Submitting to an assignment

  • Log in to your university's Learning Management System (e.g., Blackboard or Moodle) the way you normally do.
  • Navigate to your course and list of assignments. Launch the assignment you'd like to submit. Once your assignment opens, you will see a header with your assignment title along with the other assignment info.

Drag your submission into the white space near the paper icon on your screen OR

Click the My Computer button on your screen to select your submission from your computer.

submit assignment to turnitin

Once the submission has been uploaded, you will see an image of it on your screen. If you would like to, you can change the file name of your submission in the space above the image of your submission. If your file is multiple pages, you can use the arrows to the right of your file name to scroll through each page.

  • When you're finished, you must click the Submit File button so your instructor can review and grade your work.
  • Green "Success!" message
  • Clickable submission tile with the image of your submission in it

submit assignment to turnitin

Resubmitting to an assignment

Resubmissions have to be enabled by your instructor. If you do not have the option to resubmit, please contact your instructor for more information.

  • Navigate to your course and list of assignments. Launch the assignment you'd like to resubmit to. Once your assignment opens, you will see your previous submission.
  • Select the Resubmit button. Resubmitting will overwrite your current submission; you will be shown a confirmation message to ensure you want to continue . Select Cancel if you have changed your mind.
  • When you're finished, you must click the Submit File button to complete the resubmission.
  • Type of document
  • Submission date and time
  • Similarity Score

Your instructor will only be able to access your most recent submission and submission details. Previous submissions will no longer be accessible.

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How to Submit a Turnitin Assignment – Student Guide -New

  • Log in to Canvas and access your course.
  • Navigate to the Turnitin assignment you are submitting to and click on the assignment link.
  • Click Upload Submission button .
  • You can choose from three different submission options; Upload Submission (upload file), Text Input (submit text) and Cloud Submission (attach from One Drive).
  • To upload a file, click Upload Submission tab .
  • Enter Submission Title .
  • Click Choose File to upload file.
  • The uploaded file will show next to the Choose File
  • If you have attached the wrong file, click on the Choose File button again to choose a different file.
  • Click Upload and Review .
  • The next screen will show Uploading, indicating file upload is in progress.
  • Once the file has uploaded, click Preview Submission to check your submission.
  • If you need to cancel and resubmit, click on Cancel Submission .
  • When you are ready to submit, click Submit to Turnitin .
  • Submission Complete message will appear.
  • The next screen will show your paper title , the date of submission, and the icons for downloading the paper and downloading digital receipt .
  • Make sure you save a copy of the digital receipt for your records by clicking on the horizontal bars icon.
  • You can also access the receipt by going to your submission under the Paper Title .
  • Click the download button .
  • Click Digital Receipt .
  • The digital receipt is an important document that shows details of your submission, such as, file name, submission date and submission ID.

submit assignment to turnitin

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Turnitin: A student guide to submitting an assignment

Reviewed: 11/07/2022

What is Turnitin?

Turnitin is software that is used by the University to help to identify plagiarised work. It allows you to submit your work via your Blackboard course, where an originality report may be generated. This report will highlight text in your submission that matches text from one or more of the following sources:

  • other students’ work at the University of Manchester
  • students’ work at other institutions
  • academic publications
  • Internet sources.

These reports are examined as a standard part of the assessment process. When your work is submitted to Turnitin, it will normally be added to an international database of student papers. Your name will not be attached to your paper. Other students’ work will then be compared to your work from that point onwards. If your submission is confidential, your tutor can make sure that it is not added to the database.

File types and sizes

Please note: the file size must be less than 100MB, it must have a minimum of 20 words, be less than 400 pages, and the standard file types allowed are:

  • Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx)
  • OpenOffice Text (.odt)
  • WordPerfect (.wpd)
  • PostScript (.ps/.eps)
  • Hangul Word Processor (.hwp)
  • Rich Text (.rtf)
  • Plain text (.txt)
  • Google Docs via Google Drive
  • Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx/.ppt/.ppsx/.pps)
  • Microsoft Excel (.xls/.xlsx).

Further information on plagiarism

Further information on plagiarism is available from:

  • ‘Guidance to Students on plagiarism and other forms of academic malpractice’
  • ‘Academic Malpractice – Guidance on the Handling of Cases’

How to submit an assignment

Stage 1: access the assignment submission link.

  • Log into your Blackboard course. The assignment submission link will usually be located in the ‘ Assessments ’ area on the left-hand menu.
  • Click the link to upload your assignment . You must read and follow any instructions given by your course leader.

submit assignment to turnitin

  • To submit your assignment, click the ‘ Upload Submission ’ button.
  • Clicking the question mark  icon will display any extra information provided by your tutor, including feedback release date and assessment criteria (if an assignment rubric has been attached).

submit assignment to turnitin

Stage 2: Upload your document

  • Next, you need to enter a ‘Submission Title’. You must check any instructions given by your tutor. In many schools in the University, it is essential that you enter your 7-digit ID number in the submission title box and that you remove any references to your name in the submission document itself. This is to comply with anonymous marking regulations. Do not use quotation marks in the submission title as this can cause errors. It is also important that you remove any reference to your name from the submission document itself.
  • Select ‘Choose file’ and locate the file you wish to upload.
  • (Optional) This allows you to upload a cloud submission, e.g. Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox document. 

submit assignment to turnitin

Stage 3: Review your document

This stage allows you to check you have uploaded the correct document. You can ‘ Preview ’, ‘ Cancel Submission ’ or continue to ‘ Submit to Turnitin ‘ .

submit assignment to turnitin

Stage 4: Complete the submission

Upon submission, you will see this screen:

submit assignment to turnitin

a) You will see a confirmation that your submission was successful. (If this is not the case, please try and submit again).

b) You may have the option to resubmit your paper if this has been allowed by your tutor. Note that it can take up to 24 hours for re-uploaded files to be processed; however, the submission time will be marked as the time that the re-upload occurred. If you need to re-upload your work and the resubmit button is not available, then please contact your tutor to discuss arrangements for this, as they will vary from course to course.

c) You have the option to download a copy of the paper you have submitted.

d) You have the option to download a digital receipt for the paper you have submitted. It is very important that you retain your digital receipt as a record of your submission.

Important note for users of Mac systems (MacBook, iMac etc.)

If your assignment document is created on a Mac computer and you intend to include images copied and pasted from a PDF source document, it is essential that you use one of the following methods to bring the images into your assignment document. For any Mac software, including the ‘Preview’ application, do the following:

  • Use ‘ Cmd + Shift + 4 ‘ to open the Screenshot tool. (Alternatively, use ‘ File > Take Screen Shot > From Selection ’)
  • Select the area of the page you wish to save as an image (the image will automatically be saved to the desktop).
  • In Word, use ‘ Insert > Image ’ to import the image.
  • Do not use the Select Tool in Preview to copy and paste images from the PDF into your assignment document.
  • ← Reading a Similarity Report
  • Turnitin: A Student Guide to Downloading Feedback →

Turnitin help

When you submit a text-based assignment in Blackboard, it goes into Turnitin, which is a program that compares the text in your assignment with a database of online sources, textbooks, journal articles and other student assignments.

Turnitin for research students

If you’re a higher degree by research (HDR) student, we have extra information about Turnitin for you.

Turnitin system guides

Having problems using Turnitin? See instructions for using the Turnitin system interface .

Turnitin has undergone some changes

Find out more about the Changes to Turnitin from November 2022 .

How Turnitin works

Turnitin produces an Originality Report which highlights the text in your assignment that matches or is similar to another source, and links to the original source. The report also includes a Similarity Index which is calculated as the number of highlighted words divided by the total number of words in your assignment.

Be aware that Curtin does not define a ‘safe’ level for the Similarity Index, nor is there a level that signals that plagiarism has occurred. Turnitin does not distinguish between ‘innocent matches’ and those that may be considered plagiarism. For example, if a unit coordinator sets a question that all students must answer, likely that question text will match in all of the assignment submissions for that unit. This would be considered an innocent match.

How to use Turnitin to help avoid plagiarism

Downloading or printing your turnitin originality report.

This video covers how to access the Originality Report, what the Similarity Index is, and how the Originality Report is used to identify plagiarism.

What to do about those highlighted bits

This video covers reviewing your matches and deciding what action to take, and how to plan your work to prevent plagiarism.

Understanding Turnitin’s report

More about Turnitin

Curtin policy requires all text based assignments to be submitted to Turnitin. A copy of all work submitted to Turnitin will be retained on Turnitin’s database for future text matching. This process has been tested in the courts and found to be in compliance with copyright, privacy and data protection laws.

The effectiveness of Turnitin depends on its ability to store copies of all documents submitted to it. This has the benefit of protecting your rights and intellectual property in the future. Under exceptional circumstances, such as when the work is commercially sensitive, you can request that a paper be removed from the database. Undergraduate work would not be expected to fall into this category under normal circumstances. If you believe that exceptional circumstances apply in your situation, make a formal request explaining your reasons to your unit coordinator.

The only people able to view the copy of your assignment submitted to the Turnitin database, or the associated originality report, are the teaching team associated with that unit of study (such as unit coordinator, tutors and markers). Turnitin’s employees are not able to view your assignment.

The person marking your submitted work will review the originality report generated by the Turnitin service. The report highlights text in your submitted work that matches content in Turnitin’s databases. The marker will review each highlighted passage of text to determine if the passage has been poorly paraphrased or if it has been directly copied from another source, and whether this indicates plagiarism.

The report also includes an index (the Similarity Index) calculated as the number of highlighted words divided by the total number of words in your assignment. A high Similarity Index is not automatically interpreted by the marker as plagiarism, and Curtin does not define any minimum or maximum thresholds for the index score. This means that there is no ‘safe’ score nor is there a score that, if exceeded, indicates that plagiarism has occurred.

The detection of plagiarism is a matter of academic judgement by the marker, allowing and requiring them to take into consideration the type of match highlighted, the extent of matching and the use in-text citations and references.

Try troubleshooting the problem using the guide on the Turnitin website . This guide covers:

  • Accepted file types and sizes
  • Viewing a rubric or grading form before submission
  • How to submit a paper by uploading a file or cutting and pasting text
  • Viewing submitted files
  • Downloading Submitted Papers and Digital Receipts
  • Resubmitting a paper

If you’re still having difficulty submitting an assignment through Turnitin, contact your unit coordinator in case there are problems with the way the assignment submission link has been set up.

The Turnitin webpages include some graphics to guide you through the submission process and for various functions associated with viewing the originality report and accessing the digital receipt. Normally these visual elements have hidden text behind them to allow screen readers to function.

If you’re using a screen reader, you may find that the Turnitin Document Viewer is not fully compatible with your software. The Document Viewer is the default view for the Originality Report. It appears in a separate browser window that is launched when you access your submission from the Turnitin Assignment Inbox. The ‘text-only’ view of the Originality Report is generally more compatible with screen reader technologies.

To access the ‘text-only’ view follow these steps:

  • In your Blackboard unit, navigate to the assignment submission page and select the link labelled View/Complete to show the Turnitin page.
  • The Turnitin page has two tabs. Make sure the Assignment Inbox tab is active (this is selected by default). For the appropriate assignment in the list, select the View button.
  • Select the Text-Only Report link at the bottom of the page.

From the preferences link, the text-only report provides the following options that may improve accessibility:

  • Colour code matches: 1) Yes or 2) No.
  • Default mode 1) show highest matches together 2) show matches one at a time 3) quickview (classic) report.

auto-navigation 1) jump to next match 2) scroll to next match. Turnitin remembers the last view used to access the originality report, so when you open another report, the view used last will be displayed. This way, you can set the default to be Document Viewer or Text Only.

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FAQ: How do I submit a paper in through Turnitin?

  • 7 Academic Integrity & Plagiarism
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Last Updated: Sep 27, 2021 Views: 15093

Turnitin is a plagiarism prevention system used at SNHU. Turnitin is accessible through Brightspace however, it is not used in every course. If Turnitin is being used in a course, a student submits a paper and Turnitin checks it for plagiarism against content on the web, other student papers, and selected online library databases.

If Turnitin is being used in your course there may be a number of ways or places where you could be asked to submit a paper within Brightspace. For this reason, please contact your instructor for help submitting a paper through Turnitin.

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submit assignment to turnitin

Can students self-check a paper in Turnitin for plagiarism before submitting it to the assignment?

21-nov-2023 • knowledge article, information.

It is not possible for students to self-check a paper within Turnitin without submitting it to an assignment created by an instructor, unless your institution has enabled Turnitin Draft Coach for your institution's Turnitin account.* If an assignment allows resubmissions, you may be able to resubmit a paper several times before the assignment’s due date, and any second or subsequent submission will overwrite the original submission in this assignment. You are allowed three resubmission attempts where the Similarity Report will be generated immediately; after three attempts, you will have to wait 24 hours before a new Similarity Report can be generated. If resubmissions are not allowed, your first attempt will be final. If you wish to check a paper beforehand, you will need to ask your instructor and see if they are willing to set up a separate assignment for this specific purpose. Instructors can also set up assignments that will allow students to submit multiple drafts without overwriting previous submissions. *Note : Please check with your institution if access to Turnitin Draft Coach is available to you, this is one of Turnitin's latest products that allows students to effortlessly run a Similarity Report and check a document for similarities against our vast database which also includes citation and grammar checks.

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  1. Viewing and Submitting Assignments in Turnitin

    submit assignment to turnitin

  2. How to Submit a Paper to Turnitin Assignment

    submit assignment to turnitin

  3. How to Submit a Turnitin Assignment

    submit assignment to turnitin

  4. How to successfully submit a Turnitin assignment

    submit assignment to turnitin

  5. How to submit a Turnitin assignment

    submit assignment to turnitin

  6. How to submit an assignment on Turnitin

    submit assignment to turnitin


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  2. Uploading a Turnitin Assignment for Students

  3. Uploading an assignment to Turnitin via Moodle

  4. Create a Turnitin enabled assignment

  5. Submitting file assignments to YSJ TurnItIn

  6. Turnitin Instruction Account Paper Submission


  1. Submit to an assignment

    To submit a paper to an assignment on Turnitin, the user must log in and upload a file to an existing assignment. Assignments in Turnitin cannot accept student submissions until the assignment start date and time has passed. Assignments may also reject submissions after the due date and time set by the instructor.

  2. Submitting to an assignment

    Launch the assignment you'd like to submit. Once your assignment opens, you will see a header with your assignment title along with the other assignment info. Double check that the file you want to submit is an approved file type and size. Then, upload your submission to the assignment in one of two ways: Drag your submission into the white ...

  3. How to Submit a Turnitin Assignment

    Navigate to the Turnitin assignment you are submitting to and click on the assignment link. Click Upload Submission button. You can choose from three different submission options; Upload Submission (upload file), Text Input (submit text) and Cloud Submission (attach from One Drive). To upload a file, click Upload Submission tab. Enter ...

  4. Turnitin: A student guide to submitting an assignment

    Stage 1: Access the assignment submission link. Log into your Blackboard course. The assignment submission link will usually be located in the ' Assessments ' area on the left-hand menu. Click the link to upload your assignment. You must read and follow any instructions given by your course leader.

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  6. Viewing and Submitting Assignments in Turnitin

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  7. PDF Quick Reference

    Locate the assignment link in the appropriate Module or under Assignments in your Canvas course. Select the title to open the assignment. Select the Start Assignment button. Upload your assignment and then review and agree to the TurnItIn statement and then select Submit Assignment. The report may take several minutes to generate.

  8. Submitting an Assignment through Turnitin

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  9. Turnitin help

    HomeCurrent StudentsStudent essentialsIT tools and guidesSystem help and guidesTurnitin help. Turnitin help. When you submit a text-based assignment in Blackboard, it goes into Turnitin, which is a program that compares the text in your assignment with a database of online sources, textbooks, journal articles and other student assignments.

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    Turnitin is accessible through Brightspace however, it is not used in every course. If Turnitin is being used in a course, a student submits a paper and Turnitin checks it for plagiarism against content on the web, other student papers, and selected online library databases. If Turnitin is being used in your course there may be a number of ways ...

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    It is not possible for students to self-check a paper within Turnitin without submitting it to an assignment created by an instructor, unless your institution has enabled Turnitin Draft Coach for your institution's Turnitin account.*. If an assignment allows resubmissions, you may be able to resubmit a paper several times before the assignment ...

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