Engineering Resume for 2024 [w/ Examples & Template]

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Whether you’re a mechanical, electrical, civil, software, or chemical engineer, you’re great at solving problems.

And yet, when it comes to writing a job-winning engineering resume, you experience the equivalent of writer’s block.

You know you have the right skills, education, and work experience to land your next dream engineering position, yet you can’t seem to express all that effectively in your engineering resume.

And, for better or worse, a strong engineering resume is a prerequisite to land an interview and, eventually, land your next job.

Well, you actually have no reason to worry! 

Writing a job-landing engineering resume that shows off your professional background is not hard and we’re here to guide you through the process.

So, in this article, we will cover:

Engineering Resume Example

  • How to Build Your Engineering Resume (Step-By-Step)
  • 40 Skills For Your Engineering Resume

Like the look of the template above? Create your own modern and professional engineering resume in minutes with these easy-to-update templates.

If you were applying for a different position in this field, you might find one of our other resume examples more useful:

  • Software Engineer Resume
  • Artificial Intelligence Engineer Resume
  • Computer Science Resume
  • Data Scientist Resume
  • Data Analyst Resume
  • Data Entry Resume
  • Java Developer Resume
  • Web Developer Resume

Here are the elements that make this engineering resume example outstanding:

  • Reverse-chronological format. This resume format puts your engineering work experience in the spotlight AND is the most popular resume format around the globe.
  • Contact information. The engineering resume example above includes relevant contact information, such as the candidate’s email address, phone number, LinkedIn profile URL as well as Skype handle.
  • Resume summary. The engineering resume example above includes an engineering resume summary that briefly introduces the candidate and his areas of expertise.
  • Achievement-focused work experience section. This engineering resume example includes the candidate's professional achievements, making his engineering resume stand out among other candidates’ resumes.
  • Brief education section. In the engineering resume example above, the candidate only mentions his highest degree details, such as his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees.
  • Use of bullet points. The information in this engineering resume example is presented in bullet points to make the resume look well-organized and easy to skim through.
  • Relevant engineering skills. The engineering resume example above mentions only engineering-related skills, including computer-aided design and project management.
  • Use of additional sections. The candidate included relevant additional sections in the engineering resume example above, such as certificates and field-related interests. 

How to Build Your Engineering Resume (Step-By-Step) 

Now that you know exactly what makes an effective engineering resume, let’s put theory into practice and see how you can create a powerful engineering resume!

Here are the steps to building your engineering resume:

#1. Pick the Right Format For Your Engineering Resume 

Before you start filling in the contents, let’s address how you should format your engineering resume.

Now, there are 3 resume formats you can choose from:

  • Reverse-chronological
  • Combination  

You’re best off using the reverse-chronological resume format for your engineering resume. 

It’s the preferred resume format among recruiters worldwide, so it’s obviously the safest and most obvious choice for you!

And the best part? It starts off with your most recent - and relevant - engineering work experience, highlighting your achievements and skills first.

Here’s what it looks like:

reverse chronological resume format

Next, let’s talk about the resume layout . 

Here are the guidelines for making a great resume layout:

  • Pick a professional font style . Choose a font that’s easy to read on a PDF file and use it throughout the length of your engineering resume.
  • Choose the right font size. Use 11-12 pts for the body and 14-16 pts for headings in your engineering resume.
  • Bullet points. Whenever possible, use bullet points to present the information and make it easy for the recruiter to skim.
  • Mind the length. Recruiters shouldn’t go through a 3-page resume to see whether you’re the right candidate, so the optimal length of your engineering resume should be one page (unless you’re a professional with 10+ years on the job, that is).
  • Save your engineering resume in PDF format . Unless asked to do otherwise, your best bet is to save your resume as a PDF file to ensure it looks the same on every device and OS.

Use Our Tried & Tested Templates

As an engineer, you should use every opportunity to show the recruiter how innovative you are and your engineering resume is your first chance to do that.

Like most people, you probably tried creating a Word resume… admit it, using 30+-year-old software is the opposite of being innovative.

Think about it. You can spend hours on formatting alone, but in the end, your engineering resume will still look boring and outdated.

Well, what if we told you there is an easy way to save time AND stand out with your engineer resume?

Just use a resume template !

Our resume templates are created in collaboration with professional recruiters, so they don’t just look fresh and modern - they’re also well-organized and easy to scan.

Want to check for yourself?

Here’s how our resume templates compare to basic text-editors resumes:

resume examples

#2. Add Contact Information

Now that the formatting is out of the way, you can start filling in the contents of your engineering resume.

Let’s start with the basics - your contact information .

You don’t have to invent anything new here - just make sure to avoid making any mistakes (you don’t want the recruiter to think you aren’t capable of successfully providing your contact information - after all, attention to detail is key to being an engineer!).

So, simply include the following details:

  • First name and last name
  • Professional title
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Relevant social media profiles, such as LinkedIn 

Here’s an example of the contact information section:

Sam Edwards

Mechanical Engineer


[email protected]  

Sacramento, California

job search masterclass novoresume

#3. Write an Engineering Resume Summary or Objective

After including your contact details, you should add a 2-3 sentence resume summary or objective to your engineering resume to quickly decide that your engineering resume is worth taking a closer look at.

Here’s how to choose which one to use:

  • If you have lots of engineering experience , write a resume summary to highlight your skills and achievements.
  • If you lack engineering experience , use a resume objective to show your career aspirations and how you can benefit the company.

First impressions matter, so whether you’re writing a resume summary or objective, it must effectively show your professional background or how you can be an asset for the company you’re applying to. 

Otherwise, the recruiter might just move on to the next resume.

So, here’s what an impressive resume summary should include:

  • Your position and years of experience
  • Your most important engineering skills
  • Your top 1-2 professional achievements 

And here’s an example of an eye-catching engineering resume summary:

Driven and detail-oriented Electrical Engineer with 4+ years of experience with the design and fabrication of integrated circuits. Excellent troubleshooting, problem-solving, and analytical thinking skills. Solved a long-standing testing bug at Company X which increased the average testing time by 17%. 

Now, if you don’t have the relevant experience and opt for a resume objective, this is what you need to include to make it as memorable as possible:

  • Title of your engineering degree
  • Any engineering-related experience
  • Your motivation to work for the company

Specifically, it should look something like this:

Enthusiastic Software Engineering undergraduate student looking for an entry-level job at Company X. Experienced with Python, C++, and MATLAB programming languages. Looking to apply coding skills and creativity in educational game development.

#4. Make Your Engineering Work Experience Stand Out

Now, let’s move to the most important section of your engineering resume - your work experience .

First, let’s address the formatting.

Begin with your most recent/current job position and simply do this:

  • Start off with the job title. This shows the recruiter what role you had in the company.
  • Add company details. Include the name and location of the company you worked at. Optionally, you can briefly describe the company if it’s relatively unknown.
  • Include the date of employment. Use the mm/yyyy format to write down how long you worked in each company.
  • Add responsibilities and achievements. Use 5-6 bullet points for the most recent jobs, and 2-3 for older jobs.

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s talk about making the most out of your work experience section.

Of course, you want your engineering work experience to stand out among hundreds of other applications, so simply listing your responsibilities isn’t enough.

Luckily, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel!

Here are some tips to perfect your work experience section:

  • Tailor your work experience section to the job. If you’re an engineer, your work experience section should show exactly that, so skip the barista job you had in university and use the space for your achievements or to include additional sections instead.
  • Focus on achievements over responsibilities. Every civil, electrical, mechanical, or another type of engineer has the same responsibilities, more or less, but it’s your achievements that can really set you apart from the competition.
  • Use action verbs to describe your achievements. Power words (e. g. developed, organized, operated, redesigned, assisted…) will spice up your engineering resume.
  • Make your achievements quantifiable. Whenever possible, use numbers to drive the point home (e. g. “Led a team of 15 engineers” instead of “Led a team”).

And here’s an example of an effective work experience section:

02/2017 - 01/2022

  • Worked with a team of 14 to design, build, and install industrial air compressors.
  • Ensured compliance with safety rules and regulations.
  • Increased production efficiency by 9% by strategically minimizing production bottlenecks. 
  • Planned and redesigned equipment layout to optimize workflow, resulting in a 7% production capacity increase over the span of 3 years. 
  • Consistently met the company's needs at 12% under budget.

What if You Don’t Have Work Experience?

Now, if you’re a fresh engineering graduate or haven’t graduated just yet, you likely don’t have relevant work experience.

That’s totally okay - even Elon Musk didn’t have enough relevant work experience at one point in his life.

But the lack of work experience shouldn’t set you back from building a powerful engineering resume!

You probably have more engineering-related experience to choose from than you think - after all, engineering studies typically involve lots and lots of practice.

So, instead of your work experience, consider including your internships, assistantships, academic projects, and merits, or extracurricular activities.

Here’s an engineering experience example:

Electrical Engineering Experience

Teacher’s Assistant for Electromechanics II

University of Bristol, UK 

10/2019 - 03/2020

  • Led problem-solving tutorials for 80+ second-year students.
  • Created 10+ laboratory assignments for students using MATLAB Simulink and Adam Pluto transceivers.
  • Took attendance, made questionnaires, and helped with other administrative work.

#5. List Your Education the Right Way

Nikola Tesla is a role model to many engineers. 

As such, you probably already know he dropped out of university .

Of course, the lack of an engineering degree didn’t stop Nikola Tesla from becoming one of the greatest engineers, but today the situation is quite different.

Most engineering jobs ask for a Bachelor’s degree at the very least, because engineering is a highly technical field, where theoretical knowledge goes hand in hand with your practical skills.

But, even though your higher education is important to the recruiter, let’s face it - they don’t care which high school you went to.

So, instead of wasting space, make sure to only include relevant education details in your engineering resume.

To keep your education section short and snappy, start with your latest degree and include the following:

  • Degree title
  • University/college/other institution
  • Program location (optional)
  • Years attended

And here’s an example of the education section on an engineering resume:

MSc in Electrical Engineering

Eindhoven University of Technology

10/2017 - 05/2019

Of course, you can also include relevant education details, such as your academic achievements, the courses you’ve taken, your GPA, projects, etc. - if they add value to your resume, that is. 

#6. List Your Engineering Skills

Skills are an important part of your engineering resume. They testify to your professional abilities, so you should only include the skills which are relevant to engineering.

Now, although engineering is a technical job, you’re also expected to have a variety of soft skills .

After all, no engineer works in total isolation, so communication and teamwork skills are must-haves for most positions.

So, here are some tips to better organize the skills section on your engineering resume: 

  • Write your soft and hard skills separately. 
  • Your hard skills largely depend on the type of engineering you do (mechanical, electrical, software, etc.), so make sure to customize the skill section to fit your engineering resume.
  • If you're unsure which skills to include in your engineering resume, you can always check the job ad and see if you have the skills the company is looking for.

Need more ideas on which skills to add to your engineer resume? 

Check out our list of the 40 most in-demand soft and hard engineering skills!

Write down your hard skills as specifically as possible to give the recruiter a clear idea of your skills. For example, if you’re good at programming, make sure to include all programming languages (Python, C++, PHP, MATLAB, etc.) you know.

40 Engineering Skills to Put on Your Resume

25 soft engineering skills.

  • Attention to detail
  • Problem-solving 
  • Communication skills
  • Ability to work under pressure
  • Analytical thinking
  • Active listening
  • Prioritization
  • Time management
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Organizational skills
  • Adaptability
  • Brainstorming
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Self-motivation
  • Reliability
  • Self-management
  • Flexibility

15 Hard Engineering Skills

  • Mechanical skills
  • Project management
  • Troubleshooting
  • Prototyping
  • Machine Learning
  • Workflow development
  • Web Development
  • Computer skills
  • Knowledge of manufacturing processes
  • Knowledge of applicable laws
  • Technical documentation
  • Data Structures

#7. Add Your Engineering Certifications & Licenses

Your university diploma is just one part of engineering training, so the next step is to include your engineering licenses and certifications .

This part is especially important if you want to work abroad because each country has different rules on what kind of education, licenses, and qualifications you need to work in engineering.

So, if you’re a certified or licensed engineer, list your licenses and certifications in your engineering resume in reverse-chronological order and include the following:

  • Certification/license name
  • Name of agency 
  • Year of obtainment
  • Location (optional)
  • Expiration date (if applicable)
  • In progress (if applicable, and add the expected date of obtainment)

Here’s an example:

Professional Certificates

Certified Chemical Engineer (2019)

National Certification Commission in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

#8. Make Use of Additional Resume Sections 

Do you still have some space on your engineering resume?

Consider adding any of these additional sections to make your engineering resume stand out and paint the full picture of your engineering experience:

  • Conferences , such as International Conference on Sustainable Energy Engineering, International Conference on Internet Technologies and Society, International Conference on Power Control and Embedded System, International Conference on Industrial Engineering, and others. 
  • Associations and organizations , such as engineering societies, including your role in them (if applicable).
  • Awards , no matter if they’re company-wide or nationwide.
  • Publications , such as studies, scientific articles, interviews, etc.
  • Personal projects , if any of them are related to engineering.
  • Languages , especially if you’re applying to a company overseas.
  • Hobbies and interests , especially if they’re related to engineering. 

And here’s what these extra sections should look like on your engineering resume:


  • Caspian Engineers Society (2018 - Present) - Board Member


  • Nanotech Eurasia 2021
  • Nanotech Eurasia 2019

#9. Attach a Cover Letter to Your Engineering Resume

If you got this far, you’re just a step away from writing an effective engineering resume for yourself!

But before you get to it, there’s one more important element to your resume we need to address - writing a compelling cover letter.

The point of a cover letter is to convince the recruiter that you are the engineer they’ve been looking for. 

Essentially, you need to prove you’re a competent engineer and a great match for the company, its values, vision, and goals.

So, your cover letter is a chance to give a detailed description of your engineering experience and include any important information that didn’t make it to your engineering resume.

But how exactly do you do that?

Actually, it’s quite simple with the right guidance! 

Here’s how to write a job-winning cover letter :

  • Include your contact details in the header.
  • Address the cover letter directly to the recruiter.
  • Grab the recruiter’s attention from the start by including your 1-2 top achievements in the first paragraph.
  • In the body of your cover letter, give a detailed picture of your engineering background and explain why you want to work for this particular company.
  • Lastly, end your cover letter with a call to action.

Want to make sure your cover letter is flawless? Check our cover letter writing tips and cover letter mistakes !

And here’s an example of a top-notch cover letter : 

cover letter example

Want your cover letter to catch recruiters’ attention? Match it to your engineering resume by picking one of our cover letter templates !

Key Takeaways

By now, you have all the tools and tips you need to write an outstanding engineering resume (and a cover letter, too!).

Before you go, let’s go over some of the main elements of an impactful engineering resume:

  • Choose the reverse-chronological format to focus your work experience and make your engineering resume easy to read.
  • Write an impressive resume summary if you have plenty of work experience, and an eye-catching resume objective if you lack engineering experience.
  • Make your work experience section stand out by quantifying your achievements.
  • Show off your unique engineering experience with licenses, certifications, associations, publications, and other additional information that fits your engineering resume.
  • Don’t forget to add a compelling cover letter to your engineering resume to prove you’re the perfect candidate and a great asset to the company.

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  • • Assisted with the development and design of infrastructure projects, applying civil and structural engineering principles to 5 major works.
  • • Conducted geotechnical analysis for foundation design, resulting in a 10% cost reduction through optimized material selection.
  • • Compiled environmental impact assessments for 3 large-scale projects, ensuring regulatory compliance and promoting environmental stewardship modeling.
  • • Collaborated with senior engineers to manage on-site construction supervision, leading to the on-time delivery of 4 development projects.
  • • Employed advanced traffic engineering software to analyze and report on traffic flow patterns for metropolitan area, effectively aiding in the design of roadways.
  • • Provided key support in bridge asset management, enhancing the longevity of 8 municipal bridges through improved maintenance strategies.
  • • Participated in on-site surveys and data collection for 2 major highway projects, enhancing the precision of civil engineering plans.
  • • Supported the project management team with 3D modeling and drafting efforts, increasing project efficiency by 15%.
  • • Contributed to water resources project design, reducing stormwater runoff by 20% through innovative environmental solutions.
  • • Aided in the preparation of materials for client presentations, facilitating effective communication and project approval.
  • • Assisted with construction documentation, maintaining accurate records for 2 infrastructure development initiatives.
  • • Provided administrative and technical support to the structural engineering team, contributing to the maintenance of 5 key bridges.
  • • Assisted in civil engineering surveys and material testing at the PennDOT materials lab, supporting the assessment of 10+ construction materials.

5 Engineering Student Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

When crafting your engineering student resume, it's crucial to demonstrate your technical proficiency. Highlight specific programming languages, software tools, or systems you've mastered through coursework or personal projects. Additionally, your engineering student resume should exhibit tangible problem-solving experiences. Include instances of innovative design solutions or successful group projects that showcase your ability to tackle engineering challenges effectively.

All resume examples in this guide

resume format for engineering students in word

Resume Guide

Resume Format Tips

Resume Experience

Skills on Resume

Education & Certifications

Resume Summary Tips

Additional Resume Sections

Key Takeaways

Engineering Student resume example

As an engineering student, you might struggle to showcase relevant experience amidst academic projects and limited work history. Our guide will help you highlight your technical skills and academic achievements to construct a compelling narrative that resonates with engineering employers.

  • Apply best practices from professional resumes to spotlight your application;
  • Quantify your professional experience with achievements, career highlights, projects, and more;
  • Write an eye-catching engineering student resume top one-third with your header, summary/objective, and skills section;
  • Fill in the gaps of your experience with extracurricular, education, and more vital resume sections.

We've selected, especially for you, some of our most relevant engineering student resume guides. Getting you from thinking about your next career move to landing your dream job.

  • Developer Resume Example
  • ETL Developer Resume Example
  • QA Tester Resume Example
  • IT Infrastructure Manager Resume Example
  • QA Analyst Resume Example
  • Computer Engineer Resume Example
  • Web Project Manager Resume Example
  • IT Infrastructure Project Manager Resume Example
  • IT Support Analyst Resume Example
  • Security Director Resume Example

Designing your engineering student resume format to catch recruiters' eyes

Your engineering student resume will be assessed on a couple of criteria, one of which is the actual presentation.

Is your resume legible and organized? Does it follow a smooth flow?

Or have you presented recruiters with a chaotic document that includes everything you've ever done in your career?

Unless specified otherwise, there are four best practices to help maintain your resume format consistency.

  • The top one third of your engineering student resume should definitely include a header, so that recruiters can easily contact you and scan your professional portfolio (or LinkedIn profile).
  • Within the experience section, list your most recent (and relevant) role first, followed up with the rest of your career history in a reverse-chronological resume format .
  • Always submit your resume as a PDF file to sustain its layout. There are some rare exceptions where companies may ask you to forward your resume in Word or another format.
  • If you are applying for a more senior role and have over a decade of applicable work experience (that will impress recruiters), then your engineering student resume can be two pages long. Otherwise, your resume shouldn't be longer than a single page.

Upload & Check Your Resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

The more time and effort you've put into obtaining the relevant certificate, the closer to the top it should be listed. This is especially important for more senior roles and if the company you're applying for is more forward-facing.

The five (plus) definite sections your resume for a engineering student job should include are:

  • Header with your headline, contact details, and/or a preview of your work
  • Summary (or objective) to pinpoint how your success aligns with the role
  • Experience with bullets of your most relevant achievements in the field
  • Skills to integrate vital job requirements (both technical and personal)
  • Your further dedication to the field, showcased via relevant higher education and/or certifications

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Relevant Technical Skills (e.g., CAD software, programming languages, simulation tools)
  • Engineering Projects & Portfolio (e.g., capstone projects, personal projects, design challenges)
  • Internship or Co-op Experience with engineering firms or relevant industry companies
  • Certifications & Courses (e.g., EIT certification, specialized technical courses)
  • Professional Engineering Organizations and Extracurricular Activities (e.g., ASME, IEEE memberships, engineering clubs, competitions)

Adding your relevant experience to your engineering student resume

If you're looking for a way to show recruiters that your expertise is credible, look no further than the resume experience section.

Your engineering student resume experience can be best curated in a structured, bulleted list detailing the particulars of your career:

  • Always integrate metrics of success - what did you actually achieve in the role?
  • Scan the engineering student advert for your dream role in search of keywords in the job requirements - feature those all through your past/current experience;
  • Dedicate a bullet (or two) to spotlight your technical capabilities and how you're able to use the particular software/technology in your day-to-day roles;
  • Write simple by including your responsibility, a job advert keyword or skill, and a tangible outcome of your success;
  • Use the experience section to also define the unique value of working with you in the form of soft skills, relevant feedback, and the company culture you best thrive in.

Industry leaders always ensure that their resume experience section offers an enticing glimpse at their expertise, while telling a career narrative. Explore these sample engineering student resumes on how to best create your resume experience section.

  • Assisted in developing a new algorithm for optimizing workflow in the manufacturing process that increased output by 15%.
  • Conducted extensive research on material properties leading to a 10% reduction in costs for material sourcing.
  • Collaborated with senior engineers on the design of a hybrid hydraulic system which ultimately boosted system efficiency by 20%.
  • Oversaw a team of student engineers in the prototype creation of an IoT-based energy monitoring system, targeting a 30% decrease in energy waste.
  • Managed the integration of renewable energy sources into existing power grids while maintaining a 99.8% system reliability rate.
  • Facilitated the transition from 2D to 3D CAD modeling, enhancing the precision of engineering drawings and reducing errors by 25%.
  • Participated in the assembly and testing of unmanned aerial vehicles, achieving a reduction in testing time by 40% through process refinement.
  • Authored a comprehensive report on potential improvements to propulsion systems that was later adopted to enhance engine performance by 10%.
  • Implemented a set of quality control measures for component manufacturing that resulted in a 60% reduction in defects.
  • Conducted advanced materials research, isolating a novel composite with 35% higher tensile strength, ripe for commercial application.
  • Participated in patenting a unique structural design for high-rise buildings with improved earthquake resilience by 20%.
  • Led a cross-functional team in the development of a solar-powered water purification unit, aiming for an increase of 50% in water processing efficiency.
  • Engaged in the process of retrofitting industrial machinery, which extended machinery lifespan by an average of 5 years.
  • Contributed to the engineering team by conducting stress analysis using FEA software, enhancing design integrity and safety.
  • Supported quality assurance through meticulous defect tracking, which led to a 40% improvement in product reliability.
  • Initiated a waste reduction program in production lines that cut down waste by 50,000 pounds annually.
  • Developed a predictive maintenance schedule for key equipment, diminishing downtimes by 30% and increasing productivity.
  • Streamlined the assembly process by incorporating lean manufacturing principles, leading to a 15% improvement in assembly time.
  • Enhanced the design of hydraulic systems for construction equipment, increasing load handling capacity by 10%.
  • Compiled a database of material suppliers, optimizing the procurement process and achieving a 20% reduction in lead times.
  • Designed custom tools for special engineering projects which improved the overall efficiency and reduced labor costs by 15%.
  • Developed a prototype for an autonomous delivery vehicle, enhancing last-mile delivery efficiency by 25%.
  • Employed data analytics to optimize supply chain logistics, leading to 5% savings in transportation costs.
  • Executed material testing procedures that verified product compliance with international standards, mitigating risk of regulatory penalties.
  • Assisted in the development and validation of a mobile app for industrial machine monitoring, boosting user engagement by 200%.
  • Collaborated with software engineers to improve the firmware of smart sensors, achieving 30% faster data transmission rates.
  • Played a pivotal role in a team that designed a more efficient air filtration system for HVAC units, projected to improve air quality by 40%.
  • Completed a comprehensive analysis on the impact of varying wing designs on aircraft performance, influencing future design considerations.
  • Conducted wind tunnel experiments that provided critical data for optimizing aerodynamic profiles, aiming at reducing drag by 15%.
  • Contributed to a research team working on nanomaterials, potentially revolutionizing material science with applications in aeronautics.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Include the exact number of projects you've worked on to demonstrate concrete experience.
  • Specify the percentage of efficiency improvement your solutions provided to communicate problem-solving abilities.
  • List the sizes of teams you've led or collaborated with to illustrate leadership and teamwork skills.
  • State the amount of funding secured for projects to highlight your ability to acquire resources.
  • Quantify the scale of the systems or structure you’ve developed or improved upon to show technical competence.
  • Indicate the number of technical reports or documents you've authored to demonstrate communication and analytical skills.
  • Mention the amount of time you've reduced from processes due to optimizations you've implemented to showcase efficiency.
  • Describe the scale of models or simulations performed, using relevant numbers, to reflect your hands-on experience.

Action verbs for your engineering student resume

Target Illustration

How to shift the focus from your engineering student resume experience section to your professional profile

If you're at the start of your career journey or transitioning industries, you might be concerned about the lack of professional experience while crafting your engineering student resume.

How can you effectively present your engineering student resume experience section under these circumstances?

Rather than a traditional, extensive experience section, demonstrate your expertise through:

  • Emphasizing your education. Your academic background might impress recruiters, especially if it includes recent, industry-relevant knowledge;
  • Creating a compelling objective statement. The first few sentences of your resume should map out your motivations and career aspirations, offering insight into your goals;
  • Highlighting your transferable skills. For example, if you've honed communication skills through volunteering, illustrate on your engineering student resume how these can benefit a potential employer;
  • Detailing your technical background in certifications and skills sections. As a recent graduate, your technological foundations might be particularly attractive to employers looking to develop these skills further.

It's important to remember that employers sometimes prefer candidates with less experience but who are a better cultural fit for their organization.

Recommended reads:

  • Should You Include Eagle Scout On Your Resume?
  • How to Put Cum Laude on Your Resume

Showcase any ongoing or recent educational efforts to stay updated in your field.

How to showcase hard skills and soft skills on your resume

Reading between the lines of your dream job, you find recruiters are looking for candidates who have specific software or hardware knowledge, and personal skills.

Any technology you're adept at shows your hard skills. This particular skill set answers initial job requirements, hinting at how much time your potential employers would have to invest in training you. Showcase you have the relevant technical background in your skills section , as well as your certificates ones.

Meanwhile, soft skills hint at how well you communicate, solve problems, and adapt to new environments . Basically, your interpersonal communication skills that show recruiters if you'd fit into the team and company culture. You could use the achievements section to tie in your greatest wins with relevant soft skills.

It's also a good idea to add some of your hard and soft skills across different resume sections (e.g. summary/objective, experience, etc.) to match the job requirements and pass the initial screening process. Remember to always check your skill spelling and ensure that you've copy-pasted the name of the desired skills from the job advert as is.

Top skills for your engineering student resume:

Mathematical proficiency

Fundamentals of engineering

Computer programming

Technical writing

Data analysis

Computer-aided design (CAD)

Circuit analysis

Materials science

Laboratory research techniques

Problem-solving with engineering tools

Critical thinking

Time management

Creative problem-solving

Strong work ethic

Attention to detail


Effective communication

Project management

Continuous learning

List your educational qualifications and certifications in reverse chronological order.

Certifications and education: in-demand sections for your engineering student resume

Your academic background in the form of certifications on your resume and your higher degree education is important to your application.

The certifications and education sections pinpoint a variety of hard and soft skills you possess, as well as your dedication to the industry.

Add relevant certificates to your engineering student resume by:

  • Add special achievements or recognitions you've received during your education or certification, only if they're really noteworthy and/or applicable to the role
  • Be concise - don't list every and any certificate you've obtained through your career, but instead, select the ones that would be most impressive to the role
  • Include the name of the certificate or degree, institution, graduation dates, and certificate license numbers (if possible)
  • Organize your education in reverse chronological format, starting with the latest degree you have that's most applicable for the role

Think of the education and certification sections as the further credibility your engineering student resume needs to pinpoint your success.

Now, if you're stuck on these resume sections, we've curated a list of the most popular technical certificates across the industry.

Have a look, below:

The top 5 certifications for your engineering student resume:

  • Engineer in Training (EIT) - National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES)
  • Certified SolidWorks Associate (CSWA) - Dassault Systèmes
  • Occupational Safety and Health Administration Certification (OSHA) - Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  • Project Management Professional (PMP) - Project Management Institute (PMI)
  • Autodesk Certified Professional (ACP) - Autodesk

The more trusted the organization you've attained your certificate (or degree) from, the more credible your skill set would be.

  • How To List Certifications On A Resume (Examples Included)
  • Perfecting the Education Section on Your Resume

The engineering student resume summary or objective: integrating keywords, achievements, and more

Deciding whether to include a resume summary or an objective in your engineering student resume is crucial. Both serve as key introductory elements at the top of your resume, encapsulating your profile in up to five sentences and incorporating relevant keywords from the job advert.

Here are the key differences between the two:

  • The resume summary focuses on aligning your achievements and experience with the job requirements. It provides recruiters with a snapshot of your expertise , helping you stand out as an ideal candidate for the role.
  • The resume objective, on the other hand, centers on your career goals and aspirations , detailing how the role aligns with your career progression. It's particularly suitable for candidates with less professional experience or those new to the job market.

Below are examples demonstrating best practices in utilizing the resume summary and/or objective to make a strong first impression with your engineering student resume.

Resume summaries for a engineering student job

  • With over 3 years of experience in mechanical engineering and a proven track record of designing efficient thermal systems, I bring to the table advanced proficiency in SolidWorks and ANSYS. Garnering the 'Best Innovation' award at the Annual Tech Conference for my patent-pending heat exchanger design signifies my commitment to cutting-edge solutions.
  • As a computer science professional pivoting into electrical engineering, I leverage over 5 years of algorithm design and robust coding skills to address complex circuitry challenges. I have a successful record of creating AI models that optimize energy consumption, reflecting my adaptability and passion for sustainable engineering practices.
  • Dedicated civil engineering graduate aiming to apply my knowledge of geotechnical materials and AutoCAD drafting acquired through a rigorous internship at a leading infrastructure development firm. Eager to contribute to high-impact projects, with a focus on safety and environmental standards, as I start my professional engineering journey.
  • Holding over 4 years of experience in finance, I'm transitioning into the field of industrial engineering, drawing on strong analytical skills and expertise in process optimization. My notable achievement includes developing a cost-saving plan that cut operational expenses by 20% year-over-year, demonstrating my potential for increasing efficiency in production systems.
  • Keen to apply the theoretical knowledge and problem-solving skills acquired from a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering to practical situations. My objective is to develop innovative solutions that enhance performance while minimizing environmental footprint, drawing inspiration from my senior project which improved the energy efficiency of HVAC systems.
  • Enthusiastic about embarking on a new career path in chemical engineering, I am armed with a foundational understanding of chemical processes and laboratory techniques from my biochemistry background. Ready to translate my expertise in data analysis and precision lab work into optimizing chemical production processes.

Four more sections for your engineering student resume

Your engineering student resume can be supplemented with other sections to highlight both your personality and efforts in the industry. Use the ones you deem most relevant to your experience (and the role):

  • Awards - to celebrate your success;
  • Interests - to detail what you're passionate about outside of work (e.g. music, literature, etc.);
  • Publications - to show your footprint in the wider community;
  • Projects - to pinpoint noteworthy achievements, potentially even outside of work.

Key takeaways

  • The format and layout of your engineering student resume should reflect on both your career and what matters most to the job you're applying for;
  • Use the resume summary and objective to hint at your most prominent accomplishments;
  • Always be specific about your experience and consider what value each bullet you curate adds to your engineering student application;
  • Consider how your academic background and technical capabilities could further showcase your alignment to the role;
  • Your soft skills should contribute to your overall engineering student profile - aligning your personality with skills and results.

engineering student resume example

Looking to build your own Engineering Student resume?

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  • Resume Examples

How to Include a Hackathon on a Resume in 2024

What did microsoft's marketing manager learn from enhancv, 8 common questions for a second interview (with answers), when you should (and not) add dean's list on your resume, how to answer the “are you a team player” interview question, how to list a double major on your resume.

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Ultimate Engineering Student Resume Guide: Examples [+Pro Tips]

Crafting an engineering student resume can be daunting. You need to showcase your projects, skills , and education effectively. Interestingly, the demand for engineers continues to rise globally, with a projected increase of 140,000 engineering jobs by 2026.

Whether you're applying for internships or entry-level jobs, a well-written resume opens doors. Here’s how to make yours stand out.

All resume examples in this guide

resume format for engineering students in word

Engineering Student Resume Example

Carl Johanson ‍ Electrical Engineer (Student) [email protected] (234)765-3245

Professional summary

A passionate electrical engineering student with over 8 months of industry experience in electrical system design and maintenance seeks to join an MEP company to further my expertise. In my internship at KLC Electricals, worked as a design engineer for a $20 million electrical installation project

Industry experience

Aug 2021 to Present KLC Electricals Electrical design engineer (internship)

  • Led a team of supervisors and electricians in electrical installations
  • Worked with purchasing department in procurement of electrical installation tools and equipment – analyzed quotations and product specifications
  • Prepared BOQs for the client requirement and presented them in weekly meetings
  • Used AutoCAD electrical for electrical system design and Ansys SpaceClaim for parameter optimization

Project experience

Developed an off-grid solar power system for domestic use which was 12% more efficient than the solutions in the market – patent pending

University of Wisconsin Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering 2018-2022 (Graduation in November 2022)

  • Programming using Java, C++, SQL
  • Microcontrollers
  • PCB and PLC design
  • Attention to detail
  • Problem-solving
  • Time management

After hundreds of sleepless nights, coursework, presentations, reports, and vivas for 45+ subjects later, you finally pulled it off – or at least you’re almost there.

Before celebrating your success as a graduate engineer, there’s one more thing – you need to find a job that pays – to pay back your student loan – to return the favor to your parents – to have the life you always dreamt of.

You need to create a solid engineering student resume to land your first job.

If you’re an engineering student trying to land a job before you graduate or you just graduated and looking to apply for your first job, this guide will take you through the steps to create a perfect engineering resume.

This includes:

  • A guide to choosing the best resume format, layout, and templates for engineering students
  • A complete Engineering Student resume example
  • A step-by-step guide to writing each section of your resume
  • To DOs and DON’Ts in writing your engineering resume

With Pro Tips to make yourself stand out from the rest of the applications.

If your university career day is close by and you want to create well-targeted resumes and cover letters for the potential recruiters, here’s a quick tip. Use our ready-to-fill resume templates to make your resumes and cover letters within minutes.

Let’s dive into the complete resume writing guide👇

We thought you were an engineering student. If you have completed your degree and looking for a more experienced engineering resume, have a look at these👇

  • Software engineer resume
  • Civil engineer resume
  • Mechanical engineer resume
  • Aeronautical engineer resume
  • Data engineer resume
  • Electrical engineer resume
  • Robotics engineer resume

The Formula to Write a Winning Engineering Student Resume

We know for the last four years you didn't have time to think about writing your resume as you were busy solving the most complex engineering problems.

When you step out into the real world and start looking for your first career opportunity, you’ll realize it’s much harder than solving a mathematical problem because it involves real people – they judge you for everything you do – the way you’ve written your resume – the way you walk and talk in an interview.

The field of resume writing always evolves – it’s not what it was 5 years ago. New writing standards – templates – best practices – and that’s why it’s important to look at a complete resume writing guide before starting yours.

Let’s start from scratch .

Read through to the end and you’ll find a step-by-step guide guide to writing your engineering student resume for any field. We have also highlighted the DOs and DON’Ts in writing your student resume.

We’ll start with general guidelines for writing resumes. These apply to most beginner and experienced resumes and we will give you the most up-to-date standard practices in HR.

First, we should define the layout, format, and a template for the resume.

Engineering Student Resume Layout

The resume layout consists of the headings and subheadings you’re going to put on your resume. Defining them at the beginning saves you hours and makes sure you don’t miss any important information.

We recommend the following layout for an Engineering Student resume:

  • Header: name and contact information.
  • Resume objective summary.
  • Work history.
  • Project experience.
  • Engineering skills.
  • Additional sections (certificates, languages, and publications).

You could change the order of this information based on your strengths.

engineering student preparing resume

Professional resume format for Engineering Students

The format of a resume determines the way the information in each section is written – the order in which the information is presented.

What experience should you be writing about first?

Which academic qualification should you include first?

As an engineering student, we know you don’t possess much experience, but adhering to the standard resume writing norms will reward you. Remember, your resume is read by an expert hiring manager at the end. So use their language!

There are three standard resume formats named functional resume format, reverse-chronological format, and hybrid format. From these, we suggest you use the reverse chronological format as it’s the most popular among many recruiters.

In a reverse chronological resume format, you should write your most recent experience first – in your projects section, start with the most recent projects you completed – same for the education section as you should list your latest education qualifications first.

Employers are more concerned about the candidate’s latest experience at a time, the industry standards – tools & techniques – and engineering best practices are rapidly changing.

The right layout and the format will help the hiring manager to read your resume faster. You indeed spent four years to become an engineer but the recruiters don’t spend more than 5 seconds on your resume . Make it as easy as humanly possible for them to read and understand your resume – you’ll see plenty of interview calls coming your way.

Engineering Student Resume Template

The template defines the overall look and feel of your resume. Choosing the right template is half your resume writing – because the template makes the first impression – like the suit you wear for the interview.

You engineers are pro users of Microsoft Office. You can create your own resume template. Consider the following points while creating yours:

  • Define the color theme that matches your personality.
  • Determine the fonts type , sizes, and colors for headings, subheadings, and text.
  • Keep margins from all sides – about one inch
  • Try to present information in two or three columns for efficient utilization of space

If you’re looking for a perfect resume template created by professionals, check out our resume builder – we have plenty of modern resume templates suited for all industries. These templates are easy to fill up and tailor to your requirements – and guess what, recruiters love these!

Start Your Engineering Student Resume with the Header

Your resume starts with the header – it contains your name and contact information. Though this sounds straightforward, there are many ways candidates make deadly mistakes in the header which we have highlighted.

A good & a bad header

Trainee Mechanical Engineer


Engineering Student

13, main street, University apt 4,

Washington DC

Consider the following points while writing your header:

  • Start your resume with your first and last names
  • Put the job title
  • Include your personal email address and a mobile number
  • Put the link to your LinkedIn profile or the portfolio – make sure they’re updated
  • Do not include your physical address

Demonstrate Your Experience as an Engineer: Though You Don’t Have Much

From a hiring manager’s perspective, whether they’re recruiting an experienced candidate or an entry-level candidate, they’re hiring an engineer – for a critical, technical position in the organization.

Therefore, their main concern would be your relevant experience. If you say you don’t have experience as you’re applying for your first proper job, that wouldn’t be an excuse.

The best experience you could put on your engineer resume is what you acquired in your internship. Most engineering internships focus on providing the candidates with the basic field experience, technical skills, and research skills while developing their teamwork, leadership, and communication – the skill combination that most recruiters are seeking.

Creating a killer experience section is all about your writing. Analyze the following examples to see the difference between a boring experience section and an exceptional one.

Example Experience section for an Engineering Student

Aug 2021 to Present

Mechanical engineering student

Aluco Manufacturers

  • Proposed a new aluminum cutting process
  • Designed machine parts using CAD
  • Work closely with management and technical teams
  • Proposed continuous improvement project
  • Designed a new factory layout
  • Machine downtime analysis

Mechanical Engineer (Intern)

  • Carried out a feasibility analysis of a state of the art aluminum cutting process reducing the raw material wastage by 4%
  • Introduced 5S in the factory premises – planned and implemented the project
  • Played a major role in the company’s adaptation to Just In Time manufacturing – worked closely with the change management team
  • Analyzed the current factory layout and presented the management with suggestions to improve the capacity based on industrial engineering principles
  • Carried out a machine downtime analysis project that highlighted 3 key suggestions to reduce downtime by 7%

Most trainee engineer work involves carrying out analysis of existing organizational methodologies and presenting them to the management for decision making.

In your engineering experience, you should let your personality shine – use numbers to add credibility – write experience based on the actions – state the outcomes of each action.

Demonstrate the skills you developed:

  • Communication skills through presenting your findings to the management.
  • Teamwork through the projects you were involved in with other members.
  • Leadership skills with the project initiatives you took.

Writing a list of roles and responsibilities on your job is what everybody else does – stand out from the rest and you’ll have a better chance of getting shortlisted for an interview.

Start each sentence with action verbs such as developed, designed, demonstrated, installed, carried out, and created.

engineering student projects on resume

Get Recruiters' Attention with Your Projects Experience

The essence of an engineering bachelor’s is the project experience the candidate acquires throughout the years. As an engineering student, you should have been involved in multiple group projects and individual projects as part of your studies.

This project experience is a great way to attract recruiters and communicate that you have the required expertise to carry out the tasks on the job. If the project data is not confidential, you could include some of them as well.

Project example:

Brand changeover analysis project for Coca Cola

Semester 6 Group project:

  • Developed a brand changeover time analysis chart for the factory covering over 24 Coca cola brands
  • Presented the findings to the management and highlighted the suggestions to reduce brand changeover time
  • Proposed a demand-based data-driven methodology to reduce the number of brand changeovers by 12%

Write up the Mandatory Education Section

Your education plays a key role in your engineering student resume. In most cases, recruiters would mention the academic qualifications they are after based on the job description.

Certain jobs expect candidates from multiple engineering disciplines such as Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, or Material engineering, whereas, some other jobs require candidates specialized in a specific engineering field such as computer engineering.

Check the job advertisement to find out more about the academic requirements.

Place your education section just after or before your experience section based on the priority the recruiter has given to your academics.

Use a consistent format to list your education – start with the name of the degree, name of the university, graduation timeline, and key learning outcomes of your course. If you’ve got any academic achievements such as being selected to Dean’s list, you may mention them here.

2018-2022 (Expected in Oct 2022)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • Structural engineering
  • Building architect
  • Engineering machinery

The Most In-Demand Skills for Engineering Students

Engineering student skills vary based on the discipline they specialize in – the technical skills of a civil engineer would be different from that of an electronic engineer.

Said that most soft skills expected from an engineer remain almost the same for all engineers.

Your resume needs a mix of both these skills. You should identify the hard skills required to perform the job and the soft skills required to stand out at your workplace.

Hard skills are technical skills: they are easy to measure. You could acquire hard skills through your studies, certification courses, and classes.

Soft skills are personality traits that anybody can claim they have – these are difficult to measure – your task here is to find the right skills the hiring manager expects from the ideal candidate.

Soft Skills for Engineering Students

  • Communication skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Presentation skills
  • Organizational skills

Hard Skills for Engineering Students

The hard skills of an engineer depend on their specialized fields. There’re hundreds of technical skills related to different engineering disciplines and we’ve listed down few of them:

engineering student

Hook the Reader with a Winning Professional Objective

The professional objective is the sales pitch on your resume. Make it so enticing that the hiring manager can’t wait to meet you in an interview.

This is a two-sentence statement – the first sentence emphasizes your key skills and your passion to join the new company – the second sentence describes your performance in the internship, your academic and professional achievements, and how that helped the industry, and society, or a particular employer.

An extraordinary professional objective is the most efficient tool to make sure the hiring manager spends more than average time reading your resume.

A dedicated chemical & process engineer specializing in manufacturing process design seeks to join a process design team to further my career. In my internship at BIL Food processing, involved in developing their chocolate cookie production plant

A chemical & process engineer with no previous experience seeks to join a manufacturing organization to provide my engineering expertise

What makes the first example exceptionally good compared to the second?

In the first professional objective, the candidate has clearly demonstrated their key skills – the type of job they’re looking for – and what they've been involved in in the internship. The information makes it clear to the hiring manager, whether the candidate is a fit for their requirement.

Additional sections for your Engineering Student Resume

Additional resume sections could act as key information for an engineering student’s resume. There’re a couple of benefits of using additional sections on a student resume:

  • Small sections easily get the hiring manager’s attention.
  • Candidates can include a variety of information under different headings.
  • Easily to fill the resume space for a student who does not possess a strong experience section.

The trick here is to pick the right sections for your resume. Remember, anything that does not add value to your candidate profile or the job specifications should be avoided .

Here’re some of the additional sections you can include on your resume:

  • Computer skills & certifications
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Publications and patents

Computing Skills & Certifications

The skills certifications are the most employable information you could include on your resume. Relevant skill certifications would depend upon the field of engineering you’ve specialized in. Do research, talk to your lecturers, and refer to the job advertisements to find out the certifications in demand.

Some of these certifications are free and most of them you can get online. Here are a few popular skill certifications for engineers:

  • Six Sigma Green Belt Certification
  • Business Process Reengineering (BPR) Certification
  • Project Management Professional (PMP)
  • CAD/ CAM certification

Your IT skills would be given special priority by the recruiters, especially in entry-level jobs. Technical engineering jobs involve working with many software tools. Your experience in computer programming, Microsoft Office Suite, ERP systems, CRMs, and MRPs would add value regardless of the field of engineering you’ve specialized in.

Extracurricular Activities

Your first job would be the only time you will be including your extracurricular activities on the resume.

The sports you were involved in – volunteer work – work in recreational clubs – the memberships and posts you held would demonstrate your soft skills. Some sports, clubs, and volunteer activities develop candidates’ leadership, communication, and teamwork skills.

Most candidates write their interests as a filler on the resume. Recruiters often find resumes with interest sections that include information such as reading books, cycling, collecting dried flowers, etc that does not add any value to your job as an engineer – you should avoid them at all costs.

If you’re looking for a perfect cv template to include all these additional sections and still want to keep it to ONE PAGE resume standard, check out our ready-to-fill resume templates .

Tips to Improve Your Engineering Student Resume

We’ve already shared plenty of tips and guidelines to create a perfect engineering student resume. As a last note, consider the following pro resume tips as well.

  • Get your friend to proofread your resume – also use Grammarly to check accuracy.
  • Study the job advertisements and develop the skills they’re looking for – acquire relevant skill certifications.
  • During the resume writing process, focus most of your attention on the professional experience section.
  • Tailor your resume summary to different jobs – make it as captivating as possible to catch the reader's attention.
  • Structure your resume sections effectively by using a professional resume template with multiple columns.

Key Takeaways: Writing a Winning Engineering Resume

  • Your engineering student resume should start with the header.
  • Write an objective summary describing your key skills and interest in the job.
  • Be specific in your experience section – use numbers to add credibility – avoid writing roles and responsibilities.
  • Use a clear format to showcase your academic qualifications – be descriptive of your academic qualifications and achievements.
  • Write a mix of soft and hard skills.
  • Use additional sections to give a pleasant surprise to the hiring manager.

Complement Your Resume with A Cover Letter

A cover letter explains why you are interested in the company and how you will be a great fit for the job. It is sent along with your resume. Even if the employer does not ask for one, as you’re applying for an entry-level engineering job with minimum experience, a cover letter would be a great way to get their attention.

Contrary to sending the same resume to multiple jobs, you should tailor your cover letter to each of the jobs you apply for – include specific details about the company – deliver targeted content based on the position.

Writing cover letters would be time-consuming when you’re actively applying for multiple jobs. It could be a daunting task if you are parallel doing your studies with exams and submissions. The solution is to create a structure for your cover letter and tailor it to different jobs.

Our resume & cover letter builder would be a great tool to try here. It enables you to create hundreds of cover letters with the same template as your resume – you just have to change the company, position, and body text on your cover letter.

Keep your cover letter to one page – body text to about 3 to 4 paragraphs. Describe the most important issues you could solve for the employer in your first paragraph – use the second paragraph to explain how you used your expertise and academic knowledge in your internship – in the last paragraph, state any particular interest in joining the organization.

engineering student

How do you make an engineering student resume with no experience?

Even if you’re applying for an entry-level engineering position with no experience in hand, you shouldn’t mention that anywhere on your resume.

Think about why recruiters ask for experience. They need to make sure the candidate they select has the necessary soft skills and expertise to carry out the tasks. You can demonstrate the same by describing extensively the academic and professional projects you carried out and were involved in as an engineering student. Also, your internship would be considered work experience for your first job.

Can I apply for engineering jobs as a student?

There’re plenty of job positions advertised for entry-level engineering jobs – some of them specifically mention that they’re looking for fresh engineering graduates.

If you’re not yet graduated as an engineer, still you can apply for these jobs, provided that your university allows you to work. In that case, you should clearly mention the status of your engineering degree.

Create your resume with the best templates

resume format for engineering students in word

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Create your resume in 15 minutes

Our free collection of expertly designed cover letter templates will help you stand out from the crowd and get one step closer to your dream job.

resume format for engineering students in word

Sample letters to download

resume format for engineering students in word

Cover Letter

Advice for getting a job, instructions.

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Build my resume

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  • Build a better resume in minutes
  • Resume examples
  • 2,000+ examples that work in 2024
  • Resume templates
  • Free templates for all levels
  • Cover letters
  • Cover letter generator
  • It's like magic, we promise
  • Cover letter examples
  • Free downloads in Word & Docs

7 Engineering Resume Examples for 2024

Stephen Greet



Best for senior and mid-level candidates

There’s plenty of room in our elegant resume template to add your professional experience while impressing recruiters with a sleek design.

Resume Builder

Like this template? Customize this resume and make it your own with the help of our Al-powered suggestions, accent colors, and modern fonts.

  • Engineering Resume
  • Engineering Resumes A-M
  • Engineering Resumes N-Z
  • Write Your Engineering Resume

No matter what type of engineer you are, you’re rigorously logical with a penchant for numbers.

You shouldn’t also have to be an expert cover letter writer or  resume maker to spotlight your abilities and land your next (or first) engineering job.

Getting started is the hardest part of building an engineering resume. Our seven engineering resume examples are helping engineers get interviews in 2024, so they’re an excellent starting place for inspiration and valuable  resume tips .

Engineering Resume Example

or download as PDF

Software engineer resume example with 10+ years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Tailor it to each job by mentioning relevant keywords in the  job description  (which genuinely apply to you!) and list the target company by name.
  • We recommend limiting the  web developer skills  section to no more than 10 since a long laundry list can be a red flag to employers.

Data Engineering Resume Example

Data engineer resume example with 6+ years of experience

  • As a data engineer, quantify the size and scale of the data systems and pipelines you’ve tackled. For example, if you built a data pipeline for streaming data for a consumer app with 500,000 concurrent users, specifically state that.
  • Did you help increase revenue, site speed, or reduce manual reporting time?
  • By highlighting your business impact, you make it clear to the hiring manager that you’re focused on what really matters to the business.
  • Feel like you need a bit more help? See several more  data engineer resume examples  for 2024.

DevOps Engineering Resume Example

DevOps engineer resume example with 1.5 years of experience

  • Keep your DevOps engineer resume to one page because real estate is gold.
  • Sprinkle your work experience sections with numbers and metrics that quickly make a case for your qualifications.
  • Use action verbs like “built,” “created,” and “owned” to show your leadership experience and prove you’ve had a meaningful impact in your previous roles.
  • If you’d like additional ideas, we’ve got several more  DevOps engineer resume examples  for 2024.

Engineering Manager Resume Example

Engineering Manager with 9 years of experience

  • And those are attributes that hiring managers will be quick to notice and appreciate.

Engineering Student Resume Example

Engineering student resume example with cashier experience

  • Also, don’t overlook your proficiency in tools like AutoCAD, Python, ANSYS, and so on because they prove your ability to leverage smart tools to improve performance.

Network Engineering Resume Example

Network engineer with 10+ years of experience

  • If you’ve worked hard to earn certifications (CCNA, MCITP, etc.), list them in a dedicated “Certifications” section on your network engineer resume. Doing so makes it clear to the hiring manager that you have the required technical skillset.
  • This kind of leadership experience can set you apart from the competition.
  • Our  network engineer resume examples  for 2024 can also help get you where you’re going with some added insight.

Software Engineering Resume Example

Software engineer resume example with 9 years of experience

  • As a rule of thumb, only include a programming language on your resume if you can whiteboard coding solutions in that language.
  • If you’re worried you might miss something and want to see if your resume contains enough metrics, stack it up against our AI-powered  resume checker  for fast fixes.
  • Need a little more detail? We’ve got you covered with our  software engineer resume examples  for 2024.

Related resume guides

  • Civil Engineer
  • Electrical Engineer
  • Mechanical Engineer
  • Network Engineer
  • Full-Stack Developer

How to Format an Engineering Resume

Four colleagues with yellow laptops discuss how to format their engineering resumes

How you format your engineering resume can determine whether you get an interview. Your resume needs to be in a logical format that can be quickly reviewed and should include all necessary information. If you leave important details out of your resume, you won’t have the opportunity to prove yourself.

Let’s briefly explore our three best tips for resume formatting for engineers:

  • Reverse-chonological, functional, and combination/hybrid formats
  • Contact info and header
  • ATS & readability

resume format for engineering students in word

Reverse-chronological, functional, and combination/hybrid formats

Engineering Resume Formats

  • It sounds more complicated than it is.  Reverse chronology  means the information listed on your resume begins with the most recent experience. For example, your current job, which you began five years ago, is listed at the top. The job you had before is listed right below it.
  • The  functional resume  format focuses on your skill set over your experience. The functional resume is also known as a  skills-based  resume because it focuses on how your skills and abilities qualify you for a job. For example, you could focus on a skill set you’ve used for several jobs. Even if the job were 20 years ago, your experience would still help you today. Using MySQL in your very first job will still be relevant if the job for which you’re applying also requires MySQL.
  • The  combination/hybrid  resume format is exactly what it sounds like. You combine the best parts of a functional resume with a reverse-chronology resume. This is done by including a skills section first, followed by your experience. It immediately shows employers your skill set and experience.

Engineering is definitely a field that has plenty of opportunities for career progression. in 2024, reverse-chronology formatted resumes are best for engineers because they show your most recent experience first, as well as an increase in responsibilities over time. Also, this format lets you include more details for more recent positions and less information for older jobs.

resume format for engineering students in word

Formatting your engineering resume’s header and contact information

You’ll want your header to stand out professionally. Many of the  resume examples  we have show your name in large letters at the top of your resume. We recommend the following:

  • Use a font size of at least 16 points.
  • Use a Serif font like Times New Roman, Helvetica, or Bookman Old Style.
  • Avoid cursive or curly fonts.
  • Write your name in bold colors like black or dark blue.
  • Avoid overly bright colors like purple or orange.

Also,  include the title of the position you’re applying for  directly under your name. Are you applying to be a DevOps Engineer? A Network Engineer? A Data Engineer? Your future employer should know the position you’re applying for right away.

Additionally, you’ll want your contact information close to your name. Some resume writers put this information directly under their names, but you can also place this at the top of the sidebar. Include the following information:

  • Your phone number
  • Your email address
  • Your city and state
  • Links to professional networking sites like LinkedIn or GitHub

When it’s all said and done, your engineering resume header may look something like this: 

Engineer resume contact header in gray box

Will your engineering resume make it through ATS?

Most employers use an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to filter through resumes. If your resume is hard to read, the ATS could nix it from the system before employers ever have a chance to look at it. For this reason, you’ll want to take the following steps to ensure your resume is ATS-compatible:

  • Don’t use charts or images in your resume.
  • Use simple, round bullet points; complex graphics don’t make sense to ATS.
  • Include keywords from the job listing in your skill set.
  • Save your document in .pdf and .docx. 

To save you a headache, we think you’ll love using our  resume builder , automatically ensuring your resume is ATS-friendly.

How to Write an Engineering Resume

Engineer searching for job writes resume on blue desktop computer with coffee mug on desk

Writing your engineering resume may feel daunting. It feels like a lot to take on because a lot rides on it . It can be anxiety-inducing, to say the least. We understand this well, so we’re devoting this section to breaking down  how to write your resume .

resume format for engineering students in word

Do you need an objective or summary for your engineering resume?

Your objective for your resume is to get a job. If you  write an objective , you’ll want to clearly discuss what type of job you’re seeking. A summary is different. Its focus is to give a brief synopsis of your whole resume. 

Poor resume summary example

Skilled DevOps engineer with 10 years of experience in nodes, infrastructure, and server management. Excellent at time management and saving companies money.

This summary is ineffective because the information can be gathered from other resume sections. It’s a waste of space that could be used for other things. Here are a couple of examples of strong objectives.

Good resume summary examples

Experienced developer with 8 years of experience in full-stack, consumer-facing applications. Wanting to transition to B2B applications to improve interactions between small and medium-sized businesses at a company like OpenEd.

Veteran data engineer with 5 years of experience in B2B applications. Looking to switch to DevOps engineering to focus on improving overall company efficiency by improving applications through user interface.

Both of these examples work because the objective is:

  • Cleary written; we know what the applicant wants
  • Experience is stated
  • Desire for growth and change is appropriate
  • A clear motive is evident; the applicant isn’t floundering

resume format for engineering students in word

Work experience for an engineer

Your most relevant experience should be listed first. We recommend listing two to four jobs that best show your qualifications for the position to which you’re applying. You don’t need to list more than four jobs, nor do you need to list every job you’ve ever worked. The employers who review have limited time, and they want to quickly see what you have to offer.

Writing your engineer bullet points

It’s easy to sink or swim regarding job description bullet points. Check your resume for the following:

  • Use action verbs and active language. This includes writing in the present tense and using verbs that show action. “Being” verbs (are, is, was, were) are not your friend here. “Action” verbs (collected, sampled, organized) show strength and a strong skill set.
  • Avoid using personal pronouns. Saying “I” is superfluous since the recruiter already knows you’re talking about yourself. Instead, allow the action verb to drive your actions forward (Example: Collected samples of different websites…).
  • Punctuation is optional. Either include punctuation  everywhere  or completely omit it.

Not every bullet point is created (or, rather, written) equally. Here are some poor bullet points:

  • Designed the EmptyNest app
  • Fixed bugs and looked at reviews for future app updates
  • Updated the app coding once a month

These bullet points are weak because they don’t provide any information. What is the EmptyNest app? Who’s it for? What functions does the app perform? What kind of bugs did he fix? Why were user reviews important? What kind of coding updates did he make?

While you can’t include every single detail about your work, asking these kinds of questions will get you headed in the right direction. Here are the same bullet points, written strongly:

  • Designed an app called “EmptyNest” to help parents transition to children moving out of the home
  • Updated app to omit long loading periods for chat features to encourage 32% higher user engagement in the “Chat” feature
  • Analyzed user feedback to implement monthly changes to the app, which increased users by 82% over a six-month period 

These bullet points work because they provide details that help recruiters understand the project, demonstrate accomplishment and success, and prove ability through numbers. Metrics are vitally important, so let’s dive into that next.

Quantify your impact as an engineer

For engineers, quantifying your impact is a crucial part of showing your success. The numbers tell the  whole story . While this is daunting, it works in your favor if you successfully implement quantities and qualifications. Try to include metrics in about 60 percent of your bullet points. 

We recommend the following steps to quantify your impact:

  • Detected mechanical problems in wind turbines and developed repair methods to prevent loss of more than $7M
  • Designed robotic arm to aid in gastrointestinal surgical operations, which cut surgery hours by 80%

Quantifying your impact will show employers how valuable your work is and why they should consider you for their position.

resume format for engineering students in word

Top engineering skills to include

Including your skillset is essential for any resume. How you present  skills on your resume  is important. You want both your hard and soft skills to show.

Your  soft skills  are the ones you can’t easily show on paper. For example, managing conflict and communicating with others are imperative soft skills. Your  hard skills  include software you’ve mastered and programs you use. It’s easy to show proof of your work.

  • Look for keywords from the job ad description. Implement them throughout your resume to pass ATS software.
  • Include four to five hard skills relevant to the job.
  • Include soft skills  if  they’re highly relevant to the position; you should list fewer of these than your hard skills.
  • Limit the skills you share so that your best shines through. Extraneous info is not needed.
  • List your skills based on your experience level.

There are countless types of engineers, so you’re an aerospace engineer, civil engineer, chemical engineer, etc., these skills are a broad overview of what will serve you well:

  • Math and physics 
  • Project management 
  • Analytically minded 
  • Interpreting blueprints
  • Design  
  • Data analysis 
  • Research 

For instance, if you’re a civil engineer, the skills section on your engineering resume may look like this:

Engineer resume skills section example

Additionally, software engineering is a rapidly growing, evolving field, and if this is you, here are some of the most sought-after skills:

  • Python (Django)
  • Java (Spring)
  • Ruby (Ruby on Rails)
  • PHP (Laravel)
  • Javascript (Node, React, Vue, jQuery)
  • SQL (MySQL, PostgreSQL, NoSQL)
  • AWS, GCS, Azure

resume format for engineering students in word

An engineer’s education and certifications

If you’re an engineer, you’ll have your bachelor’s degree at a minimum. You may even need a master’s degree, and some jobs even require a doctorate.

Education is important to being an engineer. Without it, you couldn’t perform many of the functions of your job. And in a constantly evolving world and workforce, high pressure is placed on engineers to stay at the top of their game. This includes continuing education and becoming certified in new programs as they come out.

Many states have strict requirements regarding continuing education. For example, a certain number of hours of continuing education may be required to keep certifications and licenses. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all requirement. In fact, these requirements can vary by state  and  by the job.

If you’re an Engineer-in-Training, list the following:

  • Relevant class projects that will help in an entry-level position
  • Internship experience
  • EIT Certification
  • Your degree and GPA (if it’s at least 3.2)

If you’ve been in the field for less than 10 years, list the following:

  • All the relevant experience that should be included for ATS
  • List your most recent jobs in reverse-chronology 
  • Certifications should be job relevant, like for inspection, design, or reliability 
  • Include your degree

If you’ve been in the field for 10 to 20 years, list the following:

  • Detailed bullet points with job description keywords to satisfy ATS
  • List the jobs that gave you specific experience for this job
  • Advanced certifications, such as board certified 
  • List your degree

resume format for engineering students in word

When should you add projects, interests, or hobbies to your engineering resume?

Most engineering jobs don’t provide room for your  interests or hobbies on your resume . The exception to this is for entry-level positions. If you’re a brand-new college grad, you’ll need to list advanced projects from your collegiate experience. Discussing your interests and hobbies through your projects will show passion for your career field and encourage employers to give you a chance.

Listing interests and hobbies can help you nail a job if it’s a close call between you and another candidate. If you’re equally qualified, being a “better fit” for the company could work in your favor. You don’t have to include interests or hobbies, but doing so might benefit you when you’re starting out, especially if you’re looking for a trendy startup that’s likely to care more about cultural fit.

resume format for engineering students in word

Tailor your engineering resume to each position

We know it would be easier to make one resume that you submit to dozens of different jobs. But this won’t result in success. In fact, you aren’t likely to score any interviews using this method. ATS will weed your resume out for missing job keywords.

You’ll need to tailor each resume to each job you apply for . Some drafts of your resume will be very similar to each other. Others may look quite different. Adjust your bullet points, skills, and objective/summary for each job. While it takes time, your efforts will be worth it!

resume format for engineering students in word

Edit and proofread your engineering resume

Engineers are perfectionists by definition. Because of this, it’s important to have a flawless resume. This is where editing and proofreading come in. It’s often overlooked because most resume writers just want to be  done . After all, drafting a resume can take  hours , but using our  free resume tool  can save you lots of frustration and time. 

We recommend taking the following steps when editing and proofreading your resume:

  • Take advantage of our  resume checker  to make sure your resume is complete and is using the best techniques. 
  • Look for mistakes at least twice, preferably thrice!
  • Get a second pair of eyes to look over your resume.

Land an Interview & Win Your Dream Engineering Job

Hiring team panel of 3 interviews 1 engineer at blue table with yellow desktop computer

Keep the following in mind:

  • Format your engineering resume in reverse chronology.
  • Include accurate, clear contact information.
  • Consider whether you need an objective or a summary. 
  • Use action verbs, and quantify your impact. 
  • Include your top skills that are  most relevant  to the position.
  • List additional info, like education, certs, projects, interests, and hobbies.
  • Tailor your resume to the job with keywords from the job ad to pass ATS.
  • Edit your resume to catch careless mistakes.
  • Use our  resume creator  to start and finish in as little as 12 minutes.

Congratulations on  writing your resume . It’s the first and most important step to getting a job. Without a resume, you can’t submit any applications. But with the right resume and your engineering cover letter complementing it, you can score the perfect job.

Create my free resume now

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Resume Worded   |  Career Strategy

It specialist resume summary examples.

Approved by hiring managers, here are proven resume summary examples you can use on your IT Specialist resume. Learn what real hiring managers want to see on your resume, and when to use which.

Kimberley Tyler Smith - Hiring Manager

  • IT Specialist
  • Entry-Level IT Specialist
  • IT Specialist - Database Management
  • IT Specialist - Network Administration
  • IT Specialist - Project Management
  • IT Specialist - Security Focus
  • IT Specialist - Software Development
  • IT Specialist - Systems Analysis
  • IT Specialist - Technical Support
  • Senior IT Specialist
  • IT Specialist resume templates
  • Similar summary examples

IT Specialist Resume Summary Example

Displaying management skills.

When you highlight that you've 'Managed network infrastructure for a Fortune 500 company', you are projecting an image of responsibility and competence. It suggests you're able to handle high-pressure environments with multiple stakeholders—traits employers in the IT industry highly value.

Quantifying achievements

'99.9% uptime over a 5-year period' is a concrete measure of success. Not only does it show that you're reliable, but it allows potential employers to visualize the kind of results they can expect if they hire you.

Highlighting specialized skills

'Implemented cybersecurity measures' is a key skill area in today's digital world. By specifically mentioning this, you're showing that you can protect the company's digital assets—a crucial need in any industry.

Showcasing leadership

Leading teams of 10-15 network engineers is no small task. This showcases your people management skills and your ability to guide a team towards a common goal.

Demonstrating initiative

'Recognized for introducing automated processes' tells employers you're not just a follower, but an innovator who's always looking for ways to improve efficiency and productivity.

Entry-Level IT Specialist Resume Summary Example

Academic excellence.

'Graduated top of class' signals your dedication and ability to grasp complex concepts, which is an asset in the ever-evolving field of IT.

Demonstrating practical experience

'Interned at a renowned tech company' shows you have hands-on experience in the field, which can help you hit the ground running in a new role.

Highlighting project experience

'Managing small-scale network upgrades' is a practical way to show your project management skills, even if you're just starting out in your career.

Showcasing certifications

'Certified in various programming languages and network technologies' shows you have the necessary technical skills and are committed to staying updated in your field.

Commitment to learning

'Dedicated to continuous learning' signals a growth mindset, an important trait in the dynamic IT industry.

Crafting the perfect resume is a science. Our tool uses data from thousands of successful resumes in your industry to help you optimize yours. Get an instant score and find out how to make your resume stand out to hiring managers.

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IT Specialist - Database Management Resume Summary Example

Highlight your technical expertise.

'Managed and optimized databases' is a phrase that immediately showcases your technical expertise. It tells recruiters that you're hands-on and can manage critical IT components such as databases. This gives them confidence in your technical abilities.

Quantify your achievements

'Increasing data retrieval speed by 40%' is a powerful statement that quantifies your achievements. This provides tangible proof of your abilities and the impact you can have on a company's operations. Use hard numbers whenever possible to make your achievements more compelling.

Demonstrate proactive solutions

'Implemented a new data backup strategy' is an excellent phrase that shows your proactive approach to problem solving. It demonstrates that you take the initiative to implement solutions that enhance efficiency and productivity.

Show your compliance knowledge

'Experience in managing sensitive patient data in compliance with HIPAA' is a compelling statement that signifies your understanding of compliance regulations. This is crucial in industries dealing with sensitive data and can set you apart from other candidates.

Demonstrate your ability to multitask

'Worked in a fast-paced environment, handling multiple projects simultaneously' is a strong statement that demonstrates your multitasking skills. This is particularly important in IT roles, where juggling multiple tasks is often the norm.

IT Specialist - Network Administration Resume Summary Example

Demonstrating network management skills.

'Managed network systems' shows your skills and experience in maintaining complex network infrastructures, a key aspect of IT operations.

Supporting large user bases

'Supporting over 10,000 users' highlights your ability to work in high-pressure situations, where downtime can have significant impacts.

Improving system efficiency

'Implemented a new network architecture that improved bandwidth usage by 50%' gives a strong, quantifiable indicator of your ability to improve system performance.

Leading diverse teams

'Experience in managing diverse teams' shows your ability to lead diverse groups, an important skill in today's diverse workforce.

Recognized for troubleshooting skills

Being 'Recognized for troubleshooting skills and quick response to IT incidents' is a strong selling point, showing your ability to react quickly and efficiently to IT emergencies.

IT Specialist - Project Management Resume Summary Example

Success in project execution.

'Led the successful transition' shows that you can execute complex projects successfully, a key attribute for any project management role.

Meeting deadlines

'Completing the project 2 months ahead of schedule' not only shows your ability to meet deadlines but also your efficiency in delivering projects.

Certified expertise

'PMP certified with a strong background in Agile methodologies' shows your commitment to professional development and your deep understanding of project management principles.

Managing global teams

This sentence shows your ability to work with diverse groups and handle the challenges of different time zones—an increasingly important skill in today's globalized world.

Experience across sectors

'Experience spans tech startups and established corporations' shows that you can adapt to different corporate cultures and work environments, making you a versatile candidate.

IT Specialist - Security Focus Resume Summary Example

Highlighting policy creation and enforcement.

'Designed and enforced IT security policies' indicates your ability to create and implement crucial security protocols, demonstrating both initiative and strategic thinking.

Quantifying security improvements

'Reducing security incidents by 80%' gives a solid, quantifiable measure of the impact of your work, a powerful way to showcase your effectiveness.

'Certified in advanced cybersecurity methodologies' not only shows your dedication to learning, but also your specific expertise in a highly sought-after area of IT.

Communicating with senior-level executives

'Worked closely with C-Suite executives' demonstrates your ability to communicate effectively with higher-ups and align IT security with broader business goals—often a strategic requirement in IT roles.

Highlighting industry diversity

'Experience spans banking, healthcare, and e-commerce industries' stresses your versatility and adaptability, traits that can make you a valuable asset for companies in various industries.

IT Specialist - Software Development Resume Summary Example

Highlight your leadership skills.

'Led software development projects' immediately paints a picture of you as a leader. This indicates that you can manage teams, guide projects, and deliver results — all essential traits in a potential hire for higher-level IT roles.

Quantify your success

'Delivering innovative solutions that increased user engagement by 50%' is a powerful way to quantify your success. By stating a specific impact you've had, you're providing concrete proof of your skills and effectiveness.

Showcase technical proficiency

'Strong background in various programming languages' is an excellent way to showcase your technical proficiency. This type of specificity is helpful to recruiters, as it clarifies your skills and makes it easier to match you with the right job opportunities.

Demonstrate your broad experience

'Experience spans software development, testing, and deployment' gives recruiters a quick snapshot of your broad experience. This shows you're capable of handling various aspects of software development, making you a versatile hire.

Highlight soft skills

'Recognized for creativity and problem-solving skills' adds a human element to your resume. While technical skills are important, equally crucial are soft skills like creativity and problem-solving. These tell recruiters that you're not just proficient in your job, but you're also a creative thinker and a competent problem solver.

IT Specialist - Systems Analysis Resume Summary Example

Show concrete achievements.

Arguably, the most powerful part of your resume summary is being able to show concrete achievements. When you state that you 'Analyzed and optimized IT systems', it showcases your ability to take initiative and solve problems. However, the real kicker is when you can show quantifiable results - like 'increasing system performance by 30%'. This is solid proof of your skills in action, providing tangible evidence of your value to potential employers.

Prove your impact

In a resume, numbers speak louder than words. Here, 'increasing system performance by 30%' is a compelling piece of data that provides concrete evidence of your effectiveness. This also plays favorably with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS), which are designed to pick up on specific, measurable achievements.

Show your approach to problem solving

'Implemented data-driven solutions' tells employers a lot about your approach to problem solving. It shows you use data to guide your decisions, which is a highly sought-after skill in today's data-driven world. It also indicates your ability to use technology to solve problems and create efficiencies.

Emphasize collaboration

'Worked closely with stakeholders' is a crucial phrase that emphasizes your collaborative skills. It shows you're not just a tech whiz, but someone who can work effectively with diverse teams. Recruiters value this as it shows you can understand and cater to the needs of the business, not just the technology.

Showcase your industry experience

'Experience spans supply chain, retail, and manufacturing industries' gives recruiters a quick snapshot of your versatility and adaptability. It shows that you're capable of applying your IT skills across different sectors, making you a flexible and valuable hire.

IT Specialist - Technical Support Resume Summary Example

Highlight customer service skills.

'Provided technical support' is a phrase that immediately communicates your customer service skills. In roles such as Technical Support, this is crucial as it shows your ability to interact effectively with customers, resolving their issues and ensuring satisfaction.

Quantify your efficiency

'Resolving 95% of issues on first contact' is a significant achievement that underscores your efficiency and problem-solving skills. This kind of statistic is impressive to potential employers, who are always looking for ways to improve customer satisfaction and efficiency.

Showcase your proactive approach

'Implemented a new ticketing system' suggests a proactive approach to improving processes and systems. This is attractive to potential employers, who value employees who don't just do their jobs, but also look for ways to make things work better.

Demonstrate your leadership skills

'Managed a team of 20 support agents' immediately identifies you as someone with leadership skills. It shows that you have experience managing a team, a skill that is often crucial for higher-level roles. This could make you a valuable addition to any employer's team.

Showcase your ability to handle pressure

'Experience in managing high-volume customer inquiries and complex technical issues' shows that you can handle pressure and maintain performance even in challenging situations. This demonstrates resilience, a quality that is highly valued in fast-paced IT environments.

Senior IT Specialist Resume Summary Example

Showcasing project management capabilities.

'Oversaw large-scale IT projects' indicates your capability to handle big, complex projects, which is a highly valued skill in the IT industry.

Demonstrating financial savviness

'Delivering 20% under budget' not only shows your ability to manage resources effectively, but it also indicates that you understand the financial aspect of projects.

Highlighting technical expertise

'Implemented cloud-based solutions' is a clear indication of your technical prowess, letting potential employers know you can stay current with emerging technologies.

Advertising leadership achievements

Being 'Awarded for exceptional leadership' gives a strong indication of your leadership style and effectiveness in leading teams.

Managing external stakeholders

'Managed vendor relationships' shows you are skilled in navigating relationships outside of the company, an important aspect of any IT role.

IT Specialist Resume Templates

An entry-level IT auditor resume template, including extracurricular activities

Maintenance Technician

A maintenance manager resume template that uses strong action verbs.

Quality Engineer

A resume for a Supplier Quality Engineer focusing on industry-specific experience and data analysis skills.

Engineering Resume Summary Examples

  • > Civil Engineer Summary Examples
  • > Electrical Engineer Summary Examples
  • > Front End Developer Summary Examples
  • > IT Manager Summary Examples
  • > Java Developer Summary Examples
  • > Manufacturing Engineer Summary Examples
  • > Mechanical Engineer Summary Examples
  • > Network Administrator Summary Examples
  • > Python Developer Summary Examples
  • > Quality Assurance Tester Summary Examples
  • > Quality Engineer Summary Examples
  • > Scrum Master Summary Examples
  • > Software Developer Summary Examples
  • > Software Engineer Summary Examples
  • > System Administrator Summary Examples
  • > Web Developer Summary Examples

Engineering Resume Objective Examples

  • > Civil Engineer Objective Examples
  • > Electrical Engineer Objective Examples
  • > Front End Developer Objective Examples
  • > IT Manager Objective Examples
  • > Java Developer Objective Examples
  • > Manufacturing Engineer Objective Examples
  • > Mechanical Engineer Objective Examples
  • > Network Administrator Objective Examples
  • > Python Developer Objective Examples
  • > Quality Assurance Tester Objective Examples
  • > Quality Engineer Objective Examples
  • > Scrum Master Objective Examples
  • > Software Developer Objective Examples
  • > Software Engineer Objective Examples
  • > System Administrator Objective Examples
  • > Web Developer Objective Examples

Engineering Resume Guides

  • > Civil Engineer Resume Guides
  • > Electrical Engineer Resume Guides
  • > Front End Developer Resume Guides
  • > IT Manager Resume Guides
  • > Java Developer Resume Guides
  • > Manufacturing Engineer Resume Guides
  • > Mechanical Engineer Resume Guides
  • > Network Administrator Resume Guides
  • > Python Developer Resume Guides
  • > Quality Assurance Tester Resume Guides
  • > Quality Engineer Resume Guides
  • > Scrum Master Resume Guides
  • > Software Developer Resume Guides
  • > Software Engineer Resume Guides
  • > System Administrator Resume Guides
  • > Web Developer Resume Guides

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    Top ↑ Engineering Resume Example How to Build Your Engineering Resume (Step-By-Step) #1. Pick the Right Format For Your Engineering Resume Use Our Tried & Tested Templates #2. Add Contact Information #3. Write an Engineering Resume Summary or Objective #4. Make Your Engineering Work Experience Stand Out #5.

  7. 15 Engineering Resume Examples & Writing Guide for 2024

    Company/Organization Name, City, State. Month 20XX-Month 20XX. List relevant accomplishments from your previous role as an engineer. Assuming you're no longer working in this engineering role, use past tense verbs to describe your work. Include 3-6 bullet points for each engineering role, both your current one and previous ones.

  8. 5 Engineering Student Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    The five (plus) definite sections your resume for a engineering student job should include are: Header with your headline, contact details, and/or a preview of your work. Summary (or objective) to pinpoint how your success aligns with the role. Experience with bullets of your most relevant achievements in the field.

  9. Engineering Resume Examples, Templates & Format [2024]

    Engineering Resume Template. Highly skilled Mechanical Engineer with 7+ years of experience in designing and testing mechanical components. Eager to support Vasco, Inc. in developing advanced engineering solutions and drive sustainable growth. Skilled in AutoCAD, MATLAB, 3D printing, and material selection.

  10. 18+ Best Free Engineering Resume CV Templates to Download

    1. Engineering CV Template: Engineer CV Template in Word for Free Download. If you want a creative engineering resume template, this one's a good starting point. It features an engineering icon and background pattern to make it more visually appealing. It's an engineer CV template in Word for free download.

  11. Ultimate Engineering Student Resume Guide: Examples [+Pro Tips]

    Engineering Student Resume Example. Carl Johanson. ‍ Electrical Engineer (Student) [email protected]. (234)765-3245. Professional summary. A passionate electrical engineering student with over 8 months of industry experience in electrical system design and maintenance seeks to join an MEP company to further my expertise.

  12. Engineering Student Resume—Examples and 25+ Writing Tips

    Charlotte, SC 28202. 864-700-7834. [email protected]. A final year General Engineering student at the University of South Carolina with a projected 3.75 GPA and on the Dean's List every semester. The leader of the most successful of 6 Engineering Society teams, winning 3 out of the last 4 seasonal challenges.

  13. FREE Engineering Resume Template

    Whether you're an engineering student intern or a professional civil, chemical, or mechanical engineer, download's free printable engineering resume templates that are vital for your job search. Choose from template examples for students with no experience resumes, or professional engineering resumes. ...

  14. Professional Engineering Resume Examples

    By clearly featuring his professional strengths as an engineer and documenting his years of service, he's making a persuasive argument for a recruiter to call him in for an interview. Build My Resume. Executive-level Engineering Resume Example: Safety Director. Customize This Resume.

  15. Engineering Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    Resume Builder offers free, HR-approved resume templates to help you create a professional resume in minutes. 1. Craft an outstanding profile with a summary of your engineering qualifications. A strong profile section will catch the hiring manager's interest by giving the top reasons you excel as an engineer.

  16. 18+ Fresher Engineer Resume Templates

    Photographer Resume [18+ Templates To Download] 9+ Sales Manager Resume Templates. Compose the Best Entry Level Resumes for Fresher Engineers with Our Free Download Examples in DOC, PDF, and Other Formats. Use These Samples to Quickly Write Down a Fresher Engineer Resume/CV in MS Word or Other Platforms.

  17. 7 Engineering Resume Examples for 2024

    Engineering Resume Formats. It sounds more complicated than it is. Reverse chronology means the information listed on your resume begins with the most recent experience. For example, your current job, which you began five years ago, is listed at the top. The job you had before is listed right below it.

  18. Engineering Resume Examples & Writing Tips (2024)

    Here are some action words that describe engineering tasks (and that you should use in the body of your resume): evaluate, design, test, modify, install, inspect, maintain, build, oversee, invent, fix, improve, research, calculate, construct. Some engineering professionals do several of these tasks, others focus on one.

  19. Engineering Internship Resume Examples & Guide for Students

    Here are some tips for writing an outstanding cover letter for your engineering internship resume: Include your contact details and the company's name and address. Use the hiring manager's name in the cover letter salutation. Introduce yourself in a compelling way and start the cover letter with something interesting.

  20. Engineering Resume for Internship

    Written By The Resume Genius Team. Reviewed By Samuel Johns, CPRW. Interested in gaining valuable, practical experience as an engineer? View our downloadable engineering internship resume example to get a better understanding of what belongs on a good resume, or check out our other internship resume examples. December 7, 2023.

  21. 20+ Engineering Resume Templates

    Free Electrical Engineering Undergraduate Resume Template. Details. File Format. Doc. Docx. Size: 46 kB. Download Now. If you hold a Ph.D. degree in engineering, browse through Dr. Sheetal J. Patil's electrical engineering resume that displays her achievements and work experience concisely and crisply.

  22. 25+ Free Resume Templates for Microsoft Word

    How to select a Microsoft Word resume template. Here's how to select a resume template in Microsoft Word: 1. Open Microsoft Word and click on "File" in the top left corner of the screen. 2. Click on "New" from the menu options. 3. In the search bar at the top of the screen, type in "resume". 4.

  23. Microsoft Word Resume Template & Example [Free Download]

    To create a resume using a Microsoft Word resume template, follow these steps: Choose your template in Word. To create your resume from scratch, click "File" in your Microsoft Word menu (you can also hit Alt+F on a PC or Command+F on a Mac).Click "More templates" to see a selection of Word resume template layouts.

  24. IT Specialist Resume Summary Examples

    Managed network infrastructure for a Fortune 500 company, ensuring 99.9% uptime over a 5-year period.Implemented cybersecurity measures that reduced system breaches by 70%. Experienced in leading teams of 10-15 network engineers across multiple projects.Recognized for introducing automated processes that improved efficiency by 30%.