Sydney Sweeney's Unusual Plan To Make It In Hollywood Is A Lesson For All Of Us

Ron Dicker

General Assignment Reporter, HuffPost

sydney sweeney 5 year business plan

Sydney Sweeney made it from Spokane, Washington, to success in Hollywood ― and how she did it rightfully impressed “ The Tonight Show ” host Jimmy Fallon . (Watch the video below.)

When Sweeney, who plays the much-memed Cassie on the HBO teen drama “ Euphoria ,” told her parents that she wanted to pursue acting, they “thought it was like wanting to be a princess, that it wasn’t real, you couldn’t touch it,” she said.

But at age 11, Sweeney convinced them it could be done by putting together a five-year business plan in a PowerPoint presentation. All it took was determination and some Googling.

“They took me seriously,” she said of mom and dad, adding: “They listened.”

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Euphoria’s Sydney Sweeney On Playing Cassie, Conquering The Red Carpet And Becoming Tory Burch’s New Muse

By Janelle Okwodu

Image may contain Sydney Sweeney Shelf Human Person Furniture and Bookcase

Designers can be the best representation of their aesthetic, and since the launch of her label in 2004, Tory Burch has embodied the ease and élan of the clothing she creates. Still, in the age of celebrity endorsement, brands can shape their identity through Hollywood’s talent pool. Selecting the right talent to collaborate with has become an art form, but Burch appears to have met her match in Euphoria actor Sydney Sweeney.

By Hayley Maitland

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Tapped as the new ambassador for Burch’s line of handbags and shoes, the rising star couldn’t be buzzier thanks to her scene-stealing roles on Euphoria and The White Lotus . Still, the fact that Sweeney is at the centre of two of the most talked-about television series in recent memory wasn’t what captured the designer’s attention. A performer, producer, martial artist, auto enthusiast, and more, the multi-faceted Sweeney had moxie. “Sydney is one of the most talented and relevant young actors working today, but I am equally inspired by her curiosity and confidence,” Burch shared pre-announcement. “She is unapologetic and empowered in her approach to acting and business.”

Like many in Gen Z, Sweeney came of age as Burch’s storefront became a must-visit destination in malls across America. Raised in Spokane, Washington, some of her earliest fashion moments came courtesy of Burch. “In third grade, my best friend got us matching Tory headbands for Christmas, which stands out to me so much,” shared Sweeney on the phone from Los Angeles. “I’d never had something so nice; I was so excited I wore that headband every day for weeks. I’m sure my mum thought something was wrong with me, but it was the first nice thing I’d ever had. Growing up in a small town, you’d see Tory’s store [in the mall], and that was where everyone wanted to be able to shop.”

Image may contain Shelf Furniture Sydney Sweeney Human Person Bookcase Tory Burch and Wood

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By the time Sweeney moved to Hollywood, Burch’s pieces were a regular part of her wardrobe, but her interest in Burch was about more than clothes. Interested in entrepreneurship from an early age – the actor even created a five-year business plan to convince her parents to support her acting dreams – Sweeney was inspired by Burch’s entire enterprise. “She’s such an incredible businesswoman,” says Sweeney. “I hope to accomplish a third of what she’s been able to build.”

Selected to front the brand’s holiday ads in 2021, Sweeney immediately clicked with the designer and her team. “[Shooting the campaign] just felt very natural and fluid,” says Sweeney. “I was already a big fan of her clothing, and I think that showed, but when I met Tory, we completely hit it off.”

An entrepreneur in her own right – Sweeney’s production company Fifty-Fifty Films, which focuses on highlighting female directors and screenwriters, launched in 2020 – she was moved by the philanthropic example set by Burch. The designer’s foundation helps female founders access capital and education resources, opening doors for women. “What’s been inspiring [to me] is how she supports and wants to empower the next generation,” says Sweeney. “I want to give back somehow, so seeing her do that so successfully makes me excited for our partnership’s future.”

In the interim, Sweeney is enjoying immersing herself in all things fashion. Though she still considers herself a jeans and T-shirt girl off-duty, she’s embraced the power of transformation on the red carpet. “I’ve learned to create characters,” she explains. “I have social anxiety and used to get nervous before or during events. Now I create different personas that [represent] who I’d want to be in that moment, which puts me at ease.”

Thanks to fashion’s obsession with all things Euphoria, Sweeney’s event schedule is full. The show’s visual identity has struck a chord with viewers who recreate Doniella Davy’s ethereal make-up and obsessively chart each piece of designer clothing worn at #EuphoriaHigh. The series’ outsized influence on trends underscores its relevance, but neither Sweeney nor her castmates could have predicted its impact. “None of us knew what to expect from the show, but I think it’s beautiful that we’ve been able to touch people,” says Sweeney. “Each character is so uniquely themselves, and that allows the audience to connect with them, even when it’s through their style.”

This season, the wardrobe for Sweeney’s Cassie proved especially significant , the ups and downs of her emotional rollercoaster reflected in her wardrobe. Cassie’s arc was provocative, but Sweeney found bringing the story to life thrilling. “As an actress, it’s a dream role,” she says. “I’m getting to go deep and to creatively fulfilling places. Sam [Levinson] is such an incredible creator because it allows these characters to go places that people are scared to [approach], but he isn’t. Having the opportunity to bring this to life and affect such a huge audience is incredible.”

At this stage of her career, Sweeney is drawn to projects that push her outside her comfort zone. “My main decision points are ‘is this completely different from other characters I’ve played, and am I scared?’” she says. “You can’t be afraid to fail because if you are, you’re not going to be able to push yourself. Not everything will be perfect, but I know that if I’m challenging myself, I’m on the right path.”

Sweeney’s latest cinematic challenge is director Tony Tost’s National Anthem , a gritty neo-Western where she stars opposite Halsey. Tackling a new genre while sharing the screen with one of the world’s biggest pop stars isn’t easy, but it may not be as daunting as the star’s next fashion trial by fire: the Met Gala . “I can’t talk about that, but I’m excited!” says Sweeney, who will be making her debut in a custom look dreamed up by Burch. “It’s a rite of passage. I’ve always seen the Met on TV or in pictures, and I never knew if I’d be able to touch that world. Now I am, and it’s amazing.”

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Who Is Sydney Sweeney? 5 Things to Know After Actress’ Viral Anti-Bullying Message

5 Things To Know About Sydney Sweeney After Anti Bullying Video

Euphoria actress Sydney Sweeney took a stand against online bullying in a tearful Instagram Live — and quickly caught social media users’ attention.

“Apparently I am trending on Twitter right now for being ugly,” Sweeney, 23, said on Saturday, May 8. “I think it’s really important for people to see how words actually affect people.”

The initial tweet calling Sweeney “ugly” has since been removed, and many have come to the actress’ defense. “I know everyone says, ‘You can’t read things,’ and ‘You shouldn’t read things,’ but like, I’m a f—king person. I’m just sitting here with my dog Tink, watching HGTV, wearing my Snuggie. People need to be nicer on social media because it’s really f—ked up.”

Fans rallied to cheer up the crying celeb.

“If y’all think Sydney Sweeney is ugly idek know what I am,” one user tweeted.

“Appreciation post for Sydney Sweeney. she’s so talented & has such a beautiful soul,” another praised.

“I want every single person calling sydney sweeney ugly to do a face reveal right now,” one fan quipped.

Another added, “I won’t forget y’all for making sydney sweeney cry.”

“@sydney_sweeney please don’t care about the hate comments. have so much people in this world that love you so much. sending love to tou [sic], we love you,” a fan account wrote. “I LOVE YOU SYDNEY.”

Even singer Bea Miller came out in defense of the actress. “Whoever made sydney sweeney cry drop your location i just wanna talk,” she wrote. “We march at dawn.”

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Previously, Sweeney has admitted she cares what people on the internet think of her. “I’m not gonna lie. I’m not one of those people who’s like, ‘I’m super confident . I don’t care what people think.’ I’m a real person,” she told Collider in November 2020. “I care what people say and what they think and what they comment, so I definitely am always like, ‘oh my god, should I post this?’”

She added that cancel culture makes her overthink social media posts often. “I’m terrified of what I’m not aware of or thinking when I post this, and I don’t want to be deaf to anything going on,” she said. “I get really nervous.”

PopCrave , a Twitter account, captured a clip of Sweeney’s Instagram Live, which has been viewed over 133,000 times. There’s more to the starlet than just a tearful viral video, though. Keep scrolling to learn more about Sweeney’s rise to stardom:

sydney sweeney 5 year business plan

Credit: Shutterstock

Euphoria actress Sydney Sweeney took a stand against online bullying in a tearful Instagram Live — and quickly caught social media users’ attention. "Apparently I am trending on Twitter right now for being ugly," Sweeney, 23, said on Saturday, May 8. "I think it's really important for people to see how words actually affect people." The initial tweet calling Sweeney "ugly" has since been removed, and many have come to the actress' defense. "I know everyone says, 'You can't read things,' and 'You shouldn't read things,' but like, I'm a f—king person. I'm just sitting here with my dog Tink, watching HGTV, wearing my Snuggie. People need to be nicer on social media because it's really f—ked up." Fans rallied to cheer up the crying celeb. [sendtonews type="float" key="6TfzPJoPrQ-3111971-14453"] “If y’all think Sydney Sweeney is ugly idek know what I am,” one user tweeted. “Appreciation post for Sydney Sweeney. she's so talented & has such a beautiful soul,” another praised. “I want every single person calling sydney sweeney ugly to do a face reveal right now,” one fan quipped. Another added, “I won’t forget y’all for making sydney sweeney cry.” “@sydney_sweeney please don't care about the hate comments. have so much people in this world that love you so much. sending love to tou [sic], we love you,” a fan account wrote. “I LOVE YOU SYDNEY.” Even singer Bea Miller came out in defense of the actress. “Whoever made sydney sweeney cry drop your location i just wanna talk,” she wrote. “We march at dawn.” Previously, Sweeney has admitted she cares what people on the internet think of her. “I’m not gonna lie. I’m not one of those people who’s like, ‘I’m super confident . I don’t care what people think.’ I’m a real person,” she told Collider in November 2020. “I care what people say and what they think and what they comment, so I definitely am always like, ‘oh my god, should I post this?’” She added that cancel culture makes her overthink social media posts often. “I’m terrified of what I’m not aware of or thinking when I post this, and I don’t want to be deaf to anything going on,” she said. “I get really nervous.” PopCrave , a Twitter account, captured a clip of Sweeney’s Instagram Live, which has been viewed over 133,000 times. There's more to the starlet than just a tearful viral video, though. Keep scrolling to learn more about Sweeney’s rise to stardom: [podcast_block]

sydney sweeney 5 year business plan

You've Seen Her Before

Sweeney usually isn't crying on Instagram. In fact, she doesn't use social media a ton because she works a lot. She's racked up nearly 50 acting credits over the last decade, starting with guest gigs on hits like Grey's Anatomy and Criminal Minds . She's had some very high-profile roles on The Handmaid's Tale , Sharp Objects and, of course, Euphoria . She's also hit the big screen in Once Upon a Time...In Hollywood and Big Time Adolescence , both released in 2019.

sydney sweeney 5 year business plan

Credit: Evan Agostini/Invision/AP/Shutterstock

She Created a Five-Year Plan at Age 12

Convincing her parents to let her go from Washington to Hollywood was difficult, so she pulled an Emma Stone and made a PowerPoint presentation for her mom and dad. Not only did she discuss her dreams but she also created a business plan.

“I created a five-year business plan that basically explained what could happen in my life if they let me do this, the steps I had to take, things I had to work toward,” she told LA Confidential in December 2018. “They were like, ‘OK, maybe she’s a little serious about this!’ They let me audition for [ ZMD: Zombies of Mass Destruction ], and I ended up booking it.”

She's Earning Her Business Degree

The ingenue is taking online college courses and is majoring in business to help her navigate the world of Hollywood contracts. “I want to be able to read my contracts and know what the hell they say when I’m making $20 million so I’m not getting f--ked over," she told Cosmopolitan in August 2019. “You will always be the number one person looking out for yourself.”

sydney sweeney 5 year business plan

Credit: Richard Shotwell/Invision/AP/Shutterstock

Her Life Is Nothing Like ‘Euphoria’

While the HBO show depicts teens living on the edge, Sweeney spent her teen years focused and determined to make it in the entertainment world. “Drug and alcohol abuse, and addiction, runs in my family,” she told Elite Daily in 2018. “I just never really cared to try any of it.” She said her mom “would kill my ass if I ever came home drunk or high, and I was terrified of my mother.”

sydney sweeney 5 year business plan

Confidence Came Later

The Everything Sucks actress was ready to go to Hollywood, but she struggled with self-esteem as a young teen. She told Backstage that she'd give her past self some simple advice. "Be more confident in who you are," she said in June 2020. "Confidence is something I wish I’d had when I was younger with my self-image and my body. I wasn’t that 13-year-old skinny little girl. I had some meat on my bones, and I felt very self-conscious next to other girls."

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sydney sweeney 5 year business plan

'They thought I was wanting to be a princess': Euphoria's Sydney Sweeney convinced her parents to let her become an actress aged 11 with a 'five-year PowerPoint business plan'

By Elmira Tanatarova For Mailonline

Published: 12:12 EDT, 4 May 2022 | Updated: 14:51 EDT, 4 May 2022

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Sydney Sweeney talked about convincing her parents to let her become an actress with a 'five-year business plan' aged only 11.

The Euphoria actress, 24, appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on Tuesday and looked stunning in a cleavage-plunging lemon yellow dress as she talked about pursuing her dreams..

The breakout star, originally from small town Spokane, Washington, said her mother and father initially believed her dream to be out of her reach. 

Sunny ensemble: Sydney Sweeney, 24, looked stunning in a cleavage-plunging lemon yellow dress on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on Tuesday

Sunny ensemble: Sydney Sweeney, 24, looked stunning in a cleavage-plunging lemon yellow dress on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon on Tuesday

Hollywood ambitions: The actress talked about convincing her parents to let her become an actress with a 'five-year business plan' aged only 11

Hollywood ambitions: The actress talked about convincing her parents to let her become an actress with a 'five-year business plan' aged only 11

She told Jimmy, 47: 'I was a little girl with a big imagination. My parents thought it was like wanting to be a princess - that it wasn't real, you couldn't touch it.


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'We're a smaller town. So, I put together a five year business plan presentation of what could happen if they let me. They took me seriously!' 

Sydney - who paired her sunny ensemble with strappy, diamante studded stiletto heels - said her journey to stardom was more complicated than she envisioned in her PowerPoint. 

California Dreamin': The breakout star, originally from small town Spokane, Washington, said her mother and father initially believed her dream to be untouchable

California Dreamin': The breakout star, originally from small town Spokane, Washington, said her mother and father initially believed her dream to be untouchable

Not a one-trick pony: Sydney plays Cassie Howard on HBO show Euphoria, (pictured) but has also portrayed Eden in Hulu series The Handmaid's Tale and Alice in miniseries Sharp Objects

Not a one-trick pony: Sydney plays Cassie Howard on HBO show Euphoria, (pictured) but has also portrayed Eden in Hulu series The Handmaid's Tale and Alice in miniseries Sharp Objects

'(It) took a little longer,' she added. 'It was a little harder than I imagined.'

Sydney's canary dress, which also showed off her toned legs with a thigh slit, was the perfect complement to her striking blonde hair.

The actress had her signature golden locks down, with some face-framing front pieces accentuating her face.

She showed off her fresh-faced beauty with easy glam make-up, featuring bold dark lashes and a pop of strawberry pink lipstick. 

While on the show Sydney also played a game of charades with Jimmy and Benedict Cumberbatch, 45, along with Roots band member Tariq Trotter.

The competitive game finished with Benedict and Sydney both silently acting out the song Drop It Like It's Hot.

Jimmy demanded an instant replay to determine who won and Tariq was declared the winner.

Getting competitive: While on the show Sydney also played a game of charades with Jimmy and Benedict Cumberbatch, 45, along with Roots band member Tariq Trotter

Getting competitive: While on the show Sydney also played a game of charades with Jimmy and Benedict Cumberbatch, 45, along with Roots band member Tariq Trotter

Sydney was promoting the HBO teen drama Euphoria, where she portrays main cast member Cassie Howard in the critically acclaimed series that stars Zendaya, 25, as teenage drug addict Ruby 'Rue' Bennett.

In March she opened up about struggling to break into the entertainment industry during an interview with  British GQ .

While she was previously told by a casting director that she would 'never be on a TV' because she didn't have the 'right' look, the star said she can laugh off the hurtful comment after becoming a household name. 

The bombshell, who has scored leading roles in series like The White Lotus Everything Sucks!, has gone on to start her own production company, Fifty-Fifty Films.

Dedication: Sydney - who paired her sunny ensemble with strappy, diamante studded stiletto heels - said her journey to stardom was more complicated than she envisioned

Dedication: Sydney - who paired her sunny ensemble with strappy, diamante studded stiletto heels - said her journey to stardom was more complicated than she envisioned

Stunner: Sydney's canary dress, which also showed off her toned legs with a thigh slit, was the perfect complement to her striking blonde hair

Stunner: Sydney's canary dress, which also showed off her toned legs with a thigh slit, was the perfect complement to her striking blonde hair

Share or comment on this article: Sydney Sweeney convinced her family to let her become an actress with a 'five-year business plan' 

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Sydney Sweeney is the moment

By Jessica Radloff

Photography by Jeremy Choh

Sydney Sweeney On Feminism Family  The Highs And Lows Of Fame

Sydney wears jacket, Fidan Novruzova

Sydney Sweeney first walked into the GLAMOUR Los Angeles offices in May of 2018. The purpose: a meet ’n’ greet – a 30-minute get-to-know-you casual conversation. She was 20. Her hair was light brown. I don’t remember much of what we talked about other than I was quite impressed with her résumé already (several episodes of The Handmaid’s Tale and an upcoming role in Sharp Objects , opposite Amy Adams ). Afterwards, I emailed her publicist to say I looked forward to what was to come.

Recognising star talent is part of the job, but even I couldn’t have predicted the speed at which Sydney would dominate Hollywood. What I do know is that every time I saw Sydney thereafter – whether at a premiere or an event – she was exactly the same cheerful, smart and thoughtful individual I met back in 2018.

And yet, she wasn’t.

Because of that rapid ascent (namely from the success of The White Lotus and Euphoria , which has helped her accrue a cool 16 million Instagram followers), Hollywood has toughened Sydney.

When we speak over Zoom, Sydney is in Australia, where she’s in pre-production on Ron Howard’s latest movie, Eden. Having had massive success so young, she says, “There is no handbook, there is no correct way.” Knowing what she does now though, she does admit, “I think if I would’ve known all that came along with it, I would’ve probably lived my life as a kid longer. I grew up really fast.”

Sydney Sweeney On Feminism Family  The Highs And Lows Of Fame

It’s seven in the morning for Sydney, but she’s been up for hours. She’s not just an actor for hire; she’s also a producer. And a brand ambassador (for the likes of Miu Miu, Armani and Ford). And CEO of her own production company, Fifty-Fifty Films. She works upward of 18 hours a day, seven days a week.

And yet, sometimes it seems all the headlines Sydney generates are the details of her personal life or her body. (“The biggest misconception about me is that I’m a dumb blonde with big tits,” she hilariously stated during her GLAMOUR Unfiltered video shoot.)

In fact, it is her latest project – this month’s Anyone But You , released in cinemas nationwide on December 26 – that has been making just such headlines since the spring, when she and co-star Glen Powell were pictured looking close while filming in Australia. Nevermind that they were filming a rom-com about two people who fake being a couple, and in real life were both in relationships.

“It was really hard on Glen, which made me sad… because [otherwise] it was such a beautiful experience for the both of us. I care for him so much,” she says.

Sydney speculates the fascination was rooted in the fact that she’s hardly pictured with her real-life partner, businessman and producer, Jonathan Davino. “Also, I’ve never really shared that much [about my relationship], so the press loves to create drama in stories,” she says.

In hindsight, a great experience like Anyone But You means more now as Sydney looks ahead to filming season three of Euphoria next year, especially given the tragic news this summer about the untimely passing of her co-star, Angus Cloud , who died from an accidental drug overdose at the age of 25.

Sydney wears Alexandra Armata skirt top and jacket. Special thanks to Denim Futures and The Mills Fabrica

Sydney wears Alexandra Armata skirt, top and jacket. Special thanks to Denim Futures and The Mills Fabrica

The third season of Euphoria won’t premiere on HBO until 2025, but filming will begin in 2024. As much as Sydney’s looking forward to reprising her role of Cassie Howard (“I’m very excited, but I can’t say anything [about the new season],” she says), there will no doubt be an added heaviness on set.

“[My costars and I] were constantly on the phone with each other crying, because it was just such a shock,” she says about first hearing the news.

“I don’t think it’ll truly feel real or hit me until we’re filming and I won’t see Angus on set.

“(At least) when we are filming, all of our eyes are on each other and we’re there for each other, just in a different way than we’re able to when we’re all in very separate places in the world. It’s really interesting when someone passes away in our industry, because they’re still alive in so many forms.”

And yet, being back at work might also prove healing. As dark as the storylines (addiction, abortion , abuse) are on Euphoria , it’s also an emotional outlet for Sydney.

“Cassie is definitely the closest – especially in season one – to me that I’ve played and she means a lot to me. But it’s almost like therapy : where I can let out so much… that when I go home, I feel free.”

While Euphoria focuses on a group of troubled teenagers with hard-hitting storylines, Sydney’s own – very different – adolescence has been heavily documented.

Sydney Sweeney On Feminism Family  The Highs And Lows Of Fame

The TL;DR version is that she grew up in a small city near Spokane on the border of Idaho and Washington, with her younger brother, Trent. Her parents did everything they could to help their daughter achieve her dream. She has previously revealed she presented them a five-year business plan when she was 11, hoping her former criminal defence lawyer mum and hospitality worker dad would let her act for a living. They did, moving the family to LA when Sydney was 13. But the roles were sparse and expenses piled up. Her parents eventually split and filed for bankruptcy. Sydney admits that it was taxing.

“I was auditioning for six years before I got anything major,” she recounts. “That was really hard.”

But it only made her more determined. Perhaps that is why whenever she gets a break, her first choice is to go home to Spokane to be with family.

“It’s this interesting dynamic where my cousins are all like, ‘You’re still so young, but you’ve accomplished so much,’ she says. “My aunts all love saying, ‘I would change your diapers, and look at you now!’”

Sydney wears archive Prada gilet from Depop Alexandra Armata skirt JPG x Jimmy Choo boots. With thanks to Studio...

Sydney wears archive Prada gilet from Depop, Alexandra Armata skirt, JPG x Jimmy Choo boots. With thanks to Studio PascaleEliza

Look at her now, indeed. Since starring in The Handmaid’s Tale and Sharp Objects , she’s starred in Quentin Tarantino’s double Oscar-grabbing Once Upon A Time In… Hollywood , and accrued two Emmy nominations in 2022, for her role as Olivia Mossbacher in season one of The White Lotus , and as Cassie Howard in Euphoria . Earlier this year, she earned critical praise for her stripped-down role as Reality Winner in HBO’s Reality and currently has a half dozen other high-profile projects either completed or in the works.

They say, ‘Be careful what you wish for’; however, Sydney was willing to do all the work necessary and make many compromises along the way to achieve her dreams. She became what’s known as ‘Legal 18’ when she was 15 years old, so she could legally work on entertainment projects as if she was an adult.

Her latest project is the critically-acclaimed Reality .

By Fiona Ward

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“I was doing very low-budget, indie movies, working 12-to-14-hour days,” she remembers. I didn’t have a set teacher, so when I got home, I was trying to catch up on my schoolwork. I didn’t go to prom or other dances.” She doesn’t regret it, but it still makes her nostalgic for what life could have been as a more ‘normal’ teen. “I wish I would’ve experienced all of that stuff as a teenager, because now there are parts of me that want to experience life that can’t, just because the media and the public don’t let people make mistakes,” she says. “It’s really hard to grow as a real person any more, because there’s so many eyes on you.”

Sydney Sweeney On Feminism Family  The Highs And Lows Of Fame

That goes for her love life, too. “Everyone is always so curious about who I’m with and what’s that like, but I think it’s important to have something for me. I’m very open [otherwise]. I talk about so much and sometimes it gets me in trouble, but I do try to keep something for me.”

She explains that often the media and internet will list ‘facts’ about her love life, which are entirely made up. “It’s crazy,” she says. “And then when you Google it, it’s all wrong information.”

So let’s set the record straight, I suggest. She agrees, for fact-checking purposes.

Yes, his name is Jonathan Davino and he’s 38. But “he’s not a restaurateur,” she says. “I have no idea where that came from. He’s also not the heir of a pizza company,” as has been previously reported, she says. “He’s a business guy. He’s from Chicago. We’ve been watching [this narrative] for six years now and I’m like, ‘What the hell?’”

She goes on to surmise that because she’s never talked about him, people create their own stories. “I’ve been in a steady relationship for a really long time, which is not normal in this industry and not normal for my age. What I’ve noticed about the idea of celebrity is people really love to build someone up, and then tear them down.”

Sydney wears Alexander Mcqueen jacket shirt and jeans

Sydney wears Alexander Mcqueen jacket, shirt and jeans

However, Sydney is becoming a bit more open about her love life – especially because Jonathan works alongside her. “We produced [ Anyone But You ] together,” she says. “Jonathan is my producing partner, so he helped put the whole thing together. It’s really great to work with someone who knows you so well, who fully supports your ideas, your vision and your voice…” She stops before adding, “And it’s nice. I mean, who doesn’t want to be with their best friend all the time?” Sydney also admits that producing was not something he did prior to their meeting about six years ago, but it’s been a natural fit. “I just wanted to bring everybody into my world.”

While she won’t reveal whether there is truth behind widespread reports that she is engaged (“No comment,” she says), she’s much freer talking about marriage and kids in general.

The rom-com is coming very soon.

By Fiona Ward , Jabeen Waheed and Charley Ross

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“I think about having four kids. I dream of teaching them how to ski when they’re little and having them follow me around on adventures, taking them on hikes, teaching them how to build tree houses, just living through their imagination. That’s something I really, really look forward to.”

As for when that might be, Sydney says that when she’s in Los Angeles or New York, she thinks “I’d be crazy if I had a kid or got married before I’m 30,” but when she goes home, “All my friends or cousins are married and having kids. I’m like, ‘Oh my God, I’m behind the train right now. How can I pick it up?’ So honestly it’s where I am in the world. It’s crazy.”

She continues, saying, “I've gotten to that point where I think that whenever it’s going to happen, it’s supposed to happen. It’s like that one thing in life that maybe you can’t plan – the perfect timing. I love to schedule my life, I love to know everything that is going on, I like to have a plan. I like to have my whole year scheduled out.”

She says that if she doesn’t make time for having a family, “I’ll just work my entire life away, because I love what I do. Otherwise, time will flash before my eyes and I’ll be like, ‘I missed out on the important things.’”

Sydney Sweeney On Feminism Family  The Highs And Lows Of Fame

As for whether she’ll get married before having kids, Sydney says her grandmothers “would definitely love and appreciate it, but whether that works out, we’ll see”. Regardless, marriage is in the cards, even if she doesn’t know when. “I definitely will get married one day,” she states emphatically.

In fact, she admits she has already thought about it. “What girl doesn’t create a Pinterest board for their wedding ?” she asks. “I started making that when I was like 10. I don’t have a colour scheme yet. I’m more of an experience planner, so I’m like, ‘What experience do I want to give people? Are we going on a tropical vacation? Are we doing a carnival?’”

I ask if Jonathan has seen this Pinterest board, and she laughs and says no. “This is definitely a ‘Sydney World’ board. It’s what’s nice about being the boss of your own life. You don’t have to go to other people for answers, or yes or no.”

It’s that confidence and vision that Sydney is leaning into more than ever before, both personally and professionally. She says that whenever she decides to start a family, she “would love to change the public’s opinion of having a kid and still being on top of your game”, noting, “that’s where a lot of my fear comes from.” She wonders whether she will be “at the same level that I was on [professionally] or will I not be hired any more or will everyone’s opinion of me change? That in itself is so crazy and sad that we’re still living in a time like that,” she says.

I assume it’s not a fear that has come out of nowhere and is most likely based on what others have said to her. In not so many words, she agrees. “I definitely feel the pressure,” she says. “You realise that your decisions are what make people money.”

Sydney Sweeney On Feminism Family  The Highs And Lows Of Fame

Sydney wears Stella McCartney top and jeans, Re/Done jacket, Acne Studios shoes and sunglasses

She’s referring, of course, to the Sydney Sweeney brand she’s been able to build as the result of her hard-earned success. If her personal dream is to have a family, then her professional dream is to establish herself as a producing powerhouse.

“I really love producing and I dream about projects all the time,” she says. “I got to produce the [upcoming] film Immaculate from the ground up, [as well as] Anyone But You .” She also wants to direct, but concedes she “might do it once and never do it again. I like trying out everything”.

Being involved in that process is one reason Sydney jumped at the chance to be part of another high-profile project earlier this year. In September, The Rolling Stones dropped their music video for Angry , the first single off their upcoming album Hackney Diamonds . Sweeney was the star of the video, rocking out in black studded chaps and a corset while riding in a convertible, tossing her hair and singing along.

“I felt hot,” she says as soon as I bring it up. “I picked my own outfit out of racks and racks of clothes. I felt so good in it.” The video provoked some commentary online about her sexual objectification and Sydney uses this moment to bring up feminism.

“One of the questions I get is, ‘Are you a feminist?’ I find empowerment through embracing the body that I have. That’s sexy and strong, and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. I’m in a Rolling Stones video. How cool and iconic is that? I felt so good. All the moves, everything I was doing was all freestyle. I mean, who else gets to roll around on the top of a convertible driving down Sunset Boulevard with police escorts? It’s the cool things in this career that I had no idea I’d get to do.”

Sydney Sweeney On Feminism Family  The Highs And Lows Of Fame

A month before The Rolling Stones video dropped, Sydney got to launch something else “cool” – she unveiled a swimsuit collection with Frankies Bikinis called Love Letters by Sydney Sweeney. “If I’m at the beach, I want tiny little straps and cute colours. If I’m at the lake, I want support so I can jump off any rock and not have to worry about my tits falling out.”

Now, as someone that comes from a different generation (an elder millennial, thank you very much) asking about ‘tits’ does not come naturally, but I’m impressed at the openness with which Sydney discusses her body. It feels like this is Sydney’s way of taking the power back. So, how does it feel when – like this morning – the Daily Mail has already run a headline referencing her “very busty display”?

“Well, especially when it comes to red-carpet pics and they’re like, ‘Sydney Sweeney displays bust,’ or ‘Sydney Sweeney wears a scandalous dress,’ I’m like, ‘I’m wearing the exact same dress someone else would be wearing! I just have tits.’ And if someone else is wearing it, they’d be like, ‘Oh, so sleek and so well-mannered.’ Just because I have boobs, it doesn’t change…” she trails off before adding, “I understand. I get it. It’s your headline. And those won’t change because then they won’t get the clicks.”

Sydney Sweeney On Feminism Family  The Highs And Lows Of Fame

Sydney wears jacket, skirt and boots, Fidan Novruzova

Regardless, Sydney isn’t letting it stop her from wearing what she wants. “Flaunt what you got. Own it. Love them,” she says. “When I was in high school, I used to feel uncomfortable about how big my boobs were and I used to say that when I turned 18, I was going to get a boob job to make them smaller. And my mom told me, ‘Don’t do it. You’ll regret it in college.’ And I’m so glad I didn’t. I like them. They’re my best friends. Everybody’s body is beautiful. When you are confident and you’re happy within is when it really shows to other people.”

It took a long time for Sydney to learn that; in high school she often wore oversize sweatshirts to disguise her breast size. “I went through that process of covering my body up at such a young age, but once I became more confident with myself, [it changed]. I want to show girls that it’s amazing and beautiful and empowering to have the bodies that we have.”

So what, then, if she wants to post photos of herself in a low-cut swimsuit on Instagram ? She’s happy and feeling good. Plus, given the turmoil in the world right now, she’s not trying to use social media for anything other than to entertain and give a window into her life. “I definitely keep my social media focused towards the work that I’m doing and sprinkle in a little bit of myself in there,” she says. “I didn’t go to school to learn politics or social [issues], so I don’t think speaking on things that I’m not fully educated on is the correct way to use my social media presence.”

It’s a different approach than a lot of Gen-Zers, who feel compelled to lend their opinion to everything and anything these days. “I don’t hang out with a lot of people [my age],” she admits. “I just hang out with my family, my team, and a couple of close friends, so I don’t know if I can speak on the entirety of Gen-Z. I can only speak on my own personal experience being within Gen-Z and I think it’s awesome that people can speak up about what is important to them. We’re trying to navigate a world that is constantly changing. Social media’s constantly changing. I wish there was more grace for others and allowing room for others to grow,” she says, no doubt referring to ‘cancel culture’. “I do wish that my generation was better about that.”

As we wrap up and Sydney gets ready to head to set, she shows me the six books she’s been reading as she prepares for her new role. “I think my character would have read these as a kid,” she says. “She’s also from Germany, so I’m trying to teach myself German. I have Duolingo on my phone. I want to give everything that I do 110%.”

I joke that ‘Sydney Sweeney feels empowered to learn German’ is the headline the tabloids should run. “They won’t,” she says. “The headline is, ‘Sydney Sweeney feels empowered when she shows off her tits.’ But we could only hope,” she laughs. “We could only hope.”

Anyone But You is released in UK cinemas nationwide on December 26th.

Jessica Radloff is the GLAMOUR US S enior West Coast Editor and author of The New York Times best-selling book The Big Bang Theory: The Definitive, Inside Story Of The Epic Hit Series .

Photographer: Jeremy Choh at See Management Stylist: Carolina Orrico Fashion Assistant: Luis Cruz Prop Stylist: Maya Sassoon Makeup Artist: Melissa Hernandez at The Wall Group Hair Stylist: Glen Oropeza at PRTNRS Manicurist: Zola at The Wall Group 1st Photography Assistant: Chir Yan Lim 2nd Photography Assistant: Ferid Hasbun Digital Tech: Dante Velasquez Jr. Prop Assistant: Chris Rivas Videographer: Tom Campbell Executive Producer: Tara Trullinger at Get It Productions Producer: Dev Davey at Get It Productions Production Coordinator: Blanca Ballesté Production Assistant: Gio Trujillo

Sydney Sweeney has a saucy message for everyone who is still obsessed with her boobs

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Sydney Sweeney On Defying Expectations, Ambition And Launching Her Own Production Company

Don’t let her knack for playing painfully aloof teens fool you: the Euphoria star is ready to charm Hollywood with her savvy ambition.

preview for Sydney Sweeney Plays 'Ask Me Anything'

‘As well as being beautifully shot, the characters and their storylines are so deep,’ Sweeney says, when asked why the show has resonated so much. ‘So many people can relate to or learn from these experiences. It’s a beautiful art piece, filled with meaning.’ For those who have forgotten – in the three- year wait for the follow-up – Sweeney plays Cassie, a popular, insecure teen who becomes the target of relentless slut- shaming. ‘We started off with Cassie at a real low point. She’s trying to find herself, but always looks for love in the wrong places,’ she says. ‘But don’t expect season two to be season one, that’s all I’m saying.’

sydney sweeney interview

Filming the latest instalment has been all-consuming; so much so she has had to put her degree in business studies on hold, but plans to resume as soon as filming ends. ‘Whenever Euphoria starts, I take a pause on everything else in my life,’ she says. ‘There is no balance.’

Growing up in mountainous Idaho, maths was Sweeney’s favourite subject. ‘I was quite a nerd, but I always had an extensive imagination.’ With no drama lessons at her school, Sweeney’s first taste of acting came after she begged her parents to let her audition for a small indie film that was being shot in her hometown when she was 12. She put together a five-year business-plan presentation of her career – it convinced them – and by 13, her whole family had moved to LA to support Sweeney’s dream. She continued picking up small roles throughout high-school. ‘It was a daily battle to stay [in LA],’ she says. ‘But I knew that, at some point, someone would believe in me enough to put me in something that would matter to people.’

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Amy Adams was one of those people. Adams’s 2018 series Sharp Objects marked a turning point in Sweeney’s career. ‘It was surreal to get to work so closely with an actor I’ve idolised since childhood,’ Sweeney says. Her most memorable lesson? ‘Seeing Amy [Adams] with her daughter showed me it’s possible to be a successful actor and have a stable and healthy personal life.’

Next came a role in dystopian series The Handmaid’s Tale , while last year’s The White Lotus , about a cursed week at a Hawaiian resort, was the show that cemented her meteoric rise. In 2020, she launched her own production company, Fifty-Fifty Films. ‘I love being able to use the business side of my brain, not just the creative,’ she says. Her focus is adapting women-led stories, and she feels lucky to be on her professional ascent at a time when women have more control in the industry. But that’s not to say it’s always easy. ‘In the first five minutes of each meeting, I can see everyone is expecting me to be some dumb blonde girl who doesn’t know what she’s doing,’ says Sweeney. ‘But I always leave them shocked and impressed.’

Next, she’s focused on finishing her company’s debut TV series, The Player’s Table . Based on Jessica Goodman’s novel They Wish They Were Us , Sweeney and singer Halsey play two best friends who unravel the mystery of a classmate’s murder in an affluent Long Island town. And beyond that? ‘I don’t think I could ever choose one artistic outlet for the rest of my life,’ she says of her future plans. ‘I want to try everything.’ There are plenty of genres she would like to sink her acting teeth into. She is a huge Downtown Abbey fan, so a period drama is a must and, having practised mixed martial arts at school, she’d love to tap into her active side for a ‘badass action flick’.

One thing seems certain, however. Whatever she chooses to do next, we’ll all be watching.

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Sydney Sweeney fans can thank PowerPoint for her Hollywood success

  • Sydney Sweeney says she convinced her parents to move to LA for her acting career with a PowerPoint presentation.
  • The "Euphoria" star told Who What Wear that the move was challenging in part due to LA's cost of living.
  • Sweeney isn't the only celebrity to use PowerPoint to convince their family to uproot their lives.

Sydney Sweeney says she used a PowerPoint presentation to convince her parents to move to Los Angeles in order to pursue her acting dreams.

The 26-year-old opened up about her career beginnings and recent projects in a Who What Wear interview published on Wednesday.

The actor, who grew up in Spokane, Washington, shared that she had persuaded her parents to move to LA when she was a teenager.

While her parents agreed to her plan, it wasn't an easy journey.

"It was hard because LA is very different from Spokane," Sweeney told Who What Wear. "The cost of a big city versus a small city is vastly different and challenging as well."

According to the latest 2022 estimates from the US Census Bureau , Spokane has a population of around 230,160 people, while LA has a population of over 3.8 million people.

Houses in Spokane have a median listing price of $472,500, as compared to $1.2 million in LA , per the latest data from real-estate platform

Although Sweeney landed guest roles on popular shows such as "Grey's Anatomy" and "Pretty Little Liars," she didn't get her real break in Hollywood until later.

"My quote, unquote success didn't come until I was in my 20s," she said, adding that her parents didn't really get to experience her success with her because of their divorce .

Despite that, the "Euphoria" star is finally in a position to thank and repay her family for their support.

"I recently paid off my mom's mortgage ," Sweeney said. "As a kid, I always dreamt of being able to take care of my parents, so that was a really big thing for me to be able to do."

This is not the first time that Sweeney has spoken about how she got into acting and how it has affected her family.

In a February 2022 interview with British GQ , Sweeney said she convinced her parents to let her act by writing a five-year business plan that detailed how her career would pan out.

"It said something along the lines of: if she auditioned for X short film, she'd be recruited by agents Y and Z, and then she'd booked this film where she'll meet this well-connected producer, and so on," GQ writer Iana Murray noted in Sweeney's profile.

In July 2022, Sweeney told The Hollywood Reporter that her family had to sleep in a motel when they moved to LA because they were priced out of the housing market.

"We lived in one room. My mom and I shared a bed and my dad and little brother shared a couch," she said.

Sweeney's parents divorced and filed for bankruptcy just as her star was beginning to rise, the "Anyone But You" actor told Variety in an August 2023 interview.

"My parents sacrificed so much to support my dream, and they lost so much during it. I just felt a responsibility to show them that it was worth it," Sweeney told Variety.

Sweeney isn't the only celebrity to pitch her parents about going into acting using PowerPoint; Emma Stone did it too.

Stone told The Hollywood Reporter in 2017 that she made a presentation titled "Project Hollywood" in ninth grade that included a plan for her and her mom to move to LA where she could audition for shows while being home-schooled.

A representative for Sweeney didn't immediately respond to a request for comment sent outside regular business hours.

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Sydney Sweeney fans can thank PowerPoint for her Hollywood success

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'White Lotus' Star Sydney Sweeney's Long Journey (20-Hour Drives for Auditions!) to Success

"This is finally my dream coming true," the actress tells PEOPLE in this week's issue

Sydney Sweeney is living out her dream as a working actress.

The 24-year-old, who is featured in PEOPLE's 2021 Ones to Watch package in this week's issue, remembers wanting to act "even before I knew exactly what acting was."

"I grew up with imaginary friends and imaginary worlds," she says. "And I think when I realized that TV shows and movies were basically these imaginary worlds brought to life, and that [that was] a job I could do, I begged my parents nonstop [to help me make it happen]."

But the path to Hollywood was "difficult," admits Sweeney, who grew up in Spokane, Washington.

"[My parents] looked at it as just a dream, a fairytale. ... It wasn't something that was tangible," she recalls. "We didn't have the connections. We didn't have the money, any of it, to be able to pull something like this off. My parents literally sacrificed so much to be able to support me [and my] dreams."

Determined to achieve her goals, Sweeney pitched an official proposal to her parents around age 13.

"I created a five-year business plan presentation of what could happen if they let me start auditioning for movies," she says. "I was like, 'How can I communicate to them on a level that they'll take me seriously and they'll understand?'"

"I think they were like, 'Oh man, she's very serious and she's not going to shut up about this.' And so they let me [do it]," she continues. "We started doing road trips to Seattle, and doing short films and little indies. And it snowballed [from there]."

They couldn't afford plane tickets to L.A., so they would drive to the city for auditions and back home the next day.

"We didn't have to spend money on a hotel — just gas," she says. "And we did that sometimes twice a month. It was crazy. It's like, a good 19, 20-hour drive."

For more from Sydney Sweeney, pick up the latest issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday, or subscribe here .

Eventually her parents agreed to move to L.A., where they initially struggled, which makes sharing her current success even sweeter. Though it took a little longer than the five-year plan proposed, Sweeney ended up booking two TV gigs — Everything Sucks! and Sharp Objects — that propelled her to stardom.

She went on to score roles in The Handmaid's Tale , Euphoria and The White Lotus . Next, she'll be producing and starring in The Players Table for HBO Max alongside Halsey .

Sweeney credits her success to her family and calls mom Lisa her "biggest role model."

"This is finally my dream coming true," the Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood star says. "It's amazing. Being able to bring them on set, or being able to bring them to red carpets — I flew my grandmother to Paris Fashion Week, and she got to go to a fashion show and sit front row."

"Just being able to share those experiences with my family who saw me struggle and struggled themselves, getting to share the success with them has been really heartwarming. Sometimes I get so teary thinking about it, but it's really good."

So what does Sweeney's five-year plan look like today?

"I hope to have produced a couple of different projects. I have two that I've sold already and I'm producing," she says. "I would love to direct something in the next five years."

Also, "I hope to do a character that challenges me to a whole other level, where I have to physically and mentally change myself," she adds. "And I hope to continue having a healthy and happy relationship with my family."

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Euphoria’s Sydney Sweeney On Playing Cassie, Conquering the Red Carpet, and Becoming Tory Burch’s New Muse

By Janelle Okwodu

Image may contain Sydney Sweeney Shelf Human Person Furniture and Bookcase

Designers can be the best representation of their aesthetic, and since the launch of her label in 2004, Tory Burch has embodied the ease and élan of the clothing she creates. Still, in the age of celebrity endorsement, brands can shape their identity through Hollywood’s talent pool. Selecting the right talent to collaborate with has become an art form, but Burch appears to have met her match in Euphoria actor Sydney Sweeney.

Tapped as the new ambassador for Burch’s line of handbags and shoes, the rising star couldn’t be buzzier thanks to her scene-stealing roles on Euphoria and The White Lotus . Still, the fact that Sweeney is at the center of two of the most talked-about television series in recent memory wasn’t what captured the designer’s attention. A performer, producer, martial artist, auto enthusiast, and more, the multi-faceted Sweeney had moxie. “Sydney is one of the most talented and relevant young actors working today, but I am equally inspired by her curiosity and confidence,” Burch shared pre-announcement. “She is unapologetic and empowered in her approach to acting and business.”

Like many in Gen-Z, Sweeney came of age as Burch’s storefront became a must-visit destination in malls across America. Raised in Spokane, Washington, some of her earliest fashion moments came courtesy of Burch. “In third grade, my best friend got us matching Tory headbands for Christmas, which stands out to me so much,” shared Sweeney on the phone from Los Angeles. “I’d never had something so nice; I was so excited I wore that headband every day for weeks. I’m sure my mom thought something was wrong with me, but it was the first nice thing I’d ever had. Growing up in a small town, you’d see Tory’s store [in the mall], and that was where everyone wanted to be able to shop.”

Image may contain Shelf Furniture Sydney Sweeney Human Person Bookcase Tory Burch and Wood

By the time Sweeney moved to Hollywood, Burch’s pieces were a regular part of her wardrobe, but her interest in Burch was about more than clothes. Interested in entrepreneurship from an early age—the actor even created a five-year business plan to convince her parents to support her acting dreams—Sweeney was inspired by Burch’s entire enterprise. “She’s such an incredible businesswoman,” says Sweeney. “I hope to accomplish a third of what she’s been able to build.”

Selected to front the brand’s holiday ads in 2021, Sweeney immediately clicked with the designer and her team. “[Shooting the campaign] just felt very natural and fluid,” says Sweeney. “I was already a big fan of her clothing, and I think that showed, but when I met Tory, we completely hit it off.”

An entrepreneur in her own right—Sweeney’s production company Fifty-Fifty Films, which focuses on highlighting female directors and screenwriters, launched in 2020—she was moved by the philanthropic example set by Burch. The designer’s foundation helps female founders access capital and education resources, opening doors for women. “What’s been inspiring [to me] is how she supports and wants to empower the next generation,” says Sweeney. “I want to give back somehow, so seeing her do that so successfully makes me excited for our partnership’s future.”

In the interim, Sweeney is enjoying immersing herself in all things fashion. Though she still considers herself a jeans and T-shirt-girl off-duty, she’s embraced the power of transformation on the red carpet. “I’ve learned to create characters,” she explains. “I have social anxiety and used to get nervous before or during events. Now I create different personas that [represent] who I’d want to be in that moment, which puts me at ease.”

Thanks to fashion’s obsession with all things Euphoria, Sweeney’s event schedule is full. The show’s visual identity has struck a chord with viewers who recreate Doniella Davy’s ethereal makeup and obsessively chart each piece of designer clothing worn at #EuphoriaHigh. The series’ outsized influence on trends underscores its relevance, but neither Sweeney nor her castmates could have predicted its impact. “None of us knew what to expect from the show, but I think it’s beautiful that we’ve been able to touch people,” says Sweeney. “Each character is so uniquely themselves, and that allows the audience to connect with them, even when it’s through their style.”

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This season, the wardrobe for Sweeney’s Cassie proved especially significant, the ups and downs of her emotional rollercoaster reflected in her wardrobe. Cassie’s arc was provocative, but Sweeney found bringing the story to life thrilling. “As an actress, it’s a dream role,” she says. “I’m getting to go deep and to creatively fulfilling places. Sam [Levinson] is such an incredible creator because it allows these characters to go places that people are scared to [approach], but he isn’t. Having the opportunity to bring this to life and affect such a huge audience is incredible.”

At this stage of her career, Sweeney is drawn to projects that push her outside her comfort zone. “My main decision points are ‘is this completely different from other characters I’ve played, and am I scared?’” she says. “You can’t be afraid to fail because if you are, you’re not going to be able to push yourself. Not everything will be perfect, but I know that if I’m challenging myself, I’m on the right path.”

Sweeney’s latest cinematic challenge is director Tony Tost’s National Anthem , a gritty neo-Western where she stars opposite Halsey. Tackling a new genre while sharing the screen with one of the world’s biggest pop stars isn’t easy, but it may not be as daunting as the star’s next fashion trial by fire: the Met gala. “I can’t talk about that, but I’m excited!” says Sweeney, who will be making her debut in a custom look dreamed up by Burch. “It’s a rite of passage. I’ve always seen the Met on TV or in pictures, and I never knew if I’d be able to touch that world. Now I am, and it’s amazing.”

Everything You Need To Know About Sydney Sweeney

  • by Kate Marin
  •  – on Aug 27, 2019
  •  in Untold

Sydney Sweeney knew from a young age that she was destined to be a top actor. She knew that the only way she could get there was through fearlessness and hard work.

Fearlessness is the main reason why Sydney has made it to the top. She had to be bold to get her opportunity in Hollywood, and she continues to be bold even today. She is unapologetically real, and this has made her one of the most promising acting gems in Hollywood.

Sydney might be bold and fearless, but she is also quite charming. Her gorgeous smile and infectious personality have made her a fan favorite. Sydney Sweeney has quite an interesting story. Keep reading to find out more about her.

She convinced her parents to move to Los Angeles

Sydney Sweeney

Sydney grew up in Washington State. She was always interested in acting, and she started her career when she auditioned for a film that passed through her hometown of Spokane. Her experience with the film gave her the confidence she needed to ask her parents to move to Los Angeles to give her more acting opportunities.

Sweeney knew that convincing her parents wouldn’t be easy, and so she came up with a 5-year business plan that covered her life in LA. She presented her plan via a detailed PowerPoint presentation. Her parents saw it as a very mature way of presenting herself and her ambitions. She didn’t know it then, but famous actor, Emma Stone, also did the same thing to convince her parents to move to LA.

Sydney’s parents agreed, and the family moved to Los Angeles. However, the same set of rules that applied in Washington also applied in LA. For instance, school was still the number one priority. School still remains a priority for Sweeney as she hopes to complete her course at the school of business. She talked to Her Campus about balancing her acting career and college;

“ It gets tough sometimes, but I’ve always actually enjoyed school, so I think that helps…I have many all nighters getting it all done (like tonight), but education has always been number 1 for me, and I thank my parents for that. ”

Sweeney is very busy at the moment, and she mostly uses the school’s online portal to study.

She is a talented actress

Sydney Sweeney

Sweeney didn’t waste any time when she got to Los Angeles. She set about booking as many shows as she could. Sydney started out by guest-starring in shows such as Grey’s Anatomy , 90210 , Pretty Little Liars , and In the Vault .

She then went on to star in the Netflix series Everything Sucks! as Emaline Addario. The show gave Sweeney her big break, and she told In Style that she was disappointed when it got canceled;

“ There was still so much to tell and a beautiful relationship to grow… ”

Sweeney then starred in the HBO miniseries, Sharp Objects . She played the role of Alice alongside Amy Adams. Sweeney originally had a minor role to play in the series. However, her acting impressed the directors so much that they kept bringing her back for more scenes. Sweeney prepared for her role in the mini-series by visiting and talking to patients who were victims of self-harm.

Sydney then appeared in the second season of The Handmaids Tale . Her performance earned her a Screen Actors Guild Award nomination for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series. She told In Style that she enjoyed playing the role of Eden;

“ I’m so sad Eden had to have the ending that she did, because right now, I’m seeing all the season three Handmaid’s Tale stuff and I’m like, ‘I miss that script so much. ’”

Sweeney then went on to star in the thriller, Under The Silver Lake . She also played the role of Cassie in the series Euphoria , alongside Zendaya, Barbie Ferreira , and Hunter Schafer . Sweeney also appeared in the film, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood alongside Leonardo DiCaprio, Margot Robbie , and Brad Pitt.

She enjoyed her time filming Euphoria

Cassie Euphoria

Since its debut, Euphoria has become a hugely popular show. The show has become a major hit because of its message, and how the actors portray the different characters.

The show’s production was hard work and it involved contributions from the cast. Actresses such as Barbie Ferreira and Hunter Schafer added part of their real life stories to the plot. Sydney’s character, Cassie, is a vulnerable girl with daddy issues that falls in love with every man that comes into her life. She ends up being used by most of these men.

Sydney didn’t get to tell her life story in the show. In fact, she told W Magazine that she is quite different from Cassie;

“ I’m not one to go out, I’m more of a homebody. I’ve never done drugs. I’ve never smoked weed, I don’t drink. ”

However, she played a role in determining the path that her character would take. When Sydney booked the show, she talked extensively with the show’s director, Sam Levinson, about different storylines about her character.

Cassie goes through a lot of hard times during the film. Sydney told HuffPost that she hopes that Cassie’s story can serve as an inspiration for viewers;

“ I always look for characters that will hopefully develop into a more powerful symbol. I hope that as Cassie’s storyline progresses, she becomes that symbol for people ”

Sydney is set to return as Cassie when Euphoria returns for a second season.

She is set to appear in more films and shows

Sydney Sweeney

After close to a decade in the industry, people are finally beginning to appreciate Sydney’s incredible talent. A big part of her success has been due to her work ethic. At the beginning of her career, she constantly auditioned for roles even when she knew it was unlikely that she would book the roles.

Sydney seems to have found her acting niche in playing young girls that are in the process of drastic change. She told Collider ;

“ As an actress and as an art form, the dark, deeper, more emotional stuff really draws me in. I feel fulfilled when I’m doing those types of scenes. I enjoy that challenge. ”

She enjoys being the voice of change in the characters she plays. She told The Last Magazine that she admires actresses who preach the message of change;

“ …like Amy Adams and Elizabeth Moss, who are advocates for change. I hope that I can be a voice – if I’m not yet – but I am still trying to see what I believe. ”

Sweeney has plenty of upcoming opportunities to be the voice of change. She is set to star in the comedy, Big Time Adolescence , alongside Pete Davidson. She is also set to play the role of Ashley in Tell Me Your Name .

Sydney has so many shows to film that she is temporarily homeless. She sold her condo in LA because she is never around to stay in it.

She was rumored to be dating Michael Fitzgerald

Unlike most public figures, Sydney prefers to keep her personal life private. However, in 2018, she shared a deleted Instagram video of herself getting cozy with Michael Fitzgerald. She captioned the video;

“ You’ve been my best friend since I was 13. Someone should’ve told me falling for you would be this amazing sooner. ”

However, the post was deleted, and there were no further posts about the relationship. Recently, Radar Online reported that Sweeney and her Once Upon A Time in Hollywood co-star, Brad Pitt, could start dating.

The source told Radar Online that Brad and the director, Quentin Tarantino , were very impressed with Sydney’s acting. However, the source explained that Brad seemed a bit more interested in Sweeney;

“ She’s absolutely made an impression on him during their time together on the movie, and he’s been sweet on her ever since…it’s been intensely friendly between them. Nobody would be surprised if he asked her out on a date, even though there is a huge age difference. ”

Neither Brad nor Sydney have confirmed the rumors.

She loves being out and about

Sydney Sweeney

Sydney is not the type to sit at home binge-watching movies during her free time. She grew up decorating houses with her parents, and she has now taken up the activity with her friends. She gets the ideas from housing shows and apps such as Houzz. Her family also collects vintage pinball machines, and she spends her free time sharpening her pinball skills.

Sweeney is also trained in mixed martial arts. She started at 14, and by the time she was 18, she was pretty good at it. Sydney told Marie Claire that when she was 18, she came out first at a grappling competition;

“ It was a grappling competition against all guys a weight category above me, and I got first place. Those guys were probably saying, ‘Oh, we didn’t want to hurt her,’ but they were definitely trying. Everyone broke a sweat! ”

Sydney told Her Campus that she still loves sports; “ I love sports, or hiking, you’ll always find me outside doing something. ”

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“I just like to be Syd” - Euphoria’s Sydney Sweeney on life under the public lens

sydney sweeney 5 year business plan

When Sydney Sweeney puts her mind to something, you better believe she’s going to do it. So, when she woke up one morning this year and made a pledge to herself to be more present, that’s what she damn well did. ‘I decided I was just gonna soak up every single moment and be so thankful. And I’ve been doing that,’ she tells me on a Monday morning in New York.

Specifically it’s the first Monday in May, which means ‘today I’m allowing myself to be, like, “Oh my God, I’m going to the Met [Gala]!”’ We are sitting on a sofa in Sweeney’s suite at The Carlyle, which on Met day, like its Upper East Side neighbour The Mark, is the unofficial pre-game HQ. Inside, the lobby and corridors are a hive of industrious assistants; outside, throngs of photographers and fans already crowd the streets waiting for a glimpse of their favourite A-listers — including a better-late-than-never Rihanna and A$AP Rocky — on their way to the ball. Right now, bar a knock from her stylist’s assistant and a call from reception (‘Someone wants to drop off a champagne, I don’t know!’ she says with a lol-this-is-all-so-weird look), it’s just me, Sweeney and Tank, her beloved dog that she rescued eight years ago.

The new in-the-moment mindset was encouraged by one of her friends after the 2022 Emmys where Sweeney was a double nominee (for The White Lotus and Euphoria , roles that proved in different ways that there is absolutely nothing as terrifying as a teenage girl) who observed that she didn’t think her pal had let that sink in. Success, she was cottoning on, can be subjective. ‘I am fearful — because I’m always wanting to push myself to do more and more — that I will never actually feel that I’ve accomplished what I’ve set out to do,’ she says. ‘I think last year I didn’t realise the moments in my life were happening to me’.

sydney sweeney 5 year business plan

If recent history has felt a little surreal, that’s understandable. The quintessential overnight sensation who was years in the making, she seemed to catapult into the zeitgeist out of nowhere. What was the role that changed everything? ‘I think I had a mini turning point with Sharp Objects and Everything Sucks! where I finally had something on my resumé that people could watch and let me in the room to audition. Then I had a quarter turning point with The Handmaid’s Tale, and then I had a full turning point with Euphoria . All of that happened in a year so it was like, woooo, real fast.’

Sweeney is 25 but seems both younger and older than that. She possesses the wide-eyed sincerity of a small-town teenager (on what gets her excited: ‘A really good scoop of Rainbow Sherbet ice-cream’ — Baskin Robbins, in a waffle cone dipped in chocolate with sprinkles and Gummi Bears on top, FYI — ‘that gets me riled up!’). And she also possesses the insight of a woman of the world (on what scares her: ‘I think this is a universal one, but I’m scared of being alone. You’re constantly surrounded by so many people, but at the same time you’re always alone’). Physically she has an amorphous quality, too. When she’s in glam, Sweeney looks almost like an AI-generated bombshell, but today she appears sweet and unassuming in her pyjamas (a gift from Prada, admittedly: ‘I’m usually in sweats! This feels real fancy’). In both guises, she has hard-to-define, impossible-to-miss charisma. She has it .

sydney sweeney 5 year business plan

If there is a through-line in the characters Sweeney plays, it is that they, too, defy easy categorisation. Take Euphoria ’s Cassie, a show-stealing performance in which she teased out the vulnerability of a girl sleeping with her best friend’s boyfriend. That character’s ensuing hysteria, including the much-memed, ‘I have never, ever been happier’, was uncomfortably identifiable for anyone who’s ever looked for validation in all the wrong places. Show me a person who could not see themselves in Cassie and I’ll show you a liar. ‘Because she’s the inner girl in everybody. She just lets it out, where a lot of people suppress that Cassie,’ Sweeney says, mischievously.

Those mixed messages are what gets Sweeney going. ‘I think the world has become less forgiving, [but] we can never become better people if we don’t learn how to forgive and have empathy and allow people to grow and make mistakes.’ She continues: ‘Women are such complex and layered individuals. On page you could have read Cassie as one note, you could have read Reality as one note. And I think that the common factor is that I pull out the layers, I pull out the depth, I pull out the empathy for a terrible situation or a terrible person.’

‘Reality’ is former NSA translator Reality Winner (yes, that’s her real name) who in 2018 was handed the longest-ever prison sentence imposed for the unauthorised release of government documents after leaking intelligence relating to Russian interference in the 2016 US elections (she was released in 2021). Reality , Tina Satter’s directorial debut, is a deft, claustrophobic three-hander of a film, documenting her arrest in which the dialogue is taken directly from the interrogation transcripts. Filming took place over 16 days.

sydney sweeney 5 year business plan

Reality is Sweeney’s most challenging role to date. Yes, there were the technical tests — memorising the dialogue verbatim, the short shoot — but there was also responsibility to Reality and the Winner family to consider. Normally when prepping for a role, Sweeney builds character books ‘about my character’s life from the day they’re born to the first page of the script’ to help her create their worlds; this time she had a real person’s life to go on.

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Sweeney’s performance is electrifying: unflashy, heartbreaking, nuanced. When the film premiered at the Berlin International Film Festival the critics declared it a triumph, but the biggest compliment came from Reality’s mum, who told her she had seen her daughter the whole time. ‘I started crying, it was such an amazing feeling. I was really proud.’ Sweeney’s hope is that the film will act as ‘a bipartisan lens on to a moment in history’ and allow people to come to their own conclusions about what happened and why. It’s also about rehumanising a young woman who, as Sweeney puts it, was reduced ‘to a bunch of head-lines and tabloids’.

I just never accepted failure. I hated the answer ‘no’. I knew I had to keep working

Sweeney has also been put through the ringer by the gossip mill; her family, her love life, her body all subject to scrutiny. She doesn’t feel famous, but also admits she can’t remember the last time she walked in somewhere and someone hasn’t said hi. ‘I think I’m still navigating it on a daily basis because I want to be as authentic and genuinely open to the public and my fans as possible. And I think I am. I talk a lot, I’m very open and it’ll probably be to my detriment, but I don’t know how people can hide behind an image,’ she says. ‘At the same time, I don’t owe people answers. I’m a very private person when it comes to my family and relationships. I want people to know who I am as an individual but also, I feel that I should still be allowed to have my own peace and private life as well. It’s a weird balance, I’m definitely still figuring it out.’

Okay, I say, given all the projection she is subject to, what would she like people to take from this interview? ‘That I’m still growing. I’m still a 25-year-old girl who’s growing up under the lens of the public. And I’m still trying to figure out so much.’

The real her is goofy; ‘Syd’ to her friends and family. ‘I just like to be Syd. Sharing my love for cars , sharing my love for Tank, how I grew up on a lake, and I ski and getting to share that is me wanting to give as much of myself to people so they can see that I’m a real human being.’

In lockdown Sweeney bought herself her dream car, a vintage Bronco, and set about restoring it at her friend’s dad’s garage. Then, illustrating the fact that she can’t be pigeonholed, the girl in the five-star suite wearing the designer PJs starts explaining how she had figured out how ‘to remove the transmission, change it from drum brakes to disk brakes, remove the transfer case and change the suspension and the shocks and the engine. I learnt as much as I could, there’s still so much more to learn. I loved it.’

sydney sweeney 5 year business plan

Sweeney also loves being in the figurative driving seat. In 2020, she set up her own production company, Fifty-Fifty Films. She was 22. I could hardly wash and feed myself until I was 30, I tell her. Where did she find the discipline to do that? ‘I’m a huge doer. I’m not someone who likes to sit back and’ — she puts on a weary, tedious voice — ‘talk and talk it out. I plan, I love to plan, but I don’t like it when people talk about things they’re going to do. I like when I see people actually doing it.’

That gung-ho attitude has been with her since childhood. Growing up in Spokane near the Idaho-Washington border, as soon as she could walk and talk, she was performing. ‘I had imaginary friends and all these imaginary worlds and when I realised that movies and TV shows were basically these imaginary worlds brought to life, I was like, “Oh my God, this is real?”’ She begged her parents to let her be an actor but, understandably, to them ‘it was like wanting to be a princess’.

Then fate intervened when a small indie film came to her town. Sweeney got wind of it and wanted to audition. So, she utilised her moxie and ‘put together a five-year business plan presentation about what could happen if they let me audition for this. They were like, “Oh, shit, she’s very serious, she’s not gonna shut up about this,”’ she laughs. She was 12. She ended up booking the part, ‘and had the time of my life. It was such a small, stupid movie but it was the start of it all. And my parents I think fell in love with the exciting newness of the world.’

It was the start, but it wasn’t a quick story from there. It would be another 10 years bouncing between LA and Spokane before she started booking those turning-point jobs. How did she hang in there? ‘I just never accepted failure. I hated the answer “no”. And I felt a responsibility to my family because I felt like we gave up and sacrificed so much for a dream that a little girl had. And I knew that I had to just keep going and keep working, and keep working really, really hard — work my ass off — because I couldn’t do anything else. I didn’t dream of anything else.’

Given the recent nepo baby dialogue, there is something uplifting about seeing someone who wasn’t born with her name on the list rising to the top of the notoriously closed-door acting world. ‘I wasn’t born and raised into this industry, I went to school, I have many of the same exact experiences as everyday Americans,’ she says without a hint of bitterness. To the no-connections kids who want to take a shot at acting, Sweeney says: ‘You gotta want it so bad that you’re gonna work harder and harder and harder every single day. And you’ve gotta love what you do, because if you don’t love it — then it’s not worth it.’ For Sweeney, it is all proving worth it. Next up is the crime thriller Americana . She has just returned from Australia filming her first romcom, Anyone But You , that she produced and stars in alongside Glen Powell. ‘It was a blast... A beautiful summer camp experience.’ There is also Immaculate , a psychological horror that Sweeney produced, and the Marvel movie Madame Web coming up, about which details are ‘under lock and key!’

You could tell me, but you’d have to kill me kind of thing? ‘I’d have to honestly kill myself!’ she laughs. Tomorrow morning she has a 6am call time to start filming Apple Studios’ Echo Valley , with Julianne Moore. And then, when she returns to LA in the autumn to film Euphoria season three, she has a couple more project cars she plans to work on. ‘[The garage] will be my Syd-home-Zen place.’

For now, however, it’s time to get ready. ‘I’m so jealous of the girls that fit in the shoes and can just rock those carpets and I’m like wobbling, hoping I don’t fall. But these shoes that Miu Miu custom made me fit perfectly. So she’ll be able to walk, and she’ll be able to serve,’ she laughs. And serve she will. A few hours later she will exit The Carlyle and turn on her full voltage star power, because when Sydney Sweeney puts her mind to something, you better believe she’s going to do it.

‘Reality’ opens in cinemas on 2 Jun.

Photographer: Donavon Smallwood

Stylist: Marissa Baklayan

Hair: Glen Coco at PRTNERS

Make-up: Melissa Hernandez at The Wall Group using Armani Beauty

Co-Producers: Taylor LaTorre at Navia Vision and Nicole Holcroft-Emmess

On-set Producer: Bri Estelle Scrivens

Photographer’s Assistant: Noah Bogusz

Digi Tech: Jason Riker

Stylist’s Assistant: Kaia Carioli

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5 Things To Know About 'Euphoria' Star Sydney Sweeney

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Sydney Sweeney is taking the world by storm these days. Having landed roles on a number of major big pictures and streamers like Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood, Euphoria and The Handmaid’s Tale, Sweeney has become a hot topic. Talk of the actor will only grow as we get close to the Euphoria Season 2 premiere date.

Keep scrolling to learn more about the 24-year-old star. Season 2 of Euphoria streams on HBO Max starting on January 9.

1. She relates to her Euphoria character.

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Sydney Sweeney Breaks Down Her “Five-Point Plan” to Break Into Acting in ‘SNL’ Monologue

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Sydney Sweeney decided to share her “five-point plan” to break into Hollywood during her Saturday Night Live monologue, as well as joke about the romance rumors with her former co-star Glen Powell .

The actress kicked off her hosting debut, quipping, “You have seen me in Anyone But You and Euphoria. You definitely did not see me in Madame Web ,” following the film’s brutal critic reviews . “But I do have a new film coming out called Immaculate . I play a nun, so it’s perfect casting,” she added.

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Sweeney went on to express that she wanted “everyone to get to know the real me” on Saturday, saying, “I feel like people only see me as the girl on TV who screams, cries and has sex. Sometimes it’s all three at the same time.”

The Euphoria star shared a bit about growing up in her hometown of Spokane, Washington, and praised her parents for driving 19 hours to Los Angeles so she could audition for film and television roles. “I’m so grateful to them for believing in me,” she said.

But Sweeney admitted that the only reason they believed in her is because “I presented them with a five-point plan to break into acting. It was a PowerPoint presentation and I still have it. … It says, ‘Audition, get an agent, do commercials and short films, then get my SAG card.'”

However, The White Lotus also had a backup plan if the first one failed. A slide proceeded to appear on the screen that read, “Plan B: Show boobs.”

Sweeney then took a moment to address some of the rumors she had seen about her online.

“I once said that I used to work at Universal Studios (which The Hollywood Reporter found was true ) and then someone online accused me of lying about that, which is insane,” she said. “If I didn’t work there, how would I know all the universal characters?” Cue Sweeney mispronouncing the names of the following characters: Shrek, Minions and Harry Potter.

Another rumor the actress wanted to clear up also included her Anyone But You co-star Glen Powell.

“I’d say the craziest rumor I’ve seen is that while I was filming Anyone But You , I was having an affair with my co-star Glen Powell,” Sweeney said. “That’s obviously not true. Me and my fiancé [Jonathan Davino] produced the movie together and he was there the entire shoot. And I just want to let everyone know that he’s the man of my dreams and we’re still together and stronger than ever. He even came here tonight to support me. Can we cut to him?”

The camera proceeded to pan to Powell sitting in the audience, but the actress clarified her fiancé was actually backstage.

Sweeney made her hosting debut on the NBC sketch comedy series with musical guest Kacey Musgraves.

Sydney Sweeney's monologue! — Saturday Night Live – SNL (@nbcsnl) March 3, 2024

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In conversation with Sydney Sweeney

  • November 24, 2020

Sydney Sweeney is most recently known for portraying Cassie Howard in HBO's hit series ”Euphoria”, which follows a group of high school students through their experiences with friendships, love, sex, drugs, identity and trauma. Despite being only 23, her acting credits list is quite extensive. You've seen her before, as a guest star in the popular shows such as Grey's Anatomy and Pretty Little Liars and in Academy Award nominated Best Picture ”Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”.

Sydney, you prepared a business plan for your parents to convince them that acting is something you really want. When did you know you wanted a career in acting and how did you come up with the idea of a business plan?

I knew I wanted a career in acting the moment I found out that it was actually a possible career choice, definitely not an easy one though. I don't think I truly understood what it all meant when I was younger, or how tough and big the industry really is, but I knew that I wanted to be different people and explore different emotions. And I knew the only way for my parents to take me seriously as an 11-year old was to try and communicate on their level. So I ended up putting together a five year business plan proposal of what could happen if they let me try auditioning.

Before your role in Euphoria, you appeared in guest roles in TV shows such as Grey's Anatomy, Pretty Little Liars, 90210, Criminal Minds and Heroes. How did it feel to be on set of these popular TV productions? Did you ever wish to have more than just a guest role on any of these shows?

I was always so grateful for every role. They paid for my gas and food through high school. Everyone has to start somewhere, and I didn't come to LA with any connections. You get told "no" so many times, so even when I got small guest roles on these shows I was so excited. Of course I always wished that I could be that series regular or recurring star on the shows. I questioned myself a lot when I wasn't and felt like I was letting my parents down. 

In 2018 you landed a recurring role in ”The Handmaid's Tale”, a series that won 8 Emmy Awards out of 13 nominations and won the Golden Globe Award for Best Drama TV Series. The show revolves around the totalitarian society subjecting fertile women, called ”Handmaids”, into child-bearing slavery during the Second American Civil War. How would you describe your experience playing Eden in this series?

I learned so much on that set and built incredible friendships with the talented cast and crew. I hold Eden so close and dear to my heart. She was a gift to play. 

Well, 2018 was definitely the year when your career was starting to really bloom. You got the role in Quentin Tarantino's film ”Once Upon a Time in Hollywood”, starring alongside some of the biggest names in the industry, such as Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio and Margot Robbie. How did it feel to be a part of this famous cast and a film that won many awards and was even nominated for the Best Picture at the Academy Awards?

Pretty speechless! I mean, I got to work with many people who were on my dream board all on one project. It was so overwhelming and I'm such a dork, so I was geeking out the whole time, but trying to stay serious. It felt pretty amazing to be a part of it.

Your career is really on fire right now. Which was your favorite role you've played so far and why particularly this role? And what kind of a role that you haven't played yet, would you most like to do?

I really can't answer what character has been my favorite, they're all so different and mean so much to me in different ways that it's hard to pick. I've learned so much about myself and others through each of my characters. But there are for sure other roles that I'd like to challenge myself with. I've been wanting to do a film that uses my MMA skills, so maybe a fighting or spy type film. But I do tend to find myself drawn to unexpected roles, so we'll see what's next.

Tell us more about how you prepare for your roles? Do you have some special routine for this?

I've talked about this a little, about my books I build for my characters. I like to build my characters' life like a scrapbook/journal so they feel like a whole person and I know them more intimately. 

In the beginning of the year, you were announced as an ambassador of ”Savage x Fenty”, Rihanna's lingerie brand. Is fashion something we might see you do more after this?

Fashion is something I'm learning as I grow in the industry. I didn't have the means when I was young to afford the highest fashion, I made do with what I had, so I never really knew what my style or what fashion really was. These past few years I have definitely fallen in love with the artistic freedom fashion gives you to express yourself. Working with Savage x Fenty I've learned to feel more confident with myself, and so if I could build something that makes others feel free and confident I'd love to expand into that.

”Euphoria” has received many award nominations and has been renewed for a second season, which you were due to start filming earlier this year, but due to the situation we're currently in, fans will have to wait a bit longer to see it back on their screens. Would you say that there are any similarities between yourself and your character Cassie?

I definitely relate to Cassie on a deep level. We've gone through some similar scenarios and just being a young girl I think anyone can relate to wanting to be loved and not alone.

How have you spent the quarantine besides being an honorable student of entrepreneurship? What are your hobbies? Have you formed a deeper bond with Zendaya, Hunter Schafer, Jacob Elordi and the rest of ”Euphoria” cast and were you guys in regular contact during this hiatus?

I've been able to work out more regularly which has been nice and spending a LOT of quality time with my dog, Tank. I've started painting and reading a lot. But mainly focusing on building my company Fifty-Fifty Films. It's thankfully kept me busy these past months. As for the cast, we've all been quarantining safely, but we would have zoom game nights which were a lot of fun.

You've launched your own production company, ”Fifty-Fifty Films” and have your first project set up. In the upcoming TV series ”The Players Table”, which is an adaption of the novel They Wish They Were Us, you will not only star but will also be the executive producer. Tell us a little bit more about this project. How did you decide to have your own production company?

Once I started learning more about the industry and all the different building blocks inside it, I knew I wanted to be a part of that building process and be more than just an actress. I've always been drawn to the business side of conversations, so when I talked to my team about it they were really supportive and we came up with a plan. I wanted to find my own properties to create, so my agency started sending me books that were available to be produced. I read They Wish They Were Us aka “The Player's Table” about a year ago and half way through I  knew I wanted it. I was drawn to Jill, the mystery, the diverse ensemble cast, and social themes that could be explored within it. 

What can you tell us about your good relationship with the talented photographer, Damon Baker. How did you two meet? What is the most special thing about his art, that connects you with him so much?

Damon is such a special soul. His art is so emotional and poetic. He conveys so much in one shot. We met doing a spec shoot and worked so beautifully together. He makes me feel confident and guides me with each shot. I'm usually really awkward and nervous during photo shoots, but with him that goes away.

TO VIEW THE FULL EDITORIAL AND INTERVIEW, VISIT and order a copy of our new issue directly.


Talent: Sydney Sweeney wearing  @alexandermcqueen  and shoes  @andreawazen   Photography: Damon Baker Styling & fashion editor: Lisa Jarvis Editor-in-chief: Timotej Letonja Hair stylist: Patricia Morales Make-Up by: Selena Ruiz Executive producer: Sacha Di Bona Interviewer: Jana Letonja Casting: Tasha Tongpreecha Video: Nikolai Kokanovic Nails: Saya Nails / market researcher  @itsmerazzie   #NumeroNetherlands #SydneySweeney   #NewIssue #ComingSoon   #DamonBaker   #Dream #LisaJarvis   #TimiLetonja

Jana Letonja & Timotej Letonja


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Get to Know The Handmaid’s Tale's Sydney Sweeney

She might play a (mostly) obedient girl in the show, but the martial arts–trained Sweeney is kicking butt IRL.


F rom  The Handmaid’s Tale  to the new neo-noir film  Under the Silver Lake (out this Friday) ,   2018 has been Sydney Sweeney ’s year. Off camera, her passions include home remodeling, pinball, and mixed martial arts.

AGE:  21.

LIVES IN:  Los Angeles.

YOU ALSO KNOW HER FROM:   Sharp Objects  (2018).

STARTUP :  “There was no entertainment industry at all in Spokane, Washington, where I was raised. When I was 12, this movie came to town randomly and I begged my parents to let me audition. I even created a five-year business-plan presentation of what could happen in my life if I did. I ended up getting the part.”

HOME IMPROVEMENT:  “I grew up remodeling houses with my parents, and I’ve started to do it again with some of my friends. So, I like to watch HGTV— Love It or List It,   Property Brothers,   Flip or Flop.  I’m also addicted to Houzz, the interior-decorating app where you can look at all these pictures of different rooms that have shopping links to the items you see.”

Mario Badescu Facial Spray with Rosewater

GAME TIME:  “My family collects vintage pinball machines, so I have a few in my apartment. We have one that’s all in German and an old Playboy one from the ’70s.”

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SELF-CARE:  “I actually have such sensitive skin that I only wash my face with water and then I use some Mario Badescu facial spray with rosewater. I have a mini bottle in my bag and then a giant one in my bathroom.”

FIGHTING FIT:  “I’m trained in mixed martial arts. I started when I was 14 and did my first competition at 18. It was a grappling competition against all guys a weight category above me, and I got first place. Those guys were probably saying, ‘Oh, we didn’t want to hurt her,’ but they were definitely trying. Everyone broke a sweat!”

FOLLOW HER:  @sydney_sweeney .

This article originally appeared in the Holiday 2018 issue of  Marie Claire .



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EXCLUSIVE : The in-demand Sydney Sweeney , coming off hit rom-com Anyone But You and horror pic Immaculate , is shifting gears again as she is set to portray trailblazing boxer Christy Martin in a new biopic which could be a knockout for buyers at the Cannes market where Black Bear will be launching.

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This is ripe material for Sweeney given the Euphoria and White Lotus star’s passion for boxing and MMA. The actress told Deadline : “I grappled and did kickboxing from 12-19 years old. I’ve been itching to get back into the ring, train, and transform my body. Christy’s story isn’t a light one, it’s physically and emotionally demanding, there’s a lot of weight to carry. But I love challenging myself.”

She continued: “Christy Martin not only legitimized female boxing, she overcame gender stereotypes, and fought through emotional, physical, and financial abuse. I’m passionate about the fighting world, Christy’s story shines a light on her incredible rise to the top while showing the struggles of fame behind the curtains. I feel compelled to tell a story about a woman who faced so much adversity and didn’t allow it to defeat her. It’s powerful, and emotional.”

The plan is to shoot this fall in the U.S. Black Bear — which recently teamed with Sweeney on Immaculate — will introduce the project to international buyers at the Cannes market next week with UTA Independent Film Group, AC Independent, and Black Bear co-representing U.S. rights. Additional casting is being discussed by the team now.

This is a promising package in part because there is a level of discovery to the story. Michôd explained about the script’s arc: “The film is about Christy as a young gay woman in small-town West Virginia in the 1990s. She came from a relatively conservative family and wasn’t allowed to be who she was so she used boxing as a vehicle to express herself and her rage. She had to make some dangerous and fundamental compromises in her life, the most important of which was marrying an incredibly dangerous man.”

Script comes from Mirrah Foulkes ( Judy & Punch ) and Michôd. Producers are Kerry Kohansky-Roberts ( Boy Erased ) for Anonymous Content, Michôd for Yoki, Justin Lothrop and Brent Stiefel ( As You Are ) for Votiv, Sweeney for Fifty-Fifty Films and and Teddy Schwarzman for Black Bear, which is also fully financing. The filmmakers tell us that Martin, the film’s subject, has been collaborating with the team on the project.

“David [Michôd] and I have been saying that this is a female rocky”, said producer Kohansky-Roberts (whose father worked at SI his whole career). “To make the cover of Sports Illustrated was hard enough, to do it as a female boxer was outstanding and she paved the way for so many boxers and MMA fighters to come”.

“Sydney’s performance in Reality knocked my socks off,” adds Michôd. “She has been ferociously sporty since she was a kid and has a taste for the fight game.” The actress is in post on Ron Howard’s starry thriller Eden and Apple’s Echo Valley alongside Julianne Moore.

Michôd’s seminal 2010 crime-drama Animal Kingdom is one of the great Australian films of recent decades, starring Joel Edgerton, Guy Pearce, Ben Mendelsohn and Jackie Weaver. Since then, the filmmaker has gone on to work with Robert Pattinson in The Rover , Brad Pitt in War Machine and most recently Timothée Chalamet in The King . He is in post on A24 and Plan B’s Wizards!

Executive producers include Michael Heimler, John Friedberg, Foulkes, Brad Zimmerman for Yoki, Inc. and David Levine, Ryan Schwartz and Nick Shumaker, who will executive produce on behalf of Anonymous Content.

Black Bear’s Teddy Schwarzman said: “Black Bear is beyond thrilled to reteam with Sydney Sweeney, who is one of the most exciting and talented actors working today. We’ve also wanted to work with David Michôd for some time, and this material perfectly compliments David’s incredible skillset. Christy Martin’s story is an epic, and our film will deliver everything audiences expect and much, much more. We’re excited to step in to finance the project and produce alongside our incredible partners.”

Sweeney is represented by Paradigm and Stuart Brookman. Michôd is represented by UTA, Alan Wertheimer and Jackoway Austen. Foulkes is represented by UTA, Untitled Entertainment, and Hirsch Wallerstein.

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We asked Australians how they feel about cost-of-living measures in the federal budget. Many are in despair

A split image shows a woman with child in yellow jumper, an older woman with pink lipstick, and a young woman with auburn hair

It was billed as the cost-of-living budget.

When Treasurer Jim Chalmers stepped up this week to unveil his government's economic plan for the year ahead, he described a responsible budget that "helps people under pressure today".

Among the top-line budget measures aimed at easing cost-of-living pressures are the reworked stage three tax cuts, a $300 energy bill rebate for each household, an increase to Commonwealth Rental Assistance payments and a freeze on co-payments for medicines on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).

But how does that sit with everyday Australians, an estimated 3.3 million of whom are living below the poverty line ?

We asked for your thoughts on how this budget measures up.

Among thousands of submissions, there's an overwhelming sense of despair.

Some on the brink of survival said rental assistance was still not enough to get them off the street.

People living in public housing on disability support pensions shared how rising costs have forced them to forego medical treatment, while others desperate to reduce electricity bills are turning off their heating or showering just once a week.

Many explain they cannot afford to eat three meals a day. Some people are feeling so distressed that they have thoughts of suicide.

Others who are getting by reached out to the ABC wishing to donate their $300 energy rebate, or offering spare rooms to people who are homeless. 

These are just some of their stories.

Homeless job seekers and pensioners feel they're 'slipping through the cracks'

Sally*, who is in her 50s, has been living out of her van for seven years, and describes the increase to rental assistance as utterly inadequate.

"I'm on the Job Seeker payment. I've been looking for work for quite a long time and trying to establish an online business. I'm only just barely scraping through managing to eat and live in my van," she said.

"The increase on what is already an inadequate payment is not going to make any difference to my situation whatsoever."

Rent assistance, which is an additional payment available for some people on government support, is calculated depending on living circumstances and how much you pay in rent.

For a single person like Sally, if you're paying more than $146 per fortnight in rent, you're entitled to 75 cents for every dollar over that amount. The maximum fortnightly payment for a single person living alone is $188.20, or $125.47 if they're in a share house.

The increase announced this week means the maximum rate will go up by 10 per cent from September 20 this year — so about $12 to $19 a fortnight in Sally's case, if she could find a rental.

In Perth, where Sally lives, the median weekly rent has exceeded $650  — $1,300 per fortnight. She estimates that moving into shared accommodation would cost around $200 per week — $400 per fortnight.

She currently budgets $100 a fortnight to keep her few possessions that don't fit in the van in storage, on top of the rest of her day-to-day living costs.

"I've got zero capacity, even with a rent assistance payment, to meet $400 a fortnight [in rent]," she said.

"I've had to borrow money this fortnight to make ends meet, to pay for my motor vehicle insurance and to make sure I've got roadside assistance. Because if I don't have those things, then I lose, literally, the only shelter that I've got."

Tori Norton, 65, is on a disability support pension and renting with her rescue cat in regional New South Wales.

She spends roughly two-thirds of her $1,200 pension to rent an accessible property, which she requires for her disability.

She says the federal budget has left her feeling "angry and bitterly disappointed".

If her rent increases, she said, even by 10 per cent, then she won't be able to afford her groceries.

"It's at the point where other friends of mine who are pensioners get so excited just when they can buy mince to make Bolognese," Tori said.

"Honestly! This is what we discuss — how exciting it is when you can afford to make a Bolognese."

She's worried that soon she won't be able to afford to care for her cat, Abby, who has been "such a blessing".

Victoria Norton and her cat Abby

Like Tori, Sally says she would have liked to have seen a significant increase to rent assistance, in conjunction with another increase to the Job Seeker payment, which is currently set at a maximum of $816.90 ($408.45 per week) for a single person over 55 in Sally's situation.

This budget did include $41.2 million over five years to extend that higher rate to single JobSeekers who are able to work up to 14 hours a week, but welfare advocacy groups have said this falls well short of what is needed.

The Australian Council of Social Service described the decision not to increase Job Seeker and Youth Allowance base rates as "a gaping hole at the heart of this budget" . 

"Maybe there could have been provisions for people who are actually living in the streets," Sally said. "I don't know. How do you balance everything out? It just feels like I'm one of the people that just keeps slipping through the cracks."

Younger Australians say budget measures won't make much of a dent 

Melbourne law student Celia, 27, is completing her final year of a juris doctor and says the cost of living crisis will weigh her and her peers down for years to come.

While studying full-time and working in the legal sector part-time, Celia receives Youth Allowance to supplement her income and a scholarship contributes to her education, but she says it's barely enough to cover rent and groceries each fortnight.

A young woman wearing black singlet top smiles while sitting at an outdoor table

"I am able to pay rent, purchase bare minimum groceries, and pay for public transport, petrol, things of that nature. But like everything else has been cut out," she said.

"I'm coming away with very little money, in comparison to the way that my HECS debt is increasing."

And in the meantime, she's about to reach the HECS-HELP loan limit, which means she'll soon have to start paying for her degree outright.

The recent changes to HECS-HELP debt, which will see loan indexation calculated on whichever figure is lower out of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and the Wage Price Index (WPI) , will save hundreds of dollars for an estimated three million Australians.

This will apply to Celia's existing debt, which is around $100,000, but she says in the grand scheme it won't make much of a dent.

"I'll get about $5,000 back," she said. "Unfortunately, that doesn't really do anything for me, because each unit that I do at uni is about $5,000."

Celia was pleased to see relief targeted towards other students to address placement poverty , but she feels that the rising cost of education and combined loan limits introduced under the Coalition in 2020 make the prospect of future students pursuing post-graduate studies "extremely grim".

"I don't think it really gets to the root of the problem, which is the fact that we are paying just ridiculous amounts of money for degrees that people my parents' age didn't have to pay for, that we kind of need to have … if we want to be a high-income earner," she said. 

People are choosing to skip medical treatment because they can't afford it

Darren Miner lives with his partner in Oberon, New South Wales. They are both on the Disability Support Pension, and his partner also accesses the NDIS. 

He says while they are fortunate to be in public housing and somewhat protected from the rental crisis, they really feel the pinch when it comes to medical costs.

"Our GP, fortunately, bulk-bills people on pensions. But we have both foregone specialist appointments just because of the cost," he said.

"A number of them refuse to bulk-bill, even if you're on a pension. But it's also just the requirement to have the full fee, up front … For example, for me to see the lung specialist is $300. I get $250 back on Medicare. So I can afford that $50 gap, but I don't have that $300 in the first place."

A middle-aged man wearing glasses looks directly into camera

Darren also deals with mental health issues, but is currently not receiving any treatment due to the costs.

"I can't afford it, even under a mental health care plan, which only covers [an initial] 10 sessions per year … And good luck seeing a decent psychiatrist in the public health system," he said.

Tori, who previously worked as a mental health nurse for 25 years, says she understands the nuance of setting up a system to provide this kind of care.

And while she was debt-free when she was working, she has been forced to take out a credit card to pay for health-related expenses.

"I was at an appointment the other day and I got teary because the specialist told me they were going to bulk-bill my appointment, which usually would have cost me over $600," she said.

Both Tori and Darren say they will get some relief from the freeze for medicines listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme. The maximum co-payment for concession card holders will be held at its current rate of $7.70 for five years.

While the budget did include $227.6 million over the next few years to address the disability employment program , Darren says this measure won't help him much as a carer with limited hours available to work.

He says the biggest concern he has about the budget is the changes to the NDIS, which he believes will affect his partner's plan.

In a bid to rein in the ballooning cost of the NDIS, there will be changes to address what the government calls "intra-plan inflation", where participants can access top-up payments if the agreed plan is spent sooner than expected.

"It means if my partner goes over her allocated amount for a service, within her plan, that means she'll miss out on services, and that can be for a long time if she is underfunded right from the get-go," Darren said.

"She's got $157 remaining in her care plan until September. That's basically one hour, or half an hour worth of help. As it currently sits … if they go a little bit over they're not going to cut services. But from what I'm reading in the budget, that's going to stop.

"What if I end up hospitalised and she needs a week or two of help, and that money's run out?"

Finding cheap housing is a struggle 

Anne James, 83, has given up on waiting for a spot in social housing after she was advised it would take another five to 10 years for a place to free up.

She was renting a small unit in Wangaratta during the height of the COVID pandemic when her rent went up by $80 a fortnight — out of reach for her income as an aged pensioner.

Anne James

"That is an impossible thing, for me to live like that. So since then, I did apply for housing commission. It's nearly two years now, and when I inquired about it quite recently … they said it could be five to 10 years. I said, 'Well, that's a great joke, isn't it?… I'll be 94," she said.

No longer able to afford her rent, Anne has been house-sitting for the past two years.

"I don't want to do that forever. My children, they've got my stuff in storage and they would never see me on the street. But that is not the point. I have worked here 45 years, bringing up eight good Australians, and still I have trouble to get social housing. I am on the list, but there's so many waiting, it's impossible."

Ally Oliver-Perham is a working parent living in Chewton Bushlands in regional Victoria.

"We can be pretty frugal at times. And so we're able to budget well, but I have to say there have been moments where I've hesitated to fill the car up with petrol. That's probably the main cost that we are really struggling with at the moment," she said.

Ally says the rising cost of fuel means she and her partner can only budget for limited trips to Melbourne for work and to visit family and friends.

"You do hesitate, because you think, 'well, this is going to affect my ability to buy the groceries I need down the track?'" she said.

A young woman smiles with a toddler in yellow jumper sitting on her lap

Their other main financial pressure is childcare costs for their two-year-old daughter. Ally says she was hoping to see more action around childcare rebates in this budget.

"I try not to think about how much we're spending on that, because it will impact my enjoyment with being at work and providing. But it's certainly making us consider, do we go out? Do we go to that social event? Do we spend money on these more recreational things?"

Her family won't have access to the $300 energy bill rebate as their property is off the grid.

“Obviously that's a personal choice — we want to make a positive contribution to climate change and this is how we’re doing it. But there's all these costs associated with that,” she said.

"I was curious about the fact that it wasn't means tested … because I know it's only $300, which is going to be really meaningful for someone who's really struggling. But I don't understand why some households who are quite well off are getting the same amount of money. I just thought that was a strange way of approaching this cost-of-living crisis."

The energy bill rebate won't help everyone

The energy bill relief measure has been criticised this week by welfare advocacy groups who point out that financially vulnerable Australians actually stand to be worse off under the policy in the long run.

This news was a worry for Darren and his partner, who both receive the Disability Support Pension, which increases twice a year in line with headline CPI or the Pensioner and Beneficiary Living Cost Index (whichever is higher).

The concern is that if the energy bill relief scheme lowers inflation, as the government predicts it will, that could mean their support payments rise by less.

"The budget leaves us worse off, overall," Darren said.

"With the overall cost of living, especially in terms of food, especially in terms of medical, we are going backwards, not forwards."

For Sally, living in her van, limited access to power is a barrier to generating income. She lives with chronic fatigue syndrome and other disabilities that make full-time work very difficult, so she's been trying to establish an online business.

One of the budget's key measures to support small businesses was a $325 energy relief rebate, but Sally can't access it because she doesn't have an electricity bill.

"Because my small business is online-based, it's a no-brainer for me, I can do that. But I don't have regular access to electricity supply to keep my devices running, which means that is an ongoing barrier to my success," she said.

"I've tried working out of the libraries. But very often … I get sick, so I can't work for a few days or a couple of weeks. I can't work out of cafes because I don't have the money to pay for the coffee all day. So I've looked at hot desks, that's $80 a day. Everything is a barrier.

"I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place every way I turn. I don't know what else to do."

*Sally's name has been changed to protect her privacy.

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