55 Ethnographic Essay Topics


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Ethnographic Essay Topics: A Comprehensive Guide

Ethnography is a fascinating field that delves into the study of cultures, societies, and human behaviors. An ethnographic essay allows writers to immerse themselves in different cultures and present findings in an engaging manner. If you’re struggling to pinpoint the right topic, this guide will walk you through some brilliant ideas and explain how to make your choice.

How to Choose the Best Ethnographic Essay Topic?

Modern ethnographers often hone in on specific aspects of cultures rather than trying to cover everything. Some focus on particular nations based on ethnicity, language, or geography, while others might delve into aspects like migration, interethnic relations, or religion across multiple cultures. To choose a topic, follow these steps:

Identify a Specific Theme : Decide on a particular cultural element you wish to explore. For instance, if you’re interested in rituals, you could delve into traditional wedding ceremonies in a particular region.

Research : Before diving in, spend some time online familiarizing yourself with your chosen cultural area. This will help you narrow down your topic and ensure it’s unique.

Personal Connection : Choose a topic that resonates with you or that you have a personal interest in. It will make your writing process more enjoyable and your essay more compelling.

Top Ethnographic Essay Topics:

  • Exploring professional and ethical differences in gender indicators.
  • Delving into Egyptian funeral rites and their cultural significance.
  • The role and significance of traditional calendar rituals.
  • Migration patterns and ethnocultural adaptation in the Jewish Autonomous Region in recent decades.
  • The historical and mythological roots of Korean ethnic identity.
  • Preserving the traditional culture of Akha Thailand amid modernization.
  • Unpacking ‘Englishness’ in contemporary Northern England.
  • The roots and progression of Chinese tea culture.
  • Linguistic diversity in Spain: Between theory and practice.
  • The socio-anthropological study of youth political movements.
  • The cultural significance of names in Japan.
  • The Sociocultural Journey of Jews in the Jewish Autonomous Region.
  • Re-emigration patterns in Israel at the turn of the century.
  • The role of tolerance in multi-faith cultures.
  • Challenges of globalization in today’s diverse world.
  • Spatial behaviors in multi-ethnic youth groups.
  • Internet resources and their role in ethnic discourse.
  • Traditional gaming practices in Japanese culture.
  • Collective identity territories in contemporary French discourse.
  • The role and significance of puppets across cultures.
  • Ethno-caste communities and their role in India’s traditional social organization.
  • Unpacking Korean dance: Ethnic and cultural dimensions.
  • Artistic expressions of early European farmers.
  • The role of magic in traditional rituals.
  • The pantheon of Ancient Greek deities: A study in typology and personification.
  • Role-playing games as a modern subculture.
  • The cultural significance of women’s tattoos.
  • Traditional Micronesian shipping: An ethnohistoric perspective.
  • Female deities in Central Asian religions and worldviews.
  • The significance of animals in traditional cultures.

Cultural Practices and Rituals

  • The significance of coming-of-age rituals in indigenous Australian tribes.
  • Wedding traditions and their symbolic meanings in Southeast Asia.
  • Culinary customs: Exploring the communal dining practices in the Middle East.
  • The role of music and dance in West African ceremonies.
  • Birth and naming ceremonies in Native American cultures.

Language and Communication

  • Sign language communities and their cultural significance in the U.S.
  • The oral storytelling traditions of the Maasai tribe.
  • How language preservation efforts shape cultural identity among the Welsh.
  • The evolution and modernization of the Gaelic language in Ireland.
  • The intricate art of Inuit throat singing and its societal implications.

Religion and Spirituality

  • Voodoo practices in Haiti: Beyond the misconceptions.
  • The intricate temple rituals of Balinese Hinduism.
  • Shamanic practices and their role in Mongolian tribal communities.
  • The blending of indigenous beliefs and Catholicism in the Philippines.
  • Pilgrimage trails and their socio-cultural importance in Tibetan Buddhism.

Economic and Social Structures

  • The role of marketplaces in shaping community ties in Morocco.
  • Barter trade systems and their continued relevance in Papua New Guinea.
  • Nomadic lifestyles and economic adaptations among the Bedouins.
  • The cultural significance of cowrie shells as currency in ancient Africa.
  • Traditional and modern coexistence: The tech hubs of Bangalore amidst age-old practices.

Art and Aesthetics

  • The cultural and spiritual significance of Polynesian tattoo art.
  • Maori wood carvings: A story of ancestry and legends.
  • The evolution of sari designs and weaving techniques in India.
  • The symbolism behind Native American totem poles.
  • Balinese mask-making: A blend of craft, drama, and spirituality.

Core Themes in Ethnography:

When considering your essay, you might want to explore some of these overarching themes:

  • The main goals and categories of ethnography.
  • The impact of the terrestrial environment on human development.
  • The intricate relationship between language and cultural traits.
  • The unique religious beliefs across global societies.
  • A study of paganism versus global religions.
  • An insight into primitive beliefs and regional religions.
  • The daily lives and traditions of different ethnic groups.
  • The history and significance of ethnonyms.

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89 Ethnographic Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best ethnographic topic ideas & essay examples, 📌 interesting topics to write about ethnographic, 👍 good essay topics on ethnographic, ❓ ethnographic research questions.

Ethnographic essays are an excellent way to show your understanding of the science and the relationships that form a particular development or situation. You have to display your knowledge of anthropology and how it influences a particular population group based on a variety of circumstances.

There are many factors that can affect a group of people, including their geographic location, climate, relationships with other groups, numbers, and more. As such, compiling them to form a logical conclusion can be an overwhelming task.

The complex relationships between different variables may appear relevant when they are not and vice versa. However, there are several tips that will let you write an outstanding essay.

You should try to determine the root causes behind the formation of a particular culture or phenomenon and work outwards from them. For example, overpopulation does not generally occur without a definite reason, as human populations tend to regulate themselves.

Once you identify that it is present, search for causes such as immigration, poverty, or sudden removal of a threat. After you identify the reason, you can mention it in your essay before overpopulation and use the two to develop a logical argument.

In doing so, you will establish a link and introduce a structure to your essay. The relationships may even provide you with ethnographic essay ideas that you may explore in detail.

Here are some tips for your writing process:

  • Write a clear and concise thesis that will describe the topic of your essay and include it at the end of the introduction. It will help the reader understand what you are discussing early on and evaluate your arguments.
  • Try to focus on one specific option among different ethnographic essay topics and have every point you make support it. The goal of the essay is to defend ideas, and deviations into unrelated matters serve as distractions. The reader will not appreciate a deviation from the subject matter into unknown territory.
  • Separate the body of your essay into sections with concise and descriptive titles. A structure that divides the paper by topics makes navigation easier in case the reader wants to revisit your essay later.
  • Remember that you are writing about ethnography, the study of cultures. While it may be tempting to concentrate on the circumstances of a specific group, your goal is to explain its practices and traditions. As such, you have to provide concrete examples of how a behavior emerged to suit the population’s needs.
  • Make sure to cite relevant scholarly research whenever you want to make a statement of fact. Today’s science is founded on the achievements of past researchers, and their findings should not be taken as universal truths.

These considerations will help you improve your essay while you write it, reducing the workload and letting you achieve better results. The paper you will produce by following the tips will be easy to read and comprehend and show your understanding of the topic.

It will also demonstrate that you have studied the relevant sources and obtained accurate data for the formation of your conclusions.

However, you may struggle to write an essay from nothing using just these suggestions, as they require that you have some notion of the ideas you will discuss. For inspiration, visit IvyPanda to find ethnographic essay examples and other useful paper samples!

  • Ethnographic and Phenomenological Approaches to Research Ethnographic research is an approach to data collection and analysis that aims at evaluating and categorizing human experiences through the lens of the participants’ cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
  • A Critical Review of Ethnographic Analysis The difference between these two techniques is transparent: in the case of open observation, the group of respondents knows that the researcher is conducting an analysis and is aware of its goals, whereas covert observation […]
  • Ethnographic Research Methods Participant observation can be defined as a qualitative method in ethnology research that is used by researchers in the areas of cultural anthropology in which the researcher in given the opportunity to get a close […]
  • Ethnographic Field Notes from Starbucks The two large supermarkets, the large pharmacy, the three playgrounds, the community garden, the eclectic shopping and night life of South Street itself, the mural art of Isaiah Zagar, and other attractions, all pull a […]
  • Cheyenne Indians History and Culture Furthermore, it was to emphasize the unique powers and the superiority of the chief priests and the prophets in the community.
  • Twin Oaks Intentional Community Ethnographic Analysis It was through field work that the community was noted as one of the intentional communities. One of the main lessons learnt was their effort to bring gender equality in the community.
  • Barker’s Ethnographic Exposé: Revealing Structural Violence Against the Marshallese Barker’s study of the Marshallese people and their victimization by the U.S.government is an outstanding demonstration of how ethnographic research and writing should be conducted.
  • Ethnographic Design: Types The investigator is required to define the characteristics of the society under study. Abalos, argues that “critical ethnographic studies are a type of ethnographic research in which the author is interested in advocating for the […]
  • Ethnographic Design: Characteristics According to Abalos, “ethnography is the in depth study of naturally occurring behavior within a culture or a social group; it seeks to understand the relationship between culture and behavior, with culture referring to beliefs, […]
  • Clement Restaurant: Ethnographic Description The ethnographic analysis will be added with a demographic review of the region in order to identify whether the business success is stipulated by the ethnographic background of the restaurants, or the population that is […]
  • Ethnographic Prospects in Teaching and Learning Such a controversial view on the approaches taken in the research complies with the changeability of the social life at the moment.
  • Ethnographic Interview of the Costa Rican People The analysis of the social environment is the important aspect of realizing the cultural background and the social problems of the clients.
  • Tourism Management as an Ethnographic Theme Thus, as it is stated in some of the interview, tourists generally expect the attitude of obeisance towards them, and the workers of the tourism sphere feel themselves as the obedient servants.
  • Hong Kong Street Food in Ethnographic Studies Bronislaw Malinowski is often cited as one of the first practitioners of this method during his research of the people of Papua New Guinea.
  • Mayan Culture in Ethnographic Interpretation The Mayan elders were charged with the responsibility of safeguarding the traditions of the people and overseeing all the cultural practices.
  • The Kurds Culture: An Ethnographic Study The most popular of the two dialects is the Kurmanji, it is the language of communication for most of the Kurds today.
  • Mesoamerican Ethnographic Interpretation The civilization of these people faced strong influences from the people in the non-Maya cultures which include the Olmecs of Mexico and the Izapa cultures of people who lived in the Pacific coast.
  • Mayan Ethnographic Interpretation: Traditions and Rituals According to The Mayan culture, the human body was viewed as a combination of the body and the souls. This means that the blood could communicate to the inner and the outer environment of the […]
  • Navajo Ethnographic and Ethnological Studies The story is preserved in myths and is recounted in the ceremony known as ‘blessing way’ which is the foundation of the Navajo way of life.
  • Kmart Department Stores: Ethnographic Study During the meeting, much attention was paid to the particular features of communication between the meeting participants in order to understand the aspects of the environment, characteristics of individuals, their interactions, and the presented culture.
  • Ethnographic State in India He stated that their ignorance of the customs and beliefs of the Indian people had a hit against the British and that this had resulted to a distant loss of administrative power to British government.
  • The Significance of Ethnographic Observation Thus, Arthur concentrates on the role of women in the use of lithics and the role of females in the development of Prehistoric communities, whereas Sillitoe and Hardy study the use of stone tools and […]
  • Ethnographic Research: Coming of Age in Samoa Considering Margaret Mead’s ethnography, Coming of Age in Samoa, it is possible to say that dwelling upon that society she paid much attention to religion, education, upbringing and relation to each other within a family, […]
  • Ethnographic reflection Mixing the scientific and humanistic approaches and implementing the anthropological framework and the concept of the bio-cultural triad for covering various sides of life of Beaver community, Brody uses dialogic procedures for depicting and explaining […]
  • Understanding the Science of Ethnographic Through Oneirology
  • An Overview of the Dream State and the Concept of Human Ethnographic
  • Understanding the Unconcious Ethnographic
  • The Beauty Of Ethnographic: How Dreams Drive The Individual
  • The Skeptical Ethnographic Argument of Rene Descartes, and the Priori and the Posteriori
  • Ethnographic And Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
  • An Overview of the Controversy of Ethnographics, a Cognitive Activity During Sleep
  • Animal Ethnographic And Substantiation A Connection To Humanity
  • The Psychological Theories Of The Function Of Ethnographic
  • The Ethnographic and Traditional Aboriginal Spirituality
  • Sleeping and Ethnographic and Theories of Sleep
  • Ethnographic Is Known As The Journey Your Mind
  • The Centrality of the Ethnographic and Its Importance for Aboriginal Spirituality
  • The Benefits Of Lucid Ethnographic
  • Procrastination and Day Ethnographic
  • Comparing and Contrasting Psychological Theories of Ethnographic
  • Ethnographic as a Significant Process in Human Life Experience
  • The Use of Illusion Argument, Ethnographic Argument, and Evil Genius Argument by Descartes
  • Varieties of Lucid Ethnographic Experience, by Stephen Laberge
  • Day Ethnographic in the Middle of the Summer Heat
  • Ethnographic Various Amount Of People Experiences Different Effects
  • Dreams, Ethnographic and Phases of Sleep
  • Freud’s Theory of Ethnographic and Repression
  • Synchroncities in the History of Paranormal Ethnographic
  • Dreams and Ethnographic Nightmares in Children
  • Gender And Ethnographic in Mapuche Shamanistic Practices
  • Phenomenology of Ethnographic
  • Descartes’ Meditations: Ethnographic and Evil Demon Arguments
  • How Is the Power of Dreams and Ethnographic in the Novel of Mice and Men
  • Difference Between Astral Projection And Lucid Ethnographic
  • The Significance of Land to the Ethnographic for Aboriginal People and the Impact of the Land Rights Movement
  • The Importance of Ethnographic and Sleeping
  • Ethnographics Can Bring Misery in the Great Gatsby By F. Scott
  • Exploring Causes of Sleep Difficulty and Ethnographic Problems
  • The Importance of Ethnographic and the Sub-Conscious
  • What Are the Problems and Constraints of Making Films on Ethnographics?
  • What Importance May the Sex of the Anthropologist Have on the Ethnographic Process?
  • What Does Ethnography Mean?
  • What Is an Ethnographic Example?
  • What Is Considered Ethnographic?
  • What Is Ethnography Used For?
  • What Is the Difference Between Ethnography and Anthropology?
  • Why Is Ethnography Critical in Research?
  • What Is Ethnography in Sociology?
  • What Is Ethnography in Social Research?
  • What Kind of Research Is Ethnography?
  • What Is a Synonym for Ethnography?
  • Is Ethnography a Research Design?
  • How Do You Use Ethnography in a Sentence?
  • When Did Ethnology Appear?
  • How Does Ethnography Work in Real Life?
  • What Are the Critical Characteristics of Ethnography?
  • What Is the Difference Between Phenomenology and Ethnography?
  • Who Was the First Ethnographer?
  • Who Is the Father of Ethnography?
  • How Do Ethnologists Study Culture?
  • What Is the Difference Between Archaeology and Ethnography?
  • What Is the Ethnological Argument?
  • Is Ethnography a Theory?
  • What Is the Weakness of Ethnography?
  • What Is the Difference Between Ethnography and Qualitative Research?
  • What Are the Problems With Traditional Ethnographic Film-Making?
  • What Is the Relationship Between Students and Teachers in Ethnographic?
  • What Are the Pros and Cons of Ethnographic Reflexivity?
  • What Are the Defining Activities and Principles of Ethnographic Research?
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 28). 89 Ethnographic Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/ethnographic-essay-examples/

"89 Ethnographic Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 28 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/ethnographic-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '89 Ethnographic Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 28 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "89 Ethnographic Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/ethnographic-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "89 Ethnographic Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/ethnographic-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "89 Ethnographic Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 28, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/ethnographic-essay-examples/.

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130 Ethnographic Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Ethnographic research is a method used by anthropologists and sociologists to study and understand different cultures and societies. This type of research involves immersing oneself in the culture being studied, participating in everyday activities, and observing social interactions. Ethnographic essays are written based on this research, providing a detailed and in-depth analysis of a particular culture or community. If you are looking for inspiration for your ethnographic essay, here are 130 topic ideas and examples to consider:

  • The impact of globalization on a remote indigenous community
  • Gender roles in a traditional African tribe
  • Rituals and ceremonies in a Mexican village
  • Youth culture in urban Japan
  • Food traditions in a Middle Eastern country
  • Religious practices in a Hindu temple
  • Family dynamics in a Hispanic immigrant community
  • Education system in a rural African village
  • Healthcare practices in a Native American tribe
  • Social hierarchy in a Southeast Asian society
  • Dating and courtship rituals in a European country
  • Art and music in a Caribbean island
  • Traditional healing methods in an Aboriginal community
  • Political activism in a South American country
  • LGBTQ+ rights in a Middle Eastern society
  • Indigenous land rights in Australia
  • Community festivals in a European city
  • Language preservation in an African tribe
  • Traditional crafts in a Southeast Asian village
  • Environmental conservation practices in a Pacific island
  • Indigenous storytelling traditions in North America
  • Street food culture in a South Asian city
  • Marriage customs in a Middle Eastern country
  • Urban migration in a Latin American city
  • Traditional dance forms in an African country
  • Social media use in a Western society
  • Traditional clothing in a South Asian culture
  • Teenage subcultures in a European city
  • Aging population in a developed country
  • Indigenous governance in a Pacific island nation
  • Homelessness in a North American city
  • Gender equality in a Scandinavian country
  • Cultural assimilation in an immigrant community
  • Folklore and mythology in an Asian country
  • Climate change adaptation in a coastal community
  • Music festivals in a Western country
  • Indigenous resistance movements in a Latin American country
  • Traditional farming practices in an African village
  • Youth activism in a Southeast Asian society
  • Cultural appropriation in a Western society
  • Traditional medicine in an Asian country
  • Community policing in a Caribbean island
  • Dance clubs in a European city
  • Gender identity in a South American culture
  • Traditional architecture in a Middle Eastern city
  • Street art in a North American city
  • Indigenous languages in a Pacific island nation
  • Social welfare programs in a Scandinavian country
  • Refugee integration in a European country
  • Youth unemployment in a developing country
  • Indigenous art forms in an African tribe
  • LGBTQ+ representation in a South Asian society
  • Urban planning in a Middle Eastern city
  • Environmental activism in a Pacific island nation
  • Indigenous rights movements in Australia
  • Traditional music in a Caribbean island
  • Social media influencers in a Western society
  • Traditional healing practices in an Asian country
  • Community gardens in a Latin American city
  • Gender-based violence in a Southeast Asian society
  • Cultural heritage preservation in a European city
  • Traditional clothing in a North American indigenous community
  • Peer pressure in a Western high school
  • Indigenous storytelling traditions in a Pacific island nation
  • Urban gentrification in a Scandinavian city
  • Refugee camps in a Middle Eastern country
  • Indigenous land disputes in a South American country
  • Traditional dance forms in an African village
  • Social media activism in a Western society
  • Gender roles in a South Asian family
  • Traditional crafts in a Caribbean island
  • Cultural diversity in a European city
  • Youth empowerment programs in a Latin American country
  • Indigenous education initiatives in Australia
  • Traditional music in a Southeast Asian village
  • Gender equality in a Pacific island nation
  • Community policing in a North American city
  • LGBTQ+ representation in a Scandinavian society
  • Traditional medicine in an African tribe
  • Climate change adaptation in a South American community
  • Music festivals in a Middle Eastern country
  • Indigenous resistance movements in an Asian country
  • Traditional farming practices in a Pacific island nation
  • Youth activism in a European city
  • Cultural assimilation in a North American immigrant community
  • Folklore and mythology in a South Asian culture
  • Street food culture in a Latin American city
  • Marriage customs in a Caribbean island
  • Indigenous governance in a Western society
  • Homelessness in an African village
  • Gender equality in a Southeast Asian

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255 Original Ethnographic Essay Topics & Ethnography Project Ideas for College Students

ethnographic essay topics

Ethnography is a qualitative study field that investigates socio-cultural relations in a specific human community. The research methods involve fieldwork and participant observation. That means that ethnographers must immerse themselves in everyday life of the people they’re studying. Thus, researchers interview and regard the locals while documenting the data about them and their social aspects.

This field is crucial for anthropology and the creation of anthropological theories. Through ethnography, we can document the range of people’s livelihoods, cultures, and practices. It allows us to observe, examine, and empathize with different human experiences.

If you have studied ethnography, you probably know this is a very extensive subject. In this article, our team has collected ethnographic essay topics and research titles. We also listed tips to help you explore and approach your academic paper. You can browse through them as you decide on the best ethnography topic.

🔝 Top 21 Ethnography Topic Examples

  • 🔎 Interesting Research Topics
  • 📊 Topic Ideas for Comparative Essays

💻 Digital Ethnography Topics

  • ❓ Ethnographic Research Questions

✏️ Ethnographic Research Ideas for College Students

💡 ethnography project ideas, 🎓 examples of ethnographic research topics in education, 📜 more topics for ethnographic research paper, 📝 ethnographic essay: plan of action, 🔗 references.

  • The homeless population in the UK.
  • Global Diversity: Importance of Cultural Differences .
  • Cultural practices of the Hadza people.
  • Culture and Diversity in Education .
  • Evolution of the Spanish language in Mexico.
  • Literary Techniques and Ethnicity Role in Screenwriting .
  • Differences between Chinese and Indian parents.
  • Tattoo significance of the Maori.
  • Culture, Globalization, and Intercultural Adaptation .
  • Jewish immigrants in the West.
  • Essential Elements of Ethnography .
  • Nursing home culture in the US.
  • The purpose of ethnography.
  • Impact of Culture on the American Family System and Structure .
  • Rituals of the Japanese tea ceremony.
  • Burial rites of the Toraja people.
  • American Culture Reflection in Sport .
  • The struggles of the Muslim population in France.
  • Culture and Representations: Why Culture and Representation Matter .
  • Religious practices of American Buddhists.
  • Ethnic Groups and Discrimination .

🔎 Interesting Examples of Ethnographic Research Topics

  • The social dynamics of a small business owner’s community.
  • The cultural practices of Zoroastrian communities.
  • The Effects of Diverse Culture of a Business in UAE .
  • Does globalization impact the cultural traditions of indigenous tribes?
  • The daily life of a group of street vendors in a city.
  • Anthropology: The Culture of the People of River Front .
  • The impact of gentrification on a neighborhood’s community.
  • The cultural differences between various generations within a family.
  • Discrimination and marginalization as experienced by the furry subculture .
  • The Cultural Diversity- Tool That Influences Organizational Culture .
  • The relationships and communication patterns in an office setting.
  • What role do social media play in toddler development?
  • Human Behavior and Culture: The Relationship Analysis .
  • The impact of tourism on the culture of Australian aboriginal tribes.
  • The social dynamics of an international university .
  • Ancient Rome: History and Culture .
  • Social adaptation and communication patterns exhibited by international students.
  • The role of traditions in the daily life of an indigenous village.
  • The impact of technology on social interactions in underdeveloped nations.
  • Academic Motivation: Ethnic Teaching in Dutch Schools .
  • Perspectives of Amish voluntary converts on modern technological development.
  • The cultural differences between rural and urban areas of Russia.
  • Culture, Cultural Identity and Related Phenomena .
  • The impact of immigration on the cultural dynamics in Germany.
  • The role of gender in social interactions within Muslim communities.
  • The use of music as a coping mechanism for individuals experiencing trauma or mental illness.
  • ‘Native Americans: Traditional Healing’ .
  • The social dynamics of the Knotfest music festival .
  • The role of sports in community building in Argentina.
  • The Influence of Globalization on Arab Culture .
  • The evolution of music festival culture in the United States over the past 50 years.
  • Does music contribute to shaping the gender identities of American adolescents?
  • Ethnicity and Religion Impact on the Second Language Acquisition of Muslims Males .
  • The impact of mobilization on warfare perspectives in the Russian population.
  • Heritage and Culture in African American Literature .
  • The use of music as a tool for social activism and political resistance.
  • The impact of social media on the spread of Islamic fundamentalism.
  • The cultural practices and traditions of Native American holidays.
  • Celebration of Eid Al-Fitr: Its Importance, Traditions, and Meaning .
  • Investigating gender and power dynamics within Amish households.
  • The role of anonymity in the construction of “alcoholic” identity.
  • The role of religion in anonymous alcoholics’ recovery.
  • White Non-Hispanics: Ethnic Groups Discrimination Immigration .
  • Examining the role of identity performance in LGBTQ+ online communities.
  • Organizational Culture and Diversity Within the Modern MNC .
  • The role of traditional healers in Afro-Caribbean religious communities.
  • Religious attitudes within Death and Black Metal communities.
  • The cultural practices and traditions of QAnon members.
  • The significance of faith for LGBTQ+ individuals within conservative religious communities.
  • Ethnic Identity in Asian American Fiction Authors .

📊 Ethnography Topic Ideas for Comparative Essays

  • How do wedding traditions differ in China and the US?
  • Comparing Mexican and American neighborhoods.
  • Multicultural vs. Citizenship Education .
  • Different attitudes toward the afterlife between Christians and Hindus.
  • How have school rules changed over the last 20 years?
  • Race and Ethnic Gangs in Chicago vs. Los Angeles .
  • Women’s roles in matriarchal and patriarchal societies.
  • Comparison of gender roles in Western and Eastern cultures.
  • Critical features of American and Chinese fairy tales.
  • Cohabitation Versus Traditional Marriages .
  • Popular children’s games in the US and Australia.
  • How does street design differ in American and European cities?
  • Comparing business etiquette in the US and Japan.
  • The Parisian Culture: European and Islamic Cultures .
  • Differences in mealtime traditions between America and China.
  • Dress codes in American and Japanese schools.
  • Comparison of soccer and baseball fans.
  • Tradition and Innovation in Chinese Visual Arts .
  • Differences in socializing of homeschoolers and traditional school students.
  • Comparing video gaming practices of children and adults.
  • Differences Between Slavery and Indentured Servitude .
  • A typical day for families with and without children.
  • Analysis of Cultures: Deaf Culture, White Culture, and Black Culture .
  • Urban parks in New York City and Shanghai.
  • Family meals in single-parent and two-parent families.
  • Differences in leisure time between young men and women.
  • Illegal Immigration: Arizona v. United States Case .
  • Shopping habits of Millennials and Baby Boomers.
  • Concepts of beauty in ancient Greece and modern America.
  • Hobbies popular among single and married people.
  • Emmett Scott High School’s Social vs. Academic Culture .
  • Shopping experiences of people with and without visual impairments.
  • Comparing New Year celebrations in the US and China .
  • A typical day for a rural and urban resident.
  • Modern vs. Traditional or Alternative Medicine .
  • Caregiving practices in African American versus Hispanic communities.
  • Differences between Japanese and American restaurant culture.
  • Cultural and Linguistic Differences in Education .
  • Comparing sports of Native and modern Americans.
  • The life of Germans before and after World War II.
  • Differences Between the Brazilian and American Cultures .
  • Differences in parenting practices between the US and China.
  • How does humor differ in Western and Eastern cultures?
  • Comparing attitudes toward immigrants in the US and Russia.
  • Different perceptions of motherhood in Eastern and Western cultures.
  • Egypt Families in Changed and Traditional Forms .
  • Principles and practice of digital ethnography .
  • Application of modern technologies to social study through digital ethnography.
  • Advice on conducting digital ethnography during pandemics.
  • Three lies of digital ethnographies.
  • Addressing the Cultural Disconnect in Online Learning for First Nations Students in Canada .
  • Digital ethnography in a group project: Ethical considerations.
  • Electronic ethnography and media usage.
  • Digital ethnography to strengthen empirical reasoning.
  • Evaluation of a Digital Library: A Case Study .
  • Medical students using Twitter for professional development: A digital ethnography.
  • Questioning “digital ethnography” in the age of omnipresent computers.
  • Modern ethnographic digital techniques for social research .
  • The Relationship Between Culture and Technology .
  • Research on the third sector using digital ethnography.
  • The social network on the dark web using digital ethnography.
  • Foreignism, Media, Imperialism Influence on Culture .
  • In the era of information warfare, digital ethnography.
  • Using embedded visual techniques to reveal consumer values considering digital ethnography.
  • Methodological approaches in the digital ethnography of young culture.
  • Influence of Culture and Technology on the Stage Design .
  • Cybercrime research using digital ethnography: Nomadic digital ethnography and engagement.
  • Millennials, young people, and international research collectives.
  • Digital Knowledge Platforms Versus Traditional Education Systems .
  • COVID-19 pandemic digital ethnography.
  • The use of digital ethnography to improve the Erasmus+ mobility program.
  • Teach for America’s digital ethnography.
  • Social Networks Trends for Reducing Language Barriers .
  • A mixed-methods approach to digital ethnography using semantic social networks.
  • Conducting ethnographic studies in the digital era.
  • Case studies, ideas, and concepts related to digital ethnography.
  • Popular Culture, Commercialization and Industrialization .
  • Best practice guidelines for digital ethnography in intercultural professional communication .
  • Digital ethnography and online gaming.
  • Online learning as a digital ethnography of virtual social distance.
  • Digital ethnographic methodologies in residential settings: Methodological and ethical considerations .
  • Understanding how faculty members use digital ethnography for professional development .
  • Principles of Museum in Contemporary and Digital Art .
  • Analyzing trends socio-computationally to comprehend digital ethnography online videos.
  • Stand-up comedy’s perspective on racism: A digital ethnography of Netflix.
  • The study of language, gender, and sexuality using digital ethnography.
  • Social Media Role in Promoting Social Change .
  • Cross-cultural digital ethnography interpretation: The role of the religious context.
  • A digital ethnography of Instagram : likes, hashtags, comments, and publics.

❓ Examples of Ethnographic Research Questions

  • Do indigenous populations’ experiences differ in the US and Australia?
  • How can Eastern and Western cultures enrich each other?
  • What Is the Effect of Music on Culture?
  • What are the challenges faced by young and older immigrants?
  • How can society facilitate social justice for Australian Indigenous people?
  • What are the dietary patterns of Western and Eastern cultures?
  • What Are the Immigration and Ethic Relations in the US?
  • How did the COVID-19 pandemic affect ethnic minority groups?
  • What are the ethical issues associated with ethnographic research?
  • How did the Japanese occupation influence Korean traditions?
  • How Do Refugees Affect the Host Country?
  • What are the ethnic identities of children from immigrant families?
  • How do cultures worldwide differ regarding shame, guilt, and fear?
  • How Do Various Races and Ethnicities View the Library?
  • What are the examples of social injustice towards Indigenous populations?
  • How do history and ethnography complement each other?
  • What Are the Changes in Pop Culture?
  • What are the experiences of Chinese students in Western universities?
  • How do immigrant families maintain the traditions of their cultures?
  • What Are the Origins of Hip-Hop Culture?
  • What are the healing practices of Latin American ethnic groups?
  • How do Mexican immigrants interact with the US healthcare system?
  • Wha Is the Nature of the Racial and Ethnic Inequality?
  • What are the history and current state of ethnographic research?
  • How do refugees from African countries adjust in Europe?
  • What’s the Importance of Ethnic Diversity and Cultural Competence in Nursing?
  • What are the specifics of Mexican American ethnicity ?
  • How does Amazonian brew ayahuasca help in addressing substance addiction?
  • What are the three ethnic groups prevalent in the US?
  • What Are the Pressures for and Against a Common EU Immigration Policy?
  • How does ethnographic research help in understanding different cultures?
  • What can American citizens learn from Chinese culture?
  • What challenges do Latin American immigrants face in the US?
  • What Are the Racial, Ethnic, Cultural and Linguistic Issues in Psychology?
  • What do US citizens know about ethnic minority groups’ experiences?
  • What does workplace spirituality mean for Indian employees?
  • What is Korean individuals’ migration decision-making regarding the US?
  • Wha Is the Connection Between Interracial Marriages and Immigration?
  • What obstacles are faced by English as a Second Language students ?
  • Why do Indigenous people in Australia have trouble accessing water?
  • How does foreign religion affect native culture?
  • Analysis of social interactions in shopping malls.
  • The formation of youth subcultures in urban areas.
  • What are the peculiarities of the organization of community festivals?
  • Analyzing the communication patterns in cyberspace.
  • The culture of sports fandom and its key features.
  • The challenges of people experiencing homelessness within specific communities.
  • What is the role of political clubs in society?
  • Analyzing local stories that reveal cultural values.
  • The influence of immigration on the cultural dynamics in the USA.
  • The analysis of the perception of children from low-income families.
  • How do famous people impact the viewpoints of their fans?
  • Analysis of teenage behavior in school and at home.
  • The value of religion in anonymous alcoholics’ recovery.
  • The peculiarities of community dynamics in a small town or village.
  • The culture and customs of indigenous people.
  • Analyzing habits of elementary school children.
  • How did people perceive the concept of death in the past?
  • The origins of women’s roles in different societies.
  • Service staff and their particular view on the visitors.
  • How do immigrants express their identity in a foreign country?
  • The peculiarities of social interactions of employees at a business consulting agency.
  • What are the social customs of motorcycle riders?
  • The pitfalls in interprofessional teamwork practice among nurses.
  • The peculiarities of family structure among Muslims.
  • Analyzing people in a local retirement home.
  • The career choices of people with higher IQs.
  • How do individuals communicate during their journeys on public transportation?
  • Observing medical personnel in a high-volume hospital.
  • The inner perspective of the culture of gamers.
  • The social and cultural dynamics of a high school classroom.
  • Analyzing the lifestyle of a high school teacher.
  • How do children of wealthy parents behave in the education system?
  • The use of modern technology in the learning process and its benefits.
  • How do schools respond to the cultural differences of their students?
  • The peculiarities of school culture in urban areas.
  • How does social media impact school relations?
  • The role of teachers in the formation of the identity of students.
  • The experience of learning and teaching in an inclusive class.
  • How do teachers and students interact with each other in elementary school?
  • The concept of social status in any African community.
  • What are the key health beliefs and myths in the modern society?
  • The view of the American black community on racist narratives.
  • The role of media representation in spreading stereotypes.
  • The impact of religious beliefs and practices on everyday lives.
  • How does social class shape our experiences of life?
  • The role of art and music in expressing cultural values.
  • Analyzing the lifestyle of a lawyer with a successful career.
  • The main greeting gestures in native Chinese societies.
  • The connection between urban planning and social segregation.
  • The efficiency of online communities in providing support for people with shared experiences.
  • The experiences of people living with ADHD.
  • What factors influence the physical health of teenagers?
  • Analyzing the physical outlook of a smoker at a young age.
  • The peculiarities of polygamous marriages in different Asian societies.

Before writing an academic paper, you should have a clear plan. It is especially beneficial for ethnographic essays, as it is a complex study field. Below, we have described how to approach this assignment.

Things to Consider

  • After choosing your ethnography topic, the first step is to ask yourself why it matters . Consider what you are attempting to achieve by writing your paper. Who will be your audience? What do you want them to learn?
  • Once you have this in mind, write down the questions you hope to answer with your research. They will help you keep your essay or research paper focused.
  • Take note of your pre-existing assumptions about your topic. Everyone has personal biases. It is essential to be aware of them when writing an ethnography essay.

Things to Do

  • Thorough research is essential to writing a successful paper. It is best to refer to first-hand accounts , which offer the most insight. However, secondary sources can also be valuable for background reading. You can use our online summary generator to save time reading through them.
  • Try to find authors with different perspectives . This way, you will likely get a well-rounded impression of the chosen topic.
  • Pay attention to how the writers refer to and describe the people they study. You should always question their findings and keep track of their own biases.

Thank you for reading this article. We hope you have managed to find a good ethnography topic idea for your paper. Need a little help putting together your essay title or research question? Try out our handy paraphraser tool !

  • What is Ethnography? – Anthropology@Princeton, Princeton University
  • Ethnographic Research – The University of Virginia
  • Ethnography – Writing Studio, Thompson Writing Program, Duke University
  • What Is Ethnographic Research? — National Park Service
  • Ethnography: Challenges and Opportunities — BMJ Journals
  • Ethnographic Study: Qualitative Studies — GOV.UK

Ethnographic Essay Topics

45 great ethnographic essay topics and ideas for students.

Students are often asked to work on different types of assignments in college. These projects vary in terms of requirements and levels of complexity. The common thing with all the tasks is that you will have a set of instructions to follow.

Choosing good topics makes the process of research and writing easier and more enjoyable. It also ensures that your ethnographic essay covers all the project requirements.

Not sure how to select ideal topics that will impress your professor?

There are a few insights from professional writers that can guide you through the process. In this article, we cover tips on how to select the best topics as well as some unique examples.

How to Select the Best Ethnographic Essay Topic? Useful Insights

Ethnographic essays can be particularly challenging to write. They focus on the formation of social and ethnic groups.

Ethnographers focus on the characteristics that define political, religious, linguistic, and cultural development. So, when tasked with creating topics for your ethnographic paper, consider your interests.

Start by brainstorming for an idea before conducting in-depth research. Choose topics that you already find interesting, narrowing down to a clear and concise option.

Also, make sure that your topics answer the questions set out in the assignment prompt.

List of Ethnographic Essay Topics for Students

The best topics for ethnographic essay writing are relevant and clear.

Here are some amazing examples to guide you:

  • An essay on the discussion of the plight of homeless people in the United States;
  • The degree to which Muslim parents determine the career journeys of their children;
  • Effectiveness of policies aimed at securing the interests of veterans in the United States;
  • Factors responsible for increased migration from Africa to Europe;
  • The reasons behind the popularity of Malta as a strategic route for migrants;
  • How gender factors influence the socialization of Muslims;
  • How parental practices by aboriginal people shape children’s education;
  • The impact of Mediterranean cultures and lifestyles in the tourist attraction in Malta;
  • Religion and politics in the Middle East;
  • Impact of terrorism on international migration trends;
  • The effect of immigration on the quality of education in the United States;
  • The connection between drug trafficking and politics in Mexico;
  • The genetic factors and their implications for IQ;
  • Cultural beliefs and their connection to educational attainment;
  • Culture and the perception of pain in Japan;
  • Poverty as a factor in educational attainment;
  • Demographic trends among the Aboriginal communities in Australia;
  • Race as a factor in incarceration rates;
  • Ethnographic assessment of the willingness to seek medical care;
  • Cultural factors shaping views on higher education;
  • The role of sororities in the American college culture;
  • The dietary and sanitary habits among homeless people in the United States;
  • Impact of immigration on the cultural values of rural Africans;
  • Impact of technology on the cultural beliefs of aboriginal communities;
  • An ethnographic study of the concept of adulthood among rural Brazilians;
  • An ethnographic analysis of the role of traditional euthanasia on the population growth in Brazil;
  • The changing cultural beliefs and practices of the Maasai people of Kenya;
  • Reasons for the existence of churches and political parties;
  • How social organizations have changed over the years;
  • Impact of westernization on the perception of beauty as portrayed by mass media.

Ethnographic Essay Ideas for Inspiration

All students want to get the best grades when they write their academic papers. Just make sure to read and understand the instructions from your professor.

Also, consider the interests of your audience as you work on your topic for that ethnographic essay.

Struggling to find amazing ideas for that ethnographic essay that will impress your professor?

Consider these insights:

  • Choose topics relating to the goal of ethnographic research;
  • Write your essay about the ethnographic territory;
  • Choose topics related to the link between language and ethnographic factors;
  • Write your essay on the terrestrial environment;
  • Choose topics related to the impact of religion;
  • Write an essay on the cultural beliefs of aboriginal communities;
  • Choose essay topics about paganism;
  • Write your unique essay on national religions and primitive beliefs;
  • Write on topics about the effect of globalization;
  • Choose ethnographic essay topics about the impact of information technology.

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Ethnographic essay topics

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40 Most Interesting Ethnographic Research Topics

Ethnographic Research Topics

Finding A-grade examples of ethnographic research topics may not be a walk in the park for college students.

The way of writing an effective ethnographic paper depends on the points discussed below.

So, here is a ready solution.

What is an Ethnographic Research Paper?

Ethnography is a social science method of research that counts on personal experiences within a subject group or a culture. Different instructors may recommend several writing guidelines for such a paper, but it generally follows a standard format. Such an arrangement incorporates a proper analysis and evaluation of the problem. Before we embark on learning how to write an ethnography, let us have a look at an ethnographic essay outline.

Structure of an Ethnographic Essay

The paper should follow the outline below: Introduction It is where you introduce your thesis statement, which is the main idea of the whole project. A proper ethnographic research topic would form a strong foundation for this part. The reader should be able to see an overview of what to expect in the essay. Methodology In this part, you explain how you did your research. Mention all the tools used and why you settled on them. It should be detailed and even a couple of in such a way that the reader can verify the information you used. Presentation and Analysis of Collected Data The findings should be placed on the table first. They should be in a logical manner, beginning with the essential facts. After that, analyze and precisely interpret the data. Let your readers know your criteria for interpretation before you start. Conclusion Different ethnographic research paper topics have different endings. However, the standard procedure is that you reiterate the most important points. Ensure that they are presented in an original way to make your conclusion not to look like a reversed introduction. That is the first part; however, finding quality examples of ethnographic research topics is another battle. Yet, don’t panic, we’ve got a legion of professional soldiers to cover your back on this.

We are going to explore a list of ethnography topics in clusters of ten each to prompt you for more. Get that notebook as we embark on this exciting experience. The items strive to meet your high school and college ethnography topics requirements.

Let’s get right into it, gang.

We will start with the easiest ones as we slowly advance to the technical topics. There is something for everybody!

Easy Ethnography Topics for High School

  • A study of the incisor tooth
  • The best careers that people can settle on in 2023
  • A survey of the lifestyle of a teacher
  • A study of the health benefits of taking water daily
  • A look at the importance of the sun to children
  • How greetings are in Africa
  • A study of the eating habits of dogs and cats
  • A comparison of the red meat and white meat
  • How wealthy children compare to needy children in academic performance
  • A look at how children behave at home versus in school

Interesting Ethnography Topics for College

  • An ethnographic study of the Chinese diets
  • The inner perspective of the culture of skateboarders
  • Critical issues on the social, cultural experience of the dancing
  • How nurses make sense of their caring abilities on the job
  • A study of how second-hand merchants impact the bookselling industry
  • Evaluating the satisfaction of a patient with the quality of care in a hospital
  • What myths and misconceptions surround the global connection
  • A study on the effect of uniforms in schools
  • How language impacts culture
  • A survey of qualitative sampling in data collection

Great Mini Ethnography Topics

  • How have malls changed the shopping sector?
  • Racism and its effects on campus
  • Values promoted by media productions
  • How cultural productions interpret the history
  • A study of the communities in New York
  • Teamwork and its impact on football
  • Reasons for differences in families
  • How service staff view people
  • Lives and cultures of the hotel industry
  • How immigrants express their identity
  • The view of people on gays
  • Adjustments made by women to fit in societies
  • Homeschooling and low grades
  • Hunting as a rite of passage
  • Wrestling and men
  • Concerts and teens
  • Cultural differences between different ethnic groups
  • How political clubs are changing
  • A study of street children in Africa
  • Politics and the U.S

How to write an effective ethnographic paper depends on the points discussed above. There are several ethnography paper examples online to give you more ideas on what you can write. Do not limit yourself to the topics above; create more unique ones on your own.

If you still need more professional writing help on any other essay, we would be more than glad to help. Hit that sends message button today.

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6- Drafting Your Ethnographic Essay

Chapter 6 provides a step-by-step process for developing, writing, and revising your ethnographic research essay.

Finding a Focus, Choosing a Controlling Idea for Your Research

The first step in finding a focus is to read through all of your fieldnotes two times. As you read, notice when and where you become particularly interested in what you have written. Circle, mark or note these passages in some way. Write a brief summary of each idea/passage on a separate sheet. After you identify what interests you most, move on to search for patterns that will lead you to focus.  You can follow the step-by step-process below as a path to create a kind of umbrella or guiding focus statement for your essay:

  • Read through the list you compiled from your fieldnotes and identify which parts of your fieldnotes interest and engage you most. Look at the larger arc. Are most of your points taken from your thoughts and feelings or are you more interested in the analysis observation?
  • Search for patterns in your list, and make a new list of those patterns. Keep an eye out for things that strike you as meaningful and interesting and that happen again and again.  As you explore patterns, also look for things connected to those patterns.  Find patterns within patterns. how do you connect ideas with language?  Do you seem to repeatedly use the same phrases?  When and with respect to what observations?  This may help identify relevant patters of observation.
  • From your list of patterns and connections, select the ONE larger idea/pattern that interests you most. You know you’re on to something if you find a pattern and can see how it connects to other observations you’ve made during your research and /or to what other scholars or writers have said.
  • Take that one interesting idea/pattern and develop an “umbrella” statement or a broad focus statement. You can start, for drafting purposes, with something as simple as “In this paper, I will…(discuss, explore, explain, analyze, etc.).”  Here you are articulating the big idea for your essay. You can always return to the statement to make is more sophisticated in the context of a focus paragraph later,
  • Expand that statement by breaking the pattern that you are focusing on into any number of supporting observations. Follow your initial broad or umbrella focus statement with that break down. “First, I will….Second…Third….” with each of those statements specifying the supporting material. These first, second, and third statements provide the framework for the body sections of your research essay.

As you examine patterns you find in your own comprehensive observation list and look for an idea, theme, or metaphor to connect them, keep in mind the ways in which a focus moves from observations to a more developed discussion of the ideas you note.  As you connect the dots of your pattern, you may begin to understand where your essay could “land,” which implications become most compelling to you, and which elements for discussion could make clear the complexity of reality and truth.  When you identify some of these more powerful elements, take the time to write about any connections you see between those patterns or expand on any unfinished thoughts. From this list, you need to choose the idea/pattern that interests you most, that you think you can really write about, and that you can support with other observations from your notes. You have found your focus!

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • 1a- Connecting to Ethnographic Writing
  • 1b- Identifying with Ethnographic Writing
  • 1c- Rhetorical Strate­gies for Ethnographic Writing
  • 2a- Writerly Ethos
  • 2b- Under­stand­ing Pla­gia­rism
  • 2c- Eth­i­cal Conun­drums in Com­munity Research
  • 3a- Examining Culture as Text
  • 3b- Selecting a Research Site
  • 3c- Access to Your Research Site
  • 3d- Rhetorical Strategies for Research Proposals
  • 4a- Rhetorical Strategies for Writing Observations
  • 4b- Considering Types of Fieldnotes
  • 4c- Expanding and Revising Fieldnotes and Observations
  • 5a- Searching for Sources: Keywords, Databases, Catalogs, and Shelves
  • 5b- Ethical Considerations when Conducting Research of Secondary Sources
  • 5c- Impact of Technology on Conducting Research of Secondary Sources
  • 5d- Sorting Sources and Eating Books
  • 5e- Popular Culture Source Material
  • 5f- Summarizing Sources
  • 5g- Building an Annotated Bibliography
  • 6a- Introducing your Research
  • 6b- Presenting the Methodology and Focus
  • 6c- Selecting Examples and Evidence
  • 6d- Selecting Effective Secondary Source Evidence
  • 6e- Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Documenting Source Material
  • 6f- Concluding in a Meaningful Way
  • 6g- Reviewing and Revising Your Essay
  • Supplemental Modules
  • How to Use this Textbook
  • Teaching with EC
  • How to Become a Contributing Author

Home — Essay Samples — Arts & Culture — Ethnography

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Essays on Ethnography

Ethnographic essay topics and outline examples, essay title 1: unveiling cultural realities: an ethnographic study of [specific culture].

Thesis Statement: This ethnographic research paper provides an in-depth exploration of [specific culture], aiming to reveal the cultural practices, beliefs, social structures, and everyday life experiences of its members, while also shedding light on the impact of globalization and modernization.

  • Introduction
  • Research Context: Overview of [specific culture] and Its Significance
  • Research Methods: Participant Observation, Interviews, and Data Collection
  • Cultural Practices and Traditions: Rituals, Customs, and Social Norms
  • Community and Social Structure: Family, Hierarchy, and Social Roles
  • Impact of Globalization: Changes, Challenges, and Adaptations
  • Conclusion: Insights Gained and the Cultural Richness of [specific culture]

Essay Title 2: Urban Ethnography: Exploring the Dynamics of [Specific Urban Community]

Thesis Statement: This ethnographic study focuses on [specific urban community], examining the urban environment, social interactions, community networks, and the challenges and opportunities that residents encounter in their daily lives.

  • Research Context: Introduction to [specific urban community] and Its Demographics
  • Research Methods: Immersive Fieldwork, Surveys, and Ethnographic Data
  • Urban Landscape: Architecture, Public Spaces, and Neighborhood Characteristics
  • Community Bonds: Social Cohesion, Networks, and Support Systems
  • Challenges of Urban Life: Poverty, Gentrification, and Access to Resources
  • Aspirations and Resilience: Stories of Residents and Their Urban Experience
  • Conclusion: Understanding [specific urban community] and the Complex Urban Fabric

Essay Title 3: Ethnography of [Specific Subculture]: Navigating Identities, Belonging, and Expression

Thesis Statement: This ethnographic research paper explores the world of [specific subculture], shedding light on the subcultural identity, values, rituals, and modes of expression, while also examining the subculture's relationship with mainstream culture and the challenges it faces.

  • Subcultural Context: Introduction to [specific subculture] and Its Significance
  • Research Methods: Immersion, Interviews, and Documenting Subcultural Practices
  • Subcultural Identity: Shared Beliefs, Symbols, and Modes of Expression
  • Subculture vs. Mainstream Culture: Tensions, Resistance, and Integration
  • Subcultural Challenges: Stereotypes, Stigmatization, and Legal Issues
  • Subcultural Resilience: Community Building, Artistic Expression, and Social Change
  • Conclusion: Embracing the Diversity of [specific subculture] and Its Impact on Society

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Ethnography (from Greek ἔθνος ethnos "folk, people, nation" and γράφω grapho "I write") is a branch of anthropology and the systematic study of individual cultures.

Ethnography explores cultural phenomena from the point of view of the subject of the study. Ethnographers mainly use qualitative methods, though they may also employ quantitative data. The typical ethnography is a holistic study and so includes a brief history, and an analysis of the terrain, the climate, and the habitat.

Gerhard Friedrich Müller developed the concept of ethnography as a separate discipline whilst participating in the Second Kamchatka Expedition (1733–43) as a professor of history and geography. Whilst involved in the expedition, he differentiated Völker-Beschreibung as a distinct area of study. This became known as "ethnography," following the introduction of the Greek neologism ethnographia by Johann Friedrich Schöpperlin.

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ethnographic essay topics

Ethnography - List of Essay Samples And Topic Ideas

Ethnography, a qualitative research method central to anthropology and other social sciences, involves the in-depth study of cultures and communities through participant observation and other fieldwork techniques. Essays could delve into the methodological underpinnings of ethnography, its historical evolution, and its contributions to understanding complex social phenomena. Discussions might also explore the ethical considerations inherent in ethnographic research, including issues of representation, consent, and reflexivity. An analysis of seminal ethnographic works, the challenges and opportunities of conducting ethnographic research in contemporary settings, and the adaptation of ethnographic methods to digital and global contexts can provide a solid understanding of the evolving practice and relevance of ethnography. Furthermore, the interdisciplinary applications of ethnography, its role in policy-making and social intervention, and the debates surrounding its epistemological and ethical premises can be discussed, offering a comprehensive perspective on the nuanced practice and enduring significance of ethnographic inquiry. A vast selection of complimentary essay illustrations pertaining to Ethnography you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

Discourse Community Ethnography: Yazaki

Abstract Discourse communities are a part of people’s lives whether they identify themselves in a discourse community or not. Throughout people’s lives, they acquire new skills or preferences that lets them join a certain discourse. To identify whether a community is a discourse, one must follow Swales six characteristics to see if a community qualifies. Following these six characteristics, I examined whether the Yazaki North America, Inc. could be categorized as a discourse community. In my research and after conducting […]

Research Methods and Ethnography Design of Research

Decision-making occurs in everyday life. Several factors exist that may influence the decision-making process, including drugs and substance abuse, brain injuries, neurological disorders, and genetics. Although various factors influence the decision-making process, it is important to observe specific factors. Thus, the question arises: how do neurological factors influence the decision-making process? It is suspected that drug abuse significantly impacts the decision-making process because it changes the chemicals in the brain. It is important to research various methodologies that provide a […]

US and Mexican Immigration Policies from a Holistic Anthropological Perspective

For my anthropology book review, I decided to read and analyze The Land of Open Graves: Living and Dying on the Migrant Trail by Jason de Leon. Jason takes a look at U.S.-Mexico immigration policies from a holistic anthropological view that includes forensic science, linguistics, ethnography, and archaeology. The book’s main argument about immigration is the Sonoran Desert is used by the United States government as a cruel and harsh method of border enforcement. After reading this text, I would […]

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The Concept of Discourse Community: a Response to the Ethnography of Branick and Mirabelli

The concept of a discourse community was new to me when we started this unit, but I quickly caught on to what exactly one is. I was under the impression that the "texts," "reading," and "writing" that a discourse community puts to use or carries out referred to physical, written works. But as I realized during unit one, literacy can take many forms--meaning, it is an activity in communication, called "social literacy"--not only reading and writing. Along those lines, the […]

Qualitative Research Related to Ethnography

Qualitative research provides a description of the holistic and individual aspects of how people experience a given issue. It looks at the person’s or community’s side of an issue in terms of behaviors, beliefs, opinions, emotions, and social experiences. It also focuses on people and communities holistically to gain an in-depth understanding of their experiences. There are three methods of qualitative research: phenomenological, grounded theory, and ethnographic research. These methods offer a wider and deeper understanding of the research problem […]

The Circulation of Children by Jessaca B. Leinaweaver

The ethnography, The Circulation of Children, by Jessaca B. Leinaweaver, is about how she investigates child circulation in Peru. Child circulation is an unofficial style of arrangements that are made where indigenous Andean children are sent by their parents to live in other houses with other families. Child circulation can be established by the parents because they can not care for their children or because an elder either wants company since they have none, or it gives the children a […]

Problem of Sex Trafficking in Modern World

Not too long ago, the idea of slavery seemed like an event of the past. However, researchers have found modern day slavery to be a disastrous reality. Human trafficking is a global issue occurring in countries all around the world. Although it is assumed that these kinds of activities may only occur in third world countries, it is just as prevalent in developed, civilized countries as well. Today, millions of women, children, and men are trafficked all around the world […]

Racial, Gender and Sexual Identity

In the article "Fluid and Shifting: Racialized, Gendered, and Sexual Identity in African American Children," by Denise Isom, the author talks about a study on African American children and racialized gender identity. The researchers used various methods to conduct their research, including: 1) questionnaires, 2) face-to-face interviews, 3) ethnographic observation. The first part of the study was conducted from 2001-2002 in a "lower/working class African American community near a large mid-western city" (Isom, 2012). The subjects of this study were […]

Gathering Research about Social Enviroment

As indicated by Bronislaw Malinowski (Kuper, 1996), there's a contrast between the populace views within the community or whom Malinowksi alluded to as actors and the investigators. He analyzed the society in a participant perception technique. He asserts integrating details observed. The sociological mix of various application components is the ethnographer's role. Each observed detail, resulting from a cultural response, serves a capacity to the achievement of man's essential needs. This is apparently the reasons for developing infrastructure and designs […]

Aids and Accusation Unimagined Community

AIDS and Accusation: Haiti and the Geography of Blame by Paul Farmer, and Unimagined Community: Sex, Networks, and AIDS in Uganda and South Africa bring the Western reader into a confrontation of largely ingrained belief systems regarding self, wellness, disease, one's place in economy and privilege, and the vast differences in outcome that social isolation, economic position, and culture can effect on disease management. Farmer's book was initially published in 1992 and published again in 2006. Thornton's book was published […]

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How To Write an Essay About Ethnography

Understanding ethnography.

Before starting an essay about ethnography, it's important to thoroughly understand what ethnography entails. Ethnography is a qualitative research method used in social sciences, particularly anthropology and sociology, to study cultures and societies. It involves immersive observation and often direct participation in the social world of the study subjects. Begin your essay by defining ethnography, discussing its origins, and explaining key concepts such as participant observation, field notes, and cultural relativism. Understanding the methodology, its purposes, and the ethical considerations involved in ethnographic research will provide a strong foundation for your essay.

Developing a Thesis Statement

A focused thesis statement is crucial for an effective essay on ethnography. Your thesis should present a specific viewpoint or argument about ethnography. For example, you might discuss the importance of ethnography in understanding different cultures, analyze its strengths and limitations, or explore a particular ethnographic study in detail. Your thesis will guide the structure and content of your essay, ensuring a coherent and focused argument.

Gathering and Analyzing Ethnographic Examples

To support your thesis, it's important to gather and analyze examples of ethnographic research. You might choose to focus on a particular ethnographic study, discussing its methodology, findings, and significance. Alternatively, you could compare and contrast different ethnographic studies to highlight various approaches within the field. Use these examples to illustrate your points and provide evidence for your arguments.

Discussing Methodological Approaches in Ethnography

An essay about ethnography should also discuss the various methodological approaches used in ethnographic research. This might include traditional participant observation, interviews, or the use of contemporary tools like digital ethnography. Discuss the advantages and challenges of these methods, and how they contribute to the understanding of different cultures and societies. This section should demonstrate your understanding of how ethnographic research is conducted and the considerations involved in choosing a method.

Concluding the Essay

Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points of your discussion and restating your thesis in light of the evidence and examples provided. Your conclusion should tie together your analysis and emphasize the importance of ethnography in social research. You might also want to reflect on the future of ethnography or its relevance in today’s increasingly interconnected world.

Reviewing and Refining Your Essay

After completing your essay, take time to review and refine it. Ensure that your arguments are clearly articulated and supported by evidence. Check for grammatical accuracy and ensure that your essay flows logically from one point to the next. Consider seeking feedback from peers or instructors to further improve your essay. A well-written essay on ethnography should not only demonstrate your understanding of the methodology but also your ability to critically engage with research methods in social sciences.

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Picking Up Good Ideas For Ethnographic Essay Topics

Looking for ideas in your local area.

To help you think of ideas, it can be useful to look around in your local area at groups of people that might be interesting to study. Whether your paper is based on people of different ages, different ethnic groups, or any other shared characteristics, using a local group can be easier when it comes to researching for your paper.

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Thinking of ideas based on inspirational people

It may be that you want your ethnographic essay to be based on people of interest in the way that they have helped others. A good way of thinking of topics is to think of inspirational people that have helped you during your life, or helped others.

For example, you may wish to look at the nurses in a particular area or volunteers, or any other groups of people that do inspiring things. It could even be that you look at groups of people that have overcome adversity in their life, such as people who have suffered serious illnesses.

Getting ethnographic essay topic ideas from old papers

If you’re still unsure of what ideas to use for your paper, then a good solution is to look at prewritten papers. It could be that you source past papers that have been written by students from your university or college, or you could even look for free papers that are widely available online. Of course, if you choose to use topic ideas from old papers, it is important that you take care to make the title is unique as possible, so as not to put yourself at risk of plagiarism.

Whilst looking at old papers that other people have written, so as to help think of topic ideas for yourself, you can even get an idea of what research methods you can use and a wide variety of other information.

A list of ethnographic topics and titles

  • A study of homeless people in the local area
  • Career choices of people with higher IQs
  • The lifestyle of competitive bodybuilders
  • A study of the Italians and the health benefits of the Mediterranean lifestyle
  • A study of the Welsh-speaking community in Chile
  • A comparison of bi-lingual students and students who only speak one language
  • Parenting practices in Finland
  • Children of wealthy parents in the education system
  • A look at the lives of people in a local retirement home
  • How recovering alcoholics resist or give into temptation

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Top 101 Ethnographic Research Topics

The most common query for students studying ethnography is, “can I get help online for my ethnographic research topic?” while others search “ethnographic research topics.” Getting proper ethnographic research or essay topic has been a problem for many learners of the various subjects we handle.

That is why at HelpForHomework, we designed a service to help you whenever you need ethnographic research help. If you are looking for ethnographic research topic help, you do not need to look far. We provide professional research help for ethnography and all types of social science-related topics.

How do you select the best Ethnographic Research Topic?

As one of the best online ethnographic research platforms, we offer timely and top-notch social science research help. It is straightforward: you can either pick one from the article, contact our support department on the chat button or fill in the order form to get started.

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Why Should We Help You Select the Best Ethnography Research Topic?

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What is ethnography?

Ethnography is qualitative scientific research on people’s culture, beliefs, customs, and differences. The word ethnography also implies the reports that an ethnographer produces after research.

The subject is flexible as you understand society’s social challenges and conventions in focus.

Importance of Ethnography

Ethnographic research involves anthropologists living in a particular society to learn and understand their way of living for a while. However, the subject is vital in other social science fields, not only anthropology. For example, ethnographic research is applicable in:

  • Gang investigation
  • Studies on sports fans
  • Understanding how call centres work
  • Probing police officers

Ethnography has immense career possibilities. Ethnographers get employment in:

  • Anthropological organizations
  • Archeological organizations
  • NGOs specializing in social-cultural aspects

What are the advantages of ethnographic research?

Ethnography gives a researcher first-hand information of cultures and practices of communities. The ethnographic approach gives researchers first-hand interaction with people within a particular setting.

By becoming an ethnographer, you access more authentic information that you cannot easily find when asking or reading.

Further, the subject is flexible and open to other research methods. In this case, when doing ethnography research, ethnographers do not aim to verify theories and hypotheses. Instead, they are open to gathering narratives to explain a specific culture and other aspects of a community.

Why should you use ethnography in your research?

Students who want to use ethnographic research for thesis or dissertation writing should consider using the right approach. Below is a highlight of the questions that you need to ask yourself before starting your research:

  • Can you collect the information using another method? (e.g., interviews or surveys?
  • Is the community in focus easily accessible?
  • What methods will you use to conduct the research?
  • Can any ethical issues arise during the research?

When you choose to do ethnographic research in person, we recommend finding a group that you can easily access to complete in a short timeframe.

Qualities of an excellent ethnographic research topic

To create an excellent ethnographic research topic, you should formulate a question that you are curious about and have a passion for learning. We recommend that your research idea should be:

Clear: The ethnographic research topic should be clear to understand. A precise research topic makes it easy for your audience to understand your ideas.

Concise: The research topic should be direct to the point. For this reason, you should express your topic in the fewest understandable words possible.

Complex: As much as we recommend a presice research topic, it should not be answerable by yes or no. Your research topic should require analysis and synthesis.

Arguable : Your research topic should be not only factual but also debatable. Your research should also use examples to back up your points.

Focused : Your research topic should be narrow enough to answer it concisely and thoroughly.

Top 100 ethnography research topics

The number of research topics for ethnography is unlimited. However, it would be best to consider your research’s relevance, accuracy, and audience. For this case, we have selected the best ethnographic topics for you. We hope you find a suitable one.

  • Access how the culture of Native Americans have changed over time
  • An ethnographic study of military families
  • Can racism impact scientific decision-making?
  • Comparison of the behavior of kids in school and at home
  • Discuss the links between drug trafficking and violence in an area of your choice
  • Gender and socialization in Muslim communities
  • Homelessness is a global catastrophe
  • How is child protection offered in an area of your choice?
  • How to improve services for homeless pet owners
  • How to punish brutal police officers
  • How vulnerable are homeless women? Are they as vulnerable as homeless men?
  • Impacts of foreign languages on culture
  • Is homelessness a problem in your home area? (or an area of your choice)
  • Police brutality to minority communities
  • Racial discrimination in public universities
  • The concept of adulthood in the European setting
  • What are the effects of skilled migration from third-world countries?
  • What are the habits of rich people in a city of your choice?
  • What are the impacts of COVID-19 on socially excluded people?
  • What are the interventions that could help solve homelessness
  • What causes rural-urban migration?
  • What is seasonal migration?
  • What is the best policy analysis used by ethnographers?
  •  What is the cause of hospital vandalism?
  • What problems do police officers face?

Easy Ethnographic Research Topics

Do you want some easy ethnography questions? Check out the list below and tell us what you think:

  • An ethnographic study of Asian diets
  • Causes of seasonal migrations
  • Discrimination against the LGBTQ community
  • Discuss how minority groups are treated  in prison
  • Domestic violence against men
  • Effects of COVID-19
  • How are languages affected by code-switching?
  • How are refugees used to legitimize territorial claims?
  • How does domestic violence affect women?
  • How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected gender-based violence victims?
  • How to make ethnographic research innovative
  • Mental health in conflict areas
  • Mental health issues among the elderly
  • Methods to eliminate homelessness
  • Methods used to access the quality of life
  • Narrative analysis with ethnography
  • Prevention of gender-based violence
  • Relationship between structural discrimination and moral status
  • Social stigma amongst infertile couples
  • Stigma towards COVID-19 victims
  • The conflict between prisoners and prison staff
  • The role of self-deception in racism
  • What are the challenges of taking care of people with disabilities?
  • What drives people from third-world regions to travel to first-world countries?
  • What is the extent of drug trafficking in South America?

Interesting Ethnographic Research topics

Are you looking for interesting ethnographic research topics? Worry no more. We have got you covered.

  • Describe the cultural clashes between natives and colonizers
  • Do mixed origin people have a culture
  • Economic generating activities of street families
  • Effects of unemployment
  • Ethical theories concerning gay marriage
  • History of feminism
  • How are the youth affected by poverty in Canada
  • How do celebrities influence the culture of their fans?
  • How do drugs affect culture?
  • How do illicit economies affect development?
  • How do native communities perceive modern fashion?
  • How does culture influence the economy
  • How does foreign religion influence native culture?
  • How essential is it to preserve cultural diversity?
  •  Impact of education on the poverty rate
  • Is feminism relevant?
  • Is homelessness a crisis vs. homelessness as an institution
  • Issues facing bisexuals in society
  • Policies essential in the management of poverty in contemporary social market economies
  • Poverty eradication
  • Strategies to minimize unemployment among youth in Africa
  • Transgender discrimination in the USA
  • What are the similarities and differences between African and American feminism?
  • What defines culture?
  • What factors contribute to joining cults?
  • What factors contribute to leaving cults?

Additional Expert Ethnography Research Topics Suggestions

Ethnography has no limit. Some best suggestions are listed below:

  • Coexistence between natives and refugees
  • Coexistence of religion and politics
  • Compare IQ difference between people living in rural and urban areas
  • Compare the perception of children from wealthy and low-income families
  • Describe the demographic characteristics of the Native communities of Hawaii
  • Difference between American and Norwegian prison system
  • Differences in diets in the Asian community
  • Discuss the perception Japanese perception of pain
  • Gender roles in African communities
  • Gender roles in European communities
  • Global mental health in a low-income society
  • How can developing countries reach their full potential?
  • How communities coexist with terrorism
  • How do lifestyles encourage migration?
  • How does authoritarianism affect communities?
  • How does terrorism affect migration?
  • How will humanity survive its inventions?
  • LGBTQ in the Muslim community
  • Methods of eradicating poverty
  • Perception of beauty in the Maasai community in Kenya
  • Racial discrimination in the 19th century
  • The social-economic situation during the COVID-19 period
  • Why are the minority communities suffering from severe outcomes of COVID-19 infections?
  • Why do migrants use Malta as a strategic point of movement?
  • Why is low income associated with poverty?

Tips for creating an ethnographic research topic

Do you want to create an ethnographic topic yourself? Below are expert tips to help you through.

Choose a general topic

Choose a broad research question of the topic that interests you. If you are interested in a topic, you have to research and make coherent points of the idea.

Do preliminary studies on the topic

By carrying out preliminary studies on the topic, you know the areas to scale down. Therefore, you should read journals and periodicals and see what researchers have covered and what thye have missed.

Consider your audience

It would be best if you determined your audience by your education level. If you are a college student, your research should be college-level. Before starting your research, ask yourself, “will the research interest my audience?” 

Create evaluative questions

When selecting a research topic, create questions to evaluate it. You should ask questions like “how” and “why” to know if the topic is compelling. At this stage, also ask yourself:

  • Is the ethnographic research topic clear?
  • How straightforward are the research questions?
  • Is the ethnographic project idea complex?

By reading through the topic suggestions and tips, we are sure you now have insightful information for your next project. But do not forget to consult us if you have any questions, ideas, or suggestions.

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How to Write an Ethnography Essay or Research Paper

How to Write an Ethnography Essay or Research Paper

How to Write an Ethnography Essay

How to Write an Ethnography Essay

Ethnographic writing is very common in colleges and universities. It involves ethnographic essays, research papers, and assignments. These papers are written at different levels in colleges and universities.

Therefore, as a student you have to be well versed on how these papers are written for you to score good grades.

ethnographic essay topics

If you have been looking for a guide on how to handle ethnographic essays look no further because this article provides you with all information you need to know about ethnographic writing and different topics that you can use to practice.

What is an Ethnography Essay or Paper?

An ethnographic essay is a piece of writing that focuses on a subculture, culture, or group. The emphasis and focus is usually on observation, field notes, and observations.

ethnography writing

The understanding that any ethnographic paper seeks is the way people think and live their everyday life. Therefore, spending time with people is necessary for the writer to determine how people live and what they are interested in.

An ethnographic essay should have an introduction, literature review, methodology, data analysis, and conclusion.

How to Write an Ethnography Essay?

The following are important tips that one should consider when writing an ethnographic essay :

1. Research on Existing Studies on the Topic

primary research

By researching on the existing knowledge, you will be able to know areas of the topic that have already been explored and identify areas that need additional new knowledge.

Also, you are able to identify questions about the topic that have been left unanswered and the gaps that still exists. Additionally, you will be able to write your work confidently without the danger of duplicating the work of other people.

2. Research on the Topic or Focus Group

The purpose of researching on the topic or focus group is to test your hypothesis. For example, you can answer some research questions, try various methods of collecting data and record observations in real time. You can also learn about the ethics of the focus group.

This helps refine the topic and familiarize with the context of what you will write about. Also, you may get insight on any obstacle that you may have overlooked.

3. Use both Primary and Secondary Data when Conducting Research

When researching you should collect data through observation in real time, interviews, and focus groups. These are first hand sources of information that are authentic.

Also, you should use published studies and articles which present you with the ideas of how others have conducted ethnographic research.

4. Develop a Thesis Statement

writing thesis statement

While conducting your research, formulate a thesis statement which will be the main argument of the paper. It should describe what you are exploring in your research.

It is the main idea of your paper and not necessarily the questions that the topic poses.

It should be straight to the point and brief with no jargon to help the reader understand what your ethnography paper is all about

5. Use Retrospective or Prospective Study Design

Retrospective design involves the study of the past while prospective design involves data collection about an event that is ongoing.

The design you use depends on whether you want to pick up memories from people about an event of the past or if you want to find out something that is actually transpiring.

6. Take Notes during the Ethnographic Study

Taking notes will help clarify the observations made, provide audit trail for your research and look for patterns in data. Participants’ notes helps record observation in the real time that they happened and prevents the efforts of try to remember what was observed later.

Also through notes preconceived notions are avoided and relevant thoughts for your analysis captured.

7. Write the Introduction

introduction in research

The introduction of an ethnographic essay should provide the background information about the issue being written about.

A good ethnographic introduction should include a thesis statement that presents an argument and a proper investigation on why the topic is important to investigate.

Here you set the tone for the entire paper. Therefore, the introduction should be catchy to motivate the reader to continue reading.

8. Write the Background Information

This is where the information that gives the reader the context of what your ethnography paper is all about is written. The information included here should be relevant to your hypothesis or argument.

Geographical place where the research took place should also be included. Also, the literature review which consists of what has been written previously about the topic should be included.

Additionally, provide an explanation of how your research contributes to the understanding of the topic.

9. Write the Methodology

This is where you include how you as the ethnographer collected information and data. You can also include the limitations as well as the biases in the data process.

Data collection entails how you observed the data, the exact data you observed and how you recorded it.

10. Write the Findings

presenting research findings

These include the actual representation of your research which is data, quotes, keywords and illustrations. To do this you can choose a method of presentation which can be charts, tables, diagrams, and photographs.

Everything that is included in this part should be clear and concise for the reader to get the relevant facts of your research.

Everything that does not relate to your arguments directly should not be included in this part because it is unnecessary.

To keep it as simple as possible think of it as a presentation for non-specialists in your field of specialization.

11. Conclude your Ethnography

This is where you provide the summary for your paper. For any conclusion of an ethnography to be good it must include the argument that is presented on the thesis statement.

Also, it should provide the context of how your research fits into the larger researches already conducted about the topic. The language used to write it should be understandable by non-specialists. It should be clear and direct with no jargon.

Ethnography Essay Example Topics

  • Access the different career paths among children from rich families and poor families.
  • Outline the link that is seen as obvious between drug trafficking and violence experienced in South American Countries
  • In details, discuss the effectiveness of parenting practices used by African American parents to socialize their children
  • Analyse the perception of success and failure in low and middle class families compare to high social class families.
  • What policies can departments dealing with the welfare of children put in place to ensure that the rate of juvenile delinquency in America has achieved a significant drop. 
  • How religions especially Hinduism and Islam have influenced the perception of gender socialization
  • The effects of continued terrorism acts on migration and what that means for the tourism sector of affected countries
  • The plight of the homeless people in America and the rise of insecurity in urban centres
  • The discrimination of the minority races in America and its effects in the rise of incarceration rates in involved communities
  • The acceptance and opposition of euthanasia in Brazil and the effects it has on the population over time
  • How the increased adaptation of modern lifestyles of the western culture in Africa have impacted the traditional ways of African communities
  • The process of immigrants adapting to life in America and how it leads to the struggle to fit in
  • The toil for the American dream and its influence on criminality among the majority of African Americans
  • The rise of globalization and its impact on the economy of majority of African countries
  • The increased rate of drug abuse in Tertiary institutions and its effects on the quality of graduates

ethnographic essay topics

With over 10 years in academia and academic assistance, Alicia Smart is the epitome of excellence in the writing industry. She is our chief editor and in charge of the writing department at Grade Bees.

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What is an Ethnographic Essay?

Some English instructors will assign an Ethnographic Essay for your English class. What is an Ethnographic Essay?

  • It's an essay that focuses on a group, culture or subculture
  • It emphasizes close observation, interview, and field notes
  • Additional research may be found through library resources
  • Other guidelines will be explained to you by your instructor
  • Ethnographic Essay Suggestions

Reference Books on Cultures & Subcultures

  • American Countercultures: An Encyclopedia of Nonconformists, Alternative Lifestyles, and Radical Ideas in U.S. History by Gina Misiroglu Call Number: Reference 306.1 Am35 2009 (three volumes) Click the PDF document to see an index to this 3-volume reference set in GRCC's Reference collection. Off-campus users may request full-text articles through RaiderLoan.
  • Discovering the Peoples of Michigan (series) over 50 titles - a few are in ebook format
  • Guides to Subcultures and Countercultures (series) 7 titles, one in ebook format

Ethnographic Essay Databases

Be sure to take a look at the [Subject Guide] that deals with your topic more specifically.  For instance, if you're interested in writing about doctors, nurses, or other health professions, consider a Database from the [Health] , [Nursing] , or other health-related Subject Guides.

  • Credo Reference This link opens in a new window Reference E-Books
  • Grand Rapids Press This link opens in a new window Online access to the Grand Rapids press from 2000-current. See also MLIVE: http://www.mlive.com/
  • Points of View Reference Center This link opens in a new window This is a great database to help you understand the pro's and con's of different debatable topics. It's also a handy place to see a list of really interesting topics if you need paper topic ideas and don't know where to start.
  • Research Library This link opens in a new window ProQuest Research Library provides access to a wide range of popular academic subjects from business and political science to literature and psychology. The database includes more than 4,070 titles, nearly 2,800 in full text, from 1971 forward. It includes a diversified mix of scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, and newspapers.
  • SocINDEX with Full Text This link opens in a new window Mostly full-text. Comprehensive sociology research database covering the broad spectrum of sociological study, including Communication studies. The database utilizes subject headings from a built-in sociological thesaurus for better search results.

Ethnographic Essay Topics/Sample Papers

For more ideas on ethnographic essay topics, review your textbook or visit the links below.

  • List of Subcultures from Wikipedia
  • List of Subcultures from Your-Dictionary.com
  • List of Hobbies from Discover a Hobby web page
  • Pew Research Center: Reports on politics, religion, and technology trends.
  • Google Trends: Highlights trends from Google search term
  • Sample Papers from BHM Schools
  • Last Updated: Feb 5, 2024 11:12 AM
  • URL: https://subjectguides.grcc.edu/englishcomposition

Home / Essay Samples / Science / Ethnography

Ethnography Essay Examples

When to use ethnography.

According to Wolcott (1999) ethnography research can be used when one or more of the following conditions is/are satisfied: While you are probing for meaning of cultural norms and views. While you have to examine the use of certain behaviors or practices. While examining social...

Ethnography as a Research Method

The book “Downwardly Global: Women, Work, and Citizenship in the Pakistani Diaspora” by Lalaie Ameeriar investigates reasons for immigrant unemployment and underemployment. The author grew up in Canada, where she experienced problems common for people of color. In the research, she describes the current situation...

Ethnographic Fieldwork and Cultural Anthropology

Ethnographic research is the logical depiction of explicit human societies, unfamiliar to the ethnographer. Every ethnographer has its own particular manner of leading exploration and these various thoughts can be transmitted and comprehended in various manners. Since there is nobody set thought of how an...

Ethnographic Research of Muslims on the Basis of the 30 Days Series and Personal Experience

The contemporary world is composed of individuals from different cultures. Each culture is characterized by its unique set of beliefs, behaviors, language, diets, association, dressing, language, occupation, geographical location, among others. Though different cultures have different ways of doing things, the beliefs and norms of...

Ethnography: Cultural Practices of the Rainforest People

In the Ethnography: Wisdom from a Rainforest, by Stuart A. Schlegel, he described a large number of cultural practices. He went from describing the time when the whole Figel community got together to plant rice seeds to giving a short speech to the spirits when...

Ethnography: Forms of Peasant Resistance

In 1985, James C. Scott released his book ‘Weapons of the Weak: Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance:’. Scott book Weapon of the Weak is a study of peasant resistance in a small Malaysian village Sedaka primarily based on his fieldwork. Within the nineteen-seventies Scott brought...

Interconnection of Anthropology and Ethnography

This is a summary of the article “An Anthropology of Art: The Reflection on its History and Contemporary Practice” by Howard Morphy and Morgan Perkins”. In the article, writers begins by addressing the definition of art, Anthropology of art is a subfield of social anthropology...

Social Ethnography by Seth Holmes: the Lives of Mexican Migrant Farmers

'Fresh Fruit Broken Bodies' By Seth Holmes explores how the mexican migrant farmer population suffer. Seth spends a year and a half living and working with migrant farm workers. His accounts are from the fieldwork that he reported through writing and interviews with his surroundings...

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About Ethnography

Ethnography (from Greek ἔθνος ethnos "folk, people, nation" and γράφω grapho "I write") is a branch of anthropology and the systematic study of individual cultures, method central to knowing the world from the standpoint of its social relations.

Ethnography explores cultural phenomena from the point of view of the subject of the study. Ethnography studies include a brief history, and an analysis of the terrain, the climate, and the habitat. Ethnography is also a type of social research that involves examining the behaviour of the participants in a given social situation and understanding the group members' own interpretation of such behaviour.

Ethnography originated in early anthropology in the 1800s. The roots of ethnography can be traced back to the colonization of the 'New World', when anthropologists became interested in exploring races and cultures outside Europe. Gerhard Friedrich Müller developed the concept of ethnography as a separate discipline whilst participating in the Second Kamchatka Expedition (1733–43) as a professor of history and geography.

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