short essay on the soldier

The Soldier Summary & Analysis by Rupert Brooke

  • Line-by-Line Explanation & Analysis
  • Poetic Devices
  • Vocabulary & References
  • Form, Meter, & Rhyme Scheme
  • Line-by-Line Explanations

short essay on the soldier

"The Soldier" is a poem by Rupert Brooke written during the first year of the First World War (1914). It is a deeply patriotic and idealistic poem that expresses a soldier's love for his homeland—in this case England, which is portrayed as a kind of nurturing paradise. Indeed, such is the soldier's bond with England that he feels his country to be both the origin of his existence and the place to which his consciousness will return when he dies. The poem was a hit with the public at the time, capturing the early enthusiasm for the war (before the grim realities of longterm conflict made themselves known). Nowadays, the poem is seen as somewhat naïve, offering little of the actual experience of war. That said, it undoubtedly captures and distills a particular type of patriotism.

  • Read the full text of “The Soldier”

short essay on the soldier

The Full Text of “The Soldier”

1 If I should die, think only this of me:

2       That there’s some corner of a foreign field

3 That is for ever England. There shall be

4       In that rich earth a richer dust concealed;

5 A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware,

6       Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam;

7 A body of England’s, breathing English air,

8       Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home.

9 And think, this heart, all evil shed away,

10       A pulse in the eternal mind, no less

11             Gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given;

12 Her sights and sounds; dreams happy as her day;

13       And laughter, learnt of friends; and gentleness,

14             In hearts at peace, under an English heaven.

“The Soldier” Summary

“the soldier” themes.

Theme War, Patriotism, and Nationhood

War, Patriotism, and Nationhood

  • See where this theme is active in the poem.

Line-by-Line Explanation & Analysis of “The Soldier”

If I should die, think only this of me:       That there’s some corner of a foreign field That is for ever England. There shall be       In that rich earth a richer dust concealed;

short essay on the soldier

A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware,       Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam; A body of England’s, breathing English air,       Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home.

And think, this heart, all evil shed away,       A pulse in the eternal mind, no less             Gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given;

Lines 12-14

Her sights and sounds; dreams happy as her day;       And laughter, learnt of friends; and gentleness,             In hearts at peace, under an English heaven.

“The Soldier” Poetic Devices & Figurative Language


  • See where this poetic device appears in the poem.


“the soldier” vocabulary.

Select any word below to get its definition in the context of the poem. The words are listed in the order in which they appear in the poem.

  • See where this vocabulary word appears in the poem.

Form, Meter, & Rhyme Scheme of “The Soldier”

Rhyme scheme, “the soldier” speaker, “the soldier” setting, literary and historical context of “the soldier”, more “the soldier” resources, external resources.

Learn More About War Poetry — A series of podcast documentaries from the University of Oxford about various aspects of World War I poetry.  

First World War Poetry — More poems and an insightful essay about WWI from the Poetry Foundation.

Bringing WWI to Life — In this clip, director Peter Jackson discusses his recent WWI film, They Shall Not Grow Old. Though technology, Jackson brings old war footage to vivid life, restoring a sense of the soldiers as actual people.  

A Reading of "The Soldier" — The poem read by David Barnes for Librivox.  

So Great a Lover: The Life of Rupert Brooke — A BBC documentary exploring the short life and work of Rupert Brooke.  

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Interesting Literature

A Short Analysis of Rupert Brooke’s ‘The Soldier’

By Dr Oliver Tearle

Rupert Brooke (1887-1915) is often considered a war poet , though he died early on in the First World War and never wrote about the gritty realities of fighting which Wilfred Owen, Siegfried Sassoon, and Isaac Rosenberg described, nor did he subject the mismanagement of the war to the trenchant analysis that later poets did. ‘The Soldier’ belongs to an earlier stage in the War, when people were overall more optimistic and patriotic: the poem was read aloud in St Paul’s Cathedral in Easter 1915, shortly before Brooke’s death. The poem captures the patriotic mood. Here, then, is ‘The Soldier’, with a little analysis of its meaning and its language.

The Soldier

If I should die, think only this of me: That there’s some corner of a foreign field That is for ever England. There shall be In that rich earth a richer dust concealed; A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware, Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam, A body of England’s, breathing English air, Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home.

And think, this heart, all evil shed away, A pulse in the eternal mind, no less Gives somewhere back the thoughts of England given; Her sights and sounds; dreams happy as her day; And laughter, learnt of friends; and gentleness, In hearts at peace, under an English heaven.

Written in November and December 1914, only a few months after the outbreak of the First World War, ‘The Soldier’ reflects the proud English spirit that led to many men enlisting in the early stages of the conflict. It takes the form of the sonnet , a form which has long been associated with English poetry, most famously with William Shakespeare – although before we get too clever and suggest the form of the poem thus reflects its patriotic English message, we should point out that the specific type of sonnet form Rupert Brooke is using is closer to the Italian than the English sonnet. (In short, English sonnets are divided into three quatrains, or four-line units, and a concluding couplet, while Italian sonnets are divided into an octave or eight-line unit, followed by a sestet, or six-line unit.)

Nevertheless, the poem does reflect the Shakespearean sonnet by rhyming  ababcdcd in those first eight lines, whereas the Italian or Petrarchan sonnet rhymes abbaabba .

The patriotic message of the poem is evident in its repeated mention of ‘England’ and ‘English’ – six times in all. But a closer analysis of the poem reveals that it also offers subtler hints of its proud patriotism. For example, ‘foreign’, in the ‘foreign field’ of the second line, finds itself echoed and elongated into ‘ for ever En gland’ in the next line, neatly bringing home the fact that, although English soldiers may die quickly and horrifically on the fields of France, the English values that led to them giving their lives for a cause – courage, pride, pluck – will last forever.

The ‘suns of home’ and idea of ‘dust’ as both the earth and the remains of the soldier (‘dust to dust’) would be grimly reworked several years later by a very different war poet, Wilfred Owen, in his poem ‘Futility’. You can read our analysis of Owen’s ‘Futility’ here (and we’ve picked Owen’s greatest poems in a separate post ). Read our pick of Rupert Brooke’s five best poems here.

short essay on the soldier

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Another solid favourite of mine… Thank you!

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The Soldier by Rupert Brooke

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The poem "The Soldier" is one of English poet Rupert Brooke's (1887–1915) most evocative and poignant poems—and an example of the dangers of romanticizing World War I, comforting the survivors but downplaying the grim reality. Written in 1914, the lines are still used in military memorials today.

If I should die, think only this of me: That there's some corner of a foreign field That is for ever England. There shall be In that rich earth a richer dust concealed; A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware, Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam, A body of England's, breathing English air, Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home. And think, this heart, all evil shed away, A pulse in the eternal mind, no less Gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given; Her sights and sounds; dreams happy as her day; And laughter, learnt of friends; and gentleness, In hearts at peace, under an English heaven.
Rupert Brooke, 1914

About the Poem

"The Soldier" was the last of five poems of Brooke's War Sonnets about the start of World War I . As Brooke reached the end of his series, he turned to what happened when the soldier died, while abroad, in the middle of the conflict. When "The Soldier" was written, the bodies of servicemen were not regularly brought back to their homeland but buried nearby where they had died. In World War I, this produced vast graveyards of British soldiers in "foreign fields," and allows Brooke to portray these graves as representing a piece of the world that will be forever England. Writing at the start of the war, Brooke prefigured the vast numbers of soldiers whose bodies, torn to shreds or buried by shellfire, would remain buried and unknown as a result of the methods of fighting that war.

For a nation desperate to turn the senseless loss of its soldiers into something that could be coped with, even celebrated, Brooke’s poem became a cornerstone of the remembrance process and is still in heavy use today. It has been accused, not without merit, of idealizing and romanticizing war, and stands in stark contrast to the poetry of Wilfred Owen (1893–1918). Religion is central to the second half of "The Soldier," expressing the idea that the soldier will awake in a heaven as a redeeming feature for his death in war.

The poem also makes great use of patriotic language: it is not any dead soldier, but an "English" one, written at a time when to be English was considered (by the English) as the greatest thing to be. The soldier in the poem is considering his own death but is neither horrified nor regretful. Rather, religion, patriotism, and romanticism are central to distracting him. Some people regard Brooke’s poem as among the last great ideals before the true horror of modern mechanized warfare was made clear to the world, but Brooke had seen action and knew well of a history where soldiers had been dying on English adventures in foreign countries for centuries and still wrote it.

About the Poet

An established poet before the outbreak of World War I, Rupert Brooke had traveled, written, fallen in and out of love, joined great literary movements, and recovered from a mental collapse all before the declaration of war, when he volunteered for the Royal Naval Division. He saw combat action in the fight for Antwerp in 1914, as well as a retreat. As he awaited a new deployment, he wrote the short set of five 1914 War Sonnets, which concluded with one called The Soldier . Soon after he was sent to the Dardanelles, where he refused an offer to be moved away from the front lines—an offer sent because his poetry was so well-loved and good for recruiting—but died on April 23rd, 1915 of blood poisoning from an insect bite that weakened a body already ravaged by dysentery.

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FirstCry Intelli Education

Essay On Soldiers – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Children


Key Points To Remember When Writing An Essay On Soldiers For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on soldiers for kids, short essay on the life of soldiers for kids, long essay on soldiers for children, what will your 1st, 2nd and 3rd grader learn from the essay on soldiers.

A soldier is a commissioned person in the defence forces of a country. Soldiers have a rank in the nation’s army, air force, or navy. Kids can learn and get inspired by writing an essay on soldiers in English for classes 1, 2 and 3. It will also motivate kids to embrace traits like discipline and dedication.

Soldiers are trained for physical and mental strength. They pledge to serve the nation in any way possible. A soldier’s job is one of the most selfless jobs in the world, and it requires a lot of courage to leave your family and commit to protecting the country. When they say, “Not all heroes wear capes,” they refer to the ones in the soldiers’ uniform. Their sheer commitment and patriotism toward the nation makes them different from the crowd.

A soldier’s life is nothing ordinary, but it is extraordinary. They can survive any weather, disaster, or calamity and still have the strength to help the people of the country. Given below are some key points kids can keep in mind while understanding how to write an essay on soldiers.

  • An essay includes three main parts, namely the introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • The introduction should include how a soldier is an asset to our nation.
  • The body can include their training process and their duties towards the nation.
  • The conclusion should tell us about the struggles they face for our comfortable lives.
  • You can include some quotes and lines that talk about the strength of these heroes.

A soldier’s job is a very difficult one. They go through struggles so that we can sleep peacefully at night. Here are some lines that can help children write an essay for classes 1 and 2, which will also brief them about the importance of a soldier.

  • Every soldier is a distinctive member of the defence forces.
  • They are trained hard to face any difficulties.
  • They have great mental and physical health.
  • They are always ready to serve the nation when required, even during wars.
  • They lead a very difficult and disciplined life.
  • They have a remarkable presence of mind.
  • They are well-trained to use any weapon.
  • They make sure that every person in the country is safe and sound.
  • For a soldier, the country comes before anyone and anything.
  • We should always be proud of our soldiers.

A soldier’s life is full of adventure and danger. It isn’t easy to sum up their life in just a few words. Let us write a short and meaningful essay on a soldier’s life to guide kids in primary classes.

A person is never born a soldier. They go through lots of examinations and training to become a soldier. Soldiers vow to protect their motherland in any condition. They are never off duty; their vigorous training makes them so vigilant that it becomes their habit to be super active. They can even lay their life without a second thought for the country’s sake. This tells a lot about their courage and willpower. They stay away from their families all year long so that we can celebrate each occasion with our families peacefully. They have the stamina and determination to survive any emergency or calamity.

A soldier has indeed a very difficult life. As you read and watch more about their lives, it gets more difficult to put it in words. Here is a thoughtful essay for class 3 on the life of a soldier.

Every soldier has a normal childhood like us civilians. The only difference comes in the thought process. We think of becoming doctors, engineers, artists, etc., but the one who thinks of going to borders to serve the nation becomes a courageous soldier. It requires a lot of courage to choose this path. You cannot think of it as a career; it is a service to the nation. Their lives are full of struggles and hardships. Their selflessness is almost next to godliness. Almost every nation in the world has its line of forces that commissions many soldiers every year.

Importance Of Soldiers

The importance of a soldier cannot be described in a few words. Rather, it takes a large heart to understand the duties and roles of the soldiers. Soldiers on our border check on all kinds of trespassing activities by enemies. There are soldiers in the air, on water, and on the land. They are omnipresent to assure the safety of common people like us. They are given postings every few years, depending on their ranks and field. Soldiers travel from one place to another, but their agenda of keeping us safe remains constant. They ensure the smooth functioning of national safety and security.

What Are The Duties Of Soldiers?

Soldiers have innumerable duties to safeguard the country’s honour. Thus, they obey their commanding officers’ orders and ensure the battalion’s smooth functioning. Besides, they perform tasks assigned to them by their senior officers, complete them, and achieve their goals with their team.

Soldiers need to work in a team because teamwork makes them achieve their goals faster and more efficiently. For this, they keep themselves fit all the time to survive in adverse conditions. They wear clothing that distinguishes them from civilians but at the same time camouflages them from enemies in their field. They are highly trained to use all kinds of weaponry and transportation to survive a war. They help humanitarian causes by providing medical aid and food supplies in disaster-affected areas. One of the most important responsibilities of soldiers is when they take their oath, they promise to sacrifice their lives if required.

What Are The Challenges Faced By Soldiers?

A soldier’s life is full of challenges. These challenges require a lot of mental and physical strength.

1. Staying Away From Family 

Soldiers spend a lot of time away from their families. They miss out on many happy and sad occasions in their family while serving the country.

2. Rigorous Training

Once a person passes the tedious process of interviews and examinations, he/she is sent for a rigorous training process to become a soldier. The training process has many exhausting activities, but they still get up every day for the same drill with the same enthusiasm to serve the country.

3. Adverse Weather Conditions 

Soldiers are often posted to places with unpredictable weather. They have to survive through the biting cold, scorching heat, heavy rains, or any harsh weather conditions. Many places are not easily approachable, which sometimes leads to an insufficient supply of necessities and weaponry.

4. Constant Transfers 

One of the biggest challenges soldiers go through is transfers. They need to serve at different postings at different locations. Some soldiers enjoy this process, and some find it difficult to move as it hampers their family setting and stability.

5. Always Active 

Being a soldier is tough for any person. They need to be attentive all the time. Sometimes, it comes at a cost of their rest and sleep too. In the wake of war or calamity, they need to work extra hours.

After reading the essay on a soldier’s life, the kids will understand that their comforts are gifts from our brave soldiers. It will give them insight into their lives and inspire them to do well in life. It will encourage them to do something to make our soldiers’ lives easier. It will give them a sense of pride and patriotism. An essay on our brave soldiers can be a life-changing moment for children.

The life of a soldier isn’t easy. By acknowledging their work, we can behave as responsible citizens and help our country grow and flourish. We should empathise with soldiers and their families who give up so much for the sake of our comforts and the protection of our country.

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Smart English Notes

The Soldier By Rupert Brooke – Summary, Explanations and Model Question Answers

Table of Contents

The Soldier By Rupert Brooke

The poem describes Brooke’s overtly patriotic view that it is a glorious and honourable sacrifice to die for your country, and specifically England. The poem acts almost as a love poem to England, which he romanticises and praises for its beauty and bounty. It is an idealistic view of war and what it was like or would be like to die in battle.

Key Quotes:

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The title ‘The Soldier’ suggests an anonymous person, reflecting how many soldiers died during WWI. It is a sonnet, a love poem to England.

The opening line “If I should die” suggests an acceptance of death and modal verb “should” indicates a willingness to die for his country

The words “richer dust” suggests the remains of his body are superior to the ground he lies in because he is English, not foreign. Dust also relates to the religious idea of our bodies becoming “dust” when we die.

“A pulse in the eternal mind” suggests his presence in the soil of foreign land will always live on, making him immortal

Final words – “under an English heaven” shows his pride in England as he is suggesting England is almost like paradise and to die in England’s name would bring him “peace”.

Structure :

Possible Themes and Links:

Patriotism – Dulce et Decorum Est

Loss in war – Dulce et Decorum Est and A Wife in London

Pride – Ozymandias and Dulce et Decorum Est

The Soldier By Rupert Brooke - Summary, Explanations and Model Question Answers 1

Summary of the Poem

“The Soldier” written by Rupert Brooke is a poem full of the feeling of patriotism. The poem exhibits a genuine love of an English soldier for his country. In this poem, the poet is an English soldier. He has a deep love for his country. He says that if he dies in the battle, his body would be buried in a foreign land. That piece of land would be considered part of England because the body of an English soldier lies under it. He says that foreign dust is rich, but the dust of his body will be richer than the dust where he is concealed. He says that England shaped his body and also gave him good thoughts. England gave him flowers and paths to roam. The poet says that he breathed in the air of England, bathed in her rivers and grew up under its stars’ light. His personality developed in the beautiful environment of England. He is highly indebted to his country. He would feel happy if he is able to repay the debt he owes to his motherland. The Poet further says that after his death his soul will be purified of all evils. His soul will merge with the divine soul. He will become a part of Him. Then he would be able to repay the debt he owes to his country. He says that he will not like to be separated from his motherland even after his death. His soul would spread the noble ideas that he learnt from his country. He will tell others about the beautiful sights and sounds of England. His motherland blessed him with remarkable qualities like lofty aspirations and cheerfulness. He would spread all these qualities which he has learnt from his homeland. This shows how much the soldier loves his country. He does not want to be separated from his country even after his death.

Explain with Reference to the Context:

Reference to Context

The lines quoted above have been taken from the poem “The Soldier” written by Rupert Brooke. In this poem, the poet is an English soldier who has a deep love for his country. His heart is full with the strong feeling of patriotism. He feels highly indebted to his country. He would feel happy to repay the debts he owes to his country. He says that even after his death he will not be separated from his country. After his death, his soul will spread the values of life taught to him by his motherland.


In these lines, the poet says that if he dies in the battle, his body would be buried in a foreign land. That piece of land, where he is buried, would be considered part of England because under it lies the body of an English soldier. Foreign dust is rich but the dust of his body will be richer than the dust where he is concealed. England shaped the body of the poet and gave him good thoughts. England gave him beautiful flowers and ways to roam. He breathed in the air of England, bathed in her rivers and grew up under its stars’ light. His personality developed in the beautiful environment of England. He is highly indebted to his country. These lines show the poet’s deep love for his country.

The lines quoted above have been taken from the poem “The Soldier” written by Rupert Brooke. In this poem, the poet is an English soldier who has a deep love for his country. His heart is full of the feeling of patriotism. He is highly indebted to his country. He would feel happy to repay the debts he owes to his country. He says that even after his death he will not be separated from his country. After his death, his soul will spread the values of life taught to him by his motherland.

The Poet says that after his death his soul will be purified of all evils. His soul will mingle with the divine soul. He will become a part of him. Then he would be able to repay the debt he owes to his country. After his death, his soul would spread the noble ideas that he learnt from his country. He will tell others about the sights and sounds of England. His homeland blessed him with remarkable qualities like lofty aspirations and cheerfulness. He would spread all the qualities which he learnt from England. These lines show the poets deep love for his country. He does not want to depart from his country even after his death.

Questions -Answer (Short Type)

Q.1. How can a foreign land be a part of England?

Ans .: The speaker in the poem is an English soldier. His heart is full of patriotism for his country. He says that if he dies in the battle, he would be buried in the foreign land. That piece of a foreign land where he is buried should be considered part of England. Thus, a foreign land can be a part of England.

Q.2. Enumerate and explain the words and phrases used in the poem which tell us that the poet is patriotic.

Ans. : The poem is full of with words and phrases which tell us that the poet is patriotic. The words and phrases which show poet’s patriotism are: ‘That is forever England’, ‘richer dust’, ‘a dust whom England shaped’, ‘a body of England’s’, ‘English air’, sum of ‘home’, ‘her sights and sound’, ‘thoughts by England given’, ‘under and English Heaven’.

Patriotism is the theme of the poem. The Poet says that a true soldier has a deep love for his country. The Poet is a true soldier. His heart is full of with the feeling of patriotism. He is highly indebted to his country. He says that he was given birth by England. His personality developed in the beautiful environment of England. He says that he would feel very happy to repay the debt he owes. Even after his death, he does not want to part with his country. To conclude the poet wants to convey that a true patriot always loves his country.

Q.4. Explain the line ‘In that rich earth a richer dust concealed’ . Ans.: The poet says that if he dies in battle, his dead body would be buried in a foreign land. He says that foreign dust is rich, but the dust of his body will be richer than the dust where he is concealed. Because it is the dust of an English soldier.

Q.5. How many times word ‘the England”/ ‘English’ are repeated. What do they signify? Ans.: The words England/English are repeated six times. The repetition of the words shows the poet’s deep love from his country. He is highly indebted to his country. He does not want to part his country even after his death. He wants to spread all those qualities which his country has taught. This is the reason he repeats these words again and again. These words signify that he is patriotic.

Questions -Answer (Essay Type)

Q.1. What value does the poem attach to patriotism? Ans.: “The Soldier” is a patriotic poem. It attaches a high value to patriotism. It is one of the best war sonnets of Rupert Brooks. It exhibits the deep love of a soldier for his country. The poet is prepared to lay down his life for his country. Even after his death, he does not want to be separated from his country. He is fighting a battle for his country. He is aware of the fact that after his death in battle he will be buried on a foreign soil. He believes that the place where he will be buried would be considered a part of England. Like a true patriot, he respects the soil of another country also. In his view foreign dust is precious. But his dust is more precious than the dust under which he concealed. He feels himself to be proud to belong to a country like England. He loves his country very much. He also loves the environment of England. He was born out of the soil of England. England shaped his body and thoughts. According to him the environment of England is very good. It is full of with many beautiful things like lovely flowers, clear strains, beautiful stars. His personality took a right shape in this beautiful environment. England taught him many wonderful qualities. She taught him to nurse lofty aspirations. She also taught him cheerfulness and gentleness. He believes that after his death his soul will be purified. His soul then tells others about the qualities of his motherland. His soul will spread the high values of lift taught to him by the beautiful environment of England. He loves England so much that he does not want to be parted from his country even after death. Like a true soldier , he is fully devoted to his country. This poem is coloured with the spirit of patriotism.

Q.2. What glimpse do you get of the soldier’s own character and attitude to life? Ans.: The Soldier is a man of high character . He is a patriot to the core. He has an intense love for his country. His devotion to his motherland is remarkable. He loves his country so deeply that he does not want to be separated from his country. He is highly indebted to his motherland. His land has made him a man of very noble character . He says that he would feel happy to repay the debt he owes to his country. He is a true soldier. He wants to lay down his for his country. He says that after his death the place where he is buried would be considered a part of England. Thus an English man can create England anywhere. His attitude towards life is too coloured in the spirit of patriotism. He says that he is born out of the soil of his country. England shaped his body and thoughts. He is highly indebted to his country. He says that the environment of his country is very beautiful. It is full of beautiful flowers, fresh air, clean rivers and stars light. His personality developed in the beautiful environment of England. His motherland has taught him many remarkable qualities. She taught him gentleness and cheerfulness. She also taught him to nurse lofty aspirations. He is highly indebted to his country. He says that after his death he will be purified. His soul will merge with the soul of the divine. Then his soul will spread the great values of life taught to him by his motherland. In this way, he will be able to pay the debt he owes to his country. The quality of the soldier’s character that emerges from the poem is that he is a man of upright character who loves his country very much. He has intense feelings of love for his country. His attitude to life is also coloured with the spirit of patriotism.

Q.3. Discuss the “The Soldier” as a war sonnet’ Ans.: “The Soldier” is a remarkable poem written by Rupert Brooke. He is very famous for his wartime poetry entitled ‘1914 and other poems’ published in 1915. This is one of the best war sonnets of Rupert Brook. This occupies the last position in the five sonnets he composed under the strain of war. He met an untimely death at the age of 28. The sonnet reveals the background of war. It is about an English soldier. His heart is full of the spirit of patriotism. He is fighting a battle for his land. He does not mind to lay down his life for his country. In fact, he sees death as a sacrifice that should be made happily for one’s own land. His love for his country is so deep he does not want to be parted from his land even after his death. He says if he dies in the battle he would be buried in a foreign land. But that piece of land where he is buried would be considered as a part of England because under it is concealed the dead body of a true English soldier. In this way, a true English soldier could create England anywhere. He is highly indebted to his country. He was born out of the soil of England. His body and mind took the right shape in the beautiful environment of England. His country taught him many wonderful qualities like cheerfulness, gentleness and peace of mind. He wants to spread all the good values of life that he learnt from his country to repay his debts. He says that after his death his soul will merge with the soul of the divine. Then his soul will spread all those qualities which it has learnt from his land. Thus, it is a war sonnet. It exhibits the genuine love of an English soldier for his country.

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short essay on the soldier

English Compositions

Short Essay on Soldier [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In today’s lesson, you are going to learn how you can write short essays on Soldiers. Here, I will write three sets of sample essays on the same topic but covering different word limits. So, let’s get started. 

Table of Contents

Short essay on soldier in 100 words, short essay on soldier in 200 words, short essay on soldier in 400 words.

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An occupation in the world that is quite noble and respectful is the profession of a soldier. A soldier is esteemed to be of greater personality than anyone else because he is responsible for the duty of saving the country. Often we get illustrations of how a soldier takes all pains and weapons at his back to protect the country’s borders.

The soldier’s life is pathetic and reminds us not to wage wars. He forgets about everything and fights for the country. Either he dies or suffers major injuries which leave him impaired for life. A soldier gets respect and equal pain in this profession.

All expect professional reputation and status. And the life of a soldier is the most esteemed one. The recruitment for the job, however, is not easy. The aspirant has to go through several stages of scrutiny and only then he is appointed to the army, navy, or the airlines. For a perfect soldier, it is necessary that his body, mind, and eyesight are alright and has no disease.

The life of a soldier is respectable but not easy. It begins at an early stage with many training programs. Once appointed, be it the airline or army, or navy, he is given a uniform and a batch as his identity, and also a huge responsibility of protecting the country. He has no security. At any moment he can lose his life in war, explosions, and fighting. In terrific cases, several parts of his body are injured. A soldier is left impaired for the rest of his life after a major battle.

The coffins of the soldiers remind us of our duties towards them and the nation. They forget their own families and happiness and fight for our well-being. The life of a soldier reminds us that we should stop fighting and save the integrity of our nation. It is our only homage to all soldiers who have fought and are still fighting and will fight in the future. 

Every human being deserves a life of freedom and respect from others. A life of captivity and distress, a life without any respect is equal to death. Even a single profession of a person can justify their social position. A soldier is by far, one of the most respectable social positions in the world.

A soldier is the greatest treasure of a country because he is responsible for the security of a nation. As a country, we can be safe and sound because of the young soldiers who are constantly protecting the borders. He has no personal interest in this profession, but protecting his motherland is his only priority. He forgets his homely identity as a child or a spouse or a parent to someone and considers his sacrifice for the country to be the only mission. 

The recruitment of a soldier is quite tough and involves several stages. It involves physical tests and also tests of aptitude. A person who joins the army first has to sit for an examination. Once he passes that test successfully, then he is called for physical examinations. Certain weight and height are necessary to become a soldier. Also, that candidate must have proper eyesight and should not have any disease. All these might create issues in the recruitment procedure. After this elaborate examination, a person is selected as a soldier. He is appointed either in the army or in the navy or in the airlines.

The life of a soldier appears to be of great reputation when he wears that uniform with fitted medals and honorifics. However, this life is filled with insecurities. Both the soldier and his family are unaware of when his life will be at stake. At any given moment he can die from a sudden attack or a major explosion. The uncertainty of this life reminds us not to wage wars against nations uselessly. If one has to maintain peace and give the soldier respect, then not creating wars is the biggest reward for them.

Whenever on Independence day or on Republic day we see the parade, we all feel pride for the country. The National Anthem reminds us of our struggles for the freedom of India. Their measured posture is maintained through regular practice and a controlled lifestyle. They have little enjoyment because they always think of our safety. Hence caring for them is the best act of citizenship for the countrymen.

I have adopted a very simplistic approach to writing these essays for a better understanding of all kinds of students. Hopefully, all your confusion regarding this topic has cleared after going through this session. If you still have any doubts, keep me posted in the comment section below. I will try my best to resolve your query.

Keep browsing our website for more such sessions. Join us on Telegram to get all the latest updates on our upcoming sessions. Thank you for being with us. Have a great day. 

The Soldier by Rupert Brooke: Summary and Critical Analysis

short essay on the soldier

In the first stanza (the octave of the sonnet) stanza, he talks about how his grave will be England herself, and what it should remind the listeners of England when they see the grave. In the second stanza, the sestet, he talks about this death (sacrifice for England) as redemption; he will become “a pulse in the eternal mind”. He concludes that only life will be the appropriate thing to give to his great motherland in return for all the beautiful and the great things she has given to him, and made him what he is. The soldier-speaker of the poem seeks to find redemption through sacrifice in the name of the country.

The speaker begins by addressing the reader, and speaking to them in the imperative: “think only this of me.” This sense of immediacy establishes the speaker’s romantic attitude towards death in duty. He suggests that the reader should not mourn. Whichever “corner of a foreign field” becomes his grave; it will also become “forever England”. He will have left a monument of England in a forever England”. He will have left a monument in England in a foreign land, figuratively transforming a foreign soil to England. The suggestion that English “dust” must be “richer” represents a real attitude that the people of the Victorian age actually had.

The speaker implies that England is mother to him. His love for England and his willingness to sacrifice is equivalent to a son’s love for his mother; but more than an ordinary son, he can give his life to her. The imagery in the poem is typically Georgina. The Georgian poets were known for their frequent mediations in the English countryside. England’s “flowers”, “her ways to roam”, and “English air” all represent the attitude and pride of the youth of the pre-industrial England; many readers would excuse the jingoistic them of this poem if they remember that this soldier’s bravery and sense of sacrifice is far better than the modern soldier and warfare in which there is nothing grand about killing people with automated machine guns! The soldier also has a sense of beauty of his country that is in fact a part of his identity. In the final line of the first stanza, nature takes on a religious significance for the speaker. He is “washed by the rivers”, suggesting the purification of baptism, and “blest by the sun of home.” In the second stanza, the sestet, the physical is left behind in favor of the spiritual. If the first stanza is about the soldier’s thought of this world and England, the second is about his thoughts of heaven and England (in fact, and English heaven).

In the sestet, the soldier goes on to tell the listener what to think of him if he dies at war, but he presents a more imaginative picture of himself. He forgets the grave in the foreign country where he might die, and he begins to talk about how he will have transformed into an eternal spirit. This means that to die for England is the surest way to get a salvation: as implied in the last line, he even thinks that he will become a part of an English heaven. The heart will be transformed by death. All earthly “evil” will be shed away. Once the speaker has died, his soul will give back to England everything England has given to him- in other words, everything that the speaker has become. In the octave, the speaker describes his future grave in some far off land as a part of England; and in the sestet England takes on the role of a heavenly creator, a part of the “eternal mind” of God. In this way, dying for England gains the status of religious salvation, wherever he dies. Wherever he dies, his death for England will be a salvation of his soul. It is therefore the most desirable of all fates.

The images and praises of England run through both the stanzas. In the first stanza Brooke describes the soldier’s grave in a foreign land as a part of England; in the second, that actual English images abound. The sights, sounds, dreams, laughter, friends, and gentleness that England offered him during his life till this time are more than enough for him to thank England and satisfactorily go and die for her. The poet elaborates on what England has granted in the second stanza; ‘sights and sounds’ and all of his “dreams.” A “happy” England filled his life with “laughter” and “friends”, and England characterized by “peace” and “gentleness”. It is what makes English dust “richer” and what in the end guarantees “hearts at peace, under an English Heaven.”

This is a sonnet based on the two major types of the sonnet: Petrarchan or Italian and Shakespearean or English. Structurally, the poem follows the Petrarchan mode; but in its rhyme scheme, it is in the Shakespearean mode. In terms of the structure of ideas, the octave presents reflection; the sestet evaluates the reflection. The first eight lines (octave) is a reflection on the physical: the idea of the soldier’s “dust” buries in a “foreign field.” They urge the readers not to mourn this death, though they implicitly also create a sense of loss. The last six lines (sestet), however, promise redemption: “a pulse in the eternal mind…. under an English heaven”. The rhyme scheme is that of the Shakespearean sonnet: the octave and the sestet consist of three quatrains, rhyming abab cdcd efef and a final rhymed couplet gg. As in Shakespearean sonnets, the dominant meter is iambic.

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Shrestha, Roma. "The Soldier by Rupert Brooke: Summary and Critical Analysis." BachelorandMaster, 18 Nov. 2013,

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Essay on Life of Soldiers for Students and Children

500 words on essay on life of soldiers for students and children.

Soldiers are one of the greatest assets of any country. They are the guardians of the nation and protect its citizens at all costs. Moreover, they are a very selfless lot who put the interest of the country above their personal interest. A soldier’s job is one of the toughest things to do in the world. They are supposed to fulfill challenging duties and possess exceptional qualities to become a great soldier. However, their lives are very tough. Nonetheless, they always fulfill their duties despite the hardships.

essay on life of soldiers

Duties of Soldiers

A country sleeps peacefully as the soldier performs its duties. The first and foremost duty of a soldier is to serve their country without any selfish motive. A person usually joins the army out of love for his motherland and to protect it. Even though they know they will have to face numerous problems, they still do so for their country.

Furthermore, a soldier safeguard’s the honour of his country. They do not step back in the face of adversaries instead they give there best. It does not matter if they have to give their life for the country, they are willing to do so happily. Besides, soldiers also have to be alert at all times. He is never off duty, whether he is sleeping or on the battlefield, he stays vigilant throughout.

Most importantly, a soldier’s duty is to maintain the peace and harmony of the country. He takes on the responsibility of ensuring a safe environment for all. In addition to guarding the border, they are also always there in case of emergencies. They learn how to handle every situation carefully whether it is a terrorist attack or natural calamity. In other words, the local authorities need them to bring the situation under control.

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Challenges Faced by Soldiers

Being a soldier is not easy, in fact, it is one of the most challenging things to do. Their lives are full of hardships and challenges which no ordinary person can survive. Firstly, they spend a great deal of time away from their loved ones. It disturbs them emotionally and they do not even get any holidays. Even in festivals, they are busy safeguarding the nation.

Similarly, soldiers have to undergo rigorous training to become fit to fight battles. It becomes exhausting and physically challenging, but they still go on. To make it worse, they do not even get an adequate amount of supply to lead a normal life. Sometimes, the food rationing is low, the other times they get posted in remote areas without any signal.

Subsequently, they also have to make do in the harshest of weather conditions. It does not matter if it is scorching hot or chilling cold, they have to be out on the battlefield. Similarly, they do not even get enough bulletproof equipment which will keep them safe. Thus, we see what a challenging life our soldiers lead to protect their country.

Q.1 What are the duties of a soldier?

A.1 A soldier has many duties to perform. He has to work selflessly for the betterment of the country. They ensure that peace and harmony are maintained throughout the nation. Moreover, they also remain vigilant at all times and render help in case of emergency situations.

Q.2 What challenges do soldiers face?

A.2 A soldier has to face a lot of challenges in their lives. They separate from their family and spend most of their time away from them. Further, they undergo hard training to achieve success. Sometimes, they don’t even get enough supplies to make ends meet. Moreover, no matter the weather, they have to survive in rough situations.

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Life of a Soldier Essay | Short & Long| 100, 150, 200, 300 & 500 Words

Life of a Soldier Essay

The life of a soldier is one that’s filled with sacrifices, bravery, and selflessness. They serve on the frontline. They stay away from their loved ones for long periods of time. Soldiers often go through unimaginable experiences in order to protect their country and its citizens. Let’s read amazing examples of Life of a Soldier Essay.

Paragraph and Short Essay on Life of Soldiers | 100 Words

The life of soldiers is filled with immense bravery and sacrifice. They selflessly dedicate themselves to protecting their nation and citizens. Soldiers undergo harsh training to develop the skills. Their lives need a great discipline. They face numerous challenges and dangers while on duty in remote areas. They are also posted in conflict zones. Their commitment to duty and their unshakeable loyalty are honorable. Soldiers often spend time away from their families and loved ones. They endue physical and emotional hardships. Their service deserves our utmost respect and gratitude.

Soldier Essay- Life of Soldiers | 150 Words

Soldiers are the unsung heroes of our society. They risk their lives every day to protect their country and its citizens. Their tough job often goes unnoticed and unappreciated. We should always honour these brave people as they sacrifice so much for us. We cannot easily imagine what it means to be a soldier. They face several physical challenges. They also face tough emotional tolls during training. Serving in combat zones is dangerous but soldiers face them happily. The sacrifices that our soldiers make for us cannot be repaid. Their bravery and dedication to serving their country is truly awe-inspiring. Soldiers are trained to be self-sufficient in all aspects of life. Soldiers sacrifice their time with family and friends for months or even years at a time. They miss important milestones such as birthdays and weddings. The emotional stress they endure can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), causing difficulties adjusting back into civilian life. We owe to them, and we should honour their sacrifices.

Short Essay on Life of Soldiers

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Essay on Soldiers- Life of Soldiers- 200 Words

Being a soldier is not merely an occupation, but it is self-sacrificing. It goes beyond ordinary limits and requires extraordinary bravery and unwavering selflessness. The lives of courageous people are brimming with strength and goodness, representing the genuine essence of heroism. The journey opted by these brave souls is not a simple one. It is filled with demanding obstacles that necessitate unwavering commitment and resolute determination. Soldiers have to bravely face unforeseen hardships, setting themselves apart from ordinary individuals. Every aspect of their existence is tested physically and mentally. Soldiers never go on the battlefield without prior preparation. Instead, they build their strength through intense and extended training that suits the toughest individuals. Their preparation involves demanding physical efforts and pushing their bodies to their limits. But it’s not just their physical strength that is tested, their mental fortitude is also examined. Through hard work and challenges, soldiers develop sharpened mental abilities and unwavering determination that surpasses ordinary limits of endurance. Despite these challenges, many soldiers find fulfillment in serving their country. The bonds formed between comrades-in-arms become unbreakable as they rely on each other for survival daily. Being a part of something larger than oneself gives purpose to their lives. We must remember that behind every uniform lies an individual who has willingly put themselves in harm’s way for our safety and security.

Paragraph on the Life of Soldiers – 300 Words

The life of a soldier serves as a shining example of courage, sacrifice, and unwavering dedication. It is a life that requires selflessness and a steadfast commitment to protecting our nation and its citizens. From the moment they put on their uniform, soldiers embark on a journey filled with challenges and responsibilities. Their days are characterized by rigorous training, as they work hard to improve their physical and mental abilities to face any situation that may arise. Whether it’s marching under the scorching sun, enduring harsh weather, or adapting to unfamiliar surroundings, soldiers confront it all with resilience and determination. Soldiers serve in different parts of the world. This can be emotionally tough for them as they miss significant events, which hold great importance in their personal lives. These demands for being soldiers are also immense. Soldiers serve as the protectors of our nation, risking their lives to guarantee our safety and security. They carry the burden of responsibility with unwavering determination. Understanding that their actions can have a significant impact on the lives of numerous people. Every soldier plays a crucial role, joining forces to preserve peace and safeguard against potential dangers. Even in the face of these challenges, soldiers take immense pride in serving their countries and safeguarding their citizens from external dangers. They forge powerful connections with their comrades, who become like family in moments when loved ones are distant. Indeed, the life of a soldier is a challenging journey. However, amidst the difficulties they face, they find purpose and significance. Their unshakable commitment to protect their nation and its people is strong proof of their enduring devotion. As they bravely step into the unpredictable battle, each footstep carries an unspoken promise, a silent vow to overcome challenges and succeed against all odds. In conclusion, the life of a soldier is undoubtedly challenging, yet it deserves utmost respect and admiration for the sacrifices they willingly make every single day to ensure our safety.

Paragraph on the Life of Soldiers

  The Real Life Heroes – Soldiers

Nobody knows what it takes to be associated directly with the defennce services of any country and what boils up every drop of my blood misinformed conversations that give birth to misinformed opinions and baseless rumours. I have heard so many educated, suited booted gentleman and ladies take absolute rubbish and demean the Indian Army. Talking about one such recent conversation that I overheard is where two men will discussing the Uri terror attacks that killed our brave soldiers on the front. In a matter of fact manner, they discussed how the families of the martyrs will get nifty amount as compensation. I should have reacted, given it back to those men. But I stood there completely numb. What could I have possibly told those men for whom the army seemed just a four lettered word? How many minds can I change? How do I make the word outside the Indian army see the reality that army personnel and their families live with? Hailing from a family that has served our country and guarded our borders for their generations, I believe that every citizen must respect the olive graius my grandfather, father, uncles and brothers are all into chose duty over self dedicated their lives to the country. Growing up, I always had a sit of complaints from my father. Trust me, I still do. he never made it to my or my sister’s parent – teacher meets, never saw us participate in any school event, never took us school books shopping. I don’t have a count of how many of my birthday parties he missed. My sister often thus me how once our father didn’t ever know which lass was she studying in and stood lost in her school. But now all this nagging and complaining has turned into a sense of pride. I’m proud to be an Army officer’s daughter. I don’t feel bad to see my fellow mates enjoying with their fathers. I don’t feel sad anymore now when the end of his leave approaches because now I know what that uniform means and embodies/personifies. In my father’s words, “That uniform there is my pride of honour, a well-deserved fruit of four years of rigorous military training, a commitment to my nation. It is more than a job to me. It is my life.” I see that passion in very man in uniform. For me disrespect to that uniform is a personal assault. Yes, I see my father is Late Sh. Col. Kaviranjan Kumar, Capt. Vikram Batra in garud commando Gursevak Singh, in every NSG commando, in every soldier. Yes, it hurts when people so insensitively, callously and casually comment on the free ration facility, CSD, pension and get the so called perks that Army personals. Remember most of the time; they don’t live through their entire life to avail them. Every individual here can’t be forced to respect the Indian Army but all I want from all to respect is that fact that in times of distress whether armed attacks or natural calamities, you all are protected, safeguarded by men in that uniform leaves behind his family and in worst case scenario, even lays down his life for you, your family and our country. JAI HIND!

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Long Essay on Soldiers- 500 + Words


Soldiers are the unsung heroes who dedicate their lives to protect our nation and its citizens. They leave their families, homes, and comfort behind to serve in a profession that demands courage, discipline, and sacrifice. The life of a soldier is not easy; it involves facing dangerous situations every day, serving in different parts of the world away from family and friends, and enduring physical as well as emotional hardships. Let’s read the life and daily routine of soldiers during peacetime and wartime while exploring their roles in society.

What is the life of a soldier like?

The life of a soldier is not for the faint-hearted. It’s a challenging and demanding job that requires discipline, courage, and determination. Soldiers are responsible for protecting their country’s citizens from threats both foreign and domestic. A soldier’s life can be physically exhausting as they have to undergo rigorous training to endure harsh weather conditions, long hours of standing guard duty with little sleep or rest in between. They must also learn combat techniques such as hand-to-hand combat and marksmanship. Apart from physical demands, soldiers have to face psychological challenges too. The fear of being deployed into dangerous situations can cause significant stress on individuals and their families back home. Moreover, deployment means leaving behind family members who may depend on them emotionally or financially. A military family has to deal with frequent relocations due to deployments which can cause upheaval in children’s education and social lives. Despite all these challenges, soldiers find fulfillment in serving their country selflessly. They form strong bonds among themselves through shared experiences that last a lifetime. The life of a soldier is one filled with sacrifices but it’s also an honorable profession where individuals get the opportunity to serve something greater than themselves – their nation!

The Importance of Soldiers in Our Society

Soldiers are essential pillars of society, and their contribution is immeasurable. These brave men and women put their lives on the line to defend our country’s sovereignty and ensure that citizens can live in peace. They play a vital role in safeguarding the nation against both external and internal threats. The sacrifices made by soldiers often go unnoticed, but they have a profound impact on society as a whole. We owe them not only our respect but also our gratitude for their service. Their unwavering commitment to duty is inspiring and serves as an example for future generations. In times of war or conflict, soldiers are called upon to risk everything to protect us from harm. They serve with bravery, discipline, and selflessness – qualities that embody what it means to be a hero. Moreover, even during peacetime, soldiers continue working tirelessly behind the scenes- training new recruits or participating in humanitarian missions. A soldier’s job doesn’t end when he or she leaves military service; instead, they continue serving society through various roles such as law enforcement officers or emergency responders. Their experience makes them valuable assets in these professions. All told, soldiers’ contributions cannot be overstated – they provide security for all those who call this country home while sacrificing so much personally along the way. For this reason alone we should honor them every chance we get!

The Importance of Soldiers in Our Society

The different stages of a soldier’s life

The life of a soldier is not just about fighting in wars. It involves different stages that have their own challenges and rewards. The first stage is joining the military, which requires passing physical and mental tests. Once accepted, soldiers go through basic training to develop teamwork skills and learn essential combat tactics. After completing basic training, soldiers move on to specialized training for their chosen military occupational specialty (MOS). This includes learning advanced weapons handling techniques, medical procedures or intelligence gathering strategies. The next stage involves being deployed overseas where soldiers are faced with various threats like enemy fire and improvised explosive devices (IEDs). They must always be alert to protect themselves while fulfilling their mission as directed by higher-ups. Once a soldier has completed his/her term of service, they transition back into civilian life. Some may choose to pursue higher education utilizing the GI Bill benefits or find employment through job placement programs offered by Military Transition Centers. Throughout all these stages of a soldier’s life, discipline plays an important role in shaping one’s character. Soldiers learn self-discipline and develop leadership qualities that can help them succeed later in life whether it be inside or outside the military community.

How does being a soldier affect one’s personal life?

Being a soldier is not just a job, it’s a lifestyle that affects every aspect of one’s life. Soldiers have to be prepared for long periods of separation from their families and loved ones, which can cause emotional distress and strain on relationships. Furthermore, soldiers often face physical and mental challenges that can impact their personal lives. The trauma they experience during combat or training may lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues. Additionally, the rigorous military schedule requires soldiers to maintain high levels of physical fitness and adhere to strict rules regarding behavior both on and off duty. This means that social activities are limited compared to civilians’ lives outside the military. Moreover, being deployed in unfamiliar territories puts immense pressure on soldiers as they must constantly adapt to new environments while maintaining their duty responsibilities. As such, some soldiers may find it challenging to readjust back into civilian life once they leave the service. Being a soldier has significant impacts on one’s personal life due to its demands both physically and emotionally.

The Many Different Roles of Soldiers

Soldiers play many different roles in our society, and their duties vary depending on the branch they serve in. For instance, soldiers in the infantry may be involved in direct combat or peacekeeping missions. In contrast, soldiers serving as engineers or medical professionals may work behind the scenes to support military operations. The roles of soldiers also extend beyond military service. Many veterans continue to serve their communities through volunteering and advocacy efforts. They bring valuable skills such as leadership, teamwork, and resilience to these endeavors. In addition to their primary duties, soldiers often take on additional responsibilities based on their rank or expertise. These can range from training new recruits to managing logistics for large-scale operations. Regardless of their specific role within the military or civilian world, all soldiers share a common bond forged through shared experiences and dedication to serving others. Their sacrifices help ensure that we enjoy freedom and security every day.

The Daily Life of a Soldier

The daily life of a soldier is highly structured and disciplined. Soldiers follow strict routines designed to maximize their efficiency and minimize the risks associated with their duties. Each day begins early for soldiers, usually before sunrise. They start with physical training such as running, calisthenics, and other exercises to maintain their fitness levels. Afterward, they have breakfast in the mess hall or canteen. Once the morning routine is complete, soldiers attend briefings where they receive updates on current operations and are assigned tasks for the day ahead. These tasks vary depending on the specific role of each soldier within their unit. Throughout the day, soldiers carry out a variety of duties that may include patrols, reconnaissance missions, training exercises or maintenance work on equipment. In between these activities, there is often downtime when soldiers can rest or catch up on paperwork. Mealtimes are also strictly regimented in order to ensure all soldiers receive proper nutrition throughout their deployment. Dinner is typically served early evening allowing time for any additional preparations needed before bed. While it may seem mundane at times; The daily life of a soldier requires discipline and dedication towards serving one’s country under stressful circumstances every single day.

The Training and Preparation Required to Become a Soldier

Becoming a soldier is not an easy feat. It requires rigorous training and preparation to ensure that every soldier can fulfill their duties effectively. The first step in becoming a soldier is meeting the basic eligibility requirements, which may vary depending on the country’s military standards. Once qualified, aspiring soldiers undergo several months of intense training focused on physical fitness, combat skills, and discipline. They are trained to handle various weapons and equipment used on the field while also receiving education about ethics and values essential for any soldier. The process includes mental conditioning as well since soldiers must be able to make sound judgments even under extreme stress or pressure. This aspect of training can separate the best from others as it takes immense patience, dedication, and focus. Physical endurance is crucial in this profession; hence candidates go through grueling exercises designed to build stamina and strength needed when serving in active duty. During this phase, trainees are pushed beyond their limits by instructors who simulate real-life scenarios that one might face during combat situations. In addition to physical fitness regimes, prospective soldiers need extensive knowledge of warfare tactics such as strategy development & execution, map reading & navigation techniques etc. All these skills are honed over time with proper guidance from experienced trainers. Being a member of the armed forces demands commitment coupled with hard work both physically and mentally. Nevertheless, those who put themselves forward for service will be rewarded with ample opportunities for personal growth while serving their country bravely.

Soldiers are the backbone of any nation. They dedicate their lives to protecting our country, and they deserve immense respect for everything they do. The life of a soldier is not an easy one, as it requires hard work, discipline, and sacrifice. From training camps to deployment on battlefields, soldiers go through many different stages in their career. Their personal lives may also be affected due to the nature of their job. However, despite all these challenges and sacrifices that come with being a soldier, there is no greater honor than serving your country. Soldiers play many different roles in society beyond just defending our borders – from providing aid during natural disasters to helping maintain peace within communities. We must always appreciate the dedication and bravery of our soldiers who put themselves at risk every day so that we can live safely and peacefully. It’s essential that we continue to support them in any way possible. Writing an essay on the life of soldiers allows us to recognize their invaluable contribution towards ensuring national security and peacekeeping missions across the globe. We ought always to remember how much we owe them for keeping us safe even when they have so much at stake themselves!

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  • Essay on Life of Soldiers


English Essay on Life of Soldiers

The Soldier is a term used to describe someone who has enlisted in the military. Soldiers typically have a rank, which is determined by how long they have been serving and what their specialty or position in the Army is. Writing an Essay on Soldiers can be difficult because there are many different aspects of the topic that you could write about - we'll help you with some ideas.

The word "Soldier" comes from Middle English: solder (13th century), meaning one who serves as a Soldier, from Medieval Latin solidarity (12th century) "one who makes up for another's loss," a derivative of Latin solver "to set free."

We will discuss Different Ways to write an Essay about Soldiers:

Know about Soldiers- It is important to know a good amount about Soldiers before you write your Essay. Research the different roles, ranks, and duties of a Soldier in the Army to have a better understanding when writing an Essay on this topic.

Discuss the history of Soldiers- Writing about the history of Soldiers is a great way to show how they have evolved over time. Discussing famous battles and wars that Soldiers have fought in can be very interesting and informative for your Essay.

Talk about the experience of being a Soldier- This can be an interesting perspective to write about in your Essay. Discuss what it is like to be in the Army and what someone's day-to-day Life as a Soldier is like.

The effects of war on Soldiers and their families- The effects of war on Soldiers and their families are very serious because it can change their lives forever. Every person is affected differently by war and being martyred for their country.

What they do/what rank they have- It is important to know what Soldiers do and what their rank is. This can give your Essay more depth as you talk about this topic in detail. What makes a good Soldier- Every military branch has different requirements for someone to be considered an effective or qualified Soldier, such as physical health and fitness, mental toughness, leadership skills, discipline, ability to work well with others - the list goes on.

How long they've served- One of the important aspects to know is how long someone has served for. This can give you a better perspective on why they have the rank that they do and how it is earned over time.

Famous battles/wars fought by Soldiers- Soldiers have fought in many major battles throughout history. Discussing famous wars and the Soldiers who were involved can be very interesting for your Essay.

What it's like being in the Army- It is important to be aware of what it is like to be in the Army. Discussing what someone's day-to-day Life as a Soldier might look like can help you paint a picture for your Essay.

The effects of war on Soldiers and their families- Discussing the effects of war on Soldiers and their families can be very interesting for your Essay. Every person is affected differently by war and being martyred for their country.

  The different psychological effects of war on Soldiers- Including the inner psychological effects of war on Soldiers can be a very powerful addition to your Essay. It can give the reader a better understanding of what Soldiers experience when they are in battle or come back from war.

  The different physical effects of war on Soldiers- Including the physical effects of war on Soldiers can also be an interesting topic to discuss in your Essay. Things such as injuries, diseases, and death are all common among Soldiers who have fought in wars.

  How technology has changed the role of the Soldier- Discussing how technology has changed the role of the Soldier is a great way to show how it has evolved over time. Technology has played a huge role in changing how wars are and how armies operate.

  What makes a good Soldier- There is no exact definition of what qualities make up a good Soldier. However, military branches do look for certain traits when looking at potential recruits; things like physical health and fitness, mental toughness.

These are just some ideas to get you started on writing your Essay about Soldiers. Remember to do your own research and come up with a thesis statement that you feel strongly about before starting to write.

One important role of the Soldier is carrying out orders and following commands given by officers. As a result, discipline and obedience are key values for Soldiers. In order for an Army to function effectively, it is essential that all Soldiers are on the same page and can work together as a team.

Another important responsibility of Soldiers is protecting their country and its people. This often means putting themselves in danger in order to defend against enemies or harmful threats.

Soldiers also play an important role in humanitarian efforts. They may provide aid during natural disasters or help with reconstruction efforts after a war has ended.

Lastly, many people wonder what it is like to be a Soldier. This can be a difficult question to answer because everyone's experience is different. However, it is possible to get an idea by discussing some of the duties and responsibilities that Soldiers have as well as the challenges they face while serving their country.


FAQs on Essay on Life of Soldiers

1. How much time does it take to write an Essay on Soldiers? How long should my Essay be?

This varies depending on the length of your Essay and how much research you do. However, it is typically best to allow yourself a few days to write it so that you can take your time and make sure it is well-written. For most high school or college classes, Essays are between 500 and 800 words in length, but this can vary depending on your instructor's guidelines for each assignment.

2. What are some good sources for information about Soldiers?

There are many different sources of information on Soldiers, both online and in print. Some good places to start include history books, biographies of famous Soldiers, and articles from news outlets or military journals. You can also find interviews with current or former Soldiers online.

3. Is there a specific thesis statement that I should focus on when writing my Essay?

Your thesis statement should be something that you feel strongly about and that provides a general idea of the main points you plan to discuss in your Essay. It should be broad enough that it can encompass all of these ideas, but specific enough that they are organized and cohesive throughout your paper.

4. What are some good transition words that I can use to connect my ideas?

Transitions help your reader understand where one idea ends and the next begins, so it is important to choose ones that fit well with what you have written. Some common transitional words include "moreover," "furthermore," "however," and "nevertheless." A helpful strategy for choosing a word is to look at the first letter of each sentence in your paper; these often correspond to a word that should follow or precede them. You may also want to try using semicolons instead of commas if you think they will work better.

5. What type of Essay structure do I need? Can I outline my paragraphs before writing anything?

It is often helpful to write an outline before you start writing your Essay, but this isn't required. You may want to try both and see what works best for you. An argumentative or persuasive paper usually has the following structure:

  • Introduction - This should include a thesis statement that states your main argument and provides some background information about it. The introduction should also explain why the reader should care about the topic or how they will be impacted by it in some way.
  • Body Paragraphs - These are where most of your arguments come from so make sure to have at least three supporting points here based on research or personal experience with Soldiers/the military etc... Use transition words between paragraphs as well as at the end of each paragraph.
  • Conclusion - This is where you restate your main points and tie everything together with a final thought about the topic or how things could change in the future based on your argument.

You should also include citations at the end of your paper that correspond to any information you used from outside sources (i.e., books, websites, etc...). These should be formatted using MLA style for academic papers but APA style can work as well depending on which one you were instructed to use by your teacher or professor.

6. What is the difference between a civilian and a soldier?

A person who is not in the police, armed forces, or fire department is termed as a civilian. A person who serves in an army is called a Soldier. Civilians live in a country doing their normal job whereas Soldiers are considered to be the pride of the country and their job is to protect the country and safeguard the people whenever there is any problem.

7. What traits do soldiers have?

A Soldier is not a person who is just in uniform. A true Soldier forms specific character traits over the years which are Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity, and Courage to fight for the country whenever required.

  • Essay On Soldiers

Soldiers Essay

500 words essay on the life of soldiers.

Soldiers are the pride of our nation and our country’s greatest asset. They defend our motherland and protect citizens at all costs. Soldiers put their countries above their self-interest. The profession of a soldier brings the best qualities of a human being, like discipline, chivalry, loyalty, team spirit, and steadfastness. In this world, the job of a soldier is the most challenging. Soldiers serve their country to the best abilities. They always follow their duties despite hardships. A person should possess exceptional qualities to become a brave soldier. Before being sent to the war zone, soldiers are trained for years. This training period is challenging, bringing out the best in them and preparing them for the battlefield.

We get to hear stories of our brave soldiers who fought in the Kargil War. The life of a soldier is an excellent source of inspiration for our youth. For example, Netaji Subash Chandra Bose is still remembered for his brave deeds, who gave his life for the country’s independence.

Duties of Soldiers

As a soldier, the first and foremost duty is to serve their country. The country’s citizens sleep peacefully when their soldiers perform their duties genuinely. Usually, a person joins the army to show their love towards the country. The life of a soldier is tough, and they have to undergo numerous problems, but still, people want to join the army.

As a soldier, they have to safeguard the honour of their country. Soldiers never give up and fight till their last breath in any critical circumstances. Besides, they should be constantly alert. It is said that a soldier is never off duty.

Another duty of a soldier is to maintain peace and harmony within the country. It’s his responsibility to ensure a safe environment for all. Besides, soldiers also have to be alert at all times. Apart from guarding the state and national boundaries, they are always there for emergencies. A soldier knows how to handle a natural calamity or a terrorist attack.

Challenges Faced by Soldiers

Away from family.

Most of their time is spent serving the nation. Unfortunately, they hardly get any leaves, even during festivals or family functions. They stay away from their loved ones, which is the most challenging and emotional part of being soldiers. If somehow their leaves are approved, they must report back to their base in an emergency.

Physical training

To become a soldier, they need to undergo rigorous physical training. They continuously exercise for hours and go through various physical exercises. This can be exceptionally tedious and challenging for recruits.

Lack of supply

Soldiers need to go for extended missions in remote areas in challenging situations. The lack of basic amenities like proper food makes the soldiers’ lives even more difficult in remote areas. However, they carry on their duties in such challenging conditions.

Extreme weather conditions

Soldiers are posted in extreme weather conditions like freezing cold, scorching heat and heavy rains. They fight between dense forests and snow-covered mountains. Furthermore, they are always on the field protecting their country.

Lack of bulletproof equipment

During the time of war, soldiers are constantly exposed to bullets. They should be equipped with bulletproof clothes and shields in such a situation. Unfortunately, in many countries, including India, we see a shortage of bulletproof equipment.

For every soldier, the protection of the motherland is a priority. Soldiers perform their duties selflessly, and they have qualities like respect, discipline, teamwork, loyalty and bravery. They sacrifice their lives for the nation and the people.

Soldiers are the defence system of the nations in the world. They are the ones who courageously safeguard the people and the nation from different dangers and enemies. They are the most incredible pride of the countries in the world.

An ideal soldier must be for the country. They are expected to serve their country with selfless self and sacrifice their lives for their respect. We salute such great souls and look towards them for inspiration.

From our BYJU’S website, students can also access CBSE Essays related to different topics, such as Republic Day Essay . It will help students to get good marks in their exams.

Frequently Asked Questions on Soldiers Essay

What are the duties of a soldier.

The main motto of a soldier is to ensure national security and defend their nation from external/internal attacks or aggressions.

What are the disadvantages of serving in the army?

Disadvantages of serving in the army include being injured or permanently maimed, uncertainty about the future, and a life away from family

What is the highest military rank in India?

The highest military rank in India is Field marshal or ‘five-star general’.

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Life of Soldiers Essay

If I have to describe the life of soldiers in a single word; I would have described it as “patriotic”. Though, some of you would like to describe it as “tough” and some of you even as “risky”. In true sense, a soldier’s life is a collection of all the three. A soldier’s life is patriotic, because, s/he is overwhelmed with the thought of protecting the motherland, even at the cost of his/her own life; tough, as they have to stay away from family and friends for months, that too in some of the most arduous conditions; risky because they secure our borders and are under constant threat from infiltrators and terror outfits.

A soldier, apart from routine posting assignment, takes part in relief operations as well. In fact, when the situation slips out of control of local authorities, soldiers are the ones who are called first. Soldiers are well trained and equipped with vital equipments to deal with any natural or manmade disaster. Despite facing tough terrains and risking his/her life a solider has a more meaningful existence.

Long and Short Essay on Life of Soldiers in English

We have provided below short and long essays on life of soldiers in English.

These Life of Soldiers Essay in English have been written in simple language to let you easily understand the challenges faced by soldiers and also what motivates them to dedicate their whole life to protect the honor and dignity of the nation and its people.

You can use these essays in your school’s essay writing competitions, debates or speech giving or during general discussions with friends and family.

Short Essay on Life of Soldiers – Essay 1 (200 words)

Soldiers are the pride of a nation. They are disciplined, courageous and selfless. Their life is full of challenges and they face each challenge with a smile on their face.

Anyone who chooses to be a soldier is indeed a noble soul. He loves his country and countrymen and is willing to go to any extent to protect them and save their honour. Soldiers do not care about their personal life or desires. Their country comes first for them. Those who decide to get into this profession are well aware of the fact that they will have to sacrifice their personal life and stay away from their families for most part of their lives. However, this does not dither their spirit to serve the country. They gladly take up this job and work diligently day and night.

Soldiers are trained for years before they are sent to the war front. The training period is extremely tough. It brings out the best in them and prepares them for the battle ground.

We get the privilege to live in a peaceful environment and concentrate on our personal lives only because the soldiers are guarding our country round the clock. They ensure a peaceful environment in the country at all times. They are disciplined and act responsibly.

Essay on Soldiers are Real Heroes – Essay 2 (300 words)


Soldiers are rightly referred to as the real heroes. Discipline, determination, robust physique, mental strength, good intentions and love for their countrymen – they possess all the qualities we look for in a hero. Soldiers have immense love for their nation. It is this love that encourages them to join this profession and serve their nation. The training they undergo to become a soldier refines and strengthens them.

Discipline is one of the most attractive qualities in a person. This is the first thing that the soldiers are taught in their training camps. If a person does not possess discipline, he cannot take on the responsibility of protecting his country.

They are taught to value time and make the best use of it. They require waking up in the wee hours of the morning and exercise. They need to follow a strict routine each day. Anyone who fails to do so is punished severely. All this is done to inculcate indiscipline in them.


Soldiers are extremely determined. They are faced with numerous challenges but they overcome all these as they are determined to achieve their goals. One of the first challenges faced by anyone who chooses this profession is to stay away from their family. The next challenge is the test of their physical strength. They put in immense effort to build physical strength. They undergo rigorous training only because they are determined to serve their country.

Just like a hero, soldiers possess a good physic and are mentally strong. They are known for their physical and mental strength that help them take on big battles. These qualities add to their appeal.

Thus, soldiers possess all the qualities of a real hero. We must look up to them and inculcate these qualities to enhance our personality and take our life in the right direction.

Essay on Challenges in the Life of a Soldier – Essay 3 (400 words)

Life of soldiers is not easy. However, they are taught to keep moving and never give up no matter what the situation. They are faced with a lot of difficulties and challenges that need to be fought with courage.

Challenges Faced by Soldiers

Here is a look at some of the biggest challenges in the life of soldiers.

  • Staying Away from Family

Soldiers need to be on duty for most part of the year. They need to be away from their family and friends all this while. This is one of the most challenging parts of being a soldier. It can be emotionally disturbing.

Soldiers hardly get any leaves. Whether is it a festival or a special family occasion, they are seldom able to celebrate it with their loved ones. Even if they manage to get leaves somehow, the possibility of the leaves being called off cannot be ruled out. They need to report back immediately in case of emergency.

  • Physical Training

Soldiers undergo rigorous physical training in order to fight the battles. They need to exercise for hours and require indulging in a number of strenuous exercises. This can be exhausting and challenging especially for the new recruits. Strength building exercises continue throughout their lives until they retire.

  • Lack of Supplies

Many times, soldiers need to go on long missions to remote areas. Being cut off from the main cities and towns, these areas lack even the basic facilities. It is difficult to live in such places. Lack of proper supply of food in these areas makes the life of the soldiers even more difficult. However, they continue to fulfil their duty amid all these difficulties.

  • Weather Adversities

Soldiers are also posted in areas with extreme weather conditions. They need to fight amid heavy rains, extreme cold and scorching sun. They need to fight their way through snow covered mountains and dense forests. They are required to be on the field day in and day out, guarding their country at all times. The adversity of weather can be a big challenge for them.

  • Lack of Bullet Proof Equipments

Soldiers are constantly exposed to bullets during wars. It is essential to provide them bullet proof clothes and shields. However, in many countries including India there is a dearth of bullet proof equipments. Fighting without these is a big challenge for the soldiers.

Thus, the life of soldiers is full of challenges. However, they do their best to overcome all the challenges and take it as their responsibility to guard their country and countrymen. They fulfill their responsibility with a smile on their faces.

Essay on Life of Soldiers – Duty of an Ideal Soldier – Essay 4 (500 words)

Soldiers are entrusted with the task of guarding the honour of their country. An ideal soldier keeps his country’s interests above his own. He is disciplined, determined and dedicated to serve his country and protect his countrymen at all times. His duty is of supreme importance to him.

Duty of an Ideal Soldier

The citizens of a country can live in peace as long as it has a strong army base that has soldiers who take it as their duty to:

  • Serve the Country Selflessly

There is no doubt about the fact that a person who decides to join the army loves his country dearly. He is well aware about the difficulties he may have to face during his journey as a soldier however he still decides to tread this path.

Soldiers need to undergo rigorous training for years in order to become capable of battling it out in the battleground. One of the first things a soldier is taught is to serve his country selflessly. No matter what the situation is, soldiers must think about the interest of their country before they think about that of their family or themselves. An ideal soldier does just this. Only someone who has the ability to put his personal interests aside and is willing to sacrifice everything for his country can be called an ideal soldier.

  • Protect Country’s Honour

The honour of the country and that of the national flag is of supreme importance for an ideal soldier. He can go to any extent to protect it. He is not scared to fight amid adversities to save the honour of his country and protect his countrymen. He would not even hesitate laying his life to protect the country’s honour. We are lucky to have an army full of such ideal soldiers. They have been truly inspiring for the soldiers to be as well as the general public.,

  • Ensure Peaceful Environment

An ideal soldier takes it as his responsibility to ensure a safe and peaceful environment in the country. Soldiers do not just guard the border and fight in the battle grounds during wars they are there to serve the citizens in different kinds of emergency situations. Be it a terrorist attack, flood or any other natural calamity or intense problem induced by unlawful activities, soldiers are called to handle almost every difficult situation. An ideal soldier never hesitates to render help in any situation. He gladly serves the citizens and ensures they live peacefully.

There had been numerous instances where in the army had been called to help in civilian matters or rescue operations. It is only because of the help rendered by them along with local authorities; the situations come under control.

  • Stay Vigilant

A soldier is always on duty whether he is at the battle field or not. The duty of an ideal soldier is to stay vigilant at all times.

The duty of an ideal soldier is to be there for his country. He is expected to serve his country selflessly and be ready to sacrifice his life for its honour. We salute such noble souls and look up to them for inspiration.

Long Essay on Life of Soldiers – Essay 5 (600 words)

We look up to the soldiers with pride as they are selfless beings who are always ready to protect their country’s honour. They stay away from their family and friends just to ensure their country is guarded at all times and that their countrymen can live in peace.

Epitome of Physical and Mental Strength

Soldiers are known for their physical and mental strength. They can be referred to as the epitome of mental and physical strength; they are well-built. The physical strength of a person is taken into consideration while taking him on board as a soldier. He is then trained rigorously to enhance it and prepare him to fight battles tirelessly.

The training camps help the soldiers to build physical strength. A soldier who is dedicated to serve his country continues to train himself to stay physically fit so as to do his best on the field.

Similarly, it is essential for a soldier to possess mental strength and have a good presence of mind. The screening determines the candidates’ mental strength. This is further developed and strengthened once they are selected. Being mentally strong is as important as the physical strength in order to emerge victorious in the battlefield.

Wars and Battlefields

Soldiers need to be ready for battling it out in the field at all times. There is always a possibility of war among different countries. Thus, the soldiers can be called to defend the country at any time. India had been attacked several times by its neighbouring countries. Our soldiers have proved their mettle in these wars. They have fought bravely and we are proud of them. Here are some of the wars fought by the Indian soldiers:

  • Indo China War 1962: Also known as the Sino-Indian War, this war was fought between India and China on the pretext of a disputed Himalayan border. However, this was not the only reason why China attacked India. There were many other issues too. During this war, the soldiers fought in harsh climatic conditions on the mountains. The war continued for almost a month and China emerged winner.
  • Indo Pak War of 1965: India and Pakistan have always been at loggerheads. While India tries to maintain peace and use peaceful means to settle any kind of issue between the two countries, Pakistan is known for using force and attacking our country. It called for a war with India for the first time in 1965. The war continued for seventeen days and resulted in thousands of causalities. It was called off only after the intervention of USA and Soviet Union.
  • Indo Pak War of 1971: Pakistan attacked the Indian border but the Indian army was quick to respond to it. Our soldiers fought bravely and won the battle after fighting for almost two weeks. However, numerous people were killed and several of them were injured on both the sides during this war. Pakistan especially suffered huge losses during this war. It lost a major chunk of its army, navy and air force personnel.
  • Kargil War: The war was fought between India and Pakistan in the year 1999. It started when the Pakistani troops crossed the Line of Control and crept into India’s Kargil district. Indian soldiers acted bravely and wisely during this war. Their mental and physical strength helped India get back the region encroached by the Pakistani military troops. Pakistani military was shaken badly after this war as it suffered a major defeat.

We are proud of our soldiers and are grateful to them for ensuring a peaceful environment. We respect them with all our heart and salute them for their heroic acts. They are the true heroes.

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Essay on Life of Soldiers in English

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Table of Contents

If I have to describe the life of soldiers in a single word; I would have described it as “patriotic”. Though, some of you would like to describe it as “tough” and some of you even as “risky”. In true sense, a soldier’s life is a collection of all the three. A soldier’s life is patriotic, because, s/he is overwhelmed with the thought of protecting the motherland, even at the cost of his/her own life; tough, as they have to stay away from family and friends for months, that too in some of the most arduous conditions; risky because they secure our borders and are under constant threat from infiltrators and terror outfits.

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A soldier, apart from routine posting assignment, takes part in relief operations as well. In fact, when the situation slips out of control of local authorities, soldiers are the ones who are called first. Soldiers are well trained and equipped with vital equipments to deal with any natural or manmade disaster. Despite facing tough terrains and risking his/her life a solider has a more meaningful existence.

Long and Short Essay on Life of Soldiers in English

We have provided below short and long essays on life of soldiers in English.

These Life of Soldiers Essay in English have been written in simple language to let you easily understand the challenges faced by soldiers and also what motivates them to dedicate their whole life to protect the honor and dignity of the nation and its people.

You can use these essays in your school’s essay writing competitions, debates or speech giving or during general discussions with friends and family.

Short Essay on Life of Soldiers – Essay 1 (200 words)

Soldiers are the pride of a nation. They are disciplined, courageous and selfless. Their life is full of challenges and they face each challenge with a smile on their face.

Anyone who chooses to be a soldier is indeed a noble soul. He loves his country and countrymen and is willing to go to any extent to protect them and save their honour. Soldiers do not care about their personal life or desires. Their country comes first for them. Those who decide to get into this profession are well aware of the fact that they will have to sacrifice their personal life and stay away from their families for most part of their lives. However, this does not dither their spirit to serve the country. They gladly take up this job and work diligently day and night.

Soldiers are trained for years before they are sent to the war front. The training period is extremely tough. It brings out the best in them and prepares them for the battle ground.

We get the privilege to live in a peaceful environment and concentrate on our personal lives only because the soldiers are guarding our country round the clock. They ensure a peaceful environment in the country at all times. They are disciplined and act responsibly.

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Essay on Soldiers are Real Heroes – Essay 2 (300 words)


Soldiers are rightly referred to as the real heroes. Discipline, determination, robust physique, mental strength, good intentions and love for their countrymen – they possess all the qualities we look for in a hero. Soldiers have immense love for their nation. It is this love that encourages them to join this profession and serve their nation. The training they undergo to become a soldier refines and strengthens them.

Discipline is one of the most attractive qualities in a person. This is the first thing that the soldiers are taught in their training camps. If a person does not possess discipline, he cannot take on the responsibility of protecting his country.

They are taught to value time and make the best use of it. They require waking up in the wee hours of the morning and exercise. They need to follow a strict routine each day. Anyone who fails to do so is punished severely. All this is done to inculcate indiscipline in them.


Soldiers are extremely determined. They are faced with numerous challenges but they overcome all these as they are determined to achieve their goals. One of the first challenges faced by anyone who chooses this profession is to stay away from their family. The next challenge is the test of their physical strength. They put in immense effort to build physical strength. They undergo rigorous training only because they are determined to serve their country.

Just like a hero, soldiers possess a good physic and are mentally strong. They are known for their physical and mental strength that help them take on big battles. These qualities add to their appeal.

Thus, soldiers possess all the qualities of a real hero. We must look up to them and inculcate these qualities to enhance our personality and take our life in the right direction.

Essay on Challenges in the Life of a Soldier – Essay 3 (400 words)

Life of soldiers is not easy. However, they are taught to keep moving and never give up no matter what the situation. They are faced with a lot of difficulties and challenges that need to be fought with courage.

Challenges Faced by Soldiers

Here is a look at some of the biggest challenges in the life of soldiers.

  • Staying Away from Family

Soldiers need to be on duty for most part of the year. They need to be away from their family and friends all this while. This is one of the most challenging parts of being a soldier. It can be emotionally disturbing.

Soldiers hardly get any leaves. Whether is it a festival or a special family occasion, they are seldom able to celebrate it with their loved ones. Even if they manage to get leaves somehow, the possibility of the leaves being called off cannot be ruled out. They need to report back immediately in case of emergency.

  • Physical Training

Soldiers undergo rigorous physical training in order to fight the battles. They need to exercise for hours and require indulging in a number of strenuous exercises. This can be exhausting and challenging especially for the new recruits. Strength building exercises continue throughout their lives until they retire.

  • Lack of Supplies

Many times, soldiers need to go on long missions to remote areas. Being cut off from the main cities and towns, these areas lack even the basic facilities. It is difficult to live in such places. Lack of proper supply of food in these areas makes the life of the soldiers even more difficult. However, they continue to fulfil their duty amid all these difficulties.

  • Weather Adversities

Soldiers are also posted in areas with extreme weather conditions. They need to fight amid heavy rains, extreme cold and scorching sun. They need to fight their way through snow covered mountains and dense forests. They are required to be on the field day in and day out, guarding their country at all times. The adversity of weather can be a big challenge for them.

  • Lack of Bullet Proof Equipments

Soldiers are constantly exposed to bullets during wars. It is essential to provide them bullet proof clothes and shields. However, in many countries including India there is a dearth of bullet proof equipments. Fighting without these is a big challenge for the soldiers.

Thus, the life of soldiers is full of challenges. However, they do their best to overcome all the challenges and take it as their responsibility to guard their country and countrymen. They fulfill their responsibility with a smile on their faces.

Essay on Life of Soldiers – Duty of an Ideal Soldier – Essay 4 (500 words)

Soldiers are entrusted with the task of guarding the honour of their country. An ideal soldier keeps his country’s interests above his own. He is disciplined, determined and dedicated to serve his country and protect his countrymen at all times. His duty is of supreme importance to him.

Duty of an Ideal Soldier

The citizens of a country can live in peace as long as it has a strong army base that has soldiers who take it as their duty to:

  • Serve the Country Selflessly

There is no doubt about the fact that a person who decides to join the army loves his country dearly. He is well aware about the difficulties he may have to face during his journey as a soldier however he still decides to tread this path.

Soldiers need to undergo rigorous training for years in order to become capable of battling it out in the battleground. One of the first things a soldier is taught is to serve his country selflessly. No matter what the situation is, soldiers must think about the interest of their country before they think about that of their family or themselves. An ideal soldier does just this. Only someone who has the ability to put his personal interests aside and is willing to sacrifice everything for his country can be called an ideal soldier.

  • Protect Country’s Honour

The honour of the country and that of the national flag is of supreme importance for an ideal soldier. He can go to any extent to protect it. He is not scared to fight amid adversities to save the honour of his country and protect his countrymen. He would not even hesitate laying his life to protect the country’s honour. We are lucky to have an army full of such ideal soldiers. They have been truly inspiring for the soldiers to be as well as the general public.,

  • Ensure Peaceful Environment

An ideal soldier takes it as his responsibility to ensure a safe and peaceful environment in the country. Soldiers do not just guard the border and fight in the battle grounds during wars they are there to serve the citizens in different kinds of emergency situations. Be it a terrorist attack, flood or any other natural calamity or intense problem induced by unlawful activities, soldiers are called to handle almost every difficult situation. An ideal soldier never hesitates to render help in any situation. He gladly serves the citizens and ensures they live peacefully.

There had been numerous instances where in the army had been called to help in civilian matters or rescue operations. It is only because of the help rendered by them along with local authorities; the situations come under control.

  • Stay Vigilant

A soldier is always on duty whether he is at the battle field or not. The duty of an ideal soldier is to stay vigilant at all times.

The duty of an ideal soldier is to be there for his country. He is expected to serve his country selflessly and be ready to sacrifice his life for its honour. We salute such noble souls and look up to them for inspiration.

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Long Essay on Life of Soldiers – Essay 5 (600 words)

We look up to the soldiers with pride as they are selfless beings who are always ready to protect their country’s honour. They stay away from their family and friends just to ensure their country is guarded at all times and that their countrymen can live in peace.

Epitome of Physical and Mental Strength

Soldiers are known for their physical and mental strength. They can be referred to as the epitome of mental and physical strength; they are well-built. The physical strength of a person is taken into consideration while taking him on board as a soldier. He is then trained rigorously to enhance it and prepare him to fight battles tirelessly.

The training camps help the soldiers to build physical strength. A soldier who is dedicated to serve his country continues to train himself to stay physically fit so as to do his best on the field.

Similarly, it is essential for a soldier to possess mental strength and have a good presence of mind. The screening determines the candidates’ mental strength. This is further developed and strengthened once they are selected. Being mentally strong is as important as the physical strength in order to emerge victorious in the battlefield.

Wars and Battlefields

Soldiers need to be ready for battling it out in the field at all times. There is always a possibility of war among different countries. Thus, the soldiers can be called to defend the country at any time. India had been attacked several times by its neighbouring countries. Our soldiers have proved their mettle in these wars. They have fought bravely and we are proud of them. Here are some of the wars fought by the Indian soldiers:

  • Indo China War 1962: Also known as the Sino-Indian War, this war was fought between India and China on the pretext of a disputed Himalayan border. However, this was not the only reason why China attacked India. There were many other issues too. During this war, the soldiers fought in harsh climatic conditions on the mountains. The war continued for almost a month and China emerged winner.
  • Indo Pak War of 1965: India and Pakistan have always been at loggerheads. While India tries to maintain peace and use peaceful means to settle any kind of issue between the two countries, Pakistan is known for using force and attacking our country. It called for a war with India for the first time in 1965. The war continued for seventeen days and resulted in thousands of causalities. It was called off only after the intervention of USA and Soviet Union.
  • Indo Pak War of 1971: Pakistan attacked the Indian border but the Indian army was quick to respond to it. Our soldiers fought bravely and won the battle after fighting for almost two weeks. However, numerous people were killed and several of them were injured on both the sides during this war. Pakistan especially suffered huge losses during this war. It lost a major chunk of its army, navy and air force personnel.
  • Kargil War: The war was fought between India and Pakistan in the year 1999. It started when the Pakistani troops crossed the Line of Control and crept into India’s Kargil district. Indian soldiers acted bravely and wisely during this war. Their mental and physical strength helped India get back the region encroached by the Pakistani military troops. Pakistani military was shaken badly after this war as it suffered a major defeat.

We are proud of our soldiers and are grateful to them for ensuring a peaceful environment. We respect them with all our heart and salute them for their heroic acts. They are the true heroes.

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Wallace Stevens’s “The Death of a Soldier”: History in a Poem

short essay on the soldier

The other day I was browsing in an anthology of modern poets, and I came across this beautifully austere poem by Wallace Stevens from his first book, Harmonium , 1923:

As I thought about this poem, I recalled a back and forth with my late colleague David Ferry, whom I came to know at Wellesley College, where I began teaching in the English Department in the mid-1970s. Some thirty years older than me, David had written an important monograph on Wordsworth and had edited other books; and, during the decades I knew him, he became a major poet as well, highly praised and honored for Bewilderment: New Poems and Translations (2012), and for translations of the Epic of Gilgamesh , Horace, and Virgil.

I valued David as a friend and mentor, a gifted teacher, firm and forceful, caring and kind. He had formidable authority, and I was both drawn to him and apprehensive, worried I might make a judgment that he would not approve of. David had great insight into and sensitivity about literature, and an assurance and wisdom about teaching that I aspired to.

My four years in graduate school had been stimulating in intellectual terms, much of this linked to the excitement about literary theory—Barthes, Derrida, Foucault. But not a word was said to us, the graduate students, about teaching. As section leaders, we corrected exams and papers. But planning a course, shaping a syllabus, everything we would be doing if we were fortunate enough to get a job: we were on our own, no advice or support.

I was grateful that David reached out before I arrived, writing letters to me about the courses he knew I had been assigned. In one of my replies, I said with youthful pomposity that I thought it was essential for students to learn about history, about poems in their historical contexts.

David said he agreed. But he went on to explain that he was more interested in the history that’s in the poem itself. He was addressing me as an equal, but then again not quite. David wasn’t saying I was wrong. He was communicating to me that there was another way to think about a poem, its organization as a work of art.

“The Death of a Soldier” was written a few years after World War I, and scholars have commented on Stevens’s responses to the war and to his reading of Lettres d’un soldat , 1917, by a young French painter-soldier, Eugène Lemercier, killed in northeastern France in April 1915. This is worth knowing about, and in the classroom we could bring it to the attention of students. But in his letter, David was encouraging me to realize that there are other forms of history, of historical thinking, that poets articulate and explore in the configuration and operation of the language.

David studied and probed each poet’s words, noting details, asking questions about them, keeping his students focused and vigilant, pointing to a surprise, a turn in syntax, an implication in an image overlooked first time through. I never heard him speak about “The Death of a Soldier,” but I imagine he would have discussed the brevity of the poem in relation to the large solemnity of the title, the short lines, the choice of a four-stanza structure, the relation of each stanza to the next, even the punctuation—for instance, the periods marking the two sentences in stanza one, the period completing stanza two, and the comma extending the third stanza into the fourth.

Stevens moves from “Death” in the title to “Life” as the first word, and then back to “death.” Death/Life/death, so near to one another, as though the transition from one stage to the next happens almost concurrently. The tone is hard to hear, it’s nearly a toneless tone, not the resonance of language emerging from a flesh and blood speaker.

We do see signs of Stevens’s creative hand, in, for example, the double meaning of “contracts” in the opening line: 1) as of a muscle, to become shorter and tighter to effect movement of part of the body, and 2) to enter into formal and legally binding agreement. It’s as if life has made a contract with death. “Is expected”: passive voice, no indication of who or what has this expectation.

“Autumn” typically carries associations of the harvest, sometimes exuberant, but, more often, grim reaping, life waning, and the present tense verb “falls” makes quiet play with “autumn.” The word “fall” in a poem inevitably calls to mind, too, Adam and Eve and the loss of Eden. But it isn’t clear that Stevens intends for us to make such a connection. The same could be said about “three-days.” Is he alluding to Christ’s passion, death, resurrection? And there’s “heavens” later. The poem allows us to conceive of religious references that it might be glancing at, yet that it is withholding, not making explicit.

Line 8 repeats the phrasing of line 2, just as line 10 repeats line 9. I hear the interplay of syllables, a few words multisyllabic amid mostly plain one-syllable words. “Personage” is a term used to express someone’s significance, importance, or elevated status. That’s an eminence that the soldier does not seek, nor is it bestowed on him. He does not, he cannot, act. In death, he does not become, impose, or call.

The third stanza, line 1, “Death is absolute and without memorial,” is simple, poised, cool, almost cold, without affect. The speaker makes no argument, offers no explanation: this is the assertion, and there is no disputing it. We are not given space or opportunity to think otherwise about the absoluteness of death and the impossibility of commemorating it, including in this poem or any other. The soldier has disappeared. Stevens closes with the paradox of clouds advancing in windless skies.

We could introduce information about history and biography when we read and respond to “The Death of a Soldier.” Yet as I ponder the mood and movement of its lines, this feels intrusive to me, not something that the poem is soliciting us to supply. Stevens wants us to experience it internally, not in conjunction with his reading or with the agonizing particulars of World War I. He excludes all of this, designing instead an abstract form of statement and reflection that is at once tragic and serene.

The imprint of my friend David Ferry’s words leads me to say that “The Death of a Soldier” is a poem about history that has no specific history connected to it. Stevens is asking us to think about what history is as an idea, a totality, the history that both unites and transcends immediate and local histories. He evokes the death in war of a single soldier who represents countless others—their names and identities, and the causes for which they fought, lost in time, unremembered.

William E. Cain is Mary Jewett Gaiser Professor of English at Wellesley College, where he enjoys teaching courses on Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, and other American writers. His recent publications include essays on Edith Wharton and Ernest Hemingway.

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“This Encircling Compassion”: A Goy Puts Me Back in Mother’s Arms – Collections of Essay for Students of all Class in English

Paragraph and Short Essay on Life of Soldiers

Soldiers are the subject of glory and pride to a nation. They are the unit of the military forces. They are the ultimate protective shield for the people of a country. The life of a soldier is very complicated and inspirational. The soldiers are accomplishing their duties despite several hardships. We have prepared here variety of essays for students and mentioned all the related information about the life of soldiers so that you can get a detail view about the topic in one click.

Paragraph on Life of Soldiers

Soldier’s life (250 words).


Soldiers are the real superheroes for any of the nation. They are inculcated with a high spirit of sacrifice and love for the motherland. They make boundless efforts and are dedicated to protecting the dignity and integrity of the nation.

Soldier’s Life: Full of Dedication, Discipline and Patriotism

The life of a soldier always becomes full of difficulties. They have to face a lot of traumas but do not become anxious. They are ready to accept every kind of trouble and difficulty to protect their motherland. A soldier never let the flag of his country to be down. He does not have the fear of losing life and is always ready to die for the sake of the nation.

A soldier leads a disciplined life. He starts up his day by waking up early in the morning at about 4-5 am. After finishing all the routine works he completes the schedule of exercise. Exercising daily is most necessary for a soldier as he has to be fit always. A soldier is away from family life, but it is due to their sacrifice we are leading a good life with our family. They visit their family only during the holidays.

Soldiers are also having a family like us and therefore they too have a different kind of problems and responsibilities. Despite all the problems they have to concentrate first on their duty. They have to be alert always. An emergency or war can be expected at any time. They have to face adverse climatic conditions and situations. They are not leading a life full of comforts instead their life is full of challenges.

The soldiers protect the country even after facing several challenges. They are brave warriors of the nation and protect the country with true instinct. Thus, they are the real heroes of the nation.

Short Essay on Life of Soldiers

Soldier’s life: as a symbol of bravery (400 words).

Soldiers are the treasure of the nation. It is because of their presence no enemy can gather the courage to cause any kind of harm to the nation. They guard the nation in such a way that peace is curtailed throughout the nation. Every year a lot of soldiers lose their lives in different terrorist attacks, wars on the border, etc.

Soldier’s Life as a Symbol of Bravery

A soldier is very honestly serving the motherland. He protects the nation from any kind of destruction or disturbances. During wars when the enemies are continuously firing on the borders, our soldiers fight fearlessly with them. They fight until their last breath. Many of them lose their life during these situations.

The soldiers are immersed in love for the motherland. A soldier protects the country without any selfishness. All the deeds which a soldier does in his life are full of courage and bravery. It is not very easy to be happy and perform all the duties In spite of several challenges.

Role of the Soldier

  • The duty of a soldier is to safeguard the nation. He protects the nation from different kinds of foreign attacks, wars, terrorist activities, and internal problems. They ensure that the peace, national integrity, and dignity of the nation are maintained.
  • The soldiers are along keeping the check on the borders also actively help in the rescue operation after the occurrence of natural disasters or calamities like floods, earthquakes, Cyclones, etc. Recent example that can be quoted is the occurrence of Amphan Cyclone that crashed West Bengal during May 2020. The Cyclone had a devastating effect on the state. The Indian army was involved in the restoration to restore different hindered services in the state.
  • A soldier has the duty to serve the nation without being afraid of losing life. They have a lot of love for the motherland embedded in their heart. They are ready to face all the difficulties without moving back. They are full of patriotic feelings and live as well as die for the country.
  • They are alert all 24 hours a day. Anytime a call can come and the soldier’s duty is to be present whenever called. They keep themselves prepared always to combat with any kind of situation. They are waking and therefore we are sleeping peacefully.
  • The soldiers have to complete the curriculum of training for getting prepared as a trained soldier of the country. The training is very harsh and painful but is necessary for everyone who chose this service. It makes the soldier ready to tackle different situations including emergencies.

The citizens of the nation must be grateful and owe their gratitude to the soldiers. They are fearlessly involved in providing security to the nation. They ensure harmony and peace in the nation.

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short essay on the soldier

On a Train in Southern Russia, Fatigued Soldiers See No End in Sight to War

On a recent May afternoon, a Russian train trundles through the country’s southwestern regions near the border with Ukraine.

The train’s dining car is packed with Russian soldiers. Some are heading to the front lines in Ukraine, where their country has been waging war for over two years, while others are returning home for a short leave. Most of them are drinking.

“Making war against the Ukrainians is tough,” confesses Dima, a soldier in his 40s. “It's like fighting against some of our own.”

With his ice-blue eyes, square jaw and muscular arms, he looks like he stepped out of an old Soviet war movie.

His face shows small wounds, the result of diving face-down into a trench to escape a bomb dropped by a drone. As he sips samogon , a homemade vodka, he says he is a career soldier, with experience in the Russian Naval Infantry in Syria and now on the Kherson front in southern Ukraine.

Like the other Russian soldiers interviewed for this story, Dima’s name has been changed due to the risk of repercussions.

Dima has many relatives in Ukraine, some of whom are fighting on the side of Kyiv. He prays every day that he will not meet them on the battlefield.

Once, his unit captured a Ukrainian soldier.

“Honestly, I felt really bad,” says Dima. “He said he didn’t want to fight, and I didn’t want to fight against him either.”

He sees that his wife is calling him, but does not pick up the phone.

“She would be able to tell from my voice that I’m a bit tipsy and would scold me,” the soldier explains, smiling. He shows a photo of her and their four children. His expression turns gloomy; he has not seen them in six months.

Opposite Dima sits a hefty soldier named Pavel.

Before the full-scale invasion, Pavel worked as a senior specialist at one of Russia’s largest companies. He enlisted in the military as a volunteer after he had been told some of his relatives were killed by Ukrainian soldiers at the start of the war.

Today, his job is to manage anti-aircraft systems and plan offensives. Countless lives depend on his decisions, he says.

“I draw arrows on a map, and the soldiers move forward,” Pavel explains after opening yet another beer.

Sometimes, Pavel finds himself in the difficult position of sending squads of men into an attack, well aware that their chances of survival are slim. It is a distraction tactic meant to pull enemy forces’ attention from the main offensive taking place elsewhere.

“I can’t tell the men, otherwise they wouldn’t fight with the hope of winning,” the soldier explains, his eyes glistening with emotion.

“And after all this, you don’t sleep well,” he says, pointing to the grey hairs on his head that have appeared in recent months.

Because he had a high-paying job before the war, Pavel asked that his military salary be donated to an orphanage.

“I don't want to be paid to kill people,” he explains.

Some soldiers are visibly drunk. A misunderstanding sparks a fight between Dima and another passenger; it seems they are about to come to blows, but then they calm down. They channel their tension into an improvised push-up competition between the dining car’s tables as the irritated waiters look on.

The soldiers describe the front line as hell on earth. The losses on the Russian side are enormous: hundreds each day, some of the men say. Drones sow death from the sky, finishing off wounded soldiers on the battlefield where they lay.

Dima always keeps a grenade hanging from his belt. He would rather blow himself up than be captured and face torture.

“Many young guys I knew are dead, they weren’t even 30,” says Yegor, a family man from the republic of Tatarstan, in one of the passenger compartments.

He was called up to fight during the “partial” mobilization of 2022. “Only a few among us who were mobilized are left,” he says.

Last December, Yegor and his comrades were hiding inside a house on the Vuhledar front in the Donetsk region when a tank discovered them and opened fire, wounding him in the leg. For the injury, he was compensated 3 million rubles ($33,500), which he used to buy a new house.

Despite having shrapnel still lodged in his leg and being diagnosed with PTSD, Yegor was deemed fit for service and is heading back to the front.

“If I didn’t risk five years in prison for desertion, I would get off the train now and go home, even by foot,” he confesses. “This war is pointless.”

Back in the dining car, another soldier smiles bitterly as he explains that he is heading to the front.

“I probably won’t make it this time,” he says, pointing to the gunshot wound on his chest, which has not yet fully healed.

Both Dima and Pavel say they do not doubt that Russia will eventually win, no matter how long it takes and how many lives it costs.

“We are reclaiming our historic lands,” says Dima, who says he believes that Ukraine has never been a sovereign nation.

“Russia won't go any further [past Ukraine] unless NATO countries attack us,” he adds.

Pavel compares the ongoing war to a challenge between two boxers.

“In the end, it will be them who run out of energy first.”

It's almost 11:00 at night, and the dining car is about to close. One of the soldiers stands up and proposes a toast. The atmosphere, once noisy and cheerful, suddenly turns solemn.

“To the boys,” says the soldier.

Dima and Pavel stand up with everyone else and drink in silence.

On a Train in Southern Russia, Fatigued Soldiers See No End in Sight to War

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Guest Essay

America’s Military Is Not Prepared for War — or Peace

A photo of U.S. Navy sailors, in silhouette, aboard an aircraft carrier.

By Roger Wicker

Mr. Wicker, a Republican, is the ranking member of the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee.

“To be prepared for war,” George Washington said, “is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace.” President Ronald Reagan agreed with his forebear’s words, and peace through strength became a theme of his administration. In the past four decades, the American arsenal helped secure that peace, but political neglect has led to its atrophy as other nations’ war machines have kicked into high gear. Most Americans do not realize the specter of great power conflict has risen again.

It is far past time to rebuild America’s military. We can avoid war by preparing for it.

When America’s senior military leaders testify before my colleagues and me on the U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee behind closed doors, they have said that we face some of the most dangerous global threat environments since World War II. Then, they darken that already unsettling picture by explaining that our armed forces are at risk of being underequipped and outgunned. We struggle to build and maintain ships, our fighter jet fleet is dangerously small, and our military infrastructure is outdated. Meanwhile, America’s adversaries are growing their militaries and getting more aggressive.

In China, the country’s leader, Xi Jinping, has orchestrated a historic military modernization intended to exploit the U.S. military’s weaknesses. He has overtaken the U.S. Navy in fleet size, built one of the world’s largest missile stockpiles and made big advances in space. President Vladimir Putin of Russia has thrown Europe into war and mobilized his society for long-term conflict. Iran and its proxy groups have escalated their shadow war against Israel and increased attacks on U.S. ships and soldiers. And North Korea has disregarded efforts toward arms control negotiations and moved toward wartime readiness.

Worse yet, these governments are materially helping one another, cooperating in new ways to prevent an American-led 21st century. Iran has provided Russia with battlefield drones, and China is sending technical and logistical help to aid Mr. Putin’s war. They are also helping one another prepare for future fights by increasing weapons transfers and to evade sanctions. Their unprecedented coordination makes new global conflict increasingly possible.

That theoretical future could come faster than most Americans think. We may find ourselves in a state of extreme vulnerability in a matter of a few years, according to a growing consensus of experts. Our military readiness could be at its lowest point in decades just as China’s military in particular hits its stride. The U.S. Indo-Pacific commander released what I believe to be the largest list of unfunded items ever for services and combatant commands for next year’s budget, amounting to $11 billion. It requested funding for a raft of infrastructure, missile defense and targeting programs that would prove vital in a Pacific fight. China, on the other hand, has no such problems, as it accumulates the world’s leading hypersonic arsenal with a mix of other lethal cruise and attack missiles.

Our military leaders are being forced to make impossible choices. The Navy is struggling to adequately fund new ships, routine maintenance and munition procurement; it is unable to effectively address all three. We recently signed a deal to sell submarines to Australia, but we’ve failed to sufficiently fund our own submarine industrial base, leaving an aging fleet unprepared to respond to threats. Two of the three most important nuclear modernization programs are underfunded and are at risk of delays. The military faces a backlog of at least $180 billion for basic maintenance, from barracks to training ranges. This projects weakness to our adversaries as we send service members abroad with diminished ability to respond to crises.

Fortunately, we can change course. We can avoid that extreme vulnerability and resurrect American military might.

On Wednesday I am publishing a plan that includes a series of detailed proposals to address this reality head-on. We have been living off the Reagan military buildup for too long; it is time for updates and upgrades. My plan outlines why and how the United States should aim to spend an additional $55 billion on the military in the 2025 fiscal year and grow military spending from a projected 2.9 percent of our national gross domestic product this year to 5 percent over the next five to seven years.

It would be a significant investment that would start a reckoning over our nation’s spending priorities. There will be conversations ahead about all manner of budget questions. We do not need to spend this much indefinitely — but we do need a short-term generational investment to help us prevent another world war.

My blueprint would grow the Navy to 357 ships by 2035 and halt our shrinking Air Force fleet by producing at least 340 additional fighters in five years. This will help patch near-term holes and put each fleet on a sustainable trajectory. The plan would also replenish the Air Force tanker and training fleets, accelerate the modernization of the Army and Marine Corps, and invest in joint capabilities that are all too often forgotten, including logistics and munitions.

The proposal would build on the $3.3 billion in submarine industrial base funding included in the national security supplemental passed in April, so we can bolster our defense and that of our allies. It would also rapidly equip service members all over the world with innovative technologies at scale, from the seabed to the stars.

We should pair increased investment with wiser spending. Combining this crucial investment with fiscal responsibility would funnel resources to the most strategic ends. Emerging technology must play an essential role, and we can build and deploy much of it in less than five years. My road map would also help make improvements to the military procurement system and increase accountability for bureaucrats and companies that fail to perform on vital national security projects.

This whole endeavor would shake our status quo but be far less disruptive and expensive than the alternative. Should China decide to wage war with the United States, the global economy could immediately fall into a depression. Americans have grown far too comfortable under the decades-old presumption of overwhelming military superiority. And that false sense of security has led us to ignore necessary maintenance and made us vulnerable.

Our ability to deter our adversaries can be regained because we have done it before. At the 50th anniversary of Pearl Harbor, in the twilight of the Soviet Union, George H.W. Bush reflected on the lessons of Pearl Harbor. Though the conflict was long gone, it taught him an enduring lesson: “When it comes to national defense,” he said, “finishing second means finishing last.”

Regaining American strength will be expensive. But fighting a war — and worse, losing one — is far more costly. We need to begin a national conversation today on how we achieve a peaceful, prosperous and American-led 21st century. The first step is a generational investment in the U.S. military.

Roger Wicker is the senior U.S. senator from Mississippi and the ranking member of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

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Partial count in South Africa election puts ruling ANC below 50% as country senses momentous change

South Africans have voted in an election seen as their country’s most important in 30 years. It’s a vote that could put their young democracy into unknown territory. (AP video shot by Jackson Njehia, Annie Risemberg and Sebabatso Mosamo. Production by Nqobile Ntshangase.)

A woman casts her ballot at a polling station, during general elections in Eshowe, South Africa, Wednesday May 29, 2024. South Africans are voting in an election seen as their country's most important in 30 years, and one that could put them in unknown territory in the short history of their democracy, the three-decade dominance of the African National Congress party being the target of a new generation of discontent in a country of 62 million people — half of whom are estimated to be living in poverty. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

A woman casts her ballot at a polling station, during general elections in Eshowe, South Africa, Wednesday May 29, 2024. South Africans are voting in an election seen as their country’s most important in 30 years, and one that could put them in unknown territory in the short history of their democracy, the three-decade dominance of the African National Congress party being the target of a new generation of discontent in a country of 62 million people — half of whom are estimated to be living in poverty. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

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Electoral workers empties the ballot box during the counting at Itireleng informal settlement in Pretoria, South Africa, Wednesday, May 29, 2024, during the general elections. AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

MK Party supporters celebrate in the middle of the street in Mahlbnathini village in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, on Thursday May 30, 2024. MK Party is currently leading in the provincial poll against the ANC, who’ve held the stronghold in the province for the last 20 years. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

Voters line up to cast their ballot for general election in Alexandra, near Johannesburg, South Africa, Wednesday, May 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

MK Party supporters dance in the middle of the street in Mahlbnathini village in rural KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, on Thursday May 30, 2024. MK Party is currently leading in the provincial poll against the ANC, who’ve held the stronghold in the province for the last 20 years. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

Ballot boxes wait to be opened for vote count at Craighall Park Elementary school in Johannesburg, South Africa, Wednesday May 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

Election volunteers count ballots at Craighall Park Elementary school in Johannesburg, South Africa, Wednesday May 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

Electoral workers prepare to open the voting station as voters line up to cast their ballot for general elections in Alexandra, near Johannesburg, South Africa, Wednesday, May 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

Electoral workers check ballot papers during the counting at a polling station at Itireleng informal settlement in Pretoria, South Africa, Wednesday, May 29, 2024, during the general elections. South Africans voted Wednesday at schools, community centers, and in large white tents set up in open fields in an election seen as their country’s most important since apartheid ended 30 years ago. It could put the young democracy into unknown territory. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa casts his ballot Wednesday May 29, 2024 for the general elections in Soweto, South Africa. South Africans are voting in an election seen as their country’s most important in 30 years, and one that could put them in unknown territory in the short history of their democracy, the three-decade dominance of the African National Congress party being the target of a new generation of discontent in a country of 62 million people — half of whom are estimated to be living in poverty. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

Democratic Alliance (DA) leader John Steenhuisen, holds his ballot at a polling station in Durban, South Africa, Wednesday, May 29, 2024. South Africans have begun voting in an election seen as their country’s most important in 30 years, and one that could put their young democracy in unknown territory. (AP Photo/Str)

Opposition Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema, casts his vote at a polling station in Polokwane, South Africa, Wednesday, May 29, 2024. South Africans have begun voting in an election seen as their country’s most important in 30 years, and one that could put their young democracy in unknown territory. (AP Photo)

Former president of the A.N.C. and South Africa, Jacob Zuma, waves to supporters after casting his ballot in Nkandla, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa, Wednesday, May 29, 2024 during the general elections. South Africans are voting in an election seen as their country’s most important in 30 years, and one that could put them in unknown territory in the short history of their democracy, the three-decade dominance of the African National Congress party being the target of a new generation of discontent in a country of 62 million people. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

People queue to cast their votes at a polling station in Cape Town, South Africa, Wednesday, May 29, 2024. South Africans have begun voting in an election seen as their country’s most important in 30 years, and one that could put their young democracy in unknown territory. (AP Photo/Nardus Engelbrecht)

Voters line up to cast their ballot for general elections in Alexandra, near Johannesburg, South Africa, Wednesday, May 29, 2024. South Africans began voting Wednesday in an election seen as their country’s most important in 30 years, and one that could put their young democracy in unknown territory. (AP Photo/Themba Hadebe)

Independent Electoral Commission Chief Electoral Officer Sy Mamabolo briefs reporters and political party delegates at the National Results Operations Center in Johannesburg, South Africa, Thursday, May 30, 2024, one day after South Africans voted in an election seen as their country’s most important in 30 years, and one that could put them in unknown territory in the short history of their democracy. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

Children sit by the side of the road next to a polling station, during general elections in Nkandla, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa, Wednesday May 29, 2024. South Africans are voting in an election seen as their country’s most important in 30 years, and one that could put them in unknown territory in the short history of their democracy, the three-decade dominance of the African National Congress party being the target of a new generation of discontent in a country of 62 million people — half of whom are estimated to be living in poverty. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

A woman is marked on her hand after casting her ballot on Wednesday May 29, 2024 during general elections in Nkandla, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa. South Africans are voting in an election seen as their country’s most important in 30 years, and one that could put them in unknown territory in the short history of their democracy, the three-decade dominance of the African National Congress party being the target of a new generation of discontent in a country of 62 million people — half of whom are estimated to be living in poverty. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

People queue to cast their votes at a polling station during general elections, in Cape Town, South Africa, Wednesday, May 29, 2024. South Africans have begun voting in an election seen as their country’s most important in 30 years, and one that could put their young democracy in unknown territory. (AP Photo/Nardus Engelbrecht)

Voters wait outside a poling station on Wednesday May 29, 2024, during general elections in KwaMfana, South Africa. South Africans are voting in an election seen as their country’s most important in 30 years, and one that could put them in unknown territory in the short history of their democracy, the three-decade dominance of the African National Congress party being the target of a new generation of discontent in a country of 62 million people — half of whom are estimated to be living in poverty. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

People watch as former president of the A.N.C. and South Africa Jacob Zuma, casts his ballot on Wednesday May 29, 2024 during general elections in Nkandla, Kwazulu Natal, South Africa. South Africans are voting in an election seen as their country’s most important in 30 years, and one that could put them in unknown territory in the short history of their democracy, the three-decade dominance of the African National Congress party being the target of a new generation of discontent in a country of 62 million people — half of whom are estimated to be living in poverty. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

Independent Electoral Commission officials receive results at the National Results Operations Center in Johannesburg, South Africa, Thursday, May 30, 2024, one day after South Africans voted in an election seen as their country’s most important in 30 years, and one that could put them in unknown territory in the short history of their democracy. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

A young woman holds her ballot before casting it on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, during general elections in Nkandla, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. Young South Africans, unlike the older generation, are determined to see their vote count and their dreams come to fruition in a country where youth poverty has become a signature of unfulfilled independence aspirations. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

JOHANNESBURG (AP) — Partial results in South Africa’s national election put the long-ruling African National Congress party at well below 50% of the vote as counting continued Thursday, and it could be on the brink of losing its majority for the first time since sweeping to power under Nelson Mandela at the end of apartheid in 1994.

That would be a momentous change for South Africa, where the ANC has been dominant for all 30 years of its young democracy and the only governing party many have known.

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The ANC had the most votes and was well ahead in the early results, as expected. But if it fails to secure a majority, it may have to form a coalition to remain in the government — something that has never happened before in post-apartheid South Africa. Without a majority, the ANC would also need help from other parties to reelect President Cyril Ramaphosa for a second term.

“I think we are seeing a massive change in South African politics,” Susan Booysen, a political analyst and professor emeritus at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, said on national broadcaster SABC TV.

It was still only an early picture after Wednesday’s election. The final results were expected to take days, with the independent electoral commission saying they would be delivered by Sunday, although they could come earlier.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov attends a meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin with the new cabinet members at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, Tuesday, May 14, 2024. (Vyacheslav Prokofyev, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP)

South Africans were waiting with baited breath to see if their country, Africa’s most advanced economy , was about to enter a new era. Some analysts said the incomplete results were already unprecedented with regards to how far the long dominant ANC was below the 50% mark at this stage in the counting. The partial results put the ANC at 43% of the vote.

The ANC’s worst performance in a national election is the 57.5% it won in the last one in 2019. A projection from a government agency and SABC, based on early vote returns, estimated that the ANC would end up with about 42% this time, a drop of more than 15%, which would be a stunning result in the context of South Africa.

The ANC would likely have to co-govern and find a coalition partner if the projections hold, taking South Africa into the unknown. The ANC said right up to Wednesday’s election that it was confident of retaining its majority and has given no indication over how it might form a coalition government.

While it was a defining moment, South Africa was “having to craft a new direction but without a clear indication of what direction that is likely to be,” said Terry Tselane, executive chairman of the Institute of Election Management Services in Africa, an electoral think tank.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa casts his ballot Wednesday May 29, 2024 for the general elections in Soweto, South Africa. South Africans are voting in an election seen as their country's most important in 30 years, and one that could put them in unknown territory in the short history of their democracy, the three-decade dominance of the African National Congress party being the target of a new generation of discontent in a country of 62 million people — half of whom are estimated to be living in poverty. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa casts his ballot Wednesday May 29, 2024 for the general elections in Soweto, South Africa. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

This election was seen as a direct referendum on the unbroken rule of the ANC , which freed South Africa from the oppressive, racist apartheid regime in the famous all-race vote of 1994 but has seen a steady decrease in its popularity over the last two decades.

ANC deputy secretary-general Nomvula Mokonyane said on SABC: “We remain optimistic.”

Nearly 28 million people out of South Africa’s population of 62 million were registered to vote.

South Africa may be the continent’s most advanced country, but it has struggled to solve a profuse inequality that has kept millions in poverty decades after the segregation of apartheid ended. That inequality and widespread poverty disproportionately affects the Black majority that make up more than 80% of the country’s population. South Africa has one of the worst unemployment rates in the world at 32%.

People queue after dark to cast their votes at a polling station in Cape Town, South Africa, Wednesday, May 29, 2024. South Africans voted Wednesday at schools, community centers, and in large white tents set up in open fields in an election seen as their country’s most important since apartheid ended 30 years ago. It could put the young democracy into unknown territory. (AP Photo/Nardus Engelbrecht)

People queue after dark to cast their votes at a polling station in Cape Town, South Africa, Wednesday, May 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Nardus Engelbrecht)

A woman casts her ballot at a polling station, during general elections in Eshowe, South Africa, Wednesday May 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Emilio Morenatti)

Voters repeatedly referred to unemployment as well as other issues like ANC corruption scandals, problems with basic government services and high violent crime as their main grievances.

“The ANC has failed us for 30 years,” said Thandi Hlope, who lives in a rural town in the eastern KwaZulu-Natal province. “They failed to bring us real freedom.”

The ANC was faced with more opposition than ever in this vote. More than 50 political parties were registered to participate, the most in a national election, with many of them new. Much of the opposition vote was expected to be spread among an array of those other parties, though.

The early results put the main opposition Democratic Alliance at around 24% of the vote and the Economic Freedom Fighters party at around 9%. The partial results also reflected the immediate impact of the new MK Party of former President Jacob Zuma, who has turned against the ANC he once led. The MK Party was challenging the EFF for third in its first election and a significant factor in draining support from the ANC.

South Africans vote for parties and not directly for their president in national elections. Those parties then get seats in Parliament according to their share of the vote and lawmakers elect the president. The ANC has always had a clear parliamentary majority since 1994, so the president has always been from the ANC.

That process of electing a president wouldn’t be so simple if the ANC lost its majority.

The electoral commission predicted a high turnout and that was reflected in Wednesday’s scenes across the nation, as South Africans lined up into the night to make their choice. The long, snaking lines of voters in cities, towns and rural fields revived memories of the definitive election of 1994 that changed a country.

While polls officially closed at 9 p.m., voting continued for hours after that in many places as officials noted a late surge of ballots being cast in major cities like Johannesburg and Cape Town. The electoral commission said the last votes were cast at around 3 a.m. The rules say that anyone lining up at a voting station by the closing time must be allowed to vote.

The determination of South Africans standing out in the chilly winter weather into the middle of the night suggested millions had embraced how consequential this election might be.

Imray reported from Cape Town. AP writer Farai Mutsaka contributed from Mahlbnathini, South Africa.

AP Africa news:

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