1. When is War Justified: [Essay Example], 1413 words GradesFixer

    If the outcome of war brings more good than harm, war can be justified; even if the actual reason for war is not a morally acceptable one. Anything that, on a worldwide scale, improves the quality of life for the majority is acceptable. If the evils a war is fought against, like racism or terrorism, are universally immoral, war is also ...

  2. The Philosophy of War

    The morality of war traipses into the related area of political philosophy in which conceptions of political responsibility and sovereignty, as well as notions of collective identity and individuality, should be acknowledged and investigated. Connections back to war's causation can also be noted.

  3. Can War Ever Be Justified?

    How can there be a justification to start a war? For centuries, the argument that offensive war can be justified has been founded on several basic principles. The first is that the cause is just.

  4. Is War Ever Morally Justified?

    According to the first principle, war can be morally justified if certain rational causes are present and violence is applied to ensure international order and security. At the same time, war should be wielded by legitimate authority. Moreover, a military action can be justified if it does not imply implementation of bad intentions.

  5. PDF The Justification of War: Teaching Guide

    Would some of the methods for fighting the war undermine the belief that the United States and Britain were justified in the way they fought World War II? The United States recently in Afghanistan, and also Great Britain in the Falklands War, for the most part took care to avoid casualties among non-combatants.

  6. Can Wars Ever be Just or Are Wars Merely Justifiable?: The Conflict in

    From the standpoint of ethics of war, the conflict in the eastern region of the DRC would be deemed to be justifiable because it fills the criteria of war for a just reason and of legitimate war. On the other hand, in this ethical context as well we find ourselves not able to attribute any just qualities to the act of war, because war needs to preserve its independent identity.

  7. Is war ever morally justified?

    This is also what makes just war thinking a scam. To see why, consider the six criteria just war theorists, including Biggar, use to determine when a war is morally justified.

  8. The ethics of warfare: Is it ever morally right to kill on a massive

    War has been puzzling philosophers for centuries, and it isn't hard to see why. What could be more intuitive or ethical than the belief that it is morally wrong to kill on a massive scale? However, many would argue that there are times when war is morally permissible, and even obligatory. The most ...

  9. Defending Humanity: When Force is Justified and Why

    This book tackles one of the most important and controversial questions of our time: When is war justified? When a nation is attacked, few would deny that it has the right to respond with force, but what about pre-emptive and preventive wars, or crossing another state's border to stop genocide? Was Israel justified in initiating the Six Day War, and was NATO's intervention in Kosovo legal ...

  10. BBC

    A war is only just if it is fought for a reason that is justified, and that carries sufficient moral weight. The country that wishes to use military force must demonstrate that there is a just ...

  11. Justification of War

    When is war justified? The teaching guide on the justification of war, helps teachers address this age-old question with their students. Through use of the guide, students explore the causes of war, apply the principles of a just war to modern conflicts, analyze how leaders justify wars, and develop an editorial position on the justness of a conflict.

  12. War

    However, typically this is just a heuristic device; since we typically think of killing as the most presumptively wrongful kind of harm, whatever arguments one identifies that justify killing are likely also to justify lesser wrongs. And if the killing that war involves cannot be justified, then we should endorse pacifism.

  13. Just War Theory

    Just war theory deals with the justification of how and why wars are fought. The justification can be either theoretical or historical. The theoretical aspect is concerned with ethically justifying war and the forms that warfare may or may not take. The historical aspect, or the "just war tradition," deals with the historical body of rules ...

  14. When is war justified

    When is War Justified? War is justified and only justified when a nation is acting out of self-defense to protect their nation as a whole. One might argue that humanitarian wars or wars that are fought because they seem morally right are also justified. However, wars like these do not protect the interest of their nation as a whole, and are ...

  15. Can War Ever be Justified?

    A war that is declared for "just" reasons but is prosecuted by "unjust" means is still considered an "unjust" war. A Utilitarian approach is "The greatest good for the greatest number". This can be applied to the theory of 'Just War'. For Utilitarians the end justifies the means. In other words, a country would not need a ...

  16. Can War Ever Be Ethical? Perspectives on Just War Theory and The

    On this account, it can be said that just war theory has been developed in order to prevent a huge amount of losses and in order to ensure that war is only waged when it can be justified.

  17. Is War Ever Justified

    Is war ever justified? Yes, war can be justified, but only in retrospect . The only wars that can be justified are the wars that ended the way the person trying to do the justifying wanted them to ...

  18. Can War Be Justified (And Restrained)?

    Can War Be Justified. Just War Tradition and Spanish the missionary Restraint and historian) of an "im- Vietnam they became "dinks" and War: A Moral and Historical mortal mouthpiece Inquiry. for posterity," a "slopes" and "slants" and "gooks" (see By James Turner Johnson. speaker of things Princeton: true and timely.

  19. Was the American Revolution a Just War?

    Washington Post, July 4, 2013 Was the American Revolution a just war? As we celebrate our independence, it is worth evaluating the justification for the conflict that gave birth to these United States.

  20. Is War Justified: Argumentative Essay

    Can war ever be justified? War is the act of conflict between two or more… For full essay go to Edubirdie.Com.

  21. Is War Ever Justified? (Essay Sample)

    War is not justified because of its aftermath; wars cause death, destruction, loss, strained relationships, and suffering. One of the severe consequences of war is the loss of innocent civilians' lives that cannot be replaced. Frequent wars eradicates hopes and dreams of many people, destroying their homeland and making people live in ...

  22. When Is War Justified Argumentative Essay Example (500 Words

    Essay on When is war justified To fght back out of self- defense is Just and must be done in order to protect one's nation from harm. A well- known example is when America was attacked

  23. America's Military Is Not Prepared for War

    "To be prepared for war," George Washington said, "is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace." President Ronald Reagan agreed with his forebear's words, and peace through ...

  24. Can Philosophy Be Justified in a Time of Crisis?

    But as the U.S. escalated the war in Vietnam, Chomsky began to write more and more about the war, producing long, densely-footnoted essays exposing the lies of U.S. government officials and the hideous brutality of the war.

  25. As Israel pushes into Rafah, it exposes an uncomfortable truth: no

    This latest action in the Israel's war in Gaza has come despite the International Court of Justice (ICJ) delivering an order last Friday that it must immediately halt its military campaign in ...

  26. America's Military Is Not Prepared for War

    "To be prepared for war," George Washington said, "is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace." President Ronald Reagan agreed with his forebear's words, and peace through strength became a theme of his administration. In the past four decades, the American arsenal helped secure that peace, but political neglect has led to its atrophy as other nations' war machines have ...

  27. What seven more months of war would mean for Palestinians ...

    Israel has warned that its war in Gaza could extend until the end of the year. National Security Adviser Tzachi Hanegbi stated on Wednesday that the country anticipates "seven more months of ...

  28. 3. Assessing the future in light of the war

    Despite their mixed opinions about the military response to Hamas and concerns about the war expanding and going on a long time, most Israelis were confident in our recent survey (conducted in March and early April) that their country will achieve its war aims. By roughly two to one, more feel optimistic than pessimistic about the future of Israel's national security.