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  • Essay on My Daily Routine | 200, 300, 400, 500 Words for Class 1-10

In our student life, we all need to follow a strict routine to get better output in the study and our health. We can manage time in a better way when we follow a daily routine. Here we have got some short and long essays on my daily routine for all class students. These essays are on every size, you can find a suitable one for yourself. 

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Essay on My Daily Routine in 200 Words

Everyone should follow a daily routine . As a student, I follow a very simple and easy routine for myself. I have made this routine with the help of my brother and one of my teachers. My day starts very early in the morning. 

I get up at 5 o’clock and go for a morning walk . I am very aware of my health. I try my best to keep myself fit and fine. After the morning walk, I bath with cold water and then take a rest for 10 minutes. 

After the rest, I eat my breakfast. And then I go to my reading room . I love to read science and English in the morning time. It’s the best time to concentrate on study. Then I prepare myself for school. 

Exactly at 9.30 o’clock, my father takes me to school. I come back from school at 3 PM in the afternoon. I eat my lunch in the school break time, I keep my food with me. Then I take a rest in my home and go out for playing cricket. 

Then I come back home before getting dark outside. I start reading at 6 PM and read till 9 PM. Then I eat my dinner. Before going to sleep, I watch television for 30 minutes. That’s all my daily routine. 

My Daily Routine Essay in 300 Words


If you are following a daily routine that could bring some serious changes in your life. First of all, it will let you live a life in a fixed schedule and you can manage things in a better way. For the students, it’s a mandatory thing to follow. 

Because it can improve your study style and get better results for yourself. I also follow a daily routine as a student, and I am going to share things about my routine here. 

My Daily Routine: 

My routine is very simple but I follow it very strictly. Take a look at my daily routine here. 

4.00 AM – I get up early in the morning. 

4.00-4.20 AM – I brush my teeth and wash my face. 

4.20-5.00 – I go for a small morning walk and some basic exercises. And I get back to home. 

5.00-5.20 – I take a shower with cold water. 

5.20-7.00 – I prepare all my school tasks and homework. 

7.00-7.30 – I eat my breakfast. 

7.30-9.00 – Again I study and prepare my school tasks. 

9.00-9.30 – I prepare myself for going to school and got to school. 

9.30-3.30 – I spend all these hours in the school. I eat my lunch there. I keep my food with me. I love eating lunch with all my friends. 

3.30-4.30 – I get back to home and take rest. 

4.30-6.00 – I play cricket outside and then get back to home. 

6.00-9.00 – I study a lot in that time.

10.00 – I go to sleep after eating my dinner and watching TV for 20 minutes. 

That’s all about my daily routine. 


I make some changes in the routine when I have free time or leisure time. Overall that’s a huge experience for me to follow this productive routine. 

My Daily Routine Essay in 400 Words


If you want to get the best result from your work, then you need to manage time properly. And time management becomes so easy when you are following a daily routine. As a student, I follow a very strict but simple routine and it helps me a lot to improve my study and other things. Today I will share everything about my routine. 

My Daily Routine:

My day starts very early in the morning. I wake up at 4 o’clock. I used to wake up very late, but when I heard about the health benefits of early rising , I started to get up early. Then I brush my teeth and go for a small morning walk . 

I enjoy the walk very much because it helps to feel good in the early morning. Sometimes I do some basic exercises too. Then I take a shower and eat my breakfast. Then I prepare my school tasks. I love to study math and science in the morning time. 

Because I can give better concentration on that period. I get ready for my school at 9 o’clock and my mom drops me there at 9.30 o’clock. I spend most of the time on my day at the school. I eat my lunch there in the school break time. 

I come back from the school at 3.30 PM and then I take a rest for 30 minutes. I love to play cricket in the afternoon. But every day I can’t play. 

My Evening and Night Routine:

When I get back home after the playing in the field, I feel very tired. And then I wash and take rest for 30 minutes. I eat some juice or something else that my mom prepares for me. I start to study at 6.30 PM in the evening. 

Most of the day, I keep reading till 9.30. That’s the most important part for my study. I prepare all my homework and do some extra studies too. And then I eat my dinner and watch Television before sleep. 


That’s all about my daily routine. I try to follow this routine always. But sometimes I need to bring some changes in the routine. And when I spend holiday and off day from school, I can’t follow this routine at all. I think this routine is helping me to use my time in the best work and complete my study tasks properly. 

Essay on My Daily Routine in 500 Words

Essay on My Daily Routine in 500 Words

To become successful, everybody should follow a strict schedule or routine. Especially in student life, we need to maintain our time properly. If we fail to maintain time then we can’t make a good result in the examination. 

Today I am going to share my daily routine and my experience here. I am a very regular guy who follows a routine. I made that routine almost six months ago with the help of my elder brother. 

I make some small edits and changes in the routine due to my own preference. 

I consider the morning is the most important part of the day. In the morning, you will find lots of peace and a calm environment. My class teacher suggested me to get up early morning. I followed here that suggestion very seriously and that made my day. 

Now I always get up at 5 o’clock in the morning. First of all, I go to the washroom and brush my teeth. I wash my face and wipe the water with a towel. Then I go for a small morning walk. I know the morning walk is very important for good health. 

Sometimes, I do exercise too. Most of the time I walk almost 30 minutes and the doctor said that’s enough for me. This little workout keeps me strong for the rest of the day. I come back to home after the walk and get fresh again. 

I eat my breakfast then. After eating breakfast, I study Math and Science in the morning time. I think morning is the best time to study. 

School Time: 

I go to school at 9.30 o’clock in the morning. My father drops me here with his car. I get a break at 1 o’clock after four classes in a row. And finally, I go home at 4 PM with my mom . 

She comes to pick me up from school every day. Because it takes almost 20 minutes to go home from school by car. I enjoy school time very much.

Eat and Sleep Routine: 

I eat my breakfast and then I eat my lunch in the school break time. I take my lunch with me. My mother is very aware of my food. She always cooks something interesting to me. I love eating Pizza and Burger, but she doesn’t buy me that kind of fast food. 

She prefers to cook them for me. I love her cooked Pizza very much. And finally, after reading and watching TV at night at 10 o’clock, I go for my sleep. When I go to bed, I think about my entire day. 

Holiday Routine: 

When my school is close and I have lots of spare time, my daily routine becomes a bit different. I add time for video games, playing in the field with friends, and spending more time with my cousins. 

That’s all about my daily routine. I love to follow this routine and I am very serious about it. I think It’s perfect for me. You can follow my routine too. 

10 Lines Essay on My Daily Routine

10 line essays are easy and short. Here is a 10 lines essay on my daily routine. I am sure you will be able to learn these 10 lines essay easily. 

1. A person who follows a good routine can handle his work and time properly. It’s easy to manage your time when you are on a routine. 

2. It’s a high priority for the students. And that’s why I follow a very simple routine to manage my time. 

3. My daily routine is very easy and simple. It helps me to study properly, eat on time, and take care of my health. 

4. I get up early in the morning and pray first. My mother always suggests me to pray in the early morning. 

5. And then I go for a morning walk. After a 30 minute walk, I come back home and go for a bath and then I eat my breakfast. 

6. I go to school at 9 o’clock and get back home at 3 o’clock. I eat my lunch in the school break time. I keep my food with me. 

7. I go outside to play cricket with my friends in the afternoon. I enjoy that time a lot. I think that’s the best part of my day. 

8. I read almost three hours at night. And then I eat my dinner. 

9. Before going to bed, I watch TV for 30 minutes. I love watching cartoon channels. 

10. That’s all about my daily routine. That is very simple and easy. 

How can I write my daily routine? 

If you want to write a daily routine, you can take suggestions from your teacher or someone elder from your family. When I wrote my first daily routine, I was very confused. But finally, I came with a very productive and successful schedule of my life. I suggest you look back on your day and think about how do you spend your time. You need to find where should you spend most of your time and where not. 

How important is a daily routine?

A daily routine is a very essential thing that will make your day easy. I hope you will be able to create a very useful and proper daily routine. 

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My Daily Life Essay (My Daily Routine Essay)

Life is too precious to be idled away in a dull existence. My daily routine is jam-packed with actions and activities and it keeps me and my mind busy. The adventures of everyday life make it an enjoyable and exciting journey. Here are some sample essays on my daily life:

100 Words Essay on My Daily Life (My Daily Routine Essay)

A student should follow an effective routine to achieve success. I’m a morning person. The calm and quiet early morning helps me to concentrate better. I have a daily routine that starts early at 5 am and ends with planning the next day's work at 10 pm. I wake up at five and study till 7. I eat my breakfast at 8 am and leave for school at 8:30. Revision in the morning helps me understand better in class.

My Daily Life Essay (My Daily Routine Essay)

I make sure my routine does not become monotonous, so after I reach home, I go and play outside with my friends. Dinner time is always family time. The day ends with a short walk on the terrace gazing at the stars. The routine keeps me active and productive all the time.

200 Words Essay on My Daily Life (My Daily Routine Essay)

“ We are what we repeatedly do ,” says my dad daily quoting Aristotle. According to him, following a daily routine consistently will help me achieve my goals. He says that by planning my day and following it, I can complete all my work on time, avoiding pressure and being more productive.

My Daily Routine

Every morning I wake up at 5 am to the sound of my brother’s alarm which wakes me up. Exercising in the morning keeps me energetic and active the entire day. The fresh aroma of roasted coffee beans from the kitchen indicates coffee time. Later, I diligently sit for my morning studies and revise the previous day's concepts.

By 8:00 am, I’m ready for school. My mother prepares a delicious breakfast which I eat while watching the daily news along with my brother. 8:30 am I leave for school on my bicycle. Halfway, my friends join me. After lunch, I prefer light walking and freshening up for the afternoon study session. Classes end by 3:30 pm. After school, I go to the playground with my basketball team, where we practise for 2 hours, and I reach home by 6 pm. I finish my homework before supper.

Before going to bed, I prepare for the next day at school. Weekends are more relaxed. Mornings are usually spent cycling with friends. Afternoons, I help my mother grocery shop and cook in the kitchen. In the evening, I visit my grandma and have dinner with her.

500 Words Essay on My Daily Life Essay (My Daily Routine Essay)

“Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise” is taught to us from childhood. Following the principle, I begin my day early, around 5 am. I spend the first hour of my day exercising with my brother. I love sunrises. Around 6 am, I take a pleasant walk in the park with my pet dog “Candy” enjoying the beautiful, heartwarming morning light.

My Morning Routine

After the walk, I freshen up and study for an hour. I start with the daily newspaper, followed by my curriculum subjects. At precisely 8 am, we all gather at the dining table to have our breakfast. By 8:45, everyone departs for their respective work. I will reach school in 15 minutes by bicycle. Classes begin at 9:30 and continue till 12:30 pm.

My Afternoon Routine

Lunch breaks are always fun. I share my lunch with all my friends. I, along with my friends, walk to the dining hall; on the way, I make sure to go through the school's bulletin board. We discuss sports, television serials, and games while having our lunch. Lunch breaks are when I meet my seniors, discuss my doubts, and ask for their suggestions.

Classes go on till 3:30 pm. The last hour of the day is dedicated to PTE or games. This is the time when I relax and have fun. We indulge ourselves in fun games like running, tennis, basketball etc.

My Evening Routine

By 4:30, on the way home, I like stopping by my favourite chaat shop and enjoying some delicacies there. After arriving home at 5:00, I relax for an hour, eat some snacks, and watch my favourite tv show. 6 - 7:30 I go out to play.

By 7:30 pm , I’m back to studying, finishing my homework, and revising the day's curriculum till 8:30. We have our supper by 9. Everyone updates about their daily happenings during supper. I watch television for some time after dinner and finally am off to bed by 10 pm. I end my day by offering my gratitude for everything.

My Favourite part of the day

The time I have my supper is the best part of my day. I enjoy it a lot. My father usually asks us about our day. He usually tells us stories from his office, cracks jokes, and sometimes asks us puzzling questions. The winner gets to choose the tv program to watch. Later, the entire family goes out for a short walk with Candy. It's the perfect way to end the day with love, warmth and togetherness.

My Daily Relaxing Recreation

Every passing moment is an opportunity. But sometimes, these deadlines and schedules work me up. Everyone should have a hobby to relax and unwind from their daily monotonous routine. So, I make sure to relax now and then with some hobbies. My mother and I love to bake. Baking helps us relax. I feel calm and composed after baking.

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Daily Routine Essay For Students

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Table of Contents

Daily Routine Essay: Having a daily routine is important in our lives because it provides structure and stability. When we follow a routine, we know what to expect and can plan our time effectively. It helps us develop good habits and discipline, which are essential for success in school and beyond. Additionally, a daily routine can reduce stress and improve overall well-being by promoting a balanced lifestyle. With a consistent routine, we can prioritize tasks, allocate time for leisure activities, and ensure we get enough rest and relaxation. In this article, we’ll provide sample essays of varying lengths the significance of a daily routine to help you express your daily life effectively.

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Daily Routine Essay

My daily routine essay 1: 100 words.

Every day, I wake up at 6:30 am and start my day by getting ready for school. After brushing my teeth and taking a bath, I go downstairs to have a quick breakfast with my family. Then, I grab my backpack and head out to catch the bus. During my classes, I make sure to pay attention and take notes to stay on top of my schoolwork. Once the school day is over, I spend some time at the library studying or participating in extracurricular activities like sports or clubs. After that, I go home, have dinner, and spend the rest of my evening doing homework or relaxing before going to bed at around 10 pm. This is my daily routine that keeps me organized and helps me prioritize my responsibilities as a school student.

My Daily Routine Essay 2: 250 Words

As a high school student, my daily routine consists of a combination of school, extracurricular activities, and personal time. I usually wake up early in the morning, around 6:30 am, to get ready for school. After a quick shower and breakfast, I catch the bus and head to school. Once at school, I attend various classes throughout the day, including math, English, and science. I also participate in extracurricular activities like debate club and soccer practice after school. After a long day of learning and activities, I usually return home, complete my homework assignments, and relax by reading a book or watching a movie before going to bed around 10 pm. In addition to my academic and extracurricular commitments, I also try to find time for myself each day. This personal time allows me to unwind and recharge. I enjoy pursuing my hobbies, such as playing the guitar or painting, during this time. It helps me relax and relieve any stress accumulated during the day. I also use this time to connect with my family and friends, whether it’s having dinner together or chatting on the phone. Finally, before bedtime, I unwind with a good book or some soothing music. I believe in the importance of a good night’s sleep for overall well-being, so I ensure I get enough rest to prepare for the next day. Overall, my daily routine is a balance of education, activities, and personal time that helps me grow as a student and an individual.

Also Check: Paragraph on My Hobby

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My Daily Routine Essay 3: 300 Words

My daily routine is like a well-oiled machine, a fine-tuned rhythm that helps me stay organized and focused throughout the day. First and foremost, as soon as I wake up, I stretch my limbs and take a deep breath, setting a positive tone for the day ahead. After freshening up and getting dressed, I head to the kitchen to fuel my body with a wholesome breakfast, consisting of whole grains, fruits, and a glass of milk. This provides me with the necessary energy to kickstart my day. Once I am nourished, I gather my school bag, ensuring that all my books and necessary materials are packed neatly. Then, I make my way to the bus stop, catching up with friends and chatting, making the ride to school an enjoyable one. Upon arrival, I attend my classes diligently, actively participating in discussions and taking notes to maximize my understanding of the subjects. During breaks, I make it a point to socialize with my peers, to forge stronger friendships and create a positive atmosphere within the school. After school, I participate in extracurricular activities such as sports or clubs, to engage in my passions and develop a well-rounded personality. In the evenings, I dedicate time to complete any pending assignments or study for upcoming tests, ensuring that I am well-prepared for academic challenges. However, I also value relaxation, and so I indulge in hobbies like reading or playing the guitar, which help me unwind and de-stress. Finally, before retiring to bed, I reflect on the day’s events, making mental notes on areas that may need improvement and areas where I succeeded. This allows me to grow and learn from my experiences, setting the groundwork for an even better routine tomorrow. Ultimately, my daily routine helps me navigate through the various aspects of my life, ensuring that I stay focused, organized, and balanced on my journey towards academic and personal success.

My Daily Routine Essay 4: 500 Words

A daily routine is a set of activities that we engage in regularly, following a specific schedule. It helps to structure our day and ensures that we utilize our time efficiently. Having a well-planned daily routine not only increases our productivity but also improves our physical and mental well-being. In this essay, I will describe my daily routine and how it helps me to achieve my goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle. 1. Morning Routine: I start my day early in the morning as it gives me a head start and allows me to accomplish more. My alarm clock goes off promptly at 6 am, and I immediately stretch, as it helps to awaken my body. After that, I freshen up and spend 15 minutes practicing meditation, which sets a calm and positive tone for the day. Following that, I do an hour of exercise, alternating between cardio and strength training. This energizes me and helps me stay fit. Finally, I have a nutritious breakfast consisting of fruits, oats, and eggs to fuel my body and mind. 2. Work/School Routine: After breakfast, I get ready for work or school. I organize my belongings, pack my lunch, and ensure that I have everything I need for the day. Transportation to my workplace or school takes approximately 30 minutes, during which I catch up on reading or listen to educational podcasts. Upon arrival, I review my schedule, prioritize my tasks, and create a to-do list. This helps me stay focused and organized throughout the day, ensuring that I complete all my assignments and projects efficiently. 3. Afternoon Routine: During my lunch break, I take time to relax and recharge. I have a healthy meal, preferably packed from home to ensure balanced nutrition. Afterward, I engage in a leisure activity for a short period, such as reading a book or going for a walk. This helps me to de-stress and re-energize for the second half of the day. In the afternoon, I attend classes or work on assignments, actively participating and seeking clarification whenever required. 4. Evening Routine: In the evening, I prioritize spending quality time with my family and friends. Depending on the day, I either attend extracurricular activities or have a quiet evening at home. This includes activities such as playing sports, watching a movie, or engaging in hobbies such as painting or writing. Regularly engaging in leisure activities helps me maintain a healthy work-life balance and keeps my mind stimulated. 5. Night Routine: To wind down for the night, I allocate time for personal care and relaxation. I ensure that I complete all pending tasks, review my to-do list for the next day, and plan accordingly. Afterward, I enjoy a homemade dinner with my family, engaging in light-hearted conversations. Following dinner, I spend time away from screens, allowing my mind to relax. This could be reading a book, practicing mindfulness, or writing in my journal. Finally, I maintain a consistent sleep schedule, ensuring I get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Conclusion In conclusion, maintaining a disciplined daily routine helps me lead a healthy and balanced lifestyle. It allows me to accomplish my goals, stay focused, and make the most of my time. My daily routine consists of a structured morning, work/school schedule, leisure activities in the evening, and a restful night routine. By following this routine diligently, I have found myself more productive, happier, and physically healthier. Having a daily routine is not only beneficial to our work or academics but also contributes to our overall well-being.

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FAQs on My Daily Routine Essay

Why is having a daily routine important.

A daily routine provides structure, discipline, and organization to your day, helping you manage your time efficiently and achieve your goals.

How can I create a healthy daily routine?

To create a healthy daily routine, start with activities like exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate rest. Prioritize tasks, allocate breaks, and include time for hobbies and relaxation.

What are the benefits of a morning routine?

A morning routine, including activities like meditation and exercise, can boost energy, enhance focus, and set a positive tone for the day.

How can a daily routine improve productivity?

A daily routine helps improve productivity by providing a structured approach to tasks, reducing procrastination, and maintaining consistent work habits.

What should be included in a daily routine for students?

A student's daily routine should encompass study time, breaks, physical activity, healthy meals, and time for extracurricular activities.

How can I stick to my daily routine?

Sticking to a daily routine requires commitment and discipline. Set realistic goals, prioritize tasks, and maintain consistency to establish a routine that works for you.

Can a daily routine improve work-life balance?

Yes, a well-balanced daily routine can help improve work-life balance by allocating time for both professional responsibilities and personal well-being.

Is it necessary to have a fixed daily routine?

While having a fixed routine can be beneficial, flexibility is also essential. Adapt your routine to accommodate changes and unexpected events while maintaining its core structure.

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English Aspirants

My Daily Routine or My Daily Life Paragraph [100,150,200,250 Words]

My Daily Routine or My Daily Life Paragraph: As a student, we must adopt an effective daily routine to be successful in life. In this article, you are going to learn 4 paragraphs on ‘My Daily routine’ or ‘My Daily Life’ (100, 150, 200 and 250 Words). All the paragraphs will be useful for students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Paragraph on My Daily Routine: 100 Words

I am a student. A student must follow a definite mode of living. I pass my days according to certain rules and order. Of course, my daily life is nothing exceptional to interest one. I get up quite early in the morning. I have some morning walk . After taking my tiffin, I go to study at least for three hours.

At about 10 a.m. I get up from my study. I have my bath and lunch and start for school at 10.30 a.m. After school hours I return punctually. After taking my tiffin, I go to play for an hour or two. My evening study starts at 7 p.m. After my Dinner, I regularly go to bed at 10 p.m.

Paragraph on My Daily Routine

Also Read: Paragraph on My Aim in Life

Paragraph on  My Daily Life: 150 Words

I am a very disciplined and punctual student. I get up early in the morning. I wash my hands and face and clean my teeth. I go out for a walk and come back home after half an hour. Then I take my breakfast. After that, I read my lessons and do my homework up to 9 a.m. I have my bath at 10 a.m. Then I take my lunch and start for school.

At school, I read and write with my classmates. I come back home at half-past four. I take some food and drink a glass of milk too. I play games with my friends in the afternoon. In the evening I do my lessons. I take my dinner usually at 9 p.m. Then I say Good Night to my parents and go to bed.

Paragraph on  My Daily Life

My Daily Routine Paragraph: 200 Words

My daily routine is very simple. Every day I get up early in the morning at about 6 am. I brush my teeth and wash my hands and face. Then I got out for a walk in the open air and come back home after half an hour. Next, I have my breakfast. I do my homework till 9 am. Then I have my bath and put on my school uniform. My mother serves me a meal at 10 am.

After breakfast, I go to school by bicycle with my friends. I attend my classes attentively. I seat in the front line of my class so that I can follow my teacher well.  At two I eat my tiffin. The school breaks up at 4 pm and I get home soon after. Then I take a rest for some time. In the afternoon I play games with my friends in the park.

In the evening I come back home and eat my snacks. Then I prepare my lessons and do the homework till 9 pm.  At around 9 pm I have dinner with my family and watch the news on TV. I go to bed at 10 pm. This is my daily routine.

Also Read: Paragraph on Discipline in English

My Daily Life Paragraph: 250 Words

A daily routine is an account of time spent in a day. As a student. I have also a daily routine to follow. Usually, I get up at 5 o’clock in the morning. After brush and wash, I walk to an open field nearby and space up and down for several times and practice some physical free-hands.

Back home, I have my breakfast and tea. Then I sit to read till 9 a.m. At the reading table, my first job is to rub up what I read last night. I then revise my home task. Then the clock strikes 9.30 for me to take bath. After that, I dress and do have my lunch, go out for school and drop in the class at 10.30 a.m. Our school works till 4.30 p.m with a recess after the fourth period.

At school, I have been always attentive to my teachers. If any difficulty, I get it explained clearly. In the off-period, I spend most of my time in the library, reading reference books on different subjects. I read also the dailies. After school, I get home back and take tiffin and tea. Then I go to the playground to play with my friends.

Getting back, I take a thorough wash after which I sit at my lessons for the next day. At 10.30 p.m usually I sit with TV. I normally go to sleep at 11 p.m. This is what I call my daily routine for weekdays. On holidays I enjoy a family outing.

Read More:  1. Paragraph on Early Rising 2. Paragraph on My Best Friend 3. Paragraph on Science in Daily Life

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5 thoughts on “my daily routine or my daily life paragraph [100,150,200,250 words]”.

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Daily Routine Essay

500 words daily routine essay.

In our life, we should strictly follow a daily routine. Maintaining and following a daily routine benefits you healthwise and makes life more convenient. Parents can help their children by studying their daily routine and providing inputs to improve their quality of life. As a parent, keep your kids interested in following their daily activities, and teach them to follow the daily routine. It will make them more productive in their activities.

People who follow their daily routine achieve success in their life. So, maintain a daily routine to complete your work on time without pressure. Students should follow their daily routine to complete their homework on time and achieve great results.

My Daily Routine Essay

I prepared my daily routine with the help of my mother and father. I will share my daily activities and the experience I gain from them in this essay.

I am a morning person and consider it the most productive time of the entire day. In the morning, nature looks so calm and peaceful. Even my parents and teachers suggested waking up early in the morning. I respected their suggestion and followed it.

So, I get up at 6 a.m., brush my teeth, and wash my face with water. After that, I go for a quick stroll in the park. I consider a morning walk essential for a healthy lifestyle. I walk for almost half an hour and also do some exercise. After doing the morning walk, I come back home and freshen up. It keeps me strong and active for the entire day.

Then I eat my breakfast, and after that, I study Science and Maths in the morning. I consider morning the best time to study, and it helps you memorise the concepts and topics efficiently.

School Time

Around 9 a.m., I get ready to go to school. My father drives me to school, and at around 1 p.m., I get my lunch break after four continuous classes. My school gets over by 4 p.m., and my mother comes to pick me up. Every day, she comes because it takes 20 minutes to reach my home from my school by car. I love going to school and learning new things.

For me, school time is the best time. I get to spend time with my friends and play games during recess. My best friend’s name is Anne; she always stands beside me in good and bad times. I love her so much and will never break my friendship with her. To me, she’s more than just a friend, she’s my family.

Eat and Sleep Routine

When I go to school, I carry my lunch with me. I have my lunch during recess. My mother knows what I love and prepares lunch accordingly. My favourites are pizzas and burgers but my mom doesn’t let me eat from outside. So, she prepares it by herself and I love the food she cooks.

At night I watch TV with my family for some time, and around 10 p.m., I go to bed. When I go to bed, I think about my entire day, and sometimes I read novels or story books.

Holiday Routine

When it’s vacation time, my daily routine differs. I get a lot of spare time. I spend time playing video games, going out with friends and family, and visiting my grandparents. Sometimes I enroll myself in summer vacation camps.

Conclusion of Daily Life Essay

That’s all about my daily routine. I always try to follow this routine. But sometimes, I need to bring some changes to the routine. And when I spend holidays and off days from school, I can’t follow this routine. I think this routine is helping me to use my time efficiently and to complete my study tasks correctly.

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my daily routine essay for class 6

Essay on My Daily Routine in English for Students & Children

We are Sharing an Essay on My Daily Routine in English for students. In this article, we have tried our best to provide a Short essay on My Daily Routine for Class 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 in 50, 100, 250, 300, 400, and 500 words.

Essay on My Daily Routine in English for Students & Children

My Daily Routine Essay for Kids ( 100 words )

I am Bhawna. I am a student of class Vth. I get up at 6 o’clock in the morning. I then brush my teeth. After that, I take a bath and wear my school uniform. Then I take breakfast. At 7 o’clock I take my school bus. I attend the morning assembly at school. My periods start at 8 o’clock. In recess, I eat my lunch. By 3 o’clock in the afternoon, I come back from school. I wash my hands and face, and then I take some refreshments and watch T.V. In the evening, I do my homework. Then I play with my friends. At 8 o’clock at night, I take my dinner and go to bed by 9 o’clock.

Read Also- 10 Lines on Daily Routine

Simple My Daily Routine Paragraph | Essay in English ( 150 words )

I wake up at 6 o’clock in the morning. Then I wash my hand and face. It is my regular habit to take physical exercise for half an hour. Then after taking rest for another half an hour, I have my breakfast at 7 am. Then I sit down to read up until 9 am. Then I take my bath. After that, I arrange the things necessary for my class and put those in my school bag. At 10 am. I take my meal and at 10-30, I start school. I come back from school at half past four. At 5 pm. I to the playground for practicing football. From there I return at 6 pm. After taking rest again for half an hour I sit down to read. At 10 pm. I take my supper and at 10-30 and go to bed.

Checkout- My Daily Life Essay

Essay on My Daily Routine for school students ( 170 words )

I never idle away my time. An idle mind is a devil’s workshop. I have a fixed schedule. I get up at 5 a.m. daily. I attend nature’s call. Then I go out for a morning walk. Nature is at her best. I take alight exercise also. I return home by 6 a.m. I take a bath. I devote an hour to my studies. I take my breakfast at 7.30 a.m. I reach the school in time. During recess, I visit our school library. I come back home at 1.45 p.m. I take my lunch. Then I take a rest for an hour I take a bath and do my homework. After that, I go to the park. I return home by 7 p.m. It is again the time for me to revise my lessons. I take dinner at 8.30 p.m. At 9 p.m., I watch a TV programme. Again I devote an hour to my studies. I retire to bed at 10.30 p.m.

My Daily Routine Essay in 250 to 300 words

If one wants to utilize time to its maximum, one should manage the time. Time can be saved by planning it beforehand. It makes one regular and punctual. Things become well organized. There is peace in one’s life.

I understand the value of time, especially for a student. A student should have a well-planned timetable. It gives him enough time for his studies and other routine jobs. I have a very well-managed and organized daily routine. I very honestly stick to it.

I get up early in the morning with my family. I brush my teeth and get myself fresh. Then I go for a morning walk. I talk about some light exercises. I come back home and take my bath. Then I offer my prayer to God. I take my breakfast and arrange my bag. At 7 o’clock I start for my school.

At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, I come back home. I change my uniform and take my lunch. I take a rest for an hour. I usually watch television during this time. Then I start doing my homework.

At about 6 o’clock in the evening, I go to play with my friends. We play cricket on the ground. Sometimes we go for an evening walk. After coming back I sit with my family. Sometimes I help my mother in the kitchen. At 8 o’clock we take our dinner while watching T.V. I once again revise my lessons for a short while and then go to sleep. Before sleeping I pray to God and wish my parents good night.

I usually stick to this routine, but sometimes on Sunday, I get up late in the morning. I play a lot with my friends but never forget to study.

A well-planned day ends up happily. So I always follow my routine strictly.

# Paragraph on My Daily Routine # My Daily Routine composition

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

10 Paragraphs: My Daily Routine

Writing a paragraph about your daily routine provides an opportunity to reflect on the activities and tasks that shape your day. It allows you to convey a sense of structure, rhythm, and personal habits that contribute to your everyday life. Whether you want to document your routine for personal reflection or share it with others, writing about your daily routine can offer insights into your lifestyle, priorities, and goals. In this introduction, we will explore the essential elements to consider when writing a paragraph on your daily routine, emphasizing the importance of organization, detail, and self-expression.

Table of Contents

Tips On Writing A Paragraph On My Daily Routine

Start with a Clear Introduction: Begin your paragraph by introducing your daily routine. Provide a concise overview of your typical day, mentioning key activities or events that occur regularly. This introduction sets the context for the rest of the paragraph and gives readers an understanding of what to expect.

Include Relevant Details: When describing your daily routine, include specific details that make your paragraph more engaging and informative. Describe the time you wake up, your morning rituals, work or school-related activities, leisure time, and evening routines. Including specific details helps paint a clear picture of your daily life.

Organize Chronologically: To maintain a logical flow, organize your paragraph chronologically. Start with the beginning of your day and progress through the activities in the order they typically occur. This chronological structure helps readers follow your routine more easily and understand the sequence of events.

Highlight Significance or Impact: As you describe your daily activities, consider highlighting any particular tasks or events that hold significance or have an impact on your day. For example, you may mention activities that bring you joy, help you achieve personal or professional goals, or contribute to your overall well-being. This adds depth and personalization to your paragraph.

Conclude with a Summary or Reflection: Wrap up your paragraph by summarizing your daily routine or offering a brief reflection. You can mention any patterns or themes that emerge from your routine, share your thoughts on the overall balance or effectiveness of your daily activities, or express any aspirations or goals related to your routine. This conclusion adds a sense of closure and allows readers to gain a deeper understanding of your daily life.

Paragraph 1

My day typically begins at 6:00 AM. As soon as I wake up, I like to start my morning with a refreshing glass of water followed by a quick stretching routine. Afterward, I head to the kitchen to prepare a nutritious breakfast, usually consisting of oatmeal and a cup of green tea. This healthy start to my day helps me feel energized and ready to tackle whatever comes my way.

Paragraph 2

Once I finish breakfast, I get ready for the day by taking a shower and getting dressed. Then, I make my way to work, which is a 30-minute commute by car. During the ride, I listen to my favorite podcasts or uplifting music, which helps set a positive tone for the day ahead.

Paragraph 3

My workday typically begins at 9:00 AM. As a project manager, I spend a significant portion of my day attending meetings, collaborating with colleagues, and ensuring that projects are progressing smoothly. I prioritize tasks, delegate responsibilities, and work closely with my team to meet project deadlines and deliver high-quality results.

Paragraph 4

Around noon, I take a break for lunch. I either bring a packed meal from home or grab a quick bite from a nearby café. During this time, I like to step away from my desk and recharge by going for a short walk outside, enjoying some fresh air and allowing myself a moment of relaxation.

Paragraph 5

In the afternoon, I dive back into work, focusing on tasks that require deep concentration. I tackle emails, review project reports, and engage in strategic planning. I find that this focused time allows me to make significant progress and accomplish important milestones.

Paragraph 6

At around 4:30 PM, I wrap up my work for the day and head home. During my commute, I often use this time to unwind by listening to audiobooks or podcasts on subjects I find fascinating, such as personal development or history.

Paragraph 7

Once I’m home, I make it a point to engage in some form of physical activity. Whether it’s going for a run, practicing yoga, or attending a fitness class, exercise helps me relieve stress and stay physically fit. Afterward, I prepare a wholesome dinner, which usually consists of a balanced mix of proteins, vegetables, and whole grains.

Paragraph 8

Evenings are my designated time for relaxation and personal pursuits. I enjoy spending quality time with my family, catching up on my favorite TV shows, or indulging in a good book. This downtime allows me to recharge and disconnect from work-related responsibilities.

Paragraph 9

Before bed, I follow a calming bedtime routine to ensure a restful night’s sleep. This includes dimming the lights, practicing a few minutes of meditation or deep breathing exercises, and reading a book. By winding down in this way, I set the stage for a peaceful and rejuvenating sleep.

Paragraph 10

Finally, as the day comes to a close, I aim to be in bed by 10:30 PM. Prioritizing a consistent sleep schedule is vital to my overall well-being, as it allows me to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to embrace a new day.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

Whatsapp: +85259609792

[email protected]

my daily routine essay for class 6

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Paragraph On My Daily Routine In 100,150,200 Words And Class 3-6

Imagine starting each day with purpose and ending it with accomplishment. “My Daily Routine Paragraph” serves as a window into the structured yet vibrant lives we lead, from the wide-eyed enthusiasm of a third grader to the emerging independence of a sixth grader. As we navigate through the narratives from 100 to 200 words, let’s uncover the beautifully orchestrated balance of work, play, and learning that shapes our days and forges our futures.

Paragraph On My Daily Routine In 100 Words

As an early riser, my day begins at 5:30 am with a refreshing jog, invigorating both mind and body. Following this, I engage in meditation to center myself for the day ahead. Breakfast at 7 am is a nutritious start, fueling my studies. By 8 am, I’m immersed in my books, breaking at intervals to maintain focus. The school occupies my day till 3 pm, after which I dedicate an hour to hobbies, allowing creativity to flourish. Evening routines include dinner with family, fostering connections, and winding down with reading, enriching my mind before bedtime at 10 pm. This disciplined schedule enhances productivity and well-being, encapsulating my daily rhythm.

Paragraph On My Daily Routine In 100 Words

Paragraph On My Daily Routine In 150 Words

My daily routine is a carefully crafted blend of discipline and leisure, starting with an early rise at 5:30 am. The tranquility of dawn is perfect for a revitalizing jog, followed by a session of yoga, setting a calm and focused tone for the day. After a healthy breakfast at 7, I delve into my studies, utilizing the morning’s quiet. By 8:30 am, I’m ready for school, where I engage fully until 3 pm, learning and interacting with peers. Post-school hours are reserved for personal development; I dedicate time to reading, practicing a musical instrument, or exploring new hobbies, ensuring a balance between academic pursuits and personal interests. Dinner at 7 pm is family time, an opportunity to reconnect and share our day’s experiences. My day concludes with some light reading or journaling by 9 pm, aiding relaxation and reflection before sleep. This routine, blending productivity with personal growth, is fundamental to my well-being and success.

Paragraph On My Daily Routine In 200 Words

My daily routine embodies a balanced approach to productivity and self-care, commencing before the sun at 5:00 am. This early start allows me to embrace the serenity of the morning for meditation and a brief workout, invigorating my body and mind for the challenges ahead. By 6:30 am, after a shower, I enjoy a nutritious breakfast, savoring the quietude before the day unfolds. My academic journey begins at 7:00 am with focused study sessions, punctuated by short breaks to maintain concentration and efficiency.

At 8:00 am, I prepare for school, a hub of learning and interaction, where I immerse myself in studies and extracurricular activities until 3:00 pm. Post-school, I allocate time for a hobby or skill I’m passionate about, whether it’s playing an instrument or engaging in a sport, from 4:00 pm to 5:30 pm. This not only nurtures my interests but also ensures a healthy mind-body balance.

Evenings are dedicated to family and relaxation; dinner at 7:00 pm is a cherished family gathering, fostering connection and sharing. Post-dinner, I review my day, organize tasks for the next, and engage in leisure reading or writing, reflecting on my experiences and growth. By 10:00 pm, I unwind and prepare for rest, ensuring I’m recharged for the day ahead. This structured yet flexible routine supports my ambitions, health, and personal fulfillment.

My Daily Routine Paragraph For Class 3

My Daily Routine Paragraph For Class 3

Every morning, I wake up early at 6 o’clock. After waking up, I quickly brush my teeth and wash my face to feel fresh. Then, I take some time to pray with my family, which makes me feel happy and peaceful. Next, I change into my school uniform that my mom neatly lays out for me. It’s usually blue and white, and I really like it!

For breakfast, I have something yummy like pancakes or a sandwich, and a glass of milk. My mom always makes sure I eat well so I can have energy for school. I leave for school at 7:30 with my backpack, excited to learn new things and see my friends.

School is fun! We have different subjects, and my favorite is art because we get to draw and paint. I also enjoy playing during recess with my classmates. After school, I come home and eat lunch. My mom makes delicious food!

In the afternoon, I do my homework and then have playtime. I sometimes ride my bike or play games. In the evening, I have dinner with my family, and we talk about our day. Before bed, I read a storybook or watch a little bit of TV with my parents. I go to bed at 8:30, ready to rest and do it all over again tomorrow. I really like my daily routine because it’s full of learning and fun!

My Daily Routine Paragraph For Class 4

School is fun! We have different subjects, and my favorite is art because we get to draw and paint. I also enjoy playing during recess with my classmates. After school, I come home and I have lunch. My mom makes delicious food!

In the afternoon, I do my homework and then have playtime. I sometimes ride my bike or play games. at 8 pm I eat dinner with my all family members, and we talk about our day. Before bed, I read a storybook or watch a little bit of TV with my parents. I go to bed at 8:30, ready to rest and do it all over again tomorrow. I really like my daily routine because it’s full of learning and fun!

My Daily Routine Paragraph In English In Holidays

During holidays, my daily routine is a mix of fun and relaxation. I wake up later than usual, around 8 am, because I don’t have to rush to school. After waking up, I brush my teeth and wash my face to feel refreshed. Then, I have a leisurely breakfast with my family, enjoying our favorite dishes and chatting about our plans for the day.

After breakfast, I spend some time reading books or comics that I love but don’t get to read during busy school days. Around mid-morning, I might go outside to play with my friends. We ride bikes, play soccer, or just run around, enjoying the freedom and the fresh air.

Lunch is usually something special since my mom has more time to cook during holidays, and we eat together as a family. In the afternoon, I might help my parents with some household chores or work on a hobby, like painting or building models. This is also the perfect time for family outings to the park or the museum.

In the evening, I watch TV or a movie with my family. Sometimes, we have a game night where we play board games or card games. Dinner is a relaxed affair, and we often have homemade pizza or barbecue.

Before bed, I reflect on the day and plan for the next. Holidays allow me to enjoy a slower pace of life, spend quality time with my family and friends, and pursue interests I usually don’t have time for. I go to bed around 10 pm, feeling happy and relaxed, ready for another enjoyable day.

My Daily Routine Paragraph In English For Class 6

In my daily routine as a sixth grader, my day begins at 6:30 am when my alarm clock rings. I quickly get out of bed, brush my teeth, and wash my face to wake up fully. After getting ready, I sit down for breakfast with my family at 7:00 am. We enjoy a healthy meal together, which gives us energy for the day ahead. I usually have cereal or toast, with some fruit and milk.

At 7:30 am, I pack my school bag, making sure I have all my books, notebooks, and homework. Then, I say goodbye to my family and catch the school bus at 7:45 am. School starts at 8:15 am, and I spend the day attending different classes like Math, Science, English, and History. I particularly enjoy Science because we do a lot of interesting experiments.

Lunch break is at 12:30 pm, and I eat the lunch packed by my mom or sometimes buy something from the school cafeteria. After lunch, I have a couple more classes before school ends at 3:00 pm.

After school, I either have sports practice or a club meeting, depending on the day. I’m part of the soccer team and the science club, which I really enjoy. I get home around 5:00 pm, have a snack, and then start on my homework. It usually takes me about two hours to finish my homework.

Dinner is at 7:30 pm with my family, and we talk about our day. After dinner, I might watch a little TV or read a book for fun. I also spend some time practicing the guitar, as I love music.

Before going to bed at 9:30 pm, I pack my bag for the next day and lay out my clothes. This routine helps me stay organized and prepared. Going to bed early ensures that I get enough sleep and wake up feeling refreshed for the new day. This daily routine keeps me balanced, allowing me to focus on my studies, hobbies, and spending time with my family and friends.

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Essay on Daily Routine

Time is a crucial factor in our life. Due to this, every work needs proper management. Without well-management, it will be difficult to carry out important work on time. However, it will also result in low self-productivity. To avoid such things, people mostly prefer to follow a routine. Whether you are a small kid, a grown-up student, or a working adult, everyone needs to follow a daily routine.

Short and Long Daily Routine Essay in English

To explore more about the daily routine, today we will discuss Daily Routine in detail. Here, we are presenting short and long essays on Daily Routine in English for students under word limits of 100 – 150 Words, 200 – 250 words, and 500 – 600 words. This topic is useful for students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in English. These provided essays on Daily Routine will help you to write effective essays, paragraphs, and speeches on this topic.

Daily Routine Essay 10 Lines (100 -150 Words)

1) Daily routine is the things we do every day from morning to night.

2) When you have a routine, it’s easy to keep track of your time.

3) It helps us use our time in the best way possible.

4) My mom wakes me up at 6 a.m.

5) After that, my dad and I go to the park and do some exercises.

6) After walking, I take shower and have breakfast.

7) My mother drops me off at school at 8:00 am and comes to receive me at 4:00 pm.

8) On returning home, I watch television and go outside for playing.

9) In the evening I study for 3 hours and then sleep after having dinner.

10) People should stick to a strict plan or routine if they want to be successful.

Short Essay on Daily Routine (250 – 300 Words)


A daily routine is like a pattern that people follow regularly. When we do the same things every day, we can better use our time. It makes a person’s workload lighter. Everyone should have a fixed routine for each day. People do well in life when they do everything as per their routine.

My Daily Routine

I get up early in the morning at 5:30 am. Then I brush my teeth and take a short walk to start the day. On returning, I study few hours. Then, I take shower and eat breakfast. After that, I go to school. My house is about 15 minutes from my school. I take a walk to school. The school is where I spend most of my day. In the evening, I play outside for one to two hours. Then, I do all of my homework and also study on my own. I eat dinner at 8 p.m. and get to bed at 9:30 p.m.

Importance of Daily Routine

Our daily routine is very important to us. With a daily routine, we can live our life on a set schedule and handle things better. It can help us improve the way we study and get better grades. A daily routine is very important and will make our day go more smoothly. It helps us to grow as a successful person.

Having a daily routine is good but always sticking to it is more important. A daily routine is good for your health and makes your life easier. Therefore, students should follow a daily routine to have a better future.

Long Essay on Daily Routine (500 Words)

Routine is how you plan to do your work. Everyone follow different routine according to their choice and comfort. As students, we all need to stick to a strict schedule for better grades and better health. Only then will we be able to reach our goals. It pushes us to get things done on time, which helps us to be successful in life.

Morning Routine

I get up at 5 and go for a walk in the morning with my father. On returning, I take 15 minutes of rest. I sometimes work out to keep my body healthy and in good shape. Then, I go brush my teeth. For me morning is the best time to study so, I study for one hour then I go to take bath. After bathing, I take breakfast and get ready to go to school. My school is away from my house so I have to go to the bus stop. I get on my school bus at 8 o’clock. My friends accompany me to the bus stop. I love being with my friends.

School Routine

My school starts at 9 o’clock and ends at 2 p.m. I like going to school. I study carefully what the teacher teaches me, and if I don’t understand something, I also ask them. We do lots of academics and sports activities at our school.

Evening Routine

In the evening, my mom makes juice and some refreshment for me to eat. Then I go outside for playing with my friends. I love playing cricket so we mostly go to the mini stadium near my house. I return home before its dark outside. Then, I sit to do my homework. After homework, I prepare for the next day’s classes. This helps me to understand better in the classroom. I mostly begin reading at 6 PM and keep reading until 8 PM.

Night Routine

After studying, I watch television for about 30 minutes. I love to watch cartoons on TV. My mother calls me when dinner is ready. We all like to eat dinner together at night. We also discuss the entire day’s experience. After dinner, I play a little bit with my younger brother. Otherwise, sometimes I prefer to read stories or novels. At 10 PM, I go to bed for sleeping.

Holiday Routine

I can’t follow this routine at all when I’m on vacation or on a day off from school. I give myself more time to play video games, hang out with friends, and spend more time with my cousins. I love this routine, and I take it very seriously.

Routine is an important part of our life. If we don’t keep track of time, we won’t be able to do well in life. We should do every work according to routine.  If we stick to a good routine, we can get a lot of work done. Everyone should have a good routine in their lives so that they can also be successful and do well.

I hope the above provided essay on Daily Routine will be helpful to you in making one for yourself.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Daily Routine

Ans. Early morning is the best time for your studies.

Ans. Intentional and Automatic are two different types of routines.

Ans. A habit is an urge to do something without any thought. However, a routine is a set of actions that you do often.

Ans. The French word ‘Route’ (road) is the root word for routine.

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my daily routine essay for class 6

My Daily Routine Essay: Suitable for all class students

Abdul Aouwal's Profile Picture

  • Abdul Aouwal
  • May 21, 2024

Daily life means how we spend our lives every day. Our life is very transitory. If a man follows a routine in his everyday life and makes the best use of time, he is sure to prosper in life. Now I am a student of class X. So, I follow a routine to perform my daily duties regularly. I get up from bed early in the morning. For there is a wise saying -

"Early to bed and early to rise,

Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise."

My Daily Routine Essay - At first, I perform my morning duties. I wash my hands, face and brush my teeth well. Then I go out for a walk in the open air. My. mind and body are both refreshed. Returning home, I offer my morning prayer. Then I take my breakfast.

After my breakfast, I sit down to prepare my school tasks. I finish my studies at about 9 a.m. I take my bath at 9.30 a.m. Finishing my bath, I dress and sit down to my meal. After taking the meal, I take a little rest.

I start for school with my books at 10.00 a.m. Our school begins at 10.30 a.m. I sit on the first bench and listen to what my teachers say. After the fourth period, we get half an hour for recreation and Tiffin. Our school breaks-up at 4.30 p.m. I come back home quickly.

Returning home, I put my books on the table. Then I take off my school dress. After washing my hands and feet, I refresh myself. Then I go out to the field to play. I play football with my friends. Before sunset, I return home. On returning home, I wash my hands and feet. Then I sit down to prepare my lessons for the next day. Then I take my supper at about 10.30 p.m.Then I go to bed at 11.00 p.m.

There is a slight departure from this routine on Fridays and other holidays. As Friday is our weekly holiday, I enjoy this day meaningfully. Every Friday I wash my clothes and clean my shoes and other essential things in the morning. Sometimes, I visit my friends and relatives. Every minute of my life is enjoyable to me and I am proud of it.

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my daily routine essay for class 6

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My Daily Routine Essay for Students and Children in English

December 10, 2020 by Sandeep

My Daily Routine Essay in 500 Words

Essay on My Daily Routine: “A daily routine built on good habits and discipline separates the most successful among us from everyone else” ~ Darren Hardy

Most successful people have been observed to follow their daily routine judiciously. Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, and Earnest Hemingway are a few of those eminent personalities. Have you ever thought why having a regime and following it is so important? Routine refers to an everyday activity that comprises the way people think, feel, or acts. It is like a sequence or a habit that does not alter. Daily routines vary from people to people. Basic tasks like consumption of water, eating, or exercising can be included in one’s daily routine. These simple day to day activities form a crucial part of our lives. They affect our functionality and determine our course of action. They contribute to our personal development.

Need for a Daily Routine

The importance of having a daily routine has been listed below:

Time Management: We all have a lot of activities that form a coherent part of our everyday life. Allocating time for each of these activities is essential. Having a daily routine helps us organize time better during our entire day. Apart from keeping order in our lives, this also helps us achieve our weekly and monthly targets.

Discipline: Without a proper daily regime, our thoughts and actions can get cluttered. Sometimes we are overburdened with a ton of things in a single day. Starting your day with your daily routine can help you overcome this clutter, make you more organized and self-disciplined.

Focus: Following a daily routine keeps you focused on one task at a time. This helps you perform each of these tasks efficiently. Moreover, it eliminates any other kind of distraction.

Work-life Balance: Since your daily routine helps you stay focused and organized, it contributes to your healthy work-life balance. This gives you the option to make adjustments in your busy schedule and allows you to adjust after any such instance.

Reduces Stress: Having a hectic to-do list is one thing, and having to remember every single detail can be stressful. Your daily routine helps you reduce your stress levels and allows you to be in control of your situation.

My Daily Routine

I am a student who follows a simple daily routine. Once I wake up, I perform my morning duties. Then I take my pet dog and go for a walk across the nearby lake. The fresh air in the morning makes me feel refreshed and energized for the rest of the day. My school being very close to my house, I prefer walking to school. By 7:30 AM, I finish my breakfast, take my school bag, and head towards the school.

There are two things that I never miss: the canteen and the library. Reading the encyclopedia and autobiographies of various artists always makes me happy. After the regular classes, I return home and enjoy lunch with my mom and dad. I sleep for about an hour or so. Then I play with my friends in the colony. In the evening, I also attend my tuition which end at around 8 PM. Once the homework is done, I switch on the television to watch some of the variety shows.

My mom serves us dinner by 10 PM. I spend some time chit-chatting with my family members and playing with my pet. I go to bed by 11 PM and get enough sleep to start a whole new day. Sundays are a bit more relaxed. Once in a while, we have family get-together or picnics. Having a daily routine keeps me disciplined and focused in my everyday life.

Essay on My Daily Routine 250 Words in English

Below we have provided a paragraph on daily routine, suitable for class 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 school students.

“The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine”~ Mike Murdock

Being a student, people have always emphasized how crucial it is to follow a daily routine. Hence, I try to follow a good routine almost every single day. I am a student of Class 6. Every morning I wake up early at around 5:30 AM. I brush my teeth, wash my face, and start with my morning jogging. My father accompanies me in my morning exercises. We usually visit our nearby park to do the same.

Then I head back home and take a shower. By this time, my mom packs my tiffin for the day. We sit together and enjoy our morning breakfast. I put on my uniform, pack my school bag, and head towards the bus stand to make my way to the school. My classes start at 8:30 AM and continue till the lunch break. Recess time is the most enjoyable part of school because I get to have fun with my friends.

After a few more classes, I come back home and have lunch. Watching a few TV series makes me feel refreshed for the rest of the day. In the evening, I spend time with my family and help my mother in the house. Besides that, I complete the daily task given at school. And my mom makes some snacks for me during these hours. By 8 PM, I am done with most of the school work.

I play badminton with my community friends for an hour and then meet my family for dinner. At 10 PM, I hear some light music, wish my parents goodnight, and head to sleep. That is how most of my days work. Having a daily routine makes me feel good. It brings me content, helps me stay coordinated, and plan better for the future.

10 Lines on My Daily Routine Essay

  • I always wake up early in the morning.
  • I brush my teeth and wash my face.
  • I go ahead with my morning exercises.
  • Then I freshen up and have my breakfast.
  • At 7:45 AM, my school bus picks me up from the nearby bus stand.
  • I enjoy school time, especially the lunch break.
  • I return home by 2 PM.
  • In the evening, I play with my friends.
  • I have my dinner at 9 PM with my family.
  • Finally, I read my favourite book and go to sleep by 10 PM.


Essay on My Routine

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Routine in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Routine


Every person has a unique routine. My routine helps me stay organized, productive, and balanced. It includes a mix of studies, play, and rest.

Morning Routine

My day starts early at 6 am. I freshen up, do some light exercises, and then study for an hour. Post that, I have breakfast with my family.

Afternoon Routine

After school, I have lunch and rest for a while. Then, I complete my homework and study for another hour. Afterwards, I play with my friends.

Evening Routine

After playtime, I help my parents with chores, have dinner, and then prepare for the next day before going to bed.

250 Words Essay on My Routine

Every individual has a unique daily routine that defines their lifestyle and personality. As a college student, my routine is a blend of academic, personal, and social activities, carefully balanced to achieve my goals.

My day begins at 6 a.m. with a refreshing jog, followed by a healthy breakfast. This early start not only energizes me but also provides a peaceful time slot for self-reflection. Post breakfast, I dedicate an hour to read the news and catch up on global developments, keeping myself informed and aware.

Academic Schedule

My academic activities commence at 9 a.m., with lectures spanning until 2 p.m. Each lecture is an opportunity to explore new knowledge areas, and I ensure to take detailed notes for later revision. Post lectures, I allocate time for independent study, focusing on understanding complex concepts and preparing for upcoming assessments.

Social and Personal Time

After a rigorous academic schedule, I unwind by engaging in social activities. This varies from participating in club meetings, playing a sport, or simply catching up with friends. This time is crucial for maintaining a healthy social life and relieving stress. The day ends with a light dinner and some leisure reading, allowing me to relax and prepare for the next day.

My routine, while structured, allows flexibility to accommodate unforeseen circumstances. It’s a dynamic blueprint that guides my day, ensuring a balance between academics, personal growth, and social engagement. Ultimately, it’s about making the most out of my college life, preparing for the future, and enjoying the journey.

500 Words Essay on My Routine

Every individual has a unique routine that they follow to maintain a sense of order in their life. A well-structured routine can lead to increased productivity, better health, and an overall sense of well-being. As a college student, my routine is a blend of academics, extracurricular activities, and personal time, all of which contribute to my holistic development.

My day begins at 6:00 AM, a habit I have nurtured since my high school days. The early morning hours are a haven of tranquility, providing me with a perfect environment to start my day positively. I begin with a 30-minute meditation session, which helps me clear my mind and set my intentions for the day. Following this, I engage in a physical workout, alternating between cardio and strength training throughout the week. This not only keeps me physically fit but also mentally sharp.

Post breakfast, my academic schedule commences. I attend lectures, engage in group discussions, and participate in laboratory sessions. I believe that active participation in class enhances my understanding of the subject matter and fosters critical thinking. During breaks, I prefer to socialize with my peers, which acts as a stress reliever and helps me build strong relationships.

Afternoon and Evening Engagements

The afternoons are usually reserved for self-study and assignment completion. I prefer to tackle complex tasks during this time as my concentration levels are at their peak. The late afternoon sees me involved in extracurricular activities. As a member of the college debate team, I spend time researching and practicing for upcoming events. This not only improves my public speaking skills but also keeps me updated on current affairs.

Night Routine

Dinner is followed by some leisure time, which I spend reading books or watching documentaries. This helps me unwind from the day’s activities and stimulates my mind in different ways. Before retiring for the night, I plan for the next day, jotting down important tasks and setting goals. This practice ensures that I am well-prepared for the upcoming day and aids in time management.

In conclusion, my routine as a college student is a balanced mix of academics, physical activity, personal time, and social interactions. It is tailored to my needs and aspirations, ensuring that I am not only academically successful but also developing as an individual. A well-planned routine is a stepping stone towards achieving our goals and, while it requires discipline and consistency, the rewards it brings are well worth the effort.

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My Daily Routine Essay (965 Words)

June 1, 2018 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

Life is an adventure and we all should live it to the fullest. My life has changed pretty much since I joined college and the experience has been nothing but amazing.   

I get up by 6’o clock in the morning. Though I love sleeping and crashing on the bed for a sound sleep, I have to get up or else I get late for the college. Then I advance towards the rest room. I take my much needed shower, brush my teeth and change into a new pair of clothes. Believe me selecting clothes from a wardrobe is next to impossible.


  My college is Sri Guru Gobind Singh College of commerce and it is a distance of about 5 kms from my place. It takes me about 15-30 minutes to reach the place depending upon the traffic and the medium used to commute.

My college is accessible via bus, metro, car and even the gramin seva. I reach the college by 8:35 or 8:40. The guard at the entrance checks my admission slip which should be stamped by accounts section. And only then does he let anybody in.   

I enter the college gates and move to my classroom which is in the PG block. PG block is dedicated solely to the students of BBE and BMS. Our classroom is spacious and airy. It overlooks a big garden which keeps my mind fresh in boring lectures.

At around 8:45, my first lecture starts. Teachers are never on time in DU and they come by 9’o clock taking their own sweet time. After the attendance takes place, which has more of proxies than real attendance, the lecture actually starts. The lecture goes by in a spur of a second.   

  At 9:45, our second lecture commences. After attendance, she sets out to teach her subject. The class ends at 10:45. My next class is a bit far away and I have to cross my whole college to reach there.

That class is a shared class with students of different courses coming together to study the general elective subject they have opted for. I sit with another group of friends in this class. The chatting, giggling and bustling of the college never stops. It seems to go on and on forever.   

  After we are dispersed from the general elective class, I make my way towards beggar’s point for my break. Beggar’s point is a sort of square which has been named so because at all times somebody or the other is sitting on the floor there.

It is a lively place with people playing games and laughing heartily. I, with my group of friends go to the canteen to stuff our stomachs with food. Our canteen has also tied up with Cafe Coffee Day who have their kiosk as well in the college. After catching up with my friends and eating something, I move out to attend my fourth lecture.   

My last lecture is generally of English. I love that lecture because the teacher is good. I have also quite made some friends at college. I have also joined the Editorial Board of my college. After my lecture is over, I make my way over to home or I just go about roaming with my friends after the college ends.   

Having Breakfast

  Now-a-days I have just bagged an internship through Internshala. I have to write articles for my employer. This task keeps me busy. Along with studying for college and writing for the internship, I keep on looking for any opportunities I can get my hands on.

My mom then pushes me off to my aerobics classes which I am otherwise reluctant to go. In evening I go for a stroll with my friends and grab up something tasty to eat. Momos are my favourite and they are my absolute love. After I return back home, I have my dinner which is again absolutely mouthwatering.   

I live in a joint family. I love spending time with other members of my house. So generally after dinner, I go downstairs to sit with my grandparents to hear a story or two from their days. This part of my day is the most awaited part and I love being with my grandparents.

I sometimes feel that this exercise also helps them. It makes them feel that they are wanted. It satisfies them when they have someone to talk to. Old age makes people cranky but if we just joke around with our grandparents, they might be able to bear the brunt of the age in a better manner.   

After spending some time with them, I look for my aunt who lives just downstairs. She has two kids and my favourite one is the small kiddo. He is a calm and collected child. He is very observant for his age. He is just 5 and so adorable.

He loves me more than anything else and he just comes crashing into me whenever he sees me. I love him a lot. I spend time with him, playing with him and listening to his stories. I make small talk with my aunt and then I come back over to my mother. We sometimes play a game of ludo together. It is our favourite past time.   

  I study a bit after that and complete all my assignments which are pending. Then I just retire for the day in hopes of a beautiful tomorrow. I believe that life isn’t a bed of roses and we should work hard to achieve success in our life.

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Have you Burn Crackers this Diwali ? Yes No

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sleeping cat

Read the cat's plan for the day, then do the exercises and write a comment to practise writing in English.

  • Do the preparation activity to help you with words from the text.
  • Read the text then play the game to check your understanding.
  • You can also print the worksheets for more practice.
  • Remember to read our discussion question and leave a comment!


Cat eating

  • 7:00 – I have breakfast.
  • 9:00 – I watch television.
  • 12:30 – I have lunch.
  • 2:00 – I go to sleep on the sofa.
  • 5:00 – I play in the garden.
  • 6:30 – I have dinner.
  • 8:00 – I go for a walk.

Top tips for writing about your usual day!

  • Start each sentence with a capital I .
  • Use verbs to say what you do, for example go , have , eat or play .
  • Finish each sentence with a full stop.

What do you do every day? Tell us about your daily routine!

I have breakfast at Eight. I go to sleep at nine thirthy MissPotionPrincess

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I piay in the garden at eight. I have dinner at seven.

I have breakfast at six thirty. I go home at three.

I have breakfast at seven thirty. I have dinner at eight o'clock.

I have breakfast at seven. I go to sleep at ten.

I go for a wolk at one.

Hi I am Emma. At 6:30 AM I wake up. At 7:15 AM I am on the school bus. At noon I eat lunch. At 3:00PM I go home. At 6:00PM I eat dinner. At 7:30 or 7:45 PM I go upstairs to brush my teeth and do other things. Then at 8:00 I go to sleep. Bye! Everyone and Good night.

Hello I'm Cindy. At 6:45 AM I wake up.I go to school by motorbike. At noon I eat my lunch then I go to sleep. In the afternoon I go back to my house. In the Evening I eat dinner then I play games. At night I brush my teeth then I go to sleep. Bye bye🤭🤭😇😭🤬🥶😰😱🤧🤮

What do you do every day? Tell us about your daily routine! Hi the following is my daily routine. 05.30 AM: I wake up. 06.00 AM: I do an exercise. 07.00 AM: I cook my breakfast. 08.00 AM: I go to school. 12.00 PM: I have lunch. 05.00 PM: I go back home by school bus. 06.00 PM: I do my homework. 06.30 PM: I have dinner. 08.00 PM: I take a shower. 09.00 PM: I go to bed.

English courses for children aged 6-17

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My Daily Routine Paragraph in Simple Present Tense [2024]

My Daily Routine Paragraph in Simple Present Tense for Class 6 & 7 in English.


I am a student. I follow a routine in my daily life. My daily life is most ordinary. I usually get up from bed at 5:15 a.m. Then I wash my hands, and face and clean my teeth. I go out for a walk by the river-side and come back home after half an hour. Then I take my breakfast. After that, I sit down to my study and do my homework up to 9:30 a.m. After completing my morning studies I take bath, have lunch, and go to school. At school, I read and write with my classmates. I behave in a disciplined way and listen attentively to what the teachers say. At about 4 p.m. I come back home from school. After taking some tiffin I go to play with my friends. I play football in summer and cricket in winter. Of course, in winter days I do not get much time for afternoon play. At the end of the game, I come back home. Then I change my dress and sit down to study again in the evening. I read for a couple of hours. At about 9:30 p.m. I usually take my dinner with my parents and after dinner, I go to bed for the night by 10:00 p.m. This is my daily life. But on Sundays and holidays, of course, I cannot follow this daily routine.

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my daily routine essay for class 6


my daily routine essay for class 6

My Daily Routine

Everybody has a daily routine to follow. The same is also true for me. I am a student of class 5. Every day I get up early in the morning at around 5.30 a.m. I brush my teeth and wash my hands and face. After that I go to the nearest park with my father and do some physical exercises. When I come home, I take a bath and get ready for school. I have my breakfast and then go to school. I study in Arked Academy (write the name of your own school) . I am in class 5 now. My school is about fifteen minutes away from my home. I walk to school. My school starts from 8.30 a.m. in the morning and gets over at 2.30 p.m. in the afternoon. After I come back from school I have my lunch. Sometimes I take bath after coming back from school. After lunch I sleep for an hour. At 5 p.m. in the evening I go out to play with my friends. I come back home by 6 p.m. My mother gives me milk to drink. After that my private tutor comes to teach me at home and she leaves by 8.30 p.m. When she goes away I switch on the television to watch some cartoon shows. After watching TV for half an hour, I do my homework given by my private tutor. At 10 o'clock my mother serves supper. After which I play a little with my father. I miss my father the entire day. So he gives me company every day after dinner. Then at 11 o'clock I go to sleep. Sundays and holidays are spent differently. We all go places in the morning and return before lunch. I enjoy my disciplined daily routine very much. That way I don't miss out on anything.

my daily routine essay for class 6

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Write Ten Sentences Daily Routine in English

How to write ten sentences about your daily routine

Go, Play, Read, Eat Fly, Wake up, Sleep, Play Walk, Run, Jog, Buy Paint, Drink, Swim

Why d o we want to write our daily routine?

Look at the picture above and think about your daily activities for a minute, how to write ten sentences daily routine in english.

  • Think daily activates and present simple verbs!
  • You can write ten sentences  daily routine  in English  because of many reasons.  

Remember that all sentences have to be in the present simple. 

  • Writing a daily diary.
  • Write about your daily routine home work.
  • Writing a letter to a friend
  • Writing for family.
  • Describing your daily routine.
  • College daily routine.
  • School daily routine.
  • Work daily routine.
  • Daily routine on holidays.
  • Any daily routine.

Below you can find some examples, exercises and worksheets on how to write ten sentences daily routine in English:

Video 1 on your daily routine in English

Watch a short video on how to write ten sentences about your daily routine. Click Here

Firstly, let’s start by writing a short paragraph or essay as below:

My daily routine:

I get up early in the morning around 6am. First, I take a shower then I brush my teeth. After that, I eat my breakfast. Next I put my clothes on and catch the train to work. In addition, I always take my tea break at 10am then I finish work at 4pm. Finally, I get home at 5 in the evening and have dinner then go to bed.

Secondly, lets listen to the audio of daily routine:

Now its your turn:

Fill in the blanks exercises and worksheets:.

I get up early in the morning around 6am. First, I take a shower then I brush my teeth. After that, I eat my breakfast. Next, ————————————————————————————————————. In addition, I always take my tea break at 10am then I—————————————. Finally, I get home at 5 in the evening and have dinner then go to bed.

Now you write ten sentences:


Thirdly , copy and print or download my daily routine. Ten sentences daily routine exercises and worksheets. Just click below:

Ten Sentences Daily Routine Examples

Video 2 on daily routine with daily activity and examples:

Watch this video and try to remember what they are saying about their daily routine in English! Click here

The more videos you can wath the beter for your English practice conversations and daily routine activies.

Video 3 on my daily routine in English

Watch a short video on how to talk about your daily routine in English. Click here

You can start by writing your daily routine something like the short paragraph below:

My name is Adam. I always wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning then I wash my face and brush my teeth. After that,  I do some exercises then I put my clothes on and prepare my school bag. Next, I have my breakfast and wait for the school bus. At 8 o’clock I go to school and start my first class then I go to the second class. After that, I often take my lunch break and talk with my friends. At around 12 noon I go back home and take a rest. Next, I usually watch some TV and chat with my family then I do my homework and help my mother in the house. At  9 o’clock I read a book and go to sleep.

Now, let’s listen to the Audio of the above example:

Furthermore, you can download and print the below example if you like to have it offline.

Ten Sentences daily routine in English

Now it’s your turn:

My ————— routine:

My name is ———-. I always wake up at 7 o’clock in the morning then I wash my face and brush my teeth. After that,  I do ———————————————————. ——————————————————— Next, I have my breakfast and wait for the school bus. At 8 o’clock I——————————————————— I go to the second class. After that, I ———— take my lunch break and ——————————————-. At around 12 noon I go back home and take a rest. Next, I usually watch some TV and chat with my family then I do my homework and help my mother in the house. At  9 o’clock I read ——————————————————.

Write ten sentences daily routine in English about yourself.


More worksheets to download and print to use on paper below:

Also, when you write ten sentences daily routine in English keep in mind some of the following in case you are writing a short paragraph or essay. 

Conjunctions needed:

  • Then, next, after that
  • And, or, because, so
  • In, on, at, above, under
  • Always, usually, often
  • First, second, finally

Finally, It’s your turn now to start writing by yourself:

Practice writing by yourself:

Ten Sentences Daily Routine in English Work Sheets

In addition, try mote writing topics and short paragraphs: 

  • Are you working? Write ten sentences about your job in English. Read more
  • Do you go to school? Write ten sentences about your school in English. Read more 
  • Write ten sentences about yourself in English. Read more
  • What food do you like? Write ten sentences about your favorite food in English. Read more
  • Which country do you like? Write ten sentences about your favorite country. Read more
  • Read a short passage about people in English. Read more
  • Talk about your daily routine in English. Read more
  • Speak about your daily routine. Read more
  • Read a short passage about your daily routine. Read more

Furthermore, you can write your weekly or monthly routine in a similar way. Just use weeks or months instead of days.

For example, write a:

Daily journal or dairy

Weekly journal or dairy

Or monthly journal or dairy.

Another way to fast forward your writing is doing crossword puzzles, word puzzles and word search. For example, if you want to write ten sentences daily routine in English then focus on puzzles with daily and morning routines.

Free crosswords puzzles to increase your vocabulary

Enjoy learning English with word search and crossword puzzles. English practice made easy and fun

Free word search puzzles to improve your spelling

Write ten sentences daily routine in English

Next, you can increase your writing skills level by looking at other types of writings like

  • Free writing
  • Process writing
  • Independent writing
  • Technical writing
  • Narrative writing and many other types of writing

Like some examples, Take a look at a presentation on writing skills. Read more

Furthermore,  you can also take a look at some of the books below on how to  write ten sentences daily routine in English.

Recommended books

my daily routine essay for class 6

  • The more you write, the easier it gets.
  • It will make you a better writer.
  • People who write regularly get more ideas than people who don’t.
  • It helps build confidence in your writing skills.
  • If you want to make a living as a writer, writing every day will put you on the right track.

It teaches you how to write ten sentences daily routine in English and more

my daily routine essay for class 6

  • An easy-to-apply and use book to good writing, very simple and focuses on the important writing skills .
  • This book deals with problems in grammar, punctuation, usage, styles and many other issues related to writing.
  • Also, the book will not only teach you but also show you how to write in English

Finally, reading and practicing all of the above books and worksheets will definitely gets you to write ten sentences daily routine in English. Practice reading and writing frequently until you master it.

Now that you know how to write ten sentences about your daily routine then let’s talk about “how to talk about your daily routine in English?” Read more


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    Tell us about your daily routine! Hi the following is my daily routine. 05.30 AM: I wake up. 06.00 AM: I do an exercise. ... I wake up at 7:30 am I eat my breakfast at 8:00 am I do online class at 9:00am Online class finish at 12:30 pm I eat my lunch at 2:00 pm Sometimes I see english movie at 2:30 pm Sometimes I sleep at 2:30 pm and wake up at ...

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  23. Write Ten Sentences Daily Routine in English

    Firstly, let's start by writing a short paragraph or essay as below: My daily routine: I get up early in the morning around 6am. First, I take a shower then I brush my teeth. After that, I eat my breakfast. ... At 8 o'clock I go to school and start my first class then I go to the second class. After that, I often take my lunch break and ...