New Hire Onboarding Template

New employee onboarding is the process of integrating a new hire with a company and its culture, as well as getting a new hire the tools and information needed to become a productive member of the specific team they’ll be working with. There’s a lot of information to share with new hires on their first day and beyond: what the company is all about, what they can expect to do and who to work with, and so much more. Having all of that information conveyed in a template helps to standardize the onboarding process across the organization.

Our new hire onboarding template keeps everything organized for you and new employees who are starting their journeys. With this template, you can create roadmaps for one month to six months out to ensure your new hires are set on the right path.

Use the new hire onboarding template to:

  • Introduce new hires to the company
  • Help onboarding run more consistently across teams and functions
  • Standardize the knowledge base all new employees will have upon finishing orientation
  • Check in with new employees periodically

Customize your New Hire Onboarding Presentation

Give new hires all the information they need in a thoughtful, comprehensive new hire onboarding presentation. Make it memorable: use images, graphs, timelines, and charts to illustrate the information you’re sharing with new hires. In your new hire onboarding presentation try to include slides such as:


Tips For Designing Your New Hire Onboarding Presentation

Create an effective, memorable new hire onboarding presentation by following the tips below.

What do your new hires need to know most on their first day? Start with the key essentials they’ll need to be successful in their role, and then work down to secondary and tertiary needs from there. Include the most relevant information in your slides.

There’s a lot of information to digest on the first day at a new job, especially for fully remote or hybrid workers who may not be in a physical office every day. Make sure that your remote hires feel included by relaying information about company VPNs, remote team building events, collaboration and chat platforms, and anything else that might be relevant.

Get your new hires excited about joining the company! Include fun facts about the team, talk about company perks, and sprinkle some personality into the presentation.

Picking the right photos and images is essential to the overall success of your presentation. Add photos of team members so new hires know whom to connect with.

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How to nail your onboarding presentation (incl. free template).

Are you new to onboarding presentations and curious about how they work? Learn how to create the best onboarding presentation for better employee orientation.

Orientating a new employee can be challenging. Studies indicate that 88% of companies don’t carry out proper employee onboarding . Creating an onboarding presentation can lessen the workload by tenfold. It’s the first deeper look into the way things work.

We give you a detailed review of how to nail your onboarding presentation, including helpful tips on choosing the right layout.

new hire presentation examples

❓ Why is your onboarding presentation important?

An onboarding presentation is the first touchpoint a new employee gets with the organization. It’s the company’s chance to make their first impression count. They learn the values and get to interact with the various teams. It’s also their first interaction with their colleagues. As a result, companies need to nail an onboarding presentation.

Meet the founders during preboarding

➕ What to include in a new hire presentation?

What should be in your onboarding presentation?

1. Icebreaker or fun welcoming element

An icebreaker is a perfect way to relieve the tension and anxiety in a presentation. It could be anything, from an interesting anecdote to a fun fact. The recruit will feel more at ease and interact with their colleagues more freely. 

Icebreakers are, furthermore, clever ways of identifying a company’s work culture. Recruits get to see how well employees relate with each other. In addition, icebreakers are a great way to relax and let loose. It’s a break for the employees outside of their normal duties.

A game of 2 Truths and A Lie is perfect for such situations. Other onboarding icebreakers you can try out are:

  • Would You Rather; 
  • Scavenger hunts;
  • 10 Things We Have In Common.

The great thing about onboarding presentations is you can spice them up. The more interactive they are, the better impression you leave on the new employee. 

2. Key stats about the company

Why you should add key statistics in your new hire welcome presentation

Create excitement by providing key statistics about the company’s growth and performance . Remember, the goal is to create a lasting first impression so use your onboarding presentation to seal the deal. 

Statistics is a powerful communication tool because they quantify the information you’re putting across. They give credibility to your points―think of them as proof of how great your company is. 

You give the recruit the chance to see how efficient your employees are and how well the company runs. Here are some important stats you should include in your onboarding presentation:

  • Employee retention 
  • Job satisfaction
  • Employee well-being ― it illustrates the balance between work and life
  • Workplace diversity
  • Growth rate
  • Customer satisfaction, and
  • Gender balance.
We recommend using visual aids such as infographics when incorporating statistics into your presentation.

Infographics are easier to recall, increasing knowledge retention rates. Another benefit is they simplify complex ideas like statistics into digestible chunks. Besides, they’re visually appealing and spark the audience’s curiosity.

3. History of the company ‍

You want to be as brief as possible when presenting the company’s history. Here are a few points to keep in mind when presenting this part:

  • Briefly discuss what your company does and what services they give their clients. For example, if you’re an ecommerce email marketing agency , you might begin with ”X Email Marketing Agency specializes in email strategy and audit, email automations and campaign management for ecommerce."
  • Make sure you illustrate your company’s ability to meet its consumer’s needs.
  • Add character to your company by giving a brief biography of the founders.
  • State and explain the core values of your organization.
  • Include significant events and milestones.
  • Use anecdotes. What better way to talk about your company’s history than by telling a short story?
  • Make it informative by giving facts and statistics about your growth.
  • Share information about past projects and clients. It’ll make the recruit even more motivated to be a part of your team.
  • A few testimonials or reviews won’t hurt. In fact, they’re an asset to your company’s credibility and overall image.

4. Mission statement

Your company’s mission statement is a summary of your vision. It illustrates the primary goal and values of your corporation. A mission statement also gives the company and the employees a sense of purpose. Lastly, it creates a vision for its future―almost like a sneak peek into the coming years. 

5. Company values

Company values paint an accurate description of how we treat each other at the workplace. More importantly, they determine what kind of culture will exist in a company. They promote teamwork and set a precedent for the recruit to relate to their colleagues.  

Furthermore, they give the newbie insight into the general atmosphere of their new work environment.

Examples of company values

6. Organization structure

An organizational structure highlights the company’s hierarchy and division of labor. Think of it as a detailed chain of command. It gives a clear representation of each individual’s role.  A clear organizational structure ensures coordination, making attaining goals easier. 

It also improves teamwork and enhances collaboration in the workplace. A workplace that clearly defines employee roles will operate more efficiently than one that doesn’t. Examples include:

  • Hierarchical
  • Divisional, and
  • Team-oriented.

7. The teams

Onboarding presentations are the best time to introduce your new employee’s department. It paints a clear picture of who they’ll be working with and at what capacity.  

💡 Tip: Get the team members to record short introductory videos that you can include in your slideshows. That way, you’ve already broken the ice and acquainted the recruit with their colleagues way before they officially meet. 

Here’s a great example of an employee introduction video from Wistia , a video marketing software company:

8. Company roadmap

A company roadmap is like a show and tell. It outlines the framework for its success and details all the important steps necessary to actualize your vision. An effective roadmap should have the following features:

  • Your mission statement
  • Primary goals
  • Objectives e.g. improve performance by 50%
  • The various strategies to achieve the goals and objectives
  • A SWOT analysis . It’s a vital component of any business roadmap.  Strength - showcases the company’s best feature and what sets it apart from competitors. Weakness - highlights areas you’re struggling with and need to improve, e.g. marketing and high employee turnover rates. Opportunities - these are external factors that give you an upper hand over competitors. Threats - these are obstacles that expose your weaknesses and can cause harm.

9. Employee scorecard

An employee scorecard complements the organizational structure by giving your workers a framework to implement strategies. It aligns their efforts with a shared goal and molds employees into one efficient unit.

An employee scorecard should contain:

  • The employee’s name
  • Their role and responsibilities
  • Assigned duties
  • Specific targets
  • Key metrics - allow you to track growth and productivity
  • Strategic map - a summary of your objectives and primary goal.

10. Company policies

Policies enforce the organization’s structure and streamline its work processes. They make the work environment safer by minimizing hazards and potential accidents. Company policies are dynamic and change according to the industry, so businesses are legally required to update them. 

These are guidelines that control various aspects such as:

  • Remote work
  • Paid Time Off.

11. Your first week and what to expect next

This section details the series of events that will consist of the first week. Naturally, the recruits will feel nervous or unprepared. However, giving them a preview can help ease them into the experience.

You don’t want to overwhelm them since they’re still acclimatizing to the new environment. So it’s best to keep their tasks short and structured. Give them a timetable or schedule of tasks to complete for the first week. 

Remember to include frequent short breaks to give them time to decompress. Start small and gradually increase the intensity until they’re comfortable working with minimal supervision. A good idea would be to pair the recruit with an onboarding buddy who they can consult.

✨ Tips on creating the perfect employee onboarding presentation

Onboarding presentation tips: From mind map over goal setting on to visuals

1. Have a mind map

Create a visual plan of the ideas you intend to put across during your presentation. A mind map helps you arrange the information in chronological order. Get a pen and paper and draw a rough outline of your presentations. 

Outline the key points and structure your argument around them. Alternatively, you can create a flowchart on your laptop or create flashcards to help steer your presentation.

2. Set a primary goal

Your presentation should answer these very crucial questions: Who and Why ? They make up the meat of your whole presentation. They’re the hook, line, and sinker to your argument. Answering these questions captures your recruit’s attention and appeases their curiosity.

To whom are you presenting this information, and why is it so important? 

3. Study your audience beforehand

Find out as much information about the recruit as you can. So, important information such as their previous role and the challenges they’ve encountered on the job can help ease any pre-boarding jitters.

You want to give your new employee the best experience during the onboarding process. Getting a better understanding of their pain points will help you customize your presentation to fit their needs.  

4. Use visuals to break the monotony of text

Presentations can get quite monotonous, especially if it’s all blocks of text without interruption. Spice up your presentation by including visuals such as:

  • Charts, and
  • Infographics.

Images are an interactive way to capture your audience’s attention. Curate them with a photo editor (for example, background removal ) to be able to provide visual representations that break down information into simpler concepts, making them easier to remember.

But beware: Using too many images can be a distraction, so don’t overdo it .

5. Know your material by heart

A good speaker masters their material. Knowing your points conveys the seriousness of the information, making it the ultimate display of credibility. Nobody wants to attend a presentation where the speaker can barely make sense of their presentation. 

Imagine if you were a new employee in such a situation. Would you believe a word they say?

6. Pick a suitable design for the slides

The goal is to select a layout representing your company’s culture while remaining interactive. A good idea would be to look at your company’s brand colors and incorporate them into the design. 

Alternatively, you can borrow a leaf from the company’s work culture and use the dress code as an inspiration. Most businesses prefer formal wear, so neutral colors such as white, blue, and brown would work best. 

Lastly, make sure you use a font that’s readable from a distance, especially if you plan on using a projector or handing out brochures.

7. Incorporate a Q&A session

Set aside a few minutes to give the audience room to ask questions. Feedback is an integral part of communication, moreso during an onboarding presentation. Think of the Q&A session as closer to your argument. Not only does it allow the recruits to ask any burning questions, but it also clears up any doubts.

🔖 Onboarding presentation template (PowerPoint)

The quickest way to get started is by using our welcome presentation template .

On 20 slides, it contains all the topics you should cover in your first presentation to new hires.

new hire presentation examples

It includes slides like:

  • Our company: History
  • Our company: Values
  • Your scorecard
  • ...and many more

It's 100% customizable, so you can (and should) adapt it to your company's colors, brand, and content.

🌟 Looking for inspiration for each phase of onboarding? Check out 15+ additional onboarding templates . We can guarantee there is something for you.

➡️ You’ve successfully held your onboarding presentation. What’s next?

Finishing the presentation is completing one phase of the onboarding process ―it’s much longer and more complex. Training comes immediately after the presentation. It equips them with the required skills to perform their function and increases employee engagement.

Ideally, onboarding features five phases:

  • ‍ Preboarding - The recruit signs their contract and all the required documents. They’ve just accepted the job offer, so they’re still new to your company. ‍
  • Orientation - Here, the recruit meets HR and gets a formal introduction to the organization and colleagues. It’s where the onboarding presentation happens. ‍
  • Training - HR trains the new employee on their new role. They typically assign a supervisor or senior colleague to show them the ropes. ‍
  • Transitioning - The recruit is growing more used to the routine and is almost fully integreted into the workplace. ‍
  • Ongoing development - The employee has officially settled into their new role and can begin making long-term decisions.
🔍 There's no better tool to help you create unique onboarding experiences than Zavvy's employee onboarding software .

new hire presentation examples

Get a free demo today!

People enablement process with Zavvy

Alex is a marketer at Zavvy. On this blog, he mainly shares insights gained from discussions with selected experts and from helping our customers set up and improve their onboarding or learning programs.

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Blog Human Resources How To Create A New Employee Orientation Presentation

How To Create A New Employee Orientation Presentation

Written by: Jennifer Gaskin Jul 21, 2021

new employee orientation

A person’s first few weeks at a new job are a mix of excitement and anxiety as they settle into their new role. Unfortunately, many companies lag when it comes to creating an onboarding plan and getting new hires off to a good start. 

High turnover and poor productivity are common problems that can stem from ineffective orientation and onboarding, but companies that get these tasks right can improve retention by 82% and boost worker productivity by more than 70%.

It’s important to make sure the onboarding materials are informative and clear, but also interesting to go through. Tools like Venngage’s onboarding plan templates can be helpful for HR teams who want to create visually appealing materials.

Check them out and see how you can revamp your onboarding process!

Click to jump ahead:

What is new employee orientation?

What to include in your employee orientation, how to create a successful new employee orientation & onboarding program, company handbooks and presentation examples, onboarding and orientation checklist examples, training and microlearning examples, 3 benefits of successful orientation and onboarding, onboarding resources for remote teams.

New employee orientation refers to the process of introducing a new team member into the workplace. This process generally takes place over the course of a few days to a week and differs from onboarding , which we’ll address in a moment.

Depending on your organization and the team member’s job functions, new employee orientation typically includes some or all of the following:

  • Filling out health insurance, tax and other paperwork
  • Introductions to coworkers
  • Tour of work area or entire facility
  • Setting up desk or workstation
  • Review of handbook , including key policies and company mission

New employee orientation vs. onboarding

Many companies use the terms orientation and onboarding interchangeably, but they differ in important ways. The easiest way to make the distinction clear is that orientation is a part of onboarding , but the onboarding process extends far beyond basic new employee orientation.

Onboarding can last as long as a year, depending on the role and the organization. At the end of an onboarding period, the team member should be fully trained and integrated into the company culture, and they should have a clear set of goals and expectations for their future at the company.

Read more :  11+ Tips for the Best Employee Onboarding Process

Having a well-structured employee orientation program helps new hires feel welcome, informed and prepared to hit the ground running.

Considering tweaking your new employee orientation? Remember to incorporate these key components:

Company culture and values:

  • Welcome message from the CEO or senior leader
  • Company background, mission, vision and goals
  • Company culture and values

Logistics and practicalities:

  • Completing essential paperwork (tax forms, benefits enrollment)
  • IT setup and software training
  • Policies and procedures overview (e.g., dress code, vacation time, safety protocols)
  • Benefits explanation (health insurance, retirement plan, etc.)
  • Tour of the workplace and introductions to colleagues

Role-specific training:

  • Job description and responsibilities overview
  • Manager introduction and mentorship program details
  • Team introductions and departmental structure
  • Training on relevant software and tools

Additional tips:

  • Provide a welcome gift and branded materials
  • Include interactive activities and team-building exercises
  • Offer opportunities for Q&A and open communication
  • Follow up with new hires after orientation to address any questions

How can organizations without strong orientation and onboarding procedures build those programs for their team members? Here are some tips to get you started:

Start early

Waiting to connect until a new team member’s first day on the job means you’ll miss out on important opportunities to create rapport and establish company culture.

Something you can start preparing before a new hire’s first day includes:

New Employee Orientation

Each interaction the new hire has should be considered part of their orientation and onboarding experience. Introduce the new team member via email, Slack or any other  internal communication platforms before they start so the rest of the team already knows a bit about them.

Here’s an example of a template you can use to introduce a new hire to the rest of the team by asking them three fun facts about themselves:

New Employee Orientation

Be practical

Flowery language about your mission is important, but people also need to know where they’re supposed to park and what to expect on their first day. Make sure they know those key action items before their first day.

Break down the first week

Create a schedule of activities for their first several days, up to their first week. Build socialization into this by encouraging teammates to take lunch together or organize a happy hour after their first day.

Keep information digestible

The mass data dump that often happens on a person’s first day at a new job is overwhelming no matter how quickly they can read. Make sure they know the exact amount of reading materials they need to do within a week and that they will get the information they need if they trust the process.

Maintain a focus on the long-term

Yes, people need to know what their schedule is and how many vacation days they get. But if you are investing in orientation and onboarding, you probably want this person to be around for the long haul. If it takes them more than a few days to grasp some process, that’s OK.

Work with new hires to establish goals

Make sure team members get plenty of one-on-one time with supervisors and mentors who can help them settle in, and eventually, the group should work together to establish the employee’s goals for the next 60, 90 and 180 days.

Work with your new hires on this template to help them establish their goals:

new employee orientation

With a Business account, Venngage users can access real-time collaboration features. This means that once they’ve added team members to their Venngage account, they can collaborate in real time with their colleagues on any designs:

Be open to feedback

Especially for companies who have previously had a haphazard approach to orientation and onboarding, the first few forays are likely to be imperfect. With every new hire, get their honest feedback about what they found helpful and what could have been better.

Company handbooks are typically given to new hires during the orientation process, but they’re also a good opportunity to do some of the important work of onboarding. Many organizations have hard copies of their handbooks, but PDFs or PowerPoint handbook presentations are also common.

Related :  How to Write an Employee Handbook [Examples + Tips]

Onboarding handbooks and presentations

If you’re looking for a template that will help elevate your handbook materials to something that goes beyond informing people about key policies? Check out these onboarding handbooks and presentations.

new employee orientation

Onboarding-focused materials can provide basic information about the company, but they should focus on setting long-term expectations. In this example, one of the first slides covers what should happen in the first day, week and month of the team member’s tenure.

Once you’ve finished your handbook, you can share a public link for free or upgrade to a team account to share a private link with your colleagues:

Venngage Link Sharing

A paid Venngage account allows you to download templates as PNG or PDF. You can also upgrade to a Business account to export the onboarding handbook in PPT format to use on PowerPoint or Google Slides:

Venngage Download Options

Let’s look at some other examples of employee handbooks you can customize for your new hire orientation:

new employee orientation

When creating onboarding materials, it’s important to be upfront about the company’s mission and culture. One good way to do that is to make it personal, as the third slide of this presentation does.

new employee orientation

Onboarding-focused handbooks are at their best when they are created from the perspective of a successful team member. Information in these types of handbooks should focus on setting clear expectations about the organization and the team member’s role in it, both today and in the future.

new employee orientation

For some organizations, their place in a broad societal context is an important aspect of their culture. Companies with strong corporate social responsibility policies should consider creating an onboarding handbook in which those policies are front and center.

new employee orientation

Onboarding-focused handbooks also provide a great opportunity to establish company values with visuals. This example uses friendly, flat icons and a pastel color palette, but by using Venngage for Business, you can ensure your handbook reflects your brand’s story.

Simply go to My Brand Kit to have your logos and brand colors extracted automatically from your website:

Once that’s done, you can apply your branding elements to any of your designs in just one click:

Brand-Kit-color-logo1 (1)

Orientation handbooks and presentations

Orientation is a process best done quickly and efficiently. Pairing the data dump of policies and procedures with good visual design principles can help ensure new hires are well-informed and remain engaged with the information.

new employee orientation

New hire presentations that have employee orientation as their key focus should be utilitarian, but that doesn’t mean they have to be boring. Pair information with company policies and striking visuals like stock photos and trendy gradients to keep your audience interested.

new employee orientation

As with any other type of visual asset you create, orientation presentations should reflect your brand’s story. In this case, flat illustrations and icons make this design approachable and friendly.

new employee orientation

Other brands lend themselves more to bold presentation, and any new hire who encounters this ultra-futuristic orientation handbook will get the clear sense that their new workplace is modern and forward-thinking.

new employee orientation

Consider breaking your orientation materials into smaller sections or chapters. This will help your team members refer back to important information without having to flip from page to page.

With Venngage for HR , multiple team members can collaborate and you can ensure your corporate visual identity is applied with My Brand Kit .

new employee orientation

A minimalist design like the one above is appropriate for brands of all types and can help ensure the focus is on the important information being shared.

Both for HR teams and new employees, checklists are a good way to ensure nothing falls through the cracks. This is particularly true during the orientation phase when new team members are probably signing important tax, health insurance, retirement and other documentation.

new employee orientation

Orientation is a complex task that typically touches many departments within an organization, from IT to human resources to legal. No single person can keep track of every task, so smart HR departments and leaders create orientation checklists to ensure all necessary tasks are completed.


Good orientation isn’t a one-way street, and getting new hires involved in the process can help instill a sense of ownership in their role within the organization. Consider a multi-page checklist like this one that lets both employee and supervisor have input.

new employee orientation

Even in small teams, it’s common for multiple veterans in organizations to take a role in new employee orientation. An orientation checklist like this one lets you assign orientation-related tasks to different team members and indicate when each one should be completed.

new employee orientation

Make sure the basics are covered when you bring in a new team member with this no-frills orientation checklist.

Training and microlearning materials are important both in orientation and onboarding. In the short term, educational materials help ensure people understand basic job processes. In the long term, training materials and training plans are useful in employee development.


Microlearning is a training method that delivers information over the course of several brief lessons rather than one long span.

Microlearning can boost information retention and avoid overload or burnout. Customize this microlearning presentation to fit your organization.

new employee orientation

Make sure your team members, whether they’re new or seasoned vets, have important soft skills like collaboration, in addition to monitoring their development of hard skills related to their job tasks.

new employee orientation

Inspire good customer service for team members who deal with the public by customizing this infographic. Update the tips or add your own, and modify the content to speak to what your organization does.

new employee orientation

One important aspect of new employee orientation is building the foundation for good work habits. Consider creating a daily activity log that team members fill out to ensure they remain accountable for getting work done.

new employee orientation

Use this employee safety training module to help you create materials for new team members as well as materials to ensure everyone in the organization receives ongoing updates and refreshers on safety procedures.

new employee orientation

Make sure your sales team orientation, onboarding and development materials are backed by lessons from the success or failure of your organization’s past sales efforts. Use these tips to customize this infographic or create your own from thousands of other templates.

Though orientation and onboarding have their own unique aspects, both are critical parts of ensuring new employees can be successful in their jobs. The benefits of good onboarding and orientation include:

A more satisfying employee experience

New hires who feel that they are left to their own devices are less likely to understand their jobs or feel that they are an important part of an organization. Creating comprehensive orientation and onboarding materials can help set the right tone from Day One.

Building company culture

The majority of organizations that invest in creating a cohesive onboarding experience say new team members are better able to fully become part of the company’s existing culture. One way to do this is to ensure your onboarding materials tell the brand story early and often.

Improving productivity

Companies that have effective onboarding procedures boost retention of new team members by 82% and improve productivity by more than 70%. Poor orientation and onboarding are likely to turn good hires into bad ones.

While many companies shifted to remote work during the pandemic, for some organizations, that shift will be permanent. Meanwhile, many companies were partially or fully remote long before COVID-19. The orientation and onboarding process for remote teams requires some specialized materials.

new employee orientation

Remote team members are likely to encounter more systems on which they’ll need to be trained. The lack of direct, face-to-face interaction means they’ll have a harder time getting questions answered as well.

That’s why having in-depth onboarding and orientation materials is crucial, as it provides virtual new hire orientation.

new employee orientation

Companies that aren’t fully remote may be interested in dabbling in permitting employees to work from wherever they want. For these companies, it’s critical to ensure certain policies are adopted and well-communicated.

new employee orientation

Just as your HR team would share tips for in-office workers to be successful at their jobs, considering create some resource materials to guide remote workers. Infographics like this one are easy to customize for your industry or even for each type of worker.

new employee orientation

If your organization shifted to remote work for the pandemic and is planning a return to the office, make sure your entire team knows what’s expected of them and what resources are available.

Start new hires off on the right foot by creating engaging orientation and onboarding materials

With a Business account, teams can engage in real-time collaboration, apply their branding with one click and export files they can bring right into PowerPoint. With these tools, HR team members have no trouble setting new team members up for long-term success.

If you want to see how easy it is to create engaging yet informative orientation and onboarding materials for your new hires, simply sign up for a Venngage account and test out our drag-and-drop editor and fully customizable templates. It’s free to get started.

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New employee orientation presentation: A comprehensive guide

This guide covers everything you need to know, from introducing your company's culture and values to designing effective slides.

Raja Bothra

Building presentations

girl preparing new employee orientation presentation

Welcome to the world of new employee orientation presentations!

Whether you're a seasoned HR professional or someone new to the role, crafting an effective orientation presentation is crucial for the success of your organization and the satisfaction of your new hires.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of creating a stellar new hire orientation presentation that sets the right tone, delivers essential information, and leaves a lasting impression.

What is a new employee orientation?

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty details, let's clarify what exactly a new employee orientation is. In essence, it's the process by which your organization welcomes and integrates fresh talent into the workforce. It's not just about handing them a desk and a computer; it's about providing them with the tools, knowledge, and support they need to thrive.

The new hire's first day: A day to remember

The first day on the job is a monumental moment for any new hire. It's the day when they step into the unknown, meet their new team members, and get their first taste of the company culture. It's also your chance to make a lasting first impression.

Why is new employee orientation presentation important?

Creating a smooth onboarding process

A well-structured new employee orientation presentation is like a roadmap for your new hires. It guides them through the initial stages of their journey within the organization, helping them navigate the terrain with confidence.

Fostering a positive employee experience

Remember, your employees are your most valuable assets. Investing in their orientation process not only makes them feel valued but also contributes to their long-term job satisfaction and retention.

Aligning with company policies and procedures

Your presentation is the perfect opportunity to acquaint new team members with your company's mission, vision, and values. It's where you can clarify company policies and procedures, ensuring everyone is on the same page from day one.

How to structure a new employee orientation presentation

Structuring a new employee orientation presentation is essential to provide a clear and organized introduction to your organization and its processes. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to structure such a presentation:

1. Title slide: Start with a title slide that includes the company name, logo, and the words "New Employee Orientation."

2. Welcome and introduction: Begin with a warm welcome to the new employees. Introduce yourself and your role in the organization. Provide a brief overview of the orientation agenda.

3. Company overview: Explain the company's history, mission, vision, and core values. Highlight any significant achievements or milestones. Mention the company's organizational structure and key departments.

4. Culture and values: Emphasize the company's culture and values. Share stories or examples that illustrate the culture in action.

5. Benefits and compensation: Discuss the employee benefits package, including health insurance, retirement plans, and any other perks. Explain the compensation structure and payment schedule.

6. HR policies and procedures: Cover essential HR policies, such as: Equal Employment Opportunity, Anti-Harassment and Anti-Discrimination, Code of Conduct, Timekeeping and Attendance, Dress Code, Workplace Safety.

7. Onboarding Process: Describe the onboarding process and the steps new employees will go through. Mention any training programs or resources available.

8. Employee expectations: Discuss what is expected from employees in terms of performance, conduct, and teamwork. Explain any performance review processes or evaluation criteria.

9. Communication channels: Introduce the various communication tools and channels used within the organization. Highlight the importance of open communication.

10. Company policies and procedures: Detail specific company policies and procedures that new employees need to be aware of, such as: - Leave policies - Expense reimbursement - IT and security guidelines - Data privacy and confidentiality

11. Training and development: Discuss opportunities for professional growth and development within the company. - Mention any training programs, workshops, or resources available.

12. Q&A session: Allocate time for questions and answers. Encourage new employees to ask any questions they may have.

13. Conclusion: Summarize key points covered during the presentation. - Reiterate your enthusiasm for having the new employees on board.

14. Next steps: Provide information about what new employees should do next, such as completing paperwork or scheduling one-on-one meetings.

15. Resources and contacts: Share contact information for HR, IT support, and other relevant departments. - Provide a list of resources new employees can refer to for additional information.

16. Thank you slide: End the presentation with a thank-you slide and a reminder of the company's contact information.

Remember to keep the presentation engaging, interactive, and visually appealing by using graphics, images, and bullet points. Additionally, tailor the content to your company's specific needs and culture to ensure that new employees receive a comprehensive and informative orientation.

Do's and don'ts on a new employee orientation presentation

Now that we've covered the essential elements, let's round up with some do's and don'ts to keep in mind as you create your new employee orientation presentation.

  • Do prioritize the employee experience. Make it engaging and informative.
  • Do create an engaging PowerPoint presentation.
  • Do introduce the new hire to their team members.
  • Do use presentation templates for a consistent look.
  • Do encourage questions and one-on-one interactions.


  • Don't overwhelm new hires with excessive information.
  • Don't rush through the orientation process; take your time.
  • Don't forget to emphasize company culture and values.
  • Don't neglect technical aspects; ensure new hires are well-equipped.
  • Don't forget to add a touch of humor naturally if it fits the context.

Summarizing key takeaways

  • New employee orientation matters : A well-structured new employee orientation presentation is crucial for integrating new hires effectively into your organization.
  • Positive employee experience : Orientation contributes to a positive employee experience, enhancing job satisfaction and retention.
  • Align with company values : Use the presentation to align new hires with your company's culture, values, and mission.
  • Structured approach : Follow a structured approach when creating the presentation, starting with a warm welcome and progressing to important details.
  • Technical aspects : Ensure new hires understand the technical aspects of their job, including software and tools.
  • One-on-one interaction : Allocate time for one-on-one interactions to address questions and build connections.
  • Do's : Prioritize the employee experience, encourage questions, and introduce new hires to their team members.
  • Don'ts : Avoid overwhelming new hires with information, rush through the orientation, or neglect company culture and values.

1. What is the significance of a new employee orientation presentation, and why should companies prioritize it?

A new employee orientation presentation plays a pivotal role in helping every employee, whether it's their first day at a new job or they've transitioned to a different role within the organization. It's a part of the employee onboarding process that introduces them to the company's culture, policies, and procedures. This process is essential for every employee, not just new hires, as it ensures that they're well-informed and aligned with the organization's values. A well-structured orientation program sets the right tone and can make a significant impact on their journey within the company.

2. What components should be included in a comprehensive new employee orientation presentation?

A thorough employee orientation process should cover a variety of aspects. It's more than just a mere orientation checklist. Here's what it should encompass:

  • Employee handbook : Provide access to the employee handbook, which serves as a reference guide for company policies.
  • Company culture : Introduce new hires to the company's culture and work environment, helping them feel more comfortable in their new workplace.
  • Orientation program : Implement an orientation program that includes infographics, interactive presentations (PPT), and other materials. It's a great opportunity to help ensure that everyone starts on the right foot.
  • New employee orientation checklist : Utilize an orientation checklist to keep track of essential tasks and information they need.
  • Team introduction : Facilitate meetings where new hires can meet the new workplace and team members, fostering connections from the very beginning.

3. Is employee orientation only relevant for traditional office setups, or does it apply to remote teams as well?

Employee orientation is a great opportunity to set the tone, whether your organization operates in a physical office space or is fully remote. In fact, it's even more critical for remote teams to ensure that the onboarding process is comprehensive and engaging. Many companies have embraced remote work, and the employee orientation process has adapted accordingly. Virtual presentations and online resources can help new hires feel just as connected and informed as they would in a traditional office setting.

4. How can a new employee orientation presentation help boost employee morale and productivity?

A well-executed orientation presentation can have a substantial impact on employee morale and productivity. When new hires are excited and motivated, they're more likely to hit the ground running. It's a good opportunity to help set realistic expectations and provide them with the tools and information they need to thrive in their new roles. Engaging presentations, along with team member introductions and insights into the organization's departments, create a positive atmosphere that could have been better.

5. Are there any innovative ideas to make a new employee orientation presentation more engaging and memorable?

Absolutely! New employee orientation and onboarding can be creative and fun. Best practice consider incorporating infographics, interactive quizzes, or storytelling elements into your presentation. Share interesting facts about your organization, host virtual happy hours, or create a "Day in the Life" video to give new hires a glimpse of what their first day at a new job will look like. The key is to make the orientation process enjoyable and informative, ensuring that new hires leave with a positive impression and a sense of belonging within the company.

Create your new employee orientation presentation with prezent

If you're looking for an easy and effective way to create your new employee orientation presentation, consider using Prezent. With our user-friendly templates and tools, you can design presentations that leave a lasting impression.

Prezent can be a valuable tool for creating your new employee orientation presentation in several ways:

  • Content creation : With Prezent's presentation builder, you can add and customize content easily. This includes text, images, charts, and more. You can include information about your company's history, culture, values, and the onboarding process itself.
  • Personalization : Tailoring your presentation to the preferences of new employees is crucial. Prezent allows you to personalize the content to make new hires feel welcome and provide specific information related to their roles or departments.
  • Structuring your presentation : Prezent provides tools to help you structure your presentation effectively. You can use guides and e-courses to ensure that your orientation presentation flows logically, making it easy for new employees to follow and engage with the material.
  • Collaboration : If multiple team members are involved in creating the presentation, Prezent facilitates real-time sharing and collaboration. This collaborative approach ensures that everyone can contribute to and review the presentation, making it a team effort.
  • Brand compliance : Maintaining brand consistency is essential. Prezent helps you ensure that your orientation presentation complies with your company's brand guidelines and is approved by your corporate brand and marketing team.
  • Time savings : Prezent can significantly reduce the time it takes to create presentations compared to traditional methods. This efficiency is especially valuable when you have multiple orientations to conduct.
  • Security : Data security is a top priority for Prezent. They offer enterprise-grade security measures to protect sensitive information, which is crucial when dealing with employee data.
  • Easy sharing : Once your new employee orientation presentation is complete, you can easily share it with new hires. This simplifies the distribution process and ensures that everyone has access to the necessary information.

By using Prezent, you can streamline the process of creating new employee orientation presentations, ensuring that they are informative, engaging, and consistent with your company's brand and messaging. This, in turn, can enhance the onboarding experience for your new team members.

So, why wait? Try our free trial or book a demo today to start crafting your orientation masterpiece today and help your new hires feel right at home from day one.

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New Hire Orientation Presentation Template

Free template to help you make your new hire's onboarding the best one yet. available in both google slides and powerpoint — download now and make it your own.

Download this free new hire orientation presentation and make it your own! Includes template slides covering:

  • Company Context : Company Introduction, What Makes Our Company Special, Our Place in the Marketplace, Key Functions
  • Our Team : Team Goals, Meet the Team, Our Team Dynamics, Your Role in the Team, Your First Week
  • How We Work: Team Dynamics, Day-to-Day Tools and Technologies, Performance Expectations, Feedback Culture
  • Administrative: Office Tour, Perks at Work, Initial Paperwork and HR Policies, Your Badge/ID

The foundation for a great new hire experience is the right onboarding presentation, so start here!

Download the template

Includes versions for:, google slides, microsoft powerpoint, team health score, new hire orientations can take forever. use this template instead.

When you hire someone new, first impressions matter. A lot. Just as you wouldn't show up to a fancy party in pajamas, you shouldn't greet your new employee with a hastily thrown-together PowerPoint. An onboarding presentation is the manager's fancy outfit - it's got to be on point.

Why Care About the Onboarding Presentation?

Remember your first day at a new job? Maybe you felt lost or overwhelmed. Or perhaps you felt welcomed and excited. That feeling often comes down to the onboarding presentation.

In the initial week or two on a new job, a new hire orientation presentation is like a roadmap. It guides the newbie, shows them the ropes, and makes them feel at home. And, get this: it's not just a bunch of slides! It's an experience. Think of it as a movie trailer - it sets the tone for what's to come.

Key Ingredients for an A+ Onboarding Deck

  • Start with a Warm Welcome : Use a fun new employee orientation PowerPoint slide to break the ice. Something with a catchy graphic or a fun fact about the company.
  • Clarity is King : Every onboarding slide should be clear. Avoid vague terms, jargon (especially company-specific slang!), and be precise.
  • Engage with Interactive Elements : For example, a clickable quiz or a video in your onboarding presentation for new hires can work wonders.
  • Stay Updated : Make sure your onboarding deck template and onboarding slide template are current. Outdated info in your onboarding PowerPoint? A big no-no!

Must-Haves in the First 2 Weeks

A new hire presentation must set the right expectations. In their first 2 weeks, new employees should:

  • Understand the Company's Mission : Why do you do what you do?
  • Know Key Contact s: Who can they turn to for what?
  • Grasp Their Role : What's expected of them?
  • Understand their Tools : What does an employee have available to help them be successful?

Bonus Tips for Managers

  • Personalize the employee onboarding presentation : Everyone's different! Adapt to your audience.
  • Ask for feedback on the new hire onboarding PowerPoint . Always room for improvement!
  • Show examples! New hire onboarding presentation examples can serve as inspiration.
  • Keep it fun and light. Maybe throw in a meme or two!


Ready to Dive In?

Great! Let's discuss some onboarding presentation ideas .

  • Storytelling : Share the company’s journey. Make it personal.
  • Interactive Quiz : Test knowledge on company culture or history.
  • Virtual Office Tour : For remote teams, this can be a game-changer.
  • Day-in-the-Life Videos : Showcase a day in the life of different roles.

Don't Forget Team Dynamics!

While a great orientation presentation is key, understanding team dynamics can't be overlooked. This is where tools like TeamDynamics come into play, helping teams work better together. By understanding the team's working style (its unique team personality), the transition can be smoother for the newbie.

How does the team communicate? Process information? Make decisions? Work towards its objectives? TeamDynamics can help get a new hire oriented and up to speed on the ways your team works, easing their transition and getting them productive faster!

Templates to the Rescue

Not a design whiz? Don't sweat it. Take advantage of these onboarding PowerPoint templates and onboarding deck templates. These ready-to-use templates can give your orientation presentation a professional touch, whether you're the team manager or looking to create an HR orientation presentation a professional touch.

Conclusion: Make It Memorable

Managers, this is your stage. The employee onboarding best practices PowerPoint presentation is your chance to set the stage for a successful journey. Make it count. Be it a sample onboarding PowerPoint presentation or a new hire orientation presentation sample, take inspiration, but add your unique touch.

Now, armed with these tips and tricks, go forth and craft an onboarding experience that's memorable. Because hey, everyone deserves a warm welcome.

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Free New Employee Orientation & Onboarding Slides PPT

This sample new employee orientation PowerPoint template offers your new hire a warm welcome and insights into company policy without overwhelming them.

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Creating a New Employee Orientation Template PPT Presentation?

Download our free powerpoint template onboarding slides.

Do you need help creating a new employee orientation PowerPoint presentation? If so, you're in luck! We have created a free downloadable new hire orientation PPT template that will make the process much easier. This PowerPiont deck covers all of the important topics that you'll want to discuss with your new hires during their onboarding process. It's meant to be used as a sample/example that should be edited to fit the specific needs of your company.

If you're responsible for onboarding new employees, then you know just how important it is to get them up to speed quickly. And one of the most important aspects of the onboarding process is orienting new hires to your company and its culture. This can be done in a variety of ways, but one of the most effective methods is through a PowerPoint presentation. We know that creating a PPT presentation deck from scratch can be a time-consuming task, so we are offering this free orientation template as a resource to help make the process easier.

By using our free PowerPoint template for new employee orientation, you'll be able to cover all of the essential new hire orientation topics, including company history and mission, policies and procedures, job expectations and responsibilities, introductions to team members, and company resources. Remember to customize it with your own specific information and branding.

So what are you waiting for? Download our free employee onboarding PowerPoint deck now and start creating a successful onboarding experience for your new employees.

Download Your Orientation PPT Template For Free

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Enter your company email below to get instant access to the template.

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Why is using a new hire orientation Powerpoint so important?

It sets the tone for the rest of their time at your company, allowing them to understand expectations, company culture, and necessary information for their job. By taking the time to properly orientate a new employee, you're setting them up for success and potentially reducing turnover rates. You can add content to the new hire onboarding presentation make it an effective company introduction for new employees.

What should be in a the onboarding slides?

This will vary depending on your specific company and industry, but some common topics to include are the company's history, mission statement, core values, onboarding process, company's hierarchy, company timeline, company roadmap, job expectations and responsibilities, introductions to team members, and company resources. It's important to customize the presentation with information specific to your company. Be sure to update the slide content, slide orientation, and slide size as needed.

How often should new hire orientation template be reviewed?

This can vary, but it's generally a good idea to have a yearly review to ensure that new employees are well-orientated and current employees stay updated on any changes or updates. Additionally, new policies or procedures may be introduced throughout the year that should also be reviewed during these regular check-ins. You'll want to update the onboarding presentation template with new team leaders, new team members, relevant job training, organizational structure, and updates from other other departments or Human Resources.

What other methods can be used for new hire orientation besides an onboarding PPT?

Some companies may choose to have one-on-one meetings with individual employees, use an ESS system , hold group orientations, an office tour, or provide written materials such as an employee handbook. It's important to consider what will work best for your specific company, employees and onboarding process.

Can this new employee orientation template be used for re-orientation or training existing employees?

While the template may be able to serve as a base for creating a presentation about company updates or policies, it is primarily meant for onboarding new hires. It's important to regularly train and update all employees on necessary information, so consider creating a separate training PowerPoint or utilizing different methods for existing employees rather than using the same presentation. This new hire onboarding presentation is meant to be used in training sessions for newly hired employees.

Do you have any other resources for new employees besides this onboarding presentation?

Yes! We have a variety of articles and tips on our blog, including checklists and tips for successful onboarding . Your HR team can use these resources to craft an effective orientation program that aligns with your company mission, company policies, and company values. We hope this employee onboarding presentation template and other resources help all of your new hires get up to speed with their job duties, office equipment, the building's emergency exits, company tools, and company's work culture.

Can I use this new employee orientation Powerpoint template without licensing?

This new employee orientation PowerPoint template is free for download and use within your organization. No attribution is required. Resell, or distribution over the internet, or any other medium is strictly prohibited. TeamSense owns all rights, titles, and interests in and to the onboarding deck ppt.

By using this orientation ppt template, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth by This template is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. If you'd like to use it for commercial purposes, please contact us for licensing options.

We hope you find this employee onboarding PowerPoint template helpful in streamlining the onboarding process for your company. If you have any questions or suggestions on how we can improve it, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]! We would love to hear from you. Thanks for using our template!

How can this template be customized?

Any way you can think of! Change the presentation design to fit portrait orientation rather than a landscape orientation, select custom slide size, update it to match other employee training materials, or upload it to Google Slides if needed. This employee onboarding presentation template is meant to be as flexible as you need it to be for your employee onboarding process, company policies and company culture.

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New Hire Orientation

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New hire orientation is the initial process of welcoming new employees to your company. As the first step in facilitating a smooth transition to your workplace, orientation is meant to give new hires what they need to succeed in their role. New hire orientation should be developed in a way that complements and emphasizes your workplace culture.

No matter how well you have prepared candidates during the recruitment process, they will still be nervous on their first day.

A well-organized orientation helps to reduce that stress and provides clarity about what’s on the agenda for people’s first day and beyond. 

A proper orientation will make new hires feel welcome, appreciated, and needed right from the start. This will increase their commitment.

As a result of the three benefits just mentioned, employee turnover should go down. Employee orientation shows people the organization cares and provides them with the tools they need to do their job well. 

Before orientation starts, make sure the new hire’s workspace is fully ready and that the manager is fully ready too. As for the new hire, make sure they have all the information they need to get to the office, park if necessary, and that they are able to actually get into the office. This already takes some uncertainty and anxiety away.

Employee orientation should include a part about the software and tools new hires will be using. This will for sure involve an explanation about the tools everyone in the company uses. Depending on the role-specific software someone will be working with the software training will be more or less elaborate. 

New employee orientation is an exciting time both for the new hire and the organization. A well-structured and thought-out process that does not compromise on the emotional and human side of starting a new job goes a long way in building a lasting relationship with your people. 

This template will primarily be useful to HR managers. You can use the slides in this template when preparing instructions for hiring new employees. You can describe in detail how to conduct briefings or introduce corporate rules.

Department leaders can also use this template when preparing to meet new employees and explain their job descriptions to them. This will help the new employee to join the new team and feel like a valuable employee for the company.

Recruiting companies can use this template when preparing their recruitment strategy. For example, you can present in detail your strategy for building a talent pool.

New Hire Orientation is a professional and modern template that contains five stylish and fully editable slides. You can change the type and size of the font, color and position of the infographic yourself. This template will be useful for HR managers, recruiting companies, company executives. New Hire Orientation template will complement your old presentations and will be a worthy addition to your collection of professional presentations.

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New-Hire Orientation

This sample presentation is intended for presentation to all new employees. It is designed to be presented by a member of the leadership team, a member of the HR team, and others as needed based on your customization of the presentation.

New-Hire Orientation  (PPT)

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Top 10 Employee Orientation Templates to Nurture New Recruits [Free PDF Attached]

Top 10 Employee Orientation Templates to Nurture New Recruits [Free PDF Attached]

Nawsheen Muzamil


Three years ago, before the intrusion of the pandemic, recruitments and interview calls were conducted in-person — followed by the 9-10 in-house office hour routine. Within this framework, the weekends became synonymous to recreation. 

But if we compare it to today’s scenario, right from the submission of a job application to taking part in the n-level interview sessions to finally working as a paid employee, everything has gone online. Thanks to the applications like Google Meet, Teams, and Zoom, we are connected via vivid video calls and virtual conference meets. 

Sitting in front of our computer screen for the stipulated office hours, being readily available to perform and deliver tasks within time is the only reason why the management and the employees are happy with the dawn of this online era. But imagine if any element of this “work from home” establishment malfunctions, the efficiency will be crippled, and employees will be summoned back to the offices. 

However, all thanks to the successful conduction of the orientation programs, the employees become well aware and responsive of their duties.

An employee orientation program is part of every functional and stable organization that honors a code of conduct and upholds working systematically. In its absence, there is bound to be chaos and inefficiency in the conduction of even the simplest tasks. Therefore, every new hire must undertake this training cum awareness program that prepares them for their tenure ahead

Besides, an employee induction program assigns responsibilities and aims to strengthen the contract between the recruits and the company. Typical employee induction templates are prepared in light of the updated company guidelines encompassing all the pointers that concern the joinee.

Generally conducted by an HR faculty, the session provides an overview of the organization, summarizing the perks, assets, and affiliations until their association. The new hires are guided in getting enrolled on the salary sheets, confirming their details, and gelled up with the team they would be closely or remotely working with. Thus an induction program becomes an indispensable part of every smoothly functioning organization. 

All of this information is dispensed via a presentation session that can be held in person or online. Thus, HR executives are in constant pursuit of such professional employee orientation templates that would serve the induction purpose effectively. 

Are you one of the seekers too? 

If yes, here’s a list of the 10 best employee orientation templates that management can deploy to simplify the session for the new joiners!

Template 1: Office Induction PPT Presentation

Here is a distributable PPT presentation deck with 12 individual employee orientation templates to onboard the new joiners. You can use the sheets, charts, and other editable forms of this PPT presentation to create awareness of company duties and responsibilities among your employees. Record their contact details and acknowledgments with this office induction PPT template and help them get started on their tasks.

Office Induction Employee Orientation Induction PPT PowerPoint template

Download this template

Template 2: Employee Orientation and Integration PPT

This is another 12-slide PowerPoint presentation to ensure smooth onboarding of new joiners. Use this slide deck to share a complete information about their affiliation with the company, including the perks, roadmap of their tasks, and other follow-up information. Meanwhile, you can utilize this design to collect their bank and other contact details that the organization will use to transfer salaries or other assets.

Employee Orientation Preparation Orientation Integration Engagement Familiarizing PPT template

Template 3: Employee Orientation Methods PPT Slide

Among other topics of discussion to be included in an employee orientation program, here is a PPT template that summarizes a brief of points to be conveyed. Acquaint your recruits with this employee handbook presentation, give them a tour of your facilities, the day-to-day responsibilities of the co-workers, and assure them of regular follow-ups/feedbacks to ensure a smooth functioning of the company.

Employee Orientation Methods PowerPoint Slides

Template 4: Employee Orientation Process PPT

Here is a creative oval flowchart template to help your employees understand their career goals, company expectations, objectives of the training, and their career development plan. Additionally, you can use this presentation to introduce the new joiners with the team, walk them through the salary prospects, and thus help them settle. 

Employee Orientation Development Planning Process PPT Icon

Template 5: Employee Orientation Process PPT

Here is an innovative template that represents a staircase illustration including all the steps involved in an induction program. You can use this design to explain the working and tasks expected of the recruits. Finally, with this PPT graphic you can walk the new employees through the workplace or departments. 

Employee Orientation Process PPT Examples slides

Template 6: Employee Orientation Benefits PPT Slide 

Here is the most-looked-forward-to part of any induction program. Use this slide to explain in detail the perks and benefits for the employees during their tenure. This template also comprises the personal and financial benefits of affiliating with the parent organization. Additionally, you can use it to focus on the value the employees will add to the organization.

Employee Orientation Benefits PowerPoint slide Deck

Template 7: Four Cycle Employee Orientation Program

Use this four-step cyclic design process template to explain the focal points of your employees orientation program. This design illustrates steps like paperwork, induction, and introduction with the co-workers. You can also use it to include the details on office infrastructure, responsibilities, and duties expected of the employees. So, deploy this PPT template to give a quick overview of your orientation program.

Four Cycle Design Process Of Employee Orientation Program PPT slide

Template 8: Employee Job Orientation Key Purposes

Conducting induction training is as important as guiding your trainers into understanding its purpose. Use this presentation to spotlight your unique company culture, excellent interpersonal skills, and more. You can also illustrate the up-to-date company policies with the help of this PPT template

Key Purposes Of New Employee Job Orientation Plan PPT template

Template 9: Human Resource Manager Infographic PPT

Here is a cover page template to label your job orientation session. Use this creative infographic to depict amiability, information, and professionalism while guiding the recruits in their tasks and responsibilities. This slide is entirely editable, just like all the PPT products available on our website, allowing you to add text, imagery, or other visually appealing elements relevant to your audience.

Human Resource Manager Discussing The Orientation Plan To New Employee PPT template

Template 10: Employee Orientation Schedule Process

Define your employee orientation schedule with this spiral infographic template. You can use it to record seven steps and ensure a smooth guiding session for your new hires. Collate the steps of setting of a workspace, enrolling employees on company registers, gelling up with the team, recording correct information for their database, etc. Download this handy template to plan your job orientation effectively!

Process To Create Employee Orientation Schedule PPT slide

Employee orientation, integration, engagement, and familiarization are critical to any induction program. With these employee orientation templates, you will be able to conduct an informative warm-up session for your freshers. 

Once your recruits are well-acquainted with the working environment, the subsequent processes are bound to fall in line smoothly. However, along with a proper induction program, sharing a company playbook with the newcomers can help them have a ready-made reference of the entire organization. Therefore, we present an all-inclusive guide infused with stunning templates to help you develop a viable company playbook.

Download the free Employee Orientation Templates PDF .

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Employee Onboarding

It seems that you like this template, employee onboarding presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Make your new employees feel at home with this welcome template! Include all the relevant information about the company with the given resources: slides for history, infographics for concepts, timelines to check status, graphics for stats and processes, maps to show where your headquarters are and space to include examples of your firm's milestones.

Features of this template

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 32 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as graphs, maps, tables, timelines and mockups
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used

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HR Mavericks

New Hire Orientation


What Is New Hire Orientation?

Orientation versus onboarding, why it’s important to have a great orientation.

  • Make new employees feel welcome . Orientation is a new hire’s first experience as an official member of your team. They may be nervous about entering a new work environment, so it’s important that they are met with a welcoming environment.
  • Prepare new hires for the role you hired them for . No matter how experienced a new hire is, you have to set them up for success in your organization. Tailoring your new hire orientation to the specific role you’ve hired for can help ensure they get the right knowledge and resources to perform their job.
  • Cover all federal and organizational legal requirements . New hire orientation should include completing mandatory paperwork . This includes federal documents like their W-2 and organization-specific documents like the employee handbook .
  • Increase engagement. Orientation programs that help new hires feel comfortable in their work environment can increase their engagement early on, making for a happier, more productive employee.
  • Reduce turnover. A new hire that experiences an orientation that prepares them for their new role and makes them feel like a valued part of the company is more likely to remain with the company.

What to Go Over in New Hire Orientation

1. organizational history, 2. introduction to executive leaders, 3. policies and procedures.

  • Information about your company's commitment to equal employment opportunity (EEO) policies
  • Harassment policies
  • Safety and security procedures
  • Disciplinary policies
  • Paid time off (PTO) policies
  • Other policies important to the organization

4. Payroll Procedures

5. department or division-specific information, 6. frequently asked questions (faqs), 7. any additional questions, sample new hire orientation schedule, before their first day - welcome message.

new hire presentation examples

9:00 AM - Orientation Check-In and Welcome Breakfast

10:00 am - welcome presentation and agenda review, 10:30 am - company history, mission, and values, 11:30 am - breakout sessions to meet with division-specific managers, 12:00 pm - catered lunch break, 1:00 pm - executive team welcome, 2:00 pm - review policies, procedures, and employee handbooks, 3:00 pm - office tour, 4:00 pm - payroll procedures and faqs, orientation for remote employees, provide a schedule, familiarize them with the company culture, help them feel like part of the team, other tips for leading a great employee orientation.

  • Don’t try to cover everything in one day . Cramming all of the information in one day is likely to overwhelm new hires and they will probably forget some of the information. Instead, break orientation into several days that allow them to absorb as much information as possible.
  • Keep it light . New hires are typically nervous and anxious about starting a new position. Make it easy for them. Keep your orientation program light and welcoming.
  • Utilize software and technology . Some orientation tasks can be completed independently using HR software and technology. A few tasks, like mandatory paperwork, can even be completed before the first day.

How Eddy Can Help With Employee Orientation


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Home Blog Presentation Ideas 10+ Outstanding PowerPoint Presentation Examples and Templates

10+ Outstanding PowerPoint Presentation Examples and Templates

Cover for PowerPoint presentation examples article by SlideModel

Nobody said it’s easy to make a PowerPoint presentation . There are multiple design decisions to consider, like which layout is appropriate for the content you have to present, font pairing, color schemes, and whether to use animated elements or not. 

Making these choices when working under the clock is overwhelming for most people, especially if you only intend to make a report more visually appealing. For this very reason, we curated a selection of 11 good PowerPoint presentation examples categories in different niches to give you insights into what’s valued and how to take your presentations to a professional quality. All the templates used on each case will be linked for easy access.

Table of Contents

General Guidelines for Professional-Quality PowerPoint Presentations

Business pitch powerpoint presentation examples, marketing plan powerpoint presentation examples, company profile powerpoint presentation examples, quarterly/annual results presentation examples, project proposal presentation examples, training presentation examples, change management presentation examples, industry analysis presentation examples, financial planning examples, inspirational presentation examples, academic presentation examples, final words.

Before introducing our presentation slide examples, we need to discuss a list of factors that transform an average slide into a professional-quality one. 

Design Principles

For any professional-level slide deck, a consistent layout, color scheme, and font pairing are required throughout the presentation. The slides should remain uncluttered, with proper care of white balance across their composition, and stick to the 10-20-30 rule of presentations ’s concept of one concept per slide. 

Contrast between text and background color must comply with web design accessibility standards , meaning to work with a 4.5:1 contrast ratio for normal text, with exceptions for larger text. You can find more information in our article on accessibility for presentations .

A general rule in any graphic design project is to stick with fonts with ample legibility, like Arial, Helvetica, or Calibri. These are known as sans-serif fonts, and they work better than serif ones (i.e., Times New Roman) for larger text blocks.

Avoid using more than two different font families in your presentation; otherwise, the overall design will lose cohesion. Since you ought to ensure readability, the minimum size for body text should be 18pt, opting for larger variations and/or bold text for titles.

Using a combination of font pairing and font sizing helps create a hierarchy in your slides’ written content. For more insights on this topic, browse our article on fonts for presentations .

Color Scheme

Sticking to a color palette selection is one of the first design decisions to make when creating a custom slide deck . Colors have their own psychological impact on presentations, as explained in our article on color theory , so presenters must stick to 3-4 colors to avoid mixing up content in the slides. That being said, the colors have to be carefully selected according to the typical color scheme configurations, and using contrast to highlight key points on presentation slides.

Slide Layout

We can apply multiple graphic design guidelines to create professional-quality presentation slides, but in order to simplify the process, here are the key points to take into account:

  • Grids and Guides: Divide your slide into sections using guides in PowerPoint or Google Slides. Then, you can build a grid that helps place elements and catch the viewer’s interest as they follow a logical flow while looking at the slide.
  • Whitespace : Empty space is not your enemy. Slides shouldn’t be dense or feel hard on the eyes to read; therefore, work with a minimum of 30% whitespace.

Multimedia Elements

According to our expertise, video presentations and animation effects certainly increase the retention rate of the content you present. This is because they reduce the tiresome 2D presentation layout and add dynamism to the slides. Testing their functionality across different devices is a must to incorporate these elements into your presentation, especially if we consider that not all PowerPoint animation effects are compatible with Google Slides animations . 

Sound can be distracting in many scenarios unless you opt for an interactive presentation and require an audio track for an exercise. Action buttons in the form of quizzes or multiple-choice questions are fine examples of how we can integrate hyperlinks in interactive presentations.

Problem slide presentation example in a business pitch

The first professional PowerPoint example we will cover is when creating a problem slide business pitch. This selected business pitch PPT template has a 50/50 image-to-content balance that allows us to add images from our organization (or stick to the corporate placeholder image design) and quickly summarize the issue or need that our business aims to solve.

Remember that the selected colors for the text background area and text color are not 100% pure values—they are slight variations to reduce eye strain, making this slide a perfect choice for any kind of meeting room. Ideally, you can present up to three different problems to solve; otherwise, the text will look too small.

Revenue model slide PowerPoint presentation example

Another fine example of a PowerPoint presentation comes at the time of delivering an elevator pitch . As we all know, this concise presentation format requires a considerable amount of presentation aids to briefly expose each point in the speech under the allotted time frame. In this Revenue Model slide, we can find the answers to typical questions that help us shape the speech, all of them with icons and cues to remember from which areas the information comes.

Sponsorship deck PowerPoint presentation example slide

If we aim to create a sponsorship pitch deck , it is important to bring proof of past sponsorship experiences to build our credibility in front of prospective sponsors. With this best PPT template tailored for sponsorship pitch presentations, we can display such data in an attractive visual format. The neat layout balances whitespace with content, with three distinctive KPI areas to talk about your history in sponsorship experiences. 

Market segmentation presentation example slide

Talk about the market segmentation strategies of your marketing plan with this creative infographic template. This slide clearly illustrates that not all examples of PowerPoint presentations follow the same structure in terms of graphics-to-text balance. You can introduce data on how purchasing habits, user status, and brand loyalty influence buying decisions. Present key information about demographic & geographic segmentation and how psychographic information can provide deeper insights into consumer motivations to purchase.

Market opportunities slide presentation example

Another PowerPoint example comes in the format of presenting market opportunities in marketing plans . You can list up to four points, which can be extracted from the outcomes of a SWOT analysis or from retrieved data from polls or stakeholders’ insights. The icons are entirely editable, and the crisp layout makes readability much easier.

Consultancy agency services slide in marketing plan presentation example

Marketing agencies can benefit from this presentation PowerPoint example, which illustrates how easy it is to customize the content and repurpose slides for different client meetings. This and the other slides of this marketing plan slide deck allow professionals to discuss their expertise, past projects, and proposals for their target clients. In this case, the agency in question is offering insights on their work ethics through a clean slide layout with icons to flag key areas.

Company Profile financial slide presentation example

Our next PPT presentation example is suited for a Company Profile presentation in which we have to disclose key financial data. Thanks to the pie chart, presenters can segment revenue streams or do a balance between investments and profit. Additionally, the box placeholders allow us to deepen our knowledge of precise areas of interest.

One-pager Company Profile presentation example

Organizations who are looking to create a company profile can opt for a one-page arrangement to introduce the team members in charge, the overall services or products, the business model, the market, competitors, and relevant strategy information. The text boxes placed in the right area are a perfect opportunity to highlight KPIs.

Mission statement slide presentation example

In any company profile presentation, we have to introduce the organization’s Mission and Vision Statements. This presentation sample slide allows us to creatively discuss those topics. Including icons, users can summarize the primary aspects of their mission statement in one single, professionally styled slide.

Quarterly employee performance review presentation example

Quarterly reports don’t need to be depicted as boring PDF files. We can work with clean layouts that provide information in an easy-to-follow format that focuses on the core elements of the report. This quarterly report presentation example is perfect for detailed reports as we cover all essentials in a one-page format for an employee’s performance review.

Department progress report slide

If, instead, you opt for a department-by-department approach, this slide presentation example illustrates two out of four quarters in the annual report. You can compare the product’s performance by production, allowing room to perform further optimizations based on sales behavior.

Construction project presentation example slide

The construction industry requires a detailed presentation that covers all planned and contingency strategies for a project. Such an approach builds trust in the client, and that’s why we believe this PPT template for contractors is an essential tool for securing business deals. This presentation example template shows how to deliver a project proposal in style with accurate cost estimates.

Project proposal presentation example timeline format

A generic PPT project proposal template allows us to repurpose the slide for many projects—ideal for agencies, consultants, and academics. With this visual project proposal timeline, you can discuss the different stages of a project, plan for resources (both material and workforce), seek funding, or prepare for contingencies.

PPT presentation example of project deliverables

Once the project proposal’s core aspects are approved, teams must align efforts for project deliverables, acceptance criteria, and delivery format. This PPT presentation example illustrates a slide in a multi-team meeting to fine-tune aspects of the project deliverables, with an accurate representation of the due date and expected products.

Training objectives slide PPT example

Team training requires a framework in which the objectives of the workshop, coaching, or mentoring programs are laid out for management. HR teams can benefit from this presentation example by summarizing the objectives about missed business opportunities or expansion plans for the organization.

Course unit slide presentation example

Before even delivering a training program, HR teams discuss the content to cover with the head of each department, mainly to spot any missing area of knowledge required for optimal operations. Presenters can repurpose this slide for that kind of training proposal presentation or the training presentation itself.

Training course diagram presentation example slide

Intended for the early planning stages of a training program, this diagram is a well-rounded presentation example of how to discuss all points in one single slide, from the training budget to how to process employee feedback. We can expand each of these six topics in companionship slides.

Change management methodologies models

Companies undergoing change management processes can opt to apply the DMAIC or the ADKAR frameworks to orient the workforce. This presentation slide allows management to compare both methodologies and pick the one best suited for their organization.

Information sharing in change management process slide

Since data sharing is delicate in charge management situations, implementing an information flow diagram is a good practice to orient your team, get the new owners or management the required information, and exchange information between departments.

Change management stages slide

For change management directed at process optimization, this example slide allows management to stress the importance between the current situation and the expected improved state. This PPT template can also introduce the different milestones per stage and involve the management parties per area.

Industry analysis segmentation presentation example

Startups often present their industry analysis to procure investment from venture capitalists. This industry analysis presentation example showcases a typical FinTech segmentation. Presenters can describe the different types of crowdfunding, credit, and factoring services and provide examples of companies or platforms in each subcategory. They can discuss areas like asset management, payments, and other relevant aspects in detail, with successful stories from referents that helped shape their business model.

STEEPLE analysis presentation example

STEEPLE stands for Social, Technological, Economic, Ethical, Political, Legal, and Environmental factors. This framework allows us to perform a multidimensional industry analysis in which stakeholders can evaluate the appropriate approaches for venturing into a new business niche, renewing their overall strategy, or pursuing new goals based on recent industry changes, even those we don’t initially acknowledge.

Gap analysis presentation example

The Gap Analysis concept compares a company’s current status to a desired future state. By doing so, organizations can identify deficits or areas that require improvement in alignment with the future state. Presenters can work with this metaphorical gap analysis template and express the need for a plan that bridges such a gap.

Scope and Inventory Slide presentation example

The next example of a PowerPoint presentation is oriented to the financial area, in which a consultant can refer to an organization’s asset management. By Scope, we imply the extent and boundaries of the asset management activities within an organization. It outlines what will be included in the asset management plan and what will not. On the other hand, Inventory points to a comprehensive and detailed list of all the assets owned by an organization. It includes essential information about each asset to facilitate effective management.

Financial dashboard snapshot presentation example

In financial presentations, the information must be clearly arranged so decisions can be made easily. In this case, we observe how a financial dashboard template can represent an organization’s relevant KPIs.

Motivational teamwork presentation example slide

Think about TEDx presentations or Pecha-Kucha . They all have one factor in common: quality graphics to talk about inspirational stories. Graphics can feel overwhelming for some presenters, which ends in picking low-quality pictures or stock images unsuitable for the context of your slide deck. For this reason, we highly recommend you implement vector illustrations into your motivational presentation slides. Easy to customize, they are a valuable asset to mix & match PPT templates and create your custom deck.

Goal achieving motivational slide presentation example

Aligning efforts toward a common goal requires a powerful visual communication language. Images are easier to retain than words, so imagine adding a storytelling factor and turning a goal into a mountain to conquer. Presenters can work with this mountain PPT template and signal the different milestones to reach prior to fulfilling a significant goal for the company/organization.

Success story PPT slide

Another take in inspirational presentations is when we need to share our success stories with investors or in networking environments to inspire others. With this roadmap PPT template, presenters can go stage by stage and present the key stages that made them reach their success, or even project for expected goals to achieve.

Academic presentation example for project overview

Academic presentations don’t have to look dull or excessively formal. We can incorporate a sleek layout into our slides and use icons to highlight key points. In this case, we observe a project overview for a research project, and the icons represent the main aspects to cover in this research.

Research presentation example

A thesis presentation requires properly introducing the methodology to demonstrate the hypothesis. Rather than adding complex figures, we can work with a minimalistic slide design and briefly describe the research methods. This slide deck is suitable for thesis presentations as well as academic projects, research papers , and more.

As we can see, counting with a professionally designed slide deck makes a difference in how your presentation is perceived by the audience. By working with SlideModel PowerPoint templates, we can reuse and repurpose our slide templates as often as required or mix elements from different slides seen in these PowerPoint presentation examples to create uniquely styled slide decks.

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    For example, the Employee Onboarding Presentation Template is a slide deck to prepare an organization introduction presentation for new employees. ... It includes activities that allow new employees to go through the initial new-hire orientation process and learn about the organization's structure, culture, vision, mission, and values. ...

  20. Employee Onboarding Google Slides & PowerPoint template

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Make your new employees feel at home with this welcome template! Include all the relevant information about the company with the given resources: slides for history, infographics for concepts, timelines to check status, graphics for stats and processes, maps to show ...

  21. New Hire Orientation: 7 Things to Go Over + Sample Schedule

    Make sure that each employee receives a hard copy and a digital copy of your employee handbook. Once you complete the orientation, have each new hire sign an acknowledgment that they received and reviewed the handbook. 4. Payroll Procedures. New hires need to fill out W-4 and other tax forms.

  22. 10+ Outstanding PowerPoint Presentation Examples and Templates

    This PPT presentation example illustrates a slide in a multi-team meeting to fine-tune aspects of the project deliverables, with an accurate representation of the due date and expected products. Training Presentation Examples The training objectives slide is a tool used by HR teams to prioritize the areas in which training strategies should focus.

  23. 11 Best Presentation Deck Templates for Startups in 2024

    1. Presentation Deck Template Inspired by AirBnb's Pitch Deck. The design for this presentation deck was inspired by one of AirBnb's first pitch decks. It has been featured in many articles and roundups about the best pitch decks in startup history. The slides follow a minimal layout with a fun color combination.