• • Developed new features and enhancements for the application using React and TypeScript.
  • • Implemented REST APIs to connect the application to the backend services.
  • • Optimized REST API calls to reduce load times resulting in a 15% increase in page speed.
  • • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to ensure timely delivery of project milestones.
  • • Debugged and resolved application issues to improve user experience.
  • • Developed new features and enhancements for the web application using React and AWS.
  • • Implemented and maintained backend services using Python and PostgreSQL.
  • • Optimized database queries resulting in a 40% reduction in downtime.
  • • Implemented machine learning algorithms to improve user experience resulting in a 25% increase in engagement.
  • • Developed new features and enhancements for web applications using React and SQL.
  • • Implemented responsive designs resulting in a 15% increase in mobile traffic.
  • • Collaborated with clients to gather requirements and provide technical solutions resulting in a 100% satisfaction rate.

8 React Developer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your react full stack developer resume must highlight your expertise in both front-end and back-end technologies. Make sure to showcase projects that demonstrate your mastery of React and the relevant back-end frameworks you've used. Include your experience with state management libraries and RESTful API integration. Detail your proficiency in database management and version control systems to exhibit your full stack capabilities.

All resume examples in this guide

sample resume for react developer fresher

Senior React Developer

sample resume for react developer fresher

Junior React Developer

sample resume for react developer fresher

React JS Developer

sample resume for react developer fresher

React Native Developer

sample resume for react developer fresher

React Full Stack Developer

sample resume for react developer fresher

Front End React Developer

sample resume for react developer fresher

React Redux Developer

sample resume for react developer fresher

React Full Stack Developer resume example

Resume Guide

React developer resume example, how to format a react developer resume, how to write your react developer resume experience section, how to quantify the impact on your resume, how to list your hard skills and soft skills on your resume, how to list your certifications and education on your resume, what is a good resume objective for a react full-stack developer resume, additional sections for a react full-stack developer resume, key takeaways.

By Experience

React Full Stack Developer resume example

As a React full-stack developer, you're a versatile asset. You juggle Node.js with Express, build applications, and even drive sales metrics. Your real strength? Seamlessly integrating front-end and back-end development to deliver a unified user experience. Your React developer resume should reflect this dexterity—complete, readable, yet comprehensive.

Writing your React developer resume hastily, like deploying on Firebase, may get you in the door quickly, but skimping on details is a liability. It's like coding a custom Flask application where each nuance matters.

In this article we will provide you with:

  • How to detail your React-specific experiences, such as mastery of hooks, state management, and component architecture;
  • How to summarize your career achievements in the React ecosystem;
  • How to highlight your certifications from recognized bootcamps or specialized courses in JSX or Redux.

Before you go on, there are other resume examples with guides that can be relevant for you:

  • Front-end developer resume
  • Back-end engineer resume
  • Full-Stack developer resume
  • Python developer resume
  • Node.js developer resume
  • PhP developer resume
  • .Net developer resume

React Full Stack Developer resume example

What does this resume do right?

  • Showcasing a jack-of-all-trades in programming languages: The skills section is focused on the most important programming languages, including React TypeScript, SQL, REST API, Python, C++, and AWS.
  • Using awards to build credibility : The author of this resume shares they have received a “best hackathon project”. For those who are in the field and are familiar with this award, it can help to lend credibility to your resume.
  • Quantifying achievements: One thing that this resume does really well is quantifying achievements using real percentages. The author helped provide a 25% increase in user engagement by using machine learning and algorithms. Quantifying achievements backs up your claim and gives you a solid footing to stand on when making claims.

As a developer, you know how important it is to make sure that you write quality code, as this will influence the software that you develop. In that same way, think of formatting your resume like checking your code for errors. A properly formatted resume appeals to the eye, but also is functional and able to be read by a hiring manager.

Below, you can find some of the most important things to keep in mind when formatting your resume:

The top sections on a React developer resume:

What recruiters want to see on your resume:.

As mentioned above, it’s important to make sure that your resume experience section is properly laid out, as this will be the first section that a potential hiring manager will look for. This is especially true in the IT field, where you are likely to be checked for the contributions you made in your previous roles, rather than your list of duties.

Resumes fall flat when they just become a list of things you’ve done, rather than authentic examples of how you improved your workplace through your hard work. Do your best to quantify all the claims you make in your experience section.

Below, you are going to find two examples of a resume experience section. One of them will be the right way of laying one out, and the other one will be the wrong way. Follow along so that you can better create your own resume experience section.

  • • Crafted a custom CRM which significantly increased customer retention
  • • Implemented data and security protection systems.
  • • Worked closely with the UX department, ensuring a great customer experience.
  • • Collaborated with the development team to create a product roadmap for a software product.

One of the major things that are missing from this resume experience section is quantifiable numbers. There is nothing here that proves that this person had made a substantial difference in their last position. By throwing in a number value, you’re able to showcase a bit more of what kind of impact you had.

In addition, it’s rather vague and doesn’t explain the complicated steps and processes the author of the resume made/had done to achieve these results. Maybe, for example, you used automated testing to check for bugs, which allowed you to create a greater customer experience. Share the specifics about how you achieved your goals, and you will impress a potential hiring manager.

If you’re ever stuck coming up with quantifiable examples, use the PAR (problem — action — result) formula. This is as simple as identifying a problem that you helped fix, listing the actions that you took, and sharing the result.

  • • Crafted a custom CRM using React.js and MongoDB, which resulted in a 22% increase in sales and a 25% increase in customer retention.
  • • Implemented data and security protection systems.Implemented data and security protection systems which went well beyond industry standards and regulations.
  • • Worked closely with the UX department, resulting in a more refined product which boosted customer satisfaction scores by 12%.
  • • Collaborated with the DevOps team to create a product roadmap for a software product using continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD), reducing software release times by 45%.

This resume example works because there are specific quantifiable examples that can be easily understood. In addition, the applicant in this example delves deeper into what they did to accomplish their goals. They’re using more of the Problem-Action-Result model. Not only did they collaborate with the development team, but they used continuous integration and continuous delivery to accomplish their goals. Those phrases would jump off the page for a potential manager.

Start every one of your bullet points with a power verb to make them super impactful. Examples of power words include: collaborated, developed, advocated, facilitated, and transformed.

As a React developer, you’ve likely spent more time in the trenches developing software than examining your contributions and putting real numbers to them. However, you’ve likely had to put number values on the work you’ve done, especially if you’ve had to explain your achievements to management or other departments.

Below, you’ll find a list of quantifiable achievements that the average react full-stack developer may have in their career. Be sure to look through and make notes of times when you’ve experienced such achievements:

  • Technology Stack Proficiency (React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, and GraphQL)
  • Years of Experience
  • Project Count
  • Client Satisfaction
  • Performance Improvements
  • Code Reviews
  • Development Speed
  • Bug Fixing Efficiency

How do I write a React developer resume with no experience?

One benefit of getting into the information technology field is that skills can trump experience. Even if you’re just starting out, if you’re able to showcase your skill level and competency, you may earn a position over a much more qualified candidate. It’s all about how you position yourself and the confidence that you showcase while interviewing for a position.

In addition, even if you don’t have direct experience with React Full Stack Development, you’ll likely have some applicable experience and skills, including programming languages, coding, teamwork, and problem-solving skills.

Below, you’ll find a bit more about how to position yourself as an IT professional with minimal experience:

  • Showcase a portfolio on your resume: The best thing you can do is to create a portfolio, an online and interactive tool that can showcase different projects you’ve worked on while in university or other freelance projects you’ve taken on. The goal should be to showcase your unique skill set.
  • Highlight your education section : If you’re fresh out of school, it’s always a good idea to add more to your education section to bolster your resume. For example, you may wish to include some information on projects that you completed while in university. You may also want to list your GPA and any other awards and achievements.
  • Use a hybrid resume format: If you don’t have a lot of experience, you can use a hybrid resume format which will highlight skills and experience on equal footing. This is especially important in the IT field, as you may have unique skills in certain coding languages which can set you apart from other applicants.
  • Create a standout resume objective : your resume objective is an important part of your resume, as you can showcase your career trajectory and goals and aspirations. Be sure to include quantifiable examples from your career in that objective, while also showcasing your technical know-how.

Although hard (technical) skills may have more weight in the developer role, your soft (people) skills also factor into a hiring decision. For example, you’re likely going to be working in a team environment, and therefore listing specific instances where you have excelled in this skill can give you an edge in the hiring process.

Below, you’ll find two lists, the first one listing all the hard skills a react full stack developer should include on the resume. The second will include all the soft skills to include.

Best hard skills for your React developer resume

Best soft skills for your react developer resume.

Even if you don’t have a lot of practical experience, your education and certifications can help you land your dream job. With each new programming language you learn, it opens up new opportunities as a developer and in the wider information technology field.

Here’s what you need to include when listing your education on your resume:

Best certifications for your React developer resume

Your resume objective is the first place a potential hiring manager will learn a little more about you. Think of a resume objective as an “elevator pitch”, a short, sissy explanation of who you are, what your goals are, and how you’re going to achieve them.

Most resume objectives are between 2 to 4 sentences, and you should list quantifiable examples of achievements from your career. In addition, if you’re just starting out in the career or you switched fields, be sure to include some goals and expectations that you have for your career.

What’s wrong with this resume objective?

One glaring issue with this resume objective is that it’s generic and simplistic. Nowhere in this resume objective do you see the list of programming languages that the author is proficient in, nor do we see quantifiable, real-world examples of the applicant succeeding in their role.

What does this resume object do right?

With a few minor tweaks, this resume objective has become more fleshed out. You can see here that there are quantifiable examples that show that the applicant is proficient in their skills. Not only that, they’ve also listed their certifications in the resume objective.

You may wish to include some other sections on your resume that highlight your technical skills and professional abilities as a developer. Below, you’ll see a list of the top sections you may wish to include in your resume:

  • GitHub or Portfolio Link
  • Professional Memberships
  • Awards and Achievements

React Full Stack Developer resume examples

Explore additional react full stack developer resume samples and guides and see what works for your level of experience or role.

Senior React Developer Resume Example

React Full Stack Developer position emerged from the intersection of front-end and back-end development. As such, keeping up with software development trends is crucial to obtaining this role.

Firstly, knowledge of both front-end and back-end languages is essential. Node.js, Express.js, React and MongoDB (MERN) are typical among Full Stack Developers. Illustrate your fluency in using these in your projects whenever possible.

Secondly, business logic abilities are valuable. Emphasize your experience in implementing algorithms and performing data analysis. Make sure to provide examples of how you improved operational efficiencies.

Thirdly, highlight your problem-solving skills. Showcase instances where you have identified, analyzed and solved software problems that improved the product and its performance.

Finally, don't just list your technical skills – demonstrate how those skills helped improve the product you worked on. Following the 'skill-action-results' pattern can significantly boost your application.

Front End React Developer Resume Example

Looking to build your own React Full Stack Developer resume?

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Click here to directly go to the complete JS Developer resume sample.

How to make a React JS Developer resume that not only stands out on its own but also grips the recruiter?

Have you optimized your React js developer resume for your dream job in a top company? Do you know what it takes to optimize it for an interview shortlist?

If you don't, you have landed in the right place.

Let's learn how to curate an impeccable React js developer resume from scratch. Trust us, it won't take long!

Speaking of perfection, here are the broad areas we'll cover in this guide to crafting a shortlist-worthy React JS developer resume:

  • Is React js a good career?
  • How do I write a resume for a React js developer?
  • How to highlight your React JS Developer experience in your resume?
  • What skills should a react developer have?
  • Should you create a resume summary or an objective?
  • What should a developer resume include?

Why You Need an ATS-Compliant React JS Developer Resume

Did you know that an average resume does not reach a human recruiter before it is parsed by an Applicant Tracking Software (ATS)?

The popularity of React.js is higher than other frameworks, making it a very promising career. Most companies have begun to invest in specific roles that require proficiency in this tool.


This ATS is relevant to us today because most technical recruiting teams rely on this software for preliminary screening. This means that your React js developer resume should be ATS-compatible to stand a chance of getting shortlisted.

How will your technical proficiency fare when you don't even get a chance to showcase it before the recruiter?

How to Organize Your React JS Developer Resume

Now that you know how to approach resume writing, we will now discuss the resume sections you should use to organize information in your resume for React js developer jobs.

Here are the 7 must-have resume sections :

  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Summary/Objective
  • Professional Experience

If you have more information to put in your React js experience resume, you can compile them under these resume sections:

  • Internships
  • Training & Certifications
  • Awards & Recognition
  • Volunteering Experience

To avoid the hassle of curating resume sections on your own, use Hiration's resume builder. It has an in-built React js resume template with pre-arranged sections that are positioned right where they should be.

Moreover, you can use it as the perfect reference to draft an impeccable React js experience resume that is earmarked for perfection.

How to start your React JS Developer resume?

The resume header, profile title, and personal information sections are the first three sections you should compose in your React js resume.

Create a React Resume Header

The resume header is the first section of your React js sample resume. Traditionally, it is what you write at the absolute top of your resume.

If you have been including a generic 'CV' or 'Resume' as your resume header in the past, stop right away. Instead, write your full name.

Moving on, here's a React js resume sample illustrating the ideal resume header for your React js developer resume.


Also Read: How to draft an industry-standard header

Cover Contact Information in Your React JS Resume

The personal information section of your React js sample resume should ideally consist of:

  • Functional mobile number
  • Professional Email ID
  • Current Location
  • Link to websites


In case you're curious, here's a React js resume sample demonstrating the personal information section:


Also Read: How many contact details should you include

Add a Profile Title to Your React JS Developer Resume

The profile title is the third section of your React js sample resume. Here's why it's important:

  • It communicates your current/last-held job title.
  • It communicates your functional industry or area of expertise.
  • It communicates your seniority level.
  • It communicates your potential income.

All this information just goes on to show that you need to correctly write your profile title in your React js resume.

So if you are a React JS Developer, write your profile title as it is. Example: 'React JS Developer'.

Do not oversell yourself while writing your profile title because recruiters may consider it to be false advertisement for your professional status.

And while doing so, ensure that you present yourself at the level where you rightfully belong as a developer.

Additionally, we advise you to write your profile title in the second-largest font text, preferably 14-16 points .

Here's an example of a React js resume sample illustrating a correctly written profile title for a React Developer:


Highlight Key Points in Your React JS Developer Resume

When recruiters browse through your resume, they evaluate three key sections:

Spruce Up Your Professional Experience Section

The professional experience section is the heart and soul of your React js developer resume.

This is where you include work-centric information such as the places you have worked, the job titles you have held, the duration of your work, and the nature of your responsibilities/projects.

All this put together helps you show your skill levels and expertise. These go on to decide if you be able to thrive in a new organization and if you will be able to execute the roles assigned to you.

As such, this section is incredibly important.

To make an impact on the recruiter, you have to perfect this section at all costs. Here are three ways you can achieve this:

  • Frame one-liner points, not paragraphs
  • Use the STAR format to optimize each point
  • Use grouping & highlighting to enhance the overall effectiveness


Framing Points

Framing points simply means using one-liner points to communicate the details of your work experience. Here's why you should use it:

  • Paragraphs make your resume look bulky and cluttered. It also makes your content hard to read and harder to comprehend.
  • On the contrary, using one-liner points is considered a better alternative to using paragraphs. It is reader-friendly and helps you communicate information effectively.
  • A recruiter will not read your resume in totality if it is not reader-friendly.
  • Moreover, using one-liner points also makes it easier for an ATS to parse your resume as it can be easily read & interpreted by the recruitment software.

STAR Format

Now that you know how to enhance the readability of this section, we will teach you how to optimize each one-liner point to make your resume worth reading.

Giving a bland statement of your everyday roles & responsibilities will not help you strike gold with the recruiter. To impress him/her, you need to do more.

This is where the STAR format comes in.

This is what it stands for:

  • Situation : The situation/backdrop/context of your contributions
  • Task : The actual task that was assigned to you
  • Action : The strategy you used to execute the assigned task
  • Result : The result/outcome of your action in the form of an achievement figure

Instead of formulating your statements in this manner:

  • Debugged codes & improved software

Rephrase it and present it in your resume in the following way:

  • Debugged application codes and improved interface software to improve functionality and performance by 50%

Grouping & Highlighting

Next comes grouping & highlighting.

Simply put, it means grouping similar one-liner points and grouping them under unique titles or groups.

Doing this communicates your key responsibility & expertise areas to the recruiter in one glance.

Highlighting means to bold relevant words/phrases by marking them stand out.

Highlighting words or achievement figures can easily draw the recruiter's attention to them as they stand out when they're marked in bold.

The feisty combination of grouping & highlighting thus helps you present information more effectively. It makes your otherwise long resume seem more legible and palatable.

Always remember that you need to introduce yourself as the best applicant for the targeted job profile through your resume to the recruiters.

Here's a React js resume example showcasing a perfectly composed professional experience section:


Also Read: Draft a recruiter-friendly work experience section

Key Skills Section of Your React JS Developer Resume

The key skills section is the second key section of your React js developer resume. Just like the professional experience section, this too needs to be perfect at all costs.

By creating a separate section for your react JS developer skills you make it easier for recruiters to identify your potential.

Here are some of the key skills that a recruiter looks for in a React js resume points:

Some of the technical skills that you should include in your React js resume points:

It is important because your React JD skills make you the professional that you are. It is inevitably one of the first things that a recruiter looks for in your resume.

Why? Because a recruiter wants to know if you meet the skill criteria mentioned in the JD for that particular job vacancy.

Thus, it is your job to make it easier for a recruiter to locate your React js skills in your resume. If they are not able to locate it in one go, they might lose interest in further evaluating your resume. Trust us, you do not want that.

Here's a React js resume example showcasing the perfect key skills section for your React js developer resume:


Also Read: How can you find industry-specific skills for your resume?

Add a Summary/Objective of Your React JS Developer Resume

Should you write a React js resume professional summary or an objective?

Let's find out:

  • If you have 3 years of relevant work experience, write a React js resume professional summary.
  • If you have zero to less than three years of relevant work experience, write an objective statement .

Whether you're writing a React js resume professional summary or objective, you need to perfect it at all costs. Given the fact that it gives an overview of your career trajectory, you need to make it crisp and effective.

You need to convey that you are the best fit for the job through the React js resume professional summary or objective. Here are some tips that you can implement:

  • Compose the React js resume professional summary or objective at the end.
  • This helps you scan through your resume and work experience in one go which means that it makes it easy to pick your career highlights easily.
  • Moreover, taking this approach also minimizes the scope of repeated correction. Since you have all the data with you, your only job here is to pick relevant points and present them effectively.
  • Since the React js resume professional summary or objective is more like an expertise statement, keep it short. We advise you to stick to a 3-5 lines paragraph summary or objective.

Attached below is a React js resume example showcasing a perfectly written React js resume professional summary:


Also Read: How to create an eye-catching resume summary to hook recruiters

Add Academic Details to Demonstrate Your Theoretical Knowledge

Like it or not, learning begins in school. And what nobody tells you is this:

No matter how old you grow, or how many places you have worked for; your educational background & qualifications will always stay relevant. You will be expected to present your academic information in your React JS developer resume.

So make an 'education' section in your resume and fill it with the following details:

  • Your school/university name.
  • Dates of enrollment & graduation.
  • Name of the courses you have pursued.
  • The location of your school/university.

Here's a React js resume example showcasing a perfectly composed education section:


Also Read: What is the best way to list your educational details?

React JS Developer Resume: Certifications

In addition to the education section, you can also include the certifications section to present any relevant certifications or online courses you may have done.

  • Adding the certification section helps you with your job application as it shows a recruiter that your learning curve is as active as ever.
  • It also shows that you are up-skilled and on the right path to evolving with the latest industry trends.

If you don't have any relevant certifications, we advise you to sign up for an online course that is relevant to your niche/industry. Once you do this, present the details of this certification or online course in your resume in the following manner:

  • Name of the certification or online course.
  • Name and location of the certifying body/institute.
  • Dates of enrollment and completion of the certification.

Here's a React js resume example demonstrating the ideal certifications section for your resume:


Also Read: How to include all your certifications on your resume

Use Hiration's Resume Services to Enhance Your Shortlist Chances

Now that you know how to build your React js developer resume, we wish you the best of luck! With the steps we have outlined in this guide, you will be able to make one from scratch with ease.

If time is of the essence and you need help with your resume, we have two services that might just be the right fit for you. They are:

  • Hiration's Resume Review Service
  • Hiration's Online Resume Builder

Resume Review Service

Get a review of your React js resume online with help from our Resume Strategists at Hiration. Our dedicated army of resume professionals is here to elevate your resume to the highest standards of perfection.

At Hiration, we follow the below-mentioned standards/parameters as a yardstick to review your resume for React js developer jobs:

  • Compliance with Industry Norms
  • Content Relevance
  • Recruiter Friendliness
  • Design Compatibility
  • Conversion Scope
  • ATS Compliance
  • Global Compatibility
  • Performance Assessment
  • Resume Formatting (font, margins, the order of sections, etc.)

. . . all this so you can attract more interview calls based on your resume!

Online Resume Builder

To make a perfect React js resume online, look no further. We have just the platform for you. Hiration's Online Resume Builder is an AI-powered platform that is designed to help you make an optimized React js resume online.

All you have to do is put in your data and the AI does your work for you by providing you with intuitive resume help features such as:

  • Option to save unlimited resumes
  • Intuitive next text suggestion
  • Auto bold feature
  • 25+ resume designs
  • LIVE resume score
  • JD-resume matcher
  • Full rich-text editor
  • Unlimited PDF downloads
  • 100+ pre-filled resume templates
  • 1-click design change
  • A sharable link
  • LIVE resume editor

Moreover, this platform facilitates React js resume download in PDF format. This is explicitly done to retain the structural integrity of your resume.

Get an insight into other amazing features and products of Hiration that can help you make a strong presence in the professional world:

  • Digital Portfolio Builder
  • LinkedIn Review
  • Interview Prep

Junior ReactJS Developer Resume Sample


Senior ReactJS Developer Resume Sample


React JS Developer Sample Resume

Introducing a perfectly composed React JS Developer Resume Sample with impeccable sections:

  • Identified web-based user interactions and developed highly responsive user interface components via React concepts
  • Translated designs & wireframes into high-quality code and wrote application interface code via JavaScript following React.js workflows
  • Troubleshoot interface software and debugged application codes to improve functionality and performance by 50%
  • Developed and implemented front-end architecture to support user interface concepts with 100% accuracy
  • Monitored and improved front-end performance by 15% and documented application changes & worked on updates
  • Developed the latest user-facing features using React.js and built reusable components & front-end libraries for future use
  • Optimized components for maximum performance across a vast array of web-capable devices and browsers
  • Coordinated with the development team of 35 to discuss user interface ideas and applications
  • Reviewed application requirements and interface designs to ensure compatibility with existing applications
  • Determined the structure and design of web pages based on user requirements and balanced functional & aesthetic designs
  • Created features to enhance the user experience while ensuring that the web design is optimized for smartphones
  • Employed a variety of languages such as HTML and CSS to write & create user-friendly web pages
  • Built reusable code for future use and optimized web pages for 5 applications for maximum speed and scalability
  • Managed brand consistency and enhanced the company's website by adding more features and functionality
  • Liaised with cross-functional teams to ensure that the client projects were completed on time and within a stipulated budget
  • Produced high-quality mockups & designed different prototypes and provided high-quality graphics & visual elements
  • React Certification (Full Stack Web Development) | Coursera | Dec '17
  • Top 20 percentile of the class

Our goal here is to help you curate a React.js developer resume as perfect as the one given above.

Key Takeaways

Here are the key takeaways of our React JS developer resume 2023 guide:

  • Writing a perfect React js roles and responsibilities sample resume is not enough. You need to optimize for ATS compliance too.
  • To improve your resume's chances of getting parsed by the ATS software,** enhance** its readability , optimize your resume with relevant keywords, and pick a clean design template.
  • Identify the keywords from the JD and incorporate them organically in your resume as long as they match your skills & professional expertise.
  • Double-check your contact details . It should be accurate and free of spelling errors as they are the only medium for official communication.
  • You need to perfect the professional experience section at all costs.
  • To do this, use power verbs to begin your React js resume points. This adds a tone of professionalism to the way you present your work details.
  • Use numbers/figures to quantify your achievements in this section.
  • Write a perfect React js resume professional summary advocating your suitability for the job. The best way to do this is by presenting your achievements.

Go to Hiration resume builder and create a professional resume for yourself with the help of our 24X7 chat support.

Additionally, reach out to us at [email protected] and get professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.

sample resume for react developer fresher

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React Developer Resume Template

Download in google doc, word or pdf for free. designed to pass resume screening software in 2022., react developer resume sample.

React is a front-end tool developed by Facebook. It works with JavaScript and it’s used for building desktop or mobile applications. React is actually a library and not a framework, meaning that it contains prewritten code and templates to ease the developer’s work. A React developer is a programmer who uses React/React.Js to create JavaScript-based applications.

A react developer resume template that is tailored to the software development industry

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Recruiter Insight: Why this resume works in 2022

Tips to help you write your react developer resume in 2024,    mention your proficiency with responsive web principles..

Responsive web design is a popular approach these days that consists of developing software that adapts to users’ behavior based on their device (mobile, tablet, desktop). This means that the application should respond to the screen size, orientation, and users’ preferences based on their device. React developers must have high proficiency in developing web-responsive applications, so you should indicate this in your resume.

   Demonstrate your testing and debugging skills.

Just like any other programmer, React developers must perform testing techniques to ensure there are no bugs in the platform and that everything is up and running. We could say that this is a crucial skill in terms of functionality and security, so many employers expect you to have it.

Demonstrate your testing and debugging skills. - React Developer Resume

Front-End Engineer Resume Sample

Ui developer resume sample, javascript developer resume sample, software developer resume sample.

As a hiring manager who has recruited React developers at top companies like Facebook, Airbnb, and Netflix, I've reviewed hundreds of resumes. Based on my experience, I've compiled a list of tips that will help your resume stand out and increase your chances of landing an interview. These tips are specific to React developer roles and will help you showcase your skills and experience in the best possible way.

   Highlight your React experience

Employers want to see that you have hands-on experience with React. Make sure to:

  • Built a React e-commerce app that increased sales by 20% and handled 10,000 daily users
  • Created reusable React components used across 5 projects, reducing development time by 30%
  • Implemented React hooks and context API in a project, resulting in 25% faster load times

Avoid simply listing React as a skill without providing context or examples of how you used it. Hiring managers want to see the impact of your work.

Bullet Point Samples for React Developer

   Show your contributions to projects

As a React developer, you likely work on projects with other developers. It's important to highlight your specific contributions and the results you achieved. Instead of this:

  • Worked on a team to build a React app
  • Collaborated with a team of 5 developers to build a React app that reduced customer support tickets by 30%
  • Implemented a new feature using React that increased user engagement by 15%

Quantify your contributions and show the impact of your work whenever possible.

   Include relevant personal projects

If you don't have a lot of professional React experience, personal projects can be a great way to showcase your skills. When including personal projects:

  • Built a React weather app that had 500+ users and a 4.5-star rating
  • Created a React game that was featured on a popular gaming site and had 10,000 plays

Make sure to include relevant details like the number of users, ratings, or any recognition the project received. This helps validate the quality and impact of your work.

   Showcase your problem-solving skills

React developers often face complex problems and need to find efficient solutions. Use your resume to showcase your problem-solving skills:

Optimized React component rendering, reducing load times by 2 seconds and increasing user satisfaction scores by 30%

This example shows how the candidate identified a problem (slow load times) and implemented a solution that had a measurable impact (faster load times and increased user satisfaction).

Hiring managers want to see that you can not only write code but also think critically and solve problems.

   Include relevant certifications or courses

While certifications aren't always required, they can help your resume stand out, especially if you don't have a lot of professional experience. Some examples:

  • Completed the "Advanced React" course on Udemy, learning best practices for building scalable apps
  • Earned the "React Developer" certification from freeCodeCamp, demonstrating proficiency in React hooks and Redux

Only include certifications or courses that are relevant to React development and showcase specific skills that employers are looking for.

By following these tips and tailoring your resume to each specific job, you'll be well on your way to landing your next React developer role. Remember to focus on your achievements, quantify your impact, and showcase your problem-solving skills. Good luck with your job search!

Writing Your React Developer Resume: Section By Section


A resume summary for a React Developer position is an optional section that provides a brief overview of your professional experience, skills, and career goals. While a summary is not strictly necessary, it can be useful if you are changing careers or have extensive experience that may not be immediately apparent from the rest of your resume. However, you should never use an objective statement, as it is outdated and does not provide value to the employer.

When writing your summary, focus on highlighting your most relevant skills and experiences that align with the React Developer position. Tailor your language to the specific job requirements and showcase your unique value proposition. Keep it concise and impactful, aiming for no more than 3-4 sentences.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a React Developer resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your React Developer resume, or figure out if you need one, please read React Developer Resume Summary Examples , or React Developer Resume Objective Examples .

1. Showcase your React expertise

When crafting your React Developer resume summary, it's essential to showcase your expertise in React and related technologies. Highlight your proficiency in key skills such as:

  • JavaScript (ES6+)

Avoid generic statements that could apply to any developer, such as:

  • Experienced programmer with strong problem-solving skills
  • Hardworking and detail-oriented developer

Instead, focus on specific accomplishments and skills that demonstrate your React expertise:

  • React Developer with 3+ years of experience building scalable web applications using React.js, Redux, and Node.js
  • Proficient in developing responsive user interfaces and optimizing application performance

2. Quantify your impact as a React developer

To make your React Developer resume summary more impactful, quantify your achievements and the scale of the projects you've worked on. This helps employers understand the scope of your experience and the value you can bring to their organization.

React Developer with 5+ years of experience building enterprise-level applications. Led the development of a React-based dashboard that increased user engagement by 30% and reduced page load times by 2 seconds. Collaborated with cross-functional teams to deliver projects on time and within budget.

Avoid vague statements that don't provide context or scale, such as:

  • Experienced in building React applications
  • Worked on various projects using React and Redux

Instead, focus on specific metrics and outcomes:

  • Developed a React Native mobile app that achieved a 4.8-star rating on the App Store with over 100,000 downloads
  • Contributed to the development of a large-scale e-commerce platform that processed $10M+ in annual transactions


The work experience section is the heart of your resume. It's where you highlight your most relevant and impactful professional achievements. As a React developer, this is your opportunity to showcase your technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and the value you've brought to previous employers.

In this section, we'll break down the key steps to crafting a compelling work experience section that will catch the attention of hiring managers and help you land your next React developer role.

1. Use strong, relevant action verbs

When describing your work experience, use strong, industry-specific action verbs to highlight your contributions and achievements. Action verbs help to convey your skills, responsibilities, and impact in a concise and powerful way.

Examples of strong action verbs for React developers include:

  • Developed and maintained React components for a large-scale e-commerce platform
  • Optimized application performance by implementing code splitting and lazy loading techniques
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to design and implement new features using React and Redux

Avoid using weak or generic verbs that don't effectively convey your contributions, such as:

  • Worked on React projects
  • Helped with front-end development tasks
  • Responsible for writing React code

Action Verbs for React Developer

Tip: Use the Score My Resume tool to get instant feedback on your resume's action verbs and other key criteria hiring managers look for.

2. Quantify your impact with metrics

Whenever possible, use metrics to quantify the impact of your work. This helps hiring managers understand the scale and significance of your contributions. If you don't have access to specific metrics, use numbers to provide context.

Here are some examples:

  • Reduced page load times by 40% by implementing code optimization techniques, resulting in a 20% increase in user engagement
  • Built and maintained a React component library used by 15+ development teams across the organization
  • Contributed to the development of a new feature that increased monthly recurring revenue by $50,000

Avoid vague or unquantified statements like:

  • Improved application performance
  • Created reusable components
  • Worked on a successful project

Tip: If you're struggling to identify the right metrics to include, think about how your work contributed to business goals, such as increasing revenue, reducing costs, or improving user experience.

3. Showcase your technical skills and tools

As a React developer, it's essential to showcase your technical skills and the tools you've used in your work experience. This helps hiring managers quickly assess your qualifications and determine if you're a good fit for their team.

Some key skills and tools to highlight include:

  • React frameworks and libraries (e.g., Redux, React Native, Next.js)
  • JavaScript frameworks (e.g., Angular, Vue.js)
  • Testing tools (e.g., Jest, Enzyme, Mocha)
  • Version control systems (e.g., Git, SVN)
  • CI/CD tools (e.g., Jenkins, Travis CI, CircleCI)
Developed and maintained a large-scale React application using Redux for state management, resulting in a 30% reduction in code complexity and a 20% improvement in performance. Implemented a comprehensive testing strategy using Jest and Enzyme, achieving 90% code coverage.

Tip: Use the Targeted Resume tool to ensure your resume includes the right skills and keywords for the specific React developer job you're applying for.

4. Highlight promotions and career growth

If you've been promoted or taken on increasing responsibilities in your previous roles, be sure to highlight this in your work experience section. This demonstrates your ability to grow and succeed within an organization, which is a valuable trait for any employer.

Here's an example of how to showcase a promotion:

ABC Company Senior React Developer (2019-Present) - Led a team of 5 developers to redesign and rebuild the company's e-commerce platform using React and Node.js, resulting in a 25% increase in conversion rates and a 15% increase in average order value. - Mentored junior developers and conducted code reviews to ensure high-quality, maintainable code. React Developer (2017-2019) - Developed and maintained React components for the company's web applications, collaborating with designers and back-end developers to deliver high-quality user experiences. - Implemented performance optimization techniques, reducing page load times by 30%.

By showcasing your progression and increased responsibilities, you demonstrate your ability to take on new challenges and grow within a company.

Tip: If you have a particularly impressive career trajectory, consider bolding your job titles to draw attention to your promotions and make them easy for recruiters to spot.


Your education section is a key part of your React developer resume. It shows hiring managers that you have the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in the role. In this section, we'll cover what to include and how to format your education for maximum impact.

How To Write An Education Section - React Developer Roles

1. List your degrees in reverse chronological order

Start with your most recent degree and work backwards. This is the standard format for resumes and is what hiring managers expect to see.

Here's an example of how to list your education:

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science University of California, Los Angeles Graduated: May 2020 GPA: 3.8

If you have multiple degrees, list them in separate entries. Only include relevant degrees; there's no need to list your high school diploma if you have a college degree.

2. Highlight relevant coursework and projects

If you're a recent graduate or have limited work experience, you can bolster your education section by listing relevant coursework, projects, or achievements. This shows employers that you have hands-on experience with the skills they're looking for.

Some examples of relevant coursework for a React developer might include:

  • Web Development
  • JavaScript Programming
  • User Interface Design
  • Data Structures and Algorithms

Be selective and only include coursework that is directly relevant to the job you're applying for. Avoid listing introductory or general education courses.

3. Keep it concise if you're an experienced developer

If you have several years of work experience as a React developer, your education section should be short and to the point. Hiring managers will be more interested in your professional experience and accomplishments.

Here's an example of what not to do:

  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, XYZ University, Graduated 2010
  • Relevant Coursework: Intro to Programming, Data Structures, Algorithms, Web Development, Database Systems, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Software Engineering
  • Dean's List: Fall 2008, Spring 2009

Instead, keep it concise like this:

B.S. Computer Science, XYZ University


The skills section of your resume is a critical component that showcases your technical abilities and expertise to potential employers. As a React developer, it's essential to highlight your proficiency in the relevant technologies and frameworks that are in high demand in the industry. In this section, we'll guide you through the process of crafting a compelling skills section that will catch the attention of hiring managers and help you stand out from the competition.

How To Write Your Skills Section - React Developer Roles

1. Categorize your React skills

When listing your skills, it's important to organize them in a way that makes it easy for hiring managers to quickly assess your expertise. Consider grouping your skills into categories such as:

  • Front-end technologies : HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • React-specific skills : React, Redux, React Native, JSX
  • Testing and debugging : Jest, Enzyme, React Testing Library
  • Build tools and workflows : Webpack, Babel, Git, Agile methodologies

By categorizing your skills, you demonstrate a clear understanding of the various aspects of React development and show that you have a well-rounded skill set.

When categorizing your skills, prioritize the ones that are most relevant to the job you're applying for. Review the job description carefully and make sure to include the key skills and technologies mentioned.

2. Specify proficiency levels for your React skills

Hiring managers want to know not just what skills you have, but also how proficient you are in each one. Consider using proficiency levels to indicate your expertise:

React (Expert) JavaScript (Advanced) Redux (Intermediate) HTML/CSS (Advanced) Jest (Beginner)

By specifying your proficiency levels, you give hiring managers a clear picture of your strengths and areas where you may need further development. Be honest about your proficiency levels, as you may be asked to demonstrate your skills during the interview process.

If you're not sure how to assess your proficiency levels, consider taking online courses or certifications that provide a standardized measure of your skills. This can also help you identify areas where you need to improve.

3. Tailor your skills to the job description

When applying for a React developer position, it's crucial to tailor your skills section to the specific requirements of the job. Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter resumes based on keywords, so make sure to include the skills and technologies mentioned in the job description.

For example, if the job description emphasizes experience with Redux and Jest, make sure to include those skills in your resume. However, avoid simply listing every skill mentioned in the job description, as this can come across as insincere.

React Redux Jest JavaScript HTML/CSS Node.js Express.js MongoDB

Instead, focus on the skills that you have actual experience with and that are most relevant to the position.

To ensure that your resume is optimized for ATS and includes the right skills, consider using a tool like Resume Worded's Targeted Resume . It analyzes your resume against the job description and provides feedback on which skills and keywords to include.

4. Highlight your unique React projects and accomplishments

In addition to listing your skills, consider highlighting any unique projects or accomplishments that demonstrate your expertise in React development. This can include:

  • Open-source contributions to React libraries or tools
  • Personal projects that showcase your React skills
  • Freelance or consulting work where you used React to deliver successful outcomes

By showcasing your practical experience with React, you demonstrate to hiring managers that you have the ability to apply your skills in real-world situations and deliver results.

Contributed to the development of an open-source React component library, resulting in 500+ stars on GitHub Built a personal project using React and Redux, resulting in a 20% increase in user engagement Consulted with a startup to build a React-based dashboard, resulting in a 50% reduction in development time

When highlighting your projects and accomplishments, focus on the outcomes and impact of your work. Use metrics and data to quantify your contributions and show the value you can bring to the organization.

Skills For React Developer Resumes

Here are examples of popular skills from React Developer job descriptions that you can include on your resume.

  • Web Services
  • Software as a Service (SaaS)
  • Agile Methodologies
  • Microservices
  • Technical Leadership
  • Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  • Distributed Systems

Skills Word Cloud For React Developer Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on React Developer job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more likely you should include it in your resume.

Top React Developer Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

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Improve your React Developer resume, instantly.

Use our free resume checker to get expert feedback on your resume. You will:

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It's instant, free and trusted by 1+ million job seekers globally. Get a better resume, guaranteed .

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React Developer Resumes

  • Template #1: React Developer
  • Template #2: React Developer
  • Template #3: Front-End Engineer
  • Template #4: UI Developer
  • Template #5: JavaScript Developer
  • Template #6: Software Developer
  • Skills for React Developer Resumes
  • Free React Developer Resume Review
  • Other Engineering Resumes
  • React Developer Interview Guide
  • React Developer Sample Cover Letters
  • Alternative Careers to a Software Engineer
  • All Resumes
  • Resume Action Verbs

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React Developer Resume Examples

This guide provides you with React Developer resume examples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder. Below you'll find our how-to section that will guide you through each section of a React Developer resume and you'll be closer than ever to landing your dream job.

React Developer Resume Example

React Developer Resume Example

React Developer resume

Junior React Developer Resume Example

Junior React Developer Resume

Senior React Developer Resume Example

Senior React Developer resume

How to Write a React Developer Resume?

To write a professional React Developer resume, follow these steps:

  • Select the right React Developer resume template.
  • Write a professional summary at the top explaining your React Developer’s experience and achievements.
  • Follow the STAR method while writing your React Developer resume’s work experience. Show what you were responsible for and what you achieved as a React Developer.
  • List your top React Developer skills in a separate skills section.

How to Write Your React Developer Resume Header?

Write the perfect React Developer resume header by:

  • Adding your full name at the top of the header.
  • Add a photo to your resume if you are applying for jobs outside of the US. For applying to jobs within the US, avoid adding photo to your resume header.
  • Add your current React Developer to the header to show relevance.
  • Add your current city, your phone number and a professional email address.
  • Finally, add a link to your portfolio to the React Developer resume header. If there’s no portfolio link to add, consider adding a link to your LinkedIn profile instead.

Bad React Developer Resume Example - Header Section

John Doe 1887 Jehovah Drive, Fredericksburg, Virginia, 22408 Marital Status: Married, email: [email protected]

Good React Developer Resume Example - Header Section

John Doe, Fredericksburg, Virginia, Phone number: +1-555-555-5555, Link: linkedin/in/johndoe

Make sure to add a professional looking email address while writing your resume header. Let’s assume your name is John Doe - here is a formula you can use to create email addresses:

For a React Developer email, we recommend you either go with a custom domain name ( [email protected] ) or select a very reputed email provider (Gmail or Outlook).

How to Write a Professional React Developer Resume Summary?

Use this template to write the best React Developer resume summary: “React Developer with [number of years] experience of [top 2-3 skills]. Achieved [top achievement]. Expert at [X], [Y] and [Z].”

React Developer Resume Summary - Example

Wrote my first “hello world program” back in 2014, and have been hooked on building Javascript based apps ever since then. I have 5+ years of experience of developing scalable and maintainable React applications for enterprises.

Senior React Developer Resume Summary - Example

I’m an extremely organized and efficient self starter, with proven ability in React app development, server architecture, DevOps, automation, data engineering, and troubleshooting.

Senior React Developer with over 10 years of experience. A detailed oriented front end developer poised to leverage breadth of experience building user-focused web applications with most up-to-date tools, frameworks, and Javascript.

How to Write a React Developer Resume Experience Section?

Here’s how you can write a job winning React Developer resume experience section:

  • Write your React Developer work experience in a reverse chronological order.
  • Use bullets instead of paragraphs to explain your React Developer work experience.
  • While describing your work experience focus on highlighting what you did and the impact you made (you can use numbers to describe your success as a React Developer).
  • Use action verbs in your bullet points.

Senior React Developer

  • Developed ACME’s 5+ market leading react applications with 6+ million users.
  • Improved CI/CD through CircleCI workflows to setup staging and development pipeline for continuous web application deployment.
  • Achieved < 1% production errors as monitored on Sentry.

Junior React Developer

  • Developed and designed cryptocurrency product pages on React with real time API price tracking, interactive graphs, user authentication and trading.
  • Improved SEO performance by 11% through SSR rendering.
  • Wrote a UI Testing suite with Cypress and improved mobile accessibility.
  • Architected and wrote the frontend of a scalable content library in React designed to be extremely maintainable.
  • Single handedly containerized the core app using Docker, Kubernetes and Helm - providing training to other team members on using the new tools.
  • Achieved a test coverage of 95% across the entire code base.

React Developer

  • Continually develop features for React and Typescript web applications.
  • Implemented numerous React features using HTML, CSS, TypeScript and Javascript.
  • Integrated React and Angular applications with numerous RESTful APIs/API endpoints.
  • Participated in and contributed to Scrum and Kanban meetings.
  • Created new documentation and updated existing documentation to better describe technical processes.

Entry Level React Developer Resume Example

  • Responsible for design, layout, and implementation of both React front-end and Flask backend’s RESTful API.
  • Implemented multiprocessing to increase page load speed by 98%.
  • Integrated project with external RESTful API to retrieve and display JSON data.
  • Implemented caching to reduce subsequent API calls and page load times.

Top React Developer Resume Skills for 2022

  • React-router
  • Material UI

How Long Should my React Developer Resume be?

Your React Developer resume length should be less than one or two pages maximum. Unless you have more than 25 years of experience, any resume that’s more than two pages would appear to be too long and risk getting rejected.

On an average, for React Developer, we see most resumes have a length of 2. And, that’s why we advise you to keep the resume length appropriate to not get rejected.

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11 React Developer Resume Examples for 2024

Crafting a resume for react developer positions means showing your skill with code and projects. This guide offers examples and tips to help you stand out. You'll learn to highlight your experience with this specific coding language and tools that tech companies look for.

Portrait of Liz Bowen

  • 18 May 2024 - 1 new resume template (React Integration Specialist) added
  • 10 May 2024 - 1 new section (Use strong verbs for your skills) added
  • 02 May 2024 - 1 new resume template (Lead React Software Engineer) added
  • 24 Apr 2024 - 1 new section (Highlight achievements, not tasks) added
  • 16 Apr 2024 - 1 new resume template (Full Stack React Engineer) added
  • 08 Apr 2024 - 1 new section (Essential technical skills for a react dev) added
  • 31 Mar 2024 - 1 new section (Quantify your coding impact) added
  • 23 Mar 2024 - 1 new section (Tailor your resume for the role) added
  • 15 Mar 2024 - 1 new section (Prepare your resume for screening software) added
  • 07 Mar 2024 - 4 new sections, including 'Where to place your education', added
  • 07 Mar 2024 - 4 new resume templates, including React UI/UX Developer, added
  • 05 Mar 2024 - Article published
  • 02 Mar 2024 - Resumes approved
  • 29 Feb 2024 - First draft complete

  Next update scheduled for 26 May 2024

Here's what we see in the strongest resumes for react developers.

Show Impact With Numbers : Best resumes show impact with numbers, such as load time reductions , increase in user engagement , bug resolution rates , and code optimization percentages . These metrics make your achievements clear and measurable.

Match Skills With Job Description : Include skills mentioned in the job description. Choose skills you have like JavaScript proficiency , state management , Redux expertise , RESTful APIs , and unit testing experience .

Highlight Relevant Project Experience : Showcase your hands-on experience. Include phrases like developed new features , optimized existing code , and implemented responsive UI to demonstrate direct involvement.

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React Developer Resume Sample

Where to place your education.

As a react developer, if you have fresh education in technology, especially in computer science, coding bootcamps, or specific react development courses, show this early in your resume. It tells hiring managers that you have up-to-date knowledge. Put education right after your contact details if you're new to the field or if your recent education is your strongest asset.

If you have been working in the field for some time and have work history to share, your education should come after your experience section. This lets you highlight practical skills before academic qualifications.

Showcase your technical skills

In your resume, make sure you highlight key react developer skills. List specific programming languages like JavaScript and any special libraries such as Redux you are skilled with. Provide examples of projects where you used react in a practical setting. This shows you can apply your skills to real-world problems.

It's also good to mention any experience with version control systems like Git. These details show you are ready to work with a team and manage your code effectively.

Keep your resume concise

A resume for a react developer should be one page long if you have less than 10 years of experience. This makes sure your resume is easy to read and focuses on the most relevant information. Use one page to show your strongest work history, react projects, and skills.

If you are a senior react developer with over 10 years of experience, a two-page resume is good to fully show your career growth and major projects. Always make sure the most important details are on the first page.

Demonstrate project involvement

For a react developer role, it's important to show your work on actual projects. Include links to your GitHub repository or live sites where your work can be seen. This gives hiring managers proof of what you can do.

Also, if you have worked in an agile development environment, make sure to mention this. It tells employers that you are flexible and can adapt to fast-changing project needs. This is very valuable in tech jobs, including as a react developer.

Prepare your resume for screening software

Resumes today often need to pass through computer screening before a hiring manager sees them. This is done by software called Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). As you apply for react developer roles, you should make your resume ATS-friendly to increase your chances of getting an interview.

Here are some tips to help you:

  • Use keywords that match the job description, such as 'react.js', 'frontend development', or 'JavaScript'. This shows the ATS that your skills are a good fit for the job.
  • Include specific frameworks and libraries you've worked with, like 'Redux' or 'Webpack'. This detail helps the ATS understand your experience level with react technology.

Senior Front-End Developer (React specialization) Resume Sample

Tailor your resume for the role.

You want your resume to stand out to hiring managers. To do this, make sure it matches the role you're applying for. Show your skills and experiences that relate directly to being a react developer. Read the job post well, and use the same words they use to describe what you can do.

  • Highlight your experience with front-end technologies, especially React and related tools, in your past projects. Use phrases like Implemented state management using Redux in a multi-component React app .
  • For a senior position, focus on leadership by mentioning the number of people you've led or your influence on key projects. Say things like Lead a team of 10 developers to deliver robust React applications on time .
  • If you are moving into this area from a different job, talk about your transferable skills. For example, you might say Applied JavaScript skills gained from educational projects to build interactive web components with React.js .

Junior React Developer Resume Sample

Highlight achievements, not tasks.

When you write your resume as a react developer, it's important to focus on what you've achieved rather than just listing your past job duties. Showing what you have accomplished makes you stand out to employers. They want to see the results of your work, not just a list of tasks you were responsible for.

  • Managed React-based projects,
  • Led a team of 5 developers in delivering a React web application that increased user engagement by 30% in three months.
  • Developed new features for React applications,
  • Implemented three high-demand features into the core React application, enhancing customer satisfaction rates by 20%.

Remember to include numbers when possible because they show the true impact of your work. This approach demonstrates your ability to deliver results, not just execute tasks, which is what makes a strong candidate.

React UI/UX Developer Resume Sample

Use strong verbs for your skills.

When you apply for a role in web development, like a react developer, the verbs you choose can make a big difference. They show what you can do and how you do it. You want verbs that are clear and show you’re good at what you do. Use verbs that show you can start things, change them, and get them done.

Good verbs are like tools. They help you build a picture of your skills. Think about what you do when you work with react. Pick verbs that show you can write code, fix problems, and make things better. If you do this, your resume will stand out.

  • To show you start and lead projects, use initiated , implemented , developed , engineered , architected .
  • For teamwork and helping others, use collaborated , supported , assisted , mentored , guided .
  • When showing how you solve problems, use resolved , debugged , troubleshooted , refined , streamlined .
  • To highlight how you improve code, use optimized , refactored , revised , updated , enhanced .
  • When you want to show creating something new, use designed , crafted , constructed , created , composed .

Full Stack React Engineer Resume Sample

Essential technical skills for a react dev.

When you're crafting a resume as a react developer, it's vital to showcase the specific technical skills that employers are looking for. These skills demonstrate your ability to handle the job's core tasks and work with the tools necessary for success.

Here's a list of key skills you should consider including on your resume:

Remember, you don't need to list every skill, but focus on those where you have strong experience and that relate to the role you want. For instance, if you are aiming for a position that requires strong frontend development skills, emphasize your experience with React , JavaScript , and HTML5 . Include your skills in a dedicated section, and you can also weave them into the descriptions of your past job experiences to show how you've applied them in real-world situations. This can help your resume pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) which often scan for these keywords.

Lead React Software Engineer Resume Sample

Quantify your coding impact.

As a developer, you know the power of numbers. They can show the real impact of your work. Think about how you have made things better in your past roles. Use numbers to tell that story.

Here are ideas to help you think:

  • Did you help increase user engagement? Maybe you built features that kept users on the app longer. Try to find the percentage increase in user session time before and after your update.
  • Have you made the code better? Maybe you refactored parts of the app to make it run faster. Look for the decrease in load time you achieved.

These numbers help hiring managers see your value fast. They show you can do the same for their company. More examples could be:

  • Reduction in app crash rates by a certain percentage after you improved the code stability
  • Number of features developed that led to a growth in the customer base
  • Decrease in customer support tickets because of better user experience you created
  • How much code coverage increased ( code coverage percentage ) due to your tests

Even if you are not sure of exact numbers, estimate. Think about the scale of your projects. How many people used your app? How big was the codebase? This will help you find numbers to show your impact.

React Integration Specialist Resume Sample

  •   ETL Developer Resume Examples
  •   Web Developer Resume Examples
  •   Senior Java Developer Resume Examples
  •   Java Full Stack Developer Resume Examples
  •   Full Stack Developer Resume Examples
  •   Tableau Developer Resume Examples
  •   BI Developer Resume Examples
  •   Junior Web Developer Resume Examples

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React JS developer resume example

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As Chief Editor, Darya works with our top technical and career experts at EPAM Anywhere to share their insights with our global audience. With 12+ years in digital communications, she’s happy to help job seekers make the best of remote work opportunities and build a fulfilling career in tech.


If you’re a React web developer with passion, your resume must show this. A good ReactJS developer resume opens many doors, but those doors can be just as easily locked without the right kind of work. Because very few people are resume experts, this article is built to help you stand out.

Below, you'll find a React JS developer resume example, expert tips to help your resume stand out, and some great ways to help you land your dream job and grow your React developer salary .

Before we look at React JS developer resume samples, let's look at some general tips you can apply to your resume. Remember these as you review your information.

Structure your resume

A good structure highlights the best parts of your expertise. It also displays natural organizational skills and the ability to build your React developer CV based on your strengths.

Here are some tips regarding the structure:

  • Keep your resume on one page. Hiring managers don't have time to read long documents.
  • Put your contact information right at the top (this makes it easier to find out how to reach you).
  • Use bullet points and brief statements — don't expand into long-winded explanations.
  • Avoid using first-person pronouns (such as "I").
  • Separate your details into clear sections.
  • Keep your font size between 10 and 12.
  • Use italics, underlining, or bolding to make the document more dynamic and easier to read.
  • Use a light dash of color to make your resume more engaging.
  • Don't use irritating colors or too many colors, which will distract from your resume.

Another good structure tip is to build separate React resumes for each job. This is a targeted resume, which builds your skills based on the job description.

For example, if a job description features HTML5 coding skills, you'll want to prioritize that in your resume. You can combine this targeted approach with other React JS developer CV formats.

“The first thing I pay attention to is the basic non-technical requirements for the candidate. Most often this is about the candidate’s location, to understand if we can offer a position in that particular country or part of the world, and the level of English. The next most important information is the technology stack the candidate has worked with on the last two projects or at the last companies. There should be key technologies that the candidate has worked with, not a general list used by their team in general. Lastly, it’s the candidate's experience. An experienced recruiter should definitely double-check this point, as there can be differences by country or company size (for example, a candidate is a lead in a startup team of 2-3 employees, whereas on a large project the same candidate can pass the interview for a middle-level position only).”


Pick a resume format

Your resume formatting will change depending on your job history and skills. When choosing between formats, you have three main options:

  • Functional: A React.js resume that focuses on skills and accomplishments, not work history.
  • Chronological/Reverse-Chronological: A React JS CV that lists your job history by order of time (either by newest or oldest job first)
  • Combination: A React CV style that combines elements from both the functional and chronological types

When selecting between the three resume formats, think about your job history. Functional resumes are preferred if you have a limited job history. Meanwhile, chronological React JS resumes might be better if you have a deep job history.

The combination option, which tends to be more dynamic, starts by featuring your skills. The skills are then connected to your history, where you affirm your skills by stating measurable changes you contributed to at work.

For example, you may have strong problem-solving skills, as evidenced by your time developing an eCommerce website. The eCommerce website was getting low traffic, so you implanted a change to successfully increase traffic.

However, keep in mind that how you word your accomplishments is just as important.

Quantify your job contributions, skills, and experience

It's great to have skills in web design or experience with MySQL, but just mentioning your expertise isn't enough in today's job market. Instead, you must quantify your impact throughout your ReactJS developer CV and cover letter.

Quantification is a fancy term meaning connected to numbers. This means that your contribution should result in a measurable change in results.

Your skill set with SQL is the baseline companies expect, but how that SQL server expertise resulted in 25% more sales is more attractive to people.

This applies to any job, from remote JavaScript developer jobs to entry-level coding positions. Regardless of how many years of experience you have, employers want people with a results-oriented mindset. By quantifying your work results, you can display this mindset.

Use keywords from the job description

Human eyes don't view the majority of resumes. Instead, they are read by applicant tracking systems (ATS) that look for specific keywords and action verbs.

These keywords and action verbs might include specific programming languages, soft skills, or hard skills that recruiters and hiring managers look for. Unless you have these verbs and keywords, a job poster will not likely see your application at all because the ATS will filter it out automatically.

Thankfully, the job description holds everything you need to overcome this issue. You just need to determine what the job prioritizes based on those skills.

Look for standard terms such as “full stack,” “development skills,” “CSS/HTML,” and “ JavaScript .” Use these job description elements in your resume, connecting them to your skill sets.

You should also note your soft skills, such as problem-solving, excellent teamwork, and leadership skills (if requested). Referencing these skills in your professional resume will help push it through the application process.

However, you'll want to be sure these keywords look natural, and you'll need to rewrite your ReactJS developer CV so that it's grammatically correct while including these keywords.

Align your React web developer resume with the job description

Beyond using keywords, you'll want to customize your resume before applying to any job. That customization is based entirely on the job description.

To make new resumes easier, you can create your master React resume template with a complete list of your accomplishments and skills. Think of all your achievements and past experiences you want your potential employer to know.

You won't apply using this master resume because it's meant to work for every job. These master versions are often too broad and contain a wide berth of skill sets that don't work for every job. They also tend to be too long (often several pages).

Using the master version, you can ask yourself what parts of it apply to each specific job. This saves you from needing to rewrite a new resume from scratch for every new application.

“I recommend writing as simply and clearly as possible. There are quite a lot of services that help you format your CV. Any of these services necessarily ask for the most important information about the candidate — name, location, contacts, experience and skills so you don’t leave out anything critical.”

Include a cover letter

Beyond the React developer resume sample you'll find below, you'll also want a cover letter. A cover letter is a direct message to the hiring manager that affirms your interest in the company by establishing your willingness to provide value. It's also a great display of written soft skills – an essential element in today's job market.

For more tips on how to write a good cover letter, check out our blog on front-end developer cover letters . You'll also find a template worth downloading.

Include a link to your portfolio

Any coding job demands a link to your portfolio. The portfolio will visually highlight your past experience, showing off your skills and their results at a glance.

If you don't have much experience, now is the time to build some. Working on freelance software engineering jobs and collaborating on open-source projects on sites like GitHub is a good start.

Read our blog on how to create a software engineer portfolio for what you should include in yours.

Use LinkedIn as your public React CV

Social media is another source for your public resume. However, it tends to be more in-depth, making it more of a CV, or curriculum vitae.

A CV is like a long, in-depth resume. It’s perfect for hiring managers who want to dig deeper into your past experience and educational background. Having this information made public, such as through your LinkedIn profile, saves you from having to answer more questions later on.

Read our blog for tips on creating an effective LinkedIn profile for job seekers in tech .

ready to test your CV?

Send it over and we'll find a perfect job match for your skills.

If you want help creating your own React JS developer resume, it helps to have a sample. Below, we'll review React developer CV examples, showing you how they work at the senior level of software engineering .

Writing your React resume summary or resume objective

The summary and resume objective section is typically what the hiring manager views first. Like a good user interface, you'll want to start with your best foot forward.

Below is an example of a solid summary of a senior UI developer resume with React JS. You'll notice that the summary references years of experience and several related areas of expertise.

Beyond affirming your experience, the summary isn't the place to quantify your contributions. Instead, it usually focuses on a high-level overview of your expertise as it applies to the open position.

So what about the resume objective?

The objective affirms your goal for applying to the company. Because this is different for each application, there's no "format" for it. Instead, ask yourself why you chose the company and how you see yourself contributing to it in the future.

Using these guidelines, you'll have a solid introduction like the one below.

sample resume for react developer fresher

Listing your technical skills on your resume

The technical (or hard) skills sections make the readers aware of what you can do technically. When looking at the job description, you'll want to copy these down exactly. Below, you'll see an example using a React developer resume sample.

Try not to add different skills that the job seeker hasn't identified. If they don't ask for it, the chances are that they don't need it. However, if it comes up during your React JS developer interview , address your additional skills directly.

sample resume for react developer fresher

Referencing your work experience and past projects

Your work experience and past projects are the meat of your experience. This comprises previous jobs, freelance work, and open-source contributions.

When referencing your work, mention your role, the project's objective, and the team size. If you have varying project experience, prioritize projects that fit the job description's needs (e.g. the ability to work in a small team means you should focus on your small-team projects).

You'll also want to reference the tasks you worked on during the project. These tasks are your quantification, and you might mention how they contributed to the overall improvements of the project.

You'll notice no specific percentages below to help quantify your claims. In cases where that information isn't available (perhaps due to a non-disclosure agreement), you should still reference your specific contribution whenever possible.

sample resume for react developer fresher

Talking about your educational background in your resume

The education section is incredibly straightforward, focusing on the name of the college, the degree you got, and the specialty of the degree. You'll often keep this simple so as not to detract from the other sections of the resume.

If you have any accolades or a very high GPA, you can also include sections for those. For React JS projects completed while part of clubs, you'll want to include that in your job experience and projects section.

sample resume for react developer fresher

Talking about your soft skills in your resume

The soft skills section references the skills you've proven in previous jobs. You'll want to keep this section short.

Those soft skills are quantified in your project and job experience section. In the example referenced in an earlier section of our blog, the project involved advising junior members. This is where you can prove your leadership skills.

Keep this section, like your hard skills, in short bullet points. Going any further here might feel like you’re being long-winded. Moreover, too much work put into the soft skills section can come off a bit like you’re trying to prove these skills to yourself as much as to the reader.

Instead, stick to concise answers that don't go into too much detail. Instead, these details can be found in your job experience section (arguably the most critical area of any resume).

sample resume for react developer fresher

Here are some of the most in-demand skills to include in your React JS resume:

  • Computer science
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Front-end development
  • User interface design
  • Knowledge of other frameworks, such as jQuery, Angular, etc.
  • HTML (HTML5 specifically)
  • Full-stack development
  • Agile development
  • Project management
  • Working with a development team
  • General soft skills (problem-solving, empathy, communication, etc.)

While you'll likely find these skill requests common across React JS developer jobs, every job will differ, So when referencing hard skills, stick to those mentioned in the job description.

Often, you'll find that the soft skills that someone brings to the table are of higher priority. After all, if a developer cannot communicate, they won't be able to work in a team environment.


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Need a little more help? Check out this React JS developer resume template below to make your life a bit easier:


A good React resume is a great way to open the doors to a new career. We hope with the tips in this guide, you'll find the job of your dreams!

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sample resume for react developer fresher

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sample resume for react developer fresher

How To Write an Outstanding React Developer Resume

D o you ever feel like giving up after getting rejected by your dream company just because something was missing on your CV? It can get demotivating to apply over and over again. Let us help you nail your React developer resume with our guide to help you stand out from the rest of the candidates.

This guide includes five simple but effective steps you need to take when reflecting your expertise to the recruiter. You might possess the skills and the experience required for the React JS Developer job, but if you’re missing on the right tone and delivery, things may not turn out the way you want them to be.

But worry no more. We’ll cover several important resume sections recruiters look for when reviewing your application with additional tips and tricks on resume layout, formatting, and design. You’ll also find a real-life React Developer Resume example, which you can use as a benchmark to make your own resume, paying extra attention to common resume red flags.

React JS Developer resume sections that make the best layout

react resume

  • Functional resumes focus more on skills rather than professional work experience. This resume format is most commonly used by career changers, students, or less experienced job seekers.
  • Experienced individuals prefer reverse-chronological resumes whose focus is on their work experience and achievements, valuable experiences, and quantified results.
  • Combination (hybrid) resumes are a mix of functional and reverse-chronological formats, drawing equal attention to both work experience and skill-set sections. This format can be used by career changers, entry-level candidates as well as experienced individuals. Hybrid resumes generally have double-column formats, where one column is focused on work experience, whereas the other column addresses the candidate’s skills, strengths, and achievements.

Now let’s dive right in and check out these 5 critical steps you need to take to prepare a well-crafted React Developer Resume:

1. Introducing yourself in CV

  • Use a clear CV(Profile) title : You need to pay attention to the profile title that recruiters see right after your name. Making sure your title is targeted and reflects who you are as a professional is a key to communicating your area of expertise and current (last-held) job title.
  • The importance of first impression (spelling):  you have a limited time to make an impression, so use this time wisely to catch recruiters’ attention by using keywords to describe your work experience. Highlight the technologies you work with while keeping a formal and confident tone. If your resume doesn’t catch the  employer’s eye within the first 5 seconds , you will most likely be left out of their “top” candidate list.
  • Avoid clichés : avoid choosing overused jargon that can potentially weaken your resume. Examples to leave off your resume include  bottom line, value adds, synergy , and others.

react resume

2. Being specific and transparent in education & work experience sections

Your resume’s education and work experience sections are crucial for standing out. However, don’t exaggerate them as it can lead to mistrust and cost you a job.

For the section related to the work experience , try using action verbs and keywords in the job description of the position you’re applying for. Use specific examples to quantify your experience and build credibility. Moreover, keeping the work experience descriptions concise saves recruiters a substantial amount of time, letting them filter out the information they are looking for without reading the resume line by line.

Use skill-related keywords in the education section to demonstrate that you have the qualifications required for the job.

Suppose your educational details are not relevant to the job role. Be transparent about your relevant educational background and certifications when applying for a job.

sample resume for react developer fresher

3. Creating an error-free resume

It is crucial to make sure your grammar and spelling are correct before submitting your resume. Even a single mistake can result in lost opportunities, creating a negative impression on the hiring executive/manager. Therefore, meticulously read your resume before finalizing it to wipe out any possible mistakes that could potentially drain your reputation.

4. Paying attention to the skills required for the React.js developer role

See how you stack up with these 6 essential skills for React developers. * If you are a Junior developer, you may not need to know all the technologies.

JSX : JSX is a shorthand syntax for rendering components in React. It is similar in appearance to HTML.

JavaScript Fundamentals + ES6: You can’t rock React without a firm understanding of the fundamental concepts that the JavaScript language provides, but these ES6 skills are also essential.

Redux: Redux is an open-source JavaScript library for managing and centralizing application state.

react developer resume

5. Being active on platforms

Being active on platforms like GitHub (project management & documentation), TalentGrid, and StackOverflow (devs community helping each other out)

Additionally, being active on GitHub and StackOverflow can increase your visibility to engineering professionals and open doors to new job opportunities. Join projects, competitions, and challenges to expand your skills and connect with others.

sample resume for react developer fresher

Whereas TalentGrid is a platform used by software developers who are actively looking for jobs, allowing them to share their preferences and salary expectations with employers worldwide (with just a few clicks!). TalentGrid is open to developers who want to explore matching job positions in the tech market.

TalentGrid streamlines job search by centralizing tech job information and reducing stress.

Ready to complete your free profile and find your next role in tech? Sign up today!

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sample resume for react developer fresher

Privacy Overview

  • Fresher Front End Developer Resume Example

Resume Examples

  • Common Tasks & Responsibilities
  • Top Hard & Soft Skills
  • Action Verbs & Keywords
  • Resume FAQs
  • Similar Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Fresher Front End Developer Resumes:

  • Develop user-facing features using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Implement responsive design principles to ensure compatibility across multiple devices
  • Create and maintain code for front-end components to improve usability
  • Collaborate with back-end developers to integrate user-facing elements with server-side logic
  • Identify and troubleshoot front-end performance issues
  • Develop and maintain front-end coding standards
  • Utilize version control systems to manage code
  • Test and debug code to ensure compatibility and stability
  • Optimize applications for maximum speed and scalability
  • Stay up-to-date on emerging technologies
  • Create and maintain technical documentation

Speed up your resume creation process with the AI-Powered Resume Builder . Generate tailored achievements in seconds for every role you apply to.

Fresher Front End Developer Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a responsive design for a company website, resulting in a 25% increase in mobile traffic and a 15% increase in overall website traffic.
  • Collaborated with back-end developers to integrate user-facing elements with server-side logic, resulting in a 20% reduction in page load times and improved website performance.
  • Utilized version control systems to manage code and streamline development processes, reducing the average project delivery time by 15%.
  • Created and maintained code for front-end components to improve usability, resulting in a 10% increase in user engagement and a 5% increase in website conversions.
  • Identified and troubleshooted front-end performance issues, resulting in a 15% reduction in website errors and improved website stability.
  • Stayed up-to-date on emerging technologies and implemented new features, resulting in a 10% increase in website functionality and improved user experience.
  • Developed and maintained front-end coding standards, resulting in a 20% increase in code quality and improved website performance.
  • Tested and debugged code to ensure compatibility and stability, resulting in a 15% reduction in website errors and improved website functionality.
  • Created and maintained technical documentation, improving team efficiency and reducing the average project delivery time by 10%.
  • Responsive Web Design
  • CSS Preprocessors (Sass, Less)
  • Front-end Frameworks (Bootstrap, Foundation)
  • JavaScript Libraries (jQuery, React, Angular)
  • Version Control (Git, SVN)
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility
  • Web Performance Optimization
  • Debugging and Testing (Chrome DevTools, JUnit)
  • RESTful APIs
  • Web Accessibility
  • UX/UI Design Principles
  • Agile Development
  • Time Management
  • Team Collaboration
  • Problem Solving
  • Adaptability
  • Continuous Learning

Top Skills & Keywords for Fresher Front End Developer Resumes:

Hard skills.

  • Responsive Design
  • Debugging and Troubleshooting

Soft Skills

  • Attention to Detail
  • Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
  • Time Management and Prioritization
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Communication and Collaboration
  • Teamwork and Cooperation
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Analytical Thinking and Research Skills
  • Customer Service and User Experience Focus
  • Self-Motivation and Initiative
  • Continuous Learning and Improvement
  • Patience and Perseverance

Resume Action Verbs for Fresher Front End Developers:

  • Implemented
  • Collaborated
  • Troubleshot

Generate Your Resume Summary

sample resume for react developer fresher

Resume FAQs for Fresher Front End Developers:

How long should i make my fresher front end developer resume, what is the best way to format a fresher front end developer resume, which keywords are important to highlight in a fresher front end developer resume, how should i write my resume if i have no experience as a fresher front end developer, compare your fresher front end developer resume to a job description:.

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Fresher Front End Developer job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Complete the steps below to generate your free resume analysis.

Related Resumes for Fresher Front End Developers:

Entry level frontend developer, frontend developer intern, junior frontend developer, junior full stack developer, full stack web developer, react developer, angular frontend developer, mobile app developer.

Sample Resume of React Developer | Free Resume Templates & Samples on Resumod.co

Resume of React Developer



Raj is a Meticulous React developer, skilled at building user interface components using the React JavaScript library. Skilled with in-depth knowledge of React tools and has experience with performance-testing software.

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Resume Skills and Keywords for React developer

React developers design and implement user interface components for JavaScript-based web and mobile applications using the React open-source library ecosystem. These skilled front-end developers are involved in all stages of interface component design, from conception through to final testing.  

Skills required for a react developer role

  • Fundamentals of JavaScript 
  • JavaScript XML
  • Communication 
  • Situational Awareness 
  • Targeted research 
  • Program implementation

What recruiters look for in a React developer resume: 

  • Good Project management skills
  • Knowledge of REACT tools including React.js, Webpack, Enzyme, Redux, and Flux
  • In-depth knowledge of JavaScript, CSS, HTML, and front-end languages
  • Experience with browser-based debugging and performance-testing software

What can make your React developer resume stand out:

A strong summary that demonstrates your skills, experience, and background in React development

A meticulous react developer, skilled at building user interface components including creating reusable UI elements, such as forms and buttons and integrating them into the overall application. Positive attitude and ability to assess and help in tough situations, along with excellent communication abilities. 

Targeted job description 

  • Accurately comprehend business requirements and code creative solutions to satisfy those requirements to deliver the best experience.
  • Write application interface codes using javascript following react javascript workflows. 
  • Troubleshoot interface software and debug application codes.
  • Built reusable components and front-end libraries for future use.

Related academic background  

  • M.Tech in Computer Science| 2013
  • B.Tech in Computer Science| 2011

Sample Resume of React developer in Text Format


React developer

+91-9876543210 | [email protected] | Mumbai, India


A Meticulous React developer, skilled at building user interface components using the React JavaScript library including creating reusable UI elements, such as forms and buttons, and integrating them into the overall application. An excellent listener, with the ability to assess and help in tough situations.

Senior React Developer at IG Drones from Nov 2021 - Present, Mumbai

  • Developing new user facing-feature using React js.
  • Guiding the development and design of client services and projects.
  • Coordinating with other developers to produce the highest quality software possible.
  • Working within an agile team environment building new features.
  • Accurately comprehending business requirements and code creative solutions to satisfy those requirements to deliver the best experience.

Junior React Developer at Mercedes-Benz from Jan 2018 - Oct 2021, Banglore

  • Wrote application interface codes using JavaScript following react.js workflows.
  • Met with the development team to discuss user interface ideas and applications.

Junior React Developer at Dave Industries from Nov 2014 - Dec 2017, New Delhi

  • Provided code documentation and other inputs to technical documents.
  • Participated in code reviews.

Intern at DI Industries from June 2013 - Sep 2014, Pilani

M.Tech (Computer Science), Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani 2013

B.Tech (Computer Science), Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur 2011


HTML | Fundamentals of JavaScript | JavaScript XML | Redux | Node + npm | UI/UX | Git | Situational Awareness |Teamwork |Strong Communication |


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12 Real Front-End Developer Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Front-End Developer Resume
  • Front-End Developer Resumes by Experience
  • Front-End Developer Resumes by Role

Writing Your Front-End Developer Resume

As a front-end developer, you know how to make a seamless web app that helps users accomplish what they need to do. You have a strong combination of technical ability and creativity.

It can be really difficult to channel this wide-ranging  developer skillset  properly on a resume to impress employers.

That’s where we come in. Over the last few months, we analyzed numerous developer resumes and learned exactly what works to help front-end developers get more interviews.

We distilled what we learned into 12 front-end developer resume examples to give you some brain food.

We’ll also share some  handy resume tips  and  resume-building  tools that have worked to help other developers land jobs in 2024 . 

Front-End Developer Resume Sample

or download as PDF

Front-end developer resume example with 3 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • Let’s get right to it: including quantifiable metrics in your front-end developer resume will increase your chances of getting an interview by 22 percent. Try to quantify your impact in your past developer roles when possible, even if those impacts are rough estimates.
  • Let your work experience section provide plenty of context and breathe some life into the  skills you list on your resume .
  • For example, mentioning that you “rebuilt 4-year old SaaS application in React 15 and Redux with full user experience redesign to release a beat MVP in 8 months” shows future employers that you’ve actually applied your learned skills.

Senior Front-End Developer Resume Example

Senior front-end developer resume example with 9 years experience

  • As a developer, it’s better to be an expert in a few languages or frameworks than a jack-of-all-trades.
  • Limit your skills section to 6-10 on which you’d be comfortable being interviewed. If you haven’t programmed in a specific language, it most likely shouldn’t be on your  senior front-end developer resume . 
  • Takeaway: Only include the languages/ frameworks in which you have programming experience.

Mid-Level Front-End Developer Resume Example

sample resume for react developer fresher

  • Administrators first notice when you apply for a front-end developer position of any level whether you have the fundamental qualifications to perform the job adequately.
  • If you have certifiable skills, but lack certification, your professional experience or well-built projects can showcase the practical application of your skills.
  • Because mid-level roles exist in a non-junior, non-senior type purgatory, it may be necessary to include personal, related projects on which you’ve worked. Expand upon those, your freelance clients, or professional experience. If you’ve got a target company in mind and time to impress, build a project similar to their product or showcase where they could improve their product through optimization.

Junior Front-End Developer Resume

Junior front-end developer resume example with 4 years of experience

  • Instead of writing a lengthy junior front-end developer resume that includes irrelevant skills and knowledge, use a career objective to instill confidence in the reader that you’ve got a history of driving value (even if your record is short).
  • Example: Worked in an Agile, collaborative environment to receive design requirements, peer program, and test 100% of all applications
  • Example: Assisted the development team in crafting 6 WordPress sites with testing, deployment, and site updates

Junior Front End Web Developer Resume

Junior front end web developer resume example with CodeCraft project experience

  • It’s about showcasing your ability to deliver tangible results in real-world scenarios, especially those mirroring challenges the hiring company faces. See how Grayson talks about using Webpack for bundling project assets and presenting 54 key insights as a research team member.

Entry-Level Front-End Developer Resume

Entry-level front-end developer resume example with 2 years of experience

  • Projects can be anything that you’ve built before. These can be those you completed in class or side projects you undertook independently. They increase your chances of getting an interview and give you something tangible to talk about once you get there.
  • Projects aren’t the only hidden secret to writing rich entry-level resumes. Another valuable tip is the  resume objective .
  • A worthwhile objective should be a two to three-sentence statement that’s customized to each job, mentions the company by name, and is sprinkled with relevant keywords you’ve mined from the  job description .
  • Takeaway: As an entry-level front-end dev, try to include one to two projects you’ve worked on to showcase your skills.

Java Front-End Developer Resume

Java front-end developer resume example with 8 years of experience

  • This simple act ensures your career-defining accomplishments shine, even during swift scans. That provides a roadmap that navigates the hiring manager toward the dazzling milestones of your career journey. Notice how Levi bolds “18% increase in mobile users,” “41% reduction in software bug issues post-release,” and “saving $4,876 per month due to reduced server load.”

React Developer Resume

React developer resume example with 8+ years of experience

  • Go beyond that by showing how you used those skills in your work experience bullet points—and expand those thoughts further with a cover letter generator .

Freelance Front-End Developer Resume

Freelance front-end developer resume example with 4 years of development experience

  • In a nutshell, focus more on what you have achieved than your roles in past jobs. You can detail the actual processes of your responsibilities during an actual interview but not on your resume.

UI Front-End Developer Resume

Ui front-end developer resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Impress the employer with your results and values like “worked with 6 designers, 2 product managers, and 11 developers,” “or “designed and developed 30+ productivity features,” “achieved 300+ new 5-star UI ratings,” and “helped feature development teams align 45+ design intents.”
  • The phrase “dress for the job you want, not the job you have” rings true here, but if all these  resume-writing details  are causing a rise in your blood pressure, take a deep breath and say “hello” to our  free resume checker tool . It’s your new resume coach and best friend!

WordPress Front-End Developer Resume

Wordpress front-end developer resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Starting with a BS foundation in computer science, followed by a summer internship, will successfully land you numerous junior to mid-level roles with ease.
  • Speak with your current manager if you’re anxious about changing position titles. Always err on the side of caution. Asking for permission instead of forgiveness is universally better. 

Lead Marketing Front-End Developer Resume

Lead marketing front-end developer resume example with 10 years of experience

  • Highlight a lengthy career in front-end roles for marketing companies with quantifiable data from multiple sources and jobs, as well as leadership and mentoring.
  • As expected in a front-end developer, employers will want to see highly relevant skills like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (with additional libraries and frameworks).
  • A degree in computer science is a potent tool that can open many doors. Combined with niche expertise, you have a robust and versatile problem-solving machine: a lead marketing front-end developer.

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  • Software Engineer
  • Data Analyst

Happy employee sips coffee and works on blue laptop at new job

If there is one thing you take away from this before you  create a resume , then let it be this: quantify the bullet points on your resume whenever possible.

Our data show that is the most important factor in determining whether or not you’ll get an interview after controlling for experience and qualifications.

Here are some other high-level tips that we’ll dive into in more detail below:

  • Customize your front-end developer resume for each job to which you apply.
  • Only include languages and frameworks on which you’d be comfortable being interviewed.
  • You most likely don’t need to have a resume objective.
  • Again, quantify your impact!
  • And finally, please, please avoid spelling and grammar errors.

Incorrect spelling or grammar is the silliest of reasons to be rejected for a job, and it is 100% preventable.

Be sure to proofread your resume a few times, then have someone else look at it for you.

sample resume for react developer fresher

Front-end developer job description for resume

It’s not what you want to hear, I know, but customizing your resume for each front-end role you apply to will improve your chances of getting more interviews.

I promise it’s easier to do than you may think and should take no more than 15 minutes for each application, especially if you take advantage of one of our  free resume templates  that make it easy to customize.

Here’s a good, quick process for tailoring your front-end developer resume for each job:

  • They use their Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to filter out candidates based on their skills and experience automatically.
  • A non-technical HR person from the company reviews your resume.
  • The hiring manager (usually technical) will review your candidacy to see if they think you’re a good fit.

To hammer home how easy this can be in practice, let’s look at a concrete example. 

Example: Customize your account executive resume for the job

Work background

This front-end developer, Johann, has five years of experience building web apps for B2B companies. He is most comfortable with Angular, HTML/CSS, and PostgreSQL.

On his first version of his resume, this is how we describe his latest work experience:

Feedzai August 2017 – Present, New York NY Front-End Developer

  • Architected product tours with React for a new feature that improved customer adoption by 22%, leading to $1.1M in incremental revenue
  • Partnered with data science to develop the front-end for a product recommendation engine that increased user time on page by 4 minutes
  • Migrated a multi-page user experience into a single-page app which improved customer engagement by 8%

Front-end developer job description

This is the job description for the role Johann is applying to at Acme Corp:


  • Design and develop features to meet customer requirements and business goals
  • Build high-quality and highly reliable software to meet the needs of the product owners
  • Write clean, elegant, and reusable code that solves complex problems
  • Participate in design & code review processes


  • Excellent problem-solving skills
  • Strong knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Experience in one (or more) of the following frameworks: AngularJS, React JS, Vue JS, D3
  • Experience working with Relational databases like PostgreSQL
  • Experience with at least one MVC server-side framework like Rails or Django

Update the work experience

Most of the experience Johann listed for his time at Feedzai is directly applicable to this role at Acme Corp. His focus on business goals aligns perfectly with this job description.

The only difference I would make to his work experience is that I would explicitly include the languages he used for each of his projects to match the skills Acme Corp is looking for in this role.

The changes are underlined below.

  • Architected product tours with React, HTML/CSS, and PostgreSQL for a new feature that improved customer adoption by 22%, leading to $1.1M in incremental revenue
  • Partnered with data science to develop the front-end for a product recommendation engine that increased user time on page by 4 minutes using Django
  • Migrated a multi-page user experience into a single-page app which improved customer engagement by 8% using React

These changes are small, but they make Johann a much more appealing candidate to Acme Corp.

sample resume for react developer fresher

Resume skills

Before a hiring manager or recruiter looks at your resume for a front-end dev role, an automated system called an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) reviews your resume.

An ATS is filtering resumes based on keyword matching. This is why it’s critically important to try to include as many skills listed in the job description on your resume as possible.

Be careful to remember that a human will still look at your resume!

Nothing is a bigger red flag to a technical hiring manager than a resume where a developer claims knowledge of a laundry list of different skills and frameworks.

It’s much better to be an expert in one to two languages than a beginner in many different languages.

As a rule of thumb, only include languages and frameworks on which you’d be comfortable being interviewed.

Here are common  resume skills  employers look for in front-end developers to give you some inspiration.

Common resume skills for front-end developers

  • JavaScript (ES6, React, Angular, Redux, Webpack)
  • Agile Software Development
  • Cloud (AWS, GCP, Azure)
  • Service Side Development (C#, Node.js)
  • Python (Django)
  • SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL)

sample resume for react developer fresher

Resume objective

95 percent of front-end developers shouldn’t include a resume objective on their resume.

Hiring managers are conditioned to ignore resume objectives because they’re usually generic and don’t add value to a resume.

You should only include an objective if you’re going to take the time to customize it for each job to which you apply.

To ensure a hiring manager reads your objective, you should include numbers and the company’s name to which you’re applying.

The company’s name will draw the hiring manager’s attention as they skim your objective, which will encourage them to read the entire resume objective.

Your front-end developer resume objective should include your top one to two qualifications or biggest career accomplishments (quantified, of course), as well as why you’re interested in the company/role to which you’re applying.

Here are a few  resume objective examples  for inspiration: your next role.

Front-end developer resume objective examples

  • “Recent graduate with an MS in Computer Science looking to leverage my experience building responsive and scalable web apps to solve interesting problems that delight end-users.”
  • “Throughout my career as a front-end developer, I’ve emphasized the importance of scalable and well-documented code. I enjoy working collaboratively but can also run projects on my own. Excited about the prospect of joining a product-driven company like Acme Corp.”
  • “Experienced front-end developer who is comfortable working with JavaScript, HTML/CSS to deliver exceptional customer experiences. Looking for an opportunity to work at a company like Acme Corp with a positive social mission to democratize online payments.”

sample resume for react developer fresher

Measure your impact

I said it before, and I’ll say it again: the single most important thing you can do on your resume is to quantify your impact.

To accomplish this, focus on your accomplishments instead of your responsibilities. Don’t be afraid to brag on your resume!

Quantifying your impact on your resume accomplishes a few major goals:

  • It quickly and convincingly makes the case that you’ll have a large impact on the role to which you’re applying.
  • It convinces the hiring manager you know the metrics that ultimately matter are tangible business outcomes.
  • Numbers draw the hiring manager’s attention, convincing them to spend more time on your resume.

These impacts can be very rough estimates!

To give you an idea of how you can quantify your impact as a front-end developer, try to ask these questions about your past projects and work experiences:

  • Did a change you made improve the conversion rate?
  • Did you work on a feature that improved time on the page?
  • Were you tasked with launching a product or feature for a new or expanded market? How much revenue did this drive?
  • Has something you worked on reduced the manual work required to complete certain tasks? By how much?
  • Did you make a fix that reduced bug requests or increased the speed of a web app?
  • Was there a tangible increase in customer retention or satisfaction due to something you built?

WRONG – no quantifiable metrics

Acme Corp August 2017 – Present, New York NY Front-End Developer

  • Architected product tours with React for a new feature that improved customer adoption
  • Partnered with data science to develop the front-end for a product recommendation engine that increased user time on page
  • Migrated a multi-page user experience into a single-page app which improved customer engagement

RIGHT – quantifiable impact

Applying for front-end developer positions can be incredibly stressful and demoralizing. Take a second to congratulate yourself on taking a huge step and updating or building your resume!

Before you know it, you’ll be in a new front-end role you love. You got this!

Front-End Developer Resume FAQs

Job seeker holds letters "F-A-Q" to ask about writing resumes, cover letters, & other job materials

Use numbers to add weight to your career achievements. Other candidates will say they developed platform technology solutions, reduced valuation time, improved user acquisition, or wrote maintainable code. That’s all well and good, but you’ll snag recruiters’ attention when you quantify your impact. Achievements that lead to improved time on page or conversion rate, a boost in revenue, a decrease in the manual workload, etc., are numbers you should talk about proudly in your front-end developer resume.

Additionally, taking the time to write a customized front-end developer cover letter (even if it’s not required in the job app) will complement your resume well.

There’s no end of technical skills and front-end tools that are available, but your resume shouldn’t be a dumping ground to list just anything. Check out the front-end developer job description to see what that company specifically needs. For instance, if they mention React, Angular, and Django, and you’re comfortable sharing in an interview how you’ve consistently used these skills to drive success, list these in your resume.

Everyone starts somewhere, and you can still build a resume that’s professional and enticing to employers. While including relevant coursework from college or internship experience is a great start, you’ll help hiring managers understand what you can offer when you share academic or personal projects that relied on front-end development skills. If you built a full-stack web app to help patients keep track of prescriptions as part of a class project, talk about the skills and tools you used as well as the impact of the project.

Create my free resume now

  • 10+ React and .NET Developer Resume Samples

React + ASP.NET: Why They Are Great Together

Frontend frameworks like ReactJS and Asp.NET enable such an enhanced web application experience. ReactJS is an open-source Javascript-based front-end framework that provides a comprehensive library of tools geared towards enhanced UI and user experience. Frontend frameworks like ReactJS have enabled SPAs to be as responsive, dynamic, and efficient web spaces for users.

Asp.NET has the infrastructure and development environment that can support the dynamic ReactJS components. .NET is an open-source platform equipped with comprehensive tools to develop cross-platform diverse tools for various devices. .NET is capable of supporting the development of major software development needs like Cloud, Mobile, Web, and services. It is also fast and compatible with other modern platforms, frameworks, and programming languages.

Interview Questions on React JS Recruitment

There are several interview questions that need to be considered in ReactJS recruitment. Having prepped questions will help better gauge the skills and experience of a potential recruit. Below are example interview questions on React JS that will help you recruit a highly-skilled ReactJS developer:

  • What is React?
  • What features and functions do React offer?
  • What are the pros and cons of using ReactJS?
  • How does Virtual DOM work?
  • Differentiate the stateful and stateless components.
  • What is an “event” in a React project?
  • Why use React with Redux?

React and .Net Developer Resume Sample

Below is .NET developer with React JS sample resume outline you can use as a reference when you look to hire a ReactJS and .NET developer for your project.

react and .net developer resume sample

React and .NET Developer Resume and CV Samples

#1. sr. software engineer – react .net resume.

senior software engineer with react and .net resume sample

Source: fullstackresume.com

A senior software engineer would have skills and experience for frontend, backend, and/or full-stack development, including React JS experience .NET resume content. 

#2. React and .NET Developer CV

react and .net developer cv sample

React and .NET developer resume would have skills and experience in both frontend and backend technologies, at least ReactJS and .NET respectively. 

#3. React JS Roles And Responsibilities Dot NET Resume

react js roles and responsibilities dot net resume

Source: toptal.com

There are certain roles that ReactJS and .NET developers need to be aware of, and should be included in any React JS .NET resume format. This will also make ReactJS and .NET developer recruitment easier.

#4. ASP.NET React JS CV Formats – Senior .NET Developer/Analyst

asp.net react js cv formats

Source: velvetjobs.com

A senior .NET developer is expected to have experience and skills for both ASP.NET and ReactJS.

#5. React JS in .NET CV – .NET Developer Resume

react js in .net cv example

.NET, ReactJS, and AngularJs have a wide array of applications, including Coldfusion for private and public sector jobs.

#6. ReactJS .NET Developer CV

reactjs .net developer cv

Source: qwikresume.com

Junior frontend developers can have experience and skills in backend technologies like ASP.NET.

#7. Senior Frontend/UI Developer Resume

sr. frontend ui developer resume example

Senior frontend/UI developer resumes typically cover extensive skills and experience in frontend development, including some skills and experience in backend tools and processing.

#8. Associate Frontend UI Developer – Angular and React JS Resume

associate frontend ui developer cv sample

An associate frontend developer would also cover Angular and ReactJS skills and experience.

#9. Junior Frontend/UI Developer – .NET, Angular and React JS Resume

junior frontend ui developer cv sample

A junior frontend UI developer resume as well as Angular and React JS resume will not only have the capacity for frontend development but also knowledge and some capacity for backend development with tools like .NET and Angular.

#10. Senior ASP.NET Developer Resume

senior asp.net developer resume sample

A senior Asp.NET developer resume would have extensive .NET development skills and experience, but will also have expanded to using other web development tools, like React and Angular.

Top Countries to Hire Remote ReactJS Developers

With around 30 million software developers worldwide, a number that will surely continue to grow in the next few years, looking to hire remote reactJS developers can be daunting. To hire remote ReactJS developers, one can always start with researching and reviewing .net developer react js resume sample and CVs. Recruitment will also require a keen sense and skills for balancing selection criteria, recruitment cost, and developer skills and experience. 

Countries from Eastern Europe have found a niche for IT development services. Ukraine, for example, is a hub for high-quality global IT services providers with numerous clients and partners all over the world. Such a company is capable of offering manageable costs and the service of expert ReactJS and Asp.NET developer team services.

Know the developer skills to look out for when you hire for your React project! Contact us for more CVs of dedicated React JS coders.

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UI Developer Resume Examples – Fresher Samples

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Entry Level UI Developer Resume Example

Fresher ui developer resume example, trainee ui developer resume example, junior ui developer resume example, beginner ui developer resume example.

Are you entering the realm of UI development and seeking to land your first job in the field? Crafting an impressive resume tailored to the entry level UI developer position is essential to highlight your potential and eagerness to learn in 2024.

Having a standout resume is vital to grab the attention of hiring managers. In this example, we’ll explore example of a entry level UI developer resumes to provide you with inspiration and guidance in crafting your own compelling resume.

Click above button to modify the resume as per your need using placements.app free online resume builder.

  • Fresher Angular Developer Resume Examples for 2024
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Crafting an impressive resume tailored to the Entry Level UI Developer position is essential to highlight your potential and eagerness to learn.

Crafting a standout entry level UI developer resume is crucial to demonstrate your potential and eagerness to learn in the IT field in 2024. By utilizing the examples provided in this article and tailoring them to highlight your unique skills and experiences, you can create a compelling resume that impresses hiring managers.

Emphasize your key skills, strengths, experiences, and education to showcase your suitability for the role. Take the first step towards launching your career as a entry level fresher UI developer by creating your own impressive resume using the provided template and guidelines.

Resume Headline Example

Creating Innovative User Experiences

Summary Example

Eager Entry Level UI Developer with a passion for creating innovative user experiences.

Resume Skills Example

  • UI/UX Design

Key Strengths Examples

  • Creative Problem-Solving
  • Attention to Detail
  • Adaptability
  • Team Collaboration

Experience Examples

Roles and responsibilities

  • Assisted in the development of responsive and user-friendly web interfaces.
  • Collaborated with senior developers to implement UI enhancements.

Resume Education Example

Are you a fresher looking to break into the IT field of UI development?

After covid the IT job market is getting worse every year. Having a standout resume is essential to catch the attention of hiring managers.

In this example, we’ll explore examples of UI developer resume for fresher students to provide you with inspiration and guidance in creating your own impressive document.

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Crafting a compelling UI Developer fresher resume is crucial to showcase your skills, enthusiasm, and potential. Take the first step towards launching your career as a UI developer by creating your own impressive resume using the provided template and guidelines.

Crafting Innovative User Interfaces

Energetic Fresher Level UI Developer with a passion for crafting innovative user interfaces.

  • Assisted in developing user-friendly web interfaces and implementing UI enhancements.

Are you aspiring to kickstart your career as a Trainee UI developer?

Crafting a compelling resume is your first step towards landing that dream job. In today’s competitive job market, having a standout resume is crucial to capture the attention of hiring managers. In this article, we’ll explore examples of Trainee UI Developer resumes to guide you in creating your own impressive document.

Crafting a compelling resume is your first step towards landing that dream job.

By utilising the examples provided in this article and customising them to fit your unique qualifications, you can create a compelling resume that helps you stand out in the competitive job market.

Remember to highlight your key skills, strengths, experiences, and education to demonstrate your suitability for the role. Crafting a standout trainee UI developer resume is essential for showcasing your skills and experiences to potential employers. Now, take the first step towards your dream job by creating your own impressive resume using the provided template and guidelines.

Crafting Sleek and Intuitive User Interfaces

Passionate UI Developer with a keen eye for design and user experience.

  • Designed and developed responsive web interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Assisted senior developers in building and maintaining web applications.

Are you aiming to secure a position as a Junior UI Developer? Below example will help you in guiding how to write a resume for junior ui developer role.

Crafting a compelling resume tailored to the junior UI developer role is crucial to showcase your skills and experiences effectively.

By leveraging the examples provided in this article and tailoring them to highlight your unique qualifications, you can create a compelling resume that sets you apart from other candidates. Emphasize your skills, strengths, experiences, and education to showcase your suitability for the role. Take the first step towards securing your desired Junior UI Developer position by creating your own impressive resume using the provided template and guidelines.

Creating Intuitive and Engaging User Experiences

Dynamic Junior UI Developer with a passion for creating intuitive and engaging user experiences.

  • Fast Learner
  • Assisted in the development of user-friendly interfaces for web applications.
  • Collaborated with senior developers to implement UI improvements.

Are you embarking on your journey as a Beginner UI Developer?

Crafting a compelling resume tailored to this role is essential to showcase your potential and enthusiasm for the field. In today’s competitive job market, having a standout resume is crucial to grab the attention of hiring managers. In this article, we’ll delve into examples of Beginner UI Developer resumes to provide you with inspiration and guidance in crafting your own impressive document.

Crafting a compelling resume tailored to the Beginner UI Developer role is essential to showcase your potential and enthusiasm for the field.

Crafting Engaging User Interfaces

Enthusiastic Beginner UI Developer with a passion for crafting engaging user interfaces.

  • Contributed to the development of responsive and accessible web interfaces.
  • Assisted in implementing UI design elements for web applications.

In conclusion, By using above examples provided in this article, highlight your unique skills and experiences, you can create a compelling resume that impresses hiring managers.

Emphasize your key skills, strengths, experiences, and education to showcase your suitability for the role. Take the first step towards launching your career as a UI developer by creating your own impressive resume using the provided template and guidelines.

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Meet Mohan, a seasoned professional and dedicated career advice expert with a passion for guiding individuals toward success in their professional journeys.

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  1. Resume Builder with React in Hindi

  2. Resume Builder Using ReactJS

  3. Part 1: Build a Resume Builder using React JS

  4. Build a React JS Resume Builder Tutorial || Part 2: CSS STYLING

  5. React and JavaScript Fresher Interview

  6. Sample Resume Formats for Fresher


  1. 5 React Developer Resume Examples Proven to Work in 2024

    Examples Proven to Work in 2024. As a React developer, you design responsive interfaces that drive traffic, increase engagement, and improve the overall user experience. You act as a bridge between design and functionality, seamlessly turning input from UI/UX designers into intricate lines of code. You thrive in this fast-paced industry, and ...

  2. React Front End Developer

    React Front End Developer Resume Tips. As a hiring manager who has recruited for React front end developer roles at companies like Meta, Airbnb, and Stripe, I've seen hundreds of resumes. The best ones always manage to effectively showcase the candidate's technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and impact in previous roles.

  3. 10+ Junior ReactJS Developer Resume Samples

    A junior React developer resume format plays a vital role for the job seekers in getting hired for an attractive salary. Let's have a look at 10 very attractive samples of React JS Junior developer CV formats in the following images. #1. Junior React Developer CV Sample. Source: mobilunity.com.

  4. 8 React Developer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    Before you go on, there are other resume examples with guides that can be relevant for you: Front-end developer resume. Back-end engineer resume. Full-Stack developer resume. Python developer resume. Node.js developer resume. PhP developer resume. .Net developer resume.

  5. React Developer Resume: Example, Tips & Writing Guide

    Oracle Certified Professional (2018) Speaker at React Advanced in London (2019) Let's show you how to write an exemplary React dev resume: 1. Choose the Best React Developer Resume Format. React developers craft and implement UI components to integrate them with JavaScript web applications.

  6. 2024 React Developer Resume Example (+Guidance)

    Common Responsibilities Listed on React Developer Resumes: Design and develop user interface components using React.js. Develop reusable components and front-end libraries for future use. Optimize components for maximum performance across a vast array of web-capable devices and browsers. Collaborate with other team members and stakeholders.

  7. React JS Developer Resume: 2023 Guide with 15+ Section-Wise ...

    Add a Profile Title to Your React JS Developer Resume. The profile title is the third section of your React js sample resume. Here's why it's important: It communicates your current/last-held job title. It communicates your functional industry or area of expertise. It communicates your seniority level. It communicates your potential income.

  8. React Developer Resume Examples for 2024

    When writing your summary, focus on highlighting your most relevant skills and experiences that align with the React Developer position. Tailor your language to the specific job requirements and showcase your unique value proposition. Keep it concise and impactful, aiming for no more than 3-4 sentences. Expand.

  9. 5 Fresher ReactJS Developer Resume Examples List

    Explore a curated list of exemplary resume examples and kickstart your career in tech today! Rated 3.5 by 12 people. Table Of Contents. Example #1: Fresher ReactJS Developer Resume. Example #2: Intern ReactJS Developer Resume. Example #3: Junior ReactJS Developer Resume. Example #4: Trainee ReactJS Developer Resume.

  10. React Full Stack Developer Resume Example

    A strong React Full Stack Developer resume should emphasize experience in developing scalable applications using React.js and Node.js, showcasing the impact on business metrics such as increased sales, user traffic, and customer engagement. Highlight collaboration with cross-functional teams, such as UX and DevOps, to optimize user experience ...

  11. React Developer Resume (w/ Examples, Template, Format)

    React JS Developer with 6 years of experience in building user-facing mobile features. CakeResume helps React developer build professional resumes! Start from choosing a suitable resume template & layout, you can learn from our step-by-step guide to make a perfect React developer resume for free. Create Resume.

  12. 3 React Developer Resume Examples and Templates

    Entry Level React Developer Resume Example. React Developer. Responsible for design, layout, and implementation of both React front-end and Flask backend's RESTful API. Implemented multiprocessing to increase page load speed by 98%. Integrated project with external RESTful API to retrieve and display JSON data.

  13. React Developer Resume Example

    React Developer. (555) 123-4567. [email protected]. San Francisco, California. 1. Brand Yourself with Your Name. Start with your name, not just any name, but the one you've built your professional identity around. Ensure it's bold and the first thing to catch an eye.

  14. 11 React Developer Resume Examples for 2024

    React DeveloperResume Sample. Accelerated the user interface development process by 35% through implementation of component-based architecture with React and Redux. Collaborated with a team of 5 developers in order to introduce a new responsive web application, enhancing customer engagement by 20%.

  15. How To Write A React Developer Resume (With Example)

    Here are the steps you can follow to write a react developer resume: 1. Choose a resume format. Before you begin writing your resume, choose a format based on your experience level. If you have three or more years of development experience, use a chronological resume format. This traditional format outlines your work history in reverse ...

  16. React JS Developer Resume Example for 2024

    Writing your React resume summary or resume objective. The summary and resume objective section is typically what the hiring manager views first. Like a good user interface, you'll want to start with your best foot forward. Below is an example of a solid summary of a senior UI developer resume with React JS.

  17. How To Write an Outstanding React Developer Resume

    Avoid clichés: avoid choosing overused jargon that can potentially weaken your resume. Examples to leave off your resume include bottom line, value adds, synergy, and others. 2. Being specific and transparent in education & work experience sections. Your resume's education and work experience sections are crucial for standing out.

  18. React Developer Resume Sample

    Just upload a draft of your resume, and we´ll write a customized resume for you that's optimized for your background and a React developer job. React Developer Resume.docx (18.36 KB) Get your React developer resume ready for launch with our resume writing tips and a free resume sample.

  19. Fresher Front End Developer Resume Example

    As a Fresher Front End Developer, your resume should be concise and to the point. Ideally, your resume should be one page long, highlighting your relevant skills, education, and any relevant projects or internships you have completed. Avoid including unnecessary details or irrelevant information, and use bullet points to make your resume easy ...

  20. Sample Resume of React Developer with Template & Writing Guide

    Create the perfect Resume of React Developer that lands you the right job opportunity with our free sample and writing guide. ... Sample Resume of React developer in Text Format. RAJ MALHOTRA . React developer +91-9876543210 | [email protected] | Mumbai, India ... E-books on Resume Writing for job seekers. 1 is for Graduates and Freshers, 2 for ...

  21. 12 Real Front-End Developer Resume Examples That Worked in 2024

    Resume Examples That Worked in 2024. Stephen Greet March 14, 2024. As a front-end developer, you know how to make a seamless web app that helps users accomplish what they need to do. You have a strong combination of technical ability and creativity. It can be really difficult to channel this wide-ranging developer skillset properly on a resume ...

  22. 10+ React and .NET Developer Resume Samples

    A senior .NET developer is expected to have experience and skills for both ASP.NET and ReactJS. #5. React JS in .NET CV - .NET Developer Resume. Source: velvetjobs.com. .NET, ReactJS, and AngularJs have a wide array of applications, including Coldfusion for private and public sector jobs. #6.

  23. UI Developer Resume Examples For Freshers [Updated 2024 ]

    5 Fresher React JS Developer Resume samples for 2024 students. Crafting an impressive resume tailored to the Entry Level UI Developer position is essential to highlight your potential and eagerness to learn. Crafting a standout entry level UI developer resume is crucial to demonstrate your potential and eagerness to learn in the IT field in 2024.