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Essays About Life-changing Experiences: 5 Examples

Discover our guide for writing essays about life-changing experiences that combine three different elements: narrative, description, and self-reflection. 

Each of us has gone through life-changing experiences that shaped us into the individuals we are today. Because of how powerful they are, these events make for fascinating topics in writing. This subject doesn’t only let us tell our life stories, and it also pushes us to evaluate our behavior and reflect on why an incident happened.

Attract your readers by creating an excellent introduction and choosing a unique or exciting encounter. Paint a picture of the events that describe your experience vividly and finish with a strong conclusion.

5 Essay Examples

1. long essay on experience that changed my life by prasanna, 2. life-changing events: personal experience by anonymous on, 3. my example of a life-changing experience by anonymous on, 4. life-changing experience: death essay by writer annie, 5. a life-changing experience during the holiday season by anonymous on, 1. life-changing experience: defined, 2. the experience that changed my life, 3. life-changing events and how they impact lives, 4. everyday events that change a person’s life, 5. the person who change my life, 6. books or movies that changed my life, 7. a life-changing quote.

“Experiences can be good and sometimes terrible that results in a positive or negative impact on one’s life. Life is full of many unexpected challenges and unknown turning points that will come along any time. People must learn and grow from every experience that they go through in life rather than losing yourself.”

In this essay, Prasanna discusses her father’s death as her most challenging life-changing experience. She was cheerful, immature, and carefree when her father was still alive. However, when her father left, she became the decision-maker of their family because her mother was unable to.

Prasanna mentions that she lost not only a father but also a friend, motivator, and mentor. That sad and unexpected experience turned her into an introverted, mature, and responsible head of the family. Ultimately, she thanks her father for making her a better person, and because of the devastating incident, she realizes who she can trust and how she should handle the real world. You might also be interested in these essays about choice .

“In life, certain experiences present challenges that change the way people relate to themselves and their families. Certain life events mark life-changing moments that alter lives either positively or negatively. It matters how people handle their relationships at such critical moments.”

This essay contains two life events that helped the author become a better person. These events taught them to trust and appreciate people, be responsible, and value family. The first event is when their best friend passes away, leading to stress, loss of appetite, and depression. The second circumstance happened when the author postponed their studies because they were afraid to grow up and be accountable for their decisions and actions.

The writer’s family showed them love, support, and understanding through these events. These events changed their behavior, attitude, and perspective on life and guided them to strengthen family relationships.

For help picking your next essay topic, check out our 20 engaging essay topics about family .

“I thought it was awkward because he looked and acted very professional. In that moment I thought to myself, ‘this person is going to have a great impact in my life!’. I was very curious to meet him and get a chance to show him my personality.”

This essay proves that you should always believe in yourself and not be afraid to try something new. The author recalls when they had many problems and met an extraordinary person who changed their life. 

When they were in sixth grade, the writer had life issues that caused them to be anxious about any future endeavor. The author then says they don’t usually open up to teachers because they fear their reactions. Then they met Mr. Salazar, a mentor who respects and values them, and the writer considers him their best friend.

“When the funeral was over and he was laid to rest, I had a feeling I can’t even describe. It was almost an empty feeling. I knew I had lost someone that could never be replaced.”

Annie never thought that she’d go through a life-changing experience until the sudden death of her father. Her thoughts and feelings are all over the place, and she has many unanswered questions. She says that although she will never wish for anyone to experience the same. However, her father’s passing improved her life in some ways.

Her mother remarried and introduced a new father figure, who was very kind to her. Living with her stepdad allowed her to explore and do things she thought she couldn’t. Annie still mourns the loss of her birth father, but she is also grateful to have a stepdad she can lean on. She gradually accepts that she can’t bring her birth father back.

“This story as a whole has really changed me and made me an even better person in life, I’m so thankful that this happened to me because now I have a greater appreciation for the little things in life.”

The essay shows how a simple interaction on a cold day in December can completely change a person’s view on life. It starts with the writer being asked a small favor of an older man with Alzheimer’s disease to help him find his car. This experience teaches the writer to be more observant and appreciative of the things they have. The author was inspired to spend more time with loved ones, especially their grandfather, who also has Alzheimer’s disease, as they learned never to take anything for granted.

7 Prompts for Essays About Life-changing Experiences

Everyone has their definition of a life-changing experience. But in general, it is an event or series of events profoundly altering a person’s thinking, feelings, and behavior. Use this prompt to explain your understanding of the topic and discuss how a simple action, decision, or encounter can change someone’s life. You might also be interested in these essays about yourself .

Essays about life-changing experiences: The Experience That Changed My Life

For this prompt, choose a specific memory that made you re-evaluate your views, values, and morals. Then, discuss the impact of this event on your life. For example, you can discuss losing a loved one, moving to another country, or starting a new school. Your conclusion must contain the main lessons you learned from the experience and how it can help the readers.

Various positive and negative life-changing experiences happen anytime and anywhere. Sometimes, you don’t notice them until they substantially disturb your everyday life. 

To begin your essay, interview people and ask about a momentous event that happened to them and how it influenced their way of living. Then, pick the most potent life-changing experience shared. Talk about what you’d do if you were in the same situation.

Some life-changing events include common things such as marriage, parenthood, divorce, job loss, and death. Research and discuss the most common experiences that transform a person’s life. Include real-life situations and any personal encounters for an intriguing essay.

It’s normal to meet other people, but connecting with someone who will significantly impact your life is a blessing. Use this prompt to discuss that particular person, such as a parent, close friend, or romantic partner. Share who they are and how you met them, and discuss what they did or said that made a big difference in your life. 

Movies like “The Truman Show” help change your viewpoint in life. They open our minds and provide ideas for dealing with our struggles. Share how you reached an epiphany by reading a book or watching a movie. Include if it’s because of a particular dialogue, character action, or scenes you can relate to.

Essays about life-changing experiences: A Life-changing Quote

While others use inspirational quotes for comfort and to avoid negative thinking, some find a quote that gives them the courage to make drastic changes to better their lives. For this prompt, search for well-known personalities who discovered a quote that motivated them to turn their life around.  Essay Tip: When editing for grammar, we also recommend spending time and effort to improve the readability score of your essay before publishing or submitting it.

descriptive essay about a person who changed my life

Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn't only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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Person Who Changed My Life

We all have people who have changed our lives. People can change your life in a positive or negative way. My grandmother Esther changed my life in a positive way. My grandmother basically raised me. She changed my life and I am glad she did. My grandmother was a very hardworking woman. She valued education even though she never received an education during her childhood. It really touched me the way she would try to help me and give me advice. This made me work extremely hard in school.

My grandmother taught me how important it is to tolerate people and certain situations. She told me showing people respect will get you a long way in life, as well as seeking help in hard times and facing problems instead of running away from them. Because of this, I try to see the good in people and over look the bad. When I have a problem I think of ways to solve it. When I cannot find a solution I ask for help before things get worse. She was very humble and kind.

She did not let people take her kindness for weakness. She did not mind helping people. When you are wrong you have to swallow your pride and say your sorry. That is one thing she always did and taught me. The word love is used to often these for small things that do not matter. Few people understand what love really is. It is not trait we are born with like the color of our eyes. We have to learn to love ourselves and others. If you love some one you show it through actions and help them change if they need to.

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Describing a Person Who Influenced You: Personal Experience. Essay

In everyone’s life there is a person who is considered to be the closest one in the whole world. For me this person is my mother. My mother influences every step of my life: how I live and interact with other people. She is an inspiration for my achievements and guidance into the successful future. She has always helped me to overcome any difficulties that I faced since early childhood trying to give me hopes for better future. My mother combines the best features which a person may have; she is a clever, kind and open woman with beautiful appearance and rich inner world.

My mother is Dominican; she is quite a pretty and well educated woman. Despite her age she looks young and beautiful. My mother is not very tall though her height underlines her regular features. She has short curly black hair and shining brown eyes. I want to note that her eyes deserve additional attention because they are so kind and frank that one cannot but notice her open and friendly character at once, during the first seconds of communication with her.

I like her smile most of all in the world. It is so beautiful that when she smiles I cannot but smile too. Her light complexion and big blushed cheeks especially emphasize her charming smile. My mother’s skin is very soft and tender; when I hold her hands in mine I feel that I am protected from the whole world and I feel the happiest person. I like the way my mother dresses. She always tries to keep pace with fashion though her style is unique and individual.

She is slim and has a wonderful figure; her clothes lay a stress on her beautiful features. I would like to note that my mother is a wonderful person not only out but also inside. To my way of thinking she is the reflection of light; not in vain her name Lucia is translated from Italian as “light”. She is an open, responsive and light person who is always there to help and support me at difficult moments of my life.

For me my mother is the cleverest person in the world. I can speak a lot about my mother because she is considered to be my reflection and my hero. One day I had to clean my room before the arrival of my relatives. My mother asked me: “Please, do something with your box of old posters. It takes a lot of space.” I was in hesitation but answered: “Ok. I’ll try…” She knew that they were very important for me to throw them out. I was really upset because they took too much place in my room.

Next day when I returned home from school I found out that my box disappeared. I was in despair. Suddenly my mother asked me to bring something from our attic. I went there and found out that all the walls in the room were decorated with my posters. That moment I felt really happy. I cried: “Thank you, mom!!!” Her idea to use my old posters as a decoration was just wonderful. I can surely say that my mother is the cleverest person.

My mother is really the kindness person in the world. When I was small, my mother made a special present for me. I came after school and she gave me a puppy. “He is so cute” I said. “This is for you! Take care of him. He is very small and helpless. He really needs your care.” – said my mother watching how happy I was. It is difficult to describe my feelings that day. It was my dream and my puppy became a member of our family. Two days later I got to know that my mother found this small creature near the store. It was hungry and miserable. My mother could not but took puppy home, washed and fed him. Now this puppy is a strong big dog which lives with my family and we love him very much. I can say without hesitation that my mother is the kindness person in the world.

My mother is a very wise person who can always find solution to any problems. I understand that her life experience helps her to make right decisions. But there are some situations when her opinion completely contradicts my own. And as a result she always appears to be right. Her logical thinking helps our family to live in harmony and happiness. We have never quarreled because of some trifles and my mother taught me to find a half way with people even when you cannot agree with their views.

For example, when my cousin and I quarreled who would do the work about the house, my mother offered to work in the form of a game. The speed and high quality of work enabled us to win a price. “I bought two tickets for the concert. If you combine your efforts, you would enjoy the play of your favorite group this evening.” The work was shared equally and done in time. This idea was really wise. I consider that my mother knows the way out of any difficult situation!

Of course it is impossible to describe all the features of my mother in the short piece of writing but I would like to say that this person takes the first place in my life. I would be always thankful to her for all she has done for me. I am pretty sure that she is the reason for all my achievements and victories. Her qualities helped me to understand how people should behave in life. She taught me a lot and now I can easily overcome any problems I face. My mother is the only hero of my life.

She combines only positive features which a person can have. I am really proud to have such a mother as mine. I consider her the greatest person in my life who helped me to become the person I am now and influenced every step of my thoughts and behavior. She is the only inspiration for all actions and decisions of mine. I am really proud of her!

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IvyPanda. (2021, September 27). Describing a Person Who Influenced You: Personal Experience.

"Describing a Person Who Influenced You: Personal Experience." IvyPanda , 27 Sept. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Describing a Person Who Influenced You: Personal Experience'. 27 September.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Describing a Person Who Influenced You: Personal Experience." September 27, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Describing a Person Who Influenced You: Personal Experience." September 27, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Describing a Person Who Influenced You: Personal Experience." September 27, 2021.

An Essay about Someone Who Has Made an Impact on Your Life

Who has made a significant impact in your life and why? Essay on the topic might be challenging to write. One is usually asked to write such a text as a college admission essay.

A topic for this paper can be of your choice or pre-established by the institution. Either way, you may have to describe a person who influenced your life.

Here, we’ll tell you how to write about someone who had a huge impact on your life:

  • Learn story-telling techniques.
  • Choose the right person that affected you significantly.
  • Describe the representative situation in an engaging way.
  • Focus on yourself and the meaning of your journey.

However, it may not be enough to write about someone who had a great impact on your life. You should know some other peculiarities which we are going to discuss right now. Don’t forget that you can always find help here with any academic task.

📃 Writing about a Person Who Influenced You

Writing your essay about someone who has made an impact on your life starts with learning a few techniques. One of the main things you should know is that you will have to create a captivating story. Thus, you should know how to write personal narrative essays , some basic rules of story-telling.

Here is what you should keep in mind:

  • Tell a story. A great way to engage your audience is to say something in the form of a story. Human brain processes information better that way. With words and sensory details, you can create a mental image of the person you are describing.
  • Be personal. It can resemble composing an autobiography or memoir as you have to talk about your actual experience. There is nothing more moving than an individual story, so do not be afraid to open up in the reflective essay. Talk about the change you’ve experienced after meeting the person that influenced you.
  • Don’t be predictable. A good story needs some level of suspense. There are many ways in which it can be done. You can try to tell the story chronologically or go back in time and include flashbacks. Try to surprise your readers with an intriguing essay title.
  • Create a three-dimensional character. The focus of the story is not the sequence of events. It’s the character. Provide enough details and explain to the reader what makes that unusual.
  • Show instead of telling. It’s a core idea of good story-telling. By doing that, you invite the readers to the scene. For starters, try using dialogue instead of narration.
  • End on a positive note. Even if you had to face challenges, tell about a positive influence in your life. The biggest impact might be harmful, but it helped you grow nonetheless. Help the readers to see a piece of wisdom or a lesson you have learned.

Besides, we have listed some quick hints. With them, you’ll complete your essay on someone who has made a significant impact on your life and why successfully:

  • Someone’s impact that you can describe may be either positive or negative. A vast majority of essays written about influential persons speak positively about them. However, do not try to overidealize. It’s fair to talk about negative as much as about positive. A person that influenced you does not have to be likable or perfect. It is enough to recognize the positive qualities that made an impact on you. It will help the commission to see you as a thinking and just person.
  • Be as specific as possible. Describe a particular incident that explains this person’s impact on you. You have to describe the qualities of the person through the actual events that took place and the overall environment. However, remember that the story is also about you and how the person influenced you. Be specific about your growth and journey. The essay is the best way to demonstrate your thoughts and personality.
  • The main character of your essay might be someone you do not know personally. Stay truthful and honest to yourself. If someone who has made an impact on your life is a person you have never met, write about it. You could talk about your grandparent whose story you’ve heard or an author of your favorite book. Describe how a person that you’ve met on social media and the friendship with them changed you.

Whoever it is that inspired you, remember that the essay is also about you. It is not the best practice to talk about celebrities, though. You might appear as a fan and not as a thinker.

🎯 College Application Essay

Why are you writing paragraph after paragraph about the person who has made an impact on your life? If this essay is for some contest or is a part of the college application package, be careful.

We’ve gathered some tips on writing an application essay:

  • Construct a story. Every story should have a good beginning, a middle, and an end. The first paragraph should serve as an introduction to your information. At the same time, leave the last section for the conclusion. The middle part is where you describe the events in your account.
  • Outline it. To make every paragraph count, you should create an outline. It will help you to understand what you want to say in each particular moment in your story. As well as stay on track and coherently describe the incident in your essay.
  • Provide examples. They can help you prove your point and demonstrate your role model’s qualities. Instead of saying my father is a generous person, you can find an example in which he showed generosity. These parts should always lead back to you. The goal here is to show how their good conduct influenced your life decisions.
  • Be honest. Staying true to who you are is essential. Read successful college essay examples if you’re not sure about it. After all, the paper is not about the role model, but it is about the influence. Try to write something that will be creative and unique. Honesty is the key to reach your reader’s heart.
  • Ask someone to read it. Once you finish, ask a friend or a relative for their honest feedback. They can evaluate the content, the grammar, the readability, and the style. An independent reader can help you to improve all of these points.
  • Don’t include the prompt. Remember that the admissions committee will receive hundreds of essays on this subject. Do not repeat standard templates and writing prompts. Your goal is to stand out from the crowd, and the only way to do it is by writing something meaningful and personal.

Most importantly:

You will have a particular word limit. It means you need to be very precise and clear when writing your essay on the person who has had the greatest impact on your life. You should be able to express the main idea and explain the effects in 200 or even fewer words.

Tips on how to prepare “remembering a person” essays can also be useful for your task. Look up successful someone who has impacted your life essay examples as well.

Who Has Made a Significant Impact in Your Life & Why: Essay Example

Every person has a unique character that is formed under the impact of various factors. These include the environment, social status, financial status, and many other elements that play a vital role in the life of any individual. However, being social creatures, people are most of all impacted by other people as they since the first minutes of their lives, up to the last ones, they live in society and interact with its representatives.

People Who Influenced You: Essay Topics

  • Teacher’s influence on my personality .
  • Discuss how your teacher’s attitude influenced your desire to study.
  • Describe a teacher who had a negative impact on your zeal to learn the subject.
  • How the example of Henri Cartier-Bresson influenced my desire to become a photographer.
  • Parental influence on my life outcomes .
  • Explain how a conversation with happy spouses changed your views on marriage.
  • How James Brown influenced my dancing style.
  • Effect of an online friend on my life.
  • Analyze how the example and behavior of your parents influenced your character.
  • School bullies and their impact on my life.
  • Discuss the impact Disney cartoon characters had on your perception of gender roles.
  • Narrate how Maria Montessori work impacted your desire to become a teacher.
  • Describe how your vegetarian friend influenced you to change your eating habits .
  • Examine the role of your coach in your decision to take up football.
  • Role of influencers in American society .
  • How your Italian relatives impacted your view on family and your cultural values.
  • Discuss the way Aristotle’s understanding of ethics influences your ethical values.
  • Analyze the impact if your father’s beliefs on your career choice .
  • How meeting my best friend affected my life.
  • Teacher’s impact on my choice of career .
  • Why I think George Washington is a true hero : the impact of his personality on my life.
  • Describe how life and example of Florence Nightingale inspired you to become a nurse.
  • A fictional character that influenced my worldview.
  • My mother’s influence on my ideals of beauty .
  • Hayao Miyazaki and his influence on me .
  • How my uncle helped me to overcome my fear of riding a bicycle .
  • Write about a celebrity you consider a role model .
  • Why Steve Jobs’ story inspires me.
  • Discuss how your physical education teacher motivated you to take up a healthy lifestyle.
  • Describe the way Jane Austen influenced your love for reading.
  • Teacher’s impact on my personal life .
  • Analyze how the example of Greta Tunberg inspired you to become an environmental activist.
  • My friend helped me to overcome my fear and it changed my life.
  • Influence of Martin Luther King on my beliefs.
  • Why Roberto Clemente is my hero.
  • How superheroes affect modern society.
  • Examine how your favorite K-pop group influenced your personal style.
  • The role of my grandparents in building up my identity .
  • Impact of my parents on my self-confidence.
  • Explain how your mother’s example influenced your desire to enter a college.
  • The way Mother Theresa’s life and example changed my worldview.
  • A person who inspired my interest in Indian art .
  • Jay-Z’s biography and influence on me .
  • The role of my family in my decision to lead a healthy lifestyle .
  • Discuss how Jane Addams legacy influenced your resolution to become a social worker.
  • Why Helen Keller is a person I would like to resemble.
  • Analyze the role of Edgar Allan Poe in shaping your literature taste.
  • How the activities of Eleanor Roosevelt motivate me and a lot of other Americans.
  • Abraham Lincoln and his impact on my life .
  • Impact of my coach on my professional development and success.

Thank you for reading the article. We hope you found it helpful. Don’t hesitate to share it with your friends and peers. Leave your comments below, and good luck with your college admission essay!

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  • Growing Up Essay: Great Ideas for Your College Assignment
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  • Excellent Remembering a Person Essay: Free Writing Guidelines
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  • Tips for an Admissions Essay on an Influential Person: Allen Grove, ThoughtCo
  • 7 Storytelling Techniques Used by the Most Inspiring TED Presenters: Nayomi Chibana, Visme
  • Someone Who Impacted My Life Essay: Bartleby
  • Application Essay: The Writing Center, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Essays That Worked: Undergraduate Admissions, Johns Hopkins University
  • The Only Four College Essay Writing Tips You’ll Ever Need: Inside Admissions, Tufts Admissions
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15+ Examples of Descriptive Essays About a Person

Examples of Descriptive Essays About a Person - Bill Gates

Examples of Descriptive Essays About a Person – Descriptive essay is one type of essay that aims to describe a specific object (animal, person, or other thing) specifically. This text type has a slight difference with report text written based on common terms.

The following essays are some examples of descriptive essays about a person, family members, and famous people.

Table of Contents

Essay 1: My Best Friend Laura

Laura J. Bernal, whose nickname is Laura, is my best friend from my childhood. She has a small body and is quite slim. She has oval face with bright brown eyes and thin lips. Laura J. Bernal has long brown straight hair, but she usually makes her hair with horse ponytails. She looks very beautiful, especially when she smiles. She is always cheerful and looks in a good mood. She is a very positive person. We have almost the same hobby of singing. Sometimes our opinions are the same. She is always energetic and brings positive energy for everyone around her. She is like a part of my family. I trust her just as I trust members of my family. She is a very honest type of friend. She always speaks as she is even though it’s bad. Laura always says what she thinks. We are very close to each other. She can even know whether I lie to her or not. I’m very lucky to have a friend like her.

Essay 2: Larry Page

Lawrence “Larry” Page is one of the most influential people in the world. Page is an American computer scientist; he is also an Internet entrepreneur. He was a co-founder of Google with his friend, Sergey Brin, in 1998. Now, he plays a role as a chief executive officer (CEO) of Alphabets, Google’s parent company. Larry Page was born on 26 th  March 1973 in Michigan. By 2019, his age is 46 years old. His hair is dark brown while his skin is fair. About his family, a research scientist named Lucinda Southworth is his wife. Now, he is a father of two children.In November 2016, he becomes the 12th richest person. Larry’s last education background is a Ph.D. from Stanford University. Here, he met Sergey Brin. Then, they incorporated Google in order to make world’s information easy to access. This company makes him to be one of the successful people in the world.

Essay 3: My Father

My father’s name is David P. Kent. He is a hardworking man. He works as a government employee. His body is tall, like my youngest brother. His hair is black and straight, same as mine. He has brown complexion because he likes working under the Sun. I love talking to my father. He is a wise man who always gives me great advices. We learn about being a hard-worker from him. We love him very much. He is a great father for us.

Essay 4: Bill Gates

William Henry “Bill” Gates III is one of the richest & influential people. In 1975 together with his friend, Paul Allen, he co-founded Microsoft which became the world’s largest PC software company. That is why his name exists in the list of world’s wealthiest people by Forbes. Bill Gates or Trey as his nickname was born on 28 th  October 1955 in Seattle, Washington, USA. By 2019, he is 64 years old. His hair as well as eye color is same, light brown. Bill Gates’ weight is 64 kg with 5′ 9″ height. With his wife named Melinda Gates, they have three children. Besides being the best-known entrepreneur, Bill Gates is also known as a philanthropist. In 2000, he & his wife created Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. It was identified as the world’s wealthiest charitable foundation in 2013. Through this foundation, Bill Gates donates large amounts of money to many charitable organizations and scientific research programs.

Essay 5: My Mother

This one is about my mother. Her name is Margaret N. Craft. She has brown complexion and blonde hair. Her height is as same as mine, 5′ 11″. My mother is a tailor. She sews some clothes for women such as shirt, jeans, and skirt. I learn many things about sewing from her. She is a great teacher for me. Every morning, she wakes up earlier than other members in my family. She prepares breakfast for us. She is a tough and patient mother. We love her very much.

Essay 6: Mark Zuckerberg

Examples of Descriptive Essays About a Person - Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Elliot Zuckerberg is an American computer programmer & internet entrepreneur. He is a co-founder of Facebook, a famous social media. His name was in the list of 100 wealthiest and most influential people since 2010 by Time Magazine. About his physical appearance, Mark’s body is 170 centimeters tall with 76 kg weight. His hair color is red while his eyes are blue. Mark Zuckerberg was born on 14 th  May 1984 in New York, USA. Therefore, he is 35 years old by 2019. Mark Zuckerberg has married to Priscilla Chan; they have one daughter named Maxima Chan Zuckerberg.

Essay 7: My Sister

My sister is four years older than me. Her name is Jennifer P. Todd. I usually call her Jennifer. She has the same hair like my mother, black and quite curly. My sister, mother and I have almost the same body tall. Her height is about 5′ 1″. Just like our father, she is a government employee. She wears glasses for helping her see clearly. She occasionally wears contact lenses. We fought a lot when we were kids. She is a kind sister though and I love her so much.

Essay 8: J. K. Rowling

J. K. Rowling is a British novelist who writes phenomenal fantasy book series of Harry Potter. The books have got worldwide attention. They have become the best selling book series in history. They were sold more than 400 million copies. Joanne Rowling was born on 31 th July 1965 in Yate, Gloucestershire, England. So, she is 54 years old by 2019. About her physical appearance, her height is 5′ 5″, while her weight is 54 kg. She has blonde hair & blue eyes. She’s married two times; she’s got three children. JK. Rowling is a terrific & successful novelist that becomes the richest woman in England. In fact, once she had become unemployed with a destitute life. By writing Harry Potter books which are loaded with spectacular high imagination, she turns to be very famous and wealthy.

Essay 9: My Brother

My brother’s name is Charles O. Joy. I call him Charles. He is the youngest child in my family. He is five years younger than me. I can say that he has fair skin, round brown eyes and small lips. His hair is black and short like our father. He was graduated from English Education Department in University of Pennsylvania a year ago. He loves music very much. He is very good at playing a guitar. Together with his friends, he plays music and creates songs. I believe that he will be a successful artist in the future.

Essay 10: Oprah Winfrey

Oprah Gail Winfrey is a great talk show host from America. Her well-known talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show was the highest-rated television program from 1986 to 2011. Because of this phenomenal talk show, she dubbed as the “Queen of All Media”. She has also been ranked the richest African-American and greatest black philanthropist in American history. Oprah was born on January 29, 1954 in Mississippi, United States. By 2019, her age is 64 years old.  She has 5′ 7″ tall while her weight is 77 kg. During her career, she successfully lost her weight. But then, she gained much weight again. She has brown eyes & black hair. Oprah Winfrey was born into poverty in rural Mississippi. She was molested by her cousin, uncle, as well as a family friend when she was nine years old. At 14, she became pregnant but her son was born prematurely and died shortly after birth. Then, she moved to her father’s house and landed a job in radio. Her consistent efforts led her into the successful African-American.

Essay 11: Johnny Depp

Examples of Descriptive Essays About a Person - Johnny Depp

Johnny Depp was born on June 9, 1963 in Owensboro, Kentucky, U.S. He is now 54 years old. He started his career on movie in 1984. His first movie is A nightmare on Elm Street and his last movie is Untitled Fantastic Beast Sequel that would be released in 2018. A long his life, he had been an actor in 48 movies. It means that he had been playing more than 40 characters during his life. Thus, seeing his achievement, he is proper to be the winner of the Golden Globe Award and Screen Actors Guild Award for the best actor. Before he became a famous actor, Depp was a musician. The first genre he played was rock music. He is good in playing guitar and writing songs. A long his life, he wrote so many songs for bands, solo vocalist or for movie such as Sweeney Todd.

Essay 12: My Grandmother

I have a grandmother, her name is Mary M. Lewis. I usually called her Granny Mary. Her hair isn’t gray like other grandmothers, but blonde. Her body is quite short, about 5′ 1″. She has brown and bit wrinkly skin. Granny Mary lives in a house with my uncle and aunt. I visit her twice a week. I think she is not that old, because she is 70 years old. However, she still looks fit and strong. She usually goes to the backyard to help my uncle. Sometimes, I go to the backyard with my brother as well and help her pick flowers. We love our grandmother so much.

Essay 13: Taylor Swift

Taylor Alison Swift is an American singer & song writer. She is known for narrative songs about her personal life. Her songs are very popular, namely Shake It Off, Blank Space, Bad Blood. Taylor Swift has appeared as one of the most influential and powerful women by Forbes as well as Time Magazines. By 2019, Taylor Swift’s age is 30 years old. She was born on December 13, 1989 in Reading, Pennsylvania, United States. This beautiful girl has 5′ 10″ tall & weighs 54 kg. Her hair is blonde while her eye color is blue. Her lips are usually red as she likes red color very much. Taylor Swift is a famous wealthy woman but her life was not always so sweet. She suffered bullying in Junior High School. She said that she got dumped by a group of popular girls in the school. They thought that she was weird because she liked country music. This changed after she moved to Nashville; she becomes a successful singer.

Essay 14: My Grandfather

This one is about my grandfather, my father’s dad. His name is Wayne D. Smith. I usually called him “Gran Wayne”. He lived in a house with my uncles and aunties. He has 10 children, including my father. That’s why we have a very big family. Gran Wayne used to jog every morning. When I was just a kid, I loved to wake up early and went to jog with him. After arriving in one small shop, he bought us a milk and an ice cream. We were so happy at that time. We love our grandfather so much.

Essay 15: A Stranger at Every Morning

I see that mysterious person at every morning walking in front of my home in this last two weeks. I never see him before. Perhaps he is a new comer in this village. He always walks slowly with his two big Doberman dogs as he seems like having a total control of his dogs. He is big and tall man with a long hair and full body tattoo on his skin. I think anybody will be afraid of him. He always uses single shirt and shorts and also black sports shoes when he is walking around with his dog. Usually, he is passing in front of my home around 6 in the morning. He always using headset and put his iPhone or something like MP3 players in his pocket shorts.

Essay 16: Vincent van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh was a Dutch painter that was classified as a post-impressionist painter. He was born on March 30, 1853 in Zundert, Netherlands and died on 29 July in Auvers-sur-Oise, France. At his life time, he was stated as a stupid person who tried and failed to learn painting. Not only that, he was totally poor and suffered. At first, he failed in love and thus made him suffered in life. He failed to be anything like normal people. His failure in love broke his mental and confidence. Before he became a painter, or let say liked painting, he was a protestant missionary in Southern Belgium. His duty was in the coal mine and there he saw the truth about suffering and the truth about his own God. Seeing human suffer he also wanted to experience the same in the name of humanity. He lost his faith and started to paint. Traveling from one place to another, Van Gogh lived in poverty. His life was spent to paint even people said that his art work was a bad art. He also suffered from psychotic and delusion. At the last time of his life, he was at the mental hospital, Auvers-sur-Oise, France. He was depressed and finally shot himself and died two days after that. After his death and the popularity of the discourse on madness, especially the knowledge of the psychotic, his painting became popular and categorized as a high art of post-impressionist painting. Unfortunately, Van Gogh never knew that the prices of his painting are now billions.

These are the 15+ examples of descriptive essays about a person. If you’re looking for descriptive essay ideas about family members, friends, or famous people (such as CEO, writers, or celebrity), then you were coming to the right place.

We hope this helps and thanks for reading!

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i want to describe me.

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‘Someone Who Has Made an Impact On Your Life’ Essay Sample

EssayEdge > Blog > ‘Someone Who Has Made an Impact On Your Life’ Essay Sample

“Describe a person who has influenced you” is the opening phrase of several personal statement prompts that go on to ask that you provide details of what that influence was. The major mistake made in these personal statement essays is that candidates make the essay about the individual and that individual’s achievements and character, which is all fine, but not if it is at the expense of detailing how that person has influenced you. The other mistake candidates make in response to this prompt is that they answer with the intuitive “first response,” which is usually a parent. And there is nothing wrong with offering a parent as the influential person – but only if in so doing, you can show that it was your parent who provided you with the abilities and interests that set you apart and can contribute to the target program.

As is the case with most personal statement essays, the success of your essay is determined before you begin writing – by what you decide to offer as content. In this essay there are many approaches to use – parents, siblings, teachers, coaches, friends, political leaders, celebrities – all of these categories can be tapped when it comes to the choice of who it was that influenced you. Let’s discuss how to write an essay about someone who influenced you and avoid the most typical mistakes.

The Trap to Avoid in Your “Who Has Influenced You the Most in Your Life” Essay

The trap to avoid is the trap of selecting a person without thinking through what you can offer as the influence. What is the strongest aspect of your candidacy? Your creativity? Your communication skills? Your technical background? Your professional background? The answer to this question – “What is the strongest aspect of your candidacy?” – is what should determine your subject matter for personal statement essays about a person who influenced you.

If your strength, say, is your background in a particular field, in your personal statement about a person who influenced you, identify the person who steered you in the direction of that field.

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By doing this, you will use your essay about a person who influenced your life not only as a means to describe someone with positive traits you would like to emulate, but someone whose influence in your life was critical in letting you develop those skills that most set you apart as a candidate.

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You certainly had someone who changed your life, even if you feel it difficult to remember who it was. This essay topic is fantastic because it lets you look at yourself from a different angle, so try to analyze your life and express it in writing. Our experts edit essays 24/7 , so if you need professional guidance and advice, you’re welcome.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Grandmother — Someone Who Has Made an Impact on My Life: My Grandmother


Someone Who Has Made an Impact on My Life: My Grandmother

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Published: Sep 1, 2023

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Unconditional love and selflessness, guidance and wisdom, resilience and perseverance, continued influence and legacy.

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descriptive essay about a person who changed my life


Essay About A Person Who Changed My Life

Life is full of unexpected experiences. No one knows what will happen in the very next moment. In fact, these unexpected experiences happen, when you meet a person who has the capability to change your life completely. And November 10th was that day for me. When I met her I never knew that was going to alter my life.The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.Most probably, people will be thinking the person who changed others life will be his\ her father, mother, teachers, and relatives.The person who altered my life is my school head girl. Her name is Divya Anil. And I use to say to her that we are sisters because mine and her name ends with the name Anil. She is slim, tall, short dark hair and wore spectacles. She is so kind hearted and sweet. She is like a friend, …show more content…

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descriptive essay about a person who changed my life

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Books have the power to transport us to different worlds, challenge our perspectives, and inspire personal transformation. In this narrative, I will share the profound impact of a particular book that changed my life, exploring the moments of enlightenment, self-discovery, and growth that have shaped my journey.

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It was a nondescript day like any other when I stumbled upon the book that would alter the course of my life. Tucked away on a dusty shelf in the corner of a bookstore, its title caught my eye, beckoning me to delve into its pages. Little did I know that within those worn covers lay the keys to unlocking a world of insight and revelation.

Immersion in the Pages

As I immersed myself in the pages of the book, I found myself captivated by its wisdom, its words resonating deep within my soul. Each chapter unveiled new truths, challenging my preconceived notions and inviting me to question the very fabric of my reality. It was as if the author had reached through the pages and touched the innermost recesses of my being, igniting a spark of curiosity and introspection that would forever alter my perspective.

Moments of Enlightenment 

As I journeyed through the book, I experienced moments of profound enlightenment that left me breathless with wonder. I discovered new ways of thinking, new paths to explore, and new depths of understanding that I never knew existed. With each revelation, I felt myself shedding the layers of ignorance and complacency that had weighed me down, emerging as a more enlightened and aware version of myself.

Self-Discovery and Reflection

The book served as a mirror, reflecting back to me aspects of myself that I had long ignored or denied. It challenged me to confront my fears, my insecurities, and my deepest desires, forcing me to reckon with the truth of who I was and who I wanted to become. Through moments of introspection and self-reflection, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery that would forever alter the trajectory of my life.

Growth and Transformation 

As I turned the final page of the book, I realized that I was not the same person who had first picked it up. I had grown, evolved, and transformed in ways that I never thought possible. The lessons I had learned, the insights I had gained, and the truths I had uncovered had fundamentally shifted my perspective on life, love, and the pursuit of happiness.

Integration into Daily Life 

Armed with the knowledge and wisdom gleaned from the book, I set out to integrate its teachings into my daily life. I sought to embody its principles of compassion, mindfulness, and gratitude, striving to live each day with intention and purpose. Though the journey was not without its challenges, I found solace in the knowledge that I was walking a path of authenticity and integrity.

The book that changed my life served as a catalyst for personal growth, transformation, and self-discovery. Its words became a guiding light, illuminating the path ahead and inspiring me to become the best version of myself. As I continue on my journey, I am forever grateful for the profound impact of this book, and the lessons it has taught me about life, love, and the boundless potential of the human spirit.

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An Experience That Changed My Life Essay

descriptive essay about a person who changed my life

My Experience That Changed My Life

Have you ever had an event or experience that has changed your life? Well, mine was nine years ago, when my little sister Daphne was born. This special event changed my life changed drastically. When my parents sat me down and explained to me that I was having a baby sister, I began to feel a little disappointed that I was not going to be the only child anymore. Being able to get all the attention 24/7 from all my family members was the only thing I ever wanted. As I had came to realization that I was having a little sister, my life was about to change in ways I would have never imagined. As my sister was about to arrive, 5 months before my family and I had to move out of our small little town house. We then moved to an earth-contact home in which it had a shop and a lot of land. We had to move out because the house we…

An Experience That Changed My Life Analysis

I have not had many job experiences outside of the military. For me, the U.S. Navy is my first job. I joined the Navy straight out of high school, and I can truly say the last year and a half since I’ve been in I have learned so many life lessons. Through these life lessons I have learned a lot about myself and how strong I can be in difficult situations and circumstances. I never thought in a million years I would be in the military but it has showed me that everything happens for a reason.…

Responsiblity: An Experience That Changed My Life

Much of my younger life was formed by having fun and doing child-like things, but when these activities weren 't occuring my parents were secretly teaching me how to be an independent person. They started with small things, like giving me chores and responsibilities, and slowly graduated to larger things such as expecting me to get to school on time. A lack of rules granted me much freedom, but also heightened moral standards imposed on me by my parents. Overall, however, the independence…

Personal Narrative: An Experience That Changed My Life

An experience that changed my life was on May 19th, 2014, my brother’s death. It changed my life in a positive and negative way. You would think that death would devastate someone for the rest of their life, but my brother’s death actually changed my life. I’m not saying that his death didn’t have a negative effect on me, but it had more of a positive effect on me than anything. His death made me an introvert, think for myself, and see things differently. I’m not saying that I’m glad my brother…

Religious Or Intellectual Experience That Changed My Life

Have you ever had religious or intellectual experience that has Changed your life? The experience that changed my life is related to my religion of being Catholic, as well as growing up in a Hispanic household with the stereotypical and sexist views women are placed in. Growing up I knew I wasn’t the “Normal” girl who liked talking about make-up, or wearing dresses and skirts. I wouldn’t be the girl that got excited when I got new dolls, or a nail kit. I was what we call the “Abnormal” kid. At…

A Life Changing Experience That Changed My Life Analysis

I witnessed my father fight his last battle against prostate cancer. The war defeated him as the war defeated me. This war against cancer was a life changing experience regardless of my wishes. It helped structure me into who I am today, it impelled me to learn a few things about life itself and its values which makes me a little uncommon from the average kid. “You don 't choose your family. They are God’s gift to you, as you are to them” was never considered significant to me until everything…

My Experience That Changed My Life-Personal Narrative

pushing my feet under and I suddenly have this overwhelming feeling of adrenalin and I am suddenly afraid for my life then I realize I have suddenly been face with my ultimate fear. A few years ago I had suddenly become epileptic and had hit the ground having a seizer in the process of falling I had hit my head and got a concussion and was in and out of the hospital trying to figure out what was wrong with me. During this time, I felt alone and like an outsider. I wasn’t allowed to drive and…

Personal Narrative: My Experience That Changed My Life

Although I may not consider myself a shy person, I was never the type to step out of my comfort zone. My freshman year of High School I had my mind set thinking that I was going to be the type of student who woke up for school, left, and then came back home once it was time to. I never thought I was ever going to join a sport/clubs, go to school games etc. In that moment it never seemed like my thing. Coming my Sophomore year the opportunity of joining a sport came along. At first I wanted to be…

Personal Experience: A Place That Changed My Life

mom and dad at my corner loving me. My mother Maureen Rose was a maid who cleaned for wealthy people for minimum wage. My father on the other hand was a welder who worked at a factory and came home every day smelling like oil. I then was a young six years old to be exact and my brother and I had high imaginations. I loved my home I would swim, eat fresh fruits, climb trees and fences and play all day with my tall 10-year-old brother Chad. Little did I know my parents had problems of their own,…

Bourne Bridge: An Experience That Changed My Life

The words “Bourne Bridge: 1933 – 1935,” with an orchestra of car horns in the background, are forever engrained in my head, for they mark the start of an always memorable experience. For as long as I can remember, I have had the privelege of spending my summers in New Silver Beach (North Falmouth, MA). New Silver Beach is a sentimental place to me, whose legacy began with my grandparents purchasing a small cottage when my father was just a boy. My father reveres the community so highly that he…

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