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The Assignment

The Assignment

  • An American naval officer is recruited for an operation to eliminate his lookalike, the infamous terrorist Carlos The Jackal.
  • 1986. In his civilian clothes while on shore leave in Jerusalem, Lieutenant Commander Annibal Ramirez of the US Navy is captured and interrogated by who he eventually learns is Mossad in a case of mistaken identity. Because of the resemblance, they believed him to be Carlos the Jackal, one of if not the most wanted and dangerous terrorist in the world. Shortly following, Henry Fields, using the alias Jack Shaw, he the Paris deputy chief of CIA counter-terrorism whose primary mission for at least the past ten years has been to get rid of Carlos in any way possible, tries to recruit Ramirez to work on a covert CIA-Mossad operation to stop Carlos' terrorist activities with the ultimate goal of Carlos' capture or death. The plan is for Ramirez to impersonate Carlos, in the process discrediting Carlos in the eyes of his current KGB backers, and thus effectively ending his career as a terrorist, with nowhere he can longer hide. After an initial reluctance on Ramirez's part, Shaw is able to convince him to do the job. The rigorous training is to ensure that Ramirez not only looks like Carlos, but instinctively behaves like Carlos, even to those closest to him, which also means how he makes love as one of Ramirez's interactions is to be with one of Carlos' old girlfriends. Beyond the potential problem of getting caught by Carlos or his associates, Ramirez may have problems stomaching his work and reconciling it with his real life as a military man. If he is able to carry out the mission and survive, the bigger question becomes whether being Carlos will have transformed his inherent being permanently. — Huggo
  • An American naval officer is recruited by the government to impersonate the most vicious and cold-blooded terrorist there is in order to catch him. But are things really what they seem to be? — Steve Richer <[email protected]>
  • The film opens to the sounds of a couple having sex. Afterwards, Carlos the Jackal (Aidan Quinn) kills a spider in its web with his cigarette and evicts the woman(Lucie Laurier) from his room because he claims he has work to do. He is seen donning a disguise, and he walks to a cafe where CIA agent Jack Shaw (Donald Sutherland) is sitting at a table outdoors. He recognizes Shaw and asks for a light. Shaw does not recognize Carlos, because of his disguise, but he turns to watch Carlos enter the cafe. He watches as Carlos detonates a grenade, killing dozens of people. The film shows an event of attacking the OPEC meeting by the Jackal and his fellows in 1975. In the present day, Carlos is apprehended in an open air market and brutally interrogated by a Mossad commander named Amos (Ben Kingsley). Carlos claims to actually be a US Naval officer named Annibal Ramirez whose identification was lost in the chaos of his arrest. Amos confirms his identity and lets him go, stunned that Ramirez looks exactly like Carlos. Back at home, Ramirez is visited by Shaw who tries to recruit him to play Carlos' double. Ramirez is so embittered by his rough treatment in Amos' hands, that he insists he will sue and flatly rejects the idea of portraying Carlos. Shaw persists, wooing Ramirez on several occasions. He finally convinces Ramirez by showing him a child in a hospital who he claims is a victim of one of Carlos' bombings. Amos and Shaw train Ramirez at a remote location. Much of his training is devoted to situational awareness and internalizing details of Carlos' life. His training concludes with one of Carlos' ex-mistresses training Ramirez in how to make love like Carlos. The plan to catch Carlos revolves around convincing the KGB, which supports much of his terrorism, that he has begun to work with the CIA. The team lures one of Carlos' girlfriends to Libya, where Ramirez meets up with her, successfully posing as Carlos, even during their lovemaking. The girlfriend has become an informant for the French, however. Several French agents arrive at their apartment, and Ramirez is forced to kill them to survive. He is horrified at having to kill allies in his undercover operation. Carlos sends an assassin to kill the girlfriend in France, ordering him to leave Europe through London. The assassin happens to be in Heathrow airport at the same time as Ramirez, and he quickly realizes he is an impostor after Ramirez doesn't recognize him. The assassin forces Ramirez into a bathroom and a struggle ensues. Amos rushes in and manages to kill the assassin before being fatally shot. After Amos' death, the CIA shuts down the mission and Ramirez returns home. Back with his wife, he makes love to her as Carlos would, and she is disturbed by the change in his personality. The next day, at his son's little league game, he gets into a confrontation with another father and nearly kills him. Shaw bails him out of jail, and both men are clearly suffering deeply by not being able to finish their mission and kill Carlos. They head to East Berlin and conspicuously meet with each other. The KGB sees Ramirez meeting with Shaw and assumes Carlos has turned on them. They raid his hotel, but as they try to arrest them, he escapes. Shaw and Ramirez are waiting outside the hotel for him, and Ramirez fights Carlos on the bank of a river. It's impossible to tell which is the real Carlos during the struggle. As one of the men is being held under water by the other, Shaw comes upon them and shoots the man above the water several times. He realizes that he has shot Ramirez, and Carlos swims away. Ramirez presses Shaw to leave him and chase Carlos, but Shaw insists that their plan has worked and Carlos is a marked man by the KGB. One way or another, Shaw points out that Carlos' days as a terrorist are over. The deaths of Ramirez and his family are staged by Shaw, and in the final scene, the family are safely cavorting on a beach. Ramirez moves to kill a spider in its web with his cigarette, but appears to change his mind.

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The Assignment (1997)

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the assignment l'incarico

Film 1997 | Thriller , 115 min. Dettagli 

Regia di Christian Duguay . Un film con Donald Sutherland , Aidan Quinn , Ben Kingsley . Titolo originale: The Assignement . Genere Thriller , - USA , 1997 , durata 115 minuti. Uscita cinema giovedì 4 dicembre 1997 distribuito da Sony Pictures Italia . - MYmo net ro 2,83 su 1 recensioni tra critica , pubblico e dizionari.

Ultimo aggiornamento martedì 28 aprile 2009

L'incarico è disponibile a Noleggio e in Digital Download su TROVA STREAMING e in DVD su IBS.it e su LaFeltrinelli.it . Compra subito

Un marine americano ha l'incarico di trovare e uccidere Carlos, il terrorista più ricercato del mondo. Sarà aiutato dal fatto di assomigliargli come una goccia d'acqua. L'americano farà credere ai russi che Carlos è un traditore. Storia vecchia maniera, serrata, certamente già vista, ma che non sfigura nel panorama generale contemporaneo. 

Un distinto gentiluomo ufficiale delle forze speciali per non si sa qual motivo è stato scambiato per un mascalzone incredibile, perseguito in molte maneire a torto per la somiglianza, ma facendo tutte altre cose, da alcuni errabondi i quali sembrano volere addestrarlo con il loro modo guardacaso per prendere le veci del criminale ricercato; deve sapere in caso se accontantarli in qualche [...] Vai alla recensione »

Questo film dovete vederlo assolutamente, Shaw... un agente Americano che addestrava le reclute perchè volevano assomigliare a Carlos, gli fa deglutire e digerire... mille volte l'orribile puree. Un film d'azione fantastico tutte le scene degne di Holliwood, ed è un film a minor costo... pensate un pò, gli Americani dimostrano di saper fare il miglior cinema anche [...] Vai alla recensione »

non solito film con molto action, l'ufficiale us ramirez annibal scambiato per il più grande criminale della storia dopo essere catturato e altrettanto percosso da qualche agente delle forze segrete speciali, appurato che poi non si tratta di lui e che non è il più grande, delinquente di cui sopra, pensano di avvalersene, gli propongono un addetramento, nel tentativo [...] Vai alla recensione »

 Carlos lo sciacallo è il più efferato e ricercato terrorista del mondo. Per vent'anni i servizi segreti hanno cercato di catturarlo. Ma ora hanno un piano perfetto e un uomo con la faccia giusta per un incarico che non può rifiutare.

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Annibal Ramirez, ufficiale della marina degli Stati Uniti, viene arrestato a Gerusalemme dal Mossad, il servizio segreto israeliano, perché straordinariamente somigliante al terrorista Carlos, soprannominato "lo sciacallo". Annibal, viene così costretto da Cia e Mossad a recitare la parte del terrorista per far credere ai russi che "lo sciacallo" sia il protagonista di un doppio gioco.



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“ The Assignment ” is a film that arrives in theaters having already inspired vast outpourings of anger from two groups —the transgender community, which appears to be offended by its very premise, and action buffs, who are put off both by the premise (albeit for different reasons) and what they feel is a lazy execution that fails to offer the requisite thrills. While I am sympathetic to the complaints of both groups (somewhat more for the former) and recognize that it is indeed deeply flawed in many areas, I cannot quite agree with either. This is a modestly scaled B-movie by one of the best genre filmmakers of our time, Walter Hill , that has enough skill and personality going for it to make it worth checking out, even if it doesn’t quite live up (or down, depending on your perspective) to its borderline sleazy premise.

And what is that premise, you ask? In a nutshell, Frank Kitchen ( Michelle Rodriguez … just keep reading) is a ruthless San Francisco hitman who runs afoul of Dr. Rachel Kay ( Sigourney Weaver ), a brilliant but deranged surgeon who has lost her license for conducting various rogue experiments. Frank kills Dr. Kay’s brother, and the good doctor seeks vengeance and experimental research into the importance of physical identity on the psyche. She arranges with crime boss Honest John Hartunian ( Anthony LaPaglia ) to have him grab Frank and bring him to her secret lab, where she proceeds to perform gender reassignment surgery on him. Dr. Kay asserts that the surgery will take away Frank’s desire to kill. Needless to say, Frank sees things a little differently, and, once she discovers that the surgery cannot be reversed, she methodically hatches a grisly revenge plot on everyone involved with her transformation from Honest John and his goons all the way up to Dr. Kay. Helping Frank in her quest is Johnnie ( Caitlin Gerard ), a nurse with whom Frank had a one-night stand before his transformation and who doesn’t seem particularly nonplussed by recent developments, though it seems that she may be harboring a few secrets of her own.

At first blush, one can easily understand why the transgender community might be a tad put off by the very existence of “The Assignment,” but the actual film is nowhere near as offensive as it might initially seem. For one thing, the film as a whole is so willfully and deliberately pulpy in tone (I could easily see a short version of this tale fitting perfectly into the confines of a “ Sin City ” film) that it is hard to take the alleged provocations on display with any degree of seriousness—this is a film that is so archetypal in nature that the sort-of sweethearts at its center are literally named Frank(ie) and Johnnie. Additionally, to suggest that Frank is meant to represent all transgender people is nonsense because he is clearly not one himself, and, outside of the obvious physical construct, little about him changes after undergoing his forced surgery. I would also point out that no less of a filmmaker than Pedro Almodovar used the notion of unwilling gender reassignment surgery as a plot point in his own unabashed genre exercise, “ The Skin I Live In ,” and no one seemed especially put off by it even though the deployment there was arguably more questionable from a taste perspective than what is seen here.

That said, “The Assignment” is still a problematic work in many ways from a purely cinematic perspective. The screenplay by Hill & Denis Hamill (which Hill has been toying with since the late ‘70s) is an awkward construction with much of the story presented in a series of flashbacks, as the now-incarcerated Dr. Kay recounts the story to another psychiatrist ( Tony Shalhoub ). This concept is especially problematic since Hill is at his best when he allows characters to define themselves purely through their actions instead of relentlessly explaining themselves as they do here. The film also screams out for a more overtly stylized visual treatment in the vein of something like his great “ Streets of Fire ”—a fact underlined by the occasional bits of black-and-white photography and comic book-style transitions—that might have also helped to underscore the kind of pulpy approach Hill was clearly going for. Another big problem, at least at first, is the casting of Michelle Rodriguez as Frank. There is nothing wrong with her performance but the early scenes in which she portrays the male version of Frank, complete with a wildly unconvincing beard and a lingering close-up of his genitalia for good measure, do inspire a few bad laughs right when the film is trying to establish itself. For some viewers, it may never recover from that.

For those who can get beyond that, “The Assignment” contains plenty of points of interest. Sigourney Weaver is pretty much a blast throughout as the snidely condescending doctor who sets all of the events into motion. As for Rodriguez, once she sheds the beard, her performance improves greatly. Obviously, we know she can do the steely-eyed badass stuff as well as anyone else but she also gets a couple of quieter moments amidst the chaos where she displays a more vulnerable side without stepping out of character—in one, she consults a doctor about whether the surgery can be reversed and begins shyly inquiring about certain personal details regarding her new equipment. In the other, she is about to go to bed with Johnnie when she realizes that she has no idea of how to approach lovemaking from a female perspective. (“You’ll do fine,” she is reassured in a line that is both funny and strangely touching.) As for Hill, while he is clearly working with a lower budget than usual here (with Vancouver substituting, not too convincingly, for San Francisco), he is still able to establish a convincingly noir attitude toward the material and the scenes of violence are done in a spare and economical style that is a relief from the over-the-top pyrotechnics of most current action films. (He also gets bonus points for employing Giorgio Moroder to deliver a cheerfully retro synth score.)

It is easy to see how the dramatic excesses of the plot could prove offensive to the transgender community, though I can just as easily see “The Assignment” one day becoming a cult favorite in the way that the once-controversial “ Cruising ” would eventually find some fans within the gay community that once scorned it. As an exercise in unapologetic pulp fiction, it gets the job done in a smart, efficient and slyly subversive manner. As the latest entry in the Walter Hill filmography, it definitely belongs on the second tier. Even though it may not be the equal to a classic like “ The Driver ” or “Streets of Fire,” it will do until that next masterwork does come along.

Peter Sobczynski

Peter Sobczynski

A moderately insightful critic, full-on Swiftie and all-around  bon vivant , Peter Sobczynski, in addition to his work at this site, is also a contributor to The Spool and can be heard weekly discussing new Blu-Ray releases on the Movie Madness podcast on the Now Playing network.

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Film credits.

The Assignment movie poster

The Assignment (2017)

Rated R for graphic nudity, violence, sexuality, language and drug use.

Michelle Rodriguez as Frank Kitchen / Tomboy

Sigourney Weaver as Dr. Rachel Kay

Tony Shalhoub as Dr. Ralph Galen

Caitlin Gerard as Johnnie

Anthony LaPaglia as Honest John Hartunian

Paul McGillion as Paul Wincott

  • Walter Hill

Writer (story)

  • Denis Hamill


  • James Liston
  • Phil Norden
  • Giorgio Moroder
  • Raney Shockne

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  • Francesco Chiarello
  • Alberto Boll
  • Miriana Protopapa
  • Rita Schirinzi
  • Bianca Maria Stea Lindholm
  • Vigea Bechis Boll
  • Antonio Fumarola
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The Assignment

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The assignment.

Directed by Christian Duguay

Jack Shaw has experienced the terror first-hand. He's a top CIA agent who's tracked international killer-for-hire Carlos "The Jackal" Sanchez for over twenty years and barely survived Carlos' devastating bombing of a Parisian cafe. Now, he finally gets a break when he discovers Carlos' dead ringer: American naval officer and dedicated family man Annibal Ramirez.

Aidan Quinn Donald Sutherland Ben Kingsley Claudia Ferri Céline Bonnier Vlasta Vrana Liliana Głąbczyńska Von Flores Gregory Hlady Gabriel Marian Oseciuc Mitchell David Rothpan Frédéric Desager Kliment Denchev Yonathan Gordon Al Waxman Lucie Laurier

Director Director

Christian Duguay

Producers Producers

Franco Battista Renaud Mathieu

Writers Writers

Sabi H. Shabtai Dan Gordon

Casting Casting

Karen Margiotta Lucie Robitaille Mary Margiotta

Editor Editor

Yves Langlois

Cinematography Cinematography

David Franco Christian Duguay

Assistant Directors Asst. Directors

Robbie Ditchburn David McLeod

Executive Producer Exec. Producer

David Saunders

Lighting Lighting

Nimi Getter

Camera Operator Camera Operator

Additional photography add. photography.

Georges Archambault Bruno Philip John Pingry

Production Design Production Design

Michael Joy

Art Direction Art Direction

Special effects special effects.

Ryal Cosgrove Gary Coates

Composer Composer

Normand Corbeil

Sound Sound

Michel B. Bordeleau Raymond Legault Tim Archer Natalie Fleurant

Costume Design Costume Design

Makeup makeup.

Nicole Lapierre

Hairstyling Hairstyling

Benjamin Robin Ronald J. Rolfe

Triumph Films Program de Credits of Impuc Super Écran Satch-Mo Gouvernement du Québec Allegro Films The Movie Network

Releases by Date

28 sep 1997, 01 aug 2005, 08 jun 1998, 01 aug 1998, releases by country.

  • Physical 16
  • Theatrical 18
  • Theatrical R

119 mins   More at IMDb TMDb Report this page

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Review by Dennis ★★★½ 4

The premise of The Assignement kept me thinking throughout the film, what would I do?

Let's imagine, there's a terrorist out there, one of the most evil humans living right now and I would look like him. Would I risk my life and almost everything I have to save millions of lives?

Aidan Quinn gives a nuanced performance as our hero, he's not the typical macho action guy, he's as human as possible for a story like that. To save people can be a burden if you have to become what you hate and fear. The script doesn't go very deep into psychological matters, but enough to let the viewer understand the struggle.

Ben Kingsley and Donald Sutherland are good…


Review by marshlandz ★★★★

This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.

Carlos the Jackal (Aidan Quinn) is only on screen twice in the film: first, in the opening, when the camera cranes up from an extreme close-up of concrete being pissed on by a child and up and into the hotel room of Carlos who has just finished fucking and stares out the window naked for a while then puts on a costume and heads to a Paris cafe where he bums a light from a well known CIA counterterrorism expert (Donald Sutherland) while smirking before fragging everyone inside, and the end, when Carlos fights his finely constructed doppelganger, a Cuban-American Naval officer (Aidan Quinn) groomed by Sutherland and Mossad (Ben Kingsley) to literally become Carlos in order to catch him…


Review by RexLuscus ★★★½

"don't think of it as cheating on your wife, think of it as fucking for your flag."

pretty solid and handsomely shot b-picture about a CIA/mossad joint attempt to entrap notorious Cool Guy carlos the jackal. aidan quinn threatens to sue "every fuckin' israeli on the planet" while holding a baby, and that's before israeli ben kingsley force-feeds him porridge and doses him with acid as part of his secret CIA training.


Review by Justin ★★★★ 4

This is a quietly great little action/thriller. Quinn gives a wonderfully two character performance. Kingsley is quietly giving gravitas to those around him. Donald Sutherland chews it up masterfully and is clearly having a ton of fun. It’s dated in a lot of regards but it didn’t miss a beat to me from the last time I watched it.

“Don’t think of it as cheating on your wife. Think of it as fucking for your flag.”

Chris Cabin

Review by Chris Cabin ★★

A grueling chore. Quinn is pretty good but Kingsley and Sutherland are on cruise control. Mundanely directed and edited by a drunk, horny ape.


Review by WizardmanJones ★★★

I feel like drones have really taken the romance and excitement away from killing terrorists. I bet you they never even tried to find a Cuban-American serviceman who was somehow Osama Bin Laden's exact double and forced him to eat obscene amounts of oatmeal.

Andy King

Review by Andy King ★★★½ 3

Spionage-Thriller aus den 90ern. Es geht um den Terroristen „Carlos“ der in 70ern und 80ern einige Anschläge verübte und der wohl damals der weltweit am meisten gesuchte Terrorist war.

In einer fiktionalen Geschichte erzählt der Regisseur eine Variante, wie man Carlos das Handwerk legen will. Eines Tages kommt es zur Verhaftung des Marie Offiziers Annibel Ramirez durch den israelischen Geheimdienst. Dabei handelte sich es um ein Missverständnis. Ramirez sieht dem Terroristen Carlos verdammt ähnlich. Daraus entwickelt der CIA (Donald Sutherland) und der Israelische Geheimdienstchef (Ben Kingsley) den Plan durch den Doppelgänger Ramirez Carlos auf die Spur zu kommen und ihm eine Falle zu stellen. Ramirez muss aber erst einer harten Ausbildung unterzogen werden. Er muss quasi lernen, wie Carlos zu…


Review by Waldo ★★★★

Always been a fan of this one since day one. It appeared on video one day back in 1997, don't think it had a theatrical run around my neighborhood. Aidan Quinn is good and sometimes hilarious as Anibal Ramirez. Maybe a bit of a miscast but the funny thing is...he's very good pulling double acting duty here! A USA naval officer that looks exactly like Carlos The Jackal. So the CIA wants Anibal to become Carlos The Jackal. Donald Sutherland and Ben Kingsley are having fun playing Aidan's trainers. The action sequence of Aidan fleeing from the French Secret Service is a standout. Director Duguay handles the action and everything else real well.

flis04 🎞

Review by flis04 🎞 ★★★★ 10

In den 70er bis 90er Jahren war Carlos in arabischen und westeuropäischen Ländern ein gefürchteter Name. Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, der mittlerweile seit Jahrzehnten in Frankreich in Haft sitzt, ist immer noch fanatischer Marxist. Der Schakal hingehen ist er nicht mehr, sein Laufbahn als gefürchteter Terrorist ist seit seiner Ergreifung 1994 im Sudan Vergangenheit. Doch bis dahin hinterliess er mit seinen bestialischen Anschlägen tiefe Wunden in der Weltgeschichte. Wunden, die zu zahlreichen Adaptionen führten. Selbst in den Romanen um Jason Bourne taucht er auf. Ähnlich fiktional und weit weg von der Realität ist auch die Erzählung in "Assignment - Der Auftrag", einem kanadischen Agententhriller m aus dem Jahre 1997 der trotz Starbesetzung ein finanzielles Desaster war und in Deutschland nicht einmal…


Review by mattstechel ★★★

I liked it when the action started happening which it does in the second hour where this turns into more of a fast moving Bourne Identity type of action movie. Up until then it wasn't bad, but it was a little lethargic as Donald Sutherland and Ben Kingsley recruit a naval officer played by Aidan Quinn whom Sutherland thinks is the spitting image of Carlos the Jackal whom he is obsessed with capturing. (Interesting that no one else seems to think so but Sutherland is like "I can build him up and dress him in his clothes and teach him how to move and act" and so before too long Sutherland's shadowy CIA agent along with Kingsley here as an…

Dominik Hug

Review by Dominik Hug ★★★½ 2

Völlig unter dem Radar geblieben ist bislang The Assignment - Der Auftrag. Kein Wunder, denn das Cover der deutschsprachigen Code 2-DVD ist auch wirklich grausig. Entsprechend fristete dieser Film ein zirka 10jähriges unberührtes Dasein auf meinem Pile of Shame.

Toll gespielt, mit nur einem kleinen Hänger im Mittelteil, die Gefahr stets dich und die Akteure bedrohend und wo es krachen soll, da kracht es auch. Ein guter Film!

henry 💿

Review by henry 💿 ★½

"what do you suppose he's doing now?" "practicing safe sex. i hope"

donald december #6

sooo bad ❤ the premise and training sequence in the first half are hilarious but it's not worth it. i feel the worst about ben kingsley because i'm sure he's a wonderful actor but i've literally only seen him in horrible movies

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  1. The Assignment (1997)

    The Assignment: Directed by Christian Duguay. With Aidan Quinn, Donald Sutherland, Ben Kingsley, Claudia Ferri. An American naval officer is recruited for an operation to eliminate his lookalike, the infamous terrorist Carlos The Jackal.

  2. The Assignment

    The Assignment - L'incarico (The Assignment) è un film del 1997 diretto da Christian Duguay, con protagonisti Ben Kingsley, Aidan Quinn e Donald Sutherland, basato sulla vera storia degli agenti della CIA e del Mossad che contribuirono a metter fine alla carriera del terrorista venezuelano Ilich Ramírez Sánchez detto Carlos lo sciacallo il quale, a capo del gruppo terroristico Separat ...

  3. The Assignment movie review & film summary (1997)

    The Assignment. "The Assignment'' is a canny, tricky thriller that could serve as an illustration of what this week's similar release, "The Peacemaker,'' is not. Both films involve an international hunt for a dangerous terrorist, but "The Peacemaker'' is a cartoon and "The Assignment'' is intelligent and gripping--and it has a third act!

  4. The Assignment (1997)

    An American naval officer is recruited for an operation to eliminate his lookalike, the infamous terrorist Carlos The Jackal. 1986. In his civilian clothes while on shore leave in Jerusalem, Lieutenant Commander Annibal Ramirez of the US Navy is captured and interrogated by who he eventually learns is Mossad in a case of mistaken identity.

  5. The Assignment

    The Assignment - L'incarico è un film del 1997 diretto da Christian Duguay, con protagonisti Ben Kingsley, Aidan Quinn e Donald Sutherland, basato sulla vera storia degli agenti della CIA e del Mossad che contribuirono a metter fine alla carriera del terrorista venezuelano Ilich Ramírez Sánchez detto Carlos lo sciacallo il quale, a capo del gruppo terroristico Separat, della Rote Armee ...

  6. The Assignment (1997 film)

    The Assignment is a 1997 spy action thriller film directed by Christian Duguay and starring Aidan Quinn (in two roles), with Donald Sutherland and Ben Kingsley.The film, written by Dan Gordon and Sabi H. Shabtai, is set mostly in the late 1980s and deals with a CIA plan to use Quinn's character to masquerade as the Venezuelan terrorist Carlos the Jackal.

  7. ‎The Assignment (1997) directed by Christian Duguay

    Völlig unter dem Radar geblieben ist bislang The Assignment - Der Auftrag. Kein Wunder, denn das Cover der deutschsprachigen Code 2-DVD ist auch wirklich grausig. Entsprechend fristete dieser Film ein zirka 10jähriges unberührtes Dasein auf meinem Pile of Shame.

  8. The Assignment

    The Assignment. 1997 • 119 minutes. 3.5star. 14 reviews. 62%. Tomatometer. family_home. Eligible. info. Add to wishlist. infoWatch in a web browser or on supported devices ...

  9. L'incarico

    L'incarico. Regia di Christian Duguay . Un film con Donald Sutherland, Aidan Quinn, Ben Kingsley . Titolo originale: The Assignement . Genere Thriller, - USA , 1997 , durata 115 minuti. Uscita cinema giovedì 4 dicembre 1997 distribuito da Sony Pictures Italia .

  10. L'Incarico

    Aidan Quinn è Annibal Ramirez, un soldato Americano che in Israele viene scambiato per il terrorista Carlos "Lo sciacallo" Sanchez. Scoperta la sua vera identità, i servizi segreti americani e israeliani decidono di sfruttare questa somiglianza e viene ingaggiato dall'agente Jack Shaw (Donald Sutherland) e il suo collega israeliano Amos (Ben Kingsley) per impersonare il terrorista e catturarlo.

  11. Watch The Assignment

    Waking up in bandages, contract killer Frank Kitchen seeks revenge on the surgeon who performed gender reassignment surgery on him without consent. Watch trailers & learn more.

  12. L'incarico

    Puoi comprare "L'incarico" scaricandolo da Apple TV, Rakuten TV, Google Play Movies, Amazon Video o noleggiarlo online su Google Play Movies, Rakuten TV, Apple TV, Amazon Video. Sinossi Annibal Ramirez, ufficiale della marina degli Stati Uniti, viene arrestato a Gerusalemme dal Mossad, il servizio segreto israeliano, perché straordinariamente ...

  13. The Assignment (1997), a film by Christian Duguay

    A web page featuring information about The Assignment. "The Assignment" (also known as "Incarico, L'", "Auftrag, Der") is a Thriller film directed by Christian Duguay, released on September 26 of 1997 in the USA , starring Aidan Quinn, Donald Sutherland, Ben Kingsley, Claudia Ferri, Céline Bonnier and Vlasta Vrana.

  14. The Assignment: or, On the Observing of the Observer of…

    The Assignment is not for the weak or faint-hearted. german-language philosophy-theology swiss. 39 likes. ... Au­tentico mostro, von Lambert affida alla giornalista televisiva F. l'incarico di raggiungere le pendici dell'Atlante e ricostruire un «delitto di cui lui come medico era l'artefice, mentre l'ese­cutore non rappresentava che un dato ...

  15. The Assignment

    The Assignment. 2017 • 95 minutes. 3.5star. 2 reviews. 33%. Tomatometer. family_home. Eligible. info. Add to wishlist. play_arrowTrailer. infoWatch in a web browser or on supported devices ...

  16. The Assignment movie review & film summary (2017)

    The Assignment. " The Assignment " is a film that arrives in theaters having already inspired vast outpourings of anger from two groups —the transgender community, which appears to be offended by its very premise, and action buffs, who are put off both by the premise (albeit for different reasons) and what they feel is a lazy execution ...

  17. The First Assignment (2010)

    The First Assignment is a film directed by Giorgia Cecere with Isabella Ragonese, Francesco Chiarello, Alberto Boll, Miriana Protopapa .... Year: 2010. Original title: Il primo incarico. Synopsis: Nena, a girl from the south of Italy, has to travel far from home to get her first job as a teacher. She is sad, not because she has to leave her mother and sister, with whom everything is clear and ...

  18. ‎The Assignment (1997) directed by Christian Duguay

    Jack Shaw has experienced the terror first-hand. He's a top CIA agent who's tracked international killer-for-hire Carlos "The Jackal" Sanchez for over twenty years ...

  19. "The Assignment" Trailer

    The official Trailer for "The Assignment", a canadian actionthriller about the fictional hunt for the terrorist Carlos the Jackal...Der offizielle Trailer fü...

  20. The Assignment

    1997 film by Christian Duguay. The Assignment Q1560704)

  21. L'incarico

    The Assignment - L'incarico (1997) streaming ita su FilmITA.Online. Annibal Ramirez è un ufficiale della Marina statunitense di origine cubana che ha la sfortuna di assomigliare al terrorista Ilich Ramirez Sánchez,

  22. The Assignment

    The Assignment - L'Incarico. 57 likes. Movie

  23. The Assignment

    Info Titolo originale: The Assignment Nazionalità: USA Anno: 1997 Genere: azione, thriller Durata: 119 min Cast: Donald Sutherland, Aidan Quinn, Ben Kingsley Regia: Christian Duguay Trama Un marine americano ha l'incarico di trovare e uccidere Carlos, il terrorista più ricercato del mondo. Viene