ignou mhd 07 solved assignment 2021 - 22

IGNOU MHD – 07 Solved Assignment (2021 – 22)


सत्रीय कार्य (सभी खंडों पर आधारित)

सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए।

(क) निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर 1000-1000 शब्दों में दीजिए।

1. संप्रेषण के सामाजिक परिप्रेक्ष्य को स्पष्ट करते हुए उसके बढ़ते चरणों पर प्रकाश डालिए।    15

उत्तर: उत्तर के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करे

2. भाषा के बारे में चॉमस्की के भाषा विचारों का विवेचन कीजिए।     15

3. हिंदी के स्वर और व्यंजन ध्वनियों का परिचय दीजिए।       15

4. मनोभाषा विज्ञान का परिचय देते हुए उससे होने वाले लाभों का उल्लेख कीजए।    15

(ख) निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर लगभग 500-500 शब्दों में दीजिए।

1. तुलनात्मक भाषा विज्ञान

2. रुपिम की संकल्पना

(ग) निम्नलिखित पर लगभग 250-250 शब्दों में टिप्पणी लिखिए:

1. क्रिया प्रधान वाक्य

2. अर्थ परिवर्तन

3. अनुवाद की प्रक्रिया

4. शैली विज्ञान

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MHD 07 Solved Assignment 2021-22

MHD 07 Solved Assignment 2021-22: MHD 07 Solved Assignment 2021-22 MHD 07 Assignment 2021-22 All IGNOU Assignment available at our website. IGNOU University always being in picture due to its IGNOU Assignment Date Extended. In this post Student will Get  MHD 07 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Easily.

एम . एच . डी .-07

हिन्दी भाषा और भाषाविज्ञान

सत्रीय कार्य

( समी खंडों पर आधारित )

पाठ्यक्रम कोड : एम . एच . डी .-1

सत्रीय कार्य कोड : एम . एच . डी .-1/ टी . एम . ए ./2001-2020

कुल अंक : 100

सभी प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए।

( क ) निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर 1000-1000 शब्दों में दीजिए।

1. संप्रेषण के सामाजिक परिप्रेक्ष्य को स्पष्ट करते हुए उसके बढ़ते चरणों पर प्रकाश डालिए।

2. भाषा के बारे में चॉमस्की के भाषा विचारों का विवेचन कीजिए।

3. हिंदी के स्वर और व्यंजन ध्वनियों का परिचय दीजिए।

4. मनोभाषा विज्ञान का परिचय देते हुए उससे होने वाले लाभों का उल्लेख कीजए।

( ख ) निम्नलिखित प्रश्नों के उत्तर लगभग 500-500 शब्दों में दीजिए।

1. तुलनात्मक भाषा विज्ञान

2. रुपिम की संकल्पना

( ग ) निम्नलिखित पर लगभग 250-250 शब्दों में टिप्पणी लिखिए :

1. क्रिया प्रधान वाक्य

2. अर्थ परिवर्तन

3. अनुवाद की प्रक्रिया

4. शैली विज्ञान

MHD 07 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2021-22  : MHD 07 SOLVED Assignment 2021-22, MHD 07 Assignment 2021-22, MHD 07 Assignment, IGNOU Assignments 2021-22- Gandhi National Open University had recently uploaded the assignments of the present session for Programme for the year 2021-22. Students are recommended to download their Assignments from this webpage itself. They don’t got to go anywhere else when everything regarding the Assignments are available during this article only.

MHD 07 Solved Assignment 2021-22

MHD 07 Solved Assignment 2021-22:  FREE IGNOU Assignment You can Get All students of university who needs to submit assignments should download old assignments of the respective course of 2021 available above and submit at the concerned study center. The last dates will be 30th April and 30th October of every year until their registration is valid. New assignments will not be available any more for students as course was revised.

Where can I find Ignou solved assignment?

If you didn't get an Assignment Question yet then you can download it from the IGNOU Assignments section page. Just collect questions and start writing your assignment with the available solutions. IGNOU is very strict about checking of assignments submitted by students to IGNOU Study Centre.

How can we submit Ignou assignment?

Now students have to submit their assignments online to Madhyam before the scheduled date. You can submit your annual assignment through the online link. Through the online submission links issued by the university, you can submit your assignment from home.

How can I submit Ignou assignment online 2021?

The email must carry the following details of the sender:

·         1.     Name of the learner:

·         2.     Enrollment number:

·         3.     Regional Centre Code:

·         4.     Study Centre Code:

·         5.     Programme Code:

·         6.     Course Code(s) of attached assignments:

·         7.     Mobile number:

·         8.     Email ID:

How can I get first page of Ignou assignment?

The first page must include the following information.

·         1.     Name.

·         2.     Roll number.

·         3.     Address.

·         4.     Assignment number.

·         5.     Name of the course.

·         6.     Study Centre.

·         7.     Programme.

Date of submission.

You also directly download IGNOU Assignment Question Paper from –  Follow the advice and Guidelines by IGNOU University , For checking Guidelines you can see your question paper clearly, after seeing the question paper candidate still have any query related with IGNOU Solved Assignment , they can ask to their teacher if Students want any information they also can contact us. We will provide all IGNOU Help – 8130208920 (From 10:00AM to 7:00PM)

IGNOU Assignment Status 2021-22

MHD 07 Solved Assignment 2021-22 :  Those students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to their allocated study centres can now check their Assignment Status. Alongside assignment status, they will also checkout their assignment marks & result. All this is often available in a web mode. After submitting the assignment, you'll check you IGNOU Assignment Status only after 3-4 weeks. it'd take 40 days to declare.

Those students who had successfully submitted their Assignments to their allocated study centres can now check their Assignment Status. Along with assignment status, they can also checkout their assignment marks & result. All this is available in an online mode. After submitting the assignment, you can check you IGNOU Assignment Status only after 3-4 weeks. It might take 40 days to declare.

Here the students can check their IGNOU Assignment Status, marks, result or both the sessions i.e; June & December. Once the TEE assignments have been submitted to the Centres, it is send to the evaluation department. After which the evaluation of IGNOU Assignment Solutions takes place.

Here the scholars can check their IGNOU Assignment Status 2020, marks, result or both the sessions i.e; June & December.

MHD 07 Solved Assignment 2021-22 Once the TEE assignments are submitted to the Centres, it's send to the evaluation department. After which the evaluation of IGNOU Assignment Solutions takes place.

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Solved IGNOU Assignments

MHD-07: Bhasha Vigyan aur Hindi Bhasha Solved Assignment

₹ 150.00 ₹ 64.00


Additional information.

IGNOU MHD 7 solved assignment 2021-22 (Bhasha Vigyan aur Hindi Bhasha) is valid for two admission cycles (July 2021 and January 2022). MHD-07 is a 2nd year course of IGNOU MA Hindi programme.

  • The assignment is valid up to March 2022 for July 2021 session.
  • The assignment is valid up to September 2022 for January 2022 session.

In case, the students are planning to appear in December Term-End Examination of MA Hindi, then they must submit the IGNOU  solved assignment to the Programme Coordinator at Study Centre latest by 30th September and if they are planning to appear in June TEE, then they must submit assignments latest by 31st March .

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mhd 7 solved assignment 2021 22

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The Advantages of studying IGNOU Solved Assignments are given below:

  • Easy Accessibility: IGNOU solved assignments are easily accessible online, which means students can access them anytime and anywhere.
  • Comprehensive Solutions: The solved assignments provide comprehensive answers to the questions asked in the assignments, which makes it easier for students to understand and study the topics.
  • Cost-Effective: The solved assignments are available at a very economical rate, which makes them a great option for those who are on a budget.
  • Reference Material: The solved assignments can be used as reference material for further study, as they provide detailed answers to the questions asked.
  • Time-Saving: The solved assignments save a lot of time for students as they do not need to spend time researching and writing the answers themselves.

Can I score good marks by getting solved assignments?

Yes, you can get good marks by getting the Solved Assignment as it contains the answers to the questions asked in the assignment and will help you to understand the concepts better and score better.

Read more: How to Make IGNOU Solved Assignment? 


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MHD 07 Solved Assignment 2021-22

MHD 07 Solved Assignment 2021-22 , MHD 07 Solved Assignment 2022 , MHD 07 Assignment 2022 , FREE MHD 07 Assignment , IGNOU Assignments 2021-22- Gandhi National Open University had recently uploaded the assignments of this session for MA IN HINDI  for the year 2021-22. Students are recommended to download their Assignments from this webpage itself. They don’t need to go anywhere else when everything regarding the Assignments are available during this text only.

Before you attempt the assignments, please examine the commands carefully furnished within the Programme Guide. It is essential which you write the solutions to all the TMA questions in your very own phrases. Your answers must be in the approximate variety of the word-restrict set for a selected section. Remember, writing answers to task questions will improve your writing skills and put together you for the time period-stop exam.

MHD 07 Solved Assignment 2021-22 : for college kids – MHD 07 Solved Assignment 2021-22 , Students are advised that after successfully downloading their Assignments, you’ll find each and every course assignments of your downloaded. Candidates got to create separate assignment for the IGNOU Master Course, so as that it’s easy for Evaluators to ascertain your assignments.

  • 1.1 GUIDELINES FOR MHD 07 Solved Assignment:-
  • 1.2 Please ensure the following before submitting your assignment :
  • 1.3 Related

Following commands are to be cautiously followed earlier than writing the assignments:

1. Use A4 size ruled paper for your response and tie all of the pages cautiously. Allow a four cm margin on the left and leave a few space between each answer. This will facilitate the evaluator to put in writing beneficial remarks in the margin at appropriate places.

2. Answers ought to be for your personal handwriting. Do not print or type the solutions. Do now not reproduction your answers from the study material sent to you via the University or from different freshmen. If you copy, you may get zero marks for the respective question.

3. You want to attach a duplicate of the TMA with the finished assignment earlier than submitting it.

MHD 07 2021-22 Question Paper —CLICK HERE!

4. In case you have requested for a exchange of Study Centre, you need to publish your Tutor Marked Assignments best to the authentic Study Centre until the trade of Study Centre is notified via the University.

5. If you discover that there may be any authentic error in assessment of your assignments, e.G., any part of mission response has no longer been evaluated or overall of rating recorded on mission response is inaccurate, you should technique the coordinator of your examine middle for correction and transmission of accurate rating to headquarters.

GUIDELINES FOR MHD 07 Solved Assignment:-

You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind:

1) Planning: Read the assignments carefully, go through the Units on which they are based. Make some points regarding each question and then rearrange them in a logical order. 2) Organisation: Be a little selective and analytic before drawing up a rough outline of your answer. Give adequate attention to your introduction and conclusion. Make sure that your answer: a) is logical and coherent; b) has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs, and c) is written correctly giving adequate consideration to your expression, style and presentation. 3) Presentation: Once you are satisfied with your answer, you can write down the final version for submission, writing each answer neatly and underlining the points you wish to emphasize. Make sure that the answer is within the stipulated word limit.

Please ensure the following before submitting your assignment :

1. Your enrolment number, name and address have been written correctly. 2. The title of the course and assignment number has been written clearly. 3. Each assignment on each course has been written on separate sheets and pinned properly. 4. All the questions in a particular section should be answered before attempting the next section.

IGNOU TEE Exam Date Sheet for June 2021

MHD 07 Solved Assignment 2021-22 You don’t need to worry & go anywhere else on the online as everything regarding the   MA IN HINDI Assignments are available on this page. Students can easily download the IGNOU Assignments and submit them whenever they’re required to submit their assignments no matter their study centers. If you’re finding out the IGNOU MA IN HINDI Solved Assignment for 2021-22 Session then finally you’re at the right place. IGNOU MA IN HINDI Solved Assignments for 2021-22 are now available for download. you’ll easily get the PDF files by clicking the download button against the particular subject that you simply simply wish to choose .

MHD 07 Solved Assignment , you’ll download the MA IN HINDI IGNOU assignments for courses , After submitting the assignment at the Study Centre / Programme Study Centre get the acknowledgement from the Coordinator / Programme In-charge. In case you have requested for a change of Study Centre, you should submit your Tutor Marked Assignments only to the original Study Centre until the change of Study Centre is notified by the University.

IGNOU MCOM Solved Assignment 2020-21 MEG 01 Solved Assignment 2021-22 MPC 001 Solved Assignment 2021-22 MPCE 011 Solved Assignment 2021-22 MJM 021 Solved Assignment 2021-22 BANS 183 Solved Assignment 2021-22 EM BPCS 186 Solved Assignment 2021-22 EM BHIE 145 Solved Assignment 2021-22 In English Medium BPAC 134 Solved Assignment 2021-22 In English Medium BHDLA 136 Solved Assignment 2021-22 BHDLA 137 Solved Assignment 2021-22 BHDLA 138 Solved Assignment 2021-22 BEGLA 138 Solved Assignment 2021-22 BSKLA 135 Solved Assignment 2021-22 BUDLA 135 Solved Assignment 2021-22 BODLA 135 Solved Assignment 2021-22

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IGNOU MHD 7 Solved Assignment 2022 in PDF Hindi Medium

₹ 25.

: Books & Assignments

IGNOU MHD 7 Solved Assignment 2022 in PDF Hindi Medium

Ad ID: 11877

Added: November 3, 2021

Sale Price: ₹ 25

Location: India



IGNOU MHD 7 Solved Assignment 2022 in PDF Hindi Medium IGNOU Handwritten Solved Assignment File For all subjects 2022

We provide all handwritten Ignou assignments for students help and it can make easy and problem solving for all of students who have enrolled in Ignou open University. IGNOU handwritten solved assignments will be available to you in both English and Hindi. If you are not interested in making the assignment, then we are here to help you that you can order a ready-made Ignou handwritten solved assignment on just a call/Whatsapp – 9643289714 Place order from below links for PDF File- https://www.pkkapri.com/product-category/ignou-solved-assignment?count=36&paged= You can order a complete handwritten assignment file. It’s prepared by a TMA specialist. Our specialists have completed full question answers in well handwriting with neat and Clean Words. These Assignments Along with all the necessary things such as cover page and proper binding. • We follow Board/University guidelines. • We write your assignment answer according to question. • All the Assignments are written in A4 Size Page. • Good quality one way line page. • We mostly use Black & Blue pens. • Best Assignment answers. • Our amanuensis Made Assignment for scoring maximum marks. • It takes 1 days for writing Per Subject Assignment • Assignment writing will start After Your order. • During Courier/post our courier partner will send you tracking Number. • Through tracking No. You can track your order.

Ignou solved Assignment 2021-22 for Bachelor & Master Degree All subjects Get Ignou solved Assignment for BA, B.com, MA, M.com. We provide complete Ignou TMA answer (E-copy). Here available all subjects of TMA (tutor marked assignment) answer in Hindi or English Medium. If students Need Ignou handwritten solved assignment file. Contact us -9643289714 Web: https://www.pkkapri.com/ Ignou solved Assignment 2021-22 for Bachelor & Master Degree All subjects .The students pursuing their BA, B.com, MA and M.com educations from the open University have to submit their IGNOU assignments before the last date as mentioned in the schedule provided by IGNOU. The students must submit the IGNOU assignments before the last date or their assignments will be marked absent which is not acceptable. We ensure you that the answer quality would be the best and you will get up to 90% to 100% marks in the assignments purchased from us. We have an expert on every subject working with us. The subject matter experts are highly qualified and deliver their best for you over and over again. Please have a look at the price list mentioned below and send us a reply on this e-mail or Whatsapp to let us know which assignment you want from us – Download from – https://www.pkkapri.com/product-category/ignou-solved-assignment?count=36&paged= . Why You Should Take IGNOU Handwritten Solved Assignments: • If you are a working person & you have No Proper time to Write Assignment. • If you are house wife and you have no enough time • If you are Pursuing More then one course. • Or If you are in emergency cases And an unable to write Assignment.

This assignment is ready to use assignment for every student. We will provide you with all Question of assignment fully solved. This assignment is personalized and customized just for you. This assignment is done by our experienced teacher on your behalf. Please note that you have to pay us in advance. All payment should be made in INR. As soon as we receive your payment, we will send your Assignment answer within 5 minutes only by whatsapp or email. Last date of IGNOU Assignment File Submission? Last date of Assignment is 31st March FOR MAY /JUNE exam and 3O SEPTEMMBER for November/December exam. Working Location: Andhra Pradesh| Arunachal Pradesh| Assam| Bihar| Chhattisgarh| Goa| Gujarat| Haryana| Himachal Pradesh| Jharkhand| Karnataka| Kerala| Madhya Pradesh| Maharashtra| Manipur| Meghalaya| Mizoram| Nagaland| Odisha| Punjab| Rajasthan| Sikkim| Tamil Nadu| Telangana| Tripura| Uttar Pradesh| Uttarakhand| West Bengal | Andaman and Nicobar Island | Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu| Ladakh| Lakshadweep| Puducherry |Delhi

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by Team Guffo · Published 2022 · Updated 2023


Which assignments do you have to submit to appear for the June 2022 exam?

Assignment 2021-22 (Last date 30 April 2022)

Which assignments do you have to submit to appear for the December 2022 exam?

Assignment 2021-22 (last  date 30 October 2022)

Q. IGNOU MHD-07  SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2021-22 कब तक जमा करना है ?

जूलाई 2021 में एडमिशन लेने वालों को 3O APRIL 2022  तक।

JAN 2022 में एडमिशन लेने वालों को 3O OCTOBER 2022  तक।

Q. IGNOU MHD के EXAM कब होगें।

JULY 2021 में एडमिशन लेेने वालो के  JUNE 2022 में ।

JAN 2022 में एडमिशन लेेने वालो के  DEC 2022 में ।

Q. IGNOU MHD की DATE SHEET कब आयेगी।

JULY 2021 में एडमिशन लेेने वालो के MARCH 2022 में ।

JAN 2022 में एडमिशन लेेने वालो के SEP 2022 में ।


JULY 2021 में एडमिशन लेेने वालो के MAY 2022 के अंतिम हफ्ते में . 

JAN 2022 में एडमिशन लेेने वालो के OCT 2022 के अंतिम हफ्ते में . 

Q. IGNOU MHD का रिजल्ट कब आयेगा।

JULY 2021 में एडमिशन लेेने वालो का  AUGEST  2022 के पहले हफ्ते में.

JAN 2022 में एडमिशन लेेने वालो का  FEB 2023 के पहले हफ्ते में.



IGNOU uses 10-Point Grading System for evaluating learners’ achievement for Bachelor Degree Programmes under CBCS, as under:

GRADE                            Numerical        Percentage


O (Outstanding)           10                        > 85 (85 से ऊपर नम्बर) A+ (Excellent)                  9                   > 75 to < 85(75 से 85 के बीच नम्बर) A (Very Good)                  8                   > 65 to < 75(65 से 75 के बीच नम्बर) B+ (Good)                         7                   > 55 to < 65(55 से 65 के बीच नम्बर) B (Above Average)         6                   > 50 to < 55(50 से 55 के बीच नम्बर) C (Average)                       5                   > 40 to < 50(40 से 50 के बीच नम्बर) D (Pass)                              4                   > 35 to < 40(35 से 40 के बीच नम्बर) F (Fail)                                 0                         < 35(35 से नीचे नम्बर) Ab (Absent)                       0                         Absent(उपस्थित नही)


8 OUT OF 25,

18 OUT OF 50,

25 OUT OF 70,

35 OUT OF 100


40 OUT OF 100

20 OUT OF 50

10 OUT OF 25

30 OUT OF 70





Tags: 2022-23 Academic Success Assignment Solution Distance Education Education ignou IGNOU Help IGNOU MHD-07 IGNOU MHD-07 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2021-22 IGNOU MHD-07 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2022 ignou question paper IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENT IGNOU STUDY MATERIAL MHD-07 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT MHD-07 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT 2021-22 Online Learning SOLVED ASSIGNMENT Student Support

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Coroner offers new details about fatal slaying of 4 U of Idaho students after preliminary autopsies

The local coroner is offering more details about the brutal slaying of four college students in Moscow, Idaho, early Nov. 13.

The autopsies for Madison Mogen, 21, Kaylee Goncalves, 21, Xana Kernodle, 20, and Ethan Chapin, 20, were completed Nov. 16, Latah County Coroner Cathy Mabbutt said.

In an interview with NBC News Nov. 17, Mabbutt said the autopsy gave a clearer picture of what time the four were killed, their “extensive” wounds, and what the murder weapon was.

"It would have been early in the morning, sometime after 2 a.m., but still during the night," Mabbutt said, adding that there wasn't a medical way to determine who was attacked first, but investigators are "trying to put timelines together with other text messages and other technology."

She said that the murder weapon "would have been a bigger knife" to be consistent with their "pretty extensive" wounds.

(Left) Ethan Chapin, 20, and Xana Kernodle, 20. (Right) Kaylee Goncalves and Madison Mogen, both 21.

Mabbutt said that the victims showed "little bit of bruising" but "nothing significant." She added that some bruising "wouldn't be uncommon during a stabbing."

Mabbutt couldn't say how many times each victim was stabbed but said it was safe to say each of them had multiple wounds. She declined to say where on the body they were stabbed and later clarified that the victims were stabbed in different places and a different amount of times.

Mabbutt said it was likely the four had bled out in the home.

She said DNA samples have been taken from the scene and are being processed. When pressed, she said it was "possible" that some of the DNA being tested may not be of the four victims.

"There were nail clippings that were taken, and other ones that are being sent off, and so that will be processed," she said.

They are awaiting final autopsy results, which will not be available for another four to six weeks, pending toxicology. Mabbutt said in this case, the toxicology reports likely wouldn't be important to the investigation.

She added that the autopsies were completed by Spokane Medical Examiners Office — located in Spokane, Washington, about 90 minutes northwest of Moscow — but she responded to the scene a few hours after police were called.

"It’s pretty traumatic when there’s four dead college students ... who’ve been stabbed to death in one location," she said, adding that there was “quite a bit” of blood at the scene.

"I’ve been coroner for 16 years... we have had multiple (victim) murders in the past, but nothing, nothing like this," she said.

Police said that they did not have any suspects and were still looking for whoever was responsible for the deaths of the four friends.

“We cannot say that there is no threat to the community,” Moscow Police Chief James Fry said at a press conference on Nov. 16. “There is a threat out there, possibly.”

“We do not have a suspect at this time, and that individual is still out there,” he added. “We cannot say there is no threat to the community.”

Fry said that two additional roommates had been home at the time of the killings but they were not considered witnesses and are actively cooperating with the investigation. He said the 911 call came in at noon on Sunday morning — hours after authorities believe the four were killed.

The morning of Nov. 17, Latah County Prosecuting Attorney Bill Thompson told TODAY that it "certainly is possible" there could be more than one suspect in the case.

“The fact of the matter is whoever’s responsible for these murders is still at large,” he said. “The investigators do not know who that person is.”

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Sam Kubota is a senior digital editor and journalist for TODAY Digital based in Los Angeles. She joined NBC News in 2019.

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The latest on the Idaho student killings investigation

By Aditi Sangal , Adrienne Vogt , Matt Meyer and Melissa Macaya, CNN

We've wrapped up our live coverage for the day. You can read more about the case here , or scroll through the updates below.

Authorities identified the suspect with the help of genetic genealogy, source says

From CNN’s Jean Casarez

The suspect in the murders of four University of Idaho students was identified with the help of genetic genealogy, a source with knowledge of the case tells CNN.

Unknown DNA found in Idaho during the course of the investigation was taken through a DNA public database to find potential matches for family members, the source said. Once potential family matches were found, subsequent investigative work by law enforcement led to the identification of suspect Bryan Kohberger, according to the source.

What we learned today in the Idaho students murder case — and what we still don't know

From CNN staff

Friday brought the most significant news yet in the closely-watched case of four college students who were killed in Moscow, Idaho, in November.

While authorities have now arrested a suspect, many key questions about the events surrounding the killings remain unanswered.

What we learned today:

  • A suspect in the killings is now in custody: The man arrested is Bryan Christopher Kohberger, 28, according to a criminal complaint. He was taken into custody Friday in Monroe County, Pennsylvania, the document states.
  • The evidence used by investigators: Authorities narrowed their focus to Kohberger after tracing his ownership of a  white Hyundai Elantra  seen in the area of the killings, according to two law enforcement sources. They also said his DNA was matched to genetic material recovered at the off-campus house where the students were stabbed to death. Investigators traced the DNA with the help of genetic genealogy, a source with knowledge of the case told CNN.
  • Kohberger was a graduate student at a nearby school: The suspect does not attend the same college as the victims, but just finished his first semester in a PhD program for Washington State University’s Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology, the school confirmed.
  • What's next for the suspect: Records show Kohberger was arraigned Friday morning in Pennsylvania and has a court hearing on extradition to Idaho on Jan. 3. He could also waive extradition and return voluntarily. Once he is in Idaho, he is expected to make an initial appearance before a magistrate and further hearings will be scheduled.
  • Investigators still need help: “This is not the end of this investigation. In fact, this is a new beginning,” Latah County Prosecutor Bill Thompson said during tonight's news conference. Authorities urged anyone with information about the named suspect to come forward and help them fill in the events surrounding the killings.

What we still don't know:

  • The suspect's potential motive or connection to the victims : Moscow Police Chief James Fry said the suspect's motive in the attack is still part of the investigation and would not publicly say whether the suspect knew the victims.
  • The weapon used in the attack: Authorities have previously said an “edged weapon such as a knife” was used in the killings, but no murder weapon has been found, Fry said Friday.
  • Whether a specific tip led to the arrest: The police chief thanked residents for the overwhelming number of tips that poured in for the case, but did not specify when asked whether a specific piece of information led to Friday's arrest.
  • How the attack played out: While police have previously outlined limited details about the killings , including that the victims had likely been sleeping and that two additional roommates were unharmed, investigators went no further Friday to establish the narrative of that night's events.

More context: State law limits what information authorities can release before Kohberger makes an initial appearance in Idaho court, Fry told reporters, and that could have to do with the lack of further details. The police chief thanked the public for its patience and acknowledged frustrations with the pace of updates on the case.

School confirms that Idaho killings suspect is a PhD student at Washington State University

Washington State University confirmed that the suspect in the case of four murdered Idaho college students , Bryan Kohberger, attends the school as a graduate student.

In a statement released Friday, a school spokesperson said Kohberger completed his first semester as a PhD student in the school's criminal justice program earlier this month.

University officials also confirmed that the college's police department helped Idaho law enforcement search Kohberger's apartment and office, which are both located on the school's Pullman campus.

CNN had previously reported Kohberger's attendance based on a since-removed school directory.

“On behalf of the WSU Pullman community, I want to offer my sincere thanks to all of the law enforcement agencies that have been working tirelessly to solve this crime,” said Elizabeth Chilton, chancellor of the WSU Pullman campus, in the statement. “This horrific act has shaken everyone in the Palouse region.”

“We also want to extend our deepest sympathies to the families, friends, and Vandal colleagues who were impacted by these murders,” Chilton said. “We will long feel the loss of these young people in the Moscow-Pullman community and hope the announcement today will be a step toward healing.”

Cleanup at the house where Idaho students were killed has been halted by a legal request

From CNN's Elizabeth Joseph

A view from the back of the house where police found four University of Idaho students stabbed to death on November 13.

A court request has halted the cleanup process at the home where four college students were killed last month, the Moscow, Idaho, police chief said Friday.

On Thursday, Moscow police said a private company would begin "remediation activities" the next morning, and that the 1122 King Street residence would remain an active crime scene under police authority.

But “the house cleanup has been halted, and that came by a legal request from the court,” chief James Fry told reporters Friday. 

Remediation activities include removing potential biohazards and other harmful substances used to collect evidence, Moscow police explained in a news release earlier this week.

"There is no timeline for completion, but the property will be returned to the property management company when finished,” the department said at the time.

Fry did not offer further details about why the cleanup has been halted.

Here's what comes next for the suspect, according to officials 

Bryan Kohberger, the suspect arrested Friday in connection with the Idaho student killings, had an initial appearance in front of a judge in Pennsylvania and is being held without bond, Latah County Prosecutor Bill Thompson said during tonight's news conference.

“And the warrant from our magistrate judge here also provides for no bond. We understand that he’s scheduled to be back in court in Pennsylvania next Tuesday afternoon and that a public defender has been appointed for him there,” Thompson said.

Once Kohberger is in Idaho, he is expected to make an initial appearance before a magistrate and further hearings will be scheduled.

“This is not the end of this investigation. In fact, this is a new beginning,” Thompson said.

Because Kohberger was arrested in Pennsylvania, he has the opportunity either waive extradition and return to Idaho voluntarily. If he chooses not to return voluntarily, Moscow police will initiate extradition proceedings through the governor’s office, Moscow Police Department Chief James Fry said during the news conference.

“If we do that, it can take a while for him to get here,” he said.

Records show Kohberger was arraigned Friday morning in Pennsylvania and he has a court hearing on extradition Jan. 3.

Moscow resident reacts with relief to arrest in Idaho student murders case

From CNN’s Veronica Miracle

Moscow, Idaho, resident Erin Staheli became emotional while expressing her relief at the news of an arrest in the stabbing deaths of four University of Idaho students.

“It's just been very scary not knowing who's out there,” Staheli told CNN, noting the fear that has permeated the Moscow community for weeks. “I had doubts that the killer would be caught because it's been so long, you know.”

Staheli praised the work of the police agencies and FBI for the arrest.

“I knew that they would, but it's just taking so long and I'm so happy for their families and everybody that's been worried that all the students, everybody that may not have come back to school,” she said.

Police chief says investigators are still searching for a murder weapon and doesn’t share potential motive

Moscow, Idaho, Police Chief James Fry said that investigators are still actively searching for pieces of evidence in the case, including the weapon used to kill the four college students.

Fry also said the suspect's motive in the attack is still part of the investigation and would not publicly say whether suspect Bryan Kohberger knew the victims.

"That's part of the investigation as well; it won't be something that will come out at this point in time," Fry said. "But as we continue the investigation, and as this case goes to trial, that will be brought forth."

The police chief also did not specify whether a specific tip led to Friday's arrest, which occurred in Albrightsville, Pennsylvania.

“All I know is that he lives in in Pennsylvania,” Fry told a reporter when asked about Kohberger’s connection to Pennsylvania. He declined to provide any other detail.

State law limits what information authorities can release before Kohberger makes an initial appearance in Idaho court, Fry told reporters.

University of Idaho president says school will carry on legacy of students who were killed

University of Idaho President Scott Green speaks at the news conference for the case of four murdered University of Idaho students in Moscow, Idaho on Friday.

University of Idaho President Scott Green said he was thankful for both local and national support for the investigation into four slain students.

"While we cannot bring back Maddie, Kaylee and Xana and Ethan, we could carry their legacy in the work that we do. Our students come first and that was proven each and every day of this investigation," he said.

Green expressed gratitude for law enforcement in providing security to the school.

"We never lost faith that this case could be solved and are grateful for the hard work of the Moscow Police Department and their law enforcement partners," he said.

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University of Idaho student killings one year later: Motive keeps mystery alive

The slayings of four University of Idaho students one year ago stunned the bucolic college town of Moscow, bedeviled its small police force and — because of the nature of the crime and weeks without a named suspect — spawned countless conspiracies from social media sleuths fixated with finding the killer.

The mystery of who fatally stabbed housemates Kaylee Goncalves, Madison Mogen and Xana Kernodle and Kernodle's boyfriend, Ethan Chapin, was apparently solved nearly seven weeks later with the arrest of a suspect .

But for some sleuths, even as suspect Bryan Kohberger awaits trial on four counts of first-degree murder , the conversation hasn't stopped.

"There is still so much we don't know," said Deb Aldrich-Bailey, who lives in Ohio and was drawn to the case because she has children in college. "Four innocent college kids just living their best lives were murdered, and for what? It's the brutality and the shock of it that makes you want to figure out why."

And so, Aldrich-Bailey logs on daily to the largest Facebook group devoted to the case, with more than 227,700 members. Theories over a motive are also dissected on popular Reddit pages and TikTok accounts where the hashtag #IdahoMurderMystery has more than 207.2 million views.

The "University of Idaho murders" Facebook group is one of nearly a dozen "true crime pages" run by administrators Alina Smith and Kristine Cameron — the others include the disappearance and death of travel vlogger Gabby Petito in 2021 and British girl Madeleine McCann , who went missing in 2007 — but it is by far their most popular. At its height, the group saw 32,000 posts in January, after police arrested Kohberger.

Bryan Kohberger

Even now, Smith said, there are about 2,000 people waiting to be accepted into the private group.

"Kristine didn't want to do a page at first. She thought, this is a college party gone wrong. Maybe somebody got pissed," Smith, of Dallas, said. "But I said, 'No way. There's going to be so much more to this.'"

Her instincts were right. And in those initial weeks before a suspect was apprehended, the group's members dug into the details from police statements, news reports and the social media pages of the victims.

Given how large the group had grown, Smith said, people within the Moscow community began sharing insights with her as well, prompting her to forward information to the FBI's tip line.

"Do we want to solve the case? That's everybody's dream," Smith said. "But our intention was to open up a platform for people to discuss."

And the questions, she added, have only grown.

A 'very complex' case

In the early morning of Nov. 13, 2022 , from 4 a.m. to 4:25 a.m., investigators say the four victims — Goncalves and Mogen, both 21, and Kernodle and Chapin, both 20 — were killed.

The three female students lived in a three-story apartment house off campus with two other female roommates, one of whose cellphones was used to call 911 just before noon on Nov. 13 requesting assistance for an "unconscious person." Authorities at the scene said they discovered the four victims stabbed multiple times with an "edged weapon," believed to be a large knife. No weapon was immediately found, and the other two roommates were unharmed.

Initially, Moscow police said they did not believe there was an imminent danger to the community, although those at the University of Idaho, where about 11,500 students are enrolled, expressed fear and frustration in a town that hadn't seen a homicide — much less four — in several years.

Moscow police then had to  walk back  comments that there was no threat to the largely rural city of almost 26,000 residents.

"We do not have a suspect at this time, and that individual is still out there," Moscow Police Chief James Fry said at a news conference.

Information from police came in spurts, including that the victims were  most likely asleep  when they were slain, and some of them had defensive wounds. There was also no sign of sexual assault.

Fry described the investigation as a "very complex and extensive case," made more complicated because the crime scene was a house where friends would throw parties and people would routinely come and go, theoretically leaving DNA everywhere . Police conducted more than 300 interviews and received 19,000 tips.

The announcement in early December that a car , a white Hyundai Elantra with unknown license plates, may be linked to the scene only ramped up the online conversations among amateur detectives determined to piece together the puzzle.

Then, on Dec. 30, police said they had made an arrest. Kohberger, who turns 29 next week, was a doctoral student at Washington State University at the time of the killings, but was apprehended at his family's home in northeastern Pennsylvania.

According to an affidavit, Kohberger was linked to the scene through  male DNA discovered on a knife sheath  left at the apartment house. The sheath was found facedown on a bed next to the bodies of Mogen and Goncalves, and partially under Mogen's body and a comforter, investigators said.

Genetic genealogy was used to build a profile for a familial source for the DNA, and that eventually led investigators to Kohberger. Police said they also collected garbage from outside the Kohberger family's home in Pennsylvania and determined that DNA from the trash was a high-probability match for the father of the person whose DNA was found on the knife sheath in Moscow. Then, following Kohberger's arrest, police said they took a cheek swab from him that confirmed a statistical match.

In addition, investigators said, they tracked Kohberger in the area of the apartment house through his cellphone use and surveillance that picked up a Hyundai Elantra that they believed he was driving.

More coverage of the Idaho slayings

  • Idaho college student killings: A summary and timeline
  • University of Idaho temporarily halts demolition of home where 4 students were killed
  • Traumatic shock : A surviving roommate of the Idaho slain students said she saw killer, according to affidavit
  • Kohberger's attorney alleges there is 'no connection' between him and Idaho student victims

A judge in May entered a not guilty plea on Kohberger's behalf on the four counts of murder and burglary. His defense attorneys have said they plan to corroborate that he was not at the home where the murders took place through expert witness testimony, but gave a curious response in an alibi-related court filing in August that "he has long had a habit of going for drives alone. Often he would go for drives at night. He did so late on November 12 and into November 13, 2022."

A trial that was expected to begin in October has been delayed without a new date as the prosecution expects to seek the death penalty , Kohberger's defense attempts to have the case thrown out and both sides argue over DNA evidence.

Kohberger has not spoken publicly, and a gag order issued in January bars lawyers, police and other officials from making statements in the case. Shortly after his arrest, Kohberger's family, in a statement, pledged to "let the legal process unfold, and as a family, we will love and support our son and brother."

Unanswered questions

Once a suspect was identified, internet snoops went to work trying to track down any connection between Kohberger and the victims, as police first said they believed it was a "targeted attack."

Prosecutors have not said how Kohberger would have known the victims, although he was studying for his Ph.D. and living in Pullman, Washington, about 10 miles west of the Idaho border and Moscow.

Kohberger's studies in criminology, including an apparent research project on people who commit crimes, drew fascination from online sleuths and even celebrity authors who questioned whether a motive was as simple as attempting to commit the "perfect crime."

Goncalves' parents, Steve and Kristi, have said that in the moments after learning of Kohberger's identity, they found an Instagram account that they believe belonged to him and that had been following their daughter and Mogen. The account has since been removed, and NBC News has not verified such a connection.

The Goncalves' told NBC News last week that they are supportive of law enforcement shoring up evidence, including the FBI returning to the apartment house to help recreate a model for the trial.

A year after the slayings, "you just miss them, and the longer they're gone, the more you miss them and the more you realize how badly you really have been robbed," Kristi Goncalves said.

But those following the case since the beginning say the families deserve more answers, including knowing exactly what occurred and why.

Jennifer Coffindaffer, who worked 25 years as an FBI agent and investigated violent crimes, said questions surround what happened to the large knife used in the attacks and to the clothing the killer wore during such a violent act, presumably leaving other DNA evidence beyond what was retrieved on the knife sheath.

Kristin Noll-Marsh, another member of the "Idaho murders" Facebook group, said there has been much speculation over the actions of one of the surviving roommates who later told investigators that she nearly came face-to-face with a masked man who was leaving the house that night, causing her to go into a " frozen shock phase ."

The court affidavit describing the encounter only tells part of the narrative, Noll-Marsh said, and with people online "throwing around baseless speculation and calling it 'theory,'" she is among the sleuths who try to debunk rumors.

On Monday, Smith's "Idaho murders" Facebook page was filled with tributes to Goncalves, Mogen, Kernodle and Chapin.

A vigil is planned at the University of Idaho in their honor, and the school is encouraging the community to turn on their porch lights in solidarity.

"This is all about the victims," Smith said. "For some people, they think this is a little mystery. It's fun to solve. But I think about the families and how they'll have to sit at the Thanksgiving Day table again without their loved ones."

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Erik Ortiz is a senior reporter for NBC News Digital focusing on racial injustice and social inequality.

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Russia says 60 dead, 145 injured in concert hall raid; Islamic State group claims responsibility

Russia’s Federal Security Service says at least 60 people were killed and more than 100 were wounded in an attack at a Moscow concert hall. The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for the attack.

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Russia’s Federal Security Service says at least 40 people were killed and more than 100 were wounded in a mass shooting at a Moscow concert hall.

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A Russian Rosguardia (National Guard) servicemen secures an area as a massive blaze seen over the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. Several gunmen have burst into a big concert hall in Moscow and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and setting a massive blaze in an apparent terror attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide. (AP Photo/Dmitry Serebryakov)

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A massive blaze is seen over the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. Several gunmen have burst into a big concert hall in Moscow and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and setting a massive blaze in an attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide. (Sergei Vedyashkin/Moscow News Agency via AP)

Medics transport a body of a victim a waiting ambulance near the burning building of the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. Several gunmen have burst into a big concert hall in Moscow and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and setting a massive blaze in an apparent terror attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide. (Sergei Vedyashkin/Moscow News Agency via AP)

Russian Rosguardia (National Guard) servicemen leave a bus near the burning building of the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. Several gunmen have burst into a big concert hall in Moscow and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and setting a massive blaze in an apparent terror attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide. (Sergei Vedyashkin/Moscow News Agency via AP)

A massive blaze is seen over the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. Several gunmen have burst into a big concert hall in Moscow and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and setting a massive blaze in an attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landlside. (Sergei Vedyashkin/Moscow News Agency via AP)

Ambulances park near a burning building of the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. Several gunmen have burst into a big concert hall in Moscow and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and setting a massive blaze in an attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide. (AP Photo/Dmitry Serebryakov)

A massive blaze is seen over the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. Several gunmen have burst into a big concert hall in Moscow and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and setting a massive blaze in an apparent terror attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide. (Denis Voronin/Moscow News Agency via AP)

A massive blaze is seen over the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. Several gunmen have burst into a big concert hall in Moscow and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and setting a massive blaze in an apparent terror attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide. (AP Photo/Dmitry Serebryakov)

Police block the road to the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. Several gunmen have burst into a big concert hall in Moscow and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and setting a massive blaze in an apparent terror attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide. (AP Photo/Dmitry Serebryakov)

A massive blaze is seen over the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. Several gunmen have burst into a big concert hall in Moscow and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and setting a massive blaze in an attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide. (AP Photo/Dmitry Serebryakov)

Ambulances parked near the burning building of the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. Several gunmen have burst into a big concert hall in Moscow and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and setting a massive blaze in an apparent terror attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide. (AP Photo/Dmitry Serebryakov)

A man speaks to journalists as a massive blaze seen over the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. Several gunmen have burst into a big concert hall in Moscow and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and setting a massive blaze in an apparent terror attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide. (AP Photo/Dmitry Serebryakov)

Russian Rosguardia (National Guard) servicemen secure an area near the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. Several gunmen have burst into a big concert hall in Moscow and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and setting a massive blaze in an apparent terror attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide. (AP Photo/Vitaly Smolnikov)

A medic stands near ambulances parked outside the burning building of the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. Several gunmen have burst into a big concert hall in Moscow and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and setting a massive blaze in an apparent terror attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide. (AP Photo/Vitaly Smolnikov)

Russian Rosguardia (National Guard) servicemen walk toward the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. Several gunmen have burst into a big concert hall in Moscow and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and setting a massive blaze in an apparent terror attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide. (Sergei Vedyashkin/Moscow News Agency via AP)

Russian Rosguardia (National Guard) servicemen help a man to leave an area near the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. Several gunmen have burst into a big concert hall in Moscow and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and setting a massive blaze in an apparent terror attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide. (AP Photo/Vitaly Smolnikov)

Traffic on the highway is visible near the Crocus City Hall with a warning message on a billboard that reads “we mourn 03.22.2024" on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. Several gunmen have burst into a big concert hall in Moscow and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and setting a massive blaze in an apparent terror attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide. (AP Photo/Vitaly Smolnikov)

MOSCOW (AP) — Assailants burst into a large concert hall in Moscow on Friday and sprayed the crowd with gunfire, killing over 60 people, injuring more than 100 and setting fire to the venue in a brazen attack just days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on power in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide.

The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack in a statement posted on affiliated channels on social media. A U.S. intelligence official told The Associated Press that U.S. intelligence agencies had learned the group’s branch in Afghanistan was planning an attack in Moscow and shared the information with Russian officials.

It wasn’t immediately clear what happened to the attackers after the raid, which state investigators were investigating as terrorism.

The attack, which left the concert hall in flames with a collapsing roof, was the deadliest in Russia in years and came as the country’s war in Ukraine dragged into a third year. Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin called the raid a “huge tragedy.”

The Kremlin said Putin was informed minutes after the assailants burst into Crocus City Hall, a large music venue on Moscow’s western edge that can accommodate 6,200 people.

A Ukrainian serviceman reacts after returning from captivity during POWs exchange in Sumy region, Ukraine, Friday, May 31, 2024. Ukraine returned 75 prisoners, including four civilians, in the latest exchange of POWs with Russia. It's the fourth prisoner swap this year, and 52nd since Russia invaded Ukraine. In all, 3 210 Ukrainian servicemen and civilians were returned since the outbreak of the war. (AP Photo/Evgeniy Maloletka)

The attack took place as crowds gathered for a performance by the Russian rock band Picnic. The Investigative Committee, the top state criminal investigation agency, reported early Saturday that more than 60 people were killed. Health authorities released a list of 145 injured — 115 of them hospitalized, including five children.

Some Russian news reports suggested more victims could have been trapped by the blaze that erupted after the assailants threw explosives.

A massive blaze is seen over the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. Several gunmen have burst into a big concert hall in Moscow and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and setting a massive blaze in an attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landlside. (Sergei Vedyashkin/Moscow News Agency via AP)

Video showed the building on fire, with a huge cloud of smoke rising through the night sky. The street was lit up by the blinking blue lights of dozens of firetrucks, ambulances and other emergency vehicles, as fire helicopters buzzed overhead to dump water on the blaze that took hours to contain.

The prosecutor’s office said several men in combat fatigues entered the concert hall and fired on concertgoers.

Dave Primov, who was in the hall during the attack, described panic and chaos when the attack began.

“There were volleys of gunfire,” Primov told the AP. “We all got up and tried to move toward the aisles. People began to panic, started to run and collided with each other. Some fell down and others trampled on them.”

Videos posted by Russian media and on messaging app channels showed men toting assault rifles shooting screaming people at point-blank range. One video showed a man in the auditorium saying the assailants had set it on fire, as gunshots rang out incessantly.

Ambulances park near a burning building of the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. Several gunmen have burst into a big concert hall in Moscow and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and setting a massive blaze in an attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide. (AP Photo/Dmitry Serebryakov)

Guards at the concert hall didn’t have guns, and some could have been killed at the start of the attack, Russian media reported. Some Russian news outlets suggested the assailants fled before special forces and riot police arrived. Reports said police patrols were looking for several vehicles the attackers could have used to escape.

In a statement posted by its Aamaq news agency, the Islamic State group said it attacked a large gathering of “Christians” in Krasnogorsk on Moscow’s outskirts, killing and wounding hundreds. It was not immediately possible to verify the authenticity of the claim.

However, U.S. intelligence officials confirmed the claim by the Islamic State group’s branch based in Afghanistan that it was responsible for the Moscow attack, a U.S. official told the AP.

The official said U.S. intelligence agencies had gathered information in recent weeks that the IS branch was planning an attack in Moscow. He said U.S. officials privately shared the intelligence earlier this month with Russian officials. The official was briefed on the matter but was not authorized to publicly discuss the intelligence information and spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity.

A massive blaze is seen over the Crocus City Hall on the western edge of Moscow, Russia, Friday, March 22, 2024. Several gunmen have burst into a big concert hall in Moscow and fired automatic weapons at the crowd, injuring an unspecified number of people and setting a massive blaze in an apparent terror attack days after President Vladimir Putin cemented his grip on the country in a highly orchestrated electoral landslide. (AP Photo/Dmitry Serebryakov)

Noting that the IS statement cast its claim as an attack targeting Christians, Aymenn Jawad al-Tamimi, an expert on the terrorist group, said it appeared to reflect the group’s strategy of “striking wherever they can as part of a global ‘fight the infidels and apostates everywhere.’”

In October 2015, a bomb planted by IS downed a Russian passenger plane over Sinai, killing all 224 people on board, most of them Russian vacation-goers returning from Egypt. The group, which operates mainly in Syria and Iraq but also in Afghanistan and Africa, also has claimed several attacks in Russia’s volatile Caucasus and other regions in the past years. It recruited fighters from Russia and other parts of former Soviet Union.

On March 7, Russia’s top security agency said it thwarted an attack on a synagogue in Moscow by an Islamic State cell, killing several of its members in the Kaluga region near the Russian capital. A few days earlier, Russian authorities said six alleged IS members were killed in a shootout in Ingushetia in Russia’s Caucasus region.

On Friday, statements of outrage, shock and support for those affected by the concert call attack streamed in from around the world.

Some commentators on Russian social media questioned how authorities, who relentlessly surveil and pressure Kremlin critics, failed to identify the threat and prevent the attack.

Russian officials said security was tightened at Moscow’s airports, railway stations and the capital’s sprawling subway system. Moscow’s mayor canceled all mass gatherings, and theaters and museums shut for the weekend. Other Russian regions also tightened security.

The Kremlin didn’t immediately blame anyone for the attack, but some Russian lawmakers were quick to accuse Ukraine and called for ramping up strikes. Hours before the attack, the Russian military l aunched a sweeping barrage on Ukraine’s power system, crippling the country’s biggest hydroelectric plant and other energy facilities and leaving more than a million people without electricity.

Dmitry Medvedev, deputy head of Russia’s Security Council, said that if Ukraine involvement was proven, all those involved “must be tracked down and killed without mercy, including officials of the state that committed such outrage.”

Mykhailo Podolyak, an adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, denied Ukraine involvement.

“Ukraine has never resorted to the use of terrorist methods,” he posted on X. “Everything in this war will be decided only on the battlefield.”

John Kirby, spokesman for the White House National Security Council, said he couldn’t yet speak about the details but “the images are just horrible. And just hard to watch.”

Friday’s attack followed a statement earlier this month by the U.S. Embassy in Moscow that urged Americans to avoid crowded places in view of “imminent” plans by extremists to target large gatherings in the Russian capital, including concerts. The warning was repeated by several other Western embassies.

National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said Friday the U.S. government had information about a planned attack in Moscow, prompting the State Department advisory to Americans. The U.S. government shared the information with Russian authorities in accordance with its longstanding “duty to warn” policy, Watson said.

Putin, who extended his grip on Russia for another six years in this week’s presidential vote after a sweeping crackdown on dissent, denounced the Western warnings as an attempt to intimidate Russians. “All that resembles open blackmail and an attempt to frighten and destabilize our society,” he said earlier this week.

Russia was shaken by a series of deadly terror attacks in the early 2000s during the fighting with separatists in the Russian province of Chechnya.

In October 2002, Chechen militants took about 800 people hostage at a Moscow theater. Two days later, Russian special forces stormed the building and 129 hostages and 41 Chechen fighters died, most from effects of narcotic gas Russian forces use to subdue the attackers.

In September 2004, about 30 Chechen militants seized a school in Beslan in southern Russia taking hundreds of hostages. The siege ended in a bloodbath two days later and more than 330 people, about half of them children, were killed.

Associate Press writer Michael Balsamo in Washington contributed to this report.

This story was updated to correct that John Kirby is a spokesman for the White House National Security Council, not the White House national security adviser.

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