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IELTS Band 5 Essay Samples

These are IELTS band 5 essay samples that have been given grades (of 5 or 5.5) and basic comments on the score for each criteria by an experienced IELTS instructor. 

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Topic: Unethical Advertising (Band 5)

Some of the methods used in advertising are unethical and unacceptable in today’s society. To what extent do you agree with this view? Nowadays in worldwide nations, every moment, we are displayed advertisements on TV shows, magazines or huge LED boards situated on intersections. In what methods they are produced or how much producers care about ethical trend to making them? I believe they intent to have more watcher to earn more money regardless to its consequences. In first point of view, some families my does not need something that is displaying on tv, but as home wife see the advertisement will feel that is a good idea to have it and decide to buy it immediately. In another case, there is families who have young offspring who mentally is not wise enough to perceive everything in family situation. Therefore, they will have high demand while they are watching a new toy advertisement. Begging his parent to purchase it and crying all time. As a result his poor father will be finally obliged to buy the toy. In second point, they may use psychological weaknesses; for example, by displaying a young lady with fitness body who is using some stuff on show to attract people for the good. It may apparently not so bad, but if we go deep in down will understand that how it may have an effect of youth brain and corrupt it. Or by using a charming sentences on cigarette box "the ideal of a manhood" as a person see this advertisement on the box, will feel himself on his dreams and will buy it. In conclusion, the advertisement makers, regardless to the bad effects the advertise may cause on people, will made them due to make their customers satisfying. But it may have bad consequences on society which due to avoiding this trend i suggest authorities make some plans for the circumstance to check and control advertisements before showing up.

Task Response: 5

The essay expresses a position and ideas are presented that are related to the question but the development is not always clear. Some ideas are slightly unclear due to grammatical errors.  

Coherence & Cohesion: 5

There is evidence of organisation but it is not always clear.

Lexical Resource: 5

There is a reasonable range of vocabulary with some examples good use of lexis. But there are too many noticeable errors in spelling and/or word formation that cause some difficulty for the reader.

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 5

There is evidence of complex sentences being used but errors overall there are frequent grammatical errors and these errors can cause some difficulty for the reader in several places.

Topic: Computers & Children (Band 5.5)

Using a computer everyday can have more negative than positive effects on young children.

Do you agree or disagree? Modern era is technological era. Computer become a integral part of our life. Youngsters use it in many ways. In my opinion it has more positive impacts than negative on young generation. First of all, Computer help the children in their studies. They search many type of information related to their studies through internet. They get more ideas related to any particular topic which enhance their knowledge. Secondly, it helps to improve there skills. With the help of social sites like facebook, twitter they interact with their friends, kith-kin. It helps them to increase their capability to communicate with others. Moreover, they become perfect in their work, they become literate in computer. Which would help them in their career also. Then everywhere is demand of computer it would helps to organisations to find perfect match for job. Then, they need not to trained staff, they can get efficient persons.  However, one of the major drawback is that it invite many health problems among young children they spent long hours in front of computers which effect on their eyes, obesity is another problem for them. Furthermore it increase gap between parents and their child they spent most of their time on computer rather than talk to their guardian.  In nutshell, I would like to say that even computer has many pros and cons. Parents should fix sometime to use the computer and also restrict on websites.

Task Response: 6

You have a sufficient number of ideas that are presented and explained. Some ideas though are inadequately developed or unclear.

Coherence & Cohesion: 6

There is a sense of organisation and progression in the response but cohesive devices can be a bit mechanical and faulty at times. 

There is an adequate range of vocabulary but there are too many errors. 

There are several issues with the grammar, with many complex sentences written inaccurately and quite a lot of grammar errors, though these do not generally impede communication. 

Topic: Exploitation of Animals (Band 5.5)

A growing number of people feel that animals should not be exploited by people and that they should have the same rights as humans, while others argue that humans must employ animals to satisfy their various needs, including uses for food and research.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Although some people believe that humans should use animals to satify their different necessities, such as feeding and researching, the number of indivuduals that defend that animals should not be exploited as well as shoud have the same prerogatives as humankind is increasing. In my opinion, animals should recieve a better treatment and not to be abuse anymore. In the humanity history for centuries it was common to utilize animals for lots of tasks, like transportation. Most of them worked their entire lifes without stopping, suffering abuse. The animals were domesticated just to satisfy human necessities, with which most of people agreeded at that time withou questioning. Nevertheless, more recente studies have proved that animals have feelings, not exactly the same as the humans, but some similars emotions. Nowadays, it is not necessary anymore to use animals for jobs, for research and even for feeding. With the evolution, all of this need can be satisfied with the new technology. For instance, there are different means of transport, even eco-friendly ones, also planty of other options to substitute meat for great and nutritive substances that not involve sacrifying animals. More than this, animals should have recognized rights to assure them a healthy and safe life, not exactly the same as humans, but laws to protect them that take in consideration their aspects. As an example in Brazil we have some recent changes in law in order to forbid the use of animals in researchs and to penalize animals abuse. In conclusion, I strongly believe that animals should not be employ anymore to satisfy individuals needs. Furthermore, animals must have rights recognize worldwide to assecure them a better quality of life, based on the human law, observed the peculiarities.

Your essay doesn’t really answer the question satisfactorily. If you read your body paragraphs, very little of it actually discusses the reasons why animals should not be exploited, or the arguments why they should be exploited to satisfy our needs. Your 2nd body paragraph does a bit but the 1st and 3rd don’t. Go through some of the ‘discuss two opinion’ sample essays here to see how to answer this type of question.

Your essay is generally organised ok. I can follow it without any difficulties and you have used cohesive devices mostly correctly. This is probably the strongest part of your writing.  

Vocabulary is generally ok and there are some good words in there but you have too many spelling mistakes which brings it down to a 5. For example: satify, shoud, indivuduals, withou, etc . I have a feeling some of these may be typos from writing quickly on a computer. But typos still get counted as errors so make sure you type carefully and check your work.  

Grammatical Range and Accuracy: 6

This is only just a 6 as you do have quite a few noticeable grammar errors, so you need to be careful. However, I think there is just enough good grammar there to merit a 6. This for instance is a bit of a confusing sentence: “the number of indivuduals that defend that animals should not be exploited as well as shoud have the same prerogatives as humankind is increasing ” and you have other errors such as “ most of people agreeded” (no ‘of’ and should be ‘agreed’).  

Topic: Teaching Children (Band 5.5)

It is the responsibility of schools to teach children good behaviour in addition to provide formal education.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is argued that schools should teach students to be good people apart from providing formal education. I completely agree with this statement because children spend long hours at schools, and parents have to pay for tuition fees. Schools should be responsible for teaching children to have good manners because children spend a significant amount of time at schools. This is because when children spend a lot of time with teachers who usually act as role models for them, students can learn and imitate good manners. For example, students from one of the most famous schools in Thailand reported that they behave themselves well because their teachers instilled good values in them while studying at schools. Another reason is that parents have to pay for tuition fees, so they expect their children to become good people. This is due to the fact that parents expect their children to be successful both professionally and personally. For instance, international schools in Thailand charge parents a lot of money, so their parents expect their children to be excellent not only at academic subjects, but also good manners. In conclusion, schools have to be responsible for teaching about good manners because children spend a lot of time at schools, and parents have to pay for education costs.

You answer the essay question to a degree but you really need more support to start getting to 6 and above. I noted that your essay is only 213 words and this is not really long enough. You should aim for the required 250, and do this by providing body paragraph support rather than extending your introduction and conclusion. 

Also some of your support is a bit repetitive; for instance “ they expect their children to become good people ”  then this “ parents expect their children to be successful both professionally and personally ” and this “ their parents expect their children to be excellent not only at academic subjects, but also good manners ” are really saying the same thing.

Your essay is generally organised ok but you do have some issues more about the logic of your essay which is caused by the way you are using connectors. For instance “ This is because ” does not make sense in the 2nd body paragraph. It should just start with the “ When… ”.

You have the same problem with “ This is due to the fact that.. ”. In both of these cases you are not giving reasons based on what you said before. Are you just thinking you have to give a topic sentence then a reason so you are using these words? Think about what you are actually trying to say, then use the correct language.  

Lexical Resource: 6

Vocabulary is generally ok but length is the issue – see the comments about grammar below as the same applies to your vocabulary.

Grammar is generally ok – you do not have too many errors and you show an ability to write complex sentences and forms. This is a 6 because of the length really. I think if you can do a full essay then you may well be able to get 7 here as you will then be showing a wider range of language and complexity. But of course if you are writing more you need to be sure this does not mean you rush and make more errors.

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Why does this essay score Band 6?

Analysis of a band 6 essay and a model answer..

Some people doing IELTS have trouble getting above Band 6 in writing. In fact a large percentage of people taking IELTS around the world end up with a Band 5.5 in Writing.

There are a few reasons for this, most notably it is down to poor vocabulary and grammar. However, some students have a good level of English but do not take the time to analyse the question fully and find the issues in the question. Never write too generally about the topic. You must first identify the issues in the task question and base your essay around those. Be very specific and keep referring back to the task question.

Another key skill is paraphrasing. If your vocabulary is weak then paraphrasing may be a challenge so work on this skill. The thesis statement in the introduction is also key. The whole essay expands on your thesis statement and the conclusion paraphrases the thesis statement and your main points.

Let’s take a look at an essay a student recently sent to me.

Task question:

The prevention of health problems and illness is more important than treatment and medicine. Government funding should reflect this. To what extent do you agree?

Students Answer:

You should prevent health problems and illness from occurring rather than having treatments and taking medicines. Government has to distribute moneys based on this. I can’t agree with this opinion completely because I think that this it has both positive and negative aspects.

First of all, I will discuss an advantage of the opinion. In general, therapy and medicine are more expensive than prevention of diseases. For example, if you get a cold and have a high fever, you have to go to see a doctor and you will pay a lot of money for the diagnosis and medicine. If you would like to keep yourself from getting a cold, you have to just wash your hands and mouth before you enter the house or eat food. Also, its cost is not expensive. So, you don’t have to pay a lot and have to do just easy things for prevention of health problems and illness.

In contrast, I will write about disadvantages. Paying money for preventing health problems means paying money for healthy people. So, you pay money though you are effectively healthy. This expense may not be need. and , some diseases are difficult to prevent, for example, some types of cancer. I consider that treatment and medicine is significant as well as prevention for those illnesses and you also have to use money for the therapy and medicine.

In conclusion, this opinion is double edged sword, so I can’t agree fully. It is important to use money depending on cases. For instance, in case of diseases which are relatively prevented with ease, you should pay for the prevention more.

(270 words)

Click below for my analysis.

The prevention of health problems and illness is more important than treatment and medicine . Government funding should reflect this. To what extent do you agree?

The essay is asking for an opinion, I advise taking one side in an opinion essay as it is easier to write. That means body 1 – first reason why you agree/ disagree. Body 2 – the second reason why you agree/ disagree.


  • The introduction should paraphrase the task question. In this case, the paraphrasing was weak. Also the introduction should contain a thesis statement which includes a specific opinion. The student has only stated ‘ I think that this it has both positive and negative aspects.’ This is a weak thesis.
  • Here is my version of a thesis statement ‘ I completely disagree with this view because some diseases are incurable and need treatment, in addition, funding for new medicines should be a priority. ‘
  • Another point to consider is the opening sentence: ‘ You should prevent health problems and illness from occurring rather than having treatments and taking medicines’ it seems informal starting with ‘you should..’ and the paraphrasing is poor. The student also has mistakes with uncountable nouns.
  • This would sound better:  It is often argued that Government funds ought to be used for preventing health issues and illness from occurring, as opposed to focusing on cures and medicine ‘ . Here I have taken the task question and paraphrased it effectively.

Main body 1:

  • There is too much repetition of the word ‘you’ . This makes the essay seem informal and shows poor use of grammar and weak complex sentences. Most sentences are not varying tenses, although there are not many grammar mistakes the range of grammar and vocabulary is poor.
  • There are a lack of cohesive devices ( therefore, furthermore, although, however etc).
  • Another thing here is that the task question shows that this is an ‘opinion essay’ but it has been answered like an ‘advantage disadvantage essay ‘ there are in fact 5 types of essay in IELTS.
  • This sentence ‘ I will discuss an advantage of the opinion …’ is not necessary, especially in the main body paragraph and indicates that it is an advantage disadvantage essay.
  • It seems too general and the example is not specific enough.

Main body 2:

In contrast, I will write about disadvantages. Paying money for preventing health problems means paying money for healthy people. So, you pay money though you are effectively healthy. This expense may not be need. and, some diseases are difficult to prevent, for example, some types of cancer. I consider that treatment and medicine is significant as well as prevention for those illnesses and you also have to pay money for the therapy and medicine.

  • Too much repetition of the phrase ‘paying money’ This shows that vocabulary range is weak and paraphrasing needs a lot more work.
  • I also had problems understanding the essay. It seems general and unclear so the score for coherence is low.
  • Again, the word ‘you’ is overused here. Repetition is an issue due to the student’s poor vocabulary.
  • The student needs to use the passive voice to give the essay a more academic feel.
  • The opening sentence ‘ I will write about disadvantages. ..’ yet again this is not necessary and makes the essay look like an advantage disadvantage essay. Task response would score low here.
  • The student has tried to write a balanced opinion but this is quite tricky and does not gain extra marks, so I always advise choosing one side and sticking with it.

The Conclusion:

  • Straight away I noticed an idiom (a double-edged sword)  Idioms should not be used in an IELTS essay because they are informal. IELTS essays need to show more formal language.
  • The correct cohesive device was used ‘In conclusion’ to introduce the conclusion.
  • The word ‘use money’ is incorrect..it should be ’spend money’ this is a collocation, these are marked in the IELTS marking criteria under Lexical Resource.
  • Again I can see the word ‘you’ which shows that the use of passive is poor. Personal pronouns are fine in an IELTS essay if they are used sparingly and are mainly used to express an opinion. In this case, there are far too many.

The student has tried to follow the structure as there is an attempt at topic sentences, supporting sentences and a specific example. However, because of poor grammar and vocabulary, it scores low here. Word count is perfectly fine with 270 words.

Paragraphing is good, there was an introduction 2 main body paragraphs and a conclusion. Task response would score lower as it seems to be written as an advantage disadvantage essay and the key issues are not fully supported. Cohesion needs more work too and cohesive devices are underused.

In an opinion essay, I advise just choosing one side and sticking with it, balanced approaches lead to problems for students with intermediate level English.

Click here to see a Model Answer.

It is often argued that Government funds ought to be used for preventing health issues and illness from occurring as opposed to focusing on cures and medicine. I completely disagree with this view because some diseases are incurable and need treatment. I believe funding for new medicines should be made a priority.

To begin with, following a healthy lifestyle such as eating the right food, as well as keeping fit and staying in shape is certainly beneficial to health and preventing illness. Nonetheless, there are some diseases that are incurable and occur based on genetics, such as cancer. For example, my uncle led a very active and healthy lifestyle, did not smoke and had a good diet, however, he developed lung cancer when he was 65 years old. Therefore, I hold the view that finding new ways to treat these kinds of illnesses is in need of consistent funding which the government has a responsibility to budget for.

Secondly, In many countries, there is desperate need for investment in healthcare especially for the development of new ways to combat serious diseases such as Parkinson’s disease. To illustrate this, in the USA over the past two decades there have been huge advances in the treatment of Parkinson’s with new types of medicine, which was the result of many years of investment by administrations. If the government in other countries had this at the top of their agenda then I believe that many more terrible illnesses could be cured with cutting edge medicine within the next decade.

To conclude, although some argue that Government money needs to be set aside for the prevention of health problems rather than medicine and treatment. I firmly believe that funds need to be used for the treatment of serious diseases and the development of better medicine.     (296 words)

Note: In my model answer there is still some repetition with words such as medicine, treatment, illness, the government.  In some cases, this cannot be avoided. A little repetition is fine but if you can find a fitting synonym then use that. Be careful as synonyms can be dangerous because the meaning can change.

The model answer is also a little long at 296 words , aim for around 260 – 290 words in an IELTS essay but remember that a long essay (over 300 words) does not necessarily mean you will get a higher band score, also a long essay is challenging to write if you have only 40 minutes.

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  • October 6, 2020
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IELTS Writing task 2 band 5.5 essay | Capital punishment

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Today, we will be looking at an opinion essay and giving it a rating from an examiner’s perspective. The essay in this IELTS task 2 rating would score 5.5 in the test.

Without capital punishment (the death penalty) our lives are less secure and crimes of violence increase. Capital punishment is essential to control violence in society.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

You should write at least 250 words.

Before talking about the essential role of the death penalty,  you  have to think about the meaning, and the purpose, of any kind of punishment. If  you   consider that the purpose is to prevent the guilty from  being nasty again, you   can be seduced by an  argumentation  in favour of the suppression of capital punishment.

But  you  have to think about another aspect of the problem: a punishment is also useful to   impress  people, to make them fear the law. In fact,   let’s   take the example of a young  misfit ,  which   has grown in a violent atmosphere, influenced by older delinquents,  etc .  He lives  in   the streets;  he’s   got no aim but to survive. This is the kind of person who could possibly kill someone for money, or even for fun. Why would he fear prison? Life would be easier for him there . In addition, in many cases, when you behave normally, you can benefit from penalty reductions .  This young misfit needs to be  impressed ; he needs to know that the law is a frontier. When you cross it,  you  can lose your life. That is why capital punishment helps keep a distance between robbery and murder. If  you   abolish it,  you  suppress the difference between these two types of crime, which are completely different.

But there is also a limit to define: even if the death penalty is unavoidable, it would be a crime to apply it to inadequate cases. If there is no premeditation or past facts which can justify such a punishment, it is far too strict to apply the death penalty. That is why the lawmakers have to establish precisely the context in which capital punishment  car   being pronounced .   That is the price to pay to limit violence without using excessive violence .

The first thing you will notice about this essay is that there are only three paragraphs. The first paragraph does not read like an introduction but an unfinished body paragraph, it doesn’t clearly tell the reader what is going to be discussed in the essay. The last sentence mentions ‘the suppression of capital punishment ‘ but the next paragraph is about deterring criminals from committing crimes so there is no clear progression here. There is also a lack of cohesive devices, and on reading the full essay you will also notice that there is no conclusion, so the writer is not going to score higher than a 5 .  It may seem odd to start with coherence rather than task response, but inadequate paragraphing stands out immediately here, so it is easy to rate. Examiners would usually look at task response first.

  • Presents information with some organisation but there may be a lack of  overall progression
  • Makes inadequate , inaccurate or overuse of cohesive devices
  • May be repetitive because of lack of referencing and substitution  may not write in paragraphs, or paragraphing may be inadequate .

Task Response

The writer has not fully addressed the question for task response. The last sentence in the first paragraph is not clear at all and is a contradiction. If the purpose is to stop criminals reoffending or committing violent crime again it is not likely to be ‘supressed’ as the writer says. The second paragraph talks about deterring criminals and we can assume through that crimes of violence can be reduced. I have also underlined a sentence where the writer drifts off topic by talking about ‘penalty reductions’. In the last paragraph the writer talks about under which circumstances capital punishment should be given as a sentence which is not related to the question prompt. Also, the last sentence doesn’t really make any sense. The whole essay is poorly written, and it is difficult to come to any clear conclusions. An important point to note, the tone of the essay is inappropriate. The writer uses ‘you’ in the first two paragraphs as if speaking to someone. Writing task 2 is an academic essay and therefore requires a formal tone ie  Before discussing the essential role of the death penalty, the meaning, and the purpose, of any kind of punishment should be considered.

  • addresses the task only partially ; the format may be inappropriate in places
  • expresses a position but the development is not always clear and there may be no conclusions drawn
  • presents some main ideas but these are limited and not s ufficiently developed ; there may be irrelevant detail

There are quite a few word-choice errors, the most obvious being ‘you’ as already discussed. In the first paragraph ‘being nasty again’ could be changed to  ‘reoffending ’.  In the second paragraph the writer uses ‘impress people’ and ‘needs to be impressed’. It would be more appropriate to use  ‘deter’  and  ‘deterred’  here ie  ‘deter people’  and  ‘needs to be deterred’ . ‘Living in the street’ should be  ‘living on the streets’ . You will also notice that when referencing the male pronoun ‘he’ is used. It would have been more appropriate to just say  ‘young person’  instead of ‘misfit’ and then use the plural pronoun  ‘they’  to include both male and female. In academic writing nowadays it is inappropriate to use language that excludes one of the sexes –  ‘sexist language’ . We often use  ‘people’  or  ‘person’  to include both male and female ie  Man is a social animal – People are social animals.  In the last sentence ‘car’ should obviously be ‘can’ and ‘be pronounced’ are errors –  ‘can be given or used’  would be better. Overall, the vocabulary is adequate for the task.

  • Uses an adequate range of vocabulary for the task
  • Attempts to use less common vocabulary but with some inaccuracy
  • Makes some errors in spelling a nd/or word formation, but they do not impede communication

There are some errors with contractions ‘let’s’ and ‘he’s’. In academic essays always use the full forms of words as we only use contractions in informal writing or speech. The use of ‘etc’ means the sentence in the second paragraph is incomplete. Avoid using ‘etc’ and ‘so on’.

The main causes of pollution are factory emissions, car exhaust emissions, discharge of waste into rivers etc.

We can change into the complete sentence below.

The main causes of pollution are factory emissions, car exhaust emissions, and discharge of waste into rivers.

There are quite a few simple sentences in the second paragraph, but punctuation is actually well controlled throughout the essay.

  • Uses a mix of simple and complex sentence forms
  • Makes some errors in grammar and punctuation but they rarely reduce communication

That brings an end to this essay rating. If you are preparing for your IELTS test and want to find out a bit more about task 2, check out our post giving five tips to improve your IELTS writing task 2 ! Our candidate would have scored a 5 for coherence and task achievement, with grammar and vocabulary scoring 6 each, giving an overall score of 5.5. Is there anything that surprised you about this essay’s score? Have your say, and comment in the section below!  Click here for the full public IELTS task 2 writing descriptors .

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Band Scores 5 to 8 with Tips

Learn how your IELTS writing task 2 is marked and the difference between band scores 5, 6, 7 and 8 with tips to improve your score. You need to understand the 4 marking criteria used by the examiner to fulfil the requirements of the score you want.

4 Marking Criteria for IELTS Writing Task 2

The examiner will assess your IELTS essay using the 4 criteria below. Each criterion is worth 25% of your total marks for task 2. You will be given a band score for each criteria and then a total score for task 2. See bottom of page for example of scoring.

Task Response

  • Coherence and Cohesion
  • Lexical Resource (Vocabulary)
  • Grammatical Range & Accuracy

This task 2 marking criterion is about your answer to the IELTS essay question, your main ideas and how you develop them.

task response marking criteria

Your score will increase if you:

  • pay attention to ALL issues in the essay question
  • write about the issues rather than just the general topic
  • answer the essay question with relevant main points
  • plan your supporting points so they don’t go off the topic
  • write over 250 words

 Coherence and Cohesion

The IELTS examiner will check the organisation of your essay, the paragraphs and your use of linking devices.

coherence and cohesion criterion task 2

  • this means you should have two or three body paragraphs only
  • have just one central topic in each body paragraph
  • organise your ideas logically
  • use a range of linking words
  • avoid errors in linking words

Lexical Resource

Your use of vocabulary, your paraphrasing, your spelling and the number of mistakes you make will be assessed in this criterion.

vocabulary band score

  • pay attention to collocations (which verb matches which noun)
  • paraphrase carefully to avoid errors
  • use a range of words appropriate for the topic
  • spell words correctly
  • avoid making errors (errors will lower your score – see table above)
  • avoid using informal language

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

The IELTS examiner will give you a band score for your sentence structures, the tenses you use, your control of grammar and also the number of mistakes you make.

grammar band score

  • use different grammar tenses (conditionals, perfect tenses, passive voice, past, future etc)
  • pay attention to word order in your sentences
  • use a range of sentence structures
  • use the correct punctuation (full stops and commas)
  • common grammar errors: articles, plural nouns, uncountable nouns, word order)

Example of Writing Task 2 Scoring Calculated

You will get a band score for each of the above criteria and then a total score for task 2. Here’s an example:

  • Task Response: Band 6
  • Coherence & Cohesion = Band 7
  • Grammar: Band 6
  • Vocabulary: 6

Total Score for IELTS Writing Task 2 : 6 + 7 + 6 + 6 = 25/4 = 6.25. This score will be increased to 6.5. To calculate your score, add all scores together and divide by 4.

IELTS Writing Task 1 Band Scores 5, 6, 7 & 8: Differences and Tips

All IELTS Band Scores Explained

Penalty for Under Word Count

Note: The information above is taken from the band score descriptors published by IELTS. To learn about band scores 1-9, please see the  public band score descriptors for writing task 2 published by IELTS.

Recommended Pages for IELTS Writing Task 2

  • 100 Essay Questions for IELTS Writing Task 2
  • All Writing Task 2 Tips, Model Essays and Videos
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essay band 5.5

Writing Task 1 Academic – Band Score 5.5

In this post, you will be able to view an essay example from a past student, with the corrections and feedback highlighted in red. 

Most of the students studying for the IELTS Test  have said they find the IELTS Writing Tasks difficult. I have corrected hundreds of task 1 and 2 essays on various topics, giving estimated band scores and detailed feedback. There are also suggestions on how to improve for a higher band score . Take a look at this student essay example and see how it compares to your own writing.

Writing Task 1 Question

Here is the task 1 essay  with corrections, suggestions, feedback and an estimated band score >>

IELTS Writing Task 2 Question Types

Agree/Disagree Essays ADVANTAGE / DISADVANTAGE ESSAY CAUSE AND EFFECT ESSAY IELTS Problem/Solution Essay IELTS Discussion Essay  POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE ESSAY Direct Question Essay IELTS Writing Task 2 Student Essay

Do you want to get your essays corrected by a highly experienced IELTS teacher ? Then take a look at our writing correction service.

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Let us analyse the IELTS writing task 2 response of a candidate to find out why he was given Band 5 in the mock IELTS exam.


Being a celebrity can bring benefits and problems at the same time. To what extent do you agree on this statement?

Candidate’s Response:

A famous person or celebrity become popular through media as well as due to people celebrity brings benefits along with problems.

To begin with, there are many benefits of being a celebrity. Firstly, as a celebrity become its own image or dignity. Every one know to famous person. Secondly, every person give regards and respect to the famous person. For example, Amir Khan is famous personality. Most of the people give respect and like his acting, work or physique. Thirdly, famous person have more money, comfort devices and more property. Moreover they can bring what they want.

On the other hand, there are more problems for celebrity. First of all, famous person cannot go anywhere lonely and cannot enjoy freedom with family. Moreover, famous person does not have enough time for their family and persue their hobbies. Furthermore, famous person have to go anywhere with security because of the crowd.

In addition to this, due to popularity media always spread news regarding famous person. Moreover, media create issues regarding personal or families problems.

In conclusion, being a famous film star or sports man take more benefits but, we cannot denied about negative effects.

Now, let us do thorough analysis of this IELTS writing task 2 response as follows:

 Introduction: Strength:

The candidate has tried to attempt paraphrasing of question statement but it contains errors and leads to confusion for the reader.

Corrected Errorneous Statement:

“A famous person or celebrity become popular through media as well as due to people celebrity brings benefits along with problems” should be “A famous person or celebrity, who becomes popular through media as well as due to the people who become his crazy fans, enjoys numerous benefits as well as faces a lot of problems in the society”

Body Para 1:

Sentence connectors (firstly, second, thirdly etc.) are used, adequate use of vocabulary (regards, respect, famous,comfort, physique etc.) and a lot of ideas are given.

“as a celebrity become its own image or dignity” should be “as a celebrity, your gain reputation and have a dignity of your own”, “every one know to famous person” should be “every one knows the famous person”, “every person give regards” should be “every person gives regards”, “Amir Khan is famous personality” should be “Amir Khan is a famous personality”, “famous person have more money” should be “famous person has more money”, “Moreover they” should be “Moreover, they”

Connectors are used excessively, ideas are not fully explained or supported, a lot of errors related to grammar, tense and sentence structures.

Body Para 2:

Sentence connectors are used, different problems are given as per the question.

“time for their family and persue their hobbies” should be “time for his family and to persue his hobbies”, “famous person have to go” should be “famous person has to go”

Body Para 3:

Connectors are used and more ideas are given.

“due to popularity media always spread news regarding famous person” should be “due to popularity, media always spreads news about famous persons”, “media create issues regarding personal or families problems” should be “media creates issues regarding personal or family problems”

Connectors are again used excessively, ideas are not fully explained or supported, errors related to subject-verb agreement and punctuation are there, third paragraph can be extended in length.


Conclusion is clear and connectors are used.

“sports man take more benefits but, we cannot denied about negative effects” should be “sportsman provides more benefits, but we cannot deny about the negative effects”

Errors related to punctuation, word usage and grammar are there.

Word Length: Firstly, the candidate has written 193 words i.e. less than 250 words and hence the task would be penalized with low band score.

Expected Band Score: Band 5

On the whole, the candidate has tried to answer the question mentioning a lot of reasons and benefits but they are not fully extended and/or supported. There are generally a lot of errors related to grammar, tense and others that lowers the band score. Above all, not meeting the required word lenth of 250 words further penalizes the essay.

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essay band 5.5

IELTS Writing Task 2 essay sample 3316 – Band 5.5

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

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The writing sample displayed here is the work of IELTS candidates and has been assessed by our team for guidance and practice purposes. These scores are not official IELTS scores.

Candidate’s Response:

These days people can see the movies in different ways, some individuals state that they can see the films on the electronic devices rather than going to the cinema. While others believe that going to the cinema would be the best way for being completely satisfied. In this essay, i will explain these two ideas.

On the one hand, those who believe that watching the films on the phones would be better have several reasons. Firstly, people can save money by seeing the films on their phones. They would not have to buy ticket which would be far more expensive than borrowing the films’ DVD or even purchasing them from store.

Getting a ticket would be costly because the cinema’s holders should compensate their expenses by it.

In addition, people can pause film if they watch it on the tablets. This advantage can give them a sens of satisfaction because people can see a long film in more convenient way. By viewing a lengthy film in several items wheen they have enough time and energy without any stress.

On the other hand, some followers of the films have three reasons for going to the cinema. They say that seeing the films on the cinema would be more pleeasurable because they can see them on the big screens which would be a main contributor to cfeating a sense of pleasure. These screens can hold the main features on the films which are not understandable on other devices. Secondly, being in a noisy situation like cinema, would add a sense of excitement to audiences. This environmental sound can be combined with the film’s sound, and creates an enjoyable’s feeling in the viewer.

Moreover,persons can see the films on the cinema along with their friends. The films can bee seen in a collective environment that increase the films’ excitement.

My opinion is that going to the cinema would be better than seeing on the phone because of excitement resulted from the screen and the sound as well as accompanying by friends. Although seeing the fils on the phones can have some advantages, people prefer to go to the cinema.

In conclusion, some people say that seeing the films on the phone will eliminate the need for going to the cinema. But because of several advantage that going to the cinema brings with itself. It seems that the second view would be better.

Presented By: Shahab Hosseinzadeh

Presented By: Shahab Hosseinzadeh

October 17, 2023

Assessor’s Comment

Thank you indeed for writing this essay. Although the essay is quite successful in addressing the topic and developing the presented main ideas, 2 columns, i.e. vocabulary and grammar, have the same serious concern. Grammar-wise, there are incomplete complex sentences without an independent clause. Another minus point is the inaccurate use of correct grammatical structures; a sentence with “something would have to be” conveys a completely different message than “something has”. As for vocabulary, it is best to avoid coinage altogether! “environmental sound” is a correct terminology in nature that has a totally different meaning than the ambience one might feel in the cinema. All in all, when errors distort the writer’s intended messages, the reader inevitably gets confused, and at IELTS, confusion means 5.0.

Kasra Sharifan

Ielts writing band descriptors:.

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IELTS Charlie

Your Guide to IELTS Band 7

IELTS Writing Band Score Calculator

How is your overall band score calculated in IELTS Writing?

This is actually a difficult question to answer, because the actual calculation method is a secret not even known to IELTS Examiners!

But here is what we DO know!

Each of your two writing tasks will be assessed by a different IELTS examiner. They will each give you a band score for each of the four assessment areas: task achievement / task response, coherence and cohesion, lexical resource, and grammatical range and accuracy. So your score sheet will look something like this:

(Note that half bands are NOT awarded in any of the 4 criteria)

essay band 5.5

We also know that the scores for IELTS Writing Task 2 are double weighted. This suggests that the Task 2 scores are counted twice when calculating your overall writing score, so it’s likely that your overall IELTS writing score is calculated from these scores:

If you add all these number up, you get 82 points.

It’s likely that to get your average, this number is divided by 12 (the number of scores in the table, once we account for the fact that Task 2 is double weighted).

82 ÷ 12 = 6.83

What we DON’T know is whether this average score is rounded up or down to get your final overall band score, but I think it’s safe to assume that it is rounded DOWN. (This is, after all, what happens in the IELTS Speaking Test)

So in our example, 6.83 would be rounded DOWN to 6.5 – but this is purely guesswork.

The important thing for you to know is that since Task 2 is double weighted, writing a strong IELTS Task 2 essay will give you a good chance of getting the IELTS writing band score you need; but a weak Task 2 essay will undermine your chances.

The other important thing for you to understand is that, even though Task 2 is double weighted, Task 1 is still very important. This is because if the average scores are rounded DOWN, any Band 6 scores in Task 1 will drag your overall score down. So you still need to write a good IELTS Task 1 Report or Letter.

I hope this helps!

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About the author

Charlie is a former IELTS Examiner with 25 years' teaching experience all over the world. His courses, for both English language learners and teachers, have been taken by over 100,000 students in over 160 countries around the world.

22 thoughts on “IELTS Writing Band Score Calculator”

What If Task 1(Academic) scored 5.5 and Task 2 scored 6.0 and what’s the overall band?

I wrote totally off topic in task 2…wht would I got “Zero” or “any band”

It depends what you mean by “totally off topic”. It could be anything from Band 1 – “completely unrelated” – “Band 4 – “tangential / minimal”.

Hi. I have given ielts recently.

And my task 1 was OK

BT I did not understand writing task 2

So can you tell can I get 5.5 bands?

Your table band scores are incorrect. As an example, for Task1=6 & Task2=7, your tables shows 7, but based on IELTS official website ( https://www.ielts.org/ielts-for-organisations/ielts-scoring-in-detail ), the final score band would be (6*1+7*2)/3=6.66, and if you round this number to the nearest 0.5, it would be 6.5, not 7.

Thanks for your comment Said. However, the sum you give (6*1+7*2)/3=6.66 isn’t how the overall band score is calculated. (At least, your’s is not the information I’ve been told). I can’t see information about this on the link you provided.

hello, i am confused about one calculation… How can you get overall 7 if you score 6 in Task 1 and 7 in task 2?? = 6+7+7 = 20/3 = 6.67 .. it should be round down to 6.5.. i guess not 7 …

That’s not how the score is calculated.

Hello sir While I was writing the task 1, I forgot the write the data and when I came to know about it, I just wrote the data by inserting a sign of an arrow between two for showing the data. Is that ok?

Yes, that should be ok.

Hey i gave my ielts exam through idp and my overall band score was-7 L-8.5 W-5.5 S-6.5 R-7 I want to revaluate for writing module because i need 6 but there is a litte confusion in my mind that i wrote 230 words in task 2 rather then 250.is it going to cost me again in revaluation

Hi Yatin. Sorry I’ve not replied sooner. If you only wrote 250 words, you will lose a whole band score in Task Response, so it would work out at about a quarter of a band score overall (because there are 4 assessment areas)

Hi yesterday i got my results from idp. S-6.5 W-5.5 R-7 L-8.5 I only require a 0.5 increas in writing Shall i go for revaluation

It might be worth trying, yes.

hello, I wrote 186 words for task 1 and 266 words for task 2. so how will i calculate my band score?

Hello Charlie,

If one has 7 7 7 7 in Task 1 and 7 7 7 6 in Task 2. What should be my total writing score? Thanks


I have finished my ielts exam today. I need 7band. But for the task two question I have written only one side of the argument. Question was do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. I just wrote my point of view in 2 paragraphs how it affects my band score?

Hi, I recently appeared for my IELTS. I messed up a bit for the task 2. I started the writing test by completing the letter first then I went for the essay. I have a gut feeling that my letter is addressing all the requirements in the question. And it also adheres to the word count requirement. But the blunder I made is with task 2. I missed out on writing the conclusion (i.e. my opinion) since I got timed out. So the word count was not 250. It was close to ~220. But on the brighter side I answered both the views (it was a discussion question where I was asked to discuss both views and give my opinion). I elaborated each view in separate paragraphs. I did use a few complex sentences. I am worried about the band score as my requirement is at least 7 in writing. Do you think I might get that given the fact that task 1 is done correctly and task 2 missed out on the word count the conclusion paragraph, which was a requirement.

what if I right all details on task 2 but I accidentally write a salutation and opening and closing remarks as like as task 1 but all answers and details was included?

Hi I’m Deirdre, I just did IELTS this morning. I am rather worried because I didn’t complete the last instruction on the letter and I think I didn’t have enough words for both essay. Would you have any idea what will the band score be like? I also think I don’t have many complex sentence, mostly simple English. I’m worried because I have a minimum requirement. Thank you.

If you wrote less than the minimum word count, you will lose a band but only for Task Response/Task Achievement. This one of 4 areas you are assessed in.

If you are lucky, this might not affect your overall score at all: for example, if your essay was scored TR: 6 CC: 6 LR: 6 GR: 6 (Overall 6.0), then, after the deduction for low word count, you would get TR: 5 CC: 6 LR: 6 GR: 6 (Overall 5.75 – BUT this is rounded UP to 6.0 so the deduction has no effect).

However, you might lose 0.5 band overall: if your essay was scored TR: 6 CC: 7 LR: 6 GR: 6, you would get 6.25 overall, but this is rounded UP to 6.5, so after a deduction you would get TR: 5 CC: 7 LR: 6 GR: 6, an overal score of 6.0, so you lose half a band.

So, if you are lucky, your band score might not be affected at all, and at most by 0.5 in each essay under the minimum word count.

Regarding your other question: In Task 1, if you don’t cover all the bullet points you would probably get a Band 4 for Task Achievement, but Task Achievement is just one of the four areas so overall it might only affect your score by half a band.

I hope you get the score you need. Best of luck, Charlie.

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Discover the 7 STEPS to BAND 7 in IELTS Writing Task 2

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IELTS Essays – Band 5

IELTS Writing – Band 5 IELTS Sample Essays

IELTS Essay, topic: keeping pets to live a more enjoyable life

  • IELTS Essays - Band 5

Some people believe that having a pet such as a cat or a dog helps old people to live a more enjoyable life and to stay healthier. How do you think old people benefit from having a pet? Do you think there are any problems related to old people who have pets?

essay band 5.5

In conclusion, it is true that obstacles still exist for elderly people in adopting pets, but the benefits of this topic its . For such reasons, instead of , further support would be far more beneficial.

You have made an attempt to accomplish the task response. However, there are quite a few mistakes in the essay – the main problematic areas are grammar, sentence structure and word choice. In addition, the length of the task response could be reduced. This task response needs to be worked on and improved. Revise grammar and work on your sentence structure. Avoid writing more than 280 words to save time and reduce the number of mistakes, and remember to always proofread your work once you’re finished. Overall, this looks like a Band 5.5 essay

Click here to see more IELTS essays of band 5

IELTS Essay, topic: the mother’s and father’s role in a family

Boys are most influenced by their fathers and girls are most influenced by their mothers. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons to support your opinion.

It is true that nowadays have a great influence children. Some people hold the opinion that the same sex is the major determination of influencing parent, but others . As far as I am concerned, . My arguments for this point are listed below.

First of all, a father is the person who have already passed ways his son is passing now, in other words, sons are following their father’s footsteps. , based on experience it is easy for a father to notice his sons’ drawbacks and to influence them.

Secondly, it is true that a boy is , a girl is a subtle and fragile one. It is hard for mothers to influence their sons, because it is not likely that can affect a strong one.

In conclusion, it seems to me unfair that boys are most influenced by their mothers. Based on at least two points above I strongly agree that children are influenced by a parent of the same gender.

This essay is too short, 190 words instead of the minimum requirement of 250. It doesn’t say anything about girls being influenced by their mothers, which is also a part of the task – therefore the task is only partially covered. The sentences are not complex enough, there are grammatical mistakes and inaccuracies (see comments underlined in blue). Overall, this looks like a Band 5.5 essay

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How To Improve IELTS Band from 5.5 or 6.5 to 7

How To Improve IELTS Band from 5.5 or 6.5 to 7? A Detailed Guide

Students giving IELTS to get admissions abroad often get stuck at the questions like how to improve IELTS band from 5.5 to 7? Or, how to improve the IELTS band from 6.5 to 7?. Basically, most of them are seeking shortcuts on how to score an IELTS band of 7 or 7.5. Find out in the below article why and how students score band 7.5 in IELTS.

What is a Good IELTS Score?

If you aim to go abroad for higher education, then IELTS is the most accepted English proficiency test across most universities during applications. However, only qualifying the exam is not enough; you should also be aware of what score is considered as a bar for universities applications and how to raise your IELTS band to get selected at the university of your choice.

The following table is an organised form of the different IELTS scores and what they indicate about the English proficiency.

Is 7.5 a Good IELTS Score?

In the table, you can see that a band of 7 is a ‘good user’ and similarly a band of 7.5 which is between 8 and 7 is  ‘a very good user.’ Hence, an IELTS score of 7.5 is considered a good score among many of the top universities.

Most of the top universities worldwide ask for an IELTS band of 7 or above to accept admission. These Universities include Oxford University, Cambridge, the Ivy Leagues and other major universities of Europe, the U.S.A and Canada.

How Can I Get a Score Over 7.5 in IELTS?

The most obvious question that comes to one’s mind after knowing the range of scores for IELTS is —how can I get a score of over 7.5 in IELTS. In order to get IELTS band 7, each of the four sections of the test must have a specific band as the overall band is decided by the average band of all the sections. Lacking in any of the sections will show in the overall band, and you may not score the band of your aim.

The score of the sections is called ‘sub-score’ or the module score, to get a band score over 7.5 one, you must obtain a sub-scores between the range of 7.0 and 7.5 or above.

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Here you will understand how much to obtain in each of the four sections to get an IELTS band of 7.0 or 7.5 :

IELTS Listening Band

  • One must get 30 answers correct out of the 40 questions for an IELTS band 7.0.
  • One must get a minimum of 32 correct answers out of 40 questions for an IELTS band of 7.5.
  • The spelling of the answers should be correct.
  • Try avoiding writing more than the minimum number of words given in a question.

IELTS Reading Band

  • Aim at obtaining 30 correct answers out of the 40 questions for IELTS 7.0.
  • Aim at scoring 33 correct answers out of the total 40 for IELTS band 7.5.

IELTS Speaking Band

  • Aim at speaking fluently also within the particular duration of the given topic.
  • Instead of a number of sentences, try using a range of linking words accurately to connect ideas and answers.
  • Aiming at a band of 7.5 means that you are already proficient in English up to some level, therefore to get up to the level of 7.5, you must show your highest proficiency in the language.
  • For this, instead of using plain sentences, you can use less common and idiomatic vocabulary.
  • Speak at a moderate speed but avoid making any error while speaking. You should be concentrated enough for doing this.
  • While speaking, be sure of your pronunciations and utterances.

IELTS Writing Band

  • Before writing, read the questions carefully and set a particular time for each of them so that the time remains divided.
  • Answers should be written in clear paragraphs, with each having a central idea and supporting sentences.
  • Instead of writing plain sentences, prepare a whole range of higher-level vocabulary to use in answer writing.
  • Do provide an overview with detailed comparisons in Task 1.
  • Indicate a clear position and stick to it consistently in Task 2.
  • Always spare time for proofreading your answers. after completing the answers lookout for any grammatical mistake for any other part of editing.

Is 7.5 a Good Score for Canada Immigration?

IELTS is one of the three tests that Canada Canadian universities accept for foreign admissions. The other two known tests being the Test d’Evaluation Du Français (TEF) and Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP).

There are mainly two versions of IELTS, the General IELTS and the Academic IELTS.

Canada Immigration programs require applicants to submit results from the General IELTS Exam. All the language tests, including the IELTS scores, are calculated for immigration purposes by using the Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) levels.

For a CLB level of 10 , you may need to get the following IELTS score in the different sections:

  • Reading – 8.0
  • Listening – 7.5
  • Speaking – 8.5
  • Writing – 7.5

Hence, we find that IELTS band 7.5 is the band asked most often for Canada immigration.

One should decide the university and country of their choice and then check the IELTS band requirements, as the preferences vary for every university. Aiming at a particular band will help you score well instead of giving the test without any guidance regarding the proficiency levels of bands. Keep reading our blogs for more information.

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Reach a band 5 and higher in IELTS General Training Writing

Let’s take a closer look at how you can improve your writing skills in the IELTS General Training Writing test. Read on to learn tips on how to write a letter and how to write an essay.

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Do you need to improve your writing skills to reach a band 5 and higher in the IELTS General Training Writing test? We’re going to identify the Writing skills you need to achieve your goal when you answer Task 1 and Task 2 in the General Training Writing test. We will explain what the questions require you to do and we will tell you what you have to do to reach a band 5 and higher in Task Achievement and Task Response.

These two criteria assess whether or not you have achieved the task and responded to the essay question appropriately.

What do I have to do in IELTS General Training Task 1?

In the first task, you have to write a letter in 20 minutes using a minimum of 150 words. You are told what to write about and the person who you are writing to (Dear Sir or Madam or Dear … ).

The question is structured like this:

a situation is presented telling you the background to writing this letter

three bullet points covering information to be explained, described or requested

Task 1 example:

You live in a room in college which you share with another student. However, there are many problems with this arrangement and you find it very difficult to work. Write a letter to the accommodation officer at the college. In the letter, ·  describe the situation ·  explain your problems and why it is difficult to work ·  say what kind of accommodation you would prefer

If you feel you need more help on how to write a letter and what to include, why not check out this blog.

How do I reach a band 5 and higher for Task Achievement in my letter?

The examiner will check your letter to see if you can fully answer the question. To achieve the task, you need to:

understand the situation you have been given

know who you are writing to

use the correct tone

present the reason for writing the letter

present the three bullet points

use a correct letter format.

1. Understand the situation

Read the question carefully and highlight or underline all the information words and the question words, and then write notes to help you understand what you must write about.

You live in a room in college which you share with another student . However , there are many problems with this arrangement and you find it very difficult to work . Write a letter to the accommodation officer at the college. In the letter, ·  describe the situation - why it is difficult to work in my room with this other student ·  explain your problems and why it is difficult to work - he is very noisy, his friends visit all the time, can’t concentrate on my studies · say what kind of accommodation you would prefer - a single room, not sharing, or accommodation with 2 bedrooms

2. Know who you are writing to

This is an easy step to follow because the instructions will tell you who you are writing to.

In this letter, you are writing to the accommodation officer, it is someone you don’t know, so you should write in a formal way. You are also told to start the letter with ‘ Dear Sir/Madam’. Make sure you follow this instruction and start your letter with 'Dear Sir/Madam....'.

3. Use the correct tone

Let’s move on to the next feature in your letter that the examiner is looking for, the tone of your letter. The tone refers to the way in which you write the letter, in a formal or informal style. The instructions in the question will give you a clue.

Start your letter with the reason why you are writing the letter. This is the purpose of your letter. To reach a higher band score, your letter needs to have a clear purpose.

For example:

I am writing to complain about...

I am writing to give you some feedback on...

The reason I am writing this letter is to invite you to...

Your reason for writing should be written in the first paragraph of your letter. Refer to the situation in the question, but do not copy the words in the question.

5. Present the three bullet points

All three bullet points need to be presented. And remember that some bullet points contain more than one element. So, make sure to watch for ‘ and ’ and plurals . Look at the notes above to see what you should include in your letter.

6. Use a correct letter format

The final feature to look at in IELTS General Training, Writing Task 1 is the format of your letter. Do not write an email or an essay.

A letter needs to be written using a proper format, including the following:

A greeting (Dear sir/madam, Dear John, Dear Mr. Smith)

The main body (consisting of paragraphs for each bullet point)

A closing (Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully, Best wishes, Kind regards, Love)

The examiner will check your letter to make sure you are writing a letter using the correct format.

What do I have to do in IELTS General Training Task 2?

In Task 2, you must write an essay in 40 minutes using a minimum of 250 words. You are given a statement with some questions on a general topic, like sport, the environment, pollution, transport, or shopping. You are generally asked to do the following in your essay:

give your opinion on a topic

look at the advantages or disadvantages of something

give reasons and suggest solutions for something

describe the effects of something

present both sides of an issue

You must read the question carefully so that all parts of the question are answered. For example, in the question below, you must do three things to achieve a higher band, showing the examiner that you are addressing all parts of the task.

Task 2 question example:

Shopping is becoming more and more popular as a leisure activity. However, some people feel that this has both positive and negative effects. Why is shopping so popular? What effects does its increase in popularity have on individuals and on society?

If you need more help with how to write a Task 2 essay, look at this blog which will go through '7 steps' needed to write a good essay.

How do I reach a band 5 and higher for Task Response in my essay?

The examiner will check your check your essay to see if you can fully answer the question. To fully respond to the task, you need to:

answer all parts of the question

present a clear position

present ideas to support your opinion

support your ideas with examples.

1. Answer all parts of the question

In the question above, you were told that there are three parts in this question.

You must a) explain why shopping is popular, b) say how this popularity affects individuals and c) say how this popularity affects the society. If you miss one of these things, you will not get higher than a band 5 as you have only answered part of the question. You must answer all parts of the question prompt to reach a band 6 and higher.

So, take great care to read the question carefully to identify all parts of the question checking for plurals and the use of ‘and'.

If you are asked to present both views and give our own opinion , again, this question has three parts. You need to a) present one opinion, b) present the other opinion and c) present your own opinion

If you are asked to present the advantages and disadvantages of something, or to see if the advantages outweigh the disadvantage, choose one of the following essay structures to present:

More advantages essay structure

Present 2 or more advantages

Present 1 disadvantage

Say why there are more advantages than disadvantages

More disadvantages essay structure

Present 2 or more disadvantages

Present 1 advantage

Say why there are more disadvantages than advantages

2. Present a clear position

You must present a clear position. This simply means you must let the examiner know what you think about the question. Your position must be clear for the complete essay. Don’t change your mind in the conclusion.

"I strongly believe that shopping as a leisure activity is a positive development for individuals and our society".

"However, many people feel that shopping for leisure is a negative development..."

3. Present ideas to support your opinion

Make sure that your ideas are directly related to the topic you are writing about. For the essay question example, the ideas presented must be about why shopping as a leisure activity is good or bad, for people, and for our society.

You might say that shopping increases the amount of money spent in our economy, which is a good development and that it makes us feel good about ourselves when we buy new things (retail therapy). However, we must look at the other side and see why shopping might be a negative thing. People buy a lot and therefore waste a lot, throwing away things they don’t like any more. People also spend too much money on things that they cannot afford, going into debt. These ideas clearly support your opinion.

4. Support your ideas with examples

When you present an idea, you need to use an example to support this idea. Use examples from your own experience. For example, you can say that shopping is a major leisure activity where you live in ‘Singapore’ with people shopping till midnight every night.

Choose real life examples that relate to you and your experience rather than choosing to present statistics and survey results that the examiner cannot check.

When you are ready, practice writing your tasks

If you understand what each task requires you to do and follow the steps we have outlined in this article, you will soon be on your way to achieving a higher band score in your IELTS Writing test.

Practice writing letters and only allow yourself 20 minutes to write. Then practice answering a Task 2 essay and again time yourself and stop writing at 40 minutes. You can find free IELTS General Training practice materials here .

If you feel you are ready to practice a General Training Writing test, why not try an IELTS Progress Check General Training practice test .

By understanding what the General Training Writing tasks are and what you are supposed to do in the test, you will be much better prepared. With practice you will get better!

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Band 5+: Nowadays genetically modified food is widespread all over the world. While proponents of GM crops ensure that these foods are safe for human consumption and help to increase food supplies, others argue that their effects on health have not been studied long enough. Discuss the pros and cons of genetically modified foods, and give your own opinion. As the world population increases, genetically modified crops are becoming essential to meet rising demands for food. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

It is the fact that science plays a significant role in our lives. Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about genetically modified foods. Some people subscribe to the view that GM crops are safe to consume and assist in meeting the needs of foods of humans. While others support the argument that they negatively impact on people’s health. I am one of those who strongly agree with the second idea because of the following reasons.

On the one hand, there are some reasons why people say that GMO foods bring a lot of benefits. In the first place, they are good for the economy. With the growth of the population, the demand for food also increases, so to provide enough food for humans, these foods are an efficient method. To explain, this biotechnology helps increase crop yields and plants more strong by eliminating insects and bacteria. Another factor to consider is that biotech foods create a great opportunity for promoting the development of nutrients. For example, biotech rice contains more vitamin A than normal rice, carried research to prevent blindness.

On the other hand, despite the aforementioned advantages, there are several disadvantages of GM crops that should be taken into consideration. The first downside of GM crops is that they can pose a threat to people’s health if used for a long time. To be more specific, no researchers ensure the safety of GMO foods, so there are arguments that they can cause allergies or even serious diseases such as cancer. Another worth noting point could be that biotech foods are harmful to the environment. This is because most of them have the ability to resist herbicides which leads to using herbicides increased by farmers. Therefore, this is particularly detrimental to both people’s health and the environment.

To sum up, I am strongly convinced that genetically modified foods have some negative sides for people’s health and the environment. However, as far as I am concerned, the government and farmers should choose the most effective and suitable way for everyone. Only by doing so can we ensure that people will have a healthier, better, and more prosperous life.

Check Your Own Essay On This Topic?

Generate a band-9 sample with your idea, overall band score, task response, coherence & cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range & accuracy, essays on the same topic:, nowadays genetically modified food is widespread all over the world. while proponents of gm crops ensure that these foods are safe for human consumption and help to increase food supplies, others argue that their effects on health have not been studied long enough. discuss the pros and cons of genetically modified foods, and give your own opinion. as the world population increases, genetically modified crops are becoming essential to meet rising demands for food. to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience..

It is a fact that science plays a significant role in our lives. Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about genetically modified food. Some people subscribe to the view that GM crops are safe to consume and assist in boosting food supplies. While others support the argument that GMO food is harmful to […]

Genetically modified food has grown widespread in recent years and is now consumed by almost everyone around the world. Some question the safety of those altered foods and its effects on individual’s wellbeing, while others argue that it is scientifically safe to consume them. In this essay I will compare the advantages and drawbacks of […]

Genetically modified food has grown widespread in the recent years and is now consumed by almost everyone around the world. Some question the safety of those altered foods and its effects on individual’s wellbeing, while others argue that is it scientifically safe to consume them. In this essay it will compare the advantages and drawbacks […]

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IELTS Writing Samples Band 5

Anybody can use a mobile phone to answer the work and mobile phone calls at any time for 7 days a week. is this development more positive or negative, some people believe that the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prison sentences. others, however, believe there are better alternative ways of reducing crime., some people say that it is not possible to be happy without money, while others think that money does not guarantee happiness. discuss both these views and give your own opinion. give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experienc, men and women are different in terms of their characteristics and abilities. for this reason, some jobs are better done by men and others by women. do you agree or disagree, nowadays,a growing number of people with health problem are trying alternative medicines and treatment instead of visiting their usual doctor do you think this is a positive or negative development, the average standard of people's health is likely to be lower in the future than it is now. to what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement, some think government spending on infrastructure (transport, housing etc) is considered the most important for a nation. while others believe that education, health and hr values to be more important areas for government expenditure. discuss both views and give your opinion., today our communications, medicine and transport systems all depend on computer technology. our reliance on computer technology in these fields has created a dangerous situations., more and more people are moving away from an agricultural background to relocate to cities to look for work. what will be the consequences of this what solutions can you offer, some people think that mental strength is more important for success in sports some people believe that physical health is more important discuss both views and give your own opinion, question : in some places, old age is valued, while in other cultures youth is considered more important.discussion both views and give your opinion., you should spend about 40 minutes on this task. write about the following topic: in some countries there are more young people choosing to enrol in work-based training instead of attending university. do the advantages of this situation outweigh the disadvantages give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. write at least 250 words., there is a word like work to live, don't live to work. discuss both views and give your opinion., task 2: some people say that to prevent illness and disease, governments should focus more on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems. to what extent do you agree or disagree, some people say that to prevent illness and disease, governments should focus more on reducing environmental pollution and housing problems. to what extent do you agree or disagree, there is no doubt that globalisation has benefited the world by bringing together people, business and nations. people who criticise it stand in the way of progress. to what extent do you agree or disagree give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge and experience. write at least 250 words., people continue to recommit crimes even after being penalized for their wrongdoings. why do you think this happens how can crimes be stopped, many manufactured food and drink products contain high levels of sugar which causes many health problems. sugary products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar. do you agree or disagree, many people believe that women make better parents than men and that is why they have a greater role in raising children. others claim that men are just as good as women in parenting. discuss both these views and give your opinion.

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  19. Reach a band 5 and higher in IELTS General Training Writing

    5. Present the three bullet points. All three bullet points need to be presented. And remember that some bullet points contain more than one element. So, make sure to watch for ' and ' and plurals. Look at the notes above to see what you should include in your letter. 6. Use a correct letter format.

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  23. IELTS Band 6.5 Essays (with Corrections and Comments

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