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How the US is destroying young people’s future - Scott Galloway

Lesson duration 18:38


business education lesson plan

How to prevent political corruption

Lesson duration 05:22


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TED Explores: A New Climate Vision

Lesson duration 56:52


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What would happen if everyone stopped eating meat tomorrow?

Lesson duration 04:37


business education lesson plan

What the fossil fuel industry doesn't want you to know - Al Gore

Lesson duration 25:45


business education lesson plan

How labor unions shape society - Margaret Levi

Lesson duration 17:05


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How streaming caused the TV writers strike

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The case for free, universal basic services - Aaron Bastani

Lesson duration 19:09


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How do we create a better economy?

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How college loans exploit students for profit - Sajay Samuel

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Is capitalism actually broken?

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How gaming can be a force for good - Noah Raford

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business education lesson plan

Is inequality inevitable?

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These companies with no CEO are thriving

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What is a gig economy?

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Can the economy grow forever?

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The true cost of gold

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What’s the best country to live in?

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Do tax cuts stimulate the economy?

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Where do your online returns go? - Aparna Mehta

Lesson duration 07:39


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How one of the most profitable companies in history rose to power

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The life cycle of a pair of jeans

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The infamous overpopulation bet: Simon vs. Ehrlich

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How do governments create money out of thin air?

Lesson duration 04:55


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business education lesson plan

6 Teaching Business English Lesson Plans for All Learner Levels

Krzl light nuñes.

  • May 31, 2022

Teaching Business English lesson plans

From learning corporate terms to mastering expressions for negotiating, Business English is brimming with topics on how students can thrive in the workplace. Teaching each concept, however, requires thorough planning and choosing the most effective materials and methods. Whether you’re new to teaching professionals or are a seasoned Business English teacher looking to design better classes, here are some teaching Business English lesson plans you can use for different types of learners.

Learn more about what teaching Business English entails.

Table of Contents

What are some tips for teaching Business English lessons?

Before you get started in mapping your Business English classes out, here are some pointers to keep in mind when specializing in this ELT niche :

  • Make sure that you know your students’ backgrounds. Where do they work? What are they responsible for? How do they use English at work? Conduct a needs assessment before launching into your course.
  • Get your learners comfortable before you start your lessons by using icebreakers , Business English games , and other warm-up activities .
  • Provide vocabulary and practice activities that students will be able to use at their actual jobs. 
  • Prioritize skills that your learners need at work. If they often meet with offshore clients, for example, business meeting phrases should be one of the first lessons you teach.
  • Better define your lesson objectives and teaching strategies by making use of Bloom’s taxonomy , which classifies cognitive skills.

Consider these additional strategies, from the Bridge Specialized Certification in Teaching Business English course , when planning your overall curriculum, as well as your individual lesson plans:

Business English lessons for beginners

These free Business English lesson plans are great for professional students with a lower level of English. They can be used in both online and in-person classes.

Find out how to get a job teaching Business English.

Lesson plan #1: Types of companies

Lesson topic: Types of companies

Lesson objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe different types of companies and say the products or services each one produces or provides.

  • A physical or virtual whiteboard
  • PowerPoint slides containing 10 logos of different companies and pictures of different types of companies

Lesson plan #2: Staying at a hotel

Lesson topic:  Staying at a hotel

Lesson objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to make requests and ask for information in a hotel.

  • PowerPoint slides containing a list of expressions for booking a room, checking in, and asking about hotel services
  • An audio file or video of a hotel receptionist and guest ( like this one )

Business English lessons for intermediate learners

The following teaching Business English lesson plans are great for intermediate learners who already have a thorough understanding of basic English concepts.

Lesson plan #3: Modals of obligation, necessity, and prohibition

Lesson topic:  Modals of obligation, necessity, and prohibition

Lesson objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about the rules in their workplace using the modals of obligation, necessity, and prohibition.

  • Handouts (or PowerPoint slides) of the some of the points from this article on company policies

Lesson plan #4: Making a request by email

Lesson topic:  Making a request by email

Lesson objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a formal email to make a request.

  • PowerPoint slides showing expressions for writing formal emails
  • An example of a professional email chain

In a recent BridgeUniverse Expert Series webinar , panelists discussed how Business English teachers can tackle the topic of writing business emails with their students. For additional lesson plan ideas, check out what these experts had to say:

Business English lessons for advanced learners

Lastly, these teaching Business English lesson plans should ideally be used with advanced students who are looking to take their language skills to the ultimate level: fluency.

Lesson plan #5: Working with people from different cultures

Lesson topic: Working with people from different cultures

Lesson objectives : By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about their experiences working with people from other countries and give advice on cross-cultural work relationships.

  • Handouts (or PowerPoint slides) of the article “10 Ways to Work Effectively Across Cultures”

If you’re struggling when it comes to incorporating classroom tasks like those outlined in these free Business English lesson plans, take a look at the following video from the Specialized Certification in Teaching Business English course . It offers tips for conducting task-based learning in a Business English classroom:

Lesson plan #6: Creative presentations

Lesson topic: Creative presentations

Lesson objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to present a product, a service, or an idea creatively.

  • Five different simple objects (a ball, a bag, etc.)
  • Equipment to play a video

Teaching professional students is one of the most rewarding ELT niches to pursue, as these students are highly motivated individuals. With the right teaching Business English lesson plans, you can be sure you’re meeting stakeholder expectations and helping your students succeed.

Learn the 21st-century skills and tools you need to effectively teach English to professionals by earning Specialized Certification in Teaching Business English.

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Back in her hometown in the Philippines, Krzl worked as a writer at a TV station before moving to Chile. After she completed her TESOL certification, she worked for language institutes and then decided to become an independent English teacher to business professionals. When she’s not giving classes, she’s either surfing along Chile’s long stretch of coastline, traveling, or practicing photography by the beach.

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English for business

Here you can find a wide range of full lesson plans to use in your business English classroom. All of our lessons are designed around functional skills for business learners and can be used to complement your course curriculum, giving students an opportunity to develop their English language and skills in motivating and enjoyable ways. Written by business English language teaching experts from around the world, our lesson plans are easy to use and aim to give your students the skills and confidence they need to enjoy learning English.

Getting down to business

Meetings 1: Getting down to business

The beginning of a meeting presents a major dilemma: is it better to get straight down to business, or is it important to allow or even encourage small talk? The texts in this lesson present arguments from opposing viewpoints, which may help students to question their own assumptions. The lesson goes on to introduce useful language for both small talk and getting down to business, with practice in the form of role-plays.

business education lesson plan

Negotiations 1: Building relationships

When we think of negotiations, we tend to focus on the hard negotiating skills connected with bargaining. In fact, many professional negotiators will confirm that the most important skill is effective relationship building.

business education lesson plan

Socialising 1: Breaking the ice

For many people, the idea of walking into a room full of strangers and trying to socialise with them can be terrifying, especially if you have to use a foreign language. The barriers to ‘breaking the ice’ in a situation like this are just as much psychological as linguistic, which is why this lesson aims to get students thinking about the situation (through a quiz-based discussion and jigsaw reading) as much as speaking and practicing the skill of starting conversations with strangers.

business education lesson plan

Meetings 2: Getting involved in meetings

Many learners of English worry about their mistakes and allow their insecurities to prevent them from participating in meetings fully. This lesson provides reassurance that such insecurities are very common and normal. It also presents some strategies for increasing their confidence and ability to participate actively in meetings in English. The lesson also warns students that they themselves are responsible for overcoming this barrier to communication. There is also some guidance for learners with the opposite problem: overconfidence and dominance. It is suitable for a wide range of professional contexts, not just businesspeople.

business education lesson plan

Socialising 2: Keeping conversations going

After struggling to break the ice, the next obstacle is to keep the conversation going beyond the initial conversation. For this reason, this lesson aims to provide students with a bank of around 15 questions that they would feel comfortable asking in a conversation with a new acquaintance. They will also learn more general techniques involving different types of questions and the skill of turn-taking. Finally, they will practise all the skills from the lesson in a role-play game.

business education lesson plan

Meetings 3: Managing a meeting

This lesson focuses on two important aspects of managing a meeting: setting up the meeting with a series of emails, and keep the meeting under control. Two other important parts of managing a meeting, introducing the meeting and closing the meeting, are covered in lessons 1 and 5.

business education lesson plan

Negotiations 2: Positions and interests

The key to successful negotiation is preparation and research. This means finding out exactly what you want from the negotiation, and why you want it. This lesson includes a discussion, vocabulary input, a reading activity, useful language for negotiation, team problem solving and a role play in pairs.

business education lesson plan

Meetings 4: Brainstorming and evaluating

Since its development in the 1950s, brainstorming has become one of the most common techniques used in meetings to generate ideas. However, despite its clear benefits, the technique has its faults and many improvements have been suggested and analysed. This lesson aims to provide practice of brainstorming at the same time as exploring possible improvements. The second half of the lesson focuses on the necessary follow-up to brainstorming: evaluating ideas. This means the lesson covers two of the key language functions of meetings: making suggestions and agreeing/disagreeing.

business education lesson plan

Negotiations 3: Questioning and clarifying

In a negotiation, it’s very important to know when to speak, when to ask and when to shut up and listen. In this lesson students rank and discuss the stages of negotiation, do a reading activity and look at negotiations vocabulary, examine question types, then finish with a role play to practise clarifying, summarising and responding.

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Business Management

Business Management is designed to familiarize students with the concepts related to business management as well as the functions of management, including planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Students will also demonstrate interpersonal and project-management skills.

This binder does not contain all lesson plans for this course. This content can be used with any textbook or instructional materials. If locally adapted, make sure all TEKS are covered.

Scope and Sequence


CTE TEKS - Implemented 2017-2018, adopted in 2015

Business Management course scope and sequence within the Business Management and Administration Career Cluster® summarizes the content to be taught, and one possible order for teaching the units of instruction. A brief description of each unit and the corresponding TEKS are included. This scope and sequence may be adapted or adopted by the local education agency.

Program of Study

Based on the House Bill 5 Foundation High School Program, the Business Manager program of study within the Business Management and Administration Career Cluster® provides helpful information, including the core courses and career-related electives in high school that will help prepare students for their career goals. This document is designed for students, but can also be used by administrators, counselors, teachers, business and industry representatives, and parents.

Based on the House Bill 5 Foundation High School Program, the Business Executive program of study within the Business Management and Administration Career Cluster® provides helpful information, including the core courses and career-related electives in high school that will help prepare students for their career goals. This document is designed for students, but can also be used by administrators, counselors, teachers, business and industry representatives, and parents.

Based on the House Bill 5 Foundation High School Program, the Office Manager program of study within the Business Management and Administration Career Cluster® provides helpful information, including the core courses and career-related electives in high school that will help prepare students for their career goals. This document is designed for students, but can also be used by administrators, counselors, teachers, business and industry representatives, and parents.

Based on the House Bill 5 Foundation High School Program, the Human Resource Manager program of study within the Business Management and Administration Career Cluster® provides helpful information, including the core courses and career-related electives in high school that will help prepare students for their career goals. This document is designed for students, but can also be used by administrators, counselors, teachers, business and industry representatives, and parents.

Based on the House Bill 5 Foundation High School Program, the Marketing Manager program of study within the Business Management and Administration Career Cluster® provides helpful information, including the core courses and career-related electives in high school that will help prepare students for their career goals. This document is designed for students, but can also be used by administrators, counselors, teachers, business and industry representatives, and parents.

Unit 1: Professional Standards and Communication Skills


In this lesson plan, students will demonstrate team-building and interpersonal skills necessary for effective and successive workplace collaboration.


One or more lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

You can download the optional blank lesson plan template provided here, to locally develop a new lesson plan, consistent with the others provided in the Texas CTE Resource Center.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here , for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

Unit 2: Management


In this lesson, students will learn about business activities, production, marketing, management, finance, marketing, and the impact of international economy on business activities.

Unit 3: Ethics and Social Responsibility

Lesson plans are currently not available. Review the scope and sequence document, TEKS, and available lesson plans, to determine which additional lesson plans to locally develop.

If after developing a new lesson plan, you would like the TEA to consider adding it to the resource library for colleague teachers to also use in the future, attach the lesson plan and any supplemental instructional materials through the form here, for consideration. If published, we will attribute the materials to you.

Unit 4: Planning and Decision-Making


In this lesson, students will learn the different types of planning that businesses use to make strategic decisions.  Students will learn how to use a SWOT analysis. 


In this lesson, students will learn about organizational structures of businesses. Students will create organizational charts for corporations, outline the four types of organizational structures, evaluate an organizational structure, and develop a mock business and corresponding organizational structure.

Unit 5: Organizations

Unit 6: human resources, unit 7: leadership and project management.


This lesson helps students understand the steps involved in managing a project, the importance of evaluating a project to see if changes should be made, and the roles of a project manager. This lesson allows students to evaluate phases of real-world business projects.

Unit 8: Leadership Roles and Theories


This lesson focuses on the effects of using proper business communication, the barriers to effective communication, and communication tools used today.


In this lesson, students will learn and apply the qualities that create effective leaders, as well as the appropriate styles of leadership needed in various careers.

Unit 9: Quality Control and Information

Unit 10: characteristics of quality, unit 11: career development and leadership skills.

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Business Lessons For High School Students

Owning your own business is part of the American Dream. You might be wondering how a person could start their own company. What steps should be taken? How much money do you need to have saved up prior to starting a business? As a high school student, this possibility might seem more like an impossibility. In order to start the process of running your own operation, the first thing to do is throw all doubt out the window. The next step is obtaining a great education!

High schools all over the United States have classes dedicated to teaching business, marketing, and economics. These classes cover all of the basics needed to start you on your path to success. When taking such classes, a variety of topics will be covered. For instance, economics are a large part of learning about business. In an economics course, you learn more about the various markets in the world, supply and demand, and how the markets fluctuate. You will also need to take some financing courses. These will cover the money basics and how it is important to save money, invest money, and even how to spend money (wisely, of course). Other important business classes include accounting, human resources, operations management, and information and technology management.

If you are truly interested in the world of business, you might consider taking courses over the summer months, just to keep your mind fresh and full of the most up-to-date information. As an exercise, you might even consider creating your own business plan. How do you do this? It is simple, really. Start with an idea that you think could be profitable. The next step in creating your very own company plan is to write a mission statement. This should contain the purpose of your company as well as a brief overview of how or why your company will be successful. To run a proper business, there should be an unmet need in the market that your company will fulfill.

Next comes the steps you will take to fulfill that need. In your plan, be sure to include everything you will need to meet the need of the market. This can include (but is not limited to) employees, machinery, investors, marketing, advertising, and office or warehouse space. Another important component of a business plan is a description of what your product or service actually does. Be sure to mention the feasibility of your company's product or service in this portion of the plan, also referred to as the business model. Also mention why someone would pay for what you are offering.

There are a few more steps to creating your plan. It is important to conduct an analysis of the current market. Take a look at other products that could be your competition. Look at what making your product or offering your services will actually cost you. Do not forget start-up costs! Before you turn a profit, you will need to spend some money. This may require you to ask of others in the form of investors. They are a great way for startups to get money to get your plan off the ground. Other aspects you might consider including in this portion are your sale projections and your qualifications for owning, running, and selling whatever it is that you are going to be doing.

Finally, here's the fun part: Once you have covered the previously mentioned topics, you get to be a little creative. Consider how you will market your product. What will your ads look like? What will your advertisements say? In what other ways will you promote your product? How will you educate people about your product or service? These are all great considerations for the marketing portion of your plan.

That is how you create a very basic business plan. Try doing so with your next great idea. It could just become a real company one day.

Find out more about business and economics lessons through the following resources:

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  • Wharton High School Marketing and Entrepreneurship Course Lesson Plans
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  • Economics and Personal Finance Lessons for High School Students
  • Crucial Business Lessons You Learn in High School
  • Risk Management Lesson
  • Practice Money Skills (Grades 9-12)
  • Ted Talks: Economics
  • Personal Finance Project Resource Book (PDF)

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Business Studies free lesson plans for all topics (Form one to four)

Here are all the Business Studies secondary school lesson plans for all topics. You can also download the editable and pdf lesson plans below.


TEACHER’S NAME……………………………………………………..TSC NO…………….


CLASS: 1           

SUBJECT: BUSINESS                                                                TOPIC INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS STUDIES


WEEK: 4                                                                                        LESSON NO:     1, 2


OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to explain the meaning of business studies, Explain the importance of business studies in the society



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Business Studies Topical Questions And Answers (F1-4)

Business studies free secondary school notes and exams (Form one to four)






SUBJECT : BUSINESS                                                                 TOPIC BUSINESS AND its ENVIRONMENT


WEEK: 4                                                                                        LESSON NO: 3                                                                                                                   

OBJECTIVES: By the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to explain the meaning and purpose of a business

WEEK: 4                                                                                        LESSON NO: 3                                                      


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Hey, thanks for the blog article.Really thank you!

Wow, great post.Really looking forward to read more. Really Great.

I really like and appreciate your blog post.Much thanks again. Keep writing.

Very informative article post.Thanks Again. Great.

Wow, great blog.Really thank you! Really Great.

A round of applause for your article post.Really thank you! Really Cool.

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WORKSHEETS for English teachers

Business english, search for efl/esl resources to use in your business english classes. you can also follow a business english course from the course plans page or use the filter options to refine your search. worksheets and lesson plans that are not indicated with a padlock symbol are free to download..


Customised lessons

Worksheet type

267 lessons

business education lesson plan

Advanced (C1-C2)

In this worksheet, the concept of ‘time poverty’ is discussed in relation to the workplace and how it affects families, and particularly women. Exercises focus on reading and listening skills as well as relevant vocabulary. Students will also have the opportunity to discuss ideas relevant to the topic.

by Joe Wilson

business education lesson plan

Intermediate (B1-B2)

In this lesson, students will listen to an interview discussing the trend of "boomerang kids" – young adults moving back home with their parents – and read an article about the situation. Exercises focus on reading and listening skills, related vocabulary and students will have an opportunity to discuss the issues relating to the topic.

business education lesson plan

This lesson looks at the issue of Ageism in the workplace. Students will read an article and listen to a conversation focusing on the issue. Exercises look at related vocabulary, reading and listening skills and offer students an opportunity to discuss issues relating to the topic.

Note: this lesson can take 60-90 mins.

business education lesson plan

This worksheet focuses on online fraud using a conversation with a fraud helpline and an article discussing the various methods that criminals use for scams. Exercises focus on reading and listening skills and related vocabulary, and students will have an opportunity to discuss questions related to the topic.

business education lesson plan

This lesson looks at the increase in popularity of the antiwork movement over the last few years and the effect of the pandemic on people’s attitudes to working. Exercises focus on listening and reading skills and related vocabulary and students will be given the opportunity to discuss the many issues relating to the topic.

business education lesson plan

This worksheet centres on an article which looks at the Agile Scrum method of project management. In addition, there is a listening exercise where two people discuss Agile Scrum and how it works using an example. Exercises focus on reading and listening skills, related vocabulary, finding synonyms and students have the opportunity to discuss questions related to the subject.

business education lesson plan

Upper-intermediate (B2-C1)

This worksheet focuses on an interview of a business professor talking about business ethics. There is also an article looking at how globalisation creates problems for acting ethically as a business and discusses what steps can be taken. Exercises focus on listening and reading skills, related vocabulary as well as giving students the opportunity to discuss some of the issues presented in the lesson. 

business education lesson plan

A breaking news lesson on the recent trial of Theranos CEO Elizabeth Holmes, with a news report about the trial. Students will learn related vocabulary, practise reading and listening skills and reinforce their new vocabulary with conversation practice.

by David J. Marriott 

business education lesson plan

This lesson is based on a listening task with two people discussing the question; What makes an employee a high achiever? There is also an article which looks at what managers need to do in order to keep successful employees working at the company. Exercises focus on related vocabulary, listening and reading skills, and give students the opportunity to discuss issues related to the topic.

*This lesson can take 60-90mins.

business education lesson plan

This lesson is based on an article looking at why and how to conduct an effective exit interview and a listening task where students have to listen to an exit interview taking place. Exercises focus on related vocabulary, phrasal verbs, reading skills, and listening skills. Students will have the opportunity to discuss issues related to the topic.

business education lesson plan

In this lesson, students learn legal language related to informed consent and the duty of care by discussing what doctors need to disclose to their patients in the modern technological age. This issue is going to become more common as technology advances and creates new risks.

by Susan Iannuzzi

business education lesson plan

This lesson focuses on a news report about Jack Dorsey’s departure from Twitter and also an article about the life of Jack Dorsey. Exercises look at related vocabulary, listening skills, reading skills and give opportunities for discussion of some of the issues raised in the texts.

business education lesson plan

A breaking news lesson about Portugal’s recent move to make it illegal for employers to contact workers after working hours, with a news report about the new law and an article offering the opinions of four employees on their work situation. Students will learn related vocabulary, practise reading and listening skills and reinforce their new vocabulary with conversation practice.

by David J. Marriott

business education lesson plan

This lesson is based around a video looking at advice to more effectively deal with work/life balance and avoid burnout and stress. Exercises look at related vocabulary and encourage students to understand vocabulary within context. In addition, students will have the opportunity to discuss issues related to the theme of the lesson.

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business education lesson plan

This lesson centres on two articles about the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on certain markets: namely the tobacco market in South Africa and the global second-hand car market, with specific focus on the UK. Exercises look at related vocabulary and reading skills and give students an opportunity to discuss the issues raised in the articles.

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WCED - eResources

Welcome to the WCED ePortal's repository of weekly lesson plans curated by our subject advisors.

business education lesson plan

Foundation Phase Lessons

See the weekly lessons with embedded learning activities and resources for remote, blended and self-directed learning for Foundation Phase. “Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child and one teacher can change the world.” ~ Malala Yousafzai

business education lesson plan

Intermediate Phase Lessons

See the weekly lessons with embedded learning activities and resources for remote, blended and self-directed learning for Intermediate Phase. “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose.” ~ Dr. Seuss

Senior Phase Lessons

See the weekly lessons with embedded learning activities and resources for remote, blended and self-directed learning for Senior Phase. “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ~ George Eliot

business education lesson plan

FET Phase Lessons

See the weekly lessons with embedded learning activities and resources for remote, blended and self-directed learning for Intermediate Phase. “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” ~ Malcolm X

business education lesson plan

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  1. FREE 9+ Lesson Planner Samples & Templates in PDF

    business education lesson plan

  2. Lesson Plan Sample

    business education lesson plan

  3. Business ed. lesson plan 11

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  4. Sample Of Detailed Lesson Plan

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  5. Business Studies Lesson Plan For B.Ed

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  6. Lesson Plan Business Studies Grade 10 Forms of Ownership

    business education lesson plan


  1. Lean Management

  2. Position Yourself! #Shorts

  3. 20 Lesson Plan Of English teaching || B.Ed Macro Teaching

  4. You are MORE than what you’ve been through! #Shorts!

  5. Lesson Plan||Executive||Working of Institution

  6. It’s Time to Take a Stand #Shorts


  1. Lesson Plans

    We offer more than 400 free lesson plans developed by educators that cover the full scope of business and finance topics, including accounting, career development, communication, computation, economics, entrepreneurship, information technology, international business, management, and personal finance. Browse our lesson plans for high school ...

  2. PDF Creating a Business Plan Lesson 1: I Have an Idea!

    4. As the class comes back, the teacher writes the words "Business Plan" on the board, and asks the class what they think needs to be included in a business plan. (5 min) 5. From there the teacher will pass out copies of the first part of a transcript from the article How Entrepreneurs Can Create Effective Business Plans. The interview was

  3. Business Lessons

    TED-Ed lessons on the subject Business. TED-Ed celebrates the ideas of teachers and students around the world. ... Want a daily email of lesson plans that span all subjects and age groups? Learn more. Subjects All Subjects. All Subjects; The Arts. ... A day in the life of an ancient Babylonian business mogul. Lesson duration 04:47 1,114,412 ...

  4. Master Your High School Business Curriculum: Keep Your ...

    Find a high school business curriculum or other business education resources that are based on the standards you need to cover. There are several options available, including Business&ITCenter21, Cengage SAM, and Pearson's MyITLab. Tip 2. Make Your High School Business Lesson Plans More Engaging

  5. Business & Economics Lessons

    3. 4. 5. TED-Ed lessons on the subject Business & Economics. TED-Ed celebrates the ideas of teachers and students around the world. Discover hundreds of animated lessons, create customized lessons, and share your big ideas.

  6. Lesson Plan: Functions of Business

    In this lesson, students will learn about business activities, production, marketing, management, finance, marketing, and the impact of international economy on business activities. Download the lesson plan. Scroll to the related items section at the bottom of this page for additional resources.

  7. 6 Teaching Business English Lesson Plans for All Learner Levels

    Lesson plan #1: Types of companies; Lesson plan #2: Staying at a hotel; Business English lessons for intermediate learners. Lesson plan #3: Modals of obligation, necessity, and prohibition; Lesson plan #4: Making a request by email; Business English lessons for advanced learners. Lesson plan #5: Working with people from different cultures

  8. PDF Your Plan Creating a Busines s Plan Lesson 13: Creating

    1. Do Now: Get together with our group and make a plan for what you need to accomplish today and who is responsible for what. (5 min) 2. Teacher takes a little time at the beginning to go over any questions or concerns students might have. Also to identify some good things and not good things the teacher observed as groups were working during ...

  9. Sample Business Lessons

    Choose a lesson to get started: All Topics. Business in Society. Entrepreneurship & Innovation. Finance & Accounting. Leadership & Management. Strategy. 35 min. Leadership & Management.

  10. English for business

    Here you can find a wide range of full lesson plans to use in your business English classroom. All of our lessons are designed around functional skills for business learners and can be used to complement your course curriculum, giving students an opportunity to develop their English language and skills in motivating and enjoyable ways. Written by business English language teaching experts from ...

  11. Business, Marketing, Finance, IT & Media Curriculum

    With iCEV, you'll be free to dedicate more time and energy to your students. Our business and media curriculum platform provides: Ready-to-use lesson plans and automatic grading to shoulder the burden of administrative tasks. Interactive coursework, hands-on activities, and projects that foster critical thinking and engage students.

  12. Tonya Skinner's Business Education Lesson Plans and Resources

    Find the appropriate category below. If you have great lesson plans to share, please contact me! I'll be glad to post them here. If you are looking for modules, try the workshop materials listing for Photoshop workshop modules and more. NOTE: Links are being verified and these pages are being redone.

  13. Business Management

    Business Management is designed to familiarize students with the concepts related to business management as well as the functions of management, including planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Students will also demonstrate interpersonal and project-management skills. This binder does not contain all lesson plans for this ...

  14. Business Education Standards

    NBEA developed this 2023 edition of the National Standards for Business Education. The standards, first published in 1995 at the request of business educators throughout the country, was then, and is today, at the leading edge of business and career education. Preparing students for the workplace demands a dynamic curriculum—perhaps more ...

  15. Tonya Skinner's Business Education Lesson Plans

    I've created lots of screencasts recapping lectures and explaining parts of projects and concepts. E-mail and I'd be glad to create one epecially for you! Click Screencasts above to check it out! View Screencasts.

  16. Business Education Lesson Plans & Worksheets Reviewed by Teachers

    Business Growth - Lesson Plan: 2 x 1 hour lessons. For Teachers Higher Ed. Students watch a Power Point presentation on business growth. Students complete a task requiring research and analysis of a business and its growth. +.

  17. Business Lessons For High School Students

    Start with an idea that you think could be profitable. The next step in creating your very own company plan is to write a mission statement. This should contain the purpose of your company as well as a brief overview of how or why your company will be successful. To run a proper business, there should be an unmet need in the market that your ...

  18. Tonya Skinner's Business Education Lesson Plans and Resources

    About Tonya. Tonya Skinner graduated from Southeast Missouri State University in 1997 and has since taught in Dekalb High School, Oran R-3 Schools, and Jackson Senior High School in Missouri. She has also served as an adult education teacher at the Cape Career and Technology Center and an adjunct faculty member for Southeast Missouri State ...

  19. Business Lesson Plans: KS3, KS4, GCSE Teaching Resources ǀ Tes

    Get down to business with Tes reources - home to an unrivalled range of classroom materials for KS3, KS4 and GCSE business studies, including: - Business lesson plans. - Business project ideas. - Business case studies. Whatever you need, you're sure to find it amongst the thousands of free and premium resources available for you to download and ...

  20. Business Studies free lesson plans for all topics (Form one to four

    TIME: CONTENT: LEARNING ACTIVITIES: RESOURCE MATERIALS . 5 Minutes . 30 Minutes . 5 Minutes: Introduction. Recap of previous lesson content on meaning of business studies and major key words i.e. goods, services, production, distribution, consumption , economic and commerce

  21. Business Education

    Business Education Handbook (.pdf) - For candidates getting a General Business Ed. or Marketing Endorsement. EdTPA Templates. Context for Learning Information (.docx) Planning Commentary (.docx) Instruction Commentary (.docx) Assessment Commentary (.docx) References & Resources. Local Evaluation Rubric (.doc) Understanding Academic Language ...

  22. Business English Lesson Plans

    60 min. Exit interviews. Intermediate (B1-B2) This lesson is based on an article looking at why and how to conduct an effective exit interview and a listening task where students have to listen to an exit interview taking place. Exercises focus on related vocabulary, phrasal verbs, reading skills, and listening skills.

  23. Weekly Lessons Gr. R

    Intermediate Phase Lessons. See the weekly lessons with embedded learning activities and resources for remote, blended and self-directed learning for Intermediate Phase. "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose."~ Dr. Seuss. Senior Phase Lessons. See the weekly lessons with ...

  24. 29 Lesson Plan Templates for Teachers & Online Instructors

    The kind of timeline you create depends on how your lesson plan is structured. If you're writing a weekly lesson plan, for example, you can divide activities and tasks by day. You can also add time slots for each activity. For example: 9:00 - 9:30: Opening discussion. 9:30 - 9:45: Reading activity.

  25. Airline Business Plan. Free PPT & Google Slides Template

    Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Get your aviation venture off the ground with our sleek, modern PowerPoint and Google Slides template, tailored specifically for the industrial sectors eyeing the skies. Whether you're pitching to investors, strategizing with partners, or presenting at industry ...