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Taking part in a clinical trial is much easier than you think. Get paid for participating in one of our trials, whilst also contributing to the development of new medicines. You will be making a significant difference to the health and well-being of many people in the future.

Giving up your time to help others can be rewarding. As well as getting paid for your time, you will receive a free comprehensive health check as part of your enrolment. You will get to relax amongst a group of like-minded people, while It can also be the perfect place to catch up on your studying.

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Ronnie found himself with free time one summer and decided that being a volunteer for a clinical trial would be a good way to fill the time


If you want to do something new and exciting this year – do a study with Quotient! You definitely won’t regret it.

Helen, Nottingham


Before I started the clinical trial, I did not appreciate the in depth work and tireless testing that went into the medication we all take for granted.

Sally, Nottingham


I look forward to upcoming studies as a paid rest if not a holiday. It’s a fantastic personal opportunity to get up to date with yourself.

Maura, Nottingham


It’s been a real pleasure to participate in a clinical trial at Quotient, with the friendly staff and great facilities.

Joshua, Derby


Andrew spends his time at Quotient getting to know the other volunteers on the study


With each study, you are given an in-depth information session to make sure you are completely aware of what you are volunteering for.

Dan, Nottingham, UK

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  • Medical Research in Belfast; My Experience Saving Money to Travel

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So how much do you REALLY want to travel? I mean, it’s easy to say you would “do anything just to travel”, but would you really. Do you love it enough to sign up for Medical Research in Belfast, or anywhere, for that matter? Because I would! That’s how I went about Saving Money to Travel.

I had just returned from working on a summer camp in USA for disadvantaged kids in New York, and a spent couple of months touring the US with friends, so I was broke. So broke that when I arrived in London , my sister had to give me £20 so I could afford the train to the connecting airport for my flight back to Dublin.

So here I was, zero money in my bank account, some minor debts from a crazy time in Vegas , and with dreams to continue traveling. What could I do? I was back in Kilkeel, my small town in Ireland . But couldn’t work out a way to live my travel dreams. Working for $10 an hour in a bar would see me stuck at home for months. I couldn’t do it. 23 years old and I wanted to see the WHOLE world , experience crazy things , get lost in foreign countries. I had to do something. Something drastic. Medical Research in Belfast!

Table of contents

Basically the deal was this:, how much do you get paid for medical research in belfast, fitting a cannula inside my arm, 5.30am wake ups, no exercise allowed, using the medical research in belfast money for travel.

Medical research in Belfast

What is Medical Research?

In short, you get locked in a hospital for a certain length of time and a company pays you to test drugs on you.

The slightly longer version for those of you not in the medical research loop, the premise is basically that huge pharmaceutical companies can’t release new drugs until they have been tested on ‘willing’ guinea pigs (of the human variety). The pharma companies, therefore, undertake medical research whereby they offer significant compensation to people who are willing to let them test their drugs on you. After you have signed a very large disclaimer contract stating that if you get ill, lose limbs or die, you can’t sue them. Marvelous.

So I scoured the internet for medical research/clinical trials in Ireland and stumbled across a company offering Medical research in Belfast. About a 90-minute drive from my hometown of Kilkeel . They were running a medical test that lasted 5 weeks. I called up and enquired.

  • You get locked in their private hospital with 20 other people for 33 days.
  • You can’t leave the room for the whole 5 weeks under any circumstances, if you leave you don’t get paid.
  • Any exercise whatsoever is banned
  • You can only eat at set meal times, no snacks ever, and you must eat exactly what they give you regardless of whether you like it or not. They have to keep all the conditions constant across patients.
  • NO visitors are allowed at any time!
  • You take drugs twice a day and get 12 vials of blood taken daily.
  • You wake up at 5.45 am (to take the first set of drugs) and go to sleep strictly at 10.30 pm.

medical research belfast

In exchange for all that madness, I would be paid £2000 ($2600) tax-free, upon completion of my medical research in Belfast. I agreed and signed the forms. Soon I found myself going through a stringent medical, got the all-clear and within 10 days I was on the way to Belfast to get locked in the clinic

To be frank, I thought it would be a breeze. Just over a month. No probs. I’ll read books, watch movies, play Playstation. Easy, right? Wrong. Very, very wrong.

LOCKED UP; The Experience

On day 1 of my medical research in Belfast, we got to meet the other patients, and it was a very strange group of people. I don’t know what I was expecting, but in hindsight, it’s only weird, desperate or broke people who would submit themselves to an ordeal like this. So it’s actually not that surprising that the group was quite an odd bunch. I was hoping there would be a selection of younger people in my situation. Perhaps just graduated high school or university and needing a quick cash injection but in reality, it was older, long-term unemployed people who preferred to do this a couple of times a year rather than building their careers in the real world. My hopes of like-minded people were crushed. This was going to be a long month.

The doctors and nurses were friendly enough, but it’s a pretty boring time for them too. They take so many injections and blood samples each day from you, so rather than literally inject you 25 times per day, they actually fit a tap into your vein (a cannula). Now they can flip a switch and take blood multiple times each day. 10 years on I still have a scar on my arm from that thing.

medical research ireland

5.30 am wake up, take drugs, give blood, have an injection. Then it’s breakfast, and the food is pretty bad. It’s a kind of a mix between standard hospital food and aeroplane meals. Not a great combo. And remember, you HAVE to eat everything on the plate. They can’t risk any factors differing between patients. So if you’re not a big fan of that damp, limp tuna and onion salad. Tough luck, son. You have to eat it up. The staff circulate to make sure everyone finishes everything. Although when it’s particularly bad I’d be walking out with my pockets full of the least desirable things and discretely disposing of it down the toilet later!

medical research northern ireland

On Day 2 I watched the entire director’s cut trilogy of Lord of the Rings BACK TO BACK. That is 726 minutes, or 12 hours and 6 minutes. What a day. And from there, it was all downhill.

Remember, no exercise is allowed as it may affect the behaviour of the experimental drugs. So you can’t use the time to get in good shape and annoyingly, I didn’t have my blog then so I couldn’t work on that either. That left me with books, TV, and movies. But there’s only so many times you can watch the OC and One Tree Hill (kidding, kind of…). The days seemed neverending.

The boredom was horrible, all I could think about was getting out. It was literally like being in prison but by choice. I needed the money so I couldn’t quit, so I sucked it up, and each day ran into the next. The food almost became bearable. The blood was flowing out of my arm at pre-set timings. The routine was set, and of course, the days dragged on, but like all things, it soon came to an end.

When the last day came, I could have cried. Walking out the front door of the clinic was heaven, I went straight to Subway for a footlong meatball sub, BBQ sauce, extra bacon, a huge coke then onto a bar in Belfast for a delicious pint of Guinness, and then maybe a couple more. It never tasted so good. Actually, we weren’t supposed to drink alcohol on day 1, as we had a check-up the next day. Thankfully nothing was flagged during the check-up. I received my money a few days later, and you know what? It was all worth it.

November 2006. 22 years old, and I had almost $3000 thanks to this mad medical trial stuff. The time was right, I was going to change my life forever. Back to my home in Ireland with my mum. I spent December researching ‘how to travel the world’, ‘how much does it cost to travel’, ‘traveling with very little money, and I stumbled across ‘teaching English in Asia’. The course that would allow me to teach English around the world is run through Cambridge University. It cost $1600 (about £1100) AND you could study it in Thailand. THAILAND?! Now we’re talking. Time to change my life.

Medical Research kinda changed my life

I used my medical research money to book myself on that course. I signed a contract to work in China after I completed my course in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and booked a one-way ticket to Bangkok , Thailand for February. What a way to spend my hard-earned cash. One last Christmas with my mum, sister, and grandmother, and early the next year I was off. Little did I know I wouldn’t be home again for nearly 4 years, but I’d be coming back a changed man.

Next stop, Thailand

A traveler, a blogger, a businessman, a free man. But it all started with medical research. So would I recommend it? You might think I’m mad, but absolutely yes. It changed my life, and for that, I’ll be forever grateful. People often ask me now, did it have any side effects. My initial response is always ‘of course not’, but then again, directly after the medical research, I’ve been on a quest to every country in the world . Seeking adventures and experiences in every corner of the globe, never settling for an average life, so who knows, maybe it did have an effect on me! Certainly a positive one.

So, when you say you’d do anything to travel, do you really mean it!? Medical research in Belfast was a drastic choice, but a good one. Would you do it?! I’m pretty sure it would have voided my digital nomad insurance though haha!. Let me know in the comments.

Every country in the world

Remember, never travel without travel insurance! And never overpay for travel insurance!

I use HeyMondo . You get INSTANT quotes. Super cheap, they actually pay out, AND they cover almost everywhere, where most insurance companies don't (even places like Central African Republic etc!). You can sign-up here . PS You even get 5% off if you use MY LINK ! You can even sign up if you're already overseas and traveling, pretty cool.

Also, if you want to start a blog...I CAN HELP YOU!

Also, if you want to start a blog, and start to change your life, I'd love to help you! Email me on [email protected]. In the meantime, check out my super easy blog post on how to start a travel blog in under 30 minutes, here! And if you just want to get cracking, use BlueHost at a discount, through me.

Also, (if you're like me, and awful with tech-stuff) email me and my team can get a blog up and running for you, designed and everything, for $699 - email [email protected] to get started.

Do you work remotely? Are you a digital nomad/blogger etc? You need to be insured too.

I use SafetyWing for my digital nomad insurance. It covers me while I live overseas. It's just $10 a week, and it's amazing! No upfront fees, you just pay week by week, and you can sign up just for a week if you want, then switch it off and on whenever. You can read my review here , and you can sign-up here !


So if you’re ready to…..

1) change your life 2) travel the world 3) get paid to travel 4) create a positive influence on others 5) be free of offices and ‘real world’ rubbish, then sign up below and let’s get started, previous post 5 lessons from traveling to every country in the world, next post what is tefl and what is a tefl course, follow me on instagram @onestep4ward.

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Public Health Agency - Research & Development in Northern Ireland

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Increased access NIHR funding

The number of funding opportunities created by the HSC R&D Division investment in National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) is increasing.  The Evidence Synthesis programme, Invention for Innovation (i4i), Research Programme for Social Care (RPSC), Programme Grants for Applied Research Programme (PHfAR) and Programme Development Grants have been added to the suite  of programmes accessible to NI Chief Investigators.

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We offer comprehensive services for Phases 1-3 of drug development, enabling you to get your product to market faster and make earlier go/no-go decisions. Because our clinical research services are all-inclusive, you can be sure that our signature speed, expertise, and strategic insights are applied at every stage of your drug's development.

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With 40+ years of experience and more than 600 beds worldwide, we offer the largest global network of early phase operations in the industry. Find out how our expertise, facilities, and full range of clinical research services prepare us to address the unique needs of your product’s early phase development.

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For 40 years, we’ve delivered swift, robust bioanalytical data from the analysis of small and large molecules in every phase of drug development. From design to execution and analysis, learn how we’ll address your study’s bioanalytical needs.

Our team has the insights and knowledge to help you get your drugs approved so you can get to market faster.

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Our Data Management and Biometrics team is one of the most experienced in the industry, offering services in study design, modeling, data collection, analysis, and reporting. Between our team’s diverse backgrounds and innovative research strategies, find out how your studies will benefit from our fast, efficient collection of high-quality data.

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Get paid for participating in medical research in belfast.

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Get Paid for Medical Research in Belfast: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction For those interested in contributing to medical advancements, participating in paid medical research in Belfast offers a rewarding opportunity to support scientific discoveries while earning compensation. This guide provides an overview of the available options, eligibility criteria, and steps involved in getting paid for medical research in Belfast.

Types of Medical Research Opportunities in Belfast

Medical research in Belfast encompasses a wide range of studies, including:

  • Clinical trials for new drugs or treatments
  • Observational studies to gather data on disease trends
  • Epidemiological studies to investigate the prevalence and causes of illness
  • Basic science research to advance medical understanding

Eligibility Criteria for Medical Research Participation

Eligibility for medical research studies varies depending on the specific research question being addressed. Common criteria include:

  • Age and gender
  • Health status and medical history
  • Prior research participation

How to Find Paid Medical Research Studies in Belfast

  • Queen's University Belfast: The Centre for Public Health and Policy Studies conducts numerous medical research studies.
  • Belfast Trust: The Research and Development Directorate oversees clinical trials and research projects.
  • Other Universities and Hospitals: Search online for research opportunities at institutions such as Ulster University and Royal Victoria Hospital.
  • Research Networks: Join research networks like the Northern Ireland Clinical Research Network to receive updates on upcoming studies.
  • Online Databases: Websites like ClinicalTrials.gov and NIHR Clinical Research Network Portfolio Database list research studies seeking participants.

Steps Involved in Getting Paid for Medical Research

  • Find a Suitable Study: Identify studies that align with your interests and eligibility criteria.
  • Contact the Researchers: Express your interest in participating and schedule an initial consultation.
  • Screening Process: Undergo a screening process to determine your suitability for the study.
  • Informed Consent: Provide written consent outlining the study details and your rights as a participant.
  • Participation: Follow the study procedures and attend scheduled appointments.
  • Completion: Upon completion of the study, receive the agreed-upon compensation.

Compensation for Medical Research Participation

Compensation for medical research participation varies widely depending on the study's duration, complexity, and potential risks. Common compensation models include:

  • Flat fee: A one-time payment for study participation.
  • Hourly rate: Payment for time spent in research activities.
  • Reimbursement for expenses: Coverage of travel, parking, or other research-related expenses.

Benefits of Participating in Medical Research

  • Support Medical Advancements: Contribute to the development of new drugs, treatments, and medical knowledge.
  • Earn Compensation: Receive financial reimbursement for your time and effort.
  • Receive Medical Monitoring: Benefit from regular medical check-ups and monitoring throughout the study.
  • Gain Valuable Experience: Acquire knowledge about medical research and health-related topics.

Considerations for Medical Research Participation

  • Potential Risks: Understand the potential risks and benefits of the study before participating.
  • Time Commitment: Be aware of the time commitment required for the study and ensure you can fulfill it.
  • Privacy and Confidentiality: Ensure the confidentiality of your personal and medical information.
  • Informed Decision: Consult with your healthcare provider and make an informed decision about whether medical research participation is right for you.

Participating in paid medical research in Belfast offers a valuable opportunity to contribute to scientific advancements while earning compensation. By following the outlined steps and considering the associated benefits and considerations, individuals can make an informed decision about whether medical research participation aligns with their goals and preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is there an age limit for medical research participation? Answer: Eligibility criteria vary depending on the study, but some studies may have age restrictions.

2. What are the risks of participating in medical research? Answer: Potential risks vary depending on the study but may include side effects from medications or procedures.

3. How long does a typical medical research study last? Answer: Duration varies significantly, ranging from a few weeks to several years.

4. Is it possible to participate in multiple medical research studies simultaneously? Answer: Yes, it is possible, but it depends on the specific studies and eligibility criteria.

5. What is the best way to find medical research opportunities in Belfast? Answer: Contacting universities, hospitals, research networks, and searching online databases are effective ways to find opportunities.

50+ Clinical Trials with Compensation Near You

Home / Clinical Trials / 50+ Clinical Trials with Compensation Near You

Clinical trials with compensation are a great opportunity to get involved in important medical research. A clinical trial is held to gather data on the potential of a novel treatment to address a specific illness. A clinical trial often focuses on people with a certain chronic condition or genetic risk factors.

A clinical study with compensation focuses on paying individual for participating in their trials. This helps study teams to more quickly drive interest around a trial, and also helps to ensure that clinical trial participants subsist through the entire trial. Some clinical trials with compensation also recruit healthy volunteers, those with no specific diagnosis or special medical needs. Which volunteers are needed for which study depends on the study’s goals. Nobody qualifies for every study, but through effective upfront communication with the study team most participants can quickly learn whether or not they are a good fit for an observational study or investigational treatment.

Compensation for research studies is a hot topic for both participants and organizers. Not all clinical trials with compensation fit everyone, but the right trial can help participants defray their costs and earn some money – anywhere from just $10 for a single visit to multiple thousands for longer studies.

Each clinical trial responds to diverse needs, so there’s no way of knowing precisely how much any given study will offer in compensation. With that said, there are a few basic facts you should know as you do research and decide whether participating in a trial focused on an investigational drug or treatment plan is the right fit for you.

Clinical Trials For Healthy Volunteers With Compensation

How much can volunteers make in clinical trials with compensation.

Compensation for clinical trials varies widely. It can range anywhere from below $100 to thousands of dollars for qualified participants. Compensation generally scales with the length and complexity of the trial, with individuals participating in the entire study maximizing their compensation. The shorter a clinical research study, the lower the amount of compensation offered, just as with research studies in other fields.

Can You Get Expenses Paid for in a Clinical Trial?

When you are cleared to participate in a research study, you will usually have any direct costs related to the study covered by the presiding company or organization. For example, you will not need to pay for a treatment given to you as part of a research study, and it does not matter if you have insurance.

Depending on the structure of the study, you may or may not qualify to have certain indirect expenses paid for. The most common indirect expense is travel. If you need to travel a long way from your home to a laboratory facility, you can often submit receipts for gas or other expenses for reimbursement.

When Do You Receive Clinical Trial Compensation?

Reimbursements are generally processed soon after they are received. On the other hand, if you’ve been offered a flat sum for your participation in the study, you will usually only receive it at a certain point in the study or after specific conditions are met.

These “conditions” usually relate to the length of the study. For example, a study that’s intended to run for a year might compensate volunteers every three months. This recognizes the fact that even some of the volunteers who qualify will not necessarily stay with the study for its entire duration.

Which Clinical Trials Offer the Most Study Compensation?

There’s no way of knowing exactly how much any given trial will provide in compensation until you contact the study sponsor. In order to make sure that you are a good fit for the trial, there will be a thorough screening process that makes sure you are a good fit, pass the exclusion criteria, and will complete the trial. As a general guideline, though, more complex clinical trials provide more compensation.

Many clinical trials have only a few basic requirements. As long as you meet the exclusion criteria, all you need to do is take the medical treatments as directed and occasionally get blood tests or other laboratory tests. But sometimes, researchers will need more information from you or will be in contact more frequently with the study physician or research team.

For instance, you might be asked to maintain a “clinical trial diary” that gives greater insight into how a condition responds at different times after treatment. This is an example of something the study research staff might figure into their calculations when determining compensation.

Is Compensation for Clinical Trial Participation Based on the Study’s Outcome?

In a word, no. A clinical trial will not offer its volunteers more or less money based on whether or not the research was successful, but rather fully participating in studies should aware you with the full compensation package. In fact, it might be months or even years before anyone can say with full certainty whether a study had the results the sponsor hoped for.

While you’re never responsible for the outcome of a study, your level of participation is definitely a factor. If you accidentally fail to follow instructions (on treatment dosage or timing, for example) it potentially invalidates your data, which may preclude compensation.

How Do I Find Out How Much Compensation a Trial Offers?

Most clinical trials with compensation advertise that compensation is available. However, a study sponsor might be legally limited in how much information they can publicize. Once it’s been verified that you match the required volunteer profile, you will receive written documentation of compensation and requirements. In some situations, an annual trial compensation package might be appropriate based on the types of interventions or medical treatments being tested.

Compensation for clinical trials makes it easier and more accessible to be a part of important medical research. Your decision to participate could help people all around the world that you will never meet, and help study drugs and treatment get out to market more quickly.

Are There Clinical Trials That Offer Compensation Near Me?

Most studies, especially ones that focus on healthy volunteers, have various locations and can even be ran in multiple countries. While technology is still being developed to allow participants to remotely participate in clinical trials, generally most study teams and study sponsors still require clinical trial participants to meet in-person based on the study design during the trial to check in on the progress of a treatment. Most major cities in the United States will offer some clinical trials that offer financial compensation and studies with locations near you.

Other Conditions

  • Acute Aortic Dissection
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Auditory Loss and Deafness
  • Autoimmune Hepatitis
  • Bronchiectasis
  • Breast Cancer
  • Esophageal Cancer
  • Lung Cancer
  • Ovarian Cancer
  • Pancreatic Cancer
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Skin Cancer
  • Compensation
  • COPD Treatments
  • Coronavirus
  • Crohn’s Disease
  • Diet And Nutrition
  • Endometriosis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • Mindfulness
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Myasthenia Gravis
  • Ophthalmology
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • PBC and PSC
  • Plant Based Diet
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Pulmonary Fibrosis
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • Urinary Tract Infections
  • Weight Loss

Paid Vaccine Trial For Women 16-17 Years Old

CMVictory: a vaccine trial for women between 16-17 years old. 

Paid Clinical Trials Nationwide

Nationwide clinical trials offering up to $3,000 for participation and treatment.

Paid Vaccine Study For Teens

Vaccine study that aims to protect teens ages 12–17 against Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and infectious mononucleosis (mono).

Paid Clinical Studies Nationwide

Sign up to receive email notifications on clinical trials for individual conditions in your local area.

How to make money from medical research and donations

  • You can make thousands of dollars by donating some time or body parts to science.
  • But these procedures are not all painless, and not everyone can participate.
  • Below is a short list, though be warned: these strategies aren't all easy money.

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Get dysentery. Play cards with someone who has the flu . Or, spend 45 days trapped in a tiny apartment with three total strangers.

These are just a few of the many ways you can get paid for helping out with scientific research. If you want to aid the science community and potentially save some lives while making a little extra cash, there are some unconventional options to consider.

Below is a short list, though be warned: these strategies aren't all exactly easy money.

Sell your blood plasma

Payout (per donation): around $50

Plasma is the largest component in human blood. It's a protein-rich liquid that contains mostly water but is also filled with enzymes, antibodies, and salts. This gooey, sticky yellow-ish stuff can be used to create therapies that treat people with blood clotting disorders, autoimmune diseases, and even burn victims. Donating plasma is often called "the gift of life" since treatments for some conditions can't be made synthetically and require this kind of human contribution.

During plasma donation, blood is drawn and an automated machine separates the plasma from other blood components, which are returned to the donor. Plasma donation pay varies from site to site, but the average payout is typically around $50 per donation. You can donate safely roughly once a month, according to the American Red Cross , and a typical session takes less than two hours. Find a licensed and certified plasma center near you.

Donate your sex cells

Payout for eggs (per donation): usually $10,000 to $12,000;

Payout for sperm (per donation): typically $35-$150

Egg and sperm donation can allow couples who have trouble conceiving naturally to become parents by using a donor's sex cells. But the time commitment and risk involved in a woman's egg donation is far steeper than what a man goes through donating his sperm.

In the United States, egg donors generally net around $10,000-$12,000. Weill Cornell outlines the standard steps for egg donation , which requires about a four-week time commitment.

During the egg donation cycle, patients are injected with fertility drugs so that the ovaries make more mature eggs than normal. (Eligible women are generally between the ages of 21 and 30). The egg retrieval procedure takes about 20 minutes but may require several days of recovery. Donors should be aware of the risks involved (largely related to the hormones used) before signing up.

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Men are generally paid anywhere from $35 to $150 per sperm donation, according to The Sperm Bank of California , but sperm donation can really start to add up if you regularly donate samples (many programs require a six-month or one-year donation commitment).

Donors should bear in mind that even if they choose to donate anonymously, sperm and egg donation is never really 100% incognito. Your DNA always knows who you are.

Spend 45 days on a fake spaceship

Payout: $160/day

NASA will pay you to spend 45 days traveling in space. Well, sort of.

You'll actually be on the ground the whole time in Houston, Texas, but you'll be locked inside a model space capsule (650 square feet) along with three strangers. This simulation is designed to study what being cooped up for a very long time inside a spaceship might do to a person, both physically and mentally. NASA wants to check this out thoroughly before they start sending astronauts on missions to Mars, or to explore faraway asteroids.

Participants in NASA's human research program share a capsule with each other that includes some workspace for doing lab experiments, a little kitchen table for eating meals that are just like what's served aboard the International Space Station, plus an exercise bike and some free weights. There's no internet, but you do get your own little cozy sleeping pod on the top floor.

The fake astronauts "on board" the capsule in May and June of 2024 include an aerospace engineering professor, a US Air Force Reserve member, a commercial pilot, and a biomedical engineer.

And that mission is nothing compared to NASA's CHAPEA Mars simulation , which keeps recruits in a simulated habitat of the red planet for 378 days. (NASA declined to comment on how much CHAPEA pays).

Take part in a clinical trial

Payout: Varies by program

The National Institutes of Health run a searchable database, ClincalTrials.gov , that rounds up human clinical studies ongoing around the world. Participants may be guinea pigs for new medical products, like drugs to treat high blood pressure, or they take part in observational research, like a study that records the effects of different lifestyles on heart health.

Subjects are generally paid to participate in such clinical trials, and most of the time, the bigger the risk, the bigger the reward. For example, a participant in one study in which participants were exposed to dysentery-causing bacteria was paid over $7,000, while a single blood draw or lab visit for a more straightforward study may only be worth $100 or so.

If you do decide to enroll in a study, choose wisely and carefully because not all of the studies on the site are regulated or evaluated for safety by the US Food and Drug Administration.

Enroll in a psychological study

Paid psychological studies, such as those that examine human behavior and brain function, may not generate as high of a return as clinical trials, but they are generally lower risk and require a shorter time commitment.

Most research universities keep an online database of studies so people can easily sign up. For example, here's a list of the most recent paid research studies offered by New York University . At NYU, you can make $12 an hour playing video games, and receive a $50 bonus if you're good at it.

Give your dead body to science

Payout: free cremation

This last idea is sort of morbid, but if you're worried about being a bother when you're dead, you can donate your body to science . This helps with various types of research and education.

Places like BioGift and Science Care will cover the costs of cremation, which can run upwards of $2,000.

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