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How to write an excellent Oxbridge personal statement - 3 top tips

Updated: Feb 8

The first step in the Oxford  and Cambridge application process is to craft a personal statement that sufficiently captures the interest of the admissions tutors. The personal statement serves as a tool for you to show off your unique interests within the subject you are applying for, how this interest was sparked, what extracurricular activities or reading you have done to expand on this, and, ultimately, why you should be considered for studying your subject.

The personal statement is not, however, an extended essay in which you write arguments for and against an issue or a step by step breakdown of a molecular pathway or technique. That is the purpose of the interview. The personal statement is used to assess your motivations and the extent to which you have read beyond the scope of your A-Level/IB syllabus, as well as whether you have considered the significance of your subject on the wider world. The interview will then test your knowledge of the content of your personal statement, and look to stretch your intellectual capacity a bit further.

Now that we better understand the purpose of the personal statement, let's answer the question: how to write an excellent Oxbridge personal statement? Here are my three top tips to write a compelling personal statement for Oxford and Cambridge University admissions. 1. Pick an 'angle' or 'theme' within your subject.

Oxbrdige degrees are notoriously broad . While you may be interested in multiple topics, you run the risk of not communicating your passion and knowledge in sufficient depth if you discuss too many topics. Worse still, if there is no connection between your interests, you risk coming across as disorganized and confused in your thinking. This would be a big red flag. For example, in the case of my subject, Biochemistry, I could have genetics or genetic modification as the theme of my personal statement and then go on to discuss my interests in crop modification, human genomics and gene therapies in a cohesive manner. If your subject happens to be PPE, your theme could be the role of AI and how it may threaten democracy (politics), revolutionize the world of work (economics) and what I means for the nature of man (philosophy). By having a theme, you can produce a cohesive personal statement, while still touching upon multiple areas.

2. Link your specific subject interest to concrete examples of recent developments or research.

Once you've made apparent your theme/specific interest in the opening paragraph, it is essential to connect this to examples of scientific advancements in the relevant field or recent societal events that reflect the issue(s) at hand. If your interests lie in cancer research, don't talk loosely about a new class of drug that is being developed. Instead refer to the specific research group or published paper in question and briefly comment on the mechanism of action and how and why this is an improvement over the current standard of care. You can go even further and discuss what impacts this might have on society e.g human longevity. Alternatively, for humanities / social science subjects you can provide your criticisms of a political / societal event or the vision presented in a published book. Regardless of your subject, it is essential to be specific and give your take on the recent developments. The tutors want to assess your originality and intelligence as it relates to recent research or developments.

3. Consider including a conclusion paragraph to summarize your interest, to emphasise the importance of your subject on the world, and what contributions you might make.

Oxford and Cambridge love 'big-picture' thinking. If you can produce a cohesive summary of your specific subject interest, whilst at the same time linking this how new breakthroughs in your subject may revolutionize society or resolve some of our greatest challenges at present, you will come across as that type of 'big-picture' thinker. Remember, the personal statement will not be read by administrative staff, but rather the very tutors who teach at Oxford. These are passionate academics, potentially leaders in their field. Accordingly, it is in your interest to excite them by emphasising how important their subject is and what role you might like to play in the future (i.e. researcher at X institute or director of a policy think tank or NGO).

I really hope you found this guide to writing an excellent personal statement useful! Remember, you still have plenty of time to keep working on yours until the deadline on 16 October 2023. Whether you are struggling with idea generation or finding it difficult to effectively communicate your interests and activities within the word count, Elvis Oxford Admissions and Tutoring is here to help you with your personal statement needs. Book a session today! Stay tuned for more great content over the coming months.

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Oxford Personal Statement Examples: Top 4

Oxford Personal Statement Examples

If you’re looking to craft the perfect personal statement, reading over some Oxford personal statement examples will be the best way to start. It’s one thing to read college essay tips or instructions on how to write the perfect personal statement, but another entirely to see an example of how it’s done.

How to start a college essay can be tricky, but we have you covered! In this article, we have Oxford personal statement examples for your edification so that you can write your own best work.

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Article Contents 12 min read

Oxford personal statement examples, example no.1.

We are made of stories. History itself is the story we tell ourselves about who we are, and our oldest stories are still with us. Gilgamesh would never have found his immortality but through his story being told over and over again. Scrooge is visited by three ghosts every year for some people, and no matter how many times we hear about his conversion from miser to “…as good a man as the good old city knew…” we have our hearts warmed, reminding ourselves of the importance of human comfort and generosity. I have come to my interest in the classics through my interest in the stories we tell that make us who we are.

My personal reading list always exceeds my school’s reading list. When I was a boy, I was gripped by the stories of heroes like Perseus and Hercules. As I grew, I sought further stories and came across the epic poems. Over the years, I have found many people who share my enjoyment of these tales, but often they do not truly know them. One of my perpetual fascinations with classics is how these stories change, or are perceived, in the public consciousness.

Want to learn easy ways to make your college essay stand out? Watch this video:

For example, many people know of the Labours of Hercules – or Herakles, as the Greeks said – but they rarely know why he was tasked with these Labours: he killed his children. We often make dark aspects of old stories into children’s stories. We see this with modern cartoon versions of far grimmer fairy tales. I believe that this has done our world a disservice. Instead of confronting unpleasant truths, we hide them. History is often whitewashed along with the stories to make it palatable.

My studies of the classics have led me to begin a work on Hercules – investigating how his story has been told and retold. I am also examining how the story has changed over the years, why it has changed and how retelling this story in gentler ways has paralleled pop culture dumbing down stories and ignoring unpleasant truths.

“It’s just a frog,” I thought, but no matter how I tried to convince myself of that fact, I didn’t find it any easier to dissect. I was disappointed in myself because I thought that a scientist should be dispassionate, logical, and capable of dealing with any sentimental subject in an objective fashion. Yet there was the frog, my scalpel poised dramatically above its little, amphibian torso. I was almost paralysed with sympathy, and I began to fear that I would never be a scientist.

When I was young, I would wander the woods, sketching plants and animals before looking them up at home. I am happiest when I am learning something new – even if it means unlearning a truth I “knew” the day before. I had loved labs and experiments, but I had hit the wall of dissection. Could I take these creatures apart? I love learning about them, but how could I slice them open?

I told my friend Jeremiah that I wasn’t going to dissect the bullfrog. I would drop the course and do something else with my life. “I’ll help,” he said, “Come on.” With his support and encouragement, I made the first cut and couldn’t believe what I saw; I was entranced by the intricacy of the frog. Being able to see and understand nature from an insider’s perspective, so to speak, was no longer “gross,” and my curiosity finally kicked in.

As I continued in biology, through lab experiments, dissections and investigations, I found myself reversing my position on the mentality of the scientist. It is not that we must be dispassionate, but that we must intimately feel a connection with the natural world. We are a part of this world – as perfectly slotted into our evolutionary position as any other creature. More excited than ever, I joined a biology club in our city where I was surrounded by biologists of all ages – amateur and professional – and I grew immensely. I was even awarded 1 st place in a biology Olympiad.

I believe that a truly successful scientist is one who finds harmony in the natural world, not one who exploits it, and I have had several conversations with my laboratory instructor on these points. He agreed with me, and we have been working on a rubric to create a more nature-friendly approach to the science curriculum at our school. He was already quite nature-conscious, but we both agree that we could be doing more to minimise our ecological footprints.

My dream job is one that helps to balance human interaction with nature on a global scale, to fight climate change and ensure the survival of all natural species. I hope to study the natural sciences at Oxford to bring this about. I believe that my journey is one of lifelong learning, a concept stressed at your school. I am also interested in your research in sustainable urban development. I think that co-existing with nature is one of the all-important issues for humanity and for an aspiring biologist. I want to contribute to a world where, even if we dissect frogs, we do so with a sense of responsibility, not callous indifference.

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Example No.3

I was ten minutes into a well-structured argument as to why I was not argumentative before I realised the irony of my words. I shut my mouth, red-faced and laughing with the rest of my family. I come from a family of debaters. Not that being a debater is the only thing that makes me want to study history and politics at your institution. Politicians are more than just arguers, but my temperament is well-suited to challenging ideas and wrestling with those ideas in the public sphere.

I want to make a difference on a national level in the political arena, serving the public as a politician. I joined the debate club to learn how to perform well in front of an audience, how to test my ideas and most importantly, how to lose. I am proud of my track record, wins and losses. Losses can be a strength. My first debate was, “Be it therefore resolved that there is an obesity problem in this country.” I was assigned the “pro” angle, and I was so sure that I could win by appealing to statistical realities. However, I lost. My opponent had sharper arguments and convinced the audience that “problem” implied an inherent morality issue with obesity. I had no counterargument.

From that loss, I learned how to use language better, to anticipate counterarguments and to know my opponent’s position better than my own. Every loss is an opportunity to grow, and I love that I have been pitted against fierce opponents who make me earn every point. I would rather achieve fewer victories against a skilled debater than gain many victories against those who are ill-prepared. I also rarely lose on the same subject twice.

This is relevant to my political philosophy, which is that I believe politicians should be willing to change their opinions, even on important issues. If nobody changed their minds, we would all be pig-headed fools. I want the best information, and if that changes my mind, so be it. We need more changed minds and evidence-based policies coming from politicians who value truth and accuracy, as well as the ethics to provide morally defensible positions.

Thanks to my debate club experience, I was able to campaign successfully for student body president, a position I held for two years. I took this responsibility seriously, even if not every peer or authority figure felt the same way. During my time in student government, my proudest accomplishment was helping create a new scholarship programme to fund the university studies and housing of one student. I believe that politicians should fight for changes that will benefit people, not just institutions, so this scholarship was a particularly exciting project for me to work on.

Outside of political ambitions, my favourite thing to do is to go to museums and art galleries. I take tremendous pleasure in discovering who we were and are and being able to compare the two. I hope to bring my historical knowledge and understanding to my career in politics.

Whether I am debating at family dinner or quietly, reverently studying in a museum, my greatest joy would be to help people build the society that they want to see.

Example No.4

When the first atomic bombs were detonated, Oppenheimer famously stated, “I am become death, destroyer of worlds,” characterising the transcendent regret he felt. Of course, Oppenheimer was himself quoting from the Bhagavad Gita. When I think of Oppenheimer’s sorrow, I think of the importance philosophy has for a person navigating hard sciences, like mathematics.

For many people, philosophy and mathematics – what I hope to study at Oxford – are divorced from one another, if not opposites. One, resulting from the musings of a curious mind, is seen as almost useless in practical terms. The other is seen as cold, scientific truth in written form. But I believe they are linked. I loved reading Oxford’s published paper, “Influencing HIV/AIDS Policy in India Through Mathematical Modelling.” Our math knowledge, and the application thereof, can directly affect the world around us, improving it for all.

In my final year of high school, I wanted to write about the impact that mathematics has on the world. I wrote a paper on black holes. I interviewed a mathematician named Peter Richards who was working at a physics lab studying the phenomenon. Mr. Richards told me how the gravity of black holes creates event horizons, shaping space around them, but that scientists are investigating whether gravity is influenced by light. This cosmological-level chicken-or-egg question became the basis of my paper, which was about how we think about the universe and our place in it. Mathematics might one day answer who we are and why we are here. This paper won 1 st place in an essay competition and secured me a small scholarship.

Math is the language of the universe. I see it everywhere: in nature’s patterns and in the music I play. I have been learning to play flutes – everything from woodwinds to concert flutes to world music instruments like ocarinas. As my study of math deepens, I become more immersed in exploring the range of the instrument, which, in turn, transforms my music. Math reshapes the world around us.

This study of the interplay between mathematics and philosophy led me to study the mathematics of global populations, which I believe will soon become imperative research on how we can maintain a sustainable eco-system. I attended a recent event for mathematicians studying global trends, where I interviewed several prominent mathematicians in the field for the school paper. I got to ask these important persons about their thoughts on the responsibility mathematicians have regarding humanity and the care needed to help our species. A surprising number – two out of the five I spoke with – had given little or no thought to the idea of blending philosophy and mathematics. I was shocked at this mathematical proof that even people in the field did not give much thought to this.

I hope to combat this in my own life and studies, encouraging mathematicians to increase their conscientious use of their skills to better humanity in a direct way, as well as to be more conscious of their responsibilities in the world today.

Oxford recommends that you follow the UCAS advice on personal statements when writing your own. It is well worth taking your time drafting your personal statement because the admissions committee at Oxford reads each one several times. They are really interested in learning about anything academic because they are curious about your potential in your field of study. This implies that they are interested in both what you have done and are doing in school as well as anything you have done outside of the classroom that is related to the subject you have chosen to study. More than being the best extracurriculars for college , Oxford refers to these activities as super-curriculars . Super-curriculars can be anything “you’ve read, listened to, watched or visited” that relates to your academic interests, unlike extracurriculars.

About 80% of your personal statement should discuss your academic interests and super-curriculars. The recommended structure is as follows:

  • Opening paragraph explaining why you want to pursue the programme
  • 3 or 4 paragraphs analysing your academic and super-curricular activities
  • Brief closing paragraph about your extracurricular interests, with a focus on transferable skills and career plans/future aspirations

To ensure that your personal statement applies specifically to the University of Oxford, first look at the school’s mission, vision statement and core values. Aligning your essay with these values will help prove that Oxford is the perfect fit for you, which is your main goal. This is the first step in how to write a college essay for this school.

You may also want to reference other important aspects of Oxford. Do they have research in the area you want to work in? Do they have a professor you cannot wait to study with? Do they have the curriculum set up in a way that best suits you as a student and your future goals? You need to show not only how you fit with Oxford, but also how the school will propel you forward in a way that no other school could.

Oxford’s Mission Statement

“We inspire people locally, nationally and globally by extending access to Oxford’s world-class teaching and resources through flexible and inclusive opportunities for study and research.”

Oxford’s Vision Statement

“To be a global centre of excellence for lifelong learning. Courses will be underpinned by the best teaching, research and support for learning to meet the needs of diverse, ambitious and intellectually curious students. Staff and students will work together within and beyond Oxford to foster a vibrant learning community attentive to the importance of promoting sustainability and social justice.”

Oxford’s Values

Finally, note that all Oxford personal statements have a character cap of 4,000, including spaces, and must be no longer than 47 lines.

Essay Writing Tips

Here are some general pieces of advice to keep in mind while working through your college essay review process. These tips will apply to your Oxford essays, but they will also be beneficial for any essays. Essays follow a basic structure and have a fundamental goal that is shared among them, even when specifics differ. So, you could be writing supplemental college essays , college diversity essays , or Harvard medical school secondary essays , but regardless of the type of essay or school, these tips will still apply.

The Main Objective

All essays are, directly or indirectly, “ why this college” essays . The admissions committee is looking for students who fit their institution and are excited about attending. Whatever your college essay topics are, you’re always answering that fundamental question.

Start Strong

College essay introductions are hard in and of themselves. Conquering the introduction means beating the blank page. Start with the best “"hook” sentence you can find. That means you need an attention-grabbing opener that compels the reader to continue.

Once you’re through the introduction, you must follow through with two or three paragraphs about your accomplishments or criteria the school expect to hear about – in Oxford’s case, those are your academics and super-curriculars.

Each story should answer the fundamental question: “Why is this person perfect for this school?"

Wrap it up with a conclusion that summarises your main points and, if possible, connects to the introduction like a loop.

Up to 4,000 characters, which includes spaces.

You don’t want to go so short you can’t say anything of substance. Brevity is the soul of wit, however, so don’t worry about having a personal statement that is “only” 300–400 words long. Don’t pad out your statement; say what you need to and no more.

Your personal statement shows your unique abilities and personality and why you are ideally suited for the institution and programme to which you are applying. Showcase qualities like perseverance, leadership, teamwork, curiosity, creativity, logic and personal growth.

Your main focus will be on academics and super-curricular activities.

Negative people don’t come off well, so dwelling on problems, whining, or badmouthing people is never a good idea.

Formal, standard essay format is perfect: hook sentence, introduction, main body – which expresses one or two main ideas – and a conclusion that comes full-circle, ideally connecting to the introduction. You can use the first person, since this is a personal essay.

Always follow the rule of “show, don’t tell” to demonstrate your qualities and abilities.

Free-associate for a while. Give yourself one or two minutes to write on the programme you want to take at Oxford and just free-associate. By the end, your passion for the subject will have won out and given you a good list of ideas to explore.

Your essay gets cut off. Never exceed the limit. So, in practical terms, if you exceed the character limit, or 47 lines, part of your personal statement will be missing.

Not formally, no, but it is being evaluated, so make sure you edit properly and go over spelling and grammar with a fine-tooth comb.

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12 Personal Statement FAQs and answers!

There is often a large amount of confusion surrounding how to write personal statements, especially when it comes to oxford and cambridge and other top research universities., every year, we have thousands of students ask us what qualities go into making a successful personal statement., to help, we have broken down this question into 12 of the most frequently asked questions our prospective students ask when they are trying to draft their personal statements., 1. how do i write the introduction.

Introductions are often disappointingly generic. To help you achieve more specificity and concision, the best way to write a good personal statement introduction is to complete the rest of it first. When you are getting started on the first draft, it can be overwhelming to begin at a blank page, but discussing your achievements and interests – relevant to the courses and universities you are applying to – can help you clarify what your motivation to study the subject really is. Then you can come back and explain the reasons behind your passion for Mathematics, Anglo Saxon literature or your subject of choice.

2. How many books should I talk about?

This question can be answered in various ways depending on the subject you intend to study. Clinical scientific subjects will not require many book mentions, however, Arts and Humanities personal statements for Oxbridge see a great benefit from discussing at least two books in detail, with further reading mentioned.

It’s also important to remember that academic sources shouldn’t be only limited to books. A well-rounded personal statement discusses specific theories, touches on lectures you have attended or essays and articles you have read to gain a better understanding of specific academic points rather than a general discussion. One of the biggest pitfalls students fall into when drafting Oxbridge personal statements is getting stuck waffling about general points around a subject of interest. To avoid getting stuck in general chatter, try to use only specific examples in your personal statement.

Centrally, admissions tutors want to see that you know you are getting yourself in for. Only reading a couple of books from their introductory list will therefore not tantalise them; try to follow your interests in a bit more depth and look at readings and ideas which are representative of degree level material.

3. What do I do if I have no work experience?

Referencing work experience in your personal statement is dependent on the subject you intend to study. A rule of thumb is to ask yourself whether you think an academic in the faculty you are applying to will think your work experience was relevant for the course. If you are applying to study History, for example, your two-weeks at an accounting or law firm organising files will be of little interest.

For Medicine, work experience is integral not only to the application process but will help build a strong personal statement. When applying to a vocational subject such as Medicine, where possible you should always ensure you are able to reference at least one work experience placement held. If you don’t have any work experience and your personal statement is due, make sure to arrange some and refer to this in the future tense in your personal statement when talking about your upcoming placement.

Work experience can also be useful for other more vocation-leaning subjects, such as architecture and engineering. More widely, doing work experience is extremely useful to help you begin thinking about what you might want to do with your career, and can build highly useful skills, but, unless it is relevant to the course content, it is unlikely to proffer you any credit for university admission.

4. How long should I talk about extra-curricular activities?

Leading research universities are looking for your potential to succeed on the course you are applying for. Nevertheless, two applicants who seem academically matched might be distinguished from each other by their ability to balance their time with several other things. Do include what you do outside of academia, then, but keep non-relevant activities mentioned to a minimum rather than an exhaustive list. This might mean sacrificing some of the things you do outside of your course and focus on those few things you do most often, or to the highest level. (N.B. Your reference might be able to discuss some of your extra-curricular activities too, and you don’t want to overlap this material).

What you do mention, try to link to your subject. This might be easy, as with an English literature student who has directed lots of theatre, or less easy, such as a maths applicant who plays the violin to a high level. Nevertheless, making these links convincingly can bring originality and creativity to your statement.

5. How can I tailor it for different courses?

Subjects like HSPS at Cambridge or Classical Archaeology and Ancient History at Oxford might make it tricky to tailor your statement for different courses. Oxford and Cambridge are very understanding of this, and specific guidance can usually be found on faculty websites about their expectations.

However, as a rule of thumb, focus on the areas of convergence between the courses you are applying for. If these differ in title, then avoid stating the title of the course in your statement and instead refer to the disciplinary area or focus instead. This involves: a) making sure the courses you are applying for are sufficiently similar to give you a chance of doing this, and b) doing your research on the course content and options so that you are covering the appropriate material.

This research stands even if you are applying for the same titled course everywhere. English, for example, is taught very differently at Oxford to Bristol, and focusing on an interest which does not feature in either course will result in your application being put aside.

Doing this research early can also help you to direct your reading and research to build material for your personal statement which speaks to all your choices.

6. How should I talk about my other A-level subjects?

Lots of students are told to discuss the skills they have gathered from their A Level subjects, but we caution around this; your UCAS application includes a full list of A-Level subjects studied, and your school reference will discuss your A-Level abilities. Talking about the time management or analytical skills you gained from studying history, and the logical skills you gained from physics, can therefore come across as ‘fodder’ which could have already been inferred.

You can, however, talk about how other subjects provide further insight into the course or subject you’d like to study. For example, students who have taken Classics that intend to study English Literature at university can talk about translating texts, such as the Aeneid, and how this helped gain a greater understanding of classical influence in modern English Literature. As with the whole statement, the more specific you can make this, the better.

7. How long should it be?

This is an easy one. Your personal statement should be at most, 4,000 characters or 47 lines, whichever you meet first. Although it can be shorter, we strongly recommend taking full advantage of the available space. Ideally, you want your first draft to be much longer so you can cut down and edit your personal statement to be shorter, rather than using general waffle or struggling to fill the space.

Cutting it down is usually relatively easy, but it might take an outside eye to see the ‘wood from the trees’. Any non-relevant, generic material, anything which is likely to be in many other statements, and frilly, decorative language or repetition can all be chopped down.

If you find you are struggling to reach 4,000 characters or 47 lines, you probably need to revisit the body of your personal statement and discuss more subject-specific content. You may, alternatively, need to go back to the research and reading phase of writing.

8. What formatting should I use?

The final version of your personal statement will be submitted in a digital form with no formatting options, so there is no need to worry about formatting. That means you won’t have to decide what font or colour to use and there is no need for styles such as bold or italics. If you do include these, they won’t appear in the submitted version.

Your school should already have discussed best practice for writing your personal statement but as a reminder – do not write your statement draft in the real form! As with any content that is going to be submitted digitally, you should write it in a word document first (Microsoft Office, Google Docs, Pages, etc) where you can save a copy locally to your computer (and back-up regularly). This way, you can avoid the devastating loss of your best statement draft due to an accidental refresh or the internet dropping out.

9. How many paragraphs should it be?

There is no set-in-stone rule for the number of paragraphs but generally, a well-structured personal statement will be broken up into five or six paragraphs and be easy to read. Admissions tutors will need to comprehend your statement very quickly, so structure with this in mind.

A frequently-successful structure follows this pattern: an introduction, two to three course/subject-specific main paragraphs, a penultimate paragraph detailing your extracurricular activities, and then a final summary paragraph. The final two paragraphs are sometimes pushed together to form one.

10. Will they find out if I slightly…exaggerate my talents?

Yes! Your personal statement for Oxford and Cambridge should be considered a springboard for your interview and you could and should expect to be questioned about any single detail of it. At Oxbridge Applications, every year, we have students that approach us in January who are upset that their Admissions Tutor spent 20 minutes focused on a certain author when “I only mentioned that book briefly as a side note”.

However, you DON’T need to be an expert, or even particularly knowledgeable, about a particular idea or author to mention it in your statement. If you are questioned about an aspect of an author’s work you have mentioned which you are unsure about, then be intellectually honest and say so, but try your best to have a go given what you already know about them or similar authors/ideas.

This is not only the case for authors/books mentioned, but also if you put forward a highly ambitious or critical view in your statement. If you want to argue that Marx was totally wrong, then you better be ready to defend your view in a nuanced way. The bottom line is: stay intellectually honest and err on the side of modesty; academics tend to become less rather than more sure about the ‘truth’ the further they delve into their subject matter.

11. How many teachers should check my personal statement?

Preferably, you will get your drafted personal statement checked by at last two of your teachers or guidance advisers. One should be subject-specific who can check over the content of your paragraphs and the other can be from a different department to provide feedback on grammatical accuracy and quality of the statement.

Getting guidance from second and third parties can be useful ensure you retain editorial control, and that your voice and taste runs through the statement. If you try to include everyone’s different opinion, you can quickly end up with a jumbled statement that no longer reflects on you and your communication style and strengths.

Make sure you leave plenty of time between completing your first draft and the Oxbridge personal statement deadline ensuring you have time for others to check it over and you can make changes as necessary.

12. Should I start my personal statement with a quote?

‘Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.’ Oscar Wilde.

How much have you learned about me from reading Wilde’s words?

Quotes are used each year by applicants who end up getting offers from top universities, including Oxford and Cambridge. It’s not necessarily going to bring your application to an end. Quotes are also awarded marks in certain A Level subjects, if you have taken the time to remember them and give them a bit of context.

However, your personal statement gives admissions tutors the chance to hear your voice, and to get a sense of what you might be like as a student on their course. By definition , using a quote – i.e. someone else’s words – is not personal. It is therefore preferable to avoid using a quote unless it’s absolutely essential. Using a quote doesn’t make YOU sound more interesting.

Before you decide to use a quote, think long and hard. If you would really like to use a quote, try to make it as pithy and concise as possible, and make sure it elevates and builds on what you are saying; that it expresses something you couldn’t have otherwise expressed on your own. (Also, by ‘quote’, we are not talking about specific concepts or theories – these are absolutely fine to include.)

Driven by 20 years of research and first-hand experience in guiding thousands of applicants, our consultations provide an honest and detailed assessment with guidance on individual personal statements.

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Successful Personal Statement For Classics At Oxford

Last Updated: 7th April 2022

Author: Rob Needleman

Table of Contents

Welcome to our popular Personal Statement series where we present a successful Personal Statement, and our Oxbridge Tutors provide their feedback on it. 

Today, we are looking through a Classics applicant’s Personal Statement that helped secure a place at Oxford University. The Classics Course at Oxford involves extensive study of ancient languages, with a view to studying texts in the original.

Read on to see how this candidate managed to navigate the many disciplines and perspectives of Classics. 

Here’s a breakdown of the Personal Statement:


The universities this candidate applied to were the following:

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Classics Personal Statement

Listening to operas like Handel’s Acis and Galatea, or looking at paintings like Raphael’s exquisite Triumph of Galatea, I am always reminded of Ovid’s brilliant manipulation of sources in producing stories now well ingrained in our culture – in this case transplanting the terrifying Cyclops of Odyssey 9 into a comic love triangle from Theocritus. In the Iliad, by contrast, Homer tells a deeply profound story of the cost of war, in which the humanity and inhumanity of war, presented through the sympathetic voice of the poet and the scope of the action respectively, are drawn together throughout the poem, culminating in the meeting of two tragic figures, Achilles and Priam, in Book 24. For me, however, the most moving part of the Iliad is Hector’s speech to Andromache in Book 6 when he imagines her being enslaved, because it combines the shame-driven bravery of the heroic code with an acute sense of conflicting duties, alien to most of the other characters in the poem. It is this variety in Classical literature, especially in the rich traditions of epic and mythology, that most appeals to me about Classics. In reading Classics at university I am particularly looking forward to studying more Greek tragedy, since I so enjoyed reading King Lear and Endgame at English AS-Level and the Antigone at Bryanston.

The infectious curiosity of Herodotus, the witty cynicism of Tacitus: Ancient History offers the whole range of authorial perspectives, but what struck me the most last year when I studied Ancient History for the first time was the fact that one need look no further than Plutarch’s Lives to find the whole range of personalities still found in today’s politics. An idea particularly resonant in modern politics, from Neil Kinnock to Joe Biden, is that of the ‘novus homo’, and my interest in Cicero, through studying his works at AS-Level, led me to write an article for Omnibus in which I argued that Cicero intended to publish not only the seventy-nine epistulae commendaticiae of ad Familiares 13, as suggested by Ludwig Gurlitt, but also some of the letters to Atticus.

In my Extended Project dissertation I investigated the issues surrounding the UK’s euthanasia legislation. In researching this subject I studied the views of Immanuel Kant and Jeremy Bentham, but also the opinions of more recent philosophers such as Peter Singer. I was especially impressed by Joseph Fletcher’s essay, The Cognitive Criterion of Personhood, because his clear and logical argument for defining a ‘person’, especially the criterion of one’s sense of the future, was the foundation for my argument concerning the value and sanctity of human life.

Outside the classroom I like to be involved in a lot of music, mostly singing – in which my favourite genre is Baroque oratorio – cello, and harpsichord. I recently performed in Mendelssohn’s Octet at the Cadogan Hall, and having won first prize in London’s Spring Grove Chamber Music Festival with my string quartet we are spending the money on making a CD of some of our recent repertoire. My other pursuits include some amateur journalism and representing my school in public speaking, while at home I particularly enjoy reading the books of P. G. Wodehouse and watching the 1950s films of Federico Fellini and Ingmar Bergman.

For more inspiration, take a look through our other successful Personal Statement a nalysis articles:

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Good Points Of The Personal Statement

The student clearly engages with the subject and is eager to demonstrate the knowledge they have already built in their studies. Importantly, attention is given to both classical literature and ancient history, showing that the student has well-rounded interests in their chosen subject. The student is able to talk competently about a number of classical sources and figures, but also is able to make links with current affairs, which works well. Mentioning the article that the student wrote was a strong inclusion because it shows the student took initiative and undertook an academic style activity, moving beyond what is required of them in their studies.

Bad Points Of The Personal Statement

The student takes some time to begin to talk about their own personal interests in Classics. The phrasing for the first half of the introductory paragraph is, for the most part, quite abstract and factual. Writing in this way can present difficulties in getting your personality across. The paragraph about the student’s extra-curricular activities would be better if the activities given attention to were linked to Classics in some way. While a wealth of extra-curricular activities may demonstrate that the student is capable of balancing their interests and their studies, it would be more impressive to show a commitment to Classics, in this instance, through these activities. Wider reading in a particular area of Classics the student finds interesting would be more relevant than who they enjoy reading or the types of film they enjoy.

UniAdmissions Overall Score:

This personal statement is well written and demonstrates the student’s wealth of knowledge about Classics from the outset. At times, it sadly lacks in personality, the student talks happily about facts and concepts but does not sustain a noticeable passion throughout- resulting in a personal statement that seems at times overly factual. While by no means a bad personal statement, it would benefit from getting across at every opportunity the view that the student has a real passion for this subject and engages with it at every opportunity. The student should be the focus, not the subject.

This Personal Statement for Classics is a good example of a well-written Statement that demonstrates a wealth of knowledge and interest, vital to Admissions Tutors.

Remember, at Oxford, these Admissions Tutors are often the people who will be teaching you for the next few years, so you need to appeal directly to them.

You can find more successful personal statements and our expert guides on our Free Personal Statement Resources page.

Our expert tutors are on hand to help you craft the perfect Personal Statement for your Oxford Classics application.

With our  Oxbridge Classics Premium Programme, we help you craft the perfect Personal   Statement , score highly on the CAT and teach you how to  Interview effectively .

Discover our Oxbridge Classics Premium Programme  by clicking the button below to  enrol and triple your chances of success.

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UCAT: The Secret To Scoring Highly

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application timeline

  • UCAS application

Personal statement

Academic reference, special circumstances.

  • Declaring your disability

If you want to study at Oxford, you need to apply a year before the start date of your course by completing an online  UCAS application form .

Applications open in May so you can start work on the form from then. You won't be able to submit your application until early September. 

There is a strict submission deadline of 6pm (UK time) on 15 October. Your application must be complete - including the academic reference - and submitted before the deadline. Late applications cannot be accepted.

The deadline for applications is 6pm (UK time) on 15 October and this must be strictly adhered to.

Completing a UCAS application for Oxford follows the same process as for other universities, we just have an earlier  submission deadline of 15 October .

Please note that you should not send us as part of your application any certificates, transcripts or other documents for qualifications that you have already taken. The only exception to this is if you already have a degree from a university – see the 'Other forms' section on this page.

We will contact you for evidence of your qualifications if you are offered a place at Oxford.

Before you start:

  • Choose  which course  you would like to study. You can only apply to one course at Oxford, and you can't apply to Oxford and Cambridge in the same year. Read more  information on all our courses . 
  • Check the  admission requirements  for your course. Specific grades and subjects required are also shown on each  course page .
  • Decide whether to express a preference for a particular  college  or make an open application. If you make an open application, you will be assigned to a college which has had relatively fewer applications for your course in the year you apply.

What will the UCAS application ask for?

  • Personal details including an email address. Make sure you check this address frequently.
  • Details about your education, and any qualifications you have already achieved. 
  • A personal statement where you tell us why you are interested in your chosen course. Read our guidance on writing your personal statement .
  • Your reference. Remember that your teacher or adviser will need some time to complete your reference, and this must be completed before the deadline. Read our guidance on academic references .
  • A fee payment to UCAS is required to complete the process.

Read guidance from UCAS on  filling in your application .

  • Admissions tests

For most courses at Oxford you are required to take a test as part of your application. Registration for tests is not automatic and is not part of the UCAS process.

New arrangements for 2024 admissions tests and beyond are still to be confirmed but will be communicated as soon as possible and no later than the start of the new admissions cycle in early Spring. 

Other forms 

If you are applying for a second undergraduate degree, please send a copy of the transcript from your first degree to the college that is considering your application, to arrive by 10 November.

No other references, transcripts, or certificates are required or accepted except for students applying for  Graduate-entry Medicine (A101)  or  Choral or Organ Awards .

One section of the application is called your personal statement. This is where you can write whatever you’d like to say about yourself and your motivation to study your course.

People sometimes think that there is a trick to writing a personal statement for Oxford, or that we are looking for some special secret formula, but this is not the case.

It’s important to remember that you can only write one personal statement and so the same wording will be seen by all the universities you apply to.

Your personal statement should therefore focus on the course you want to study, not the universities themselves. Please read this  helpful advice from UCAS . Please also view UCAS’ guidance on the use of assistive technology (including artificial intelligence) when writing your personal statement. 

Provided that your academic referee can give us some background on the impact of COVID-19 on your education in their reference, you do not need to specifically refer to this in your personal statement. If the pandemic has shaped how you think about your subject or offered you relevant opportunities to show your interest in your subject area, you can of course include this as part of your motivation for applying for the course. Otherwise, follow the advice given below.

How important is the personal statement?

Universities build a picture of you as a student from all the different information you provide, to help decide whether or not to offer you a place.

The picture is made up of several different pieces:

  • your personal statement,
  • your academic record,
  • your predicted A-level grades (or equivalent),
  • and your teacher's reference.

For most courses at Oxford you will also need to take an admissions test or submit written work ( check the details for your course ).

If your application is shortlisted, your interview will also be taken into account. This means that your personal statement is important but it’s not everything: it’s just one part of the overall picture.

What are Oxford tutors looking for?

Tutors at Oxford are only interested in your academic ability and potential. They want to see that you are truly committed to the subject or subjects you want to study at university but it’s not enough just to say that you have a passion for something. 

You need to show tutors how you have engaged with your subject, above and beyond whatever you have studied at school or college. This can include any relevant extra-curricular activities.

Try to avoid writing your personal statement as though you are ticking things off a list. There is no checklist of required achievements, and tutors will not just scan what you have written to look for key words or phrases.

Tutors will read your personal statement to try to understand what has motivated you to apply for their course. It’s a good idea to evaluate your experiences, to show what you have learned from them and how they have helped develop your understanding of your subject.  

Where should I start?

Think about talking to your friends about what you want to study at university: what would you tell them?

What have you read or watched or seen that has inspired you? (This might have been at school, at home, in a museum, on TV, in a book, on YouTube or a podcast or anywhere else. You can also take a look at our  suggested reading and resources .) Why was it interesting? What do you want to find out next? What did you do?

If you find this difficult, it might be time to think about whether or not you’ve really chosen the right course. If you can’t think of anything that has inspired you, this lack of enthusiasm will probably come across in your personal statement, or it will become clear at interview, and you’re unlikely to gain a place at Oxford. If you find it easy to answer these questions, you will have a long list of ideas to help you write your personal statement.

When you start to write, remember not just to list your achievements but show how they have affected you, how you have benefited, and what you’d like to learn next. Be honest about yourself and what has inspired you, whether that’s been text books, museums and literature, or websites, podcasts and blogs.

Be sure to tell the truth, as tutors might check later, so don’t exaggerate and certainly don’t make any false claims. Don’t hold back either – this is no time for modesty.

When you've written a first draft, have a look back at the  selection criteria  for your course and think about the evidence you've given for each of the criteria. Have you covered everything?

Should I include extra-curricular activities?

We typically suggest that you focus around 80% of your personal statement on your academic interests, abilities and achievements. This can include discussion of any relevant extra-curricular activities. The remaining 20% can then cover any unrelated extra-curricular activities.

There’s a myth that Oxford is looking for the most well-rounded applicants, and that you will only be offered a place if you have a long list of varied extra-curricular activities. In fact, extra-curricular activities are only helpful in so far as they demonstrate the  selection criteria  for your course. 

If you are applying to other universities as well as to Oxford (you can make five choices on your UCAS form) then you may need to find out whether the other universities have different selection criteria. If they do, then you might want to provide some information about your extra-curricular interests – but keep it to a minimum.

The space in your personal statement is limited, so think carefully about what you want to include.

Do I need experience of work and travel?

We understand that not everyone has the opportunity to do work experience or to go travelling so these activities are not a requirement for any of our courses. Tutors won’t be impressed by your connections, or the stamps in your passport, but they will be impressed by how you’ve engaged with your subject.

For example, some of our applicants for Medicine may have had work experience placements in prestigious hospitals but not be able to evaluate their time there. If you have no more experience than some simple voluntary work, or even just discussing medical matters with your friends and family, you can still write an effective personal statement by reflecting critically on what you have learned and discussed. 

To give another example, for the History of Art course, tutors will not want to hear about all the galleries and exhibitions that you have visited around the world if you cannot discuss the art that you saw. You can come across more effectively in your personal statement by evaluating art you have seen, even if you’ve only seen it online or in books without ever leaving the school library.

Don’t be put off by any friends who you think have more impressive things to say in their personal statements. Remember that tutors do not have a checklist of achievements that they are looking for: they want to see how you have engaged with your subject. 

I’m applying to different courses at different universities – how should I write my personal statement?

If you are thinking of applying for completely different courses at different universities (eg Physics and Accounting, or Biology and Music) we’d encourage you to reconsider.

It’s important to choose a subject area that you really want to study, and focus on that one area when making your applications. Also, you can only write one personal statement which will be seen by all the universities to which you apply, so it needs to be relevant for all your courses.

If you are thinking of applying for related courses at different universities then we suggest that you avoid using course titles in your personal statement. We recommend that you write about your interest in the general course themes, and how you have engaged with relevant subject areas, so that your personal statement is equally relevant for each of your course choices. 

Does my personal statement need to stand out?

Students sometimes feel that they need to say something dramatic to stand out from the crowd and be really memorable in their personal statement but this is not true. Applying to Oxford is not like a talent show where you may only have a few seconds to make an impression.

Tutors consider each application carefully on its individual merits, looking for evidence of your commitment and ability. If you use your personal statement to demonstrate your academic abilities and your engagement with your subject(s), then your application will be memorable for all the right reasons.

How many versions should I write?

Ask a teacher to read through what you’ve written, listen to their feedback and then make any updates that they suggest. You may need two or three tries to get it right and it can take longer than you think, especially with the limited number of characters.

It can be tricky to get in everything you want to mention, but don't spend too much time trying to make your personal statement completely perfect - it's only one of the things that the tutors will consider.

Some dos and don’ts

  • Do apply for a course you really want to study.
  • Do be yourself: tell the truth about your interests.
  • Do sell yourself: this is not the time for modesty.
  • Do re-read your personal statement before an interview – the tutors may ask you to talk about things you've mentioned
  • Do read the  UCAS guidance on personal statements .
  • Don't be tempted to make anything up, as you might be asked about it at interview.
  • Don't copy anyone else’s personal statement. UCAS uses plagiarism detection software.
  • Don't list qualifications like your GCSE grades or anything else that's covered elsewhere on the application.
  • Don't just list your other achievements: you need to evaluate them.
  • Don't feel the need to be dramatic in order to be memorable.

A reference from a teacher or someone else who is qualified to comment on your academic ability is an essential part of your UCAS application. Your application will be incomplete without a reference and we will not be able to consider it.

Advice for candidates

  • The process is different for those applying through a school/college/centre and those applying after they have left school or as an individual.
  • Read  how to get a UCAS undergraduate reference .
  • The reference must be in English. If your referee is not confident writing in English, they can ask an English-speaking colleague to help them. Alternatively, you can have a certified translation made for them to upload. Please ask them not to submit a reference in any language other than English, and to make sure that they have uploaded a reference in English to UCAS by the 15 October deadline.
  • Your reference must be from someone who can write about your academic potential; it can't be from a family member.

UCAS's reference guidance

  • UCAS registered centre linked applications  (for those applying through their school or college).
  • Independent or individual applicants (for those who are not at school or college).

Advice for referees

  • Read  how to write UCAS undergraduate references  for information about writing an academic reference for a student's application to Oxford. The format of references has changed this year. It is now split into three separate sections so it is important that all referees are aware of the new guidance. 
  • References can be up to 4,000 characters (including spaces, headings and line breaks) or 47 lines of text, whichever comes first, and comprise of three sections.
  • It is up to the referee how they divide the word count between these three sections but we would advise leaving plenty of space for Section three, which is where you can comment on the individual academic achievements and potential of your Oxford applicants.
  • UCAS have published  sample references  which you are likely to find useful. 
  • Section one: this invites referees to enter a general statement about their school, college or centre. We strongly recommend including relevant information about school closures and disruption to whole cohorts on a specifically created webpage on your school website. You can then link to this webpage in Section one of your academic reference to ensure that most of the reference word count can still be dedicated to the academic achievements and potential of your student.
  • Section two: if applicable, include here any information about individual extenuating circumstances which may have impacted your applicant's education and achievements. Alternatively, if for any reason this is inappropriate, you are welcome to  contact the college  considering your candidate's application.
  • Section three: use this to comment on the individual academic achievements and potential of your Oxford applicant and how these relate to the course they are applying for. 
  • If the candidate is currently studying or awaiting results you will be asked to include predicted grades for these qualifications. These should not be included as part of the reference but be included in the Education section of a candidate's UCAS application. Students who are awaiting examination results or are yet to take examinations should enter 'pending' against those qualifications (including resits) when completing the Education section. Those pending qualifications will then be shown in the adviser portal and is where referees should record their predicted grades for these pending examinations. Where applicable, this is an important part of the application, so please do include predicted grades. 
  • It may be helpful first for you to refer to the  selection criteria  and  admission requirements  for your candidate's chosen course.
  • You may like to refer to the additional advice about writing a reference for an Oxford applicant on our  Advice for Teachers page . 

This is the section of the UCAS form where you list all your qualifications along with the grades you have already achieved and any standardised test scores. Please list everything as the admissions tutors need to see the whole picture of your academic studies so far. It doesn't matter if you have taken a lot of qualifications, a few, or none, we ask you to tell us about them. 

You also need to list any educational qualifications you are currently working towards. Students who are awaiting examination results or are yet to take examinations should enter 'pending' against these qualifications (including resits) when completing the Education section. Pending qualifications will then be shown in the adviser portal and is where referees should record their predicted grades for these pending examinations. Where applicable, this is an important part of the application, so   make sure your referee is aware of this.  

Why do we ask for predicted grades?

Using predicted grades means you can apply to study at Oxford before you have finished school (or equivalent) and you don't have to wait until all your exams are complete and your results are known. These predictions help admissions tutors understand your academic potential and let them know if you are going to meet or exceed the entrance requirements for your chosen course.

If you are made an offer of a place, it will be conditional on your achieving the required grades (based on the  entrance requirements  for your course) in any outstanding exams. 

We appreciate that many educational systems around the world do not usually predict a student's grades in this way; however without these predictions from your teacher we are unable to consider your application. There’s lots of advice for teachers in the  teachers’ section  of our website   and from UCAS about writing references and predicting grades . 

What if you can't provide predicted grades?

If you have listed any exams or qualifications as not yet taken on your UCAS form, then your teacher must provide predicted grades for them. If you can't get predicted grades, then your only alternative is to wait until you have got the final results for all your exams and qualifications before applying to Oxford. Please remember that you can only apply to Oxford between early September and 15 October.

English language qualifications

If you are not a native English speaker, please also include any English language qualifications that you have taken or are due to take. Our English language requirements page lists which tests we accept and also explains possible exemptions.

How do you declare international qualifications in the UCAS form?

You should self-report all details of your qualifications, standardised test scores, and grades on the UCAS application form under ‘Education’. It will need to be clear from your application that you are on track to achieve the admission requirements for your  course .

Please visit our  international qualifications page  for the international qualifications we accept and the level of academic attainment we would require.

For any exams you are yet to take, you will need to ask your referee (normally the teacher supporting your application) to predict your results and submit these as part of your UCAS application. Please refer your referee to our advice on writing references and predicting grades . 

You may choose to declare the results of any individual modules or internal exams in the 'Education' section of your UCAS application, but this is not essential. You may instead like to ask your academic referee to mention the results of any internal school exams in the reference, if you feel that these results will help to demonstrate your academic ability and potential. 

Please visit the  UCAS website  for further advice on how to enter your qualifications on the UCAS form.

Note:  do not send us transcripts for the qualifications you've already taken ; you will only need to produce certificates or transcripts if you are offered a place here.

However, if you are applying for a second undergraduate degree, you will need to send a transcript from your first degree separately, to the college that is considering your application. You do not upload this as part of your UCAS form.

If you have personal circumstances that you'd like to tell us about please include them in your personal statement, or ask your teacher to include the information in your reference.

If for any reason this is not appropriate, then please wait until you have had confirmation that your application has been received by a college and then  contact them directly . This is likely to be around the end of October.

You can  contact our Admissions Office  for further information and advice if you're not sure what to include. If you are applying for Medicine, please read the Medical School's guidance on submitting information about extenuating circumstances . 

Usually special circumstances are something that you as an individual have experienced, something that is unique to you. So we would not, for example, expect you to let us know about your school being closed due to COVID-19. We are extremely aware of the widespread disruption to education during the pandemic and will be asking your academic referee to tell us how this has affected your year group. 

Students with disabilities

Please visit the tab  Declaring your disability  and read our  Guidance for disabled applicants  to find out about the support we offer our students.

Other extenuating circumstances

We are sympathetic to the fact that sometimes candidates under-perform at school or college because of extenuating circumstances. If you feel that your performance has been affected in this way please let us know.

You should let us have this information in your UCAS application as we need to receive this information before admissions decisions have been made. 

Information received after admissions decisions have been made will only be considered in exceptional circumstances and if this was not available earlier.   Examples would include disruption caused by change of school or system, severe discontinuity of teachers (but not if this was due to nationwide school closures due to COVID-19), bereavement, and debilitating illness.

We take care to treat each application individually and would always take such mitigating circumstances into account, if they are brought to our attention before admissions decisions have been made.

You could include this information in your personal statement or your teacher could mention this in their reference. If for any reason this is not possible, then we would advise you to contact the college you applied to (or are assigned to if making an open application) once you have had confirmation that your application has been received. This is likely to be around the end of October.

Teachers and other academic referees should follow the  guidance provided by UCAS  in order to explain the impact of COVID-19 on your education.

Whatever your particular circumstances, the earlier we know about your individual requirements, then the sooner we can begin to meet them. 

We are committed to making sure that all our students can benefit from the great opportunities at Oxford so please do tell us about any disability, whether seen or unseen, on your UCAS application. This should include:

  • Sensory and physical impairments
  • Specific learning difficulties e.g. Dyslexia
  • Long-term mental health conditions
  • Autism spectrum conditions
  • Chronic illnesses and health conditions

Please be assured that admissions decisions are made on academic grounds alone. 29% of all our undergraduate students are known to the Disability Advisory Service.

By telling us now, you will help us put in place any agreed support early and to make reasonable adjustments to facilitate your access to your course and our University. It will also mean that we can provide appropriate arrangements during the admissions process, so for any test or interview.

While you do not need to include this information at this stage, we strongly recommend you do so in order to give us time to prepare and arrange suitable support.

You’ll find the relevant section at the bottom of the Personal Details tab of your UCAS application

  • Click ‘see list’ to select the relevant category
  • Fill in the second box below Category to give details of any facilities or special provisions required.
  • UCAS also has some  good advice  about how to tell us about your disability.

See also our further  Guidance for disabled applicants . This includes information on contacting our  Disability Advisory Service  and how to put in place any necessary arrangements for our admissions tests, if this is one of the admission requirements for your chosen course.


  • Written work
  • Second undergraduate degree
  • Oxford and Cambridge: the similarities and differences
  • Undergraduate Applicant Privacy Notice


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International applicants

The application process for international students is exactly the same as for UK and EU students: i.e. you must apply through  UCAS  by 15 October. 

UCAS  is an independent organisation that handles all applications to study undergraduate degrees in the UK. To complete a UCAS application, you will need to  register with UCAS  and pay them a fee. The UCAS website also has  guidance for international students.

There is no separate application form for Oxford's undergraduate courses (with the single exception of  A101 Graduate Entry Medicine ), and it is not possible to apply without completing a UCAS form.

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That Oxford Girl


A student perspective of the application process and life at Oxford Uni.

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An Evening with ‘An Officer and a Gentleman’, New Theatre Oxford's Perfect Escape

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Punting in Oxford

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'Law with Law Studies in Europe' Interview Tips

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MuChCh love to Christ Church…

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Optimising Oxford - Even in your Absence

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Applying for a Subject You’ve Never Studied Before

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Come From Away, New Theatre Oxford

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Oxford vs High School - Revision

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Acceptance Day

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A-Level Preparation

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Così fan tutte, New Theatre Oxford

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Target Schools Campaign

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The Time of Your (Social) Life!

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The Drifters Girl, New Theatre Oxford

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UNIQ at Oxford



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5 ways to level up your personal statement.

Writing your personal statement is often the most daunting part of the application process. This is your unique opportunity to put your skills in the spotlight and to let your personality shine through to make a memorable impression on the admissions committee. Most students manage to cover the essentials — academic and extracurricular achievements, fit… Read More

EU vs US Applications – A Comparative Overview

5 tips for getting into oxford, cambridge, or ivy league schools.

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  1. That Oxford Girl : Tilly Rose (author) : 9781788884099 : Blackwell's

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  2. How to Write a Personal Statement for Oxford University!

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  3. How to write the BEST Personal Statement: Advice from the University of Oxford

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  6. Some tips on oxford personal statement style

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  2. Oxford University Personal Statement Session

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