Selenium automation tester resume sample

The best selenium automation tester resume structure, tips for a winner resume for a selenium automation engineer, sample resume for selenium automation testing jobs, get a resume template for selenium automation test engineer, apply for remote qa automation engineer jobs at epam anywhere.

hands holding a sheet of paper with a Selenium logo

As Chief Editor, Darya works with our top technical and career experts at EPAM Anywhere to share their insights with our global audience. With 12+ years in digital communications, she’s happy to help job seekers make the best of remote work opportunities and build a fulfilling career in tech.


When you’re searching for a new job, having a top-quality Selenium automation tester resume is essential. While that seems daunting, creating a standout Selenium automation resume is typically easier than most professionals expect.

If you’re ready to ensure your Selenium automation testing resume is on point, here are some tips, a Selenium sample resume, and a Selenium testing resume template to get you started.

A standout Selenium automation tester resume effectively markets your professional skills and experience to employers. If you want to make a positive impression, you need to ensure that your Selenium testing resume contains the correct sections. Here’s an overview of all the critical components.

Resume headline for a Selenium automation tester

When you’re creating a resume for Selenium automation testing, having a concise headline can draw in the hiring manager or recruiter. Essentially, you want to summarize what you bring to the table in a single sentence, including details like your job title, years of experience, and top couple of skills.

Your resume headline for a Selenium automation tester job application should focus on your automation engineer skills over more general capabilities. Consider the most essential abilities that a Selenium test engineer needs to bring to the table and start there.

Additionally, if you’re newer to the field, consider highlighting relevant education. For example, a computer science degree coupled with a few applicable skills shows that you have a strong foundation, even if you don’t yet have much direct experience to list on your resume for a Selenium automation engineer position.

Selenium tester resume summary

A summary on your Selenium automation test engineer resume digs a little deeper than the headline. It allows you to provide more information about your automation testing experience and relevant capabilities.

Typically, you want to discuss an achievement or two that best showcases critical skills relating to the job you’re trying to land. This allows you to clearly demonstrate your value at your Selenium interview while encouraging the hiring manager or recruiter to keep reading.

Overall, a resume summary should only be a few lines long. Additionally, it should augment your headline without simply repeating what’s already shared there.

Selenium tester roles and responsibilities in a resume

While an automation testing Selenium resume could once simply outline the job description for your past positions in the work experience section, that same strategy isn’t ideal today. Instead, hiring managers and recruiters prefer a more data-driven approach when it comes to Selenium resume roles and responsibilities.

On a Selenium tester resume, you want to showcase your past roles and responsibilities in an achievement-oriented fashion. By doing so, you get to highlight your results along with your technical skills, making it easier to see the value you provide as a Selenium automation tester.

Be sure to quantify the details of this whenever possible. Numbers stand out visually, so they draw the eye to critical points. Plus, metrics provide valuable context, allowing the hiring manager or recruiter to learn more about the breadth of your capabilities.

Relevant tech and soft skills

When you’re creating an automation tester resume for Selenium, you need to showcase a variety of skills that relate to the role. Yes, explicitly discussing Selenium skills in a CV is vital, but that only scratches the surface of what you should discuss. For example, this means diving deeper than simply mentioning that you’re familiar with automation testing tools ; you need to outline the specific tools and techniques you use to excel on the job.

Typically, it’s best to separate your skills into specific sections, although how you divide them up can vary depending on the number of skills you’re listing. Here are some examples of what you may want to include:

  • Methodologies and project management: Software development life cycle (SDLC), Agile methodologies, Scrum, DevOps, test management
  • Coding and programming languages: Java, Python, SQL, XML, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, VBScript
  • Test automation frameworks, platforms, and tools: Selenium WebDriver, Jira, MySQL, Jenkins, JUnit, SQL Server, Appium, Maven, UFT, Eclipse, Selenium IDE, Selenium Grid, ALM, JMeter, Linux, Unix, Git, Oracle
  • Testing: User acceptance testing (UAT), cross-browser testing, database testing, quality assurance, web application performance testing, regression testing, functional testing, validation, API testing, QTP testing, test automation scripts, test scenarios, test cases, test strategies, system testing, software testing, test plans, manual testing, test data, test execution, integration testing
  • Other technical skills: Web services, etc.
  • Soft skills: Communication, collaboration, teamwork, leadership, flexibility, adaptability, willingness to learn, organization, time management

Selenium testing projects for a resume

In most cases, your Selenium tester resume should include a section dedicated to specific projects. When choosing Selenium projects for your resume, focus on those that highlight the skills that the specific hiring manager or recruiter wants to find. Also, use the STAR method when outlining them, as that provides valuable context.

Often, it’s also wise to build a broader portfolio — preferably a web-based one — that you can share during your job search. These augment what you choose to include as your Selenium testing projects for your resume, allowing the hiring manager or recruiter to dig deeper if they choose.


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When you build your resume for an automation test engineer with Selenium experience, you need to use the right strategy to improve readability and spur additional interest. Here are some tips that can help your Selenium automation testing experience resume stand out.

Make your resume easy to skim

Whether you’re creating a Selenium resume for an experienced professional or are new to the field, you need to make sure the document is easy to skim. Most hiring managers and recruiters won’t read every word during the first viewing, so you want to organize your resume in a logical and easy-to-read manner.

Use bullet points in your QA tester resume with Selenium experience. The Selenium resume points draw the eye and create a sense of separation visually, enhancing the readability of the resume.

Additionally, select a professional font like Calibri or Arial, and choose a size that’s large enough to remain comfortable. Balance out the content with whitespace, and limit embellishments like italics and bold to keep your QA resume with Selenium experience from looking overly busy.

Use action verbs and power words

When you’re creating a resume for a Selenium tester position, rely heavily on action verbs and ‘power words.’ These are far more compelling to read overall, and they give the hiring manager and recruiter additional insights into what you did while on the job.

Some examples of action verbs and power words include achieved, delivered, developed, enacted, executed, initiated, managed, planned, strengthened, and trained .

Quantify your project outcomes

As mentioned previously, numbers draw the eye and provide critical context, making your QA Selenium resume more interesting. Ideally, you want to make sure that you use metrics when describing project outcomes. By doing so, it’s easier to highlight your value throughout your QA tester resume.

Tailor your CV to the job requirements

When you create a Selenium resume, it’s best to target the content to the job you’re trying to land. That means not just relying on Selenium resume samples as you design your CV. While a Selenium testing resume sample can be an excellent source of inspiration, it isn’t tailored to a specific role. As a result, you want to take the time to update the content to ensure you’re speaking to a specific hiring manager or recruiter’s needs.

Include a personalized cover letter

Creating a personalized cover letter to go with your QA resume with Selenium experience gives you more room to highlight achievements and showcase your passion for the opportunity. If you aren’t sure where to begin, use a QA engineer cover letter sample for inspiration.


Before you create your Selenium resume, it’s wise to review at least one sample resume for Selenium automation testing. Selenium automation resume samples can show you what a strong application looks like, giving you some initial direction.

Just make sure not to use any Selenium tester resume samples verbatim. Not only is that content plagiarized, but it also isn’t targeted to a specific role. Instead, treat any sample Selenium resume as a source of inspiration and guidance only. Here’s a Selenium automation testing resume sample to get you started:


While having a sample resume for a Selenium automation tester is helpful, having access to a Selenium resume template can also speed up the creation of your application. This essentially gives you a framework with the proper formatting, ensuring you start in the right direction.

If you want to take the next step beyond a sample resume for a Selenium automation tester, whether you’re experienced or a beginner, download the free resume template from EPAM Anywhere to get started.


After you have a standout Selenium automation tester resume, it’s time to get your job search off the ground. If you’re ready for a career-boosting opportunity, explore our remote QA automation engineer jobs and apply today.

Explore our Editorial Policy to learn more about our standards for content creation.

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Selenium resume – building an impressive test engineer resume.

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Software Testing

One thing you need to know when you want to apply for a job in the technical domain is to learn how to ace it. Taking a baby step towards understanding how to crack an interview, we’ll learn how to write an impressive Selenium resume. In this Selenium Resume article, you’ll understand why Selenium Testing Course  testing has great career opportunitie s .

Let’s begin by looking at the topics to be covered in this blog:

  • Who is an automation test engineer?
  • Automation Test Engineer job description
  • Automation Test Engineer roles and responsibilities
  • Skills required
  • Selenium job trends
  • Selenium salary trends
  • Key points to be considered while writing a resume
  • Selenium Test Engineer Sample resume

So we’ll start by learning about who exactly is an Automation Test Engineer.

Selenium Resume: Who is an Automation Test Engineer?

When an application or software is developed, it needs to be tested to see whether it gives the desired output or not. There are different ways to test an application. A person could manually test the application by giving inputs, checking the output and reporting it, or he could automate this process by executing a script.

An Automation Tester is a person who writes the script to test the correctness of the application.

Test Automation involves creating and applying technologies that control or monitor production and timely delivery of software products. Automated testing helps in reducing the time consumed to perform tedious tasks. 

The duty of a test automation engineer includes designing, programming, simulating and deploying effective test automation solutions. The main objective of a test automation engineer is to automate as much of the testing as possible with a minimum set of code or scripts.

An automation Tester designs the test cases by creating scripts that check the functionalities automatically. Automated testing entirely relies on the pre-scripted test which runs automatically to compare actual result with the expected results. Therefore, an Automation tester plays a superior role in making the application defect free.

Let’s see the job description of an automation tester.

Job Description of an Automation Test Engineer

The simplest way to start building a Test Automation resume is by looking at the job description. This is the job description of one of the top companies Squareroot  where you will find Selenium as one of the must-know tools.

This job description may vary based on the organization’s requirement. Now, let’s see the roles and responsibilities of an automation tester.

Roles & Responsibilities of an Automation Test Engineer

To be a successful automation tester, you need to know what you are intended to do. I have tried pointing out the major roles and responsibilities of an automation test Engineer:

  • Investigate the problems in the software
  • Identify & resolve all the bugs in the system
  • To define the test strategies
  • Designing and writing the test automation scripts
  • To develop, design test strategies for functional, non-functional and performance testing
  • To process, implement and monitor testing
  • To ensure the timely delivery of various testing milestones
  • Self-development skills to keep up to date with the trends

An automation tester is not limited to these responsibilities,   it might vary according to the job requirements.

Now that you guys have got a clear idea about the roles and the responsibilities of an automation tester, we’ll see the skills one must possess in order to become a prominent tester.

Selenium Test Engineer Resume | Edureka

This ‘Selenium Resume’ video by Edureka helps you understand how to build a resume to crack any automation testing interview.

Selenium Resume: Skills Required

Similar to how sharpening the axe plays a major role in cutting a tree, skills play a major role in clearing an interview. One needs to know the basics of manual testing in order to understand what happens to the process if it is automated. This is a must to know skill in the field of testing.

I have differentiated the skill set according to the experience level. First, we’ll check out the required skills for a fresher:

  • One must have basic knowledge of the test architecture
  • Solid understanding of computer languages and software development
  • Knows how to design the test frameworks
  • Should be well versed in creating test scripts
  • Ability to troubleshoot problems
  • Should possess creative thinking skills
  • Ability to communicate well

Now let’s see the skills required by an experienced Automation Test Engineer:

  • Minimum 2-5 years of experience working in the software development field
  • At least 3+ years of hands-on testing experience
  • 3+ years in building, leading and managing product testing
  • Demonstrate leadership in developing and delivering test plans
  • Experience in working on the product lifecycle
  • Develop innovative strategies to improve the effectiveness of testing
  • Experience in working across Linux & Windows-based development
  • Understand business goals and specifications thoroughly

The ones listed above ar e the basic skillset one company would ask for. This might vary from one company to another.

Now that you have seen the skills required to ace an interview, we’ll see the Selenium job trends that have been increasing in the past years.

Selenium Resume: Selenium Job Trends

Selenium is one of the most widely used automation testing tools which one must master to build a career in the field of testing. There are many organizations that offer jobs for roles such as test engineer, test analyst, test manager, QA analyst, and whatever you name it. So, the vacancies are also increasing as the pay scale for this job is high. Below graph shows us the latest job trends.

As you can see there is an exponential growth in the vacancies for the testing jobs, people take up both permanent as well as contract jobs as per their preference. The median salary specified according to ITJobsWatch is € 50,000. So if any of you want to become a successful automation tester , now is the right time to start working for it.

Let’s understand the salary acquired by an automation tester.

Selenium Resume: Salary Trends

Now let’s talk about the stats. How much does an automation tester make in a year?

  • Software testing offers the most promising jobs across the globe which sums up to a total of $83,000 a year in the US.
  • Selenium is globally rated as a top priority in the test automation field scaling up from 29% to 36% people taking up testing as their career option. So, as a test automation engineer, one must master Selenium.
  • According to a recent survey, the average salary of an automation tester ranges between Rs 396,736 – Rs 1,525,969.
  • According to PayScale , the average pay for a Selenium Tester is $83,200  per year.  

This is how Selenium tester’s value is been increasing in the recent past.

Now let’s move on and see what are the basic factors we should consider while writing a Selenium resume.

Key Points to be Considered while Writing a Resume

To build an effective resume, we need to consider a few things.

  • A resume is the first impression in front of the interviewer.
  • It can be written in two ways, namely: Chronological and Functional
  • Chronological : This is a traditional way of writing a resume where you specify your experience according to the time it took place. It is generally used in the conservative fields.
  • Functional : This is a whole new approach where you mention your most relevant experience based on the required skills. This is a more simple way to portray yourself in front of an interviewer.
  • Your resume should be simple, concise and up to date.
  • The message should be clear .
  • For people who have less than 8 years of experience, should have a single page of resume.
  • Give priorities to those skills that are relevant to the job.
  • Do not forget about mentioning your achievements and your hobbies because this helps in breaking the ice with the interviewer.

Related Course: Automation Testing Courses

Now let’s move on to the most important part of this article and understand how to write a Selenium resume.

Sample Selenium Resume

First thing you need to know while you are writing your resume is to maintain proper alignment. This eventually catches the eye of an interviewer.

  • The introduction should be simple and should be up to mark.
  • Next is your education details. This should be covered in the order of your latest degree.
  • Followed by this will be your experience in this field.
  • Don’t worry if you are a fresher, you can mention the projects that you’ve worked on and justify your role in it.
  • If you are experienced, mention your latest job role and the projects you have worked on & your achievements in the previous organization.
  • Do mention your technical skills which specifies what you are good at.
  • Last, but not least, do mention your achievements and hobbies. Try not to talk more about this because it might distract the interviewer. Try keeping it simple.

Find out our Selenium Testing Course in Top Cities

Now with this, we come to an end to this “Selenium resume” blog. I hope you guys enjoyed this article and understood how to write a creative resume on your own. Now that you have understood the easiest way to build your resume, check out the training by Edureka, a trusted online learning company with a network of more than 650,000 satisfied learners spread across the globe. This course is designed to introduce you to the complete Selenium features and its importance in testing software. Got a question for us? Please mention it in the comments section of “Selenium resume” and we will get back to you.

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How can you write a flawless automation tester resume?

[ Click here to directly go to the complete Automation Tester resume sample ]

Resume writing may seem easy but unless it is written with perfection, one's chances of being shortlisted for the targeted job profile remain very low.

To write a flawless automation tester resume you need to learn what to include and how to frame them in your QA automation tester resume.

Here is the summary of our Automation Tester Resume Blog:

  • Let the recruiters know you by your name. Write your name as the resume header.
  • Take no chances of missing calls from the recruiters. Provide your correct contact details in your junior automation tester resume.
  • Leave no trace of doubt about your professional status. Give an accurate profile title that defines you in your jr automation tester resume.
  • Give a clear description of your work experience in your resume to make the recruiters acknowledge the positive work record that you hold.

Captivating the recruiter's attention with your best automation tester resume is in your hands but you must learn how to achieve the same.

Read the below-given resume tips to writing an impeccable Automation Tester resume:

Build your Automation Tester resume by following the three stages of resume writing

Organize your automation tester resume by including distinct sections.

  • Optimize the header section of your Automation Tester resume
  • Perfect the professional experience section of your Automation Tester resume

Provide your educational background details in your Automation Tester resume

Present your automation tester resume skills on distinct skills section, include an impeccable overview of your automation tester resume.

We are just a click away!

Visit Hiration's Online Resume Builder to create the perfect automation tester resume with the help of professionals.

The list below is all that is included in this blog to help you build the best automation tester resume:

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Always pick the right automation tester resume format and follow the three stages of resume writing to broaden your chances of being shortlisted by the recruiters.


Stage 1 of writing your automation tester resume: To begin with your QA automation tester resume writing, create a folder, and list down all your details and particulars.

Any information regarding your education, training, certification(s), professional experience, etc should be noted down in this master folder.

It can help you with your current resume as well as for any future updates of your resume. All you need to do is simply keep updating it with every notable achievement or growth in your career.

Stage 2 of writing your automation tester resume: With the master folder ready, you can start building the first draft of your automation tester resume.

Create a flawless outline of your software automation tester resume and start filling them with your details as per the requirements.

The details in your master folder can make it easier for you to build your resume without any hassle.

Stage 3 of writing your automation tester resume: Leave the key skills section and resume summary/objective section for the end.

Work on these two particular segments in the end because you will need to pick your core skills and professional achievements from the professional experience section.

Automation Tester Sample Resume

Examine the below-given automation tester resume sample before you start writing your resume:

  • Automation Tools: Selenium, Watir, QTP, SoapUI
  • Programming Languages : SQL, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby, HTML, CSS
  • Web Design : HTML5, CSS, JavaScript, JSP, Servlets
  • Database : PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle , Cassandra, Redis
  • Operating Systems: Linux, Mac OS, Windows, Unix
  • Formulated effective test plans to ensure that it adheres to the requirements of the clients and users
  • Implemented Test Design Automation to deliver high-quality applications for the clients within a given time frame
  • Designed the automation framework and implemented it as per the structure of 10+ projects
  • Executed component-based approach and developed automation scripts to reduce maintenance costs by 50%
  • Created 10+ automated test scripts in QuickTest Professional (QTP) for 5 projects
  • Maintained suitable coding standards for the entire project life cycle to avoid repetition of coding errors
  • Coordinated with the 20 members functional team to review the test reports
  • Analyzed 50+ test reports on a daily basis and documented the details for further functionality checks
  • Identified and removed errors in the codes by debugging them after conducting a case study to avoid repetitious errors
  • Documented test report on a daily basis to analyze the existing errors and performed the necessary troubleshoot
  • Examined and implemented required changes to improve the functionality the existing software application
  • Developed 5+ web-based applications with a 30 member team for the company's largest client IBM
  • Fabricated test plans for 15+ projects and performed test on various products for the company
  • Registered large records of data to create 100% accurate reports for the company as per the existing guidelines
  • Investigated issues in 10+ applications and developed a solution to fix them on time
  • Managed bug tracking system and performed troubleshoot and resolved issues to improve performance by 20%
  • Test Automation Engineering Certification | ISTBQ | Sep '18
  • Certified Mobile Testing Professional | ASTBQ | Apr '15
  • GPA: 4.0/5.0

The given automation tester resume example has been built on our Online Resume Builder.

Go check out Hiration's Online Resume Builder to check out all the features that have been made available just for you.

Here is a list of the complete standard sections that should always be included in your QA automation tester resume:

  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Summary/Objective
  • Professional Experience

Apart from the traditional sections listed above, you should also include the following optional sections in your jr automation tester resume whenever considered necessary:

  • Certifications (if any)
  • Awards & Recognition (if any)
  • Additional Information (if any)

Adding the optional sections can enhance your selenium automation tester resume and give the recruiters an insight into your extracurricular achievements and credits.

Everything else you need to know about resume sections can be found in Hiration's Guide to sections in a resume . Make sure to go through it before you start writing your software automation tester resume.

Optimize the header section of your Automation Tester Resume

The topmost section of your QA automation tester resume plays an important part in getting the attention of the resume because it is ideally where the recruiters' first glance falls upon.

Every detail that goes on top of your resume should be optimized effectively so that your selenium automation tester resume gets noticed by potential employers and recruiters.

Automation Tester Resume: Header

Before we get to the dos and don'ts of writing your resume header lets get one thing cleared and that is to never write "Resume" or "CV" as the resume header.

It does not have any impact on your job application because you are stating the obvious and there is something better you can do with the precious space.

By writing your name as the resume header you can not only give your resume a unique identity but make it easier for the recruiters to keep track of your software automation tester resume.

It can be easier for the recruiters to monitor your resume when you write your name on top of it.

Use the ideal 16-20 font size to make it stand out as the largest text in your resume.

All you need to do is leave a single space between your first and the last name. It is simple and easy to follow so try to implement the same while framing your resume header.

Make the most of your resume header by going through Hiration’s Guide To Writing The Perfect Resume Header .

Here is a simple illustration of the ideal resume header for your resume:


The snapshot provided above is a snapshot from our automation tester resume example created with Hiration’s Online Resume Builder .

Automation Tester Resume: Personal Information

Imagine you are shortlisted for the targeted automation tester job profile.

Now, how do you think the recruiters will get in touch with you?

Call you or mail you right?

So now you know that you do need to provide your contact details in your selenium automation tester resume so that the recruiters can reach you and update you for the same.

Here is what the personal information section of your resume should ideally contain:

  • Contact Number
  • Email Address
  • Current Location
Hiration Pro Tip : You can always include your Linkedin, Github, or any link that you think is suitable for the recruiters to connect with you.

Contact Number: Always give out the right contact number. Cross-check if it is the right number that you have noted down before you send out your resume.

Always keep in mind that other applicants are applying for the same job profile that you are targeting.

You cannot afford to miss out on an opportunity just because you gave out the wrong contact details in your resume.

Email Address: Just as the contact number is important your email address is an important contact detail you need to include in your software automation tester resume.

Your email address should be official and professional at the same time.

Do not use fancy names like "princess" or "prince" in your email address as it can make you seem like an unprofessional applicant.

Current Location: In case you are interested in moving abroad for your job placement, mention your state and country else simply write your city and state.

Never write your home address as your current location. There is no need to mention your house number, locality name, street number, etc. as they have no relevance to your job application.

Keep in mind that some organizations or countries have strict rules when it comes to disclosing your personal details in your resume to avoid biased hiring.

Hiration's Guide to listing your contact information can help you understand how to perfectly curate your personal information section in your resume.

The below-given automation tester resume sample is how you should ideally frame the personal information section of your resume:


Automation Tester Resume: Profile Title

The resume header is the identification of your resume and your profile title is your professional identification.

You must identify yourself in your resume so that the recruiters can acknowledge your suitability for the targeted job profile.

They need to know where you stand professionally and your profile title can best describe your seniority level.

Your profile title can communicate your current designation, your functional industry, and your level of seniority in the line of work that you practice.

There is no excuse to exaggerate your profile title.

It would be considered as lying and that is one thing you will not want to be identified as by the recruiters.

Real success comes to those who work with honesty and hard work so you should always implement the same while writing your jr automation tester resume.

Make your profile title stand out the second-largest text in your selenium automation tester resume after the resume header. You can frame it in 14-16 font size .

Here is an automation tester resume example showing the ideal profile title section:


Get professional assistance to create your resume. Go to our Online Resume Builder and experience a hassle-free resume writing.

Perfect the professional experience section of your Automation Tester Resume

If you have any professional experience worth mentioning then the professional experience section is the right segment to list them.


A well-framed resume should not only contain the right points but also be framed effectively.

Framing Points: Be clear and specific while narrating your work history in your resume so that the recruiters can easily understand your statements.

Write clear one-liners and list them in bullet points so that it is clear to read as well as easy to understand.

Paragraphs can make your professional experience section look congested and the recruiters may not be interested nor have the time to go through lengthy paragraphs.

Keep it short and crisp to communicate your work record to the recruiters.

Power Verbs: Make an impression with your one-liners by using power verbs to start your points.

The right power verb can help you express the kind of work that you are familiar with by reflecting on your professional roles and responsibilities.

Use the most suitable power verb and make a positive impression on the recruiters with your professional experience statements.

Achievement Figures: To effortlessly impress the recruiters you should mention your achievement figures in your selenium automation tester resume.

The recruiters look for professionals who can contribute towards the higher goals of an organization.

And the best way to present yourself as a suitable applicant is by mentioning the exact or average value in terms of achievement figures.

Example: Designed and developed automation scripts to increase productivity by 20%.

Bucketing And Bolding: Your points will be clear to read once they are framed in one-liner points but to make enhance them you can apply bucketing and bolding.

Create distinct headings and list all the similar points under the fitting bucket. Once your one-liners are organized, pick suitable words or phrases, and bold them.

Doing so will get the recruiters' attention towards the main points that can help you to communicate yourself as a suitable applicant.

The above-discussed factors can help you in curating the perfect professional experience section and get you a step closer to the required shortlist.

Want to learn more about the professional experience section in a resume?

Go to Hiration's Blog on how to compose the work experience in your resume .

Automation Tester Resume Sample for Professional Experience

Look at the automation tester resume sample attached below illustrating an ideal professional experience section:


You can upload your existing automation tester resume on our Online Resume Builder to get it reviewed for free by our resume experts.

The education section need not be descriptive nor have a detailed narration of your scholastic projects and achievements.

Your professional experience highlights your career achievements and your educational qualifications highlight the level of your scholastic knowledge.

Your junior automation tester resume is incomplete without the education section so make sure to include your educational details.

It is an important segment in your software automation tester resume hence you need to keep it brief and list only the required details.

The education section of your resume should ideally consist of the following details:

  • Name your university.
  • Name of the pursued course(s).
  • Location of your university.
  • Enrollment and graduation dates.

Get an in-depth understanding of the education section by going through Hiration's Guide on how to mention education details on your resume .

Here is an automation tester resume example showcasing the ideal education section for your resume:


Automation Tester Resume: Certifications

Always mention any certification that you have acquired as long as it is required for the applied job position.

The recruiters may shortlist an applicant who is certified rather than the ones without any certification. Hence if you have any relevant certification to mention then do so in your junior automation tester resume.

Provide the following details of your certification in your selenium automation tester resume:

  • Certification name.
  • Name of the institute of affiliation.
  • Location of the institute of affiliation.
  • Enrollment and completion date.

Learn more about this section from Hiration's Guide to listing certifications on a resume .

Refer to the automation tester resume sample illustrating the certifications section on a resume:


Online Resume Builder is a professionally designed resume builder that can help you curate the perfect job-winning resume.

The ATS (Applicant Tracking System) is something that you should keep in mind while applying for a job.

It is a software that is used by recruiters to make the hiring process easier.

Include suitable keywords in your key skills section but make sure that your skills are justified in the professional experience statements.

Doing so will make your resume ATS-compliant and make the recruiters recognize you as an applicant with the right set of skills suitable for the targeted job profile.

But make sure to highlight only those keywords that are relevant to the job description.

Create separate sections for your functional skills and technical skills as it can make it easier for the recruiters to recognize your potential.

Read our guide to skills on resume for a better understanding on efficiently curating this section.

Try to frame your skills section as shown in the below-given automation tester resume sample:


Before you proofread and send out your resume to the recruiters compose an overview of your software automation tester resume.

Since the recruiters have very little time to read through resume, providing an overview of your resume is an ideal way of getting their attention.

Include a suitable automation tester resume summary or automation tester resume objective.

Automation Tester Resume Summary

An automation tester resume summary should be included if you have worked for a notable period of more than there years.

It is to compile the main highlights of your work history and your core skills as a resume overview so that the recruiters can get an insight into what is fabricated in your resume.

Follow the simple guidelines mentioned below to write your automation tester resume summary:

  • Write your summary at the end to avoid unnecessary editing.
  • Pick the highlights of your career from the work experience points.
  • Write a resume summary in 3-4 lines.
  • Write a resume summary only if you have worked for over 3 years.

The right automation tester resume summary can give an overall interpretation of your selenium automation tester resume effectively.

Read Hiration's guide to resume summary and get more tips and tricks to curate the resume overview.

The given automation tester resume example is an ideal representation of a flawless automation tester resume summary:


You can create your resume with Hiration's Online Resume Builder and raise your chances of being recognized by recruiters.

Automation Tester Resume Objective

In case you lack any work experience, have very limited work experience, or you are writing an entry level resume as a fresher, you can include an automation tester resume objective.

The goal is to make the recruiters recognize the value you have to offer to the next organization that hires you.

Hence avoid highlighting your wish list.

Try and sell your skills as a potential employee and make the recruiters shortlist you for the targeted job profile.

Before you go ahead with your resume overview go through Hiration's guide on resume objectives .

Resume Review Service

Want professional feedback on your existing resume?

Look no further because Hiration is here to provide you with the required Resume Review Service for free.

The below-mentioned parameters will be kept in check while reviewing your resume:

  • Compliance with industry norms
  • Content Relevance
  • Recruiter Friendly
  • Design Compatibility
  • Conversion Scope
  • ATS Compliance
  • Global Compatibility
  • Performance Assessment
  • Resume Formatting

Online Resume Builder

Here is a list of the resources that come with Hiration's Online Resume Builder :

  • Option to save unlimited resumes
  • Intuitive next text suggestion
  • Auto bold feature
  • 25+ resume designs
  • LIVE resume score
  • JD-resume matcher
  • Full rich-text editor
  • Unlimited PDF downloads
  • 100+ pre-filled resume templates
  • 1-click design change
  • A sharable link
  • LIVE resume editor

Key Takeaways

  • Always write your name on top of your resume and include your correct contact details.
  • Frame the right profile title that defines your professional status and seniority level in your resume.
  • Describe your work record in crisp one-liners to give a clear description of the professional roles and responsibilities shouldered by you in your previous or current organization.
  • List your points under relevant headers and bold suitable words and phrases in your one-liners.
  • Use suitable keywords as per the job description to make your resume get past the Applicant Tracking System.
  • Give an overview of your resume by including a suitable automation tester resume summary.

The section-wise automation tester resume samples provided in the blog is to help you get a clear understanding of how to create the best automation tester resume.

You can also write to us at [email protected] to resolve any queries or questions.

sample resume for automation test engineer selenium

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sample resume for automation test engineer selenium

Automation Test Engineer Resume Examples and Templates

This page provides you with Automation Test Engineer resume samples to use to create your own resume with our easy-to-use resume builder . Below you'll find our how-to section that will guide you through each section of a Automation Test Engineer resume.

Automation Test Engineer Resume Sample and Template

What do Hiring Managers look for in an Automation Test Engineer Resume

  • Programming and Scripting Skills: Proficiency in programming languages such as Java, Python, or JavaScript to write and maintain automated test scripts.
  • Test Automation Tools: Experience with test automation tools like Selenium, Appium, or Robot Framework to automate test cases.
  • Quality Assurance Knowledge: Strong understanding of software testing principles, methodologies, and best practices.
  • Analytical and Problem-Solving Skills: Capability to analyze software requirements, identify test scenarios, and troubleshoot issues in automated tests.
  • Attention to Detail: Exceptional attention to detail to ensure accurate and comprehensive test coverage, including regression testing and test reporting.

How to Write an Automation Test Engineer Resume?

To write a professional Automation Test Engineer resume, follow these steps:

  • Select the right Automation Test Engineer resume template.
  • Write a professional summary at the top explaining your Automation Test Engineer’s experience and achievements.
  • Follow the STAR method while writing your Automation Test Engineer resume’s work experience. Show what you were responsible for and what you achieved as an Automation Test Engineer.
  • List your top Automation Test Engineer skills in a separate skills section.

How to Write Your Automation Test Engineer Resume Header?

Write the perfect Automation Test Engineer resume header by:

  • Adding your full name at the top of the header.
  • Add a photo to your resume if you are applying for jobs outside of the US. For applying to jobs within the US, avoid adding photo to your resume header.
  • Add your current Automation Test Engineering position to the header to show relevance.
  • Add your current city, your phone number and a professional email address.
  • Finally, add a link to your portfolio to the Automation Test Engineer resume header. If there’s no portfolio link to add, consider adding a link to your LinkedIn profile instead.
  • Bad Automation Test Engineer Resume Example - Header Section

Desirae 696 Rock Maple St. South Lyon, MI 48178 Marital Status: Married, email: [email protected]

  • Good Automation Test Engineer Resume Example - Header Section

Desirae Lindsey, Lyon, MI, Phone number: +1-555-555-5555, Link: linkedin/in/johndoe

Make sure to add a professional looking email address while writing your resume header. Let’s assume your name is John Doe - here is a formula you can use to create email addresses:

For a Automation Test Engineer email, we recommend you either go with a custom domain name ( [email protected] ) or select a very reputed email provider (Gmail or Outlook).

How to Write a Professional Automation Test Engineer Resume Summary?

Use this template to write the best Automation Test Engineer resume summary: Automation Test Engineer with [number of years] experience of [top 2-3 skills]. Achieved [top achievement]. Expert at [X], [Y] and [Z].

How to Write an Automation Test Engineer Resume Experience Section?

Here’s how you can write a job winning Automation Test Engineer resume experience section:

  • Write your Automation Test Engineer work experience in a reverse chronological order.
  • Use bullets instead of paragraphs to explain your Automation Test Engineer work experience.
  • While describing your work experience focus on highlighting what you did and the impact you made (you can use numbers to describe your success as a Automation Test Engineer).
  • Use action verbs in your bullet points.

Automation Test engineer Resume Example

Automation Test engineer

  • Gathered requirements.
  • Conducted feasibility checks for automation.
  • Created test scripts.
  • Executed and reviewed tests.
  • Provided status reports.
  • Logged defects and tracked them.
  • Conducted team checkpoint meetings to validate regression scenarios.
  • Interacted directly with clients and offered status updates to stakeholders at the end of each iteration.
  • Participated in agile ceremonies.
  • Optimized scripts in alignment with recent role enhancements.
  • Enhanced script integration for improved reusability and reduced redundancy.
  • Performed automation execution for both regression and functional stories.
  • Responsible for selecting automation-feasible stories for each iteration.

Automation Test Engineer Resume Example

Automation Test Engineer

  • Proficient in various automation frameworks, including Cucumber BDD, JUnit, TestNG, POM, and Data-Driven Framework.
  • Skilled in developing BDD scripts with Cucumber and Step Definitions for behavior-driven testing.
  • Familiarity with Build Automation Tools such as Maven and Continuous Integration Tools like Jenkins.
  • Extensive experience in designing Test Scenarios, Test Scripts, and Test Reports for automated tests.
  • Expertise in working within the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC), following Agile-Scrum methodologies.
  • Hands-on experience in defect tracking and reporting using JIRA.
  • Proficient in managing source code check-in and check-out from GIT.
  • Strong capabilities in writing X-paths for web element identification.
  • Active involvement in Agile ceremonies, including Daily Scrum calls, Sprint planning, Sprint reviews, and Retrospectives.
  • Skilled in test case preparation and execution.
  • Proficient in Defect/Bug Life Cycle.

Senior Automation Test Engineer Resume Example

Senior Automation Test Engineer

  • Developed automation scripts for reusable components across multiple applications.
  • Created and executed automation test scripts.
  • Conducted code reviews to ensure adherence to code standards and quality.
  • Acted as a Scrum Master, overseeing all Scrum-related activities.
  • Mentored colleagues and new team members in functional and automation areas, improving their productivity.
  • Conducted anchor training sessions on Windows automation and the basics of SQL for training and development.
  • Contributed to incremental innovations within the project.
  • Identified areas where automation could enhance processes.
  • Configured and executed tests in Jenkins during every release testing cycle.
  • Updated the status in the Regression test suite for automated tests.
  • Analyzed and debugged automation failures.
  • Performed Proof of Concept (POC) and research in Python and BDD tools for automating web applications developed in React JS.
  • Understood business requirements and created and executed automation test scripts.
  • Maintained code in GIT repositories.
  • Provided training to colleagues in API automation and GIT for their participation in automation initiatives.
  • Developed a hybrid framework incorporating Keyword Driven and Data Driven approaches using Ruby.
  • Managed defect tracking and reporting.
  • Maintained manual test cases and automation scripts.
  • Updated framework functions as needed.
  • Executed test scripts using Selenium.
  • Conducted a Proof-of-Concept using multiple tools and presented it to the client.
  • Designed a scalable solution compatible with various platforms and devices.
  • Implemented image-based automation testing capabilities using a cost-effective approach.
  • Analyzed process flows and devised solutions.
  • Maintained an effort tracker for the project and generated project metrics, sharing them with the client.
  • Proficient in using Open Source tools like Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, JUnit, Maven, Cucumber, TDD, BDD, and Postman for continuous integration, deployment, and test automation.
  • Skilled in testing web services, including REST and SOAP.
  • Familiar with bug tracking and requirements tracking tools such as JIRA.
  • Exposure to Core Java.
  • Operated within the Agile and Scrum framework, completing releases every 2 weeks with well-organized sprints.
  • Developed precise and efficient test scripts for automated testing using Java and Selenium WebDriver for eCommerce websites, as well as Seetest tool for mobile web applications.
  • Assessed product functionality, performance, and design compliance against design standards and customer requirements.
  • Achieved a 50% reduction in overall testing hours by creating and optimizing automation test scripts in Java using Selenium WebDriver.
  • Debugged code, identified root causes of failures, and addressed issues, resulting in increased productivity and streamlined workflows.
  • Collaborated with product owners to implement new changes in the project according to their requirements.
  • Designed, developed, and enhanced the Automation framework using Java and TestNG annotations.
  • Identified and tracked defects using Azure and assisted developers in resolving problems by conducting additional tests.
  • Utilized HP ALM for automation testing using UFT.
  • Conducted regression testing in One Gate Application for the list items provided on the Landing Page.
  • Created, updated, and executed test scripts, both individually and for regression testing.
  • Participated in the Re-write project for AMX, adhering to Agile methodology.
  • Employed HP ALM for automation testing using Selenium with Cucumber.
  • Created BDD scenarios and implemented them.
  • Organized demo sessions to showcase completed artifacts to stakeholders.
  • Engaged in both Automation and Manual Testing of applications.
  • Held responsibility for Functional and System testing, as well as Regression testing.
  • Derived and prepared test data.
  • Understood the requirement specifications for the product and formulated test cases accordingly.
  • Authored test specifications, test plans, test scenarios, test cases, bug reports, and other test-related documents.
  • Conducted Test Execution and reported defects using JIRA.
  • Provided technical support to team members, playing a crucial role in the successful implementation of projects.
  • Collaborated with stakeholders to test and implement new file delivery methods or execute software changes for automation and client success opportunities channels.
  • Managed a team and established/enforced Standard Test Processes & Deliverables, including Defect Management and Quality Metric Reporting, to streamline testing and support automation testing efforts.
  • Provided assistance in analyzing Business/System Requirements Documents, Use Cases, RTM, Test Planning, Effort Estimation, Task Allocation, Monitoring, Reviewing Escalation, Prioritization, Test Scripting, Test Execution, Defect Identification & Management, Reporting, and preparation of Test Summary Report.
  • Reviewed project test and implementation schedules, monitored, documented, and reported the current status of defects for each testing cycle and overall project to senior management.
  • Mapped client/business requirements and provided customized software solutions, finalizing product specifications, and selecting appropriate techniques.
  • Documented Technical Test Strategies, Test Plans, Requirements Traceability Matrix, Test Results & Business Testing summary.
  • Resolved build & release dependencies in collaboration with development teams.
  • Administered project allocation, estimation, resource coordination, productivity, performance evaluation, and delivery as per specified timeframes to avoid delays.
  • Mentored & trained teams on Agile/Scrum methodologies, ensuring efficiency in process operations, and motivating high performance.
  • Liaised with various teams such as IT Operations, Architecture, Support, Development, Release Management, UAT, BA, and Program Manager for project delivery.
  • Established a common defect lifecycle across multiple teams and a defect triage process.
  • Managed QA activities, coordinated the availability of QA test environments, and ensured their compatibility.
  • Collaborated with the concerned department to modify automation code based on new specifications defined by customers/clients.
  • Monitored bug tracking activities, recorded defect results, and submitted them to developers for defect fixing.
  • Conducted multiple training sessions on Testing Techniques, Automation Concepts, Tools, Agile Processes, and Jmeter to enhance the skills of the team.
  • Experienced in Manual and Automation testing of GUI and functional aspects in client-server and web-based applications across various stages of SDLC and STLC.
  • Managed and supervised operational, functional, and performance testing phases.
  • Modified and employed computer software (scripts) and hardware to conduct tests on test equipment for functional product testing.
  • Provided training to production testing staff.
  • Analyzed and interpreted test data, preparing technical reports for use by test engineering and management personnel.
  • Conducted moderately complex engineering test assignments for standard and custom devices, including failure analysis.
  • Directed and coordinated engineering activities related to product development, procurement, installation, and production.
  • Determined testing conditions and phases of test operations.
  • Provided global product test support.
  • Proficient in Testing Tools and Methodologies such as Cucumber, Maven, Git, Jira, Selenium, and TestNG.
  • Worked within an Agile environment to support incremental development and deliver high-quality applications.
  • Conducted requirement analysis and designed test cases according to technical specifications.
  • Developed test cases for Regression, Functional, Smoke, GUI, and Integration testing.
  • Executed User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and End-to-End testing to ensure product quality.
  • Automated test scripts, monitored test execution, and improved scripts following established frameworks using Java with Selenium.
  • Implemented a Hybrid Test Automation Framework and Page Object Model using Selenium WebDriver, JUnit, TestNG, Maven, and Java.
  • Analyzed test failures, reported defects, and tracked issues within the application.
  • Executed Automated Regression Suite, analyzed results, identified bugs, and updated scripts accordingly.
  • Actively participated in Defect Triage meetings to collaborate with the development and product teams.

Automation Test Engineer Intern Resume Example

Automation Test Engineer Intern

  • Automated test suite and verified API requests using Selenium, Rest Assured, and Java.
  • Prepared Test Scenarios, Test Cases, and Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM).
  • Developed an automation test strategy for continuous testing.
  • Created End-of-Day (EOD) status reports for the team and kept stakeholders informed of the latest status and risks.
  • Established the Automation Testing Process for the project.
  • Built a Test Automation Framework from scratch, covering UI and API testing.
  • Provided support during go-live, post-go-live, and ongoing business operations.
  • Ensured that all automation processes followed established standards and best practices.
  • Utilized technologies such as Java, Maven, Selenium WebDriver, Rest Assured, TestNG, Postman, Jenkins, SONAR, Git, Manual Exploratory Testing, Apache POI, JDBC, Hamcrest, and OpenCSV.
  • Proficient in both Mobile and Web automation as well as manual testing.
  • Competent in using Android Studio.
  • Proficient in using Appium for mobile application testing.
  • Developed and executed automation test cases, managed object repositories, and created test suites using Katalon Studio.
  • Experienced in Oracle SQL for database testing and validation.
  • Developed and generated automated XPath scripts for UI elements.
  • Delivered detailed progress and summary reports to the test manager.
  • Conducted testing and monitoring of Request For Change (RFC) processes.
  • Analyzed Business and Requirement Specifications to develop effective test strategies.
  • Experienced in testing and quality assurance within the banking system domain.

Top Automation Test Engineer Resume Skills for 2023

  • Test Automation Frameworks (e.g., Selenium, Appium)
  • Test Scripting (e.g., Java, Python, JavaScript)
  • Test Case Design
  • Test Data Management
  • Test Scripting Tools (e.g., TestNG, JUnit)
  • Test Environment Setup
  • Test Automation Tools (e.g., Selenium WebDriver, TestComplete)
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
  • Version Control Systems (e.g., Git)
  • Test Execution Automation
  • Cross-Browser Testing
  • Mobile App Testing
  • Web Services/API Testing
  • Test Automation Best Practices
  • Test Automation Code Reviews
  • Test Data Frameworks
  • Test Result Reporting
  • Test Management Tools (e.g., TestRail, TestLink)
  • Test Driven Development (TDD)
  • Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
  • Test Strategy and Planning
  • Test Execution Orchestration
  • Load and Performance Testing
  • Security Testing Automation
  • Accessibility Testing Automation
  • Test Automation Metrics
  • Test Automation ROI Calculation
  • Test Automation for Agile/Scrum
  • Test Automation for DevOps
  • Test Automation for Continuous Testing
  • Test Automation for Mobile Apps (iOS/Android)
  • Test Automation for Web Applications
  • Test Automation for APIs and Microservices
  • Test Automation for Database Testing
  • Test Automation for UI/UX Testing
  • Test Automation for Cross-Platform Testing
  • Test Automation for Regression Testing
  • Test Automation for Smoke Testing
  • Test Automation for Integration Testing
  • Test Automation for End-to-End Testing
  • Test Automation for Data-Driven Testing
  • Test Automation for Keyword-Driven Testing
  • Test Automation for Parallel Testing
  • Test Automation for Distributed Testing
  • Test Automation for Headless Testing
  • Test Automation for Mobile Device Farm Testing
  • Test Automation for Codeless Testing
  • Test Automation for AI/ML Testing
  • Test Automation for IoT Testing

How Long Should my Automation Test Engineer Resume be?

Your Automation Test Engineer resume length should be less than one or two pages maximum. Unless you have more than 25 years of experience, any resume that’s more than two pages would appear to be too long and risk getting rejected.

On an average, for Automation Test Engineer, we see most resumes have a length of 2. And, that’s why we advise you to keep the resume length appropriate to not get rejected.

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  • Automation Test Engineer Resume Example

Resume Examples

  • Common Tasks & Responsibilities
  • Top Hard & Soft Skills
  • Action Verbs & Keywords
  • Resume FAQs
  • Similar Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Automation Test Engineer Resumes:

  • Develop and maintain automated test scripts using tools such as Selenium, Appium, or TestComplete
  • Collaborate with developers and other stakeholders to identify and prioritize test cases for automation
  • Execute automated tests and analyze results to identify defects and areas for improvement
  • Participate in code reviews and provide feedback on testability and automation opportunities
  • Develop and maintain test data and test environments to support automated testing
  • Contribute to the development and maintenance of test frameworks and libraries
  • Participate in Agile ceremonies such as sprint planning, stand-ups, and retrospectives
  • Mentor and train junior automation test engineers on best practices and tools
  • Continuously research and evaluate new automation tools and techniques to improve efficiency and effectiveness
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to ensure quality standards are met throughout the software development lifecycle.

Speed up your resume creation process with the AI-Powered Resume Builder . Generate tailored achievements in seconds for every role you apply to.

Automation Test Engineer Resume Example:

  • Managed the migration of 7 enterprise-level applications to Scrum methodology, boosting team productivity by 25%.
  • Collaborated with product owners, stakeholders, and users to ensure requirements were met while resolving conflicts and removing blockers. Delivered successful product demos to executive 4 times.
  • Created and implemented Agile-Enabling tools, such as JIRA, Confluence, Trello, and Slack, in order to streamline development process and improve team communication
  • Conducted sprint reviews, monitored progress and tracked KPIs to verify quality and deliverables
  • Developed processes, risk management strategies and controls ensuring cost, quality, scope, and delivery goals are met
  • Facilitated team communication and collaboration, leading stand-ups, retrospectives and other Agile ceremonies
  • Trained and mentored teams to become more agile
  • Increased job satisfaction
  • Decreased development time by 33%
  • Scripting (Python, Bash, Groovy, JavaScript, etc.)
  • Automation Testing/QA
  • Agile/Scrum Development & Delivery
  • System Integration
  • Risk Management & Control Processes
  • Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
  • Development & Debugging Tools (JIRA, Confluence, Trello, etc.)
  • Test-Driven Development
  • Quality Assurance Methodologies
  • Code Review & Collaboration
  • Web Technologies (HTML, XML, etc.)
  • Defect & Issue Tracking
  • Database Technologies (MySQL, MongoDB, etc.)
  • Systems Analysis & Design
  • Coaching & Mentoring
  • Computer Science
  • Software Engineering

Top Skills & Keywords for Automation Test Engineer Resumes:

Hard skills.

  • Test Automation Framework Development
  • Programming Languages (e.g. Java, Python, C#)
  • Test Scripting and Execution
  • Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD)
  • Test Data Management
  • Performance Testing
  • Security Testing
  • Mobile Testing
  • API Testing
  • Test Management Tools (e.g. JIRA, HP ALM)
  • Agile and Scrum Methodologies
  • DevOps Tools and Processes

Soft Skills

  • Attention to Detail
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Problem Solving
  • Communication
  • Time Management
  • Adaptability
  • Critical Thinking
  • Organization

Resume Action Verbs for Automation Test Engineers:

  • Troubleshoot

Generate Your Resume Summary

sample resume for automation test engineer selenium

Resume FAQs for Automation Test Engineers:

How long should i make my automation test engineer resume, what is the best way to format a automation test engineer resume, which keywords are important to highlight in a automation test engineer resume, how should i write my resume if i have no experience as a automation test engineer, compare your automation test engineer resume to a job description:.

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Automation Test Engineer job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Complete the steps below to generate your free resume analysis.

Related Resumes for Automation Test Engineers:

Automation tester, qa engineer, software tester, api automation tester, automation test manager, automation test lead, software qa manager, senior software engineer.

Resume Builder

  • Resume Experts
  • Search Jobs
  • Search for Talent
  • Employer Branding
  • Outplacement
  • Resume Samples
  • Quality Assurance

Automation Test Engineer Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the automation test engineer job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

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  • Work with QA manager, project managers, technical leads, and subject matter experts to plan and execute automated and performance tests
  • Working with QA manager, project managers, technical leads and subject matter experts to plan and execute automated tests
  • Work with architects, developers, and network and system engineers to research and identify root causes of performance issues
  • Drive Test-Driven Development (TDD & BDD) by working hand-in-hand with the development and product management teams
  • Assist in the creation of test project status reports and metrics and provide weekly and monthly status to the management
  • Works with development and test teams to develop test cases, test processes and methods, and conduct test analyses and deliver results reports
  • Clear communication and coordination with the QA/Development Manager and the Development team is vital
  • Work with domain experts and developers to develop and execute test plans
  • Providing estimates and track time daily using Networkfleet tools
  • Create, enhance, extend, and maintain test automation libraries and frameworks
  • Work with scrum teams to establish and promote best practices, standards and processes for automation testing
  • Develop and maintain test cases and continually improve automation coverage
  • Develop deep knowledge of systems to see breaking changes
  • Participate in design and code reviews associated with test automation development
  • Develop and configure test automation frameworks and perform System, Integration and regression testing
  • Work cross functionally in an Agile/Scrum environment alongside Development and Product Management to deliver high quality solutions
  • Coordinate the work of project teams along multiple work streams
  • Develop, execute and enhance test automation through HP UFT, LeanFT, Selenium and other software test tools
  • Developing the integration & regression tests, working with the existing team to identify what existing code is intended to do
  • Working where necessary on designing both functional & non-functional tests (e.g. fail-safe scenarios, performance etc.)
  • Assist in proactively avoiding any intermittent software functionality problems, and assist with scheduled delivery of systems to the user community
  • Demonstrable knowledge of JavaScript, Unix, Unix scripting, SQL, Python (desirable)
  • Strong, effective interpersonal and communications skills; able to interact professionally with clients and team members
  • Strong knowledge of test methodologies and experience of implementing test automation best practices
  • Knowledge of the FX/MM/FI market and products is very desirable
  • Excellent knowledge in QTP, TestComplete
  • Excellent knowledge in Excel Macros and SQL
  • Strong teamwork skills – The ability to interact productively with end users, analysts, other Raytheon personnel, and customers in a diverse team setting
  • Acts professionally and exhibits good communication skills
  • Strong organizational, problem solving, attention to detail, and analytical skills as it pertains to testing software
  • Ability to learn and adapt new tools / technologies quickly

15 Automation Test Engineer resume templates

Automation Test Engineer Resume Sample

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  • Work within an Agile lifecycle to write additions and enhancements to an automation framework
  • Suggest new and innovative approaches for test automation
  • Automate REST API flows
  • 5 years of recent experience in quality assurance for web services
  • 5 years of recent experience in Software test automation
  • 4 years experience using a web service automation tool
  • 3 years of experience in using Groovy
  • 3 years experience automation/product/service development
  • Experience in continuous integration tools such as TeamCity or Jenkins
  • Experience in source code control (GitHub, Stash or similar)
  • Excellent written communication skills
  • Strong understanding of how software is designed and built
  • Understand HTTP protocols
  • Ability to develop, analyze, write, execute test cases; contribute to corporate automation inventory
  • Effective interpersonal skills and a proven ability to collaborate within and across a variety of organizations
  • Ability to work independently, as part of a team and lead teams
  • Possess agility in a dynamic environment, the ability to change direction and re-prioritize quickly
  • Analytical and creative, out of the box thinker, able to recommend and implement options in order to meet business/strategic needs
  • Ability to write complex SQL Server queries, as well as develop and maintain tables, views, and stored procedures
  • Experience in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ruby, SoapUI Pro
  • Experience with Cucumber (behavior driven development)
  • Experience testing/automating testing for content management systems
  • Experience using Fiddler and/or Charles web tools
  • Experience with ad management software is a plus

Senior Performance & Automation Test Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Perform proof of concepts and prototyping of new automation testing tools and framework
  • Architect, design, develops automation tools, frameworks and application tools for functional, load, performance, stress, and regression testing
  • Design test automation tools that supports distributed multiple platforms (Window, LINUX)
  • Create automation test plans and strategies approaches
  • Lead requirement gathering and provide estimates of software test automation tasks
  • Lead the activities of software test automation development and maintenance supports of all automation tools and regression test suite library
  • Design and develop data-driven test scripts and procedures that can reuse and low maintainability
  • Design, develop and implement tool load test data from various sources into database
  • Work closely with CM to identify automated test suite for continuous integration build
  • Gather required test data, hardware requirement and server configuration to execute performance tests to measure and establish performance benchmarks
  • Create statistically significant data for scalability, throughput and load testing against server
  • Analyze and troubleshoot causes of failures
  • Documents of automation tools and framework to facilitate the use of automated testing across multiple agile teams
  • Generate test execution results metrics, present test status and outcome to team and management

Automation Test Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Create and maintain test plans, test scripts, test cases and data
  • Co-ordinate all test activities across IT teams to ensure the smooth running of test cycles
  • Testing types include: integration, system, cross browser, regression and deployment
  • Liaise with development leads to ensure resolution of system defects and communicate with the various teams regarding project updates and issues

Automation Test Engineer Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • O Enhance and develop an automated testing suite for the Commerce Decision Engine a component of Ericsson's MetraNet application
  • Fearlessness in the face of complexity
  • Abstract thinking skills and ability to recognize common patterns in disparate domains
  • Coursework in Accounting, Economics or Finance
  • A practical understanding of Business software and the ability to find automated solutions to business problems
  • Willingness to deal with complex, mult-domain problems
  • Perseverance in pursuing solutions
  • O Knowledge of C#/.Net
  • Manage team - Allocate, monitor and motivate
  • Design and develop automation test scripts for Regression
  • Review test plan and align automation efforts with deliverables/timelines
  • Plan and track regression automation plan for multiple applications
  • Collate and publish Regression test results/metrics
  • Maintain automation test scripts updating them with application changes
  • Adhere to unit process and suggest ways to improves process efficiencies
  • 5+ years of hands-on experience in testing of which minimum 3 years in test automation
  • Outstanding analytic and problem solving skills
  • Graduation/post graduation qualifications in Computer Engineering (preferable) or any Engineering stream with a very good academic record throughout

Automation Test Engineer Lead Resume Examples & Samples

  • Analyze requirements, develop automation tests and test strategies, and track defects for the AirWatch device enrollment/registration/user management application for iOS, Android, or Windows platforms
  • Participate in product and feature design with Development and Product Management
  • Coding skills in Java, Ruby, C#, Python or Perl
  • Proficient in SSL and Certificate Authentication
  • Experience developing and/or testing mobile applications, including Android, iOS, and Windows Phone/PC
  • Analyze requirements, develop Automation Tests and test strategies, and track defects for the AirWatch device enrollment/registration/user management application for iOS, Android, or Windows platforms
  • Act as a thought leader for the QE team, always focusing on solving problems and implementing solutions
  • Networking/IT Operations experience with a focus on VMware’s portfolio of virtualization solutions preferred
  • Experience with Continuous Integration and/or Continuous Deployment tools such as Chef, Puppet, Jenkins or Bamboo
  • Experience as a team lead or mentor
  • Design and Script functional, sanity and regression test scripts for Prepaid and Postpaid solutions
  • Test automation design, development and execution for service level & GUI level testing
  • Will collaborate with off-shore team to understand the automation requirements for multiple environments supporting Prepaid and Postpaid
  • Will support offshore automation test team based on defined schedule and milestones
  • Create and maintain all testing artifacts. Log and track defects to closure in HP ALM tool
  • Create comprehensive test strategy for automation testing needs. Design and execute stress and load testing using Load Runner for critical business flows and applications
  • Collaborate with Developers, System Architects, Application owners to understand performance and scalability requirements for all applications and business work-flows
  • Candidate should be a high-performing test automation expert, preferably using HP Quick Test Pro and HP Quality Center, having the ability to train and mentor other automation analysts on the effective design and implementation of various test automation frameworks as needed
  • Minimum of 5-10 years of progressive test automation experience, preferably using Mercury Win Runner/HP QTP
  • Advanced experience with driving test automation through the use of HP Quality Center
  • Advanced experience and competency using standard test automation methodologies and direct scripting and coding in HP QTP such as Linear Scripting and Structured Scripting
  • Advanced knowledge of test automation tools, frameworks, design approaches, and effective implementation techniques
  • Advanced experience working with highly complex target application environments (i.e. combination of client, web, middleware, database, mainframe, third-parties, etc)
  • Strong technical and testing skills - Knowledge of various software testing strategies and approaches
  • Requires little supervision, self-starter that can work independently and collaboratively, while remaining effective at reporting status on tasks daily Very detail oriented
  • Strong communication skills - Ability to communicate and document status and complex issues effectively
  • Strong documentation skills – Ability to create clear, concise, detailed project artifacts that meet the standards of the Testing Center of Excellence and Software Quality Management process
  • Illustrated experience and competency with at least one programming and/or scripting language – preferably Java/C# and VBScript or Perl
  • Experience with testing applications that make heavy use of web services, Pega and Tibco technologies
  • Experience with technologies such as XML, XSLT, etc
  • Experience with various client side scripting technologies such as AJAX, ASP.NET AJAX, JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, etc
  • Knowledge and experience with distributed systems, web application technologies, web services, and multi-layered architectures
  • Knowledge and experience using Windows tools and utilities – some experience with UNIX/AIX tools is a plus
  • Knowledge and experience with multiple relational database systems –Knowledge of various environmental elements as they relate to testing (i.e. networking, hardware, software, mid-tier, etc.), and the ability to effectively assist with troubleshooting as needed
  • Automation Tools: HP QTP , and Mercury Win Runner
  • Scripting technologies such as AJAX, ASP.NET AJAX, JavaScript, JQuery, JSON, etc
  • Linear Scripting and Structured Scripting preferably Java/C# and VBScript or Per
  • Web services, Pega and Tibco technologies
  • XML, XSLT, etc
  • Some experience with UNIX/AIX tools is a plus
  • Ericsson BSCS billing alternatively Amdocs CES or Billing Systems
  • Charging System

Software QA Automation Test Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience with web application servers such as Tomcat, and Web servers like Apache
  • Ability to work constructively with developers, QA, Systems and Project managers towards a common goal
  • Solid knowledge of Relational Database and SQL queries
  • Experience with Agile development methodologies such as Scrum
  • Experience performing automated software testing in a team environment using Selenium, Java, Python
  • Experience using enterprise-level Issue Tracking systems such as Rally
  • Thorough knowledge of MS Windows operating systems

Per-automation Test Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Enhancements to the automation framework
  • Conversion of manual test cases to automated end to end flow functionalities
  • Work closely with the development team to deliver automation solutions around new functionalities implemented in previous development releases
  • Maintain the automation Book of Work and integrate the automation framework with the continuous integration, build-deploy process
  • Build and maintain automated test scripts that will run on mobile applications
  • Perform both manual and automation tests on mobile and web based applications
  • Prior mobile device, application experience highly preferred
  • Prior Experience working with a File sharing/collaboration tool
  • Prior Behavioral Driven Development (BDD) or Test Driven Development (TDD) background that is competent in test script/framework automation using open source tools such as Cucumber, Watir and Appium
  • Will be responsible for working with the automation team on fixture and automation system development as well as deployment into a manufacturing environment
  • Will collaborate closely with Oculus Operations teams on training of manufacturing partners and scaling of automation systems to production
  • Develops new documentation, operating procedures, and failure analysis guides
  • Will be responsible for creating new test procedures and optimizing existing ones
  • Verifies program logic by overseeing the preparation of test data, testing and debugging of automation programs
  • Possess a good understanding of design process, able to develop and execute validation test plans
  • Development and execution of automated and performance testing for large or multiple diverse projects to successfully and consistently enable delivery of high-quality software products and services on time, on budget, and to specification, reacting quickly to changes in priorities or circumstances to meet the needs of the business
  • Lead continuous integration and continuous improvement initiatives and implementation of best practices
  • Identify areas for improvement and, with leadership, peers, or others, implement initiatives improving overall capability and efficiency
  • Plan testing for delivery of products and enhancements and to assure products meet product requirements and quality standards, partnering with Product Management, Project Management, Engineering, and Operations teams
  • Enhance quality assurance/testing and help to develop/execute automation and performance testing throughout the business as appropriate
  • Strong understanding of Agile (Scrum, Kanban) development & QA methodologies
  • Ability to develop and execute automation and performance testing for large scale projects
  • Research skills (tools/root cause analysis)
  • Essential technical skills

QA Automation Test Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Be a master of the art of transforming a user story into a test case
  • Own the product along side the business and set priorities
  • Suggest improvements to our QA process and report on key metrics
  • In depth knowledge of regression testing, end-to-end system testing, unit testing and stress testing
  • TDD/BDD experience
  • Experience of working in an Agile environment (SCRUM, Kanban etc)
  • A basic understanding of client/server architecture and OO design
  • Experience with automated testing tools, techniques, and methodologies, like Selenium, Webdriver, JUnit, Mock Objects
  • Familiarity with Continuous Integration and associated tools (Jenkins, Hudson etc)
  • Basic SQL (inserts, updates, selects)
  • API testing experience (SOAP UI, Fitnesse)

QA Senior Automation Test Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Proven track record in building test data and configuration management approach and using test data management tools like OPTIM\Grid Tools and Subversion\Jira
  • Strong SQL Programming experience XML\SQL skills for interrogating CLOB\BLOB xml payloads
  • Experience of data profiling and modelling data to meet automation test data requirements
  • Experience of testing the T24 banking application and working with software vendor
  • A passion for Agile methodologies and concepts such as XP, Lean, Kanban & Scrum
  • Passionate about exploratory testing and it's benefits within an Agile delivery team
  • Proven experience working within a complex integration test project that involved establishing end to end work flows
  • Testing tools & frameworks - manual and automated testing

Automation Test Engineer, Senior Associate Resume Examples & Samples

  • Utilizing n-tier development, SDLC and Object-oriented design
  • Designing and implementing technology for new or existing business applications
  • Utilizing problem-solving know-how, especially debugging and troubleshooting complex software orchestrations, and identifying solution options and/or alternatives
  • Scoping and estimating project tasks, as well as managing multiple tasks with minimal supervision
  • Conducting quantitative and qualitative analyses of large and complex data
  • Leading a key workstream in an engagement(s), staying educated on current trends and assisting in the development of knowledge capital
  • Collaborating with business development teams responsible for writing and presenting proposals to prospective clients
  • Managing and/or contributing to project planning, engagement administration, budget management, and successful completion of engagement workstream(s)
  • Leveraging commerce platforms (such as Hybris, Micros, Oracle ATG, Demandware, IBM or similar)
  • Leveraging multiple platforms, tools and custom extensions as a Solution architect, including: User Experience and Front End Presentation Layer (HTML5/CSS3, JS/AJAX, Responsive Design), Back-end and middleware development (JEE frameworks and design patters like spring, Sling, etc.),
  • Utilizing Enterprise Architecture Integration (EAI) technologies: IBM WebSphere, BEA Weblogic, Webmethods, TIBCO, SeeBeyond, Biztalk etc
  • Supports the independent testing of web-based project GUI, with Oracle DB, Marklogic etc
  • Responsible for analyzing change requests (CRs) for each release, developing Selenium scripts using Java, and assisting with performance testing using LoadRunner
  • Needs to be flexible and conduct manual testing as required
  • Attends requirements reviews, supports development of test plans, provides the LOE estimates, attends joint application design (JAD) sessions, and creates various testing documentation to include test metrics
  • Bachelor's degree in any technical field or equivalent (Computer Science preferred)
  • 5+ years of automated testing experience of applications with Oracle DB in the back end with Marklogic Experience and J2EE web user interfaces on the front end with very strong Java programming skills
  • Must have hands-on experience in TESTNG, JUNIT, Quality Center (QC), Quick Test Pro, XML, SQL
  • Strong Java programming skills
  • Must have flexible schedule and ability to work during different shifts
  • Past experience testing complex healthcare systems, working in the CMMI environment, and using LoadRunner
  • Selenium Experience with JUNIT/TESTNG

Lead Performance & Automation Test Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Create and execute complex, multi-platform test plans and procedures that mimic real-life customer scenarios
  • Develop reproducible load and performance tests and analyze the results
  • Troubleshoot issues and tests; analyze product resource utilization and recommend alternatives to improve performance
  • Participate in Agile development processes and focus on automated testing to support software quality efforts
  • Provide technical guidance to other team members
  • Strong background in designing or extending existing test frameworks
  • Experience in developing browser based automation tests using Java Selenium WebDriver within continuous integration environments
  • Experience with system scalability testing and load performance testing by using tools like jMeter or WebLoad
  • Work with Quality Assurance, Business Analyst and Design Team to understand functional requirements
  • Create and maintain Automation test scripts
  • Perform thorough automated & manual testing, as well as data validation
  • Required Skills/Attributes
  • Minimum of 4 years prior Automation Framework development experience
  • Expertise in Selenium, C# and/or JAVA
  • Experience in coding Automation scripts (Not just using record and play back)
  • Strong understanding of Object Oriented concepts along with good understanding of .Net and/or java framework and technologies
  • Experience in Automation Tool selection and suggesting the best possible Automation approach
  • Experience with defect tracking and Test Case Management tools (MTM, TFS, QTP, Selenium)
  • Visual Studio Coded UI experience a Plus
  • Experience automating WPF or a XAML-based language a plus
  • Expertise in innovative approach for Test Data Management a plus
  • Knowledge of setting up CI (continuous integration) for Automation scripts a plus
  • Experience in writing automated scripts for Windows based applications a plus
  • Prior experience setting up Automation framework for multi-application environment a plus
  • Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, Engineering, or equivalent experience is REQUIRED
  • Agile programming experience
  • Mentoring other QA Engineers on Automation skill sets
  • Ability to escalate accurately, timely and efficiently
  • Microsoft Office and Microsoft Project skills
  • Actively participating in Sprint Planning, Sprint Retrospectives, daily Scrums, Retrospectives, and release deployment testing
  • Developing automation Test Plans and Test Suites that run on multiple browsers
  • Designing, creating, and executing data driven test strategies
  • Participating in design and code reviews
  • Creating function libraries / re-usable actions that will be used across all application suites
  • Creating technical documentation
  • Communicating the business value of technical solutions
  • Participating in the selection of tools and technologies to support automation and manual testing
  • Working closely with cross-functional teams (e.g. software, hardware, SRE, as well as customer-facing teams)
  • Providing automation support to manual testers, feature teams, and SRE/DevOps
  • Proactively leading the effort for problem reporting and resolution
  • Participating in change control processes and initiatives
  • Bachelors degree in Computer Science, Management Information Systems, related major, or equivalent work experience
  • Must have strong Agile experience and the ability to demonstrate a high-level of knowledge of the role of QA within Agile projects in an Agile framework (preferably Scrum)
  • 5+ years (minimum) grey/black box manual software testing experience
  • 2+ years scripting experience in one or more programming languages
  • Experience with Selenium Web Driver or scripting (not record-playback) is a plus
  • Mobile / Web device testing experience is a plus
  • Programming experience with JAVA, J2EE, SQL
  • Experience working with JavaScript, XML, JSON
  • Understanding of the SAAS telematics market space
  • Understanding of real-time cloud-based analytics solutions
  • Proven hands-on experience with load and performance testing
  • Significant experience in a fast-paced environment with the ability to meet committed deadlines
  • Ability to perform and provide risk analysis recommendations
  • Experience working proactively with diverse teams of people to achieve a common goal
  • Passionate about technology and testing
  • Self-motivated, adaptable, and detail oriented
  • Patient, persistent, problem solver with a positive attitude
  • Willing to meet and accept new challenges

Software Automation Test Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • 4+ years of software QA testing experience or development experience for cloud, mobile, or desktop applications
  • Experience programming in C# or Java
  • Strong foundation in Data Structures and Algorithms, OOP, and design patterns
  • Scripting experience in JavaScript, PowerShell, Python
  • Ability to troubleshoot network protocols (i.e. TCP/IP; network infrastructure) using Fiddler, etc
  • Knowledge of at least one relational database (e.g. MS SQL, Oracle, MySQL) and at least one NoSQL database (e.g. Dynamo DB, REdis, Azure noSQL, etc.)
  • Knowledge of CI systems (e.g. Bamboo, Jenkins) and using them for automated deployment and automated tests
  • Proven record of building solid test plans and test automation solutions
  • Familiar with defect tracking system (e.g. JIRA, YouTrack)

Back-end Linux Automation Test Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Proven experience in implementing and maintaining Test Automation Frameworks – preferably using Java
  • Familiarity with financial market trading concepts is beneficial
  • Experience with Selenium Webdriver and Javascript are pluses
  • BSCS /BSCE degree or a degree in a closely related field
  • Software development or testing, and object oriented design/programming is desired
  • Must be self motivated and work for extended periods of time without direct supervision
  • Must be able and willing to work on and with teams
  • Desired skills include: NI LabVIEW, NI TestStand, Rational tools, UML, Test tools, experience writing automated test scripts, embedded HW systems, networking and HW test equipment

AWS Automation Test Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • 1-3+ Years industry experience testing software is required
  • Experience with scripting languages, Ruby or Python are required. Java is optional
  • Experience QA processes and testing platform services is an advantage
  • U.S. Citizenship required due to Top Secret Clearance
  • Familiarity with automation testing tools such as Selenium, PhatomJS and CasperJS
  • Translate functional and technical requirements into detailed test cases

Quality Automation & Test Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Design, implement and maintain advanced automated test scripts using UFT, Selenium and Cucumber
  • Work with Business customers to develop Gherkin scripts that will be input to Cucumber automation scripts
  • Responsible for ensuring the timely and high-quality release of software products to our clients
  • Develop and integrate test automation utilities
  • Work within Agile project teams, continuously releasing application software
  • Support continuous integration processes
  • Research and report issues and defects into a problem tracking system (ALM or JIRA)
  • Maintain effective daily communication with team members via stand-up meetings, documentation and status reports
  • Serve as a technical expert on software testing and automation
  • Work independently to document and update test plans and produce test summary reports for each software release and provide testing results to team leads
  • At least 7yrs IT industry experience
  • Must have experience working with Selenium, Gherkin Cucumber
  • Any experience in "Behavior Driven Development" (BDD), is a plus
  • Agile experience is a definite plus
  • Experience with UFT (Unified Functional Testing) is a plus
  • 7+ years of experience with L2/L3 network platform test or other network hardware test
  • Knowledge of L2-L7 network architecture
  • Must have knowledge of Linux scripting language, and Python, Perl, PHP, MySQL
  • Understand test automation framework and related components, such as Robot Framework, Jenkins, Selenium, TestLink, Mantis
  • Excellent problem solving and troubleshooting skills
  • Must have good knowledge of L2 and L3 network protocols, DNS, TCP/IP, OSPF, RIP, STP, LACP, LLDP, etc
  • Must have the experience with traffic generator tools
  • Designs test plans for complex distributed systems in accordance with overall testing strategy
  • Participate in the full life cycle of an agile project and design and execute manual and automated test scripts
  • Develop and execute maintainable automation tests for acceptance, functional, and regression test cases
  • Investigate and debug test failures, updating tests or reporting bugs as necessary and provide test coverage analysis based on automation results
  • Regularly leads team through preparing and estimation sessions to define acceptance criteria, ensures that the team's acceptance criteria for stories and tasks is appropriate and being met universally
  • Quality Assurance to ensure full functional testing of new features being added every sprint, as well as full regression testing for all previously implemented functionality in every sprint
  • Collaborate with development organization to understand how development changes affect ongoing Automation efforts
  • Ensure proper version control and configuration management of all test object developed and test environments used
  • Bachelor’s degree and 14 years of experience, Master's degree and 12 years of experience or 18 years of relevant experience in lieu of a degree
  • Core Java technical expertise including JEE, O/R Mapping, SQL, UNIX scripting, UML, Eclipse, Frameworks (Struts, Spring) , HTML, CSS, multi-threading, SOAP/REST and MVC, object oriented design and design pattern
  • Experience with Selenium Web driver, Selenium Grid, and SQL Server
  • Experience with Unit Testing tools such as Junit, TestNG, and Cucumber
  • Experience in working in an Agile Development environment and automating application developed in Agile Development environment
  • Experience in developing automated test plans, test scenarios, test scripts, acceptance criteria, test data, investigating, and debugging test failures, updating tests or reporting bugs as necessary
  • Experience in integrating project testing with continuous-integration process
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering, Computer Science or Engineering
  • 5 + years of Software, Firmware , and/or System testing experience, including test planning, integration testing and system level testing (test cases, test environments, resources, and schedule)
  • 2+ years of telecom industry is a must
  • Fluency in at least one high-level, object-oriented, general-purpose programming language. Python and Java preferred
  • Fluency in Unix shell scripting and development in Linux operating system environment
  • Web GUI testing
  • Avionics industry and DO-178B experience or knowledge
  • Linux server administration skills
  • Satellite communication experience
  • Familiarity with a disciplined rapid software development process, preferably Agile
  • Automation testing of APIs in DevOps SDLC using SoapUI Pro
  • Interact with dev team to understand architecture and service layer requirements
  • Create test scenarios and test cases from business and functional requirements
  • Understand and analyze existing test cases; validate test cases for completeness
  • Debug existing scripts and interpret log files for maintenance
  • Create and execute SQL queries and validate databases using an automation tool
  • Evaluate reported defects and oversee re-testing of prioritized defects
  • Work closely with developers and testers as needed to create and maintain scripts, and log defects
  • Prepares test data or works with data analysts to define test data needs
  • Logs defects with associated documentation using JIRA or HP QC; works with development team to explain and help resolve defects
  • Estimate work when needed
  • Maintains complete confidentiality of client business and strategies
  • Flexible; willing and able to do manual testing when needed is a plus
  • Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems, Business Administration, or other related field, or equivalent work experience
  • Minimum 5 years of recent testing experience – automation nearly fulltime on last 2-3 projects
  • 3+ years of hands-on experience in Test Automation including automation of service layer
  • Strong experience testing service layer (APIs), using SOAPUI Pro, Groovy, and REST
  • Experienced in designing keyword-based automation framework; knowledgeable in different automation frameworks; behavior driven automation is a plus
  • Good understanding of the entire project life cycle, QA methodologies and processes
  • Experienced in Agile and/or Kanban methodologies
  • A self-starter, motivated to take ownership of projects and drive tasks to completion
  • Knowledge of HP QC is a plus
  • Ability to mentor other team members on implementation of automation framework and automation scripts is a plus

Senior QA Selenium Automation Test Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Understanding of manual and automation testing standards from GUI
  • Experience with functional automation frameworks
  • Used similar tools like Selenium, QTP where it required to do scripting
  • Creative in use of multiple automation tools to accomplish automation
  • Able to learn quickly Testing Anywhere tool w/o training
  • Develop automated tests according to the established design and framework
  • Execute manual and automated scripts and evaluate results
  • Able to troubleshot automation errors
  • Participate in continuous improvement / retrospective as needed
  • Able to communicate with peers and management
  • Ability to learn new systems is a fast paced agile environment
  • Oversee the development of code, execution of code, and reporting of defects to the SMEs
  • Define and maintain test plans and test specifications for Automation Testing and reporting product failures
  • Conduct review and sign-off for test plans and use cases
  • Lead automated testing efforts for specific areas of functionality
  • Own and Deliver design, development and maintenance of automated tests
  • Take ownership of certain product module
  • Work closely with Automation teams to analyze and resolve product defects
  • Be able to complete the assigned task within the given time frame
  • Be able to quickly adapt the company culture and collaborate with the manual team to solve technical issues
  • Coordinate with QA on the implementation, testing and support of application release & launch
  • Develop Automation Test Suites for Regression and Functional Testing
  • Execute test scripts and documents defects for test scripts where the actual results do not successfully meet expected results
  • Master’s degree (or equivalent) in Computer Engineering or Information Technology
  • One to two years of experience in the field of Quality Assurance (testing, test automation etc.)
  • Expertise in Python (preferred) or C/C++
  • Excellent verbal and written communication in English
  • A strong interest in Digital TV technologies
  • Excellent team work and ability to work in distributed multi-national delivery
  • Ability and willingness to travel abroad for long periods of time (50%) is essential (Western Europe, North America)
  • 5 years of experience in intensive and progressive computer-related fields
  • 3 years of experience with performing automated software testing for complex to highly complex software hardware applications or systems
  • Experience with automation testing tools, including Rational Jazz
  • Ability to be flexible and adaptable to change
  • Ability to keep up to speed with the latest software tools and methodologies
  • Ability to abstract general principles from specifics
  • BA or BS degree in CS preferred
  • Create test procedures step by step instructions within the automated test framework using Gherkin/Cucumber for java, Eggplant and python scripts
  • Peer Reviews of test scripts and test procedures against system level requirements and derived verification requirements to check for completeness and correctness
  • Requirement decomposition into testable derived verification requirements
  • Create automated test orchestration scripts to integrate with continuous build systems such as Jenkins and Rational Quality Management (RQM)
  • Create automated interface sequences to check for thread continuity within the automated test framework
  • Create automated Regression Testing within the automated test framework
  • Providing guidance and mentoring on tools and scripting such as Eggplant, Jenkins, RQM, Cucumber/Gherkin, DOORs and python
  • Script and tool debugging to integrate testing on the platform
  • Troubleshoot, issue investigation and root cause determination to address integration issue and create Deficiency Reports (DR) documenting root cause and corrective action
  • Possess and demonstrate excellent interpersonal, presentation and verbal/written communication skills
  • Continuous Integration expertise

Systems Analyst\automation Test Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience in functional, integration and end-to-end testing to measure quality of functional (business) components / systems and ensures that the products meet business/system objectives
  • Support test efforts for complex enterprise wide systems / sub-systems testing throughout the project life cycle
  • Provides innovative automation approaches to functional, end-to-end application testing
  • Make and implement recommendations to improve the automated testing process in an Integration environment
  • Experience with business/systems analysis, test planning and execution across large complex enterprise-wide systems involving several online and batch interfaces, coordination and communication skills across teams on delivery of quality product to the user community
  • 8+ years successful demonstration of software testing
  • Testing of Windows applications; especially .NET applications
  • Developing and executing manual test procedures
  • Developing and executing automated test procedures
  • Developing, reporting, and interpreting defect trends
  • Experience with a defect tracking system (e.g. Rational ClearQuest)
  • Experience with a configuration management system (e.g. Rational ClearCase)
  • Good communication skills, including experience writing technical documentation
  • Experience with scripting languages (e.g. Perl, Python)
  • Testing experience in a regulated environment
  • BS / BA degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or related field
  • Work with the automation lead to design, develop and maintain automation solutions that meet business needs with respect to functionality, performance, scalability, security and reliability
  • Maintain existing automated tests ensuring compatibility with any newly developed platform features
  • Write new automated tests using Python/bash
  • Execute and report on the success of automated and manual tests as part of an Agile development lifecycle
  • Drive continuous improvement in test coverage and test effectiveness
  • You will input into the project plan from a technical standpoint
  • You will have ownership and responsibilities for key components within the systems
  • You will participate in the technical strategies for the projects and products
  • You will drive projects to completion as defined by the project plans for areas of assigned responsibility
  • You will report to the management team on overall progress for assigned responsibilities
  • You will work with team members on matters related to your technical and system specialties
  • You will collaborate with other team member on best practices, automation reviews, technical tools and process improvements to help the team stay productive

QA / Development Automation Test Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Utilize continuous integration tools such as Jenkins to execute automated tests
  • Research, recommend and develop new test automation frameworks and tools
  • Programmatically test the product, measure test coverage, drive testability and diagnostic ability into the product, while promoting best practices in quality areas
  • Ability to communicate professionally with users, other technical teams, and management to collect requirements, describe software product features, and technical designs
  • Able to work in an Agile environment
  • Bachelor’s Degree (or higher) in Computer Science or related field
  • Familiarity with using SQL to access and manipulate relational databases (PostgreSQL, Oracle),
  • Proven experience in testing with a creative edge, strong problem-solving skills, a solid software development foundation and the desire to be an individual contributor to CSG
  • Understanding of Lean, Agile, and Acceptance Test Driven Development methods of software delivery
  • Experience in continuous integration tools such as Jenkins
  • Strong experience with scripting languages such a Python, shell
  • System integration testing
  • Familiar with automation testing tools
  • Ability to create custom Jenkins plugins to support automation testing
  • Familiarity with version control systems (SVN, Git)
  • Defines, develops, and implements quality assurance practices and procedures, test plans for bothautomation and manual testing
  • Ability to write, debug and maintain test scripts, test cases and automation frameworks – Selenium and Java
  • Ability to understand and experience in testing web Services with SOAP UI
  • Work with the support organization to ensure that root cause of any production issue is identified and mitigated against future occurrences
  • Experience with Agile/Scrum frameworks is required
  • Experience with automated QA tools and methodologies like Selenium is required and Microsoft Visual Studio testing frameworks are desired
  • Experience with testing internationalization and localization Web or Windows Forms applications are desired
  • Excellent problem solving, interpersonal communication, project management skills a must. Must be extremely detail-oriented in regards to verbal and written documentation and communication
  • Supporting developers in the testing of world class enterprise applications
  • Functional, regression, ad-hoc and compatibility testing
  • Working collaboratively to ensure defects are fixed in a timely manner
  • Creating automation and executing automation test cases
  • Assessing severity of defects and track their resolution
  • Continually building automation into regression packs
  • Working with manual testers to provide all-round test coverage for projects
  • Leads overall test efforts for large complex enterprise wide systems / sub-systems testing throughout the project life cycle
  • Leads functional, integration and end-to-end testing to measure quality of functional (business) components / systems and ensures that the products meet business/system objectives
  • Provides innovative approaches to functional, integration, end-to-end application testing and subject matter expertise in related tools and techniques. Mentors on business / system testing and quality assurance best practices
  • Leads and manage a team of Systems Integration environment automation testers
  • Assist with the transition to Agile testing by coordinating with key personnel from several offices
  • Experience working with TDD\BDD in Agile\DevOps environment
  • Expertise with at least three of the following skills
  • HP UFT & VB Scripting, HP LeanFT, Selenium/Selenium Grid, JAVA, Cucumber, Gherkin
  • Jenkins, Sonarqube, Maven, JunitRunner/TestNG
  • HP ALM, VersionOne
  • Experience with DevOps concepts
  • Demonstrate experience as a Team Lead
  • Excellent Verbal, Written and Presentation Demonstration Communication
  • Preparing the relevant Verification & Validation plans prior to the execution of the test scripts
  • Preparing Test Specifications and Reports
  • Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, Computer Science, Industrial Engineering, or related field. Other degrees considered if combined with experience in qualification of automated equipment
  • 3-5 years engineering experience
  • Experience in developing test tools to improve productivity
  • Knowledge of FDA, MDD, IEC, and ISO regulations and guidelines
  • Qualification : Engineering graduates (BE/BTech) or Post Graduates (MCA/MS/MTech)
  • Strong knowledge & practical experience in using test design techniques and software testing
  • Strong Knowledge/practical experience of Networking Concepts/Network Management Domain
  • Experience in end to end testing of mobile applications as well as system software applications on Windows (Additionally on Linux or Unix operating systems preferred)
  • Automation : Exposure to scripting languages - Python, Perl, Shell or programming languages like C/C++/Java
  • Technically mentoring/leading junior team members
  • Build and maintain an automation framework
  • Writing code to test code/microservices, and increasing test scripts coverage alongside the Development team
  • Developing test code for new functionality
  • Developing the integration & regression tests, working with the existing team to identify what existing code is intended to do
  • Coming up with test designs & test cases for test automation
  • Working where necessary on designing both functional & non-functional tests (e.g. fail-safe scenarios, performance etc.)
  • Development experience with JVM-based programming language i.e, Java, Groovy
  • Experience with BDD and TDD
  • Experience dealing with both functional and non-functional testing
  • Experience working with integration testing
  • Responsible for functional, performance, integration, reliability, and subsequent automation testing of software to ensure world class quality of Avalara products
  • Engage in continuous automated and manual testing activity throughout agile development iterations to ensure zero defects
  • Participate in iteration planning, providing input on required testing tasks, process, and associated effort for the selected user stories
  • Create and manage bug reports, ensuring they are clearly communicated to the team and addressed in a timely, thorough, and satisfactory manner
  • Investigate customer problems referred by technical support
  • Be a passionate voice of the customer within the development organization
  • Be a key participant in creating a Quality First and Zero Defects culture
  • Experience testing one or more products throughout all phases of the software development lifecycle
  • Experience with test methodologies and software engineering
  • Experience using the following QA skills: planning, exploratory testing, defect reporting, and troubleshooting
  • Experience in performance and reliability engineering
  • Testing experience as part of Agile/Scrum teams
  • Provide hands-on Integration automation testing support for various web applications on schedule
  • Ability to develop, execute, and debug automated functional tests
  • Expertise with UFT and Selenium
  • Defect Tracking using tools like HP ALM
  • Strong teamwork and communication skills
  • Experience with agile development, test driven development, advanced concepts of scrum, and knowledge of agile project tools, such as VersionOne
  • Experience with SQL and/or LoadRunner a plus
  • Expertise with at least three of the following tools

Rcis-automation Test Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor’s Degree and 4 or more years of experience in the Systems Testing area
  • Application testing experience across various hardware platforms and operating systems
  • Experience in software automation testing, with 3+ years of experience in Selenium/SOAP UI automation and 2+ years of extensive experience in API/Web Services Testing
  • Strong hands-on experience in Java/C# programming and creating framework for API Testing
  • Experience working in an Agile environment and good exposure to Continuous Integration/ Behavior driven Development(BDD)/ATDD using Cucumber/Specflow/SpecRun
  • Experience working with multiple software development methodologies and QA Tools
  • Technical expert and linear thinking to work at business layer
  • Self-motivated and comfortable working with a team or independently
  • Document test results, and compile results of other testers into consolidated report for management, clients, applications staff. May perform regression or other analyses and present in project meeting
  • 4+ years of related experience
  • Solid hands-on software testing experience
  • Automation Testing experience using JAVA
  • Deep understanding of SOA architecture and ESB applications
  • Strong experience in creating Java based automation test suites integrated with Cucumber and/or Selenium
  • Strong background in Agile testing and tools experience (TDD, BDD, Gherkin, Selenium, Jira, ALM)
  • Expertise in automation test framework design and hands on experience in implementing and executing automation testing
  • Experience in Performance Testing tools like load runner and JMeter, etc
  • Expertise in automation - TIBCO Business works, SQL, XMLs, GEMS using Cucumber
  • Experience in tools: ALM, SVN, TOAD, XML Spy
  • Knowledge of XML and XPath
  • Experience with Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (Jenkins)
  • Exposure to test management tools like Rally DOORS and ClearQuest and clear case preferred
  • Bachelor’s Degree and 4 or more years of experience in the Systems Testing area OR
  • IT Quality Assurance and systems/application testing experience
  • Experience in leading the team
  • Experience reviewing Business requirements and design documents, and create test cases
  • Experience working with Quality Assurance testing tools, like Quality Center/ALM
  • Have thorough understanding of SQL and relational database concepts
  • Thorough understanding of QA methodologies
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills and attention to detail
  • Working in Agile environment
  • Prior test automation using UFT/Selenium and/or programming experience
  • Experience with testing RCIS and accounting applications
  • Ability to work in an unstructured environment
  • Comfortable working with minimal direction

Manager Automation Test Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • This position will focus on mentoring, leading a team of Quality Engineers in driving quality and performance engineering and testing processes for Mastercom products (Dispute Resolution products - Chargeback, Recovery)
  • This position will own complete quality functional areas and must be able to define test and environment strategies
  • This position will provide leadership on areas of execution for functional, non- functional, white box, integration and reliability testing for web and desktop based applications keeping automation and self-service in mind
  • Strong people leadership, experience in leading Quality Engineering teams
  • Proactively monitor customer insights and production issues to seek quality feedback and improve processes to enhance quality of the product/capability that the position is responsible for
  • Lead the test approach, test planning, writing and implementation of automated tests, and test suites, to acceptance criteria for both functional and non-functional product assurance
  • Drive Test-Driven Development (TDD & BDD) by working hand-in-hand with the development and product management teams
  • Continually learn relevant new technologies to keep up with and apply them to the job and support myBBC teams adopt them, by becoming the subject matter expert on new technologies and frameworks
  • Participate in the architecture and design of the area early in the development cycle, influencing it to drive quality and adherence to the specification
  • Mentor more junior testers in the team to create a high performance automated test function. Where appropriate Line Manage 1-2 Testers
  • Trouble shooting - finding critical bugs and verifying reported issues and working to resolution with the team
  • Experience in automating tests for in any object orientated language
  • Web Service, RESTful API automated testing experience and an understanding of how web apps consume RESTful services
  • Understanding of databases; Good understanding of version control systems. Experience in using git; Use of de-bugging tools, ability to analyse stack traces, code, log-files and other artefacts; Good understanding of CI and experience of using a CI system, ideally Jenkins; Understanding of Service Oriented Architectures; Knowledge of Unix; Ability to programmatically interact with data formats that may include XML and JSON
  • Demonstrable knowledge of rolling out a new automated testing framework e.g using Selenium/WebDriver within an Agile delivery environment
  • Demonstrable evidence of working in a multi-tennant environment with multiple clients
  • Interested in Big Data
  • Participate in Agile development processes with a focus on test case authoring and automated testing to support software quality efforts
  • Create and execute complex test plans and procedures that mimic real-life customer scenarios
  • Build out and enhance our various automation test frameworks and process
  • Troubleshoot issues and tests; analyze product resource utilization and recommend alternatives to improve product stability
  • Assist product engineers in the identification and resolution of product defects
  • Provide suggestions for improving testing efficiency
  • Programming experience with Java, TestNG/Junit and EclipseIDE
  • Strong background in developing browser based automation tests using Java Selenium with Page Object Models. Experience with Selenium Grid is a plus
  • Knowledge of JavaScript testing frameworks like Protractor is a plus
  • Experience with continuous automation execution using CI tools like Jenkins or Bamboo
  • Strong background in creating automated tests for web services using technologies like Rest Assured or HTTPCore
  • Experience setting up and maintaining Test Environments (Windows, Tomcat, Apache HTTDP configuration)
  • Experience with GIT, Bamboo and or code coverage tools like Sonar/Clover is preferred
  • B. S. in Computer Science or related field
  • Designs, defines, architects and develops system enhancements and new products
  • Develops software, interfaces, and/or architecture for complex features
  • Typically requires ?5 years of experience
  • The ideal candidate will be able to
  • Perform complex test automation investigations, reporting on problems encountered and documenting results for follow-up
  • Architect automated testing solutions at the project level
  • Demonstrate superior knowledge of software test automation techniques
  • Participate in software/product design and implementation reviews
  • Lead in the development of automation strategies and frameworks
  • Develop automated software and product test procedures for multiple groups
  • Provide input into the design and implementation of product and system test set-ups as related to automation
  • Have industrial controller experience
  • Creation of test data sets using database command line utilities and tools
  • Experience with complex build processes integrated with automated testing and QA reporting
  • Strong experience with manual testing, testing tools, writing test plans, and reviewing test cases. Ability to deliver documents like TestPlan, Reports etc. with high quality
  • Proven team player with strong interpersonal skills possessing a demonstrated ability to handle multiple projects with varying priorities
  • Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 10, and Office Suite
  • Proven ability to support software engineering life cycle (requirements analysis, design alternatives; detail program specifications, test plans, test case scenarios, etc.)
  • Effectively work in a team environment and adjust to dynamic schedules
  • Strong ability to work smoothly and effectively in groups comprised of widely ranging personality types
  • Detail oriented deliverable focused
  • Solve complex automation challenges and work on complex projects with minimal supervision
  • Design and develop automated unit, functional, regression and performance test programs or scripts based on libraries of re-usable test code modules or functions
  • Design, develop and maintain supporting Engineering tools
  • Work as a member of an Agile SCRUM team delivering high quality software in two week sprints
  • BA/BS degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or a related degree (or equivalent experience)
  • 2 years of experience in software automated testing and/or development preferred

Senior Software Automation Test Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead testing effort for complex features which includes designing test scenarios, creating test plans, implementing, automating and executing test cases
  • Create and improve test frameworks to satisfy automation and reporting
  • Interact with customers and Aster partners to simulate customer scenarios which help validate the product
  • Identify and propose areas of improvement throughout the software development process
  • Communicate effectively with all stakeholders
  • Passion for QA and knack for identifying tests that break code
  • Good understanding of algorithms and advanced data structures
  • Prior experience with using or testing databases. Must be able to demonstrate good understanding of database fundamentals and SQL Programming
  • Ability to collaborate effectively with inter-disciplinary teams and management
  • Experience with Hadoop, SPARK, AWS cloud, Docker, kubernetes,
  • Develop test frameworks
  • Develop reusable test code
  • Work closely with the client and development engineers to understand features and establish test strategies, design comprehensive test plans and robust test cases
  • Job Level Specific Duties
  • 6 plus years of hands-on experience utilizing Open Source tools
  • Lead major projects simultaneously that are initiated within the Department to improve existing testing best practices for automated testing
  • Lead teams to implement testing framework and scripting for automated testing
  • Support automated testing infrastructure and provide recommendations for improvement
  • Mentor other QA members on best practices
  • At least 5 years experience in testing and at least 2 years experience in creation of automated scripts,
  • Must have a practical understanding of QA principles, concepts, measures, industry best practices and standards
  • Understanding of Agile testing methodologies required
  • Web application testing experience required
  • Experience with SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle) required
  • Experience with Test Automation tools like HP UFT and Selenium a plus
  • Development experience in JAVA or similar languages a plus
  • Ability to quickly troubleshoot and resolve issues with the environment
  • Effective organization skills; ability to multi-task
  • 4 – 8 Years experienced professional in IT / ITES industry with testing methodologies and Analytical skills. At least 3 years in Java Development and 2 years of working experience in Selenium
  • Relevant Experience in an IT organization with comprehensive experience in testing methodologies
  • Proficient in QA methodology, Test Plan creation, Test case execution
  • Strong knowledge on Test Automation and strong scripting skill using Java
  • Test SQL Interfaces and familiar with preparing SQL queries
  • Excellent working knowledge in Creation of test plans and test reports
  • Raises Issues and Impediments Quickly; Provides Options to Resolve
  • Ability to learn and quickly get familiar with a complex business and systems environment
  • Review technical architecture and design documents wherever applicable
  • Create and maintain project related documentation
  • At least 2 years of working experience in Selenium
  • 3 Yrs. Development experience in Java
  • Experience in at least 1 framework development
  • Knowledge on different automation frameworks
  • Basic knowledge of Agile Methodology
  • Graduate or Post Graduate Degree in Computer Science Engg. or any other graduate course or Master’s Degree in Science/Computers/Technology
  • Develop, write and manage the execution of an overall software test strategy
  • Develop strategy for all levels of testing including regression, sanity, integration and acceptance
  • Conduct exploratory testing to evaluate robustness and functionality of products
  • Keeping track of standards set by software testing authorities
  • Using a tracking system such as Jira, Gemini to track reported problems with software
  • Use existing or propose new tools for comprehensive test case management software to manage, track and organize software testing efforts
  • Preparation of software test evaluation reports to help the development team avoid bugs in created code and also provide feedback on usability and user interactions
  • Collaborate with software team members for the development of quality control and testing standards
  • Research & utilize industry standard programs to check for browser compatibility bugs and to stress test server application
  • Administer diagnostic analysis of test results and deliver solutions to critical areas while being aware of programming and design alternatives
  • Develop and maintain user manuals and guidelines
  • Strong organizational skills required so as to manage multiple aspects and priorities
  • Mentoring and/or training junior team members and/or colleagues from other disciplines
  • University degree in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering or Computer Science
  • Minimum 3 years of experience testing web-based applications on various browsers
  • Minimum 3 years of experience testing mobile applications
  • Minimum 2 years of experience using test automation tools (i.e. QTP, Night Watch, Protractor and Selenium)
  • Proficient in standards compliant HTML and CSS
  • Knowledge of PostgreSQL or MySQL databases and tools
  • Experience in Client Server Architecture and Software Development Life Cycle
  • Experience with revision control and issue tracking systems
  • Knowledge of modern test methodologies
  • Knowledge in the skills and use of technologies for detecting and tracking defects
  • Understanding and knowledge of quality assurance processes and methods used in software development
  • Candidates must be legally authorized to work in Canada without company sponsorship
  • Applicants will only be considered if they live within 80 km of the work location
  • Knowledge of J2EE Web application servers (i.e. Jboss and Tomcat)
  • Working knowledge of database concepts, data modeling tools and use of relational DBMS
  • Thorough understanding of automation and control processes
  • Self-motivated and team-oriented
  • Willingness to learn new things

Process Automation Test Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Test the features of DeltaV, DeltaV SIS, DeltaV HMI, Controller and I/Os
  • Design and execute test cases from a customer perspective
  • Create and enhance test configurations
  • Work with Development and Marketing groups to understand new product requirements
  • Participating in testing, troubleshooting, and analysis on the development of systems
  • Providing support in the development, implementation, and maintenance of test processes and diagnostic programs
  • Establishes and fosters one-on-one relationships within the development teams and Government customers
  • Develops strategies and work plans for own tasks
  • May assist with overall development of test standards, processes, and procedures
  • BS or equivalent + 5 years’ related experience, or MS + 3 years’ related experience
  • 3+ years of development background with Java, distributed systems, web based platforms, etc
  • 3+ years of experience building and executing automated tests suites
  • Experience with Ruby, Cucumber, Watir-Webdriver, Selenium, Java, JavaScript, Jenkins, SOAP, and/or JUnit preferred
  • Experience with the following: SQL, XML, XML Schema, XPath, UNIX, and/or Windows
  • Experience using basic UNIX commands
  • Experience with performance test tools a plus; NeoLoad, JMeter, and/or WebLoad
  • 3 – 5+ years experience in Test Automation & test environment set up
  • Continuous Integration – CI
  • Agile Tools (Jenkins, Subversion, JUnit, NUint)
  • Monitor adherence to quality standards in development, testing and business processes and able to produce quantifiable metrics to measure success; ensures test deliverables are prepared per enterprise guidelines
  • Analyze product requirements with members of the project/product delivery team and devise the testing strategy; aligning a risk-based test approach mitigating risk exposure within all phases of testing; utilizing automated testing tools
  • Monitors the completion of tasks within time and cost constraints and ensures technical and functional objectives are met
  • Advocate for quality delivery; coordinates activities with overall development team, administers the testing problem management process including monitoring and reporting on problem resolution
  • Implement improvements, which may require ingenuity and creativity, within quality assurance program and operational systems with measurable quality indicators; Prepare and discuss quality report with management
  • Work with business partners, architects, and other groups to identify technical and functional needs of testing infrastructures, and determine priority of needs
  • Evangelize adherence to defined development life cycle, good software design practices, and Architecture strategy and intent
  • Collaborate with partners to educate and enhance the abilities of QE across the organization
  • Drive the adoption of proven automatic testing patterns and technologies to ensure timely high quality releases. Specific experience with test automation logic including Cucumber, Ruby Mine, and Jenkins is a plus. Also experience with reporting dashboard options like OBIEE or Tableau is ideal as well
  • Bachelor’s degree or military experience
  • At least 3 years of experience performing Quality Assurance functions
  • At least 3 years of experience implementing and managing automated testing systems
  • At least 8 years of experience of functional end-to-end testing, system testing, batch processing, user acceptance testing, regression, and test automation
  • At least 3 years of experience with Agile methodologies, Test Driven Development and continuous integration processes
  • At least 1 year of experience with ATDD using Selenium, Cucumber, Java
  • The implementation and execution of an automation test framework for functional and non functional testing
  • Manage, track and report on Automation KPIs
  • Strong development & technical skills e.g, Java, JavaScript, C#, Python, Ruby or any other programming language to a good level
  • Proficient in industry leading automation test tools e.g. TestComplete, Selenium
  • 1) Hands-on expert scripting skills with HP UFT and/or HP QTP using VB scripting skills
  • 2) Experience in Test Automation using the HP tools ALM/UFT and/or QC/QTP
  • 3) Experience with test automation framework development with an emphasis on keyword and data driven frameworks
  • 4) Experience with Selenium
  • 5) Good understanding of Capital Market (FX & Money Market)
  • 6) Experience in analyzing requirements
  • 7) Good interpersonal and communication skills to interact and present findings to team members
  • 8) Good analytical and problem solving skills
  • 9) Ability to work independently and with integrity
  • 10) Knowledge of the Wall Street Trading Platform would be a significant asset
  • Automated Testing
  • Visual Basic
  • Development and execution of automated testing for large or multiple diverse projects to successfully and consistently enable delivery of high-quality software products and services on time, on budget, and to specification, reacting quickly to changes in priorities or circumstances to meet the needs of the business
  • Researching available tools and lead initiatives to identify and implement those that will cost-effectively enhance testing capabilities and product quality
  • Leading continuous integration and continuous improvement initiatives and implementation of best practices
  • Identifying areas for improvement and, with leadership, peers, or others, implement initiatives improving overall capability and efficiency
  • Serving as the subject matter expert in the configuration, maintenance, and/or administration of testing tools or environments
  • Ability to develop and execute automation testing for large scale projects
  • Administration of testing tools and test environments
  • Strong hands-on working experience in
  • Select best tool suited for the job through evaluations and POC
  • Scope test engineering engagements, including delivery effort, delivery timescales and external dependencies for test automation
  • Detailed design for test engineering solutions and verification of this with test team stakeholders and design authorities
  • Develop and test automation solutions
  • Creation of user documentation to support automation solutions for the application
  • Structured handover of test automation solutions to project test team members
  • Conducting demos to the stakeholders for POC using concise and crisp combination of static presentations and dynamic demo executions
  • Conducting user trainings for issue identification and reporting of failures identified through automation
  • Support and maintenance for test automation solutions
  • Maintenance of skills and knowledge for approved test automation tools and developments in test engineering tools and techniques
  • Sharing of re-usable components to test engineering colleagues and other test teams
  • Deliver test automation improvement initiatives within the project group
  • Conform to established good practice and any appropriate test automation standards
  • Creating, maintenance and evaluation of software automation test scripts (including incorporation of dynamic test data)
  • Ability to train others regarding automation test concepts; plus providing guidance and direction as needed
  • Gathering and validating application functional/performance/load requirements
  • Creation and maintenance of test plans and test cases
  • Execution, as required, of manual and automated software testing in areas involving installation, functional, performance and load, integration, and regression testing
  • Management of defects within a corporate defect tracking system
  • Documentation of process improvements regarding best practices regarding test automation
  • Creation of test reports
  • Maintenance of all test documentation
  • Production software development experience with 2-3 structured programming languages
  • Experience with quality assurance practices and testing methodologies
  • Experience with test plan and test case development and execution
  • Experience with developing, executing, and maintaining automated test scripts
  • Experience with automated testing applications similar to IBM RFT/RPT, Visual Studio Ultimate and/or HP Quality Center
  • Demonstrated documentation and reporting experience
  • Experience with commercial defect management systems
  • Experience training small teams regarding test engineering concepts
  • Experience working within an Agile Development Environment
  • Experience with document management systems
  • Test script development using IBM Rational Performance Tester
  • Test script development using IBM Rational Functional Tester
  • Experience writing production JavaScript, HTML, XML, XSLT
  • Experience with Microsoft Visual Studio
  • Experience writing production Microsoft C#, .NET
  • System administration experience with Unix/Linux/Windows
  • Experience with.NET Web Services and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) experience
  • Working knowledge of Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Safari
  • Experience with VMware Server/Desktop Virtualization
  • Experience with the compliancy requirements of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act for web applications design
  • Experience with source control management software, such as Tortoise SVN/Subversion
  • Scripting Proficiency (i.e. Cygwin, Dos, Bash, Perl, Python, and/or VBscript)
  • Test automation, execution and reporting
  • Production, high tier and general troubleshooting support
  • Analyze automated test results
  • Partner with engineering teams to stay informed of new technologies being introduced and to ensure that system components are designed for testability
  • Respond to all requests from team members in a timely professional manner
  • Bachelors / Master’s degree in Computer Science
  • 3-5 years’ of experience in Automation tools like Selenium, Appium, Watir etc
  • Experience in Web Application, Mobile Device and troubleshooting for iOS/Android
  • Experience in C#/Java programming
  • Knowledge of CI tools - Jenkins, Bamboo
  • Ability to multitask and manage time on several concurrent tasks
  • Strong understanding of different software development lifecycles (Waterfall, Agile/SCRUM) along with the ability to effectively leverage change management software solutions
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills with strong analytical, problem solving ability
  • Have knowledge of Automation controllers
  • Be very strong in the use of Python
  • Must be well organized and self-motivated

Lead Automation Test Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Implement an automation framework
  • Create and execute end-to-end test plans, test cases, test scripts and test summary documentation
  • Manage all activities in the plan to ensure test objectives are met
  • Reviewing product requirements and providing timely feedback to support automation testing initiatives
  • Assist in troubleshooting issues and defects
  • Assist in testing production issues
  • Perform tests of functional, integration, regression, security, performance, reliability, stability and compatibility with legacy and/or external systems
  • Performs other job related duties as assigned
  • Minimum 5 years of related experience
  • Experience in writing test plans, test cases, test scripts, test summary
  • Experience in documenting the requirement traceability matrix
  • Experience in creating integration test scenarios
  • Experience with tools such as SmartBear, QAComplete, HP ALM, or JIRA tools
  • Experienced in testing applications written in Java and/or .NET that use JavaScript, AJAX, REST, and an MVC architecture
  • Automation experience in Selenium WebDriver is a plus
  • Automation experience in other tools is a plus
  • 3+ year Java programming experience
  • Exposure to Agile Scrum process
  • Experiences in Quality Management Processes and SDLC
  • Integrate automation framework with build and deployment tools to establish quality gates
  • Integrate automated test results with process tools (eg: Version One) for automated/integrated reporting
  • Strong interpersonal skills and attention to detail
  • Ability to manage multiple tasks and set realistic expectations
  • Provides a climate for motivation and support
  • Ability to appropriately delegate tasks
  • Ability to recognize opportunities for enhancement and continuous improvement
  • Ability to represent complex ideas in a simple, easy to understand manner to a variety of audiences
  • Ability to establish and manage processes and practices through collaboration and the understanding of business
  • Education: B.Sc. or M.Sc. student in computer science (or equivalent) with at least 3 semesters left to graduation
  • Availability to work at least 20 hours per week
  • Experience with at least one of the following scripting languages: Javascript / Python
  • Experience with web services and Databases
  • Infrastructure knowledge: Networking, HTTP, TCP/IP
  • Web hosting knowledge: Website deployment, configuration, security- advantage
  • Excellent interaction and communication skills along with the ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams
  • Working experience in a fully virtualized environment VmWare (ESXI / PowerCLI / SDK) - advantage

Automation Test Engineer, Senior Resume Examples & Samples

  • 7 + years of Software, Firmware , and/or System testing experience, including test planning, integration testing and system level testing (test cases, test environments, resources, and schedule)
  • Strong QA experience, particularly in automation scripting
  • Experience in establishing automation frameworks and integrating with existing frameworks
  • Experience in automation tactical planning and execution
  • Experience automating applications running oniOS & Android
  • TCP/IP network administration skills on a Linux platform
  • Avionics industry knowledge
  • 2-5 years industry experience preferred
  • 5-10 years practical experience preferred
  • Expert in HP UFT (unified Functional Test) 
  • Strong experience in Automation Framework development  Experienced with HP Quality Center 12.2
  • Experienced in data analyses and data validation by writing SQL queries.  Strong in Macro (Microsoft excel scripting) 
  • Strong Programming Skills (object oriented languages for example: Java, C#) - Good to have** 
  • Very strong communication skills 
  • Very strong writing skills to write test plans and specs 
  • Very strong organizational and time management skills, including the ability to multi-task and work independently
  • Prototyping, designing, planning, implementing and maintaining automation test frameworks using commercial or open-source tools. This includes
  • You should have at least 1- 3 years' experience of automation testing across a number of projects and technologies
  • Excellent working knowledge of Automation tools and frameworks
  • Must be proficient in industry leading automation test tools (e.g. QTP/UFT, Selenium, Coded UI, TestComplete, BDD tooling (Cucumber / jBehave))
  • Must be proficient at writing complex code in some of the following languages: Java, C#, MS VBScript
  • Ability to interact with other teams to derive information required for projects
  • Ability to highlight and escalate risks related to assigned work
  • Design, develop and execute complex automated software test plans in order to identify and address user problems and their causes
  • Analyze risk identifiers and develop documentation addressing software defect diagnostics and proposed solutions in the areas such as database impacts, software scenarios, regression testing, negative testing, retests, or usability
  • Design and develop testing processes and direct software application testing, leveraging knowledge of computer science and software development principles and utilizing Ruby, AWS, Chef, Jenkins, Java, Selenium, and Appium
  • Develop and execute test scenarios, scripts, and procedures for unit, process, function, system integration, and acceptance testing. Review testing documentation, develop testing standards, define criteria for testing, analyze test results, and present results to developers and end users
  • Develop software quality engineering procedures and strategies including functional, performance, regression, and roll-back testing scenarios, scripts, or procedures
  • Oversee quality testing efforts including process design and standards, effort estimation, resource forecasting and fulfillment, and task and risk management, including functional, performance, regression and roll-back testing
  • Serve as knowledge source for the escalation of complex automated testing application design and development issues and participate as an expert in software redesign process assessing software development projects for quality assurance factors affecting functional requirements and design specifications
  • 8+ years of IT experience and 5+ years in a Software Test position
  • Strong programming skills in at least one of the following languages - Python, JavaScript, Java, or JavaScript
  • Strong experience with Appium and/or Selenium
  • Experience in integrating test frameworks with cloud test services, such as SauceLabs or BrowserStack
  • Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science or equivalent experience/knowledge
  • Experience writing complex automated tests for web applications using Selenium IDE or a comparable tool
  • Ability to lead and mentor members of the Automation Test team
  • Strong programming skills in C#, Java, Python, SQL
  • Desire and ability to learn new skills and improve upon current skills
  • Ability to comprehend complexity, to fully understand a product with all of its business and technological implications, and to approach the improvement of its quality from that perspective
  • Demonstrated experience in one or more of the following: Java, Perl, Eclipse/IntelliJ, JSON
  • Demonstrated experience with Continuous Integration, including one or more of the following build/deploy/version control tools
  • Designing, developing and/or maintaining custom test scripts, software and infrastructure for functional, UI and integration testing of the client applications in a Windows environment or on the iOS platform
  • Install, configure & manage Microsoft Windows (All Versions) and IIS & MS SQL Server, as needed
  • Create and manage VMWare virtual machines
  • Bachelors Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems Management, or other related field
  • 5+ years experience as a Test Engineer or equivalent, with experience delivering high quality results while utilizing testing best practices
  • Self-motivated, pro-active, and organized individual that works well independently or within a team
  • Experience with, as well as a demonstrated ability to come up-to-speed quickly on any new technical domain that spans a diverse group of features
  • Demonstrated ability to work within an established time frame to complete projects, and put in extra effort when situations call for it
  • Previous experience working with Windows/iOS/MAC/Android based applications strongly desired
  • Micro Focus TestPartner , using VB, VBA
  • Fiddler (HTTP Debugging Proxy)
  • Web technologies: HTML, HTTP, XML, ASP.NET, IIS, Jscript, VBScript
  • Identify and highlight ways to continuously optimize the way in which QA function operates to create an efficient, scalable team
  • Strong development and technical skills eg, Java, JavaScript, C#, Python, Ruby or any other programming language to a good level
  • Knowledge of development tools eg TFS, GIT, Bit bucket etc
  • Experience of integrating automation tests into the build process eg Hudson, Jenkins
  • Business domain knowledge of FX, Rates and Commodity Trading eg Pricing, Order Execution, and Trading/Auto hedge risk management will be a significant advantage
  • Professional experience with QA tools like HP ALM, requirements management tools, issue tracking tools eg Jira
  • Proficient in industry leading automation test tools eg TestComplete, Selenium
  • Understand business context, functional specifications and detail design documents
  • Create detailed test cases with complete coverage of business processes and functionalities
  • Verify relational database data with respect to business logic and user interface, outputs, reports, etc
  • Execute test cases and document test results
  • Verify test execution results and update execution information
  • Document defects with detailed descriptions and supporting information
  • Create automation frameworks, utilities to support day to day testing activities
  • Experience in creating and executing test cases for complex business applications, from banking and financial services domain
  • Added advantage if knowledge on Risk, Compliance or Audit domain
  • Strong knowledge of regression principles and Automation techniques
  • Detailed understanding of different types of software development and testing lifecycle and quality assurance methods
  • Technically sound with solid analytical, trouble-shooting and risk management skills
  • Experience working in agile teams, designing acceptance test criteria for user stories
  • Must be self-driven, fast learner and delivery focused
  • Very good relational Database knowledge - preferably with SQL
  • Good to have UNIX, Shell scripting skills
  • Hands on Defect management tools like ALM, Bugzilla
  • Experience with Cucumber/Gherkin feature files for automated testing
  • Experience with Test Driven/Behavior Driven (TDD/BDD) development
  • Strong interpersonal, written and verbal communication skills, particularly in a multi-cultural environment
  • Good at designing and developing automation frameworks using Selenium/HP UFT
  • Knowledge in developing automated test scripts by understanding requirements/manual test cases
  • Expertise in Java/Java Script.Good knowledge in Java for developing Tools and utilities which enhance automation framework
  • Exposure to Jenkins and Maven is added advantage
  • Should be good in process improvements for domain specific test methodologies
  • Minimum 6 years IT experience with at least 2 years’ experience in large complex business systems in enterprise testing domain in the financial/banking sector
  • Experience with Test Driven/Behavior Driven (TDD/BDD)
  • Expertise in Java/Java Script. Good knowledge in Java for developing Tools and utilities which enhance automation framework
  • Strong oral and writing communication skills to be able to communicate with all levels of leadership and technical staff
  • Ability to recognize problems, gather facts, and analyze information
  • Ability to work under pressure and proactively follow through on multiple concurrent initiatives

Automation Test Engineer Chennai Resume Examples & Samples

  • The implementation and execution of an automation test framework for functional and non-functional testing
  • Work with the business and Production Support to investigate issues and trap defects with regression tests
  • The candidate must show a clear understanding of the banking environment, and/or a strong interest in financial markets
  • Experience of developing, extending and excuting test automation frameworks for both functional and non-functional tests
  • Business domain knowledge of FX, Rates and Commodity Trading e.g. Pricing, Order Execution, and Trading/Auto hedge risk management will be a significant advantage
  • Experience of non-functional testing including latency and performance testing
  • Provide technical support during software installation or configuration
  • Develop or specify standards, methods, or procedures to determine product quality or release readiness
  • Minimum of 3+ years' experience in related disciplines
  • Experience working in an Agile Development environment
  • Experience working in Client/Server Environment
  • Ability to perform roo

Related Job Titles

sample resume for automation test engineer selenium

Resume Worded   |  Proven Resume Examples

  • Resume Examples
  • Engineering Resumes

8 Automation Engineer Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

As technology continues to develop and evolve at accelerated speeds, many industries are using new technology to shift from manual processes to more efficient and cost-effective automated processes. and when a company is looking to find points of automation, automation engineers are who they call to make it happen. this guide will take you through some of the automation engineer titles out there, show you what a strong resume looks like for each title, and give you tips to create your own to nab yourself a job..

Hiring Manager for Automation Engineer Roles

Automation engineers look at a company’s processes, identify processes that can be automated, develop plans and strategies to make the automation a reality, test the new automated system for bugs, and give solutions to fix those bugs. So if you see those automated help chatbots on a website, or an automated cart selection for an online supermarket, those systems were most likely created by an automation engineer.

Educationally, the basic expectation is for an automation engineer to have a bachelor’s degree in automation, electronic engineering, or a similar field. Some will choose to follow that with a master’s or pursue certification such as the CAP (Certified Automation Professional). 

In addition, you will need to have very strong computer skills, problem-solving skills, and communication skills.

Let’s take a look at some automation engineer positions.

Automation Engineer Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

  • Automation Engineer
  • QA Automation Engineer
  • Robotic Process Automation Engineer
  • Automation Tester
  • Test Automation Engineer

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for Automation Engineer Resumes

Automation Engineer Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Related Engineering Resumes

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 8: Automation Engineer Resume Example

An automation engineer develops software that helps companies automate certain processes and also tests automation software to ensure that it is working efficiently. You will need creativity to develop ways to automate, and communication skills to express your ideas and communicate any bugs or errors you discovered as you were testing automated systems. Beyond soft skills, you will need a bachelor's in automation, electrical engineering, or a similar field. Beyond that, recruiters will heavily weigh any experience you have developing or testing automation software. This resume sample excels in showing a relevant educational background and a wealth of automation experience.

Automation engineer resume sample that highlights extensive skill set and varied experience..

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Tips to help you write your Automation Engineer resume in 2024

   list the industries you have worked in as an automater..

A general automation engineer resume may be used to apply for an automation job in multiple industries. We, therefore, suggest you mention the industries that you have worked in previously. If a recruiter from those industries finds you, they will feel more confident that you can do the job effectively.

   Have an extensive skill/tool set.

If you are creating a generic automation engineer resume, you need to have an extensive skill/tool set. Include all software or systems you use to do your work. You want to present as a wholesome automation engineer. If your list is not extensive, effort to gain experience with as many tools as possible through crash courses or side projects using the tools.

Have an extensive skill/tool set. - Automation Engineer Resume

Skills you can include on your Automation Engineer resume

Template 2 of 8: qa (quality assurance) automation engineer resume example.

The quality assurance (QA) automation engineer plays an integral role in optimizing a company’s quality assurance procedures. These professionals plan and create automated tests to assess the function of software. Being able to automate the QA process allows companies to test their technology more quickly and efficiently, leading to increased revenue. To become a QA automation engineer, you will need the right education and skills. Hiring managers will look for someone with a degree in computer science or IT. It’s important that QA automation engineers are talented coders with a breadth of technical knowledge. Hiring managers will look for someone with experience in QA, such as previous roles as a manual tester or QA tester. Strong candidates for this role will have knowledge of different testing methods and coding, superb problem-solving skills, and organizational abilities.

A Quality Assurance Automation Engineer resume highlighting experience in designing and implementing automated test cases, debugging software, and ensuring product quality.

Tips to help you write your QA (Quality Assurance) Automation Engineer resume in 2024

   highlight your knowledge of qa testing tools and frameworks.

To become a QA automation engineer, you will need to understand the variety of testing tools and frameworks you can use to solve QA testing issues. For this reason, you should highlight the testing methods and frameworks you have used in the past on your resume.

Highlight your knowledge of QA testing tools and frameworks - QA (Quality Assurance) Automation Engineer Resume

   Show your ability to creatively solve problems

QA automation engineers must be savvy problem solvers in order to create testing automations that are effective. As such, one important soft skill to highlight on your resume is your problem-solving skills. Be sure to highlight any complicated QA issues you have successfully solved in the past on your resume.

Show your ability to creatively solve problems - QA (Quality Assurance) Automation Engineer Resume

Skills you can include on your QA (Quality Assurance) Automation Engineer resume

Template 3 of 8: qa automation engineer resume example.

A QA automation engineer develops automated tests that are used to test the functionality of applications. They are tasked with designing the tests, creating the code for them, activating the tests, and reporting on how they perform. To succeed in this role, you will need to have very strong programming skills, as well as a wealth of experience as a QA automation engineer. Recruiters will be expecting at least a bachelor’s degree in computer science, software engineering, or a similar field.

QA automation engineer resume sample that quantifies the applicant's success and updated skills set

Tips to help you write your QA Automation Engineer resume in 2024

   stay up to date with the latest development software and languages..

This is a very technical position that needs you to stay up to date with the latest software and software languages to stay relevant and useful. So make sure you stay up to date on the same. When any new relevant tech and software is developed, ensure you are quick to acquaint yourself with it. Do a course to learn the new tech or get as much experience with it as possible.

Stay up to date with the latest development software and languages. - QA Automation Engineer Resume

   Quantify your QA testing success.

Recruiters want to know how successful and efficient the tests you create and run are. So make sure you include actual numbers in your experience section. How many tests have you run in a short period of time? How many errors and bugs did your tests identify?

Quantify your QA testing success. - QA Automation Engineer Resume

Skills you can include on your QA Automation Engineer resume

Template 4 of 8: qa (quality assurance) automation engineer resume example.

Quality Assurance Automation Engineers are the bigger-picture thinkers of the QA world. They excel at writing tests that can be iterated over large-scale and enterprise technologies, including databases. They know every aspect of the design of the program and how it should function. They often work on mobile and web applications. As with all QA professionals, they work with other engineers and developers, but they are also likely to have a team of QA testers who work with their code to identify particular bugs.

A sample QA Automation Engineer resume, which focuses on system-wide strategies for identifying bugs.

   Shows leadership amongst in-house and remote teams.

The larger-scale you get in technology, the more likely it is that you’re going to be working with distributed teams, even internationally. Your ability to communicate well with these teams on a technological and professional level is absolutely essential to the QA team working well.

Shows leadership amongst in-house and remote teams. - QA (Quality Assurance) Automation Engineer Resume

   Cites specific automation tools in the QA space

As a QA automation engineer, you’re going to be approaching complex web and mobile applications as well as enterprise-level software. As a result, you want a wide coding toolbox to draw from. Demonstrating how your solutions work -- and that you have a diversity of hows at your disposal -- makes you an asset to your company.

Cites specific automation tools in the QA space - QA (Quality Assurance) Automation Engineer Resume

Template 5 of 8: Robotic Process Automation Engineer Resume Example

An RPA developer’s job is to identify, develop, and activate software robots, also called bots, that automate processes to increase efficiency. This role requires strong communication skills as it includes you speaking to users to identify processes that would be more efficient when automated. Recruiters would expect you to have a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field and would like to see a master’s degree in a similar field. It is also essential that you are experienced with industry-standard RPA tools. Take a look at this strong RPA engineer resume.

Robot Process Automation Engineer resume sample that highlights applicant's experience and tools section.

Tips to help you write your Robotic Process Automation Engineer resume in 2024

   include any ai experience..

A significant part of this job may include training AI to perform certain functions. So if you can highlight any AI experience, that would be very beneficial and attractive to recruiters.

Include any AI experience. - Robotic Process Automation Engineer Resume

   Keep your tools section updated.

Being experienced with the newest RPA tools is essential to staying relevant in the industry. Recruiters need to know you use the latest technologies. It shows that you are dedicated to your profession and are active in the industry.

Keep your tools section updated. - Robotic Process Automation Engineer Resume

Skills you can include on your Robotic Process Automation Engineer resume

Template 6 of 8: automation tester resume example.

Unlike manual testers, automation testers will use automation testing tools to test software programs. You will be testing to find any bugs or irregularities and reporting them to the software team so they can be fixed and retested. For this position, you will need to be experienced using an array of automation testing tools as well as have programming knowledge. You will also need to know the various methodologies used to test. Most automation testers began as manual testers and progressed to automation testing. Recruiters will be looking at your resume primarily to see the languages and tools you are familiar with, as well as your experience as a tester. This resume excels in having both a strong skills section, as well as an in-depth list of experience.

Automation tester resume sample that highlights applicant's testing capabilities and certifications.

Tips to help you write your Automation Tester resume in 2024

   quantify your testing capabilities..

One of the biggest benefits of automated testing vis-a-vis manual testing is the ability to do very many tests in a short period. So impress recruiters by quantifying the output of your automated testing. How many tests were you able to do and how did your results help your previous employer? Did it save them time or money? If so, how much?

Quantify your testing capabilities. - Automation Tester Resume

   Show software-related certification.

Being an automation tester is a highly technical job. As such, the software programs and technologies you are experienced with are what are going to impress recruiters. Beyond listing a program or language you are experienced in, getting certification to prove your proficiency using the language or program is always a welcome addition to recruiters.

Show software-related certification. - Automation Tester Resume

Skills you can include on your Automation Tester resume

Template 7 of 8: automation tester resume example.

An automation tester sample resume that highlights the quantifiable success of applicant's testing capabilities and software certification

Template 8 of 8: Test Automation Engineer Resume Example

A Test Automation Engineer is basically the magician of a software development team who uses specialized tools to control the execution of tests. As the need for efficient and quality software increases, companies are hunting for experienced automation testers like never before. Traditional manual testing methods are being replaced with automated ones. You're in high demand, but there's also an influx of competition. When writing your resume, your automation skills should be an obvious emphasis, but don't forget about showcasing your understanding of the software development process and your ability to work in a team. Remember, your resume isn't just about showing off your technical prowess. Hiring managers are also looking for transferable skills such as problem-solving and ability to adapt to new technologies. As test automation is a rapidly evolving field, demonstrating your eagerness to learn and adapt to new tools and technologies is enormously advantageous.

A comprehensive Test Automation Engineer resume showcasing technical and transferable skills.

Tips to help you write your Test Automation Engineer resume in 2024

   list specific automation tools and languages.

As a Test Automation Engineer, you probably have experience with various automation tools and languages. Instead of just vaguely saying you're experienced in test automation, specifically list the tools and languages you've used, like Selenium, Postman, or Python.

List specific automation tools and languages - Test Automation Engineer Resume

   Provide examples of your problem-solving skills

You'll often face unpredictable issues as a Test Automation Engineer. Instead of generic statements like "great problem solver," show specific instances where your analytical prowess led to solutions in past roles. Providing concrete examples will make your claim more credible.

Provide examples of your problem-solving skills - Test Automation Engineer Resume

Skills you can include on your Test Automation Engineer resume

As a hiring manager who has worked with companies like Siemens, Rockwell Automation, and Honeywell, I've seen countless resumes for automation engineer positions. The best resumes are those that effectively showcase the candidate's technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and experience with relevant tools and technologies. In this article, we'll provide you with expert tips to help you create a compelling automation engineer resume that stands out from the competition.

   Highlight your automation experience

Emphasize your hands-on experience with automation technologies and tools. Provide specific examples of projects you've worked on and the impact you made. Here are some ways to showcase your automation experience:

  • Developed and implemented a PLC-based control system for a high-speed packaging line, increasing production efficiency by 20%
  • Designed and programmed a SCADA system to monitor and control a water treatment plant, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards
  • Created and maintained HMI applications for a manufacturing facility, improving operator efficiency and reducing downtime

Bullet Point Samples for Automation Engineer

   Demonstrate your problem-solving skills

Automation engineers are often faced with complex challenges that require strong problem-solving abilities. Use your resume to highlight instances where you successfully troubleshot and resolved issues. Avoid simply listing your responsibilities without context, like this:

  • Responsible for troubleshooting and maintaining automation systems
  • Tasked with identifying and resolving technical issues

Instead, provide specific examples that demonstrate your problem-solving skills:

  • Investigated and resolved a critical issue with a robotic welding system, minimizing downtime and saving the company $50,000 in potential lost production
  • Developed a comprehensive troubleshooting guide for PLC-controlled conveyor systems, reducing average repair time by 30%

   Showcase your technical expertise

Include a section on your resume that highlights your technical skills and expertise. List the programming languages, software, and tools you are proficient in, such as:

  • PLC programming (Allen-Bradley, Siemens, Modicon)
  • HMI/SCADA software (Wonderware, FactoryTalk View, WinCC)
  • Robotics programming (KUKA, FANUC, ABB)
  • Networking protocols (EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, Modbus)

Additionally, mention any relevant certifications you have earned, such as Certified Automation Professional (CAP) or Certified Control Systems Technician (CCST).

   Tailor your resume to the job description

Customize your resume to match the specific requirements of the automation engineer position you are applying for. Carefully review the job description and incorporate relevant keywords and phrases into your resume. For example, if the job posting emphasizes experience with a particular PLC brand or SCADA system, make sure to highlight your expertise with those specific technologies.

Experienced automation engineer with a strong background in Siemens PLC programming and WinCC SCADA development. Proven track record of designing and implementing efficient automation solutions for manufacturing and process control applications.

   Include relevant project details

When describing your automation projects, provide relevant details that showcase the scope and complexity of your work. Include information such as:

  • The industry or sector of the project (e.g., automotive, food and beverage, oil and gas)
  • The scale of the project (e.g., number of PLCs, I/O points, or machines involved)
  • The specific technologies and tools used (e.g., PLC models, communication protocols, software versions)
  • The project's outcome or impact (e.g., increased productivity, reduced costs, improved safety)

By including these details, you demonstrate your ability to handle complex automation projects and deliver measurable results.

   Highlight your communication and collaboration skills

Automation engineers often work closely with cross-functional teams, including mechanical engineers, electricians, and plant operators. Emphasize your ability to communicate effectively and collaborate with team members from diverse backgrounds. Provide examples of how you have:

  • Collaborated with mechanical engineers to design and integrate automation systems with existing machinery
  • Worked with electricians to ensure proper wiring and installation of automation components
  • Trained plant operators on the use and maintenance of new automation systems
  • Presented project updates and technical recommendations to management and stakeholders

By showcasing your communication and collaboration skills, you demonstrate your ability to work effectively in a team environment and contribute to the overall success of automation projects.

Writing Your Automation Engineer Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. include your name, email, and phone number.

Your header should include your full name, professional email address, and phone number. This allows hiring managers to easily identify and contact you.

  • John Smith | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890
  • Jane Doe | [email protected] | (555) 123-4567

Avoid using unprofessional email addresses or including multiple phone numbers, which can appear disorganized:

  • John Smith | [email protected] | (123) 456-7890, (555) 987-6543

2. Highlight your automation engineering title

If you have a specific automation engineering title, such as 'Automation Test Engineer' or 'Robotic Process Automation Engineer', consider including it in your header. This can help quickly convey your expertise to hiring managers.

For example:

John Smith Automation Test Engineer [email protected] | (123) 456-7890

However, avoid listing multiple titles or unrelated roles, as this can appear unfocused:

Jane Doe Automation Engineer | Software Developer | Data Analyst [email protected] | (555) 123-4567

3. Skip the full address

While it was once common to include your full mailing address in your resume header, this is no longer necessary in most cases. With remote work becoming more prevalent, many automation engineering roles don't require you to live in a specific location.

Instead, consider just including your city and state:

  • San Francisco, CA
  • Seattle, WA

Avoid taking up valuable space with your full street address:

  • 123 Main St, Apt 4B, San Francisco, CA 94111


As an automation engineer, your resume summary is a chance to quickly showcase your most relevant skills and experience. While a summary is optional, it can be a useful way to provide context for your application, especially if you're changing careers or have a lot of experience to summarize. However, avoid using an objective statement, as it's outdated and doesn't add value. Instead, focus on crafting a concise, tailored summary that highlights your unique qualifications for the role.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for an Automation Engineer resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Automation Engineer resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Automation Engineer Resume Summary Examples , or Automation Engineer Resume Objective Examples .

1. Highlight your automation expertise

When writing your summary, focus on your specific automation skills and experience. Mention the types of automation systems you've worked with, such as:

  • Robotic process automation (RPA)
  • Programmable logic controllers (PLCs)
  • Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)

Avoid generic statements that could apply to any engineer, like:

  • Experienced engineer with a proven track record of success
  • Hardworking and detail-oriented professional

Instead, provide concrete examples of your automation expertise, like:

Automation engineer with 5+ years of experience designing and implementing RPA solutions for manufacturing clients. Skilled in PLC programming and SCADA systems integration.

2. Quantify your impact

To make your summary more impactful, include specific metrics that demonstrate the value you've brought to previous roles. For example:

  • Implemented RPA solutions that reduced processing time by 80% and saved $500K annually
  • Designed and programmed PLC systems for 10+ manufacturing lines, improving efficiency by 25%

Avoid vague statements like "improved efficiency" or "reduced costs" without providing context. Quantifying your achievements helps hiring managers understand the scope and significance of your contributions.


The work experience section is one of the most important parts of your automation engineer resume. It's where you'll highlight your relevant experience and skills, and show potential employers what you can bring to the table. Here are some tips to help you write a strong work experience section:

1. Focus on your most relevant experience

When writing your work experience section, focus on the experience that is most relevant to the automation engineer role you're applying for. This may include:

  • Experience with automation tools such as Ansible, Puppet, or Chef
  • Experience with scripting languages such as Python or Bash
  • Experience with cloud platforms such as AWS or Azure
  • Experience with continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines

If you have experience that isn't directly related to automation engineering, consider whether it's worth including. For example, if you worked as a software developer in the past, you may want to mention it briefly, but don't spend too much time on it.

Not sure if your resume is highlighting your most relevant experience? Try using our Targeted Resume tool to see how well your resume matches up with the job description.

2. Use specific examples and metrics

When describing your work experience, use specific examples and metrics to illustrate your accomplishments. For example:

  • Implemented an automated deployment pipeline using Jenkins and Ansible, reducing deployment time from 2 hours to 15 minutes
  • Developed a Python script to automate the provisioning of AWS EC2 instances, saving the team 10 hours per week

Avoid generic statements like:

  • Responsible for automating tasks
  • Worked on various automation projects

These statements don't give the reader a clear idea of what you actually accomplished or how you added value to your previous employers.

Struggling to quantify your achievements? Think about the time, money, or resources you saved, the number of users or systems impacted, or the percentage improvement in a key metric.

3. Highlight your progression and leadership

If you've been promoted or taken on leadership roles in your previous positions, be sure to highlight that in your work experience section. This shows potential employers that you have the skills and experience to take on more responsibility and advance in your career.

Automation Engineer, XYZ Company (2018-2022) - Started as a Junior Automation Engineer and was promoted to Automation Engineer within 2 years - Led a team of 3 junior engineers to implement a new automated testing framework, resulting in a 50% reduction in testing time

Even if you haven't been officially promoted, you can still highlight your progression by mentioning projects or initiatives you led or took ownership of.

Want to make sure your resume is showcasing your career progression effectively? Our Score My Resume tool can give you instant feedback on how well you're highlighting your achievements and growth.


The education section of your automation engineer resume should be concise and highlight your relevant academic background. This section is particularly important if you are a recent graduate or have limited work experience. Here are some key tips to keep in mind when writing your education section:

How To Write An Education Section - Automation Engineer Roles

1. List your degrees in reverse chronological order

Start with your most recent degree and work backwards. Include the name of the institution, the degree earned, and the year of graduation. If you have multiple degrees, list them separately.

Here's an example of how to format your education section:

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering University of California, Los Angeles Graduated: 2020

2. Include relevant coursework and projects

If you are a recent graduate or have limited work experience, you can bolster your education section by including relevant coursework and projects. This can demonstrate your skills and knowledge in automation engineering.

However, avoid listing every course you've taken. Instead, focus on those that are most relevant to the job you're applying for, such as:

  • Control Systems
  • Programming for Automation

3. Keep it brief if you have extensive work experience

If you are a senior-level automation engineer with years of experience, your education section should be brief and to the point. Hiring managers will be more interested in your professional accomplishments than your academic background.

Here's an example of what not to include in your education section as a senior-level professional:

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology Graduated: 1995 Relevant Coursework: Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Machine Design, Manufacturing Processes

Instead, keep it concise:

B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology

4. Consider including certifications

Certifications can be a valuable addition to your education section, especially if they are relevant to automation engineering. Some examples include:

  • Certified Automation Professional (CAP)
  • Certified Control Systems Technician (CCST)
  • Certified LabVIEW Developer (CLD)

If you have multiple certifications, you can create a separate section titled "Certifications" to highlight them.

Action Verbs For Automation Engineer Resumes

Strong action verbs help recruiters understand your role in specific tasks. An automation engineer’s resume should use action verbs that are relevant to their tasks. Action verbs like "Automated", "Designed" or “Tested" are examples of strong action verbs for this profession.

Action Verbs for Automation Engineer

  • Implemented
  • Computerized

For more related action verbs, visit Engineering Action Verbs .

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for Automation Engineer Resumes

Skills for automation engineer resumes.

When you speak of skills for an automation engineer, you will want to list the technical and hard skills used in the automation engineering process.

Here is a list of skills you would expect to see in an automation engineering resume. Add those that you are experienced with to your resume to impress recruiters.

  • Test Automation
  • Selenium WebDriver
  • Test Planning
  • Agile Methodologies
  • Manual Testing
  • Regression Testing
  • API Testing
  • Software Quality Assurance
  • Test Automation Framework
  • Functional Testing

How To Write Your Skills Section On an Automation Engineer Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

How To Write Your Skills Section - Automation Engineer Roles

Skills Word Cloud For Automation Engineer Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Automation Engineer job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top Automation Engineer Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Other engineering resumes, civil engineer.

Structural Engineer resume highlighting certifications and complex projects.

Industrial Engineer

An industrial sales engineer resume template that prioritizes work experience

Network Engineer

An example of a Senior Network Engineer's resume showcasing certifications and project management skills.

  • Software Engineer Resume Guide
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  • Software Tester Resume Guide
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Automation Engineer Resume Guide

  • C, C++, and C# Developer Resume Guide
  • Technical Support Resume Guide
  • Project Engineer Resume Guide
  • Security Manager Resume Guide
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  • System Engineer Resume Guide
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  • Oracle Resume Guide
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  • Cloud Developer Resume Guide
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  • SharePoint Developer Resume Guide
  • Kafka Resume Guide
  • Audio Engineer Resume Guide
  • HVAC Resume Guide
  • Industrial Engineer Resume Guide
  • Maintenance Technician Resume Guide
  • Solutions Architect Resume Guide
  • Implementation Specialist Resume Guide
  • Software Architect Resume Guide
  • PHP Developer Resume Guide
  • Biomedical Engineer Resume Guide
  • Robotics Resume Guide
  • Chief Digital Officer Resume Guide
  • Innovation Resume Guide
  • Security Analyst Resume Guide
  • IT Auditor Resume Guide
  • Director of Software Engineering Resume Guide
  • Environmental Engineer Resume Guide
  • Technology Director Resume Guide
  • Director of Information Technology Resume Guide
  • AWS Resume Guide
  • Director of Engineering Resume Guide
  • Materials Engineer Resume Guide
  • UAT Tester Resume Guide
  • Automation Engineer Resume Example
  • QA Automation Engineer Resume Example
  • Robotic Process Automation Engineer Resume Example
  • Automation Tester Resume Example
  • Test Automation Engineer Resume Example
  • Tips for Automation Engineer Resumes
  • Skills and Keywords to Add
  • All Resume Examples
  • Automation Engineer CV Examples
  • Automation Engineer Cover Letter
  • Automation Engineer Interview Guide
  • Explore Alternative and Similar Careers

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Software Testing

Selenium Tester Resume

Selenium Tester Resume Preparation, Resume Summary, Professional Skill Summary, Software Testing Skills, Education, Work Experience, Projects Info and Selenium Job Responsibilities.

Selenium Online Training with Project (by G C Reddy)

Python Programming Free Videos (Full Course) 

SQL Video Tutorial for Beginners

Manual Testing Tutorial for Beginners

Selenium, Java, TestNG, and Project Tutorial

Gedi Mahith Email: [email protected] Mobile: 91-xxxxxxxxxx

To give effective as well as efficient efforts towards the attainment of organizational goals with exploring the wide scope of knowledge and intelligence. To work in an environment that provides a challenging and rewarding career ensuring high-level job satisfaction. In the process apart from benefiting my employer, I also expect to learn for my overall development.

  • 6+ Years of industry experience in the area of Software Testing (Manual and Automation) with a solid understanding of Test Planning, Test Design, Test Execution and Defect Reporting & Tracking.
  • Expertise in Understanding and Analyzing Test Requirements, Tracking changes and maintenance of Test Requirements.
  • Well acquainted with all phases of SDLC and STLC.
  • Proficient in Test Automation using Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid, and UFT tools.
  • Strong Experience in Automating Web Application Testing using Selenium WebDriver with TestNG framework.
  • Strong Experience in Java Programming, Selenium WebDriver, JUnit and TestNG.
  • Well versed with Handling Elements in Selenium WebDriver.
  • Writing Test cases using Element locators, WebDriver methods, Java programming features and TestNG Annotations.
  • Executing Selenium Test Cases and Reporting defects.
  • Experience in Data driven Testing, Cross browser testing and Parallel Test execution using Selenium WebDriver, TestNG and selenium Grid.
  • Knowledge on LoadRunner Automation tool
  • Expertise in implementation of Automation framework using Selenium.
  • Strong Experience in ERP, Banking, Financial and Ecommerce Domains.
  •  Involvement in Test Estimations and Test strategy implementation.
  • Proficient in devising all the artifacts of testing such as Test Scenarios, Test Cases, Defect Reports and Test Summary Report
  • Self-motivated, energetic and highly ethical in all work related assignments thus able to immediately contribute to corporate goals and objects
  • Good written, communication, interpersonal skills, proven team player with an analytical mind bent to problem solving and delivering solutions.
  • Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication Engineering from ABC Engineering College, JNTU in xxxx.
  • Currently working as a Test Analyst with Sun Technologies, Hyderabad, since January xxxx to till date.
  • Worked as a Technical Associate (Testing) with Citation Softech Limited, Hyderabad from November xxxx to December xxxx.
  • Worked as a Software Tester With Jognics (p) Ltd, Bangalore from March xxxx to September xxxx.
  • The ISTQB Advanced Level Test Analyst (CTAL-TA) certification.
  • Attended Selenium In-house Training program in December xxxx.
  •  Attended Corporate Program on ‘Quality Measures and Metrics’ in August xxxx.

Operating Systems: Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows 11, Win 2016 Server, and Linux

Languages: VBScript, Java, and Python

Databases: MS Access, SQL Server, Oracle and MYSQL

Automated Testing Tools: Seleniu WebDriver, Selenium Grid, UFT, and JMeter

Bug Tracking Tools: Bugzilla and Jira.

Tools & Utilities: Ms-Office, Outlook Express, VSS

Web Technologies : HTML, XML, CSS and JavaScript

Web and Application Servers: IIS, Apache Tomcat, Jboss, WebLogic.

Projects Profile:

• CBS (Centralized Banking System) for Portland Technologies (web-based product) • Loan Management System for Global Financial Service, US (Intranet web application). • Corporate e-banking for Bank of Hawaii (Internet web application). • PoPs (Purchase order processing System) for Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd (Client/ Server application). • Online Resources System for Goliath Inc, US (Internet application)

Project Type: Web-based Banking Product

Client: Portland Technologies

Organization: Sun Technologies

Technology: Java, Oracle

Testing Approach: Manual and Automation

Tools Used: Selenium Webdriver with TestNG framework

Role: Test Analyst

Duration: February xxxx to till date

Project description:

CBS (Centralized Banking System) is a complete web based and centralized banking solution covering all the functions of a bank. It supports multi currency transactions and all types of delivery channels. The product has been developed using open, industry standard, proven technologies and high quality software engineering methodologies. CBS is highly parameterized to support constantly changing customer and regulatory requirements.

Centralized database, Modular deployment, Multi-currency transactions, Multi-currency general ledger, Can be Internet enabled on the fly, Can interface with any channel for service delivery like ATM, IVR Tele banking, internet banking, Server-centric and thin client software deployment.

Administration, System Control, Cash Operations, Accounts (SB/Current/OD /CC), Clearing Operations, Transactions (Withdrawals/Deposits), Term Deposits, Loans, Safe Deposit Vaults, Forex, General Ledger, ALM and Treasury Management and Back Office etc.


• Preparation of the Test Strategy and guiding the team.

• Involvement in the System Test Plan Preparation and Requirements Streamlining.

• Involvement in Preparation of Test Procedures, Test Scenarios, Cases and Test Data.

• Responsible for GUI and Functional Testing, using Black box Testing Techniques.

• Involvement in Test Execution, Results Analyzing and Defect Reporting.• Involvement in RTM Preparation.

• Involved in Automation Infrastructure Development using Selenium.

• Created Test cases Using Element locators and Selenium Webdriver methods.

• Enhanced Test cases using Java programming features and TestNG Annotations.

• Execution of Selenium Test cases and Reporting defects.

• Conducting Data driven testing, cross browser testing and parallel test execution.

• Enhancing the Test Scripts for Global Execution.

• Involvement in solving Environmental problems along with Technical Support People.

• Involved in Regression Testing using Selenium

• Preparation of weekly and monthly status reports.

Client : Global Financial Service, US

Organization : Sun Technologies.

Environment : JAVA, HTML, XML, JSP, Servlets, EJB, Weblogic, Oracle.

Testing Approach : Manual And Automated.

Tools Used : Selenium and Sun-Tracker.

Role : Test Engineer.


Loan Management System allows a retail finance organization to optimize their loan Management process by integrating Field Investigation, Mortgage, Processing, Recovery and Property management Systems in a Central Unit. Being web-based, it gives an organization truly any time, anywhere access.

This involves entry of all the details necessary for keeping a record of all inflows and outflows of loans. It has several modules like Administrator, New business, Disbursements, Clearing operations, General Ledger & Financial Accounts, Recoveries, Miscellaneous, Legal Issues, Back Office and Reports.

• Involved in ‘Module Test Plan’ Preparation and Requirements Streamlining.

• Preparing Requirement Traceability matrices for New business Module.

• Guiding the team members and handling the Risks.

• Involvement in Test Design includes Test Data preparation and Reviews.

• Involved in Automation Environment setup using Eclipse, Java, Selenium WebDriver jars and TestNG.

• Designed Test cases Using Selenium Webdriver and TestNG.

• Execution of Tests and Reporting Defects Using Sun-Tracker.

• Enhancing the Selenium Test cases for Cross browser testing.

• Involved in solving Environmental problems along with Technical Support People, especially in Sever Connections and Database sharing issues.

• Involved in Regression Testing using Selenium.


• Involvement in Automation Environment Setup Using Eclipse, Java, Selenium WebDriver Java language bindings and TestNG jars.

• Preparation of Selenium WebDriver Corporate Material.

Client : Bank of Hawaii

Environment : C#.Net, ASP.Net, IIS, Jboss, Oracle and Win2008.

Testing Approach : Manual Testing

Tools Used : Sun-Tracker

Corporate e-banking system is a comprehensive corporate and small business banking solution providing a single unified view of the corporate banking relationships across asset and liability products, limits, trade finance and cash management. Corporate customers of the bank gain the flexibility to view details of each account, capability to make Inter-bank and Intra-bank payments, access to trade finance information and transactions, and the ability to perform cash management activities. This also supports comprehensive authorization workflow, Transaction Limits, Electronic Invoice Presentment and Payment (EIPP) and Corporate Administration.

It is also highly secure and provides support for different authentication mechanisms.

• Involved in Automation Test Plan Preparation.

• Test Design Based on the Use case Specifications.

• Generating Test Scenarios, Test case documentation and test data collection.

• Involved in Tests Execution and Reporting Defects Using Sun-Tracker.

• Responsible for GUI, Functional and System Testing.

• Involved in Compatibility Testing.

• Performed Database Testing using SQL in order to check the Data Validation and Data Integrity.

• Involved Peer reviews (Test Design).

• Clear look on updating concepts and finding defects, sending it with suggestions.

• Participation in implementation of ‘Sun-Tracker’ (in-house) as Defect management Tool.

Client : Haldia Petrochemicals Ltd.

Organization : Citation Softech Limited

Technology : VB.NET, SQL Server and Windows2008.

Tools Used : Bugzilla.

Role : Test Engineer

PoPs (Purchase order processing System) facilitates the function of buying materials /components / products / raw materials at economical cost in a timely manner. This will have broad functionalities of request handling, obtaining quotations including comparison, placing purchase orders and follow-up of purchase orders for timely deliveries, supplier information, vendor wise supply analysis, and purchase payments. This covers all type of Enquiry, Quotations, Comparisons, and Approval of Purchase order. Sending PO to Supplier, maintaining Bills.

• Understanding the Business Requirement Specifications.

• Designing Test Cases, Execution of the test cases and reporting the bugs.

• Conducted Functional testing with Valid and Invalid inputs for positive and negative testing.

• Communicates with Functional Analyst on any issue clarifications.

• Preparing Defect report as per severity and priority Active participation in Bug triage meetings.

• Modifying the Tests and Conducting Regression Testing.

• Participation in Test Closure activities.

Ø Participation in Client’s ‘Business Operations’ Study

Ø Requirements Streamlining along with Project Management.

Client: Goliath Inc, US.

Organization: Citation Softech Limited

Environment: Java, JSP, Oracle, and Win2008 Server.

Testing Approach: Manual Testing

Role: Software Tester

This is an application for online-business content service and promoting e-learning, e-training, e-collaboration over Internet. Its motive is to bring education, training, certification etc and other domains on a single platform, evaluate them to collaborate, share the knowledge, resolve the problems and provide instant solution to the client. It has three kinds of users: Client, Student, Customer, Trainer and Administrator who manages the entire the portal site. Its features are Dynamic course building, Information Building, Content generation & Deployment, Course Browsing, Business Reports, Audio & Video references. The different modules in this application are: Admin, Industry Info, Business Management Resources and Business Development Resources.

• Involved in designing Test cases based on S.R.S and Test Plan.

• Executing Tests and analyzing results as per client requirements.

• Detecting the bugs and classifying them based on the severity and reporting.

• Involved in Functional Testing, GUI Testing and Compatibility Testing.

• Regression testing performed on every new build of the application.

• Reporting the Coverage status of test performed on the daily/weekly basis.

• Attended Project meetings and interacted with other team members in order to resolve the problems.

Personal Details:

• Fathers Name : xxxxxxxxxxxxx

• Date of Birth : xx-xx-xxxx

• Blood Group : O+

• Languages known : Telugu, Hindi and English

Resume Preparation For Freshers

Software Testing Fresher Sample CV

Selenium Tester Sample CV

Java Developer Fresher CV 

Software Testing Resumes

Resume Preparation Tips

IT Resume Preparation

Selenium Tester Resume Format

Name Email: [email protected] Mobile: 91-xxxxxxxxxx

Career Objective: ———————————– ———————————– ———————————– Professional Summary: ———————————– ———————————– ———————————– Education Qualification: ——————————— ——————————— Work Experience: ———————————– ———————————– ———————————– Training Programs Attended: (Optional) ———————————– ———————————– Software Skills:

Operating systems : xxxxxxxxxxx

Languages : xxxxxxxxxxxx

Databases : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Automated Testing Tools : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Test Management Tools :xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Bug Tracking Tools : xxxxxxxxxxxx

Tools & Utilities : xxxxxxxxxxxx

Web Technologies : xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Web & Application Servers : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Projects Profile: (Optional) ———————————– ———————————–

Project #1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Project Info ———————————– ———————————– ———————————– Project Description: ———————————– ———————————– ———————————– Responsibilities: ———————————– ———————————– ———————————– Project #2 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ———————————– ———————————– ———————————– Project #3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ———————————– ———————————– ———————————– Personal Details: ———————————– ———————————– ———————————–

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Selenium automation tester resume.

  • 7+ years of professional experience in testing with extensive knowledge of Automation Framework Design & Implementation using Selenium Tool
  • Experience in Manual & Automated Testing of GUI and functional aspects of Client - server and Web based Applications on multiple levels of SDLC and Software Testing Life Cycle ( STLC ).
  • Good Knowledge of Object Oriented programming Concepts(OOPS) and Java Skills
  • Good experience in creating test scripts using WebDriver, Selenium RC, Selenium-IDE, Selenium Grid in Java.
  • Good experience in DataDriven and Hybrid Testing .
  • Experience in Functional, Regression and System testing using M anual and Automated testing tools - selenium WebDriver .
  • Experience in automating test cases using TestNG, Junit and Cucumber QUnit, NUnit, TFS Coded UI scripting and execution
  • Experience in data- driven test using Jenkins and Excel.
  • Good Experience in using FireBug .
  • Good Experience in writing XPath to locate web elements.
  • Good Experience in Robort Frames Work and Reporting Tools.
  • Worked on Cross browser testing , browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and IE using WebDriver .
  • Well versed with Agile process
  • Experience in analyzing Business , Functional and Technical Specifications
  • Familiar with C++, Inter Systems CACHE, Oracle,, HTML, XML
  • Expertise in implementing testing strategies for the entire Oracle EBS implementation.
  • Experience in writing Test Plans, Test Cases, Test Procedures and Test Scripts from requirements and Use-Cases
  • Expertise in performing different types of Testing: White Box (Unit Testing, Integration testing), Black Box, Smoke, Functionality, Integration, Stress, Volume, System, Performance, Regression Testing and Full Life Cycle Testing.
  • Experience in Web Services testing using SOAP UI PARASOFT SOA testing tool
  • Experience in Software Verification and Validation based on Testing Methodology.
  • Proficient in Functional Testing tool Quick Test Professional (QTP/UFT) and the various frameworks in QTP/UFT.
  • Experience with Mobile Automation Tool Device Anywhere and Appium automation framework and knowledge perfecto mobile 
  • Wrote and maintained automated test suite using   Protractor   and Jasmine, with data seeded using Ruby on Rails, that ran in Circle CI on every developer branch pushed to Git.  . 
  • Experienced in giving training to the functional testers to execute Test Cases using QTP/UFT as part of Regression Testing.
  • Extensively worked on Java/J2EE technologies including core  Java 1.6, Junit 4, Ant, maven, Apache Tomcat, Jakarta Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Swing, Applet, Apache Tomcat, PL/SQL,
  • Created library for Agilent Box (8960) to automate WAN test suites and setup a baseline using open source Robot Framework
  • Extensive working knowledge in UNIX , SQL . Python and Windows platforms
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced, deadline-driven environments
  • Experience in automation technologies like,  Chef,Puppet, Rundeck Jenkins, Selenium Grid/RC/Webdriver, Maven, Ant, Junit
  • Experience in testing code using Fitnesse.
  • Experience in data- driven test using Jenkins
  • Excellent interpersonal and customer relational Skills.
  • Created ETL test data for all ETL mapping rules to test the functionality of the  Informatica  graphs.
  • Experience in working in domains like HR & Payroll, Banking, Health-care, Retail/e-commerce Mortgage and Airlines related applications.
  • Proven communication, presentation Skills and Leadership Qualities
  • Sound Technical knowledge, excellent exposure and ability to learn any tool quickly.
  • Experience in Oracle, SQL server
  • Knowledge in testing SOA Architecture , Web Services, UDDI, Network protocols (VOIP, TCP/IP), Cisco Networking and IVR system testing.

Testing Tools: Selenium IDE,, Selenium WebDriver, Eclipse, Maven, TFS - Coded UI, SQL Server, Visual Studios 2005/2008/2010 , Robot Framework, Appium, Perfecto

Bug Reporting Tools:  Quality Center, Clear Quest, Rally

Requirement Management Tools: Quality Center(ALM), Test Director, Winrunner 8.2, Microsoft Test Manager, Mercury Quality Center

Operating System: Windows 7/XP/2000, UNIX linux

Project Methodologies: SDLC, Agile Scrum, Waterfall, V-Module

Languages: SQL, C, c ++, core Java,   J2EE, python

Database: Oracle, SQL server, PLSQL

Web Technologies: C, c++, HTML, XML, XHTML, DHTML, Java, python, ASP.Net, Java Script ,SOAP UI

Frame works: Ajax, Struts 1.1/1.0/2.3, Spring 2.0, Hibernate 2.1,3.1

App Servers: Apache Tomcat 7, JBoss, Liferay portal

Build Tools:  Ant 1.6x,Maven,TestNG ,Protractor

Version Control: IBM Rational Synergy, CVS, Git,Garret, Accurev,


Confidential, CA

Selenium Automation Tester


  • Analyze the Business Requirements and closely work with the Business Team to get the clarifications addressed
  • Run Defect Trailing and Review the Test Scenarios/ Test Cases with Business
  • Designed, executed and maintained Selenium Web Driver (TestNg, JUnit) automated test cases for regression test cases
  • Selected the Test Cases to be automated and performed functional testing of the front end using Selenium (IDE and Web Driver) & created Data Driven framework using JUnit.
  • Executed parallel browser testing on various machines using Selenium Grid and performed cross browser testing.
  • Performed web based performance testing and analysis using JMeter.
  • Execute the Test cases and review the results to get the Business approval for UAT
  • Experience in Web Services testing using Rest and SOAP UI.
  • Test automation for web application (SWAP module) using Cucumber.
  • Wrote tests using Java web applications. Web controls testing - wrote automation to test the controls from end to end starting to invoking in Internet Explorer.
  • Responsible for distributed applications across hybrid AWS and physical datacenter’s.
  • Functional Testing tool Quick Test Professional (QTP/UFT) and the various frameworks in QTP/UFT.
  • Created automated functional regression test scripts using QTP and scheduled, organized and executed the test scripts in QC-QTP integrate environment and documented the test results.
  • Experienced in testing applications manually as well as using the automated testing tools like Quality Center/ALM.
  • Created Automation framework for Frontend Angular.js testing using   Protractor   and Cucumber/Chai libraries
  • Strong POS Sales (T-log) Knowledge and integration with Payment processing
  • Transactions analysis for   EMV   cards in cash withdrawals and Scripts   EMV   in pin change transactions. 
  • Co-ordination between Technology and Business to ensure all the outstanding issues are being addressed, fixed and retested.
  • Performed Database Testing and thorough knowledge in  SQL/PL SQL.
  • Planning for Test Execution activities to accomplish tasks on daily/weekly basis
  • Performed browser compatibility testing
  • Performing Regression test using automated testing tool QTP, Fitnesse and Selenium.
  • Involved in the regression test planning for the project and identified the critical regression tests
  • Executed the automated regression test cases during every release and also executed the daily regression test suites
  • Expert knowledge on daily status reporting and managed end to end testing from Test management tools like Quality Center.

Environment: Mercury/HP Tools (Quick Test Pro(QTP) JMeter, JIRA , JAVA J2EE, AGILE, Windows, UNIX ,Python , Eclipse,   PL SQL , EVM, Maven , Nunit , Visual studio , vb script, selenium,   Fitnesse , AWS.

Confidential , AZ

Mobile Application Tester

  • Analyzing business, functional requirements and used and developed test plans, test cases and test scripts for both positive and negative tests.
  • Implemented handset automation framework, scripting and execution Sanity, Regression, Stress and Boundary test cases f or mobile applications using Device Anywhere Automation Tool.
  • Following the standard test process guide for the QA Methodology
  • Implemented  Wireless Handset automation framework, scripting & execution Sanity, Regression, Stress & Boundary test cases for mobile applications on Android, Apple, RIM, BREW & WinM  platforms on various  Blackberry, iPhones & iPads using Device Anywhere Automation Tool.
  • Performing functional, regression and integration testing using Automation tools to make sure the application conforms to the requirement specifications.
  • Involved in ETL process testing using  Informatica  ETL tool.
  • Involved in writing codes Using c++
  • Supported the extraction, transformation and load process (ETL) for a Data Warehouse from their legacy systems using   Informatica .
  • Worked on  Android, Windows Mobile platforms to qualify applications.
  • Preparing reports and test results after each release cycle for management and further test planning.
  • Developed test scripts on Device Anywhere according to test specifications/ requirements.
  • Identified the queries which were taking too long and optimized those queries to improve performance
  • Used Device Anywhere, executed multi-user performance tests, used test suites, scheduler and other features of the Device Anywhere.
  • Maintained and executed test cases using Quality Center.
  • Created and implemented testing process for Agile methodology
  • Performed functional, regression and integration testing using Device Anywhere to make sure the application conforms to the requirement specifications.
  • Prepared reports and test results after each release cycle for management and further test planning.

Environment: Device Anywhere, Quality Center, Windows 2000, Quality Center 9.0, JSP, C++, GSM, CDMA, UMTS, HTML, C#, .NET, SQL,TCP/IP, Android SDK, Monkey, Windows,   Mobile ,J2ME, J2EE, Perl, Java script, XML, HTML, CSS ,Ajax.

  • Analyzed the Business Requirements Document, put input in Test Plan and prepared detailed Test Cases for new functionality.
  • Associated with development team to understand technical design and architecture for test planning.
  • Created and enhanced numerous test scripts to handle changes in the objects, in the tested application's GUI and in the testing environment using Selenium RC. .
  • Created whole test framework using Selenium for further test creation and execution.
  • Prepared Traceability Matrix to ensure the adequate coverage of the test cases.
  • Assigned, Monitored and Tracked Tasks of Team Members.
  • Send invoices to Oracle Financials Accounts Receivable  
  • Successful discussed with all members, Project manager and QA Lead to collect data for automation.
  • Regression test cases were written and automated using Selenium RC.
  • Worked on writing the Integration test cases for the   ALIP   application for testing the application and the reports on the application . 
  • Updated Test Plans and Test Cases periodically to manage changes in requirements.
  • Connected to database to Query the database using SQL for data verification and validation.
  • Performed back end testing on Oracle Database by writing SQL queries.
  • Created SQL views to aggregate data before moving to targeted database from legacy database to simulate results.
  • Work primarily with Adobe Site Catalyst and Google Analytics
  • Test data for automated testing using Microsoft Test Manager and Visual Studio 2010 Setup Lab Management using Microsoft Team Foundation Server Reports bugs and issues found using Microsoft Test Manager and Visual Studio
  • Uploaded test cases executed test cases and logged defects in Mercury Quality Center.
  • Participated in Daily Scrum meeting, Stand-up meeting, walkthrough meeting, weekly assessment meetings with business analysts and developers.

Environment: C#.Net, Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, JIRA, Junit, Fire Path, Firebug, HTML, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Windows XP, Java, JavaScript, XML, Apache-Subversion (SVN), Git, MS EXCEL, SQL, Apache-Ant.


QA Engineer

  • Attended review meetings with Business Analysts ,Developers and end users to understand and test according to their requirements
  • Developed  test cases , reviewed and Involved in  Functionality ,and  Regression Testing .
  • Involved in software acceptance testing and production release procedures throughout  SDLC
  • Documented the successful or unsuccessful completion of each test condition in the  Test Director  script repository and verified actual results against expected results for discrepancies
  • Test Automation Framework for QTP8.2/9.5 automation.
  • Conducted system and  integration testing , debugged the software errors and interacted with developers to resolve technical issues.
  • Enhancing Scripts like scripting, customizing and then parameterized
  • Have a complete working knowledge and have been involved in all project phases from startup through deployment. (Startup, defines ,design, build, test, deploy).
  • Worked with both Traditional (waterfall) approach as well as Parallel project styles.
  • Responsible for entering bugs into an automated  bug management  system and performing regression tests after the bugs were fixed.
  • Performed  End-to-End testing ,Ad-Hoc testing, Integration testing  and  User Acceptance Testing .
  • Involved in Web services Automation Testing using SOAP UI.
  • Maintained detailed  test logs  and report test results in Test Director
  • Participated in test plan and test cases review meetings.
  • Worked closely with business experts and developers in order to perform my duties
  • Responsible for  Backend testing  by executing SQL statements
  • Interacted with developers for status of the bugs and re-tested the fixed Bugs
  • Analyzed the defects and categorized them based on severity
  • Problem reporting and tracking through the use of Test Director (Quality Center)
  • Close interaction with members of the development team

Environment:  Oracle, C++, WindowsXP , Python, Ms Office,  Quality Center,  Agile Methodologies, ASP VersionOne

QA Tester/ Analyst

  • Prepared and Executed Test Cases for Functional and Integration testing.
  • Created Traceability matrix to keep track of changes in requirement to that of the testing efforts.
  • Identified high-level requirements for documenting detailed business requirements
  • Maintained the Test Matrix and Traceability Matrix.
  • Tested applications and documented results and bugs including documentation of information useful in the debugging process
  • Involved in preparing Test Plan and Test Cases based on business requirements.
  • Created, Reviewed and updated Test Scenarios, Test Cases and Test Data.
  • Running queries against databases to verify the correctness of XML response
  • Document request/response XML's test procedures and functional/technical findings from the test run.
  • Defects Reporting and Web Services Test Results Reporting
  • Generated test cases in spread sheet and upload them into Quality Center.
  • Performed end-to-end testing, Integration Testing, UAT Testing and Regression testing.
  • Assisted User Acceptance Testing (UAT) with the UAT group to ensure the correct business logic.
  • Performed Manual Testing and Automation Testing of the application.
  • Tested Mobile app on Mobile device such as iPhone4
  • Created automated Keyword Driven Frame by using Quick Test Pro for Dynamic functionality and Validate.
  • Extensively used Selenium IDE to record, playback and debug individual test cases, using Selenium WebDriver provided more flexibility in automating test cases. 
  • Used automated scripts and performed functionality testing during the various phases of the application development using Selenium IDE. 
  • Build an easy to use cloud management web console for IAAS, SAAS, PAAS services to enable Ericsson to lower the cost of hardware
  • Worked on distributed test automation execution on different environment as part of Continuous Integration Process using Selenium Grid and Jenkins. 
  • Performed Integration and Regression testing to check compatibility of new functionality with the existing functionalities of the application using Selenium. 
  • Defect tracking & logging of defects in Quality Center and verifying the fixes.
  • Extensive use of SQL queries to perform data integrity testing.
  • Participated in the sprints to create test cases, perform test execution and work with Product and Sprint backlogs.
  • Manually perform backend testing using TOAD to validate the data migration efforts with Oracle.
  • Validate ETL result with Database.
  • Followed up with developers on defects status on a daily basis.

Environment: Microsoft suite, Soap Ui, Selenium, Oracle, TOAD, Informatica, Oracle SQL +, Quick Test Pro., Quality Center, Java, HTML, SharePoint

Environment: Quick Test Pro, QTP, Quality Centre, Selenium, C++, Mainframes, PL/SQL, DB2, Java Applet, XML, HTML, Web logic, Web services, Java script

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sample resume for automation test engineer selenium


  1. Selenium Automation Tester Resume Example

    Resume headline for a Selenium automation tester. When you're creating a resume for Selenium automation testing, having a concise headline can draw in the hiring manager or recruiter. Essentially, you want to summarize what you bring to the table in a single sentence, including details like your job title, years of experience, and top couple ...

  2. Test Automation Engineer Resume Examples for 2024

    Test automation frameworks like Selenium, Appium, or Cypress. CI/CD tools such as Jenkins, GitLab, or Azure DevOps. Test management tools like Jira, TestRail, or qTest. Provide specific examples of how you've used these skills and tools to develop and maintain efficient test automation solutions.

  3. Selenium Resume: The 2022 Guide With 10+ Examples & Samples

    According to Business Wire, the automation testing market worldwide is projected to grow by US$17.6 (with a 17.7% compounded growth rate) The job responsibilities of a selenium professional vary from organization to organization. Below, we are listing some of the popular selenium job opportunities: Selenium Automation Engineer; Selenium Tester

  4. Selenium Automation Engineer Resume Samples

    Selenium Automation Engineer I Resume. Summary : Over 8+ years of experience in Information Technology, specializing in Software Quality Assurance Testing, proficient in testing on Client/Server and Web-based applications. Skills : Software Development, Life Cycle (SDLC) and Methodologies and Validations. Download Resume PDF.

  5. Selenium Automation Tester Resume Sample

    Selenium Automation Tester, 03/2019 - Current. Allurion - New York, NY. Analyze the Business Requirements and closely work with the Business Team to get the clarifications addressed. Run Defect Trailing and Review the Test Scenarios/ Test Cases with Business. Thorough experience in Agile, Scrum methodologies .

  6. Selenium Automation Tester Resume (With How-To And Example)

    Here is an example: ISTQB-certified Selenium automation tester with five years of experience in automation testing and extensive knowledge of framework design and maintenance using Selenium RC and Grid. Expert knowledge of Linux, Python, C#, C++, Jenkins and Jira. Experience working across various domains such as HR, finance and health care.

  7. Selenium Resume

    Selenium Test Engineer Sample resume; So we'll start by learning about who exactly is an Automation Test Engineer. Selenium Resume: Who is an Automation Test Engineer? When an application or software is developed, it needs to be tested to see whether it gives the desired output or not. There are different ways to test an application.

  8. Automation Tester Resume 2023 Guide: With 10+ Section-Wise Examples

    Make your profile title stand out the second-largest text in your selenium automation tester resume after the resume header. You can frame it in 14-16 font size. Here is an automation tester resume example showing the ideal profile title section: Get professional assistance to create your resume.

  9. Automation Test Engineer Resume Examples and Templates

    To write a professional Automation Test Engineer resume, follow these steps: Select the right Automation Test Engineer resume template. Write a professional summary at the top explaining your Automation Test Engineer's experience and achievements. Follow the STAR method while writing your Automation Test Engineer resume's work experience.

  10. Selenium Tester Resume Samples

    Jr. Selenium Tester Resume. Objective : Over 7 years of experience in all stages of the Software Development Life Cycle and QA Life Cycle and in all dimensions of Functionality, Usability & Reliability.Proficient in creating automation script from scratch. Extensive knowledge of developing different type of framework like Modular, Data driven and Hybrid framework by using Junit/TestNG.

  11. Automation Tester Resume Examples for 2024

    1. Tailor your summary to the automation tester role. When crafting your summary for an automation tester position, it's crucial to tailor the content to the specific role and company you're targeting. This means highlighting the skills, experiences, and accomplishments that are most relevant to the job at hand.

  12. Automation Test Engineer Resume Example

    Common Responsibilities Listed on Automation Test Engineer Resumes: Develop and maintain automated test scripts using tools such as Selenium, Appium, or TestComplete. Collaborate with developers and other stakeholders to identify and prioritize test cases for automation. Execute automated tests and analyze results to identify defects and areas ...

  13. Automation Test Engineer Resume Samples

    The Guide To Resume Tailoring. Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the automation test engineer job. It's actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

  14. Automation Selenium Test Engineer Resume Sample

    Check Out one of our best automation selenium test engineer resume samples with education, skills and work history to help you curate your own perfect resume for automation selenium test engineer or similar profession ... Search for resumes by industry, job title or keyword. search. automation selenium test engineer resume example with 5+ years ...

  15. Automation Selenium Test Engineer Resume Sample

    Work History. Automation/Selenium Test Engineer, 10/2021 - Current. Northrop Grumman - Mcas Miramar, CA. Automate pushing and verification of scaled configurations for different network profiles using REST API. Create numerous test scripts to handle changes in the objects, in the tested application's GUI and in the testing, environment ...

  16. 8 Automation Engineer Resume Examples for 2024

    Template 2 of 8: QA (Quality Assurance) Automation Engineer Resume Example. The quality assurance (QA) automation engineer plays an integral role in optimizing a company's quality assurance procedures. These professionals plan and create automated tests to assess the function of software.

  17. Automation Test Engineer Resume Samples

    Sr. Automation Test Engineer Resume. Objective : Over 9 Years of experience in both manual and automated software Quality Assurance Testing of client- server, web-based applications and API testing.Complete understanding of QA methodologies and Expertise in performing different kinds of testing such as Functionality testing, GUI testing, System Testing, Regression Testing, User Acceptance ...

  18. Sr. Automation Test Engineer- Selenium, Core Java Resume

    Around 8 years of experience in Manual and Automation testing as well as hands - on experience working in Development & Testing Methodologies such as Agile, Waterfall and V-Model testing methodologies. Extensive Experience in Manual and Automated testing using QTP (Quickest Professional), Selenium. Extensive Experience in Black box testing, system, GUI, integration, functional, user acceptance ...

  19. Java-selenium Automation Test Developer Resume

    Confidential, New York, NY. Java-Selenium Automation Test Developer. Responsibilities: Followed Test-Driven Development (TDD) in an Agile/Scram Environment. Extensively used JAVA OOP's concepts for developing Automation Frameworks using Eclipse, Maven, Selenium WebDriver and TestNG. Used JAVA singleton technique to create Frameworks.

  20. Python Test Automation Engineer Resume

    Over 5 years of work experience in IT industry with specialization in Software Quality Assurance and Testing.Extensive working experience on all phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), methodologies and process.Key expertise includes testing & debugging GUI & Multi - Applications environment & automated testing using Selenium WebDriver.Experienced in developing end to end automation ...

  21. Selenium Tester Resume

    Professional Summary: 6+ Years of industry experience in the area of Software Testing (Manual and Automation) with a solid understanding of Test Planning, Test Design, Test Execution and Defect Reporting & Tracking. Expertise in Understanding and Analyzing Test Requirements, Tracking changes and maintenance of Test Requirements.

  22. Senior Automation Engineer (Selenium) Resume

    Senior Automation Engineer (Selenium) Confidential, Rochester, Minnesota. Responsibilities: Involved in preparing the Test plan based on BRD and performed verification & validation to ensure Quality with the help of RTM (Requirement Traceability Matrix). Involved in status reporting, project meetings and project planning with the team in order ...

  23. Selenium Automation Tester Resume CA

    Hire Now. PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: 7+ years of professional experience in testing with extensive knowledge of Automation Framework Design & Implementation using Selenium Tool. Experience in Manual & Automated Testing of GUI and functional aspects of Client - server and Web based Applications on multiple levels of SDLC and Software Testing Life ...