English Language First Term Examination Questions 2019/2020 Session – Junior Secondary School (JSS 1, JSS 2, JSS 3)




SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE                                                   CLASS:  J.S.S 1


GENERAL INSTRUCTION:  This text contains section A & B.

Read the instruction to each section carefully before you answer the questions.



Read the passage carefully and answer the questions which follow.  Shade on your answer sheet the space which bears the same letter as the letter of the answer you have chosen.

            When I was a child of seven years old, my uncle filled my pocket with coppers.  I went directly to a shop where they sold toys for children; and being attracted by the sound of a whistle that I saw in the hands of another boy, I gave all my money for one.

            When I came home blowing the whistle all over the place, much pleased with myself, my brothers and sisters and cousins were surprised to hear that I had paid so much for the whistle.  They told me that I had given four times as much for it as it was worth, and that there were other things I could have bought with the rest of the money.  They also laughed at me for my foolishness so much so that I cried in anger, and when I thought over my mistake it made me sadder than the whistle gave me pleasure.

            But, I have never forgotten the lesson. So often when I am tempted to buy some unnecessary thing, I say to myself: “Do not give too much for the whistle”; and I would save my money.

1.         Why did the writer buy a whistle?  (a) He had always wanted a whistle .  (b) The nearest shop sold only whistle  (c) His friends told him he must buy a whistle  (d) His money was just enough for a whistle   (e) He like the sound of a whistle he had seen with another boy.

2.         Why were the brothers not very pleased about the whistle (a) They did not like whistle  (b) The writer had paid too much for it.  (c) They felt that it was foolish for a seven years old boy to buy a whistle.  (d) He was whistling all over the house and disturbing his sisters and brothers  (e) They were jealous that they were not given money to buy theirs.

3.         What lesson did the writer learn from this experience?  (a) Never to pay too much for a whistle  (b) Never to buy another whistle  (c) Always to ask his elder brothers before buying anything  (d)To carefully avoid buying anything that is not very useful

4.         In the passage ‘coppers’ means  (a) piece of metal  (b) fivers  (c) coins  (d) five shillings  (e)twenty shillings

5.         Why did he cry?  (a) He had lost all his money  (b) His brothers, sisters and cousins laughed at him  (c) He was only a little boy  (d) His brother took the whistle away from him  (e) He lost his whistle.

From the list of words lettered A – D, choose the word that is NEAREST in meaning to the underlined word in each of the following sentences

6.         I took him much time to explain before the pupils could comprehend the lesson  (a) recognize  (b) reciprocate  (c) receive  (d) understand

7.         After some months of investigation, the security men were astonished at what they discovered about the crime.  (a) disturbed  (b) weakened  (c) disappointed  (d) surprised.

8.         The school as founded many years ago.  (a) expanded  (b) closed  (c) established  (d)produced

Choose from the options lettered A – D the one that contains the given phonetic symbol.

9.         /i:/    (a) bird   (b) bitch  (c) teach  (d) tunic

10.       / p /    (a) psalm  (b) cap  (c) physics  (d) typhoid

11.       / b /   (a) ball  (b) womb  (c) doubt  (d) debt

Choose from the list of words or group of words given below each sentence, the one which correctly and most suitably fills the gap in the sentence.

12.       A bird flaps __________wings when it flies  (a) its  (b) it’s  (c) he’s  (d) his  (e) their

13.       I don’t know _______house we are visiting  (a) their  (b) who  (c) whose  (d)them  (e)who’s

14.       The nurse put _____________salt in the mouth of the baby  (a) few  (b) some  (c) a  (d) an  (e)any

Fill in the blanks spaces with the correct answers

15.       _______can be described as a replacement for a noun to avoid repetition.

16.       The ability to perceives sounds and understand them is called ____________________

17.       ____________essay convinces somebody to accept our point of view

18.       ____________essay explains an information and idea to readers.

19.       Any imaginative work of art that uses dialogue, plot, character, settings and so on to give us a picture of life is known as ______________________

Answer only four questions from this section, Number 1 is very compulsory.

1.         Write an essay on any one of the topics below:

(a)        A memorable day in my life.

(b)        My best teacher

(c)        Teachers are better than doctors (for/against)

(d)       Write a letter to your cousin telling him about your new school.

2.         Explain with apt examples any two of the following

(a)        Pronoun   (b)   Verb    (c)  Noun    (d)            Adjectives

3.         Give five examples of words that contain these pure vowel sounds

(i)         / i: /

(ii)        /        /

(iii)       / a:  /

(iv)       /      : /

(v)        / u: /

4a.       Describe the character of Daniel in the novel “The costly mistake”

b.         In your own words, write about Daniel’s first week experience at Metropolitan Grammar School.

c.         What is the name of the author of this book

d.         I’ve made a costly mistake” Daniel lamented. Show how true this is from the story and mention two (2) moral lessons you have learnt from Daniel’s mistake.

5a.       What is a Drama?

b.         List four types of Drama

c.         In the drama “Wrong decision” the protagonist “Louis” made a wrong decision.  What was this decision?



SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE                                                                      CLASS:  J.S.S   INSTRUCTIONS:  Read  the passage below carefully and answer the questions on them.  Shade the answer space, on your answer sheet, which bears the same letter as the answer you have chosen


            One morning, a few years ago, John and Peter decided to go hunting.  So they took their guns and set off.  When they woke up in their hut in the jungle the following morning.  John said, ‘Come on Peter, let’s go and shoot those lions’.  No, I am not ready yet,’ said Peter, who was feeling nervous.

            After another attempt to persuade Peter had failed, John decided to go alone. ‘I will shoot two Lions, he said. ‘One for you and one for me, and you can skin them.

            John had not walked far into the jungle when he met a lion.  The lion looked straight at him.  john felt so frightened, that he turned round and ran away.  The Lion followed him.  John could hear it close behind him, so he ran as fast as he could towards the hut.  He could see that the door of the hut was open.  When he was only a few metres away, he missed his step and fell down.  The Lion could not stop because it was running too fast.  It jumped over John and ran through the open door into the hut.  John jumped up and shut the door between them.  Then he turned to Peter and said, ‘That is the first one’.

            ‘Please skin it while I go and get the other one.

1.         Why didn’t Peter go with John to hunt the Lions?  (a) He was afraid to go  (b) John did not wake him up  (c) John was too impatient  (d) Peter didn’t have a gun  (e) Peter was not very well.

2.         Why did the Lion enter the hut?  (a) The Lion thought John was inside the hut  (b) Peter tricked it inside the hut so that he could skin it.  (c) The Lion was running too fast to stop at the entrance  (d) When the Lion saw two people he was frightened and wanted to hide.  (e) John had shot and wounded the lion

3.         What made John fall down?  (a) He fell down deliberately to allow the Lion to jump over him  (b) He was tired from running  (c) The Lion pulled his leg  (d) He was so frightened he wanted to beg for his life  (e) He fell down accidentally.

4.         Who opened the door of the hut?  (a) Peter  (b) John  (c) The wind  (d) The lion  (e) We are not told.

5.         Why was John frightened when the Lion looked straight at him?  (a) He didn’t have his gun with him  (b) He wasn’t really looking for a lion  (c) He thought the lion might kill him  (d) He wanted to go and ask Peter to come and see the lion  (e) The lion was so big.

Complete the following sentences with the most suitable words.

6.         All are methods of reading except _____(a) probing  (b) review  (c) survey  (d) read  (e) skimming

7.         Which among these is not a type of essay?  (a) Narrative  (b) summarized  (c) descriptive  (d)expository

8.         This car is mine indicates _____________(a) noun  (b) preposition   (c) phrase  (d)possessive

9.         My elder brother got married last year ______________wife is a nurse  (a) the  (b)she’s  (c) his  (d) her  (e) their

10.       The children helped ______mother to fetch the firewood  (a) his  (b) hers (c)there  (d)their  (e)our

Choose from the list of words or group of words given below each sentence, the one which most suitably fills the gap in the following sentences.

11.       I lost my bunch of keys yesterday, but I have since ____________it  (a) find  (b) found  (c) finds  (d)known  (e)seen

12.       Akon, Etim and Ngozi were asked to share three oranges _______________themselves.  (a)between  (b) with  (c) among  (d) for  (e) to

13.       We _______to finish the work yesterday  (a) were asked  (b) are asking  (c) will ask  (d) are being asked  (e) have been asked.

14.       Where is the letter _________yesterday?  (a) that you got it  (b) you got it  (c) you got  (d)as you getting  (e) you will get

15.       We were expected _________our home work everyday  (a) doing  (b) having done  (c)been doing  (d)to have done  (e)to do

Fill in the blank spaces with answers that best suits the sentence.

16.       The willful departure from the normal way of speaking or writing in order to establish an effect is known as ______________________________

17.       A verb is in the ____________________when it represents the subject as performing the action upon an object.

18.       When the action of the verb does not require an object, but stops with the doer of the action, the verb is said to have been used ___________________________

19.       _________________________is the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words in a sentence.

Change this sentence to the passive voice

20.       Olu has done the work

Answer four questions from this section.  Number 1 is compulsory, pick one from the options and write on it with words not less than 350.

1a.       Write a story, real or imagined, which illustrates the saying, “All that glitters are not gold”

b.         You have just spent barely a term in a new school.  Write a letter to your friend, describing what your new school looks like.  Tell him about your new friends, your teachers, your progress, and other things of interest during the term.

c.         For or against the topic “We are better than our fore father”

d.         How to locate             EDUDELIGHT GROUP OF SCHOOLS, Ijuri.

2a.       Give five (5) words of these diphthongs and consonant sounds.

(i)         / I¶ /

(ii)        / ou /

(iii)       / f /

(iv)       / b /

(v)        / ʃ /

2b.       Composition is made up of three stages,  mention and explain the three stages.

3a.       Define tense

b.         List and explain with three (3) examples the three simple tenses of English.

4.         Explain with apt examples, any two (2) of the following;

(i)         Transitive and intransitive verbs

(ii)        Direct and indirect speech

(iii)       Active and passive voice

(iv)       Figures of speech.

5a.       Who is the author of the book “The seed of vengeance”.

b.         Following a sequential arrangement of the events that unfolded in the book “The seed of vengeance”, give a brief summary of the book and highlight two major lessons you have learnt from this book.

c.         Mention 6 characters each from the two books, “seed of vengeance” and “the unjust society”

d.         Write in details the evidence given by kazaure in the court when the counsel asked him a question.

SUBJECT: ENGLISH LANGUAGE                                                                     CLASS:  J.S.S 3

GENERAL INSTRUCTION:  This paper contains sections A, B & C.

Read the instruction o each section carefully before you answer the questions.

Answer all the questions in this section.

            In some parts of Africa, such as Ethiopia and Angola, there have been serious food shortages.  The result has been mass starvation: many people have died each year because they did not have enough food.  These food shortages have had various causes; including drought and population increases.  In addition, war has played a serious role.  Apart from these causes, many governments’ policies do not always encourage farmers to grow more food, and to make matters worse, urbanization has drawn large numbers of people from productive farm work into unproductive cities.

            In such countries, the main problem has been the low production of food.  In many parts of Africa, however, the problem has been lack of food.  In most areas, the climate and soil allow the people living there to produce enough food for their needs.  The main problem has instead been lack of knowledge about food.

            There has been insufficient realization that food is meant to provide the body with certain substances to keep it healthy.  Ill health due to a poor diet is known as malnutrition.  In most cases in Africa, malnutrition is due to ignorance about the right kinds of food to eat.  The solution to the problem is in education.

            It is important for people to realize that malnutrition causes a great deal of illness and death.  Moreover, apart from the people who are obviously ill, there are many thousands who are tired or weak, or have poorly developed bodies, simply through lack of proper feeding.  These people are far more likely to get common diseases (for example, tuberculosis, infections, diarrhea) than those with a good diet.  It is extraordinary how many people are unaware of the serious problem of malnutrition in their own country.  Many people are unaware of some nutritional diseases, and do not realize how awful they are.  They seem surprised when they see a case or a photograph of a person suffering from kwashiorkor, a nutritional disease.

            Malnutrition is most common and severe in children under five years of age, and women of childbearing age.  It has been going on for years, and is likely to become more widespread as more and more of our people go to live in big towns, and cease to grow their own food.

            People tend to think that the problem of malnutrition is something for doctors or the Ministry of Health to solve.  It is time that medical staff are necessary to cure diseases that are due to malnutrition, but the solution is not cure but prevention.

            The prevention of malnutrition needs the cooperation of people trained in many different branches of knowledge.  Thus, the doctor, by examining patients, can indicate the ways in which their poor diet is affecting their health knowing about this poor diet, the agricultural officer can attempt to incrase the production of certain foods.  The domestic science teacher can advise people on how best to prepare these foods.  Above all, the teacher can instruct people about food and nutrition.  However, although education perhaps holds the key to the solution, it is vital to realize that the problems are best solved by teamwork: people in quite different jobs need to cooperate with one common aim in view.

Comprehension Questions

Choose the best answers:

1.         What have been the main causes of mass starvation in various African countries.  (a)Over population and war.  (b) Drought, population increases and war  (c) Drought, war, government policies and urbanization  (d) War, government policies and urbanization  (e) Drought, war, population increases, government policies and urbanization.

2.         In what ways have government policies been to blame, according to the passage?   (a) They have caused too many wars.  (b) They have encouraged unproductive urbanization  (c) They have failed to counteract the causes of drought  (d) they have failed to encourage farmers to grow enough food  (e) they have encouraged farmers to grow too much food at the expense of cash crops.

3.         According to the passage, in many countries many people eat the wrong kind of food because ___(a) they suffer from ill health  (b) they do not know enough about what food is for  (c) they think food is pleasant  (d) they are starving  (e) they see food simply as something that is pleasant.

4.         The passage says that malnutrition means:  (a) lack of food  (b) lack of knowledge about food  (c) ill health  (d) ill health due to a poor diet  (e) lack of resources to develop adequate food supplies.

5.         According to this passage, the problem of malnutrition should be solved:  (a) by doctors and the Ministry of Health  (b) by means of education  (c) by co-operative efforts at prevention by all concerned  (d) by discouraging urbanization and encouraging farmers  (e) by a widespread campaign to care diseases caused by malnutrition.

Instruction:  Choose from the list of words or group of words lettered A to E, the one which has almost the same meaning as the word or words underlined in the sentence.

6.         The headmaster was shocked to hear that one of his boys stole the money  (a) frightened  (b)angry  (c) annoyed  (d) offended  (e) surprised.

7.         The driver of the minibus drove quietly to the front of the house and pulled up.

8.         He lifted the basket of eggs with care  (a) quickly  (b) gently  (c) dreamily  (d) slowly                       (e) silently.

9.         Her voice sounded very sweet on the telephone.  This means that her voice was  (a) soft and pleasant  (b) loud and deep  (c) strange and faint  (d) soft but uninteresting  (e) harsh but inviting.

10.       The village ran short of food in the middle of the rainy season.  This means that the villagers  (a) want without food  (b) did not have enough food  (c) hand to steal food  (d) had to travel long distances to obtain food  (e) got food only if they could run fast.

From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the underlined word and that will, at the same time, correctly fill the gap in the sentence.

11.       Halima likes to dwell on trivial, rather than __________ matters  (a) strong  (b) popular  (c)weighty  (d) heavy.

12.       Algebra seems complicated, but with practice it becomes _______________  (a)solved  (b)simple  (c) accessible  (d)achievable

13.       A few days after Musa’s _______________, his sister longed for his departure.  (a) coming  (b) entrance  (c) arrival  (d) welcome

14.       The youth prefer discussing contemporary issues to _____________ones  (a)archaic  (b) uninteresting  (c) stale  (d)political

15.       Funmi was not cheerful at the party yesterday because she hadn’t a new dress  (a) ugly  (b)beautiful  (c) happy  (d)fearful

16.       ________is used to quality a verb, an adjective and another adverb

17.       A form of prose writing that presents true life experiences and facts is called ______________________

18.       A word which shows the relationship between two things is known as _________________________

19.       a spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings recollected in tranquility which concerns itself with truth and beauty is called _________________________________

20.       _____________is the greater force exerted on certain syllable (in words).

Answer four questions from this section.  Number 1 is very compulsory, pick one from the options in number 1.

1a.       You are the Chief Speaker in a debate on the topic. Education is the best legacy a parent can give a child.  Write your arguments for or against the motion.

b.         You had a quarrel with a very good friend of yours sometime ago and since then both of you have not been on speaking terms.  Write a letter to him or her expressing your regret at the break in your relationship and your desire for a reconciliation.

c.         Narrate to your class mates an experience you have had or heard about which illustrates the saying “you reap what you sow”

d.         Write an article for publication in your school magazine on “The evil effects of examination malpractice in our society”

2a.       Define intonation.

b.         List with examples the context in which falling intonation is used.

3a.       Give 5 words that contain each of these sounds.

(i)         / d /

(ii)        / f /

(iii)       / sh /

(iv)       / ts /

(v)        / z /

b.         What is a consonant sound?

4a.       Define Antonyms and give three examples.

b.         Give the antonyms of these words

(i)         Measurable

(ii)        Legitimate

(iii)       Destruction

(iv)       Rational

(v)        Infinite

c.         Define modal verbs and list the thirteen ways they are used with at least two (2) examples for each.

5a.       Define poetry

b.         In each of the following questions, indicate the main/primary stress by writing the syllable on which it occur in capital letters.

1.         Unwillingness

2.         Installation

3.         Apologize

4.         Beneficial

5.         Satisfactory

c.         Explain the “equal comparison” of adjective with an example.

6a.       Describe Cynthia’s destiny in the novel “Arrow of destiny”

b.         Write on these characters briefly.

(i)         Boma

(ii)        Idara

(iii)       Idris

c.         What case the problem for the class teacher – Mrs. Adarelegbe in the drama “justice prevailed”?

d.         What is the punishment given to the teacher?

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Answer all the Questions in this section. 

PART A: Objective Test – choose the correct answers from the given alternatives A – D.  1. He asked me for ____________ advice, but then rejected it. (a) some (b) an (c) a (d) many   2. Everything went wrong last Friday, I think it was the ____________ day in my life. (a) bad (b) worse (c) worst (d) badder   3. He wanted to catch a bush rat, so he set a trap and ____________ one. (a) cut (b) cooked (c) caught (d) called   4. Where is Segun? He’s ____________ sports. (a) for (b) at (c) with (d) in   5. Mary ____________ not enjoy cooking dinner. (a) do (b) is (c) are (d) does   6 Did the chief inform the Police? What sound has the underlined words? (a) /I/ (b) /I:/ (c) /e/ (d) /æ/   7. They couldn’t finish the race because of a bad hill. What sound has the word hill? (a) /a/ (b) /I/ (c) /I:/ (d) / /
8. Which one of these words has a different sound? (a) enough (b) lady (c) little (d) piece
Choose the word that has the same vowel sound as the one represented by the letter(s) underlined. 9. Guess (a) poor (b) busy (c) bean (d) head   10. Woman (a) leave (b) live (c) sheep (d) beat   Choose the conjunction which best completes each sentence. 11. She wanted to go to university, ____________ she decided to take the entrance examination. (a) but (b) and (c) so (d) for   12. I opened the envelope carefully, ____________ I did want to tear the letter. (a) but (b) yet (c) though (d) for   13. Mary ate the food, ____________ Did not know who cooked it. (a) and (b) but (c) so (d) and then
  Choose from the words below to fill the numbered gap in the passage. Concluded noticed examined discovered matched Compared observed. On arriving at Mallam Musa’s shop I ______14______ that the front door was locked and bolted. At the back, I ______15______ a shutter on one of the windows was broken. I ______16______ the ground beneath the window, and found a footprint.
I ______17______ that the footprint had been made by a man’s right shoe with a crack in its sole. I ______18______ the footprint with that of the accused and found that they ______19______ I _____20______ that the prisoner had been at the scene of the crime. As a result, I arrested the accused.
Section B – Read the following passage and answer the comprehension questions that follows.   The Problems With Packaged Water Providing pure water to the more than 174 million people living in Nigeria today is a major problem. So, because pure drinking water is very important for health, selling pure water has become big business. Pure water is sold in two ways: in bottles and in plastic bags called sachets. Bottled water is commonly sold in hotels, restaurants and big shops, on the streets or in the market. When buying bottled water, you need to be careful. Always make sure that the top is properly screwed on. There is danger that the bottle has been refilled after use with water that is not pure. The danger with sachets is different. The water may be pure, but the plastic material used in packaging pure water may be harmful. When plastic material is exposedto high temperatures it gradually starts to dissolve . As a result, it releases dangerous substances called oxidants. These are harmful, and can cause cancer. So, if sachets are exposed to the sun, they can become dangerous. In addition, water sachets affect the environment in two ways. Firstly, they cause litter and they can collect dust, dirt and harmful germs. Second, they are hard to dispose of because they are made of non-biodegradable materials. This means they take a long time to decay. For these reasons, the Nigerian government is thinking of banning the use of water sachets. The search is on for other ways of packaging water.
Comprehension questions.  1.What is the problem mentioned in paragraph 1? 2. In what two ways is pure water sold in Nigeria? 3. Why is selling pure water big business? 4. What action is the Nigerian government taking as a result? 5. Where do you think is the safest place to buy a sachet of water?
6. For each of the underlined in the passage, give another word that can replace it in the passage. (a) Dissolve (b) Decay (c) Dispose of (d) Expose
SECTION C  GRAMMAR   1. Fill in the gaps with the following words; ‘above’, ‘by’, ‘below’, ‘off’, ‘through’, ‘on’, ‘among’, ‘down unto’, ‘behind’, ‘in front’, ‘against’. (a) Bola’s son is sitting ____________ her side. She has her hand ____________ of her face. (b) Her small daughter is standing ____________ Her. He is leaning ____________ the tree and his head is ____________its first branch. (c) A Buffalo is wading ____________ the water. There’s a bird ____________ One of its horns and another bird is flying ____________ its back. (d) Some birds are catching fish ____________ the rice that is still growing in the field. (ẹ) A vulture is flying ____________ the field. If it sees a dead animal, it will fly ____________ It.   2. Identify the type of adverb underlined in the sentences below: (a) John ate his food hurriedly and then ran to school. (b) My dad had left for the meeting before I got to his office. (c) The student failed his examination because he did not study hard. (d) I come to school everydayon foot. (e) I will visit my friend in the hospital later in the day.   3. Write the bold italic words in their correct pronoun forms. (a) The lesson is easy. The teacher explained the lesson . (b) Mr. Akin saw John and Mary. Mr. Akin spoke to John and Mary.
(c) The teacher said, ‘give the teacher your book’. (d) Ibrahim and Musa met Mr. Jaja. Ibrahim and Musa shook hands with Mr. Jaja . (ẹ) Here is my dog. My dog is called Kim.   4. Pick out the nouns and adjectives from the passage below. An American millionaire, John .D. Rockefeller spent millions to help people but he never liked any expense which was for himself. One day to stay at a hotel in New York and asked for the cheapest room they had. ‘what is the price of the room?’ he asked. The manager told him. ‘Is that the lowest price room you have? I am staying here by myself and only need a small room’. The manager said, ‘that room is the smallest and cheapest we have’, and he added, ‘but why do you choose a poor room like that? ‘when your son stays here he always has our most expensive room; yours is the cheapest’. ‘Yes’, said Rockefeller, he has expensive tastes; but one can hardly blame him. You see, his father is a wealthy man, mine isn’t’.
Section D  WRITING   In not more than 200 words, write on any one of the followings: 1. Write a composition: ‘ My first examination in a secondary school ’.
2. Write a letter to your friend in another school telling him/her about yourself, stating five things that fascinate you in the school.      

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(1)In one sentence, describe a family.

(2)In one sentence, state what Professor Wolfgang Haak’s study says about the nuclear family.

A nuclear family is a family group consisting of a father and mother and their children, who share living quarters. The opposite of the nuclear family is the extended family in which, apart from members of the nuclear family, also comprises other relatives such as uncles, aunts,cousins and nephews. Nuclear family structures date back thousands of years. In its general meaning,the term nuclear refers to a central entity or nucleus around which others collect. According to Professor Wolfgang Haak of Adelaide University, the nuclear family is natural Homo sapiens (the present generation of the human species). A 2005 archeological dig in Elan,Germany, analysed by Haak,revealed genetic evidence suggesting that the individuals found in a grave were closely related. Haak said,”By establishing the genetic links between the two adults and two children buried together in one grave, we have established the presence of the classic nuclear family in a prehistoric context in Central Europe.”Most modern Western cultures are dominated by the nuclear family mentality. The term extended family has been generally used to refer to grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins, whether they live together within the same household or not. It may also refer to a family unit in which several generations live together within a single household.In India, the family is a patriarchal rather than a matriarchal society, with the sons’ families often staying under a single roof.In this kind of setup, work is shared among the members, often unequally.The women are often housewives and cook for the entire family.The patriarch of the family (often the oldest male member) lays down the rules judges disputes. Other senior members of the household baby-sit infants when their mothers are working. They are also responsible for teaching the younger children their mother tongue, manners and etiquette. Most extended family houses often have a large reception area and a common kitchen. Each family has its own bedroom. The members of the household also look after one another if a member is ill.

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Lesson Plan On Parts of Speech (JSS1 First Term English Language)

Sample lesson note for Secondary school teachers especially the English Language Teachers.


School:         (put name of school here)

Session:       2020/2021.

Term:          First Term

Subject:      English Language.

Topic:          Parts of Speech.

Class:           JSS 1

Class size:

Average Age:

Time Table Fit : The lesson on parts of speech has no bearing previous lesson on Punctuations.

Set Induction: The teacher asks the students to mention any part of speech they know.

Specific Objectives:

Main Aim: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to define the term parts of speech, state the organs of speech, and define descriptive essay.

S ubsidiary Aims : By the end of the lesson, students should be able to;

Cognitive Domain:

  • define the term parts of speech,
  • state the various parts of speech,
  • recognise the diagram of the various organs of speech,
  • state these speech organs and their uses,
  • state the meaning of descriptive essay and its features.

Affective Domain: show full interest in the classroom discussions.

Psychomotor Domain:

  • write out the meaning of parts of speech,
  • write out the various parts of speech,
  • draw the organs of speech in English,
  • write the uses of these organs in speech production,
  • write out the meaning of descriptive essay and its features.

Assumptions: The students may have heard of parts of speech in the past.

Anticipated problem : The students may not have known the most important organ of speech.

Possible solution: The teacher tells the students that the ‘tongue’ is the most mobile, crucial and essential organ of speech because it moves in almost all directions in the mouth.

instructional Material s : English Language textbook, chart on the human organs of speech, audio tape.

Teaching techniques : Teacher – students interaction/demonstration methods.


Day 1, Period 1:


Parts of speech is the category to which a word is grouped according to the function it performs when arranged in a sentence. Words in the same part of speech has similar grammatical properties.

Step 2: Categories of parts of speech.

Parts of speech is divided into two namely; the grammatical and the lexical parts of speech. The grammatical parts of speech are: articles and determiners. While the lexical parts of speech are:  Nouns,verbs,pronouns,adverbs,adjectives,prepositions,conjunctions and exclamation or interjection.

– – – – – – – – – – – –

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Day 2, Period 2:


       Diagram of the human organs of speech.

human organ of speech

The human organs of speech (above) are the organs we use for the production of speech sounds.

Step 4: Description of the human speech organs:

  • The tongue: This is the most essential and crucial organ of speech. It moves about in the mouth in all directions to produce sounds as it articulates with or touches other organs of speech. We consider the height of the tongue (whether high or low) in relate to the roof of the mouth,and its position, in terms of front or backward movement, before naming a particular sound.
  • The Lips: These are also important in the production of sounds such as bilabial sounds, e.g; /p/,/b/,/m/,/w/. We consider whether the lips are rounded or unrounded. If the lips are rounded, the vowels produced are called rounded vowels.
  • The teeth: These are stationary organs of speech which other organs (such as the tip of the tongue and lips) articulate with to produce sounds like: / ð /,/f/,/v/.
  • The alveolar ridge: This is located between the hard palate and the upper teeth. It is the point where the tip of the tongue articulates with to form or produce alveolar sounds such as; /t/,/d/,/l/,/n/.
  • The soft palate: This can be found behind the hard palate. Velum is capable of being raised or lowered, and the extremity of which is the uvula. The base of the tongue articulates with the soft palate to produce ‘velar sounds’ such as /k/,/g/,/ ŋ /.
  • The nasal cavity: This is an open space behind the nose and above the palate where air passes through when we breathe. The proper production of nasal sounds are made possible through the help of the cavity. The sounds such as; /m/,/n/,/ ŋ / are all nasalized sounds.
  • The vocal cords: These are the two folds of ligaments and elastic tissues found in the Larynx or Adam’s Apple. In between the folds is an opening which is referred to as the glottis. If the opening is wide enough whereby the pulmonic air has a free passage, the cords ‘will not vibrate’. However, if the opening is too small,the air cause the cords ‘to vibrate’ in the process of forcing its way out of the small opening. As a result of the vibration, voiced sounds will be produced.

The place where the glottal sounds are produced is known as the pharynx. E.g. /h/.

Day 3; Period 3.


Descriptive essay is an essay that requires the writer to give clear picture of someone, something or event in words. It requires you to be able to vividly describe event so that those who did not see or experience it will feel really involved in the description. When describing a person, place, animal or thing, use present tense.

Descriptive essay is close to narrative essay because “past tense” may be used.

Outline or features of a descriptive essay.

(i) topic  (ii) introduction  (iii) body of the essay  (iv) conclusion.

In writing descriptive essay, the following steps should be followed for a good write-up:

  • Reveal or identify who or what you are describing.
  • Explain how or where to find your object of description, i.e. the address or location of the person or object.
  • Tell the features of the person or object of description.
  • Give the good qualities of the person or object you are describing.
  • Tell the bad qualities or disadvantages of the person or object under description. (Note that the bad qualities should be less than the good qualities.

Step 6: Descriptive Essay Sample:

Descriptive Essay Examples

Descriptive essays are a powerful way to communicate an experience you’ve had or illustrate a subject in which you have expertise. Whether you plan to write a personal, subjective account or a more rigorous description of a given subject, these descriptive essay examples will guide you to success.

Descriptive Essay Examples:

                  The Thunderstorm at Onne Port .

My visit to my uncle’s residence near the Onne sea port in Rivers State was an eye opener to me as I witnessed a massive thunderstorm close to the Atlantic ocean. I watched the thunderstorm, far out over the ocean. It began quietly, and with nothing visible except tall dark clouds and a rolling tide. There was just a soft murmur of thunder as I watched the horizon from his balcony. Over the next few minutes, the clouds closed and reflected lightning set the rippling ocean aglow. The thunderheads had covered up the sun, shadowing the vista. It was peaceful for a long time.

I was looking up when the first clear thunderbolt struck. It blazed against the sky and sea; I could see its shape in perfect reverse colors when I blinked. More followed. The thunder rumbled and stuttered as if it could hardly keep up. There were openings in the cloud now, as if the sky were torn, and spots of brilliant blue shone above the shadowed sea.

I looked down then, watching the waves. Every bolt was answered by a moment of spreading light on the surface. The waves were getting rough, rising high and crashing hard enough that I could hear them.

Then came the rain. It came all at once and in sheets, soaking the sand, filling the sea. It was so dense I could only see the lightning as flashes of light. It came down so hard the thunder was drowned. Everything was rhythmic light and shadow, noise and silence, blending into a single experience of all five senses.

In an instant it stopped. The storm broke. The clouds came apart like curtains. The rain still fell, but softly now. It was as if there had never been a storm at all, except for a single signature. A rainbow, almost violently bright, spread above and across the water. I could see the horizon again.

Students’ Evaluation :

The teacher evaluates the students as follows:

  • What are parts of speech?
  • Mention the two grammatical and eight lexical parts of speech you know.
  • State four human organs of speech.
  • Define descriptive essay.
  • List the features of a descriptive essay.
  • Mention one descriptive essay topic.

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  • Give a detailed diagram of the human organ of speech.
  • Write an essay on a fire outbreak in a famous market in your locality. (Not less than 150 words).


The teacher concludes the lesson by giving the major highlights on the lessons.

Teacher’s Evaluation:

Head teacher’s signature:


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English Studies Lesson Note for JSS1 (First Term) 2024

English Studies lesson note for JSS1 First Term is now available for free. The State and Federal Ministry of Education has recommended unified lesson notes for all secondary schools in Nigeria, in other words, all private secondary schools in Nigeria must operate with the same lesson notes based on the scheme of work for English Studies.

English Studies lesson note for JSS1  First Term has been provided in detail here on schoolings.org

For prospective school owners, teachers, and assistant teachers, English Studies lesson note is defined as a guideline that defines the contents and structure of English Studies as a subject offered at SS level. The lesson note for English Studies for SS stage maps out in clear terms, how the topics and subtopics for a particular subject, group works and practical, discussions and assessment strategies, tests, and homework ought to be structured in order to fit in perfectly, the approved academic activities for the session.

To further emphasize the importance of this document, the curriculum for English Studies spells out the complete guide on all academic subjects in theory and practical. It is used to ensure that the learning purposes, aims, and objectives of the subject meant for that class are successfully achieved.

English Studies Lesson note for JSS1 carries the same aims and objectives but might be portrayed differently based on how it is written or based on how you structure your lesson note. Check how to write lesson notes as this would help make yours unique.

The JSS1 English Studies lesson note provided here is in line with the current scheme of work hence, would go a long way in not just helping the teachers in carefully breaking down the subject, topics, and subtopics but also, devising more practical ways of achieving the aim and objective of the subject.

The sudden increase in the search for JSS1 English Studies lesson note for First Term is expected because every term, tutors are in need of a robust lesson note that carries all topics in the curriculum as this would go a long way in preparing students for the West African Secondary Examination.

This post is quite a lengthy one as it provides in full detail, the English Studies-approved lesson note for all topics and sub-topics in English Studies as a subject offered in JSS1.

Please note that English Studies lesson note for JSS1 provided here for First Term is approved by the Ministry of Education based on the scheme of work.

I made it free for tutors, parents, guardians, and students who want to read ahead of what is being taught in class.

JSS1  English Studies  Lesson Note ( First Term ) 2024















Speech involves language sounds which are associated with meaningful sounds that come out of the mouth (human mouth) and they are known as speech sounds. What is articulation? Articulation is the movement of the vocal organs to produce speech sounds the vocal organs are then referred to as “articulators”




There are 44 sound segments in English comprising 20 vowels and 24 consonant. We shall be covering vowel sounds and their classifications are:

The vowels in English are classified into two main groups: pure vowels (also called mono thongs) and diphthongs the pure vowels are sub- classified into short vowels and long vowels. Diphthongs are vowel sounds that are made up of two speech sounds

Close front centre back

Diagram showing the English vowel chart


Answer the following questions:

  • What is articulation?
  • Mention 10 organs or speech

3a. how many vowel sounds do we have?

  • how many consonant sounds do we have in English?


  • How many long vowels do we have?
  • How many short vowels do we have?
  • What are pure vowels?
  • What is a diphthong sound?


We must learn to speak night and become a good orator like Apostle Paul to defend the gospel of Christ.

CONTENT: Grammar: Parts of speech

All the parts of speech are:

  • Noun (2) pronoun (3) verbs (4)adjective

(5) adverb (6) preposition  (7) conjunction

We shall consider each one, under our grammar lesson

  • Noun- A noun is a naming word. Nouns are the names of people e.g man, woman, Ali etc. names of animals e.g horse, dog, cat etc. mane of things e.g. house, tree, blackboard etc.

Function of a Noun

  • A noun can function as a subject in a sentence

A subject is the doer of an action.

E.g. Wale is in the class

‘Wale’ is a noun and it occupies the subject position of the sentence.

  • A noun can also function as object in a sentence

An object is the RECEIVER of an action.

E.g. The teacher slapped Wale

“The action of slapping” is received by Wale hence,

Wale is the object of the sentence.

Types of nouns

We have the following types of nouns:

  • Common noun: refers to any examples of class of persons (boy, girl), places (stadium, city)
  • Proper noun: refers to the particular person (Wale, Emeka) particular places (Lagos, Ogun). Particular week day (Friday, Sunday), particular title (Balogun, Otunba)
  • Abstract noun : These are noun that are cannot see or torch but we can feel them, they also show our emotion e.g. happy, joy, sorrow etc.
  • Countable Nouns: these are nouns we can count e.g. table, chair, biro, etc.
  • Uncountable nouns : these are nouns that we cannot count e.g. water, oil, rice, beans etc.

From your progressive English by J. Addai  page 59-60

Group the following under proper nouns, common nouns, collective nouns and abstract noun. There are 20 nouns in each group


Student can now give example of some type of nouns and they can use them in sentence.


Explain the following type of nouns with adequate examples.

  • Collective noun
  • Abstract noun
  • Proper noun
  • Common noun

PRONOUNS are words that are used in place of a noun. They are usually used to avoid repetition. Look at these sentences   :

The man  came to our class. The man  looked at every student, the man sat down. Instead of repeating the word “man” we use “He” .He is a pronoun. Other examples of pronouns are: he, she, they, it, you, us, them, e.t.c .

We can read up on pronouns from our NOSEC {Page 44-46}. Other parts of speech will also be discussed in our subsequent lessons.

Moral objectives:

Nouns are member of the open class and even from the beginning when God commanded Adam to give names to the animals and this was brought up till now and man is still identifying and distinguishing many things – hence he is still giving the names of many things and inventions.

                                                Essay-Meaning and Definition

What is an essay? An essay is a written composition of moderate length explaining   a particular issue or subject matter. In writing an essay, we must consider the following types of essays which are: (a) Narrative essay (b) Descriptive essay (c) Argumentative essay (d) Expository essay

  • Narrative Essay: this is a type of essay that you are made to tell a story. Especially, it is intended to share an experience of the past. Such experience can be personal, or mutual or it may have happened   to a loved one and lessons are learnt from such.
  • Descriptive essay: this is when you say or write about what somebody or something is like-that is describing something or someone.
  • Argumentative essay this is a type of essay in which you write out your reason to show that your position or view about a subject matter is correct.
  • Expository essay: this is a type of essay in which you are asked to explain or define a process. E.g. How to prepare favourite meal.

Answer only one out of the following

  • Narrative essay-my last holiday (how I spent my last holiday).
  • (Descriptive essay)-my school my best subject teacher.

  Conclusion:  students have succeeded in identifying the unique differences that are evidence   in all these essay types.


Explain the following types of essay in your own words

  • Narrative essay
  • Argumentative essay
  • Descriptive essay
  • Expository essay.

Moral objective: The oldest and sacred book was written by the Spirit of God and we must appreciate this creative intelligence of our maker in ensuring that our knowing Him through His Word is perfected in Jesus the Written and The Living Word

Introduction to Literature

Literature is the art of composition in prose and verse literature mirrors life and the society. There are three (3) genres of literature which are:

  • Drama (b) Prose (c) Poetry.

The purpose of Literature

  • Literature seeks to correct the vice in the society
  • Literature preserves the culture and tradition of the individual and society.
  • Literature seeks to develop the human mind.

Function of literature

  • It entertains and informs us
  • It educates our mind to know about other people’s culture and tradition.
  • It helps in development and enlightenment
  • It give us a unique identity
  • It makes the economy to grow and develop.
  • It enriches our minds.
  • It helps in making us creative and inventive with words.

Types of literature

  • Oral literature: this is a type of literature that has been handed down by word of mouth-they are now documented and modified for better understanding
  • Historic literature: this is a type of literature that deals with the origins and culture of a people or race at a particular point in time
  • Dance drama: this is when a play is acted out with musical lyrics for discernment and entertainment of the watching and listening audience
  • Mime: this is acting without speech. it is a type of play.

Answer the following questions

  • Define Literature
  • Explain the three branches or genes of literature that me here.

Student can now give example of the types of literature that we have.

Define the following in your own words

  • Mime (III) Oral Literature
  • Dance Drama (iv) Historic Literature.

Moral Objectives: Students should able to appreciate   their creative minds with words because God has blessed man with this gift and talent that he uses to express himself in prose, drama and poetry.

Content: Pronouns

A pronoun is a word that is used instead of a noun.

Underline the pronouns in these sentences.

  • John is a boy He is in the class
  • Nike is a girl She  is at home
  • They are brother and sisters
  • We know them  very well

Words that stand for males  are masculine gender  so the noun: man, boy, son, king, prince etc. and pronouns he  and him  are masculine gender  word that stand for females  are famine gender. The noun woman, girl, daughter, queen, princess etc. and the pronoun she  and her  are female gender.

Words that stand for things are neater gender .

(Neater means neither masculine nor feminine)

So the nouns book, house, river, tree, city etc. and the pronoun it  are neater gender . It is sometimes used for animals also.

Note : that the pronoun: I, me, you, we, us, can be either masculine  or feminine . The pronouns they  and them  may be masculine, feminine or neater.

Type of pronoun

  • Personal Pronoun : these are pronoun that stand for person. We here first person, second person and third person. The first person is the person speaking e.g.

I am the teacher; listen to me

The second person  is the person spoken to e.g.

You  are a pupil

The third person  is the person spoken about.

Wale is looking through the window. The teacher  is pointing at him. They  are pupils; he  teaches them

  • Possessive pronoun : these are pronoun that sounds ownership or possession e.g. mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs,
  • Interrogative pronoun : these are pronouns that are used to ask question e.g. who, what, which.
  • Demonstrative pronoun: these are pronoun that “point out something e.g. this, that, these, those.
  • Reflective pronoun: this type of pronoun is used to refer back to the speaker when he or she speaks e.g. myself, himself, herself, themselves, itself, ourselves.


Attempt the past question exercises in your test book-progressive English by O. Addai

(Page 54) question 1-5

Conclusion : student now understand the features  of a pronoun and how they are used in sentences

Assignment :

Explain the following type of pronoun :

  • Possessive pronouns
  • Demonstrative pronoun
  • Personal pronoun

Moral Objectives:

At the end of this topic, student should be able to understand the expression :let us make man in our own image”, the use of us means that the creation of man involved the combined effort of God the father, God, the son, (Jesus) and God the Holy Ghost.

                                                WEEK 6

Vocabulary Development

Members of the family

  • Nephew- A son of your brother or sister
  • Niece-A daughter of one’s brother or sister (or brother-in-law, or sister-in-law)
  • Cousin-the child of your aunt or uncle, (first cousin, full cousin) (cousin brother (male cousin) female cousin)
  • Father-in-law – the father of your spouse
  • Mother-in-law –the mother of your spouse
  • Spouse- A person’s partner in marriage.

Better half, married person, mate, other half, partner

  • Couple-A pair who associate with one another or a pair of people who live together.
  • Courtship-A man’s courting of a woman; seeking the affections of a woman (usually with the hope of marriage)

Your school subjects

  • Mathematics (6) Basic Technology (11) Computer
  • English (7)Business studies (12) Social-Studies
  • French (8) fine Art (13) Yoruba
  • R.S (9) Home Economics (14) Civic Education
  • Basic Science (10) P.H.E (15)

Other words

(16) Academics-Associated with academia or an academy.

An Academy-is a learned establishment for the advancement of knowledge

(17) Rules-A principle or condition that customarily generous behavior –the state

Of being controlled

Evaluation:  find out the meaning of the following words and use them in sentence.

  • Cousin (4) Success
  • Divorce (5) Punishment
  • Miler Family (6) Examination.

All students now have a better understanding of the family and the place of knowledge imputation (i.e. the school).

Cure the prescription of these words.

  • Spouse (c) Nephew (e) Rules.
  • Courtship (d) Denomination

All students must appreciate our first father and our first mother (Adam and eve). But they must understand that Jesus is our ultimate father that gave everything to save our souls from sin.

                                                                 WEEK 7

Content: Composition

Elements of Composition

Elements of composition are the features or characteristics that make up the composition; they are divided into 3 parts which are: (i) The introduction (ii) The body (iii) The conclusion

  • Introduction : is the opening paragraph or the beginning of your composition
  • Body : Is the content of your essay. The content will contain what you are writing about
  • Conclusion : Is the last paragraph or closing paragraph of your essay or composition

What is a paragraph ? A paragraph is made up of two or more stretches of sentences. While a sentence expresses a complete thought and it must start with a capital letter and ends with a full stop

For example: I had a wonderful time during my last holiday (Sentence)

I had a wonderful time during, my last holiday because my parents travelled. This gave me the opportunity to visit my old friends and relatives they were glad to see me because they really enjoyed my coming (Paragraph)

Outlining the points or the topic

How I Spent My Last Holiday

This is a good example of a narrative essay because it is a recount. One must outline his or her point with the use of past tense and past perfect tense of verb.

Write an essay on how you spent your last holiday (200 words).

Students are now confident to write out their personal interests and they can express their thoughts

Write an essay on “my school” (200 words)

Our student should be able to appreciate and value how the three Sinopec gospel (Mathew, Mark and Luke) give the defuel life and times of Jesus on earth.

                                      SPEECH SOUNDS. LONG AND SHORT VOWELS

/I/ – this sort vowel has various spelling symbols like e, I, u, ay, ey, y, ui, ie, a,ia e.g. market, manage, quick, Frid ay , village, hol y , symbol

/ I: / – This vowel is longer in length than vowel /I/ spelling symbpls-ea, ev,ae. Ie, ei, e, I, ey, ay, ee, etc. e.g. retr ie ve, s ee k, p eo ple, heat, keros e ne, b e , c a lling, am oe ba, pol i ce, s ee , prest i ge

/e/ – the spelling symbols of this vowel are: a,e,ue,ea,e.g. m a ny, b le d, w ea pon, g ue ss, s a ys, a te, e gg, m a nger,

/ae/ – it has two spelling from: ai, and a, e.g. g a p, f a n, pl ai d, pl ai t, m a rch, th a nk, c a t, ch a nnel

/ a: / – it is longer than vowel /ae/ (vpwel4) spelling symbols are: a, ar, er, ear, cul, al e.g. p a ss, f ar mer, b a lm, h ea rt, l au gh, d rau ght, f a st, cle r k, s er geant, au nt, l au gh

Identify the words that has these vowel sound in them

  • / a: / – (a) cause (b) hark (c) Calf (d) blue
  • / ae / – (a) active (b) fast (c) who (d) dawn
  • / e / – (a) paternal (b) campus (c) be (d) many
  • / I / – (a) private (b) key (c) seize (d) bell
  • / I: / – (a) health (b) toy (c) these (d) pack

Transcribe the following words

  • C al f /ka:If/
  • A ctive /aektiv/
  • M a ny /meni/
  • Priv a te /praivit/
  • Th es e /aI:s/

Conclusion:  student can now give the pronunciation of these speech sound on their own

Compare and contrast these vowel sounds

/a:/ and /ae/ /I:/ and /I/

Part   pat seal   sit

At the end of the lesson-students must develop their oratory prowess to be able to defend the gospel of Christ like Apostle Paul.

What is an adjective? An Adjective is a word that describes or modifies   a noun or pronoun

Types    of Adjectives.

  • We have the following types of adjective :
  • Adjective of quality
  • Adjective of number
  • Adjective of Definite number (cardinal and ordinal)
  • Adjective of Definite  number
  • Proper adjectives
  • Distributive adjectives
  • Demonstrative adjectives
  • Possessive adjective

Companion of Adjective

Adjective are words that are used to add more intersection to a verb , an adjective and another adverb. Most adverbs ends in “-ly”.

Type of adverbs

  • Adverb of manner – tells us how an action is carried out

Sentence: the girls ran quickly  (Adverbs of manner)

  • Adverb of time – shows when an action takes place e.g. ago, since, alter, soon, already sentence: they travelled yesterday (adverb of time)
  • Adverbs of place – shows where the action is carried out e.g. in, above, inside, here, there, etc. sentence: I am here (Adverb of place)
  • Adverbs of frequency – shows how stem or how many times an action is carried out. E.g. once, trice,  sometimes, always etc. sentence: I love eating beans always
  • Adverb of Degree – use to show to what extent or limitation an, action is done e.g. quite, very, rather, only, almost, etc. sentence: wale did quite well in the examination (Adverb of degree).

Attempt the questions in progressive English – page 139-140

Eremite 170

Question 1-10

  • We went there (adverb of place)
  • The widow wept sorrowfully (Adverb of manner)
  • He goes to work daily (adverb of frequently).

On adjective

  • The girl wore a yellow dress (adjective of color)
  • The tall man came here
  • He ate ten mangoes.

Conclusion:  Students are now able to identify adverbs and adjectives in sentences

Assignment:  choose the correct form of the adjective in brackets

Page 99 (progressive English) exercise 90

Questions 1-10

All students must appreciate the beanies in the word of God in Psalm 139:14 we are fearfully and wonderfully made,

The manner and how the almighty had created us cannot be compared with anything.

Register are terms or words that are used in any given field of human knowledge or human Endeavour

Register of farm

  • Peasant farming or subsistence farming – Agricultural production for the satisfaction of the farmer’s immediate and extended families
  • Tilling – making sail to be soft so that the preparation of the ridges and mounds become easier
  • Stumps – the remaining of not in the soil after bush burning
  • Seedlings – newly-germinated seeds
  • Weed – unwanted plant
  • Fertilizer – a chemical formulation in power or implore soil fertility

Hope you got what you visited this page for? The above is the lesson note for English Studies for JSS1 class. However, you can download the free PDF file for record purposes.

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Grammar Test: English Studies Quiz Jss 1


Welcome to our English studies quiz, where you'll embark on a journey through the captivating realms of literature, language, and grammar. This quiz is designed to challenge and entertain, offering a comprehensive exploration of various aspects of English studies. Our quiz delves into the intricate rules and nuances of the English language. From grammar essentials to vocabulary mastery, you'll encounter questions that will put your linguistic skills to the test. Whether you're an avid reader, a language enthusiast, or simply someone looking to expand their knowledge, our ENGLISH STUDIES Quiz offers something for everyone. So, gather your wits, sharpen your Read more pencils, and get ready to embark on an intellectual adventure like no other. Are you ready to prove your prowess in the realm of English studies? Take the plunge and see how you fare in this challenging yet rewarding quiz!

ENGLISH STUDIES Questions and Answers

We are all humans,_______.

Can't we

Isn't it

Aren't we

Rate this question:

The phoneme /ɔɪ/ is represented in which word?

Do not listen to him. he is not a reliable person. (replace the underlined word with the correct synonym.).


My elder brother has gone__________for further studies.

To overseas

In overseas

God does not want his children to indulge in worry.  (Replace the underlined word with the correct synonym.)

The thief hid the stolen money in his cap. (replace the underlined word with the correct synonym.), choose the correct spelling of the word from the options..

None of the above

 ________ can be used to produce comic effect.

In each of the following questions, pick out the one that does not belong to the group., choose the correct answer to the following questions. an informal letter has ________ address, literature has three genre namely ___________, ____________ and ____________.  .

Prose, grammar, songs

Rhymes, drama and poems

Poetry, drama and prose

. myth. Legend and prose

The_________________of the four sticks is mine.

Which word is represented by the phoneme /b/, choose the word that is opposite in meaning to the word underlined in each sentence. the two boys go home together. their houses are adjacent..


Which word is represented by the phoneme /s/?

The boy has ________ the water..


Every essay must have the following except a ____________.


The play was funny so we all laughed. (Select the antonym of the opposite word.)


Jane ______my new book

Which word is represented by the phoneme /ai/, from the question below, choose the correct answers to the following questions on literature. a fable is a story about.

Angry people

Mr. Sada had _________ in the pool before I arrived.

Which word is represented by the phoneme /k/, which word is represented by the phoneme /t/, do not make mistakes you may find difficult to correct. (choose the correct synonym.), you will perhaps make mistakes but the fewer the _________., choose the correct spelling of the word., all of the following except_______ are elements of drama, _________  enables the poet to convey his messages as well as create a lasting impression on his readers’ mind., life is becoming _______ expensive.

Much really

Much little

The girl had ________ her bicycle before we came.

Choose the word or group of words that best fill the gaps in the following sentences. mrs. amanda was taken to the hospital, and she was there_______three days, one of the common yoruba legends in literature is __________., from the following options pick out the one that does not belong to the group., which word is represented by the phoneme    /p/.


An expository essay ________ phenomenon and processes

Choose the correct spelling of the word.  , your shirt is the same color as _________., "how i spent my last holiday." is an example of _________ essay.



We have _______ types of essay/composition in English language.

Sorry, there is no vacant position in this company. (choose the correct synonym.), which word is represented by the phoneme /au/, you should always be polite to people. (choose the antonym of the underlined word.), the radio is ________ by the expert..

Being repaired

Been repaired

Being repair

Been repair

I am traveling

Indirect speech

Direct speech

Future tense

My younger brother is not as______as I am

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English Language JSS1 First Term COMPREHENSION 


English Language JSS1 First Term




Students should be able to;

  • Read passages
  • Recall salient points in a given passage 
  • Review the passage

Read the passage below and answer the following questions.

Everyone eats food. Some people eat lots of fruit and vegetables, others may eat more or less meat, and some people may eat healthily, but others do not. All of it is related to nutrition. Nutrition is the process of how people get the food that is needed to grow strong and healthy along with obtaining the necessary vitamins and nutrients to help bodies grow and function.

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  • Chapters 12
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  • Author ClassNotes Edu

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JSS1 English Language Past Questions and Answers

Objective questions.

  • ____ is the name of a person, animal, place or things. a) Noun b) Verb c) No d) Pronoun

We have ____ parts of speech. a) 8 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4

All are parts of speech except a) principles b) noun c) verb d) pronoun

All are examples of feature tense except a) now b) tomorrow c) next week d) yesterday

All are examples of compound words except a) textbook b) nextweek c) word d) head boy

compound words means ____ a) combination of two words b) single word c) three word d) four words

All are examples of noun except a) stone b) all c) Maryam d) Joy

Which of the following is not a part of speech? a) Tense b) Noun c) Preposition d) Pronoun

Which words are used instead of a Noun? a) Pronoun b) Noun c) Interjection d) Conjunction

He is a ____ part of speech? a) pronoun b) noun c) verb d) adverb

John is running. The underlined word is ____ a) pronoun b) noun c) verb

Informal letter is equally called a) friendly letter b) official letter c) office letter d) table letter

The differences between formal and informal letter is ____ a) formal letters have two addresses while informal letters have one b) formal letters have three addresses while informal letters have two c) informal letters have two addresses d) all of the above

We have ____ types of letter writing a) 2 b) 5 c) 3 d) 1

All are examples of pronoun except a) lion b) He c) She d) Me

Noun is a name of a person, animal, place or thing. True or False?

Formal letter is a type of letter writing. True or False?

John is running. The underlined word is a verb. True or False?

Present tense is a part of speech. True or False?

Essay Questions Answer ANY TWO (2) questions from this section 1. Write any five (5) compound words 2. Write the features of informal letter. 3. Mention the types of letter writing   Tagged:  JSS English Language Past questions and answers, JSS 1 Past questions and answers on English language, Junior WAEC, JSS Past questions and answers, English Language past questions and answers

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This is simple i love it

I love it its wonderful

very simple I wish there was more.

keep it up love this info

Easy questions to do, very simple LOVING IT

This is intresting and simple i love it!!, but where are the answers to all of these questions?

Yet They Tagged it Questions and Answers

This is an excellent question

I love it can I join it please

these question were easy I wish there were more question

please ineed jss english exam monday

me too I have exam lesson on Monday I am just joking APRIL FOOL!!!!

Can't you speak correct English. Are you even going to school?

Jss 3 question is it there too cos this one really help me so much

This question really help me am gratefull lacy thank you

I am presently going to jss2 and this are not Jss1 questions

Yes i dt sure

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By The New York Times Books Staff

  • May 24, 2024

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We’re almost halfway through 2024 and we at The Book Review have already written about hundreds of books. Some of those titles are good. Some are very good. And then there are the following.

We suspect that some (though certainly not all) will be top of mind when we publish our end-of-year, best-of lists. For more thoughts on what to read next, head to our book recommendation page .

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Good Material , by Dolly Alderton

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Wandering Stars , by Tommy Orange

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Jenny Erpenbeck’s “ Kairos ,” a novel about a torrid love affair in the final years of East Germany, won the International Booker Prize , the renowned award for fiction translated into English.

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    THEME: READING. COMPREHENSION. PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVE. Students should be able to; CONTENT. Read the passage below and answer the following questions. Nutrition. Everyone eats food. Some people eat lots of fruit and vegetables, others may eat more or less meat, and some people may eat healthily, but others do not.

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