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Descriptive essays.

In descriptive essays, you have to describe a person, place or thing. If the question states “describe a person that helped you in the time of need”, don’t just go on about how the person helped you, you have to describe the person and his attributes as well.

Describing people:

  • Add the characteristics of the person such as “tall, well built, shiny black hair, etc.”. Remember to describe the height, age, build, face, eyes, hair and clothing of the person.
  • Describe the attributes and hobbies of the person and why he/she inspires/motivates you.


  • When he laughed, he revealed a set of horribly discoloured teeth.
  • Everybody stared at her. She had beautiful dark hair piled high on her head, a delicately shaped face, large soft eyes and the most dazzling smile I had ever seen.

Describing places:

  • State where and what the place is (For example Lulu Island in Abu Dhabi).
  • Describe how far the place is from your house (how you got there) and why do you like the place.
  • Describe the unique features of the place and what is so good about it. Describe the weather and how it felt “hot” or “cold” when you were there.
  • Would you recommend the place to others (for vacations, etc.)? If yes, then why?

She strolled to the back of the house by herself, and she saw the most beautiful backdrop. Trees were everywhere and sunlight was trying its best to penetrate the thick lush greenery. Right at the very middle of the trees was a small lake. Danielle leaned against the fence and admired the scene before her with awe.

Describing things:

  • Name the thing and what type of gadget/thing it is (For example your 24-carrot Rolex WATCH 😛 )
  • Describe the appearance of the thing, remember to be precise in mentioning the color, shape and size of the object.
  • Describe the features of the object and why it is so special to you.

Starting Descriptives; start by naming the person/place/thing. For person, describe if he’s popular or not. For places, describe it’s location and popularity. For things, name the brand and how the people world – wide adore it.

Main body; go into further detail on the topic.

  • If you’re describing a person then go in detail of the appearance, characteristics and qualities of the person (in separate paragraphs).
  • If you’re describing a place, go in depth about the wonders of the place, the key features and leisure facilities, the weather (decide paragraphing accordingly).
  • If you’re describing things, most preferably two paragraphs in detail of its appearance and how its features and background make it an important object for you.

Ending your essay; conclude your essay by summarizing all you’ve described and recommending (in case of place) or wishing best of luck (in case of people such as teachers/sportsmen) or admiring the object that you hold so dear.

Key point; in descriptive, VOCABULARY is very important because you want the reader to imagine what you’re describing! Nobody just likes to read a description of a person or place or object. With appropriate vocabulary you have to make it an interesting read.

Vocabulary for Describing People’s outlook

Vocabulary for Describing types of People

Here are a few links to help you build your vocabulary: Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 Link 4

IGCSE Examiner Tips for Descriptive Writing:

  • It is difficult to write interesting descriptions, so this type of composition should not be attempted unless you have had practice and success at this type of writing. To write a strong descriptive answer you will need to use a wide range of vocabulary and even use imagery to engage reader interest. Unless the reader can see the picture they will not be able to relate to the experience.
  • You will need to use a variety of sentence structures. All forms of repetition should be avoided – unless you are deliberately using it carefully for effect.
  • You will need to evoke all five senses to create an environment and atmosphere, as well as details of size, shape and colour. Make colour precise, e.g. ‘scarlet’, ‘azure’, ‘off-white’, ‘bluish-grey’.
  • Try to avoid common, overused, vague, short and childish vocabulary, such as ‘nice’, ‘big’, ‘little’, ‘a lot of’, ‘good’, and ‘bad’.
  • Each noun probably needs one or more adjectives in front of it to give sufficient detail.
  • Don’t let your description become static – give structure and progression to your description e.g. moving towards or through something, such as a street market or busy shoppingmall, or going through a period of time, an hour or a day for instance, and recording the changes.

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Igcse first language english – descriptive composition: two sample essays.

descriptive writing essay examples igcse

No two humans share the same mind.

This means that each time a person hears a word, a slightly different meaning is registered depending on the person’s experiences, thoughts, emotions, and knowledge.

That’s awfully philosophical, you might think, yet it is completely relevant to what we’re about to discuss today:

After all, you might read the mark scheme and then decide that you understand what a Level 6 under Content and Structure means when it says: “Many well-defined and developed ideas and images create a convincing overall picture with varieties of focus.”…

But what does it really mean to define or develop an idea? 🧐

What does it mean to even create a ‘convincing’ picture? 😰

As we discussed the other day, it is very important to have good examples to make sure that your understanding of the criteria and the mark scheme actually reflects that of an examiner and more importantly that of someone who has a seasoned understanding of the English language and its capacity to create specific forms of writer’s effect.

Chances are, you read our set of sample essays for IGCSE narrative composition the other day – thank you for sharing them with your friends and also for enjoying them!

With that in mind…

Here are two completely free descriptive composition essays for you!

Once again, each essay is written to match a specific level descriptor, has been validated with the experience of our team, and reflects the way that we would assign marks based on the mark scheme.

Also, there will also be an interesting surprise for you at the end of this post.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s go!

We’ll start with two essays from the Winter 2022 Paper 2 Variant 2 in the Descriptive and Narrative Composition section; more examples will come soon as well.

Without further ado, here are the examples!

First, let’s look at a Level 4 essay.

descriptive writing essay examples igcse

Write a description with the title, ‘By the light of the Moon’. (Winter 2022, Paper 2, Variant 2). Bathed in the ethereal silver glow, the sleepy village nestled amidst the embrace of hills, a blanket of peace enshrouding it. The moon, like a watchful guardian, cast its pale light upon the quiet streets, as night creatures began their nocturnal dance. The distant howl of a wolf echoed through the valley, a haunting melody that seemed to resonate with the very core of the hills. Wandering along the cobblestone path, I beheld the moon’s reflection shimmering upon the surface of the tranquil lake. A gentle breeze whispered through the swaying trees, their shadows stretching like slender fingers across the ground. The night was alive with a symphony of sounds; the rustle of leaves, the chirping of crickets, and the distant murmur of a flowing stream. The ghostly outline of the ancient stone bridge loomed ahead, its timeworn arches bearing the weight of centuries. As I crossed it, I could feel the coolness of the stones beneath my feet, worn smooth by the passage of countless travelers. The murmuring stream beneath the bridge seemed to carry whispered secrets, tales of love and loss, joy and sorrow. Beyond the bridge, the path meandered through a moonlit meadow, where delicate wildflowers nodded beneath the lunar radiance. The sweet scent of honeysuckle hung heavy in the air, mingling with the subtle fragrance of dew-kissed grass. A lone owl perched on a gnarled branch, its piercing eyes observing the world below with an air of detached wisdom. As I continued my journey, I stumbled upon a secluded glade bathed in the moon’s luminescence. The serenity of the scene was amplified by the soft glow illuminating the dewdrops resting on blades of grass, giving the impression of a field of twinkling stars. The distant hoot of an owl and the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze provided a soothing soundtrack to this enchanting tableau. The path eventually led me to an abandoned cottage, its once-vibrant facade now weathered and worn. Vines and ivy crept up the walls, reclaiming their territory from the intrusion of human habitation. The moonlight filtered through the broken windows, casting eerie patterns on the crumbling interior, a testament to the passage of time and the impermanence of all things. The moon’s light gradually waned as it continued its celestial journey, leaving the village to slumber in the darkness of night. As the last remnants of silver light retreated, I too turned back towards the village, carrying the memory of this enchanted nocturnal world within my heart.

The essay demonstrates Level 4 in terms of content and structure (W1 and W2). The content is relevant with some development, offering a cohesive description of a moonlit night in a village. The structure is competently managed, guiding the reader through various settings such as the village, lake, bridge, meadow, glade, and the abandoned cottage. However, the essay does not reach Level 5 or 6, as the imagery and details could be more vivid and engaging.

Regarding style and accuracy (W3 to W5), the essay employs simple vocabulary and straightforward sentence structures, such as “The ghostly outline of the ancient stone bridge loomed ahead.” The essay maintains a simple register with a general awareness of the context. There are occasional minor errors in punctuation and grammar but they do not detract from the overall readability.

To improve this essay, the writer could use more evocative language, draw on a wider range of sensory details, and incorporate more complex sentence structures. In the essay, some phrases could be improved to make the descriptions more vivid and engaging. For instance, “A gentle breeze whispered through the swaying trees” could be rephrased as “A gentle breeze caressed the swaying trees, their leaves rustling like whispered secrets.” By incorporating stronger imagery, the writer can create a more immersive experience for the reader.

Additionally, the essay could benefit from a wider range of sensory details. While it effectively conveys visual and auditory elements, it could include more tactile, olfactory, and gustatory descriptions to create a richer sensory experience. For example, the writer could mention the cool, damp earth underfoot, the scent of damp earth mingling with the honeysuckle, or the taste of the crisp night air.

In terms of sentence structure, the essay relies heavily on simple and compound sentences. To elevate the writing, the author could use more complex and varied sentence structures, which would add interest and rhythm to the prose. For example, “The night was alive with a symphony of sounds; the rustle of leaves, the chirping of crickets, and the distant murmur of a flowing stream” could be rephrased as “The night reverberated with a symphony of sounds, as the rustle of leaves intertwined with the chirping of crickets, all underscored by the distant murmur of a flowing stream.”

To improve their writing, the author could study literary works that are known for their evocative descriptions and varied sentence structures. One such book is “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee. This novel is an excellent example of how to create vivid, engaging descriptions using sensory details and varied sentence structures. By reading and analyzing such works, the writer can gain insight into effective techniques for descriptive writing and apply them to their own compositions.

Next, let’s look at a Level 6 essay.

*This is members-only content – To view it, please sign up for a free membership!

Content (Table A): The essay effectively captures the essence of a magical and enchanting moonlit night through vivid descriptions and sensory details. The author takes the reader on a journey through a series of beautifully crafted scenes that paint a picture of a world transformed by the light of the moon. The narrative is engaging and cohesive, building upon each scene to create a sense of progression and a clear storyline. The essay effectively conveys the emotions and experiences of the narrator, making the reader feel as though they too are experiencing the magic of the night. Overall, the content of the essay is well-structured, creative, and effectively conveys the author’s intended message.

Language (Table B): The language used in the essay is rich, poetic, and evocative. The author skillfully employs a variety of literary devices, including imagery, metaphor, and personification, to create a vivid and immersive world. The vocabulary used is precise and carefully chosen, adding depth and nuance to the descriptions. The essay’s sentence structures vary in length and complexity, creating a sense of rhythm and flow that draws the reader in. The language is also grammatically correct and free of spelling errors, allowing the reader to focus on the beauty of the prose. Overall, the language used in the essay is exceptional, effectively creating a world that is both enchanting and captivating.

To improve this essay, the writer could focus on incorporating an even wider range of sensory details to create an even more immersive experience for the reader. Although the visual and auditory elements are well-developed, adding more tactile, olfactory, and gustatory details could elevate the descriptions further.

To continue refining their writing skills, the author could study literary works known for their vivid descriptions and lyrical prose. One such book is “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald. This novel is renowned for its evocative imagery and rich language, making it an excellent resource for writers seeking to improve their descriptive writing abilities. By reading and analyzing such works, the writer can gain valuable insights into effective techniques for creating immersive and engaging descriptions.

Okay, and we’re done! 🙂

I hope that you enjoyed this post, and that you will find it valuable!

If you did, do feel free to share it with your friends! We will proceed onwards with descriptive writing examples pretty soon – these will be part of the membership site component of the site materials, and we will also create more of these materials for you soon!

Thank you once again, and we look forward to sharing more with you soon!

P.S. Also, we’re just putting the finishing touches on the Descriptive and Narrative Composition book that we promised a while back. HUGE thanks to all the people who have taken the time to share their thoughts, insights, and perspectives.

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Lux Writing Center

Personal writing instruction for all ages, igcse first language english paper 2: descriptive writing.

descriptive writing essay examples igcse

The Cambridge IGCSE First Language English Paper 2 is title Directed Writing and Composition. Section A tests both reading and writing skills. You can check out our previous post on genres to learn more about that. Section B, though, tests only the student’s writing skills.

Section B of Paper 2 gives the student four options to choose from: two descriptive prompts and two narrative prompts. This post will give some suggestions for succeeding in the descriptive writing .

Below are sample descriptive prompts:

  • Write a description with the title ‘The playground.’
  • Write a description with the title, ‘The factory’.
  • Write a description of a place where animals are kept in captivity, such as a zoo, wildlife park or sea-life centre.
  • Describe the inside of an interesting shop.
  • Describe waking up to find the scene around you has changed.
  • Describe a group of tourists outside an attraction.

Mark Scheme

24 marks are given for style and accuracy: Precise, well-chosen vocabulary and varied sentence structures, chosen for effect; consistent well-chosen register suitable for the context; spelling, punctuation, and grammar almost always accurate.

16 marks are given for content and structure: Many well-defined and developed ideas and images create a convincing overall picture with varieties of focus.

Tips, Practice, and Feedback

If you would like individualized, daily instruction to help prepare for the IGCSE English or AS English exams, Mr. Lux is a trained Cambridge teacher who can help you. Mr. Lux can provide tips, practice, and feedback as you prepare for your exams.

For $85 USD a month, you receive daily communication with a trained Cambridge teacher who has more than 10 years of teaching experience. Visit the About and Enrollment pages for more information. You can also learn more about what Lux Writing Center offers through other posts .

2 thoughts on “ IGCSE First Language English Paper 2: Descriptive Writing ”

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Nice post really helpful and straight to the point Would definately recomend to others

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The English Language for IGCSE

Tuesday, june 7, 2016, descriptive writing, 29 comments:.

descriptive writing essay examples igcse

really good, recommended this.

Thanks Rabia!

Your blog is really, really helpful!!!!!

Thanks, glad you liked it!

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Teachers are giving SA from this website and students can copy them

I think it's up to teachers to recognize when students are plagiarizing work and up to students to be honest and realize that copying answers isn't going to help them on the final exam, when they won't know what question will be asked. I don't think it's fair to take down resources that are helping the majority just because a minority may be using them dishonestly.

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One thing I would say is that it is in the wrong tense to the question

You're right - in hindsight, I should have written it in present tense. Thanks for pointing this out!

do you have a website for english ib as well?

Unfortunately not - I have taken English Lang & Lit SL, though, so if you need help with that feel free to email me!

I really need help with literature if you could help me. my teacher is very ‘stupid’ and I have 3 months till my final igcse exams. i dont even know how to properloy frame an answer and how many quotes/points i need to present

Hi Het, feel free email me if you need help! I can talk about this in greater detail.

We dont use 'I' in descriptive writings - its an observation.

Helpfully blog

Do you give advice on other type of writing

Very good! I'm sooo impressed, at least now I know, what my teacher was actually expecting from me, and that I gave her serious bullshit!

Very impressive. But for your descriptive essay, shouldn't be not include the narrator performing any actions that adds to any form of plotline?

Amazing blog 👍👌

The mood and imagery was excellent! I felt, even I was in a theme park. Great stuff!

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i dont think i would ever be able to write something like this

This was really helpful thanks a lot

really nice

How do you write so good? Please give some tips

Can you help me in English IGCSE

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Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Descriptive writing for igcse first language exam.

I like your essays very much and i need your help in this igcse first language question its about descriptive writing   
Q:Describe a group of people at work  
I hope you reply back  
Please and thanks

Tips for Descriptive Writing -- IGCSE First Language Directed Writing and Composition paper

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Try this descriptive writing exercise

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Cũng giống như các dòng máy điện gia dụng khác, Sharp và Panasonic đang ngày càng hoàn thiện để có thể phục vụ người tiêu dùng tốt hơn. Mặc dù hai thương hiệu này đã và đang được xem là dẫn đầu trong lĩnh vực điều hòa, thế nhưng ưu điểm riêng biệt của hai thương hiệu này là gì. Hãy cùng vua điều hòa khám phá dòng sản phẩm điều hòa đến từ thương hiệu này nhé.

Khi sử dụng điều hòa Xiaomi có lẽ điều mà người ta quan tâm nhất là cách sử dụng điều hòa Xiaomi tiết kiệm điện nhất. Vì thế khi sử dụng điều hòa Xiaomi hay các hãng khác điều đầu tiên và quan trọng để tiết kiệm đó chính là bạn cần lựa chọn máy có công suất phù hợp.

Điều hòa Funiki 24000BTU 2 chiều inverter HIH24TMU vừa được tập đoàn Hòa Phát trình lành vào tháng 3/2022. Sản phẩm được sản xuất tại Thái Lan/Malaysia và được bảo hành chính hãng lên đến 24 tháng. Mặc dù mới được ra mắt không lâu, nhưng sản phẩm đã nhanh chóng chiếm được sự tin tưởng của người tiêu dùng Việt nhờ thiết kế và các tính năng thông minh của sản phẩm. Công suất làm lạnh lên đến 24000BTU, điều hòa Funiki 2022 sẽ là sự lựa chọn hoàn hảo cho các căn phòng có diện tích từ 35-40m2 như hội trường, phòng khách…

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Điều hòa Multi LG treo tường 1 chiều 12000BTU AMNQ12GSJB0 được áp dụng những công nghệ hiện đại nhất giúp nâng cao chất lượng làm mát cho người dùng. Sản phẩm hứa hẹn sẽ mang đến cho người dùng nhiều trải nghiệm bất ngờ với những tính năng hiện đại, thông minh của mình. Điều hòa Multi LG được trang bị Gas R410A, đây được xem là môi chất làm lạnh tiên tiến có hiệu suất làm lạnh tiên tiến nhất hiện nay, cao hơn gấp 1,6 lần so với loại gas R22 cũ. Điều này sẽ giúp cho máy điều hòa sử dụng gas R410A có thể lạnh nhanh và sâu hơn. Gas R410A còn được xem là loại gas sạch, thân thiện với môi trường, bảo vệ bầu khí quyển.

Để cách sử dụng điều hòa Hitachi Nhật hiệu quả nhất thì chúng ta phải hiểu rõ đầy đủ về các tính năng, công nghệ, chế độ và cả điều khiển điều hòa Hitachi. Điều này sẽ giúp bạn dùng điều hòa tiết kiệm điện, tăng độ bền và đảm bảo tuổi thọ của sản phẩm. Hiểu rõ tầm quan trọng của điều này, Vua Điều Hòa sẽ hướng dẫn tất tần tật về cách sử dụng chính thức từ thương hiệu Hitachi.

Trong khi quá nhiều thương hiệu điều hòa được bán trên thị trường, người tiêu dùng lại băn khoăn không biết nên mua sản phẩm của thương hiệu nào. Do đó, để dễ dàng hơn thì hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ thực hiện so sánh điều hòa Panasonic và Electrolux để xem hãng nào vượt bật hơn. Đây là cơ sở quan trọng giúp bạn dễ dàng hơn trong việc mua sắm điều hòa cho gia đình mình.

Điều hòa Multi Daikin 3MKM52RVMV là dàn nóng 1 chiều công suất 18.000BTU, có thể tích hợp được với 3 dàn lạnh…Dàn nóng điều hòa Multi Daikin thích hợp cho những gia đình có thiết kế ban công nhỏ chỉ có thể để được 1 cục nóng.

Dàn lạnh Daikin Multi treo tường CTXM25RVMV là dàn lạnh hệ tiêu chuẩn Multi 2 chiều. Daikin CTXM25RVMV có thể kết nối với tất cả model dàn nóng Multi 2 chiều sử dụng Gas R32: 3MXM52RVMV, 4MXM68RVMV, 4MXM80RVMV và 5MXM100RVMV.

Khác với truyền thống và ưu tiên độ bền như ở Mitsubishi Heavy, điều hòa Mitsubishi Electric lại sở hữu thiết kế hiện đại và giá thành ổn hơn. Chính vì thế, Mitsubishi Electric được nhiều người sử dụng và cực kỳ chuộng tại thị trường châu Á. Vậy thì điều hòa Mitsubishi Electric có tốt không ? Của nước nào? Sản xuất ở đâu? Tất cả sẽ có trong bài viết này!

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Daikin Multi nối ống gió FMA71RVMV là dàn lạnh âm trần thuộc hệ điều hòa Multi Daikin , có áp suất tĩnh trung bình. Dàn lạnh âm trần Daikin Multi nối ống gió FMA71RVMV có thiết kế hiện đại đáp ứng những thách thức về kết cấu xây dựng của căn hộ từ trung cấp cho đến cao cấp. Dàn lạnh được trang bị thêm nhiều tính năng thông minh hơn mang đến trải nghiệm thoải và tiện nghi hơn cho người tiêu dùng.

Điều hoà lúc mát lúc không và bạn đang cực kỳ khó chịu với điều này? Thế thì những thông tin dưới đây sẽ giúp bạn tìm ra lỗi bật điều hoà không thấy mát và kêu to kèm theo giải pháp khắc phục nhanh nhất ngay tại nhà.

Điều hòa Daikin MultiS CTKC25RVMV là dàn lạnh treo tường hệ 1 Chiều 9000Btu sử dụng môi chất Gas R32. Điều hòa Daikin này được tích hợp điều khiển thông minh cho phép bạn có thể điều khiển điều hòa ở bất kỳ đâu chỉ với một chiếc điện thoại thông hay máy tính bảng.

Có rất nhiều lý do khiến điều hòa Panasonic không mát . Cùng Vua Điều Hòa tìm hiểu xem điều hòa của bạn đang gặp lỗi gì để từ đó có biện pháp khắc phục phù hợp. Dĩ nhiên, sẽ không cần đến sự hỗ trợ của chuyên gia cho một số lỗi cơ bản mà bạn có thể tự thực hiện tại nhà.

Để đảm bảo tối ưu hóa hiệu suất hoạt động và các tính năng có trên điều hòa Panasonic, bạn nhất định phải đọc đầy đủ hướng dẫn sử dụng điều hòa Panasonic chi tiết dưới đây. Đặc biệt, việc thành thạo trong cách sử dụng sẽ giúp bạn tránh được những lỗi cơ bản và giúp điều hòa tiết kiệm điện hơn bao giờ hết.

Điều hòa Sumikura 12000BTU 1 chiều Inverter APS/APO-120DC NEW là sản phẩm mới thuộc dòng điều hòa dân dụng với thiết kế cao cấp, hiện đại với nhiều tính năng nổi bật. Với nhiều tính năng hiệu đại điều hòa Sumikura 12000BTU 1 chiều inverter mang đến cho bạn một không gian mát lạnh, thoải mái dễ chịu.

Điều hòa Nagakawa 24000BTU là dòng sản phẩm được ưa chuộng tại Việt Nam bởi không chỉ Nagakawa không chỉ là thương hiệu uy tín, chất lượng tốt mà điều hòa Nagakawa được chia thành nhiều dòng khác nhau như 1 chiều, 2 chiều giúp việc lựa chọn của khách hàng dễ dàng hơn bao giờ hết. Cùng tìm hiểu TOP 4 điều hòa Nagakawa 24000BTU bán chạy nhất hiện nay nhé!

Điều hòa Sumikura 28000BTU 1 chiều inverter APS/APO-280DC được sản xuất với công nghệ hàng đầu từ Nhật Bản. Điều hòa Sumukura không chỉ có thiết kế đẹp điều hòa còn có được trang bị những công nghệ hiện đại mang đến sự sảng khoái và dễ chịu nhất cho gia đình bạn.

Là một cái tên đã dần trở nên quen thuộc với khách hàng Việt, độ phủ sóng của điều hòa Casper hiện nay tương đối lớn. Tuy nhiên vẫn còn rất nhiều người thắc mắc không biết giá điều hòa Casper là bao nhiêu , của nước nào sản xuất, có nên mua không,... Tất cả những thắc mắc của khách hàng sẽ được Vua Điều Hòa tổng hợp và giải quyết trong bài viết bên dưới.

Dàn lạnh điều hòa LG Multi treo tường AMNW15GSJB0 là sản phẩm mới nhất của hãng LG được ra mắt người tiêu dùng vào đầu năm 2019. Sản phẩm với 2 chiều làm lạnh, công suất 15000BTU được trang bị công nghệ inverter tiết kiệm điện và môi chất làm lạnh R410A mang đến cho gia đình một luồng không thoáng mát và dễ chịu nhất.

Nếu đặt lên bàn cân để so sánh điều hòa âm trần và điều hòa treo tường thì đây mới là sự lựa chọn tốt nhất? Để có câu trả lời chính xác thì bạn phải xem xét dựa trên nhiều yếu tố khác nhau như thiết kế, quá trình lắp đặt, chất lượng, tính năng kèm theo và giá thành. Và bạn không cần đi đâu cả, tất cả đã có trong bài phân tích này!

Dàn lạnh LG Multi nối ống gió AMNW24GL3A2 thuộc hệ điều hòa âm trần nối ống gió giá rẻ vừa có thể làm lạnh vào mùa đông, vừa sưởi ấm hiệu quả. Sản phẩm được trang bị công nghệ inverter siêu tiết kiệm điện, hoạt động êm dịu và bền bỉ, nhập khẩu chính hãng từ Thái Lan. Đây chắc chắn sẽ là chiếc điều hòa LG multi mà bạn không thể bỏ qua cho gia đình mình.

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Topic outline

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The Teaching Packs below contain detailed lesson plans and worksheets to help develop your learners' writing skills

Each pack focuses on a specific element of writing and the skills associated with this.

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  • Select activity Narrative structure Narrative structure

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IGCSE First Language English – How to Write a Descriptive Story

Home » Blog Microsite » IGCSE First Language English – How to Write a Descriptive Story

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descriptive writing essay examples igcse

IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) offers up to 70 subjects to its students, including more than 30 languages. Students can take them in any combination. The groups under which the subjects are ordered are

  • Group 1 – Languages
  • Group 2 – Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Group 3 – Sciences
  • Group 4 – Mathematics and Business
  • Group 5 – Creative and Professional and Vocational

There are two options for the language English – English as the first language (EFL) and English as the second language (ESL)

Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (EFL) is curated for students whose first language is English. The course enables the students to

  • Enhance their speaking and writing skills
  • Expand their vocabulary, and use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation
  • Develop a personal style
  • Develop an awareness of the audience being addressed

Cambridge IGCSE Second Language English (ESL) is curated for students whose native language is not English but who have a working knowledge. The course enables the students to

  • Understand and use English in a range of situations
  • Enhance the awareness of the four language-learning skills – reading, writing, listening, and speaking
  • Focus on the use of the language in everyday communication
  • Learn to complement the other areas of the curriculum by developing the transferable skills

Thus, the students improve their communication abilities in this language, increasing their opportunities for further studies or for a planned career.

To choose the right option, consider two major parameters

  • How comfortable and fluent are you in the English language
  • What are your future goals – either academic or career are

Table of Contents

Assessments of EFL and ESL – Writing

Paper 1 and Paper 2 of the EFL require the students to respond to texts provided in the examination.

Paper 1 – Extended response to reading – requires the students to respond in 250-350 words to one of the following text types – speech, letter, report, journal, interview, and article Paper 2 – Directed Writing – two questions

  • Evaluate the information in the text to write a 250-350 worded discursive/argumentative/persuasive speech, letter, or article
  • Descriptive or Narrative 350-450 worded composition

Paper 1 and Paper 2 of the ESL require the students to attempt the followingly. Students need to

  • Make brief notes related to a text printed on the paper
  • Write an 80-word summary related to a text printed on the paper
  • Write 100-150 words of continuous prose in response to a picture and short prompts printed on the paper
  • Write a 100-150 review, report, or article in response to a picture and shore prompts printed in the paper

Let us learn more about the descriptive writing question which is part of Paper 2 of English as the first language (EFL). This question tests the following assessment objectives:

  • Articulate experience and express what is thought, felt, and imagined
  • Arrange and structure ideas and opinions for calculated effect
  • Use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures related to the context
  • Make accurate use of spelling, punctuation, and grammar
  • Vary the usage as per the context

What is Descriptive Writing and How to Plan it?

Descriptive writing describes a person, place, or thing in a way that enables the reader to actually visualize and feel it.

  • The student is presented with a question paper booklet with two questions for descriptive writing
  • He has to choose one and plan his writing accordingly.
  • Beginning with the sensory detailing is considered to be easy

Sensory Details 

Sight, Smell, Touch, Hear, Taste

Begin with Sight

Talking vividly about what he sees and what emotions that action evokes in him.

At nine o’clock in the morning, Global Computer Graphics was already bustling with activity. There were eight modular cubicles, occupied by computer whizzes, all young and busily building websites. The employees in their crisp uniforms were walking up and down. This hustle and bustle were slowly building into my monotonous morning.

Hear Clearly

Now the student can add on the sounds he hears and write how it impacts him.

Ashley Patterson was taking a hurried shower, late for work, when she heard a sound. A door opening? Closing? She turned off the shower, listening, her heart pounding. A shiver ran through her wet body. Was it a burglar?

The element highlighted here – is fear.

Let Us Move to the Smell Sensory

Smell always has the power to link us to the past and familiar smells can trigger our memories and emotions. This is referred to as olfactory imagery. The student can elaborate on the smell sensory to recreate a past memory.

The sweet fragrance of the honeysuckle always reminded Jenny of her mother’s perfume. He woke up to the smell of burnt toast and all he wanted now was a hot cup of coffee.

The element highlighted in both the above examples is memory – but first, a pleasant one and in the second, an unpleasant one.

Look at This Example

The kid took a bite at the red juicy apple and smiled as sweet as the sweet, soft fruit filled her mouth and the juice ran down her chin. The reader already would be feeling hungry and want to bite into an apple now.

Finally, the Tactile Imagery

The masseuse rubbed the lightly fragranced warm lavender oil across her stress-riddled shoulders. The gentle rubs felt so comfortable and made her sleep.

The reader can feel the effect of a good massage.

Writers must do their best to lure the readers into the story. And that is the reason, we love a good novel or script. We can step out of our everyday lives and walk into the descriptive fantasies of the stories with new adventures. And as such, writers should be doing more than describing a green grassy hillock or mentioning the sound of the crashing waves on the rocks in rough weather. There are many ways to develop a sense of imagery. Apart from the sensory imagery discussed above, more ways are:

  • Precise language – Tulip instead of a flower, mansion instead of home
  • Comparisons – As lazy as a snail: She walks in beauty, like the night
  • Strong verbs – She slammed the door on his face
  • Hyperbole – I am dying of thirst; I love you to the moon and back

After the student has done planning out the response using the sensory imagery, he needs to choose an apt title. If the title is already mentioned, he needs to use it. He has to make sure that the title he chooses is relevant to the themes of the descriptive.

It is not necessary that all 5 sensory imagery needs to be used. In fact, sometimes there may be no need for the imagery at all. So, the student needs to plan the story carefully.

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How do you write a descriptive essay in IGCSE English?

Comparable to discussing a photo or a video clip is descriptive writing. When someone reads your description, they should be able to virtually exactly recreate the vision you described in their minds. Like telepathy, in a way. It’s crucial to be specific, so keep that in mind.

What is the structure of descriptive writing?

A descriptive essay typically comprises three body paragraphs, a conclusion, and a strong thesis statement at the end of the introduction. Yet, a description need not follow a set pattern.

What is the format of the descriptive paragraph?

A statement that introduces the subject and briefly discusses its importance. supporting phrases that use the specifics you listed during brainstorming to explain the topic in clear, vivid terms. a short summary that links back to the relevance of the subject.

What is the difference between narrative and descriptive writing in IGCSE?

A descriptive essay is supposed to provide a detailed description of a certain place, item, or concept, whereas a narrative essay is intended to present a whole story.

What are the 3 types of descriptive writing?

The three types of descriptive writing are:

  • Writing about an object
  • Writing about a person
  • Writing about a place

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How to Score High for Descriptive Writing

Descriptive writing is one of those tasks where the instructions sound simple.

For example:

Describe a little village.

The question is too simple. Already, you may start picturing a ‘little village’. And then it dawns upon you - this is for 40 marks ! What do I DO?

Suddenly it feels like you are going round in circles - you have already described the little houses and the sunset. You have described the trees and maybe a farm somewhere, and a church. What now? You are deciding whether you should mention a pond. And maybe the houses again?

This is the descriptive writing trap.

You run out of things to describe.

There are some things we can do to avoid this. One thing we can do before we start writing is thinking - Okay I will mention the mountains near the little village, the sun lavishly rising up from beyond them, and the general feel of the village.

There are 2 main methods to describe things vividly, and also not run out of things to say:

1) Use adjectives and provide details

There was a farm a bit far away.

This is not a bad sentence by any means. However, we can instantly liven up the sentence by adding a few adjectives:

There was a pleasant old farm at the very edge of the village, from where the grasslands began.

By mentioning the farm as 'a pleasant old farm', there is an understanding about the farm itself now, which was not clear in the previous sentence.

Also, by replacing ‘a bit far away’ with a bunch of details concerning the distance, there is now a bit more of a visualisation available in your writing!

If you are not getting ideas, resort to your favourite books or movies to gain inspiration from, and get an insight from. This is something you need a lot of guidance in, but with some patience, you might figure out a way!

As another example, let us try to describe something that has nothing to do with a village. We will try to describe something completely fictional, so brace yourselves:

It was a large dog with three heads - it also had three eyes, three noses and three mouths!

Here, I am trying to describe a creature which belongs only in stories - only within the imagination. In my mind, I had a clear visualisation, of a creature which is quite scary and foreboding. My visualisation looked something very similar to this:


Remember this scary dog from the Harry Potter movies?

This is the image I had in mind while I was describing the fictional creature. It is actually the image of Cerberus - the hound of Hades, the three-headed monstrosity which is prevalent in Greek mythology.

Describing something fictional is harder than describing something that is not - because you are describing something that only you are understanding! Such a dog does not exist of course, so you have to help your reader understand what you are imagining.

In the Harry Potter books , this is how the description of the creature goes:

… straight into the eyes of a monstrous dog, a dog that filled the whole space between ceiling and floor. J. K Rowling, Chapter 10, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

The use of the adjective, ‘monstrous’, immediately has us realizing that the creature is not pleasant, and is in fact, dangerous. This, as well as the size of the dog, were necessary details that was missing in my own description above.

And the quote continues:

… It had three heads. Three pairs of rolling, mad eyes ; three noses, twitching and quivering in their direction ; three drooling mouths, saliva hanging in slippery ropes from yellowish fangs.

Here, there is detail being added to each visual.

  • The eyes are rolling, and mad.
  • The noses are twitching, quivering in an upward motion.
  • The mouths are drooling, with sticky saliva dropping from yellow fangs.

Do you not think this is descriptive?

The adjectives and the details are giving life to the description. You may think details are hard to think of, but all it takes is a bit of practice and guidance - and keep an eye out for descriptions of anything.

2) Focus on the setting and atmosphere

Winter light

If the setting is something smaller, like just a room - you are limited in your description of the landscape. However, the setting is now the room, so only the scope of your description has changed, and not the description itself.

You can now describe all the intricate details you are noticing in a fascinating room - if you are spending a lot of time describing a room, why not make it an interesting one?

How many windows does the room have? What are the windows made of, and what is their shape? Can you imagine how the windows would let the light enter the room on a bright sunny day? What is the view from the window? Can you see the landscape from the window?

Here, we have an extract by Charlotte Bronte in Jane Eyre, as she is describing a garden inside a school compound:

The garden was a wide enclosure, surrounded with walls so high as to exclude every glimpse of prospect; a covered verandah ran down one side, and broad walks bordered a middle space divided into scores of little beds: these beds were assigned as gardens for the pupils to cultivate, and each bed had an owner. Chapter 5

Here, the garden is surrounded by an enclosure, so the outside world is excluded - you now have to describe everything within the wall. Would you do the same when you write, by intentionally leaving out the landscape by cutting the character’s access to it?

Here, she is continuing with the description of the garden:

When full of flowers they would doubtless look pretty; but now, at the latter end of January, all was wintry blight and brown decay. I shuddered as I stood and looked round me: it was an inclement day for outdoor exercise; not positively rainy, but darkened by a drizzling yellow fog; all under foot was still soaking wet with the floods of yesterday.

Here, with the limited landscape, she is now looking at the sky, and then at the wet ground under her feet, while musing about the rain from the previous day.

What else will she describe now?

The stronger among the girls ran about and engaged in active games, but sundry pale and thin ones herded together for shelter and warmth in the verandah; and amongst these, as the dense mist penetrated to their shivering frames, I heard frequently the sound of a hollow cough.

Her lines here are describing the people present in the garden! This is enough visual imagery for a setting, because right after this, she speaks about her thoughts and feelings while she is in that setting.

How can the description move forward? She can surely visit another section of the school? She can notice something important in the garden, which will carry things forward, and add more meaning to the scene? The possibilities are endless.

Descriptive writing is easier and more effective than writing a story, especiallly in IGCSE English, with a limited wordcount. If you will like a little bit of guidance, we can make sure you score well for your exams. Click here to get equipped with tools for your English skills.

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Descriptive Essay Writing

Descriptive Essay Examples

Barbara P

Amazing Descriptive Essay Examples for Your Help

Published on: Jun 21, 2023

Last updated on: Mar 1, 2024

Descriptive Essay Examples

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Descriptive essays are very commonly assigned essays. This type of essay enhances students' writing skills and allows them to think critically. 

A descriptive essay is often referred to as the parent essay type. Other essays like argumentative essays, narrative essays, and expository essays fall into descriptive essays. Also, this essay helps the student enhance their ability to imagine the whole scene in mind by appealing senses.

It is assigned to high school students and all other students at different academic levels. Students make use of the human senses like touch, smell, etc., to make the descriptive essay more engaging for the readers. 

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Examples make it easy for readers to understand things in a better way. Also, in a descriptive essay, different types of descriptions can be discussed. 

Here are some amazing examples of a descriptive essay to make the concept easier for you. 

Descriptive Essay Example 5 Paragraph

5 paragraphs essay writing format is the most common method of composing an essay. This format has 5 paragraphs in total. The sequence of the paragraphs is as follows;

  • Introduction
  • Body Paragraph 1
  • Body Paragraph 2 
  • Body Paragraph 3
  • Conclusion 

Following is an example of a descriptive essay written using the famous 5 paragraph method. 

5 Paragraph Descriptive Essay

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Descriptive Essay Example About A Person

Descriptive essays are the best option when it comes to describing and writing about a person.  A descriptive essay is written using the five human senses. It helps in creating a vivid image in the reader’s mind and understanding what the writer is trying to convey. 

Here is one of the best descriptive essay examples about a person. Read it thoroughly and try to understand how a good descriptive essay is written on someone’s personality.

Descriptive Essay Example About a Person

Descriptive Essay Example About A Place

If you have visited a good holiday spot or any other place and want to let your friends know about it. A descriptive essay can help you explain every detail and moment you had at that place. 

Here is one of the good descriptive essay examples about a place. Use it as a sample and learn how you can write such an essay. 

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Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 6

Descriptive essays are frequently assigned to school students. This type of essay helps the students enhance their writing skills and helps them see things in a more analytical way.

If you are a 6 grader and looking for a good descriptive essay example, you are in the right place.  

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 7

Here is one of the best descriptive essay examples for grade 7. 

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 8

If you are looking for some amazing descriptive essay examples for grade 8, you have already found one. Look at the given example and see what a well-written descriptive essay looks like. 

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 10

Essay writing is an inevitable part of a student's academic life . No matter your grade, you will get to write some sort of essay at least once. 

Here is an example of a descriptive essay writing for grade10. If you are also a student of this grade, this example might help you to complete your assignment.

Descriptive Essay Example for Grade 12

If you are a senior student and looking for some essay examples, you are exactly where you should be. 

Use the below-mentioned example and learn how to write a good essay according to the instructions given to you. 

Descriptive Essay Example College

Descriptive essays are a great way to teach students how they can become better writers. Writing a descriptive essay encourages them to see the world more analytically.

Below is an example that will help you and make your writing process easy.

College Descriptive Essay Example

Descriptive Essay Example for University

Descriptive essays are assigned to students at all academic levels. University students are also assigned descriptive essay writing assignments. As they are students of higher educational levels, they are often given a bit of difficult and more descriptive topics. 

See the example below and know what a descriptive essay at the university level looks like. 

Short Descriptive Essay Example

Every time a descriptive essay isn't written in detail. It depends on the topic of how long the essay will be.  

For instance, look at one of the short descriptive essay examples given below. See how the writer has conveyed the concept in a composed way. 

Objective Descriptive Essay Example

When writing an objective description essay, you focus on describing the object without conveying your emotions, feelings, or personal reactions. The writer uses sight, sound, or touch for readers' minds to bring life into pictures that were painted by words.

Here is an example that you can use for your help. 

Narrative and Descriptive Essay Example

A narrative descriptive essay can be a great way to share your experiences with others. It is a story that teaches a lesson you have learned. The following is an example of a perfect narrative descriptive essay to help you get started.

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How to Start a Descriptive Essay? - Example

If you don't know how to start your descriptive essay, check this example and create a perfect one. 

How to Start a Descriptive Essay - Example

Subjective Descriptive Essay Example

It is a common concept that a descriptive essay revolves around one subject. Be it a place, person, event, or any other object you can think of. 

Following is one of the subjective descriptive, easy examples. Use it as a guide to writing an effective descriptive essay yourself. 

Writing a descriptive essay is a time-consuming yet tricky task. It needs some very strong writing, analytical, and critical thinking skills. Also, this is a type of essay that a student can not avoid and bypass. 

But if you think wisely, work smart, and stay calm, you can get over it easily. Learn how to write a descriptive essay from a short guide given below. 

How to Write a Descriptive Essay?

A writer writes a descriptive essay from their knowledge and imaginative mind. In this essay, the writer describes what he has seen or experienced, or ever heard from someone. For a descriptive essay, it is important to stay focused on one point. Also, the writer should use figurative language so that the reader can imagine the situation in mind. 

The following are some very basic yet important steps that can help you write an amazing descriptive essay easily. 

  • Choose a Topic

For a descriptive essay, you must choose a vast topic to allow you to express yourself freely. Also, make sure that the topic you choose is not overdone. An overdone will not grab the attention of your intended audience. Check out our descriptive essay topics blog for a variety of intriguing topic suggestions.

  • Create a Strong Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the essence of any academic writing. When you select the descriptive essay topic, then you create a strong thesis statement for your essay.  

A thesis statement is a sentence or two that explains the whole idea of your essay to the reader. It is stated in the introductory paragraph of the essay. The word choice for creating the thesis statement must be very expressive, composed, and meaningful. Also, use vivid language for the thesis statement.  

  • Collect the Necessary Information

Once you have created the thesis statement and are done writing your essay introduction . Now, it's time to move toward the body paragraphs. 

Collect all necessary information related to your topic. You would be adding this information to your essay to support your thesis statement. Make sure that you collect information from authentic sources. 

To enhance your essay, make use of some adjectives and adverbs. To make your descriptive essay more vivid, try to incorporate sensory details like touch, taste, sight, and smell.

  • Create a Descriptive Essay Outline

An outline is yet another necessary element of your college essay. By reading the descriptive essay outline , the reader feels a sense of logic and a guide for the essay. 

In the outline, you need to write an introduction, thesis statement, body paragraphs and end up with a formal conclusion.

Proofreading is a simple procedure in which the writer revises the written essay. This is done in order to rectify the document for any kind of spelling or grammatical mistakes. Thus, proofreading makes high-quality content and gives a professional touch to it. 

You might be uncertain about writing a good enough descriptive essay and impress your teacher. However, it is very common, so you do not need to stress out. 

Hit us up at CollegeEssay.org and get an essay written by our professional descriptive essay writers. Our essay writing service for students aims to help clients in every way possible and ease their stress. Get in touch with our customer support team, and they will take care of all your queries related to your writing. 

You can always enhance your writing skills by leveraging the power of our AI essay writing tools .

Place your order now and let all your stress go away in a blink! 

Barbara P (Literature)

Barbara is a highly educated and qualified author with a Ph.D. in public health from an Ivy League university. She has spent a significant amount of time working in the medical field, conducting a thorough study on a variety of health issues. Her work has been published in several major publications.

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Descriptive Essay Examples

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Descriptive Essay

Descriptive essay generator.

descriptive writing essay examples igcse

Essays are written due to various reasons and purposes. Some of the authors want to inform, some want to expose while some want to persuade. However, in descriptive essay writing , the essayist composes for the sake of displaying a picture out of his/her describing words. It may sound easy and simple but don’t be deceived, there are still more to learn. Read through this article to get hold of significant and beneficial new knowledge.

What is Descriptive Essay? A descriptive essay is a type of writing that aims to vividly describe a person, place, object, or event. In this type of essay, the writer uses sensory details such as sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch to create a clear and vivid image in the reader’s mind. The goal of a descriptive essay is to evoke a strong emotional response or create a vivid impression of the subject being described.

Descriptive Essay Format


Hook: Start with a sentence that captures the reader’s attention. This could be a striking fact, a question, or a vivid description. Context: Provide some background information to set the scene. Describe the setting, the situation, or the object of the essay. Thesis Statement: End the introduction with a clear thesis statement that outlines the main aspects or the overall impression of your subject.

Body Paragraphs

Each body paragraph should focus on a specific aspect or a detail that contributes to the overall picture you are trying to paint. Use the “show, don’t tell” technique by employing vivid imagery and sensory details.

Paragraph 1: Sight

Topic Sentence: Introduce the aspect of sight. Details: Describe what you see in vivid detail. Use adjectives and adverbs to bring the scene to life. Closing Sentence: Wrap up the paragraph by summarizing the importance of the visual details.

Paragraph 2: Sound

Topic Sentence: Focus on the sounds related to your topic. Details: Describe what can be heard, whether it’s the background noise, a specific sound related to the subject, or the absence of sound. Closing Sentence: Conclude by explaining how the sounds contribute to the overall impression.

Paragraph 3: Smell

Topic Sentence: Highlight the aspect of smell. Details: Describe the aromas and scents. Whether it’s pleasant or pungent, detail how it impacts the scene or the subject. Closing Sentence: Summarize how the smell adds to the depth of your description.

Paragraph 4: Touch

Topic Sentence: Discuss the sense of touch. Details: Describe the textures and temperatures. Explain how something feels to the touch and why it’s important to your description. Closing Sentence: Link the tactile details to the overall experience.

Paragraph 5: Taste (if applicable)

Topic Sentence: Introduce the sense of taste, if relevant. Details: Describe the flavors and the experience of tasting something related to your subject. Closing Sentence: Reflect on how taste enhances the description.
Summary: Briefly restate your thesis and summarize the main points of your essay. Significance: Explain the significance of the subject and the impact it has made on you or the impression it leaves. Closing Thought: End with a final thought or reflection, leaving the reader with something to ponder.

Example of Descriptive Essay

“The Sunset at the Beach” As I walked down the sandy path towards the ocean, the first thing that struck me was the vast expanse of the sea, stretching endlessly towards the horizon. The sun was beginning to set, painting the sky in shades of orange, pink, and purple. The beauty of the sunset at the beach was a breathtaking spectacle that I had come to witness. Introduction The beach has always been a place of serenity for me, especially during the sunset. The way the sun dipped below the horizon, leaving behind a tapestry of colors, always seemed magical. On this particular evening, the scene was set for a perfect display of nature’s artistry. Body Paragraphs The Vision of the Sunset As I stepped onto the soft, warm sand, my eyes were immediately drawn to the horizon. The sun, a fiery orb, was slowly descending, casting its golden glow across the sky. The clouds, mere wisps earlier in the day, now looked like cotton candy, stained with hues of pink and lavender. The reflection of the sunset on the water added a layer of brilliance to the scene, with the light dancing on the waves as they gently lapped against the shore. The Symphony of the Waves The sound of the waves provided a soothing background melody to the visual spectacle. Each wave crashed against the shore with a rhythm that was both calming and invigorating. In the distance, seagulls called to one another, their cries adding to the orchestral performance of nature. The rustling of the palm leaves in the gentle breeze played a soft, whispering harmony, creating a symphony that only the beach at sunset could offer. The Aromatic Breeze With every breath, the salty tang of the sea air filled my lungs, a distinctive aroma that immediately relaxed my body and mind. There was a freshness to it, a reminder of the vast, untamed ocean before me. Mixed with the faint scent of sunscreen and the earthiness of wet sand, the beach’s aroma was invigorating, grounding me in the moment. The Touch of Nature As I walked along the water’s edge, the cool water washed over my feet, providing relief from the day’s residual heat. The sand, now cooler than the afternoon sun, felt soft and comforting beneath my toes. Occasionally, a stronger wave would rush further up the beach, encouraging me to dig my feet into the sand, feeling the grains shift against my skin. Conclusion The sunset at the beach was not just a visual masterpiece; it was an experience that engaged all the senses. As the sun finally disappeared, leaving behind a sky painted in dark blues and purples, I felt a sense of peace and contentment. The beach at sunset had offered me a moment of beauty, tranquility, and a deep connection with nature. It was an unforgettable scene, etched in my memory, reminding me of the simple, yet profound joys of life.

Descriptive essays generally focus more on visualizing a specific topic of interest. Considering that aspect, showing you what it looks like may be helpful as well. Thus, we cautiously gathered the best samples and templates of descriptive essays for you to rely on, here are they:

Bright Topic Ideas for Your Descriptive Essay

The list of the possible topic ideas for your descriptive essay is limitless. There are a lot of choices to choose from and sometimes, it is really difficult to pick one. If you are being indecisive regarding your topic idea, here are some smart concepts to help you select one.

Descriptive Essay Ideas About People

  • Description of your favorite music genre
  • Treating a popular villain as a good protagonist
  • The right words that would compliment your singing idol
  • Why your squad is the best?
  • What qualities should your future spouse possess?
  • Why your aunt is the best?

Descriptive Essay Ideas About Places

  • Why Manila Bay has the best sunset?
  • The perfect adjective to describe your hometown
  • Details on your recent vacation destination
  • Why your favorite coffee shop is worth the visit?
  • What makes Paris unique?
  • The best description for your workplace

Descriptive Essay Ideas About Things

  • Why your wedding ring is the most luxurious?
  • The description of your favorite blanket
  • What makes your research paper great?
  • Description of your proposed food product
  • Perfume: more than just the bottle
  • Why your bag is great

Descriptive Essay Examples & Templates

Descriptive narrative essay example.

Descriptive Narrative Essay

Descriptive Essay Outline Example

Descriptive Essay Outline

Short Essay Plan Example

Short Essay Plan1

Biographical Narrative Essay Example

Biographical Narrative Essay1

College Narrative Essay Example

College Narrative Essay

Personal Narrative Essay Example

Personal Narrative Essay

Short Narrative Essay Example

Short Narrative Essay1

High School Descriptive Essay Example

High School Narrative Essay1

Free Simple Descriptive Essay Plan

Free Simple Essay Plan

Basic Descriptive Essay Writing Example

Writing Descriptive Example


Short Descriptive Essay Example

Short Descriptive Essay


Descriptive Essay Structuring Example

Structuring Descriptive Essay


Simple Descriptive Essay Example

Descriptive Sample


Narrative Descriptive Essay Example

Narrative Descriptive Sample


Descriptive Essay Prewriting Example

Prewriting Descriptive Essay


Personal Descriptive Essay Example

Personal Descriptive


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Characteristics Essay Example

Descriptive Essay Description Guide Example

Descriptive Essay Description Guide Example


Descriptive Essays about Places Example

Descriptive Essays about Places Example

Excellent Descriptive Essay Example

Excellent Descriptive Essay Examples


Descriptive Essay Writing Exercise Example

Descriptive Essay Writing Exercise Examples

Educational Descriptive Essay Example

Educational Descriptive Essay Examples


Spring Break Descriptive Essay Example

Spring Break Descriptive Essay Examples


Descriptive Essay Sentence Writing Example

Decriptive Essay Sentence Writing Example

Descriptive Essay Paragraph Guidelines Example

Descriptive Essay Paragraph Guidelines Examples

Stylish Descriptive Essay Rubric Example

Stylish Descriptive Essay Rubric Examples

Descriptive Essay Writing Techniques Example

Descriptive Essay Writing Techniques Examples


Free Descriptive Essay Example

Descriptive Essay Example


Basic Descriptive Essay Example

Basic Descriptive Essay


Sample Descriptive Essay Example

Sample Descriptive Essay


Descriptive Essay in PDF Example

Descriptive Essay in PDF

Printable Descriptive Essay Example

Printable Descriptive Essay

Direction Descriptive Essay Example

Direction Descriptive Essay


Descriptive Essay Scoring Guide

Descriptive Essay Scoring Guide


Professional Descriptive Essay

Professional Discriptive Eassy

Descriptive Essay Format Example

Discriptive Eassy Format


Assignment Descriptive Essay Example

Assignment Discriptive Eassy


What are the 4 types of essays?

An essay is an extended piece or composition that shows and supports a thesis or proposition. Essays help the expression of an author’s ideas in various ways. Before composing your own essay, it is important to identify its purpose first, and in doing that, distinguishing its type would be a great beginning. Correspondingly, here are the four different types of essays:

Narrative Essays: to tell

Taking it into its most basic sense, narrative essays are used if the author wants to tell a story about a real-life adventure. This type of essay is expressed in a particular point-of-view. Commonly, it is the author’s viewpoint that is being followed. Moreover, in writing your own short narrative essay , apply realistic emotions and appropriate sensory details to provide your readers with the full taste of your story. By doing this, you are not simply telling them but also engaging them in the story’s sequence and elements. It is also advisable to state verbs as vivid and as precise as possible. The thesis statement of a narrative essay is commonly found in the opening sentence or the last sentence of the introductory paragraph.

Descriptive Essays: to describe

You may confuse yourself between narrative and descriptive essays ; however, differentiating both is really easy. Rather than telling a story, a descriptive essay illustrates a specific topic such as a person, place, experience, emotion, event, etc. by means of words. You don’t simply state your experience in this type of essay; on top of that, you let your reader experience the same thing through your descriptions. In writing your own short descriptive essay , it is important to remember that you are not writing to tell but to show. Using sensory and vivid words is also recommended.

Expository Essays: to uncover and clarify

From its name itself, an expository essay is used to expose something on matters that are known to others. This type of essay is a genre of composition that aims to explain, illustrate, clarify or explicate a certain subject for the readers. Thus, an expository essay could include investigation and evaluation of ideas. This could be derived through comparison and contrast, definition, giving examples, assessment of cause and effect, etc. Moreover, in composing an expository essay, the author set his/her emotions aside for this type of essay is based on mere facts. The first point-of-view is not applied in this essay as well.

Persuasive Essays: to convince

If the expository essays talk about the facts then persuasive essays talk about arguments. The main purpose of a persuasive essay is to win over the trust of the reader to accept your viewpoint, opinion or proposition as the author. In writing a persuasive essay, your opinions should be supported by relevant facts and logical and sound reasoning. Though the essayist should lay all necessary details from both sides of the argument, he/she must comprehensibly explain why one side is correct or more favorable than the other.

Despite essays being categorized into four types, it is also important to know that an essay is not limited to one type only. In some cases,  a narrative essay could also be mixed with a short descriptive essay or a short persuasive essay combined with an expository type. Nevertheless, identifying the purpose of your essay is vital before writing. However, if doing it challenges you, knowing these types is a great substitute.

What Is the Purpose of a Descriptive Essay?

Some people like to watch movies rather than to read books. This is because an actual image is easier to absorb than that on writing. This is why it’s important for a writer to pay close attention to detail. A descriptive essay conclusion should provide the reader with a mental picture of a given matter.

This is especially essential when writing pieces meant for a younger audience, as they have a more imaginative mind than the average adult. A writer must be creative when using imaginative language in order for the reader to properly comprehend what is being portrayed. To do so, the writer should also be knowledgeable about the topic. After all, you don’t want to give your readers the wrong interpretation .

How to Write a Descriptive Essay

A good descriptive essay comes from a knowledgeable and imaginative mind. Thus, in  descriptive writing , it’s important for one to be specific on details. After seeing a few samples that we have shown earlier, here is a step-by-step guideline to help you in composing a descriptive essay worth reading.

1. Choose a topic.

If there is no given topic, it would be great to select one that you are knowledgeable and familiar with. Considering that your whole descriptive essay would revolve on this specific subject, choosing a topic that you recognize would keep everything simpler for you. By doing such, you can freely decide what words are the most appropriate to use; as a result, it will be easier for you to describe your topic. Furthermore, your reader could be meticulous and educated on your subject, so being knowledgeable about your own topic is wise prevention against bad impression.

2. Construct your thesis statement.

Alright, now that you have your own topic already, it is important to know what specific message you want your reader should focus on reading your whole essay. Thus, it is important to always provide a thesis statement , the umbrella sentence of all your ideas. Write this in one concise sentence in your introduction and conclusion. Often, a thesis statement is mentioned in the last sentence of your introductory paragraph.

3. Gather the necessary information and ideas.

Though you are already proficient in your topic, it is still recommendable to research about your specific subject. With this, you are not just gaining new information but also checking the correctness of your knowledge. It would also be great to expand your vocabulary, especially in adjectives and adverbs, since writing one of these involve loads of describing. Moreover, also focus on the sensory words that correspond to sight, smell, taste, sound, and touch of the given subject.

4. Create an outline.

Obtaining all of the significant details, crafting an  essay outline  for your work will allow you to arrange your contents in a rational and chronological order. Also, being educated with different formats in writing an essay would really make a great difference in your composition.

5. Proofread.

After writing your own descriptive essay, it might feel perfect already, but most of the time, it is not. Hence, read your entire work and review if there are any errors pertaining to your grammar and spelling. Furthermore, asking for help from a well-versed friend of yours to conduct a peer-review to your work would be extremely useful.

6. Finalize your composition.

The next thing to do after the editing is to finalize your descriptive essay to its finest version. Make sure that your essay follows a specific format, consisting of the proper  parts of the essay .

Smart Tips for Writing a Descriptive Essay

The fundamentals of the descriptive writing procedures are now given to you; nevertheless, it would always be great to aim for something better. Now, here are some intelligent tips that would make your essay certainly more compelling.

Establish a connection with your writing.

The key to writing a good effective essay  is to have the passion to write it; thus, in choosing your topic it would be great to have a familiar one or a subject that truly makes you curious. Let your interest be the seed of your fruitful composition.

Spend time to think.

In writing your own descriptive essay, let your brain do its job. Do not rush, give yourself an adequate amount of time to ponder on the necessary details that you should include and what approach you should apply. Provide yourself a clear plan of your descriptive essay writing. Moreover, look at your topic from different angles. This will allow you to take a closer look at every detail of your subject.

Apply the word vomit technique.

The word vomit technique or also called as “ free writing ” is the spontaneous use of words without considering any rules. This is a good technique in making a draft of your  starting an essay . It allows your ideas to keep flowing without exerting much effort. Once this is done, you can pick out points that would go well with your essay.

Take a break before finalizing it.

Because right after writing your composition, your thought highly recognizes your word construction; thus, it does not really notice the errors and automatically treats them as correct pieces of your work. Allowing your mind to clear out for a while will make it easier for you to critic your own work. Furthermore, utilizing grammar-checking software is also a splendid move.


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20 Descriptive Paragraph Examples: Mastering the Art of Vivid Writing

Descriptive writing is a powerful tool in a writer's arsenal. It helps paint a picture in the reader's mind, making the content more engaging and memorable. Whether you're a student, a professional writer, or someone looking to improve their writing skills, understanding how to craft compelling descriptive paragraphs is essential.

Descriptive writing is a powerful tool in a writer's arsenal. It helps paint a picture in the reader's mind, making the content more engaging and memorable. Whether you're a student, a professional writer, or someone looking to improve their writing skills, understanding how to craft compelling descriptive paragraphs is essential. In this article, we'll dive into the nuances of descriptive writing, provide 20 unique descriptive paragraph examples, and answer some common questions. Our focus keyword is "descriptive paragraph examples," which we'll explore in depth.

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Why Descriptive Writing Matters

Why Descriptive Writing Matters

Descriptive writing isn't just about detailing what something looks like. It's about engaging all the senses to create a vivid image. Good descriptive writing can transport readers to another place, evoke emotions, and leave a lasting impression. This is crucial in various forms of writing, including:

  • Creative Writing: Descriptive paragraphs bring stories to life.
  • Academic Writing: Detailed descriptions clarify complex concepts.
  • Marketing Content: Vivid descriptions make products and services more appealing.

The Elements of a Great Descriptive Paragraph

A successful descriptive paragraph includes several key elements:

  • Vivid Imagery: Use colorful and specific details.
  • Sensory Details: Engage all five senses to fully immerse the reader.
  • Figurative Language: Metaphors, similes, and personification add depth.
  • Specificity: Avoid vague descriptions; be precise and concrete.

20 Descriptive Paragraph Examples: Enhanced and Detailed

Descriptive writing is an art that involves vivid imagery and sensory details. Here are 20 enhanced and detailed descriptive paragraph examples to inspire your writing.

1. Tranquil Beach Scene

The sun sank slowly behind the horizon, casting a golden glow that kissed the tranquil beach. Waves whispered softly against the shore, their rhythmic dance soothing the soul. The salty air mingled with the faint aroma of coconut from a nearby vendor's sunscreen, creating a comforting scent. Seagulls cawed lazily, their calls adding to the serene ambiance. The sky transformed into a canvas of brilliant pinks and oranges, reflecting off the rippling water and creating a mesmerizing spectacle.

2. Bustling Market

The market thrummed with life as vendors loudly touted their fresh produce, their voices blending into a harmonious cacophony. Stalls overflowed with vibrant fruits and vegetables, each pile a rainbow of colors. The air was thick with the mingled scents of exotic spices, fresh herbs, and sizzling street food. Shoppers navigated the narrow aisles, their laughter and haggling creating a lively soundtrack. The sun cast a warm glow over the scene, illuminating the vivid tapestry of goods and people.

3. Autumn Forest

The forest was a riot of autumn colors, with leaves in every shade of red, orange, and yellow. They crunched underfoot, releasing a woody, earthy scent. The crisp air was filled with the soft rustling of leaves and the occasional chirp of birds. Sunlight filtered through the canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. A gentle breeze whispered through the trees, carrying the promise of approaching winter.

4. Cozy Fireplace

Nestled in the corner, the fireplace crackled and popped, its flames dancing and casting a warm, flickering glow across the room. The scent of burning wood mingled with the sweet aroma of a cinnamon-scented candle. Soft, plush armchairs invited relaxation, their cushions embracing anyone who sat down. The faint sound of jazz music played in the background, adding to the cozy, intimate atmosphere.

5. Rainy Day

Raindrops tapped persistently against the window, creating a soothing, rhythmic melody. The sky was a uniform shade of gray, and the air was cool and fresh, carrying the distinctive scent of rain-soaked earth. Puddles formed on the sidewalk, reflecting the muted light of the overcast sky. The occasional rumble of thunder added a dramatic undertone to the peaceful scene, while the gentle patter of rain provided a calming backdrop.

6. Mountain Hike

The mountain trail wound through dense forests of towering pines, their needles creating a soft, fragrant carpet underfoot. The air was crisp and invigorating, filled with the scent of pine resin and fresh earth. Occasional clearings offered breathtaking vistas of distant peaks, their snow-capped summits glistening in the sunlight. Birds soared overhead, their songs echoing through the trees. The distant sound of a waterfall added to the sense of adventure and natural wonder.

7. Spring Garden

The garden was a symphony of color and fragrance, a testament to spring's renewal. Tulips and daffodils swayed in the gentle breeze, their petals a vivid array of reds, yellows, and pinks. The air was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers, mingling with the earthy aroma of freshly turned soil. Bees buzzed industriously from blossom to blossom, while butterflies fluttered gracefully through the air. A stone path wound through the garden, inviting leisurely strolls and quiet contemplation.

8. Crowded City Street

The city street was alive with activity, a bustling hub of motion and sound. Cars honked impatiently, their drivers navigating through the crowded thoroughfare. Neon signs flashed brightly, advertising restaurants, theaters, and shops. The air was filled with the scent of street food—grilled meats, roasted chestnuts, and exotic spices—mingling with the ever-present smell of exhaust fumes. Pedestrians hurried along the sidewalks, their faces a blur of determination and distraction. Despite the chaos, there was an underlying rhythm, a heartbeat that defined the city's character.

9. Peaceful Meadow

The meadow stretched out like a green ocean, dotted with wildflowers in every conceivable color. Butterflies fluttered from bloom to bloom, their delicate wings adding splashes of color to the vibrant landscape. The air was fresh and sweet, filled with the scent of grass and wildflowers. A gentle breeze rustled the leaves of nearby trees, adding a whispering undertone to the peaceful scene. Birds sang melodiously, their songs creating a harmonious symphony of nature.

10. Snowy Winter Day

Snowflakes drifted softly from the sky, blanketing the world in a pristine layer of white. The air was crisp and cold, each breath visible in the frosty air. Trees stood tall and silent, their branches heavy with snow. The only sound was the crunch of footsteps in the snow, creating a serene and magical winter wonderland. The scent of pine and the faint aroma of wood smoke added to the festive atmosphere, promising warmth and comfort.

11. Desert Sunset

The desert was bathed in the warm, golden light of the setting sun. Sand dunes stretched as far as the eye could see, their curves highlighted by the fading light. The air was hot and dry, with the scent of sagebrush and dust. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the sky transformed into a breathtaking palette of oranges, pinks, and purples. The stillness of the desert amplified the beauty of the moment, creating a sense of peace and wonder.

12. Evening in the City

As night fell, the city came alive with lights and sounds. Streets were illuminated by countless neon signs and streetlights, casting a warm glow on the bustling thoroughfares. The hum of traffic and the buzz of conversation filled the air. Street performers entertained passersby with music, magic tricks, and acrobatics, adding to the vibrant atmosphere. The scent of food from nearby restaurants wafted through the air, making the city feel alive and inviting.

13. Serene Lake

The lake was a mirror, perfectly reflecting the surrounding mountains and trees. The water was calm, disturbed only by the occasional ripple from a fish breaking the surface. The air was fresh and clean, filled with the scent of pine and the distant aroma of a campfire. The gentle lapping of water against the shore added a soothing soundtrack to the natural beauty. It was a place of peace and tranquility, where one could escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

14. Night Sky

The night sky was a canvas of stars, each one twinkling like a tiny diamond. The Milky Way stretched across the sky, a faint band of light in the darkness. The air was cool and still, with the scent of night-blooming flowers adding to the sense of wonder. Crickets chirped softly, their song a gentle accompaniment to the celestial display. It was a reminder of the vastness and beauty of the universe, and the smallness of our place within it.

15. Busy Coffee Shop

The coffee shop buzzed with activity, a hive of energy and motion. Baristas moved quickly behind the counter, expertly crafting lattes, cappuccinos, and espressos. The rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air, mingling with the sweet scent of pastries and baked goods. Customers chatted animatedly, their conversations creating a lively and welcoming atmosphere. Soft jazz music played in the background, adding to the cozy ambiance.

16. Rainforest

The rainforest was alive with sound and color. Birds called out from the canopy, their songs a vibrant tapestry of notes. The air was thick with humidity, filled with the earthy scent of damp soil and decaying leaves. Lush greenery surrounded everything, with vibrant flowers adding splashes of color. The buzz of insects and the distant roar of a waterfall created a symphony of nature. Sunlight filtered through the dense foliage, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor.

17. Quiet Library

The library was a haven of quiet and contemplation. Tall shelves lined with books created a labyrinth of knowledge and stories. The scent of old paper and leather bindings filled the air, creating a comforting aroma. Soft light filtered through large windows, illuminating the reading nooks and study areas. The only sounds were the faint rustle of pages turning and the occasional whisper of a patron seeking assistance. It was a place where time seemed to stand still, offering a refuge from the outside world.

18. Market at Dawn

The market at dawn was a flurry of activity, as vendors set up their stalls and prepared for the day ahead. The air was cool and crisp, filled with the scent of fresh bread, ripe fruit, and blooming flowers. Early risers moved purposefully from stall to stall, their conversations and laughter adding to the vibrant energy. The sun began to rise, casting a warm glow over the scene and illuminating the colorful array of goods. It was a time of anticipation and promise, as the market came to life.

19. Coastal Village

The coastal village was quaint and charming, with fishing boats bobbing gently in the harbor. Their colorful hulls reflected in the clear, calm water. The air was salty and fresh, with the distant sound of seagulls and waves adding to the serene atmosphere. Narrow, cobblestone streets wound through the village, lined with charming cottages and small shops. The scent of freshly baked bread and sea air created a comforting and inviting ambiance.

20. Flower Shop

The flower shop was a burst of color and fragrance, a sanctuary of beauty. Bouquets of roses, lilies, and daisies filled the space, their petals creating a vibrant tapestry. The air was filled with the sweetscent of flowers, mingling with the earthy aroma of potting soil and greenery. Each bouquet was a work of art, carefully arranged to showcase the natural beauty of the blooms. Customers moved slowly through the shop, admiring the vibrant displays and selecting the perfect arrangements. The soft hum of conversation and the gentle rustle of leaves added to the peaceful and inviting atmosphere, making it a haven for anyone seeking a moment of beauty and tranquility.

FAQs About Descriptive Paragraphs

Q: What is a descriptive paragraph? A: A descriptive paragraph is a section of writing that uses vivid details and sensory language to create a picture in the reader's mind, engaging their senses and emotions.

Q: Why are descriptive paragraphs important? A: Descriptive paragraphs enhance the reader's experience, making the content more engaging, memorable, and impactful. They help the reader visualize the scene and connect emotionally with the content.

Q: How can I improve my descriptive writing? A: To improve your descriptive writing:

  • Focus on sensory details to engage all five senses.
  • Use figurative language like metaphors and similes.
  • Be specific and avoid vague descriptions.
  • Practice regularly and read descriptive works by skilled authors for inspiration.

Q: What are some common mistakes in descriptive writing? A: Common mistakes in descriptive writing include:

  • Being too vague or general in descriptions.
  • Overusing adjectives and not incorporating other parts of speech.
  • Neglecting to engage all the senses.
  • Failing to revise and edit for clarity and impact.

Key Takeaways

  • Descriptive paragraphs create vivid images and engage the reader's senses.
  • Use specific details, sensory language, and figurative expressions to enhance your writing.
  • Practice regularly to refine your descriptive writing skills.
  • Refer to descriptive paragraph examples for inspiration and guidance.

Mastering descriptive writing can significantly enhance your ability to connect with readers and convey your message effectively. By incorporating vivid imagery, sensory details, and precise language, you can create engaging and memorable content. Use these 20 descriptive paragraph examples as a reference to inspire your own writing. With practice and attention to detail, you'll soon find yourself crafting descriptive paragraphs that captivate and transport your readers to different worlds.

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AQA GCSE English Language Paper 2: How to Write and Analyse Great Opinion Articles

AQA GCSE English Language Paper 2: How to Write and Analyse Great Opinion Articles

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2.7: The Personal Narrative Essay

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  • Heather Ringo & Athena Kashyap
  • City College of San Francisco via ASCCC Open Educational Resources Initiative

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Assignment TLDR;

This first essay assignment is a chance for me, the instructor and your peers to get to know you. It is also an opportunity to practice MLA formatting & understand basic concepts of storytelling/literature.

Below are the parts to help you scaffold this assignment:

  • Personal Narrative Rough Draft
  • Personal Narrative Peer Review
  • Personal Narrative Final Draft

The following readings will help you with the technical aspects of the essay:

  • The Writing Process
  • MLA Formatting

The following readings are effective examples of personal narratives you can use to help you craft your essay:

  • Creative Nonfiction Readings
  • Student Sample Personal Narratives

The following activity will help you get started:

  • Descriptive Imagery Worksheets

The in-depth essay directions follow.

Detailed Directions

For this writing assignment, students are to use what they have learned about Creative Nonfiction to write a personal narrative of their own.

To review, creative nonfiction tells a true story in an artistic -- or literary -- way. This means that the story has certain elements, such as descriptive imagery, setting, plot, conflict, characters, imagery, metaphors, and other literary devices. A personal narrative , then, is a work of creative nonfiction that is, well, personal . Usually, a personal narrative is narrated in first-person, though sometimes it can be written in third-person. Though writing about your personal experiences is often the subject of a personal narrative, if you are feeling self-conscious the story does not necessarily have to be about you: often writers will write about someone they love, an object, a place, or even a stranger with a remarkable story.

Scope, or how "big" of a story you choose to tell, is an important consideration for a personal narrative. Since you have limited time in your literature or writing class, you will probably not be able to write an autobiography or memoir. For 750-1500 words, it is best to focus on a single moment in time. An effective example of this might be "The Fourth of July" by Audre Lorde (Date unknown) or "The Death of the Moth" by Virginia Woolf (1942). But if you have a story that stretches over a few days rather than a few minutes or hours, journal entries or letters ( epistolary form) can be an effective method to tell a drawn-out story through a series of vignettes , or image-centric flashes of memory. Please see the story "Bajadas" by Francisco Cantu (2015) for an effective example of the epistolary form. Lastly, some authors choose to organize their essays with anchoring images or subheaders. For an effective example of this form of personal narrative, see "Girl" by Alexander Chee (2016). Take a look at the readings in this chapter to get some ideas about scope. After examining these professional examples, it's time to tell your story! So where is a good place to start? Think about a metamorphic moment in your life.

Metamorphic Moments

a brilliant blue butterfly rests on a leaf

"Untitled" by morganglines , 17 June 2007, published on Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

What does metamorphic mean? Think of the caterpillar's metamorphosis into a butterfly while in the chrysalis. Similarly, a metamorphic moment is an intense moment or experience which profoundly impacts or changes a person. It could be the happiest moment of a person's life, such as a wedding, birth of a child, or graduation from college. It could be the worst moment of a person's life, like the moment they realized their dream job was not a good fit after all, the moment they realized racism was real, the moment they lost someone they loved, or the moment they realized their lifelong hero was a fraud. It could be a hilarious moment, a scary moment, an extremely embarrassing moment: essentially, it is a moment that made you see the world in a new way or transformed you from the person you were to the person you are .

Whatever the moment might be, the important idea to remember is to tell a story in a way which immerses the reader: that you make the reader feel like they are there by describing the moment in great detail using your five senses; that you use metaphors; that you have a setting, conflict, and some kind of character growth. A great essay makes a reader forget they are reading an essay. It transports them to your world. It forces them to see the world through your narrator's eyes. As one of my favorite mentors, Caroline Kremers, once said about engaging readers with your writing, "go for the jugular." (Note: please do not physically assault your readers. This is a metaphor.)

Descriptive Imagery: Showing vs. Telling

moon glimmering on still black water

"moon" by George Lezenby , 14 Sep. 2017, published on Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

“Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” ― Anton Chekhov

Which of the above lakes would you want to visit? Which one paints a more immersive picture, making you feel like you are there? When writing a story, our initial instinct is usually to make a list of chronological moments: first I did this, then I did this, then I did that, it was neat-o. That might be factual, but it does not engage the reader or invite them into your world. It bores the reader. Ever been stuck listening to someone tell a story that seems like it will never end? It probably was someone telling you a story rather than using the five senses to immerse you . In the example above, the writer uses visual (sight), auditory (sound), olfactory (smell), tactile (touch), or gustatory (taste) imagery to help the reader picture the setting in their mind. By the final draft, the entire story should be compelling and richly detailed. While it's fine to have an outline or first draft that recounts the events of the story, the final draft should include dialogue, immersive description, plot twists, and metaphors to capture your reader's attention as you write.

an aquamarine alpine lake surrounded by trees with a snow-capped mountain in the background

"Eibsee Lake" by barnyz , 2 August 2011, published on Flickr CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Need a more specific prompt to get you inspired? Check out the 7 Personal Insight Questions from the University of California's Personal Statement Prompts for Transfer Students . Interested in transferring or applying to another college or scholarship? An effective personal statement is a story that captures the attention of your readers (the college admissions team) and shows them why you are a good fit for the school/scholarship.

Why Write A Personal Narrative, Anyway?

First of all, writing a piece of creative work will help students gain an appreciation for the skill and effort which goes into writing, and helps them recognize common literary devices. It will help you get acquainted with some of the basic elements of writing, such as specificity, writing process, and time management. It will also allow you to practice MLA formatting . This will come in handy for future essays. But personal narratives are not just for literature and creative writing classes!

Believe it or not, writing a personal narrative is an extremely useful skill for anyone to master. Besides helping you get into colleges and win scholarship money, you can use it to ace job interviews, get Instagram or YouTube followers, sell a product to customers through effective marketing, or share the most interesting parts of yourself with a new friend or romantic interest. In science? Telling the story of your research can help you get grants from the government. In the medical field? Listening to patient stories can help you better provide quality care. Small business owner? Personal narratives can help attract clients (think of the "About Us" section of websites!). Passionate about social justice? A powerful personal narrative can quite literally change the world. Whatever your future career or interests, effective storytelling can make a difference in your life. So what are you waiting for? Let's get writing!


  • First, write a list of as many "metamorphic moments" you can think of.
  • Next, write a list of the most important or memorable places you have been.
  • Lastly, write a list of objects which hold symbolic importance to you.

After you have written these lists, wait at least a day. Then come back and circle the 3 list items which you feel will make the best essay, or that you feel most strongly drawn to write about.

Once you find three moments, try making a brainstorming web. Write any associated words, objects, ideas, and descriptive imagery (all five senses) you associate with this moment, place, or object. Finally, pick the topic upon which you were able to generate the most ideas. This could be your essay topic!

Free Writing

Find a quiet place and set a timer for 10 minutes. Write as much as possible on your topic, as much as you can remember, in as vivid of detail as possible. Try to keep the pen moving on the page without stopping. Do not worry about grammar, spelling, punctuation, or that mean little critical voice in your head. Your job is just to get ideas down. Pretend you are trying to explain the memory to someone who has never met the people you are describing or has never been to the place where the story takes place. How would you describe the moment to an alien? That is usually a good way to ensure you are very detailed!

Other Generative Writing Ideas

  • Find a picture that means a lot to you. While it is clear to you why this picture is important, it is likely not clear to a stranger. Try to describe to a stranger all the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and feelings of the moment so that they understand why the picture is meaningful to you.
  • Find an image, object, action, or place/scene that is important to you. Use this descriptive imagery worksheet by Shane Abrams to help you describe that object.

Learning Outcomes

  • Analyze and employ logical and structural methods such as inductive and deductive reasoning, cause and effect, and logos, ethos, and pathos.
  • Use style, diction, and tone appropriate to the academic community and the purpose of the specific writing task; proofread and edit essays for presentation so they exhibit no disruptive errors in English grammar, usage, or punctuation

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ETI45 - GCSE English Text Guide - An Inspector Calls includes Online Edition & Quizzes

GCSE English Text Guide - An Inspector Calls includes Online Edition & Quizzes

  • Product code: ETI45
  • ISBN: 9781841461151

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If you’re trying to hunt down a top grade, you’re on the right track. This brilliant Text Guide contains everything GCSE English students need to write simply marvellous essays on J.B. Priestley's An Inspector Calls .

It’s packed with crystal-clear, easy-to-read notes on the plot, characters, themes, writer’s techniques and context - plus quick warm-up activities, in-depth exercises and realistic exam-style questions at the end of sections, alongside challenging questions for students aiming for Grades 8-9. Not only is this book packed with essay advice and engaging activities, it’ll also gives you access to our online Sudden Fail quizzes — ideal for putting your skills to the test! To round it all off, we’ve rustled up a classic CGP cartoon-strip summary of the text to help remind you of all the important plot points.

What’s more, there's a free Online Edition with even more activities for specific exam boards — ideal if you’re on the move!

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See all GCSE English Literature Text Guides

  • Key Stage: KS4
  • Subject: English
  • Years Covered: 10-11
  • Level: 9-1 (GCSE)
  • Media: Book
  • Colour: Full Colour
  • Publication Date: 2021
  • No of Pages: 76

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  1. SOLUTION: IGCSE Descriptive essay writing

    descriptive writing essay examples igcse

  2. Descriptive Writing for IGCSE

    descriptive writing essay examples igcse

  3. 😂 Descriptive examples. 7+ Descriptive Essay Examples, Samples. 2019-01-04

    descriptive writing essay examples igcse

  4. Educate that beautiful mind of yours 👑

    descriptive writing essay examples igcse

  5. Descriptive Writing IGCSE

    descriptive writing essay examples igcse

  6. SOLUTION: IGCSE Descriptive essay writing

    descriptive writing essay examples igcse


  1. A* Tips IGCSE First Language English 0500

  2. Describe your favorite person

  3. English First Language Descriptive writing: An Afternoon in the City Park

  4. English First Language Descriptive writing: The library

  5. Descriptive Writing

  6. English First Language Descriptive writing: ORCHARD


  1. Descriptive Writing: How to Get Full Marks

    The style of your descriptive writing is closely related to the language you use. For example, the best descriptive writing responses show evidence of careful word choices and the deliberate but judicious use of linguistic techniques. Descriptive writing helps the reader to visualise the person, place, or situation being described.

  2. PDF Example Candidate Responses

    IGCSE FIRST LANGUAGE ENGLISH SYLLABUS 0500 CONTENTS Introduction 2 ... Note: Examples of assessed coursework (Component 4 - taken by candidates who are not offering Paper 3) ... descriptive and narrative writing and can be used as a useful teaching tool. 0500 First Language English Standards Booklet 3 PAPER 1: INTRODUCTION

  3. IGCSE First Language English Descriptive Composition Essay Bank

    Generally, a site membership (premium) is required for you to view this Composition essay bank in entirety, and it will give you access to all essays for exams across 2021 till 2023, written to the highest specifications. Feel free to view the samples below! (A Free membership is required).

  4. Descriptive Essays

    In descriptive essays, you have to describe a person, place or thing. If the question states "describe a person that helped you in the time of need", don't just go on about how the person helped you, you have to describe the person and his attributes as well. Describing people: Add the characteristics of the person such as "tall, well ...

  5. IGCSE First Language English

    First, let's look at a Level 4 essay. Write a description with the title, 'By the light of the Moon'. (Winter 2022, Paper 2, Variant 2). Bathed in the ethereal silver glow, the sleepy village nestled amidst the embrace of hills, a blanket of peace enshrouding it. The moon, like a watchful guardian, cast its pale light upon the quiet ...

  6. IGCSE First Language English Paper 2: Descriptive Writing

    Section B of Paper 2 gives the student four options to choose from: two descriptive prompts and two narrative prompts. This post will give some suggestions for succeeding in the descriptive writing. Below are sample descriptive prompts: Write a description with the title 'The playground.'. Write a description with the title, 'The factory'.

  7. The English Language for IGCSE: Descriptive Writing

    Descriptive writing in IGCSE is often considered the more demanding of the two options during the exam (narrative and descriptive), as rather than simply rambling on, it requires a relatively strong vocabulary to describe the relevant mood, creative and original syntheses of images, and fluency. It also requires touching on certain devices and points, like literary devices (metaphors, similes ...


    Write about 350 to 450 words on one of the following questions. Answer on this question paper. Up to 16 marks are available for the content and structure of your answer, and up to 24 marks for the style and accuracy of your writing. EITHER Descriptive writing 2 Describe an occasion when a group of people are eating together. OR Descriptive writing

  9. IGCSE First Language English

    In today's video, I'll be giving you my top five tips on how to craft powerful descriptive writing, as well as showing you what a top-band piece of descripti...

  10. A* Descriptive Writing for IGCSEs

    For descriptive composition, you need to keep in mind that you are NOT writing a story. There is no plot, no climax, probably no dialogue. You can have a character and a setting, like in a narrative, but you will stick to describing the character and the setting. Your descriptive composition should NOT cover a span of time like a narrative.

  11. Descriptive Essay Examples │ A Level, GCSE and O Level

    100+ Captivating Descriptive Essay Topics, Exemplary Examples, and Expert Guidance. Welcome to our oasis of descriptive essay topics and expert guidance in the realm of descriptive writing. Whether you are an A Level, O Level, or IGCSE student, our platform has meticulously curated a collection of 100+ best descriptive essay topics ...

  12. Descriptive Writing for IGCSE First Language Exam

    Tips for Descriptive Writing -- IGCSE First Language Directed Writing and Composition paper. 1. In this paper, narrative means a story, and descriptive means NOT a story. For descriptive writing, you do not need a plot, a conflict, characters, or any of that other stuff you need for narrative writing. 2.

  13. PDF Language Paper 1: Question 5 Descriptive Writing Practice

    Descriptive Writing Write a description of a wood as suggested by this picture: REMINDER You must include: • a range of linguistic devices • a range of punctuation • ambitious vocabulary • varied structural features. Plan before you write. Consider what you need to include (specifically) and where you will include it; create a tick list.

  14. IGCSE First Language English

    I decided to answer the descriptive writing task from one of the May/June 21 papers - here's my piece!#DirectedWritingAndComposition #DescriptiveWriting #Paper2

  15. Writing

    When studying the Cambridge IGCSE First Language English course, learners will need to be able to write in a range of different styles and forms and for different audiences and purposes. ... These are: descriptive, narrative, and transactional writing. For example, writing to discuss, writing to argue and writing to persuade.

  16. Mastering IGCSE English: Crafting Descriptive Stories

    Let us learn more about the descriptive writing question which is part of Paper 2 of English as the first language (EFL). This question tests the following assessment objectives: Articulate experience and express what is thought, felt, and imagined. Arrange and structure ideas and opinions for calculated effect.

  17. How to Score High for Descriptive Writing

    1) Use adjectives and provide details. There was a farm a bit far away. This is not a bad sentence by any means. However, we can instantly liven up the sentence by adding a few adjectives: There was a pleasant old farm at the very edge of the village, from where the grasslands began. By mentioning the farm as 'a pleasant old farm', there is an ...

  18. 15 Good Descriptive Essay Examples for All Students

    Descriptive Essay Example 5 Paragraph. 5 paragraphs essay writing format is the most common method of composing an essay. This format has 5 paragraphs in total. The sequence of the paragraphs is as follows; Introduction. Body Paragraph 1. Body Paragraph 2. Body Paragraph 3. Conclusion.

  19. AQA GCSE English Descriptive Writing Full Mark Answer A*/L9 Grade

    A full mark descriptive writing plan + example answer (L9 / A* Grade). It's written in response to a question for AQA GCSE English Language Paper 1, Section B (Q5), but suitable for any students studying GCSE or iGCSE English language. This digital + printable pdf resource + PowerPoint includes the following: THE QUESTION

  20. Essays on igcse english descriptive writing examples

    The Igcse english descriptive writing examples is one of the most popular assignments among students' documents. If you are stuck with writing or missing ideas, scroll down and find inspiration in the best samples. Igcse english descriptive writing examples is quite a rare and popular topic for writing an essay, but it certainly is in our database.

  21. Descriptive Essay

    Essays are written due to various reasons and purposes. Some of the authors want to inform, some want to expose while some want to persuade. However, in descriptive essay writing, the essayist composes for the sake of displaying a picture out of his/her describing words.It may sound easy and simple but don't be deceived, there are still more to learn.

  22. 20 Descriptive Paragraph Examples: Mastering the Art of Vivid Writing

    20 Descriptive Paragraph Examples: Enhanced and Detailed. Descriptive writing is an art that involves vivid imagery and sensory details. Here are 20 enhanced and detailed descriptive paragraph examples to inspire your writing. 1. Tranquil Beach Scene. The sun sank slowly behind the horizon, casting a golden glow that kissed the tranquil beach.

  23. AQA GCSE English Language Paper 2: How to Write and Analyse Great

    Have a resource on us! View our FREE Descriptive Writing answer to see whether the complete bundle is right for you. ... Q3 Breakdown + Model Answers L5-L9 - Section A Q4: How to Write a Comparative Essay + Examples - Exam Preparation: AQA Language Paper 2 Section A SECTION B RESOURCES: - Section B Q5 - Nonfiction Writing - Section B: Example A ...

  24. 2.7: The Personal Narrative Essay

    Then come back and circle the 3 list items which you feel will make the best essay, or that you feel most strongly drawn to write about. Once you find three moments, try making a brainstorming web. Write any associated words, objects, ideas, and descriptive imagery (all five senses) you associate with this moment, place, or object.

  25. GCSE English Text Guide

    Like Dr Jekyll, we all have a dark side… but this Text Guide will help students make sure examiners see them at their best! It contains everything they need to write unbeatable essays about Robert Louis Stevenson's classic tale Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, and it's suitable for all major GCSE English exam boards.. Inside, you'll find clear, thorough notes on the novel's context, plot ...

  26. Steps To Write An Essay Introduction With Examples

    A well-crafted introduction sets the stage for a compelling essay. It captures the reader's attention, provides essential background information, and outlines the central argument or thesis. This essay writing guide will help you write an essay introduction that engages your readers and clearly presents your essay's purpose.

  27. GCSE English Text Guide

    If you're trying to hunt down a top grade, you're on the right track. This brilliant Text Guide contains everything GCSE English students need to write simply marvellous essays on J.B. Priestley's An Inspector Calls.. It's packed with crystal-clear, easy-to-read notes on the plot, characters, themes, writer's techniques and context - plus quick warm-up activities, in-depth exercises ...

  28. Literature

    Literature is any collection of written work, but it is also used more narrowly for writings specifically considered to be an art form, especially novels, plays, and poems, and including both print and digital writing. In recent centuries, the definition has expanded to include oral literature, much of which has been transcribed. Literature is a method of recording, preserving, and ...