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Researcher Resume Examples & Templates for 2024

resume format for research paper

When it comes to landing a job in the field of research, having a well-crafted resume can be the key to standing out in a competitive job market. A researcher resume is a document that summarizes your professional experience, education, skills, and other relevant information for a potential employer.

An impressive researcher resume can make all the difference in securing an interview and ultimately, landing the job. A strong resume showcases your strengths and highlights your achievements in past roles, making you an attractive candidate to potential employers.

The objective of this article is to provide examples and templates for creating a standout researcher resume. By following the tips and advice provided in this article, job seekers in the field of research can create a strong and effective resume that will impress potential employers. The article will cover everything from formatting and structure to key skills to include and common mistakes to avoid. Whether you’re a recent graduate or an experienced researcher, this article will provide the information you need to create a winning resume.

Researcher Resume Basics

When it comes to applying for a research position, your resume serves as a tool to showcase your skills, experience, and achievements. Therefore, you need to make sure your resume contains certain essential components, adheres to specific formatting guidelines, and highlights the relevant keywords and phrases.

Essential Components of a Researcher Resume

Your resume should provide a clear and concise overview of your professional profile. Therefore, it should contain the following essential components:

Contact Information: Include your full name, email address, and phone number. It is also recommended to add your LinkedIn or personal website URL.

Professional Summary: This section should highlight your most relevant skills, experience, and achievements. Keep it brief and to the point, but make sure to emphasize your unique selling point.

Education and Certifications: List all of your academic degrees, including the institution name, graduation date, and relevant coursework. Also, add any relevant certificates or licenses you have acquired.

Work Experience: This section should detail your professional experience and accomplishments. List your work history in reverse chronological order and use bullet points to highlight your achievements.

Skills: Specify your relevant technical and soft skills, including languages, software, and research methodologies.

Formatting Guidelines

In addition to the essential components, it is important to follow specific formatting guidelines to make your resume stand out. Here are some tips:

Use a clear and legible font, such as Calibri or Arial, with a font size of 11-12 pt.

Use bullet points and short sentences to increase readability.

Make sure your resume fits on one or two pages.

Use task-oriented language and focus on measurable achievements.

Include white space to create a visually appealing layout.

Keywords and Phrases for a Researcher Resume

Using relevant keywords and phrases in your resume is essential for attracting the attention of recruiters and hiring managers. Here are some common ones:

Research methodologies: Mention the specific methodologies you have experience in, such as quantitative and qualitative research, data analysis, and statistical modeling.

Technical skills: Emphasize your proficiency in tools commonly used in research, such as SPSS, R, Stata, and Excel.

Soft skills: Highlight your communication, collaboration, and problem-solving skills, which are essential for working in a research team.

Publications and presentations: Mention any research papers, articles, or presentations you have contributed to, as this indicates your expertise in specific areas.

By following these guidelines, you can create a powerful researcher resume that showcases your abilities and gets you noticed by prospective employers.

Researcher Resume Examples and Templates

General researcher resume samples.

For those starting out in their research careers or those looking to transition into research from another field, a general researcher resume template can be a great starting point. This type of resume should focus on highlighting transferable skills such as critical thinking, attention to detail, and excellent communication abilities, as well as any prior experience in research-related activities or projects.

General researcher resume samples should also feature a strong summary statement that emphasizes the individual’s passion and commitment to research, as well as any specific career objectives or goals. It is also important to highlight any relevant training or certifications that the candidate has received, including research methodology courses, data analysis tools, or project management training.

Early Career Researcher Resume Examples

For early career researchers, developing a well-crafted resume that highlights relevant experience and educational credentials is key. Early career researcher resume examples should reflect an emphasis on academic achievements such as dissertations, published research papers, and academic awards. Additionally, individuals with limited work experience in research-related positions may wish to focus on volunteer work or internships that demonstrate their commitment to research and their ability to effectively contribute to research projects.

In order to stand out in a competitive job market, early career researchers should also highlight any transferable skills that could be applicable to research roles, such as data analysis, project management, or communication skills. And building a strong professional network through conferences and other academic events can also help individuals in their job search efforts.

Experienced Researcher Resume Examples

For experienced researchers with a track record of success in their field, maximizing the impact of their resume is crucial. Experienced researcher resume examples should highlight their accomplishments in research, including publications, patents, and successful grant applications. They should also focus on showcasing specialized skills and knowledge in their areas of expertise, such as experience with specific research methods or advanced data analysis techniques.

When it comes to the presentation of their resume, experienced researchers can experiment with a more creative approach that sets them apart from the competition. For instance, they may wish to include a portfolio of their work or highlight their leadership experience in research teams. Ultimately, an experienced researcher’s resume should clearly communicate their depth of knowledge and expertise in their field.

Academic Researcher Resume Examples

Academic researchers require a highly specialized resume that speaks to their unique educational and professional backgrounds. Academic researcher resume examples should highlight educational degrees, including any doctoral or postdoctoral work, as well as academic honors and awards. They should also emphasize academic publications, presentations, and other scholarly contributions to the field.

Academic researchers may also wish to highlight their teaching experience, any service they’ve provided to their academic department or larger community, and any unique research projects they may have led or participated in. In contrast to other types of researchers, academics may find success in using a CV rather than a traditional resume format, given their extensive and diverse academic backgrounds.

Creating a Researcher Resume

A strong resume is essential for landing a researcher position. When creating your researcher resume, you should think carefully about how you present your skills, experience, and achievements. This section will explore best practices for creating a researcher resume, including assessing your skills and experience, writing a professional summary, designing a concise and relevant work history, showcasing achievements and awards, and highlighting education and training.

Assessing Skills and Experiences

Before you start writing your resume, it’s important to assess your skills and experiences relevant to the researcher position you’re applying for. Identify the key skills and experiences required for the role, then match those with your personal qualifications. Be sure to highlight your research experience, subject matter expertise, and analytical skills. Make a list of your hard and soft skills and use them to create a customized resume for each job you apply to.

Tips for Writing a Strong Professional Summary

Your professional summary is the first section of your resume and sets the tone for the rest of the document. It should be a concise statement that highlights your experience and qualifications for the position. Focus on what you can contribute to the organization – such as research experience, data analysis skills, or the ability to communicate complex ideas – to show your value. Be sure to tailor your summary to the specific job requirement, rather than using a generic statement for all applications.

Designing a Concise and Relevant Work History

Your work history should demonstrate your research expertise and accomplishments. Use bullet points to highlight your key responsibilities, achievements, and any relevant projects you’ve worked on. Make sure to use action verbs and include quantitative data wherever possible to showcase the impact of your work. If you’ve had multiple positions, only include those that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. Keep your work history concise, specifically highlighting the experience that reflects why you’re a candidate for the role.

Showcasing Achievements and Awards

When listing your achievements and awards, make sure they are relevant to the researcher position. These can include any publications, conference presentations, or research projects that demonstrate your skills and expertise to your team successfully. If possible, quantify your achievements to show the impact of your research. Aim for achievements and awards from the past two years to keep things up to date and make an impact.

Highlighting Education and Training

In the education and training section of your resume, make sure to include your degrees and certifications that are relevant to the researcher job. You can also include any relevant training courses or workshops you’ve attended to learn new research methods or techniques. If you have a significant amount of experience or a degree in a relevant field, your education section will likely be less extensive but still relevant to show the baseline understanding of the field.

When designing your researcher resume, make sure to tailor it to the specific job you’re applying for.

Customizing the Researcher Resume

Customizing your researcher resume can be the key to land your dream job in your field of expertise. Employers are always looking for individuals who match their job description and have the skills required for the job. As a researcher, you must demonstrate that you can do just that.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when customizing your researcher resume:

Tailoring to the Job Description

Tailoring your resume to the job description is a great way to show the employer that you have what they are looking for. A job description lists the necessary skills, qualifications, and experience required for the role. You should review the position’s job description thoroughly and tailor your resume to highlight the qualities that the employer is looking for. Use relevant keywords throughout your resume, so that your experience aligns with the job description.

Highlighting Transferable Skills

Transferable skills are the ones that you use in one industry, but that can be applied to another. Highlighting these skills gives you an advantage over other candidates when you are looking to transition to another industry. Communication, analytical reasoning, and problem solving are just a few examples of transferable skills that researchers possess.

Addressing Employment Gaps

Employment gaps can be stigmatized as lack of commitment, poor work ethic, or lack of experience. Employers recognize that researchers often work on specific projects, and as a result, they might have gaps between jobs. Be honest about gaps in your employment and explain them as briefly and truthfully as possible. You can use transferable skills such as volunteering, freelancing, or acquiring additional certifications to fill in any gaps.

Emphasizing Relevant Experience

Emphasis relevant experience on your resume within your field of expertise. This experience should include any research, publication, and presentations you have conducted or participated. If you are applying for a position in a specific industry, emphasize the relevant work experience you have in that industry.

Using Action Words and Phrases

Action-oriented language can make a difference to grab the employer’s attention. Keep your sentences short and begin with strong action verbs, such as “Directed,” “Conducted,” or “Developed.” Use power words like “Managed,” “Created,” “Improved,” or “Instituted,” whenever possible.

When customizing your researcher resume, remember that making your resume stand out can make a difference. Tailoring your resume to the position, emphasizing your transferable skills, addressing any employment gaps, and providing an emphasis on relevant experience using action words and phrases will make for a winning researcher’s resume.

Cover Letter for a Researcher Resume

When it comes to applying for a research position, a cover letter can be just as important as a strong resume. A cover letter is an opportunity to introduce yourself, highlight your key qualifications, and showcase your enthusiasm for the position.

Purpose and Importance of a Cover Letter for Researcher Position

The purpose of a researcher cover letter is to convince the employer that you are the best candidate for the job. It is your chance to showcase your personality, research experience, communication skills, and other relevant qualifications that might not be evident in your resume.

A well-written cover letter can make you stand out from the competition and increase your chances of being invited for an interview. It demonstrates your interest, professionalism, and attention to detail, making a positive first impression on potential employers.

Components of a Researcher Cover Letter

A researcher cover letter should be concise, informative, and tailored to the specific job you are applying for. It should include the following components:

Header:  Start with your name, address, phone number, and email address.

Salutation:  Address the letter to the hiring manager or the person who is responsible for the hiring decision.

Introduction:  In the opening paragraph, introduce yourself and explain why you are writing this letter. This is a good place to mention the job title you are applying for and where you heard about the position.

Body Paragraphs:  In the next few paragraphs, highlight your relevant qualifications and skills that make you an ideal candidate for the position. You can provide specific examples of your research experience, publications, software skills, or any other relevant qualifications that showcase your potential value to the employer.

Closing Paragraph:  End your letter by thanking the employer for considering your application, and express your interest in the position. You can also mention that you look forward to hearing from them soon and provide your contact information one more time.

Closing Salutation:  Sign off your letter with a professional closing such as “Sincerely” or “Best regards,” and include your name and signature.

Best Practices for Writing a Researcher Cover Letter

To write an effective researcher cover letter, follow these best practices:

Customize Your Letter for Each Job:  Avoid sending generic cover letters. Instead, tailor your letter to the specific job and employer, showcasing your interest and enthusiasm for the position.

Keep It Concise:  Your cover letter should be no longer than one page. Be concise and focus on your main qualifications that make you a good fit for the position.

Showcase Your Research Skills:  Make sure to highlight your research experience and skills, including any publications, citations, or presentations that demonstrate your expertise.

Provide Specific Examples:  Use specific examples to demonstrate your qualifications and how they align with the employer’s requirements.

Supplementary Materials for a Researcher Resume

When it comes to creating a strong researcher resume, it’s important to not only highlight your education and work experience, but also include any relevant supplementary materials that can set you apart from other candidates.

Here are four types of supplementary materials that can help strengthen your researcher resume:

Recommendation Letter

A strong recommendation letter can provide valuable insight into your work ethic and research abilities. Consider asking a former professor or supervisor for a recommendation letter that highlights your research skills, attention to detail, and ability to collaborate with others.

Research Publications and Presentations

If you’ve had any research publications or presentations, it’s important to include them in your resume. This demonstrates your ability to conduct in-depth research and share your findings with others. Be sure to include the title of the publication or presentation, the date it was published or presented, and any co-authors or collaborators.

Certifications and Licenses

Include any certifications or licenses that are relevant to your research work. This could include medical licenses, lab certifications, or specialized training in data analysis or research methodology. These certifications and licenses demonstrate your commitment to continued learning and your proficiency in your field.

Professional Associations and Memberships

Membership in professional associations and organizations shows that you’re committed to staying up-to-date with the latest research trends and techniques. If you’re an active member of any professional organizations, include them on your resume. This also demonstrates your willingness to collaborate with other researchers and expand your professional network.

Including supplementary materials in your researcher resume can help you stand out from other candidates and demonstrate your dedication to research and continued learning. As you prepare your resume, consider which supplementary materials are most relevant to your experience and field of research.

Additional Advice

When it comes to your researcher resume, the content is important, but so is the strategy behind it. Here are some additional pieces of advice to help you succeed in your job search:

Follow-Up and Networking

Don’t be afraid to follow up with the hiring manager after submitting your application. A brief email or phone call can show your enthusiasm for the position and keep you at the top of their mind.

Networking is also crucial in the job search process. Connect with others in your field through online communities or industry events. You never know who may have a connection to a hiring manager or know of an unadvertised job opening.

Job Search Techniques

Don’t limit yourself to online job postings. Consider reaching out to companies directly or working with a recruiter who can help connect you with opportunities.

Additionally, tailor your resume and cover letter to each job you apply for. Use the job description as a guide for highlighting the most relevant skills and experiences.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

One common mistake is using generic language and phrases in your resume. Avoid buzzwords and focus on specific accomplishments and skills.

Another mistake is submitting a one-size-fits-all resume. Take the time to customize your resume to each job you apply for to increase your chances of standing out.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should my resume be? Ideally, your resume should be one to two pages in length. However, if you have extensive experience or multiple relevant skills, it may be acceptable to have a longer resume.

Should I include references on my resume? No, it’s not necessary to include references on your resume. You can provide them separately if requested by the employer.

How often should I update my resume? It’s a good idea to update your resume every six to twelve months, even if you’re not actively job searching. This ensures that you always have an up-to-date version on hand.

By following these tips, you can create a strong researcher resume and increase your chances of landing your dream job. Good luck in your job search!

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  • Graduate School

Research Resume: Format, Structure and Samples

Research Resume

A research resume is crucial for presenting your research knowledge, skills, and suitability for a research position you are applying to. This is similar to how your law school resume presents your background with respect to the needs of an academic law program. Or, how your medical school resume presents information relevant to your medical background for med school applications. In this blog, we will look at what constitutes a good research resume and how you can create one. We will also look at some research resume examples so you can get some ideas for your own!

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Article Contents 8 min read

What is a research resume.

A research resume presents your background specifically tailored to a research position. It is useful for you whether you are an undergrad or a grad student looking to apply for positions in research. It will help with med school applications , grad school applications, premed research opportunities , and other future academic endeavors you might undertake, regardless of your field. Also, research is not always lab work. It can include investigative studies in fields like liberal arts and physical sciences. 

You have to create a strong resume to stand out among the other candidates. For this, highlight your relevant experience to show your potential. A good resume will complement other elements of your application. Think of your resume as the first point of interaction for your profile. A recruiter or an admission committee member doesn't know you personally but gets your information from your resume. A well-structured resume will serve its purpose of informing them about your qualifications and background clearly to help them determine whether you are suitable for the position or not. 

Want to skip to a summary of our top 3 tips? Take a look at this infographic:

Your research resume has a significant part in helping a recruiter in understand your skills with respect to the position you have applied for. Thus, to illustrate your skills properly, you should include the following sections in your research resume:

If you have bagged an award at one of your previous jobs or academic positions, you should mention that in your resume. Your awards can include scholarships and grants, research awards, honorary recognition from the university, and more. These convey that your performance at your job has been exceptional. Similarly, if you have completed any particular certification such as a clinical research certification, you should mention that in your resume. ","label":"Achievements and Certifications","title":"Achievements and Certifications"}]" code="tab1" template="BlogArticle">

There might be a huge amount of information that you might wish to include in your research resume. However, present only your most recent and relevant details. Evaluate whether what you are mentioning in your research resume is related to the position or not Also, avoid including additional details with respect to your research interests, since you would be including other documents with your application that can outline these details, such as a research interest statement .

How to Format Your Research Resume

Complex resumes usually end up in the rejected pile, and this is something that you must be looking to avoid. The aim is to structure your research resume neatly and draw attention to skills and achievements to make an unforgettable impression on any recruiter. Usually, there are three main types of resume formats:

As evident from the name, a combination resume mixes both reverse-chronological and functional resume formats for providing information about both experiences and skills "}]" code="timeline1">

Despite the existence of other formats, the most used format for a research resume is a reverse-chronological resume.

Your work experience constitutes a major part of your resume, and it gives you the scope to highlight your past activities in such a way that your skills are aligned to the position that you are applying for. Here are the best ways to make your work experience stand out from other candidates:

Use appropriate keywords and phrases to highlight your accomplishments and qualifications. Find these my carefully going through the job ad. Use these keywords in your sentences to add to the relevance of your previous experience and skill set. Many institutions use an Applicant Tracking Systems to filter out resumes, based on the keywords related to the job. "}]">

Let’s take a look at an example to get a better idea:

XYZ State University Department

Research Assistant| Month 20XX - Month 20XX

  • Managed a team of 6 research scholars for successful completion of ABC research project.
  • Ensured all research databases and libraries are easily accessible to the research team.
  • Isolated, purified, and analyzed RNA to assist senior researchers in lab work.

Since your research resume isn’t the only step in your recruitment, you should be clear about your past and avoid lying because you will be asked for further information post the initial resume screening. For instance, if you are applying for positions like a research assistant, you will be describing your experience in your research assistant interview questions . Thus, do not mention something that you didn’t do because you will not be able to talk about it later.

How to Create a Research Resume with Little or No Experience

If you are looking to enter the field of research for the first time, you might not have a lot of research experience. In this case, you must remember that the quality of the experience is more important than its quantity. Even if you completed one project, you can demonstrate what you learned and achieved in your research resume. 

If you have no experience at all, start by volunteering now! A resume is still necessary for volunteering positions, but you can include transferable skills. For instance, talk about attention to detail, communication skills, people management, and more, by illustrating the experiences where you used them such as your part-time job at McDonald's, class projects, and extracurricular activities.

Tips to Write a Strong Research Resume

For perfecting your research resume, some of the tips that you can follow are:

Highlight Skills Separately

It is advisable to create a separate section for research skills. Highlight research and analysis skills to grab the attention of recruiter easily.

Use Bullet Points, Be Concise, and Format Clearly

Another key to an organized structure is to stick to bullet points or short paragraphs. Avoid smalls fonts and too many colors. Do not remove all your margins and use the white space as breathing space. 

Use Clear Language

Writing in plain language is necessary for creating a comprehensible resume. But you can use technical terms which were related to your research to demonstrate that you understand your past research thoroughly. Avoid repetition and omit irrelevant information.

Sample 1 - Clinical Research

Jemma Thompson

[email protected] •Pasadena, CA• 666-000-7766• •  

Research Assistant with 5+ years of hands-on experience in the field of molecular biology and immunogenetics. Seeking to join the Research Team at XXXXX to leverage my scientific skills and statistical analysis for contributing to clinical studies.

Whitfield Health Sciences / Clinical Research Assistant

Month 20XX - Present | San Marino, CA

  • Prepared libraries for whole-genome sequencing using Illumina MiSeq and HiSeq NGS platforms which improved the success rate of NGS by 54%.
  • Used Sequencher for SNP genotyping with 90% accuracy and evaluated data for minimizing errors by 70%.
  • Led a team of 5 members in performing genomic DNA and RNA extractions.
  • Quantitative PCR reaction analysis for determining gene expression levels and gene copy number for 35 models.

Elixir Health/ Research Associate

Month 20XX - Month 20XX | Altadena, CA

  • Analyzed and authenticated various molecular techniques over 2 years.
  • Developed 5 new protocols in bacterial genomics and molecular microbiology for the team that increased the workflow efficiency by 3 times.
  • Independently headed a team of 6 colleagues in conducting assays and provided initial analysis.
  • Created training modules for new junior assistants and reduced training time by 50%.
  • University of Southern California / MSc in Molecular Biology

Month 20XX - Month 20XX | Los Angeles, CA

  • University of Southern California / BSc in Biotechnology
  • Cell Culture
  • Quality Control
  • Molecular Biology
  • Data Analysis
  • Data Maintenance
  • Research Technical Staff Recognition Award, Whitfield Health, 20XX


  • The Evolution of Biochemical Connection Among Promoter- and Primer-Dependent Polymerases

Journal of Biotechnology, 20XX

  • Primer extension reactions for the PCR-based lacZα complementation fidelity assay

The FASEB Journal, 20XX

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Sample 2 - Laboratory Research Assistant

Sam Westcott

Louise Street, Chicago, IL

[email protected]


Skilled laboratory research assistant with 3 years of experience in working with molecular cloning and CRISPR. Looking for the laboratory assistant position at XXXXX for assisting in day-to-day lab operations.

CRISPR based techniques, Molecular cloning, Literature review, RNA isolation, Flow cytometry, Literature Review

Work Experience

Laboratory Research Assistant, Pick Labs, Chicago

Month 20XX- Present

  • Led a project involving the application of protocols to produce induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) to study the contribution of actin and myosin in the changes in 3D genome organization for 2 months and collected data with 90% accuracy.
  • Discovered CRP augments for intestinal ischemia damage with increased complement 3 activations, decay-accelerating factor (CD55) attenuates gut insults via suppression of complement activity.
  • Headed company-wide strain and maintenance of Qiagen QIAcube and AATI Fragment Analyzer for 5 months.
  • Managed a team of 3 junior assistants and improved the workflow by 30% through the use of XYZ software.

Research Assistant, So-bio, Chicago

Month 20XX- Month 20XX

  • Implemented data analysis techniques in R to increase the speed of demonstrating the efficacy of new techniques by over 50% Perform Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR).
  • Used Beckman Coulter Act dif. 2 to perform CBC, and performed Becton Dickinson Facs to optimize flow cytometry CD4 (T-CELL) by 2 times.
  • Planned, developed, and executed 4 assays to monitor structural changes in protein conformations in collaboration with the team.
  • Biotechnology (Master of Science)

Month 20XX - Month 20XX | University of Chicago, IL

  • Chemistry (Bachelor of Science)
  • Research Staff Support Recognition Award, So-bio

Andrew Pelton                                                                                          Brooklyn, NY


              [email protected]


Communications researcher with 3 years of experience in conducting studies related to modes and methods of communication to share ideas and forecast trends.

Academic Projects

Modern rhetorical theory of communication: Effective communication in corporate environment

Brooklyn College, 20XX

  • Analyzed modern communication theories in 4 different corporate setups and suggested 2 new methods of improvement for the communication flow in each setting.
  • Interview 2 CEOs, 5 regional managers, and 8 associates for evaluating the accuracy of communication.
  • Optimized the existing process of communication to improve productivity by 40%.

An analysis of the impact of social media in peer-to-peer communication among Teenagers

  • Conducted interviews with 150 teenagers from 4 high schools in Brooklyn to analyze social media related trends.
  • Introduced the online mode of interview and optimized the data collection process by 80%.
  • Transcribed 60+ interviews through the use of ABC software and improved the project speed by two times.
  • Created 25+ recommendations for optimization of social media usage among teenagers which were officially recognized in all 4 schools.

International Experience

Insights into communication practices in the Spanish culture

Study Abroad Participant, Universidad de Costa Rica, 20XX

  • Analyzed local means of communication by interacting with over 100 citizens.
  • Led 2 public awareness campaigns for the endangered “Boruca” language of Costa Rica.

Retail Sales Associate (Part-time)

Macy’s, 422 Fultron St., Brooklyn, NY

  • Exceeded the quarterly sales target by 40% for the last quarter.
  • Assisted in training of 20 new part-time sales associates.
  • Assisted in new floor arrangement that reduced time wastage for customers by half.
  • Awarded the “Sales Superstar of the Year: Part-time” award for 2 consequent years.

Bachelor of Arts in Communication

Brooklyn College, 20XX-Present

  • Fluency in English and Spanish
  • Data collection
  • Data management through MS Office

A strong research resume will show your potential to work in a research environment in collaboration with a team. If you are applying for an entry-level position and have no prior work experience, you should mention your volunteering or part-time positions. If this is not possible, try highlighting your skills through a past project to demonstrate that you are suitable for a research position. Always consider providing additional documents such as a research assistant cover letter to improve your chances of selection. With a good research resume and other documents, you will surely succeed in getting selected for a research position.

A research resume is a document that shows your skills related to positions in research. You should be able to demonstrate working knowledge of collecting and analyzing data in a research resume.

Mention your previous experience in research-related positions. Demonstrate expertise in research by describing your skills. Use action verbs to make your research resume more impactful.

Demonstrate your research skills by mention what was the objective of your previous research, how you contributed to it, and what you learned from the research.

Analytical and problem-solving skills are essential for a research resume. You should be able to show that you are comfortable working with collecting data and working on it to arrive at results.

The duties in research vary as per the positions that you are selected for. However, the basic set of activities is identifying sources for data collection and implementation of the research strategy, analysis of data, and finding a conclusion.

Research experience consists of the projects that you have worked in analyzing data with a particular objective.

A research resume should be one page long. Keep it to the point and mention only the relevant information.

For writing a research resume with no experience, consider mentioning your lab projects in your undergrad. If you assisted with some responsibilities in the lab, mention those. If you have no prior research experience, try to include transferable skills that are valued everywhere, such as attention to detail, problem-solving, communication skills, and so on.

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Research experiences and skills are an incredibly important aspect of many job applications, so it’s important to know how to put them on your resume correctly. Hiring managers and recruiters want employees who can help drive innovation by being able to apply research skills to problem solve and come up with creative growth solutions.

If you’re a job seeker looking to include your research skills on a resume , we’ll go over how to list research on resume, where you can include it on a resume, and give you some examples.

Key Takeaways:

If you don’t have traditional research experience, highlight the skills used for research that you’ve used in past jobs.

Consider creating a separate research section in your resume if you have a lot of research experience or merge sections, depending on which section you want to bolster with research.

Research experience is one of the best assets to include on a resume so be on the lookout for more opportunities.

how to put research on your resume

What are research skills?

Where to put research experience on your resume

How to include research on your resume, examples of research on a resume, how to put research on your resume faq.

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Research skills are any skills related to your ability to locate, extract, organize, and evaluate data relevant to a particular subject. It also involves investigation, critical thinking , and presenting or using the findings in a meaningful way.

Depending on what job you’re applying for, research skills could make or break your ability to land the job. Almost every job requires some research skills and you probably already have some of those skills mastered by now.

For most careers, research is a vital process to be able to answer questions. “Research skills” are not a single skill, but multiple ones put together.

Some skills that are necessary for research are organization, problem-solving, critical thinking, communication, and specific technical skills, like coding, Excel, and copywriting.

Including research experience and skills on a resume can be incredibly flexible. When thinking about how to add it to your resume, you want to consider how the research experience adds to your resume.

Your research experience can be included in a few different sections of your resume. Some of those sections include:

Academic accomplishments

Research experience

Work experience/history

College activities

Volunteer work

Presentations and publications

Skills section

If you’ve had smaller research roles but no “official” research experience, you can highlight the skills associated with the types of research mentioned above in your job description under the work history section in your resume.

If your job history is a research position, then naturally, you would include research under the work history section. You can also merge your sections depending on what type of position you are applying for.

For example, you could create a “Research and Education” section or a “Research and Publications” section. If your research is not related to your education and you don’t have any publications, you can also detail it in a separate “Research” section in your resume.

To include your research on your resume, you should gather all the necessary information and then quantify your accomplishments to fit into specific sections. Here is a more detailed list of how to write about research experience in resume:

Gather all the necessary information. The first step is to collect all of the important details like the title of the research project, the location of the research project, the principal investigator of the project (if applicable), and the dates of the project. You will list these details much like you would list a company you have worked for in the past.

Read the job description carefully. Every resume and cover letter you write should be tailored to the job you’re applying for. When a hiring manager puts a necessary qualification in their job posting, you must be sure to include it in your resume.

Make sure that you highlight the right types of research skills on your job applications and resumes.

Quantify your accomplishments. When describing your role on the project, you will want to summarize your accomplishments and deliverables. Hiring managers and recruiters love seeing numbers. When you write out the deliverables from your project, make sure you quantify them.

Incorporate into your work history section. If there were times when you used your research skills in your past employment opportunities, include them in your work experience section. You can also include publications, conferences you may have presented at, and any awards or recognition your research had received.

If you have completed research in an academic setting, then presentations (oral and poster) are an important part of the research process. You should include those details along with the titles of your publications.

Add to your research section. Other aspects of research that you can detail to make your application more competitive are adding skills specific to your project to the skills section of your resume.

These skills will vary depending on the subject matter, but some examples include coding languages, interviewing skills, any software you used and are proficient in using, managerial skills , and public speaking if you have presented your research at conferences.

Add research to your skills section. If the specific research you did is less important than the skills you used to perform it, highlight that in your skills section. That way, you don’t have to take up a lot of work or education history with slightly irrelevant information, but hiring managers can still see you have research skills.

Just be sure you’re more specific about a research methodology you’re an expert in because the skills section doesn’t give you as much room to explain how you leveraged these abilities.

Sprinkle research throughout your resume. If you have a lot of experience performing research in professional, volunteer, and educational settings, pepper it in a few different sections. The more hands-on experience you have with research, the better (for jobs that require research).

Let’s look at some examples of how research can be included on a resume:

University research example

EDUCATION Undergraduate Thesis, University of Connecticut, Dec. 2017-May 2018 Worked alongside UCONN English Department head Penelope Victeri to research the poetry of New England writers of the 20th century. Explored common themes across the works of Elizabeth Bishop, Wallace Stevens, and Robert Lowell. Performed online and in-person research on historical documents relating to each author , including information on the political, religious, and economic landscape of the US at the time. Analyzed poetic works of each author and drew on similar contemporary regional authors’ works. Prepared 20,000 words thesis entitled “Place, Allegory, and Religion: Three 20th Century New England Poets” and defended my written arguments to a panel of English professors.

Customer service research example

WORK EXPERIENCE Conducted interviews with 20 customers each week to gain insight into the user experience with company products Used Google analytics to determine which pages were driving most web traffic, and increased traffic by 11% Reviewed thousands of customer surveys and compiled findings into monthly reports with graphic findings Presented at weekly marketing meeting to inform marketing team of trends in customer experience with our products

Laboratory research example

RESEARCH Conducted experiments on rat brains by introducing various novel chemical compounds and levels of oxygen Ran electricity through brain slices to view interaction of different chemical compounds on active brain cells Prepared sterile samples for daily check and maintained 89% percent yield over the course of a 3-month study Presented findings in a final 15 -page research report and presentation to the Research and Development team

Examples of common research skills to list on your resume

Here are examples of research skills in action that you may have overlooked:

Searching for local business competition

Sending out customer satisfaction surveys

Summarizing current policies and laws in effect for a particular topic

Creating lesson plans based on current education standards

Reading literature reviews and implementing changes in clinical practice

Attention to detail

Problem-solving skills

Critical thinking

Project management skills

Communication skills

Why are research skills important?

Research skills are important because they can help you identify a problem, gather information, and evaluate that information for relevancy. Including your research skills on a resume will show hiring managers that you have the ability to suggest new ideas and help their organization adapt and change as the industry changes.

Some common research skills include:

critical thinking

Computer skills

Can I list research as a skill?

Yes, you can list research as a skill on your resume. Including your research skills in your resume can help show a potential employer that you have the ability to suggest new ideas and use critical thinking to find solutions to problems. Most research skills will use attention to detail, problem-solving, and project management skills.

California State University San Bernardino – Incorporating Research Project Experience on Your Resume

University of Missouri – How to Put Research on Your Resume

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Heidi Cope is a former writer for the Zippia Career Advice blog. Her writing focused primarily on Zippia's suite of rankings and general career advice. After leaving Zippia, Heidi joined The Mighty as a writer and editor, among other positions. She received her BS from UNC Charlotte in German Studies.

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Academic CV (Curriculum Vitae) for Research: CV Examples

resume format for research paper

What is an academic CV (or research CV)?

An academic CV or “curriculum vitae” is a full synopsis (usually around two to three pages) of your educational and academic background. In addition to college and university transcripts, the personal statement or statement of purpose , and the cover letter, postgraduate candidates need to submit an academic CV when applying for research, teaching, and other faculty positions at universities and research institutions. 

Writing an academic CV (also referred to as a “research CV” or “academic resume”) is a bit different than writing a professional resume. It focuses on your academic experience and qualifications for the position—although relevant work experience can still be included if the position calls for it. 

What’s the difference between a CV and a resume?

While both CVs and resumes summarize your major activities and achievements, a resume is more heavily focused on professional achievements and work history. An academic CV, on the other hand, highlights academic accomplishments and summarizes your educational experience, academic background and related information.

Think of a CV as basically a longer and more academic version of a resume. It details your academic history, research interests, relevant work experience, publications, honors/awards, accomplishments, etc. For grad schools, the CV is a quick indicator of how extensive your background is in the field and how much academic potential you have. Ultimately, grad schools use your academic resume to gauge how successful you’re likely to be as a grad student.

Do I need an academic CV for graduate school?

Like personal statements, CVs are a common grad school application document (though not all programs require them). An academic CV serves the same basic purpose as a regular CV: to secure you the job you want—in this case, the position of “grad student.” Essentially, the CV is a sales pitch to grad schools, and you’re selling yourself !

In addition to your college transcripts, GRE scores, and personal statement or statement of purpose , graduate schools often require applicants submit an academic CV. The rules for composing a CV for a Master’s or doctoral application are slightly different than those for a standard job application. Let’s take a closer look.

Academic CV Format Guidelines

No matter how compelling the content of your CV might be, it must still be clear and easy for graduate admissions committee members to understand. Keep these formatting and organization tips in mind when composing and revising your CV:

  • Whatever formatting choices you make (e.g., indentation, font and text size, spacing, grammar), keep it consistent throughout the document.
  • Use bolding, italics, underlining, and capitalized words to highlight key information.
  • Use reverse chronological order to list your experiences within the sections.
  • Include the most important information to the top and left of each entry and place associated dates to the right.
  • Include page numbers on each page followed by your last name as a header or footer.
  • Use academic verbs and terms in bulleted lists; vary your language and do not repeat the same terms. (See our list of best verbs for CVs and resumes )

How long should a CV be?

While resumes should be concise and are usually limited to one or two pages, an academic CV isn’t restricted by word count or number of pages. Because academic CVs are submitted for careers in research and academia, they have all of the sections and content of a professional CV, but they also require additional information about publications, grants, teaching positions, research, conferences, etc. 

It is difficult to shorten the length without shortening the number of CV sections you include. Because the scope and depth of candidates’ academic careers vary greatly, academic CVs that are as short as two pages or as long as five pages will likely not surprise graduate admissions faculty.

How to Write an Academic CV

Before we look at academic CV examples, let’s discuss the main sections of the CV and how you can go about writing your CV from scratch. Take a look at the sections of the academic CV and read about which information to include and where to put each CV section. For academic CV examples, see the section that follows this one.

Academic CV Sections to Include (with Examples)

A strong academic CV should include the following sections, starting from the top of the list and moving through the bottom. This is the basic Academic CV structure, but some of the subsections (such as research publications and academic awards) can be rearranged to highlight your specific strengths and achievements. 

  • Contact Information
  • Research Objective or Personal Profile
  • Education Section
  • Professional Appointments
  • Research Publications
  • Awards and Honors
  • Grants and Fellowships
  • Conferences Attended
  • Teaching Experience
  • Research Experience
  • Additional Activities
  • Languages and Skills

Now let’s go through each section of your academic CV to see what information to include in detail. 

1. Contact Information

Your academic curriculum vitae must include your full contact information, including the following: 

  • Professional title and affiliation (if applicable)
  • Institutional address (if you are currently registered as a student)
  • Your home address
  • Your email address
  • Your telephone number
  • LinkedIn profile or other professional profile links (if applicable)

In more business-related fields or industries, adding your LinkedIn profile in your contact information section is recommended to give reviewers a more holistic understanding of your academic and professional profile.

Check out our article on how to use your LinkedIn profile to attract employers .

2. Research Objective or Personal Profile

A research objective for an academic CV is a concise paragraph (or long sentence) detailing your specific research plans and goals.

A personal profile gives summarizes your academic background and crowning achievements.

Should you choose a research objective or a personal profile?

If you are writing a research CV, include a research objective. For example, indicate that you are applying to graduate research programs or seeking research grants for your project or study

A research objective will catch the graduate admission committee’s attention and make them want to take a closer look at you as a candidate.

Academic CV research objective example for PhD application  

MA student in Sociology and Gender Studies at North American University who made the President’s List for for six consecutive semesters seeking to use a semester-long research internship to enter into postgraduate research on the Impetus for Religious In-groups in Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century.

Note that the candidate includes details about their academic field, their specific scholastic achievements (including an internship), and a specific topic of study. This level of detail shows graduate committees that you are a candidate who is fully prepared for the rigors of grad school life. 

While an academic CV research objective encapsulates your research objective, a CV personal profile should summarize your personal statement or grad school statement of purpose . 

Academic CV personal profile example for a post-doctoral university position

Proven excellence in the development of a strong rapport with undergraduate students, colleagues, and administrators as a lecturer at a major research university. Exhibits expertise in the creation and implementation of lifelong learning programs and the personalized development of strategies and activities to propel learning in Higher Education, specifically in the field of Education. Experienced lecturer, inspirational tutor, and focused researcher with a knack for recognizing and encouraging growth in individuals. Has completed a Master’s and PhD in Sociology and Education with a BA in Educational Administration.

What makes this CV personal profile example so compelling? Again, the details included about the applicant’s academic history and achievements make the reader take note and provide concrete examples of success, proving the candidate’s academic acumen and verifiable achievements.

3. Education Section

If you are applying to an academic position, the Education section is the most essential part of your academic CV.

List your postsecondary degrees in reverse chronological order . Begin with your most recent education (whether or not you have received a degree at the time of application), follow it with your previous education/degree, and then list the ones before these.

Include the following educational details:

  • Year of completion or expected completion (do not include starting dates)
  • Type of Degree
  • Any minor degrees (if applicable)
  • Your department and institution
  • Your honors and awards
  • Dissertation/Thesis Title and Advisor (if applicable)

Because this is arguably the most important academic CV section, make sure that all of the information is completely accurate and that you have not left out any details that highlight your skills as a student. 

4. Professional Appointments

Following the education section, list your employment/professional positions on your academic CV. These should be positions related to academia rather than previous jobs or positions you held in the private section (whether it be a chef or a CEO). These appointments are typically tenure-track positions, not ad hoc and adjunct professor gigs, nor TA (teacher assistant) experience. You should instead label this kind of experience under “Teaching Experience,” which we discuss further down the list.

List the following information for each entry in your “Professional Appointments” section:

  • Institution (university/college name)
  • Department 
  • Your professional title
  • Dates employed (include beginning and end dates)
  • Duties in this position

5. Research Publications

Divide your publications into two distinct sections: peer-reviewed publications and other publications. List peer-reviewed publications first, as these tend to carry more weight in academia. Use a subheading to distinguish these sections for the reader and make your CV details easier to understand.

Within each subsection, further divide your publications in the following order:

  • Book chapters
  • Peer-reviewed journal articles
  • Contributions to edited volumes equivalent to peer-reviewed journals

All of your other research publications should be put into a subcategory titled “Other Publications.” This includes all documents published by a third party that did not receive peer review, whether it is an academic journal, a science magazine, a website, or any other publishing platform. 

Tip: When listing your publications, choose one academic formatting style ( MLA style , Chicago style , APA style , etc.) and apply it throughout your academic CV. Unsure which formatting style to use? Check the website of the school you are applying to and see what citation style they use.

6. Awards and Honors

This section allows you to show off how your skills and achievements were officially acknowledged. List all academic honors and awards you have received in reverse chronological order, just like the education and professional appointments sections. Include the name of the award, which year you received it, and the institution that awarded it to you.

Should you include how much money you were awarded? While this is not recommended for most academic fields (including humanities and social sciences), it is more common for business or STEM fields.

7. Fellowships and Grants

It is important to include fellowships and grants you received because it evidences that your research has been novel and valuable enough to attract funding from institutions or third parties.

Just like with awards and honors, list your grants and fellowships in reverse chronological order. Enter the years your fellowship or grant spanned and the name of the institution or entity providing the funding. Whether you disclose the specific dollar amount of funding you received depends on your field of study, just as with awards and honors.

8. Conferences Attended

Involvement in academic conferences shows admissions committees that you are already an active member of the research community. List the academic conferences in which you took part and divide this section into three subsections:

  • Invited talks —conferences you presented at other institutions to which you received an invitation
  • Campus talks —lectures you gave on your own institution’s campus
  • Conference participation —conferences you participated in (attended) but gave no lecture

9. Teaching Experience

The “Teaching Experience” section is distinct from the “Professional Appointments” section discussed above.  In the Teaching Experience CV section, list any courses you taught as a TA (teacher’s assistant) you have taught. If you taught fewer than ten courses, list all of them out. Included the name of the institution, your department, your specific teaching role, and the dates you taught in this position. 

If you have a long tenure as an academic scholar and your academic CV Appointments section strongly highlights your strengths and achievements, in the Teaching Experience sections you could list only the institutions at which you were a TA. Since it is likely that you will be teaching, lecturing, or mentoring undergraduates and other research students in your postgraduate role, this section is helpful in making you stand out from other graduate, doctoral, or postdoctoral candidates.

10. Research Experience

In the “Research Experience” section of your CV, list all of the academic research posts at which you served. As with the other CV sections, enter these positions in reverse chronological order.

If you have significant experience (and your academic CV is filling up), you might want to limit research and lab positions to only the most pertinent to the research position to which you are applying. Include the following research positions:

  • Full-time Researcher
  • Research Associate
  • Research Assistant

For an academic or research CV, if you do not have much research experience, include all research projects in which you participated–even the research projects with the smallest roles, budget, length, or scope. 

11. Additional Activities

If you have any other activities, distinctions, positions, etc. that do not fit into the above academic CV sections, include them here.

The following items might fit in the “Additional Activities” section:

  • Extracurriculars (clubs, societies, sports teams, etc.)
  • Jobs unrelated to your academic career
  • Service to profession
  • Media coverage
  • Volunteer work

12. Languages and Skills

Many non-academic professional job positions require unique skillsets to succeed. The same can be true with academic and research positions at universities, especially when you speak a language that might come in handy with the specific area of study or with the other researchers you are likely to be working alongside.

Include all the languages in which you are proficient enough to read and understand academic texts. Qualify your proficiency level with the following terms and phrases:

  • IntermediateNative/bilingual in Language
  • Can read Language with a dictionary
  • Advanced use of Language
  • Fully proficient in Language
  • Native fluency in Language
  • Native/Bilingual Language speaker

If you only have a basic comprehension of a language (or if you simply minored in it a decade ago but never really used it), omit these from this section. 

Including skills on an academic CV is optional and MIGHT appear somewhat amateur if it is not a skill that is difficult and would likely contribute to your competency in your research position. In general, include a skill only if you are in a scientific or technical field (STEM fields) and if they realistically make you a better candidate.

13. References 

The final section of your academic CV is the “References” section. Only include references from individuals who know you well and have first-hand experience working with you, either in the capacity of a manager, instructor, or professor, or as a colleague who can attest to your character and how well you worked in that position. Avoid using personal references and never use family members or acquaintances–unless they can somehow attest to your strength as an academic.

List your references in the order of their importance or ability to back up your candidacy. In other words, list the referrers you would want the admissions faculty to contact first and who would give you a shining review. 

Include the following in this order:

  • Full name and academic title
  • Physical mailing address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address

Academic CV Examples by Section 

Now that you have a template for what to include in your academic CV sections, let’s look at some examples of academic CV sections with actual applicant information included. Remember that the best CVs are those that clearly state the applicant’s qualifications, skills, and achievements. Let’s go through the CV section-by-section to see how best to highlight these elements of your academic profile. Note that although this example CV does not include EVERY section detailed above, this doesn’t mean that YOU shouldn’t include any of those sections if you have the experiences to fill them in.

academic cv sample

CV Example: Personal Details (Basic)

Write your full name, home address, phone number, and email address. Include this information at the top of the first page, either in the center of the page or aligned left.

  • Tip: Use a larger font size and put the text in bold to make this info stand out.

academic cv contact information

CV Example: Profile Summary (Optional)

This applicant uses an academic research profile summary that outlines their personal details and describes core qualifications and interests in a specific research topic. Remember that the aim of this section is to entice admissions officials into reading through your entire CV.

  • Tip: Include only skills, experience, and what most drives you in your academic and career goals.

resume format for research paper

CV Example: Education Section (Basic)

This applicant’s academic degrees are listed in reverse chronological order, starting with those that are currently in progress and recently completed and moving backward in time to their undergraduate degrees and institutions.

  • Include the name of the institution; city, state, and country (if different from the institution to which you are applying); degree type and major; and month/year the degree was or will be awarded.
  • Provide details such as the title of your thesis/dissertation and your advisor, if applicable.
  • Tip: Provide more details about more recent degrees and fewer details for older degrees.

academic cv education section example

CV Example: Relevant Experience (Basic)

List professional positions that highlight your skills and qualifications. When including details about non-academic jobs you have held, be sure that they relate to your academic career in some way. Group experiences into relevant categories if you have multiple elements to include in one category (e.g., “Research,” “Teaching,” and “Managerial”). For each position, be sure to:

  • Include position title; the name of organization or company; city, state, and country (if different from the institution to which you are applying); and dates you held the position
  • Use bullet points for each relevant duty/activity and accomplishment
  • Tip: For bulleted content, use strong CV words , vary your vocabulary, and write in the active voice; lead with the verbs and write in phrases rather than in complete sentences.

academic cv teaching experience example

CV Example: Special Qualifications or Skills (Optional)

Summarize skills and strengths relevant to the position and/or area of study if they are relevant and important to your academic discipline. Remember that you should not include any skills that are not central to the competencies of the position, as these can make you appear unprofessional.

CV Example: Publications (Basic)

Include a chronological (not alphabetical) list of any books, journal articles, chapters, research reports, pamphlets, or any other publication you have authored or co-authored. This sample CV does not segment the publications by “peer-reviewed” and “non-peer-reviewed,” but this could simply be because they do not have many publications to list. Keep in mind that your CV format and overall design and readability are also important factors in creating a strong curriculum vitae, so you might opt for a more streamlined layout if needed.

  • Use bibliographic citations for each work in the format appropriate for your particular field of study.
  • Tip: If you have not officially authored or co-authored any text publications, include studies you assisted in or any online articles you have written or contributed to that are related to your discipline or that are academic in nature. Including any relevant work in this section shows the faculty members that you are interested in your field of study, even if you haven’t had an opportunity to publish work yet.

academic cv publication section example

CV Example: Conferences Attended (Basic)

Include any presentations you have been involved in, whether you were the presenter or contributed to the visual work (such as posters and slides), or simply attended as an invitee. See the CV template guide in the first section of this article for how to list conference participation for more seasoned researchers.

  • Give the title of the presentation, the name of the conference or event, and the location and date.
  • Briefly describe the content of your presentation.
  • Tip: Use style formatting appropriate to your field of study to cite the conference (APA, MLA, Chicago, etc.)

academic cv conferences section example

CV Example: Honors and Awards (Basic)

Honors and awards can include anything from university scholarships and grants, to teaching assistantships and fellowships, to inclusion on the Dean’s list for having a stellar GPA. As with other sections, use your discretion and choose the achievements that best highlight you as a candidate for the academic position.

  • Include the names of the honors and official recognition and the date that you received them.
  • Tip: Place these in order of importance, not necessarily in chronological order.

academic cv honors and awards section example

CV Example: Professional/Institutional Service (Optional)

List the professional and institutional offices you have held, student groups you have led or managed, committees you have been involved with, or extra academic projects you have participated in.

  • Tip: Showing your involvement in campus life, however minor, can greatly strengthen your CV. It shows the graduate faculty that you not only contribute to the academic integrity of the institution but that you also enrich the life of the campus and community.

academic cv professional service section example

CV Example: Certifications and Professional Associations (Optional)

Include any membership in professional organizations (national, state, or local). This can include nominal participation as a student, not only as a professional member.

academic cv professional memberships section example

CV Example: Community Involvement and Volunteer Work (Optional)

Include any volunteer work or outreach to community organizations, including work with churches, schools, shelters, non-profits, and other service organizations. As with institutional service, showing community involvement demonstrates your integrity and willingness to go the extra mile—a very important quality in a postgraduate student or faculty member. 

While the CV template guide above suggests including these activities in a section titled “Additional Activities,” if you have several instances of volunteer work or other community involvement, creating a separate heading will help catch the eye of the admissions reviewer.

CV Example: References Section (Basic)

References are usually listed in the final section of an academic CV. Include 3-5 professional or academic references who can vouch for your ability and qualifications and provide evidence of these characteristics.

  • Write the name of the reference, professional title, affiliation, and contact information (phone and email are sufficient). You do not need to write these in alphabetical order. Consider listing your references in order of relevance and impact.

academic cv references section example

CV Editing for Research Positions

After you finish drafting and revising your academic CV, you still need to ensure that your language is clear, compelling, and accurate and that it doesn’t have any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation. 

A good academic CV typically goes through at least three or four rounds of revision before it is ready to send out to university department faculty. Be sure to have a peer or CV editing service check your CV or academic resume, and get cover letter editing and application essay editing for your longer admissions documents to ensure that there are no glaring errors or major room for improvement.

For professional editing services that are among the highest quality in the industry, send your CV and other application documents to Wordvice’s admissions editing services . Our professional proofreaders and editors will ensure that your hard work is reflected in your CV and help make your postgrad goals a reality.

Check out our full suite of professional proofreading and English editing services on the Wordvice homepage.

  • • Facilitated 15+ massive research projects, enhancing understanding of subject matters.
  • • Led a research team of 10 members, ensuring timely and accurate output.
  • • Analyzed and summarized research data using SPSS and Excel, significantly improving presentation of research findings.
  • • Contributed to 20+ research studies, enriching overall understanding of the relevant scientific field.
  • • Maintained accurate lab protocols and records benefiting overall lab efficiency.
  • • Coordinated between research teams comprising of 15+ members, ensuring effective communication and progress.

5 Student Researcher Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your student researcher resume must highlight your analytical skills. Demonstrate your ability to interpret data and solve complex problems. Include any relevant academic projects or publications. Ensure you showcase your collaboration and communication skills, essential for any research team.

All resume examples in this guide

resume format for research paper


resume format for research paper

Resume Guide

Deciphering the best format for your student researcher resume, how to create the cornerstone experience section of your student researcher resume, essential student researcher resume skills, student researcher resume: certifications and education, deciding between a student researcher resume summary or objective, additional sections to elevate your student researcher resume, key takeaways.

Student Researcher resume example

A Student Researcher often faces the challenge of articulating their research experiences and findings in a concise and compelling way that appeals to potential employers outside academia. Our guide can help by offering tailored strategies on how to translate complex research jargon into clear, business-friendly language, ensuring your unique skills and experiences stand out on your resume.

Dive into this guide to discover how to craft a compelling student researcher resume:

  • Explore top-tier student researcher resume samples, spotlighting industry-leading skills and experiences.
  • Uncover over ten tailored strategies to make your student researcher resume resonate with the job description.
  • Illuminate your unique value as a student researcher candidate, using your professional achievements as a guide.
  • Debunk the myth that education doesn't matter, and learn how to leverage your academic and certification credentials effectively.

Recommended reads:

  • Quantitative Researcher resume
  • Graduate Research Assistant resume
  • Undergraduate Research Assistant resume
  • Clinical Research Assistant resume
  • Welder Fabricator resume

To craft an impactful student researcher resume, start by thoroughly analyzing the job description.

Your chosen resume format should seamlessly align your experience with the role's requirements.

Consider these four pivotal elements:

  • Present your experience effectively. If you boast a wealth of pertinent experience, employ the reverse-chronological resume format , listing roles by date, beginning with the most recent.
  • Maintain brevity. Limit your resume to a maximum of two pages, focusing on your most salient attributes.
  • Headers serve a purpose. A well-crafted header ensures recruiters can swiftly access your contact details and professional portfolio.
  • Opt for PDF. Typically, submit your student researcher resume in PDF to preserve its layout. However, always adhere to specific job application guidelines.

Upload your resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

At the end of the day, recruiters care most about how easily they can scan and read your resume layout. Unless you're aiming for a role in a creative field, it might be best to stick with a straightforward layout and format. Instead, put your energy into showcasing your experience.

To craft a compelling graduate research assistant resume, focus on these sections:

  • A scannable header
  • A snapshot of your professional persona, showcasing soft skills, achievements, and a summary or objective
  • Skills that align with the job advert
  • Quantifiable achievements in your experience section
  • An education and technical skills section that underscores your proficiency with specific tools or software

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Research Experience: Relevant research projects and the methodologies you used, especially if they resulted in a publication or presentation.
  • Technical Skills: Applicable software, laboratory techniques, statistical analysis tools, or other technical skills related to your field of study.
  • Analytical Skills: Demonstration of your ability to analyze data, draw meaningful conclusions, and apply findings to solve problems.
  • Collaboration and Communication: Examples of working in a team environment, particularly in a research setting, and your ability to clearly communicate complex ideas.
  • Academic Achievements: High GPA, honors, relevant coursework, or scholarships that highlight your dedication to your field of study.
  • How to Use Resume Lines
  • Resume in PDF or Word

A meticulously crafted student researcher resume experience section is a recruiter's delight. This segment not only responds to job criteria but also throws light on your technical expertise and character.

To craft an impactful experience section:

  • Highlight roles directly related to the position in question.
  • Pair each role or task with a metric that quantifies your achievements.
  • Chronicle your student researcher career progression, illustrating your dedication and growth in the domain.
  • For each role, elucidate challenges faced, strategies employed, and the broader organizational impact.

Examine the following student researcher samples to discern how seasoned professionals have articulated their experiences:

  • Conducted data analysis and statistical modeling on a research project investigating the effects of climate change on crop yields, resulting in the identification of key factors influencing agricultural productivity.
  • Assisted in designing and implementing experiments to evaluate the efficacy of new drug compounds for cancer treatment, contributing to the development of potential therapeutic options.
  • Collaborated with a multidisciplinary team to develop and optimize algorithms for image processing in a computer vision research project, achieving a 25% improvement in accuracy.
  • Conducted literature reviews and synthesized research findings on human psychology and behavior, providing valuable insights to support the development of a psychological intervention program.
  • Assisted in collecting and analyzing field data for a biodiversity study, leading to the discovery of several endangered species and the formulation of conservation strategies.
  • Contributed to the design and construction of a prototype renewable energy system, resulting in a 30% increase in energy efficiency compared to traditional systems.
  • Developed and implemented machine learning algorithms for analyzing large-scale genomic data, enabling the identification of genetic markers associated with complex diseases.
  • Collaborated with industry experts to design and conduct usability studies for a mobile application, resulting in a 20% improvement in user satisfaction and engagement.
  • Assisted in the development of a robotic system for automated inspection and quality control in manufacturing processes, reducing defects by 15%.
  • Conducted field surveys and data collection to assess the impact of urban development on bird populations, leading to recommendations for habitat conservation and restoration.
  • Collaborated with a team to develop a mobile application for real-time air quality monitoring, resulting in increased public awareness and engagement in environmental issues.
  • Analyzed geological samples using advanced microscopy techniques, contributing to the understanding of rock formation processes and the identification of mineral resources.
  • Led a research project investigating the effects of nutritional interventions on cognitive function in aging populations, resulting in the publication of findings in a peer-reviewed journal.
  • Designed and conducted experiments to evaluate the performance of novel materials for energy storage applications, leading to the development of high-capacity batteries with a 20% increase in energy density.
  • Collaborated with industry partners to develop a computer vision system for autonomous vehicle navigation, achieving a 95% accuracy rate in object detection and recognition.
  • Developed mathematical models and simulation algorithms to analyze the spread of infectious diseases, providing insights into the effectiveness of different control strategies.
  • Assisted in the design and implementation of a remote sensing system for monitoring environmental pollution, enabling real-time data collection and analysis for early detection of contamination.
  • Conducted experiments on material properties and performed structural analysis using finite element methods, contributing to the development of lightweight and high-strength materials.
  • Assisted in conducting clinical trials for pharmaceutical drugs, ensuring compliance with protocols and ethical guidelines.
  • Collected and analyzed survey data to assess public opinion on renewable energy sources, contributing to policy recommendations for sustainable energy development.
  • Collaborated with engineers to develop a prototype wearable device for monitoring vital signs, resulting in accurate and reliable measurements for healthcare applications.
  • Designed and implemented experiments to investigate the impact of microplastic pollution on marine ecosystems, leading to the identification of potential mitigation strategies.
  • Developed a computer simulation model to analyze traffic flow patterns and optimize transportation systems, resulting in a 15% reduction in average commute time.
  • Contributed to the development of a smart agriculture system integrating IoT sensors and data analytics, improving crop yield prediction accuracy by 20%.
  • Supported data collection and analysis for a social science research project investigating the impact of socioeconomic factors on educational outcomes.
  • Contributed to the development of a prototype robotic exoskeleton for rehabilitation purposes, enhancing mobility and facilitating physical therapy.
  • Assisted in the design and execution of laboratory experiments to investigate the properties of nanomaterials, leading to potential applications in electronics and energy storage.
  • Conducted field surveys and ecological assessments to evaluate the effectiveness of habitat restoration projects, resulting in improved biodiversity and ecosystem health.
  • Collaborated with a team to develop an AI-powered chatbot for customer support, reducing response time by 50% and increasing customer satisfaction.
  • Analyzed large-scale genomic datasets to identify genetic variants associated with disease susceptibility, providing insights into personalized medicine approaches.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Include the number of research projects you've completed, which indicates your experience and ability to handle multiple tasks.
  • List the number of team members you've collaborated with on projects, showcasing your teamwork skills.
  • Specify the number of data analysis tools or software programs you're proficient in, demonstrating your technical abilities.
  • Mention the number of years you've spent in the field, highlighting your dedication and long-term commitment.
  • Note the size of any datasets you've worked with, showing your capacity to handle large volumes of information.
  • Quantify any improvements or efficiencies gained from your research work, illustrating your impact and results-oriented mindset.
  • Detail the number of publications or presentations you have contributed to, reflecting your communication skills and recognition in the academic community.
  • Cite any grants or scholarships you've received with their exact amounts, indicating your credibility and the value others see in your work.

Tips for student researcher newcomers launching their careers

Lacking extensive experience for that student researcher role? No worries.

Sometimes, hiring managers go for the unexpected candidate when they see potential.

Here's how to convince them you're the right fit:

  • Opt for the functional skill-based or hybrid formats to highlight your unique professional value.
  • Always tailor your student researcher resume to emphasize the most critical requirements, usually listed at the top of the job ad.
  • Compensate for limited experience with other relevant sections like achievements, projects, and research.
  • In your student researcher resume objective, pinpoint both your achievements and how you envision your role in the position.
  • Resume Without Work Experience
  • Resume Job Description

Highlight what sets your experience apart. Incorporate metrics, feedback, and the tangible value you've added to organizations. This specificity ensures your resume remains pertinent and memorable.

When recruiters review student researcher resumes, they're looking for a mix of technical know-how and personal attributes.

Technical skills demonstrate your proficiency in specific tools or tasks. They indicate if you're ready to jump into the role or if you'll need extensive training.

On the other hand, soft skills reflect your interpersonal abilities. They show how you'll fit into a team or company culture.

To effectively present these skills on your resume:

  • Design a skills section that highlights both your technical and interpersonal strengths.
  • Provide examples where you've applied these skills, such as projects or tasks.
  • For soft skills, describe situations where they've been crucial to your success.
  • Use metrics, like improved efficiency or positive feedback, to validate your skills.

For inspiration, explore the preferred skills of leading student researcher professionals.

Top skills for your student researcher resume

Research Methodology

Data Collection

Statistical Analysis

Literature Review

Academic Writing

Experimental Design

Lab Equipment Operation

Data Visualization

Use of Research Software (SPSS, R, MATLAB)

Citation and Referencing Skills

Critical Thinking

Time Management


Active Learning


Attention to Detail



If the job emphasizes team or organizational culture, dedicate a section of your resume to underscore your strengths and achievements. Top-tier student researcher candidates also highlight their alignment with a company's values and culture.

Boost your student researcher resume by:

  • Featuring recent and relevant certificates.
  • Listing basic details: certificate name, school, and dates.
  • If you lack experience, highlight skills from your education.
  • Only include valid license numbers if needed.

Job ads often list desired education and certificates. Match these with top industry certificates.

Best certifications to list on your resume

  • SAS Base Programmer Certification (BPC) - SAS Institute

The reputation of the institution or organization granting your certification or degree can bolster your credibility. Prioritize recognized and respected credentials.

  • Expected Graduation Date Resume
  • Activities Resume for College

While some argue the resume summary or objective is outdated, these sections can effectively:

  • Integrate pivotal student researcher keywords.
  • Showcase your achievements.
  • Clarify your motivation for applying.

The distinction lies in their focus:

  • A resume objective emphasizes your career aspirations.
  • A resume summary spotlights your career milestones.

Opt for a summary if you have a rich experience you wish to highlight immediately. Conversely, an objective can be ideal for those wanting to underscore their aspirations and soft skills.

For inspiration, we've curated samples from industry professionals to guide your resume summary or objective crafting:

Resume summary and objective examples for a student researcher resume

  • With an impressive 5-year track record as a Chemistry Researcher, I possess extensive knowledge in the application of advanced analytical techniques. My tenure at XYZ Research Institute led to a breakthrough in sustainable polymers creation, achieving recognition in the field. Keen on bringing my expertise in data interpretation and method development to a dynamic team at ABC Labs.
  • Profoundly skilled Computer Science professional transitioning into Student Research. Over 7 years of experience in algorithm design, software development, and computing concepts, with a successful patent granted for AI-based systems. Highly motivated to apply robust technical skills and analytical thinking to contribute to cutting-edge research and discovery.
  • Striving to launch a career in scientific research, freshly graduated from Cambridge with a major in Physics. Fascinated by quantum mechanics and its potential real-world applications, I am eager to employ my strong academic background, critical thinking skills, and passion for exploration at a progressive research facility like DEF Labs.
  • Energetic Biology Teacher making a career switch to Student Researcher. With over a decade's exposure to an array of biological concepts, a Masters degree in Biochemistry, and a knack for statistical analysis, I aspire to leverage my background to facilitate innovative study design and efficient research processes at GHI Biotech.
  • A recent graduate in Environmental Science, I am seeking the opportunity to establish a career in research. My goal is to apply the knowledge acquired through rigorous academic coursework, along with the skills gained during university lab projects, to the advancement of sustainable practices and environmental conservation solutions.
  • Aspiring to join a research team committed to pushing the boundaries of understanding in Neuroscience. With a solid foundation in brain anatomy and neural networks, honed through academic studies, I aim to contribute to meaningful discoveries that can help unravel the mysteries of the human brain.

To further differentiate your student researcher application, consider adding sections like:

  • Publications
  • Hobbies (only if they align with the job or showcase relevant skills).

These sections can further demonstrate your technical acumen and interpersonal skills.

  • A clear resume layout helps present your info well.
  • Use all main resume sections to show how you fit the job.
  • Detail specific skills or tasks and their impact.
  • Show your personality through interests or hobbies.
  • List certifications to back up your technical skills.

student researcher resume example

Looking to build your own Student Researcher resume?

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Top Reasons to Take a Personal Day Off and Recharge Your Batteries

How to write a high school resume, what do you look for in a manager interview question and answers, how to sign a cover letter: paper vs digital, resume highlights: why resume accomplishments get you hired (+5 examples), perfecting your resume header so you get noticed.

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Researcher Resume Examples

Are you a researcher looking for advice on how to write your resume? If so, this article is for you! Here, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to write a research resume, as well as some detailed examples for you to look at. Writing an effective resume for a research role can be a daunting task, but by following the tips and advice outlined in this guide, you can rest assured that you will have a professional, comprehensive resume that will help you land the job of your dreams.

If you didn’t find what you were looking for, be sure to check out our complete library of resume examples .


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123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]

Dynamic and passionate researcher with 5 years of experience in conducting and evaluating research projects. Highly knowledgeable in research techniques, quantitative analysis, and data interpretation. Proficient in computer- based data management and analysis software. Seeking to leverage my skills and experience to deliver innovative research solutions.

Core Skills :

  • Strong interpersonal, organizational, and problem- solving skills
  • Excellent written and verbal communication abilities
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite, statistical analysis software, and other data management and analysis software
  • Knowledge of research methodology, data collection, and quantitative analysis
  • Ability to interpret and communicate research data effectively

Professional Experience :

  • Researcher | ABC Corporation | 2018 – Present
  • Collaborated with internal stakeholders to identify and analyze research objectives
  • Designed and executed research projects with a focus on accuracy and timeliness
  • Conducted data collection, analysis, and interpretation of results
  • Prepared reports to document research findings
  • Conducted literature reviews to ensure accuracy and relevance of research

Education :

  • Master of Science in Research Methods | University of XYZ | 2014 – 2018
  • Bachelor of Science in Psychology | University of ABC | 2010 – 2014

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Researcher Resume with No Experience

A recent college graduate passionate about the field of research and looking to gain experience through a Researcher position. Possesses strong analytical and problem- solving abilities, excellent communication skills, and a strong drive to learn.

  • Conducting research and analysis
  • Data collection and compilation
  • Critical thinking and problem- solving
  • Interpreting and synthesizing research
  • Organizational and time- management skills
  • Knowledge of current research trends
  • Proficiency with MS Office, Excel and PowerPoint

Responsibilities :

  • Analyzing data and making recommendations
  • Conducting research in a variety of areas
  • Collecting and organizing qualitative and quantitative data
  • Synthesizing and interpreting research results
  • Creating reports and presentations for stakeholders
  • Maintaining and updating research databases
  • Developing and maintaining relationships with research sources.
  • Collaborating with other researchers to develop new research plans and projects.

Experience 0 Years

Level Junior

Education Bachelor’s

Researcher Resume with 2 Years of Experience

Dynamic and driven Researcher with two years of intensive experience in conducting independent and collaborative research. Highly proficient in developing and utilizing research methodologies, data collection and analysis, and project management. Adept at synthesizing and analyzing data to draw accurate conclusions that lead to informed decision- making. Proactive communicator and problem solver who seeks to cultivate beneficial relationships with colleagues and stakeholders.

  • Research methodologies
  • Data collection and analysis
  • Project management
  • Critical thinking
  • Communication
  • Problem solving
  • Relationship building
  • Conduct independent and collaborative research projects to support the objectives of the organization.
  • Develop and utilize research methodologies, data collection and analysis techniques, and project management tools to achieve accurate results.
  • Synthesize collected data and analyze results to draw accurate conclusions and inform decision- making.
  • Utilize critical thinking skills to strategize and suggest innovative solutions to complex research- related problems.
  • Communicate with colleagues and stakeholders effectively to cultivate beneficial relationships.
  • Maintain accurate records of research progress and outcomes.

Experience 2+ Years

Researcher Resume with 5 Years of Experience

I am an experienced researcher with a deep understanding of the scientific method and research principles. I have 5 years’ experience working in academic and corporate research environments and have an excellent track record of developing and applying research methodologies to various areas of interest. I have a strong background in data analysis, research design, and report writing. I am also knowledgeable about various research tools and techniques, as well as how to effectively communicate research findings to a wide range of audiences.

  • Strong knowledge of research principles, methodologies, and techniques
  • Proficient in data analysis and research design
  • Experience with research tools and techniques
  • Ability to effectively communicate research findings
  • Ability to collaborate and work within a team
  • Develop and apply research methodologies to a range of projects
  • Analyze and interpret data to identify trends and insights
  • Design research experiments and surveys
  • Write reports and present findings to stakeholders
  • Ensure proper research protocols and ethical standards are met
  • Collaborate with other researchers to conduct experiments and surveys

Experience 5+ Years

Level Senior

Researcher Resume with 7 Years of Experience

I am a highly skilled and dedicated Researcher with 7 years of experience in data collection, research, and analysis. My expertise is in applying quantitative and qualitative methodologies to identify problems and develop innovative solutions. I have a proven track record of success in conducting research, interpreting results, and providing actionable recommendations. I am adept at developing and executing research projects in a timely and cost- effective manner. I am also well- versed in data analysis and visualization techniques and have the ability to think strategically and make informed decisions.

  • Research and Analysis
  • Data Collection and Interpretation
  • Strategy and Planning
  • Problem- Solving
  • Data Visualization
  • Develop research strategies and plans to meet project objectives
  • Identify and collect relevant data from various sources
  • Analyze data using quantitative and qualitative methods
  • Interpret data and present results through data visualization
  • Present findings to stakeholders and provide actionable recommendations
  • Monitor and evaluate research progress and results
  • Develop new research methodologies and tools
  • Collaborate with internal and external stakeholders to ensure successful partnerships

Experience 7+ Years

Researcher Resume with 10 Years of Experience

A Highly motivated and detail- oriented researcher with 10 years of experience conducting research initiatives, analyzing data, and testing hypotheses. A natural problem solver and collaborator with excellent communication and organizational skills. Experienced in developing market research plans, surveys, and questionnaires to influence business decisions.

  • Research & Analysis
  • Data Collection & Management
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Market Research
  • Report Writing
  • Problem Solving
  • Collaboration
  • Project Management
  • Developed research plans to collect and analyze data for various research initiatives.
  • Conducted market research to collect, compile, and analyze information on customer attitudes and preferences.
  • Utilized quantitative and qualitative methods to evaluate customer feedback and trends.
  • Created surveys, questionnaires, and focus groups to gather customer information.
  • Analyzed data, identified patterns, and developed statistical models to explain findings.
  • Wrote reports, presentations, and other materials to document results and share findings.
  • Collaborated with marketing teams to develop and implement marketing strategies based on research results.
  • Utilized data visualization tools to create compelling data visualizations.
  • Managed research projects, including planning, budgeting, and resource allocation.

Experience 10+ Years

Level Senior Manager

Education Master’s

Researcher Resume with 15 Years of Experience

A Highly experienced researcher with 15 years of experience in researching, data collection and analysis, and reporting. Possesses strong knowledge in statistical analysis and reporting. Demonstrates exceptional leadership, problem- solving and communication skills in assuring successful research projects. Proficient in utilizing data- driven methods to develop actionable insights and solutions.

  • Data Collection and Analysis
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Research Planning and Implementation
  • Data- Driven Solutions
  • Reporting and Presentation
  • Design and implement research projects to meet the objectives
  • Survey and collect data from various sources
  • Analyze data to identify patterns and trends
  • Develop actionable insights from data
  • Develop strategies for data- driven solutions
  • Develop reports and presentations on research findings
  • Conduct statistical analysis to assess the validity and accuracy of data
  • Provide guidance and direction to team members
  • Lead and manage projects within set timelines
  • Communicate effectively with stakeholders to ensure successful research projects

Experience 15+ Years

Level Director

In addition to this, be sure to check out our resume templates , resume formats ,  cover letter examples ,  job description , and  career advice  pages for more helpful tips and advice.

What should be included in a Researcher resume?

When writing a resume for a research position, it is important to include certain details to make sure you stand out from the competition. A well-crafted resume can help you land a job in the research field and can give you a competitive edge over other applicants. Here are some important components to include in your researcher resume.

  • Education: Include all relevant educational qualifications, such as degrees, certificates, and any relevant courses or workshops you have attended. Be sure to list the dates associated with each item and the institution you attended.
  • Work Experience: Include any research-related experience you have, such as internships and research assistant positions. List the dates associated with each job and describe the duties you performed.
  • Skills: List any relevant skills you have that are relevant to research, such as data analysis, problem solving, and report writing.
  • Publications: If you have any published work, be sure to include it on your resume. List the title, date of publication, and the journal or publication it was published in.
  • Awards and Achievements: List any awards or recognitions that you have received for your research work.
  • References: List references that can speak to your abilities as a researcher, such as professors or previous employers.

By including these important components on your resume, you can show potential employers that you are a qualified and capable researcher. With a well-crafted resume, you will be one step closer to landing a job in the research field.

What is a good summary for a Researcher resume?

A Good summary for a Researcher resume should emphasize the candidate’s research experience, abilities, and accomplishments. It should provide a brief overview of the candidate’s research background, as well as any particular areas of specialization. It should also highlight any noteworthy research activities, publications, and projects. Additionally, a good summary should explain why the candidate is a great fit for the research position. Ultimately, the summary should be succinct and effectively capture the candidate’s qualifications and skills.

What is a good objective for a Researcher resume?

Writing a resume for a researcher position is a daunting task. Crafting a well-written document that is tailored to the specific position is essential to helping you stand out and land an interview. When creating your resume, an effective objective will help you catch the attention of potential employers.

A Good objective for a researcher resume should highlight relevant skills and experience, while also emphasizing why you are the best person for the job. To help you craft a strong objective, here are some tips to consider:

  • Clearly articulate what type of research position you are seeking
  • Demonstrate how your research skills, experience, and knowledge make you an ideal candidate
  • Highlight any specializations or qualifications that you possess that make you stand out
  • Showcase any awards or accolades that you have earned for your research
  • Show your enthusiasm for research and the role you are applying for

By focusing on these areas, you can create an effective objective that will make your resume stand out from the competition and help you get closer to achieving your research goals.

How do you list Researcher skills on a resume?

When you’re applying for research positions, it’s important to showcase the skills you possess that are specific to that field. This includes technical skills, analytical abilities and the ability to think outside the box. Here is a list of the most important researcher skills to include on your resume:

  • Critical Thinking: The ability to think logically and independently, and to analyze data to draw meaningful conclusions.
  • Research Methods: Knowledge of various research methods used in the field, including qualitative and quantitative research.
  • Data Analysis: The ability to interpret information from various sources, and to draw accurate conclusions.
  • Problem Solving: The capacity to identify problems, generate solutions and take action to resolve them.
  • Communication: Excellent written and verbal communication skills, to effectively communicate research findings.
  • Attention to Detail: The ability to focus on small details and take accurate notes.
  • Organization: The capacity to plan and organize research projects and manage workloads.
  • Time Management: The ability to set and meet deadlines, and to work efficiently on multiple tasks.
  • Technical Skills: Proficiency with computers and software commonly used in research, such as spreadsheets, databases and statistical programs.
  • Writing Skills: The ability to effectively write reports and present research findings in a concise manner.

What skills should I put on my resume for Researcher?

When you’re applying for a researcher position, it’s essential to highlight key skills on your resume that show your qualifications and ability to fulfill the role. Research positions often require experience in data collection, analysis, and writing, as well as advanced research methods and a familiarity with the relevant industry. Here are some of the top skills to include on your resume when applying for a researcher position:

  • Data Collection: Show your ability to collect and analyze data from surveys, interviews, experiments, and other sources.
  • Data Analysis: Demonstrate your ability to interpret, analyze, and present data to draw useful insights.
  • Writing: Showcase your writing skills, including the ability to write technical reports, research papers, and other documents.
  • Research Methods: Highlight your knowledge of advanced research methods, such as qualitative and quantitative research, as well as other research and evaluation methods.
  • Industry Knowledge: Show your familiarity with the industry in which you are researching or the areas of expertise you possess.
  • Problem-Solving: Demonstrate your ability to identify and solve complex problems through research.

By highlighting these important skills, you can give employers the assurance that you have the know-how to succeed in a researcher position. Keep in mind to include only relevant skills and tailor your resume to the job you’re applying for.

Key takeaways for an Researcher resume

When writing a resume for a researcher position, there are some key points to keep in mind that will help you stand out from the crowd and get the job you want. Here are some of the key takeaways for a researcher resume:

  • Highlight Your Skills: Make sure to highlight the skills that are relevant to the position you are applying for. This could include research methods, data analysis, statistical analysis, writing, and presentation skills. Showcase the research projects you have worked on and the results that you have achieved.
  • Demonstrate Your Passion: Show the hiring manager that you are passionate about research and the research industry. Demonstrate your enthusiasm for the role and let the hiring manager know why you are excited to join their team.
  • Showcase Your Experience: Showcase the experience you have gained in the research field, such as internships or volunteering. Show the hiring manager that you have experience and can hit the ground running.
  • Demonstrate Your Professionalism: Show that you take your career seriously and that you are a professional. Demonstrate your commitment to research and show that you understand the principles of research.
  • Keep it Relevant: Showcase the experiences and skills that are relevant to the position you are applying for. Don’t include irrelevant information that might distract the hiring manager.

By following these key takeaways for a researcher resume, you can make sure that your resume stands out from the crowd and that you get the job you want.

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resume format for research paper

  • Self & Career Exploration
  • Blue Chip Leadership Experience
  • Experiential Learning
  • Research Experiences
  • Transferable Skills
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  • Internships
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Research & Academia Example Resumes

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Research & Academia resumes typically include…

  • Research experience
  • Conference presentations
  • Papers or publications (in review and published)
  • Professional memberships
  • Teaching experience
  • Proficiency with data collection and analysis

lightbulb icon with the text "Pro Tip" underneath

Your education is the main feature and this section and would always go at the top. These resumes can be over 1 page if you have a lot of experience to show. Focus on teaching, research, and service. Resume means ‘to sum up’ where as curriculum vitae (CV) means ‘course of life’.

You can include more interests, service, associations, memberships, education experiences.  Use traditional fonts like Times New Roman or Georgia.

Student Example #1: Marie Randolph | Sophomore

  • Marie plans on attending graduate school, so she wants to show her experience working in research settings and diverse work experience.

This page contains a thumbnail for an embedded document.

Download Marie’s template in Microsoft Word

Student Example #2: Dimuth Silva | Ph.D. Graduate Student

  • Dimuth is applying to faculty positions in academia and captures his research, teaching, and presentation experience in his CV.

Download Dimuth’s template in Microsoft Word

Looking for more general resume templates to start out with?

Check out our 1st Year Student Resume Examples and our Resume Resumes with Some College Experience .

We respectfully acknowledge the University of Arizona is on the land and territories of Indigenous peoples. Today, Arizona is home to 22 federally recognized tribes, with Tucson being home to the O'odham and the Yaqui. Committed to diversity and inclusion, the University strives to build sustainable relationships with sovereign Native Nations and Indigenous communities through education offerings, partnerships, and community service.

  • Career Development

How to List Publications on Your Resume: A Guide for Researchers (+Examples)

resume format for research paper

Job seekers whose experience includes research and publications often wonder how to include that information in their resumes. After all, few resume templates are designed to highlight such accomplishments, and most people are reluctant to significantly alter those widely-accepted resume formats. 

So, how can people in the scientific, literature, or academic fields properly showcase their research and publications on a resume or curriculum vitae (CV)? We have the tips you need to properly document those important achievements and citation examples you can use as a helpful guide.

Why publications matter on a resume

If you have experience doing academic/scientific research or writing publications, then you have skills that set you apart from most job seekers. Your research and publications identify you as someone with clear writing skills.

They also demonstrate analytical skills – which employers tend to value highly – and a capacity for being a thought leader. Those qualities are important qualifications for anyone seeking a job in academia or any science and engineering field.

For published authors and writers, having material go through to publishing can speak volumes about your experience and the quality of your work. 

Publications on a resume example

Regardless of which option you choose, it is important to use the proper APA formatting for publications when including your publications on your resume. Be sure to use a consistent format when listing publications and describe your research, focus, and efforts as briefly as possible. Consider the following examples.

Published article or paper

[Your Name], [Title of article], [Title of publication], [Publication date], [Pages]

Authored Book

[Your last name, Your first name], [Title of your book], [Place of publication and publisher], [Year published]

Your options for including publications on a resume

Fortunately, you have several options when it comes to listing publications in your resume. The option you choose will probably depend upon the nature of your research and publications and the type of position you’re seeking.

There are three main options for including these details in your resume in an organized manner: creating a separate section, using a summary, or documenting them on a separate page.

Option # 1: Create a separate section for your research and publications

One way to highlight your publications is to create a separate section for them.

(We wrote a good post here on what sections a resume should include )

You should only consider this option if you have a limited number of citations to list or if your work has appeared in important industry journal publications.

By separating them in this way, you can help to focus attention on these accomplishments. At the same time, that separation helps to ensure that your other skills and achievements are not overshadowed in any way.

Example Publications on a resume

Option # 2: Using a summary for your publications

Another great way to showcase relevant publications in your resume is to include them in a short summary. This option is best used when the achievements are not crucial to landing a job. It's also a good option when there are only one or two citations to list.

Simply insert a bullet point or two at the end of your achievements section and include the appropriate details.

Option # 3: Create a separate page for your publications

If you have a substantial number of accomplishments that involve research and publications, you could consider a separate page for those details.

Simply create a list of these citations for a page titled “Publications” or “Research.” There, you can list all relevant citations in reverse chronological order. If you choose this option, be sure to mention in your cover letter that you've included the list.

What are research skills?

As we move on from talking about publications to discussing research, let’s first define research skills. Research skills are all those skills needed to investigate and analyze a subject and then communicate your findings to others. In short, there is no simple easily-defined skill that encompasses all these talents. Instead, your ability to research involves the effective use of a range of other skills, including

Critical thinking

Data interpretation

Information synthesis

Effective communication

Research skills are highly prized across a wide spectrum of industries. The fact is that researchers are invaluable for many employers and hiring managers. After all, new ideas often come only after an exhaustive analysis of existing practices. Is it any surprise, then, that many of the most innovative companies in the world look for employees who possess these skills?

The good news is that most of us possess at least some skill in researching. Unfortunately, too many of us don’t recognize those skills or why they matter to employers. Most of these skills relate to critical thinking in some way. They involve accumulating information and using it to draw reasoned conclusions. Naturally, those conclusions need to be conveyed to others with effective communication skills.

Research skills are among the most highly-prized transferable skills employers are looking for in today's competitive job market.

Employers value these skills because they are essential to progress. Innovation only comes from research and inspired insight. As a result, companies that rely on innovation to remain competitive tend to rely on employees who are talented researchers. Obviously, there are entire fields of industry that use researchers only for that purpose. In a more general sense, however, research skills are widely used by many different types of employees. And they use them in almost every industry in the marketplace.

How to list research on a resume

Including information about your research skills on a resume can be challenging because people perform research in a number of different capacities. Regardless of if you were the lead researcher or part of a team, it’s encouraged to include your research projects on your resume. You can detail how your efforts helped them move the project forward and what contributions you made. 

Even if your findings weren't published, or are in the process of being published, you should include your work in research on your resume still. This is because the skills acquired during research are, again, highly prized by employers. It’s less about the result and more about what kind of professional qualifications your research efforts are able to embody. 

Including research on your resume:

To describe your experience performing research on a subject, summarize your accomplishments in a brief section. You should include a description of your role in the research, the topic that you were exploring, and some information about your findings. 

Example of research listed on a resume:

Economics Research Project, Dynamic University 

Dec 2017 – Apr 2020

Key participant in research project examining blockchain technology’s potential impact on financial intermediation. Explored use case studies for cross-border payment systems, intrabank transactions, and microtransactions for e-commerce.

Designed model simulation to study blockchain-based payment system

Worked in tandem with Alpha and Delta Finance to create simulated intrabank transfers using digitalized tokens

Studied e-commerce script integration for cryptocurrency payments

Member of a 3-person team tasked with presenting findings to 2018 National Banking Technology Conference

You can also combine your research with other sections:

Research and Publications

Research and Professional Development

Educations and Research

Why the cover letter may be a superior choice

There are some very good reasoning for using a cover letter as a vehicle for talking about research and publication citations. That option can help you avoid confusion within your resume and keep the resume length under control. It can also help to ensure that your cover letter is more than just a rehash of your resume. Most importantly, using the cover letter in this way can help to establish your expertise right away.

If you have a lot of experience in research, it can help you save space on your resume too. Your resume can have lists of your participating research and publications, but that list doesn’t always represent your efforts well. In your cover letter, you can expand upon the specific professional skills that you developed from your experience. 

Even though the cover letter is formatted differently than a resume, when including research and publications in a resume or cover letter, make sure you use proper citations and give credit where due. 

Research and publications can land coveted interviews

While it is tempting to include every noteworthy achievement in your life, it is important to maintain focus and perspective. Only cite publications that enhance your qualifications or demonstrate skills relevant to the position. Anything relevant to your industry or skill set obviously falls into this category. Casual articles published in a hobbyist magazine probably don’t need to be shared.

However, your research and publications can help employers to identify you as a recognized expert in your field. That can only help to enhance your chances of landing a great job. So, choose your resume options carefully and make sure that you use proper citation formats to convey this important information to every prospective employer.

ZipJob’s team of professional resume writers knows how to properly showcase your publications on a resume to get past an ATS and impress a hiring manager. 

Recommended reading:

10 Best Skills to Put on Your Resume

Resume Format Types: Examples & Which Option Is Best?

How to Include Research on a Resume

Emma Elizabeth, Resume Writer, Emma Elizabeth, Resume Writer

Emma is a certified employment specialist with over 6 years of experience in career mentorship and employment training. With an affinity for technical writing, Emma is passionate about developing training, policy, and procedure manuals. In 2020 she helped design Colorado’s first state-certified training program for people with disabilities entering the workforce.

Person working on laptop outside. ZipJob Branded.

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  • Research Analyst Resume Example

Resume Examples

  • Common Tasks & Responsibilities
  • Top Hard & Soft Skills
  • Action Verbs & Keywords
  • Resume FAQs
  • Similar Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Research Analyst Resumes:

  • Developing research plans and strategies
  • Conducting primary and secondary research
  • Analyzing data and creating reports
  • Interpreting research results and making recommendations
  • Identifying trends and patterns in data
  • Developing survey questions and conducting surveys
  • Creating presentations to share research findings
  • Staying up to date on industry trends and developments
  • Collaborating with other departments to ensure research objectives are met
  • Maintaining accurate records of research activities
  • Providing support to other research teams

Speed up your resume creation process with the AI-Powered Resume Builder . Generate tailored achievements in seconds for every role you apply to.

Research Analyst Resume Example:

  • Developed and executed comprehensive research plans and strategies, resulting in a 25% increase in data accuracy and a 15% improvement in research efficiency.
  • Analyzed primary and secondary research data to identify key trends and patterns, leading to the development of actionable recommendations that contributed to a 10% increase in customer satisfaction.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure research objectives were met, resulting in the successful launch of a new product that generated $1M in revenue within the first quarter.
  • Conducted in-depth surveys and interviews to gather primary research data, resulting in the identification of customer preferences and needs that informed product development decisions and led to a 20% increase in market share.
  • Created visually impactful presentations to effectively communicate research findings to stakeholders, resulting in a 30% improvement in decision-making processes and a 10% increase in project success rate.
  • Maintained accurate records of research activities and data, ensuring compliance with industry regulations and facilitating seamless knowledge sharing among team members, resulting in a 15% reduction in research errors.
  • Interpreted research results and provided actionable insights to senior management, contributing to the development of strategic initiatives that led to a 10% increase in revenue and a 5% improvement in customer retention.
  • Stayed up to date on industry trends and developments, conducting competitor analysis and market research, resulting in the identification of new market opportunities and a 10% increase in market penetration.
  • Supported other research teams by providing guidance and expertise, resulting in a 20% improvement in research quality and a 10% reduction in project timelines.
  • Data analysis and interpretation
  • Research planning and execution
  • Primary and secondary research
  • Trend identification
  • Cross-functional collaboration
  • Survey and interview conduction
  • Presentation creation and delivery
  • Record keeping and compliance
  • Strategic insight provision
  • Industry trend monitoring
  • Competitor analysis and market research
  • Team leadership and guidance
  • Quantitative and qualitative research
  • Statistical analysis
  • Data visualization
  • Project management
  • Critical thinking
  • Communication skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Proficiency in research software and tools
  • Time management skills
  • Knowledge of data privacy standards
  • Adaptability to new research methodologies
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite (Excel, PowerPoint, Word)

Top Skills & Keywords for Research Analyst Resumes:

Hard skills.

  • Quantitative Research Methods
  • Qualitative Research Methods
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Data Collection and Management
  • Survey Design and Implementation
  • Market Research Techniques
  • Data Mining and Analysis
  • Statistical Software (e.g., SPSS, SAS, R)
  • Database Querying (e.g., SQL)
  • Report Writing and Presentation
  • Trend Analysis
  • Forecasting and Predictive Modeling

Soft Skills

  • Analytical Thinking and Problem Solving
  • Attention to Detail and Accuracy
  • Research and Information Gathering
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation
  • Critical Thinking and Logical Reasoning
  • Time Management and Organization
  • Written and Verbal Communication
  • Collaboration and Teamwork
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Curiosity and Continuous Learning
  • Ethical Conduct and Integrity
  • Presentation and Visualization Skills

Resume Action Verbs for Research Analysts:

  • Synthesized
  • Interpreted
  • Investigated
  • Collaborated

Generate Your Resume Summary

resume format for research paper

Resume FAQs for Research Analysts:

How long should i make my research analyst resume, what is the best way to format a research analyst resume, which keywords are important to highlight in a research analyst resume, how should i write my resume if i have no experience as a research analyst, compare your research analyst resume to a job description:.

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Research Analyst job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Complete the steps below to generate your free resume analysis.

Related Resumes for Research Analysts:

Data analyst, business analyst, research assistant, research associate, research manager, research scientist, senior data analyst, business intelligence analyst.

University of Missouri

  • Bias Hotline: Report bias incidents

Undergraduate Research

How to put research on your resumé.

Resumés are important documents for all kinds of application packages — jobs, scholarships, grad school, etc. Your resumé should fit within the total package highlighting your achievements in a concise manner that can be further expounded upon in your personal statement, cover letter, or your letters of reference. It is important to custom tailor your resumé to any particular position, or program you are applying for. Some information needs to be emphasized more than other depending on what the reviewers may be looking for.

Using Your Space Wisely

In general, a resumé should be no more than two pages long — unless you have a large number of presentations or publications that need to be listed. Avoid the tendency to add more “stuff” to your resumé to try to look impressive. Use the relevant experience you have and determine what was impressive about it (for example, demonstrated independence, innovation, grit, or tenacity; helped improve ways of doing things in the lab; were given additional responsibilities as time went on; etc.)

  • A reviewer would rather read about the two positions you had that are relevant, than try to sift through seven or eight clubs or fast-food job descriptions.
  • Transcript?
  • Recommendation Letters?
  • Personal Statement?

Typically, resumes are formatted so that your most recent position is listed first. However, don’t put working at Dairy Queen first, if you are applying for a research position. Instead, consider using some of the following sections:

  • Academic Accomplishments
  • Research Experience
  • Work Experience/Employment
  • College Activities
  • Volunteer Work
  • Presentations and Publications

You do not need all of these categories, especially if you do not have relevant, interesting, or recent experience with them. Do not feel forced to try to fit your resume into someone else’s template. Make a list of what you want to include then design categories that fit your experience and story. Keep in mind that these categories will change over time (for example: five years after college, you will no longer need to include a section on “college activities”).

Research Mentor

  • Area of research
  • Not only does it show that you worked directly with a faculty member in your position, but reviewers might be familiar with your mentor’s work which could put you at an advantage.
  • Consider listing projects and accomplishments the group achieved first before breaking things out on a year to year basis.
  • If you were funded by different sources at different times, put a list of these sources at the bottom of the experience in this position.

Job Titles, Time Periods

  • Use something that makes sense (sometimes HR titles do not)
  • Instead of “MUURS Scholar” say “Student Researcher funded by the MU Undergraduate Research Scholars Program”
  • Summer 2017 (9 weeks, full time internship)
  • Academic Year 2018-2019 (15 hrs/week)
  • What does that award mean?
  • Will anyone outside of campus know what that is?
  • Was the program selective?
  • What was the award amount?
  • What was the duration of the award?
  • You can list various funding sources at the end of the relevant section
  • External funding (from a government entity such as NIH, for example) is impressive. Be sure to list it.

You need to take the time to seriously consider your experience and how that allowed you to grow and mature as a researcher. Ask yourself these questions when brainstorming about your experience:

  • What are areas you excelled in?
  • What are lessons you learned?
  • What are things you improved upon from the person before you?
  • How did you spend your time?
  • What skills did you gain?
  • What research outcomes were reached?
  • How long were you in the lab?

Use specific numbers or other qualifiers when applicable to show just how much work, effort, independence, or tenacity you had.

If your publication and presentation experience is limited, it is recommended that you include it with your relevant experience. However, if you have extensive or otherwise impressive experience (won a presentation award at a conference, or presented your work to state legislators at the Undergraduate Research Day at the the State Capitol, for example) then include a new category specifically for Presentations and/or Publications.


  • Include full list of authors
  • Include full and official title
  • Include if it was poster or oral presentation (ie, 15 minute presentation)
  • Include location, event
  • Include date (at least month and year)
  • Include any award
  • Check in with your mentor, to find out if a poster you co-authored was presented elsewhere.


  • Full citation when published
  • In Press – journal, date?
  • Submitted for review – journal/date
  • In preparation
  • Check with your mentor as many projects are not completed by the time as student graduates.

Final Reminders

  • Know your audience
  • Explain (or spell out)
  • Organize to fit your own situation
  • Make it easy to follow – esp. if you have ‘time away’
  • But have on comprehensive and cohesive running resumé.
  • Have a system in place to update/organize your resumés.
  • Use professional language, as most files are submitted electronically — the reviewer will see if you named a file “Better Resumé”
  • ex: Jane Doe Resumé – Biochemistry REU, UT Austin
  • This will ensure that the reviewer knows who you are and what you are applying for without even opening the file.

We encourage students to visit the MU Career Center in the Student Success Center for help on their specific application needs.

Research Assistant Resume - Writing Guide for 2024

Background Image

As an aspiring research assistant, it is good to see your research skills have bought you to the correct place.

You see, creating a resume is no easy task.

And when you consider that your competition is ambitious, talented, and remarkably educated, it can make the process even more of a daunting challenge. 

But don’t worry – you’re about to beat them all .

We’re here to answer your questions and help you to create a research assistant resume that will have your phone ringing off the hook.

  • A job-winning research assistant resume example
  • How to write a research assistant resume that attracts hiring managers
  • The latest tips & tricks to beat your competition  

All of this may seem daunting, so here’s some inspiration:

A great research assistant resume example, created with our very own resume builder :

Research Assistant resume example

Here's more related resume examples that you might be interested in:

  • Internship Resume
  • Students and Graduates Resume
  • College Resume
  • High School Resume
  • No Experience Resume
  • Teacher Resume

How to Format a Research Assistant Resume

First things first, you need to make sure your resume follows the correct format.

As you’re going for a research role, showing that you can format information correctly is very important. 

Currently, the most common resume format is “ reverse-chronological ”, which is also the type that we recommend using.

research assistant reverse chronological resume

You may also want to try one of the following formats:

  • Functional Resume – If your skills are stronger than your experience, you will be better off using a functional resume. This format is especially useful for graduates, those transferring industry, and those with employment gaps. 
  • Combination Resume – You can also combine the “Functional” and “Reverse-Chronological” formats, which covers both skills and work experience. Use this format if you have both work experience and skills.

Now that you’ve chosen your format, you need to use the correct resume layout .

This is the standard layout:

  • Margins - Use one-inch margins on all sides
  • Font - Pick a unique, yet professional font 
  • Font Size - Use a font size of 11-12pt for normal text and 14-16pt for headers
  • Line Spacing - Use 1.0 or 1.15 line spacing
  • Resume Length - Don’t go over the 1-page limit. Here’s some inspiration: one-page resume templates .
  • As a researcher, you want a layout that is easy to read and shows your administrative abilities. Pick a template that is clear and easy to read!

Use a Research Assistant Resume Template

Word is great for a lot of things, but using it to create a resume is another story.

To create a structured layout, we need to look elsewhere. We need to use a template that won’t fall apart with every small change.

To do this, use a research assistant resume template .

What to Include in a Research Assistant Resume

The main sections in a research assistant resume are:

  • Contact Information
  • Professional Experience

If you want your resume to stand out more, you can also try these optional sections:

  • Awards & Certification
  • Publications

Interests & Hobbies

Don’t worry, we’re about to explain how to write each of these section.

If you want to know exactly which sections to choose, you can view our guide to What to Put on a Resume .

How to Display your Contact Information

The most important part of any resume is an accurate contact section. Imagine if the recruiter really wants to hire you, but your phone number doesn’t work!

Your contact section should include:

  • Title - In this case, “Research Assistant.” Make the title specific to the exact role you’re applying for.
  • Phone Number – Enter the phone number that they can reach you on. But make sure to triple check that it has been entered correctly.
  • Email Address – Use a professional email address ([email protected]), not one from your childhood ([email protected]).
  • (Optional) Location – If you’re applying for a job abroad, you may want to mention your location.
  • Tim Plim - Research Assistant. 101-358-6095. [email protected]
  • Tim Plim - Research Master. 101-358-6095. [email protected]

How to Write a Research Assistant Resume Summary or Objective

Here’s a fact for you - recruiters read each resume for less than 6 seconds .

With hundreds of resumes to review, recruiters simply glance over the page looking for relevant information. As such, you need to hook the recruiter to make them keep reading.

The best way to do this is via a resume summary or objective , both of which are small pieces of content that go on top of your resume.

Their purpose is to highlight why you are perfect candidate for the research position job. They can be thought as “small previews” to the rest of your resume.

The main difference between the 2 sections is that.

A resume summary is a 2-4 sentence summary of your relevant work experiences.

  • With 5+ years of experience in updating records, handling samples, and supervising technicians, I’m a research assistant with a strong background. Passionate about working in a clinical research laboratory, as that involves supporting work that makes a difference.

A resume objective is a 2-4 sentence overview of what you want to achieve.

  • Motivated biomedicine student looking for an entry-level job at Company X. I’m passionate about supporting clinical trials in the biology field. Experience working with confidential information and working with vulnerable patients as a student at University X. Skilled in NIHR research processes, submitting sensitive information, database software, and more.

Both work, but which is best?

A summary is the best choice if you have any work experience, whereas an objective is the best choice if you have little experience in the field of research. 

How to Make Your Research Assistant Work Experience Stand Out

For any research assistant job, being able to show relevant work experience is the most aspect of your resume. 

Your studies are important, but nothing shows off your talents and builds confidence like in-depth experience in the field. Here’s how to structure your work experience section :

  • Position name
  • Company Name
  • Responsibilities & Achievements

Research Assistant

06/2016 - 03/2020

  • Updated and submitted applications for ethical and regulatory approval
  • Managed four successful clinical trials with 50+ participants
  • Used Word, Excel and PowerPoint to input and store data

Try to talk about your achievements – stuff that makes you stand out from the other applicants.

“Managed four successful clinical trials with 50+ participants”

“Clinical trial manager”

You see, the first tells the recruiter exactly what you did. They will see the clear benefits to hiring you, instead of someone else.

What if You Don’t Have Work Experience?

Maybe you’re a graduate looking for your first research job?

Or maybe, you’re transitioning from a similar field, but have no relevant experience to the specific job?

Regardless of what the case may be, there are always options.

If you’re applying for an entry-level research assistant position, they shouldn’t need a wealth of work experience anyway. 

For graduates, it can be a good idea to show that you have practical experience from your educational setting. Briefly talk about the relationship with your professor:

  • Any work you completed with them
  • The questions you asked
  • What you learnt 
  • How they inspired you

Feel free to store this information someone online, and then link it in your resume (we’re going to explain how in a bit).

Are you a graduate looking for a job? Then you will want to check out our guide on how to make a student resume !

Use Action Words to Make Your Research Assistant Resume POP!

The recruiter reads the same words again and again. This includes words like:

  • “Responsible for”
  • “Worked in”

To stand out and catch the recruiter’s attention, you should use power words , like the following:

  • Conceptualized
  • Spearheaded

How to Correctly List your Education 

Next up in your research assistant resume is the “Education” section.

Simply list your educational achievements:

  • Degree Type & Major
  • University Name
  • Years Studied
  • GPA, Honours, Courses, and anything else you might want to add

You may also want to list some extras, like:

  • Favorite fields of study
  • Extracurricular activities

B.A. in Biology

Boston State University

  • Relevant Courses: Organic Chemistry, Immunology, and Microbiology
  • Favorite field of study: Cancer Cell Biology
  • Extracurricular activities: Lead a volunteer research project investigating immunology

For more in-depth answers, check out our guide on how to list education on a resume .

Top 8 Skills for a Research Assistant Resume

It will come as no surprise that the recruiter will be scanning your resume for skills relating to the research position.

Here’s the deal – If you don’t list one of the necessary skills, it will be difficult to get the job, even if you’re the best in the world at that skill!

Here are the most common skills that recruiters want from a research assistant:

Hard Skills:

  • Word and Excel
  • Application reviewing
  • Statistical and Graphical Analysis of Data
  • Maintain quality control standards

Soft Skills:

  • Communication
  • Critical thinking
  • Attention to detail
  • Team player
  • Generally, try to keep the soft skills to a minimum. You see, job hopefuls frequently create a massive list of soft skills that they think will impress the recruiter. However, most recruiters have “heard it all before”. 

Here’s a comprehensive mega-list of 100+ must-have skills in 2024 .

Other Resume Sections You Can Include

That’s it - we’ve covered all of the essential sections.

Is your resume enough to stand out amongst stiff competition?

Imagine this: there are two of you in the running to get the job, but your competition goes the extra mile and gets the job.

Awards & Certifications

Have you won any awards?

Have you completed any online courses, like those on Coursera?

Even if they are not the most relevant, mention any awards in your resume.

Awards & Certificates

  • Undergraduate Research Assistantship Scheme
  • Understanding Research Methods Coursera Certificate
  • Microsoft Office Certificate

To make yourself seem more relatable, it can be a good idea to include some personal information on your resume. 

You see, companies want somebody that will be enjoyable to work with.

The best way to do this is to mention a few of your favourite hobbies!

Check out our hobbies & interests guide for inspiration. 

Match Your Cover Letter with Your Resume

One of the easiest ways to separate your resume from the competition is to include a cover letter.

A cover letter makes your application personal and specific. Recruiters will LOVE that you’ve gone the extra mile to land that specific position.

Here’s how to create a convincing cover letter:

cover letter structure research assistant

Here’s a little more detail about each section:

Contact Details

Make sure to not leave out any information. Include your full name, profession, email, phone number, location, and website (if you have one).

Hiring Manager’s Contact Information

Full name, position, location, email

Opening Paragraph

Try to hook the reader in a few sentences. Mention:

  • The position you’re applying for
  • Your experience summary and best achievements

With the reader now hooked, you can delve deeper into your background. Mention...

  • Why you want to work for this specific company
  • Anything you know about the company’s culture
  • What are your top skills and how are they relevant for the job
  • If you’ve worked in similar industries or positions

Closing Paragraph

This is where you close and summarize your letter. You should:

  • Wrap up any points you missed in the body paragraph
  • Thank the hiring manager for their time
  • Spark further dialog by saying something like “I’d love to discuss further how my skills and experience can help the company with Y”

Formal Salutations

Close using “Best regards” or “Sincerely.”

Creating a cover letter can be tricky, especially if you’re not a writer. To help you, we’ve created a step-by-step guide on how to write a cover letter .

Key Takeaways

Follow the steps above, and you’ll be well on landing that elusive research assistant job.

To summarize:

  • The format is very important. Use a reverse-chronological format, and then follow the correct layout structure.
  • Hook the reader by using a resume summary or objective
  • When talking about your work experience, mention your achievements more than your responsibilities
  • Attach a cover letter with your research assistant's resume

Suggested Reading:

  • How to Ace Interviews with the STAR Method [9+ Examples]
  • Best Resume File Type - PDF vs Word [+Templates]
  • What’s the Best Resume Font, Size, and Format [For 2024]

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  1. Research Scientist Resume Example

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  2. Research Scientist Resume Examples Exclusive

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  3. Research Resume Template

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  4. Research Cv Template Word

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  5. Academic Research Writer Resume Examples & Template (with job winning tips)

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  6. Research Student Resume Samples

    resume format for research paper


  1. Resume Tips

  2. Resume kaise banaye

  3. Online Workshop on Research Paper Writing & Publishing Day 2

  4. Resume writing format ll How to write a resume ll Resume format for freshers

  5. How to Write a Research Paper

  6. How to write a perfect resume| Federal board class 11th English


  1. 13 Researcher Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    The five (plus) definite sections your resume for a researcher job should include are: Header with your headline, contact details, and/or a preview of your work. Summary (or objective) to pinpoint how your success aligns with the role. Experience with bullets of your most relevant achievements in the field.

  2. Researcher Resume Examples & Templates for 2024

    When it comes to landing a job in the field of research, having a well-crafted resume can be the key to standing out in a competitive job market. A researcher resume is a document that summarizes your professional experience, education, skills, and other relevant information for a potential employer. An impressive researcher resume can make all the difference in securing an interview and ...

  3. Research Resume: Format, Structure and Samples

    Research Resume: Format, Structure and Samples. Updated: Jan 01, 2024. A research resume is crucial for presenting your research knowledge, skills, and suitability for a research position you are applying to. This is similar to how your law school resume presents your background with respect to the needs of an academic law program.

  4. How To Include Research Experience on Your Resume

    How to put research on your resume. Follow these steps to add research skills to your resume: 1. Review the job description. Start by reviewing the job description closely and identifying whether the employer is looking for specific types of research skills. Make a list of all of the research-related skills they're looking for in a candidate. 2.

  5. How To Put Research On Your Resume (With Examples)

    The first step is to collect all of the important details like the title of the research project, the location of the research project, the principal investigator of the project (if applicable), and the dates of the project. You will list these details much like you would list a company you have worked for in the past.

  6. Science Research Resume Sample & Tips (+Template)

    In the absence of any other instructions—. Always go with PDF for your resume (provided you use an ATS resume template, of course). 2. Write a Science Research Resume Objective or Summary. A resume profile is like an abstract for your resume—. There are two kinds of resume profile.

  7. Academic CV (Curriculum Vitae) for Research: CV Examples

    Learn how to write a graduate academic CV for research. See academic CV examples and grad school CV formatting tips. 1-888-627-6631; [email protected]; ... (also referred to as a "research CV" or "academic resume") is a bit different than writing a professional resume. ... Academic CV Format Guidelines.

  8. 5 Student Researcher Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    Your student researcher resume must highlight your analytical skills. Demonstrate your ability to interpret data and solve complex problems. Include any relevant academic projects or publications. Ensure you showcase your collaboration and communication skills, essential for any research team. Use This Example.

  9. Researcher Resume Example

    Researcher. (555) 987-6543. [email protected]. Los Angeles, California. 1. Start With Clarity. Your name is not just a label; it's the first statement of your personal brand. Ensure it stands out by choosing a clear, readable font that doesn't get lost in the design of your resume.

  10. Researcher Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Researcher Resume Examples. Researchers coordinate research projects and monitor teams. Common job duties described in a Researcher resume example include formulating project goals, researching methods and test parameters, analyzing data, writing reports, and maintaining database security. Those interested in this type of role should ...

  11. How To Write a Research CV (With Template and Example)

    There are several steps you can take when writing a research CV: 1. Determine the role you want. Before creating your research CV, try to determine the research role you want. Researchers apply for positions closely related to the field they study or hope to extend their education through research opportunities.

  12. 7 Best Researcher Resume Examples for 2024

    Researcher Resume Examples. John Doe. Researcher. 123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]. Dynamic and passionate researcher with 5 years of experience in conducting and evaluating research projects. Highly knowledgeable in research techniques, quantitative analysis, and data interpretation.

  13. How to List Publications on a Resume or CV (With Template)

    Create a dedicated section. Add a component to your resume page titled "Publications.". Use reverse chronological order. List each publication as its own bullet point, starting with the most recently published. Choose only the most recent and relevant publications to avoid taking up valuable space on your resume.

  14. Research Professional Resume Samples

    Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates. CHOOSE THE BEST TEMPLATE - Choose from 15 Leading Templates. No need to think about design details. USE PRE-WRITTEN BULLET POINTS - Select from thousands of pre-written bullet points. SAVE YOUR DOCUMENTS IN PDF FILES - Instantly download in PDF format or share a custom link.

  15. Undergraduate Research Resume—Sample and 25+ Expert Tips

    4. Turn an Incomplete Education Into a Reason to Hire You. When decision-makers look through an undergraduate research resume, they're clearly looking for a solid academic record, but that means a lot more than a solid GPA. First: List your degree (s), school (s), and (expected) graduation date (s). Then:

  16. Research & Academia Example Resumes

    These resumes can be over 1 page if you have a lot of experience to show. Focus on teaching, research, and service. Resume means 'to sum up' where as curriculum vitae (CV) means 'course of life'. You can include more interests, service, associations, memberships, education experiences. Use traditional fonts like Times New Roman or Georgia.

  17. How to List Publications on Your Resume: A Guide for ...

    Option # 3: Create a separate page for your publications. If you have a substantial number of accomplishments that involve research and publications, you could consider a separate page for those details. Simply create a list of these citations for a page titled "Publications" or "Research.". There, you can list all relevant citations in ...

  18. 2024 Research Analyst Resume Example (+Guidance)

    As a Research Analyst, your resume should reflect your ability to gather, interpret, and present data. Here are some keywords and action verbs you might want to consider incorporating: 1. Research: This is a fundamental keyword for your role. You should highlight your ability to conduct both qualitative and quantitative research.

  19. Academic CV Template + Examples, Best Format, & Tips

    Here's a sample research academic CV objective: ... Teacher Resume: Sample & Complete Guide [20+ Examples] or Teaching Assistant Resume: Sample and Complete Guide [20+ Examples] 10. Research Experience. This is where you list all your academic research posts. ... your CV will look good once it's printed on white paper. 2. Be consistent with ...

  20. How to List Publications on Resume or CV (+ Template)

    Put them in a separate resume section called "Publications.". Add your publications section below your education. Include each publication in a new bullet point. List the year and title. Add the name of the magazine, website, or journal. Stick with publications that show required skills.

  21. How to Put Research on Your Resumé

    Use professional language, as most files are submitted electronically — the reviewer will see if you named a file "Better Resumé". Include your first and last name and the title of the position in the file name. ex: Jane Doe Resumé - Biochemistry REU, UT Austin. This will ensure that the reviewer knows who you are and what you are ...

  22. Research Assistant Resume

    Email Address - Use a professional email address ([email protected]), not one from your childhood ([email protected]). (Optional) Location - If you're applying for a job abroad, you may want to mention your location. Correct Example: Tim Plim - Research Assistant. 101-358-6095. [email protected].


    This project presents a system that uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to. extract minute data from a resume, such as education, experience, skills, and experience. The recruiting ...