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My Role Model is My Father Essay

The importance of the word ‘Father’ and its general worth towards family is limitless. This word generates honor because of symbol good deeds which every head of the family tries to earn.

My Role Model is My Father Essay

My father is the guiding force and leader of our family, bringing our aspirations into reality. He is not just a figurehead, but a role model who foresees the needs of the time and shapes our family through his unwavering responsibility and dedication. I hold immense respect for him due to his extraordinary achievements.

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As my role model, my father accompanies me in all my endeavors, ensuring that I make the right choices. He attentively listens to my problems and imparts valuable lessons to shape my thinking. His primary concern is my future career, and he leverages his maturity, knowledge, and awareness of the modern world to evaluate my interests and decisions, going above and beyond to help me develop and achieve my goals.

Despite his financial limitations, my father fulfills my genuine needs and ensures that I never feel inadequate. He works tirelessly, sweating profusely, to increase his earnings for my sake. He sacrifices his own comfort, willingly eating less, in order to provide for my well-being.

Being educated and possessing a logical vision, my father has evolved into a contemporary and progressive figure. He utilizes his knowledge and embraces modernity to raise me in a manner that equips me to thrive in today’s competitive world. He leaves no gaps in meeting my needs and actively supports my personal growth and career-building process.

As an ideal father, my father spares no effort in fulfilling my necessities. He strives to eliminate any obstacles that could hinder my development and career path, leaving no room for shortcomings.

What sets my role model father apart is his refusal to impose his own career choices on me. He believes that I should pursue a future based on my own passions, suitability, and capabilities. The tradition of following specific family professions is fading away, as doctors no longer insist on their children becoming doctors, professors do not compel their offspring to pursue academia, and army officers do not force their sons into the military. Similarly, my father desires that I have a better future according to my own choices.

My father is a mature and understanding individual who assists me in making important decisions. Like most devoted fathers, he plays a significant role in my life, supporting my career aspirations and helping me overcome daily challenges. When I face difficulties and seek guidance, I instinctively turn to my father. He selflessly puts aside his own priorities to provide the necessary support. He works tirelessly, making countless sacrifices to help me navigate through my problems.

We celebrate Father’s Day every year on 19 June to strengthen the relationship and remind a father of the sacrifices he endured towards his kids when they were in need. Unfortunately, it has become a mere formality for many, lacking genuine emotional connection and appreciation. In today’s times, children often choose to live separately from their fathers, prioritizing their own families and disregarding their responsibilities towards their aging fathers, who cling to hope for support.

It is very important that our fathers should be given deep respect and utmost respect not only because they are fathers, but for their unparalleled fatherhood and incredible sacrifices towards us. We must recognize the value of their presence and the impact they have on our lives. By cherishing our fathers, upholding our duties, and expressing gratitude for their sacrifices, we can truly acknowledge the exceptional role models they are in our lives.

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Essay on My Father Role Model – 100, 200, 500, 1000 Words

Short Essay on My Father Role Model

Essay on My Father Role Model: My father has always been my role model, guiding me through life with his wisdom, strength, and unwavering support. In this essay, I will explore the ways in which my father has shaped me into the person I am today, from his work ethic and dedication to his family, to his kindness and compassion towards others. Through his actions and words, my father has taught me invaluable lessons that have helped me navigate the challenges of life with grace and resilience.

My Father Role Model Essay Writing Tips

1. Introduction: Start your essay by introducing your father and explaining why he is your role model. You can mention his qualities, achievements, and impact on your life.

2. Describe his qualities: Write about the specific qualities that make your father a role model for you. This could include his kindness, patience, hard work, honesty, or any other trait that you admire.

3. Share personal anecdotes: Share personal stories or experiences that showcase your father’s role model qualities. This could be a time when he helped you through a difficult situation, taught you an important life lesson, or inspired you to achieve your goals.

4. Discuss his achievements: Talk about your father’s achievements and how they have influenced your own goals and aspirations. This could be related to his career, education, or personal accomplishments.

5. Explain his impact on your life: Describe how your father’s role model qualities have impacted your life and shaped you as a person. This could include how he has influenced your values, beliefs, and behavior.

6. Reflect on life lessons: Reflect on the valuable life lessons that you have learned from your father and how they have helped you navigate challenges and make important decisions.

7. Express gratitude: Conclude your essay by expressing gratitude to your father for being a positive influence in your life and for being a role model that you look up to.

8. Proofread and revise: Before submitting your essay, make sure to proofread it for any grammatical errors or typos. You may also want to revise it to ensure that your points are clear and well-organized.

9. Seek feedback: Consider asking someone you trust to read your essay and provide feedback. This can help you improve the quality of your writing and ensure that your message is effectively communicated.

10. Finalize your essay: Make any necessary revisions based on the feedback you receive and finalize your essay. Remember to include a title that captures the essence of your essay and makes it engaging for the reader.

Essay on My Father Role Model in 10 Lines – Examples

1. My father is my ultimate role model, always leading by example and showing me the importance of hard work and dedication. 2. He is a loving and supportive parent, always there to offer guidance and encouragement in times of need. 3. My father is a man of integrity, always staying true to his values and beliefs no matter the circumstances. 4. He is a dedicated provider, working tirelessly to ensure that our family has everything we need. 5. My father is a great listener, always willing to lend an ear and offer advice when I need it most. 6. He is a strong and resilient individual, always facing challenges head-on with a positive attitude. 7. My father is a role model of perseverance, never giving up in the face of adversity and always pushing forward. 8. He is a man of wisdom, always sharing his knowledge and experiences to help me navigate through life’s challenges. 9. My father is a source of inspiration, always pushing me to be the best version of myself and reach my full potential. 10. I am grateful to have such an amazing father as my role model, and I strive every day to follow in his footsteps and make him proud.

Sample Essay on My Father Role Model in 100-180 Words

My father has always been my role model. He is a hardworking and dedicated man who has always put his family first. He has taught me the value of perseverance and determination, and has always encouraged me to follow my dreams.

My father is a loving and caring person who has always been there for me, no matter what. He has supported me through all of life’s ups and downs, and has always been my biggest cheerleader.

I admire my father for his strength and resilience in the face of adversity. He has faced many challenges in his life, but has always come out stronger on the other side. He has taught me to never give up, no matter how difficult things may seem.

Overall, my father is my role model because of his unwavering love and support, his strong work ethic, and his ability to overcome obstacles. I am grateful to have such an amazing father, and I strive to be like him in all aspects of my life.

Short Essay on My Father Role Model in 200-500 Words

My father has always been my role model and the person I look up to the most. He has been a constant source of support, guidance, and inspiration in my life. From a young age, I have admired his work ethic, his dedication to his family, and his unwavering commitment to his values.

One of the things that I admire most about my father is his work ethic. He has always been a hard worker, putting in long hours to provide for our family and ensure that we have everything we need. He has never shied away from hard work or difficult tasks, always approaching them with a positive attitude and a determination to succeed. His work ethic has taught me the importance of perseverance and dedication in achieving my goals.

In addition to his work ethic, my father has also been a dedicated family man. He has always put his family first, making sure that we are taken care of and that we have everything we need to succeed. He has been a loving and supportive father, always there to offer guidance and encouragement when we need it. His commitment to his family has taught me the importance of prioritizing my loved ones and being there for them in times of need.

My father’s values and principles have also had a profound impact on me. He has always been a man of integrity, honesty, and compassion, and he has instilled these values in me from a young age. He has taught me the importance of treating others with respect and kindness, and of always doing the right thing, even when it is difficult. His values have shaped my own moral compass and have guided me in making decisions that align with my beliefs.

Overall, my father has been an incredible role model in my life. His work ethic, dedication to his family, and commitment to his values have inspired me to be the best version of myself that I can be. I am grateful for all that he has taught me and for the example that he has set for me to follow. I hope to one day be able to pass on the lessons that he has taught me to my own children, and to continue to strive to live up to the high standards that he has set.

Essay on My Father Role Model in 1000-1500 Words

My father has always been my role model and the person I look up to the most. He is a man of integrity, strength, and compassion, and he has always been there for me, guiding me through life’s challenges and teaching me valuable lessons along the way. From a young age, I have admired his work ethic, his dedication to his family, and his unwavering commitment to doing what is right. In this essay, I will explore the ways in which my father has been a role model to me and how his influence has shaped the person I am today.

One of the most important lessons my father has taught me is the value of hard work and perseverance. He has always been a diligent and dedicated worker, putting in long hours to provide for our family and ensure that we have everything we need. I have seen him sacrifice his own comfort and convenience in order to give us a better life, and his work ethic has inspired me to strive for excellence in everything I do. Whether it was helping me with my homework, teaching me how to ride a bike, or showing me how to fix a leaky faucet, my father has always been there to support me and encourage me to keep pushing forward, even when things get tough.

In addition to his work ethic, my father has also taught me the importance of integrity and honesty. He is a man of his word, always keeping his promises and following through on his commitments. I have seen him stand up for what is right, even when it is not the popular or easy thing to do, and his moral compass has guided me in my own decision-making. He has shown me that honesty and integrity are essential qualities to have in life, and that they are the foundation of trust and respect in any relationship.

Another important lesson my father has taught me is the value of compassion and empathy. He has always been a caring and compassionate person, always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. Whether it was volunteering at a local charity, helping a neighbor with yard work, or simply listening to a friend in need, my father has shown me the importance of kindness and empathy in building strong and meaningful relationships. He has taught me that true strength lies in being able to empathize with others and offer support and understanding when it is needed most.

My father’s role as a role model has extended beyond just teaching me valuable life lessons. He has also been a source of inspiration and motivation for me in pursuing my own goals and dreams. From a young age, he encouraged me to explore my interests and passions, and he has always been there to support me in my endeavors. Whether it was cheering me on at a soccer game, helping me with a school project, or offering words of encouragement before a big test, my father has always been my biggest cheerleader and supporter. His belief in me has given me the confidence to pursue my goals and push myself to achieve my full potential.

In addition to being a source of inspiration and support, my father has also been a source of strength and stability in my life. He has always been a pillar of strength for our family, providing guidance and support during difficult times and helping us navigate through life’s challenges. His calm and steady presence has been a source of comfort for me, and I know that I can always count on him to be there for me, no matter what. His unwavering support and love have given me the confidence to face whatever challenges come my way, knowing that I have his support and guidance to help me through.

Overall, my father has been an incredible role model for me, and I am grateful for the lessons he has taught me and the values he has instilled in me. His work ethic, integrity, compassion, and support have shaped the person I am today, and I strive to embody these qualities in my own life. I am proud to call him my father, and I am thankful for the impact he has had on me and the person I have become. I hope to continue to learn from his example and carry on his legacy of hard work, honesty, and compassion in my own life.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Father — How My Father Has Influenced Me the Most in My Life


How My Father Has Influenced Me The Most in My Life

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Published: Sep 1, 2023

Words: 685 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

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A role model of perseverance, the power of empathy and compassion, lifelong learning and intellectual curiosity, legacy and moving forward.

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role model of father essay

Essay On My Father My Role Model

Essay On My Father My Role Model , Fathers play a pivotal role in a child’s life. Every kid has a different father with a different personality and behavior. Fathers are of different types and the same is true for their relationship with their kids. A father has a crucial impact on a kid’s life. Both mothers and fathers are important to kids. Both sons and daughters have a unique relationship with their fathers.

When it comes to daughters, they feel a sense of security with their fathers. And speaking of sons, they learn from their fathers’ behavior. This is why it can be said that fathers are a vital part of a family.

Like mothers are important for everything, fathers are important too. Along with mothers, fathers teach us essential skills and values. They influence different relationships in a family. They have a great influence on kid’s life.

A kid and a father make great relationships as they grow. Every person would describe their fathers in a different manner. They all have different experiences and equations. Fathers are said to give a sense of safety and security among kids. Today, I am going to talk about my father, who is my role model and best friend too.

essay on my father my role model

My Father a Role Model Essay in English

My father’s name is Mr. Ashok Kumar and he is a teacher in a government school. He teaches English to students. My father is an individual, who is honest, caring, and loving. He is the one, who takes care of my family and loves us a lot.

He has given me each and everything I want in my life. He has added everything to the space and comfort zone I want and need. My father acts as a pillar of strength and support for my family. He is my role model too. I follow all of his paths, directions, and experiences in my life, which make me a good and courageous person.

My father is the one who I admire the most in my whole life. He has given me the best memories since my childhood. I have the best time of my life with him. It is ideal to say that he is the major reason behind all of my joys and happiness.

He is the reason for what I have become in my life. It is his influence on my life, which made me courageous and determined to achieve my goals and dreams in life.

I appreciate the values he has in his life. He is a fitness-lover. This is why he goes to the gym every day. He has a nice and fit body, which is all because of his passion and willpower towards his health.

After a day at school, he regularly spares time for his fitness and never skips visiting the gym even for a single day. He also encourages his students at school and every family member at home to spend some time from busy schedules for health. His influence on my mind is great and I also take care of my health completely.

He always has time to play with me. I share my thoughts, emotions, and feelings with him. He follows all the events of my life, even after a hard day at school. My father is a unique and caring person. I always feel blessed to have a father like him.

I always feel proud whenever I remember that he is my father. He has done everything good for me in my life. I feel grateful to be his daughter and a wonderful part of this family. He is a person who loves peace a lot.

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He always tries to be calm and polite. He rarely gets angry with me and I always feel comfortable with him. Whenever I do something wrong in my life, he made me sit behind him and tries to make me realize my mistake very easily and peacefully.

I accept my mistake and promise him that I will never repeat it. He never offends me in my decision. He has added magic to my life.

My Role Model is My Father

Fathers are the leaders and heads of a family and my father is also a leader and head of my family. He is a person who manages all thing in my family. He is always available for all family members, when they need him or his advice and guidance for anything.

Whenever I need him, I always see him standing by me. When we have a problem in our lives or at home, we talk to him and he does everything possible to eliminate all of our problems. Every member in my family shares his/her problems with him.

He also shares his feelings and the problems he has had in the past times. How he managed his life or overcome all of his problems, he always tells us in brief. I learn many interesting things from him. He also tells us all of his achievements in life. He also explains each and everything he did to become a successful person in his life.

Role Model Father Essay

When my father was young, he was very poor. My grandparents were not capable of letting him study in a good school. But it was his patience and courage that made him an ideal and successful individual.

He studied in a government school but did his graduation from a reputed university. He took tuition classes to manage his financial crisis even while studying. This is how he reached his goals and dreams in life. Now, he is earning well and taking care of our family to the fullest.

I always see him as an example in my life. His hard work, life struggles, and patience were everything that I learned from him. He always teaches me to never give up in life. No matter what situation I come across in my life, I must have faith in myself and patience.

Hard work is the only key to success, it is the main thing I always remember. I always consider him my role model, who always stand by me in every situation.

This is an essay on my father my role model, from this entire article, we cover information regarding my role model essay father, my father is my role model because. If found anything missing let us know by commenting below. For more info kindly visit us at wikiliv.com

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Essay on My Role Model My Parents

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Role Model My Parents in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Role Model My Parents


My parents are my role models as they inspire me every day. They guide me and teach me the right values.

Their Qualities

My parents are hardworking and dedicated. They balance work and family effectively, showing me the importance of responsibility.

Lessons from Them

From my parents, I’ve learned kindness, patience, and the value of education. They encourage me to always do my best.

In conclusion, my parents are my role models because they embody the characteristics and values I aspire to have.

250 Words Essay on My Role Model My Parents

My role models are none other than my parents. They are the epitome of love, perseverance, resilience, and patience. Their life’s journey inspires me to become a better person every day.

My Father: The Pillar of Strength

My father is a man of principle. His disciplined life is a testament to his strong character. He always emphasizes the importance of honesty, hard work, and integrity. His dedication to his profession is awe-inspiring. Despite his busy schedule, he always finds time to guide me and provide his valuable insights. His resilience in the face of adversity motivates me to face challenges with courage and determination.

My Mother: The Embodiment of Love

My mother, on the other hand, is the embodiment of love and compassion. Her selfless care for the family is unparalleled. She is a great listener and has a solution for every problem. Her ability to balance her professional and personal life is something I aspire to emulate. Her unwavering faith in me boosts my confidence and encourages me to pursue my dreams.

Their Combined Influence

The combined influence of my parents has shaped my personality and my worldview. They have taught me the importance of maintaining a balance in life, the value of relationships, and the significance of moral values. Their life is a live textbook, full of lessons to be learned and wisdom to be gleaned.

In conclusion, my parents are my role models because they possess qualities that I admire. Their life is a beacon guiding me through the journey of life. Their love, dedication, and values inspire me to be a better human being. They are not just my parents, but my heroes.

500 Words Essay on My Role Model My Parents

In life, we encounter a myriad of influences, but none are as impactful as our parents. They shape our character, beliefs, and values. As college students, we are at a critical juncture where the lessons imparted by our parents continue to guide us. My parents, with their unwavering dedication and love, are my role models, and their influence has been pivotal in my personal and academic growth.

The Embodiment of Perseverance

My parents are the embodiment of perseverance. They have faced countless adversities, yet their resolve has never faltered. They have taught me that success is not about never falling, but about getting up each time we fall. This lesson has been invaluable in my academic journey where setbacks are inevitable. Their example of resilience has instilled in me a determination to overcome challenges, turning them into stepping stones for success.

Advocates of Kindness and Empathy

My parents have always been advocates of kindness and empathy. They have consistently emphasized the importance of understanding and respecting others’ perspectives. This has significantly shaped my interactions with my peers, professors, and community at large. Their teachings have encouraged me to become an empathetic listener and a compassionate individual, qualities that are crucial in our increasingly diverse society.

Champions of Education

Education has always been paramount for my parents. They believe it to be the key to unlocking one’s potential and the foundation for a prosperous life. They have instilled in me a deep respect for knowledge and the pursuit of learning. Their unwavering support and encouragement have been instrumental in my academic achievements and have fostered a lifelong love for learning.

Exemplars of Integrity

Integrity is another virtue that my parents have consistently upheld. They have shown me that honesty and ethical behavior are not negotiable, even when faced with difficult situations. This principle has guided my actions and decisions in my personal and academic life, reinforcing the importance of maintaining a strong moral compass.

Role Models of Balance

Lastly, my parents have always demonstrated the importance of balance in life. They have shown me that while it is essential to work hard and strive for success, it is equally important to take care of one’s mental and physical health. This lesson has been particularly relevant in college, where the pressure to succeed can often lead to burnout.

In conclusion, my parents’ teachings and actions have shaped me into the person I am today. They have provided me with a blueprint for success, not just in terms of academic achievements, but also in developing a well-rounded, empathetic, and resilient character. As my role models, their influence extends far beyond my formative years and continues to guide me in my college journey and beyond. They have shown me that the true measure of success is not just what we achieve, but also the kind of person we become in the process.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

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role model of father essay

Essay on my Father My Role Model For Students in Easy Words – Read Here


In the last few months, my father has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. He is now mentally ill and has become incoherent. For the last couple of weeks, my mother and I have been taking care of him.

“My Father”, Who Is My Role Model, Is Just a day Important Person For me.He is a Modern Day Man And He Respects Women very much.He has very good knowledge about Business and Financial Laws.He is a very Hands On Person.He is also a Certified Business Lawyer.

My father is a big deal. He is the one who has spent the most time with me and who I have spent the most time with. He has been a constant in my life right from the beginning. I thank him for being there so that I could grow up strong. If I don’t have him, I would have nothing. So, yes, he is my role model.. Read more about my role model is my father essay in english and let us know what you think.

My father is the first hero in my life. Everyone admired him because he aspired to be like his father, who was responsible and concerned about his family. As someone who is always there for you and ensures that all of your needs are met, think of your father.

Father is someone who is always willing to assist you with all of your issues, whether they are academic, romantic, or economical.

All dads ensure that if their children need assistance, they can stand by and support them with whatever resources they have; this is also one of the primary reasons why fathers serve as role models for all children.

Every girl’s father is the first male she interacts with after she is born. She grew up adoring her father’s characteristics so that when she decides to marry, she can see all of her father’s excellent qualities in her spouse, ensuring that his future is bright and comfortable with his better half.

When a girl has a difficulty, such as a guy taunting her or a problem obtaining permission from her mother, she always looks to her father for help, and most dads provide that support for their young girls. Fathers always want their child girls to be independent and self-sufficient in society.


Every family has a leader, and the family’s leader is almost always the father. Whatever choices we make, whatever commitments we make in our daily lives, we do it knowing that the family patriarch is right behind us and will support us no matter what.

Both our mothers and fathers are the most essential parts of our daily lives since, just like the steering wheel of a car, if anybody gets off the field isn’t functioning correctly, you won’t be able to appreciate how smoothly your life is moving. Mother watches after you in your everyday routine, while your father works 24 hours a day, seven days a week to fulfill your goals and prepare you for the future.

Every time a couple becomes a mother and father, their responsibilities grow, and all of the responsibilities for the kid are something we can’t even fathom. Parents never abandon their responsibilities; they ensure that their children get the finest possible care in any circumstance.

Every day, without fail, our father works for us, and when we reach a certain age and need to archive something bigger in our career, it is our father who supports us with everything he has earned in his life, all of his savings, and all of the connections he has made in his life, he uses everything to support you in your future dreams.

When I was in primary school, I often sought my father as a role model for my future. At that time, my father was busy with his office work but in the evening he used to come home and chat with me. I had a feeling that he was a very hard working person and I can learn much from him.. Read more about my role model is my father quotes and let us know what you think.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my father my role model.

Your father is your role model because he has been the person who has helped you grow into the person that you are today.

Can your dad be your role model?

My dad is my role model.

How do I write an essay about my father?

When youre writing an essay about your father, its important to remember that the essay is not about him. Its about you and how you felt when he was around.

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  • my father is my role model
  • my father is my role model essay

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Paragraph on My Role Model My Father- by Anand

role model of father essay


A role model is a person who we look up to. He is someone who inspires us and impacts our life in the most profound way.

We usually expect that person to guide us in the right direction and prevent us from deviating from our paths. That person, in my life, is my father.

My father shares with me a very deep relationship which I consider to be a blessing. He is a very humble, intelligent and kind-hearted man who is loved by all for innumerable reasons. My father is a hardworking man and is the only person in the family who earns money.

Despite the financial pressure and stressful profession, he still makes time for everyone in the family. All the major decisions in the family are taken only after consulting him. Even when his mind is pre-occupied, he tends to stay calm and talk rationally. This aspect of his personality takes everyone by surprise.

My Father’s Role in My Life:


The relationship I share with my father is too valuable to be put into words. My father has always been there for me right since my play school days. He is the person who pushed me to try everything in life and not to back away from anything that came as a challenge. His constant dedication towards my interests and hobbies motivated me to pursue the same with more enthusiasm.

He came to witness all the football matches I was part of. I still can’t forget his emphatic voice from the stands whenever I got possession of the ball. He used to carry a packet of glucose powder and fruits during my sports day so that whenever he got the chance, he would come running from the stands and hand me those items. His contribution to my studies is also worth mentioning.

He reviewed my homework and I studied science and mathematics under him. I believe that the greatest virtues he taught me were discipline and punctuality. It is because of him that I complete my work in time and with utmost sincerity even today. He taught me not to give in to fear and to face every adversity with a clean and composed mind.


My father is a wonderful human being and a great dad. He made me strive to become a better person each day and he ensured that I did not fall prey to bad intentions. I still go to him before taking any decision in my life. I could not have asked for a better role model than my father.

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role model of father essay

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Why Fathers are Important

role model of father essay

Fathers are a crucial and irreplaceable part of our children’s lives. We play an essential role in shaping our children’s growth and development. We set a positive example by being role models of good behavior and values.

Dads also provide emotional support that is essential for our children’s well-being. We are there to listen, comfort and guide them through life’s ups and downs with sound advice.

Fathers help to create strong family bonds by reinforcing healthy, enlightened conversations, promoting an atmosphere of love and stability. Furthermore, we teach our children the importance of building solid relationships and being there for each other.

As spiritual leaders, priests in the home, my God dads, we have a critical role to play in guiding our children towards faith-based practices and values. We are the primary lens through which our children will come to understand God and the nature of the universe. While trained spiritual leaders are wonderful and necessary, fathers, too, are called to be agents of spiritual guidance for their children.

In short, fathers are vital to the healthy and holistic development of our children and should embrace this God-given calling with the utmost care and responsibility.

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