theses are due to the History Undergraduate Office (Robinson 101) on Thursday, March 10, 2022  before 5:00 pm. Theses that are handed in late will be penalized.

Thesis Readings

Each History thesis is read by at least two impartial members of the Board of Tutors, assigned by the Department. The Board of Tutors consists of (1) all department faculty in residence and (2) all graduate students teaching History 97 and/or a Research Seminar, as well as those advising senior theses. If History is the secondary field of a joint concentration, there is only one History reader. Each reader assigns an evaluation to the thesis (highest honors, highest honors minus, high honors plus, high honors, high honors minus, honors plus, honors, or no distinction), and writes a report detailing the special strengths and weaknesses of the thesis.  Theses by students with a highest honors-level concentration GPA and one highest-level reading will automatically be assigned three readers. Additionally, a thesis by any student may be sent to a third reader when the first two evaluations are three or more distinctions apart (e.g., one high honors plus and one honors plus).

Department Standards for the Thesis Program

Seniors who wish to write a thesis must meet certain prerequisites:

  • a ‘B+’ average in the concentration;
  • a ‘B+’ average on a 20-page research seminar paper
  • the recommendation of their Research Seminar tutor(s).

Students who do not meet the above standards may petition the  History Undergraduate Office for admission to the senior thesis; successful petitions must include a detailed thesis proposal, and will be evaluated at the discretion of the Assistant Director of Undergraduate Studies (Asst. DUS).

The Awarding of Departmental Honors in History


 Nominations for departmental honors are made by the Board of Examiners at the degree meeting each spring.  In making its nominations, the Board first takes two elements into account:  the average of course grades in History and thesis readings.  All students who may be eligible for a recommendation of highest honors will then be given an oral examination by the Board of Examiners; performance on this exam will be considered in determining the final recommendation.  The standing of those students at the border of two different degrees may also be determined through an oral examination administered by the Board of Examiners.

To be considered eligible for highest honors in history, a student will ordinarily have a grade point average greater than or equal to 3.85 in courses taken for departmental credit, and have received at least two highest -level thesis readings.  In addition, the student must convince the Board of Examiners of their qualifications for the highest recommendation through their performance on the oral examination.  Whether any particular student falling into this numerical range receives highest honors in history will be determined in part by the performance on the oral examination. 

To be considered eligible for high honors in history, a student will ordinarily have a grade point average greater than or equal to 3.7, and will ordinarily have received two high -level readings on the thesis. 

To be considered eligible for honors in history, a student will ordinarily have a grade point average greater than or equal to 3.3, and will ordinarily have received two honors -level readings on the thesis. 

Please note that the Department recommends students’ English honors (highest, high, honors, no honors) and sends these recommendations to the College which determines students’ Latin honors based on total GPA.  Please visit:   https://handbook.fas.harvard.edu/book/requirements-honors-degrees    for more information on how the College awards Latin honors (summa cum laude, magna cum laude, cum laude, no honors).  In addition, you should consult with your Resident Dean.  Any degree candidate who does not receive the A.B. degree with honors in History will be considered by the FAS for the degree of cum laude.  

Departmental Support

Students who do decide to enter the thesis program benefit from a great deal of departmental support. The Department encourages its thesis writers to consider the possibility of devoting the summer prior to their senior year to thesis research, whether on campus or around the world. Each year a large number of rising seniors find funding for summer thesis research. The Undergraduate Office holds a meeting to advise students on how to write a successful fellowship proposal. In addition, we maintain a  listing of organizations that have supported concentrators’ thesis research.

The Department also supports its senior thesis writers through two semesters of a Senior Thesis Seminar, History 99a and 99b , which provide a useful framework for thesis writers as they work through the intermittent difficulties that all thesis students inevitably encounter. For many seniors, their thesis will turn out to be the best piece of writing done while at Harvard. It will also be the longest and most complicated. Consequently, the seminars will focus much attention on the unique challenges of writing an extended, multi-chapter work. History 99a and 99b also provide a common forum in which seniors can share with thesis-writing colleagues their feedback, successes, frustrations, interests, and techniques. This kind of collegiality and exchange of ideas is at the heart of the academic seminar, and it can be the most rewarding aspect of the seminar series.

Students must enroll in the Thesis Seminars in order to write a thesis by obtaining approval from the Asst. DUS  on their study cards.

  • Thinking about a History Concentration?
  • Undergraduate Alumni Profiles
  • Concentration Guidelines and Requirements
  • Senior Thesis Grants
  • Office Hours
  • Research & Employment Opportunities
  • Tempus: Undergraduate History Journal
  • Graduate Program

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Senior Thesis

A senior thesis is more than a big project write-up. It is documentation of an attempt to contribute to the general understanding of some problem of computer science, together with exposition that sets the work in the context of what has come before and what might follow. In computer science, some theses involve building systems, some involve experiments and measurements, some are theoretical, some involve human subjects, and some do more than one of these things. Computer science is unusual among scientific disciplines in that current faculty research has many loose ends appropriate for undergraduate research.

Senior thesis projects generally emerge from collaboration with faculty. Students looking for senior thesis projects should tell professors they know, especially professors whose courses they are taking or have taken, that they are looking for things to work on. See the page on CS Research for Undergrads . Ideas often emerge from recent papers discussed in advanced courses. The terms in which some published research was undertaken might be generalized, relaxed, restricted, or applied in a different domain to see if changed assumptions result in a changed solution. Once a project gets going, it often seems to assume a life of its own.

To write a thesis, students may enroll in Computer Science 91r one or both terms during their senior year, under the supervision of their research advisor. Rising seniors may wish to begin thinking about theses over the previous summer, and therefore may want to begin their conversations with faculty during their junior spring—or even try to stay in Cambridge to do summer research.

An information session for those interested in writing a senior thesis is held towards the end of each spring semester. Details about the session will be posted to the  [email protected] email list.

Students interested in commercializing ideas in their theses may wish to consult Executive Dean Fawwaz Habbal about patent protection. See  Harvard’s policy  for information about ownership of software written as part of your academic work.

Thesis Supervisor

You need a thesis supervisor. Normally this is a Harvard Computer Science faculty member. Joint concentrators (and, in some cases, non-joint concentrators) might have a FAS/SEAS Faculty member from a different field as their thesis supervisor. Exceptions to the requirement that the thesis supervisor is a CS or FAS/SEAS faculty member must be approved by the Director of Undergraduate Studies. For students whose advisor is not a Harvard CS faculty member, note that at least one of your thesis readers must be a Harvard CS faculty member, and we encourage you to talk with this faculty member regularly to help ensure that your thesis is appropriately relevant for Harvard Computer Science.

It’s up to you and your supervisor how frequently you meet and how engaged the supervisor is in your thesis research. However, we encourage you to meet with your supervisor at least several times during the Fall and Spring, and to agree on deadlines for initial results, chapter outlines, drafts, etc.

Thesis Readers

The thesis is evaluated by the thesis readers: the thesis supervisor and at least one other reader. Thesis readers must include at least one Harvard CS faculty member/affiliate . Ordinarily all readers are teaching faculty members of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences or SEAS who are generally familiar with the research area.

The student is responsible for finding the thesis readers, but you can talk with your supervisor for suggestions of possible readers.

Exceptions to these thesis reader requirements must be approved by the Directors of Undergraduate Studies.

For joint concentrators, the other concentration may have different procedures for thesis readers; if you have any questions or concerns about thesis readers, please contact the Directors of Undergraduate Studies.

Senior Thesis Seminar

Computer Science does not have a Senior Thesis seminar course.

However, we do run an informal optional series of Senior Thesis meetings in the Fall to help with the thesis writing process, focused on topics such as technical writing tips, work-shopping your senior thesis story, structure of your thesis, and more. Pay attention to your email in the Fall for announcements about this series of meetings.

The thesis should contain an informative abstract separate from the body of the thesis. This abstract should clearly state what the contribution of the thesis is–which parts are expository, whether there are novel results, etc. We also recommend the thesis contain an introduction that is at most 5 pages in length that contains an “Our contributions” section which explains exactly what the thesis contributed, and which sections in the thesis these are elaborated on. At the degree meeting, the Committee on Undergraduate Studies in Computer Science will review the thesis abstract, the reports from the three readers and the student’s academic record; it will have access to the thesis.  The readers (and student) are told to assume that the Committee consists of technical professionals who are not necessarily conversant with the subject matter of the thesis so their reports (and abstract) should reflect this audience.

The length of the thesis should be as long as it needs to be to present its arguments, but no longer!

There are no specific formatting guidelines. For LaTeX, some students have used this template in the past . It is set up to meet the Harvard PhD Dissertation requirements, so it is meeting requirements that you as CS Senior Thesis writers don’t have.

Thesis Timeline for Seniors

(The timeline below is for students graduating in May. For off-cycle students, the same timeline applies, but offset by one semester. The thesis due date for March 2025 graduates is Friday November 22, 2024 at 2pm. The thesis deadline for May 2024 graduates is Friday March 29th Monday April 1st at 2pm.

Please be aware that students writing a joint thesis must meet the requirements of both departments–so if there are two different due dates for the thesis, you are expected to meet the earlier date.

Senior Fall (or earlier) Find a thesis supervisor, and start research. 

October/November/December Start writing.

All fourth year concentrators are contacted by the Office of Academic Programs and those planning to submit a senior thesis are requested to supply certain information, including name of advisor and a tentative thesis title. You may use a different title when you submit your thesis; you do not need to tell us your updated title before then. If Fall 2024 is your final term, please fill out this form . If May 2024 is your final term, please fill out this form .

Early February The student should provide the name and contact information for the readers (see above), together with assurance that they have agreed to serve. 

Mid-March Thesis supervisors are advised to demand a first draft. (A common reaction of thesis readers is “This would have been an excellent first draft. Too bad it is the final thesis—it could have been so much better if I had been able to make some suggestions a couple of weeks ago.")

April 1, 2024 * Thesis is due by 2:00 pm. Electronic copies in PDF format should be delivered by the student to all three readers and to [email protected] (which will forward to the Director of Undergraduate Studies) on or before that date. An electronic copy should also be submitted via the SEAS online submission tool on or before that date. SEAS will keep this electronic copy as a non-circulating backup. During this online submission process, the student will also have the option to make the electronic copy publicly available via DASH, Harvard’s open-access repository for scholarly work. Please note that the thesis will NOT be published to ProQuest. More information can be found on the SEAS  Senior Thesis Submission  page.

The two or three readers will receive a rating sheet to be returned to the Office of Academic Programs before the beginning of the Reading Period, together with their copy of the thesis and any remarks to be transmitted to the student.

Late May The Office of Academic Programs will send students their comments after the degree meeting to decide honors recommendations.

Thesis Extensions and Late Submissions

Thesis extensions Thesis extensions will be granted in extraordinary circumstances, such as hospitalization or grave family emergency, with the support of the thesis advisor and resident dean and the agreement of all readers. For joint concentrators, the other concentration should also support the extension. To request an extension, please have your advisor or resident dean email [email protected] , ideally several business days in advance, so that we may follow up with readers. Please note that any extension must be able to fall within our normal grading, feedback, and degree recommendation deadline, so extensions of more than a few days are usually impossible.

Late submissions Late submission of thesis work should be avoided. Work that is late will ordinarily not be eligible for thesis prizes like the Hoopes Prize. Theses submitted late will ordinarily be penalized one full level of honors (highest honors, high honors, honors, no honors) per day late or part thereof, including weekends, so a thesis submitted two days and one minute late is ordinarily ineligible to receive honors. Penalties will be waived only in extraordinary cases, such as documented medical illness or grave family emergency; students should consult with the Directors of Undergraduate Studies in that event. Missed alarm clocks, crashed computers, slow printers, corrupted files, and paper jams are not considered valid causes for extensions.

Thesis Examples

Recent thesis examples can be found on the Harvard DASH (Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard) repository here . Examples of Mind, Brain, Behavior theses are here .

Spectral Sparsification: The Barrier Method and its Applications

  • Martin Camacho, Advisor: Jelani Nelson

Good Advice Costs Nothing and it’s Worth the Price: Incentive Compatible Recommendation Mechanisms for Exploring Unknown Options

  • Perry Green, Advisor: Yiling Chen

Better than PageRank: Hitting Time as a Reputation Mechanism

  • Brandon Liu, Advisor: David Parkes

Tree adjoining grammar at the interfaces

  • Nicholas Longenbaugh, Advisor: Stuart Shieber

SCHUBOT: Machine Learning Tools for the Automated Analysis of Schubert’s Lieder

  • Dylan Nagler, Advisor: Ryan Adams

Learning over Molecules: Representations and Kernels

  • Jimmy Sun, Advisor: Ryan Adams

Towards the Quantum Machine: Using Scalable Machine Learning Methods to Predict Photovoltaic Efficacy of Organic Molecules

  • Michael Tingley, Advisor: Ryan Adams


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To be made up of:

  • Year of submission (in round brackets).
  • Title of thesis (in italics).
  • Degree statement.
  • Degree-awarding body.
  • Available at: URL.
  • (Accessed: date).

In-text citation: 

(Smith, 2019)

Reference List:  

Smith, E. R. C. (2019). Conduits of invasive species into the UK: the angling route? Ph. D. Thesis. University College London. Available at: https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/10072700 (Accessed: 20 May 2021).

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  • DSpace@MIT Home
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This collection of MIT Theses in DSpace contains selected theses and dissertations from all MIT departments. Please note that this is NOT a complete collection of MIT theses. To search all MIT theses, use MIT Libraries' catalog .

MIT's DSpace contains more than 58,000 theses completed at MIT dating as far back as the mid 1800's. Theses in this collection have been scanned by the MIT Libraries or submitted in electronic format by thesis authors. Since 2004 all new Masters and Ph.D. theses are scanned and added to this collection after degrees are awarded.

MIT Theses are openly available to all readers. Please share how this access affects or benefits you. Your story matters.

If you have questions about MIT theses in DSpace, [email protected] . See also Access & Availability Questions or About MIT Theses in DSpace .

If you are a recent MIT graduate, your thesis will be added to DSpace within 3-6 months after your graduation date. Please email [email protected] with any questions.


MIT Theses may be protected by copyright. Please refer to the MIT Libraries Permissions Policy for permission information. Note that the copyright holder for most MIT theses is identified on the title page of the thesis.

Theses by Department

  • Comparative Media Studies
  • Computation for Design and Optimization
  • Computational and Systems Biology
  • Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Department of Architecture
  • Department of Biological Engineering
  • Department of Biology
  • Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
  • Department of Chemical Engineering
  • Department of Chemistry
  • Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
  • Department of Economics
  • Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
  • Department of Humanities
  • Department of Linguistics and Philosophy
  • Department of Materials Science and Engineering
  • Department of Mathematics
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering
  • Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering
  • Department of Ocean Engineering
  • Department of Physics
  • Department of Political Science
  • Department of Urban Studies and Planning
  • Engineering Systems Division
  • Harvard-MIT Program of Health Sciences and Technology
  • Institute for Data, Systems, and Society
  • Media Arts & Sciences
  • Operations Research Center
  • Program in Real Estate Development
  • Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies
  • Science, Technology & Society
  • Science Writing
  • Sloan School of Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • System Design & Management
  • Technology and Policy Program

Collections in this community

Doctoral theses, graduate theses, undergraduate theses, recent submissions.


The properties of amorphous and microcrystalline Ni - Nb alloys. 


Towards Biologically Plausible Deep Neural Networks 


Randomized Data Structures: New Perspectives and Hidden Surprises 


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In the Spotlight - GLL Concentrators & Secondaries

Dhruv Goel (Maths & German) and William Brown (History & German) have both received Hoopes Prizes for their senior theses.

A secondary field student, Benjamin Gros-Loh, has also been awarded a Hoopes.

And Abraham Wieland, also a secondary fielder, has just been awarded a Fulbright-Austria (USTA) to teach in Klagenfurt next year.

Abraham Wieland smiling at the camera against a brick wall. Druv Goel smiling at the camera against a professional backdrop.

Congratulations to all our GLL students for their hard work this year!

Recent News

France Kafka

New Book by John Hamilton: France/Kafka -- An Author in Theory

Rebecca Stewart

A Terrible Freedom - Rebecca Stewart studies Friedrich Schiller, vulnerability, struggle, and the sublime

Crimson Reduced

The Harvard Crimson: A Foray into German Theater: German 65 takes on ‘(R)evolution’

Courses offered by the department weave a tapestry of German-language literature across the ages, at the intersection of disciplines such as history, philosophy, film studies, and the arts. Undergraduate courses open a window to the infinite possibliities of the humanities. Languages taught include German, Dutch, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Icelandic, and Norwegian. 

Browse Courses

Group of students on the steps of Sanssouci Palace in Potsdam, Germany

Study Abroad

Students immerse themselves in language study and the resonant arts and cultural scenes in Berlin and Vienna or visit Århus, Denmark, for a a comprehensive, hands-on exploration of the Viking Age and its legacy in the Middle Ages. Additional opportunities are also available. 

Work Abroad Program

Work Abroad

The only summer internship/work program run by a department in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences affords speakers of German at all levels of proficiency the opportunity to gain work experience in the private or public sector in a German-speaking country or remotely. 

Harvard Resources

Germanic research guide, harvard libraries, busch-reisinger museum, minda de gunzburg center for european studies, mahindra humanities center, harvard film archive.

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Department News

Integrative biology concentrator julie heng awarded hoopes prize for thesis research conducted in the murray lab.

  • May 30, 2024

Integrative Biology (IB) concentrator Julie Heng (‘24) has won a Hoopes Prize for thesis research she did in the Murray Lab . The university-wide Hoopes Prize celebrates excellence in undergraduate thesis work across all disciplines.

“It has been an extraordinary pleasure to work with Julie,” says MCB faculty Andrew Murray . “She had the courage to work on a poorly characterized genetic process, parameiosis, the persistence to complete and analyze a complicated and difficult set of experiments, and elegance and clarity to write an inspiring and beautiful thesis.”

IB concentrators typically conduct their thesis research in OEB labs, but Heng connected with Murray while she was a student in the course LS50. Once in the lab, Heng worked closely with postdoc María Angélica Bravo Núñez as her lab mentor . “One day after Zoom class, Andrew and I were talking about mating type switching and chromosomal change, and he invited me to do research in his lab over the summer,” Heng says. “Andrew talked about how the Murray Lab uses brewer’s yeast to examine all kinds of questions in experimental evolution, from the emergence of multicellularity to origins of the cell cycle. Brewer’s yeast seemed like a cool model for questions of non-Darwinian evolution and which I was thinking about. And I’ve had a blast and a half learning from everyone in the lab.”

For her thesis project, Heng looked into the fungus Candida albicans and the mechanisms that can cause it to have irregular numbers of chromosomes, or aneuploidy. Understanding how aneuploidy develops could shed light on how fungal pathogens evolve drug resistance. “In this thesis, I developed two models that examine the relationship between and consequences of non-meiotic chromosome loss and aneuploidy. The first model studies an elusive chromosome loss process in C. albicans called “parameiosis.” I showed that 1) parameiosis rapidly generates aneuploidy, which increases population-wide variation in growth, fitness, and antifungal drug tolerance and 2) most strains that lose chromosomes also become more fit and drug tolerant. The second model discovers novel chromosome loss pathways in brewer’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae . Using genetic crosses, I mapped the chromosome loss phenotype of a representative strain to a mutation (I425F) in the gene TDA9 and confirmed its role by CRISPR engineering.” 

“I’m deeply grateful to Prof. Andrew Murray, who is kind and brilliant and full of aphoristic wisdom,” Heng adds. “Endless gratitude to María Angélica Bravo Núñez, HHMI postdoctoral fellow in the lab, who taught me just about everything, from how to use a pipette properly on day one. María is a role model and an inspiration, one of the hardest working and supportive people I know, and I have deeply enjoyed learning from and with her, whether seriously interrogating problems in academia or bantering about the rise of the fungi together. Thanks also to the rest of the Murray Lab, a delightful team that banters with and challenges each other: Abe Sabbarini, Alexa Pérez-Torres, Piyush Nanda, Jimena Luque, Athena Rogers, Kevin Woods, and of course Linda Kefalas.” Heng, who earned a secondary in Philosophy alongside her IB concentration, will work on technology policy after graduation. “During college, these two interests [evolution and ethics] dovetailed, especially with the rise and dynamism of emerging technologies,” she says. “My research looks at rapid change in biological systems, but this mirrors social systems as well. So much is changing; how should we think about biotech and AI, about wellbeing and risk, about community and loneliness? Current conversations about science and technology are narrow and exclusive, but can still have outsized impact on how we all live. I’m planning to pursue emerging tech policy to help make these conversations more pluralistic and more focused on well-being.”

Heng’s colleagues and mentors praised her ingenuity. “Julie arrived at the Murray lab as an incredibly curious, smart student with minimal lab skills,” says Murray Lab postdoc María Angélica Bravo Núñez, who mentored Heng. “She is, however, incredibly dedicated and from the beginning showed that her detective skills were second to none. During her first summer in the lab, I gave a strain to Julie that had >30 mutations and she needed to find which of those mutations was causing the phenotype. By the end of the summer, not only had Julie mapped the causative allele, but she had also reconstructed it and tested it in a naïve background. That was not an easy task, yet she executed it flawlessly.”

Bravo Núñez adds, “Julie is an incredible scientist that doesn’t shy away from hard questions. For her thesis project, she ventured into understanding the mechanism and implications of an unknown cell cycle in a human fungal pathogen. For her work and dedication, the thesis reviewers granted her an ‘exceptional’ score and she was also awarded the Hoopes prize. She deserves this and so much more. And while we (The Murray Lab) are sad to see her go, we are also very excited to see how Julie will change the world next.”

Julie Heng (left) and María Angélica Bravo Núñez

Julie Heng (left) and María Angélica Bravo Núñez

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  1. Harvard University Theses, Dissertations, and Prize Papers

    The Harvard University Archives' collection of theses, dissertations, and prize papers document the wide range of academic research undertaken by Harvard students over the course of the University's history.. Beyond their value as pieces of original research, these collections document the history of American higher education, chronicling both the growth of Harvard as a major research ...

  2. Developing A Thesis

    A good thesis has two parts. It should tell what you plan to argue, and it should "telegraph" how you plan to argue—that is, what particular support for your claim is going where in your essay. Steps in Constructing a Thesis. First, analyze your primary sources. Look for tension, interest, ambiguity, controversy, and/or complication.

  3. How can I locate a Harvard undergraduate thesis?

    If you know the exact title or author of a thesis, use the standard search box. If you are looking for all undergraduate honors theses from a particular department, use Advanced Search keyword (e.g. classics , music , sociology) and "honors thesis Harvard." Add a year date to your keywords if you are looking for theses from a particular year.

  4. Computer Science Library Research Guide

    How to search for Harvard dissertations. DASH, Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard, is the university's central, open-access repository for the scholarly output of faculty and the broader research community at Harvard.Most Ph.D. dissertations submitted from March 2012 forward are available online in DASH.; Check HOLLIS, the Library Catalog, and refine your results by using the Advanced ...

  5. Thesis

    Thesis. Your thesis is the central claim in your essay—your main insight or idea about your source or topic. Your thesis should appear early in an academic essay, followed by a logically constructed argument that supports this central claim. A strong thesis is arguable, which means a thoughtful reader could disagree with it and therefore ...

  6. Research Opportunities

    Thesis Research Each concentration has its own requirements for thesis research, including topics allowed, prerequisites, timing, and who can supervise your work. ... The Browse URAF opportunities page of our website aggregates a large number of Harvard undergraduate research options. Please note, however, that not all Harvard-affiliated ...

  7. Theses from Previous Years

    We have collected some theses from previous years to help guide you. Please use them as examples of how to structure your own thesis. Theory Theory Thesis 1 Theory Thesis 2 Theory Thesis 3 Theory Thesis 4 Theory Thesis 5 Comparative Comparative Thesis 1 Comparative Thesis 2 Comparative Thesis 3  Comparative Thesis 4  Comparative Thesis...

  8. Past & Current Theses

    The Psychology Undergraduate Office has hard copies of several prize-winning theses from the past five years that you may sign out to see what the best undergraduate work looks like. Above, you can browse the titles of past undergraduate theses to give you an idea of the topics of theses students typically write. Only hard copies of recent ...

  9. Theses and Dissertations

    A thesis is a long-term, large project that involves both research and writing; it is easy to lose focus, motivation, and momentum. Here are suggestions for achieving the result you want in the time you have. Timelines. The dissertation is probably the largest project you have undertaken, and a lot of the work is self-directed.

  10. Senior Thesis Writing Guides

    Senior Thesis Writing Guides. The senior thesis is typically the most challenging writing project undertaken by undergraduate students. The writing guides below aim to introduce students both to the specific methods and conventions of writing original research in their area of concentration and to effective writing process. The senior thesis is ...

  11. Honors & Theses

    An honors thesis gives students the opportunity to conduct in-depth research into the areas of government that inspire them the most. Although, it's not a requirement in the Department of Government, the honors thesis is both an academic challenge and a crowning achievement at Harvard. The faculty strongly encourages students to write an ...

  12. Thesis FAQs

    A: The thesis is a 30-50 page (double spaced) document, which includes: acknowledgements, contributions, table of contents, abstract, introduction, methods, results, figures, discussion and references. Specific guidelines and examples of how to write each sections will be presented senior year to all potential thesis writers.

  13. To Thesis or Not to Thesis?

    Share. For many students at Harvard, whether or not to write a thesis is a question that comes up at least once during our four years. For some concentrations, thesising is mandatory - you know when you declare that you will write a senior thesis, and this often factors into the decision-making process when it comes to declaring that field.

  14. Thesis Advising

    Garth teaches the thesis tutorial courses for Psychology concentrators, PSY 985 and PSY 991. Harvard Undergraduate students at any stage can meet with Garth if they are considering writing a thesis and would like more information about the thesis process, if a thesis fits with their goals, which faculty are eligible to supervise a thesis, or when and how to get started.

  15. Online Senior Thesis

    For Ph.D. Theses, see here. A senior thesis is required by the Mathematics concentration to be a candidate for graduation with the distinction of High or Highest honors in Mathematics. See the document ' Honors in Mathematics ' for more information about honors recommendations and about finding a topic and advisor for your thesis.

  16. PDF A Guide to

    Harvard University A Guide to Writing a Senior Thesis in Government 2020-2021. ... We in the Government Department and in the Undergraduate Program Office would ... needs and interests. This handbook aims to answer your procedural and substantive questions about the process of thesis writing and honors determination, as well as to provide you ...

  17. Research and Thesis

    Step 1: Read over our advice on picking a great lab/mentor. Guide to Choosing a Research Lab; Another well-known guide (aimed at graduate students), but still relevant.; Step 2: Search for a lab. The best method is to start your search on the web. Here are some helpful links:

  18. How can I find a Harvard thesis or dissertation?

    Contact Imaging Services staff directly for additional information at 617/495-3995 or [email protected] (M-F, 9-5 Eastern) For Extension School ALM theses check out our Library Guide for Harvard Extension School theses page. Want to view a dissertation or thesis at the library? Check with the archival collection location listed in HOLLIS.

  19. Senior Thesis & Undergraduate Research

    Senior Thesis & Undergraduate Research. Every year, approximately 45%-55% of senior History concentrators choose to cap their Harvard careers by writing a senior honors thesis. The senior thesis tutorial is a two-semester sequence comprising Hist 99a and Hist 99b. While the overwhelming majority of students who start a thesis choose to complete ...

  20. Senior Thesis :: Harvard CS Concentration

    Senior Thesis. A senior thesis is more than a big project write-up. It is documentation of an attempt to contribute to the general understanding of some problem of computer science, together with exposition that sets the work in the context of what has come before and what might follow. In computer science, some theses involve building systems ...

  21. Senior Thesis

    Senior Thesis Submission Information for A.B. Programs. Senior A.B. theses are submitted to SEAS and made accessible via the Harvard University Archives and optionally via DASH (Digital Access to Scholarship at Harvard), Harvard's open-access repository for scholarly work.. In addition to submitting to the department and thesis advisors & readers, each SEAS senior thesis writer will use an ...

  22. Guides and databases: Harvard: Thesis or dissertation

    Thesis or dissertation. To be made up of: Author. Year of submission (in round brackets). Title of thesis (in italics). Degree statement. Degree-awarding body. Available at: URL. (Accessed: date).

  23. MIT Theses

    MIT's DSpace contains more than 58,000 theses completed at MIT dating as far back as the mid 1800's. Theses in this collection have been scanned by the MIT Libraries or submitted in electronic format by thesis authors. Since 2004 all new Masters and Ph.D. theses are scanned and added to this collection after degrees are awarded.

  24. PDF Harvard University Department of Mathematics Undergraduate Program

    Harvard Undergraduate Mathematics Assocation HUMA is a student organization dedicated to enriching the undergraduate mathematics community at Harvard by organizing programs, ... thesis, and to provide a forum for undergraduates to deliver math talks. The Rogers Prizes are awarded yearly for the two best talks delivered

  25. Department of Germanic Languages and Literatures

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  26. Integrative Biology Concentrator Julie Heng Awarded Hoopes Prize for

    Integrative Biology (IB) concentrator Julie Heng ('24) has won a Hoopes Prize for thesis research she did in the Murray Lab.The university-wide Hoopes Prize celebrates excellence in undergraduate thesis work across all disciplines. "It has been an extraordinary pleasure to work with Julie," says MCB faculty Andrew Murray.. "She had the courage to work on a poorly characterized genetic ...

  27. Senior Thesis

    Senior Thesis. For an A.B. degree, a research thesis is strongly encouraged but not required; a thesis is necessary to be considered for High or Highest Honors. Additionally, a thesis will be particularly useful for students interested in pursuing graduate engineering research. In the S.B. degree programs, every student completes a design ...

  28. Senior Economics Winners Announced

    Aden Barton received the John H. Williams Prize, awarded to the honors senior graduating with the best overall record in economics. Additionally, Barton won the Harvard Kennedy School's John T. Dunlop Thesis Prize in Business and Government for his thesis, "The Causal Effect of Welfare Retrenchment: Evidence from Medicaid and SNAP," advised by Dr. Gregory Bruich.


    Office of Undergraduate Education Harvard College 1414 Massachusetts Ave. Cambridge, MA 02138 [email protected] ... Hist-Lit 99: Senior thesis advising, fall 2022 - spring 2023 Hist-Lit 93: History and Policy, spring 2025 Department of History, Harvard University (2016-2021)

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