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Your chance of acceptance, your chancing factors, extracurriculars, extended essay advice.

I'm an IB student and just starting to work on my extended essay. Honestly, I'm kind of overwhelmed! Do you have any advice on picking a topic or organizing my thoughts?

It's normal to feel overwhelmed at the beginning of working on an Extended Essay, but don't worry, I've got some tips to help you through the process.

1. Choose a subject and topic: Start by selecting a subject area that you're passionate about and within your chosen IB subject(s). Next, brainstorm topic ideas, keeping in mind that they should be researchable and narrow enough for an in-depth exploration. Consult with your teachers for guidance on selecting a suitable topic within your subject area.

2. Develop a research question: Once you have a topic, create a research question that will guide your essay. The research question should be clear, focused, and answerable through your investigation. Make sure your question allows room for analysis and argumentation, rather than just presenting facts or summaries.

3. Research and gather resources: Conduct thorough research on your topic, gathering primary and secondary resources. Primary resources may include interviews, surveys, or experiments, while secondary resources can be scholarly articles, books, or online resources. Keep track of your sources, as you'll need to reference them properly within your essay.

4. Create an outline: Organize your thoughts and plan the structure of your essay using an outline. A typical outline for an Extended Essay includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Identify the main ideas, points, and examples you will use to support your argument. Doing so will ensure your essay has a logical flow and is easy to follow.

5. Write a draft: Start writing your essay based on the outline, keeping the word count and formal academic writing style in mind. Remember to cite your sources according to the selected citation style. Doing so will help you avoid plagiarism and give credit to the authors whose work you've used to support your points.

6. Seek feedback: Ask for feedback from your supervisor, teachers, or classmates. Constructive criticism will help you refine your essay and identify areas for improvement, ensuring that your final version is polished and well-structured.

7. Revise and edit: Incorporate the feedback into your essay, revising and editing your draft. This process may take several rounds. Focus on clarity, coherence, and the overall strength of your argument. Also, ensure that your essay meets the formatting, citation, and submission guidelines provided by the IB.

8. Reflect on the process: Keep a record of your research and writing process, as you will need to complete the Reflections on Planning and Progress Form (RPPF), which is a required part of IB's assessment of your Extended Essay. Reflect on your challenges, successes, and growth during the process, demonstrating your intellectual and personal development.

Take your time with each of these steps, and remember that Rome wasn't built in a day! Investing time and effort into your Extended Essay will make the process more rewarding and result in a well-crafted piece of work. Good luck!

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Best Ways To Increase Word Count in an Essay

Best Ways To Increase Word Count in an Essay

  • Smodin Editorial Team
  • Published: May 23, 2024

Are you writing a homework essay and struggling to meet the minimum word count requirements? Or maybe you’re finding it challenging to add substance without sacrificing quality.

In this guide, we’ll cover simple strategies to increase word count in an essay while also improving the quality of your writing. These methods include using AI tools like Smodin, refining your paraphrasing, and mastering sentences.

1. Use AI Writing Tools

Using AI writing tools can help make your essay longer. These tools can provide assistants in various ways:

  • AI tools like Smodin can analyze your text. They suggest alternatives, letting you expand on ideas without harming your writing.
  • AI tools can help you find chances to break up or combine sentences. This will increase the required word count while keeping things clear and flowing.
  • These tools can recommend synonyms. They replace generic terms, adding depth to your essay.
  • AI writing assistants, like Smodin Writer , can give tailored suggestions based on your essay’s topic and tone. They ensure your desired word count increases and fits your writing goals.

Adding AI writing tools to your essay-crafting process can be a powerful way to boost your word count easily. They can also improve the quality of your work.

2. Write Short Stories

Adding stories to your essay is a compelling way to add words and engage your readers, especially when it comes to creative writing. Here’s how you can effectively utilize storytelling:

  • Add anecdotes : They give context and detail to your points while adding extra words.
  • Develop vivid characters and scenarios : Use them to illustrate your ideas and add depth to your writing.
  • Use vivid language to paint a picture for your readers : It will immerse readers in the story while increasing your word count.
  • Use emotional appeal : Connect with your reader through stories. The stories should evoke feelings and resonate with their experiences.

Weaving stories into your essay boosts word count. It also makes your content more engaging and memorable. Consider using AI tools like Smodin. They can refine your storytelling and improve your narrative flow.

3. Expand Paragraphs

Expanding paragraphs is a strategic approach. It will increase the word count and improve the depth and coherence of your essay. Here are key tactics to effectively expand your paragraphs:

  • Add detail and explanation to your main points : This will make your writing more substantial and longer.
  • Eliminate filler words : As you expand, watch for words that do not add meaning which will negatively affect your essay length.
  • Strengthen body paragraphs : Develop your body paragraphs by connecting ideas logically and cohesively.
  • Use transitional phrases : These help you move between ideas and paragraphs. They keep your essay flowing and positively increase the word count.

By expanding your paragraphs carefully, you can boost your word count. This will enrich your writing’s quality and structure. AI tools, like Smodin, can help here, too. They will streamline and improve how you expand paragraphs.

4. Add Examples

Adding examples to your essay is a powerful way to support your arguments. It also makes your writing more engaging. Here are some strategies for effectively incorporating examples into your writing:

  • Use relevant examples : They must relate to the topic and support your arguments. Avoid using examples that are unrelated or confusing.
  • Use many examples : They can emphasize different parts of your argument and make your writing more complete.
  • Use examples from different sources : They give a full view of the topic. They show your skill at analyzing and evaluating diverse views.
  • Use examples to contrast and compare : Using examples to contrast and compare ideas can highlight their strengths and weaknesses. It can provide a more nuanced understanding of the topic.
  • Use examples to clarify complex concepts : They can make concepts easier to understand.

Adding examples to your essay provides evidence to back your arguments. It also makes your writing more engaging and persuasive.

5. Clarify Sentences

When aiming to increase your essay’s word count, clear sentences are crucial. They add substance and depth to your writing. Here are key strategies to enhance clarity and expand your content effectively:

  • Provide more detail : Elaborate on key points by adding more detail and examples to enrich your explanations.
  • Use descriptive language : It illustrates concepts and engages readers deeply.
  • Clarify your statements : Make them clear and short. Avoid ambiguity and complexity.
  • Emphasize the key points : Do this to reinforce your arguments and provide a full understanding.
  • Add more depth : Dive deeper into topics by exploring various angles and perspectives to enrich your analysis and clarify statements.
  • Avoid unnecessary information : Trim away details that do not matter or add to the main ideas. This keeps your writing clear.

These strategies will help you clarify your sentences and add depth to your content. They will also increase the word count while keeping your essay relevant and coherent.

6. Use Quotations

Using quotes in your essay can boost word count and add credibility and depth to your arguments. Here are some effective ways to use quotations in your writing:

  • Use quotes from quality sources : They will give solid evidence for your claims.
  • Adding authority : Quotes from experts or well-known figures can add a sense of authority to your writing and boost the validity of your arguments.
  • Emphasizing key points: Similar to using examples, quotations can be used to highlight key ideas or perspectives that align with your argument.
  • Provide different viewpoints : Integrate quotes with diverse viewpoints. They enrich the discussion and show a complete understanding of the topic.
  • Use quotes strategically : They will strengthen your argument and persuade your readers.
  • Cite relevant quotes : Remember to cite quotes correctly as per your school or university’s guidelines.

By skillfully using quotes, you can improve your writing, increase your word count, and enrich your essay with valuable insights and perspectives.

7. Expand the Introduction and Conclusion

The intro and conclusion of your essay are crucial. By expanding these sections, you can boost your word count and strengthen the coherence and impact of your writing.

Expanding the introduction:

  • Provide more detail : Start your essay with a more detailed and engaging hook to capture your reader’s attention.
  • Introduce the topic thoroughly : Spend more time setting the context and giving background on it.
  • Connect ideas : Make clear connections between your introduction and the body of your essay. This ensures a smooth transition.
  • Show off your writing : The introduction sets the tone for the whole essay. Aim to showcase your writing skills from the very first sentence well.
  • Write the introduction last : While this may seem like a backward approach, it’s the best way to ensure you include all the necessary details in your intro.

Expanding the conclusion:

  • Revisit key points : Summarize the main arguments and ideas from your essay. Give a full recap for your readers.
  • Offer more insights : Explore the broader meaning of your topic. Or suggest new research and discussion topics.
  • Tie your conclusion to the introduction : This will create a cohesive essay.
  • Write with intention : Invest time crafting a thoughtful conclusion. Make it impactful to leave a lasting impression on your professor or teacher.

By adding to your introduction and conclusion, you can increase your essay’s word count. You will also improve the structure, coherence, and impact of your writing.

8. Add Transition Phrases

As mentioned, adding transition phrases to your school or college essay is a strategic way to increase your word count. It also improves the flow and coherence of your writing. These phrases act as bridges between ideas. They help your readers navigate your essay smoothly.

Here are some effective ways to utilize transition phrases to boost your word count:

  • Use transition words and phrases to connect your ideas. Do this for both paragraphs and sections. It will make your essay cohesive and well-structured.
  • Use a variety of transitions. Try a range of phrases, such as “in addition,” “furthermore,” “on the other hand,” and “in conclusion.” They will add depth and complexity to your writing.
  • Ensure the phrases you use are right for the context. They should guide your readers through your arguments well.

By adding transition phrases to your essay, you can increase your word count. This will also improve the clarity, flow, and coherence of your writing.

Let Smodin Boost Your Word Count

Learning to increase word count in essays is not just about quantity. It’s also about improving the quality and impact of your writing.

These techniques will change your own writing process and help you write essays and research papers that resonate with your professors and teachers, no matter how many words you need.

Platforms like Smodin use AI to offer a simple solution to essay writing. They help you increase your word count easily. Here’s how Smodin can help you:

  • Smodin uses AI to analyze your text and suggests ways to add words in addition to removing unnecessary words.
  • Smodin can help with paraphrasing. It can also add depth and length to sentences.
  • Use Smodin to improve your writing. It gives suggestions on grammar and style.
  • Tailored recommendations to suit your specific writing needs and goals.

Explore Smodin’s services today to improve your writing.

Program Mission: With an appropriate undergraduate major in communication disorders and sciences, this program meets the requirements for the Certificate of Clinical Competence awarded by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, the Speech-Language Pathologist License awarded by the Illinois Division of Financial and Professional Regulation, and the K-12 Educator License (with Illinois State Board of Education endorsement). Candidates meeting these requirements are eligible to practice speech-language pathology in both educational and medical settings.

Accreditation:   Council on Academic Accreditation of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association in the area of speech-language pathology.

Admission Requirements:   To be eligible for degree candidacy, applicants must meet all of the requirements for admission to the Graduate School (see “ Admission to Graduate Degree and Certificate Programs ”).  To be eligible for admission to the degree program, applicants must provide documentation of AT LEAST a 3.00 grade point average (A=4.0) in undergraduate communication disorders and sciences coursework.

Students from any accredited four-year college or university who have completed the appropriate undergraduate degree or undergraduate coursework are encouraged to apply.  Applicants are advised that admission to the program is competitive and determined by a graduate faculty committee that reviews all applications. 

CDS DIRECT ADMIT GRADUATE PROGRAM Students with an interest in speech-language pathology who apply to EIU as high school students and are admitted to EIU (as full-time or part-time students) may be accepted into the CDS Direct Admit Graduate Program if they meet the following admission criteria:

  • They have a 3.75 high school cumulative GPA (on a 4.0 scale); OR ,  
  • They have a high school cumulative GPA of 3.5 to 3.74 or are in the upper 10% of their high school graduating class AND have an SAT of 1230+ or ACT composite of 26+,  AND
  • They specify CDS as their major either on their EIU Application or by first day of classes at EIU.

Meeting these criteria does not guarantee automatic admission to the program. Admission to the Freshman Direct Admit Program is competitive.

Maintenance of EIU CDS Direct Admit Status

Students admitted to the EIU CDS Direct Admit Graduate Program must meet the following criteria to continue in the program:

  • They must enroll in at least two 2000-level EIU CDS courses in the year after high school to maintain direct admit status. If an accelerated 3-year bachelor’s degree plan with 5-year bachelor’s/master’s combination plan is desired, then 4 of 5 required EIU 2000 level courses must be completed in the year after high school.
  • They must have maintained a major and cumulative 3.5 GPA upon completion of all 2000-level and 3000-level CDS academic courses. *
  • They must have met minimum requirements for the Essential Professional Functions in Undergraduate Coursework after completing all 3000-level CDS courses. *

The Graduate Admissions Committee will review status of all candidates in the Direct Admit Graduate Program and determine a student’s continued eligibility in the Direct Admit Graduate Program in May after 3000-level courses are completed. * Following review of GPA and Essential Professional Functions data, students who no longer meet criteria for the CDS Direct Admit Graduate Program can decide to apply to EIU’s CDS graduate program traditionally through CSDCAS. *Foot note: Some students may be enrolled in CDS 3900, Introduction to Clinical Techniques, in either spring of their junior year or fall of their senior year. The review of grades and Essential Professional Functions for students in the Direct Admit program will be completed in May after the 3000-level course sequence is completed regardless of which term the student enrolled is enrolled in CDS 3900.

EARLY ADMIT TO EIU CDS GRADUATE PROGRAM Current EIU CDS students with an interest in attending EIU’s CDS graduate program who meet the following criteria are encouraged to apply for acceptance into the CDS Early Admit Graduate Program:

  • They have a 3.5 cumulative GPA and major GPA upon completion of 3000-level CDS courses. *
  • They have completed >60 hours of college credit by the end of the spring term.
  • They have met the Essential Professional Functions in Undergraduate Coursework minimum requirements.
  • Written responses to the personal essay question and 3 short answer questions from EIU CSDCAS
  • Resume that includes extra-curricular, service, leadership, and employment experience

Review of applications will take place during May by the Graduate Admissions Committee. Final grades, as well as Essential Professional Functions, will be considered. Students will be notified of acceptance into the CDS Early Admit Program by June 1. *Foot note: Some students may be enrolled in CDS 3900, Introduction to Clinical Techniques, in either spring of their junior year or fall of their senior year. The review of grades and Essential Professional Functions for students applying to the Early Admit program will be completed in May after the 3000-level course sequence is completed regardless of which term the student is enrolled in CDS 3900.  

TRANSITION FROM DIRECT ADMIT OR EARLY ADMIT TO GRADUATE STUDENT STATUS Students accepted into the Direct Admit or Early Admit programs are required to report graduate school plans to the Graduate Coordinator by December 15 of their senior year and may include the following choices:

  • Accepting admittance to EIU’s graduate program
  • If applying to other places in CSDCAS, the student would have an April 15 decision deadline like other applicants.

Degree Audit: The graduate plan of study is the EIU Degree Audit, which is generated automatically at the time of degree or certificate candidacy. Modifications of the standard EIU Degree Audit are submitted by the graduate coordinator to the certification officer in the Graduate School at the time modifications are approved. The Degree Audit serves as an unofficial summary of requirements for the program. Degree and certificate candidates are advised to review the comprehensive summary of the Degree Audit process specified on the “ Requirements for All Degree and Certificate Candidates ” section of the Graduate Catalog. Individual programs may require candidates to submit plans of study in addition to the Degree Audit, candidates should consult with the program coordinator.

Degree Requirements

Degree requirements include those outlined for the master’s degree by the Graduate School (see “ Requirements for the Master’s Degree ”) and those specified below for the Master of Science in Communication Disorders and Sciences.

Degree candidates for the Master of Science in Communication Disorders and Sciences will complete the curriculum sequence detailed below, which includes all of the courses, clinical practicum, and internship requirements. Candidates typically complete a plan of study arranged over 6 or 7 terms as outlined on the Graduate Program in Speech-Language Pathology section of the Communication Disorders and Sciences website. In addition to the required courses, clinical practicum, and internship requirements, candidates may select from electives including Independent Study, Thesis, and Study Abroad (when offered).  Students are also advised that they must meet Essential Functions for enrollment in Clinical Practicum and Internship Experiences. A minimum of 58 hours is required for completion.

Required Courses and Clinical Practicum Experiences

Minimum of 58 hours.

  • CDS 5000 - Research Methods in Communication Disorders and Sciences. Credits: 1
  • CDS 5100 - Motor Speech Disorders. Credits: 3
  • CDS 5130 - Advanced Speech Sound Disorders Credits: 2
  • CDS 5150 - Fluency Disorders Credits: 2
  • CDS 5170 - Voice Production and Disorders. Credits: 2
  • CDS 5210 - Literacy for the Speech-Language Pathologist Credits: 2
  • CDS 5230 - Early Childhood Language Disorders Credits: 3
  • CDS 5250 - School-Age Language Disorders Credits: 3
  • CDS 5300 - Aphasia & Right Hemisphere Dysfunction Credits: 3
  • CDS 5350 - Cognitive-Communication & Executive Function Disorders Credits: 3
  • CDS 5500 - Dysphagia Management in Children and Adults. Credits: 3
  • CDS 5800 - Grand Rounds in Communication Disorders and Sciences Credits: 2

4 to 6 hours in Advanced Clinical Practice

  • CDS 59001 - Advanced Clinical Practice I Credits: 1 to 3
  • CDS 59002 - Advanced Clinical Practice II Credits: 1 to 3
  • CDS 59003 - Advanced Clinical Practice III Credits: 1 to 3
  • CDS 5905 - Advanced Clinical Treatment and Methodology Credits: 1
  • CDS 5910 - Diagnostics in Speech-Language Pathology. Credits: 1
  • CDS 5915 - Advanced Clinical Diagnosis and Assessment Credits: 1
  • CDS 5920 - Audiology for the Speech-Language Pathologist Credits: 1
  • CDS 5670 - Professional Regulations and Issues in the Educational Setting for SLPs Credits: 1
  • CDS 5680 - Professional Regulations and Issues in Medical Settings for SLPs Credits: 1

Research Experience

One hour of research is required.

  • CDS 5001 - Research Experience in Communication Disorders and Science Credits: 1
  • CDS 5850 - Independent Study. Credits: 1 to 4
  • CDS 5890 - Thesis. Credits: 1 to 4

Elective Courses

In addition to the required courses, clinical practicum, and internship experiences, candidates may opt to enroll in electives including Special Topics (when available), Graduate Seminar (when available), Independent Study, CDS Study Abroad (when available), or Thesis.  Candidates completing a thesis must enroll in a total of 4 credit hours of CDS 5890 and must defend and deposit the thesis prior to completion of the degree. 

  • CDS 5400A - Special Topics in Communication Disorders and Sciences Credits: 2
  • CDS 5450 - Graduate Seminar in Communication Disorders and Sciences Credits: 1

Required Full-Time Internship Experiences

All candidates in all tracks and options are required to complete two internships in two different settings.  All candidates complete a Medical Internship and an Educational Internship unless approved to substitute the Clinical Internship as described below.

  • CDS 5980 - Medical Internship. Credits: 9

Candidates register for 9 semester hours and meet all prerequisites and requirements for the course. 

  • CDS 5970 - Educational Internship. Credits: 9

Candidates register for 9 semester hours and meet all prerequisites and requirements for the course.

  • CDS 5985 - Clinical Internship Credits: 9

Candidates approved for Clinical Internship register for 9 semester hours.

Graduate Assistantships

Accelerated option with direct, early or traditional admission to cds graduate program.

Students completing the EIU CDS Direct Admit or Early Admit Programs or traditionally admitted to the program may be eligible to earn graduate credit toward their graduate degree while completing their undergraduate degree. If an accelerated 3-year bachelor’s degree plan with 5-year bachelor’s/master’s combination plan is desired, then 4 of 5 required EIU 2000-level courses must be completed in the year after high school. Please refer to the Graduate School policies at  about accelerated programs and taking courses for “shared” credit. CDS students in the Direct Admit or Early Admit or traditionally admitted programs may take up to 15 shared credits to fulfill the 120 semester hours required for the B.S. degree, which will also fulfil certain graduate requirements in the CDS M.S. program. Courses for shared credit may be taken only after the admission review is completed. Enrollment in accelerated coursework for shared credit is contingent upon chair approval and availability of seats.

Graduate courses that may be used for shared credit are listed below:

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Exercise 1 Underline each word or phrase that should be italicized. Not every sentence has words that should be italicized. Matt felt proud that he had earned all A’s and B’s.

The corrected version of the given sentence is:

Matt felt proud that he had earned all A's and B's .

According to standard formatting conventions , letter grades should be italicized when mentioned in written text. In this sentence, "A's" and "B's" are referring to the letter grades that Matt earned and should be italicized.

To conform to proper formatting, "A's" and "B's" should be italicized in the sentence.

To know more about sentence visit

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give 5 example of adjectival phrase ​

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Ram is a handsome boy . -  boy is modified by the word handsome

“The old man walked slowly.” – “old man” is modifying the noun “man.”

The small dog barked loudly.” – “small dog” is modifying the noun “dog.”

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“The red dress was gorgeous.” – “red dress” is modifying the noun “dress.”

Using your Associated Press Stylebook, select which of the four following sentences is written correctly in AP Style: A. The winning skater, from The United States, was 6-foot-2, and wore a purple unitard. B. The winning skater, from The U.S., was 6' 2", and wore a purple unitard. C. The winning skater from The United States was 6 feet 2, and wore a purple unitard. D. The winning skater, from The United States, was 6-feet-2, and wore a purple unitard.

The sentence written correctly in AP Style is Option C: "The winning skater from The United States was 6 feet 2, and wore a purple unitard."

According to AP Style, country names should not be capitalized unless they are part of a proper noun , and the abbreviation "feet" should be spelled out. Option A incorrectly capitalizes "The United States" and uses a hyphenated format for the height measurement. Option B uses the abbreviation "U.S." instead of "The United States," which should be avoided in AP Style. Option D also uses a hyphenated format for the height measurement, which is not preferred. AP Style aims for consistency and clarity in news writing, providing guidelines for uniformity in punctuation, capitalization, and abbreviations. By following AP Style, journalists, and writers can maintain a standardized and professional approach to their writing.

Learn more about AP Style at

Exercise 2 Fill in the missing letter or letters in each word. proc___ d

The complete word is proceed.

The word " proceed " denotes moving forward with a plan of action, such as beginning a project, finishing a task, or voicing an opinion. Additionally, it can be used to denote a forward movement or voyage. It can refer to carrying on a case or lawsuit in terms of legal action .

"Proceed with caution" is a term that refers to taking action while being conscious of any potential risks, hazards, or obstacles.  It may be used to offer counsel or to convey a warning to proceed with caution . It can also be used to indicate a desire to move on with an action or a plan.

To learn more about action plan link is here

Bev was coming toward them, then, her red mouth set in a bright, calculating smile. She ignored Millicent and sailed up to Herb. "Why waste your time with gophers?" she caroled gaily. "Their tongues are tied, but completely." Herb managed a parting shot. "But that one keeps such an attractive silence." —"Initiation," Sylvia Plath Based on the passage, what inferences can be made about the characters? Check all that apply. Bev is attracted to Herb. Bev is a jealous person who dislikes female competition. Millicent looks like a gopher. Herb thinks that Millicent is attractive. Herb prefers women who are shy.

Inferences that can be made about the characters from the given passage are:Bev is attracted to Herb.Herb thinks that Millicent is attractive.

A B & D

Exercise Add all necessary punctuation marks. Underline words or phrases that should be in italics. What prizewinning author is known for her portrayals of life in the Middle Ages

What prizewinning author is known for her portrayals of life in the Middle Ages?

Punctuation refers to the marks or symbols used in writing to separate and clarify sentences, phrases, clauses, and other elements of a text. Punctuation marks include symbols such as periods (.), commas (,), question marks (?), exclamation marks (!), quotation marks (" "), and apostrophes ('), among others. They are used to indicate pauses, endings, emphasis, quotations, and other grammatical and syntactical functions, helping to convey meaning and structure in written language.

To know more about punctuation visit;

1. To help all children reach their full potential, our community should encourage students to get involved in music and should offer free lessons to every child who wants them. 2. A recent Cloud Valley University study confirms that this is a common occurrence: Musical training can help children learn important life skills, build self-esteem, and focus on a constructive activity that keeps them out of trouble. 3. When Miles Fremont began learning to play the guitar at age 11, his entire life started to transform for the better. How should these sentences be ordered to create a correctly organized introduction paragraph? 1,2,3 1,3,2 3,1,2 3,2,1 1of3 QUESTIONS

To create a correctly organized introduction paragraph , we can use the order: 1, 2, 3(option a).

This order first provides the context for the essay, then adds evidence to the main argument and finally gives an example of how the argument works in the real world.

Introduction paragraphs serve as roadmaps for readers by providing them with a quick overview of what they can expect from the essay. To organize an introduction paragraph for the given sentences correctly, we need to first understand their order and how they connect to each other.

1. To help all children reach their full potential, our community should encourage students to get involved in music and should offer free lessons to every child who wants them. This sentence provides the context for the entire paragraph and introduces the main argument that the essay will explore.

2. A recent Cloud Valley University study confirms that this is a common occurrence: Musical training can help children learn important life skills, build self-esteem, and focus on a constructive activity that keeps them out of trouble. This sentence offers support for the argument in the previous sentence and adds evidence to it.

3. When Miles Fremont began learning to play the guitar at age 11, his entire life started to transform for the better. This sentence provides an example of how music can have a positive impact on children's lives.

So, an introduction paragraph for the given sentences could look like this:To help all children reach their full potential, our community should encourage students to get involved in music and should offer free lessons to every child who wants them. A recent Cloud Valley University study confirms that this is a common occurrence: Musical training can help children learn important life skills, build self-esteem, and focus on a constructive activity that keeps them out of trouble. For example, when Miles Fremont began learning to play the guitar at age 11, his entire life started to transform for the better.

For more such questions on introduction paragraph visit:

Speech you have been emmbrassung experince at school result

The embarrassing experience I had at school was the day I received my exam results in front of the entire class .

As the teacher began handing out the graded papers, I felt a mix of nervousness and anticipation. When it was finally my turn, I reached out for my exam with sweaty palms, hoping for a decent grade . To my dismay, I saw a disappointing mark staring back at me. My heart sank, and I could feel the eyes of my classmates on me, awaiting my reaction.

The embarrassment intensified as the teacher announced my grade aloud, making it known to everyone in the room. I felt exposed and vulnerable, as if my worth as a student was being judged in that very moment. The silence in the classroom made it even more uncomfortable, amplifying my feelings of shame.

I tried my best to hide my disappointment and maintain composure, but inside, I was crushed. It felt as though my efforts had been in vain, and I couldn't shake off the humiliation I experienced in that instant.

This embarrassing experience served as a reminder that failure and setbacks are part of life. It taught me the importance of resilience and the need to learn from my mistakes rather than letting them define me. Although it was a difficult moment to endure, it ultimately motivated me to work harder and strive for improvement in the future .

Learn more about work harder here:

Exercise 1 Draw one line under the indefinite pronoun subject. Draw two lines under the correct form of the verb. Many of the old pirate ships (has been, have been) lost in that area.

Indefinite pronouns are the words which refer to one or more persons, places, or things in an indefinite way.

Some examples of indefinite pronouns are: all, any, anyone, anything, both, each, either, everyone, everything, few, many, neither, nobody, none, nothing, one, several, some, somebody, someone, and such.

Most indefinite pronouns take a plural verb; however, some can take a singular verb if the subject is singular. In the sentence "Many of the old pirate ships have been lost in that area", the indefinite pronoun subject is "Many." Many is an indefinite pronoun that takes a plural verb.

Therefore, the correct form of the verb in the given sentence would be "have been".

Many of the old pirate ships have been lost in that area.

Indefinite pronouns are one of the eight parts of speech in English grammar. They are used to replace specific nouns with general meanings, and they can be either singular or plural. Indefinite pronouns are an essential part of English grammar, and they help writers communicate more effectively with their audience .

To know more about pronouns visit:

intermediate english please explain thanks! 3) In J.M. Coetzee's Waiting for the Barbarians, both the girl and the Magistrate suffer mental and physical forms of torture and then are "restored to their previous lives- the girl is returned to her people and at the end of the novel, the Magistrate is once again in charge of the settlement. How is the girl marked or changed by her torture, and how, if at all, is the Magistrate marked or changed by his torture?

In J.M. Coetzee's novel " Waiting for the Barbarians ," both the girl and the Magistrate experience mental and physical torture .

The girl, after being tortured, is returned to her people, and the Magistrate regains control over the settlement. The girl is marked or changed by her torture as it leaves a lasting impact on her psyche and physical well-being. The specific changes she undergoes are not explicitly mentioned in the given information.

On the other hand, the Magistrate is also marked or changed by his torture. It is implied that his experience of torture leads to a transformation in his perspective and understanding of power dynamics , possibly making him more empathetic and aware of the injustice faced by others. However, the extent and nature of the changes in both characters are left open to interpretation, as they are not explicitly stated in the provided description.

Learn more about physical torture at

Exercise 2 Underline the subject. Fill in the blank with the verb in parentheses that agrees with the subject in the context of the sentence. Measles _____________ usually a childhood disease. (is, are)

In the sentence "Measles is usually a childhood disease," the subject is Measles . The sentence is written in the present tense. "Is" is the verb that agrees with the subject in the context of the sentence.

Measles is a viral illness that can cause rashes and fever. The disease is highly contagious and can be transmitted through coughing and sneezing. The majority of measles cases occur in children, but adults can also get the disease if they have not been vaccinated.

Measles is not as common as it used to be, thanks to widespread vaccination efforts that have been in place for several decades. Nonetheless, there are still occasional outbreaks of the disease in communities where vaccination rates are low.

In general, measles is a preventable disease that is easily controlled through vaccination programs. However, it remains a significant public health concern in many parts of the world.

To know more about Measles visit:

Read the following report and answer the question below. The results came in today and John Snyder has been reelected mayor. The results are not a surprise to many, due to Snyder leading in the polls the entire race. In his previous term Snyder failed to solve the city's recycling problem, but was able to stop the police strike and have many of the roads repaved. Snyder is sure to have an even more effective term this time." Which sentence is an opinion? A. Snyder is sure to have an even more effective term this time. B. The results are not a surprise to many, due to Snyder leading in the polls the entire race. C. In his previous term Snyder failed to solve the city’s recycling problem, but was able to stop the police strike and have many of the roads repaved. D. The results came in today and John Snyder has been reelected mayor.

The given report states that John Snyder has been reelected as the mayor. It also provides information on Snyder's performance in his previous term and provides an opinion that Snyder is sure to have an even more effective term this time. Therefore, option A is correct.

The sentence which is an opinion is option A) Snyder is sure to have an even more effective term this time. A report is a brief written document that provides information on a particular topic. It is usually sent to a specific audience. The report is a piece of informative writing that conveys information on the results of an investigation or research carried out.

The primary goal of a report is to offer information on a particular topic and provide a suggestion based on the results of the research. In the given report, the statement that is an opinion is "Snyder is sure to have an even more effective term this time." An opinion is a statement that expresses an individual's point of view or belief about a topic.

It is an assertion that cannot be objectively measured or proven correct or incorrect. In contrast to facts, opinions are subjective and may differ from person to person. All other statements in the report are factual statements . The report provides information on the results of the mayoral election and John Snyder's performance in his previous term.

For more such questions on John Snyder , click on:

Using your own words, answer each of the following questions: What is peer assessment, and why do we use it at University of the People? What are the benefits of peer assessment? What are the challenges of giving peer feedback in peer assessment? What are the challenges of receiving peer feedback in peer assessment? what strategies will you use to peer assess written assignments? How will you assess discussion assignments? For this assignment, your peers will be evaluating your work with the following criteria. Did the student accurately define peer assessment? Did the student describe why peer assessment is used at UoPeople? Did the student describe the benefits of peer assessment? Did the student describe challenges for giving feedback in peer assessment? Did the student describe challenges for receiving feedback in peer assessment? Did the student describe how they will peer assess written assignments? Did the student describe how they will assess discussion posts? Did the student's paper include these formatting elements: at least 1-2 pages in length double-spaced 1-inch margins written in Times New Roman 12 font include a word count|

Peer assessment refers to a process of evaluating the work of one's peers or colleagues in academic writing or learning.

At the University of the People, peer assessment is used to assess written and discussion assignments, where students submit their assignments, and other students are assigned to grade and provide feedback. The following are the benefits of peer assessment: Improving the quality of feedback: Through peer assessment, students can provide high-quality feedback since they have a shared understanding of the course content.

Promoting critical thinking : Peer assessment encourages critical thinking and reflection by requiring students to evaluate other's work and provide feedback. Creating a sense of community: Peer assessment allows students to share their work and learn from their peers, creating a sense of community among students. The challenges of giving peer feedback in peer assessment include: Providing feedback that is constructive: Peer assessors may find it challenging to provide feedback that is not overly critical or not critical enough.

Ensuring feedback is objective: Peer assessors may be subjective when assessing work, which may result in an inaccurate assessment. Time constraints: Peer assessment can be time-consuming, and students may find it challenging to provide feedback promptly. The challenges of receiving peer feedback in peer assessment include: Overreliance on feedback: Students may rely too much on feedback from their peers, which may limit their critical thinking and creativity.

Criticism: Receiving feedback from peers may be challenging, especially if it is overly critical or lacks constructive feedback. Time constraints: Students may find it challenging to review and act on feedback from their peers within the given time frame. To peer assess written assignments, I will use the following strategies:Provide clear instructions on the requirements of the assignment.

Set criteria for assessment, which should be specific and focused on the learning objectives of the assignment. Use a rubric to ensure that assessments are objective and fair. To assess discussion assignments, I will use the following strategies:Define clear instructions on the requirements of the discussion assignment. Set criteria for assessment, which should be specific and focused on the learning objectives of the discussion assignment.

Establish participation expectations for discussion assignments. The paper should include 1-2 pages in length, double-spaced, 1-inch margins, written in Times New Roman 12 font, and include a word count.

Learn more about Peer assessment Here.

Exercise 1 Draw two lines under the simple predicate in each sentence. Label any direct object d.o. and any indirect object i.o. Mr. Lichtenberg gave the football players a pep talk.

In this particular sentence, Mr. Lichtenberg gave a pep talk to the football players, the verb "gave" represents the action, Mr. Lichtenberg is the doer, the football players are the indirect object , and the pep talk is the direct object.

In the given sentence, the simple predicate is "gave." It represents the action or the verb in the sentence.

Mr. Lichtenberg is the subject of the sentence, indicating the doer of the action.

"Gave" is the verb that describes the action performed by Mr. Lichtenberg.

We also have an indirect object and a direct object in this sentence:

The indirect object (i.o.) is "the football players." It receives the action indirectly and answers the question "to whom?" Mr. Lichtenberg gave the pep talk.

The direct object (d.o.) is "a pep talk." It receives the action directly and answers the question "what?" Mr. Lichtenberg gave a pep talk.

As a result, the simple predicate in this phrase is "gave," the subject is "Mr. Lichtenberg," the indirect object is "the football players," and the direct object is "a pep talk."

Identifying the simple predicate, subject, direct object, and indirect object helps in understanding the structure and meaning of a sentence.

To know more about Indirect Object, visit

How do the phone calls from hally’s mother affect his behavior? he assumes the role of boss with sam and willie. he chastises sam and willie for acting like children. he retreats into silence and does his homework. he starts to eat more sweets.

The phone calls from Hally's mother affect his behavior in the following way: He assumes the role of the boss with Sam and Willie . The phone calls from Hally's mother seem to reinforce a sense of authority in Hally.

He retreats into silence and does his homework. The phone calls may have a negative impact on Hally's mood, leading him to withdraw into silence. This behavior could be a response to the stress or tension caused by the conversations with his mother. Hally may use this time to focus on his homework as a way to distract himself or regain a sense of control in a situation where he feels pressured.

To learn more about Sam and Willie, visit here

Click to read the passage from Macbeth, by William Shakespeare. Then answer the question. Based on the passage, what tone is created by these words? OA. Mysterious OB. Excited OC. Angry OD. Purposeful

The tone created by the words in the passage from Macbeth, by William Shakespeare , is Option A. Mysterious.

MACBETH : Thou hast it now: king, Cawdor, Glamis, all, As the weird women promised, and, I fear, Thou played most foully for yet it was said It should not stand in thy posterity, But that myself should be the root and father Of many kings. If there come truth from them-- As upon thee, Macbeth, their speeches shine-- Why, by the verities on thee made good, May they not be my oracles as well, And set me up in hope? But hush! No more.

This line is the most appropriate example: "As the weird women promised."The words " weird women " in the passage describe the three witches who met Macbeth and Banquo on the heath. The witches promised Macbeth that he would become the Thane of Cawdor and king, which came true later in the play. This creates a mysterious tone, as the supernatural is being invoked.

Additionally, Macbeth himself speaks in an uncertain manner, as he is questioning the motives of the witches and their prophesies. This adds to the mysterious tone of the passage. Thus, it can be concluded that the tone created by the words in the passage from Macbeth, by William Shakespeare is mysterious . Therefore, the correct option is A.

Know more about William Shakespeare here:

Write an essay to present an argument, that either support or opposes the decision to award a singer-songwriter the Nobel Prize in Literature. Your argument should include a clear claim, logical reasons, and evidence that is relevant and sufficient.

The Essay includes Title: The Nobel Prize in Literature : Expanding the Boundaries to Include Singer-Songwriters, Introduction, Claim, Reason and evidence of Blurring Genre Boundaries, Impact on Society , and Literary Craftsmanship and conclusion.


The decision to award a singer-songwriter the Nobel Prize in Literature has generated both praise and criticism . This essay argues in support of this decision, highlighting the significant artistic merit and literary value that singer-songwriters bring to the cultural landscape.

Singer-songwriters deserve consideration for the Nobel Prize in Literature due to their ability to convey profound emotions, explore complex themes, and captivate audiences through their poetic lyrics and musical compositions.

Reasons and Evidence:

Blurring Genre Boundaries:

Singer-songwriters often transcend traditional genre boundaries, blending elements of poetry, storytelling, and music to create unique artistic expressions. Their ability to craft evocative narratives and resonate with diverse audiences demonstrates their literary prowess .

Impact on Society:

Singer-songwriters have historically played a vital role in reflecting societal issues, voicing dissent, and inspiring change. Their lyrics tackle themes of love, politics, identity, and social justice, provoking thought and fostering dialogue. Bob Dylan, a Nobel laureate, exemplifies this impact through his poetic protest songs that influenced generations.

Literary Craftsmanship:

The craftsmanship displayed in singer-songwriters' lyrics is akin to that of renowned poets. Through their vivid imagery, metaphors, and wordplay, they create narratives and evoke emotions. Joni Mitchell's introspective and introspective songwriting showcases the depth and artistry that singer-songwriters bring to their craft.


Recognizing singer-songwriters with the Nobel Prize in Literature enriches and broadens the literary canon, acknowledging the power of their poetic and musical creations. By embracing the evolving nature of artistic expression, the Nobel Committee celebrates the cultural significance and literary merit of singer-songwriters , honoring their contributions to the world of literature.

Know more about Literature here:

Read the excerpt from chapter 6 of Animal Farm. Afterwards Squealer made a round of the farm and set the animals’ minds at rest. He assured them that the resolution against engaging in trade and using money had never been passed, or even suggested. It was pure imagination, probably traceable in the beginning to lies circulated by Snowball. A few animals still felt faintly doubtful, but Squealer asked them shrewdly, "Are you certain that this is not something that you have dreamed, comrades? Have you any record of such a resolution? Is it written down anywhere?” Which statement best explains how the pacing in this passage helps reveal Squealer’s character? The quickening pace builds suspense about Squealer’s next course of action. The quickening pace shows how Squealer is similar to Snowball. The foreshadowing shows that Snowball and Squealer are actually very different. The slowing pace shows how Squealer controls the animals with propaganda.

Exercise 1 Underline each word or phrase that should be italicized. Not every sentence has words that should be italicized. Which movie did you like better: Home Alone or Home Alone II?

In the sentence "Which movie did you like better: Home Alone or Home Alone II?", there are two words that should be italicized : Home Alone and Home Alone II.

Italicizing movie titles is a common practice in writing to indicate that they are titles of works. In this case, "Home Alone" and "Home Alone II" are specific movie titles and should be italicized to distinguish them from the rest of the sentence.

It is important to note that the use of italics for movie titles may vary depending on the style guide or formatting conventions being followed. However, in most standard writing styles, such as APA or MLA, movie titles are typically italicized.

Therefore, the sentence should be written as follows: "Which movie did you like better: Home Alone or Home Alone II?"

For more questions on APA , click on:

PLS 100 points Read the following quote by Tybalt, Juliet's cousin. In this scene, he encounters Benvolio, Romeo's cousin. "What, drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word, As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee." Which of the following universal themes does this quote help develop? Fate often plays a role in the outcome of a situation. Forbidden love can lead to tragedy. Using deception to get what you want is dangerous. Ancient grudges or long term feuds are difficult to overcome

D. Ancient grudges or long-term feuds are difficult to overcome.

In the quote, Tybalt expresses his deep-seated hatred for the Montagues and Benvolio, emphasizing his disdain for peace and his loyalty to his family's feud. This showcases the theme of ancient grudges or long-term feuds that are challenging to overcome. The quote highlights the ongoing conflict between the Capulets and the Montagues, which serves as a significant barrier to peace and reconciliation between the two families.

Answer: D. Ancient grudges or long term feuds are difficult to overcome

Explanation: The quote suggests that there is a long-standing feud between the speaker and the Montagues, and that this feud is unlikely to be resolved peacefully. The theme of long-term feuds is a common one in literature, and it is often used to explore the idea that hatred and resentment can be passed down from generation to generation.

OVERDUE PLEASE HELP ASAP Written Response (Project): Group Discussion This can be on any topic that is interesting to you, and also "weighty" enough for an intelligent discussion.\ Write a response that evaluates a group discussion. ) Using a word-processing program, write a two- to three-paragraph evaluation of the discussion. b) Include responses to these questions in your evaluation:  What did you do to prepare in advance for the discussion? How well prepared were you?  What rules were created for the discussion? Were they followed?  How well did you present your viewpoint?  How did your own background knowledge, experience, values, or beliefs affect the way you presented your views? Explain.  How successful were you at listening and responding to other group members?  How did you use evidence to explain and defend your views, including when someone disagreed with you?  In what ways did other participants use reasoning and evidence to make their points?  Were there any times when someone didn’t use evidence or the evidence didn’t match the viewpoint presented? Did a participant exaggerate or distort information? Explain.  Was there a time when someone’s viewpoint differed from your own? What might have influenced his or her opposing viewpoint? Explain.  How was your language grammatically correct and appropriate to the topic, purpose, and audience? Give an example.  What kinds of hand gestures and facial expressions did you and other people use to match what was being said?  How did you use eye contact, the volume of your voice, or other means to connect with others during the discussion?  How well did the group solve problems and come to consensus?  Overall, how effective was the group discussion

The group discussion was an effective way of understanding different perspectives and helped me develop a broader outlook on the topic. We communicated effectively, listened actively, used evidence to support our opinions, and followed most of the rules. The group was successful in solving problems and coming to a consensus on some issues, and it was an enriching experience.

For more such questions on perspectives , click on:

Number of Words in a Novel The National Novel Writing Association states that the average novel is at least 50,000 words. A particularly ambitious writing club at a college-preparatory high school had randomly selected members with works of the following lengths. At a=0. 05, is there sufficient evidence to conclude that the mean length is greater than 50,000 words? Assume that the population is approximately normally distributed. 49,240 ​51,997 ​50,715 ​49,013 ​51,283 ​51,643 ​49,568 ​ Part 1 of 5 (a) State the hypotheses and identify the claim. This hypothesis test is a test, Compute the test value. Always round t score values to at least three decimal places. T=

According to the statement the test value (t-score) is approximately 0.469 (rounded to three decimal places ).

Hypothesis testing is a statistical method used to make inferences about a population based on sample data.

In this case, we want to determine if there is enough evidence to conclude that the mean length of novels from the writing club is greater than 50,000 words. The null hypothesis (H0) states that the mean length is equal to or less than 50,000 words, while the alternative hypothesis (Ha) states that the mean length is greater than 50,000 words. H0: µ ≤ 50,000 Ha: µ > 50,000 To perform the hypothesis test, we need to compute the test value.

The test value in this case is the t-score.

To calculate the t-score, we need the sample mean, sample standard deviation , sample size, and the hypothesized population mean. Let's calculate the test value (t-score): Sample mean = (49,240 + 51,997 + 50,715 + 49,013 + 51,283 + 51,643 + 49,568) / 7 Sample mean = 50,499.86 (rounded to three decimal places) Sample standard deviation (s) = standard deviation of the sample data Sample standard deviation = square root of [(sum of (x - sample mean)²) / (n - 1)] Sample standard deviation ≈ 1,075.349 (rounded to three decimal places) Sample size (n)

= 7 Hypothesized population mean (µ0)

= 50,000 To calculate the t-score, we use the formula: t = (sample mean - hypothesized population mean) / (sample standard deviation / sqrt(sample size)) t = (50,499.86 - 50,000) / (1,075.349 / sqrt(7)) t ≈ 0.469 (rounded to three decimal places) Therefore, the test value (t-score) is approximately 0.469 (rounded to three decimal places). Remember that the hypotheses are: H0: µ ≤ 50,000 Ha: µ > 50,000 In the next parts of the hypothesis test, we will determine the critical value, degrees of freedom, and make a decision based on the test statistic.

To know more about decimal places visit :

(1) What are the pillar from of Noun and Compound Noun​

A compound noun is a noun that is formed by a combination of more than one part of speech. Compound nouns are of three main types: Open or spaced compound nouns, hyphenated compound nouns and closed or solid compound nouns.

She had the quickest fancy, a gift like her brother's, for the tune of words. Like him, she had a taste for the theatre. She stood at the stage door; she wanted to act, she said. Men laughed in her face. The manager—a fat, loose-lipped man—guffawed. He bellowed something about poodles dancing and women acting—no woman, he said, could possibly be an actress. He hinted—you can imagine what. She could get no training in her craft. Could she even seek her dinner in a tavern or roam the streets at midnight? Yet her genius was for fiction and lusted to feed abundantly upon the lives of men and women. –A Room of One’s Own, Virginia Woolf How does the rhetorical question develop the central idea? The question is used to make the point that inequality experienced by women extended beyond the theatre. The question is used to emphasize the girl’s innocence by reminding readers that she is too young to engage in social activities at night. The question is used to make readers question why women were not allowed to participate in theatrical productions. The question is used to create a metaphor that makes a direct comparison between male and female actors.

The rhetorical question develops the central idea in "A Room of One's Own" by Virginia Woolf in this way: D) The question is used to create a metaphor that makes a direct comparison between male and female actors.

A rhetorical question is a literary device that asks a question without soliciting for an answer.

By their nature, rhetorical questions create dramatic effects to make some points or emphasize some issues.

Thus, the rhetorical question develops the central idea in Option D.

Learn more about rhetorical questions at

"Do you receive a paycheck monthly? Which word is the bold adverb modifying? A. receive B. you C. paycheck D. do"

In this sentence, the bold adverb "monthly" is modifying the verb "receive." Adverbs are words that typically modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs to provide more information about how, when, where, or to what extent an action or state occurs.

In this case, "monthly" provides information about the frequency of the action of receiving a paycheck . It indicates that the paycheck is received once every month. Without the adverb, the sentence would simply state the fact that you receive a paycheck, but the inclusion of "monthly" clarifies the timing.

The adverb "monthly" directly answers the question "When do you receive a paycheck?" It specifies that the action of receiving a paycheck occurs on a monthly basis, highlighting the regularity of the event.

In summary, the bold adverb "monthly" modifies the verb "receive" in the sentence, specifying the frequency of the action.

For more questions on Adverbs , click on:

list 5 words that are popular among people of your generation but not among older speakers. Try to list new slang words that were invented recently (since you started high school). For each word, give me a rough explanation of what it means and how it’s used, and tell me what process (e.g. clipping, derivation, compounding, acronym, blending, initialism, conversion, onomatopoeia, back-formation, etc.) was responsible for its formation (for existing words that simply take on new meanings, the process is called semantic shift).

The  5 words that are popular among people of your generation but not among older speakers.   FOMO, Lit, Bae, Stan, Salty.

1. FOMO - This acronym stands for "Fear of Missing Out." It refers to the feeling of anxiety or unease you get when you think you might be missing out on a social event or activity. This is an initialism.

2. Lit - This word is used to describe something that's exciting or really cool. For example, "That party was so lit!" This is a semantic shift of the word "literature."

3. Bae - This is a term of endearment that stands for "Before Anyone Else." It's used to describe someone who is your significant other or someone you really care about. For example, "I'm going out with my bae tonight." This is a clipping of the word "babe" or "baby."

4. Stan - This word is used to describe someone who is a big fan of something or someone. For example, "I'm a huge Taylor Swift stan. " This is a conversion of the name "Stan" from the Eminem song.

5. Salty - This word is used to describe someone who is angry or upset about something. For example, "Don't talk to him right now, he's really salty." This is an example of semantic shift, where the word "salty" used to refer to actual saltiness but now means being upset or angry.

For more question generation

Exercise 1 Insert a colon where necessary. If the sentence is correct, write C in the blank. The last three people in line were Jason, Mary-Margaret, and Dawn.

The last three people in line were Jason, Mary-Margaret, and Dawn is correct as it is and does not require a colon . The sentence accurately communicates the names of the last three people in line without the need for additional punctuation. Therefore, the answer to this exercise is C.

The sentence "The last three people in line were Jason, Mary-Margaret, and Dawn " is already correct as it is. No colon is necessary in this sentence.

A colon (:) is typically used to introduce a list, explanation, or example. In this case, the sentence is simply stating the names of the last three people in line , and no additional explanation or list follows. Therefore, a colon is not needed.

The sentence effectively conveys the information that Jason, Mary-Margaret, and Dawn were the last three people in line. It is clear and concise, providing the necessary details without any puzzlement . Adding a colon would not improve the sentence or enhance its meaning.

Hence, the correct answer for this exercise is C, indicating that the sentence is correct without the need for a colon.

To learn more about the colon

Explore a minimum of two (2) sites that provide information on the helping process and write what you have learned about the process. Include your reactions and opinions about the usefulness of the information provided at each site

American Counseling Association (ACA) –

This site provides valuable resources and information about the assistance process, including articles, publications, and career development opportunities for advisors.

It covers various aspects of counseling, including ethical considerations, therapeutic techniques, and a client-centered approach. The information provided will be useful to professionals in the counseling field, as well as to individuals wishing to understand the assistance process and its principles.

Psychology Today -

This popular site on mental health, covers a wide range of topics, including the process of help. Articles and blog posts by mental health professionals covering various aspects of treatment, counseling and self-help. The website offers insight into different treatment approaches, tips for finding the right therapist, and self-help techniques.

This is useful for both individuals seeking information about the assistance process and professionals seeking additional resources and perspectives.

Both these sites provide valuable information and resources about the support process and are useful to both professionals and individuals seeking knowledge about counseling and therapy . 

To learn more about Website :

Although it had been advertised as fully furnished, there was actually _______ furniture in the flat.

Based on the information provided, the missing word in the sentence would be "no" .  By replacing the blank space with "no," the sentence reads, "Although it had been advertised as fully furnished, there was actually no furniture in the flat." The sentence suggests that despite the advertisement claiming that the flat was fully furnished, there was actually no furniture present.

The addition of "no" underscores the disappointment or surprise the person may have experienced upon realizing the lack of furniture despite the initial claim. The corrected sentence effectively communicates the situation and conveys the discrepancy between the advertised state and the actual condition of the flat.

Know more about sentence correction, here:

which statement is the best analysis of the huntsman based on his words and actions

Best Analysis of the Huntsman based on his Words and Actions:

The Huntsman's words and actions depict a compassionate and skilled individual who values justice and protects the innocent. Through his dialogue and behavior, it becomes evident that the Huntsman is a character of noble intentions, strength, and selflessness.

1. Evaluate the Huntsman's words: Pay close attention to his dialogue throughout the story or specific scenes. Look for consistent themes or values expressed in his conversations .

2. Examine his actions: Observe how the Huntsman behaves in different situations. Consider his interactions with other characters, especially those in need or distress.

3. Note his compassion: If the Huntsman demonstrates empathy and understanding towards others, it indicates his compassionate nature. Look for instances where he goes out of his way to help or protect those who are vulnerable.

4. Assess his skillset: Evaluate the Huntsman's abilities and expertise. If he displays exceptional hunting or combat skills, it signifies his competence and dedication to his craft.

5. Identify his sense of justice: Look for instances where the Huntsman takes a stand against injustice or defends the innocent. His commitment to doing what is right is a strong indication of his character.

6. Consider his selflessness: Take note of any sacrifices or risks the Huntsman undertakes for the greater good. A willingness to put others' needs before his own further exemplifies his altruistic nature.

By analyzing the Huntsman's words and actions, one can conclude that he is a character characterized by compassion, skill, justice, and selflessness. His noble intentions and protective nature make him a valuable and admirable individual in the story.

For more such questions on justice , click on:

Which excerpt from Beowulf best supports the answer to Question 4? OA Then [Grendel's mother] carried [Beowulf], armor / And sword and all, to her home; he struggled / To free his weapon, and failed. (lines 477-479) B. But her guest [Beowulf] / Discovered that no sword could slice her evil / Skin, that Hrunting could not hurt her, /... If weapons were useless, he'd use / His hands, the strength in his fingers. (lines 493-505) OC. But [Grendel's mother] rose / At once and repaid him with her clutching claws, / Wildly tearing at him. He was weary, that best/And strongest of soldiers; his feet stumbled / And in an instant she had him down, held helpless. (lines 511-515) OD Then he saw, hanging on the wall, a heavy / Sword, hammered by giants, strong / And blessed with their magic, the best of all weapons / But so massive that no ordinary man could lift [it]..../[He] lifted it high over his head / And struck with all the strength he had left.... (lines 528-536)

The excerpt that best supports the answer to Question 4 is OD:

"Then he saw, hanging on the wall, a heavy / Sword, hammered by giants, strong / And blessed with their magic, the best of all weapons / But so massive that no ordinary man could lift [it].../[He] lifted it high over his head / And struck with all the strength he had left...." (lines 528-536)

This excerpt demonstrates Beowulf's determination and resourcefulness in the face of an opponent who cannot be defeated by ordinary weapons. He discovers a massive sword that no ordinary man can lift but chooses to wield it against Grendel's mother. This shows his willingness to use unconventional means and his extraordinary strength to overcome the challenges he faces.

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  1. Extended Essay advice?

    4. Create an outline: Organize your thoughts and plan the structure of your essay using an outline. A typical outline for an Extended Essay includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Identify the main ideas, points, and examples you will use to support your argument.

  2. Best Ways To Increase Word Count in an Essay

    This keeps your writing clear. These strategies will help you clarify your sentences and add depth to your content. They will also increase the word count while keeping your essay relevant and coherent. 6. Use Quotations. Using quotes in your essay can boost word count and add credibility and depth to your arguments.

  3. Extended Essay Word count : r/IBO

    You can check the EE Guide to know what else are not included. Your school should have provided the pdf file to you. It is not hard to bring word count down to 4000. Read your essay out loud (I do this even at university) paragraph by paragraph and you will find words or sentences to chop. I had 6000 words in my EE draft and chopped down to ...

  4. Misleading claims within American educational curricula

    On this episode of the Utterly Moderate Podcast we are joined by political scientist Wilfred Reilly to talk about misleading claims that have made their way into educational curricula.

  5. Program: Communication Disorders and Sciences

    Program Mission: With an appropriate undergraduate major in communication disorders and sciences, this program meets the requirements for the Certificate of Clinical Competence awarded by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, the Speech-Language Pathologist License awarded by the Illinois Division of Financial and Professional Regulation, and the K-12 Educator License (with ...

  6. Resilience, Power and Pride

    RF.5.4 Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. A. read on-level text with purpose and understanding. B.Read on-level text prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings C. Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition, word understanding, re-reading as necessary.

  7. Falconry

    A goshawk Flying a saker falcon. Falconry is the hunting of wild animals in their natural state and habitat by means of a trained bird of prey.Small animals are hunted; squirrels and rabbits often fall prey to these birds. Two traditional terms are used to describe a person involved in falconry: a "falconer" flies a falcon; an "austringer" (Old French origin) keeps Goshawks and uses accipiters ...

  8. Buy Essay Online Cheap

    Australian identity essay prompts blog Causes of civil war essay Essay writing made easy Phd thesis dissertation law How to write a music essay academic sciences how to write a professional report Top college admissions essays ...


  10. Minimum Word Count For The Extended Essay Ib

    Minimum Word Count For The Extended Essay Ib - ID 7766556. Finished paper. Package Plan. 7 Customer reviews. Place your order online. Fill out the form, choose the deadline, and pay the fee. ... Minimum Word Count For The Extended Essay Ib: Essay, Discussion Board Post, Research paper, Coursework, Powerpoint Presentation, Questions-Answers ...

  11. Sigmund Freud

    Sigmund Freud (/ f r ɔɪ d / FROYD, German: [ˈziːkmʊnt ˈfrɔʏt]; born Sigismund Schlomo Freud; 6 May 1856 - 23 September 1939) was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, a clinical method for evaluating and treating pathologies seen as originating from conflicts in the psyche, through dialogue between patient and psychoanalyst, and the distinctive theory of mind and ...

  12. Exercise 1 Underline each word or phrase that should be italicized. Not

    This essay argues in support of this decision, highlighting the significant artistic merit and literary value that singer-songwriters bring to the cultural landscape. ... The question is used to make the point that inequality experienced by women extended beyond the theatre. ... Explore a minimum of two (2) sites that provide information on the ...

  13. The Westmount examiner, jeudi 2 février 1989

    To participate in the 1989-90 scholarship program, applications must be received on or before February 20, 1989.Examinations will be held on Saturday, February 25, 1989 For more information call nr write: - : STANSTEAD, QUEBEC THE DIRECTOR OF 2 ar STANSTEAD COLLEGE 7 as 1 CANADA JOB 3E0 * TEL (819) 876-2223 pc = our present is your future ...

  14. Definitions of fascism

    Many scholars use the word "fascism" without capitalization in a more general sense to refer to an ideology (or group of ideologies) that has been influential in many countries at various times. For this purpose, they have sought to identify what Roger Griffin calls a "fascist minimum" — that is, the minimum conditions a movement must meet in ...

  15. Blizzard Intern Cover Letter

    If you don't have any intent on reading the entire 2000-word essay that we did for you, add a 1-page summary to your order, which will be a short overview of your essay one paragraph long, just to be in the loop. Location . Any. 132 . Customer Reviews. ID 28506 ...

  16. Volleyball

    Volleyball has been part of the Summer Olympics program for both men and women consistently since 1964.. Rules of the game A volleyball court Rotation pattern Court dimensions. A volleyball court is 9 m × 18 m (29.5 ft × 59.1 ft), divided into equal square halves by a net with a width of one meter (39.4 in). The top of the net is 2.43 m (7 ft 11 + 11 ⁄ 16 in) above the center of the court ...

  17. Criticism of capitalism

    Karl Marx's three volume Capital: A Critique of Political Economy is widely regarded as one of the greatest written critiques of capitalism.. Criticism of capitalism is a critique of political economy that involves the rejection of, or dissatisfaction with the economic system of capitalism and its outcomes. Criticisms typically range from expressing disagreement with particular aspects or ...

  18. Division of labour

    t. e. The division of labour is the separation of the tasks in any economic system or organisation so that participants may specialise ( specialisation ). Individuals, organisations, and nations are endowed with or acquire specialised capabilities, and either form combinations or trade to take advantage of the capabilities of others in addition ...

  19. Language education

    Language education - the process and practice of teaching a second or foreign language - is primarily a branch of applied linguistics, but can be an interdisciplinary field. [1] [2] There are four main learning categories for language education: communicative competencies, proficiencies, cross-cultural experiences, and multiple literacies.