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My School Essay in English (100, 200, 300, 500 words)

Table of Contents

My School Essay 100 Words

My school is a place where I get educated; learn new subjects under the guidance of trained and skilled teachers. I study at a school that is near my home. It is one of the best schools in my entire town. The management of my school believes that it isn’t only academic excellence that we should be after, but also the overall personality development and evolving into a good and useful human being.

The school has two playgrounds – one is a tennis court and the other one is a cricket ground. We also have a nice swimming pool and a canteen. It also has a beautiful garden where students relax and play during recess. Even in games, sports and tournaments, it has made much progress. My school has won many trophies, shields, and medals in many extra-curricular activities. In debates also, the students of my school secure good positions. It is considered to be one of the best schools in my locality.

My School Essay 200 Words

The school is called the educational institution which is designed to provide learning spaces and create an environment for the children where the teaching of the students is under the direction and guidance of the teachers.

My School is one of the best educational institutions where I get an education and make progress towards the goals of my life and make me capable of achieving them. Besides education, there are several significant roles that my school plays in my life. My school is performing well in all fields. It develops my physical and mental stamina, instills confidence, and

gives me tremendous opportunities to prove my skills and talents in different fields. In the academic field, it has made a mark. Its students secure top positions in the board examinations.

I go to school with my other friends. We study in our school in a great friendly environment. We reach school at a fixed time. As soon as we reach we line up to attend the assembly. Attending the school assembly is a wonderful experience. I enjoy for being first in a row in a school assembly. As soon as the assembly ends we rush to our respective classrooms. We take part in all school activities. One of my school fellows is the best singer and dancer. She has recently won the best singer award at the annual arts festival. Our school organizes all-important national events like Independence Day, teachers’ day, father’s day, etc. My school also gives every student abundant opportunities to take part in extracurricular activities like sports and music.

All of us are proud of being a part of it. I am fortunate enough to be a student at this school. I love and am proud of my school.

My School Essay 300 Words

An institution where higher education is taught is commonly called a school, University College, or University. Most countries have systems of formal education, which is sometimes compulsory. In these systems, Students progress through a series of schools. The names for these schools vary by country but generally include primary school for young children and secondary school for teenagers who have completed primary education.

My school is a place where I not only get educated but also get trained in other necessary competitive skills like sports, music, and dance. I am proud of my school because it provides us with all the basic facilities like a big playground, a central library, a big auditorium hall, a science lab, and a good computer lab. That is why my school is rated as one of the best schools in my entire area. My school has produced many great people in my country. It has a big and beautiful building that looks shiny from far away. I reach my target at a fixed time. I came to school with other friends of mine. We happily enter the schools with great confidence. We take part in a school assembly and then we move into our classrooms.

This all is done by a very efficient and well-trained teaching staff of my school. The best schools are those that make the students the best and the best school is made by the best teachers. We study under the guidance of the best teachers. My school has a dedicated teacher for all the subjects as well as extracurricular activities like music and sports. I consider my school as the best school because it supports and encourages every student to do their best and make progress. Fortunately, my school provides the best environment, the best teachers, and the best facilities.

Our Class teacher greets us daily and asks about us. He is quite a cool and kind man. He entertains us along with teaching his subject. We learn a lot of things like discipline, self-help, confidence, and cooperation here. As I enter my classroom I feel quite happy and relaxed.

My School Essay 500 Words

The place where children as the leaders of tomorrow study and where the future of the nation is shaped are called schools. Education is an essential weapon for tomorrow, so the good schools of today are important for the best future of a nation. Schools are the center of learning where we attend classes on various subjects, interact with the teachers, get our queries

answered, and appeared in exams. In my school, learning is more like a fun activity, because of the extra-talented teaching staff.

My school is a government primary school located on the outskirts of the city. Usually, when people think about a government school, they perceive it to be at an isolated location and have poor basic amenities and teaching facilities. But, despite being a government school, my school defies all such speculations. Teachers of my school are not only knowledgeable about the subjects they teach but also are skilled enough to teach through fun activities. For example, our physics teacher explains every concept by stating real-life examples that we could relate to. This way we not only understand the subject better. Moreover, not a moment I remember, when any teacher had ever replied rudely to any of the students. They always patiently listen and provide answers to all the queries posed to them. Learning at my school is fun and it is made possible only because of the teachers.

My school is very important in my life, in a way even more than my family. My family gives me love, care, and affection, and provides for all my other essential needs. But, all of this isn’t enough to make me a good human being and succeed in life.  Favorably, I am lucky enough to be enrolled in a prestigious school, and gaining a wonderful education, looking forward to realizing my dreams one day. The most necessary for success in life is education, and only my school provides it to me. Without my school and the education that it gives, I would be like a confused and wandering soul, almost aimless in life.

My school helps with my educational and overall personality development. It imparts education through classes, tests, and exams to teach me how to conduct myself confidently. It just feels so great to be in my school and be a part of everyday activities, be it lectures, sports, or Something else. While in school, I always feel happy, confident, enthusiastic, and loved. I make friends at school, those whom I will never forget and will always love them. My family supports my materialistic needs, but school is the place where my actual physical, social, and mental development takes place.  I know that every question that crosses my mind will be answered by my teachers. I also know that my school friends will always be at my side whenever I need them to be. As much as the studies, my school also stresses much on These activities as the management thinks that extracurricular activities are very essential for our overall personality development. My school provides dedicated teachers and staff for each extracurricular activity. We have a big sports ground with kits for all the major sports; a covered auditorium for dance and music and a separate basketball court.

The role my school plays in my personality development is fantastic. It not only imparts education in me but also teaches me how to conduct myself and how to behave decently and properly. I get trained in all the other necessary skills of life, like how to keep calm in challenging situations and help others as well. My school teaches me to be a good and evolved human being, to stay composed and progressive always. It also teaches me to be kind and generous to others and not differentiate them based on their caste, religion, ethnicity, or other divisions. These are some of the most essential personality traits that my school imparts to me, something that I will always be thankful for. Every time I think of my school, I think of it as a temple of education. A temple, where my soul meets education, making my life more meaningful and useful to society and the nation as well. It is a place where my aspirations get a wing and I get the strength and confidence to realize them. No other place in the entire world could replace my school and the role that it plays in my life. I will always be thankful to my friends, teachers, and the staff of my school, for making it such a comfortable and Educational place of learning.

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A Simple Guide to Talking About School in French

Whether you’re navigating a new French class, preparing for the speaking portion of a test like the GCSE or making friends with French-speaking students , it’s important to know lots of school vocabulary.

In this post I’ll give you a list of useful school-related vocabulary, with more than 100 words for people, places and things you’ll need to know for talking about school in French.

People at School

Levels of schooling, school subjects, rooms in a school building, school supplies, school assignments, and one more thing....

Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Click here to get a copy. (Download)


L’étudiant / L’étudiante – Student

Le/ La camarade de classe – Classmate

Le professeur  – Teacher/Professor

L’entraîneur  – Coach

L’infirmier / L’infirmière – Nurse

Le proviseur / Le chef d’établissement – Principal or Headmaster

Le proviseur adjoint – Vice Principal


L’école  – School

L’école public  – Public school

L’école privée  – Private school

L’école de langue – Language school

L’école maternelle – Preschool

L’école primaire  – Primary school

Le collège  – Middle school

Le lycée  – High school

L’université / la fac – College

  L’université  is the official term for “college,” but many French people casually refer to college as la fac .

Je suis à la fac cette année. (I am in college this year.)

L’école supérieure de troisième cycle – Graduate school

Le doctorat – Doctorate degree

La faculté de médecine  – Medical school

La faculté de droit  – Law school

Je vais au / à la … – I go to …

Je vais au lycée.  (I go to high school.)

Je vais à la fac de médecine.  (I go to med school.)


Le cours préparatoire or CP  – First grade

Le cours élémentaire 1re année or CE1 – Second grade

Le cours élémentaire 2e année or CE2  – Third grade

Le cours moyen 1re année or CM1 – Fourth grade

Le cours moyen 2e année or CM2  – Fifth grade

La sixième  – Sixth grade

La cinquième  – Seventh grade

La quatrième  – Eighth grade

La troisième  – Ninth grade

La seconde  – 10th grade

La première  – 11th grade

La terminale  – 12th grade

La première année d’université – First year of college

La seconde année d’université  – Second year of college

La troisième année d’université – Third year of college

La quatrième année d’université – Fourth year of college

Être en – To be in [grade]

Mon fils s’appelle Daniel. Il est en CM1.  (My son’s name is Daniel. He is in fourth grade.)

Je suis en  première année à l’université. (I am in my first year of college.)


Le français – French

L’anglais – English

L’espagnol – Spanish

L’allemand  – German

Le latin – Latin

Les maths  – Math

Les sciences  – Science

L’éducation physique  – PE

L’histoire  – History

La géographie  – Geography

La biologie  – Biology

La physique  – Physics

La chimie  – Chemistry

L’algèbre  – Algebra

La géométrie  – Geometry

Le calcul – Calculus

Les arts plastiques  – Art

La musique  – Music

Le théâtre – Theater

La chorale – Choir

L’orchestre – Band

La littérature – Literature

L’écriture créative  – Creative writing

La médecine  – Medicine

Le droit  – Law

J’ai … maintenant.  – I have … now.

Je dois partir! J’ai chimie maintenant .  (I have to leave! I have chemistry now.)

J’ai espagnol à 9h. (I have Spanish at 9am)

Je suis un cours de…  – I am taking a course in…

Je suis un course d ‘écriture créative cette année. (I am taking a creative writing course this year.)

Note that the verb used here is suivre (literally, “to follow”), not être (to be).

J’aime…  – I like…

J’aime  le théâtre. C’est mon cours préféré!  (I like theater. It is my favorite class!)

Je n’aime pas  – I don’t like …

Je n’aime pas  la géographie. C’est barbant! (I don’t like geography. It’s boring!)


La salle de classe  – Classroom

Le bureau – Office

Le bureau du proviseur  – Principal’s office

L’infirmerie  – Nurse’s office

Le gymnase  – Gym

La cafétéria / la cantine – School cafeteria

Le resto-U – University cafeteria

La résidence universitaire – Dormitory

Le laboratoire / le labo – Laboratory

L’amphithéâtre / l’amphi – Lecture hall


Le cahier / le carnet – Notebook

Le manuel  – Textbook

Le classeur  – Binder/folder

Le stylo – Pen

Le crayon  – Pencil

La calculatrice  – Calculator

L’ordinateur – Computer

Le portable – Laptop

Le sac à dos  – Backpack

Le surligneur – Highlighter

La gomme  – Eraser

La craie  – Chalk

Le marqueur – Felt tip marker

L’éponge  – Eraser for the chalkboard or whiteboard

La colle  – Glue

Les crayons de couleur  – Colored pencils

Les crayons gras  – Crayons

La règle  – Ruler

Les fiches  – Index cards

La gamelle  – Lunchbox

Le papier  – Paper

Le papier millimétré – Graph paper

Le correcteur fluide  – White-out

Les ciseaux  – Scissors

L’agrafeuse  – Stapler


Le devoir  – Assignment/paper

Les devoirs – Homework

Yes, a specific assignment and homework in general (which may include multiple assignments) are differentiated simply by making the word plural. Languages are weird, aren’t they?

L’interro  – Quiz

L’examen  – Exam/test

L’attestation de DELF /DALF – DELF/DALF certification

If you study abroad or study at a language school, you might try to earn your DELF or DALF certification .

DELF stands for  Diplôme d’études en langue française , or “Diploma in French Studies.” DALF stands for  Diplôme approfondi de langue française , or “Diploma in Advanced French.”

Le discours  – Speech

Le diplôme  – Degree

J’ai un diplôme en… – I have a degree in…

J’ai un diplôme en  pédagogie de langue française. (I have a degree in French education.)

À rendre…  – Due

Mes devoirs de sciences sont à rendre demain.  (My science homework is due tomorrow.)

Désolé, je ne peux pas sortir ce soir. J’ai un long devoir  à rendre cette semaine. (Sorry, I can’t go out tonight. I have a long paper due this week .)

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my school essay translation

Write an essay in French

Beyond the fact that writing an essay in French can be a good practice to improve your writing, you may also be asked to write one during your schooling. So, it is important to study the topic of French essay writing and get some useful tips..

» Tips and tricks for your French essay » The structure of a French essay » Sample French Essay

Tips and tricks for your French essay

When writing a French essay for school, you should always use a structured approach and good French skills to present your arguments in a focused way. Beyond French skills, there are also important formal requirements for a successful French essay. We will come back to this in detail later. First, you will find some useful tips and tricks that will help you write more compelling and better French essays in the future.

  • Have a clear thesis and structure
  • Do sufficient research and use reliable sources
  • Use examples and arguments to support your thesis
  • Avoid plagiarism and cite correctly
  • Always check structure, grammar and spelling

When you write your essay at school or university, you need to make sure that the general structure of your essay, the presentation of the arguments and, above all, your French language skills play a role in the mark you will get. This is why you should definitely take a closer look at the structure of an essay as well as the most important grammar rules and formulations for French essays.

The structure of a French essay

In an essay, you deal at length and in detail with a usually given topic. When you write an essay in French, you must follow a certain structure. Below we show you what this structure looks like and give you some tips for writing the most important parts of your essay.

my school essay translation

The Introduction

The introduction prepares the main body of your essay. You think of a meaningful title for your essay, you describe your thesis or your question, you give general information on the subject and you prepare your argument by giving an overview of your most important arguments.

Below are examples and phrases that you can use to write the introduction to your essay in French.

The title should be meaningful, concise and reflect the content of the essay.

Introductory paragraph

The first paragraph of your French essay should briefly introduce the topic and engage the reader. Here are some examples to help you write your essay:

Proposal or question

The central proposition or question of your French essay should be a clear and concise definition of the purpose of the essay. Use these examples to get a clearer idea of ​​how to write theses in French:

Overview of Arguments and Structure

At the end of your introduction, describe the structure of the main part of your essay (your outline) and outline your argument. Here are some French expressions that will certainly help you write your essay:

The body of your essay

my school essay translation

The main part of your French essay deals with the given topic in detail. The subject is studied from all angles. The main body of your essay follows a thread of argument and discusses in detail the main arguments of your thesis previously made in the introduction.

In the body of the text, you should discuss the subject of your essay in clear and concise language. To achieve this, we give you some wording aids as well as vocabulary and phrases that you can use to write your essay in French.

Formulation tools:

French vocabulary for essays.

In the conclusion of your French essay, you address the thesis of your essay, summarize the main points of your discussion in the main body, and draw a conclusion. On the basis of the arguments and the resulting conclusions, you formulate in the conclusion of your dissertation final thoughts and suggestions for the future. It is important that you do not add new information or new arguments. This should only be done in the body of your text.

Here are some wording guides to help you write your essay in French:

Sample French Essay

Les avantages des voyages linguistiques

Malgré les difficultés potentielles, les voyages linguistiques offrent aux apprenants une occasion unique d'améliorer leurs compétences linguistiques et de découvrir de nouvelles cultures, ce qui en fait un investissement précieux pour leur développement personnel et académique.

Les séjours linguistiques sont des voyages organisés dans le but d'améliorer les compétences linguistiques des participants. Ces voyages peuvent se dérouler dans le pays ou à l'étranger et durer d'un week-end à plusieurs semaines. L'un des principaux avantages des séjours linguistiques est l'immersion. Entourés de locuteurs natifs, les apprenants sont contraints de pratiquer et d'améliorer leurs compétences linguistiques dans des situations réelles.Il s'agit d'une méthode d'apprentissage beaucoup plus efficace que le simple fait d'étudier une langue dans une salle de classe.

Un autre avantage des séjours linguistiques est l'expérience culturelle. Voyager dans un nouveau pays permet aux apprenants de découvrir de nouvelles coutumes, traditions et modes de vie, et de se familiariser avec l'histoire et la culture du pays. Cela enrichit non seulement l'expérience d'apprentissage de la langue, mais contribue également à élargir les horizons et à accroître la sensibilisation culturelle.

Cependant, les séjours linguistiques peuvent également présenter des inconvénients. Par exemple, le coût du voyage et de l'hébergement peut être élevé, en particulier pour les séjours de longue durée. En outre, les apprenants peuvent être confrontés à la barrière de la langue ou à un choc culturel, ce qui peut être difficile à surmonter. Le coût et les difficultés potentielles des séjours linguistiques peuvent sembler décourageants, mais ils offrent des avantages précieux en termes d'épanouissement personnel et scolaire.

Les compétences linguistiques et les connaissances culturelles acquises peuvent déboucher sur de nouvelles opportunités d'emploi et améliorer la communication dans un cadre professionnel. Les bourses et les aides financières rendent les séjours linguistiques plus accessibles. Le fait d'être confronté à une barrière linguistique ou à un choc culturel peut également être l'occasion d'un développement personnel. Ces avantages l'emportent largement sur les inconvénients et font des séjours linguistiques un investissement qui en vaut la peine.

En conclusion, malgré les difficultés potentielles, les séjours linguistiques offrent aux apprenants une occasion unique d'améliorer leurs compétences linguistiques et de découvrir de nouvelles cultures, ce qui en fait un investissement précieux pour le développement personnel et académique. Qu'il s'agisse d'un débutant ou d'un apprenant avancé, un voyage linguistique est une expérience à ne pas manquer.

Improve your writing style in French

Learn French with us. We will help you improve your writing skills.

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Improve your French with Sprachcaffe

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A Year abroad for high school students

Spend a unique school year abroad

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Online French courses

Learn French from the comfort of your own home with an online course

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Learn French on a language trip

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General Translation Strategies

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You will have to decide whether you need to keep the text in original, translate, or present the readers with both. The decision about the strategy you use for incorporating the non-English materials in your writing should be based on a number of considerations, including:

The familiarity of the language and culture that you expect from your audience

A research paper in your Spanish literature class might draw more heavily on Spanish language, because most of your readers will know some of it.

The attention that you put on the specific vocabulary that you are bringing into your writing

When an author used a particular term in their language and this term has many equivalents in your language. For example, Martin Heidegger coined the German term Dasein , which is often translated into English as “being there” or “presence.” If you substituted discussing the term Dasein with the word presence , the readers might come to the conclusion that it is a term that has no relation to Dasein. This might lead them to believe that you are using it in the original meaning of presence that has no relation to the Heideggerian definition of Dasein .

The effect you want to have on your audience

You can shape your audience’s reading experience and expectations by considering what effect using an untranslated text will have on the readers, in relationship to the purpose you set for your writing. The reason why parts a text might be left untranslated can vary between writers. For instance, you might require the audience to take a more active part in decoding the text and working on the translation on their own. Another reason might be offering the audience the experience of attempting to read a text in a language they have not learned before, in order to challenge them and provide them with that experience. Other reasons that you set for the audience you are writing for are valid too.

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Easy German Essays for Beginners: 8 Examples to Practice Your Language Skills

Easy German Essays for Beginners - 8 Examples to Practice Your Language Skills

Are you a beginner in learning German and looking for ways to practice your language skills? One great way to do so is by writing essays in German. Writing essays not only improves your grammar and vocabulary but also helps you express your thoughts and ideas in the target language. In this article, we will provide you with eight easy German essays for Beginners with English translation and vocabulary to help you get started.

  • Meine Familie (My family) – Write about your family, including their names, occupations, and hobbies.
  • Mein Haus (My house) – Describe your house or apartment, including the number of rooms, furniture, and decorations.
  • Meine Hobbys (My hobbies) – Talk about your favorite hobbies, such as playing sports, reading books, or listening to music.
  • Meine Schule (My school) – Write about your school, including its location, teachers, and subjects you study.
  • Meine Freunde (My friends) – Discuss your friends, including how you met them, their personalities, and what you like to do together.
  • Meine Stadt (My city) – Describe your city or town, including its population, tourist attractions, and cultural events.
  • Meine Reise (My trip) – Write about a recent trip you took, including the destination, transportation, and activities you did there.
  • Meine Lieblingsessen (My favorite food) – Talk about your favorite foods, including traditional German dishes and other international cuisines.

Remember to use simple vocabulary and sentence structures while writing the essays. Good luck with your German learning journey!

Table of Contents

Meine familie (my family).

Ich heiße Maria und ich möchte euch gerne meine Familie vorstellen. Wir sind insgesamt vier Personen in meiner Familie. Mein Vater heißt Klaus und er arbeitet als Ingenieur. Meine Mutter heißt Petra und sie ist Hausfrau. Mein Bruder heißt Jan und er geht noch zur Schule.

(My name is Maria, and I would like to introduce you to my family. We are a family of four. My father’s name is Klaus, and he works as an engineer. My mother’s name is Petra, and she is a homemaker. My brother’s name is Jan, and he still goes to school.)


  • Ich heiße Maria (My name is Maria)
  • insgesamt (altogether)
  • vier Personen (four persons)
  • der Vater (father)
  • arbeiten (to work)
  • der Ingenieur (engineer)
  • die Mutter (mother)
  • Hausfrau (homemaker)
  • der Bruder (brother)
  • noch zur Schule gehen (still go to school)

Mein Vater arbeitet in einem großen Unternehmen als Ingenieur. Er ist sehr fleißig und verbringt viel Zeit im Büro. In seiner Freizeit geht er gerne joggen oder spielt Golf. Meine Mutter kümmert sich um den Haushalt und verbringt viel Zeit damit, leckere Mahlzeiten zu kochen. Sie liest auch gerne Bücher und geht regelmäßig zum Yoga.

(My father works in a large company as an engineer. He is very hardworking and spends a lot of time in the office. In his free time, he likes to go jogging or play golf. My mother takes care of the household and spends a lot of time cooking delicious meals. She also likes to read books and regularly attends yoga classes.)

  • in einem großen Unternehmen (in a large company)
  • sehr fleißig (very hardworking)
  • viel Zeit (a lot of time)
  • im Büro (in the office)
  • in seiner Freizeit (in his free time)
  • joggen (to go jogging)
  • Golf spielen (to play golf)
  • sich kümmern um (to take care of)
  • der Haushalt (household)
  • leckere Mahlzeiten kochen (cook delicious meals)
  • gerne lesen (like to read)
  • regelmäßig (regularly)
  • zum Yoga gehen (go to yoga)

Mein Bruder Jan geht noch zur Schule und ist sehr sportlich. Er spielt Fußball im Verein und geht regelmäßig ins Fitnessstudio. In seiner Freizeit hört er gerne Musik und schaut Filme.

(My brother Jan still goes to school and is very sporty. He plays soccer in a club and regularly goes to the gym. In his free time, he likes to listen to music and watch movies.)

  • sehr sportlich (very sporty)
  • Fußball spielen (to play soccer)
  • im Verein (in a club)
  • ins Fitnessstudio gehen (to go to the gym)
  • Musik hören (listen to music)
  • Filme schauen (watch movies)

Ich studiere im Moment an der Universität und meine Hobbys sind Lesen, Reisen und Yoga. In meiner Freizeit gehe ich gerne in die Natur und genieße die frische Luft.

(I am currently studying at the university, and my hobbies are reading, traveling, and yoga. In my free time, I like to go into nature and enjoy the fresh air.)

  • studieren (to study)
  • an der Universität (at the university)
  • die Hobbys (hobbies)
  • Lesen (reading)
  • Reisen (traveling)
  • Yoga (yoga)
  • die Freizeit (free time)
  • in die Natur gehen (go into nature)
  • genießen (enjoy)
  • frische Luft (fresh air)

Das ist meine Familie. Wir haben viele verschiedene Hobbys und Interessen, aber wir verbringen auch gerne gemeinsam Zeit miteinander.

(This is my family. We have many different hobbies and interests, but we also enjoy spending time together.)

  • das ist (this is)
  • verschiedene Hobbys und Interessen (different hobbies and interests)
  • gerne Zeit miteinander verbringen (enjoy spending time together)

Top reasons why Berlin is the best city for Expats!

Mein Haus (My House)

Ich lebe in einem Haus mit drei Schlafzimmern und zwei Bädern. Das Haus ist zweistöckig und hat auch einen Keller. Im Erdgeschoss befinden sich das Wohnzimmer, die Küche und ein Esszimmer. Im Wohnzimmer haben wir ein bequemes Sofa und einen großen Fernseher. In der Küche gibt es eine Spülmaschine, einen Herd, einen Backofen und einen Kühlschrank. Das Esszimmer hat einen Esstisch mit sechs Stühlen.

(I live in a house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The house is two stories and also has a basement. On the ground floor, there is the living room, kitchen, and a dining room. In the living room, we have a comfortable sofa and a large television. In the kitchen, there is a dishwasher, stove, oven, and refrigerator. The dining room has a dining table with six chairs.)

  • das Haus (house)
  • die Schlafzimmer (bedrooms)
  • die Bäder (bathrooms)
  • zweistöckig (two-storied)
  • der Keller (basement)
  • das Erdgeschoss (ground floor)
  • das Wohnzimmer (living room)
  • die Küche (kitchen)
  • das Esszimmer (dining room)
  • ein bequemes Sofa (a comfortable sofa)
  • ein großer Fernseher (a large television)
  • eine Spülmaschine (a dishwasher)
  • ein Herd (a stove)
  • ein Backofen (an oven)
  • ein Kühlschrank (a refrigerator)
  • ein Esstisch (a dining table)
  • sechs Stühle (six chairs)

Im Obergeschoss befinden sich die Schlafzimmer und die Bäder. Mein Schlafzimmer hat ein großes Bett, einen Schreibtisch und einen Kleiderschrank. Das Badezimmer hat eine Badewanne und eine Dusche. In den anderen Schlafzimmern gibt es auch Betten und Schränke für Kleidung.

(Upstairs, there are the bedrooms and bathrooms. My bedroom has a large bed, a desk, and a closet. The bathroom has a bathtub and a shower. In the other bedrooms, there are also beds and closets for clothes.)

  • das Obergeschoss (upper floor)
  • das Schlafzimmer (bedroom)
  • der Schreibtisch (desk)
  • der Kleiderschrank (closet)
  • das Badezimmer (bathroom)
  • die Badewanne (bathtub)
  • die Dusche (shower)
  • die anderen Schlafzimmer (the other bedrooms)

Im Keller haben wir eine Waschmaschine und einen Trockner. Wir nutzen den Keller auch als Lager für Dinge, die wir nicht oft brauchen.

(In the basement, we have a washing machine and dryer. We also use the basement as a storage area for things we don’t need often.)

  • die Waschmaschine (washing machine)
  • der Trockner (dryer)
  • als Lager nutzen (use as storage area)
  • Dinge (things)

Wir haben auch einige Dekorationen im Haus. Im Wohnzimmer haben wir ein großes Gemälde an der Wand und im Esszimmer steht eine Vase mit Blumen auf dem Tisch.

(We also have some decorations in the house. In the living room, we have a large painting on the wall, and in the dining room, there is a vase of flowers on the table.)

  • die Dekorationen (decorations)
  • das Gemälde (painting)
  • die Wand (wall)
  • die Vase (vase)
  • die Blumen (flowers)
  • der Tisch (table)

Wir haben auch ein paar Teppiche im Haus, um den Boden zu bedecken. Das Wohnzimmer hat einen braunen Teppich, während die Schlafzimmer jeweils einen unterschiedlichen Farbton haben. Mein Schlafzimmer hat einen blauen Teppich, während das andere Schlafzimmer einen roten Teppich hat.

(We also have some carpets in the house to cover the floor. The living room has a brown carpet, while the bedrooms have a different color tone each. My bedroom has a blue carpet, while the other bedroom has a red carpet.)

  • der Teppich (carpet)
  • den Boden bedecken (to cover the floor)
  • unterschiedliche Farbton (different color tone)

Insgesamt bin ich sehr glücklich mit meinem Haus. Es ist gemütlich und hat genug Platz für meine Familie und mich.

(Overall, I am very happy with my house. It is cozy and has enough space for my family and me.)

  • insgesamt (overall)
  • glücklich (happy)
  • gemütlich (cozy)
  • genug Platz (enough space)

Difference between ein, eine, einen, and einem in the German Language

Meine hobbys (my hobbies).

Ich habe einige Hobbys, die ich sehr gerne mache. Eines meiner Lieblingshobbys ist es, Sport zu treiben. Insbesondere mag ich es, Basketball zu spielen und Laufen zu gehen. Ich liebe es, im Freien zu sein und Sport zu treiben, weil es mir hilft, mich fit und gesund zu halten.

(I have some hobbies that I really enjoy doing. One of my favorite hobbies is doing sports. In particular, I like to play basketball and go running. I love being outdoors and doing sports because it helps me stay fit and healthy.)

  • das Hobby (hobby)
  • Sport treiben (to do sports)
  • Basketball spielen (to play basketball)
  • Laufen gehen (to go running)
  • im Freien sein (to be outdoors)
  • fit und gesund (fit and healthy)

Ein weiteres Hobby von mir ist das Lesen von Büchern. Ich lese gerne Romane und Sachbücher, besonders über Geschichte und Wissenschaft. Lesen ist für mich eine Möglichkeit, zu lernen und meine Vorstellungskraft zu erweitern.

(Another hobby of mine is reading books. I enjoy reading novels and non-fiction books, especially about history and science. Reading is a way for me to learn and expand my imagination.)

  • das Lesen (reading)
  • das Buch (book)
  • der Roman (novel)
  • das Sachbuch (non-fiction book)
  • die Geschichte (history)
  • die Wissenschaft (science)
  • die Vorstellungskraft (imagination)

Außerdem höre ich gerne Musik. Ich mag viele verschiedene Genres wie Pop, Rock und Klassik. Musik kann meine Stimmung beeinflussen und mich entspannen.

(Additionally, I like to listen to music. I enjoy many different genres like pop, rock, and classical. Music can influence my mood and help me relax.)

  • die Musik (music)
  • das Genre (genre)
  • Pop, Rock, Klassik (pop, rock, classical)
  • die Stimmung (mood)
  • sich entspannen (to relax)

Insgesamt bin ich sehr dankbar für meine Hobbys. Sie helfen mir, meinen Geist und Körper gesund zu halten und mich zu entspannen.

(Overall, I am very grateful for my hobbies. They help me keep my mind and body healthy and help me relax.)

  • dankbar (grateful)
  • der Geist (mind)
  • der Körper (body)

German Essays on My Family: Meine Familie

Meine schule (my school).

Ich besuche eine Schule in der Nähe meines Hauses. Die Schule ist relativ groß und hat viele Schülerinnen und Schüler. Wir haben viele Lehrerinnen und Lehrer, die alle sehr nett und hilfsbereit sind.

(I attend a school near my house. The school is relatively large and has many students. We have many teachers who are all very kind and helpful.)

  • besuchen (to attend)
  • die Nähe (proximity)
  • relativ (relatively)
  • die Schülerin (female student)
  • der Schüler (male student)
  • viele (many)
  • die Lehrerin (female teacher)
  • der Lehrer (male teacher)
  • nett (kind)
  • hilfsbereit (helpful)

Die Schule bietet viele verschiedene Fächer an, einschließlich Mathematik, Geschichte, Englisch, Naturwissenschaften und Fremdsprachen. Mein Lieblingsfach ist Englisch, weil ich gerne Geschichten lese und schreibe. Ich denke, dass es wichtig ist, eine gute Ausbildung zu haben, um im Leben erfolgreich zu sein.

(The school offers many different subjects, including mathematics, history, English, science, and foreign languages. My favorite subject is English because I enjoy reading and writing stories. I believe that having a good education is important to be successful in life.)

  • das Fach (subject)
  • einschließlich (including)
  • Mathematik (mathematics)
  • Geschichte (history)
  • Englisch (English)
  • Naturwissenschaften (science)
  • Fremdsprachen (foreign languages)
  • das Lieblingsfach (favorite subject)
  • die Geschichte (story)
  • die Ausbildung (education)
  • erfolgreich (successful)

Unsere Schule hat auch viele außerschulische Aktivitäten, wie zum Beispiel Sportmannschaften und Musikgruppen. Ich bin Mitglied des Schulfußballteams und wir haben viele Spiele gegen andere Schulen in der Gegend. Es macht mir viel Spaß und ich habe viele Freunde durch das Team kennengelernt.

(Our school also has many extracurricular activities, such as sports teams and music groups. I am a member of the school soccer team and we have many games against other schools in the area. It’s a lot of fun and I have made many friends through the team.)

  • außerschulisch (extracurricular)
  • die Aktivitäten (activities)
  • die Sportmannschaften (sports teams)
  • die Musikgruppen (music groups)
  • das Mitglied (member)
  • das Schulfußballteam (school soccer team)
  • das Spiel (game)
  • die Gegend (area)
  • der Spaß (fun)
  • der Freund (friend)

Insgesamt bin ich sehr glücklich auf meiner Schule und ich denke, dass ich hier eine gute Ausbildung bekomme. Ich hoffe, dass ich in Zukunft noch mehr von den vielen Möglichkeiten, die die Schule bietet, profitieren kann.

(Overall, I am very happy at my school and I think that I am getting a good education here. I hope that in the future, I can take advantage of even more of the many opportunities that the school offers.)

  • die Möglichkeit (opportunity)
  • profitieren (to take advantage of)

List of German adjectives with English meaning

Meine Freunde (My friends)

Ich habe viele Freunde, aber ich möchte über meine drei engsten Freunde sprechen. Wir haben uns alle in der Grundschule kennengelernt und sind seitdem unzertrennlich.

(I have many friends, but I want to talk about my three closest friends. We all met in elementary school and have been inseparable ever since.)

  • die Freunde (friends)
  • unzertrennlich (inseparable)

Mein erster Freund heißt Max. Er ist sehr sportlich und spielt gerne Fußball und Basketball. Max ist auch sehr lustig und hat immer eine positive Einstellung. Wir lieben es, zusammen Sport zu treiben oder Videospiele zu spielen.

(My first friend is Max. He is very athletic and likes to play soccer and basketball. Max is also very funny and always has a positive attitude. We love to exercise or play video games together.)

  • sportlich (athletic)
  • Fußball (soccer)
  • Basketball (basketball)
  • die Einstellung (attitude)
  • lustig (funny)
  • zusammen (together)
  • Videospiele (video games)

Meine Freundin Anna ist sehr künstlerisch und liebt es zu malen und zu zeichnen. Sie hat auch ein großes Herz und ist immer bereit, anderen zu helfen. Anna und ich machen oft zusammen Kunstprojekte oder gehen ins Kino.

(My friend Anna is very artistic and loves to paint and draw. She also has a big heart and is always willing to help others. Anna and I often do art projects together or go to the movies.)

  • künstlerisch (artistic)
  • malen (to paint)
  • zeichnen (to draw)
  • das Herz (heart)
  • bereit (willing)
  • helfen (to help)
  • das Kunstprojekt (art project)
  • ins Kino gehen (to go to the movies)

Mein Freund Tom ist sehr intelligent und liebt es, neue Dinge zu lernen. Er ist auch sehr abenteuerlustig und geht gerne auf Reisen. Tom und ich haben viele spannende Abenteuer erlebt, wie zum Beispiel Campingausflüge oder Klettertouren.

(My friend Tom is very smart and loves to learn new things. He is also very adventurous and likes to travel. Tom and I have had many exciting adventures, such as camping trips or climbing expeditions.)

  • intelligent (smart)
  • abenteuerlustig (adventurous)
  • die Reise (travel)
  • die Abenteuer (adventures)
  • der Campingausflug (camping trip)
  • die Klettertour (climbing expedition)

Insgesamt bin ich sehr dankbar für meine Freunde und bin froh, dass ich sie habe. Wir haben so viele schöne Erinnerungen zusammen gemacht und ich freue mich auf viele weitere Abenteuer mit ihnen.

(Overall, I am very grateful for my friends and am glad to have them. We have made so many beautiful memories together and I look forward to many more adventures with them.)

  • froh (glad)
  • die Erinnerungen (memories)

Meine Stadt (My city)

Ich lebe in einer Stadt namens Hamburg in Deutschland. Hamburg ist die zweitgrößte Stadt Deutschlands und hat eine Bevölkerung von etwa 1,8 Millionen Menschen. Es ist eine Hafenstadt und liegt an der Elbe.

(I live in a city called Hamburg in Germany. Hamburg is the second largest city in Germany and has a population of about 1.8 million people. It is a port city and located on the river Elbe.)

  • die Bevölkerung (population)
  • der Hafen (port)
  • die Elbe (river Elbe)

Hamburg ist bekannt für seine vielen Touristenattraktionen. Eines der bekanntesten ist der Hamburger Hafen, der einer der größten Häfen Europas ist. Es gibt auch den Fischmarkt, auf dem man frischen Fisch kaufen und lokale Spezialitäten probieren kann.

(Hamburg is known for its many tourist attractions. One of the most famous is the Port of Hamburg, which is one of the largest ports in Europe. There is also the Fish Market, where you can buy fresh fish and try local specialties.)

  • die Touristenattraktionen (tourist attractions)
  • bekannt (known)
  • der Fischmarkt (fish market)
  • frisch (fresh)
  • lokale Spezialitäten (local specialties)

Außerdem gibt es viele kulturelle Veranstaltungen in Hamburg. Jedes Jahr findet das Hamburger Domfest statt, das größte Volksfest im Norden Deutschlands. Es gibt auch das Internationale Filmfest Hamburg, bei dem Filme aus der ganzen Welt gezeigt werden.

(Additionally, there are many cultural events in Hamburg. Every year, the Hamburg Dom Festival takes place, which is the largest folk festival in northern Germany. There is also the Hamburg International Film Festival, where films from all over the world are shown.)

  • kulturelle Veranstaltungen (cultural events)
  • das Domfest (folk festival)
  • das Internationale Filmfest (international film festival)
  • aus der ganzen Welt (from all over the world)

Insgesamt ist Hamburg eine lebendige und vielfältige Stadt, die für jeden etwas zu bieten hat.

(Overall, Hamburg is a vibrant and diverse city that has something to offer for everyone.)

  • lebendig (vibrant)
  • vielfältig (diverse)
  • etwas zu bieten haben (to have something to offer)

My trip (Meine Reise)

Ich bin vor Kurzem mit meiner Familie nach Paris gereist. Wir sind direkt von unserer Stadt aus geflogen und kamen früh am Morgen in Paris an.

(I recently went on a trip to Paris with my family. We took a direct flight from our city and arrived in Paris early in the morning.)

  • Vor Kurzem (recently)
  • Die Reise (trip)
  • Meine Familie (my family)
  • Fliegen (to fly)
  • Direkt (direct)
  • Unsere Stadt (our city)
  • Ankommen (to arrive)
  • Früh (early)
  • Am Morgen (in the morning)

Wir haben in einem Hotel im Herzen der Stadt gewohnt, in der Nähe vieler beliebter Sehenswürdigkeiten. Unser Hotelzimmer hatte eine tolle Aussicht auf den Eiffelturm, der nur einen kurzen Spaziergang entfernt war.

(We stayed in a hotel in the heart of the city, close to many popular tourist attractions. Our hotel room had a great view of the Eiffel Tower, which was just a short walk away.)

  • das Hotel (hotel)
  • die Stadt (city)
  • die Nähe (proximity, closeness)
  • die Sehenswürdigkeiten (tourist attractions)
  • das Hotelzimmer (hotel room)
  • die Aussicht (view)
  • der Eiffelturm (Eiffel Tower)
  • der Spaziergang (walk)

Während unseres Aufenthalts haben wir viele berühmte Wahrzeichen der Stadt besucht, darunter das Louvre-Museum und die Kathedrale Notre-Dame. Wir haben auch eine Bootsfahrt auf der Seine gemacht, was eine großartige Möglichkeit war, die Stadt aus einer anderen Perspektive zu sehen.

(During our stay, we visited many of the city’s famous landmarks, including the Louvre Museum and Notre-Dame Cathedral. We also went on a boat tour of the Seine River, which was a great way to see the city from a different perspective.)

  • der Aufenthalt (stay)
  • berühmte Wahrzeichen (famous landmarks)
  • das Louvre-Museum (the Louvre Museum)
  • die Kathedrale Notre-Dame (Notre-Dame Cathedral)
  • die Bootsfahrt (boat tour)
  • die Seine (the Seine River)
  • aus einer anderen Perspektive (from a different perspective)

Eines der Highlights unserer Reise war das Probieren der köstlichen französischen Küche. Wir haben in vielen verschiedenen Restaurants und Cafés gegessen und alles von Croissants bis Escargots ausprobiert.

(One of the highlights of our trip was trying the delicious French cuisine. We ate at many different restaurants and cafes, and tried everything from croissants to escargots.)

  • das Highlight (the highlight)
  • die Reise (the trip)
  • das Probieren (the trying/tasting)
  • die köstliche französische Küche (the delicious French cuisine)
  • das Restaurant (the restaurant)
  • das Café (the café)
  • alles (everything)
  • der Croissant (the croissant)
  • die Escargots (the escargots (snails))

Insgesamt war unser Trip nach Paris eine wunderbare Erfahrung. Wir haben die schönen Sehenswürdigkeiten, das leckere Essen und die reiche Kultur der Stadt genossen. Es war eine großartige Gelegenheit, Zeit mit meiner Familie zu verbringen und bleibende Erinnerungen zu schaffen.

(Overall, our trip to Paris was a wonderful experience. We enjoyed the beautiful sights, delicious food, and rich culture of the city. It was a great opportunity to spend time with my family and create lasting memories.)

  • Insgesamt (Overall)
  • Trip (trip)
  • Paris (Paris)
  • Eine wunderbare Erfahrung (A wonderful experience)
  • Wir haben genossen (We enjoyed)
  • Die schönen Sehenswürdigkeiten (The beautiful sights)
  • Das leckere Essen (The delicious food)
  • Die reiche Kultur der Stadt (The rich culture of the city)
  • Eine großartige Gelegenheit (A great opportunity)
  • Zeit mit meiner Familie zu verbringen (To spend time with my family)
  • Bleibende Erinnerungen zu schaffen (To create lasting memories)

Meine Lieblingsessen (My favorite food)

Ich esse gerne viele verschiedene Arten von Essen und habe viele Lieblingsspeisen. Einige meiner Favoriten sind traditionelle deutsche Gerichte wie Schnitzel und Spätzle, Sauerkraut und Bratwurst.

(I like to eat many different types of food and have many favorite dishes. Some of my favorites are traditional German dishes like Schnitzel and Spätzle, Sauerkraut, and Bratwurst.)

  • Lieblingsspeisen (favorite dishes)
  • traditionelle deutsche Gerichte (traditional German dishes)
  • Schnitzel (breaded and fried meat cutlets)
  • Spätzle (soft egg noodles)
  • Sauerkraut (fermented cabbage)
  • Bratwurst (grilled or fried sausage)

Ich mag auch viele internationale Küchen, wie zum Beispiel italienische Pizza und Pasta, thailändisches Curry, indische Masala und japanisches Sushi.

(I also enjoy many international cuisines, such as Italian pizza and pasta, Thai curry, Indian masala, and Japanese sushi.)

  • internationale Küchen (international cuisines)

Ein weiteres meiner Lieblingsessen ist mexikanisches Essen wie Tacos, Quesadillas und Guacamole. Die Kombination aus scharfen Gewürzen und frischen Zutaten macht das Essen zu einer Geschmacksexplosion.

(Another one of my favorite foods is Mexican cuisine like tacos, quesadillas, and guacamole. The combination of spicy seasonings and fresh ingredients makes the food a flavor explosion.)

  • scharfe Gewürze (spicy seasonings)
  • frische Zutaten (fresh ingredients)
  • Geschmacksexplosion (flavor explosion)
  • mexikanisches Essen (Mexican cuisine)
  • Tacos (filled tortillas)
  • Quesadillas (stuffed and grilled tortillas)
  • Guacamole (dip made from mashed avocado)

Insgesamt genieße ich es, neue Gerichte und Küchen auszuprobieren und verschiedene Aromen und Texturen zu entdecken. Essen ist eine große Leidenschaft von mir und ich liebe es, zu kochen und neue Rezepte zu kreieren.

(Overall, I enjoy trying new dishes and cuisines and discovering different flavors and textures. Food is a big passion of mine, and I love to cook and create new recipes.)

  • Aromen und Texturen (flavors and textures)
  • Leidenschaft (passion)
  • Rezepte (recipes)
  • kochen (to cook)
  • kreieren (to create)

Some Travel hacks when travelling in Europe


In conclusion, writing essays in German can be a fun and effective way to improve your language skills. The eight essay examples provided in this article (Easy German Essays for Beginners) offer a range of topics that will help you practice your writing skills, expand your vocabulary, and gain confidence in your ability to express yourself in German. So why not try writing one of these essays today and see how much progress you can make in your German language journey?

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my school essay translation

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The StudyWord

Paragraph on My School in English

Paragraph on My School in English: A school is a place where a person starts learning. Children learn to read, write and speak fluently in English or native languages. A school is an important place to get the right education and learn practical values about life. A school teaches us to face the challenges thrown by life.

Teachers apart from teaching make us aware of the right and the wrong things that can happen in life. In the following article, students will learn how to write a good paragraph on My School. We will provide you with four paragraphs of 100, 150, 200, and 250 words in the easy and helpful language.

Table of Contents

My School Paragraph 100 Words

A school is a place where we learn manners, punctuality, and the spirit of hardworking. My school name is Indian Overseas Public School. It is situated in Hisar, Haryana. My school is one of the best schools in the town. It is very big and spacious. It has different labs for different practical subjects.

There is one big auditorium where extra-curricular activities are done. In the morning, everyone gathers around to pray and sing the national anthem of India. Our teachers teach us to become responsible citizens and face the challenges of life with courage and bravery. I love my school very much.

my school essay translation

My School Paragraph 150 Words

A school is an important place for an individual to learn. A school teaches the students to learn, write and speak correctly. A school makes a person active in life by teaching various other things than academics. It teaches us moral values and the right discipline in life.

A school teaches us to face the challenges thrown by life. My School does the same thing as any other school would do. The name of my school is Delhi Public School. The building of my school is very big and beautiful. There is a big basketball & badminton court, volleyball and football ground in our school.

For the morning prayer, all the school students gather on the ground and sing the prayer together. My school has a huge library and it has many types of subject books and novels. I never miss any class in school. I go to school regularly and learn new things every day.


My School Paragraph 200 Words

The teachers at my school are very kind and loving. I and my classmates play together in the sports period. There are different types of inter-school and intra-school competitions held in my school. I take part in many activities and by that, I learn various new things.

My school organizes different festival events on occasions like Diwali, Christmas, Holi, etc. We celebrate all the national festivals of India with joy and pride. A school is a place where we start learning and it is very important for a person to go to school to have the right education.

There are well-equipped machines in our laboratories where we experiment with different things. There is a big computer lab occupying 25 computers in our school. My school building has 5 floors. Each floor has 4 washrooms and a staff room where teachers sit. Each floor has a separate in-charge teacher.

There are 2 libraries in our school, one for the small children and the other one for the big students and teachers. My school is near my house. I walk every day in the morning to my school. There is a big cafeteria in my school offering a variety of food and snacks. I never miss school. I go to school every day and learn new things. I love my school so much.

Paragraph on My School 250 Words

A school teaches us to face the challenges thrown by life. My school teaches me how to be responsible and hard working in life. I love my school because it provides us with a lot of facilities. There are 3 big playgrounds and a tennis court in our school.

There is a huge library consisting of various books. The teachers of my school are kind and loving, they cooperate with us in bad times. There are many students studying in our school from kindergarten to higher secondary class.

There are well-equipped machines in our laboratories where we experiment with different things. There is an auditorium where different inter and intra-school competitions take place.  My school organizes different festival events on occasions like Diwali, Christmas, Holi, etc. We celebrate all the national festivals of India with joy and pride.

There is a 2-month break in summers and a 15-day break in winters for the students and the teachers in our school. I love being part of this school because it makes me learn so many things about life and morality. Our teachers teach us to become responsible citizens and face the challenges of life with courage and bravery. I love my school very much.

In conclusion, I would like to say that school is indeed the most important place to get the right education and learn several things about life. We share different memories with our classmates in school. We learn how to talk softly and politely by behaving right with our co-classmates.

Teachers teach their students to become responsible citizens and face the challenges of life with courage and bravery.  I hope this article helped you and you learned to write and narrate different things about your school in an easy and simple manner.

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English Aspirants

10 Lines on My School in English | My School 10 Lines

10 Lines on My School in English: In this article, you are going to learn to write 10 lines on my school in English. Here, We’ve given 5 sets of examples. These 10 lines will be helpful for students of all classes (LKG, UKG, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12). So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

10 Lines on My School LKG, UKG, Class 1

1. The name of my school is Delhi Public School.

2. My school is near my house.

3. It is the best school in our city.

4. My school is an English medium school.

5. My school has a small playground.

6. My school building is very big.

7. There are twenty teachers in my school.

8. The teachers are good and loving.

9. I enjoy going to school every day.

10. I am proud of my school.

10 Lines on My School in English

My School 10 Lines for Classes 1, 2

1. The name of my school is Birla High School. 

2. My school is not far from my home.

3. The school building is very big and beautiful.

4. There is a big playground in front of my school.

5. My school has a big library.

6. About one thousand students read in my school.

7. My school has thirty classrooms.

8. There are twenty teachers in my school.

9. Our teachers teach us with great care and patience.

10. I love my school very much.

my school essay 10 lines

Also Read: 10 Lines on My Favourite Teacher

My School Essay 10 Lines for Classes 3, 4, 5

1. My school name is Don Bosco School.

2. It is located in the centre of the city.

3. There are forty classrooms in my school.

4. All the classrooms in my school are big and airy.

5. My school has a huge library with plenty of books.

6. The results of my school are very good.

7. Teachers are well-qualified and experienced.

8. Our principal is a strict disciplinarian.

9. My school teaches me good manners and discipline .

10. My school is my second home.

10 Lines Essay on My School for Classes 5, 6, 7

1. The name of my school is St. James’ School.

2. My school is the best school in our city.

3. There is a beautiful garden and a playground in my school.

4. My school classrooms are wide and spacious.

5. The teachers of my school are nice yet strict.

6. Our school won several prizes for excellence in recent years.

7. Many cultural activities are arranged every year in my school.

8. Our principal is very strict but he has great affection for pupils.

9. Our school helps us to develop our mind and body.

10. It is not only a School, it is my second family.

Also Read: My Self 10 Lines for Students and Kids

10 Lines on My School for Classes 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

1. The name of my school is Crown Public School.

2. There are about thirty teachers in my school.

3. About one thousand students read in my school.

4. My school has a big and beautiful playground for children to play sports.

5. All the teachers of the school are hard-working, sincere and kind-hearted.

6. Our school is also famous for extracurricular activities like dance, music, sports, yoga etc.

7. My school not only focuses on academic performance but also focuses on the overall development of the students.

8. There is a big assembly hall in my school where all the important functions are held.

9. There is a computer lab, a science lab and a library in my school.

10. The surroundings of my school are very neat and clean.

Read More: 1. My Mother Essay 10 Lines 2. My Best Friend 10 Lines 3. 10 Lines on Rainy Season

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Essay on My School (“मेरा स्कूल” पर निबंध)

Essay on my school.

Let’s start the essay on my school.  

Quote “Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.” – Oprah Winfre

essay on my school

Outline of the Essay

  • Introduction, My school
  • Things about my school
  • My teachers

Conclusion of the Essay

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Introduction, my school.

My school one amongst the best schools in the city. I feel proud to be a part of Delhi Public School, Varanasi. I feel honoured when I walk through the lanes wearing my school uniform, it’s indeed a euphoric moment for me.

I am studying here from four years now, it feels great to know which class has the finer fans and the wardrobes. A few of the classrooms even have wonderful, huge maps. Even my class had a map last year, I and my friends would often stand nearby it and find India on the map. The World is such a huge place, we would think. We would also think about how many schools would be there in the entire world. Millions, I would say. Our school was one of them. And I was one of the many students there.

Keep reading this beautiful essay on my school.

Things about my school..

My school has a large playground where we all play in the recess hours. Three stages, one for the primary sections, the other one for junior sections and the last one for super seniors. We rarely could see them, we think they’re always studying or fighting.

The swings in our school are painted in red and yellow, the vibrant colours look great to the eyes. Our school is painted in yellow and it’s windows in blue. It has a huge building, spacious classroom with its walls filled with our doodlings and poems.

My Teachers

My Teachers are the epitome of knowledge and patience. They bear with us, teach us textual as well as real-life things. It’s enlightening to talk to them, listen to them. They tell us things about their own lives, their struggles while reaching where they are. They can easily solve problems that we struggle with. They help us grow and learn better.

It’s said that the real knowledge and wisdom could be inculcated in a student through a teacher only, and that’s true. Our teachers are very friendly and accepting. They love us with our flaws and imperfections. They make our classes enthralling with facts and wise with their sayings.

I don’t have many friends, though I have forty students in my section. But I have two best friends, we roam together. Eat our lunches sitting on the same bench, and when either of us wants to go to the canteen, we all go together like best friends. Our canteen’s food is tasty, the canteen provides us with delicacies, my favourite food there is idli dosa.

The other people in the class are also friendly, my school provides me with an ambience where I feel confident and get a sense of identity.

The best school isn’t only the one with the largest infrastructure and fancy computer labs and flamboyantly huge playgrounds, rather by what it inculcates in you. What it makes of you. The best school is the one that helps you come up with your best in your life. If it can bring out the best in you, it’s the best school, indeed.

I hope, you like this essay ( essay on my school ) please share it with your friends and family.


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Student Essays

My school essay for 3rd and 4th class students

My School Essays For 3rd and 4th Class Students

The school is very sweet place for students. I have written following short, simple, easy to understand essays on my school topic for class 3 and 4. In addition to that, you can look out here for more essays on my school topic for all class students.

  Essays on My School for Class 3rd & 4th Students

The school is the place where thousands of minds are made and molded. In every class fro 1st to 10th or 12th level, the students are shaped accordingly. In these whole years, the students feel, observe and experience wonderful things that are to influence the later period of their lives.

1. Essay On My School For Class 3

The school is a beautiful place where students study and work hard for the good of a country. The school helps build the future of a nation by educating the children of a nation. That’s why I am proud of my school because it is the foundation stone of our country.

I study in school (write the name of school) in class). My school has a beautiful multistory building. The classrooms of our school are very wide with big windows for air. Our school has a new building with spacious rooms. Our school has a practical science lab for students to do science projects. We can borrow and study books in a big library of our school.

My school essay for 3rd and 4th class students

The playground of our school is very large and beautiful. The teachers of our school are very kind and helpful to students. Our class teacher is very kind man. He teaches us very kindly.

He teaches everything practically. All the other teachers are also kind. The principal of our school is very friendly man. Our school encourages students to take part in extra curriculum studies.  Many of our school students have won prizes from other schools in quiz competitions, speeches, debates, tabloids and sports competition.

Recently, my school won first prize in annual science competition. My school regularly keeps our parents informed about our studies. The best school is one that provides friendly, peaceful and cooperative environment for studies. Fortunately, our school has the best learning environment. We all live like a family here. The schools like ours are the real wealth of our country.

Related Post : My School Essay | 10 Lines & More Sentences

2. Essay On My School For Class 4

The school is a place where the students study and become the good citizen for tomorrow. Education is the weapon of progress and development. The good school schools provide the quality education. I am fortunate that I study in one of the best schools.

My school is the best ever school in our entire area. The school has vast and beautiful building. The building looks greeting to every student. Every morning we are greeted by the hardworking principal and teacher at the school. We do take part in assembly. We thank God for His blessing. We then move to our classrooms where we study.

I study in class (write class name). My classroom is beautifully designed. There are charts, graphs and a good wall clock hanging against the wall. My classroom is jam-packed. All of my class fellows are hardworking and sweet. Our class teacher is a very kind heart man. He never beats anyone. He loves everyone and teaches with kind and gentile heart.

All of our teachers are very hardworking. We are taught self discipline , honesty, dedication and love with everyone. We love to take part in extra curriculum activities in our school. Our school facilitates parents and teachers. Career counseling and teaching guidance are given for better education.

My school is one of the best schools with all the facilities of education that are must today. It is a matter of great pride for me to have been taught under the guidance of the best ever teachers. I say thanks to God to have provided me the best opportunity to learn here. To me the best school is one who only teaches from books but from practical life.

14 thoughts on “My School Essays For 3rd and 4th Class Students”

thank you for this article

Such a useful article. Bless up

Good essay it is very simple and easy

good essay it is very interesting

This is very nice , simple and easy to learn. I like it👍🏻👍🏻

This is very nice, simple and easy to learn. I really like it 👍🏻👍🏻

We live like a family here. Really nice Line

Really helpful for my students …..🙏🙏

Nice article

Simple , easy and helpful

Very hard essay but good many meanings are hard

nice its so easy for my i am class four

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Jury in Trump’s Trial Rehears Testimony and Judge’s Instructions

The jurors’ requests included specific testimony from David Pecker, the former publisher of The National Enquirer, and Michael D. Cohen, Donald J. Trump’s former fixer.

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Former President Donald J. Trump, in a yellow tie and dark suit, walks past a line of security officers.

By Matthew Haag

  • May 30, 2024

On the second day of deliberations in the criminal trial of Donald J. Trump, the jury revisited words uttered earlier in the courtroom, then retreated again behind closed doors to continue their work.

The 12 jurors heard on Thursday morning a rereading of testimony from the seven-week trial by two key witnesses as well as a portion of the judge’s lengthy instructions as they continued to consider his legal fate.

The jury asked for the reprise in two notes delivered to Justice Juan M. Merchan a day earlier after discussing the case among themselves for a few hours, then continued those conversations on Thursday as they labored to decide the first criminal trial of an American president.

Mr. Trump is charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records related to the coverup of a $130,000 hush-money payment that was made to a porn star in the days leading to the 2016 election.

The jurors have heard weeks of salacious testimony and accusations of a fraud on voters. It was unclear what exactly their inquiries revealed about what was happening in the room where they are deliberating , which is off a small hallway in the Manhattan Criminal Courthouse.

Nor did the requests signal how much longer they would take to issue a verdict in what is most likely the only one of four criminal cases against him that will go to trial before Election Day.

But the reason that the jurors might have wanted to hear excerpts from the 55-page jury instructions again seems evident: New York law does not explicitly allow them to have written copies . A 1987 court decision reaffirmed that rule.

That court found that “the distribution of written instructions to the jury is not expressly authorized by law, and error in such submissions cannot be deemed harmless,” meaning that providing the instructions would result in a conviction being overturned.

Judge Merchan read about two dozen pages out loud again on Thursday, specifically reciting the section on inferences they could make from testimony and evidence. He offered an example: If the sidewalk is wet in the morning, he told them, you may infer it rained overnight.

The testimony that Mr. Trump’s jurors requested to hear were from key witnesses called by prosecutors — the first and last witnesses to testify for them — and the two who spent the most time on the stand.

They were David Pecker, the former publisher of The National Enquirer, who revealed private conversations with Mr. Trump during the 2016 campaign, and Michael D. Cohen, Mr. Trump’s former fixer who was the prosecution’s star witness.

Mr. Pecker, who took the stand first, provided testimony over several days that laid the foundation for the prosecution. The bookend of the prosecution’s case was Mr. Cohen, who told the jury about one-on-one conversations with Mr. Trump about burying unflattering stories about him through hush deals.

Both spoke about working during Mr. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign to suppress damaging headlines about Mr. Trump while promoting negative stories about his political rivals. Prosecutors described the effort as a conspiracy to influence the outcome of the election, all hidden from public view.

At the heart of that effort as well as the criminal case was the $130,000 hush-money payment made by Mr. Cohen to Stormy Daniels, an adult film actress who said she had sex with Mr. Trump in 2006. She testified about that encounter, which Mr. Trump has always denied.

Prosecutors charged Mr. Trump with falsifying business records stemming from Mr. Trump’s reimbursement to Mr. Cohen, saying he disguised the repayment as ordinary legal expenses.

In two days of deliberations, the jurors have sent three requests to Judge Merchan. On Thursday, they asked for headphones to listen to evidence on a court-provided computer.

The requests made by the jury did make clear they wanted to hear key testimony again on events that prosecutors have argued were central to the conspiracy to influence Mr. Trump’s campaign. Specifically, they wanted to know more about an August 2015 meeting on the 26th Floor of Trump Tower in Manhattan.

It was there, according to prosecutors, that the conspiracy was hatched. Mr. Trump had announced his candidacy a few months earlier in the tower’s lobby.

At Mr. Cohen’s request, Mr. Pecker testified, he traveled to the gilded Fifth Avenue tower, where Mr. Cohen and Mr. Trump asked him how his magazines could help Mr. Trump’s campaign. They had a lengthy symbiotic relationship dating back to when Mr. Trump hosted the popular reality television show “The Apprentice.”

But now, Mr. Pecker said, Mr. Trump wanted his help to make him president of the United States. Mr. Pecker agreed to assist. On the stand, Mr. Cohen corroborated his account.

“That if we can place positive stories about Mr. Trump, that would be beneficial,” Mr. Cohen said on the stand. “That if we could place negative stories about some of the other candidates, that would also be beneficial.”

Nearly a year later, Mr. Pecker and his publication heard about a former Playboy model who had a story to sell about a 10-month affair with Mr. Trump starting in 2006. Jurors asked to hear Mr. Pecker’s testimony again about a call with Mr. Trump about the woman, Karen McDougal.

Mr. Pecker had been giving a presentation at a meeting of investors in June 2016 involving the tabloid’s parent company, American Media Inc., when he was interrupted by a phone call from Mr. Trump. Mr. Pecker said that he stepped away to talk to Mr. Trump, who suggested that he knew Ms. McDougal.

“Karen is a nice girl,” Mr. Trump said, according to Mr. Pecker. “What do you think I should do?” Mr. Pecker said he answered that Mr. Trump should buy Ms. McDougal’s story.

A.M.I. later paid her $150,000.

The payment was structured to appear as a legitimate business deal, Mr. Pecker testified, and to avoid violating campaign finance law. But the company later admitted doing just that in a 2018 nonprosecution agreement with federal prosecutors.

Mr. Pecker said The Enquirer had no intention of printing Ms. McDougal’s account of an affair.

Matthew Haag writes about the intersection of real estate and politics in the New York region. He has been a journalist for two decades. More about Matthew Haag

Our Coverage of the Trump Hush-Money Trial

Guilty Verdict : Donald Trump was convicted on all 34 counts  of falsifying records to cover up a sex scandal that threatened his bid for the White House in 2016, making him the first American president to be declared a felon .

Next Steps: The judge in the case set Trump’s sentencing for July 11, and Trump already indicated that he plans to appeal. Here’s what else may happen .

Reactions: Trump’s conviction reverberated quickly across the country. Here’s what Trump , voters , New Yorkers , Republicans  and the White House  had to say.

Making the Case: Over six weeks and the testimony of 20 witnesses, the Manhattan district attorney’s office wove a sprawling story  of election interference and falsified business records.

Legal Luck Runs Out: The four criminal cases that threatened Trump’s freedom had been stumbling along, pleasing his advisers. Then his good fortune expired .

Connecting the Dots: As rumors circulated of Trump’s reported infidelity, two accounts of women  being paid to stay silent about their encounters became central to his indictment.


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