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ydkmy New Member

Creative ways to describe a wolf.

Discussion in ' Character Development ' started by ydkmy , Oct 31, 2014 .

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_6fb79b466fcdf77bb23fb9fcd0c4dcda'); }); Hello everyone ~ I'm trying to bring a wolf to life in a piece but I am having difficulty. I'm no creative writing vet so my terminology may be juvenile ~ but I really like to stylishly describe what I'm writing about. For example, a wolf could be described as having a "nose to the wind". I'm trying to think of other mystical ways to describe the simple actions a wolf might take, how it sees prey, anticipates danger, or physical aspects of it like claws and fangs. Anything that a wolf is or would do. Maybe even something it would "say". Things that deal with pack mentality. Thank you for your help!  

Jack Asher

Jack Asher Banned Contributor

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_6fb79b466fcdf77bb23fb9fcd0c4dcda'); }); "Like a dog, only 40,000 years ago."  


jonahmann Active Member

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_6fb79b466fcdf77bb23fb9fcd0c4dcda'); }); Opeth calls them "pest-ridden jackals of the Earth." Jack Asher said: ↑ a dog Click to expand...


Shadowfax Contributor Contributor

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_6fb79b466fcdf77bb23fb9fcd0c4dcda'); }); ydkmy said: ↑ Things that deal with pack mentality. Click to expand...


jannert Retired Mod Supporter Contributor

creative writing description of a wolf

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_6fb79b466fcdf77bb23fb9fcd0c4dcda'); }); Watch wolf videos on YouTube or wherever you can find them. Look at what they ACTUALLY do, not all the cliched fantasy stuff. Watch how they run, what they look at AS they run. How do they behave around others of their kind? What is their predatory stance when they see their prey? Trust me, nature has more imagination than any of us do. Learn from nature. Watch what happens with real wolves. You'll get so many ideas! If you're trying to generate ideas from your own head only, you'll only be able to work with what's already there. If you don't understand wolves, you can't really write about them, except in the most general and stereotyped way. Even if your wolves in your story have supernatural elements (why do I suspect that??? ) you can do worse than watch the real McCoy in order to get ideas for how to describe them.  


Keitsumah The Dream-Walker Contributor

creative writing description of a wolf

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_6fb79b466fcdf77bb23fb9fcd0c4dcda'); }); First: look at and study their behaviors. They have a severe pack mentality, and their body language is quite extensive. In my opinion it's not such a good idea to call a wolf anything more than what it is: a wolf. But i also use the word canine, and dog only if it is an insult. Using their rank: Alpha, Beta, Delta, then Omega (in that order!!), will work as well. My wolves are also not just ordinary wolves, however, so I have the ability to call them Shifters, or just by their names, as well as their rank in this kind of society (Alpha, Prince, General, Captain, Lieutenant, Guard, Raider, and Scout). Examples (from my kind of wolf's perspective): Batos's hackles rose, and his muzzle curled back to expose pearl-white fangs. Ears shoved forward, tail held high, he circled his opponent. Both wolves paced stiffly, tails lashing as they waited for the other to make a move. Batos kept his weight evenly on all four legs, aware of the treacherous nature of the snow they stalked upon. If he set his weight wrong when he pounced, he could end up slipping and provide the one fatal opening for the other wolf to win this fight. Atskio snapped his jaws in an attempt to startle him, but the growl in Batos's chest kept growing and he didn't even blink. Who was this Raider to challenge him? To think he could defeat a Prince, let alone the son of Arrcafah? The growl evolved, fluctuated, and with a howl Batos lunged. * * * The Scout cowered before Arrcafah, golden eyes wide, tail tucked in and ears flat. He was already small by Shifter standards -with long limbs and too big paws. But that was what made him good at what he did. It was another matter entirely for the Alpha to not kill him for delivering the news. Example (from an ordinary wolf's perspective): Farrow yawned and looked up just in time for the pups to come tumbling out of the den, as well as one exhausted Alpha. Wagging his tail but aware to keep it low, he stood and licked the bottom of her jaw in greeting. You look tired. How about I play with them so you can eat? The she-wolf nipped his ear and wagged her tail as well. Thank you Farrow. She barked. Just be sure none stray too far from the den. Overall, so long as the general behavior of a wolf is there, you can pull off any number of creative things with it. I would advise that you watch several wolf documentaries. They tell you a lot about information as to what wolves have gone through, what they can survive, and as to how they behave in grater detail. I could go in a very long-winded rant as to every little nuance of how they act, but I think it would be better for you if you learn them on your own, so your writing is a lot smoother because of it.  


Shayla New Member

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_6fb79b466fcdf77bb23fb9fcd0c4dcda'); }); Thinking about senses can often help when describing things. What does a wolf look like is an obvious one I'll leave to you! But how would a wolf feel to touch? Think of every part of a wolf you would touch; his ears, nose, back, neck, stomach, how would they each feel different? Think textures! What does a wolf smell like? Alone and in a pack? Can you smell the last dinner they had on their breath, do they smell like the ground they lie in, do they smell of fresh fur or dirty matted coats? What do you hear from a wolf? When they walk through grass or through forests are they loud or silent movers? Can you hear them breathing? Can you hear a growl at the back of their throat as they walk on. You could even get detailed - hearing the flare of their noses as they smell their prey, hearing their fur stand on end, hearing their coats brush past the trunks of trees. What do they think? Are they alert or do they stroll freely? Finally taste... - I won't ask you to imagine what they would taste like but maybe imagine what it's like for them to taste. Does all food taste the same? Do they lap up their food in a few swift gulps or take slow pleasure in their eating. Are there teeth sharp and jagged and their tongues rough? Play and experiment! Making brainstorms may help!  
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_6fb79b466fcdf77bb23fb9fcd0c4dcda'); }); Keitsumah said: ↑ First: look at and study their behaviors. They have a severe pack mentality, and their body language is quite extensive. In my opinion it's not such a good idea to call a wolf anything more than what it is: a wolf. But i also use the word canine, and dog only if it is an insult. Using their rank: Alpha, Beta, Delta, then Omega (in that order!!), will work as well. My wolves are also not just ordinary wolves, however, so I have the ability to call them Shifters, or just by their names, as well as their rank in this kind of society (Alpha, Prince, General, Captain, Lieutenant, Guard, Raider, and Scout). Examples (from my kind of wolf's perspective): Batos's hackles rose, and his muzzle curled back to expose pearl-white fangs. Ears shoved forward, tail held high, he circled his opponent. Both wolves paced stiffly, tails lashing as they waited for the other to make a move. Batos kept his weight evenly on all four legs, aware of the treacherous nature of the snow they stalked upon. If he set his weight wrong when he pounced, he could end up slipping and provide the one fatal opening for the other wolf to win this fight. Atskio snapped his jaws in an attempt to startle him, but the growl in Batos's chest kept growing and he didn't even blink. Who was this Raider to challenge him? To think he could defeat a Prince, let alone the son of Arrcafah? The growl evolved, fluctuated, and with a howl Batos lunged. * * * Click to expand...
googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_6fb79b466fcdf77bb23fb9fcd0c4dcda'); }); Jack Asher said: ↑ It's actually interesting that you bring this up, because most of the common themes or lycanthropic fiction are based entirely on complete bullshit. For a start the constantly aggressive behavior that so many werewolf novels copy comes from a study of wolves held in captivity in 1975. It's results were never replicated, and most wolf researchers will tell you that conflicts over dominance (not even fight's, just conflicts) are very rare, and are usually confined only to body language. Wolves don't fight over dominance, mates, or food. They cooperate in a much more complex and subtle way then even humans and dogs, and (especially) far more then dogs and dogs. Alpha wolves have no problem with sharing their food with an omega. Alpha dogs do. We did not want to breed dogs to cooperate with us, we wanted to breed dogs who would take orders. And so dogs by themselves turn into a ridgedly hierarchical group constantly fighting against itself. Feral dogs don't form packs, they can barely get along in a group of four or more. The idea that a wolf pack of twelve would behave in such a self destructive manner is ridiculous. The constant struggle for dominance would rip the group apart faster then Yoko Ono did the Beatles. Wolves are just like packs of humans really. They cooperate, they help each other altruistically, and if they get fed up with what's going on they don't fight about it, they just leave. Most packs have a fairly fluid membership and a wolf might belong to as many as four different packs in his lifetime. The desire to belong to a group is another thing we bred into dogs. Click to expand...

Stephen Paden

Stephen Paden Member

googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('funpub_6fb79b466fcdf77bb23fb9fcd0c4dcda'); }); A dog that had rolled around in the mud and then ravaged through bags of salt and pepper.  

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How to Describe a Wolf: A Guide for Creative Writing Students

  • April 25, 2023

In order to better prepare you for your writing assignments, both in and out of English class, we have put together some tips on how to write a perfect description for a wolf.

When it comes to writing a description for a wolf, you have to start by deciding whether you are going to paint a human-like character or a real-life animal. The answer will largely depend on your audience. If you are writing for a general audience, you might choose to use a human character. However, if you are aiming for a more scholarly audience, you might want to go for the more factual route and describe the wolf in all its splendor.

Make It Action-Packed

If you are deciding to write about a real-life animal instead of a human character, you need to do your research to make sure that you get the facts straight. When writing about a real wolf, you need to make sure that everything is correct, and the more you put in, the more you will get back. This means that you have to make sure that your description is as detailed and as eye-catching as possible. The more you put into it, the more you will get back. You want to make sure that your work is accurate and easy to understand.

Include Details On How It Lives

Even if you are describing a real-life animal, you still need to paint a bit of a picture of what it is like to live with one. Are they friendly? Does it howl at the moon or just during harsh winters? All these things should be included in your description for the sake of your readers. You want them to know as much as possible about what you are describing so that they can have a better understanding of it. The more you know about the creature you are writing about, the more you will be able to include in your description. If you can, go out and meet the animal in person so that you can include as much as possible in your writing.

Use Metaphors And Similes

If you are unable to describe the wolf in concrete terms, you can use metaphors and similes to help paint a picture in your reader’s mind. Metaphors are quite simply words or phrases that you use to compare one thing to another. For example, you could say that the wolf is a bit like a shark, in that it is a completely cold-blooded creature that preys on animals for survival. Or you could say that it is like an eagle, in that it can soar high into the sky and spot its prey from far away.

Using similes is almost the same as using metaphors, but with one important difference: With a simile, you are comparing two things that are actually of the same kind, such as night and day, hot and cold, or small and large. If you are writing about a majestic beast like a wolf, you might want to use similes comparing it to other animals or mythical creatures with which we are more familiar, such as an eagle or a lion. This will help your readers better understand your meaning, even if you are not a native English speaker, as most people are not very familiar with wolves, let alone what they look like or how they act. But don’t feel like you have to limit yourself to animals either. You can compare the wolf to anything that you can think of, as long as you have enough research to back it up.

The Parts Of A Wolf

If you are comparing the wolf to another creature, you need to make sure that you have described its essential parts accurately. This means that you need to include all of its limbs and organs (assuming that you are describing it as having limbs and organs). You also need to make sure that its tail is properly described, as this is what most people picture when they think of a wolf. Make sure that you have described the ears, the eyes, and the nose in enough detail, as these are the three things which most people look at first when they are presented with a wolf. If you have not painted a thorough enough picture in your mind, your readers might not be able to understand or identify with your work. Remember: you are writing to entertain as well as to educate!

One more thing to mention about wolves is the fact that they are usually depicted in black and white or in full color. If you are describing a wolf in color, make sure to include more than just its basic coloring, such as black or white fur and yellow or brown eyes. You should also include its natural environment as well as other animals that it might be interacting with. Be sure to describe the sounds that it makes and the things that it is doing, as these will provide your readers with a better sense of what is going on.

The Package

When it comes to a package for the perfect description of a wolf, you need to go for the classic brown paper sack. This is what all the cool kids are using these days. However, if you feel like your readers will have more of a scholarly or scientific background, you might want to go for the white paper bag. The choice is entirely up to you. You can also include some sort of outer wrapping, depending on the type of gift that it is. If you are writing for children, you might want to go for the white paper bag, as this will make the gift easier to identify. Overall, the essential elements of a perfect description for a wolf are:

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How to Write Wolf Fiction

Last Updated: May 5, 2023

This article was co-authored by Grant Faulkner, MA . Grant Faulkner is the Executive Director of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and the co-founder of 100 Word Story, a literary magazine. Grant has published two books on writing and has been published in The New York Times and Writer’s Digest. He co-hosts Write-minded, a weekly podcast on writing and publishing, and has a M.A. in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University.  This article has been viewed 56,692 times.

Wolves are majestic creatures, and writing about them is fun and rewarding. But if you, like many, live in the city, then non-wolf fiction is harder than wolf fiction. Many are daunted by the prospect of writing novels, especially when it's their first time. You could also write poems or short stories, but either way, keep in mind that writing wolf fiction is easy, despite how difficult it may seem at first.

Doing Research

Step 1 Research wolves.

  • Watch YouTube videos on wolves. There are a lot of great documentation videos on wolves on YouTube, ready to be watched any time. Look for videos on wolves in their natural habitat. One of the best things you learn from watching is that you get a lot of visual information. You can see all the small things wolves do and develop visual impressions that you can later use in descriptions in your wolf fiction.
  • Read non-fiction. Read books and articles on wolves. Learn their habits and their biology. You certainly do not have to get into super-scientific details, but you should know of their family structures, most prominent instincts, normal hunting techniques – stuff like that.
  • 2 Take notes. The mind is forgetful. Take notes of small things which may easily slip your mind or which simply caught your interest. Some examples may be the way cubs lick adults’ mouths for them to throw up food for the young ones to eat or the way a large submissive wolf will hunch over to seem smaller and less threatening. Or perhaps the way wolves whine when they gather for a hunt or some such.

Step 3 Research humans’ opinions on wolves.

  • 4 Read about mythologies containing wolves. For example, there is the wolf Fenrir in Norse mythology. The legends say that when he breaks loose of his chains, he shall devour the great god Odin and Ragnarok – the end of the world – thus comes. The people of that culture struggled through cold and dark winters – winters which were hard for wolves, as well. And a hungry, desperate wolf may very well attack an unsuspecting human. It makes sense that the people would come to fear wolves and see them as evil predators of the dark.
  • 5 Listen to opinions. Hear what the wolf-lovers have to say. Hear what the wolf-haters have to say. You certainly don’t have to agree with any of it, but try to see where each person is coming from and what motivates their opinion of wolves. This can inspire you by pointing out a wide range of traits wolves have, that you may not have thought of yourself.

Step 6 Research wolf fiction.

  • Read pieces of wolf fiction that vary as much as possible. Read Jack London’s classics White Fang and The Call of the Wild (technically the latter is a dog-centered book, but it is a great example of canine fiction). Read an innocent children’s story, read a piece of urban fiction with sexy werewolves for young adults… Try it all!

Early Planning of a Piece of Wolf Fiction

Step 1 Decide on a setting.

  • Currently, wolves are scarce in most parts of the world and human hunters pose a major threat – something you can use in your story to create conflict and tragedy. Perhaps you will want to write the story of a wolf set on taking revenge on humans for what they have done to the wolf species.
  • In a fantasy world, humans may have such powerful magical skills that they need not fear wolves in the dark winter night. Or the wolves are magical or perhaps even have wings. How might this impact the relationship between wolves and humans?
  • If you're making an entirely new world, make sure that you're defining the rules and being consistent.

Step 2 Decide on the intellect of wolves.

  • If you are aiming for werewolf fiction – how does your werewolf character’s mind change when they transform? Are their minds the same, or does it change entirely? Is the mind of an un-shifted werewolf the same as that of a human?

Step 3 Why wolf fiction?

Writing Stories

Step 1 Research wolves.

  • Make subplots, such as two cubs playing tag during an event, that will add depth and originality to your story.

Step 3 Decide how the book is narrated.

Writing Poetry

Step 1 Decide what the poem is about.

There once was a wolf that was fluffy Its fur was rather stuffy An example of a haiku would be – The wolf was howling it was singing in wolf talk howl, wolf, howl loudly

Step 1 Write the poem.

Expert Q&A

Grant Faulkner, MA

  • Don't give up on getting it published, as the first publisher asked often rejects a work (especially from an unknown author). At the same time, check your manuscript thoroughly so you can catch anything that a publisher would disapprove of. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Take kindly to commentary (it guides you and your book) without taking it personally. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
  • Remember wolves aren't furry humans, so don't make them cry or act humanlike, and make sure you watch wolf behavior so you can describe the ears, tail and make your character all-around wolflike. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1

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Teacher's Notepad

27 Writing Prompts about Wolves

Swift of foot paired with stealthy hunting skills, wolves have long been considered a dangerous predator.

They have been hunted for their warm fur. Ranchers have killed wolf packs to protect their cattle.

Many wolf species have been over-hunted and are now listed as endangered. They have been hunted until near extinction.

Recently, wolves have been recognized as an integral part in the precarious balance of nature found in the wild.

These fascinating creatures live in tightly formed, hierarchical packs that offer protection for the pack members and add to the longevity of individual wolves.

Today we’re going to write everything we can about these beautiful yet much maligned animals.

How To Use Writing Prompts

The prompts below can help get your wolf-focused writing started.

Select one prompt you like as a main topic and incorporate others as subtopics. The prompts can also be used as a practice challenge where you construct a paragraph about each wolf prompt.

No matter how you use these wolf topics, the key to writing a successful story is to write consistently. Your writing composition will improve with each successive story.

Get Started Writing About Wolves

  • The Gray Wolf is the most common type of wolf. It lives in many places, but high concentrations of packs are found…
  • The Arctic Wolf is known by their fur color and lives in only a few places around the globe…
  • A Red Wolf’s coat is a shade of cinnamon which helps camouflage the wolf…
  • The Indian Wolf is often mistaken for a fox because…
  • The Himalayan Wolf can be found mostly in the country of…
  • An Ethiopian Wolf is often mistaken for a jackal due to its…
  • The Eastern Wolf is distinct from other wolf species because it…
  • Wolves are carnivores, they mostly hunt in packs, and prefer to eat…
  • Wolves howl and use facial expressions when they want to communicate…
  • Wolves tip their head back when they howl, this allows them to easily…
  • The alpha male is the wolf pack leader, he is in control of….
  • The beta female of the wolf pack is…
  • The omega wolf’s pack rank is…
  • Wolves growl as a form of communication when they are….
  • Some wolf species are endangered because they have been…
  • The country where the greatest concentration of wolf packs live is….
  • A wolf pup’s eyes are blue at birth, around eight months old, they can change color to…
  • Wolves have five toes on their front feet and four toes on their back feet. They run on their toes, making it easier for them to protect their…
  • At birth, a wolf pup cannot see or hear, and is very small, only weighing…
  • A wolf has 42 specialized teeth that have particular uses like shredding, crushing, and puncturing. Their jaws are massively strong making hunting prey…
  • Curiously, wolves have webbing between their toes making it easy for them to…
  • Dire Wolves are extinct, they were prehistoric wolves that lived…
  • A wolf is swift and runs about 20 miles an hour, its top running speed can be as fast as…
  • Many Indian tribes did not hunt wolves, they believed the slain wolves’ brothers would return to…
  • A wolf pack can vary in size, they are typically between…
  • A wolf has two coats of fur, the undercoat layer protects…
  • An adult male wolf is heavier than you think. Nose to tail it is 4.5 to 5 feet long and weighs between…

More Resources

Check back again soon for more posts with writing prompts and ideas. We offer free resources for teachers and writers and are happy to share our writing ideas with authors of all ages.

If you’d like some more animal-related writing inspiration, try our zoo prompts or our prompts about pets ! They’re both getting some great feedback 🙂

Our goal is to encourage more people to take up the pen and share their thoughts and retell their stories.

If you are looking for a particular resource you don’t see on our site, please drop us a line and let us know what you would like to see. We’re always adding new resources, so check back tomorrow for more!

creative writing description of a wolf

Dan Koboldt

Writer, blogger, and genetics researcher

Writing Wolves Fairly and Accurately

July 14, 2016 by dankoboldt 5 Comments

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About the Expert

William Huggins is an environmentalist, writer, and soon-to-be PhD student studying Literature and Environmental Rhetoric. He also writes about green issues for the We Are Wildness blog. His short story “Grid Drop” recently appeared in the Hyperpowers anthology from Third Flatiron Publishing (edited by Bascomb James). He also has a story in the forthcoming Wolf Warriors III anthology from Thurston Howl Books.

Writing Fairly and Accurately About Wolves

“Demand evidence, and think critically.” —Neil Degrasse Tyson

Of all the animals used, abused, misused, misrepresented, mistreated, and turned into poor clichés of their actual selves over the course of literary history, few have been so wrongly written about as the wolf. Such poor representation has consequences in realms both literary and temporal. Consider that wolves have been exterminated from over 90% of their historic range. A systematic elimination of a species like that emerges from a cultural history built on poor storytelling. In other words, misrepresenting the wolf in story has led to blaming the species for more than its share of damage done beyond a small amount of economics, such as preying on cattle and sheep, which more often than not is shown to be the fault of domesticated dogs gone feral.

Putting an animal in a story means we, as writers and readers, must be honest about how that four-legged sentient being might behave in its real life. Or, as S. K. Robisch notes in Wolves and the Wolf Myth in North American Literature, “All of the components used in framing an argument are both proactively and retroactively affected by the argument, including any ecological components. This means when we put a wolf in a story, the story at that point must be responsible to the wolf.”

The Demonization of Wolves in Literature

From the earliest literatures the wolf has been demonized for its purely natural proclivities. Most of the world’s major religions have portrayed wolves in a particularly unkind light. In Tablet VI of The Epic of Gilgamesh , Ishtar returns a shepherd’s love for her by turning him into a wolf, the very bane of his profession. In the Kaushitaki Upanishad, Indra delivers Arunmukhas to wolves. The Christian Bible is replete with negative connotations for wolves, in line with Matthew 7:15’s “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.” Not to be left out, the Koran’s sole mention of wolves, Chapter 12, includes Joseph’s death at the hand of wolves.

Childrens’ stories have been no less unkind. One exception might be Aesop’s Fables , which are almost evenly balanced, the pithy morals that close each fable not wholly making wolves evil, giving them some leniency for natural actions. In most childrens’ media wolves are a convenient foil for the heroes or heroines: think Red Riding Hood or the Three Little Pigs. These early impressions are important because children form biases at an early age.

Wolf Populations in the Western World

Medieval bestiaries often compared the wolf to the devil, hunting sheep with cunning and guile—which is, of course, true, at least in the case of the wolf. In Europe, Portugal, Spain and Italy have the only wolf packs considered sustainable at this writing, though wolves have slowly been migrating back into areas they once occupied hundreds of years ago. The British Isles are entirely devoid of wolves. Even great poets such as Chaucer borrowed from the bestiaries and noted wolves negatively in the Nun’s Priest’s Tale and the nearly unreadable Parson’s Tale .

The same medieval mind came across the Atlantic with early Euroamerican settlers. With better guns and ammunition than their European forebears, the settlers of America and Canada declared an unnecessary war on wolves that removed the species almost entirely from the entire North American continent—and continues today.

Wolves in Young Adult and SF/F

Recent young adult books, possibly because of better scientific understanding of wolves’ role in nature or a more forceful conservation movement, have turned the tide a bit: Kathryn Lasky’s Wolves of the Beyond and Michelle Paver’s Wolf Brother both do a fair job of showing wolves as they more naturally behave, especially in their devotion and dedication to their young, in which the entire pack plays a role.

Science fiction and fantasy have not been entirely accurate in representations of wolves, either. The Lord of the Rings takes a purely medievalist approach toward wolves, turning them into agents of the dark forces. Whitley Streiber, in his Wolfen, presents wolves as intelligent actors in their revenge strategy but the story goes a bit off the rails— Wolfen is one of those rare moments where the movie did a better job representing the wolves as they might naturally act than the book.

Plenty of other examples exist, perhaps most importantly the relationship of the Starks to their direwolves in Game of Thrones. Yet while an opportunity may have existed to show wolves in a more natural light, GOT’s direwolves function more as devoted pets, though Arya did release Nymeria—also, the possibility of warging with direwolves takes some of their potential wildness away. Even the ever-amazing C. J. Cherryh falls into cliché in Chernevog with the traditional Russian fable of wolves at the door, which has never been backed up by science.

Indigenous Writers on Wolves

One noteworthy exception exists in how wolves get represented in story, both orally and textually: indigenous writers. James Welch’s (Blackfoot) Fools Crow portrays wolves as they might exist in a wild setting, fictional or not. The lone wolf attack in the book comes from a rabid wolf, which is consistent with the scientific literature. Unlike the feral attackers in James Fenimore Cooper (see The Oak Opening ) and Jack London (take your pick) or Nicholas Evans’ ridiculous The Loop , wolves do not like being around human beings very much and will avoid us if possible. Welch hits this fact perfectly.

Louise Erdrich (Anishinaabe) portrays wolves superbly in her Turtle Mountain cycle of novels, perhaps nowhere better than The Painted Drum where an Anishinaabe elder actually hears a nearby wolf speaking to him. The wolves leave him alone, as is generally their way, if they are healthy. Erdrich’s wolves also play with ravens, a connection seen throughout nature but rarely on the pages of fiction involving wolves. Writers of non-indigenous descent can learn a great deal from indigenous writers, not only in matters of technique but also in perceiving the world in a way to make not only story but connecting other nonhuman sentient beings. Perhaps this is because of the John Wayne-style Western film or Dances With Wolves —the indigenous peoples of our planet know what it is like to be misrepresented in literature and cinema.

Other Fair Treatments of Wolves

There are examples of wolves well done outside indigenous literatures, but they are few and far between. Mostly this issue evolved from culture: Euroamericans were not taught to respect the wolf and its role in nature as were indigenous peoples. The wolf was seen as either a harbinger of doom, a wild beast possessed of supernatural powers, or simply a pest that stole and killed stock. So it is that writers like Rick Bass ( Where the Sea Used to Be ), Renee Askins ( Shadow Mountain ), and Cormac McCarthy ( The Crossing ) have a lot more work to do to balance out negative portrayals of wolves.

In film it’s even worse. Try to sit down and watch the absurd The Grey with a wildlife biologist. Yet there may be some hope: BK Loren’s recent debut novel Theft brilliantly extrapolates the character of a wild wolf and may be a harbinger of things to come.

Onus on the Author

Authors, especially in the fields of science fiction and fantasy, where some writers literally inhabit and recreate the minds of alien beings, including animals, can and should do better. If one can write about aliens, one should be able to write about the other intelligences with which we share our own planet. Wolves predate humans by millions of years and have just as much right to be here as we do. In a world where science—especially wildlife biology and the emerging field of ethology—has shown us the ecological importance of wolves in properly managed wilderness systems (think of Yellowstone National Park since the reintroduction of wolves there in 1994), one would think that science would translate into better writing and storytelling.

Wolves deserve better, both on the ground and on the page. Writers—it’s time to be honest, and tell stories that are not only good, but true. As the wolf makes a comeback across its historic range, reviving itself and the landscapes that absolutely had to miss it, stories matter. If we are to reverse the destruction and mismanagement the human occupation of the planet has caused, rewriting our stories with respect to science and the rights of nonhuman animals would not be the worst place to start. In a world of ever-diminishing biodiversity, we need to recognize the power of our words: otiose writing, flawed legends, and no science took wolves to the brink of extinction—good writing and good science could keep them where they belong, right here, with us, on the page and in person.

Neither in our actions nor our literatures have we been responsible to the wolf. It is high time we should be.

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July 14, 2016 at 10:00 am

Great article – I’m always horrified when I see or read the usual horrific portrayals of wolves!

July 14, 2016 at 6:59 pm

David Eddings painted wolves in a good light in the Belgariad & Mallorean, making wolves both Belgarath and Garion’s preferred alternate forms. And don’t forget Elfquest, featuring elves riding wolves (although when they were looking to put it on film, the studio suggested it become live action with children riding real wolves. Not a good idea).

Despite their bad rep, images featuring them are usually gorgeous! Between the works above and the art, I think that’s why I fell in love with them.

July 20, 2016 at 9:42 pm

I love wolves, and I would like to see more people writing them accurately. At the same time, I don’t think it’s fair to say that it is wrong for any author to have any wolf characters that are evil or act unnaturally. In fantasy, for instance, many many people feature wolves that are far different than what we have in real life. Whether it is that the wolves are massive enough to ride(and are actually used for riding) or they possess human level intelligence, one would expect them to have some similarity to real wolves, but not be carbon copies of their behavior. And stories that center on wolves with human level intelligence are going to have wolf characters that make their own choices on how they think, feel, and behave. So many wolf centric stories have a scene where one wolf hunts livestock and the others are very angry that a packmember would put them in danger that way. So I think it all depends on the story and what the author is trying to say. There’s a difference between using wolves to represent an idea in a kid’s story and having a fantasy wolf species with unique behavior and a story that is actually trying to say that all wolves are bad.

March 20, 2017 at 1:44 pm

Wolves are one of the most polarizing animals on the planet. I think all authors would do them incredible justice by simply portraying them as they are, as neither demonic child-killers OR spirit animals. The wolf is a wild animal that indeed kills other animals to survive (and can cause local extirpation of deer/elk/moose populations in certain conditions), stays away from people, and occasionally gets into trouble by killing dogs and livestock (and, very rarely, humans). Fear-mongering obviously hurts them, but encouraging the general public to victimize them is just as bad, in my opinion–and often only serves to make the wolf-haters hate them even more, and resort to “SSS tactics”–shoot, shovel, and shut up–to manage wolves on their own terms.

As a wildlife manager in a state that allows wolf hunting….all of this just makes my job harder, and makes it a harder place for wolves to exist.

People either love them or hate them, it seems, and–as with many issues–the best place for our emotions along that spectrum is somewhere in the middle. We ought neither to love or hate them, but to appreciate their presence on the landscape and respect them for what they are.

March 19, 2018 at 10:36 pm

In the mid 80s I was working as a forest technician in BC Canada. My grandma was dreadfully worried and begged me to be careful of the wolves! Naturally I assured her I would. Of course I knew they didn’t normally attack humans. But I didn’t mention to her that I was more worried about bears! They are far more of a risk.

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Wolf Symbolism

Symbolism of wolf in literature.

Wolf as symbolism in literature has always been prominently used in various cultures in the form of art as well as folklore and mythologies. Wolves are known for their keen senses and ability to survive in the wilderness , symbolizing freedom and intuition. Wolves also live in packs and have been famously shown for their loyalty and pack mentality in the famous literary work, The Jungle Book, where the protagonist Mowgli is raised by the wolves. Additionally, wolves are apex predators in their natural habitat, considered symbolic of survival and prey. In artworks, a wolf is depicted as symbol of evil and loyalty. The word ‘wolf’ is derived from the Old English word ‘Wulf’, which has roots in the German and Dutch word ‘Wolf’ and was sourced from the Greek word ‘Lukos’ and the Latin word ‘Lupus.’  A few wolf symbolisms with meaning are given below.

In Native American culture, the wolf is a totem animal , symbolizing guidance and protection. The black wolf is a symbol of protection. According to the Bible, Christians considered wolves a symbol of protection due to their nature of protecting their pack fiercely. In the Southwest United States, Pueblo tribes believe wolves symbolize protection and healing.

Cunningness & Intelligence

In China, the wolf symbolizes cunningness, communication, and loyalty. According to Christianity wolf is a symbol of intelligence and cunning. Christians also considered wolves a symbol of evil. The phrase ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’ is one of the famous Bible quotes used to describe fake Christians.

In one of the groups of Christianity, the red color wolf symbolizes purity and sacrifice. According to African culture, the red wolf symbolizes bravery, power , and strength. The Arctic natives believe that the white wolf represents intuition and spirituality. The grey wolf symbolizes the relationships because grey wolves always live in groups together and are rarely seen outside the pack. Yellow or Golden wolf represents happiness and creativity.

Native Americans believe dreaming about red wolves symbolizes strength, courage , and wisdom. In a dream , killing a wolf symbolizes success in the future. White wolves in dreams symbolize good leadership skills and teamwork. Dreaming of attacking a wolf represents a warning sign of danger.

Loyalty & Friendship

In Celtic folklore, wolves symbolize loyalty, and they are considered high-value creatures. In Native American mythology, wolfs represent strength, loyalty, and great courage. In German and Norse mythology wolf is a symbol of destruction and death. The grey wolf symbolizes relationships and friendship. In Austria, wolves are considered a symbol of loyalty and friendship as they bond with the members of their pack or family.

Mythology & Folklore

In Chinese folklore, the wolf symbolizes strength, power, and loyalty. Native American culture, especially Navajo folklore, and wolves were feared as witches. The North American Pawnee Indians are one of the tribes, and according to the Pawnee, folklore wolf represents the great spirit. It is believed that Tirawa placed the wolf spirit in the sky as the guardian of the moon. In Ancient Irish mythology and folklore, wolfs considered protectors and guardians. Celtic mythology symbolizes the wolf as a spiritual guide, and it can take intuition and inner wisdom. In Nordic mythology, the wolf symbolizes the demoniac god Loki’s son associated with a wolf. Loki’s son’s name is Fenrir, with his physical appearance resembling an evil wolf. According to European folklore, men turning into a werewolf is widespread. It is known as lycanthropy or the ability to transform into a wolf.  In Norse mythology, wolves represent strength, cunning, and aggression.

Wolves in pop culture

Some of the films in pop culture symbolize the wolf’s nature and style . In the film Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer, the character Jacob Black transform into a wolf, and he represents a connection to nature, loyalty, and protection. The Wolf of wall street movie symbolizes the wolf’s cunning and aggressive nature. The title character Jordan Belfort is predatory and dominant, resembling a wolf as well. In one of the TV series in pop culture, Game of Thrones, the character of the Stark family’s dire wolves symbolizes loyalty and strength. Also similar to Twilight, films such as the Underworld series associate wolves with vampires.

Wolf is also a symbol of survival because wolves survive better as a group than outside the pack. In indigenous traditions, wolves are associated with endurance and adaptability. According to  Japanese culture, the legendary wolf Okami is a symbol of protection, guardian, and survival. In Celtic mythology, the wolf represents a perfect warrior and survival of the fittest.

Examples of Water as Symbolism in Literature

The Last Wolf By Mary TallMountain

The last wolf hurried toward me through the ruined city and I heard his baying echoes down the steep smashed warrens of Montgomery Street and past the ruby-crowned highrises left standing their lighted elevators useless

In this poem , the poet expresses her sadness about the declining wildlife, especially wolves who lost their natural habitat to the growing city and buildings. Here the wolf symbolizes survival and abandonment.

The Wolf’s Postscript to Little Red Riding Hood by Agha Shahid Ali

First, grant me my sense of history: I did it for posterity, for kindergarten teachers and a clear moral : Little girls shouldn’t wander off in search of strange flowers, and they mustn’t speak to strangers. And then grant me my generous sense of plot : Couldn’t I have gobbled her up right there in the jungle? Why did I ask her where her grandma lived? As if I, a forest-dweller, didn’t know of the cottage under the three oak trees and the old woman lived there all alone ? As if I couldn’t have swallowed her years before? And you may call me the Big Bad Wolf, now my only reputation.

The poem alludes to one of the famous fables , ‘The Little Red Riding Hood’. Here the wolf narrates his side of the story to justify his action. Here the wolf is a symbol of innocence and mystery .

The Boy and the Wolf by John Hookham Frere

A LITTLE Boy was set to keep A little flock of goats or sheep; He thought the task too solitary, And took a strange perverse vagary: To call the people out of fun, To see them leave their work and run, He cried and screamed with all his might, — “Wolf! wolf!” in a pretended fright. Some people, working at a distance, Came running in to his assistance. They searched the fields and bushes round, The Wolf was nowhere to be found.

This example is also based on one of the famous folk tales about the wolf and a shepherd boy. Here the wolf represents cunningness and survival, while the boy is a symbol of ignorance.

A Wolf’s Moon by Anonymous

Beneath the moon’s gaze, the wolf appears, Its silvery fur blending with the night , A creature of wildness, eyes shining bright. Amidst the howling winds, it roams free, Embracing the darkness with primal glee, A symbol of nature’s untamed decree. The moon’s ethereal light guides its way, Through ancient forests, where secrets lay, Unleashing the spirit of the wolf at bay.

In this poem, the wolf is a symbol of beauty , grace, and a mystical being.

The Wolves by Elizabeth Madox Roberts

When Grandmother Polly had married and gone, But before her father had given her Clem, Or Joe, or Sandy, or Evaline- Before he had given her any of them, She used to live in a far-away place, In a little cabin that was her home, And all around were bushes and trees, And the wolves could come. At night they ran down out of the rocks And bristled up their trembly fur. They came and howled by Polly’s door And showed their little white teeth at her.

In this example, the poet describes life in the wilderness, where the speaker has a new home. Here the wolf is a symbol of fear and uncertainty.

The Jungle Book By Rudyard Kipling

The strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.

This quote is one of the best dialogue used in the book as well as the screen as a motto of the Akeyla, the leader of the pack. Here, wolves are symbolism of unity and survival.

Foxheart By Claire Legrand

Sometimes the wolf lives deep inside me. Sometimes I am the wolf.

In this example, the narrator is comparing herself/himself with the wolf and even claiming to be one. Here the wolf represents adventure , bravery, and wilds.

Wolf Brother By Michelle Paver

The wolf is a spirit animal that represents sharp intelligence and deep connection with instincts. –

According to this example, the wolves represent the spirit world and are also a symbol of intelligence

A Dance with Dragons By George R.R. Martin

A man might befriend a wolf, even break a wolf, but no man could truly tame a wolf.

In this example, the wolf is a symbol of loyalty and independence.

Never Cry Wolf: The Amazing True Story of Life Among Arctic Wolves By Farley Mowat

We have doomed the wolf not for what it is, but for what we deliberately and mistakenly perceive it to be –the mythologized epitome of a savage ruthless killer – which is, in reality, no more than a reflected image of ourself.

In this example, the author tries to debunk the real wolf with the mythical wolves used in literature and art. Here, a wolf is a symbol of nature, wilderness, and survival.

Example #10

Lone Wolf By Jodi Picoult

The wolves knew when it was time to stop looking for what they’d lost, to focus instead on what was yet to come.

Here the author describes the way wolves hunt and survive by not taking risks for the pack. Wolves, here, symbolize intelligence and cunningness.

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creative writing description of a wolf

Online Field Guide

Adjectives for a Wolf: Words to Describe a Wolf

creative writing description of a wolf

Some of the most popular adjectives to describe a wolf are aggressive, brave, and mischievous. However, there are a lot more words you can use to describe these mighty creatures.

  • Adventurous – Wolves are known to be great adventurers, often traveling long distances in search of new territory.
  • Aggressive – These creatures can be aggressive when they feel threatened or when they are protecting their pack.
  • Alert – Wolves are always alert, constantly on the lookout for danger.
  • Assertive – Very assertive animals, wolves often taking charge in a situation.
  • Brave – They are brave animals, often facing down larger predators.
  • Curious – Also curious animals, they’re often investigating new things that they come across.
  • Determined – Wolves are determined animals, never giving up even in the face of adversity.
  • Energetic – They are extremely energetic, able to travel long distances at a fast pace.
  • Fearless – Wolves are fearless animals, unafraid to take on any challenge. 
  • Good Hunters – Also good hunters, they use their speed and agility to catch their prey.
  • Independent   – Wolves are very independent animals, often hunting alone or in small groups.
  • Loyal – Wolves are very loyal to their pack mates, working together to defend and protect each other.K  
  • Loving –  They show love and affection towards their pack mates in many ways, such as licking and grooming them.
  • Mischievous – Wolves can be mischievous at times, often playing tricks on other animals or people.  
  • Observant – Very observant, they are constantly monitoring their surroundings for any changes.
  • Playful – Wolves can be playful at times, especially with each other or with younger members of the pack.

Final Thoughts

Wolves are amazing creatures that have many admirable qualities. They are brave, determined, and loyal animals that work together to defend and protect their pack. While they may be feared by some, there is no denying that wolves are impressive animals that are deserving of our respect.

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A to Z Collection of Describing Words

Adjectives for Wolf

Top 30 Adjectives for Wolf (Negative & Positive Words)

Wolves, with their majestic and mysterious nature, have intrigued humans for centuries. Here’s a collection of words to describe these enigmatic creatures.

Table of Contents

Description of Wolf

A wolf is a wild carnivorous mammal, known for its pack behavior, cunning, and haunting howl, often misunderstood in folklore.

Words to Describe Wolf

Here are the 30 most common words to describe wolf:


  • Territorial
  • Instinctual
  • Pack-oriented

Positive Words to Describe Wolf

Negative words to describe wolf, adjectives for wolf (meanings and example sentences).

  • Meaning: Impressively beautiful.
  • Sentence: The majestic wolf stood atop the hill.
  • Meaning: Faithful to a group.
  • Sentence: Wolves are incredibly loyal to their pack.
  • Meaning: Able to think and learn.
  • Sentence: The intelligent wolf outwitted the hunter.
  • Meaning: Having high moral qualities.
  • Sentence: He admired the wolf’s noble stance.
  • Meaning: Enjoying company.
  • Sentence: The wolf is surprisingly sociable with its kind.
  • Meaning: Quick to notice.
  • Sentence: An observant wolf can sense danger.
  • Meaning: Fun-loving.
  • Sentence: Young wolves are often playful .
  • Meaning: Having a strong will.
  • Sentence: The determined wolf tracked its prey.
  • Meaning: Guarding from harm.
  • Sentence: A mother wolf is fiercely protective .
  • Meaning: Able to move quickly.
  • Sentence: The agile wolf dodged the obstacles.

Other Words to Describe Wolf

Words to describe wolf personality.

  • Rambunctious
  • Calculative

Words to Describe Wolf’s Appearance

  • Bushy-tailed
  • Pointy-eared
  • Radiant-eyed

Words to Describe Wolf’s Howl

  • Melancholic

Words to Describe a Wolf Pack

  • Hierarchical
  • Kin-oriented

Words to Describe Wolf Eyes

How to describe wolf in writing.

When describing a wolf in writing, it’s essential to capture its dual nature: the wild, untamed predator and the loyal pack animal. Using a mix of sensory details, emotional adjectives, and observations can paint a vivid picture of this enigmatic creature.

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Adjectives for Wolf

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Writing Beginner

What Is Creative Writing? (Ultimate Guide + 20 Examples)

Creative writing begins with a blank page and the courage to fill it with the stories only you can tell.

I face this intimidating blank page daily–and I have for the better part of 20+ years.

In this guide, you’ll learn all the ins and outs of creative writing with tons of examples.

What Is Creative Writing (Long Description)?

Creative Writing is the art of using words to express ideas and emotions in imaginative ways. It encompasses various forms including novels, poetry, and plays, focusing on narrative craft, character development, and the use of literary tropes.

Bright, colorful creative writer's desk with notebook and typewriter -- What Is Creative Writing

Table of Contents

Let’s expand on that definition a bit.

Creative writing is an art form that transcends traditional literature boundaries.

It includes professional, journalistic, academic, and technical writing. This type of writing emphasizes narrative craft, character development, and literary tropes. It also explores poetry and poetics traditions.

In essence, creative writing lets you express ideas and emotions uniquely and imaginatively.

It’s about the freedom to invent worlds, characters, and stories. These creations evoke a spectrum of emotions in readers.

Creative writing covers fiction, poetry, and everything in between.

It allows writers to express inner thoughts and feelings. Often, it reflects human experiences through a fabricated lens.

Types of Creative Writing

There are many types of creative writing that we need to explain.

Some of the most common types:

  • Short stories
  • Screenplays
  • Flash fiction
  • Creative Nonfiction

Short Stories (The Brief Escape)

Short stories are like narrative treasures.

They are compact but impactful, telling a full story within a limited word count. These tales often focus on a single character or a crucial moment.

Short stories are known for their brevity.

They deliver emotion and insight in a concise yet powerful package. This format is ideal for exploring diverse genres, themes, and characters. It leaves a lasting impression on readers.

Example: Emma discovers an old photo of her smiling grandmother. It’s a rarity. Through flashbacks, Emma learns about her grandmother’s wartime love story. She comes to understand her grandmother’s resilience and the value of joy.

Novels (The Long Journey)

Novels are extensive explorations of character, plot, and setting.

They span thousands of words, giving writers the space to create entire worlds. Novels can weave complex stories across various themes and timelines.

The length of a novel allows for deep narrative and character development.

Readers get an immersive experience.

Example: Across the Divide tells of two siblings separated in childhood. They grow up in different cultures. Their reunion highlights the strength of family bonds, despite distance and differences.

Poetry (The Soul’s Language)

Poetry expresses ideas and emotions through rhythm, sound, and word beauty.

It distills emotions and thoughts into verses. Poetry often uses metaphors, similes, and figurative language to reach the reader’s heart and mind.

Poetry ranges from structured forms, like sonnets, to free verse.

The latter breaks away from traditional formats for more expressive thought.

Example: Whispers of Dawn is a poem collection capturing morning’s quiet moments. “First Light” personifies dawn as a painter. It brings colors of hope and renewal to the world.

Plays (The Dramatic Dialogue)

Plays are meant for performance. They bring characters and conflicts to life through dialogue and action.

This format uniquely explores human relationships and societal issues.

Playwrights face the challenge of conveying setting, emotion, and plot through dialogue and directions.

Example: Echoes of Tomorrow is set in a dystopian future. Memories can be bought and sold. It follows siblings on a quest to retrieve their stolen memories. They learn the cost of living in a world where the past has a price.

Screenplays (Cinema’s Blueprint)

Screenplays outline narratives for films and TV shows.

They require an understanding of visual storytelling, pacing, and dialogue. Screenplays must fit film production constraints.

Example: The Last Light is a screenplay for a sci-fi film. Humanity’s survivors on a dying Earth seek a new planet. The story focuses on spacecraft Argo’s crew as they face mission challenges and internal dynamics.

Memoirs (The Personal Journey)

Memoirs provide insight into an author’s life, focusing on personal experiences and emotional journeys.

They differ from autobiographies by concentrating on specific themes or events.

Memoirs invite readers into the author’s world.

They share lessons learned and hardships overcome.

Example: Under the Mango Tree is a memoir by Maria Gomez. It shares her childhood memories in rural Colombia. The mango tree in their yard symbolizes home, growth, and nostalgia. Maria reflects on her journey to a new life in America.

Flash Fiction (The Quick Twist)

Flash fiction tells stories in under 1,000 words.

It’s about crafting compelling narratives concisely. Each word in flash fiction must count, often leading to a twist.

This format captures life’s vivid moments, delivering quick, impactful insights.

Example: The Last Message features an astronaut’s final Earth message as her spacecraft drifts away. In 500 words, it explores isolation, hope, and the desire to connect against all odds.

Creative Nonfiction (The Factual Tale)

Creative nonfiction combines factual accuracy with creative storytelling.

This genre covers real events, people, and places with a twist. It uses descriptive language and narrative arcs to make true stories engaging.

Creative nonfiction includes biographies, essays, and travelogues.

Example: Echoes of Everest follows the author’s Mount Everest climb. It mixes factual details with personal reflections and the history of past climbers. The narrative captures the climb’s beauty and challenges, offering an immersive experience.

Fantasy (The World Beyond)

Fantasy transports readers to magical and mythical worlds.

It explores themes like good vs. evil and heroism in unreal settings. Fantasy requires careful world-building to create believable yet fantastic realms.

Example: The Crystal of Azmar tells of a young girl destined to save her world from darkness. She learns she’s the last sorceress in a forgotten lineage. Her journey involves mastering powers, forming alliances, and uncovering ancient kingdom myths.

Science Fiction (The Future Imagined)

Science fiction delves into futuristic and scientific themes.

It questions the impact of advancements on society and individuals.

Science fiction ranges from speculative to hard sci-fi, focusing on plausible futures.

Example: When the Stars Whisper is set in a future where humanity communicates with distant galaxies. It centers on a scientist who finds an alien message. This discovery prompts a deep look at humanity’s universe role and interstellar communication.

Watch this great video that explores the question, “What is creative writing?” and “How to get started?”:

What Are the 5 Cs of Creative Writing?

The 5 Cs of creative writing are fundamental pillars.

They guide writers to produce compelling and impactful work. These principles—Clarity, Coherence, Conciseness, Creativity, and Consistency—help craft stories that engage and entertain.

They also resonate deeply with readers. Let’s explore each of these critical components.

Clarity makes your writing understandable and accessible.

It involves choosing the right words and constructing clear sentences. Your narrative should be easy to follow.

In creative writing, clarity means conveying complex ideas in a digestible and enjoyable way.

Coherence ensures your writing flows logically.

It’s crucial for maintaining the reader’s interest. Characters should develop believably, and plots should progress logically. This makes the narrative feel cohesive.


Conciseness is about expressing ideas succinctly.

It’s being economical with words and avoiding redundancy. This principle helps maintain pace and tension, engaging readers throughout the story.

Creativity is the heart of creative writing.

It allows writers to invent new worlds and create memorable characters. Creativity involves originality and imagination. It’s seeing the world in unique ways and sharing that vision.


Consistency maintains a uniform tone, style, and voice.

It means being faithful to the world you’ve created. Characters should act true to their development. This builds trust with readers, making your story immersive and believable.

Is Creative Writing Easy?

Creative writing is both rewarding and challenging.

Crafting stories from your imagination involves more than just words on a page. It requires discipline and a deep understanding of language and narrative structure.

Exploring complex characters and themes is also key.

Refining and revising your work is crucial for developing your voice.

The ease of creative writing varies. Some find the freedom of expression liberating.

Others struggle with writer’s block or plot development challenges. However, practice and feedback make creative writing more fulfilling.

What Does a Creative Writer Do?

A creative writer weaves narratives that entertain, enlighten, and inspire.

Writers explore both the world they create and the emotions they wish to evoke. Their tasks are diverse, involving more than just writing.

Creative writers develop ideas, research, and plan their stories.

They create characters and outline plots with attention to detail. Drafting and revising their work is a significant part of their process. They strive for the 5 Cs of compelling writing.

Writers engage with the literary community, seeking feedback and participating in workshops.

They may navigate the publishing world with agents and editors.

Creative writers are storytellers, craftsmen, and artists. They bring narratives to life, enriching our lives and expanding our imaginations.

How to Get Started With Creative Writing?

Embarking on a creative writing journey can feel like standing at the edge of a vast and mysterious forest.

The path is not always clear, but the adventure is calling.

Here’s how to take your first steps into the world of creative writing:

  • Find a time of day when your mind is most alert and creative.
  • Create a comfortable writing space free from distractions.
  • Use prompts to spark your imagination. They can be as simple as a word, a phrase, or an image.
  • Try writing for 15-20 minutes on a prompt without editing yourself. Let the ideas flow freely.
  • Reading is fuel for your writing. Explore various genres and styles.
  • Pay attention to how your favorite authors construct their sentences, develop characters, and build their worlds.
  • Don’t pressure yourself to write a novel right away. Begin with short stories or poems.
  • Small projects can help you hone your skills and boost your confidence.
  • Look for writing groups in your area or online. These communities offer support, feedback, and motivation.
  • Participating in workshops or classes can also provide valuable insights into your writing.
  • Understand that your first draft is just the beginning. Revising your work is where the real magic happens.
  • Be open to feedback and willing to rework your pieces.
  • Carry a notebook or digital recorder to jot down ideas, observations, and snippets of conversations.
  • These notes can be gold mines for future writing projects.

Final Thoughts: What Is Creative Writing?

Creative writing is an invitation to explore the unknown, to give voice to the silenced, and to celebrate the human spirit in all its forms.

Check out these creative writing tools (that I highly recommend):

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Writing Tips Oasis

Writing Tips Oasis - A website dedicated to helping writers to write and publish books.

How to Describe a Werewolf in Writing

By Brittany Kuhn

how to describe a werewolf in writing

If you’re struggling to write a werewolf character in your novel, don’t despair. In this article, we show you how to describe a werewolf in a story!

1. Ferocious

  • Prone to uncontrolled aggression or cruelty.
  • Extreme in degree.

“He turned into a great white ferocious werewolf, capable of taking down whoever got in his way.”

“We hid in the closet in hopes that the ferocious werewolf outside would leave in search of more easily found prey.”

How it Adds Description

If you want to highlight how aggressive the werewolf is, then use ferocious to describe its actions. This is especially useful if you want to emphasize the goriness and fierceness of the werewolf’s attack.

  • Having characteristics or traits usually associated with animals .
  • Extremely harsh, crude, or brutal.

“I lock myself in the cellar so that people aren’t subjected to my beastly werewolf form.”

“‘The werewolf was beastly !’ she cried. ‘Even though it stood on its hind legs, there was nothing human about it!’”

Beastly is a perfect adjective to describe a werewolf because it emphasizes how different the animal form is from the human it usually is. Beastly can also be used to describe the particularly aggressive or angry actions werewolves perform after they’ve transformed.

Concerned only with base needs such as food, shelter, and safety.

“Turning into a werewolf reduced her to a primal being focused only on her need to feed.”

“The werewolf lived in a primal state: eating whatever it could hunt, sleeping where it fell, and protecting itself from outside dangers.”

If your werewolf acts like an animal rather than a shifted human, then use primal to help the reader see how uncivilized it is. Primal suggests that the werewolf can only think like a wolf, focusing only on those things that will keep it alive like food and shelter.

Covered in more than average amount of hair .

“The worst thing about being a werewolf is how hairy one gets. I find it all over the place when I wake up the next morning.”

“All he could see in the mirror was the werewolf’s hairy back heaving up and down as it breathed heavily.”

Like wolves, werewolves are covered in hair from the tips of their ears to the tip of their tail. Especially if you are describing the transformation from human to werewolf, using hairy to describe how the werewolf looks shows the reader that they are becoming more like a wolf.

5. Bloodthirsty

Yearning for blood or acts of violence that result in bloodshed.

“The bloodthirsty werewolf hunted all night, killing and eating whatever happened to cross its path.”

“Whenever he turned into a bloodthirsty werewolf, he found himself insatiable; no amount of food or killing could make him happy.”

Use bloodthirsty to show a werewolf who is hungry for live meat, especially after it’s transformed. Bloodthirsty is especially useful if you want to create suspense and fear in the reader, making them wonder who the werewolf will kill next in its search for blood.

With a tendency for causing death .

“The werewolf wasn’t just dangerous; it was deadly to whoever or whatever it met out there in the night.”

“The town was being hunted by a deadly werewolf; nearly 90 people had been murdered over the last four full moons.”

If you want your reader to see the werewolf as dangerous, then describing it as deadly will show that it has killed or is willing to kill. This is especially important if your werewolf hurts a lot of people after transforming.

7. Grizzled

Having hair that is streaked or turning gray .

“We spied the grizzled werewolf as it roamed the main street.”

“When he turned, he turned into a grizzled werewolf, covered in gray fur from head to tail.”

If you want to describe how a werewolf looks, use grizzled to show a grayer, older werewolf. This might be useful if you want to differentiate between younger and older werewolves or if you just want your reader to picture the werewolf more easily.

Untamed , like a wild animal.

“If werewolves weren’t so feral , they’re strength would be quite useful.”

“The man became so feral when he turned into a werewolf that, even if presented with his own baby boy, he would attack him the same as anybody else.”

When a human transforms into a werewolf, it usually forgets that it was a human. Using feral to describe the werewolf’s actions highlights that no sense of humanity is left once the werewolf has transformed. The werewolf is only concerned with what it needs to survive, like any other wild animal.

  • Lacking in higher-order thinking skills or empathy .
  • Like a beast.

“The werewolf attack was so brutal that the victims couldn’t even be identified.”

“The brutal werewolf growled and swiped at the scared townspeople.”

Because werewolves are more concerned with protecting and feeding themselves, their attacks are often worse than normal animal attacks. Once they’ve transformed, there is no memory of being a human, only a confused understanding of its animalistic need to hunt and feed. Describing the werewolf and its attacks as brutal shows it doesn’t understand or care about the consequences of its actions.

10. Snarling

Aggressive growling with teeth showing.

“The werewolf snarled as he burst through the wooden door.”

“We could hear the snarling werewolf prowling through the hallways.”

If you are trying to create suspense, describing the sounds a werewolf makes will give the reader the same sense of fear and anticipation as the characters in the story. Because they are like wolves, werewolves would likely make the same sounds as wolves do, especially if they feel threatened, so describing a werewolf attack with snarling or growling will add sensory details to the scene.

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Helping writers become bestselling authors

Setting Thesaurus Entry: Woods at Night

March 5, 2011 by BECCA PUGLISI

There is a forest entry already, but I think that at night the woods can be an entirely different setting, full of mystery and sometimes fear. I figured it deserved its own entry! Notice how other senses are utilized more so than sight–an unusual occurrence.

creative writing description of a wolf

Dark tree trunks, shadows, overhanging limbs across the path seen at the last second, clumps of bushes, barely visible black trails snaking through the undergrowth, moon shining through a lattice of leaves, patchy sky & stars seen in glimpses through tree breaks, tall shadowed pines stretching up like arrows into the sky, streaks of cloud against the…

Wind slipping through leaves, cracking undergrowth with each step, creaking tree trunks, the flutter of wings unseen, snapping twigs, grass and weed sliding against pant legs, breathing sounds, coyote calls, fox yipping, wolves howling (if within location), snarls, padding feet along a trail, a grunt of pain at catching a root or tripping on dead fall, a rip of…

Rich earth, rotting leaves, pine needles, fresh air, a slight scent of flowers, earthy fungus, tree sap, wild animal musk (if close), possibly the spray of a skunk (if around), green growing things (spring & summer), moss

Sweat on lips, dryness in throat, sometimes a cold metallic tang if lots of stone is present

Cobwebs in face, cold, dewy leaves sliding across skin, slipping on wet leaves and mushrooms, tripping on bumpy roots, stones, dead fall, thorns scratching skin, scrapes and cuts on hands from falling in the dark, pine needles embedded in skin during fall, twisting and jerking at every unfamiliar sound, holding hands out to ward off unseen obstacles like tree…

Helpful hints:

–Think about the conflict that might be present in your setting.

Your character’s emotions will be on high alert at night because their visibility is low, making it a great time to insert conflict. This Conflict Scenario Database is loaded with ideas to help you.

–The words you choose can convey atmosphere and mood.

Example 1:  Devin dove behind a wide cedar trunk just off the trail. Heart slamming against his ribs, he gulped at the air, trying to slow his breathing enough to hear. Back in the shadows, branches thrashed and snapped as Valio growled sharp orders to his men. Sunset had finally drained out of the sky overhead, sheathing the woods in shadow. Devin pressed his face against the bark, the ridges biting into his skin, and tried to become one with the tree…

–Similes and metaphors create strong imagery when used sparingly.

Example 1: (Simile)  Eileen worked her way along the narrow trail, leaves sliding across her bare forearms like wet tongues…


Becca Puglisi is an international speaker, writing coach, and bestselling author of The Emotion Thesaurus and its sequels. Her books are available in five languages, are sourced by US universities, and are used by novelists, screenwriters, editors, and psychologists around the world. She is passionate about learning and sharing her knowledge with others through her Writers Helping Writers blog and via One Stop For Writers —a powerhouse online library created to help writers elevate their storytelling.

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Reader Interactions

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May 1, 2020 at 8:45 am

This is my new account! Thanks for all your kind replies! 🙂

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March 11, 2020 at 3:32 pm

if anyone could help me with how to describe palaces and castles, please comment me back.

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March 11, 2020 at 4:24 pm

HI Kit, You can find information on Castles and other fantasy settings at our site, One Stop for Writers: https://onestopforwriters.com/scene_settings

Happy writing! ~angela

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December 27, 2019 at 8:16 am

this has just made me re think and re write my whole stroy thank you this really helps

May 1, 2020 at 8:43 am

happy to help!

P.S. I’m Angela, this is just a new account! 🙂

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July 13, 2017 at 2:55 pm

I would take that fear away from you Laura. Having spend my childhood surrounded by woods on the hills and shore of Cayuga Lake I have spent time in the woods alone at night. It is the imagination and the untrained ear that brings fear into the equation. Shadows unseen during the day become magical at night. All the nocturnal animals want nothing to do with you.

May 1, 2020 at 8:44 am

Thank you so much for your kind reply. Happy to help you always!

' src=

December 9, 2011 at 3:17 pm

I do not think I would be walking around the woods at night.

December 6, 2011 at 2:06 pm

Just came across this one and I have to say, it really helped me with a scene I was struggling with. Thank you so much!

March 9, 2011 at 9:15 am

I think the dark tree trunks description sums it up for me. Creepy and suspenseful. This will help me loads in my continued search for publication and getting my story just right.

March 7, 2011 at 1:20 pm

I totally agree, Ralfast. I was just talking about this the other day with my kids, that if they really wanted to see what it would be like at night they would have to go far, far out into the country, beyond all light pollution and population.

March 7, 2011 at 1:15 pm

What makes forest so frightening for the modern viewer/reader is the near total darkness. We are so used to having sources of light 24/7 that our mind panics when we lack it.

March 6, 2011 at 2:41 pm

I love the woods and only a few times have I experienced them at night. It can be a beautiful-creepy feeling.

March 6, 2011 at 1:41 pm

Great–I’m so glad this one helps. So many great stories have night scenes that take place in a forest or wooded area. I think this is a setting that naturally creates tension.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!

March 6, 2011 at 2:23 am

Ooooh, just thinking about the woods at night gives me the willies. You nailed it!

March 5, 2011 at 8:23 pm

Very timely. Might be needing this for my wip!Thanks!

March 5, 2011 at 7:31 pm

Loved this post! I just recently started reading this blog, and it has helped me to totally rethink how I’m going to write! Thanks!

March 5, 2011 at 11:25 am

Just wrote a scene involving the woods at night. You are right, they definitely deserve their own entry!

March 5, 2011 at 11:08 am

This totally makes me want to go write a fairy tale. =)

March 5, 2011 at 10:46 am

The woods are lovely dark and deep but I have promises to keep and miles to go before I sleep….

March 5, 2011 at 8:58 am

Walking through the woods at night is definitely different than during the day! I don’t think you could pay me to walk through the woods at night!

[…] Does your setting take place at night? Check out this similar Entry: WOODS AT NIGHT […]

[…] beautiful Brothers Grimm-inspired gallery of forest photographs. And if you get stuck, check out Writing Helping Writers’ “Forest Thesaurus” for even more […]

[…] hushed voices and whispers, muffled footsteps, your own heartbeat. Also, see the setting entry Woods at Night. EMOTIONAL TRIGGERS: Mood: Falling stars happen so quickly; to catch sight of one makes the […]

Creative Writing Prompts

Werewolf Writing Prompts: Craft Tales of Transformation

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My name is Debbie, and I am passionate about developing a love for the written word and planting a seed that will grow into a powerful voice that can inspire many.

Werewolf Writing Prompts: Craft Tales of Transformation

Types of Werewolf Writing Prompts to Unleash Your Creativity

Exploring the art of metamorphosis: ⁢crafting captivating werewolf tales, 1. immerse yourself in werewolf⁢ lore, 2. ‌embrace the animalistic nature, 1. embrace the‌ symbolism:, 2. harness the lunar transformation:, from myth to reality: integrating historical and cultural elements ⁣in werewolf writing, mastering the transformation: tips and techniques for writing convincing werewolf​ shifts, creating multidimensional characters: portraying the human-werewolf⁢ duality in writing prompts, frequently asked questions, in conclusion.

When it comes to werewolf writing prompts, ⁢the possibilities are as‌ vast as the full moon itself. Whether you’re looking to write ‌a thrilling horror story or a heartwarming tale ⁤of love and transformation, there’s a prompt out there to help unleash your creativity. Here are a few types⁢ of werewolf writing prompts to sink your teeth into:

  • Survival Tales: Explore the challenges of living as a‍ werewolf in a world that may view you as a ‍monster. Write about a werewolf trying ⁤to conceal their true identity while navigating the complexities of everyday life.
  • Historical Werewolf: Transport your readers to a different era and imagine werewolves lurking in the shadows of history. Explore how werewolves could have influenced ⁤key events or been ⁣involved ‍in ancient myths and legends.
  • Romantic Werewolf: ‍Love ‍knows no⁣ boundaries, ‌not even under the moonlight. Create a story where a werewolf finds themselves ⁢entangled in a passionate romance,‌ overcoming ‌obstacles that‍ come with embracing⁢ their ⁤dual nature.

So whether you’re seeking spine-chilling tales, thrilling adventures, or heartwarming love⁤ stories, these werewolf writing prompts offer a howling good starting point for capturing the essence of these mystical creatures. Let your imagination run wild and allow the supernatural world of werewolves to come alive through your words.

Exploring the Art ⁢of Metamorphosis:⁤ Crafting Captivating Werewolf Tales

Embark on a thrilling journey through the mysterious realm of werewolf lore ⁣as we delve into the intricate art of crafting captivating tales that revolve around these supernatural ⁤creatures. Werewolves, with ⁣their ability to transform effortlessly between ​human and wolf forms, have fascinated and captivated audiences ​for centuries. In this post, we will explore ⁣the key elements and techniques that can elevate your werewolf stories to entirely new heights, leaving readers​ spellbound.

One fundamental aspect to ‍consider when crafting werewolf tales is the ⁢portrayal of the⁤ transformation itself. The metamorphosis holds⁢ an undeniable allure, ⁣intertwining horror, fascination, and the raw ‌power of nature. By vividly describing the physical changes undergone by the protagonist, you can⁢ immerse⁢ your​ readers in a sensory experience that will keep them on the edge of their seats. Utilize rich language to depict the shattering⁢ of bones, the stretching⁤ of sinews, and‍ the eruption of fur. Ensure that the ⁢transformation is an intricate dance ⁤between beauty and terror, igniting⁣ the reader’s imagination.

  • Focus on building a‌ relatable and compelling human character before delving into ​their transformation into a werewolf. This‌ allows readers to connect emotionally with ‌the protagonist and enhances their investment in the story.
  • Explore‌ the psychological struggles faced ⁣ by the protagonist as they navigate their dual existence. The battle between their human conscience and ⁤the primal instincts of​ their wolf form ‌adds depth and complexity to the narrative.
  • Bring the werewolf’s ‌sensory experiences to life. Describe ‍the heightened⁤ sights, ​smells, and sounds that the character encounters in their wolf ‍form, allowing readers to vicariously experience the world‍ through the creature’s ⁤perspective.

Unlock the ‍true potential of your werewolf tales by infusing them with these ​key elements. Captivate readers ‍with realistic and emotional storytelling, delve into the psychological turmoil of dual existence, and paint a vivid picture of the sensory delights and horrors of transformation. With these techniques, your werewolf stories will become enthralling⁤ works of art that will ​leave‌ readers howling for more.

Unleashing Your Inner Beast: How ⁣to Embrace the Transformation‍ in Werewolf Writing

Werewolf‌ writing has long captured the imaginations of readers and writers ‍alike, allowing us to explore the depths of our own primal instincts. So, how can you fully embrace the transformative power of this genre in your own writing? Here ⁤are some tips⁤ to help you unleash your inner beast:

To truly tap into​ the essence of werewolf writing, it’s essential ⁣to familiarize yourself ⁤with the ⁢rich history and mythology surrounding these mythical creatures. ⁢Dive ⁤into literature and films featuring werewolves, such as “The Wolfman” ⁣or “An American Werewolf​ in London.” By understanding the folklore, symbolism, and various interpretations of werewolves, ⁢you’ll gain a⁣ deeper appreciation for this genre and⁣ be able to infuse your own writing with authenticity.

In werewolf writing, it’s important to ⁤convey the raw, untamed⁣ energy that comes with the transformation. Embrace the animalistic ⁣nature not only⁣ through your characters ⁣but also through the language and⁤ imagery you use.⁢ Let your prose ⁢portray⁤ the heightened senses, the primal instincts, and the ⁢riveting physicality of the werewolf. Bold metaphors and vivid descriptions will ​help transport your readers into the world of your story, ‍where they can experience the rush of⁢ the beast within.

Finding Inspiration in the Full Moon: Using ⁢Nature's Cycle in Werewolf ​Storytelling

Finding Inspiration in the Full Moon: Using Nature’s Cycle in ​Werewolf Storytelling

The‍ full moon has long been associated with mystery, transformation, and the supernatural. For centuries, storytellers have drawn inspiration from this celestial event, particularly when⁣ weaving tales⁤ of the fearsome and mythical creatures known as werewolves.⁤ By incorporating‍ the ⁤cycle of the moon into werewolf storytelling, writers‌ can add depth, symbolism, and a sense of natural rhythm ‌to their ​narratives. Here are some ideas on how to⁢ harness⁢ the⁣ power of the full moon in your⁢ werewolf tales:

Throughout history, the full moon has ‍been ‍a ⁢symbol of intensity, heightened emotions, and hidden desires. Incorporate these themes into your werewolf characters⁣ to deepen their complexity and create captivating storylines that explore the duality of human and wolf. Imagine the internal​ struggle of a werewolf torn between ⁤their primal instincts and their desire‌ to retain their humanity, all under the ethereal glow of a full moon.

The transformation from human to werewolf is a pivotal moment ⁤in any werewolf story. By linking⁤ this‍ metamorphosis to the lunar cycle, you can infuse your narrative‌ with a ⁤natural rhythm​ that adds⁢ intrigue and suspense. Consider‍ using the‌ moon’s phases to affect the characters’ ​abilities, strengths, or ​weaknesses. The waxing moon could symbolize⁤ growing power, while the waning moon ​might represent the gradual loss of ⁢control. This connection connects your werewolf world to ​the ebb and flow⁤ of nature and creates a unique storytelling ​experience for your ​readers.

Werewolves have long been a ⁣captivating and intriguing subject in literature, allowing readers to ​delve into a world of mythical creatures and supernatural phenomena. However,‍ in recent years, there has ‌been a shift towards incorporating historical and cultural elements ​into werewolf ⁣writing, transforming the genre from mere myth to a more grounded and⁣ authentic experience. By integrating these elements, authors​ are able to provide readers with a richer understanding of the werewolf mythos while exploring the cultural significance behind these creatures.

One way⁣ in ⁢which‍ historical⁤ elements are incorporated into werewolf​ writing is through⁢ the inclusion of ancient folklore ‌and ⁤legends.⁤ Authors draw inspiration from ⁤ancient civilizations such as the Greeks and Romans, who believed in the existence of werewolves and had their own mythology surrounding ‍these creatures. By incorporating aspects of these ancient myths, writers are ‍able to add depth and complexity to their werewolf characters, exploring the roots of ‌their existence and the cultural ⁢beliefs surrounding them.

Additionally, cultural elements play a crucial role in shaping the werewolf narrative. Authors ⁢incorporate cultural practices, beliefs, and customs to create‍ a more authentic ⁤and relatable representation of these creatures.⁤ For example, Native American cultures have their own​ legends⁤ and stories about ⁤shape-shifters, ⁢which can be seamlessly integrated into the werewolf narrative.‍ By doing so, writers not only​ provide readers with a unique perspective on werewolves ‍but also promote cultural diversity and appreciation.

Mastering the Transformation: Tips and Techniques for Writing Convincing Werewolf Shifts

When it comes to powerful and ⁣captivating storytelling, the art of⁣ describing werewolf transformations is an ⁢essential skill for any writer. To help you create spellbinding‌ scenes that will transport your readers into a world​ of moonlit metamorphosis, we’ve compiled some tips and techniques:

  • Research and immerse‍ yourself: Understanding the folklore and mythology surrounding werewolves is crucial. Dive into⁤ books, movies, and legends to grasp the different aspects of these creatures and make your depiction authentic.
  • Start small and build suspense: Allowing the transformation‍ to happen gradually not only ⁢adds tension but ⁣also enhances the believability of the shift. Begin with subtle changes like heightened senses⁤ or restlessness, gradually escalating to physical transformations.
  • Engage the senses: Utilize vivid descriptions ⁣to bring the transformation to life. Detail ⁣how the character’s bones crack and reshape, the​ burning sensation of fur sprouting, or the overwhelming scents and sounds that‌ accompany ⁢the change.
  • Tap into ⁤emotions: Writing ⁢about the emotional turmoil experienced during a werewolf transformation brings depth ⁤to your characters. Explore feelings of fear, loss of control, and the struggle to retain their humanity.

Remember, writing convincing werewolf shifts requires⁣ a balance between captivating descriptions and relatable​ human emotions. By incorporating ‍these tips and⁤ techniques, you’ll be well⁢ on your way to mastering the art of‌ portraying these supernatural transformations in your stories. So, let your imagination roam wild and ⁢let the moon guide your pen!

Creating Multidimensional Characters: Portraying the Human-Werewolf Duality in ‍Writing Prompts

‍ When it‌ comes to⁤ crafting multidimensional characters, exploring the⁢ human-werewolf duality can add​ a captivating twist to your writing prompts. This age-old theme allows writers to ‍delve into themes of identity, self-control, ​and the struggle between the beast within⁣ and the human facade. Here are⁤ some tips to⁣ help you effectively portray this ​complex​ duality in ⁤your‍ writing:

  • Create contrasting character traits: ​ Develop distinct qualities for your character’s human and werewolf personas. Highlight their human‍ side by ‌emphasizing their intelligence, empathy, and social skills.‍ Conversely, their werewolf side⁢ could ⁤exhibit heightened senses, ferocity, ​and an animalistic nature. By showcasing these⁣ contrasting characteristics, ⁤you can highlight the internal conflict your character faces in‍ reconciling their two identities. ⁢
  • Explore‌ the internal struggle: Delve deep​ into​ your character’s psyche, allowing readers to witness ‍their constant struggle to maintain control over their primal instincts. Describe their internal battles, the⁢ dilemmas they face when making decisions, ⁢and the psychological toll it takes on them. This introspection will not only make your⁣ character more relatable and realistic, but it⁢ will also create tension and suspense within ‌your writing prompts. ⁣

By employing these techniques, you‌ can bring your human-werewolf characters to life,⁤ captivating readers with their inner⁢ turmoil⁣ and⁢ creating thought-provoking narratives. So, embrace the duality, unleash⁣ your creativity, and⁣ explore the captivating world of characters torn between their‍ human and wolfish sides.

Q: What are Werewolf Writing Prompts? A: Werewolf Writing Prompts are creative ideas and themes that can inspire writers to produce captivating⁢ stories centered around the concept of werewolves and their transformative nature.

Q: How can Werewolf Writing Prompts⁣ help writers? A: These prompts serve as a starting ⁢point for writers,⁤ providing⁤ them with unique scenarios, settings, ​and character developments related to ‍werewolves. They can ⁢help stimulate creativity and ⁤imagination, enabling writers to craft engaging narratives .

Q: Why are werewolves an interesting subject for writing prompts? A: Werewolves have fascinated people for centuries, and⁤ their‍ mythical transformation from human to wolf-like creatures offers abundant storytelling opportunities. Exploring the themes of identity, ⁣duality, and primal instincts, werewolves serve⁤ as ‌exciting and multi-dimensional characters for writers to explore.

Q: Where⁢ can ‍one find Werewolf ‌Writing Prompts? A: Many online ⁢platforms, writing blogs, and ‍creative writing ⁣communities offer a⁤ wide range of‍ Werewolf⁤ Writing Prompts. These resources can provide aspiring authors with a vast array‌ of ideas to choose​ from, ⁣ensuring that each⁢ writer finds inspiration tailored to their preferred style and genre.

Q: What‌ kind of story ​ideas do Werewolf Writing Prompts offer? A: Werewolf Writing Prompts can ⁤encompass a myriad of ideas, such⁤ as stories set in modern-day urban environments⁣ where werewolves ⁤navigate the challenges of⁣ secrecy and acceptance. Other prompts may explore historical settings, ancient folklore, or even futuristic worlds, allowing writers to tailor their stories to various genres like horror, ​fantasy, or ⁤romance.

Q: Can Werewolf Writing Prompts be used for⁤ different writing formats? A: Absolutely! Werewolf Writing Prompts are versatile and can be used for ‍various writing formats, including short stories, novels, and even poems. The prompts provide ⁤a solid foundation for writers to ⁣develop werewolf characters, build their world, and⁣ unravel captivating plotlines‌ across different literary forms.

Q: How can⁢ one make ⁣the most out of Werewolf Writing Prompts? A:⁣ To make the most out of these prompts, writers should aim to infuse their personal style, voice, and imagination into the ideas provided. By adding their unique​ twist and perspective, writers can develop truly original and compelling ‍narratives, making the werewolf prompts their own.

Q:⁣ Are Werewolf Writing Prompts only suitable for​ experienced writers? A: Not ‌at all! Werewolf Writing Prompts cater to writers of all skill levels. Whether you are ​a seasoned writer or just starting your writing⁤ journey, these prompts⁤ offer an opportunity to explore the werewolf theme and hone your storytelling abilities. They ⁤are⁤ designed to inspire creativity among​ writers at any stage.

Q: ⁢Are there any specific tips for using Werewolf Writing ‍Prompts ⁢effectively? A: Absolutely! Here are a few tips: ⁣First, choose a prompt that resonates with you​ and that you feel excited about. Second, spend⁢ some time brainstorming and outlining your story before diving into‌ writing. Third, don’t be ⁤afraid to explore different angles and perspectives within the werewolf theme. Lastly, remember that the prompts are merely a‍ starting point; allow your⁢ narrative to evolve beyond the initial idea.

Q: Can Werewolf Writing Prompts be used to teach writing ‌skills? A: Yes, ⁢these prompts can be an excellent ⁤tool for teaching ‌creative writing skills. Educators​ can integrate Werewolf Writing Prompts ​into​ writing workshops or assignments for ⁢students, cultivating their storytelling abilities and encouraging ⁣imagination. Prompts ⁤centered around werewolves can engage students in the writing process and make it more dynamic.

Q: Are there​ any copyright concerns when ⁢using Werewolf Writing Prompts? A: The copyright concerns associated ⁤with the⁣ use of ‍these prompts primarily depend on their source. It ⁢is always ‌good practice to ensure⁤ that the prompts you ​use are freely available, properly attributed to ‌their creators, or fall under public domain. Additionally, writers should avoid copying entire prompts verbatim ‍and‌ instead use them as a springboard for their original ideas ​and narratives.

Incorporating Werewolf Writing Prompts into your creative process can lead to captivating tales of transformation ⁤that will leave readers craving more.

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Free Character Writing Prompts #15: Werewolves

Here are some howlingly good character writing prompts about werewolves. Werewolves are difficult characters to work with because of how they're frequently portrayed. In most stories, when the full moon comes out and they completely change over, they have absolutely no control of who they attack and when. In those instances, the most interesting part of the character is who they are when they're in human form. Other stories like the movie Teen Wolf, give the werewolf a degree of control, adding in human traits and humor. Twilight doesn't do a half bad job in this department either, giving werewolves a bit of control, though there is a bit too much brooding for my tastes. It's fine to have a werewolf that is beyond control in a story, but to make a fully three-dimensional character it's good to bend the clichéd rules every so often.  Free Character Writing Prompts #15: Werewolves

1. On a routine walk home from the library, one of the strangest and most nerdy kids in the class was attacked by a werewolf. He'd seen enough movies to know that he'd have to be careful when a full moon came around and he purchased all the necessary locks and chains to keep himself in captivity. That's about when the bottom dropped out on his small amount of popularity and the insults began to rain in. Other students made fun of the new way he smelled, which could hardly be covered up by any amount of antiperspirant. They laughed at his new beard, which he'd grown tired of shaving. When they drenched his clothes in the toilet following gym class, he decided not to lock himself up at night just to see what happened. When he was left to his own werewolf devices, what ended up happening to his detractors?

2. As a professional weightlifter in the early 1990s, he'd taken every performance enhancing substance he could lay his hands on before they were banned. He'd experienced the side effects and he'd heard the studies but he wanted nothing more than to be on the top. He heard about a strange herb in the middle of Europe that would increase his strength beyond measure and he travelled there on a whim. Upon taking the herb, he felt strange, powerful and angry. He quickly grew hair all over his body and found he was able to lift 10 times as much as he could before. The only problem is, he lost the ability to speak and was not allowed near an airplane on his attempt to fly home. He was stuck in the wilderness and he wasn't the only one either. What will this burly strongman do to survive his new situation?

3. She'd been dating him for nearly five years when she found out he was a werewolf. She'd always fancied herself an extremely loyal partner and after all, she wanted to marry him someday, scary monthly transformation or not. She asked for him to change her over. When he refused, she snuck over to his house the night of a full moon. He was chained up, but she stepped close enough to be bitten and she almost immediately changed over. When they woke up, he shouted at her and considered breaking up with her on the spot. Instead, she convinced him to let the two of them be chained up together during the next full moon. After the night of the next full moon was over, she woke up to find that she'd killed her boyfriend when they were in werewolf form. What happens next?

4. She had been moving up in the ranks of one of the Fortune 500's top companies and planned to be CEO one day. When a business meeting ran late the night of a full-moon, one of her underlings transformed into a strange, hairy creature that bit her. He later told her of the curse and she wrote it off as a myth. She changed her tune after the first time she changed over and she refused to let a little thing like an ancient curse stop her from her career path. Whether it was her condition taking over or not, she became even more ruthless at the office as her wolf-like anger bled over and she started going home early during the full moon. At night, despite her best efforts to keep locked up, she hunted down her rivals in the company until she was next in line for the CEO position. She loved how close she was but hated who she had become in the process. What will she decide to do with the rest of her werewolf life?

5. He was more or less a big stoner with not much going on in his life. He was attacked by a huge wolf in the middle of the day and he immediately changed into what looked like a carbon copy of the animal. It turned out that there was no moon curse and it wasn't once a month. He was going to be stuck like this for the rest of his life. He simply wrote it off as an obstacle and went back into his apartment to smoke more weed. When his friends came over, he told them what happened and they eventually learned to live with it. He ended up earning himself a great reputation as an entertainer at werewolf parties. People always commented on how lifelike his costume was. One day, he went to a party so stoned, that he wasn't able to control his urges, eating a small child. What happens next?

6. Here he was, quiet, witty and honest and whenever he got emotional, he would turn into an uncontrollable, bloodthirsty beast. He continued to frontline a band and to date his cute girlfriend, but he knew that he would have to keep his anger in check if he was to lead a relatively normal life. He embarked on a journey to Tibet to learn to be a monk who could control all emotions that came into his life. When he returned, his life was more or less normal and everything was much more peaceful. He had defeated the condition and he began to teach the methods to others who were infected. Before long, he was able to nearly rid the entire country of the werewolf problem. How did this new ability to calm out the condition change his life and status?

7. The first time she changed into a werewolf, she was afraid that she would kill those who were closest to her. She was surprised to find out that she only looked different and didn't actually think any differently at all. Even though she was only in high school, she knew that she had to use her superior strength and speed to help those less fortunate than her. She went prowling the streets looking for crime to stop. On her first day she thwarted a mugging and on the next she even stopped a woman from being assaulted. She loved her new ability, but her parents were starting to get suspicious. She hoped that by telling them she was in a number of new clubs and other activities that they would stop asking her questions. Until one day, her father spotted her after she'd completely transformed. What happens next?

8. In a world where werewolves are out and those who have been transformed have special beds and rooms to keep them and others safe, she is a werewolf activist. There are many who think that werewolves should register and should be treated differently than normal humans. She is the public face of werewolves in the media to push the werewolf agenda of equal treatment. While she used to kill to survive, she hopes to keep all of her past transgressions secret, even if it means more death. Is she able to change the world of werewolf equality?

9. He was the captain of a mighty ship that planned to be out at sea for months. Little did he know that there was a stowaway on board with a serious, transformative infection. On the first night, the moon was full and the captain was attacked and converted over. The crew successfully locked the two wolves up and when they turned back into human form, they were shocked to find the captain lying there naked. They figured out what had happened and despite the fact that the captain was one of the most well-respected men in the industry, they had no choice but to throw him overboard. What happened next?

10. When you heard a pounding sound in your house, you asked your parents what it was. They didn't want to share everything but they did tell you not to go into your little sister's room. You ignored them and opened it to find that your baby sister was a fully transformed werewolf just itching to escape. In the morning when she changed back she told you the whole story. The night she was born, the hospital was attacked by the animalistic creature who attempted to take her as his own. The hospital staff overpowered the wolf, but the damage had been done, spreading the infection to her. As she grows up, how will being a werewolf affect her life?  Did you enjoy these character writing prompts?  Buy the full book of 1,000 Character Writing Prompts on Amazon!   Done with Character Writing Prompts about Werewolves? Go back to Creative Writing Prompts.   Related Products

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Alpha But No Mate  Not rated yet On a sunny day, I was running and I was having a headache and sharper teeth. And wanting lots of meats. But my parents were werewolves but they died in …

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The Wolf and the Dog

In the aftermath of a school shooting, a teacher plans for next time

creative writing description of a wolf

*This essay refers to the shooting at New River Community College in Christiansburg, VA, April 12, 2013.

Every time I talk about the shooting, I dream my dog is murdered.

I am standing in a field in the twilight, high grass painted black against the glowing, lavender-gold sky. My dog has run away. A man is calling her by her name, and she’s running toward him, not me. I can tell from the tone of his voice that he isn’t calling her out of love and concern, that there’s hate beneath the honey in his voice, and when Daisy comes to him, he says, “I’ll teach you to run away from me again,” and I see his hand, clutching a hammer, rising high above his head, and he brings it down on her over and over and over again. He beats her to death and I stand there, shaking, paralyzed, unable to scream, unable to save her as she howls and cries in agony, until finally there’s silence.

“The daemonic night and its chief product, the nightmare, have always been a special hell for survivors,” writes David Morris in his study of trauma, The Evil Hours: A Biography of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder . Daisy—my most cherished companion, the tragic object of my nightmares—is the target, the innocent sacrificed to evil. All the dreams are variations on this one. She is tortured and killed, and I can’t save her. I cradle her in my arms as she bleeds to death, shuddering and gulping. 

I fling myself up out of sleep to see Daisy, safe in her bed in the corner; her sweet eyes are closed and her feathery tail thumps gently as she chases a rabbit in a dream of her own. I get out of bed and creep over to her, placing my hand on her maple-colored fur, feel her heart beating beneath my hand, stroke her ears. 

She’s alive. 

I know by now that every time I speak publicly about the shooting, or am “triggered” (how I hate that word: why must the term itself remind me of the gun?) by the news of another campus massacre, I will dream of Daisy’s murder. I turn the lights off and lie in the darkness, fighting off sleep for as long as I can. I never dream of my own students, or the classroom, or even guns. The shooting dreams are always Daisy dreams. Sometimes a man cuts her paws off. Sometimes he nails her ears to the floor. The killer comes after her, but spares me. I am never there in time to offer myself instead. 

Nighttime has become an entrée into a treacherous limbo. Instead of sipping the waters of Lethe, I choke on the filth of the river of lamentation.

On the Tuesday after the shooting, I, along with other faculty and staff, convened on campus with administrators and the director of the counseling center at Virginia Tech; fortunately / unfortunately, we had their experience to guide us through our own horror. We sat in an auditorium that had once been a movie theater. I chose a seat at the back, close to the door. Did I realize even then how space would rearrange itself, so that I would never again see a door as a benign architectural necessity? I was wobbly and frightened. I had gone back to my classroom with my father just three days earlier, the day after the shooting, to collect my belongings, and now the college was reopening. I had no idea how I was going to face my students the next day. All our focus was on them.

Our administrators walked us through the logistical steps for the rest of the semester. Students could finish early and accept their grades as they were, if they felt they couldn’t manage to return. (It did not occur to me to ask what to do if I couldn’t manage to return.) Police would be there every day for the rest of the term. One administrator reiterated that the official college safety protocol still advised sheltering in place and locking down during an “incident.” Even though we might think that we have safe egress, she said, we never know whether there will be a second shooter and if we might be sending students into sniper fire. 

I thought about how quickly I had made the decision to tell my students to run once the shots began ( Get out! ), I remembered the sound of gunfire coming from the reception lobby, just around the corner from our classroom, and the certainty that it—he—would come closer. The emergency exit was right across the hall. Using it had seemed like the only option. I remembered how my students flew over their desks and out the emergency exit door, how quickly they disappeared into their cars and sped away, or else hid with me behind parked cars. But what I heard from this administrator was that I could have sent my students into a gauntlet of bullets from an unknown second assailant, and that if they were unhurt today, it was in spite of my choices, not because of them. 

Images of my students tumbling one by one in a storm of bullets punched me in the gut. I crumpled forward in my seat and started to sob. The administrator came up to me afterwards and patted me on the back, saying that I had done the right thing and that no one was criticizing my choice in the moment. I couldn’t stop crying, though. The thought of my students, dead because of me, was too much to hold. What if? What if?

The what-ifs following a school shooting are as cacophonous and repetitive as tornado sirens. They constantly wake me out of hazy dreams, forcing me to go over each moment again and again, parsing every action for every other permutation I might have chosen. What if I had shut the door and turned off the lights? What if he had entered anyway? (I learned much later that surveillance video shows him coming to our classroom and peering inside just minutes after we fled.) What if I had gone back inside and tried to help instead of standing stupidly in the parking lot and listening to the shots? What if I had gone after him myself?

I wake up in the shadows, the sheets damp. I can smell the sour sweat on my body. There is a howl in my throat that can’t force its way out. Shreds of the dream linger in my mind, flitting away when I try to grasp them. No matter. I can imagine it well enough. What time did I go to bed? The clock radio reads 7 am, but that means I lay down hours ago. Time slips out of my hands now, minutes disappearing like snowflakes. The light outside is pale and gray, the steely sky melting into the dull snow-covered yard and neighboring paddock. Entre chien et loup : between a dog and a wolf, the French expression for that dusky hour when you can’t trust your eyes, when you don’t know if you’re safe or if there’s a predator lurking just around the corner. Harmless student, or furious young man?

Ice cracking, or gunshot? 

I wonder if the nightmares will always come like this. Could I avoid them by never speaking about the shooting, or by traveling out of town on anniversary dates, or by calling in sick to work and downing a Klonopin to black out the day? Why can’t April 12 be the new leap day, so that I only have to face it once every four years? And why can’t I dream about something else? Why can’t my nightmares take a different form? I would rather endure dreams of my own dismemberment than be forced repeatedly to watch Daisy’s torture.

Safe spaces, safe sex, drive safe; I want to weep with sick laughter at how meaningless the word has become. My school, my classroom, my dear students: all of us have been violated. Not even my unconscious mind is safe anymore. In the daytime, I can push away memories while I’m walking Daisy, opening into warrior pose on my yoga mat, or grading my students’ papers. But in sleep, in the daemonic night ? Powerless. 

A week after the shooting, I get an email from the mother of one of my students, thanking me for keeping them safe and getting them all out of the classroom. My boyfriend, too, assures me that I did just the right thing and fuck protocol; the students are safe and that’s what matters most. No plan survives contact with the enemy , he tells me. I replay their words when I find myself, in my mind, back in the classroom that day, standing at the door and listening to the gunfire, deciding without deciding what to do. 

Unlike the flimsy cassette tapes of my adolescence, this mental tape never seems to wear out. I have played it ten thousand times, remembering the sound of the first shot, the number of steps it took to cross the room (eight), the sound of the next two shots, the total, flat silence in my classroom in the moment between comprehending and acting. I’ve mentally copied parts of it for the next time:

If I can get the students out, I will. Fuck protocol. The FBI says that if you can escape, you should escape. But this time, I’m not going with them. I will make sure they’re all outside, and then I am going back in. 

I’ve imagined the charge many times. I’ve pictured the kind of gun he will have (our shooter used a shotgun, but the AR-15 is the weapon of choice for many enraged men who decide to enact their death wish on us), whether he will be walking methodically from room to room or firing haphazardly in every direction. I’ve memorized the distance between every hallway off the main corridor so that I know where I can conceal myself for just a few moments before I make my attack. I consider every day what shoes I will wear to school, because I need shoes that I can either run in or kick off quickly. 

I’m not running away this time. I’m running toward him.

I’ll have the element of surprise on my side, I think. He might be looking for a cop, a male for sure. He won’t expect a small-framed female English professor to come tearing at him. I imagine paralyzing him with my gaze. I imagine my mouth open and teeth bared, my arms tight at my sides. A predator.

His surprise may buy me a few seconds to launch myself at him and tackle him to the ground. He may drop his weapon. He may shoot me as I’m coming at him; I know this. I probably won’t survive. Still, I’ll have startled him long enough for someone else to call 911, or to help me keep him pinned to the floor away from his guns. 

I’ll get there in time.

* Illustration by Anna Hall


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  10. wolf

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  17. The Big Bad Wolf Literary Description Writing Sample

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  18. Describe the Wolf Writing Activity (teacher made)

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    1. Embrace the‌ Symbolism: Throughout history, the full moon has ‍been ‍a ⁢symbol of intensity, heightened emotions, and hidden desires. Incorporate these themes into your werewolf characters⁣ to deepen their complexity and create captivating storylines that explore the duality of human and wolf.

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  22. Free Character Writing Prompts #15: Werewolves

    Free Character Writing Prompts #15: Werewolves. 1. On a routine walk home from the library, one of the strangest and most nerdy kids in the class was attacked by a werewolf. He'd seen enough movies to know that he'd have to be careful when a full moon came around and he purchased all the necessary locks and chains to keep himself in captivity.

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    Every time I talk about the shooting, I dream my dog is murdered. I am standing in a field in the twilight, high grass painted black against the glowing, lavender-gold sky. My dog has run away. A man is calling her by her name, and she's running toward him, not me. I can tell from the tone of his voice that he isn't calling her out of love ...

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