English Pronunciation Generator — IPA Transcription Translator

Transcription display options.

The words that cannot be converted will be surrounded by the following symbols

Choose what you will see when you click the word

Links to online dictionaries:

Advanced options

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Here's how it works.

This phonetic translator has several settings, such as Choose English dialect .

Each time you change the settings, the phonetic transcription of the sample texts below is automatically updated.

The only exceptions are premium features ( Read the text aloud and Translate the text into your native language ). We already created computer-generated audio for each sample text for you.

Transcription above each word

High-quality computer-generated audio.

Natasha Australia

William Australia

Ryan United Kingdom

Sonia United Kingdom

Andrew United States

Emma United States

Transcription under each line of text

Transcription under each paragraph of text.

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Watch my latest YouTube video "Don't use a dictionary when you learn a language!"

Add the word to a word list

Edit transcription, save text and transcription in a note, we invite you to sign up, check subscription options.

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In order to get access to all lessons, you need to buy the subscription Premium .

Insert the symbol [ʰ] after aspirated consonants

Display allophones for the phonemes /t/ and /l/, display stressed /ə/ as /ʌ/, use the symbol [ɹ] instead of [r], spell the numbers, keep punctuation marks in phonetic transcription, phonetic symbols cheat sheet, how to use this english ipa translator and pronunciation generator, introduction.

This phonetic translator will help you obtain very accurate phonetic transcription of your English text.

It uses the symbols of International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) — the most popular phonetic transcription system in the world.

In addition to IPA, this tool also supports several types of phonetic spelling.

This phonetic translator supports three most common English dialects: British, American and Australian . The number of English words for each dialect in our database is indicated in the following table:

The numbers in the table don't include modified word forms. For example, the words "translate", "translates", "translating" and "translated" are all counted as one word.

The pronunciation of each word in the database was manually checked by a member of our team.

If you need to copy the phonetic transcription into another program or print it, please read our FAQ .

Watch a tutorial "How to convert text to phonetic transcription and listen to audio recordings of words"

You can easily create audio for your text using this pronunciation generator. Listen to the voice samples below.

New Zealand

United kingdom, united states.

Text-to-speech service is provided by the following companies:

Each time you generate an audio, we have to pay one of these companies.

Text-to-speech service is only available with the subscription Premium .

Audio and video recordings of real people (native English speakers)

We hired professional voice-over artists to record the correct pronunciation of the most popular English words. The number of the audio recordings is indicated in the following table. Click the buttons to listen to the sample words.

Find more sample words in our interactive IPA chart for English .

Number of audio recordings in our English pronunciation generator

Audio recordings of real people are available with the subscriptions Basic and Premium .

Video recordings of real people are only available with the subscription Premium .

Multiple pronunciations of English words

Some English words are spelled the same, but are pronounced differently and have different meanings. They are called homographs . Compare:

The phonetic translator will highlight homographs in green . If you hover your cursor over these words or tap them on your mobile device, you will see all possible pronunciations.

At the moment this phonetic translator cannot yet decide which pronunciation is correct for such words. You will need to choose the correct pronunciation yourself depending on the context.

Pronunciation variants (when native speakers from different regions pronounce a word differently, or when the pronunciation changes in rapid speech) are highlighted in blue . Just like with homographs, you can also hover your cursor over the word to see all possible variants or click/tap it to select the right pronunciation.

Translation to your native language

This pronunciation generator allows you to obtain an automatic translation of your text to your native language.

Automatic translation service is provided by a third-party company (Google). Each time you translate text into another language, we have to pay Google a small fee.

Translation service is only available with the subscription Premium .

Built-in English dictionary

This phonetic translator has a built-in English dictionary, WordNet . It contains more than 140,000 English words.

Here's what you need to do to activate the dictionary:

  • For the setting Transcription display options select the option " transcription above each word ".
  • In the section Choose what you will see when you click the word turn on the option " Word's meaning ".
  • After submitting your text, click on any word in the results to see its definition.

Create your own custom word lists

You can create your own custom word lists using this phonetic translator. Here's how you can do it:

  • In the section Choose what you will see when you click the word turn on the option " to word list ".
  • After submitting your text, click on the word you want to add to the word list and then click the button " to word list ".
  • You will be prompted to select the transcription and enter the meaning/translation of the word (the latter for most languages is optional).
  • Once you finished adding words to your word list, click on My Account at the top of the page and then on My word lists . You will see the list of all your word lists.

There are so many things you can do with your word list:

  • export it to a file (Word, Excel, plain text),
  • print it from your browser,
  • share it with other people (for example, your students),
  • practice pronunciation of every word using the audio recordings of real people (if available) or high-quality text-to-speech voices.

Watch a tutorial "How to create custom word lists"

Broad and narrow transcription

For American English this phonetic translator can show both broad (phonemic) and narrow transcriptions. Please read here about phonemes and allophones to decide which type of transcription you need.

Case-sensitive converter

We wanted to create a very precise tool, so we decided to make this phonetic converter case-sensitive. For some words, it makes a difference. For example, the English words August and august mean different things and may be pronounced differently depending on the context.

If you want to obtain the best results, please submit the English text which is spelled correctly. Misspelling the words ( english , ENGLISH ) may give unpredictable results.

How to use the setting "Edit transcription"

Sometimes you may encounter one of the following situations:

  • A very rare word was not converted at all.
  • You want to suggest a better transcription for a word.

In either case here's what you can do:

  • In the section Choose what you will see when you click the word turn on the option " Edit transcription ".
  • After submitting your text, click on the word which transcription you want to correct and then click the button Edit transcription .
  • If you are suggesting a different transcription for a word that can already be converted, there's one additional step. Go to My Account . Click on Customize my experience and turn on the option I want to suggest changes in the transcription for the words that can already be converted .

In any case, the new transcription will only be visible to yourself. We will add an option to see the transcriptions submitted by other users later.

How to use the setting "Hide transcription"

Some people prefer to hide the phonetic transcription of the most common words in order to make the text less cluttered. Here's how you can do it:

  • In the section Choose what you will see when you click the word turn on the option " Hide transcription ".
  • After submitting your text, click on the word which transcription you want to hide and then click the button Hide transcription .

Next time you submit the text, the transcription of this word will not be displayed.

If you want to undo this action, go to My Account . Click on Customize my experience and go to the section Undo the action Hide transcription .

Highlighting of high-frequency English words

In the section Advanced options you will find a special option that allows you to highlight high-frequency English words . The words from different frequency intervals will be highlighted in the following colors:

If you want to make the frequency analysis of your text and obtain the detailed statistics, please use English word frequency counter .

You can choose one of the two frequency lists:

  • The frequency word list based on the Corpus of Contemporary American English
  • The subtitle-based frequency word list

Learning English as second language: phonetic transcription can help you improve your English pronunciation

English pronunciation can be very confusing. As you know, there are no strict pronunciation rules in the English language , so when you see an unknown English word, you cannot be 100% sure how to pronounce it.

The same English letter , or combination of letters, can be pronounced differently in different words. Moreover, the same English word can be pronounced in different ways by native English speakers from different countries, or even from the same country! That makes the English language hard to learn and understand.

This tool will serve you as an English pronunciation guide and will help you save time. You will no longer need to look up the pronunciation of words in a dictionary.

If you use the phonetic transcription regularly in combination with English audio and video recordings, your pronunciation and listening skills in the English language will improve.

Do you learn or teach English?

We know sometimes English may seem complicated. We don't want you to waste your time.

Check all our tools and learn English faster!

English pronunciation dictionaries that we recommend

Some of the dictionaries listed below are not really pronunciation dictionaries, but just regular English dictionaries. However we used all of them extensively when we were proofreading our database with pronunciations of English words.

American English

  • Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Eleventh Edition
  • Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionary

British English

  • Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary
  • Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary
  • Collins English Dictionary

Australian English

  • Macquarie Dictionary Eighth Edition

Mobile apps with English dictionaries

Some English dictionaries mentioned above are available as mobile apps.

  • Merriam-Webster Dictionary
  • Learner's Dictionary
  • English Pronouncing Dictionary
  • Cambridge English Dictionary for Advanced Learners

Check our English phonetic subtitle converter and obtain something like this:

Subtitles with transcription

Greetings from the developer Timur

Find out how to activate your brain and learn faster (4 min.)

Timur Baytukalov. A Complete Guide to Language Learning. Part 1: Learning Pronunciation

Free Webinar "Learning English pronunciation the smart way" (26 min.)

  • Phonetics and pronunciation glossary
  • International Phonetic Alphabet for English - IPA Chart
  • English Phonetic Subtitle Converter
  • English dictionaries online – Project Modelino
  • English alphabet – Wikipedia
  • English phonology – Wikipedia
  • Standard American English (General American) – Wikipedia
  • Standard British English (Received Pronunciation) – Wikipedia
  • Wiktionary – Wiktionary
  • Learner's Dictionary – online version of Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's Dictionary
  • Merriam-Webster's Dictionary – online version of Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary

You can now edit phonetic transcription

We are all excited to announce the release of a new feature on EasyPronunciation.com. Now you can: edit the phonetic transcription of the words that can already be converted, add phonetic transcription for...

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Australian English support in English phonetic translator

We have great news for English language learners. Recently we added the support for Australian English in our English IPA phonetic translator. The database contains more than 100,000 English words. We...

May 19 2022

Major update in phonetic transcription translators

We are happy to announce the release of a major update on EasyPronunciation.com. Here's the list of exciting new features: The site is now working faster and is more stable even...

Audio recordings of 9,400 British English words

We are happy to announce that we added audio recordings of 9,400 British English words in our English Phonetic Translator on EasyPronunciation.com. The users with an active subscription receive this...

Audio recordings of 10,000 English words

We are happy to announce that we added audio recordings of 10,000 English words in our English Phonetic Translator on EasyPronunciation.com. The users with an active subscription receive this update...

More video recordings in phonetic transcription converters

If you are learning English, French or Russian, we have great news for you! We decided to integrate all video recordings from our pronunciation courses into online phonetic translators. There are...

Oct 18 2017

Audio and video recordings added in English IPA translator

There is a nice new feature in English phonetic translator. After you submit your text, you will see audio and video icons near some words. Click on the audio icon...

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IPA chart for American English

During the last weeks I have been updating the algorithm of English phonetic translator, again! :) I guess, I will never stop polishing it. As usually, all the efforts were...

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A major update for English phonetic translator

I didn't write here for a very long time. And there was a reason for that. For the last three months I was working non-stop on English phonetic translator. I spent...

WordNet dictionary integrated into English phonetic translator

There's a new update in the English phonetic translator. I integrated the lexical database WordNet into the translator. Now, after you submit your English text, you may click on any...

Nov 15 2015

British English support in English phonetic translator

I finally added an option that allows you to translate English text into phonetic transcription according to the pronunciation rules of the British English. Now you have four dictionaries that...

Possibility to display phonetic transcription under each line of text

I added the possibility to display phonetic transcription under each line of text in English, French and Spanish phonetic translators....

Dec 14 2013

Updates in English phonetic transcription translator

I updated my English phonetic transcription translator. First, I added more popular English words. Second, I introduced another algorithm for text conversion. The new algorithm uses English Hunspell dictionary and...

American English , British English , English , English phonetics , English pronunciation , IPA , IPA chart , IPA translator , dictionary , language learning , phonetic dictionary , phonetic transcription , subtitle converter

To develop this translator, we used information from different sources mentioned on this page. The phonetic transcription was taken from these sources in accordance with the Copyright Act of Canada (Paragraph 29, Fair Dealing for the purpose of education).

Alphabetical list of all words with audio or video recordings

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

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English Phonetic Transcription

This tool is the online converter of English text to IPA phonetic transcription . Paste or type English text in the text field, and Click the "Transcribe" button. Click the "Speak" button, and listen to the sound of input text in browsers that support TTS (Chrome, Safari, Firefox). Copy the transcription in multiple formats by the "Copy" button and three options ("Transcription only", "Word by word", "Line by line").

The two most common English dialects are supported:

  • British pronunciations are compiled from various sources (wiktionary etc.), including parts of speech.
  • American pronunciations are compiled from various sources ( CMU pronunciation dictionary , wiktionary , etc.), including parts of speech.

Chapter 8 - Homework Exercises

A. Put a transcription of the segments in the phrase: Please pass me my book . (a PDF file)

B. Put a transcription above the phrase: Show me a spotted hyena . (a PDF file)

C. Write a symbol for each sound above the spectrogram. (a PDF file)

D. Say as much as you can about the different segments in the spectrogram in Figure 8.15. (a PDF file)

J. Which number corresponds to the word? (Online)

K. Which number in the spectrogram corresponds to the sound? (Online)

L. "A stitch in time saves nine" (Online)


SpeakWrite Official Logo, Light Version, 2019. All rights reserved.

The Complete Guide To Phonetic Transcription (2023)

  • July 17, 2023

SpeakWrite Blog

Need phonetic transcription services want to know about phonological transcription methods this ultimate guide has everything you need to know..

phonetic transcription

fəʊˈnɛtɪk trænsˈkrɪpʃᵊn ɪz kuːl.

Are you familiar with the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)?

If not, you might wonder if your computer (or brain) just glitched after reading that first line.

Don’t worry—it didn’t. That’s just the phonetic transcription of the words “phonetic transcription is cool!”

Because we think phonological transcription is pretty cool.

And by the end of this article, you’ll know everything you need to know about it.

So whether you’re searching for professional phonetic transcription services or seeking information about phonological transcription methods, this comprehensive guide is for you.

Here’s what you need to know.

What Is Phonetic Transcription?

Phonological transcription is essentially a bridge between spoken and written communication.

It can be described as the visual representation of spoken language in written form, and it’s achieved by using phonetic symbols to depict pronunciation accurately.

Use Cases For Phonetic Transcription

You’ve seen phonetic descriptions in dictionaries or textbooks. But there are a few other ways professionals put phonetic transcription to use, too.

Enhancing language learning

Accurate phonetic transcription serves as a powerful tool for language learners. Learners can develop a better understanding of the sounds and phonetic patterns of a target language by providing a visual representation of correct pronunciation.

This enables them to improve their speaking and listening skills, enhance their overall pronunciation accuracy, and develop a more authentic accent.

Enabling linguistic research

Phonetic transcription plays a crucial role in linguistic research. It allows linguists to analyze and compare speech sounds across languages, study phonetic and phonological patterns, and investigate the historical development of languages.

Researchers can uncover insights into dialectal variations, language evolution, and the intricacies of language structure by accurately transcribing spoken language.

Improving speech therapy and pronunciation

Phonetic transcription is an invaluable resource in the field of speech therapy.

It helps speech-language pathologists accurately assess and diagnose speech disorders and articulation difficulties.

Transcribing speech sounds also allows for targeted intervention and the development of personalized therapy plans.

Assisting multilingual communication

Phonetic transcription bridges language barriers.

It facilitates accurate pronunciation and comprehension among speakers of different languages by providing a standardized and universally recognized system for representing speech sounds.

It serves as a valuable resource for language teachers, translators, and interpreters, ensuring clear and accurate communication across diverse linguistic contexts.

Types of Phonetic Transcriptions

Language is incredibly complex. So it makes sense that there are several types of phonetic transcriptions. Each one has its own specific purpose and level of detail—here’s an overview of each kind.

Narrow Transcription

First up is narrow transcriptions.

This aims to capture the finest phonetic details of speech. It includes specific symbols and diacritics to represent precise articulatory features such as vowel quality, consonant voicing, and manner of articulation.

For example, narrow transcriptions might be used to denote the difference between “leave” and “live,” which are close in spelling but mean completely different things.

Broad Transcription

Broad transcriptions focus on representing the main phonetic features of speech, omitting certain fine-grained details . It’s commonly used in foreign language learning materials and dictionaries.

Diacritic Transcription

Diacritic transcription involves the use of accent marks or symbols to indicate modifications or nuances in pronunciation.

These diacritics can represent native speaker features such as stress or intonation, allowing for a more precise representation of spoken language.

For instance, the German word for tschüss uses an accent called an umlaut to denote a highly rounded vowel.

Suprasegmental Transcription

Suprasegmental transcription focuses on capturing features that extend beyond individual sounds , including:

It’s particularly useful in studying language variation, poetry, and intonation patterns.

Connected Speech Transcription

Connected speech transcription involves transcribing natural speech patterns, including phenomena like assimilation, elision, and coarticulation.

It’s valuable for understanding native-like pronunciation and conversational dynamics.

Discrete Word Transcription

Discrete word transcription involves transcribing words individually without considering their surrounding context.

It’s commonly used in language learning materials, pronunciation dictionaries, and language technology applications.

Orthographic Transcription

Orthographic transcription represents speech using the standard spelling conventions of a given language.

While not as precise as phonetic transcription, orthographic transcription is helpful in providing a rough guide to pronunciation for those who are less familiar with phonetic symbols.

A Closer Look at the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)

The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a special alphabet designed to help streamline possible variations in pronunciation. It’s a standardized system of phonetic notation that provides a universal framework for accurately representing the sounds of spoken language.

Developed in the late 19th century, the IPA is based primarily on the Latin alphabet and incorporates a wide range of symbols to capture the diverse array of sounds found in human languages.

History and development

The need for a standardized system of phonetic notation arose from the desire to accurately represent the sounds of different languages and facilitate international linguistic communication.

The IPA was first created by a group of phoneticians led by Paul Passy in the late 19th century and has since undergone several revisions and expansions.

Key features and principles

The IPA utilizes a set of symbols that represent specific speech sounds, including;

  • Suprasegmental features (such as stress and intonation)
  • Other phonetic phenomena

These symbols are designed to be easily recognizable and transcribable across different languages and writing systems.

One of the key principles of the IPA is that each symbol represents a single speech sound or phoneme.

This allows for precise and consistent transcription, enabling linguists, language learners, and researchers to accurately document and analyze the phonetic aspects of languages.

Universal standardization and recognition

The IPA has achieved widespread recognition and acceptance as the international standard for phonetic transcription.

It is utilized by linguists, language teachers, speech pathologists, translators, and other language professionals worldwide.

The IPA provides a common language for describing and analyzing the sounds of languages, facilitating cross-linguistic comparisons, and ensuring accurate and consistent transcription practices.

Mastering Accurate Phonetic Transcription: 4 Essential Tips

Accurate phonetic transcription requires attention to detail and adherence to established guidelines. Unfortunately, speech-to-text technology isn’t going to be able to help you here— human transcription services are your best bet. So if you plan to try your own hand at phonetic transcription, then consider the following essential tips.

Familiarize yourself with IPA symbols.

Develop a solid understanding of the symbols and diacritics used in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) .

This includes the standard representations of consonants, vowels, suprasegmental features, and other phonetic elements.

Regular practice and reference to IPA charts and resources will help you become comfortable with the symbols and their corresponding sounds.

Listen attentively with multiple audio playbacks.

Pay close attention to subtle variations in sounds, stress patterns, and intonation in each word.

Multiple playbacks of audio recordings can help capture the intricacies of pronunciation accurately. Take the time to discern and analyze the specific phonetic details before transcribing them.

Break down words into syllables to identify individual sounds.

Transcribe each sound separately using the appropriate IPA symbols.

Consider the placement of stress, the presence of diphthongs or consonant clusters, and any changes in sound due to coarticulation or assimilation.

Pay attention to both consonantal and vowel sounds to capture the complete phonetic representation.

Maintain consistency in your transcription style.

Ensure that you consistently apply the same symbols and diacritics for specific sounds across different transcriptions. Keep in mind there are multiple IPA fonts, so stick with one to keep things coherent.

This consistency allows for easier comparison and analysis of transcriptions and facilitates understanding among readers who are familiar with IPA conventions.

Verify your transcriptions against reliable sources.

Reliable sources include authoritative dictionaries, pronunciation guides, or established phonetic resources.

Cross-referencing your transcriptions with trusted sources helps to validate the accuracy of your work and ensures that you have represented the sounds of the language correctly.

It also provides an opportunity to learn from expert phonetic transcriptions and improve your own skills.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using Phonetic Transcriptions

While striving for accurate phonetic transcriptions, it’s important to be aware of common pitfalls and mistakes.

By avoiding these errors, you can ensure the reliability and effectiveness of your transcriptions.

Here are some common mistakes to watch out for:

Misinterpreting IPA symbols

Be cautious of misinterpreting or misunderstanding IPA symbols.

Each symbol has a specific phonetic value, and misidentifying or misrepresenting sounds can lead to inaccuracies in transcriptions.

Regularly refer to reliable IPA charts and resources to reinforce your understanding of symbols and their associated sounds.

Inadequate attention to nuances

Paying insufficient attention to subtle phonetic nuances can result in imprecise transcriptions.

Sounds such as vowel length, pitch variations, and secondary articulations are crucial elements that can impact meaning and communication.

Take the time to listen attentively and accurately transcribe these nuances to capture the full range of phonetic details.

Neglecting suprasegmental features

Suprasegmental features, including stress, intonation, and rhythm, significantly contribute to the meaning and expression of speech.

Neglecting these features in transcriptions can lead to a loss of crucial information.

Ensure that you accurately represent stress patterns, intonational contours, and other suprasegmental aspects to convey the complete phonetic and prosodic structure of the language.

Lack of consistency in transcription styles

Inconsistencies in transcription style can lead to confusion and hinder understanding. Maintain consistent use of symbols, diacritics, and transcription conventions throughout your work.

This consistency enhances readability and facilitates comparisons between transcriptions.

Familiarize yourself with accepted transcription styles and adhere to them to ensure clear and coherent transcriptions.

Want To Save Time? Try Phonetic Transcription Services

If you’re ready to reclaim your time and streamline your transcription process, SpeakWrite’s experienced human transcriptionists can help. Here are a few of the advantages of entrusting your phonetic transcription needs to the experts.

Accuracy and expertise

Phonetic transcription services employ highly skilled and experienced transcribers who specialize in accurately representing the sounds of spoken language.

They are well-versed in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) and possess a keen understanding of phonetic principles.

You can expect precise and reliable transcriptions that capture the nuances of pronunciation with remarkable accuracy, eliminating the need for time-consuming revisions.

Time-saving efficiency

Outsourcing your phonetic transcription needs to professionals allows you to save precious time and allocate it to other pressing tasks .

Instead of spending hours deciphering and transcribing speech, you can rely on SpeakWrite’s transcription services to swiftly and efficiently transform audio recordings or spoken language into clear, readable transcriptions.

This time-saving advantage frees you up to focus on your core business objectives.

Confidentiality and security

Professional transcription services prioritize the confidentiality and security of your audio files and transcriptions.

We have robust systems and protocols in place to safeguard your sensitive data, so you can have peace of mind knowing that your information is protected and handled with utmost care.

Get Started With Phonetic Transcription

When it comes to phonetic transcription, SpeakWrite’s team of skilled human transcription experts is ready to assist you. Experience the difference that professional human transcriptions can make.

Place an order with SpeakWrite today and unlock the true potential of phonetic transcription.

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homework phonetic transcription


The phonemic chart: symbols -sound

Phonemic typewriter I // typ-II

Text to speech

Phonetic transcription I // tr-II

Phonetic - vowel sounds

Phonetic: vowels 2

Phonetic: consonants

Phonetic: transcription

Worksheets - resources

Phonetic - vowels

Exercises: phonetic symbols.

  • Long /iː/ - short /ɪ/
  • Long /ɑː/ - short /æ/
  • Long /ɜː/ - short /e/
  • Long /ɔː/ - short /ɒ/
  • Long /uː/ - short /ʊ/
  • Vowels 1 - phonetic symbols
  • Vowels 2 - phonetic symbols
  • Vowels 3 - phonetic symbols
  • Vowels 4 - phonetic symbol s
  • Minimal pairs /æ/ /Λ/ - audio
  • Minimal pairs /æ/ /ɑː/ - audio
  • Minimal pairs /ɪ/ /iː/ - audio
  • Minimal pairs /ɒ/ /ɔː/ - audio
  • Minimal pairs /ɒ/ /əʊ/ - audio
  • Minimal pairs /əʊ/ /aʊ/ - audio
  • Minimal pairs /əʊ/ /ɔː/ - audio
  • Vowels - exercises

Phonemic Chart Keyboard

Type in phonetic symbols and learn english pronunciation.

copy to clipboard

The phonemic chart contains the 44 sounds of spoken English. It is an excellent tool for both learning and teaching about English pronunciation, but there is no easy way to type the phonemes with a normal keyboard. Use this site to "type" the characters by clicking with your mouse. You can then copy and paste to your software of choice, or even export the characters as an image using the save as image button.

Type in phonemic characters

  • Click on the symbols with your mouse to spell out your word.
  • Copy them from the textfield below.
  • If using Word or another word processor, select a unicode font : usually Gentium, Arial Unicode MS or Lucida Sans Unicode.
  • Paste into your software.

You can also save your word as a png image file (click save as image ).

  • Search for transcriptions .
  • 1000 very common English words in phonemic characters .
  • The BIG LIST of words .
  • Phonemic Keyboard
  • Teach yourself the chart
  • What's a phoneme?
  • Phonemic flashcards
  • Recommended books

Myefe Logo

athens - transcription, translation and pronunciation online

Transcription and pronunciation of the word " athens " in British and American variants. Detailed translation and examples.


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  3. Reading Horizons Phonetic Skill #1 Homework by Aumiller After Class

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  6. 18 Phonetic Transcription ideas

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  1. Phonetic transcription, English Literature, Pronunciation, phonetic and linguistic

  2. Phonetic transcription, phonetics and linguistics, English literature

  3. IPA Transcription

  4. #Phonetic transcription

  5. Phonetic transcription, Pronunciation

  6. Phonetic Transcription Part 1


  1. toPhonetics

    Visit the post for more. Hi! Got an English text and want to see how to pronounce it? This online converter of English text to IPA phonetic transcription will translate your English text into its phonetic transcription using the International Phonetic Alphabet. Paste or type your English text in the text field above and click "Show transcription" button (or use [Ctrl+Enter] shortcut from ...

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    You may use [ə] for all reduced vowel qualities or you may use both [ə] and [ɪ] for reduced vowels. There are some cases with [θ] vs. [f] that are super hard without lip reading being available. We won't take off for errors on these. 1 For Windows, one program that works ok is the Windows Media Player, at.

  3. How to write HOMEWORK in phonetic script:

    It looks like you want to transcribe from English spelling to phonemic script. This is how to write HOMEWORK in phonemic script: /'həʊmwɜ:k/. This form will allow you to transcribe any word to or from phonemic script.

  4. English Phonetic Spelling Generator. IPA Transcription

    Introduction. This phonetic translator will help you obtain very accurate phonetic transcription of your English text. It uses the symbols of International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) — the most popular phonetic transcription system in the world. In addition to IPA, this tool also supports several types of phonetic spelling.

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    A Course in Phonetics. Chapter 2 - Phonology and Phonetic Transcription. Example 2.1 - Table 2.1: The Transcription of Consonants.. Example 2.2 - Table 2.2: The Transcription of Vowels.. Example 2.3 - Unstressed vowels. Homework Exercises

  6. English Phonetic Transcription

    English Phonetic Transcription. This tool is the online converter of English text to IPA phonetic transcription. Paste or type English text in the text field, and Click the "Transcribe" button. Click the "Speak" button, and listen to the sound of input text in browsers that support TTS (Chrome, Safari, Firefox). Copy the transcription in ...

  7. IPA Pronunciation Guide

    Introduction. The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a phonetic notation system that is used to show how different words are pronounced. Unlike many standard alphabets where one phonetic symbol can often represent multiple sounds (e.g., the "o" in the words "do," "no," and "not" are all pronounced differently in English), the IPA has a one-to-one correspondence between a speech sound and ...

  8. PDF Questions about homework?

    • Questions about homework? - (note the blank page on older version) - In part 4, use phonetic symbols • Experimental subject pool. • Section materials on Coursework. Today: • A little more about articulatory phonetics and transcription • Introduction to Acoustic Phonetics - Sound waves and resonance - Spectrograms as ...

  9. homework

    Definitions. noun. schoolwork that a student is required to do at home. Pupils can do their homework onscreen at school and file it electronically for marking. Transcription and pronunciation of the word "homework" in British and American variants. Detailed translation and examples.

  10. Chapter 6

    Chapter 6 - Homework Exercise D. Put a phonetic transcription (in IPA symbols!) above the waveform of the phrase He started to tidy it. The locations of the [d] in tidy and the [t] in to are marked. Also, measure (to the nearest 10 ms) the VOT in the waveforms of the stops. The speaker has a British accent. is: Correct: 0 ---- Run: 0. A Course ...

  11. English phonetic worksheets

    Phonetics exercises with key. Phonetic Quizzes as worksheets to print. Phonetic Crossword puzzles. Phonetic Board Game using IPA Decoding. Phonetic Charts and Flash Cards. Transcription exercises. phonetics resources - chart. Vowels: phonetic chart pdf. Phonemic typewriter 1.

  12. PDF Phonetic Transcription H'work

    A. Using the phonetic symbols on the Phonetic Symbols handout, transcribe the following English words as you (or a native-English-speaking friend of yours) pronounces them in casual speech. Do not base your transcription on overly slow, precise pronunciation, and be careful not to confuse the sounds of a word with its spelling. 1. easy 14. through

  13. Chapter 8

    Chapter 8 - Homework Exercises. A. Put a transcription of the segments in the phrase: Please pass me my book. (a PDF file) B. Put a transcription above the phrase: Show me a spotted hyena. (a PDF file) C. Write a symbol for each sound above the spectrogram. (a PDF file) D. Say as much as you can about the different segments in the spectrogram ...

  14. Phonetic transcription

    phonetic transcription, representation of discrete units of speech sound through symbols. Over the years, multiple writing systems and computer symbol sets have been developed for this purpose. The most common is perhaps the International Phonetic Alphabet.. Most modern languages have standard orthographies, or ways that they are represented in written or typed characters or symbols.

  15. The Complete Guide To Phonetic Transcription (2023)

    Phonetic transcription is an invaluable resource in the field of speech therapy. It helps speech-language pathologists accurately assess and diagnose speech disorders and articulation difficulties. Transcribing speech sounds also allows for targeted intervention and the development of personalized therapy plans.

  16. Phonetic exercises

    Phonetic symbols exercises - vowels sounds. Transcription - elementary and intermediate level esl. ... Worksheets - resources. The phonemic chart: symbols -sound. Phonemic typewriter I // typ-II. Text to speech. Phonetic transcription I // tr-II . Phonetic - vowel sounds. Phonetic: vowels 2. Phonetic: consonants. Phonetic: transcription ...

  17. PDF CS 224S / Linguist 285 Spoken Language Processing

    Homework 1 Available on the website Due on Monday April 15 at 11:59pm Pacific Homework is Colab and written section Today's lecture will help with phonetic transcription! Phonetic transcription can be ambiguous In Homework 1 we give points for multiple correct answers when there is ambiguity

  18. Phonetic Transcribing Vowels and Diphthongs Homework

    Transcribe all of the vowels and diphthongs: bagpipe. æ aI. Transcribe all of the vowels and dipthongs: Boise. ɔI I. Transcribe all of the vowels and dipthongs: clubhouse. ʌ aʊ. Transcribe all of the vowels and dipthongs: bullfrog. ʊ ɑ.

  19. Phonetic Transcription Exercise: Practice 1

    This would rhyme with , paint. 'rouge'. (Select) [ˈɹuj][ˈɹuʒ][ˈruʒ][ˈɹuʒe] Incorrect. IPA [j]indicates a palatal approximant written in English as y. Correct. Click here to go to Practice 2. Incorrect. The English rhotic approximant is represented by turned r.

  20. PDF Guidelines for Transcription of English Consonants and Vowels

    These are symbols. for sounds that occur in other languages. / x / is a voiceless velar fricative, / c / is a voiceless palatal stop, and / q/ is a voiceless uvular stop. The sounds that the letters represent in English are transcribed as follows: x represents either / ks / or / gz / as in fix and exactly, respectively; c represents either /k ...

  21. Phonemic Chart: Learn the chart and type in phonetic symbols

    The phonemic chart contains the 44 sounds of spoken English. It is an excellent tool for both learning and teaching about English pronunciation, but there is no easy way to type the phonemes with a normal keyboard. Use this site to "type" the characters by clicking with your mouse. You can then copy and paste to your software of choice, or even ...

  22. Cyrillization

    Cyrillization. The Cyrillic letter Dwe, a commonly cited example of both Cyrillization and a native language's ability to influence its imposed writing system. Cyrillization or Cyrillisation is the process of rendering words of a language that normally uses a writing system other than Cyrillic script into (a version of) the Cyrillic alphabet.

  23. athens

    noun. the capital of Greece, in the southern part of the country; population 745,500 (est. 2009). A flourishing city state in ancient Greece, it was an important cultural center in the 5th century bc . It came under Roman rule in 146 bc and fell to the Goths in ad 267. After its capture by the Turks in 1456, Athens declined to the status of a ...