Quake II/Research Lab

Table of Contents

  • Walkthrough
  • Installation
  • Comm Center
  • Lost Station
  • Supply Station
  • Detention Center
  • Security Complex
  • Torture Chambers
  • Guard House
  • Grid Control
  • Mine Entrance
  • Upper Mines
  • Drilling Area
  • Lower Mines
  • Receiving Center
  • Processing Plant
  • Sudden Death
  • Power Plant
  • The Reactor
  • Cooling Facility
  • Toxic Waste Dump
  • Pumping Station 1
  • Pumping Station 2
  • Outer Hangar
  • Comm Satellite
  • Research Lab
  • Inner Hangar
  • Launch Command
  • Outer Courts
  • Lower Palace
  • Upper Palace
  • Inner Chamber
  • Final Showdown
  • 1 Level objective
  • 3.1 To the Blue Key
  • 3.2 The Maintenance Bridge
  • 3.3 The Repair Facility and the Commander's Head
  • 4 Secret and Easter Egg

Level objective [ edit ]

The objective for this level is to locate the Repair Facility, steal the Commander's Head, then retrace your steps and return to the Outer Hangar . The Repair Facility is a room within this level.

Strategy [ edit ]

This level has a straightforward objective and a single entrance / exit through which you both enter and leave. If you find your way blocked, then you have missed something that you need to do, such as deploying a bridge or shutting off force fields. However, it is rather maze-like, having a lot of similar-looking passages connecting the various laboratories and other rooms and it is easy to lose track of where you are, where you've already been and where you need to go next. On the plus side, the twists and turns in the passages give you plenty of cover from behind which to shoot at the enemies, who, for the most part, are quickly dispatched.

quake 2 research lab secrets

Wounded comrades abound and, for their own sakes as well as yours, should be put out of their misery and cleared out of your gosh-darned way. Some of them may give you any ammunition they happen to be carrying. There are a lot of Parasites, usually in twos or threes (hard difficulty). There are also Medics, so watch out for their ability to revive defeated Strogg that you have neglected to gib. Gib all your enemy kills in this level, just to be on the safe side, unless you want to fight them twice. Areas that you've already visited and cleared of enemies are not necessarily still clear when you return to them so don't assume this. Be prepared for enemies to appear suddenly, rising from the floor or dropping from the ceiling or even, in one case, emerging from a hidden alcove just behind you.

Walkthrough [ edit ]

To the blue key [ edit ].

The level begins with an anteroom from which you must gain access to the Research Lab itself. On the left is a holding cell where several of your comrades wait to be the subjects of Strogg experiments. The windows are spattered with blood (see Secret and Easter Egg , below). The locked door to the Lab is opposite to you and a computer console is down a few steps to the right. Press back the keyboard of the computer and receive the message "Access granted to Research Lab". As soon as the door opens you will be set upon by three Parasites (hard difficulty), so equip a weapon suitable for dispatching them. Follow the passage beyond the door around two bends and turn back to deal with three more Parasites (hard difficulty) that emerge from a hidden alcove. There is Combat Armor in the alcove, but remember that you'll be coming back so you can safely leave it to pick up later when, just possibly, you'll need it more than you do now. Continuing around another corner, you'll see an elevator shaft blocked by a pale-yellow force field. At hard difficulty, there will be two Iron Maidens standing here. Turning left at the elevator, you will approach a tee intersection and two Iron Maidens will slip out, one from each side, to do battle.

quake 2 research lab secrets

If you go to the right at the tee, you will not get far before you come to a door that needs the Blue Key to open. Therefore, go to the left at the tee and through the door. There is some nasty research going on in here and you can help out, if you like, by pushing back the computer keyboards, but what will be most nasty for you are the two Iron Maidens who rise on elevators from below the floor. A U-turn in this room brings you to another door, through which two more Parasites will rush when you open it. Turn left, through a door and right into another laboratory with more gruesome experiments. Kill the Brains and push back the keyboard on the computer with three displays to make the Blue Key rise from beneath the floor. Take it and retrace your steps as far as the tee intersection. A Medic has appeared in the first laboratory and, at the intersection, the ceiling will explode and another two Parasites will drop down.

The Maintenance Bridge [ edit ]

Go straight ahead to take the other door at the tee. After a turn to the right, you will have to fight another Medic and two more Parasites. Continue around two left-hand corners to an area with a glass panel in the floor. In the far corner is the door that requires the Blue Key to open. Beyond it is a short passage that turns to the left and then an elevator. Numbers show that you are presently on level 1. Step in and push the button to go down to level 2. When you step out and follow the passages, you will meet a Brain and then come to an area on your left guarded by two Parasites and accessed by two openings with a pillar in between. All the way back in there is a computer console. Press back the keyboard to receive the message "Maintenance bridge activated". Note that close to the computer console there is a section of floor that is slightly recessed. On your way out of this area, turn and back away from it. It will open and a Medic will come up. Deal with him and continue out to the passage. Note that the pillar between the two openings has some kind of computer display on it and there is a door opposite. Remember this. Call it the "pillar door". If you go through now, you won't get far because of a force field.

From facing the "pillar door", go to the left, where you have not yet explored. Look around the next corner to the right and you will see three Brains (hard difficulty). Either take them down from a distance or wait until they come closer, but don't advance down the next section of the passage until they are dealt with. Now turn to look back the way you have come, past the "pillar door". Edge to the left and into the passage where the Brains were and you will see a panel in the ceiling over the door explode and two Parasites drop down. You can, of course, just press on past the Brains, but the Parasites will be at your back. If you outrun them now, you'll still have to fight them when you return.

quake 2 research lab secrets

From where you saw the Brains, a turn to the left and through a door brings you to the room with the Maintenance Bridge in it. The bridge is made of a translucent material and below it is some kind of liquid that it would presumably be unpleasant to fall into. To the left, as you go down the slight incline, are three sort-of barrel-shaped structures and in between them are two wall buttons. You need to jump across to these from the bridge, press them and jump back. To reduce the chance of falling, run and jump to the buttons from the high side of the bridge and run and jump back towards the low side, but, in any case, save the game. On pressing the first button, you will receive the message "1 more to go..." and on pressing the second the messages "Sequence completed!" and, after a few seconds, "Forcefields deactivated". The force fields that you have deactivated are the one that blocked the first elevator that you encountered (on level 1) and the one that would have blocked your progress on the other side of the "pillar door", if you'd gone that way. (See Secret and Easter Egg , below, before leaving the bridge area.)

If you're not interested in completely exploring the level or scoring all the enemy kills, you do not need to visit the area on the other side of the bridge, so skip this paragraph. Otherwise, cross to the lower side of the bridge, turn right, go out of the door, turn left twice and through a door into another laboratory. Again, you can help out with the experiments by pushing back the keyboard on the computer and watching the effect on the Marines in the cylinders. When you're done, continue to the other door and go out into yet another passage where you will be set upon by even more Parasites. Around another right-hand turn you will arrive at a second elevator, with a number confirming that you are still on level 2. If you step in and press the button, you'll go back up to level 1. The opening was blocked by a force field until you deactivated it. Now you can step out, but there's nothing useful you can do up there and this walkthrough assumes that you ignore this elevator. Retrace your steps to the Maintenance Bridge. When you get there, you will have to fight three more Parasites (hard difficulty) that have appeared out of nowhere.

quake 2 research lab secrets

The Repair Facility and the Commander's Head [ edit ]

From the Maintenance Bridge room, whether you explored the other side or not, go back to the "pillar door" and through. A left turn in the passage will bring you to an elevator on which the floor number is not marked. Lights around the opening show where it was blocked by a force field until you deactivated it. Step in, press the button and go up. At the top, the passage will lead around two bends to the Repair Facility where a head-less Tank Commander lies on an operating table with robotic arms to the right and left. His head is on a small round dais to the left. Grab the head and watch him sit up and struggle as the table rises. Retrace your steps to the unmarked elevator and the "pillar door".

Through the door, turn left and retrace your steps to the elevator that brought you down. Take it up and make your way back to the entrance / exit. In the area with the glass floor, you will find a Medic (and any Strogg you failed to gib that it has revived). When you reach the tee intersection and turn left, the floor in front of you will explode and an Iron Maiden with rise up on a platform. While you're handling that, be aware than another one has come up in the same manner behind you. If you can get past the one ahead, perhaps with a Super Shotgun blast in the face to distract her, you can reach cover around the corner and take them out easily. The last two enemies are Iron Maidens waiting in the anteroom. Go back out to the Outer Hangar

Secret and Easter Egg [ edit ]

This level has one (1) secret and an easter egg:

  • Along the side of the Maintenance Bridge opposite to the buttons are tiny cells in which marines are being held captive. Two of the Marines are alive, although obviously not too happy about that, but in the cell nearest to the upper end of the bridge the Marine is dead and one of the cell bars is broken. Shoot away the broken bar to receive the message "You have found a secret". The rear wall of the cell also breaks away to reveal a Quad Damage and some Slugs. Jump in to get them. If you kill the Parasites on the bridge with a weapon that has splash damage (Rockets or Grenades), then the bars may be broken and you will score the secret even though you did not get the goodies.

After completing the objective, you leave the level through the anteroom in which you started. If the left-hand window to the holding cell has the words "KILL ME" smeared on it in blood, you have triggered the easter egg. Shoot the window to break it and jump through. Crouch and go through the low tunnel on the left to another holding cell and you will receive the cryptic messages "A.H.D.S.S.I.B.H." and "bjjc". Numerous sources state that A.H.D.S.S.I.B.H. stands for A Hall Displays Secret Snapshots In Boss's House and that the initials are those of Brandon James and John Carmak. The snapshots appear in an easter egg in the last level, Final Showdown , after you have defeated The Makron. Crawl back through the tunnel and jump back out of the window to exit the level.

To trigger this easter egg, you need to kill all the Marines in this level that are accessible to your fire. Some you can kill by activating experimental apparatus, the rest you will have to shoot. Obviously, you will have to completely explore the level. Two Marines are easy to overlook; you need to kill them all . It is not necessary to make all the enemy kills, find the secret or even take the Commander's head to trigger the easter egg.

  • Gallery : The Secret and the Easter Egg in the Research Lab

The cell with the broken bar.

The cell with the broken bar.

Shooting the bars away.

Shooting the bars away.

The alcove behind the cell.

The alcove behind the cell.

The easter egg is triggered.

The easter egg is triggered.

The easter egg itself.

The easter egg itself.

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Quake Wiki

Research Hangar

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This article appeared in Quake II

The Research Hangar is the first map of Unit 3 of Quake II Mission Pack: Ground Zero . Stepchild left the Base Complex through an overflow tunnel, and his next objective is to reach a secret research hangar in a canyon filled with lava. At first, he finds himself in a support structure in the same canyon, where hopefully he can activate a bridge to reach the hangar.

In the 2023 Remaster, the new Disruptor weapon can be found on this level, near Zor's crashed drop pod.

  • 1 Walkthrough
  • 4 Easter egg


  • Research Hangar for the first time :

You'll receive orders to destroy a large Anti-Aircraft Gun. To achieve this, you will need to find an airstrike marker - another Marine had one in his possession, but his drop pod crashed and you must retrieve it. Proceed through the facility and you'll eventually find his crashed drop pod, but the airstrike marker will be seized by a Gladiator, so you'll need to take it from his cold, dead hands. Once you reach the AA Gun, you'll find that the roof over it has been sealed, so you'll need to reprogram the Gun with a nearby computer panel to blast the roof open, exposing it to the airstrike. After the gun is destroyed, your orders are to proceed to the hangars on the other side of the lava-filled canyon, but you'll find the bridge equipment is malfunctioning, which means you will have to find an alternate way there. The airstrike has smashed a hole into a nearby pipeline, allowing you to reach a nearby waste processing facility.

  • Second visit, after coming back from Maintenance Hangars :

At last, you have reached the hangars containing the Strogg Prototype Fighter , but it's guarded by a new and powerful enemy - the Carrier .

*Not including Flyers spawned by the Carrier.

  • #1) Near the beginning of the level, you find a large room containing four large pillars, and in the lower section of the room there is a suit of Body Armor in an elevated alcove, blocked by a red laser . On the ceiling, by one of the pillars, there is a Shootable Button. Shooting it will causes the adjacent pillar to come crashing down, and the resulting crash culminates in the lower section of level being flooded. When the water level reaches its highest, the red laser will be disabled, allowing you to retrieve the Body Armor. The crashing pillar also breaks open another alcove revealing an Adrenaline .
  • #2) SECOND VISIT: As you re-enter this map from the Maintenance Hangars, you'll find a room with computer panels. Jump to the top of the servers, and then shoot the top of tallest one; there is a Power Shield hidden inside.

A section of the facility (when you pick up an airstrike marker guarded by a Gladiator ) has been ruined due to the crash landing of a Drop Pod marked Zor ; this Easter Egg refers to Rogue Entertainment 's level designer, Berenger "Zor" Fish. "Zor" is also referenced during the introductory cutscene.

  • 2 Stroggification
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quake 2 research lab secrets

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Recap / Quake II: Hangar Unit

Edit locked, recap pages are spoilers off by default, so in all these pages all spoilers are unmarked. proceed with caution. you have been warned.


After escaping from the destruction of the Big Gun , Bitterman finds himself in the main Strogg hangars.

The levels composing this unit in the PC version are "Outer Hangars", the Secret Level "Comm Satellite", "Research Lab", "Inner Hangars", "Launch Command" and "Outlands", and there are two overall objectives in the unit: close the Strogg Hangars for good, and destroy the Black Hole Generator. In the Playstation version, instead, only the levels "Launch Command" (renamed as "Defense Command"), "Research Lab" and "Gravity Booster" (the "Big Gun" level under a new name and with some key differences) are present.

These levels show examples of:

  • The Commander's Head in "Research Lab" unlocks the access to "Inner Hangar" from "Outer Hangar".
  • The Red Key in the stress testing area of "Research Lab" unlocks the access to the medical facility where the damaged Tank Commander is located.
  • The Airstrike Marker in the bridge of "Outlands" is required to take down the Black Hole Generator and unlock the entrance to the City Unit.
  • The Commander's Head found in "Research Lab" unlocks access to the Gravity Booster.
  • The Red Key found in "Gravity Booster" unlocks the exit from the unit.
  • Anvil on Head : "Comm Satellite": It's possible to take down the Hornet without firing a weapon. Just make sure he ends on the receiving end of the falling satellite dish. It's a bit hard to do in the 2023 remastered version, as the Hornet can escape the falling dish.
  • Book Ends : The level "Research Lab" begins and ends in the same door.
  • Borrowed Biometric Bypass : The "Outer Hangar" level has a locked door, with the item required to open it being a "Commander's Head", found in the "Research Lab" level.
  • Access to the Inner Hangar is locked by a door in Outer Hangar whose main mechanism requires a Commander's Head. Which you get in the Research Lab.
  • Access to the Outlands in Launch Command is locked by a forcefield near the cooling pool that's disabled once the computers are destroyed.
  • Access to the next unit is locked in the Outlands via a fortified door. The door is destroyed alongside the rest of the area once the airstrike happens.
  • Compressed Adaptation : The Playstation version compresses this unit and "Big Gun" into a single unit, and culls off most of the levels, to the point of leaving only three of them: "Launch Command" (as "Defence Command"), "Big Gun" (as "Gravity Booster") and "Research Lab".
  • Cosmetic Award : Completing the unit in the 2023 remastered edition nets the "Destroy Black Hole Generator" achievement.
  • Deadly Rotary Fan : Located in the water area of "Outer Hangars", the destruction of its nearby cables is necessary in order to reach the Secret Level .
  • This can be done to the Hornet that spawns from the bottom of the pit in "Comm Satellite", provided the player manages to position said enemy and the falling Satellite Dish.
  • "Outlands": The main objective of the level is to destroy the Strogg fueling tank. This is achieved by placing a key item called Airstrike Marker into a receptacle. The bombers will destroy both the objective and any other living creature in the area, including Stroggos and players .
  • Death Course : "Outlands" is filled with Weapon Guards, Barracuda Sharks on the big lake, Flyers, and Enforcers (only at the very end there are Gunners). It also has one of the highest enemy counts of the game.
  • Degraded Boss : The Hornet boss is fought two more times here: in the "Comm Satellite" level when destroying the Satellite Dish, and in the "Inner Hangar" level, right at the hangar itself.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything? ? The "Research Lab" level involves countless prisoners being subject to horrific experiments, in a pretty obvious reference to the Nazi's Mad Scientist experiments in concentration camps (which ties into their whole "Space Nazi" theme). While this game doesn't go into detail on what the experiments involve, Quake IV (which follows the storyline) claims, at one point, that prisoners sometimes have random organs removed to see how long they'll survive without them.
  • In the "Research Lab" level, there's A.H.D.S.S.I.B.H. bjjc Explanation  "A Hall Displays Secret Snapshots In Boss' House". "bjjc" stands for Brandon James & John Carmack. . In order to get the Egg, you must kill all of the prisoners located in the level . Once this is done, return to the entrance of the level where the two glass windows are, when you'll see the left window now has "kill me" written on it. Break the window and enter the chamber, where you'll quickly find another prisoner behind glass which displays the message.
  • The 2023 remastered version of "Outer Hangar" has a new secret: in the poolyard outside of the entrance to the Secret Level , there's a new piece of rock sticking out of the rocky walls. Shooting this piece will cause a flag to destroy a small portion of the wall, revealing a hidden windmill, a big golf club and a small ball.
  • Easy Level Trick : The BFG10K can be used to destroy the launch computers, instantly completing the objective that locks the entrance to the Outlands. In case the player doesn't have it yet, the first secret (the one referencing the Rocket Jump ) contains one.
  • In the level "Outer Hangar". Go ahead, try to see what's at the end of those pitch black tunnels where you come from... .
  • The level "Comm Satellite" takes place on a satellite. At the beginning and end there are two areas marked with red warning stripes. Stepping onto them launches the player to outer space without protection with the expected results. The areas can be safely walked if the player had the foresight of closing the bay doors first.
  • Faster-Than-Light Travel : The Black Hole Generator creates Unrealistic Black Holes which allow the Strogg to travel to other solar systems. As such, destroying it (which is one of the main objectives) will prevent them from sending reinforcements to Earth and leave them stranded until they can make a new one.
  • Foreshadowing : In the PC version, you get to pick the head of a damaged Tank Commander before fighting the monster proper in the City unit .
  • Hellhole Prison : The "Research Lab" level has prisoners subject to horrifying experiments .
  • Lampshade Hanging : Due to the popularity of rocket jumping back in the first game , the devs hid a secret in "Launch Command" that requires the technique: "Secret area. You crazy rocket jumpers!"
  • Killing all the Enforcers on the curved passage of "Outer Hangars" triggers a wall explosion near the entrance, revealing a Medic.
  • There are three hidden Parasites in the first U-Turn.
  • Two Iron Maidens spawning from the floor the first time you reach the T-crossway.
  • Two more Iron Maidens spawning in the left room of this T-crossway when going for the Blue Key.
  • Two Parasites appear from a ceiling break in the T-crossway once you got the Blue Key.
  • A Medic appears from the floor when you activate the forcefield bridge.
  • Once you got the Commander's Head, the T-crossway spawns two more Iron Maidens from the floor.
  • There's one at the entrance, which is triggered after killing the three pairs of Brains, Gunners and Berserkers, and which contains two Icarus.
  • Opening the first door at the entrance triggers another, from which two Berserkers are released.
  • Picking up the Megahealth in the upper level triggers another containing a Berserker.
  • In the room unlocked after deactivating the fans, there's a Gunner awaiting for you. Killing it triggers a wall explosion from where another Gunner comes out.
  • Approaching the platform to the beginning area in the first water area triggers a ceiling break from where a Gunner comes from.
  • The S-passage connecting the first two water areas triggers a wall explosion revealing two Berserkers.
  • Permanently Missable Content : The initial fan control room in "Inner Hangar" can be revisited until the computer which controls the fan is turned off. This is, of course, necessary to proceed to the lower floor of the area . Fortunately there isn't anything of note outside of a few Shell and Health packs.
  • Powered by a Black Hole : The objective of "Launch Command" is to destroy a computer controlling the Black Hole Generator, seen at the beginning of the level, which provides energy to Strogg mechanisms that allow the race to travel to other solar systems.
  • A requirement in order to access the Secret Level in "Outer Hangar" is to destroy a bunch of cables that power a Deadly Rotary Fan .
  • Its only secret also requires you to destroy a broken bar.
  • The final step for the Easter Egg is to destroy a glass window at the entrance of the level.
  • Two of the secrets of "Inner Hangars" require the destruction of things: the Adrenaline at the entrance of the level (inside of a broken computer) and the Quad Damage in the first water area (inside of a broken tube).
  • One of the computers whose destruction is required in order to complete the primary objectives of the unit has a Power Shield.
  • The last secret requires the destruction of a window near the end of the unit.
  • Room Full of Crazy : Mentally-broken marines constantly crying out for help or whispering "kill me now" can be found crawling all over the place. In some cases, the words "kill me" are written on the walls in blood. Those mostly appear in the "Research Lab" level.
  • Saw Blades of Death : Present in a small room in the Research Lab. It kills the lobotomized marine in place.
  • Secret Level : "Comm Satellite", a low gravity level set in a space station and full of flying enemies.
  • Picking up the Blue Key spawns a Medic on the way to said door and triggers a Monster Closet at the ceiling of the crossway revealing two Parasites.
  • Picking the Commander's Head triggers a bunch of floor Monster Closet revealing two Iron Maidens and spawns a Medic and two additional Iron Maidens near the entrance to the level.
  • Picking up the Airstrike Marker in "Outlands" spawns a bunch of Flyers in the entrance area.
  • Vent Physics : The fan after the first door in "Inner Hangar" propels the player upwards, the idea being that the player uses the room's computer to disable it in order to proceed.
  • Video Game Cruelty Potential : Downplayed. If you're chasing the "Research Lab" Easter Egg , you need to put the prisoners out of their misery .
  • Quake II: Big Gun Unit
  • Recap/Quake II
  • Quake II: City Unit

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quake 2 research lab secrets

quake 2 research lab secrets

  • Quake II Secrets
  • Call of the Machine Secrets
  • The Reckoning Secrets
  • Ground Zero Secrets
  • Quake II 64 Secrets

quake 2 research lab secrets


  1. Quake 2

    quake 2 research lab secrets

  2. Quake 2 Research lab Secret

    quake 2 research lab secrets

  3. N64 Quake 2 Research Lab Walkthrough With Secrets

    quake 2 research lab secrets

  4. Quake II

    quake 2 research lab secrets

  5. Quake II/Research Lab

    quake 2 research lab secrets

  6. Quake 2 64

    quake 2 research lab secrets


  1. Quake II Intro

  2. Quake 2 RTX 4090: Unit 8

  3. Quake 2: Blue vs Makaveli q2dm1 part 1/3

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  5. Quake 2 OST

  6. Quake II Remastered


  1. Quake II/Research Lab

    The locked door to the Lab is opposite to you and a computer console is down a few steps to the right. Press back the keyboard of the computer and receive the message "Access granted to Research Lab". As soon as the door opens you will be set upon by three Parasites (hard difficulty), so equip a weapon suitable for dispatching them.

  2. Quake 2

    No commentary playthrough of Quake 2, using the YamagiQ2 source port for enhanced compatibility with modern systems. Hard skill level, showing all secrets, p...

  3. Steam Community :: Guide :: Quake II Secrets

    Secret 1 of 1. During the final boss fight with the Makron look for a floor switch () next to a panel. Pressing this switch activates a different panel on the other side of the room for a short time. Head over to the other side of the room and down in to the secret area () that the panel was covering.

  4. Quake II

    Game: Quake IIDifficulty: HardUnit 8: HangarLevel 2: Research LabKills: 43/43Goals: 4/4Secrets: 1/1Level 1: Outer Hangar (Part 2)Kills: 28/28Goals: 1/1Secret...

  5. Steam Community :: Guide :: Quake II: Visual Guide to Secrets

    2/2 - Get onto the elevator found in the hidden area to access the first secret level. ---. LOST STATION (Secret level) 1/6 - Get on top of the crates to reach a hidden item. 2/6 - Dive into the water and follow the opening at the first station. 3/6 - Dive into the water and shoot the button at the second station.

  6. Quake 2 64

    No commentary playthrough of Quake 2 for the Nintendo 64, using 2023's Quake2 re-release version. Showing all secrets, nightmare difficulty.Quake 2 also got ...

  7. Steam Community :: Guide :: Complete Secret Locations

    2. After reaching the broken bridge, jump into the water and pass through the small passageway on the left of the giant pipe. Follow the wall along the right and look for the crack in the wall, shoot it to get the prize. The second secret is located once you return to the map after passing through the Comm Center.

  8. Quake2: Research Lab

    Research Lab (1 secret + riddle) When you reach the 'energy bridge' and have pushed the two buttons, the rightmost prisoner cage has a crack. Shoot it, the bars blow out and a secret room opens. When you finished the level, just to the right of the entry door one of the prisoners have paintet 'kill me' on the glass. Shoot the window and enter.

  9. Research Lab

    The Research Lab is an entirely indoor facility where the Strogg perform various gruesome experiments (most of which involve dismemberment) on human captives. Apart from the various computers and other machinery, there are several holding pens. Moans of pain fill the air and many enemies wait in ambush within concealed wall or floor compartments.

  10. N64 Quake 2 Research Lab Walkthrough With Secrets

    This Is A Helping Guide For People Who Enjoy Playing and Watching People Play Retro N64 Games!

  11. Research Hangar

    The Research Hangar is the first map of Unit 3 of Quake II Mission Pack: Ground Zero. Stepchild left the Base Complex through an overflow tunnel, and his next objective is to reach a secret research hangar in a canyon filled with lava. At first, he finds himself in a support structure in the same canyon, where hopefully he can activate a bridge to reach the hangar. In the 2023 Remaster, the ...

  12. Steam Community :: Guide :: Call of the Machine Secrets

    Introduction. This guide will help you find all the secrets in Quake II: Call of the Machine. Call of the Machine features a hub level that connects to six units and each unit contains several levels. They can be completed in any order but this guide lists them from left to right in the main hub level: OPERATION: Laser Eyes. OPERATION: Wastelands.

  13. Quake II (Nintendo 64)

    A playthrough of the Nintendo 64 version of Quake II Secret #1: 1:39Secret #2: 4:53Secret #3: 6:01Played on Hard difficulty with 100% secrets and 100% kills(...

  14. Quake II: Hangar Unit / Recap

    Those mostly appear in the "Research Lab" level. Saw Blades of Death: Present in a small room in the Research Lab. It kills the lobotomized marine in place. Secret Level: "Comm Satellite", a low gravity level set in a space station and full of flying enemies. Teleporting Keycard Squad: All over the place in "Research Lab":

  15. Steam Community :: Guide :: Quake 2 & Episodes Secrets

    these videos will show you where rto find each Secret for Each Episode of quake Quake 2 Ground Zero The Reckoning Call Of The Machine . Award. Favorite. Favorited. Unfavorite. Share . Created by ... Comm Satellite "Secret Level" 34:07 - Research Lab 34:27 - Inner Hanger 36:08 - Launch Command Unit 8 - City Unit 36:36 - Outer Courts 39:54 ...

  16. Quake 2

    If you know more extra secret locations than we was able to get, please let us know and we will do update.This extra secret is available only after left glas...

  17. Steam Community :: Guide :: Quake 2

    All the secrets in Quake 2, including secret maps. 2. 1 . Award. Favorite. Favorited. Unfavorite. Share. Created by. Joca Offline Category: ... 24:11 - Comm Satellite (Secret map) 24:50 - Research Lab 25:05 - Inner Hangar 26:42 - Launch Command---:--- - Outlands (No secrets) Unit 09 - Palace 27:09 - Outer Courts 29:45 - Lower Palace 32:07 ...

  18. Quake 2, Research Lab and Outer Hangar, part 2 (Secret Found)

    Difficulty: HardNew weapons: NoneNew items: NoneSecrets: 1I can't procced futher in as there's blue force field, covering the way forward. In order to turn i...

  19. Steam Community :: Guide :: Quake II 64 Secrets

    This guide will help you find all the secrets in Quake II 64. Quake II 64 was originally released for the Nintendo 64 and features an almost entirely different set of levels. Unlike the original Quake II it is completely linear. While the levels are still grouped together in to units all the levels are played in a set order and there is no back tracking between levels.