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Terrorism Essay in English [100, 150, 200-250, 300 Words]

Terrorism Essay in English: Terrorism is the use of indiscriminate violence for political ends. In this article, you are going to learn how to write an essay on Terrorism. Here we’ve provided 4 short and long essays (100, 150, 200-250, and 300 words). These essays will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

Terrorism Essay: 100 Words

Terrorism is the result of widespread discontentment that has gone deeper into the minds of the poor and exploited class of people. Being instigated by some power-hungry politicians, these people take up arms against the establishment to voice their protest. When the language of protest violence and cause takes the shape of immense damages to mankind, it becomes terrorism.

Poor, ordinary people remain helpless at the hands of terrorists who want to exercise their authority against the government. Explosions and other terrorist attacks make the country unsafe and take away the peace of common people. The government has taken many steps to curb terrorist attacks, yet the menace of terrorism is still rocking the foundation of a stable country like India.

Terrorism Essay in English

Essay on Terrorism: 150 Words

Terrorism is the use of violence to attain one’s political ends. Every day there are reports of sensational and shocking terrorist activities. A worldwide phenomenon, today it has struck terror in the hearts of the people. Terrorism includes kidnapping of eminent personalities, bombing of civilian territories, blowing of buses, trains, aeroplanes and killing innocent people all with a view to spreading fear among the masses. It is a kind of proxy war against the existing elected government.

The evils of terrorism are obvious and the world has become very familiar with its acts. It is a crime against humanity Terrorism must be curbed with a heavy hand. A group of senseless people cannot be allowed to hold the country to ransom. Law and order enforcement agencies should be made more effective to combat the terror campaign and prevent the creation of fear. The root causes should be analyzed to eradicate terrorism. If that is done people all over the world can live in peace and prosperity.

Essay on Terrorism

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Terrorism Essay in English: 200-250 Words

Terrorism becomes now a days a great problem all over the world. It is also a great threat to mankind. It is the use of terror or violence. A certain group of people adopt it as tactics for a purpose. This group is said to be the terrorists. The purpose is a gain, Most gains are political. Sometimes there may be a personal gain. The criminals operate violence to fulfill their wishes or demands. They have various modes of operation.

Sometimes it is in the form of kidnapping or hijacking. Sometimes it is a kind of blasting bombs in a crowded train or bus. In some cases, they release their hostage on a big ransom. At times their terms and conditions are hard to accept and impossible to fulfil. On most occasions, a dateline is fixed. If they are refused or dishonoured, they turn hostile. The criminals kill their captives. It is a matter of great regret that some countries harbour the militants.

Terrorism creates social unrest. It intends to damage the national progress. Even a government falls victim to their wishes. Such a group hijacked an Indian Boeing from Nepal on the 24th December, 1999. They released it when India freed their leader Masood Azhar from the jail. The militants skyjacked American planes and crashed them into World Trade Centre. It was destroyed completely. The massacres in our Parliament and the American Embassy are the glaring examples in the recent times. We can combat and perish it from the face of the earth. But we must keep it in mind: United we stand, divided we fall.

Terrorism in India Essay

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Terrorism in India Essay: 300 Words

Communal disharmony is one of the causes of terrorism in India. People here are belonging to the different ethnic groups. Prejudiced, some of them show their commitment to their own minority. And this kind of conservative attitude is the genesis of terrorism in India.

Since 1947 India and Pakistan are regarded as two different free countries, although they were undivided India during the reign of the British colonialists. The British left India by conferring freedom on both India and Pakistan, but the relationship remained unfriendly. Although it is not right to say that Pakistan directly gave shelter to the terrorists, there is little doubt that the terrorists have to some extent nourished by Pakistan.

The terrorists threatened the peace in Jammu and Kashmir. Even the terrorists often attacked India between these two countries by way of causing explosions in large cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and Hyderabad. Some Tamil terrorists have also been constantly threatening the peace of India. The most crucial problem that India has now been facing is the activities of the Maoists in West Bengal.

Indians are now uneasy because of the price hike, corruptions in a large scale, and the problem of unemployment. At this time terrorist activities are obligatory to the progress of the nation. All of the political leaders and the Government should be aware of the fact that communal disharmony causes this terrorism. Thus, the liberalism of Indians and proper development of the country, and above all, good administration are very necessary to stop this evil of terrorism.

If it continues, the nation will soon lose its integrity and become the most disgraceful country in the world. Unfortunately, political leaders do politics for the sake of politics only, not for the sake of the making of their country. Every Indian should be conscious of the curse of terrorism and should do well in order to restore the peace of India.

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International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security Essay

Introduction, international terrorism as a global challenge, discussion and conclusion.

The damaging effect of terrorism on modern society was brought to the world’s attention following the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington in September 2001. This acts by the Al-Qaeda terror network demonstrated that international terrorism has the power to disrupt social life even in the world’s super power.

Since then, a wide-ranging debate has developed about the level of threat that international terrorism poses to the global community. While some people regard international terrorism as a marginal threat, others see it as an existential threat to society.

This paper will argue that international terrorism is the main challenge facing the world in the context of international security and therefore, measures should be taken to address this issue and safeguard global security.

International terrorism has become the greatest danger to world security, overtaking the threats of military confrontations from rival great powers. Stewart (2006) observes that the international security threat posed by military confrontations between rival great powers has reduced dramatically since the Second World War.

Most Western nations have formed alliances such as NATO, which makes it almost impossible for them to engage in aggressive military confrontation against each other. The possession of nuclear weapons by the major powers such as Russia and China acts as a deterrence from any major confrontation (Lutz & Brenda 2004).

Nations are therefore more likely to resort to diplomacy instead of risk military confrontation with each other. However, international terrorists attack nations without fear of retaliation since they do not have a well established base or economic resources that they hope to protect.

The activities of international terrorist organization have made the world unsafe. Terror activities have not been limited to US targets and the rest of the world has suffered from the actions of terrorists. The international terror organization, Al Qaeda did not limit its attacks to US targets and on March 11, 2004, it carried out the Madrid train bombings.

London also experienced terrorist attacks in July 2005 when the London Underground was bombed by Islamist extremists (UK Defence and Security Report 2010). Indonesia experienced terrorist attacks in 2002 that killed 202 people while a hotel in Jakarta was bombed in 2003 killing 12 people.

Thieux (2004) asserts that these attacks prove that international terrorism is a serious and potential threat not only for the United States but also for EU member states and the rest of the world.

International terrorism presents the most significant risk to global nuclear non-proliferation efforts. Presently, all functioning Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) including nuclear weapons are in the hands of legitimate governments.

However, intelligence reports indicate that terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda have made efforts to obtain WMDs especially from weak states such as Pakistan. Bowen and Cottee (2012) state that if international terrorists obtain WMDs, they will be able to inflict major damages to targets all over the world.

International terrorism has increased the vulnerability of nations to attacks from their own citizens. Thieux (2004) documents that in addition to the Islamic radicals who joined the Al Qaeda network in the past, this terror organization now attracts members who are well integrated in the society.

International terrorist organizations are able to radicalize citizens of a country leading to the development of home-grown terrorists. For example, individuals can access jihadi websites and obtain information on suicide bombing (The UK Defence & Security Report 2010). Tackling this threat has proved to be a major challenge for most nations.

Thieux (2004) notes that international terrorism has led to a blurring between foreign and domestic affairs as nations have to deal with issues such as home-grown terrorists and sleeper cells. The difficulty of identifying terrorists increases the risk that these elements pose to the global community.

International terrorists are spread all over the world and it is difficult for law enforcement agencies to correctly identify all potential suspects. Stewart (2006) notes that unlike in a conventional war where the enemy combatants are easy to identify, the diverse pool of individuals involved in international terrorism makes the threat hard to identify.

International terrorism presents a major challenge since these actors do not follow any international laws of combat. There are well-established rules that can be used by nations when dealing with traditional security threats. These laws include rules of engagement that forbid soldiers from attacking unarmed civilians.

Diplomacy can also be used to resolve the differences between nations without resorting to armed confrontation. With international terrorism, there are no rules of engagement and terror organizations target civilians in order to spread fear (Engene 2004). The traditional tools of military deterrence and diplomacy are not effective in dealing with the threat of international terrorism.

International terrorism has led to the development of poor relationships between Western countries and the Arab world. Since most international terrorist organizations are operated by radical Islamists, the policies adopted by countries such as the US to counter them focus on these radical elements. The fight against terrorism has therefore focused on tackling the issue of Islamic extremism (Victoroff 2005).

This has proved to be problematic since terrorism organizations are not disparate and therefore cannot be handled using a uniform policy response. Hammond (2008) asserts that the overemphasis on Islamic extremism has led to the strengthening of the misperception especially in the Middle East that “the anti-terror campaign is actually a war on Islam” (p.220).

This situation has threatened to divide the world on religious basis. Hammond (2008) suggests that the division based on religious differences fostered by international terrorism is proving to be the greatest threat to international unity since the cold war.

International terrorism has contributed to the unpopularity of the US in many countries all over the world and the subsequent inclination of terrorists to attack US targets. Meyer (2009) states that terrorism threatens global security by disrupting the “peace of mind” of citizens and prompting aggressive retaliation by individual states.

Hammond (2008) reveals that following the 9/11 attacks, the Bush administration engaged in controversial security policies and effectively declared that America was at war with international terrorists. Due to the Bush policies, the US carried out military activities against terrorists and their affiliates and used economic means to influence the behaviours or interests of nations that harbour terrorists.

Terrorism threatens to disrupt international relations among traditional allies. Due to globalization, the movement of people from country to country has increased. Many international companies have established themselves in foreign countries and global trade is at a high level. International terrorists target Western citizens in foreign countries leading to immense political and psychological impact.

Tan (2007) documents that in 2002, the Al Qaeda affiliated network in South East Asia, Jemmah Islamiah, planned to carry out a terror attack against American targets in Singapore. If this attack had succeeded, it would have deteriorated the good relationship between the US and Singapore and greatly contributed to the growth of insecurity in the region.

The relationship between Pakistan and the UK has suffered due to international terrorism. The UK has accused Pakistan of not doing enough to prevent terrorism. In 2009, the UK arrested 12 Pakistani students in UK on suspicion of involvement in terrorism (UK Defence and Security Report 2010).

International terrorism undermines the good relationships between nations, and without this amicable relationship, global peace and security cannot be achieved.

The global community considers terrorism to be a significant threat to international peace. Following the events of 9/11, most nations, led by the US, have made a public declaration of war against international terrorism. The potential damages that international terrorists can cause, especially if they acquire WMD has led to arguments that terrorism is an “existential threat” for modern society (Meyer 2009).

With this realization, Western nations have tried to come up with a common and coordinated way of dealing with the threat of international terrorism. However, Thieux (2004) notes that the efforts have not been adequate and terrorism is still a major international threat.

This paper set out to demonstrate that international terrorism is the greatest threat to international security that the global community faces today. It begun by nothing that the global security threat posed by conventional military confrontations between nations is very low. However, the threat presented by international terrorism to global security is on the rise.

This threat has led to the deterioration of relationships especially between the West and Arab countries. The influence of terrorists has spread into many countries all over the world and various attacks have been carried out. For this reason, many countries view international terrorism as a threat to their security. Fighting global terrorism should therefore be a key priority for all nations.

Bowen, W & Cottee, M 2012, ‘Multilateral cooperation and the prevention of nuclear terrorism: pragmatism over idealism’, International Affairs , vol. 88, no. 2, pp. 349–368.

Engene, O 2004, Terrorism in Western Europe: Explaining The Trends Since 1950, Edward Elgar Publishing, NY.

Hammond, A 2008, ‘Two countries divided by a common threat? International perceptions of US and UK counter-terrorism and homeland security responses to the post-September 2001 threat environment’, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy , vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 218–239.

Lutz, J & Brenda, J 2004, Global Terrorism , Routledge, NY. Print.

Meyer, C 2009, ‘International terrorism as a force of homogenization? A constructivist approach to understanding cross-national threat perceptions and responses’, Cambridge Review of International Affairs , vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 647-666.

Stewart, P 2006, ‘Weak States and Global Threats: Fact or Fiction?’, Washington Quarterly, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 27-53.

Tan, A 2007, ‘Singapore’s Cooperation with the Trilateral Security Dialogue Partners in the War Against Global Terrorism’, Defence Studies , vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 193-207.

Thieux, L 2004, ‘European Security and Global Terrorism: the Strategic Aftermath of the Madrid Bombing’, Central European Review of International Affairs , vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 59-74.

UK Defence and Security Report 2010, Domestic Security Overview , Business Monitor International Ltd, London.

Victoroff, J 2005, ‘The Mind of the Terrorist: A Review and Critique of Psychological Approaches’, The Journal of Conflict Resolution vol. 49, no.1, pp. 3-42.

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IvyPanda. (2019, June 3). International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security. https://ivypanda.com/essays/international-terrorism-the-challenge-to-global-security/

"International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security." IvyPanda , 3 June 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/international-terrorism-the-challenge-to-global-security/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security'. 3 June.

IvyPanda . 2019. "International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security." June 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/international-terrorism-the-challenge-to-global-security/.

1. IvyPanda . "International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security." June 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/international-terrorism-the-challenge-to-global-security/.


IvyPanda . "International Terrorism: The Challenge to Global Security." June 3, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/international-terrorism-the-challenge-to-global-security/.

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Essay on Terrorism in English for Children and Students

terrorism essay 150 words

Table of Contents

An act of violence intended at the unsuspecting civilians or military personnel who are not in a combat, is termed as terrorism. Generally it is carried out for political gain and to destabilize a government. Those who carry out such attacks are called terrorists. World had been suffering from terrorism since long, yet there is no relief. People die and government’s struggle to end terrorism. Terrorism has also become global making its elimination difficult. There is a need to fight together against terrorism and make the world a better place to live.

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Long and Short Essay on Terrorism in English

Now-a-days people are really afraid of the terrorism and terrorists attack all time. It has become a warm topic as it is a big social issue .

We have provided below long and short essay on terrorism in English for your information and knowledge.

These Terrorism Essays have been written in simple English to make it easily understandable and presentable when required.

You can use following terrorism essay in your school events and occasions like essay writing, debate and speeches.

Terrorism Essay 1 (100 words)

Terrorism is the unlawful act of violence which is used by the terrorists to make people fear. Terrorism has become a common social issue. It is used to threaten common public and government. Terrorism is used by various social organizations, politicians and business industries to achieve their goals in very easy way.

A group of people who take support of terrorism are known as terrorists. Explaining terrorism is not so easy as it has spread its roots very deep. Terrorists have any rule and law; they only use violent acts intending to create and enhance level of terror in the society and country.

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Terrorism Essay 2 (150 words)

Terrorism has become a big national and international problem all over the world. It is a global issue which has affected almost all the nations throughout the world directly or indirectly. Opposing terrorism has been tried by many countries however; terrorists are still getting support by someone. Terrorism is a violent act of terrifying the common public anytime in the day or night. Terrorists have many objectives such as spreading threat of violence in the society, fulfilling political purposes, etc. They make civilians of the country their primary target.

Some of the examples of terrorism are bombing of US Embassy, atom bomb attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, etc. The main goal of the terrorists is fulfillment of their demands by the government of a specific country. They contact online social media or newspaper, magazine, etc to spread their voices to the public and government. Sometimes, terrorists attack is done to fulfill the religious and ideological goal.

Terrorism Essay 3 (200 words)

India is a developing country who has faced many challenges in the past and currently, terrorism which a big national problem. It has faced challenges like hunger death, illiteracy, poverty, inequality, population explosion and terrorism which have affected its growth and development to a great extent.

Terrorism is a big threat fighting with a government and common public for the purpose of religion, motherland, and other unreasonable motives of the terrorists. Terrorists call themselves brave soldiers however, they are not real soldiers. Real soldiers never hurt common public and they fight only to save their country from the enemies. Real soldiers fight to fulfill the purpose of a nation. Whereas terrorists fight to fulfill their own, individual and unfair purposes.

A national soldier is fully responsible for his all the responsibilities however a terrorist never do that. Terrorists got their name from the word terror. Earlier, terrorism was limited to some specific areas like state of Jammu and Kashmir however; now-a-days, it has spread to almost all the areas especially regions of north eastern India. Recently, the terrorist attack in India was in Taj Hotel and Nariman house in Mumbai. In that attack, India had lost lives of many people and suffered financial loss.

Terrorism Essay 4 (250 words)

Terrorism is a big national issue which is using the human mind to get complete victory. Terrorism is terrifying the mind of the human being to make them weak so that they can rule the nation again. It needs to be solved on international level. We all should think about terrorism together to finish it from the root. We should make a strong policy to completely destroy its kingdom as well as removing the striking terror from the human minds. Terrorism uses violent ways to achieve the purpose and get positive result.

Terrorism is the act of violence performed by the group of people called terrorist. They become very common people and somehow they lost their control over the mind because of some unfair natural disasters or unfair activities with them by others which make them unable to fulfil desires in normal and accepted ways. Slowly they are taken under the confidence of some bad people in the society where they are promised to get fulfilled all the desires. They get together and form a group of terrorists to fight with their own nation, society and community. Terrorism has affected all the youths of the country, their growth and development.

It has pulled the nation many years back from the proper development. Terrorism is ruling the country just like Britishers, from which we again need to be free. However, it seems that terrorism would always continue spreading its root to deep because some rich people from our nation are still supporting them to fulfill their unfair purposes.

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Terrorism Essay 5 (300 words)

India had faced lots of challenges such as poverty, population growth, hunger, illiteracy, inequality, and many more however, terrorism is highly dangerous till now affecting the mankind and humanity. It is more than dangerous and frightening disease which is affecting the people mentally and intellectually. Whether it exists in the small (Ireland, Israel, etc) or big (USA, Russia, etc) countries; it has challenged both to a same level. Terrorism is act of using international violence by the group of frustrated people means terrorists to achieve some political, religious or individual goals. The spread of terror by the terrorists is increasing day by day.

Terrorism has no any rule and laws, it only attacks on society or colony or crowd of the innocent people living in order to spread terror as well as give pressure to government to complete their demands. The demands of the terrorist become very specific to fulfil only what they want. It is a greatest threat to mankind. They never compromise their friends, family, innocent kids, woman and old people. They only want to explode atom bomb at the place of people crowd. They shoot on crowd, hijack flight and other terror activities.

Terrorist target to spread terror in their preferred areas, region or country within minimum time. Previously, it is supposed that terrorist’s activities were limited to the Kashmir only however, it has spread its roots to all over the country. There are many terrorist groups exists in the nation with their special name depending on their name. Two main types of terrorism are political terrorism and criminal terrorism depends on their works. Terrorists are well-trained group of people prepared to perform some specific purpose. More than one terrorist group are trained to perform different purposes. It is like a disease which is spreading regularly and need some highly effective medicine for permanent removal.

Terrorism Essay 6 (400 words)

Terrorism is the process unfair and violent activities performed by the group of trained people called terrorists. There is only one boss who gives strict orders to the group to perform particular activity in any ways. They want money, power and publicity for the fulfilment of their unfair ideas. In such conditions, it is media which really helps to spread the news about terrorism in the society of any nation. Group of terrorist also take support of the media by especially contacting them to let them know about their plan, ideas and goals.

Various groups of the terrorists are named according to their aims and objectives. Acts of terrorism affects the human mind to a great extent and makes people so fear that they fear to go outside from their own home. They think that there is terror everywhere outside the home in the crowd like railway station, temple, social event, national event and so many. Terrorists want to spread terror within specific area of high population in order to publicize for their act as well as rule on people’s mind. Some recent act of terrorism are 9/11 attacks on the U.S. and 26/11 attack in India. It has affected the financial status and humanity to a great extent.

In order to reduce the terror and effect of terrorism from the nation, a tight security arrangement is done on the order of government. All the places which are crowded because of any reasons like social programmes, national events like Republic day, Independence Day, temple and etc. Each and every person has to follow the rules of security arrangement and has to pass from the automatic machine of full body scanner. Using such machines, security get help in detecting the presence of terrorists. Even after arrangement of such tight security, we are still unable to make it effective against the terrorism.

Our country is spending lots of money every year to fight against the terrorism as well as remove the terrorist group. However, it is still growing like a disease as new terrorists are getting trained on daily basis. They are very common people like us but they are trained to complete some unfair act and forced to fight against their one society, family and country. They are so trained that they never compromise their life, they are always ready to finish their life while fighting. As an Indian citizen, we all are highly responsible to stop the terrorism and it can be stopped only when we never come into the greedy talk of some bad and frustrated people.

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All the above essay on terrorism are written in such a simple way so that students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc can use very easily without any difficulty in understanding. Terrorism is an important social issue which urgently needs to be solved and ended in order to maintain a peaceful life all over the world. Terrorism essay written above may greatly help students to take part in the essay writing competition or get good marks in the exam. You can also get other related essays and related information such as:

Essay on Terrorism FAQs

What is the terrorism essay.

A terrorism essay is a written work that explains and discusses the topic of terrorism.

What is terrorism in 100 words?

Terrorism is the use of violence or threats to create fear for political, religious, or ideological reasons. It aims to intimidate or harm people to achieve specific goals.

What is the definition of terrorism?

Terrorism is when individuals or groups use violence, fear, or intimidation to pursue political, religious, or ideological objectives.

What are 5 common types of terrorism?

Common types of terrorism include suicide bombings, hijackings, cyberattacks, guerrilla warfare, and chemical attacks.

What are the 8 types of terrorism?

There are various forms of terrorism, but some common types include domestic terrorism, international terrorism, state-sponsored terrorism, and cyberterrorism.

What is the most common definition of terrorism?

The most common definition of terrorism is the use of violence or threats to create fear for political, religious, or ideological purposes.

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Essay on Terrorism in 500+ Words in English for School Students

terrorism essay 150 words

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  • Mar 29, 2024

Essay on Terrorism

Essay on Terrorism: The horrific events of 9/11 at the World Trade Centre and the terrorist strikes on the Taj Hotel in Mumbai on June 26, 2011, come to mind when we discuss terrorism. Terrorism is an act of violence to achieve political or ideological gains. Terrorism is a threat to life. Killing innocent people in the name of religion or politics shows that it’s an act of a coward. The motive for terror activities is to create fear inside people. Terrorist activities include different types of violent activities, communal fighting, riots, kidnappings, rapes, robbery, assault, and the list is endless. Barrack Obama once said ‘No religion is responsible for terrorism. People are responsible for Terrorism and Violence.’

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Types of Terrorism
  • 2 Consequences of Terrorism
  • 3 How to Fight Terrorism?
  • 4 Top 10 Quotes On Terrorism

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Factors That Contribute to Terrorism

Terrorism is not born overnight. Several factors are responsible for giving birth to terrorism. Political grievances and religious extremism are the two main factors causing terrorism. 

It happens quite often when a certain group or individuals feel marginalized, oppressed, or disenfranchised by their government or ruling authority. In situations like these, they try to resort to terrorism as a means of expressing their grievances and seeking change. Corrupt government, authoritarianism, lack of political representation, human rights abuses, and discrimination, are the major factors causing political grievances.

Religious extremists are also responsible for terrorism. These people brainwash younger people against other communities and wage religious war against them. Extremist ideologies distort religious teachings to promote hatred, intolerance, and the justification of violence against perceived enemies.

Apart from these two factors, socioeconomic situations and geopolitical rivalries can also provoke people against others; resulting in terrorist activities. Poors and the unemployed are the most vulnerable as terrorist or extremist organisations try to offer them financial incentives or a sense of purpose. 

Types of Terrorism

Terrorism is not just about holding an assault rifle and shooting at innocent people. Terrorism is of two types: Political Terrorism and Criminal Terrorism . Both these harm the credible image of a country or a region and affect in a nation’s daily political and economic activities.

Consequences of Terrorism

The consequences of terrorism are worse than a 7.7 magnitude earthquake or any other natural disaster. This man-made disaster not only kills innocent but creates fear, which is everlasting. 

Terrorist activities hamper the economic and political development of a country. In a state where terrorism exists, people are always in fear of death or any mishap. Thanks to terrorism countries like Pakistan, Syria, Afghanistan, etc. are not able to develop.

The consequences of terrorism are loss of life, physical injuries, psychological trauma, economic damage and social disruption. It can also lead to increased security measures, erosion of civil liberties, and heightened ethnic or religious tensions.

How to Fight Terrorism?

Anti-terrorism is a fight between justice and evil, civilisation and savagery. To fight terrorism, we need international cooperation and a multi-faceted approach. Addressing the root cause of terrorism can be the first step in fighting terrorism. When we understand the cause of a problem, we can come up with better and more comprehensive solutions.

Strengthening law enforcement capabilities can help in the prevention and investigation of terrorist activities. It can also improve intelligence gathering and analysis to disrupt terrorist networks. 

India, for a long, has been accusing some countries of state-sponsored terrorism. But, it was only after 9/11 that India received global cooperation. Today, global powers are determined to eradicate terrorism from its root. 

Building trust and cooperation between communities is very important. It can help law enforcement agencies to prevent radicalization and promote early intervention.

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Top 10 Quotes On Terrorism

Here are 10 quotes on terrorism. 

‘Terrorism has no nationality or religion.’ – Vladimir Putin

‘Terrorism is the tactic of demanding the impossible, and demanding it at gunpoint.’ – Christopher Hitchens

‘The only way to deal with terrorism is to understand why it happens.’ – Arundhati Roy

‘Terrorism is the war of the poor, and war is the terrorism of the rich.’ – Peter Ustinov

‘Terrorism is the price of empire. If you do not wish to pay the price, you must give up the empire.’ – Pat Buchanan

‘One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter.’ – Gerald Seymour

‘Terrorism is a psychological warfare. Terrorists try to manipulate us and change our behaviour by creating fear, uncertainty, and division in society.’ – Patrick J. Kennedy

‘The greatest threat to our way of life isn’t terrorism, it’s the response to terrorism.’ – Simon Jenkins

‘The object of terrorism is terrorism. The object of oppression is oppression. The object of torture is torture. The object of murder is murder. The object of power is power.’ – George Orwell

‘Terrorism is the war of today, and war is the terrorism of yesterday.’ – Howard Zinn

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Ans: Terrorism is an act of violence to achieve political or ideological gains. Terrorism is a threat to life. Killing innocent people in the name of religion or politics shows that it’s an act of a coward, a monster. The motive for terror activities is to create fear inside people. Terrorist activities include different types of violent activities, communal fighting, riots, kidnappings, rapes, robbery, assault, and the list is endless.

Ans: Political Grievances, religious extremism, ethnic or nationalist conflicts, socioeconomic factors and geopolitical relations are the primary causes of terrorism.

Ans: ‘No religion is responsible for terrorism. People are responsible for Terrorism and Violence.’ – Barrack Obama (Former US President)

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Modern Far-Right Terrorism Is a Repeat of Reconstruction-Era Themes

Memorials for victims of racist mass shooting in Buffalo, New York

I n A Red Record , civil rights pioneer Ida B. Wells recounts the story of a lynching near Selma, Alabama, in which a young Black farmworker developed a consensual relationship with a white daughter of the household, and eventually fathered a child. Taken from jail, the man, Daniel Edwards, was hanged and his body filled with bullets. According to a contemporaneous dispatch, “Upon his back was found pinned this morning the following: Warning to all [N-words] that are too intimate with white girls. This the work of one hundred best citizens of the South Side.”

During the volume’s opening chapter, Wells recalls Frederick Douglass’s three “excuses” for the lynchings of Black men in the post-war South, each of which developed as the prior justification grew too implausible: white men sought to lynch Black men, Douglass argued in a posthumously published 1895 article , to stamp out “race riots,” to suppress the Black vote, and to protect the virtue of white women against Black rapes and assaults (the lie that would herald Edwards’ death sentence). “The orderly arrangement and periodicity of excuses are significant,” Douglass argued. “They show design, plan, purpose, and invention.”

Remarkably, though, over 100 years later, those three justifications are still among those that animate the far-right today—even though the range of targets has broadened. Indeed, each of Douglass’s justifications was an early manifestation of the same “ Great Replacement ” conspiracy theory—positing that an ongoing replacement of American whiteness is underway, orchestrated by Jews and elites—which motivates most white supremacist terrorism today. Most modern attacks, including the deadly white supremacist attack on Buffalo that occurred two years ago this week, repeat Reconstruction-era themes.

The “Great Replacement” theory, then, is not something new to the social media era or a more globalized world—it instead is fundamental to the very fabric of America, dating from the lynchings of the postbellum decades to modern acts of white supremacist terrorism as seen at Charleston, El Paso, Buffalo, and beyond. Further examination of the materials published as part of those attacks reveals language that hearkens back to the same excuses used for lynching in the Deep South.

Take, for instance, the justification that Black men deserved to be lynched because they were, to use Wells’ words, “alleged participants in an insurrection or riot.” Dylann Roof, murderer of nine Black parishioners at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, in 2015, evoked this urgency to protect white communities from Black violence, writing that “Segregation was not a bad thing. It was a defensive measure. Segregation did not exist to hold back [N-words]. It existed to protect us from them.” A manifesto penned by Payton Gendron, the shooter who targeted a supermarket in a predominantly Black neighborhood in Buffalo, New York, in May 2022, similarly outlined in no uncertain terms both his grievances against African Americans and his genocidal intent: “They are prone to violence and common criminal activity. We must remove blacks from our western civilizations.” These days, the bogeyman often takes the forms of perceived hordes of Antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters wreaking havoc on America’s streets. Kyle Rittenhouse traveled to Kenosha, in his own words, to “ protect ” businesses and people, before ultimately killing two protestors.

Read More: The Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict Makes Us All Less Safe

The complaint of minority dilutions of the white vote is similarly oft-uttered by today’s white supremacist terrorists. In fact, the replacement of white votes was one of the primary drivers behind Patrick Crusius’s assault on predominantly Latino shoppers at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, in August 2019. He killed 23. “They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters,” he wrote, going on to add, “They will turn Texas into an instrument of a political coup which will hasten the destruction of our country.” Gendron made similar claims: “Children of replacers do not stay children, they become adults and reproduce, creating more replacers to replace your people. They grow up and vote against your peoples own wishes, for the interests of their own people and identity.” In the post-Reconstruction years, the effort to suppress the Black vote (or what some termed “ Africanization ”) was ultimately successful—South Carolina, for instance, saw a drop in registered voters from more than 92,000 in 1876 to under 3,000 in 1898. Moreover, this model remains a popular tactic. As terrorism expert Daniel Byman reflects , “White racists’ victories during Reconstruction gave them a repertoire of violence to draw on in subsequent years when their superior social position faced new threats.” Indeed, similar declarations are now frequently issued by politicians and media figures on the political right, perhaps best encapsulated by X owner Elon Musk, who tweeted on May 9, “Given the massive influx of illegals from every country on Earth, 2024 will probably be the last election actually decided by US citizens.”

And finally, modern far-right terrorists still frequently invoke the same libelous assertion that white women must be protected from licentious Black men. In perhaps the most infamous example, Roof told victims during his rampage on Charleston, “I have to do it. You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.” Similarly, Gendron’s manifesto seethed, “Black youth are two and a half times as likely as White youth to have raped someone.” Both attacks accordingly conformed to Jamelle Bouie’s reflection in Slate after Charleston: “Make any list of anti-black terrorism in the United States, and you’ll also have a list of attacks justified by the specter of black rape.” In his manifesto, however, Roof offered perhaps an even more direct nod to his postbellum compatriots. “I have noticed a great disdain for race mixing White women within the White nationalists community, bordering on insanity,” he wrote. “These women are victims, and they can be saved. Stop.” Herein lies the “ benevolent sexism ” also inherent in Roof’s attack—the implication that white women are owned by white men, who therefore must nobly protect their property through violence.

Despite ideological echoes, though, perhaps the most important similarity is the deliberately public way in which these Black lives are taken. These Black bodies brutalized. Just as the Black men in the late-1800s who were supposedly sparking riots, voting against white interests, and raping white women were often hanged in public places as a warning to other would-be rebels against the established social order—as was Daniel Edwards’ horrific demise—modern white supremacist terrorism also seeks to create a spectacle. Today, the show often takes the form of a livestream , shared online to thousands of excited onlookers, while a manifesto is published as ideological testament to the crime. Conforming to the characteristics of lynching killings that terrorism scholar Tim Wilson called “rightist vigilantism that grew both highly ritualized and carnivalesque,” Gendron noted in his manifesto that “I think that live streaming this attack gives me some motivation in the way that I know that some people will be cheering for me.” As Georgetown University’s Emma Coleman Jordan wrote in the days after the horror at Buffalo, “As with the lynchings of the past, today’s racially-based attacks put Black suffering on display for the entertainment of a 21st century version of the White mob.”

Globalization and social progress have served to broaden the number of enemies against which the white supremacists targets their vitriol—adding immigrants, women, Jews, and the LGBTQ community to Black men and women—but they have not greatly altered their grievances. And, America’s Black population remains the foremost, enduring target. As terrorism scholar Brian Levin told TIME in May 2022, “Many people swim in this elastic, amorphous reservoir of grievance, where a constellation of new targets are identified all the time. But African Americans remain.” What’s more, those first two justifications behind far-right violence both during the postbellum years and today are actually platforms often defended by the political right—suggesting that political support continues to provide the veneer of legitimacy behind which extremist violence can be excused, if not encouraged . Buffalo also provided an important reminder that, despite the focus of much of Wells’ work being the Deep South, racist terrorism has never been a uniquely Southern phenomenon.

Incidents of mass racial violence such as the shooting at Charleston are often correctly decried as instances of “modern-day lynching.” What is remarkable, though, is how little the justifications themselves have shifted. The common thread, in the words of CeLillianne Green, is the “depth of hatred in the bone marrow of this country that supports the killing of the black body.” The only conclusion to be drawn, then, is a sober and pessimistic one—that America will not rid itself of its violent white supremacist plague without a deeper reckoning about the very origins of the country. Until then, prosecutors should consider pursuing white supremacist terrorists with charges that place their acts of violence within the proper historical context—such as the Emmett Till Anti-lynching Act , which President Joe Biden signed into law in 2022 after over a century of efforts to pass such legislation.

Meanwhile, for those of us in the public policy space, our solemn task is to continue to tell the stories of those taken by hatred far too soon as well as those who have fought back —and to loudly condemn those who continue choosing violence in pursuit of hatred. Or, as Wells puts it, “It becomes a painful duty […] to reproduce a record which shows that a large portion of the American people avow anarchy, condone murder and defy the contempt of civilization.” —With research support from Sinet Adous.

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Essay on Terrorism in World

Students are often asked to write an essay on Terrorism in World in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Terrorism in World

Understanding terrorism.

Terrorism is a serious issue that affects the world. It involves violent acts aimed at causing fear and harm. These actions are often carried out by groups with political, religious, or ideological beliefs.

Impact on Society

Terrorism disrupts peace and harmony, causing fear and panic among people. It also leads to loss of lives and property, affecting societies deeply.

Countering Terrorism

To counter terrorism, governments and organizations worldwide work together, sharing information and implementing strict security measures. Education plays a crucial role in preventing terrorism by promoting understanding and tolerance.

250 Words Essay on Terrorism in World


Terrorism is a global issue that plagues our world today, causing immense suffering and destabilizing societies. It is a complex phenomenon with deep-seated roots in socio-political and economic structures.

Terrorism is a strategy employed by certain groups to achieve political, ideological, or religious goals. It is characterized by the use of violence against civilians to create fear, disrupt society, and draw attention to their cause. The rise of global terrorism can be attributed to factors such as political instability, economic disparity, and ideological extremism.

The Global Impact of Terrorism

Terrorism transcends national boundaries, affecting global security and peace. It not only causes loss of lives and property but also has far-reaching psychological impacts. The fear and uncertainty it creates can hinder social progress and economic development. Moreover, it often exacerbates political tensions, leading to conflicts and wars.

Countering terrorism requires a comprehensive approach that goes beyond military action. It involves addressing the root causes such as poverty, political oppression, and ideological indoctrination. International cooperation is crucial in sharing intelligence, curbing terrorist financing, and promoting peace and tolerance.

Terrorism poses a significant threat to world peace and stability. Understanding its causes and impacts can help devise effective strategies to combat it. It is a collective responsibility to foster a world where dialogue, justice, and peace prevail over violence and fear.

500 Words Essay on Terrorism in World

Terrorism is a global issue that has been affecting the world adversely for many years. It is a term used to describe the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. The rise of terrorism has led to countless deaths, massive destruction, and widespread fear.

The Evolution of Terrorism

Terrorism has evolved significantly over the years. It began as a localized issue, often tied to political or territorial disputes. However, with the advent of technology and the rise of extremist ideologies, it has morphed into a global threat. Modern terrorists use the internet to recruit, radicalize, and coordinate attacks, making their reach far more extensive and their actions more devastating.

The Impact of Terrorism

The impact of terrorism is multifaceted and profound. It not only leads to loss of life and property but also affects the socio-economic dynamics of a region. Terrorism disrupts trade, diminishes investment, and diverts resources from vital sectors like education and healthcare to security. It also instills fear and insecurity among the populace, affecting their psychological well-being and quality of life.

Counter-Terrorism Efforts

In response to the escalating threat of terrorism, nations have implemented various counter-terrorism strategies. These include military action, intelligence gathering, law enforcement efforts, and initiatives to counter violent extremism. International cooperation is crucial in these efforts, as terrorism is a transnational issue that requires a coordinated global response.

The Role of Society in Countering Terrorism

While state action is crucial in countering terrorism, society also plays a significant role. Education and awareness can help prevent radicalization, while social inclusion can reduce the sense of alienation that often drives individuals towards extremism. Furthermore, resilience in the face of terror attacks is vital in denying terrorists their goal of creating fear and chaos.

Terrorism is a complex and pressing issue that poses a significant threat to global peace and security. To effectively combat this menace, a comprehensive approach is required that involves not only robust security measures but also efforts to address the root causes of extremism. Society at large must also play a role in this fight, demonstrating resilience, promoting inclusivity, and rejecting the divisive ideologies that fuel terrorism. Only through such a concerted effort can we hope to mitigate the impact of terrorism and ensure a safer, more peaceful world.

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terrorism essay 150 words

Terrorism Essay For Students and Children in 1000 Words

Terrorism Essay For Students and Children in 1000 Words

In this article, read Terrorism Essay for students and children in 1000 words, It includes meaning, types, causes, effects, 10 lines about terrorism.

Lets start this Terrorism Essay.

Table of Contents

Terrorism Essay (1000 Words)

Terrorism is defined as the deliberate use of violence to create a broad environment of fear among people to achieve a specific political goal.

Nationalistic and religious groups, revolutionaries, and state institutions such as armies, intelligence services, and police have used terrorism to achieve their goals. Terrorism has also been practiced by political organizations with both rightist and leftist objectives, 

What is Terrorism?

Terrorism definitions are often complicated and contentious, and because of the inherent fury and brutality of terrorism, the word has a strong negative connotation in popular culture.

Even though terrorism is not defined by law in all countries, the existing legislation often has several characteristics in common. When violence is used or threatened, terrorism attempts to instill fear in a large number of people, not only those directly affected by the act of terrorism. 

Terrorism differs from both conventional and guerilla warfare in that it places a greater emphasis on fear than any of them. The primary method of success for traditional military forces, even though they inevitably engage in psychological warfare against their adversaries, is via the use of force. 

In a similar vein, guerrilla forces, which often depend on acts of terror and other propaganda to achieve military triumph, strive for victory on the battlefield and sometimes succeed. 

Since outright military victory cannot always be achieved, terrorism is the intentional use of violence to inspire fear and, as a result, to accomplish political objectives when no other means of achieving those goals are available.

It is because of this that some social scientists refer to guerilla warfare as the “weapon of the weak” and to terrorism as the “weapon of the weakest.”

Types of Terrorism

The next sections will discuss several types of terrorism, which will be discussed in the following contexts:

State Terrorism 

State terrorism is defined as “terrorism perpetrated by governments against perceived opponents. ” In the international realm, state terrorism may be conducted either internationally against adversaries or domestically against domestic foes.”

Dissident Terrorism

Terrorism “committed by nonstate movements and organizations against governments, ethnonational groupings, religious groups, and other perceived adversaries” is referred to as dissident terrorism. 

Religious Terrorism

Religion-inspired terrorism is defined as “terrorism motivated by an absolute conviction that an otherworldly force has sanctioned—and even ordered—the deployment of terrorist violence for the greater glory of one’s religious beliefs.”

Religious terrorism is often carried out in defence of what followers perceive to be the one authentic religion.”

Ideological Terrorism

It is defined as terrorist activity motivated by political systems of thinking that promote the self-perceived inherent rights of a specific group or interest instead of the rights of another.

It is the system of ideas that contains theoretical and philosophical grounds for using violence to defend or enforce the rights of a particular group or interest.

International Terrorism

Terrorism has spilled over into the international scene. ” It is decided on which targets to attack based on their significance as symbols of foreign interests, either inside the home country or outside state borders.”

Gender-Selective Terrorism

Terrorism is intended against either men or women in an enemy population based on their gender identity or expression. Because males are regarded as a danger as prospective soldiers or sources of dissent, systematic violence is focused on them.

A hostile group’s cultural identity is destroyed or terrorized into submission when systematic violence is aimed towards its women.

Causes of Terrorism

A thorough investigation of why certain nations are more susceptible to terrorist attacks does not exist at this time. There is a wide range of explanations and disputes.

When it comes to terrorism, psychopathological theories often leave out the socio-economic and political context. 

Research suggests that normalcy is a trait of terrorists, but psychopathological issues among the group leaders might also be necessary. Theories on the causes of terrorism that have been proposed include:

  • Deprivation and inequality are often associated, particularly among culturally distinct populations. This may lead to civic unrest, which may include terrorism. It’s a kind of social control from the bottom up since terror acts are aimed at symbols of the central authority or a more affluent society.
  • As long as marginal groups do not feel included, they are more likely to engage in violent extremism. Ethnic variety enhances the possibilities.
  • Terrorism may spread from one nation to another. For example, the media may help shape terrorism’s agenda, increase its lethality and make it more international.
  • Unmarried men, who make up a large percentage of the population, are more likely to be involved in intra-societal violence and instability. Many young males who engage in political and criminal violence are single and unmarried.
  • Terrorist violence creates windows of opportunity to sway public opinion and mobilize financial resources. Resuming and increasing hostilities to erode trust and prevent compromise is a tactic used by radical elements of coalition organizations in the event of a peace deal.

Effects of Terrorism 

Terrorist attacks affect the economy in several ways, as outlined here.

1. Total and Complete Devastation of the Economy

Physical devastation is a significant factor in the negative economic effect of terrorism and conflict. The destruction of precious resources and diverting help from other productive uses to support the military and defense are two of the most egregious examples of waste.

2. Increased Market Uncertainty

There is a lot of discussion concerning the extent and scope of the financial markets’ effect. While global terrorist threats and publicity continue to climb, markets seem to be more resilient. 

Stock market indices did not fall substantially after the terrorist attacks that killed at least 129 people in France in 2015. 6 5 As a result of the 2016 Nice terrorist incident, France is now seen as a more dangerous location to live and do business.

3. The State’s Health Is Predicted on the Success of the War

Resources for productive economic activity are better managed by people than governments, mainly when such resources are diverted to meet a military strategic goal. The private sector suffers as a result of government militarisation.

Major Terrorist Attacks in India

  • 1996 Lajpat Nagar Blast.
  • 2000 terrorist attack on Red Fort.
  • 2001 Attack on the Indian parliament.
  • 2005 Delhi bombings.
  • 2008 Delhi bombings.
  • 2011 High court bombing.
  • 2012 Attacks on Israeli diplomats.

How to Stop Terrorism?

When combating terrorism, concerns like foreign fighters, border restrictions, and cutting off money have to be addressed. With more rigorous border inspections, more vital police and judicial cooperation on tracking suspects, eliminating terrorist funding, dealing with organized crime, and coping with radicalization for Europe’s borders can be better protected from future attacks.

  • Increasing the effectiveness of border restrictions
  • Securing the country’s exterior boundaries
  • Making use of information gathered from airline passengers
  • Increasing the difficulty of obtaining potentially lethal weapons

10 lines on Terrorism Essay

  • To commit acts of terrorism is to unlawfully intimidate and threaten others.
  • Terrorists are those who propagate terrorism.
  • Terrorism is a disease that has spread across the globe.
  • Millions of people throughout the globe die as a result of it.
  • The satisfaction of desire is the primary motivation for acts of terrorism.
  • No religious or community affiliation is required for it to exist.
  • Terrorist incidents include the 26/11 assault, the Delhi bombings, and the Pulwama attack.
  • For the most part, terrorists try to bring down the system by illegitimate means and establish their influence over the government.
  • At this point, almost every country is on board with the idea of combating terrorism.
  • By educating people, terrorism can be eliminated.

Torture and violence against people or property are considered acts of terrorism. Terrorism is defined as the illegal use of force or violence against people or property to frighten or compel a government or its population into advancing specific political and social goals.

I hope this Terrorism Essay helped you to understand its causes, effects and controling measures.

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terrorism essay 150 words

Essay on Terrorism in India for Students and Children

500 words essay on terrorism in india.

Terrorism in India has a long history. It is a cowardly act by the terrorist groups who wish to disturb the peace of the country. It aims to create a state of panic amongst the people. They want to keep the people in a constant state of fear to stop the country from prospering.

Essay on Terrorism in India

Time to time, they carry out terrorist acts to remind people of the fear they want them to live in. Consequently, there are roughly 100 terrorist cells that are operating in India. They have to an extent successfully created an atmosphere of tension amongst the citizens. Terrorism impacts the country gravely and has dangerous repercussions.

Impact of Terrorism in India

As discussed earlier, terrorism has a major impact on any country. When we look at a developing country like India, it is all the more harmful. Firstly, it creates a state of panic amongst the citizens. The bomb blasts or firing impacts the mental health of people. This causes the untimely death of various citizens or leaves them handicapped. The anxiety and fear one has to live in restrict their way of living to a great extent.

Moreover, terrorism has a major impact on the tourism industry. As tourists avoid visiting places that are vulnerable to terrorist attacks, the tourism industry faces a blow. India is a country that earns a lot of its revenue from tourism. When these attacks happen, they cause fear amongst the tourists as well. The ones planning to visit cancel their trips. Similarly, the ones staying presently shorten their trip and leave.

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Furthermore, terrorist attacks create a sense of doubt in the foreign investors of India. After all, who would want to invest in a country prone to terrorism? They avoid the risk and instead opt for safer alternatives. This causes a huge blow to the business of India depending on them.

Thus, it damages the economy. As terrorist attacks cause loss of life and property, the replenishment takes up a lot of capital. It also results in people leaving the country to settle abroad for a safer environment. This makes India lose a lot of potential doctors, engineers, artists and more.

Major Terror Attacks in India

India has faced a number of terror attacks over time. The worst of them is definitely the 26/11 terror attack which took place in Mumbai. The terrorists captured renowned places like Nariman House, Hotel Oberoi Trident and Hotel Taj. They killed almost 170 people and injured around 300 people. All these victims were police officers, security personnel, or tourists.

The Mumbai Train Blasts were also very deadly. They took place in the local trains of Mumbai and happened at seven railway stations. It claimed 210 lives and injured 715 people.

The Indian Parliament Attack was also very surprising. As the parliament is one of the safest buildings. The terrorist managed to kill three parliament staff members and six police officers. It remains shocking as one wonders how such a safe place could come under attack. In short, terrorism in India needs to be eradicated to safeguard the country and help it prosper.

FAQs on Terrorism in India

Q.1 How does terrorism impact India?

A.1 Terrorism in India has a deep impact on the people and economy of the country. It causes panic amongst people and affects the tourism industry. Furthermore, it also has adverse effects on the economy of the country and its foreign investments.

Q.2 Name some of the most deadly terrorist attacks in India.

A.2 India has had some of the most dangerous terrorist attacks. The major ones include the one on Hotel Taj known as the 26/11 attack. The Mumbai serial bomb blasts were also very deadly where more than 1,000 people were injured. Moreover, the Indian Parliament attack was also quite dangerous.

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Terrorism in India Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

Essay on terrorism in india -.

Terrorism refers to acts of violence committed by individuals or groups with the intention of creating fear and alarm in a population, and often involves the targeting of innocent civilians. These acts are meant to influence and manipulate governments or other organisations and can take many forms, including bombing, hijacking, kidnapping, and assassination. Terrorism is considered a threat to global peace and security, and is widely condemned by the international community .

100 Words Essay On Terrorism in India

Terrorism in India has been a significant concern for the country for several decades. The problem has its roots in political, social and economic issues and is often fueled by religious and ethnic tensions.

Over the years, the Indian government has taken a number of measures to combat terrorism, including strengthening security forces and intelligence agencies and implementing laws and regulations to curb terrorist activities. Despite these efforts, terrorist attacks continue to occur in various parts of the country.

While the Indian government has taken steps to combat terrorism, the problem remains a significant concern for the country. Addressing the underlying issues that fuel terrorism and implementing a unified and comprehensive strategy, along with the support of the international community, is crucial in effectively tackling the problem.

200 Words Essay On Terrorism in India

Terrorism is a global threat that has affected many countries, including India. The problem of terrorism in India has its roots in the country's complex history and ongoing political conflicts. India has faced terrorism in various forms for decades.

A challenge in the fight against terrorism in India is the lack of a unified and comprehensive strategy to address the problem. Different states in the country have their own approach to dealing with terrorism, which often results in a lack of coordination and cooperation among the various agencies involved.

Measures Taken

The government of India has taken effective measures to combat terrorism, including increasing security and surveillance, strengthening border control, and launching military operations against terrorist groups.

India has also been actively participating in global efforts to combat terrorism and promote peace and stability in the region.

India has been a strong advocate of the Zero tolerance policy against terrorism.

India has also been vocal in raising its concern in various international forums against state sponsorship of terrorism and cross-border terrorism.

Terrorism is a severe problem in India that has caused much suffering and loss of life. While the Indian government has taken steps to combat terrorism, it remains a major concern. India continues to work towards peace and stability in the region and advocates for a zero-tolerance policy towards terrorism globally.

500 Words Essay On Terrorism in India

Terrorism is a major problem that affects not only India but also the world as a whole. It refers to the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political or ideological goals. The problem of terrorism in India is complex and multifaceted, and it has a significant impact on the security and stability of the country

Origin of Terrorism in India

Terrorism in India has its roots in a variety of factors, including political and ideological differences, religious extremism, and ethnic and separatist movements. The problem has been exacerbated by the presence of various terrorist groups that operate within the country.

Current Situation of Terrorism in India

Terrorism continues to be a significant problem in India, with a number of incidents occurring on a regular basis. These incidents range from small-scale attacks on individuals to large-scale attacks on civilians and government buildings.

Major Incidents of Terrorism in India

Mumbai terrorist attacks of 2008 | The Mumbai terrorist attacks of 2008, also known as 26/11, were a series of terrorist attacks that occurred in the Indian city of Mumbai. The attacks were carried out by a group of terrorists and resulted in the deaths of 164 people and the injury of over 300 others.

2001 Indian Parliament attack | The 2001 Indian Parliament attack was a terrorist attack that occurred on December 13, 2001, when a group of heavily armed terrorists entered the Parliament of India in New Delhi. The attack resulted in the deaths of 14 people and the injury of 18 others.

1993 Bombay Bombings | The 1993 Bombay Bombings were a series of bombings that occurred on March 12, 1993, in the Indian city of Bombay (now Mumbai). The bombings resulted in the deaths of 257 people and the injury of over 700 others.

Steps to Fight Terrorism in India

Strengthening security and intelligence agencies | India has several security and intelligence agencies that play a crucial role in fighting terrorism. These agencies need to be strengthened and given the necessary resources to effectively carry out their duties.

Enhancing border security | India's borders are vast and porous, making it easy for terrorists to infiltrate the country. Measures such as strengthening border security, deploying more troops, and increasing the use of technology such as surveillance cameras can help to prevent terrorist infiltration.

Addressing the root causes of terrorism | It is important to address the underlying issues that lead to terrorism, such as poverty, unemployment, and lack of education. By addressing these issues, it will be possible to reduce the appeal of terrorist groups and prevent the emergence of new ones.

International cooperation | Terrorism is a global problem and requires a global response. India needs to work closely with other countries to share intelligence and coordinate efforts to fight terrorism.

Terrorism is a major problem that affects India and the world as a whole. For the fight against the cause of terrorism to be successful, it is imperative that security and intelligence agencies be strengthened, border security enhanced, issues of communalism addressed, and international collaboration is increased. Our country can be safer for everyone if we work together.

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Write an Article in about 200 Words on "Terrorism - a Threat to Piece"

  • Article Writing

Terrorism is an illegal act, which aims to create fear among ordinary people. Terrorism is not just a word; This is the most important threat to humanity. If a person or group spreads violence, riots, burglaries, rapes, kidnappings, fighting, bombings, all of this is terrorism. For the first time in India, terrorism was considered naxalite. For the first time in 1967, some inhabitants of the Bengal region were furious; they came out as Naxalites to make their point of view.     

Some main causes of terrorism

 Production of large quantities of firearms, machine guns, firearms, atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, nuclear weapons, missiles, etc.

 Rapid population growth

 Politics, Social, Economy

 Dissatisfied with the country's system

 lack of education

 Bad association

 Fall of persuasion

Apart from these, there may be several reasons. Nowadays, terrorism is the first weapon created to prove and justify the point of view. There is a society inside the militant, the rebellion against the country. Dissatisfaction. Corruption, racism, economic inequality, linguistic differences, all these are the fundamental elements of terrorism, terrorism flourishes after them. The riots among Hindus and Muslims are the most famous; there is a difference between caste and terrorism. The riots that took place in Gujarat, the demand for Khalistan , etc. are all riots due to regionalism. Even in a hurry to make money, people do terrorism, and they want to get rich overnight by doing a bad job.

The effect of terrorism

• Terrorism creates fear in people. They feel insecure in their state, their country.   

• By challenging terrorism, any government can be abandoned

• Because of terrorism, millions of goods are destroyed and the lives of thousands of innocent people are lost.

• The animals are also killed.

• A dependence of humanity is raised.

• After seeing a terrorist activity, the second terrorist is also born.

Forms of terrorism in different parts of the country and abroad

Today, terrorism is not only the problem of India, our neighbouring country, and governments across the country are making a lot of effort to deal with it.

The largest terrorist attack in the world is considered World Trade Centre on September 11, 2001, Osama bin Laden attacked the tallest building in the world's most powerful country, causing millions of casualties and thousands of people who died under the rubble. America had hit its biggest enemy in a filmic way.



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  18. Article on Terrorism 500, 200 Words for Kids, Children and Students in

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  22. Terrorism in India Essay

    200 Words Essay On Terrorism in India. Terrorism is a global threat that has affected many countries, including India. The problem of terrorism in India has its roots in the country's complex history and ongoing political conflicts. India has faced terrorism in various forms for decades. A challenge in the fight against terrorism in India is ...

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  24. Write an Article in about 200 Words on "Terrorism

    Write an Article in about 200 Words on "Terrorism - a Threat to Piece". Terrorism is an illegal act, which aims to create fear among ordinary people. Terrorism is not just a word; This is the most important threat to humanity. If a person or group spreads violence, riots, burglaries, rapes, kidnappings, fighting, bombings, all of this is terrorism.