how to write reference on assignment

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Reference List: Common Reference List Examples

Article (with doi).

Alvarez, E., & Tippins, S. (2019). Socialization agents that Puerto Rican college students use to make financial decisions. Journal of Social Change , 11 (1), 75–85.

Laplante, J. P., & Nolin, C. (2014). Consultas and socially responsible investing in Guatemala: A case study examining Maya perspectives on the Indigenous right to free, prior, and informed consent. Society & Natural Resources , 27 , 231–248.

Use the DOI number for the source whenever one is available. DOI stands for "digital object identifier," a number specific to the article that can help others locate the source. In APA 7, format the DOI as a web address. Active hyperlinks for DOIs and URLs should be used for documents meant for screen reading. Present these hyperlinks in blue and underlined text (the default formatting in Microsoft Word), although plain black text is also acceptable. Be consistent in your formatting choice for DOIs and URLs throughout your reference list. Also see our Quick Answer FAQ, "Can I use the DOI format provided by library databases?"

Jerrentrup, A., Mueller, T., Glowalla, U., Herder, M., Henrichs, N., Neubauer, A., & Schaefer, J. R. (2018). Teaching medicine with the help of “Dr. House.” PLoS ONE , 13 (3), Article e0193972.

For journal articles that are assigned article numbers rather than page ranges, include the article number in place of the page range.
For more on citing electronic resources, see  Electronic Sources References .


Article (Without DOI)

Found in a common academic research database or in print.

Casler , T. (2020). Improving the graduate nursing experience through support on a social media platform. MEDSURG Nursing , 29 (2), 83–87.

If an article does not have a DOI and you retrieved it from a common academic research database through the university library, there is no need to include any additional electronic retrieval information. The reference list entry looks like the entry for a print copy of the article. (This format differs from APA 6 guidelines that recommended including the URL of a journal's homepage when the DOI was not available.) Note that APA 7 has additional guidance on reference list entries for articles found only in specific databases or archives such as Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, UpToDate, ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global, and university archives. See APA 7, Section 9.30 for more information.

Found on an Open Access Website

Eaton, T. V., & Akers, M. D. (2007). Whistleblowing and good governance. CPA Journal , 77 (6), 66–71.

Provide the direct web address/URL to a journal article found on the open web, often on an open access journal's website. In APA 7, active hyperlinks for DOIs and URLs should be used for documents meant for screen reading. Present these hyperlinks in blue and underlined text (the default formatting in Microsoft Word), although plain black text is also acceptable. Be consistent in your formatting choice for DOIs and URLs throughout your reference list.

Weinstein, J. A. (2010).  Social change  (3rd ed.). Rowman & Littlefield.

If the book has an edition number, include it in parentheses after the title of the book. If the book does not list any edition information, do not include an edition number. The edition number is not italicized.

American Nurses Association. (2015). Nursing: Scope and standards of practice (3rd ed.).

If the author and publisher are the same, only include the author in its regular place and omit the publisher.

Lencioni, P. (2012). The advantage: Why organizational health trumps everything else in business . Jossey-Bass.

As a change from APA 6 to APA 7, it is no longer necessary to include the ebook format in the title. However, if you listened to an audiobook and the content differs from the text version (e.g., abridged content) or your discussion highlights elements of the audiobook (e.g., narrator's performance), then note that it is an audiobook in the title element in brackets. For ebooks and online audiobooks, also include the DOI number (if available) or nondatabase URL but leave out the electronic retrieval element if the ebook was found in a common academic research database, as with journal articles. APA 7 allows for the shortening of long DOIs and URLs, as shown in this example. See APA 7, Section 9.36 for more information.

Chapter in an Edited Book

Poe, M. (2017). Reframing race in teaching writing across the curriculum. In F. Condon & V. A. Young (Eds.), Performing antiracist pedagogy in rhetoric, writing, and communication (pp. 87–105). University Press of Colorado.

Include the page numbers of the chapter in parentheses after the book title.

Christensen, L. (2001). For my people: Celebrating community through poetry. In B. Bigelow, B. Harvey, S. Karp, & L. Miller (Eds.), Rethinking our classrooms: Teaching for equity and justice (Vol. 2, pp. 16–17). Rethinking Schools.

Also include the volume number or edition number in the parenthetical information after the book title when relevant.

Freud, S. (1961). The ego and the id. In J. Strachey (Ed.),  The standard edition of the complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud  (Vol. 19, pp. 3-66). Hogarth Press. (Original work published 1923)

When a text has been republished as part of an anthology collection, after the author’s name include the date of the version that was read. At the end of the entry, place the date of the original publication inside parenthesis along with the note “original work published.” For in-text citations of republished work, use both dates in the parenthetical citation, original date first with a slash separating the years, as in this example: Freud (1923/1961). For more information on reprinted or republished works, see APA 7, Sections 9.40-9.41.

Classroom Resources

Citing classroom resources.

If you need to cite content found in your online classroom, use the author (if there is one listed), the year of publication (if available), the title of the document, and the main URL of Walden classrooms. For example, you are citing study notes titled "Health Effects of Exposure to Forest Fires," but you do not know the author's name, your reference entry will look like this:

Health effects of exposure to forest fires [Lecture notes]. (2005). Walden University Canvas.

If you do know the author of the document, your reference will look like this:

Smith, A. (2005). Health effects of exposure to forest fires [PowerPoint slides]. Walden University Canvas.  

A few notes on citing course materials:

  • [Lecture notes]
  • [Course handout]
  • [Study notes]
  • It can be difficult to determine authorship of classroom documents. If an author is listed on the document, use that. If the resource is clearly a product of Walden (such as the course-based videos), use Walden University as the author. If you are unsure or if no author is indicated, place the title in the author spot, as above.
  • If you cannot determine a date of publication, you can use n.d. (for "no date") in place of the year.

Note:  The web location for Walden course materials is not directly retrievable without a password, and therefore, following APA guidelines, use the main URL for the class sites:

Citing Tempo Classroom Resources

Clear author: 

Smith, A. (2005). Health effects of exposure to forest fires [PowerPoint slides]. Walden University Brightspace.

Unclear author:

Health effects of exposure to forest fires [Lecture notes]. (2005). Walden University Brightspace.

Conference Sessions and Presentations

Feinman, Y. (2018, July 27). Alternative to proctoring in introductory statistics community college courses [Poster presentation]. Walden University Research Symposium, Minneapolis, MN, United States.

Torgerson, K., Parrill, J., & Haas, A. (2019, April 5-9). Tutoring strategies for online students [Conference session]. The Higher Learning Commission Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.

Dictionary Entry

Merriam-Webster. (n.d.). Leadership. In dictionary . Retrieved May 28, 2020, from

When constructing a reference for an entry in a dictionary or other reference work that has no byline (i.e., no named individual authors), use the name of the group—the institution, company, or organization—as author (e.g., Merriam Webster, American Psychological Association, etc.). The name of the entry goes in the title position, followed by "In" and the italicized name of the reference work (e.g., dictionary , APA dictionary of psychology ). In this instance, APA 7 recommends including a retrieval date as well for this online source since the contents of the page change over time. End the reference entry with the specific URL for the defined word.

Discussion Board Post

Osborne, C. S. (2010, June 29). Re: Environmental responsibility [Discussion post]. Walden University Canvas.  

Dissertations or Theses

Retrieved From a Database

Nalumango, K. (2019). Perceptions about the asylum-seeking process in the United States after 9/11 (Publication No. 13879844) [Doctoral dissertation, Walden University]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.

Retrieved From an Institutional or Personal Website

Evener. J. (2018). Organizational learning in libraries at for-profit colleges and universities [Doctoral dissertation, Walden University]. ScholarWorks.

Unpublished Dissertation or Thesis

Kirwan, J. G. (2005). An experimental study of the effects of small-group, face-to-face facilitated dialogues on the development of self-actualization levels: A movement towards fully functional persons [Unpublished doctoral dissertation]. Saybrook Graduate School and Research Center.

For further examples and information, see APA 7, Section 10.6.

Legal Material

For legal references, APA follows the recommendations of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation , so if you have any questions beyond the examples provided in APA, seek out that resource as well.

Court Decisions

Reference format:

Name v. Name, Volume Reporter Page (Court Date). URL

Sample reference entry:

Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954).

Sample citation:

In Brown v. Board of Education (1954), the Supreme Court ruled racial segregation in schools unconstitutional.

Note: Italicize the case name when it appears in the text of your paper.

Name of Act, Title Source § Section Number (Year). URL

Sample reference entry for a federal statute:

Individuals With Disabilities Education Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1400 et seq. (2004).

Sample reference entry for a state statute:

Minnesota Nurse Practice Act, Minn. Stat. §§ 148.171 et seq. (2019).

Sample citation: Minnesota nurses must maintain current registration in order to practice (Minnesota Nurse Practice Act, 2010).

Note: The § symbol stands for "section." Use §§ for sections (plural). To find this symbol in Microsoft Word, go to "Insert" and click on Symbol." Look in the Latin 1-Supplement subset. Note: U.S.C. stands for "United States Code." Note: The Latin abbreviation " et seq. " means "and what follows" and is used when the act includes the cited section and ones that follow. Note: List the chapter first followed by the section or range of sections.

Unenacted Bills and Resolutions

(Those that did not pass and become law)

Title [if there is one], bill or resolution number, xxx Cong. (year). URL

Sample reference entry for Senate bill:

Anti-Phishing Act, S. 472, 109th Cong. (2005).

Sample reference entry for House of Representatives resolution:

Anti-Phishing Act, H.R. 1099, 109th Cong. (2005).

The Anti-Phishing Act (2005) proposed up to 5 years prison time for people running Internet scams.

These are the three legal areas you may be most apt to cite in your scholarly work. For more examples and explanation, see APA 7, Chapter 11.

Magazine Article

Clay, R. (2008, June). Science vs. ideology: Psychologists fight back about the misuse of research. Monitor on Psychology , 39 (6).

Note that for citations, include only the year: Clay (2008). For magazine articles retrieved from a common academic research database, leave out the URL. For magazine articles from an online news website that is not an online version of a print magazine, follow the format for a webpage reference list entry.

Newspaper Article (Retrieved Online)

Baker, A. (2014, May 7). Connecticut students show gains in national tests. New York Times .

Include the full date in the format Year, Month Day. Do not include a retrieval date for periodical sources found on websites. Note that for citations, include only the year: Baker (2014). For newspaper articles retrieved from a common academic research database, leave out the URL. For newspaper articles from an online news website that is not an online version of a print newspaper, follow the format for a webpage reference list entry.

OASIS Resources

Oasis webpage.

OASIS. (n.d.). Common reference list examples . Walden University.

For all OASIS content, list OASIS as the author. Because OASIS webpages do not include publication dates, use “n.d.” for the year.

Interactive Guide

OASIS. (n.d.). Embrace iterative research and writing [Interactive guide]. Walden University.

For OASIS multimedia resources, such as interactive guides, include a description of the resource in brackets after the title.

Online Video/Webcast

Walden University. (2013).  An overview of learning  [Video]. Walden University Canvas.  

Use this format for online videos such as Walden videos in classrooms. Most of our classroom videos are produced by Walden University, which will be listed as the author in your reference and citation. Note: Some examples of audiovisual materials in the APA manual show the word “Producer” in parentheses after the producer/author area. In consultation with the editors of the APA manual, we have determined that parenthetical is not necessary for the videos in our courses. The manual itself is unclear on the matter, however, so either approach should be accepted. Note that the speaker in the video does not appear in the reference list entry, but you may want to mention that person in your text. For instance, if you are viewing a video where Tobias Ball is the speaker, you might write the following: Tobias Ball stated that APA guidelines ensure a consistent presentation of information in student papers (Walden University, 2013). For more information on citing the speaker in a video, see our page on Common Citation Errors .

Taylor, R. [taylorphd07]. (2014, February 27). Scales of measurement [Video]. YouTube.

OASIS. (2020, April 15). One-way ANCOVA: Introduction [Video]. YouTube.

For videos from streaming sites, use the person or organization who uploaded the video in the author space to ensure retrievability, whether or not that person is the speaker in the video. A username can be provided in square brackets. As a change from APA 6 to APA 7, include the publisher after the title, and do not use "Retrieved from" before the URL. See APA 7, Section 10.12 for more information and examples.

See also reference list entry formats for TED Talks .

Technical and Research Reports

Edwards, C. (2015). Lighting levels for isolated intersections: Leading to safety improvements (Report No. MnDOT 2015-05). Center for Transportation Studies.

Technical and research reports by governmental agencies and other research institutions usually follow a different publication process than scholarly, peer-reviewed journals. However, they present original research and are often useful for research papers. Sometimes, researchers refer to these types of reports as gray literature , and white papers are a type of this literature. See APA 7, Section 10.4 for more information.

Reference list entires for TED Talks follow the usual guidelines for multimedia content found online. There are two common places to find TED talks online, with slightly different reference list entry formats for each.

TED Talk on the TED website

If you find the TED Talk on the TED website, follow the format for an online video on an organizational website:

Owusu-Kesse, K. (2020, June). 5 needs that any COVID-19 response should meet [Video]. TED Conferences.

The speaker is the author in the reference list entry if the video is posted on the TED website. For citations, use the speaker's surname.

TED Talk on YouTube

If you find the TED Talk on YouTube or another streaming video website, follow the usual format for streaming video sites:

TED. (2021, February 5). The shadow pandemic of domestic violence during COVID-19 | Kemi DaSilvalbru [Video]. YouTube.

TED is the author in the reference list entry if the video is posted on YouTube since it is the channel on which the video is posted. For citations, use TED as the author.

Walden University Course Catalog

To include the Walden course catalog in your reference list, use this format:

Walden University. (2020). 2019-2020 Walden University catalog .

If you cite from a specific portion of the catalog in your paper, indicate the appropriate section and paragraph number in your text:

...which reflects the commitment to social change expressed in Walden University's mission statement (Walden University, 2020, Vision, Mission, and Goals section, para. 2).

And in the reference list:

Walden University. (2020). Vision, mission, and goals. In 2019-2020 Walden University catalog.

Vartan, S. (2018, January 30). Why vacations matter for your health . CNN.

For webpages on the open web, include the author, date, webpage title, organization/site name, and URL. (There is a slight variation for online versions of print newspapers or magazines. For those sources, follow the models in the previous sections of this page.)

American Federation of Teachers. (n.d.). Community schools .

If there is no specified author, then use the organization’s name as the author. In such a case, there is no need to repeat the organization's name after the title.

In APA 7, active hyperlinks for DOIs and URLs should be used for documents meant for screen reading. Present these hyperlinks in blue and underlined text (the default formatting in Microsoft Word), although plain black text is also acceptable. Be consistent in your formatting choice for DOIs and URLs throughout your reference list.

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References, citations and avoiding plagiarism


  • Getting Started
  • Independent research
  • Understanding a reference
  • Managing your references
  • How to reference
  • Acknowledging and referencing AI
  • Harvard referencing
  • Vancouver referencing
  • APA referencing
  • Chicago referencing
  • OSCOLA referencing
  • MHRA referencing
  • MLA referencing

Avoiding plagiarism

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Referencing and managing information

Referencing in your assignments

In academic work of any kind, effective referencing of your sources will ensure that you:

  • show that you are writing from a position of understanding of your topic.
  • demonstrate that you have read widely and deeply.
  • enable the reader to locate the source of each quote, idea or work/evidence (that was not your own).
  • avoid plagiarism and uphold academic honesty.

In order to cite sources correctly in your assignments, you need to understand the essentials of how to reference and follow guidelines for the referencing style you are required to use.

  • Referencing styles

Citing your sources can help you avoid plagiarism. You may need to submit your assignments through Turnitin, plagiarism detection software. Find out more about Turnitin and how you can use it to check your work before submitting it:

  • What is plagiarism?

Why do I need to reference? Find out more

Teaching in Higher Education cover image

Referencing and empowerment

Karen Gravett & Ian M. Kinchin (2020) Referencing and empowerment: exploring barriers to agency in the higher education student experience, Teaching in Higher Education, 25:1, 84-97

American journal of roentgenology cover image

Plagiarism: what is it, whom does it offend, and how does one deal with it?

J D Armstrong, 2nd (1993) Plagiarism: what is it, whom does it offend, and how does one deal with it?, American Journal of Roentgenology, 161:3, 479-484

Teaching Referencing as an Introduction to Epistemological Empowerment

Monica Hendricks & Lynn Quinn (2000) Teaching Referencing as an Introduction to Epistemological Empowerment, Teaching in Higher Education, 5:4, 447-457

Academic honesty and conduct

  • UCL guide to Academic Integrity What is Academic Integrity, why is it important, and what happens if you breach it?
  • Understanding Academic Integrity course UCL's online and self-paced course to help you understand academic integrity, designed to help students to develop good academic practice for completing assessments.
  • Engaging with AI in your education and assessment UCL student guidance on how you might engage with Artificial Intelligence (AI) in your assessments, effectively and ethically.
  • Referencing and avoiding plagiarism tutorial

Referencing and avoiding plagiarism tutorial

Referencing style guides

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Aberystwyth University

  • Aberystwyth University
  • Referencing & Plagiarism Awareness
  • 3. How to insert citations into your assignment.

Referencing & Plagiarism Awareness: 3. How to insert citations into your assignment.

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. What is referencing and citation?
  • 4. What is plagiarism?
  • 5. Referencing Artificial Intelligence Outputs
  • 6. Consequences of plagiarism
  • 7. Plagiarism in the news
  • 8. Referencing Examples
  • 9. Reference management tools
  • 10. Submitting your work using Turnitin
  • 11. How to interpret your Turnitin similarity report
  • 12. Further help

What is citing?


Citing is identifying the sources you have used in the text of your assignment.  This may be done as;

a direct quotation



In-text citations give brief details about the source that you refer to.

This is an example citation (Harvard referencing style):

(Pears and Shields, 2013)  

Further citation examples from the different referencing styles used at Aberystwyth University can be found here .

The citations will allow the person reading your assignment to locate the full details of the source you have used in the reference list located at the end of your work.

Reference list (Harvard Style)

Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2013) Cite them right: the essential referencing guide . London: Palgrave.

Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2013). Cite them right: the essential referencing guide . London: Palgrave.

How to use quotes in your assignment.

how to write reference on assignment

When you use quotations they should be relevant.  Try not to use too many as they can break the flow of your text.  You will need to balance quotations with your own understanding of the sources used.

Don't forget - quotes are included in your word count!

A few tips:

Enclose any quotes in " quotation marks " - be consistent. Check out the further examples to see whether your chosen referencing style uses single or double quotation marks.

If using long quotes that are more than a few sentences, add these as a separate paragraph. This should be indented and there is no need to use quotation marks. ( Please note : The Department of Geography and Earth Sciences stipulate that long, indented quotations require quotation mark at the beginning and the end of the quotation).

Depending on the referencing style you are using, give the author, date and page number that the quote is from.

The full details of the source of the quote are then added into the reference list at the end of your assignment.

Example (Harvard Style):

In-text citation

'There are several ways in which you can incorporate citations into your text, depending on your own style and the flow of the work' (Pears and Shields, 2013, p. 8).

Reference list

How to paraphrase.

how to write reference on assignment

Paraphrasing involves expressing another author’s ideas or arguments in your own words, without direct quotation but with due acknowledgement.  It entails reformulating key points or information accurately, so that nothing important is lost but the means of communication is new. For instance:

Quotation     ‘It is impossible to step twice into the same river’ (Heraclitus) Paraphrase     Heraclitus argues that, just as a river is always in motion, the world is always changing so that nothing stays the same.

Paraphrasing can help with the flow or continuity of your written work and is a good way of demonstrating your understanding.

Read your source a few times to ensure you understand the meaning

Restate the key point(s) from the source in your own words, but without distorting the original meaning

Ensure you cite and reference the source.

Please note: When paraphrasing, you should NOT copy a passage from your source and then seek to change some of its wording. Use your own words and phrases from beginning to end when paraphrasing.

How to summarise.

how to write reference on assignment

This method provides the key points from an article, book or web page as a brief statement.

A few Tips;

Summaries should be your own work. It is NOT permitted to use online summary tools or other software for this purpose.

Ensure you cite and reference the source

Only list the main topics

In text citation

Importantly, one particular book (Pears and Shields, 2013) looks at the different citation methods when including them in an assignment.

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  • Harvard Style Bibliography | Format & Examples

Harvard Style Bibliography | Format & Examples

Published on 1 May 2020 by Jack Caulfield . Revised on 7 November 2022.

In Harvard style , the bibliography or reference list provides full references for the sources you used in your writing.

  • A reference list consists of entries corresponding to your in-text citations .
  • A bibliography sometimes also lists sources that you consulted for background research, but did not cite in your text.

The two terms are sometimes used interchangeably. If in doubt about which to include, check with your instructor or department.

The information you include in a reference varies depending on the type of source, but it usually includes the author, date, and title of the work, followed by details of where it was published. You can automatically generate accurate references using our free reference generator:

Harvard Reference Generator

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Table of contents

Formatting a harvard style bibliography, harvard reference examples, referencing sources with multiple authors, referencing sources with missing information, frequently asked questions about harvard bibliographies.

Sources are alphabetised by author last name. The heading ‘Reference list’ or ‘Bibliography’ appears at the top.

Each new source appears on a new line, and when an entry for a single source extends onto a second line, a hanging indent is used:

Harvard bibliography

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Reference list or bibliography entries always start with the author’s last name and initial, the publication date and the title of the source. The other information required varies depending on the source type. Formats and examples for the most common source types are given below.

  • Entire book
  • Book chapter
  • Translated book
  • Edition of a book

Journal articles

  • Print journal
  • Online-only journal with DOI
  • Online-only journal without DOI
  • General web page
  • Online article or blog
  • Social media post

Newspapers and magazines

  • Newspaper article
  • Magazine article

When a source has up to three authors, list all of them in the order their names appear on the source. If there are four or more, give only the first name followed by ‘ et al. ’:

Sometimes a source won’t list all the information you need for your reference. Here’s what to do when you don’t know the publication date or author of a source.

Some online sources, as well as historical documents, may lack a clear publication date. In these cases, you can replace the date in the reference list entry with the words ‘no date’. With online sources, you still include an access date at the end:

When a source doesn’t list an author, you can often list a corporate source as an author instead, as with ‘Scribbr’ in the above example. When that’s not possible, begin the entry with the title instead of the author:

Though the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, there is a difference in meaning:

  • A reference list only includes sources cited in the text – every entry corresponds to an in-text citation .
  • A bibliography also includes other sources which were consulted during the research but not cited.

In Harvard referencing, up to three author names are included in an in-text citation or reference list entry. When there are four or more authors, include only the first, followed by ‘ et al. ’

In Harvard style referencing , to distinguish between two sources by the same author that were published in the same year, you add a different letter after the year for each source:

  • (Smith, 2019a)
  • (Smith, 2019b)

Add ‘a’ to the first one you cite, ‘b’ to the second, and so on. Do the same in your bibliography or reference list .

To create a hanging indent for your bibliography or reference list :

  • Highlight all the entries
  • Click on the arrow in the bottom-right corner of the ‘Paragraph’ tab in the top menu.
  • In the pop-up window, under ‘Special’ in the ‘Indentation’ section, use the drop-down menu to select ‘Hanging’.
  • Then close the window with ‘OK’.

Cite this Scribbr article

If you want to cite this source, you can copy and paste the citation or click the ‘Cite this Scribbr article’ button to automatically add the citation to our free Reference Generator.

Caulfield, J. (2022, November 07). Harvard Style Bibliography | Format & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved 21 May 2024, from

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Jack Caulfield

Jack Caulfield

Other students also liked, a quick guide to harvard referencing | citation examples, harvard in-text citation | a complete guide & examples, referencing books in harvard style | templates & examples, scribbr apa citation checker.

An innovative new tool that checks your APA citations with AI software. Say goodbye to inaccurate citations!

how to write reference on assignment


  • Research Guides

Citing Business Sources in APA Style

  • 2. Citing references in-text
  • 1. About this guide

2. Citing references in the text of your assignment

Guidelines and examples from apa style.

  • 3. Citing sources in your reference list
  • 4. Reference List Examples: Brock Library Business Databases
  • 5. Reference List Examples: Statistical Sources
  • 6. Reference List Examples: Audiovisual Sources
  • 7. Citing Sources in Presentations

APA Style uses the author-date citation system  (rather than footnotes or endnotes), which are often called in-text citations ,  parenthetical citations, or narrative citations . These are discussed in the Seventh Edition in Chapter 8, Works Credited in the Text. 

  • You must include an in-text citation whenever you directly quote from another work, or when you paraphrase an idea from another work.
  • You must include a page number in in-text citations for direct quotations, and you are encouraged to include them when you paraphrase.
  • There must be a corresponding Reference List entry for every in-text citation (except for a few exceptions, such as personal communications). 

2.1: Examples of in-text citations with page numbers (print or online)

To cite a source in the text of your written assignment, indicate the last name of the author(s), or if there is no author, the first few words of the document title (in quotation marks), then the page, chapter, figure, or table numbers (if applicable). Narrative citations incorporate the author's name and date of publication within the text. Parenthetical citations place the author and date in parentheses after a quotation or paraphrase. If a publication was written by an organization (such as an association, corporation, or other type of group), then you need to spell out the name of the group in full.

You must provide a specific page number (or specific part) when quoting directly from a source, and you are encouraged to to do so when paraphrasing.

  • Example of a narrative citation for a direct quotation:

...according to Ojala (2006), “transformational librarians look at the changes in the information world and take advantage of those changes to enhance their roles”(p. 5).

  • Example of a parenthetical citation for a direct quotation with multiple authors:

..."teams at the top are the most difficult" (Katzenbach & Smith, 1999, p. 3).

  • Example of a parenthetical citation for a paraphrase (one author):

There are nine ways to build demand through marketing (Kotler, 1999, p. 47).

  • Example of a parenthetical citation for a paraphrase (group author):

         Financial literacy is an essential skill for Canadians (Task Force on Financial Literacy, 2010, p. 4).

  • Example of a parenthetical citation for a paraphrase (no author):

Facebook addicts are a great target market ("Your piece of Facebook action", 2012, p. 11).

2.2: Examples of in-text citations without page numbers

Indicate the last name of the author(s) or, if there is no author, the first few words of the document title (in quotation marks), then the year of publication, then cite the nearest heading and the number of the paragraphs following, preceded by the abbreviation para.

1. Example of a parenthetical citation, personal author:

Parking meters and vending machines must be reprogrammed to accept the new loonie and toonie (Caton, 2012,  para. 5) .

2. Example of a parenthetical citation, group author:

Vending machines are a key retail channel in captive locations such as hospitals (Euromonitor, 2012, Trends section, para. 4).

2.3: Two or more works, same author, same year.

In order to differentiate between two or more works by the same author that were published in the same year, assign letter suffixes to the publication year, both in the in-text citation and in the corresponding entries in the reference list.

         1. Example (group author):

(Datamonitor, 2011a, p.2)

(Datamonitor, 2011b, p.5)

2. Example (personal author):

(Porter & Rivkin, 2012a, p. 54)

(Porter & Rivkin, 2012b, p.80)

2.4: Examples of In-text Citations for Personal Communications

Personal communications include nonrecoverable resources such as email or text messages, telephone conversations, Teams or Zoom chats, etc. Include the initial and surname of the communicator, and an exact date, if possible. These citations may be formatted as narrative citations, or as parenthetical citations. A corresponding Reference List entry is not required.

Narrative citation:  L. Lowry (personal communication, February 26, 2021)

Parenthetical citation: (L. Lowry, personal communication, February 26, 2021)

  • In-Text Citations (APA Style) Provides guidelines on creating in-text citations including specific guidance on how to cite a wide variety of formats including interviews, classroom resources, and personal communications.
  • Classroom or Intranet Sources Consult this section for guidance on citing sources such as a recorded lecture posted in Brightspace.
  • Quotations from Research Participants - includes guidance on how to disguise participant information in order to preserve the anonymity or confidentiality of research participants. Also valuable when citing information obtained from community partners as part of a service learning project.
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Harvard referencing quick guide: Sample assignment

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  • General guidelines
  • Citing and referencing material

Sample assignment

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Citing and reference list example

The text to the right shows how citations and the reference list are typically written in the Harvard referencing style.

Note: the text itself is not designed to be a proper example of academic writing and does not use information from the sources cited; it is for illustrative purposes only.

The purpose of this assignment is to show common elements of the Harvard style of referencing in Dundalk Institute of Technology. It is not intended to be an example of good quality academic writing, and indeed may not make sense in general, but it should show you how citations and a reference list are formed in the Harvard style of referencing (Cameron 2021). If you include a “direct quotation from a book you have read” (Giddens and Sutton 2021, p.117) you should include the relevant page number.

You don’t always have to write the author and year in brackets. Cameron (2021) explains that if the author’s name occurs naturally in the text then the year follows it in brackets. If there are two authors you should include both of them in the citation (Levine and Munsch 2021). If there are three or more authors you don’t have to list all of the names in the citation but you should include them all in the reference list (Robbins et al. 2020). The reference list should appear at the end of your assignment and be in alphabetical order based on the first author’s surname (Bruen 2022) rather than the order in which they appear in your assignment ( Papagiannis  2022). If you are using a citation for a second time you do not need to include it twice in the reference list (Cameron 2021).

Referencing an academic journal that you find online requires more information in the reference list but uses the same format for citing as other sources (Tesseur 2022). If referencing a source from a library database you say from which database you found it (Mayombe 2021).

Don’t forget that websites need to be cited too (Dundalk Institute of Technology 2022). We recommend you look at the full version of DkIT’s Harvard referencing guidelines, and contact the Library if you have any questions. Good luck.

Reference list

Bruen, M. (2020). River flows. In: Kelly-Quinn, M. and Reynolds, J., eds.  Ireland’s rivers . Dublin: University College Dublin Press, pp.39-59.

Cameron, S. (2021). The business student's handbook: skills for study and employment . 7th ed. Harlow: Pearson.

Dundalk Institute of Technology. (2022).  Research support  [online]. Available from: [accessed 25 March 2022].

Giddens, A. and Sutton, P.W. (2021).  Sociology . 9th ed. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Levine, L.E. and Munsch, J. (2021).  Child development: an active learning approach  [online]. 4th ed. London: SAGE Publications. Available from: [accessed 25 March 2022].

Mayombe, C. (2021). Partnership with stakeholders as innovative model of work-integrated learning for unemployed youths.  Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning  [online], 12(2), pp.309-327. Available from: Emerald Insight [accessed 25 March 2022].

Papagiannis, N. (2020).  Effective SEO and content marketing: the ultimate guide for maximizing free web traffic  [online]. Indianapolis: Wiley. Available from: EBSCOhost eBook Collection [accessed 25 March 2022].

Robbins, S.P., Coulter, M.A. and De Cenzo, D.A. (2020).  Fundamentals of management . 11th ed. Harlow: Pearson.

Tesseur, W. (2022). Translation as inclusion? An analysis of international NGOs’ translation policy documents.  Language Problems and Language Planning  [online], 45(3), pp. 261-283. Available from: [accessed 25 March 2022].

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There are different versions of the Harvard referencing style. This guide is a quick introduction to the commonly-used Cite Them Right version. You will find further guidance available through the OU Library on the Cite Them Right Database .

For help and support with referencing and the full Cite Them Right guide, have a look at the Library’s page on referencing and plagiarism . If you need guidance referencing OU module material you can check out which sections of Cite Them Right are recommended when referencing physical and online module material .

This guide does not apply to OU Law undergraduate students . If you are studying a module beginning with W1xx, W2xx or W3xx, you should refer to the Quick guide to Cite Them Right referencing for Law modules .

Table of contents

In-text citations and full references.

  • Secondary referencing
  • Page numbers
  • Citing multiple sources published in the same year by the same author

Full reference examples

Referencing consists of two elements:

  • in-text citations, which are inserted in the body of your text and are included in the word count. An in-text citation gives the author(s) and publication date of a source you are referring to. If the publication date is not given, the phrase 'no date' is used instead of a date. If using direct quotations or you refer to a specific section in the source you also need the page number/s if available, or paragraph number for web pages.
  • full references, which are given in alphabetical order in reference list at the end of your work and are not included in the word count. Full references give full bibliographical information for all the sources you have referred to in the body of your text.

To see a reference list and intext citations check out this example assignment on Cite Them Right .

Difference between reference list and bibliography

a reference list only includes sources you have referred to in the body of your text

a bibliography includes sources you have referred to in the body of your text AND sources that were part of your background reading that you did not use in your assignment

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Examples of in-text citations

You need to include an in-text citation wherever you quote or paraphrase from a source. An in-text citation consists of the last name of the author(s), the year of publication, and a page number if relevant. There are a number of ways of incorporating in-text citations into your work - some examples are provided below. Alternatively you can see examples of setting out in-text citations in Cite Them Right .

Note: When referencing a chapter of an edited book, your in-text citation should give the author(s) of the chapter.

Online module materials

(Includes written online module activities, audio-visual material such as online tutorials, recordings or videos).

When referencing material from module websites, the date of publication is the year you started studying the module.

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication/presentation) 'Title of item'. Module code: Module title . Available at: URL of VLE (Accessed: date).

OR, if there is no named author:

The Open University (Year of publication/presentation) 'Title of item'. Module code: Module title . Available at: URL of VLE (Accessed: date).

Rietdorf, K. and Bootman, M. (2022) 'Topic 3: Rare diseases'. S290: Investigating human health and disease . Available at: (Accessed: 24 January 2023).

The Open University (2022) ‘3.1 The purposes of childhood and youth research’. EK313: Issues in research with children and young people . Available at: (Accessed: 24 January 2023).

You can also use this template to reference videos and audio that are hosted on your module website:

The Open University (2022) ‘Video 2.7 An example of a Frith-Happé animation’. SK298: Brain, mind and mental health . Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2022).

The Open University (2022) ‘Audio 2 Interview with Richard Sorabji (Part 2)’. A113: Revolutions . Available at: (Accessed: 22 November 2022).

Note: if a complete journal article has been uploaded to a module website, or if you have seen an article referred to on the website and then accessed the original version, reference the original journal article, and do not mention the module materials. If only an extract from an article is included in your module materials that you want to reference, you should use secondary referencing, with the module materials as the 'cited in' source, as described above.

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) 'Title of message', Title of discussion board , in Module code: Module title . Available at: URL of VLE (Accessed: date).

Fitzpatrick, M. (2022) ‘A215 - presentation of TMAs', Tutor group discussion & Workbook activities , in A215: Creative writing . Available at: (Accessed: 24 January 2022).

Note: When an ebook looks like a printed book, with publication details and pagination, reference as a printed book.

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) Title . Edition if later than first. Place of publication: publisher. Series and volume number if relevant.

For ebooks that do not contain print publication details

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) Title of book . Available at: DOI or URL (Accessed: date).

Example with one author:

Bell, J. (2014) Doing your research project . Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Adams, D. (1979) The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy . Available at: (Accessed: 23 June 2021).

Example with two or three authors:

Goddard, J. and Barrett, S. (2015) The health needs of young people leaving care . Norwich: University of East Anglia, School of Social Work and Psychosocial Studies.

Example with four or more authors:

Young, H.D. et al. (2015) Sears and Zemansky's university physics . San Francisco, CA: Addison-Wesley.

Note: You can choose one or other method to reference four or more authors (unless your School requires you to name all authors in your reference list) and your approach should be consistent.

Note: Books that have an editor, or editors, where each chapter is written by a different author or authors.

Surname of chapter author, Initial. (Year of publication) 'Title of chapter or section', in Initial. Surname of book editor (ed.) Title of book . Place of publication: publisher, Page reference.

Franklin, A.W. (2012) 'Management of the problem', in S.M. Smith (ed.) The maltreatment of children . Lancaster: MTP, pp. 83–95.

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) 'Title of article', Title of Journal , volume number (issue number), page reference.

If accessed online:

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) 'Title of article', Title of Journal , volume number (issue number), page reference. Available at: DOI or URL (if required) (Accessed: date).

Shirazi, T. (2010) 'Successful teaching placements in secondary schools: achieving QTS practical handbooks', European Journal of Teacher Education , 33(3), pp. 323–326.

Shirazi, T. (2010) 'Successful teaching placements in secondary schools: achieving QTS practical handbooks', European Journal of Teacher Education , 33(3), pp. 323–326. Available at: (Accessed: 27 January 2023).

Barke, M. and Mowl, G. (2016) 'Málaga – a failed resort of the early twentieth century?', Journal of Tourism History , 2(3), pp. 187–212. Available at:

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) 'Title of article', Title of Newspaper , Day and month, Page reference.

Surname, Initial. (Year of publication) 'Title of article', Title of Newspaper , Day and month, Page reference if available. Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Mansell, W. and Bloom, A. (2012) ‘£10,000 carrot to tempt physics experts’, The Guardian , 20 June, p. 5.

Roberts, D. and Ackerman, S. (2013) 'US draft resolution allows Obama 90 days for military action against Syria', The Guardian , 4 September. Available at: (Accessed: 9 September 2015).

Surname, Initial. (Year that the site was published/last updated) Title of web page . Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Organisation (Year that the page was last updated) Title of web page . Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Robinson, J. (2007) Social variation across the UK . Available at: (Accessed: 21 November 2021).

The British Psychological Society (2018) Code of Ethics and Conduct . Available at: (Accessed: 22 March 2019).

Note: Cite Them Right Online offers guidance for referencing webpages that do not include authors' names and dates. However, be extra vigilant about the suitability of such webpages.

Surname, Initial. (Year) Title of photograph . Available at: URL (Accessed: date).

Kitton, J. (2013) Golden sunset . Available at: (Accessed: 21 November 2021).

stanitsa_dance (2021) Cossack dance ensemble . Available at: (Accessed: 13 June 2023).

Note: If no title can be found then replace it with a short description.

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How to Write an Academic Essay with References and Citations


Written by  Scribendi

If you're wondering how to write an academic essay with references, look no further. In this article, we'll discuss how to use in-text citations and references, including how to cite a website, how to cite a book, and how to cite a Tweet, according to various style guides.

How to Cite a Website

You might need to cite sources when writing a paper that references other sources. For example, when writing an essay, you may use information from other works, such as books, articles, or websites. You must then inform readers where this information came from. Failure to do so, even accidentally, is plagiarism—passing off another person's work as your own.

You can avoid plagiarism and show readers where to find information by using citations and references. 

Citations tell readers where a piece of information came from. They take the form of footnotes, endnotes, or parenthetical elements, depending on your style guide. In-text citations are usually placed at the end of a sentence containing the relevant information. 

A reference list , bibliography, or works cited list at the end of a text provides additional details about these cited sources. This list includes enough publication information allowing readers to look up these sources themselves.

Referencing is important for more than simply avoiding plagiarism. Referring to a trustworthy source shows that the information is reliable. Referring to reliable information can also support your major points and back up your argument. 

Learning how to write an academic essay with references and how to use in-text citations will allow you to cite authors who have made similar arguments. This helps show that your argument is objective and not entirely based on personal biases.

How Do You Determine Which Style Guide to Use?

How to Write an Academic Essay with References

Often, a professor will assign a style guide. The purpose of a style guide is to provide writers with formatting instructions. If your professor has not assigned a style guide, they should still be able to recommend one. 

If you are entirely free to choose, pick one that aligns with your field (for example, APA is frequently used for scientific writing). 

Some of the most common style guides are as follows:

AP style for journalism

Chicago style for publishing

APA style for scholarly writing (commonly used in scientific fields)

MLA style for scholarly citations (commonly used in English literature fields)

Some journals have their own style guides, so if you plan to publish, check which guide your target journal uses. You can do this by locating your target journal's website and searching for author guidelines.

How Do You Pick Your Sources?

When learning how to write an academic essay with references, you must identify reliable sources that support your argument. 

As you read, think critically and evaluate sources for:


Keep detailed notes on the sources so that you can easily find them again, if needed.

Tip: Record these notes in the format of your style guide—your reference list will then be ready to go.

How to Use In-Text Citations in MLA

An in-text citation in MLA includes the author's last name and the relevant page number: 

(Author 123)

How to Cite a Website in MLA

How to Cite a Website in MLA

Here's how to cite a website in MLA:

Author's last name, First name. "Title of page."

Website. Website Publisher, date. Web. Date

retrieved. <URL>

With information from a real website, this looks like:

Morris, Nancy. "How to Cite a Tweet in APA,

Chicago, and MLA." Scribendi. Scribendi

Inc., n.d. Web. 22 Dec. 2021.


How Do You Cite a Tweet in MLA ?

MLA uses the full text of a short Tweet (under 140 characters) as its title. Longer Tweets can be shortened using ellipses. 

MLA Tweet references should be formatted as follows:

@twitterhandle (Author Name). "Text of Tweet." Twitter, Date Month, Year, time of

publication, URL.

With information from an actual Tweet, this looks like:

@neiltyson (Neil deGrasse Tyson). "You can't use reason to convince anyone out of an

argument that they didn't use reason to get into." Twitter, 29 Sept. 2020, 10:15 p.m., .

How to Cite a Book in MLA

Here's how to cite a book in MLA:

Author's last name, First name. Book Title. Publisher, Year.

With publication information from a real book, this looks like:

Montgomery, L.M. Rainbow Valley. Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1919.

How to Cite a Chapter in a Book in MLA

Author's last name, First name. "Title of Chapter." Book Title , edited by Editor Name,

Publisher, Year, pp. page range.

With publication information from an actual book, this looks like:

Ezell, Margaret J.M. "The Social Author: Manuscript Culture, Writers, and Readers." The

Broadview Reader in Book History , edited by Michelle Levy and Tom Mole, Broadview

Press, 2015,pp. 375–394.

How to  Cite a Paraphrase in MLA

You can cite a paraphrase in MLA exactly the same way as you would cite a direct quotation. 

Make sure to include the author's name (either in the text or in the parenthetical citation) and the relevant page number.

How to Use In-Text Citations in APA

In APA, in-text citations include the author's last name and the year of publication; a page number is included only if a direct quotation is used: 

(Author, 2021, p. 123)

How to Cite a Website in APA

Here's how to cite a website in APA:

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year, Month. date of publication). Title of page. https://URL

Morris, N. (n.d.). How to cite a Tweet in APA, Chicago, and MLA.       

Tip: Learn more about how to write an academic essay with  references to websites .

How Do You  Cite a Tweet in APA ?

APA refers to Tweets using their first 20 words. 

Tweet references should be formatted as follows:

Author, A. A. [@twitterhandle). (Year, Month. date of publication). First 20 words of the

Tweet. [Tweet] Twitter. URL

When we input information from a real Tweet, this looks like:

deGrasse Tyson, N. [@neiltyson]. (2020, Sept. 29). You can't use reason to convince anyone

out of an argument that they didn't use reason to get into. [Tweet] Twitter.

How to Cite a Book in APA

How to Cite a Book in APA

Here's how to cite a book in APA:   

Author, A. A. (Year). Book title. Publisher.

For a real book, this looks like:

Montgomery, L. M. (1919). Rainbow valley.

Frederick A. Stokes Company.

How to Cite a Chapter in a Book in APA

Author, A. A. (Year). Chapter title. In Editor Name (Ed.), Book Title (pp. page range).

With information from a real book, this looks like:

Ezell, M. J. M. (2014). The social author: Manuscript culture, writers, and readers. In

Michelle Levy and Tom Mole (Eds.), The Broadview Reader in Book History (pp. 375–

394). Broadview Press.

Knowing how to cite a book and how to cite a chapter in a book correctly will take you a long way in creating an effective reference list.

How to Cite a Paraphrase

How to Cite a Paraphrase in APA

You can cite a paraphrase in APA the same way as you would cite a direct quotation, including the author's name and year of publication. 

In APA, you may also choose to pinpoint the page from which the information is taken.

Referencing is an essential part of academic integrity. Learning how to write an academic essay with references and how to use in-text citations shows readers that you did your research and helps them locate your sources.

Learning how to cite a website, how to cite a book, and how to cite a paraphrase can also help you avoid plagiarism —an academic offense with serious consequences for your education or professional reputation.

Scribendi can help format your citations or review your whole paper with our Academic Editing services .

Take Your Essay from Good to Great

Hire an expert academic editor , or get a free sample, about the author.

Scribendi Editing and Proofreading

Scribendi's in-house editors work with writers from all over the globe to perfect their writing. They know that no piece of writing is complete without a professional edit, and they love to see a good piece of writing transformed into a great one. Scribendi's in-house editors are unrivaled in both experience and education, having collectively edited millions of words and obtained numerous degrees. They love consuming caffeinated beverages, reading books of various genres, and relaxing in quiet, dimly lit spaces.

Have You Read?

"The Complete Beginner's Guide to Academic Writing"

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University Libraries      University of Nevada, Reno

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  • Subject Guides

APA Citation Guide (7th Edition): Presentations and Class Notes

  • Audiovisual Media
  • Books and eBooks
  • Dictionaries, Thesauruses and Encyclopedias
  • Figures and Tables
  • Government Documents
  • Journal, Magazine and Newspaper Articles
  • Personal Communications
  • Presentations and Class Notes
  • Social Media
  • Websites and Webpages
  • Generative AI
  • In-Text Citation
  • Reference List and Sample Papers
  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Citation Software

In-Text Citation or Reference List?

Handouts distributed in class and presentation slides such as PowerPoint should be cited both in-text and on the Reference list.

Your own notes from lectures are considered personal communications in APA style. They are cited within the text of your assignment, but do not get an entry on the Reference list.

Presentation Slides from a Website

Author, A. A. (Year, Month Date). Title of presentation  [Lecture notes, PowerPoint Slides, etc.]. Publisher. URL

Kunka, J. L. (n.d.). Conquering the comma [PowerPoint presentation]. Purdue Online Writing Lab.

Presentation Slides from WebCampus (Canvas)

Instructor, I. I. (Year Presentation Was Created).  Title of presentation  [PowerPoint presentation]. WebCampus. URL

Graham, J. (2013).  Introduction: Jean Watson  [PowerPoint presentation]. WebCampus.

Note : The first letter of the word Watson is capitalized as it is part of a person's name.

Class Handouts from WebCampus (Canvas)

Instructor, I. I. (Year Handout Was Created if known).  Title of handout  [Class handout]. WebCampus. URL

Magowan , A. (2013).  Career resources at the library   [Class handout]. WebCampus.

Class Handout in Print

Instructor, I. I. (Year Handout Was Created if known).  Title of handout  [Class handout]. University Name, Course code.

Wood, D. (2013).  Laboratory safety overview  [Class handout]. University of Nevada, Reno,  BIO173.

Class Lectures (Notes from)

Note : Your own notes from a lecture are considered personal communications in APA style. They are cited within the text of your assignment, but do not get an entry on the Reference list. Put the citation right after a quote or paraphrased content from the class lecture.

(I. I. Instructor who gave lecture, personal communication, Month Day, Year lecture took place)

"Infections are often contracted while patients are recovering in the hospital" (J. D. Black, personal communication, May 30, 2012).

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How To Write References for Academic & Scientific Research Papers

Posted by rene | Jun 26, 2021 | Advice on Constructing Academic References & Bibliographies | 0 |

How To Write References for Academic & Scientific Research Papers

How To Write References for Academic and Scientific Research Papers Writing accurate & appropriate references is an essential aspect of preparing a research paper for successful publication, examination or any other kind of serious dissemination or evaluation. This article explains exactly how to write perfect references in two widely used scholarly styles: the parenthetical author–date system recommended by the American Psychological Association (APA) & the sequential numerical or Vancouver system frequently used in the sciences. The post also includes several clear examples of in-text citations & complete bibliographical references formatted in both styles.

Neither of these documentation styles is inherently complex, though each does have its characteristic pitfalls, and the utmost accuracy is essential when using either. Accusations of plagiarism or misrepresentation of the work of other scholars can be the unpleasant result if authors are not absolutely correct and scrupulously thorough in providing citations and references when they should to acknowledge the research of others. In addition, publication attempts can prove unsuccessful and grades lower than expected if instructions and guidelines for references are not observed with precision and consistency. The discussion and examples offered below outline exactly how to provide scholarly references for articles and books in one version of an author–date documentation style – APA – and one of a numerical style – Vancouver – but do be aware that various versions of these two basic styles exist, so consulting the guidelines, instructions or manual specific to the research paper you are writing is always imperative before finalising formats for in-text citations and complete references.

Writing APA Author–Date References for a Research Paper Writing an accurate and appropriate APA author–date reference is a two-stage process involving 1) the creation of an in-text citation in the main body of the paper and 2) the addition of a complete bibliographical entry about the source in a list of references at the end of the paper.

1. The in-text citation should contain the last name of the author (or last names of the authors if there is more than one) who wrote the article, book or other document followed by the document’s date of publication. This information most frequently appears in parentheses immediately after the statement related to the paper, as in this example: •   A recent study of the text presents a similar argument (Wilson & Bond, 2016).

Alternatively, the names of the authors or the date of publication can be integrated into the main text, with the remaining information presented in parentheses: •   Wilson and Bond present a similar argument in their recent study of the text (2016). •   A 2016 examination of the text presents a similar argument (Wilson & Bond). Rewording of the main text is obviously necessary, but the only difference (beyond arrangement) in the citation information itself is that the word ‘and’ is used between the author names in the main text, whereas an ampersand (&) is used between those names when they appear in parentheses. The parentheses can sometimes be eliminated altogether by writing both author names and publication date in the main text: •   Wilson and Bond’s 2016 study of the text presents a similar argument.

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Page numbers can be used for referring to specific information in particular parts of a publication, but they are usually only required in APA style for direct quotations when a passage or other part of a published document is reproduced word for word in a new research paper. In such cases, the page number is separated from the publication date by a comma and preceded by the abbreviation ‘p.’ for ‘page’: •   As Wilson and Bond explain, ‘the political reading of the text, even the most personal of its episodes, seems universal until the book falls into a woman’s hands’ (2016, p.88).

When two or more sources are cited in the same set of parentheses, semicolons are used to separate the sources: •   Both studies consider the poem in relation to urban culture (Samuel & Watson, 2013; Wilson & Bond, 2016). The normal arrangement when multiple sources are cited in a single set of parentheses is to observe alphabetical order according to the author names, as I have done above (with ‘Samuel’ preceding ‘Wilson’). Notice that the in-text citation takes the same form whether the source cited is a book or an article, with ‘Samuel & Watson’ referring here to a monograph and ‘Wilson & Bond’ to a journal article.

2. Every source cited in the text of an academic or scientific research paper using APA style should also be included in a list that is entitled ‘References’ and presented at the end of the paper. An APA list of references should be arranged alphabetically based on author names, and all the bibliographical information required for readers to find each source must be provided in a specific format. The author names for a publication come first and are inverted, with the last name of the first author of each document opening the bibliographical entry. Author names are followed by the date of publication (in parentheses), with these two pieces of information serving readers by connecting the complete reference to the in-text citation. It is therefore vital that the last names of authors and the publication dates provided in both places are checked against each other for errors and inconsistencies and then carefully corrected to agree with precision.

For the complete reference to a journal article, the title of the article follows the date of publication. The name and volume number of the journal come next, both of them in italic font, though do be aware that special fonts may not be displayed in this post. The pages on which the article can be found come next, and if there is a doi or url for an online version of the paper, that should be the last item in the entry, which would take this form: •   Wilson, S., & Bond, F. (2016). Political and personal readings of the earliest zone poem. Urban Poetry, 12, 72–94. doi:00.0000/00000000000000

For the complete reference to a book, the information, and thus the format, is a little different. The title of the book follows the publication date and appears in italic font, with the place of publication and publisher’s name completing the reference: •   Samuel, H., & Watson, M. (2013). Political poetry and modern urbanity. London: Big City Press.

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Writing Sequential Numerical References for a Research Paper The same two-step process is necessary when writing the sequential numerical references used for Vancouver style documentation, but in-text citations are notably simpler, a different arrangement is used for the list of references and a somewhat different format is required for the complete bibliographical entries included in the list.

1. For a numerical in-text citation, a single Arabic numeral is all that is required. Each source is assigned a number when it is first cited, so the sources used in a research paper are numbered sequentially according to the order of first citation, with each source retaining throughout the paper the number it was originally assigned. The first source cited would therefore be reference 1, the second reference 2 and so on. The International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) recommends placing these reference numbers in parentheses, with a citation taking this form: •   A recent study of the text presents a similar argument (1).

As is the case with author–date citations, information about sources can also be added in the main text: •   Wilson and Bond present a similar argument in their recent study of the text (1). •   A 2016 examination of the text presents a similar argument (1). •   Wilson and Bond’s 2016 study of the text presents a similar argument (1). Unlike author–date citations, however, this additional information in the text does not negate the need for the reference number, which is always required.

If you need to cite a specific page of a document to point readers to a particular piece of information or indicate the location of a quoted passage, the page number should be added after the reference number, usually with a comma to separate it from the reference number and a preceding ‘p.’ to avoid confusion: •  As Wilson and Bond explain, ‘the political reading of the text, even the most personal of its episodes, seems universal until the book falls into a woman’s hands’ (1, p.88). When two or more sources are cited at the same time, commas are generally used to separate the reference numbers, usually without intervening spaces: •  Several studies have taken this approach to the text (1,2,5–8).

2. The reference list for sequential numerical citations is arranged, not surprisingly, by the numerical sequence of the citations. This means that the first source cited in a research paper (reference 1) is also the first source listed in the References section of the paper, the second is the second source in the list and so on. The following two sample references follow ICMJE guidelines and would serve as the opening entries in a numerical list of references: •  1. Wilson S, Bond F. Political and personal readings of the earliest zone poem. Urban Poetry. 2016;12:72–94. doi:00.0000/00000000000000. •  2. Samuel H, Watson M. Political Poetry and Modern Urbanity. London: Big City Press; 2013.

As these examples show, the information required for a complete reference varies according to the nature of the source cited, just as it does with author–date references. In addition, the names of journals (but not books) are often abbreviated when preparing numerical references. It is essential, however, that the correct or standard abbreviation for each journal be used when shortening journal titles, which can easily be confused in their abbreviated forms, so a little research may be necessary to determine the right abbreviation. Use of the complete journal title is recommended when there is any doubt or there is no standard abbreviation.

A cautionary note is in order when writing sequential numerical references. Adding or deleting sources from a numerical list of references that has been arranged according to the order in which sources are first cited can necessitate changes in subsequent list entries as well as in the in-text citations, and the same is the case with any changes to those in-text citations. The reason is simple: if, for example, you remove reference 3 from the text or list, what was reference 4 becomes reference 3, what was reference 5 becomes reference 4 and so on. If you add that removed reference back in elsewhere more alterations will ensue. It is therefore wise to check and finalise the order of the reference list very carefully indeed after all the in-text citations are in their final places, and to ensure that the assigned reference numbers agree with the utmost accuracy between in-text citations and the list of references.

Why Our Editing and Proofreading Services? At we offer the highest quality   journal article editing ,   phd thesis editing   and   proofreading services   via our large and extremely dedicated team of academic and scientific professionals. All of our proofreaders and editors are native speakers of English who have earned their own postgraduate degrees, and their areas of specialisation cover such a wide range of disciplines that we are able to help our international clientele with research editing to improve and perfect all kinds of academic manuscripts for successful publication. Many of the carefully trained members of our   expert editing   and proofreading team work predominantly on articles intended for publication in scholarly journals, applying painstaking   journal editing   standards to ensure that the references and formatting used in each paper are in conformity with the journal’s instructions for authors and to correct any grammar, spelling, punctuation or simple typing errors. In this way, we enable our clients to report their research in the clear and accurate ways required to impress acquisitions editors and achieve publication.

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If you are in the process of preparing an article for an academic or scientific journal, or planning one for the near future, you may well be interested in a new book,   Guide to Journal Publication , which is available on our   Tips and Advice on Publishing Research in Journals   website.

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Summary How To Write References for Academic & Scientific Research Papers

How To Write References for Academic & Scientific Research Papers

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Referencing guide: reference list example.

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What Is Cite This For Me’s Reference Generator?

Cite This For Me’s open-access generator is an automated citation machine that turns any of your sources into references in just a click. Using a reference generator helps students to integrate referencing into their research and writing routine; turning a time-consuming ordeal into a simple task.

A referencing generator accesses information from across the web, drawing the relevant information into a fully-formatted bibliography that clearly presents all of the sources that have contributed to your work.

If you don’t know how to reference a website correctly, or have a fast-approaching deadline, Cite This For Me’s accurate and intuitive reference generator will lend you the confidence to realise your full academic potential. In order to get a grade that reflects all your hard work, your references must be accurate and complete. Using a citation machine not only saves you time but also ensures that you don’t lose valuable marks on your assignment.

Not sure how to format your citations, what citations are, or just want to find out more about Cite This For Me’s reference generator? This guide outlines everything you need to know to equip yourself with the know-how and confidence to research and cite a wide range of diverse sources in your work.

Why Do I Need To Reference?

Simply put, when another source contributes to your work, you have to give the original owner the appropriate credit. After all, you wouldn’t steal someone else’s possessions so why would you steal their ideas?

Regardless of whether you are referencing a website, an article or a podcast, any factual material or ideas you take from another source must be acknowledged in a citation unless it is common knowledge (e.g. Winston Churchill was English). Failing to credit all of your sources, even when you’ve paraphrased or completely reworded the information, is plagiarism. Plagiarising will result in disciplinary action, which can range from losing precious marks on your assignment to expulsion from your university.

What’s more, attributing your research infuses credibility and authority into your work, both by supporting your own ideas and by demonstrating the breadth of your research. For many students, crediting sources can be a confusing and tedious process, but it’s a surefire way to improve the quality of your work so it’s essential to get it right. Luckily for you, using Cite This For Me’s reference generator makes creating accurate references easier than ever, leaving more time for you to excel in your studies.

In summary, the citing process serves three main functions:

  • To validate the statements and conclusions in your work by providing directions to other sound sources that support and verify them.
  • To help your readers locate, read and check your sources, as well as establishing their contribution to your work.
  • To give credit to the original author and hence avoid committing intellectual property theft (known as ‘plagiarism’ in academia).

How Do I Cite My Sources With The Cite This For Me Referencing Generator?

Cite This For Me’s reference generator is the most accurate citation machine available, so whether you’re not sure how to format in-text references or are looking for a foolproof solution to automate a fully-formatted bibliography, this referencing generator will solve all of your citing needs.

Crediting your source material doesn’t just prevent you from losing valuable marks for plagiarism, it also provides all of the information to help your reader find for themselves the book, article, or other item you are citing. The accessible interface of the reference generator makes it easy for you to identify the source you have used – simply enter its unique identifier into the citation machine search bar. If this information is not available you can search for the title or author instead, and then select from the search results that appear below the reference generator.

Don’t know how to reference a website? The good news is that by using tools such as Cite This For Me’s reference generator, which help you work smarter, you don’t need to limit your research to sources that are traditional to cite. In fact, there are no limits to what you can cite, whether you are referencing a website, a YouTube video or a tweet.

To use the reference generator, simply:

  • Select your style from Harvard, APA, OSCOLA and many more*
  • Choose the type of source you would like to cite (e.g. website, book, journal, video)
  • Enter the URL , DOI , ISBN , title, or other unique source information to find your source
  • Click the ‘Cite’ button on the reference generator
  • Copy your new citation straight from the referencing generator into your bibliography
  • Repeat for each source that has contributed to your work.

*If you require another style for your paper, essay or other academic work, you can select from over 1,000 styles by creating a free Cite This For Me account.

Once you have created your Cite This For Me account you will be able to use the reference generator to create multiple references and save them into a project. Use Cite This For Me’s highly-rated iOS or Android apps to generate references in a flash with your smartphone camera, export your complete bibliography in one go, and much more.

What Will The Reference Generator Create For Me?

Cite This For Me’s reference generator will create your citation in two parts: an in-text citation and a full citation to be copied straight into your work.

The reference generator will auto-generate the correct formatting for your bibliography depending on your chosen style. For instance, if you select a parenthetical style the reference generator will generate an in-text citation in parentheses, along with a full citation to slot into your bibliography. Likewise, if the reference generator is set to a footnote style then it will create a fully-formatted citation for your reference list and bibliography, as well as a corresponding footnote to insert at the bottom of the page containing the relevant source.

Parenthetical style examples:

In-text example: A nation has been defined as an imagined community (Anderson, 2006).* Alternative format: Anderson (2006) defined a nation as an imagined community.

*The reference generator will create your references in the first style, but this should be edited if the author’s name already appears in the text.

Bibliography / Works Cited list example: Anderson, B. (2006). Imagined Communities. London: Verso.

What Are Citation Styles?

A citation style is a set of rules that you, as an academic writer, must follow to ensure the quality and relevance of your work. There are thousands of styles that are used in different academic institutions around the world, but in the UK the most common are Harvard, APA and Oscola.

The style you need to use will depend on the preference of your lecturer, discipline or academic institution – so if you’re unsure which style you should be using, consult your department and follow their guidelines exactly, as this is what you’ll be evaluated on when it comes to marking. You can also find your university’s style by logging into your Cite This For Me account and setting your institution in ‘My Profile’.

Citing isn’t just there to guard against plagiarism – presenting your research in a clear and consistent way eases the reader’s comprehension. Each style has a different set of rules for formatting both the page and your references. Be sure to adhere to formatting rules such as font type, font size and line spacing to ensure that your work is easily legible. Furthermore, if your work is published as part of an anthology or collected works, each entry will need to be presented in the same style to maintain uniformity throughout. It is important to make sure that you don’t jump from one style to another, so follow the rules carefully to ensure your reference list and bibliography are both accurate and complete.

If you need a hand with your citations then why not try Cite This For Me’s reference generator? It’s the quickest and easiest way to cite any source, in any style. The reference generator above will create your citations in the Harvard referencing style as standard, but it can generate fully-formatted references in over 1,000 styles – including university variations of each style. So, whether your lecturer has asked you to adopt APA referencing , or your subject requires you to use OSCOLA referencing , we’re sure to have the style you need. To access all of them, simply go to Cite This For Me’s website to create your free Cite This For Me account and search for your specific style such as MLA or Vancouver .

How Do I Format A Reference List Or Bibliography?

Drawing on a wide range of sources greatly enhances the quality of your work, and reading above and beyond your recommended reading list – and then using these sources to support your own thesis – is an excellent way to impress your reader. A clearly presented reference list or bibliography demonstrates the lengths you have gone to in researching your chosen topic.

Typically, a reference list starts on a new page at the end of the main body of text and includes a complete list of the sources you have actually cited in your paper. This list should contain all the information needed for the reader to locate the original source of the information, quote or statistic that directly contributed to your work. On the other hand, a bibliography is a comprehensive list of all the material you may have consulted throughout your research and writing process. Both provide the necessary information for readers to retrieve and check the sources cited in your work.

Each style’s guidelines will define the terminology of ‘reference list’ and ‘bibliography’, as well as providing formatting guidelines for font, line spacing and page indentations. In addition, it will instruct you on how to order each list – this will usually be either alphabetical or chronological (meaning the order that these sources appear in your work). Before submitting your work, be sure to check that you have formatted your whole paper according to your style’s formatting guidelines.

Sounds complicated? Citing has never been so easy; Cite This For Me’s reference generator will automatically generate fully-formatted citations for your reference list or bibliography in your chosen style. Sign in to your Cite This For Me account to save and export your bibliography.

How Do References Actually Work?

Although the reference generator will create your bibliography for you in record time, it is still useful to understand how this system works behind the scenes. As well as saving you time with its referencing generator, Cite This For Me provides the learning resources to help you fully understand the citing process and the benefits of adopting great citing standards.

The referencing process:

  • Find a book, journal, website or other source that will contribute to your work
  • Save the quote, image, data or other information that you will use in your work
  • Save the source information that enables you to find it again (i.e. URL, ISBN, DOI etc.)
  • Format the source information into a citation
  • Copy and paste the citation into the body of the text
  • Repeat for each source that contributes to your work.
  • Export or copy and paste the fully-formatted citation into your bibliography.

how to write reference on assignment

Manage all your references in one place

Create projects, add notes, cite directly from the browser and scan books’ barcodes with a mobile app.

Sign up to Cite This For Me – the ultimate reference management tool.

  • Free Tools for Students
  • Harvard Referencing Generator

Free Harvard Referencing Generator

Generate accurate Harvard reference lists quickly and for FREE, with MyBib!

🤔 What is a Harvard Referencing Generator?

A Harvard Referencing Generator is a tool that automatically generates formatted academic references in the Harvard style.

It takes in relevant details about a source -- usually critical information like author names, article titles, publish dates, and URLs -- and adds the correct punctuation and formatting required by the Harvard referencing style.

The generated references can be copied into a reference list or bibliography, and then collectively appended to the end of an academic assignment. This is the standard way to give credit to sources used in the main body of an assignment.

👩‍🎓 Who uses a Harvard Referencing Generator?

Harvard is the main referencing style at colleges and universities in the United Kingdom and Australia. It is also very popular in other English-speaking countries such as South Africa, Hong Kong, and New Zealand. University-level students in these countries are most likely to use a Harvard generator to aid them with their undergraduate assignments (and often post-graduate too).

🙌 Why should I use a Harvard Referencing Generator?

A Harvard Referencing Generator solves two problems:

  • It provides a way to organise and keep track of the sources referenced in the content of an academic paper.
  • It ensures that references are formatted correctly -- inline with the Harvard referencing style -- and it does so considerably faster than writing them out manually.

A well-formatted and broad bibliography can account for up to 20% of the total grade for an undergraduate-level project, and using a generator tool can contribute significantly towards earning them.

⚙️ How do I use MyBib's Harvard Referencing Generator?

Here's how to use our reference generator:

  • If citing a book, website, journal, or video: enter the URL or title into the search bar at the top of the page and press the search button.
  • Choose the most relevant results from the list of search results.
  • Our generator will automatically locate the source details and format them in the correct Harvard format. You can make further changes if required.
  • Then either copy the formatted reference directly into your reference list by clicking the 'copy' button, or save it to your MyBib account for later.

MyBib supports the following for Harvard style:

🍏 What other versions of Harvard referencing exist?

There isn't "one true way" to do Harvard referencing, and many universities have their own slightly different guidelines for the style. Our generator can adapt to handle the following list of different Harvard styles:

  • Cite Them Right
  • Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU)
  • University of the West of England (UWE)

Image of daniel-elias

Daniel is a qualified librarian, former teacher, and citation expert. He has been contributing to MyBib since 2018.

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These OWL resources will help you understand and complete specific types of writing assignments, such as annotated bibliographies, book reports, and research papers. This section also includes resources on writing academic proposals for conference presentations, journal articles, and books.

Understanding Writing Assignments

This resource describes some steps you can take to better understand the requirements of your writing assignments. This resource works for either in-class, teacher-led discussion or for personal use.

Argument Papers

This resource outlines the generally accepted structure for introductions, body paragraphs, and conclusions in an academic argument paper. Keep in mind that this resource contains guidelines and not strict rules about organization. Your structure needs to be flexible enough to meet the requirements of your purpose and audience.

Research Papers

This handout provides detailed information about how to write research papers including discussing research papers as a genre, choosing topics, and finding sources.

Exploratory Papers

This resource will help you with exploratory/inquiry essay assignments.

Annotated Bibliographies

This handout provides information about annotated bibliographies in MLA, APA, and CMS.

Book Report

This resource discusses book reports and how to write them.


This handout provides suggestions and examples for writing definitions.

Essays for Exams

While most OWL resources recommend a longer writing process (start early, revise often, conduct thorough research, etc.), sometimes you just have to write quickly in test situations. However, these exam essays can be no less important pieces of writing than research papers because they can influence final grades for courses, and/or they can mean the difference between getting into an academic program (GED, SAT, GRE). To that end, this resource will help you prepare and write essays for exams.

Book Review

This resource discusses book reviews and how to write them.

Academic Proposals

This resource will help undergraduate, graduate, and professional scholars write proposals for academic conferences, articles, and books.

In this section


Artificial intelligence in assignment writing

Many students are uncertain about the rules for using aids and collaboration when writing assignments, and with the emergence of new tools based on artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT, there may be more questions than before. It is therefore important that you as a student know and understand the rules.

Please note that there may be  different guidelines  in different subjects. If you are unsure about what applies to your subject, you can contact the person responsible for the course .

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be a useful tool in assignment writing, but you must follow the academic and ethical guidelines for academic writing. When using AI, you should be aware of how you use it and what kind of contribution it makes to your text.

It is important to know the rules for citation and how to cite the sources you have used, including AI, both in the text itself and in a reference list. You must also know what is considered cheating and plagiarism to avoid serious mistakes, whether intentional or unintentional.

When writing an academic paper, you must always refer to the sources you have used. This also applies when using artificial intelligence. Learn more about the rules for citations in the  Citation Compass . Here you will find instructions on how to reference the use of artificial intelligence .  

The University Library offers  courses in source criticism and reference management .

For each exam, information about citations and the bibliography is provided. You can get information from the person responsible for your course. Additionally, it will be displayed on the front page of the test in Inspera for home exams.

As a general rule, all aids are allowed in home exams and assignment submissions. Language models like ChatGPT are considered legal aids in exams where all aids are permitted. However, if you submit text, calculations, or similar that are directly copied from a language model without referring to the aid you have used, it is considered cheating since you are presenting someone else's work as your own. 

Cheating and plagiarism

Plagiarism and cheating in exams are serious offenses that can have consequences for your right to study and your grades.

  • Plagiarism is using someone else's texts, ideas, images, or other material without citing the source or giving acknowledgment
  • Cheating is using illegal aids, collaborating with others, or cheating in other ways during exams 

If a student is suspected or caught for plagiarism or cheating, the case will be handled in the university's appeals committee. The consequence can be various reactions, such as annulment of the exam or exclusion from the university for up to two semesters. You can read more about plagiarism and cheating on this page .

Examples of the use of artificial intelligence

Can i use ai for ideas or structure in my assignment.

You can use a language model to generate ideas or arguments, but you need to be cautious and critical when doing so. A language model can help you develop or expand your topic or issue by giving you suggestions based on your text or a keyword. A language model can also assist you in finding or formulating supporting or opposing arguments by providing examples, sources, or counterarguments.

How to reference correctly?

If you have used AI as a tool to write an academic paper, you should refer to it in the text and in the reference list in your chosen referencing style. A reference to AI should include the name of the language model, the developer or provider of the language model, the version or date of the language model, and the URL or platform where you used the language model. In the text or in a footnote, you can also explain how you have used the language model and what kind of contribution it has made to the text.

A reference to GPT UiO based on APA7 style could look like this:

In this paper, I have used the language model GPT-3 (OpenAI, 2020) through GPT UiO (University of Oslo, 2021) to generate ideas and arguments for my text. GPT UiO is a UiO-developed service that allows me to use OpenAI's GPT models within privacy requirements. I have used GPT UiO to suggest topics, issues, hypotheses, and research questions for the assignment, and to find or formulate supporting or opposing arguments for these. I have not used GPT UiO to write entire paragraphs or chapters, but only to make suggestions that I have evaluated and processed myself.

In the reference list, the reference to GPT UiO will look like this:

OpenAI. (2020). UiO GPT (Version GPT-3.5 Turbo) [Large language model]. University of Oslo.

Learn more about references in the  Citation Compass . 

Can I use AI for proofreading?

AI can assist you with language correction in your assignment, but you must be aware that AI cannot replace a thorough manual proofreading or expert guidance from your instructor. Additionally, using AI for language correction may not be appropriate for language-related subjects, and different academic communities may have varying guidelines regarding its use. If you are uncertain about the guidelines specific to your subject, you can reach out to your course instructor.

As a student, it's essential to exercise caution when using AI in your assignments. Please take note of the following:

  • You are expected to submit a text that is solely produced by you. Submitting a text that is fully or partially produced by AI or someone else without appropriate declaration is considered cheating. 
  • Language models generate text based on probability and common phrases, which may lack your unique and academic expression.
  • You should also be careful to avoid sharing sensitive data or personal information.

You can be specific in your request to the tool. For example, you can ask for help with finding grammatical errors, improving sentence structure, or requesting synonyms to avoid repetition. Remember that all suggestions should be evaluated and possibly adapted to the context of your assignment.

By using ChatGPT or similar AI tools in a responsible and critical manner, you can improve the language quality of your exam assignment. Remember that AI can be used as a tool, but the final text and responsibility for the content rests with you as a student.

How to reference correctly? 

A reference to GPT UiO based on the APA7 style could look like this in the text or in a footnote:

In the process of preparing this assignment, 'UiO Chat,' an AI-based tool for proofreading and linguistic improvement, was used to identify and correct grammatical errors and to improve sentence structure. This assistance was crucial for ensuring linguistic clarity and correctness in the text (UiO Chat, 2023).

In the reference list, the reference to GPT UiO would look like this:

See more in the  Citation Compass .

Is it allowed to copy AI-generated text into my assignment?

Copying text from AI into your assignment without acknowledging it, is considered plagiarism, and it can have significant consequences. Therefore, you should always exercise caution when using artificial intelligence in your assignments.

Please be aware of the following:

  • As a student, it is expected that you submit independently produced text. Submitting a text that is fully or partially generated by AI or others without proper acknowledgement is considered plagiarism.
  • Language models generate text based on probability and commonly used phrases, which may result in text lacking your own academic and independent touch.
  • It is also important to be mindful and avoid sharing sensitive data or personal information when utilising AI. 

Even though you might insert a paragraph referencing the language model, it may not be advisable. It is difficult to precisely define when a text ceases to be an independent product. For example, if you include a paragraph to illustrate how AI can be used, you must clearly indicate in the text or a footnote which paragraph(s) were generated by AI and disclose the input you provided to the AI beforehand.

Remember that you are responsible for the content of your assignment, so it is essential to be meticulous in checking the content and references. There are examples of cases where language models have provided wrong facts or pointed to non-existent sources. 

How to reference correctly 

If you insert a text paragraph, you must mark it in a clear and correct manner, either in the text or a footnote. For example, This paragraph was generated with the help of [Name of AI tool], based on input: '[your specific request to the AI tool]'.

In your reference list, the reference to GPT UiO would look like this:

See more in the Citation Compass . 

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May 22, 2024

Top three tips: Choosing a strong reference for your graduate business school application

In the application process for graduate business school, your letter of recommendation is an opportunity to demonstrate your professional abilities through the eyes of someone who knows you well.

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While you are in control of the majority of your application materials, your reference letter is an opportunity to provide our admissions team with details about your professional characteristics from someone in your network. A strong recommendation can show our team the value you’ll bring to Johns Hopkins Carey Business School.

What is a letter of recommendation?

A letter of recommendation is a document written by someone in your circle who knows you in a professional or academic capacity. This letter serves to support your qualifications, characteristics, strengths, and professional potential. Typically, these letters are written by professors, supervisors, mentors, or colleagues.

When to ask for a letter of recommendation

Writing a recommendation letter takes time. After you decide who you will reach out to, approach them at least two months before the application deadline. This provides them with a significant amount of time to write, revise, and submit a thoughtful and well-prepared letter. Be considerate of timing if you are asking a professor for a recommendation–what part of the semester is it? Finals? Mid-terms? Be sure to give them ample amounts of time to submit your letter by the deadline.

Top three tips for choosing a strong reference

A well-crafted letter of recommendation should highlight your professional attributes and provide specific examples that illustrate why you are an ideal candidate for Carey. These letters play a crucial role in the admissions process, so it’s important to choose a recommender who you trust.

1.     Choose someone who knows you and your professional strengths

Select an individual who has a deep understanding of your characteristics, strengths, professional capabilities, and goals. A recommender does not need to be the highest-ranking individual in your organization or institution but rather someone with whom you have had significant time working in an academic or professional capacity.

It is also important to note that your choice of recommender is a way for the admissions team to evaluate your self-awareness. The admissions team is looking to see if you can identify a recommender who will offer the best reflection of your skills and abilities. If the recommendation is brief, lukewarm, or has boilerplate accolades, that might be an indication that you may not have chosen the best fit.

2.     Avoid choosing family members or personal friends

While family members and close friends know you on a personal level, they might not have strong insight into your professional work ethic. The admissions team is looking for objective assessments of your capabilities, and recommendations from individuals you know personally might not seem as credible.

3.     Communicate effectively with your recommender

Maintaining open communication with your recommender ensures that the letter of recommendation is effective, tailored to your needs, and submitted in a timely manner, ultimately increasing your chances of success in the application process. Be sure to discuss deadlines and submission requirements well in advance to ensure that the recommendation is submitted on time and in the correct format. Offer additional context–or even a few written guidelines–to your recommender so they are better informed about topics they should focus their letter on. Communicating also gives you the opportunity to share essential information about your goals and achievements to ensure that the recommendation is aligned with the rest of your application.

Don’t forget–provide our admissions team with the name, title, and contact information for your reference within your application. Your recommender will then receive an email containing a personalized link to upload their letter of recommendation to your application. Be sure to inform your recommender ahead of time so that they will know to look for the link in their email inbox.

Letter of recommendation requirements for Johns Hopkins Carey Business School

  • Full-time MBA : One letter of recommendation
  • Part-time programs and certificates : One letter of recommendation  (Option to submit two)
  • Full-time Master of Science programs : One letter of recommendation
  • Design Leadership MA/MBA : One letter of recommendation (Option to submit two)

Upcoming Carey application deadlines

Please visit our upcoming deadlines webpage to view all application, decision, and deposit deadlines.

Design Leadership MA/MBA Summer 2024: Deposit deadline

May 29, 2024

Full-time MBA Fall 2024: Deposit deadline

Flexible mba fall 2024: application deadline.

June 5, 2024

Part-time programs Fall 2024: Application deadline

Remembering an Event Essay: Examples and Guidelines [Free]

Throughout our life, we meet plenty of people and participate in various events. If some of them are just regular, the other people or occasions play a critical role in our fates. Your life-changing experience might become a perfect ground for creating a remembering essay.

Generally, there are two types of such papers:

  • “Remembering an event” essay that describes a crucial event form the writer’s life;
  • “Remembering a person” essay that portrays an individual that significantly influences the author’s life.

Our writers prepared this article to assist you with the task. Get ready to create your outstanding remembering essay. Our examples and tips will help you in achieving your goal!

  • 📜 Common Tips
  • ❓ What to Write?
  • ❓ How to Write?
  • ❓ Who to Choose?
  • ❓ What to Say?
  • 📋 Essay Organization

📜 Remembering Essay: Common Tips

A remembering essay is a piece of writing that reflects remarkable memories from the past. It has to include either a fascinating story or a description of a person.

Wondering how to write an essay about a person or an event? Here are some basic features that it should have:

  • Description . Create a clear image of a person or an event you are talking about. Practice your descriptive writing skills to reach an outstanding result!
  • Actions . What were the person’s deeds? How did you act in a particular situation? Your work should contain the elements of a narrative essay. So, tell the reader how things were going and what was your reaction.
  • Dialogue . This element is optional but very useful, especially if you are writing a remembering a person essay. A conversation helps to reflect the genuine emotions the characters experienced.
  • Outcome . Your remembering essay should have a logical conclusion. Ask yourself several questions. Why is this event so significant for me? Why do I admire that person? Formulate your thoughts with proper words and put them in your conclusion.

🏞️ Remembering an Event Essay: Guide

Remembering the past essay is an intriguing task that forces you to reflect on your life and sometimes recall distant memories. How to co complete this assignment successfully without facing a lot of obstacles? We know some tricks!

Keep on reading and learn some valuable info.

❓ What to Write about?

There are plenty of remembering essay topics. You just need to brainstorm a bit.

Think of something that influenced your perception of life. It can be a serious event, like your relative’s or friends’ birth or death, getting a degree, choosing your education path, or getting employment. This can also be a simple event with a serious outcome.

Some of the ideas are as follows:

  • a deep conversation with your loved one,
  • watching a movie,
  • having a trip,
  • visiting a graduation ceremony, etc.

Describe how this occasion influenced you and why you will always remember it.

❓ How to Write it?

Essay writing is might be quite a challenging and stressful process. To make it smooth, follow our simple advice:

  • Concentrate on the conflict. Your remembering an event essay should focus on a specific conflict that leads to a logical resolution. In your thesis statement, state the dispute clearly, so the reader can quickly get your focus.
  • Keep the readers intrigued. While writing, structure the things logically. Let your readers go through this journey with you. Start from the least important events and gradually reach the most crucial part of your essay.
  • Describe the moments precisely. Make sure your story is detailed and emotional enough. Describe what did you feel as the event occurred. How did the surrounders respond? What were the conditions under which the event happened? Your reader should dive deep into that atmosphere.
  • Write a dynamic concussion. For a remembering essay, the conclusion plays an essential role. It should reflect your core idea and explain why this memory is so significant for you, so you will never forget it. In case you’re struggling to give your writing a proper tone, try a free essay rewriter and see what results you’ll get.

🧔 Remembering a Person Essay: Guide

Do you need to write an essay about an important person, but you are too overwhelmed? No worries! If you don’t want to turn your essay writing process into a nightmare, look at our tips.

❓ Who to Write about?

Creating a paper about someone you know well is, of course, the best option. It is good to know several stories about them that you can introduce in the essay.

By the way, you can use those stories or anecdotes as a basis for your remembering essay. Yet, we should note that the person you choose should not necessarily be someone who played a crucial role in your life.

❓ What to Talk about?

You have to explain why you cherish the person you are talking about. We have already mentioned that several anecdotes involving them can serve as a basis for remembering a person essay.

One of the primary keys to an effective paper is a detailed description. Ideally, you should provide as many details as you can (however, not too many) so that a teacher can vividly imagine the person after reading your remembering a person essay.

Reading about an essay on memories can be helpful for this part.

📋 Remembering Essay Organization

How to organize the ideas effectively? You may find plenty of advice. But how about not wasting time on selecting the best strategy? Just take a look at ours and use one of them for your essay.

  • Chronological Order. It is the most common and effective way of narrating a story. Recall the events step by step. After your story’s climax, explain why the event is so remarkable for you and what lesson you get from it.
  • Unfulfilled Expectations. If you experienced an event with an unexpected outcome, consider applying this strategy. Start by telling the reader what did you expect from the situation. Then, describe what happened in reality. Finally, make parallels between the expectations and reality and explain how the mismatch of the outcomes affected you.
  • Metaphors. This strategy is for creative people who are willing to make their remembering essay outstanding. If you have several memories (from childhood or recent events), connect them all and associate them with one symbol. Make sure that the most important event is the last one in your story. In your conclusion, reveal the secret. Tell the reader why did you associate your memories with that same symbol.
  • Framing. It is kind of “a story in a story” strategy that will keep your reader intrigued till the very end. Start your remembering essay by telling one story that would lead to a flashback and another story. Not finishing the first one, introduce the second. Then, complete your initial story and explain how these two events are related. Don’t forget to highlight their impact on you.

Remembering an Event Essay Topics

  • Describe your negative experience in a cosmetics store .
  • Write about an event that promoted your learning about life .
  • Discuss your first job and the things it taught you.
  • Share your travelling experience.
  • Remember the day you tried to ride a bicycle for the first time.
  • Your experience of creating your personal financial plan.
  • Tell about your experience of taking an English course and how it improved your writing.
  • Give details of the day you bought your first laptop .
  • Describe your visit to the Museum of Western Heritage .
  • Remember the time you spent without your cellphone.
  • Discuss your experience with the logic course and how it influenced your life.
  • Write about a defining event from your childhood.
  • Tell of your trip to Yellowstone National Park.
  • My conflict with a friend and how I managed to resolve it.
  • Give the description of adoption your first pet.
  • Describe a challenge you faced in high school and how you managed to overcome it.
  • Tell about your visit to Africa .
  • Experience I gained from my nursing practicum.
  • Share the story about growing up in Italian culture and the impact it made on your life.
  • Discuss the day you tried to challenge gender norms.
  • Remember the situation when you experienced a culture shock .
  • How I took part in English Language Fellow Program .
  • Narrate your experience of working in a contact center .
  • My experience of building identity being raised in a different culture. 
  • Share your reminiscence about the situation when you had to ask for help .

Remembering a Person Essay Topics

  • The teacher who influenced my personality .
  • Tell about your acquaintances who grew up in multiracial family.  
  • Discuss different types of friends you had.  
  • Describe your parents and their behavior.  
  • Remember and describe happy spouses you know.  
  • The teacher who made an impact on my personal life .
  • Present your reminiscences about your granny.  
  • Tell about the person you had a covert conflict with.
  • How I met my best friend for life.
  • Remember a person you met volunteering in elderly care .
  • Describe your school coach .
  • Depict a person you met on social media.
  • Represent a person you had romantic relationships with.
  • Tell of the people living in your neighborhood .
  • Give a description of your favorite school teacher .
  • A neighbor that made an impact on your life.
  • Write about your colleagues and your relationships with them.
  • Describe your mother and your relationships with her.
  • Tell about your siblings .
  • Remember your grandparents and their role in the formation of your identity.
  • Depict the person who helped you to handle stress when you were at high school.
  • Represent the immigrant family you are acquainted with.
  • The teacher who influenced my career choice .
  • Describe a school bullies and how you dealt with them.
  • Tell about a knowledgeable consultant you met in the cosmetic store and how it influenced your shopping experience.

Thank you for visiting our page! Share the article with your friends and leave a comment. Don’t forget to bookmark our website if you don’t want to lose valuable information.

Learn more on this topic:

  • School Days Essay: How to Describe a Memorable Event
  • Growing Up Essay: Great Ideas for Your College Assignment
  • Childhood Memories Essay: Brilliant Writing Ideas
  • Writing Essay about Someone Who has Made an Impact on Your Life
  • Life Experience Essay: How to Write a Brilliant Paper
  • Narrative Essays: Purdue Writing Lab, College of Liberal Arts, Purdue University
  • Descriptive Writing, Organization and Structure: Writing Center, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
  • Narrative and Reflection Writing Samples: Western Technical College
  • Should I Use ‘I’: Writing Center, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
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  1. Academic Guides: Reference List: Common Reference List Examples

    For example, you are citing study notes titled "Health Effects of Exposure to Forest Fires," but you do not know the author's name, your reference entry will look like this: Health effects of exposure to forest fires [Lecture notes]. (2005). Walden University Canvas.

  2. How to Cite Sources

    To quote a source, copy a short piece of text word for word and put it inside quotation marks. To paraphrase a source, put the text into your own words. It's important that the paraphrase is not too close to the original wording. You can use the paraphrasing tool if you don't want to do this manually.

  3. Assignments

    show that you are writing from a position of understanding of your topic. demonstrate that you have read widely and deeply. enable the reader to locate the source of each quote, idea or work/evidence (that was not your own). avoid plagiarism and uphold academic honesty.

  4. 3. How to insert citations into your assignment.

    The citations will allow the person reading your assignment to locate the full details of the source you have used in the reference list located at the end of your work. Example: Reference list (Harvard Style) Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2013) Cite them right: the essential referencing guide. London: Palgrave. Pears, R. and Shields, G. (2013).

  5. How to Create or Generate APA Reference Entries (7th edition)

    Basic format. In an APA reference, the author's name is inverted: start with the last name, followed by a comma and the initials, separated by a period and space. Treat infixes, such as "Van" or "De", as part of the last name. Don't include personal titles such as Ph.D. or Dr., but do include suffixes. Smith, T. H. J.

  6. How to Cite in APA Format (7th edition)

    On the first line of the page, write the section label "References" (in bold and centered). On the second line, start listing your references in alphabetical order. Apply these formatting guidelines to the APA reference page: Double spacing (within and between references) Hanging indent of ½ inch.

  7. A Quick Guide to Referencing

    In-text citations are quick references to your sources. In Harvard referencing, you use the author's surname and the date of publication in brackets. Up to three authors are included in a Harvard in-text citation. If the source has more than three authors, include the first author followed by ' et al. '.

  8. References

    References provide the information necessary for readers to identify and retrieve each work cited in the text. Check each reference carefully against the original publication to ensure information is accurate and complete. Accurately prepared references help establish your credibility as a careful researcher and writer. Consistency in reference ...

  9. A Quick Guide to Harvard Referencing

    Creating a Harvard reference list. A bibliography or reference list appears at the end of your text. It lists all your sources in alphabetical order by the author's last name, giving complete information so that the reader can look them up if necessary. The reference entry starts with the author's last name followed by initial(s).

  10. PDF How to Reference in your Assignments

    copying out part(s) of any document without acknowledging the source. using another person's concepts, results, processes or conclusions,and presenting them. as your own. paraphrasing and/or summarising another's work without acknowledging the source. buying or acquiring an assignment written by someone else on your behalf.

  11. Harvard Style Bibliography

    Formatting a Harvard style bibliography. Sources are alphabetised by author last name. The heading 'Reference list' or 'Bibliography' appears at the top. Each new source appears on a new line, and when an entry for a single source extends onto a second line, a hanging indent is used: Harvard bibliography example.

  12. How to reference an assignment using APA

    This third and final video in the 'How to write an assignment' series explains how to reference an assignment using the American Psychological Association (A...

  13. Citing Business Sources in APA Style

    To cite a source in the text of your written assignment, indicate the last name of the author(s), or if there is no author, the first few words of the document title (in quotation marks), then the page, chapter, figure, or table numbers (if applicable). Narrative citations incorporate the author's name and date of publication within the text.

  14. LibGuides: Harvard referencing quick guide: Sample assignment

    Sample assignment. The purpose of this assignment is to show common elements of the Harvard style of referencing in Dundalk Institute of Technology. It is not intended to be an example of good quality academic writing, and indeed may not make sense in general, but it should show you how citations and a reference list are formed in the Harvard ...

  15. Quick guide to Harvard referencing (Cite Them Right)

    There are different versions of the Harvard referencing style. This guide is a quick introduction to the commonly-used Cite Them Right version. You will find further guidance available through the OU Library on the Cite Them Right Database. For help and support with referencing and the full Cite Them Right guide, have a look at the Library's ...

  16. How to Write Reference in Assignment ️ Useful Guide

    When a source has multiple authors, include all the authors' names in the reference. Use the word "and" before the last author's name. For in-text citations, use the first author's last name followed by "et al.". For example, (Smith et al., 2022) or Smith et al. (2022).

  17. How to Write an Academic Essay with References and Citations

    When learning how to write an academic essay with references, you must identify reliable sources that support your argument. As you read, think critically and evaluate sources for: Accuracy. Objectivity. Currency. Authority. Keep detailed notes on the sources so that you can easily find them again, if needed.

  18. A step-by-step guide for creating and formatting APA Style student papers

    Write the assignment due date in the month, date, and year format used in your country (e.g., Sept. 10, 2020). Title page line spacing. Double-space the whole title page. Place the paper title three or four lines down from the top of the page. Add an extra double-spaced blank like between the paper title and the byline. ... Reference list ...

  19. Setting Up the APA Reference Page

    On the APA reference page, you list all the sources that you've cited in your paper. The list starts on a new page right after the body text. Follow these instructions to set up your APA reference page: Place the section label "References" in bold at the top of the page (centered). Order the references alphabetically. Double-space all text.

  20. APA Citation Guide (7th Edition): Presentations and Class Notes

    Note: Your own notes from a lecture are considered personal communications in APA style.They are cited within the text of your assignment, but do not get an entry on the Reference list.Put the citation right after a quote or paraphrased content from the class lecture.

  21. How To Write References for Academic & Scientific Research Papers

    Notice that the in-text citation takes the same form whether the source cited is a book or an article, with 'Samuel & Watson' referring here to a monograph and 'Wilson & Bond' to a journal article. 2. Every source cited in the text of an academic or scientific research paper using APA style should also be included in a list that is ...

  22. Subject Guides: Referencing guide: Reference list example

    Tags: citations, citing, essay_writing, ielts, in-text, referencing, report, resumes, study_skills We acknowledge the palawa/pakana and Gadigal people, the traditional custodians of the land upon which we live and work.

  23. FREE Reference Generator: Accurate & Easy-to-Use

    To use the reference generator, simply: Select your style from Harvard, APA, OSCOLA and many more*. Choose the type of source you would like to cite (e.g. website, book, journal, video) Enter the URL, DOI, ISBN, title, or other unique source information to find your source. Click the 'Cite' button on the reference generator.

  24. Free Harvard Referencing Generator [Updated for 2024]

    A Harvard Referencing Generator solves two problems: It provides a way to organise and keep track of the sources referenced in the content of an academic paper. It ensures that references are formatted correctly -- inline with the Harvard referencing style -- and it does so considerably faster than writing them out manually.

  25. Common Writing Assignments

    This handout provides information about annotated bibliographies in MLA, APA, and CMS. These OWL resources will help you understand and complete specific types of writing assignments, such as annotated bibliographies, book reports, and research papers. This section also includes resources on writing academic proposals for conference ...

  26. Artificial intelligence in assignment writing

    A reference to GPT UiO based on the APA7 style could look like this in the text or in a footnote: In the process of preparing this assignment, 'UiO Chat,' an AI-based tool for proofreading and linguistic improvement, was used to identify and correct grammatical errors and to improve sentence structure.

  27. Top three tips: Choosing a strong reference for your graduate business

    Top three tips for choosing a strong reference. A well-crafted letter of recommendation should highlight your professional attributes and provide specific examples that illustrate why you are an ideal candidate for Carey. These letters play a crucial role in the admissions process, so it's important to choose a recommender who you trust. 1.

  28. How to Cite a Website

    Citing a website in APA Style. An APA reference for a webpage lists the author's last name and initials, the full date of publication, the title of the page (in italics), the website name (in plain text), and the URL.. The in-text citation lists the author's last name and the year. If it's a long page, you may include a locator to identify the quote or paraphrase (e.g. a paragraph number ...

  29. Ser and Ir in the Preterit Reading and Writing Assignment

    The preterit conjugation "fue" is used here, which is the past tense of the verb "ser" (to be). Page 1 of 1. English document from Liberty University, 1 page, Name: _ Ser and Ir in the Preterit Reading and Writing Assignment La vida de Pablo The story is printed here for your reference. You may use this, and the guided reading questions in the ...

  30. Remembering an Event Essay: Examples and Guidelines [Free]

    Remembering an Event Essay Topics. Describe your negative experience in a cosmetics store . Write about an event that promoted your learning about life . Discuss your first job and the things it taught you. Share your travelling experience. Remember the day you tried to ride a bicycle for the first time.