physical education scooter activities

The leader in quality Physical Education, Athletics, and Fitness equipment for 75 years.

physical education scooter activities

6 Engaging Scooter Games for PE

Picture of Michael Beringer

Let’s all think back to when we had Physical Education in elementary school. Do you remember wondering what you were going to do for the day as you entered the gymnasium? Then, image you entered the gym and saw a parachute laying out on the gym floor . Best day ever, right?  For kids, the excitement of the parachute is like having your birthday and Christmas on the same day. The only other piece of equipment that even comes close to that same level of excitement is scooters . Every time I say we’re playing a scooter game, my students go crazy. Sometimes to the point where I have them use breathing techniques to calm down.

However, like the parachute, the scooter can be a difficult piece of equipment to manage in a class. Not every teacher feels comfortable using or teaching with them.  A lot of times this is because of a lack of ideas for how to use them. Below are 6 scooter games that will engage and excite your students!

1. Jellyfish Tag Scooter Game

This is an awesome PE game that you can use as an instant activity or as the main activity for the day. What makes this scooter game awesome is that you can use it for any grade level.

Set Up: As students enter the gym, hand a scooter to about two-thirds of the class. Based on your class size, create a few groups of 4 students and have them hold a parachute. These groups are now the jellyfish.

How to Play: The students on the scooters avoid being caught by the jellyfish. If they are caught, they pick up their scooter and exit the game. To re-enter the game, the student does a designated number of a certain exercise (the exercise and repetitions are totally up to you). This game is an adaptation of an activity in  The Great Games Handbook .

2. Spaghetti & Meatballs Scooter Game

This activity is a lot like Jellyfish Tag, but instead of the chasers being jellyfish (parachutes), they are now noodles (the spaghetti) and small OMNIKIN balls (or any large ball) are the meatballs.

How to Play: The spaghetti is carried by some of the students while on their scooter. The meatballs are being rolled by students around the gymnasium. If tagged, students exit the game and do an exercise 5 to 10 times and come back in. Play for a few minutes and change the spaghetti and meatball taggers. Remember the amount of taggers you have depends on the size of your class. Check out Justin Wiese’s class performing this activity in this video . Activity Idea by Coach Pirillo.

3. Scooter Boats

This scooter activity is great for teamwork and cooperation.

Set Up: How many boats you play with depends on how many gymnastic folding mats you have. I have seven and put between 4 or 5 students on each boat.

How to Play: To make mats move, the students put two scooter boards under their mat and sit on it like they would a chair. The first challenge is to drive the boat around the gym without crashing into the walls or other boats.

The second challenge is to play a game called Pirates. All of the students on their boats help collect treasure from the center of the gym ( yarn balls ) by driving their boat using their feet. Each boat can only collect one piece of treasure at a time. Play for a predetermined amount of time and see how much treasure each pirate ship can collect.

The third challenge is to have two students sit on top with their feet up while another student drives the boat around the gym without crashing. This can be used with the game Pirates also.

The last challenge is to play a game called Battleship. Scatter cannonballs ( coated-foam balls ) throughout the gymnasium. Each battleship places a cone on top of their ship. The captain then drives the battleship around the gym collecting cannon balls for their battleship to use for throwing. If your battleships cone gets knocked over or down your battleship then switches drivers (captains). Activity idea by Coach Pirillo.

4. Hungry, Hungry Hippos Scooter Game

Set Up: Divide your class into groups of three. Place these groups on the baselines of your gymnasium.  Each group should get a scooter board and a net. Place balls across or in the middle of the gym.

How to Play: One student lies on his/her belly on the scooter board. The second player is the driver and holds both feet of the scooter board player (hippo). At the signal, the driver pushes and pulls the hippo out to the center to collect as many objects (marbles) as he/she can using a bucket until all the objects are gone or the predetermined time is up. Have the third player count the objects as they are being collected. Play until each student gets a turn to be the driver, collector, and counter.

Check out Gopher’s Scoot-N-Scoop to get a full equipment set for your school! They also have a video demo of how to play.

5. Scooter Board Sports

Throughout my 19 years of teaching Physical Education, I have played many different sports and activities with scooter boards. It doesn’t matter what sport or activity you play, if it’s with scooter boards, students absolutely love it!

You can try scooter basketball, soccer, hockey, and football. As long as you have enough scooter boards for everyone in class, all of these activities are possible. What I love about playing these sports with scooter boards is that it evens the playing field. It doesn’t allow the most athletic students to take over and allows other students to each evolve.

Get everything you need for scooter board sports and games with Gopher’s Ultimate Scooter Boards and accessories !

6. Fitness 500 Scooter Game

Set Up: Make an oval around the gym using cones. Place 3 students behind each cone with a scooter board. In the middle of the oval, place a list of exercise for the students to perform. I usually have 10 listed.

How to Play: At the signal, one student stays behind the cone and performs the 1st exercise. While that student exercises, the other 2 students use the scooter board to drive around the oval. Have one student sit with his/her legs crossed on the scooter while the other student drives it by putting his/her hands behind the partner’s back. When they return the teammate that was exercising becomes the driver, the driver becomes the rider, and the rider performs exercise number one until they come all the way around the oval. Play for a specified length of time or until the students perform all 10 exercises.

Before playing any of these scooter games, you’ll want to make sure you cover basic scooters rules to ensure the safety of your students. SST Scooters are safe, reliable and durable – great for all scooter games. What scooter games for PE do you use in your physical education classes? Share your ideas below.

Related Blogs: – 3 Parachute Games Your Students Will Love! by Shannon Jarvis Irwin – Elementary Cross-Curricular Activities – Learning by Doing by Mike Graham – Three Excellent Flag Activities and PE Games for Elementary by Mike Graham

Scooters and Scooter Games:


– SST Scooters: A scooter board engineered for lasting performance—with speed and safety in mind! – UltimateScooter Boards: A big 24” diameter scooter with incredible durability and versatility. – UltimateScooter Bumper: Bump, shoot, and score with this fun scooter attachment!

4 Responses

Thanks for the ideas. I’ve been teaching for 25 years, but I’m a newbie in PE. I do remember LOVING scooter days in PE when I was a kid, and I’m eager to give my students that same joy. However, aside from ‘don’t stand on the scooter’ and ‘watch out for your fingers’ what are the basic safety rules for scooters? I’m not finding much from my lengthy Google search and lesson viewing.

Two others might include sit in the center of the scooter and never send the scooter across the floor. Children who sit in the center avoid tipping off either forward or backward. The scooter becomes a missile when traveling without a rider.

Good rule of thumb is if the scooter has 2 handles, have the students put their hands through the handles instead of on the outside. This way, if they tip, they don’t mash their knuckles. Also, do not allow them to run behind the scooter as they hold it in front. It’s a good way to faceplant. ONLY on their bottom, knees or belly.

Very helpful and Great information, we appreciate advise especially coming from a professional. Thanks again and keep up the great work!

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physical education scooter activities

The leader in quality Physical Education, Athletics, and Fitness equipment.

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5 ways small sided games make a big impact, author: jessica shawley, a brand new tool for pe you didn’t know you needed, author: brett fuller, 5 skill-based floor hockey games, author: michael beringer, 16 parachute team building activities, author: tim mueller, we're social, motivating unmotivated students​, author: dr. robert pangrazi, jessica shawley, and tim mueller, promoting activity and success through adapted pe, author: dr. robert pangrazi, marci pope and maria corte, author: randy spring.

physical education scooter activities


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Cap N' Pete's Power PE

  • Pete Charrette

Scooter Games and Scooter Board Activities: The Ultimate Guide for PE Classes

When it comes to keeping students active in PE class, scooter boards are a great way to do just that. They are fun for students of all ages and can be used for a variety of activities, relays and games. Not only are scooters a complete blast, they also offer several positive health benefits! Riding scooters can help build leg strength and work wonders for improving focus, coordination and even teamwork. Scooter boards are a revolutionary piece of gym equipment, providing children an engaging and fun way to move. Kids can lie on their stomachs, backs or even pull off some tricks as they scoot along the ground!

The Ultimate PE Scooter Board Guide: Scooter Games and Activities for a Physical Education Class

Pics by Bo Phillips @BoPhillips10 and Pelham Oaks PhysicalEd @PelhamOaksPE

In this blog post, I am going to discuss the benefits of using gym scooters in a PE class, as well as provide some tips for implementing them in a PE lesson successfully. I will also illustrate several ways students can ride scooter board in stations or relays and provide several large group games and events that you can use in your next PE lesson!

Let's scoot to it!

Why use scooter boards in PE?

Physical education classes can be transformed with the inclusion of scooter boards; they provide an engaging, low-impact way for students to get moving and stay active throughout the entire lesson. What's more, teachers can easily plan activities that accommodate students at all levels -- whether they're riding it on their bottoms, knees, stomach or some other way! Scootering in class allows students to be creative while they scoot around the gym or classroom in various ways. Moreover, scooters provide an excellent opportunity for students to engage in exciting games, stations and relay races with both small and large groups. This helps foster teamwork among them while having fun at the same time!

10 Ways to Ride a Scooter Board

Does implementing scooter boards help address PE standards?

Not only are scooters fun for students to ride on, but they also engage them in activities and games that address SHAPE America's Standard 1 which states: The physically literate individual demonstrates competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns.* The scooter activities and games you choose to use during your PE lessons can easily meet any national, state, or district standards.

SHAPE America Standard 1 Visual- Scooter Board Activity

Pic by Bo Phillips @BoPhillips10

Tips for using scooter boards in a PE lesson?

When using scooter boards in a gym class on gym floors, safety is key. Make sure your scooters are in good working order and the students know how to properly them before they start scooting around. Here are some tips for implementing scooter games and activities successfully:

1. Provide instructions on how to scoot safely, such as scooting in the right direction (away from walls and other students) and scooting at a safe speed. Discuss how to use the safety handles (handlebars) while riding.

2. Incorporate scooter activities into your PE lesson plan to create fun, engaging stations that keep kids moving.

physical education scooter activities

3. Create scooter relays and races for small or large groups of students. These can be altered to suit any class size and age group.

4. Utilize scooter games and events that require scooting in a certain pattern or completing specific tasks while riding on the scooter board.

physical education scooter activities

5. Make sure your scooters are properly stored after each use, so they're in good condition for future scootering sessions! A scooter cart is a great investment.

Fun Ways to Ride the a Scooter Board

Your students can ride the scooter boards the following ways:

At stations set up in and around your playing area

As a large group, teacher-led activity

In small group relay lines

As relay races against other teams

Video by Kyle Bragg @ElemPE1

Basic Riding Methods

Driver's Seat - Start from a gym line and ride your board on your bottom. Travel in either a forward or backward direction. Propel yourself with your legs going backward and pull yourself with your legs going forward.

Alligator Crawl - Ride the board on your stomach and move like an alligator. Push with your feet and pull with your hands at the same time.

Pretzel Ride- Sit cross-legged on the board. Push yourself forward using your arms on both sides of the board.

Cat Walk- Start from a gym line and ride the board on your knees. Move by pulling your board forward with your arms.

Bear Crawl- Place your hands on the scooter board. Use your legs to push the board forward as you walk behind it.

physical education scooter activities

Advanced Riding Methods

Superman Fly- Take a few steps with just your hands on the scooter. Then place your body in a flat, lying position and glide as far as you can.

Walrus Walk- Place your shins or toes on top of the board. In a push-up position, pull with your arms and drag your scooter behind you.

Lame Dog Hop- Place both hands on the scooter and put one leg up in the air behind you. Propel yourself forward with the other leg by hopping on it as you travel.

Crab Walk Scoot- Place your feet on the board and your hands on the ground. Push the board forward or pull it backward using your arms.

physical education scooter activities

Mix it Up With Other PE Equipment

Row Your Boat- Using 2 plungers, noodles or short sticks as oars, move your board by pushing down on them and propelling yourself forward or backward.

Scoot and Tap- Sitting on a board, scoot forward or backward as you tap a balloon up in the air, with your hands and feet. Travel to a cone and back.

Scoot and Toss- Sitting on a board, scoot forward or backward as you toss and catch a ball. Travel to a cone and back.

Scoot and Shoot- Start at a gym line and travel on your scooter board to the shooting area. Pick up a ball and shoot it into a bucket or at a target. Go back and do it again.

Rescue 911- Pull yourself along a rope that is being held by 2 people or is attached to a fixed item. Turn around and go back to the start.

physical education scooter activities

Partner and Group Riding

Side-by-Side- Sit side-by-side on your scooter board with a partner. Link arms or hold your partner’s board handles as your travel forward or backward around the cone.

Back-to-Back Sit back-to-back on your scooter board with a partner. Link elbows and travel to the cone and back. With your legs, push going backward and pull going forward.

Uber Driver- Take turns sitting on 2 boards or pushing the person on the boards. Push on their back and keep your hands there the whole time.

Horse and Buggy- Take turns sitting on a board cross-legged or pulling a person on the board. Use a rope around your waist or in your hand to pull them.

Boat Ride- Take turns sitting on a mat with 2 boards under it or pushing the person on the mat. Keep them under control and away from the walls.

physical education scooter activities

Scooter Board Games

There are many fun games that can be played using scooters. Most games that can be played on foot can be played using scooter boards in a gym or hard-top playground area.

Here are 5 ideas that work well in a PE class.

Scooter Tag Games- Just like regular tag, scooter tag involves scooting around the gym in order to catch or avoid other players. Many regular locomotor-based tag games work great with scooters with some slight modifications. The following 3 scooter tag games are easy to implement and are fun for the students:

physical education scooter activities

Scooter Freeze Tag: Assign a few students to be the taggers. Everyone is riding on a scooter board. If tagged a player is frozen! That person tagged must get off their board, flip it over and wait until another player rides by to "give them 5" and unfreeze them.

Scooter Gotcha: Assign a few students to be the taggers and they have a ball. Everyone is riding on a scooter board. If tagged by a ball by a tagger, a player automatically becomes the new tagger. The old tagger drops the ball once they tag another player and they scoot away fast!

Shark Attack: Assign a few groups of 3 or 4 students to be sharks. They stay on their feet and will work together holding a blanket or small parachute to raise over a fish and catch it. They can run or use some other locomotor movement. The rest of the students are fish and are riding on PE scooters. They scoot around and avoid being caught by a shark. If caught (blanketed), the fish must go off to the side of the playing are and perform a teacher-designated exercise or skill to come back into the game.

Scooter Basketball- Players try to score points by shooting a basket while scooting around the court. Baskets could be trash bins or large cardboard boxes. Teams play on scooters and attempt to pass the ball to their teammates. The goal is to make a basket while maintaining a seated position on the scooter. Players in possession of the ball are not permitted to move as the rest of the players scoot around, searching for space to receive a pass.

Scooter Soccer- Students test their skills by kicking large beachballs or slow-mo balls into imposing goals placed around the playing court. By incorporating multiple goals and balls, the game can become even more exciting! Players scoot around the area, passing and receiving passes with their feet. The scooters are used to maintain a possession of the ball while moving around the playing area. Players scoot around, looking for space to shoot! If using large goals (like a section of a wall), goalies can be on their feet rather than on a scooter.

Scooter Hockey- Players try to score points by shooting a ball into a hockey goal while scooting around the court. Small hockey sticks, half pool noodles, or lollipop/pickleball paddles can be used to stick handle and shoot. More than 2 goals can be used and goalies can be placed in front of the goals. For maximum enjoyment, it is recommended to use at least two balls for this game. Gator skin or Nerf balls are perfect choices that will enhance the experience. For safety reasons, taped off creases provide an ideal boundary around the goal that only goaltenders can enter.

physical education scooter activities

Pic by Ms. Zarzycki @MsZarzycki27

Hungry, Hungry Hippos - Break your students into groups of three or four and have each group take their place on the baselines of the gym. Provide each team with a scooter board, as well as a fishing net, bucket or laundry basket, then scatter balls throughout or in the middle of the space. Now you're all set to begin! One student gets on their stomach and lies down on the scooter board while the other player, who is acting as the driver, grasps both of his/her feet (the "hippo"). As soon as the signal sounds, the driver must quickly push and pull their hippo to the center of the course. Using a bucket in hand, they attempt to gather as many balls scattered throughout or until there is no more time left on the clock. Ensure that the third and fourth student counts all of the objects as they are collected. The team with the most balls wins! Continue playing until each participant has had a chance to be the driver, picker-upper, and counter.

physical education scooter activities

Pic by Mr. Rosado @MrCoachRosado

Scooter Board Events

Scooter Obstacle Course- is a great way to get your students thinking and moving. It can be as simple or complex as you'd like - from weaving in and out of cones, to scooting around chairs and under mats. You might also want to add scooter-friendly manipulative skills such as throwing balls through hula hoops or volleying a beach ball up in the air while scooting.

physical education scooter activities

Pics by Pelham Oaks PhysicalEd @PelhamOaksPE

Scooter Board City- As an alternative to the scooter board obstacle course, scooter board city provides a creative and fun way for your students to scoot around in PE. Ideal for your younger-age students, this activity gives learners the opportunity to move about the room riding their scooter boards safely, while following directional, caution, speed limit, and parking signs set out throughout the movement area.

Scooter Board City Signs

Have them scoot around objects such as cones, chairs, mats and hurdles while navigating through imaginary streets, alleys and buildings. Students even learn to use traffic lights, round-a-bouts and stop signs. Watch out for the blue lights! As in any city, students can park and take part in activities along their routes…they really LOVE that part of the class!!!

Video by Veronica Brand @ CoachBrandPE

If you are interested, a scooter board city resource with PE activity visuals and detailed plan is located here.

Final thoughts

Scooter boards provide a fun and exciting way to get your students active while developing their muscular strength & endurance. Through activities specifically designed with your students in mind, you can help to improve their agility, balance, and coordination. Using relays and games not only provides fun for everyone in your class, but it also strengthens great team building skills.

Scooter boards provide an exciting way for physical education teachers to engage their students in active play and promote physical activity among all students, regardless of age and abilities. This article highlights the numerous ways scooters can be incorporated into physical education classes, offering an array of enjoyable and engaging activities. Be sure to try out some of the activities and games mentioned in this article to add excitement to your next PE class!

Happy scooting!

Do you use scooter boards in your physical education classes? What are some of your favorite activities and/or games? Share your ideas with all of us in the comments below!

*SHAPE America. (2013). National Standards for K-12 Physical Education. Reston, VA: Author.

Need resources?

Do you need some PE Equipment-Based Challenge Cards that can easily help you teach activities like the ones discussed in the equipment-based article above? Would it help to have easy-to-implement visuals that include detailed instructions and state-of-the-art graphics? Cap'n Pete's Power PE has you covered!

24 FREE PE Equipment Challenge Cards

Fill in the form below to download 28 FREE fun and active PE Equipment Challenge Cards with a variety of manipulative and movement-based skills to use in your physical education classes. Can't beat the price...FREE!!

The set is a PDF digital download that includes four visuals (cards) from each the following equipment-based, skill, and movement challenge card sets: 1. Balloon Challenges, 2. Beanbag Challenges, 3. Pool Noodle Challenges, 4. Hula Hoop Challenges, 5. Playground Ball Challenges, 6. Jump Rope Challenges, and 7. Cup Stacking Challenges.

This freebie set will be sure to enhance your PE curriculum for years!

If you REALLY want to expand your physical education program's arsenal, check out Cap'n Pete's, 20 Set PE Equipment Challenge Card Super Bundle . Over 480 , PE equipment-based teaching visuals from 20 unique sets!!

20 Set PE Equipment Challenge Card Super Bundle

You can download them from either of the following platforms: Web Site Page: Cap'n Pete's Power PE Website or TPT Site Store: Teachers Pay Teachers- Cap'n Pete's TPT Store

This comprehensive visual collection will help you teach your students a plethora of movement and manipulative skills using 20 traditional pieces of physical education equipment that include: most balloons, beanbags, stacking cups, pool noodles, juggling scarves, hula hoops, tumbling mats, long jump ropes, short jump ropes, scooter boards, cones & poly spots, dice, Lummi sticks. long-handled implements, short-handled implements, basketballs, beachballs, footballs, playground balls, and soccer balls.

physical education scooter activities

  • Activities and Games
  • Stations and Circuits

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The Inspired Treehouse

Growing healthy bodies and minds through play!


September 6, 2014 By Claire Heffron

These fun scooter activities for kids are great for upper body strengthening, core strengthening , coordination, endurance, and more!

The Inspired Treehouse - These fun scooter activities for kids are great for upper body strengthening, core strengthening, coordination, endurance, and more!

*This post contains affiliate links.   Read more .

If you’re on the market for a well-made, durable, and versatile product for kids, look no further than a little square scooter (this one is our favorite) .

This little gem gets more use in our therapy practice than almost any other piece of equipment.  Why?  Mainly it’s because they’re just plain FUN!  Nothing can get a kid more excited about therapy than whizzing down the hallway on one of these babies!

We therapists love scooters just as much as the kids because of their ability to target a whole array of skills in a fun and interesting way.  In one therapy session with a scooter, we can work on core strengthening , upper body strengthening, coordination, and endurance – not to mention the awesome sensory benefits!

Today, we’re featuring 10 fun ways to use one of our favorite pieces of therapy equipment!  Try a scooter with little ones at home, or keep one on hand for movement breaks in the classroom !  We promise, your kids will fall in love!

10 Fun Scooter Activities for Kids

*Remember…safety first!!  NEVER let a child stand on a scooter and always stay within arms reach to prevent injuries!

1 || Spider Web Crawl

Line up two rows of 3-4 chairs with 4-6 feet between the rows.  Wrap yarn around the legs of the chairs, zigzagging back and forth between the chairs to create a “spider web”.  Tell the child to sit on the scooter , pretending to be a spider.  Have him make his way through the “web”, moving forward with his feet and lifting each piece of yarn up over his head as he scoots through.

2 || Superman

This one is always a crowd pleaser!  First, be sure you have a large, clear space to play.  Position the child in prone (on his tummy) on the scooter.  Tell him that he’s going to fly like Superman across the room or down a long hallway!  Hold onto his feet and give him a big push!  He’ll have to work hard to keep his head, arms, and legs lifted as he moves forward!

3 || Body Bowling

Set up a pyramid with a few cardboard blocks or empty shoeboxes.  Just like the Superman activity above, position the child on the scooter on his tummy and tell him to keep his arms strong out in front of him.  Grab hold of the child’s feet and push him forward to knock down the pyramid!

4 || Scoot and Grab

This one is really fun with two kids competing against each other!  Both kids will be in prone (on tummies) on their own scooters.  Scatter a handful of small objects (e.g. checkers or poker chips) out on the floor – just barely within the kids’ reach when you push them forward on the scooters.  Sit on the floor behind the kids, holding onto one of each of the kids’ legs or feet.  Scoot the kids forward, giving them just a quick second to try to grab one of the objects before pulling them back.  Whoever can grab the most objects wins!

The Inspired Treehouse - These fun scooter activities for kids are great for upper body strengthening, core strengthening, coordination, endurance, and more!

5 || Push Off

This activity can be done in a few different ways to target different skills.  The idea is to have the child push off of the wall to see how far he can propel himself.  Let him try it on his tummy, either pushing off of the wall with his feet to move forward, or pushing off with his hands to move backward!  Try it in sitting too, again pushing off the wall with either the hands or the feet!

6 || The Caterpillar

Here’s a fun one to work on teamwork!  Give a scooter to each child in the group.  Have them figure out how to hold onto each other, forming a long line.  See if they can scoot forward with their hands like a caterpillar!

7 || Crazy Driver

This one is similar to our tape road activity for kids .   Mark off a path on the floor using painters tape or masking tape.  You can make one single line of tape or two lines to form a “lane” for your child to stay in.  Get creative with the pattern – curves, zigzags, twists, and turns!  See if your child can “drive” along the road in various positions (on his tummy, sitting on his knees, sitting on his bottom).

8 || Tornado!

There’s no better way to stimulate the vestibular system than by spinning!  Give your kiddo a little twirl on the scooter in different positions (see above) or see if he can spin himself!

9 || Rope Pull

Position two chairs on either side of a large space and tie a rope between the two chairs around the very bottom of the legs so that the rope is almost on the floor.  Position the child on his tummy on the scooter and see if he can pull his way from one chair to the other!  Make it more interesting by placing the pieces of a puzzle on one chair and the puzzle board on the other chair – how fast can he complete the puzzle this way?

10 || It’s Your Turn!

No therapy session is ever complete until the therapist herself ends up on the scooter! J  You won’t want to miss out on the fun either!  Sit on the scooter and have your child pull you with a jump rope or push you down the hallway!  A great one to add to your arsenal of heavy work activities !

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[…] movement/gross motor challenges (such as safely incorporating an exercise ball, scooter board, or platform […]

[…] Scooter Board. Learn ten ways to use a scooter board from Therapy Fun Zone, plus ten more awesome scooter activities from therapists at The Inspired Treehouse. […]

[…] a tricycle, bicycle, scooter board (find fun scooter board activities from Therapy Fun Zone or The Inspired Treehouse), or any other item that requires “heavy work” to […]

[…] Scooter board– Do you remember playing with scooter boards in gym class?! Those were always the best days! These scooter boards are still just as fun! Caden loves to scoot around the house on his belly and spin himself in circles in the kitchen! There are so many activities you can do with them! The Inspired Treehouse has a list of 10 Awesome Scooter Activities for Kids! […]

[…] 13 || Rolling forward and backward on a scooter […]

[…] One of our all-time favorites!  We use scooters almost every day at The Treehouse and we’re sharing our 10 favorite  scooter activities here. […]

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Keeping Kids in Motion

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8 Group Games Using SCOOPS in PE

Posted on April 5, 2017 by jcahill



Plastic Scoops.  They sit in our equipment closet year after year waiting patiently for their turn, their shot at a lesson plan titled:  SCOOP SKILLS!  Yet, there they remain with very limited use. Occasionally, I will take them out, blow the dust off of them, and practice some basic throwing and catching challenges.  Soon after, I place them back on the shelf with a little guilt, (think Toy Story) and move on to the next unit.

Recently, I was scrolling through social media and stumbled across a post requesting ideas for scoops.  Many of the teachers commented that they too were searching for scoop lessons, while others shared creative ideas and challenges.  Inspired by this post, I decided to brainstorm, tweak, and implement some group activities using this underutilized manipulative.  Here are a few of the games we’ve enjoyed the last couple of weeks.  I hope you too are able to look beyond the basketballs and hula hoops in your equipment room, pull the scoops off of your shelves, and give them a chance to play!

Scoop Shoes

Scoop Shoes is based on the backyard game horseshoes.  Place two hula hoops at least ten feet apart.  Opposing players stand behind their hoop.  Each player takes turns tossing a yarn ball into the opposing hoop.  I encourage students to use the underhand throwing motion.  If the ball stops inside the hoop, the player is awarded two points. One point is awarded for a ball that stops less than a scoop length away from the hoop. Players use the scoop to measure the distance.  With larger groups, we play games of two versus two.

Sink the Ship/Walk the Plank


Four ships are set up in each of the four corners of your space with the following equipment: 4 smokestacks (foam cylinders), cannon (scoops) for each pirate, rowboat (scooter), and a plank (foam beam).  The above picture shows the initial set-up.

The goal of the game is to knock out each of the opposing teams’ smokestacks in order to sink their ship.  Each ship’s crew uses the scoops to fire cannonballs (foam and yarn balls) at the other ships. Crew members must stay on the ship.  If a crew member falls into the water, he swims (runs) one lap around the perimeter. One crew member is designated to use the rowboat.  This player’s only duty is to retrieve cannonballs that are floating in the ocean and return them to their ship. The crew can also use their plank to retrieve cannonballs.  The plank can be dropped into the water anywhere around the ship.  If a pirate catches a cannonball shot by another ship, she can stand up one of her fallen smokestacks.  As soon as one of the four ships loses all of its smokestacks, the round is over.  The ship with the most remaining smokestacks wins the round.  Each crew then rotates clockwise to the next ship, and the next round begins.

When Mars Attacks

Two teams each set up three swimming pools (UFOs) at different distances and heights. Each UFO has 4 battery cells (foam cylinders) for its energy source to travel through the galaxy.  Each player uses scoops and yarn balls/foam tennis balls as lasers in an attempt to knock down the opposing team’s battery cells.  If a battery cell is knocked over, the student can cross the midline into the other team’s galaxy to retrieve the battery. That battery cell can be placed on one of their ships, making them stronger.  If a student catches a ball thrown by an opposing player, he earns the right to retrieve a battery cell from the other team.


One Bounce Ultimate has similar rules to traditional Ultimate.  The goal of the game is for the offensive team to advance a plastic ball into their end zone by catching and throwing with plastic scoops.  To increase the excitement and level of success, I allow the ball to bounce once.  Therefore, a ball must be caught in the air or on one bounce in order for the offense to maintain possession. If the ball is dropped and bounces more than once, the defensive team gains possession. The defense may not knock the ball out of an offensive player’s scoop. When the offense catches the ball in the end zone, they receive one point.  The defensive team immediately runs the ball to midfield to continue the game.

Quadrant Bucket Ball

Divide the playing area into quadrants. Place a smaller bucket inside a larger bucket in the back corner of each quadrant.  In the video you’ll see that I place a plastic tub inside a larger swimming pool.  Divide your class into four teams. Each team reports to a different quadrant.  The goal of the game is to toss balls (yarn balls, foam tennis balls, small stuffed animals) into ANY of the opposing team’s buckets.  Each team can defend their buckets by blocking balls thrown by the opposing teams. Any ball that lands in a bucket MUST stay in the bucket until the end of the round.  If a player catches a ball thrown from another team, he may deliver it to any one of the opposing team’s bucket. At the end of a round, I stop the music and yell, “STOP and DROP!” On this signal all students must immediately sit without throwing another ball.  Any ball thrown after the signal is added to the bucket of the team who threw the ball.  Balls in the large bucket equal one point while balls in the smaller bucket equal two points. The team with the FEWEST balls in their buckets WIN the round.

Jai Alai lead up game

My students love this scaled-down version of the world’s fastest game, Jai Alai.  Arrange students in groups of three.  Each group finds a section of the wall to throw the ball against using their Cesta (scoop).  Two of the three players play first while the third player waits and referees.  The player who begins with the ball, throws it against the wall.  The ball must strike the wall above the six feet line on gymnasium wall.  You can use tape to mark this height.  The ball must be caught on the fly or on the first bounce by the opposing player.  If successful, this player immediately throws the ball against the wall.  If a player is unable to catch a serve, he steps off the court to become referee.  The third players now enters the game and play continues.  The first of the three payers to score seven points wins the round. Be sure to click the link above to learn more about Jai Alai.

Catch three is a great game to teach movement without the ball and quick decision making.  Make teams of three to five players.  Smaller teams increase the number of touches per player.  The goal of the game is for each team to make three consecutive catches without dropping the ball (I allow the ball to bounce once).  When a team is able to do this, they receive one point.  The opposing team then receives the ball. Any time a ball bounces more than once or the offensive team is unable to make a catch, it is considered a turnover and the defense immediately gains possession.  The defense may NOT knock the ball out of an offensive player’s scoop.

Hooper Scooper

Divide the class into two teams.  Spread out 8-10 hula hoops on each side.  The goal of the game is to underhand toss beanbags into the opposing team’s hoops.  If a beanbag lands inside a hoop, it can NOT be removed.  The only exception is if a player catches a beanbag that has been tossed by the opposing team.  The player making the catch is rewarded by being able to remove one beanbag from any hoop.  When the teacher calls “BASELINE!”, all students must race to their end line and take a seat. One point is subtracted from a team’s score for every beanbag tossed after the signal.   I sometimes grant a bonus point for the first team seated at their baseline.

Please share some of your favorite ideas for scoops in the comment section!

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Category: Physical Education Tags: group games , Physical Education , plastic scoops , scoop games for PE

11 Comments on “ 8 Group Games Using SCOOPS in PE ”

Thanks for sharing. I taught for years in an Adapted PE environment and recently I’ve moved to a traditional High School environment. I’ve ordered and introduced all the “rainbow” factors I call them. Scoops, Hoops, Bean Bags, Play Ground Balls, all the things the students loved about elementary school, but I’ve reinvented their use and increased the team work and aerobic components. They get so busy playing, that they forget they are exercising!! Score and Win

I love your rainbow factors and your style. THAT’S the way you get kids to exercise.

Pingback: The PE Playbook – April 2017 Edition – drowningintheshallow

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Thank you for these games. I love scoops but was running out of ideas. I will definitely use some of these games with my students.

Oh my gosh, I was totally cracking up when I read your post about the scoops always sitting on the shelf and collecting dust! So true! It’s been at least 8 years since I have used mine… Thanks for sharing your ideas!

I was at the grocery store when this message popped up. I had to LOL. Glad you could relate. Hope you can use some of the ideas.

Pingback: Sink the Ship/Walk the Plank – WhatchaknowJoe

Pingback: My 10 Favorite Pieces of Equipment for Primary PE – Keeping Kids in Motion

Hey there! 🥎 It’s time to bring those plastic scoops out of the closet and let them shine! 💫 I love your idea of SCOOP SKILLS for PE games. It’s such a creative and engaging way to get students active and having fun. 🏃‍♀️💨 Do you have any specific group game suggestions using the scoops? I’m sure the community would love to hear more about your fun and innovative lesson plans! Let’s inspire each other to make the most of those dusty scoops! 🤩 #PEGames #ScoopSkills #GetActive

Pingback: Psychology of Scoop Ball Games Intriguing Mechanics of Play

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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Scooter games for physical education class.


physical education scooter activities

how do you play tow truck scooter game?

physical education scooter activities

My rules for tow truck were the "tow truck" person had to WALK while they pull the car (person riding on the scooter). Also, the car had to stay BEHIND the tow truck, just like a real tow truck pulls a car. If the students broke any of those safety rules, they both had to stop and do 10 push-ups, then re-enter the game. I used a braided jump rope as the tow rope and we folded them in half so they were not too long. The students had a blast and I would definitely play this game again!

Can you explain the set up a little more please?

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These scooters are awesome we used to have them a my elementary school.You have to check out the new extreme scooters kids are riding these days

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46 Unique Phys Ed Games Your Students Will Love

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Kids playing elementary PE games like head, shoulders, knees, and cones and rock, paper, scissors, bean bag, balance

There’s nothing kids need more to break up a day spent sitting still and listening than a fun PE class to let off some steam. In the old days, going to gym class probably included playing kickball or dodgeball after running a few laps. Since then, there have been countless reinventions of and variations on old classics as well as completely new games. Although there is no shortage of options, we love that the supplies required remain relatively minimal. You can transport to another galaxy using just a pool noodle or two or create a life-size game of Connect 4 using just Hula-Hoops. You’ll want to make sure to have some staples on hand like balls, beanbags, and parachutes. There are even PE games for kindergartners based on beloved children’s TV shows and party games. Regardless of your students’ athletic abilities, there is something for everyone on our list of elementary PE games!

1. Tic-Tac-Toe Relay

Students stand in the background. In the foreground are several hula hoops laid out on the floor (elementary PE games)

Elementary PE games that not only get students moving but also get them thinking are our favorites. Grab some Hula-Hoops and a few scarves or beanbags and get ready to watch the fun!

Learn more: Tic-Tac-Toe Relay at S&S Blog

2. Blob Tag

A large group of elementary school aged children are holding hands and running outside (elementary PE games)

Pick two students to start as the Blob, then as they tag other kids, they will become part of the Blob. Be sure to demonstrate safe tagging, stressing the importance of soft touches.

Learn more: Blob Tag at Playworks

3. Cross the River

A graphic shows how to setup his game. (elementary PE games)

This fun game has multiple levels that students have to work through, including “get to the island,” “cross the river,” and “you lost a rock.”

Learn more: Cross the River at The PE Specialist

4. Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Cones

Three photos show students lined up on a line of cones in a gymnasium (elementary PE games)

Line up cones, then have students pair up and stand on either side of a cone. Finally, call out head, shoulders, knees, or cones. If cones is called, students have to race to be the first to pick up their cone before their opponent.

Learn more: Head, Shoulders, Knees & Cones at S&S Blog

5. Spider Ball

Four children facing the camera are chasing after a soccer ball flying through the air (elementary PE games)

Elementary PE games are often variations of dodgeball like this one. One or two players start with the ball and attempt to hit all of the runners as they run across the gym or field. If a player is hit, they can then join in and become a spider themselves.

Learn more: Spider Ball Game at Kid Activities

6. Crab Soccer

People are shown on all fours ready to kick a ball while imitating crabs (elementary PE games)

We love elementary PE games that require students to act like animals (and we think they will too). Similar to regular soccer, but students will need to play on all fours while maintaining a crab-like position.

Learn more: Crab Soccer at Playworks

7. Halloween Tag

A graphic shows neon stick people standing in hula hoops and some have witch hats on. Text reads Halloween Tag (elementary PE games)

This is the perfect PE game to play in October. It’s similar to tag, but there are witches, wizards, and blobs with no bones!

Learn more: Halloween Tag at The Physical Educator

8. Crazy Caterpillars

We love that this game is not only fun but also works on students’ hand-eye coordination. Students will have fun pushing their balls around the gym with pool noodles while building their caterpillars.

9. Monster Ball

A diagram shows how to setup a gynmasium for Monster ball. The left side shows the blue team and the right side shows the red. There is a large ball in a square in between the teams.

You’ll need a large exercise ball or something similar to act as the monster ball in the middle. Make a square around the monster ball, divide the class into teams on either side of the square, then task the teams with throwing small balls at the monster ball to move it into the other team’s area.

Learn more: Monster Ball at The PE Specialist

10. Striker Ball

Large cones and students are spread around a gymnasium.

Striker ball is an enjoyable game that will keep your students entertained while working on reaction time and strategic planning. We love that there is limited setup required before playing.

Learn more: Striker Ball at S&S Blog

11. Parachute Tug-of-War

Students stand around a brightly colored parachute.

What list of elementary PE games would be complete without some parachute fun? So simple yet so fun, all you will need is a large parachute and enough students to create two teams. Have students stand on opposite sides of the parachute, then let them compete to see which side comes out on top.

Learn more: Parachute Tug-of-War at Mom Junction

12. Fleas Off the Parachute

Students stand around a large parachute with small balls bouncing on the top of it.

Another fun parachute game where one team needs to try to keep the balls (fleas) on the parachute and the other tries to get them off.

Learn more: Fleas Off the Parachute at Mom Junction

13. Crazy Ball

A collage of pictures shows a little boy holding a frisbee, a few large dodge balls, and a group of children running.

The setup for this fun game is similar to kickball, with three bases and a home base. Crazy ball really is so crazy as it combines elements of football, Frisbee, and kickball!

Learn more: Crazy Ball at Health Beet

14. Bridge Tag

A stick figure is shown on all fours.

This game starts as simple tag but evolves into something more fun once the tagging begins. Once tagged, kids must form a bridge with their body and they can’t be freed until someone crawls through.

Learn more: Bridge Tag at Great Camp Games

15. Star Wars Tag

A drawing of Star Wars shows a battle with different colored lightsabers.

Elementary PE games that allow you to be your favorite movie character are just way too much fun! You will need two different-colored pool noodles to stand in for lightsabers. The tagger will have one color pool noodle that they use to tag students while the healer will have the other color that they will use to free their friends.

Learn more: Star Wars Tag at Great Camp Games

16. Rob the Nest

Create an obstacle course that leads to a nest of eggs (balls) and then divide the students into teams. They will have to race relay-style through the obstacles to retrieve eggs and bring them back to their team.

17. Four Corners

Four corners are designated by different colored papers. Students stand on different corners. different colored pa

We love this classic game since it engages students physically while also working on color recognition for younger students. Have your students stand on a corner, then close their eyes and call out a color. Students standing on that color earn a point.

Learn more: Four Corners at The Many Little Joys

18. Movement Dice

physical education scooter activities

This is a perfect warm-up that requires only a die and a sheet with corresponding exercises.

Learn more: Roll the Dice Movement Break at Teaching Littles

19. Rock, Paper, Scissors Tag

A graphic shows cartoon children jumping and the text reads our version of rock, paper, scissors tag (elementary PE games)

A fun spin on tag, children will tag one another and then play a quick game of Rock, Paper, Scissors to determine who has to sit and who gets to continue playing.

Learn more: Rock, Paper, Scissors Tag at Grade Onederful

20. Cornhole Cardio

Students stand about 10 yards back from cornhold boards. There are cones scattered throughout the gymnasium.

This one is so fun but can be a little bit confusing, so be sure to leave plenty of time for instruction. Kids will be divided into teams before proceeding through a fun house that includes cornhole, running laps, and stacking cups.

Learn more: Cardio Cornhole at S&S Blog

21. Connect 4 Relay

This relay takes the game Connect 4 to a whole new level. Players must connect four dots either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

22. Zookeepers

Students will love imitating their favorite animals while playing this fun variation of Four Corners where the taggers are the zookeepers.

23. Racket Whack-It

A diagram shows how to setup the game Rack It, Whack It.

Students stand with rackets in hand while balls are thrown at them—they must either dodge the balls or swat them away.

Learn more: Racket Whack-It via

24. Crazy Moves

A diagram shows 5 mats laid out with x's on them to represent the students.

Set mats out around the gym, then yell out a number. Students must race to the mat before it is already filled with the correct number of bodies.

Learn more: Crazy Moves at

25. Wheelbarrow Race

A cartoon image shows two kids on their hands while two other kids hold their legs. A third child is yelling Go in the background.

Sometimes the best elementary PE games are the simplest. An oldie but a goodie, wheelbarrow races require no equipment and are guaranteed to be a hit with your students.

Learn more: Wheelbarrow Race at wikiHow

26. Live-Action Pac-Man

Fans of retro video games like Pac-Man will get a kick out of this live-action version where students get to act out the characters.

27. Spaceship Tag

Give each of your students a Hula-Hoop (spaceship), then have them run around trying not to bump into anyone else’s spaceship or get tagged by the teacher (alien). Once your students get really good at it, you can add different levels of complexity.

28. Rock, Paper, Scissors Beanbag Balance

Two children stand playing rock, paper, scissors, with bean bags on their heads (elementary PE games)

We love this spin on Rock, Paper, Scissors because it works on balance and coordination. Students walk around the gym until they find an opponent, then the winner collects a beanbag, which they must balance on their head!

Learn more: Rock, Paper, Scissors Beanbag Balance at PE Universe

29. Throwing, Catching, and Rolling

Wedge mats are laid out in front of kiddie swimming pools which are filled with industrial sized paper towel rolls. Children are scattered around holding whiffle balls.

This is a fun activity but it will require a lot of preparation, including asking the school maintenance staff to collect industrial-sized paper towel rolls. We love this activity because it reminds us of the old-school arcade game Skee-Ball!

Learn more: Winter Activity at S&S Blog

30. Jenga Fitness

A diagram explains the rules to playing Jenga fitness.

Although Jenga is fun enough on its own, combining it with fun physical challenges is sure to be a winner with young students.

Learn more: Jenga Fitness at S&S Blog

31. Volcanoes and Ice Cream Cones

A diagram shows children running around flipping cones either upside down or right side up (elementary PE games)

Divide the class into two teams, then assign one team as volcanoes and the other as ice cream cones. Next, spread cones around the gym, half upside down and half right side up. Finally, have the teams race to flip as many cones as possible to either volcanoes or ice cream cones.

Learn more: Warm-Up Games at Prime Coaching Sport

This fun variation on dodgeball will have your students getting exercise while having a ton of fun! Begin with three balls on a basketball court. If you are hit by a ball, you are out. If you take a step while holding a ball, you are out. There are other rules surrounding getting out and also how to get back in, which can be found in this video.

33. Musical Hula-Hoops

PE games for kindergartners that are similar to party games are some of our favorites! Think musical chairs but with Hula-Hoops! Lay enough Hula-Hoops around the edge of the gym minus five students since they will be in the muscle pot. Once the music starts, students walk around the gym. When the music stops, whoever doesn’t find a Hula-Hoop becomes the new muscle pot!

34. 10-Second Tag

This game is perfect to play at the beginning of the year since it helps with learning names and allows the teacher to get to know the first student in line.

35. The Border

This game is so fun and requires no equipment whatsoever. Divide the gym into two sides. One side can move freely while the other side must avoid letting their feet touch the floor by rolling around, crawling, etc.

36. Freedom Catch

This is a simple throwing, catching, and tag game that will certainly be a hit with your PE class. Captors attempt to tag players so they can send them to jail. You can be freed if someone on your team runs to a freedom cone while throwing a ball to the jailed person. If the ball is caught by the jailed person, they can rejoin the game.

37. Oscar’s Trashcan

As far as PE games for kindergartners goes, this one is a guaranteed winner since it is based on the show Sesame Street . You’ll need two large areas that can be sectioned off to use as trash cans and also a lot of medium-size balls. There are two teams who must compete to fill their opponent’s trash can while emptying their own. Once over, the trash will be counted and the team with the least amount of trash in their trash can wins!

38. 4-Way Frisbee

Divide your class into four separate teams, who will compete for points by catching a Frisbee inside one of the designated goal areas. Defenders are also able to go into the goal areas. There are a number of other rules that can be applied so you can modify the game in a way that’s best for your class.

39. Badminton King’s/Queen’s Court

This one is simple but fun since it is played rapid-fire with kids waiting their turn to take on the King or Queen of the court. Two players start and as soon as a point is earned, the loser swaps places with another player. The goal is to be the player that stays on the court the longest, consistently knocking out new opponents.

40. Jumping and Landing Stations

Kids love stations and they definitely love jumping, so why not combine those things into one super-fun gym class? They’ll have a blast challenging themselves with all the different obstacles presented in this video.

41. Ninja Warrior Obstacle Course

Regardless of whether you’ve ever seen an episode of American Ninja Warrior , you are probably familiar with the concept and so are your students. Plus, you’ll probably have just as much fun as your students setting up the obstacles and testing them out!

42. Balloon Tennis

Since kids love playing keepy-uppy with a balloon, they will love taking it a step further with balloon tag!

43. Indoor Putting Green

If your school can afford to invest in these unique putting green sets, you can introduce the game of golf to kids as young as kindergarten. Who knows, you might just have a future Masters winner in your class!

44. Scooter Activities

Let’s be honest, we all have fond memories of using scooters in gym class. Regardless of whether you do a scooter sleigh or scooter hockey, we think there is something for everyone in this fun video.

45. Pick It Up

This is the perfect PE game to play if you are stuck in a small space with a good-size group. Teams win by making all of their beanbag shots and then collecting all of their dots and stacking them into a nice neat pile.

46. Dodgeball Variations

Since not all kids love having balls thrown at them, why not try a dodgeball alternative that uses gym equipment as targets rather than fellow students? For example, have each student stand in front of a Hula-Hoop with a bowling ball inside of it. Students need to protect their hoop while attempting to knock over their opponents’ pins.

What are your favorite elementary PE games to play with your class? Come and share in our We Are Teachers HELPLINE group  on Facebook.

Plus, check out  our favorite recess games for the classroom ..

PE class provides students with a much-needed outlet to run around. Spice things up with one of these fun and innovative elementary PE games!

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…click a category above for great p.e. games, the pe games you will find on this site are used by professional physical education teachers as part of successful programs in school gyms – here you’ll find amazing ideas for p.e. – tried, tested, and proven by physed teachers and coaches , direct link to youtube channel: physedgames youtube, browse the categories at the top to enjoy quick and easy video descriptions to learn a new game for your class or visit our youtube to find the most popular games and get the latest game ideas sent directly to your video feed by subscribing. , game of the month.

Looking for some classic physical education ideas? Looking for something new and unique? There are all types of games & activities ranging from sport-specific (soccer, baseball, basketball, volleyball, lead-ups, etc) to LOG’s, tag, warm-up, fitness, team-building, dodgeball, literacy, numeracy, etc. Children need at least 90 minutes of exercise a day for healthy development – these games will motivate to get students moving and enjoying learning skills in the gym! So hopefully you will find lots here to help supplement your own program.

** Grade level specific categories are searchable: Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6, Grade 7, and Grade 8 – browse through games that are appropriate for your grade level. HIGHSCHOOLS please note that most of the Grade 8 category games can be used and/or adapted for use at the highschool level – take a look and see what works! **

If you have a favorite PE activity or game idea that you use in your own program and you’d like to share, please send a detailed email to us at [email protected] and we will do our best to create a video to add to the list.

PhysedGames is frequently updated with new ideas to try out. We also offer a couple book options (hardcopy and electronic) to add to your physical education library. These book options convert many of the best game videos into more portable text-based and electronic forms. PLEASE NOTE that all games are firstly and always available for FREE in the video viewing format. For those interested, take a look at the popular PHYSEDGAMES TOP 99 PHYSEDGAMES TOP 99 (affiliate link) hardcopy book from Amazon or get top-rated Digital File Downloads (PDFs) on Teachers Pay Teachers. A big THANK-YOU goes out to those who support PHYSEDGAMES!

PE - Physical Education Lesson Plans, Activities, Games, Tips

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Games: Scooter Bowling

physical education scooter activities

Here's a fun variation of a traditional scooter activity.  Your students will love it!

Setup  Divide your class into teams and give each team a scooter and playground ball. Use cones to indicate two lines: a “stop-pushing line” 30 feet away from the start; and a “release line” 15 feet farther on. Set up a group of bowling pins 20-30 feet past the release line. Place some tumbling mats behind the pins to act as crash pads.

How to Play The first player on each team, the “shooter,” sits on a scooter, holding a playground ball. The second player, the “pusher,” stands behind that player.

On your signal, the pushers push the shooters down the floor. When they reach the first line, they must stop pushing. The shooters continue rolling to the “release line,” where they throw the ball at their pins. Pushing past the stop-push line or tossing past the release line is a foul, and nullifies that attempt.

A point is scored for every pin that is knocked down.

The two players then retrieve the ball, set the pins back up and return to their line. The pusher becomes the shooter, the shooter goes to the back of the line, and the next player in line becomes the new pusher.

The game continues for a period of time or until every player gets one or two attempts. The team with the most points wins. Reference: Tony L. Larson, Scooter Games, Human Kinetics, 2010.

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© 2010, Physical Education,

  • Games: Chopstick Relay
  • Games: A Dodgeball Variation That's Better for PE Classes
  • Games: In-Class Fitness Activity: Non-Elimination Musical Chairs
  • Games: The Create-a-Game Activity
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  • Games: Trash Bowling


9 Exciting Indoor Physical Education (PE) Games for High School Students

The job of a school is to ensure the overall development of the kids – from academics to personality development to physical fitness . As such, physical education has become an indispensable part of school curriculums everywhere. So much so that gym classes have become mandatory in several schools across the United States and if you choose it as one of your electives, passing it is a must .

Usually, schools opt for outdoor games as they are a fantastic way for the students to stay active but some days, due to inclement weather, students will have to migrate indoors. This does not mean that they cannot find a way to enjoy themselves or stay active. 

Fun games, whether indoor or outdoor, energize and rejuvenate students, particularly senior ones, who are at a crucial stage of their lives and under a lot of stress. 

In this guide, we have compiled a range of engaging indoor physical education games that high school students can enjoy. If it’s raining outside or the weather is too precarious, this is the best way to stay entertained and engaged. 

Indoor physical education game ideas

1. ultimate dodgeball showdown.

Ultimate Dodgeball Showdown

A classic game, dodgeball is fun and interactive. The objective of the game is to eliminate all players of the opposing team by hitting them with a ball. To reduce any risk, you can use soft foam balls. 

The students should be divided into two teams and placed on opposite sides of the room. Keep a few balls in the middle of the area. 

Here are the rules: 

  • Students must throw the ball at the other team members who have to dodge it. 
  • If someone from the other team catches the ball, the thrower is out of the game.
  • Students must not cross the designated area. 
  • If someone is hit by the ball and fails to catch it, they are out of the team. 
  • Continue the game until one team is entirely eliminated.

2. Obstacle Course Relay

Obstacle Course Relay

If the indoor game is taking place in the gym or a large room, then an obstacle course relay would be an excellent game.

Here’s what to do:

  • Set up an obstacle course in the gym using mats, cones, and other stationary objects that are not very high.
  •  Divide students into teams and have them race through the obstacle course
  • Make use of a stopwatch to time each team, and the team with the fastest completion time wins.

3. Yoga Challenge

Yoga Challenge

The perfect way to introduce some exercise and keep the students entertained is through yoga games and challenges. But first, you will have to introduce the students to some yoga poses and stretches. 

Then organize a yoga challenge where each student will have to hold different poses. As you switch between different poses, make sure that the students are holding the poses correctly. The students who fail to do so will be eliminated from the game.

4. Musical Mats

Musical Mats

We’ve all played musical chairs at some point in our lives. But, what are musical mats? Well, it is a similar game but with a twist. Here’s what to do:

  • Lay out a grid of gym mats on the floor.
  • Play music during which the students have to keep moving from one mat to another. 
  • Stop the music and call out a fitness exercise, a yoga pose, etc. 
  • Students have to find the nearest mat and perform the exercise until the music resumes
  • Students who fail to find a mat or perform the exercise are eliminated from the game. 

5. Indoor Bowling

Indoor Bowling

Bowling is a popular indoor sport and usually requires a proper set-up. However, you can organize an indoor bowling match at the gym or hall as well. Usually, bowling is an individual game but to promote team spirit and good sportsmanship, divide the students into teams. Here’s how to go about the game:

  • Make the use of plastic pins and soft balls.
  •  Set up a bowling alley by keeping the plastic pins on the other end of the room.
  • Students should be divided into two teams (team A and team B) with the members taking turns rolling the ball to knock down the pins. 
  • Keep the scores separate for both team A and team B. 
  • Let the teams compete for strikes and spares. 

5. Fitness Bingo

This is quite a popular indoor game. It is the perfect way to include fitness exercises into the high school students’ curriculum. Here’s what to do:

  • Create a bingo card with different physical activities such as jumping jacks, burpees, lunges, push-ups, etc. 
  • Give one card to each student
  • The instructor has to call out one activity and students are to perform this exercise if they have it on the card. 
  • They can then mark it off their card and the first student to complete a row or column shouts “Bingo” 
  • Give the one who first completes a row or column a small reward as a mark of appreciation

6. Tug of War

Tug of War

A classic game that can be played indoors, tug of war teaches students a lot about team spirit, strength, and reliability. This is how you go about it:

  • Remove any obstacles indoors and clear the area for the game
  • Divide students into four teams or more, depending on the number of students
  • Only two teams can play the game at one time
  • Give them the rope and keep the game going until one team loses
  • Then allow the next two teams to play
  • The final match is between the last two teams standing

7. Indoor Soccer Relay

Football or Soccer is a favorite American sport and most students grow up playing it. It is an excellent game that combines speed and agility. Here’s how you can take the game indoors:

  • Divide the students into two or more teams, with each team having an equal number of participants
  • Set up a relay course and mark it with obstacles using cones, hoops, etc. 
  • The student will have to dribble the ball through the course, carefully navigating the obstacles that come their way
  • Once done, they make their way back to the starting line and pass the ball onto their teammate, who repeats the course
  • The team that completes the race first wins. 

8. Table Tennis

Table Tennis

Another popular high school game, table tennis or ping pong teaches students a lot about agility, coordination, precision, and reflexes. 

  • Use a small rectangular table and divide it with the help of a net
  • Players can either play solo or in pairs of two, with one pair on each side
  • The players take turns hitting a small ball back and forth over the net using paddles
  • The objective is to score points by making the ball bounce twice on the opponent’s side
  • Besides, the opponent fails to score a point if they cannot hit the ball
  • Keep scores and time the game

9. Indoor Parkour

Indoor parkour is a fun and exciting physical education activity for high school students. Traditionally, parkour is a discipline that focuses on efficient movement through obstacles using techniques like jumps, vaults, and rolls. Here’s how to create an indoor parkour course:

  • With the help of safety mats, cones, small benches, and foam blocks, create a series of obstacles. For instance, the benches will serve as hurdles to jump over
  • Teach students some basic parkour moves such as precision jump , cat leap , etc. keeping safety precautions in mind.
  • Let the students start with simple obstacles but increase the complexity as they gain confidence
  • Have a qualified instructor oversee this game and provide proper guidance

Indoor physical education games provide high school students with opportunities to stay active, even when the weather outside limits movement. Besides, it promotes teamwork, teaches them agility, and how to adapt to different situations. The physical well-being of students is of great importance, especially since high school is such a trying time when they are burdened with academic pressure. Incorporating these games into their schedule will help students stay engaged, focused, motivated, and physically fit.

physical education scooter activities

Sananda Bhattacharya, Chief Editor of TheHighSchooler, is dedicated to enhancing operations and growth. With degrees in Literature and Asian Studies from Presidency University, Kolkata, she leverages her educational and innovative background to shape TheHighSchooler into a pivotal resource hub. Providing valuable insights, practical activities, and guidance on school life, graduation, scholarships, and more, Sananda’s leadership enriches the journey of high school students.

Explore a plethora of invaluable resources and insights tailored for high schoolers at TheHighSchooler, under the guidance of Sananda Bhattacharya’s expertise. You can follow her on Linkedin

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  • Games & Activities

The Zone™ Scooter Sets with 3

The Zone™ Scooter Sets with 3" Wheels

Starting at $189.99 - $250.99

Floor Surfer®

Floor Surfer®

Scooter Link

Scooter Link

Starting at $1.49 - $28.99

Inline Wheel Scooters

Inline Wheel Scooters

Starting at $40.99 - $354.99

All Surface Scooters

All Surface Scooters

Starting at $42.99 - $331.99

Two-Fer™ Double Scooters

Two-Fer™ Double Scooters

No Handle Scooters

No Handle Scooters

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Rubber Wheel Connect-A-Scooters™

Rubber Wheel Connect-A-Scooters™

Starting at $26.99 - $191.99

Contoured Scooter

Contoured Scooter

Starting at $17.99 - $209.99

Wood Scooters

Wood Scooters

While Supplies Last

Starting at $11.97 - $14.47

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  1. 6 Engaging Scooter Games for PE

    physical education scooter activities

  2. Scooter center for Physical Education class

    physical education scooter activities


    physical education scooter activities

  4. Scooter Activity For PE

    physical education scooter activities

  5. 6 Engaging Scooter Games for PE

    physical education scooter activities

  6. Hawk Highlights in Physical Education: 1st Grade Scooter Activities

    physical education scooter activities


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  5. 10 Phys Ed Scooter Games

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  1. 6 Engaging Scooter Games for PE

    A lot of times this is because of a lack of ideas for how to use them. Below are 6 scooter games that will engage and excite your students! 1. Jellyfish Tag Scooter Game. This is an awesome PE game that you can use as an instant activity or as the main activity for the day. What makes this scooter game awesome is that you can use it for any ...

  2. Scooter Games and Scooter Board Activities: The ...

    Scooter boards provide an exciting way for physical education teachers to engage their students in active play and promote physical activity among all students, regardless of age and abilities. This article highlights the numerous ways scooters can be incorporated into physical education classes, offering an array of enjoyable and engaging ...


    1 || Spider Web Crawl. Line up two rows of 3-4 chairs with 4-6 feet between the rows. Wrap yarn around the legs of the chairs, zigzagging back and forth between the chairs to create a "spider web". Tell the child to sit on the scooter, pretending to be a spider. Have him make his way through the "web", moving forward with his feet and ...

  4. 8 Group Games Using SCOOPS in PE

    Each group finds a section of the wall to throw the ball against using their Cesta (scoop). Two of the three players play first while the third player waits and referees. The player who begins with the ball, throws it against the wall. The ball must strike the wall above the six feet line on gymnasium wall.

  5. Top 5 Scooter Activities for Phys Ed

    In this episode we count down our top 5 activities with a scooters. Make sure to watch all the way to the end to see our top pick and don't forget to try som...

  6. PEC: Lesson Plans for Physical Education

    Members must stay on their scooters. When no equipment is left, teams count the equipment they collected in their garbage can. Equipment is scattered again. The new challenge is to collect more equipment than previously. * This lesson makes a great instant activity when using scooters. Variations: 1. Change team members by switching jerseys. 2.

  7. 12 Great Scooter Activities For Inside the Gym (Ep. 2

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  8. PEC: Lesson Plans for Physical Education

    Scooter Fitness activities are individual fitness activities that students can do using scooter boards. Many of these activities do a great job of strengthening a students core. Make sure you teach students how to properly do these by showing these videos on a screen or have them look at the videos on their phone if they are doing this as a ...

  9. Scooter Activity For PE

    Bean Bag tag: Grades 3 & 4. I have started calling it "scooter dodge-ball" which makes them like it even more! There are 2 teams on opposite side of the gym. Each player has a scooter and a bean bag. I set up a "jail" with cones on each side. Players tag each other by sliding a bean bag into someone's foot. If you get hit you must go ...

  10. Carly's PE Games: Scooter Games for Physical Education Class

    1) New Warm-Up for February - Jump Jog and Stretch. 2) Skill - How to ride a scooter SAFELY. 3) Scooter Games - Spaghetti and Meatballs. 4) Scooter Game - Tow Truck (My 3rd graders were the only classes who had time to learn this- see picture below. The "tow truck" had to stay in front of the "car" and walk.

  11. Physical Education Games

    100's of the best fun games on the PhysedGames website: https://physedgames.comTpT resources: PE Ga...

  12. 46 Elementary PE Games Your Students Will Love

    6. Crab Soccer. Playworks/Crab Soccer via We love elementary PE games that require students to act like animals (and we think they will too). Similar to regular soccer, but students will need to play on all fours while maintaining a crab-like position. Learn more: Crab Soccer at Playworks.

  13. Scooter Games For Physical Education

    6. Scooter games are a great way to break up the monotony of traditional physical education classes Scooter games offer a refreshing change of pace from traditional physical education activities. By incorporating scooter games into the curriculum, teachers can keep students engaged and motivated to participate in physical activity.


    The PE games you will find on this site are used by professional physical education teachers as part of successful programs in school gyms - here you'll find amazing ideas for P.E. - tried, tested, and proven by physed teachers and coaches! DIRECT LINK TO YOUTUBE CHANNEL: Physedgames YouTube Browse the categories at the top to enjoy quick and easy video descriptions to learn a new game ...

  15. Games: Scooter Bowling

    Setup. Divide your class into teams and give each team a scooter and playground ball. Use cones to indicate two lines: a "stop-pushing line" 30 feet away from the start; and a "release line" 15 feet farther on. Set up a group of bowling pins 20-30 feet past the release line. Place some tumbling mats behind the pins to act as crash pads.

  16. 50 Physical Education Scooter Games ideas

    Sep 27, 2019 - Explore PE Universe's board "Physical Education Scooter Games", followed by 1,437 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about physical education, education, pe games.

  17. 9 Exciting Indoor Physical Education (PE) Games for High School

    Indoor physical education game ideas. 1. Ultimate Dodgeball Showdown. A classic game, dodgeball is fun and interactive. The objective of the game is to eliminate all players of the opposing team by hitting them with a ball. To reduce any risk, you can use soft foam balls.

  18. Scooters

    Physical Education; Games & Activities; Scooters; Scooters; View as Grid List. 10 Items . Show ... The Zone™ Scooter Sets with 3" Wheels . Starting at $189.99 - $250.99. Choose Options Add to Quote. Add to Compare. Floor Surfer® ...