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Safe Shop Business Plan 2024 PDF Download | Profile, Products

In this post, I am gonna show you the complete information of an Indian Direct Selling Company , Safe Shop . The Full name of Safe Shop Company is Safe & Secure Online Marketing Private Limited .

safe shop business plan

If you are a Would-be or Existing Direct Seller of Safe Shop and Want to about;

  • Safe Shop Company
  • Safe Shop Marketing Business plan
  • Safe Shop Mission
  • Safe Shop Products & Income Plan

You will like this article.

Let’s get started without any further ado.

What is Safe Shop?

Safe Shop is an Indian Multi-level Marketing company. The company registered with MCA (Ministry of Corporate Affairs) in January 2001. It is the Legal Direct Selling Company of India .

In the early day, Safe Shop was the worst in the market. The Actual name of the company is Safe and Secure Online Marketing Private Limited , but people know it’s a Safe Shop. So, when they search for this short name, they cannot find it and think it was a fraud. After some days, it’s fully proven.

Now, Safe Shop (Safe and Secure Online Marketing PVT LTD) is listed in the list of Top 10 Network Marketing Companies of India .

Safe Shop Business Company Profile

Safe shop business plan.

“#Plan with More Happiness” is the new plan of the company.

Anyone can join Safe Shop MLM Business Plan for free.

 Let’s understand the Business Plan.

1. Product Selling

For Direct Seller, Safe Shop offers its products at a low price than MRP. It is called SSP (Safe Shop Price) .

Each and every product has a fixed SSP for Direct Seller. Direct Seller can buy the products and sell them at a high price up to Fixed MRP. In this way, they can get Retail Profit.

Example: If an MRP of the products is Rs.1000, DS (Direct Seller) will get these products in Rs. 850 SSP from the company. So, the DS can earn Rs.150 retail profits by selling that product at the MRP price.

Safe Shop promises to give up to 35% of retail profit, this profit varies according to the product.

2. Recruitment

The most important work in MLM is recruitment to get Passive Income . If you are not recruiting people, your income will be limited.

You need to add people to your downline and also make them recruit to other people.

Keep in mind, you do not have to add money to people. When you add people and make a downline, you will get money. So, the more people you can buy on your downline, the more profit you will make.

According to the number of people on the Downline and Sales, Income starts differently.

Each part had a specific BV , which was used to extract income from the downline. A BV point equals 2.5 rupees .

Safe Shop Business Plan PDF Download

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Safe Shop Mission 

1. health mission.

Safe Shop company provides Ayurvedic Medicine, basically, it has an Ayurvedic Medicine company named Hauma Ayurvedic. it is completing Health NK. It can be used in diseases like rate. You will get Ayurvedic medicine through the Safe Shop company.

2. Education Mission

To fulfill the mission of education, this company typed up your company called Smart Star which gives the opportunity of the global education system. The Safe Shop company is selling education-related products.

3. Technology Mission

Safe Shop (Safe and Secure Online Marketing Private Limited) has tied up this brand company with you to meet the tech products, its name is Homex .

4. Fashion Mission

The company has tied up with the biggest reputed companies in the country and also in foreign to meet the fashion of Safe Shop company. Name some of the fashion product of companies are Reliance, Bimal, Larani Lavaran, Grasim, Prani, and many more which are selling products through international-level brand companies.

5. Protection Mission

Safe Shop company claims to secure their Direct Seller Entire Family by completing their Protection Mission. Security is part of the public relations plan. If there is an accident of any Direct Seller, then the company gives full Insurance support to their Family. 

Safe Shop Products

Partners are useful for any MLM company. If it is not good to give, then the company does not matter.

Safe Shop Products Price List is too long than other companies products. But, before buying a single product from the company, you need to first buy the Joining package worth Rs.12000.

By the way, the price of products is too high, but now Safe Shop is continuing the price list of new products, which starting prices are not more than 200 rupees .

Safe Shop products are marketed by price and they have no opinion. It was in most MLM companies.

But Safe Shop also compares to other Indian MLM companies like Smart Value and Vestige . For example, the price of a short at Safe Shop (SSP) is Rs 2,200, with an MRP of Rs 2,999. Knowing that they have to pay a lot of money.

Should I join Safe Shop Network Marketing?

Joining Safe Shop or Not joining MLM or Network Marketing company, The whole decision is to depend on you. I am just guiding you.

According to John M Taylor, the success rate of Network marketing is only 0.04% . In the real world, the number is sometimes high or sometimes low, there are many factors depending on that.

A lot of people are working in it and they have been successful, but whether you will be successful or not. It is up to you. If you are satisfied with the product, which you are getting at a much higher price than the market price, then you can join it!

My recommendation is, before joining the Safe Shop, to seek advice from some who has worked in the company, because only that person will give a solid reason to join the company or not join. Then, You have to be your own Decision Maker.

FAQ on Safe Shop Company

What is the full form of SAFE SHOP?

The Full name of SAFE SHOP is Safe and Secure Online Marketing Private Limited.

Is Safe Shop Fraud?

No. Safe Shop is not a Fraud. It is a full Legal Direct Selling Company of India .

Is Safe Shop the number 1 MLM company?

No. Safe Shop is not a No.1 MLM / Network Marketing company. You can check out the Top 10 Network Marketing Company in India .

Is a Safe Shop connected to SEBI?

No. Safe Shop is Product based MLM Company. There is no stock of the company like Reliance, or Tata. That’s why it is not registered in SEBI.

Is it necessary to buy products in Safe Shop?

Yes, It is necessary to buy a Product from the company. Because, if you do not buy the product, you can register as a Direct Seller. Basically, which we called Joining fees, are actually used to buy Products.

What do you need to join Safe Shop?

To Join the Safe Shop, your age must be a minimum of 18 Years old, you have your own PAN Card and Aadhaar card. In addition, you should have your own Bank Account. By the way, If your age is under 18, you can also join the company by using the information of members of your Family.

I hope you have got all information about Safe Shop (Safe Shop Online Marketing Private Limited) Business Profile, Products & Plan .

Now, I’d like to know you:

Are you already Joining Safe Shop as a Direct Seller?

Or do, Want to join Safe Shop?

Let me know in the comment now.

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Somraj Mondal

A Blogger, Business Analyst! Somraj Mondal is Extensive experience in SEO and analyzing Different types of Businesses, Companies, and new methods of Marketing. Fountainhead of Noni4all, passionate about Digital Marketing and also Python Programming.

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Business Day

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Safe Shop: A Comprehensive Guide to the Network Marketing Company

Product Marketing

Safe Shop is a renowned network marketing company that has gained popularity for its unique business model and lucrative income opportunities. In this article, we will delve into the details of Safe Shop, covering its full name, business plan, income structure, and frequently asked questions.

Safe Shop has a rich history that traces its roots back to its founding. The company’s journey highlights its commitment to providing a platform for entrepreneurship and financial independence. Let’s explore the key milestones in its history:

Safe Shop: Background

Understanding the background of it provides insights into its values, mission, and the driving force behind its success. Let’s delve into the key aspects of its background:

Vision and Mission

Its vision is to create a platform that empowers individuals to achieve financial freedom through network marketing. The company’s mission is to provide quality products and a lucrative business model that fosters entrepreneurship.

Core Values

Business model.

It operates on a direct selling business model, allowing individuals to become independent business associates. Associates can earn income through retail sales, team building, and various bonuses within the structured compensation plan.

Safe Shop Full Form

The full name of Shop is “Safe and Secure Online Marketing Pvt. Ltd.” This company operates on a direct selling model, where individuals can become independent business associates and earn income by promoting and selling the company’s products.

Safe Shop Business Plan

It follows a structured business plan that allows individuals to become distributors and earn commissions through sales and team building. Let’s explore the key components of the business plan:

Levels and Ranks

It has various levels and ranks within its compensation plan. As distributors achieve higher ranks, they unlock additional bonuses and benefits. The ranks typically include Associate, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond , among others.

Income Streams

Safe Shop provides multiple income streams for its associates. The primary sources of income include retail profit, performance bonus, leadership bonus, and royalty income. These income streams are designed to reward both individual efforts and team-building activities.

Income Structure in Safe Shop

Understanding the income structure in Safe Shop is crucial for individuals considering joining the network marketing company. Let’s break down the key components of income in Safe Shop:

Retail Profit

Associates can earn a retail profit by selling Safe Shop products directly to customers. The profit margin varies depending on the product category, and associates receive a commission on the products they sell.

Performance Bonus

The performance bonus is based on the sales volume generated by an associate and their team. As the team grows, individuals can qualify for higher performance bonuses, encouraging team building and leadership development.

Leadership Bonus

Safe Shop offers a leadership bonus for associates who achieve higher ranks and demonstrate leadership qualities. This bonus is an additional incentive for building and leading successful teams.

Royalty Income

Royalty income is a recurring income stream that associates can earn based on the sales generated by their downline. As the team grows, associates receive a percentage of the sales volume as royalty income.

Safe Shop: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is a safe shop.

Safe Shop is a network marketing company that operates on a direct selling model, allowing individuals to become independent business associates and earn income by promoting and selling the company’s products.

How does one earn in a Safe Shop?

Associates in Safe Shop can earn through various income streams, including retail profit , performance bonus, leadership bonus, and royalty income. The income is based on individual sales and team-building activities.

How much does it cost to join Safe Shop?

The joining cost for Safe Shop varies depending on the chosen product package. Associates can select a package that suits their budget and business goals.

Is it mandatory to purchase products in Safe Shop?

While purchasing products is not mandatory, associates are encouraged to use and promote Safe Shop products to experience their benefits and build credibility with customers.

Safe Shop: Product Portfolio

Safe Shop’s product portfolio encompasses various categories, providing associates with a wide range of options to promote and sell. Let’s delve into the key aspects of Safe Shop’s product offerings.

Quality Assurance

Ensuring the quality of products is a top priority for Safe Shop. The company adheres to stringent quality control measures to deliver products that meet or exceed industry standards. Below is a table highlighting some of the key quality assurance aspects of Safe Shop products:

Safe Shop: Diversification of Products

Safe Shop believes in offering a diverse range of products to cater to varying customer needs. The product portfolio spans across different categories, providing associates with a broader market to target. The following table outlines the diversified product categories offered by Safe Shop:

Market Trends and Consumer Response

Safe Shop stays attuned to market trends and consumer preferences, adapting its product portfolio accordingly. Regular market research and analysis help the company introduce products that align with current trends. The table below provides insights into market trends and consumer response:

Safe Shop: Network Marketing Dynamics

Safe Shop employs a dynamic network marketing model that encourages individuals to build and expand their networks. The model includes:

Network Building

Training and support system.

Safe Shop prioritises the success of its associates through an extensive training and support system. This ensures that individuals receive the necessary tools and knowledge to excel in their network marketing endeavours.

Training Components

Support system, safe shop: recognition and rewards.

Safe Shop places a strong emphasis on recognizing and rewarding the achievements of its associates. The company has a comprehensive system in place to acknowledge and incentivize performance.

Recognition Levels

Rewards program, safe shop: compensation plan.

Safe Shop’s compensation plan is designed to reward associates for both individual efforts and team-building activities. Let’s explore the key components of the compensation plan:

Commission Structure

Safe Shop offers a comprehensive commission structure that allows associates to earn income through various channels.

Commission Components

Rank advancements and bonuses.

Advancing through ranks in Safe Shop’s compensation plan unlocks additional bonuses and benefits. The table below outlines the key rank advancements and associated bonuses:

Safe Shop: Incentives and Perks

Safe Shop provides a range of incentives and perks to motivate and reward its associates for their dedication and hard work.

Incentives and Perks

Safe shop: global presence.

Safe Shop has expanded its operations globally, reaching a diverse range of markets. This section explores the international operations of Safe Shop, focusing on its presence in different countries, cultural adaptation, and localization efforts.

International Operations

Safe Shop’s international expansion has been marked by strategic entry into various countries. The table below highlights some key aspects of the company’s international operations:

Safe Shop: Cultural Adaptation and Localization

Safe Shop understands the importance of cultural adaptation and localization to succeed in diverse markets. The company tailors its strategies to align with local cultures and preferences.

Cultural Adaptation Initiatives

Safe shop: regulatory compliance.

Ensuring regulatory compliance is crucial for the success and sustainability of a network marketing company. Safe Shop places a strong emphasis on adhering to legal frameworks, industry standards, and addressing controversies promptly.

Legal Framework

Safe Shop operates within the legal frameworks of the countries it enters, ensuring compliance with local regulations related to network marketing and direct selling.

Compliance Framework

Safe shop: adherence to industry standards.

It is committed to upholding industry standards and best practices in network marketing. The company actively participates in industry associations and initiatives to ensure ethical and responsible business practices.

Industry Standards

Safe shop: controversies and resolutions.

Addressing controversies promptly is a key aspect of regulatory compliance. It actively engages in conflict resolution and strives to maintain a positive image.

Controversy Resolution

Safe shop network marketing company: success stories and challenges, success stories.

It has witnessed numerous success stories, with associates achieving significant milestones in their entrepreneurial journeys. This section explores testimonials, case studies of high achievers, and the valuable lessons learned from these success stories.

Testimonials from Associates

Associates often share their positive experiences and successes within Safe Shop. The table below highlights some testimonials from individuals who have thrived in the network marketing model:

Case Studies of High Achievers

Examining the case studies of high achievers provides insights into the strategies and efforts that lead to success. The table showcases a few notable case studies:

Lessons Learned from Success Stories

Success stories within Safe Shop offer valuable lessons for current and aspiring associates. The following table outlines key lessons learned from these stories:

Safe Shop: Challenges and Criticisms

While Safe Shop has experienced success, like any business, it has faced challenges and criticisms. This section explores common criticisms, the company’s responses, and improvements made.

Common Criticisms

It’s essential to acknowledge common criticisms to provide a balanced perspective. The table outlines some common criticisms levelled against Safe Shop:

Company Responses and Improvements

It actively addresses criticisms and strives for continuous improvement. The company’s responses and initiatives are outlined in the table below:

Safe Shop Network Marketing Company: Future Prospects and Innovations

Future prospects.

The future prospects of Safe Shop involve strategic planning, technological integration, market adaptation strategies, and a commitment to sustainable business practices. This section explores these aspects to provide insights into the company’s future direction.

Safe Shop: Technological Integration

It recognizes the importance of technological advancements in shaping the future of network marketing. The company is actively integrating technology to enhance its operations and provide associates with cutting-edge tools and platforms.

Technological Initiatives

Safe shop: market adaptation strategies.

Adapting to changing market dynamics is crucial for long-term success. It is developing strategies to remain agile and responsive to emerging trends and consumer preferences.

Market Adaptation Strategies

Sustainable business practices.

Sustainable business practices are becoming increasingly important for companies globally. It is committed to integrating sustainability into its operations, products, and overall business model.

Sustainable Practices

Understanding safe shop: real or fake.

Is Safe Shop Real or Fake?

There have been varying opinions and discussions regarding the authenticity of Shop. It is essential to evaluate the company based on factual information. Let’s delve into key aspects to understand it better.

Company Overview

What is the safe shop company.

Safe Shop, formally known as Safe and Secure Online Marketing Pvt. Ltd., is a network marketing company that provides individuals with the opportunity to become independent business associates. The company operates on a direct selling model, allowing associates to earn income through product sales and team-building activities.

Company Information

What is the full form of bv in safe shop.

In Safe Shop, BV stands for “Business Volume.” Business Volume is a metric used to calculate commissions and bonuses within the company’s compensation plan.

BV in Safe Shop

सेफ शॉप में बीवी का फुल फॉर्म क्या है.

सेफ शॉप में, BV का पूरा नाम “बिजनेस वॉल्यूम” है। यह एक मैट्रिक है जिसका उपयोग कंपनी के कॉम्पेंसेशन प्लान के अंदर कमीशन और बोनस की गणना के लिए किया जाता है।

सेफ शॉप में BV

सेफ शॉप की सैलरी कितनी है.

Safe Shop में सैलरी का सिस्टम नहीं होता, क्योंकि यह एक नेटवर्क मार्केटिंग कंपनी है जिसमें लोग अपने व्यापार की बढ़ावा देने के लिए जुड़ते हैं और उन्हें अपने बिजनेस से कमीशन और बोनस मिलता है। साथ ही, उन्हें विभिन्न स्तरों और रैंक्स के लिए अनुसूचित इनाम भी प्रदान किया जाता है।

सेफ शॉप नंबर 1 कंपनी है?

सेफ शॉप को “नंबर 1” कंपनी माना जाना सब्जेक्टिव है और इस पर विभिन्न राय हो सकती है। इसका मतलब है कि इसका सफलता और मूल्यांकन समाज, उद्योग, और व्यक्ति के विचारों पर निर्भर करता है।

Safe Shop की स्थिति

Safe Shop provides a unique opportunity for individuals to build their own business and generate income through network marketing. With a structured business plan and multiple income streams, it aims to empower its associates to achieve financial success. As with any business venture, individuals considering joining it should thoroughly understand the company’s business model and compensation plan to make informed decisions.

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What is Safe Shop Business? – Safe Shop Business Plan Explained

Hello friends, what is Safe Shop Business? If you want to know about it, I have told you in detail all the information related to Safe Shop Business Plan in this article. If you also want to join network marketing, then we request you to read this entire post carefully. In this post, I will tell you what is the Safe Shop Business Plan? Complete information about this has been explained in detail. so let’s know, what is Safe Shop Business Plan?

What is Safe Shop?

Safe Shop is an Indian MLM Network Marketing and Direct Selling Company recognized by the Government of India which started in 2000. It is a company based on Multi-Level Marketing Business Model which is headquartered in New Delhi.

Safe Shop is one of the oldest companies in India based on Direct Sales. It sells products to people through Direct Sales. This company is quite famous for direct selling. Safe Shop gives a very good plan for online marketing. People generate a lot of income through their business plans.

Any person can sell products to other people by becoming its Associate or Member, in return of which this company gives Profit Share to that Associate or Member. This is a Genuine Company.

Safe shop India Company Details

The full name of the company of Safe shop is Safe and Secure Online Marketing Pvt. Ltd. Is.

It started 20 years ago. This company was established on 14th December 2000. This company was registered on 21 January 2001. It is a registered company under the Companies Act, 1956.

It is an ISO Certified company. This company follows all the guidelines of the Government of India and works under the law.

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Safe Shop Directors Details

There are five founder directors of this company who laid the foundation of this company in the year 2000. Following are the names of the five directors of Safe Shop –

  • Rajat Verma (Dir. Operation)
  • Rajpal Arora (Dir. Administration)
  • Siddharth Sehgal (Dir. Technology)
  • Raj Anand (Dir. Marketing)
  • Harish Sondhi (Dir. Finance)

Official Site of Safe Shop India

The official website of Safe Shop is . You can buy any product through its website. On the website of Safe shop, you get the details of each product of the company. All the information about the price and BV of the products is available on this website.

Apart from this, you can register yourself or any person through this website. By logging on to it, you can see your team and can also see your income.

When you want to buy a new product, you can buy it through this website. You can make online payment of that product through a Debit / Credit Card or Net Banking.

What is Safe Shop Business?

Safe Shop is a type of MLM plan, which means a multi-label marketing plan which senses connecting the company. Today there are many such companies in India, out of which Safe Shop Company is a good company. This company is based on its product online business model, which is selling its products to the people in India. But the way of selling this company’s product is very different. Till now lakhs of people have joined this company and many more people are joining. This company sells many products like health, lifestyle, fashion, education.

To start the Safe Shop business plan, let us tell you that, first of all, you have to make some investment. You can buy their product by investing in Safe Shop, which is around 500 rupees. When you give it, your entry is made in the safe shop that means you are associated with the safe shop company. Apart from this, direct selling from here, you have to pay separately to buy the product.

Safe Shop Investment and Product Amount

  • The investment in Safe shop is around Rs 500. Only after giving which you can join the safe shop, apart from this, you have to pay separately to buy the product for direct selling, which depends on you, how much product you can sell.
  • For the product, you will have to pay 10000 thousand rupees, in which the safe shop gives you the option to choose different products. The products of the safe shop include Vimal’s health products, beauty products, clothes, and sarees, from which you can choose any one product.
  • Apart from Rs 10,000 in the safe shop, there is also an option to buy a product worth Rs 18,000.
  • Meaning that a minimum of Rs 10,500 is required to join, in which you will get some products.

Safe Shop Income Plan

1. safe shop network marketing.

To earn from Safe Shop, you are not direct selling in Safe Shop. To join this company, you have to buy the product. Now to earn money from this company, you have to add people below you which means you get 200 rupees for adding one person to your downline.

Then you get ₹ 200 by adding another person, which means if you have added one of the two people connected below you to the right and one to the left, then you become a pair and on making a pair under yourself. You get 1000 rupees.

Similarly, adding two people to your bottom means that one is left and right, then you get 1400 rupees. All you have to do is add people below you and keep making pairs. Every pair makes a pair in its down line, then you get ₹ 1000 in return.

If someone is below you, someone is himself under himself and makes a pair, still, you get 1000 rupees. In this way, by doing network marketing, you can earn a lot of money by making your network by adding more and more people to the safe shop.

2. Safe Shop Bonus

Let us tell you that there is also an option of bonus income in Safe Shop Company. Meaning that when a person adds more and more people under himself in a short time, then he is given a bonus of some rupees by the Safe Shop Company.

3. Benefits of Safe Shop Business

  • Economic Freedom
  • Freedom of Time
  • Family Security
  • Country and Abroad Trips
  • Car of Choice and Dream House
  • Desired Income

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Safe Shop Business Plan

Before starting any business, we should have complete knowledge about that business. Without a business plan, you cannot tell any person about it, nor can you be successful in this business yourself.

Before referring or joining any person, understand the Safe Shop Business Plan thoroughly.

Earlier the business plan of Safe Shop was based on Pair, in which you used to get some rupees if there was a pair in Right and Left. But on November 27, 2019, on the 19th anniversary of the company, Safe Shop made a major change in its business plan.

When you join a safe shop, you have to join two people below you. If you join two people and they buy two products of 200-200 BV, then you get 1400 rupees. Next, when they add two people (who are connected below you) and two people each, then you get income.

Under this business plan, you have to sell the product by adding the logo below you. If people join and buy products, then you get BV i.e. you get money.

Groups – Blue Group, Amber Group, and Purple Group.

According to the new business plan, you can add people under three groups. You can add the logo below you to three groups – Blue Group, Amber Group, and Purple Group. On sales in each group, you will get money according to the BV of the product.

Before this i.e. before November 2019, you had to join this company by buying a product of eight thousand. After that, you used to add any two people below you. Next, those two people used to add two people each below them. In this way, you used to get one thousand rupees for every pair.

But now when the people joining below you make purchases through its website, then you get money according to the BV of that product.

What is BV (Business Volume)?

BV means Business Volume. 1 BV is equal to two and a half rupees i.e. 2.5 rupees.

There are different BV for each product. When there is a sale under you, you get BV. You get BV according to the product. This is an important term of this business.

How to join Safe Shop Business and earn money?

If you also want to join Safe Shop, then let us tell you that you will have to join it, for which you cost ₹ 10500. If you also have so much money, then you can join Safe Shop by investing in it and you can make a career in it and generate a lot of income.

You can join the Safe Shop direct or through an Existing Member. You can become an Associate or DSA of this company by buying any one product of the company.

To buy a product from Safe Shop, you have to spend ₹ 10000, in which you can choose different products by Safe Shop Company according to you. In the product of Safe Shop, you can get to see products like clothes, all household items, etc. You can choose any of these products as per your wish. In Safe Shop, you get an option to buy a product worth Rs 18,000 in addition to Rs 10,000.

This means that to join Safe Shop, you need at least 10500 rupees, after which you join Safe Shop Online Marketing. After that, you get the Safe Shop product from Safe Shop, in this way you can join the safe shop business.

When you join it, you can earn by referring other people. When you connect to it, you get a User ID and Password.

You can see your own team by visiting the company’s website and track your income. Through this, you can add anyone below you.

When any person joins under you with a product, then you get Profit Share. You get income in the form of BV on buying the products of every person who joins below you. You can earn more by selling more and more.

Safe shop Online Registration and Login Info

You can log in by visiting the official website of Safe shop India When you join this online network marketing company through someone, you get a Unique Login Id and Password. With the help of this Unique Login Id and Password, you can log in to your account.

You can also register yourself or register any other person. Registration is absolutely free. You do not have to pay any fees or charges for this.

For online registration, you have to provide your name, address, mobile no., email, Aadhar card, and PAN card information. After registration, you get a User Id for which a password is set by you. You can access your own account through this Login Id and Password. It is also necessary to add another person under you.

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How much can you earn from Safe Shop?

The more work you do in Safe Shop, the more money you can earn. Meaning that it is up to you that the more people you add, the more money you can earn. Meaning that if you get two people joining every month, then you can earn at least 1000 rupees per month. The same person connected by you also adds 1 pair under himself, then you get his commission as well, it simply means that if the person added by you adds people below him, then you also get his bonus. In this way, you get a good income.

You don’t have any fixed earnings in Safe Shop. In this, you do not have any fixed income. The harder you work, the more you will earn.

The more people join below you, the more sales will be there and accordingly, you will earn. You can earn thousands, lakhs, and even crores of rupees through this.

You can earn up to Rs 13 lakh per week from Safe Shop. In this way, you can earn more than half a crore of the month. You will have to work for many years to earn this much.

Earn Income thru new Plan of Safe Shop

According to the new plan of Safe Shop, you earn income in the following ways –

  • Retail Income
  • Preferred Benefit Income
  • Booster Benefit Income
  • Team Business Income
  • Repurchase Shopping Income

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Level in Safe Shop – Recognition Level

The safe shop has different recognition levels depending on the team members and sales. You are awarded on the achievement of each level. When you become a Diamond, you are honored by organizing a grand ceremony.

Silver – If your Total Business Volume is 10000 and below you, Weaker Group’s Business Volume is 3400 then your Recognition Level will be Silver. Earlier, if you had a team of 50 people under you, then you would have become Silver.

Gold – If your Total Business Volume is 50000 and Weaker Group’s Business Volume is 17000 below you then your Recognition Level will be Gold. Earlier, if you had a team of 250 people under you, you would have become gold.

Pearl – If your Total Business Volume is 100000 and below you, the Business Volume of Weaker Group is 33400 then your Recognition Level will be Pearl. Earlier, if you had a team of 500 people under you, you would have become Pearl.

Topaz – If your Total Business Volume is 250000 and Weaker Group’s Business Volume is 83400 below you then your Recognition Level will be Topaz. Earlier if you had a team of 1250 people under you then you used to become Topaz.

Emerald – If your Total Business Volume is 500000 and below you, the Business Volume of Weaker Group is 166800 then your Recognition Level will be Emerald. Earlier, if you had a team of 2500 people under you, then you would have become Silver.

Ruby – If your Total Business Volume is 1000000 and below you, the Business Volume of Weaker Group is 333400 then your Recognition Level will be Ruby. Earlier, if you had a team of 5000 people under you, then you would become Ruby.

Diamond – If your Total Business Volume is 2000000 and below you, the Business Volume of Weaker Group is 666700 then your Recognition Level will be Diamond. Earlier, if you had a team of 10000 people under you, then you would have become a diamond.

Latest Safe Shop Products Detail

You can buy many types of products through Safe Shop. Today many types of products are available on its online shopping store.

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Many Popular and Trusted Brands are associated with this company. You can buy quality products of those brands through this. On this, you mainly get products from Fashion, Health, Beauty, Education, and Lifestyle category. A large range of products is available here in these categories.

Speaking Bhagwat Geeta and Sampoorna Hanuman Chalisa are two popular products of Safe Shop. The product details of each category are given below.

  • Fashion – There are many products available for men and women in this category. You can know about the price, business volume, and other specifications of these products by visiting its website.
  • Health/Beauty – There are many health and beauty-related products available at the safe shop. Such as – soap, toothpaste, cream, powder, facewash, etc. You can get all the details of these products from the website.
  • Lifestyle – Through this, you can buy products of the Lifestyle category. There are many items available for education, sports, and daily life use on it. You can get all the information of all these products like Price, Business Volume and Specification from the website.

Safe shop Vs Other Jobs

Safe shop can be compared with other jobs on the basis of many factors. In other jobs, you have to work for a fixed time every day and in return, you get a salary every month. If you do your own business then you invest first and then you get profit.

In Safe Shop you are free from any bounding. You can also do this part-time or full-time. In this, you are not fixed that you have to work for so many hours.

In other jobs , you need any skill or educational qualification or degree, whereas there is no such condition in it. Even if you are already doing a job, you can do this business with that job. In other jobs, you have a limited income but through this, you can earn unlimited.

If you want to start any business then you have to invest lakhs of rupees. But no investment is required to start this business. You just buy a product and start earning by joining it. Where you have to bear the loss in other businesses, you do not have any loss in this business.

Read Also: How to Earn Money from Instagram Reels?

Final and Important Points

With hard work, a person can achieve anything. If you want to achieve something in your life by joining this business then you have to work hard.

You can change your life through Safe Shop. Through this, you can make a good income. Today lakhs of people in India have joined it and are also earning income.

Before joining Safe Shop, you should get complete information about it. Know and understand the business plan and product details of the safe shop thoroughly. With the right information, you can add other people to it. Can explain well. In this way, you can be successful in this business.

All the information given here has been prepared by researching Safe Shop Business Plan. All the information given here is based on the internet. We request you to get complete information before joining any such company. If any question related to Safe Shop comes to your mind, then you can ask us through the comment below. Thank you


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Hi sir nice job

Thanks for compliment.

Nice business sir My be join karna he thou kaise . Iam from andhrapradesh Bapatla district Bapatla town Cell number 9618660160.plz mujebe jankari de di ji a.🙏

Some of the Coaches misuse freshers ID & PASSWORD. Where this information is given for action.

Where I can complain for misuse of ID & PASSWORD of freshers by seniors in Safe Shop India?

The company gives profit or intrest of the income

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Auto Repair Shop Business Plan Sample

Have you ever considered opening an automotive repair shop?  Auto shops are known as businesses that have strong cash flow, and fair profits.  In this auto repair shop business plan sample we will show you what goes into developing a strong plan.  Please remember this is merely a guide, and the best business plans are fully-customized to each individual company.

Before commencing on your auto repair shop, you may have a few questions. How profitable are auto repair shops? How to grow an auto repair business? How much does it cost to start an auto repair shop? How do I get more customers in my auto repair shop? How to market an auto repair business?

Brace yourself, because in this article, our team has prepared a comprehensive automotive repair shop business plan, which should help address these queries.

To conquer the largest auto repair companies in the USA, you must first grasp the auto repair industries intricate nuances. Automotive repair service companies in the US provide a wide range of automotive repair and mechanic services to ensure optimal performance and longevity of vehicles. Whether you are looking to start a mechanic business or small auto shop, we can help you with a customized automotive repair business plan or mechanic shop business plan, which is catered to your specific goals and requirements.

As things take shape, it will be time to paint the operational landscape of your auto repair shop. Envision the perfect location, layout, and equipment needed to manifest your vision. Map out the staffing requirements, employee training protocols, and the smooth workflow process, which will ultimately define your mechanic shop’s efficiency.

Seek out and foster relationships with trustworthy vendors and suppliers who can provide you with leading automotive parts, tools, and supplies. Engage with those who offer competitive prices, exceptional quality, and lightning-fast delivery to fortify your shop’s operations.

Navigate regulations. Familiarize yourself with local, state, and federal rules governing the auto repair industry. Obtain the necessary licenses and permits to properly operate your shop, and of course, ensure your business adheres to the highest environmental and safety standards.

In conclusion, for an ambitious entrepreneur , crafting a comprehensive business plan for your auto repair shop is your ticket to triumph in this fiercely competitive industry. We hope you enjoy this auto shop business plan example.

1.0 Executive Summary

“Your Canadian Auto Shop” (The Company) is a Tire and Customization Shop with nine locations spanning across British Columbia, Alberta and Saskatchewan.  Over the past ten years the company has gained recognition across Western Canada as a leader in tire, wheel, rim and accessory customization.  With a sprawling population, the City of Saskatoon has been identified as an ideal location for Your Canadian Auto Shop’s tenth Tire and Customization Shop.

With the support of senior management, Ralph Walzek  will open an incorporated business, and raise $122,750 through the Canada Small Business Financing Program (CSBFP) for the equipment and leasehold improvements required to successfully launch this location.  Ralph Walzek  will receive an annual management salary of $75,000, and 20% of the Saskatoon Location’s net income.

Given the essential role that cars, trucks and other vehicles play in everyday life, overall demand for vehicle support services is projected to expand over the next five years, in line with rising population figures and increased consumer spending.  This demand, and low-barriers to entry has resulted in a level of saturation within the industry; notwithstanding, Your Canadian Auto Shop has established a process which sets them apart in this competitive landscape.

By offering affordable customizations, unmatched selection, a culture of customer satisfaction, and a convenient selection of payment options, Your Canadian Auto Shop stands out in an otherwise crowded marketplace.  Regardless of this increasingly competitive landscape, the company has continued to grow year after year.  In partnership with senior management, Ralph Walzek  will utilize over two decades of professional management experience to guarantee the success of this tenth Your Canadian Auto Shop location.

According to Statistics Canada’s 2020 Consensus, Saskatoon is currently the third fastest growing metropolitan region in Canada.  With a thriving business sector, Saskatoon is an attractive and vibrant city that is a primary engine for the province’s wider economy.  With an experienced management team, reputable brand, profitable business model, and strong demographics, this location is positioned to be a flourishing Tire and Customization shop for many years to come.  Furthermore, Ralph Walzek  is committed to being a fair and equitable employer, to support the local labour market, and the community of Saskatoon at large.

2.0 Business Overview

Your Canadian Auto Shop was established 10 years ago in Edmonton, Alberta.  Since then, the company has grown to nine locations across Western Canada, and is poised to continue it’s track record of growth.  Ralph Walzek  seeks to incorporate a company and secure a $122,750 loan for the equipment and leasehold improvements of this tenth location in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.  This incorporated business will operate under the Your Canadian Auto Shop brand in the Tire and Customization Industry.

2.1 Industry Overview

North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code – 44132

Tire Dealerships

Establishments: 2,383

0-99 Employees: 100%

Average Revenue: $1.1 million

Profitable: 76.1%

This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in retailing tires and tubes. These establishments also typically provide complementary services, such as tire mounting and wheel balancing and aligning.

2.2 Mission Statement


2.3 Goals and Objectives

  • Approval from TD Business Banking to proceed with incorporation
  • Ralph Walzek will incorporate a business and provide documentation to CIBC
  • Secure $122,750 through the Canada Small Business Financing Program
  • Secure a location for the shop in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
  • Purchase all equipment and inventory outlined in “6.0 Financial Plan”
  • Recruit one Sales Rep and Tire Technician from the Regina location, as agreed upon
  • Open for business on July 1, 2021

2.4 Key Success Factors

Safety in the Workplace : Focus on maintaining safe working conditions.  In addition to protecting our staff, our location’s image revolves around safety and consciousness.

Inventory Management Skills : Able to control stock on hand and install accurate costing systems.

Employment of Skilled Automotive Technicians : Access to skilled technicians in a workforce that is becoming more technologically advanced.

After Sales Service and Support : Provide superior customer service in a segment that can be very competitive.

Location Close to Key Markets: Location in the heart of Saskatoon, therefore determining  market size, average customer income, vehicle count, population, and competition.

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3.0 Staffing


  • Interact with Commercial Sales Consultants and/or Counter Sales Service Associates to obtain work orders and commercial customer service specific requirements.
  • Install, balance, rotate and repair tires at Saskatoon location in a safe and efficient manner.
  • Support fellow Tire Technicians and Sales Rep as required.
  • Install and service all tires up to qualifications.
  • Deliver customer tire maintenance program to businesses by visiting assigned locations to complete fleet checks.
  • Accurately complete all documentation/paperwork in relation to service work provided so that efficient billing can be conducted.
  • Inventory, maintenance, cleaning and other duties as assigned by management for both the shop and the service trucks.
  • Ensure service vehicle and all equipment is maintained in a safe, neat and clean manner at all times.
  • Assist the shop associates to ensure the shop and service vehicles are kept in a safe, neat and clean manner at all times both inside and outside.
  • Conduct efficient Receiving/Shipping of all inventories that enters and leaves the shop.
  • Professionally interact and communicate with customers to explain service details and advise on any additional service maintenance that has been identified.


  • Internal Candidates – Intermediate PLT Skills
  • Valid Driver’s License with a clean abstract
  • Basic mechanical aptitude and previous exposure to automotive work
  • Interest in further expanding knowledge about the tire industry
  • Well developed people skills with the ability to professionally interact with customers
  • Maintain a clean and professional personal appearance and grooming.
  • Farm and small OTR tire experience preferred.

4.0 Products & Services

We specialize in getting customers the right tire that suits the vehicle and application. Snowflake Rated All Terrain Tires, All-Weather Tires, All-Season Tires, Performance Tires, Track Tires, Mud Tires, All Terrain Tires, Rugged Terrains, Mud Boggers, Winter Tires, Semi, Agricultural, and the list goes on.  We are committed to providing tires for every price point.

Wheels and rims for a auto repair shop.


Your Canadian Auto Shop has access to all types of rims and custom wheels. We are factory direct, which means huge discounts and quick turnaround times for our customers. We specialize in high offset and low offset wheels, staggered wheel fitment, American muscle, tuner cars, winter rim & tire combos, concave wheels, deep dish, and all sizes.  We are confident our offering of Armed Brand Wheels will be well received in the Saskatoon area.

wheels for a repair shop business plan.


  • Multiple brands of lift and leveling kits
  • Multiple brands of exhaust tips
  • Multiple brands of mud flaps
  • Multiple brands of tonneau covers
  • Fender Flares
  • Exhaust Systems
  • Multiple brand of front and rear bumpers
  • Cold air intake
  • Multiple brands of side steps

5.0 Operations

Securing a strategic and busy location, prominently visible within Saskatoon, will be a key element of our operations.  Not only will our shop be easily accessible, but also well positioned; therefore, increasing market exposure.

Ensuring a safe and healthy workplace will be our highest priority.  Owner and Location Manager, Ralph Walzek  has extensive experience in ensuring the health and safety of his team members.  “Safety starts at the top” and by utilizing over two decades of safe work practices, Ralphwill lead by example in day to day operations.  Each and every morning a safety meeting will be conducted to review best work practices, and weekly topics; while everyone on the team will be encouraged to participate.

5.2 Payment & Financing

  • Payment with cash
  • Payment via credit cards, point of sale machines, or EFT
  • Payment via mobile money transfer
  • We also have in place Driver Capital no credit check financing

5.3 Hours of Operation

Monday 9AM – 6PM

Tuesday 9AM – 6PM

Wednesday 9AM – 6PM

Thursday 9AM – 6PM

Friday 9AM – 6PM

Saturday 9AM – 5PM

Sunday – CLOSED

5.4 Equipment

Please refer to “6.0 Financial Plan” for a complete list of required equipment.

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  • Phone Number

6.0 Market Analysis

Over the coming years, operators in the Tire Dealers industry in Canada are set to benefit from improving economic conditions, particularly within several of the industry’s key commercial markets, as the Canadian economy recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.

With expected growth in corporate profit over the five years to 2025, which will be coming off a relatively low base level, many companies are expected to expand or upgrade their existing vehicle fleets and generate significant demand for retailers of tires, repair services and miscellaneous vehicle parts and accessories. Moving forward, rising levels of disposable income are expected to bolster demand for industry services, as these trends are anticipated to enable a greater number of Canadian consumers to upgrade existing vehicles, causing the industry’s customer base to expand.

As a result of these factors, IBISWorld projects industry revenue will increase at an annualized rate of 3.0% to $5.5 billion over the five years to 2025.

Commercial markets are anticipated to expand as industrial production growth is expected to occur within the Canadian economy. Moreover, corporate profit in Canada is forecast to increase at an annualized rate of 8.3% over the five years to 2025, enabling many of the industry’s transportation and wholesaling clients to increase investments in their vehicle fleets.

To further strengthen demand from this segment, operators are expected to grow business relationships and secure long-term distribution contracts over the next five years. For example, national and regional repair garages are expected to work to gain a competitive edge against smaller shops by entering into long-term commercial relationships with tire dealers.

Given the essential role that cars, trucks and other vehicles play in everyday life, overall demand for vehicle support services is projected to expand over the next five years, in line with rising population figures and increased consumer spending.

In turn, these positive trends are expected to support demand for industry operators. Industry profit is also expected to increase marginally over the next five years, as the profit margin is expected to recover from a low level in 2020.  At the same time, rising levels of disposable income are anticipated to encourage many consumers to purchase tires and repair services from external car dealerships or mechanics.

6.1 Market Trends

  • Amid COVID-19, industry profit is expected to temporarily decline
  • Despite high competition, revenue has expanded over the past five years
  • New vehicle sales are expected to grow from a low base level in 2020
  • The industry will likely benefit from consistent growth in the Canadian population
  • Small-scale operators are expected to continue entering the tire-dealer market
  • Industry profit will likely decline as operators seek to gain market share by offering discounts on products and services

6.2 Competitive Advantage

The following list outlines the three competitive advantages that will differentiate Your Canadian Auto Shop Saskatoon from the competition:

  • We are uniquely equipped to utilize the sales from all other stores to give us substantial buying power in obtaining our products cheaper from suppliers; subsequently, allowing for more affordable and competitive pricing for customers.
  • Through our agreement with Driver Capital No Credit Financing, we are able to appeal to a vast customer base by eliminating insufficient credit as a barrier to purchase.
  • We will be the only dealer in Saskatoon offering the extremely popular brand, Armed Wheels.

6.3 Risk Analysis

Total vehicle-kilometres.

Tires most often degrade from extended use and age. As a result, the more a vehicle is driven, the more often replacement tires or retreads will be required. The number of total vehicle-kilometres was expected to increase in 2020. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people have reduced nonessential travel and have commuted less by car, leading to an expected decline in the number of total vehicle-kilometres driven, which poses a potential threat to the industry.

World price of crude oil

High gasoline prices, which are dictated by crude oil price trends, generally decrease vehicle sales and cause consumers to switch to alternative modes of transportation. For instance, consumers may use public transportation when gasoline prices are high instead of driving their own vehicles and incurring the expense of gasoline. As a result, when consumers use their cars less, they will not require tires as quickly, thus decreasing industry demand.

Per capita disposable income

Per capita disposable income influences the timing and value of tire purchases. Consumers with more disposable income are quicker to replace worn tires and are more likely to purchase expensive, high-performance tires. Alternatively, consumers with less disposable income may be hesitant to purchase expensive products or to replace worn tires.

New vehicle sales

New vehicles are sold with a set of factory-installed tires. Increases in vehicles sold boost industry revenue for the long term as it increases the base of potential vehicles that need replacement tires. In the short term, new cars typically do not need replacement tires. When consumers buy new vehicles over maintaining their current ones, industry revenue is negatively affected. As of its last update, new vehicle sales were expected to increase in 2020. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, however, consumers are expected to purchase fewer new vehicles, which represents a potential opportunity for the industry. 3

7.0 Sales & Marketing Plan

Our Sales & Marketing Plan is founded on the strength of Your Canadian Auto Shop’ well-established brand.  The company has a proven marketing strategy that targets multiple social media platforms in order to attract an array of target customers. The Saskatoon shop will have the benefit of people already recognizing the name and stellar reputation of the Canadian Custom Autoworks’ brand.  Our Saskatoon Shop will leverage the brand through signage, placement on the company’s website, and awareness on social media.

7.1 Target Customers


The Tire Dealers industry in Canada serves a broad range of customers, with everyday household consumers accounting for the vast majority of the industry’s total revenue.

  • 18 – 65 years of age
  • All income levels, as we deal in lower level, mid-level and premium level products
  • Resides in the Saskatoon Metropolitan Region (population of 325,806 – 2019 Q4)
  • Major Ethnicities (European 72.2%, Aboriginal 11.2%, South Asian 4.7%, Filipino 3.9%) 4
  • Drives a motor-vehicle


Businesses for end use, including trucking companies, construction companies, farmers and mining outfits, represent the second-largest source of revenue for industry operators.

  • We will establish relationships with local companies, in an effort to provide wheels and tires for their fleets.


  • Kia of Saskatoon, Ens Toyota, Ens Lexus, Oakwood Nissan, Bema Autosport BMW, Porsche Centre Saskatchewan, Saskatoon Mitsubishi, Mercedes-Benz Saskatoon, Saskatoon South Hyundai, Volvo Cars Saskatoon, Acura Centre of Saskatoon, Jaguar Saskatoon, Mid City Auto Centre, Saskatoon Auto Connections Sales Centre, Wheaton GMC Buick, Subaru of Saskatoon, Studio Fiat, Mainway Mazda, Bright City Auto Sales

7.2 Key Channels

We understand the nature of our referral based industry.  Our focus is to provide the most professional experience available, consequently laying the groundwork for a consistent stream of referrals.


Social media will reach our target customers in two ways; pre-established Your Canadian Auto Shop pages will drive wider brand recognition and messaging, while our location will create a Facebook page for our community of direct customers in the Saskatoon area.


A Google My Business account will be established to receive reviews from customers, to assist customers with finding the shop, to keep the public up to date on hours of operation, and provide additional contact information.


The company’s website will be imperative in assisting buyers through the sales process.  By learning more about our products in one central place, people can transition from prospects to paying customers quickly.

Let's Get Started!

7.3 swot analysis.

SWOT analysis for a repair shop.

8.0 Financial Plan

Capital requirements for a auto repair shop.

8.1 Five Year Pro Forma Cash Flow Statement

safe shop business plan

Are you interested in seeing more business plan samples? Here is a variety of business plan samples   to help guide you through your entrepreneurial journey.  If you need any help in developing a custom business plan contact us here!

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Safe Shop Company Profile


Safe And Secure Online Marketing Private Limited

Incorporation details.

safe shop business plan

Income Plan

Retail compensation, preferred customer compensation, team business compensation, team retail selling, cosmic corpus compensation, promotional rewards, legal documents.

Note: Information and documents available on this page are shared for information purposes only. The official website of  Safe And Secure Online Marketing Private Limited  is

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“Grisha” Review of Grisha

Photo of Grisha

Interior is nice, service staff also. When I was there, many food written in menu was not available. Prices are above average.

  • Excellent 38
  • Very good 10
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1 - 5 of 61 reviews

Got food here in July 2020. Only terrace was open. There were 4 of us and we wanted to have food here and order shisha from nearby place. But we were told that we can nit have shisha here at all. It was stupidly funny because next table belonged to shisha shop and people were smoking there. Also some people broigh thei own shishas and were seating with them close to this terrace. So two of us ordered the food here and we moved to other table. The food what we gor (fresh rolls, pad thai, salad) was good and it took around 15 minutes to get it. But he staff wasn't very friendly. That is why i put 4 stars only.

Been there a couple of times now. Wide variety of drinks and spirits. Creative salads, tasty pizza. Nice staff. Definitely, a good place to eat with a unique atmosphere.

safe shop business plan

Came here is my Canadian friend, who is allergic to gluten and dairy. The stuff was so helpful! We were so well cared by Denis. He went to the kitchen and checked many dishes and sauces so that my friend could have a proper lunch. I am so grateful! A perfect place for tourists! The food is super tasty!

safe shop business plan

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General election latest: Tory tactic on Starmer age may backfire, poll suggests; Farage changes tune on Tory deal

Sir Keir Starmer has faced accusations of a left-wing cull in the Labour Party, including from predecessor Jeremy Corbyn. In better news for the party leader, another Tory - Mark Logan - has defected. Submit your election questions in the form below.

Thursday 30 May 2024 20:46, UK

  • General Election 2024

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Election news

  • 'How can we trust you?' Voter challenges PM
  • Tory defects to Labour | 'The right thing for country'
  • Dropped Labour candidate accuses some in party of racism
  • Corbyn claims Starmer 'clearly intervening' in 'purge'
  • Tory tactic on Labour leader's age may backfire, poll suggests
  • Farage changes tune on Tory deal
  • Live reporting by Tim Baker

Expert analysis

  • Jon Craig: Latest Tory defector not an obvious fit for Labour
  • Gurpreet Narwan: Reform unfussed by impact of 'immigration tax'
  • Darren McCaffrey: Partygate clearly still an issue for Tories
  • Beth Rigby: Massive distraction gives Starmer questions to answer

Election essentials

  • Trackers: Who's leading polls? | Is PM keeping promises?
  • Campaign Heritage: Memorable moments from elections gone by
  • Follow Sky's politics podcasts: Electoral Dysfunction | Politics At Jack And Sam's
  • Read more: What happens next? | Who is standing down? | Key seats to watch | How to register to vote | What counts as voter ID? | Check if your constituency's changing | Your essential guide to election lingo | Sky's election night plans

One of the Tories' favourite attacks on Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has been to label him "Sir Softy" for an allegedly weak stance on crime.

Well, he somewhat lived up to that moniker today - for very different reasons.

He was in South Wales today on the campaign trail, where he served ice cream to day trippers on Barry seafront.

Faiza Shaheen, who was until yesterday set to be the Labour candidate for Chingford and Woodford Green, has released a statement and spoken to Sky News in the wake of the row.

Writing on X, she said the central Labour Party withdrawing their backing comes at "the end of a systematic campaign of racism, Islamophobia and bullying from some within the party when I first announced that I wanted to run for Labour again".

Sky News has contacted Labour for comment.

Ms Shaheen previously stood for the seat in 2019, and enjoyed visits from the then shadow minister Sir Keir Starmer.

Speaking to Sky presenter Gillian Joseph , Ms Shaheen says she was suspended because of 14 posts on X over 10 years.

However, she played down the fact she "liked" a post from US comedian Jon Stewart in 2014 in which he criticised Israel - saying she was not "pressed particularly on that".

Asked about the claims of racism, Islamophobia and bullying, Ms Shaheen says she will "put out" evidence.

She says she made a complaint in October or November about something posted in a WhatsApp chat.

"It took six months for them to come back to me and even then they were like, we consider... it is closed," Ms Shaheen says.

She adds that she "really upset" when Sir Keir Starmer said Labour was searching for the "best" candidates.

The full list of candidates for Chingford and Woodford Green is:

  • Chris Brody, Green Party;
  • Josh Hadley, Liberal Democrats;
  • Yousaff Khan, Workers Party of Britain;
  • Paul Luggeri, Reform UK;
  • Iain Duncan Smith, Conservative Party.

A squeeze on people's incomes due to frozen tax thresholds will continue until 2028 under Tory plans, Jeremy Hunt has confirmed.

Rishi Sunak introduced a freeze on tax-free personal allowance thresholds (the amount you can earn before you start paying tax) when he was chancellor back in 2021. In his autumn 2022 budget, Mr Hunt extended the time it would need to be in place from 2026 to 2028.

The frozen rates mean many have failed to feel the benefit of the national insurance cut which kicked in this year.

The Office for Budget Responsibility also estimates the static rates will drag an additional four million people into paying tax by 2028 and push three million into a higher tax bracket. This is because wages will go up alongside inflation, but the threshold won't. 

The policy is often referred to as a "stealth tax".

Mr Hunt told BBC Radio 4's Today programme: "The tax rises that happened as a result of the pandemic and the energy shock, these two giant shocks, will stay for their allotted time period."

But he reiterated the Conservatives' pledge to end the freeze after 2028, saying: "I can absolutely undertake that the threshold freeze that we introduced until 2028 will not continue after that."

The Tories have said they will unfreeze the thresholds for pensioners if they win the election.

Labour has also refused to commit to unfreezing overall tax thresholds.

Sir Keir Starmer said earlier that he believed the tax burden on working people was "too high" but that his party was not going to "make commitments that we cannot afford".

"Therefore I'm very clear about the tax that will remain and will be locked and where we cannot make those commitments," he said.

What are the tax thresholds and what do they mean?

The personal tax allowance is frozen at £12,570. You don't pay income tax on anything you earn below that - anything above is taxed at the 20% base rate. At the same time, the higher rate has been frozen at £50,271 - anything above that is taxed at 40%.

Tom Selby, director of public policy at AJ Bell, said the personal allowance, if it had been inflation-linked since 2021-22, would be forecast to rise to £15,989 by 2028 - nearly £3,500 higher than the frozen threshold.

There was another classic of the Lib Dem election stunt genre today, and this time Sky joined in.

Our correspondent Matthew Thompson jumped on a waterslide with party leader Sir Ed Davey - and you can watch the fun they had below...

The stunt was done to raise awareness of a Lib Dem policy to introduce a mental health professional into school.

That concludes our coverage of tonight's Politics Hub With Ali Fortescue - it'll be back tomorrow, but stick around for more news and analysis through the evening.

If this is the first TikTok election, you might be surprised at who's winning.

On the youngest, buzziest social media platform, Reform UK - whose vote tends somewhat towards the elderly - has the most followers, 125,500, just ahead of Labour on 108,500.

But others are catching up fast - and how they're using it reveals a lot about a key digital battleground in this election, one of the few arenas where money doesn't buy you influence.

Because this is new territory. "It's worth noting that the three major parties are really new to the game," says Kate Dommett, professor of digital politics at the University of Sheffield.

No major party had much of a TikTok presence before the election was called. Now they're racing to build them on the fly.

Read more from our online campaign correspondent Tom Cheshire :

Our panel is asked by Ali whether it's becoming difficult to distinguish between the two parties.

Former government adviser  Mercy Muroki says she thinks so. 

"We've heard a lot of talk already about how Labour are kind of trying very hard to move… to the centre at least and to purge the left," she says.

"And I think the policy platform they have on tax and other issues is more or less practically indistinguishable from what the Conservatives have been trying to do," she adds. 

Regardless, she says, "all parties come in promising various things on tax, and they always end up breaking it - always end up raising tax when they said they wouldn't".

Ali Fortescue   turns to our panel, former government adviser Mercy Muroki and ex-Labour staffer Greg Cook .

Asked about Mark Logan's defection, Ms Muroki says it is a "very odd" example of someone changing parties.

She points out that Mr Logan was elected in 2019 as a Boris-backing Brexiteer who is now saying Sir Keir Starmer is the future of the country.

Ms Muroki adds that Mr Logan doesn't really criticise Rishi Sunak in his letter, and admitted the Tories could hold his seat.

She says there is no clear reason for him leaving the Tory party, unlike in other defections.

Tories 'will be absolutely terrified'

Mr Cook says it may be that Labour had a hand in the defection, and it could be a useful distraction from the bad Labour headlines at the moment.

The former Labour employee says that Mr Logan seems like a "genuine, honest guy" who clearly thought his decision through.

Mr Cook says that, when Tories defected in 1997, it was over Europe and showed other Conservatives they could back Labour.

Now, there is no single clear reason that defectors have given.

"I imagine the Tories will be absolutely terrified there are more of these in the pipeline," Mr Cook says.

On the subject of Diane Abbott, Ms Muroki says it is "clearly not a good look" for the Labour Party.

But she criticises some of the narrative around the case.

She says: "I just do find it this narrative that, you know, she's a black woman, and somehow she should receive special treatment for that. 

"It's kind of undermining the reason that she was sort of being investigated in the first place."

Ms Abbott was suspended from the parliamentary Labour Party after writing in The Observer that "Irish, Jewish, and Traveller" people suffer "prejudice" - and likened it to discrimination experienced by "redheads".

"But they are not all their lives subject to racism," she added.

Another MP defecting to Labour will no doubt come as a blow to Rishi Sunak, but there are divisions in Labour too, our political editor Beth Rigby says. 

"Mark Logan has defected… it comes on the back of Natalie Elphicke [leaving, who was] more high-profile, actually," she says.

"She defected to Labour about small boats and you then had Dan Poulter, a former minister and a doctor, saying he was defecting to Labour over the NHS.

"It will, of course, be a blow to the prime minister."

In response, Beth says, the Tories have thrown themselves fully into campaigning. 

"Rishi Sunak is actually trying to shore up, for now, the right of the party, with those offers on national service, on the triple lock and more tax benefits for pensioners."

Moving to Labour, she says the Diane Abbott row may actually be a bigger story than we think. 

"The way that they are responding is making it a bigger, bigger, bigger problem, instead of nipping it in the bud," she says.

"It speaks to divisions in the party."

Sky political correspondent Serena Barker-Singh has been speaking to Jeremy Corbyn, the former Labour leader who is now an independent.

Mr Corbyn was asked about the candidates seen to be on the left of the party - like Diane Abbott, Lloyd Russell-Moyle, and Faiza Shaheen - not being allowed to stand.

He tells Serena: "The one thing they all have in common, the people that have been purged, is that they're on the left of the party and have all spoken out in favour of an immediate ceasefire and permanent ceasefire in Gaza."

When it was put to him that Labour claims some of the action was down to liking social media posts, Mr Corbyn says: "We don't even know which tweet it was or whose tweet it was.

"That seems to me a bit thin - and the Labour Party's procedures ought to be more robust and more open than that."

Serena asks if Mr Corbyn thinks Sir Keir Starmer is behind the decisions.

The ex-Labour chief says: "Well, as much as he claims sometimes it's nothing to do with him and other times that he's made the decision, he better make up his mind what it is. 

"I think the leader ought to be independent of the other processes. But he clearly is intervening all along the way."

Sir Keir has denied he was blocking leftwing candidates.

He says that he wants the "highest quality candidates" - and that "no decision" has been taken on Ms Abbott's case.

He then paid tribute to her and the "incredible challenges" she overcame as an MP.

Mr Corbyn is standing for re-election in Islington North.

The full list of candidates for the seat is as follows:

  • Jeremy Corbyn, independent;
  • Vikas Aggarwal, Liberal Democrat;
  • Sheridan Kates, Green Party;
  • Praful Nargund, Labour;
  • Martyn Nelson, Reform UK.

If you need more insight into Mark Logan's defection, read this from our chief political correspondent Jon Craig ...

In a Sky News interview after Tory MP Christian Wakeford defected to Labour in 2022, Mark Logan was asked if he planned to join him.

At the time, the Northern Ireland-born MP laughed and replied jokingly: "I'm not planning to defect - to the Democratic Unionist Party."

Yet two years later, Mr Logan has indeed - like Mr Wakeford, Dan Poulter and Natalie Elphicke in the parliament that has just ended - abandoned the Conservative Party and switched to Labour.

Mr Logan said he had done "much soul-searching throughout my first term in parliament".

Not many MPs admit to that sort of self-doubt. But then Mr Logan has never been tribal like the more bombastic and shouty members of the Tories' 2019 intake. You know who you are!

Nor is he a divisive figure like the most recent previous Tory defector to Labour, Natalie Elphicke, whose welcome from the party leadership appalled some Labour MPs and activists.

And though he won his seat from Labour's Sir David Crausby, who represented Bolton North East from 1997 until 2019, it's not a Red Wall seat.

Read the full article below:

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