
Essay on Responsibility Of Youth

Students are often asked to write an essay on Responsibility Of Youth in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Responsibility Of Youth

Importance of youth responsibility.

Youth are the future. They have the power to shape the world. It’s important for them to understand their responsibilities. This includes caring for themselves, their families, and their communities. They should also respect the law and the rights of others.

Personal Responsibility

Youth have a duty to take care of their health. This means eating well, exercising, and avoiding harmful habits. They also need to focus on their education. Learning new skills can help them succeed in life.

Family Responsibility

Young people should help their families. They can do chores, take care of siblings, and support their parents. Family is a team, and everyone needs to do their part.

Community Responsibility

Youth should also help their communities. They can volunteer, clean up parks, or help neighbors. By doing these things, they can make their communities better places to live.

Respect for Law and Rights

Finally, youth must respect the law and the rights of others. They should follow rules and treat everyone with kindness. This helps create a peaceful society.

250 Words Essay on Responsibility Of Youth


Youth is a time of energy and potential. It is a time when we can shape our life. As young people, we have many responsibilities. These are not just to ourselves, but also to our families, our communities, and our world.

Responsibility to Self

The first duty of youth is to themselves. They must take care of their health and education. They should eat healthy food, exercise regularly, and get enough sleep. They should also study hard to gain knowledge and skills. This will help them to be successful in the future.

Responsibility to Family

Young people also have a duty to their families. They should respect their parents and elders. They should help with household chores. They should also care for their younger siblings. This helps to strengthen family bonds.

Responsibility to Society

Youth also have a role to play in society. They should be good citizens. They should obey laws and respect authority. They should also help those in need. This can be done by volunteering or donating to charity.

Responsibility to the World

Finally, youth have a responsibility to the world. They should care for the environment. They should also promote peace and understanding among different cultures and religions. This helps to make the world a better place.

In conclusion, youth have many responsibilities. By fulfilling these duties, they can make a positive impact. They can help to shape a better future for themselves and for everyone.

500 Words Essay on Responsibility Of Youth

Youth is a time of energy, growth, and potential. It is a period when we can shape our futures and influence our societies. As young people, we carry a great responsibility. This essay will explore the various responsibilities of youth.

Role in Society

Young people play a critical role in society. They are the leaders of tomorrow, and their actions today will shape the future. They have the responsibility to be informed about world events, local issues, and the needs of their communities. They must participate in social activities, volunteer work, and community service. By doing this, they can contribute to society and make the world a better place.

Education and Learning

Education is another key responsibility of youth. Young people must strive to learn and grow, not only in school but also in life. They should seek knowledge, develop skills, and cultivate curiosity. This will prepare them for future challenges and opportunities. They must also respect their teachers and peers, fostering a positive learning environment for all.

Health and Well-Being

Young people also have a responsibility towards their health and well-being. They should eat healthily, exercise regularly, and avoid harmful habits like smoking or excessive screen time. They should also take care of their mental health, seeking help when needed. By doing this, they can ensure a healthy and productive future.

Respect and Kindness

Respect and kindness are essential responsibilities of youth. Young people should treat others with dignity and respect, regardless of their background or beliefs. They should also show kindness and empathy towards others. This promotes harmony and understanding in society.

Environment Protection

Youth have a vital role in protecting the environment. They should be aware of environmental issues and take steps to reduce their carbon footprint. They can do this by recycling, conserving water, and using renewable energy. They should also advocate for environmental policies and participate in environmental campaigns.

In conclusion, the responsibilities of youth are vast and varied. From contributing to society and pursuing education, to maintaining health, showing respect, and protecting the environment, young people carry a heavy load. Yet, it is through these responsibilities that they can truly make a difference. As they step into adulthood, they carry with them the power to shape the future. It is up to them to use this power wisely, fulfilling their responsibilities and creating a better world for all.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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essay on responsibilities of youth

Youth Issues and Adult Society Essay

The youth comprise a significant proportion of every society. Youth can be defined as a group of young people who are in the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood and are considered to be the most energetic. It is a stage during which the young people try to define their identity and prepare them for citizenship and adulthood (Shamsie, 2006). However, it has not been easy to fix the definition of youth in chronological terms. In most countries, the age of the youth is drawn at the time when an individual is treated equally under the law, normally referred to as the age of majority. Many countries place it at age 18 and beyond this age, one is considered an adult. It is therefore important to note that the definition of the term youth depends greatly on the socio-cultural, political, institutional, and economic factors of a given country. The working chronological age for the purposes of this essay is between the ages 15 and 29, which is used mainly by most National Youth Councils. This essay will discuss some problems facing the youth and why this crisis appears to be a major concern for adult society.

There are a number of problems encountered by the youth of today all over the world. Unemployment is one of the major problems facing today’s young generation (Shamsie, 2006). Every young person must be prepared to overcome the challenges of adolescence and adulthood. This means that he or she must engage in progressive experiences and activities which will, in turn, enable him or her to become socially, emotionally, morally, economically, physically, as well as cognitively competent. As one approaches the mid-20s, he or she starts experiencing the transition from schooling to work. Many young people at this age would be expected to secure a job and earn instead of the continued reliance on the parents or guardians. This trend in most instances is hampered by the lack of job opportunities for a large number of young people in society.

Difficulty in securing a place of work implies that the youth can hardly get a stable source of income for personal use and even for the other dependents like the parents or siblings. This is despite the fact that a lot of resources are injected towards educating them. The fact that many young people lack a stable source of income and yet they are the most energetic members of society is ridiculous. A number of youth resort to other alternative ways of survival like theft, forceful robbery, carjacking, and other illegal deals that will enable them to get the money that they desperately need. This is one concern that threatens the fabric of society especially the adult members of the society. The problem is worsened by the fact that there are many young people who are faced with the same problem and hence adding to the magnitude of illegal incidences. In most countries, therefore, the problem of unemployment among the youth has become a major concern of the adult society especially the governments (White, 1999).

Furthermore, unemployment can become the genesis of all other sorts of problems that face the youth. Young people who fail to prosper in society may end up despairing in life and may start smoking, using alcohol, and the use of other drugs. This is common among the youth who leave schooling at an early age and hence can get no meaningful employment. The use of drugs among the youth results in a less productive generation of young people who should otherwise be the building stones for a more stable society. Any adult society, therefore, ought to be concerned about this major problem that faces the youth since they are expected to be the society’s tomorrow.

For the female youth, difficult times at this particular stage may force them to engage in promiscuous activities like sex for pay, and these results in unwanted pregnancies and the contraction of sexually transmitted diseases. The general loss of morality among the young people can plunge the whole generation into enormous problems like increased psychological distress and other mental problems, HIV/AIDS prevalence among the youth, and criminal activities that may ruin a whole generation (White, 1999). These youth problems in many countries appear to be of major concern for adult society.

It is therefore paramount for every society to rise up and address the plight of the young people if it is to prosper to greater heights. This will call for the creation of job opportunities in society and empowering the youth through training on entrepreneurial skills. This will go a long way in ensuring that the society gets proper continuity through its youth.

Shamsie, S. J. (2006). Youth: Problems and solutions. Lea & Febiger.

White, R. (1999). The Australian youth subcultures: in the Mainstream and on the margins. Australian Clearinghouse for Youth Studies.

  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2022, March 9). Youth Issues and Adult Society. https://ivypanda.com/essays/youth-and-society/

"Youth Issues and Adult Society." IvyPanda , 9 Mar. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/youth-and-society/.

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Youth Issues and Adult Society'. 9 March.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Youth Issues and Adult Society." March 9, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/youth-and-society/.

1. IvyPanda . "Youth Issues and Adult Society." March 9, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/youth-and-society/.


IvyPanda . "Youth Issues and Adult Society." March 9, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/youth-and-society/.

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Young people hold the key to creating a better future

essay on responsibilities of youth

Image:  Fateme Alaie/Unsplash

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essay on responsibilities of youth

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Stay up to date:, youth perspectives.

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  • Young people are the most affected by the crises facing our world.
  • They are also the ones with the most innovative ideas and energy to build a better society for tomorrow.
  • Read the report "Davos Labs: Youth Recovery Plan" here .

Have you read?

Youth recovery plan.

Young people today are coming to age in a world beset by crises. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic devastated lives and livelihoods around the world, the socio-economic systems of the past had put the liveability of the planet at risk and eroded the pathway to healthy, happy, fulfilled lives for too many.

The same prosperity that enabled global progress and democracy after the Second World War is now creating the inequality, social discord and climate change we see today — along with a widening generational wealth gap and youth debt burden, too. For Millennials, the 2008 financial crisis and the Great Recession resulted in significant unemployment, huge student debt and a lack of meaningful jobs. Now, for Generation Z, COVID-19 has caused school shutdowns, worsening unemployment, and mass protests.

Young people are right to be deeply concerned and angry, seeing these challenges as a betrayal of their future.

But we can’t let these converging crises stifle us. We must remain optimistic – and we must act.

The next generation are the most important and most affected stakeholders when talking about our global future – and we owe them more than this. The year 2021 is the time to start thinking and acting long-term to make intergenerational parity the norm and to design a society, economy and international community that cares for all people.

Young people are also the best placed to lead this transformation. In the past 10 years of working with the World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers Community, a network of people between the ages of 20 and 30 working to address problems in more than 450 cities around the world, I’ve seen first-hand that they are the ones with the most innovative ideas and energy to build a better society for tomorrow.

Over the past year, Global Shapers organized dialogues on the most pressing issues facing society, government and business in 146 cities, reaching an audience of more than 2 million. The result of this global, multistakeholder effort, “ Davos Labs: Youth Recovery Plan ,” presents both a stark reminder of our urgent need to act and compelling insights for creating a more resilient, sustainable, inclusive world.

Davos Lab: Youth Recovery Plan

One of the unifying themes of the discussions was the lack of trust young people have for existing political, economic and social systems. They are fed up with ongoing concerns of corruption and stale political leadership, as well as the constant threat to physical safety caused by surveillance and militarized policing against activists and people of colour. In fact, more young people hold faith in governance by system of artificial intelligence than by a fellow human being.

Facing a fragile labour market and almost bankrupt social security system, almost half of those surveyed said they felt they had inadequate skills for the current and future workforce, and almost a quarter said they would risk falling into debt if faced with an unexpected medical expense. The fact that half of the global population remains without internet access presents additional hurdles. Waves of lockdowns and the stresses of finding work or returning to workplaces have exacerbated the existential and often silent mental health crisis.

So, what would Millennials and Generation Z do differently?

Most immediately, they are calling for the international community to safeguard vaccine equity to respond to COVID-19 and prevent future health crises.

Young people are rallying behind a global wealth tax to help finance more resilient safety nets and to manage the alarming surge in wealth inequality. They are calling to direct greater investments to programmes that help young progressive voices join government and become policymakers.

I am inspired by the countless examples of young people pursuing collective action by bringing together diverse voices to care for their communities.

To limit global warming, young people are demanding a halt to coal, oil and gas exploration, development, and financing, as well as asking firms to replace any corporate board directors who are unwilling to transition to cleaner energy sources.

They are championing an open internet and a $2 trillion digital access plan to bring the world online and prevent internet shutdowns, and they are presenting new ways to minimize the spread of misinformation and combat dangerous extremist views. At the same time, they’re speaking up about mental health and calling for investment to prevent and tackle the stigma associated with it.

The Global Shapers Community is a network of young people under the age of 30 who are working together to drive dialogue, action and change to address local, regional and global challenges.

The community spans more than 8,000 young people in 165 countries and territories.

Teams of Shapers form hubs in cities where they self-organize to create projects that address the needs of their community. The focus of the projects are wide-ranging, from responding to disasters and combating poverty, to fighting climate change and building inclusive communities.

Examples of projects include Water for Life, a effort by the Cartagena Hub that provides families with water filters that remove biological toxins from the water supply and combat preventable diseases in the region, and Creativity Lab from the Yerevan Hub, which features activities for children ages 7 to 9 to boost creative thinking.

Each Shaper also commits personally and professionally to take action to preserve our planet.

Join or support a hub near you .

Transparency, accountability, trust and a focus on stakeholder capitalism will be key to meeting this generation’s ambitions and expectations. We must also entrust in them the power to take the lead to create meaningful change.

I am inspired by the countless examples of young people pursuing collective action by bringing together diverse voices to care for their communities. From providing humanitarian assistance to refugees to helping those most affected by the pandemic to driving local climate action, their examples provide the blueprints we need to build the more resilient, inclusive, and sustainable society and economy we need in the post-COVID-19 world.

We are living together in a global village, and it’s only by interactive dialogue, understanding each another and having respect for one another that we can create the necessary climate for a peaceful and sustainable world.

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World Economic Forum articles may be republished in accordance with the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License, and in accordance with our Terms of Use.

The views expressed in this article are those of the author alone and not the World Economic Forum.

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Young women in Djibouti take part in a civic tech training.

Building social cohesion and peace in Djibouti and Trinidad and Tobago

In a world that is constantly evolving, the role of youth in shaping the future of their communities is more crucial than ever. From advocating for social cohesion and peace to leading initiatives for gender equality, young people are taking charge and making a significant impact.

Here are five roles that the young people are playing in their communities, for a better future for all.

UNDP supports young people across the globe through its Funding Windows, primary thematic funding instrument that ensures the support goes to those who need it the most.

Young people play a vital role in building their communities and creating an inclusive and peaceful environment. Supporting them in developing the knowledge and skills to do so is a step towards them taking that role.

In Djibouti, young women are developing skills in civic tech to enhance their role as social cohesion promoters and contribute to transformative changes in building social contracts. 87 young women and 18 associations have successfully conducted activities to prevent inter-community violence, discourage school dropouts and drug consumption among young people, and promote environmental safeguarding.

Through the Peace Innovation Challenge in Trinidad and Tobago, more than 100 submissions were received from women, youth organizations and individuals. These proposals focused on promoting peace at the community level, with the best ideas receiving grants to implement them. 

Man bending over tyres

Young entrepreneurs are rising to the many global challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the climate crisis and changing economic landscapes.

Securing work opportunities in Mali, Burkina Faso & Mauritania

Young people face the consequences of many global challenges such as the aftermath of the pandemic, the climate crisis and changing economic landscapes disproportionately, affecting their possibilities to gain decent employment and start their own businesses. Creating jobs opportunities for youth and building the skills of young people to start their own businesses is also opening up paths for economic empowerment and steering people away from radicalism, that often offers lucrative pathways for the disfranchised.

MOURAVAGHA is a national support system for young unemployed graduates in Mauritania. More than 9000 young graduates are developing their job search and application skills. The students were also placed in companies through internships that offer them job opportunities at the end.

Various cash-for-work projects provided job opportunities for more than 1,800+ young people in Mali and Burkina Faso. The young people, including women and youth that have been affected by crisis, engaged in waste management & collection activities as well as other public work programs. In the Seytenga and Falagountou communes of Burkina Faso,   young people gained more income and secured loans for further activities.

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Conflict in Ethiopia has affected peoples' lives and how they earn their livings.

Acquiring skills for a better future in Ethiopia and Morocco

Young people’s creativity can open doors for a better future for all. Enabling young people to turn their ideas into reality, whether they be projects, policies or businesses, benefits both the young people and their communities. Entrepreneurship and vocational skills training can enable young people to open their own businesses. 

The conflict in Ethiopia has affected the lives and livelihoods of both people and their businesses. Many rural youth are unemployed and have dropped out of school and are now without a job and source of income. This makes them vulnerable. Some 345 young people are now creating jobs for other youth after developing their skills in local businesses and receiving start-up capital. More than 400 women and young people, including survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, trained in vocational skills that would help them increase their income.

Youth Aspirations and Abilities to Advance Nationwide Innovation project works with young Moroccan leaders to support them develop social innovations and businesses that tackle the most pressing challenges in their communities. Among the most sought-after skills among young people are leadership and emotional intelligence as well as business innovation. Through extensive training and mentoring, 150 young people developed their skills. 

Fighting gender-based violence in Chad and Colombia

In Chad and Colombia, more than 500 young people used their voices to fight gender-based violence. 

A university advocacy contest gathered stories from students, inspiring others to join the movement in Chad. As a result, a campaign raised awareness of more than 19,000 people around women’s rights and gender-based violence.

On the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women in Colombia, young people talked about the prevention of violence in an online campaign, reaching thousands of views on social media. 

Women in wheat field

Raneem, 20, from Deir ez-Zour, Syria has been able to reclaim her farmland thanks to support from UNDP.

Rehabilitating farmlands in Syria

Young people play many roles in their societies, from the fields to the parliaments. 

One of these young people is Raneem, 20, from Syria [ . She is one of the 54 farmers who were able to reclaim their land through a well rehabilitation programme, that helped them to make the land fertile again. This has created an income for more than 2,000 labourers.

“We had no hope before the wells were rehabilitated. The land is now fertile. We plant different crops every season. We are also hiring other women to support us during harvest." -  Raneem 

Supporting young people through Funding Windows

Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is not possible without young people. 

UNDP continues to support youth across the globe through its Funding Windows, its primary thematic funding instrument to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 

"The young people were supported through the Governance, Peacebuilding, Crisis and Resilience Window in 2022 with our partners Denmark, Luxembourg, Republic of Korea, Sweden, and Switzerland. Together, we aim to create an environment where young people can thrive and have a say at the future of themselves and their communities."

Read more about the Funding Windows in our website and annual report:



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Essays About Youth: Top 5 Essay Examples Plus 10 Prompts

Discover our guide with creative writing prompts and examples for essays about youth to help you get started on your next great essay!

Youth is that cusp between childhood and adulthood — a period filled with zest, adventure, and impulsiveness. Our future depends on the youth of today. As such, we are well-advised to equip ourselves with sufficient skills and knowledge to resolve future problems effectively. We must also train them to develop a moral compass, incredible determination, and deep compassion for others to serve well as future leaders.

5 Essay Examples

1. youth in revolt: five powerful movements fueled by young activist by erin blakemore, 2. what you can learn from a young ceo by elaine pofeldt, 3. advice to the youth by mark twain , 4. us youth are in a mental health crisis—we must invest in their care by mitchell j. prinstein, 5. young people are leaving their jobs in record numbers—and not going back by raisa bruner, 1. effects of social media on youth self-esteem, 2. youth’s learning crisis, 3. addressing youth obesity, 4. encouraging stem careers for youth, 5. engaging youth in community building, 6. why youth engage in cybercrime, 7. love for today’s youth, 8. national youth day, 9. substance abuse prevention for youth , 10. benefits of sex education to youth.

“Youth who participated in the civil rights movement embraced what one-time SNCC chairman Representative John Lewis called “good trouble”—fearless agitation designed to provoke, challenge, and move progress forward.”

Youth have always driven impactful social and political movements in whatever era and whichever part of the globe they are. This essay recounts some of history’s most powerful and meaningful protests mobilized by youth. Check out these essays about life lessons .

“Whether we needed to select a blogging platform or figure out how to keep costs down, we invariably found that younger CEOs were great sources of ideas.”

Gone are the days when one would purely seek older people for wisdom in business. With the competition in the digital age, youth are proving to bring in a wealth of ideas that can effectively support business strategies.

“Build your character thoughtfully and painstakingly upon these precepts, and by and by, when you have got it built, you will be surprised and gratified to see how nicely and sharply it resembles everybody else’s. ”

The American writer shows his humor and sarcasm by teaching youth the art of lying and handling firearms carelessly. Ultimately, he tells those who would succeed that they would be no different than the rest of society. 

“We have an opportunity to make a serious commitment to youth mental health, just as we did 70 years ago to help adults. This is a chance for parents, teachers, and youth to stop whispering about their mental health needs and begin shouting for our country to invest in its future and end our children’s suffering.”

As youth suicides have increased over the years, data shows that it is now the second leading cause of death among 10- to 24-year-olds. The situation demands urgent action and a rethink of the overall mental health system.

“For some, it’s burnout. For others, the timing was ripe to refocus on side projects as the stresses of the pandemic started to wane. And for many, especially in a service sector dominated by “zillennials”… poor treatment and low wages became unsustainable.”

The pandemic burnout has driven the Great Resignation among youth, leaving over 10 million jobs in the US unoccupied. This triggers a sea change in the societal landscape, where young workers pursue their self-worth and can afford to do so.

10 Thought-Provoking Prompts On Essays About Youth

Essays About Youth: Effects of social media on youth self-esteem

While we all tend to compare our qualities and achievements to those of others, social media has made this habit worse. To youth, the biggest market of social media platforms, this has resulted in lower self-esteem, especially for girls . In your essay, gather present research that studies the links between social media use and low confidence levels. Then, recommend ways for young readers to spend more time in the real world and rebuild their self-esteem.

In recent years, it has been recognized that the world is facing a learning crisis that even the wealthier G20 countries are not exempt from . But as the COVID-19 pandemic has halted face-to-face school interactions for prolonged periods, what does the future of education and skills-building look like for our youth? Answer this with the support of research studies and data, and surveys from reputed organizations and agencies. Finally, enumerate the best ways to invest in our youth’s education.

Many cases of obesity among youth are due to the lack of exercise. For this topic prompt, lay down the negative effects of obesity, such as the increased likelihood of diabetes, hypertension, lack of self-esteem, and depression. Then, with research on wellness experts’ advice, encourage readers to change their lifestyle one step at a time to address or prevent obesity. For example, walking for 10 minutes to take a break from work could be a powerful start in changing a routine. 

No industry gains as much from youth’s ingenuity as the innovation industry. First, elaborate on the importance of developing youth’s scientific and technical skills. Then, look at how schools incorporate science, technology, engineering, and math into the curriculum, starting with your school. To conclude your essay, look at how intensive your government’s programs are in unlocking the inner scientists of today’s youth. 

Essays About Youth: Engaging youth in community building

Youth have the vigor and passion for changing the world. Because of this, they are one of the best groups to tap into for building a better community. To start this essay, look at the ratio of young volunteers to the total number of volunteers in your community. You can check this ratio in other communities and see how active your youth are in volunteer community work compared to others. Then, enumerate interesting practices cities can adopt to attract youth to participate in their programs. 

The United Kingdom’s National Crime Agency has reported a 107% annual increase in police reports of young students engaging in cyberattacks in 2020. Dig deeper into this report and find out the main motivations why young offenders would join the dark side in cyberspace. Is it for the millions of bucks or the sense of validation in the hacking community? Then identify some best practices law enforcement authorities and schools are implementing to thwart cybercrime among youth.

Young love has always been defined by its wild passions and adventures. Does this hold today in this digital age? How have relationships evolved in the age of social media? Mull over these questions and look at other modern trends in young love. For example, many claims that internet relationships, where couples meet and interact purely online, constitute true love. 

Celebrated every August 12, International Youth Day (IYD) aims to raise awareness of youth’s pressing challenges. Your essay can revolve around the focus of the last or upcoming celebration theme. Then, reflect on the issue’s relevance and what actions you think society can take to ease the problem. For example, the 2022 IYD is themed “Intergenerational Solidarity: Creating a World for All Ages.” This expounds on fostering solidarity across generations to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Prevention is always better than cure. In this essay, search for data on youths reportedly battling drug abuse. Highlight an upward trend, if any. Then, highlight the risk factors that lead youth to drug or alcohol abuse and the consequences on health and overall well-being. You may also pay attention to the National Institute on Drug Abuse’s 16 key principles for determining the most suitable prevention programs. 

A research study has found that aside from preventing early pregnancy and the contraction of sexually transmitted diseases, comprehensive sex education helps youth feel safe and achieve success in the long term. Examine these benefits and cite the negative effects of a lack of sex education during youth. Finally, it underscores schools’ critical roles in integrating sex education and protecting students. 

If you need further guidance, check out our essay writing tips . Finally, don’t forget to proofread your essay using the best grammar checkers .

essay on responsibilities of youth

Yna Lim is a communications specialist currently focused on policy advocacy. In her eight years of writing, she has been exposed to a variety of topics, including cryptocurrency, web hosting, agriculture, marketing, intellectual property, data privacy and international trade. A former journalist in one of the top business papers in the Philippines, Yna is currently pursuing her master's degree in economics and business.

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Essay on Role of Youths in Nation Building for Students and Children

500 words essay on role of youths in nation building.

It is a well-known fact that the youth of any country is a great asset. They are indeed the future of the country and represent it at every level. The role of youths in nation-building is more important than you might think. In other words, the intelligence and work of the youth will take the country on the pathway of success. As every citizen is equally responsible, the youth is too. They are the building blocks of a country.

essay on role of youths in nation building

Role of Youth

The youth is important because they will be our future. Today they might be our partners, tomorrow they will go on to become leaders. The youths are very energetic and enthusiastic. They have the ability to learn and adapt to the environment . Similarly, they are willing to learn and act on it as well to achieve their goals.

Our youth can bring social reform and improvement in society. We cannot make do without the youth of a country. Furthermore, the nation requires their participation to achieve the goals and help in taking the country towards progress.

Likewise, we see how the development of any country requires active participation from the youth. It does not matter which field we want to progress in, whether it is the technical field or sports field, youth is needed. It is up to us how to help the youth in playing this role properly. We must make all the youth aware of their power and the role they have to play in nation-building.

Ways to Help the Youth

There are many ways in which we can help the youth of our country to achieve their potential. For that, the government must introduce programs that will help in fighting off issues like unemployment, poor education institutes and more to help them prosper without any hindrance.

Similarly, citizens must make sure to encourage our youth to do better in every field. When we constantly discourage our youth and don’t believe in them, they will lose their spark. We all must make sure that they should be given the wind beneath their wings to fly high instead of bringing them down by tying chains to their wings.

Furthermore, equal opportunities must be provided for all irrespective of caste, creed, gender , race, religion and more. There are various issues of nepotism and favoritism that is eating away the actual talent of the country. This must be done away with as soon as possible. We must make sure that every youth has the chance to prove themselves worthy and that must be offered equally to all.

In short, our youth has the power to build a nation so we must give them the opportunity. They are the future and they have the perspective which the older generations lack. Their zeal and enthusiasm must be channelized properly to help a nation prosper and flourish.

FAQ on Essay on Role of Youths in Nation Building

Q.1 What role does youth play in nation-building?

A.1 The youth plays a great role in nation-building. It has the power to help a country develop and move towards progress. It also is responsible for bringing social reform within a country. The youth of a country determine the future of a nation.

Q.2 How can we help youth?

A.2 As well all know youth is facing too many problems nowadays. We need to give them equal opportunities in every field so they can succeed well. They must be given all the facilities and also encouraged to take the challenge to achieve success.

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Preparing to Participate: The Role of Youth Social Responsibility and Political Efficacy on Civic Engagement for Black Early Adolescents

  • Published: 08 September 2015
  • Volume 9 , pages 609–630, ( 2016 )

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essay on responsibilities of youth

  • Elan C. Hope   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-2886-5076 1  

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Civic engagement is critical for the well-being of youth and society. Scholars posit that civic beliefs are highly indicative of sustained civic engagement, particularly for Black youth living in the United States. In this study, I examine whether youth social responsibility and political efficacy beliefs are directly related to civic engagement and whether the relationship between youth social responsibility and civic outcomes varies by level of political efficacy among Black early adolescents in the Midwest United States ( N  = 118). I also investigate whether youth social responsibility relates to civic engagement through political efficacy beliefs among this population. Findings show that political efficacy is related to four domains of civic engagement: helping, community action, formal political action, and activism. Political efficacy moderates the relationship between youth social responsibility and activism, such that the relationship between youth social responsibility and activism is stronger for Black youth with higher political efficacy beliefs. There is also an indirect effect of youth social responsibility on the relationship between political efficacy and civic engagement.

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Hope, E.C. Preparing to Participate: The Role of Youth Social Responsibility and Political Efficacy on Civic Engagement for Black Early Adolescents. Child Ind Res 9 , 609–630 (2016). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12187-015-9331-5

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Accepted : 01 September 2015

Published : 08 September 2015

Issue Date : September 2016

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s12187-015-9331-5

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Youth and their Responsibilities of Youth toward their country

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2020, Sulaiman Safi

Youth in every nation must pave the way and streamline, leverage the positive strides.

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  • Role of Youth in Nation Building Essay


Long and Short Essay on Role of Youth in Nation Building

The role of Youth in nation-building or development is very important, and this is because the development of any nation lies in the future generation. Democracy, economy, technology and the improvement of medical science all lie in the hands of the Youth. Poverty, unemployment, global warming, and pollution of many types are the problems that the world is facing today. The answer to solving all these problems lies with the next generation.

History is evident that the next generation has been the answer to solve future problems. As time passes by, it is required to adapt to the changes and bring a change in society. The Youth is capable of doing so; we can bring a change in society. So what is the role of the Youth for a better tomorrow? What are the qualities that are required to bring a change in society?. These two questions are very important, and all the students should know the answer to them. To answer these questions, the role of Youth in nation-building essays is written. 

Below a long and short essay on the role of youths in nation-building and frequently asked questions on the essay about the role of the Youth in our society is given. Students can refer to these essays and understand the importance of Youth in the development of the country and make a speech on the role of youth in nation-building.

Long Essay on Role of Youths in Nation-Building

Swami Vivekananda once said, 'My faith is in the younger generation, the modern generation and out of them will come to my workers. This quote describes the impact the Youth can have on society. More than 60% of the Youth helped Germany win the first world war far better or the worst. The mission to make the first person walk on the moon consisted of more than 80% of the Youth who helped in planning the whole mission. Likewise, Indian Youth also played an important role to make our country free from British rule. Youth has the power to change the world. When the Youth is united, we can make the world a better place to live, and when we are divided, we also have the power to destroy the world.

Youth is the most dynamic and important segment of the population in any country. Statistics show that the developing countries which have a huge youth population could be seeing tremendous growth in all the sectors of the countries provided they inc=vest in young people's education, health and protect and guarantee their rights. It is believed that today's young minds and tomorrow's leaders, creators, builders, and innovators.

For Youth to be good leaders, inventors and innovators, it is important that they are supported and are provided good health, training, and education to transform the future. There will be a boost in the economy of the country when the Youth is working and earning rather than being dependent on anyone.

As we all know that half of the world's population is now under the age of 25, and 1.8 billion people are between the age of 11-25. This is considered to be the largest youth generation to ever exist. Many countries such as Sweden, Japan, and Germany have already started gaining from the Youth by providing them opportunities in different sectors. It has been more than 80 years since the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. Any country would be devastated by the loss of lives and the destruction that was caused during that time, but Japan did not stop, and over the decades, the government of Japan has started investing in the Youth and the investment they made in the Youth during that time is giving them the profit now. More than 80% of Youth in Japan are responsible for the economic boost of the country. Industries such as Manga and Anime consist of 90% of young minds that are responsible for generating a revenue of 1.3 billion every year to the country. This is the impact that Youth can make on the country's growth. Here the role of Youth in the national development article is discussed.

Indian Youth- Confused or Confident? 

Let us talk about the Youth of India; Today, India is one of the youngest nations in the world, with more than 55% of the population is below the age of 25, and more than 60% of the population is the working age, which is between 15 to 60 years. It is estimated that the average age of the population by the year 2023 would be 29 years old and in India, whereas, in Japan, it would be 47 years, and in the United States of America, it would be 40 years old. The presence of younger people in our country gives us an edge over the demographic dividend over other countries. The demographic dividend is the growth in the economy of the country due to the change in the age structure of the country. The Youth of our country today are increasingly becoming restless and trying their best to make a difference, but it has not been enough. More effort should be made if we all want to end unemployment, poverty, corruption, and violence in the country. Due to the presence of these diseases in our society, there has been a delay in the development of the country.

India is the biggest democracy in the world, and still, it lags in achieving economic and socio-political growth. The two things which our freedom fighters fought for were freedom and the growth of the country, and after all those years, we have failed in achieving both goals. For 72 years, we have failed to fight unemployment, poverty, corruption, illiteracy, and violence in our country. India's ranks in the various development index have barely grown in recent years. For example, India ranks 116 in the Human Capital Index, 144 in the World Happiness Index, 131 in the Human Development Index, and 141 on the Gender Development Index. This shows the state in which our country is. If India wants to improve all these indices, then it is the responsibility of the Youth to come forward and take responsibility to fight against the multiple inequalities and contribute to the development of the country.

Statistics show that India has the upper hand over other countries as 62 % of the population is the Youth. Young minds are known to be innovative and hard-working that will help in the development of the country. Youth can change the country only if proper opportunities in the various fields are given to them. In our society, we have been guided to pursue careers in either engineering or medical science. This could be because of the pressure from the family or the trend in society. This has become a major cause for the downfall of the Youth. A statistical report suggests that about 55% of engineering Youth are unemployed because they don't have the required skills to crack a job. The Youth can change society if they consider pursuing a career in different fields like arts and politics. If proper opportunities are given to the Youth to represent their ideas in fields such as politics, then we can expect a drastic change in the country's growth. Young minds should be motivated to take part in politics and occupy high positions such as education minister, finance minister, bureaucrats, and even the Prime minister.

Youth has the power to bring change. They have the power to demand justice. For example, a mass protest by the Youth against the CAA bill in Delhi or the mass protest by the Youth in Delhi for justice of Nirbhaya cases are some of the examples of the strength of the Youth. TRO makes the Youth the ultimate power of the country, and educational programs should be developed that aims to teach the young people from the school level the importance and the impact they can have on the country. They should be taught about how the country works and how it can be a significant part of the development of the country. Youth should be motivated to consider different career options such as politics, which eventually helps in running the country. 

Our nation has been facing a lot of problems, and Youth has the power to resolve most of them. All the Youth of today need is a chance to prove themselves. Through many protests against corruption, rape against women, we have witnessed that the Youth have the power to unite individuals from various ethnic groups. The world has been facing many problems such as Racism and Islamophobia. Everyone is fighting with each other because of the religion to which they belong or the complexion of their skin color. These fights within the Youth are created by political leaders or the people with power because they know that the only way they could defeat the power of Youth is when we are divided. This is the reason why we need Youth in politics as youth leaders could convince other fellow men and women to live in peace and harmony. The differences and all these issues should not allow the Youth to be divided. Instead of focusing on these differences, youth leaders should lead the way and help the majority focus on the real issues that matter, such as poverty, crime against women, unemployment, and many more. The Youth has the ability to bring a change in the country. 

To conclude, the role of the Youth is very important in the building of a nation. They can be a positive influence in society and can also solve the problem by introducing innovative and impactful ideas that will only help in the betterment of the country. They have the ability to create an identity for themselves, which will help in creating an impact. All the youth needs is the support of their family and friends, and I can assure you that they can make our country great. 

Short Essay on the Role of Youth in National Development

India is the world's largest democracy and the second largest populated country in the world.65% of the population comprises the Youth, and this is enough to show the importance of Youth and how big of an asset they are for the country.

The role of Youth in nation-building is very important. The work they do and the ideas they help to bring to the table will take the country on the path to success. In spite of being the largest democracy in the world, India is still lagging behind in achieving the economic success that will help to make a mark in the world. It has been 72 years since the freedom of our country, and throughout all these years, India has been infected by a few diseases such as corruption, unemployment, poverty, malnutrition, no proper healthcare services, and a crime against men and women. Indians are ranked 144 in the world happiness index, 141 in the gender development index, and 145 in the Global burden Index. India's rank in the various development indexes has not improved over a few years. The only way India can improve the ranks in all these indices is through empowering the Youth of the country. The Youth need to take charge and come forward to fight for a better tomorrow, and that can only be done if proper opportunities are provided to Youth in different fields.

If anyone wants to bring a change in the system, the only option is to study and get into it. The Indian Youth should consider joining politics and running for different roles such as the governor, bureaucrats, Home minister, and even Prime minister. Youth have the advantage of being a young mind and more connected to today's generation. A youth running the country will help in solving the problems that other Youth faces every day.

Youth has the ability to face any issue and solve it. There has been a rise in the cases of Racism and Islamophobia all across the world. Instead of focusing on important topics such as unemployment, poverty, and corruption, the Youth in our country is divided into a few not-so-important topics. This is because the majority of the Youth has been influenced t=by greedy political leaders who think all about themselves. This is why we need the Youth to be part of politics. Imagine a youth leader who unites every fellow Youth to focus and fight for what will matter for the future, and our country would be great.

To conclude, the Youth has the power to build a nation that will only help in its development. To do so, the Youth of our country should be supported by friends and family members. The Youth should be supported to pursue careers in various fields such as cinema, arts, and politics. The support which everyone will give today to the Youth will help in making our country great in the future. The important role of the youth in nation-building has been discussed here, and students can take a cue for writing an essay on my role as a youth in nation-building.


FAQs on Role of Youth in Nation Building Essay

1. Why is it important to build a nation?

A Nation is a group of people with a common language, beliefs, traditions and culture. Countries have been built from the basis of the shared interest, identity and aspirations of their people coming from different backgrounds. When you say you are Pakistani, Indian or American etc., what comes to your mind? Education, education and education. You have a common identity with all the people living in that particular country which is why you feel united in helping each other in times of need. A nation is a place where all the people live together with harmony and peace because they are united under one umbrella, which is the identity of that particular nation. Building a nation is important because a strong nation can only lead to a stronger economy, which in turn will bring about positive changes for the people living in that country and make their lives easier.

2. What are the traits of a good leader in nation building?

A good leader is a person who has vision and clarity about where he or she wants to take the country. He has complete knowledge about what needs to be done to achieve his goal, whether it's peaceful negotiations between countries at war or building roads within the country. He is a good motivator and knows how to bring out the best in people. He is honest and has high moral values. Last but not least, he is a true leader who can lead from the front and guide others to work for the common good. If a nation has a good leader, it can be possible to bring positive changes in every sector and make the country a better place to live in. With the help of a good leader, a nation can be built in a better way. A good leader can change the destiny of a nation.

3. What are the responsibilities of the youth in nation-building?

Youth has the responsibility to do their bit for nation-building, along with the common people like students, workers etc. Youth should make decisions after much thought and consideration because they hold the future of our generation in their hands. They should work together with all sections of society to bring about positive change in the country. They should also be involved in activities that promote national unity and solidarity. Youth should focus on their education and build a bright future for themselves and their country. They should join the army, civil services, police etc., to serve the nation in their respective capacities. The Youth play a very important role in Nation Building. They are the future of our country, and it is very important to groom them to become good leaders. Youth should be encouraged to take up sports and social work to strengthen our society. If a country has a responsible youth, then that Youth will definitely lead the country to a better future.

4. How can the youth be more involved in nation-building?

The Youth should take up jobs that benefit society. They can join the army, police or civil services to serve our nation. The Youth are our future and should be encouraged to take up sports and social work. Our Youth need to be educated because we cannot progress without them. We all must encourage our Youth to take part in nation-building activities so that together we can create a better future for everyone. With the help of our Youth, many problems can be solved. They should stop taking drugs and other harmful substances. Volunteering for community support activities is a very good way to give back to society while helping our Youth grow stronger in their personal life, health and well-being. If our Youth takes part in nation-building activities, then definitely our nation will be built in a better way.

5. What is the role of women in nation-building?

Women play a very important role in nation-building because they keep the family unit intact and pass on values to the young children. They must not neglect their household work and try to give equal importance to their traditional role while also training themselves to be good citizens. Women should strive for a healthy environment in society and join groups that work to bring about positive changes in their community. They can also involve themselves in nation-building activities like blood donation camps, tree plantation drives etc. There are many jobs women can take up, such as becoming police officers, nurses etc., to serve our nation. The role of Youth in Nation Building is very vital. A responsible youth can definitely lead the country to a better future. Youth should be encouraged to take up jobs that benefit society. Women contribute to nation-building in many ways like working with police, forest department etc. Women play a very important role in nation-building. Nowadays, women are given more freedom, and they play a vital role in society. Women involve themselves in nation-building activities like blood donation camps, tree plantation drives etc. women are taking up jobs in many fields like policewomen, nurses etc. So, women definitely play a very important role in nation-building, and they should be given more opportunities to serve our nation.

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Empowering Tomorrow: Women and Youth at the Heart of Sustainable Development

A boy in a white shirt gives a high five to a woman in a dark shirt while others look on, in a school playground.

In the race to accelerate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the United Nations Development Coordination Office (UNDCO) and the Resident Coordinator system are blazing a trail, with women and youth at the helm. Their mission? To prove that meaningful participation from these often-overlooked demographics is not just essential—it's the key to unlocking real change. Our emphasis on inclusive consultations and empowerment initiatives goes beyond simply reflecting a commitment to equity. It is a powerful catalyst, sparking broader system-wide change that begins at the country level. 

Involving women and youth is at the heart of this movement. Resident Coordinators (RC) play a pivotal role in orchestrating a unified approach within the UN system and its specialized agencies to advance this inclusive vision. They draw on the strengths of each UN entity – at global, regional and country level—to craft a comprehensive response that addresses local needs to ensure no one is left behind, with development actions deeply rooted in local realities.  

Young people as architects of change  

Young people are being hailed as architects of change. The RC system's dedication to youth engagement goes beyond the work of individual agencies and aligns directly with the UN Youth 2030 Strategy to advance the rights and agency of young people worldwide. An impressive 94 per cent of countries’ “sustainable development needs assessments”, or Common Country Analyses, and the subsequent “roadmap to accelerate the SDGs”, the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Frameworks, now prioritize a focus on youth. Accordingly, 70 per cent of all Cooperation Frameworks prepared in 2023, were done in consultation with young people. By integrating youth input into these core documents, RCs ensure that UN programming isn't just about young people but designed with them and for them. 

A man in a yellow and white shirt raises his hand in joy as he stands in front of a classroom full of students at desks who are also doing the same

Our work in Bhutan and Guinea, demonstrate the deep commitment of new generation UN teams on the ground to actively engage young people. In Bhutan , the Resident Coordinator's office (RCO) surveyed 40,000 young people. This combined both in-person and social media outreach to ensure inclusivity. These efforts result in UN programming that better aligns with their needs and reflects their aspirations. Similarly, in Guinea , the RCO facilitated consultations with over 1,000 young people, whose perspectives were integrated into the Common Country Analysis. 

In Egypt , youth perspectives are now informing national climate policies, also thanks to the RC’s convening of a Youth Climate Change Committee. The RC efforts mobilized partnerships to bridge the gap between young stakeholders and national leadership. 

Beyond consultations, RCs actively see young people as an important audience for advocacy and around the globe are leveraging media platforms to shift mindsets and generate public support for youth-led initiatives. In China , strategic media partnerships orchestrated by the RCO resulted in an online event focusing on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), reaching 42 million young viewers. 

From ensuring youth have a seat in policy discussions and decision-making, to crafting targeted outreach strategies, Resident Coordinator’s Offices are empowering young people to become active architects of our common futures. 

Championing equality   

Meanwhile, gender equality isn't just a buzzword—it enables gains for all of society. On the ground, RCs ensure that commitments translate into action. In 2023, under the leadership of RCs, 97 UN country teams reported concrete actions across various sectors, ensuring that gender considerations are woven into the fabric of every UN programme – holding themselves and UN entities in-country accountable through the System-Wide Action Plan (SWAP) for gender equality.  

Accountability tools, like the mandatory UN Gender Equality Marker, applied by 91 UN country teams in 2023 push for funding to backup commitments. Based on the marker, 41 per cent of UN country teams are now meeting the ambitious target of allocating 70 per cent of resources to gender sensitive activities.   

A graphic card with icons and text showing progress on women's empowerment and gender equality

In The Gambia , under the leadership of the RC, the UN team secured US$2 million from the Peacebuilding Fund to launch a project amplifying women's voices at all levels of decision-making. This shows how RCs channel resources to ensure that women are active leaders in shaping the future we want. 

Safeguarding rights is essential, but RCs champion an approach that goes further—empowering women's leadership and ensuring their voices shape the decisions that affect their lives. The RC-led Spotlight Initiative to End Violence against Women and Girls has resulted in the adoption of nearly 500 laws and policies protecting women and girls in 26 countries . By galvanizing the UN system and external partners, RCs turn the promise of protection into tangible legal safeguards. 

Leaving no one behind  

Throughout 2023, RCs have championed inclusion throughout UN operations at the country level. This aligns directly with the Sustainable Development Goals' central principle of leaving no one behind. In Uganda , the RC system ensured various organizations representing persons with disabilities, including the National Union of Women with Disabilities, were active contributors to the Cooperation Framework 2021-2025. This shows that those most marginalized benefit when they are active participants in creating solutions. 

As the international community focuses on the Summit of the Future , the RC system offers proven global action blueprints, thanks largely to their on-the-ground leadership. The challenges we face – from climate change to economic inequality – disproportionately affect young people and women. Empowering them goes beyond inclusion, it is about leveraging their contributions to benefit all. 

The 2024 Report of the Chair of the UN Sustainable Development Group on the Development Coordination Office highlights these efforts and more, demonstrating how Resident Coordinators are driving a future marked by collaboration, equity, and the unstoppable power of those with the most at stake. 

Read the 2024 UNSDG Chair Report here .

Publications: The Role of Youth Organizations and Youth Movements for Social Change

As a part of its collaboration with the Born This Way Foundation , the Berkman Center is publishing on this website a series of papers that synthesize existing peer-reviewed research or equivalent scholarship and provide research-grounded insight to the variety of stakeholders working on issues related to youth empowerment and action towards creating a kinder, braver world.  This series, called the The Kinder & Braver World Project: Research Series (danah boyd, John Palfrey, and Dena Sacco, editors), is presented by the Born This Way Foundation & the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University, and supported by the John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation .? ?  This set of papers involves topics related to the Role of Youth Organizations and Youth Movements for Social Change.

The Value of Youth Organizing by Jerusha Conner

Across the country, adolescents have become deeply involved in struggles for equity and social justice, as they work to promote a kinder, braver world. Although youth have long been leaders in social change efforts, today’s young people are increasingly supported in this work through youth organizing programs. This paper explains what youth organizing is, identifies four ways in which it benefits the young people involved, offers suggestions for mitigating any downsides of participation, and addresses barriers that youth organizing groups may face .

Youth and Social Movements: Key Lessons for Allies by Sasha Costanza-Chock

We have much to learn from young people who are already engaged in mobilizing their peers, families, and communities towards positive social transformation. This paper discusses challenges, and provides recommendations for educators and adult allies of youth movements.

Cultivating Young Women’s Leadership for a Kinder, Braver World by Anna Rorem and Dr. Monisha Bajaj

There is not much research exploring leadership development and civic participation among youth, and even less among young women. Policymakers and others seeking to better serve youth in pursuit of a “kinder, braver world” should take into account the research that does exist. This research indicates that youth who engage in service to their communities learn leadership skills through civic action and may be more likely to vote and be civically engaged as adults. Youth who demonstrate leadership skills can, and should, be considered current assets to their communities.

How Participatory Action Research Can Promote Social Change and Help Youth Development by Cara Berg Powers and Erin Allaman

Participatory Action Research (PAR) is a process through which people investigate meaningful social topics, participate in research to understand the root causes of problems that directly impact them, and then take action to influence policies through the dissemination of their findings to policymakers and stakeholders. Like other types of youth organizing, PAR promotes youth’s involvement in their communities and the development of leadership skills. It emphasizes the development of young people’s knowledge, skills, and abilities to be experts on issues of importance to them, and catalyze systemic change in collaboration with their peers and supportive adults.

Engaging Youth, Serving Community: Social Change Lessons from a 4-H Rural Youth Development Program by Donna J. Peterson, Barbara A. Baker, JoAnne Leatherman, Michael E. Newman, and Sally Miske

Social change targeted at empowering youth requires youth and adults to work together as equals. Youth-adult partnerships create a platform to amplify youth voices. To succeed, youth-adult partnerships must be built on open communication and equal voice.   Using a case study, this paper shares six broadly applicable lessons learned through the Engaging Youth, Serving Community (ESYC) program. Based on evaluation and understanding of the EYSC experience, it highlights examples of how youth-adult partnerships can promote social change and civic engagement.

Youth Organizations and Positive Development: Lessons Learned from a Century of Girl Scouting by Kamla Modi, Judy Schoenberg, and Kallen Tsikalas of the Girl Scout Research Institute © 2012 Girl Scouts of the USA

Since its inception in 2000, the Girl Scout Research Institute has employed a research-to-action approach so that insights from our work with girls and young women can directly inform Girl Scouts of the USA’s program and policy development, as well as impact the larger youth development field. In the last decade, GSRI’s research and evaluation work has touched numerous organizations in the public and private spheres, making a practical impact on the lives of youth and providing other organizations with evidence needed to make a case for their own work.

Out of the Box: Positive Development & Social Change Through the Arts by Ping Ho

From early childhood to adolescence, the arts can foster youth movements for social change through positive development. Students who experience high levels of arts enrichment show greater academic performance, enrollment in and graduation from high school and college, civic and community service, news consumption, and engagement in local politics. Moreover, participation in the arts—even as a spectator—predicts increases in civic engagement, tolerance and altruism, regardless of age, race, or education.

How to Engage Young People: Lessons from Lowell, MA by Sopheap Linda C. Sou, Darcie DeAngelo, Masada Jones, and Monica Veth

A youth organization’s success depends on young people’s participation within the local community. Many of the issues facing young people today reflect a poor engagement with community politics, cultural identity formation, and risk-taking behaviors based on that identity formation.   The Teen Block was founded in Lowell, Massachusetts, in 1990 with the goal of addressing these issues. Since that time, it has served over 8,000 young people, integrating social, behavioral, mental, and physical health.

Essay on Responsibilities of Youth in Pakistan

Essay on Responsibilities of Youth in Pakistan: Undoubtedly students and youth are the most powerful asset of any state or nation. It is rightly said that the progress of any nation directly depends upon its youth. And they are also able to change the worse condition of his nation. Youth is playing a vital role in the nation building. But on the other hand, those countries and nations who have denied and does feel the importance of his youth are not developed. Pakistan is falling in the list of one of them. The current condition of Pakistan is not well maintained and established because we didn’t realize the worth of your youth. But to make it brighter and overwhelming nation progress lies in the hands of youth. Here below we are going to describe the responsibilities of our youth in detail. Keep reading this article till the end will probably help you to find the best material.

Essay on Responsibilities of Youth in Pakistan

  • Biotechnology Scope In Pakistan April 6, 2023

Responsibilities of Youth in Pakistan:

Following are the major and core responsibilities of the youth of Pakistan, by fulfilling these responsibilities, we will be able soon to be a developed and leading nation in all terms.

  • The youth should realize the value of time because every moment of youth is priceless. In order to develop a leading and develop the nation, the youth of Pakistani nation must be punctual and take the habit of completing work on time.
  • They must have to get proper education from well maintained and established schools and colleges and avoid taking part in unethical activities other than studies
  • The youth of Pakistan try to take part in
  • It is first and foremost responsibility of our youth is to educate and regulate discipline and must realize the worth of discipline to being a developed nation.
  • Youth must try to work with tolerance. Tolerance and fortitude are the strong points to a youth. By adopting this responsible behavior will definitely add you to the list of an educated nation?
  • In order to maintain discipline, our youth try to develop decent and courteous behavior first.
  • Undoubtedly we are the independent citizens of an independent country, Pakistan. It is the responsibility of our youth to maintain our independence. We should realize the sacrifices of our freedom fighters that solely awake for our protection.
  • It is also the major responsibility of your youth to renovate and replenish the newcomers with culture and tradition of your society. Also, guide them towards the right
  • If we want a developed nation we as a youth should try to help in the implementation of government policies and law by regulating them in beneficial manners.
  • Our youth and young generation undeniably are very talented and vibrant. Their utmost vibrant ideas towards the success of country lead to peace and prosperity.
  • They must try to learn lessons from mistakes and take the habit of patience and tolerance which ultimately prepare strong personality. They will be able to handle and tackle the harsher and toughest situation of life.

Pakistan has a huge ratio of the youth population. From latest research, it is stated that Pakistan has 68% youth population having age 16 years to 26 years. The majority of our youth population are attached from the middle-class family they don’t afford the expanse of current modern education in Pakistan. Male youth literacy rate is 55% whereas the female youth literacy rate is lower at 40%. The employment opportunities are limited 20% youth are unemployed in Pakistan. It is the negligence of our Government who are not stable to regulate the education system and strategies to improve the standards of education. So, by concluding from this scenario how would we will able to make responsible youth?

So this is essay on responsibilities of youth in Pakistan. This essay is written for inter and matric students.

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6 Fun Ways to Get Youth Actively Involved in the Church Body

6 Fun Ways to Get Youth Actively Involved in the Church Body

I am the mom of two teenagers who are active in a youth group at our church. The group’s activities involve fun trips, planning an annual youth Sunday service, serving meals at our church, and visiting local nursing homes. All these activities are good, but they are accomplished within the group, not necessarily within the church. 

Youth is the period of life between childhood and maturity. It is not a fixed age, rather it is a time of transition from childhood to adulthood. During this transition time, the church, the body of Christ, has an awesome opportunity to disciple another generation of people who love Jesus and desire to proclaim Him to the world.

This brings us to the question of how can we encourage youth to be more active in the church, beyond the youth group, and why is important to the church that we do so? 

A Brief History of Youth Ministry

I think we can all agree that youth ministry is vital to the health of a church. But let’s take a moment and discover how youth ministry was born. In the 1940’s Jim Rayburn began a ministry to reach teens at the local high school. The ministry thrived and is what we now know to be Young Life. During the ‘50s and ‘60s, a group called Youth for Christ was holding large rallies across Canada, America, and England. Both movements focused on one thing: to bring youth to the saving grace of Jesus Christ by building relationships with caring adults. 

By the ‘70s and ‘80s, churches were realizing the importance of youth ministry and the need for youth ministers. Across the world, youth groups were gathering for large meals, concerts, and light shows. It was all about the entertainment factor. 

Today, churches are seeing youth who no longer care for the light shows and loud music. That kind of Christianity seems like nothing more than the world they live in. They are looking for something deeper. What we are learning is that we don’t have to make Christ cool. In all the hype and drive to entertain, the church had segregated youth from the rest of the church. There was little to no engagement with the “adult” section. 

What Is the Church’s Responsibility to the Youth?

In Acts 2:42 , Peter is preaching to the new believers after the events of Pentecost . He says, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread, and to prayer.” We could consider this to be the purpose statement of the church. The 3,000 had become strong and were growing because of their obedience to this Scripture . 

Youth groups are important to the life of a church. But it is more important for the church to understand that it takes more than a youth group to raise up disciples who will go to the ends of the earth. Youth need to hear the wisdom of the previous generations and be given opportunities to serve alongside them. 

The church is the body of Christ, and as the body we are to be acting in a Christ-like manner. We are to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We are to do all the things Christ would do if he were on earth today. 

In 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 , Paul gives us a vivid illustration of what the church should be. The church is one body with many parts, and one of those parts is the youth. Just as the church seeks to develop disciples, encourage believers, build faith, and mold leaders from the adults, the same action is necessary for the youth. 

1 Timothy 4:12 states “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.” The church should never seek to segregate its congregation based on age, rather it should aid youth to become the example for Jesus in their world of sports, school, social media, and their circle of friends. 

Ultimately, the church raises up warriors for Christ. Ephesians 4:14-15 says we are to no longer be like little children and grow in every way into him who is the head – Christ. It is the church’s responsibility to help our youth grow in God so we may send out warriors in the form of missionaries, local advocates, evangelists, preachers, Sunday School teachers, and committed church members who can stand in the gap for one another. 

6 Ways to Involve Youth in the Church

Communication is key to involving youth in the life of the church. Oftentimes they don’t serve beyond the youth group because they don’t know they can. 

1. Social Media

Youth are avid social media users, and most churches today have social media accounts. Choose a day each month or week and let the youth take over your social media accounts. They could post Bible verses, testimonies, or spruce up your announcements using filters and backgrounds. 

2. Plan Worship Services

My church has a youth Sunday once a year. This service is completely planned by the youth. But what about taking this a step further and letting the youth aid in the planning of more worship experiences – maybe one service a month – or a special youth worship service at a unique time? They could help choose the music, serve as the ushers, and share announcements. 

3. Plan Evangelism Events

Evangelism is the act of sharing the message and teachings of Jesus. When your church is planning a block party, fall festival, trunk-or-treat, or any outreach event, spend time talking to the youth of your church. They have ideas and opinions which can make your event more successful in reaching people in your community. 

4. Serve in the Church

Youth are capable of doing more than playing fun games and decorating tables. They could help in the nursery or run the sound system. Youth can be greeters at the front door and act as ushers during the worship service. Older youth could serve on committees and participate in Bible studies beyond the Sunday and Wednesday youth meetings. They could cook and serve meals to promote fellowship in the church. 

5. Performing During Church Services

If your church has children and youth who are musically inclined, let God use them. Include a special music performance during a service or plan a special service that highlights the God-given gifts of your youth. 

6. Design Church Media Materials

Your church could let the youth design t-shirts or a logo for your church. Many of the young people today have a better understanding of technology and effective media use than adults. They could design and create your church bulletin a few times a month.

Why Should the Church Get Youth Involved?

The church can only grow from the involvement of youth. Through the involvement of youth, the church will see youth grow into leaders. The church will witness youth building a deeper relationship with God and have a strong sense of belonging. They will be actively preparing for future ministry roles when they have more opportunities to use their God-given gifts and talents. 

The decline of church attendance today happens, in part, because we have chosen to believe the myth that the youth are our future. They are not. They are our present and as the church we have a responsibility to them. We cannot put them in a youth group and act as if they will gain all the knowledge they need to become mature Christians from that group alone. What better place to learn how to be mature Christians than from serving and growing alongside mature Christians?

Youth ministry began as a way to minister to youth by building relationships with caring adults. Church, we are the adults. Let’s build that relationship. Let’s listen to what they have to say. Let’s encourage our youth. Let’s help them understand they have a purpose. What they do right now is important. 

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/FatCamera

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essay on responsibilities of youth

  • |  May 15, 2024
  • By Staff Reporter
  • -  May 15, 2024


Dear Editor, I AM writing to express my deep concern over the growing violent behaviour of our young people, in particular, that is gradually and tragically escalating into robberies, murders and other criminal acts on our streets. Sociologists will tell you that many factors contribute to this heartbreaking situation.

They will also tell you that a critical aspect that demands our attention in addressing this problem is the role of parenting. I have noted that some are attempting to place this scourge at the doorsteps of other institutions without even considering one iota of the fact that children do not produce themselves. And bringing them into this world is a tremendous responsibility that cannot be abandoned.

In recent times, we have witnessed an increase in violent incidents among youth, pointing to a significant crisis in their upbringing and moral guidance. As a community and nation, we must recognise the indispensable role parents and guardians play in shaping the minds and behaviours of young individuals.

The literature is pellucid that when children lack proper guidance, support, and supervision at home, they are at a greater risk of engaging in destructive behaviours. The consequences of inadequate parenting are not confined to the home but spill over into schools and, ultimately, into society. Educators are increasingly burdened with behavioural issues that stem from problems that begin at home.

These unwanted behaviours affect the learning environment and place enormous pressure on our educational system to address the issues rooted in the family as we seek solutions. We must invest in comprehensive support systems for parents and guardians. I propose some ideas that may help address targeted families at this juncture. • Parenting Workshops and Support Groups: Teaching effective parenting strategies can be beneficial. These workshops can cover topics like setting boundaries, positive reinforcement, understanding child development, and managing stress. Support groups allow parents to share experiences and learn from each other. • Family Counseling and Intervention Services: Professional counselling can help families address underlying issues that affect discipline, such as marital problems, mental health issues, or past traumas. Intervention services can provide targeted support to prevent the escalation of discipline issues into abuse or neglect. • School and Community Collaboration: Schools can play a critical role by identifying struggling families early and linking them with necessary resources. This might include hosting family nights, sending newsletters home with tips on discipline, or having social workers engage with families directly. • Access to Child Care and Respite Services: Sometimes, parents need a break. Access to affordable child care can provide parents time to manage stress, attend to personal matters, or rest, which can improve their overall ability to discipline effectively. • Mentoring Programmes: Connecting parents with more experienced mentors who can provide guidance and support can be incredibly empowering and reassuring. It is critical to note that notwithstanding all the systems that might be put in place, the onus is on the parents to access them for intentional transformation. We must act swiftly and decisively. By strengthening the family unit and ensuring that parents have the tools and support they need, we can significantly impact the escalation of youth violence. Let us unite as a community and nation to foster an environment where every child can grow up in a stable, nurturing home and where our streets are safe. Let us rekindle the community spirit of watching out for each other and our families. Let us move beyond thought and talk to action and preserve our beautiful country. Sincerely, Dr Marcel Hutson

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