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How to Create a Winning Sales Plan Presentation

Cover for how to create a sales plan presentation

As sales professionals, you are used to writing sales plans, but presenting them to stakeholders is a different story. People in your organization, including executives and decision-makers, often possess high-level industry knowledge and business acumen. They are also incredibly impatient and don’t have time to sit for long presentations. Therefore, your sales plan presentation should go beyond mere information-sharing; it should be about aligning your sales plan with their existing understanding concisely and time-efficiently.

In this article, we will guide you through the process of creating a presentation material based on your sales plan. Expect useful presentation templates along the way!

Table of Contents

Key Elements of an Effective Sales Plan Presentation

Executive summary, goals and objectives, market analysis, sales strategies and tactics, financial projections, contingency plan and risk management.

  • Tips for Sales Presentations

Preparing your sales plan presentation parallels your steps when writing the document. After all, your goal didn’t change; that is, to spell out the objectives, strategies, and implementation measures guiding your sales efforts.

Your sales plan presentation should cover the following elements.

Let’s discuss each component in detail.

An executive summary is the preface to your larger sales plan document, so it should also precede the body of your sales plan presentation. This slide provides a concise overview of the entire sales plan, including your objectives and strategies, setting the stage for what’s to come.

Normally, executive summaries are written in paragraph form proportionate to the report’s length. But it is different when it comes to PowerPoint presentations. Executive summary slides should be visually dynamic to draw the audience’s attention to the most critical information of the report. 

Here’s an example of a sales plan presentation’s executive summary slide . Note that the following slides outline a hypothetical sales plan for FreshBite Delivery, a fictitious company. The data and market trends presented in this example are for illustrative purposes only and do not reflect actual market conditions.

Executive Summary sample slide for a Sales Plan

Following the executive summary is a slide/s that outlines the goals and objectives you want to achieve with your sales efforts. Depending on the size of your organization, this part might cover the specific goals of each department involved in the sale. Imagine being in a larger company; different groups might work parts of the sales process. So, you’d discuss the goals for each of those groups. 

You may talk about when you expect certain things to happen as well. Like, when do you plan to reach certain milestones? For the employees, this helps create a clear line of sight between the goals and their day-to-day work. For decision-makers, this shows where the sales plan is taking the company.

Let’s continue our FreshBite Delivery sales plan and see what a Goals and Objectives slide may look like.

Representation of sales goals in a slide

Presenting the findings of your market analysis activity holds significant importance in proving the validity of your chosen sales goals and strategies. Your market analysis presentation builds confidence among decision-makers that your approach is grounded in a solid understanding of the market’s realities. Through this section, you can also address a crucial concern they often have: whether there’s a genuine demand or space for your products or services.

There are several market analysis templates you can use, but the best ones should allow you to do the following:

  • Assess available market factors (e.g., volume and value)
  • Identify and quantify target customer
  • Identify competitors

For example, FreshBite Delivery’s market analysis presentation could include a slide dissecting the market segments they can turn into customers.

TAM SAM SOM analysis for sales plan presentation

Another option presenters can consider is using a Perceptual Map to present the company’s position against competitors in the same market.

Perceptual Map in a Sales Plan Presentation

Now, it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty of your presentation by talking about your sales strategies and tactics. This part is the heart of your presentation, where you’ll outline the key activities you intend to implement to achieve your sales goals.

So, what should a sales strategy slide include? It should typically answer the following questions:

  • How will we reach our target customers?
  • Who is responsible for what?
  • What’s the timeline for implementation?

Reaching Target Customers

This section zooms in on the methods and channels you’ll use to connect with your intended audience. Can you leverage social media, email campaigns, direct sales calls, or a mix of these approaches?

For example, the sales and marketing team of FreshBite Delivery may launch targeted advertising and search engine marketing campaigns to reach potential customers. They may also offer subscription discounts for long-term commitments to encourage repeat orders. All of these strategies are in line with their sales goal of increasing their monthly revenue.

Representing target customers in a sales plan presentation

Presenting the Team

In your presentation, it’s also important to identify the individuals or teams who will be accountable for different aspects and execution of your sales plan. You’ll want to showcase the connections between individuals and their driving strategies. This demonstrates the coordinated effort that’s underway. Whether it’s the marketing team spearheading digital advertising or the customer support team nurturing customer relationships, this alignment of roles is the backbone of your sales success.

Setting Timelines

In this timeline slide , you will outline the actionable tasks contributing to achieving your sales goal with a clear completion timeline. Each task would be accompanied by its responsible party, a brief description, and a specific completion deadline. You may also list the activities in a way that assumes logical dependencies between tasks. 

Setting timelines in a Gantt Chart for a Sales Plan Presentation

When presenting your sales plan to stakeholders, you outline your company’s growth roadmap. However, numbers speak louder than words, and a well-crafted financial projection serves as a quantitative validation of the strategic path you are advocating. This projection offers a calculated glimpse into the financial outcomes your sales initiatives are poised to generate.

In this section of your presentation, you may include the following:

  • Sales Revenue Projection – an estimate of your expected sales revenue based on your sales strategies, market demand, and historical data.
  • Sales Growth and Market Trends –  anticipated market growth rates and trends that could impact your sales.
  • Cash Flow Projection – a breakdown of the inflow and outflow of cash over a specific period.
  • Break-Even Analysis – the point at which your total revenue equals your total expenses.
  • Churn Rate – the proportion of customers who are leaving.

A sales plan aims to provide your organization with a systematic approach to achieving your revenue goals successfully. However, unforeseen incidents may catch you off guard and disrupt your plan’s progress. It’s paramount to let the stakeholders know that you have a “Plan B.”

According to Forbes Advisor , a contingency plan is a plan that will guide how your team should react to factors that interrupt the normal course of business. On the other hand, risk management is a broader approach focused on identifying and mitigating potential risks before they materialize into disruptions. Both concepts are crucial components of a sales plan.

Here’s a sample presentation of a contingency plan and risk management strategy for our made-up organization, FreshBite Delivery.

Contingency plan slide for a sales plan presentation

Tips for Sales Plan Presentations

1. keep your presentation concise.

When you present a wordy slide during a sales plan presentation with the stakeholders, a lot can go wrong. They may inadvertently read ahead or, worse, lose interest in the presentation altogether. Hence, you need to make a conscious effort to prioritize brevity and clarity in your slides.

One technique that can help you in this regard is the 1-6-6 rule, which suggests that there should only be one main idea for each slide, a maximum of six bullet points, and six words per bullet point.

Guy Kawasaki, on the other hand, suggests that an engaging presentation consists of no more than 10 slides, lasts no longer than 20 minutes, and is no lower than 30 points in size. This is known as the 10/20/30 rule of presentation .

2. Use Graphs, Charts, and Infographics

Sales plan presentations often include data-heavy information that visuals can convey more effectively than words alone.

For example, you can use a bar chart to compare revenue growth over quarters or a pie chart to showcase the percentage distribution of customer segments. You may also utilize a sales funnel to visualize the customer journey and the strategies you must implement for each stage.

Visual representations can simplify complex data, enhance comprehension, and make the information more engaging for your audience.

3. Create Narratives to Connect with the Audience

Stories are one of the most engaging ways to grab an audience and gain support for your strategies in the context of a sales plan presentation. A well-crafted story can illustrate the rationale behind your proposed plan and emotionally connect stakeholders to your vision.

Instead of directly stating your resource requirements, for example, you can weave a story highlighting employees’ challenges in completing a transaction. This demonstrates how these challenges affect revenue and explains why you need more resources to do better.

4. Anticipate Objections

Facing objections during a sales plan presentation can be nerve-wracking, but you can also use them to strengthen your case and increase stakeholder buy-in.

When faced with customer objections , what you need to do is to respond to the real issue. Shift the conversation towards potential solutions and showcase how your strategies address the concerns. Support your response with concrete evidence to add credibility to your arguments.

So, if a stakeholder objects to the potential risks of entering a competitive landscape, highlight your risk mitigation plan and cite market trends to prove that your strategies are grounded on tangible data.

5. Send Follow-Up Info

The next crucial step is to maintain momentum and solidify the impact of your presentation, which you can do by sending follow-up information.

You can start your follow-up email by thanking your audience and concisely summarizing the main points discussed in your presentation. You may also further address objections and reiterate how your strategies solve those concerns.

Don’t forget to attach the complete sales plan document to your email so your audience can revisit and study the content.

For more information, check our article about strategy presentations .

Crafting an effective sales plan presentation is paramount for achieving support and buy-in from your organization’s decision-makers. By meticulously analyzing market trends, setting clear goals, and transforming them into insightful presentation materials, your presentation becomes a potent tool for engaging stakeholders and realizing organizational objectives. Our presentation templates can help you level up the clarity of your proposals necessary to secure the backing you need for successful implementation.

1. Simple Executive Summary Slide Template for PowerPoint

sales plan presentation example

You don’t have to go overboard to express the Executive Summary in a Sales Plan Presentation. Work with this visual one-pager slide with three colorful sections to showcase the main business objectives. Clipart icons help to add value to your presentation as visual cues of what the objective is oriented.

Use This Template

2. Executive Summary PowerPoint Template

sales plan presentation example

The Executive Summary slide used in the case study of this guide can be part of your upcoming sales plan presentation. This highly visual template is intended for QBR presentations, as it summarizes the business plan’s milestones, a market analysis, and strategies, and you can even include the company’s vision and operational processes.

Work with the included icons, and resize or reorganize the elements listed in this 100% editable executive summary slide deck.

3. Perceptual Map PowerPoint Template

sales plan presentation example

A selection of 3 layouts to express a Perceptual Map in your sales plan presentations. Using this tool, you can instantly map companies in how they rank according to two key attributes – such as price and quality.

This perceptual map template helps companies understand where their product or service stands in the market compared to other industry actors. Edit the included icons in terms of size, color, and positioning in just seconds.

4. Brand Positioning Map PowerPoint Template

sales plan presentation example

An alternative to express a brand’s stance in the market, use this Brand Positioning Map PowerPoint template to analyze and present your brand against competitors in the same niche according to two ranking metrics. This two-axis map is expressed through multiple formats, such as a simple map diagram, a 3×3 matrix, a multi-map layout, and more. You can edit all details in this template, such as shapes and colors used to represent brands and their overall position.-

5. Member Profile PowerPoint Template

sales plan presentation example

Introduce your team in a detailed format by highlighting their core skills in relation to your company’s sales plan. Using our Member Profile PowerPoint template, we can ditch the dull org chart slides and get your team closer to stakeholders in a layout resembling a website or social media profile.

Try and edit these 3 creative meet-the-team slides, and tailor their color scheme to your branding requirements in just a couple of clicks.

6. Editable Gantt Chart for PowerPoint

sales plan presentation example

Express deadlines, overlapping tasks, and dependencies by using an elegant and simple Gantt Chart Template for PowerPoint. This fully editable template shall help you represent your tasks by using three main properties: Start Date, End Date, and Task Curation Percentage.

This template allows full customization of color, shape sizes, task count, time period, etc., to help presenters narrow down the core areas of their projects in an efficient format. Using a two-tone bar, this Gantt Chart stands out as a sort of 3D graphic, making it an attractive visual asset for your presentation.

7. Financial Projections & Key Metrics Template for PowerPoint

sales plan presentation example

Represent the numbers managed in your financial projections in a visual format. This Financial Projections & Key Metrics Template for PowerPoint uses a table format that is fully editable to cover as many years as required or even lists other metrics than Customer Number, Revenue, Expenses, and Cash Flow.

Easy to update, the pre-made slides cover 2-year, 3-year, 4-year, and 5-year plan projections.

8. Sales Action Plan PowerPoint Template

sales plan presentation example

Use this Sales Action Plan PowerPoint template to turn your sales goals into an actionable plan. The template features two slides with 3 columns for different sales channels: In-Store, Online, and Wholesale. Each slide is a variation of the layout, either in vertical or horizontal format.

List down the core elements of your action plan according to your KPIs, and measurement parameters like projected sales, deadlines, distribution strategy, and more.

9. 30 60 90 Days Plan Timeline Template

sales plan presentation example

Your sales plan presentation can feature a 30-60-90 days Plan Timeline Template to express short-term actions and when is the expected deadline for them. We list five different layouts for this purpose, so presenters can easily adapt these slides to their graphics style.

10. Creative TAM SAM SOM Slides Template

sales plan presentation example

An alternative to this article’s TAM SAM SOM slide, this pyramid format presents the market size subsets in a funnel layout. The usage of this tool is relevant to any business size but particularly relevant to small business owners to initiate their operations with the right selling strategy.

Use this template today and smartly create lead-generation strategies with these insights.

sales plan presentation example

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Presentation Approaches, Sales Filed under Business

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7 Amazing Sales Presentation Examples (And How to Make Them Your Own)

7 Amazing Sales Presentation Examples (And How to Make Them Your Own)

7 Types of Slides to Include In Your Sales Presentation

Inside the mind of your prospect: change is hard, before-after-bridge: the only formula you need to create a persuasive sales presentation, facebook — how smiles and simplicity make you more memorable, contently — how to build a strong bridge, brick by brick, yesware — how to go above and beyond with your benefits, uber — how to cater your content for readers quick to scan, dealtap — how to use leading questions to your advantage, zuora — how to win over your prospects by feeding them dots, linkedin sales navigator — how to create excitement with color, how to make a sales pitch in 4 straightforward steps, 7 embarrassing pitfalls to avoid in your presentation, over to you.

A brilliant sales presentation has a number of things going for it.

Being product-centered isn’t one of them. Or simply focusing on your sales pitch won’t do the trick.

So what can you do to make your offer compelling?

From different types of slides to persuasive techniques and visuals, we’ve got you covered.

Below, we look at data-backed strategies, examples, and easy steps to build your own sales presentations in minutes.

  • Title slide: Company name, topic, tagline
  • The “Before” picture: No more than three slides with relevant statistics and graphics.
  • The “After” picture: How life looks with your product. Use happy faces.
  • Company introduction: Who you are and what you do (as it applies to them).
  • The “Bridge” slide: Short outcome statements with icons in circles.
  • Social proof slides: Customer logos with the mission statement on one slide. Pull quote on another.
  • “We’re here for you” slide: Include a call-to-action and contact information.

Many sales presentations fall flat because they ignore this universal psychological bias: People overvalue the benefits of what they have over what they’re missing.

Harvard Business School professor John T. Gourville calls this the “ 9x Effect .” Left unchecked, it can be disastrous for your business.

the psychology behind a sales presentation

According to Gourville, “It’s not enough for a new product simply to be better. Unless the gains far outweigh the losses, customers will not adopt it.”

The good news: You can influence how prospects perceive these gains and losses. One of the best ways to prove value is to contrast life before and after your product.

Luckily, there’s a three-step formula for that.

  • Before → Here’s your world…
  • After → Imagine what it would be like if…
  • Bridge → Here’s how to get there.

Start with a vivid description of the pain, present an enviable world where that problem doesn’t exist, then explain how to get there using your tool.

It’s super simple, and it works for cold emails , drip campaigns , and sales discovery decks. Basically anywhere you need to get people excited about what you have to say.

In fact, a lot of companies are already using this formula to great success. The methods used in the sales presentation examples below will help you do the same.

We’re all drawn to happiness. A study at Harvard tells us that emotion is contagious .

You’ll notice that the “Before” (pre-Digital Age) pictures in Facebook’s slides all display neutral faces. But the cover slide that introduces Facebook and the “After” slides have smiling faces on them.

This is important. The placement of those graphics is an intentional persuasion technique.

Studies by psychologists show that we register smiles faster than any other expression. All it takes is 500 milliseconds (1/20th of a second). And when participants in a study were asked to recall expressions, they consistently remembered happy faces over neutral ones.

What to do about it : Add a happy stock photo to your intro and “After” slides, and keep people in “Before” slides to neutral expressions.

Here are some further techniques used during the sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Use Simple Graphics

Use simple graphics to convey meaning without text.

Example: Slide 2 is a picture of a consumer’s hand holding an iPhone — something we can all relate to.

Why It Works: Pictures are more effective than words — it’s called  Picture Superiority . In presentations, pictures help you create connections with your audience. Instead of spoon-feeding them everything word for word, you let them interpret. This builds trust.

Tactic #2: Use Icons

Use icons to show statistics you’re comparing instead of listing them out.

Example: Slide 18 uses people icons to emphasize how small 38 out of 100 people is compared to 89 out of 100.

Why It Works:  We process visuals 60,000 times faster than text.

Tactic #3: Include Statistics

Include statistics that tie real success to the benefits you mention.

Example: “71% lift driving visits to retailer title pages” (Slide 26).

Why It Works:  Precise details prove that you are telling the truth.

Just like how you can’t drive from Marin County to San Francisco without the Golden Gate, you can’t connect a “Before” to an “After” without a bridge.

Add the mission statement of your company — something Contently does from Slide 1 of their deck. Having a logo-filled Customers slide isn’t unusual for sales presentations, but Contently goes one step further by showing you exactly what they do for these companies.

sales presentation

They then drive home the Before-After-Bridge Formula further with case studies:

sales presentation

Before : Customer’s needs when they came on

After: What your company accomplished for them

Bridge : How they got there (specific actions and outcomes)

Here are some other tactics we pulled from the sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Use Graphics/Diagrams

Use graphics, Venn diagrams, and/or equations to drive home your “Before” picture.

Why It Works:  According to a Cornell study , graphs and equations have persuasive power. They “signal a scientific basis for claims, which grants them greater credibility.”

Tactic #2: Keep Slides That Have Bullets to a Minimum

Keep slides that have bullets to a minimum. No more than one in every five slides.

Why It Works:  According to an experiment by the International Journal of Business Communication , “Subjects exposed to a graphic representation paid significantly more attention to , agreed more with, and better recalled the strategy than did subjects who saw a (textually identical) bulleted list.”

Tactic #3: Use Visual Examples

Follow up your descriptions with visual examples.

Example: After stating “15000+ vetted, ready to work journalists searchable by location, topical experience, and social media influence” on Slide 8, Contently shows what this looks like firsthand on slides 9 and 10.

Why It Works:  The same reason why prospects clamor for demos and car buyers ask for test drives. You’re never truly convinced until you see something for yourself.

Which is more effective for you?

This statement — “On average, Yesware customers save ten hours per week” — or this image:

sales presentation

The graphic shows you what that 10 hours looks like for prospects vs. customers. It also calls out a pain that the product removes: data entry.

Visuals are more effective every time. They fuel retention of a presentation from 10% to 65% .

But it’s not as easy as just including a graphic. You need to keep the design clean.

sales presentation

Can you feel it?

Clutter provokes anxiety and stress because it bombards our minds with excessive visual stimuli, causing our senses to work overtime on stimuli that aren’t important.

Here’s a tip from Yesware’s Graphic Designer, Ginelle DeAntonis:

“Customer logos won’t all necessarily have the same dimensions, but keep them the same size visually so that they all have the same importance. You should also disperse colors throughout, so that you don’t for example end up with a bunch of blue logos next to each other. Organize them in a way that’s easy for the eye, because in the end it’s a lot of information at once.”

Here are more tactics to inspire sales presentation ideas:

Tactic #1: Personalize Your Final Slide

Personalize your final slide with your contact information and a headline that drives emotion.

Example: Our Mid-Market Team Lead Kyle includes his phone number and email address with “We’re Here For You”

Why It Works: These small details show your audience that:

  • This is about giving them the end picture, not making a sale
  • The end of the presentation doesn’t mean the end of the conversation
  • Questions are welcomed

Tactic #2: Pair Outcome Statements With Icons in Circles

Example: Slide 4 does this with seven different “After” outcomes.

Why It Works:  We already know why pictures work, but circles have power , too. They imply completeness, infiniteness, and harmony.

Tactic #3: Include Specific Success Metrics

Don’t just list who you work with; include specific success metrics that hit home what you’ve done for them.

Example: 35% New Business Growth for Boomtrain; 30% Higher Reply Rates for Dyn.

Why It Works:  Social proof drives action. It’s why we wait in lines at restaurants and put ourselves on waitlists for sold-out items.

People can only focus for eight seconds at a time. (Sadly, goldfish have one second on us.)

This means you need to cut to the chase fast.

Uber’s headlines in Slides 2-9 tailor the “After” picture to specific pain points. As a result, there’s no need to explicitly state a “Before.”

sales presentation

Slides 11-13 then continue touching on “Before” problems tangentially with customer quotes:

sales presentation

So instead of self-touting benefits, the brand steps aside to let consumers hear from their peers — something that sways 92% of consumers .

Leading questions may be banned from the courtroom, but they aren’t in the boardroom.

DealTap’s slides ask viewers to choose between two scenarios over and over. Each has an obvious winner:

sales presentation example

Ever heard of the Focusing Effect?

It’s part of what makes us tick as humans and what makes this design move effective. We focus on one thing and then ignore the rest. Here, DealTap puts the magnifying glass on paperwork vs. automated transactions.

Easy choice.

Sure, DealTap’s platform might have complexities that rival paperwork, but we don’t think about that. We’re looking at the pile of work one the left and the simpler, single interface on the right.

Here are some other tactics to use in your own sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Tell a Story

Tell a story that flows from one slide to the next.

Example: Here’s the story DealTap tells from slides 4 to 8: “Transactions are complicated” → “Expectations on all sides” → “Too many disconnected tools” → “Slow and error prone process” → “However, there’s an opportunity.

Why It Works:   Storytelling in sales with a clear beginning and end (or in this case, a “Before” and “After”) trigger a trust hormone called Oxytocin.

Tactic #2: This vs. That

If it’s hard to separate out one “Before” and “After” vision with your product or service because you offer many dissimilar benefits, consider a “This vs. That” theme for each.

Why It Works:  It breaks up your points into simple decisions and sets you up to win emotional reactions from your audience with stock photos.

Remember how satisfying it was to play connect the dots? Forming a bigger picture out of disconnected circles.

That’s what you need to make your audience do.


Zuora tells a story by:

  • Laying out the reality (the “Before” part of the Before-After-Bridge formula).
  • Asking you a question that you want to answer (the “After”)
  • Giving you hints to help you connect the dots
  • Showing you the common thread (the “Bridge”)

You can achieve this by founding your sales presentation on your audience’s intuitions. Set them up with the closely-set “dots,” then let them make the connection.

Here are more tactical sales presentation ideas to steal for your own use:

Tactic #1: Use Logos and Testimonials

Use logos and  testimonial pull-quotes for your highest-profile customers to strengthen your sales presentation.

Example: Slides 21 to 23 include customer quotes from Schneider Electric, Financial Times, and Box.

Why It Works: It’s called  social proof . Prospects value other people’s opinions and trust reputable sources more than you.

Tactic #2: Include White Space

Pad your images with white space.

Example: Slide 17 includes two simple graphics on a white background to drive home an important concept.

Why It Works:  White space creates separation, balance, and attracts the audience’s eyes to the main focus: your image.

Tactic #3: Incorporate Hard Data

Incorporate hard data with a memorable background to make your data stand out.

Example: Slide 5 includes statistics with a backdrop that stands out. The number and exciting title (‘A Global Phenomenon’) are the main focuses of the slide.

Why It Works:  Vivid backdrops are proven to be memorable and help your audience take away important numbers or data.

Psychology tells us that seeing colors can set our mood .

The color red is proven to increase the pulse and heart rate. Beyond that, it’s associated with being active, aggressive, and outspoken. LinkedIn Sales Navigator uses red on slides to draw attention to main points:


You can use hues in your own slides to guide your audience’s emotions. Green gives peace; grey adds a sense of calm; blue breeds trust. See more here .

Tip: You can grab free photos from Creative Commons and then set them to black & white and add a colored filter on top using a (also free) tool like Canva . Here’s the sizing for your image:


Caveat: Check with your marketing team first to see if you have a specific color palette or brand guidelines to follow.

Here are some other takeaways from LinkedIn’s sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Include a CTA on Final Slide

Include one clear call-to-action on your final slide.

Example: Slide 9 has a “Learn More” CTA button.

Why It Works:  According to the Paradox of Choice , the more options you give, the less likely they are to act.

Step One : Ask marketing for your company’s style guide (color, logo, and font style).

Step Two: Answer these questions to outline the “Before → After → Bridge” formula for your sales pitch :

  • What are your ICP’s pain points?
  • What end picture resonates with them?
  • How does your company come into play?

Step Three: Ask account management/marketing which customers you can mention in your slides (plus where to access any case studies for pull quotes).

Step Four:  Download photos from Creative Commons . Remember: Graphics > Text. Use Canva to edit on your own — free and fast.

sales presentation pitfalls

What are the sales presentation strategies that work best for your industry and customers? Tweet us:  @Yesware .

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7 Sales Presentation Examples for Successful Pitches

sales plan presentation example

A successful sales presentation can significantly influence a potential client’s decision-making process. It needs to be engaging, informative, and persuasive.

This guide explores the components of an effective sales presentation, and best practices for creating one, and provides seven exemplary sales presentation templates from various sources.

What Is a Sales Presentation?

A sales presentation is a strategic dialogue designed to persuade a potential client or customer to purchase a product or service. It typically involves a detailed explanation of the product’s features, benefits, and potential return on investment.

What Is Included in a Sales Presentation?

A sales presentation typically includes sections on:

  • Introduction : Brief introduction of the company and the presenter.
  • Customer Needs : Identification of the client’s needs and how they align with the product or service.
  • Product/Service Details : Detailed information about the product or service, highlighting unique selling points.
  • Success Stories : Real-life examples or case studies demonstrating the value of the product or service.
  • Pricing and Packages : Overview of pricing options and any customizable packages.
  • Call to Action : Strong conclusion that prompts the audience to act or decide.

Sales Presentation Best Practices

Creating an effective sales presentation involves several best practices:

  • Tailor Your Message : Customize the presentation to address the specific needs and interests of your audience.
  • Keep It Concise : Focus on key points to maintain the audience’s attention and keep the presentation within an appropriate timeframe.
  • Use Visuals : Employ charts, graphs, and images to make your points clearer and more engaging.
  • Rehearse : Practice your presentation multiple times to ensure smooth delivery.
  • Engage Your Audience : Encourage questions and interact with the audience to make the presentation more dynamic.

7 Sales Presentation Examples

1) piktochart: “sales pitch examples”.

sales plan presentation example

Piktochart’s Sales Pitch Examples illustrate how to effectively communicate the value of your product or service. These examples showcase various strategies to capture and retain the audience’s interest, making them highly practical for anyone looking to enhance their sales presentations.

Canva Sales Presentation Template offers visually appealing templates designed to make sales presentations more engaging. These templates are easy to customize and suitable for a wide array of industries, helping presenters create professional-looking presentations effortlessly.

2) Slidebean Sales Pitch Deck Template

sales plan presentation example

Slidebean Sales Pitch Deck Template is designed to streamline the creation of impactful sales presentations. The template guides users through structuring an effective pitch, emphasizing the art of storytelling to captivate potential investors and clients.

3) Prezi Sales Plan Presentation Template

sales plan presentation example

Prezi Sales Plan Presentation Template offers a dynamic way to engage audiences with its distinctive zoomable canvas. The template allows sales professionals to outline their strategies and goals in a visually engaging sequence that captures the natural flow of a sales process.

It is designed to help presenters illustrate complex sales plans through a structured yet flexible narrative, enabling the audience to follow along through a visual journey of targets, tactics, and expected outcomes.

4) Queza : Pastel Color Sales Marketing Powerpoint

sales plan presentation example

Queza : Pastel Color Sales Marketing Powerpoint from Envato Elements is designed with pastel colors and a clean, modern aesthetic, making it ideal for sales and marketing presentations that require a fresh and inviting look. This PowerPoint template is versatile, featuring a range of slide layouts that can be used to showcase products, market analysis, sales strategies, and more.

5) SlideSalad Sales Deck PowerPoint Templates

sales plan presentation example

SlideSalad Sales Deck PowerPoint Templates ****offer a comprehensive sales deck that is robust and creatively appealing, ideal for making impactful sales presentations. It features hundreds of unique slides designed for various sales niches, allowing for extensive customization.

6) Solua : Cyber Monday Sale Event Powerpoint

sales plan presentation example

The Cyber Monday Sale Event PowerPoint on Envato Elements is a powerhouse for creating high-impact sales presentations. This template features a modern design that effectively combines bold colors and sleek layouts to capture audience’s attention. It includes multiple slide options to showcase products, promotional offers, and pricing strategies.

7) SlideModel Sales Pitch Presentation Template

sales plan presentation example

SlideModel Sales Pitch Presentation Template offers professionally designed templates tailored for sales presentations. These templates are structured to facilitate clear communication of complex data, strategic alignment, and persuasive storytelling. They are particularly useful for sales teams looking to present data-driven arguments effectively.


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Blog Business How to Create a Sales Plan: Strategy, Examples and Templates

How to Create a Sales Plan: Strategy, Examples and Templates

Written by: Aditya Rana Mar 25, 2024

how to create a sales plan: strategy, examples, templates

The difference between a company struggling to drive sales and one that’s hitting home runs often boils down to a well-crafted sales plan.

Without knowing how to write a sales plan , your sales reps will lack vision, not understand the market, and be ineffective at engaging potential customers.

Most businesses fail in sales planning because they don’t focus on their unique value. If you’re struggling with sales, here’s what you need to do: define your goal(s), create customer personas, and create an action plan for success.

One of the best ways to organize this information in one place is to use sales planning templates . In this post, I’ll show you how to write a sales plan (…with plenty of template examples included of course!).

Click to jump ahead:

What is a sales plan?

Benefits of a sales plan, how to create a sales plan, sales plan example, sales plan templates.

A sales plan is a strategic document that outlines how a business plans to convert leads into sales. It typically details the target market, customer profile, and actionable steps that must be taken to achieve revenue targets.

Here’s a great example of a sales plan that includes all these elements neatly packed into one document.

Colorful Food Retailer Sales Action Plan

Every company needs a sales plan, but have you ever wondered why?

Why should businesses invest time and resources in creating sales plan when they could…well…be focusing on sales?

Sales plans are worth it because they tell sales employees what to do.

Without a sales plan, your sales efforts will end up becoming a disorganized mess. Let’s explore the benefits of sales plans in detail.

Help you identify and target the right market

A sales plan helps you figure out the target market that’s most likely to be responsive to your messaging.

I mean do you really want to waste your time trying to sell to someone who has no need for your product or isn’t interested in your offering?

But if you know who your customer is, you can target their pain points.

Cream Purple Customer Range Pictograms Charts

Help you set goals

All great sales plans require you to set goals that are actually attainable and budgeted for.

Without goals, your sales team essentially operates in the dark unsure of what success looks like and how to achieve it.

One of the best ways to set goals is by conducting a SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) to understand the market landscape.

Sales SWOT Analysis

Help you forecast sales

Since sales plans require you to study historical sales data , you have the ability to understand trends, seasonality, and customer buying patterns.

This information can be used to accurately forecast future sales performance.

And when you chart it out visually like in this example, you can make data-driven decisions to optimize your sales strategy.

Sales Projections Line Chart

Help you identify risks

Because sales plans require you to study the market, you’ll be able to uncover risks such as market saturation, competitors, and shifting customer needs.

With this knowledge, you have the ability to be flexible in your approach.

Besides market risks, sales plans also help you pinpoint risks within your company such as a lack of qualified leads or unclear communication between departments.

Risk Management Plan Templates

Improve customer service

It may sound counterintuitive but creating a sales plan also actually improves your customer service.

Researching and trying to understand customer needs means new insights that you can share with the customer service team which allows them to tailor their approach.

You’ll also be able to train sales service reps to anticipate questions and concerns so that they can communicate effectively.

Increases sales efficiency

Sales plans help standardize sales tactics and ensure sales reps follow the same best practices to reduce inconsistencies and improve effectiveness.

One of the best ways to standardize practices is to use a flowchart like in this example to make sure everyone knows what to do when facing a decision.

Sales Flowchart

Increases your profits

Sales plans generally guarantee a boost in profits because it allows sales team to laser-focus on high-value opportunities instead of being headless chickens.

Reducing wasted effort and a higher frequency of closed deals is a win in my book any day.

One of the best ways to measure changes in profits is to use a simple template to review performance like in this example.

Free Bar Graph Template

Help you understand customer needs

Contrary to what you might think, sales plans aren’t just about selling but also about understanding customers at a deeper level.

The process of creating a plan forces you to analyze customer data, buying habits, and pain points, all of which will help you understand what makes your customers tick and build trust and loyalty.

Here’s a great example of a customer persona you can edit to include in your sales plan.

Purple Persona Guide Report

A sales plan is a document that helps you maximize profitability by identifying valuable segments and outlining strategies to influence customer behavior.

Common elements most sales plans include:

  • Sales goals : Information on revenue, market share, and more.
  • Sales strategy: Information on how to reach potential customers and convert them.
  • Target audience: Information on ideal customers and their needs.
  • Metrics : Methods to track progress.
  • Resources :  Tools, budget, and personnel needed to achieve sales goals.

Let’s take an in-depth look at how to create a sales plan.

( Note : You don’t need to include each of these points in your sales plan but I recommend you cover most of them to build a plan that’s well-rounded).

Define your business mission and positioning

Before you jump into tactics, build a strong foundation by defining your company’s mission and positioning.

Here’s why this step is a must-do:

  • Your mission statement defines your company’s purpose and values and gives your sales team and customers something to relate to.
  • Your positioning statement defines how your product or service meets a specific need and sets you apart from the competition.

Trying to sell without any alignment to company values will lead to inconsistent messaging and damage your brand reputation.

Here’s a great example of a sales plan template you can customize with your own brand’s mission and positioning statements.

Dark Sales Action Plan

Define your target market

Unless you think you can sell to every person possible, you’ll need to define your ideal target market.

Study your customer base and ask questions like: do most of the customers belong to a specific industry? Or do they all face the same pain point?

Also, keep in mind that target market can change over time due to changes in your product, pricing, or factors out of your control, so it’s important to review and update your target market frequently.

Market Infographic

Understand your target customers

This step often gets mixed with the previous one, so pay close attention.

Your target customers are those who your business wants to target because they’re most likely to make a purchase.

You can figure out who your target customers are by creating customer profiles by breaking down your target market into smaller groups based on geography, behavior, demography, and more.

Here’s a great sales plan template where you can edit in your own customer persona.

Food Customer Sales Action Plan

When making your buyer personas, make sure you answer the following questions.

  • Motivations and challenges:  What are customer pain points? What drives purchasing decisions?
  • Behaviors and preferences:  How do customers research products? What communication channels do they prefer?
  • Goals and aspirations:  What are your prospective customers trying to achieve? How can your product or service help them get there?

Define sales objectives and goals

Setting clear, measurable goals gives you a method to measure performance of your sales strategies.

More importantly though, they give your sales team targets to aim for which then allows them to work in a structured and focused manner.

Your sale goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This is to make sure they’re realistically achievable within a set timeframe.

Here’s a comparison of good sales goal setting vs a bad one.

  • ✅Drive $100,000 in sales of product X by Y date using Z tactics
  • ❌ Increase overall sales in each product line

You can organize this information using a template like in this example, especially if you have multiple product lines.

Vintage Food Retailer Sales Action Plan

Define your value proposition

Your value proposition is a concise statement that explains why a customer should choose your product or service over the competition.

Here’s an example of a value statement:

“For busy small business owners, we provide a user-friendly accounting software that saves you time and money, allowing you to focus on growing your business.”

Here are some tips on defining your value proposition:

  • Identify customer needs:  What are the core challenges and pain points your ideal customer faces? Understanding their needs allows you to position your offering as the solution.
  • Highlight your unique benefits:  What sets your product or service apart? Focus on benefits you deliver that address the customer’s needs.
  • Quantify the value:  When possible, quantify the value you offer. Can you demonstrate a cost savings, increased efficiency, or improved outcomes?

Map out the customer journey

Unless you’re extremely lucky, no one is going to purchase from you during the first interaction.

That’s why it’s crucial for you to know the steps a customer takes from initial awareness to purchase. Mapping out their journey allows you to personalize messaging and influence behavior.

Here are some tips on how to create a customer journey map:

  • Identify the stages:  Break down the journey into distinct stages, such as awareness, consideration, decision, and post-purchase.
  • Define touchpoints: Pinpoint the different touchpoints where your customer interacts with your brand (example: website, social media, customer reviews).
  • Understand customer needs at each stage: What information are they looking for at each stage? What are their concerns and motivations?
  • Identify opportunities to engage:  Identify opportunities to engage with your potential customers and move them along the buying journey.

Want some help creating customer journeys?

This customer journey map template is an excellent way to bring customer journeys to life.

Purchase Customer Journey Map

Gather existing sales data

This step involves collecting and analyzing all available data on past sales performance.

This data is critical in helping you spot trends, patterns, and areas for improvement in your sales operations.

Blank 5 Column Chart Template

Perform sales forecasting

Sales forecasting is the practice of estimating future sales which can be presented as a report highlighting expected sales volume weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually.

Though not always 100% accurate, sales forecasting is key to writing sales plans because it’ll provide you with a clear picture of the ground reality which leads to better decisions on budgeting.

Here’s a template you can use to perform sales forecasting to makes the sales planning process effective.

Monthly Sales Report

Define your sales KPIs

KPIs are a fancy way of saying that you need to set metrics to track effectiveness of your sales strategy and team’s performance.

Some example KPIs you can include in sales plans are:

  • Number of sales
  • Sales revenue
  • Average deal size

This sales report template is a great example of how you can include KPIs in your meetings to test performance and adjust strategy.

Weekly Sales Report

Identify gaps in the sales process

This step is all about analyzing your current sales process to figure out gaps and/or potential obstacles preventing you from achieving goals.

When you identify a gap, brainstorm potential solutions so that you can create a specific action plan.

Understand the sales stages

When writing a sales plan, make sure you cover each stage of the sales cycle. If you’re unsure of what the sales stages are, here’s a quick recap.


This is the foundation of the sales process where you identify potential customers who might be a good fit for your product or service.


Once you have a list of prospects, you need to research their needs, challenges, and buying habits.

This is all about how you contact and communicate with prospects.


This section is your opportunity to showcase the value proposition of your product or service. Tailor your presentation to address the prospect’s specific needs and demonstrate how your offering can solve their problems.

Handling objections

Identify common objections your sales team might encounter related to price, features, competition, or need. Develop clear and concise responses to address these concerns proactively.

Equip your sales team with effective closing techniques to secure commitments from prospects who are interested but might hesitate.

Plan your follow-up strategy based on the prospect’s decision timeline and the stage of the sales cycle. For longer timelines, periodic updates and information sharing through digital sales rooms can maintain engagement and provide valuable resources conveniently.

Organize the sales team

Organizing the sales team entails defining roles and responsibilities clearly to cover all aspects of the sales process effectively.

This might involve segmenting the team based on product lines, customer segments, or territories.

Here’s an example of how it might look:

Sarah — Sales Director — will lead the sales team, set overall strategy, goals and direction. Michael and Jessica — Business Development Executives — will focus on prospecting new leads. They will research potential customers, identify those who might be a good fit for the product, and qualify leads by gathering information and assessing their needs. William — Sales Development Manager — will manage the business development executives and ensuring they follow best practices. Chris and Lisa — Account Executives — will handle qualified leads. They build relationships with potential customers, present product demos, address objections, and close deals.

Using an org chart like in this example is a great way to visualize this information.

Simple Corporate Organizational Chart

Outline the use of sales tools

Sales tools play a crucial role in streamlining the sales process and enhancing productivity.

Make sure you outline the tools your team will use, how they fit into different stages of the sales process, and any training required to maximize their utility.

This ensures that your team has the resources needed to engage effectively with prospects and customers.

Set the budget

Setting the budget involves allocating resources efficiently across various sales activities to achieve your objectives without overspending.

This includes expenses related to personnel, sales tools, marketing initiatives, travel, and customer entertainment.

A well-planned budget balances investment in growth opportunities with the overall financial health of the business.

Create a sales strategy and action plan

Now that you’ve laid the groundwork of what you want to achieve and how you plan to achieve it, it’s time to bring it all together into a single view.

Create an action plan which not includes your strategy but also concrete steps.

Your action plan should outlines specific activities for each stage of the sales funnel from prospecting (lead generation channels) to closing (structured process and follow-up strategy with timelines) and everything in between.

Vibrant Sales Action Plan

Performance and results measurement

Last but not least, your sales plan should present a clear and quantifiable means to track the effectiveness of sales activities.

How are you going to measure outcomes against predefined targets?

Performance measurement is key because it builds accountability and allows you to always have a pulse on customer behavior, preferences, and trends that’ll help you make decisions based on data.

If you’ve made it this far, give yourself a pat! I’ve covered A LOT on elements that you can include in a sales plan.

However, in most cases, you don’t always need to go that in-depth and instead should aim for brevity so that anyone in your team can stay up-to-date without having to worry about the nitty gritty details.

Here’s a sales plan example that’s brief but highly effective. It includes a summary of all you need in one document, a target market analysis, a customer profile, and an action plan.

Red Customer Sales Action Plan

Want even more sales plan templates for design inspiration or to customize and make your own?

This 30-60-90 day sales plan provides a great way to organize goals, priorities, performance goals, and metrics of success over three three timeframes: first 30 days, first 60 days, and first 90 days.

30 60 90 Day Plan Template

This sales plan is structured around key components that drive the sales process: objectives, strategies, tactics, and key metrics. It emphasizes a multi-channel approach to sales,, with a strong focus on measuring performance through metrics.

Territory Sales Plan Template

This sales roadmap is a great way to visualize activities such as defining strategy and generating leads to more advanced steps.

Blue and Orange Sales Roadmap

Conclusion: Save time on designing and updating sales plans and focus on growing your business with Venngage templates

Though there’s no secret formula for effective sales plan design, it’s good practice to include the basics or information on the target market, a customer persona, and a strategy on how you plan to sell.

What you definitely shouldn’t do is write a sales plan and then never look at it again.

And trust me, I know how time-consuming and frustrating it can be to edit your sales plan especially if you don’t have design skills. One small change might make the icons or numbers go all out of whack.

That’s why I recommend customizing our sales plan templates instead so that you can focus your energy on strategy.

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10 Sales Presentation Examples & Templates to Boost Your Sales

  • April 25, 2024

Picture of Edgar Abong

Imagine unlocking the full potential of every sales opportunity that comes your way. 

This isn’t just another article; it’s the key to elevating your sales presentations from merely functional to truly compelling. 

Here, we delve deep into expert strategies that promise to not only save you from common presentation pitfalls but also significantly amplify your sales impact. 

With insights designed to captivate your audience and solidify your message , missing out on this guide could mean missing out on your next big sale. 

If you’re ready to transform your approach and see tangible results, this article is your indispensable tool. 

Let’s embark on a journey to sales excellence together.

What Are Sales Presentations?

Sales presentations are dynamic tools designed to captivate your audience , showcasing why your product or service surpasses others. These presentations serve as a strategic platform, allowing you to eloquently highlight your offering’s advantages while directly addressing the unique needs and concerns of potential clients.

What Are Sales Presentations

With the right blend of compelling sales pitch presentations and impactful PowerPoint examples, you have the opportunity to connect deeply with your audience. 

The essence of crafting an effective sales presentation lies not just in flaunting your product but in forging a meaningful relationship with your listeners, demonstrating undeniable value, and steering towards a successful sales outcome.

Key Elements of an Effective Sales Presentation

Crafting an effective sales presentation is an art that combines strategy, storytelling, and persuasion. At its core, it’s about connecting with your audience, making a compelling case for your product or service, and guiding them towards saying yes. 

Here are the key elements you need to nail it:

Key Elements of an Effective Sales Presentation

  • Clear Value Proposition : Start with a bang by clearly stating what sets your offering apart. This is your chance to shine and make your audience understand the unique benefits they'd get from choosing you.
  • Engaging Storytelling : Wrap your facts and figures in stories that resonate. People remember stories, not just data, so weave narratives that paint a vivid picture of the problems you solve.
  • Understanding Audience Needs : Tailor your presentation to address the specific challenges and pain points of your audience. Showing that you understand their needs builds trust and credibility.
  • Strong Visuals : Use powerful and relevant visuals to support your message. Sales presentation PowerPoint examples or sales pitch PowerPoint examples can inspire visuals that captivate and communicate more effectively than words alone.
  • Compelling Call to Action : End with a clear and persuasive call to action. Whether it's to sign up, schedule a meeting, or make a purchase, make sure your audience knows exactly what step you want them to take next.

Remember, the goal of your sales presentation isn’t just to inform; it’s to transform interest into action. By focusing on these key elements, you’ll be well on your way to creating presentations that not only engage and entertain but also convert.

General Sales Presentation Outline

​​When building your sales presentation, especially for a PowerPoint format, consider it a strategic journey that leads your audience towards making a decision. Here’s a clear-cut structure that ensures your presentation covers all the essential bases:

General Sales Presentation Outline

  • Opening Slide : Begin with an impactful opening slide to capture attention. Introduce yourself and your business, setting the tone for what’s ahead.
  • Audience Needs Slide : Highlight the challenges and needs of your audience. This slide is crucial for demonstrating empathy and understanding of their situation.
  • Value Proposition Slide : Dedicate a slide to showcase your value proposition, clearly stating how your product or service uniquely solves the audience's problems.
  • Features and Benefits Slide : Detail the features and benefits of your offering. Structure this information clearly to show how it aligns with what your audience needs.
  • Success Stories/Testimonials Slide : Use success stories or testimonials to lend credibility. Real-world examples can significantly bolster your case.
  • Objection Handling Slide : Prepare slides that proactively address common objections. This is your chance to alleviate concerns and build trust.
  • Call to Action Slide : Conclude with a strong call to action. Make it straightforward for your audience to know what you want them to do next, whether it’s reaching out for more information or making a purchase.

This framework is your guide to crafting a PowerPoint sales presentation that not only informs and engages but also effectively persuades your audience towards taking action. Tailor each part to fit your message and audience, ensuring your presentation is both compelling and convincing.

10 Sales Presentation Examples & Templates

Navigating through the world of sales presentations can feel like a maze. With the right examples and templates, though, you’re equipped to create presentations that not only engage but also convert. 

Let’s walk through 10 scenarios where tailored sales presentation examples and templates can make all the difference.

1. Startup Pitch

A startup pitch template is your first step towards turning your vision into reality. It’s designed to succinctly convey the essence of your innovation , the vast market potential awaiting, and the unique value your startup brings to the table. 

This template not only showcases your business model and growth strategy but also weaves a compelling narrative around your vision, making investors and stakeholders see the world through your innovative lens. It’s about painting a picture of success and opportunity, backed by solid data and a clear roadmap.

Here’s a presentation outline template:

Startup Pitch Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Startup name, logo, and tagline.
  • Vision and Mission : Briefly describe your startup's vision and mission.
  • The Problem : Outline the problem your startup aims to solve.
  • Your Solution : Present your product/service as the solution.
  • Market Potential : Highlight the size and potential of your target market.
  • Unique Value Proposition : Define what makes your startup unique.
  • Business Model : Explain how your startup will make money.
  • Growth Strategy : Outline your strategy for growth and market penetration.
  • Competitive Analysis : Show how you stand out from competitors.
  • Financial Projections : Share expected financial outcomes.
  • Team : Introduce your team and their expertise.
  • Closing & Call to Action : Summarize and invite investors to join your journey.

2. Product Launch

Launching a new product is an exciting journey, and with the right presentation template, you can make sure your audience feels that excitement too . A product launch template is tailored to highlight the key features of your product, the benefits it offers to customers, and the specific problems it solves. 

By using engaging visuals and clear, concise information, this template ensures that your audience understands why your product is the market’s new must-have. It’s about creating anticipation and desire, leading to that moment when everyone can’t wait to get their hands on your product.

Product Launch Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Product name and a captivating image.
  • Introduction : Briefly introduce the product and its inspiration.
  • The Problem : Describe the problem your product addresses.
  • Product Overview : Detail the features and benefits of your product.
  • How It Works : Show how the product works (demos or videos).
  • Market Fit : Explain why now is the right time for your product.
  • Customer Testimonials : Include early feedback or beta tester reviews.
  • Pricing and Availability : Outline pricing strategy and availability.
  • Marketing Strategy : Highlight how you plan to promote the product.
  • Closing Slide : Recap and call to action (e.g., Pre-order now).

3. B2B Sales Proposal

In the B2B realm, a sales proposal needs to speak the language of benefits and ROI. A well-crafted B2B sales proposal template helps you lay out your solutions in a way that directly addresses your business clients’ needs. 

It allows you to present a clear case for how your product or service can solve their problems , backed by data, case studies, and testimonials. This template is about building a strong argument for your solution, showing potential clients not just why they need it, but how it will positively impact their bottom line.

B2B Sales Proposal Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Proposal title and company name.
  • Executive Summary : Brief overview of the proposal.
  • Client Needs & Challenges : Outline the client's specific needs and challenges.
  • Proposed Solution : Describe your product/service as the solution.
  • Benefits & ROI : Detail the benefits and return on investment.
  • Case Studies/Testimonials : Showcase success stories relevant to the client.
  • Pricing Model : Present your pricing structure.
  • Implementation Plan : Outline steps for solution implementation.
  • Why Us? : Highlight your company’s strengths and uniqueness.
  • Next Steps & Call to Action : Suggest the next steps and encourage action.

4. Service Offering Presentation

For businesses that thrive on offering unparalleled services, this template is a beacon. It’s designed to detail what you offer, how your services solve specific client problems, and why your approach is better than the competition . 

Through customer success stories and testimonials, you can showcase real-world examples of your service excellence. This template is your platform to demonstrate the tangible benefits clients receive when they choose you, making it clear why your service is the smart choice.

Service Offering Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Service name and your company logo.
  • Introduction : Brief overview of your service offerings.
  • Problems Solved : List the problems your services solve.
  • Service Details : Break down each service, its features, and benefits.
  • Customer Success Stories : Share testimonials and success stories.
  • Why Choose Us? : Differentiators and competitive advantages.
  • Pricing Structure : Explain your pricing model.
  • Implementation & Support : Outline how services are implemented and supported.
  • FAQs : Address common questions or concerns.
  • Closing & Call to Action : Summarize and invite to engage your services.

5. Technology Solution Pitch

Technology can be complex, but your pitch doesn’t have to be. A technology solution pitch template is crafted to demystify your tech offerings, breaking them down into clear, digestible benefits. 

It focuses on how your technology addresses specific needs or challenges in an innovative way, making it a game-changer for your target audience. 

By simplifying complex concepts and focusing on the real-world applications and advantages of your technology, this template helps you convey the uniqueness and value of your tech solutions in a straightforward, compelling manner.

Technology Solution Pitch Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Solution name and a compelling image or logo.
  • Introduction : Briefly introduce the technology solution.
  • The Challenge : Describe the challenge or need your technology addresses.
  • The Solution : Detail your technology and how it works.
  • Key Benefits : Highlight the primary benefits and features.
  • Technical Specifications : Provide a brief overview of technical aspects.
  • Use Cases : Share real-world applications and success stories.
  • Market Analysis : Discuss market demand and potential growth.
  • Competitive Advantage : Explain what sets your technology apart.
  • Implementation Plan : Outline steps for adopting your technology.
  • Closing & Call to Action : Recap benefits and invite to take the next step.

6. Annual Sales Plan

Crafting an annual sales plan is about setting a vision for what you want to achieve and defining the steps to get there. An annual sales plan template serves as a comprehensive guide to outline your sales objectives , strategies , and specific tactics for the upcoming year . 

It helps you establish clear targets, segment your market, allocate resources efficiently, and plan actionable initiatives to reach your goals. 

This template is essential for keeping your sales team motivated , providing a roadmap for success that is both ambitious and attainable, ensuring everyone is aligned and pushing in the same direction.

Annual Sales Plan Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Year and sales plan title.
  • Executive Summary : Overview of sales goals and key strategies.
  • Sales Targets : Breakdown of monthly or quarterly sales targets.
  • Market Analysis : Insights into market trends and target demographics.
  • Sales Strategies : Detailed strategies for achieving sales targets.
  • Tactics and Actions : Step-by-step tactics for each strategy.
  • Key Accounts and Territories : Focus areas and key account strategies.
  • Tools and Resources : Overview of tools and resources for the sales team.
  • Performance Metrics : Metrics and KPIs to measure success.
  • Training and Development : Plans for team skill enhancement.
  • Conclusion and Motivation : Wrap-up and motivational close to rally the team.

7. Real Estate Listing Presentation

In the competitive world of real estate, making a lasting impression with your listing presentation can make all the difference. A real estate listing presentation template is designed to showcase your properties in the best light , with stunning visuals and detailed market analysis that highlights why your listing stands out. 

It also outlines your comprehensive selling strategy, demonstrating your expertise and commitment to securing the best deal. This template is your tool to build confidence with potential sellers, showing them you have the skills and plan to sell their property quickly and for top dollar.

Real Estate Listing Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Listing presentation title and your contact information.
  • Property Overview : High-quality images and key details of the property.
  • Market Analysis : Current market conditions and pricing strategy.
  • Marketing Plan : How you plan to market the property.
  • Selling Strategy : Your approach to negotiations and closing the sale.
  • Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) : Pricing strategy based on similar listings.
  • Testimonials and Success Stories : Past selling successes and client testimonials.
  • Closing Plan : Steps to take from listing to closing.
  • About Me/Us : Your experience and success in real estate.
  • Next Steps : Encouraging sellers to take action with you.

8. Marketing and Sales Strategy

Blending creativity with strategic thinking is key to developing an effective marketing and sales strategy. A template for this purpose helps you lay out a cohesive plan that covers how you intend to reach your target audience, engage them with compelling content, and convert them into loyal customers. 

It includes identifying customer personas , planning targeted marketing campaigns, and outlining sales tactics that align with your marketing efforts. 

This template is about creating a synergistic approach that leverages both marketing and sales strengths, ensuring a seamless buying journey for the customer from awareness to purchase.

Marketing and Sales Strategy Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Presentation title and your company logo.
  • Market Overview : Analysis of the current market environment.
  • Target Audience : Detailed profiles of your target customer personas.
  • Marketing Goals : Key objectives for your marketing efforts.
  • Sales Goals : Sales targets aligned with marketing objectives.
  • Strategic Approach : How marketing and sales will work together.
  • Key Initiatives : Major marketing campaigns and sales initiatives.
  • Timeline and Milestones : When and how goals will be achieved.
  • Measurement and KPIs : How success will be measured.
  • Conclusion and Call to Action : Summarizing the strategy and next steps.

9. Financial Services Pitch

Trust and reliability are the cornerstones of any financial services pitch. A dedicated template for financial services focuses on these aspects, incorporating customer success stories and testimonials to underscore the value and security your services offer. 

It allows you to present complex financial products in an accessible manner, emphasizing how they meet the specific needs of your clients . 

This template is not just about showcasing your services; it’s about building a case for why clients can trust you with their financial well-being, highlighting your track record of success and stability in the financial landscape.

Financial Services Pitch Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Service offering and your company name.
  • Company Overview : A brief introduction to your company and mission.
  • Client Challenges : Common financial challenges your clients face.
  • Our Solutions : How your services address those challenges.
  • Product/Service Details : Detailed breakdown of offerings.
  • Success Stories : Testimonials and case studies of satisfied clients.
  • Trust and Security : Your commitment to client security and trust.
  • Pricing and Packages : Overview of pricing structures and options.
  • Why Choose Us : Your competitive advantage in the financial sector.
  • Next Steps : Encouraging potential clients to take the next step.

10. Retail Product Pitch

Captivating potential retailers with your product pitch is crucial in the retail industry. A retail product pitch template is visually engaging, designed to spotlight the high quality of your products, underscore customer satisfaction, and emphasize the unique selling points that set your offerings apart from the competition. 

It’s your canvas to present market research, consumer trends, and sales data that demonstrate the product’s potential success in the retail environment. 

This template aims to entice retailers by showing them how stocking your product will not only meet but exceed the expectations of their customers, driving sales and enhancing their product lineup.

Retail Product Pitch Sales Presentation Template

  • Title Slide : Product name and a compelling image.
  • Product Overview : Key features and benefits of the product.
  • Unique Selling Points (USPs) : What makes the product stand out.
  • Market Insights : Analysis that supports the need for your product.
  • Customer Feedback : Positive feedback from early users or testers.
  • Retailer Benefits : How stocking your product benefits the retailer.
  • Marketing Support : Marketing initiatives to support product launch.
  • Pricing and Margin Information : Competitive pricing and margin details.
  • Ordering and Logistics : Information on ordering processes and logistics.
  • Closing Slide : Recap and call to action for retailers to stock your product.

Embarrassing Mistakes to Avoid in Your Sales Presentation

In the heat of a sales presentation, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and let a few errors slip through. But beware, some blunders can turn an otherwise stellar pitch into a cringe-worthy moment. 

Steering clear of these mistakes not only keeps your professionalism intact but also significantly boosts your chances of closing the deal. Let’s dive into a few common pitfalls you’ll want to avoid at all costs:

Embarrassing Mistakes to Avoid in Your Sales Presentation

  • Lack of Preparation : Walking in unprepared is the fast track to failure. Know your material inside and out.
  • Ignoring Audience Needs : Tailor your pitch to address the specific challenges and interests of your audience.
  • Overloading with Information : Bombarding your audience with too much data can overwhelm rather than impress.
  • Skipping the Rehearsal : Practicing your delivery ensures you come across as confident and polished.
  • Neglecting the Storytelling : Facts tell, but stories sell. Weave your points into a compelling narrative.
  • Failing to Show Value : Make sure you clearly articulate the benefits and ROI of your solution.
  • Weak Closing : A hesitant or unclear call to action can leave your audience unsure of the next steps.
  • Technical Difficulties : Always have a backup plan in case of technical glitches with your PowerPoint or other presentation tools.

Remember, your sales presentation is your moment to shine. By avoiding these embarrassing mistakes, you set the stage for a successful pitch that resonates with your audience and drives home the sale.

Frequently Asked Question About Sales Presentation

When it comes to nailing your sales presentation, there are always a few questions that seem to pop up more often than not. 

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or gearing up for your first big pitch, getting these questions answered can make all the difference in delivering a presentation that not only captures attention but seals the deal. 

So, let’s dive into three questions you might still have on your mind.

How long should my sales presentation be?

The sweet spot for a sales presentation is between 20 to 30 minutes . This time frame gives you ample opportunity to cover all the essential points—like presenting a compelling sales pitch, showcasing your sales presentation examples, and explaining your product or service benefits—without losing your audience’s attention.

Remember, it’s about quality, not quantity. Focus on delivering a concise, impactful message that resonates with your audience’s needs and interests.

Can humor be incorporated into a sales presentation?

Absolutely, but tread lightly. Humor can be a fantastic tool to break the ice and build a connection with your audience, but it’s crucial to ensure it’s appropriate and won’t be misunderstood or offend anyone. 

When done right, a well-placed joke or light-hearted comment can make your presentation more memorable and engaging. Just keep it relevant to the topic and make sure it adds value to your presentation , rather than distracting from your main message.

What's the best way to handle tough questions during a sales presentation?

Handling tough questions with grace and confidence is key to maintaining credibility and control during your sales presentation. First, listen carefully to the question and take a moment to gather your thoughts before responding. 

If you don’t know the answer, it’s okay to admit it—just ensure you follow up with a commitment to find out and get back to the questioner. Always aim to turn challenging questions into opportunities to further highlight the benefits and strengths of your product or service. 

Showing that you can navigate tough questions not only demonstrates your expertise but also builds trust with your audience.

Key Takeaways on Mastering Sales Presentation

Diving into the heart of a standout sales presentation, we’ve unpacked everything from steering clear of common blunders to tackling those tricky questions with confidence. The takeaway? Preparation , clarity , and knowing your audience are your golden tickets. 

A sales presentation should be snappy—aim for that 20 to 30-minute sweet spot —and a dash of humor can work wonders, provided it’s on point and in good taste. Facing tough questions head-on showcases your expertise and builds trust.

In sum, crafting an effective sales presentation is about blending storytelling with solid facts , making a genuine connection with your audience, and leaving a lasting impression. 

So, as you prepare for your next pitch, remember these essentials. With focus and finesse, you’re all set to turn your sales presentation into a compelling narrative that not only engages but also convinces. Here’s to making your next presentation a smashing success!

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Edgar Abong

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Last Updated on April 25, 2024 by Edgar Abong


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  • Process Strategy
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Download the Sales Plan Template with 100 PowerPoint slides of sales strategy storylines, initiatives, templates, frameworks, professional graphics, charts , and icons.

Designed by sales leaders and McKinsey consultants, the sales plan template covers sales strategies, performance, goals, account planning , territory expansion, sales compensation , marketing strategies , growth initiatives , sales org charts & design, sales budgeting, and more.

Get a headstart on your sales plan strategy and PowerPoint presentation by instantly downloading the sales plan template with great-looking and easy-to-edit slides and multiple color palettes.


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VALUE PACK INCLUDES: Sales Plan Template Plus...

Strategy Frameworks - 168 pages HR & Org Strategy - 186 pages Strategic Plan - 121 pages Market Analysis - 114 pages Business Model - 17 pages


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The Sales Plan Template has you covered in kickstarting your sales and marketing strategy and plan. The agenda starts with the Year in Review, highlighting the accomplishments over the past year, historical performance, customer funnel metrics and initiatives, and a KPI scorecard. Then the agenda covers Next Year's Goals with KPI targets and new initiatives. The next section covers the core sales initiatives to improve the customer funnel. The agenda covers launching of new products and services. Then the deck goes into Improving the Fundamentals covering sales funnel initiatives and projects , methodologies, IT strategy, and project plans. Then the agenda covers marketing initiatives including customer segments, messaging, campaigns, digital and social strategy, and a marketing calendar and budget. The last section is on Elevating the Team which covers the sales and marketing team budget, commission and compensation plans, people initiatives, territory coverage, and org chart . The template also includes a ton of bonus charts, icons, worksheets, framework slides, and more. And, you can use our free guides on Sales Strategy and Marketing Strategy to generate ideas for your presentation.


Sales Title Page

The 100-page Sales Plan PowerPoint Template includes:

1. Title Page 2. The Sales Team's Mission 3. Agenda Slide 4. Sales Team Wins 5. Historical Revenue Chart 6. Sales Breakdown Chart 7. Sales Goals & KPIs Scorecard 8. Sales Pipeline Metrics & Initiatives 9. Next Year's Goals Agenda Slide 10. High-level Sales Goals 11. Next Year's KPIs & Goals 12. Next Year's Sales Initiatives 13. Launch New Products Agenda Slide 14. New Product & Service Launches 15. Launch Initiatives 16. Geographic Expansion Plan 17. Improve the Sales Fundamentals 18. Sales Funnel Initiatives 19. Sales Methodology Improvements 20. Sales Technology Initiatives 21. Top Prospects & Accounts Plan 22. Sales Project Plan 23. Turn Up the Marketing Agenda Slide 24. High-level Marketing Strategy 25. Target Customer Personas 26. Marketing Campaign Overview 27. Media Mix Spend Chart 28. Channel Partner Strategy 29. Social Media Strategy 30. Media Mix Spend by Month Chart 31. Elevate the Team Agenda Slide 32. Sales Budget & Headcount Slide 33. Sales Team Org Chart 34. Sales Territory US Map

35. Sales Employee Journey Strategy 36. Sales Compensation Plan 37. Thank You & Questions 38. GENERIC SALES TEMPLATES 39. Sales World Map 40. Expanding Circle Framework 41. 5 Block Slide 42. Hexagon Slide 43. 3 Strategy Yin Yang Slide 44. 4-Part Puzzle Piece 45. Sales Roadmap Slide 46. 4-Part Flower Template 47. 8-Part Flower Template 48. Speedometer Slide 49. Pyramid Framework 50. 3-Ellipse Template 51. 3-Box Template 52. Staircase Slide 53. Downward Flow Template 54. 4-Piece Process Slide 55. Milestone Slide 56. 4-Box Framework 57. 3-Box Framework 58. 3-Box Segmented Framework 59. Sales Performance Slide 60. Sales Agenda Slide 61. Sales Priority Slide 62. SALES PLAN ICONS 63. Light Blue Background 1 of 3 64. Light Blue Background 2 of 3 65. Light Blue Background 3 of 3 66. Dark Blue Background 1 of 3 67. Dark Blue Background 2 of 3 68. Dark Blue Background 3 of 3

69. White Icons 1 of 3 70. White Icons 2 of 3 71. White Icons 3 of 3 72. Dark Blue Icons 1 of 3 73. Dark Blue Icons 2 of 3 74. Dark Blue Icons 3 of 3 75. SALES WORKSHEETS 76. SWOT Analysis 77. Porter’s 5 Forces Template 78. PESTLE Analysis Template 79. Prioritization Matrix Template 80. Competitive Advantage Template 81. Change Management Template 82. Change Management Worksheet 83. Sales SMART Goal Worksheet 84. Sales Strategy Overview 85. Marketing Campaign Template 86. Product Roadmap Example 87. Comprehensive SWOT Analysis 88. Service Benchmarking Template 89. Product Benchmarking Template 90. Sales Project Team Charter 91. Sales Images 92. CHARTS 93. Sales Pie Charts 94. Sales Stacked Column Chart 95. Sales Stacked Bar Chart 96. Stacked Column Chart 97. 100% Stacked Column Chart 98. Sales Waterfall Chart 99. Sales Bubble Chart 100. Sales Radar Chart 101. Terms & Conditions

Also, check out our other starter templates: strategy frameworks ,  market analysis , HR & org design , and business models .

Comprehensive Sales Plan Strategy Presentation Templates

1. sales team's mission.

Set the stage for your sales journey with a compelling mission statement that unites your team around a common goal and purpose.

2. Agenda Slide

Keep your presentation organized and focused with an agenda slide that outlines the key topics and flow of your sales plan.

3. Sales Goals and Performance

Monitor your team's progress and performance with in-depth insights into sales goals, KPIs, and a scorecard to track achievements.

4. Next Year's Goals and Initiatives

Prepare for the future by outlining the high-level sales goals, KPIs, and initiatives for the upcoming year.

5. Product and Service Launch

Maximize product and service launches with a dedicated agenda slide and detailed initiatives for successful market entry.

6. Geographic Expansion

Explore new territories and markets with a strategic plan for geographic expansion.

7. Sales Fundamentals and Methodology

Strengthen your sales fundamentals and methodology with targeted initiatives to enhance the sales process and technology.

8. Target Customer and Marketing Strategy

Understand your customers better and create effective marketing strategies with insights into target customer personas, campaign overviews, and media mix spend.

9. Sales Team Structure and Performance

Build a high-performing sales team with an org chart, budget allocation, and a well-defined sales employee journey strategy.

10. Sales Templates and Frameworks

Effortlessly communicate complex ideas with a variety of generic sales and marketing plan templates, icons, worksheets, and charts.

11. Miscellaneous

Conclude your presentation with a thank-you slide and provide any necessary terms and conditions.

12. Sales Performance Analysis

Dive deep into your sales team's performance with comprehensive analysis and insights, enabling data-driven decision-making.

13. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Integration

Explore how to leverage CRM systems to streamline sales processes , enhance customer interactions, and boost productivity.

14. Sales Training and Development

Invest in your team's growth by incorporating a dedicated section on training programs, skill development, and ongoing coaching.

15. Competitive Analysis and Market Research

Equip your team with valuable intelligence by including a section on competitive analysis and market research findings.

Frequently Asked Questions

Sales Presentation Examples and Tips for an Increased Conversion Rate

sales plan presentation example


sales plan presentation example

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Why are sales presentations important.

Think of a sales presentation as a conversation with a goal. You want to show someone why your product or service is the perfect solution to their problem. It is not about showing off features; it is about telling a story to show them how you can make their life easier.

A great sales presentation is not about you; it is about them. 

You want to understand what your potential customer really needs and show them exactly how you can help. It is also not a one-way street- the best presentations feel like a chat where you both get to talk and learn from each other.

The whole point of a sales presentation is to get your prospects to take action. This could mean buying your product right away or attending another follow-up meeting. Either way, you want them to leave feeling like they have found the answer they have been looking for.

3 types of high-impact sales presentations

While every sales presentation needs to be tailored to the prospect, there are a few tried-and-true formats that can be powerful tools in your arsenal. Here are some sales presentation examples:

1. Problem-focused presentation

Your prospects want a direct relation between what you are offering and how it can improve their setup. So, this is more of a no-nonsense approach that gets everyone on the same page.  It is ideal for prospects who might be unaware of their biggest pain point or are hesitant to change. Here is how to nail it:

  • Step 1: Do not start by listing your product features. Begin by describing the problem your prospect is likely struggling with. Is it lost revenue, inefficient processes, or unhappy customers?
  • Step 2: Use statistics, questions, or even a short video to highlight the negative impact of this problem on their business. A recent study suggests that having a video in your sales presentation makes prospects 85% more likely to agree to the deal.
  • Step 3: Show how your product/service directly solves that core problem. This makes it feel like the inevitable answer, not just another sales pitch. 
  • Step 4: Share a case study of a similar company that faced the same challenge and show how your solution transformed their situation. 

Example: UpSend’s product explainer sales presentation video 

This approach shows you understand the prospect’s world. When they recognize their own struggles reflected in your presentation, you instantly build trust and make your solution feel essential.

2. Competitor comparison presentation

Is your prospect considering the “other guys”? A competitor comparison gives you the edge. This style is perfect when your solution offers a clear advantage over a competitor whose name came up during a previous call with the prospect. When you need to guide their decision-making, here is a strategy you can follow:

  • Step 1: Use battle cards to know your competitor. They are like secret cheat sheets to learn about your competitor’s good points, weaknesses, and what prospects complain about. This helps you show why you are better. Use them when prospects bring up competitor-related objections to tell them how you are better.
  • Step 2: A simple table comparing features side-by-side can be very effective. Highlight areas where you win.
  • Step 3: Do not just list your features. Focus on the specific pain points your solution can address that theirs cannot.
  • Step 4: Show how clients switched from the competitor to you and achieved better results.

sales plan presentation example

Examples: Eigen Technologies sales presentation

A word of caution: this approach can have negative outcomes if not done carefully. Focus on highlighting your value, not bashing your competitor. This helps prospects make an informed decision. Clearly focusing on your unique advantage makes it easy for them to justify choosing you.

3. ROI-driven presentation

Some prospects only speak the language of numbers. The ROI-driven presentation translates your value into dollars and cents. This is the best choice if your solution offers clear cost savings and increased profit potential or when dealing with financially focused decision-makers. Here is how to make it impactful:

  • Step 1: Instead of vague promises, quantify how you will save them money or boost their revenue. For example: “Increase lead conversion rates by 20%”, not just “improve lead generation.”
  • Step 2: Tailor your ROI calculations to their business. How much could they save in wasted time or operational costs?
  • Step 3: Charts and infographics make the financial benefits crystal clear. Show growth projections, before/after comparisons, or even a cost-savings calculator.
  • Step 4: Highlight the ongoing value of your solution, not just a one-time gain. This shows your focus on building a true partnership.

Example: Salesforce Marketing Cloud sales presentation

This approach appeals to decision-makers who need to justify the investment. By framing your solution as a profit generator, not just a cost, you increase your chances of getting them to say “yes.”

Not a design whiz? Do not worry. There are tons of tools to help you create visually stunning presentations, even if you have zero design experience. Here are a few popular options:

  • Canva : Offers a vast library of pre-made sales presentation templates, making it easy to create stylish slides in minutes.
  • Slidesgo : Another great resource for free and customizable sales presentation styles and templates.
  • Visme : Specializes in helping you create presentations with interactive elements like charts, infographics, and even videos.

These tools take the headache out of slide design, so you can focus on crafting a close-worthy message and crushing your presentation.

Key elements of a good sales presentation

We have all been there- crafting a great presentation, then feeling crushed when it does not land. The way forward then is to regroup and restrategize. Did your presentation check off the list of key elements necessary for it to be successful? Let us see what those are:

1. Start by understanding the prospect

A winning sales presentation is all about the prospect. You must step into their shoes and figure out what they truly care about.

Before the presentation, do your pre-meeting research . Dig into their company website, industry news, and LinkedIn profiles. Oliv does this for you automatically to help you prepare in less than 5 minutes- it scours the internet and gathers this intel automatically.

2. Have an impactful opening ready

The first few seconds of your presentation are crucial. Will the audience be interested, or will they be scrolling through their emails? Here are some examples of how to grab their attention right away:

Example 1: Narrate a relatable scenario

Let us say you are selling marketing automation software. 

You could start with, “Just last month, we worked with a company facing a similar issue- they spent time and money on lead generation but struggled to convert those leads. After implementing our solution, their close rate jumped by 15%, and their sales cycle shortened by a week.” 

This brief “before and after” picture shows the potential value your solution offers.

Example 2: Shock with stats

Imagine you are presenting to a healthcare company. 

You might open with, “Every year, businesses lose [X]% of potential revenue due to [problem]. How much is that costing your company?” or “[X out of Y] prospects report feeling unsatisfied with [aspect of experience]. Is this a challenge you are facing as well?”

These kinds of eye-opening stats immediately highlight major pain points and get them thinking about the financial impact on their own organization.

Example 3: Ask a thought-provoking question

Let us assume you offer a software solution for managing construction projects. You could ask:

“Do you feel like you are constantly chasing project status updates? What if you could see potential delays before they become costly problems?” 

This question paints a picture of success, helping prospects see the positive outcome your solution could bring.

You only have a few minutes to make an impression. A strong opening immediately shows you understand their world and have valuable insights to share.

3. Consider telling a relatable story

Dry facts and figures can put your audience to sleep. On the other hand, stories stick in their minds and make you instantly more trustworthy. Here is why:

Helps build connection

Stories tap into emotions. When you share how you helped another company overcome a similar challenge, your prospects can imagine themselves achieving the same results.

Boosts credibility

Instead of just claiming your solution is great, you are providing proof. Success stories with real numbers and outcomes show you have the results to back up your promises.

A recent survey showed that 63% of sales presentation attendees remember interactions that end with a story. Let us look at a few quick sales presentation tips for impactful storytelling:

  • Focus on the “why”: What drove the company in your story to seek change? This is where your prospect will relate the most.
  • Humanize the numbers: Instead of saying “increased revenue by 25%”, try “this allowed them to hire three new team members and expand their impact.”
  • Make them visual: Simple before and after charts can make your story more memorable.

Remember, people do not buy products; they buy the transformation that those products promise. By including relatable stories in your sales presentations, you will leave a lasting impression and inspire your prospects to say “yes.”

sales plan presentation example

4. Visual appeal

sales plan presentation example

Let us be honest, a wall of text on a slide is a guaranteed snooze-fest. Your sales presentation’s visuals are just as important as your content. Here is what to focus on:

Keep it clean

sales plan presentation example

Simple layouts with plenty of blank space are easier for your audience to process. Think of each slide as a billboard- you want one clear message to stand out. Too much clutter distracts from that message and makes your sales presentation overwhelming.

Focus on quality

Avoid blurry images or low-resolution logos. These details may seem minor, but they make a big difference in how you are perceived. Crisp visuals signal professionalism and attention to detail, while sloppy visuals suggest the same about your solution.

Stay on brand

Use your company colors and fonts. This creates a polished feel and makes your presentation instantly recognizable. Take UPS, for example.  Their iconic brown trucks are identified far away, immediately communicating their established presence.  That same brand consistency in your presentations builds familiarity and trust with your prospects.

Go for graphs over paragraphs

sales plan presentation example

Instead of long explanations, present key data with charts or graphs. This makes numbers easier to understand at a glance. Your audience instantly gets the trends or comparisons—no dense text, just quick, clear insights.

Too much text can bore prospects, and too many visuals can overwhelm them. Here are some of the best sales presentation tips to avoid a visual overload:

  • Include bullets: Do not cram too much onto slides. A few well-phrased bullet points are much more impactful than a paragraph.
  • Do not use unnecessary clipart: Distracting images or silly animations take away from your message. Choose relevant visuals that support your point, instead of going for decorative ones.
  • Avoid confusing charts: If your graph needs a ten-minute explanation, it is too complex. Simplify complex data into clear visuals that can be understood in seconds.

Visuals help your audience understand complex information quickly. A clean, well-designed presentation increases your credibility, reinforces your message, and helps your solution stand out as the best choice.

5. Know when to demonstrate your product

A well-timed demo can be the turning point that can take a prospect from interested to excited. But, shove a demo in at the wrong moment, and it is sure to fall flat. 

Do not demo too early

If you launch into a demo soon after the brief elevator pitch after talking to them for the first time, it might come across as pushy. Your prospects barely know your offerings at this point. Instead, give them time to reflect on the need and connect for a follow-up.

Demo only what they need now

If a prospect shows a hint of interest, launching into a demo showcasing every single feature is overwhelming and often irrelevant to their needs. This generic approach makes it hard for them to see how you actually solve their specific problems.

Demos turn abstract concepts into real solutions. Providing them immediate value by showing it live, allows them to picture themselves using it to solve their problems. 

6. Always include social proof

Ever walked past two restaurants, one packed and one empty? Chances are, you would head for the busy one. Why? We trust the recommendations of others, even if they are strangers. That same psychology works in sales presentations. Here is how to use it:


A positive quote from a happy client is impactful. It shows your solution helps people with similar problems. It is even better if you have testimonials from different industries, solving different problems, and from different roles. This builds trust, proves your product/service’s adaptability, and makes your prospect feel more comfortable about choosing you. 

Case Studies

Case studies are short success stories backed up by numbers (like “Company X increased sales by 20% after using our software”). They provide proof that your claims are real and that your solution can deliver results.

sales plan presentation example

Big-Name Clients

Seeing the logos of well-known brands gives your prospect confidence. It suggests that other successful companies trust you, so it is less risky for them to choose you, too.

By strategically using these different types of social proof, you will transform your sales presentations from pitches into trust-building conversations. Your prospects will feel confident knowing others have succeeded with your solution, making them much more likely to say “yes” to working with you.

7. Have a clear call to action (CTA)

You have given a stellar presentation. The prospect is nodding along and seems interested. Now what? Do not let all that momentum fizzle out. A clear call to action tells them the exact next step to take. Here is what makes a strong CTA:

Be specific

‍ Do not just say “I will get in touch soon”. Be as direct as possible about what you want them to do or what you think might help them, given the recent interaction. 

Example: “Let us set up a 15-minute discovery call this Wednesday to learn more about your specific needs.” or “Would you like a personalized demo?”

Keep it action-oriented

‍ Do not let the CTA be vague and purposeless. Avoid options like: 

  • Discover possibilities
  • Take the next step
  • Explore our solutions

Instead use strong verbs like:

Example : “Start your free trial today and experience the difference.”

Have a sense of urgency

‍ A little nudge about time running out can motivate action. Try offering a limited-time discount for signing up right away. 

Example: “For a limited time, get 10% off your first month when you sign up now.”

Even the most interested prospect needs guidance. A strong CTA makes the decision-making process easier and motivates you to close the deal.

Successful sales presentation examples that closed deals

The difference between a lukewarm prospect and a signed contract often lies in the outcome of your sales presentation. More than just a slideshow, a truly effective presentation tells a story, addresses pain points, and leaves a lasting impression. Having said that, let us see what a winning sales presentation looks like. Here are five real-world examples that not only engaged prospects but sealed the deal:

1. Choose visual storytelling for better impact

The QS sales deck , created for a platform that ranks universities, shows how visual storytelling can deliver a powerful message even within a limited number of slides. Their presentation leans heavily on impactful graphics to communicate complex concepts simply. 

Icons paired with brief text blocks replace lengthy paragraphs, helping quick comprehension and maintaining focus on key points. 

sales plan presentation example

Why it worked:

  • In a short deck, visuals help QS front-load the most important information: features, unique value, and proven client success. They prove that when time is limited, let visuals do the talking. 
  • Well-designed icons and graphics can streamline complex sales messages, making sure your core selling points resonate with the audience. 
  • Cleverly chosen graphics add a visual dimension to abstract concepts like data analysis and rankings, making them more memorable. 

2. Offer personalized demos to build trust

Stephen Conway, founder of Pure Heavenly , a vegan and allergen-free chocolate brand, made a strong impression on the investors of the UK’s “Dragons’ Den.” Rather than a traditional slide deck, he began by offering samples of his product to the panel. 

Coupled with his heartfelt story about creating a safe and delicious treat for his daughters, this personalized product demonstration immediately captured their attention and created a positive first impression. His pitch was clear and concise, focusing on the unique selling points of Pure Heavenly and highlighting its potential within the growing vegan market.

This personalized demo was highly successful for several reasons. 

  • Experiencing the product firsthand allowed the Dragons to taste its quality and uniqueness, going beyond mere descriptions. 
  • Conway’s story connected with them emotionally, making Pure Heavenly more than just a product, but a solution with an impactful mission. 
  • The demo showcased Conway’s confidence in his product- a quality that inspires investor trust. 

3. Rely on social proof to make your case

Social proof presentations make the most of the power of social influence to build trust and credibility with potential customers. A prime example is the Salesforce Marketing Cloud sales presentation, which showcases a visually appealing deck featuring success stories from satisfied customers like Bank of America, Kaiser Permanente, and Yeti.

sales plan presentation example

  • Seeing well-established brands using your product or service reassures prospects, lowering their perception of risk associated with trying something new. 
  • Client logos act as endorsements, proving your solution is trustworthy and effective. 
  • Success stories showcase the real-world impact of your product/service. Seeing quantifiable metrics like increased revenue or improved client satisfaction associated with these stories validates your value proposition.

4. Keep all eyes on the ROI

Lunchbox , a restaurant technology company specializing in online ordering and customer engagement, successfully used a data-focused approach to secure a $50 million Series B investment round in 2022. 

Their presentation deck leveraged bold visuals and graphs to communicate market opportunities, past revenue growth (ARR), and their unique position among competitors.

  • Lunchbox’s presentation blended two striking narratives. First, it established Lunchbox’s track record of success using hard numbers, building credibility and investor confidence. Second, the deck highlighted the broader shift in consumer dining habits post-COVID-19. 
  • By aligning its solution with industry pain points, Lunchbox showed a deep understanding of the market and positioned itself as a valuable player in the fast-changing environment. 
  • This data-driven approach proves that Lunchbox is not simply offering a product but a solution backed by research and the potential to capitalize on an expanding market opportunity.

5. Paint  a ‘before vs. after’ picture

For this one, let us look at AppsFlyer’s mobile advertising analytics sales deck that won investors over. Explaining the value of complex software, particularly analytics platforms like AppsFlyer, can be difficult using words alone. Prospects without a technical background might struggle to see how the data points and dashboards will benefit their marketing efforts. 

So, instead of relying on technical jargon, AppsFlyer focused on the potential transformation their platform can bring by painting a “before vs. after” comparison.

sales plan presentation example

  • This approach moved beyond features and focused on results. 
  • It visually contrasted the “pain” of poor data analysis with the “solution” of clear insights and how it directly impacts business outcomes. 
  • Even non-technical prospects can imagine the potential for a positive change, making AppsFlyer’s value proposition more hard-hitting and grounded in reality.

Tools to help with your next sales presentation

The right tools can make all the difference in a successful sales presentation. Skip the boring slide decks and design presentations that are informative, engaging, and help you close more deals. Let us look at a few tools that will simplify the presentation process and let you focus on what matters most- connecting with your prospects: ‍

Oliv is an invaluable asset for creating cutting-edge pitches that show your in-depth understanding of your prospects. Here is how Oliv strengthens your presentation process:

sales plan presentation example

  • Know prospects inside-out: No more manual pre-presentation research. Oliv automatically gathers and distills information on potential clients, pinpointing their pain points, priorities, and industry trends.
  • Personalize your message: Oliv’s insights allow you to tailor your presentation, addressing specific challenges and highlighting the unique value you provide.
  • Get real-time guidance: Oliv’s real-time suggestions and meeting summaries help you refine your presentation continuously, making sure you’re always prepared and persuasive.

By leveraging the capability of AI-backed research, Oliv helps you build presentations that are not just informative but truly empathetic to your target audience.

Prezi breaks away from traditional linear slide decks, offering a non-linear, zooming presentation format that adds visual excitement and keeps your audience engaged. Here is why Prezi is great for sales presentations:

sales plan presentation example

  • Grabs attention: Prezi’s dynamic transitions and zooming effects create a memorable visual experience, making your pitch stand out.
  • Flexible storytelling: The non-linear format allows you to adapt your presentation flow based on audience interest and questions in real time.
  • Visualize complex ideas: Prezi helps illustrate relationships and connections between concepts, which is helpful for presenting complex products or services.

Prezi infuses energy into your presentations, helping you capture the audience's attention and deliver a message that sticks.

Emaze helps you create visually stunning presentations quickly and easily. Their focus on professional templates and design elements are great for those who want a polished look without extensive design experience. Here is how Emaze can help:

sales plan presentation example

  • Impress with design: Emaze offers a vast library of customizable templates, making it simple to create presentations that look professionally designed.
  • Integrate multimedia: Easily embed videos, images, and interactive elements to increase audience engagement and make your content more dynamic.
  • Collaboration features: Emaze’s tools allow teams to work together on presentations, streamlining the creation process.

Emaze is a great choice for sales professionals who want to create visually compelling presentations that leave a lasting impression.

4. Intuiface

Intuiface takes presentations to the next level through interactivity. It is ideal for trade shows, product demos, or situations where you want prospects to engage directly with your content. Here’s how Intuiface makes presentations impactful:

sales plan presentation example

  • Hands-on experience: Create touchscreens, kiosks, and digital displays that allow prospects to explore your product or service at their own pace.
  • Data capture: Intuiface can collect valuable prospect information and insights through interactive elements within your presentation.
  • Unique differentiator: Interactive experiences differentiate your presentations, making them more engaging and memorable for the audience.

Intuiface helps you create presentations that go beyond passive viewing. It sparks active engagement and deeper prospect understanding.

5. Zoho Show

Zoho Show integrates seamlessly with the Zoho suite of products. It is a good fit for teams already using Zoho CRM and other tools. You can collaborate conveniently and access multiple presentation delivery options. Here is how it streamlines presentations:

sales plan presentation example

  • Team collaboration: Multiple team members can contribute to and edit presentations in real time.
  • Data integration: Easily incorporate data from other Zoho tools to ensure consistency of information across your sales and marketing materials.
  • Remote presentations: Zoho Show’s broadcasting features simplify delivering presentations to remote audiences or clients.

Zoho Show is a great choice for teams that prioritize collaboration and integration with their existing sales and marketing toolkit.

Best practices for sales presentation delivery

You have crafted the perfect slides, your research is rock-solid, and you are ready to blow your prospects away. But hold on. Even the best sales presentations can fall flat with poor delivery. Let us learn some simple practices that will improve your presenting skills and help you close deals with confidence:

1. Practice makes you perfect

Winging it is a recipe for disaster. The more you rehearse your presentation out loud, the more comfortable and confident you will sound. Here is how to get the most out of practice:

  • Focus on flow: Do your transitions between slides and sections feel smooth? Are there parts where you tend to stumble over your words? Work on smoothening them out.
  • Master your timing: Run through the presentation with a timer. Are you within your allotted time limit? Go through multiple trial runs.
  • Get feedback: If possible, practice before a colleague or friend and ask for their honest opinion. Record yourself and watch it back- it can be a brutal but effective way to spot areas for improvement.

Remember, even seasoned presenters practice. It is the key to delivering a polished and persuasive presentation.

2. Focus on body language and voice control

sales plan presentation example

Your words are only part of the presentation. Nonverbal communication can make or break your delivery. Here is what to focus on:

  • Own the room: Stand tall with relaxed shoulders. Avoid fidgeting or slouching, as this signals nervousness.
  • Keep your eyes up: Maintain eye contact with your audience. Not only does it make you seem confident, but it also helps you gauge whether they are engaged or confused.
  • Vary your voice: A monotone voice will put your prospect to sleep. Change your volume or tone to emphasize key points. Do not speak too quickly—a slightly slower pace can increase clarity.

Positive body language and strong vocal delivery project confidence and authority. It helps your prospect feel comfortable and trust that you have the solution to their problems.

3. Be ready to handle questions and objections

Questions and objections are a good sign- your prospect is engaged. Here is how to turn those potential roadblocks into wins:

  • Anticipate and prepare: Do not wait to be blindsided. Think about the most common objections you hear about your product/service and craft clear, persuasive responses. Then, practice them out loud.
  • Listen first: Do not rush to defend yourself. Truly understand where the objection is coming from- is it a price concern or a feature misunderstanding? It is only when you figure this out can you start thinking about the response.
  • Show, do not just tell: Use examples and case studies to illustrate how you have solved similar challenges for others. Better yet, show how your solution directly addresses their specific objection.

Oliv makes this process easier. Its summaries of past calls help identify common objections and how they have been handled before. Plus, Oliv’s pre-call research and real-time guidance give you the info you need to tackle those objections head-on.

It is important to remember that an objection is not a rejection. It is a chance to clarify, build trust, and get your prospect one step closer to signing off on that deal.

4. Active listening is the key

A sales presentation should not feel like a one-way lecture. The best presenters are great listeners. Here is how to go about it:

  • Read the room: Is your audience nodding along or checking their watches? Their body language and expressions tell you how they feel about your presentation.
  • Do not just hear, listen: Ask clarifying questions to make sure you truly understand concerns or objections. This shows you are invested in solving their problems, not just pushing a sale.
  • Be flexible: If you sense confusion or disinterest in a particular area, do not rigidly stick to your script. Adapt. Skip a less-relevant slide, elaborate on a point with a real-world example, or invite more questions.

Active listening helps you build a genuine connection with your prospect. It shows you are responsive to their needs, making your solution feel tailored and increasing their trust.

5. Do not ignore tech preparedness

Nothing derails a great presentation faster than a frozen slide or a microphone that would not work. Do not let tech glitches ruin your flow. Here is how to stay prepared:

  • Conduct a pre-show test: Arrive early and test your slides, internet connection, microphone, and any other equipment you will need. Iron out any issues beforehand for a seamless presentation.
  • Have a plan B: Even the most prepared can fall victim to tech glitches. Have a printed copy of your slides or be ready to switch to another device or a phone call if needed.

Tech issues can make you seem flustered and unprofessional. By being proactive and having a backup plan, you will exude confidence and keep the focus where it belongs- on the solution you are offering.

Turn your next sales presentation into a successful close

By now, one thing is clear: a sales presentation is not just about fancy slides. It is a strategic tool that can open doors, build trust, and close more deals. Let us recap the essentials:

  • Know your audience inside and out. Ditch the generic pitch.
  • Tell a compelling story that hooks them from the start.
  • Make those visuals work for you. Stick to clean and well-spaced-out designs.
  • Practice, practice, practice. Confident delivery is key.
  • Embrace questions and objections as opportunities.

Learning these skills takes effort, but the payoff is huge. Remember, a well-crafted and perfectly executed presentation does not just sell a product or service- it wins you the client.

Start refining your presentations today, and let Oliv help you get ahead of the competition. Book a demo to see how.

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22 Best Sales Strategies, Plans, & Initiatives for Success [Templates]

Discover sales strategy examples, templates, and plans used by top sales teams worldwide.



Outline your company's sales strategy in one simple, coherent plan.

sales strategies initiatives and templates to plan your quarter

Updated: 03/07/24

Published: 03/07/24

A strong sales strategy plan creates the foundation for a cohesive and successful sales organization.

Sales strategies and initiatives also align salespeople on shared goals and empower them to do their best work — keeping them happy and successful, too.

In this guide, I’ll dig into some sales strategies and initiatives that I’ve found can help you generate more leads and close more deals. But first, let’s define what a sales strategy is.

Free Download: Sales Plan Template

Table of Contents

What is a sales strategy?

Why is a sales strategy important, the most effective sales strategies, sales strategy types, sales planning: how to build a sales strategy plan, sales initiatives, sales strategy examples from successful sales teams.

A sales strategy is a set of decisions, actions, and goals that inform how your sales team positions the organization and its products to close new customers. It acts as a guide for sales reps to follow, with clear goals for sales processes, product positioning, and competitive analysis.

sales plan presentation example

A clear sales strategy serves as a map for the growth of your business. Your sales strategy is key to future planning, problem-solving, goal-setting, and management.

An effective sales strategy can help you:

  • Give your team direction and focus. Strategic clarity can help your sales reps and managers understand which goals and activities to prioritize. This can lead to improved productivity and outcomes.
  • Ensure consistent messaging. Your sales strategy can help your team deliver a consistent message to prospects, partners, and customers. This can increase both trust and effectiveness.
  • Optimize opportunities. Strong sales strategies will help you target the right prospects and customize your approach. This can help your team make the most of every sales opportunity.
  • Improve resource allocation. Your sales strategy outlines your priorities and resources. In turn, this can help your sales team use their time, effort, and other resources more efficiently, boosting your team’s ability to focus on high-potential deals.

Next, let’s cover some of the sales strategies that I’ve found can be most effective.

sales plan presentation example

50+ for Social Selling on LinkedIn and Beyond

Use this guide to improve your social selling efforts and close more deals from platforms like...

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2. Become a thought leader.

Sharing your advice, tried-and-true best practices, and niche expertise are some of the most long-lasting ways to build your personal brand and lend more credibility to your organization. After all, nobody wants to feel like they’re being sold to. Instead, it’s better to help people by offering solutions to their problems.

That’s what thought leaders do. Indeed, a recent report found that “Thought leadership is one of the most effective tools an organization can use to demonstrate its value to customers during a tough economy — even more so than traditional advertising or product marketing, according to B2B buyers.”

According to the study, 61% of decision-makers believed that thought leadership could be moderately or very effective in demonstrating the value of a company’s products. Moreover, more than half of C-suite executives in the study believed that thought leadership has a greater impact on purchases during an economic downturn, making this an even more important element of a sales strategy in today’s uncertain economic times.

So what’s the catch?

Not all thought leadership content is created equal.

When done right, thought leadership can have a huge positive impact, but poor thought leadership can be devastating to a company’s sales goals. So, before you plan a spree of LinkedIn posts to drive leads, consider who your audience is, what they need to know, and how your organization can help.

Also, it may not hurt to have a second set of eyes from your marketing, communication, and PR departments review your plan first to make sure everything is on-brand (and trackable!).

3. Prioritize inbound sales calls as hot leads.

There’s an age-old question in sales: “Should I discuss product pricing with a prospect on the first sales call?” The honest answer is: It depends.

You and your sales team know your process better than anyone. So take it from me — if you’ve seen success with pitching with pricing first, last, or somewhere in between, stick with what’s working for you.

But beyond that, your team should always prioritize the prospects who come to you. These hot leads are definitely interested in what you have to sell, and before they make a decision, they want to get the information they need about how it will benefit them.

By prioritizing talking to these prospects as soon as they call in or send an email, you’re putting your best foot forward and showing them that you’re helpful, solutions-oriented, and considerate of their time. And if that means closing a deal on the first call, there’s nothing wrong with that — as long as the customer has the information they need to make an informed decision.

4. Properly research and qualify prospects.

I’ve personally discovered that even the strongest sales strategy can’t compensate for targeting the wrong customers. To ensure your team is selling to the right type of customer, encourage reps to research and qualify prospects before attempting to discuss your product. Indeed, throughout my career, I’ve found that more work on the front end can lead to smoother closing conversations later on.

Outline the criteria a prospect needs to meet to be qualified as a high-probability potential customer. These criteria will depend on your unique business and target audience, but they should generally be based on a prospect’s engagement history and demographics.

sales plan presentation example

Free Guide: 101 Sales Qualification Questions

101 Questions to Ask Contacts When Qualifying, Closing, Negotiating, and Upselling.

  • Budget Questions
  • Business Impact Questions
  • Competitor Questions

5. Implement a free trial.

Offering a free trial or freemium version of your product can be a highly effective way to convert prospects. In fact, HubSpot’s sales strategy report found that 76% of sales professionals feel that free trials are effective in converting prospects into paying customers, while 69% of professionals believe that freemium offerings are effective.

sales plan presentation example

Keeping a list of proven, go-to closing techniques will help salespeople routinely win deals. Some of my favorite techniques include the ‘now or never close’ — i.e., “If you commit now, I can get you a 20% discount” — or the ‘question close,’ i.e., “In your opinion, does what I am offering solve your problem?”

sales plan presentation example

Free Sales Closing Guide

An easy-to-use sales closing guide with three tactics you can use right away.

  • Using an ROI calculator for your prospects
  • How to ask confirmation questions
  • Sales question templates you can use today

To further improve your closing techniques and learn to close deals with confidence, check out this free, downloadable Sales Closing Guide .

11. Nurture existing accounts for future selling opportunities.

Once a deal is done, there’s no need for a sales strategy, right? Wrong.

Account management is an incredibly important part of the sales process, as this is how you foster loyal, happy customers and identify cross-selling and upselling opportunities.

So, after your sales team sees success with its sales strategy, it’s vital to form a partnership between the sales team and customer service/success teams.

Remember: Ensuring customers’ continued satisfaction with your product or service will make them more likely to do business with your company again. You may even inspire them to advocate for it proactively.

sales plan presentation example

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How To Draft A Yearly Sale Plan With Sample Templates To Boost Your Annual Sales! [Free PDF Attached]

How To Draft A Yearly Sale Plan With Sample Templates To Boost Your Annual Sales! [Free PDF Attached]

Naveen Kumar


A regular guy starts year planning with important days like birthdays, anniversaries, festivals, and holidays but a sales manager starts it with annual or yearly sales planning. It is easy to close one, two, or ten sales with skill (and a little luck), but you need a successful sales plan for consistent roof-breaking numbers.

What Is a Sales Plan?

A sales plan is a document containing statistics, insights, tactics, and best practices to boost sales for a specific time. It is not an official document like sales reports and proposals and requires no submission or approval from any authority/management. The sole purpose of creating a sales plan is to use it as a reference document during the execution process.

Here's a complete PPT Bundle on Sales Plan you should have:

Building an Actionable Sales Plan PPT Set

The PowerPoint Bundle provides a comprehensive framework for crafting a robust sales strategy. Encompassing key elements such as competitor analysis, distribution channel evaluation, and marketing strategy development, the template guides users through a systematic approach to understanding customer and market dynamics. The inclusion of a detailed channel marketing plan, launch strategy, and exploration of the buyer's journey ensures a holistic view of the sales process. Additionally, the template digs deep into effective lead-generation processes and activities, equipping users with the tools needed to drive successful sales outcomes. Download now!

Building An Actionable Sales Plan PPT Set

Download this template

How to Create A Yearly Sales Plan

Sales plans can be created and divided based on the requirement. For example, based on the objective duration, it can be a weekly, monthly, 30-60-90 day plan, quarterly, annual, or yearly sales plan. Based on the type of targets, plans can be sales training, budget, or territory plan. 

Whatever the type of sales plan, it must cover business elements like revenue, metrics, targeted audience (TA), selling tactics, etc. The nine core elements a sales plan must include are given below. We have added one sample template with each element for improved efficiency. At the end of this blog, we have also shared four major components that form the complete sales plan .

Let’s start with the core elements and corresponding pre-designed sample templates: 

1.   Executive summary:  It provides a brief overview of the sales plan. The executive summary section covers objectives, strategies, the scope of the plan, phases, and duration. 

Executive Summary Yearly Sales Plan Sample Template

The given sample executive summary layout for the annual sales plan will help you explore more in this context. This design has pre-designed space for the company’s vision, mission, background, capabilities, accreditations, promoters & shareholdings, and financial highlights. As the design is customizable, you can add text or relevant images and make your sales presentation shine.

Executive Summary Sample Template For Yearly Sales Plan

2.   Business and revenue targets:  Generating more revenue is the ultimate goal of a sales strategy. This section establishes a clear understanding of revenue targets (for a given period) and how those goals will be achieved through business process improvements. 

Tip:  Classify revenue targets based on categories like territory, quarter, market segment, etc., to set more clear objectives.

Business Goals With Revenue Targets Sample Template For Sales Plan

This sample PPT Design will help you set clear business goals with attached revenue targets for your sales team. It will help you classify priorities, define short-term goals, estimate costs, and strategize expenditures to drive maximum revenue. Get this design today!

Business Goals With Revenue Targets Sample Design For Sales Plan

3. Prior Performance Review:  You will grow faster if you start learning from your mistakes. Writing this section in your sales plan will give you an opportunity to look into your mistakes in past strategies and turn these into a learning guide. 

Previous Year Performance Review Template For Annual Sales Plan

This performance review sample template will help you draft a more reliable and successful sales strategy with insights into the previous year’s performance. It has seven pre-designed charts to showcase data on sales performance in an eye-catching manner. This slide is compatible with data-harnessing tools like MS Excel, Tableau, etc. 

Previous Year Performance Review Template For Annual Sales Plan

4. Market Analysis:  Strong research on market trends, customer choices, and other latest aspects will form the backbone of your sales strategy. This section will comprise all this research and factors that affect sales.

Market Analysis Report Yearly Sales Plan Template

This PowerPoint set will help you present your market research findings in a comprehensive manner. It has the right set of graphs and charts to present your theoretical data in an analytical manner. With this presentation slide, you will be able to present data on global industry revenue, competitors and their market percentage, major segments, periodic and regional trends, and the CAGR. Get it today!

Market Analysis Report Sample Layout For Sales Plan

5. Sales Tactics:  A true sales manager is like a magician. He/she has a lot of technique under his sleeves. This part of sales strategy is a chance to teach your peers about best sales techniques, tried and tested sales methodologies, and tactics.

Tip:  You can add sales playbooks, case studies, and guides in this section.

Five-Step Effective Sales Strategy Sample Template

This sales strategy sample design will help you in creating an effective sales plan. It covers five-step techniques: identifying the target audience and needs, forming a connection, developing team skills, testing sales channels, and closing sales. Grab this PPT Slide today!

Five-Step Effective Sales Strategy Sample Template

6. Selling opportunities and segments: The  more you are able to identify your sales opportunities at the beginning of a sales cycle, the more you can use these to generate exponential revenue. This section includes potential sales opportunities like renewals, upsells, cross-sells, referrals, etc. It also includes information on existing and new customer segments.

Cross-sell And Upsell Opportunity Techniques Sample Presentation Design

This template will help you identify and enlist selling opportunities for your annual sales plan. You can use this PPT Graphic to analyze and illustrate important components of your selling tactics. Get this slide now by clicking on the download link below!

Cross-sell And Upsell Opportunity Techniques Sample Presentation Design

Four Quadrant Customer Segment Matrix Template For Yearly Sales Plan

Use this sample matrix design to create and explore customer segments for your upcoming sales strategy. This template segments customers into categories like VIPs, core & non-core customers, and potential customers. You can edit or create new segments based on your requirements using this editable sample layout.

Four Quadrant Customer Segment Matrix Template For Yearly Sales Plan

7. Gap Analysis:  The first step towards your goal is to know your current position. In this section, comprehend your team capabilities, resources (tools and workforce), and existing state in sales target achievement.

Gap Analysis Template For  Yearly Sales Plan Execution

This sample template will enable you to analyze your current position in the sales process and adjust your strategy to achieve the target. It will help you carry out true analysis considering facts, problems, impact, root cause, and emotion. Use this PPT Design to focus on solutions and the desirable state of your sales process.

Gap Analysis Template For Yearly Sales Plan Execution

Action Plan:  You are all done with homework; it is time to form an action plan. Here, a sales manager will assign tasks and responsibilities to teams or individuals. These tasks will be direct sales oriented, like prospecting, demos, and meetings.

Team Action Plan Sample Template For Annual Sales Strategy

Use this PowerPoint graphic to form a solid action plan and drive excellent sales throughout the year. It will help you provide clear information on assigned activities with a pre-designed space for information on team members, goals, objectives, and strategies. Get this PPT slide now!

Team Action Plan Sample Template For Annual Sales Strategy

9. Performance Monitoring:  Continuous monitoring of sales strategy is a necessity to define its success and improvement. Benchmarking the correct performance metrics is the beginning of the monitoring process.

Sales Team Performance Metrics Template For Yearly Sales Plan

This sample dashboard design will help you define metrics and monitor sales team performance in an easy way. Our designers curate it after extensive research, and all metrics added in this template are well-researched. In this PPT Slide, you will find performance indicators like total sales, revenue, profit, churn, increment sales, up/cross-sell, and accumulated revenue.

Sales Team Performance Metrics Template For Yearly Sales Plan

Four Selling Points of A Sales Plan

A sales plan talks about your idea and strategy to boost sales. It should be written in straightforward language to be easy to understand and execute. While it should cover all the above nine elements, it can be written to address these four major pieces:

  • Goals:  Define and set clear objectives for your team and sales plan. Do not focus solely on numbers; otherwise, it will be a failure. Choose goals setting methods like SMART — Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timed.
  • Analysis:  A sales plan needs not just market analysis but internal sales team analysis as well. You can use analysis techniques like SWOT — strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats. 
  • Strategy:  This is the protein sap of your sales plan. Define a competitive strategy to position your product or service higher in the market and use it to meet your customer needs at every stage of the funnel.
  • Tactics:  To draft an actionable sales plan, you must enlist ideas backed up with data, insights, or historical evidence. Taking risks is good, but do not exaggerate. Keep your tactics simple, specific, and realistic.

Designing a sales plan is never easy. It takes immense effort, knowledge, research, data, and unique ideas to capture the market. To help you, we are providing these plug-and-play (yearly) sales plan sample templates that can give you a head-start in this process. Download these designs with simple clicks, start drafting a yearly sales plan, and streamline the revenue flow.

FAQs on Yearly Sales Plan

1. how do you write a yearly sales plan.

A yearly sales plan must be written with precision and include strategic decisions backed up with data to ensure success. You can follow the steps below to write it:

  • Define your sales team goal for the year.
  • Do market research for the latest trends and customer requirements.
  • Analyze your current position, resources, and capabilities.
  • Gather insights and data on the previous year’s sales plan.
  • Adopt effective techniques from other sales strategies. 
  • Introduce or suggest new sales tactics, methodologies, and techniques.
  • Make an execution plan for these sales techniques.
  • Set benchmarks for measuring success.
  • Monitor the execution process and update, if necessary.

2. What are the objectives of sales planning?

The objective of sales planning depends on the type of strategy. If you design a territory sales plan, its purpose is to target sales of a particular region. Sales training plans aim to train the sales team in advanced skills. Sales planning aims to increase sales, organization growth, and revenue for the desired period, region, or skill.

3. What are four sales strategies?

Four basic sales strategies salespersons use are

  • Script-based selling or canned selling:  Salespersons use pre-written scripts to sell standard products.
  • Need-satisfaction selling:  The salesperson asks relevant questions to understand customers’ needs and sells the product using a customized script by showing them how it will satisfy their needs. It is a more advanced version of script-based selling.
  • Consultative selling or need-based selling:  Salespersons work more as advisors or consultants and provide customized solutions to clients based on demands. The products here are not standardized but created with the vision of delighting customers. 
  • Strategic-partner selling:  A selling partnership between seller and buyer where both parties invest their resources to drive profits. Mostly seen in a joint venture.

4. What makes a good sales strategy?

An excellent sales strategy must:

  • Align your sales goals with organizational goals, vision, and mission.
  • Be crafted after a complete analysis of the targeted audience (TA), market demands, and buyer’s personas.
  • It must strengthen your go-to-market positioning, sales motions, channels, and existing methodologies.
  • Most importantly, a good sales strategy not just generates/increases sales and revenue but also helps you understand customer pain points and meet demands.

Download the free Yearly Sales Plan Templates PDF .

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Yearly Sales Plan

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Download the "Yearly Sales Plan" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Conveying your business plan accurately and effectively is the cornerstone of any successful venture. This template allows you to pinpoint essential elements of your operation while your audience will appreciate the clear and concise presentation, eliminating any potential misunderstandings. It's not just about content, as our design also commands attention! Your business plan will definitely make a positive impression.

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  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • Different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the resources used

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