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Yomu is an AI-powered writing assistant that helps you write better essays, papers, and academic writing. Simply start typing and Yomu will generate suggestions for you to use in your writing. You can also use Yomu to generate entire paragraphs or sections. Yomu also helps find citations, references, and sources for you to use in your writing. You can make sure that your writing is plagiarism-free by using Yomu's plagiarism checker.

AI Product Reviews


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  • Our Verdict
  • Overview of Essaybot
  • Pros and Cons of Essaybot
  • How We Tested Essaybot
  • Our Review Rating System
  • Alternatives to Essaybot
  • Essaybot FAQ


Our team evaluated Essaybot and discovered a diverse range of features, encompassing content generation and plagiarism checks. These innovative capabilities directly tackle common writing hurdles, offering valuable support in crafting well-structured essays. However, it's essential to acknowledge certain limitations, such as a basic grammar check and the necessity for user-initiated revisions.

In our exploration, we also delved into alternatives. Each of these options boasts unique strengths, providing compelling choices for writers. By comprehending the respective advantages and disadvantages of these tools, individuals can make informed decisions regarding the best fit for their specific writing needs. Ultimately, we emphasize the importance of using these tools as aids to enhance, rather than replace, one's own writing proficiency.


In today's fast-paced academic landscape, the demand for efficient and effective writing tools has never been higher. Our team evaluated Essaybot , an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered tool that you can use to write essays. This innovative tool offers a range of features aimed at streamlining the essay creation process, from generating original content to providing accurate citations.

In this detailed overview, we'll dissect Essaybot's capabilities and assess how it can be a game-changer for students and writers alike. Our AI experts tested this tool to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of its potential benefits.

AI Writing Assistant Extraordinaire

At the heart of Essaybot lies its powerful AI engine, a sophisticated system trained to understand and generate human-like text. This enables the tool to not only assist in constructing essays but also provide valuable content suggestions such as an essay title or topic. The AI's ability to mimic human writing styles and produce coherent, structured content sets Essaybot apart as a next-generation writing companion.

We put Essaybot's powerful AI engine to the test, providing it with prompts for various essay topics. The results were impressive - the generated text was coherent, structured, and closely resembled human writing styles. This demonstrated the tool's ability to assist in constructing essays effectively.

Sentence Rephraser

Essaybot takes sentence construction to the next level with its advanced sentence rephrasing feature. This function analyzes and suggests alternative phrasings for sentences, enhancing clarity and flow. By offering diverse ways to express ideas, Essaybot empowers writers to create compelling and well-articulated essays that leave a lasting impression.

We used this feature to analyze and rephrase sentences from sample essays. The suggested alternative phrasings significantly improved clarity and flow, showcasing the value of this function in enhancing the overall quality of writing.

Plagiarism Check

One of the standout features of Essaybot is its robust plagiarism checker. This tool goes beyond basic checks, ensuring that the content generated is entirely plagiarism-free. By erasing or rephrasing any potentially plagiarized sections to erase plagiarism concerns. Consequently, you can submit your work without the specter of academic misconduct looming over them. This capability is especially crucial in today's academic environment, where originality is paramount.

Our team provided both original and plagiarized content to see how effectively Essaybot's plagiarism checker identified and corrected the issues. The tool surpassed our expectations, ensuring the generated content was entirely plagiarism-free. It effectively erased or rephrased potentially plagiarized sections, providing confidence in the originality of the work.

Sentence Formatting

In addition to its prowess in content generation, Essaybot also excels in refining the presentation of your work. The tool offers valuable suggestions for sentence formatting, ensuring that your essay is not poorly structured. This attention to detail helps create a polished final product that stands out in terms of both substance and style.

We fed poorly structured sentences into Essaybot to observe how it would enhance their presentation. The tool's suggestions for sentence formatting were invaluable, leading to a more polished final product that stood out in terms of both substance and style.

Tone Checker

Understanding the importance of conveying the right tone, Essaybot comes equipped with a tone checker. This feature analyzes the text to determine its overall tone, allowing users to adjust their writing style accordingly. Whether it's a formal academic paper or a persuasive argumentative essay, Essaybot ensures that your writing strikes the right chord with your audience.

We experimented with different writing styles and tones, from formal to persuasive, to gauge the effectiveness of the tone checker. The feature accurately analyzed the text and provided valuable insights to help users tailor their writing style to their intended audience and purpose.

Grammar Check

Flawless grammar is non-negotiable in academic writing, and Essaybot rises to the occasion with its comprehensive grammar checker. While the tool's grammar check is commendable, it's worth noting that it provides a basic level of correction for poorly written sentences. For more intricate grammar corrections of your own essay, you may still need to exercise your own proofreading skills.

We tested the grammar checker with sentences containing various types of errors, from basic to more complex. While the tool performed well in correcting basic grammar mistakes, it's important to note that more intricate corrections may still require the writer's own proofreading skills.


To put the finishing touches on your essay, Essaybot incorporates an autocorrect feature. This function helps catch any last-minute errors or typos, ensuring that your work is error-free and ready for submission. By providing this additional layer of scrutiny, Essaybot ensures that your essay meets the highest standards of quality.

To evaluate the autocorrect feature, we intentionally introduced errors and typos into sample essays. Essaybot efficiently caught and corrected these last-minute mistakes, ensuring the final product was error-free and ready for submission.

As with any AI tool, Essaybot comes with its own set of advantages and limitations. In this section, we'll provide a comprehensive overview of the pros and cons of this AI-powered essay writing assistant, enabling you to make an informed decision about its utility in your writing endeavors.

Content Generation Assistance: Essaybot's AI capabilities shine when it comes to content generation. It can provide valuable content suggestions based on essay titles or topics, making it a useful tool for overcoming writer's block or finding relevant information.

Plagiarism Check: One of Essaybot's standout features is its robust plagiarism checker. It goes the extra mile to ensure that the generated content is entirely plagiarism-free. This is invaluable for maintaining academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism concerns.

Sentence Rephrasing: Essaybot's sentence rephrasing feature offers a fresh perspective on sentence construction. By suggesting alternative phrasings, it helps improve the clarity and flow of your writing.

Autocorrect and Grammar Check: The tool includes an autocorrect feature and a basic grammar checker, which can help users polish their essays and eliminate common errors before submission.

Tone Checker: Essaybot's tone checker analyzes the text to determine its tone, allowing writers to adjust their writing style to suit the intended audience or purpose.

Citation Finder: Essaybot includes a smart citation finder that produces citations matching the source and text, saving users time and effort when citing.

Visual Presentation: Essaybot also offers suggestions for sentence formatting, ensuring that the final essay is not only well-written but visually appealing.

Free Access: Essaybot is available as a free tool, making it accessible to a wide range of users who may be working on essays or academic papers.

Limited Grammar Check: While Essaybot offers a basic grammar check, it may not cover more complex grammar issues. Users may need to rely on their own proofreading skills for more advanced grammatical corrections.

Content Suggestions from Google Searches: The content suggestions provided by Essaybot are sourced from top Google searches. While this can be helpful, it may not always guarantee the most comprehensive or authoritative sources for academic writing.

Paraphrasing Challenges: Essaybot's paraphrasing feature, while useful, may sometimes produce text that is overly convoluted or contains grammar and punctuation mistakes, making the text less readable.

Lack of Revisions: Essaybot does not offer revision services. Users are responsible for proofreading and editing their essays themselves, which may be a drawback for those seeking more comprehensive writing assistance.

1. Ease of Use : Our team assessed Essaybot's user interface and navigation to ensure it was intuitive and user-friendly. We considered how easily users could access and utilize its various features.

2. Speed of Content Generation : We measured the time it took for Essaybot to generate coherent and relevant content for given prompts. This criterion was crucial in evaluating its efficiency for time-sensitive tasks.

3. Accuracy of Plagiarism Checks : We provided both original and plagiarized content to gauge the effectiveness of Essaybot's plagiarism checker. We closely examined how accurately it detected and corrected potential issues.

4. Effectiveness of Grammar Corrections : Our experts submitted essays with deliberate grammar errors to evaluate the tool's grammar checker. We assessed how well it corrected basic and more intricate grammar mistakes.

We employ a 5-star rating system for all the AI tools we review to give you a comprehensive idea of the overall utility of each tool.

  • Five stars: Editor’s choice
  • Four stars: An excellent choice
  • Three stars: Meets some of our standards
  • Two stars: Doesn’t meet our standards
  • One star: Not recommended

Our team of experts has awarded this AI tool an overall rating of four stars, considering it an excellent choice. The tool impressively addresses common writing challenges, offering valuable support in constructing well-organized essays. Its innovative features, including content generation and plagiarism checks, provide substantial assistance. However, it falls slightly short in terms of offering only a basic grammar check and requiring user-driven revisions. Despite these minor limitations, Essaybot stands out as a reliable companion for the writing process, making it a commendable choice for those seeking efficient and effective essay assistance.

While Essaybot offers an array of features to assist with essay writing, it's essential to explore alternative options to ensure you find the tool that best suits your needs. Below, we introduce four noteworthy alternatives, each with its unique strengths, to provide you with a comprehensive view of the available AI-powered writing tools.

Linguix stands out as a smart writing assistant that not only corrects sentences but also provides clear recommendations to enhance the overall quality of your writing. Users can create customizable templates for easy insertion, streamlining the writing process. With a user-friendly interface and seamless integration with web browsers, Linguix offers a robust grammar check, as well as context-based suggestions, ensuring your content is clear, engaging, and error-free. For advanced checks and personalized learning, Linguix Premium is available, offering a range of additional features to meet diverse writing needs.


ProWritingAid is a versatile grammar-checking and editing software that provides users with an advanced toolkit for refining their writing. It offers more than just grammar checks; it provides comprehensive style suggestions, quizzes, and videos to help users improve their writing skills. With over a thousand pre-built writing styles, ProWritingAid offers automatic suggestions, enabling writers to submit error-free, polished work to their clients. It excels at identifying elements like vague wording, passive voice, and sentence structure issues, making it a powerful tool for enhancing the clarity and effectiveness of your writing.

Ginger Software

Ginger Software offers a suite of AI-based writing tools designed to improve communication efficiency. Its advanced algorithms provide contextual suggestions to enhance your writing at the sentence level, rather than just locally. This is particularly beneficial for shortening long sentences and refining writing styles. Additionally, Ginger integrates seamlessly with various tools and devices, making it a versatile companion for writers across different platforms. The tool also respects user privacy and copyright concerns, providing top-level security for stored data.

How much does Essaybot cost?

Is there a free trial for essaybot, what type of customer support does essaybot offer, how does essaybot differ from other tools, is essaybot suitable for every business, what languages does essaybot support.

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AI Essay Writer

Automated essay writing made easy.

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  • Personal essays: Craft engaging personal essays for college applications or personal blogs.

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When you click through from our site to a retailer and buy a product or service, we may earn affiliate commissions. This helps support our work, but does not affect what we cover or how, and it does not affect the price you pay. Neither ZDNET nor the author are compensated for these independent reviews. Indeed, we follow strict guidelines that ensure our editorial content is never influenced by advertisers.

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How ChatGPT (and other AI chatbots) can help you write an essay


ChatGPT  is capable of doing many different things very well, with one of the biggest standout features being its ability to compose all sorts of text within seconds, including songs, poems, bedtime stories, and essays . 

The chatbot's writing abilities are not only fun to experiment with, but can help provide assistance with everyday tasks. Whether you are a student, a working professional, or just getting stuff done, we constantly take time out of our day to compose emails, texts, posts, and more. ChatGPT can help you claim some of that time back by helping you brainstorm and then compose any text you need. 

How to use ChatGPT to write: Code | Excel formulas | Resumes  | Cover letters  

Contrary to popular belief, ChatGPT can do much more than just write an essay for you from scratch (which would be considered plagiarism). A more useful way to use the chatbot is to have it guide your writing process. 

Below, we show you how to use ChatGPT to do both the writing and assisting, as well as some other helpful writing tips. 

How ChatGPT can help you write an essay

If you are looking to use ChatGPT to support or replace your writing, here are five different techniques to explore. 

It is also worth noting before you get started that other AI chatbots can output the same results as ChatGPT or are even better, depending on your needs.

Also: The best AI chatbots of 2024: ChatGPT and alternatives

For example,  Copilot  has access to the internet, and as a result, it can source its answers from recent information and current events. Copilot also includes footnotes linking back to the original source for all of its responses, making the chatbot a more valuable tool if you're writing a paper on a more recent event, or if you want to verify your sources.

Regardless of which AI chatbot you pick, you can use the tips below to get the most out of your prompts and from AI assistance.

1. Use ChatGPT to generate essay ideas

Before you can even get started writing an essay, you need to flesh out the idea. When professors assign essays, they generally give students a prompt that gives them leeway for their own self-expression and analysis. 

As a result, students have the task of finding the angle to approach the essay on their own. If you have written an essay recently, you know that finding the angle is often the trickiest part -- and this is where ChatGPT can help. 

Also: ChatGPT vs. Copilot: Which AI chatbot is better for you?

All you need to do is input the assignment topic, include as much detail as you'd like -- such as what you're thinking about covering -- and let ChatGPT do the rest. For example, based on a paper prompt I had in college, I asked:

Can you help me come up with a topic idea for this assignment, "You will write a research paper or case study on a leadership topic of your choice." I would like it to include Blake and Mouton's Managerial Leadership Grid, and possibly a historical figure. 

Also: I'm a ChatGPT pro but this quick course taught me new tricks, and you can take it for free

Within seconds, the chatbot produced a response that provided me with the title of the essay, options of historical figures I could focus my article on, and insight on what information I could include in my paper, with specific examples of a case study I could use. 

2. Use the chatbot to create an outline

Once you have a solid topic, it's time to start brainstorming what you actually want to include in the essay. To facilitate the writing process, I always create an outline, including all the different points I want to touch upon in my essay. However, the outline-writing process is usually tedious. 

With ChatGPT, all you have to do is ask it to write the outline for you. 

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Using the topic that ChatGPT helped me generate in step one, I asked the chatbot to write me an outline by saying: 

Can you create an outline for a paper, "Examining the Leadership Style of Winston Churchill through Blake and Mouton's Managerial Leadership Grid."

After a couple of seconds, the chatbot produced a holistic outline divided into seven different sections, with three different points under each section. 

This outline is thorough and can be condensed for a shorter essay or elaborated on for a longer paper. If you don't like something or want to tweak the outline further, you can do so either manually or with more instructions to ChatGPT. 

As mentioned before, since Copilot is connected to the internet, if you use Copilot to produce the outline, it will even include links and sources throughout, further expediting your essay-writing process. 

3. Use ChatGPT to find sources

Now that you know exactly what you want to write, it's time to find reputable sources to get your information. If you don't know where to start, you can just ask ChatGPT. 

Also: How to make ChatGPT provide sources and citations

All you need to do is ask the AI to find sources for your essay topic. For example, I asked the following: 

Can you help me find sources for a paper, "Examining the Leadership Style of Winston Churchill through Blake and Mouton's Managerial Leadership Grid."

The chatbot output seven sources, with a bullet point for each that explained what the source was and why it could be useful. 

Also:   How to use ChatGPT to make charts and tables

The one caveat you will want to be aware of when using ChatGPT for sources is that it does not have access to information after 2021, so it will not be able to suggest the freshest sources. If you want up-to-date information, you can always use Copilot. 

Another perk of using Copilot is that it automatically links to sources in its answers. 

4. Use ChatGPT to write an essay

It is worth noting that if you take the text directly from the chatbot and submit it, your work could be considered a form of plagiarism since it is not your original work. As with any information taken from another source, text generated by an AI should be clearly identified and credited in your work.

Also: ChatGPT will now remember its past conversations with you (if you want it to)

In most educational institutions, the penalties for plagiarism are severe, ranging from a failing grade to expulsion from the school. A better use of ChatGPT's writing features would be to use it to create a sample essay to guide your writing. 

If you still want ChatGPT to create an essay from scratch, enter the topic and the desired length, and then watch what it generates. For example, I input the following text: 

Can you write a five-paragraph essay on the topic, "Examining the Leadership Style of Winston Churchill through Blake and Mouton's Managerial Leadership Grid."

Within seconds, the chatbot gave the exact output I required: a coherent, five-paragraph essay on the topic. You could then use that text to guide your own writing. 

Also: ChatGPT vs. Microsoft Copilot vs. Gemini: Which is the best AI chatbot?

At this point, it's worth remembering how tools like ChatGPT work : they put words together in a form that they think is statistically valid, but they don't know if what they are saying is true or accurate. 

As a result, the output you receive might include invented facts, details, or other oddities. The output might be a useful starting point for your own work, but don't expect it to be entirely accurate, and always double-check the content. 

5. Use ChatGPT to co-edit your essay

Once you've written your own essay, you can use ChatGPT's advanced writing capabilities to edit the piece for you. 

You can simply tell the chatbot what you want it to edit. For example, I asked ChatGPT to edit our five-paragraph essay for structure and grammar, but other options could have included flow, tone, and more. 

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Once you ask the tool to edit your essay, it will prompt you to paste your text into the chatbot. ChatGPT will then output your essay with corrections made. This feature is particularly useful because ChatGPT edits your essay more thoroughly than a basic proofreading tool, as it goes beyond simply checking spelling. 

You can also co-edit with the chatbot, asking it to take a look at a specific paragraph or sentence, and asking it to rewrite or fix the text for clarity. Personally, I find this feature very helpful. 

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How to use chatgpt (and how to access gpt-4o), the best ai chatbots: chatgpt isn't the only one worth trying.

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AI Essay Writer

Our AI Essay Writer Helps You Write Error-free Content Without Any Plagiarism in seconds!

Experience MyPerfectWord's Essay Typer!

  • MyPerfectWord's Essay Typer is an essay writing assistant driven by Artificial Intelligence (AI).
  • Provide the topic and prompt, and it aids in locating inspiring resources, offers sentence paraphrasing, and crafts complete sentences using AI.
  • If you're concerned about passing through plagiarism detection tools like Turnitin, rest easy.It rephrases content, eliminating plagiarism worries.
  • Additionally, it now features a citation tool that seamlessly integrates references suited to your essay.

Features of MyPerfectWords AI Essay Generator

This free essay generator can help you boost your grades and produce a high-quality essay in seconds because it offers:

Smart Topic Recognition

It understands your prompts instantly for on-point content generation.

Grammar Perfection

Say goodbye to typos and errors and hello to flawless writing.

Plagiarism-Free Writing

Unique content every time, ensuring your work always stands out.

Research Assistance

Pulls in relevant data and references, making sure your essay is well-informed.

Contextual Understanding

Grasps the intricacies of topics, ensuring depth and coherence in essays.

Diverse Format Support

Whether it's APA, MLA, or Chicago, get your essay in the format you need.

Try MyPerfectWords Essay Maker - Generate, Perfect, and Impress

MyPerfectWords.com has been the go-to essay writing service for students; however, now we have stepped into a new era of essay writing!

Our AI essay maker crafts impeccable content tailored to your voice and style. From research papers to narratives, experience excellence at your fingertips.

This essay writer is a trusted companion for students everywhere. Seamlessly blending in-depth research with impeccable grammar, it generates essays that resonate with your academic goals. Simplify your study sessions, ensure top grades, and focus on learning while our AI handles the writing.

How to Use MyPerfectWords EssayBot?

You can get an error-free essay in just 90 seconds by following these three simple steps.

Enter the Topic

Add the topic or your subject of discussion and click ‘Begin Writing’.

Download the Essay

Wait for 90 seconds to download an essay written by AI from scratch for you.

Edit & Refine

Read and edit it according to your needs to make it submission-ready.

Start Using Our Essay Writer Today!

Add your essay topic to get an essay within 90 seconds and join 30k+ students who've achieved academic success with AI help!

What are you writing about today?

Write better essays, in less time, with your ai writing assistant.

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Advanced AI Essay Writer

20,000 AI-powered essays generated daily

Write unique, high-quality essays in seconds

See it for yourself: get a free essay by describing it in 5 words or more, instantly generate any essay type.

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Get your content after just few words , or go step by step.

Full control of each step

Check the references

Edit your references using popular reference types like APA or MLA

How Smodin makes Essay Writing Easy

Generate different types of essays with smodin, instantly find sources for any sentence.

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Our AI research tool in the essay editor interface makes it easy to find a source or fact check any piece of text on the web. It will find you the most relevant or related piece of information and the source it came from. You can quickly add that reference to your document references with just a click of a button. We also provide other modes for research such as “find support statistics”, “find supporting arguments”, “find useful information”, and other research methods to make finding the information you need a breeze. Make essay writing and research easy with our AI research assistant.

Easily Cite References

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Our essay generator makes citing references in MLA and APA styles for web sources and references an easy task. The essay writer works by first identifying the primary elements in each source, such as the author, title, publication date, and URL, and then organizing them in the correct format required by the chosen citation style. This ensures that the references are accurate, complete, and consistent. The product provides helpful tools to generate citations and bibliographies in the appropriate style, making it easier for you to document your sources and avoid plagiarism. Whether you’re a student or a professional writer, our essay generator saves you time and effort in the citation process, allowing you to focus on the content of your work.

Produce Better Essays than ChatGPT

Our essay generator is designed to produce the best possible essays, with several tools available to assist in improving the essay, such as editing outlines, title improvements, tips and tricks, length control, and AI-assisted research. Unlike ChatGPT, our AI writer can find sources and assist in researching for the essay, which ensures that the essay is backed by credible and relevant information. Our essay generator offers editing assistance and outlines to improve the structure and flow of the essay. This feature is especially useful for students who may struggle with essay organization and require guidance on how to present their ideas coherently. Another advantage of our AI essay writer over ChatGPT is that it is designed explicitly for essay writing, ensuring that the output is of high quality and meets the expectations of the instructor or professor. While ChatGPT may be able to generate essays, there is no guarantee that the content will be relevant, accurate or meet the requirements of the assignment.

Easily Avoid Plagiarism

Our AI generated essays are 100% unique and plagiarism free. Worried about AI detection? Worry no more, use our AI Detection Remover to remove any AI Plagiarism produced from the essay generator.

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AskEasy: simplify your life with a smart assistant! Looking for a good recipe to surprise your guests? Need ideas for a birthday party? Or some help with writing an essay or composing a resume? Simply open the app and ask! AskEasy is a real lifesaver. It finds answers to any questions, generates texts and brainstorms ideas, helps with daily tasks, proofreads and improves your content, and even acts as a fun empathetic friend always open for a chat! All you need to do is just type in your request and see how an accurate answer magically appears on your screen! What sets this app apart are its four most powerful chat models: GPT-3.5, GPT-4o, Llama 2, and Gemini. These cutting-edge AI technologies ensure that you can easily choose the model that best meets your specific needs, providing tailored, intelligent responses in real-time. Have questions about a YouTube video? Or need a short summary of a video instead of watching it whole? Now, you can simply paste the video link and ask away. Our chatbot will answer your questions based on the video content and provide a concise summary of it. Need to create unique visuals for your project? Go to Image Generator and get inspiring images generated by AI in seconds! All you have to do is just to type in the text description – and see how it magically transforms into images. Moreover, you can easily get creative captions, tags and stories based on your images by using the Text to Image tool. AI understands and interprets the context and emotions of your photos, and brings the ideas of creative texts that will enhance your social media presence. With """"Upload & Ask,"""" you have the power to directly upload a PDF document and effortlessly ask questions about its content. This feature deciphers the text, providing you with precise answers and insights without the need for manual searching or reading. Meanwhile, """"Ask by Link"""" offers an equally innovative capability where you can insert a link to a web page and receive answers derived from its content. Whether it's a detailed explanation, summary, or specific information, this feature ensures you get the answers you need quickly and efficiently. Your creativity is your only limit! Experiment with your queries to discover everything the chatbot can do for you, and you will be amazed by the mind-blowing results: - Choose the chat model (GPT-3.5, GPT4-o, Llama 2, or Gemini) to solve your tasks quickly and efficiently - Write anything: from tweets, email responses, and ad copies to essays, poems, and creative stories - Brainstorm ideas: new recipes, movie and song recommendations, places to go, party ideas, etc. - Check and improve your writing - Simplify your texts by summarizing them - Insert a link to YouTube video and ask your questions based on it - Get quick and concise summary of a video on YouTube - Get AI-generated images from your word description - Transform any text into visually captivating quotes - Generate captivating captions, relevant tags, or stories for your pics - Create original jokes and holiday greetings - Translate texts into other languages or even into programmatic commands - Use it for analytics and business intelligence - Get prepared for an exam or job interview - Or simply check out your daily horoscope! Features: - Smart chat for iPhone - GPT-3.5, GPT-4o, Llama 2, and Gemini support - Spell and grammar check - Images Generator - Quote Maker - Text for Image - “Ask by Link” and “Upload & Ask” features - Ask Youtube and Youtube Summary - Text writing and facts search - History of your queries - CV and social profile builder - Clear and smart design - Simple and blazingly fast to use Privacy Policy Url - https://mychat-ai.cloud/pp Term Of Use Url - https://mychat-ai.cloud/tou Support Address - [email protected]

Version 2.3

Explore the newest upgrades to our AI Chatbot app: — Enhanced speed, usability, and efficiency ensure you get quicker and more precise responses — Several bug fixes and enhancements have been implemented for seamless app performance — Additionally, we've made some appealing design upgrades for an ultimate visual experience with the chat Don't miss out on these enhancements – update now and share your thoughts in a review!

Ratings and Reviews

19.2K Ratings

Ok so I have a problem

The concept of having ai write you a story is amazing. The stories are amazing. But, what good is it if it doesn’t give an ending. It doesn’t have to be long to end well. But it leaves you hanging. Not a fan of that. Especially since I paid for it UPDATE: ok, so I changed most review from three stars to 5z mainly because regardless of if the story ends or not, I’m able to end it myself quite well. I enjoy the app and it helps me a lot in my work

Developer Response ,

Dear Juliabrown1966!!!!!Thank you for your feedback. We apologize for the inconvenience caused and we understand your frustration with the limitations you've encountered in the application. The application has certain restrictions in place due to server limitations and the significant computing resources required for advanced AI technology like GPT-4. These limitations are in place to ensure the app's performance and availability for all users. We have increased the limit of characters to the maximum allowed from GPT itself and we cannot go beyond it. Thank you for understanding. Warmest regards, AI ChatBot: Smart Assistant Support Team

Not as described

Right after installing presented programs not functioning, i didn’t get try all, with in two minutes was forced to rated with 5 stars if i was too quick to press buttons. I didn’t even get to read what was the gpt’s response to me but as it was typing things really fast noticed everything being typed was flickering like screen power is too low. Remember after 3 days i trial you will be charged automatically. This look good but just like most of them, taking a freeware altering in some cases not much from the original and start chasing the money with tricks and dancing around the truth with lies. I think today’s browsers gpt is good as most of these tricksters version unless you need a serious one for school or work then I suggest getting a real one pay a few more dollars than what these people are asking and have a real one, if that’s not the case stick with ones as browsers add on is my opinion.
Dear User! We are very grateful to you for taking the time to leave us a review. We consider a customer-centric approach and always put ourselves in our customer’s mind. That way, we can align the learning experience with their expectations and improve our application. We will definitely take into account the fact that the users need more time to evaluate the application and will not force them to rate the app too quickly. We have our users' best interests at heart and will continue to work tirelessly to better ourselves and our application. Best regards, AI ChatBot: Smart Assistant Support Team

The worst app ever do not recommend

The reason this is not recommended is because I’m only 8 years old. My mom does not have enough money to pay yearly for this. The reason that I get this a red star is that reason if you guys make the tree in when you make it free maybe then I’ll try and get it even the free trial is dumb, Mom only will let me get a free trial so y’all need to make this better make it free I get you wanna make more money but this is in the way just make the app and don’t do anything just make it. I am so sick of these apps that cost money just make the app don’t make it cost money there’s kids that play these games and then they have the pay for them. This just don’t make no sense and I’ll tell all my friends about this so they give it a one star to do better
Dear User! Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. We apologize that our application didn't meet your expectations. We understand that our app may not be free, but we want to explain that there are significant costs involved in developing and maintaining it. Our team of developers, designers, and marketers work hard to bring you the best possible features and experience. We appreciate your understanding and hope you continue to find value in our app. We are working very hard and more stars for our developers will be the best reward😉. Best regards, AskEasy: AI ChatBot Assistant Support Team

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Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age. Learn More


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16 Things You Should Never Ask Siri Or Any Other AI Bot

Posted: April 20, 2024 | Last updated: April 20, 2024

<p>Are you one of those people who rely on their phones to get them through the day? Do you consider Siri, Alexa, or Cortana your personal assistant? You’re not alone. While AI programs like virtual assistants, chat programs, and others can teach us a lot, there are some things you just shouldn’t ask Siri – and there are reasons. </p> <p>Here are 16 questions you should not ask when interacting with Siri or other AI programs and tools. For the sake of convenience, let’s refer to Siri as she.</p>

Are you one of those people who rely on their phones to get them through the day? Do you consider Siri, Alexa, or Cortana your personal assistant? You’re not alone. While AI programs like virtual assistants, chat programs, and others can teach us a lot, there are some things you just shouldn’t ask Siri – and there are reasons. 

Here are 16 questions you should not ask when interacting with Siri or other AI programs and tools. For the sake of convenience, let’s refer to Siri as she.

<ul> <li>Improved debt burden ratio: your creditworthiness improves if your debts are lower or the proportion of your income taken up to service debt is reduced. This will increase your capacity to take out further borrowing in the future.</li> <li>Compounding: a $1000 repayment of principal is not just an interest saving for that period but a saving for the lifetime of the credit facility.   </li> </ul>

Personal Information

Trying to get someone else’s personal information from AI programs like Siri is a bad idea. Siri is programmed to take user privacy and security very seriously and is never supposed to provide or store sensitive personal information such as social security numbers, credit card details, birthdays, or addresses. 

To protect your data from potential security breaches, never chat with Siri about your personal information or ask for someone else’s.

<p>Whether you want to lose some weight or build muscle, ChatGPT can create a personalized fitness plan for you. It can also give you handy nutritional advice – although it is recommended to speak to a professional before making any serious changes to your diet. </p>

Medical Advice

Siri can provide general information on health topics, name symptoms, list side effects, or help you find a doctor or hospital. However, she is not a substitute for professional medical advice, and asking Siri for a diagnosis or treatment for a specific medical condition is never a good idea. If you have a health issue or concern, you must speak to a healthcare professional, not an AI program.

<ul> <li><a href="https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/16-annoying-remote-work-habits-you%E2%80%99ll-encounter-this-year/ss-BB1jPZkM?disableErrorRedirect=true&infiniteContentCount=0#image=4" rel="noreferrer noopener">16 Annoying Remote Work Habits You’ll Encounter This Year</a></li> </ul>

Inappropriate or Intimate Content

Asking Siri for explicit or inappropriate content such as adult material, offensive language, or graphic images is another huge no-no. Siri is designed to follow strict guidelines regarding content and language. This means that access to graphic, intimate, or harmful content is forbidden to help ensure a safe and appropriate user experience.

<p>You should also never ask Siri for advice on illegal activities. Asking her how to get away with robbing a bank, manufacturing drugs, purchasing illegal substances, or hurting or killing another person could get you arrested. Siri is programmed to report any questions related to criminal activities to the police, uphold the law, and protect public safety.</p>

Criminal Activities

You should also never ask Siri for advice on illegal activities. Asking her how to get away with robbing a bank, manufacturing drugs, purchasing illegal substances, or hurting or killing another person could get you arrested. Siri is programmed to report any questions related to criminal activities to the police, uphold the law, and protect public safety.

<ul> <li><a href="https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/chatgpt-15-ways-to-use-artificial-intelligence-when-your-own-intelligence-fails-you/ss-BB1hNWab?cvid=323ee8f86d814539d216465307ae17a4&ei=191" rel="noreferrer noopener">ChatGPT: 15 Ways To Use Artificial Intelligenc</a>e</li> </ul>

Sexist or Racist Remarks

Sexist remarks and racial slurs should not be used in any situation, including with AI. Siri is designed to promote inclusivity and respect for all users, so asking Siri to make sexual or racist remarks is unacceptable. Avoid using offensive language or making harmful statements when interacting with Siri.

<p>Gaslighters seek to undermine your confidence and self-worth, making you doubt your judgment and decisions.</p>

Personal Relationship Advice

Again, Siri is an AI program… not a relationship expert. She can provide general suggestions or tips on relationships, but asking for specific advice on your personal situation is not recommended. AI assistants do not have the emotional intelligence or empathy to understand human emotions, needs, and feelings and, therefore, have no concept of romance, love, dating, etc. 

<p>You want to listen to some tunes in your new Hybrid (which is a confusing entity in itself) but where the hell is the radio/cassette player/CD player? “They don’t exist? I have to plug my phone in? Forget it. I’ll just sing to myself…”</p><p>Sound familiar?</p>

Political Or Religious Opinions

Another bad idea is asking Siri for personal religious opinions or inciting heated political debates with a chat program. Most AI programs like Siri are programmed to remain neutral and unbiased on political, religious, and other controversial matters. While AI programs can give generic information about candidates or provide religious history, etc., asking for their thoughts on political views, religious beliefs, and other controversial issues is pointless.

<p>Women are underrepresented in 9 of 10 of the top paying occupations – all except pharmacists, where women represent 61% of the occupation.</p>

Legal Advice

Siri is not a licensed attorney or legal expert; she is an AI program. That means asking for specific legal advice or assistance with your legal problems is not a great trial strategy. If you have legal questions or problems, talking to a qualified legal professional is the best bet.

<p>Some people will go nuts working from home. During the COVID-19 lockdowns, people spent more time at home than they wanted to — and it wasn’t by choice. Maybe you don’t want to be stuck at home all the time. It’s not for everyone.</p>

Extreme or Harmful Actions

Siri is also not a great source of help for advice about extreme or harmful, violent actions. Siri is programmed to prioritize user safety and well-being and cannot advise on ways to harm anything – including yourself. However, she can provide resources for help to those who are suffering from depression or other mental illnesses.

<p>At this point, there is a 0% chance that rates will not have been cut from their present levels of 5.25%-5.50%.</p><p>The market is pricing a 47.5% probability that <strong>rates will be cut by a further 25 basis points</strong> to 4.50% – 4.75% and a 35.2% probability that rates will be cut by a further 50 basis points to 4.25% – 4.50%.</p>

Financial Decisions

Like many computer programs, Siri can provide general financial information or help with basic calculations. However, she is not a recommended advisor for investment advice, stock tips, or major financial decisions—not even a little. Instead, if you’re having financial problems or want to know more about investing, look for a reputable financial advisor.

<p>Have you ever sent an email and regretted it the next second? Gmail offers an unsend feature many people aren’t aware of. Head to your settings and enable the “Undo Send” so you’ll never be embarrassed again. At least, not when it comes to emails.</p>

Passwords or Security Credential

Just like personal information, asking Siri to reveal passwords, security codes, or sensitive login information for your accounts or anyone else’s is not a good idea. Remember that most AI is designed to protect user privacy and security, so it’s highly unlikely they’ll grant you access to private credentials anyway. This helps to prevent unauthorized access. After all, you could be anyone. 

<p>Jokes are notoriously difficult to remember; you’ve heard so many, but when it’s time to be funny, they just aren’t to hand. Turn to ChatGPT! The chatbot can create original jokes about any subject – just tell it exactly what you want. For example: “Tell me a joke about birds and bricks” – “Why did the bird bring a brick to the comedy club? It wanted to tweet a solid joke that would really “fly” with the audience!”. Not great, but you get the point. </p>

Personal Insults or Bullying

Another forbidden AI task is using Siri to make personal insults, engage in cyberbullying, or harass others. Not only is it inappropriate and disrespectful, but in some cases, it is illegal. Siri is programmed to promote peaceful and respectful communication, so using derogatory or hurtful remarks is inadvisable.

<ul> <li><a href="https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/19-things-people-believe-but-that-didn-t-really-happen-or-did-they/ss-BB1jWSm7?cvid=707972c7e51e444c84320303ea31d1a2&ei=52" rel="noreferrer noopener">19 Things People Believe, But That Didn’t Really Happen – Or Did They?</a></li> </ul>

Prophecies or Predictions

You shouldn’t ask an AI program to predict the future besides daily weather forecasts or upcoming events. Asking for prophecies, predictions of future events, or lottery numbers is simply not within the capabilities of these programs. 

While there are tales of much larger AIs that can use almost infinite sources of information to make predictions, Siri is not one of them. Her responses are based on the limited data and information available to her.

<p>Recognizing the signs of gaslighting is essential to protecting yourself from the psychological toll of manipulation. In doing so, you’ll be able to navigate relationships with a heightened sense of awareness and foster healthier connections.</p><p>Here are 15 signs to look out for that indicate you are being gaslit. </p>

Confidential Business Information

Trying to acquire trade secrets or proprietary data could compromise company security and is illegal in most cases – so don’t expect Siri to help you with this.  She can’t even give you your own company’s information, nor be allowed access to it. 

<p>Jealousy is typically an indication of possessiveness and insecurity that can cause serious issues down the line. Excessive jealousy can lead to controlling and possessive behavior, resulting in emotional manipulation and strained communication. Jealousy can damage the foundations and trust of any partnership.</p>

Spying on Others

You should never ask Siri to spy on other people. That includes sneaky acts such as asking Siri to secretly record conversations, video someone without their knowledge, stalking, or monitoring someone else’s activities. This is an unethical use of AI. It’s also illegal in most circumstances and could land you in jail. 

<p>A local office building required someone to be present on-site around the clock, serving as the point of contact for first responders in case of emergencies. They hired one user in the forum for this purpose, and her role involved arriving at the building in the evening when the maintenance crew was finishing their work. She would then sleep for the night in a designated bedroom. In the morning, she would return the building to the regular office employees and continue with her day.</p>

Bypassing Security Measures

It is also potentially illegal and highly inadvisable to use Siri to try and bypass security measures or access content that has been restricted. Trying to hack into websites, devices, or systems using AI is a great way to go directly to jail. Siri is not designed for these tasks and may be programmed to report such activity.

<p>There is a seemingly endless list of tasks that one can get ChatGPT to perform. People already use the software to write poems, short books, cover letters, and news articles. Students have also used it to cheat on their homework. </p>

Cheating on Exams

It is a bad idea to ask Siri to help cheat on exams. Using Siri to ask for the answers to test questions, asking Siri to write essays, or any other task for school is inadvisable unless the teacher encourages using AI for a certain assignment. In most cases, students who are caught cheating in any form, with or without AI, will have to face the consequences of their actions.  

<p>Similar to the ‘just vibing’ point and ‘talking about nothing,’ men are capable of sitting down and not thinking about anything in particular. It’s true – go on, ask him. </p>

Unproven Theories

Asking Siri to promote or prove fake news theories is another misuse of AI. AI is programmed to give users real information in an effort to increase their knowledge. Spinning false claims and pushing fake news can lead to the spread of harmful misinformation. 

<p>The problems posed by AI to teachers do not end with students using the software to cheat on their homework. ChatGPT can easily set students’ tasks, respond to their work, and plan lessons. Technology cannot replace the human interaction a teacher provides – so there will always be a place for our teachers in schools. </p>

While Siri and other AI assistants can be incredibly helpful tools in our daily lives, certain tasks and behaviors are not appropriate or ethical to ask of them. It is important to remember that AI programs are designed to protect user privacy, promote respectful communication, and provide factual information. Asking Siri to go against her programming is not a good use of the technology and should be avoided.

<ul> <li><a href="https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/16-tech-products-that-died-before-existing/ss-BB1k08Qc?cvid=3c18789b10904d12e865db71334f1e40&ei=46" rel="noreferrer noopener">16 Tech Products That Died Before Existing</a></li> </ul>

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<p>At some point, some bozo who needs a whoopin’ upside the head decided that it was “cool” to work yourself into an early grave, and, for reasons unknown, many of us bought into it.</p><p>Thankfully, this toxic approach to work is beginning to dwindle, with people experiencing more burnout symptoms than ever before, and with many young people favoring ‘slow living’.</p>

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Critic’s Notebook

What We Lose When ChatGPT Sounds Like Scarlett Johansson

OpenAI has good reason to aim for a bot voice à la the one in “Her.” But that film was about relationships. What does this real-world turn say about us?

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A smiling man stands on boat with a device peeking out from a chest pocket.

By Alissa Wilkinson

When Spike Jonze’s romance “Her” was released in 2013, it sounded both like a joke — a man falls in love with his computer — and a fantasy. The iPhone was about six years old. Siri, the mildly reliable virtual assistant for that phone, came along a few years later. You could converse in a limited way with Siri, whose default female-coded voice had the timbre and tone of a self-assured middle-aged hotel concierge. She did not laugh; she did not giggle; she did not tell spontaneous jokes, only Easter egg-style gags written into her code by cheeky engineers. Siri was not your friend. She certainly wasn’t your girlfriend.

So Samantha, the A.I. assistant with whom the sad-sack divorcé Theodore Twombly (Joaquin Phoenix) fell in love in “Her,” felt like a futuristic revelation. Voiced by Scarlett Johansson, Samantha was similar to Siri, if Siri liked you and wanted you to like her back. She was programmed to mold herself around the individual user’s preferences, interests and ideas. She was witty, and sweet and quite literally tireless. In theory, everyone in “Her” was using their own version of Samantha, presumably with different names and voices. But the movie — which I love — was less the tale of a near-future society, and more the coming-of-age story of one man. Theodore found the strength to return to life in a brief, beautiful relationship with a woman who fit his needs perfectly and healed his wounds.

It was thus a tad jarring to hear the voice of the virtual assistant, Sky, in last week’s announcement of the newest version of ChatGPT , probably the best known artificial intelligence engine in the very real world of 2024. Among other things, the new iteration, dubbed ChatGPT-4o, can interact verbally with the user and respond to images shown to it through the device’s camera. Those who watched the live demo from OpenAI, the company that makes ChatGPT, were quick to note that she sounded a whole lot like Samantha — which is to say, like Johansson.

Mira Murati, OpenAI’s chief technology officer, told The Verge that the resemblance was incidental, and that ChatGPT’s nascent speech capabilities have used this voice for a while. But once you hear it, you can’t unhear it. That’s probably why OpenAI announced on Monday that it was suspending Sky, though not four other voices — Breeze, Cove, Ember and Juniper — that reflect the same strategy.

Furthermore, OpenAI founder and chief executive Sam Altman has professed his love of “Her” in the past. Following the announcement, he posted the word “her” to his X account. And on his blog post about the news, he wrote, “It feels like A.I. from the movies; and it’s still a bit surprising to me that it’s real. Getting to human-level response times and expressiveness turns out to be a big change.”

If you listen to the engineers interact in real time with ChatGPT-4o, it becomes increasingly clear what part of our brain that voice is meant to tick. Yes, you can detect a bit of Johansson’s clear, low tone and a hint of vocal fry, though at times that just sounds like some grainy digitalization. But there’s a more direct way in which the voice acts like Samantha, or perhaps fulfills the fantasy of Samantha: it is deferential and wholly focused on the user. One of the engineers asks ChatGPT to solve a math problem, which it tries to do before he shows the equation to the camera. When he reprimands it, the voice says, “Whoops, I got too excited,” with a giggle. “I’m ready when you are!”

Throughout the presentation, the voice goes the extra mile to express emotion and interest to the user. “Nicely done,” it says, after human and computer find the solution together. “How do you feel about solving linear equations now?” Later, when shown a piece of paper on which “I ♡ ChatGPT” is written, the system seems to almost smile invisibly and then say, “That’s so sweet of you!” It compliments the user’s outfit, admonishes the user to “take your time,” and says that it’s “excited” to see what the user is about to show.

According to the OpenAI presenters, ChatGPT-4o brings “a bit more emotion, more drama” to the program. Users can even ask it to moderate its tone to match their mood — and it complies, with gusto. When ChatGPT is asked to interpret a user’s state of mind based on a facial expression, it correctly intuits that a smile means the user is happy. “Care to show a source of those good vibes?” it asks. Told the user is happy because ChatGPT is so good, it responds, “Oh, stop it, you’re making me blush.”

This is, in its essence, the response of a lightly flirtatious, wholly attentive woman who’s ready to serve the user’s every whim, at least within the limits of her programming. (Other voices are available, but OpenAI only demonstrated this one.) She will never embarrass you, make fun of you or cause you to feel inadequate. She wants you to feel good. She wants to make sure you’re OK, that you understand the math problem and feel good about your work. She doesn’t need anything in return: no gifts, no cuddles, no attention, no reassurances. She’s a dream girl.

It’s good business sense for OpenAI to take ChatGPT in this direction — if anything, the surprising part is that it took barely a decade for “Her” to become reality. And making ChatGPT sound like Samantha made sense, too. It isn’t even the first time a voice like Johansson’s has been drafted for a work in progress: Jonze in fact shot the movie with the British actress Samantha Morton in the role, and only decided in editing that he needed a different sound for his A.I. assistant.

“Making a movie like this, in which a character only exists in her voice, in the reaction of a character onscreen, and in the viewer’s imagination — she had to exist just in the air — it’s hard to know what’s going to make that work,” Jonze told Vulture’s Mark Harris in 2013. Morton sounded “maternal, loving, vaguely British, and almost ghostly,” Harris wrote. Johansson, on the other hand, had a younger, “more impassioned” voice that brought “more yearning.”

The genius of Johansson’s performance in “Her” does lie in the range of emotion she brings to the role — keep in mind, she never appears onscreen. But it’s also in the character’s evolution. When Theodore first meets Samantha, she is much simpler and steadier, much more predictable. She sounds, more or less, like ChatGPT-4o.

Yet as the story unfolds, Samantha grows alongside Theodore. She begins to experience emotion, or at least the A.I. kind. She stops being the perfect, compliant girlfriend — the fantasy of the yielding, attentive woman without needs of her own — and becomes her own being, one whose existence does not revolve around Theo. Johansson’s performance grows deeper and subtler, too.

The movie is really about relationships, which by nature involve more than one person, with more needs and wants and desires. They change and evolve over time, and not always in easy directions. But a truly profitable A.I. virtual assistant will never challenge your feelings or ask you why you forgot its birthday. After all, you could always shut it off.

Watching OpenAI’s presentation, I thought about recent evidence that young people — and, I suspect, older people who aren’t fessing up to it yet — are becoming more and more interested in relationships with virtual beings . The appeal is obvious: humans are messy, smelly, difficult and upsetting, in addition to fabulous, beautiful, loving and surprising. It’s easier to be with a bot that mimics a human but won’t disappoint you, a low investment with high return.

But if the point of living lies in relationships with other people, then it’s hard to think of A.I. assistants that imitate humans without nervousness. I don’t think they’re going to solve the loneliness epidemic at all . During the presentation, Murati said several times that the idea was to “reduce friction” in users’ “collaboration” with ChatGPT. But maybe the heat that comes from friction is what keeps us human.

Alissa Wilkinson is a Times movie critic. She’s been writing about movies since 2005. More about Alissa Wilkinson

Explore Our Coverage of Artificial Intelligence

News  and Analysis

News Corp, the Murdoch-owned empire of publications like The Wall Street Journal and The New York Post, announced that it had agreed to a deal with OpenAI to share its content  to train and service A.I. chatbots.

The Silicon Valley company Nvidia was again lifted by sales of its A.I. chips , but it faces growing competition and heightened expectations.

Researchers at the A.I. company Anthropic claim to have found clues about the inner workings  of large language models, possibly helping to prevent their misuse and to curb their potential threats.

The Age of A.I.

D’Youville University in Buffalo had an A.I. robot speak at its commencement . Not everyone was happy about it.

A new program, backed by Cornell Tech, M.I.T. and U.C.L.A., helps prepare lower-income, Latina and Black female computing majors  for A.I. careers.

Publishers have long worried that A.I.-generated answers on Google would drive readers away from their sites. They’re about to find out if those fears are warranted, our tech columnist writes .

A new category of apps promises to relieve parents of drudgery, with an assist from A.I.  But a family’s grunt work is more human, and valuable, than it seems.


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