speech on 15 august 2023 in english

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Independence Day 2023 Speech: Long And Short Speech On Independence Day In English For Students


Independence Day Speech Ideas : India is all set to celebrate its 77th Independence Day on 15 August this year. Independence Day (Swatantrata Diwas) is declared as a National Holiday in India.

Independence Day 2023 Speech: Long And Short Speech On Independence Day In English For Students

On 15 August 1947, India got its freedom, ending an almost 200-year British rule in the subcontinent. It is a day of immense pride for all Indians as we commemorate the sacrifices made by millions of our freedom fighters, who had sacrificed their lives in the freedom struggle and with their unfaltering grit and patriotism, forced the British empire to finally retreat.

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As we are all set to celebrate the 77th Independence Day and on this occasion, special programs are organised in schools and colleges across the country and it's the best time to show your thoughts for the country by giving an Independence Day speech. During the 15 August speech, you need to practice the facts mentioned in your Independence Day English speech.

Independence Day 2023 Speech: Long And Short Speech On Independence Day In English For Students

Best Independence Day Speech in English

As India is gearing up to celebrate its 77th Independence on August 15,  Hence, it is a solemn occasion to pay tribute to the indomitable spirit, valour, and sacrifices of our armed forces and freedom fighters. If you're preparing a speech for Independence Day (Swatantrata Diwas 2023), here are some ideas and facts you can consider.

ALSO READ:  Independence Day 2023: It Is 76th Or 77th Independence Day Celebration, All You Need To Know

Independence Day 2023 Speech: Long And Short Speech On Independence Day In English For Students

Independence Day 2023 speech: Tips and Ideas

- Try to keep the 15 August speech short and simple because kids may have a problem remembering a lengthy speech.

- Cross-check all historical facts mentioned in your Independence Day speech.

- Guide the kids while they practice an I-day speech.

- Took full uniform rehearsal before the school or college speech.

- Don't stuff difficult words in the Independence Day speech.

- Ignore too many confusing facts and lengthy facts.

Speech On Independence Day 2023: Step-by-Step Guide

Delivering a heartfelt Independence Day speech is a wonderful way to express your love, gratitude, and admiration toward our national heroes. Here are some ideas to help you create a memorable 15 August speech:

- Begin your Independence Day 2023 speech with gratitude to others and the Indian soldiers.

Historical Context and Freedom Struggle

Briefly recounting the historical context of India's struggle for independence and the sacrifices made by freedom fighters and highlight iconic leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Sardar Patel, and others who played pivotal roles in the freedom movement.

Share anecdotes and stories of courage, resilience, and determination from the independence struggle to inspire the audience.

Progress and Achievements

Discuss India's achievements in your since gaining independence, such as advancements in technology, science, space exploration, and economic growth.

Highlight notable achievements in fields like sports, arts, literature, and entertainment that have brought global recognition to India.

Mention India's democratic framework and the world's largest electorate, emphasizing the power of collective decision-making.

Here are some 77th Independence Day wishes, greetings, messages, images and Independence Day Quotes

Diversity and Unity

Emphasize the diverse cultural, linguistic, and religious landscape of India, portraying it as a source of strength and unity.

Celebrate the harmonious coexistence of different communities and the rich tapestry of festivals, traditions, and languages.

Stress the importance of preserving and respecting this diversity while working together for the nation's progress.

Challenges and Opportunities

Acknowledge the challenges India faces, such as poverty, inequality, environmental concerns, and healthcare issues.

Discuss the government's initiatives and policies aimed at addressing these challenges, such as "Make in India," "Swachh Bharat Abhiyan," and "Digital India."

Encourage citizens to actively participate in efforts to overcome challenges and contribute to a better society.

Youth and the Future

Recognize the role of youth as the driving force behind India's progress and development.

Inspire young people to embrace education, innovation, and entrepreneurship as tools for nation-building.

Urge the youth to be responsible citizens, engaged in community service and social change.

Call to Action and Unity

Call for unity and cooperation among all sections of society, transcending differences for the greater good.

Encourage citizens to uphold the values of democracy, secularism, and social justice.

Stress the importance of active participation in nation-building through civic engagement, responsible voting, and community involvement.

Hope and Aspirations

Conclude on an optimistic note, expressing hope for a brighter future and a prosperous India.

Quote inspirational figures or lines from Indian literature to leave a lasting impact on the audience.

Invite the audience to join hands in realising the dream of a strong, united, and progressive India.

Independence Day Speech in English

Independence Day Speech in English

Good morning everyone!

My respected teachers and dear friends.

To commemorate the joyous occasion of this Independence Day on August 15, we have all gathered here. Best wishes and congratulations to everyone on this auspicious occasion. Today, on this auspicious occasion, I have got the opportunity to address all of you, thank you all very much for that.

As we all know, the 15th of August is a day of honour and pride for every Indian. All of our revolutionaries and freedom fighters gave their lives to free our nation from the British Empire. 

We are extremely fortunate that history has produced such great revolutionaries and freedom fighters who not only freed the nation from British savagery but also future generations. As a result, we are free today and daily achieving new accomplishments and heights.

From 1947 to 2023, our nation is making progress in every area. Every day, a new chapter is being written in the history of our nation in a variety of fields, including sports, education, technology, and military prowess. Our military might today is so impressive that it serves as a model for other nations around the globe, and no nation dares to look directly at India.

In the end, all that can be said is freedom is priceless and our soldiers are so brave that they are continuously fighting on borders in order to protect our country from any militant or terrorist group. So we should never fail to value this freedom and preserve it wholeheartedly.

This is all I can say, Jai Hind!

Independence Day 2023 Speech: Long And Short Speech On Independence Day In English For Students

Short Independence Day Speech

Very Good Morning to respected Sir/Madam and everyone present here .

I stand before you today to commemorate the valour of our freedom fighters on Independence Day. This day is not just another day in the calendar; it is a symbol of India’s courage, resilience, and indomitable spirit.

- Independence Day is observed on the 15 August every year, marking the Independence anniversary, on this day India attained Independence from the British Empire by following nonviolent and civil disobedience movements.

- The Indian Independence movement began during World War I and was led by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.

- From 1857 to 1947, history has noticed several revolutions and sacrifices of our great leaders and freedom fighters.

- Indian Independence Bill was introduced in the British House of Commons on July 4, 1947, and was passed within a fortnight. It marked the end of over 200 years of British rule on August 15, 1947.

- This Bill established India and Pakistan as separate countries.

- 15 August reminds us of the many sacrifices our freedom fighters made for the freedom movement and to get Independence from British rule. 

- We should not forget the sacrifices of all the freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Chandra Sekhar Azad, and millions of others whose names are not even known but they fought to make India free from the colonial rule of Britishers.

- Our freedom fighters have dreamed of an independent India, and that is the reason why they were able to achieve it. Never stop dreaming because if you stop dreaming, you stop living.

So, today on the occasion of Independence Day, let’s make a promise to ourselves that we will always protect our country, by maintaining brotherhood, helping everyone, and educating ourselves. Now, I would like to finish my Independence Day speech with a few lines

Freedom in mind, faith in words. Pride in our hearts memories in our souls. Let’s salute the nation on Independence Day!

Bharat Mata ki Jai. Vande Mataram. Jai Hind

Independence Day Speech in English

Independence Day Speech For Kids

Good morning and Happy Independence Day to  My respected teachers and dear friends.

Today it’s our 77th Independence Day and we should feel proud to be a part of an Independent nation that has freedom of speech, and freedom to live life in our own way.

India has been ruled by Britishers for almost 200 years and after a continuous struggle by our freedom fighters, we achieved independence on 15th August 1947. 

On this day, the national flag was hoisted on Red Fort Delhi by Prime Minister Shri Jawaharlal Nehru.

Since then we are celebrating Independence Day in every government department, school, and college.

So, today on the occasion of Independence Day, let’s make a promise to ourselves that we will always protect our country, by maintaining brotherhood, helping everyone, and educating ourselves.

At last, I again wish you all a happy independence day and hope together we can build a wonderful nation.

Independence Day Speech for Students

Independence Day Speech for Students

A very good morning to the excellencies, respected teachers and my dear colleagues.

As we all gathered here to celebrate India's Independence Day. I am very happy to share my thoughts here on this great occasion. I am very grateful to my teacher to give me this special opportunity on the independence day of my country.

On this Day, India attained Independence from the British Empire by following nonviolent and civil disobedience movements.

Our country was ruled by the British for 200 years. They had come to India for trade and commerce, but they looted the nation’s wealth and exploited its citizens instead. Our ancestors fought for centuries before India gained independence on August 15, 1947.

This Day reminds us of the many sacrifices our freedom fighters made for the freedom movement and to get Independence from British rule.

So, today is also a day to honour those who gave their lives so that India could one day be an independent nation. We must promise to remain devoted, committed, and devoted to Mother India today.

Through these lines, I conclude my remarks by paying my respectful tribute and homage to those great souls by using the quote by Sarojini Naidu that,

“A country’s greatness lies in its undying ideal of love and sacrifice that inspire the mothers of the race.”

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.

Independence Day Speech in Hindi

परम सम्मानित अध्यापक गण, अतिथि, अभिभावक एवं सभी प्यारे दोस्तों।

जैसे की आप सभी जानते है की आज हम यहाँ पर स्वतंत्रता दिवस के उपलक्ष में एकत्रित हुए है। आज हम स्वतंत्रता दिवस की 77वां वर्षगांठ मना रहे है।

स्वतंत्रता दिवस सभी भारतीय नागरिकों के लिए वह विशेष दिन है जब भारत ब्रिटिश शासन के राज से मुक्त हुआ था।

भारत में स्वतंत्रता संग्राम की लड़ाई तब से शुरू हुई जब एक ब्रिटिश अधिकारी ने भारतीय क्रांतिकारी मंगल पांडे को गोली मारी, 1857 से 1947 तक यह लड़ाई चलती रही जिसके पश्चात कड़े संघर्षों के बाद से भारत को 15 अगस्त सन 1947 को गोरो के राज से आजादी मिली।

आजादी दिलाने के लिए इन स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों का नाम प्रमुख रूप से शामिल है:- महात्मा गांधी, मंगल पांडे, बाल गंगाधर तिलक, सुभाष चंद्र बोस, लोक मान्य तिलक, पंडित जवाहरलाल नेहरू, लाला लाजपत राय एवं खुदीराम बोस आदि।

इस स्वतंत्रता दिवस के अवसर पर मैं सभी स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों को नमन करता हूं जिन्होंने भारत को आजाद कराने का सपना देखा. खुद के प्राण उन्होंने न्यौछावर कर दिए ताकि हम एक स्वतंत्रत भारत में सांस ले सकें।

मैं अपना भाषण यह कहकर समाप्त करना चाहूंगा कि एक सच्चे राष्ट्रभक्त की तरह देश को एक बेहतर जगह बनाने में योगदान देते रहना हैं. धन्यवाद! जय हिंद।

Independence Day 2023: Related Queries

Wish you a very Happy Independence Day 2023!

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Independence Day Speech for Students, Celebrating 77th Years of Freedom

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Table of Contents

Independence Day Speech: Independence Day is a momentous occasion that holds great significance in the history of India. It’s a day when the entire nation comes together to celebrate the freedom and sovereignty of our country. For students, Independence Day is not just a public holiday but a valuable opportunity to reflect on our nation’s journey to independence, honor our leaders and heroes, and express their love for India through speeches. As we celebrate the 77th Independence Day , it’s an opportune moment for students to reflect, honor the legacy of our freedom fighters, and commemorate the journey towards a sovereign India. In this article, we’ll explore the art of delivering inspiring Independence Day speeches, providing students with tips, ideas, and sample speeches to make their presentations memorable and impactful. Whether you’re a student preparing for a school assembly or a teacher guiding young orators, this guide aims to help you celebrate Independence Day with eloquence and patriotism.

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Independence day Speech

Speech on Independence Day celebration means a lot to the person who is interested in expressing his/her thoughts in front of people about the country, history of freedom, Patriotism , Nationalism , Indian National Flag , National Festivals of India, Importance of Independence Day or other topics related to the Indian independence. Here we have provided various speech on Independence day of India for the school going kids, children and students. The speeches have been meticulously written, keeping in mind the requirements of students as well as office going professionals.

The historic day of August 15th, 1947 , stands as a testament to the culmination of years of resilience and the triumph of the Indian spirit against colonial rule. One can easily remember the speeches and reiterate in front of audience to gain applause and appreciation. The speeches are also bound to enthrall the audiences, infusing in them the feelings of Nationalism and Patriotism. Professionals can also use these speeches to prepare and deliver a best speech in the offices or other places they need to deliver an Independence Day speech. Using these simple speeches, students can actively participate in the India’s Independence Day celebration in the schools/colleges/institutes.

Indian Independence Day isn’t just about celebration. It’s a day to honor our brave freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives across generations to win our freedom. So, it’s also a day to remember and pay tribute to those who made India’s independence possible.

Long and Short Speech on Independence Day of India in English

We have provided below short and long speech on Independence Day of India, in a simple and easy to grasp language.

Following heart touching speech on independence day contain important points/facts about the Independence Day which will sure enhance your knowledge and expertise in the subject.

Care has been taken to make sure that no vital information on India’s Independence Day is left out.

These speeches will be useful on several occasions like on Independence Day celebrations in schools and colleges, speech presentation or debate competitions on national holidays.

Inspiring Starting Lines: Setting the Tone

As students prepare to address the significance of Independence Day, the commencement of a speech holds immense importance. Engaging and impactful opening lines captivate the audience’s attention, fostering a connection that resonates throughout the discourse. Phrases like “Today, as we celebrate our 77th year of freedom…” or “In the pages of history, this day etches our resilience and unity…” serve as potent introductions, setting the tone for a compelling address.

Also Read: Speech on Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru in English

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Independence Day Speech – Short Speech on 15 August – Sample 1

Good Morning Principal Sir/Madam, teachers and friends. Today I am going to give a short speech on Independence Day.

It is our 77th Independence Day, today. We must take part in the events with devotion. It is very important to honor the flag and sing national anthem. We must remember our brave freedom fighters on this day.

We should be dressed like Bapu, Chacha Nehru, and Bhagat Singh in order to remember them. Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Sikhs must celebrate the day together. It is also a national holiday today.

It was very pleasing to address you all. Thank You! Happy Independence Day!

Independence Day Speech 2 – Short Speech on 15 August – Sample 2

Dear Principal Sir/Madam, teachers and friends. Today, we have come here to celebrate the 77th Independence Day of India.

On 15 th August in 1947 we got independence from Britishers. First Prime Minister of India, Chacha Nehru, raised the Indian flag at Red Fort in New Delhi. He also gave his famous speech that day. It was called “ Tryst with Destiny ”.

India became a free nation on this day. Freedom was not easy to get. Many brave freedom fighters had died. They had died to make the country free. We should remember their courage and fight.

They bravely fought for 200 years. We must remember them and honor them. Raise the flag high and sing national songs. Do not put the flag down. Do not tear the flag. Freedom is very important, so keep it safe. With this I end my speech.

Thank you and Happy Independence Day to all!

Independence Day Speech 3 – Short Speech on 15 August – Sample 3

Respected; Principal, teachers, staff members and all my dear friends. I welcome you all from the bottom of my heart on this day of national reverence, when we celebrate the country’s 77th Independence Day, today.

I feel immensely honoured to having been given an opportunity to address you all on such a significant occasion and express my own views.

As we all know that India gained independence on August 15, 1947. It was on this day that the British departed from Indian soil, transferring the legislative powers to the Indian Constituent Assembly. In other words, India was now to be ruled by its own people and not by foreign invaders.

It was the most joyous moment in the history of India as it came following nearly two centuries of struggle and revolutions against British sovereignty. The day reminds us of the valour and sacrifices of our fellow countrymen, who were the torchbearers of the freedom struggle.

Let us celebrate this Independence Day to commemorate the indomitable spirit of our freedom fighters and political patrons of that time. It is because of them that we enjoy the fruits of freedom today.

Also Read: Gandhi Jayanti Speech in English

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Independence Day Speech 4 – Short Speech on 15 August – Sample 3

Respected Principal Sir, teachers, guests and my dear friends. It’s an honour for me to address you all on our 73th Independence Day, today.

As we all know that it was on this fateful day in 1947, that we gained independence, thanks to the freedom fighters and political visionaries of that time. They had envisioned a free and united India, and fought courageously against British invaders to make their dream true.

Finally, their dream was realized on 15 th August 1947; though, the nation had to pay heavy price for it. With the joy of independence, came the sorrow of partition.

The celebration of Independence was marred by the formation of Dominion of Pakistan on 14 th August, 1947 and battered by the communal violence following it.

When half of India was rejoicing its independence, half of it was burning from communal riots. This wasn’t something that our freedom fighters and political leaders could have imagined, while struggling for independence.

Bhagat Singh , Sukhdev , Rajguru, Bal Gangadhar Tilak , Chandrasekhar Azad, didn’t sacrifice their lives to see fellow Indians slitting each other’s throat on communal grounds. They envisioned an India having communal, religious and cultural harmony.

It is impossible to change history, but we can always change the future and make new history. Independence Day was indeed one of the most significant days in the history of India, but we must also remember those who have sacrificed their lives to make us live this day. Also, we must not forget that any kind of demographic division on the basis of religion, caste or creed will only hamper our progress.

Let us end the speech with a pledge to maintain the sovereignty and equality of the nation and to remember those who lost their lives to give us independence. Jai Hind!!

Independence Day Speech 5 – Long Speech on 15 August – Sample 4

Good morning to all my respected teachers, parents and dear friends. Today we have gathered here to celebrate this great national event. As we all know that Independence day is an auspicious occasion for all of us. India’s Independence Day is the most important day to all the Indian citizens and has been mentioned forever in the history.

It is the day when we got freedom from the British rule after many years of hard struggle by the great freedom fighters of India. We celebrate independence day every year on 15 th of August to remember the first day of freedom of India as well as remember all the sacrifices of the great leaders who have sacrificed their lives in getting freedom for India.

India got independence on 15 th of August in 1947 from the British rule. After independence we got our all the fundamental rights in our own Nation, our Motherland. We all should feel proud to be an Indian and admire our fortune that we took birth on the land of an Independent India. History of slave India reveals everything that how our ancestors and forefathers had worked hard and suffered all the brutal behavior of Britishers.

We cannot imagine by sitting here that how hard the independence was for India from the British rule. It took sacrifices of lives of many freedom fighters and several decades of struggle from 1857 to 1947. An Indian soldier (Mangal Pandey) in the British force had first raised his voice against Britishers for the independence of India.

Later several great freedom fighters had struggled and spent their whole life only for getting freedom. We can never forget the sacrifices of the Bhagat Singh, Khudi Ram Bose and Chandra Sekhar Azad who had lost their lives in their early age just for fighting for their country. How can we ignore all the struggles of Netaji and Gandhiji. Gandhiji was a great Indian personalities who taught Indians a big lesson of non-violence. He was the one and only who lead India to get freedom with the help of non-violence. Finally the result of long years of struggle came in front on 15 th of August 1947 when India got freedom.

We are so lucky that our forefathers have given us a land of peace and happy where we can sleep whole night without fear and enjoy whole day in our school or home. Our country is developing very fast in the field of technology, education, sports, finance and various other fields which were almost impossible before freedom. India is one of the countries rich in nuclear power. We are going ahead by actively participating in the sports like Olympics, Commonwealth games and Asian games.

We have full rights to chose our government and enjoy largest democracy in the world. Yes, we are free and have complete freedom however we should not understand ourselves free of responsibilities towards our country. As being responsible citizens of the country, we should be always ready to handle any emergency condition in our country.

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.

Also Read: Republic Day Speech 2023 for Students

Independence Day Speech 6 – Long Speech on 15 August – Sample 4

A very warm good morning to the respected teachers and my dear friends gathered here. Today we are gathered here to celebrate this auspicious occasion of Independence day on 15 th of August. We celebrate this day with lots of enthusiasm and joy every year because our country got freedom at this day in 1947 from the British rule. We are here to celebrate nth number of independence day. It is great and most significant day for all Indians. People of India had suffered cruel behavior of Britishers for many years.

Today we have freedom in almost all fields such as education, sports, transportation, business, etc just because of the years of struggle of our forefathers. Before 1947, people were not so free even they were restricted to have rights on their own body and mind. They were slave of Britishers and forced to follow all the orders of them. Today we are free to do anything because of the great Indian leaders who struggled hard for many years to get freedom against British rule.

Independence day is celebrated all over India with much pleasure. This day is of great importance to all Indian citizens as it gives us opportunity to remember all those freedom fighters who had sacrificed their lives just for giving us a beautiful and peaceful life. Earlier to the independence, people were not allowed to get education, eat healthy food and live normal life like us. We should be grateful to those events responsible for the freedom in India. Indians were treated more badly than slaves by the Britishers just to fulfill their meaningless orders.

Some of the great freedom fighters of India are Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhiji, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Lala Lajpath Ray, Bhagat Singh, Khudi Ram Bose and Chandra Sekhar Azad. They were famous patriots who struggled hard for the freedom of India till the end of their life. We cannot imagine that horrible moment struggled by our forefathers.

Now, after many years of independence our country is on the right track of development. Today our country is a well established democratic country all over the world. Gandhiji was great leader who taught us about effective way of freedom like ahimsa and sathyagraha methods. Gandhi dreamed of an independent India with the non violence and peace.

India is our mother country and we are its citizens. We should always be ready to save it from the bad people. It is our responsibility to lead our country ahead and make it a best country of the world.

Also Read: Speech on Mahatma Gandhi for Students

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Independence Day Speech 7 – Long Speech on 15 August – Sample 5

Very good morning to the honorable Chief Guest of the day, respected teachers, parents and my all dear friends. I wish you all a very Happy Independence Day. We all know the reason of get together here in such a big crowd. We all are excited celebrating this great day in such an excellent manner. We are gathered here to celebrate 77th independence day of our nation.

First of all we hoist our honorable national flag then give a salute to all the heroic deeds of the freedom fighters. I am feeling so proud to be an Indian citizen. I have such a great chance to give a speech on the Independence Day in front of you all. I would like to say thanks to my respected class teacher that she has given me an opportunity to share my views with you all about the freedom of India.

We celebrate Independence day every year on 15 th of August because India got freedom on the night of 14 th of August in 1947. Just after the independence of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had given a speech on the Independence day in New Delhi. When people all over the world were sleeping, people in India were waking to get freedom and life from the British rule. Now, after the independence, India has been a largest democratic country in the world. Our country is a most famous country for the saying of unity in diversity. It face many incidents testing its secularism however Indian people become always ready to answer with their unity.

Because of the hard struggles of our forefathers we are now able to enjoy the freedom and breathe fresh air according to our wish. Getting freedom from the Britishers was really an impossible task our forefathers did with their continuous efforts. We can never forget their works and always remember them through the history. We cannot remember all the deeds of all the freedom fighters in a day only however can give them a heartily salute. They would always be in our memories and way of inspiration to us whole life.

Today is the very significant day for all Indians which we celebrate remembering sacrifices of great Indian leaders who had given their lives for the freedom and prosperity of the country. Freedom of India was possible because of the cooperation, sacrifice and involvement of all the Indians. We should value and salute all the Indian citizens because they are the real national heroes. We should keep faith in the secularism and never be separate to maintain the unity so that no one can break and rule again.

We should take an oath today of being highly responsible and well-educated citizens of the tomorrow India. We should sincerely perform our duty and do work hard to get the goal and successfully lead this democratic nation.

Independence Day Speech 8 – Long Speech on 15 August – Sample 6

A very good morning to the excellencies, respected teachers and my dear colleagues. We are gathered here to celebrate nth Independence day. I am very happy to speech here on this great occasion. I am very grateful to my class teacher to give me such a special opportunity to say my views on the independence day of my country. At this special occasion of independence day I would like to speech on the India’s struggle for getting freedom from the British rule.

Long years ago, great Indian leaders were made a tryst with the destiny to give us a free and peaceful country by sacrificing their comfort of life. Today we are gathered here to celebrate independence day without any fear and having happy face just because of our brave forefathers.

We cannot imagine that how the moment was critical at that time. We have nothing to give our forefathers in return for their precious hard works and sacrifices. I can only remember them and their deeds and make a heartily salute while celebrating the national events. They would always be in our hearts. After the independence India get new birth with happy face of all Indian citizens.

India got independence on 15 th of August in 1947 from the clutches of British rule. Indian people all over the country celebrate this national festival annually with lots of joy and enthusiasm. It was great day for all the Indian citizens when India’s tricolor flag was unfolded by the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, at the Red Fort, Delhi.

A huge celebration takes place in New Delhi at Rajpath every year where national anthem is sung after the flag hoisting by prime minster. Together with the national anthem a salute through 21 guns firing and showering of flowers through helicopter is given to the national flag. Independence day is a national holiday however everyone celebrate this from their own places by hosting the flags in schools, offices or society. We should feel proud to be an Indian and try our best to save the honor of our country.

Long Speech on Independence Day of India 9 – Speech on 15 August – Sample 7

Hon’ble Guests of Honor, Senior Managers, Managers, other Staff Members and My Dear Friends – Warm Greetings to all of you!

I am feeling extremely glad to have been standing in front of you and hosting this invigorating day on the eve of Independence Day. We as Indians very well realize the importance of Independence Day and should be filled with utmost pride to have finally won back our freedom from the shackles of British rule. It gives me a sense of immense joy which is indescribable in words when I see our national flag soaring in the wind high up.

I am sure you can relate with my emotions. Needless to say, Independence Day is celebrated on 15 th of August every year and it is in the year 1947 that India emerged as a free nation. Since this is a day of great historical importance for all the Indians, national holiday is being declared in India and all of us celebrate Independence Day with great warmth and show.

This is just a brief about Independence Day, but does anyone here know about the period of British Raj? Well, let me share with you all that it was between 1858 until 1947 that the Britishers colonized our Indian subcontinent. This time period is called the British Raj period.

Now, it becomes even more interesting to know how the British colonial rule began in our country. When the East India Company arrived in India, they were stripped of the goods and land of Indian citizens by conspiracy and Queen Victoria making it all the property of the monarchy.

The East India Company was founded in 1600 under Royal Charter during the monarchical reign of Elizabeth I. Though apparently its chief aim was to trade, it eventually became an indomitable force of colonization controlling the most part of our Indian subcontinent. The people living in the Indian subcontinent during that time became the subjects of the British colonial rule under Queen Victoria and subsequently other monarchs who came after her.

I am sure we all can gauge that gaining independence under such challenging situation was not an easy task, but required long and persistent efforts. One of the most prominent personalities who chiefly contributed towards gaining independence was Mahatma Gandhi or what we usually address him as Bapu .

What makes him even a greater personality is the fact that he achieved independence by not following the path of violence or bloodshed, but through his policy of non-violence wherein he did not oppose the rule of Britishers through armed fighting rather he with his followers started the non-violence campaign which comprised hunger strikes and civil disobedience. Their concerted efforts ultimately brought an end to the British Raj in our country. British rule was given an official garb under the name of “British administration of India” and under that garb Indians had to undergo a lot of pain and trauma.

We should salute those heroic spirits and pay our homage to them by remembering their brave deeds and sacrifice for our mother land and never forget that it is because of their efforts that we stand today and breathe in an Independent India.

But the seeds of self-governance in our country were laid down much before India won its independence. In the 19 th century, several Indian councilors were appointed on various advisory roles. They were hired for the advisory support of the British viceroys who continued to rule across the major parts of India. In the year 1892, a law known as the Indian Councils Act came into being with a view to empower these councilors as well as other Indian officials. But they remained under the higher British authority and had to put up with the prejudices of the white men to be able to reach the pinnacle of success in their jobs.

It was somewhat in the midnight between 14 th August and daytime of 15 th August 1947 that the treaty of Indian sovereignty was signed. This was a time when George VI was ruling as the king in Britain and Clement Attlee was their prime minister. In India Jawaharlal Nehru became the prime minister of independent India and Britain renounced his rule over India. The Britishers no longer had anything to do with the Indian affairs.

Even though we do not bear witness to those times, but we can understand very well the intensity of that crucial time when our country actually gained independence. We cannot help but feel proud of it. However, the declaration of freedom came in written in the year 1929, which is much earlier. This declaration happened along with the great freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi and other known figures, who hoisted the Indian Flag.

It was indeed a big moment for all the Indians. The day of declaration of Indian independence is called as Purna Swaraj . It is quite significant to understand that even though India gained independence in the year 1947, it was only in the 1950s that India’s official constitution as an independent nation came into effect. The period in between was a transition phase in the form of 3 intervening years.

So how can we Indians let go off this momentous day in normalcy and not celebrate this historic day with great pomp and show. So on this day of great historical importance, our prime minister visits Red Fort and hoists the Indian National Flag or our Tricolor (Tiranga). Post that the national anthem is being sung. It is then followed by a stirring speech delivered by our prime minister to the people of its country. Now, the 73rd Independence Day will be celebrated on August 15 th , 2018. The whole sight looks so spectacular and mesmerizing that we can’t help but remain in awe while witnessing the whole ceremony.

In the end, all that can be said is freedom is priceless and our soldiers are so brave that they are continuously fighting on borders in order to protect our country from any militant or terrorist group. So we should never fail to value this freedom and preserve it wholeheartedly.

This is all I can say, Jai Hind!

Independence Day Speech for Students FAQs

What is the best speech for independence day.

The best Independence Day speech usually includes heartfelt words about freedom, unity, and the nation's progress. It may also touch on historical significance and patriotic values.

How to start a speech?

To start a speech, grab your audience's attention with a strong opening, like a quote, story, or interesting fact related to your topic.

How to give a good speech?

To give a good speech, be well-prepared, organized, and confident. Practice your speech, maintain eye contact, speak clearly, and engage with your audience.

What are the 5 lines of 15 August?

The 5 lines for 15 August, India's Independence Day, often include celebrating freedom, remembering sacrifices, honoring leaders, expressing patriotism, and looking towards a brighter future.

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  • India Independence Day Speech in English: Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2023


77th Independence Day Speech for Kids

We celebrate Indian Independence Day every year on 15 August as a national holiday in India to commemorate the independence of the nation from the British on 15 August 1947. This was the day when the Indian Independence Act of 1947 came into effect, which transferred the legislative sovereignty to the Indian Constituent Assembly. This year, India is celebrating its 77th  Independence Day 2023 as ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2023.’

Students can also find Independence Day Long and Short Speech in English here.

Long and Short Independence Day Speech in English for Students

Long independence day speech for students in english.

Good Morning Everyone!

Greetings on this momentous occasion of India's Independence Day! Today, we gather to celebrate the remarkable journey of our nation towards freedom and sovereignty. This year, the 77th Indian Independence Day 2023 is being celebrated as ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’, It's a day that echoes with the sacrifices of countless heroes who fought tirelessly for our liberty. 

As we look back, August 15, 1947, marked the end of British colonial rule, and India emerged as a sovereign nation. Jawaharlal Nehru became the first Indian Prime Minister to raise the National Flag at the Red Fort near Delhi's Lahore Gate. Our struggle for independence was not just a political movement; it was a testament to the indomitable spirit of our people. From the non-violent resistance led by Mahatma Gandhi to the bravery of countless others, we stood united in our quest for self-determination.

On this auspicious day, let us remember and pay homage to those who laid down their lives for the cause of freedom. Their sacrifices have paved the way for the India we know today – diverse, vibrant, and resilient.

Independence Day is not just about the past; it's also a time to reflect on the present and envision our future. As citizens of this great nation, we bear the responsibility of upholding the principles of justice, equality, and fraternity. Let us work together to build a society where every individual has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their background.

In the face of challenges, let us draw inspiration from the unity that defined our struggle for independence. Our diversity is our strength, and by embracing it, we can overcome any obstacle that comes our way.

As we hoist our national flag today, let it be a symbol of our shared aspirations and commitment to a better tomorrow. Just like the color of our flag represents:

Saffron signifying courage and sacrifice

White signifies peace and truth

Green signifies faith and chivalry

Happy Independence Day to one and all! Jai Hind!

Short Speech on Independence Day for Kids

Short Speech on Independence Day for Kids

10 Lines Independence Day Short Speech in English

India gained independence on August 15th, 1947.

After independence, Indians acquired all their fundamental rights.

People celebrate Independence Day by hoisting the National Flag and reciting the National Anthem.

We should all be proud to be Indian, and we should admire our fortune to have been born in the land of Independent India.

From 1857 to 1947, the lives of many freedom fighters and several decades of struggle were sacrificed.

For the independence of India, an Indian soldier (Mangal Pandey) in the British force first raised his voice against the British.

Several great freedom fighters later struggled and dedicated their entire lives to India’s freedom. 

The sacrifices of all the freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh, Khudi Ram Bose, and Chandra Sekhar Azad, who lost their lives at an early age just to fight for their country, can never be forgotten.

Gandhiji was a great Indian figure who gave the world a great lesson in non-violence.

We are so lucky to have been given a land of peace and happiness by our forefathers, where we can sleep all night without fear and enjoy the whole day at school or home.

Independence Day Freedom Fighters Speech

Independence Day Freedom Fighters Speech

Here are some of the Independence Day Freedom Fighters Speeches that every student should hear or read once and know the struggle involved during the independence of the country.

Bal Gangadhar Tilak's “Swaraj is my Birthright”.  

In 1917, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, who had spent six times in prison, gave this speech in Nashik. In the ongoing public battle for self-government and eventually full independence, the expression" Swaraj is my birthright" played a significant part. 

Mahatma Gandhi's “Address to Leave India”. 

On August 8, 1942, in Bombay, Mahatma Gandhi gave the "Quit India" address. Also, August Kranti Maidan has been used to relate to the position of Mahatma Gandhi's address at the Gowalia Tank Maidan. 

Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose's “Give Me Blood, and I'll Give You Freedom”. 

This is arguably one of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose's most well-known addresses. In 1944, he gave the Indian National Army members in Burma this speech. 

Mahatma Gandhi's Speech from the Dandi March.  

In this speech, Mahatma Gandhi understood the part of a boycott of British significance and the turndown to pay taxes to the British government at the dusk of the significant Dandi March.

Importance of Independence Day Speech for Children

Following are the points that tell the importance of Independence Day Speech for Children.

It explains to them how our nation freed itself from British rule, and about the sacrifices our freedom fighters made on behalf of the nation. We also do it to teach our kids about our nation's past.

Additionally, it helps kids understand the recent changes that have occurred. Consequently, to encourage them to take their careers and commitment to improve our nation's future seriously.

India is a free nation that attained independence on August 15, 1947. Making the next generation aware of the sacrifices we have made to make this country a better place for them is one of the key goals of celebrating Independence Day. Celebrating Independence Day makes everyone feel proud of the freedom fighters who fought with the Britishers to give freedom to us. It makes everyone happy, and people show respect towards them and the country by hoisting the Indian flag.


FAQs on India Independence Day Speech in English: Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 2023

1. How can you write a good speech on Independence Day?

The best method to write a speech is to gather the points you want to mention regarding the topic and follow a standard format. Every speech writing attempt must carry a message to the reader. For instance, the ideal message for this topic is to increase the patriotic feeling among the readers and remind them how much sacrifice our forefathers have done to give us freedom from colonial rule.

2. Is it necessary to mention the historic dates in this topic?

It is necessary to remember and mention the historic dates chronologically to make your speech better. Your speech compilation will become more admirable among the judges or teachers, and you will be able to score well. 

3. Why is this year 77th Independence Day?

India gained independence on 15 August 1947. This year is 2023, which is 76 years after 1947. Therefore, this year is the 77th Independence Day.

4. Who is the No 1 freedom fighter?

There isn't a singular "No 1" freedom fighter, as many people made significant contributions to the Indian independence movement. However, some of the most notable freedom fighters include Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhas Chandra Bose, and Bhagat Singh.

5. What are some key points to include in India's Independence Day speech?

Briefly share the historical context of the struggle for independence.

Highlight the contributions of prominent freedom fighters.

Reflect on the challenges and achievements of independent India.

Offer a vision for the future of the nation.

Emphasize the importance of individual responsibility and collective action in building a better India.

6. What are some significant events in the journey to independence? 

Some major milestones include the Sepoy Mutiny of 1857, the rise of the Indian National Congress, the Non-cooperation Movement, the Civil Disobedience Movement, and Quit India Movement.

7. What are the challenges and achievements of independent India? 

Challenges included: poverty, inequality, corruption, environmental issues, and social conflicts. Achievements could encompass economic growth, technological advancements, democratic institutions, and cultural diversity.

8. What is the appropriate length for the speech?  

This depends on the audience and setting. For schools, 3-5 minutes might be suitable, while a public speech could be longer (10-15 minutes).

9. How can I make the speech engaging? 

Use anecdotes, historical references, quotes, and personal stories to connect with the audience. Vary your voice and pace, and use appropriate gestures and expressions.

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speech on 15 august 2023 in english

Independence Day 2023 Highlights: PM Modi's 90-minute speech longest ever for any Prime Minister

India Today News Desk

Independence Day 2023 Highlights: Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his address from Red Fort on the occasion of 77th Independence Day, said that the situation in Manipur is improving. He said, “India stands with the people of Manipur”. PM Modi began his address to the nation on the occasion after unfurling the national flag. In his speech, PM Modi also said that the era of serial blasts is over and the country is seeing a drop in terror attacks. The event marked the culmination of the 'Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav' celebrations, which were initiated by the Prime Minister in 2021. This year, around 1,800 special guests from various sections of society were invited to witness the Independence Day ceremony at the Red Fort in Delhi. Stay with indiatoday.in as we bring you live updates on Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Independence Day speech and the day's festivities.

speech on 15 august 2023 in english

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Independence Day Speech (Short) in English on 15th August 2023

Happy Independence Day speech in English has given below, just go through this and presents your speech in schools or college on the occasion of Independence Day 15 th August 2023.

Every year, on 15th of August, all the citizen of India celebrates its Independence Day. As we all know that our beloved country got independence on15 August 1947.  The government of India urge peoples to hoist India Flag from 13 th to 15 th August as Har Ghar Tiranga. And celebrates this Independence Day in a grand manner in Schools, colleges and other institutions.  The Independence Day speech is an important aspect of the celebrations, reflecting the collective aspirations, achievements, and challenges that describe India’s journey towards development, progress and prosperity.

Independence Day Short Speech 2023

As we know, our national festival that is Independence Day, is observed on 15th of August every year. All the institutions such as schools and colleges have started preparing for this auspicious  Day. participants will be asked to deliver the Independence Day speech, along with speech competitions many other programs will be held on 15 th August .

 So, we have written few most fruitful speeches regarding Independence Day that will help you to develop idea of speech deliver in front of teachers’ colleague and students.  Independence Day Speech.

Short Speech on Independence Day in English

Very Good morning to all of u

First of all, happy Independence Day to all of you present here.

Today, is 15th August , we gather to rejoice India’s 77 th Independence Day. It is a day that shows our pride and joy as we remember the sacrifices of our freedom fighters who fought for our liberty. We are the future of India, and it’s our duty to keep our nation united and progressive Let’s take promise to value our freedom and work towards making our nation even better.

Good morning to all of you present here. My respected teachers and dear friends.

Happy Independence Day! As we celebrate the 77th Independence Day, we keep in mind the sacrifices of our leaders and soldiers who fought for our freedom. We experience proud to be part of an independent country where everyone has their own rights to speech and the right to live life in our own way.

India achieved independence after a continuous struggle by our freedom fighters on August 15, 1947 . From this day onwards, we have been celebrating August 15th as Independence Day.

 So, today, on this auspicious day, let’s take a pledge and make a promise to ourselves that we will work hard for the progress of our nation, protect our nation by maintaining peace and brotherhood, educate ourselves, and build a brighter future for our country.

Lastly, I again wish you all a Happy Independence Day and encourage you to be responsible citizens and contribute to making India a stronger and happier nation. Jai Hind!

Respected Teachers, and Dear Students,

Today, as we stand on the threshold of the 77th Independence Day of our beloved nation. we gather here to celebrate the spirit of freedom, unity, and progress that define our great India. It’s a day of immense pride, where we remember the sacrifices of countless souls who fought for our freedom and  break the chains of colonial rule and pave the way for a sovereign, democratic nation .

Our journey to freedom was not just a struggle for political independence; it was a fight for the rights, dignity, and aspirations of every Indian. It was a movement that took people from diverse backgrounds, cultures, and beliefs together, unified by the common dream of a free India. Our forefathers shown remarkable resilience, led by visionary leaders like Mahatma Gandhi , who believed in the power of non- violence and civil disobedience .

As we raise our tricolour flag today, let’s keep in mind the sacrifices made by those who came before us. Let’s honour their memory by nurturing the democratic values they fought for and by preserving the rich cultural heritage that defines us.

Let’s embrace unity in diversity, cherishing the various languages, traditions, and beliefs that make us uniquely Indian. As we celebrate our 77th Independence Day , let’s renew our commitment to a progressive, united, and prosperous India.

Jai Hind! Happy Independence Day!

Independence Day Short Speech for 15 th August

 Good morning to all of you, my respected teachers, Madam, and my dear friends.

First of all, Happy Independence Day! It is a day to remember the sacrifices that led to our freedom. Our great leaders and freedom fighters sacrificed their lives for India’s freedom. Let’s carry forward the spirit of unity and progress. Let’s strive to be responsible citizens and contribute to making India a stronger and happier nation. Jai Hind!

 Programmes for Independence Day

The government of India, has launched Many programs in order to celebrate the Independence Day nationwide.

The Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji has initiated Har Ghar Tiranga Programme as a part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mohotsav.  Har Ghar Tiranga launched in 2022 for the first time.  As per the programme every Indians will hoist the nation flag from 13 th to 15 th August in their home. Take a selfie with Indian flag and upload in the web portal. This will create the patriotism and nationalism in every soul.

Everyone who participate Har ghar tiranga program is provided a certificate of Appreciation to the individuals with their name. In order to download certificate, click on Har Ghar Tiranga Certificate download.

Meri Mitti Mera Desh Another new scheme is launched by our government named Meri Mitti Mera Desh. A ccording to this Abhiyan, people of India are urged to take pledge with holding mitti or mitti ka diya. Hoisting flag from 13 th to 15th August 2023.   After taking pledge take a selfie with Indian flag upload the photo in Meri Mati mera desh official website. Once you upload the photogram the certificate of appreciation can be downloaded from the same. Download now at Meri mitti mera desh certificate .

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Independence Day Speech 2023 on 15th August (English & Hindi)_1.1

Independence Day Speech 2023 on 15th August (English and Hindi)

Independence Day speech should highlight the significance of unity, diversity, & progress, emphasizing the country's commitment to democratic values. Read Independence Day speech in English and Hindi

Independence Day speech

Table of Contents

Independence Day Speech

India will celebrated its 77th year of independence this year. Independence day 2023 is special in its own way as India is celebrating its independence from British rule. British ruled on India for 200 year and with the bravery of our great freedom fighters we are able to celebrated Independence day 2023 this year.  Independence Day is celebrated on the 15th of August every year.

This year India will celebrate its 77th year of Independence which will mark the occasion for the celebration of the 77th Independence of the Nation. On this day on 15 August, flag hoisting is done in schools, offices and other government offices across the country and national pride is shown. Independence Day is celebrated every year in India as a mark of independence from British rule. British came to India and they ruled India for 200 years.

It’s an important occasion marked by acts of patriotism, flag-raising ceremonies, cultural events, and speeches by prominent figures. Indians come together to remember the sacrifices made by the independence fighters and to proclaim their commitment to a single, progressive, and inclusive India. Many governmental and non-governmental organisations actively observe Independence Day. Several competitions, including ones for singing, dancing, and speaking, will be held during the occasion. If you have any confusion regarding whether Will India celebrate the 76th or 77th Independence Day check here.

Independence Day 2023 Speech

As the 77th Independence Day approaches, unique events are planned across schools and universities. This is the ideal opportunity to express your support for the nation by giving an Independence Day speech. You need to prepare the information you mentioned in your English speech for Independence Day for the speech on August 15.

Here are a few themes to consider while you prepare your speech.

  • Preserving Freedom: The Duties of Citizenship
  • The Meaning of Independence Day: Celebrating Our Journey to Freedom
  • Unity in Diversity: How Independence Day Unites Us as a Nation
  • From Struggle to Success: Lessons from Our Independence Heroes
  • The Vision for Our Better India: Building a Better Future

Students can add about the India’s achievements after 75 Years of India’s Independence in there speech it will add more efficiency in there speech and let this generation know about the achievement and success India has made in past 75 years.

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Independence Day Speech in English

India will remember the sacrifices made by its freedom fighters in the fight against British rule on August 15, 2023, when it will mark the 77th anniversary of its independence. Indians celebrate the 15th of August by raising the flag in all of their public buildings, including offices, schools, and government offices. The nation of India is committed to creating an inclusive and powerful country for future generations, as evidenced by the Independence Day celebrations, which are marked by a great deal of excitement and patriotism.

The “Har Ghar Tiranga” campaign is part of the Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav movement, which calls on people to fly the Indian flag at home. In order to commemorate the country’s freedom, various events, such as speech contests, are held in classrooms and businesses. Giving a speech on Independence Day at your school is an accomplishment.

The nation’s dedication to democratic norms and principles should be emphasized in the 77th Independence Day address, which should also emphasize the importance of unity, diversity, and progress. An English Independence Day speech for students is provided in this article. These brief and lengthy speeches can be used in school assemblies, debates, etc.

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Independence Day Speech in Hindi

भारत 15 अगस्त, 2023 को अपने स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों के बलिदान की मान्यता में अपना 77वां स्वतंत्रता दिवस मनाएगा, जिन्होंने देश को ब्रिटिश प्रभुत्व से मुक्त कराने के लिए संघर्ष किया था। भारत अपने सभी उच्च शिक्षा संस्थानों, कार्यस्थलों और सरकारी भवनों पर राष्ट्रीय ध्वज फहराकर 15 अगस्त का जश्न मनाता है। भावी पीढ़ियों के लिए एक समावेशी और शक्तिशाली राष्ट्र स्थापित करने के भारत के संकल्प की पुष्टि स्वतंत्रता दिवस समारोह के दौरान प्रदर्शित जबरदस्त जुनून और देशभक्ति से होती है। “हर घर तिरंगा” अभियान आज़ादी का अमृत महोत्सव आंदोलन का हिस्सा है, जो लोगों से घर पर भारतीय ध्वज फहराने का आह्वान करता है।

देश की आज़ादी का जश्न मनाने के लिए, कक्षाओं और व्यवसायों में भाषण प्रतियोगिता जैसे विभिन्न कार्यक्रम आयोजित किए जाते हैं। आपके विद्यालय की स्वतंत्रता दिवस सभा में बोलना गर्व महसूस करने वाली एक उपलब्धि है.  77वें स्वतंत्रता दिवस के संबोधन में सद्भाव, विविधता और विकास के महत्व पर जोर दिया जाना चाहिए, साथ ही लोकतांत्रिक मानदंडों और सिद्धांतों के प्रति राष्ट्र के समर्पण को भी उजागर किया जाना चाहिए। हमने आपको इस लेख में छात्रों के लिए अंग्रेजी स्वतंत्रता दिवस भाषण प्रदान किया है। इन संक्षिप्त और लंबे भाषणों का उपयोग स्कूल असेंबली, बहस और अन्य सार्वजनिक भाषण कार्यक्रमों में किया जा सकता है।

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Speech on Independence Day

Indian Independence Day is celebrated on August 15 each year to mark the country’s freedom from British colonial rule in 1947. It’s a momentous occasion filled with patriotic fervour, flag hoisting, cultural events, and speeches by leaders. Citizens come together to remember the sacrifices of freedom fighters and reaffirm their commitment to a united, progressive, and inclusive India.

All kinds of public and private organizations enthusiastically observe Independence Day. Several competitions, including ones for speeches, singing, and dancing, are scheduled for the celebration.

PM Modi’s Independence Day Speech

Tribute to freedom fighters: To honour the freedom fighters who gave their lives to ensure India’s independence, PM Modi opened his statement by expressing gratitude. According to him, the present generation has been motivated to put in a lot of effort to make India a great country by the sacrifices they made.

Aspirational society: According to PM Modi, India is today an ambitious nation where individuals from all backgrounds want to accomplish great things. He claimed that efforts are being made by the administration to foster an atmosphere in which people can achieve their goals.

Har Ghar Tiranga: The “Har Ghar Tiranga” campaign, which tries to persuade people to fly the flag at home, was mentioned by PM Modi. He claimed that this campaign represents the power and togetherness of India.

Self-reliance : The importance of independence for India’s growth was emphasised by PM Modi. He claimed that efforts are being made by the government to make India self-sufficient in important industries like defence, electronics, and medicines.

Digital India: PM Modi discussed the developments related to the Digital India project. According to him, Digital India has improved access to government services and helped link millions of individuals across the nation.

Climate change: According to PM Modi, the globe is currently facing a significant challenge due to climate change . India, he claimed, is dedicated to combating climate change and has already made a number of initiatives in this direction.

The Indian people were pleased with PM Modi’s address. It was regarded as an upbeat and motivating address that concentrated on the future of the nation. Along with the important points previously highlighted, PM Modi also covered the following subjects in his speech:

The importance of education: According to PM Modi, education is essential for India’s prosperity. He stated that the administration is aiming to increase access to and affordability of education for all Indians.

The need for good governance: According to PM Modi, success in India depends on effective government management. He stated that efforts are being made by the administration to enhance the provision of services as well as to increase accountability and transparency.

The importance of unity: India’s strength, according to PM Modi, is its togetherness. He asserted that cooperation among Indians is necessary to establish a powerful and successful country.

In his speech, Prime Minister Modi urged Indians to take action. In order to build India a great country, he urged them to cooperate. He asserted that India owns the future and that its citizens are capable of achieving everything they set their minds to.

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Independence Day Speech FAQs

How do you start a speech on independence day.

I stand before you today to commemorate the valour of our freedom fighters on Independence Day. This day is not just another day in the calendar; it is a symbol of India's courage, resilience, and indomitable spirit.

Is it 75th Independence Day 2023?

76th Independence Day (15th Aug) Is it the 75th or 76th independence day in 2023? We are going to celebrate the 76th independence day in 2023. The 75th independence day themed nation First, Always First was celebrated on 15th August 2022.

Which Independence Day 2023?

Independence Day 2023 is celebrated on 15 August every year, India marks this day as the end of 190 years of British rule in India. In 1947, India was declared a free country. Know their full history and significance, and also clear your confusion about whether is it the 76th or 77th independence day inside.

Is it 77th Independence Day 2023?

India will celebrate its 77th Independence Day on 15th August 2023.

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PM Narendra Modi’s Speech on Independence Day 2023

PM Narendra Modi's Speech on Independence Day 2023- PM Modi addresses the Nation from Red Fort on the occasion of 77th Independence Day. Know what PM Modi said during his 15th August speech.

Narendra Modi Speech

Table of Contents

Every year the Prime Minister addresses the nation on Independence Day at Red Fort. This year India is celebrating 77th Independence Day with great zeal and enthusiasm. Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered his Independence Day speech from Red Fort after flag hoisting in New Delhi on 15th August 2023. PM Narendra Modi addresses the nation as”family members” from the Ramparts of Red Fort and wishes Independence Day to 140 crore families addressing “Number 1 nation in terms of population, we all are celebrating independence day today”.

PM Narendra Modi’s 15th August Speech

PM Modi starts his 15th August speech by talking about Manipur, he says, “The women of Manipur have suffered much. The nation is with Manipur. We will find a solution through peace”. Some Highlights of PM Narendra Modi’s 15th August Speech are as follows-

  • PM Modi PM Modi promises, “Next few years will determine development for the next 1000 years”
  • The combination of demography, democracy, and diversity possesses the potential to make the nation’s aspirations a reality.
  • PM Narendra Modi says, “I am talking about the last 1000 years because I see that there is opportunity before the country once again. What we do in this era, the steps we take, and the decisions we take one after the other will germinate the golden history of the country in the coming 1000 years…”
  • Prime Minister Modi commends youth for their contributions, emphasizing the significant impact made by those from smaller cities in various fields, including the start-up industry.
  • PM Modi says, ‘Global experts saying India will not stop now, all rating agencies lauding country’.
  • PM Modi added, ‘Government’s every moment, every rupee going towards welfare of citizens; govt and citizens united with spirit of ‘nation first’’
  • PM Modi addresses ‘digital innovation in India is not limited to the top cities of the country like Delhi, Mumbai or Chennai but has reached the youth even in Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities’.

Independence Day Speech in English

Independence Day Speech in Hindi

Freedom Fighters of India who Fought for Independence of India


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PM Narendra Modi's 15th August Speech- FAQs

Q1. where did pm narendra modi's delivered his 15th august speech.

Ans. Prime Minister Narendra Modi delivered his Independence Day speech from Red Fort, New Delhi after flag hoisting

Q2. What does PM Modi addresses in his Independence Speech 2023?

Ans. The highlights for PM Narendra Modi's Independence Speech 2023 has been shared in the above article.

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Independence Day 2023: Key points to prepare speech in English for students

This day marks the liberty of our nation from foreign invaders and a long struggling story in attaining this freedom..

Indian Independence Day 2023, Independence Day 2023 speech ideas

Back in 1947, the day mark the end of 190-year British rule and the journey from colonial control to full sovereignty. Independence Day becomes a moving homage, a remembrance of sacrifice, and a time for solidarity when the national flag soars high and the national anthem fills the air. The theme of Indian Independence Day 2023 is 'Nation First, Always First', a part of the grand “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” initiative.

How to prepare a speech for Independence Day

While preparing the Independence Day speech, one should keep the following points in mind.

  • When preparing for the Independence Day speech, you should bear in mind some vital topics as well as significant events and movements that contributed significantly to our independence.
  • First and foremost, we need to understand why we observe Independence Day on August 15 and why it took so long to acquire this freedom.
  • Since everyone is aware that we declared our independence from the British on August 15, 1947, this speech would be incomplete without describing the sacrifices made by our leaders and freedom fighters, without whom we would not be commemorating this day today.
  • The Satyagrah Movement, the Khilafat Movement, the Dandi March, the Bharat Chodo Andolan, the Champaran Agitation, and the Non-Cooperation Movement each ought to be mentioned in the Independence Day speech as significant uprisings.
  • In addition, it might cover the Jallianwala Bagh massacre, the Simon Commission's casualties, and the mass murder of Indians during World War II.
  • The formation of several committees and their benefits and losses should also be mentioned.
  • You can also mention the election held prior to independence, the creation of princely states and regions, the formation of two nations, the committee formed to draft the constitution and govern India after independence, some of the glorious years that followed independence, as well as the development our country has undergone.

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Independence Day Speech – Speech on 15 August

Speech on Independence Day celebration means a lot to the person who is interested in expressing his/her thoughts in front of people about the country, history of freedom, Patriotism , Nationalism , Indian National Flag ,  National Festivals of India , Importance of Independence Day or other topics related to the Indian independence. Here we have provided various speech on Independence day of India for the school going kids, children and students. The speeches have been meticulously written, keeping in mind the requirements of students as well as office going professionals.

One can easily remember the speeches and reiterate in front of audience to gain applause and appreciation. The speeches are also bound to enthrall the audiences, infusing in them the feelings of Nationalism and Patriotism. Professionals can also use these speeches to prepare and deliver a best speech in the offices or other places they need to deliver an Independence Day speech. Using these simple speeches, students can actively participate in the India’s Independence Day celebration in the schools/colleges/institutes.

Independence Day | Independence Day Essay | Speech on Independence Day for Teachers |  Independence Day Speech for Principal | Slogans on Independence Day | Paragraph on Independence Day | Facts about Independence Day of India | Independence Day Quotes | Essay on National Flag of India | Essay on National Festivals of India | Essay on Importance of Independence Day in India

Long and Short Speech on Independence Day of India in English

We have provided below short and long speech on Independence Day of India, in a simple and easy to grasp language.

Following Independence Day speech contain important points/facts about the Independence Day which will sure enhance your knowledge and expertise in the subject.

Care has been taken to make sure that no vital information on India’s Independence Day is left out.

These speeches will be useful on several occasions like on Independence Day celebrations in schools and colleges, speech presentation or debate competitions on national holidays.

Independence Day Speech 1 – Short Speech on 15 August

Good Morning Principal Sir/Madam, teachers and friends. Today I am going to give a short speech on Independence Day.

It is our 73 rd Independence Day, today. We must take part in the events with devotion. It is very important to honor the flag and sing national anthem. We must remember our brave freedom fighters on this day.

We should be dressed like Bapu, Chacha Nehru, and Bhagat Singh in order to remember them. Hindus, Muslims, Christians and Sikhs must celebrate the day together. It is also a national holiday today.

It was very pleasing to address you all. Thank You! Happy Independence Day!

Independence Day

Independence Day Speech 2 – Short Speech on 15 August

Dear Principal Sir/Madam, teachers and friends. Today, we have come here to celebrate the 73 rd Independence Day of India.

On 15 th August in 1947 we got independence from Britishers. First Prime Minister of India, Chacha Nehru, raised the Indian flag at Red Fort in New Delhi. He also gave his famous speech that day. It was called “Tryst with Destiny”.

India became a free nation on this day. Freedom was not easy to get. Many brave freedom fighters had died. They had died to make the country free. We should remember their courage and fight.

They bravely fought for 200 years. We must remember them and honor them. Raise the flag high and sing national songs. Do not put the flag down. Do not tear the flag. Freedom is very important, so keep it safe. With this I end my speech.

Thank you and Happy Independence Day to all!

Independence Day Speech 3 – Short Speech on 15 August

Respected; Principal, teachers, staff members and all my dear friends. I welcome you all from the bottom of my heart on this day of national reverence, when we celebrate the country’s 73 rd Independence Day, today.

I feel immensely honoured to having been given an opportunity to address you all on such a significant occasion and express my own views.

As we all know that India gained independence on August 15, 1947. It was on this day that the British departed from Indian soil, transferring the legislative powers to the Indian Constituent Assembly. In other words, India was now to be ruled by its own people and not by foreign invaders.

It was the most joyous moment in the history of India as it came following nearly two centuries of struggle and revolutions against British sovereignty. The day reminds us of the valour and sacrifices of our fellow countrymen, who were the torchbearers of the freedom struggle.

Let us celebrate this Independence Day to commemorate the indomitable spirit of our freedom fighters and political patrons of that time. It is because of them that we enjoy the fruits of freedom today.

Independence Day Speech 4 – Short Speech on 15 August

Respected Principal Sir, teachers, guests and my dear friends. It’s an honour for me to address you all on our 73 rd Independence Day, today.

As we all know that it was on this fateful day in 1947, that we gained independence, thanks to the freedom fighters and political visionaries of that time. They had envisioned a free and united India, and fought courageously against British invaders to make their dream true.

Finally, their dream was realized on 15 th August 1947; though, the nation had to pay heavy price for it. With the joy of independence, came the sorrow of partition.

The celebration of Independence was marred by the formation of Dominion of Pakistan on 14 th August, 1947 and battered by the communal violence following it.

When half of India was rejoicing its independence, half of it was burning from communal riots. This wasn’t something that our freedom fighters and political leaders could have imagined, while struggling for independence.

Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Chandrasekhar Azad, didn’t sacrifice their lives to see fellow Indians slitting each other’s throat on communal grounds. They envisioned an India having communal, religious and cultural harmony.

It is impossible to change history, but we can always change the future and make new history. Independence Day was indeed one of the most significant days in the history of India, but we must also remember those who have sacrificed their lives to make us live this day.  Also, we must not forget that any kind of demographic division on the basis of religion, caste or creed will only hamper our progress.

Let us end the speech with a pledge to maintain the sovereignty and equality of the nation and to remember those who lost their lives to give us independence. Jai Hind!!

Independence Day Speech 5 –  Long Speech on 15 August

Good morning to all my respected teachers, parents and dear friends. Today we have gathered here to celebrate this great national event. As we all know that Independence day is an auspicious occasion for all of us. India’s Independence Day is the most important day to all the Indian citizens and has been mentioned forever in the history.

It is the day when we got freedom from the British rule after many years of hard struggle by the great freedom fighters of India. We celebrate independence day every year on 15 th of August to remember the first day of freedom of India as well as remember all the sacrifices of the great leaders who have sacrificed their lives in getting freedom for India.

India got independence on 15 th of August in 1947 from the British rule. After independence we got our all the fundamental rights in our own Nation, our Motherland. We all should feel proud to be an Indian and admire our fortune that we took birth on the land of an Independent India. History of slave India reveals everything that how our ancestors and forefathers had worked hard and suffered all the brutal behavior of Britishers.

We cannot imagine by sitting here that how hard the independence was for India from the British rule. It took sacrifices of lives of many freedom fighters and several decades of struggle from 1857 to 1947. An Indian soldier (Mangal Pandey) in the British force had first raised his voice against Britishers for the independence of India.

Later several great freedom fighters had struggled and spent their whole life only for getting freedom. We can never forget the sacrifices of the Bhagat Singh, Khudi Ram Bose and Chandra Sekhar Azad who had lost their lives in their early age just for fighting for their country. How can we ignore all the struggles of Netaji and Gandhiji. Gandhiji was a great Indian personalities who taught Indians a big lesson of non-violence. He was the one and only who lead India to get freedom with the help of non-violence. Finally the result of long years of struggle came in front on 15 th of August 1947 when India got freedom.

We are so lucky that our forefathers have given us a land of peace and happy where we can sleep whole night without fear and enjoy whole day in our school or home. Our country is developing very fast in the field of technology, education, sports, finance and various other fields which were almost impossible before freedom. India is one of the countries rich in nuclear power. We are going ahead by actively participating in the sports like Olympics, Commonwealth games and Asian games.

We have full rights to chose our government and enjoy largest democracy in the world. Yes, we are free and have complete freedom however we should not understand ourselves free of responsibilities towards our country. As being responsible citizens of the country, we should be always ready to handle any emergency condition in our country.

Jai Hind, Jai Bharat.

Independence Day Speech 6 –  Long Speech on 15 August

A very warm good morning to the respected teachers and my dear friends gathered here. Today we are gathered here to celebrate this auspicious occasion of Independence day on 15 th of August. We celebrate this day with lots of enthusiasm and joy every year because our country got freedom at this day in 1947 from the British rule. We are here to celebrate nth number of independence day. It is great and most significant day for all Indians. People of India had suffered cruel behavior of Britishers for many years.

Today we have freedom in almost all fields such as education, sports, transportation, business, etc just because of the years of struggle of our forefathers. Before 1947, people were not so free even they were restricted to have rights on their own body and mind. They were slave of Britishers and forced to follow all the orders of them. Today we are free to do anything because of the great Indian leaders who struggled hard for many years to get freedom against British rule.

Independence day is celebrated all over India with much pleasure. This day is of great importance to all Indian citizens as it gives us opportunity to remember all those freedom fighters who had sacrificed their lives just for giving us a beautiful and peaceful life. Earlier to the independence, people were not allowed to get education, eat healthy food and live normal life like us. We should be grateful to those events responsible for the freedom in India. Indians were treated more badly than slaves by the Britishers just to fulfill their meaningless orders.

Some of the great freedom fighters of India are Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, Jawahar Lal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhiji, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Lala Lajpath Ray, Bhagat Singh, Khudi Ram Bose and Chandra Sekhar Azad. They were famous patriots who struggled hard for the freedom of India till the end of their life. We cannot imagine that horrible moment struggled by our forefathers.

Now, after many years of independence our country is on the right track of development. Today our country is a well established democratic country all over the world. Gandhiji was great leader who taught us about effective way of freedom like ahimsa and sathyagraha methods. Gandhi dreamed of an independent India with the non violence and peace.

India is our mother country and we are its citizens. We should always be ready to save it from the bad people. It is our responsibility to lead our country ahead and make it a best country of the world.

Independence Day Speech 7 –  Long Speech on 15 August

Very good morning to the honorable Chief Guest of the day, respected teachers, parents and my all dear friends. I wish you all a very Happy Independence Day. We all know the reason of get together here in such a big crowd. We all are excited celebrating this great day in such an excellent manner. We are gathered here to celebrate 73rd independence day of our nation.

First of all we hoist our honorable national flag then give a salute to all the heroic deeds of the freedom fighters. I am feeling so proud to be an Indian citizen. I have such a great chance to give a speech on the Independence Day in front of you all. I would like to say thanks to my respected class teacher that she has given me an opportunity to share my views with you all about the freedom of India.

We celebrate Independence day every year on 15 th of August because India got freedom on the night of 14 th of August in 1947. Just after the independence of India, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had given a speech on the Independence day in New Delhi. When people all over the world were sleeping, people in India were waking to get freedom and life from the British rule. Now, after the independence, India has been a largest democratic country in the world. Our country is a most famous country for the saying of unity in diversity. It face many incidents testing its secularism however Indian people become always ready to answer with their unity.

Because of the hard struggles of our forefathers we are now able to enjoy the freedom and breathe fresh air according to our wish. Getting freedom from the Britishers was really an impossible task our forefathers did with their continuous efforts. We can never forget their works and always remember them through the history. We cannot remember all the deeds of all the freedom fighters in a day only however can give them a heartily salute. They would always be in our memories and way of inspiration to us whole life.

Today is the very significant day for all Indians which we celebrate remembering sacrifices of great Indian leaders who had given their lives for the freedom and prosperity of the country. Freedom of India was possible because of the cooperation, sacrifice and involvement of all the Indians. We should value and salute all the Indian citizens because they are the real national heroes. We should keep faith in the secularism and never be separate to maintain the unity so that no one can break and rule again.

We should take an oath today of being highly responsible and well-educated citizens of the tomorrow India. We should sincerely perform our duty and do work hard to get the goal and successfully lead this democratic nation.

Independence Day Speech 8 –  Long Speech on 15 August

A very good morning to the excellencies, respected teachers and my dear colleagues. We are gathered here to celebrate nth Independence day. I am very happy to speech here on this great occasion. I am very grateful to my class teacher to give me such a special opportunity to say my views on the independence day of my country. At this special occasion of independence day I would like to speech on the India’s struggle for getting freedom from the British rule.

Long years ago, great Indian leaders were made a tryst with the destiny to give us a free and peaceful country by sacrificing their comfort of life. Today we are gathered here to celebrate independence day without any fear and having happy face just because of our brave forefathers.

We cannot imagine that how the moment was critical at that time. We have nothing to give our forefathers in return for their precious hard works and sacrifices. We can only remember them and their deeds and make a heartily salute while celebrating the national events. They would always be in our hearts. After the independence India get new birth with happy face of all Indian citizens.

India got independence on 15 th of August in 1947 from the clutches of British rule. Indian people all over the country celebrate this national festival annually with lots of joy and enthusiasm. It was great day for all the Indian citizens when India’s tricolor flag was unfolded by the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru, at the Red Fort, Delhi.

A huge celebration takes place in New Delhi at Rajpath every year where national anthem is sung after the flag hoisting by prime minster. Together with the national anthem a salute through 21 guns firing and showering of flowers through helicopter is given to the national flag. Independence day is a national holiday however everyone celebrate this from their own places by hosting the flags in schools, offices or society. We should feel proud to be an Indian and try our best to save the honor of our country.

Long Speech on Independence Day of India 9 – Speech on 15 August

Hon’ble Guests of Honor, Senior Managers, Managers, other Staff Members and My Dear Friends – Warm Greetings to all of you!

I am feeling extremely glad to have been standing in front of you and hosting this invigorating day on the eve of Independence Day. We as Indians very well realize the importance of Independence Day and should be filled with utmost pride to have finally won back our freedom from the shackles of British rule. It gives me a sense of immense joy which is indescribable in words when I see our national flag soaring in the wind high up.

I am sure you can relate with my emotions. Needless to say, Independence Day is celebrated on 15 th of August every year and it is in the year 1947 that India emerged as a free nation. Since this is a day of great historical importance for all the Indians, national holiday is being declared in India and all of us celebrate Independence Day with great warmth and show.

This is just a brief about Independence Day, but does anyone here know about the period of British Raj? Well, let me share with you all that it was between 1858 until 1947 that the Britishers colonized our Indian subcontinent. This time period is called the British Raj period.

Now, it becomes even more interesting to know how the British colonial rule began in our country. When the East India Company arrived in India, they were stripped of the goods and land of Indian citizens by conspiracy and Queen Victoria making it all the property of the monarchy.

The East India Company was founded in 1600 under Royal Charter during the monarchical reign of Elizabeth I. Though apparently its chief aim was to trade, it eventually became an indomitable force of colonization controlling the most part of our Indian subcontinent. The people living in the Indian subcontinent during that time became the subjects of the British colonial rule under Queen Victoria and subsequently other monarchs who came after her.

I am sure we all can gauge that gaining independence under such challenging situation was not an easy task, but required long and persistent efforts. One of the most prominent personalities who chiefly contributed towards gaining independence was Mahatma Gandhi or what we usually address him as Bapu .

What makes him even a greater personality is the fact that he achieved independence by not following the path of violence or bloodshed, but through his policy of non-violence wherein he did not oppose the rule of Britishers through armed fighting rather he with his followers started the non-violence campaign which comprised hunger strikes and civil disobedience. Their concerted efforts ultimately brought an end to the British Raj in our country. British rule was given an official garb under the name of “British administration of India” and under that garb Indians had to undergo a lot of pain and trauma.

We should salute those heroic spirits and pay our homage to them by remembering their brave deeds and sacrifice for our mother land and never forget that it is because of their efforts that we stand today and breathe in an Independent India.

But the seeds of self-governance in our country were laid down much before India won its independence. In the 19 th century, several Indian councilors were appointed on various advisory roles. They were hired for the advisory support of the British viceroys who continued to rule across the major parts of India. In the year 1892, a law known as the Indian Councils Act came into being with a view to empower these councilors as well as other Indian officials. But they remained under the higher British authority and had to put up with the prejudices of the white men to be able to reach the pinnacle of success in their jobs.

It was somewhat in the midnight between 14 th August and daytime of 15 th August 1947 that the treaty of Indian sovereignty was signed. This was a time when George VI was ruling as the king in Britain and Clement Attlee was their prime minister. In India Jawaharlal Nehru became the prime minister of independent India and Britain renounced his rule over India. The Britishers no longer had anything to do with the Indian affairs.

Even though we do not bear witness to those times, but we can understand very well the intensity of that crucial time when our country actually gained independence. We cannot help but feel proud of it. However, the declaration of freedom came in written in the year 1929, which is much earlier. This declaration happened along with the great freedom fighter Mahatma Gandhi and other known figures, who hoisted the Indian Flag.

It was indeed a big moment for all the Indians. The day of declaration of Indian independence is called as Purna Swaraj . It is quite significant to understand that even though India gained independence in the year 1947, it was only in the 1950s that India’s official constitution as an independent nation came into effect. The period in between was a transition phase in the form of 3 intervening years.

So how can we Indians let go off this momentous day in normalcy and not celebrate this historic day with great pomp and show. So on this day of great historical importance, our prime minister visits Red Fort and hoists the Indian National Flag or our Tricolor (Tiranga). Post that the national anthem is being sung. It is then followed by a stirring speech delivered by our prime minister to the people of its country. Now, the 73rd Independence Day will be celebrated on August 15 th , 2018.  The whole sight looks so spectacular and mesmerizing that we can’t help but remain in awe while witnessing the whole ceremony.

In the end, all that can be said is freedom is priceless and our soldiers are so brave that they are continuously fighting on borders in order to protect our country from any militant or terrorist group. So we should never fail to value this freedom and preserve it wholeheartedly.

This is all I can say, Jai Hind!

More on Independence Day:

Independence Day | Independence Day Essay | Slogans on Independence Day | Paragraph on Independence Day | Facts about Independence Day of India | Speech on 15 August 1947 by Nehru | Independence Day Quotes | Live Celebration Ceremony of 69th Independence Day of India at Red Fort Delhi | President’s Address to the Nation on the eve of Independence Day | National Anthem of India | National Flag of India | National Song of India | Essay on National Festivals of India | Essay on Importance of Independence Day in India | Speech on Independence Day for Teachers | Independence Day Speech for Principal

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Independence Day Speech in English for Students

Independence day speech in english.

Independence Day Speech – We celebrate Independence Day as the national festival of India. The Day marks the anniversary of national independence from the British Empire on 15th august 1947.

Furthermore, it is the most auspicious day for the people of India because India becomes independent after lots of hardships and sacrifices of the brave Indian freedom fighters.

From that day onwards 15th August become a very important day in Indian history and in the hearts of every Indian. Also, the entire nation celebrates this day with the full spirit of patriotism.

speech on 15 august 2023 in english

After the independence, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru was chosen as the first Prime Minister of India. Moreover, he unfurled our tricolor flag at the Red Fort in the national capital, New Delhi for the first time.

From there onwards, every year we celebrate Independence Day at Red Fort New Delhi. In addition, the army performs many tasks that also include a march past cultural programs by school students.

In addition, we celebrate Independence Day to remember the lives that we sacrificed to gain this freedom. As they are the ones who struggled for our country. Furthermore, on his day we forget our differences and unites as one true nation should.

Importance of Independence Day Celebration

We celebrate Independence Day on a vast scale in our country. Also, every government building is decorated with tricolor lights that orange, white, and green just like the national flag.

Furthermore, every official and office staff whether private or government has to be present in the office for the flag hoisting ceremony and singing our National Anthem. Besides, there is a lot of other reasons to celebrate our independence day.

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Honor the Memory of our Freedom Fighters

Freedom fighters struggled to make our country free from the Britishers. In addition, they were the ones who sacrificed their lives for the country. On this day every citizen of our country pays tribute to them.

Furthermore, the schools and colleges organize various functions to celebrate our independence and to pay tribute to these freedom fighters. Also, students perform in these programs that depict the struggle of our freedom fighters.

In schools and colleges, students give solo and duet performances of patriotic songs. These songs fill our hearts with a feeling of patriotism and love for our country. Usually, in offices, it is a non-working day but all the staff and officials gather to express their patriotism for the country.

In addition, at various offices, employees deliver speeches to enlighten people about the freedom struggle. Also, about the efforts of our freedom fighters to make this country an independent nation.

To spark the spirit of patriotism in youth

The youth of our country has the power to change the nation. By means, someone rightly said that the future hinge on to the young generation. Hence it becomes our duty to serve the nation and make every possible effort to make our county better.

One of the main motives for celebrating Independence Day is to make the young generation aware of the sacrifices we have made to make this country a better place for them.

Most noteworthy, it tells them how our country got independence from the grasps of the Britishers. And about the sacrifices, our freedom fighter has made for the country. Also, we do it to make our children aware of the history of our country.

Furthermore, it makes them aware of the development that took place in the past years. Consequently, to make them serious about our future and careers which they put forth to make our country better.

To sum it up, gaining independence from Britishers was not easy. And it’s because of the struggle and hardship of our freedom fighter that we now live in a free country. On Independence Day we remember the long battle that our freedom fighters fought and sacrifices that they have made.

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PM Narendra Modi Independence Day speech full text

Referring to the manipur crisis, pm modi said that a path to a solution in the northeastern state will be found through peace..

speech on 15 august 2023 in english

Prime Minister Narendra Modi Tuesday wished the nation on the 77th Independence Day and said a new world order is in the works after the pandemic, similar to the one brought about by the end of World War II. He said that India now identified as a ‘Vishwamitra’ and also announced the launch of the Vishwakarma Yojana for barbers and goldsmiths with an initial spending of Rs. 13,000-15,000 crore.

Referring to the Manipur crisis, PM Modi said that a path to a solution in the northeastern state will be found through peace. PM Modi also said his government has changed the thinking about border villages through its ‘Vibrant Villages’ scheme. “The village on the border is not India’s last village, as was said before, it is the first village of the country,” he said.

speech on 15 august 2023 in english

My beloved 140 crore family members,

World’s biggest democracy and in the context of population as well, we are trusted for being number one. Such a humongous nation is today celebrating the festival of independence with its 140 billion brothers and sisters and all family members. On this momentous and sacred occasion, I extend my greetings to each and every citizen of the country, to each one who loves, respects and takes pride in our nation India.

My dear family members,

The Non-cooperation/Civil Disobedience and Satyagraha Movement under the leadership of our ‘pujyaBapu’ revered Mahatma Gandhi ji, bravehearts like Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru, and their generation, there will hardly be any person who has not contributed to the independence of the country. Today I respectfully pay homage to all those who contributed and sacrificed their lives during our freedom movement. I humbly bow down to their penance in giving us a free nation.

Festive offer

Today, 15th August, is also the 150th birth anniversary of Sri Aurobindo, the great revolutionary and pioneer of spiritual life. It is also the 150th birth anniversary of Swami Dayanand Saraswati ji. This year our nation is going to celebrate with great fervor, the 500th birth anniversary of the iconic women warrior Rani Durgawati. We will also be remembering the premier of ‘bhakti and yog’ Meerabai, on the occasion of 525th years of her life immersed in spiritualism. Our country will be celebrating a milestone of 75th year on next 26th January which is our Republic Day. There will not be a bigger day to commit to national development, with new inspirations, new consciousness, new resolutions, as the country opens up immense possibilities and opportunities.

Unfortunately, this time the natural calamity created unimaginable distress in many parts of the country. I express my condolences to all the families who have suffered in this crisis and assure that the state in tandem with the central government will leave no stone unturned to stand by you and resolve all those troubles at the earliest.

In the past few weeks, particularly in Manipur in the North-East, and in some other parts of India, there has been a spell of violence, where many people lost their lives, and the dignity of mothers and daughters was violated. However, in the last few days, we have been hearing continuous reports of peace, and the entire nation stands with the people of Manipur. The people of Manipur have maintained peace in the past few days, and they should continue to foster that peace, as it is the path to resolution. Both the state and central governments are working together to find solutions to the issues and will continue to do so.

When we look back at history, there are moments that leave an indelible mark, and their impact lasts for centuries. Sometimes, these events might seem small and insignificant at the beginning, but they lay the roots for numerous problems. We all know that our country was invaded 1000-1200 years ago. A small kingdom and its king were defeated. However, we couldn’t have known that this event would lead India into a thousand years of subjugation. We got ensnared in slavery, and whoever came, looted us, and ruled over us. What an adverse period it must have been, that thousand-year span.

An event might seem small, but its effects can persist for a thousand years. Today, I want to mention this because during this phase, India’s brave souls from across the country continued to keep the flame of freedom burning, and establish a tradition of sacrifice. Mother India stood up to break chains, to shatter shackles, and the women power, youth power, farmers, and people from villages, workers and every Indian who lived, breathed, and strived for the dream of freedom was ready. A formidable force was ready for sacrifices to attain freedom. Numerous great souls, who spent their youth in prisons, were relentlessly striving to break the chains of slavery and for the freedom of the country.

That widespread consciousness, the all-encompassing form of sacrifice and penance, instilled a new belief in the hearts of the masses, and in 1947, the country finally achieved independence, fulfilling the dreams nurtured during a thousand years of subjugation.

I am talking about the events of a thousand years ago for a reason. I am witnessing another opportunity before our country, a time when we are living in such a period, when we have entered such an era. It is our good fortune that either we are living in youth or we have taken birth in the lap of Mother India in the first year of ‘Amrit Kaal’. And mark my words, my dear family members, the actions we take, the steps we take, the sacrifices we make, the penance we undertake in this era will define our legacy.

Sarvajan Hitay, Sarvajan Sukhay; We will take decisions one after the other, and the golden history of the country for the next 1000 years is going to emerge from it. The events taking place in this period are going to impact the next 1000 years. The country, which has come out of the slave mentality and is dedicated to the ‘Panch-Pran’ or the five resolutions, is moving forward today with a new self-confidence. The nation is working wholeheartedly to fulfil the new resolutions. My Mother India which was once a powerhouse of energy, but was buried underneath a pile of ashes, has been awakened once again by the efforts, consciousness and energy of 140 crore countrymen. Maa Bharti has been awakened and we have experienced in the last 9-10 years that this is the period in which a new trust, a new hope and a new attraction has emerged all over the world towards India, towards the potential of India, and the world can see a spark for itself in this beam of light that is emanating from India. A new trust is growing around the world.

We are fortunate that we have inherited certain things from our ancestors and even the present era has created certain other things. Today we have demography; we have democracy; we have diversity. This trinity of demography, democracy and diversity has the potential to fulfill every dream of India. Today, while the countries around the world are witnessing an age structure that is growing old, India is moving energetically towards its youthful age structure. It is a period of great pride because today India has the highest population under the age of 30. This is what we have in my country, the youth below the age of 30 years; my country has crores of hands, crores of brains, crores of dreams, crores of resolutions! So, my brothers and sisters, my family members, we can get the desired results.

Such incidents change the fate of the country. This power changes the destiny of the country. We are at the milestone between 1000 years of slavery and 1000 years of grand future that is about to come. We are at this crossroads and hence we cannot stop, nor shall we live in a dilemma anymore.

Taking pride in the heritage that was once lost, gaining back the lost prosperity, let us once again believe that whatever we do, whatever step we take, whatever decision we make, will determine our direction for the next 1000 years and will write the fate of India. Today I would like to tell the youth of my country, to the sons and daughters of my country, you are fortunate. People hardly get the kind of opportunity that our youngsters are getting now,and so we don’t want to lose it. I have utmost faith in our youth power. There is huge potential/capability in our youth power and our policies as well as our ways provide an enabling environment to strengthen it.

Today my youth have propelled India to a certain position in the world’s first three startup economy systems. The youth of the world are amazed to see this power of India. Today the world is technology driven and the coming era is going to be influenced by technology. This gives a platform to showcase the prowess of India’s talent in technology who is going to play a new key role.

Recently, I went to Bali for the G-20 Summit and there the premiers of the most prosperous and developed countries of the world showed immense curiosity and were so eager to learn about the nuances and the success of our Digital India.They were in awe of our talent when I shared that this wonder that India has achieved was not limited to the efforts made by youth of Delhi, Mumbai , Chennai but also by the youth of my Tier-2, Tier-3 cities. Today they are shaping the fate of my country. Today my youth from even small places, and I say this with great confidence today, that this new potential of the country is visible. That is why I say that our small cities can be smaller in size and population but the hope and aspirations, effort and impact they have demonstrated are second to none. They have novel ideas to develop apps, provide solutions and design technological devices. Just look how our sports world has evolved. The children who came out of the slums are showing might in the world of sports today. The youth of small villages, small towns, our sons and daughters are achieving wonders today in this arena.Now see, there are 100 schools in my country where children are making satellites and also aspiring to release them one day. Today thousands of tinkering labs are conceiving new scientists. Today, thousands of tinkering labs are inspiring millions of children to take up the path of science and technology.

I want to tell the youth of my country that today there is no dearth of opportunities, as many opportunities as you want, this country is capable of creating more opportunities. Sky’s the limit.

Today, from the ramparts of the Red Fort, I want to heartily congratulate the mothers, sisters and daughters of my country. Our country has reached a level today due to the special prowess and competence of my mothers and sisters. Today the country is on the path of progress, so I want to also congratulate my farmer brothers and sisters.Today I bow down to the laborers of my country, my laborers who are my dear family members and all the several crores who belong to these fraternities. Today, the country which is moving towards modernity, is seen with a power comparable to the world. This could not be possible without the huge contribution of the laborers of my country. Today is the opportune time to hail their tireless efforts from the ramparts of the Red Fort. I truly congratulate all of them.

I honor my family members, the 140 crore citizens of my country, these laborers, these street vendors and those who sell fruits and vegetables. Professionals play a significant role in moving my nation forward, in taking India to new heights of progress. Whether they are scientists, engineers, doctors, nurses, teachers, scholars, universities, gurukuls, everyone is contributing their utmost to brighten the future of Mother India.

National consciousness is the term that is liberating us from worries. And today, this national consciousness is proving that India’s greatest strength is trust. India’s greatest strength is trust, our trust in each individual, trust of each individual in government, trust of each one in a bright future for the nation, and the world’s faith in India as well. This trust is for our policies and practices. This trust is because of the determined steps with which we are moving forward, towards a brighter future for India.

Brothers and sisters,

My dear family members, it is certain that India’s capabilities and possibilities are set to traverse new heights of belief, and this new belief in abilities and new strengths should be nurtured. Today, the country has got the opportunity to host the G-20 summit. And the way various G-20 events and programs have been organized in every corner of India since the past year, they have showcased the abilities of common people to the world. These events have introduced the diversity of India. The world is observing India’s diversity with amazement, and as a result, the attraction towards India has also increased. There is a growing desire to know and understand India. Similarly, India’s export is growing rapidly.And I want to say that experts from around the world, based on all these criteria, are saying that India will not stop now. There is hardly any rating agency in the world which is not praising India.

The world has begun to think in a new way after the corona period. And I firmly believe that just as after the Second World War, the world formed a new world order, I can clearly see that a new world order, a new global order, a new geo-political equation is rapidly progressing after corona. All interpretations of the geo-political equation are changing, definitions are changing. My dear family members, you will take pride that the world is seeing the capabilities of my 140 crore fellow citizens in shaping the changing world. You are standing at a turning point.

And during the corona period, the world has seen our capabilities in the way India has propelled the country forward. When the world’s supply chains were disrupted, when there was pressure on big economies, even at that time, we had said that we have to see the development of the world. It should be human centric and humane; that is when we will be able to find the right solutions to the problems. And Covid has taught us or has forced us to realize that we cannot do the welfare of the world by leaving human sensibilities.

Today India is becoming the voice of the Global South. India’s prosperity and heritage are turning into opportunities for the world today. Friends, with India’s participation in the global economy and the global supply chain and with the place that India has earned for itself, I can say with full confidence that the current scenario in India today has brought a guarantee of stability in the world. There are no ‘ifs’ or ‘buts’ now in our minds, or in the minds of my 140 crore family members, or in the mind of the world. There is complete trust.

My dear countrymen,

Now the ball is in our court; we should not let the opportunity go; we should not miss the opportunity. I also congratulate my countrymen in India because my countrymen have the ability to understand the roots of the problems and therefore in 2014, after an experience of 30 years, my countrymen decided that in order to take the country forward, a stable and a strong government was needed; a government with full majority was needed. So, the countrymen formed a strong and stable government. And the country was freed from the three-decades of uncertainty, instability and political compulsions that were gripping the nation.

The country has such a government today which is devoting every moment of the time and every penny of the people’s money for the balanced development of the country; for Sarvajan Hitaya: Sarvajan Sukhaya. The pride of my government and my countrymen is connected to one thing, that our every decision, our every direction is linked to just one yardstick, that is, ‘Nation First’. And ‘Nation First’, is going to produce far-reaching and positive results. Work is being done on a large scale in the country. But I would like to say that in 2014 as well as in 2019 you formed a strong government, and that is why Modi got the courage to bring reforms. You formed such a government that instilled courage in Modi to bring reforms. And when Modi brought reforms one after the other, the people of my bureaucracy, my crores of hands and feet, who are working as part of the government in every corner of India, ‘performed to transform’ . They fulfilled the responsibility very well and when the public joined in, we could see the transformation very clearly. And that’s why this period of ‘reform, perform, transform’ is now shaping the future of India. And we are promoting those forces within the country, which are going to strengthen the foundation of the coming thousand years.

The world needs youth power, youth skills. We have created a separate ministry for skill development. It will not only fulfill the needs of India, but will also fulfill the needs of the world.

We created the Ministry of Jal Shakti. If one analyzes the composition of the ministry, then you will be able to understand the mind and brain of this government in a very good way. The Ministry of Jal Shakti is laying emphasis on ensuring pure drinking water to reach each and every citizen of our country. We are reiterating and focusing on development of sensitive systems to protect the environment. After our country braved Corona, the world is looking for holistic health care; this is the need of the hour. We created a separate Ministry of AYUSH and today Yoga and AYUSH are making waves in the world. Because of our commitment towards the world, the world is looking up to us. If we ourselves undermine this ability of ours, then how will the world acknowledge it? But when this ministry was formed, the world also understood its value. We are not ignoring the Fisheries and our big beaches. We are cognizant of ensuring welfare of our crores of fishermen brothers and sisters. They are in our heart and that is why we have created a separate ministry for fisheries, animal husbandry and dairy so that we can support those sections of the society and the class who have been left behind.

There are parts of the government economy in the country, but a large part of the society’s economy is the cooperative movement. Cooperative Ministry has also been created which is spreading its network through our cooperative institutions so that the poorest of the poor are heard, their needs are met and they too can contribute in an organized way towards the development of the nation by being a part of a small unit. We have adopted the path of prosperity through cooperation.

When we came in 2014, we were at number 10 in the global economy, and today the persistent efforts of 140 crore countrymen have finally paid off as we have reached the rank of number 5 in the world economy. And this has not happened just like that at a time when the nation was in the shackles of corruption had gripped the country, scams worth lakhs of crores were wreaking havoc on the economy, the country was being recognized in the governance and fragile file, we stopped leakages, created a strong economy; we tried to spend more and more money for the welfare of the poor. And today, I want to tell the countrymen that when the country is economically prosperous, it does not just fill the coffers; it builds the capability of the citizens and the nation. If there is a government that takes a pledge to spend this honestly for the welfare of its citizens, then, what outcomes could be achieved.

I am giving the account of 10 years to my countrymen from the ramparts of this Red Fort to which our tricolor stands a witness. The figures that you hear tell a compelling story of change, and you may wonder how this was achieved, how powerful is our capability to facilitate such a transformation. 10 years ago, 30 lakh crore rupees used to go to the states from the Government of India. In the last 9 years, this figure has reached 100 lakh crores. Earlier, 70 thousand crore rupees were spent from the treasury of the Government of India for the development of local bodies, today it is going to more than 3 lakh crores. Earlier, 90 thousand crore rupees were spent to build the houses of the poor; today it has increased 4 times and more than 4 lakh crores are being spent to build the houses of the poor.

First the poor should get cheap urea. The bags of urea that are sold for 3,000 rupees in some global markets, we provide to our farmers for 300 rupees, and hence the government is providing a subsidy of 10 lakh crore rupees on urea for our farmers. The Mudra Yojana, with a budget of over 20 lakh crore rupees, has provided opportunities for self-employment, businesses, and ventures for the youth of our country. About eight crore people have started new businesses, and it’s not just eight crore people who started their businesses; each entrepreneur has provided employment to one or two individuals. The capability to provide employment to 8-10 crore new individuals has been achieved through the Mudra Yojana availed by eight crore citizens.

During the Corona crisis, MSMEs were supported with nearly 3.5 lakh crore rupees, preventing them from sinking and providing them strength. Under the “One Rank One Pension” initiative, which was a tribute to our soldiers, 70,000 crore rupees from India’s treasury has reached them. The families of our retired soldiers have got this money. These are just a few examples and I don’t want to take more time. There are many more initiatives that have significantly contributed to the country’s development, generating employment in various corners of the nation as the budget has been increased manifold across categories as compared to before.

And my dear loved ones,

But that’s not all; the result of all these efforts is that in my first five-year term, 13.5 crore of my fellow poor brothers and sisters have broken free from the chains of poverty and entered the new middle class. There can be no greater satisfaction in life than this.

The various schemes from housing schemes, providing 50,000 crore rupees to street vendors through the PM SVANidhi scheme, and many more have aided these 13.5 crore people to rise above the hardships of poverty. In the days to come, we will launch a scheme on the occasion of VishwakarmaJayanti, benefiting individuals skilled in traditional craftsmanship, particularly from the OBC community. Weavers, goldsmiths, blacksmiths, laundry workers, barbers, and such families will be empowered through the Vishwakarma Yojana, which will begin with an allocation of around 13-15 thousand crore rupees. We have directly deposited 2.5 lakh crore rupees into the accounts of our farmers through the PM KisanSammanNidhi. We have spent 2 lakh crore rupees on the Jal Jeevan Mission, ensuring pure water to every household. We have eased the burden of the poor visiting hospitals during illness under the Ayushman Bharat Yojana. We have spent 70,000 crore rupees under the Ayushman Bharat Yojana ensuring they have access to medicine, treatment, and quality hospital care. The country is aware that we spent 40,000 crore rupees to provide free vaccines during the Corona crisis. But you will be happy to know that we invested nearly 15,000 crore rupees for vaccination of livestock to save them.

My dear citizens, my dear family members,

Jan Aushadhi Kendras have provided new strength to senior citizens and middle-class families in our nation. In a joint family, if someone has diabetes, it’s quite natural to get a medical bill of Rs 2000-3000. We provide medicines which cost Rs 100 in the market for just Rs.10, Rs.15, Rs.20 through Jan Aushadhi Kendras . And today, with 10,000 Jan Aushadhi Kendras across the country, about Rs 20 crore have been saved by these people who needed medicines for these kinds of diseases. And these are mostly people who belong to middle-class families. But looking at its success today, I want to tell the countrymen that we are about to touch that section of the society with the Vishwakarma scheme. At the same time, we are also going to work on the target of 25,000 Jan Aushadhi Kendras across the country in the coming days from the present 10,000 Jan Aushadhi Kendras.

When poverty reduces in the country, the power of the middle-class section of the country increases manifold. And I assure you that in the coming five years, Modi guarantees that the country will be among the top three world economies; it certainly will be. Today the 13.5 crore people who have come out of poverty have in a way become the middle-class. When the purchasing power of the poor increases, the power of the middle class to carry out business grows too. When the purchasing power of the villages increases, the financial system of the town and city runs at a faster pace. And our economic cycle is interconnected. We want to move ahead by strengthening it.

The weaker sections who live in the cities face a lot of problems. Middle-class families are dreaming of buying their own houses. We are coming up with a new scheme in the coming years that will benefit those families that live in cities but are living in rented houses, or slums, or chawls and unauthorized colonies. If they want to build their own houses, we will assist them with a relief in interest rates and loans from banks that will help them save lakhs of rupees. If the income tax bracket for my middle-class families is raised from Rs 2 lakh to Rs 7 lakh, it benefits the salaried class, the middle class the most. Internet data was very expensive before 2014. Now we have the world’s cheapest internet data. Every family’s money is being saved.

My family members,

The world has not yet come out of the adverse impacts of Corona; the war has again created an additional problem. Today the world is facing the crisis of inflation . Inflation has gripped the economy of the whole world. We also import some goods from around the world. Unfortunately, we have to import at inflated prices. So, this whole world has been gripped by inflation.

But my dear family members,

India has tried its best to control inflation. Compared to the previous period, we have also had some success, but we cannot be complacent with that. We should not be complacent that our things are better than that of the world. I have to take more steps in this direction to minimize the burden of inflation on my countrymen. And we will continue to take that step. My efforts will continue.

Today the country is moving forward with various capabilities. The country is working to move towards modernity. Today the country is working in the area of renewable energy; today the country is working on green hydrogen; the country’s capability in the space sector is increasing.

So the country is moving ahead successfully in the deep sea mission as well. Rail is getting modernized in the country. Vande Bharat Bullet Train is also now successfully plying inside the country today. Concrete roads are being built in every village. Electric buses and metro rails are also being built in the country today. Today the internet is reaching the last mile in every village as we also aspire to go for quantum computers. On the one hand Nano Urea and Nano DAP are being worked upon while on the other side we are also emphasizing on organic farming. Today the Farmers Producers Association app is being built while we aspire to build semiconductors as well.

As we work towards building an accessible and inclusive India for our specially- abled citizens Divyangjan, we are also enabling my Divyangjan to proudly unfurl our tricolor flag of India in Paralympics. We are providing special training to these players. Today, leaving the old thinking, the old scope, India is moving forward with a view to achieve these futuristic goals. And I say, when the foundation stone is laid by our government, it gets inaugurated within our regime too. I feel blessed that I was the chosen one and it was in my destiny to inaugurate and lay the foundation stones of so many projects.

Our work culture of aspirational mindset, thinking big, farsightedness, Sarvajan Hitaya: SarvajanSukhaya: Such has been our working style. And with this energy we work on how to achieve beyond and more than a resolution. We had resolved to make 75 thousand Amrit Sarovar in the Amrit Mahotsav of independence. At that time, we had resolved to make 75 Amrit Sarovar in every district. Around 50-55 thousand Amrit Sarovars were conceived. But today the work of construction of about 75 thousand Amrit Sarovar is going on. This in itself is a humongous task. This strength of manpower and water power is also going to be useful in safeguarding India’s environmental wealth. Providing electricity to 18 thousand villages, opening bank accounts for the masses, building toilets for daughters, all the targets will be accomplished with full force ahead of time.

And when India takes a decision, it achieves it. This is what our track record says. Accomplishing 200 crore vaccinations successfully was an eyeopener for the world. A 200 crore figure leaves them flabbergasted. My country’s Anganwadi workers, our Asha workers, and our health workers have made this possible. This is the strength of my country. We rolled out 5-G. My country is the fastest in the world to roll out 5-G. We have reached more than 700 districts. And now we are already preparing for 6-G also.

We have made a task force. In the renewable energy sector we have surpassed our set target. The target which we had set for renewable energy by 2030 was completed in 2021-22. We had talked about 20 percent blending in ethanol, that as well we have completed five years ahead of time. The same was true about exports of 500 billion dollars, which was accomplished ahead of time and was increased to more than 500 billion dollars.

We had a resolve to accomplish something which was being discussed in our country for 25 years, that our country needs a new parliament; now it is ready. There has never been a session of the Parliament like this that there should be a new Parliament. It is Modi who has made sure the new Parliament was ready ahead of time, my dear brothers and sisters. This is a government that works, a government that surpasses the set targets, this is a new India, this is an India full of self-confidence, this is an India that is working hard to make its resolutions a reality.

And so this India is unstoppable, this India is tireless, this India does not gasp and this India does not give up. And that’s why, my dear family members, with economic prowess our labor force has got new strength, our borders have become more secure than before and the soldiers are minding the borders.

On this auspicious occasion of Independence Day, I extend heartfelt congratulations to my soldiers who are safeguarding the borders of our nation and the uniformed forces responsible for our internal security as I move forward with the address. Our military must have a military tribunal, be empowered, remain youthful, battle-ready, and prepared for war, which is why continuous reforms are taking place within our armed forces.

We used to hear every day about bomb blasts happening here and there. Everywhere, there were signs cautioning people not to touch suspicious bags and announcements were made frequently. Today, the nation is experiencing a sense of security and when the nation is secured, peace is established that helps us realize new dreams of progress. The era of serial bomb blasts is now in the past and the innocent deaths as a result are now part of history. The country has witnessed a significant reduction in terrorist attacks. In Naxal-affected areas too, there has been a major transformation, creating a conducive environment for a major change.

In every aspect of progress, when we move forward with the dream of a developed India by 2047, it’s not just a dream but a resolve of 1.4 billion citizens. To fulfill that resolve, hard work is essential, but our national character is the most significant force. The countries that have progressed, the ones that have overcome challenges, all of them have had a crucial catalyst – their national character. We must further strengthen our national character and move forward. It is our collective responsibility that our nation, our national character, should be vigorous, dynamic, hardworking, valiant, and outstanding. For the coming 25 years, we should follow only one mantra which should be the pinnacle of our national character. We should move forward with the message of living the unity of India and refrain from any language or step which will cause any harm to the unity of India. Every moment, I will continue my efforts to ensure the unity of the country. India’s unity gives us strength.

Be it North or South, East or West, village or city, male or female – all of us contribute to the strength of our country with the spirit of unity and diversity. The second important aspect that I am observing is that if we want to see our country as a developed India by 2047, we must live by the mantra of ‘Shreshtha Bharat’ and characterize it. Now talking about our production, I had said in 2014, “Zero Defect, Zero Effect.” If there’s a “Made in India” product on any table in the world, the world should have confidence that there is nothing better than this. This will be ultimate. Be it our produce, our services, our words, our institutions, or our decision-making processes, everything will be supreme. Only then can we carry forward the essence of excellence.

The third point is that the additional power of women-led development will take the country towards further progress. Today, India can proudly say that if any country in the world has the highest number of women pilots in civil aviation, it’s our nation. Whether it’s the progress of Chandrayaan or the moon missions, many women scientists are at the forefront.

Today with the aim of creating a base of 2 crore Lakhpati Didis, we are working on women self-help groups. We, while promoting the potential of our women power, we are focusing on women-led development. When I put forward the matter of women-led development in the G-20, the whole G-20 group acknowledged its importance. And by acknowledging its importance, they are giving a lot of emphasis on it. Similarly, India is a country full of diversities. We have been a victim of imbalanced development. Some parts of our country have been victims of alienation. Now we must lay emphasis upon regional aspirations for balanced development and give due respect to that spirit regarding regional aspirations. If any part of our Mother India, or our body remains under-developed, then our body will not be considered fully developed. If any part of our body remains weak, then we will not be considered healthy. Similarly, if any part of my Mother India, or even a section of the society remains weak, then we cannot consider my Mother India as healthy and capable. And that’s why we need to address regional aspirations and that’s why we want to move forward in the direction of all-round development of the society, all-round development of every region and to ensure that every region gets an opportunity to reach its potential.

India is a mother of democracy; India is also a model of diversity. There are several languages, several dialects, various costumes, and diversity. We have to move forward on the basis of all.

When I talk about unity, and an incident happens in Manipur, the pain is felt in Maharashtra ; if floods grip Assam, Kerala becomes restless. If anything unpleasant happens in any part of India, we feel the pain akin to organ donation. It is our social responsibility to make sure that the daughters of my country are not oppressed. It is our familial responsibility as well as a responsibility of all of us as a country. When copies of Guru Granth Sahib are brought back from Afghanistan, the whole country feels proud. When in any country of the world, during the time of Covid, a Sikh brother of mine sets up langar, feeds the hungry, and the whole world applauds, then India feels proud.

Speaking of women’s respect, recently, I visited a country where a very senior minister asked me a question – “Do your daughters study science and engineering subjects?” I told him that today in my country more daughters than boys are taking up STEM i.e. Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. It was surprising for him to know that my daughters are taking maximum part in it. This capability of our country is visible today.

Today 10 crore women are involved in women self-help groups and if you go to a village with women self-help groups, you will find bank didis, Anganwadi didis with and didis who distribute medicines. And now my dream is to create a base of 2 crore lakhpati didis in the villages. And now we have new options for the same i.e. science and technology. I can see the potential of the women in our villages and that’s why I am thinking of a new scheme. That will provide training to the sisters of Women Self Help Group with the integration of technology in our agriculture sector thereby strengthening our agritech. We will give skill training to women and train them to operate as well as repair drones. The Government of India will provide drones to thousands of such Women Self Help Groups. We will initiate making drone services available for our agricultural work. To begin with, we will start building 15 thousand Women Self Help Groups which will give flight to the dream of enabling a robust drone training mission.

My beloved family members,

Today the country is advancing towards modernity. Be it Highway, Railway, Airway, I-Ways or Information Ways, Water Ways, there is no such area in which the country is not progressing today. In the last 9 years, we have given a lot of emphasis on development in the coastal areas, tribal areas as well as our hilly areas. We have given strength to these sections of the society by introducing schemes like Parvat Mala, Bharat Mala. We have ensured the work of mainstreaming our rich eastern India with gas pipelines. We have expanded the health infrastructure by sanctioning an increase in the number of hospitals. We have also announced an increase in the number of MBBS seats in medical colleges so that our children can fulfill their dream of serving the nation as doctors. We have laid emphasis on making education accessible to all by recommending imparting education in mother tongues. I sincerely appreciate the stance of the Supreme Court of India who will now be making it possible for the people who go to court to hear the judgment and receive the operative part in their respective mother tongues. The importance of mother tongue is growing in today’s times.

For those villages which are known as Border villages of our country today, we have introduced a program called Vibrant Border Village. The Border Villages of our country were considered as the last village of the country until now. We have transformed the entire thought process. It is not the last village of the country. Those visible on the border are the first village of my country. When the sun rises in the east, the village on this side receives the first ray of sunlight. When the sun sets, the village reaps the benefit of the last ray. This is my frontline village and I am happy that today my special guests in this program are 600 headmen who have come today to be a part of this important program at this historic Red Fort from these first villages, border villages. They have traveled so far for the first time and have joined with new resolve, prowess, vigor and determination.

We envisioned Aspirational District and Aspirational Block to reinstate balanced development and its positive results can be seen today. Today, with the normal parameters of the states, these Aspirational Districts, which were once far behind, have shown better performance. I am positive that in the coming days, our aspirational districts and our aspirational blocks will definitely move forward. As I was speaking about India’s character- first I mentioned India’s unity; secondly, I mentioned that India should focus on excellence, thirdly, I spoke about women development. And today, I want to reiterate one more thing, fourthly Regional aspiration and the fifth important thing is India’s national character and we are moving forward in that direction. Our national character should think about the betterment of the world. We have to make the country so strong that it can play its role for the welfare of the world. And after handling a global crisis like Corona, and the way we stood up as a country to help the world, the result is that our country has now taken the form of a friend of the world.

As an unwavering ally of the world, India has established its identity today. When we talk about global welfare, India’s fundamental idea is to carry that thought forward. I am pleased that on this occasion of August 15th, several esteemed representatives from the US Congress are present among us.

What is India’s perspective, and how do we advance the idea of global welfare? Now, when we think, what do we say? We have presented this vision to the world, and the world is joining us with this vision. We said “One Sun, One World, One Grid” in the field of renewable energy. This is a significant statement from us, and today the world is acknowledging it. After COVID, we told the world that our approach should be “One Earth, One Health”. Solutions to problems will arise only when humans, animals, and plants are equally addressed during times of illness.

We have put forth the concept of “One World, One Family, One Future” for the G20 summit and are working in that direction. As the world grapples with climate crises, we have shown the way and launched the LifeStyle for Environment – Mission LiFE initiative. We formed the International Solar Alliance in collaboration with the world and many countries are now part of the International Solar Alliance. We have emphasized the importance of biodiversity and advanced the establishment of the “Big Cat Alliance”.

For the damage caused to infrastructure due to global warming from natural disasters, there is a need for long-term arrangements. Therefore, we have introduced the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) as a solution. While the world is currently witnessing conflicts in the oceans, we have provided the world with the concept of the “Sagar Platform” which can guarantee global maritime peace. Emphasizing the need for traditional medical practices in mind, we have worked towards establishing a global-level center of the World Health Organization (WHO) in India. Through yoga and Ayurveda, we have worked for global well-being and health. Today, India is laying a strong foundation for global welfare. It is our collective responsibility to build upon this strong foundation.

We have many dreams, clear resolutions, and definite policies. There is no questioning the intention. However, we must accept some truths and work towards their solutions. Therefore, my dear family members, I have come to the Red Fort today to seek your help and blessings, because in recent years, I have understood the nation’s needs and assessed its necessities. Based on my experience, I am saying that we must now address these matters with seriousness. During the ‘Amrit Kaal’ of independence, when the nation celebrates 100 years of freedom in 2047, at that time, the Tricolour should be of a developed India in the world. We must not pause even for a moment, nor should we step back. For this, awareness, transparency, and impartiality are the necessary strengths. We have to provide as much nourishment to this strength as possible.

It should be our collective responsibility to ensure that we can provide it through institutions as a citizen and as a family. And that’s why if we look at the history of the last 75 years, there was no dearth in India’s potential. And why can’t this country, which was once called the ‘golden bird’, rise again with that same potential? Friends, my dear family members, I have an unwavering belief that in 2047, when the country celebrates 100 years of independence, my country will be a developed India. And I am saying this on the basis of the strength of my country, our available resources and particularly trusting the power of youth, of those under 30 years of age. Moreover, I am saying this on the basis of the strength of my mothers and sisters. However, there are certain obstacles in front of it because in the last 75 years certain bad elements have creeped into the society and have become a part of our social system so much so that sometimes we even turn a blind eye toward these. Now is not the time to shut your eyes.

If the dreams are to be fulfilled, the resolutions are to be achieved, then it is the need of the hour to fight the three evils by holding the bull by its horns. Corruption is at the root of all the problems of our country. Like a termite, it has completely eaten away all the systems of the country, and all the capabilities of the country. Freedom from corruption, fight against corruption in every area and in every sector is the need of the hour. And countrymen, my dear family members, this is Modi’s commitment; it is my personal commitment that I will continue to fight against corruption. Secondly, dynastic politics has destroyed our country. This dynastic system had gripped the country and snatched away the rights of the people of the country.

The third evil is appeasement. This appeasement has also stained the original thinking of the country, our harmonious national character. These people destroyed everything. And therefore, my dear countrymen, my dear family members, we must fight against these three evils with all our might. Corruption, nepotism and appeasement; these challenges have flourished which has suppressed the aspirations of the people of our country. These evils rob our country of whatever abilities some people have. These are the things that put a question mark on the hopes and aspirations of our people. Be it our poor, be it Dalit, be it backward, be it Pasmanda communities, be it our tribal brothers and sisters, or be it our mothers or sisters, we all have to get rid of these three evils for their rights. We must create an atmosphere of aversion towards corruption. Just as dirt creates aversion in our minds because we do not like dirt, there can be no bigger filth than this in public life.

And that’s why we must give a new twist to our cleanliness campaign and cleanse our system of corruption. The government is making a lot of efforts to get rid of corruption with the use of technology. You would be surprised to know what was achieved on the ground in the last 9 years in this country. If you listen to the alarming figures, you will realize that Modi takes such steps. I stopped the unfair advantage that nearly ten crore people used to take. Some of you might claim that severe injustice was done to these people; But no, who were these 10 crore people? Alarmingly, these 10 crore people were those who were not even born, and yet many falsely identified themselves as their widows and divyangs and reaped the benefits. Such women upon getting old often became disabled, and thus continued to take false benefits of government schemes. This is the pious task where we were able to stop 100 million such benami activities that had been going on since decades. The property of the corrupt that we have seized is 20 times more than before.

These people absconded after robbing your hard earned money. We confiscated 20 times more property, and hence people’s resentment towards me is very natural. But I have to intensify this fight against corruption. Due to our faulty government system, even if something happened in the eye of the camera, it used to get stuck afterwards. Compared to earlier times, we have now filed many more chargesheets in the court and getting bails is not easy. We are progressing by building such a firm system, because we are earnestly and honestly fighting against corruption.

Today, nepotism and appeasement have brought big misfortune to the country. Now how can this happen in democracy that a political party, and I am giving special emphasis on ‘political party’, has brought such a distortion in the democracy of my country. It can never strengthen India’s democracy. What is that disease: familial politics. And what is their mantra? Party of the family, by the family and for the family. Their life mantra is that their political party belongs to the family, through the family and for the family, Nepotism and partisanship are the enemies of our talent pool. These parties deny capabilities and refuse to accept their competence. And therefore, for the strengthening of the democracy of this country we must liberate ourselves from nepotism. Sarvajan Hitaya Sarvajan Sukhay! Everyone deserves to get their rights. Hence, it is very important to reinstate social justice as well. Appeasement has done the biggest harm to social justice. If someone has destroyed social justice, then this appeasement thinking, appeasement politics. Government schemes for appeasement have indeed killed social justice. And that’s why we realize appeasement and corruption are the biggest enemies of development. If the country wants development, the country aspires to fulfill the dream of 2047 of a developed India, then it is necessary for us that we refuse to tolerate corruption in the country under any circumstances. We should walk forward and onward with this mood.

We all have a very important responsibility. Forcing our next generation to live the way you have lived, is a crime. It is our responsibility to give a prosperous and a balanced nation to our future generation. We should aim to provide a country steeped in social justice, so that our future generations do not have to struggle for small things. It is the duty of all of us, the duty of every citizen, and this era – Amrit Kaal is Kartavya Kaal –an era of duty. We cannot lag behind in our responsibilities; we have to build the India that was dreamt by Mahatma Gandhi, the India that was the dream of our freedom fighters, the India that was the dream of our brave martyrs, our brave women, who sacrificed their lives for the motherland.

When I came in 2014, I came with a promise of change. In 2014. I made a promise to you that I will bring about change. And the 140 crore members of my family placed their trust in me, and I made every effort to fulfill that trust. The promise of Reform, Perform, Transform changed into belief because I had promised change. Through Reform, Perform, Transform, I have turned this promise into belief. I have worked tirelessly, I have worked for the country, I have worked with pride, and I have done it with the spirit of “Nation First.” Based on my performance, you blessed me once again in 2019 and the promise of change brought me here. The next five years will be the years of unprecedented development. The next five years are the golden moments to realize the dream of 2047. And next time, on the 15th of August, from this very Red Fort, I will present to you the achievements of the country, your capabilities, the progress made by you, the successes achieved with even greater self-confidence.

My dear loved ones,

I come from amongst you, within your midst and I live for you. If I have a dream, it is for you. If I sweat, it is for you. Not because you have entrusted me with this responsibility, but because you are my family. As a member of your family, I cannot bear witness to any of your sorrows, I cannot bear to see your dreams shattered. I am here to fulfill your resolutions, to stand by you as a companion, to serve you, to be connected with you, to live with you, and to fight for you. I am a person who has embarked on this journey with determination, and I believe that the struggles undertaken by our ancestors for independence and the dreams they had are with us today. The blessings of those who made sacrifices during the struggle for independence are with us. An opportunity has come for the 140 crore citizens of our country, and this opportunity has come with great potential and strength for us.

And therefore, my dear loved ones,

Today, as I converse with you in this ‘Amrit Kaal’, in the first year of the ‘Amrit Kaal’, I want to tell you with complete confidence –

As the wheel of time keeps turning,

The ever revolving cycle of the Amrit Kaal,

Everyone’s dreams are my own dreams,

Nurturing all the dreams, moving steadily, bravely marching, our youth in stride,

With the right principles, forging a new way, setting the right pace, a new path,

Embrace challenges with steadfast courage, elevate the name of the nation in the world.

My family members in every corner of India, my family members in every corner of the world, I once again extend my best wishes to all of you on the auspicious festival of Independence Day! And this Amrit kaal is the time of duty for all of us. This Amrit Kaal is the period for all of us to do something for Maa Bharati. During the war of independence, the generation that was born before 1947 got the opportunity to sacrifice their lives for the country. They did not leave any opportunity to die for the country. But we do not have the opportunity to die for the country. But there cannot be a greater opportunity than this for us to live for the country! We must live every moment for the country and with this resolution, we need to frame a new resolve for fulfilling the dreams of 140 crore countrymen in this ‘Amrit Kaal’. The resolution of 140 crore countrymen needs to be accomplished and when the tricolor will be hoisted in 2047, then the world will be praising a developed India. With this belief, with this determination, my best wishes to all of you. My heartiest congratulations!

Jai Hind, Jai Hind, Jai Hind!

Bharat Mata ki Jai, Bharat Mata ki Jai, Bharat Mata ki Jai!

Vande Mataram! Vande Mataram! Vande Mataram!

Thank you very much!

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Independence Day 2023: Key Highlights from PM Modi's August 15 Speech

Key highlights from pm modi's independence day speech: pm narendra modi is addressing the nation for the 10th year consecutively on the occasion of independence day. check out all the key highlights of pm modi here..


Addressing the nation on Independence Day. https://t.co/DGrFjG70pA — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) August 15, 2023

Key Highlights of PM Narendra Modi's Speech On Independence Day

Women-led development.

The central government will take major steps for women-led development. He said, " India has the most number of women pilots, we are empowering 10,000 women SHGs...after 'Bank wali Didi', 'Dawai Wali Didi' we are working on 'Lakhpati Didi...."

Regional Language Empowerment

The Indian government is continuously working to empower regional languages. " I thank the honourable Supreme Court for their special contribution by providing the operative documents in regional languages."- says PM Modi in his speech on Independence Day.

PM Modi says, "Bharat is also a model of diversity." We are working on the concept of 'Vibrant Villages'. He expressed gratefulness towards all the Sarpanch from the first(earlier last) villages of Indian borders.

Quote by PM Modi

Developed India By 2047

PM Modi urgent citizens for support and blessings. He said,” It’s the time we need to be serious towards our contribution. In 2047, India should celebrate the 100th anniversary of Independence Day as a developed nation. With transparency and holiness, we can surely become a developed nation… we need to fight three obstacles, corruption, familism and appeasement will all our hearts and soul…”

Reform, Perform & Transform

Vishwakarma scheme, digital bharat, claps for india.

On  the  77th  anniversary  of  India's  independence,  Prime  Minister  Narendra  Modi  addressed  the  nation  from  Red  Fort,  highlighting  the  nation's  progress  and  claiming  that  rating  agencies  now  recognize  India.

India is New Startup Unicorn

Avas nidhi yojana.

PM Modi mentioned the Avas Nidhi Yojana in his Independence Day speech. This scheme will help people living below the poverty line and in unauthorised colonies to build their homes.

PM Narendra Modi in his Independence Day speech further included various initiatives helping farmers, Manipur, Ayushman Bharat Yojana, OROP, etc

As  Prime  Minister  Narendra  Modi  wrapped  up  his  address  to  the  nation  from  the  Red  Fort  in  Delhi,  balloons  in  the  Tiranga c olours were  released, as per the annual ritual.

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Independence Day Speech in English - 15th August 2023 Celebration_0.1

Independence Day Speech in English – 15th August 2023 Celebration

Independence Day Speech is delivered everywhere on 15th August whether it is school, college or any corporate office. Check Independence Day Speech samples here.

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Independence Day Speech

Independence Day is a momentous occasion that holds deep significance for countries around the world. It is a day of reflection, celebration, and unity, marking the birth of a nation’s sovereignty and its journey toward self-determination. This day commemorates historical moments when nations broke free from colonial or oppressive rule, marking the beginning of their journey toward self-governance and sovereignty. This day serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by countless individuals and the values that bind the nation together. The given post provides a sample of the Independence Day Speech in English for your reference.

Independence Day Speech In English 2023: Sample 1

A sample of an Independence Day Speech In English is penned below.

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and fellow citizens

A very warm and patriotic good morning to all of you. Today, we gather here to celebrate a momentous occasion in our nation’s history, celebrating the 77th Independence Day of India. Standing before you and sharing my thoughts on this significant day is an honor. Independence Day is not just a regular day that we mark on the calendar. It’s a special day that reminds us about the sacrifices and challenges that led us to our freedom. Our freedom fighters fought against unfair treatment so that we could have the power to decide our own fate. Their bravery and sacrifices are like threads woven into our country’s story.

On this day in 1947, our beloved country finally achieved its long-awaited freedom. The tricolor flag, with saffron representing courage, white symbolizing purity, and green embodying growth, was hoisted high, marking the beginning of a new chapter in India’s history. The echoes of “Jai Hind” reverberated across the nation, and India emerged as a sovereign nation, free to shape its own destiny.  Our diversity is a strength that should be celebrated and cherished. This special day reminds us of how our country moved from being ruled by others to becoming its own boss.

Independence Day is not just about celebrating our past; it’s also about looking toward the future. It’s about working together to make our country even better. As young students, you play an important role in shaping the future of India. Your education, your dreams, and your actions will contribute to the progress of our nation. We are lucky to live in a country where we can dream big and work hard to achieve our goals.

So, on this Independence Day, let’s be proud of our nation and promise to make it even better.

Happy Independence Day to all! Jai Hind!!

Independence Day Speech In English 2023: Sample 2

Good morning everyone,

Today, we have gathered here to celebrate a very special day in the history of our country – India’s Independence Day. It’s a day filled with joy, pride, and a sense of unity as we remember the brave souls who fought for our freedom. Do you know what Independence Day means? It’s the day when India became free from the rule of another country. Before this day, India was under the control of British rulers. But our great leaders and freedom fighters like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and many others, worked hard and united the people to fight for our freedom.

As we celebrate this day, it’s important to remember the sacrifices of our freedom fighters. They gave up their comfort and safety to make sure that we could live in a free and democratic country. Their stories of courage and resilience teach us valuable lessons about determination and standing up for what is right. Independence Day is not just a holiday; it’s a day to remind ourselves of the importance of freedom and democracy. It’s a day to appreciate the rights and privileges we have as citizens of this country. It’s also a day to think about our responsibilities towards our nation – how we can contribute to its progress and well-being.

In school, we learn about great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and many others who played a crucial role in our struggle for freedom. Their teachings and ideals guide us to be responsible and respectful citizens.

As we look around, we see the diversity of our nation – different languages, cultures, and traditions. This diversity is our strength, and Independence Day is a reminder that we are all united as Indians, no matter where we come from.

So, on this special day, let’s not only enjoy the festivities and the flag-hoisting ceremonies but also think about what we can do for our country. Let’s promise to work hard in our studies, respect our elders, help those in need, and always do our best to make our country proud.

Let’s salute our national flag with pride, and let its colors inspire us to be better citizens and contribute positively to our nation’s growth. Happy Independence Day, everyone!

Independence Day Speech: Points To Keep In Mind

There are certain points that a student must keep in mind while preparing a speech for independence day.

  • Know Your Audience
  • Use Simple Language
  • Trace the important moments from history
  • Celebrate the achievements
  • Engage with the audience

Importance of Indian Independence Day Speech

Indian Independence Day is celebrated on August 15 every year to commemorate the independence of India from British rule in 1947. It is a national holiday and a day of great importance for all Indians.

The importance of Indian Independence Day speech is to remember the sacrifices made by the freedom fighters who fought for India’s independence. It is also a time to reflect on the progress that India has made since independence and to reaffirm our commitment to building a strong and prosperous nation.

Independence Day speeches are usually delivered by the Prime Minister of India. The speech typically covers a wide range of topics, including the history of India’s independence struggle, the achievements of the Indian government in the past year, and the challenges that India faces in the future.

Independence Day speeches are an important part of Indian culture. They are a way for us to remember our past, celebrate our present, and look to the future with hope.

When is Independence Day celebrated every year?

Independence Day is celebrated on 15 August 2023 every year.

What are tips to write Independence Day Speech?

The tips to write an Independence Day Speech are provided above.

Is is 76th or 77th Independence Day?

India is going to celebrate the 77th Independence Day this year.

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