dsd 1 presentation themes

DSD I - M.K. Teil 2 : die Präsentation

Redemittel zur Präsentation

·          5 Minuten Präsentation

·          Titel

·          Einführung

o    Zitat aus… (Quelle)

o    Statistik – Definition

o    Hintergrund – Infos zum Thema

·          Begründung für das Thema : Warum?

·          Ich bezogen/ Erfahrung aus dem Lebensbereich- Beispiele FOTOS-

·          Bezug zu Deutschland /Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und Italien

·          Meinung zum Thema

·          Schluss

·          Es folgen noch Fragen zum Thema  

Redemittel Präsentation

Redemittel für Teil 2 und 3 der mündlichen Prüfung Zertifikat Deutsch B1 neu

Themen-Beispiele aus den Modellsätzen B1 für Jugendliche und für Erwachsene:

 "Ohne Frühstück zur Schule"; "Brauchen Kinder Mobiltelefone"; "Sehen Kinder zu viel fern?"

Teil 2 - Ein Thema präsentieren

Folie 1: Thema und Struktur der Präsentation

Ich spreche über das Thema...

Ich präsentiere das Thema...

Meine Präsentation handelt von...

In meiner Präsentation geht es um...

Ich möchte über.... berichten

Zuerst erzähle /berichte ich über meine persönlichen Erfahrungen (zu diesem Thema).

Dann sage ich etwas zur Situation hier in Italien / in meinem Heimatland Griechenland.

Und danach / Und zum Schluss / Abschließend spreche ich noch über die Vor- und Nachteile und meine Meinung (zu diesem Thema).

Folie 2: Meine persönliche Erfahrung

............ (Name des Themas) ist ein sehr aktuelles / wichtiges Thema.

............ ist ein Thema, das vor allem Jugendliche in der Stadt / auf dem Land betrifft.

............ ist ein Thema, das besonders ..... (Jugendliche im Alter von ...bis...) bewegt.

............ ist ein Thema, das besonders Eltern / Lehrer interessiert.

Meine persönliche Erfahrung, was..... (das Thema) betrifft, ist folgende.

In meiner Familie.... / An meiner Schule... / In meinem Freundeskreis..../ In meiner Stadt....

Ich kenne viele Leute, für die das ein Problem ist / für die das ein wichtiges Thema ist.

Als ich klein war .... / Als ich noch etwas jünger war....

Manchmal kommt es vor, dass....

Folie 3: Die Situation in meinem Heimatland

Hier in.... (Heimatland) kommt es oft vor, dass...

Bei uns legen die Leute viel Wert auf...., deshalb....

In .... (Heimatland) denken viele Leute, dass...

.... spielt in .... (Heimatland) eine/keine große Rolle.

Folie 4:  Meine Meinung

  Meiner Meninung nach

Meiner Ansicht nach....

Ich persönlich finde....

Ich selbst halte nicht viel von....

Ich selbst lege (großen) Wert auf...., deshalb....

Ich fände es besser, wenn....

Ich habe mir noch nicht so viele Gedanken darüber gemacht, deshalb ...

Folie 5: Abschluss & Dank

Abschließend möchte ich noch sagen, dass..... und mich bei Ihnen bedanken.

Zum Abschluss möchte ich mich bei Ihnen bedanken.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit.

Vielen Dank, dass Sie mir so geduldig zugehört haben.

Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse.

Teil 3 - geben und Rückfrage stellen


Deine Präsentation war interessant.

Du hast das Thema sehr gut präsentiert.

Das Thema war nicht so einfach, trotzdem hast du viel dazu gesagt.

Du hast viele wichtige Punkte/Aspekte genannt, aber...

Ich würde gern noch wissen, ....

Was mich noch interessieren würde, ....

Ich habe nicht ganz verstanden, wie du darüber denkst.

Du hast gesagt, dass.... Wie ist das bei dir?

Findest du wirklich, dass.... ?

Ein gelungenes Beispiel  

Springe direkt zu:

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Modellsätze für das DSD I

Hier finden Sie die Modellsätze für die DSD I -Prüfung. An ihnen können Sie erkennen, wie das jeweilige Aufgabenformat auf der Grundlage standardisierter Vorgaben konkret umgesetzt wird. Selbstverständlich lassen sich die Testsätze bei der konkreten Prüfungsvorbereitung einsetzen.

Modellsatz Nr. 1

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  • Hörverstehen Teil 1 zip, 8MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Hörverstehen Teil 2 zip, 6MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Hörverstehen Teil 3 zip, 12MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Hörverstehen Teil 4 zip, 11MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Hörverstehen Teil 5 zip, 4MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm

Modellsatz Nr. 2

  • Modellsatz Nr. 2 PDF, 910KB, Datei ist nicht barrierefrei
  • Hörverstehen Teil 1 zip, 5MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Hörverstehen Teil 2 zip, 3MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Hörverstehen Teil 3 zip, 6MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Hörverstehen Teil 4 zip, 6MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Hörverstehen Teil 5 zip, 2MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm

Modellsatz Nr. 3

  • Modellsatz Nr. 3 PDF, 793KB, Datei ist nicht barrierefrei
  • Hörverstehen Teil 1 zip, 13MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Hörverstehen Teil 2 zip, 9MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Hörverstehen Teil 3 zip, 13MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Hörverstehen Teil 4 zip, 14MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Hörverstehen Teil 5 zip, 5MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm

Modellsatz Nr. 4

  • Modellsatz Nr. 4 PDF, 1MB, Datei ist nicht barrierefrei
  • Modellsatz Nr. 4, Spezifische Hinweise zur Bewertung PDF, 278KB, Datei ist nicht barrierefrei
  • Hörverstehen Teil 1 zip, 11MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Hörverstehen Teil 3 zip, 11MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm

Modellsatz Nr. 5

  • Modellsatz Nr. 5 PDF, 673KB, Datei ist nicht barrierefrei
  • Modellsatz Nr. 5, Spezifische Hinweise zur Bewertung PDF, 258KB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Hörverstehen Teil 1 zip, 14MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Hörverstehen Teil 2 zip, 8MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Hörverstehen Teil 4 zip, 15MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Hörverstehen Teil 5 zip, 8MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm

Modellsatz Nr. 6

  • Modellsatz Nr. 6 PDF, 1MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Modellsatz Nr. 6, Spezifische Hinweise zur Bewertung PDF, 297KB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Hörverstehen Teil 1 zip, 12MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Hörverstehen Teil 2 zip, 10MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Hörverstehen Teil 3 zip, 16MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm

Modellsatz Nr. 7

  • Modellsatz Nr. 7 PDF, 2MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Modellsatz Nr. 7, Spezifische Hinweise zur Bewertung PDF, 494KB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm
  • Hörverstehen Teil 4 zip, 13MB, Datei ist barrierefrei⁄barrierearm


Justine Reichel-Jelic

Frau Justine Reichel-Jelic

ZfA 3 - Deutsches Sprachdiplom; Deutsch als Fremdsprache




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  • Fit f.das DSD I, Übungsbuch

dsd 1 presentation themes

Fit für das DSD I

Practice book, deutsch als fremdsprache.

Thomas Polland

Fit f.das DSD I, Übungsbuch

  • €18.00 '; } else { document.getElementById('product-price-15079') .innerHTML=' €22.50 '; }" name="options[0][]" id="product-price-checkbox-15079" value="9999" type="checkbox" /> Teacher’s Rebate

Level: A2 to B1

ISBN 978-3-19-201860-2

  • Series/Course Fit für ... Jugendliche
  • Sample Pages and Downloads
  • To the resource site

+ Description of contents

+ product and delivery information, + sample pages / download / audio samples/files, product information.

Includes: 132 pages

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sample pages / download:

  • Inhaltsverzeichnis (pdf, 49,54 kB)
  • Lösungen (pdf, 317,29 kB)
  • Prüfungsteil Mündliche Kommunikation (MK) (pdf, 85,08 kB)
  • Prüfungsteil Hörverstehen (HV) (pdf, 203,73 kB)
  • Prüfungsteil Leseverstehen (LV) (pdf, 60,89 kB)
  • Prüfungsteil Schriftliche Kommunikation (SK) (pdf, 106,64 kB)
  • Vorwort (pdf, 53,59 kB)

audio samples/files:

  • Hörprobe 1 (mp3, 7,35 MB)
  • Hörprobe 2 (mp3, 7,31 MB)
  • Hörprobe 3 (mp3, 6,62 MB)
  • Hörprobe 4 (mp3, 7,01 MB)
  • Hörprobe 5 (mp3, 7,6 MB)

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News from the IGS

DSD I Pilotprüfung an der IGS HCMC

DSD I Show Exams

Since last December, the candidates who qualified for the DSD I, the Deutsche Sprachdiplom Stufe 1 (Engl.: German Language Certificate of the Education Ministers Conference Level 1 ) had been preparing for one important day! On Wednesday, the time had finally come to prove their German skills. Students from grades 7-10 sat for three papers: listening comprehension, reading comprehension as well as writing in a 4-hour-long exam with intermittent breaks. One German lesson a week had been dedicated to giving feedback on their progress and reviewing their work. In addition, a special Google Classroom with materials that introduce participants to the exam format had provided them with ample tasks to practice for the exam. Currently, the DSD I candidates have two weeks to get ready for the speaking exam which will take place on Monday, March 29, 2021. In order to know what to expect from this official exam setting, IGS hosted demonstration exams on Friday. At this event, students of grades 7 and 8, as well as the older candidates, were able to get acquainted with the sequence and the expectations of the exam format by watching two of their brave classmates being examined. A great variety of topics were presented by the students. They ranged from the chess move Queen’s Gambit to the popular phenomenon of K-Pop to the sustainability of Fast Fashion ; questions by the examiners were often answered to satisfaction. With a DSD I certificate, German language skills at level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR) are certified. It is accepted as proof of the German language skills required for access to a Studienkolleg (Preparatory College) in Germany. The DSD I certificate is a prerequisite to be registered for the DSD II exam that IGS holds in grade 11 and satisfies language requirements of tertiary institutions, e.g. universities in Germany. The German Language Diploma is currently taken in over 70 countries by more than 80,000 candidates per year who sit the exam on the same date worldwide.

DSD I Pilotprüfung an der IGS HCMC

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Anteriores Templates Logo

Templates for Digital Smile Design

Use line art templates from the cases of beautiful natural teeth presented in the book “Anteriores – Picture Gallery” by Dr. Jan Hajtó (Teamwork Media 2006) for your presentations.

The templates with the outlines can be used for the digital design of new smiles. Available in Apple Keynote 5, Keynote 6 and Microsoft PowerPoint formats for easy integration in your workflow.

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Aesthetic Dentistry Magazine

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Digital Smile Design Tips: DSD for Treatment-Planning and Case Presentation

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As the owner and a dentist of Amesbury Dental Associates in Amesbury, MA, I have worked with Lauren Flate-Gianakakis, our front office coordinator, for several years. Together, we’ve worked at refining our strategies for presenting treatment options and providing financial arrangements for our patients. Because of her experience in this area, Lauren had become familiar with the process of smile design and smile makeovers, and she had witnessed many cases from start to finish. So, when Lauren asked if I would consider redoing her smile, I was truly honored.

Photos help not only in planning the most ideal smile proportions, but also in communicating more effectively with the dental lab.


We started Lauren’s case by taking a complete set of 11 photos and upper/lower vinyl polysiloxane (VPS) impressions to use for diagnostics and treatment-planning. For me, photos are a critical component for achieving a predictable result. Photos help not only in planning the most ideal smile proportions, but also in communicating more effectively with the dental lab. Our photo series includes:

1. Full face, smile

2. Full face, retracted

3. Full face, repose (slightly open with lips relaxed)

4. Close-up smile

5. Close-up repose

6. Close-up, retracted front view with teeth together

7. Close-up, retracted from the right with teeth together

8. Close-up, retracted from left with teeth together

9. Upper occlusal view (using mirror)

10. Lower occlusal view (using mirror)

11. Profile view

Over the years, I’ve heard many opinions about ideal smile proportions, such as the “Golden Proportion” or the “Recurring Esthetic Dental (RED) Proportion.” I’ve concluded that no one proportion works for all patients. Examining photographs with calibrated measurements allows me to better customize proportions to each individual patient’s facial profile, skin tone, gender, and age.

For years, I used templates in Keynote or PowerPoint to design a patient’s smile. While this approach has worked well for me, some newer applications such as Digital Smile Design (DSD) have streamlined the process and also provide a way for improved patient communication and increased case-acceptance. DSD photos shows patients what is possible and allows for patient input.

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Although I encourage taking a full set of diagnostic photos, the two photos I use most often are: full face retracted and full face smile. These two photos can quickly be taken at a patient’s initial exam and later be imported into DSD to begin a preliminary 2D smile design. Existing tooth proportion measurements can be acquired intraorally, or from models that were taken at the initial diagnostic appointment.

The patient is also shown a before-and-after smile design proposal. This creates excitement and builds value for the patient by showing what is possible.

With some basic training and practice, most 2D smile designs can be completed in about 10 to 15 minutes. Training sessions are available through the DSD app. After completion of a 2D smile design, I usually ask the patient to return to the practice to review a proposed treatment plan that includes a summary of procedures, timeline, and cost. The patient is also shown a before-and-after smile design proposal.

The proposed treatment plan creates excitement and builds value for the patient by showing what is possible. Patients often acknowledge that we have already invested time in their case before they have even committed to treatment. The preliminary DSD demonstrates our commitment and builds patient confidence, which ultimately results in a high case-acceptance rate.

My only word of caution is to avoid presenting a smile design that is not possible to achieve within your dental practice. On a computer screen, it’s easy for a general dentist to cover over diastemas, misaligned teeth, and severe gingival irregularities in order to create the “perfect smile.” However, such results may not be possible without orthodontics or additional specialized treatment.

dsd 1 presentation themes

When used properly, DSD can be used to determine when additional treatment such as orthodontics or crown-lengthening may be indicated prior to reviewing the case with a patient. This helps dentists avoid unwanted surprises down the road and establishes realistic expectations for the patient.

Lauren had seen many digital smile designs, but it was exciting for all our team members to see her own possibilities for treatment. While we knew that she would need aesthetic crown lengthening, DSD allowed us to determine how much we would need to modify her gingival contours and request that it be incorporated in the white wax-up. We also realized that although her front teeth were short, her incisal edges were in approximately the right position.

When used properly, DSD can be used to determine when additional treatment such as orthodontics or crown-lengthening may be indicated.

I took Lauren’s measurements and put them on the final screen of the DSD app. I then took screenshots of the image for communication with Arrowhead Dental Laboratory. This enabled us to clearly demonstrate that her central incisors needed to be lengthened in a gingival direction by about 3mm and her lateral incisors by about 1.5mm. Her central incisal edges would only be lengthened by <0.5mm and contoured ideally.


Once the diagnostic wax-up was completed with the requested proportion changes shown in DSD, Lauren was scheduled for aesthetic crown lengthening. The clear preparation guide that Arrowhead provides with each white wax-up is an excellent way to measure and mark the proposed gingival heights prior to the initial gingivectomy.

In Lauren’s case, due to the extent of gingival recontouring, I knew she would require bone recontouring in order to preserve a 3.0mm biologic width. After six to eight weeks of healing, Lauren was ready for preparation of her veneers. However, due to an extremely busy time in our practice, we waited almost a year before prepping her Elite porcelain veneers.

During that time, we preserved her biologic width during the crown lengthening so the tissue would remain in the desired position until we were ready to begin our prosthetic plan. We would have seen significant tissue rebound of the gingiva if we had not respected the ideal 3.0mm biologic width through bony recontouring.

dsd 1 presentation themes

When we began preparing Lauren’s teeth for veneers, I used a diode laser to make minor refinements for ideal gingival contours. In addition, I used a Sil-Tech ® matrix to place a bis-acrylic temporary material onto the unprepared teeth as a mockup. This process enabled us to verify that our provisional was similar to the previously planned DSD. In general, this step is a very predictable one because we carefully plan our cases using the DSD process, and we always verify the proportions when the wax-up returns from the lab.

The mockup gave us a matrix to make 1.5mm incisal and 0.5mm facial depth cuts through ( see photo, above ). The depth cuts were marked and the teeth were prepped through the mockup material until the marks were gone. This helped prevent over-prepping and ensured that the majority of the preps remained in enamel and therefore had a stronger bond for the final restorations. At that point, adequate reduction was also checked using the clear reduction guide for crown lengthening. A full arch impression was taken using Indentium ® (polyether siloxane).

Provisionals were fabricated using the Sil-Tech ® matrix from our white wax-up. It is extremely important to ensure that the matrix is seated on the palate without applying firm pressure over the incisal edges because this can result in over-seating and shortened anterior teeth.

Once Lauren was 100 percent sure that she was satisfied with her provisionals, we took a vinyl polysiloxane (VPS) impression. The lab was instructed to use this impression to index the provisional incisal lengths and positions for the final Arrowhead Elite E.max restorations.  As Lauren’s preps were kept primarily in enamel, we were able to use minimal local anesthesia, which allowed her to smile and view and approve her new restorations prior to bonding. 

We also took photos of the restorations tried in with Variolink try-in paste. This allowed the patient to take a second look without the concern of a veneer falling out.  Once Lauren confirmed that she was fully satisfied, the preps were isolated and cleaned with Consepsis™ and GLUMA was placed for desensitization. The final restorations were placed using Variolink Esthetic LC.

dsd 1 presentation themes


For years, our practice has been fine-tuning its systems in an effort to provide the highest quality care in a predictable, streamlined, and highly profitable manner. Digital Smile Design (DSD) has been one of the most significant contributions to this ever-evolving challenge. It has enabled us to improve our communication and increase our case-acceptance with patients. Patients now have the opportunity to communicate their input prior to our office sending out materials for the diagnostic wax-ups, helping to ensure that we achieve the patient’s desired smile. With DSD, the results are more predictable.

Having one of our own team members experiences this process first-hand has further reaffirmed the value of an organized and predictable protocol for delivering a smile design and makeover.

dsd 1 presentation themes

Having one of our own team members experience this process first-hand has further reaffirmed the value of an organized and predictable protocol for delivering a smile design and makeover. Lauren felt that she was truly a part of the process and had the opportunity to give her input along the way.

I encourage anybody who is interested in enhancing their cosmetic results to consider trying a few cases using a DSD application. Additionally, consider giving one of your committed team members the opportunity to have his or her smile redone at a reduced cost. Not only will it give you a chance to refine your smile design system, but it will speak volumes to your patients about the confidence your team has in your work.


dsd 1 presentation themes

Rise and Shine: 7 Tips to Make Morning Huddles Great

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Communicating Value: How to Get More Out of Cosmetic Dentistry

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Switching Places: From Treatment-Planner to Patient

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dsd i trainingsstunde 1

DSD I Trainingsstunde 1

Sep 04, 2014

130 likes | 351 Views

DSD I Trainingsstunde 1. LESEVERSTEHEN Teil 1. Der 1. Teil des Leseverstehens ist ein Lückentext. Der Text hat ein Thema. Es fehlen 4 Wörter – ihr müsst die richtigen finden. Ihr habt aber 8 Wörter, die möglich sind.  Details verstehen

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Presentation Transcript

DSD I Trainingsstunde 1 LESEVERSTEHEN Teil 1

Der 1. Teil des Leseverstehens ist ein Lückentext. • Der Text hat ein Thema. • Es fehlen 4 Wörter – ihr müsst die richtigen finden. Ihr habt aber 8 Wörter, die möglich sind.  Details verstehen • Es gibt 3 mögliche Titel – ihr müsst den richtigen für den Text finden  Text verstehen

STRATEGIE: Leseverstehen Teil 1 SCHRITT 1: • Lies die möglichen Wörter im Kasten. Du wirst 80% sofort kennen. Wenn du ein Wort nicht sofort kennst – weitermachen, das ist nicht so schlimm. • (Z) ist immer das Beispielwort für die erste Lücke.

STRATEGIE: Leseverstehen SCHRITT 2: • Lies die ersten Satz mit dem Beispielwort. Was ist das Thema des Textes? • Beispiel: Pünktlich um 7 ist die ganze Klasse am Bahnhof und 10 Minuten später schon auf dem __(Z)__ nach Berlin. Z=Weg

STRATEGIE: Leseverstehen SCHRITT 3: • Lies den ganzen Text langsam und konzentriert. Bei einer Lücke musst du weiter lesen bis zum Ende des Satzes. Was ist der Inhalt, der Sinn des Satzes? • Passt eines der Wörter aus dem Kasten zum Sinn? Markiere es mit einem Haken ( ) und schreib den Buchstaben mit Bleistift hinein. • Lies den Satz noch einmal mit dem Wort. Hört es sich richtig an? Du bist unsicher? Mach ein Fragezeichen zu dem Buchstaben.

STRATEGIE: Leseverstehen SCHRITT 4: • Lies noch einmal die Sätze mit den Lücken. • Achte, wenn du unsicher bist darauf, welche WORTART fehlt. • Gibt es ein Subjekt? Ist es im Singular oder Plural? • Gibt es ein Verb? Ist es ein „richtiges“ Verb oder ein Auxiliar, bei dem auch ein Partizip oder Infinitiv sein muss? • Gibt es ein Objekt? • Steht die Lücke bei einem Substantiv – ist also vielleicht ein Adjektiv?

STRATEGIE: Leseverstehen SCHRITT 4: Übung 1 Satz: Über drei Millionen Menschen _____ in Berlin. Welche Wortart fehlt? Wie muss sie aussehen (Numerus)?

STRATEGIE: Leseverstehen SCHRITT 4: Übung 1 Satz: Über drei Millionen Menschen _____ in Berlin. A: besuchen B:Stunden C: gern D: kaufe E: Wochen F:möchte G:leben H: sehr

STRATEGIE: Leseverstehen SCHRITT 4: Übung 2 Satz: Auf dem Schiff _____ ich mir eine Currywurst. A: besuchen B:Stunden C: gern D: kaufe E: Wochen F:möchte G:leben H: sehr

STRATEGIE: Leseverstehen SCHRITT 5: • Kontrolliere alle Lösungen. • Achte auf Wortart, Endung (Singular, Plural), Satzbau und Bedeutung.

STRATEGIE: Leseverstehen SCHRITT 6: • Finde die richtige Überschrift. • Alle Überschriften sind für einen Teil des Textes richtig, doch nur eine Überschrift ist für den ganzen Text richtig. • Wenn du unsicher bist, lies den Text noch einmal. Was ist das Wichtigste im Text?

Glückwunsch – du hast nun schon 5 Punkte im Leseverstehen. • In den nächsten 4 Teilen brauchst du nur noch 3 Punkte für A2! • DAS IST EINFACH ZU SCHAFFEN!

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Opera Consonance Reference DSD1.1 digital converter

  • Nicholas Ripley
  • Jun 14, 2016

Opera Consonance Reference DSD1.1 digital converter

Opera Consonance is one of those brands that fly perpetually beneath the audiophile radar for no good reason. It’s a company that makes a range of highly respected, multi award winning products, including analogue and digital source components, valve and solid-state amplifiers, even cables and loudspeakers. The models are consistently good to excellent performers, and those who happen across them, love ‘em.

I would like to think Opera Consonance’s Reference DSD1.1 digital converter is the breakout product, the one that gives the brand the recognition it so deserves. The converter is a fully functioning digital hub, capable of processing every PCM signal it’s possible to receive and DSD to DSD256 (all through USB 2.0), as well as good ol’ 16/44 PCM files from a CD transport with any kind of S/PDIF or AES/EBU connection. It even has provision to communicate to iOS and Android devices, and the website describes a Frankenstein-grade three-way clunky way of extracting USB audio from a phone with an add-on power supply (Bluetooth is available too). The Reference DSD1.1 also has the option of being a very capable headphone DAC/amp, alongside the solid-state XLR balanced line outputs and single-ended RCA outputs that also pass through an E88CC-based triode output stage. There are also  five PCM filter settings, absolute phase adjustment, two DSD high-frequency brick wall filters, and three undefined ‘sound mode’ settings, all selectable from the front panel.

Opera Consonance is somewhat hazy on the subject of what internal architecture is used in the Reference DSD1.1, but it appears to be based around an AK4490 DAC/filter chip from Asahi Kasei Microdevices. This is a 32bit chip that can decode DSD without any internal conversion to PCM, sports those five aforementioned filters, and supports PCM files up to a notional precision of 32bit, 768kHz. It’s becoming popular as the chip of choice in some decidedly top-end devices, such as the Astel & Kern AK380 and Esoteric’s K-05X/07X disc players.

The five filters for PCM are ‘short delay sharp’, ‘short delay slow’, ‘sharp roll-off’, ‘slow roll-off’ and ‘super slow roll-off’. The term ‘sharp roll-off’ in the first and third filter equates to the standard brickwall filter found in ‘traditional’ CD replay. The three slow roll-off filters reflect the more recent trend in digital audio to reduce high-frequency digital ‘hash’ and post-ringing from an impulse response, and are often called ‘soft-knee’ filters. The two ‘short delay’ filters replace the standard linear phase filter design with a minimum phase design. This is useful in reducing pre-ringing to an impulse response. The choice of filter is largely system dependent, offering a mild tailoring of the upper registers of your player. My take on this – experiment! Start with the standard sharp roll-off, then try with the slow roll-off and switch between the two a few times over the course of a week or so. If you conclude the system sounds slightly too ‘energetic’ or ‘bright’ with the sharp roll-off, stay with the soft-knee filters; if it sounds too ‘dry’ or ‘dull’ with the soft-knee, stay with the sharp filter. Then try the appropriate ‘short delay’ filter setting over a similar time period, again listening out for the right balance between ‘energetic’ and ‘dry’. Eventually, you’ll find the right setting for your system. Note that this doesn’t change the underlying tonal qualities of the Reference DSD1.1; it’s more about fine-tuning.

The concept of a DSD cut-off filter might at first glance seem to run counter to the very concept of DSD, but in fact it’s a handy ‘get out of jail free’ card in some systems. Some DSD recordings are not as good as hoped and high-frequency component can – in extreme cases – trigger noise that filters down into the audio band. A filter at 150kHz and 50kHz can usually prevent this. Also, there are some systems where a super wide bandwidth source ‘upsets’ the input and gain structure of an amplifier designed for 20Hz-20kHz sound, and you might not discover this until you power up the DSD1.1: rather than give back your shiny new converter, this allows you to remove the high-frequency component until the next amp comes around.

The missing element in the Reference DSD1.1’s line up is any form of DLNA/UPnP or Internet streaming. However, a close inspection of the Opera Consonance line shows that task is taken up by another product in the line – the Reference 8-20 anniversary music player. The DSD1.1’s role in life is to decode, not to act as a half-way media player. Given many companies seem to think streaming means adding an off-the-shelf display, Wi-Fi board, and media player circuit to an existing DAC, and letting the end user pick up the pieces, I applaud Opera Consonance for sticking to its guns. A slightly more cynical reading of the situation is home streaming has still to make its mark in China where the company is based, and Opera Consonance’s line-up reflects that scene. However, I think the company has a more international outlook at its core, and the Opera Consonance Reference DSD1.1 is part of a wider plan. Also, if you plan on streaming, it’s a perfect match for Foobar 2000 or J River.

Opera Consonance has several different designs running at the same time. This is one of its classic or Reference line models, sporting an arched slatted wooden or metal top plate, with a black or silver front panel and a symmetrical layout of a pair of chromed knobs either side of a central display. There’s also the squared off, none-more-black ‘Forbidden City’ line, the rounded off ‘Figaro’ models, and the distinctive, curved ‘Droplet’ models. But the Reference models are perhaps the most immediately recognisable products from Opera.

The Reference DSD1.1 is almost two DACs in one. The principle notes on the balanced stage and headphone amp speak of a DAC that is focused, transparent, and dynamic. The single-ended DAC notes are more about the DACs expressiveness, and its tonal and timbral qualities. Ultimately these are qualities common to the Reference DSD1.1 across both its outputs, it’s just that the accent changes slightly when moving from balanced to single-ended. Note, however, this doesn’t apply to different file formats, and the DAC is extremely consistent in moving up the audio ladder. In fact, this creates one of the most credible DSD performances I’ve heard at this price point, regardless of choice of output.

What is common to both balanced and single-ended outputs is a strong sense of both scale and refinement – especially refinement. This refinement is not bought at the expense of leading or trailing edges of music, and it doesn’t mean the DAC is rolled off at the top or overblown in the bass; these are the usual trade-offs to gain a touch of high-end sophistication without a five-figure price tag. Instead, it comes from a very fluid and organic sounding midrange, extending the harmonic structure of music up into the top registers and – albeit to a lesser extent – down through the organ pedals. There is an ever-so-slight bloom to the sound in the upper bass that gives the Reference DSD1.1 a characteristic fullness to the presentation, like the LS3/5a’s mild thickening of piano.

This refinement is more about presenting the sonic beauty of music than its sheer attack, and it would be easy to dismiss the Reference DSD1.1 as a DAC that doesn’t ‘time’. In fact, I think a more accurate reading of the Reference DSD1.1’s performance is that it’s a DAC that emphasises phrasing over timing. There is an excellent sense of flow from musical theme to theme, and the DAC is very keen at displaying the changes in tempo within those musical themes.

Where it lags a step behind the Rhythm Kings is working those subtle ‘microtiming’ changes that separate, say, a really profoundly good jazz drummer from some ‘going through the motions’ session guy or Sunday afternoon pub player. This is a subtle distinction, however, and I would be happy to trade this temporal precision for the refinement and ease of listening the Reference DSD1.1 brings to music. The headphone amplifier stage is good, too. It’s not an afterthought, but neither is it designed for serious users with amp-crushing headphones.

Ultimately, the Opera Consonance Reference DSD1.1 is an extremely good device, straddling as it does the old-school ‘add me to a CD player’ DAC and the new world of USB. It’s a refined performer, which is all the more attractive when you compare it to many of the assaults on the ears delivered by more forward-sounding DACs and streamers.

Technical Specifications

  • Type: DSD-capable USB DAC/headphone amplifier
  • Supported audio: 32bit / 768kHz DSD64(1bit 2.8M) DSD128(1bit 5.6M) DSD256(1bit 11.2M)
  • Digital inputs: Coaxial RCA (75 ohm) ×1, Optical ×1, AES EBU ×1, USB-typeB port ×1, Bluetooth ×1 (name: Operaudio)
  • Analog outputs: RCA (2.2V RMS) ×1, XLR (4.6V RMS) ×1, 6.5mm headphone jack ×1
  • SNR: >118dB ( RCA,XLR)
  • Distortion: < 0.002% (XLR output), < 0.08 (RCA output)
  • Dimensions (H ×W ×D): 10.4×33×44cm
  • Weight: 9kg (wood top panel) 12kg (Metal top panel)
  • Price: £1,595

Manufactured by: Opera Consonance

URL: www.opera-consonance.com

Distributed by: AA Acoustics

URL: www.aa-acoustics.com

Tel: +44(0)1273 325901

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  9. DSD I- Presentational Speaking. Helpful phrases. Flashcards

    Click the card to flip 👆. Guten Morgen/Tag! Ich heiße ..... Click the card to flip 👆

  10. DSD I MK Themenkatalog Ab 2013 T1

    DSD I MK Themenkatalog Ab 2013 T1 | PDF. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  11. Fit f.das DSD I, Übungsbuch

    For this purpose you can use our prepared registration form for teachers online or as a download. Target group: Students at level A2 to B1 preparing for the Deutsches Sprachdiplom I exam. A relative level of competence and previous knowledge of the language are prerequisites for the course.Students receive step-by-step preparation for the exam ...

  12. DSD Presentation ideas? : r/German

    /r/German is a community focused on discussion related to learning the German language. It is also a place to discuss the language at large. New visitors, please read the FAQ: /r/German/wiki/faq

  13. DSD I Show Exams

    Currently, the DSD I candidates have two weeks to get ready for the speaking exam which will take place on Monday, March 29, 2021. In order to know what to expect from this official exam setting, IGS hosted demonstration exams on Friday. At this event, students of grades 7 and 8, as well as the older candidates, were able to get acquainted with ...

  14. Digital Smile Design DSD using Microsoft PowerPoint

    this video provide a detailed demonstration for using Microsoft power point to make a beautiful smile design thanks to my tutor Christian Coachman and his te...

  15. PDF Skyrocket your team with the

    DSD Emotional presentation using Keynote® iPad Version 5.2.1 In this document, you will see how to create an emotional presentation using a pre-made Keynote DSD template, step by step. Our goal is to facilitate and speed up the process of creating the presentation for the second appointment. We know that one of the hardest parts in the ...

  16. DSD 1 by Claudia Di Pasquale on Prezi

    DSD 1 by Claudia Di Pasquale on Prezi. Blog. April 4, 2024. From PowerPoint to Prezi: How Fernando Rych elevated his presentation pitch. March 30, 2024. How to make your branding presentation a success. March 29, 2024.

  17. Anteriores Templates

    Templates for Digital Smile Design Use line art templates from the cases of beautiful natural teeth presented in the book "Anteriores - Picture Gallery" by Dr. Jan Hajtó (Teamwork Media 2006) for your presentations. The templates with the outlines can be used for the digital design of new smiles. Available in Apple Keynote 5, Keynote 6.

  18. Free templates for Google Slides and PPT about Dentistry

    Dental Care and Oral Hygiene - Pre-K. Download the "Dental Care and Oral Hygiene - Pre-K" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and create big learning experiences for the littlest students! Dynamic and adorable, this template provides the visual stimuli that Pre-K students thrive on and makes your lessons more playful and exciting ...

  19. Digital Smile Design Tips: DSD for Treatment-Planning and Case Presentation

    1. Full face, smile. 2. Full face, retracted. 3. Full face, repose (slightly open with lips relaxed) ... For years, I used templates in Keynote or PowerPoint to design a patient's smile. While this approach has worked well for me, some newer applications such as Digital Smile Design (DSD) have streamlined the process and also provide a way ...

  20. PPT

    DSD I Trainingsstunde 1 LESEVERSTEHEN Teil 1. Der 1. Teil des Leseverstehens ist ein Lückentext. • Der Text hat ein Thema. • Es fehlen 4 Wörter - ihr müsst die richtigen finden. Ihr habt aber 8 Wörter, die möglich sind. Details verstehen • Es gibt 3 mögliche Titel - ihr müsst den richtigen für den Text finden Text verstehen.

  21. Free Google Slides themes and Powerpoint templates

    Slidesgo is a website that offers you hundreds of free Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates for any purpose. You can browse by categories, themes, backgrounds, or colors to find the perfect design for your presentations. Whether you need to teach, pitch, or inspire, Slidesgo has you covered.

  22. Opera Consonance Reference DSD1.1 digital converter

    Opera Consonance is somewhat hazy on the subject of what internal architecture is used in the Reference DSD1.1, but it appears to be based around an AK4490 DAC/filter chip from Asahi Kasei Microdevices. This is a 32bit chip that can decode DSD without any internal conversion to PCM, sports those five aforementioned filters, and supports PCM ...

  23. DSD Template PowerPoint

    DSD Template PowerPoint - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. This document outlines the steps for conducting a digital smile design (DSD) process, which includes: 1. Creating a digital facebow by aligning a patient photo with horizontal and vertical reference lines.