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creative writing on importance of trees

Ancient Trees – Writing prompts and Resources

In ancient trees , Folklore , Oak Apple Day , Owain Glyndwr , Pitchford Hall , Uncategorised by Kateinnes_123.@hW 22nd May 2020

Ancient Trees Resource Pack : to be used in conjunction with the video on the Facebook Folk Community Group site https://tinyurl.com/y7yps43s

Description: Macintosh HD:Users:mkinnes:Desktop:Shelton_oak by david parkes early19th cent.jpg

The Shelton Oak  by David Parkes – 19 th  century

creative writing on importance of trees

Fairy Folk by an old gnarled tree  – by Arthur Rackham

Arthur Rackham, illustrator, paid very close attention to trees in his work, glorying in their detail and character. 

Examples of writing about ancient oaks, other trees, and living and seeking shelter in them:

My Side of the Mountain – by Jean Craighead George

“I am on my mountain in a tree home that people have passed without ever knowing that I am here. The house is a hemlock tree six feet in diameter, and must be as old as the mountain itself. I cam upon it last summer and dug and burned it out until I made a snug cave in the tree that I now call home.

         My bed is on the right as you enter, and is made of ash slats and covered with deerskin. On the left is a small fireplace about knee high. It is of clay and stones. It has a chimney that leads the smoke out through a knothole. I chipped out three other knotholes to let fresh air in. The air coming in is bitter cold. It must be zero outside, and yet I can sit here inside my tree and write with bare hands. The fire is small, too. It doesn’t take much fire to warm this tree room.”

An extract from In the Tree House at Night – by James L Dickey

a beautiful, eerie poem in which the tree becomes a link between earthly life and the life beyond.

creative writing on importance of trees

For complete poem:


THE OAK by Alfred Lord Tennyson

Live thy Life, Young and old, Like yon oak, Bright in spring, Living gold;

Summer-rich Then; and then Autumn-changed Soberer-hued Gold again.

All his leaves Fall’n at length, Look, he stands, Trunk and bough Naked strength. 

Dendrochronology (written about the Acton Round Oak)

by Kate Innes

creative writing on importance of trees

Mary Webb –  a Shropshire writer and folklorist – 

From a description of  Hazel Woodus in  Gone to Earth

“Her passion, no less intense, was for freedom, for the wood-track, for green places where soft feet scudded and eager eyes peered out and adventurous lives were lived up in the tree-tops, down in the moss.”

From ‘The Joy of Fragrance’ in  The Spring of Joy  by Mary Webb 1917

‘A little wood I know has in May among its oaks and beeches many white pillars of gean trees, each with its own air round it. At long intervals a large, soft flower wanders down, vaguely honeyed, mixing its breath with the savour of sphagnum moss, and resting among the wood-sorrel. The wood-pigeons speak of love together in their deep voices, unashamed, too sensuous to be anything but pure. Among the enchanted pillars, on the carpet of pale sorrel, with a single flower cool in the hand, one is in the very throne-room of white light. A little farther on the air is musky from the crowded minarets of the horse chestnut – white marble splashed with rose – where the bumble bee drones.’

The Mary Webb Society notes that: 

“Mary Webb’s love and intimate knowledge of the county permeates all her work. She had an extraordinary perception of the minutiae of nature, and it is this keen observation that gives her prose its unique quality. In her introduction to  Precious Bane  she writes ’ Shropshire is a county where the dignity of ancient things lingers long, and I have been fortunate not only in being born and brought up in its magical atmosphere, and in having many friends in farm and cottage who, by pleasant talk and reminiscence have fired the imagination, but also in having the companionship of such a mind as was my father’s- a mind stored with old tales and legends that did not come from books, and rich with an abiding love for the beauty of forest and harvest field…’  “

More information about ancient trees and tree houses:

More information about the Shelton Oak, including photographs:


The Ancient Tree Forum finds the Bull Oak – a boundary tree and a shelter for a bull for years


Clip from BBC programme about the eccentric occupant of the Pitchford treehouse in the 1940’s:


Off topic but fascinating – Pitchford Ghosts by Caroline Colthurst:


Ancient Tree Folklore Writing Prompts:

Choose any or all of these ideas to start writing about the tree as a location or as a character or its importance to you.

1. You are climbing a tree – where are you? What does it feel like? What sounds do you hear? How does it feel as you make your way up? 

2. You are living in a tree house – describe that – how is it constructed and who is welcome to visit you?

3. You are living inside a hollow tree – describe your living quarters, describe how it sounds and what it feels like to live there 

4. You meet the spirit of the tree – describe the spirit – how do he/she feel about your incursion into its domain? Do you have a conversation? 

5. Write a fairy tale about someone who climbs a tree to escape from danger, and finds more than they expected!

6. Write a story told with the voice of the tree – perhaps the Royal Oak – or another tree that has seen incredible adventures of mice and men. Or write a story about a creatures living ‘adventurous lives’ in the treetops.

Prepared by Kate Innes – Author of ‘The Errant Hours’ and other adventures

@KateInnes2  @kateinneswriter


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Mr Greg's English Cloud

10 Paragraphs: Value Of Trees

Writing a paragraph about the value of trees provides an opportunity to explore the immense importance and benefits that trees bring to our environment and society. Trees play a vital role in sustaining life on Earth, improving air quality, conserving energy, and providing habitats for countless species. In this introduction, we will discuss the key aspects to consider when writing a paragraph on the value of trees, emphasizing their ecological, economic, and social significance.

Table of Contents

Tips On Writing A Paragraph On The Value Of Trees

Start with an Engaging Hook: Begin your paragraph with a captivating opening sentence or statement that grabs the reader’s attention. This could be a thought-provoking question, a startling fact, or a compelling anecdote that highlights the significance of trees. A strong hook sets the tone for the rest of the paragraph and encourages readers to continue reading.

Highlight Environmental Benefits: Discuss the environmental advantages that trees provide. Emphasize their role in oxygen production through photosynthesis, their ability to absorb harmful pollutants from the air, and their contribution to mitigating climate change by storing carbon dioxide. Explain how trees help conserve water, prevent soil erosion, and provide shade and cooling effects, thereby creating a healthier and more sustainable environment.

Discuss Economic Value: Explore the economic benefits associated with trees. Describe how trees contribute to various industries like forestry, timber, and paper production, providing employment and economic opportunities. Mention the value of urban trees in enhancing property values, reducing energy costs by providing natural shade and insulation, and attracting tourism and recreational activities, which can boost local economies.

Address Biodiversity and Wildlife Conservation: Highlight the role of trees in supporting biodiversity and wildlife habitats. Discuss how trees provide shelter, food sources, and nesting sites for a wide range of animal species, from birds and mammals to insects and microorganisms. Explain the importance of preserving forests and woodlands to protect endangered species and maintain the delicate balance of ecosystems.

Connect with Human Well-being: Discuss the social and human well-being aspects of trees. Explain how trees contribute to mental and physical health by providing stress reduction, improving air quality, and creating aesthetically pleasing natural environments. Discuss the cultural and historical significance of trees, their role in providing recreational spaces, and the sense of community and connection they foster.

Paragraph 1

Trees are invaluable to our planet’s ecosystem and play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy environment. They act as nature’s air purifiers, absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen through photosynthesis. This process helps combat climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, trees improve air quality by filtering pollutants and particulate matter, providing us with cleaner and fresher air to breathe.

Paragraph 2

One of the most significant benefits of trees is their ability to conserve water and prevent soil erosion. Their extensive root systems help stabilize the soil, reducing the risk of landslides and preserving valuable topsoil. Trees also act as natural sponges, absorbing rainfall and reducing water runoff, which helps replenish groundwater reserves and maintain healthy water cycles.

Paragraph 3

In addition to their environmental contributions, trees have substantial economic value. The forestry industry relies on trees for timber, providing raw materials for construction, furniture, and various wood products. Moreover, trees support the paper industry by supplying pulp for paper manufacturing. These industries generate employment opportunities and contribute to local and national economies.

Paragraph 4

Trees are essential for preserving biodiversity and supporting wildlife habitats. Forests offer shelter, food sources, and nesting sites for a wide range of animal species. From birds and mammals to insects and microorganisms, countless organisms depend on trees for survival. Protecting and conserving forests is crucial for maintaining healthy ecosystems and safeguarding endangered species.

Paragraph 5

Trees contribute to energy conservation and sustainable urban planning. Strategically planted trees around buildings provide natural shade, reducing the need for air conditioning and lowering energy consumption. During colder months, trees act as windbreaks, reducing heat loss and minimizing heating requirements. By incorporating trees into urban landscapes, we can create more energy-efficient and livable cities.

Paragraph 6

Trees have aesthetic and cultural value, enhancing the beauty of landscapes and serving as symbols of heritage and identity. They provide a sense of tranquility and serenity in parks, gardens, and forests, offering spaces for relaxation, recreation, and reflection. Trees have inspired art, literature, and cultural traditions throughout history, connecting us to the natural world and nurturing our appreciation for nature’s wonders.

Paragraph 7

Urban forests and green spaces contribute to improved public health and well-being. Studies have shown that access to nature, including trees and green environments, can reduce stress levels, boost mood, and enhance mental well-being. Trees also help mitigate the urban heat island effect, providing cooler microclimates and reducing the risk of heat-related illnesses during hot summers.

Paragraph 8

Trees play a crucial role in sustainable agriculture and food security. Fruit-bearing trees provide nutritious food for both humans and wildlife. Agroforestry practices, which integrate trees into agricultural systems, offer multiple benefits such as improved soil fertility, increased crop yields, and enhanced biodiversity. Trees also provide shade for livestock, contributing to animal welfare in farming practices.

Paragraph 9

Trees act as sound barriers, reducing noise pollution and creating more peaceful environments. Their leaves, branches, and trunks absorb and deflect sound waves, minimizing the impact of traffic noise, industrial activities, and other sources of urban noise. This helps improve the quality of life in urban areas and promotes a healthier and quieter living environment.

Paragraph 10

Lastly, trees foster a sense of community and social cohesion. Parks and green spaces with trees provide gathering places for social interactions, community events, and recreational activities. The presence of trees in neighborhoods and public spaces encourages outdoor activities, promotes social engagement, and strengthens the bonds between individuals, creating vibrant and inclusive communities.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

Whatsapp: +85259609792

[email protected]

creative writing on importance of trees

English Aspirants

Paragraph on Importance of Trees [100, 150, 200, 250 Words]

Paragraph on Importance of Trees: Trees play an important and valuable role in our existence as they give us two life essentials – food and oxygen. There is no life without green. If we save trees, trees will save us. In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph on the importance of trees. We’ve given 4 brief paragraphs (100, 150, 200, 250 words) on the importance of trees.

Table of Contents

Paragraph on Importance of Trees: 100 Words

An intensive campaign for the tree plantation is found all over the country. This is because of the recognition of the importance of trees in day-to-day life. As a matter of fact, the trees serve a number of important purposes. First, it serves to free the atmosphere from the grave danger of pollution . Second, it also prevents soil erosion and thereby indirectly stops flood.

The services of the trees are admitted by the Government. So steps are taken, too, for more tree plantation. It is, however, to be ever remembered that the tree plantation brings advantages both to rural people and to the urban. Both the government and the general public must be quite alert and active in this matter.

paragraph on importance of trees

Paragraph on Save Trees: 150 Words

Trees produce oxygen, the main ingredient to sustain life. They give us a vast range of products that are beneficial for our lives. Trees give us fruits and flowers. They provide us wood for fuel. They also have great medicinal values. Trees play an important role in purifying the air around us. They ensure a pollution free environment.

These days trees are cut down to meet various needs of man. As a result, the ecological balance is disturbed. Rapid urbanisation is one of the major causes of deforestation. To combat this threatening situation many private agencies along with the State Government and Central Government have started to organise awareness campaigns.

They encourage people in planting new trees. They even distribute saplings of fast growing trees. Eminent personalities from various fields have come forward to support this noble initiative. Tree plantation is necessary to prevent Mother Earth from perishing.

Paragraph on Trees in English

Also Read: Paragraph on Environmental Pollution

Paragraph on Trees: 200 Words

Trees are useful and beautiful gifts of nature. They provide immense wealth and riches for us. Trees give us flowers, fruits, timber, bamboos, fuels which are so necessary for us. They are also a great source of material for paper, rubber, gums, herbs and medicinal plants. Trees give us cool shade. They absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen which is needed for our life.

The roots of trees bind loose soil and prevent soil erosion. The top fertile soil is thus retained. This helps us in agriculture and food production. The arrest of soil erosion also prevents silting and raising of river beds and possible overflowing of rivers causing floods.

Trees induce rain and prevent air pollution. They protect us from inclement weather. An area without trees soon becomes barren and turns into a desert in course of time. Trees thus help in maintaining ecological balance. Indeed, they play a great role in civilization. We should therefore avoid random felling of trees. Trees should be preserved with great care. 

Also Read: Paragraph on Global Warming

Paragraph on Value of Trees: 250 Words

No other friends can perhaps be as great to us as the trees. They are always doing us immense service in a silent way. The most important thing which trees give us is oxygen. Our atmosphere is now highly polluted because of smoke, high sound and rotten rubbishes heaped up here and there. Trees fight this pollution and purify our atmosphere.

The world of birds is largely dependent on the world of trees. The birds build their shelters on tree-tops. They get their food also from trees. The herbivores feed on plants and trees: The trees provide us with raw materials to build our houses and furniture. Their service to us cannot be described in a few words.

They prevent erosion of soil, stop inflow of flood, and bring down rains for the farmers. They make homes for the fauna. Apart from the noble deeds, the trees do for us, they offer us a soothing scenery to view. How grand it is to look at the vast stretch of the greenery! But it is surprising that people do not care for this beautiful creation of Nature. Trees are now on the verge of peril. We are slaying them thoughtlessly. Our civilization goes ahead; our trees fall dead. We should save our best friends. Let this be our slogan “One plant, One life” .

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Trees:

Reasons to plant trees: Trees clean the air, trees reduce noise pollution, trees keep our water healthy, trees help us breathe, wildlife depends on forests for survival, trees increase property value and much more.

Through the photosynthesis process, trees can absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and thus reducing the ‘greenhouse effect’, creating a less polluted world for us.

Trees prevent soil erosion, Desertification by holding the soil together with their roots.

Related Paragraphs: 1. Paragraph on Noise Pollution 2. Paragraph on Air Pollution

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Essay On Trees – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Kids


Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Trees For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on trees for kids, a paragraph on ‘importance of trees’ for kids, short essay on trees for children, long essay on ‘importance of trees’ for kids, what will your child learn from this essay.

Trees are a part of the Earth and exist to enrich our lives. They are critical to the survival of every living species, including land animals, wild creatures, and aquatic organisms. Raw materials provided to us by trees have been used since ancient times to make herbal medicine. The leaves, roots, and stems are parts that are high in medicinal properties and can be used to make natural tinctures. The air we breathe is not clean these days, and this is where the importance of trees comes in. Below we have provided the best tips on writing an essay on trees for classes 1, 2, and 3.

Trees don’t exist just for show. They preserve our environment and give life to the wilderness. Many animals dwell on lands shrouded by trees and base their survival on these natural habitats. If it’s your first time learning how to write an essay on trees, here are a few pointers:

  • Write an introductory paragraph on trees and discuss how trees brought life to this planet.
  • Discuss the different types of trees in urban settings, such as woodlands, rainforests, and perennial plants.
  • Mention the benefits of trees for our health as humans and how they play a role in preserving nature.
  • Add a conclusion near the end and summarise why trees are essential for us.

As human beings, we should definitely do our share for the environment and attempt to plant more trees. Here are some points to write an essay on trees for classes 1 and 2:

  • Trees produce oxygen for our environment and absorb harmful carbon dioxide gas.
  • Without trees, there would be no life on this planet.
  • Our ancestors used tree wood to forge weapons and hunt in the past.
  • Every person should take the responsibility of protecting trees and ensuring their integrity.
  • Trees help discard water, noise, and air pollution.
  • Many natural disasters can be prevented worldwide by planting more trees.
  • Trees give us fresh fruits, seeds, and seasonal bounty, which we can enjoy.
  • Trees improve the fertility of soils and help prevent soil erosion.
  • The earth will turn into a barren wasteland if all trees are destroyed, and no life will exist.
  • Travellers rest under the shade of trees to relax and rejuvenate during hot summers.

Trees make our world beautiful and give us food to eat. The fresh air we breathe is from the trees; mother nature would not thrive without trees. Below is a short paragraph on the importance of trees for kids:

Trees are the breathing lungs of the earth. We need trees more than they need humans. Industrial factors, cars, and human activities produce carbon dioxide emissions that harm the environment. The high amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere results in air pollution and increases the chances of global warming. Trees absorb carbon dioxide gas from the environment and purify the atmosphere. Without trees, we would lack enough oxygen to sustain life on the planet. Many herbivores and wild animals turn to trees to seek shelter and food. Trees’ fruits, nuts, and seeds are used to feed these animals. Trees also help fertilise the soil, maintain mineral composition, and prevent it from eroding.

Trees are our best friend and are considered nature’s bounty to human beings. They provide us with food, shelter, raw materials, and natural resources. We need oxygen to live; without trees, all life would cease to exist. Here is a short essay for classes 1, 2, and 3:

Tree plantations ensure our environment does not run out of a decent oxygen supply. Global warming is becoming a problem, and the ice caps are melting because of too much air pollution. Trees absorb harmful toxins from the air and purify the atmosphere. We can say that trees are more valuable than gold, silver, and money because oxygen is essential for survival. There is no price or value we can attach to trees since they cannot be replaced. Many beautiful birds, wild creatures, and insects use trees to serve as their natural habits. Trees are crucial as they provide raw materials for making vital medicines, beauty products, furniture, etc. Most trees can be classified as Angiosperms and Gymnosperms.

Angiosperms make flowers and seeds, while gymnosperms do not. Unlike gymnosperms, they cannot reproduce without the help of animals and depend on them for spreading their pollen. The leaves of trees can absorb a significant amount of heat, and they act as nature’s filters when it comes to cleansing the air. More trees in our environment mean a lesser amount of dust, toxins, and harmful substances.

One of the best ways to deal with climate change on our planet is by planting trees. There must be increased recycling efforts, and millions of people worldwide should work together and plant more trees. Here is how to write a long essay for class 3 kids on trees:

The importance of trees cannot be negated in our lives as they are one of the reasons humanity can survive on planet earth. There are various types of trees found in nature that are useful and auspicious at the same time, some of which are the Banyan tree, Neem tree, etc.

The Banyan tree can be primarily found in different parts of the country and is considered the national tree of India. Its leaves are used as plates for serving food during festivals, social, and other auspicious occasions. Every household is familiar with the neem tree, whose parts are used for different purposes. Neem leaves make fertiliser for plants and enrich the soil. According to the study of botany, a tree is classified as a perennial plant with leaves, branches, and stems stretching out. The Neem and Tulsi leaves are precious for those who suffer from health issues like cold, cough, and fever. Its leaves make essential oils that serve medicinal uses and help treat insomnia and indigestion.

Some trees like rosemary and sandalwood are used for making beauty products and cosmetics. They are suitable for skincare, give glowing skin, and make hair look flawless. Trees are known for maintaining balance in our ecosystem and making our environment cool. Cutting down too many trees can heat the atmosphere, increase air pollution levels, and make breathing difficult. We need trees for the survival of our species. They provide us with shade and shelter during hot summers. The leaves absorb sunlight and carbon dioxide through a process called photosynthesis, and in exchange, they produce more oxygen. There are many ways to classify trees, but the two common ways are through biological classification.

Types Of Trees

The main types of trees are:

1. Deciduous Trees –  These shed leaves seasonally and is known for their unique leaf pattern arrangements. They are huge flowering plants, and this category includes oaks, maples, etc.

2. Evergreen Trees –  Their leaves don’t shed and last year-round. Some examples are Hemlock, Eucalyptus, and Cycads.

3. Gymnosperms –  Trees that don’t yield any flower or fruit are referred to as gymnosperms. Pine, spruce, and fur are the three most popular types.

Benefits Of Trees

If you want to learn about the value of trees, read on to learn of the following benefits:

1. Peace And Happiness 

Trees make a person feel calm and tranquil, relax them and can be used to experience pleasant emotions.

2. Less Runoff 

They reduce runoff by breaking up rainfall and preventing soil erosion.

3. Build Sustainable Communities 

They can help encourage building sustainable lifestyle practices and grow eco-friendly communities. People who plant trees often look towards natural alternatives to meet their life and food requirements.

4. Beautify Spaces 

It’s easy to turn a barren wasteland into a beautiful landscape by planting more trees.

5. Canopy For Wildlife 

Trees provide shelter to wild animals and protect them from the harmful effects of the sun. There are also other uses of trees, such as food for animals.

Your child can learn a lot about trees by reading an essay on the subject. Writing about trees will make their minds curious and encourage them to research. Treating our environment with care and kindness will help restore this planet.

Now that you know enough about trees, you can get to work on the tree essay. Let us know how it goes in the comments below.

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Importance of Trees Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

Trees are one of nature's most priceless gifts to us. Our lives are made easier by the items we can obtain from trees. It makes the entire globe more beautiful. The same goes for thinking of trees and life. We shall thus talk about the significance of trees today in order to emphasize their role in our lives.

Importance of Trees Essay - 100, 200, 500 Words

100 Words Essay On Importance Of Trees

Both the ecosystem and human life depend on trees. Life would not have been possible without trees. We get food and oxygen from trees , two of life's most essential elements. As humanity progressed, we began to cut down trees for food, medicine, and other economic purposes. Our reliance on trees hasn't lessened even today. In actuality, our reliance on trees has never been greater. As inhabitants of the planet, it's our duty to inform everyone about the significance of trees and the need to conserve them. To accommodate the over growing population, we have begun clearing vast tracts of forests which in turn is harming the environment and people.

200 Words Essay On Importance Of Trees

Since the beginning, trees have given us food and oxygen , both of which are necessary for life. Life on earth is impossible without trees. Additionally, they give us food and medicine. Because trees meet the needs of contemporary living styles in communities and cultures, their value is increasing daily in the current era.

Everyone needs plants and trees to survive. Plants provide either all direct or indirect requirements for life. Fruits and medicines are produced by trees. Trees are the source of a wide range of different products, including wood, rubber, cotton, paper, etc.

Animals, insects, birds, and a variety of other living things call trees home. Trees produce food and contribute greatly to the ecology as a whole through photosynthesis. This procedure purifies the air and maintains a healthy environment.

Trees help water evaporate, which maintains the Earth's water cycle . The root systems of trees were designed by nature to prevent the soil below from being swept away by rain and floods. This prevents soil erosion and landslides from occurring.

We must understand how crucial trees are to lead fulfilling lives. People ought to cultivate at least five plants each year. The current situation demonstrates the necessity for increased tree planting in the world today. As a result, we must continue to plant trees if we want to live long and healthy lives.

500 Words Essay On Importance Of Trees

Trees are one of nature's greatest gifts . It is impossible to deny the importance of trees in the lives of all living things. They not only give us an infinite number of things, but they also create calmness and harmony in the earth. The survival of all life on Earth depends heavily on plants and trees.

Oxygen and Global Warming

For our protection, trees take in carbon dioxide from the air and exhale clean oxygen. This cycle supports other living things in this world. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas. When released into the atmosphere, this greenhouse gas along with others creates a layer that traps solar heat. They cause the temperature of the atmosphere to rise. As a result, the planet becomes warmer. Thus, increasing tree cover will purify the air and lessen the impact of global warming.

Trees support a diverse, healthy ecosystem. A diverse ecology is created by the animals, insects, birds, and fungi that live in trees. At the bottom of the food chain, trees make their own nourishment. Through a process known as photosynthesis, they manufacture their own food and make a substantial contribution to the ecosystem as a whole. In addition, trees are a rich source of medications that are utilised in Ayurveda to treat disorders naturally.

Water Balance

Rainwater is captured by trees and stored in the ground. By doing this, clean water is kept from running and from wasting in sewers. Additionally, they serve as watersheds, holding back floodwaters for a while before gradually letting them flow into the ground and atmosphere. So they provide us with a water bed and preserve the area's water foundation. In order to prevent landslides and soil erosion, trees' root systems are so well designed by nature that they hold the soil below from being carried away during rain and floods.

Healthy Life

We receive clean water, food, and air from trees. Our stress is reduced by its freshness and greenery. It creates pleasant energy in the air. Additionally, trees offer cool shelters throughout the summer and during rain. Lush trees and environment contributes to a happier and healthier mood . Studies have shown that patients who come into contact with nature recover quickly. There are many benefits that trees offer us for a better quality of life.

Economy and Environment

Fruits and medicines made from trees are sold to many nations and contribute to economic progress. People can make a life by growing trees and selling their produce. Paper and wood come from trees which contribute greatly to many businesses and keep the economy running.

Trees also keep the environment natural and serve as a natural air conditioner in the heat. Trees play a significant role in our lives and the environment, providing a seamless service. We have somehow failed to safeguard them, which may be the reason why we are currently experiencing the negative repercussions of deforestation, such as severe pollution and global warming. In order for humans to exist in our world, trees must be well-cared for. We ought to inspire others to grow their tree populations. The sooner we realize this, the better it will be for us because it is for our own good.

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Using trees to inspire poetry

creative writing on importance of trees

Trees can inspire at any time of year, but especially in the autumn. In the wild weather and darkening days of this eloquent season, trees offer a whirl of wonders to fire the imagination of young writers, irrespective of ability.

When the leaves take on the colours of precious metals and erupting volcanoes, and the wind stirs them up into roaring beasts, the impact can captivate you - if you let it. As for the fragile, fly-away leaves, spinning like sparks on their daring ventures, they have their stories too. Then, as the school term rolls on and the leaves roll away; the trees’ gaunt skeletons taunt the imagination with starker concepts. Yet autumn trees are full of dazzle, vigour and celebration too. What will your young writers make of them?

This article offers a tried-and-tested method of drawing older children - or upper junior classes - into this treasure trove of riches and helping them unleash their responses through creative writing - in particular, poetry and description. Four detailed suggestions for follow-on work are given at the end, including activities that combine writing with drama, art, sound and movement.

Theme: Autumn trees as beings and other things

The main literary areas in focus include imagery, personification, action words and sensory description. Other, supporting techniques recommended (as appropriate to ability level): action words, alliteration, onomatopoeia and, for able writers, kennings.

Can you hear the treetops? Can you hear the voices – the voices of the trees? Can you hear them singing to the gentle summer breeze? Can you hear them laughing? Can you hear them sigh? Can you hear them whispering their secrets to the sky? I can hear them playing, as they swing and sway. I can hear their voices, but I can’t hear what they say. Kate Williams, The School Magazine, NSW, Australia

You will need:

  • Nearby trees to visit, and some to observe from the classroom;
  • example ideas for tree and leaf imagery (see Resources below);
  • pictures of autumn trees to display in the classroom;
  • a variety of freshly-fallen autumn leavesscrap paper for jottings;
  • coloured pencils for illustration.

Optional extras:

  • coloured card for mounting finished work;
  • scissors and glue for presenting writing in shapes;
  • percussion instruments for performance enhancers;
  • writing frame to prompt and guide independent writing, as needed.

The session should last between 65 or 70 minutes, excluding editing and writing out; also excluding development work. I have included suggestions for follow-on work at the end of this article; allow about an hour for each.

Go outside to observe trees

A bright, breezy day will be best for this, as the trees’ movements, sounds and sunlit hues will add to their eloquence. Give the children a few minutes’ free time at the start to enjoy the change of scene and absorb the free, natural atmosphere.

Now move through the group, guiding observations and eliciting responses. Draw the children into appreciating the trees with all their senses (except taste), watching, listening, feeling and even smelling them. Encourage them to join you in imitating their sounds and movements in the breeze. If the trees are still, impersonate their impressive bearing or other features. Ask questions that will encourage your group to think of the trees as other things. You might ask: ‘What do they sound like?’, ‘What are they doing?’ and ‘What do they remind you of?’ Share your own ideas, to set the ball rolling (see ‘Resources’ for ideas). What’s the sky like, by the way, and how is the wind treating everything? Let the children witness your exuberance at the scene – and catch it.

Introduce the concepts of metaphor and personification, encouraging children to think of the trees as beings. You can do this by asking what moods and manners they seem to have. Are they’re looking down on you all, and if so, in what way? Or are they engrossed in their own interests? Are they doing battle with the sky, or whispering secrets to each other, or doing a dance?

Discuss the flying leaves in terms of other things too, including conscious ones. Ask whether they’re quivering with fear, or being daredevils. Who can follow a leaf on its journey from the tree? Where’s it heading? The café down the street? Encourage humour as well as deeper thoughts. Ask every pupil to take a fallen leaf back to the classroom.

Inspect leaves

Back in the classroom, ask your group to inspect their leaves, encouraging them to feel, sniff and twirl them. Who can make theirs fly, and how do they fall? Never mind the noise and laughter: enjoyment is key to creativity.

creative writing on importance of trees

Discuss ideas and build language

Ask the children for one-word descriptions of leaves – the ones in their hands, the ones outside and those in your picture display too. Prompt for descriptions of colour, shape, texture, scent and movement. Push for expressive vocabulary and imagery, using questions like ‘what sort of red?’ and ‘as red as what?’. Bring in personification again, perhaps asking whether the leaves had behaved themselves when they’d tried to fly them, or what they (the leaves) had been doing outside – whether rushing around the sky in a panic or cruising without a care? Invite other interpretations.

Now discuss the trees. After eliciting literal descriptions (‘tall’, ‘colourful’, ‘twisty’?), fish for personified ones (‘weary’, ‘proud’, ‘angry’?), and other vivid ones (‘flamboyant’, ‘fiery’, ‘graceful’?). What did the trees remind them of? Recap on ideas shared outside.

Hand out your scrap paper and ask everyone to jot down a few describing words and images for trees, and then perhaps for leaves too. How about one for the sky or wind, too? Invite everyone to read out one, to get ideas flowing. At this stage, you could draw attention to any alliteration that crops up, pointing out how the repeated sounds add power to the words. Highlight any sound words that come up, too, inviting more (‘swishing’, ‘howling’, ‘hushing’?).

Wicked Winter Tree Beware the Wicked Winter Tree when it twists its twilight spell: when it tangles itself into witches’ hair, black and bleak as a bottomless well, and scrapes the sunset bare! Watch out for the Wicked Winter Tree when it sweeps up the evening sky, for who can tell what sneaky spell may linger there, in its witches’ hair, waiting for a passer-by? Kate Williams, contributing poem: Moondust and Mystery: Magic Poems

Reading – optional

This possible enrichment could be incorporated into the language-building stage above. Read out a short description or poem about trees. (See Resources for suggestions or provide your own.) Who can remember a phrase or word? Who can supply a variation? Any other comments? Move swiftly on, sustaining pace and focus.

Enact tree and leaf movements, building action-words

Summon everyone to an open space in front of a large whiteboard. Lead them through some basic tree movements, perhaps stretching tall, spreading wide, flickering fingers like leaves then swinging arms like windswept branches, rearing like monsters, bowing like servants... what next? At first, pupils may think the activity juvenile, but they’ll soon be swept up by its fascinating potential, especially with brisk direction changes and simultaneous word-building. Elicit expressive action-words, jotting some on the board while calling for more. Expand the range, shifting the focus and prompting for nuanced variations. ‘Swaying’ might develop into ‘rolling’, ‘shaking’ or ‘disco- dancing’, for instance. Re-introduce the concept of trees as conscious beings and steer responses accordingly. Prompt for emotive sound-verbs, like ‘humming’, ‘moaning’ and ‘quaking’, and light-focused ones (not necessarily personified), such as ‘shimmering’ and ‘glowing’.

Now be individual leaves, spinning away, cruising, dive-bombing... what else? Again, encourage personified verbs, drawing on their earlier ideas.

Read through the words compiled on the whiteboard to consolidate ideas and let children return to their seats.

Develop the concept of trees as beings and other objects

Start with a broad approach to imagery, including personified concepts and others as well (see ‘Resources’ for possibilities). Able writers could then be encouraged to focus in on personification, for more profound interpretations. Draw on ideas produced so far and elicit more, responding positively to all contributions. Your encouragement will fuel their drive and daring. Ask them to jot down their favourite concepts, then choose a few children to share theirs with the class. Take their ideas a little further now. If a tree is a ‘giant’, for instance, ask what sort of giant or what mood he’s in.

Clarify the difference between similes and metaphors with an example, perhaps linking trees with kings. First use a simile – ‘The trees are like kings’ or ‘as grand as kings’, then turn the trees into kings through a metaphor – ‘The trees are kings’. Practise a few transfers from simile to metaphor together, and recommend using both in the writing activity you’re about to give them.

Introduce your writing task

Some children feel daunted by creative writing tasks, so introduce yours as casually and swiftly as possible. Say they can either write a prose description or a poem, but ask them to avoid a rhyming format, as it can get in the way of free expression.

Suggest an opening phrase, in keeping with your support sheet, if you have one (see suggestions under ‘Resources’), then invite alternatives. If none are forthcoming, offer a few alternatives, such as: ‘Sometimes my tree is a....’, ‘What is this?’ and perhaps a personified metaphor, such as: ‘Sad giant, ___ing...’

Write your starter offerings on the board, then hand over to your young writers and let them fly.

creative writing on importance of trees

Hand it out your optional writing frame - if offering one

Display and read through your frame sheet, drawing suggestions for completing it, making clear that it can be altered or abandoned for free-style writing instead. Most pupils will do better without one.

Support the writing task

Keep inspiration buzzing as children write. You can do this simply by expressing your thrill at their output as you go round the room. Weather permitting, open a window to let in the outside world. Keep windows clear of blinds and other obstructions for maximum light and view. If it’s too cold or wet for open windows, play a recording of woodland sounds instead. (See ‘Resources’.)

Remind and stretch

As the writing task proceeds, drop in a few further hints to stimulate enrichments. Mention ideas shared earlier and throw in extras, perhaps spurring more imagery, personification, sound or movement. Inject your prompts individually and perhaps to the whole class too, asking them to stop a minute while you recap on techniques aired earlier. Encourage hesitant children to jot down whatever is in their heads without worrying about it. Reassure them that making a mess with crossings-out and inserted words above the line or round the margins is absolutely fine – even good – at this draft stage.

Limit your interjections, allowing children to dream, craft and listen to their writings. But as they near the end, you could interrupt once more to ask how they intend rounding off. Suggest they think up a twist, contrast or question - avoiding the cliché – ‘but it was all a dream’.

Ask for titles

Invite suggestions for titles, encouraging alliteration and rhythm. Able writers would enjoy the challenge of concocting kennings for their titles. Offer some everyday examples of these two-word compressed metaphors, such as ‘sky-scraper’ and ‘woodpecker’, and for trees, ‘shade-givers’, ‘crown-wearers’ or ‘mood-swingers’.

Reading out

Invite children, in groups, to stand at the front and read out a section of their work. Some may feel self-conscious or nervous, and will be glad of the moral support of their peers. Keep your comments positive and encourage positive responses from the children too. Encouragement nurtures creativity, as does the fun of a stress-free session. Why not relax the atmosphere further by suggesting some embellishments? Let each group start and finish their readings by ‘being’ the trees or leaves, with movements and sound effects. They might like to sing or act out their excerpts, or read in pairs. Applaud all performances. How about presenting them to the rest of the school?

Editing and finalising

In a separate session, ask children to edit their work and write it out neatly. Offer light guidance and encourage them to consider the sound and flow of their words as well as their presentation on the page. Then leave them to adjust their own work as they see fit.

For extra creative fun, the final version could be presented in the shape of a tree – or other representation. Show some examples of shape poems. (See ‘Resources’ or ‘google’ some examples online.) For simplicity, let children draw an outline first, ensuring it’s big enough to accommodate their writing, which can then be fitted inside their shape. Another method is to type the texts in shaped frames on the computer. Alternatively, let them write out their work in conventional style, adding their own illustrations afterwards, or mount the texts onto pre-done paintings of background scenery. Mount them all together for a stunning collage of combined art and literature creations.

Development suggestions

Opportunities for development are wide open, with possibilities for inclusion of drama, art, music, movement and story. Here are four suggestions, involving most of these art forms. Allow at least an hour for each.

Development through writing and artwork combined

Discuss leaf colours, including unusual ones such as metallic tints, gem colours and natural tones.

Next, ask children to think up accompanying similes for their colours, to write in the format: ‘as ____ as ___’, for example: ‘as amber as tiger eyes’. For extra ideas, you could read the description in the first paragraph of the article, ‘Each leaf tells a story’ (see ‘Resources’).

Now ask them to write an extended version of one of their similes. Once again, they’ll benefit from an example. ‘As amber as tiger eyes’ could be extended to: ‘As amber as the glaring, staring eyes of a tiger in the gloomy jungle’. Now ask them to convert their similes into metaphors, as in ‘The leaves are tiger eyes,...’, to bring the concept alive. Finally, suggest they draw a page-size outline of a leaf, write their metaphor inside it and colour around their text in relevant tones. Prepare one yourself to inspire them.

The idea could then be developed from the leaf’s viewpoint, introducing other qualities, as in this example:

I’m more than a leaf I am the magenta of a rose petal, the dare of a stunt driver, the grace of a ballerina, the flight of a shooting star. This development offers children an opportunity to express their own feelings and aspirations.

Development through drama

Working in groups, children can present trees, leaves and other features as characters in a scene or sketch. They’ll need to think up personalities and a storyline, perhaps involving a power battle. As an example, you could summarise the Aesop’s Fable:

‘The North Wind and the Sun’ (see ‘Resources’). Each group will need a quiet area for planning and rehearsing, before bringing their combined ideas alive in their dramatic presentations.

Development through music and movement

Groups can pool ideas to create an impressionistic, multi-arts performance, symbolising autumn trees, perhaps in different weathers or seasons. They might use voiced sound effects, physical movements, singing and humming, with selected words or phrases and light percussion. Each group will need their own working space. Through this expressive and shared process, children will develop their ideas and communication skills further.

Development through time: ‘Winter Tree’ - writing and artwork

Return to your tree theme in the winter, with another trip outside to experience the changed scene. How do the trees look now? Gaunt and hunched? Tall and defiant? Weird and spooky? Back in the classroom, talk about the trees, perhaps reading ‘Wicked Winter Tree’ (see ‘Resources’) or another poem or description, to spark further ideas. Then ask them to imagine themselves as a winter tree. How would they feel? What would they think? Share ideas, then ask them to write a soliloquy – or speech – expressing their tree’s thoughts and feelings, to perform to the class. This development will spur children to reach further into their imagination, as well as introducing a different writing format and stretching their performance skills.

Story-writing is not covered here, but the possibilities for plots and characters are boundless. You could set a title such as ‘The adventure of a leaf’ or ‘The battle between the Forest and the Sky’, for instance.

Ideas for autumn tree imagery and personification, in different weathers: treasure, molten metals (brass, copper, gold, bronze...), volcanoes, flames, lamps, giants, kings, queens, dancers, mourners, tyrants, ships, protectors, guards, warners, gossipers, bowing servants.

Ideas for autumn leaf imagery and personification: dancers, acrobats, daredevils, divers, adventurers, explorers, travellers, whisperers, panicking crowds, fishes, feathers, candle flames, confetti, jewels, petals, fireflies, butterflies, bows, kites.

Tree sounds: A recording of rustling autumn leaves: YouTube: ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l17ZmCPYJDU

Prose description: ‘Each leaf tells a story’, Paul Evans, The Guardian online : Environment: Country Diary (see, especially, 1st and last 2 paragraphs): https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2014/dec/24/country-diary-oak-leaves-biology-insects-birds

Fable, for personification example: ‘The North Wind and the Sun’: Aesop’s Fables : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z7QZK9qnBs0

Shape poems: Word Whirls and other shape poems , compiled by John Foster, Oxford University Press, 1998: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Word-Whirls-Other-Shape-Poems/dp/0192791567

Tree poems, for inspiration: ‘Ode to the West Wind’, Percy Bysshe Shelley, 1820, first two verses: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45134/ode-to-the-west-wind

‘Can you hear the treetops?’, Kate Williams, October 2014, The School Magazine , NSW, Australia, website: http://theschoolmagazine.com.au/ .

Poem set out here, for reference: ‘Wicked Winter Tree’, Kate Williams, contributing poem: Moondust and Mystery : Magic Poems, Editor: John Foster, Oxford University Press, 2002.

Poem set out here, for reference

Wicked Winter Tree Beware the Wicked Winter Tree when it twists its twilight spell: when it tangles itself into witches’ hair, black and bleak as a bottomless well, and scrapes the sunset bare!

Watch out for the Wicked Winter Tree when it sweeps up the evening sky, for who can tell what sneaky spell may linger there, in its witches’ hair, waiting for a passer-by?

Two writing-frame ideas to offer less confident writers: (Poem)

A __________[adjective] tree, [verb]___________ing like a ______________ against the ____________________ sky: a _____________. [metaphor].

(Descriptive prose) Walking through the woods, I came across a _____________ tree. It was like a _____________, with its ___________ _____________. It seemed to be __________________________. I ____________________________________.

Present your format in large print, with plenty of space for writing. Include some illustration.

Kate Williams Children’s poet & poetry workshop leader. Website: poemsforfun.wordpress.com Email: [email protected]

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creative writing on importance of trees

Essay on Save Trees for Students and Children

500+ words essay on save trees.

Essay on Save Trees: From childhood, we have heard that trees are our best friend but in practical life, we didn’t see anyone who treats trees as their friends. Although they are the most valuable life source on the earth. They benefit every life form in a direct or indirect way. And the earth is connected to them to maintain a natural balance. In this essay on save trees, we are discussing the reason why our friends need saving.

They nourish us and protect us in many ways. Also, they keep our environment green and clean. So, it becomes our responsibility to repay them for the things they do for us by saving them. Besides, large trees are more beneficial than small ones because they capture more carbon, capture more water, combat the heat, filter greenhouse gases , gives shelter from heat and sunlight , etc. So, it can be said that we depend on them more rather than they on us.

essays on save trees

Advantages and Importance of Trees

As we have discussed the benefits of trees in short but here we are going to discuss them in detail. Plants and Trees fight the climatic changes that are destroying the earth. They also filter the air that we breathe and absorb all the harmful chemical gases and odors from the environment. Also, they take in the harmful carbon dioxide and gives out oxygen.

They are good for the diversity of flora and fauna. They give us food, shelter and many more things that we can’t count. Besides, they never demand anything from us and also prevent soil erosion , water evaporation . Above all, they control and manage the effects of wind, sun and, rain.

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How to Save Trees?

The human has become aware and serious about this issue and started doing the best they can do to save trees. The forest departments and government have banned the illegal cutting of trees. And they are going digital so that they can save paper which will reduce the number of trees cut down for making paper.

Apart from that, the forest area after cutting of trees should be replanted with new ones. Also, we should teach our children to plant trees and ask them to pass it on their friends and acquaintances.

creative writing on importance of trees

The least that we can do is to plant some pots in our home rooftops or garden and ask our neighbor to do the same. Also, if we see the removal of a tree then we should inform the local authority about it to create awareness. Above all, strict laws should be made for people who illegally or without permission cut these trees for their own benefits.

The various life form is able to survive on earth due to plants. If we remove plants from the earth even for one day then the survival of man will become difficult.

Besides, they are the source of water and fresh oxygen on earth. Cutting trees means destroying life on earth. So, the time has come that we to be responsible for the action we have done till now. And start finding ways to save this Green Gold.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why saving trees are so important?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Saving trees benefit us more than it will benefit trees. The reason for that is they give us food, shelter, protection from sunlight, clean air to breathe and many countless more benefit that we ignore.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How can we save trees?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”We can save trees by following methods – Planting more and more trees,Stopping cutting of trees,Creating awareness about the importance of trees.”} }] }

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37 of the Best Ways to Describe Trees Vividly to Capture Your Readers

By: Author Hiuyan Lam

Posted on Last updated: October 20, 2023

Categories Vocabulary Boosters

37 of the Best Ways to Describe Trees Vividly to Capture Your Readers

When writing about nature, you will probably need to use words to describe trees; to properly capture the scene or event. The easiest way to approach this is by using words to describe the appearance of the tree.

The appearance of trees depends on several factors including age, type of tree, season/time of year, shape, size, color and the feelings it evokes. You can also use words that focus on other senses like smell, touch, sound, and even taste.

In this post, we’ll be focusing primarily on what you can see. Combine them with other descriptive words as you see fit to capture the essence of the tree.

8 ways to describe trees that look strong and healthy

  A tree that looks strong/healthy is sturdy and robust. Its trunk is thick and its branches are sturdy.   It has healthy leaves and is perhaps a safe haven or home for different species of animals. This tells us the tree has a long life ahead of it, and even that it’s able to withstand a lot of damage.   These trees are generally associated with positive feelings and events when writing. Here are some words to describe trees that look strong and healthy:  

cherry blossom trees reflection

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8 ways to describe trees that look old and frail

  When a tree looks old, the bark may be thin and cracked, and the branches may be brittle and weak. The leaves may be small and yellowed, and the roots may be shallow or fall off entirely.   This describes a tree that is not healthy and is coming toward the end of its lifetime. Note that in “tree-years” this doesn’t mean a year or two- it can mean a hundred years from now!   Here are some words to describe trees that look old:  

old southern live oak quercus virginiana big branches

How to describe trees that lose leaves during fall

  Most trees shed their leaves during fall (autumn) to prepare for the winter season. The purpose of this is to conserve energy that is used to sustain green leaves and fruit as rainfall decreases, overall sunshine decreases and the days get shorter.   During this time, leaves turn from green to shades of red, yellow, orange, purple and brown as chlorophyll production decreases (chlorophyll is responsible for giving leaves a green pigment).   In writing, fall scenes tend to represent melancholy, acceptance, tiredness, mystery, and taking stock of all that’s happened and is to come. These are some words to describe trees during fall as they lose leaves:  

autumn time park brown colored leaves

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lined fruit trees orchard dead leaves

How to paint a picture for the trees that go into dormancy over winter

  During winter, trees enter a sort of dormant state. They aren’t producing new leaves and are instead conserving the energy they need to bloom in spring when conditions are more favorable.   These types of trees are often used to emphasize negative and eerie feelings. They also help to mark the change in season and can refer to temperature, sunshine, precipitation, etc.   Winter represents isolation, death, letting go, old age, pain and rest.   Here are some words to describe trees and their behavior during winter dormancy:  

solitary dormant tree accents farmland scenery

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How to describe trees that grow new leaves in spring

  As spring approaches, trees begin to grow new leaves because the weather is more conducive to growth. Spring represents feelings of renewal, rebirth, hope, fertility, new possibilities, balance and freshness.   It is also a time for change, and represents youthfulness and happiness. Here are some words to describe trees during spring:  

happy smiling woman cheerfully spreads legs

  Trees are more than just background props to sprinkle in your creative writing. They can be used to describe emotion in the atmosphere and contribute to creating vivid imagery for your readers.   Use these words to describe trees to not only improve your writing but increase your creativity. Once you can picture it, you should be able to write it!  

Paragraph Buzz

Paragraph on Importance of Trees

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Paragraph on Importance of Trees in 100 Words

Trees are the most important part of our nature. It helps to keep the air quality better. It has so many other advantages too. Let me share a few of them. First of all, when you plant some trees it becomes your property. It adds value to your wealth. You can do business out of lots of trees.

Suppose you have planted lots of mango trees and now you can sell mangoes from there. It will give you lots of benefits. We can make our surroundings beautiful with trees. We all have to concentrate on planting more and more trees from now to save our earth from global warming and climate change.

Importance of Trees Paragraph in 150 Words

Our environment is very beautiful with lots of trees. Nature could be harmed because of the absence of trees. It has a huge value in our life. It provides us the most important thing oxygen that we need to breathe. And it is a huge source of food. The tree is a huge property.

We can make a business with it. If you plant lots of fruit trees, you can get huge revenue from that. Big trees in the streets and parks give us shadow and save us from the hit of the sun. It makes our environment beautiful. It makes the air quality better.

It saves us from lots of natural calamities. It benefits our health and lets us live a healthy life. It is one of the best sources of healthy food too. It helps to improve the wildlife. So there is lots of importance of trees in our life.    

Paragraph on Importance of Trees in 200 Words

Trees are a very important part of our nature. It is very important to keep the environment beautiful and clean. There are lots of other importances of trees. Let’s take a look at these. Trees make a place green and beautiful. It provides a shadow that saves us from the hit of the sun.

You can’t imagine your surroundings without trees. Trees are combating climate change. It is being a global issue. And global warming is increasing every year. Only lots of tree plantations can solve all these problems. To keep the air clean, we need to plant trees.

The tree absorbs odors and bad gases and most importantly the carbon dioxide that leaves. And provide us oxygen that is important to take breathe. It makes the environment and the street cold and perfect for living. Trees are a huge source of food for us.

It provides fruits, vegetables, and many types of foods. Even several types of medicine are being created from trees. But unfortunately, people are cutting down lots of trees to make money in an illegal way.

That is called deforestation and it has been a huge problem for the current world. We need to plant more and more trees to make the environment awesome.

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creative writing on importance of trees

English Summary

2 Minute Speech On The Importance Of Trees In English

Good morning everyone present here, today I am going to give a speech on the importance of trees. There is no denying that trees serve as both natural air filters and a vital source of oxygen. In addition to this, fruits and vegetables are produced by animals and birds for human use. In addition to providing refuge for birds, they serve as playthings for kids, monkeys, and birds. Trees have great value for both our ecosystem and our meaningful lives.

The greatest gift to life on earth is trees. The idea that trees behave as carbon sinks by storing carbon dioxide in their roots, woods, and leaves has already been discussed extensively, but I wish to emphasize it. This carbon is not as abundant in our climate, which has the potential to destroy it. A tree can generate wind.

When the weather is chilly and windy, the trees that were planted around the edge operate as a windbreaker. Our home’s heating costs will be significantly decreased by up to 30% with airflow, and snow droplets will be efficiently reduced. The roots of the trees protect the soil, while their leaves break the force of the wind and lessen the effect of rain on the ground.

As a result, trees deal with soil erosion, capture rainwater, and monitor stormwater flow and sediment accumulation. In the end, I just want to say that trees are excellent for people and that they are the real guardians of people. We are fed by them, and our lives are sustained. As a result, we should provide for their safety and increase their availability. Thank you. 

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  • Importance of Tree Plantation Essay


Essay on Tree Plantation

Tree planting is recognised as one of the most engaging, environmentally-friendly activities that people can participate in to help the planet when done properly. Trees provide numerous long-term and short-term benefits. They not only look nice, but they also remove and store carbon from the atmosphere, slow heavy rain and thus reduce the risk of flooding, improve air quality, and reduce the urban heat island effect by reflecting sunlight and providing shade. Let us take a look at the long and short essay on tree plantation.

Long Tree Plantation Essay in English

When you plant a tree, you are not only planting a sapling but also hoping for the best. We have learned the hard way that trees are critical to our survival. We began by deforesting the earth to make room for more buildings. Later, when we saw the environment deteriorating, we were introduced to “afforestation,” a simple process of planting more trees for a better future.

Trees are essentially human and other living organisms' livestock. They have unconditionally provided us with food, oxygen, and a variety of other necessities for human survival, such as shelter, medicines, tools, and so on.

Despite their rich values and importance, trees are still not properly cared for. They are cut down, eradicating all forms of life in the surrounding area.

However, the relevance and importance of planting trees have only grown with each passing day. More trees must be planted as a collective effort by all of humanity to save our ailing planet.

As a result, we have our global Tree Plantation Day, which is observed on March 21st all over the world. The purpose of observing the said day is to make people aware of the importance of planting trees and to assist them in doing so. Planting saplings to invest in the future is a common practice on tree plantation days.

Deforestation has resulted in devastating floods and landslides. The significance of "tree plantation" can also be emphasised for forest conservation and wildlife protection. Wild animals are facing a scarcity of inhabitable forest areas as lands are cleared for farming and industrial purposes.

Because urban areas lack trees, they suffer from severe problems such as smog and polluted air. The “Tree Plantation” becomes a long-term solution to such problems. Vehicle exhaust, wood and coal combustion, factories and industries all emit hazardous pollutants and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

The Indian government is allocating funds through the Compensatory afforestation fund management and planning account (CAMPA) to carry out such massive “tree plantation” campaigns in both urban and rural areas. State governments are also taking extensive measures to improve forest and tree coverage. The Maharashtra government entered the coveted Limca Book of Records by conducting a massive "tree plantation" with the help of citizens and various Non-Governmental Organizations, planting 2.82 crore trees in a single day.

Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) in India are taking proactive steps to encourage ordinary people to participate in “tree plantation” programmes and to raise awareness about the importance of tree plantation in combating climate change. Green Yatra, a Maharashtra-based organisation founded by Mr Pradeep Tripathi, has launched a programme called ‘Go Green Kids,' which provides free saplings to schools in both rural and urban areas of the state.

The Sankalp Taru organisation established a programme in a school in Barmer, Thar Desert, in 2013 to educate students and surrounding communities about the importance of "tree plantation." The organisation makes routine visits to ensure the health of the trees and provides irrigation and water to underserved areas. SayTrees is a Bengaluru-based organisation founded by individuals dedicated to preserving nature's ecological balance.

Our planet's ecological system is a shared responsibility of all citizens. The “importance of tree plantation” is becoming more apparent as we observe the deterioration of the forests and the ecosystem. The Indian government and various non-governmental organisations are working to raise awareness about climate change and other environmental issues. Massive “tree plantation” programmes must be implemented to address the current ecological issues.

Short Importance of Plantation Essay

Tree plantation is significant because it is linked to our basic need for good food to eat and clean air to breathe. Aside from these necessities, they preserve biodiversity, conserve water, preserve soil, and control climate, among other things.

Tree plantation is important because it provides fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and other foods for the survival of life on Earth. They are the producers and the source of food energy for all living things to survive, as they are at the bottom of the food chain. Aside from this basic need, tree plantation is important for humans to meet their medicinal needs, fodder for domestic animals, household tools, fuel, and so on.

Trees provide clean air for living beings to breathe and generate energy. The importance of plantations for a healthy life free of suffocation and pollution cannot be overstated, particularly in urban areas.

The importance of tree plantation in preserving biodiversity and balancing the ecosystem cannot be overstated. Trees provide a natural habitat for many different species. A diverse and healthy ecosystem revitalises the land and life on Earth.

Trees are also known for their ability to hold soil and prevent erosion. 

The topsoil of the earth is washed away by water during rain and floods. The roots of the trees play an important role in preventing erosion of the topsoil.

Because trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, tree plantation is the most effective organic method for reversing global warming and preventing climate change. In recent years, particularly since the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the importance of tree plantation has grown significantly in many countries.

Benefits of Tree Plantation

They are so valuable and significant that their applications have only grown to meet the demands of our modern lifestyles. Initially, the tree’s wood was used as fuel, and the fruits were devoured by people. The shade was utilized to keep cool in the summer and the fire was used to keep warm in the winter.

Here are some of the benefits that a tree plantation can provide: 

1. Importance in terms of ecology and environment

Trees provide a significant contribution to their surroundings by giving oxygen, sustaining species, improving air quality, saving water, maintaining soil and reducing climate change. It provides more than it gets by concentrating on its principal job of photosynthesis. Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and create oxygen for the surrounding living, breathing species. According to one research, one acre of forest may create up to 4 tons of oxygen while absorbing up to 6 tons of carbon dioxide, enough to feed about 20 people for a year.

This procedure involves not just trees, but also bushes and grass. Pollutants such as carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulphur dioxide are absorbed by them, purifying the air. The contaminants are washed away by the rain once they come into touch with the trees. The air in the atmosphere is managed and preserved as a result of this process, owing to the trees. One of the most important tasks of trees is to manage and modify the climate. To keep the climate under control, they mitigate the impacts of the sun, rain, and wind. The sun's rays are absorbed and filtered by the leaves, which assist to maintain a cool temperature surrounding it.

The most significant role of trees is to keep greenhouse gases at bay by lowering air temperature, maintaining low carbon dioxide levels, and thereby minimizing the greenhouse effect in the atmosphere. Aside from that, they keep the heat in by acting as a screen against strong winds, heavy rain, sleet, and hail. As a result, trees may control and affect wind speed and direction to maintain a balanced environment.

Trees serve an important part in the ecosystems in which they reside, whether above or below ground. The trees' extensive roots assist in keeping the soil in place and preventing erosion. The reason for this is that soil erosion is not a regular occurrence. They absorb and retain rainwater, reducing runoff and sediment deposits during big storms.

The herbivorous creatures can only survive on the leaves and fruits that the trees give. Elephants, koalas, and giraffes are just a few of the creatures that eat leaves. The blooms attract monkeys, while the delicious nectar attracts birds, bats, and other insects. Animals, like ourselves, ingest the fruits, which results in another process in which seeds are distributed across large distances.

Many creatures, birds, and squirrels live in them and prefer to keep hidden among the leaves to avoid predators. Trees are a crucial aspect of our environment and every living organism on the planet has a place in them. Many animals call trees home, and they live peacefully in them.

2. Contribution to the Community

Trees are an important component of every community and it takes a lot of effort to keep them that way. You may have noticed that trees border your streets, parks, playgrounds, and backyards because of their medicinal and life-giving powers. Trees provide a serene and tranquil environment, therefore human settlements are incomplete without them. The number of trees surrounding you can impact the quality of your life.

Trees provide natural aspects and wildlife habitats into urban areas, making them more desirable places to live. We all take advantage of the shade given by trees during the day for family picnics and afternoon outdoor activities. The relevance of planting trees and the quality of life in a community may both be enhanced by the presence of trees. Many ancient trees serve as historic markers and act as a source of pride for the community. Commercial buildings and pavements produce heat island effects in the atmosphere, while trees may deflect sunlight and significantly diminish the heat island impact.

3. Personal Well Being

Planting trees may also help people become better versions of themselves since it gives them a sense of accomplishment while also helping to safeguard the environment.

As they grow and develop with you and your family, trees play an important part in the development of one's youth and chronicle the family's history. People have an emotional connection with the trees they plant and form an immediate link with them. Because of our close relationships with trees, there are numerous organizations all over the globe dedicated to safeguarding and saving huge and historic trees from the dangers of contemporary development.

Trees have spiritual and religious significance in certain nations since they are regarded as equal to gods and are worshipped on special occasions. As a result, trees play an important role in forming our environment.

We recognise that one of the most serious issues in the current state is the devaluation of trees. To make our world greener and better, we must pay more attention to tree planting in the future. Individual contributions should be made first. We should also put a stop to tree cutting and remember that without trees, there will be no life.

The tree is very important in our lives. Everyone should be aware of the importance of tree planting and should motivate and encourage others to do the same.


FAQs on Importance of Tree Plantation Essay

1. What Do You Mean By Tree Plantations?

Plantation forests are a type of managed forest in which trees are planted (rather than naturally regenerated), of the same age, and generally of the same species, in order to maximise wood fibre production.

2. What is the Best Time For a Tree Plantation?

The best time to plant is in early spring, just as the ground thaws. Fall may be too late because trees will not be able to withstand freezing temperatures, which can damage roots and prevent moisture from reaching the tree.

3. How do trees nurture different animals?

Food, shelter, and reproductive sites are all found in trees. Trees are also used by many animals for resting, nesting, and hunting or capturing prey. A variety of birds and tiny animals, such as squirrels and beavers, find refuge and food in trees. Trees increase growth variety by creating an environment that permits the development of plants that would not otherwise flourish. Many diverse species use flowers, fruits, leaves, buds, and woody sections of trees.

4. What do plants teach children?

Watering plants, making sure they get enough sunshine, and even trimming may be done with their assistance. This also aids kids in developing a healthy relationship with the Earth and all of its inhabitants. Plants can even be used to teach the concept of respecting limits. I tell my friends that while we can gently touch the plants, they would also like some privacy. In addition, the tree-planting process teaches youngsters faith, confidence, patience, commitment, independence, and contentment.

5. How can trees help to keep our atmosphere clean?

By trapping particles on their leaves and bark, trees absorb smells and pollution gases (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulphur dioxide, and ozone) and filter them out of the air. By lessening the power of rain as it falls to the ground and storing water, trees assist to prevent runoff and ground erosion. They also absorb carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and purify the environment by absorbing and storing the carbon while releasing oxygen back into the air.


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Sun, 04 Jul, 2021

Essay On Trees for Class 4 Kids: Exploring Their Importance and Beauty!

Linked table of contents, introduction, why do we need trees.

Beauty of trees

Trees are considered essential to human beings' existence as they provide us with life's basic amenities, which are the oxygen we breathe and the food we consume. Trees play a very significant role in maintaining sustainability in the environment. They cleanse the air we breathe and provide us with several other advantages. Trees are basic for human existence. 

Deforestation should be prevented and stood against at all costs , as it involves cutting down and removing trees from forests and everywhere they are planted. Humans tend to rely on trees for food and soil. Let us learn about the benefits of planting trees!

creative writing on importance of trees

Supply of oxygen

Trees help purify carbon dioxide and create oxygen, which is basic for human survival. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas and is responsible for increasing pollution. When greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and other similar gases are released into thin air, they form a layer in the atmosphere and increase the temperature. This is the primary reason behind global warming.

Preserving the ecosystem

Trees help in maintaining a healthy ecosystem. All living organisms can easily inhabit the ecosystem because trees provide diversity to them. Trees contribute to the betterment of humans and these organisms.

Improving water balance

When it rains, trees hold that falling water in their roots and don't let it seep into the drains. This increases the level of groundwater. They prevent the water from overflowing during flood emergencies before it hits the plains. Trees ensure that the soil remains intact when water is shedding down so that landslides or soil erosion does not happen.

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We must conserve trees around us, and people worldwide should work in this regard as trees play a very significant role in uplifting human existence. Clean oxygen and water, and food are basic amenities that trees provide us, and we wouldn't survive without them. 

Conservation of trees is essential as they create a sustainable environment and help organisms live and humans. Trees work endlessly to serve and save the environment. Protecting trees would reduce the chances and effects of pollution, global warming, and other environmental concerns. Deforestation is the leading cause behind all this, which must be avoided.

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100 Slogans for Tree Plantation Events and Save Trees Initiatives

May 27, 2020

creative writing on importance of trees

Vegetation and green cover are crucial to our eco-system and critical natural resources, seeing as how they produce oxygen, which is essential for the existence and survival of nearly every species on this planet. So, by causing or playing a role in deforestation, we are not only endangering our lives, we are also putting the entire planet at risk.

We know how important trees are to our existence and for the well-being of the planet at large, which is why we have put together a number of slogans to promote afforestation and discourage deforestation and spread awareness among the people about the same.

Another thing, one must keep in mind is the fact that trees not only provide oxygen, which is a basic requirement for life, but also play an immensely significant role in maintaining a balance in the eco-system and keeping the environment clean and healthy. In fact, ecological disruptions or imbalances can lead to droughts, flooding and numerous other calamities and natural disasters that can cause immense harm and destruction to life and property alike, which is why it is imperative that we save trees and conserve them, so as to be able to maintain a balance in the ecosystem and ensure overall health and harmony. To make that happen, we must plant more and more trees to neutralise the damage already done and to save ourselves from the destruction of this planet as well as all forms of life on it.

Given below is a list of slogans to help spread awareness about the importance of growing trees and saving them. You can use them in your tree plantation events. We have divided the 100 slogans into two parts: 1-50 are slogans for adults and 50-100 are slogans for kids.

Slogans for Adults

These slogans have more impact make clear the gravity of the situation.

1.  “If you cut a tree, you kill a life. If you save a tree, you save a life. If you plant a tree, you plant a life.”

– Trees make the environment cleaner and provide us with oxygen. They’re essential for life to flourish.

2.  “Plant a tree, so that the next generation can get air for free.”

– More trees would mean that fewer people would have to spend money on oxygen.

3.  “Don’t make trees rare, keep them with care.”

– It’s imperative that we conserve trees so that our lives aren’t adversely affected.

4.  “Take care of the trees, they will take care of you.”

– Nature is all about give and take, and we reap what we sow.

5.  “Trees on, global warming gone.”

– Planting trees would help reduce the impact of global warming.

6.  Save trees, live an active lifestyle.”

– Saving trees would lead to a greener and healthier environment and in turn, lead to us being healthier and more active.

7.  “Save trees, save life.”

– Saving trees would lessen the impact of climate change and ultimately, help save lives.

8.  “Save trees, save nature.”

– Refraining from cutting trees and not contributing to deforestation will help save Mother Nature.

9.  “Plant a tree today; it will help us breathe tomorrow.”

– Trees provide us with oxygen and fresh air and planting them will ensure we have fresh air to breathe in the future.

10.  “Plant more trees; make the environment pollution free.”

– Trees help reduce the effects of pollution, which is why we should all plant more trees.

11.  “Trees are the lungs of the world.”

– Don’t cut trees. They provide us with oxygen and clean air and help us breathe.

12.  “By killing trees, we are killing ourselves too.”

– Trees provide us with clean air and cutting them would destroy our lives as well.

13.  “Save trees and do not let them become a thing of the past, or their leaves will only be seen in museums.”

– We can’t afford excessive deforestation as we need to conserve them and be responsible for the sake of the future generations.

14.  “If the present generation cuts down trees, their children will have to pay the fees.”

– It is crucial that we treat the environment with care and responsibility for the sake of our children.

15.  “Trees are green gold.”

– Trees are a precious natural resource, and we must value them and treat them with care.

16.  “One tree can make a million matches; one match can destroy a million trees.”

– We take and we take from nature only to go ahead and destroy her with everything she gives us.

17.  “Don’t spoil the scenery by destroying the greenery. Save Mother Earth.”

– Nature is beautiful. Let’s not destroy it.

18.  “Save trees now, they will save you in the future.”

– Saving trees today will make for a better life later in the future.

19.  “Save trees, save the homes of animals.”

– Trees are home to countless animals and by destroying them we’re also destroying the lives of countless innocent creatures.

20.  “Save trees; eliminate global warming.”

– Trees are the best way to combat global warming and climate change.

21.  “Save trees, decorate nature with green.”

– Trees are nature’s jewels and one of her greatest beauties; we must save them.

22.  “Save trees, reduce green house effect.”

– Saving trees can help reduce the impact of climate change and the green house effect.

23.  “Save trees to combat climate change.”

– Trees are our best bet to neutralise the effects of global warming.

24.  “Save trees to regularize seasonal changes.”

– Conserving trees and vegetation would help maintain the ecological balance and reduce instances of irregular seasonal changes.

25.  “Save trees to enhance the economy.”

– Trees offer not just oxygen but also timber, fruits etc., and are therefore, crucial to the economy.

26.  “Tired of fake people? Get some natural friends- Save a tree today.”

– Plant a tree and befriend nature. You can’t get any more natural than that.

27.  “Save trees, save the earth; we are the guardians of nature’s gifts.”

– Nature has blessed us with so much and it is our duty to save and protect her in return.

28.  “Trees are living beings; love them and care for them.”

– Trees are living things just like us and we must treat them with the care they deserve.

29.  “Trees bring greenery and greenery brings happiness.”

– Everything is better when it is greener.

30.   “Don’t just think green, live green.”

– Actions speak louder than words. We must transform our thoughts into actions.

31.  “Cut the greed, not the green.”

–  It’s human greed that needs to go, not greenery.

32.  “Buildings, buildings everywhere and no fresh air to breathe.”

– We’re cutting trees to make space for more building but at what cost? The cost of our lives? There’s no room to breathe.

33.  “Save trees and reduce your carbon footprint.”

– Planting more trees will help minimize our collective carbon footprints.

34.  “Save trees to regulate environmental temperature.”

– Saving trees will help combat the adverse effects of climate change.

35.  “Don’t cut trees, for they are our best friends and their love for us is unco nditional. They give and they ask for nothing in return.”

– Love is all about giving and taking. For everything that nature bestows upon us, it is our moral duty to care for and protect her and love her the same way.

36.  “Plant trees to bring the rains and get rid of the summer’s heat.”

– Trees help reduce and moderate the temperature and climate, which is why it is so important that we have more of them.

37.  “Plant a tree, grow a flower – let’s give Mother Earth to give them back her power.”

– We need to give to receive.

38.  “There is enough on the earth for the human’s need but not for the human’s greed.”

– Nature has enough for everyone but she can’t fulfil all our greedy desires.

39.  “Trees are the roots of all living.”

– Trees give life. They are life itself and we can’t live without them.

40.  “What do the forests bear? Soil, water and pure air.”

– Forests have everything we need: soil, water, air, trees. This is why we must take care of them and not destroy them recklessly.

41.  “Planting a tree is much better than wearing a mask to be safe from pollution.”

– Prevention is better than cure. Planting trees would ensure clean and fresh air and would take away the need to wear masks to protect ourselves against pollution, altogether.

42.  “Plant a tree and plant a hope for the future.”

Planting trees will make sure that our children have a better future.

43.  “Save the trees, breathe easier.”

– Trees give us clean air and saving them would literally help us breathe easier.

44.  “ Go for afforestation.”

– Opt for afforestation, not deforestation

45.  “ Plant a tree, make our earth risk free.”

– Plant trees to make our earth healthier and immune to harm of any kind.

46.  “ Want to live longer? Plant trees.”

– Trees make the environment clean and healthy and as a result prolong all of our lives.

47.  “ Save our earth for the next generation.”

– We need to be responsible global citizens and take care of our earth to make sure that our children inherit a better and brighter future .

48.  “ Mother earth is in danger! Go green. ”

–  Be environmentally responsible to save the earth.

49.  “ Save earth. Save trees.”

– Trees are of the earth; save the trees and the earth is safe as well.

50.  “ Protect greenery. Protect nature.”

– Save nature by saving trees.

Slogans for Kids

These slogans are simple yet meaningful.

51.  “ Nature is beautiful. Save it.”

– Nature is too precious to be lost due to human folly. It is our duty to protect it.

52.  “ Nature is a divine gift. Protect it.”

– Nature is a gift from the high heavens that has been bestowed on us. We must take care of it.

53.  “ Trees are the ornaments of the earth. Save them.”

– Trees adorn the earth and add to its beauty. We must not let that beauty die.

54.  “ Go green and save trees.”

– Save trees by adopting a greener approach and lifestyle.

55.  “ Protect mother nature. She will protect you too.”

– You take care of Mother Nature and she will take care of you.

56.  “ Nature is divine, also it can be furious. So, save it.”

– Mother Nature is as cruel as she can be kind. We must not take her blessings for granted and we must take care of her in return for all that she does for us.

57.  “ Be nice to the nature, it gives you shelter.”

– We must be kind to nature as it is our home.

58.  “ Trees are the lungs of the earth. Protect it.”

– Trees help us breathe and so we can’t keep destroying them recklessly.

59.  “ Protect green, protect yourself.

– Save yourself by saving nature.

60.  “ Save green. Save your generation.”

– Going green is our only hope if we want to survive.

61.  “ Plant trees. Go green.”

– Going green is the need of the hour, which is why we must plant more trees.

62.  “ Add one tree to the nature. Add a saviour to your life.”

– Save a tree today and get a natural guardian for life.

63.  “Trees are saviour of earth.”

– Trees guard the earth against the harmful effects of global warming.

64.  “Trees help us breathe. Save them.”

– We must protect and conserve trees because they help us breathe.

65.  “Trees cause us no harm. Save them.”

– Trees provide us with nothing but gifts. They deserve our protection.

66.   “Stop being so merciless to the trees.”

– We must not be cruel to trees when they provide us with so many gifts.

67.   “Trees are vital. Stop deforestation.”

– Trees are extremely important for our survival. We can’t cut them indiscriminately.

68.  “Stop deforestation.”

Deforestation must be discouraged.

69.  “Stop deforestation. Go for afforestation.”

– Deforestation is a strict no no. Afforestation is the way to go.

70.   “Afforestation can bring the land to life.”

– Planting trees can revitalize the earth.

71.  “Plant tree. It is for free.”

– Plant a tree. It won’t cost you anything and is an investment that will reap huge returns.

72.   “Planting trees costs you no money.”

– Planting trees is wonderful act of giving back to nature, which is ultimately, the same as giving to yourself, and the best part is that it is free.

73.   “Feel free. Plant a new tree.”

– More trees would make for a happier and freer environment.

74.  “Trees are important.”

– The significance of trees cannot be downplayed.

75.  “Planting trees is a noble practice.”

– Planting new trees is an unselfish and generous act.

76.  “Be humble. Trees have huge contribution.”

– We must not forget the important role that trees play in our lives and must treat them with care.

77.  “Trees are the saviours. Save them, plant them, protect them.”

– Trees are our guardians and they care for and protect us. In return we must protect them and take care of them.

78.   “Plant trees, save your future.”

– Giving back to nature is our only hope for a happy future.

79.  “Water plants, conserve trees.”

– We must look after trees and protect them.

80.   “Save the divine gift of Mother Nature.”

– Trees are nature’s gift to us and we must look after them.

81.   “Tree plantation is the best option.”

–  In the face of global warming and climate change, planting trees is our best option.

82.   “Trees plantation is the best practice.”

– Nothing can beat the noble practice of planting trees and giving back to the environment.

83.   “Plant more trees, secure your future.”

– Trees are our only hope for a brighter future.

84.   “Trees are a  gift  from god. Protect them for life’s sake.”

– Trees are a divine blessing and we must protect them for the sake of life.

85.  “Your future is at stake. Protect trees for god’s sake!”

– Our future is bleak and trees are our only hope.

86.   “Protect trees. Save earth. Save life.”

– We need to save trees in order to save the earth and life itself.

87.   “Let’s make this world better by planting more trees.”

– Trees are our only hope for  better tomorrow.

88.   “Trees are the heart of the nature. Save them.”

– Trees are life itself and are the beating heart of nature. The only way to save nature is by saving trees.

89.   “Make this world better and beautiful, with trees.”

– Trees are nature’s most precious gem. So, let us plant more of them.

90.   “Plant in plenty.”

The more the trees, the better our lives will be.

91.   “Each one, plant one.”

– Everyone must undertake to plant at least one tree. If every person in the world were to do it, the earth would be a greener and more beautiful place for it.

92.   “Trees are vital. Without them, earth would be fatal.”

– Trees are extremely important and a life without them would be life-threatening.

93.   “Don’t dig your own grave. Stop deforestation.”

– Killing trees is akin to killing yourself. It must stop.

94.   “A green planet is a lively planet.”

– A planet full of vegetation is a planet full of life.

95.   “Trees are important for our survival.”

– Trees are crucial to our existence and that of future generations.

96.   “A plant a day, keeps pollution away.”

– Planting one tree a day would help combat all the adverse effects of pollution.

97.   “Trees have life. We need them to survive. Save trees. Don’t destroy nature.”

– Trees are life itself and if they don’t live, we won’t either.

98.   “Get set ready, plant a tree.”

– The time for action is now. Plant a tree today!

99.   “Go green. Go healthy.”

– A green lifestyle is a healthy lifestyle.

100.  “Build a pollution free environment, plant more trees.”

– The best way to combat the negative impact of pollution is by planting more trees.

Mother nature is as much a gift to us as she is our responsibility and as with all gifts, we must treat her with love and care. Her generosity knows no bounds; nor does her wrath, when she is slighted and mistreated. For everything that nature gives us, it is our duty to give back and offer protection.

We, at Nelda Foundation know that the environment is everyone’s responsibility. We’re all global citizens, and we can’t wash our hands off this duty. The earth has done so much for us, and even now continues to do so; it is time we gave back to nature and returned the favour. In the words of Gandhi- “ We must become the change we wish to see in the world.”

We are all equally responsible to the environment, and we can’t keep passing the blame on to the next person. The buck stops here. The earth is screaming for change, and we will be the ones to usher in that change. It is time for us to come together and join hands in this noble venture, and we at Nelda are here to help you bring about this change.

Do you or your organisation wish to contribute by carrying out tree plantations in and around Pune? We can help you with that. Just reach out to us at  www.nelda.org.in  or give us a ring on this number – 9823348087.

One Response

I’m very interested to this wonderful word I read,from today I take a discition to tackle our froblem by planting a tree 🌲 in our locallity

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