satire essay examples on gun control

Gun Control Essay: Important Topics, Examples, and More

satire essay examples on gun control

Gun Control Definition

Gun control refers to the regulation of firearms to reduce the risk of harm caused by their misuse. It is an important issue that has garnered much attention in recent years due to the increasing number of gun-related incidents, including mass shootings and homicides. Writing an essay about gun control is important because it allows one to explore the various aspects of this complex and controversial topic, including the impact of gun laws on public safety, the constitutional implications of gun control, and the social and cultural factors that contribute to gun violence.

In writing an essay on gun control, conducting thorough research, considering multiple perspectives, and developing a well-informed argument is important. This may involve analyzing existing gun control policies and their effectiveness, exploring the attitudes and beliefs of different groups towards firearms, and examining the historical and cultural context of gun ownership and use. Through this process, one can develop a nuanced understanding of the issue and propose effective solutions to address the problem of gun violence.

Further information on writing essays on gun control can be found in various sources, including academic journals, policy reports, and news articles. In the following paragraphs, our nursing essay writing services will provide tips and resources to help you write an effective and informative guns essay. Contact our custom writer and get your writing request satisfied in a short term.

Gun Control Essay Types

There are various types of essays about gun control, each with its own unique focus and approach. From analyzing the effectiveness of existing gun laws to exploring the cultural and historical context of firearms in society, the possibilities for exploring this topic are virtually endless.

Gun Control Essay Types

Let's look at the following types and examples from our essay writing service USA :

  • Argumentative Essay : This essay clearly argues for or against gun control laws. The writer must use evidence to support their position and refute opposing arguments.
  • Descriptive Essay: A descriptive essay on gun control aims to provide a detailed topic analysis. The writer must describe the history and evolution of gun laws, the different types of firearms, and their impact on society.
  • Cause and Effect Essay: This type of essay focuses on why gun control laws are necessary, the impact of gun violence on society, and the consequences of not having strict gun control laws.
  • Compare and Contrast Essay: In this type of essay, the writer compares and contrasts different countries' gun laws and their effectiveness. They can also compare and contrast different types of guns and their impact on society.
  • Expository Essay: This type of essay focuses on presenting facts and data on the topic of gun control. The writer must explain the different types of gun laws, their implementation, and their impact on society.
  • Persuasive Essay: The writer of a persuasive essay aims to persuade the reader to support their position on gun control. They use a combination of facts, opinions, and emotional appeals to convince the reader.
  • Narrative Essay: A narrative essay on gun control tells a story about an individual's experience with gun violence. It can be a personal story or a fictional one, but it should provide insight into the human impact of gun violence.

In the following paragraphs, we will provide an overview of the most common types of gun control essays and some tips and resources to help you write them effectively. Whether you are a student, a researcher, or simply someone interested in learning more about this important issue, these essays can provide valuable insight and perspective on the complex and often controversial topic of gun control.

Persuasive Essay on Gun Control

A persuasive essay on gun control is designed to convince the reader to support a specific stance on gun control policies. To write an effective persuasive essay, the writer must use a combination of facts, statistics, and emotional appeals to sway the reader's opinion. Here are some tips from our expert custom writer to help you write a persuasive essay on gun control:

How to Choose a Persuasive Essay on Gun Control

  • Research : Conduct thorough research on gun control policies, including their history, effectiveness, and societal impact. Use credible sources to back up your argument.
  • Develop a thesis statement: In your gun control essay introduction, the thesis statement should clearly state your position on gun control and provide a roadmap for your paper.
  • Use emotional appeals: Use emotional appeals to connect with your reader. For example, you could describe the impact of gun violence on families and communities.
  • Address opposing viewpoints: Address opposing viewpoints and provide counterarguments to strengthen your position.
  • Use statistics: Use statistics to back up your argument. For example, you could use statistics to show the correlation between gun control laws and reduced gun violence.
  • Use rhetorical devices: Use rhetorical devices, such as metaphors and analogies, to help the reader understand complex concepts.

Persuasive gun control essay examples include:

  • The Second Amendment does not guarantee an individual's right to own any firearm.
  • Stricter gun control laws are necessary to reduce gun violence in the United States.
  • The proliferation of guns in society leads to more violence and higher crime rates.
  • Gun control laws should be designed to protect public safety while respecting individual rights.

Argumentative Essay on Gun Control

A gun control argumentative essay is designed to present a clear argument for or against gun control policies. To write an effective argumentative essay, the writer must present a well-supported argument and refute opposing arguments. Here are some tips to help you write an argumentative essay on gun control:

an Argumentative Essay on Gun Control

  • Choose a clear stance: Choose a clear stance on gun control policies and develop a thesis statement that reflects your position.
  • Research : Conduct extensive research on gun control policies and use credible sources to back up your argument.
  • Refute opposing arguments: Anticipate opposing arguments and provide counterarguments to strengthen your position.
  • Use evidence: Use evidence to back up your argument. For example, you could use data to show the correlation between gun control laws and reduced gun violence.
  • Use logical reasoning: Use logical reasoning to explain why your argument is valid.

Examples of argumentative essay topics on gun control include:

  • Gun control laws infringe upon individuals' right to bear arms and protect themselves.
  • Gun control laws are ineffective and do not prevent gun violence.

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How to Choose a Good Gun Control Topic: Tips and Examples

Choosing a good gun control topic can be challenging, but with some careful consideration, you can select an interesting and relevant topic. Here are seven tips for choosing a good gun control topic with examples:

  • Consider current events: Choose a topic that is current and relevant. For example, the impact of the pandemic on gun control policies.
  • Narrow your focus: Choose a specific aspect of gun control to focus on, such as the impact of gun control laws on crime rates.
  • Consider your audience: Consider who your audience is and what they are interested in. For example, a topic that appeals to gun enthusiasts might be the ethics of owning firearms.
  • Research : Conduct extensive research on gun control policies and current events. For example, the impact of the Second Amendment on gun control laws.
  • Choose a controversial topic: Choose a controversial topic that will generate discussion. For example, the impact of the NRA on gun control policies.
  • Choose a topic that interests you: You can choose an opinion article on gun control that you are passionate about and interested in. For example, the impact of mass shootings on public opinion of gun control.
  • Consider different perspectives: Consider different perspectives on gun control and choose a topic that allows you to explore multiple viewpoints. For example, the effectiveness of background checks in preventing gun violence.

Effective Tips

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Pro-Gun Control Essay Topics

Here are pro-gun control essay topics that can serve as a starting point for your research and writing, helping you to craft a strong and persuasive argument.

  • Stricter gun control laws are necessary to reduce gun violence in America.
  • The Second Amendment was written for a different time and should be updated to reflect modern society.
  • Gun control and gun safety laws can prevent mass shootings and other forms of gun violence.
  • Owning a gun should be a privilege, not a right.
  • Universal background checks should be mandatory for all gun purchases.
  • The availability of assault weapons should be severely restricted.
  • Concealed carry permits should be harder to obtain and require more rigorous training.
  • The gun lobby has too much influence on government policy.
  • The mental health of gun owners should be considered when purchasing firearms.
  • Gun violence has a significant economic impact on communities and the nation as a whole.
  • There is a strong correlation between high gun ownership rates and higher gun violence rates.
  • Gun control policies can help prevent suicides and accidental shootings.
  • Gun control policies should be designed to protect public safety while respecting individual rights.
  • More research is needed on the impact of gun control policies on gun violence.
  • The impact of gun violence on children and young people is a significant public health issue.
  • Gun control policies should be designed to reduce the illegal gun trade and access to firearms by criminals.
  • The right to own firearms should not override the right to public safety.
  • The government has a responsibility to protect its citizens from gun violence.
  • Gun control policies are compatible with the Second Amendment.
  • International examples of successful gun control policies can be applied in America.

Anti-Gun Control Essay Topics

These topics against gun control essay can help you develop strong and persuasive arguments based on individual rights and the importance of personal freedom.

  • Gun control laws infringe on the Second Amendment and individual rights.
  • Stricter gun laws will not prevent criminals from obtaining firearms.
  • Gun control laws are unnecessary and will only burden law-abiding citizens.
  • Owning a gun is a fundamental right and essential for self-defense.
  • Gun-free zones create a false sense of security and leave people vulnerable.
  • A Gun control law will not stop mass school shootings, as these are often premeditated and planned.
  • The government cannot be trusted to enforce gun control laws fairly and justly.
  • Gun control laws unfairly target law-abiding gun owners and punish them for the actions of a few.
  • Gun ownership is a part of American culture and heritage and should not be restricted.
  • Gun control laws will not stop criminals from using firearms to commit crimes.
  • Gun control laws often ignore the root causes of gun violence, such as mental illness and poverty.
  • Gun control laws will not stop terrorists from using firearms to carry out attacks.
  • Gun control laws will only create a black market for firearms, making it easier for criminals to obtain them.
  • Gun control laws will not stop domestic violence, as abusers will find other ways to harm their victims.
  • Gun control laws will not stop drug cartels and organized crime from trafficking firearms.
  • Gun control laws will not stop gang violence and turf wars.
  • Gun control laws are an infringement on personal freedom and individual responsibility.
  • Gun control laws are often rooted in emotion rather than reason and evidence.
  • Gun control laws ignore the important role that firearms play in hunting and sport shooting.
  • More gun control laws will only give the government more power and control over its citizens.

Example Essays

Whether you have been assigned to write a gun control research paper or essay, the tips provided above should help you grasp the general idea of how to cope with this task. Now, to give you an even better understanding of the task and set you on the right track, here are a few excellent examples of well-written papers on this topic:

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Final Words

In conclusion, writing a sample rhetorical analysis essay requires careful analysis and effective use of persuasive techniques. Whether you are a high school student or a college student, mastering the art of rhetorical analysis can help you become a more effective communicator and critical thinker. With practice and perseverance, anyone can become a skilled writer and excel in their academic pursuits.

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Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

satire essay examples on gun control

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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Gun Control Essay: Goals, Topics, And How to Write

13 October, 2020

14 minutes read

Author:  Mathieu Johnson

The issue of gun control is yet one of the top topics for heated debates. Some people have rather a negative opinion regarding gun control; others support it and believe that loose gun control rules lead to violence and devastation. And since the topic of gun control is represented by a multitude of contrasting opinions, it might be the topic for your next college paper.

gun control essay

The subject of gun control is an ongoing question, that is why many students either get assigned  a gun control essay or do so for personal motives. What to include in your gun control essay and how to outline your ideas? You can find the answers to your questions in this guide.

gun control argumentative essay sample

Gun Control Essay: Definitions, Goals & Topics

Once you get assigned a gun control essay, you first need to make sure that you fully understand what a paper’s main idea is. As you can tell from the name ‘gun control essay’, such an essay asks you to indicate your opinion regarding restrictive regulations of gun use and production. While most countries have been limiting gun possession to minimize the risk of innocent people dying, the USA hasn’t. On the contrary, the US has persuasive gun control, meaning that almost anyone can buy and hold a gun. Many people share an idea that gun possession should be limited and permitted only to particular categories of people, that is why the question is very ongoing.  So the most critical goal of a gun control essay is to present reasonable ideas about why people need or don’t need gun control. 

Some of the compelling and relevant topics for a gun control essay may be:

  • Gun ownership promotes violence among young people
  • Gun ownership is unlikely to prevent some people from murdering 
  • Gun possession as the only way to protect oneself
  • The wide accessibility of guns is the reason for suicides in the US

Gun Control Essay Titles

When writing a pro gun control essay, your initial task is to pick an intriguing, catchy title. You shouldn’t underestimate the importance of such a step if your goal is to attract the reader’s attention and make them aware of a topic. The thing to keep in mind is intriguing the audience and making them willing to take a deep dive into the subject. If you have no precise vision of which title to choose, take a look at a few tips we prepared for you.

First and foremost, you need to have a precise position regarding gun control in America. Are you a supporter, or are you firmly against gun control? Since there is yet a heated debate on this issue in the USA, you can decide to write either a for or against essay on gun control. 

Titles supporting gun control: 

  • Violence has never solved any problem
  • Guns out of control: why should innocent people die?
  • Youth violence as the result of no gun control

Titles opposing gun control:

  • Gun control won’t prevent people from killing 
  • Gun control: why should we sacrifice our lives just because we can’t defend ourselves?
  • Illegal weapons trade as the only guaranteed outcome of gun control.

Gun Control Essay Structure

Most likely, you already know that a good structure largely predicts the success of a gun control argumentative essay. Whenever you are willing to present your opinion on a specific issue and want to convince the audience that your arguments are valid, you should sound logical. The ultimate way to make your gun control essay structure coherent and comprehensive is to draw an outline and plan the essay thoroughly. To assure that your argumentative essay on gun control communicates your idea to the reader, make sure to follow the structure that includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.


It would help if you organized your gun control essay introduction in a way that serves as an attention grabber. Namely, you can feel free to include some rhetorical question at the beginning or literally any good essay hook. To grab the reader’s attention, you may also outline some background information so that a reader grasps the idea of your gun control persuasive essay. And last but not least, don’t forget to introduce the most important part of a gun control essay outline – a thesis statement. A sound thesis statement gives a reader a general understanding of what you will cover in your essay.

Main body paragraphs’ role is to reveal what you mentioned in the thesis statement. Since your gun control essay will most likely be argumentative, you need to devote one paragraph to one argument. In each and every body paragraph, your main task is to build on some solid evidence and refer to numbers or facts to protect your position. It is better to include 3-5 body paragraphs so that the gun control essay doesn’t look messy. 

When writing a gun control essay conclusion, you should avoid adding any extra information. Try to be very precise and make sure you restate the arguments you have indicated before. All in all, your gun control essay should logically end up with a summary of all the points. The reader has to be 100% sure that he or she fully comprehended your idea. 

Best Tips For Writing Gun Control Essay

An outline is everything.

Create an outline even if you think that this step isn’t indeed necessary. Even when you have all those sparkling ideas and structure in your mind, it requires no effort to confuse them. And if we talk about an argumentative essay, it is fundamental for you as a writer to sound convincing and confident. An outline helps you to sound so. Hence, don’t neglect dedicating a few minutes to creating a helpful essay plan.  

Find some convincing evidence 

The goal of any gun control essay is to communicate an idea of why strict gun control is necessary or should be abandoned. After reading your essay, the audience will form an exact opinion: gun control is either good or bad. Try to search for some substantial evidence, numbers, particular cases that you find helpful while supporting your arguments. Otherwise, you undermine the chances of being heard. 

Write about the topic that bothers you 

Don’t try to figure up titles and topics that aren’t interesting for you. The point of a gun control essay is to make your voice heard and to be sincere while presenting your ideas. Try to give some ideas the way you see them, discuss only those topics that cannot let you stay indifferent. Only in this way will you end up with an excellent essay. 

Edit and proofread

Once your essay is ready, don’t forget to proofread it and check it at least twice. So many excellent essays get a terrible score just because some minor mistakes spoiled the general impression! You can use a wide array of means to make sure your paper is polished: ask your friends to check it, use online tools, or ask a professional essay writing and editing service to get your paper checked by an expert.

Gun Control Essay Examples

If you feel like you need to refer to an example to get a profound insight into an idea of a gun control essay, here is one for you.  

Strict gun control deprives people of their legal rights

The US is the country in which the share of people who own a gun is impressively high. Besides, there is no single country in the world that can be compared to the US by the number of firearms in the citizen’s hands. According to the official statistics, 80 percent of adults own a gun, meaning that the likelihood of  a stranger you come across in the street possessing one are unbelievably significant. Recently, several regulations attempted to restrict gun possession to impose gun control. However, gun control is not only unjustifiable, but it also deprives people of their right for self-defence and peaceful life.

First and foremost, gun control, unfortunately, does not reduce the murder and crime rates in the US. Although it should generally hold true, the statistics contradict the misbelief that limiting gun possession minimizes the number of crimes committed. The research on weapon ban which was carried out during the past twenty years demonstrates that there is no correlation between reducing gun ownership and a falling number of murder cases. The research also indicated that the states that imposed strict gun control have witnessed a larger number of crimes.

This all leads to the conclusion that imposing a ban on gun possession is not a way to fight crime. Also, as the evidence shows, the number of guns in the US had been steadily growing in the last century, and this coincided with a decrease in the number of crimes committed. Essentially, gun control is unlikely to resolve the issue of crimes, since some people are likely to commit crimes even when they have no gun at their disposal.

Another argument against gun control is that the first inevitably infringe the citizen’s rights, Namely, banning weapons contradicts the right that the constitution of the US guarantees. According to the second amendment, under no circumstances should the citizen’s rights to possess a gun  be infringed. The right to own a gun had already existed long before many countries appeared on the map. That is why many people deem gun control as a crime against humanity. Even though there is yet some logical explanation to an attempt to control gun usage and manufacturing, it still deprives US citizens of their inviolable right.

What is even more, the supreme court together with the constitution considers gun ownership as one of the liberties that all the US citizens have. Just like the freedom of speech, the space to protect oneself is crucial, and it should remain untouchable. Introducing gun control, therefore, leads to violating people’s freedom and liberties since people become incapable of even defending themselves in their property.

Gun control robs people of the right for safety and self-defence. Imposing strict gun regulations will inevitably make millions of people incapable of defending themselves if something threatens their and their close ones’ lives. According to the data represented by the National Rifle Association, the number of cases of gun usage solely for self-defence purposes equals 2.5 million times annually. People use guns to protect their families and property, but, apparently, the states find the self-defence motive weak enough. If they impose strict gun control, it means that these 2.5 million people may literally sacrifice their lives and die just because they couldn’t hold a gun legally.

The truth is, the Police are physically incapable of protecting all the people who need protection, so these people are bound to defend themselves on their own. But how to protect yourself  if you cannot even possess a gun? So far, using a weapon for self-defence has proved to be the most effective way . Therefore, depriving people of the right for self-defence or for saving other people in trouble is inhumane and unjustified.

Overall, gun control has lately become a hot topic that has both its advocates and opponents. So far, the evidence against gun control is very reasonable and convincing. Gun control robs the citizens of their exceptional right – the right to protect themselves and those in danger. Besides, gun control contradicts the second amendment, which guarantees the right to possess a gun for adult US citizens. Finally, it is unlikely to reduce the crime rate as the science hasn’t yet found any valid proof for that.

Write a Gun Control Essay with HandmadeWriting

Composing a brilliant essay about gun control is somewhat challenging due to the peculiarity of this topic. But this is not something above your capacity. Keeping all the tips in mind as well as following a precise gun control essay structure will significantly facilitate the writing process. And if you need help with writing or editing – HandmadeWriting will have you covered! At any time of day and night, essay writers at HandmadeWriting work hard to deliver top-quality papers and support students from all over the world. So if you’re struggling with your essay, feel free to get in touch with us. 

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Essays About Gun Control: 7 Best Examples and Topics for Students

Gun control is a hot topic in the United States. Here, we’ll explore some essays about gun control topics to help you learn more about this topic.

From mass shootings to second amendment rallies, gun ownership is a topic that fires up Americans. While the Constitution does promise Americans the right to bear arms, many gun control activists argue that the writers of the Constitution couldn’t have imagined the advances in gun technology—such as the development of assault weapons—that have occurred in recent years.

Pro-gun control activists cite school shootings and other mass shootings as reasons people shouldn’t own guns. In contrast, people who are against gun control policies often argue that guns, when used correctly, can stop violent events. The topic of gun control is a controversial issue for a good reason, and no matter what side of the gun control debate you’re on, it can be tough to find the right solution.

Here, we’ll take a look at essay topics that take a passionate opinion on the issue of gun control. Remember, the issue of gun control in the United States can be incredibly divisive, and it’s important that you speak carefully and respectfully in an essay about gun control to get your point across.

These essay topics delve into the intricacies of gun violence in America, helping to shed light on how the right of the people in the United States of America to use firearms interacts with the US citizens’ right to stay safe from violent crimes. For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers

Essay Examples On Gun Control

  • 1. Stop It With ‘Gun Control.’ Enough Already. By Frank Bruni
  • 2. Gun control is a lost cause. Come despair with me. By Ross K. Baker
  • 3. Why Gun Control is Now a Matter of National Security By Steven Simon and Jonathan Stevenson
  • 4. Gun control is all we have left By Kaelin Connor
  • 5. Opinion: Pushing back against gun control arguments By Cathy S. Wright

6. Imagining Gun Control In America: Understanding The Remainder Problem By Nicholas J. Johnson

7. u.s. gun policy: global comparisons by jonathan masters, 1. gun safety vs. gun control: does the language matter, 2. changing gun laws in today’s political climate, 3. gun control and national security: one in the same, 4. gun control: the only option to stop mass shootings, 5. mental health services and gun control: how the two can work together, 6. how does the national rifle association influence politics, 1.  stop it with ‘gun control.’ enough already.  by frank bruni.

“If you’re a person who doesn’t want to see our gun laws change, it makes sense that you would evoke the rhetoric of ‘gun control,’ especially in a place like America, where individual freedom is so celebrated,” said Jonathon Schuldt, an associate professor at Cornell University whose expertise includes the role of language in opinion making. “It’s much harder to justify being against ‘safety’ than it is to justify being against ‘control.’”

There’s no denying that words matter, especially with tough issues like gun control. In this essay,  New York Times  opinion columnist Frank Bruni shares the importance of language around gun control and gun safety and explains other times throughout history in which language has made a difference in garnering public support and creating lasting change.

2.  Gun control is a lost cause. Come despair with me.  By Ross K. Baker

“Let’s start with the fact that there are  enough guns in this country  so that every man, woman and child could have one. Add to that a couple of Supreme Court decisions that enshrine gun ownership alongside freedom of speech and freedom of assembly as constitutionally hallowed rights. On top of that is the fact that even such modest efforts at the state level to limiting access to guns to people deemed dangerous to themselves have proved ineffective. No better example of this is the fact that the  Indiana “red flag” law  designed to keep guns out of the hands of mentally unstable people only temporarily delayed the killer of eight people in Indianapolis from getting his hands on the weapon used to take their lives.”

According to  USA Today  opinion columnist Ross K. Baker, gun control in the United States has become a non-issue, falling to the wayside with bills requesting changes to the national anthem. Baker explains how each state’s right to dictate their gun control laws means that people are simply travelling further—and becoming more sneaky—to get the guns they want without red tape. Baker states that with the current political standing of Congress, there’s no way to change gun laws in a way that impacts the devastating number of mass shootings that occur in the United States each year.

3.  Why Gun Control is Now a Matter of National Security  By Steven Simon and Jonathan Stevenson

“We share Biden’s view that the level of U.S. gun violence is a “national embarrassment.” But as National Security Council veterans who have specialized in counterterrorism—with direct experience involving far-right American terrorism, burgeoning jihadism, and Northern Irish extremism in the 1990s—we also see a new threat rising, one that has the potential to change the urgency of the debate: the growing, and heavily armed, American militia movement, which made a show of force on January 6.”

In this  Politico  essay, authors Simon and Stevenson dig into the events of the January 6th attempt of a right-wing militia to take over the United States Capitol. The pair discusses the dangers of such groups having access to semiautomatic weapons. According to Simon and Stevenson, while these groups would not stand a chance against the United States military, they could easily cause mass casualty scenarios.

4.  Gun control is all we have left  By Kaelin Connor

“The U.S. has one of the  worst gun violence incidents  of any high-income country. It makes sense why out of  100,000 people in America, 12  die by a gun. To buy a gun at any large box store, like Walmart, it’s  required  to have a background check sent to the FBI. They look for things like criminal convictions, domestic violence and citizenship status. However, denials only occur less than  one percent of the time .”

In this essay for  The Battalion , Connor discusses the injuries and deaths in the United States each year due to gun violence. She explains the differences between the processes of purchasing a gun at a big box store versus purchasing a gun at a gun show and discusses the lack of action taken by Congress to change gun laws in recent years, despite school and mass shootings frequently happening in the United States.

5.  Opinion: Pushing back against gun control arguments   By Cathy S. Wright

“I agree that laws should be enforced, “A slap on the wrist does not do it.” However, we see this happening when lax prosecutors allow criminals to evade a city’s gun control laws with a free pass, such as in neighboring New York City. Progressive gun grabbers say it would be a disaster for public safety if the Supreme Court were to strike down any of New York’s firearms laws, yet city prosecutors do not pursue serious punishment for violating those draconian laws. How can this possibly make any sense if you have the toughest laws in the nation, but those laws are not meaningfully enforced against criminals?”

This opinion essay discusses the importance of providing mental health services to address the root of gun violence rather than simply stopping access to guns for people deemed incompetent. Wright also discusses the importance of enforcing gun control laws rather than hitting violators with “a slap on the wrist” when these laws are broken. The author states that when criminals know penalties are lax for violating gun control laws, they’re more likely to continue breaking laws and dealing with the penalty.

“None of these measures have been particularly successful and, upon reflection, have been somewhat peculiar. We have pressed supply-side rules at the margin-e.g., with prospective limits on supply and restrictions on obscure categories of guns-all while denying that disarmament is the ultimate goal.5 This recipe for gun control has yielded disappointing results.”

In this opinion essay, Johnson both includes factors that have contributed to his thoughts on gun control and presents compelling legal evidence to prove his argument. Johnson expertly discusses how laws that demand changes in gun supply are symbolic only and shares why he believes these laws will not work to change gun violence rates in the United States.

“The United States, with less than 5 percent of the world’s population, has 46 percent of the  world’s civilian-owned guns , according to a 2018 report by the Switzerland-based Small Arms Survey. It ranks number one in firearms per capita. The United States also has the highest homicide-by-firearm rate of the world’s most-developed nations. But many gun rights proponents say these statistics do not indicate a causal relationship.”

In this essay, Masters compares gun law in the United States with other countries and presents a correlation between gun ownership rates and gun homicides. Masters uses statistics to back up his thoughts and details how other countries work to lower gun violence rates.

Gun Control Essay Topics

When writing an essay about the terms used to talk about gun control, it’s important to talk about how the issue of control has been handled by American citizens in the past (you may want to contrast questions in the United States around women’s rights issues). You’ll also want to talk about how gun control laws are, in fact, gun safety laws and talk about how gun control laws have the potential to lower the number of gun-related deaths in the United States. 

Essays About Gun Control: Changing Gun Laws In Today's Political Climate

Each state has the right to create laws around gun control, which many activists feel makes creating national gun control laws a losing battle. Some people travel to other states to obtain guns that are illegal in their state, making gun control laws ineffective. Some people feel that gun control laws in less-restrictive states contribute to many mass shootings each year in the United States. 

Many people feel that access to semiautomatic weapons creates the possibility of a small group of citizens causing a mass casualty scenario. An essay about gun control and national security talks about how gun control laws have changed over time and dig into the statistics on how many mass shootings are related to access to semiautomatic weapons each year. 

Sadly, mass shootings are a regular occurrence in the United States. In your essay about gun control and mass shootings, discuss the injuries and deaths in the United States each year due to gun violence. Be sure to explain the differences between the processes of purchasing a gun at a big box store versus purchasing a gun at a gun show and discuss the lack of action taken by Congress to change gun laws in recent years, despite school and mass shootings frequently happening in the United States.

In an essay on mental health services and gun control, you’ll want to discuss the importance of providing mental health services to address the root of gun violence rather than simply stopping access to guns for people who are deemed incompetent. Many people who commit violent acts struggle to deal with issues in their own lives. Some people who are against gun control laws feel that controlling access to guns would not stop violent acts; rather, it would cause people struggling with mental health issues that result in violence to find other ways to commit violent acts. 

There’s no question that the National Rifle Association influences American politics. Still, it can be tough to figure out exactly how the organisation influences elections, policy, and other factors. In your essay about how the NRA affects politics, you’ll need to dig deep to touch on how the NRA plays a role in American politics and lawmaking. 

While the influence the NRA plays can be tough to pin down, there are concrete statistics that make it clear that the NRA’s political involvement directly influences sales: for example, when  Smith and Wesson worked with the Clinton Administration  to alter their products, their sales dipped dramatically—due to an NRA boycott of the company.

When researching how the NRA is connected to politics, learn more about how current political leaders are connected with the NRA. This information changes with time, and it’s important to ensure that you’re using the latest news to support your stance.

Tip: If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

If you’d like to learn more, in this guide our writer explains how to write an argumentative essay .

satire essay examples on gun control

Amanda has an M.S.Ed degree from the University of Pennsylvania in School and Mental Health Counseling and is a National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer. She has experience writing magazine articles, newspaper articles, SEO-friendly web copy, and blog posts.

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84 Gun Control Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🔫 how to write a gun control essay: do’s and don’ts, 🏆 best gun control topic ideas & essay examples.

  • 💡 Most Interesting Gun Control Topics to Write about

❓ Gun Control Essay Questions

Writing a gun control essay can be tricky if you’ve never done it before.

However, there are some things that will make the process much easier and help you get a good grade. Here is a list of what to do and what not to do while writing an essay on gun control:

  • Don’t rely on news articles to provide you with reliable information. Some news sources may twist data in order to convey certain ideas that may not be entirely true. Similarly, you should avoid relying on politicians’ statements because they may be biased.
  • Do search scholarly articles and official reports on the topic. These types of resources often contain raw data that is more reliable than other people’s interpretations.
  • Don’t assume a position before you’ve done enough research. Although you may have a certain opinion based on your political beliefs or other people’s influences, it may prevent you from offering an unbiased view in your essay. Hence, make sure that you’ve read as much as possible on the subject before writing your gun control essay thesis.
  • Do consider gun control in a global context. Different countries and states have various laws in place to promote gun safety. Comparing various outcomes between two or more areas with different gun control laws will give you more things to write about in the paper.
  • Don’t ignore the issues related to gun control. Gun violence is among the most obvious topics that you can include in the paper. However, try to think about other issues, such as terrorism, police brutality, illegal gun dealing, and more. Reviewing the influence of gun control on other problems will give your essay more depth and might offer a new perspective on the issue.
  • Do research gun sample essays on gun control before you begin writing. These can help you to understand the full scope of the issue and the various opinions on it. A good gun control essay example may give you new thoughts on the content, structure, titles, and arguments.
  • Don’t forget about the structure. Organization and logical flow of the paper are just as important as the content. To help with this part, create a gun control essay outline containing your key points. These points should be the topic sentences, followed by related explanations or examples.
  • Do capture the reader’s attention from the beginning. Essays on controversial subjects, such as gun law problems, tend to be similar to one another. How do you think your tutor would feel if they had to go through ten or more papers with the same thoughts and arguments? To draw attention and make the reader interested in reading further, you need to ensure that your first sentence contains a hook. A good gun control essay hook may be a rhetorical question or a contented statement made by a politician.
  • Don’t forget to give your reader a proper closure. The final paragraph of the paper should offer a summary of all the themes covered, as well as your conclusions based on research. Remember that this part of the essay should not contain any new information. Instead, restate your thesis and main points and show how your interpretation of the gun control problem was influenced by this information.

Lastly, do check our site for more information on how to write an argumentative or persuasive paper!

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  • Gun Control in the United States of America Moreover, when the public is in possession of guns, it makes it hard for the police to maintain law and order since they can be entangled in a scandal.
  • Guns Should Be Controlled or Restricted in the USA The problem is in fact that the causes of the phenomenon are not only in increasing the atmosphere of violence in the society but also in the availability of the methods to realize the violent […]
  • Gun Control: Gun Reforms Could Save Lives Gun violence has been a challenge that needs to be addressed and has resulted in the deaths of people through murder, suicide, and accidents. Both of them agree that gun policies and restrictions can be […]
  • Think Tank Positions on Gun Control It is known that the arbitrary usage of the weapon brings irrecoverable losses and undermines the confidence in safe living. It is doubtful whether the professionals will come to the house of the potential offender […]
  • U.S. Gun Control and Violence The culture of conflict resolution by violence is a common theme in the history of the U.S. This culture could be one of the reasons why the U.S.records one of the highest numbers of private […]
  • Exercises for Expression: Drafting Expression About Gun Control in Pennsylvania To evoke the needed emotions from the audience, I would emphasize the effect of lax gun control measures on children and families.
  • Gun Control Debate: Problem Analysis and Studies The purpose of this paper is to analyze how empirical research in the USA evaluates the effectiveness of county legislation on the licensing of arms through its influence on the level of violent crime.
  • Gun Control: A Matter for Everybody’s Concern In fact, the policies existing in the United States regulating the rules of gun control can be evaluated as sort of frivolous and, thus, causing a row of problems for people’s safety.
  • Gun Control Policies: Pros and Cons The purpose of this paper is to analyze the benefits and limitations of gun control. Mass media remains the main source of information about weapons and contributes to the popularity of firearms in society.
  • Gun Control: In Favor of a Stronger Law However, it can be said that the gun control law is easy to formulate keeping in view the problems and highly workable within a comparatively small frame of time, say a couple of months.
  • Gun Control: Term Definition The main objective of the research would to develop a form of argumentative system that would be instrumental in helping out the policymakers and enable them to lead a normal logical conclusion on the subject […]
  • Gun Control versus the Right of Autonomy This discussion presents the ‘harm principle,’ arguments for and against the liberal interpretation of this principle, and presents Lafollette’s reasoning that the banning of guns, particularly handguns does not violate the tenets of this principle.
  • Political Sciences: Gun Control Laws The most prominent constitutional issue related to the topic is reflected in the Second Amendment that defends the individual right to keep and bear arms.
  • Gun Control in America: Public Opinion & Policies However, although the abolition of the Second Amendment will not be able to solve the problem of shooting entirely, tighter control over the possession of weapons is necessary to ensure greater security for citizens.
  • Federalism and Gun Control in the United States 2 Each type of government possesses a set of duties and powers that it can exercise in the region, and the relationship between the levels is established in the Constitution.
  • Gun Control Is Not the Answer – Education Is The issue of gun control in the US is a complicated matter due to the extensive history of violence and debates regarding the efficiency of regulations that aim to minimize access to weapons.
  • Stricter Gun Control Saves Lives! In conclusion, it is important to emphasize that gun control efforts in the USA are failing as the prevalence of violence in the streets and domestic settings is alarming.
  • Gun Control in the US: Empirical Analysis The data collected include the total number of fire arms in the US, the number of people living in poverty, number of people consuming alcohol, population between 18-24 years, and unemployment rate. The number of […]
  • Gun Control Legislation in Colorado The success of this issue is explained by the fact that this problem has occurred in the United States long ago and many people grew to support the gun control measures.
  • American Gun Control, Limits and Background Checks This shows that extensive limitations on gun ownership and sale can have a considerable impact on gun-related deaths within a country and supports the argument that amendments should be made on the Second Amendment.
  • Banning the Possession of Guns Proponents argue that the more uncontrollably the government continues to allow firearms’ possession to the public, the higher the chances of acquisition by the ‘high risks groups’ and hence threatening the public security.
  • “The Truth About Mass Shooting and the Gun Control” by Benjamin Domenech Written by Benjamin Domenech, the article, “The truth about a mass shooting and the gun control”, unravels the mysteries behind mass shootings and the ever-controversial topic of gun control.
  • The Debate on Gun Control The gun violence has led to the debate on gun control and the recent incident at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut that saw the death of 26 children has reignited the debate and President […]
  • Necessitating Gun Control Laws in the US As a matter of fact, the Second Amendment to the constitution of the United States protects the right of people to acquire and own guns.
  • Gun Control in US In order for the gun control to ensure a reduction in the rate of crimes, there should be an evaluation of the impact of the gun control policy on availability and accessibility to firearms, especially […]

💡 Most Gun Control Topics to Write about

  • Debate of Gun Control in America Those suggesting that ownership of the gun is illegal and unethical observe that the local authorities and the federal agencies in charge of the gun control policy are not doing enough in terms of policy […]
  • Gun politics in the United States The movie theatre shootings in Aurora and the more recent school shootings are examples of events that have contributed to the increased gun-control debate. In the article, the authors contribute to the debate on gun […]
  • Gun legislation in the United States The second factor that contributes to gun violence in the United States is the fact that guns are made available to the youth.
  • Gun Control Pro and Contra For instance in the United States, guns use is the main cause of most of the suicidal and homicide cases. Many Americans think that limitation of use and ownership of guns in the United States […]
  • The Evolution of Gun Control Policy in College Campus: The Path to Better Policy Making It is also important to know if the parents or one of the parents have membership in a gun club. There is a need to find out what kind of obstacles will be encountered if […]
  • Gun Control: Impact on Crime and Gun Availability This paper will set out to ascertain the impact that gun control laws have on violent crime prevalence and the number of guns available to civilians in the US.
  • Proper Gun Control in the U.S. Majority of the Americans also feel that they have the right to possess firearms hence the issue of gun control will only be against their constitutional rights.
  • Gun Control in the USA: Inconsistency, Irrationality and Improbability Indeed, taking a closer look at the problem of the use of guns, one will notice that, for the most part, people refer to high crime rates within the state to prove their point.
  • Gun Control in Deterring Repeat Offenders It would cost less to enforce gun control regulations than to constantly convict repeat offenders and withstanding the worst of their crimes.
  • Gun Registry in Canada The enacting of the law resulted to the formation of Canada Firearm Centre that was meant to foresee the implementation of the program.
  • Gun Control Is Important: Here’s Why With regard to whether an individual should have the right to own a gun, it is imperative that one knows that the right to bear arms is an individual and not a collective right.
  • Gun Laws regulating and controlling Guns Much as the opponents of firearm regulations have raised strong arguments for the need to continue owning guns, this paper states that the dangerous individuals should be stopped from handling guns in order to stop […]
  • Gun Limitation: Proponents and Opponents of Gun Control The proponents have also promised that gun control initiatives are not focused on taking away the rights of Americans to own and use firearms.
  • Gun Control Policy: Will it solve suicidal shootings in America? Using ethos, the author has drawn the readers to understand the situation brought by the access of guns to the young people in the United States using the case of Kameron.
  • The Gun Control Problems Either way the issue of guns is analyzed, it is clear that the higher the availability and permission to possess firearms, the more chances there are that someone will use weapons.
  • The Role of the Government in Providing Policies and Overcoming Crises: Gun Control Laws and Policies The US Government is the main authority in providing the necessary laws and policies in order to regulate all the spheres of the public’s life in the country.
  • Gun Control Debate: Security in the U.S. On the other hand, there is another group that opposes any attempt to control guns in this country, citing the security of the civilians when they are denied opportunity to own guns.
  • Good Gun Control Law Controversy A good gun control law should be under the control of the federal or central government; therefore, ensuring its inclusion in the constitution.
  • The best idea of regulating guns in the United States is restricting the purchase of bullets Reason # 1: Tracking the buyers of bullets makes it easier to regulate guns in the United States Guns are nothing but empty vessels without ammunition and so it would help a great deal if […]
  • Gun Control in United States This paper will look at various ways of gun control, the available statistics, background checks of control of guns, ownership of guns and the measures that the United States government has taken to control spread […]
  • Should Guns be Limited? We will also aim to show that, contrary to what the majority of na ve people believe, the introduction of more and more gun control laws results in the drastic increase of violent crime rates, […]
  • Justice on guns control The argument that possession of the guns by the civilians protects them against the tyranny of the state is frequently advanced.
  • Gun Control in Society Being in possession of a gun would allow the individual to employ own capacities for self-protection. On the contrary, more awareness of weapons should be introduced to ensure a higher self-confidence and security among the […]
  • Legislative Bans: For and Against the Gun Control The standard checks ensure the medical drugs in use are of superior quality and of higher benefit to the people. Gun control is the legal limitation on the use and ownership of a gun.
  • Gun Control: A Case Against Gun Ownership Arguments that current gun control measures are paving the way for a ban on all private ownership of guns are therefore alarmist in nature and should be ignored.
  • Obama’s Speech on the Issue of Gun Control In the case of the speech “Obama on Gun Control” this takes the form of the President attempting to convince the American public of the righteousness of his cause on the basis of the image […]
  • Gun Control in the USA This clause states, “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a state the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”.
  • Are Gun Control Laws in the U.S. Protecting Us?
  • Will Gun Control Stop Harm or Protect Citizens?
  • What Should and Shouldn’t Be Allowed for Better Gun Control?
  • Should America Have Stronger Gun Control Laws?
  • Where Do Ted Cruz and Beto Orourke Stand in the Debate Over Gun Control?
  • How Should the Gun Control Laws Be Less Restrictive?
  • Who Supports Gun Control?
  • Will Stricter Gun Control Laws Hurt This Country?
  • Should Anti-gun Control Be Banned?
  • Why Does America Need Stricter Gun Control Laws?
  • Does America Need Tighter Gun Control, or Is the Problem Intrinsic to Society?
  • Why Won’t Gun Control and Ban on Certain Guns Work in the United States?
  • Can Gun Control Prevent Mass Shootings?
  • Why Does Gun Control Need to Be Implemented?
  • Does Gun Control Control Crime?
  • Why Have Most Attempts to Pass Federal Gun Control Legislation Failed?
  • Are Stricter Gun Control Laws Needed?
  • Why Do People Feel Gun Control Is Unfair?
  • Does Gun Control Infringe on a Person’s Constitutional Rights?
  • Why Should Gun Control Laws Be Stricter?
  • Can Gun Control Solve the Epidemic of Gun Violence?
  • Why Does the United States Not Need Gun Control?
  • Does Gun Control Lower Crime Rates?
  • Are the Laws for Gun Control Sufficient, or Should There Be More?
  • Does Gun Control Work or Is the Wrong Issue Being Addressed?
  • How Much Gun Control Does America Need?
  • Will Gun Control Reduce Crime?
  • What Role Should the Government Play in Gun Control?
  • Why Should the Gun Control Law Be Allowed?
  • Will Gun Control Cause Any Changes in Society?
  • Youth Violence Research Topics
  • Crime Ideas
  • Police Brutality Questions
  • Organized Crime Titles
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  • Criminal Justice Essay Topics
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 27). 84 Gun Control Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"84 Gun Control Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 27 Feb. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '84 Gun Control Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 27 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "84 Gun Control Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 27, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "84 Gun Control Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 27, 2024.


IvyPanda . "84 Gun Control Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." February 27, 2024.

satire essay examples on gun control

Gun Control Argumentative Essay: The Definitive Guide

satire essay examples on gun control

What Is Gun Control?

Gun control refers to the regulation and management of firearms within a given jurisdiction. It involves the creation and enforcement of laws, policies, and measures aimed at restricting the possession, use, and distribution of firearms. The objectives of gun control vary, but they often include enhancing public safety, preventing gun-related crimes, reducing the likelihood of mass shootings, and addressing concerns about domestic violence.

Gun control measures can encompass a range of policies, such as background checks for gun buyers, restrictions on the types of firearms and accessories available for civilian use, waiting periods before obtaining a firearm, and limitations on the number of firearms an individual can own. Additionally, some jurisdictions may implement licensing requirements, mandatory firearm registration, and regulations regarding the storage and carrying of firearms.

Debates surrounding gun control often involve discussions about individual rights, constitutional interpretations (such as the Second Amendment in the United States), and the balance between personal freedoms and public safety. Advocates for gun control argue that it is necessary to curb gun violence and prevent tragedies, while opponents may emphasize the importance of individual liberties and the right to bear arms for self-defense.

Overall, gun control is a complex and contentious issue that involves finding a balance between protecting public safety and respecting the rights of individuals to own firearms.

How to Choose a Topic for Argumentative Essay on Gun Control?

Choosing an argumentative essay on gun regulation involves considering various factors to ensure that your topic is relevant and engaging, allowing for a thorough exploration of the issue. Here are some tips to help you choose a compelling argumentative essay topic on gun control:

1. Define Your Position

  • Consider your stance on the issue. Are you in favor of stricter gun control measures, or do you argue for more permissive policies? Understanding your position will guide your topic selection.

2. Consider Current Events

  • Look at recent news and developments related to gun control. Timely and relevant topics often generate more interest and provide an opportunity to engage with current debates.

3. Narrow Down the Focus

  • Gun control is a broad topic. Narrow it down to a specific aspect or angle that interests you. For example, you could focus on the impact of gun control on reducing crime, the effectiveness of background checks, or the constitutional implications.

4. Research Available Data

  • Ensure that there is enough research material available on your chosen topic. Access to credible sources and data will strengthen your argument and provide evidence to support your claims.

5. Consider the Audience

  • Consider your target audience and choose a topic that resonates with their interests and concerns. Tailoring your argument to your audience can make your argumentative essay more persuasive.

6. Explore Both Sides

  • Choose a topic that allows for a balanced discussion. Exploring both sides of the argument demonstrates a thorough understanding of the issue and can make your argumentative essay more nuanced and convincing.

7. Avoid Extreme Positions

  • While it's important to have a clear stance, avoid overly extreme positions that may alienate readers. Aim for a topic that allows for a reasonable and well-supported argument.

8. Address Local or Global Perspectives

  • Consider whether you want to focus on gun control at a local, national, or global level. Different regions may have unique challenges and perspectives on the issue.

9. Check Assignment Guidelines

  • Ensure that your chosen topic aligns with the guidelines and requirements of your assignment. Check for any specific instructions provided by your instructor.

10. Personal Connection

  • If you have a personal connection or experience related to gun control, it can add depth and authenticity to your argumentative essay. However, be mindful of maintaining a balanced and evidence-based argument.

By carefully considering these factors, you can choose a great argumentative essay topic on gun control that allows for a thorough exploration of the issue and engages your readers.

How to Write a Gun Control Argumentative Essay?

Writing a gun control argumentative essay involves presenting a clear and persuasive argument on the topic. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you structure and write your argumentative essay:

1. Understand the Assignment

  • Before you start writing, make sure you understand the requirements and guidelines of your assignment. Know the purpose of your argumentative essay and any specific instructions from your instructor.

2. Choose a Strong Thesis Statement

  • Develop a concise and specific thesis statement that outlines your main argument or position on gun control. This statement should clearly convey your stance on the issue.

3. Research Thoroughly

  • Gather information from credible sources to support your argument. Look for data, statistics, expert opinions, and case studies related to gun control. Ensure that your research is balanced and addresses both sides of the issue.

4. Outline Your Argumentative Essay

  • Create a well-organized outline to structure your argumentative essay. Divide it into an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Each section should have a clear purpose and contribute to the overall coherence of your argument.

gun control argumentative essay outline

5. Write a Compelling Introduction

  • Start your argumentative essay with an engaging introduction that introduces the topic, provides background information, and ends with your thesis statement. Capture the reader's attention and set the tone for your argument.

6. Develop Strong Body Paragraphs

  • Each body paragraph should focus on a specific point or aspect of your argument. Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence and provide evidence to support your claims. Use examples, statistics, and quotations to reinforce your points.

7. Address Counterarguments

  • Acknowledge and address opposing viewpoints. Anticipate counterarguments and refute them with strong evidence and reasoning. Demonstrating awareness of alternative perspectives adds credibility to your argumentative essay.

8. Use Clear and Convincing Language

  • Write in a clear, concise, and persuasive manner. Avoid vague language and ensure that your arguments are logically presented. Use transition words to create a smooth flow between paragraphs.

9. Provide Real-Life Examples

  • Support your arguments with real-life examples or case studies. Personal stories, historical events, or current news stories can add depth to your argumentative essay and make your points more relatable.

10. Conclude Effectively

  • Summarize your main points in the conclusion and restate your thesis. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion. End with a strong closing statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader.

11. Revise and Edit

  • Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and grammar. Check for any inconsistencies or gaps in your argument. Consider seeking feedback from peers or instructors to improve the overall quality of your argumentative essay.

12. Format According to Guidelines

  • Ensure your argumentative essay follows the required formatting guidelines, including citation style (APA, MLA, etc.). Properly cite all sources used in your research.

By following these steps, you can craft a well-structured and persuasive gun control argumentative essay that effectively communicates your position on the topic.

satire essay examples on gun control

Gun Control Argumentative Essay Topics

Here’s a list of excellent argumentative essay topics on gun control to use in writing your argumentative paper. If you like any of the topics but have no time to develop them properly in a written form, please consult our argumentative essay writing service .

  • Stricter laws could help reduce gun violence.
  • Background checks may prevent crimes involving guns.
  • The Second Amendment's role in individual rights and public safety is unclear.
  • Checking mental health might improve gun control efforts.
  • Countries with fewer guns tend to have lower homicide rates.
  • Gun lobbyists have a significant impact on making laws.
  • Arming teachers may not be the best idea for school safety.
  • Gun shows contribute to unregulated gun sales.
  • Gun buyback programs aim to make communities safer.
  • Community policing could be better for public safety than strict gun control.
  • Access to firearms affects domestic violence rates.
  • Preventing mass shootings may require more than just gun control.
  • Gun control may affect racial groups differently.
  • Concealed carry laws may impact personal protection and public safety.
  • Smart guns and new technology aim to make firearms safer.
  • America's love for guns impacts gun control discussions.
  • Deciding on gun laws raises questions about federal vs. state control.
  • Gun violence has significant economic costs to society.
  • Learning from other countries may inform better gun control approaches.
  • Media plays a role in shaping public perception of gun control issues.

Gun Control Argumentative Essay Topics

Pro-Gun Control Argumentative Essay Topics

Stricter gun control regulations get all the hype nowadays, given the recent events in the United States. It may be a smart choice to examine pro-gun control topics if you want to draw readers’ attention.

  • Making background checks universal can help control guns.
  • Waiting periods before buying guns may prevent impulsive violence.
  • Strict licensing for guns is necessary for public safety.
  • Banning high-capacity magazines can reduce the severity of mass shootings.
  • Smart gun technology enhances safety and limits unauthorized use.
  • Mental health screening should be a part of gun purchases.
  • Red flag laws can prevent individuals at risk from accessing guns.
  • Understanding public opinion is crucial for effective gun control.
  • Gun control is vital in addressing domestic violence and protecting victims.
  • Examining the impact of gun-free zones on public safety is important.
  • Community policing can help collaboratively address gun violence.
  • Reducing accidental shootings involves looking at gun ownership.
  • Addressing gun trafficking requires better cooperation between federal and state authorities.
  • Gun control is crucial for reducing injuries and promoting public health.
  • Connecting gun control with suicide prevention is essential.
  • Examining the influence of corporate interests in the firearms industry is important.
  • Gun control can be a deterrent, learning from international success stories.
  • Banning assault weapons mitigates the impact of military-style firearms.
  • Stricter regulations are needed to reduce the economic cost of gun violence.
  • Promoting responsible gun ownership laws through education enhances safety and awareness.

Anti-Gun Control Argumentative Essay Topics

Always weigh in on the pros and cons of a certain topic. Although it may seem contradictory, anti-gun control topics can allow the classroom to explore an opposing point of view to understand the counterparts better and maybe come up with interesting conclusions on the matter.

  • Individual rights should prevail over stricter gun control measures.
  • The Second Amendment protects an inviolable right to resist further regulations.
  • Background checks are doubted for their efficacy in preventing crimes.
  • Waiting periods for gun purchases are seen as an infringement on personal freedom.
  • High-capacity magazines' direct link to mass shootings is challenged.
  • Pushback against smart gun technology raises concerns and critiques.
  • Mental health screening is criticized for potential stigmatization and privacy issues.
  • Red flag laws need to balance safety and individual liberties.
  • Skepticism surrounds public opinion on the need for more gun control.
  • Gun-free zones are questioned for their role in attracting criminal activity.
  • Community policing is favored over strict gun control for addressing root causes.
  • Accidental shootings raise questions about individual responsibility versus legislation.
  • Gun trafficking solutions should focus on local rather than federal measures.
  • Unintended consequences of gun control on law-abiding citizens are highlighted.
  • Doubts persist about the effectiveness of gun control in improving public health.
  • Corporate influence on gun control legislation deserves a closer examination.
  • Skepticism exists about the applicability of international approaches to local contexts.
  • The impact of an assault weapons ban on personal defense is scrutinized.
  • The economic consequences of stricter gun control are considered unintended.
  • Educational initiatives are suggested as an alternative approach to gun safety.

Gun Control Argumentative Essay Example

As we studied what gun control is, why it stirs so much controversy, and what are some great topics to write about, it’s time we analyzed one of the argumentative essay examples regarding gun control. Keep in mind – it’s for your inspirational needs only!

The Gun Control Debate: Constitutional Rights vs. Public and Personal Safety

The issue of gun control has been a contentious topic that has sparked intense debates across the United States. On the one hand, proponents argue for stricter regulations to curb the rising gun violence. On the other hand, opponents emphasize the importance of protecting individual rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment. Striking a balance between these two perspectives is essential to ensure public safety without infringing upon constitutionally protected freedoms.

The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution states, "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." This amendment has been at the center of the gun control debate, with advocates arguing that it guarantees an individual's right to own firearms for self-defense and protection against tyranny. Any attempt to restrict this right must be carefully examined to avoid violating the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens.

The alarming increase in gun violence in recent years has raised concerns about public safety. Mass shootings, homicides, and suicides involving firearms have become all too common, necessitating a reevaluation of existing gun control measures. Stricter regulations on the purchase, possession, and use of firearms are essential to prevent firearms from falling into the wrong hands and to mitigate the devastating consequences of gun-related incidents.

Implementing effective gun control measures requires finding a middle ground that respects individual rights while promoting public safety. Background checks, waiting periods, and mandatory firearm training are potential measures that can help ensure responsible gun ownership. By focusing on these aspects, the government can maintain a balance that protects both individual liberties and the collective safety of the community.

Addressing mental health issues is a crucial aspect of the gun control debate. Many incidents involving firearms are linked to individuals with untreated mental health conditions. By investing in mental health resources and integrating mental health evaluations into the gun purchase process, society can strive to prevent individuals who pose a danger to themselves or others from accessing firearms.

Comparing the gun control policies of other developed nations can provide valuable insights. Countries with stricter gun control measures often experience lower rates of gun violence. Analyzing these models can help the United States identify effective strategies that balance individual rights and public safety.

In conclusion, the gun control debate is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires careful consideration of individual rights and public safety. Striking a balance between the two is crucial to addressing the escalating gun violence while respecting the constitutional rights of citizens. By implementing sensible regulations, focusing on responsible ownership, and addressing mental health concerns, society can work towards a safer future without compromising fundamental freedoms.

Final Remark

Gun control regulation sparks considerable controversy in the United States due to deeply entrenched cultural and political factors. The country has a long-standing tradition of gun ownership dating back to its founding, with the Second Amendment enshrining the right to bear arms in the Constitution. Additionally, the historical significance of firearms in shaping American identity and the perceived importance of self-defense contribute to staunch opposition to any perceived infringement on gun rights. 

Moreover, the issue is heavily politicized, with political parties and interest groups taking firm stances on either side of the debate. Given its complexity and relevance to contemporary society, students should explore this topic through argumentative essays to gain a deeper understanding of the multifaceted factors at play, ranging from constitutional interpretation and public policy to social and cultural dynamics.

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Persuasive Speech on Gun Control

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Published: Mar 5, 2024

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Gun Control and Universal Background Checks

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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satire essay examples on gun control

The Case of Coyote V. Acme: Analyzing a Cultural Icon

This essay is about the hypothetical case of “Coyote v. Acme,” where Wile E. Coyote sues the Acme Corporation for the defective products that consistently fail him in his pursuit of the Road Runner. The essay explores how this scenario humorously critiques consumer culture and corporate responsibility. It highlights the absurdity of product liability issues through the exaggerated failures of Acme’s gadgets and Coyote’s relentless persistence. The essay also discusses themes of accountability, justice, and the relatable nature of Coyote as an underdog. The cultural impact of this satirical scenario extends beyond cartoons, serving as a commentary on consumer rights and corporate ethics.

How it works

In the realm of animated entertainment, few characters are as enduringly popular as Wile E. Coyote and his perpetual pursuit of the Road Runner. Central to this enduring appeal is the frequent and spectacular failure of Coyote’s elaborate schemes, often involving products from the fictional Acme Corporation. The humorous and exaggerated mishaps have led to the satirical “Coyote v. Acme” case, where Wile E. Coyote hypothetically sues Acme for the countless defective products that have caused him endless physical harm and humiliation.

The premise of “Coyote v. Acme” taps into a rich vein of humor and satire, cleverly critiquing consumer culture and corporate responsibility. The Acme Corporation, portrayed as a ubiquitous supplier of fantastical gadgets, is emblematic of the all-purpose, all-promising nature of many real-world companies. The fictional lawsuit is not just about the failures of these products but serves as a broader commentary on the sometimes misleading promises made by manufacturers and the frustrations of the consumers who rely on them.

One of the reasons this hypothetical case resonates so strongly is its grounding in the absurdities of product liability. In real life, consumers have the right to expect that products will function as advertised and not cause harm when used correctly. Wile E. Coyote’s repeated injuries and failures, despite following the product instructions to the letter, highlight the gap between consumer expectations and reality. This exaggeration serves to underscore the real-world frustrations when products fail to meet their advertised standards, leading to inconvenience, expense, and even physical danger.

Moreover, the character of Wile E. Coyote embodies the quintessential underdog. His relentless pursuit of the Road Runner, despite constant setbacks, engenders a mix of sympathy and amusement. Each Acme product failure not only thwarts his plans but also accentuates his persistence and ingenuity. This blend of characteristics makes Coyote a relatable figure, as many people can identify with the experience of trying, failing, and trying again in the face of repeated obstacles.

The humor in “Coyote v. Acme” is also rooted in its exaggerated physical comedy. The animation exploits the principles of cartoon physics, where characters can survive and rebound from extreme impacts that would be fatal in reality. This allows for a comedic exploration of failure without the grim consequences that would accompany such accidents in real life. The absurdity of Acme products—rocket skates, spring-loaded shoes, and dynamite sticks—contributes to the over-the-top scenarios that are both entertaining and thought-provoking.

Furthermore, “Coyote v. Acme” touches on themes of accountability and justice. In a real legal context, the case would delve into issues of negligence, product safety, and corporate ethics. The satire lies in the absurdity of Coyote’s unwavering trust in Acme, despite an endless string of defective products. It raises questions about the extent to which companies should be held accountable for their products and how much responsibility falls on the consumer for using those products. The fictional lawsuit serves as a playful yet pointed reminder of the importance of consumer protection laws and the legal frameworks that exist to hold companies accountable for their goods.

The cultural impact of Wile E. Coyote and Acme products extends beyond the cartoons themselves. They have become symbols in discussions about product liability and corporate ethics. The scenario of “Coyote v. Acme” has been referenced in legal education, humor essays, and even courtrooms to illustrate points about consumer rights and corporate responsibility. This enduring relevance speaks to the powerful way in which humor and satire can encapsulate complex legal and ethical issues in a manner that is accessible and engaging.

In summary, the hypothetical case of “Coyote v. Acme” is a brilliant example of how animated entertainment can provide more than just laughs. It offers a satirical critique of consumer culture, highlights the frustrations associated with product failures, and underscores themes of persistence and resilience. Through the lens of exaggerated humor and cartoon physics, it brings to light important questions about corporate accountability and consumer rights. The story of Wile E. Coyote and his misadventures with Acme products continues to resonate, reflecting the timeless nature of its themes and the universal appeal of its humor.


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The Case of Coyote v. Acme: Analyzing a Cultural Icon. (2024, May 21). Retrieved from

"The Case of Coyote v. Acme: Analyzing a Cultural Icon." , 21 May 2024, (2024). The Case of Coyote v. Acme: Analyzing a Cultural Icon . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 22 May. 2024]

"The Case of Coyote v. Acme: Analyzing a Cultural Icon.", May 21, 2024. Accessed May 22, 2024.

"The Case of Coyote v. Acme: Analyzing a Cultural Icon," , 21-May-2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 22-May-2024] (2024). The Case of Coyote v. Acme: Analyzing a Cultural Icon . [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 22-May-2024]

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