
  • Degree Abroad

Arches and walkway at Stanford University

Applying for University Abroad? Here’s How to do it Right

Danielle DeSimone

Danielle graduated from the University of Mary Washington with degrees in English, creative writi...

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You know what’s better than study abroad? Attending universities abroad all four years instead! Trust us when we say: if you think studying abroad for a summer or semester would change your life, imagine how incredible it would be to spend your entire college career in another country!

As a full-time student in a university abroad, you’ll have the amazing opportunity to not only receive a top-notch education, but also push yourself outside of your comfort zone and expand your worldview. Learning will take place both inside and outside of the classroom! But before you embark on years of exploration, adventure, and a nifty international degree...you have to apply to your dream schools!

Blond woman with black leather backpack standing in front of row houses

You’re ready to hit the books—abroad! But first, you need to get all your ducks in a row applying to universities abroad.

The idea of applying to any school can be intimidating, but even more so when applying to schools abroad – but never fear! GoAbroad is here with five hot tips when applying for university abroad to make sure the process is smooth and successful!

How to apply for abroad universities like a rock star 

1. get organized.

Remember when you were a kid and your mom used to force you to clean and organize your room, yelling: You’ll thank me someday! Guess what? This is your mom’s chance to say “I told you so.” Organization is key when applying to university abroad.

First of all, you’re going to have to study up on the application process of universities abroad. Depending on where you plan on living and studying, the application process may be very different from applying to universities back home.

Next, make a calendar of application (and visa!) deadlines. Things like recommendation letters, transcripts, and essays can take a while to put together, so the earlier you start, the better! Also, if you’re mailing all these documents to your university abroad, rather than submitting them electronically, make sure to factor in how long it takes for mail to travel across the world. Making a spreadsheet to keep everything clean and organized when applying to universities abroad is never a bad idea either!

Submitting your visa application is just as important as submitting your application for universities overseas. Most—if not all—countries require international students to start the school year off with a visa, which allows you to study in your chosen country. Visas and visa requirements vary by country, so be sure to do your research and contact the closest consulate if you have any questions. Remember that processing a visa can sometimes be a lengthy process, so submit your application early! 

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Brick walkway at the Forest Research Institute Dehadrun, India

Be part of cutting-edge international research and study all around the world, and walk the hallowed halls your academic heroes once roamed.

2. Set goals

When applying for university abroad, it’s important to set both your dream goals and your realistic goals. Just as you would when applying for universities in your home country, you shouldn’t just apply to only one university abroad. Apply for your dream schools, but don’t forget to apply to a few backup schools as well!

Don’t forget to set some personal goals for yourself and your degree too! What’s your career/life game plan? How will applying to these international universities abroad help you achieve those goals? To get what you want, you have to know what you want. Be specific, dig deep, and do your research on the resources that these universities can provide you for your degree, and in your future career.

3. Write a kick-@#$ personal statement

Your personal statement/essay is your time to shine! It’s your perfectly-crafted moment of glory where you explain to your future university abroad exactly why you’re the perfect match for the school. As an international student, when writing your personal statement, be sure to express your commitment to living and studying abroad.

Writing a personal statement is like an exercise in personal reflection. You have to take a moment and think about what motivates you, what drives you, what inspires you to spend your entire collegiate career abroad. Your future university wants to know how studying at their school matches your academic goals, and why you want to study there. They want to get to know you as a prospective student and a person. Once you’ve blown away the admissions department with your brilliant writing, you’ll only be a few short steps away from living your best life abroad!

Still feel like you need a little more advice on how to write an incredible application essay? Check out these tips here .  

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people studying in library

First, apply for university abroad. Second, find your favorite study spot.

4. Rock the interview

Even though you’re probably thousands of miles away from the universities overseas that you’ve applied to, technology makes interviewing international students all too easy. So yes, even though you live an entire ocean away from your dream school, you’ll still have to go through the somewhat nerve-racking experience of a college interview.

Interviews can seem intimidating, but they’re actually a great way to set yourself apart and make a distinct impression on the admissions counselors. As you prep for your interview, be sure to refer to your personal statement and remind yourself of the reasons you gave for wanting to study at this university, and for studying at a university abroad in general.

It’s a good idea to brush up on current affairs that affect the home country of your university before your interview, and it never hurts to study some of the social customs and greetings of the country! This will show your interviewers that you have a good grasp of global affairs and an understanding of your future home country’s culture. The most important interview prep of all? Get a good night’s sleep the night before!

5. Contact the school

When in doubt, shout it out! And by that we mean, don’t be afraid to reach out to the university (or universities) you are applying to—especially if you’re transferring universities to abroad. You should absolutely contact the admissions office, the university’s study abroad/international students’ office, and the academic department of whatever major you plan on pursuing.

By simply reaching out to these faculty and administration and introducing yourself, you’ll be putting your name out there. If you are able to build a relationship with the person on the other end of the phone/email, who knows! They may put in a good word for you when your application is being processed and reviewed by the university.

Even better? When you get accepted, you’ll already have a few familiar faces to say hello to when you arrive on campus!

[ Keep reading about applying for university abroad in our expert article’s directory ]

Quad/open space with art on building at Ryerson University, Toronto

Experience a whole new world when you attend universities overseas.

Universities abroad you’ll definitely want to apply to

1. king’s college london—england.

Ranked one of the top universities not just in the United Kingdom, not just in Europe, but in the world, King’s College London is an incredible option for students applying to universities abroad. London is a lively, diverse metropolitan hub, with international students from all over the world. You’ll fit right into a student scene brimming with culture and cutting-edge academics.

Related: Read King’s College London reviews | Visit their site

hankuk logo

2. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies—S. KOREA

As a powerhouse economy, politics, and culture in Asia, studying at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies in Seoul, South Korea, is perfect for students hoping to get a first-hand look at Korean society, government, and language. The city of Seoul is known for its popping entertainment and food scenes, so you’ll never be lost with nothing to do!

Related: Read Hankuk University of Foreign Studies reviews | Visit their site  

monash university logo

3. Monash University—AUSTRALIA

Want to study at one of the top universities in the Pacific Ocean and immerse yourself in one of the most artistic, food-centered cultural city hubs? Studying at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, might be just the place for you.

Australian universities have esteemed reputations for being the leaders in science and research, and Monash is no different. Students looking to be on a campus of innovation and student-led projects will find the perfect home at Monash University. Outside of the walls of the university are the streets of Melbourne, a city that is just as effortlessly hip as it is welcoming.

Related: Read reviews | Visit their site

Universidad del Pacífico logo

4. Universidad del Pacífico—PERU

Lima, Peru: a combination of Spanish colonial architecture, indigenous vibrancy, and Peruvian liveliness! It’s an expansive metropolitan city in a country known for rolling hills and mountains, and the Universidad del Pacífico is one of the most esteemed universities in Latin America. Known particularly for its economics, law, and business programs, this university offers unparalleled experiences for international students looking to get a grasp of South American markets and politics.

Related: Read Universídad del Pacifico reviews | Visit their site

[ See all universities abroad ]

Arches and walkway at Stanford University

Ready to walk picturesque halls and pull all-nighters in insta-worthy libraries?

Next steps when applying for university abroad

So you’ve gotten through the challenging and time-consuming process of applying to a university abroad. Congratulations! Now you just sit around and anxiously wait to hear back from the universities, right?

Wrong! You don’t just apply for university abroad and call it good. You’ve still got a few things to knock out in preparation for that shiny and exciting acceptance letter heading your way in the mail.

1. Study the language

If you’ll be attending universities abroad in a country that does not speak your native language, you’ll definitely want to study up on the language of your future home. Many universities abroad provide classes in English, but even if that’s the case, you should still make an effort to learn the language of your new home country. Not only will this help you in your academics, it will also help you immerse yourself in the local culture of the country.

Learning the language is your ticket in for making friends with other students and navigating the daily life of someone living in (fill in your dream country’s name here). Learning a language abroad is basically a guaranteed survival tool when moving to a new country!

2. Apply for scholarships

Good news! Many universities abroad want to recruit international students to their shores so they can have a more diverse student body. Because of this, there are a lot of scholarships out there for international students to make studying abroad more enticing, and they’re yours for the picking! After all, scholarships are literally just free money, and all you have to do is submit a killer scholarship essay to snag them.

There are literally thousands of scholarships out there, and you can search for any and all of them in GoAbroad’s Scholarship Directory . 

[Check out this infographic: Should I Get my Degree Abroad or at Home? ]

3. lock down that visa.

Many countries require international students to acquire student visas in order for them to reside and study in the country. You can find most information regarding visa application deadlines and requirements on the official website of your university’s country’s website. However, be sure to also reach out to the local consulate or embassy so you can double-check and be absolutely sure of the process!

Keep in mind that it can sometimes take a long time for visa applications to process, and you make have to cut through a lot of bureaucratic red tape to obtain one. So be sure to submit your application as early as possible! Without a visa, you can’t live out your dreams of studying in your dream country at your dream university! 

girl in graduation gown and red tassel popping champagne

Today you’re applying for university abroad, but before you know it you’ll be celebrating graduation!

4. Research your future home

“Home” can mean two things: your actual home (where you will be living) and your new home country. Many universities in countries such as the United Kingdom will provide housing for their students in the form of dorms or on-campus apartments. However, in other countries, universities may not guarantee housing, or provide it at all. Do your research before you jump on that plane, because you might need to find your own apartment. Luckily, there are plenty of resources for students looking for shared housing online on message boards and apartment-sharing websites. 

You’ll also want to research the other side of “home” - the country you’ll be living in! It’s always a good idea to study up on the history, culture, and traditions of the country you’ll be living in. Having an in-depth knowledge of your new home will allow you to appreciate it far more, and you’ll be ready to navigate the streets like a real pro! Researching the country beforehand and knowing what you’re in for may also help you cope with the effects of culture shock . 

[ Prepare early: Download this planning timeline we made just for you ]

If you're applying for university abroad, you’re ready… almost .

Applying for a university abroad can be a challenging, stressful process, but if you follow these tips and get all your paperwork on time, you’ll be all set to go. You can use MyGoAbroad to compare programs and schools side-by-side, and help you narrow down what universities you’d like to apply to. 

If you’re still a bit overwhelmed by the process of choosing where you’d like to go, you can always use GoAbroad’s Online Advisors to get some customized advice, based on your interests and experience. You’ll be on a plane and on your way to an international degree in no time!

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application letter for university abroad

Application Letters for Colleges Abroad – X Tips and Best Practices

Application Letters for Colleges Abroad - X Tips and Best Practices

Seeking admission to a college or a university abroad requires student to follow the predefined admission process, submit the essential documents, along with the demanded application letters. While applying abroad, most of the programs require an official college application letter, letter of recommendation (LOR), Statement of Purpose (SOP), etc. Unlike other documentation, application letters plays a vital role in the complete process of admission and hence it is necessary for student to ensure their application contains the required information and the shared information is true. The shared information needs to be in an easy to understand language with no grammatical errors and irrelevant information.

Though an application form is submitted online, a cover letter for university application is mostly a one-page letter disclosing the reasons why the candidate wants to study in a different country and the objective. An appropriately written and convincing motivation letter helps students in starting a new exciting journey of studying in one of the top universities in abroad. Writing a college application letter requires student to have good command on the English language, effective writing skills, and good convincing power.

Let us learn about cover letter for university application and the ways to write an effective cover letter/application letter for university admission abroad.  

How to write a college application letter?

A well drafted college application letter need to have the key essentials included. Students can seek assistance of their friend or the professional counsellors at Study Smart to have a clarification on the different aspects of application letter writing. Student have to justify and need to convince university for higher studies and the course student is interested in. It is a good idea to mention the name of the university.

  •       Briefly mention all the reasons, talk about experience, from work to study experience, and/or academic qualifications.
  •       Ask for a request.
  •       Make the write-up easy to understand.
  •      Also mention address. In addition to student mailing address, write an accurate e-mail address, phone number, and other essential details.

12 Tips on Application Letter for Colleges and Universities Abroad

  • Research well about application
  • Format cover letter correctly
  • Look for a name to address
  • Commence with an impactful introduction
  • Mention academic results and achievements
  • Include key projects and work experiences
  • Include relevant information and mention application purpose
  • Keep the application brief
  • Highlight your skills and certifications
  • Close application with a proper conclusion
  • Prepare the required LOR, SOP, or personal statement
  • Collect all the necessary documents that include the following –
  • References letter
  • Identification documents
  • Academic transcripts and degrees
  • Personal statements
  • C.V / Resume
  • Certificates of extracurricular activities
  • Score sheet of language tests
  • Proof of professional work experience

Importance of cover letter for university admission

A college application letter is a document that focuses on the student’s suitability for admission to a particular program. A well-written letter highlights the student’s characteristics, qualities, capabilities, skills, and work ethics. In case student is applying for courses like MBA, MS, Computer Science, etc. also make sure to include a letter of recommendation. The Different types of LORs include:

Types of Letters: LORs

There are three kinds of, including academic recommendations, employment recommendations, and character recommendations.

An overview of each kind of recommendation letter is mentioned below:

Academic Recommendation Letters

Most students taking admission in a particular course are asked for these kinds of recommendations. Most colleges or universities offering admission to students for undergraduate and graduate courses ask for Academic Recommendation Letters . Each student is supposed to produce at least two or three letters of recommendation.

Information about the student, work achievements, character references, and personal details is recommended. These recommendations can be taken by school teachers, principals, coaches, and other education professionals who guided students in the past and are well aware of their academic skills. Many students make mistake while writing collage application letter which is not good. Writing an incorrect application letter can result in rejection of your admission application.

Employment Recommendations

Students planning to get a new job are supposed to produce letters of recommendation. Also working professionals willing to continue studies or to do specialized courses need to submit LOR from employers if demanded by the university students have chosen for their studies overseas. Information like the candidate’s employment history, job performance, work ethic, etc. is mentioned in the cover letter for university admission. Most of the time employment recommendations are written by former (or current employers) or a direct project manager. It is advisable to carry at least three career references to showcase qualities in the most desirable way.

Character References

These kinds of letters of recommendation are mainly required while opting for housing accommodations, legal situations, child adoption, and some situations where the other party must know all the accurate details about a person’s character. Character recommendation letters are mostly written by ex-employers, landlords, known ones in business, neighbours, etc.

The Essential Things to Know While Applying

Why Do You Want to Study Abroad?

The first and the foremost question that student must be well prepared for this question, why you want to study abroad and not in your home country. Though it seems to be an obvious question, student must know the reasons for studying abroad as it makes a huge impact on university.

  •       I only wanted to move out of my home country.
  •       I want to get married and settle “international.”
  •       My relatives went abroad, so I also wanted to try it.

Rather, Say:

  •       I want to develop my skills, both personally and professionally, and get an international learning experience.
  •       I wanted to know the country’s new culture, history, and language and explore the same.
  •       I strongly believe that I am a perfect fit for a program that invites students from all over the world.
  •       I wanted to learn new mythology of studying.

How much Abroad Experience do you have?

When selecting international students, most recruiters know that it might be not be the right course for everyone. By choosing an international student with no experience and being far from home, universities don’t want to take the risk and thus don’t select someone who is not ready to live abroad and might quit the program in between the course. Thus, while getting interviewed, never say that – “I’m are not sure how things will go on”. Also regarding international traveling, never say that I have travelled earlier but it was a bad experience.

  •       Although I have never lived or studied abroad before, I love travelling and exploring new traditions. Say that I’m look for an opportunity to expand my skills.
  •       Being a learner, I always look forward to meet new challenges and studying independently abroad.

  What is a Statement of Purpose?

Many universities ask applicants to write an essay mentioning students personal and academic skills and why choosing the particular program. While writing a personal and academic statement, it is important to mention what student wanted to learn by doing the universities program and how it will provide student with an international study abroad experience. The personal and academic statement must be written on letter-size paper and run between 1 to 2 pages in length.

Student can explore online for detailed information. Student can alternatively also consult the professional academic counselors at Study Smart Overseas Education study centres located in Pune, Delhi, Surat, and other cities in India.

Letter Sample 1

June 1, 2022 XYZ Language School, London

Personal Statement by Anubhav

My name is Anubhav. I am writing this letter explaining my reason for applying to your prestigious university. I am looking forward to working as an international specialist at a renowned organization. I wanted to pursue MBA in London to earn an international degree to fulfill my career goal. I have completed my BBA degree from IP University based in my home country India. Pursuing MBA from your university provides students like me with a variety of international education opportunities including intensive English courses, internship programs, etc. Also, I wanted to improve my English skills and learn about a new culture. I am applying to your business school for many reasons. First, your regular program will give me the opportunity to apply and study in London. Secondly, the program offered at your university has a very good reputation. Lastly, the fewer students: teacher ratio encourages me to apply there. I strongly believe XYZ is the ideal place for me to fulfill my academic goals. Yours Sincerely, (Signature) Anubhav  

Sample Letter 2

I am interested in pursuing graduate studies in Political Science from your international university. I have obtained my B.A. degree from XYZ University last year. I would greatly appreciate you sending me application materials, such as course details, financial aid options, and employment opportunities for foreign graduate students. Please provide all the details at the mentioned address.

The majority of the students are being asked to write a cover letter for admission in university during their entire professional career. Whether student is writing a Letter of Recommendation , collage application letter, or something else, it’s vital to know all the basics of writing an effective letter .

To know more about the tricks of writing a cover letter for university application, get in touch with the experts at Study Smart in India.

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Writing Your Motivation Letter for Studies Abroad

When required, the motivation letter can seem like a challenge for applying to a school. However, the good news is that there are some general characteristics international higher education recruiters are looking for when considering potential new, international students.

  • Applying to Study Abroad

application letter for university abroad

When required, the motivation letter, or the letter of intent, as it is sometimes called, can seem like an unnecessary challenge for applying to a school. Depending on whether the program faculty provides specific details of what they are looking for in the letter or, as is more frequently the case, if they have left it up to the prospective student, it is important to recognize that either way it comes with its own advantage and disadvantage.

Too specific, and you may miss out on a chance to demonstrate your creativity, but too open-ended and you risk going in the opposite direction of what the staff is looking for. Therefore, many students express not knowing what exactly it is they are supposed to write about.

Adding to the stress, students who wish to  study abroad have additional concerns about writing effectively for an international audience.

However, the good news is that there are some general characteristics international higher education recruiters are looking for when considering potential new, international students.

Along with some common points that should be made no matter where you are sending your motivation letter (qualifications, goals, interests/passions related to your studies), there are also some important details to add when applying to schools abroad.

Why Do You Want to Study Abroad?

plane wing

Of course, the first question you should be prepared to explain is the reason why you want to study abroad and not in your home country. It may seem obvious, but your reasons for studying abroad make a big difference to universities.

  • I just wanted to get out of my country.
  • I want to meet and marry someone “international.”
  • My friend tried it, and it sounded fun.

Instead, Say:

  • I anticipate developing both personally and professionally from an international experience.
  • I have a deep interest in the culture, history, and language of the country, which I am excited to continue to explore and experience.
  • As someone who prides themselves on their ability to communicate across cultures, I believe I would be the perfect fit for a program that incorporates students from around the globe.

By showing universities that you have taken your choice to study abroad seriously, you also show them that you are ready to take your education seriously.

Do You Have Any Experience Abroad Already?


When selecting international students, most recruiters are aware that it is not the right experience for everyone. By selecting someone who has no experience being far from home, universities run the risk of selecting someone who is not ready to live abroad and may quit the program soon after it begins.

  • I have never travelled or lived abroad, but I think I will like it.
  • Every time I have travelled it was a bad experience, but I’m hoping this time will be different.
  • Although I have never lived or studied abroad before, I love to travel and experience new cultures, and therefore, I’m looking for an opportunity to expand my horizons while doing something I love.
  • Although I have never been abroad, I have done a lot of research to make sure this country is the right match for me. I also look forward to the challenge of living and studying independently abroad, which I am sure I am ready to handle.

Universities don’t expect that everyone applying to an international program has had study abroad experience before. However, by letting them know you are up for the challenges that may arise, you set yourself apart from other students who may choose to ignore the subject entirely.

Free Motivation Letter TemplateDownload Your Copy Now! 😎

Get a head-start on your motivation letter with our Word Doc template.It's easy, efficient, and best of all, FREE!

Why is Your Personality Conducive to Study Abroad?


Naturally, some people are better suited for the experience of living and studying abroad. However, it may be for different reasons than you think.

  • I’m always the life of the party or the loudest in the room, so I know I will make friends easily.
  • I plan on keeping to myself so that I will not upset or offend anyone.
  • I am the kind of person who gets along well with others due to being open and considerate of people and their beliefs.
  • Above all else, I pride myself on my cultural sensitivity when I find myself in the company of others who do not share a similar background as mine.

Chances are that you will not be the only international student in your program. Therefore, it’s important to demonstrate that you get along well with others. Note that this is not the same as saying you are the most social or friendly. Whether you are intro- or extroverted, recruiters just want to know you are capable of maturely handling multicultural interactions.

That being said, with these improvements to your motivation letter, you are increasing your chances of getting noticed by international universities.

So, now that your study abroad essay is complete, it's time to start thinking about where it is you want to go! Whether you want to study under the Eiffel Tower in Paris , next to Big Ben in London , or you're still not sure, we're here to help!

Get a head-start on your motivation letter with this Word Doc template.It's easy, efficient, and best of all, FREE! 👇

application letter for university abroad

Keystone Team Author

The Keystone Team is comprised of experienced educators and advisors dedicated to providing valuable resources and advice to students all over the world.

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University Application Letter Example: Free & Effective

In this article, I’ll guide you through a comprehensive, step-by-step process to write an impactful university application letter, including customizable templates to get you started.

Key Takeaways Understand the University’s Requirements: Each university has unique criteria and values. Tailor your application to reflect these. Start with a Strong Opening: Your opening statement should be engaging and reflective of your personality. Highlight Your Academic Achievements: Showcase your academic strengths and relevant accomplishments. Include Extracurricular Activities: Universities look for well-rounded individuals. Highlight your extracurricular involvements. Showcase Your Goals and Aspirations: Clearly articulate your future goals and how the university can help you achieve them. Proofread and Edit: Ensure your application is free from errors and well-structured. Seek Feedback: Before submission, get feedback from mentors or peers. Use the Provided Template: Adapt the template provided at the end of this article to suit your needs.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: research and understand the university’s criteria.

Before you start writing, research the university and the specific program you’re applying to. Understand what they value in their students—is it leadership, community involvement, or academic excellence? This will help you tailor your application to resonate with the admissions committee.

Real-Life Example: When I applied to the University of XYZ for their journalism program, I noticed their emphasis on real-world experience. So, I highlighted my internship at a local newspaper and my role as an editor for my school’s magazine.

Step 2: Crafting a Strong Opening

Your opening paragraph should grab the reader’s attention. Start with a personal anecdote, a unique insight, or a compelling fact about your field of interest. This sets the tone for the rest of your application and gives the admissions committee a glimpse of your personality.

Table: Example Openings for Different Fields

Step 3: Highlighting Academic Achievements and Skills

Trending now: find out why.

In this section, focus on your academic strengths. Mention awards, high grades, or any unique academic projects. Also, include skills relevant to your field of study.

List: Items to Include

  • GPA (if it’s a strong point)
  • Awards or honors
  • Significant projects or research
  • Relevant skills (e.g., coding, lab techniques)

Step 4: Extracurricular Involvements

Universities seek well-rounded individuals. Discuss your involvement in sports, clubs, volunteer work, or any other extracurricular activities. Explain how these experiences have shaped you.

Chart: Extracurricular Activity and Its Impact

Step 5: Articulating Your Goals and Aspirations

Explain why you’re applying to this program and how it aligns with your career goals. Be specific about how this university, in particular, can help you achieve these goals.

Step 6: Proofreading and Editing

A well-written application is free from grammatical errors and is well-structured. Take time to proofread your application or use tools like Grammarly. Also, getting a second opinion can be invaluable.

Step 7: Seeking Feedback

Before finalizing your application, get feedback from a teacher, mentor, or someone who has been through the process. They can provide insights and suggestions for improvement.

University Application Letter Example Template

[Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Zip] [Email Address] [Phone Number] [Date]

[Admissions Office] [University Name] [University Address] [City, State, Zip]

Dear Admissions Committee,

Introduction: Your Passion and Purpose I am writing to express my enthusiastic application for the [Program Name] at [University Name].

My interest in [Subject or Field of Study] was sparked by [brief personal anecdote or experience that ignited your passion in the field].

This program, renowned for its [mention specific attributes of the program or faculty], resonates deeply with my academic interests and career aspirations.

Academic Background: Showcasing Your Achievements My academic journey thus far has been a blend of diligence and curiosity. At [Your Current or Previous School], I achieved [mention any notable academic achievements, honors, or GPA if relevant].

Particularly, I found my experience in [mention any significant project or research experience], which further solidified my desire to pursue [mention the field of study or research interests]. This experience has equipped me with [mention relevant skills or knowledge gained].

Extracurricular Involvements: Demonstrating a Well-Rounded Profile Beyond academics, I have engaged in [mention significant extracurricular activities], where I developed [mention skills or experiences gained].

For instance, my involvement in [mention a specific activity] helped me hone my skills in [mention relevant skills like leadership, teamwork, etc.].

These experiences have not only enriched my understanding of [mention how these activities tie into your chosen field or personal growth] but also prepared me for the collaborative and diverse environment at [University Name].

Career Aspirations: Connecting Your Goals with the University My goal is to [mention your career or research goals]. I am particularly drawn to [University Name] because of [mention specific courses, faculty members, research opportunities, or campus resources that align with your goals].

I am eager to contribute to [mention any specific university clubs, groups, or activities you plan to engage in] and immerse myself in the vibrant community at [University Name].

Conclusion: Reinforcing Your Commitment and Fit I am excited about the prospect of joining [University Name] and am confident that my background and aspirations align well with the ethos of your institution.

I am eager to bring my passion for [Subject or Field of Study] to your esteemed program and look forward to the opportunity to contribute to and learn from the diverse and talented community at [University Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of contributing to and growing within the [University Name] community.

[Your Name]

NOTE: This template is a starting point. Adapt it to suit your style and the specific requirements of the university and program you are applying to.

Writing a university application can be a transformative journey of self-discovery and reflection. By following these steps and using the provided template, you’re well on your way to creating an application that not only stands out but also truly represents who you are.

Your Feedback Matters!

Did you find this guide helpful? Do you have any specific strategies that worked for you in your university applications?

Share your experiences and suggestions in the comments below – your insights could be invaluable to others embarking on their application journey!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Q: what should i include in my university application letter to stand out.

Answer : In my experience, including a personal anecdote that highlights your unique qualities and aligns with the university’s values can really make your application letter stand out. It’s not just about listing achievements; it’s about telling your story in a way that resonates with the admissions committee.

Q: How can I make my university application letter more personal?

Answer : I’ve found that researching the specific program and faculty at the university and mentioning how they align with my academic interests and career goals adds a personal touch to the application letter. It shows the admissions committee that you’re genuinely interested in what they offer and not just sending a generic letter.

Q: Is it necessary to mention my academic achievements in my university application letter?

Answer : Absolutely, mentioning your academic achievements is crucial, but it’s equally important to contextualize them. In my letters, I always connect my achievements to broader personal goals or experiences, giving the admissions committee a sense of who I am beyond the numbers.

Q: How long should my university application letter be?

Answer : From my experience, keeping the application letter to about one page is ideal. It’s long enough to cover essential aspects of your profile and motivation, yet concise enough to maintain the reader’s interest and respect their time.

Q: Can I use the same application letter for multiple universities?

Answer : While it’s tempting to use the same letter for efficiency, I always tailor my letters to each university. Personalizing the letter to reflect how I resonate with each specific institution’s ethos and offerings significantly increases the impact of my application.

Q: How do I address a gap in my academic or professional journey in my application letter?

Answer : I’ve addressed gaps in my journey by framing them as periods of learning and growth, highlighting how the experiences gained during the gap contribute to my academic and professional aspirations. This shows resilience and a proactive attitude to the admissions committee.

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application letter for university abroad

Student Guide

application letter for university abroad

The Study Abroad Application

While not every school will use the same study abroad application, I am willing to bet that most applications will have pretty similar components. Based on my own experience with the study abroad application process, I’ve compiled a few helpful hints to get you thinking on the right track, as well as provide guidance in case you run into some difficulties.

The study abroad application will look almost like a regular college application. Remember how much work you put into those? Put the same amount of effort into your study abroad application. Unlike the college selection process, there’s no back up or safety net… you only get one shot at this so you need to do it right.

More than likely, it will consist of the following: A personal statement, letters of recommendation, possible course selections, health clearance forms and a general information form.

API programs offer students the opportunity to earn college credit toward their degree programs in the U.S. by completing coursework in a wide variety of disciplines, including such fields as business, the social sciences, medical studies and the arts.

General Information Forms

This will probably be just a generic form requiring the basics like personal information, emergency contacts, degree information, etc. Nothing complicated. Just fill in the blanks.

Study Abroad Health Clearance Forms

You’re going to need to get a complete physical, and the doctor will have to confirm that you’re fit enough to go abroad and that you’re up-to-date on all of your vaccinations. Understandably, no country wants a foreigner bringing in diseases. Your doctor will have to fill-out the forms after your physical and send them to the school study abroad office or wherever instructed, so don’t procrastinate on these! Doctors are always busy, and it could be a while before they get yours done.

Possible Study Abroad Course Selections

This may be called either a home approval form, or course approval form. Make sure you’ve looked at your progress toward graduation. Compare classes from your host school’s course catalogue with those classes you’ll need to complete your major/ minor and fulfill general requirements, and also identify classes that just generally seem interesting.

Letters of Recommendation for Study Abroad Applicants

Depending on how many are required, ask your favorite professors and mentors if they would be willing to write you a letter of recommendation. If you don’t have a close relationship with any professors, it’s ok to choose a few that may have liked you, or in whose class you did particularly well. If they don’t really know you, don’t worry. Professors are used to writing recommendation letters, and will probably have a generic letter that they can use. In this case, if your personal statement is already done, give them a copy along with anything else you think might help them get a better picture of who you are and why you want to go abroad.


Forum-Nexus Study Abroad has a track record of 29 years of successful intensive summer programs around the world. Since 1990, over 3,400 students have participated in Forum-Nexus international multi-country summer programs in 15 countries.The courses are open to both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as to alumni seeking professional development.

Personal Statement - Study Abroad Essay 101

This is the part of the study abroad application that some people dread, and some people love. Don’t worry; I’ll break it down step by step. You already know the reasons you want to go abroad, now you just have to put them on paper to try and convince your school that you should go. Here’s writing your study abroad essay 101:

First, in a nice intro paragraph, explain your reasons for studying abroad. If you're still deciding your best course of action, review some of our deciding to study abroad resources . Just give a general overview since you’ll be getting into the specifics later in the essay. Include why you want to go abroad, what originally interested you in going abroad, what school you plan on attending, along with anything else that seems relevant.

Academics are always going to be number one in the minds of your deans, advisors and faculty, so it’s not a bad idea to go there next. Explain how going to class in a different culture will expand your capacity to learn and interpret new information. Let them know if by going abroad, you’ll be able to complete certain requirements for your major or just make progress toward your degree in general. Be sure to mention if there are classes offered abroad that aren’t available at your home school.

Next, go into depth about why you chose the location and the school that you did. Does the school have a great reputation internationally? Do you have family roots in a particular country? Really get into the fact that you want to explore the specific culture of that country or region. The more sincere and direct you are about why you want to go where you’re going, the more likely the study abroad admissions staff will approve your application.

Don’t forget to include personal reasons and interests as well. You still need to be selective in what you write – the study abroad admissions office will need to see that you’re mature enough to live in another country, but don’t be afraid to go beyond academics. One of the biggest reasons I went to Scotland was because of golf, and I wrote that in my essay. I didn’t say I wanted to wake up and be lazy on the golf course every day. I explained that golf is a huge aspect of Scottish culture; it holds a different place over there than it does in the States, and it would greatly help me integrate into the local culture.

Studying abroad is more than just an academic experience — it’s a life experience. A CEA education abroad expands the boundaries of your education and transforms the world into your classroom. With destinations in 21 cities across 12 countries, CEA offers a balance of academics and adventure to thousands of students each year. Where will your learning take you?

Writing Tips for Your Study Abroad Application Essay

Sentences like, “I am excited to learn about the culture of Scotland through golf,” are a good start, but something even better might be, “It would be the pinnacle of my golfing career to experience the game of golf in its finest form in its birthplace of Scotland. There, golf is not just considered a sport, but also a vital element of Scottish culture.” Make the effort to write with quality in mind and of course honesty.

End the essay with a strong closing paragraph. Express interest in learning about local culture, such as in Japan where you’ll enjoy both the historic artistry of the culture and the modern amenities of the country. Talk about getting an education, not only in terms of academics, but in life as well. Be specific and explain your desire to pursue those interests and hobbies that you’ve picked up in college, and earlier, in a foreign country.

This is just as important as any other admissions letter you’ve ever written. Use correct grammar and avoid spelling mistakes. Write multiple drafts and have someone competent edit it for you. Better yet, have two. And of course, get it in on time!

Be sincere, be honest, and be smart.

There you have it. Those are my suggested ins and outs of the study abroad application… not as scary as you may have thought.

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How to apply to university

Discover what it takes to get your university application right. We explain what you need to consider, remember and do to make the application process easier and more successful.

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Applying to university is a critical step for any international student. University application is the culmination of research, discussion, decision-making and final selection in line with your aspirations. It can initially seem a very complicated process with many elements to consider and remember. But by approaching it methodically and identifying key components, you’ll be in a great position to undertake the task effectively. We detail and explain the most critical aspects of any university application, offer advice on submitting a successful application and provide some insider tips.   

Understand university entry requirements

While this point may seem obvious, many admissions offices report receiving applications from students who do not meet the minimum requirements for a course. You must verify what you need for admission to your chosen programme. You can check your prospective university's website, consult the prospectus, or speak directly to the international or admissions office . Some of the most common elements you will need to understand are:

  • What are the minimum academic grades and results needed for entry?
  • Whether you will need a previous qualification or demonstrable academic achievement for entry.  
  • The test scores or examinations required. This may include the SAT or GRE/GMAT in the USA. Further, some universities may conduct admissions tests . 
  • English language requirements you must have. Understand what IELTS score or equivalent you need, especially what you must score in key sections of English tests. 
  • Does the university use interviews and auditions  for certain degree programmes? This may also include submitting a portfolio of work. 
  • What are the financial requirements of the university? Submitting proof of financial means showing you can cover your costs. Proof can be provided using a certified bank statement or evidence of financial aid , such as a scholarship or loan. 

Not all universities have the same application procedures and entry requirements, so it’s always best to check directly before submitting your university application. Remember that an education counsellor can assist and help you with this too.   

Know the application deadlines and dates

Don’t ever leave your application too late. Early applications allow you to relax and can sometimes help secure your place, accommodation and funding. Plus, if there are any queries from the university or additional information they require, the more time you have to submit this the better. 

Get familiar with the term start dates of your prospective university and the country you want to study in. It’s recommended that you start and submit your application about a year to nine months before the date you want to begin your degree. Each study destination has a start to the academic year, so make sure you know yours:

  • UK : September-October (standard intake for the UK falls within these months)
  • USA : September
  • Canada : September
  • Australia : January-February
  • New Zealand : February

These dates reflect the most common start dates in these countries. However, there can be other start dates throughout the year, notably for postgraduate programmes, pathway programmes , associate degrees , diploma courses and pre-sessional or pre-masters courses . 

Don’t forget that you can also read our guide to the ultimate study abroad checklist , which can help you prepare for studying abroad. 

Have your application documents ready

Universities require you to submit several documents for an application. This will not be identical for all institutions. There is however a standard set of documents that most admissions offices require when evaluating your application. You will need:

  • Proof of identity. This will usually need certification and can be a passport or other recognised identity document. 
  • Certified academic transcripts. 
  • Certified copies of qualifications if required. 
  • Proof of English language proficiency with certified test scores .
  • A personal statement or letter of motivation that explains why you should be accepted and have chosen the university and course of study. 
  • Academic and personal references that support your application with a l etter of recommendation . Universities will detail who the ideal people to provide your references should be. 
  • Financial statements and information to prove you can cover the cost of studying abroad . 

Some universities will allow you to submit online applications. In this case, you must scan copies of all your documents. Sometimes you will be asked to submit physical copies of your documentation. You can do so by using the post or a courier. Universities typically prefer receiving applications through their own online system or a central admissions service.

Understand your offer letter and application status

Once your application is submitted you will need to wait for a decision. The outcome of your application usually takes about six weeks. This can vary depending on the university. Keep in touch with the admissions office and use the online application portal to check your status. 

Usually, a university will send official communication informing you of their decision. This can be in the form of a letter, email, SMS or notification. Once you know if you're accepted you generally receive what is known as an offer. Not all offers mean the same thing, so ensure you verify what type of offer you receive. There are four distinct types of offers you should be aware of. These are:

  • An ‘Offer in Principle’ is an indicative offer that confirms your admission eligibility for a degree, programme or course. It does not mean you have been accepted. 
  • A provisional offer or conditional offer is usually granted with the understanding that you will still need to complete or meet key entry requirements, such as the required English language level or academic level. It may also be conditional based on available places once an application deadline has passed. 
  • An unconditional offer means that you are accepted and are permitted to study the course with no restrictions. 
  • A withdrawn offer indicates that the university will not accept you due to certain conditions not being met. This can include not successfully passing an entrance test; not performing well in an interview; not achieving the English language results needed; or if you have been accepted by another university. 

Your official offer letter is very important when applying for financial aid and your study visa. Make sure you have copies of this important document. 


Apply for a study visa

Once you're accepted by a university abroad, the next step is to apply for a study visa . The application process you must undertake will depend on the destination country and the country you’re from. Some destinations have certain requirements that you need to fulfil, such as supporting documents, proof of accommodation, evidence of financial capacity and so on. You can find out more about applying for a visa in the UK , Canada , USA , Australia , Ireland or New Zealand . 

When applying to study abroad, you have to factor in enough time for your visa application to be processed. Timelines for visa applications are not the same for every country, as outlined below:

  • UK: You can apply six months before your course start date and typically receive a decision within three to six weeks.
  • USA: Most students require an F-1 visa to study in the USA, which you can apply for up to a year before your course start date.
  • Canada: It is recommended you apply for a Canadian study permit four to six months before starting university. Given delays in recent years, you should also check with your university, the embassy or an education counsellor for the best time to apply.
  • Australia: You must apply for an Australian student visa at least six weeks before your course start date. Universities recommend applying for a visa when you receive your Confirmation of Enrolment.
  • Ireland: You should submit your application for a study visa about three months before your proposed departure date. 
  • New Zealand: You must apply at least eight weeks before your departure to New Zealand. Visa processing typically takes 30 working days for online submissions and 25 working days for paper forms.

When it comes to actually sending off a visa application, the process varies according to each country. For example, if you want to study in the USA, you may need to visit a U.S. embassy or consulate in your home country where you will attend an interview. In other countries, you will create an account on the government website and apply for a visa through this online system or with a third-party provider.

With your new knowledge of how to apply to study abroad, you’re in a better position to make your application stress-free. If you want to further your research and learn more you can read our guides to application mistakes to avoid , key questions to ask your university before application , and your study abroad questions answered .

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Understanding English language test scores

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Get in touch

Apply For Study In a Foreign University

I am interested in undertaking graduate studies in Medieval History to earn an M.A. degree from International University. I received my B.A. degree from Springfield University in Kansas sixteen years ago with a dual major in History and English, and have subsequently taught both English and History at Centerville High School, also in Kansas, USA.

I would greatly appreciate your sending me application materials, including information about financial aid and employment opportunities for foreign graduate students. Please use the above address.

I would like to find out more about your internship program for foreign nurses. I am a qualified nurse and midwife, having graduated from Springfield University four years ago with the equivalent of an R.N. degree. Please send application forms to the following address:

I am writing to request information on Springfield University's International Exchange program. I am one year from completion of the equivalent of a B.A. degree at International University, and I wish to broaden my experience by attending a foreign university for a semester.

I am an excellent student in the Anthropology department here, and after graduation I intend to continue my studies in this field in North America.

Please send any information pertaining to my application as a foreign exchange student to the above address.

How to Write this Application Letter: Expert Tips and Guidelines

Give enough information for the recipient to gain a clear understanding of what you need, but keep your letter fairly short. Ask for an explanation of anything you don't understand. You will probably receive the appropriate forms or brochures in response to this letter.

  • Explain what you want to do or achieve. It is often a good idea to mention the name of the university.
  • Briefly describe your reasons for wanting the work or study experience, and/or your qualifications.
  • Make your request.
  • Make it easy for the recipient to contact you or send you information. In addition to your mailing address, give your e-mail address and phone and FAX numbers, if you have them. Universities, colleges and large companies will almost always send free information packets to describe their programs. It is sometimes appropriate to offer to pay for this service.

Write Your application in Minutes: Easy Step-by-Step Guide with Sample Sentences and Phrases

1 explain what you want to do or achieve. it is often a good idea to mention the name of the university., sample sentences for step 1.

  • I am interested in attending Springfield University to work towards a Bachelor's degree in plant genetics.
  • I would like to attend Springfield University to do graduate work in Technology Management.
  • I want to obtain a degree in Political Science from Springfield University.
  • I have been informed that you offer an intensive 18-month MBA program, and would like to apply for admission.
  • I need to improve my English skills before I can attend Springfield University, and believe that you offer an eight-week class to prepare for the TOEFL.
  • I wish to spend a year working in a state-of-the-art Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, so that I can use this experience in my own country. Can you help me?
  • I want to apply to become an exchange student.
  • I believe that your company offers internships to foreign Computer Science graduates, and would like to be considered for one of these internships.
  • In response to your advertisement in my local newspaper, I would like to apply to attend your Hotel Management School.
  • I would like to be considered for the internship program for foreign Computer Science graduates that was announced in the November 1 Chronicle.

Key Phrases for Step 1

  • after seeing your brochure
  • am most interested in
  • am interested in
  • am informed that
  • become involved in
  • do graduate work in
  • for admission to
  • gain on-the-job experience in
  • have the opportunity to
  • improve my skills in
  • in response to
  • is my intention to
  • is my wish to
  • obtain a degree in
  • participate in
  • pursuing a degree in
  • request your consideration
  • spend time working in
  • study in the field of
  • that was announced in
  • want to apply to
  • wish to improve my
  • wish to apply for
  • work towards the degree of
  • would like to attend
  • would like to be considered for
  • your advertisement in

2 Briefly describe your reasons for wanting the work or study experience, and/or your qualifications.

Sample sentences for step 2.

  • I will complete high school in November, and want to work in the field of agriculture. I have heard about the genetic engineering work being done by your department, and would like to study with you.
  • I believe you have a Master's Degree program in this area. I graduated from the University of Kansas two years ago with a B.S. degree in Electronic Engineering Technology and would now like to study further.
  • I have a Bachelor's degree with two majors, in Economics and Spanish, and would now like to improve my English with a view to teaching English as a second language.
  • I have taught the equivalent of fourth grade for the past ten years and would like to certify as an elementary school teacher in Kansas so that I can seek employment there.
  • I speak English, French and Japanese fluently.
  • Fifteen years ago I spent three very happy months in Kansas as an exchange student, and have always wanted to return there.
  • My degree is in software engineering, but I would like to improve my hardware skills.
  • I am friendly and outgoing, with excellent grades, and am eager to spend time in the United States to learn about your language and culture and to share a little of mine.
  • Your program is known throughout the world as one of the best, and I would like to study at such a renowned institution.

Key Phrases for Step 2

  • am eager to
  • eventually would like to
  • have heard a great deal about
  • have always wanted to
  • interests lie in
  • is known throughout the
  • much praise for
  • on the cutting edge of
  • such a renowned
  • the excellent reputation of
  • the finest program in
  • to gain further experience in
  • to learn more about
  • to seek employment as
  • want to work in
  • was recommended by
  • will complete my
  • wish to expand into
  • with a view to
  • would like to study further

3 Make your request.

Sample sentences for step 3.

  • Please send me application forms, along with information on financial aid and any other information that you think may help me.
  • Please send me the necessary materials so that I can apply for admission into your program.
  • I would appreciate your sending me an information packet.
  • Can you send me more information about your program? I would especially like to receive information about tuition costs and admission deadlines.
  • Please tell me how to apply for admission.
  • Please send me information about your MBA program.
  • Would it be possible for you to send me more information about your Technology program? I would prefer to start next fall, if that is possible.
  • Please send me the free information packet mentioned in your ad.
  • I would be most grateful if you would send me further information.
  • What do I need to do in order to qualify for this program?
  • Please include the application deadlines for the internship program.
  • Please include information on any scholarships available to foreign graduate students.
  • Please also indicate whether your company assists interns with travel or living expenses.

Key Phrases for Step 3

  • about financial aid
  • about your graduate program in
  • about application deadlines
  • an admissions packet
  • an information packet
  • application forms for
  • as described in your advertisement
  • as soon as possible
  • at your earliest convenience
  • could you send me
  • in order to
  • including information about
  • information about
  • let me know how
  • on financial requirements
  • on employment opportunities
  • on financial aid
  • please include information on
  • please send me
  • so that I can apply for
  • tell me how to
  • the necessary information
  • the information packet
  • to apply for admission
  • to qualify for
  • what I need to do
  • whether financial assistance is available
  • would appreciate your sending me
  • would be grateful if you would

4 Make it easy for the recipient to contact you or send you information. In addition to your mailing address, give your e-mail address and phone and FAX numbers, if you have them. Universities, colleges and large companies will almost always send free information packets to describe their programs. It is sometimes appropriate to offer to pay for this service.

Sample sentences for step 4.

  • My address is: 1600 Main Street, Springfield, Kansas 12345
  • You can reach me by e-mail at [email protected].
  • I will be happy to cover any postage or printing costs.
  • I will be happy to pay airmail postage, in order to receive the material as quickly as possible.
  • As requested, I am enclosing a self-addressed envelope. I could not affix stamps, as I live outside the USA, but have also enclosed two international postal coupons. If this is not sufficient, I will gladly pay any additional costs.
  • You can reach me at the above address, or as follows: Phone: 555-5555 Fax: 555-5555 E-mail: [email protected]

Key Phrases for Step 4

  • am willing to
  • as requested in your
  • at the above address
  • can reach me at
  • cover any costs
  • e-mail address is
  • have enclosed a
  • international postal coupons
  • look forward to receiving
  • mailing address is
  • postage or printing costs
  • send it care of
  • will be happy to cover
  • will gladly pay

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How to Apply to Foreign Universities – Admission Process, Exams & More

Updated on 07 february, 2024.

upGrad Abroad Team

upGrad Abroad Team

Upgrad abroad editorial team.

upGrad Abroad Team

How to apply to foreign universities? The answer to this question deserves a special explanation. Read on to know how you can apply to foreign universities for master’s or undergraduate courses, depending upon your requirements. There are diverse aspects associated with the procedure. Take them carefully into account. 

Table of Contents

Always keep options in your hands:, be mindful of guidelines regarding the eligibility of your application:, find out how to apply:, details are essential, don’t miss out on it:, well-written letter of motivation/statement of purpose is a must for a smooth application process:, proper documentation is needed and should be readily available:, be well informed about the rules and regulations of the country you are planning to study:, additional tips, where to study abroad:, which university to choose:.

  • Which course to apply:

Taking exams/tests that are required for application to study abroad:

Consider deadlines strictly and apply as early as possible:, apply for visa and other travel documents after getting an admission to the university:, where to study abroad, which university to apply, which course to apply for, consider profile building before you graduate to fulfill the requirements:, take the exams/tests as per the requirements:, apply through a unified portal or individually to the university:, essential documents should be kept ready and must be attached to the application:, deadlines should be considered seriously, and avoid submission at the last moment:, cultural exposure and diversified experience, social connections add up to your personal and professional life, language skills, boosts your confidence and self-esteem, study abroad with upgrad abroad, faqs on applying to foreign universities, how to apply to foreign universities .

Before applying to foreign universities, several things must be taken care of to make the process easier, as traveling and settling in a place far from your home is an overwhelming task. Here are some tips to follow before applying to study abroad.

Even if you aim for a particular university, you should always have your options open and apply to a minimum of three institutions, even if they are situated in varying locations.

Keep track of information before applying to the university to assess if you are fulfilling their eligibility criteria or not. All the accepted requirements depend upon the guidelines and must be scrutinized and ticked off before applying. You can also contact student advisors or international student departments for better clarity.

You can apply directly through the university’s website and submit all your documents online. Some universities may require you to send documents via post. You can also apply through unified portals in several universities of a particular country.

Remember that details must not be missed when you are applying for universities, and your preferences should encapsulate the choices you have made. Multiple application portals are there to apply to universities depending on the country. Carefully scrutinize what university you have opted for before finalizing the submission.

A letter of motivation/Statement of Purpose is an essential part of the application when planning to study abroad. Ensure that these documents are well-written and proofread for errors. It should be in the proper format or per the requirements stated by the university; don’t exaggerate your experience and achievements, and be honest in your explanations.

Documents required to be translated into the official language of the specific country should be done and verified beforehand. Ensure that all the documents are in order and not missed by any chance. 

Several countries have special guidelines for international students coming from a certain region. If you hail from the EU and apply to universities in EU nations, the application procedure will be smoother. Most universities in the UK only take applications via UCAS for undergraduate courses, while universities take direct applications for postgraduate degrees or via UK PASS. In countries like Germany, Italy, Portugal, and Spain, you must undergo the pre-application process, checking eligibility criteria beforehand. Many EEA nationals need entrance examinations, while some institutions require portfolios or opt personal interviews. In Switzerland, universities do not recognize part-time high schools, certificates, distance education courses, and night-school certificate courses. You will thus, have to clear the maturity examination or international baccalaureate equivalent for Switzerland.

If you want to study in the USA, start researching for at least a year before applying. Contact the officers/advisors at universities well before submitting all your documents. China has 30 as the maximum age limit for bachelor’s degrees and 40 as the maximum age limit for master’s courses.

How to Apply to Foreign Universities after 12th 

Moving to another country is a crucial decision, and require several considerations – like cultural differences, food, weather, living expenses, and future prospects. One should research well and shortlist country according to the affordability and availability of courses and universities.

A preferential list of universities should be prepared with good research about why to study in that particular university by diving deep into the information available.

Which course to apply: 

Choosing a course of interest is very important and a well-informed decision should me made. List all information and make a preference list depending upon interest, availability, and other considerate things like affordability, prospects, etc. Some universities or courses require you to have experience before making an application and should also be considered before choosing a course.

Prepare for required tests/exams TOEFL /IELTS/PTE, SAT /ACT, etc., to fulfill the required criteria. You should take these exams and secure good scores to be considered a potential candidate.

Application to the universities should be made in their timeline, whether through a unified portal or directly to the university portal. All the essential documents should be ready and made available when required by the university to smooth the processing of your application. Required documents include:

  • Your academic transcripts
  • Mark sheets
  • Score reports
  • Letters of recommendation(LORs)
  • Certificate of financial capability
  • Application essays
  • Statement of purpose (SOP)

Visa applications are made directly by students after receiving a confirmation letter or a letter of acceptance from the university. It depends on the procedure of the specific country and whether they are offering an online/offline application process. Submit your application with all the essential documents like passport, acceptance letter, proof of funds, academic papers, language proficiency test records, etc

How to Apply for Master’s in Foreign Universities?

When applying for master’s course in a foreign university, one must follow the given tips to make their application procedure smooth.

You must shortlist a country where you want to pursue your masters. Be considerate of your needs, finances, prospects, and weather conditions, because all these are essential aspects to consider before applying.

The first step is to research and choose a university that suits your preference based on place, course, and other determining factors. Then start filling out the application form, writing your statements of purpose (SOPs), getting your LORs, and preparing your CV/Resume.

Choice, of course, depends on factors like interest, the prospect of the program, what you are looking to pursue in your professional career, and the market orientation of the course, etc. You must gather all the information regarding the program you are looking forward to pursuing.

Those in pre-final years should start developing their profiles with papers, research work, portfolios, etc. 

Sit for necessary entrance examinations like GRE /GMAT and IELTS /TOEFL and submit your required scores. 

Apply online at universities or standard portals like UCAS, wherever applicable. Make sure it is per the guidelines mentioned by the university.

Apply with documents like your CV, LORs, SOP, examination score sheets, academic transcripts, identity documents, etc.

Start writing your SOP ideally by July/August and finish by mid-September. University deadlines usually fall between October and February. Make sure you send all documents by mid-October.

Benefits of Studying Abroad

When you are in another country, you will experience cultural differences and diversity in its society. This exposure leads you to build a diverse network and makes you more inclusive, opening the door to acceptance and recognition. Comfortable bonding and relationships will develop gradually, as it influences how we react to certain situations. You will see things from various perspectives when in a diversified environment, enhancing your way of thinking.

Studying abroad comes with the perk of building a good network – professional and personal. You will be interacting with people from different demographics. You will build good communication skills while interacting with people from all ethnicities. There will be a significant population of students from diverse backgrounds making it more likely that you will develop certain skills which will help you in your personal and professional life.

Being multi-lingual has its own advantages. If you plan to pursue your foreign education in a non-English speaking nation like Germany, Spain, or France, it will give you a good chance of learning a new language. When you are in a different country, their local language will be a more effective way to interact and connect with local people. 

Living abroad and witnessing different cultures help in personality development. It makes you confident and gives you good self-esteem.

upGrad Abroad is a leading platform that offers curated programs for students who want to go abroad to study. Top universities from Germany, the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Ireland, and France have collaborated with upGrad to make quality education available at a feasible expense. To know more about how to pursue your dream of studying abroad, you can get in touch with our counselors.

Important Exams to Study Abroad

When should you start applying for foreign universities for 2024?

You should start at least one year or ten months before planning to study abroad. Shortlist programs, find everything about eligibility criteria, and apply well in advance before the application deadlines. Most universities usually take entries between November and February or slightly earlier. Check the summer, winter, fall, spring, and other intakes with care.

Which are the most affordable countries for studying abroad?

Some of the most affordable countries for studying abroad include Taiwan, Germany, Norway, Argentina, France, Mexico, Austria, Luxembourg, Iceland, Norway, the Czech Republic, and Sweden, to name a few.

Which is the best time to apply for foreign Universities?

You will probably have to apply between August and December, when most applications are taken by universities abroad. Apply early without waiting for the last dates. Application deadlines vary, but for the courses beginning in the fall (September or October), applications usually begin from January or February till mid-year, i.e. June or July.

We are a dedicated team of study-abroad experts, ensuring intensive research and comprehensive information in each of our blogs. With every piece written, we aim at simplifying the overseas education process for all. Our diverse experience as journalists, content writers, editors, content strategists, and marketers helps create the most relevant and authentic blogs for our readers.

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Masters programs.

  • MBA in Germany, IU
  • MIM in Germany, IU
  • MS in CS in Germany, IU
  • MS in Data Analytics in USA, Clark University
  • MS in Project Management in USA, Clark University
  • MS in IT in USA, Clark University
  • MS in Data Analytics & Visualization in USA, Yeshiva University
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Study Abroad Important Blogs

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  • Cost of Studying in Canada
  • Cost of Studying in Ireland
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  • Cost of living:
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  • Cost of living in Australia
  • Cost of living in Germany
  • Cost of living in Ireland
  • Cost of living in Canada
  • Career Opportunities:
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  • Job Opportunities in After MS in Canada
  • Job Opportunities After MBA in Australia
  • Job Opportunities After MS in UK
  • IELTS Exam Resources:
  • IELTS Registration
  • Academic IELTS
  • IELTS Band Score
  • IELTS Writing Task 2
  • IELTS Slot Booking
  • IELTS Score for UK
  • IELTS Score for USA
  • Validity of IELTS Score
  • IELTS Speaking Topics
  • IELTS Reading Tips
  • How to Prepare for IELTS at Home Without Coaching
  • IELTS Preparation Books
  • Types of IELTS Exam
  • IELTS Academic vs General
  • IELTS Exam Fee
  • IELTS Exam Pattern
  • IELTS Results
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  • IELTS Exam Dates
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Letter of Recommendation / Reference

Discover how to better navigate the process of getting a professional letter of recommendation or reference.

Photo of Craig Plunkett

How to Get an Outstanding Letter of Recommendation

Getting a positive Letter of recommendation is a critical stage of your university application process, as almost all further education institutions request at least one from both domestic and international applicants in order to get an opinion about you from another perspective. Outstanding references accompanied by a well-structured academic CV will undoubtedly increase your chances of getting a place at the college or university of your choice.

Find below the tips, advice and template you need to come away with a better understanding of how to navigate the process of getting an academic or professional reference, and the best ways of making sure you get them before the deadline date.

Who Should I Ask to Write My University Reference?

The most appropriate person to approach for your letter of recommendation could be a professor, a sports coach, but in reality, it depends on whether you are applying for an undergraduate placement, or a position in a postgraduate programme.

application letter for university abroad

Postgraduate programmes tend to request a letter of recommendation from a former employer, and particularly for placements in Masters of Business Administration, teacher positions and research roles.

A reference from your friends or family is not considered legitimate . This is due to the fact that universities are looking for impartial and balanced assessment of what kind of student you are, and your closest contacts are unlikely to provide this!

Hopefully you now have somebody in mind who you would be more than happy to ask for your letter of recommendation. You can also benefit from knowing some of the most popular recommendations about how to go about it, including the matter of etiquette. 

How to Ask For a Letter of Recommendation For University or College

  • You have to start looking for your letters of recommendation ahead of time , preferably more than a month in advance. Leaving too little time for this task is not only stressful for you, but is also stressful for the teachers or employers who have to find the time to write you a well-done letter.

application letter for university abroad

  • Ask double the number of professionals for a letter of recommendation than your university asks you for . There is always the possibility that the person you ask for a reference ends up not having the time to do it, or they simply forget. So, this could be a safeguarding measure against them not finishing your recommendation letters before the deadline. 
  • Prepare a draft or template of your recommendation letter that makes it easier for your referrer to edit with their own ideas. This has the advantage of allowing you some creative control over your reference, and also reducing their workload. This final point increases the likelihood that your recommendation letter will get finished within the timeframe you expect.
  • Try to prioritise the people with whom you have the best relationships. This is not always possible, but you should be conscious of selecting the referrers who have the best things to say about you.
  • Ask for your reference with a polite email that explains why you need a reference. 

Take the following template as inspiration if you need it:

Dear Mr./Ms./Prof. [referrer’s surname]

I’m writing to you because I am in the process of applying for [university/work opportunity], and I have been asked to provide a letter of reference as a part of my application. If you would be able to facilitate this on my behalf, I would be highly obliged.

I have fond memories of the projects that I carried out under your supervision, and I believe that you could be the most appropriate person to highlight some of my skills and characteristics. 

In this email I have attached a copy of my [personal statement/curriculum vitae] and a template that you can use if you so wish, as I appreciate that you already have a busy schedule. The due date for this letter of recommendation is [date]. I hope that this date gives you sufficient time to take on this task, however if this is not possible then I would understand.

Please let me know if you would be able to assist me in this.

[Your name]

For some people, the question of how to put together a recommendation letter comes naturally. Meanwhile, for others, they just need a little direction and inspiration to get their mind thinking with the kind of language that admissions officers like to see. 

How to Draft a Letter of Recommendation

Before you get started with your draft, you should be aware that the standard length of a reference or letter of recommendation is between 400-500 words.

application letter for university abroad

International students who live in a country whose native language is not the same as that of your destination country should expect to submit a translated version of their letter of reference.

One way of handling this scenario is to find out whether your school has a translator as part of the team of staff, who can help you improve the presentation of your letter of recommendation.

As a way of helping your reference writer with the task of preparing your document, try to fill in the table below with the themes that you would like them to cover in each section.

Letter of Recommendation Draft Table

Create a draft using this table, and give it to your referral writer with a copy of your university personal statement. With these two resources, your referrer will be able to quickly and easily write a letter of recommendation for you, and it will build an image of you that you would like to transmit to your universities of choice.

Use the following list of skills and qualities for additional inspiration:

With all of that brainstorming out of the way, you’re ready to take on the practical tasks of getting your letter of recommendation. There are more than a few simple mistakes that people make when trying to get their teacher or employer to produce a reference, and it helps to hear a little advice from others for making the entire process go as smoothly as possible.

10 Tips For Getting The Best Letter of Recommendation Possible

Your letters of recommendation should show your brilliance, and avoid generalities and platitudes that could be said about anyone. Take note of the following tips and ensure you get the best references.

a happy student taking notes about top tips on how to get an outstanding letter of recommendation

  • Make sure you choose someone you can trust to write a good reference. You won’t be able to see the letter before it’s sent, normally. This means you should only choose those with whom you have the best working relationships, if you have multiple options. Your selection should also ideally be a person who understands that the admissions tutors are looking for an authentic account of your strengths and weaknesses .
  • Always ask for permission first! You have to make sure that the person you have in mind for your recommendation letter would be comfortable doing this for you. Receiving an email from a university asking you for a reference that you knew nothing about would be an unpleasant surprise.
  • Make sure your recommender submits the reference from a corporate email address. Anybody can create a gmail or hotmail address and pretend to be someone else, so if you want to look as professional and reliable as possible then you should try to ensure that your reference is submitted from the organisation’s own email address.
  • You should choose the teacher most associated with your selected subject. This may not always be possible depending on your circumstances, but your reference will be seen by admissions officers as significantly more informative if your recommender is familiar with your performance in your academic field.

A calendar and a clock to organise the timely receipt of letters of recommendation.

  • Give the authors of your letter of recommendation at least a month’s notice. Tutors and employers are usually the kinds of people who have a lot of responsibilities and work to get done, so give them enough notice to make space in their timetables for your request. Also let them know the deadlines for your application if you know what they are.
  • Provide your reference authors with a copy of your personal statement to help them. This gives them some information about the way that you intend to present yourself to your chosen universities, which gives them the chance to complement that image of you. In practical terms, this source of inspiration always helps your recommender to complete the reference more quickly.
  • Remind your teacher or former employer of examples of your best work. Even though you may have a positive relationship with your referrers, it’s entirely possible that they need to be reminded of the times you have produced exceptional results. Don’t be afraid to sell yourself!
  • Keep everything specific and measurable. While you don’t have control over what is written about you, you can politely ask your tutor or employer to avoid any comments about you which might sound too general and vague, and instead choose to share information that can be measured.
  • Be aware of how many letters of recommendation your university wants . Depending on how exclusive or prestigious your university of choice is, they can easily request multiple letters of recommendation. You have to inform yourself about what your university is looking for as much as possible.
  • Everybody knows this is important for you, so try to relax! Teachers in particular have written plenty of letters of recommendations in the past, so they understand perfectly how much urgency is involved. Employers may be less used to a request of this kind, but the majority should be more than happy to help you. Try to be patient, and be aware that you’re giving the people around you more work to do than they already have.

Now that you have some of our best tips for how to manage the situation of getting a great letter of recommendation that arrives well ahead of schedule, you can take the chance to familiarise yourself with what an academic letter of recommendation might look like.

Sample of a University Recommendation Letter

For those who are not sure what a letter of recommendation should look like, below you can find an example that will help you to get an idea of what elements and style should be used. 

[University letterhead]

[sender’s name]

sample of a academic recommendation letter

[sender’s departmental address—if not printed on letterhead] 

[sender’s departmental phone number, if available]

[sender’s departmental fax number—if not printed on letterhead]

[sender’s institutional email address] 

[today’s date]

[recipient’s name]

[recipient’s institutional address] 

Dear [recipient’s name]: or To Whom it May Concern:

It is my privilege to recommend Joe Boggs for admission to [name of program] at [name of university]. I am a fourth-year PhD student at the University of Cambridge, England. I came to know Joe when I was his Instructor. The course consisted of [short description of course]. Joe distinguished himself by completing a remarkably well researched and compelling project on carbon reduction and sustainability. I would rank him among the most committed students that I have taught in the past four years due to his research ability and academic writing skills.

Overall, Joe is academically capable and has exceptional skills when it comes to data analysis. His project on energy efficiency demonstrated his ability to come to a detailed understanding of the behavioural habits of building occupants, and to analyse the consequences of those practices in relation to the currently unfolding climate situation. He gave a particularly interesting discussion of alternative energy, and showed an awareness of the economic and political difficulties that are involved when discussing how society at large might implement these changes. His overall ability is also demonstrated by his grades for the course, which were consistently the highest in the class. 

Joe has excellent communication skills. His written work is structured and clear, and always a pleasure to read. He showed his capacity for persuasive speech in the discussion sections that were a major focus of the programme. Each discussion section focused on diverse subjects. Students were asked to analyse the practical possibilities of implementing new energy forms, as well as their limitations. Joe was effective in applying the programme material in investigating real and complex situations. He always made the intellectual effort to explain his views clearly and gave supporting arguments that were both clear and persuasive. Joe also showed strong teamwork skills during group projects.

As an individual, Joe is a hard-working, resourceful student with a personable personality. He always delivered more in the quantity and quality of his work than the course required, often dedicating extra time to research activity outside of class hours. During the programme, Joe demonstrated impressive willpower and an uncommon work ethic. Not only was he keen and enthusiastic about learning the content of the course, but he also took the initiative by connecting his academic learning to his own experiences in the subject field.

Joe is without doubt a uniquely capable candidate for graduate study in the field of Environmental Sustainability. Joe’s work makes it clear to me that he would make the most of the opportunities that graduate study would provide him, and I would therefore highly recommend Joe Boggs. If his eager participation in my class is any indication of how he would contribute in a postgraduate context, Joe would enrich the academic experience of all those people around him.

If I can be of any further assistance, or provide you with any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely, 

[sender’s signature]

[sender’s name and title]

We’ll leave you with this excellent video from King’s College London revealing what kinds of information universities are looking for in academic reference letters – and although this is particularly helpful for those applying through the British UCAS system , the principles expressed here can be applied by students all around the world.

You now have all the information and resources necessary for getting started with your recommendation letter. Good Luck!

Frequently Asked Questions About Letters of Recommendation

FAQS about recommendation letter

What should you avoid in a letter of recommendation?

The most typical themes that admissions staff dislike include information that is too vague and general. Your referrer should be conscious of avoiding hyperbolic language, as well as going into too much detail about the relationship between both of you.

The admissions committee wants to learn about the candidate specifically, and every affirmation should be backed up with an example of something you have done or achieved.

Should I send a reminder to a recommender?

One of the best ways to avoid feeling unsure when it seems like your referrer may have forgotten your request, is for you to politely ask for an approximate estimation of completion in your initial email in which you ask for the letter of recommendation.

Can I use the same letter of recommendation for different universities and colleges?

It is preferable to have letters of recommendation that make it clear that the prospective student is specifically interested in becoming a part of that particular university or college . If you can achieve this, using the same letter of recommendation can be a realistic option.

How many letters of recommendation do you need to ask for?

This depends on the country and the institution in question. For example in the UK, UCAS only requires candidates to obtain one letter of recommendation. Meanwhile, in the United States, it’s common for colleges to request between two and three reference letters.

When it comes to employers, you can be asked to provide either none at all or even more than three. You should consult the organisation you are applying to.

Photo of Craig Plunkett

Craig Plunkett

Photo of Fabiola López Marín

Fabiola López Marín

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Home » Motivation Letter for Study Abroad: 5 Samples

Motivation Letter for Study Abroad: 5 Samples

Motivation Letter for Study Abroad

If you’re reading this, then you’re probably thinking about studying abroad. And if you’re thinking about studying abroad, then you’re probably wondering how to write a motivation letter for study abroad. don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

A motivation letter for study abroad is basically a cover letter for your application. It should introduce you and explain why you’re the perfect candidate for the program. It should be concise, well-written, and positive.

There are a few things to keep in mind when writing a motivation letter for study abroad. First, make sure to do your research! Know the requirements of the program and what they’re looking for in an applicant. Second, be yourself! The admissions committee wants to get to know you, so don’t try to be someone you’re not. Third, stay positive! This is your chance to sell yourself, so focus on your best qualities and attributes.

Now that you know what a motivation letter for study abroad is and how to write one, it’s time to start working on yours! Good luck!

Table of Contents

How To Write Motivation Letter for Study Abroad?

One of the most important steps in applying to a study abroad program is writing a motivation letter. This letter is your chance to sell yourself to the admissions committee and explain why you are the ideal candidate for the program. While there is no one-size-fits-all template for a motivation letter.

There are a few key things to remember when you sit down to write your motivation letter for study abroad. First, focus on why you want to study abroad and what you hope to gain from the experience. Second, be specific about your plans and what you hope to accomplish. Third, be realistic about your expectations and don’t over-promise. Finally, make sure to proofread your letter carefully before hitting send. By following these simple tips, you can be sure that your motivation letter will make a strong impression on the admissions committee and help you get one step closer to your dream of studying abroad.

Related: How To Write a Cover Letter (And Get Hired in 2022!)

Study abroad letter of intent example

Motivation Letter for Study Abroad

Dear Scholarship Committee,

I am writing to apply for the study abroad scholarship. This opportunity has always been a dream of mine, and I am excited to finally have the chance to make it a reality.

I believe that studying abroad will be an incredibly enriching experience. I will be able to learn about new cultures and perspectives, and gain a more global perspective. This will be an invaluable experience, both academically and personally.

I am confident that I will make the most of this opportunity, and am eager to learn as much as possible. I am committed to making the most of this once-in-a-lifetime experience, and believe that it will be a truly transformative experience.

Thank you for your consideration, and tI look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely, Your name

Related: 5+ Catchy Dentist Cover Letter Samples

Study abroad letter of intent example

My name is ____________ and I am a sophomore at ___________ University. So, I am writing to apply for the ___________ scholarship to study abroad in ___________ during the fall semester of my junior year.

So, I have been interested in ______ for many years and am very excited to have the opportunity to study there .And I believe that studying abroad will give me a unique perspective on ___________ culture and history.Also, I am confident that I will be able to use what I learn during my time abroad to make a positive impact on my community when I return home.

I am committed to making the most of this opportunity and am confident that I will represent ___________ well. So, I would be grateful for your consideration and look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely, ____________

Related: Creative Motivational Letter for Learnership [7 Samples]

Motivation letter for exchange program Erasmus

Respected Sir or Madam,

I am writing this letter to apply for the Erasmus exchange program at your esteemed university.

I am a third-year student of economics and I believe that studying at a renowned university such as yours would be a great opportunity for me to gain new knowledge and broaden my horizons.

Apart from academic excellence, I am also interested in the cultural aspects of your country and I believe that an exchange program would be the perfect way for me to experience these.

I am confident that I would be a valuable asset to your university and I am eager to learn more about European culture and economics. I am committed to making the most of this opportunity and I am confident that I will be an excellent ambassador for your institution.

Thank you for your time and consideration and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Related: Motivational letter for university: 12 Examples & Sample Included

Motivational letter for exchange program

Dear Last NAME,

I am writing this letter to apply for the exchange program at your school. Also, I am very excited about the possibility of spending a semester in Another country and feel that I would be an excellent candidate for the program.

Also, I am currently a sophomore at My home university, where I am studying International Relations and Economics. I have always been interested in other cultures and am passionate about learning more about the world. I believe that this exchange program would be the perfect opportunity for me to do so.

In addition to my academic interests, I am also very active in extracurricular activities. I am a member of the student government and have been involved in several community service projects. And I am confident that I would be an asset to your school and would take full advantage of all that the exchange program has to offer.

I am eager to learn more about Another country and its culture and believe that I would be a great ambassador for My home country. So, I am confident that I would make the most of this unique opportunity and am grateful for your consideration.

Motivation letter for admission in foreign university

Respected Madam/Sir,

I am writing to express my interest in studying at your esteemed university. Also, I am immensely motivated to pursue higher education in ____________________ (name of the country) as it is one of the leading academic destinations in the world. I have been following the work of ___________________ (name of the university) with great interest and I am confident that I can make valuable contributions to the university community.

Also, I have _____ years of experience in the field of ___________ (subject related to the course you are applying for). My work has given me a deep understanding of the ____________________ (course you are applying for) and I am confident that I can excel in it. And I am also proficient in ___________ (language) which will be helpful as ___________ (name of the country) is a ___________ (language) speaking nation.

I am confident that I can be an asset to your university and I would be grateful if you could consider my application for admission. So, I look forward to hearing from you.

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5 Things To Include Motivation Letter for Study Abroad

Getting accepted into your dream school is no easy feat. Now that you’ve been accepted, it’s time to start planning for your future! One of the first steps is to write a motivation letter for study abroad. Here are five things to include:

  • Explain why you want to study abroad. What are your academic goals? Why do you think the program you’ve chosen is the best fit for you?
  • Describe your previous academic experiences. If you have relevant work experience, mention that as well!
  • Highlight any extracurricular activities or volunteer work you’ve done. What leadership roles have you held? What skills have you acquired through these experiences?
  • Discuss your plans for after graduation. What do you hope to accomplish with your degree? How will studying abroad help you achieve these goals?
  • Finally, be sure to proofread your letter and edit for grammar before sending it off! A well-written motivation letter will demonstrate your dedication to and excitement for the program, and increase your chances of being accepted.

By including these 5 elements in your motivation letter, you will give the admissions committee a well-rounded picture of who you are and why you would be a valuable addition to their program.

Related: What is Cover Letter? Complete Guide To Get any Job.

I hope you found this blog helpful as you consider your options for study abroad. The program I chose is very challenging and rewarding; it has already changed my life in so many ways. As someone who was once unsure about whether or not to study abroad, let me reassure you that the experience is absolutely worth it. It’s an amazing opportunity to learn more about yourself while also experiencing a new culture. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. We’re happy to help in whatever way we can!

Motivation letter for exchange program Erasmus

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Application and enrollment for international applicants

International applicants

Before applying for a place on a degree program, you must first decide what you would like to study. With over 260 degree programs to choose from, FAU offers a range of subjects and an interdisciplinary network that are unique in Germany.

Our State Examination and Bachelor’s degree programs are aimed at those who have not yet completed a degree. During a Master’s degree, students can expand their specialist knowledge and further develop their academic skills. In addition, FAU offers teaching degree programs (Lehramt) for primary schools, secondary schools (Mittelschule, Realschule and Gymnasium) and vocational schools.

More information about the contents and admission restrictions of all degree programs at FAU is available in our degree program catalog .

Applications for undergraduate degree programs (Bachelor’s degree, State Examination) Applications for undergraduate degree programs (Bachelor’s degree, State Examination)

For prospective international students, the next step of the application process is also dependent on which subject you would like to study (if you do not have German citizenship or a university entrance qualification obtained in Germany). Normally, you have to apply directly to FAU via the campo application portal for all undergraduate degree programs. The final application deadline ends

  • on July 15 for the winter semester
  • on January 15 for the summer semester.

Documents to be submitted Documents to be submitted

Applications for a German course or the pre-entry program ( Studienkolleg ) should be filed online only.

Applications for the degree programs Artificial Intelligence (BSc), Autonomy Technologies (BSc) and Clean Energy Processes (BSc) should be filed online. Please note that the signed form for your application for admission must be sent in by post without any further documents. We will not process any applications that are sent by email.

For all other applications , after completing your online application, you must print and sign the completed application form (from the campo application portal) and send it by post to our Admissions Office (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Zulassungsstelle, Schlossplatz 4, 91054 Erlangen) with all the following documents:

  • CV (without photo)
  • School leaving certificate (complete certificate)
  • German language certificates (regular copy, if qualifications were gained in Germany)

Further documents may be necessary depending on the desired degree program, your country of origin and your previous education.

  • If applicable: pre-university year certificate (e.g. applicants from Iran)
  • If applicable: university entrance examination certificate from your home country
  • If applicable: assessment examination (Feststellungsprüfung) for the degree program in question (certified copy)
  • If you have completed previous periods of study: complete academic report/transcript of records
  • If you have completed a previous degree: degree certificate (e.g. Bachelor’s degree, Diplom)
  • Applicants who have completed previous periods of study in China, India or (from summer semester 2023) Vietnam: APS certificate (original)
  • Applicants from DSDI/DSDII schools in China: confirmation of identity from the German embassy (original)
  • Applicants for Food Chemistry, Medicine, Pharmacy, or Dentistry must submit proof of passing the Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber (DSH 2) or an equivalent examination.

Further information about the application process Further information about the application process

  • Certified copies of foreign certificates that are not issued in German, English or French must be submitted with a certified translation. If your documents do not fulfill the requirements or if important certificates are missing, your application will not be processed. More information on document certification and translation is available here .
  • Completeness: Please note that for applications to be processed all necessary documents have to be enclosed. This means that applications must not be submitted without certificates and supporting documents.
  • Studienkolleg: Please ensure you find out whether you can apply directly for the degree program you have chosen or whether you must first complete the ‘Studienkolleg’ or pass the assessment examination (Feststellungsprüfung). More information is available on our page about the Evaluation of international qualifications and ‘Studienkolleg’ .
  • Start of degree program: The majority of undergraduate subjects can only be started in the winter semester; that means that enrollment for the summer semester is only possible for higher semesters. However, this is dependent on whether any previous course and examination achievements have been accredited.

Exceptions and special groups of applicants Exceptions and special groups of applicants

Aps certificate from india for summer semester 2024 aps certificate from india for summer semester 2024.

From winter semester 2023/24 onward, applicants with qualifications from India will require an APS certificate to start a degree program (Bachelor’s degree, State Examination and Master’s degree) in Germany, if the applicant has obtained a secondary education certificate or course achievements from India.

If you are granted admission for summer semester 2024, you must present the APS certificate on enrollment at the latest . Students applying for Master’s degree programs with admission restrictions in psychology and psychology with a focus in clinical psychology and psychotherapy must upload the APS certificate when applying for the program .

Please note the following exceptions:

An APS certificate is not required for application or enrollment if one of the following conditions is met:

  • The applicant is already resident in Germany and has proof of residence (Meldebescheinigung) that is not older than three months
  • The highest educational qualification originates from a country other than India, China or Vietnam. The first degree is relevant for the application for a Master’s degree program. If applicants gained their Bachelor’s degree in India and a Master’s degree in another country, an APS certificate is still required. In this case, the university degree relevant for the application is the Bachelor’s degree and the Master’s degree is secondary.
  • The applicant has passed an assessment examination (Feststellungsprüfung) in Germany,
  • The applicant is located in India and is studying a distance learning degree program at a German university,
  • The applicant has been awarded a scholarship from Germany or the EU.

For more information, please visit the APS India website: aps-india.de

Dialog-oriented service procedure (Dialogorientiertes Serviceverfahren (DoSV) Dialog-oriented service procedure (Dialogorientiertes Serviceverfahren (DoSV)

In addition to submitting your application via campo, please note that for some Bachelor’s degree programs you will also have to apply via the dialog-oriented service procedure (DoSV) managed by the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung. This concerns:

  • Foreign students who have attended a school in Germany and therefore all foreign applicants and stateless persons who have attained a German university entrance qualification or have completed a degree in Germany that qualifies them to apply for the degree program.
  • Citizens from an EU member state
  • Spouses of German citizens
  • Citizens from contracting states for the Agreement on the European Economic Area that are not members of the EU (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway).
  • Other family members of citizens of another EU member state or of a contracting state of the Agreement on the European Economic Area who live in Germany, provided these citizens are employed in Germany. The term “other family members” includes spouses.

This is expected to apply to the following degree programs for winter semester 2024/25 :

  • International Business Studies (BSc; taught in English)
  • International Economic Studies (BSc; taught in English)
  • Food Chemistry (State Examination)
  • Molecular Medicine (BSc)
  • Psychology (BSc; full time and part time)

Further information about the dialog-oriented service procedure (DoSV) is available at hochschulstart.de . A checklist on DoSV can also be found in the “ Downloads ” section on that website.

Medicine, Medicine in ER-N/Bayreuth, Dentistry, Pharmacy Medicine, Medicine in ER-N/Bayreuth, Dentistry, Pharmacy

For degree programs in Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy, please apply to the Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung (Foundation for University Admissions (SfH)) if you are:

  • an applicant from a European Union (EU) state
  • an applicant from an EEA country not in the EU (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway)
  • a ‘BildungsinländerIn’ (foreign students at German universities who have attended a school in Germany)
  • an international applicant living in Germany with relatives who are EU/EEA citizens and work in Germany (e.g. husband, wife, parents).

Application as a ‘Bildungsinländer/-in’ Application as a ‘Bildungsinländer/-in’

Irrespective of your nationality, you are considered a ‘Bildungsinländer/-n’ if you have obtained your university entrance qualification in Germany or at a German school abroad. The same application conditions apply to you as those for prospective students from Germany.

Information for graduates of German schools abroad Information for graduates of German schools abroad

Graduates of German schools abroad who want to start a degree program at FAU receive particular support. The application procedure is based on the school-leaving qualification obtained.

  • Application procedure with a German ‘Abitur’ If you have obtained the German general university entrance qualification Abitur at a ‘Gymnasium’ secondary school or a German secondary education certificate at a German school abroad, you are entitled to start a degree program at any German university, irrespective of your nationality. This means you are a ‘Bildungsinländer/-in’. You can therefore apply to and enroll at FAU just like any German prospective student. Detailed information: Application and enrollment
  • Application procedure with the school-leaving qualification obtained in your home country If you have obtained a non-German school-leaving qualification at a German school or partner school in your home country or if you have obtained the International Baccalaureate and the Deutsches Sprachdiplom DSD II you can apply for a degree program at FAU via the application procedure for international students.

Advice and support for applications from graduates of German schools abroad

FAU is part of the Bavarian support initiative for German schools abroad and partner schools abroad (Bayerische Betreuungsinitiative Deutsche Auslands- und Partnerschulen – BayBIDS). As part of this initiative, we visit German schools abroad to introduce pupils there to the university. We also organize and support visits to FAU for pupils of German schools abroad.

Kerstin Seitz

Kerstin Seitz , Dipl.-Germ.

  • Phone number: +49 9131 85-24876
  • Mobile phone: +491622953960
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Website: http://www.zsb.fau.de

School leavers who apply for a degree program at FAU can also apply for a one-year scholarship amounting to 400 euros per month. More information on these support programs is available on the BayBiDS (Bayerische Betreuungsinitiative Deutsche Auslands- und Partnerschulen) website: www.baybids.de

Information for applicants who have completed a “Studienkolleg” and passed the assessment examination (Feststellungsprüfung) Information for applicants who have completed a “Studienkolleg” and passed the assessment examination (Feststellungsprüfung)

Applicants who would like to enroll in a degree program without admission restrictions and who have completed a “Studienkolleg” in Germany and passed the assessment examination (“Feststellungsprüfung”), which makes them eligible to study a degree program in the relevant area of study, are not required to apply via the Admissions Office and complete the admissions procedure. These applicants can enroll during the standard enrollment period .

Information for applicants with the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB) Information for applicants with the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IB)

Applicants who are at an international school and will gain the IB in the current year will usually not have their final certificate in time for the application deadline for degree programs with admission restrictions . You must therefore ensure that you have the relevant proof in good time so that your application can still be considered. The process depends on the degree program you choose and your nationality:

  • For applications for degree programs with admission restrictions made directly to FAU
  • For applications made via hochschulstart.de (only if you fall under the ‘special group of applicants’ category for medicine, medicine in Erlangen-Nuremberg/Bayreuth, dentistry, and pharmacy, see above)

Please also note that you must also provide proof of sufficient proficiency in German . This proof is not required if your IB certificate lists ‘German A’ at the ‘Higher’ level.

Doctoral degrees Doctoral degrees

Prospective doctoral candidates have to submit the permission form (‘Promotionsgenehmigung’) approved by the respective Faculty along with their transcripts/certificates to start a doctoral degree. You will only receive this permission if your degree from abroad is considered equivalent to the required German qualifications. You also need a note of acceptance (‘Betreuungszusage’) from your supervisor. More information (including the application requirements) is available on the Graduate Center’s website .

Exchange students and scholarship holders Exchange students and scholarship holders

If you want to spend one or two semesters at FAU as an exchange student (e.g. ERASMUS/SOKRATES program) or a scholarship holder (e.g. DAAD), please contact FAU’s Office of International Affairs .

Applications for Master’s degree programs Applications for Master’s degree programs

Admission to a Master’s program requires a degree equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree. A list of the Master’s degree programs currently on offer at FAU and an overview of the degree programs taught in English and international degree programs is available on our website.

Master’s degree applications are submitted online via the campo portal. All information on applications for Master’s degree programs is available under Applying for Master’s degree programs .

Evaluation of international qualifications Evaluation of international qualifications

The qualifications you gained from your secondary school in your home country do not necessarily entitle you to study at a German university. In many cases, international applicants have to take an assessment examination (Feststellungsprüfung) at a ‘Studienkolleg’ or provide proof of previous study periods in their home country before they are admitted to the degree program. Detailed information is available on our page about the Evaluation of international qualifications and ‘Studienkolleg’ .

German language skills for studying German language skills for studying

With the exception of a small number of degree programs, German is the teaching language at FAU. Proof of the relevant language skills is therefore essential for admission to a degree program. Detailed information is available here: German language skills and certificates .

Registration and enrollment for a degree program Registration and enrollment for a degree program

If your application for a place has been successful, you will receive an admissions letter (‘Zulassungsbescheid’) and you must then enroll for the degree program you would like to study at FAU. You will then receive information on how and when to enroll and which documents are required in the admissions letter.

Detailed information is available under Application/Enrollment .

How to apply via the campo portal (video in English)

If you have any further questions, please contact the student advice center, contact form, student advice center.


University Admission Application Letter (with Samples & PDFs)

I have listed sample templates to help you craft an effective and professional university admission application letter.

Also, I would like to point out that you can also download a PDF containing all the samples at the end of this post.

Successful Application Letter for University Admission

First, find the sample template for university admission application letter below.

To, The Admissions Committee, [Name of the University], [Address of the University], [City], [State], [Postal Code]

Subject: Application for Admission to [Name of the Course]

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Full Name], resident of [Your Address], am writing this letter to show my keen interest in applying for the [Name of the Course] at your esteemed university for the academic year [Year].

I have recently completed my [last educational qualification] from [Name of School/College] with an aggregate of [Your Percentage/CGPA], and I am eager to further my studies in the field of [Field of Study]. I believe that studying at [Name of the University] will provide me the right knowledge, skills, and exposure to excel in this field.

I am particularly drawn to the [Name of the Course] at [Name of the University] because of its reputation for providing high-quality education and its focus on practical learning. I am confident that this course will help me achieve my academic and career goals.

Enclosed with this letter are my mark sheets, certificates, and other required documents. I kindly request you to consider my application and provide me with an opportunity to prove my potential and contribute to the university.

I am looking forward to being a part of your esteemed institution and assure you that I will put in my best efforts in all my endeavours.

Thank you for considering my application. I am eager to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Full Name] [Your Contact Information] [Your Email Address]

Below I have listed 5 different sample applications for “university admission application letter” that you will certainly find useful for specific scenarios:

Crafting a Persuasive University Application Letter to Showcase Leadership Skills

Crafting a Persuasive University Application Letter to Showcase Leadership Skills

To, The Admissions Committee, [University Name], [University Address].

Subject: Application for Admission to [Desired Course Name]

I, [Your Full Name], a student of Class XII from [Your School Name], am writing to express my keen interest in applying for the [Desired Course Name] at your esteemed university. I believe that my strong leadership skills, coupled with my academic accomplishments, make me an ideal candidate for this course.

I have consistently excelled in my studies, but more importantly, I have taken the initiative to lead and guide my peers through various activities. As the Head Boy/Girl of my school, I’ve learned to inspire and motivate my fellow students, organize events, and address issues efficiently. These experiences have honed my leadership abilities and have taught me how to balance my academic commitments with extracurricular responsibilities.

I played a pivotal role in initiating a ‘Clean Campus Drive’ in my school, where I led a team of students to maintain cleanliness and fostered a sense of responsibility among them. This initiative not only improved the school environment but also instilled a sense of community and teamwork among the students.

Moreover, I represented my school at the [Local/State/National] Leadership Summit, where I had the opportunity to interact with other young leaders and share innovative ideas to improve our communities. This experience broadened my perspective and reinforced my desire to lead and make a difference.

If given the opportunity to join [University Name], I assure you that I will bring these leadership qualities to contribute positively to the university community. I am eager to leverage my experiences to participate actively in student-led initiatives and further develop my leadership skills.

I am confident that [University Name] is the perfect platform for me to grow not just acadically but also as a leader. I humbly request you to consider my application favorably. I look forward to the opportunity to be a part of your esteemed institution.

Thank you for considering my application.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Full Name], [Your Contact Information].

Writing a Compelling University Application Letter Highlighting Athletic Achievements

Writing a Compelling University Application Letter Highlighting Athletic Achievements

To, The Admissions Committee, [Name of the University], [Address of the University]

Subject: Application for Admission and Highlighting Athletic Achievements

I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. I am [Your Name], a student from [Your School Name], [Your City], intending to apply for the [Course Name] at your esteemed university.

Academically, I have consistently performed well, securing a GPA of [Your GPA] in the previous year. However, I am not just a diligent student in the classroom, but also a passionate sportsperson. I believe my athletic achievements will contribute to the vibrant sports culture at your university.

Over the last few years, I have been an active participant in athletics and have had the honour of representing my school at various district, state, and national level competitions. In the recent [Name of Sports Event], I clinched the gold medal in [Name of the Sport], making my school and family immensely proud. Additionally, I was also the recipient of the prestigious [Name of the Award] given for outstanding performance in sports.

My commitment to sports has not only honed my physical abilities but has also helped me develop leadership skills, team spirit, and resilience. I believe that these qualities will not only aid me in my academic pursuit but also contribute to the overall diversity and vitality of your university’s student community.

I am enthusiastic about bringing the same dedication and spirit to your esteemed university and contributing to its athletic teams. I am certain that the comprehensive education and diverse opportunities provided by your university will help me grow, both acadically and athletically.

I am hopeful that you will consider my application favourably. Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of becoming a part of your prestigious university.

Yours sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Articulating Academic Excellence in a University Admission Application Letter

Articulating Academic Excellence in a University Admission Application Letter

The Dean of Admissions, [University Name], [University Address], [City], [State], [Pin Code]

Subject: Application for Admission

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, [Your Name], am writing this letter seeking admission to the [Course Name] course at your prestigious institution for the academic year [Year]. I have recently completed my [last academic degree/course] from [Your School/College Name] in [City, State].

I have always been passionate about [subject(s) related to the course], and I am confident that my academic achievements reflect this. I have consistently maintained a high academic standing in my schooling years, ranking in the top [percentage/rank] of my class. My teachers have commended me for my dedication and commitment to learning, which is evident from my grades and participation in various academic competitions.

Moreover, I have been an active participant in various extracurricular activities that have helped me develop a holistic understanding of the world. I have led [mention some leadership roles], worked on [mention any projects or initiatives], and engaged in [mention any community service or volunteer work]. These experiences have taught me the importance of teamwork, leadership, and responsibility, and have fuelled my desire to further my learning.

Your institution, with its exemplary faculty and state-of-the-art facilities, stands as the ideal platform for me to deepen my knowledge and broaden my horizon. I am particularly drawn to the [mention specific aspects of the course or university that attract you], and I am confident that these will provide the right environment to nurture my academic and personal growth.

I am committed to maintaining my academic excellence and contributing positively to the university community. I am hopeful that I will be given the opportunity to bring my passion, dedication, and academic prowess to your esteemed institution.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of contributing to and learning from the [University Name] community.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name] [Your Address] [City, State, Pin Code] [Email Address] [Phone Number]

Tailoring a University Application Letter to Highlight Community Service Experiences

Tailoring a University Application Letter to Highlight Community Service Experiences

The Admission Committee, [University Name], [University Address], [City, State, Zip Code]

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am [Your Name], a student of [Your School Name], seeking admission to your esteemed university for the upcoming academic year.

I am writing this letter to express my keen interest in the [Course Name] program at your prestigious institution. I have always been intrigued by [Subject Name], and I am eager to explore this field under the guidance of the accomplished faculty at [University Name].

During my time at high school, I have actively participated in various community service programs that have not only enriched my life but have also enhanced my understanding of society and its needs. I was a part of the ‘Clean-Up Drive’ in my local community, where we focused on maintaining cleanliness and educating people about the importance of hygiene.

In addition, I volunteered in the ‘Joy of Giving’ initiative, aimed at providing essential supplies to underprivileged children. This experience truly humbled me and made me realize the value of giving back to society. I believe these experiences have shaped me as an individual and have taught me the importance of empathy, teamwork, and leadership.

I am certain that these experiences will enable me to contribute to the diverse community at [University Name]. I am eager to bring my commitment to service and dedication to learning to your campus, and I look forward to the possibility of contributing my skills and experiences to your distinguished institution.

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application with you further.

Yours faithfully,

[Your Name] [Your Contact Information]

Penning a University Application Letter Expressing a Deep Passion for a Specific Field of Study

Penning a University Application Letter Expressing a Deep Passion for a Specific Field of Study

To, The Admissions Office, [University Name], [University Address],

Subject: Application for Admission in [Specific Field of Study]

I, [Your Full Name], a resident of [Your City Name], am writing this letter to express my deep interest in applying for the [Specific Field of Study] program at your esteemed university for the academic year [Year of Admission].

My passion for [Specific Field of Study] was kindled during my school years, when I found myself fascinated by [Mention something specific about the field that fascinated you]. Since then, my curiosity and interest in this field have only grown. I have spent countless hours learning and honing my skills, and now I aspire to take this passion forward and delve deeper into this field at a university level.

Your esteemed university, with its excellent faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and a rich history of producing exceptional talent in the field of [Specific Field of Study], is my dream institution. I am especially drawn to the [mention a specific aspect/feature of the university’s program that appeals to you], which I believe would greatly enhance my learning experience and provide me with a holistic understanding of the subject.

I have consistently excelled in this field during my school years [mention any achievements, awards, or recognition received]. I am confident that my dedication, coupled with the guidance of the exceptional faculty at [University Name], will equip me with the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute positively to this field.

I assure you of my utmost commitment and dedication towards my studies, and I am eager to make the most of the opportunities offered at your prestigious institution. I am hopeful that you will consider my application favorably.

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity of being a part of [University Name].

Yours Sincerely,

[Your Full Name] [Your Contact Information]

How to Write University Admission Application Letter

Some writing tips to help you craft a better application:

  • Start with your personal information including your full name, address, the date, and the recipient’s address.
  • Open the letter with a formal salutation, addressing the admissions committee or specific admission officer, if known.
  • Introduce yourself, your current educational status and the program you’re applying to.
  • Describe your academic interests, why you chose this university, and how it aligns with your career goals.
  • Highlight your academic achievements, extracurricular activities, and any relevant work or volunteer experience.
  • Explain any gaps or anomalies in your academic record, if applicable.
  • State how you could contribute to the university and its community.
  • End with a strong closing statement expressing your enthusiasm and gratitude for being considered.
  • Include a formal sign-off, your full name and signature.
  • Proofread your letter multiple times for any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes or typos.

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  • University Admission Application Fee Payment Slip
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I am sure you will get some insights from here on how to write “university admission application letter”. And to help further, you can also download all the above application samples as PDFs by clicking here .

And if you have any related queries, kindly feel free to let me know in the comments below.

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Read this before you use ChatGPT to write your university application cover letter

Trên trang này, the limitations and risks of chatgpt, why you shouldn’t use chatgpt, even as a last resort, 1. chatgpt can’t beat a human expert, 2. chatgpt has no historical knowledge of a winning cover letter, 3. the risks of rejection or dismissal after enrolment is real, study abroad with idp today - get the edge even without chatgpt, chủ đề được đề cập.

  • 28 May 2024

You’ve probably heard of ChatGPT, the AI-powered app that is revolutionising the world and changing how the world interacts. In fact, you might be wondering if ChatGPT is the perfect solution to writing a winning university application cover letter.

Yes, the OpenAI chatbot seems to have infinite potential to solve any writing challenge on Earth. However, should you take chances on your entire academic and professional future with this shortcut?

It might seem like a no-brainer to breeze through your university admissions using a chatbot that provides seemingly complex and sophisticated answers to simple questions. Why spend days writing an academic essay when it can be done within minutes, and all without grammatical errors?

But the stakes are high. In this article, we are going to highlight some crucial points to consider before you use ChatGPT to write your university application letter, or even during the rest of your university studies after getting in.

One downside of using the chatbot is that you will not just be technically cheating the university, but also yourself.

The University of Oxford defines plagiarism as “presenting someone else’s work, with or without their consent, as your own without full acknowledgement.”

And since ChatGPT isn’t a living breathing human being, one could argue using the chatbot is perfectly fair game, based on certain definitions. However, there are reports that a growing number of universities are rethinking the idea of plagiarism which could eventually lead to including ChatGPT as a tool for ‘cheating’.

However, as you’ll quickly realise, ChatGPT is more of an AI that consolidates existing information online (up to 2021) and doesn’t exactly produce true inspiration or motivation to help you in your application writing.

To prove a point, we gave ChatGPT the following prompt: "Write for me a university cover letter for a student in Indonesia who wants to pursue an electrical engineering undergraduate degree at the University of Sheffield in the UK.” 

We can see that the letter is written in a very mechanical way, as if it were adapted from a template. The generic terms used, placements and even sentence constructs might betray the fact that it was written by AI. Just imagine the university receiving similar copies of this cover letter submitted by multiple applicants!

Not only does it come off as cookie-cutter, any personality or uniqueness to you is non-existent. It also shows a lack of research done towards the course curriculum or the school’s specific achievements.

One concerning issue is how ChatGPT assumed that the writer was a member of a robotics club and was experienced in building electrical systems. This inventing of facts to help better fit the narrative of the application letter can be a trap for your credibility.

Because there is no connection between the real person and ChatGPT, trying to use the chatbot to write a university application letter isn’t a good idea. Worse of all, the consequences of getting caught can be severe.

It’s important to understand that ChatGPT can’t beat an education expert because it just doesn’t have the depth of experience or understand what’s on the line.

For example, education counsellors at IDP meet students through individualised sessions to fully understand their needs, achievements and future plans. Plus, all this is done at the student’s convenience, at no cost. In fact, you might even enjoy having some fees waived in the application process.

More importantly, you get to tell your whole story to our experts who can then flesh out a compelling narrative and highlight key points to be included in the university cover letter.

ChatGPT doesn’t know everything, including what works and what doesn’t in a successful cover letter.

In contrast, education experts in IDP have years of experience in knowing which letters will likely result in success. After assisting thousands of students and having first-hand application and communication experience with the universities themselves, the counsellors know what the institutions are looking out for.

Chatbots like ChatGPT just don’t have that human touch and depth of knowledge to assist you with writing a compelling cover letter. It’s not just about mechanically listing facts about yourself, but also how it is presented to best portray your motivations in the best light possible.

If that still doesn’t deter you, consider the real risks of getting caught using ChatGPT!

Firstly, your application would likely be rejected and you could be blacklisted throughout the university for future applications. This might make any future attempts of getting in exponentially harder, if not impossible.

Secondly, you could enter a common database and be flagged for ‘cheating’. This could indeed affect any future application chances if your particulars are double-checked against this database.

Thirdly, tools are being developed and refined to detect AI-written essays and they could retrospectively be used by universities to analyse your old application cover letter. If caught, this could result in serious penalties or even expulsion from your course.

The reward just isn’t worth the risk.

Do it the right way, get in touch with an expert at IDP (and not ChatGPT)!

Need help crafting your best cover letter possible, risk-free? Look no further than the education experts at IDP. Make use of their experience to write your cover letter and apply the right way.

Our education counsellors are also happy to help you select the right course and study destination for your career aspirations.

From understanding your unique situation to answering all your questions, seek help from us and make your best decision possible.

Take the next step with IDP today and get tailored advice from our team of education experts to help you reach your goals.

Simply book your free online counselling session with us today and we’ll take it from there!

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Create your profile and unlock a wide array of features including personalised recommendations, fast-tracked applications and much more.

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There is a new deadline to get the Real ID. Here’s why you need one

A sample Real ID card with a yellow bear figure in the upper right corner

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Pushed out of mind by a handful of deadline delays, Californians now face another drop-dead date to apply for the Real ID if they plan to travel domestically next year.

The goal of the Real ID Act, approved by Congress in 2005, is to improve security and minimize fraud in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The Real ID was designed to create a nationwide standard for identification because some state driver’s licenses were not acceptable to board commercial aircraft or cross borders in other states.

Since the planned implementation date was originally announced for 2008, it has been delayed several times, most recently by the pandemic and backlogs at DMV offices.

The current deadline to get the ID is May 7, 2025, and there are no signs of another deferment.

TSA officials demonstrate new screening equipment at Harry Reid International Airport, Wednesday, March 6, 2024, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Ty ONeil)

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With less than a year to meet the deadline, nearly 17 million Californians — in a state with a population of nearly 40 million — have the Real ID, according to recent data by the California Department of Motor Vehicles.

That suggests there are many people who haven’t gotten Real IDs and might be wondering if they must.

Why do I need the Real ID?

Starting next year, if you’re 18 or older, the Real ID will be accepted as a form of identification to board domestic flights and enter secure federal facilities, such as military bases and federal courthouses. The traditional identification cards or driver’s licenses offered by the DMV won’t be accepted for such uses.

A Real ID has the image of a bear and a star in the top right-hand corner that indicates it’s federally compliant. A regular identification card has the phrase “Federal Limits Apply,” in the same area of the card.

If you get to an airport and show Transportation Security Administration staff a regular California ID or state-issued driver’s license, you will not be permitted through the security checkpoint, according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

The TSA accepts other forms of identification. See its website for details.

How do I get a Real ID?

To get a Real ID you have to apply for one through your local Department of Motor Vehicles office.

Start the process by visiting the DMV website and review the document checklist for the required proof you’ll need to prove your identity and residency.

You must provide one of the following to prove your identity:

  • Valid U.S. passport or passport card
  • Original or certified copy of U.S birth certificate (issued by a city, county, or state vital statistics office). “Abbreviated” or “Abstract” certificates are not accepted.
  • Valid permanent resident card
  • Foreign passport with valid U.S. visa and approved I-94 form
  • Certificate of naturalization or certificate of U.S. citizenship
  • Certified copy of birth certificate from a U.S. territory
  • Valid employment authorization document card or valid/expired EAD card with notice of action
  • Valid permanent resident card with notice of action or approval notice
  • U.S. certificate of birth abroad or consular report of birth abroad of U.S. citizen
  • Valid foreign passport stamped “Processed for I-551”
  • Documents reflecting Temporary Protected Status benefit eligibility

You current full name must match the name on your identifying document.

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You must provide one of the following to prove your residency:

  • Home utility bill or phone bill
  • Records from any state or national bank, state or federal savings association, trust company, industrial loan company, state or federal credit union, or any institution or entity that has issued a credit card
  • Insurance documents, including medical, dental, vision, life, home, rental or vehicle
  • Medical documents
  • Mortgage bill
  • Employment documents
  • Tax return (either Internal Revenue Service or California Franchise Tax Board faith-based document)
  • Rental or lease agreement with the signature of the landlord and the tenant
  • School documents issued by a public or private primary, secondary, or post-secondary institution, college, or university that includes the applicant’s date of birth.
  • Change of address confirmation by the U.S. Postal Service
  • Property tax bill or statement
  • Deed or title to residential real property
  • Voter registration confirmation letter or postcard issued by the California secretary of state or a local California county elections officer
  • Court documents that list the applicant as a resident of California

These documents must have the first and last name as well as mailing address that will be listed on the Real ID.

LOS ANGELES, CA - MAY 03: FOR FILE ART - LAPD recruit class 11-23 graduation ceremony at the Los Angeles Police Academy in Los Angeles, CA on Friday, May 3, 2024. (Myung J. Chun / Los Angeles Times)

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California Atty. Gen. Rob Bonta will stop requiring police officers to disclose their own gender identity when they report details of traffic stops to the state.

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If your name is not listed on the residency documents you can use a birth certificate, marriage license or domestic partner registration document to prove your relationship with the person listed on the residency document.

You have your proof of identity and residency documents, now it’s time to apply.

You can complete the Real ID application online, which takes less than 10 minutes.

When your application is finished you’ll need to schedule a visit with a DMV office to show your documents and complete the application process.

Before your appointment, have your supporting documents, application confirmation and $35 to pay the fee for the ID.

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Skip the DMV visit. You can now complete these services online

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Huntington Beach, CA - FasTrak express lanes are open on the San Diego (405) Freeway from Costa Mesa to the San Gabriel River (605) Freeway on Friday, Dec. 1, 2023. The $2.16 billion project, which began in 2018, added one new lane in each direction as well as express lanes between state Route 73 and the San Gabriel River Freeway. (Luis Sinco / Los Angeles Times)

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Close-up of vertical sign with logos for ridesharing companies Uber and Lyft, with wheels of a car in the background, indicating a location where rideshare pickups are available in downtown Los Angeles, California, October 24, 2018. (Photo by Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images)

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application letter for university abroad

Karen Garcia is a reporter on the Fast Break Desk, the team that has a pulse on breaking news at the Los Angeles Times. She was previously a reporter on the Utility Journalism Team, which focused on service journalism. Her previous stints include reporting for the San Luis Obispo New Times and KCBX Central Coast Public Radio.

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  5. Write a Successful Motivation Letter for Your Master's

    An important part of the application process for a Master's degree at an international university is the motivation letter (or cover letter) you are required to write. But how to write the best motivation letter? And why is it so important, anyway? A well-written letter can be a decisive factor in ensuring you a place in your desired Master's programme. It is probably the most personalized ...

  6. Writing Your Motivation Letter for Studies Abroad

    Writing Your Motivation Letter for Studies Abroad. When required, the motivation letter can seem like a challenge for applying to a school. However, the good news is that there are some general characteristics international higher education recruiters are looking for when considering potential new, international students.

  7. How to write a scholarship application letter

    The answer can depend on exactly how the question is worded, but as a general guide, it can be broken down into the following sections: Introduce yourself. Tell the reader about yourself and why you are applying for this particular scholarship. Use simple and direct statements. Tell them about yourself, your family, your background and anything ...

  8. University Application Letter Example: Free & Effective

    University Application Letter Example Template. Dear Admissions Committee, I am writing to express my enthusiastic application for the [Program Name] at [University Name]. My interest in [Subject or Field of Study] was sparked by [brief personal anecdote or experience that ignited your passion in the field].

  9. How to Study Abroad in 2023: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Read about common documents required for the university application. Discover how to write a successful motivation letter. 6. Pass your English language test if you haven't already. To study an English-taught programme at a university abroad, you'll first need to provide evidence of your English language proficiency.

  10. The Study Abroad Application

    Put the same amount of effort into your study abroad application. Unlike the college selection process, there's no back up or safety net… you only get one shot at this so you need to do it right. More than likely, it will consist of the following: A personal statement, letters of recommendation, possible course selections, health clearance ...

  11. How to Write a Motivation Letter for Study Abroad

    A letter of motivation for studying abroad should convince the admissions officer that you have the most potential to gain from the experience of studying abroad. Include details of yourself that will distinguish you from other applicants. Make sure that the tone, grammar, and word choice in your letter of intent for studying abroad read well ...

  12. How to apply to university

    A personal statement or letter of motivation that explains why you should be accepted and have chosen the university and course of study. Academic and personal references that support your application with a l etter of recommendation. Universities will detail who the ideal people to provide your references should be.

  13. Apply For Study In a Foreign University

    Steps. Explain what you want to do or achieve. It is often a good idea to mention the name of the university. Briefly describe your reasons for wanting the work or study experience, and/or your qualifications. Make your request. Make it easy for the recipient to contact you or send you information.

  14. How to Apply to Foreign Universities

    A letter of motivation/Statement of Purpose is an essential part of the application when planning to study abroad. Ensure that these documents are well-written and proofread for errors. It should be in the proper format or per the requirements stated by the university; don't exaggerate your experience and achievements, and be honest in your ...

  15. How to Apply to University Abroad

    How to choose a university abroad. Submitting an application. Admissions tests and language exams. Tips for a successful application essay. Applying for student visas. This guide is completely free - all you need to do is register with the TopUniversities community (also free)! This gets you unlimited access to the rest of our content too!

  16. Application Letters for Colleges Abroad

    X Tips on Application Letter for Colleges Abroad. Research well about your application. Format your cover letter correctly. Look for a name to address. Commence with an impactful introduction ...

  17. What Documents Do You Need to Apply for a University Abroad?

    Admission requirements for a Master's degree abroad can vary from programme to programme, but luckily there are also many similarities, whether you want to study in the USA, China, Germany or anywhere around the globe.. The purpose of an application fee receipt, of photos, and ID copies is pretty obvious. The university needs to be able to recognize you and accept your application.

  18. Letter of Recommendation / Reference

    Getting a positive Letter of recommendation is a critical stage of your university application process, as almost all further education institutions request at least one from both domestic and international applicants in order to get an opinion about you from another perspective. Outstanding references accompanied by a well-structured academic ...

  19. Motivation Letter for Study Abroad: 5 Samples

    A motivation letter for study abroad is basically a cover letter for your application. It should introduce you and explain why you're the perfect candidate for the program. It should be concise, well-written, and positive. There are a few things to keep in mind when writing a motivation letter for study abroad. First, make sure to do your ...

  20. Application and enrollment for international applicants

    Application procedure with a German 'Abitur' If you have obtained the German general university entrance qualification Abitur at a 'Gymnasium' secondary school or a German secondary education certificate at a German school abroad, you are entitled to start a degree program at any German university, irrespective of your nationality. This ...

  21. Tips and Example of Motivation Letter for Scholarship

    For example, you aim to get a master's degree in health scholarship with the hope of building a clinic in a remote area of Indonesia. 3. Focus on Your Strengths. When telling about your educational background and experiences, you also need to add things you are good at.

  22. University Admission Application Letter (with Samples & PDFs)

    First, find the sample template for university admission application letter below. Subject: Application for Admission to [Name of the Course] Respected Sir/Madam, I, [Your Full Name], resident of [Your Address], am writing this letter to show my keen interest in applying for the [Name of the Course] at your esteemed university for the academic ...

  23. Student visa for Germany: Checklist

    Visa for student application: ... Health insurance abroad ; Processing times for the student visa from the date of application: 1. Long-term study stays: 6-12 weeks ... Conditional letter of admission from the university or admission to the entrance examination; Certificates from school and, if applicable, bachelor's degree, including ...

  24. PDF Study Abroad Cover Letter Template

    Cover Letter Template Your Name Your present address · Preferred phone number · E-mail address Date of correspondence Name of Individual Title Name or organization/company Address City, State & Zip Code Dear Dr. /Mr. /Mrs. /Ms. Last Name: (Do not address "To whom it may concern:") PARAGRAPH ONE

  25. DOC University of Texas School of Law, Study Abroad Application

    If you are applying to study abroad at an institution that teaches in a . foreign language, once you have been accepted to study abroad you will be asked to complete the language evaluation in the spring. If this is an . AD HOC. application, please attach the full university, contact name, address, telephone, and email to this application.

  26. Study Abroad, Overseas Education Consultant, Get Free Counselling

    Study Overseas Consultants in India - Study abroad with IDP education, we help students to study overseas in Australia, USA, Canada, UK & New Zealand. News and articles; ... trying to use the chatbot to write a university application letter isn't a good idea. Worse of all, the consequences of getting caught can be severe.

  27. PDF University of Cape Town

    An application which does not comply with the above requirements will be regarded as incomplete. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and may be required to undergo an assessment . Due to the physical aspect of the position medical evaluation is compulsory before commencement of employment. Telephone: 021-948-3451 . Attention: Ash Wyngaard

  28. Study Abroad, Overseas Education Consultant, Get Free Counselling

    Study Overseas Consultants in India - Study abroad with IDP education, we help students to study overseas in Australia, USA, Canada, UK & New Zealand. Tin tức & bài viết; ... trying to use the chatbot to write a university application letter isn't a good idea. Worse of all, the consequences of getting caught can be severe.

  29. There is a new deadline to get the Real ID. Why you need one

    U.S. certificate of birth abroad or consular report of birth abroad of U.S. citizen Valid foreign passport stamped "Processed for I-551" Documents reflecting Temporary Protected Status benefit ...